#and then mine to have done the same with only a 3% difference when most of my comments recieved were 0
prairieprayer · 11 months
General Decrease in Social Media Interaction, Not Just Reblog to Like Ratios
I see posts about reblog to like ratio all the time, and I 100% agree that the reblog to like ratio on Tumblr has significantly decreased over the decade...
But I feel like it really isn't just Tumblr- it's social media in general. The same problem is on DeviantART with view to favorite to comment ratios... with comments equating to a reblog (or "interaction")
Take popular DA artist Griffsnuff. Sampling 20 random images from 2023, 2015, and 2010 and noting their averaged comment count:
(rounded up) 2010: 208 2015: 44 (78% decrease from 2010) 2023: 11 (75% decrease from 2015, 94% decrease from 2010)
Taking someone less popular but who recalls an avid community growing up- me:
2010: 3 2015: 0.75 (75% decrease from 2010) 2023: 0.7 (90% decrease from 2015, 76% decrease from 2010)
These are only two examples, but between a super popular DA artist and a nobody, there's a pretty consistent 75%-78% drop in interaction rate between 2010 and 2015, with another sharp decrease 7 years after that.
With Tumblr's reblog to like ratio also sharply dropping, it's possible the same can be said for other social sites, that "passive" interaction (liking/thumbs up/hearting) has overtaken "active" interaction (commenting/sharing/reblogging). An exception is possibly TikTok with its remixing feature which works, in a way, as a transformative response to the original content, and is baked into the app's culture... but I don't know what remix-to-like ratio it has, and TikTok doesn't exactly have videos from 2010 to reference for a then-and-now comparison.
Regardless, this kind of insane decrease in active interaction warrants more serious study from academics as a social phenomenom, to assess how legitimate it is and hypothesize the reasons (the algorithm? culture? attention span? over stimulation? marketing?) Because an artist like griffsnuff who is more popular than ever at 98k watchers and 13M views having a 94% decrease in comment rates after 13 years sounds... fake. Shouldn't interaction be going up...?
If someone at 98k can't even keep consistent interaction how does anyone with a smaller audience expect to get any? (No wonder why even at 870 followers on Tumblr, 65 on DA, and 95 on Twitter I see squat come from it)
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clefairysoup · 2 months
What yours and Ellie’s apartment would look like and why
All the photos are from Pinterest not mine! Reblogs and comments are very appreciated. I come bearing fluff. No apocalypse and I’m not sure if someone has done this idea, I haven’t seen anything but if someone has please tell me and I will delete this
The kitchen
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This is the most average broke uni student kitchen I have ever seen, and it fits you two. Ellie bought magnets that say 'eat pussy all day' and stuck them on the fridge, she told you it’s a reminder for her to come get her other meal. Anyways ellie gives of vibes that the most cooking she can do to her abilities is sticking a nasty ready meal in the microwave. More under cut
dining area
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your dining area is the most boring and small place in the apartment, you both simply have no care for it. Its just a table with 2 chairs that sits in the most random spot (your fucked when people come over). Usually you eat in the living room, only ever used when you feel bad for neglecting it, cluttering things on the table of random objects that you forget about or for stealing one of the chairs for something else. ultimately useless.
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Simple but still shows sign of use. some cute plants and odd posters and stickers ellie insists of having on the wall. Ellie definitely manages to get water all over the floor when showering, even with the curtain and your like ??? Just me thatlikes those toilet rug things but then its also gross at the same time, because thats where you shit why do you have a rug on it. Ellie has a mug that says, 'Keep calm im a lesbian' on it that holds your tooth brushes.
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Ellie’s lazy ass would NEVER make the bed, she just rolls right outta there. Got a whole shelf and drawer to your cds and vinyls, and the many different head phones and players. Shelves of all the comics ellie loves and your things. Cringy ass pillows all over the bed. Ellie also keeps her guitar on the wall.
Living room
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Once again ellie removed the ceiling lights from the living because it didn’t match the vibe. You now have over 12 lamps scattered around the room, that you find in little thrift stores. 100% have a mini fridge because you guys can’t be bothered to take 4 steps to the kitchen. 100 pillows and the throws that you try to fold up but somehow just end up pilled in a ball back to how they were. You guys own tons of board games that Ellie keeps from her childhood.
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Ellie owns a freaking plakat beta fish because I said so, and she’s also an autistic nerd (someone had to say it ). She loves her fish called Hester which is an astrology term for star, that she also is nerdy af about
I hope you enjoyed me talking about my wife of 3 years, Reblogs are very appreciated
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
I understand how important it is to be able to criticize the President, and am not at all of the belief he should be beyond critique, but the critiquing of Biden makes me so nervous. (That's not to say I agree with every decision he's made - I absolutely do not). But I feel like people see things he's done wrong and decide they won't vote for him because of it. I'm not sure if enough people have the ability to see that he's done things wrong but also is our only hope of staving off literal fascism.
So many people talk about how sick they are of it constantly being a lesser of two evils situation, constantly having to vote for a candidate they hate because the other side is worse (I heard it in 2020, 2022, etc), and I guess I just- I don't really get it? We're here because they didn't do that in 2016. All of this could've been avoided had the result been different then. I just feel like people don't comprehend how different of a place we'd be in if Hillary won and engage in all this cognitive dissonance to make themselves feel better about being part of the reason she didn't.
Like.... this has been a long-running topic of discussion on my blog, not least because it is so inexplicable and maddening. It also shows how terribly shallow most people's understanding of the American political process is, and how toxic the "I can only vote for a candidate if every single personal belief/position of theirs matches mine" belief is, as well as how much damage it has done to American democracy even (and indeed, especially) by people who technically don't identify as right-wing. Yell at Republicans all you like (God knows I do, because they're the worst people on earth) but they vote. Every time. Every election. Every candidate. Whereas the Democratic electorate still holds out for Mister Perfect, and it very definitely is Mister Perfect. The amount of "evil HRC!!!" Republican-poisoned Kool-Aid that so-called progressives drank in 2016, and then afterward when they insisted they could have voted for someone like Elizabeth Warren and then didn't do that in 2020, is... baffing.
Frankly, I don't care if Hillary Clinton's personal positions on XYZ issue were the most Neoliberal Corporate Centrist Shill to Ever Shill (and Online Leftists' intellectual skills being what they are, I seriously doubt that they were using any of those words correctly and/or accurately). American policy is not made by "personal dictate of the ruler," or at least it shouldn't be, because we are not an absolute monarchy. We rely on the operation of a system with input from many people. As such, if Hillary had been elected, we would have 2-3 new liberal justices on SCOTUS and have secured civil and environmental rights for the next generation. Roe would be intact, and all the other terrible rulings that SCOTUS has recently handed down wouldn't have happened. We wouldn't have had January 6th, the attempt to stage a coup, all the tawdry scandals, our national security being at risk because of Trump stealing classified documents and probably selling them to Russia and/or Saudi Arabia, etc etc. If you think that's in any way an equivalent amount of evil to what would have happened if Hillary was elected, or if she was "still evil!!!," then I honestly don't know what to tell you. She could fucking murder puppies in her spare time if she had preserved SCOTUS for us, WHICH SHE WOULD HAVE, BECAUSE SHE WARNED US EXACTLY WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN.
(Hoo. Sorry. Still steamed. 2016 war flashbacks, again.)
In short, Hillary would have been a solid continuity Democrat and she would have signed whatever legislation a Democratic House and Senate passed, not to mention been hugely inspiring as the first female president. But because it's so important to the Online Leftists' moral sense of themselves that BOTH PARTIES ARE THE SAME!!!, they can't possibly acknowledge that ever being a factor, and/or admit that they have any culpability in not voting for her in 2016. It's like when you read the British press about any of the UK's equally numerous problems, and they BEND OVER BACKWARD to avoid mentioning that Brexit might be a factor. They just can't mention it, because then that means they might have made the wrong choice in pulling for it as hard as they did, and blah blah Sovereignty.
Basically, if HRC had been elected president, everything would be so much less terrible and terrifying all the time, we would be talking about her successor in 2024 as someone else who could be the "first," we could explore handing the reins over to Kamala as a Black/Asian woman, we could promote Buttigieg as the first gay president, etc etc. But because 2016 was so catastrophically fucked up, we are in damage control mode for the immediate future and every election is just as pivotal. And yet, because people think that the only thing that matters is a presidential candidate's personal views, we're stuck having the same old arguments and desperately begging people over and over to please vote against fascism, since that somehow isn't self-evident enough on its own. Yikes on Bikes.
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bitchy-craft · 2 months
PICK A CARD: What secrets they’re keeping from you
Hello and welcome to this new post of mine! In here I will give you a reading on what secret(s) are being kept from you. I hope you guys enjoy and find this interesting.
NOTE: I forgot to use hashtags so here the PAC that was supposed to go online yesterday.
Masterpost > Paid Readings > Subliminal Channel
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~pick a card~
Pile 1:
Someone is using your creations without your knowledge and taking all the credit for it. Since this is a general reading these exact creations differ per person, but to find what yours is, simply think about something you do and are decent or even really good at. This could be schoolwork; assignments or even tests, maybe you do art and post it online; someone is taking your art and flaunting it as their own. Maybe you are really good at philosophy, and someone is citating some beliefs you have been vocal about to impress people around them.
What exactly it is doesn’t matter, but there is someone (who for most of you is in your close circle) that is essentially stealing things from you to get to their own goals. Whether you mind or not is something else, but it is important to find out who it is; not only to close this chapter for yourself, but also to get to know that side of the person who is flaunting your ideas and creations.
Pile 2:
Someone is stealing your stuff. Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious, but someone is stealing things from you. This could easily be a pet of yours who enjoys taking socks or underwear when it’s not properly put away, or a sibling or friend who borrows clothing from you without your knowledge (most of the time), or someone is secretly eating away at your candy storage or the food you save for the next day.
Many of you know who this person or animal is because you’ve caught them doing it before; but they do it way more frequently than you are aware of, they get away with it more times than getting caught; so watch out for those little thieves around you. For the people who honestly have no clue; watch your pencil case at school a bit closer than usual.
Pile 3:
Someone has a crush on you but doesn’t tell you that they do because they do not believe having a relationship with you is something easy to achieve and something that would work out. This could be for many reasons, but for most of you it would be due to long-distance (it could also be due to having different ideals and goals in life that simply wouldn’t match with one another).
This person isn’t necessarily afraid of rejection, so not telling you isn’t because they are afraid you’d decline their request to date. They simply don’t believe it would work out and therefore don’t see the need to try it in the first place, believing it would avoid much harm that could be done. So, until something shifts in their beliefs, thoughts or feelings, they simply keep admiring you from afar, and keep your connection with them the exact same as it’s been for a while.
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thatgirlie-diaries · 10 months
How I have improved my routines and consistency
Hello girlies! This first week of my vacations period I have been using it as a test for my ideal routines and schedule, identifying what goes right and wrong and what changes do I need to do to be consistent and have an efficient systmem. What you'll be reading next are all the things I have done and learned to apply to have a calm, healthy, fun and fulfillling routines and daily schedule, overrall improving my lifetyle.
Energy levels: Are you a morning person or a night owl? Do you identify when do you have the most energy and when it goes down? What would be my ideal time to sleep and wake up?
What negative habits do I have? And why do I have them? With what habits I can switch them?
Why do I procrastinate? In which ways I procrastinate and distract myself?
How I want my lifestyle to look like? What habits, routines, hobbies and activities are included in my daily life? How do I act on a daily basis?
Creating my schedule and routines
Set a sleeping schedule that fits you based on your energy levels.
Create a morning, night and pampering routines that you enjoy doing, that you are comfortable with and makes you feel fulfilled.
Create (if neccesary) other routines that you need:There are probably other things you want to do that you need a routine for! For example, I have a mini manifesting routine and a weekly spiritual healing routine. I also want to create a language sudy routine too.
Include non-negotiable healthy habits: this habits are the ones that keep you healthy in body, work with your mind and give you peace. For example, some of mine are: eating 3 healthy meals, tidying up my space for 30 minutes, listening to a podcast, don't use my phone for more than three hours, etc. Also, include fun habits to help you romanticize the day and feel good.
Have time to do things I love: I have noticed that if I don't do the things I love after long period of time, meaning productive only days, I get burned out and more prone to procastinate and get distracted when I get the chance. Make sure you have time to yourself, either be it hobbies or fun activities, you will keep your mind, heart, body (if it's physical) and soul healthy!
Have time to rest and be still: We need to understand that we need rests, so we have to respect it and let us be. Also we need some minutes in silence to connect with ourselves, body and creativity out of all the noise and stimuli.
Maintaining consistency
Plan my day: I plan my daily tasks and my daily schedule, this to not procrastinate overthinking "what I'm going to do?"
Add a place and hour: For any routine, habit or activity decide "Where am I going to do it? At what time or after what habit?"
Habit stacking or multitasking: If I have a "listening habit" (podcast, subliminal, listening to high vibe music) with a "not-thinking alot habit" (tidyin up my space, do the dishes, cooking) habit I do them both at the same time. If I need to do a habit that needs my full attention then it will be done that way.
Include timers (if needed): This helps me know how much time do I need to do my habits and to know if it's taking me more or less time to complete them. I use an app where I have my routines (morning, night, weekly reset, mini manifestation and spiritual healing activities) with each habit having a timer.
Have a habit tracker: In here I write a daily log that includes filling boxes of my daily non negotiable habits and extra habits (that romanticize my life or keep me healthy). Also includes two questions: "What progress did I made today with my goals? Is there something I need tom improve or change in my system?'.
Romanticize! Your habits and activities, routine sets, daily schedule, romanticize your days your way! It's different for everyone, so find out how to add magic into your life.
Wasted day? It's never too late to do something useful. Keep going or journal about what went wrong. I like to remind myself my motivations and ideal lifestyle to mantain myself going forward.
Let's be healthy and organized together! 𑄽𑄺ྀ
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pixelyssa · 4 months
★彡 reanswering an old ask below:
as a high r3str1cter here’s what i do:
★彡DRY F4ST!NG: 7pm-11am (i have water/meds/gum only if necessary)
It is beneficial when done for 16+ hours. and the best part is we do it in our sleep every night! 
dry means no f00d, no water. since starting this, i’ve noticed less bloating, my “morning sk1nny” lasts longer. i’ve gotten used to my dry f4st times and no longer overe@t at night, which also makes me feel good in the morning. I have acid reflux, and e@ting before bed triggers it. It also triggers, slower met@bolism, difficulty digesting and can disturb your sleep! So even if you aren’t comfortable dry f4sting before bed, atleast not having solid f00ds a couple hours before bed helps, and you will see/feel a difference.
If you tend to get cravings at night, this may be hard at first. here’s how i stopped mine:
(warning, im delulu hehe)
-i always remind myself how i feel after the fact. or the morning after. (guilty, embarrassed, weak) and eventually i was strong enough to let that feeling take over. 
-watch a mukbang or e4ting challenge for the f00d im craving and chugging water until im full lol
-i have insomnia so i have an as needed medication for sleep that knocks me out. if you also struggle to sleep, i def recommend finding ur cure. whether its rain sounds, complete darkness, shutting ur devices off, or melatonin (PRO TIP: do not buy melatonin gummies. Do not consume the 5mg or 10mg or 20mg supplements of melatonin. when our bodies lack melatonin, we only need .5mg MAX, which is sold in pill form or can be prescribed by your doctor! anything higher will just make you immune and it will stop working eventually, it also will make it difficult to get up in the morning.)
-i drink coffee as soon as my dry fast ends. It suppresses my app3t1te for a while and it helps my bowels hehe (i also need the caffeine to get me through the day)
-i HATE black coffee, i prefer brown stevia and a splash of cream/almond milk. but whatever you like!
-i usually have 1-2 cups to start my day. 
-if you don’t like coffee, tea is also good. there are certain types that can do different things for you ofc, i like green tea for the caffeine and metabolism boost (same reason i drink coffee). but i’ve heard good things about ginger tea, mint tea, etc. (if youre a tea person i don’t need to even explain, you know.)
-i try save them for the end of the day, that way when its dinner time and i’m hungry, I’m not feeling like i need to find something small to fit the rest of my lim1t. (the coffee helps with this step)
-i stay distracted and i really worked on self discipline to be able to get through this one lol.
-for example, 2 oreos and juice is the same amount of c4lories as my chocolate chip pancakes r3cipe. cookies aren’t filling, you’ll just want more. theyre a filler. whereas 3 chocolate chip pancakes with berries and syrup is filling and satisfies the same craving. 
-if you like to use ur c4lories for snacks that’s completely fine, im not judging you <3 it just leads to overe@ting for me.
-i usually have 1 meal and 1-2 snacks throughout the day. I have my google doc link ready to go if anyone 18+ would like to see, comment and let me know youre of age and ill message u it (DONT DM ASKING I WONT SEE IT) <3
-by now you’ve probably heard the term “meta” or “metab” day. most people will do this once a week, it is basically where you spike your l1mit for the day. constantly lowering your intake will slow your metabolism and eventually you’ll start maintaining, or plateauing. This is to help boost your metab! Its also good for holidays, or days where you have plans involving f00d. It’s hard at first, but if you’ve been stuck at the same w3ight, its good to start doing this. 
-i do one once a week, but i’ve seen people do them in 10 day increments or even twice a month.
-a friend of mine told me metabolism days should be -200 of your bmr (you can calculate your bmr online) that would make my metab day l1mit around 800-900 c@l. (which is 300+ higher than my normal limit, incase you want to just add to your current intake instead of calculating your bmr) it should be a close to a “normal” l1mit. 
-there are chances of g4ining, of course, from metab days. don’t shy away from it if you feel too scared to g4in, this was my mistake and i was stuck at 102 for WAY TOO LONG. metab helped me break 100, and now im almost at my next goal. Metabolism days are for everyone, it’s not just sk1nny people who plateau and demolish their metabolisms. try it out, its a nice treat <3
we should be drinking over 2L of water a day (you can google and calculate your specific amount needed per day, im just a girl) 
-drink your necessary amount THROUGHOUT THE DAY. it is sm water to have in one sitting so the only possible way to get it all in is to have it all day. tt’ll make you feel better too.
-this is something i struggle with, i just don’t enjoy water. I’m on and off with when i enjoy it and when i can’t get myself to drink it. If anyone else struggles, i’ve realized that ice cold water is easiest for me to drink.
-water gives the illusion of feeling full, it literally keeps you alive, and obviously sm more lol
-i take vitamin d, vitamin c, calcium and a women’s multi vitamin for metabolism every day. the water is important for helping my body absorb these. Look into other vitamins but these are what i take based on my deficiencies. 
-i take gummy vitamins, they have more c4lories than a pill, but its like a sweet treat after my meal so i’ll probably stick to gummies <3 make sure you chew them all the way through if you get these!
★彡IVE BEEN DOING THIS WAY TOO LONG Our b0dies are all different. what works for me might not work for you, and that’s fine, love! I’m sharing what i do because there is a lot of general knowledge in my routines, so i thought i’d share. 
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blingblong55 · 6 months
Worth it- 141 & Laswell
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pic credits: @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot (left)and @ave661 (middle)
Based on a request: Wait, wait, first of all hope you're doing well and make sure to drink a glass of water if you haven't already. Cozy? Yeah? Okay, Can I request something (you can choose whether it's a HCor not,etc etc) on how TF141 would react to meeting a teen boy around 15-16, who's like a genius in engineering, mathematics, and physics? Like the boy could legitimately build a rocket if he had the time, help and materials. Maybe the meet him because he got in trouble with the government for unknowingly making a weapon? Maybe he made it for a class assignment and it was stolen without his knowledge? Whatever you think makes sense here. Leaving space for you to enter your own creative thoughts, just the general idea of it. The boy is based on a character of mine from a book I'm writing, his name his Michael, but ofc you can switch that up however you wish. Have fun with this one Ignore if it doesn't sound fun to ya <3 ---- M!Reader, genius!reader, platonic!relationship? ----
A/N: drank enough water, thanks for the reminder <3
Y/N, the name of the unknown internet user that had been chased by many governments and caught by the one and only Task Force 1-4-1.
You created something so dangerous that no one believed Laswell when she told her bosses the age you had when you started all this. You created the one thing most geniuses working for the government didn't know existed outside of the numbers and graphs they had done for it. At first, the FBI had named you un-sub A. Now, they can finally put a name to the unknown face.
How were you caught? Well, it wasn't easy, let's start there. When all this mess began, you were no older than fifteen. You are practically a ticking bomb to the government so when they heard that someone was asking the right questions to chemists around your city, they began to search for you. Laswell at the time was on a small break from work but the journals you had left in your parent's home when you ran away one rainy day.
In the journals, Laswell found all she needed to have a task force assigned to find you. She called it Operation Mikey, the name was just to fill in the void of the one thing she couldn't find, you.
Your parents weren't much help in giving your name, hence why Mikey became a temporary replacement. With them high off any drug and you on the run with the rest of your journals, Price was tasked with finding you and making sure you were secured in their care.
For three months, you ran away. Moving to different cities and continuing your research of the chemical weapon you fabricated in your bedroom, the same one Laswell had locked in a laboratory somewhere in the capital of the country.
In month four, you found an abandoned building in the middle of the desert. That's where your laboratory, if you can call it that, began.
For months after that, you collected data and it wasn't until nine months later that Soap found you trading chemicals with some scientist that you were caught.
Once you were brought in, they had realised so much about you. You were way younger than what their profile had thought of, much more intelligent than they'd think a person your age was and so skilled in engineering, mathematics, and physics.
"Why didn't we find his information sooner," Laswell questions her bosses. "Kid was never even registered by his parents." The man on the phone answers. "How the hell did he even get this kind of education then?" She asks again but you had that answer.
"My parents just bought me books and hired a weird guy from the street to teach me anything," you respond and Price chuckles. "Bullshit, kid. Now tell us, how the hell did you get all of these journals?" He points to the evidence bags. Your research of months now being read by other scientists.
"I am the creator of them, not let me go," you protest against Ghost's grip on you. "No chance," Price barks. "What's your real name?" Laswell asks you. "Y/N," you answer knowing it was either this or get thrown in some federal prison.
"And you created this weapon? do you have any idea how dangerous it is to create something like this? How many people it would take to create a mathematical concept and then make it into a physical form?"
"It's not that hard, lady," you answer with an attitude. Were people this dumb?
It took hours, lots of bribing and one request from Soap and Gaz to give you food for you to open up. What? you are a teenager who needs enough food for growth, of course, you'll talk once they give you food. Talking and having to dumb it down took hours though. After all, how can you explain to hardheaded soldiers about probability theory, and why it mattered so much to your project that it took ten trials and two journals worth of failed work to get?
Laswell was more than impressed, no seriously, she was like a proud mother listening to you explain every page and even give notes in only a way that a teenage boy would to idiotic adults like them. She thought it was so adorable how a boy your age would throw nerdy jokes into the explanations and how she watched you be the only one to laugh at them.
Ghost would often smile when you'd give a snarky comment to Price. Don't get him started on the chuckles he let out when you threw a few old man jokes at Price or made comments on Soap's weird hairstyle. The comments towards Gaz were funny but also adorable how you tried to find more reasons to get him annoyed.
Price thought of his son who was about your age when you'd get excited over your most recent discovery for the weapon you had created. It was nice to know that behind all that matter in your head, you were still a kid. It was even nicer when you'd make the jokes no one understood but secretly, Price's nerdy self understood some jokes.
Gaz saw his younger brother in you, which is why even when you made jokes at his expense, he would let them pass. The way you looked at him when having to explain things was nice in some way but it was way funnier when you called Soap the smart one of all four for being able to understand the way bombs work better than anyone and then have Ghost shake his head and tell you, "that man is just a muppet, don't believe what we tell you about his work."
Soap was fascinated by you for sure. Just like Price, he understood some of the jokes, even the cheesy puns you made about certain elements. He liked you, it was something fresh from the people he usually deals with.
The team, for the past few days, grew to adore the nerdy man you are. Yeah, you teased and even called them out on wrong facts but it was new. It's good to have someone so intelligent and be so honest with them this time. What was funny is that you know so much about many topics few understand but you don't know much about real life outside of the nerdy realm you live in. It's a nice feeling when passing by Laswells office you find a framed picture of the day Ghost and the other men of the team taught you about hunting and even how to play baseball, something you sucked at in the beginning but have gotten better over time.
It's like having four funny, serious, and cool dads and an amazing mum whilst being taken care of at the base the team called home.
A/N: I hope this was somewhat okay and good luck on your book!
Tags: @liyanahelena @mangowafflesss @froggy-anon @jinxxangel13 @enarien @sae1kie @queen-ilmaree @avidreadee123 @ikohniik @konigssultwithghost @luvecarson @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @marshiely @sleepyycatt
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visualtaehyun · 1 month
I'm not making the same dumb mistake twice in a row so- 'Chop' Anon, please find the long answer to your ask right here! And curse this hellsite for eating asks...
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Anon, my answer is gonna be twofold. The word ชอบ /chaawp/ = 'like' comes up a lot this episode and you can see that it can be used exactly the same as in English, platonically or romantically, it really just depends on context. And as you said, Jane does have the context of catching Ryan staring at him, getting flustered, trying to act nonchalant, talking to himself, zoning out, and generally acting real fucking weird lmao all throughout the episode. It's no wonder that he assumes Ryan's hangry or mad again, even checking for stomach rumbles 😂
The word 'like'
Thai has this fun feature where you don't always need to use pronouns or any other qualifying words to denote who or what you're referring to which can be both a boon cause it simplifies talking by assuming others will know the meaning from a previous or given context (or you intentionally omit that meaning!) and a curse cause it makes translating nuance a bit of a struggle sometimes 🥴
For example, this routinely happens in short question-answer exchanges but I'll let you be the judge:
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- Pie: แกชอบป่ะ /gae chaawp bpa/ = You like [it]? - Ryan, only staring at Jane: ชอบ /chaawp/ = [I] like [🤡?]. - Jane, turning around: [🤡?] - Me @ translating stuff like this: 🤡
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เขาดูเหมื่อนชอบพี่เจนนะครับ /khao duu meuuan chaawp phi Jane na khrap/ = I'm jealous because Khun Joy keeps hitting on you. lol just kidding subs are right on
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- Jane: แบบนี้ ชอบไหมครับ /baaep nee, chaawp mai khrap/ = lit.: Like this/this way, [do you] like [it]? -> this sounds like an odd thing to say to a client in both English and Thai lmao clearly you'd usually ask if it's 'okay' or 'good' or something like that but the script needed to set up Khun Joy's flirty answer - Joy: ชอบตั้งแต่แรกแล้ว /chaawp dtang dtaae raaek laaeo/ = [I've] liked [🤡?] since the beginning.
I'll get back to Ryan's last 'like' at the end~
Jane and pronouns
The second part of my answer is how interesting and, frankly, puzzling I find Jane in how he talks to Ryan. Up until part [2/4] Jane actually completely omits any pronouns with him, as he's done frequently in the past. But when he does use them with Ryan- boy oh boy, he's kinda all over the place this episode! If Ryan wasn't so busy stewing in his confused feelings and jealousy, he might've noticed that Jane keeps flip-flopping between very different choices. Kudos to P'Baimon for catching Jane acting like a lovesick fool too that one time he's smiling at the printer 👀
Here's every single instance of Jane using 1st and 2nd pers. pronouns with Ryan, every other time you read any 1st or 2nd pers. pronouns in the subs in conversation with Ryan, he actually omits them, which is most of the time!
1) When they're unseriously fighting in front of the printer:
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เรานี่แหละ ประหลาด /rao nee lae, bpra laat/ เราเป็นเด็กฝึกงานของพี่ /rao bpen dek feuk ngaan khaawng phi/ -> 🫣 that last one got me a bit shy with the ของพี่ /khaawng phi/ (= mine, my [...], lit. phi's [...]) and I think the editor agrees with me there, considering the music cut out lol
2) When Jane discovers the broken bottle debacle and turns to Ryan:
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คุณไปรอผมที่ห้อง /khun bpai raaw pom thee haawng/ -> back to formal pronouns again, either because they're not alone or because he's about to scold Ryan or both even
3) When Jane scolds Ryan:
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ถ้ามีคนเป็นอะไรขึ้นมา คุณรับผิดชอบไหวหรอ /thaa mee khohn bpen a rai kheun maa, khun rap phit chaawp wai raw/ -> still formal
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แล้วมีพี่ให้โทรหาคนเดียวหรอ /laaeo mee phi hai thoh haa khohn diiao raw/ พี่รู้เรื่องนี้คนเดียวหรอ /phi ruu reuuang nee khohn diiao raw/ -> arguably softening his scolding a bit by switching to the more familiar พี่ /phi/ they established at the end of last ep., maybe because of Ryan's voice too which at this point sounds close to tears
And then Ryan is crying 🥺 Oof. Honestly? Jane was actually harsh this time! But rightfully so too, and it's very much in line with his principles and character. And he does immediately apologize for raising his voice and being so harsh, exactly like he told Ryan he would, in ep. 3, if he did wrong by him:
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ที่หงุดหงิดเนี่ย เพราะว่าพี่เป็นห่วง /thee ngoot ngit niia, phraw waa phi bpen huuang/ = That [I got so] angry is because I was/am worried. แล้วก็ขอโทษด้วยที่พูดแรง ๆ เมื่อกี้ /laaeo gaaw khaaw thoht duuay thee phuut raaeng raaeng meuua gee/ -> no pronouns here again
This is probably just me being me lol but it's giving Lian harshly scolding Kuea in Cutie Pie when he puts himself in danger mishandling a knife and then immediately softening when Kuea starts crying.
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ถ้ามันมีคนได้รับบาดเจ็บ ตัวแกเองนั่นแหละจะเป็นต้นเหตุ /thaa man mee khohn dai rap baat jep, dtuua gae eng nan lae ja bpen dtohn heht/
By this point, I was literally like 'Huh. What even is going on, he's so all over the place in terms of pronoun use, where did this แก come from all of a sudden?' My reading of this is that he's actually just as unsure and confused about Ryan and his feelings for him as Ryan has been all episode.
แก /gae/ is an informal familiar 2nd pers. pronoun that's a little impolite but not nearly as rude as มึง /meung/ and can similarly express closeness with someone you know well, it's used between age mates or for someone younger. In Thai BL, you hear แก /gae/ a lot more from or between girl friends than the rude pronoun of choice between guy friends, มึง /meung/. If you scroll back up, you'll see that Pie called Ryan แก /gae/ as well! The kids are a different story though, they all use a variety of different pronouns amongst each other, depending on context, mood, situation, individual relationship, ... I ain't getting into that lol it would take forever to explain, please no one get any ideas asking me about all of that 🥴
So here we are again with the word 'like'
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ผมชอบงานนี้ ชอบที่นี้ /pom chaawp ngaan nee. chaawp thee nee/ แล้วก็ชอบพี่ดว้ย /laaeo gaaw chaawp phi duuay/
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Arthur meme meets 😦 emoji
Sometimes Jane looks at Ryan like he's trying to solve a puzzle. It seems like he just realized that they're having two different conversations. But judging from his subtle reactions-- He's not dumb enough to assume that Ryan means it any other way than romantically, considering Ryan's odd behavior all throughout the episode too. Looking at the preview, I think he's gonna refuse to acknowledge Ryan's clearly romantic feelings though, not least of all because HR is already looming in the background, ready to go 🚨!!!
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หรือเป็นเพราะผมบอกชอบพี่ไปแล้ว [...] /reuu bpen phraw pom baawk chaawp phi bpai laaeo/ = lit.: Or it's because I've told you I like you [...] -> บอกชอบ /baawk chaawp/ = lit. tell like; tell someone you like them (romantically), confess to liking someone
So! ชอบ /chaawp/ isn't exclusively romantic, same as the English 'like', but there's just no way around how Ryan meant this. And Jane knows it 🌚🌝 Hope my rambles satisfied your curiosity, anon!
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saerins · 10 months
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⋆୨ chapter two ୧˚ a million miles away, still you connect me in your way
⋆୨ if not for you (masterlist) ⋆୨ previous: chapter one - thorns without flowers, bars with no drinks <> next: chapter three - for a while, you were all mine ୧˚
⋆୨ synopsis ୧˚ neither of you want this. both you and sae reluctantly agree to this marriage, although sae’s dissatisfaction far outweighs your own. with hidden agendas and old flames, will this ever work out between the two of you, or will your forced spark be doomed to fail?
ೀ series: sae x f!reader | wc 3.8k | ೀ content warnings: fluff/angst, modern au, arranged marriage, rich!sae and rich!reader, gaslighting, generally bad parenting across the board, miscommunications/misunderstandings | notes: looks like i made it for this week after all !! not proofread though because i’m still sick <\3 & hehe i heard you guys asking for sae redemption arc … hmm :)
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To the whole world, your marriage with the eldest Itoshi son is a fruitful event. Both your parents, having history as college classmates turned business rivals, have put their differences aside and green-lit the marriage. (It kind of perplexes you, since it’s their idea in the first place, but both you and Sae know that it’s always better to just leave things be.)
“You both need to get along well, do you hear me?”
Ever the authoritative figure, your father, naturally, expects you to do the impossible and get your husband to—you don’t really know, actually. To be a husband?
“Dad, we just got married and we barely know each other, can’t we just—”
“Then do something about it.” The line clicks before you can say anything else, a long sigh leaving your lips. That’s easier said than done.
It’s been a week into the marriage and the most Sae has ever said to you was “here, got you the keys.” Which was on day two. And he hasn’t spoken to you since. Except to respond to your (fake) chirpy good morning! with his own lacklustre “morning”.
And it isn’t like you haven’t tried. On the off chance that you do catch Sae when he’s at home and not frolicking around outside, you try to ask about him. Foolish you thought that maybe if he saw you trying then he’d at least entertain you.
Of course, life isn’t that kind to you. Any time you try to speak to him casually, you’re locked out by his icy stare, quick to glare at you like you’re some weirdo who just happens to live in the same apartment.
Maybe it wouldn’t have been so bad if you were the type to initiate such things but you’ve never been so until now. And it’s killing you inside everytime you try.
“Save me, please.”
Reo’s chuckle rings over the speakers, your heaved sigh drowned out by him. “Not even a month in, are you sure you can last with this your whole life?”
“Stop rubbing it in, Reo,” you whine, nearly dropping your breakfast on the floor.
It’s a Thursday morning and you’d been given a week off to acclimatise to life as a newlywed. From what you know, Sae was too. Problem is, Sae hasn’t even been home. He leaves early in the morning and comes back late in the night; there’s really no difference than when he’s actually going to work.
And given your… situation, you don’t really want to ask where he’s been and sound like, well, a wife. It’s stupid and crazy for you to think that when you are his wife, but it’s the sticky feeling of the two of you being strangers that makes you feel like you can’t act that way.
That night when Sae comes home to see dinner still untouched, all handsome as usual in his white dress shirt with the top unbuttoned, he gives you a brief once-over before toeing off his shoes. He reeks of alcohol when he walks past you but you don’t comment on that; he doesn’t look tipsy one bit so you have a feeling he was just surrounded by the people doing the actual drinking. 
“Why haven’t you eaten?”
You bet he’s only asking because you’ve meticulously placed yourself at the dining table, not moving even when he almost shuts his bedroom door on you. There are two empty plates set out on the table—one for you and one for him.
One glance at the clock sets the time at 9.30pm. Entirely way too late for dinner—or well, a normal one, at least.
Tonight is different from all the other nights, because before tonight, you’d resigned to cooking and eating dinner alone. But given your earlier talk with Reo, he’d convinced you to try forcing Sae into it, as bad as that sounds, and you want to see it through.
“I was waiting for you,” you say, back faced to him.
In this huge apartment, your soft voice bounces off the walls.
You can hear Sae hesitating for a while before finally speaking up. “I already ate.”
It’s like a huge joke, whatever this is. It’s nothing that you can put into words because you expected as much but you’re disappointed that you have a husband who doesn’t care about your feelings yet you can’t actually fault him for it because your circumstances aren’t exactly… normal.
You don’t even realise you’re tearing up until you hear the abrupt sound of Sae’s bedroom door shutting, your tears falling from your cheeks as you jump in your seat.
From your father pressuring you to make this marriage work, to Reo who—bless his pure heart—believes wholeheartedly that you can, and lastly to Sae, who seems absolutely determined to see this marriage through to its divorce, you’re tired.
There’s no such thing as failure to your parents—you’d known that ever since you were born. Especially not to your father, who tolerated nothing less than perfection from you. He wouldn’t even let it go when you failed to bag a huge client and decided that scolding you in front of the entire office was the least he could do.
As his name lights up your phone screen again, you stare dumbly at his message.
So? Are things going well with him?
You would mistaken it for parental concern if not for his next message.
Don’t screw this up like you always do. No one else would want you anyway, hear me?
He has a way of kicking you when you’re down. It’s almost like he decided you not being born would be better.
Just as you’re starting to lose your appetite, you hear the click of the door handle, your heartbeat the only sound you hear before the familiar shift of Sae’s feet against the ground. Half of you thinks he’s just forgotten something and is coming out to get it, but the other half of you is so stupidly optimistic that you can’t help but wish he’s had a change of heart.
Still, you wipe your tears away—a stubborn habit you’ve had since young to not let anyone see you crying, another byproduct of having parents who scolded you even more when they do see your tears—and pretend like you’re completely fine, sitting at the dining table all alone at 9.30pm having cooked entirely too much for a single person.
You can almost laugh at yourself looking at how pathetic this all feels.
But when you see Sae out of the corner of your eye, he’s changed out into more comfortable clothes, just a white oversized shirt with black shorts, taking a seat across from you.
“Let’s eat, then.”
To the outside eye, this might seem like a lacklustre dinner, like there’s nothing noteworthy about it at all. But to you, in that moment, it feels like everything. For once, you can see that even if Sae doesn’t want to, he’s trying. Just like you are. 
“Here.” He’s quiet when he eats. Apart from when he’s offering you more meat, quietly picking the bones off of the fish and discarding it onto his own plate and the meat in favour of yours.
You wonder what’s happened today that could contribute to his sudden change of decision. But it’s enough for you to feel his efforts, so you don’t harp on it.
“Do you… like it?”
Even though Sae doesn’t look at you all night, he does respond to you. Which is more than you can say for the past week.
And suddenly, it doesn’t feel so lonely.
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Your father’s talking about visiting, so hopefully we can all meet again soon!
Sighing, you toss your phone aside and stuff your pillow on your face. Trust your mother to be the bearer of bad news like she’s always been, somehow resigned to being your father’s messenger whenever he feels like he loathes to speak to you directly.
Without even thinking, you know this is just his way of ‘checking up on you’, making sure that everything is going according to his plan. You’re not really sure why he insists that this marriage has to last when divorce happens to be all the rage these days. Sadly.
You can just envision the reprimand you’ll get if he comes over and finds out that you and Sae are not even sharing a room, often not even seeing each other apart from meal times and barely ever speaking at all. He will get to say that he knew all along that he has a useless daughter who can’t even do this simple task right.
Even at this age, he doesn’t want to vanquish his hold over you, always threatening to push the burden onto your sister instead, knowing that you won’t allow that to happen, banking on it to be the catalyst that drives you to obey his every command.
It’s a Saturday, and you haven’t heard the main door open today—unless Sae left the house before 6.30am which is unlikely—so you grind your teeth, weighing the pros and cons of going up to Sae and asking him for a favour. Really, the worst he can do is shut the door in your face, so what are you so scared of?
So ten minutes later, after whining internally to yourself and prepping for what you’re going to say, you find yourself at his bedroom door, quietly knocking on it a few times before hearing his show pause in the background and opening the door.
Sae’s eyes look tired, same as they’ve always been, teal eyes hidden behind those long lashes and his hair more of a mess than usual.
It’s stupid for you to think that hey, at least now he’s speaking instead of just grunting at you but your relationship is at an all-time low so you excuse yourself for that.
“We need to talk.”
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Minutes later, Sae is sitting on the couch, arms crossed, brows furrowed helplessly as he listens to your ‘favour’.
“So… long story short,” Sae sighs, and you’re awkwardly shifting in your seat on the adjacent couch, anticipating his response. “Your parents might do a surprise visit and we need to look like an actual couple, is that it?”
Well, at least he was listening.
You nod, your fingers fiddling with each other. Somehow, you’ve become a nervous mess whenever you’ve had to interact with your husband.
“That won’t do.”
Your heart sinks just from those three simple words. You’re looking at the ground, polished and white, cold like real marble. You should’ve expected as much, but you really really don’t want to risk this impacting your sister.
“But if you could just—”
Before you know it, Sae’s right in front of you, forehead pressed against yours and teal eyes coldly calculating, as though he’s evaluating some statistic you’re not aware of.
He sighs and you can feel his hot breath against your lips, and suddenly you forget how to breathe, until he pulls away and sits back down where he came from. Sae’s eyes are still fixed on you, unrelenting.
“How are they gonna believe a thing when you’re that awkward around me?”
Sae can do all he can to make this believable, but it sure as hell won’t work if you’re this shy and nervous around him. Your parents are like his own, like vultures, they’ll pick this tension up in a second and they’re just going to know something is off. Then your plan will be all for naught.
“Um, well…”
He can tell you haven’t thought of that yet, so he brushes it off. You look like you’re going to hyperventilate if he pressures you on this any more. You looked cute though, all flustered when all he did was close the gap between you—but he keeps that to himself.
“Never mind that, what else do we need?” Because even without you saying, Sae can tell that this marriage doesn’t seem the slightest bit convincing. It just seems like two strangers sharing an apartment together.
“I was thinking maybe we could… takesomepicturesandframethemup on the wall?”
This time, Sae doesn’t hide his perplexity, blinking profusely at your statement. You’re averting your gaze too, and Sae nearly finds himself laughing, nearly. Your nervousness is quite amusing. It takes him a while to fully grasp what you were saying.
“Fine,” he relents, leaning back against the couch, internally snickering at the way you seem like a puppy, starry eyes gazing at him when he agrees. “You book a studio, put it on my card. Anything else?”
He’s like a businessman through and through, you realise, releasing everything off his to-do list in one fell swoop. You go to the next item on the agenda in your head.
“Oh… about finances,” you approach the subject carefully, knowing how it’s a sensitive topic for most people. “Should we just split everything fifty-fifty?”
For this, however, Sae wastes no time. 
“That’s fine, I’ll pay,” he says, matter-of-factly, in the most no-nonsense way he can manage. Though, the next thing he asks of you is one you never expected. “How much do you spend in a month? Excluding bills.”
You blink at him in surprise for a while, before trying to calculate it in your head. “Without bills? Um, maybe ¥150,000?”
Sae nods, pulling up his phone and typing on it for a while before looking back at you. “I don’t know how much you have in your bank, but I’ll open up a joint savings account, you can put everything else aside from your monthly expenditure in there. If you need any urgent expenses, just withdraw it as you need to.”
The way he says all this stoically nearly makes you mistake this for a business meeting.
“Excuse me? You want me to… transfer all my money into this account?”
“Except for your monthly expenses,” he corrects you, back to staring at his phone. “I’ll handle everything else, taxes, bills, whatever.”
This somehow sounds like all the scams you’ve watched on crime shows. That’s why you’re hesitating, but you have an inkling that Sae’s not that kind of person… is he?
“Um… what if…” You trail off, hesitant to get the words out, afraid of how he might take it.
Sae looks at you, putting his phone down on the table, his fingers interlaced with each other. He seems to understand your conflict, but he doesn’t explain anything further. He just asks you something simple. “Do you trust me?”
The simplest answer would be no, because you barely knew each other. Yet somehow, you feel the “yes” coming out of your mouth before you realise it, and Sae nods in acknowledgement. 
“I’ll send you the details soon,” is all he tells you before you see his phone lighting up, vibrating with a call. You manage to see the nickname ‘dummy’ come up before Sae grabs his phone, looking at it seemingly nostalgically before saying a “I gotta take this” and retreating to his bedroom.
The call ends as soon as Sae shuts the door to his bedroom. But just as quickly, he sees a new text popping up, and it’s irritating how he’s quick to open it immediately.
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Maybe it’s a little pathetic of you to be in a good mood simply because Sae’s become a little more open now. And by open, you just mean he’s not just cold and silent and distant, but is now being more receptive.
Another two weeks have passed and you’re beginning to see a lot more progress. Like how Sae tells you what time he’ll be back so you can coordinate dinner. Or how he’ll be the one to settle dinner if you’re the one getting home late. His texts are a lot more than just simple acknowledgements and you find yourself smiling at your phone even if he’s there complaining about old geezers at work and how they’re so irritating and asking why they won’t just shut up.
“I guess that means everything’s going well in the new Itoshi household?”
Across from you, Reo’s smirking as he sips on his udon, noticing how your lips curve into a smile as you form a text. You pout and kick his shin lightly, annoyed that you got caught red-handed.
“Maybe,” you tell him, giggling.
For someone rumoured to be as rude and negative as Itoshi Sae, you find that he’s not all that bad once you get to know him a little. He’s just a regular guy, or maybe one that has a bigger chip on his shoulder than most people do, but you know better than to pry on that a little too early.
Reo ruffles your head, making it a little messier than usual but somehow, you don’t care too much about that now. “Just make sure he treats you well, ‘kay?”
You grin and nod in response, “yes, sir!”
For the lack of love your parents failed to provide, you’re more than grateful that you can get such concern from your best friend. You guess you can count yourself luckier than most.
That same afternoon, you get home from work with a hop in your step as you get a message that your photos have been delivered to your doorstep. And just as promised, it sits on your mat tied up neatly in a box and you squeal as you hurriedly unlock the door and unwrap it.
The still shots of you and Sae look perfect, all thanks to that professional photographer you managed to hire. Sae was less than thrilled to be there, but somehow, even with his stoic expression, the photos work. There’s shots of him with his arm around your shoulder, head resting on yours as he looks at the camera. Other shots where he follows your poses and sticks his tongue out. And when you get to the bottom of the pile, you see the last shot, the one you remember the most, because it’s the one where you’re just looking at the camera and Sae, without any direction at all, just leans in and kisses you on the temple.
At that moment, your phone vibrates, a message from Sae popping up.
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But night falls and it’s suddenly 8pm and you haven’t touched the food on the table, sweet and sour pork long forgotten on the dining table because you’re busy setting up the pictures all around the house.
To his credit, the frames Sae picked are beautiful. They’re made of a dark wood to contrast the impossibly white walls and the white backdrop of your photoshoot. Though, he managed to order way too many of them so you idly wonder what you can do with the rest of the spares.
Once you’re done with the living room, you find yourself left with a few photos you reserved for the master bedroom, and you hesitate before going in. After nearly a month here and you realise you’d never actually been in here before.
It looks nice and clean and Sae’s a lot less messier than you thought he’d be. His towel is thrown sloppily on the floor and his bedsheets are a mess, but other than that the rest of the place is relatively spotless. Heck, you think even your room’s not as well-kept as his. Somehow you feel a little shameful about that.
Shaking your head, you snap out of it, getting back to the task at hand: meticulously placing these photos so you can act like the perfect couple once your parents decide to visit. (There’s a little glimmer of hope inside of you that hopes that by then, it wouldn’t have to be an act.)
Fifteen minutes later, you’re all about done in there, except when you accidentally gave yourself a paper cut trying to fit the photo in nicely. Clambering to the bedroom to find the nearest first aid kit, you find one in the nightstand—the other side of where he sleeps, judging from the way his blanket is thrown. Grabbing the plaster out of there, you stop in motion when you see a small A4-sized black gift box inside, a translucent gold bow rimming its sides.
As you bandage your finger up, you try not to think about it but your curiosity gets the best of you; it’s wrong but you can’t help yourself. Your fingers grab the box carefully out of its place, and you open it to see Sae’s alien face.
Only alien because he actually looks happy in those pictures.
The first few pictures you see are of Sae with Rin, who you know is his younger brother. They look alike too, and in some ways, it reminds you of you and your sister. It brings a smile to your face, but only momentarily, before you get bombarded by a ton of pictures of Sae with a girl you’ve never seen.
She’s pretty; brown hair down to her chest, having those beach wave curls that make you envious, piercing green eyes that shine through her bangs. A petite frame, with a style that’s already sophisticated even when she was a teenager back then. 
You can’t help but wonder who she is, though you don’t really need to when you have your gut instinct telling you it’s an old flame. And judging by the amount of photos he’s kept, it’s someone he still can’t forget. Is she why he’s been so hesitant?
All the photos were taken in those old school photo booth machines that used to be all the rage. That’s why their pictures always have filters and little scribbles drawn on before printing. It’s heartbreaking yet you can’t stop looking. So Sae is a person who can smile a lot, as long as he’s with the right one, it seems.
Most of the pictures have scribbles of M+S on them, and you assume M must be her initial. Is it crazy for you to be hurt by this? It’s a whole side of Sae you’d never seen, and it was on full display for someone else. It must seem like a fever dream for you.
You try to think positively, like it doesn’t mean much that he still keeps this even though it was a love seemingly long gone. You should have faith in him… right?
But then, the last in the pile is a normal picture, taken by camera and developed by film. It’s a picture of Sae and M lip-locked, his arms on her waist, her wanton smile visible even from this angle. Behind it, like a secret love note meant only for the lovers’ eyes to see, written in bright red:
itoshi sae, will you love me forever?
forever and ever, dummy.
And then you remember the same nickname flashing across his phone that night, and it all comes crashing down on you. And you feel like the stupidest person on the planet. These pictures are from forever ago, but it’s entirely plausible that he’s not finished with whatever it was.
Somehow, it feels like everything is in reverse.
You want Sae’s love, and this is your marriage—you and Sae’s—but then why, even as his wife, do you feel like the third party instead?
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taglist: @kimvmarvel @mxplesyrvp @yuzurins @futuristicxie @kiopanxp @k0z3me @y-sabell-a @sae1toshilover @xoxojisu @karmatiz @sagejin @minnieminnie00-got7 @hearts4heidi @shiinobu-x @n1uh @prepchuu @leeyzhuo @shidouryusm @tsukishiro-yue2402 @kaiserkisser @pookiebearcave @dcvilxswish @saeskiss @whtflrr @arminseas @raphsimp *bolded: can’t tag you due to your settings >_<
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Why I think "You are my flag" Should Be A Love Confession by One Piece Characters
(especially for the more emotionally reserved/traumatized characters) in One Piece
P.S. yeah it's corny but let me explain why:
1. The flag is the symbol of the captain's crew, a symbol of power, friendship, and why wouldn't it be a symbol used in a confession of love by the sea-faring folk?
Here are some quotes from the Wiki:
For many, the Jolly Roger is nothing more than a symbol of power, showing off a pirate crew's strength to intimidate enemies and victims.
For Luffy & his crew:
More idealistic pirates—and sympathizers—have used the mark to espouse wider principles of freedom, personal conviction, and even friendship.
For Four Emperors' Crew & Crewmates:
most notoriously the Four Emperors—have been known to mark entire towns and even islands with their Jolly Roger, deeming such locations their "territories" and promising protection and retribution against outside attack.
For Doflamingo:
Donquixote Doflamingo does not like the idea of anyone tarnishing his flag's name and punished Bellamy for losing under it.
For Law:
The Heart Pirates also have a smiley style Jolly Roger, only this one has 6 branches extending outwards in all directions, as a tribute to Donquixote Rosinante.
See how important the flag is? Yeah, so that's how important the person who they say "You are my flag." is.
2. Marines have a flag, so they can use it, too. The flag acts more as a guide for the marines, because the flag in Marineford is their base, so when a marine tells a person "You're my flag." That person is that guy's home. Beacon in the dark. The marine is coming back for that person, not anyone else.
3. Same goes for pirates, though the meaning depends on a pirate, but they all share that the flag is their symbol, so the moment they call you their flag... Yeah, they're definitely telling you they love you. Same goes if they say "I am your flag." though then it says "I am your lover, you are mine." so the meaning is a bit different (this is for the more territorial, possessive pirates, but it still means "I love you."
Their symbol is their flag, their flag leads their crew, if you are under their flag you are family/friends/allies/lovers, their flag is loyalty, their flag is power, and them being your flag means them being your love.
Anyway, if a marine or a pirate says they are your flag, or you are theirs, you are their most loved person.
Of course, "I love you" brings the message home and gets the full impact, but not all of these pirates are Ace, Luffy or Rosinante. Most of them didn't grow up hearing words of love, so I just think this is the other way of saying “I love you” while they get used to using the word love. And if they never say it, that’s fine, too. Their love is their flag, their flag is their love. Okay? Okay.
Little meta done.
Did I get this idea from Pirates of Carribean or sth and just forgot that was in that movie? If so, all props to those movies, I guess.
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awkward-halfhug · 2 months
probably not the best sedative | eleventh doctor x reader
summary: the Doctor takes you on a tour of planets. Your heart almost can't take it
chapter: 1 2 3 4 5
contents: pda, obliviousness, grammar
(also on my ao3)
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You have a problem. A serious problem. And the Doctor is not helping it in the slightest.
Burr was lovely. Picturesque, just as the Doctor described. And the locals were extremely polite. It was a little odd having people call you things like 'baby' and 'my love'. Much less odd hearing the Doctor call you those, but you were trying not to think about that. In fact, that was exactly your problem.
After the success of Burr, the Doctor apparently deemed you comfortable enough with strange alien customs to take you on a tour of planets with similar 'etiquette requirements'.
First was a planet called Stapleton whose inhabitants thought it rude not to hold hands with your traveling partner, be it family or friend or spouse, what have you. That was fine, for the most part.You were used to that by now; traveling with the Doctor meant running from danger a lot of the time, which meant having the Doctor grab your hand at regular intervals and off you went running.
Still, there was something different about holding hands while running to make sure you don't lose each other on a hostile planet, and holding hands while leisurely strolling through a gorgeous environment, with no baddie on your tails. A main difference, you've decided, is that when you're running, you has no opportunity to think about it. That's definitely not the case when you're just sightseeing. You've had plenty of time to think, and most of your thoughts seemed to circle back to the same simple descriptors. 
Warm. Calloused. Gentle. 
Holding mine.
It's such a simple thing, really– holding hands. The Doctor and the Staplers (yes, that's really what they're called) seemed to think nothing of it. But you couldn't stop your hand tingling for hours after he'd let it go, reluctantly almost, upon returning to the TARDIS.
No matter how much you think about it, you still can't wrap your head around how completely normal the Doctor seems to think all of this PDA is. He just walks around kissing and holding hands and calling pet names and doesn't even bat an eye. You wonder if people were like that back on Gallifrey or if that was something the Doctor had just picked up having traveled so much. You wonder if you'll become so cavalier about it in time as well. 
The second planet–or third, depending on whether or not you counted Burr– was Rune, where it was apparently considered rude to be heard speaking aloud, except on the rare occasions when the monarchy made an announcement of some sort, in which case anybody not of royal blood was only aloud to speak their agreement.
This one had irked you a bit. Still does, when you think about it.  How ridiculous and unfair! But the Doctor had been quick to explain that it was perfectly normal for the locals, and that it only seemed strange to you because things are done differently where you come from. He wasn't wrong. But still. Totally unfair.
But that led to the work-around. Whenever you needed to speak to each other, one of you would simply lean in real close to the other's ear and whisper it. This basically meant you spent the entire trip looking like gossiping school children, which, to be fair, wasn't far off from the truth. The Doctor had a lot of amusing commentary on the local goings-on, and especially about the royal family. You'd lost track of the number of times you'd had to muffle your giggles in his jacket. He was better about holding in his laughter, but he couldn't wipe the goofy grin off his face. Incorrigible. You love the dummy.
But like, not– not in that way! Platonically! You love him platonically. In a friend way!
Ahem. Moving on.
The next planet, Penny Isle, was the worst one. In fact, the Doctor had actually been blushing as he'd tried to describe their particular brand of etiquette.
You had to kiss. A lot.
"You have to understand", the Doctor had hurried to explain " it's like punctuation to them. Like, literally, punctuation. They're very big on grammar there; even have a grammar police. Can you imagine? An actual grammar police! I've wanted to go for years, just for that. Of course, that's not the reason I'd be taking you, but that bit's a surprise."
The Doctor had begun wringing his hands nervously. You, on the other hand, are certain you had looked much worse. You had backed up a couple steps to lean against the console, and had started hyperventilating a bit. Sure, you'd sort of kissed at breakfast the other day, but you had written that off in your head as a one-time sort of deal. But this? Kissing the Doctor, many, many times? Technically you could go without kissing very much at all, if you didn't have much to say to one another. Except this was the Doctor and anybody who'd interacted with the Doctor for more than a minute knew how much he liked to talk. That's a lot of punctuation!
The Doctor must have noticed how freaked out you were getting, because he'd started to backtrack, saying something sweet like "Of course, if it would make you uncomfortable, we don't have to go. It's probably not even that great there. How about we head somewhere else, yeah?" He'd gone over to the TARDIS console beside you and started flicking buttons, but he'd paused when you finally spoke up.
"What's the surprise?"
His eyes had flicked to hers, a sparkle in them, before looking back down at the console. "Well, if I told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it? But I can tell you this, it'll be worth it."
'Worth' kissing the Doctor? Repeatedly? A little voice in your head had been screaming 'sign me up!' since he'd first started speaking. You had another, disturbingly quiet voice, telling you it would be a bad idea. But like you said, it was pretty quiet for some reason. And that darn curiosity of yours was piqued with all this talk of a surprise.
"Okay" you'd said. The Doctor's head had whipped toward you like a puppy who'd just been promised a treat. You had tried very had to ignore the implications but you couldn't deny it was flattering.
He'd made you repeat yourself a few times, so he knew you were really quite sure. You weren't, but he didn't need to know that. Before youknew it, you were breathing Penny Isle air and the Doctor was giving you the rundown of everything he'd heard about the planet.
The first few 'punctuations' were easy. Simple little pecks on the lips, over before you could blink. And you were glad for it, too. You couldn't have handled a whole day of those kisses from the kitchen. Particularly not starting out with them. As it was, you had been all nerves at the start; so much so that you'd had to get ahold of yourself when you'd attempted your first sentence with Penny Isle grammar. You kept dissolving into giggles as you leaned in for a comma. The Doctor had been remarkably patient with you, considering how many times you'd failed, just inches from his lips. You'd been literally laughing in his face, which, when a kiss was involved, probably was offensive if you thought about it too hard. Thankfully, the Doctor hadn't seemed to take any offense. He'd just stood there expectantly, fighting to keep a serious face, as though that whole scenario hadn't been utterly ridiculous. By the time you finally managed to hold yourself together long enough to add the 'comma' to your sentence, you had well and truly forgotten what you had been intending on saying to him in the first place.
After those first few, you had decided that it was kind of ridiculous to be stepping in and out of each other's space every few seconds to 'punctuate', especially considering how fast the Doctor could speak sometimes. You imagined you both must've looked pretty comical, so at one point you didn't step back. You'd grabbed his hand, laced your fingers together and leaned into his arm, all the while holding your breath and hoping he wouldn't call you out on how unnecessary it was.
But he hadn't called you out. In fact, he'd squeezed your hand a little, before continuing on in his commentary as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred. He even kept unconsciously giving your hand those little squeezes throughout the day. Each time your heart felt like it was being squeezed with it.
Thinking back, you suppose all that time on Stapleton probably does make it almost normal for you to hold hands now. Just thinking about it makes your heart do that squeezing thing again.
Does that mean that the...punctuation...will become normal for them too? Your fingers drift up to your mouth; the phantom-feel of his lips on yours causing them to tingle at the memory.
You shake your head of the thought. Not likely. Especially considering how ridiculous it had gotten.
The kisses had snuck up on you in frequency. You'd almost gotten used to the little pecks he'd give you, or vice versa, while you leisurely strolled and enjoyed the scenery. It had started to become natural, even when they stopped being pecks and started becoming lazy lip-pulling type kisses. You could see how the locals would get used to it. But then he'd started to get excited about something, as the Doctor often does, which meant rambling. Which meant punctuation. Lots, and lots, of punctuation. Thankfully, he hadn't raised his voice in excitement like he normally would have, had their faces not been centimeters apart. In fact, his voice had dropped in volume, nearly whispering the closer they got. Even when he got particularly excited, he would only whisper-yell.
Your poor ears were grateful. Your poor heart, however, not so much. The combination of the hand holding, the close proximity, the whispering, your breaths mingling together, and the punctuation? You're genuinely amazed that at no point during the day did your heart give out given the speed at which it decided to gallop for the entirety of the rest of the day. You can still feel it racing, and you've been back on the TARDIS for several hours now.
All of that sensory input, all mixed together, basically ruled out retaining any of what the Doctor told you the entire day. You'd tried, you'd really tried to pay attention to his words, but you couldn't force your focus away from all the commas, and periods, and exclamation points, and even question marks.
Yeah, that's right, he'd started emphasizing every punctuation mark. You'd had to tell him to slow it down a couple of times, because you were losing the ability to breathe. It had been hilariously ironic having to punctuate that sentence, so you 'punctuated' it with a little laughter too. He'd seemed to get it, though. He'd laughed and blushed and apologized, and had the cutest little 'oops' expression on his face that you had the nonsensical urge to say something else, just so you could punctuate that.
Unbelievably, the police actually approached you both for punctuating too much. On top of that, apparently you'd been punctuating incorrectly. You blamed him entirely for that one. He was doing most the talking, and therefore was obviously the one in charge of the grammar. And furthermore, you hadn't been listening to a thing he'd been saying anyway, so how could you have known he was using poor grammar? You couldn't exactly tell him that part, though. Besides, if they'd asked you, you'd have informed them that his grammar was not poor, whatever their guidelines. You'd have told them he was actually quite good at it. Regardless, you'd been sat down and given a forty-five minute long lesson on the proper usage and mechanics of Penny Isle grammar, including but not limited to, what kind of kiss and where on the face to place it, for each corresponding punctuation mark.
After all that, you'd been let off with a warning, thankfully. The Doctor and you were both kind of curious what sort of punishment the grammar police doled out, but you weren't curious enough to actually test it out. They'd looked so serious that the Doctor and you had had to purse your lips and just nod lest you both burst out laughing. This was made especially difficult when the Doctor leaned in and whispered in your ear "Sure, if you wanna take all the fun out of it". When the police left, the two of you did laugh, long and hard.
Eventually, you got ahold of yourselves. Miming a zipper over your mouth, you pulled the imaginary zipper shut and watched him fake-pout. You unzipped it so you could smile at him, then quickly zipped it shut again. The Doctor had rolled his eyes but after you raised an eyebrow at him and reached for his mouth, he nodded, and zipped his own mouth closed.
You saw the sights in silence for a while. It had been kind of nice. You didn't let go of his hand, but it would've been weird to at that point. Right? Right.
The surprise, as it turned out, was indeed worth any discomfort you may or may not have felt about the whole kissing part of the day.
The Doctor had led you to a body of water when the sun had started going down. Locals had already started gathering in hoards, but with a flash of that blank paper of his, the Doctor had managed to secure you both a place at the very edge of the water. He'd stepped away for a little while, and just when you'd started getting worried he'd miss whatever was about to happen, he returned with two mugs of a foamy beverage. He settled down cross legged beside you on the grass and you sipped on what seemed to be the Penny Isle version of hot chocolate. It was fruity. Neither of you could decide if you liked it or not.
Finally, the show looked like it was about to start. Several platforms you hadn't even noticed before descended from above and came to a stop a few feet above the water. They seemed to hang from nothing, and you could hear no engines of any sort. Spread out on top of the different platforms sat an entire orchestra, poised with their instruments at the ready, and complete with a very short maestro on the center most platform.
The little maestro lifted his baton and his orchestra readied themselves. 
The Doctor had started to speak but was quickly shushed by your fellow audience members. One disgruntled woman in particular had felt it necessary to let out a string of words that you assumed was a highly insulting burn in her culture, judging by the fire in her eyes. Unfortunately, the effect was lost when the woman brought a hand to her pursed lips and blew the Doctor a kiss, while still attempting to set him on fire with her gaze. You and the Doctor had shared a wide-eyed look of disbelief before taking hurried sips of your alien hot chocolate to hide your snickering faces from the lady. Putting down your mugs, you huddled closer together, and the Doctor continued his commentary, this time speaking as quietly as he could, directly into your ear. You're pretty sure he had been telling you how the light show was presented every year by the locals, and something about the how the tradition had started. You can't be certain, however, because what you remember most was, once again, nearly everything besides what he was saying to you.
Like how nice the warmth from his body so close to yours had been, especially with the evening chill.
How the weird alien fruity chocolate thing you'd both been drinking had made his breath hot against your ear, and how ironic it was that that heat had made you shiver.
How that same weird beverage that you couldn't decide whether or not you liked had tasted surprisingly good on his lips. Almost like candy. Delicious, addicting candy.
At some point it had dimly registered in your candy-addled mind that the Doctor hadn't spoken for several minutes, and that you'd been sharing what was possibly the longest punctuation mark in Penny Isle history. You also remember thinking that if you got hauled to jail by the grammar police, it would be worth it. So, so worth it.
Abrupt silence from the orchestra seemed to shock both you and the Doctor and you had sprung apart, looking around like meerkats, as though you needed to remind yourselves where you were and why. You had been pleased to note that you were not the only one of you whose breathing was ragged, and that the dreamy expression that you surely must have had on your face was reflected on his. He was as affected as you, and while you still had no idea what to do with that information, it had put a goofy smile on your face that you tried, and most likely failed, to suppress before turning to watch the show begin.
You leaned into the Doctor's side as you noted the sun dipping lower and lower on the horizon. In moments, the lake was dark, and the audience was as silent as the musicians. For several long, almost reverent, moments, you and the Doctor sat in the pitch black silence, feeling a cool wind nip at your skin and rustle your hair. The Doctor put his arm around you and tucked you into his side so you could leech off his warmth.
A stringed instrument of some sort broke through the silence, so quiet at first that you had thought you'd imagined it. It sounded low and deep, like a cello. But steadily it grew louder, soon joined by several more of the same instrument.
Percussion, deep and strong and startling, started up from what must have been the outer edges of the lakeshore. The effect had been foreboding in the pitch dark, and you had burrowed further into his side. You'd ignored the soft chuckle you felt reverberate through his chest, and focused on the irrational sense of security you felt as both of the Doctor's arms wrapped around you in a tight embrace to protect you from the big bad instruments. 
The steady banging of what you'd guessed were timpani, grew to a thunderous roar and you felt your muscles tense in anticipation of whatever came next. The banging ceased all at once, leaving only a singular cello plucking out a simple, monotone tune that somehow made you more tense than the relentless drums. So when a tiny light lit up in the middle of the lake with a bright twinkling sound almost announcing its presence, you had huffed a laugh of relief. This one light seeming a hero, vanquishing the darkness. One by one, more tiny lights appeared just above the water, all followed by windchimes and the delicate plucking of harp strings.
A sigh fell over the crowd as the glowing lake and twinkling music washed over them all. You felt yourself lean back and melt into the Doctor's embrace, all the tension eased.
As bells and what sounded like flute-playing joined in, you watched in delight as the little glowing lights - alien fireflies it looked like- started to dance! They moved in groups or trailed behind one another in curves and lines, perfectly in sync with the melody. The Doctor whispered about them practicing all year for the honor to perform at this show. He punctuated his statement with kisses pressed to your temple, and your heart fluttered with pleasure. All of it– the airy music, the dancing lights, the light kisses to your skin and the Doctor's warmth cocooning you- had felt like floating in a dream that you never wanted to end. You were so content, so happy, and so relaxed, that you didn't notice when your eyes fluttered shut. You didn't notice the show end. You didn't notice the Doctor picking you up and carrying you back to the TARDIS. And you only barely remember him tucking you into bed and murmuring something into your hair.
Now, having woken up from the best sleep you've had in a while, and running your mind through all the events from the day prior, you keep coming back to this one obvious truth:
You have a serious problem. Because you're pretty sure you have feelings for the Doctor.
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thank you for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider reblogging/commenting, it means a lot ♡
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writingwithcolor · 1 year
Representing Biracial Black South American Experiences…Through a White/Asian Mixed Race Character in Europe
@colombinna asked:
I have a YA story that's in very early development - pre-alpha, if you will. For now what I have developed is the characters: one of the MCs is a biracial asian queer girl (her dad is thai-american and japanese, her mom's white), she has a medium/dark brown skin, and lives in a very white context in a fictional European country. The contact she has with her extended family is limited to phone calls and regular visits because her dad moved from the US to said fictional European country.
I'm a biracial black queer girl myself, living in a very white community in South America, my extended black family also lives in a different place, and I'm taking a lot of my experiences of being not white and queer whilst living in white communities into her story (the feeling of not belonging, the impostor syndrome, standing out as one of the only POC kids in class, etc) and thinking back to what I've heard asian friends and classmates say about their experiences in the same school/community context as mine. But I want to know how different her experiences as a dark-skinned asian girl would differ from mine and my friends' in a similar context (white community, small number of other asian people - and POC in general - in the social circles, and limited contact to her extended family), and what experiences could make sense if the character was biracial black like myself, but won't if she's biracial asian.
Why not write a biracial Black girl if those are the experiences you want to represent? 
This MC is straddling, like, 3 different cultures. Having multiple immigrant identities in not-Europe is not the same experience as being Black in South America; while both are complex minority experiences, there are too many differences in intersections and histories to compare. Not to mention, it really depends on what European culture(s) you’re basing your not-Europe on. 
I think you’ll find that the written result will ring much more genuine and rich in depth if you either translate your experiences more directly or pick a more narrow focus, instead of assuming that there is a universal for racism and colorism against biracial people that is transferable across contexts. Because there isn’t. There can be overlaps, but if you’re looking to cover the entire range of What It’s Like in general, it won’t work.
This isn’t to say that people can’t use other identities to write about specific experiences of their own, but in this case you need to think about what story you want to tell and what your reasons are. Marika’s commentary will go more into when and how this can be done effectively. 
Also, if the point is to make her a dark-skinned Asian, as a white/asian mix myself, I implore you: why must you make her 1/4 Japanese and 1/2 white? Even with the Thai ethnicity thrown in, Thai people very much range in skin tone and have their own domestic issues with colorism. It’s not impossible for dark-skinned examples of your MC’s ethnic makeup to exist, but still I don’t recommend it for two reasons: 
It's going to make researching people whose experiences fit that much more difficult. Most experiences of colorism, othering, and other forms of discrimination that mixed white asians tend to face are completely different from mixed race asians who tend to have darker skin & features.
There's enough Japanese & white mixed Japanese rep in the Asian rep sphere as is. Consider that this individual could be mixed Asian (not Japanese) with something else (not white)! 
But again, think over your motivations. I’ll spare you the copy/paste of our Motivations PSA, but re-read it and consider. Why do you wish to write a mixed Asian character to tell the story of your experiences as a mixed Black individual instead of a mixed Black character? What does it add to the story? Is it an effective vessel for the experiences you want to convey? 
~ Rina
I think Rina brings up some good points here: I’m not hearing a lot of specificity in your query. As you doubtless know firsthand, the more intersectional and complex an identity, the more of a chance the identity may come with unexpected baggage and nuances that fly in the face of what is common sense for less intersectional identities. This can make writing such characters challenging just because there is so much choice on which identity themes to emphasize. 
I once spent about 15 minutes explaining to a person the thought process I used to determine when I could wear jeans depending on which country I was living in as a mixed race person who is perceived as different things in different places. It might seem trivial, but it’s actually very important to me for the purposes of identity, safety and gender presentation, so I personally think it’s interesting. But will my readers think a character’s multi-page internal monologue on whether or not to wear jeans is especially compelling? Does the writer-version of me want to research the version of myself musing on my specific jeans conundrum to that extent? Or do I want to talk about other things related to attire a lot of other people would relate to? I think those are all YMMV questions, but hopefully, they provide some perspective that will help you be intentional about how you might want to tackle something potentially very time-consuming.
When I say intentional, I mean that when covering a complex identity with which you are peripherally familiar, it will always be more effective and easier to use it to tell a specific story extremely clearly than to be extremely broad in scope and try to include almost everything about your own experiences, especially because some of those experiences might not be as relevant for your character’s background as they are to yours.      
One of my favorite childhood picture books is written and illustrated by a Nikkei writer-illustrator team. The book is titled Ashok by Any Other Name (link). The story features a desi child growing up in the US who wishes he had an American name his friends and teachers wouldn’t think was strange. It covers how being othered for his name makes him feel, and how he copes with that feeling. Speaking as someone both Japanese and desi, I think through the plot device of names perceived by the majority of Americans as foreign, this book aptly shows how many immigrant/diaspora creators are capable of relating to the pressures of assimilation experienced by other immigrant, even if the creator, the audience and the story’s subject’s backgrounds all don’t completely overlap 100%. 
There will be aspects of your Blackness, mixed identity, skin color, sexuality and living in a local community lacking diversity as a member of many minority groups that you will find resemble/ resonate with the experiences of mixed-race, Japanese individual in a Europe-themed setting, and I think any story that leans into those themes will be considerably easier for you to research. In other words, instead of asking us “How does my experience differ?” I would approach this issue by deciding what narrative you want to show about your own experience and then research the specific contexts within which your desired story overlaps with elements of mixed-race Japanese experiences. 
- Marika.
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foxynez · 1 year
Bound For Life - Chapter 3
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Pairing: OC!Orc x Human Female Reader
Story summary: Your life is nothing exciting. Until one day when you encounter a creature in the forest and your life is changed forever.
Chapter summary: You submit to fate and let your new mate claim you.
Chapter Warnings: Nsfw, Smut, Size difference, Size kink, Unprotected sex.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4
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You were still trying to process what was happening when Tarod removed his loincloth. Your gaze lowered, your eyes widening at the sight of the massive member dangling between his thick, muscular thighs, and you hated how your pussy clenched in response. How on earth would he ever fit inside you?
"Undress for me, little lamb," Tarod ordered in his deep, guttural voice.
Pulse drumming in your ears, you flickered your eyes over to Yolmar, who looked like a wounded animal as he looked back at you with guilt-ridden eyes.
"Don't look at him, human. Look at me. He can watch me claim you and once I'm done, he's free to join us. But for now, you're only mine."
A wave of heat rushed through your core at his words, at the thought of having both these enormous orcs inside you at the same time. You glanced at Yolmar again who gave you a quick nod, and you thought you saw a spark of interest in his eyes. Would he enjoy seeing you get fucked by another orc? The thought of him watching was strangely enough arousing for you.
Wetting your lips, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath to calm your nerves. What choice did you have but to obey? This huge monster could kill you with a simple snap of his fingers around your neck. Opening your eyes, you held your gaze on the floor as you started untying your girdle with trembling fingers, too anxious to meet his eyes.
Tarod smirked and sat down on his throne, his icy blue eyes watching your every movement as you undressed and revealed your naked body. His dick twitched at the sight of your soft and tempting form.
"Come to me."
Tarod watched amused as you approached him with flushed cheeks. So innocent you appeared, so fragile and small. Tarod had always found the muscular features of the female orcs attractive, but there was something about having such a delicate little thing that aroused him beyond anything he'd ever felt before.
"Look at me."
Your pulse quickened at his voice, and you swallowed hard as you halted at his feet. You lifted your gaze, your eyes widening at seeing his hard, throbbing member. Oh, dear lord...He must be close to the size of your lower arm...Your heart started beating faster, sending another wave of arousal through your core at the thought of him inside you, stretching you out and pleasuring you in places you'd never been pleasured before.
Tarod chuckled lowly. "Touch me, human. I know you want to. I can smell your arousal."
Licking your lips nervously, you looked up into Tarod's eyes, and a bolt of electric spark surged through you. For the first time you felt the same connection you felt with Yolmar when you met him, how easy it had been to give yourself to him.
As if your body was moving on its own, you lifted your hand and wrapped your delicate hand around his meaty cock, your fingers barely reaching around its thickness. Tarod grunted, and his dick jerked in your hand. Your pussy clenched in response, pulsating with need to have him inside you. Slowly, you started moving your hand, amazed by his size as he grew even bigger in your hand. A trail of bulging veins appeared on his length, and the bulbous head was aggressively reddish. Fuck, this was the most glorious cock you'd ever seen. Flooded with newfound confidence, you bent down and flicked your tongue across the slit of the head, earning a breathy growl from Tarod. Encouraged by his noises, you lowered your head and wrapped your lips around the head of his cock. Slowly, you started bobbing your head, sliding your lips up and down his length. With each bob, you took more and more of him into your mouth until you started to gag.
"What a good, little mate you've found for us, Yolmar," Tarod grunted and grabbed your head, his huge hand covering your entire scalp as he pressed you down on his cock and bucked his hips against your face. You choked and spluttered as his length pushed down your throat. Tarod growled and released the grip on your head, allowing you to breathe. Gasping for air, you stared up at Tarod and glanced over at Yolmar. A pang of heat rushed through your belly when you saw the cock in his hand, his yellow eyes focused on you as he stroked himself.
Tarod wrapped his calloused hand around your throat and forced you to look at him. You gasped and stared up at him with big eyes and a wicked grin spread across his face.
"See how much he enjoys seeing his mate's mouth wrapped around another orc's cock? I bet he's gonna love seeing me ravage you."
"Please...," you whimpered, squeezing your thighs together to lighten the throbbing arousal.
"What's that?" Tarod snickered and lowered his hand down between your legs, slipping his long finger through your wet folds and into your soaked pussy. You gasped and grabbed his massive arm, moaning with pleasure at finally having something inside your aching core. Tarod growled at the sensation of your spongy flesh gripping his finger and the sloppy noises your pussy was making as he moved his finger inside you.
"You're absolutely drenched. You want me inside you, little one?"
"Y-Yes, please...," you mewled, nearly sobbing as you desperately rode his finger.
Tarod chuckled and pulled out his finger. Wrapping his hands around your waist, he lifted you up on his lap like you weighed nothing.
"I'm gonna let you start, little lamb, let you adjust to my size."
You nodded, your face flushed with arousal as you lowered yourself onto his cock. Slowly, the round head slid between your folds, and you bit your lip as you sank your body lower. You gasped when your pussy stretched and gaped for him, and the head finally pushed inside with a pop. A surge of pleasure went through your core, and a tiny moan escaped your lips. Oh fuck, he was so incredibly big.
Tarod grunted as he felt your tight cunt around the head of his cock, struggling to keep himself from slamming into you. He needed to be patient, and let you adjust to him first. Then, he could pound this tight, little pussy all he wanted.
You held onto his muscular shoulders as you slowly moved on top of him. With each bounce of your hips, you sank deeper and deeper. Your pussy stretched around his length, more than you ever thought possible, as more and more of his cock pushed inside you. You gasped and stared down at the bulge on your belly, amazed that your body could adapt so easily to him. Biting down on your bottom lip, you gripped his shoulders tighter as you started moving. Lifting your hips slowly, you moaned softly, feeling every inch of his cock move against your inner walls as you sank down on him again. Tarod grabbed your hips as you started to move at a gentle, steady pace, gradually adjusting to his size. Slowly, a hot, swirling sensation started to build up in your core, and you began to ride him faster, chasing that overwhelming feeling mounting in your core. Then, suddenly, Tarod made the slightest upwards movement with his hips, and a spike of sudden pleasure went through your core. You cried out as the warm sensation spread through your body like a wildfire. Your entire body jerked and twitched as your orgasm rippled through your body, and your head became a cloudy mess from the overwhelming sensations flowing through you.
"Fuck!" Tarod growled, his cock twitching at the feeling of your pussy gripping him so tightly. This was it. He couldn't hold back anymore. Holding you in a firm grip, he stood up and turned you around, placing you on your hands and knees on the floor.
Your blurry mind was abruptly woken by Tarod's cock plunging into you from behind. Back arching and eyes widening, you looked at him over your shoulder, at the erotic sight of him crouching above you and pounding his enormous member into your now gaping, soppy count. You caught something in the corner of your eyes and suddenly remembered Yolmar was there, the sight he was giving you sending another wave of pleasure through your belly. He was still stroking himself, his pace faster now, matching the pace of Tarod's hips. Yolmar's mouth was half open, his chest heaving rapidly with breathy moans as he watched Tarod's cock plunge in and out of your pussy.
All of these impressions flooding your body and mind were too overwhelming, and you couldn’t control your body anymore as another gush of pleasure swept through your body. Throwing your head back, you pressed your ass back against Tarod's hips, rutting against him erratically as your orgasm rolled like waves through your body.
Tarod growled and threw his head back at the feeling of your fluttering, clenching walls gripping his cock. He slammed into you one last time, his cock swelling and throbbing as spurts of his thick cum released into your cunt. Your eyes landed on Yolmar just as he came, and a fountain of white semen erupted from his cock and landed on the floor. You mewled softly at the sight, your pussy gently clenching around Tarod's cock still lodged inside you as your body relaxed in post-orgasmic bliss.
"Come here," Tarod boomed and lifted you up, cradling you on his lap as he sat down on his throne. "You took me so well, little lamb. Now, rest before we both take you and make you our mate."
You smiled tiredly, barely registering his words as his warm cum seeped out of you and sleep claimed your body.
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ywpd-translations · 6 months
Ride 766: The ones chasing the colored bib!!
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Pag 1
1: Those who pride themselves on their speed on flats are jumping ahead one by one!!
So fast!
2: Their goal is
3: the first result that's 10km ahead of here...
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Pag 2
1: The sprint line!!
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Pag 3
1: We're done here
Hurry up, you haven't forgotten anything?
2: Damn, road racing is so much more hectic than tennis
3: I-I'll grab that for you!
4: We have to take a different route than the race to get to the supply point ahead of time
5: They were saying that a a lot of people jumped ahead earlier right after the start
For that “something line”? Is that thing so important?
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Pag 4
1: The sprint line is the first title
2: During the Inter High there are three colored bibs you can obtain in one day: the sprint's “green bib”, the mountains' “red bib”, and the one for that day's victory, the “yellow bib”
This for all three days... nine of them in total
3: And among them, the “first day's fast sprint line” is the very first one
4: A flash situation right after the start when no one is injured or had retired yet.... out of the nine bibs that everyone can desire
5: under the same conditions, this, most of all, is the one
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Pag 5
1: when everyone has the same chances!!
2: The green bib
3: has to be mine!!
Ugh!! That guy's fast!!
4: There's a lot of show-offs from Nagoya
They mistake flashiness for strength
Real strength is
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Pag 6
2: is “thickness”!!
Th... “thickness”!?
3: I'm Oosumi from Kagoshima's Satsuma Nishi high school!!
In Kyushu “thick” means “big”!! And I won't lose against anyone when it comes to waist circumference and neck thickness!!
Ugh!! He really is huge!
4: Oosumi-kun!!
Kagoshima's Oosumi-kun!!
5: The thickest volcano in Japan is Sakurajima!!
The thickest radish in Japan is the Sakurajima radish!!
Uh... but that has nothing to do with running!!
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Pag 7
1: I want to try and see if there's a connection!!
3: If everyone has a chance, then it's not out of reach for anyone
4: That's right... the chances are equal... so
5: of course... in order to take all the bibs and regain the title
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Pag 8
1: Kanagawa's Hakone Academy is aiming for the first sprint line too!!
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Pag 9
1: “Shoot them down”?
You really wanna go, Bashi-kun?
2: Well...
3: In that case, Jou-kun will rest..
Wha!! wait, Manami, the plan....
4: We can't hold him back.... Bashi-san, please don't break your zipper
5: Even if I break it, as long as I win there's nothing to complain about!!
6: Can you do it?
Who do you think you're speaking to!!
7: I'll take it, 100%!!
My jersey, that was handed over to me by Izumida-san... and that Izumida-san got from Shinkai-san...
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Pag 10
1: Is the one with the “bib number 4”, the ace sprinter number of Hakone Academy's tradition!!
2: Ugh!! Hakogaku is moving....
The first sprint.... for Hakogaku, Doubashi is suddenly going for it?!
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Pag 11
3: Just now
4: I heard someone say that Hakogaku is moving!!
5: And earlier I got confirmation that Kaburagi moved
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Pag 12
1: The third year Doubashi is going?
That Doubashi!!
2: What should our selected team do!!
3: We have no chance of winning
So do we keep going like this and preserve our strengths?
Should we send someone!?
4: Good grief.... is there no time to calmly savor the “feeling of running”at the Inter High!! The feeling of running!!
5: Pfui...
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Pag 13
1: Of course I'm prepared for it but still!!
2: Kobayashi!! Uchikawa!!
3: You have the chance to test your legs that you've trained on the track field!!
4: Go for the green bib challenge!!
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Pag 14
1: Huh.... but
But the first attack is basically already done
If only the two of us jump ahead now from here....
2: One last train is soon coming up from behind us
He has a terrific acceleration, but if you can jump on it you can make it to the front!!
3: Ohh
4: He's coming!!
5: Seriously!? If we can then I wanna go!!
What should we do, Sugimoto-san!!
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Pag 15
1: He's here!!
5: He's huge!!
Huh!! Sugimoto-san!?
7: Kuaaaaaa!!
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Pag 16
1: Doubashii!!
2: Sugimoto-san jumped ahead....
3: and caught up to the Hakogaku guy!?
4: Huh!?
What do you want, you....
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Pag 17
1: You're Sohoku's handyman....!?
2: Can you take two people of the selcted team with you!?
I want to give them the chance to experience the sprint
3: Why are you running in the Inter High!!
4: The selected team!? So you're the one they said they called at last minute!!
Please take them with you
5: Ah!? You call that a negotiation!?
Get out of here with that selfish talk!!
6: There's no benefit for me..!! It's ridiculous!! I refuse!!
I'll make up for it!!
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Pag 18
1: When Hakogaku is in a pinch somewhere, we'll help you!! I'll take the initiative!!
3: Buah!! Oi, wait-
You!? Helping!? Hakogaku!?
Th-that's right!!
4: Buuah, that's not balanced!!
5: Please!!
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Pag 19
1: …. tch, I don't hate earnest people
2: Get on!! Selected team's guys!! But I won't care if you get shaken off!!
5: Handyman!!
I felt your spirit!!
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Pag 20
1: I'll take these guys for now
I don't expect anything though!!
Thank you Doubashi!!
He's so fast!!
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Pag 21
1: Ah I'm so glad....
Sugimoto-san is amazing.... he negotiated....
2: Now, we'll run in a formation while preserving our strength
Otherwise, if we're all scattered when they come back, they won't have a place to rest
3: Yessir!!
4: Do your best, guys
5: So fast....
It's hard, Kobayashi...
6: But we'll hold out
This is the road that Sugimoto-san negotiated for us!!
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Pag 22
2: Hakone Academy's Doubashi moved, on!!
This.... Issa-kun and Doubashi-san... could it be that it'll be like...
3: last year's matchup, on!!
4: No but, Kanzaki-chan, what you were saying earlier about the colored bibs
5: You said that counting the sprint and the climb, there's three of them for each day
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Pag 23
1: And there's no one who wants to take all three of them?
2: Yeah, since climbing and sprinting are fundamentally different running styles, there's no one
5: That is, if you exclude....
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Pag 24
1: those out-of the-ordinary people who will appear sometimes!!
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worldofkuro · 5 months
1. Alastor has insomnia ofc and he ig just lying and thinking about everything. But let me pls belive in this magic, but sometimes Alastor can get at least 2-3 hrs of sleep when Reader with him. But! It could be only if she is awake and just watching his sleep (maybe stroking his hair) because when she is asleep she is constantly moving. I really hope that when they are together he feels much better especially when his mother is with Reader's mom.
2. I wanna talk about kisses cuz i like them. Reader is the biggest fan of touching and kissind and everything. She is so touchy and sometimes she feels guilty because she knows that Alastor is not the same. But let's be honest he loves when she kisses him or touching. Even if it's just: she stands near him and speaks with another person, but her hand is on his forearm. And she just holds him and not even pay attention to it.
3. When the Reader is busy or hurry she doesn't remember basic things. She really needs Alastor to remind her smth simple, because her mind is in the different place rn. For example she could kiss him on cheeks maybe 3 or 4 times in 1 hr because she thought that she didn't do this. And thi is exactly the thing which Alastor won't remind her.
Hope you're feeling well!!! Have a nice day!
Hello there! Those were really cute an accurate headcanons ! Have a nice day too dear!
Indeed, Alastor can sleep 2-3 hours if he is lying on your chest where he can hear your heartbeat. Teen! Alastor would wait for you to fall asleep before being able to let himself rest. Alastor, as an adult, would have so much faith in you that he just needs to put his head against your chest, being lulled by your heartbeat. You could be playing with his hair, reading a book or sleeping, he would feel at ease.
Alastor craved your touch but sometimes PTSD is stronger. But most of the time, you are the one being clingy and cuddly. You would kiss him on the cheek one second and then hug him the next second because you felt like it. Alastor understands that it is how you show your affection to him, so it puts him at ease when you are touching him in front of others. He isn’t a fan of PDA, his soft side is just for you, so should yours, no need for others to see it. But always is way too proud to not show you off by his arms. Do you see this sweet creature ? Yes? They are mine so back off.
You are completely right. When you have too many things to do you forget what you have already done because you are stressing out. Alastor would watch you run everywhere as he drank his fifth cup of coffee because you thought you didn’t make him one. He would lower his cup with an amused smile when you kissed his cheek because you thought you forgot. Unless you were making yourself sick, he would keep this a secret. Ah, there was his sixth cup of coffee…
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steddieunderdogfics · 6 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: @thefreakandthehair! With thirty-nine works in the Steve/Eddie and Stranger Things tags on Archive of our Own!
In an underdogfics first, we have TWO nominators!
Our first nominator recommends the following works by @thefreakandthehair:
this is my month, I can feel it. october, baby!
never been afraid of any deviation.
scar-crossed lovers.
the answers are all inside of this.
Our second nominator, @sidekick-hero, recommends the following works by @thefreakandthehair:
over the hills and far away
meeting you was coming home.
make no plans and none can be broken.
rounding third, sliding home.
what's mine is yours (to leave or take)
Lex's brain is full of very creative scenarios, reading her writing is like reading an anthology of short stories but it's with all of your favorite characters! You get to see what they'd do in this AU or that AU, I love the exploration. It's like she's made a stew and it's simmering on the stove and you realize you're so hungry for stew as soon as you see it. <3 -- anonymous
Lex writes characters that come to life on the page while you're reading her stories. It makes it so easy to get invested in them, to feel with them and root for them to get their happy ending. She's one of these authors I would follow anywhere, any trope, any setting and universe, I am here for it. So I think more people should get to find her stories and be treated to the magic. -- @sidekick-hero
Below the cut, @thefreakandthehair answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
How can I possibly give just one reason! These two burrowed themselves into my brain like little gerbils with no hope of ever getting them out. I mean, was I supposed to hear ‘dontcha big boy?’ and be normal about it? But in all seriousness, they’re two sides of the same coin and those oppositions in character are super fun to play with!
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
It was tough to choose, but friends to lovers keeps coming up!
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
If I have to choose a particular trope, hurt/comfort would be the closest fit, but in the sense of healing past hurts together as a unit.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
This question sent me into an existential crisis and the best I could do is narrow it down to three, and even that was nearly impossible. In no particular order: We’ll Know For The First Time by KikiZ; carve your name into my chest by hexiewrites; and more recently, Among the Wildflowers by ParadimeShifts.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Rivals to Lovers in my football AU! I’ve been so excited to get moving on that one.
What is your writing process like?
Oh, I wish I had a better one. I start with a skeleton outline, pop on some music, and then pick and choose which part of the outline sparks joy in that moment. I rarely, if ever, write chronologically so I just write what feels good in the moment and then go back with a scalpel to create connective tissue.
Do you have any writing quirks?
Definitely writing out of order, I think! And if there’s one thing about me, it’s that someone is gonna have an introspective moment looking up at the stars. Someone told me it’s like my calling card and they’re not wrong.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I like a bit of both. I like to post on a schedule for multi-chapter fics but only after it’s either completely done or mostly done so that there’s no pressure to it.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Over The Hills And Far Away incorporated some personal bits of my past that were equal parts cathartic and difficult to write at times, so I’d have to say that one! It’s really satisfying to take experiences that you regret or that didn’t end the way you’d hoped and give them a different ending in fiction.
How did you get the idea for never been afraid of any deviation?
The Eddie Month prompt for that day! Me and my co-mod for the event, nostalgicbones, included Bad Reputation by Joan Jett as a prompt and as I was listening to it, it got me thinking about how Eddie is someone who cares for those in less than ideal situations— maybe even to the point of weaponizing his own bad reputation to protect someone. In this case, that was Steve!
When writing the answers are all inside of this, what was something you didn’t expect?
I didn’t expect it to become multiple chapters! That one is part of my So Much For Stardust series (that I haven’t forgotten about, I’ve just been busy with big bangs) so it was based on The Pink Seashell interlude from the album. I still don’t know exactly how a 1-minute interlude turned into a 15k multi-chapter fic, but it was super fun to let go off the rails!
What inspired scar-crossed lovers?
Also a So Much For Stardust series fic, the first one in the series, actually. I heard Heaven, Iowa for the first time and wrote this based on that song in a day. My brain just kept rotating it around like a rotisserie chicken until I wrote it.
What was your favorite part to write from scar-crossed lovers?
This is ironic because I’m not an angst-writer by nature, but writing about the slow deterioration of Eddie’s van as a symbol for the passage of time was really fun to do. Bittersweet, but it was one of those things that I didn’t realize I was doing until I was in the middle of it and once I realized, I just carried it throughout!
How do/did you feel writing never been afraid of any deviation.?
Excited! It was the first time that I wrote pre-s4 steddie (which is wild that in two years, I just wrote that for the first time last fall?) and it was so fun to do!
What was the most difficult part of writing the answers are all inside of this.?
Probably balancing the kids’ voices in the first chapter while still creating tension between Steve and Eddie.
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
It isn’t one of the fics listed here, but in no better version I could pretend to be tonight, I loved writing the line “Something about Steve feels like home, and Eddie is only familiar with houses.” Hurt/comfort, my beloved.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
I’m planning on taking a break from big bangs for a bit to focus on some super neglected WIPs, so there are a few upcoming fics I’m excited about! My Football AU, an ASMR Artist!Eddie x Insomniac!Steve AU, and I’m working on a fic called Pickup Note with sidekick-hero and firefly-party that I cannot wait to dive into fully.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
Just thank you so much for all that you do with this blog! The ship truly exploded overnight and there are so many incredible stories that I’ve completely missed just because they’ve fallen through the cracks. I really appreciate what you’re doing here and the undertaking that it’s been!
Thank you to our author, @thefreakandthehair, and our nominators, anonymous and @sidekick-hero! See more of @thefreakandthehair works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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