#and then non-stop is the closest thing i've ever had to writing music idk
monsteraficionado · 2 years
also do ryan’s bday! 11, 26, 90 :)
thank you again!!
11. Nemohamo Rumor (Groundless Rumor) - AKB48
26. Onaji Jidai ni Umareta Wakamonotachi (The young people who were born in the same generation) Live Version - Fudanjuku
90. Non-Stop - Hamilton Original Broadway Cast Recording
all bangers, tbh
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 3)
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The party in The Hills is in full swing. Music blaring, the sweet smell of bud fills the air while people laugh, dance, talk and sing. Colson and Luna had walked into the party together but were quickly pulled in different directions once they got through the door. It was Colson's birthday after all and Luna hadn't been on the west coast for a couple of years, which always turned into a circus, no matter how long she'd been gone. It seemed like everyone wanted a peice of both of them while they wanted only each other.
Colson is on the upper foyer, looking down to try to spot Luna in the sea of bodies.
"I'm never gonna find her tiny ass in here. I better make sure I get her number. I CAN NOT loose her again." He thinks to himself, frustrated.
"MOTHERFUCKING BIRTHDAY BOY!!!!!" Bellows a raspy voice, breaking Colson's thoughts.
"TOMMY!!!" He shouts back, embracing his friend.
"I got this for you. But try not to drink it all tonight. It's like a 500yr old fucking whiskey.... Or do! FUCK IT!" Tommy says laughing, handing Colson a box.
"Thanks, Man! I appreciate it!" Colson says, blue eyes bright as he opens the box and admires the bottle. "I can't guarantee it won't ALL be gone tonight!" He laughs.
"What are you doing up here? Admiring the kingdom?" Tommy asks.
Colson laughs again. "Yeah... Something like that." Then he looks at Tommy.
"If anyone's gonna get it, it's this fucking dude." Colson thinks to himself.
"Nah, Bro. It's crazy. I'm looking for this girl that I seem to always keep losing...." Colson trails off.
"Well, why you keep losing her, Dude?" Tommy prys.
Colson looks down at the masses. "Idk, Man. I told you it's crazy. I met her like 10 yrs ago without really meeting her and have been looking for her ever since." Colson looks up.
Looking over at Tommy, he says "My first show in NY, towards the end of my set, I look stage right and there's this gorgeous girl in a cheetah print coat. Our eyes locked and I swear, Dude, I got like, an instant cosmic boner. It was fucking insane. She smiled at me, and then took my picture. This all happened in like 30secs, but Tommy, Dude, it felt like slow mo. So, I look at the crowd, look back at her and she's fucking GONE! I'm like, alright, finish the set, get off stage, start looking for her. Start ASKING about her. No one knows fucking shit. It's like she's a fucking ghost, Man. I was so fucking pissed and all I can do is think and ask about this random girl from NY in a cheetah print coat who takes fucking pictures. Like, fuck me, Man, you know..." Colson takes a long pull off his joint as Tommy laughs. "So tonight" he continues "she shows up on my fucking doorstep, with the fucking picture, made into this awesome fucking art peice. Hotter than I remember. Cooler than I ever could've thought. Because all this time, she's been a fucking friend of both Pete and Ashley and I don't fucking know it because I don't know her FUCKING NAME!" Colson shouts, then suddenly laughs at the absurdity. He takes another long pull off his joint. "And now I've lost her here in THIS fucking shit show." He finishes. Looking out again to see if he can find her, puffing on his joint.
"So, do you know her name?" Tommy asks with a smirk.
"Yeah. Luna Smith. She's like some super-obscure-speakeasy-word of mouth type-person, who you have to...
Tommy cuts him off with his giant laughter. "I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! OF COURSE YOU'D FALL IN LOVE WITH FUCKING LUNATIC AND NOT BE ABLE TO FIND HER!!!" He shouts, laughing even harder, throwing his arm over Colson's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Man" he says trying to control himself. He can tell Colson's starting to become annoyed. "It's not a bad thing, it's just, that's a very Lunatic story, Man. She's the way a fucking 'Lude was, Dude. Only the coolest people know how to get ahold of her, there's NOTHING fucking like her and when she hits you, Maaan, you fucking KNOW IT!" Tommy explains, punching one fist into his other palm, laughing. "I've known her since she was a kid on the scene, taking pictures, writing songs, drawing up flyers. Pat raised her tough. They don't call her That Brooklyn Bitch for nothing!" Tommy laughs hard again. So, you can't find her?" He asks.
"Nah, Man." says Colson.
"Check it..." Tommy tells him as he leans over the railing and raises his hands to his mouth. "BROOOOOOKLYYYNNNN!!!" he bellows from above everyone.
As Colson leans over the railing too, he sees a black leather, bangled arm and one single ringed finger with a blue nail polish rise up into the air. After a moment, he sees her crain her neck around looking and they make eye contact. Never breaking it, she turns her whole body around to face him, holds her right hand up, stretches all five fingers out and smiles at him the way she did the first night he saw her.
"LOOK!!!" Tommy says with a grin.
"I am." Colson says slowly, mesmerized.
"C'mon, Dude. She's expecting you. And you know she don't stick in one spot forever." Tommy says, pulling Colson towards the stairs.
Luna's downstairs. She's been trying to make her way to the back patio with Ashley and Dom so she can smoke for what feels like the last hour now. But she keeps bumping into people who just wanna "catch up". She hates that everywhere is non smoking now and like a true New Yorker, truly hates the nosey bullshit of "catching up" without a drink and a cigarette to pass the pain. She's bumped into 10 different people by now whom she's "politely caught up" with, is fighting the urge to scream and desperately wants to find Colson. She's just about to break away to the patio when she hears it.
"MOTHERFUCKER!!! WHHHHYYYY???" She whines in her head. "Why the fuck, WHY!?!!"
Ashley stops because she hears it too. She grabs Dom as Luna stops and slowly lifts her arm. "I don't see anyone..." Ashley says. Luna looks over her right shoulder scanning the crowd. It only takes a second for their eyes to lock.
"Oh! Thank Fuck, it's Colson." Her mind sighs in relief, all irritation floating away. She can feel a wave of heat wash over her, her body moving on autopilot, while her face flushes and slowly creeps into a huge smile. It's been years since anyone has made her feel alive and she can't help but feel terrified and excited by him all at the same time. Her lips swell as their gaze breaks only as he heads towards the stairs to meet her. "Not everyone is th...."
"So..." Ashley says, interrupting her thoughts "what's up with you and Kells? You two can't seem to keep your hands off each other." She says smiling. Luna blushes and looks away. "Don't be shy, Loons, it's not a bad thing. Actually, I've never...."
"MOTHERFUCKING LUNATIIIIC!!!!!" Ashley's words are lost in the air as Tommy bum rushes Luna with a huge bear hug, swinging her high.
She laughs, once back on solid ground. "How are you, Doll?" She asks smiling.
"Great!" He replies. Colson has joined them and has his arm draped around Luna. She looks up at him.
"Do you feel alright?" She asks.
"Baby, I feel fucking WONDERFUL!!!" He shouts before leaning down to kiss her.
Tommy interrupts them "This is cool. Kinda wondering, though, what's gonna happen with a Lunatic, hanging out with this fucking maniac." referring to Colson. "I can't wait to see the shit the two of you get into!!" he laughs.
One look. Colson leans back down to kiss Luna knowingly.
"Outside to smoke and refill?" Luna asks, lifting her cup.
"You read my mind, Beautiful." replies Colson with a grin. "Oh, and put your number in my fucking phone too." He says, handing it to her as he easily leads her RIGHT outside. FINALLY. She looks up at him satisfied and happily obliges. As she pulls a cigarette out, he reaches over. "Let me get that for you." He's offering up his open flame.
"Jesus Christ he's on fucking point." She thinks smiling as she leans in.
The party rages on. Manson pops in. Dildos are given as gifts. Baze gets so high he almost falls through a table. A fist fight breaks out and an orgy happens in the pool. People begin to pass out or leave. Luna decides she's gonna stay with Colson, they're both still pretty functional and are enjoying each other's company. She promises Ashley she'll call her when she wakes up and will have Colson drop her off once he heads home tomorrow.
Pete lays on the couch in the living room. He can't help but worry about his friends. He's known Luna for ages, so long that he knew Justin too. They were both two of his closest friends coming up.
"Fuck, Man. Why you'd have to do it?" He thinks of Justin sadly. Colson is also one of his best friends and Pete knows his demons too. As always his mind drifts to his dad. "UGH! So much fucking death. I can't deal with this tonight." He thinks as he pops a kpin, rolls over and tries to think about anything other than heartache.
Colson and Luna sit pool side, holding hands while her head rests against his upper arm. Intimate conversation dripping all night. Leaving them both to think....
"I wonder if I should tell her..." He ponders.
"How do I even tell him something like this. He's gonna fucking RUN." She worries.
To be continued....
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