#and then quickly spiraled into 'let obi-wan swear at least once
katierosefun · 4 years
Can I ask two numbers? 1 and 58 kinda where you started and where you ended up lol.
aaah, yes! thanks for the ask, anon!!! 
1 is my next chapter of time, wondrous time,,,,which i have not updated in a hot second, but am still writing. but anyways, the snippet i wrote just now: 
“Now, remember, Hondo’s very—”
“I know what Hondo’s like,” Ahsoka said, taking her cloak. “We’ve all met him.”
“Yes, and the last time you met him, you were captured,” Obi-Wan pointed out.
“Like you haven’t?” Ahsoka asked loftily. She tugged the hood over her head. “I still remember how you and Master Skywalker—”
Anakin coughed. “Can we…not? At least not in front of…” He jerked his head behind himself, to where Luke and Leia perked up in their seats. At their father’s dismissal, they both sank back into their seats, looking equally disappointed.
Ahsoka winked at them. “That’s a story for another time, then.”
“No,” Anakin said. “Not a story for another time.”
“Definitely for another time,” Ahsoka said. She looked at Obi-Wan, still smiling as she said, “Wait until everyone learns about how Master Kenobi agreed to—”
It was Obi-Wan’s turn to cough. “Well,” he said, “best not keep you waiting. It would be a shame if you left our pirate friend waiting.”
“Please,” Ahsoka said. “He’ll probably show up late anyways.”
and 58 is,,,,,,,a fic,,,,,,,where obi-wan’s vocabulary is...............more relaxed....also tentatively titled let him swear but that’s kind of a crack title tbh
Ahsoka turned around and, groaning, said, “Give me a second.”
She walked out of the room, the door sliding shut behind herself. A moment later, Anakin heard two things: Ahsoka’s sharp “Master Kenobi! Back here! Now!” and then a concerningly loud thump.
Anakin frowned. He set down the data pad, opened the door, peered out—
And found Ahsoka dragging Obi-Wan. Actually dragging Obi-Wan, one hand wrapped around his arm and the other clutching the wall to keep them from both falling down, Anakin realized. Because Obi-Wan wasn’t quite standing upright, leaning both into the wall and into Ahsoka like a sack of potatoes. Which would have been funny, if Anakin wasn’t already looking for injuries.
“Hang on,” Anakin said, rushing forward. “Is he—”
“He’s fine,” Ahsoka grunted. “But he’s supposed to go accompany Senator Amidala in the Senate meeting later today, but the meds are still—”
“Loopy,” Obi-Wan said suddenly, jerking up his head. “Fucking loopy.”
At that, both Anakin and Ahsoka stilled.
Anakin looked at Obi-Wan, then at Ahsoka.
“Did he just—”
“Do you see the problem?”
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ilonga · 4 years
The Phantom Menace in my Avatar Au
posting it separately for organization purposes!! 
here’s an overview of the avatar au:
you can find snippets, asks, and more info under the tag “star wars/avatar au” on my tumblr!!
anyways, here it is:
So Anakin lived with Shmi in a poor Earth nation village filled with workers like them and more or less owned by the earthbender Watto. The workers (farmers, for the most part) only got to keep a little of their share for themselves and were basically terrorised by Watto day and night. Watto considered the workers below him and enjoyed lauding his power over them and making them suffer. He used his earthbending to intimidate and terrify them (pinning them down in the Earth when they displeased him, on one notable occasion throwing a rock down on someone’s arm and crippling them for life). If he was displeased with someone, he’d often pin their arms and legs in rock and leave them there, with no food or water, until his whims were satisfied and he let them out.
One of Anakin’s earliest memories was trying to sneak his mother food and water the countless times it happened to her (it happened to him once, too, and he’d never been so terrified in his life).
Save Anakin and one older woman who was an airbender, there were no other benders in that village. Both hid it for fear of what Watto would do to them if he found out (they could have been separated from their families, maybe, or used for much more dangerous or difficult tasks. On a much darker note, if Watto was in a particularly bad mood, he might have tried to cripple and kill them so they couldn’t inspire or help the workers fight back).
Watto, raised in a rich family, had decided against joining Raava’s Order at a young age, a decision that his father (who also tyrannised the workers in a similar way) supported. He enjoyed the fruits of his workers labor and lived rather lavishly if anything.
So that was their early life.
Padme Amidala, a nonbender and daughter of Jobal, a leader of the Northern Water tribe, was about twelve or thirteen years old when the vicious spirit Maul began terrorising her people. She was a talented archer and hated feeling helpless more than anything. So when representatives of Raava’s Order Qui-gon Jinn and Obi-wan Kenobi came to aid the Water Tribes and track down and defeat the spirit, she snuck along with them as they were tracking Maul. Obi-wan was around nineteen or twenty at the time and considered a tremendously talented waterbender, and Qui-gon Jinn, just like in canon, was quite unorthodox and independent. The two had a healthier relationship than in canon (Qui-gon had accepted and wanted Obi-wan as his apprentice right away rather than the somewhat cruel back and forth that happened in canon).
When they figure out that Padme snuck along, Qui-gon’s rather worried and Obi-wan rather annoyed, but she really is a talented archer and a talented diplomat, and she wins them over quickly enough. Qui-gon can’t help but think she reminds him of a young Obi-wan, and Obi-wan himself at the very least admires her determination.
So. They’re tracking the spirit Maul, who eventually leads him to the isolated village where Anakin and his mother live. They lose track of him (he probably disappears into the surrounding forest) and they seek lodging at the village until they draw Maul out and defeat him. Anakin, who is about ten or eleven at the time, notices them first and takes them to his mother, who in turn directs them to Watto. Anakin doesn’t reveal his bending to them immediately, although it’s clear they suspect something, and once he realizes that they’re from the Order, he has a heated discussion with his mother about it.
“Mom, they could help us,” he says, thinking of Watto and how if anyone would be able to subdue him, it’d be benders of Raava’s Order. He’s cautious, of course, but they’re not earthbenders so they can’t be that bad, can they? And that girl, Padme, was really pretty…
“No,” his mother says, thinking of how Watto’s family has been in power for generations and they always manage to escape the suspicion of outsiders, “but they could help you.”
Watto, on the other hand, is simultaneously thrilled that such important people are visiting, but worried at being found out. So he makes no secret of his earthbending but curbs his visible cruelty and covertly threatens the workers not to let a word of it slip.
So Qui-gon, Obi-wan, and Padme find lodging within the workers’ huts (Watto kicks some workers out of there and moves them into others’ huts because of course he does, which they’re not aware of) and Anakin reveals his bending to them. And they’re excited because a new possible member of Raava’s Order!! But also, alarm bells are going off in their heads because why is this kid so secretive about it and why does he feel he needs to hide his firebending?
They talk to Shmi, and they notice that both her and Anakin avoid talking about Watto entirely, although Anakin’s facial expressions and body language are a lot more expressive. But they notice Shmi’s bruises, and they notice the way both of them tend to subtly flinch whenever Watto, work, or even bending is mentioned. So now they have two things they’re worrying about: Maul, and the condition of the workers in this town (none of that “I didn’t come here to free the slaves” stuff this time around; they’re openly worried, and if there’s something wrong, they want to do something about it). And also, they start to care about the two. Obi-wan takes a liking to Anakin more or less immediately, and Shmi is so kind and so steadfast that the three of them can’t help but admire her.
The next day, Obi-wan and Qui-gon start tracking Maul again. Padme stays behind in the village to observe. Anakin and Padme bond a bit (in a friendly way, definitely not romantically (although maybe slight crushes are involved?)–they’re kids!! ok!! and since there’s way less of an age difference they can just be kids together, enjoying each other’s company). Anakin shows off the tricks he’s managed to teach himself in secret over the years. Padme shows off her archery. They bond over the whole “I hate feeling helpless” spiel and caring a lot about their moms. And although Anakin doesn’t explicitly say it’s Watto he hates being helpless against, they both know who he’s talking about. Padme resolves to do something. That something, she decides, is talking circles around Watto until she can get him to admit to something so that her, Obi-wan, and Qui-gon can move against him openly.
In the meantime, night has fallen once Obi-wan and Qui-gon finally track Maul down. There’s a quick skirmish and they realize Maul is much more dangerous than they anticipated. Then the battle starts in earnest.
It’s long, and messy, and they’re exhausted and still fighting when the sun comes up. They’ve also been slowly getting closer and closer to the village as the battle goes on, and eventually they reach the village proper and now the workers are in danger too. There’s a lot of commotion and Watto comes out of his house (mansion, practically) to see what’s going on.
The three are fighting and Maul lands a hit on Qui-gon that knocks him out of commission, so now two things happen at once:
1) Anakin reveals his bending to the whole village (+Watto) when he steps in to ward off an attack from Maul
2) Maul’s next hit kills Qui-gon
So now, again, two things are happening at once. Obi-wan, furious, finishes off the duel with Maul and kills him (for good). Watto, on the other hand, having seen a demonstration of Anakin’s bending, is furious out of his mind. All thoughts of hiding his cruelty from the outsiders gone, he tries to hurt Anakin, probably alongside mad ravings about Anakin “threatening him”, “defying his power”, “how dare he”, and all that jazz.
It all happens so quickly. Watto throws a rock or something aiming for Anakin, Shmi pushes him out of the way, and Shmi gets trapped under the rock in Anakin’s place. It’s clear she isn’t going to survive. There’s a lot of yelling and reactions, from the village, from Obi-wan who’s still in shock from Qui-gon and Maul’s deaths, from Anakin who’s horrified and furious out of his mind. But Padme’s the one who acts first. She shoots an arrow at Watto, almost as soon as she sees what he’s going to do, and it lands through his heart right after Shmi is crushed.
So now they’re all in shock, yay!
Anyways, Shmi’s last words to Anakin are to go with the benders and Padme and to go learn from Raava’s Order, and that she’ll always be proud of him and loves him dearly. She also tells him to make sure Beru is taken care of and make sure Beru knows Shmi loved her.
Anakin promises.
Qui-gon’s last words to Obi-wan are that he’s proud of him, he loves him, and please take care of the people they’ve found that he’s leaving behind.
Watto has no last words. He dies alone and in shock at being defied for the first time in his life.
The next two days pass in a strange haze. The village is now free, for once in their life. They rebuild and heal, and they form a new leadership where everyone has a voice and no one will be abused again. Padme offers them refuge, should they want it, amongst the waterbenders, but most of them refuse. Beru tells Anakin he should go train with the Order, but that she’s staying here, at the village, with Owen and the others. He tells her to take care of herself and that Shmi loved her like her own daughter. There are tears.
Obi-wan, on the other hand, is grieving. Mostly for Qui-gon, but also for Shmi, the kind woman he’d only known for a few days. Anakin is the one who helps him stay sane and not spiral into his grief and guilt at not being able to defeat Maul before Qui-gon was killed, and Obi-wan helps him in turn with the same. The two bond, and Obi-wan swears to himself that he’ll take Anakin back to the Order and train him himself. He’s not leaving this kid behind.
So they have their funerals, and begin to head back (the shock’s still in place for the three of them, really). Padme and Anakin agree to stay in contact as much as they can, and Obi-wan takes Anakin to the order as Padme heads back home and reunites with her mother (who definitely has a lecture in store for her but is also rather proud). Obi-wan formally takes Anakin on as his apprentice, and though Raava’s Council certainly has questions about what the hell happened in that village, there isn’t so much of an overt objection to Anakin joining as there was in canon. The more traditionalist faction of the council is all “this isn’t how it’s done!!” because usually kids come to the order much earlier and have been partially trained in their element before becoming a padawan, so there are some protests there, and there are some people who are like “isn’t this kid pretty traumatised?? are you guys going to be ok?”, but for the most part they’re like “yeah, train the kid. have fun.”. There’s also mourning rites for Qui-gon, of course.
So now Anakin, who’s been hiding his bending all his life, begins his training with Obi-wan, his new pseudo-older-brother-figure who he’s growing increasingly reliant on and who’s growing increasingly reliant on him to cope with their respective losses of parental figures. Anakin has a lot to unlearn, especially with the whole showing my bending = bad bit, and also has to learn basic control and stuff, which Obi-wan, a waterbender, has to figure out how to teach him (usually padawans have already learned the basics by the time a master picks them, especially since their master will bend a different element). But Anakin’s powerful and a quick learner, and Obi-wan is nothing if not stubborn, so they get there, slowly (and by enlisting the help of other firebenders in the Order--Master Dooky being one of them).
On the other hand, Palpatine takes notice of this new addition to the Order, especially the kid’s… unique (haha more like ripe for manipulation and grooming) circumstances. Because yes, Anakin’s a bender, but he’s a bender who has strong cause to be traumatised and afraid, and distrust, other benders. Plus he just lost his mother in one of the most traumatising ways possible, so he’s emotionally vulnerable for sure. This makes him perfect for Palpatine’s purposes, because he’s a firebender (which Palpatine, a firebender who has been hiding his own bending for nefarious purposes, favors), he’s reliant on emotional support, and he’s in a unique position where even as a bender, if Palpatine plays his cards right, he can be turned against other benders (especially if he’s convinced that other benders will use their powers to suppress or hurt others).
So Palpatine reaches out, slowly at first, and how could one say no to the Firelord?
And such, the story’s begun.
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happythedragon18 · 7 years
More Writing YAY
This was originally a prompt from @writing-prompt-s, but I can’t find it soo uh. Yeah. Lol, enjoy!
I was sick of it. Everyone gets tired of filing and paying their taxes at some point- it’s just how it works. But I was especially done with paying for other people’s goods and services. I wanted a break, only for the rest of my life.
Us adults don’t think about it too often, but a world where we don’t have to panic over whether some useless tax is overdue or not sounds like a safe haven- a paradise, even. We don’t get the opportunity to think about it, because we know it will never become a reality.
So, I decided to be one out of a million and try to do something about it. Our government is extremely complicated- so doing something so mundane as sending a letter would be turned into a big ordeal- but I had to at least try.
I did some research, and it turned out that tax breaks were a real thing. It basically meant that the government would select people they collectively thought deserved to carry less weight on their shoulders and give them a, well, break from taxes. Not entirely, though- those few people still had to pay up, but a significantly less amount.
I knew that getting a tax break would pretty much never happen to me, so I decided to write a completely bogus letter to the government themselves to see if they would even bother to read it, or if they were feeling especially generous, respond to it.
Entitled to the Entire Body of the U.S Government,        Hello. You probably don’t know me, but my name is Laquisha.
I know the people reading this are wondering why I used the name Laquisha for this, and to that I respond with: why the hell wouldn’t I? On with the letter.
It’s not a very popular name. Anyways, I’m writing this letter to complain. To every single one of you. About taxes, to be specific.
First of all: who the fuck thought those were a good idea? Seriously? Every day I wake up thinking- ‘Hey, you know what would be great right now? If I could go and basically waste all of my money on goods and services. For other people though, not myself. Because why would I want to live in a house with a refrigerator and a bed when I could be outside, on the pavement. In a cardboard box with 19-day-old clothing still on my back. I would totally go for something like that!’
And I swear to God if one of the people reading this brings up the fact that the government 'desperately needs that extra money’ I will drive myself up to Washington D.C (or wherever the hell the government is based, for all I know it could be in Montana) and tell you all to go fuck yourselves. Or to screw yourselves, in case the language was a bit too vulgar for you cowards.
You guys get tax revenue from like, every state. And when you count (on your fingers) how many that is, you get 50. 50! And the population density of this entire country is not a low number, I assure you. And because you guys decided the tax rate needed to be extremely high to the point where some people struggle to even survive because of it, you get a LOT of money from the country as a whole.
Yeah, yeah, you can say that the country is in a completely stupid amount of debt right now- like, trillions of dollars debt- but I would answer that by simply saying to stop getting involved in every. Goddamn. War. Or even small conflict. A lot of the time it’s just a waste of money, and if you had half of a brain you would realize that it isn’t worth spending MORE money on. The United States isn’t the fucking 'almighty police’ country. In fact, it’s one of the youngest countries out there. So please stop acting like you know EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS SHIT, because I promise you, you don’t.
Basically, what I’m saying is to lower the goddamn tax rate or I will actually murder someone. Everyone involved in the government agency is a complete idiot. Please stop acting like a child that knows everything about the world, when in reality, that child is 2 years old and just talking up to the other kids so that they seem smart.
It is not my fault this country is in such large debt, so don’t take it out on me.        Sincerely, Laquisha.
I ended the letter pretty nicely, I would say. I was actually quite proud of how salty I managed to be to the people who are in charge of making sure our country doesn’t fall into anarchy. I put the letter in an envelope, looked up the right address to send it to, and put it in the mailbox.
The next day, I woke up to the most bizarre scenario. Imagine you have just gone to another country (or state, even) and you have literally no idea where the fuck anything is, so you end up asking for help. That feeling of being lost is terrifying, because for once you don’t know where you are or what is happening.
Now multiply that feeling by one million and- bingo! That’s basically my entire standpoint.
I’m in a bed, but it isn’t my own. And believe me when I say that, because I know when I’m in a bed that isn’t mine. My bed is quite the rare find, if you know what I mean.
I quickly got up and tried to look at my surroundings, but all I saw was white. I decided to just sit down and wait it out to see if anyone would come by. I wasn’t about to go walking on (literal) sunshine, who do you think I am? A Gryffindor?
Yes, I’ve read Harry Potter. Don’t judge me for that reference.
As I was waiting for what felt like a century, I heard what almost sounded like a faint shouting. But it wasn’t just one person shouting, it was multiple. It sounded like at least 600 people were yelling for no apparent reason. I brushed it off. If I was going to be trapped in this wacky version of Hell forever, I wasn’t gonna take the chance of walking to see what the commotion was all about.
But I couldn’t keep my cool when someone walked in. Actually, I wouldn’t even call it walking- more like phasing into existence right in front of me.
I couldn’t help it: I screamed. And don’t you tell me that I’m a wimp for that either, because I know some of you would pee your pants if you were in my current situation.
“I’m sorry we had to bring you in like this, Mr… ah- what was it again?” I didn’t get the time to finish cursing, and the person (?) in front of me quickly checked something in their arms. It looked like a clipboard, but for all I knew, it could’ve been some kind of death weapon that would incinerate me if I so much as opened my mouth.
“Aha! Mr. Reyes, that’s it.” So it was a clipboard.
“Yeah, heh, that’s me. Hey, quick question?”
“Yes?” the figure responded.
“Who the hell are you, what am I doing here, where is here, how the actual fuck do you know my last name, what’s going on-”
“I see you’re quite feisty,” they said. I’m calling this thing a 'they’ because I don’t know if it goes by human gender stereotypes or not and I wasn’t about to be that guy. So.
“To sum this up quickly- that letter you wrote has spiraled out of control. The entire country has read it- and before you ask the inevitable question of how, it was shown on the news- and they are praising you for it.”
“Wait, back up.” I decided to throw all caution to the wind; what did I have to lose at this point, right? “You’re saying that pretty much everyone in the United States read my letter and thinks that I should be praised for it?”
“Well, to put it simply- yes,” they told me. “That shouting you hear is millions of people gathered to see you. And to answer your question: they want to see you because they have realized that everything you stated in your letter was complete fact, even if it was a bit, ah, harsh.”
“And you expect me to go along with this?” I exclaimed. Seriously, Wednesday was turning out to be a lot more eventful than I had planned.
“Yes, I am,” they said firmly. “You are their leader now. You are the only one they trust at this point. Apart from each other I suppose- but even then that trust is very little in it’s accountability.”
"Um, okay Princess Leia? I’m sorry, but I’m not Obi Wan Kenobi- I’m not your only hope. Go find someone else to lead your wreck of a country.”
They didn’t look very pleased with what I had said, but I didn’t give a shit. I wanted to go home. I didn’t care about all of this one bit.
“I can’t let you do that.”
“Excuse me?” I said, outraged at this, this thing’s audacity. “You transport me to some random white room in the middle of who-knows-where, tell me that millions of people read my letter- which was a joke, by the way- and want to worship me as if I’m some sort of god, and you want me to just shut my mouth and go along with it? I don’t even know who- or what- you are, but you’re crazy.”
They sighed. “Look, I do not expect you to understand, but they need you. Do you want your country to fall into complete and utter ruin?”
“I guess not,” I mumbled.
“Then suck it up and go out there. Be the leader they all think you are.”
I was still really skeptical, and for the next few days I would be really, really frustrated and confused and homesick. Like I said: Wednesday was wild. But after a while- and I mean a while- I got used to it. Really, running the country isn’t that hard when you think about it. When it comes down to it, all you need is a brain and two eyes and you’re set.
I wasn’t happy, not at all, but whatever. At least I was doing a better job than whatever we used to call a government. Which, by the way, have I mentioned that they are- were, my bad- complete shit? No? Well, they were complete shit.
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