#and then sprayed so much cologne in this tiny room that I feel like I’m choking
weed-hotel · 8 months
staying in a hostel is the worst thing ever invented. actually
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Could I get a Hawks in his rut headcanon?
No problem, Anon! I’m sorry this took so long, I wanted it to be perfect since I really like thinking about Hawks’ avian traits, and I know people really like it too. I hope it’s good! 
Hawks Rut Headcannons
Genre: fluff, smut
Type: headcannons (so... many... headcannons)
Warnings: animal traits, Keigo being possessive af, the commission being assholes, sickness, food, breeding kink, lots of horny times
Other: most of this is based off of real research, but some of it also comes from personal preference. @keilemlucent and their fic Best Nest very much inspired many other headcannons, check them outI They’re one of my favorite creators, and the linked fanfic is one of my favorites! Hope it’s okay I tagged you here lmao
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (Lemme know if you wanna be added to or removed from the Taglist)
Remember to check if requests are open before sending in a request. This was made while requests were still open.
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Pre-Rut Behaviors
Grooming and Preening
Before his rut, Keigo starts to feel dirty. He just seems to accumulate more dust and dirt during hero work than usual. He’ll come back home grumbling about blood in his hair and little bits of concrete in/on his skin.
He will insist you clean him off. So you get to brush his hair, put creams on his face, and wash him off in the shower.
Finally, there’s the preening. If he lets you preen his wings, then you know he’s in it for life. He loves and trusts you with everything he has. 
Expect him to press his nose against yours a lot.
Possessiveness and Protection
You’ll notice he gets more clingy, more possessive of you. He gets really controlling in the days leading up to his rut, so you’ll be annoyed a  l o t.
Just text all your friends and family that you’ve been swamped at work, it’d be a little weird to say “hey guys, sorry I can’t hang out, my boyfriend’s horomones are crazy right now and he gets really insecure if I so much as exist near anyone but him.”
You would come home from work and he’s already on you, sniffing your body to see who you’ve been around, and to see if any of them were attracted to you at all.
If he had any kind of sneaking suspicion that anyone posed a threat, he’s literally laying on you and rolling on top of you to try and get his scent on you. Even if no one will smell it except him, he’s gonna do it.
He’s so protective of you, and if something tiny hurts you or makes you upset...
Someone was rude to you? He’s screaming at them.
Someone tries to hurt or touch you? You’ve got to hold him back to stop him from ripping that person apart limb from limb.
All that x100 when he’s approaching his rut.
One person accidentally bumps into you? He takes it as passive aggressiveness even if they’re very apologetic about it.
You stub your toe on a table? He’s smashed the table and burnt it then thrown the ashes in the ocean. 
If you’re sad about something he can’t beat up, he feels horrible. He’s not the best at comforting people, so he’s just grabbing onto you and not letting go, telling you how much he loves and cares for you, and just how amazing you make his life feel.
If you don’t give him enough attention, he gets really huffy, and it gets worse leading up to his rut. 
You lifted your hands from his head to reach for your buzzing phone? He’s already whining and pouting and begging you to give him more head-pats again.
He’ll leave hints asking for you to make a nest, usually saying things like “Our bed needs some changing, don’t you think?” “Don’t you wish our space was more personalized?” 
If you don’t get the hint, he’ll be very sad, and he thinks you’re rejecting him. So you’d better be good at reading into things and realizing he’s approaching mating season and wants you to build a nest.
He comes home one day and sees you piled blankets, pillows, and dirty clothes in the living room, sprayed with his cologne and you’re cologne and/or perfume. He pulls you into his arms and spins around with you, giggling and laughing.
He’s so happy you made a nest for the two of you. 
He starts putting pretty shiny things he likes around the nest. Your toothbrush went missing and you found it in the mountain that was your nest.
Once, you were in desperate need of a clean shirt, and the only clean shirt you could find was in the nest. So you picked it up to put it on, and two seconds later, Keigo was in front of you, hands in your shirt, staring at you with such a fierce intensity, you felt almost like a villain.
He was very mad at you for taking things from your shared nest.
He leaves feathers all around the penthouse, but they’re all piled mostly around the nest, they’re for your protection so don’t try and throw them away.
He also gets really noisy, so he’ll be ‘singing’ and squawking and cooing constantly. He feels really bad about it so he might get you some noise-blocking headphones for when he’s screeching into the sky in the dead of night about how “THIS IS MY FUCKING TERRITORY Y’ALL MOTHERFUCKERS STAY AWAYYYY!”
You really think bird’s springtime songs are about love? Nah he’s mostly screaming about how he’s gonna fuck his partner and how the neighborhood  practically belongs to him.
Someone called the police once, tired of all the shouting, but the officers backed off when they saw who was doing all the shouting. Most of your neighbors are used to the screaming during early spring.
Rut End-game
On the third and second to last day before his rut, he gets a sudden burst of energy and an increased appetite. He refuses to eat anything unless you’ve made it though, so let’s best hope you can cook at least a little.
When he was younger, his hungry times before his rut were spent either eating anything and everything he can get his hands on. The commission broke that behavior very quickly though, so he’d starve himself before his rut, which would result in him getting very sick from a lack of energy and sustenance. That plus the extreme arousal was a recipe for pain and suffering.
So when you noticed he suddenly stopped eating, you insisted on making food for him, telling him that you wouldn’t let him go hungry ever. That was the first rut in years that didn’t feel like torture.
You’re cooking almost all the time, and he’s constantly eating everything you give him, running around from room to room while he waits for his next meal. He’s basically a hobbit.
In the last day or two before his rut, he suddenly has no energy, and starts getting hot and cold flashes. He’s sniffling, curled up in your shared nest, dirty tissues surrounding him. He comes in and out of consciosness, and when he’s awake, he’s whining and complaining about exhaustion and aches.
Physical Changes
Most of these happen in the last few days leading up to his rut, so it’ll be very sudden. These physical changes is what causes the extreme hunger and sickness.
His feathers darken several shades, and they become super sensitive. They also seem to grow in size, so when you cuddle, you’re smothered by them more than usual.
He also gains an extra couple inches in height, so expect some teasing now that he’s just that little bit taller. His hair also gets thicker and stronger, that’s so you can pull on it when he fucks you.
His nails get longer and darker, and they’re impossible to file or cut. So when he holds you and touches you, he often scratches you on accident. He’s really apologetic about it, but honestly you could totally paint his nails and pretend they’re acrylics if you’re into that.
His teeth get sharper, and he starts biting you just for fun. Bites your finger, hand, wrist, neck, even your nose. He underestimated just how strong his teeth are, and he made you bleed first time he bit you.
His whole body is very sensitive, so head-pats, back rubs, wings, and even his touching his feet can get him to the verge of cumming.
his tongue is longer, and it’s a whole lot stronger. He could probably carry a full plastic water bottle with his tongue (which isn’t a lot, but for a tongue it’s very much a lot).
His voice drops a whole octave and a half- mans is sounding almost like Corpse now. Maybe Markiplier? Anyways, if you’ve got a voice kink, you’re in luck
His dick changes too, it gets bigger, and he grows a lump at the base of it, between his shaft and balls. His balls get smaller until they’re barely noticable beneath what he calls him ‘knot.’
His eyes become sharper too, so don’t try and hide anything from him. 
Everyone already knows Keigo has a breeding kink, but he hasn’t brought it up with you until now. It just kind of- happens. As he’s drilling into you, he suddenly starts blabbering about fucking a kid into you, and how hot you’d look all round with his kids. Might be a little weird for those of you who physically cannot give birth to children (my lovely AMABS and infertile AFABS). 
He can’t control it, so it’s especially weird if you don’t even want kids. If you can get pregnant, you’d better double check that you’re taking your birth control. And get to know some good clinics just in case.
However, if you do want kids, if you want to start a biological family woth Keigo, fuck. You will not be able to handle his happiness and horniness in that moment when you beg him to get you pregnant.
He is going to mark you up. Hickies, bruises, hand prints, bite marks, plus his scent. He needs everyone to know that you are his. He wants to claim you, make sure you know you belong to him. No one else can have you but him.
Halfway through your fuckfest, he starts making animalistic noises. He’s growling, roaring, whining, chirping, etc. This is around the time when he stops thinking about you, so he’ll really rough you up during this phase.
This man was a virgin before you, so this is also the first rut he’s ever going to have with another person, so he’ll hold himself back a lot. He needs you to reassure him at every step, tell him how good you feel, how you want him to fuck you, how not only are you okay with him going all out, you want him too.
Did he just cum? You think you’re finished? HA! No way in fucking hell is he finished after one, two, five, ten... so many rounds. He just keeps going and going and going and how the fuck is he still hard? He cums so fucking quickly, so much, and then keeps going.
When he finally does go soft, his whole personality changes. it’s like he didn’t just fuck you stupid. He immediately goes into ‘protect’ mode, which includes cuddles, him spoon-feeding you, petting you like a dog, and singing to you.
He puts the nest near a window so he can keep an eye out for possible threats. Just like “gotta keep mate safe. Is that the mailman? NO FUCK NO GET OUT OF HEREEEE!” 
One moment, he’s fucking you, and the next he’s leaning halfway out the window, screaming at some poor dude walking his dog. Remember, he’s still naked. You learned your lesson after that and kept the windows locked, and warned the neighbors to stay out of sight of the window, at least for the time being.
You’re going to feel very dirty, because he does not want you cleaning off the sweat, cum, and tears from your body. He likes that you smell like him, and you washing it off makes him feel rejected. 
He’s going to break a lot of things, so move pictures and vases into another room and lock the fuck out of that room. Or else he will break all of it.
He thinks any clothes you’re wearing are mocking him, so wear clothes you hate when his rut starts, then get used to being naked for a couple days. 
Oh yeah, his whole rut lasts one to five days. He’s fucking you for about three days on average.
He fucks you until you faint, and then keeps going until he’s out of ‘fuck’ mode and into ‘protect’ mode. A few times, he fucked you unconscious in the middle of the afternoon and then kept fucking you until the sun rose. 
Yeah, he’s got that much energy.
Don’t worry, during the whole time, he lets out pheromones with a strong vanilla-chocolaty scent that keeps your body and mind relaxed. 
There’ve been times when he’s just fucking into you and your water bottle is just out of reach.
During his rut, he has no shame. Let’s hope your walls are soundproofed, or else your neighbors will all know how he fucks you. 
He will not restrain you or hurt you in any way during his rut. So no degredation, no collars or chains, the only thing keeping you in the nest is his weight on top of you.
He gets upset if you try to touch yourself, things it’s you trying to tell him that he’s not satisfying you enough. 
He wants you to cum as many times as him, which is difficult because of his increased sensitivity, so he’s using every skill he knows to get you cumming again and again and again.
Most of the time, he’s going hard, rough, and spilling absolute filth from his cock and mouth, but in the last few hours of his rut, he suddenly gets emotional.
He’s rocking up against you, holding you close to his body and blabbering about you
How much he loves you
How good you make him feel
How he wouldn’t want anyone else by his side for his rut
How you’re his mate for life
How he’ll protect you and keep you safe.
Please be gentle with him, he’s very vulnerable near the end of his rut, and he’ll cry very easily.
When he’s nearing his last load, he makes out with you sloppily, trying to talk as he shoves his tongue down your throat.
He finishes off by  pushing his knot all the way inside you, and stays there for an hour.
This is the softest moment, and he’s covering your body in kisses. 
His knot pushes these small eggs inside you, and you have the lovely job of pushing them all out the next day. 
Post Rut
When his knot deflates, he finally pulls out and starts cleaning you off. 
He’ll carry you around and finally gives you a bath, constantly making sure you’re okay.
He’ll give you lots of massages and he’ll cook for you. He’s constantly thanking you for helping him, telling you he didn’t deserve it.
Just kiss him on the cheek, tell him you had fun, and that you love him so very very much.
He needs the most reassurance now than ever before.
He’s also very tired, so you’ll be taking care of each other.
Then his ‘post-rut’ resets, and he sleeps for hours.
Then he gets super hungry, and the two of you make huge meals and just kinda binge eat for a day or two.
Then his physical changes go back to normal, and you have a happy lil bird boy who simps for you so hard
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aurorablue22 · 3 years
Reunited - Sirius Black x Reader
Summary/(A/N): After 14 years, Harry’s Godmother is finally reunited with her husband. I made this sort of specific to whatever my own mind came up with; (Y/N) is Harry’s Godmother, and has of course known the Marauders since their school days. She’s known Harry since the events of POA, and she took him in. Harry and (Y/N) have lived together for the past two years, and although Harry has met and seen Sirius, the most that (Y/N) has received is letters. Finally, in OOTP, they’re reunited. 
Warnings: None really, maybe a lil’ kissing scene <3 
“Good morning my dear!” you said as you walked into the kitchen, where Harry was cracking an egg over the frying pan.
“Mornin’ (Y/N).” he smiled, and you walked over to him.
“Y’know Harry, you don’t have to make breakfast for us. Even after all this time I feel bad-”
“(Y/N), I’m fine, I promise. Besides, I already made you tea.” he nodded towards the counter, and you gave a pouty smile as you picked up the mug. “Sweet boy.” you cooed, and ruffled his hair. 
You and your godson were enjoying whatever Harry had whipped up, and talking about the strange dream he had last night, when an owl tapped on the window. You took a swig from your tea mug and lifted the latch, letting the dusty creature inside. It gave a polite hoot, and you bowed your head in return. 
You unfastened the letter from the owl’s foot while Harry filled a bowl with water and a plate with bacon scraps.
“Oh, it’s from Rem!” you hastily tore the envelope, and slipped the parchment through the folds. Sprawled across the yellowed paper was half-messy, half-loopy writing, which you’d grown quite familiar with. 
“What’s he up to?” Harry asks nonchalantly. 
Your eyes quickly moved from left to right, scanning over the message. Your brain hung onto specific words; Order, Phoenix, Army, The Dark Lord... and Padfoot. 
You took a breath in as you read your husband’s name, and Harry peeked over your shoulder, raising his eyebrows. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong, my dear..” you shook your hand, handing him the message. “It’s just..”
Harry immediately understood. “Well, that’s a good thing, right? You do want to see him... right?” 
You whipped around, your updo falling loose. “Of course I want to see him! I just... I just don’t know.. “ you sighed, and sat back at the kitchen table. Your brain floated back to what Remus had written; how the Order was reassembling, and he was extending the invite to you, just like he had in the 70s. 
Not only that, but he had scribbled something along the lines of “Padfoot will be joining us as well. I do hope you’re willing to see him.”
Of course you did! But it was complicated to explain to others. You were nervous. The most communication you’d had with Sirius over the past two years was letters. Most of his were on scraps of newspaper, so you always made sure to pack extra parchment into your envelopes.
Within the past few weeks, his message arrived a lot cleaner and appeared less rushed, which you appreciated. Each time an owl arrived, your heart soared. But in those letters, you couldn’t reveal anything about your lives, in case they fell into the wrong hands. That being said, the most you two could say to each other was “I love you”. 
It was just after 7 o’clock, when Remus and a girl with purple hair had come to pick up you and Harry. She introduced herself as ‘Tonks”. Of course, you hadn’t realized at the time she was your cousin in law. 
You both waved them off, Remus assuring them you’d catch up soon. You gave your Godson a kiss on the cheek.
“Be good,” you pointed your finger at him “Listen to Tonks”.
“I will, I will!” he teased. 
When they’d both left, you and Remus sat on the tiny loveseat in comfortable silence. 
“I wanted to check up on you,” he stated, and you looked up to reach his gaze. Oh, Remus. Your best friend. “I realize when I sent my letter it must’ve been a bit of a shock to you.” he placed his hand over yours.
“Oh yes, well, I think I might’ve frightened Harry more than anything. I’m not sure if he’s used to how dramatic I am yet.” you two laughed, Remus teasing you that it took him a long time to get used to it too. 
Your laughter died down, and Remus spoke again. “He’s very excited to see you, (Y/N). In fact, he’s been fixing up his hair all day.”
You couldn’t even laugh. That was such a Sirius thing to do. 
Your eyes glossed over at the thought, which Remus noticed immediately. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. 
“You don’t have to-”
“I want to see him Rem.” you cut him off, and you saw relief wash over his features. “I’m just a little nervous.”
It took a few minutes, but after a warm hug and Remus’s signature pep talks, you were ready to go. Never letting go of his hand, the two of you apparated to 12 Grimmauld Place. 
Always a gentleman, Remus opened the front door for you, and you were greeted by the distant chatter at the end of the hall. Although you couldn’t see any faces, you recognized the voice of your Godson and his friends, along with that of Mad-Eye and Mrs. Weasley, to be followed by- 
It was that glorious laugh you’d waited 14 years to hear, the sound bounced around your head and you began to feel faint. Remus patted your shoulder, and you turned your head to look at him. 
He nodded towards the end of the corridor, smiling. You took a deep breath, staring down the long hallway ahead of you. You brushed the stray hair out of your face and clenched your fists. As you began walking, you could hear Remus following close behind. 
Your footsteps were booming across the corridor, your pace picking up with every step. Your breathing heightened and your heart was in your throat. You pushed open the door in front of you, and it slammed against the wall. The sound alerted the entire room, and you scanned over everyone’s faces. You finally landed on those eyes, his eyes, still as grey and dreamy as you’d left them. 
“(Y/N)!” he shouted, getting up from his seat, looking anything but composed. 
“Sirius” you breathed, tears already forming. The two of you ran towards each other, and finally, after 14 long years, you found yourself in his embrace once more. 
It was tight and strong, he held you protectively yet with extreme caution. You sobbed into his chest, knowing that there weren’t enough words in the English language to describe how you felt at the moment. 
Much to your surprise, and those in the room, Sirius began to cry as well. Not as much as you, but tears fell from his eyes as though he was only a boy. You held onto him, not wanting to let go, your hands digging into his jacket, and your face buried in his chest. 
The world fizzled out around you, and you didn’t even notice how people were reacting to the scene. Remus leaned against the doorframe, wiping away a few tears himself; he felt so grateful he could see his best friends together once more. 
Although they would deny it later on, Harry and Hermione hid their emotions behind Ron, the both of them on the verge of an entire breakdown. This was followed by Mrs. Weasley, who was sniffing loudly as her husband passed her a handkerchief. 
Sirius was the first to pull away, and he cupped your face with his hands. He had a certain look on his face, as though he’d fallen in love all over again. He wiped away your tears with his thumb, and looked into your eyes. 
Your knees might’ve given out at that very moment if he wasn’t there to steady you. “Even more beautiful then when I left you.” he spoke, barely over a whisper, his voice sending those familiar tingles down your spine. 
You couldn’t even form words, you were so lost in his features. You only smiled, which he returned. “Why don’t we go into the other room, hmm?” he wrapped an arm around your waist, leading you out of the dining room. You could barely hear Ginny burst into loud sobs behind you, and how Mrs. Weasley followed suit. 
He walked you down the hall, and you never took your eyes off each other, only breaking the gaze when he opened the door to the living room. 
You two sat on the dusty couch in the dimly lit room, and he took your hands in his. You realized then and there how much you’d missed his loving gaze; at this point he was practically drooling at the sigh of you. 
He wrapped his arms around you once more, his head resting atop yours. “I’ve missed you so much my love, so very much.”
You only gripped him harder, breathing in the smell of cigarette smoke and his old cologne. Your eyes pricked yet again; it was the cologne you used to spray on his pillow when he was first imprisoned. 
“Sirius..” you said his name as though it were your only prayer. He hummed in response, lifting your face to meet his. You leaned in closer to him, your faces not even an inch apart. You closed the gap, your lips finally meeting his. You took in a breath through your nose, and butterflies began swarming in your stomach. 
You parted your lips, which Sirius took as an invite, and his tongue slipped into your mouth. Your hands found their way into his hair, and his around your waist. You felt your cheeks getting wet, and you realized it was from Sirius. A few tears had spilled from his eyes, but he didn’t let up from the kiss. 
It was full of passion and love, sprinkled with a bit of lust. He laid you gently on the couch, his body hovering over yours, and you finally broke apart. He gave a few gentle pecks down your neck, and returned to eye level with you. 
“Oh darling..” you spoke, trying to contain the emotions that were sure to spill out of you. Both of you were at a loss for words, simply staring at each other, taking in everything you’d missed out on. You smiled lovingly at him, and the corners of his mustache quirked as he did the same. You giggled, fiddling with his locks. 
“You grew a beard.” you stated, still admiring the sight before you.
“Do you not like it?” he asked, more so a rhetorical question than anything. 
“I find it very sexy.” you reassured him. 
He chuckled a bit, never taking his eyes off you. “Oh my dear,” he stroked the side of your face, and he brought you to sit back up. “I haven’t a clue how I managed without you.” 
A certain emotion flashed over his eyes, and he fought off a grimace, trying to outrun the hell that lived within him. You placed a hand on his cheek, your wedding band giving a bit of a cold sting to his face. 
He gently took your hand and brought it into view; his eyes crystallized once he saw the ring he’d given you so many years ago. “You kept it..” his tone was unsure, as though he was confused as to why you did. 
“Of course I did Siri, I love you.” your heart ached for him; he must’ve thought you’d moved on before he’d seen Remus again. You remembered the conversation you had with Remus a few months ago, where he opened up about seeing Sirius again. They’d been writing every couple of months, and Remus had to constantly reassure him that you were still available; that you’d never given up on your husband. 
“I’ll always love you.” you furrowed your brow in an attempt to conceal yet another sob.
“And I, you. My sweet girl.” Sirius placed a kiss on your knuckles, then moved back to your lips. “I love you more than you’ll ever know.” he mumbled into the kiss, and you felt yourself melt in his embrace, knowing that you and your husband were finally reunited. 
Hi my lovelies!! I hope you enjoyed reading this just as much as I loved writing it! Let me know if I should follow up on this “Reunited” fic, because I’m really looking forward to adding more. That would include something romantic and/or something smutty, I’m honestly up for anything bahaha. Please send in your requests, whether it be for this fic or really anyone in Harry Potter. And don’t be afraid of giving feedback, I’d love to know what you think! <3
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duskamethyst · 4 years
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a/n: happy valentines day! have this spicy content for now but if you’re looking for high-cocky bastard-suna, this ain’t it. sorry.
word count: 2.3k
genre: smut, nsfw, fluff
warnings: soft dom, orgasm denial
pairing: pro!suna x f!reader
summary: suna got you a gift for your anniversary. wonder why he likes it so much..
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“hm? a bracelet?” you take out the shiny jewelry out from the crimson box, inspecting it in your hands. there’s a letter ‘R’ that gleams with its rhinestones and a bell that chimes as you jiggle it. 
“close,” your boyfriend smiles when he catches the fascinated look on your face. “it’s an anklet.”
suna takes the ornament from you and drops down to his knees to fasten it around your ankle. he takes a good look at it, pondering briefly over how he made a good choice to get it for you as an anniversary gift. 
you look over your ankle intriguingly, shaking it slightly to hear the bell ring in response. 
“it’s so pretty!” you beam excitedly and kiss him in thanks as he raises back up on his feet. “then you have to put on the perfume i gave you too.”
suna raises an eyebrow, “perfume?”
“shit–” your hand flies over to cover your mouth instantly by reflex and you shake your head. “i didn’t say that.”
your boyfriend laughs as he takes the nicely wrapped present and shakes it in a feigned attempt to figure the not-so-mysterious content, “gee, i wonder what it could be.”
“oh, i don’t know. guess you have to find out.” you reply in the same sardonic tone, suppressing giggles as you watch him rip off the paper unceremoniously. 
suna blinks once, twice at the box and glances at you before looking back at the box that is engraved with a name that he’s aware to be high end. he’s not very materialistic but he knows for sure that it costs more than you can afford for yourself and the thought of you forking out so much money on it makes his heart swell. 
“well?” you grin sheepishly as you wait for him to say something. 
“babe, this is..” he sighs, brushing a hand through his brown locks. “how did you even–”
“don’t mind that! put it on!” you chide.
suna shakes his head and chuckles as he opens the packaging to pull out the expensive bottle. he takes off the lid and takes a whiff of the manly scent, yet has no idea what the contents are. he guess he should wear it often if you like the scent so much, especially since you’re the one who chose it for him. he sprays the cologne on his wrist and rubs it with the other before applying it on the back of his ears.
you don’t remember how many bottles it took to find the one that you absolutely would like on him but you know you’ve made the right choice when the aroma has proven to suit his character very well; sexy and alluring.
“you smell so fucking good.” you sigh in content as the scent begins to fill your senses.
“is this your way of saying that i always stink?” he forces an offended frown but the slight upturn at the corner of his lips tells you it's only superficial. 
“yeah, you reek. especially after your practice.” you tease before suna envelops you into a warm hug. 
“but i won’t wear it to practice.” he mutters as he caresses your hair gently. “it’s a waste if the guys are the only ones who are going to smell it.”
“that’s fine. you can always wear it around me.”
suna pulls away to look at you, blankly staring at you with his dark and narrow eyes. “and, you shouldn’t be giving me expensive stuff. i won’t even mind if you didn’t get me anything. you’re more than enough for me.”
“no buts.” he places a small kiss on your lips. “still, thank you for this.”
you smile and counter back with a kiss, “happy anniversary, rin. i love you.”
“i love you, too.” he taps your nose with his finger before picking you up off your feet and cradling you in his arms, making you squeal in surprise. “now that we’re done with that, time to put that to the test.” 
“put what to the test?” you look up at him with curiosity as he carries you towards your shared room, leaving the empty plates of your homemade dinner behind. 
“why do you think i got you something with a bell on it?” he grins slyly before throwing you on the bed and causing the bell around your ankle to chime from the result of the impact. 
warmth creeps up to your cheeks as you put one and one together, “you wouldn’t..” 
“oh, yes i will.” suna climbs on top of you, pale yellow irises swirling like flames as he gazes deeply into your eyes before leaning down to slip his tongue past the barrier of your lips in an amorous kiss. your hands find their way to his nape, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.
suna swallows down your moans as he hastily works on taking off all his lower garments and grinds his erection against your sex, soothing the throb that he has been keeping inside his pants the moment he put on the ornament around your ankle since his mind just kept on wandering at the thought of how he has been wanting to put it on to good use. 
he breaks the kiss to plant wet, soft kisses down your throat, suckling and nibbling on the sensitive skin that he knows will have you whining underneath him while his large, calloused hands massages your mounds through the flimsy dress. 
“you’re so pretty,” he whispers against the crook of your neck as tugs down the straps off your shoulders and lets it fall on your arms. “i love you so much.”
with a little maneuvering of your arms, you manage to slip out from the band and allow suna to pull down the dress completely. your nipples harden from the cold air yet they find heat once he wraps his lips around one, tongue dancing and circling around the erected tit while he tweaks the other between his thumb and index finger that sends jolt of sensations down to your bundle of nerves.
your lips part in soft, heavy pants while your fingers seek refuge in his dark hair by tugging it lightly before he pulls away with an audible pop to suck on the other. his hand trails down on your inner thigh, drawing circles with his fingertips on the erogenous zone and purposely avoiding from tracing closer to your heated core. 
“rin.” you whine while the bell resounds from underneath as you part your legs wider and buck your hips reflexively. 
“hmm?” narrow, hooded eyes look up at you mischievously from below. suna unlatches his mouth, watching as the nipple perks up harder and becomes more swollen from his ministrations. “you’re ready for me, aren’t you?”
you feel your cheeks warm up, “i don’t know, why don’t you get down and see for yourself?”
“whatever you say, princess.” he chuckles and shifts downwards until his head is settled in the space between your thighs.
“shit, you’re really a mess down here.” he muses, thumb grazing against the dark patch that has formed on the thin fabric. “all from me just sucking your tits?”
suna tugs the sodden garment down, tongue darting out to sweep his bottom lip as his eyes dissolve into red of passion and lust. it’s more intense than you imagined, but an impassioned loop twists in your stomach as you study his next, calculated step. 
shivers of pleasure rushes throughout your body the moment you feel his warm tongue flattening against your wet slits. with skills and practiced strokes, his tongue laps off your slick greedily before teasing and sucking on the throbbing clit. your toes curl and the bell rings as you attempt to close your legs together, but suna spreads them apart from crushing his head.
his lustful gaze fixes up at you, observing every twitch of pleasure and the way your lips part in soft, needy whimpers. you gasp at the abrupt intrusion of his long and slender fingers, yet you gladly welcome him as the muscles clench to keep him within.
“does it feel good?” he whispers, kissing the soft skin of your fleshy thigh when he notices your legs tremble. 
“s-so good, rin.” you mewl, nails digging into the sheets while the fabric crumples in your fists as you find purchase. his fingers curl and drag against the spongy walls, making you keen in excitement that your hips begin to pump desperately to match his rhythm. 
“you’re so needy.” a sense of pride soars in his chest, conscious of how much your pleasure lies in him and only him. he continues rubbing and digging, somewhat in search of something; certainly the spot that he’s aware that’ll make you beg for him hopelessly. and when he finds it, he doesn’t miss the way you tense up and giving him the drive to stroke the same spot mercilessly. 
“shit– right there!” you look like you’d almost cry. the way your hips are jerking uncontrollably is telling him that you’re going to break soon and before that happens, suna draws away his fingers and you immediately throw a scowl his way. 
“what?” his voice is taunting and he wears a smirk of a victor which makes you all the more frustrated. 
you huff, “so mean. on our anniversary night, too.” 
suna lifts himself off you to get out of his shirt. no matter how much you’ve seen him bare and naked, your eyes always marvel over his toned chest and chiseled abs; those he gained along by being a professional athlete since a couple of years ago. you lick your lips to return moisture on dry skin as you watch him pump his throbbing cock in front of you while he puts on an expression of bold seduction.
“you don’t have to look so scared. you wanted to cum so bad, didn’t you?” he sneers, obviously confident over how thick his cock is and how it can stretch your tiny little hole so good.
you roll your eyes playfully, retorting in a snarky tone, “oh, i’m so scared. please don’t put that thing inside me!”
his lips curl into an amusing smile, finding it endearing how you played along with his pretense. “don’t worry, i’ll treat my princess very gently.” 
suna leans down to lick a fat strip of your essence and mixes with his saliva before propping up on his knees and dragging your body closer to him by the waist. he carefully throws the leg adorned with his gift on his shoulder and kisses on the side of your knee before fixing his dark gaze downwards, where he slowly guides and observes the way his cockhead slowly disappears into your dripping entrance. 
a low grunt rumbles in his chest as the walls suck him in deeper, clamping around him like a vice and refusing to let go as he continues to bury his cock deeper inside your pussy. your eyes flutter close, lips part slightly as you revel the way he stretches you while the veins and ridges brush against your muscles deliciously. 
“so good for me, princess.” he praises with a sharp breath, having you completely filled to the brim before he finally snaps his hips and making your body jolt in return. his pace is unforgiving and with the angle he has set you in, his tip keeps on pounding against your cervix. 
the slapping of your skins fills the cold air, mingling with the sounds of your moans and the erratic chimes from your bell that he was so eager about. an unknowing grin etches on your lover’s lips as every jingle that fills his ear fuels up his ego and he finds himself to pound into you faster while the sounds behind him follow in accordance.
“hah– rin– so deep!” your orgasm is quick to build up from the prior interruption, the muscles in your stomach begins to tighten and your legs quiver. 
“you hear that, baby? the bell telling you how hard i’m fucking you right now.“ he rams his cock senselessly to make the bell jingle wilder in a way to prove his point.
“rin– i–” 
“baby wanna cum?” he coos, smirking down at you as the image of your writhing body ingrains in his mind.
you nod your head affirmatively, face contorting in one that expresses bliss as your mind swirls with excessive gratification. yet your eyes snap open as soon as you feel a sharp sting on your thigh. 
he releases the pliant skin from between his teeth, “use your words, princess.” 
“please–” you let out a broken cry. “wanna cum–” your toes curl with anticipation as you will yourself from coming undone before you are granted to do so.
“that’s– fuck– better.” he grunts, thrusts turning sporadic as you begin to squeeze and clamp down on him. “then cum, baby. you deserve it.”
suna brings up his thumb to your aching bud, generously pressing tight circles in order to push you over the edge and a wave of pleasure washes throughout your body as you moan his name in a chant. your pussy gushes around his cock, which makes it all more stimulating for the male and he pounces harder through your high in pursuit of his own orgasm while the noisy rings from the bell soon becomes white noise.
“that’s it– you feel so fucking good.” he feels his balls tightening before his cock twitches and he bites roughly on your leg as he shoots warm load inside your tight cunt. you squeal from the pain, wiggling your leg away and he completely lets go. 
he chuckles lightly and gently rubs the dents on your skin, “sorry.” 
once he’s sure he has emptied, he pulls out his softening cock and finds his place next to your warm body. you turn to face your lover and he gladly welcomes you into his warm embrace. 
“i love you.” he whispers, pushing aside the damp and matted hair from your face to place a soft kiss on your forehead. 
you hum in content, vision darkening as he continues to play with your hair soothingly while the sound of his heartbeat sings you a lullaby. “i love you, too.”
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duskamethyst © 2020 • do not modify, translate or repost anywhere.
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wbearv · 3 years
Versace - b.c. (sg)
word count: 1.4k
genre: suggestive for the most part, smut-ish? (not really, just a teeny tiny bit, nothing really explicit)
summary: chan. versace eros. no further explanation needed.
warning: minor cursing
a/n: motivated because my friend brought me a sample of his cologne and when I smelled it i felt that my soul left my body so I had the need to write something about it. Like always, I haven't really proofread this but I hope you like it!
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the doorbell startled you since you were not expecting any visits this evening
you looked through the peephole
you opened the door with a questioning face, not because you didn’t want Chan to visit
but he had a towel over his left shoulder and a small travel bag
“our shower is broken and I really need a shower asap”
he looked at you with puppy eyes
so, you obviously said you didn’t mind
he showered in record time and got out to get dressed
you entered the room when he was putting on his shirt when an unknown smell flooded your nostrils
the fuck
was that
“Oh, its my cologne, do you like it?”
play it cool, play it cool
“yeah- ah, smells nice”
why haven’t you noticed before he doesn’t just look like a god, he fucking SMELLS. LIKE. ONE.
you have had a crush on him for the longest time
ah but he had been your friend for ages, it just wasn’t right
so when he kissed your cheek to thank you and hugged you good bye, you took a deeper breath than usual
and, obviously, when he accidentally left his hoodie in your room you didn’t say anything
and you kinda spend the evening with that hoodie on
and the night
and the following 3 months to be honest
that scent just made you so horny dizzy
chan was just
he made all your body feel a certain way, and he shouldn’t
being friends since you could be fitted in a 2x2x2 box
so when you got older and he got way hotter than he should, you tried to play it cool
play it cool meaning you didn’t dare say a thing to him out of place but keep his hoodie like it was the holy grail
and you maybe or maybe not had bought the -very expensive- cologne so you could re spray it from time to time
you were doing great
the following weeks Chan had a super tight schedule, so he completely forgot about that hoodie
so, when after a certain wild party where you both had a few more drinks than you should and went up to your apartment
he was kissing your neck when something caught up his eye
“is that my hoodie?”
you slightly moaned when he kissed that certain spot in your neck, ignoring what he just said
but your brain registered it five milliseconds after that
you fully opened your eyes and pushed him off, quickly, running over to your desk where it laid
you tried to hide it -seriously girl he already saw it just confess-
yeah no, you grabbed it and put it behind your back
“y/n? what is my hoodie doing there?”
“you left it here”
you were nervous
you opened your mouth
“l-like three months ago?”
“and you didn’t tell me because…”
“because, uhm, because I f-forgot”
you hesitated
y/n my dear, never hesitate, that’s like the number one rule girl
“you forgot”
“for three months”
“while it is clearly sitting in your desk where you have to move it every time you have to study”
chan got up from the bed and got near you
“I- I have pretty bad memory and you know it”
he grabbed your arm and brought them in front of you
and when he took the hoodie from you, you had to let your grip go
chan caressed it and moved it closer to his face when his expression changed
“why does this smell like me?”
“well it is your hoodie, why would I know”
nice try y/n
“no, I mean why does it STILL smell like me”
you stayed silent and looked away
you didn’t know what to answer so you kinda just stayed there weirdly
he chuckled and walked himself around your room while still holding his hoodie in his hand while you looked at him with your face three shades redder
your eyes particularly opened when he approached your cosmetics shelf and went to grab your perfumes
“Chan, I-” you tried to grab his hand -unsuccessfully- before he grabbed that small blue bottle
didn’t work
he laughed out loud and turned to look at you
“y/n… did you use this on my hoodie?”
he moved the cologne in front of you, teasingly
“I certainly did not”
your confidence was -50 but you had to play it cool
ffs you were the queen of playing it cool
he dropped the hoodie on the floor and put the bottle on top of the shelf before going straight to you
each one of his hands grabbed the sides of your face and he kissed you like he was doing before
it was just that it now had more than one purpose
he was R O U G H
in a matter of seconds, you were pinned against the wall and he was kissing the hell out of you
“do you like my smell huh princess?”
you didn’t answer
he went kissing down your neck and sucked without hesitation
“y/n I asked you a question”
“I don’t”
you said in a very believable way -spoiler, no-
Chan wasn’t satisfied with your answer tho
“don’t lie to me baby”
“I- I didn’t lie”
he then bit your neck harder
it was a warning
“I guess I have to get the truth in other way, huh”
he grabbed your arms and threw you on the bed
in a matter of seconds, he was on top of you
and his thigh was in between your legs
pressing just enough
“you know I don’t like when you lie”
you felt like you were in a cloud, overwhelmed by the sensations
he moved his thigh, up and down
up and down for what felt like ages
you were squirming down his touch, bucking your hips begging for more
and just when you were about to snap –
“bad girls don’t get to have fun, baby”
and he simply just got up, leaving you lying there like a mess
“Chan please”
he smirked at you and grabbed the hoodie from the floor
he got closer to you again
and kissed your neck again
but this time, he had his hoodie next to your face
he sucked particularly hard and passed his hoodie over your nose
you gasped
quite loud, actually
the smell was just mesmerizing
chan chuckled next to your neck
“I knew it”
he threw the hoodie to the other side of the bed and placed himself between your legs
you blushed so hard that you must have looked like a tomato
Chan put his hands down to work fast and efficiently
“You are so cute when you get embarrassed”
“shut up”
“If I had known you liked my smell that much I would have put some on today, I’m sure you would have been so flustered while we were dancing”
he smirked while his hands kept rubbing in between your legs, making you lightheaded.
“shut -ah- up”
“maybe I won’t wear it anymore… yeah, bet you’ll be so desp-”
you put your hand on his mouth and covered it
“Chan I swear if you don’t shut up now”
you could see his eyes turning eight shades darker
he grabbed your hand and effortlessly put it away
“didn’t take you as the bratty type y/n”
before you could talk, he licked down your neck
and down your chest
until he reached your small bundle of nerves
and he did what he does with his videogames
he played with it
oh boy did he play with it
and you didn’t complain at all
not even when he put his hoodie inside of your mouth and used it to muffle your screams
half because he didn’t want the whole neighbourhood to hear you chant his name
half because of how you clenched around him as soon as you smelled his cologne
so, when you two started dating, he would make sure to wear that exact same perfume every day, just for you
and he would purposely put some on his wrists so he could tease you with it while you two were in public
you would press your thighs together hard in order to suppress your sudden urges
because you were in public
your friends didn’t need to know just how turned on you were by just the slight hint of that smell
and you wouldn’t give Chan the satisfaction of showing how affected you were by it
oh but when he was between your legs?
then you wouldn’t even dare to try to hide it
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Where Three Stars Meet
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Sope x Reader ; PolyBTS
“We’re meant to be it’s written in the stars...”
Rating: M
Word Count: 6,046
Release Date: July 22nd, 2020 @ 9 p.m. (GMT-4)
Warning: The following contains material not suitable for all audiences. Includes murder, recreational drug use, homophobic slurs, smut, and toxic relationships.  This is a work of fiction and doesn’t represent the character of bangtan sonyeondan. Enjoy ~~~
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           YN awoke to the sight of Min Yoongi staring down at her sleeping figure, that in itself would’ve been concerning if it weren’t for the fact that Yoongi’s clothes were covered in blood. “What happened?” YN threw the covers off her body and rushed to Yoongi, who simply stared at her with dead eyes before shrugging. “Shush, calm down.” The smile he gave her barely graced his cheeks. “Some homophobic pigs tried to attack Hobi and me. We defended ourselves, but things got kind of messy.” Even in the dark of night, YN could see there was far too much blood on Yoongi for it to have been from a normal fight. Perhaps Yoongi could see the furrow between her brows and the doubt that hung heavy on her tongue. For the second she parted her lips, he interrupted.
“I’m tired, YN. I just want to rest.” With no further warning, he began to strip off his soiled clothing. Letting it drop to the floor.
YN immediately jumps out of bed, gathering the clothing into her arms and heading into her bathroom. Thankfully her mother ran a late shift tonight, for the sound of the washing machine starting up would have roused her from sleep. Though YN’s mother was more understanding than most - even she wouldn’t tolerate a man in her daughter’s bed this late at night. In the silence surrounding her, YN wonders why Yoongi came to her of all people. Sure, they were friends but things had been different lately. There were plenty of other people who could provide better comfort to Yoongi in a time of need. He has Hoseok after all.
Warm strong arms wrapped around YN’s torso causing her to let out a shriek. A large palm covered her mouth muffling her screams. “It’s just me.” Hoseok’s dulcet voice whispered into her ear. YN huffed, as if that makes things any better, then pushed against the arms encaging her. Though the space in her bathroom was limited, YN sought to put as much room between her and the dark figure. Once her eyes adjusted to him, YN saw that Hoseok’s clothes were in a much worse state.
“What happened?” She rushed forward, hands gripping the bloody material of the shirt and jacket. YN couldn’t see any wounds on Hoseok’s body given the low lighting but considering he wasn’t flinching she took that as a positive sign. “Calm down, star.” YN glared at his use of the nickname. “We got jumped ‘took care of it.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal. As if the amount of blood on their clothes didn’t lean more towards a massacre than a petty fight. YN sighs, frustrated by the lack of answers she was receiving. “What are you even doing out so late?”
“It’s two am, YN. It’s not that late.” YN tugs at the end of Hoseok’s shirt and he proceeds to strip, handing everything to her. Just from holding it, she could tell the blood had dried. Great. That meant the stains were going to be harder to take off. YN reached into her bathroom cabinet and took out some peroxide spraying it messily on the clothes before dumping them into the washer too. Now that YN was facing away from the man, she asked what was really on her mind.
“Are you hurt?”
The only response she received was scoff and the small 'click' of the door closing behind him.
Hoseok and Yoongi had never been in YN's room before this moment, but they had already made themselves comfortable in her bed. The two of them snuggled up in their boxers while YN realized that though she might have been comfortable sleeping in a shirt and underwear with her best friend before - things had changed. "What are you doing?" Yoongi asks, right when she was about to turn the door handle to go downstairs. Surely it was obvious enough. "I'm going to crash downstairs." YN shrugged, though she felt uncomfortable with the stare both of them were giving her. “Don’t be ridiculous.” Yoongi looked almost upset that YN had tried to leave.
“Come here.” He held his hand out, inviting her to join them. When YN hesitated for a second the glare directed her way, had her practically running to the bed. Hoseok adjusted the sheets so that she could crawl in while Yoongi, always the tiny spoon, decided to switch roles today. Forcing YN to be sandwiched between him and Hoseok. Yoongi’s hand rested on YN’s hip bone while he finally made himself comfortable. YN could feel the softness of his skin brushing against hers. Not to mention the body heat that radiated off of Hoseok. Speaking of the man, when YN’s eyes finally met his dark ones, he winked. Suddenly leaning over her to peck Yoongi on the lips. Not wanting to see the smug look on his face, YN closed her eyes once more.
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She was going to have to skip work, it was inevitable. YN couldn’t function without a full night’s sleep and here she was being awakened again. Hoseok and Yoongi stood at the foot of her bed now dressed in their clean clothes. It made YN wonder just how much time had passed, it couldn’t possibly be more than an hour. Maybe two? Hoseok looked at his leather watch before muttering a “We have to go” to Yoongi under his breath. The latter of which seemed to finally notice YN had woken up. “Come with us.” Though that suggestion was more of an order, considering Yoongi was pulling on her arm and dragging her out of bed. Figuring there was no way out of it, YN looked for a pair of jeans.
“Pack a bag,” Hoseok mutters without sparing a glance her way. YN wasn’t wearing a bra and wasn’t going to bother changing into one. Already aware of the eyes on her as she bent over to pull up her pants. Quickly she shoves her uniform shirt, toothbrush, clean underwear, and a phone charger in an old messenger bag. Yoongi thankfully offered to carry it and the three of them headed out.
The cruiser wasn’t as fast as Hoseok’s gsxr750, but it had the space needed to carry three people. Though it caught eyes, it wasn’t so flashy that law enforcement would notice it, something Hoseok thought of when purchasing it. The light blue c90t had been hidden on the side of YN’s garage where it blended into the bushes. YN remained quiet while the two of them fastened their helmets and silently prayed to not die as she settled between the two of them. The ride wasn’t a long one, though Hoseok lived on the other side of town, they were blessed with many green lights.
With the exception of the one positioned right in front of Chang’s Choppers. It was right in the center of downtown and it was a bit odd that it be so vacant. The lack of sunlight or anything similar supported YN’s theory that it was still fairly early in the morning. Chan’s regulars didn’t leave until the sun forced them too unless they were willing to face a walk of shame. Or be busted by the cops. They usually waited out by the alleyway, the one right next door which was a dead-end because of the ten-foot-tall locked gate installed in the back. YN stared at this alleyway while waiting for the light to turn, noticing a figure lying on the ground. Unmoving. YN assumed it was likely some drunkard, but the longer she stared at it the more unnerved she became. When her vision was starting to become adjusted, noticing details in the man’s clothing, the bike sped away.
“Are you guys hungry?” Hoseok asks, voice devoid of any emotion. YN shrugs not particularly caring, while Yoongi speaks up. “I could go for some.”
Nearing a twenty-four hours convenience store, YN expects Hoseok to pull up to the front of the store but doesn’t say anything when he pulls up to the side instead. Yoongi doesn’t comment on it either and YN notices that some feet away by the side door a tall man smoking a cigarette is watching them. Hoseok takes off his helmet, turning around and placing it on YN’s head without saying a word. Then he marches up to the strange man and begins to chat. Far too casual for it to be serious.
“Hey look at me.” Yoongi’s fingers slightly turn YN towards him. A signature gummy smile adorning his features which makes all of YN’s worries melt away. His sudden embrace catches her off guard as Min Yoongi is not one for public displays of affection. Then again he has been acting out of sorts recently. “I’ve missed you.” Yoongi tightened his hold on her. YN was so close that she could smell his and Hoseok’s cologne on his skin. “Why have you been ignoring me?” She could hear the pout in his voice and though she wanted so badly to be honest with Yoongi, the lie rolled off her tongue before she could even think about it.
“I haven’t been ignoring you, Yoongi.”
Of course, she had, it was the only option she saw. Yoongi had embarrassed her in front of everyone and damaged her pride. Though it was likely nothing more than a sick joke to the men, they couldn't be that ignorant of her feelings. Even YN's mother was aware of them and she could barely remember her own daughter's birthday. Looking into the man's sharp cat eyes YN could see the emotion hiding behind them and decided that no: Yoongi knew. He wouldn't be here if he didn't.
“You know why, Yoons.” Instead of giving her the response she so desperately wanted Yoongi only chuckled in response. By then Hoseok had come back, hands stuffed into his pocket. YN cleared her throat trying to push down the emotion threatening to spill. “Where’s the food?” Hoseok looked at her humorously, as if there were some kind of inside joke she missed. “At home. Where else?”
The building the pair called home was your standard apartment complex, the only difference was the side of town it resided on and the hidden fourth floor that Yoongi and Hoseok called home. It wasn't explicitly hidden, but the structure would make anyone believe it was merely a maintenance floor on the roof. It housed fewer units and currently, only two of them were occupied. One by an elderly woman in the corner and Hoseok's right in the middle. When YN had first visited, when Yoongi had moved in, she found it a bit eerie that he'd chosen one right in between two abandoned ones, but later found out the choice had been purposeful.
The apartment wasn't that nice, a standard studio, that Yoongi helped maintain clean. There were a couple of things here and there, but nothing that displayed exuberant wealth. Not the kind that YN knew Hoseok possessed. The second the door opened YN headed for the couch, limbs weary and mentally exhausted. Only to be stopped by Yoongi once more. "Relax YN." His fingers interlaced with hers as he dragged her over to the large king bed in the corner of the room. "You're far too tense." YN sighed, something had triggered Yoongi's neediness and unfortunately it was centered on her tonight.
Hoseok remained silent rummaging through the cabinets trying to find food. YN wondered what he thought of his boyfriend’s sudden change in attitude. Does it have something to do with the fight? Yoongi wasn't one to be scared by a little blood - or a lot in this case - YN had been around long enough to know that though Yoongi never instigated the conflict, he didn't flee from it either. "Finally." Hoseok pulled out snacks, drinks, and a bong. Should’ve known. That was likely what he had purchased from the sketchy guy. Hoseok stripped down to his boxers, throwing the clothes into the dirty clothes bin, and pulling out a pair of sweats laying on a chair.
“Do you smoke YN?” They know she doesn’t. The three of them have been together at enough parties to know that though she doesn’t mind being around people when they do it. YN would never actively participate. Yoongi takes off his shirt too, likely not wanting the smell to get on it, proceeds to lay on the bed. His long nimble fingers played with hers, toying them to a specific rhythm resembling a piano. When was the last time he played?
"C'mon Star, you're safe with us. Just try it once." How could YN say that she doesn't feel safe? That ever since the two of them showed up in her bedroom, bloody, and evading her questions at every turn, she had felt everything but safe. Yoongi and Hoseok were always strange, but today felt off. Still, whenever Yoongi's lips turned into an adorable pout and Hoseok's charcoal eyes darkened some more she was putty in their hands.
YN had already become accustomed to the smell - years of exposure does that to you. Plus Hoseok and Yoongi seemed to be in their little world, the latter laying across Hoseok drawing little stars into his abs. If Yoongi was lean then Hoseok was fit, but not in a way that made his body too hard. YN had never really seen him work out but knew he often did with Namjoon. Imagining Hoseok joining Namjoon in a pilates class caused her to crack a smile. Hoseok caught onto her and smiled back as if he knew what she was thinking.
"Here," he said, holding out the pipe for her to grab. YN takes a deep breath and takes a hit, barely managing to take it all in - at least she doesn't cough. Though YN was sure she didn't even get a proper hit, it seemed enough for the men who observed her with smiles on their faces. YN passes back the bong, thinking she's in the clear. She is until Hoseok takes a hit and blows all the smoke into YN's face. YN coughs, waving the cloud away, while Yoongi is rolling on the ground in laughter.
“I need to go to the bathroom.” YN stands up waiting until she’s turned around to roll her eyes.  Before she can even take two steps, Hoseok’s hand latches onto her wrist. “Don’t take too long.” YN nods and heads for the bathroom, not hesitating to lock the door once inside.
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“What the fuck was that YN?!” Wendy whisper-yelled, YN could barely pick it up over the blaring loud music outside the bathroom door. Unconsciously YN shrugged, her mind still reeling as she tried to make sense of what had just happened. Yoongi kissed me. “Holy shit.” YN gasped, her hands gripping the countertop so tightly the tips of her fingers were turning white. While she was on the brink of going into shock Wendy was at the complete opposite of the spectrum: she was raging.
“All those bangtan boys are assholes!” YN couldn’t help but agree with her on that. “I mean why would he kiss you in front of his boyfriend?! Not to mention your date.”
YN froze, her head slowly lifting to look at herself in the mirror, her cheeks were red and eyes wide. If she focused hard enough she could feel the racing of her heartbeat in her ears. “What?” She turned to look at Wendy. Her friend seemed to have misunderstood exactly what YN was questioning. “Youngjae was right there watching the whole thing. He followed you after Yoongi dragged you to the smoke room.” Truthfully YN couldn’t give a damn about a Youngjae. How could she have forgotten that Hoseok was right there? In front of them!
“Oh my god,” YN moaned, her hands running through her hair. This night had been the worst and now YN would have to deal with the fallout that was sure to come from the kiss.
“They always do this YN. Every time you get a date or a new friend the two of them pull some stunt. It isn’t healthy!”
YN turned towards Wendy who in her right arm held both their bags. Thank god. "Look, Wendy, I'm far too drunk for this conversation. I think I'll just head home." Wendy looked like she was about to say something, but was interrupted by the banging on the door.
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YN opens the door to Hoseok leaning on the banister. "Everything alright?" YN nods, thankful that the red from her cheeks has finally gone down. "Good because I have to pee." Hoseok shoves her away and begins to pull down his pants, causing YN to bolt out the door. Back in the main room, Yoongi is scrolling through his phone, "Change into that." He states without even looking at her. The shirt is rather large on her frame: the entirety of her neck and some areas of her shoulder being exposed. It does reach mid-thigh though which is preferable to what she's wearing now. Quickly she changes into the shirt and out of her jeans, by the time she's done Hoseok is out of the bathroom.
"Get in." He motions toward the bed, knowing there's no point in arguing YN does so. This time facing Yoongi and cradling into his chest. Hoseok gets in soon after turning off the lights, his hand comes to rest right above YN's thigh. She looks up at Yoongi, but the man has already closed his eyes and she opts to do the same. Hoping to rest this time.
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"My head is killing me. Shit." YN had to smile awkwardly at a couple of customers who turned to look at them in indignation. "Sooyoung, quiet please." The brunette turned to YN and sent her a reproachful look. YN ignored it knowing it didn't mean anything. Sooyoung leaned against the counter, her upper half resting over the register.
“I’m going to quit.”
YN chuckles, “Don’t you always say that.”
“I know,” Sooyoung huffs glancing around the store seemingly bored by her surroundings. It isn’t until she glances outside that a question pops into her head. “Doesn’t your mom usually drop you off?”
“I didn’t know your mom had a bike.” The look Sooyoung sent her could best be described as mischievous. YN ignored her in favor of switching the topic. She glanced around and saw someone that went to her college, raking over the vintage magazine so violently he was sure to break them. “Have you heard from Wendy?” Sooyoung groaned, the two of them weren’t exactly on the best terms. “Last I saw from her was at yesterday’s party. Clinging onto your scraps.” That caught YN’s attention, “What do you mean?” Wendy had been ignoring her, but that wasn’t exactly out of character for her.
“She was all over Youngjae like a bitch in heat. It was uber pathetic especially when everyone knew she was doing it to piss you off.” Sooyoung laughed, “Should’ve seen the look on her face when you didn’t show up.”
YN frowned, Yoongi's distrust of Wendy popping into her head. "I didn't even know there was a party." Still, she found it weird that Sooyoung, Wendy, and Youngjae would be at a party without YN knowing about it. Unless… “Were Yoongi and Hoseok there?"  The look Sooyoung sent her was enough of an answer, "Duh. Do they ever miss a party? Especially not when Seokjin throws it." Of course, they would purposefully exclude her. Whenever something occurred between them and YN, she would be treated as an outcast. A sick punishment they had devised as if her social anxiety wasn’t shit already.
Sooyoung glanced up towards the clock, "Oh your shift it up." YN raised her eyebrow, "I thought I had a six-hour shift today." Sooyoung nods, "You did, but I needed the hours so I told Park I'd cover for you." YN shook her head disapprovingly. "Oh come on, it isn't like you need it. Please, I'm behind on rent." YN relents and heads towards the office to clock out. At least this means I get to go home and sleep. Though there was that to look forward to, YN didn't enjoy the thirty-minute walk home she would have to endure. She waved goodbye to Sooyoung and hoisted her bag around her body, thanking god for the clear weather.
The walk home gave YN the much-needed solace she needed, time to dwell on everything that had happened. Something had shifted in her relationship with the men. Though their relationship was never conventional it wasn't anything that could justify what had happened last night. Though YN had a crush on Yoongi since she had met him freshman year, and though he had always been a bit possessive of her, it wasn't until he began dating Hoseok that things took a turn. Hoseok had always been a part of the group, but he never really made an effort to get to know her like the rest of them had. When the two of them began dating it was like Hoseok skipped all the steps and getting to know each other and went right into calling YN a friend - though he'd never say it out loud.
The three of them were always together and she was smart enough to know what most people in town thought about their strange relationship. YN knew what she thought about it. Min Yoongi and Jung Hoseok’s insight, though, was something she severely lacked. It's all because of that stupid kiss. YN adjusted her ponytail behind her, pulling at it to tighten the band.
As she was nearing home, the loud siren and flashing lights drew her attention. The patrol car dashed through the street and kept going straight, presumably headed downtown. Most of the trouble that occurred came from that area of town, which YN found ironic considering Kim Seokjin lived nowhere near.
The house was yet again empty and YN knew her mom had yet to arrive from her shift. Poor woman. The least YN could do was cook her a meal. She set her dirty clothes in the bin and headed straight for the kitchen, making the rice and seasoning the beef so that all her mother would have to do is fry it. She had been alone, all of thirty minutes when the banging on the door commenced. It was so loud it made YN jump in surprise. Quickly she walked over to the window trying to see who was at her front door, only to see an angry Hoseok and Yoongi. A sigh she didn't even know she was holding in left her as she braced herself.
“Didn’t you say your shift ended at six?”
Well hello to you to Hoseok. “It did, but they changed it without telling me.” She held the door open so the men could walk in. It felt strange having them back in her home - not drenched in blood that is.
Yoongi was quiet, but from how the veins bulged in his arms she could see how tense he was. She tentatively touched his arm and felt the muscles relax beneath the skin. “I booked a room for the weekend, Star. You should join us.” YN turned to face Hoseok, the expression on his face was unreadable. Even though this was her home YN felt the men wielded all the power. “When was the last time it was just us?” Yoongi’s arms wrapped around her torso embracing her from behind. His chin resting on her shoulder. “I’m not sure.”
"Do you have anything better to do?" Yoongi asked as if the only thing that would possibly make her hesitate was a previous engagement.
"Then that settles it," Hoseok states walking further into the house and sitting on the couch, making himself comfortable.
YN turns her head slightly to look at Yoongi, her voice was hushed. "When are we leaving."
When Yoongi turns to look at her they are mere millimeters away. "Right now," YN asks for at least an hour to get ready which Hoseok grants as she races to finish the food and get prepared. In forty-five minutes YN showers, shaves, and packs her clothes. She decides to bring along a bikini since the weather has been warm as of late. When she exits her bedroom Hoseok is standing there with her phone in hand. "It kept ringing. Think it was an alarm." She grabs her phone but finds it weird that there are no notifications or missed calls. Not dwelling on it for too long she shoots her mom a text:
'Staying with a friend for the weekend. Left the food in the microwave and there's lasagna for tomorrow. Love ya'
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The beach house belonged to Seokjin, as did most things the group utilized, but the area the three of them were staying in was a closed-off room. More like efficiency than an actual studio. Which meant YN was likely to be sharing a bed with the men again. Now far away from everything YN was able to think some things through. Particularly her relationship with Yoongi and Hoseok. She never enjoyed confrontation but figured this was one sleeping dog that could be awakened.
The sun had yet to set when they arrived, so while they couldn't use the beach, the pool was free-range. "I fucking hate the water." Yoongi groans, clinging onto the pool's wall like his life depended on it. YN giggled, which caused the pout on Yoongi's lips to grow exponentially. "Don't you know how to swim?" He looked offended by the question. "Of course, I fucking do. Doesn't mean I like to." YN playfully rolled her eyes. The complete opposite of Yoongi, Hoseok was currently swimming laps around the pool. "He's a fucking dog," muttered Yoongi. A strange thought popped into YN's head that had her going underwater just so Yoongi wouldn't see her embarrassment.
She almost swallowed water when Hoseok pulled her even lower, putting a finger to his lips while going behind Yoongi. YN went up for air, gasping slightly which caused Yoongi to frown. "You okay?" YN nodded, "Perfectly fine." If Yoongi didn't believe her, he didn't have a chance to voice his doubts as Hoseok pulled him underwater. YN couldn't contain her laughter as she saw Yoongi fight against his boyfriend like an angry feline. "What the fuck Hoseok!" Yoongi screamed once the two of them finally emerged. Hoseok only smiled teasingly, sending a flying kiss to his angry lover.
YN only laughed more, the bell-like sound drawing the attention of the men. Twilight surrounded them all around, the purple sky reflecting off the clear water doing a nice contrast with the hue of the skins. "What is it?" YN asked, once her laughter died down. Not understanding why the two of them gaped at her like that. All YN did was blink and suddenly Yoongi's lips were on hers. Pressing urgently, passionately, as if she contained the oxygen he needed to breathe. YN stood frozen eyes wide open until she made eye contact with Hoseok who didn't look the least bit upset. Instead, he gazed at them with fascination, then he nodded. The action so curt YN would've missed it if she wasn't paying attention.
YN closed her eyes, giving in to her desires. Yoongi's lips were much harsher than she remembered, but they were sweet. Intoxicatingly so. YN wondered if this was all a dream. If she'd hit her head or perhaps swallowed too much pool water. Her previous idea had proved to be right, Yoongi was robbing her of her breath. But despite the numbness, YN was beginning to feel the two of them continued the kiss until they were forced apart by their need for air.
"I think it's getting late. We should head in," stated Hoseok, looking in between the two of them before heading towards the stairs. Yoongi followed after him and YN remained alone for just a couple of seconds. What just happened? It wasn’t until Yoongi climbed out of the pool that YN began to swim, unsure of what this meant for the night. Hoseok had allowed for the kiss to happen. So does that mean that the previous kiss - "Hurry up, star? You'll freeze to death." Hoseok stood near the edge of the pool holding a towel open. YN attempted to grab it once she had gotten out, but the man didn't let go. Wrapping her in it instead while Yoongi walked toward their room.
“We should shower to get the bleach out of our hair.”
“Wouldn’t have to do that if you didn’t pull me under Seok.”
“You loved it, babe.”
YN trailed behind them silently observing the night sky and noticing how Orion’s belt loomed over them.
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"The boys are coming over later," Yoongi said, as you gathered some of your clothes in your hands ready to hit the showers. "Don't worry though they won't be staying the night." YN's thankful for that. She enjoyed the guy's company, but she wasn't necessarily in the right state of mind. YN opened the bathroom door to see Hoseok in there peeling of his trunks. "Sorry, my bad." He chuckled, "Hey Yoongi, why don't we save water?" All the blood in YN's body rushed towards her ears at what she had just heard. A silent 'what' left her lips which caused Hoseok to smirk as he pulled her in.
"You don't mind, do you Star? Didn't you and Yoongi use to take baths when you were kids? So did we." The context was incredibly different from back then, but YN was smart enough to read between the lines. In a bold move, she said, "As long as you keep your hands to yourself." Hoseok laughed, leaning in. "Where's the fun in that?" His eyes trailed slowly all across her body before he turned around and dropped his trunks.
Yoongi came in just then, "Hoseok has a bit of an exhibitionist streak in him." He too then began to take off his shirt and fiddle with the strings holding up his trunks. They were eyeing her - waiting for an acceptance or a rejection. Good thing YN had decided to be valiant this weekend. She reached behind her back and undid the laces, sliding the top off before walking towards the shower. Despite the size of the room the bathroom was fairly large with the shower fitting the three of them comfortably, of course, that didn't mean she wasn't sandwiched between them. It seems they were keeping their word, mainly focusing on rinsing themselves off and using the soap on themselves. Then came YN's turn.
"Can I?" Yoongi asked as he held the lavender-scented soap bar in his hands. His hands were just a hair away right near her navel if YN breathed too deeply their skins were sure to touch. "Yes." Yoongi placed soap on her skin and proceeded to lather it in, moving all across her torso. It was only ever the sides of his palm, his fingertips, his knuckles that brushed against her skin but it left goosebumps in its wake. Hoseok was too busy ringing the soap off his body, but eventually, he did turn around. The other soap in hand, "Can I help?" YN could swear he even batted his eyelashes though that might've been the water getting into his eyes.
Hoseok dropped to his knees with little hesitation using the same technique as Yoongi to cleanse her legs and thighs. He always avoided touching her pelvis directly by millimeters, YN thanked hindsight for keeping her bottoms on. Though that might've been so the men couldn't see the absolute state of arousal she was in. Eventually, Yoongi reached her breasts, lathering up his hands before gently massaging them. YN gasped as a soft mewl escaped her, she leaned back against Yoongi's chest. He didn't comment simply continuing the motions despite YN feeling the effect she was having on him on her backside.
"Take them off," Hoseok spoke as he rose to his full height, soap still in hand. YN hooked her fingers at the side and dragged them down slowly, allowing them to slide down her soap-ridden legs before kicking them to the side. Hoseok kissed her cheek as a reward. Then he cleaned the areas he hadn't been able to before, being extra careful with the inside of her thighs and hips while entirely avoiding her core. The water was beginning to get too hot, the fog filling up the bathroom warming YN.
“Guys.” Hoseok’s hands reached towards her back gripping her ass tightly, before beginning to massage it as well. It's too much. Far too much, but she couldn't get them to stop. Didn't want to. The heat was making YN disoriented and she blinked several times to clear her vision. Finally, she felt it: the pressure and then the release. Her body slackened slightly and Hoseok and Yoongi held her up. Before the former unclipped the showerhead from the wall and rinsed YN off. They helped her get dressed, YN assumed her sudden exhaustion must have been from the long day.
Thankfully she was able to walk to bed all on her own. Laying under the sheets, while the two of them finished getting dressed. "We're going to get food. We'll be right back." Hoseok stated, before leaning over and planting a peck on her lips. That would've been enough to wake her up, was she not already half-asleep.
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“You’re the brightest thing in this town YN. You shine like a star and deserve so much more.”
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Loud blaring had YN jumping out the bed as she looked around the room for the source of the noise. She saw her phone vibrating violently against the countertop and ran to get it, worried it might be her mother calling. Instead, it was an unfamiliar number. Hesitantly she picked up and put it against her ear.
“YN!” Wendy’s loud voice caused her to wince. “Why...you….calls-”
"Hold on Wendy," YN checked her signal and sure enough only she only saw one little bar. "Let me go outside because you're cutting off." She walked towards the door unlocking it but leaving it propped open. Outside the summer air was cool - a strong distinction from this afternoon. "What's going on?"
“Why have you been dodging my calls? I’ve been trying to get into contact with you since this morning.”
“I swear this is the first time I’ve gotten a call all day.” YN paused to look at the number, “Why aren’t you calling me from yours?”
“Cause the calls aren’t going through. Are you mad at me? Did you block me?”
YN shook her head, “What? Of course not Wendy!”
“Well whatever,” Wendy sounded anxious. Though she was typically loud, YN had never heard her like this. Scared. “Youngjae is dead.”
She felt her phone slipping her hand and tightened her grip. “What?” Instead of Youngjae’s face popping into her head, an image of bloody Hoseok and Yoongi did.
“They found his body this morning beside Chan’s place. All cut up and disfigured like in the movies.”
YN was finding it difficult to breathe. T-the body in the alleyway. It wasn’t a drunkard sleeping. It was Youngjae. YN had seen his body in the alleyway and -
“...he left the party last night pretty early after the fight. I don’t even know why he would be near Chan’s since he lives nowhere near.”
That piqued her interest, “Fight? What fight?”
Now it was Wendy’s turn to be silent. “YN…”
"Goddammit, Wendy just tell me." She didn't want it to be true. It couldn't be true. They wouldn’t. Would they?
“When you left the party the other day Youngjae got upset that Yoongi kissed you and called Hoseok and him freaks and fags. They ignored him but yesterday at the party…”
YN recalled Yoongi’s words: “Some homophobic pigs tried to attack Hobi and me.”
“YN. Hoseok and Yoongi are the prime suspects.”
YN could hear the motor of the bike being turned off and the steps climbing up the stairs. “Star?”
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kimnjss · 5 years
there was a bug | knj
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⇢ pairing: namjoon x reader ⇢ genre: smut, fluff, angst ⇢ word count: 7.0K ⇢ theme: roommate! namjoon + best friend! namjoon + f2l au ⇢ warnings: cursing, unprotected sex (be safe), oral sex (f. giving and receiving), deep throat, handjob, sleep stroking, fingering (f. receiving), cumshot, mild dirty talk, tons of self doubt.. yikes. this literally turned out way more angsty than i had originally planned. namjoon’s dick is huge. ⇢ summary: you and joon have been best friends for years, unexpectedly his feelings start to grow more than platonic. deciding to keep this to him, joon stays as your best friend and roommate. things are going fine, until one night you’re forced to sleep in his room.
Mindlessly scrolling through your timeline, you were met with the blurry picture from the night you spent out with the guys a while ago. Jimin had posted it. You were slung over your roommate, Joon's shoulder as he ran toward the water, Jungkook and Hoseok rushing up behind you two.
A faint smile spread across your lips as your thumb tapped twice against the screen. That had been a good night. The eight of you crowded around an open fire, salty from the lake water. Jin had kept everyone entertained with his endless storytelling. Yoongi was even oddly animated, excitedly adding on to his elder's words.
Jimin's unofficial job was to get everyone drunk, calling for a suspicious amount of shots. It wasn't until Tae was puking out his guts did Jimin think it was time for everyone to slow down. Still it was a fun night. You even remembered pretending to be asleep so Joon would carry you to the house.
You had always liked the feeling of being in his arms.
It had become a running gag among the lot of you, when you and Joon would stop playing and become official. You couldn't see that happening, though. Yeah, you lived together, and you'd cuddle and were a bit more touchy with him than the others and there was that time that he ate you out but you were both drunk and it ended at that.
You two were just a bit too different for a relationship to blossom. At least, that's the mantra you've been repeating since that drunken night. And from the lack of romantic advances, Joon must've felt the same way. What you two had now was good, you were best friends and it wasn't complicated.
Feelings completely platonic. Your eyes followed the movement by your head, a shriek leaving your lips as your eyes fixed on the large black bug strutting over your pillow. Body flying up, you nearly sprinted down the hall, bursting into Joon's room.
You were met with his wide eyed surprised expression. He had been laying on his bed, a pair of gray sweats hanging low on his hips as he read his newest novel. It only took him a second to take in your frazzled state, sitting up only now registering your shriek from before.
“Why? What happened?” His eyes holding their round shape. You couldn't help the way your eyes shifted from his face to bare chest. It wasn't often that you saw Joon with his shirt off. He was definitely more modest than the other guys, only sometimes taking his shirt off while he swam.
You never gave it much thought, but now you were cursing him for it. How selfish of him to hide such a beautiful mass of muscle from the world. Joon was much buffer than when you first met. Prominent collarbones housing two very well worked on pecks, you imagined the way they'd flex if he was to tighten a muscle.
His arms had gotten bigger two, much rounder and visibly harder. His soft but flat tummy was a contrast to all of the muscle. With a clearing of his throat, Joon caught your stare arching a brow. “What's up?”
A forced cough left your lips, mentally scolding yourself for ogling at your best friend like that. “I... I, uhm-,” It took you a moment to regain your composure the multi legged creature reminding you why you were standing there, drooling.
“There was a bug! A huge bug crawling on my bed,” Your eyes widened as the memory of seeing the insect run over your pillow rushed back into your thoughts. It was so big! And dark, it had so many legs. You just wanted to throw up.
Joon's body relaxed once he realized it was nonsense you were on. “So? Squish it,” He shrugged a shoulder, leaning back into the comfort of his bed while lifting his book back up to eye level.
“Squish it!?” You moved so you were now standing at his side. The palms of your hands wrapping around the swell of his bicep. Really? When did he become like this? With a few pulls, you managed to tug him back up to a sitting position. “Can you please go look?” Pairing your request with a pout he never seemed to be able to resist had Joon rolling his eyes.
Slowly he pulled himself into a standing position, the palm of his hand rubbing against his bare chest. It seemed as if in that moment he had realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt, the tips of his ears flushing and his cheeks too if you could see his face.
“It's probably gone by now... I'll look,” He offered a small smile in your direction. You had taken up a small portion of his bed, nodding your head as you crossed your legs underneath you.
Your eyes never left him as he walked out of the room, did that boy just live at the gym? How had you not noticed him getting bigger like this? You enjoyed the delicious flex of the muscles in his back until he was disappearing around the corner.
With a huff, you were flinging yourself back against the blankets on his bed. Almost immediately, you were engulfed with his scent. Joon always smelt so good. A bit like nature from all the time he spent outside, mixed with the bit of cologne he sprayed in the morning.
One of the reasons you loved being in his arms so much was because all you could smell was him. A mini collection of his sweatshirts had started in your closet. He didn't mind, always mentioning how adorable you looked in his big clothes. The brim reaching to the tops of your knees.
Joon was jogging back into the room moments later, you didn't bother to sit up. He took up the space beside you, shoving your hair back off of your forehead. “I couldn't find it. It probably just left,”
That had you quickly sitting up, “It probably just left? Probably not. It's most likely concocting some plan with it's friends to attack me while I'm asleep.”
Joon laughed. “I doubt that,”
“I'm sure of it,” It was so easy for you to curl up into his lap, especially with how quickly he was to wrap his arms around your tiny frame. “Can I just stay in here with you?”
“You want to sleep in here?”
It was late, a bit past ten, there was no need to entertain each other. Just sleep. You two had fallen asleep on the couch together countless of times. You nodded.
Seconds ticked by as his eyes studied your face, his attention being brought to the book he had been reading before you had interrupted him. A soft sigh left his lips, “Hand me my book,” He jutted his chin out to point at it. You were quick with grabbing it, so you could settle back into Joon's embrace.
“Will you read to me?” Your arms had wrapped around his torso, your body shifting into his lap. “You're just going to fall asleep,” This wasn't the first time you had asked Joon to let you in on his literary adventures and every single time you fell asleep before he could finish a chapter.
“I won't this time, I'm not even tired.”
Flicking to his saved page, Joon began reading the printed words out loud. He had shifted your body on his lap. You were more comfortable now, between his legs with your back against his chest. His arms around your waist as he held the book out in front of you two. You could feel the rumble in his chest with every word he spoke.
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Joon's brows furrowed as he went to flip the page, hearing your soft snores. His gaze shifted down to your sleeping face, his eyes instantly rolling. “So annoying,” He mumbled, the smile on his lips only growing. It annoyed  how even with your face squished against his arm, creating a puddle of drool on his skin, hair in your face he still thought you were so pretty.
The feelings he had for you were strong and destined to just grow. Of course he was sad that you didn't feel the same way. But having you as his best friend was good enough for him, it had to be. There was a point where he was convinced that everything was going to change.
It was in the midst of one of your many movie nights. You two had, had a few drinks and were teetering toward tipsy. This wasn't the first time you'd get drunk together, but this time became different than the rest because you had kissed him. You. Kissed. Him. He remembered the feeling of his heart hammering against his rib cage, the girl of his dreams was kissing him in the middle of their shared living room. The excitement, and the alcohol, had things heating up quickly and soon you were in bed together.
You tasted so sweet against his tongue. So wet too, for him. Just for him. That had been the best night of his life, being able to watch you cum not once, but twice just from his tongue. He had planned for so much more, but you whined about being sensitive and he didn't want to push it.
Joon held you that night, all night. Just like he had done so many times before, but this time it was going to be different. When morning came, you'd be together the way that you should be. He'd be able to kiss you and hold you without that terrible ache in his chest.
At least, that's what he thought. The sun had barely risen the next morning, but he was awoken from his slumber by your frantic shifting. The panicked look on your face was enough to send all of his hopes for the two of you to hell. “We didn't.... did we?” You couldn't even say it as if it was so horrible.
Joon had eased your worries to which you replied with: “Fuck, I was so drunk.” He shrugged it off, agreeing. Although that night, he hadn't drank that much... and neither did you.
The memory put a bitter taste in his mouth. He wasn't upset about it, not in the slightest. Things were the way they were. He just wished they were different.
With very little effort, he was rolling your body over to the empty side of his bed. You shifted only slightly, incoherent mumbles leaving your lips before you were back in deep sleep. Tossing his book on the nightstand, Joon went to flick the light off.
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“Stop moving,” Joon's words were fogged with fatigue, his body shifting to face your tossing figure. It had to be after one by now. You had woken up a few moments ago, trying to find a comfortable position to fall back asleep in. You didn't mean to wake Joon up, you had forgotten that you were in his bed.
A grumble of what was supposed to be a sentence left your sleeping lips. Without a word, Joon was wrapping an arm underneath your head, tugging your body against his chest. Your face being smushed right against his bare slightly sweaty chest.
He patted your head, “Sleep,” An involuntary happy sigh left your lips as your body relaxed. “So perfect,” You mumbled out, lips puckering to place a chaste kiss to the center of his chest. Joon's body stilled, pulling back only to be met with your sleeping face.
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You lay wide awake on your back, watching Joon's air humidifier. A dozen curses were being sent to that bug that decided to commander your bed. Now you were wrapped up in Joon's tight embrace, a leg around your waist and his arm draped over your shoulders. His face was nuzzled into your neck, lips inches from your skin. All you could breathe in was his scent and your heart was going crazy.
With each soft breath blown against your clammy skin, you grew wetter. His fingers ghosted over the skin of your shoulder, the gesture only making the heat between your legs grow. He looked so peaceful and... so clueless. You wondered how he could sleep so soundly when he was making you feel this way.
Unconsciously, his hand was slipping down from your shoulder. You froze when the tips of his fingers traced the lace of your tank top. Was he awake? You shifted to take a peak. Still sound a sleep, snores leaving his lips. His features contorted, an inaudible murmur leaving his lips as he flattened his hand over your breast. A few wiggles of his fingers and his thumb was rolling over your now hardened nipple.
A gasp left your lips, quick to bat his hand away. He shifted, groaned before tucking you further underneath him. Joon let out a yawn, he was so close his lower lip dragged against your skin as he closed his mouth, the feeling instantly had your pussy aching.
You had to get out of here. Before you did something rash. Before you ruined the friendship you both worked so hard for. Before... his hand was on your chest again, squeezing and kneading. The motion startled you, forcing you to jump back, his limbs sliding from your body.
“What is it now?” His words raspy and you could tell he was hardly awake. “Come back, baby. You're so warm.” His eyes were open now, hooded but staring right at you. He blinked a few times, confusion taking over his features. “Are you alright?”
What were you to do? Tell him that he was feeling you up in his sleep and it made you so wet and now that he was awake you wanted him to do more. To touch you some more. Yeah, right. He'd definitely think you weird. Instead, you shook your head, sinking back into the spot next to him.
Joon's arms were quick to wrap around your waist, pulling your back against his chest. His hand nuzzling in your hair. He shifted and that's when you felt it. He was so fucking hard and deliciously big. Had he been dreaming before? His length was pressed right against your ass and it was getting harder and harder to hold back.
Your hips had taken on a mind of their own, it seemed. Rolling backward feeling just how long he was. Fuck, so big. Your quiet whimper was followed by another jerk of your hips, and then another, and another. The moan that left your lips was masked by his grunt. “Fuck,” Again, you froze.
Joon thrust his hips upward, body jumping at the friction. He repeated the action. “Keep going, please.” He sighed, the grip he held on your waist tightening.
You twisted in his arms, staring up at him with wide eyes. You could feel your heart beat throughout your entire body as he stared at you. Lip tucked between his teeth, crazed lust filled eyes, hair a mess. It only took a second before you decided what you were to do next.
Your hand was wrapping around his hard cock before you had a moment to talk yourself out of it. There was already a bit of pre-cum gathered at the tip and you smirked at how much you were able to affect him by not even doing much.
Joon's cock was heavy against your palm, long and veiny. The tip of your index finger traced over the most pronounced vein at the underside of it. Earning a hiss from him. Joon didn't dare move a muscle, he didn't want this to end and he felt if he made the wrong move than poof, this all would be over like a dream.
Gathering as much moisture from his tip as you could, you slowly began to stroke him. Your eyes never left his, watching as his jaw fell slack the moment you started the movement of your wrist. “Fuck, you're huge.” Your words were punctuated by the drop of your second hand around his length.
You twisted both fist in opposite directions, keeping up with your torturous pace. When you looked up at Joon, his eyes were squeezed tight, mouth open and head cocked back. But he wasn't making a sound. You wanted to hear him. You wanted him to fall apart from how good you were making him feel.
Dropping one of your hands down, you grasped his balls. Shit, even these were big. Giving them a firm squeeze while speeding up the pace of your strokes, you watched his face. “Fuck, baby.” He cursed, hips jerking forward. “Do that again,” His breathing was much heavier now.
You obliged, massaging your fingers into his skin after you squeezed. “Shit.” Joon was dragging out his curses and moving his hips along with the movement of your hand. Just when you were sure you were going to have him cumming, he stilled.
A hand pulling your hair into a makeshift ponytail. His mouth was on yours in an instant. The kiss was sloppy and rushed. Tongues twisting and pushing against each others until he decided that he liked nibbling at your lips better.
Kissing him right now brought back the memory of what it felt like to have his mouth working between your legs. The thought only sending a shock of arousal between your legs. Rolling onto his back, Joon didn't dare part his lips from yours. Not until he was satisfied did he use the grip he had on your hair to pull your head back. His hand pushing your body down until you were face to face with his throbbing cock.
It glistened slightly with his arousal. The tip an angry red. He was much bigger than he felt. You gasped when it jumped, seemingly on it's own. You had been so mesmerized by his size, you hadn't noticed Joon's hand coming down to wrap around himself.
Not until he was lining the tip of his cock up with your mouth. He rubbed it against your lips a few times, the salty taste seeping through onto your tongue. “Open,” He urged. Your mouth was wide before he could finish his sentence, leaning forward to swallow him whole. You've wanted to taste him for God knows how long. Moaning once you felt his tip hit the back of your throat, you tried for the last few inches covered by his palm only to have your throat restrict, your coughs forcing you to pull back.
“Easy,” Joon pushed your hair back so he could see your face, “Relax, baby.” Fuck, he looked so good right then. Lips wet and swollen from the kiss you had shared. Hair sticking up in all directions, that one vein at the side of his neck was starting to show.
You ducked your head back down, tonguing over the vein at the underside of his cock. He groaned so you did it again, this time sucking his tip into your mouth. You rolled your tongue over it in small circles. Silently preparing yourself before opening up your mouth once more to take him down your throat.
He was bigger than any other guy that you've sucked off. Way bigger. Your hands grasped his thighs bracing yourself for the few inches that were left. Joon watched you in amusement. How hard you were trying to swallow all of him was not only extremely sexy but... lifting your gaze your eyes caught his. It took everything in him not to fuck forward, just to have you choke again.
Your eyelashes batted cutely at the man above you before you were swallowing the rest of his length, your  nose pressed up against his groin. Joon was almost drooling at the sight of you, his body jerking when he felt you swallow around him.
Quickly he was reaching down for you hand, bringing it up to your throat. “Swallow.” You followed his orders, feeling your throat constrict and then... the feeling of his cock right there. “Feel that?” He smirked, his hips pulling back to allow you to breathe normally.
Sitting back on your knees, you greedily sucked all the oxygen into your lungs that you could.
Joon took in your watery eyes, the harsh raise and fall of your chest. Maybe he'd pushed you too far. He thought. His hand grasped his cock, mimicking the movements that you had been doing before. He'd just make himself cum and that would be it.
Your head shook quickly, eyes going wide. You were crouched down inches from his cock within seconds. “I wanna do it. Please, let me make you cum.” He was surprised, but pleased. Seeing his nod, you were quick to replace his hand with your own.
Tongue finding home on his balls as you moved your hand quickly. His moans only urging you on. “Fuck, you're so good... in your mouth, baby. Put it in your mouth.” Your mouth covered a little more than half of his length, your head bobbing quickly as you hallowed your cheeks here and there. The palm of your hand massaging and squeezing his balls.
Joon had both of his hands holding your hair back, twisting and jerking his hips along with the movement of your mouth. “Uh, fuck... I'm so... fuck, I'm close.” You let him still the movement of your head, fucking your mouth at his own pace now.
It wasn't long before his thrusts became sloppy and he was sputtering, holding your head down as he filled your mouth with his load. Incoherent rumbles of praise and curses left his lips as he slowly came down and you began sucking again, milking out every last drop of his orgasm. You swallowed.
“So good,” He was mumbling before slumping back against his pillows. An arm went up to cover his eyes as he concentrated on getting his breathing in tact. You watched him for a while, his chest heaving and stuttering until it was just soft breaths indicating that he had fallen asleep.
The cloud of arousal had suddenly been ripped away from you in that moment. Realization of what had just taken place finally hitting you. You both crossed the line again, and this time there was no alcohol to blame it on. What did all of this mean for you? For your friendship?
The thoughts rattling in your mind were slowly driving you mad and you decided you couldn't sit here and watch him sleep anymore. Shoving the covers back, you reluctantly trudged back down the hall and into your room. You'd just have to brave whatever creature decided to attack you in the night.
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The sun seeped through the window and onto Joon's face, slowly pulling him out of his slumber. He stirred and groaned, reaching out for your body-- in hopes to steal some of your warmth. His arm being full outstretched and not finding you had confusion settling in. His eyes blinked the sleep away, his blurred vision finding the empty space beside him.
Last nights events all came rushing back at once. “Fuck,” Joon grumbled, sitting up in bed while running his hands over his face. He had taken things too far, once again. Who knows how you'd react this time around. It was obvious that you were feeling weird... why else was he waking up in an empty bed.
It was as if he wasn't able to learn his lesson. He was always crossing the line with you and he feared the day you got sick of it. Shoving his blankets off of his body, he was dragging himself down the staircase and into the kitchen.
His heart fluttered, seeing you standing there. Wearing nothing but his t-shirt and a tiny pair of panties. Your ass jiggled as you tried to reach a cup on the top shelf. You never dressed like this. Not in front of your friends at least. Knowing this had Joon instantly thinking that maybe last night wasn't a huge mistake.
Maybe things were different now and seeing you like this was going to be the new thing. Without much more thought, he was moving to stand behind you, doing something he had wanted to for so long. An arm snaking around your waist and a hand sliding down to squeeze your plump ass. Fuck.
A yelp left your lips at the feeling of his strong hand, your body jumping and the cup just barely in your grasp slipping, rolling and tumbling onto the floor. The sound of shattering glass filled both of your ears. “Joon!” You exclaimed, wiggling from his grip to pick up the pieces.
Joon cursed himself for an idiot once again. “Sorry, I just...” Shaking his head, he bent down to help you clean up the mess. You stared down at the shards of glass, refusing to make eye contact. “It's fine, I got it. You don't have too... ow, fuck!” Quickly blood started to leak from the small flesh wound, you brought your finger up to your mouth to suck on it.
“Don't do that.” Joon was reaching for your hand, pulling your fingers from your mouth. You observed the cut before pulling you up to your feet. “It's not that bad, let's get it cleaned though.” You went to pull your hand out of his grip, starting to tell him that you could handle it yourself. He was shaking his head before you could even finish your sentence, leading you into the bathroom.
Joon had sat you down on the toilet as he crouched down in front of you. A first aid kit open on the floor between you, you almost rolled your eyes at how dramatic he was being. Nothing was said as he rubbed disinfectant over your finger, inspecting the cut once all the blood was wiped away.
You couldn't help the way you seemed to always admire him, even if he was doing the simplest of things. He had neglected to put a shirt on before leaving his room, the same sweats hugging his hips. He had such an attractive look of concentration on his face, brows furrowed and lips pursed.
How could he be this handsome? How could he.... inwardly shaking your head, you stopped your thoughts. Looking at him that way was exactly what got you in trouble last night. Joon was your friend and just that. What he did while you were horny and urging him had nothing to do with anything. He only saw you as a friend. That was it.
The triumphant smile that grew on his face made your heart skip. He was holding your bandaged finger up so you could see. You forced your gaze to the bright purple bandage wrapped around your finger. “Thank you,” The words left your lips in a mumble as you pulled your hand back into a lap.
Joon nodded, raising to his feet. You watched as he tucked the first aid kit back into the drawer, standing there for a while. He still looked concentrated, but on what? What could he possibly be thinking about? A way to let  you down easy about what happened last night? Probably.
You'd just have to beat him to it. “Listen, I...”
“Sorry, for...” Your words overlapped each other, both of you letting out an embarrassed laugh. It was nice to hear him laugh, it felt as if an entirety passed since you heard it last. “You go first.” He nodded, pushing his hands through his already messy hair.
He looked just as embarrassed as you felt. “I wanted to apologize... you know, for last night.” He cleared his throat, visibly trying to muster up some confidence. “I took things to far, I know it. I shouldn't have...”
“You took things too far? None of that wouldn't have happened if I didn't decide to just grind on you.” Your face flushed at the memory. He had felt so good against you, it was crazy that you were apologizing for acting on it.
It looked like Joon was blushing too, “Well, that probably wouldn't have happened if I didn't start feeling you up in my sleep.” Your eyes widened at his revelation.
“You were awake!?”
An awkward laugh left his lips, the dimples on his cheeks making an appearance. He rubbed at the back of his neck as he tilted his head. “Not exactly... I mean, I knew what I was doing... but I was so sure that it was a dream. Until you were jumping back, but I was too embarrassed so I played dumb,”
You faked a gasp, punching your first into his chest. “You had me feeling like some weirdo getting off on what people do in their sleep.” He rubbed at the spot on his chest, scrunching his face up in mock pain.
“Wait, what do you mean getting off?” He stepped a bit closer to you, his brow cocked and that stupid smirk on his lips. There were no words to back track, you were stuck. He was looking at you in such a familiar way,  his gaze nearly enough to have you on your knees begging.
The palm of his hand spread over your hip, tugging your body against his. Your heart was pounding, sweat rushing to your palms and forehead. Your hands dropped down onto his chest, his left peck jumping under your touch. You could've moaned but you didn't, you were pushing his body back. A confused expression playing on his features.
“I think, maybe... it would be best if we just forgot about last night. Don't you agree?” Joon was dropping his hands from your body and if you were mistaken you could swear you saw a flash of disappointment behind his dark eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. I agree. Let's do that. Good idea.”
“Isn't it? I mean, we're best friends and like, we live together too. We don't want to complicate things, right?” You didn't even believe the words that were coming out of your mouth.
“Right.” Joon agreed. He watched as you nodded your head, turning and leaving the bathroom. Once he was sure you were out of earshot, he let out a frustrated groan. Kicking his toe against the cabinet. Why was this so hard? Couldn't you see how badly he wanted to be with you? Why were you playing with him like this?
It wasn't fair. Every time he thought he was close, you'd push back. He had been careful for years around you. Minded his hands, his words, his glances. It was always you. You were always sliding into his lap, you were always crawling into his bed, you had kissed him. You. You. You.
What were you doing to him? It wasn't right. He couldn't keep doing this to himself. It would end up driving him mad in the end.
You were back in the kitchen, cleaning up the mess from before. Joon's words pulled you from the mess of thoughts in your head. You stood, placing the broken glass on the counter. “What'd you say?”
“I said, no. I'm not 'okay' with just forgetting about last night. Or that other night for that matter. It may shock you, but they meant something to me...” The strides he took were long and hesitant. His eyes bored into yours. You just stood there frozen.
“And I'm literally going to go mad, because I don't understand you. You always act like you might possibly have feelings for me but once something like that happens... you pull back and I don't get it. You're confusing and I just... I like you so much.” Your heart was pounding again, eyes wide from his confession. He liked you? Kim Namjoon liked you? Really?
“So so much, but I can't keep doing this back and forth.   I need you to just be honest with me. I like you, do you like me?” Joon stood just inches from you. If you were to reach out, you'd be in his arms. He had such an intense look in his gaze shifting from your face.
You wanted to tell him. Let him know how you'd been finding yourself thinking about him more and more. How your heart fluttered every time you hugged him. How seeing him even for a minute had could lift your entire mood. Yet, you couldn't find the words.
Instead, you found yourself closing the space between you two. Your arms wrapping around his neck in one swift moment and your lips finding his. Joon was reacting almost instantly. This kiss was a lot different from the one shared between you two last night. This kiss was slower, your lips pushing and pulling against each other so gently. This kiss. This was better than telling him, right? From the way his hands were finding your hips, you couldn't help but agree with yourself.
That was until you felt him pushing you back, forcing your lips to slide from his. “No,wait. You need to tell me, I need to hear you say it. I can't do this again.” Why was he always like this? Couldn't he just tell? You were always making moves and having to pull back because he just did not get it.
He looked so confused, yet so determined. You laughed, shaking your head. His brows furrowed and you grabbed at his cheeks, squishing them to make his lips pucker out. You kissed him like that, laughing and doing it again. “I like you, Namjoon. Hell, I might even love you at this point,”
“Really?” Despite his look of disbelief, Joon had his hand gripping the hem of your shirt. Using his grip to pull your body against his. You nodded. Had it not been obvious this entire time? “Honestly, I'm surprised you even have to ask... I'm literally all over you, how could you-” Your words were interrupted by the moan you let out from the feeling of his large hand squeezing your ass.
Your eyes caught his, his lips finding yours in a rough kiss; not wasting any time with slipping his tongue past your lips. The atmosphere in the room changed within seconds. Joon was wrapped around you completely, a hand cupping one of your breasts, the other holding your ass. You never wanted someone more.
A string of moans were slipping past your lips when Joon was dropping his head down to press open mouthed kisses against the skin of your neck. Your hands rested on his stomach, his hard abs warm underneath your palms. Your blunt nails pressing against him when he began toying with your earlobe.
You hadn't realized him grabbing your wrist, not until he was pushing your hand down onto his clothed, but very hard cock. “Fuck,” You mumbled, stroking him through his sweats. The way his hips jerked had you grinning. “You're so big, Joon.” Your words came out in a moan, fingers spreading as your rubbed him.
Joon was quickly picking you up off of your feet, laying your back down on the couch as he hovered over you. His lips sucked a hickey at the side of your neck as he slipped his hand underneath your panties. He groaned. “You're this wet? I've hardly touched you.” He smirked.
“Shut u-up.” You stuttered as his finger began to massage your clit. He was quickly pushing two fingers past your folds, “Mm, so tight. You think you'll be able to take this cock, baby?” He was dragging your hand onto his bulge again. You nodded quickly, slipping your hand into his sweats to feel his bare skin.
“Please,” You begged while opening your legs wider for him. Joon was able to easily slip another finger inside. Bringing another hand forward, you tugged his sweats down enough for his dick to visible to your greedy eyes. You began to stroke him, watching his face twist in pleasure as he began to mindlessly rock his hips with your hand movements.
His mouth fell slack as you sped up your strokes, his eyes rolling shut and brows furrowing. You reached for his balls. “Fuck, shit...” His fingers stilled inside of you as he bit down on your neck. “Stop,” He groaned while bringing his hand to wrap around your wrist.
“Close already?” You teased, your index finger tracing over a large vein on his cock. Joon leaned down to kiss your smirking lips, chucking softly. “I've been waiting five years for this, shut up.”
“Five years!?” You repeated and he nodded, leaning down to kiss your lips. He replaced your grip with his, stroking himself a few times before rubbing his cock against your wet clit. “I really want to taste you... but fuck, I might explode if I don't fuck you right now.” Your pussy clenched at the thought of him inside of you.
You reached down to push your panties to the side, trying to wiggle your hips up toward the tip of his cock. “Fuck me. I need you so bad, Joonie. Please,” You pleaded. Slowly, he began to sink in inch by inch. “So big, so big.” You gasped, fists clenching once he was all the way in.
“Finally,” Joon sighed.
It took you a few moments to adjust to his size. Joon busied himself with your bare chest, sucking kisses onto the underside of your breasts, teasingly swiping his tongue over your nipples when you least expected it. When you began to move, his hands found your hips. He didn't waste a moment with thrusting into you, groaning at the tight squeeze around his throbbing cock.
Rolling his hips back, he began to pull out before quickly thrusting forward. That earned a shocked yelped from you and he smirked, repeating the action a few times before setting a pace. His strong hands held your legs up and apart as he fucked into you hard and fast.
His name fell from your lips in breathless pants, you could already feel the pressure growing in your lower belly. “More, more...” Joon's hand was coming down between your legs in an instant, rubbing at your clit and making your walls tighten around him. He hissed.
“You feel... so good, baby. Fuck,” Teeth trapped between his teeth, you could tell he was keeping himself from cumming. Securing your legs around his waist, Joon dropped down so your chests were pressed together. His hand tangled in your hair, using his grip to tilt your head to the side. Wet kisses were trailed from your jaw down to your collarbones.
His fingers toyed with your clit deliciously. Your eyes widened as he angled his hips, the tip of his cock brushing against the sweet spot deep inside you. “Fuck, Joon... Right there!” Your head was rolling back and he repeated the movement again, hitting it over and over again until your legs were shaking.
A string of curses left our lips as your orgasm hit, Joon groaned at the feeling of your body tightening. His arms wrapping around you to pull you up as he lay on his back. Your body fell slack against his chest, breath heavy and eyes unfocused.
Joon's thrusts were short and hard. Your body bounced as he fucked fast into you, desperately chasing his orgasm. He felt so good you couldn't help but try to move back against him, whimpering. His movements were beginning to get sloppy and you could tell by the look on his face that he was close.
You whined at the emptiness you felt as he pulled himself out to stroke himself. His cum was warm on your back, you moaned each time a drop hit. Joon laid back on the couch, arm over his face as he tried to regulate his breathing. You smiled. He must do that every time after he finished.
“Mm, wanna taste you.” He mumbled, lifting your hips and laying you back down.
You laughed, leaning up to pressed your mouth over his. He smiled through as he kissed you lazily, his fingers sliding between your legs. He rubbed at your folds slowly. “Be my girlfriend,” The words were murmured against your lips but you heard him loud and clear.
“You're only saying that because you want to eat me out,” You half joked. Joon rolled his eyes as he slipped his fingers inside. “I'm saying that because I want to take you on dates. I want to eat you out because I can literally feel how wet you are.”
You moaned at his words, twisting your hips in hopes to urge him to move his fingers. “Are you sure? I mean... what if we break up?” That was one of your biggest worries. There was no way you'd be able to go back to the way things once were. Especially not if you started dating.
“We won't.” He began moving his fingers, curled upward they just barely hitting your spot.
“What if you get sick of me?” Your gasp was heard through your words, he smirked.
“I'm already sick of you,” His dimples appeared as he grinned, you laughed hitting his shoulder. “Joon, seriously.” He was slipping his fingers out, slowly lowering himself. “I'm serious. Girlfriend?” His face was between your legs and he didn't waste a minute before he was diving in.
His tongue flickering over your clit as he teased a finger at your entrance. He looked up at you with mischievous gleam in his eye. “Yes or no?” His finger swirled around your hole before slipping all the way in and just as quick, pulling back.
Joon continued to tease you, awaiting your answer. “Yes, yes, yes. ” you moaned after the fourth time he pulled his fingers away.
The grin that took over his features was enough to make your hear t swell. He pushed a two fingers back in, leaning up to kiss your lips before he was lowering himself between your legs again.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Seeing Colors (Yuta x blind!reader)
a/n: hey, this oneshot is a little bit long and I actually started writing this last Summer 2020, but I didn’t finish it. Yesterday I got the motivation and the time to finish the ending part. Please let me know if there is anything missing in the scene (like if I suddenly jumped or you’re confused by the timeline... It’s a fic I left a while and came back to, and timeline sometimes suck.)
I want to tag my two fams who also love yuta fics... this was an attempt I made last year to write angst, but I need to practice more. This is more like a romance drama anyways @ailoveyuta and @yutahoes we are all suckers of yuta.
warning : longer than my other oneshots, buildup, you’re a blind character (do not read if you’re uncomfortable with this head to masterlist instead! thanks)
⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ 
You opened your eyes, or at least you thought you did. It was difficult to tell, given the total lack of light.
Your world has never been bright since the day of the car crash. You were only seventeen when the world took away your sight, and your best brother. Your parents survived the crash; they left the hospital walking on their own while helping you. Yes you, who need to learn using your other senses and walk in the dark for the rest of your life. There were no cornea donors up to this day, and you’ve changed from the bright, cheerful, pretty girl next door into a cold, secluded, ice queen. Without light, life was not easy. Friends pity you, but you’re fed up by their fake attitudes. Love? You have not much hope with it.
“That wasn’t my choice,” You haughtily remarked and straightened your back when the man beside you had finished reciting the news your parents gave to him.
“As much as you don’t like it, your parents were not wrong. You’re 26, graduated with a bachelor degree in music, and yet you’re still not thinking to you know date somebody.” The man older than you by 2 years sighed.
You shrugged your shoulder, “Listen Yuta, I never asked you or my parents if I wanted a boyfriend.”
Yuta quietly lets go off his breath he had been holding; here we go again, fighting over relationship necessity.
Nakamoto Yuta has been your personal guard and secretary ever since your older secretary, Kim Jongin, was retired and got married. Jongin was a nice and caring secretary, he was patient when you first trained to walk with cane, plus Jongin graduated as a guardian for the special needs . Jongin dealt with all of your frustration and anger, he was like a substitute of your brother you lost. Jongin dedicated 6 years of standing by your side, helping you walk, fighting bullies for you, and basically did all the things he could to help you live a happy life. You were thankful for Jongin, but as you started to develop feelings for him, he left you alone with a wedding invitation. You, who were slowly being kind, suddenly changed back to the cold version of you. Your parents tried their best to look for any helpers who were ready to deal with your tantrums. That was when you met Nakamoto Yuta, a graduate student from Osaka, who took specialist in helping the blind. Among the other applicants, Nakamoto Yuta caught your attention and now he’s by your side for 3 years.
“Tell mum I am not coming to whatever date she arranged.” You unfolded your walking stick, making Yuta rushed to stand by your right side. He placed his left guiding hand to his abdomen and you found your hand snaked into his and firmly gripped him to walk.
“Where are we headed?” Yuta questioned when you carefully took your steps down the stairs.
“Well, I want to see Mum.”
Yuta assisted you to your mother and then left. He waited on the door to let you have your private talk.
“(y/n), what brings you here?” Your mother asked you nicely.
You brought your eyes to look at her; you cleared your throat and finally spoke up, “I know you’ve tried so hard to find me a date… Thank you, but I am not ready yet. My last love still hurts and I don’t think boys would  want to date me when they find out I am blind.”
Your shoulder slumped and your tears fell, “I don’t know how I look right now? Am I still a beauty or am I a beast now? Will men like me if they know I’m blind? To be honest mom, I am afraid… I am afraid of their reactions.”
Your mother stood to hug you. She wiped your tear and whispered, “Look sweetheart, you’re beautiful inside out. You don’t have to worry about other people… Let me tell you… one day you will find a man… who will help you see colors again. When that man comes and when that day happens, you don’t have to thank me. That is fate. Believe and you will find your soul mate darling. Now, wipe those tears off and please try to attend the dinner I arranged this Friday.”
You sobbed, “What if I don’t like him?”
“Then you will not date him. Please, meet him for me…” She held your hand tightly and you can feel her sincere mother love tingled to your skin.
You stopped your tears and forced a smile, “Okay mother, I will try and open my heart.”
“Thank you sweetie, I knew I’ll never doubt in you.”
You exited the room after Yuta was called in.
“Please fetch me Vision, I want some fresh air.”
Vision is your service dog, he is a good boy who never fails to amaze you. Yuta grabbed the dog’s collar from the garage and while humming his favorite song, Yuta found the service dog wagging its tail when it saw the leash.
“You’re on duty today handsome,” Yuta clipped the leash to Vision’s collar and brought him to you.
You walked with Vision and Yuta to a near park just down the lane. There’s not many people and you like to avoid crowds. You don’t like being a distraction and being the talk of the park.
You spent your afternoon day dreaming under the big tree while thinking about your mother’s word. Funny how mother believes in soul mate things and what did she said? Someone will make you see colors again? Well you’ve started to forget what seeing things in colors looked like. A majority of your heart screamed that won’t happen, but a tiny part hopes you can see or at least find someone who can make you feel the colors again.
Yuta sat beside you; you shifted your head to look at him.
“Yuta… do you know what to do in a date? I’ve never been into one.” You deadpan stared into him and if you can see, you’ll definitely see a flustered Yuta. All this time he has been cool and reserved, strong and intelligent man, always ready to help you and he cracked jokes too.  You’ve never heard or asked him about his love life.
“Yuta?” you reached out your hand to him and he held them, you remained silent and suddenly broke the awkward silence, “You’re nervous, why?”
Yuta face palmed, how could he forgot your senses are sharp and a slight change in action will bring you curiosity. He calmed himself down  and pretended to not be flustered
“Well, I am the master of dating. Now, where should we start?” Yuta coughed and covered his flustered self. Damn he knew nothing too, but he can always look up Google for you right?
You fiddled with the hem of your dress, in two days you will have your first set up date or blind date: literary and metaphorically.
“Okay first thing first I will be there, so don’t worry too much.” Yuta chuckled nervously “You have to put the fear at home, be confidence, be you.”
“You know what, follow your heart. Now, we shall head home… I think it will rain.” Yuta stood up and helped you rise.
He thanked Heaven for sending a rain, but  You didn’t found his answers satisfying. You went home nevertheless, with a heavy heart.
Friday came.
The whole house has never been this enthusiast before. It was only a blind date, but they treated it as if it’s already my big day.
You let your mother chose your evening dress, and you can do some of your make up by yourself, unless the difficult part, your mother will help.
You’re pampered and dolled up nicely. The simple black dress loosely fit your petite body. You twirled once to feel the fabric and yourself. Though you don’t feel like going anywhere tonight, you will try your best.
You sprayed your favorite fragrance followed by standing up from your chair.
“Let’s go…” you used your stick to help you stand up, and Yuta does his job. Your hand brushed the fabric he wore, “You’re wearing a suit?”
There was a pause from you and him
Yuta cleared his throat, “I should look decent right? Now, we need to hurry up or we will be late. You sure wouldn’t want to make your date wait right?”
You nodded your head and followed his guidance to the car. He ensured you fastened your seat belt in the passenger seat behind, and then moved to sit behind the wheels. He typed in tonight’s destination and departed.
The two of you arrived at a fancy rooftop dinner place. You stood beside Yuta nervously, your small hand kludged into his strong arms. In the small elevator rising to floor 12, you let go a long breath.
Yuta turned his head to you, “Nervous?”
You nodded your head, “It’s my first time… Of course I am nervous. Yuta what’s his name again?”
Your mind must be fuzzy for you kept on forgetting tonight’s date information.
“He’s from Canada-“ Yuta’s words were cut off as the elevator ding and the door opened.
“We’re here, let’s go.”
You and Yuta carefully left the elevator and you can feel the thick mattress laid like a red carpet across the hallway. This sure must be a top restaurant.
You walked gracefully with one stick on your hand and head held up. Having Yuta by your side somewhat comforts you.
You found yourself seated on a chair where the night breeze tickles you. Yuta excused himself after telling you he will be around, you can always wave and call him for a command.
You reluctantly let him go and waited for the man in front of you to speak. You assumed someone was there since a hint of cologne doesn’t miss your nose.
The introduction began; you learned his name, age, job, and nationality. He’s Mark Lee, a 26 years old song writer. He enjoys light conversation and his jokes are quiet funny. He loves watermelon so much to the point that you worry if he is alright. And you didn’t share the same movie genre. He is a successful man for his young age!
You skipped all the boring questions after learning his interests and telling him yours. You put on your cold face, cold heart, and prepared yourself to hear the truth.
“Okay so Mark, you’re a kind person and wonderful, but I just want to ask you,” You paused and bit your lips hesitating.
“Sure, ask me anything!”
“Why are you expecting to date me a blind girl?” You played with a napkin in your lap while waiting for his answer.
Mark froze and thought for a moment; hey he actually did not know the girl he is seeing tonight is blind. Her dating profile did not include that.
You snapped him from the silence, “It’s okay if you cannot answer. I know your answer already. You didn’t expect this right?”
Mark opened his mouth, about to make a rebuttal, but no words came out.
You straightened your back and raised your head to face him, “I can feel how you try your best not to hurt me, but love should not be forced right?” you waved your hand and wished Yuta saw you.
“I’m sorry,” Mark shot his vision to the sky line of Seoul at night.
“Don’t be, it’s not your fault. I was the wrong one. It was nice knowing you Mark, thank you and good bye.” You grabbed your stick and left the restaurant with a confused Yuta by your side.
Yuta saw the man, he looked nice and cute. He was also successful and playful. Yuta actually would agree if this man dated (y/n), but he didn’t know why (y/n) did not even bother talking more or even learning his face. Come to think of it, she has never touched Yuta’s face too before.
On the way back home, you bombarded Yuta with tons of questions.
“Yuta tell me do I look like a fool when I enter the restaurant earlier? I’m sure people wonder why a blind girl like me go there… to meet a man. A wonderful man! Gosh why would he choose me over pretty idols and normal girls?” You ranted out your heart, a tear escaped from your eyes.
Yuta glanced from the rear mirror and saw you crying, “No, you didn’t look like a fool. You look pretty like princesses. No one looked at you in a bad way.” Yuta truthfully spilled you his heart’s answers, but earlier was nowhere near that.
“I heard the whispers and murmurs Yuta! Don’t lie to me too, please”  you scoffed and threw your eyes to the window.
“But for me you’re doing so great for a first date, just that I thought Mark was cute enough to be your man.” Opinionated Yuta.
“He’s not my style; I don’t feel any spark of chemistry. Aish just focus on the road. I’m not doing anymore dates! People are only hurting my feelings.” You bit your lips and cried in silence.
You knew no one would date a blind girl unless they really like her, or fate made you two a thing. You rested your head on the window pane and memories of your brother flooded you. He would’ve been your dating coach if he’s still here, but no. Fate took him away from you, and fate took Jongin too.
You changed. Even worse.
You’re once again the cold, heartless young lady.
The dark thoughts of being blind haunted you every time you wanted to go to bed, or when you started your day.
Your mind repeatedly reminded you that you’re a blind person, who can only rely on someone else, vulnerable, bratty, and useless. You realized it will be hard and almost impossible to found a man who loves you truly for who you are, and not for the money and wealth.
You blamed fate for making you blind, you blamed everyone who made a small mistake, and it was not rare for you to rant your emotion out to Yuta. You hit him; you flooded him with tears, you basically made his life hard.
“Yuta I hate my life! What did I do wrong that I end up blind and have no donors for me up to this day?!”
Yuta detested to tell you the fact that, a lot of donors were found but none were compatible. He doesn’t want you to lose hope.
“Hey, listen I will be here by your side. We will find  a suitable donor, and you will soon see colors again,”
You stared into the thin air, “Do you know how hard it is for me, to actually lose sight. Since young, I’ve enjoyed watching sceneries, seeing colors, play with paints, and pour my emotion in a canvas? I miss painting, Yuta.” A small smile greeted your lips when you imagined what painting felt like, “ I miss sneaking out at night to the garden, to paint the starry night. I miss walking with my brother to a hill by the end of town, to just sit on the grass and paint what I felt that day.” Your heart grew warm from the memory, you wiped a tear that left your eyes. your smile faded and your lips pouted.
“Now I can’t even remember what it feels like to finish a painting, I forgot how colors made me feel. I lost everything I love. How miserable can life be?” you threw a sad look to Yuta on your left. Lucky he was in that side.
Yuta sighed and suddenly left you by yourself.
“Yuta? Yuta! Hey where are you going” you shouted when you heard his  foot steps leaving you and a door closing.
He ignored your call and made his way to the kitchen. It’s already eleven and you’re nowhere near sleeping. Yuta needed to make sure you rest enough, so he returned to you with a cup of hot lavender tea. You always have that when you don’t feel sleepy.
“How dare you leave me alone?! What if someone came and tried to harm me? Yuta you’ve worked for three years and you still leave me suddenly?”
Yuta was used to this. You would make small matters big whenever you’re having a rage.
“Here, have your lavender tea, then we will sleep. You’re tired okay from everything. Let’s sleep and tomorrow I will bring you somewhere.” Yuta impatiently fixed your pillows and blanket. You drank your tea to calm yourself down and forcefully followed his command. Without saying good night to him, you faced the other way around and closed your eyes. What Yuta did earlier hurts your feeling. Childish? Yes you are!
Yuta covered you in the blanket, then he left you after saying good night. He stretched his body as he made his way to his own room. How tiring was it to deal with a ranting (y/n).  He smiled to himself when he remembered what he wanted to do tomorrow. Yuta dropped his tired body on the soft mattress and drove to dreamland faster than you did.
Yuta shot his eyes opened in alarm as the ringer on his nightstand rang and lighted up. He quickly put on his clothes and cursed at himself for sleeping in. Usually he was always up early before (y/n). Yuta dashed to your room, hairs still untidy just to reach you before one minute.
“Good… morning,” Yuta spoke between his breath.
You squinted your eye brow and listened to his panting, “You just ran?”
“Sorry I slept in, anyways I’m here now. Where would you like to go?” Yuta walked to your side to help you got out of the bed.
You stretched a bit before looking at him confused, “You asked? Of course I need to join mother and father for breakfast. Why did you even ask?”
Yuta yawned and scratched the back of his head “What’s wrong with me today?!” was all he questioned himself.
You made it to the breakfast after a quick bath, Yuta also left to take his shower.
Under the warm water, you laughed a little from Yuta’s sudden weird memory. Yuta was ready to accompany you descend the stairs after you’ve put on your morning dress.
Your parents were waiting for you already on the table and your casual breakfast started. Yuta sat across you, as per usual, and helped drive your food to the center of your plate.
Breakfast almost ended in peace, not until your mother decided to ruin your Sunday with another disastrous news.
“Mum’s sorry about your first date, Mark… I found you another sweet man, this time he knew about your condition and he agreed to come and bring you to the beach. Didn’t you told me you missed the beach?” Mother excitedly explained her big news.
You paused your movements and dropped your fork away from your mouth. “Not again mom?”
Your dad tried his best to keep you in a good mood, “He’s a nice guy, can we try for this once? Maybe going to the beach can make you happier too!”
“I didn’t want to go with a stranger. I want to go with you guys.” You tossed your fork and slightly pushed the half finished plate. Yuta looked at you confused, you never left a plate of waffles unclean.
“It was not a good memory for me,” you crossed your arms across your chest and stared down.
“Oh come on my (y/n)~ Try to make a happy memory then with this sweet guy. Please he will pick you up tomorrow!” your mother clasped her hands in delight.
“Beside Yuta will also join you, you’re not to be alone. Come to think of it, Yuta why don’t you bring your girl along and you can also enjoy the beach with your girl?” Your father offered a solution he thought might be a great idea.
You scoffed, “then Yuta will definitely forget me and be busy with his girl. What if someone harms me?”
Yuta hid a small smile, he felt satisfied seeing you jealous.
Your mother didn’t or pretended not to hear your scowl, instead she joined into father’s plan deeper. “Yeobo, that’s a super great idea! Yuta tell me if you still have nobody, I can help you look for one.”
You turned your head to look at Yuta and cocked a brow, though you cannot see his respond back, you frowned when you heard his happy reply.
“I’d love that mother,” He called your mother by the word mother. And he won her heart.
You the sound of  a chair pushed back and small foot steps she made while looking for her phone.
You glanced at your plate in disbelief, Yuta can just leave you like that? Your father saw your plate, he ascended and sat beside you.
He took over your plate and cur the remaining portion, “Eat up princess, you don’t want to get sick right? I promise the man you’ll see tomorrow is a nice guy. You’ll have a lot of fun! Now finish your breakfast.” He drove the fork back into your hand and tapped it lightly.
Yuta has left his chair to help clean the plates, leaving  you alone with your imaginations and plate.
“Yuta what’s your type?” Your mother excitedly followed Yuta around while asking him questions.
You covered your ears, but their conversations were as clear as a whistle!
“Yuta likes a petite girl, have a beautiful smile, likes nature especially mountains, love art, understands peace, acts like a lady, and of course who will love him purely.” You memorized a new thing inside your head. Well you overheard him answering mom, and it looked like the girl Yuta wanted was near perfect.
You wondered why your mother never asked you what kind of man do you prefer?
With the help of your stick, you made your way out of the house and into the garden. You called Vision and he ran to stand by your side. You don’t walk too far, you found your way to the bench and you sat there. You counted the time Yuta needed to realize you’re gone and for him to look for you.
Your mind drove you back to ten minutes ago, why does it hurt your heart when you heard Yuta will be walking with another girl… a girl he loves? You felt dejected when you heard his criteria of girl. You suddenly remembered of course Yuta will look for a pretty and perfect girl, not anyone like you. Though you don’t know why you were thinking of this.
30 minutes passed, you heard him calling for you and your sour face melted as a smile replaced them.
“(Y/n)! Where are you? Vision?” Yuta yelled through the big garden.
Your wealthy family provided you a big house, a big garden, and a bright shelter.
“Ah here you are!” Yuta tapped on your shoulder lightly and smiled when you remained silence.
“You’re not talking? Fine. Let me tell you, we’re going on a double date on Tuesday!” Yuta’s voice sounded too cheerful, or you’re just too salty.
“I don’t care Yuta, beside I don’t know yet if I’m coming or not to the beach.” You shrugged your shoulder.
Yuta sat by your side and held your hand, his sudden action caught your attention.
“Let’s forget that for a moment. I want to bring you to a place you missed. Now do you want to change or shall we go?” Yuta pulled you to stand up.
You rolled your eyes, what nonsense is this again?
“Let me at least wear a proper shoes.” You wriggled your toes from a fit flop.
Yuta excitedly helped you changed your shoes and after bidding farewell to your parents, Yuta drove the car through the highway.
He rolled the window down after an hour of drive and you could smell the grass, you felt the fresh  air greeted your body, and you knew he’s headed to a hill.
He told you to inhale the fresh clean air as he busily took out a picnic mat and several other heavy things. Yuta laid down the mat and assisted you to take a sit while he finished packing out the baggage.
Yuta returned by your side with two blank canvas, a set of paints and brushes.
“Thanks for bringing me here, I miss this place. Tell me Yuta how does the scenery looks like?” You tossed your head to his side.
Yuta glanced into your bright happy face and closed his eyes, trying to feel the same thing you did.
“This place? Nothing changed I guess. A hill is supposed to look like a hill right. But I feel the peaceful fresh air. There’s no one else here.” Yuta peeked over his eyelids to make sure it’s true.
You raised your head to look at the sky, how you really wish you can see the blue sky with cotton clouds.
“I miss painting,” You mumbled to yourself.
“Then let’s make one.” Yuta suddenly held your hand and placed a brush on your palm.
You were stunned, confused to find someone telling you to paint when you’re blind.
“The canvas is here, feel the length and width first,” he lead your hand to feel the edges and size of the canvas.
“You can call me if you want to change brush, or you can feel them here, on your right side.” Yuta shook the can of brush beside your right ear.
“The paint will be on your left.” He brought your left hand to touch the palette.
“What about the colors Yuta?” Your voice sounded hopeless.
“I haven’t made it. You, you will make the colors by yourself. I will hand you the color, you put it on your palette.” Yuta smiled for his brilliant idea.
“Babo! I’ll definitely ruin the painting. I’ll mess the colors.” You put down the brush he placed on your hand earlier.
“I know you’re trying to make me happy, but I can’t paint anymore Yuta.” Your hand sadly touched the blank canvas.
Yuta took a deep breath, “Look, you paint not with those eyes. You’ll paint with the eyes of your heart. Just draw it there on the canvas. Spread your emotion, spill everything. Believe me, it will make your heart lighter.”
Yuta planted his eyes into yours with much hope. he really wanted to make you happy by doing things you love.
You smirked knowing Yuta won’t give up. Not when he already drove an hour away from the town and prepared all of this. You sighed, you lost today.
“Fine Yuta, I want red, yellow, and black on my palette. Put them in order from left to right. I’m painting my annoyed feeling because of a stubborn man sitting beside me.”
Your hand found the brush you desire and after making sure where the canvas and paints were,  you started making random shapes at the canvas. It was hard at first for you to decipher where your brush was,  but after several strokes and missing the edge… you started to get a hang of it.
Your enthusiast in painting burned within your soul again. Yuta was right, after each stroke, you felt your anger and sadness flew away. You stopped when your heart felt light and you called Yuta.
“Yuta, please blue and green! White too” you peeked your head over the canvas. Your face was stained with several splashes of paints, Yuta who was focusing on his own canvas had to stop and helped you with the colors.
“How is it? Does it scream at you?” You cheekily mocked him.
Yuta gaped at the masterpiece in front of you. Not gonna lie, the emotions were perfectly drawn in the colors you chose. The strong and brave lines showed how fed up you were in the dark world. Though he wondered why you wanted to add blue and green and white in it, he didn’t ask anything.
“It’s super you. Mad and furious all the time.” Yuta giggled and jumped away before you got the chance to slap him.
“YOU MADE ME DO THIS OKAY! AND YOU’RE MOCKING ME. HOW DARE YOU?!” you shook your brush furiously and Yuta can only laugh at you. He descended back to his position and continued his art work.
You’re back focusing on your emotions and masterpiece. The cool breeze, warm sun, and soft humming from Yuta calm you down. You have a smile on your face as you delicately moved your brush over the raging colors.
Truth be told, you really enjoy the activity Yuta did for you. Since that day, there has been several quick run away where Yuta will bring you to a quiet place and lets you paint what you're feeling. He successfully tames your anger and you're no longer the horrendous tiger, you're now a fuzzy cat.
 Sun rises and sun sets, you've met several men from different backgrounds and lately you're losing hope to find your significant other. Well you've been asking them the same question and there was not single one answer which satisfies you.
Until one day on a quiet alley, Yuta brought you here since he said he needs to clear his head. Well his dates were all canceled, because you… you always do something to make him unavailable. Yuta only attended the first date where your parents made the two of you have a double date. Something in your heart doesn't like the attention Yuta gave to other girls… so you've always tried to make him unable to go.
You actually feel bad because Yuta might not realize you're doing things on purpose.
“Yuta,” you call out his name softly after feeling that he is not around you.
Turns out he was several feet away from you, painting a scenery of his choice. The said man glances from his canvas and walks to your side.
After giving out a single breath, he responds. “What can I help you with?”
There was ice in his voice and you suddenly feel bad for making him this sensitive. Yuta has never sounded this cold and heartless. Was it because of what you did last night?
“(Y/n)! Wish me luck! I'm going to the cinema tonight… she's my fifth date and I hope this time it goes well..” Yuta smiles brightly as he prepares everything you may need before he goes. You’ll be alone with the maids only, your parents are gone for a business trip.
You're on the music room, getting ready to practice your piano. At first you send him off easily. Yuta drives away and you've engaged yourself in the music piece.
An hour after his departure, you feel bored and decided to think of a way so Yuta can go home and maybe accompany you to bed while telling stories.
You think of any way that will make Yuta go home directly and with the help of one of the youngest maid in your house (which of course is close to you) … you made an “emergency" situation.
The maid called Yuta and the innocent man has to sadly finish his date night quickly. He drives the girl back home safely and lied to her that his mother is suddenly ill and he had to take care. The date bought his lie and at nine, he is already running through the house like a mad man. Yelling to the maids for not calling any medic helps and he found you sitting on your piano chair looking fine.
His breathing was short from running and the panic, “What happened?! What’s the emergency. Marry called telling me I have to come here quick.” Yuta said from the door.
He quirks his brow when he sees you're looking so fine. You feel his death grip on your shoulders as he toss your body around to check where the emergency is.
“Tell me what happened?!” His tone raises and you're suddenly so scared.
You gulped and suddenly feel so afraid. Why did the joke feel so horrifying right now.
You can sense his furious glare when he realized it's another “emergency" you made just to cancel his date plan.
“What is it now?” Yuta tries his best to not punch you in the face.
A tear escaped from  your eye and you're shaking from fear.. “i'm sorry Yuta.. sorry.. but I had a panic attacked earlier when I suddenly remember the car crash.. and.. and..”
Yuta's eyes widen when  he heard your reasoning.. well he knew if it's about the accident and panic attack… it is a serious matter.
“and then what? Did Marry fetch you your medicine?” Yuta kneels down beside you and gently brings you into his arms.
You snuggle into his embrace and a small smile appears from your lips. “Yeah… but.. she cannot make the best chocolate drink you always make.”
You can feel his body tensed and he suddenly lets go off the hug and straighten your body
“WAIT- you called me home just to make you a cup of hot chocolate?!”
You nod “and I actually got a paper cut… which I did not know until Marry came.”
Yuta darts his eyes to the white tiles and yeah there were some bloods there.
“You should learn to know when an emergency is really an emergency.” He suddenly snaps when he realizes you're playing with him. His voice no longer contains honey and there was only cold ice.
“You know what? I'll teach marry to make the hot cocoa and please don't ruin my date all the time.” He warns you and leaves the room with one loud door slam.
It came to his mind like a flood… all of his dates always fail because you.. you always made a small scene big.. and his heart will make him run away home. He did not know why he cared for you so much, he shrugged it off as “It's my duty to keep you safe.”
“Again? She ruined your date?” Taeyong, a long friend of Yuta, asked from the other side of the call.
Yuta nods “Yeah…” they're video calling and Taeyong’s face brightens “I knew it! She likes you Yuta!”
“Nani?!” his japanese tongue comes out.
Taeyong claps his hands “She likes you! Baka! Can't you realize she is jealous?! Gosh do you like her??”
Yuta thinks for a while “I'm not sure…”
“Do you feel like you have to keep her safe but not as a duty?”
Yuta nods
“Do you feel annoyed when you see other man seeing her but they show they regretted going there?”
“Well yeah that part… I had to hold myself back everytime! I wanted to puch them Tae! Had you seen their faces, you'd want to punch them too.”
Taeyong clicks his tongue “You always want to make sure she is happy? If it’s a yes… then congratulations Yuta! You're in love.”
Yuta goes red “I need time to process everything…”
Taeyong smirks “You will always need time but time is not what we all have in this world. Come on! Think quick, bring her to a date or talk with her about her favorite things! Take her heart before she totally hides it!”
Yuta smiles when he suddenly remembers what you want from a man and he quickly bids goodbye to his friend “Thank you Taeyong! You're the best! Good bye~”
In the hill, where everything is dark to you… you suddenly feel small and scared. Yuta brought you here, but he hasn’t open his mouth yet. You're afraid he actually left you here and ran away.  
When he finally opened his mouth to answer you, you did not expect a cold tone to greet you.
After giving out a single breath, he responds. “What can I help you with?”
There was ice in his voice and you suddenly feel bad for making him this sensitive. Yuta has never sounded this cold and heartless.
You fiddled with the dress you wore, “I am sorry. I am just a parasite to your life. I'm only ruining your youth and happiness…” your voice cracked and trembled. Which seriously took Yuta by surprise.
“Hey what are you talking about?” Yuta's voice softened but you didn’t realize that.
You sniffled  “I just want to find my love Yuta..  like mom said I want to find the one who can help me see colors again.”
Yuta’s heart clenched and he walked closer to pull you into his embrace “(y/n), you do know the doctors said my eyes somehow cannot be given to you, but if you're willing to give me a chance, I can help you see colors one more time.”
Your heart pounded faster upon hearing his sweet voice, what is this warm feeling creeping up your cheeks?
You leaned into his hug “What do you mean?” you were confused. Earlier he looked like he was super mad at you, but now he's like the sweetest man in the world.
Yuta takes a deep breathe, earlier he cleared his mind and upon stepping on the alley and feeling the wind blew, he felt way better. Yuta also remembered what Taeyong said and he felt like he needed to give it a shot.  Try to win your heart.
“Alright, come here you don’t want to be lost princess.” He took your arm into his and you followed him.
“We will start with Red,” Yuta brought you to the area where the sun shone brightly.
“Look up, there's the sun and now when you feel your skin burn.. that is red. Red is burn, fear, and emotion.”
You feel your skin burning and your mind recorded everything.
Next yuta pulled you to a shadier place “Here let me take off your shoes, you trust me?” he asked when he kneeled down to take your shoes.
You nodded your head and felt the prickly grass beneath your feet.
“The grass will help you feel green. Green is color of life.” Yuta rolled his own pants and took off his shoes too. He enjoyed the same sensation you were going through.
You did not realize a small smile is coming to your lips, you can once again feel life.
“Happy?” he asked and you nodded, still holding on to his firm arm “Now it's gonna be slippery, but trust me.” He held your hand tighter and you felt a cool stream running under your feet.
You giggled “Water?”
Yuta smiled “Blue! This is blue, the cool feeling and relaxation.”
Your head started to guess what color will come next, and Yuta looked like he prepared this already.
Next he announced you to the color “Yellow, it's calming and you still feel happy.” He said when you sit on the grass as Yuta dried your feet and let you feel the sun kiss your cheek.
“Hey (y/n), can you help me?” he suddenly asked for your favor. You turned your head to face him, giving him a “what?” face.
“Help you?” you asked a bit confused.
“Yes, I need you to help me comb my hair, the wind blew too hard on them.” He lied there's no wind… but you bought his lie.
“Umm okay, let me try… come here.” You reached out your hand and waited for a comb to land but Yuta said “Use your fingers.”
You gently ran your fingers through his soft locks and you love the feeling of helping him and playing with his hair.
“Thank you! I look handsome now.” He held your hands in his big ones as he sat across you face to face.
“That is white, the pure feeling of helping someone.” Yuta rubbed his thumbs over your knuckles.
You cannot explain your feelings right now. Your heart thumped so hard on your chest, your stomach felt funny and your head couldn’t think straight.
But suddenly you felt empty, you felt the breeze of the wind turning wild and strong. You reached out your hands to the space “Yuta? Yuta!” your voice turned into a scream and you wildly looked for him.
You wanted to cry, did he leave you after playing with your emotion? But you suddenly felt his warm arms back at your shoulder
“That is black, something you may see everyday… but the feeling of being alone and afraid represented black.”
You quickly held to his hands, afraid he will leave you again but Yuta won’t.  
The japanese man sat next to your side as you leaned your head to his shoulder.
“Thank you Yuta-" you whispered, but he was faster. He kissed your cheek and you blushed and froze in place.
“The last color is pink, the heat creeping up in your cheeks and the fluttery butterfly feeling you have when you fall in love.” Yuta sweetly explained and he was glad no one saw his deep red face.
Your smile grew wider as you touched your cheek that felt warm from his kiss. You turned your head to face him and like magic, your hand could find his chin in one go and you pulled him into a deep kiss.
Yuta didn’t refuse your kiss, he helped you by placing your hands over his cheeks and for the first time you realized Yuta has a handsome face.
“And that I can tell you, is how I see rainbows, Yuta!” you giggled when the kiss ended.
Yuta smoothed your hair lovingly and pulled you to his shoulder “Then I am ready to help you see more rainbows”
You smirked and punched his shoulder playfully “Thank you, I really want to thank you.”
“It's not a problem.” He shrugged his shoulder. His heart is also happy knowing you're glad.
“So… is it mutual?” you chuckled dryly, afraid of the awkward feeling this will turn to if Yuta didn’t like you in the same way.
Yuta pulled you close to his heartbeat “Hear that?”
You nodded
“That's what you did to me all the time!”
You blushed “So you did like me! Why don’t you do this sooner?”
Yuta rolled his eyes “I'm sorry. I'm a newbie too.”
You giggled “I am glad I found the man who can help me see colors again! I love you, Yuta" you sincerely stared into his eyes and for the first time, Yuta could see your eyes sparkle with life again.
“And I love you most.”
“so, when are you ready to meet my mom?” you boldly questioned him.
“Eh? That soon?” he sounded surprised
You laughed “Kidding.  I won’t rush you! Tell me okay when you're ready? Because I am ready.”
Yuta smiled and tucked your hair away from your face “Keep smiling like this for me, you're beautiful and life is also beautiful if you think that way. I can't give you back the colors in your life, but I can help you make colors and feel them for the rest of our life.”
Although you never know when you can see colors again, you’re ready to walk with Yuta in this dark world where he can be the source of your light and brings back the color to your life.
leave comments and feedbacks please :D thank you so much for finishing this fic! I’ll try my best to make better stories
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ftmfandomfics · 4 years
What I think the male characters of mha smell like
Izuku: Greenery and that smell just before it starts raining. Like when you’re walking through the woods and you get a deep breathe of fresh air.
Bakugou: Nitroglycerin smells like burnt sugar (not caramel), and I think he would wear way too much expensive cologne in an attempt to cover it. It doesn’t work now he just smells like if a candy store and Aeropostale joined forces.
Kirishima: I think he smells like sweat and axe. It’s not that he doesn’t shower after working out, he just smells like sweat. You can decide if that’s a good or a bad thing.
Todoroki: I think hes worn the same expensive cologne since middle school. Probably something called ice lake or glacier. He also smells like ✨daddy issues✨
Kaminari: He smells like a Spencer’s. I can’t pin down what smell it is but specifically the body jewelry area. All of them smell the same. There must be like an air freshener they all use or something idk.
Tenya: Beef stew. I fully head cannon that he’s autistic and that beef stew is his safe food. This bitch smells like beef stew and control issues.
Shoji: Shoji is a minimalist so I don’t think he would use cologne or anything, but I think he would have an essential oil diffuser in his room so he smells like a mixture of herbs and citrus fruits.
Oijiro: I’ve seen other people say he smells like vanilla and I agree, but I also think he would have an earthy smell too. Like pine and vanilla, very unique but it smells amazing.
Tokoyami: Black pepper and papyrus, you can’t tell if he naturally smells that way or if it’s from the old books he reads. When dark shadow comes out the papyrus smell dissipates and is replaced by the smell of damp earth.
Sero: Dragons blood incense, Apollo axe body spray, and just a wiff of marijuana
Aoyama: He smells like setting powder, body glitter, and a VERY sweet perfume. Is almost hurts your nose.
Koda: He smells like his bunny, and bunnies smell similar to cats. I don’t mean their poop or anything, their fur. When he’s in his room he’s always holding or playing with his rabbit so he ends up smelling like it.
Sato: He smells like pastries which isn’t really surprising. But somehow he always smells like fresh baked bread and cherry pie. He even seems to radiate the warmth too.
Mineta: piss, desperation, and grape cough syrup.
Shinsou: Coffee and lavender, he also has an earthy musk that smells almost spicy.
Tetsutetsu: I know he uses old spice wolf thorn. Or like KrackenGaurrd or whatever. Something with a name that makes him feel manly 😭🥺
Inasa: He smells like old leather, parchment, and paprika. When he uses his quirk the paprika smells gets stronger. A very mild but spicy smell.
Mirio: He smells citrusy and warm, like fresh baked lemon bars. He also wears the bourbon body spray from bath and body works.
Tamaki: Tamaki doesn’t like drawing attention to himself so I don’t think he would purposely have a distinct smell, and you can’t really place his natural one. He smells like how it feels to take a deep breathe of cold air, it’s almost addictive.
All might: Clean linen and oak wood. I just think he would smell very fresh and warm. Like when you wake up before your alarm so you get to roll back over and go back to sleep.
Endeavor 🤢: Expensive cologne and ass. I don’t believe that this man wipes his ass, that’s gay. Also you can’t convince me that he showers purely because I don’t think he would fit. He thinks no one notices, they’re just too afraid to say anything.
Gang Orca: Orcas have really sensitive skin so I don’t think he could use any scented products, including cologne. But I feel like he might have a very faint smell of saltwater.
Aizawa: He wears a cologne that’s very spicy and musky but he won’t tell anyone what it is. He naturally has a very earthy smell that the cologne enhances.
Present Mic: Stay with me on this, I think he would wear a very sweet sugary perfume. I feel like Hizashi naturally smells very tangy and spicy, so adding that sugary smell makes him ever more irresistible.
Hound dog: I think he smells like a clean dog. He’s a person, just with a dog quirk, so he’s fully aware that dogs smell. He’s pretty self conscious honestly, he doesn’t smell he’s just really really worried he will.
Rock Lock: I think he smells like a cave. If you’ve ever been in one you know what I mean. That damp earthy smell with just a tiny hint of metallic or salt in the air. I’m not picking this just because of his name idk he gives me really strong but calm vibes.
Tiger: I can’t decide if he would wear cologne or not. If he did I think it’d be fruity or cinnamon. Maybe like spiced apple cider.
Keigo: Fried chicken. Not because of his quirk he just eats a lot of fried chicken. Also the type of guy to wear old spice with a really “epic” name.
Fatgum: He smells like the food court part of a carnival, and I don’t mean that as a bad thing. He smells really good, like a mixture of sweets, spices, and fried foods.
Tensei: I think he smells clean with a tiny bit of musk cologne as well. Doesn’t seem like the type of guy to wear really strong cologne.
Natsuo: He would also wear a cologne with a name like glacier because something like that would piss Enji off.
Overhaul: He smells like a doctors office. It’s not pleasant. Does he spray himself with disinfectant or does he just use so much that he smells like it?
Kendo: He smells like sweat but not body odor. He works for overhaul so I don’t think Kai would let him get away with smelling bad.
Tomura: The shiggy stans are gonna come for me, but he smells like a rotting fucking corpse. When’s the last time he showered? Also not to mention he’s an incel so he probably also smells like piss and cum. You know it’s the truth.
Touya: He also smells like rotting flesh but it’s not as bad. Fire kills bacteria. He can’t wear cologne because so much of his body is skin graphs, but maybe if he took care of them properly he at least wouldn’t smell like a morgue.
Twice: Ciggarettes and borderline pedophelia gin.
Spinner: Honestly I think he’s the only member of the league (other than Magne)that would actually have some type of self care. He doesn’t smell like anything, which in comparison to his partners is amazing.
I think I got everyone that people would want. I’ll do the girls later and I’m thinking of doing the atla and lok characters too. If I forgot someone you want just tell me and I’ll add them :).
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littlelittlebear · 4 years
HEROOO idk if my last ask got sent, but may i ask for a 🥀 from marvel and hp golden trio and marauders? no pressure, ofc. love ya <3
my name is miliane but i go by liane. (she/her). i’m a 5’4, ravenclaw, bisexual, brown eyes, brown hair, morena skin, who loves anything art-related, astronomy, reading books, binge watching, music, styling my clothes (i’m stuck between kidcore, y2k, cottagecore and indie) and eating food (more than necessary). i’m a sarcastic twat who’s often misunderstood bc it’s basically my mother tongue, but i’m a nice person. INFP-T. and when it comes to relationships, i would love a guy who’s gonna be willing to put up with my impulsive bs sometimes lol, like sneaking out in the middle of the night to eat at the kitchens, watch movies together and dance like we’re the only ones left. he wouldn’t force anything out of me til he and i know that i’m ready. and i would rlly love if he would give me one or two of his hoodies, and he would spray them with his cologne bc he knows that i love the way he smells, and maybe sneak in a small note for me to read in the pockets. i love forehead and nose kisses, i’m a goner for those. pet names are one of my weaknesses, (love, lovely, darling, babe, baby)— and i’m yours. i’m not much of an affectionate person as i didn’t have much of it during my childhood, so simple handholding and hugs would make me a bit flustered and awkward but very much appreciated. (PFT- i just copy and paste this whenever i see a ship post <3)
(imma just do marvel if thats kk with you cuz these end up being pretty long xD)
i ship you with... BUCKY BARNES
- for he too, is a sarcastic twat
- the two of you met at the avenger tower obvi and you kind of hit it off right away
- there weren’t any immediate romantic sparks- y’all were just friends for a while and were completely oblivious to everyone shipping you two
- you discovered that you had rrrrrromantic [rolls r] feelings for each other on different occasions with bucky falling first
- anyways, reading together has always been an unspoken ritual between you two- y’all do it everyday
- but this one time there was just this refrigerator wife montage-esque moment when he looked up at you with a book in your hands as the sun hit the back of your head like a halo looking angelic as hell (lol irony, funny), but that wasn’t what made him fall
- you looked at him like you’d always be there for him, no matter what. it was a look of safety and comfort and promises of unconditional love- something he’s always craved and needed his entire life
- you had noticed a change since that day, bucky would always call you doll before, as he does with everyone, but lately he’s called you... darling? 
- it’s new, but you aren’t complaining
- you fell for him one night a couple days after bucky had
- it was maybe 3 am, probably later, and god you would kill for pancakes right now
- nothing was open, so you opted to make one yourself- but obviously you didn’t wanna do it alone
- you sneaked into bucky’s bed, greeted with a “hey there love”
- the nickname SHOCKED you but you brushed it off and explained your dilemma
- and because this boy is absolutely whipped for you, he complies 
- so, its now 5 am and you and your soon-to-be-bae have two, now empty plates that once held pancakes and bacon
- and thats when it hits you; this boy would do anything for you. 
- it’s always been there, you just never fully realised it. with every mission he always covers you, with every avenger-arguement he always risks his own neck to defend you, with every stupid impulse you have- from getting a tattoo at 2 am on a wednesday, to vandalising your favorite street corner- he’s always there. always. 
- you don’t need much else.
- you tilt his head down to face you and softly kiss his lips, wrapping your arms around his neck
- he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you back
- now, its edging closer to 7 am and the two of you had migrated from the kitchen to the couch and smoochin
- unfortunately for y’all, you don’t seem to hear the entire gang walk into the living room- smiling like a bunch of smug idiots as wilson and clint begrudgingly pass around a couple fives to a very happy tony, wanda, and natasha as everyone else just rolls there eyes 
- it takes yall five minutes. FIVE MINUTES. to notice them 
- “jesus are you guys going to come up for air??” asked steve, probably
- you two JOLT and immediately break away and fumble for an explanation 
- “we’ve been seeing you two play tonsil hockey for the last *checks timer* six minutes, you don’t have to explain,” chuckles natasha, as they all start to walk away from the attraction that is your new found bond with bucky, but of course you aren’t spared from a patented tony one liner;
(sorry this took so long btw)
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nurseofren · 4 years
Wagon Wheel
Relationship: Clyde Logan X Reader
Words: 700
Summary: Move in day is coming to an end, and you and Clyde are dancing together in the soft light of a Carolina night. The Cicadas are background noise to the radio, your exhaustion working to peel you away from this perfect moment. 
Tags: FLUFF, toothache type fluff that kinda makes you warm inside, slow dancing with this bear of a man.
ST Rambles: Literally wrote this in an hour because I listened to some country today and got Clyde vibes going in my heart. This is my self-indulgent way of saying how in love with this man I am. That’s it. Enjoy (:
It was so perfect here, his arms cradling your head to his chest, the scent of your favorite cologne filling your nose while you breathed against his warm, expansive chest. It was a fresh scent, like sun-drunk sheets on a Sunday morning. It was no coincidence; the first thing you’d said to him was how good he smelled that night Mellie’d invited you to the kick-back. Never did you imagine you’d be moving in with him five months later.
While you hung off of him, feet stationed atop his own as he rocked you both through the empty, candle-lit living room, you reveled in the glow which emanated from your heart and through your skin. Clyde Logan had been a surprise, never who you expected to completely decimate the walls you’d constructed over the years. But here you were, living with the man you loved. Moving in with the man who loved you just the same, if not a million times more, though he’d never view it in that light.
“Mm, we should probably at least unpack the blankets, don’t ya think?” You yawned into his chest, catching view of the microwave’s clock as he turned you slowly through the room.
“You tired already, mama?” His chin nestled into the crown of your head, his arms wrapping tighter in opposition.
The tips of your fingers traced up and down his back, his shirt rippling under their paths. “No, I’m fine.” Another yawn betrayed you.
“Alright,” he said, stopping his turns. “Step off, darlin’. I think it’s past your bedtime.”
“No!” Your arms latched onto him as tight as you could, a small cough escaping him as you squeezed the air from his lungs. “Five more minutes. Then we can head to bed, ‘kay?”
His chest stuttered as a laugh warmed over your hair. The room began to spin again, his feet guiding you through the room while you clung to him, memorizing every facet of this moment. There was nothing you would ever trade for times like this, wishing to mentally record the staticky radio, to tattoo the warmth of his hold atop the skin it melted into, to drown in that purposeful cologne.
“One more song, then we’re headin’ in.”
As the radio faded into the next song, the hand which held your neck toyed with the twist of hair at your nape, tiny sparks lighting with each delicate stroke. Quickly, you recognized it to be Darius Rucker’s “Wagon Wheel”, a smile biting at your cheeks as you reminisced to its attached memory.
“Well if that ain’t somethin’, I don’t know what is.” His own smile dripped off of his words, remembering as you were.
“Exactly what I was thinkin’.” You nestled into his chest, taking a big breath of the sunshine sprayed over his clothes.
“Gosh, it feels like yesterday, don’t it?”
“You were wearin’ that button up I love so much, and I-,”
“You had on that tiny white number,” a loud laugh bounced his chest, “I remember you were fussin’ all night about the wind in your hair.”
“It was ruinin’ Mellie’s hard work!”
“Mm, I didn’t think so. You never look less than stunnin’.”
The song played on, the strings filling the room while he swayed you from corner to corner, your eyes fluttering shut with each lulling movement. Before you could object, the song faded into finality, quickly followed by the absence of static as he turned the player off. He stopped, gesturing you towards the floor, but you were so tired, your arms just hanging around his back while your breaths came slower.
A small huff of amused air left him and he bent down, pulling one arm behind your knees and cradling you to his chest. Not that he would ever put you down, your eyes stayed shut, letting him believe you’d fallen asleep. With your face turned into his chest, sunshine bringing you closer and closer to slumber, you listened as he spoke to you in your sleep-feigning state.
“I’ve got the ring, just gotta find the right way to ask ya.”
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tirednotflirting · 3 years
show's over, the same old story now
hi i wrote a fic based on ‘moon in the morning’ by adam melchor. objectively this is very much not a happy fic am very sorry (but also not bc i think it’s good lol)
if you’re not comfy with reading stuff about infidelity this one is not gonna be your jam just fyi
thank you to @reveriesofawriter for giving this a read for me this morning <3
you can read it on ao3 here
He’s never given Alex a key. Jack figures he has to draw the line somewhere so he’s never given Alex the spare key to his place. 
Instead, the key stays just beneath the flower pot beside the front door and it stays there rather than under the mat because the first place someone would go looking for a key is below the mat, Jack. So really, the line is more like faded chalk on a sidewalk after a summer rain and Jack can’t be bothered to fix it with something more permanent.
It’s around midnight when Jack hears the lock turning and the front door open and close. He’s been sitting on the floor in front of his coffee table working on a research paper for the last several hours, late night talk shows play from the TV for some background noise. Without lifting his eyes from his laptop screen, he listens to Alex kick off his shoes by the door before wandering into the kitchen. It’s a well rehearsed routine. He doesn’t need to look across the room to know that somewhere on the other side of the wall Alex is plugging his phone into the charger by the coffee maker before checking the fridge for leftovers. (They’re aren’t any in there tonight since Jack finished off the last of the chicken parmesan for his own dinner. There is some watermelon on the top shelf though.)
Given the time and the fact that it’s Friday, Alex must have been picking up someone’s shift at the bar so Jack isn’t surprised when he hears more soft footsteps head in the direction of the bathroom. A few moments later he hears the sound of the spray from the shower. Jack figures that’s another ten or so minutes he’ll have to work on his citations so he gets back to the task at hand. 
Almost exactly ten minutes later, Alex wanders into the living room wearing a pair of sweatpants pulled from Jack’s closet but his own flannel. He hasn’t bothered with the buttons and Jack does what he can to ignore that observation. Alex takes a seat on the couch just behind where Jack sits and again, in an all too familiar routine, Jack sighs at the feeling of Alex’s fingers pressing into the tension he holds in his shoulders. 
“You’ve gotta stop sitting on the floor when you’re working,” Alex says. “You’re going to graduate with a masters in back pain otherwise.”
“I’m comfiest on the floor.”
“I promise you would be comfier at your desk, Jack.” Alex says with a laugh before he leans forward and presses his lips against Jack’s hair like he always does. Before he sits back up, Jack catches the faded scent of Alex’s cologne on the collar of the flannel and it’s enough motivation to reach forward and quickly hit save before closing his laptop for the night. Jack pushes himself up onto the couch beside him and their brown eyes meet for the first time since Alex let himself in twenty or so minutes earlier. Alex looks tired (he always looks so tired) and Jack can’t help but lift a hand to cradle his cheek, his thumb brushing gently below the dark circles he can see in the glow from the TV. 
“I’ll be fine,” Jack finally answers after a few beats of silence pass between them. 
“Just trying to take care of you,” Alex mumbles as he drops a hand against Jack’s knee and his thumb traces circles against the bone there. There’s some kind of emotion Jack can’t quite place in his tone. He’d question what to call it but they both know that’s not where this is headed.
“You always do,” he replies instead and moves his hand to the back of Alex’s neck to pull him closer to bring their lips together. Alex catches on quickly enough and sighs against Jack’s lips before climbing into his lap and winding his arms around his shoulders, his fingers tangling into the ends of Jack’s hair.
Jack smiles into the kiss when Alex gasps at the feeling of Jack’s fingertips skating their way up his back below the worn flannel shirt. Jack has perpetually cold hands meanwhile Alex’s skin always feels like he’s on fire. There’s probably something poetic in that but Jack ignores the dreamy thoughts and words in favor of pushing the soft material away from Alex’s shoulders until he briefly removes his hands from Jack’s hair to shake the shirt the rest of the way off. He tosses the shirt behind him before wrapping himself around Jack again. Jack feels goosebumps rise against where his fingers brush against Alex’s chest and he knows it’s something he’ll never get over the thrill of being able to do.
Alex’s lips travel down Jack’s jaw to the tattoo on his neck that Alex has always been fond of. “Let’s go to your room,” Alex mumbles in a lower voice, his lips brushing against Jack’s ear. He all but falls out of Jack’s lap before grabbing his hand to pull him in the direction of the hall. The flannel is left forgotten on the back of the couch and the TV is left on with some random late night show host still telling bad jokes to a studio audience. 
As they pass the kitchen, Alex’s greedy lips pressing against whatever skin he can find as he pulls Jack toward the bedroom at the end of the hall, Jack swears he can hear the sound of Alex’s phone buzzing out a rhythm against his kitchen counter. 
And unlike Alex’s melancholy tone or the poetry told by the temperature of their skin, Jack doesn’t have to question who’s trying to call Alex after midnight on a Friday night. Jack already knows the answer. But as he takes the final steps into his bedroom and lets Alex kiss him against the closed door, he once again chooses to ignore the truth and the buzzing beside his coffee maker in favor of falling into bed with a boy he knows will be gone by sunrise.
A few hours later, the sound of the sink running wakes Jack from his sleep. He’s always hated how lightly he sleeps. He knows he’d be far more well rested just in general if he could stay unconscious through the sound of thunderstorms and his late night companion leaving in the earliest hours of the morning. But he figures for the universe to stay balanced he has to be punished for this somehow and maybe this is the best the universe can do at this kind of hour.
His eyes flutter barely open, just enough that he can make out some of the details of his bedroom from the tiny light provided by the moon shining through the curtain he hadn’t bothered to close before falling asleep a few hours earlier. As he listens to the sounds of Alex brushing his teeth and wandering around Jack’s apartment to find the clothes he arrived in, Jack takes in his open closet and the mussed up other side of his bed. It’s reached the point in the year where Jack only sleeps with a sheet because he can’t rest when he’s too warm. A long time ago Alex told him something about how he’s never been able to sleep without something weighing down over him. Jack had started keeping a quilt in the chair in the corner soon after that. It’s already been folded up again and placed back in its spot.
He hears the familiar jingle of Alex’s keys that he dropped in the bowl by the door on his way in a few hours earlier and exhaustion starts to settle back over Jack. He pulls the sheet up over his chest and turns away from his bedroom door and lets out a long breath before closing his eyes. 
He’s just started to tumble back over the edge toward sleep so he can’t be sure it wasn’t the beginning of a dream but Jack swears he hears the soft sound of footsteps on the carpet and feels a pair of lips press against his temple. It’s probably easier for everyone involved to assume it’s only his subconscious playing tricks with him again though, he figures, and then he’s asleep. 
It’s a couple weeks later on a night that follows the same routine as all the others. But for some reason they’ve both chosen tonight to pull a wild card on each other. Rather than forcing his eyes shut and his breathing to steady out after listening to Alex shuffle around the small apartment before heading out, Jack lets himself stay awake. He sits up against the headboard, the sheets falling to pool around his waist. He feels himself shiver in the cool air. He always keeps his place fairly cool at night but he stopped noticing it when he so often is sharing a bed with a human furnace.
Alex steps back into the doorframe, his arms crossing against his chest as he leans his shoulder into the wood, his dark eyes falling to meet Jack’s. He doesn’t look all that surprised to see Jack awake, his eyebrows only barely lifting in recognition that they’ve gone off script a bit.
“You should get some rest, Jack,” Alex says in a voice that suggests he should take his own advice. “You’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”
“Does he make you happy?” Jack asks, his tone all curiosity. Jack is a student before all else; all he wants to do is understand, really.
“He doesn’t make me unhappy,” Alex answers as though the answer should be that obvious. “I wouldn’t stay with someone that makes me miserable.”
“Then does he know you come here? Does he never question why you come home two hours after closing smelling like another man?” Jack isn’t sure who he’s judging more out of the two of them with the questions. He watches Alex take a moment to sigh and scratch at the back of his neck.
“Jack, we can’t have this conversation right now,” Alex says, his eyes floating around the room from his spot at the door in an attempt to avoid Jack’s gaze. “I need to get home. It’s late.”
He shoves his hands in his pockets and turns then to leave. Jack holds his breath until he hears the front door open and close and the lock slide into place. He takes a deep breath then and lets his body fall back against the mattress. Jack closes his eyes and pushes aside the ache in his chest at the silent reminder that despite how often Alex makes his way into Jack’s apartment and heart at the end of the day, home will always be within a different collection of four walls and with a different boy.
It’s a creak in the mattress that wakes Jack up this time. For a moment he’s confused at the warm body still pressed against his back. He’s worried his mind is starting to play even more cruel tricks on him in his dreams but the fingertips pressed against his middle tell him their current position is a reality. He lets his fingers fall into the spaces between Alex’s and he feels a sigh against the back of his neck. But he also doesn’t miss the way Alex pulls him impossibly closer against his chest.
“I need to leave soon, Jack,” he states quietly, another emotion hidden in his tone since Jack can’t see Alex's face. 
“Can you stay until the morning?” Jack asks the question before he can stop it from leaving his lips. He squeezes their hands together. The action feels somewhat clumsy, it’s not often that they hold hands. “We’ve both gotta get up for class. I’ll make coffee, you can borrow a shirt.”
“He’ll wonder where I was,” Alex answers though there isn’t anything combative in his voice.
“Will he?”
They’re both silent for a few moments but they both know there’s an answer that’s been said regardless. Alex presses his lips against the back of Jack’s neck and it feels like he’s struck a match against the skin.
“Goodnight, Jack.”
And as both of their breathing evens out while they stay pressed against each other under the sheets, Jack’s final thought before stumbling into sleep is that maybe he wouldn’t mind getting burned. 
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Not Your Type 2
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Read the first part HERE
Word Count: 5,651
Warnings: Swearing
Authors note: You want it, I found a way to do it! Sorry if I came off mean at first about doing a sequel, comments that are purely asking for sequels to fics are really disheartening because I get all excited about a comment and then it just feels like a demand for more with nothing else. But I found a thing I like so here ya are! Thanks to everyone who read part 1, I hope you like part 2 too!!!
Tag List: @moonstruckhargrove @hotstuffhargrove @carolimedanvers @thechickvic @alex--awesome--22 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @so-not-hotmess @hipsmcgee @agentsinstorybrooke @sunflowercandie @kaliforniacoastalteens @songforhema @spidey-pal
It took him a full twenty-four hours to call. You suffered through the whole sleepover at Robin’s, filled with ‘I told you so’s’ and holding back her hair when she puked from a bad combination of sour belts and malt whiskey. She nearly puked on the lavender trumpet sleeves you’d lovingly built for Juliet herself and you nearly killed her.  You’d never bolted out of her house faster and back to your own, only a block away, to check your messages.
Unfortunately, there were none to check. You were insanely disappointed. But you held out hope, you had nowhere to be with the demon child’s parents taking him to the zoo for the day. You spent half the day cooped up in the living room on your couch, switching positions every thirty minutes and watching everything your tiny selection of TV channels, watching soap operas and the news and b movies from the fifties and reruns. You ate sparingly, flipped through every magazine on your coffee table, you found a great dress to recreate once you were done the Juliet dress, you did your makeup and then took it off-anything to fill the time.
And then, at five o’clock on the dot, he called.
Every phone call that had come through all day, you waited at least two rings on before answering. Both your parents worked full time, so you were free all day to do nothing. But with your mother home since four, you were risking her answering, so you pounced on the phone. You were glad that the first call the house had gotten was him, it meant that you could finally ignore the phone.
“Hey, is this Y/N?” Steve asked. He sounded so nervous and awkward; he probably expected to get an older sibling or parent. He was trying so hard to sound polite. It was a little bit adorable. Just a little.
“Hey, Steve, what’s up?” you asked with a chuckle. The corded phone in the living room only reached so far, so you pulled the recliner’s matching stool to you with your foot and sat down again, resting your elbows on your knees and your head in your hands.
“Hey! Nothing much, how was Robin’s place?” Across town, Steve was fully laid down in bed, clutched his own phone to his ear. It had taken him all day to buck up the courage to make the call-he didn’t want to get your mom or some sibling he hadn’t heard about yet by mistake, that would be embarrassing and weird. He’d slowly given up on trying to be popular, but part of him wanted to live up to others expectations of him.
“About as fun as always. I half-watched Carrie for the fourteenth time and held back her hair after she drank too much and threw up. Party of the century...” you replied with an awkward laugh. You felt weird about making fun of Robin to Steve, but he laughed all the same and you didn’t want to seem totally lame and boring. In actuality, the night was boring and uneventful. You threw handfuls of popcorn at Robin’s younger brother Kyle when he tried to bust in all creepy. You hemmed a dress. You ate dinner with Robin’s mom. Nothing insanely eventful. Even the puking was fairly normal; Robin couldn’t hold her whisky despite her love for the stuff.
“No pillow fights and practising kissing?” Steve asked. He felt gross about it, especially knowing Robin, but he did it anyway. Maybe you’d laugh. Or say something snarky and cool.
You giggled, rolling your eyes “No, not really?” you replied, your tone turning up into a question. You couldn’t tell if he was serious. You hoped it wasn’t.
“No? Oh well...you’ll have to have one with me next time. Way more fun.” Steve propped his head up on his race car themed pillow.
“I generally like to have a guy take me out on a date before I start planning sleepovers with them...” you twisted the coiled cord around your finger, looking down the hall to ensure that your mother wasn’t listening from the kitchen, or worse on the other line getting the full conversation. Luckily, she had her ABBA cassette on blast as she cooked in the kitchen, mouthing the words to dancing queen into her slotted spoon.
“Well, then I’ll have to take you out then, what’re you doing tonight?” Steve asked, checking the time. It was only five fifteen, he had all night to see you.
“Nothing much, where’re you taking me?” you asked. You’d need at least an hour, to wash your hair and change your clothes. And that was just to look less sweaty and awful, to be at the level you’d like to be for a date you’d need at least another hour.
“How about I pick you up at eight and I take you to this diner I know and we get some food. And then we can drive around for a bit, nothing crazy.”  Steve offered out, trying to not sound meek and weird. He was not exactly proud of the half-assed plan, but it would work for now.
“I think I can make that work...I’ll see you at eight at 1245 Orchid Lane, alright?” you said, grinning giddily.  Steve bid his goodbyes and you hung up, rushing upstairs to take a shower. You scrubbed your hair rigorously, filling your private bathroom with the scent of artificial roses. You wanted the scent to linger in your hair as long as possible, even though you were going to put perfume over top. You knew that perfume never lasted as long as a man’s cologne, so you wanted to make sure you still smelt good. You scrubbed your body in strawberry body wash and scrubbed your face in apricot face scrub. You turned off the water fast and jumped out of the shower, pulling on a massive ‘Hawkins High’ tee shirt.
“Y/N! Robin’s here!” your mother called from downstairs, clearly annoyed by your not telling her that someone was coming over for dinner.
“Send her up!” you replied, pulling your baby pink hairdryer from the lowest drawer of your vanity and plugging it in, blasting your hair with hot air and using a rounded brush to build some waves in your hair.
“Harrington called.” Robin mused with a smirk as she walked into your room, plopping herself on your twin bed.
“He called. He’s taking me out. You got one right, bask in the glow or whatever.” You huffed, talking over the roar of the hairdryer.
“And we’re doing our hair...interesting...” Robin replied, examining her short nails and their chipped black paint.
You turned to her with a scoff   “I do my hair for every date. Unless I have no time, I always try to bring a bit of glamour to the equation.” Robin chuckled at that, reaching for the Seventeen magazine on your nightstand. “Well, if they’re going to take me out, they should get a bit of a show, shouldn’t they?”
“Whatever you say...” Robin said “But I’m sure Steve isn’t putting in this much effort.”
Robin was wrong. The second he got off the phone, he rushed to start his own process. He had just washed his hair the day before, but the Steve Harrington hair process took a bit of effort and time. And his hair needed to be damp. So he rushed to get it wet under the bathroom sink, running water into his palms and then his fingers through his hair. He repeated the motion over and over again, until he deemed his hair wet enough. Then went in the Farrah Fawcett spray and the fluffing and preening until it was the right height and shape.  He thought about calling Robin for help.  He felt completely out of his depths with you: you were still an enigma to him, confusing and strange and hard to discern. One moment you were bitchy and snarky and the next you were funny and supportive. He couldn’t gauge where he sat with you. Sure, you’d agreed to this date with him, you even seemed excited, but that didn’t mean that he was in the clear with you. You could turn on him again. He wanted to be sure that this would go okay. But Robin might not know, or worse she’d tell you and you’d laugh at him.  He couldn’t handle that.
He put his focus on choosing something to wear, something that wouldn’t look like it too much effort and yet came off attractive.
Back in your bedroom, you were freaking out. And Robin wasn’t helping. She had taken to pulling clothes from your closet to laugh at. It was like she wanted to stress you out. You tried to keep your focus on the tiny foam tipped applicator brush between your fingers, smudging very light peach eye shadow over your lids. You’d already filled in your eyebrows and put on the faintest amount of blush, to look flushed but not caked with makeup.  
Robin sauntered behind you, holding up a teddy bear themed knit sweater with a cheeky grin. “I think this would be perfect for your date with Harrington.” She giggled, bouncing the material up and down behind your head.
You scoffed, rolling your eyes as you tried to apply some mascara to your lashes.  “Yeah, that’s a no.” You muttered, jabbing the wand back into its pot and pulling it out to force more product onto the brush, swiping it thoroughly through your lashes till they looked defined enough for your liking.  You reached into the cup you’d filled with various lip glosses and lipsticks, digging through to find the cherry flavour you wanted. It was just pink enough to look defined on your face, but it wouldn’t stain the skin if you made out with him. Not that you were planning to make out with him. Just a precaution.
But it wasn’t in the cup. You whipped around to glare at Robin, who’d returned to your closet, examining a costume from the regional theatre’s production of Sweet Charity, which you’d snagged before the theatre snatched up all your hard work to keep in their vaults. “Did you borrow my cherry lip gloss?” you snapped.
Robin turned to you briefly, deadpan “Why on earth would I touch your lip gloss?” she asked, her voice completely monotone. You knew she didn’t touch the stuff. You were just stressed out.
“Damn...it was my favourite one...” you sighed, turning back to the mirror, choosing two lesser glosses and deciding between vanilla and strawberry flavour.  “Hey, while you’re in there, can you dig out my acid wash skirt? The one I hemmed too short, not the knee length one my mom bought.” Robin did a mocking salute before pushing through the hangers roughly. You felt like making a crack about her going back into the closet, but decided it wasn’t couth.
“Y/N! Come down if you’re eating! And bring Robin, she’s too skinny!” your mother called from the stairwell. You got up with a sigh, grabbing Robin’s wrist as she threw the skirt on your messy bed. You picked at your dinner nervously, unsure if eating would be beneficial to you or if it would just make you look bloated. Across town, Steve ate cold pizza while standing in the fridge.  Neither one of you were exactly focused on eating, simply on killing time before they had to meet one another.
Once you were able to excuse yourself, Robin left you to panic on your own and you went back to getting ready. Time flew by much faster with Robin not looming behind you, you were able to relax again as you dressed and painted your nails. Your tight denim skirt and white imitation silk blouse weren’t exactly comfortable, but you looked good and when you saw Steve’s car pull up to your house, you made your break downstairs. You shoved your feet into your white tennis shoes and threw your purse over your shoulder.  
“Be back later! Don’t wait up!” you called, yanking open the door. You waved shyly at Steve, who you found waiting outside his car, leaning on the passenger side door.  He looked effortlessly cool and confident; he wasn’t even looking at you. You made your way quickly over to the car, muttering a quick hello which he didn’t return. He did come to your side of the car and opened the door for you. That was the first time he looked at you in your whole interaction and he looked...nervous. It only showed in his eyes, but they completely gave him away.
He rushed to his own side again and climbed in, starting the car fast. You sped off a bit too fast out of your street and off into the night. Steve had the radio on low and The Smiths were playing, softly filling the car. You watched him drive, how he slowly began to find himself with his hands on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road.  You watched the grin slide onto his lips and the way it lit up his face, how it warmed his eyes and brought a bit of colour to his paled complexion.
“So, where are you taking me here?” you asked, turning to look at him fully. You crossed your right leg over your left, tapping your foot slightly to the melancholic wailing coming from the stereo.
“I know this absolutely awful diner, just the worst. And I figured, since it’s always empty, we’d go there, since its quiet. And hopefully, if all goes to plan, you won’t let me eat there ever again.” He chuckled and you bit back a grin, nodding slowly. With anyone else, having a boy tell you that they were bringing you to a secluded, empty, crappy diner would make you nervous and annoyed, but Steve was so trustworthy.  He wouldn’t pull any tricks on you. So you let him drive you to the outskirts of town to a faded, desolate diner off the turnpike, its spinning sign spelling out ‘Benny’s Burgers’.
“Isn’t this the place where the owner killed himself? In like the dining room?” you asked, furrowing your brow.
“No clue.” Steve replied with a shrug. He put the car in park and climbed out easily. You took a breath and followed behind quickly, not wanting to be left behind in the empty, dark, and far too quiet parking lot. Steve held open the door for you and ushered you in quickly to the desolate diner. The bright, white florescent lights hit you like a wall and you went momentarily blind, squinting under their harsh glow. You hadn’t realized how dark it was outside until they smacked you in the face.
Steve found you a booth and you slid in, still not used to the lights. He looked over you, concerned. “You alright over there?” he asked, leaning his elbows on the table as the ancient waitress brought you menus and cups of coffee.
“Just regaining sight, why is it so bright in here?” you asked, rubbing your eyes rigorously.
“No idea, it’s always like this at night.” Steve shrugged easily, flipping open the menu.
“You spend a lot of time here?” you followed his lead, looking over the standard diner fare at the offer.
“Yeah kind of...” Steve muttered, looking up to meet your eye. You nodded, easing him into the rest of the story obviously on the tip of his tongue. “My dad is a big investor in a chain of hardware stores. He’s always off out of town and my mom goes with him most of the time, so I’m on my own a lot. Big empty house, gets quiet. Sometimes I come here.”
You nodded “I get it, kind of...my dad’s never home either. He’s a truck driver, so he’s always gone, driving something somewhere. My mom has a job here now, but before my sister was born, she used to be one too, that’s how they met.” You explained.
“You have a sister?” Steve asked, surprised by the news. He’d hardly heard of you, much less another one in the family.
“Yeah, she’s like seven years older than me. Lives in Kentucky now with her fiancé and their kid. You probably wouldn’t know her, she didn’t live her very long before she graduated and moved out.” You replied. Steve looked confused, so you added “I didn’t move here till like fourth grade, super late into the year.”
Suddenly, Steve’s face lit up into a look of pure realization “I totally remember you now!” he slapped the table. You raised an eyebrow, cocking your head to the side. Steve pulled his hand off the table, pushing himself into the back of the seat shamefully “From school, I mean...” he added.
“Oh yeah?” you chuckled awkwardly. There were two options here: one was embarrassing, the other flashy and cool. You were really hoping he remembered the cool thing, not the awkward one.
“Yeah! You were in my gym class that year, you totally yakked on the gym floor on like the first day!” he cried with a laugh. You felt your whole face turn beet red and you turned away, utterly embarrassed. You hated that memory; it made you feel so small. You were so nervous that day and the cafeteria had accidently served milk out of date, it was a recipe for disaster.
“Everyone called me puke face for like a year...” you muttered. That shut him up quick. Steve’s laughter died in his throat and he coughed to clear it, rubbing the back of his neck, heat rises up his skin.
“That sucks, man...” he said awkwardly, floundering for something to say to fix the moment. He found what he was looking for quickly. “If it makes you feel better, like a year later I ripped my pants in front of like the whole school at one of the big assemblies, Tommy never let me live it down.”
You smiled sadly “Yeah I remember, I laughed my ass off about your Spider Man undies.” This made Steve blush, which was cute. But a bit of bitter bile came up in the back of your throat and you let the words it carried with it out thoughtlessly. “But mostly I remembered the way your butt was the gossip of the school for the rest of the year. I was puke girl after what I did, but you were just hotter.”
Steve frowned “I mean, that’s not completely true: all the guys gave me the same amount people gave you. And the puke thing wore off after Ricky Scott got stuck on that chain in the woods and had to be rescued by the fire department.” He argued, crossing your arms over your chest.
“The difference is that you had people on your side. You had Carol and Macy and Tina all telling the boys to stop. The right people. Anyone who stood up for me was shamed too, it was too much of a risk. And Ricky was left in that tree by Tommy H and Chris Samuels. Nothing would’ve happened to him if they had stayed to help him.” You fired back quickly.
Steve opened his mouth to speak, but shut it again. What could he argue? That it wasn’t a competition? He was battling against the hurtful memory of yours he’d brought up. He wouldn’t pretend that he didn’t call you that behind your back, that he didn’t laugh when people made fun of you to your face. He was a bad guy, he knew that. He was trying to be better now. And that meant, in that moment, to shut up.
You sighed, releasing the anger. You shouldn’t have brought up any of it anyway. You had let most of it go, that little bit was the last of it that remained. “But nobody really remembers puke girl now, except for you, I guess. I lived it down.” You said offhandedly. Steve nodded, his mind elsewhere, trying to figure out how to fix this.
“But you know who’ll never like her nickname down?” you asked. Steve didn’t respond, but you said it anyway. “Carol.”
“Carol didn’t have a nickname.” Steve muttered, clearly annoyed by the mention of her name. He really didn’t like Carol, not after what she said about Nancy way back when they were just starting out.
“Oh yes she did. Everyone called her period head in sixth grade. She got her period in Mr. Fitz’s history class and after that everyone called her period head, cause her hair matched her jeans.” You giggled at the memory. Karma was sweet: Carol was the worst about your cruel nickname, having her deal with the same embarrassment for a year was sweet revenge.
“Nobody called her that after seventh grade, when Tommy beat up Anthony Parks.” Steve countered, leaning on the table. You’d piqued his interest just a bit. Or maybe it was your smile. You looked so happy in the moment, it was hard to ignore.
“You and your friends might not have, but mine did. After she pushed Amanda Peats down the stairs in freshman year, we all started calling her that in silent protest. Amanda’s boyfriend, Arnold took care of actually going after Carol for it, and getting his ass handed to him by Tommy for it. Whenever we talk about Carol, she’s still period head.”  You said a bit too proudly.
Steve nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. Your waitress had returned and you couldn’t even remember what you had ordered as you handed back your menus, your focus solely on Steve and his pensive, thoughtful look. You didn’t think you’d ever seen him look pensive in your life.
“So, wait, what did your friends call me?” he asked, setting the mug down.
You scrunched up your face thoughtfully “Oh different people called you different things...Harrington, the hair, I know the whole soprano section of the Hawkins High choir called you heart stopper Harrington. My friends alternated between Harrington and that douche.” You replied.
Steve nodded “Sounds about right, I knew about the heart stopper thing. Don’t know where it came from.”
“You went to see the choir in junior year.” Steve shook his head, looking at you like you were crazy. “No you did, I remember I was there too, I went to see Robin perform with the band and you were there in the third row. You had detention or something, forced to see the show. You smiled at Tammy Thompson and she about near fainted. That’s where the nickname came from.”  
Realization washed over his face “I had to go cause Ms. Seymour gave me detention for skipping drama like four times in a row.” He added quietly before turning to you, wide eyed “How do you remember all this stuff?”
You found yourself blushing again, looking down at your lap “I don’t really know...I guess my life has just happened in parallel to your for awhile and I never noticed that it was weird till now.” You said shyly.
Steve smiled cheekily “I like it.”
You rolled you eyes, trying not to smile back “Well that’s cause you’re an egomaniac.”  Steve laughed at that and you watched him for a second. A piece of his puffed up coif had fallen into his eyes and his eyes crinkled up at the edges when he laughed. You wished freak Byers was wandering around with his camera, taking his creeper shots. You wouldn’t have a copy of this moment.
When he finally recovered and your food arrived, Steve looked you over, watching you for signs of discontent. He’d already fucked up once and you finally seemed to be happy again, he didn’t want to ruin it. But he had one moment he wanted to recount with you.
“I remember you for one more thing, you know...” he said softly, building a large pile with his corned beef hash, using the sides of his fork to mix everything together.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” you asked, leaning your head on your palm, watching him lazily.
“You were in my drama class in junior year. It was the sophomore class, cause I didn’t have the credits for the junior one and I needed a class that I couldn’t fail.” He said confidently.
You nodded slowly “That all?” It wasn’t exactly a deep memory, it hardly had anything to do with you, just a glimpse of your life happening far in the background of his.
Steve swallowed. This was the part that could hurt him, he didn’t know how you’d take it. “No, I remember one more thing. We had to do monologues for our final. I don’t remember most of them, because they were shit. But I remember yours. You did this one from some Shakespeare play and I just remember how...beautiful you liked. Seymour insisted on having everyone stand under the spotlight on the stage in the cafeteria. And you were up there, and your hair looked so pretty under the lights, and you seemed so...confident. You were the only one who seemed confident about anything. You did the best job.” He explained.
You demurred. This was not the amazing moment you wanted to remember. That moment was really insignificant in your life. You preferred backstage work, you move onto crew quickly. Nobody else thought that scene was good, everyone liked Kristy McNeel’s scene better, she did the monologue about Santa killing her mom so naturally it was popular.
But you didn’t say any of that, though.
“You remember that?” you asked softly, almost in a whisper. You suddenly felt very seen and very shy.  
“Yeah, it was cool! You did like Romeo and Juliet or something. I didn’t really get what you were saying, but you sounded so dreamy and sweet. And then I actually met you and-”
“And I was a massive bitch, sorry about that...” it was your turn to be embarrassed and awkward. You reached up to run your fingers through the side of your hair, destroying the styling you’d done in one awkward movement.
“It’s cool, I was a douche like all of the time you knew me, it evens out.” Steve shrugged “So wait, what do you think? Did my reviews live up?” he gestured wide towards the empty seating around you.
You chuckled “Well...yeah kind of.” Steve chuckled, shaking his head. “But I can see why you’d want to come here sometimes. It’s peaceful in a way.” The diner wasn’t insanely loud, but it wasn’t dead silent. You could hear the hum of the radio in the kitchen, the distant chattering of your waitress and the cook in the back, the jukebox in the corner looked absolutely desperate to be played. When combined, it wasn’t bad company. Add in the sound of your forks scraping plates and the cups hitting the table and a good book and this place could feel like home.
“Plus it’s open really late.” Steve added thoughtlessly. You raised an eyebrow at him curiously. Steve swallowed hard, his throat turning dry. “I have a bit of insomnia.” It wasn’t a complete lie, he just didn’t give any reasoning behind it. He could rationalize holding back information, it made things easier.
You pursed your lips, nodding your head back and forth “I guess that’s good then, good to have somewhere to go.” You decided.  “But you know what this means, right? Now I know your hiding place. Robin has been trying to figure out where you go besides your house, work, the arcade with Henderson, and the occasional party. Now I know, I could sell you out to her in a second.”
“Don’t you dare! That girl has been trying to get me to go to a Chicago concert with her for the past week and a half! Do you know how much Chicago sucks? If she knew where I hid from her I’d never hear the end of it.” Steve pleaded jokingly.
“Oh she’s on you about that too? I won’t go see it with her either! I saw them once, with my mom when I was ten, and it sucked ass. I won’t do it again.  I can’t believe she’s bugging you about it now!” you moaned, shaking her head as the image of Robin heckling Steve over the counter at Family Video to come to the dumb concert filled your mind and made you cringe. Poor guy, Robin was persistent about those sorts of things too, he probably never heard the end of it.
“It’s not so bad; if it was like three towns over I’d go see it with her, but it’s right in Carmel, people will see me there.” Steve said.
“Oh, and I thought you were over caring about your rep in this town?” you asked cheekily, swatting his arm.
“A man’s gotta put his foot down somewhere. I choose to not be seen at Chicago concerts with girls who I’m not dating.” Steve answered truthfully. Your waitress brought over your check and cleared your half-eaten food away before either of you could pretend to want to take it home. Steve dropped two twenties on the check before you could even attempt to pull your wallet from your purse.
“So, and correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re saying that you’d be seen at a Chicago concert if the girl was putting out.” You asked with a giggle. The logic was so stupid, you had to laugh.
“Pretty much, you ready to blow this place?” he offered you his hand and you took it happily, letting him pull you up and walk you out of the diner. It was nice; his hands were warm and enveloped yours easily. You found yourself gravitating towards the heat his body gave off. And he smelt good, like good cologne and hairspray and something else, maybe laundry detergent? Whatever it was, it made the smell utterly intoxicating. You wanted to be wrapped up in that smell and that warmth.
Steve drove you home in comfortable silence, your hand held in his and your gazes switching from each other to the road ahead and back again. You felt giddy and drunk. You really liked him. That was weird to think, that you liked Steve. You remembered making fun of him with your friends in school, joking about how dumb his hair is and how stupid he was. But now...now, you saw something different in him. How self-aware he was, how focused he was. He was just a big old dork with money and a cool car and more than an ounce of charm.
You liked that he was a dork. It made him more approachable.
Steve already liked you. He knew that he liked you the second he saw you smile in Burger in a Basket the day before. He didn’t want you to stop smiling. You were too pretty to not smile. And you were smart and funny and you paid attention to people, to him. He wasn’t used to that. Nancy didn’t pay attention to him, especially after Christmas. He always paid attention to the girls he dated, especially Nancy, but you? You matched his attention at every move.  It was flattering. But it was also nice to feel as though his effort was matched by yours. It made him feel wanted.
“You know...in that drama class, I had a massive crush on you...” you whispered softly, running your thumb over his knuckles. There were scarred and jagged from some events you weren’t a part of. You wanted to know the stories behind the scars, the fights he’d won or probably lost. Everyone already knew that he lost a fight to Billy Hargrove, expected, and Jonathan Byers, very unexpected and kind of embarrassing.
“Yeah?” Steve muttered back, his expression softening.
“Yeah...I mean you were so cool and charming...it was hard not to like you. But I did fall out of it quick enough. You’re a terrible actor.” You chuckled, brushing a strand of hair out of your hair, grinning up at him.  Steve scoffed dramatically, rolling his eyes with a wide smirk.
“No, I’m serious you’re awful! You did that scene from A Streetcar Named Desire, which I’m sure Seymour chose for you since you were never there, and you were awful! You didn’t even know what you were saying!” You cried. Steve shook his head, laughing along with you. He pulled up to your house, parking outside.
The pair of you stared at one another for a moment, the laughter dying out in both your throats and your eyes locking onto one another. You weren’t sure what to do, but you couldn’t look away. You watched as Steve’s eyes flicked to your lips and yours did the same. You couldn’t tell who kissed who first, but you knew that Steve was a really good kisser. Top five at least, maybe even top three. He was firm and slightly aggressive. He kissed you like it was his last moment on earth and he needed to savour it. He set your whole body on fire in a single moment.
Steve broke away first, but you pulled him back fast, pulling him to your chest and letting his hands run up your back and to your hips. The gear shift was in your way, but it was clear that Steve wanted you even closer. You wanted him closer too.  
When you broke away again, your chest heaving in breaths, you nodded to Steve with a small smirk “Wanna go to your place?” you asked slowly, drinking him in.
Steve’s eyes darkened and he swallowed hard, nodding hard. He shifted the car into drive and slammed the gas, sending you flying back in your seat and laughing loudly.
This was going to be a fun night.
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shawnsorangeglasses · 5 years
Better Conversations - Part 8
3.7k words
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Look who finally decided to post!
Synopsis: Another assistant AU, you’ve known Shawn since the beginning but you don’t really become friends until a label party in New York. Then he offers you a job as his assistant.
Some after show tension occurs.
warnings: mild woes
Six hours until showtime. It is all hands on deck for everyone in the stage crew. Busy bodies move about the arena, putting together final touches for tonight’s performance. The tour is a little over thirty shows in. Since joining in the middle of it all, (Y/N) is finally starting to get the hang of things. Andrew made it clear that Shawn was her only priority, but with the new extra hours in the day, she tries to do for anyone on the team whenever she can.
She’s coming back from a local deli in the area with three paper bags full of food for Shawn and the band. Sandwiches for the band and salad for Shawn. A singer’s diet, though sometimes he’d cheat and get a small something dairy or doughy. They hardly ever request anything for lunch, but she always picked up something for them anyways, knowing they wouldn’t eat until much later.
As she walked down the sidewalk, she took note of the growing line of bubbly fans waiting out front. Every single one of them looked so sweet and pretty. A few girls wave to her as she passes by and she waves back.
After some time, she became closer and more at ease with the Mendes Army. A majority of them demanded that she make an account on Instagram to see her and Shawn interacting behind the scenes. Eventually, (Y/N) caved and made one separate from her personal profile one after about three days of them pushing Shawn about it. The account gained 100,000 followers in roughly two hours.
She cut through the alley to find the back door that leads to the main stage. It was really interesting to see the crew slowly build the set from the ground up every night. Earlier in the day, the sounds of metal barriers clanging and loud machinery filled the arena from top to bottom, but now it was mostly quiet aside from the well-practiced sound check from the band. Shawn and the guys were onstage doing last minute rehearsals. (Y/N) jogged across the general admissions floor, squeezing through the barrier to meet them stage left.
She hoisted the bags up onto the stage, peering over in silence as the guys practiced. Shawn was sat on the edge of the stage next to one of the larger amps, kicking his boots to the beat Mike was drumming. (Y/N) could tell from the baby blue guitar on his lap that they were running through “Nervous” again.
The musicians drop everything and run over to her in a huddle to claim their food. “I got you guys the fresh stuff. Fruit salads and some sub sandwiches.”
“Thank you, (Y/N)!”
“Yeah, thanks (Y/N).”
They each disperse to their own little corners. Shawn is still hunched over his guitar testing chords. (Y/N) saunters over to him, jostling a separate bag near his feet. “No tomatoes this time, Mendes,” she sings.
Shawn snaps back into reality again. The first thing he sees is (Y/N)’s proud, squinty smile. Last time she brought him a salad with the tiny tomatoes in it and he still hasn’t forgiven her completely. It’s become an inside joke for them.
He crosses his arms at her, giving a new definition to the muscle shirt he was sporting. “You sure there’s no tomatoes?”
“I’m absolutely positive. I checked six times on the walk back here. It's like 50% avocado.”
He slides his guitar safely behind himself and holds his hand out to her. (Y/N) takes secure hold of his wrist as her hauls her up on the stage with him in one swift motion. She watches intently as Shawn empties the contents of the paper bag. He briefly bumps his head into her shoulder, giving (Y/N)’s hand access to the tufts of hair falling on his forehead.
“Y’know, you don’t have to get us lunch if we don’t order anything,” he reiterates. “It only comes out of your pocket then.”
“I know, I know, but you guys workout in the morning and then keep moving, so you should all eat something. Besides,” she pinches his cheek, “you’re still a growing boy.”
“You sound like a mom.” Before he takes a bite, he asks, “What’re you going to eat?”
“Oh I filled up on free samples at the deli.” (Y/N) pats her belly. “I should be good until dinnertime.”
“Nice,” Shawn chuckles.
(Y/N) looks past his shoulder at all the guys chatting over their meals near center stage. “Don’t you want to eat with the other boys?”
“Ah, I’ve been around them all day. I haven’t seen you at all.”
(Y/N) refrains letting that last part go to her head. He didn’t mean it like that, even if a teensy part of her wishes he did.
“Well there’s always the time in hotels.”
Oddly enough, most of their hours were spent apart now. Shawn was either hard at work with the band and writers or catching up on sleep. (Y/N) often had errands to run when she wasn’t tending to Shawn. Even on the tour bus and flights, he needed those hours to rest.
Time in the hotels was the saving grace of this whole journey, Shawn always unabashedly requested to have the room next door to (Y/N) now. “For proximity purposes” he claimed, so that he might have her nearby in case he needs something. And although it may have started out that way, it quickly turned into late night talks and occasionally eating whatever singer-safe snacks (Y/N) could buy from local stores. It became their own little tradition.
“That reminds me,” Shawn says through a mouthful of sandwich, “what are we doing tonight?”
“Whatever you want to do,” (Y/N) mutters. She wasn’t really paying attention. Cez just sent her a text about the next flight details. She sort of zones out looking at the emails. Words become letters. Letters become squiggles. It’s hard to concentrate since the brush with Jason a few weeks ago. She was used to his empty threats but that was when she had leverage. Now she has nothing to hold him, not even shame.
Then Shawn nudges her elbow, but she hardly looks away from her phone.
“We’re doing dinner later this evening. I know you don’t normally join but- hey are you okay? You look really pale.”
(Y/N) takes her time to meet his eyes. They appear to transition to a darker, more intimidating shade of brown. Her stomach does four backflips.
“Yeah just thinking. You know, assistant stuff. Listen, I gotta go.”
“Oh. Already?”
(Y\N) gets to her feet and dusts off the seat of her pants. “Yes, already. Is there anything else I can do for you before I go help set up the Q&A, sir?”
Shawn wags a finger at her. “What did I say about the ‘sir’ thing?”
“Sorry. Force of habit.”
He gets up too, wearing a smile so bright it’s blinding. A bright red blush tears through the pigment in his cheeks. He just wanted to keep talking to her as long as he could, waste no time. Unfortunately, he ends up thinking of the most basic question of all. “Thanks for the sandwich.”
She shrugs. “Just doing my job.”
Parents and young adults filed into the room, filling it with conversational buzz. (Y/N) peeked through a slit in the curtain at the little community that gathered there. One group of girls in the very front started singing “Never Be Alone”, prompting everyone else to join in. It was amazing to see the love and devotion among so many different looking people.
(Y/N) goes to collect Shawn from the green room. The clock on her phone read about ten minutes before he had to go greet everyone again. He’s in the middle of pulling up his jeans when she walks in.
“Oh you’re- I am so sorry.” She turns around and brings her hand over her eyes. Blood furiously rushes to her cheeks and ears.
“No no, you’re fine, come on in. Sorry, I’m almost done.”
She steps in with caution and focuses on the upbeat country track faintly pouring from Shawn’s phone. Travelling so closely together, (Y/N) was bound to see a few people at their less than decent. With Shawn though, it was starting to feel like he was doing this on purpose or just stopped caring altogether. She had no choice but to get comfortable with him.
“God, Shawn. Maybe put a sign outside next time so I know you’re naked.”
“I am not naked.” He glances at her. She’s propped herself  against an end table, still shielding her eyes. “Geez, you act like you’ve never seen me in my underwear.”
“Don’t say underwear to me.”
“Would it help if I sang it?”
“No it would not-”
“Underwear,” he riffs. “Underwe-e-ear, yeah.”
“You’re so annoying,” she chuckles nervously with a slight shake of her head. He beams, proud of himself for yet again finding a new way to gently embarrass (Y/N).
He’s referring to the time she accidentally walked on Shawn in his dressing room. It was weeks ago, early on in a completely different city, but it was also burned into the back of her brain. That definitely broke some of the initial ice between them.
(Y/N) chooses the brick wall as something else to focus on. She hears his footsteps getting closer. Out of her peripheral, she can see Shawn’s shirt is still very unbuttoned and his chest is very exposed. He’s almost closed the space between them, leaving only a few inches of air between their bodies.
“You’re standing in front of my cologne,” he mutters.
(Y/N) side steps out of his way. Shawn takes the bottle and sprays his neck and wrists, not once taking his eyes off of her. That is until he has to return to the other side of the room to button up his shirt. He leaves a couple buttons free at the top like always, then pays special attention to her reflection in the glass, holding his arms out. “How do I look?”
(Y/N) looks over at Shawn. He’s looking at her through the full length mirror mounted on the wall. She rolls her eyes.
“You know how you look.”
Shawn peers at her reflection, then bites his lip. (Y/N) pinches her wrists behind her back.
“Except for one thing,” she says. She takes notice of his lopsided collar and quickly adjusts it for him. Shawn’s breath hitches just barely. His hands are idle at his waist, not really doing anything, but clearly so desperately wanting to touch her. (Y/N) actively pretends to not notice the effect she seems to have on him.
But Shawn captures (Y/N)’s hand in his right before she pulls off, resting it on his shoulder. The fabric is hot underneath her palm. His whole body has become a furnace. He’s about to say something bold. Or stupid.
“(Y/N) I-”
A knock at the door propels Shawn and (Y/N) away from each other. Cez appears in the doorway.
“Oh you’re both in here,” he says with a playful smile. “You ready, Shawn?”
“Y-yeah,” Shawn makes a few more unnecessary tucks of shirt into his jeans. He turns back to (Y/N), “D’you want to come watch?”
“Uhm, I’ll be behind the curtain. I can see everything from there.”
Shawn understood, but he couldn’t help but feel a little dejected. (Y/N) tugs at his shirt around the waistline to loosen the fit again right before he goes out. “I’ll be right behind you, I promise,” she assures him. “If you need anything I will bring it to you.”
"Right, almost anything."
Shawn smirks. "Just checking," he purrs.
They venture down the hall to the common area that was built in less than an hour. (Y/N) stops just short of where the dimly lit hallway ends and a room full of people begins. Screams and cheers replaced the chatter the minute Shawn set foot in the room. He can barely be heard greeting them over all the excitement. (Y/N) peeks through a sliver in the curtain.
“Before we start,” he begins. “What am I calling this city tonight?”
The room erupts again with all sorts of answers. Shawn singles out one girl in the front and everyone agrees.
“Okay then, um just one thing, if someone’s asking a question please don’t speak over them and speak loud so I can hear you. This is a big group today. Other than that, go crazy.”
Hands go up instantly. Shawn chooses from the back then from the left middle. On and on this goes for a few minutes and the fans ask the usual questions, fun or otherwise. (Y/N) allows herself to relax. Her mind just goes elsewhere.
She’s imagining the last day of the tour, sad as it makes her. Will she still be an assistant when it’s all over? What will have changed by then? She looks at nothing in particular down the makeshift hallway the team has made in the arena. Connor's messing with his camera settings. Cez is talking to a lighting tech. And like she always does in her free time, she zones out.
“Where’s (Y/N) right now?”
The voice, though small, came with a level of conviction that could only be from a small child. That was the demographic of (Y/N)'s fans. They liked seeing her on the street. She's even received a few drawings in past weeks.
Shawn wrestles with himself to give a straight answer. Then he makes the mistake of looking back at the curtain. People start to become restless.
“Guys, guys, I’m sure she’s busy right now. I don’t want to bother her.”
“I’m not that busy,” (Y/N) blurts impulsively, much louder than she meant to. Everyone erupts in chatter. She looks back at Connor, who has the camera aimed at her now. He was getting a shot between slit in the curtain but now the focus has shifted. She peeks her head out at all the fans and Shawn. A collective gasp captures them and they begin waving so she waves back. All the bright happy faces are reassuring enough.
“Do you want to come out,” Shawn whispers as quietly as he can. A few girls in the front overhear and squeak.
She widens her eyes at him. He knew what she was saying. You really want me to come out here? And the answer was a resounding yes, as indicated by a brisk wave of his hand. (Y/N) peeks her head out and all but recoils at the enthusiastic and sudden attention she receives. Then it all died down just as it quickly came.
“Hi, (Y/N),” says the same little voice that asked for her. Everyone in the aws.
“Hello,” she replies. “I remember seeing a few of you outside in the line. Sorry to interrupt.”
“She actually bought everyone lunch today during rehearsal even though I told her she doesn’t have to,” Shawn adds. Someone in the back goes “whoop” and the whole room is brimming with laughter and applause again.
“Okay I better go,” (Y/N) says immediately. “That’s enough fun for me.” She slips behind the curtain again, waving behind her as a few more people say goodbye.
Connor's snapping his viewfinder back into place behind her. He shares a look with her that can only be that
"Can I use any of that?"
"Sure, dude. It's your footage."
She says so each and every time he asks. Connor always made very sure to protect (Y/N)'s privacy when it came to recording her. If she was in the background of any video, he'd make sure to ask. It's what made him a great videographer.
He scurries away to whatever room holds his editing equipment. (Y/N) slides down to the floor, resting back on her heels so she can still see through the partition. Shawn's still somewhat rambling about her to his fans. It's interesting to hear what she is to him through his eyes. Often times she leaves the Q&A as soon as it's been set up. Under these special circumstances, she stays a while, hoping to learn something new.
It's evening. The hotel room is the neat chaos (Y/N) left it when she comes back. She learned several cities back never to spread out too much in these rooms after leaving a few chargers in the walls and drinks in the mini fridges.
"We'll go back and get it," Shawn said the first time it happened. "Can we turn around," he politely asked the driver.
"I'll answer that, no we will not," (Y/N) said firmly. "It's like two little bottles of kombucha. I'll live Shawn." It was never mentioned again.
He was always going out of his way for her. Everybody found it endearing, but (Y/N) didn't want him doing any special favors for her. Their relationship was special enough without grand gestures.
She fishes her planner out of the messenger bag on her bed to go over the next week at the hotel desk. Her sister's birthday is today. (Y/N) checks the timezone on her phone. There was still time to call.
The line rings for a while then cuts into an excited voice.
"Hey girl! Mom was wondering when you'd call. She's sleeping now."
(Y/N)'s heart drops to her stomach. "Bea I'm so sorry, I haven't said happy birthday to you all day. I feel awful."
"Aw you know I don't care about that shit. But bitch, Mom made this cake, you are missing out. I'm trying to save you some."
"I don't know if that slice will be edible by the time I get back, but thanks for the effort."
"You know I'm looking out for you around here." Bea sighs. "Girl I wish you were here. It's boring as hell with no one to tell my jokes. Or argue with."
(Y/N) smiles to herself. Bea always got bored by herself. They were lucky to grow up close in grade school, so they always had a playmate at recess or someone to talk to at lunch.
"What're you up to?"
"Same thing I was up to yesterday. Watching these Game of Thrones episodes."
"Did you make another fake HBO account?"
"Yep, but honestly a week is not enough for a free trial. Netflix gives you a whole month."
She goes on about her other temporary subscriptions. A knock comes at her door, the one joining her room to Shawn's.
"Hold that thought Bea. I think Shawn is going to ask me to come to dinner again."
"He what now?"
She swings the door open. "Not that kind, dumbass."
Shawn smirks at the little nickname, knowing right away it wasn't meant for him. Sure enough, he's dressed to go out.
"Your sister," he whispers. (Y/N) nods. "Hi Beatrice."
"Hi Shawn! I swear, only that man can make my full name sound good. Bitch, if you don't want him, I will gladly have some."
"I have never been more glad that he can't hear you," (Y/N) mutters. Shawn smiles downwards. He's only talked to Bea once before, so he can definitely imagine what she's saying.
"You're selfish, is what you are. The man clearly wants you and you're being your usual self."
"I'm ignoring you." (Y/N) directs her attention to Shawn's hopeful face. He’s propped himself against the door frame too, hands in his pockets. Between her waiting on his question, and him waiting for her to say no was a deafening silence.
"I know what you're going to ask,” she starts. “You know how I'll respond."
"Well in that case, I’m not going either," he says, undoing some buttons.
"He said what?!"
"I'm going to hang up on you," (Y/N) warns. She leans on the door frame as he sheds his shirt and shoes. "Shawn, you don't have to stay for me."
"I'm not," he says calmly. "Honestly, I’m doing this for me."
"If you don't let that man love you right now, idiot sister of mine-"
"Bea, I'll call you later. Happy Birthday."
(Y/N) taps the end call button. One last text comes through, almost too vulgar to read, so she shuts her phone off before Shawn can see it. He’s milling around his room, looking for comfortable clothes among the scattered ones.
“Shawn you don’t have to stay here on my account.”
“Well I’m not going to have any fun without you there.”
Shawn pulls his undershirt off over his head. Muscles in his back flex and relax as his arms go up and down. (Y/N) clears her throat, to which he doesn’t react. Tour life has made him so comfortable with clothing changes, he doesn’t always think twice with another person in the room. At the very least, he warns somebody when his pants are about to come off.
“That’s really unfair to everyone else, isn’t it?”
“Not in that way. I mean I’ll just be there the whole time wondering why-”
He stops himself short, ending with a mumble.
(Y/N) crosses her arms. “If this is your way of guilt tripping me or tricking me into saying yes-”
“It’s not,” he says, almost in a corrective way. “I wouldn’t do that to you. Don’t you know that?”
She doesn’t. She wasn’t sure of anything at all when it came to her employer’s intentions. People often cross you because that’s the nature of the business. Trust wasn’t something she gave so easily to someone with that much power over her. Normally, (Y/N) knew when to leave a job that no longer suited her, but Shawn has yet to give her a reason to run.
Shawn picks up a white t-shirt from his suitcase and slips it on. He doesn’t normally wear a shirt to sleep, but he wanted (Y/N) to feel as comfortable as possible. Although she’d never admit it out loud, he’s noticed how she gets around him shirtless. He sits down on his bed and beckons her to sit next to him. (Y/N) takes baby steps to his bedside and sinks into the soft sheets.
“You should at least tell Cez you’re not coming,” she insists.
“I already did.” Shawn waves his phone then sets it on the nightstand. “Right now, I need to talk to you.”
@spider-mendes @sebsdreamboat @innositer @sauveteen @sauveteen @sinplisticshawn @sohani02 @yourkidsfavbabysitter @matchamendes @gxccicoffee @daisychains4 @nervousaroundmendes @st3p-hani3 @rulerofnocountry @darloing-shawn @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @cheerfulmendes @imaginesofdreams @thesmutpeasant @enchantingbrowneyedgirl
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lindzem · 4 years
Casino Toil
The sun was setting over the glistening ocean as Pitch finished up his final planting. He stood, bones creaking a bit as he stretched. Gazing out at the multitude of colorful blooming flowers he felt very proud. He was very lucky to have gotten this gardening job at the world famous Frostgrand casino. As much as he really didn’t like kneeling in mud and mulch all day, it paid for his own one bedroom apartment so he couldn’t complain.
Just as he was gathering his tools, he saw more and more limousines pulling up at he casino entrance. Rich socialites and gambling addicts from all over the world came to enjoy themselves here, but Pitch knew the darker side to the glitz and glamour too.
All sorts of illegal filth came to mingle together from oil barons, to mob bosses, to black market dealers. The money, drugs, and sex was deeply intoxicating, but it rotted humans from the inside out. Pitch had to admit the fame and fortune did have its magnetic attractions, but he never wanted to be involved with such despicable thugs.
Pitch walked off around to the back of the casino and went inside a simpler service entrance. He took the time to care for his equipment, cleaning and sorting it for the next day’s work. Just as he was about to put on his own coat, his boss Jason practically kicked the door open and yelled.
“Black, where do you think you’re going?!”
Pitch startled and looked over.
“I-I was just going home sir---”
Again his boss bellowed, stinking of alcohol. Pitch knew he got angry when he drank and the man was always threatening to fire Pitch for even the smallest dirt scuffs on the floor.
“You ain’t going nowhere yet! The prince will be here soon! Our best male stripper came down with the flu and all our others are busy right now, so you put this on and get your ass upstairs to the Fun room now!”
A skimpy black sequined and velvet laced outfit was thrown in Pitch’s face. Pitch caught the outfit and looked mortified.
“The Fun room-!? B-But I’m not--”
He was interrupted quickly.
The door slammed again and Pitch was left holding the outfit in a stunned silence for a few minutes. He looked down at it and whispered.
“Prince!? And I’m pretending to be a stripper--oh fucking hell...”
After another minute to try to get his courage up, the man took the outfit and ventured out into the actual casino. It was a rare privilege, but occasionally he was allowed to run small errands. He made sure to stick to the walls and not disturb any of the patrons who were having a roaring good time. The sounds of laughter, cards, and slot machines mixed with the scents of alcohol, perfume, and cigarettes.
Pitch carefully made his way around and over to the spiral staircase that lead to the private upper floors. No one was allowed up there unless they were invited specifically. An armed body guard in a suit stood by the railing as Pitch approached.
“I...I was told to go up to the Fun room.”
The guard nodded and let him through. Pitch took another deep breath and walked up the marble staircase. He ventured down the long hall which had many different rooms and one could be absolutely positive all sorts of unsavory things were going on in them.
Finally at the end of the hall another guard stood in front of a large all white double door set. He listened to his earpiece and then opened the door without question to let Pitch inside. Pitch strode in cautiously, looking around at all of the magnificent and regal decorative furnishings everywhere. the room was fit for a king, or in his case, a prince.
He startled again out of his own thoughts at a woman coming out from the on-suite bathroom. He then sighed when he saw it was just Jill, another stripper and talented makeup artist for all the other guys and gals who worked here. He’d had a drink with her a few times outside in the garden when she was off duty and ranting about how she hated Jason.
“Jill, what’s going on? This can’t be right, I’m not a-”
She sighed and walked over to him, grabbing his hand and dragging him to sit down in a chair in front of a large mirror.
“Yeeeeah I know, look, I’m sorry. I was the one who accidentally mentioned you to Jason when he was freaking out.”
Pitch eyed her as she began to comb his hair.
“You offered me up as a replacement stripper?!”
She laughed a little and sprayed him with some sultry smelling cologne with patchouli and amber tones.
“Hey hey, take it as a compliment! AND I made sure Jason would give you a nice bonus check for this, so it’s gonna be fine.”
He retorted as she began to put eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara on him.
“You do realize I’m pretending to be a stripper in front of the Prince!?”
She whistled and giggled.
“Wow, well Jason didn’t mention that part. But hey, it’s still gonna be fiiine I promise! All you gotta do is give him a lap dance and kiss him a bit. Maybe.”
The anxiety was mounting in Pitch as Jill finished his black lipstick.
“I can’t do this, I just can’t.”
Jill kissed Pitch’s cheek and smiled.
“You’ll be ok! Just don’t do anything to piss the prince off and you’re golden. Oh, and he likes these.”
Before Pitch could say anything Jill set down a pair of black stiletto high heels and left the room all together. He felt trapped and worried beyond belief. With shaking hands he took off his own clothes and slipped on the skimpy outfit. Surprisingly it all fit him well enough and he started pacing back and forth with sheer dread.
He didn’t even hear the door open a few minutes later until a voice piped up.
“Oh, they told me I’d be getting a new guy tonight.”
Pitch whirled around in a froze in fear upon seeing the prince standing there staring at him. Prince Jack Frostgrand, heir to the throne. He looked young and from what Pitch remembered from the newspapers, the boy was turning 18 soon. His dyed all white hair was more of a jab at his own strict parents, but he wore surprisingly casual clothes for a royal family member. A blue hoodie, brown pants, and sandals.
“Y-Your highness!”
Pitch bowed and Jack waved his hand as the guard closed the door.
“Usually Stefano is already waiting for me in some bondage, but its whatever. You do look a little...older.”
Pitch took a tiny opportunity.
“Well, if that doesn’t please you my grace, then I can certainly leave--”
Jack stopped him with a laugh.
“Nah, I’m feeling adventurous tonight! Let’s unwind and have fun~”
Jack walked over and shoved Pitch’s chest causing him to fall backwards onto the bed. Jack crawled up and straddled the man, blue eyes looking hungrily all over him. Pitch swore he felt his heart beating in his throat. Jack leaned down and kissed Pitch’s nose softly.
“Cuz I’m turning 18 tonight and you’re gonna give me one hell of a birthday show~”
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caffeinated-mendes · 5 years
word count: 1.6k
synopsis: what i think the perfect day with shawn would be, filled with the gentle sun and his gorgeous eyes. also, italy!! forgive the italian, i don’t speak it and i used translate so i’m so sorry if something is grammatically incorrect! (written intentionally in lowercase aesthetic)
warnings: not explicit shower w/ shawn, just some good fluff
italy was stunning when you woke up. sitting up on the headboard and looking through the beautiful skies with not a single cloud in sight made your stomach drop. you admired the green hills and the lush forests with the tiny houses overlooking a mesmerizing city. it was almost as mesmerizing as the view right next you in the soft sheets. your boyfriend, shawn, lay comfortably asleep on his stomach, his head nowhere near the pillow. his bare skin was sunkissed and he looked like the only thing you could ever set your eyes on. shifting in his sleep, he reached for you and you let him rest his head in your lap, playing with his soft hair. “g’morning, honey,” he said in his deep morning voice you loved.
you smiled to yourself, rubbing his scalp, “morning. sleep well?” he nodded without saying anything else and tried to get closer to you, nudging his head into your stomach. “what do you wanna do on your day off, bear?” your nickname for him made you feel warm inside. it reminded you of old memories.
“‘dunno, spend time with you. what were you thinking?” he had his eyes open at this point, and you stared into them, captivated.
you shrugged, “get gelato, go do touristy things.”
“okay. you’ve got a deal.” you smiled in content at him. “we should shower.” the we was enunciated in a particular manner. nevertheless, you agreed and in a few minutes strode across the luxurious suite, getting in the shower first. as the water heated up, you hummed to yourself one of his songs. it was your favorite, partly because you think it was written about you. when you first met shawn, you were quite the dramatic girl. the shower door opened and in stepped shawn. he kissed you and you moved out of the way for him to get his hair wet. “i love when you sing.” he smiled.
“yeah?” you replied, putting shampoo in his hair.
he grinned, “mmh hmm.”
“sing it with me, then.” you told him, and you started. “it’s hard to believe you don’t remember me at all.”
shawn sang the next line, “am i hard to recognise?”
“you say ‘nice to meet you’ every time.” your voice sounded through the pounding water.
he grinned ear to ear, “i made you laugh,” he pecked you quickly, “i still remember what i said.” you sang for so long in the shower together that it was nearly midday when you finished. rummaging through your suitcase, you found a pair of jean shorts and flowy tank top to wear. brushing your hair quickly, you called from the bathroom for shawn.
“love, you ready?”
shawn appeared in the bathroom, a little hum in response as he sprayed his cologne on. you couldn’t help but admire him as he hastily got his stuff together, his muscles showing through his crewneck, curly hair styled but that one curl falling out in the front anyway. in nearly fifteen minutes you two were walking into the town. it wasn’t that populated, so shawn didn’t get noticed as much as he normally did.
your first stop was a cafe which seemed like it stood there for decades. the brick that had been cemented to the front of it was worn by the weather, but the sign above the open doorframe looked brand new. in front of the cafe were outdoor tables, little umbrellas rested over them with metal chairs.
you and shawn ordered your drinks, the menu not making sense to you or him, but luckily someone spoke english and translated for you. shawn grasped you hand across the table as you put your bag down, settling in the warm weather. “we can go walk around after this, or get that gelato you’ve been dying to try.” his eyes smiled with him, and you caught yourself gazing at his enthralling brownish-green orbs.
“mmh,” you nodded your head, “i want to try stracciatella.”
shawn quirked his eyebrows, “how’d you know what that was?”
“it was from a book i read.”
“it’s always from a book you read.”
the coffee was delicious. you had never tasted anything better, knowing that when you got back to canada, nothing would compare. even the froth on the top tasted heavenly. shawn’s coffee had a smell of cinnamon and nutmeg and he completely inhaled it, just as you did yours.
“y/n?” shawn asked.
“yes?” you replied.
shawn gripped your hand as you made your way past shops and near the pier. you watched the tiny sailboats float across the water of the lake. “are you having fun?”
you grinned ear to ear, “shawn, i always have fun with you. thank you for today. it’s been amazing so far.”
he rubbed circles on the back of your hand, “i’m glad. i want to go and see if they have any music stores here, is that okay with you?”
“of course.” you answered. looking at the nearest map and searching up a translation, you both luckily found out that there was one just five minutes from where you were. rounding some corners and passing by people walking along the pavement, you entered a shop that was beautifully decorated with guitars hanging across the walls.
the man at the front desk greeted you, “ciao! come posso aiutarvi?” he looked quite kind, a dirtied apron on and under-construction guitars behind him.
only comprehending hello, you asked one of the only italian phrases you knew, “parli inglese?” shawn smiled at him, one arm hooked around your waist.
the man grinned, putting his pencil on his ear, “yes, yes, please come in. what can i help you with?” his accent was thin, but it sounded very articulate and his grammar was perfect.
“i’m just looking to play some guitars. could i look around?” shawn asked.
“of course! pick whichever you like, and if you have any questions, i’ll be here.”
you nodded, “thank you.”
he returned the nicety as you felt shawn let go and start roaming around. he was in his own little world as he observed the perfectly carved guitars, taking one the shade of chocolate and carefully plucking the strings. you could tell it was perfectly in tune. you had been around shawn enough to develop a quite good pitch of your own.
“these are beautiful.” you complimented the man at the front.
he grinned at his work, “thank you. my father taught me how to make them.”
“he taught you well.” you saw his eyes crinkle in delight. shawn was lightly strumming chords into the guitar, unaware of your conversation. realizing you were speaking, he turned on his stool to the man as well.
“i’d love to get one, but we’ll have to come back later. what time do you close?” you lounged back on one on the chairs at the edge of the room.
the man took a pen from his container, scribbling something down, “eight. i live a ways from here, i’ve got to get home to my kids.”
“okay, we’ll be here at seven.” shawn looked at you to make sure you were okay with it. you nodded in approval.
as you left hand in hand, the man told shawn, “you keep that bella.”  you seemed to understand the man and it made you turn red as shawn thanked him. you left the store even happier than you were before.
as shawn promised, he got you stracciatella. it was heavenly. the chocolate was so perfectly rich and the hazelnut was tastefully balanced in it. you sat on a bench with him, overlooking the shoreline. little kids ran up it, screaming a mix of what sounded like gibberish and italian. he had your arm around you as the wind blew your hair back, tickling your neck. as you stared off into space, all shawn could look at was you. you were so beautiful and every time he’d lay his eyes on you, it knocked him off of his feet. he loved you for such a long time, longer than you loved him. that song had been about you.
“i love you.” he said.
you looked at him, eyes boring into yours. you took your hand and stroked his cheek, watching his blushed face, “i love you, too.”
“i feel like i have to say this since we’re in italy,” he replied, “but being here with you has been the most perfect day. and spending time with you brings me so much happiness that i’ve never felt so happy in my entire life. so when i say i love you, i am in love with you, and always will be.”
you couldn’t breathe for a moment. the scene was so perfect, his hand on both sides of your head, and the town behind you, minding their own business like you were never there. they could all be gone and you wouldn’t notice. he kissed you, and you kissed back as he moved his hands to your waist, you could taste the coffee on his lips. after you separated, all he did was admire you as you laid your head on his shoulder.
you felt the exact same way, and that’s when you knew that you’d love him forever, too.
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