#and then the next day i was joking that i had accidentally jinxed it and then i started to say something else
youremyonlyhope · 2 years
My uncanny ability to accidentally specifically predict bad things now means that for the second time, a supervisor has told me to stop making predictions while at work since they keep coming true.
This has happened in two different jobs in two different fields now. Yay.
#I'm psychic#legit my old desk job my supervisor was like 'Hope you really have to stop making predictions.'#and even one of my old coworkers was like 'you know when i first started i thought you were joking... but it really is... uncanny'#because i could basically summon people at that job to either show up or call me whenever i said 'ugh i need to speak to so and so'#or worse if i said 'i don't want to speak to so and so' either way the exact person would walk in or call me minutes after i said it.#and now at this new job i jinxed something bad happening and it was pretty bad. not like ruin the show bad. but bad.#and then the next day i was joking that i had accidentally jinxed it and then i started to say something else#and i was like 'wait no let me not say that out loud' and my supervisor was like 'yes please don't say it.'#and a coworker was like 'Hope yeah shut up. don't do it.' so yeah. i gotta stop speaking things into existence.#like my first day at this job i was walking with a coworker after we ran an errand and we walked by his friend's workplace#and he was like 'i always walk by here and never see her.' and i was about to say 'maybe today is the day'#but all i could say was 'may-' and his friend came running out the door to say hi because they finally overlapped.#then i was like 'that's so weird because i was going to say that today might be the day it finally happens then it did.'#and the next day he told me that she later said to him 'it was weird. i had a feeling i needed to look outside. and there you were'#and i was like 'look this is a joke but really half a joke. i'm somewhat psychic so that doesn't shock me.'#is predicting things a symptom of my anxiety? yes. am i also legitimately somewhat psychic? possibly.#i mean i had a great-great aunt who was psychic. and my family on my mom's side (with the aunt) has weird coincidences.#my grandma who just passed had the ability to call my landline the MOMENT i walked into my apartment. without fail.#and my mom and brother many times have both texted me the same question unprompted without speaking to each other.#so while i joke that i'm psychic. it's honestly half a joke. because there are some WEIRD things on this side of the family.#and it definitely manifests in me too. so much so that i've been told to stop doing it.
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Noticed But Hoping For The Best Part 2
Tucker is the second person to notice something was 'off'. Not quite 'wrong', they weren't at that level yet, but things certainly weren't the same. Things had been surprisingly quiet recently- not that anyone mentioned it, they always jinxed it if they did so- so the classic trio of friends could spend time together! They were even trying normal hobbies, at the insistence of Jazz. Well, hah, he knew coding and that was normal!- But apparently it was too connected to 'work' so he had to split his time between that and a 'normal' hobbie.
Sam was planning on showing them sewing- it was a lot harder to get clothes in her style than either him or Danny realized- but apparently there was some social event she was being forced to attend, so the plans were put on pause. That led to Tucker ending up at the Fenton household to spend time with Danny, teaching him at least a bit of coding before Jazz forced them to do something different.
This was when he first noticed something was 'off' with Danny. They used to play online games together, and he knew his best friend to have quick reaction times and almost never fat finger the keys, but apparently things had changed in the- what, month or so?- since he became Phantom. Randomly pressing the spacebar, forgetting to hold shift or tapping shift or caps lock at the wrong times, pressing multiple keys at the same time or accidentally pressing a key around the intended target. The two laughed at it, joking that he was more suited for fighting instead of typing now, though Tucker didn't fail to noticed that something was on Danny's mind afterwards.
The true realization came when they were playing video games. Things were going well, they were joking, but Danny kept dying in odd ways. He occasionally pressed random buttons, his triggers would randomly be moved and send his character off-course, or once again it was a button next to the one that was targeted being pressed.
After they reached a gameover screen, Tucker nudged his friend, trying to make a joke of it. "The golden boy of gaming has fallen! Glad to see I actually have a chance if we go PvP this time, I could only ever beat you on PC!" Danny always chuckled, but there was an underlying of something else... It was rare to see the other have subtle emotions, but Tucker was surprised to see his friend was genuinely frustrated! "Yeah, my hands haven't really been on my side for a bit. Me and Jazz think I just need to actually sleep for once, maybe I caught some kind of bug to make my mind foggy. Give me a few days of rest and I'll be back to my winning streak!"
Tucker was silent for a split second- Danny never admitted he was tired at all since starting being Phantom, even if he and Sam had noticed it- before grinning. "By the time that happens I'll have grown to match you, good luck getting a win over me!"
Tucker Foley hadn't seen a reason for actual concern, there was simply something a bit off with his friend, something that was easily fixable. It was easy to wait and hope for the best!
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brittle-doughie · 2 years
Yooo, that mourning y/n cookie fic was top tier!♡ I gotta more uplifting request to balance out the angst with some sugar and spice😘
y/n sending some of their old books to the kid cookies, but inadvertently brings their old photo album instead: not only do the kid cookies, and some of the adults, see the usual mature but fun loving y/n cookie as either a rough and tumble gang member or a shy inverted geek (you can pick whichever would be more embarrassing for them), they also see some of the old photos of y/n cookie with old friends, new friends, and a few polaroids of their now crumbled spouse.... If you write one of them asking "who's that," istg-
- Drama anon🥀
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Congratulations, you jinxed yourself, man.
And so, the jelly worm told the jelly frog, “Why do worms go across the playground? To get to the other mud slide!”
The crowd of young cookies giggled and laughed among themselves with that joke! Every one in this joke book you had never failed to brighten up with spirits with laughter. Even some adults around the library couldn’t help but chuckle a little at it.
You had volunteered at the city’s library to read some books you’ve brought to the younger cookies that came there. The staff did try to pay you for your time, but you declined. You’ve always wanted to share the wonders of what you’ve read in hopes the cookies might like it too. You did have plans that day, but if it was for the young ones’ sake, you suppose you can move things around!
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“*sniffle*…can you read us another book? Please?”
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“Tell us another book, Y/N Cookie! You have to tell us another book.”
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“I wouldn’t mind listening to more stories from you, Y/N Cookie!”
You chuckled as you rubbed the back of your head nervously. You weren’t expecting them to really like what you brought, so it brought you relief that they end up liking it after all. You thanked them for doing so as you reached for your last one.
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“Come on, what’s that last book you got there? I’m seeing some pictures on it…of you?”
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“Y/N Cookie, is that really a book? It looks more like a….photo album?
What did they mean-your look suddenly changed to that of horror as you spotted the picture ridden cover of your photo album?! What the?! How did this happen? Did you accidentally leave the album at the bottom of your book stack when you took it with you?! Oh geez, you were incredibly embarrassed at what the others were already seeing on it. Photos of you on vacation, exploring a cave, you next TK’s machine you’ve just fixed while giving a thumbs up.
You quickly shuffle the album behind your back before awkwardly tell the cookies around you that story time was over for today and you’ll be seeing them next. You were already getting up to go before the young cookies started to make a fuss and you stopped there anxiously.
“*sob* You’re leaving already? But..I want to see the album…*sniffle*”
“Yeah, we want to look at the album too! Let us look at the album.”
“I want to look at it too, but if it’s too much to ask, I understand…”
“This is totally your choice though, Y/N. We aren’t going to pressure you if you don’t wanna.”
“I second that!”
Oh did you want to take the opportunity to just run on out of there in embarrassment and just hide under your covers…but seeing the hopeful look of the younger cookies with the accepting looks from the older ones made you ponder for moment as you think for a moment…run off with your photo album abruptly and be done with the day…or….you swallow your embarrassment and be open about your past.
You made your choice, you took a deep breath…
and walked out the door…
The younger cookies looking down saddened as the older ones just looked to the side, accepting that you valued your history, so they were not going to pry you about it…
Everyone looked up in surprise as the doors opened and saw you coming back in with a determined smile on your face as you sat back down with the photo album in your hands.
Sorry for walking out like that, you just had to put away all the books into your vehicle for a second there. Now, who was ready to learn a little more about you?
The cookies around you couldn’t get more interested and excited. The young cookies gathered in front of you as Bellflower and Pizza Cookie went to your sides.
You turned the album to your first series of photos, your school days.
You were the shy, but incredibly smart one in your class. You didn’t do much to socialize with the cookies in your class, you just sorta stuck to yourself as you worked on your assignments.
This made you look more endearing to your fellow classmates as anyone who had a bone to pick with you for some reason would have to face a group of cookies ready to defend you from whatever accusations this bully was trying to say.
You weren’t exactly a small cookie, you just didn’t like confrontation all that much, so usually other cookies would come to your aid for you. Saving you the trouble…..and pretty much having that cookie hanging off you for the day.
One cookie in particular was White Cactus Cookie
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She’s alive, y’all
Seeing how non-threatening you were just made White want to scoop you into her arms for a hug.
When it came to group projects, you were always paired with her, Cactus herself seeking you out immediately when the time to pick began. She’ll even strategically seat herself next to you in the event group projects did happen.
She introduced you to her friend, Black Garlic Cookie, whom became your second major friend in the school days. If someone needed to see you, 9/10 you’re with both of the girls.
When it came to cookies who thought you were an easy target, they were in for a scare as White Cactus would creep on behind them and give them a frightful jolt as she screamed. She would innocently wave them bye as they ran down the hall and out of sight.
She would hug and snuggle the hell out of you after completing a group project. She was so proud of you working so hard on it!
Here’s to a wonderful school year together with you and her~
And that photo right there was White Cactus chasing off the cheerleading captain for taking her spot next to me during lunch. White Cactus..didn’t like it when other cookies tried to get all close to you. You two were the best of friends in school, nothing would change that!
“She sounds a little scary, but she’s a nice friend…*sniffle*”
“Those mean Cookies deserved it for picking on you! They deserved it.”
“It is nice to have friends there for you, even if they can be scary!”
“You were just minding your own business, I feel like they deserved what they got.”
“Cookies shouldn’t be bringing down each other! It was nice to hear that you had a cookie to look out for you!”
You appreciated the words from the others about your friend, White Cactus Cookie. You do hope that she’s doing well after graduating…
You shook your head off the thought as you turned to the next page-oh.
This phase in your life may be a little weird to explain…
Who would’ve thunk it that after having a fairly normal upbringing and graduating from school, that life would deal you a bad hand and you were at rock bottom. In any attempt to find a way to keep up with the rising payments, you had to locate a different kind of job…
In other words? You essentially became part of a gang.
They claimed to be..a crew of timeline hopping misfits? And they’ve picked YOU to join them!
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Twizzly Gummy took notice of your situation and wanted to be merciful, how about a spot on her crew!? There’s always room for another! It wasn’t like you had any other choice anyway, once she sets her eye on something, she’s taking it!
You wanted to decline. Despite life being hard for you, you didn’t want to have to turn to villainy to help you out…but you gaze at the spread of papers with payment orders on your desk within your apartment….you were at a loss.
“Come on!! What do ya say?! Together with us, you can have all the coins you could’ve ever want!”
“Why work when you can just rob a cookie! Way easier if you’re askin’ me!”
“Think this through, bro. You won’t have to worry about paying for anything for the rest of your life.”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t be in this dump anymore, that’s for sure…”
Again, you didn’t have a choice, did you?
And that’s how you ended up becoming the new cookie in Twizzly Gummy’s crew. Taking up a defender role, you donned a club and a shield as you became the wall that kept the crew from harm. Throughout your time with them, you only grew more sturdy and withstanding, evident in your dough, but you had never hurt a cookie during these robberies, you never could…
The coins from these heists proved true to their words, it was so much that you could actually start affording things you wanted, not just needs…it…got to you. Morals were suppressed as you went on these heists with your crew, you let the prospect of finally obtaining the things you wanted get to your head.
Until the reality of your actions hit you like a brick when an organization known as the Time Balance Department arrested the whole crew. The high of getting all of this coin came crashing down on you as you were carried off with the rest of the crew.
Thank Fortuna that whoever was listening answered your plight as you got a lighter sentence for your crimes. Despite all of the crimes you’ve committed, you never once used violence on others in any way, you were more of a shield for the crew to hide behind, the club was just to look fearsome.
You served your time and walked away a free cookie, clean from the whole situation, and started anew. One of the guards looked up your file and expressed sympathy. If you were ever in need of a job, there might be just the place…
The photos to signify this time in your life were the photos of you and the crew, with the last one being the only copy of your mugshot.
A concern did occur to you. What if the crew ever broke out of their prison, what would they do…and if they’re looking for you.
Note: Y/N Cookie’s backstory is totally up to you, the reader. This is just one of many that could happen to you.
You covered your face in shame and embarrassment as the cookies around you had surprised and shocked looks.
You had to make it very clear to them that you wiped your hands of this part of your past. You paid to have it scrubbed off your record and you were a completely different cookie now then before.
You regretted ever taking that offer and you could only hope to make up for it some day. It’s fine if they want to stay away from you for that.
“B-but why would I do that…*sniffle*…you’re so nice to me…”
Eh? What-
“We all make mistakes, like Pawn White does without me. Hey!”
“You learned from your mistakes and became an even better cookie now. You never hurt another cookie and grew from this!”
“Yeah, as long as you did your time and realized that it was a pretty stupid thing to do, you’re all good.”
“I do feel bad for the robbed cookies, did you ever give back what those cookies stole from them?”
You brightened up once your turned to the next page. Now THIS is when your redemption arc began!
You were pondering the offer the guard had given you. A spot…in the Time Balance Department? The exact organization that arrested you back then? Was this a good idea? Would they hold your past against you and reject your application? Your mind wandered oh so much.
Until you received a call. You jumped a bit before answering it and a voice called for your name.
“Hey, is this Y/N Cookie? Nice, the name’s Croissant Cookie! I’m an engineer at the Time Balance Department and have heard that you’ve shown interest applying here, at least from what I’m told.”
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Well, it was nice to meet this Croissant Cookie! If she was calling you, then you assumed that you got the job?
“Yep! We looked over your resume and everything seemed to be in order! We know you might have had a crummy point in your life, but here at the TBD, you can do genuine work and it benefits other cookies too! It’s a win-win!”
That was perfect. After a pretty bad choice in your life, you were worried that you may have had a bad reputation there and could get your application rejected, so it was nice of them to have actually accepted it. You accepted the offer and scheduled later to see the place, your voice gaining a chipper and hopeful tone!
“Welcome to the TBD, Y/N Cookie. I have a feeling that if it’s like this conversation, then we can become the best of friends here. See you soon!”
You will admit, you were a bit hesitant during the initial hiring since their main deal was handling things related to time that you worry you could mess up something that could be pretty important. Luckily, you had a cookie to guide you through your new job, Croissant Cookie.
The photo to commemorate this part of your life was a photo of you and Croissant doing a thumbs up at the camera.
You still work for the TBD to this day, repairing any machines that needed fixing and helping out your fellow coworkers with anything in that field. You were referred to as one of the TBD’s handycookies! Pretty interesting title.
“What a nice ending…*sniffle*”
“Working for the TBD? That sounds important! It does sounds important.”
“You made it through to now, Y/N Cookie. I’m happy to hear things are okay now!”
“That was totally redeeming if you want my two coins on it.”
“That answers my question. Still the Y/N Cookie I know in the end hehe!”
You thanked them with a smile as you turned to the end of the album…and come across some old polaroids of you…and an unfamiliar cookie.
These photos were much more intimate in nature, with you hugging and kissing them Cookie on the cheek, the cookie warmly receiving them with a happy smile. Your smile turned more solemn, but never losing its warmth as you looked at them.
You caressed your nonexistent thumb over the photo as you looked at it, looking back on the memory in your head. That day where you and that cookie looked at the sunset together, leaning on each other. You remember whispering your love for them and them doing so in return…you could feel a tear well up in your eye.
The cookies around you eyed the photos in curiosity. Lollipop breaking the silence by asking,
“Woah, that cookie looks very nice to you! Who is that?”
You turned to Lollipop with your almost sad smile.
Someone amazing…
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hlficlibrary · 1 year
Hi love. I hope you're doing well . Can you recommend any fic when they have like supernatural powers or are like witches or vampires. xxx
Hi, anon! So there's this fic rec: (you can find it under "Category Fic Recs" on the pinned post)
✤ Halloween Fics
And there are some on there that have what you're looking for. If you'd like a longer rec of supernatural creature fics, check out the "Suggestion Box" on the pinned post. But here are a few more that fit what you're looking for:
Somethin' Old and Red by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense
There was a ritual with these things. He’d pour a splash into a wine glass —his favourite little joke was telling humans he loved a nice glass of red every now and again— then sat down in his living room and listened to music while he drank. Every time he changed the record —or, what was it they called them nowadays? 8tracks? MP3s? Playlists? It was difficult for Harry to keep up with the technology, especially as much as things had changed over the last few decades— he would change the music before refilling the glass. He liked to savour his meals. He could get at least two evenings out of a bag that way, which worked very well for Harry’s schedule. His wine glass was in front of him on the counter, and he was ready to pour.
This Multiplicity of Powers by @helloamhere
Maybe in another universe he isn’t different. Maybe he hadn’t been given an impossible choice. Maybe he wouldn’t have lost everything and broken everything and then fallen impossibly, irrevocably in love with the first next thing that was kind. Maybe in that universe he doesn’t feel like he’s never breathing, always pretending, teaching the kids even though they all have to learn alone, trying hard not to read the headlines, and so afraid, every day, that he won’t be a good enough teammate to the superhero he can’t live without. He knows that love isn’t supposed to feel this way, slid secret under your skin like a surgical razor, an invisible war held close over the tender vein that keeps you alive. On the other hand, Louis wonders, had he ever known how to do it any other way?
Maybe there’s a universe where he doesn’t have to keep all his secrets on the inside.
But this isn’t that universe.
//an X-Men AU.
Just Your Jinx by @larryatendoftheday
Harry Styles may or may not have accidentally jinxed his extremely fit new neighbor, and it's not so easy to make things right.
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j-art-2d2 · 2 years
HI IT'S ME AGAIN, i loved what you did in the other request i made! you are an amazing writer and you deserve to be recognized for it B)
may i request.. jinx x love witch reader? (maybe a modern au) like the craft but hotter
have a good day sweetieee ♡♡
thank you so much bestie youve always been so nice to me and encouraging of my writing!! <333
i think this request is so cute and sweet! i wasn’t super sure how to write this im sorry if it’s not so good. but i still hope you enjoy!
also sorry i had no idea how to make this “like the craft but hotter” so i just made reader n jinx have a little moment
~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~ .~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~
🔮Amor Magicae🔮
🔮the weather was hot, muggy, and dense. the sun shining seemed to cook jinx from the inside out. despite the climate, jinx still went out just for the sake of being outside. wandering around aimlessly, she wasn’t expecting anything more than slight entertainment in the form of people watching.
🔮all that changed the moment that your paths interlocked. her attention is automatically drawn to the colors swirling around in your irises. the sunlight shining in your eyes makes them resemble the wings of monarchs. jinx starts sweating. she’s not sure if it's the lack of oxygen in the Zaun or the heat. she smiles at you but doesn’t dare to make a sound, scared that if she opens up her mouth a butterfly might come flying out. she decides she can’t let you walk away.
🔮what you both call a friendship is developed. in all actuality, what develops, is a relationship of sorts. lingering fingertips and glances. accidental moments. much like two black holes, you both had no other choice but to consume each other. she floods your mind, in the same way, you flood hers.
🔮one day jinx requests something of you. a love potion. simple enough. you’re aware of the danger but you would happily do anything jinx asked you to. you expect her to pick it up and go on her way, but are presently surprised by her coming back to pick up the potion with food for the both of you. she claims to just know you haven’t had lunch yet. you joke your powers are rubbing off on her.
🔮jinx is especially jumpy while you guys eat. you drop a piece of food and watch it fall to the ground. that split second is all it takes. jinx reaches over and dumps the entire bottle into your drink, swirls it around with her pinky, and wipes the remaining droplets on her pants. the strong sweet and floral taste hits you before the flavor of your drink even does. immediately your focus is on her, while she’s looking at everything else in the room instead of at you. keeping your eyes focused on her, you down the whole glass. a silent confession.
🔮the potion was a bust. you knew it would be. to you, this means nothing. to jinx, this is reason enough to be concerned. as the hours go on she realizes there’s been no change and jinx almost seems to fold into herself. like an animal trapped between fight or flight. she can’t take it anymore, so she breaks the tension as abruptly as she knows how. next thing you know jinx has jumped up and is getting closer to your face with every word she exclaims.
🔮“What did you do!?! Why didn’t the potion work!?!”. that was enough to make you stand as well. you let out a breath while shaking your head in adornment. you put your hands on jinx’s shoulders and before she can continue on her tirade, you kiss her. it’s chaste and sweet. all you need to shut her up. jinx allows you to press your forehead against hers. the pink shade rising in her cheeks compliments her eyes in ways you can’t even describe. her heart swells while you assure her, “A potion can not create what is already there.”
**if you would like i can do a bullet point list of how i think jinx would be w a regular witch s/o not just specifically a love witch, because that was kind of what limited me**
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You Distracting Eddie Kingston During a Yankees Game
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Eddie was a sports guy, if New York had a team he was routing for them. Football was the giants, hockey was the rangers, basketball was the nets, and his holy grail was the Yankees.
You however were not a sports fan. You didn’t mind going to a basketball or hockey game every once in a while because you were able to eat all the good treats at the stadiums. Plus Eddie looked so good in his Jersey and baseball hats.
On Sunday afternoon games Eddie and you hosted football get togethers. He supplied the drinks and you were able to try out different recipes. Than in the evening you two would snuggle up and eat the leftovers during your movie pick.
Baseball however was so boring. Not only were the games so long, there was so many games. Sometimes there were games a couple days in a row and Eddie watched them all.
By July you have had enough of the Yankees and with limited time with Eddie you didn’t want to waste another Monday afternoon with him yelling at the tv (no matter how hot it made you).
You let him watch the 1st couple of innings in peace, before getting antsy. At first you tried to distract him by giving him a shoulder rub and hoped that it could turn into a full body massage. Instead the yankee pitcher threw some terrible pitches and when Eddie stood up to yell that he was never going to watch this awful team again, he accidentally head butted your chin.
You went into the kitchen to get some ice. After icing your soon to be bruise and ego you finished the homemade Ice cream cups cakes you made just for Eddie. You brought them out to him and tried to be cute and feed him one. He shoved it in his mouth. With crumbs in his beard telling you “you’re the best sweetheart,” his eyes never leaving the tv.
The frustration was building up to you especially when you looked at the score and saw it was only the top of the 4th. You were going to have step up your game.
Walking into the bedroom you changed out of your regular lounge wear and put on the super cute cheeky boxer briefs yankee underwear Eddie had gotten you as a joke gift for his birthday. You than found one of his yankee jerseys on threw that on as well, before going back out to the living room.
You could feel his eyes on you as you purposely walked in front of the tv to get into the kitchen. “What are you doing?” Eddie’s disdain in his voice made you paused. “Baby that’s a joley Rodriquez Jersey! We traded him to the Mets. You can’t wear that!”
He continued to go on about how you were possibly jinxing the whole season wearing that traders Jerseys as you walked back to the bedroom. You thew the Jersey across the room as soon as you got it off your body. Laying on the bed you took a couple minutes to collect yourself.
This time with your phone in hand you walked in front of the tv, in nothing but your yankee underwear. You grabbed the remote from the coffee table and clicked off the tv. Eddie looked up at you in shock, than his eyes darken when he finally noticed.
You used your phone to turn on the radio app that was calling the game. “Eddie Baby. I love you, but I am so over the Yankees today. So this is what’s going to happen. While you listen to the radio, I’m going to give you the best blow job you ever had. Than I’m going to take a long bath and when I get out. You are going to eat me out until I almost pass out. Next we’re going to fuck and have a late lunch. And not talk or watch the Yankees until you get home from Dynamite. Understand?”
Eddie had never seen you so assertive or bossy and he loved it, plus who could argue with a blow job while listening to his favorite team.
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jinxthighz · 3 years
Save Me pt 3.
I told bestie that I was going to take a break from this fandom and not even an hour later I post the next chapter of the fanfic LMAO.
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The next few days have been… strange. That’s putting it mildly.
Your wounds were starting to close, being a fast healer had its perks. You had to change your bandages at least twice a day, and Jinx always insists that she helps you. You were still weary of her, unable to put your trust into anybody just yet. You would have slipped away, you were given many chances to. But Jinx started to show her mentality. 
You would always see her talking to people that weren’t there, or speaking to the dolls that hung loosely around the couch. More than once, she would have episodes where she would bang her head in with her fists. Crying and screaming and yelling at the air. 
You could escape, that’s true. But what then? Where would you go? Where would you get the supplies you needed? And then a terrifying thought. 
What would happen when she catches you? 
And you were certain that she would. You were a fast runner, one of the fastest in all of Zaun. But you couldn’t do much in your current condition. If you were being honest with yourself, you were afraid to leave. Jinx scared you, but you were very good at hiding it. Giving her small smiles and helping her through her episodes, being sarcastic and trying to make funny jokes when you felt things got a little tense. She had accidentally hurt you a couple of times, but she would always apologize. And you would always say that it was okay.
“How ya feeling today, sugar?” Jinx asked you. 
“Like I can breath again.” You could finally walk normally again. No more limping or hunching over. You stretched your body, bones popping and cracking. 
“There’s someone here that wants to meet you.” You perked up. Immediately feeling restless. You couldn’t help the dread that turned your stomach into knots.
“Oh... okay.” You smiled uneasily but Jinx didn’t seem to noticed. You heard footsteps, and before you was the man that ruled the undercity.
You didn’t move. Didn’t blink. Overwhelmed with anxiety and fear, you bawled yourself hands into fists. You made sure to dig your fingernails into your palms, trying your hardest to show no reaction, to keep yourself grounded to reality. You waited for him to speak first.
“Hello, y/n.” You finally blink. How does he know my name? You silently asked yourself. Stupid, Jinx probably told him.
“Hello Mr. Silco… sir.” Jinx stood on the side, silently watching with a sly smile and observant eyes.
“Do you know why I wanted to meet with you?” You gulped. You reverted to your defense mechanism of comedy.
“Because some random is sleeping with your daughter?” Oh how you loathe yourself.
“Pfft-” you can hear Jinx cackling, but know better than to turn and look. It sounded like she was trying to hold back her laugh, but has no self control to do so.
“I mean- I’m not sleeping with her, sleeping with her. I meant that sometimes we share her bed.” You try to fix it but realize that that also sounds pretty bad. At this point, Jinx is doubled over holding her stomach. Watching you struggle was hysterical.
“I understand.” Silco says with patience.
“At first, I was uninterested in meeting you. But then Jinx said your physical description.” Silco’s fingertips met, his eyes looking over your form.
“You look exactly like her.” Okay? What?
“Like who?”
“Your mother.” Your breath hitched, nails digging deeper into your palms. A sudden pain in your brain. Your eyes twitched, trying to close, but you forced them to remain open. Your brain pulsated painfully.
“Y/n?” You heard Jinx say.
“I’m fine.” You strained to say. You looked back up at Silco, fatigue plain on your face.
“I wouldn’t know what she looked like. She died when I was little.” At this Silco raised a brow, confused and intrigued.
“Did she?” Judging by your looks alone, you seemed to be the same age as Jinx. Maybe even a little bit older. He did the math in his head, coming to a conclusion that split your brain into fours.
“It’s true that she’s dead. Now. But what you say, it would be impossible. Veridia worked for me.” Your heart stopped.
“She worked for me for 18 years. We had settled a contract just before I began to rule the undercity.” No. That can’t be-
“That can’t be right.” There must be some-
“There must be some explanation. Some logical explanation,” you swayed back and forth, trying your hardest not to hyperventilate.
“S-she- s-s-she-” you ran your fingers through your hair. Unable to grasp what he was trying to explain.
“Y/n?” You heard someone say. The voice was muffled, masked by a loud ringing in your ear.
“I have a photograph here.” Silco reached into his jacket and pulled out a picture.
“I thought you might want to see it.” You look at him, then at the photo. With a shaky hand, you take it. It was Silco standing next to a woman. You sucked in the air through your nose. She looked exactly like you. As if you were twins, with a few differences here and there. She had a small, tight lipped smile and bright happy eyes. Next to her, was the body of a man, the face obscured by black scratches that tore a hole in the photo. Subconsciously, you tough your own face.
“But- but she died.” A tear went down your face as you looked up at Silco.
“Did she- did she ever talk? About me?” Silco’s shoulders sagged just a bit.
“Only once. She said you died in a terrible fire.” You looked at him with disbelief.
“But that’s a lie. Why would she lie about that? Why would she leave me?” Silco was mulling over an answer, trying to tread carefully. You felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned to see Jinx, eyes watery and red. You suddenly relaxed, realizing that Jinx truly cared.
“I don’t have an answer, y/n. But when she told everyone that you had passed, we all believed her. She mourned and she grieved. Threw herself into her work. Never taking breaks. I don’t understand it myself. But I do know one thing.” He walked closer to you.
“Me and Jinx both do.” Jinx took your hand, turning you to face her.
“She left you. She abandoned you. And for what? Nothing. You were betrayed. And a betrayal like that is just- just,” Jinx spoke aggressively. Linking her past experiences with yours. You stared into her eyes, trying to bring yourself back to reality. To keep yourself away from distorting your mind into the brink of insanity.
“Why am I here?” You had to look away from her. To Silco.
“Your mother, while working under me, had a project that could change the city of Zaun and Piltover. She believed that there was a secret in the rich histories before the city was founded. A secret so profound, so powerful, it could affect the entirety of the world. And after years, she finally cracked it.” You were feeling very annoyed at this moment. Squeezing Jinx’s hands, not too tight, but enough to relay your irritation.
“And what does that have to do with me?”
“The key to the secret, is within your blood.”
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Day 129: Pangea
cw: mentions homophobic slurs
It was their day off.
Their one day when they didn't have to work and their five year old was at the muggle nursery school. They often cleaned and did laundry on days like these, but they always made a point of spending some quality time together. Harry had realized shortly after they'd adopted Cassie that it really hurt their relationship not to have time they set aside for just the two of them.
Today they were headed to get some ice cream and talking about the slumber party they were going to be hosting in a few days and all of the arrangements that had to be made when Harry's mobile started to ring.
Draco watched curiously as Harry pulled it out of his pocket, "Hello?"
"Yes, hi, is this Mr. Potter Malfoy?" a woman asked.
He glanced at Draco and put the phone on speaker, "Yes, this is Harry."
"Hi," the woman said again, "This is Linda in the school office. We're going to need you to come pick Cassie up."
"What? Why?" Draco asked before Harry could reply. "Is everything alright?"
"Sorry, I have you on speaker so my husband could hear you."
The woman chuckled and Draco looked ready to reach through the screen and strangle her. "Everything's fine. She just had a little disagreement with one of the other students and is pretty upset. The head mistress will have a chat with you when you get here."
"The head mistress!" Draco hissed.
Harry laid a hand on Draco's shoulder. "Thanks for calling us. We'll be right in." He hung up and braced himself for the inevitable.
(Read more below the cut)
"What happened?" Draco asked immediately.
He rolled his eyes and turned around to walk back to their house so they could drive to school, "You heard what I heard," he said. "I don't know any more than you."
"Yes but you went to Muggle primary school!" he protested, walking quicker. "You should have some idea-"
"I don't."
"Do you think it was accidental magic?" Draco asked.
He shook his head. "That was not the sound of a call about accidental magic."
"Then what do you think she was fight about?"
"Draco, there are a thousand things to fight about. Muggle children are just as unpredictable as wizarding children." He reached over and took Draco's hand, "She's only five, how much trouble could she be in?"
When they arrived Cassie was over talking to a different adult and the headmistress waved them in.
She seemed happy enough so Harry let her be and followed the headmistress in, Draco all but vibrating with nervous energy behind him.
"Mr. and Mr. Potter-Malfoy, thank you for coming."
"Harry and Draco are fine," he said.
"What happened?" Draco asked quickly.
Harry glanced at him, "Sorry. We've just never been called in before. Is Cassie in trouble?"
"This afternoon, Cassie told a story to her classmates about how the continents got separated."
"Gaia," Draco nodded. "It's one of her favorites, she likes to hear about how life thrives no matter what."
Harry took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Right," Headmistress Blake replied, "and that's great. Storytelling improves communication skills and it's great for students to share like that."
"So why are we here?" Draco asked.
"Jacob told her that Gaia wasn't real, that the whole story was made up, and tried to tell her about Pangea."
"Pangea?" Harry asked incredulously. "How old is this kid?"
She chuckled, "His parents are geologists."
"Still!" Harry said, "That's pretty advanced for a five year old." Draco looked completely befuddled as though he had no idea what they were talking about. "But I still don't understand why we're here."
"I'm getting to it," she said. "She tried to tell him that it was just a story that her father told her."
Draco nodded, "Should we not tell her stories like that?" he asked, sounding panicked.
"Not at all," she said, giving him a warm smile in an obvious attempt to diffuse his anxiety. "But Jacob called you a liar and used a bit of derogatory language."
Harry's entire body froze, "Excuse me?" He'd been hoping that she'd be in Hogwarts by the time other kids were old enough to understand the implications of having two dads. It wasn't a big deal in the wizarding world, but it mattered in the muggle world still.
Headmistress Blake nodded, "She told him it wasn't nice to talk about people that way and insisted that Draco wasn't a liar. When Jacob doubled down on the slurs, she punched him."
"Good." Harry covered his mouth, "Sorry," he said quickly. "Sorry, it's just-"
"We have taught our daughter not to hit," Draco insisted, glaring at Harry. And while this was true, they had, it was only because Draco was already teaching her the words for jinxes that would be more effective. She was going to be a terror once she got her wand. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid that I don't understand what sorts of slurs you're referring to."
The headmistress rubbed her eyebrow uncomfortably, "He called you poofs and said that fags can't be trusted," she said and Draco's jaw dropped, his hand clenching Harry's so hard that Harry was afraid he'd need a healing spell cast when this was over. "Other students overheard and told Miss Murray after the fact."
"We taught her not to hit," he said, "But we've also taught her that it's important to stand up for what is right," Harry said. "It sounds like she tried to use her words first and then when that didn't work she used a different means available to her."
"But the next step should have been talking to her teacher, not punching another child."
Harry nodded, "I can understand why you'd-"
"Excuse me, Harry," his husband interrupted, "But I can't," Draco said bluntly. "And here's why; we are raising our daughter to be strong and independent because Salazar knows that women are not taken seriously in this world. Teaching her now that there is someone to help her when she is being verbally assaulted will not help her when she is grown."
"Mr. Potter-Malfoy, I understand what you're saying but-"
Draco shook his head, "With all due respect, there is no but. If her teacher didn't notice that another child was shouting bigoted slurs at her because she has two fathers then no one was coming to her rescue."
The headmistress squared her shoulders, "Cassie's being suspended for two weeks."
"What?" Draco spat.
"We cannot set a precedent that allows for violence to be the answer."
"And what is Jacob's punishment?" Draco demanded.
She blinked at him, "He's got a broken nose."
"Setting aside that his actions still deserve a punishment from a source of authority so he doesn't continue to grow into a bigoted prick, let's just say for the sake of argument," Draco said, voice sharp as nails, "that she'd gone over and told Miss Murray about what he'd said what would his punishment have been?"
"He would to apologize," she replied.
"What? Just said he was 'sorry'?" he asked incredulously. "That's it?"
She nodded, "Yes. He's only five."
He turned to look at Harry completely outraged, "This whole school can fuck off," Draco said, standing from his chair and pointing at Harry, "I told you this was a bad idea."
Harry winced, he had in fact said this was not a great plan, just not for this reason.
"We'll be taking our daughter home today and she will not be coming back," he said. "And we will be telling this story to anyone who will listen."
"Mr-" she started, looking taken aback, since Draco had always been the polite one of the two of them.
"Oh, don't even start with me," he growled. "I run a very successful design business and while I do not understand how most of the social media works, I have someone who I pay to do it and she and I have been friends for a long time. Get ready to lose any family that you have that has a conscience, you can become the place for all backwards bigots." He started toward the door and Harry stood up.
"We'll sue you for slander," she said.
He looked over at her, completely unimpressed, "It's only slander if it's not true."
"It'll be your word against ours," she replied.
A pale eyebrow rose, "Yes it will. Lucky for me that I've recorded this entire lovely exchange," he said, twirling a pen that the Weasleys sold at the joke shop that did just that. "Feel free to contact our solicitor about anything else."
And with that he swanned out of the office.
Harry stared at her for a long moment, "Maybe you should consider educating your parents and students." Then he followed Draco out.
Draco was already squatting next to Cassie, murmuring softly to her, "yes, well done, my darling," he said pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"He was really mean, papa," she murmured.
His husband nodded, "I know, love."
"Hey, bean," Harry said, ruffling Cassie's curls and bending over to kiss her temple. "Let's get out of here, yeah? Do you have all of your things?"
She held up her unicorn backpack and nodded.
Harry helped her get her backpack on and then they set off, each of them holding one of her hands.
Cassie chattered away about the rest of her day, not even mentioning her run in with Jacob again.
After they put Cassie to bed they came back downstairs and Harry collapsed onto Draco on the sofa, resting his head in his lap.
"Pansy says that story is spreading like wildfire."
"Really?" Harry asked.
Draco nodded.
"S'kinda sexy," he said.
Draco laughed, "Sorry?"
He shrugged a shoulder, "You getting all livid and protective. It was sexy."
His husband's fingers combed through his fringe, "I'll always fight for you, for her, and for us," he promised.
"I know," he replied. "You're a good man Draco Potter Malfoy."
"It's only going to get harder," Draco said.
"Maybe, but we'll look for a more inclusive nursery school-"
Draco shook his head, "I mean when she heads to Hogwarts."
"I don't think so. People don't care about a man marrying another man," he said.
"But they care about the savior marrying a death eater and then disappearing for almost a decade and a half." He sighed, "I just wanted her to start somewhere where my sins wouldn't burden her and here we ar-"
"Hey," Harry said, sitting up and stopping the words coming out of his mouth. "You are not a burden to her and our marriage isn't a sin that could ever burden her-"
"I didn't mean to imply that you-"
"Listen to me," Harry interrupted. "Draco, you are a good dad," he said as he cupped his cheeks in his palms. "You are a good husband and you are a good person. We are both lucky to have you."
"Harry," he murmured, eyes downcast.
"You are," he promised. "I love you and Cassie loves you. and we are so blessed to have you."
"I love you too," he said, "But this isn't the last bully-"
"I know," Harry assured. "And we'll always be here for her, yeah?
Draco took a deep breath before nodding. "Yes. You're right."
"Ooh," Harry replied, crawling over him and straddling his hips. "I love it when I get to be right."
His husband rolled his eyes, "Just kiss me already."
And of course Harry obliged him.
Life wasn't always easy or perfect but they always had each other and Cassie always had two dads who would go to the end of the earth for her.
Day 128: Snake | Day 130: Forfeit
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keijislove · 4 years
Hello ! Could you do a harry × hufflepuff!reader with the promps 6 ans 14 ? Thank you !😊😊
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A/N: Hi! Sorry if it’s a bit long... This was the first request I got off anon, lmao 
Prompts used: 
6. 'Don't make me hex you into the next year! ' 'I'd like to see you try.'        14. ‘My Ammortentia smells like you...’
Strawberries: Harry Potter X Hufflepuff!Reader
It was just another day in Slughorn’s Potions class, you stirring your cauldron while daydreaming.
‘Who do you think yours will smell like?’ asked Luna. ‘I feel mine is going to be a Crumple-Horned Snorcack.’
You stuffed your knuckles into your mouth to prevent yourself from giggling. ‘I, um, don’t know.’
‘What do you smell? I know it’s weird... for you, having a soulmate or whatever.’
See, that was one of the things you adored about Luna.
You couldn’t possibly keep a secret around her, somehow, she just knew. But it also allowed you to seek her consolation at times without having to embarrass yourself by telling her what it was.
Well, she was Luna Lovegood after all.
You were one of the best potion students, and were fairly good at all your other classes, Luna and Cho kept asking you why you weren’t a Ravenclaw.
You just hoped your Potion skills could help you find out who you were meant to be with...
You swallowed, snapping out of your daze. ‘Uhm, yeah, not sure. Hope it’s someone nice.’
‘That’s sweet.’ Luna remarked in her same, breathless voice.
You smiled.
‘Alright, now, time’s up.’ Slughorn clapped his hands together. ‘Who wants to share what their Ammortentia smells like? Miss Diggory?’
You cursed internally. ‘Yes, Professor.’
You took a sniff. ‘Sir, it’s, um, treacle tart, um.... pumpkin juice? Yes, and...’
You sniffed again.
‘... muddy grass?’ You spoke.
‘Very good, miss Diggory!’
‘What was it?’ Luna asked as you left. ‘The muddy grass?’
‘Can you stop doing that?’ you joked. ‘It’s freaky.’
‘Don’t change the subject Y/N.’
You sighed. ‘It smelled like, I dunno like quidditch robes or something. Maybe it’s a sporty guy.’ You mumbled.
You didn’t have to specify who, it was Luna.
‘How do you know what boys’ quidditch robes smell like?’ Luna questioned as you whacked her with your book.
You traced shapeless patterns on the grass, softly caressing your yellow scarf with your other hand.
It was a scarf you were very proud of.
Your brother had given it to you, and it was the last thing he ever did give you, to be completely honest...
Your tiny ‘revisit’ was interrupted by a sneer behind you.
‘Hey Diggory, who did your potion smell like?’ Malfoy asked in his horrible, drawling voice. ‘Longbottom?’
‘I seriously don’t understand what you’ve got against Neville.’ You spoke. ‘And no, if you must know. It smelt like someone else.’
‘Bet it was a grave.’ Malfoy sniggered. ‘Oh, where’s your brother?’
You tensed up immediately, but stroked your scarf to calm down.
‘Patience is one of the most important qualities a true Hufflepuff should possess,’ Cedric had told you. ‘And you, Y/N/N, are one of the best Hufflepuffs I know.’
‘Where is he?’ Malfoy continued.
‘Shut up.’ You spoke through gritted teeth.
‘It’d be nice if he’d passed some of his qualities onto you.’ Pansy lazily called. ‘At least he was good-looking. Look at you, bag of pickled toads.’
‘Shut up, prat.’ You warned.
‘Blimey Diggory... is your brother dead?’ Malfoy asked. ‘I didn’t even notice...’
That was the last straw.
Oh, fuck patience.’ You muttered under your breath, lunging at him.
‘Argh!’ Malfoy groaned as you socked him square in the stomach. ‘Geroff me, you lunatic!’
‘What’s going on?’ Harry, Ron and Hermione had approached you.
Understanding the situation, Ron and Harry both seized either arm of yours while Hermione ripped Draco off of you before both of you could hex each other too badly.
‘Get-off-me!’ you snarled in Harry’s face.
‘GET-OFF-STUPID-PRAT-’ you struggled against his firm grasp. ‘IDIOT-CEDRIC-NOT-FUNNY-’
‘What exactly are you trying to say?’ Hermione asked, confused.
‘Shut up Granger, I don’t want to talk about this.’ You spat, snatching your bag up and ‘accidentally’ whacking Harry with it, before leaving.
‘What happened?’ your friend, Hannah had asked when you had stormed into the common room.
‘Malfoy.’ You curtly answered. ‘And Potter.’
‘You know, I don’t see why you hate him so much.’ Ernie walked up.
‘Who doesn’t hate Malfoy?’
‘No, no, I meant Harry.’ He spoke.
You groaned.
This was a subject they’d brought up millions of times.
‘He is a prat, for one.’ You began. ‘He’s so bloody proud... all the teachers fawning over him, Slughorn calling him ‘special’, heck, even Snape would be happy now that he’s suddenly become excellent at Potions. I reckon he cheats off Granger.’
‘Nah, Hermione isn’t like that.’ Hannah said.
‘And he is thick-headed.’ You finished.
‘Oh, is that it?’ Ernie smirked. ‘You’re jealous of him?’
‘Good morning.’ Professor McGonagall crisply greeted. ‘In the five years you’ve been with me, you have learnt that Transfiguration is not a topic to be messed around with. And as you start your sixth year, I expect you all to behave more mature with this subject, especially you, Mr. Smith.’
Zacharias Smith scowled at her.
‘Now.’ She continued. ‘Who remembers what I had told you all at the beginning of your first year at Hogwarts? Miss Diggory?’
‘Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts,’ you recited, trying to imitate her voice. ‘Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned.’
The class howled with laughter.
‘Charming, Miss Diggory.’ Professor McGonagall sarcastically remarked, but you could’ve sworn you saw the corner of her lips twitch.
You grinned to yourself.
‘Now, as Miss Diggory said.’ She spoke. ‘There will be no messing around. I demand silence as I declare... the Gryffindors shall be joining us today.’
You knew by ‘silence’ she meant your groans.
You stuffed your handkerchief into your mouth before groaning quietly.
The red-scarved students made their way in.
McGonagall began assigning partners.
‘Weasley with Macmillan, Brown with Smith, Granger with Abbott and Potter... with Diggory.’
‘Not with him!’ you yelled at the same time as Harry yelled ‘Not with her!’
‘Yes, definitely together.’ The Professor mumbled.
You scoffed as Harry sat next to you, both of you glaring daggers at each other.
‘Look, I don’t want to fail this subject.’ You warned. ‘My career depends on it, so will you try to act civil?’
‘Yeah, I’ll try.’ Harry sneered. ‘Do you even have a career plan?’
‘For your information!’ you hotly began. ‘I do. I want to become an Auror.’
‘Auror?’ a small flicker of interest flashed in his eyes but vanished as you rolled your eyes and turned to your work.
Harry sniffled.
He paused, terror rising up inside him.
He croaked out. ‘Do you... can you smell strawberries? And vanilla?’
‘Oh.’ You frowned. ‘Um, yeah, the strawberries would be my shampoo and... the vanilla would be my lotion, why?’
‘No reason.’
‘Oh, merlin’s arse.’ You muttered, trying to get past a horde of boys wanting to ask you to Slughorn’s Party.
You knew they didn’t like you; they just wanted an excuse to attend it.
‘FOR THE LAST TIME, SOD OFF!’ you yelled, shoving past.
They still followed you.
You ran to the library, where you met a certain Chosen One.
‘Don’t mind me.’ You huffed. ‘Please, I’ll do anything, just don’t tell them I’m here!’
Harry opened his mouth to say that it was alright, but stopped as a smirk settled on his face.
‘What?’ you asked. ‘Merlin’s arse, please! I told you, I’ll do anything!’
‘Anything?’ he cheekily asked.
‘Hmm... let’s see.’ Harry smirked further, thoroughly enjoying himself.
'Don't make me hex you into the next year!' you warned.
'I'd like to see you try.'
Brandishing your wand, you tried thinking of a jinx while Harry stood there with an amused expression on his face.
‘I’ll tell them you’re here.’ He said lazily.
‘Oh, alright!’ you snapped. ‘You win, I’ll give you whatever you want, now let me hide!’
‘Promise, MOVE!’
You dove behind a shelf and stayed.
Meanwhile, Harry was having the time of his life.
He wasn’t going to rat you out to those guys anyway, but there was something on his mind and he couldn’t pass up the perfect opportunity.
As a stampede of boys rushed over, Harry realised why you were so desperate to hide.
‘She’s not here.’ He coolly spoke. ‘Try the Hall.’
‘How should we know you’re not helping her hide?’ a Ravenclaw demanded.
‘Have you met me?’ Harry sarcastically said. ‘I don’t help my enemies.’
Yes, as lame as it had sounded, they seemed to buy it.
‘I don’t help my enemies?’ you questioned, climbing out of the shelf.
‘It... it sounded cooler in my head.’ Harry muttered.
You supressed a giggle. ‘Well, O’ Chosen One, what can I do for you?’
‘Er, about that.’ Harry began. ‘I wanna ask you something first?’
He smirked again. ‘Do you actually have a date?’
You covered your face and groaned. ‘No, they don’t even like me, they just want to get out of detention or come to the party, most of them.’
‘Mmhmm.’ Harry said distractedly.
‘Do you have a date?’ you shot back.
‘I will, by the end of this hour.’ Harry nonchalantly replied.
‘Whatever.’ You huffed. ‘What do you want.’
‘Be my date for Slughorn’s Party.’
If you had been drinking water, you were sure you would’ve spit it out.
You opened and closed your mouth like a goldfish.
‘What?!’ you finally sputtered.
‘Be my date for Slughorn’s Party.’ He repeated.
‘No.’ you stated. ‘No, no, no way, no.’
‘You promised!’
‘WHY DO YOU WANT TO TAKE ME?’ you yelled. ‘Take Ginny Weasley or Cho or something.’
‘But I want to take you.’ He said.
‘Our deal did not include so many questions.’ Harry cut off. ‘You’re coming, that’s final.’
‘Oh, well, fine!’ you snarled, stomping off.
Damn your loyal arse.
‘I look ridiculous.’ You remarked, looking in the mirror.
‘Nonsense, you look amazing!’ Hannah squealed. ‘I’m so jealous, I wish I could go too.’
‘Yeah, yeah.’ You muttered.
You were wearing a(n) F/C dress, complete with your H/C hair falling elegantly onto your shoulders.
‘Oh, I forgot to ask.’ Hannah spoke, ‘Who’s your date?’
‘You do not want to know the answer to that question.’ You said. ‘Believe me.’
Hannah shrugged. ‘You look hot! Have fun!’
You walked in the direction of the Gryffindor common room, waiting for your ‘date’ to come along.
‘Hurry up, Potter.’ You muttered.
As if on cue, a voice sounded behind you.
‘Someone say my name, Diggory?’
There he stood, in all his glory, Harry Potter, the Boy With a Large Smirk Plastered Across His Face.
‘Can you not do that?’ you whined.
‘That weird face.’ You spoke. ‘It’s annoying.’
‘My apologies. Shall we, m’lady?’ he offered you his arm in mock-kindness.
‘Of course.’ You played along, taking it.
‘Where is this positive energy when you threaten to break my arms almost ten 
times a day?’ he quizzed in amusement.
‘Shut up.’
That’s how you were feeling.
You desperately wished you hadn’t agreed to come to this stupid party.
Harry seemed to notice your gloomy mood.
‘What’s wrong?’ he whispered.
‘Look at this.’ You muttered in disgust. ‘Look at all of them, sapping over each other when they barely know the other.’
He laughed. ‘Wanna slip out?’
‘Where are we going to go?!’ you asked in exasperation.
‘I know somewhere.’
‘The Astronomy Tower?’ you questioned.
‘I like coming here when I’m bored.’ Harry shrugged. ‘Looking at the stars calms me.’
You nodded, understanding.
‘Let’s... sit.’
You sat down as Harry copied you, settling down next to you.
‘This is nice.’ You remarked.
‘What is?’
‘Not having to fight with you.’ You explained as Harry laughed.
‘Maybe we just assume too much.’ He suggested, causing you to giggle.
It was a sound pleasant to Harry’s ears, and for some reason, he wanted to hear it again.
‘I never asked.’ He began. ‘And I’m sorry. How have you been, er, holding up?’
He didn’t need to explain, you understood.
‘I’m fine.’ You answered. ‘I do miss him, awfully so, but... nothing’s changed much.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean that it’s still the same.’ You explained. ‘Nobody comforts me. Nobody knows me as Y/N Diggory, my best friend or Y/N Diggory, the girl from Hufflepuff, none of that. I was always Y/N Diggory, Cedric Diggory’s stupid younger sister. And now I’m Y/N Diggory, the late Cedric Diggory’s mourning sister.’
‘Oh. That’s... well, at least you’ve got your parents.’ Harry mumbled.
You let out a mirthless laugh. ‘I’d trade places with you, then. See, it’s the same at home. I’m just... an extra waste of space. Even mum and dad preferred Cedric. I’m the useless one, you see. Next to their beautiful son Cedric, I was always second best. Y/N. Their second-born. The less talented one. The stupid one. The non-attractive one.’
Your voice cracked a bit at the end, but you composed yourself. ‘I’m being thick, you probably think I’m stupid.’
‘I don’t think you’re stupid.’ Harry muttered. ‘How come you never cry? Like Cho, I mean.’
‘Because I don’t want to appear weak for him.’ You sighed. ‘You see, as much everyone preferred Cedric over me, I still loved him. I loved him quite a lot, actually. He hated it when I cried. I remember once when we were young, Cedric fell out of a tree and hurt his leg so badly, I started crying because of how bad it looked. He didn’t have any of it. He always told me, ‘Whatever happens, Y/N/N, don’t cry. You’re strong. You’re tough. And I can’t bear seeing you in tears. If and when a day comes where you cry because of me, I swear I will never forgive myself.’ And there he was such an idiot. Put his name in the Goblet. Went along and got murdered by Voldemort, didn’t he?’
Harry didn’t speak, so you continued.
‘I just wonder.’ You whispered. ‘You know, if he’s watching us this very moment. Somewhere from up there.’
You gestured to the stars.
Your head was turned towards the sky, but Harry couldn’t stop staring at you.
‘And so I know.’ You said, ‘I know if I cry, he’s up there somewhere, feeling disappointed in me. I don’t need anymore of that. I’ve had enough of ‘Diggory’s sister Y/N’ and ‘The ugly one’ or ‘the useless one’ it’s maddening.’
‘I don’t think you’re useless.’ Harry whispered. ‘Nor ugly. And you always were Y/N Diggory to me.’
‘That’s a bit consoling.’ You mustered a weak smile. ‘Thanks.’
At that moment, a familiar smell made it’s way to your nose and you gasped.
‘Your hair.’ You shakily whispered. ‘It... it smells like fresh, muddy grass.’
‘Oh.’ Harry flushed. ‘Er, yeah, sorry, I had Quidditch earlier this evening.’
‘Oh my god.’ You muttered. ‘No way.’
‘If I tell you something, Potter.’ You began. ‘Don’t make fun of me.’
‘I would never.’
You swallowed. ‘I think...My Ammortentia smells like you...’
Harry didn’t speak.
‘Go ahead, laugh.’ You muttered, trying your best not to cry then and there. ‘Run away. Hex me or something.’
Harry couldn’t think straight.
Your delicious scent was ever-so inviting, the strawberries fresh in your newly shampooed hair.
His gaze kept unwillingly flickering to your soft-looking lips, covered in a light tint of cherry lip-gloss.
As the lips he was looking at pressed themselves into a think# line, his gaze shifted towards the rest of your face, and to his horror, you were crying.
‘No, no, no, no!’ he said quickly.
‘What?’ you hiccoughed a little, ‘Go ahead, call me names or just leave.’
‘No, Y/N!’ he pressed. ‘Don’t cry, no please. I didn’t mean... no, I was just thinking. I think my Ammortentia smelt like you too.’
You let out a tiny gasp.
Neither of you knew what you were doing, somehow, your lips had messily collided and were now moving in sync.
You brought out a hand and tangled it into Harry’s untameable hair as he softly caressed your cheek.
Both of you parted, lips swollen, gasping for breath.
‘Well...’ he began. ‘That was unexpected.’
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dameronology · 4 years
asystole {obi-wan kenobi x reader}
summary: ‘the trouble is the way you stick, to any part of me that remains in tact/but if i pull the plug, it isn’t only me i’m holding back’ - asystole, hayley williams (a.k.a ‘the one where you’re the bane of obi-wan’s life, even as a force ghost’) 
warnings: mentions of death, swearing, angst, and me not having a single fucking clue how force ghosts work 
this was originally based on a random idea i had and also encouragement from kara/@hellotherekenobi who requested a prompt that i completely forgot to include but...we move. also, i would highly highly recommend listening to the above song just because it’s a real tear jerker and i lOVE it 
- jazz 
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Loss, for Obi-Wan, was not a stranger. It was an old acquaintance, constantly lingering beside him -- not quite there, but not gone either. He could always feel its presence, a constant and painful reminder of everyone he’d lost. He could probably count them all one hand but that didn’t make it any better. Loss was loss, whether it were two people or ten. Even if his grief had stopped and started with the passing of his master all those years ago, it was still something he felt in its wholeness and in its entirety. Because that’s all Obi-Wan could do: feel. It was everything or nothing. Zero percent or one hundred.
And with you, he wished it were nothing. He wished that your sudden absence from his life was something he didn’t have to feel in every fibre of his being. It was hard enough to acknowledge and even more painful to comprehend. You were the one person he’d always just assumed would be there forever. How foolish it now seemed, he was very much aware. Everybody died -- Qui-Gon Jinn was a testament to that; as was Satine Kryze and quite literally every other person in the galaxy who’d had the pleasure of being reminded of their mortality. It was just that this was...it was you. You weren’t immortal by any means but maker, you had acted like it. The way you went about life with an air of recklessness and discontent for the rules, making even the hardest of missions into an adventure. His life had been a thousand times better since you’d come running - nay, stumbling - into it. You’d blown his entire world to bits and pieced it back together with tiny, intricate bits of yours. Filled it with chaos and laughter and a light he hadn’t felt since the days of his youth. 
Perhaps most importantly, you’d looked after one another. He would stay by your side 24/7 to make sure you kept your head screwed on your shoulders, and you would pester him to drink water and remember to eat. He would remind you when you had important missions and meetings, and in return, you’d proof-read his paper work. He remembered the first time he’d fallen asleep beside you, to wake up with a blanket wrapped around him and his boots pulled off. It was so clear in his head because it was the first time someone had ever done anything for him without asking. It became something you did often, and though he never said it, it was something he kept so close to his heart. 
Obi-Wan wasn’t a fool. He knew you weren’t going to be around forever - he just didn’t realise that not forever was going to be a whole lot sooner that he’d anticipated. He used to make jokes about how your recklessness would one day lead to your demise. The idea of it made him feel sick now. He’d been right the entire time. He didn’t want it to be real.
None of it felt real. The whole conversation he’d had with Mace Windu about you not making it felt like a distant nightmare, something he’d tried so hard to wake up from, only to find that he was wide awake the entire fucking time. Night terrors were bad, but reality was arguably worse. 
It didn’t feel right at first, to see your chambers still filled with your stuff and your lightsaber still resting on your nightstand. Obi had been the one to put it there when you’d been taken to the infirmary, thinking you would have asked for it when you woke up - but you didn’t. It went hand-in-hand with the robes he’d hung up on your door and the get well soon, moron card he’d brought you. 
Then, they emptied your room. Took your clothes and your books and every other worldly possession you had. Your name was removed from the door to your quarters and added to the list of Jedi who had died in combat on the stone in the Temple gardens. Aside from that, any sign that you had ever walked the halls or burst into council meetings at the last minute was gone. You lived on only in his memories, your lopsided smile ingrained into his mind and contagious laugh echoing constantly in his brain. 
Throwing himself into work was the only option for Obi-Wan. He already took on a thousand things at once, but without you to help bare the weight, it became a million. If he was busy, he didn’t have time to think -- about you, or how fucking fragile everything was, or about all the ways he could have saved you. You’d slipped through his fingers, even when he’d be holding on so tightly. It wasn’t his fault. It was just...life. 
A few weeks passed, and Obi-Wan continued to push himself. Everybody noticed it -- how suddenly busy he was, how quiet he’d become, how tired he looks. Blue eyes had grown exhausted with grief and regret, strawberry blonde hair becoming longer and unrulier than was characteristic for him. When you’d died, you’d taken a tiny piece of him with you. An important part. Maybe that part had been you. 
It was on a cold Tuesday evening that he heard the four words. Sat out on the balcony of his quarters, watching Coruscant and life pass by in a blur ahead of him, a tangle of traffic and noise and a million sounds that he couldn’t quite decipher. The sky was a navy blue, cast with the tiny little glints and dots of distant planets. All worlds that you’d once promised to explore 
‘You look like shit.’  
He thought he’d imagined it at first. In fact, it wouldn’t have been the first time in the last few weeks that the sound of your voice in his head had felt clear enough to be real. Imagining things - hallucinations and echoes of the long gone - was simply part of the grieving process. A process he’d gone through countless times before. 
 The sudden appearance of you in the corner of his eye jolted him like an electric shock. Perhaps not that far off of the emotional equivalent of being hit by a bus. Or a light freighter. Or...all of those things at once. 
You were ethereal. When he’d last seen you, you’d been...tired. Now, you were smiling and radiating some sort of energy that could only be described as quintessentially you. There was not a chance in hell that a grief-induced hallucination could be so life-like, so crystal clear. Plus, why would he have imagined you like this, slightly transparent and with a blue glow surrounding you? A fitting colour for your final form, he figured. 
‘Shocked to see me?’ Your drawl continued. ‘Because if you think you’re shocked, let me tell you. One second I was napping and the next I was a fucking Force ghost. Could you imagine?’
Obi-Wan smiled softly. ‘I don’t think I could.’
‘I can float through walls, though.’ You grinned. ‘How cool is that?’
‘It’s...that’s very cool.’ He replied. ‘I don’t suppose you can hug Force ghosts?’
Obi-Wan reached his palm out towards you - slowly but surely, as though he were scared you were going to fade away all over again if he touched you. You mimicked his actions, faded blue fingertips just moments away from his. When they finally touched, they didn’t. You felt nothing. He felt a rush of cold, as though somebody had poured a bucket of cold water over him.
He didn’t fully understand the concept of Force ghosts. Studied them, sure. Understood them? Not quite. There weren’t enough Jedi texts in the galaxy to fully capture the complexity of what made somebody come back. Often, they were linked to acts of heroism, or stemming from action taken when the person was still alive. That didn’t seem like you though. You weren’t the sort of person to try to fiddle with jinxes and hijinkery that would allow you to come back once you were dead - at least not purposefully. There was certainly every chance you did it accidentally. 
 ‘Guess not.’ You murmured. ‘Sorry ‘bout that.’
The icy feeling only grew closer as you took a seat beside him. It was funny, because he thought that if he’d had the chance to reunite with you, that it would have been more emotional than this. Something filled with more feeling and grandeur. Instead, you’d just appeared, and acted as though you’d never been gone in the first place. Obi-Wan preferred it that way. 
‘I’ve missed you.’ He continued to stare blankly ahead. 
When you died, there were a thousand things he’d come up with that he’d wished he’d said. They ranged from comments about the weather to grand declarations of...how much you meant to him. All things he would never dare say to your face, and that’s probably why he came up with them. Because he would never get the chance to say them. And now, here you were, right beside him, and he had a second opportunity to get that closure -- but the words didn’t quite come. They stayed on the tip of his tongue, there, but not quite there. Even if this wasn’t quite the version of you that he imagined himself telling them to, it was still undeniably you. 
‘I should hope so.’ You tried to nudge him with your elbow, but it was just another icy jab. ‘I would say that I missed you too, but I don’t know where I’ve been.’
‘What happened between then and now?’ Obi asked. ‘Between that and this?’
‘Okay, first of all - you can say my death. Coming up with a thousand other words for it won’t undo it.’ You said. ‘And...I don’t know. I just remember blaster fire, then some darkness, and then I was here.’
‘Did it hurt?’
‘Well it didn’t tickle.’ You replied ‘It was quick, if that’s any comfort.’
‘I suppose it is.’ He murmured. 
‘You’re being uncharacteristically quiet.’ You observed. ‘I can go away if you want. I’m not sure how this whole thing works but if you want me to leave, I can go and scare Dex-’
‘- that’s the last thing I want.’ He cut you off. ‘I just..I’ve spent the last few weeks trying not to acknowledge that you’re truly gone and it’s a little hard to do that when you’re quite literally a ghost.’
‘I’m not really gone though, am I?’ You said. ‘I’m still here. Not as I’d like to be, but I’m here.’
‘So as long as you’re around to irritate me and make snide comments, you’re here.’ He smiled. ‘Whether that’s in the flesh or...in the blue.’
‘I’m sorry it happened.’ You gently sighed. ‘Not sorry that I died for the greater good but sorry it was so..sudden.’
‘It’s not your fault.’ He wanted to reach across, to take your hand in his or run it down your arm - but he couldn’t. He couldn’t deal with another rush of cold in place of what used to be warm flesh. ‘It was still undeniably your most half-witted decision to date but you saved a lot of people, so I won’t hold it against you.’
‘Oh, how kind.’ You snorted. ‘I bet you’ve secretly enjoyed the peace and quiet, Kenobi.’
‘I miss it already.’
Obi-Wan woke up the next morning, still on the balcony. The air was cold -- as evidenced by his violent shivers -- and the sky had changed from navy, to a turquoise-tainted pink. The city below was moderately quiet, signalling that it was still pretty early. The only sounds were coming from traffic in the distance and the occasional whoosh of a passing jet in the sky above. He stayed like that for a moment, azure eyes clouded with some kind of apprehension as he watched the clouds slowly pass, not a care in the world for the fact it was fucking freezing. 
Last night had been real, even if there was no sign of your presence. Actually, that wasn’t quite true -- the robes he’d discarded before your appearance had been thrown over him like a blanket. They did little to protect him from the cold air, but it was a confirmation that you had been there. He wasn’t sure when you’d left - or how - but he was the only one on the balcony. 
There were a lot of questions floating about in his head. Why were you only turning up now after weeks? Why had you materialised by him? Why were you here at all? You were finally free, free to do literally whatever you wanted, and you’d wound up by his side. There were millions and millions of places in the galaxy and somehow, his balcony was the one where you’d wanted to be. 
After showering and shaving, Obi-Wan found himself heading towards the classroom of the best Jedi he knew: Yoda. If anyone was going to know anything about Force ghosts, it was him. He’d have to make sure not to let slip exactly what he was talking about - your relationship with him was far more attached than the code allowed, after all - in a more general sense, he must have had something to offer. It wasn’t the kind of thing they taught in Jedi training. If anything, it was the opposite. The lesson was don’t become attached enough to someone so that they haunt you! - and it was one at which he’d failed quite miserably. 
‘Master Kenobi.’ Yoda sat in the middle of the classroom, meditating. He didn’t have to open his eyes to know who it was. ‘Of assistance, may I be?’
‘Good morning.’ Obi-Wan greeted him with a bow. ‘I have some questions, and I was hoping you might be able to help me.’
‘Do go on. Help, I might be able to.’
‘Right.’ He cleared his throat, awkwardly taking a seat beside him. ‘What do you know about Force ghosts?’
‘Lots. Specific, you must be.’
‘Say you had a dear friend, and they died.’ He began. ‘Then they came back a little while as a Force ghost.’
‘Come back, they don’t.’ Yoda opened one eye, glancing over at him. ‘Never gone, they were. The Force takes time to manifest.’ 
‘So...the ghost version of them is still them?’
‘Very much so.’ He said. ‘Why, there are many reasons. Many Jedi study for a long time to materialise as ghosts after passing.’
‘What if they didn’t?’
‘Then unfinished business, they have.’ He replied. ‘When a Jedi dies, their Force connections do too. If they are left unbroken, exist as a ghost they will.’
Well, that explained it. 
‘Right.’ He murmured. ‘Last question, I promise - how long does that connection usually last?’
‘Months to years, it may be.’ He explained. ‘On their unfinished business, the connection depends.’
‘That makes sense.’ Obi-Wan nodded. ‘Thank you, Master Yoda.’
The little green creature simply nodded in response, turning his attention back to his meditation. He didn’t ask questions -- what was the point? He’d been around hundreds of years, and dealt with hundreds of similar things in that time. Truth be told, he didn’t have all the answers. He was just good at acting like it. 
Obi-Wan pondered on the conversation for the rest of the day. 
 There were a lot of things that could have constituted your unfinished business. The list was endless, especially given how suddenly you’d passed. Nobody knew you better than Obi-Wan, but even he struggled to decipher it. You weren’t the sort of person who would hang around for no good reason. It had to be something important -- something so pressing that you quite literally couldn’t pass away in its entirety without dealing with it. Part of him was worried that he didn’t know at all; you were always sneaking about, always doing something that you shouldn’t have been. That left a long list of possibilities. 
But Yoda had directly mentioned Force connections, right? Maybe he’d meant it in a general way, but Obi would have been a complete dumb-ass to think that the Jedi didn’t know what was going on. If the situation didn’t tell him, his seeming ability to know everything about everyone certainly would have. You were the only person he could have possibly been talking about. 
It was something he knew he had to bring up, and so he made the mental promise to himself. The best time would have been that night, when he saw you again. If he saw you again. He trusted you to return. You knew better now than to disappear forever without saying goodbye. 
And he’d been right. That evening, after he’d exchanged goodbyes with Anakin, Obi-Wan found himself wandering out to the balcony. Sure enough, you were leant against the railings, back turned to him as you peered down at the city below. The air was cold again -- maybe because it was Winter, but also maybe because of you -- and the harsh winds blew back your hair. He wanted to reach out and feel it, to feel you, but he couldn’t. A man whose love language was physical touch was sure to suffer when the person he wanted most was a fucking entity.  
‘You’re late.’ You glanced over your shoulder at him. ‘Don’t your meetings normally end at six?’
‘Anakin wanted to talk about something.’ He replied. ‘So is this your life now? Waiting for me to come home?’
You snorted. ‘Don’t flatter yourself. I’ve been at the diner all day moving stuff around to confuse Dex.’
‘That’s mean.’
‘And what would you do if you were a Force ghost?’
Wait for you. Follow you.
‘Explore.’ He lied, leaning against the balcony beside you. ‘I spoke to Yoda today about...this.’ 
‘He said that people who usually come back either purposefully prepared for it when they were still alive.’
‘How do you know there’s an or?’
‘Because I sometimes struggled to turn on my lightsaber. You think I’m skilled enough to do this shit on purpose, Kenobi?’
‘You’re…’ brilliantly intelligent, easily the smartest person I know, ‘...clever. Don’t put yourself down.’
‘Just cut to the point.’
‘Right.’ Obi-Wan cleared his throat. ‘He said that, or that they had unfinished business. Force connections still strong enough to keep them here.’
‘So, you and me?’
‘Our Force connection.’ You said it as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. ‘You do know what we have one, right?’
‘I...I figured we were always just...close.’ 
‘No, you dipshit.’ You shook your head with a laugh. ‘They can develop between best friends. It’s a little rare, but we’re both so strong with the Force that it just happens naturally.’ 
‘That makes sense.’ he turned to look out at the city. ‘I didn’t really have a best friend before you.’ 
You looked over at him, a smile playing on your lips. ‘Yeah, me neither.’
Obi-Wan quickly fell into a routine, post-you. Not post-you completely, because he still saw you every evening, but that had helped push him towards the transition. He adjusted to only seeing you after work - not in the mornings or during the day or every waking second like it used to be. Nothing was how it used to be. Not even close. You were no longer beside him during meets or climbing into bed next to him when you had nightmares. There were no more missions with you or late nights filled with paperwork and laughter. 
That was the problem. 
You were here, but you weren’t really. The ghost he saw every night had your eyes and your laugh and your personality, but it wasn’t really you. Obi-Wan couldn’t touch you; he couldn’t feel you in the same way he used to. It was like having a conversation with a figment of his imagination -- conversations of false hope and plans that would never come to fruition. Because you could banter and you could laugh and you act like things weren’t completely fucking different, but they were. You were a ghost. A ghost of yourself, a ghost of the past, a ghost of what used to be. 
It had helped the pain at first. Eased the dread of knowing that you weren’t ever going to be back, not properly. Obi-Wan had appreciated that. It made grieving a lot easier when you were technically still there to tease and jester him through the process. Knowing that his friendship was the reason you couldn’t fully let go of existing had both made it better and worse. Better, because it meant you cared for him as deeply as he did for you. Worse, because it was so open-ended. At what point would you be satisfied enough to finally let go? Would he get to say goodbye, or would you just be here forever? 
That was the problem, Obi-Wan had come to find. 
He was hopelessly in love with you - though that much was obvious - and he couldn’t deal with only having some of you. He wanted all of you, or he wanted none of you. Only being able to talk to a blue apparition of you just wasn’t enough. It was just a constant reminder that the person he loved most in the universe was gone, and that he’d never fully have you. He was kicking himself for that one. What if he’d said something to you when you were still alive? Declared his love for when he could still physically reach out to you? 
That was the thought plaguing his mind every night. With you beside him, a cold aura radiating towards him as you sat with your legs hugged to your chest. It had been a few weeks since your first appearance, and your nights together ranged from deep conversations to comfortable silence. The latter was always worse, because Obi-Wan constantly found himself teetering on the edge of saying something. It was hard, because despite everything, he found you to be more enchanting and peaceful than ever. More entrancing. 
‘Can I tell you something?’ He asked. 
‘Sure thing.’ You peered over at him. ‘You look worried. Is it serious?’
He paused for a moment. ‘Depends how you take it, I suppose.’
‘Try me.’
‘There are…’ he faltered again. ‘There are some things I regret not telling you when you were still here.’
‘I am here.’ You reminded him. 
‘No, I know that.’ He found himself unable to look at you. ‘I mean when you were here here.’
‘What’s the difference, Obi?’
‘Remember when you used to come to my bedroom at 2AM because you’d had a bad dream?’ He asked. ‘Or when you’d throw yourself into my arms after we’d been separated on long missions?’
He absent-mindedly reached a hand out towards you; it went straight through you, a rush of cold shooting down his arm. ‘I can’t do that anymore.’
‘You can still talk to me.’ You urged. ‘You can still be with me-’
‘- not in the way I want.’ Not in the way I need.
‘What do you mean?’ You gently pushed.
‘You don’t need me to explain it.’ He finally looked at you, blue eyes shrouded with an emotion you couldn’t quite decipher. 
‘Obi-Wan, what do you think has been keeping me here?’ You asked. 
You knew. Of course you fucking knew. Try as he might to be mysterious and suave, but you could read him like a book -- and it was a shock to you that he hadn’t seen your feelings either. They were clear as day to both of you, and yet it had been easier to ignore them for the sake of your friendship, and for the sake of the code. You both always figured that you could deal with them at a later date, because that’s when you’d had a later. 
‘Just say it.’ You murmured. ‘Say that you love me too and I’ll go-’
‘- I don’t want you to go.’ He cut you off. ‘Because then you’re gone forever.’
‘And then you can move on.’ You smiled. Neither of you knew that ghosts could cry until now. 
This was the closest he would ever get to having you now. He could have just sucked it up and dealt with it, and kept you by his side in your ominous form - but would that have been fair on you? To keep you around, just because he was so full of regret over things unsaid and so full of fear over grieving? None of this was fair, on him or on you.  
‘I can’t say it.’ Obi-Wan murmured. ‘Not yet.’
‘It’s okay.’ You gave him a watery smile. ‘I know.’
Neither of you said anything else - maybe you didn’t want to, or maybe you were scared to. The fact you’d finally acknowledged the bantha in the room after years, finally admitting that love had been the driving force behind what made your friendship so good, for so long. The irony was that when you’d died, he’d wanted nothing more than for you to come back in some form. Now, he realised that it was holding him back from moving on -- and he couldn’t do that until he’d let you go. But he couldn’t do that either. 
Unbeknownst to Obi-Wan, his words had been a confession. Albeit a thinly veiled one, but a confession nonetheless. It had confirmed to you the only thing you’d wanted to know before you’d passed: that he loved you back. That was all you needed. It was all you’d ever needed. 
Eventually, the Jedi beside you grew sleepy. That’s how it usually went every night -- you’d talk, he’d fall asleep beside you, and you’d cover him with a blanket and slip out to wherever it was that Force ghosts went at night. He never asked, for fear of it ruining the mystery. Obi-Wan knew that he wasn’t the only person you saw, but it was a nice thought, and one he didn’t want to taint. At least you took more mercy on him than you did with Dex, who slowly thought he was going insane at all the random objects suddenly being moved around. 
When you heard him gently snoring, you stood up. Obi-Wan looked peaceful, as though he’d finally gotten something of his chest - even though he hadn’t realised he’d done it. He hadn’t realised that it had been enough.  
You leant down beside him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. For the first time since you’d appeared, you could finally feel his skin against yours - no cold jolts, no body parts suddenly disappearing through the other. Just your lips against his; warm and...human. 
‘Good night, Obi-Wan.’ You ran a hand through his hair, before standing up and stepping back. ‘I love you. I’ll always love you.’
He felt it. He was asleep, but he felt your lips on his and your hand in his hair, and he’d secretly smiled to himself, not entirely realising what was going on. He’d thought it was a dream, or that he was simply imagining that you could finally touch him as though you were a human, and no longer a cold, blue ghost. 
Because you weren’t. You were no longer a ghost.
Obi-Wan didn’t realise till he rose the next morning, a blanket tossed over him and the feeling of your lips still lingering on his, even hours later. He even dared to smile for a moment, before the knowledge of what he’d done hit him. He’d given you what you wanted - an unintentional confession of love. The thing you needed to finally cut off your Force connection. The only thing still tethering you to this world.
You were gone, but at least he’d finally gotten what he wanted. You. Even if it was only for a few moments.
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Shipped (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: *REQUEST* Omg your requests are open!! Can you do something about colby and reader dating in secret and she’s always hyping him up on everything and fans just think it’s cause they are best friends. But she posts a post wearing the love for hire letterman on accident and the fans connected it because Kat and Tara have it to so they figure out they are dating and go crazy (in a good way) for them 🥺❤️
Written: 2020
Word Count: 1,967
Warnings: Major fluff, Swearing
I harassed Colby into letting me listen to their new music. Let’s just say, when you guys hear this, you’re going to be glad One Direction is on a break. Can’t help but stan L4H!! #numeber1fan
I press "send tweet" before plugging in my phone and taking a quick shower. When I get out of the shower I grab my phone and throw myself onto Colby’s bed. It’s our bed at this point. I spend more time at the trap house than I do my apartment, I might as well move in. I go and read the comments under my tweet. Most of them are good. Some fans want me to leak the boys' music, others are freaking out over mine and Colby’s friendship. Someone makes it a point to mention how cute Colby and I would be as a couple and linked an edit that they made. Someone commented that fans like them, the one that posted the edit, are the problem and the reason why Colby doesn’t have any friends who are girls. There is a whole fight going on under that comment.
I quickly try to defuse the situation between the fans before exiting twitter altogether. I take my towel off of my damp hair and walk back into Colby’s bathroom to detangle it. When I finish doing my hair I grab the first jacket of Colby’s that I see to get warm. Lucky for me, it’s his Love for Hire lettermen jacket. For whatever reason, this jacket is more comfortable than any hoodie I’ve stolen during our entire relationship, maybe it’s because it smells strongly like him. Or maybe it’s because I get to finally live out my high school dream of wearing my boyfriend’s lettermen. Either way, Colby knows that this is my jacket now and he’s going to have to fight me to the death for it back. I don’t know if it’s because I freshly showered and my hair is fluffy, or because my skin is thanking me for not putting makeup on it yet, but something is compelling me to take a selfie in Colby’s bathroom mirror.
I get up on to the counter and try to position myself comfortably. I take a few selfies, while carefully not exposing Colby’s messy counter. I do cute poses with peace signs and my tongue sticking out. I do serious “model” poses with hair looking like I’m in a photoshoot. I take a couple and post them on my Instagram story. I triple check each one before pressing send to make sure they end up on my close friends’ list and not my public story. That would be disastrous. I saw how people were acting in the comments of my tweet supporting Colby when a fan posted an edit wishing we were dating. I can’t imagine how his fan base would react if they knew we really are dating and have been for well over a year.
Well, I can imagine how they would react, I’ve been around Colby long enough to figure out how his fanbase functions. Most of his fans would be supportive. Of the majority, there would be roughly half who constantly would show their support over our relationship. The other half would keep quiet and try not to mention it directly so they don’t “jinx” it. No matter how open Colby is with his fans, there is still so much of his life that he has to keep private from the rest of his fans who wouldn’t be supportive of our relationship. The obsessive ones who think that Colby is a toy and belongs to only them. In all honesty, Colby and I probably would have been together longer if it wasn’t for them. We probably wouldn’t have been friends. There was a period in his life when he wouldn’t make any new female friends because of what his old friends had to go through. Because of that, Colby has always been protective of me.
Even though we’ve been friends since he moved to Los Angles, he only introduced me to his fandom two years ago. Even then, it wasn’t like, boom: “here’s a girl that I’m friends with, be nice!” Colby made sure I was properly acclimated to his side of internet stardom by having me appear in all of his other friends’ videos and photos first before a strand of my hair was placed in one of his videos. And then he said, “here’s a girl that I’m friends with, be nice!” Being a Youtuber myself, I have some experience with fandoms. But nothing could prepare me for his intense fans. For the first couple of months after Colby put me on his channel, I understood why Colby kept so many of girl friends in the dark or why some chose to stop being friends with Colby in general. It’s only a select few fans, but when there are so many comments of harassment and death threats it can get overwhelming.
Those comments died down after a while though. Mostly because I either mute certain words from my comments or I don’t read them. Colby and I try really hard to hide our relationship. If we’re in videos together, we don’t sit too close. We keep our hands to ourselves; even a simple hand on the shoulder can cause a frenzy. We only post our couple pictures on our actual secret Instagram accounts and close friends list. Our friends know not to post anything where we might look too much like a couple. We make it a point to bicker like siblings whenever we do work together. Hell, the reason I still have my apartment is to avoid people finding out we’re dating. If I have my own place, people just think I’m visiting the guys whenever I’m over. And it works, everyone just assumes that we’re really close friends.
“I’m back and I bring food!” Colby yells as he opens the door to the room. I plug my dying phone back into the charger before abandoning it in the bathroom to greet Colby.
“Oh thank God, I was beginning to think you were with your hoes. But then I ran into Sam, Jake, and Corey in the kitchen so I relaxed.” I give Colby a quick kiss and help him with the shopping bags in his hand. I set them on the bed and start going through them.
“I wish, but they were too busy for me. So I went and got us stuff for this weekend.” Colby sets the food down and helps me unload the bags.
“Oh that reminds me, we need to stop by my place after dinner so I can pack my things.” Te whole friend group is renting a log cabin in woods for Thursday to Monday morning for bonding and to get a few collars done. Colby went and got a few road trip snacks without me. Probably because I would get distracted at Target and we would never leave. It’s fine, he remembered to get my favorite snacks.
“Yeah, okay, I figured. We could have gone earlier but I had to let you sleep in after you spent all night watching tiktoks.” Colby walks over to the couch and starts to set up our lunch in front of the tv.
“To be fair, I’m not responsible for the time lost when I’m on the tok. Besides, I learned more dances to teach you!” I take off Colby’s jacket and set it at the foot of the bed before joining Colby on the couch.
“Of course you did. You know how much I love learning a new TikTok dance every day.” Colby jokes before kissing my forehead. He hands me my food and turns on Netflix.
A few minutes into our show, there’s a loud, rapid knock at the door. Annoyed, Colby paused the show and puts his food down.
“What?” Colby asks as he gets up to open the door. Sam stands on the other side, relieved. The last time Sam knocked on the door like that, Colby and I were busy… rearranging furniture.
“Oh Colby, you’re home. But I’m not here for you. Y/N, did you mean to post that on your story?” Colby moves aside to let Sam in.
“Haha, Sammy, I’m not falling for that one. Colby already tried that on me last week.” I go back to eating my food and ignore Sam.
“No, I’m being serious. Katrina said she kept trying to reach you but you’re not answering. Fans are freaking out on twitter.”
“Oh shit!” I quickly put down my food and grab my phone in the bathroom. There are miss calls and texts from Kat, Tara, and Devyn. I unlock my phone and open Instagram to check my story. Sure enough, I accidentally sent one of my selfies to my main story instead of my close friends. The selfie looks harmless enough, except I’m wearing Colby’s jacket and it’s very obvious that I’m in his bathroom. Jake moved in some of the cardboard Colby’s into Colby’s room and one of them faces the mirror, you can kind of see it in the selfie. Most people might think nothing of it, but earlier this week Kat and Tara posted pictures of them wearing Sam and Jake’s jackets. With that association alone, everyone is going to find out.
“I don’t get it, there’s only a selfie on here. Did you already delete it?” Colby yells from the bedroom. I slowly walk out of the bathroom with a confused look on his face.
“Please tell me you’re joking.” I open up my story and check how many people have seen it.
“What, I’m lost… Oh… Oh! Oh, fuck!” Colby finally gets it and does something on his phone.
“‘Oh fuck’ is right. So many people took screenshots that even if I deleted it now, it would be pointless.” I walk to the bed and throw myself facedown, like a teen in a movie after having a shitty day at school.
“And you guys are trending on Twitter,” Sam says. I almost forgot he was still here.
“Dude,” Colby warns.
“Not helpful, I get it. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” Sam leaves the room and I let out a scream as soon as I hear the door close. I feel the spot next to me sink as Colby sits down and starts rubbing my back.
“Hey, Y/N, these aren’t as bad as you think. I’m only seeing positive messaged. Look,” Colby gently pats my back to get my attention.
“Really? Let me see.” I sit up, sniffle, and peek at Colby’s phone as he reads.
“Are you crying?” Colby asks as he wipes my face.
“I immediately got overwhelmed. Let me read the tweets.” I take Colby’s phone scroll through the tweets. He’s right, they’re mostly positive. I haven’t seen a negative tweet yet. That’s the opposite of how I thought this would go. A few people are telling other fans to stop assuming, but even those are calm compared to the fight I saw earlier.
“See, I guess we were stressed all this time for no reason. We can do normal couple things like our friends and not go out of our way to hide everything.”
“That’ll be nice. It was getting exhausting. What do we do now? How do you want to approach this? Live stream? Youtube video?” I look at Colby and he has a big smile on his face.
“Right now, let’s just finish lunch. We can deal with this later. Now, I’m going to take this back. I don’t want you to start crying again.” Colby strokes my hair and kisses my forehead.
“I love you, Colbs,” I say softly.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
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Genre: Hogwarts AU, Head Boy!Jin x Head Girl!Reader, Hufflepuff!Jin, Fluff, slight Unrequited AU (although not really)
Pairing: Seokjin/Reader
Warning: falling into water
Synopsis: Students are always trying to slip love potions to the alluring Head Boy. One night in the head’s office, you and Seokjin come across Amortentia.
"This is the second time this week I've confiscated love potions people were trying to slip you," you said, emptying your pockets and clanging the glass bottles, assorted baked goods, and candies on the Head Student's desk that you and Jin shared. 
"Who was it this time?" Jin asked, a smirk breaking out across his face as he examined the various love concoctions. 
"A couple Hufflepuff first years, Val Bitterwood from Gryffindor, and Lando Locket from Ravenclaw. Are you sure you don't have love potions on them? I don't see how it's possible that the entirety of Hogwarts is in love with you." 
"My face is a love potion," Jin said, presenting his face towards you as if he were a trophy. "And, not everyone is in love with me." He nudged your shoulder with his own. "You're not in love with me."
You laughed, hoping he wouldn't notice the way you looked back down at the potions, your eyes catching the mother of pearl sheen coming off one of the bottled potions. 
"Hey, I think this is Amortentia," you said, holding it up. "Wanna see what we smell?" 
The Hufflepuff Head Boy nodded and took the bottle from you and uncapped it. He brought it to his nose and his brow furrowed as he attempted to identify the smells. 
"Chicken," he said, and you laughed. Of course, Jin would smell chicken. "Pine, and uh, strawberries." 
Chaperoning the Hogsmeade trip meant that you and Jin only had twenty minutes to enjoy the pleasure of the small village. Jin practically dragged you to Honeydukes where the cases of candy and confections were nearly empty. 
"A cauldron cake and a strawberry tart," you said. 
"We don't have cauldron cakes left," the woman behind the counter said. 
"Ah, okay," you said, looking around the store, but couldn't find anything left that you cared for. You were too old for Chocolate Frogs and you'd been turned off Every Flavor Beans since you'd gotten a snot flavored one. "Just make it two strawberry tarts then." 
"Don't you hate strawberries?" Seokjin asked as the two of you walked back to Hogwarts. 
"Yeah," you said. "That's why both of them are for you." 
Seokjin stopped. "You didn't get yourself something?" 
"There was nothing left I wanted." 
"Let's run back and find something you like. I feel bad." 
You sighed. "Jin, we're already going to be late, come on, it's fine." 
"I'll buy you a cauldron cake first thing next time." 
"Jin, really, don't worry about it. Don't you get gifts from your admirers practically every week? Just consider it that." 
"No, I can't." 
"Cause it's you." 
"My turn," you said, grabbing the bottle from Jin's hands. Your fingers brushed his, but you didn't notice as you could already smell the potion. "Cauldron cakes..." 
"Of course," Jin said, rolling his eyes. 
"Leather, and water from the Lake." 
It was sprinkling lightly that night. You didn't mind so much as you cast a charm to keep yourself dry. It was almost 1 a.m. You'd finished your rounds an hour before, but you couldn't sleep, so you'd made your way down Gryffindor Tower and to the lakeshore. 
Most people didn't dare get too close to the inky black lake--afraid of the Giant Squid or the grindylows--but you found the black water oddly comforting as you were able to just barely make out the hills beyond the lake and Quidditch grounds a little further down from where you currently stood. 
The best part of being Head Girl was knowing how to not get caught wandering around the castle at night. Often all it took was a small concealment charm to get past Filch and Jin normally went to bed as soon as rounds were over. Very rarely did other Professors roam the halls, and even if they did, you were Head Girl. It would be easy enough to get out of.
But, on this particular night, the rain and the chilly breeze captivated you, so that you didn't see the Jelly Legs Jinx headed your way. When it hit you, you could barely keep your balance on the shore and found yourself toppling face first into the lake. 
You heard something outside of the water, but because of the cold water filling your ears, you couldn't make out what it was. You fiddled for your wand in the water, but water filled your lungs and you couldn't find a grip. 
Warm hands gripped your shoulders and you sputtered out water as you realized you could breathe once again. 
"Y/N," he said. "Are you okay? I was just trying to play a joke. I didn't think you'd fall in." 
You opened your eyes and found the Head Boy looking down at you. His arm was firmly around your shoulders and his dark eyes were searching your face. 
"I'm fine," you said. "Just cold. And, is it too much for you to dry me off?" 
Jin took out his wand and dried you off and removed his arm from around your shoulders. You found yourself still shivering as you entered the castle.
1 week later
"Did you hear about, Y/N?" a particularly gossipy Gryffindor asked their desk mate. The other girl shook her head. "Apparently, she accidentally ate some Crossed Lover's Confections met for Seokjin. But, they were old, so they'd turned into Cursed Lover's Confections. She was coughing up petals in the Great Hall earlier." 
"What?" the other girl asked. "Does anyone know who it is?" 
The Gryffindor shook her head. "Since it happened in the Great Hall it could've been anyone in there. She hasn't been seen since. I think she's hiding out in the Head's Office." 
Jin left the classroom without a word and despite being admired by nearly everyone at Hogwarts, he slipped out without anyone noticing. He made his way up to the Head's Office and listened for a moment. He could hear your sniffling behind the door and gripped the handle and pulled open the door. 
You turned around your eyes wide and red with tears. "Oh, Ji--" you were interrupted by a cough of light pink petals. You tried to conceal them, but it didn't matter. It was already obvious. 
"Y/N, let's go to the Hospital Wing."
Jin wrapped his arm around you as you doubled over as more petals forced their way up your throat. He practically carried you to the Hospital Wing, your feet just barely dragging on the ground, and not really helping him. You wished you could take some of the weight off, but just as it felt like the coughing stopped and you could handle your own weight, you'd feel Jin's fingertips pressing against the fabric of your robes or you'd hear his rushed pants as he hurried along the corridors, and the petals would choke you once again. 
Madam Pomfrey gave you the antidote which was cool on your throat and the petals almost immediately stopped. Jin sat beside you on the bed, his dark eyes looked like they did that night at the lake: worried and deep as the lake itself.
"Give it about twenty minutes and then I'll give you a Pepper Up Potion to get through the rest of the day." 
You nodded and gripped the edge of the bed as Madam Pomfrey went towards the back of the Ward and into her office. 
"Thanks," you said. "And, I'm sorry, I never intended for you to find out. Obviously, I know it's unrequited, so you don't need to say anything. I know everyone here loves you. I'm only one in a long list." 
The two of you sat in silence for a few moments before you felt Jin grab one of your hands from your lap and cradle it between both of his. "You don't know how Cursed Lover's Confections work do you?" 
"It makes you cough up flowers in front of the person you love if the love is unrequited," you said, not meeting his gaze. 
"It also works if you think the love is unrequited." 
"Wait, what do you mean?" 
"I think it's time I buy you that cauldron cake."
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Of Fangs and Fright
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Now, being dead came with a few more complications than one might expect.
Or, well, being half dead, if you wanted to be less morbid.
Now, it wasn’t all bad. There were the cool powers. Like invisibility, flying, possession, phasing through objects, being able to convincingly look sicker than a zombie…
Many of these powers ghosts shared in common. So long they weren’t ghosts flickering out of existence, they possessed (heh, ghost joke) these abilities. However, simple powers weren’t the only thing ghosts shared in common.
All ghosts had some green on them, it was their ectoplasm. They all had a core of their powers, and all sentient ghosts had at least one obsession. Plus a couple of smaller traits, mostly physical.
Also, they all had fangs.
Luz had to find that out the hard way.
A loud beeping noise woke Luz from her slumber, jerking her awake as she fell off her bed. The girl groaned, sitting up and rubbing the back of her head as she blindly reached for her clock on the bed stand and turned off the alarm.
“Ow,” She whined, feeling that she’d bitten her tongue in her fall. She felt around her mouth a bit, tasting blood until something made her pause.
She gently poked her tongue around the top of her mouth, and sure enough, two teeth felt...sharper.
It pricked the tip of her tongue again and Luz grumbled, pulling herself to her feet. She figured her teeth had just gotten a bit too sharp from some wear and tear. It’s not like she was averse to biting into some weird-tasting ghosts and objects. Don’t ask.
She stepped into the bathroom and paused, looking into her mirror. It always unnerved her to look into a mirror. The dark circles around her eyes, the way she slouched, the dullness to her skin, all of it. None of it was inherently creepy, but it somehow worked. To Luz, and everyone around her, something about her seemed off. Like she was floating through the motions and was not at all there and maybe never was.
Luz shook off the existential horror of wondering if she’d be unnerving for the rest of her life and stood in front of the sink, yawning.
She froze, her mouth still hanging open.
There, resting in her mouth, were two sharp teeth.
They weren’t remarkably noticeable, in fact if she wasn’t looking for little odd things about her every other day (learning ghostly things about yourself in the middle of a fight was not fun) she never would’ve realized. But she was sure her canines weren’t that pointy before. She leaned forward, curling her lip as she inspected her teeth.
Her tongue had ceased bleeding, it was only a small mark anyway. And she could see flecks of blood still on her left tooth. She shuttered and pulled back, closing her mouth.
This was fine. A bit of sharpness to her teeth was fine. It couldn’t be all that bad.
Three days later, hunched over in her bed with an ice pack pressed to her face, Luz realized, with much regret, that she had jinxed herself.
Her teeth ached. It felt like her gums were being pushed apart from the inside, which, come to think of it, they probably were.
“Show me again,” Willow said, sitting on the bed beside Luz.
Luz sighed and took the ice away and opened her mouth. Willow squinted at her teeth for a moment before stepping back onto the floor, where Gus had a bunch of papers spread about in a weird sort of discussion board.
Luz put ice back over her mouth and watched as Willow muttered under her breath and picked up a picture of one of the ghosts, Adegast, if Luz remembered correctly, and inspected it.
“I really think this is just a regular ghost thing,” Willow said after a moment, showing the picture to Luz. “Every other ghost you’ve fought has some kind of fangs, it's not that big of a stretch to say you’d get some, too.”
“And normally, I would agree,” Luz said, wincing and holding the pack tighter. “Fangs are cool. But not when I’m human!” She exclaimed. “Er, in my human form, I guess. Is that what it's called?” She hummed, staring off in thought.
“Well, you may get lucky,” Gus piped up, taking the picture of Adegast trying to attack the camera and bringing up smaller ghost pictures. “They may just look a little abnormally sharp and that would be the end of it. There are plenty of people who have sharper canines, not everyone's teeth are flat.”
Lux relaxed with a sigh, leaning forward as she crossed her legs.
“But there’s also a possibility you could end up with teeth as long as fingers,” He said, bringing up a picture of a ghost with teeth like a saber tooth tiger.
Luz stared at the picture for a moment before groaning and falling back onto her bed. She grabbed her pillow and covered her face with it, ice pack discarded at her side.
Willow lightly smacked the back of Gus’s head.
“I’m sure it won’t get that noticeable,” Willow assured her. “Aren’t Eda’s natural teeth normal looking?”
“They’re still a bit sharp,” Luz muffled around her pillow. “The gold tooth is, and I quote, a ‘misdirection.’ Like a magician's cute assistant, you know?”
“No idea how that works, but I think I get it.” Gus nodded.
“Well, it’s not like suddenly getting pointy teeth is an immediate correlation for being a ghost, or even Phantom.” Willow insisted. “Worst case scenario, everyone thinks you're becoming a vampire, which actually would be pretty normal at this point.”
“Please be aware there is a group of goths in this school,” Luz said, tossing the pillow aside and sitting up. “And Jerbo is convinced I’m a ghost. Even if nobody believes him, people are going to ask questions about the fangs, and I’m a terrible liar! You know this!”
“I mean, you managed to hide your Phantom,” Gus pointed out.
“That’s because everyone in this town is a moron.” Willow deadpanned.
“Okay, but you have to put this into perspective. Half-ghosts aren’t a commonly known or expected thing.” Gus reminded, pushing his pictures into a pile.
“Neither are regular ghosts! Or werewolves! Or talking bone dogs! And yet, people notice that! Or at least recognize it's not normal,” Willow exclaimed, exasperated. “And only Jerbo has noticed something is off with Luz.”
“I was already pretty weird,” Luz offered, flinching and rubbing at her cheek.
“I can’t win,” Willow sighed, her shoulders sagging.
“This was never a winning situation for anyone,” Luz said matter-of-factly. “Now somebody give me the nail filer on my desk.”
“Do not file down your teeth! Why am I even telling you that?”
“My tongue is going to be so scarred--ow,”
“Maybe refrain from talking?” Willow advised gently as Luz stuck on her tongue, revealing it was lightly bleeding after she had accidentally bitten it. Again.
It had barely been a week and Luz’s growing-in fangs were proving to be more trouble than they were worth. If they were worth anything at all.
They had gotten larger, not to a scary degree, but were certainly abnormal. And she’d even begun to get two small fangs on her lower jaw,
And maybe talking about this in the school hallways wasn’t the best idea. But the group wasn’t known for their intelligence, and Willow was fried.
“Well, either her tongue will get stronger or she’ll learn how to not bite her tongue,” Gus shrugged as Luz shut her locker. “Eda managed.”
“Eda is three decades older than--ow,” Luz whined, covering her hand with ther mouth.
“What did I just say?” Willow sighed.
“Hey, four eyes!”
The group recognized that voice, and you could physically see them deflate as Luz dropped her hand. Willow sighed and mentally prepared herself.
“Here we go again,”
The sound of snickering drew their attention, to where Boscha and her A-Listers, or whatever they called themselves, was passing right by them, smug smiles plastered to their faces. Well, aside from Amity, who looked a mix between bored and mildly concerned. She caught Luz’s eye and smiled ever so slightly.
“Heard a ghost wrecked your pretty little garden recently,” Boscha said, her eyes narrowing in that sadistically gleeful way. “Aren’t you lucky Phantom decided to grace you, huh?”
Luz visibly cringed at that, giving Willow a guilty look. She’d insisted she could help Willow replant that garden, but she had declined. Numerous times.
“Things happen,” Willow shrugged, turning away and checking over her books boredly. “At least I don’t lie about seeing Phantom every other week.”
Luz and Gus glanced at each other with shared concerned looks. They subtly backed off a bit, deciding they’d rather not get involved in the weekly brawl.
“You wanna speak up, fern girl?” Boscha growled, already beginning to take a step forward.
“Leave her, Boscha.” 
Amity broke from the group and put a hand on the girl's shoulder, lightly holding her back as she looked at her with a half-lidded expression.
“She’s not worth the energy. We have class soon.” She said calmly.
Boscha muttered and stepped back, shrugging off Amity. The rest of the group quickly stepped aside as Boscha stormed through, throwing a ‘you’ll be sorry!’ over her shoulder for good measure.
“I’m gonna bite her,” Luz muttered under her breath.
“You have no idea how much it pains me to tell you no,” Willow replied.
“Sorry about that,” Amity mumbled, suddenly appearing in front of the trio. Or maybe she was always there, Luz couldn’t remember. 
“We’re used to it,” Gus said simply. “Honestly, I was expecting a better insult than ‘fern girl.’”
“Yeah, she's off her game,” Amity agreed as Luz giggled. 
“One could say she’s…off her A game--” Luz winced, bringing her hand back up to her face.
“Boo, bad joke.” Gus shook his head distastefully.
“Are you alright?” Amity asked, frowning at Luz holding her hand up.
“Yeah! Yeah, just, uh,” Luz chose her words carefully and slowly as she quickly pulled her hand away and crossed her arms. “Bit my tongue is all,”
“We should head to class,” Willow cut in quickly, appearing next to Luz and grabbing her arm. “Like you said, it’s going to start soon and lord knows how bad our grades are already.”
“Oh, right!” Amity shook her head like she was clearing it. “I’ll see you later, guys.”
“Yeah, bye,” Luz echoed, giving a smile as Willow tugged her away.
Amity watched the three leave with a smile of her own for a moment before her eyes dipped for a moment on Luz. Her eyes widened and she did a double-take, a moment of concerned horror flashing on her features.
Luz, having a guess on what she noticed, suddenly picked up speed and darted around the hallway corner, accidentally yanking Willow with her.
“Whoa, whoa, what happened--”
“How do my teeth look?” Luz cut off Gus, opening her mouth wide. “Do they look worse?”
Willow and Gus recoiled slightly, minorly concerned as Luz worriedly shut her mouth again.
“You have...blood on your teeth,” Willow said carefully. “It, uh, kinda makes you look like…”
“A vampire,” Gus finished for her, unhelpfully.
Luz was about to poke at her teeth with her tongue, but thought better of it. She rubbed a finger instead at one of her fangs and drew it back, noticing that there was, indeed, blood on them.
“I’m going to die of blood loss at this point,” Luz groaned.
“Can you even die again--”
“Not in the mood for an existential crisis, Gus.”
“What, no witty comeback, Phantom?”
The halfa yelped as Roselle’s snarky remark was enunciated by Dottie slamming her against a building. She growled and curled her lips back, shaking the rubble off her as she rose into the air, her green eyes flashing.
Roselle’s smug look fell. Normally Phantom would be happy to see that, but typically that smug expression isn’t replaced by that of gleeful surprise.
“Phantom,” Roselle grinned, and even Dottie paused for a moment to see what her partner was pointing at.
“Phantom are you growing your baby fangs?”
“They sure don’t feel like baby--ow,” Phantom winced, sticking out her tongue as she bit it for the umpteenth time.
“Aw, wittle Phantom got her baby fangs.” Roselle cooed
“How cute!” Dottie agreed as Roselle placed her hand on her shoulder.
“I liked you better when you were trying to rip me apart,” Phantom huffed, her face glowing with blush as she crossed her arms and legs, hovering in the air.
“A word of advice,” Roselle said sweetly. “Mouthguards do wonders, if you can find one to steal. Pain medication still works on you, right?”
“Yes, yes, thank you for the words of wisdom, granny.” Phantom grumbled, giving the ghost a glare and a sneer. “Can I go back to--” Phantom flinched, fangs pricking her tongue again.
The teasing grins on both of the ghostly womens faces only widened and Phantom sharpened her glare, electricity sparking through her.
“Can we fight now?” Phantom drawled out slowly, as to avoid biting her tongue again.
“Right, yes, of course,” Dottie said, nodding as she waved her hand. “Where were we, dear?” She turned to Roselle.
“I believe you were trying to throw her into a stop sign?” Roselle hummed, tapping her chin and frowning. “Or was it a pipe? One of the two.”
Phantom rolled her eyes at the two conversing and uncrossed her arms, a ball of green lightning slowly forming above her open left palm.
“No, no, I think you were--”
Lightning crackled and shot right between the two ghosts, striking the wall of an old building behind them.
They slowly looked at the indent on the wall. Then, just as slowly, they looked back at Phantom, who had landed on the ground and was in a fighting stance, another ball of electricity already building up.
“I think I remember where,” Phantom paused and curled her lip again at the pain. She threw her hands in the air. “Or for the love of--”
The lightning flew from her hands, hitting the street a good ways behind her. It exploded and shook the ground, setting off a few car alarms.
Phantom visibly shrinked at the explosion, her shoulders tense.
Dottie opened her mouth, about to say something. Phantom raised her hand quickly and silenced her.
“Not a word,”
“Kid, I don’t know what to tell ya. This is pretty natural for ghosts,”
“It is ruining my life.”
“Your dead,”
“Right, right,” Eda raised her hands, stepping away from the couch Luz was dramatically laying across on her back. “Existential crisis and whatnot, my bad.”
“I’m wearing a mouthguard,” Luz growled, though it came out like a lisp. “I look like a werewolf.”
“So do I,” Eda reminded her, sitting on the end of the couch where Luz’s feet were. “And I’m doing great.” She said, curling her upper lip and flashing her non-gold fang, which was nearly as long as her golden one. The only difference was that the gold fang was crooked and hooked out of her mouth.
“You live in a shed by an abandoned brewery,” Luz lifted her hands, gesturing to the Owl House, as Eda liked to call it. “With all due respect, I wouldn’t call this the lap of luxury.”
“Eh, who needs luxury?” Eda shrugged.
“Yeesh, you give the kid a taste of the other side and suddenly your scoundrels,” King muffled, poking his head out from under the couch.
“I have been to Amity’s house once.” Luz hissed, snapping her jaws shut when she realized it came out as an actual hiss.
“Aw, now that was adorable.”
“Shut up,”
“Wait, hang on, I was talking about that time you spent in the Guys in White’s fancy van you’ve been to Amity’s house?” King whirled around, staring up at Luz in surprise.
“...I’m suddenly deaf,” Luz lisped, her voice slurred as she lay her head back against the couch armrest. “Words? I don’t know them.”
“You got into a rich girls house and you didn’t steal anything?” Eda gasped, placing a hand on her chest. “I’ve never been more betrayed in my life.”
“That’s a lie and you know it,” King deadpanned.
“I’m not stealing from Amity!” Luz gasped, glaring across the couch. “She’s my friend! Go steal from her parents yourself,”
“I was given permission!” King pumped a fist in the air. Paw? Claw? Whatever you call the hands of a ghost dog with opposable thumbs.
“Now, now,” Eda grabbed King by the scruff before Luz could protest, pulling him up and holding him like that. “Be nice. Luz has to make a good impression on her crush. You don’t get a rich girl every day, you know.”
“Crush?” Luz yelped, jerking up so violently she shocked herself with her own stray lightning and fell off the couch with a thud.
“Oh right,” Eda snapped her fingers. “That’s another topic I’m not supposed to mention.” She grinned knowingly, dropping King on Luz.
Luz doubled over when King landed on her stomach, wheezing. King just looked up at her curiously before Luz lifted her head, her freckles beginning to glow green as electricity sparked around them.
“I do not have a crush on Amity! I tell you this all the time!” Luz exclaimed, feeling her face and grumbling when she was shocked again. “And now I lost my mouthguard,” She muttered, looking around for where it fell out.
Eda and King glanced at each other, mirroring the same disbelieving tired faces. But they didn’t say anything as Luz picked up King and set him aside, looking for where she spat out the mouthguard.
“Alright, we’ll drop that obvious lie for now,” Eda relented, walking up beside Luz and putting a hand on her shoulder. “But wearing a mouthguard is only gonna do so much. Sure, it’s nice to wear every now and again, but the more you get used to talking and eating with these ol’ pointers, the easier it’ll get for you.”
“But I’m a fast talker,” Luz protested. “Even if I get used to talking normally, I’m still not used to talking fast. And then I just keep on talking, and talking, and then I keep biting my tongue and then I start bleeding and--ow!” She yelped, recoiling mid-talk.
“Bit it again?”
Luz whined dramatically and turned, thunking her head against Eda’s chest. Eda stared at her for a moment before sighing and smiling as she rested a hand over Luz’s back and head.
“I know it's not fun, but that's just how life, er, this limbo we’re in is gonna be.” She said, patting her back.
“Pros and cons,” Luz muffled into her chest. “Pros, ghost things. Cons, ghost things.” She said, her words slow but enunciated.
“Welcome to my world, kiddo.” Eda chuckled.
“You don’t even fight--” Luz hissed, scrunching up her face before continuing. “--other ghosts,”
“No, but they’re still annoying.” Eda agreed.
“Oh, hey, I found the mouth thing!”
“King you better spit that out!”
In hindsight, sticking to the bottom of the Witch Hunter’s hoverboard, aka, a young ghost hunter known for not liking her, was probably not the smartest idea.
Then again, Phantom’s plans are pretty hit-or-miss.
Phantom crawled up the bottom of the hoverboard, peeking up. The dark purple coloring of the Witch Hunter’s suit nearly blended in with the night sky above her, and she clearly wasn’t paying attention.
With a mischievous grin, Phantom slowly gripped the front end of the board and leaned up, laying her chin on the end.
The Witch Hunter yelped, whirling her head down as the hoverboard skidded to a stop. Phantom wasn’t prepared for that and went flying out from underneath the board, hitting the flat roof of a building and rolling right off the edge. 
But hey, at least the metal trash cans broke her fall.
Phantom groaned, attempting to peel herself out of the trash bags and pulling a banana peel off her head in disgust. She heard a snort and looked up.
The Witch Hunter was crouched on the edge of the roof, peering over. The black plastic screen over her face on the suit hid her expression, but Phantom just knew she was trying not to laugh.
“Alright, so maybe I deserved that,” Phantom relented, kicking away the last of the trash and floating up.
The Witch Hunter quickly leaned back as Phantom placed her hands on the edge of the roof, leaning on it slightly as the rest of her body was suspended by nothing in the air.
“But still, you gotta get better at noticing when I’m around.” Phantom chuckled with a grin, shaking her head.
In a flash, an ectogun was being pointed at her face, right between her eyes.
Phantom’s face dropped slightly, her eyes crossing as she looked down the barrel of the gun. Her eyes then went back to the Witch Hunter, who was still on her knees, but holding the ectogun in a way that said she wasn’t afraid to use it.
“I can never have a single moment of fun with you, can I?” Phantom sighed.
“And yet, you still succeed.” The Witch Hunter said, putting a finger on the trigger.
“I appreciate you trying to put a stop to that. You took the job everybody wanted but nobody was brave enough to try as diligently. Bravo,” Phantom nodded solemnly.
“I wish you luck,” She blinked, a smirk growing.
The Witch Hunter stared at her for a moment. Then another. She glanced around slowly before looking back to Phantom, who was still in the same position as before.
“Okay, two things,” The Witch Hunter said. “One, what am I waiting for?”
“What?” Phantom looked down at herself, inspecting her hand.
“Oh,” She deflated, looking back up to the Witch Hunter sheepishly. “I still haven’t mastered the whole ‘invisibility on command’ thing.”
“...I genuinely can’t tell if your stupid or bad at planning,” The Witch Hunter said, sounding like she was rolling her eyes.
“Fifty fifty on that,” Phantom raised a hand and tilted it.
“Secondly, what is with your teeth?” The Witch Hunter said, leaning her head forward slightly. “Is everyone getting weird teeth today?”
“Oh come on!” Phantom groaned, throwing her head back. “I just forgot about them!”
“What?” The Witch Hunter lowered her ectogun slightly.
“It’s been an issue all week,” Phantom complained, swinging her legs over the side of the roof and sitting on the edge, crossing her legs. “I forget about the fangs, I can talk easier. But when I think about them, I--” She flinched, hissing as she felt a prick.
“...that’s what you're worried about right now?” The Witch Hunter said disbelievingly.
“I’m bad at picking my battles,” Phantom shrugged. “Anyway, you’ve cursed me. You owe me compensation.”
“The hell I do!”
“If there is a hell, I’ll be sure to inform them of your grievances,” Phantom waved her hand casually. “But on the plus side, I’m getting better at not biting my to--ow,” 
“You’re a ghost,” The Witch Hunter deadpanned, getting to her feet with a sigh. “Shouldn’t it be normal to have fangs? Why didn’t you have them before?”
“Well I’m sorry but I’m a little new to all this,” Phantom huffed, floating up in the air, her legs still crossed, as well as her arms.
The Witch Hunter paused, looking over the ghost. It was only then Phantom realized that she, a ghost, had stated she was new to being one.
Phantom wished she could see her expression. Not being able to tell what she looked like at that exact moment felt like a nightmare.
“Phantom, are you--”
The halfa darted forward, flying around the Witch Hunter at blinding speeds and proceeding to kick the ectogun out of her grasp, sending it sliding to the other side of the roof.
“Little slow today, aren’t we?” Phantom quickly recovered, suddenly popping up right in front of the Witch Hunter’s face with a wide grin, fangs exposed.
The Witch Hunter grunted as she grabbed a small ectoblade (they really needed to get more original with these names) from her suits belt and swung it at Phantom.
Phantom flew a few feet away, cackling. She landed by the ectogun and kicked it up with her foot, trying to catch it midair but fumbling with it for a few moments instead.
“Somebody ought to put a muzzle on you,” The Witch Hunter muttered, taking a step back towards her hoverboard, which lay on the ground a little ways away.
“Why?” Phantom grinned, tossing the ectogun somewhere off the roof where the Witch couldn’t get to it. “Scared I’m gonna bite you?” She taunted, holding her hands behind her back and leaning forward, though she still remained a few feet away.
The Witch Hunter made a noise that sounded close between a yelp and a gargle. Almost strangled as she nearly dropped her blade.
“Oh wait, actually,” Phantom frowned, looking at the ground for a moment. “Could I bite people? Or would that give them ghost powers?” She mumbled, looking at her hands. “Am I a vampire ghost?”
The ectoblade flew right by Phantom’s head, ruffling her hair. She stiffened as the blade managed to somehow embed itself into the roof behind her, just before it hit the edge.
Phantom raised her head, spotting the Witch Hunter grabbing what appeared to be a regular silver ball from her belt. She pressed a button on the ball, transforming it into a portable ectogun.
“...okay, that’s kinda cool.” Phantom admitted.
“You have five seconds,”
Phantom took the hint and in mere seconds, shot off. She dropped out of sight beyond the roof without a word.
The Witch Hunter sighed, relaxing her arm and sagging. She watched the place where Phantom had vanished for a few more moments before turning around.
And almost crashed face-first into bright, sparking green eyes.
“I almost--ow,” Phantom whined, sticking out her tongue as the Witch Hunter jumped back.
Phantom had somehow managed to silently float behind her and was hovering in the air, upside down and at eye-level with the young ghost hunter.
“I almost forgot,” Phantom said, her voice lisp-y as she kept the tip of her tongue poking out of her mouth so as to avoid biting it again. As well as revealing its neon green color, and the fact it was beginning to become split like a snake.
Phantom probably didn’t realize that was happening yet.
Not that the Witch was looking.
“I will see you,” Phantom said, flipping over in the air so she was rightside up, slowly floating backwards. “On the fright side.” She said, winking and giving finger guns.
“Get out of here!” The Witch Hunter snapped, grabbing another silver ball from her belt and chucking it at the ghost.
Phantom yelped and got knocked in the head, complaining as she finally took off, down the streets of the town.
“I’m hilarious and you know it!” She called behind her.
“You are not!”
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Lukadrien: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Twenty-Seven
Read it on AO3: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Twenty-Seven: Goodbye
“G Flat. Sup?” XY greeted, leaning on the frame of the door to his flat.
“Hey, Xavier-Yves. Sorry for coming over so early,” Adrien apologized guiltily, gaze downcast as he scuffed at the marble tile of the apartment building hallway.
XY shrugged. “It’s whatever. Something wrong? You look all…floppy.”
Adrien winced, meeting Xavier-Yves’s eyes with a grimace. “I’m kind of rough lately, actually…but I came because I need to talk to you about something. May I come in?”
With another carefree shrug, XY straightened up and stepped back out of the way. “Yeah. Sure. Come on in and make yourself at home. You want some soda?”
Adrien shook his head as he made his way straight to the couch. “I’m fine, thank you. I shouldn’t be long.”
“Meh. Suit yourself.” XY went to fish a bottle of orange soda out of the fridge as he prompted, “So what did you need to talk about?”
Adrien swallowed, shifting anxiously. “Luka.”
XY paused, looked back over his shoulder at Adrien, and cursed in English. “Is that why you look like they ran out of those nifty little umbrellas they put in your drink?”
Adrien could think of at least a dozen more fitting analogies for his current countenance, but he decided not to squabble over word choice. “Yes.”
He took a slow, measured inhale. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop the other day, but I accidentally overheard that song you wrote for Luka.”
XY quirked an eyebrow, taking a long pull from his bottle of soda as he came over and sat down in the armchair across the coffee table from Adrien.
Adrien dropped his gaze to the ugly chartreuse area rug as he confessed, “I heard you tell him you loved him, and I saw you guys kissing.”
“Did ya see what happened afterward?” Xavier-Yves hummed.
Adrien shook his head and forced himself to look up.
He searched his rival’s eyes. “…Are you and Luka…dating?”
The word was almost physically painful to get out.
A smirk in miniature turned up one corner of XY’s mouth. “No. What gave you that idea?”
Adrien opened his mouth to reply but then shut it again to more carefully consider his response.
“…It just seemed like the obvious outcome,” he finally answered. “He really likes you, you know? I don’t think he knows how much he likes you, but he does.”
Xavier-Yves nodded, sinking back comfortably into his armchair and spreading his knees wide. “Yeah. I know…but he picked you.”
Adrien’s eyebrows rose to meet his hairline. “…Sorry. What?”
XY lifted his right shoulder and then let it fall. “He picked you.”
“I don’t…I don’t understand,” Adrien replied, heart quickening, chest tightening.
XY rolled his eyes. “Okay. Look. I’m going to do you a favor, G Flat, and tell ya something good. Don’t tell Luka I told you, but he’s in love with you. He’s been crazy about you since you faceplanted on his deck or whatever. Okay? So, he picked you.”
“Luka loves me?” Adrien breathed, gripping the arm of the couch to keep himself upright.
Xavier-Yves let out a loud snort of laughter. “And they say I’m dense. Yes, Adrien. Luka’s over the moon about you.”
Adrien’s jaw nearly skimmed the floor in his astonishment. “Really?”
“Really,” XY sighed, quickly tiring of this little game. “So go out with him already. Make him happy.”
Adrien’s expression suddenly tightened into a tense ball of confusion and suspicion. “Wait. Why in the world would you tell me that? Isn’t it against the bro code or something? Nino would never tell me about Marinette’s crush on me, and he didn’t say anything to his girlfriend about my feelings for Marinette. I don’t think you can just say stuff like that.”
Xavier-Yves looked utterly unimpressed. “Okay, look. If I don’t say anything, you and Luka are never gonna get together because you’re both dumb and like to make yourselves suffer. I don’t really have friends besides Luka, so I’m not so sure about this ‘bro code’ thing, but I think I’m doing you both a favor, telling you Luka’s in love with you.”
“You are,” Adrien agreed, still skeptical. “What I can’t figure out is why you’re doing this.”
With another sigh, XY rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion. “Duh. You’re my friends. I love Luka, and I want him to be happy, and you’re what will make him happy. Plus, the sooner you two start dating, the sooner you can screw everything up and get Luka to break up with you. Then, I can swoop in and sweep Luka off his feet. Super romantic.”
Adrien burst out laughing. “Xavier-Yves…you’re really something.”
XY gave a lopsided, pride-filled grin as he shot finger guns at Adrien. “You bet I am.”
Adrien slowly shook his head from one side to the other, a nascent smile taking form on his lips. “Thank you.”
XY made a shooing gesture. “Don’t thank me. Go ask Luka out or something already. My genius plan only works once you either make Luka happy or screw up and get dumped so I can make Luka happy.”
A grateful grin settled on Adrien’s lips as he stood. “Thank you, Xavier-Yves. Seriously.”
“Yeah, yeah.” XY took another swig of his orange soda. “Maybe we can have a threesome sometime or something. You two still have to hang out with me once you’re a couple, you know.”
“We will,” Adrien promised, a spring in his step as he rushed back to Luka.
 Luka looked up from where he was preparing chestnut paste crêpes for brunch as Adrien came around the corner into the main cabin.
The nerves didn’t hit Adrien in full force until he saw Luka; then, it was all fluttery sensations in his chest and butterflies in his stomach.
Their eyes met, and Adrien nearly swooned.
“Hey. Everything okay?” Luka tentatively inquired. “You were gone when I woke up.”
Adrien ran a hand through his hair and swallowed before he managed to compose himself enough to answer. “Yeah, no. It’s fine. I’m fine. I just…I needed to get some fresh air?”
Luka nodded, making a neutral sound of acknowledgement. “Did you eat already?”
Sheepishly, Adrien shook his head. “Food was kind of the last thing on my mind this morning.”
Luka beckoned Adrien over with a tip of his head, indicating the crêpe he had just made. “Go ahead and take this one. It’s still hot.”
“I’m not going to take your food, Orpheus,” Adrien scoffed, coming around into the kitchen.
“I have enough batter to make another one. It’ll only take a minute, but you might as well eat this one because it’s going to be cold by the time I finish this second one,” Luka reasoned.
“Or you could eat that one, and I can make one for myself,” Adrien countered, giving Luka’s hip a little bump with his own, encouraging Luka out of the way of the stovetop.
With a chuckle of amusement, Luka stood down, leaning back against the counter as he ate his crêpe and longingly watched Adrien work.
“I’m really good at making crêpes,” Adrien bragged. “It’s one of the first things Tom showed me.”
“I have no doubt about your abilities,” Luka assured, eyes tracking Adrien’s graceful movements.
Before long, a nearly perfect crêpe took form, and Luka had to applaud his crush. “That looks even better than mine. I should have you make me breakfast next time.”
“I’d be happy to cook for you,” Adrien easily agreed, eager to please. “I like it a lot. Mostly, Tom’s been teaching me down in the bakery, but Sabine’s showed me recipes from time to time too, and I’m finding that I like cooking about as well as baking.”
“Well, if you want to take some of my family meal cooking shifts, I’m not going to stop you,” Luka half-joked.
“Maybe I could join you for some of your shifts and we could cook together,” Adrien suggested. He always had a good time in the kitchen with Luka.
“I mean…if you really don’t mind. I don’t want to put extra work on your plate,” Luka responded tentatively.
“I don’t mind,” Adrien stressed. “I like cooking, and I like spending time with you, so…win-win, you know?”
“So long as you think so,” Luka chuckled, a slight blush building on his cheeks.
“I do,” Adrien replied decidedly.
He then bit his lip, his confidence abandoning him. “…Hey. So…would you want to go on a walk with me after we clean up here? Are you busy?”
Luka shook his head. “I didn’t have anything planned for today. Where did you want to go? Anywhere in particular?”
“The Parc Monceau?” Adrien asked uncertainly. “Sorry. I know it’s kind of out of the way.”
“It’s fine,” Luka assured with a calming smile. “The Parc Monceau sounds nice.”
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 While not completely free from tourists, the Parc Monceau was definitely more of a spot for locals than some of the better-known parks of Paris.
Luka and Adrien took the motorcycle up to the eighth arrondissement, parking outside of the gates and beginning their stroll around the grounds.
The scent of damp earth from the previous day’s storm still lingered in the air.
“I’ve always wanted to come here on a date,” Adrien remarked as they walked past the semicircular, eighteenth-century colonnade at the northeast end of the pond that had been made to look like Roman ruins.
“Oh, yeah?” Luka hummed, trying to keep his expression and voice neutral.
Adrien nodded as they made their way onto one of the main avenues that ran through the park where many a Parisian was walking their apartment-sized dog.
“I’ve done a couple photoshoots here, and I always thought the atmosphere was romantic,” Adrien explained. “It’s kind of whimsical with all of the miniatures of exotic architecture and the pond and the trees and flowers and everything…don’t you think?”
“Yeah,” Luka agreed. “It’s—”
He abruptly lost his train of thought as Adrien slipped his hand into Luka’s.
Luka stared in bewilderment at Adrien, and Adrien responded with a shy smile.
Still wondering what the hell was going on but not wanting to jinx it, Luka returned the smile and laced his fingers through Adrien’s.
Adrien’s smile grew, gaining confidence as it morphed into an effulgent grin reminiscent of that day in the Jardin du Palais Royal.
It was so good to see Adrien smile like that after two weeks of feigned cheerfulness and cloudy, distant eyes.
“Come on.” Adrien gently tugged Luka over to the footbridge. “I want to show you my favourite spot.”
They ascended the steps and moved over to one side so that others could pass behind them as they gazed out at the man-made pond and the classical columns through the foliage.
“Sorry,” Adrien chuckled, releasing Luka’s hand and placing his own on top of the bridge railing.
“Why ‘sorry’?” Luka wondered, suddenly uneasy.
Adrien turned his head to give an impish grin. “I feel like I tricked you into coming here.”
A small frown creased Luka’s brow. “I seem to remember agreeing to come of my own free will.”
Adrien shook his head. “Under false pretenses. I brought you here because I wanted to talk to you.”
Luka gave a snort. “Because it’s not like I would ever consent to that knowingly.”
Adrien pursed his lips.
Luka’s levity instantly faded. “Hey. What’s wrong?”
Adrien shook his head, training his gaze down into the murky water.
“…Is this about what happened yesterday?” Luka hazarded a guess.
“Kind of.”
Luka winced. “Adrien, I’m sorry. I didn’t—”
“—May I tell you something?” Adrien cut in, needing to get it over with.
“Uh…sure.” Luka couldn’t help but feel off-kilter as he struggled to follow what was happening.
“And could you maybe let me talk without responding until I’m done, please?” Adrien requested through a grimace. “I’m sorry. I just…I need to get this out, and I’m not sure I can do it if you interrupt me, so… Sorry.”
Luka gently rested his hand on Adrien’s shoulder, giving it an encouraging squeeze. “Hey. You can tell me anything, okay? I promise I’ll let you finish.”
Adrien shot Luka a grateful smile before taking a deep breath to steady his nerves. He tightened and loosened his grip on the bridge railing, swallowed, and then began.
“You know how I’ve been acting even crazier than usually these past two weeks?”
Luka frowned reprovingly. “Okay, I’m not going to stand here silently and listen to you talk down about yourself, so—”
“—I saw you kissing Xavier-Yves,” Adrien blurted out, needing to continue before he lost the courage to do so. “and it completely crushed me because I’m in love with you.”
Luka stared, blinked, and finally found his tongue. “You…what?”
“I’m in love with you,” Adrien repeated more slowly as the most vulnerable smile spread over his lips in complete surrender. “I’ve had a crush on you pretty much as long as we’ve known one another, but, recently, I’ve realized that, somewhere along the way, I really, truly fell in love with you. I’m not sure when exactly…but…here we are.”
Adrien shrugged and then awaited Luka’s response.
It took a minute, but Luka finally pieced together the words. “You’re sure?”
Adrien’s head cocked slightly to the side. “What do you mean?”
“Sorry.” Luka shook his head, mentally kicking himself. “I just mean… Not that I don’t believe you, but…”
He took a slow inhale and tried again. “Adrien, I don’t need to tell you that you’ve been through a lot this past month, and I know I’ve kind of been there supporting you through this. A lot of times, in that kind of situation, people can start thinking they have feelings for the person taking care of them, and I don’t—”
“—Luka.” Adrien reached out to cup Luka’s cheek. “My feelings for you aren’t new. You triggered my sexuality crisis, after all.”
Heat burned in Luka’s cheeks, and he gulped. “O-Oh?”
Adrien nodded, his smile returning. “Yeah. I’ve always known I had a crush on you. It’s just that I recently realized that my feelings weren’t just a crush. I don’t think they have been for a while, so you don’t have anything to worry about. I’m not going to improve mentally or emotionally and suddenly realize my feelings for you were fake or anything like that.”
“Oh,” Luka repeated quietly, gaze getting caught on Adrien’s eyes and the way their glittering green was perfectly set off by the trees and the water and the sky.
“So…I love you…Middle C,” Adrien whispered, angling his body to face Luka.
Instinctively, Luka stepped in, his hands going to Adrien’s hips. “I love you too, Perfect Fifth. From the moment I saw your eyes light up when you spotted that keyboard the day we first met.”
“Luka,” Adrien breathed as their eyes slipped closed and their noses gently bumped.
A shred of his higher brain function remained as he cautioned, “I don’t know if I should be doing this. I still need to talk to you about—”
“—Please,” Luka pleaded. “Adrien, please kiss me.”
He did, and it was sweet and slow and perfect, a gentle nibbling of Adrien’s lips against Luka’s.
Luka kept his eyes closed for a moment after Adrien pulled away, and when he opened them, he found Adrien searching his face apprehensively.
Luka blinked. “Everything okay?”
“Perfect,” Adrien sighed. “Only, now, I’m going to ruin everything.”
“I promise you that there’s nothing you could do to ruin that kiss,” Luka scoffed lightly.
Adrien winced. “What if I tell you we can’t kiss again for a long time?”
“Well, that wouldn’t ruin everything,” Luka assured. “But can I ask why?”
Adrien pulled back, looking out at the pond and the columns again as he explained, “I don’t want to keep you in limbo. I need to be completely honest with you: I can’t date right now.”
Luka stepped in closer so that his shoulder brushed Adrien’s.
Adrien tentatively peeked up at Luka. “I’m sorry. You know about as well as I do that I’m not in good shape at the moment with everything going on. It wouldn’t be fair to either of us to try to start anything right now.”
Luka gradually began to nod. “I think that’s a really mature decision. I don’t necessarily like it, but I’m really proud of you for being able to come to that kind of conclusion.”
Adrien sighed, a melancholy smile hovering on his lips. “I’m serious about you, you know. I don’t want to mess this up, so…I think I need to wait until I’m healthier. I don’t want things to always be the way they’ve been the past month.”
He met Luka’s eyes as he elaborated, “I can’t express how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but healthy relationships are partnerships. I need to be able to pull my own weight.”
Luka opened his mouth to respond, but Adrien shook his head, insisting, “I can’t always be needing you to help and comfort me. That’s not right, and it’s not fair to you.”
Luka’s eyes widened.
“You deserve a partner who can be there to support you too,” Adrien stressed. “I think I could be that person someday, but right now…”
He shook his head sadly.
“I can wait however long you think is necessary,” Luka assured.
Adrien shook his head again. “I’m not asking you to. If you want…I mean…Xavier-Yves is actually a great guy, and you like him, Luka. You shouldn’t have to wait around while I get my stuff together.”
Luka rolled his eyes. “Okay, yes. I will admit that Xavier-Yves is an attractive prospect, but…Adrien…my heart chose you.”
Adrien’s mouth fell open in surprise.
Luka leaned in and pressed a kiss to Adrien’s temple. “I’ll wait for you.”
Still taken aback, Adrien stammered, “I’ll do my best to be worthy of you.”
Luka pulled Adrien into a side hug. “You already are, P5.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CLVI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I know it looks like I hate my characters but in fact this is just bc I love them loads -Danny
Words: 4,412
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
Listen to: ‘Bad Liar’ -by Imagine Dragons
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Chapter Eighteen: Damaged.
"I hear that you met the Minister of Magic over Christmas?"
"Yes," They replied.
"He's not very happy with us," Harry mentioned.
"No," Dumbledore nodded. "He is not very happy with me either. We must try not to sink beneath our anguish, but battle on."
"He wanted us to tell the Wizarding community that the Ministry's doing a wonderful job."
"It was Fudge's idea originally, you know," Dumbledore said brightly. "During his last days in office, when he was trying desperately to cling to his post, he sought a meeting with you, hoping that you would give him your support—"
"After everything Fudge did last year? After Umbridge?"
"I told Cornelius there was no chance of it, but the idea did not die when he left office. Within hours of Scrimgeour's appointment we met and he demanded that I arrange a meeting with you —"
"So that's why you argued!" Harry exclaimed. "It was in the Daily Prophet..."
"The Prophet is bound to report the truth occasionally, if only accidentally. Yes, that was why we argued. Well, it appears that Rufus found a way to corner you at last."
"It felt more like Harry cornering him," Mel grinned.
"He accused me of being 'Dumbledore's man through and through.'"
"How very rude of him."
"I told him I was."
Fawkes let out a soft tune, Mel looked up at him adoringly, she felt Harry tensing and looked back to realize her uncle's eyes were teary.
"I am very touched, Harry."
"They were talking about me," She joked. "Scrimgeour knows Harry's my designated sidekick."
This caused both men to laugh, then Harry leaned closer to the desk.
"Scrimgeour wanted to know where you go when you're not at Hogwarts."
"Yes, he is very nosy about that," said Dumbledore still chuckling. "He has even attempted to have me followed. Amusing, really. He set Dawlish to tail me. It wasn't kind. I have already been forced to jinx Dawlish once; I did it again with the greatest regret."
"So they still don't know where you go?"
"No, they don't, and the time is not quite right for you to know either. Now, I suggest we press on, unless there's anything else — ?"
"There is, actually, sir," said Harry, and he glanced at Mel. "It's about Malfoy and Snape."
"Professor Snape, Harry."
"Yes, sir. I overheard them during Professor Slughorn's party... well, I followed them, actually..."
Mel stared at her uncle during the whole retelling, looking for any sign of worry. However, Dumbledore had far more practice than her, and he was able to keep a straight face through the whole thing.
"Thank you for telling me this, Harry, but I suggest that you put it out of your mind. I do not think that it is of great importance."
Mel sighed, she was sort of expecting this reaction, if she was honest.
"Not of great importance? Professor, did you understand — ?"
"Yes, Harry, blessed as I am with extraordinary brainpower, I understood everything you told me," Mel grimaced at the tone he used, he almost sounded like the time he'd scolded her for disobeying last year. "I think you might even consider the possibility that I understood more than you did. Again, I am glad that you have confided in me, but let me reassure you that you have not told me anything that causes me disquiet."
"So, sir," Harry tried slowly, "you definitely still trust — ?"
"I have been tolerant enough to answer that question already. My answer has not changed."
"I should think not," Phineas Nigellus sneered quietly from above them.
"And now, Harry, I must insist that we press on. I have more important things to discuss with you this evening."
Harry's mouth twisted a bit, Mel mumbled something about needing more books and got up just so she could put distance between her and the argument.
"Ah, Harry," Dumbledore sighed. "How often this happens, even between the best of friends! Each of us believes that what he has to say is much more important than anything the other might have to contribute!"
"I don't think what you've got to say is unimportant, sir," Harry's voice sounded condescending.
"Well, you are quite right, because it is not," Dumbledore replied firmly. "I have two more memories to show you this evening, both obtained with enormous difficulty, and the second of them is, I think, the most important I have collected."
Mel opened her journal and quickly checked what she'd written on it a week before. According to her calculations, she had almost completed the process. She hadn't told anyone which animal she wished to turn into, but she wished those sorts of things could be inherited.
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Harry and Dumbledore came back sooner than expected, she looked up curiously and waited for them to talk.
"Is that all?" said Harry. "Why did it go dark, what happened?"
"Because Morfin could not remember anything from that point onward," said Dumbledore.
Apparently, the memory they'd seen this time was the one where Riddle finally murdered his muggle relatives, and he'd managed to blame his uncle for it.
"But how come the Ministry didn't realize that Voldemort had done all that to Morfin?" Harry demanded. "He was underage at the time, wasn't he? I thought they could detect underage magic!"
"You are quite right — they can detect magic, but not the perpetrator: You will remember that you were blamed by the Ministry for the Hover Charm that was, in fact, cast by—"
"Dobby. So if you're underage and you do magic inside an adult witch or wizard's house, the Ministry won't know?"
"They will certainly be unable to tell who performed the magic. They rely on witch and wizard parents to enforce their offspring's obedience while within their walls."
"You're telling me," Mel started with a little bit of outrage. "That I could've hexed Fred and George anytime I wanted? Next time I won't hold back..."
Dumbledore smiled. "Sometimes you sound exactly like my brother."
Mel didn't know if that was meant to be a compliment.
"It makes no sense!" Harry huffed. "Look what happened here, look what happened to Morfin!"
"I agree," Dumbledore nodded. "Whatever Morfin was, he did not deserve to die as he did, blamed for murders he had not committed. But it is getting late, and I want you to see this other memory before we part..."
They left once more and Mel quickly resumed her own studies. She had to take the potion on the next electrical storm, which could take a while, considering it was still winter. Before she had finished putting her things away, Harry and Dumbledore returned.
"That's all there is?" Harry frowned.
"As you might have noticed," said Dumbledore, "that memory has been tampered with."
"Tampered with?"
"Certainly. Professor Slughorn has meddled with his own recollections."
"But why would he do that?"
"Because, I think, he is ashamed of what he remembers. He has tried to rework the memory to show himself in a better light, obliterating those parts which he does not wish me to see. It is, as you will have noticed, very crudely done, and that is all to the good, for it shows that the true memory is still there beneath the alterations. And so, for the first time, I am giving you homework. It will be your job to persuade Professor Slughorn to divulge the real memory, which will undoubtedly be our most crucial piece of information of all."
"But surely, sir, you don't need me — you could use Legilimency... or Veritaserum..."
"Professor Slughorn is an extremely able wizard who will be expecting both," said Dumbledore. "He is much more accomplished at Occlumency than poor Morfin Gaunt, and I would be astonished if he has not carried an antidote to Veritaserum with him ever since I coerced him into giving me this travesty of a recollection."
"So that's why you hired him," Mel raised a brow. "You think Harry would be able to do a better job than you?"
"I think both of you would do a terrific job, now that you mention it," Dumbledore replied. "Slughorn appears to be utterly intrigued by your mysterious personality, Mel."
"Professor, you really think he'd be against giving you such a crucial piece of information? Surely he would understand? Maybe if you rough him up a bit..."
"No, I think it would be foolish to attempt to wrest the truth from Professor Slughorn by force, and might do much more harm than good; I do not wish him to leave Hogwarts. However, he has his weaknesses like the rest of us, and I believe that you are the people who might be able to penetrate his defenses. It is most important that we secure the true memory... How important, we will only know when we have seen the real thing. So, good luck... and good night."
Harry got up as if activated by the abrupt farewell.
"Good night, sir."
"Have a good night, Professor."
As they left the room, she heard Phineas speaking.
"I can't see why the children should be able to do it better than you, Dumbledore."
"I wouldn't expect you to, Phineas..."
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"So now you've got not only apparating lessons but also ought to convince Slughorn to give you a rusty memory?"
"That's right," Mel had her head on Erick's lap, they were seated on one of the benches of the courtyard, enjoying their quiet Sunday afternoon.
"It sounds like our one-day-a-week will turn into none," He sighed.
"Well, maybe..." She sat up and faced him. "You can always send me a message through our watch if you need to talk or anything..."
"I don't want to be a distraction."
"You're not—"
"I'll be fine, Mel," He interrupted roughly.
The girl was taken aback by his sudden rudeness, Erick seemed to regret his outburst too but he remained quiet nonetheless. Mel spoke once she felt it was safe to continue.
"You can go to my Quidditch Practices?"
"I could," He admitted politely, brushing the bangs away from her forehead. "You're a sight for sore eyes in that uniform..."
"I'm always a sight for sore eyes!"
"Now Princess, I thought being conceited was my thing."
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Golpalott's Third Law was easy to understand (if you paid enough attention, that is) but in practice, it was one of the most tedious things Mel had ever done. By the time she finished her antidote, her hair was messily tied in a ponytail, the baby hairs sticking to her forehead, covered in a thin layer of sweat. She had a bit of something smudged across her nose and cheek, but she was fairly certain she'd done a good job.
Hermione sighed heavily, she hated not being first, (her antidote was only halfway done) but this had been entirely Mel's work, she'd decided three classes before to try and see how good she could be without the Prince's help.
However, when Slughorn moved over to Harry, she was outdone.
"You've got nerve, boy!" Slughorn cackled and held up the bezoar. "Oh, you're like your mother... Well, I can't fault you... A bezoar would certainly act as an antidote to all these potions!"
Hermione looked like she wanted to put that to test on Harry himself.
"And you thought of a bezoar all by yourself, did you, Harry?" She asked harshly.
"That's the individual spirit a real potion-maker needs!" Slughorn beamed. "Just like his mother, she had the same intuitive grasp of potion-making, it's undoubtedly from Lily he gets it... Yes, Harry, yes, if you've got a bezoar to hand, of course that would do the trick... although as they don't work on everything, and are pretty rare, it's still worth knowing how to mix antidotes..."
"Indeed, it is," Mel grunted, she placed both arms on the table and hid her face between them, her back was killing her. "It's also bloody exhausting..."
"Time to pack up! And an extra ten points to Gryffindor for sheer cheek!"
"I hate you," Mel sat up and glared at Harry.
"You might want to shove this down your throat?" He offered her the bezoar. "See if it gets rid of the venom your spitting?"
"Ha ha," She replied, slapping his hand away.
"Hang on," He leaned over the table and cleaned her face with his thumb. "You have something..."
Harry inched closer and cupped her face as he brushed the dirt off her cheek, his eyes were focused on the task, Mel was desperately trying to ignore his proximity. He locked eyes with her and froze, still holding her.
The girl grabbed all her things and rushed to the doorway, making sure no one was near the dungeon, Harry approached their teacher with tense and quick movements, trying to ignore his wild heartbeats.
"Come on, now, Harry, you two will be late for your next lesson!"
"Sir, we wanted to ask you something."
"Ask away, then, my dear boy, ask away..."
"Sir, I wondered what you know about... about Horcruxes?"
Mel hit her shoulder on accident as she turned. The girl swore through gritted teeth, she really needed to teach her friends how to interrogate people.
"What did you say?" Slughorn asked hoarsely.
"I asked whether you know anything about Horcruxes, sir. You see —"
"Dumbledore put you up to this," Slughorn gave her a panicky look. "Dumbledore's shown you that—that memory. Well? Hasn't he?"
"He did," said Harry.
"Yes, of course, of course... well, if you've seen that memory, Harry, you'll know that I don't know anything — anything — about Horcruxes."
Slughorn walked towards the door decidedly, a fierce and desperate look on his face.
"Sir," Harry followed him, "I just thought there might be a bit more to the memory—"
"Did you? Then you were wrong, weren't you? WRONG!"
Mel moved in time to avoid Slughorn as he rushed out, she looked back at her friend.
"I say we tie him up while he's sleeping and chuck Veritaserum down his throat."
Harry wasn't in the mood for jokes.
"You've turned too brash for your own good," He muttered walking past her.
"I know you'd love to follow my advice!" She responded.
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"Oof!" Mel looked at Harry, he'd grabbed her wrist and was now pulling her all the way back to the end of the Great Hall. "Stop it! You know I hate to be dragged around!"
"You'll want to hear this," He said shortly.
Harry stopped once they found Malfoy, who was arguing heatedly with Crabbe.
"I don't know how much longer, all right?" Malfoy hissed. "It's taking longer than I thought it would... Look, it's none of your business what I'm doing, Crabbe, you and Goyle just do as you're told and keep a lookout!"
"I tell my friends what I'm up to if I want them to keep a lookout for me," Harry said out loud.
Malfoy reached for his wand, but Professor Twycross demanded silence and so the blond boy had to turn his back to them. Harry looked at her as if saying 'Saw that?' before turning his attention back to the front.
"Thank you," said Twycross. "Now then... The important things to remember when Apparating are the three D's!"
Mel snorted, Harry stared at her.
"Sorry," She whispered. "I think my friendship with Ron has started to weigh on me."
"It's the three D's, isn't it?" He asked, Mel giggled.
"Step one: Fix your mind firmly upon the desired destination," Twycross didn't notice the two students in the back having a fit of giggles. "In this case, the interior of your hoop. Kindly concentrate upon that destination now."
The young witch fixed her gaze on the hoop, feeling a bit silly.
"Step two, focus your determination to occupy the visualized space! Let your yearning to enter it flood from your mind to every particle of your body!"
"I'm determined to take a nap after this," Mel whispered. "And I yearn for a good eight hours of sleep..."
"Look at Ernie," Harry grinned, replying just as quietly. "He looks like he's trying to lay a massive egg..."
It took her whole focus not to laugh out loud, she even had to cover her mouth in order to remain quiet.
"Step three, and only when I give the command... Turn on the spot, feeling your way into nothingness, moving with deliberation! On my command, now... one —"
Harry and Mel exchanged a panicky look, they weren't expecting to try and apparate so soon! There was no way they would make it, they hadn't even focused on the lesson!
"— two — THREE!"
All around her students fell and tripped on their hoops, she didn't even try to turn, she knew she wouldn't make it. At the third attempt, Harry was growing weary.
"Put your full focus on the three D's!" Twycross emphasised.
"That's a sentence I hope you never hear during Care of Magical Creatures," Harry told her.
Mel laughed, fortunately for her the teachers got distracted by the high-pitched scream that echoed through the Hall. Susan Bones' leg had been separated from her body.
"Splinching, or the separation of random body parts," said Twycross as they watched Susan Bones get fixed by the Heads of House, "occurs when the mind is insufficiently determined. You must concentrate continuously upon your destination, and move, without haste, but with deliberation..."
"You know," Harry gulped. "I reckon you're right, we should just drive like everyone else..."
Mel was determined to regain her fame as top of the class, and so she stopped her chatter with Harry and focused. She managed to apparate at the end, being the only student to succeed. As soon as he heard her name, Twycross's face lit up with excitement.
"Dumbledore's daughter! Matthew apparated during his first lesson too, definitely knew how to control his mind, and apparently, so does his girl," The man smiled at her. "Very well, Miss Dumbledore, I hope to see you again next Saturday!"
"I hate you," Harry told her as soon as their instructor left, but she could tell he was proud. "Always showing off..."
"Perhaps you'd like it if I take you with me next time? That way you can puke all of your bile..."
He pulled her close and tickled her side, to which she responded by elbowing him away. She was really happy, her magic had responded to her, finally, after all those months feeling stupid. Ron joined them, although he wasn't in a sunny mood.
"How did you do?" He asked, clearly waiting for Harry's answer. "I think I felt something the last time I tried — a kind of tingling in my feet."
"I expect your trainers are too small, Won-Won," Hermione taunted as she walked past.
"I didn't feel anything," Harry responded before Ron could go after Hermione. "But I don't care about that now —"
"What d'you mean, you don't care? Don't you want to learn to Apparate?" said Ron.
"I'm not fussed, really, I prefer flying," said Harry.
"Me too," Mel admitted.
"Easy for you to say, you already did it!"
"And it sucks," She raised a brow. "You lot get excited over things that are torture! I'll never understand wizards..."
"You say it like you're not one of us," Ron rolled his eyes.
"Look, hurry up, will you," Harry urged them. "There's something I want to do..."
"There you are!" Erick stood in their way, Harry was unable to contain his groan. "How was your lesson?"
Mel told the boys to continue without her, then she turned to her boyfriend.
"Wonderful," She smiled. "I'm the first in my class to apparate!"
"Clever girl," He kissed the top of his head. "How about we go to the kitchens and ask for two butterbeers? I think you—"
Erick tripped over something, almost falling face-first on the corridor.
"What's wrong, Flint? Did that big head of yours got in the way?"
It was Faustus, Mel marched up to him and seized his forearm, forcing him to turn around.
"Apologize right now."
"Defending your boyfriend, are you?" Griffin Singh pulled her away from Faustus. "Let me give you some advice, you pesky nutter. He's only loyal to himself, I wouldn't trust him if I were you."
Erick pushed Griffin away.
"Don't touch her," He growled. "If you hex me again, I'll make sure you regret it."
Griffin raised a brow. "I'll keep that in mind. Come Faustus, we better warn the rest..."
The Slytherins marched off with matching evil sneers, Mel turned to look at Erick.
"Has that happened before?"
"Must've thought it'd be funny to attack me while I was with you—That I'd get embarrassed..."
He didn't answer her question, Mel was starting to get really tired of this.
"Well, that proves they don't know you at all," She brushed the dust off his clothes. "You would never get embarrassed about something so silly..."
Erick didn't speak.
"Right?" She urged him to answer.
"'Course not," He remarked, eyes never leaving the boys' distant figures. "I'll get back at them... wait and see."
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Harry had taken as a personal duty to watch Malfoy obsessively with the Marauders' Map. Mel constantly reminded him that they had to get Slughorn's memory, but he quickly brushed the thought away, considering it lacked importance compared to the chance of catching Malfoy.
She sneaked up behind him when he was focused on the map, then spoke in her best Draco impression:
Harry jumped, dropping the map and swearing loudly. She laughed and circled the table to sit in front of him.
"Dumbledore'll get upset if he finds out you're disobeying a direct order."
"I'm allowed to do other things," He frowned.
"You're doing something he explicitly told you not to. If Malfoy isn't a major concern it's because he's already keeping an eye on him. Like Riddle, didn't you say Dumbledore kept track of his activities during his school years?"
"But he never got to catch him! And a girl died because of it—Katie almost did!"
"Your Malfoy conspiracy can wait. What if we study Occlumency for a bit?—So you learn to ground yourself, you improved lots last week..."
Harry let out a short, annoyed scoff as he picked up the map from the floor.
"Don't you have a date with Erick or something? Dunno, anything to keep you off my back."
"You know what," She stood up. "I don't even know why I waste my sympathy on you..."
Mel stormed out of the tower, she managed to hide her awful mood from the people she encountered on her way to the main hall. When she was walking down the marble staircase with Neville (he was on his way to the library) someone called her name, but it was such a quiet and faint voice that she ignored it at first, thinking it was her imagination.
Then it came back, stronger than before. Mel and Neville looked towards a fake tapestry near them: Daphne Greengrass beckoned her to get closer. Neville, who knew Daphne from the D.A., also approached. The young witch pulled in both students so they were all hidden, then she spoke.
"Last night a group of Slytherins dragged Erick out of bed—they woke up half of our house," She spoke fast. "They were six against one, Mel—They took away his wand... There's nothing he could've done."
Her insides twisted and shrank, there was nothing but a dark, hollow fear.
"Malfoy showed up and Griffin looked at him as if waiting for instructions, he merely glanced at Erick before going back to bed—They left him lying there on the floor, he's in the hospital wing—"
Mel couldn't listen to the rest, she moved past her friends and ran. She didn't have to beg to be let in the Hospital wing either, Madam Pomfrey gave her a pitiful look when she saw her, guiding her in while explaining Erick's state.
"I knew you'd show up," The woman sighed. "What they did to him was vile, he had several broken ribs when he got here, and a serious injury at the back of his head—He's out of danger, but he's healing slowly..."
Erick's face was covered in purple and black bruises, he had a deep cut on his lower lip and there was dry blood in his right ear. His arms had scratches, and she could only imagine the state of the rest of his body. Mel spent most of the day next to him, Hermione and Ron went to visit (separately, but it was still a nice gesture) one brought her lunch and the other dinner.
Friends of Erick also showed up, Leanne and some Hufflepuff and Ravenclaws from the seventh year. To these people he was the quiet and clever Slytherin Headboy, they liked him. The news about Flint's attack spread quickly around the school, most students were outraged, he'd been looking after the younger students that whole year, people knew who he truly was and wanted to do justice.
They wanted the names of the people that had done this, but Mel knew that would result in more attacks and possibly the next person would end up worse. Erick had never been one to appreciate when other people tried to fight his battles, he would wake up to get things done, but that day he wasn't likely to do so.
When Mel was escorted by Madam Pomfrey out of the hospital, all she wanted was to go to bed and sleep, she wanted to wake up to good news for once. However, outside she found Harry waiting for her. Behind her the doors closed slowly, Harry stepped forward and she noticed he didn't have the Marauders' Map with him.
"I wanted to be here sooner," He explained. "Hermione told me Erick hasn't woken up yet and that maybe you'd like to be alone once he did so I just... sat there waiting. How is he?"
"Not well."
The girl let out a short sob and Harry reacted out of instinct, he quickly wrapped his arms around her, rubbing her back in soothing patterns. He promised Erick would get better, that they would find out who'd done this to him, and he kept promising so many things that the words stopped making sense to her.
She didn't need to understand, though. Harry was talking just so she had something to listen to apart from her own shattering cries.
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Next Chapter —>
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jovialyouthmusic · 4 years
Two’s Company
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Brad retrieves a vital memory, and Lucy goes to visit Hana and Sophia Lykel at the Palace.
Word Count 3973
A/N No smut, some drama and a lot of fluff. Still, due to the adult nature of other chapters No under 18s please
8 Looking to the Future
‘Sorry I’m late. Thanks for your patience, Miss…?’
‘Uh, Lucy’ The young woman looked at him with a strange expression, as if she had been knocked off balance.
As had he. There was something about her that he couldn’t put his finger on. None of the ladies of the Cordonian Court had whatever it was she had. His stomach did somersaults and his heart faltered as he gazed into her eyes, hypnotised. He pulled himself together.
‘Charmed to make your acquaintance, Lucy’ The words came easily as soon as he drew himself up into what Drake called ‘regal mode’ – the role he had practiced with his brother but never thought he’d have to fulfil. Apparently the young woman was having similar problems, as it was a second or so before she responded with…
‘The pleasure’s all mine. It’s nice to meet you’ The strange vacant expression on her face cleared, and she tucked her note pad into her apron pocket with a smile ‘Now let me put your order in. Be right back’ She turned and whisked away behind the bar, leaving him feeling like a fish stranded on dry land, and he stood gawking.
‘Brad – Brad?’ The voice seemed to come from far away. He didn’t want to answer it. He wanted to wait for the young woman to come back. He wanted to put on his best smile and charm her into lingering at the table.
‘He didn’t hit his head, did he? Please tell me he didn’t’
‘No, he went down like a bag of rocks, but he didn’t hit his head’
‘I didn’t think he’d take it like this. Should we call a doctor?’
‘He’s coming round – his eyes are flickering’ The voice was Maxwells. He opened his eyes to see his friend bending over him, a look of consternation on his face. Behind him was Drake, and beside him…
‘Miss - Lucy? Is our order ready yet?’ His own voice seemed strange, and his head hurt. He was lying on the floor, and went to sit up. That made his head feel worse, and he put his hand up, groaning. His mind was a whirl of images and voices. The young woman was by his side, supporting him and murmuring quietly. She smelled of roses and lavender.
‘Brad, take it easy. It’s okay, I’m here – and Drake, and Max’ He looked beyond her at Drake. One moment he knew who Lucy was, the next – she was a stranger. He tried to get up, and Drake helped him to a seat in the booth. It looked exactly like…
‘The dive bar – in New York’ Half of his mind understood, half did not. ‘Lucy’ his head snapped toward her ‘We met here’ She sat heavily at his words, tears welling up in her eyes and a weak smile on her face.
‘You remember’ she said, her voice faltering.
‘I - I’m not sure’ He rubbed his forehead. ‘It comes and goes.’ His hand fell to his lap and words poured from his mouth. ‘We were in New York, on my bachelor party. Drake arranged it’ Lucy was nodding, eyes bright. ‘We went to a bar like this – Max was here – and Tariq.’ He looked round ‘Where is Tariq?’ Lucy shuddered.
‘One step at a time, Brad’ she said softly ‘don’t try too hard, let it come naturally’ He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His face cleared, his expression peaceful.
‘You took me to the Statue of Liberty’ he murmured. ‘You were – like nobody I’d ever met before’ he reached out to caress her cheek. ‘Thankyou Lucy’ The two of them sat staring at each other until Maxwell piped up.
‘Yay, Brad remembers. Now where’s those burgers?’
‘So I had the staff make the cellar out like my old bar and went into town to buy this outfit’ Lucy said as she munched away on her burger. Max was on his second and Drake had gone to fetch more barbeque sauce and salad. Alcohol was again off the menu, despite them sitting in the mock up of the dive bar Lucy had worked in when Drake had taken Maxwell, Tariq and Brad there. Drake was still not drinking and of course Lucy couldn’t. Brad felt a little guilty for having had a small whiskey beforehand.
‘Strictly speaking, if we’re going for authenticity, you should be serving at the bar, not eating with us’ Drake pointed out. Lucy reached across and punched his upper arm. He yelped and rubbed at it ruefully.
‘Shut up, you. All that matters is Brad remembering when we met’ she said sharply, then turned back to him. He was feeling a lot better with some food in his stomach, and his memory was consolidating.
‘I do!’ he said triumphantly. ‘I remember that evening. I remember waking up the next morning and wishing I could see you again, then…’ his face fell. ‘That’s it so far’ Lucy patted his hand.
‘It’s a start. We’ll try revisiting some other meetings, but I’ll check with  the doctor again and make sure you don’t have a reaction like this one.’ She frowned ‘You fainted clean away. I’ve never seen anything like it. How did it feel?’ He put his burger down and wrinkled his forehead.
‘It was all muddled. Seeing you in that outfit – it was so confusing, but it must have triggered something. I just – blacked out when it got too complicated. It was – it was like an electrical fault. Everything flickered.’ He nodded in affirmation ‘and then the memory remained.’
‘I’m so happy’ Lucy said, scooting closer to him on the bench and putting her head on his shoulder. He put his arm around her and kissed the top of her head, but inwardly he wasn’t sure just how much more he was going to recall, or even if the memory he had just unearthed would remain. The question of where Tariq was niggled at him, but he could tell that it was something Lucy didn’t want to talk about.
Drake returned with more food, and Brad smiled to himself. Both he and Maxwell had healthy appetites – it was perhaps the only thing they had in common. Usually they bickered and sniped at each other, but Lucy seemed to affect the two of them in a positive way.
‘It’s the Lucy effect’ he said aloud, another memory bubbling up. Wherever she went, she inspired and united people. She was a catalyst, changing others but remaining the same. He was so lucky to have met her, and even more fortunate to have ended up marrying her – even if he couldn’t remember it. She twisted to look up at him, her expression bright.
‘Oh, you remember that?’ she said. ‘That wasn’t so long ago – or at least you told me just after we called Drake…’ her voice trailed off as Brad looked blank, and shook his head.
‘I may have made some progress, but something tells me we still have a long way to go’
Understandably, Lucy wanted Brad to sleep with her that night, so Drake and Maxwell sat up in the mock bar shooting the breeze.
‘It looks like Lucy’s idea worked’ Maxwell remarked ‘But I suppose you’re not letting the whole story out to the press. How is he really?’ He leaned forward on his elbows and Drake sighed heavily.
‘It’s odd. Without Lucy I don’t know how he’d cope – but he can only remember snippets of their time together. There’s other bits missing from his memory, but we can’t find anything in common with the gaps’
‘That must be hard, man’ He seemed lost for words for a moment and leaned back into the padded back of the bench. Drake was unsure about whether to tell him about Lucy’s pregnancy. She’d not mentioned it to Max herself and had been too preoccupied with setting up their distraction to discuss the matter with him. Drake’s sister knew, but he didn’t trust Max not to accidentally let it slip. That was a solid ‘no’ then.
‘So what else are you going to try?’ Maxwell asked ‘I could do an interpretive dance if you like’ Drake snorted.
‘I’ll take a pass, thanks. But the next thing has to be the Ball. Lucy still has the dress she wore, and there’s a charity event coming up for the orphanage.’ Maxwell pushed out his bottom lip and nodded.
‘See, I wasn’t far off the mark.’ He yawned ‘I’d better get to bed. Lucy said she’d arranged to see Hana tomorrow, so I said I’d give her a lift’ Drake blanched as Max got up and stretched.
‘Please tell me you’re not driving.’ Max scoffed as Drake’s expression changed.
‘You and Bertrand – I don’t know why you don’t trust me behind the wheel. Don’t worry, I’ve got my driver, remember.’ Drake scowled.
‘Just because you’ve got a chauffeur doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be in the driving seat.’ He glared at the younger man ‘Promise me you’ll sit in the back with Lucy, or so help me…’
‘It’s fine, I’d rather sit with her than drive. Then we can hold hands and canoodle…’ he dodged as Drake lunged at him, but he failed and ended up with Drake’s fist grasping his shirt front, other fist cocked. ‘Joke, Drake, joke!’ he squeaked ‘She’s already got two men to keep her happy, I’d never…’ Drake let him go, and he readjusted his tie.
‘You’d better not have any ideas’ he growled.
‘Of course not, she’s like a sister to me’ Max said reassuringly ‘And…’ he looked down at his feet, shuffling uncomfortably. ‘I think I’ve met someone.’ He looked up quickly ‘But don’t ask me anything, I don’t want to jinx it’
‘Fine, Max, find. Just don’t even hint at making my life any more complicated’ Drake shook his head ‘You have no idea’ Max looked at him with sympathy.
‘You can always talk to me, y’know. Friendly ear, a trouble halved – all that’ Drake softened. Max meant well, he was sincere – but he couldn’t risk it.
‘Thanks. I appreciate it, but maybe another time, Max. I’ll get off to bed too. See you in the morning’
The following day, true to his word Max set off with Lucy, and under Drake’s watchful eye made a show of sitting in the back seat with her. Hana had been at Ramsford helping to look after Bartie, but she was at the Palace ready to help Bastien and Sophia when the twins came. She had discovered that she doted on small children and babies, and Savannah had recommended her as support and babysitter. Maxwell was only stopping to say hello before going back home to help or hinder his brother.
Hana waited for Lucy at the front of the Palace, and hugged her tight as she got out of the car. Bastien hovered behind her keeping a respectful distance.
‘Lucy, you look amazing!’ she smiled ‘How’s his Majesty?’
‘Brad is improving’ she said ‘But it’s difficult to say how much of his memory he’ll get back’ She turned to Bastien ‘How’s Sophia? It can’t be long now’ He stepped forward and took her offered hand, clasping warmly it in both of his.
‘She’s – well to be honest she’s cranky and bored’ he smiled ruefully. ‘Thankyou for asking, your Majesty. If you have time to pop in to our rooms and say hello she’d be grateful’ Bastien and Sophia had married shortly after Anton’s trial, and he had stepped down from his role as Captain when Sophia became pregnant. He was still employed as security advisor and also sat on the new Council that Brad had set up to break the power of the nobility and involve commoners more in the running of the country. For the time being they still lodged at the Palace, moving into a larger suite in the staff wing, and planned to move to their own place when they had settled more into family life.
‘I’ve ordered afternoon tea in my suite. I know it’s only lunchtime, but I thought I’d be rebellious’ Hana interjected, a hint of mischief in her eyes. ‘Sophia’s more than welcome to come along’ Bastien made a face.
‘That’s most kind of you, but she’s suffering from heartburn and can only tolerate small meals’ he replied.
‘I could go and see her first’ Lucy smiled ‘I’d like to talk to her and Hana together if it’s possible’ Bastien ran his fingers through his carefully styled hair, and Lucy wondered how his personal grooming routine would stand up to dealing with newborn twins.
‘I’ll go and ask her now – I’ll let you know, your Grace’ he inclined his head politely and went back into the Palace. Lucy turned back to the car.
‘Thanks for bringing me, Max’ she said ‘Say hi to Savannah for me. I’ll try and pop by in a week or so. Are you coming in?’
‘Nah’ Maxwell waved his hand dismissively ‘Savvy’s been texting me asking when I’ll be back, so Bartie’s probably playing up. Fun Uncle Maxie is needed’ he winked, gave her a salute and got back into the car. ‘Ramsford next – full speed ahead, Steve’ Within seconds the car had set off back down the drive.
‘What’s the betting he’ll be in trouble with Bertrand before the end of the day?’ Hana laughed. ‘Now then, you said you had some important news for me’
‘I do, but it’s strictly hush hush, and I’d like to tell Bastien and Sophia too’ Hana clapped her hands delightedly.
‘Oh – I think I can guess’ she cried, ‘More cuddles for Auntie Hana?’ Lucy looked around carefully
‘’Shhh don’t let on, it’s a secret, but you guessed right’ Lucy smiled ‘I hope Sophia’s feeling up to us visiting’
‘Oh she’s fine, she just likes to keep Bastien on his toes’ she giggled. ‘We might as well make our way there, she’ll be delighted to see you’ The two women went into the Palace and strolled the corridors on their way to the Staff wing. Just as Hana predicted, they were only halfway there when Bastien caught up with them.
‘Sophia says go right on in. If you’ll excuse me your Grace, I have a meeting. Lady Hana knows where to go’
‘Could you spare us five minutes first please, Bastien?’ Lucy asked ‘I have some news I’d like to share’ He frowned, looking at his watch, then looked up brightly.
‘They can’t start without me, so of course. Follow me’ He stopped outside the door to his quarters and paused ‘If you don’t mind, can I ask how the King is coping? He seemed to be doing quite well when he was here, but of course you’d notice more’
‘He’s improving. We’re building up a relationship. It’s almost as if we’d just met, but he’s accepted who I am and we’re working on it. I’m planning a few events to jog his memory, and we’ve had some success already.’ Bastien nodded solemnly.
‘That sounds good. Now come on in’ He ushered them inside to the lounge, the décor and furnishings showing Sophia’s softening influence on Bastien’s love of order and neatness. Sophia rose to greet them, belly prominent. She wasn’t a slight build, but Lucy wondered how her body could possibly adapt to growing two offspring. Sophia put her hand in the small of her back, and Bastien rushed over to help steady her.
‘Be careful theà mou, not too fast’ he chided, and she rolled her eyes.
‘Stop fussing, Bas. I need to get up every now and again, I can’t just sit.’ she muttered, but still held onto his arm as she made a tiny curtsey, grimacing slightly as she rose. Lucy went forward to take her hand. ‘So good of you to come, your majesty - sorry, hugs aren’t really practical right now’ Sophia smiled ruefully ‘I can hardly remember what it’s like to be a normal size.’
‘Please, call me Lucy – you too, Bas. There’s nobody to judge your lack of formality.’ She and Hana sat, and Sophia lowered herself back into her easy chair with Bastien’s help. He pulled up a footstool and helped her to rest her feet.
‘I’d offer you tea, but I can’t stomach it at the moment. I’m sure you’ll have a lovely meal with Hana’ Sophia grimaced a little, and her partner solicitously rearranged the cushions for her. She touched his hand gratefully and gazed up at him. It was obvious that they were devoted to each other, and Lucy envied them for a moment, despite Brad’s returning memory and affection.
‘I’m glad Bastien could join us’ Lucy started, her hands in her lap. She drew a deep breath. ‘It’s early days and we’re keeping it quiet for the moment, but… I’m pregnant. If all goes well, Cordonia will have a new heir in seven months’ Sophia’s hand flew to her mouth in surprise, and Bastien beamed broadly.
‘I suspected as such. Congratulations, I trust his Majesty is pleased. I know he’s always wanted a family’ Sophia was smiling after her initial shock.
‘Oh your – Lucy, that’s marvellous news! Don’t mind me complaining about all this’ she rubbed her belly. ‘You’ve caught me at the worst stage, and I’m told it’s not difficult.’ she rolled her eyes at Bastien.
‘Now that’s not what I said, theà mou’ he started ‘I just pointed out how many women…’ she smacked his hand.
‘Stop mansplaining. I don’t care what other women did, every pregnancy is different’ she snapped, her sunny mood breaking a little, and he winced. She turned to Lucy. ‘If you need any advice, ask away. How’s the morning sickness?’ It was Lucy’s turn to grimace.
‘Not pleasant’ she sighed. ‘Dry biscuits help’
‘I was lucky, it didn’t last too long, but this last trimester is a beast with two on the way. I feel as big as a whale’ Sophia sighed.
‘Well, I have to go’ Bastien said, and bent to kiss his wife ‘Is there anything you need?’
‘No, I’ll be fine. I’ll call housekeeping if I do’ He was almost at the door when she called him ‘Oh, but you could bring me some Ben and Jerrys when you get back’ He paused mid stride and turned. His face was impassive and his tone neutral.
‘Of course, my goddess, what flavour?’
‘Surprise me’ He blanched slightly at that, but smiled and made a little bow to Lucy and left. Sophia threw back her head and groaned.
‘Oh my god, there’s nothing I can do to rattle him.’ She looked at the two women’s astonished expressions and pursed her lips. ‘Bas is just so bloody perfect. I’m trying to get him to crack, it’s my only entertainment right now, he won’t let me go anywhere. Not that there’s anywhere I want to go, and I can only really manage a waddle.’ Hana made a sympathetic noise.
‘Are you sure you won’t take early afternoon tea with us? I can always have it brought here’ Sophia picked at a piece of lint on the swell of her belly, sighing heavily.
‘No, it’s fine. I’m pretty tired, I’m going to try and have a nap’ She stopped and made a little squeak and Lucy swore she could see a tiny lump appear and disappear on her baby bump. ‘If these two hooligans let me. I swear they’re having a party in there’
‘Well, I’m sorry you’re having a hard time, but it won’t be long now’ Lucy said ‘You’re welcome to come stay at Valtoria and have extra hands to help, and it will give the boys a taste of what’s to come.’
‘I’m pretty sure we’ll have that here, but if we want a change of scene I’m sure Bas will bring me over’ Sophia made as if to rise out of her seat, but Lucy put out her hand to stop her.
‘Please don’t get up again. We’ll see ourselves out. We could ask a member of staff to come and sit with you’
‘Oh don’t worry, Bas checks on me regularly. I have a panic button and he actually tunes into my fitness tracker to check my heartbeat. One of his staff hacked into it and he can keep tabs on me with his phone.’ She showed her the band she wore on her wrist. ‘If I really want to freak him out all I have to do is take it off. He’d get an alarm message and he’d be here so fast it would cause a sonic boom’ Lucy chuckled.
‘When it comes down to it I’ll probably have either Drake or Brad hovering at my side twenty four seven when I get near my due date. Probably sooner knowing them’
‘Well good luck.’ Sophia smiled ‘Thanks so much for coming. Are you staying long?’
‘No, I’m staying over and going back in the morning, but I’ll be back for a few days with Brad when the charity ball’s on. I have a plan to jog his memory’ Lucy could see Sophia was a little flushed and she looked tired, so the two women left her to rest.
Back at Hana’s quarters, afternoon tea was beautifully presented on a table by the window overlooking the grounds. She could see the maze and the knot garden, and in the distance, the summerhouse was hidden in the trees by the lake. Lucy eyed the spread of food laid out, wide eyed. Tiny sandwiches, savouries and pastries were arranged on a cake stand, and a jug of sparkling apple juice stood ready with two glasses.
‘Oh my goodness, is that Brie on the cracker? The guys would freak if they saw – and chorizo?’
‘Don’t worry, it’s safe’ Hana smiled ‘I tried to get a few things that look naughty but aren’t. You can eat anything on the table. All the cheeses are made with pasteurised milk, and the meats are vegan substitutes. I even taste tested them to check how good they are. The kitchens had already sourced a lot of pregnancy friendly things thanks to Bastien.’
‘Well, it all looks spectacular, and I’ll ask for them to send their recommendations to the Cook at Valtoria.’
‘Tuck in’ Hana smiled ‘How’s your appetite?’ Lucy frowned as Hana picked up a tartlet.
‘It’s increasing. The guys don’t know it, but I have a secret chocolate stash in my study. I locked it away in the desk and keep the key in my purse’
‘Well, you’re eating for two’ Lucy picked up a tiny sausage and popped it into her mouth, rolling her eyes at the spicy tang.
‘What is it about men trying to control what we do and what we eat? I’m only eight weeks in and already Brad’s turned into the food police.’
‘Let me guess, Drake sneaks you a few treats’ Hana giggled ‘He always did like to challenge authority’
‘Not so far, but they are kind of ‘good husband, bad husband’’ Lucy replied ‘Whatever one insists on, the other one vetoes. It’ll probably be the same with our kids. They’ll be champions at playing one off against the other.’
‘They mean well, I’m certain’ Hana picked up a dainty sandwich and nibbled at it ‘They only want to make sure you’re properly looked after’
‘I suppose so’ Lucy sighed ‘I just like a bit of alone time to feel normal, you know, and not have to think about it constantly’
‘Well you can always come and visit me, though I may have my hands full with the twins if all goes well’
‘Even better, I can get some first hand experience.’ Hana poured some sparkling water out for the two of them.
‘Let’s drink to Sophia and Bastien’s new family, and to yours too’ she smiled, and they clinked glasses and drank to the future.
@sirbeepsalot @fluffyfirewhiskey @katedrakeohd @dcbbw @camillemontespan​ @kingliam2019​ @notoriouscs​ @texaskitten30
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