#and then the waterworks are never going to stop so i just have to end it right fucking there
remyfire · 6 months
Okay, so, lot of thoughts about the BJ vs Trapper thing. First, you were absolutely correct, I am a Trapper girlie deep down, but BJ stole my heart within only a few minutes. Trap might just barely win as my favorite, but I think it's because watching those first three seasons made me fall fully in love with the show. So if he is my favorite, it's more sentimentality reasons rather than being a better character or partner to Hawkeye, you know?
While watching both Preventative Medicine and Period of Adjustment, I did realize that BJ and Hawkeye butt heads more often than Trap and Hawk. The show made that very clear to see. But that being said, I don't think it's a bad thing. Trap was definitely more of an enabler, and I think sometimes Hawkeye does need someone to bring him back down to earth. Trapper was also much more pessimistic than BJ seems to be, and I think it's good for Hawkeye to have someone to help pull him out of his spirals a little easier when he starts to get too deep. Again, not that Trap was unable to do that, but I think BJ has a slightly more positive view on things than Trapper did. But at the same time, having someone with that easy friendship where you can think the same thing without even speaking like Trapper and Hawkeye had can be so nice. They were often so in sync with each other, and I think having someone feel and think the same way also helped Hawkeye feel less alone over in Korea.
Regarding both of them knocking Hawkeye away, I think a bit of a disservice was done to BJ by making his episode and moment a bit heavier than Trapper's. When Trap whacked Hawkeye with that bag, it was played much more as a joke. When BJ blew up, it fell more on the drama side of the show. So regardless of my personal feelings, I do think both of these scenes would be seen very differently if they were both played in the same tone. As it stands, having BJ's lean away from the comedy made it feel much more charged than Trapper's, even if the overall situation is the same for both of them.
Personally, this doesn't take away any of my love for BJ. It gives him nuance and depth. We hear him talk about missing his family, but this is the first time we really *see* it have an effect on him. And while I do wish he would have directly apologized to Hawkeye, I think that was an extra layer of his emotional onion that he was just not able to peel back at that time. Even though he didn't say the words, I think he showed his remorse by opening up to Hawkeye, going to him for comfort, helping him rebuild the still. I still think Hawkeye deserves a real apology for being hurt like that, but I think he also knows that BJ feels bad and didn't truly mean to hurt him. That being said, I think he also deserves an apology from Trapper, but Hawk and Trap's relationship was always a bit less explicitly emotional than BJ and Hawkeye's has been.
Also, this may all be sentimentality speaking. There are two scenes I remember the exact wording of from when I watched this show as a kid so many years ago, and one of them is "You know what I did today? I hit the best friend I ever had." And even the first time I saw that, even without knowing their full backstory, that line spoke to me so much that I've remembered it all these years. I remembered the pain in BJ's voice when he said it, the tears in his eyes, the way he looked at Hawkeye when he spoke. To me, it showed the depth of their friendship, even without the several seasons of backstory. It told me that BJ cared, and he felt remorse, and also had a kind of love for Hawkeye that I only hoped people could have for me. Like I said, it may be sentimentality speaking, but I think that was a hugely powerful scene.
All this to say: I don't think it affects my love or BJ or him and Hawkeye as a ship. It's definitely a tough episode to watch, and I think it's also a hurdle they might have to work a little to get past, but personally it made no difference for me in my enjoyment of his character. All it did for me was add more depth to BJ, show me his experiences of the horrors of war, and make him more of an interesting character. And thank you for posing such a question! It was definitely in line with the hints of a thought I had on my own after watching this episode, and it was very fun to delve deeper in and really analyze what I thought and why I thought that. And of course I could probably go on further, because I clearly love talking about these boys. But thank you for the question and thank you for sharing your thoughts too!
Hi anon, you said all of this so articulately that I am honestly struggling to come up with an in-depth response because I am just sitting here chin-handsing and thinking about all three of our boys with very, very large emotions. You and I really do seem to be like-minded regarding quite a bit about how we absorbed these experiences and let them coalesce into the wider narrative and relationships therein.
So instead I'm just going to think about how after the war, what this means is that all three of them are going to [I am hooked and removed from the stage]
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rfxiii · 10 months
could I request hcs for franklin, trevor, and michael on how they would go about apologizing or making it up to you after they did something wrong (I feel like I'm not making sense lol 😆 but basically I'm asking how would they get back on your good side after messing up big time) if requests are close, I apologize!!
(This totally makes sense, no worries! And my requests are always open, so feel free to send an ask whenever you’d like- I’m just a little slow atm. Also, I’m sorry about the long wait, and I hope you like it ☺️)
Franklin, Trevor, and Michael making up with you after an argument:
Franklin Clinton:
Arguments with Franklin are fairly rare. He’s a pretty level headed, loyal partner. But, like every relationship, arguments do happen.
Despite being kind, loyal, and loving, Franklin is also stubborn. It can be the cause of several of your arguments. And can also lead to him refusing to admit he’s wrong right away.
But once he does realize he’s been wrong, and understands that he’s upset you, he’ll go to the ends of the earth to make it up to you.
He’ll come to you like a sad puppy- curling up beside and gently taking your hands in his. He’s had time to think about what went wrong, and what was done to start the argument to begin with. He wants to talk it over, wants to get to the root of the problem to make sure it never happens again. He’ll stay up all night talking with you, and apologizing, until he’s sure everything is resolved and that you’ve forgiven him.
He may buy you something small and sweet the day after the fight. A teddy bear or a bouquet of roses aren’t uncommon after the two of you have had a disagreement. And for a few days afterwards, he treats you especially gently. He hates hurting your feelings or making you mad. So, he wants to prove just how much he does love you. Even if you two do argue.
Trevor Philips:
Arguments with Trevor are fairly commonplace. He’s set in his insane ways, and always self assured that he’s right. He’s more apt to listen to reason when it comes to you. But his erratic, wild behavior, and bad, dangerous habits are normally the root of arguments between you two.
There are several ways things can go after you two argue. But more often than not, it’s a couple days of passive aggressive comments and the silent treatment, until he’s convinced that this is the fight that’s going to split you guys apart. And then comes the waterworks.
He comes, literally, crawling back to you on his hands and knees, sobbing and snot nosed as he begs you not to leave him. He’s usually fairly high when he breaks down like this, so talking to him is slightly difficult. But he babbles at you non stop- telling you how much he loves you, how sorry he is, how he’s “such a worthless shit”.
The true talking it out usually comes the next morning, or afternoon, depending on how fucked up he got. But after his tears dry up and he’s caught his breath from all the sobbing, his usual method of making up with you is desperate, clingy sex. He doesn’t have a very good grasp on such big emotions, so he shows them physically instead of verbally. And you can feel his love and remorse through every press of his lips and every touch of his rough, scarred hands.
Michael De Santa:
He has issues with loyalty and honesty. You knew that before you got with him. But it doesn’t make the arguments that ensure because of it any easier.
He’s stubborn, self assured, and hot headed. Getting Michael to admit he’s wrong is like pulling teeth. And getting him to apologize is harder than winning a one man war. Once you two start to fight, it can last for days. And because of his petty, passive aggressive attitude, he sometimes tends to make things twice as bad.
It’s almost never that you hear him actually say “I’m sorry”. But eventually, after a few days of fighting, he realizes he’s being a child and understands that he was wrong. Even if he won’t admit it. So, he shows it the best way he knows how. Through gifts.
You’ll come home to find expensive jewelry on your pillow, or a new outfit hung up for you in the closet. He’ll have your favorite dinner made, and he’ll buy the wine he knows you like the best. He won’t apologize to you. But over dinner, he’ll take your hand, tell you how beautiful you look, and say something like “Let’s not fight anymore, angel. You know I hate seeing you upset.”
You know he’s too prideful to apologize. So, usually it’s just easier to cut your losses and accept that, while he’ll never verbally apologize, this is his version of saying “I’m sorry”. You know he truly is apologetic, and you love him, so you both agree to let this go and move on. He’s a good man, he’s just a little emotionally immature at times.
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sturnioloshacker · 10 months
argument apologies - a matt sturniolo short
a/n: requested by @stupendousoperatorwolfathlete; lowercase intended
cw: very angsty but has a fluffy ending
summary: a heated argument results in physical contact
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in the dimly lit living room, matt and i are engaged in a heated argument. the tension thickened with every exchanged word until, in a moment of frustration, matt's hand swung accidentally, making contact with my cheek. time seemed to freeze as shock registered on both our faces. stunned, i recoiled and fled to the bathroom, the door slamming shut behind me. i lean back against the door, holding my cheek as i slide down the door in tears. why did he do that? what caused him to do that? i said nothing to offend him. it’s his fault that i’m pissed off. 
the tears haven’t stopped. i’m so angry and upset right now, it’s going to take a lot to get me to be happy again. i silence my flowing waterworks when i hear footsteps inching closer to the bathroom door. then it’s complete silence. am I hearing things? after what felt like an eternity, i hear a gentle knock, signalling matt’s remorse and guilt. 
“baby, i’m so sorry. can you please let me in so i can explain?”
i hesitated but opened the bathroom slightly, coming face to face with the boy who i adore but who also just broke my heart. matt’s eyes mirrored regret as he spoke.
“i never meant for any of this. i let my anger get the best of me, and i’m truly sorry."
“i’m really hurt, matt. not just physically but mentally and emotionally. i can’t believe you chose to hit me. what did i do to deserve that, huh?” i say, tears still streaming down my face.
“i should never have raised my hand, and i promise it will never happen again. i care about you, and i can't stand the thought of hurting you. i can’t stand the thought of arguing with you either. i hate both of those with a passion. i’m so fucking sorry, my love. if you need more time to yourself, i understand. but i really am so sorry.”
i felt a sense of sincerity in his voice as he spoke, his own eyes welling with tears. he begins to walk away from the bathroom, wanting to give me space, but not before looking back with a sad smile on his face. i close the bathroom door, conflicted at the situation i’m in. i love the boy with every fibre of my being, i really do, but he stepped over the boundary line. i don’t know what to do. i decide to message nick and chris and get their opinion.
y: guys, i have a problem
n: everything okay? 
c: is it matt? is it you? what happened?
y: long story short, matt hit me during an argument, he apologised but now i don’t know what to do
n: what a fucking idiot!
c: dickhead
y: okay, okay calm down please! i don’t want this ruining your relationship with your brother
n: so he apologised?
y: yes
c: i reckon you should talk to him. he just messaged me a whole essay about your situation and he’s really upset and defeated by it
n: i agree with chris for once. he’s not going to let it go until you forgive him. he loves you so much, he really does
y: i’ll go talk it out with him. thanks guys 💕
i head to matt’s room, knocking on the door. being told to come in, i slowly make my way in. i gasp at the view in front of me. tissues sprawled everywhere, a sweater of mine on the floor and his figure curled up on his bed. 
“matt, please look at me.” i whisper, picking up my sweater from the floor.
matt slowly looks up at me, his eyes all red and cheeks puffy. his lips are all swollen from the tears he wept. 
“oh matty”, i sigh, another load of tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
“baby, i-“
“shh, shh, shh. it’s okay, bub. i forgive you. one argument and one slap isn’t going to destroy our relationship. i love you way too damn much to let some lame argument get in the way of what we have.”
“oh thank god. i love you so much, thank you for forgiving me. can i get a hug?”
“of course you can.”
i lean into his embrace, only to be pulled in closer. the hug is gentle yet full of love. i feel matt’s fingers lightly scratch my back while i play with matt’s hair, our fingers dancing along their respective areas. i look up at the boy, my heart beating super fast at the adoration and pure love i have for him. i press my lips to his, the kiss igniting a fire deep inside us. that night, we fell asleep, cuddled up nice and close in each other’s arms. the world around us started moving again, everything was back to how it was and our relationship was still intact. 
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redhead1180 · 5 months
I see you
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Pairing - JJ x fem!reader
Summary - After Y/N, JJ's best friend, has an embarrassing encounter with another guy, JJ finally decides to step up and claim what he wants.
Warnings MDNI - Cursing, embarrassing situation in front of people, oral (m & f receiving), degradation (r degrades self), self-esteem issues, unprotected sex (p in v, wrap before you tap it), creampie, praising
Words - 4.0k
A/N - I don't usually write fluffy smut, but here we are, and I hope you like it. I usually don't describe readers, I want reader to put themselves in the story, but this one is a bit personal. It's kinda autobiographical in it is similar to how my boyfriend and I got together. I NEED to thank @jjxkiaraxpopexcleoxjohnbxsarah for the beautiful moodboard she made for my story. I love u girl 😘! Did not get beta read, wanted to get this out since I have had it almost done for a month.
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I couldn't stop the tears that fell down my face, as I drove to my home away from home, the Chateau. I probably shouldn't be driving, but had to get away from the embarrassment at school. God I was such an idiot for thinking that Brandon might like me. For the past month, he had been sweet, a little flirty, getting to know me, but all he really wanted was to get in with Kie. He wanted her, not me. Kie didn't like him already and when she found this out was probably gonna punch him, which did make me smile. Kie was my best friend and always had my back.
I finally pull up to John B's house and take a deep breath. This place always seemed to calm me or maybe it was my friends. My family of misfits I started collecting at the ripe age of 5. It started with JJ, I met him on the playground and thought he looked like a lost puppy with his big blue eyes, unruly blonde (almost white) hair, dirt on his face, and torn clothes. I remember asking if he wanted a friend and he said sure and we became inseparable. Then in 3rd grade I collected John B, another lost puppy, then Pope, Kie, and last Sarah. Well honestly John B collected her, but she was family now.
Wiping the tears off my cheeks, I get out of the car and head in the house. I wasn’t sure if anyone was home, so I grabbed a beer and went out to the back porch. And there laying on the couch, on his stomach, fast asleep was the original lost puppy, JJ himself. His dad was out of jail and he hadn't been to school the last few days, which was never a good thing. Again, a calm washed over me, stilling my mind, and momentarily squashing the rage.
Walking over to the couch, I run my fingers through JJ's hair and whisper a "scoot" in his ear. He grunts but raises his head enough for me to slip under him and sit, before putting it back down in your lap. You guys sit there a bit in silence, me sipping the beer looking out at the marsh while JJ slept. Eventually he begins to stir and rolls over to look up at you.
"What's got you drinking in the middle of the day, princess?" he asks his voice all husky and sleepy.
"Bad day" I grumble, taking another long swig.
He grabs the end of some of my hair, swinging it around. "Ok, tell Papa J your troubles, let's see if I can fix them." he teases.
"I don't think you can fix this one J, not anything to fix really" I mumble as I look down at him tears forming in my eyes again.
"Woah, hey, hey, what's with the waterworks" he asks, concern in his voice, as he sits up and pulls me in a hug.
I shrug "Just another miserable day in my love life, if you can call it that" I sniffle.
JJ stiffens a little, although I don't pay it much mind. He pulls back to look at me and asks "Um, what happened"
"Well," I sigh "Turns out Brandon didn't want to go out with me, he just wanted to use me to get to Kie" I turn to take another swig of beer. "He decides today in study hall, he would ask about if I could give him Kie's digits. When I asked why, he said so he could ask her out. I must have looked confused, cause he laughs and says, Oh you didn't think I was into you did you?" I down another sip of beer "I said Well yeah, he laughs, literally laughs in my face JJ. I was so humiliated I just got up and walked out. He hollers back at me, so is that a no?" I down the rest of the beer.
I finally look at JJ and he is red in the face and has a murderous look in his eyes, "I'mma kill him" he growls.
"I might let you" I tearfully chuckle "I mean what is wrong with me? I know I'm not as pretty as Kie and Sarah. My hair is this ugly red and I'm covered in freckles, I hate it. But fuck. I know I'm not as brash as Kie or bubbly as Sarah, but I like to have fun. I know I seem bookish, but that is cause I really want out of this town. I just don't see why guys can't see me." I throw my head back on the couch out of breath.
*I see you" JJ almost whispers.
I snap my head up and look at him. "What?" I ask quietly.
JJ stands up and goes to the porch screen and stares out for a minute, I'm about to ask him again, when he looks down, does a little nod. I hear him mumble "fuck it" and turns back to me.
"I suck at this shit, but here goes. I see you" he says "No you're not as pretty Kie or Sarah, you're prettier. They don't hold a candle to you, nobody does on this godforsaken island" He starts to pace a little, wringing his hands, as if figuring out what to say "Your hair isn't an ugly red, it's the colors of the sunset. The reds, golds, and oranges that people take tons of pictures of cause it is so fucking beautiful, that's what I see everyday when I look at you. Your freckles? They make your skin glow in the summer, like your some kind of fucking goddess." He chuckles, "In the winter they fade to more a pink and make you look like you’re blushing all the time."
"No, shut up" he demands "I just sat there and listened to you fucking degrade yourself, so you're gonna sit there and fucking listen to me now." He takes a deep breath and runs his fingers through his hair.
"Ok" he nods " As far not being brash or bubbly like Kie and Sarah, no you're not. You're feisty, temperamental, loyal, and can throw a punch better than most guys. I mean at 10 years old you threw a damn beer bottle at my dad and told him to fucking leave me alone. You have more guts than all of us put together. And yes, you are a blast to hang out with, I mean you can drink most guys under the table." He starts pacing again "Fuck I don't if we would all be friends if it wasn't for you. And I would wager your smarter than Pope, but won't say anything cause it's his thing. And do not ever fault yourself for wanting off this island"
I look at him with my mouth open, tears forming, but not cause I'm sad, but because I never knew anyone saw me like that.
"Do you know how hard it is to see you date other guys and help put the pieces back together for you, when I know, I KNOW, that I would never treat you like that." He says pleadingly "I have waited so long to be that next guy, and yeah it's my fault for not speaking up, but I am now." He comes and kneels in front of me and cups my face. "I want to show you how special you are and tell every guy to eat shit cause she's mine." He laughs.
I can only stare at him for the moment, my mind reeling from his confession. JJ is not one for sharing, even to me his best friend for 13 years. My emotions were all over the place. I felt tears well up on my lashline as realization slammed into me. I always loved JJ, he was my ride or die, but it hit me that I had been in love with him for awhile. I just didn't know it.
I must have taken too long, cause I saw JJ's face fall, he sniffed and looked down. He started to remove his hands from my face. I came back to reality and grabbed his hands. His head snapped back up and I smiled at him.
"JJ" I choked out over the lump on my throat "I didn't know, but I-" I took a deep breath "I want you to be that guy. I want to be yours."
JJ's eyes grew wide and he chuckled "Yea?"
I leaned forward and slammed my lips on his, I could tell he was shocked at first but it didn't last long. He wrapped one hand around the back of my neck and the other wrapped around my waist pulling me on his lap. I moaned as he slid his tongue over my bottom lip, asking me to open up. When I did, he slipped his in and our tongues danced for dominance. He slid his hand up through my hair, cupping my head and deepening the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, melting into it, his other hand grabbing the fat of ass and squeezing.
Air was becoming a need as my lungs begin to burn. I was feeling slightly dizzy, not sure if was the kiss or needing air. I pull back enough to gasp, JJ chasing my mouth and kissing me again. My panties were soaked and a needy throbbing had settled into my core. I rolled my hips over JJ's dick; he leaned his head back and groaned loudly.
"Y/N if you want to stop, tell me now. I won't be able to if we keep this up" JJ murmured against my lips.
"I don't want to stop" I rasp out looking him in the eyes. "I want you to claim me, I want to be yours."
"Fuck" he growled "Wrap your legs around me" he demands.
I do as asked and he stands up with me in his arms. I can feel his ab muscles flexing and his thigh muscles harden, making me swoon a little. He smirks at me as he carries me to the spare, which is basically his room. He lays me on the bed and lays on me with his arms holding him up so he doesn't smash me.
"God I never imagined this would actually happen" he says as gently pushes my hair out of my face. "I have dreamed about it, hell, I've jerked off to your pictures more than I want to admit." He chuckles, his cheeks turning pink. "I never thought you would want me and I didn't want to screw up our friendship"
"It's real J, it's happening"
I reach to kiss him and he meets me, claiming my mouth in toe curling kiss. His hands play with the hem of my shirt and he looks at me for permission.
"Yea" I whisper.
"Arms up baby" he instructs as he tugs my shirt off and throws it behind him.
He kisses along my jawline down my neck. When he gets to a spot on my neck right above my shoulder, pleasure shoots through me and I buck my hips up at him. I feel more than see him smirk and hear a whispered "There you are".
He bites and kisses the spot, leaving his mark, as I feel a fire start in my stomach and I am whining and squirming under him.
"More J" I whine out, "I need more."
He continues his assault down my chest, kissing the areas of my breast he can reach around my bra. I feel his hand slide under me and he unhooks my bra with one flick. I giggle.
"Pretty slick move there"
He grins, "I've might've had some practice" he teases as he rips it of me and it flies through the air. He looks and stares at my breasts for a minute mouth slightly open.
"God your beautiful" he groans as he latches his mouth onto one nipple and his hand kneads and pinches the other one.
I arch my back up to him, moaning from the heat building between my thighs. "J" I whine.
He trails kisses down my stomach to the waistband of my shorts. He looks up at me again, his fingers on the button.
"You still good baby" he asks, his pupils blown.
"Mhmm" I hum out, getting antsy wanting his mouth on me.
JJ unbuttons my shorts and pulls them off. He trails kisses up along my inner thighs until he gets to my soaked panties.
"God your so fucking wet, babygirl. This all for me?" He teasingly asks.
*Mhmm baby, only for you" I rasp out.
JJ kisses my covered cunt before hooking his fingers in the waistband of my panties and pulling them off. His hands caress my legs as they move back up to my hips. He leaves kisses along my legs until his mouth is back in front of my soaked pussy. He gently blows on it causing me to buck my hips and gasp.
"JJ" I gasp out, grabbing a fistful of sheets on each side of me. "Please" I beg.
He wraps his arms under and back over my thighs, pulling me closer to him.
"Please what, baby?" JJ coos at me. He is so close to my cunt; I can feel his hot breath against my lower lips. The mixture of his hot breath and the coolness from my wetness, gives me goosebumps and makes me shudder. The nickname causes me to clench around nothing and I hear JJ chuckle. With a feather light touch, he slowly rubs his finger over my lower lips.
"Please J I need you to eat me" I beg, rolling my hips to try get closer to his mouth.
He licks a strip from my hole to my clit and I loudly moan out. He moves my legs over his shoulders as he licks my ever-swelling nub. I realize he is licking two Js, certifiably claiming my pussy. I giggle and feel him smile when he realizes I figured out what he was doing.
His tongue moves down to my hole and I groan as he pushes his tongue in me. I grab his hair pulling it, the heat in my stomach growing with each thrust.
"Look at me baby" JJ commands.
I look down at him, staring into his eyes, almost completely black now. I watch him as he fucks me with his tongue. My core begins to tingle and I feel my orgasm close. I grind in his mouth, searching for my release. He moves back up to my clit, sucking and licking. He gently thrust one finger in me, I throw my head back and let out a breathy cry. He adds another finger, pumping both fingers in and out. I groan out, one hand pulling his hair and the other grabs the headboard.
"J I'm gonna cum* I gasp out breathlessly.
"C'mon baby, cum on my face" JJ moans, "God your so fucking sweet"
He curls his fingers hitting that sweet spot and bites my clit. I cry out as the band snaps in my stomach, causing me to clench around his fingers and juices to flow on to his face. He groans and I can hear him slurping up all my release like he had not drank in days. He rides me through it, finally getting up and laying down on me. His mouth and chin covered in my slick and he is grinning like a Cheshire cat. He snuggles in between my thighs.
"That was so fucking hot" JJ grins as he leans down to kiss me, letting me taste myself in his mouth. The kiss quickly heats up and I can feel how hard he is thru his shorts.
"You have too many clothes on." I pout, tugging his shirt. He reaches behind him grabbing the shirt and pulling over his head. I start unbuttoning his shorts and pushing them down his legs.
"A little eager ain't we princess" he chuckles as he gets up and takes his shorts and boxers off. His rock hard cock slapping his stomach and standing salute.
My eyes go a little wide. JJ wasn't extremely girthy, although it was big, but he was long the end curving slightly. He has the prettiest pink tip that was getting darker by the minute.
"Like what ya see baby?" He smirked.
"Fuck me" I gasped out in a whisper.
"Oh, I plan to princess” JJ smirks as he crawls up the bed. “I plan to fuck you until my name is the only one you scream” he kisses up my leg “until I have ruined you to anyone else” he kisses my clit “until I have kissed every inch of you” he kisses my breast, nibbling the nipple “until I’ve shown you how much I love you” he kisses me passionately, making me moan and thrust my hips up into him, and causing my toes curl. For fucks sakes, this boy knew how to kiss.
“JJ, please” I moan, “I need you inside me.”
“Shit babygirl” JJ groaned, “you can’t say that shit. I will blow my load, and I’m not ready to yet”
While he’s distracted, I flip us over and began kissing down his neck and onto his chest. I continue to leave open mouth kisses down his chest, over his stomach, nibbling along his happy trail.
“Fuck, Y/N/N” JJ moaned, “I thought you wanted me inside you”
“Got distracted” I mumble as I kitten lick the precum off his perfectly pink tip. JJ groans and his hands fly to my head, grabbing my hair. He pulls me up off him and back to his lips by my hair.
“As much as I want to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours,” he rasps against my lips, “the first time I cum with you will be inside you. Now you have a choice, ride me or lay down and spread’em” he growled.
I literally shudder from the amount of juices that gush out of me. He smirks at me, knowing he has me ready to explode, the little shit.
“Ride you,” I whisper as he pulls me up on his lap and I position myself to hover over him. I reach down and hold him, lining him up, I push the tip causing him to hiss. I look straight at him as I push myself down slowly, feeling every inch of his cock stretching me. Both of us are trying not to close our eyes in pleasure, not wanting to miss this moment. Finally, I feel his hairs against my clit, and I close my eyes and dig my nails into his chest. I moan from the feeling of being so full and I hear him groan “fuck baby”. I clench around him, causing him to moan and squeeze my hips. I pull up until just the tip is in me and slam back down, he throws his head back and hisses “fucking hell”. I slowly began to speed up my bouncing, another release quickly building up in my core. Placing my hands on JJ’s chest, I change the angle of my bouncing and feel JJ grab my hips and squeeze.
“Oh fuck, babygirl” he moaned, head thrown back into the pillow. I closed my eyes and felt him kiss my cervix. While I wasn’t looking, he wrapped his arms around my back and flipped us. I let out a yelp of surprise.
“What the hell, J” I fussed looking up at him. He gently slapped my thigh, causing me to clench around him and moan.
“Yea, we’ll explore that later” he smirked, “I wasn’t gonna last there, this pussy feels like heaven.” He breathed against my mouth, as he started to thrust into me. I moaned into his mouth as he claimed my lips, causing a fresh wave of juices to cover him. I wrapped my arms around his back, digging my nails in and, I know, leaving marks. He groaned sliding one hand to my hip and the other to grabbing my hair.
“Fuck Y/N, why didn’t we do this sooner?” JJ rasped out.
“I don’t know” I groaned.
“Har- harder, ple- please, baby” I stuttered out, the pet name making JJ groan. He put both hands behind my thighs and pushed them into my chest. I cried out from the new sensation, JJ slamming into me harder. I could feel the band in my stomach tighten as he thrust harder and deeper. I couldn’t form words, my brain mush, letting little “uh- uhs” every time he hit my G-spot. I scratched hard down JJ’s back, making him hiss, as my walls fluttered around his cock.
“You close babygirl?” he whispered in my ear.
I just nodded, words failing me. He reached around and used his thumb to rub my clit with little circles.
“Let go, mama” JJ moaned.
That was all it took and the band snapped. I cried out, arching my back, as my vision went blurry around the edges and all I saw was white. My legs shook from the intensity and my ears rang, drowning out JJ.
“That’s my good -fuck- girl -oh fuck” I barely heard JJ right before he slammed into me holding it. I could feel hot ropes of cum shoot into me as I heard JJ moan “fuckfuckfuck” in my ear.
JJ slowly began pushing in and out, riding our highs out, whispering in my ear “Fuck, you’re mine, you’re mine, baby” over and over.
“Yes” I gasped over and over until it was no more than a whisper.
JJ stopped and collapsed on me, still inside me, our sweaty, sticky bodies suctioning together. Both of us panting, trying to catch our breath. I ran my fingers through his hair, kissing his forehead.
“I kinda can’t believe we just did that” I giggle into his hair. He raised his head up, smiling, looking at me.
“Yea, me either. It was pretty amazing” he says leaning in for a kiss.
I smile into the kiss and giggle “Yeah it was.”
We hear the doors of the Twinkie, open and close, and soon hear Kie yelling my name. JJ pulled a blanket over us, but didn’t get off.
“In here” he yells and gives me a shit eating grin. I gave a him a confused look.
Kie walks in and jumps and screams, slamming the door closed. Then opens it again to get a better look, then slams it again.
“REALLY JJ” Kie yells, but you can hear the laughter in her voice. “I heard what Brandon did and was concerned for Y/N, but seems like you cheered her up.”
“Yup got it covered” JJ hollered back.
“By the way, I punched him for you” Kie hollered back. “Thanks” I yelled laughing.
“What the hell is going on?” you hear John B ask, simultaneously hearing Kie “No, don’t open!”
Next thing you see is John B with the door open, you burying your head and groaning into JJ’s chest, Pope behind him, eyes all bugged out. Sarah trying to peek between Kie and John B’s arms.
“Oh, hoh” John B grinned, while Sarah squealed and giggled.
“Guys, can we have a little privacy” JJ smirked looking at you.
“Yup, just glad it all worked out” John B smiles while closing the door.
I looked up at JJ, smiling “Yeah it sure did” as JJ leaned in for a kiss.
Tagging some moots: @haven247 @princessmaybank @rafescurtainbangz @rafesthroatbaby @pankowkisses @pankowperfection @babygorewhore @drewstarkeyslut @drudyslut @kraekat29 @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @starfxkr
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peachhcs · 6 months
losing the championships
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will's self-doubt creeps in after losing the finals making him snap at the one person who's always there for him, almost making her turn her back on him.
2.6k words
warnings: a bit of angst, arguing, crying, this is a sad post in general
ik im feeding y’all rn but i feel weird putting this out in two days and not now haha, but guys you know i had to do it. i had to get the angst out. i think this is like the first angsty post in the series?? i hate when there is angst, but i love writing it lmao. i'm not sure how accurate some of this is, but i hope the trio stays on for another season!! i'd actually be devestated if they don't. anyways keep requesting!! <3
au masterlist
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it didn’t feel real. nothing felt real watching her best friends crumple to the ice in utter defeat and heartbreak just two days after winning the semifinals. samy stood up in the stands nearly motionless while everything around her fell silent. she didn’t think those moments were actually real whenever they played in movies, but here she was hardly focusing on anything but her best friends in tears. 
her eyes couldn’t leave ryan on his knees with his face in the ice. she just wanted to wrap all of them into her arms so none of them would feel this type of pain anymore. 
the stupid jumbotron panned to everyone’s reactions, basically putting the boys on full blast when they most definitely didn’t want anyone to see them crying like they were. samy’s heart only broke further when she finally looked down at her boyfriend trying to hold himself together while comforting a sobbing ryan and teary gabe. 
her own eyes grew teary seeing those three so destroyed not knowing what was next for any of them. that was probably the scariest part. 
when will searched for samy’s gaze the waterworks broke like a dam for the couple. the youngest hughes was completely crying and will’s shame settled into his skin that he lost the game without even scoring a single point. 
their coach urged the boys down the tunnel before the cameras could get any more shots of them. samy tried pulling herself together, but her hiccuping cries didn’t stop slipping out no matter how hard she tried holding them in. 
boston’s side of the lobby was nearly silent which almost mirrored michigan’s team two days ago. suddenly, seeing those happy memories wasn’t as easy anymore. samy’s mind raced wondering if this game really was the last for her favorite trio or if they’d stay on one more season with boston. 
thirty minutes passed before the bc boys slowly trickled out of the locker room. their bloodshot eyes and tear stained faces were enough to send more tears into samy’s own eyes. her lip quivered waiting for her boyfriend to appear, but he didn’t come out after his usual spot behind ryan and gabe. the two boys found samy’s gaze, frowning even deeper. 
“hey, i’m so sorry. i-i have no words,” samy brought them into big hugs hoping to ease a bit of their ache. 
“what a fucking night,” ryan muttered bitterly. 
“you guys played well. those refs were idiots making calls,” the brunette shook her head. 
“will’s still in there. he’s..he’s not taking this one too well. you can go in if you want, but he may explode. I i don’t want you to think he’s mad at you, he’ll just find something to take his anger out on,” gabe explained briefly. samy’s eyes slid towards the locker room doorway where her boyfriend hid. 
“don’t worry, i know how he gets. I’ll see if i can talk to him,” she couldn’t be scared of will. 
he was her best friend and boyfriend. he’d never intentionally hurt her and if he said things, she knew he was just angry with himself, not her. the girl shuffled her way towards the locker room trying to put on a brave face for will’s sake. 
she knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open. her eyes scanned the practically empty room until she found her boyfriend slumped in his stall at the end of the benches. her hands trembled as she slid further in and leaned against the door. 
his eyes snapped towards hers. he looked like a mess and that only unleashed more waterworks seeing him in this state. it wasn’t one samy saw him a lot in, so when she did, it hurt extra hard. 
“if you’re here to try and make me feel better, i don’t wanna hear it,” the boy mumbled bitterly which quickly caught samy off guard. 
she wasn’t expecting that from him so immediately. 
“i’m not. just here to be with you,” the girl said, trying to hide the shake in her voice. 
“well, i’m not really in the mood to be around anyone right now. just go. i’ll be out in a few minutes,” the bitterness in his voice definitely stung, but samy tried shaking him off knowing he was just upset. 
“will..” she inched forward, wanting to reach out to him. he looked as if anyone touched him he’d just break into a million pieces. 
“i said go. i don’t need your fucking sympathy. i feel feel like shit,” the blonde snapped this time making samy instantly draw back. 
“i know you’re upset, i get it. this loss fucking sucks. i’m just trying—” 
“you don’t fucking get it, samy! i just lost the championship game 2-0. we scored zero points. you know how fucking embarrassing that is? i’ve been trying to prove myself all season about how good i can be and then i lose the championship game. you’ll never fucking get it!” there it was. 
will’s tone rose with anger and hurt all mixed into one. samy swallowed the nerves climbing higher in her stomach as she tried remembering none of this was really directed at her. she was just the person will was getting his anger out on. 
“i-i do get it, will. remember my championship game in december? we choked. i-i get it, i do. it sucks and i’m so sorry it ended this way. i wish it didn’t—”
“stop saying you get it. it’s not the fucking same. you’ve never had to work for anything in your life because of your family!” 
the blonde’s harsh words finally hit a nerve. samy’s face twisted and she didn’t know anymore if he really didn’t mean it or not, but through the anger, will realized what he said. 
“samy..i didn’t—”
“fuck you, will. you of all people should know how hard i’ve worked to be where i am right now. i know you’re upset about everything right now, but you don’t need to bring me down to make yourself feel better. don’t bother waiting up. i’m leaving with ryan and gabe,” samy stormed out of the locker room before will could say anything more.
the tears streamed down her face as soon as she was in the lobby again. ryan and gabe instantly noticed her distraught expression, immediately going to her. 
“shit, what happened?” ryan muttered. 
“can we just go? i can’t deal with him right now,” samy choked out. the two exchanged a worried glance, but obliged. 
the whole ride back to the hotel was nothing but silence as everyone reeled from the disappointing night. 
gabe let samy camp out in his hotel room for the night. he didn’t dare ask her what happened in the locker room knowing she’d tell him if she wanted to; however, the dark-haired boy wanted to go knock some sense into will knowing he most definitely snapped too hard at samy which made her want to avoid him. 
it was almost two in the morning when there was a small knock. still awake, the two exchanged wary glances, so gabe got the door. 
he pulled it open to reveal a very weary, teary-eyed, sad, and frustrated will. for a moment, gabe almost let him in, but he stopped himself because he didn’t want the boy blowing up at samy again. the girl sat nervously on the bed just out of sight of the door listening in on them.
“is she here?” will rasped out, voice dry from the amount he cried after samy left the locker room and getting back to the hotel. 
“i’m not sure i wanna answer that,” gabe stood his ground. 
“come on, perreault. leno said he didn’t have her,” will tried again. 
hearing how wrecked he sounded broke samy’s heart all over again. gabe gazed back at her, a look in his eyes asking her if she really wanted to see him. 
even though he insulted her, something in samy was still trying to justify it for him being upset and angry. she really wanted to believe he didn’t mean it. with that, the girl crawled off the bed and shuffled her way behind gabe’s 6’1 figure. 
“we can talk in your room,” samy mumbled. 
“o-okay,” the shake in her boyfriend’s voice made samy want to lunge herself at him and make all the pain go away, but she had to stand up for herself still. 
“you’re sure?” gabe wondered before letting her go. 
“i’m sure. i’ll see you tomorrow,” she rubbed his arm and stepped around him. 
her and will walked three doors down where his hotel room was. it was basically hers too since most of her stuff was scattered across the room over the past few days they’ve been there. 
will shut the door behind them. the brunette looked at him expectantly knowing she said everything she could. a beat of silence passed before the tears quickly filled the blonde’s eyes and he started completely sobbing in front of her. he crumpled against the door, choking sobs falling from his lips as he body sunk into the ground. 
for a second, samy just stared at him until her instincts kicked in and she went to him without hesitation this time. 
“oh will,” she curled into his side, stroking his hair as his body fell into hers. 
“i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean any of it. i don’t know why i said it. i was upset and i know that’s not an excuse at all,” the boy rambled into her shoulder. 
“i know this loss hurts, but taking your anger out on people with harsh words isn’t gonna make it better,” samy said.
“i know, i know. i-i’m so sorry. i shouldn’t have lashed out on you. that’s not fair to you at all.” 
“i was just trying to comfort you like i always do after losses,” the girl hated seeing her boyfriend so upset like this. his tears dripped everywhere on her even after samy tried wiping them away with her thumb. 
“i know. i shouldn’t have pushed you away like that. i just.. I didn’t want you to see me like that,” will’s voice grew softer at his small admission. 
“what do you mean like that?” i’ve seen you lose games before.”
“i don’t know if this is how you felt after your soccer game, but i felt so pathetic for losing a championship game where we didn’t even score. my pride was hurt and i worried you’d think i wasn’t good enough anymore because i lost like that,” his words continued breaking samy’s heart. 
she grabbed ahold of his face so he was looking at her, “i’d never think any less of you because you lost. it happens. you’re not pathetic for losing and i promise it doesn’t make me look at you any differently.” 
“i guess i’m just always scared you’ll get sick of me and realize i’m not actually worth it. that and a hundred other emotions were just going through me and it came out really wrong,” will frowned. 
a small sigh escaped the girl’s lips hearing the boy she’s known all her life doubt himself so much. “you’re always worth it, will. nothing’s ever gonna change that for me, okay? i’m always gonna be in love with you and wanna be around you win or lose, whatever's happening in your career. you’re stuck with me,” a small laugh escaped their lips at the last part. 
“i know that. i just get really doubtful when i get down on myself and hard losses like that happen.” 
“i get it, but i’m not going anywhere, okay? you played your best tonight, those refs were making shit calls and unfortunately, denver just figured us out.” 
a small nod came from will. he pushed his forehead onto samy’s just trying to ease all the thoughts running through his mind while focusing on the way she ran her fingers gently through his hair and around his curls. some of his roots were rough and red from the way he pulled harshly on them earlier, so her gentle motions slowly eased the ache. 
“i’m scared that i don’t know what’s gonna happen next with any of us,” will spoke again after a small silence. 
he lifted his head again to meet his girlfriend’s gaze before leaning it against the door. 
“are you gonna sign on?” the idea played in samy’s mind as well after tonight’s game. 
the decision was entirely up to the coaches of each of the guy’s respective teams, but considering how well all of them played and improved in one season, they may want them sooner rather than later. 
“i don’t know. it’s up to whether the sharks want me now or later,” will answered. 
“have you talked to ryan or gabe? what they may do?” 
“washington’s pushing closer to the playoffs. they may want ryan on for it. i dunno. gabe’s most likely gonna stay. i don’t think the rangers are quite ready for him yet. the ideal situation is we all stay one one more season with boston,” will explained a bit, his fingers drawing mindles shapes into samy’s leg. 
“what do the sharks say about you?” the girl wondered with a raised eyebrow. 
“you know what they say about me. they want me now. they wanna wait another year. it’s..sort of up to me i guess,” will shrugged a bit, avoiding eye contact. 
“would you sign on now?” she rephrased her question from earlier. 
“if i sign on now, my entire life gets flipped around in a week and i have to move to california, but then i’d possibly get to play in the playoffs. if i wait, i get to stay with boston and everyone for another year and more importantly, see you more frequently than if i was in california,” samy rolled her eyes at the last part—he was always so down bad for her. 
“don’t make the decision based on me, will. you’ll see me still.” 
“i know, but i think i do subconsciously anyway. you’re just my life now,” his words sent a deep blush across the girl’s cheeks. 
“i’m flattered,” she rubbed the side of his cheek making him lean into her touch. 
“you’re everything to me, samy. i’m really, really in love with you and i can’t imagine my life without you in it,” will smiled softly. 
the girl flushed, but returned his smile. hearing those kinds of things come out of his mouth was still something the brunette was getting used to even after 9 months of being together. 
“you’re everything to me too, will. i love you a lot.” 
the boy leaned forward to place a gentle, yet loving kiss on her lips. they melted into one another, small sighs escaping their mouths at the contact. her hands tugged at his curls while his own curved around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer like he needed her as close as possible or else he couldn’t function. 
part of it was true. without samy, will was lost like a fish in the ocean. she was a part of him and he was a part of her. they were intertwined and always would be. her soft lips soothed every single thought and self-doubt will had because as long as his favorite girl believed in him, that was all that mattered. 
“i know i said this already, but thank you for being here. it means a lot to me,” will said when they pulled apart. 
“i’d never miss this. i’ll always skip classes for you,” she grinned. 
the boy beamed, pulling her back in for another kiss. 
the two didn’t get into bed until nearly 3:30 in the morning. samy curled into will’s side, his arm tightly around her as she laid on his chest. the tension in the air completely dissipated and the cries died down. things felt okay again. 
they’d sleep tangled in one another all night knowing the next morning samy had to catch her plane back to michigan and will would be left with one big decision that would decide what plane he had to catch. 
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jinxed-lemon · 7 months
Part 2 to my original post of Mean Siblings Unbreakable Bond because it’s funny writing them:
Whenever they play an outdoor game like Hide and Seek or Tag, it’s a battle to the death to achieve victory. Sonic usually wins the most bc he’s the fastest, so the one ace in his sleeve that Tails learned to pull is the waterworks. Sonic find him during hide and seek? Tears. Sonic is close to tagging him? Tails will fall down and pretend to get hurt and start sobbing. Sonic falls for it every time.
Doing laundry? They make it last for hours on end bc they’ll literally take each others stuff out of the wash mid cycle to out their own in. It pisses the other off so much to the point where they’re constantly stopping the wash to switch out the clothes. Oh, Sonic is washing his old blue hoodie??? Too bad, Tails yanks it out of the washing machine sopping wet and drops it on the floor with a splat to put his blanket in. They know that they can probably just wash their stuff together but it’s funnier this way.
They’re play fighting and Tails learned to do that infamous leg kick. You know the move you do when you’re cornered on your back? He just starts kicking his legs at full speed and Sonic starts screaming bc it’s nearly impossible to get past that move.
Sonic is eating chips and he has dust all over his hands? He purposely bypasses the numerous napkins they have just to go up to Tails and wipe his hands over his head to have the chip dust fall on top of him. Tails retaliates by shaking the empty chip bag over Sonic’s head.
Tails is an avid coffee drinker and Sonic has tried everything to stop his addiction. So he tries the famous ‘replace the sugar with salt’ trick to mess with him. One morning Tails puts the salt in instead and when he takes a sip Sonic already had that shit eating grin on his face. Tails immediately spits the coffee in his face and Sonic fall to the ground screaming.
Tails take advantage of his shorter height and sneakiness to kneel down and tie Sonic’s shoe laces. He’ll fall face first and before Tails can book it away Sonic will stick his leg out and make his brother fall too.
Their favorite way to embarrass the other is going onto each others social media accounts and changing something about their profile. Tails logs on one day and finds that his profile picture had been changed to an embarrassing photo Sonic took of him one day and PROMISED not to show anyone else. Sonic goes into his Twitter and for some reason there’s hundreds of posts hyping up Eggman and basically talking about how Eggman is the best/greatest, etc. His profile, header- everything is basically changed to pro-Eggman propaganda.
Fans: are you and Eggman friends now???
Sonic: I was hacked I would never say this shit pls you gotta believe me 😭
Tails LOVES bringing up the ‘divorced parents’ story whenever someone asks about the relationship between him and Sonic. Like Sonic is about to explain how Tails is his adoptive brother and Tails immediately interrupts and says, “Yeah, this is my dad. He got custody of me after the divorce and it’s been really hard lately so try to be nice to him ok? :(“
They’re eating out at a diner/restaurant and Sonic looooves secretly telling the waiters that it’s Tail’s birthday so they’ll do that embarrassing thing of coming to their table and singing happy birthday in front of the whole restaurant. Tails is mortified and covers his face every time and Sonic will record the whole thing like a corny parent and say “Oh he’s just a little shy! Smile at the camera Tails!1!!1!! 😁”
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spicycinnabun · 7 months
pt. 1 2 3 4 5 7 💐
Later that night, when Eddie showed Wayne the flowers for Kathleen, Wayne’s face cycled through a variety of expressions, none of which Eddie understood until he went over to a large gift bag that was sitting on the Lay-Z-Boy.
Wayne opened it, revealing a huge bouquet of about forty roses he had bought that morning. It was absolutely breathtaking, and that meant only one thing: he had gone to Harrington Floral.
“Awww, Uncle Wayne, you big ‘ol romantic!” Eddie grinned, clasping his hands over his heart. It made him happy to see his uncle—usually so cantankerous—head over heels.
“You be quiet now, boy,” Wayne said. His ears were turning the same color as the roses.
Eddie would do no such thing. “I will do no such thing.”
Giving Kathleen two bouquets seemed silly, so Eddie put his in a tall glass of water and set it on the windowsill to admire.
He was secretly pleased that he got to keep the flowers. It was almost like they were meant for him instead.
He could pretend.
Kathleen was a wonderful woman, and Eddie really liked her.
She was the complete opposite of his uncle, but their differences complimented each other, and Wayne hadn’t stopped smiling the entire night. Eddie had never seen him so animated.
The roses made Kathleen cry, horrifying them, but she assured them they were happy tears. She said nobody had ever gotten her flowers before.
“Expect many more, Kathy,” Wayne said, looking a little heartbroken by the admission.
Eddie looked down at his feet because, hell, this was too much for his little black heart to handle.
Then Wayne got down on one knee and pulled out a ring, just like Steve had predicted, and Eddie couldn’t stop the waterworks when Kathleen said yes.
Wayne actually picked her up and spun her around like they were in a ‘50s romance film.
“Congratulations,” Eddie said, laughing through tears. He tried to hide them, overcome and unused to the emotional onslaught of a good thing.
Wayne hugged him and ruffled his hair like he used to do when Eddie was a kid.
“I’m going to take very good care of your uncle,” Kathleen reassured him.
It was unnecessary, but Eddie appreciated the gesture.
They talked late into the night, swapping stories. Wayne told Kathleen all of Eddie’s embarrassing childhood moments, like when he’d accidentally shaved one of his eyebrows off and glued on a pipe cleaner to replace it.
Eddie retaliated by telling Kathleen about the time they had gone to a department store when he was seven, and Wayne had thought one of the mannequins was a real person and had asked it for directions to the little boys' clothing section.
Kathleen cried again—that time, from laughing so hard.
Eddie ended up calling the number from the ad the next day.
He waited with the phone caught between his cheek and shoulder, twirling his spoon in his bowl of Franken Berry.
Someone picked up on the fifth ring. “Hello?”
It was a man. He had a friendly and almost… nasally voice.
“Uh, hi. I’m calling about the ad you placed outside Starcourt Mall. Are you still looking for a roommate, by chance?” Eddie let go of his spoon to cross his fingers. It clinked against the side of his bowl.
There was silence, then a sneeze on the other end of the line and a heartfelt curse.
Eddie glanced suspiciously at the bouquet on the windowsill above the dull green sink. The sun was reflecting against the glass and making it sparkle, the flowers looking bright and cheerful.
He could have been wrong, but that sneeze sounded nearly identical to the ones he’d heard yesterday.
co-writing this with @batty4steddie 💕
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writings-of-a-demigod · 9 months
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“I didn’t eve……”
“Absolutely not.”
“Ugggh this is unbelievable.”
“Well, you better start believing.”
The glare you gave him was like daggers.
“You can glare all you want still not happening.” He turned the page of the book he was reading.
“I’m an adult I can do whatever I want.”
The laugh he let out “No, you actually can’t.”
“Dean this is ridiculous!” You stood up and faced him “I’m doing this and you just have to deal with it.”
He put his book down and stared at you. For your entire life you knew what was coming after this look. It’s gonna end up messy, loud and some words will be thrown out to hurt each other’s feeling. What surprised you was his tone.
“Sit down let’s have a talk like normal people.” He faced you.
Giving you his full attention “Now tell me why would you want this?”
You took a deep breath; you’re going to explain this very calmly and if this doesn’t work you can just burst the waterworks and yell.
“Dean we never had a place where we could call ours, our home. But now we do.” You started.
“I’ve never really wanted anything more than this, I’ve been saving money just to get it and now I have a place to keep it.”
“But it’s dangerous.” He told you.
You smiled at him “Dean our whole life is dangerous that didn’t stop us from hunting and helping people.” You gave him your puppy eyes.
“Please all I’m asking is to consider it. I can wait for a while.”
He sighed and took hold of your hand to give it a kiss “Ok, I’ll give it a thought.”
You stood up and hugged him tightly. That’s when the door closed with a loud thud and footsteps coming down the stairs.
“What’s happening here?” Sam asked looking confused at the two of you hugging.
“Nothing just having a normal conversation.” You detached from Dean.
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound normal. You two having a conversation and nothing is on fire yet? You’re creeping me out.”
Dean smiled at his brother “What can I say?” you two shared a look “I guess we’ve grown.”
Sam raised his eyebrow “Yeah I’m still not convinced.”   
 “Don’t overthink it Sammy.” Dean patted Sam’s back while walking going to make lunch. You followed him.
“So what was the talk about?” Sam asked while his brother gave him his back.
“Oh about Y/n getting a motorcycle.” Dean smirked.
“Oh HELL NO! OVER MY DEADBODY.” You heard Sam’s voice and just know the pissed expression on his face. “Y/N GET IN HERE RIGHT NOW!”
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gretavanbrie · 8 months
Landslide // finale (J.T.K.)
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Summary: You’ve loved him for as long as you can remember, does he feel the same?
Pairings: Jake Kiszka x F!Reader
Warnings: big angsty boy! smut (minors DNI!!), and tooth rotting fluff…like sickening how fluffy honestly, smooching and heavy on the pet names. established friendship, alcohol consumption, mentions of alcohol consumption, feelings of heartbreak, long talks, sadness, arguing, feelings of unrequited love, very brief feelings of abandonment, mentions of break ups, oral (f!recieving), fingering (f!receiving), penetrative sex (p in v), veryyy light impact play, multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation if you squint, squirting, praise kink, crying kink, sir kink, reconciliation. If I missed any lmk!! (Vaguely proof read, excuse any mistakes)
A/N: here is part three since part two had to get split in half, lmk ur thoughts!
Part 1 | Part 2
“Are you fucking kidding me?” you said softly, staring as his chest heaved up and down.
“Y/n..” he said with apologetic eyes.
Your heart clenched at the thought of it all. Upon seeing him so disheveled on your doorstep it reignited the hurt he had burned into you. His harsh tone, the angry look in his eye when you tried your best to be supportive, the embarrassment of thinking he was going to tell you he feels the same only to be let down. And ultimately, how easy it was for him to shut you out after almost 20 years of friendship.
“..no.. no, you can’t just do that.” You whispered closing your eyes, shaking your head as if when you opened them again he would be gone.
“Y/n..can we talk? Please?” He asked, voice low and desperate.
“You’ve never- we’ve never done that Jacob. I’ve been waiting to fucking hear from you for almost two fucking weeks and you just randomly show up on my doorstep?” your voice cracked and you stopped to compose yourself before the actual waterworks showed through.
You were usually very emotionally open with Jake, as was he, but this was all new for you. He had never been so absent, let alone after being so mean and you were not going to show him how badly it had actually affected you.
“I-i know… okay? I know that. Just please, I want to apologize…” he said, eyes boring into your own waiting for the invitation inside. You studied his face in hesitation before reluctantly stepping to the side and letting him in.
He hadn’t been inside your house since before the tour. The warm lighting, the plethora of plants, the old records and classic literature that littered your shelves, the thrifted rugs and furniture, especially your old acoustic that was rarely played was all too familiar.
Seeing your place again after so long, after not speaking to you, was almost too much. You were so engraved into his daily life he forgot just how comforting everything about you was for him. He genuinely missed you and seeing his favorite place that was littered with every part of you after you so long had reminded him of how important you are and how foolish it was for him to just leave you in the cold because some girl made him feel even the smallest fraction of what you so easily do for him.
You shut the door behind him as you watched his eyes scan over everything. He was supposed to come over after the welcome party and help you re-string your guitar. He always did it for you ever since you told him you wanted to start playing, he knew you’d get bored of it but he re-stringed it for you without fail just in case you ended up wanting to play it more often.
You knew when his gaze lingered on it a little too long that he was having an onrush of emotion. You guys had never ignored each other, you two have been attached at the hip since before you could ride a bike. This was out of the norm for you guys and you had completely dismissed his feelings in this as well.
“..you can sit y’know’’ you spoke quietly. No matter how angry you were, you wanted him to know he didn’t have to be a stranger in a home he's stepped foot in so many times.
He swiftly turned to look at you, you caught his eyes and there was a gleam of… Adoration? Regret? You couldn’t place your finger on it and you still had wine in your system, you didn’t want to get ahead of yourself.
“Are you mad at me?” He whispered. Jake knew the answer and even he wasn't quite sure what he was looking for with the question. Somewhere deep down he was hoping you weren’t, he was hoping there was still a chance of fixing what he so foolishly broke.
“Are you seriously gonna ask me that? We’ve been friends for twenty years. I mean since we still had baby teeth and you're gonna ask if I'm mad you ignored me for two weeks after you blew up on me?” You said now pissed.
Jake looked defeated, hearing you say twenty years put everything into perspective for him. You guys were almost thirty and he couldn’t believe he so easily blew up on you and shut you out like that, it was immature.
The fallout freshman year of high school was so petty that neither you or Jake could remember the reason for the fight. You guys were also fourteen and rehashed it two days later, there was no reason for you both to be twenty-seven and ignoring each other for two weeks.
“You’re right.. you're right. I’m so sorry.” He said stepping towards you in hopes of grabbing your hand in his, instead you just turned and went to sit on your couch.
“What did I do, Jake? I don’t know what I could’ve done to for you to be so…mad at me. In the entirety of our friendship you’ve never spoken to me like that.” You say avoiding his gaze as he moves to sit next to you on the couch. He shifted his body towards you and his stare was almost begging you to look at him. You were scared to look in his eyes too long, for your resolve would crumble.
“Nothing. You did absolutely nothing and I hate that I made you feel like you did. If I could go back and take it all back I would. I was jus— i was being stupid. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that sunshine.” Hearing your nickname after so long brought you to meet his own sad eyes.
Your gaze softened and your tough exterior crumbled exactly how you thought it would. He was your best friend, he knew every part of you and you knew you guys would be back and better than ever sooner or later but you also didn’t want this to end up back in the same cruel reality you’ve been living in; loving him in silence.
You didn't just wanna go back to being friends. You were too old now to keep suppressing that part of yourself, you wanted all of him. You wanted the romantic parts of Jake. You wanted domesticity, you wanted sexual tension, you wanted it all and you wanted it with him.
Inevitably you’d give in to him regardless, friend or not, and that’s what hurt the worst of it all.
“So then why did you do it?” You quietly asked. He looked down in deep thought, like he was contemplating giving you the real reason or beating around the bush. Jake was terrified of scaring you off if you somehow didn't feel the same. He wanted you back in his life, not to push you away from him again.
“I suppose I just got too in my head and convinced myself you were unhappy for me. I um.. asked Laura to be my girlfriend on impulse and I think I projected my regret onto you. It’s not right, at all. And I am in no means trying to excuse my behavior…just an explanation I guess” he said, avoiding the full truth.
He didn’t think it was the right time to tell you the real reason he projected so badly was because he caught a glimpse of your love for him and it made him realize he wanted you and only you.
You had never seen Jake so unsure of himself. You saw how truly regretful he was and it kind of made you feel bad. You looked at him and you saw his inner child that had grown up alongside yours trying to be a sensible man. You saw the struggle in his eyes, Jake had a harder time processing emotions than you and you were always a guiding hand. Now that you had been apart, you saw how lost he seemed.
“Y/n I don’t think there are enough words in any language to express how sorry I am..” You had to tear your eyes away from his own before you started crying.
You reminded yourself he is a person outside of your friendship with him and it isn’t wrong of him to make a mistake. He had never treated you like this before so it wasn’t necessarily a pattern. It was the heat of the moment and he's expressing his genuine remorse to you. No matter how bad you wanted to, you don’t have it in you to stay mad at him.
“We’ve never gone that long without talking, you shut me out like it was so easy for you.. a-and Sam. I wanna apologize for leaving you guys, I do. I’m sorry for just ditching you all.. I got overwhelmed but you guys texting me like that was a low fucking blow Jake.” You scolded him.
Jake grimaced at the reminder of him and Sam's drunk texts.
“You don’t have to apologize, you have nothing to be sorry for. I made you feel unwelcome when I shouldn’t have. I didn't mean it.. and it certainly wasn't easy y/n. I was drunk and mad at myself, I thought pushing you away would kind of make whatever’s going on up here a bit easier..” he said gesturing to his head.
“…it just made everything worse. And then when I woke up the next day I didn't know how to reach out and I was scared of what you might say” He continued, voice weak. You sat quiet for a moment processing your thoughts before speaking again.
“Listen.. I'm still hurt honestly that you left me in the dark that long. I was waiting for you to apologize for two weeks, Jake. I got nothing but radio fucking silence. I don’t want to not be friends with you, I want things to go back to normal but we’re adults now and I feel like you should’ve handled it like one.” It was a bit harsh granted he was openly communicating his regret but him telling you not to bother reaching out was far more crass.
“I’m sorry.. that was mean. I could’ve said that nicer but I still stand by my point.” You continue.
“You don’t have to apologize, I know what I did was wrong and I'm fully willing to bear the consequences.” Jake said.
“You can say I don’t have to but I want to, it was a welcome home party and I should’ve stayed regardless of my feelings. I don’t want to keep fighting with you anymore, this is weird for us” you let a small laugh escape your lips at the insanity of it all. He chuckled alongside you as he looked down at his tattered boots.
“C’mere..” you whispered standing up. He followed suit as you opened your spare closet and pulled out the guitar kit Jake had made for you.
“I know it’s getting a bit late but I think all the spare wire you gave me is still in there, do you still wanna help me string my guitar?” You smiled up at him nervously.
Jake's heart melted at the sight. The eyes he loved no longer tainted with the sadness he caused and instead sparkling as you stared up at him with the kit he made for you in your hands. The fact that you had even remembered that he would rather do it for you than anyone else had made him far more enamored.
“I would love to.” he smiled, a real Jake smile. One that you had missed dearly.
He grabbed the box from your hands kicking his shoes off. He grabbed your acoustic and made himself comfortable on your couch laying it across his lap. The way he so casually spread his legs and laid it on himself sent the blood rushing to your head and made you weak in the knees. You had never been jealous of a guitar until now.
“Jesus, how long has it been since you played this thing? There are strings missing” he laughed, breaking you from your impure thoughts.
“Yeaaah i couldn't tell ya, i tried to tune it and they popped on me. You might’ve been the last to play it actually..’ you said, standing up to put on a record for some background noise.
Jake didn't care if it was starting to get late or if he hadn’t checked his phone in over an hour, he was here, with you, and he never wanted to leave this bubble you guys created. Things felt normal despite the nasty fallout between you both. It felt right to be with you again and he wasn't gonna let it slip through his fingers this time.
“I played this way before I left for tour, you’ve just been letting this baby collect dust?” He feigned a look of hurt.
“I’m no Jake Kiszka, you know. I psych myself out” you joked, smiling as you sat beside him.
“This Jake guy seems to know his stuff..” he chuckled.
“..yea, I’d say he’s pretty cool” you shrugged bringing your knees to your chest.
“Thank you for hearing me out.” Jake chimed as a few beats of silence enveloped the both of you. He snipped one of the wires before looking at you for confirmation that you heard him.
“Thank you for apologizing… was starting to worry” you nervously giggled trying to lighten the mood.
“What do you say we crack open a bottle of wine and celebrate.” He said, raising his eyebrows at you.
“What are we even celebrating?” You smiled at him.
“I don’t know, I just feel like we never really had a proper chance to. I kinda screwed things up.” Jake nervously laughed.
“Plus you’ve got a good record going, I know you’ve got some wine stashed away. Grab me a glass, won't you darling?” He smiled as his sentence ended in his familiar English accent.
“Oh why of course sir.” You replied, going along with the bit.
As you stood up to open the bottle you had stashed away, Jake couldn't help but smile to himself.
He missed this, he missed you.
Everything felt right, being here with you on your couch fixing up your guitar. He couldn’t believe he was willing to throw it away for some random girl. He didn’t have to hide his true personality around you, you embraced him for who he was with open arms.
He’d rather have you as a friend than nothing at all.
You only poured him a glass since you had been drinking all day and your mind was still a little hazy. When you returned to him with the bottle but only one glass he stared at you inquisitively.
“I drank a lot today, I gotta give myself a break.” You smiled.
“Ahhh that’s right” he chuckled, grabbing the glass. He thanked you before taking a sip and setting it on the coffee table.
“What do you mean that’s right?” you mocked as you looked at him in astonishment.
“You don’t remember the voice message?” He looked at you with amusement painted across his face. You however, looked horrified.
“Voice message?!? It must’ve been before I fell asleep…” you trailed off, eyes bouncing around the room as you tried to gather the memory. You quickly remembered everything as your cheeks warmed from the embarrassment. You shyly covered your face as you recalled your drunk call.
“Sorry.. i just had a lot to drink and one thing led to anoth—“
“It’s cute. Don’t apologize, I don’t think I would’ve been here tonight without it” he cut you off looking down to tune the guitar as he had finished restoring the strings.
Your heart fluttered at him calling you cute.
You felt a new energy linger between the both of you as you watched him gently pluck at each string. The way his brow furrowed when the tune didn’t sound quite right on a string. The way he softly wet his lips and left his mouth slightly parted in concentration made you want to jump his bones right there. Whatever it was, you liked it and you didn’t want him to stop.
“..cute, huh?” You softly teased, smiling at him. You watched as his cheeks turned crimson, you had made him nervous and you secretly liked it.
“You know what I meant, sunshine.” He smiled, continuing his task.
“But pour yourself a glass, at least just one…and cheers me” Jake said, hopeful eyes looking into your own.
“Are you peer-pressing me just so I can cheers you? Did those dare assemblies teach you nothing?” You replied sarcastically.
“If that's what you wanna call it then yes.” He said matter-of-factly.
You just laughed before obliging and opting for just one more glass to end the day. You poured the wine as Jake set the guitar down, picking up his own glass. He waited as you got situated before raising his glass to cheer.
“To being friends!” Jake cheered.
The statement just made your heart sink and you questioned what you were even doing. Your expression fell and your shoulders immediately slumped. You vowed to stop sacrificing that part of yourself for him and here you are, doing just that. Jake noticed your change in demeanor and your glass still level with your chest not clinking against his own.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, lowering his glass and setting it on the table.
The question triggered something in you because something is wrong and always has been wrong.
You have failed to admit it to yourself for years and are you about to blurt it out on a random night after your guy’s biggest argument yet? You didn't know. You were confused and embarrassed that your mood has switched so fast upon hearing a single sentence.
“I’m sorry…” you said as you let a tear quietly slip. You wiped you face before taking a sip of your wine and setting the glass down.
“A-are those happy tears?” Jake nervously smiled, cocking his head to the side; not sure of how to comfort you.
“I can’t— I can’t keep loving you in silence, Jake.” You whispered, covering your face in your hands momentarily. The onrush of emotion was becoming overwhelming.
The room fell silent and the buzzing of the record coming to an end had also come to a halt as if the auto-stop on your player could read the tension you had created in the room.
“W-what?” Jake questioned, voice barely above a whisper.
It wasn’t that you had regretted saying it, you just wish it were under better circumstances and not purely on impulse. On the other hand, you felt relieved that you had finally torn down that wall you’ve been building for years.
“I’m so, so sorry. I don’t know where that came from.. i know you’re with someone and i'm sure she’s great to you, I don’t want ruin that but I’ve been in love with you for too fucking long Jake and I can’t keep trying to convince myself I’m not for the sake of ruining our friendsh—“
Your desperate rambling was quickly cut off by Jake's soft lips crashing against your own.
Your eyes widened in shock before quickly relaxing into him as he hovered above you on the couch. Your lips moved in sync with his, it was everything you had imagined and more. The way yours slotted in so seamlessly with his own. The way he progressively kissed you with more fervor only made your body ache with need. He held onto you as if you’d disappear at any second, as if he was craving this just as much as you if not more. You both moved in a frenzy, eager to explore one another how you both had incessantly craved growing up.
You brought your hands up to cradle his face. You were scared this wasn't real and you needed him to be as tangible as possible. As if his lips on your own wasn't enough, you almost needed him to be engraved within you.
He slipped his tongue in perfectly as he explored what it felt like to finally be kissing you. Jake's head was rushing with emotion, your lips were so sweet against his own. He always imagined them to be soft but the feeling he's getting could never manifest properly within one's imagination. It was a feeling you had to physically experience.
You reluctantly pulled back as you remembered he was with someone and he was your lifelong friend. It felt right but the morality of it was completely wrong.
“J-Jake..” you whispered, pulling your lips from his own. Jake furrowed his brows at the loss of contact and fought himself from going back in for more.
“..we can’t, you're with Laura.” You said, voice cracking as you toyed with the necklaces adorning his chest. You so badly wanted to be his.
“Y/n i broke up with her.” He said, attaching his lips to yours again.
“She could never compare to you..’ he whispered, pulling himself back. His hand softly caressed your cheek as his eyes danced across your face.
“I’m sorry for ever thinking otherwise but i'm here now, all yours.”
You were so hopelessly in love with him it hurt. The way he gently rubbed your face, the pure adoration in his gaze, it was all too good to be true.
“This feels like a dream..’ you whispered back, your eyes shining up at him.
You looked at him with so much love Jake was having a hard time keeping himself composed. Now having felt your kiss for himself he feels sick at the thought of another experiencing the pure euphoria you have to offer. He couldn’t believe he went all this time without it and he certainly didn’t know how he was meant to live life with its absence now that he's gotten a taste.
You pulled him down towards you by his necklaces before gently kissing him again, this time a bit slower. You both wanted to enjoy every bit of this, you wanted to engrave this in your memory for eternity.
The feeling was enrapturing.
Your lips moved in tandem with the other, it felt so natural, like this should’ve been done ages ago. You never believed in the cliches of a kiss. While you didn’t necessarily feel the sparks every love story raved about, the electricity was undeniable. It was unlike any other kiss you had felt.
You didn’t expect your first kiss with Jake to be on your couch but you honestly wouldn’t have it any other way, you couldn’t believe you’re finally experiencing what seventeen year old you thought would never happen. Your hands cupped his face to keep him as close as possible.
Everything felt so surreal.
Jake was as much of a hopeless romantic as you were and this was everything he wanted and more. He couldn’t be more sure that you were the one for him. His hands desperately held the back of your head as your hair tangled within his fingers. You moved your hands from his face to his hair as he deepened the kiss.
You mindlessly tugged at his chestnut locks, Jake let out a low grunt at the feeling, you wanted that sound to replay in your head forever. You’ve never seen him in such desperation for you.
“Y/n..” he mumbled against your lips.
“Hmm” you softly hummed as a reply as you pecked his lips.
“I don’t wanna stop kissing you, I really don’t.. but we gotta-“ he kissed you once more.
“…we gotta slow down. I wanna do things right with you.” He continues.
“Are you getting too excited, jakey?” You teased as you bit your lip. You don’t know where the newfound confidence came from but Jake made you feel so comfortable.
He just tipped his head back and laughed. Jake ran a hand over his face before smiling back down on you, his love drunk eyes scanning every inch of you.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, woman.” He smiled before scooping you up bridal style and carrying you to your bedroom.
He couldn’t believe you were in his arms right now after kissing him with so much desire. If he knew the depth of your feelings for him he would’ve done this a long time ago.
Jake gently laid you on the bed but didn't get in with you, he made his way over to the door instead.
“What are you doing? Are you leaving?’ You ask, sitting up on your elbows.
“No baby, just shutting the door.” He chuckled as butterflies erupted at the pet name. It rolled off his tongue so easily, like he had called you baby forever.
“Mmm i like that, say it again..” you smiled as he leaned over you on the bed to place a peck on your lips.
“What? Shutting the door?” He teased.
“C’mon you have to be nice to me now..” you playfully whined.
“Who says? Not like you’re my girlfriend.”
Jake realized how insensitive that sounded considering you just professed your love to him before having a spontaneous steamy make out session.
The realization settled in that he was in fact right, you weren’t dating and you were getting too comfortable. You cleared your throat as you sat up adjusting yourself.
“I didn’t mean it like that, sunshine.. I was just teasing.”
“No, no you’re right..we're not. I was getting ahead of myself, you don’t have to call me baby..” you paused looking down at your hands before continuing.
“…d-do you think we ruined everything?” You asked, now feeling extremely vulnerable. Jake gently grabbed your chin bringing you to look up at him, he placed a soft kiss on your lips before responding.
“You don’t know how long I’ve waited to have you like this y/n, if you think we ruined it you're insane. I think we just made everything so much better.” He smiled down at you, you couldn’t help but let a tear escape as you smiled up at him. He truly was the perfect one for you.
‘They’re happy tears this time, promise.” You gave him a tight lipped smile as he planted the messiest peck on your lips wrapping his arms around you.
“I’ll happily call you baby whenever you want, so long as you give me another kiss.” He said looking down at your lips. You giggled before softly placing your lips against his.
He deepened the kiss hovering over you on the bed as your hands found their way back through his hair. You hummed against his lips as his knee came to rest between your legs. The sound was music to Jake’s ears.
You ran your hands along his exposed chest before toying with the last few buttons on his shirt.
“Eager, are we?” Jake teased.
You blushed at the fact he’d taken notice of your desperation. You were trying to play it cool and not like this is the very moment you’ve dreamt about on too many nights alone to count. You were stuck on how you even got in this position in the first place. Jake pecked your lips once more before trailing his way down to your neck.
“Don’t get all shy on me now baby..” the rasp in his voice sent shivers down your spine as he slid a hand up your shirt toying with your bra strap.
‘Is it okay if I take this off?” He whispered in your ear before planting a kiss just below it. You closed your eyes from the pure bliss the proximity brought you, you’ve seen how romantic and sensual Jake can be and you had desperately longed to feel that for yourself.
“Mhmm..” you softly hummed.
“Use your words darling.” His voice was stern, dominating, and you loved it.
Jake was usually very sure of himself in bed yet he was struggling to maintain composure seeing your lust-filled eyes watch his every move. He wanted to make this moment special, he wanted it to be memorable and you made him incredibly nervous. Alike yourself, this is the moment he's been dreaming of and he was certain on making it exceptional.
“Please Jake.” You said, voice merely above a whisper. Jakes eyes fluttered shut at the sweet sound of your desperation, the need in your plea only spurring him on further. In one swift motion your shirt was being pulled over your head.
Jake sat back for a moment to fully admire you. He had seen you in a bikini plenty of times but this was especially different. A bathing suit top is nothing compared to you in a black lace bra underneath him as you stare up at him with love-drunk eyes.
“You’re too good to be true, y/n.” Jake said before hungrily attaching his lips to yours.
He didn’t linger on your lips for long before he started trailing his kisses down your neck and chest before eventually finding purchase on the curve of your boob.
“Take it off.” You said, you were so quiet you weren’t sure he even heard you.
“You can take it off, jakey” you reiterated.
Jake wasted no time in unclasping your bra and sliding it down your arms.
“..fuck.” He whispered beneath his breath.
You closed your eyes as his hands moved to massage both your breasts. Jake reattached his lips to the skin of your chest before trailing down and wrapping his lips around your nipple and gently sucking.
You whimpered slightly and you felt Jake grow even harder against your leg. He swirled his tongue around as his other hand came up to roll your other nipple between his thumb and pointer.
“Fuckkk jake..” you moaned.
He let off your breast with a pop before leaving a trail of kisses down your stomach. Your heart rate quickened as he came close to your heat, you couldn’t believe how you ended up in this situation.
“I’m gonna take these off baby, okay?”
“Okay.” You softly giggle as he pulls your sweatpants down your legs, throwing them off to the side of your bed.
“Are we really doing this?” You ask with a nervous smile as he came back up to kiss you once more.
“Only if you really want to.” Jake said, pressing his lips to yours.
“You're not gonna get all weird with me in the morning are you?” You joked.
“Not a chance, sunshine.” He reassured, shining you a comforting smile.
You felt relieved you were finally doing this with someone who understood your emotional needs so well. It wasn't weird that you were becoming intimate with someone you’ve known for so long, it was everything you wanted. You knew at this moment you could trust him with your entire being.
“I'm all yours, baby.” You say pulling him down to feel the taste of his lips on yours again. You couldn’t get enough of it, it was compelling, intoxicating, an addiction waiting to take its course.
With his lips still on your own, Jake moved his hand down to gently move the fabric of your thong to the side. You sighed against his lips as you felt his calloused finger tip collect some of your slick.
“You’re soaked, love..” he mumbled against your lips.
Jake sat back to get a good look at the mess between your legs. Your cunt ached with need and you were eager to feel him inside you.
He swiped his finger across your vulva once more before bringing his fingers to his mouth for a taste. Jake softly hummed at how sweet you tasted, he collected some more on his middle and ring finger before inserting them in your own. You moaned at how hot this side of Jake was. The taste of your arousal mixed with the saltiness of the skin on his fingers, you wanted him to absolutely ruin you.
He slid one finger into your cunt watching and studying how your face contorted in pleasure. Your brows slightly furrowed and your lips softly parted at the feeling of finally feeling the contact you’d been desperately craving. He pumped his finger in and out gently coaxing small moans and whimpers out of you. Jake had never heard prettier sounds in all his years of living.
Jake moved his way down, sliding your underwear down your legs. He moved his face to be level with your dripping core. He laid flat on his stomach wrapping his arms under your knees and resting both of your legs atop his shoulders. Once he had your legs comfortably sat he slipped both his hands under your ass lifting your bottom half into his face. You watched as he connected his mouth to your clit gently sucking. He licked a long stripe, collecting every last drop of the sweet nectar on his tongue.
“You taste so good, sunshine.” Jake said, pulling back; this time inserting two fingers in you.
Your mouth fell slack as he pushed them both to the hilt and curled up. He slowly pumped them inside you as your abdomen tightened from the pleasure. Jake was having a ball seeing the reactions he could emit from you with solely his fingers.
“Tell me how good it feels baby..” he said, slowing his movements as he waited for a response. He looked up at you from his position, his chin coated in your slick. He was so hot like this, you didn’t expect Jake to be so vocal in bed but it ultimately made so much sense.
“Mm.. soo good Jake..” you whimpered, grinding your hips further down on his fingers for more friction.
“Atta girl.” He praised before attaching his mouth to your slit once more.
He was working you at a much faster pace, he was almost feral for you. The pleasure was so intense you could only emit high pitched whines and staggered breaths. Your sounds of pleasure only made Jake want to coax more out of you. His fingers and his tongue moved in harmony as you so gracefully sang for him. Jake was in ecstasy with your thighs clamped around his head as you writhed beneath him.
Jake added a third finger pushing in as far as he could and merciselly pounded his fingers in and out of you while he hungrily sucked on your clit. The feeling of the added finger and the stimulation on your clit had the knot in your stomach tightening faster than you would like to admit.
“I’m close” you whined, gripping his hair in your fingers.
Jake didn’t speed up nor slow down, he knew this was the pace that was drawing you closer and didn’t want to mess up the flow. He looked up to watch how your face beautifully contorted from your impending orgasm. He felt your walls clench around his fingers before you closed your eyes and tipped your head back even further into the pillow.
You felt the knot finally explode as you let out a choked moan from the immense pleasure you were receiving.
Jake gently pulled his fingers out and made his way up to kiss you again. You moaned at the taste of your climax on his lips. He sat back and messed with his belt pulling his pants off. He discarded them with the rest of the clothes lying on the floor.
You pulled him back down towards you to attach your lips to his again. Now that you had finally felt his kiss you couldn’t get enough of it. You moaned against his lips as you toyed with the band of his boxers.
“I don’t have a condom” He spoke against your kiss.
“I’m on birth control.. as long as you don’t have any germs down there im fine.” You giggled moving loose strands of his hair away from his face. Jake chuckled before helping you slip his boxers off.
Your eyes widened upon seeing his shaft spring free.
“Not what you expected?” He teased with a cocky smirk. You rolled your eyes with a laugh but he wasn't entirely wrong. You didn’t expect for him to be small but definitely not this big. Jake’s member was painfully hard, the tip swollen red with pre-cum leaking. He had gotten himself so worked up while pleasing you, he was desperate for release. It was intimidating to say the least.
“Don’t flatter yourself, kiszka.” You jokingly chided.
Jake chuckled before leaning back over you and spreading your legs apart with his knees. He attached his lips to yours in a passionate kiss as you felt his tip come in contact with your slit. You tried pushing your hips down to see if he would slip in even the slightest but to no avail.
“Mm-m… not yet.”
“Gonna please you some more baby” Jake continued.
“But this would please me.” You whined.
“so whiny, just trust me.. yeah?” He breathed as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.
”Come stand in front of me..” he said softly.
You got up from your spot on the bed and made your way to stand in between his parted legs. Your hands subconsciously moved to cover your boobs, you felt extremely vulnerable now fully exposed in front of him. You were still getting accustomed to the fact that your lifelong best friend just gave you one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had. His hands gently moved your hands off each boob and kissed along your sternum.
“So beautiful, my woman.” Jake mumbled against your skin. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear as he retreated from your torso.
He took a moment to admire you on complete display for him. You were stunning, Jake was practically drooling at the sight. He still couldn’t believe you loved him the same as he did.
“temptress of my heart…” he muttered, almost to himself as his eyes drank in your beauty. You blushed and smiled to yourself that he had been so kind to you even in your most vulnerable state.
“If it becomes too much we're gonna use the stoplight system, okay?”
”green you're good, yellow we slow down for a little, red we stop completely.” He held direct eye contact waiting for your answer.
“O-okay.” You shyly replied.
No one had ever dominated you like this and you were eager to see what he had in store for you, you doubt you would even use the safe words but you were glad he ensured your own pleasure above all else.
“Bend over my lap baby.” Jake directed.
You timidly shifted your body to the side of jakes as he laid his hand on your lower back to help guide you over his thighs. You shifted your body down until your torso was across his legs. Jake wrapped his hands around your waist and guided you further towards one side until your top half was almost hanging off him completely giving his arm better access to your center. He gave your ass a squeeze causing you to slightly hum in pleasure, eager for him to carry on.
”You look so pretty like this, sunshine. Bent over my lap, all naked..” he trailed off as he started getting lost in the thought of his fantasy finally becoming a reality. He quickly inserted one finger eliciting a moan from you.
“More..” you pleaded.
”my sweet girl..” he mumbled, inserting another finger, pumping at a faster rate.
“Good job using your words baby..” he said as you let out a high pitched moan as he had started pumping his fingers so fast in and out of you that you were about to slide off his lap entirely if it weren’t for him wrapping his left arm around under your neck combatting the force of his right hand.
The position he had you in only added to the pleasure. Jake added a third finger again, this time stretching you further than before. You dropped your full weight on Jake allowing his arm to fully hold you up as he worked your pussy with fervor.
Your moans had subsided to long drawn out whines as the pleasure had intensified. You’ve never been fingered so well in a position like this and you wondered how you would ever get over him, should something bad happen, now that he's made you feel such intense euphoria.
Jake's soft hums of praise and the lewd squelching of your arousal was all that could be heard as your vocalized pleasure had subsided to silence. Your mouth hung agape as it all became so intense you were experiencing a feeling you had never felt before. Jake only pumped faster as you finally released guttural moans.
The blood rushing to your head from your position made you feel incredibly light headed on top of the pure ecstasy Jake was making you feel. The unfamiliar feeling only grew stronger as he curled his fingers just right, thrusting in and out of you with even more force.
Your hips spasmed against his thighs as your orgasm had completely overtaken all senses. Your vision blurred over for a moment as your release was far more intense than any other you had ever felt. The moan you let put was practically a scream as you heard the rush of your own arousal drip all over the floor as it had completely soaked the side of Jake's leg and down your thighs.
He continued to work you through it as your cum sprayed down his forearm some more. Once you had calmed down and your body had laid limp across his lap, Jake gently guided you to stand up and sit back down more comfortably on his lap while you caught your breath. He gently moved the hair that has stuck to the sweat coating your forehead, allowing you to recover.
‘‘Holy shit, jake..’’ you said, completely exhausted. You curled up against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you.
”m’sorry about the mess, never done that before” You giggled as the heat rose to your cheeks to which jake slightly chuckled.
”you never have to apologize, baby.” He gently mumbled as his hold on you tightened.
“Color?” He asked.
”green.” You said, lifting your head from the crook of his neck.
Jake smiled bright at you before tapping your calf, signaling you to stand up. You laid back down on your back as Jake crawled above you capturing your lips in yet another kiss. He moved his hand down grabbing ahold of his dick and lining it up with your entrance. Your breath hitched in your throat as you realized Jake was actually about to fuck you. Before you could think on it any further he slowly pushed inside.
“Fucking shit.” He muttered as he bottomed out.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head at the satisfying stretch his member gave you. No one had ever made you feel so full.
“You feel so good, jake.” You moaned.
Jake started out slow as you were emitting tiny ‘uh’ sounds with every thrust. He slowly started picking up speed as he lifted a leg over his shoulder. He bent down to give you a kiss, bending your leg back with him. You moaned against his mouth at the new angle as he began to mercilessly pound in and out of you.
“You’re squeezing me so tight, fuck.’ He groaned as he picked up his pace. Jake was trying his best to hold out as long as possible but he shouldn’t need to worry, you were still so sensitive from the last two orgasms that your third was creeping up embarrassingly fast.
“Harder, sir.” You whimpered. You didn’t know where the name had come from but the fire it ignited behind Jake's irises only gave you all the more confidence.
”say it again.” Jake ordered, his hooded eyes meeting your own.
“Please, sir… I'm so close.” You whined once more.
“Hold it.” He said pulling out of you and forcefully flipping you around. He gripped your hips pulling you onto all fours making sure your torso laid flat on the bed. He lined himself up with your back entrance.
”color.” He demanded.
“Green.” You said before you yelped from the forceful thrust of Jake's hips. He wrapped your hair around his fist once more. Jake was pounding into you so hard your body thrusted forwards from the sheer force of his hips against your backside.
“Pl-please— fuck!” You yelped as he perfectly hit your g spot.
He smirked behind you as he began focusing his thrust on that area. Your soft moans evolving into high pitched whines as he fucked you senseless. You were still incredibly sensitive and you didn’t know how much longer you’d be able to hold out as the pressure had only started rising even more.
“I feel you squeezing around me, i. said. hold. It.” He punctuated his last words with each thrust digging into your cervix, the pain bordered pleasure and the feeling was intoxicating.
Tears pricked at your eyes from the intensity of your impending climax. You cried out as he only picked up speed. Adjusting his grip on your hair, Jake pulled your body up so your back laid flush against his chest. He kissed along your neck as he thrusted upwards.
“Aw, is my sweet girl crying?” Jake said through heavy breaths. You could tell he too was close to a release.
“Just feels soo good, huh angel?” He taunted as the fingers not tangled in your hair came around to toy with your clit.
”please sir” you cried.
”i-i can’t” you continued as tears slid down your face from the fervent pleasure. You knew deep down you could, the pleasure was just overwhelming. It wasn’t like you didn’t feel like you could use your safe word with Jake, deep down you liked the this side of Jake.
“You can, baby. You’re taking it so well. Just one more for me, yea?”
“One more..’ you echoed as you closed your eyes and let him take the reigns. Jake let go of your hair guiding your top half back down on the bed. He turned you on your back once more before slipping back inside your warmth. You both let out sighs of relief as you watched it slide in.
“That’s my girl. Taking it so well, sunshine.” He said as he wiped the remaining tears staining your cheeks. You closed your eyes and hummed as he slowly started thrusting, this time a little slower as he wanted to take his time with you.
Your breathy whimpers spurred Jake on as your eyebrows slightly furrowed from the pleasure. He couldn’t be more enamored by you at this moment. Your breast slightly bounced with his thrusts, your moans were as sweet as a siren's song, your hair perfectly splayed across the pillow, your soft plump lips slightly parted; he was hopelessly in love with you.
”I love you, y/n.” He said before capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. You moaned happily against his lips as his thrusts picked up more speed.
“I love you more..” you said between breaths as he started fucking into you harder. he wrapped both your legs around his hips as he leaned over you. He placed soft kisses along your neck as his cock hit the perfect spot in your core.
Your moans accelerated as did his speed, you were teetering over the edge once more as his member perfectly hit your cervix.
“Can i cum, sir.. please” you pleaded as you tried grinding your hips down in time with his own. The new sensation of your clit rubbing against his pelvis only quickened your oncoming orgasm.
“Mhm, now.” He said picking up pace as his brows furrowed and his hair clung to the beads of sweat adorning his face.
You were sent over the edge as your legs clamped around his hips. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you succumbed to the waves of pleasure radiating throughout your body.
“Fuckkkkkkkk Jake” you let out a drawn out moan at the intensity.
“That's it baby, just let go” he said, coaxing you through your orgasm as another wave of pleasure shot through you.
You felt him twitch inside you before he pulled out and quickly picked his boxers up, pumping his load into the fabric as heavy breaths escaped through his nose.
“Holy shit.” He laughed, discarding the briefs and making his way to lay down next to you.
Jake wasted no time in pulling you into him as he tangled his legs around yours, you felt him start to soften against your leg and you had never felt so intimately connected to someone. Aside from any romantic aspect, he knew you completely, probably better than most and now he knew you even your most private self.
“Best sex I’ve had..” he mumbled as his eyes darted across your blissed out face.
“Didn’t peg you to be soo….dominant, for lack of better word.” You giggled.
”I'm whoever you want me to be, baby.” Jake smiled with heavy eyelids.
“Are you sleepy?” You whispered, resting a palm on his cheek.
“Very, but I don’t wanna go to sleep just yet.” He said. Jake didn’t want this moment to end. He was clinging on to every last moment with you as if when he woke you would cease to exist, as if he had dreamt it all.
”Well, do you wanna take a quick shower and have a sleepover?” You said flashing him a gentle smile.
”I'll take you up on that sleepover but I'm gonna have to postpone that shower..” he chuckled, closing his eyes and stretching his legs. He let out a content sigh before pulling you in close.
”Just a quick one, baby” you mumbled, twisting his hair around your finger.
”Okay but tell me you love me again” he whispered, moving to leave a sweet peck on your lips.
“I loveee you” you giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to you.
”mmmmm…again.” he said, kissing you once more.
”I love you, I love you.” You said gently swiping your nose across his own.
”one more time.” You laughed loudly as he smiled at you.
”come on jakey, you know i love you. I’ve loved you for like… ever.”
”how much you wanna bet i loved you first” Jake challenged.
”not a chance” you scoffed.
“Trust me, I did…I wish we would’ve realized sooner.” he said, eyes trailing down to your lips before darting back up to your eyes.
“Thats why i blew up on you that night, i noticed you were upset and i thought i ruined any chance with you…” he continued.
”no. Let me finish, I’ve been dying to tell you. I-i started seeing Laura to distract me from you.” You pulled back in shock.
’what?!” You laughed.
“No way, me??!” You continued in shock that he even saw you that way all this time. He laughed at your flabbergasted state.
“Of course you” Jake chuckled.
”Jake I haven’t been in a relationship in years because I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was waiting for one hint that you liked me back but I think I may have been a bit blind.” You sheepishly smiled.
”No, that's on me, sunshine. I had terrible flirting attempts and then I just assumed you didn’t like me back so I tried convincing myself to stop seeing you in that light which..failed, terribly.” He laughed.
“I was trying to convince myself I didn’t have feelings for you either and I guess I ended up convincing you in the process as well.” You joked shining light on how silly it all was.
Jake didn’t seem to laugh. He was oddly quiet and avoiding your gaze.
”sorry i just still feel really awful for how i spoke to you. You don’t deserve that from anyone. Now that I know I did in fact break your heart with the news, the way I spoke to you after just makes it worse.”
”its okay bab—“
”no. It’s not. I told myself I would always make sure you were happy and I basically failed. And then i fucking ignore you? Like what was I thinking? You deserve so much better than that. You have a heart of pure fucking gold and I should’ve handled it with more care. I’m so sorry y/n.”
“W-why did you ignore me? If you don’t mind me asking.” you timidly ask, afraid of the answer.
”I suppose initially I thought it’d be better to antagonize you than realize I was the one that fucked up and then I just felt so guilty and almost…paralyzed at the thought that I couldn’t bring myself to reach out and apologize. I was a-ashamed, I felt like I had ruined it all.”
“I see..” you say nervously chewing on your bottom lip.
”well, it doesn’t matter. What happened happened no matter how shitty, we're here now and we just had the time of our lives together… o-or at least i did, I don’t know about y—“ you were cut off by Jake pressing his lips to yours.
”you're cute when you ramble.” He whispered, pulling back. You blushed covering your face by nestling it on his chest.
”how about that shower?” He offered.
”yea, you kinda smell.” You joked, standing up from the bed.
“Hey what happened to being nice to each other?” Jake questioned catching up behind you and giving a small smack to your bare ass.
”you’re right..my apologies, good sir” you mocked.
”you little..” Jake murmured following you into the bathroom. He watched you bend over and turn the shower on. You stopped in front of the sink while you let it warm up, you looked at your reflection for the first time in hours and boy did you look rough. Your hair was all tussled from Jake's grip, your mascara had smeared under your eyes from either the nap or the crying, you honestly didn’t know.
Your eyes trailed over to Jake leaning against the door, unclad, staring at you as if you had hung the moon even amidst the disarray.
“I look crazy.” You giggled wiping the mascara under your eyes. Jake came up from behind and wrapped his arms around your waist before resting a kiss to the back of your head.
”never looked better.” He smiled before pulling back. You turned and pecked him on the lips before yawning.
”Okay let's hop in, I’m getting tired.” You say opening the shower door and stepping in, the long-haired boy following suit.
You let the warm water soothe your exhausted body. You had your back facing the shower head as you leaned your head back to wet your hair. Jake moved closer in front of you helping you soak your hair. You sighed in contentment as you leaned into his touch.
”I love you.” you whispered.
”I love you more, princess.” He said picking up the shampoo bottle and gesturing for you guys to switch spots. Jake allowed the stream to flow down his back, wetting his hair as he lathered shampoo onto yours. He helped you rinse your hair out before you returned the favor shortly thereafter.
The rest of the shower consisted of pretty much that, gentle touches and soft words of adoration exchanged. It was sweet and intimate and everything you could have ever hoped for to end a night like this.
You turned off the water and stepped out to dry yourself off. You wrapped a towel in your hair and started on your night routine. Jake quickly dried his hair with a towel before hanging it up and sifting through your drawers for something to wear.
“I have some boxers I wear as pj shorts if you wanna use those.” You offered rubbing in your lotion.
”where are they? He called back.
”pajama pant drawer.. top left” you said, finishing off the last few steps of your skin care.
“Found them.” He said pulling them out and sliding them on. You slipped into an old t-shirt and some underwear for the night, unwrapping the towel from your hair and hanging it back up. Jake made his way to lay down before you stopped him.
”Wait, don’t lay down yet. I have to clean up or else I can’t sleep.” You giggled.
”righttt, forgot about that.” He smiled to himself. He took a seat on your vanity chair watching as you mindlessly wandered about the room picking up the discarded clothes from earlier and putting all your nick nacks in their designated places. Jake couldn’t help himself from the wide smile that broke on his face upon seeing you so candidly.
The domesticity was enamoring, almost as if you guys were playing house. Jake’s favorite girl cleaning up before bed, freshly showered and eager to lay with him afterwards just as much as he is. He wanted this for the rest of his life.
You adjusted the sheets and fluffed the last pillow before exhaling an accomplished sigh and patting the bed for him to lay.
”Come lay, I'm just gonna turn off the lights and make sure the door is locked.” You say before retreating out of your bedroom.
Jake made himself comfortable in your bed as he patiently waited for you to return, he was over the moon. He never thought he’d have you like this and he couldn’t believe he was stupid enough to almost fuck everything up. He was incredibly thankful to have you by his side, it had become painfully obvious to Jake that there was no one else for him aside from you. You returned with two ice cold water bottles, handing one of them to Jake.
”thank you sunshine.” He murmured, pulling a hand from under the sheets to accept it. He cracked open the cap and took a sip as you plugged your phone in and turned off the bedside lamp.
“C’mere baby” Jake said, pulling you into him by your waist.
You wrapped your legs around his own as you nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck. Jake hummed a quiet tune lulling you to sleep. The endorphins you must’ve been experiencing were at an all time high. After all the drinking, the sex, the warm shower, and jakes soft skin and sweet melodies, you were growing more tired by the minute. You let out a big yawn before Jake started scratching the back of your head.
”Go to sleep baby, you’ve had a long day.” He cood
”m’kay” you murmured, allowing your body to fully submit to the slumber. Jake closed his eyes, still keeping a hand on the back of your head to hold you close. He knew you were asleep the minute soft snores started tickling the base of his neck. He smiled to himself before eventually drifting into a blissful deep sleep.
You peered your eyes open at the morning light shining through the curtains into your bedroom. You let your eyes adjust to the brightness as you recalled the events of last night. Before you could think any further you heard the insufferable ringing of your phone.
It was josh calling to see if you were up and ready to pick up your car but you knew Jake would have no issue taking you so you told him you found a friend to take you.
You peered over to your side to find the bed completely empty aside from yourself. You laid a hand where you could’ve sworn Jake was just at, upon feeling the coldness of the sheets your heart sunk. Your mind ran a mile a minute at every possibility until you heard some shuffling out in your kitchen. You slipped the covers off of you before heading in that direction.
You turned the corner to see Jake putting what seemed to be the finishing touches on the surprise he had put together for you. Any and all of your worry had quickly washed away seeing his bright smile, waiting for you to come down.
”What is all this jakey?” You exclaimed, looking around as you walked over to give him a sweet peck on the lips.
”well i was gonna go wake you up but i see you’ve beat me to it.” Jake smiled down at you with a firm hand still on your waist.
The rush of relief from the worry you had felt just a few moments ago was incredibly refreshing. You looked around the kitchen table and saw a bouquet of your favorite flowers, some homemade breakfast, your morning cup of coffee curated to your exact taste because Jake wouldn’t dare to forget how you take it, and a handwritten note to which you had yet to figure out the contents of.
”dig in baby” he said, placing a kiss on the top of your head and reassuringly rubbing your side.
”all of this is for me?” You asked, almost in disbelief. You swiftly turned to look back at him for answers, it seemed pretty obvious but no one had ever taken the time to do this for you let alone after a hookup.
It took all of Jake's strength to prevent his knees from buckling upon seeing your bright doe eyes staring into his own, full of love and wonder. He thought you looked quite adorable in your t-shirt that was way too big for you, your hair all messy from sleeping with it wet, and your sweet morning face. Jake was having a hard time pulling himself away from you this morning, you looked so serene he wouldn’t dare to disturb that. He considered himself a very lucky man to have experienced you in such an intimate way.
Your reaction to his little surprise just solidified the question written in the note for you. You picked up a piece of bacon before offering some to him to which he politely declined.
”You're not gonna eat?” You pouted.
“I accidentally filled myself up, I snagged a few pieces of everything while making it.” He laughed.
”of course you did” you giggled along.
“Can i read this first, i wanna know already” you said, impatiently reaching for the note.
”By all means, sunshine.” he said, taking a seat on one of the chairs.
You shuffled closer to him before taking a seat on his lap. You slipped the last piece of bacon in your mouth before wiping your hands and opening up the letter. Jake wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you up and you could feel the pounding of his heart in his rib cage. You picked up on the sudden heavy breaths, Jake was anxious and for what? Your eyes began to scan the paper.
My sweet y/n.
You have graced me with a love I thought I would never have the privilege of experiencing. You have shown and taught me extreme kindness and immense humility and you dance through this life radiating the most enrapturing of lights. you are the feeling of finishing a puzzle, should you lamentably decide i am no longer worthy of your love it would equate to the most dismal of sun sets for you have been my guiding light. I am incredibly sorrowful that i have waited so long to come to terms with my undying love for you. I have put others before you when you have been the only plausible answer all along. I shall spend the rest of my days reminding you that i choose you, always.
I have fallen in love with you in ways incomprehensible to average man.I have loved you firstly as a friend and confidant and now I am most proud to say i get to love you as the partner you deserve.
It would be of greatest honor if you accept this offer.
my sunshine, will you be my girlfriend?
all my love, Jake.
P.s. Sam says he’s really sorry
You giggled at the last sentence as a subtle sob escaped into the trembling hand covering your mouth. The tears had quietly slipped past your ducts. You swivel your body to face him before abruptly kissing him.
”I'm guessing that’s a yes?’ Jake laughed, shining you the brightest smile.
“A million times yes” you said as the happy tears flowed. You attached your lips to his once more.
You were elated to say the least, if you would have told your 17 year old self that you would be sitting in your kitchen after sleeping with the man you were hopelessly in love with, accepting to be his lover, you wouldn’t have believed it. Alas, you sat there clinging on to the long haired man as if he would slip from your grasps at any moment. You pulled back to slightly catch your breath as you both got lost within the others gaze.
“I love you, sweet lady” Jake cooed.
“I love you more” you replied pecking his lips once more.
Although you may have been a bit dramatic in leaving after hearing he was with someone else, you couldn’t have been more grateful for the outcome it has bestowed upon you both. If things hadn’t happened the way it did, would you have been compelled to confess your feelings or was the perfect nudge in the right direction.
When everything was seemingly crashing down around you as though some emotional landslide, the torn down rubble had paved way for a brand new journey. One to embark with a newfound freedom and irrevocable love.
You two stayed in the rest of the day enjoying the simplistic domesticity, enjoying some records and food together. As you stared at him cleaning up his dishes you realized there isn’t anyone else you would rather spend the rest of your life with.
Turns out the child within your heart can rise above.
Thoughts???!!! How is everybody? Thank you guys again!
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callofdudes · 7 months
Late little Valentine's thing for the boys, their love languages and how they show you affection 😊
This will only include 141. Was busy on my birthday and never got around to this. So before February ends. Can be platonic or romantic.
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Heavy on physical affection. Any time he can squeeze in a hug, a high five or really anything, he will.
He's super into encouraging words and will call you something if he sees you passing by. "There's my favorite (lad/lass/lovely/soldier)"
His love language return and send is physical affection, so whenever you want to show him that you love him, physical affection will set him in the right mood.
For Valentine's Day he got you a box of chocolates you really like and a photo of himself, with comic Sans saying, "Don't let anyone steal your swag, this Valentine's."
To show you affection, he's only ever going to do what he knows you're comfortable with. If you're happy with a little peck, he'll go for it.
If you're smaller than him then he'll do that thing where he asks you to sniff his collar and then kisses your forehead. If you're bigger than him he will jump on you. Don't fight it. Hold him. Hold him!! Let him give you a nice good smooch. Don't be afraid- DON'T BE AFRAID! COME BACK!!! HE'S NOT FINISHED!!
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Not a huge physical affections guy, just isn't his thing. However, how he does show affection is through acts of service.
Sometimes it may seem that Ghost is being bossy by not letting you do things or that he cleaned your room because he didn't think you could do it on your own. Truth is, he's showing you he loves you.
Ghost took time from his incredibly busy schedule to clean, or tidy, or do something that he knew was so minimal in the grand scheme he might not get praised, but he knows you'll like it.
That's why when he can't sleep at night he may clean. Sweep the common area and clean up the kitchen and wash dishes. Because he knows you guys will come in and need to use the space tomorrow and would appreciate it being clean.
That being said, please, please oh please praise him. I'm not saying he's starved but if you tell him he is doing a good job, or you're proud of him, or thankful for his help?? He might just cry. No, scratch that, he'll excuse himself to catch the waterworks.
You're speaking to his inner child when you praise him. Ghost doesn't do anything in return for praise, but when you offer it, oh please don't let go of him.
Simon knows some flower language, so naturally he goes out to get you some flowers. Whether you look like you'd typically be into flowers or not isn't the question. It's which ones he's getting you, and why.
He got you Azaleas as well as some lilies just to break up the pink. Azaleas being the equivalent of "Take care of yourself for me, temperance and fragile passion"
It's a subtle way, If you know, for him to tell you how he feels without having to say it. And with that he also gets you hotrods. No, not the car, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, here.
If you're smaller than him (which, in most cases you probably are, let's be for real) he'll lean over from behind you and simply rest his chin on the top of your head.
It's something of affection for him, watching the world with you quietly, relaxing with his head resting on yours. Simon's way of saying "I love you."
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Gifts are his love language. Whenever he's out and about and he sees a trinket that reminds him of you he'll snatch it and bring it back.
He constantly does this and telling him he doesn't have to doesn't stop him.
For Valentine's Day he'll go all out. He'll buy you chocolate, some flowers to make your office window look a little prettier, and a card too.
To show him affection back, please praise him. Like Ghost, he had to fight a lot in the past for recognition or praise, so you saying "I really appreciate you, in glad you're here, you did a good job picking, you really know me" sends him spiraling.
He'll be at your heel the rest of the day, and you'll happily grant him praise and recognition without him having to claw and scratch for it.
Like John, he does kiss and touch to show affection to those he's close to. But if you are only comfortable with it. He's a mixed bag, and will kiss you all over every single day if he has permission.
If he doesn't, simple touches suffice. Bumping your shoulder on the way by or wrapping his arms around you from behind to smoosh his face into your neck or shoulder blades, depending on how tall you stand.
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This man is no pussy, will straight up tell you he loves you and appreciates you. Will make you breakfast on the day and wake you up with a kiss, (or forehead kiss, or both)
He'll let you wear your comfy clothes and will make you stay in bed as you eat. If you couldn't have guessed, he serves through acts of service and gifts!
John Price is always right there, even after a long day to help out. Now, if you leave a trash bag for him on purpose, he'll be stubborn and won't take it out. But if it's on his own terms John will do just about anything for you. You call the shots.
If you want to stay in bed, then that's your call. He certainly isn't complaining. If you want to go out, then you'll go out!
He's a very traditional man, no matter who you are or your style, Price will give you the gentlemen's treatment. Flowers, a bag of chocolates (yes, a whole bag. Come on 141 get on his level)
He'll pretty much pamper you all day. Please pamper him back. He feels loved most when given physical affection and repaid with acts of service. If you clean the house so he doesn't have to then you're a dream.
But even if you just come up behind him and hug him, tell him you love him and appreciate him, that's enough to make his whole week.
You have to do it again though, because he swears that it just rubbed off and he forgot. Do it again. Don't be afraid. DO IT AGAIN.
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howlingday · 6 months
Sun: Jaune, as a fellow bro, I will help you get laid. I swear on my life!
-One Week of Hijinks & Shenanigans later-
Sun: Never in my life have I ever thought that i'd meet someone with less game than Neptune.
Neptune, in the distance: FUCK YOU!
Jaune: I'm sorry...
Sun: See! This is what I'm talking about! You're so timid that not even the doms want a piece of you! Hands down, no woman is going to want ANYTHING to do with you.
Jaune: What if I don't want anything to do with girls?
Sun: ...
Neptune: ...Sun?
Sun: Sorry, I'm pretending I didn't hear that. (Takes a deep breath) Okay. Here's what you're gonna do. You're going to give me your scroll.
Jaune: (Hands over scroll) Okay?
Sun: Good. Now, I'm going to leave, and I'll be back sometime tomorrow morning.
Jaune: What?! But I can't get back to Beacon without my scroll!
Sun: Exactly. It's time you learned the way we learn to swim in Vacuo.
Jaune: How?
Sun: We're tossing you in the deep end. Later.
Jaune: Wait- (Shoved, Falls into crowd)
Sun: Let's go, Neptune.
Neptune: I... Er... (Sighs) Sorry, man.
Jaune: ...Guys?
Sun: Will you stop pacing? You're making me dizzy.
Neptune: Dude! Do you feel even the SLIGHTEST bit bad about what we did?!
Sun: Nah, not really. I mean, you're the one who's been walking back and forth since we got on the bullhead.
Neptune: No, I mean about how we ditched Jaune last night! I had to look Pyrrha in the eye and lie that I didn't know where he was, and that was only because I didn't know where he was!
Sun: Dude, he had to learn. Can you imagine having no game at 17?
Neptune: Yeah! Me!
PA: Now docking at Vale South Station.
Sun: ...Eh, you had some game. It was, like, nerd game, but it was still game. Jaune was more like-
Jaune: More like what?
Neptune: JAUNE! (Hugs) I was so worried about you! P-Please don't be mad at us!
Jaune: Er, i-it's okay, Neptune. I'm not mad at you. Just... disappointed.
Neptune: (Crying) That's even worse~!
Sun: Ugh... Great. You got Neptune going with the waterworks. Whatever, you get laid yet?
Jaune: No, not yet.
Sun: Motherf- DUDE! What, do I gotta toss you in a whorehouse to get you to man up?!
Jaune: No, not really. I found somebody else to help me with that.
Arslan: Hello, Sun.
Sun: Arslan? Hey, what's- GUH! (Falls over)
Arslan: That was for forcing this poor guy to sleep in the city overnight. If my team didn't get here last night, who knows what could've happened to him?!
Sun: He... asked us for help...
Arslan: Yeah, and I had to 'help' him after he was stuck with the results of your 'help'.
Neptune: Wait, you mean... You two...
Jaune: Oh, no. Arslan and her team just pitched in for the hotel room for the five of us. All she asked in return was me showing her around Beacon when we get there.
Arslan: Oh, that reminds me. (Grabs scroll) Thank you for your cooperation. Let's move team!
Neptune: (Team ABRN pass with glares) So... Lunch?
Sun: Y...Yeah...
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bobgasm · 1 year
bleeding love | b.f
pairing: robert “bob” floyd x f!reader word count: 2050 warnings: smut, nsfw [18+ only], period sex, menstrual sex, reader has their period, vaginal fingering, p in v, fluff, they’re a mess
summary: in which bob loves you no matter the day of month
author’s note: i hope u guys are filthy other wise this gonna be awkward
oneshot | masterlist
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You held the heat pad to your stomach, lying down on the couch while you watched shitty movies and picked all the chocolate out of the pack of trail mix.
Bob had been gone for a week and was due back tomorrow, and of course your period had started two days ago. You’d had the usual cramping leading up to actually getting it, and then the cravings had hit you. So you’d stocked up on a few of your favourite treats, loaded up on painkillers, and toughed out the rest of the work week.
Until the weekend came around and you could slob around the place without a care.
You’d cried yourself to sleep. The painkillers weren’t helping the cramps, and you missed your boyfriend. Your heart ached, the waterworks had started, and they didn’t stop until you were fast asleep. Wearing one of Bob’s tees and hugging his pillow, trying to pretend it was him.
Waking on Sunday morning, your mood was slightly better. Mostly because you knew that Bob would be home just after midday, which meant you could finally cuddle and kiss him instead of his pillow.
The heat pad helped ease some of your discomfort, but not by much. The cramps were the worst part of getting your period, and you’d often be doubled over in the fetal position just for any kind of reprieve from the pain.
Today was one of those days. The painkillers were barely touching the sides, and it was too much admin to try and heat the pad again. So you were curled up in a ball on the couch, unable to even reach for the tv remote to change the channel. Tears burning your eyes and leaving a hot trail down your face. Nose stuffy from the hours spent crying.
You were in pain. You missed Bob. You just wanted to be coddled through the pain. Hell, you wanted the pain to end.
He’d never seen you like this. Your relationship was new, less than three months. The first time you got your period with him, he’d run out to get you supplies. Pads, tampons, painkillers and whatever else he thought would help. He’d come back with two bags worth of goodies because he didn’t want you to be without anything, but also wanted to make sure you were okay.
You’d cried over his generosity, and he’d been a little freaked out by the reaction. Telling you he’d return everything, because apparently that’s what he took your tears to mean.
You’d explained that it was so sweet he’d done all that for you, and that’s why you were crying. But he’d cocked his head and looked at you funny, proclaiming, “do guys not do that for their women when they’re menstruating?”
You’d had to explain that for a lot of men, the concept of a period freaked them the fuck out. Some of your ex boyfriends would avoid you for that entire week, since it meant you could have sex with them.
To which he’d replied, “sure you can. It might get a little messy, but that’s half the fun. Lay a couple towels down and you’re good to go.”
His blasé reaction hadn’t shocked you, not really. But it had stirred a fire burning low in your stomach. Hidden by the painful cramps, but it was there. Lingering. Waiting for him to bring it up again, or even act on it.
You always felt ten times hornier on your period, or whenever you were ovulating. In the past, you’d take care of your needs yourself whenever you were bleeding, since your exes were lesser men and refused to even talk to you during that time. So hearing that your new boyfriend, the one you were falling madly in love with, wasn’t completely grossed out by you during that week every month, caused desire to flow through your body tenfold. The only thing that could satiate it was Bob, and you had no idea how to ask him.
When he came home and found you curled up on the couch, barely able to move, he’d reheated your heating pad and handed you some more painkillers before taking a second to kiss you. Check in on you.
“How you holding up, bug?”
He’d pulled you into his lap and held you as you sobbed, softly rocking you back and forth while his hands rubbed your back or smoothed your hair. Pressing soft kisses to your forehead or readjusting your heat pad when it slipped.
“I missed you so much,” you choked out.
“I missed you too, bug,” he replied softly. “I’m sorry you’re in so much pain. I tried to get back a couple days ago but it just wasn’t in our favour.”
“You did?”
He hummed. “I know you can’t move sometimes when the pain is too much, so you fall behind on taking painkillers or fixing your heat pad. It was killing me knowing you’d probably be curled in a ball crying because it was too much.”
You sobbed harder. Held onto him a little tighter. He was so sweet, and you were so fucking in love with him.
“Hey, I’m here now. Hopefully those painkillers will kick in soon, hm? Then I can get a proper ‘welcome home.’”
“I feel so gross and unsexy right now,” you told him.
“You’re the most sexy, beautiful woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on,” he confessed. “I want you all the goddamn time. I’ve told you that before. I want you, now. Like this.”
“I’m on my period, Bobby.”
“I don’t care. I take care of my women, no matter what day of the month it is.”
His mouth was on yours. Hot and hard and dominating. An urgency to his actions. Like this conversation had turned him on. And when you turned to straddle his lap, you felt just how much he was turned on.
Moaning as you tugged his hair, only pausing to take his glasses off before his mouth was on yours again. Tasting and sucking. Claiming.
You were his, and he wasn’t going to let you forget it.
You moved to the bedroom to get a little more comfortable. He laid some towels down on the bed, and you slipped into the bathroom to remove your tampon. Arousal heavy in your stomach as your feet carried you back into the room.
He was quick to strip you naked and lay you down on the bed, mouth sucking and teeth nipping at your neck, collarbones, breasts and hips.
His fingers teased your slick folds as his mouth wrapped around your breast. Your back arching as two fingers delved into your heat, thumb rolling over your swollen clit.
His fingers hooked and brushed over your g-spot, and then his mouth was claiming yours again. Fingers working you up until your orgasm crashed over you and he swallowed your moan.
Your body alight with love and lust. Watching him with hooded eyes as he stripped and rolled a condom down his length. A proud look in his eye whenever he caught sight of you.
Spread out and leaking a mix of arousal and blood.
“So fucking sexy,” he rasped out, groaning as he crawled onto the bed. Resting his weight on top of you, pressing kisses along your jaw. “I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.”
You gasped as you felt the tip of his cock nudge against your clit, his lips molded with yours as he gripped his cock and entered you.
“Fuck, Bob,” you moaned.
He chuckled lowly as he lifted your legs and prompted you to wrap them around his waist.
He was in no rush, but your body felt alive. Moaning and gasping as he slowly rocked into you, hands buried in his hair while his forehead rested against yours. Lips barely touching, but when they did it was a short, sweet kiss. He wanted to look into your eyes and enjoy every second of this, because it would be a regular thing if you enjoyed it.
“You feel so fucking good, bug,” he whispered breathily, not wanting to speak any louder for fear it might disrupt the mood. The soft, peaceful love making that was happening that was driving you both fucking wild. “I missed you so much.”
“Missed you too, Bobby.”
He loved when you called him by his first name in bed. Especially when the sex was soft and unhurried. “Making love” in the traditional definition wasn’t something you two did often, not in the slow, feel-all-the-emotions sense of the term. No. Every time you had sex you considered it love making, but this was different. More intimate.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum, Bobby.”
“Cum on my cock, bug. Wanna feel your pussy squeezing my cock,” he goaded. He always knew the right things to say to get you there.
“Harder, please. Fuck me harder,” you pleaded, hands sliding down his back and nails digging into his shoulders.
He rocked his hips a little harder. Thrusts feeling deeper. Your high building and building and building until it crashed down all over him. Heels dug into his ass as he continued to fuck you through your orgasm, kissing you hard. Biting your bottom lip. Sucking your tongue into his mouth.
“Cum again for me, bug. I know you can. ‘m gonna cum,” he mumbled breathlessly.
You gasped as his thrusts grew a little more frantic. A little more desperate as he sought his own high. Grunting as he dropped his head into your neck. Your body tightened around him. Squeezing him. Your breathy moans hot against his ear. Nails digging into the flesh of his back, providing a little pain that you knew would get him there faster.
You chanted his name in time to his thrusts. And then you came undone, back arching and legs tightening around his waist. Squeezing him oh so deliciously until he pinned you beneath his weight and his cum spilled into the condom.
“Oh fuck, fuck yes, fucking hell,” he said, barely able to articulate his thoughts.
“That wa–,”
“I’m in love with you,” he blurted out. “I’m so fucking in love with you.”
You held your breath for as long as you could, frantically blinking back tears. Trying to exhale, albeit shakily, and then he was looking at you and the first tear fell.
“Shit, fuck, I’m sorry,” he apologised. “It’s too soon. Of course it’s too soon, I just…well, I am. And I couldn’t not tell you. Fuck, don’t cry, bug. I can take it back.”
You laughed through the tears and cupped his face. Legs still wrapped around his waist so he wasn’t going anywhere.
“Don’t take it back,” you begged softly. “I’m just so fucking emotional right now.”
“You’re not mad?”
“No, baby. Not at all. I’m in love with you too, Bob.”
“Don’t fucking scare me like that,” he chastised. “I’m balls deep inside you professing my love for you and you start crying. What was I supposed to think?”
“Don’t yell at me.” You sobbed.
“Hey, bug, I’m sorry,” he said softly. “Fuck, we’re a mess, aren’t we?”
“I told you I was on my period.”
“Fuck, I didn’t mean it like that,” he said. “I’m sorry, bug. I’m useless at this, okay? I just want to make you happy.”
“I am happy, that’s why I started crying,” you sniffled, wiping at your tears. “Can we just…go have a shower and build a fort to cuddle in and watch movies?”
He smiled softly at you and gave you a sweet kiss. “Of course we can, bug. Why don’t you get started without me and I’ll clean up here before I join you, hm? I’ll let you wash my hair.”
You beamed at him before kissing him again, tongue licking into his mouth. He kissed you back, enjoying the moment a little longer before you unwrapped your legs and let him slip out of you. He scooped you into his arms, making you laugh as he carried you to the bathroom and set you down in the shower.
“What was that for?”
“Because I love you,” he said simply. “Don’t cry, please don’t cry.” He cupped your face tenderly, thumb brushing against your cheek as you smiled at him.
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blosssombunnny · 2 years
𝓞𝓫𝓮𝔂 𝓜𝓮! 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓾𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓗𝓒𝓼
Warning: Mostly fluff (a little angst in mammons kinda? Nothing too sad) but there is nsfw in very small amounts!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lucifer definitely loves acts of service. Both giving and receiving (hehe). He’s a subtle man when out with others. He will do little things for you. Opens the car door, holds your hand delicately when you walk on stairs. He will give you his coat.
“MC stop it. I’m not cold. Put it on right now.”
The only time he will ever beg you to put more clothes on ;) Of course he will love some service in return. Whether you choose to do that by straightening his collar when it’s uneven or letting him face fuck you after a really stressful day ;3
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Mammon is very fond of physical touch. Sure he also loves gifts and spending time with you… but nothing beats your gentle and kind touch. Sometimes he winced just ever so slightly when you reach up to touch his face. This poor (literally lol) baby is head shy.
“Tch. Of course I didn’t flinch. Just… keep t-touching me…”
He deserves someone that will be there to give him a hug and let all of his stress melt off. Sometimes when he has his head on your shoulders, you’ll find little wet spots from his eyes. He will say it’s just allergies, but, he never feels safe enough to cry anywhere else. Sometimes it just slips out. When you notice you tell him
“Mammon. Please let it out. I will hold you until you are ready for me to let go.”
Here come the waterworks. He wont be able to hold back. Your shirt is soaked. Your sleeve is a tissue. But it’s all worth it to see him smile and know he is ready to do the same for you when you need him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Leviathan loooooooves quality time. There’s nothing he’d rather do than just curl up with you, his tv, and a stack of games. In between games, levels, etc. you will likely end up talking for an hour. He loves hearing about your experiences in the human world. If you have any cool anime or game related stories please tell him.
“Y-YOU MET THE VOICE ACTOR FROM I fell from heaven and became a shut-in, and now I’m in love with a human who is my master?!?!?!!!!?”
He’s so jealous. If you don’t like video games he might whine a little and try to find a game you would like. Saying “you just haven’t found the right game for you”. If you still don’t find anything he would be happy to watch DevilTube with you or watch a show!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Satan is another quality time lover. Ideally he would love to sit in front of a cozy fire with his love, both reading the same book. With a cat curled up on his lap if possible. If you aren’t a fan of reading he would welcome you to lay in his lap as he reads.
“MC? Would you like to do a puzzle with me?”
I don’t know he seems like a puzzle man. He likes the challenge and the methodical nature. If you don’t want to do that he would definitely have a long list of other activities to do. And if all else fails he will suggest going outside to try and capture a new pet cat.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Asmodeus of course mainly deals in physical touch. He just loves feeling your soft skin, your delicate hands. Tracing your curves and just generally needing to have some contact at all times.
“MCCCC can I style your hair? Can I paint your nails? Can I dress you up??” If you refuse, “Ohhhh you’re just being stubborn. How could I not dress up a perfect doll like you~” (not like you’d refuse anyway)
He will brush your hair and give your shoulders and neck some love too. If it tickles that’s even better. He loves to see you squirm and blush ;)
He will always hold your hand, link your arms, or have an arm around you in public. He wants everyone to see the cutest couple in the universe room :)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Beelzebub loves gift giving. Whether it’s a dainty necklace he saw that “would look so perfect on you” or a bite of his burger, this man loves showing you his love with little gifts. In his mind, he sees sharing his food as the ultimate signal of “I love you”. He doesn’t do this for anyone. Just for you. You tell him you don’t need gifts to know he loves you.
“I know… I just think about your smile and eyes… and I know it’ll look good on you… so I buy it.”
He’s a big goofy boy. A bit of a himbo in the best way possible. He looks rock hard on the outside (heh) but you can’t see how he melts inside when you smile and light up at certain things. And he gets to see that every time he offers your a bite. (Of his food of course)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Belphegor loves to give and receive endless amounts of affirmation! He needs to be reminded he is worthy of love and happiness. Most of the time the compliments he gives are in a sleepy haze. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t real. He truly means every word of it.
“Mmm-MC… You are just the most… yawn perfect pillow everrrr. Your body is perfect…”
He’ll definitely have his face buried in either your chest, shoulder, or hair.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Diavolo is definitely a close tie between quality time and affirmations. But in my humble opinion, quality time wins. Because what happens during quality time? Compliments, sweet talk, and affirmations. Hehe. He has it all planned out. He’s genuinely a very lonely character. He desperately wants to have fun with friends. Be carefree and not worry about strict schedules. But that’s not the life that was given to him.
“MC… this week was so tiring. Please, will you come to the castle tonight? I want to… see you…”
He’s always a little embarrassed to act so needy. But he loves when you indulge him a bit. Once you arrive he will immediately pull you into a hug that will last at least 30 seconds. He just takes in your scent. He will quickly pull you away to his room or office for some privacy. He will have his hands all over you once you’re alone. He just missed you so much. Once he calms down it will be a nice night of love and relaxation.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Barbatos = Acts of Service king. He always seems to know exactly what you need. If you are thinking ‘hmm. I’m a little thirsty’ he will likely ask if you need anything to drink in the next five minutes. It’s amazing.
“You must stay hydrated. I did not read your mind. I just know what’s your body needs. Sometimes even more than you do.”
Did that sound a little… weird? Ehh probably not. That’s only one of the many ways he surprises you. He loves to massage you and make you feel good. In return he loves to be babied a bit. He would absolutely never admit this. But. When you let him relax and get off his feet. He begins to relax instantly. Just hold him, let him lay on top of you. Pet his hair, tug on it gently, rub his shoulders and back. Small things like that really mean so much to him.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Simeon is the affirmation master. He knows exactly how to make you blush and smile. He can always find the right words to calm you, pick you up, or just make you smile a little more.
“Are you sure you aren’t an Angel in disguise… it’s uncanny how much you resemble our kind. You even feel like one… So beautiful.”
He will always make you feel like a million dollars. In return tell him how well he’s doing. After all he is in a land that’s not his home, dealing with stressful entities all day. He needs reassured that he’s doing ok.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Solomon will always give you the most thoughtful gifts. He will take the time to find out what you like and dislikes and begin to give you the most wonderful gifts. He is conservative with how often he gives you something. Mostly because if two reasons. 1. He wants it to be more special and exciting. And 2. He’d go broke otherwise. Some of the stuff he gets you is not cheap.
“Anything for you. It’s your birthday. That only happens once a year. Of course I had to go big!”
He will wink and hold you tight against his side as your birthday party (that he organized) goes on. He just loves to spoil his cute apprentice.
Thank you for reading!!
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sea-of-dust · 11 months
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Till it becomes a pumpkin
Yuta Maki Inumaki x Gn! Reader
Summary: part one of the tamaki s/o series this one ant for my moots its for me 😻
Notes: the reader will be referred to as boss sometimes. Reader has a curse technique to suppress certain things and extends this ability to objects. Little Halloween snit bit at the end of eatch one. IM SORRY IM A DAY LATE.
Warnings: swearing, pretty long headcannons, not proofread some parts im half asleep.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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When he joined jujitsu high, you had this werid welcoming feeling about you. He couldn't put his finger on it...that was till you,Inumaki and Panda cornered him. "As your classmate I cannot stand by and watch you suffer" you pull out two hairclips "please hold still" utterly confused yet letting it happen you carefully put the hair clips on. "Rika didn't come out..." "that just means my cursed technique is as amazing as ever" "Bonito flakes" "Shut up inumaki" you pull out a mirror showing him the hairclips in his hair. "It only suppresses Rikas will to attack people you consider allies, only take it off when you feel you have full control"
He stuck around you more than anyone else there, sometimes hiding behind you. "Wait till he realizes you can barely flight" "keep talking and I'm going to suppress your hairline into next week" you held Yutas hand with that same welcoming warm presence. "You'll be fine" Even when he got to know you all better he still stuck by you and inumaki the most.
"You're so cute Yuta!!" Is something mostly everyone's heard for the past year, you'll never stop showering him with praise and affection for the most minor things. "You're into him" "PFTTT please yutas my best friend plus he's always so gloomy I'm only trying to cheer him up" "Bonito flakes" "I swear to god Inumaki" "you're into him!!" Panda walks back to Yuta and then to you "you have a fat chance!" "STOP WITH THE STUPID POSE" thank god he somehow didn't hear half of that conversation
He did try to confess to you...multiple times. "So I was thinking we could go out sometime" "oh? So you finally proposed a spot?" "I really like you y/n" "I like you too Yuta!" "Really?" "Yea you're my friend!" He'd never correct you thinking you were just avoiding the topic when in reality you just never got it. Until most of your friends called you out on it. "I don't know he just seems more glum than usual" you pause looking up when two figures hover over you "has anything happened over those few days" "well...he said he liked me and that he wanted to go out" your friends stare in shocked silence. "What?" One of them finishes up a few pencil strokes "have you considered the fact he has a crush on you" your eyes widen at the thought. "WAIT HE DOES?!" "You tone deaf idiot" and so they set up a plan to isolate both of you from the rest. "Turn em down like him back I don't care" as soon as the door locks you sigh lightly "Yuta...do you have a crush on me" his eyes widen with his cheeks turning pink. "Why would you think that" "you lock arms with me alot you say things that kinda flew over my head at first and" he shushes you quickly avoiding eye contact, moving his hand off your mouth as you begin to speak up. "I love you too Okkotsu" you could have sworn you saw his heart skip a beat "are you serious?" "I wouldn't joke with someone's feelings, especially yours" you could have sworn he was on the brink of tears watching him walk up to you, gripping you waist tightly and hiding his face in your chest. As soon as you pat his head the waterworks flow. "There there Yuta" hugging him back gently you let him cry into your chest
"Sooo who's the lucky lad boss" "I'm not telling you" "you don't have to he's your lock screen" "WHEN DID YOU GET MY PHONE" you link arms with your friend "MAKE THEM STOP PLEASEEE" "I would but this Yuta person has me intrigued aswell" "...you can't be serious" "were very serious, we should share cake with him!" "..oh no" they did meet him sadly and found out how easy it was to fluster him. "So how's the boss like around you" "eh?!" "Do they not treat you differently at all" Yuta hesitantly takes a bite of cake "now that you mention it they do hug me more often" your friend stares at him narrowing his eyes watching Yuta flush up. "Something tells me boss kisses you before bed too" "HUH?!?" "Knew it cross it off bingo!" "I got a cross already" "I already filled mine" "dammit"
He probably has a bingo too with how open he is to showing pda. Hugs from behind that feel like he's trying to be as close to you as humanely possible, whispering into your ear small little things he wanted to do later, kissing you suddenly but somewhere private, and the free space casually calling you "honey or babe" infront of everyone but Gojo. This is mostly how your friend group outside of school found out about the people you go to school with. "So you're here for the bingo of your life huh?" "First one to fill their board wins" "you're on" turns out Yuta was the one everyone got bingo on first.
This is also why you two mostly go on dates in the night. "Pst yuta yutaa" he rolls over "pookie" "NO NOT AGAIN oh-" sitting up suddenly he sees you at his window "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" "No time to explain I wanna take you somewhere" "where?" "A surprise" you lead him out the window to a small hill sitting down on the grass. "Wait for it" he does only looking at you though until you suddenly point at the sky, his eyes widen as stars begin to fall not noticing when his head lands on your shoulders. "I'm sorry I heard the news and didn't wanna be the only one to see it" his hand reaches for yours while he watches the stars. "I just wanted to show you this then we'll be off" "then let's stay a while" he moves a bit closer "but you can barely keep your eyes open" he hugs you suddenly "then let's stay till I fall asleep" you only hum in response you two watching the stars together.
You two couldn't be separated even for two secounds. Of course if it was for a mission you'd be understanding but that wasn't gonna stop you from your u.f.o accusations. "HES BEEN TAKEN GET THE HELICOTPER I BEG OF YOU" "Why do you have one at the ready? But relax he's in Africa for a mission" "of course.." "nothing to worry about" as soon as maki tried to hang up "ALIENS KIDNAPED EM AND NOW THEYRE KEEPING HIM IN AFRICA" "HES FINE CALM DOWN" she sighs into the mic "listen..Yuta is gonna come back he'll be fine mostly unharmed now please go back to sleep" she hears a sniffle on the other line "thank you Maki" didn't stop you for nearly losing all energy and barely able to perform starlight kicks "Boss what was that?" "Starlight kick more like bummy poke" they're waiting for the random rain so you can reach maximum dramatic. "I know you two text everyday but if you miss him call him" "you cake devouring monster what a great idea!" You call him near instantly and suddenly your emo arc is over. Wait till you learn Yutas been the same way while away.
As soon as he gets back you do almost instantly notice his change in demeanor. More confidently standing infront of you and smiling warmly. "Yuta..." "yes?" "YOURE SO CUTE HOW COULD ANYONE BE INTIMADATED YOURE LIKE A PUPPY" that demeanor instantly broken by how you showered him with adoration. "Super soft too" you hug him for a long while everyone coulda sworn that guy turned a new shade of red just because of you. "And you took off the hairclips I'm so proud of you Yuta" you hold his head to your chest hugging him close not noticing just how flustered he is yet happy to be by your side. "That reminds me" you feel Two objects clip to your hair with him showing the same hairclips you gave when you first met him. "They look nice on you" giggling softly he takes a picture of your confused face. "DONT TURN THIS ON ME YOURE WAY CUTER WITH THESE ON" "I don't need em anymore!" "I don't care put em back on!!"
"Close your eyes and" Click, as soon as that's heard a bunch of lights and decoration were turned on. "It looks amazing Yuta I can't thank you enough" "don't mention it" "I will mention the cutiest Halloween decorator in the world!" You cup his cheeks ready to give him a small kiss. "Ew cut it out" "what if kids see" "you two need to get a life" they both shake their head in unison "simp" "oh my god" "they just came to remind you we had a party at the school" one of your friends hand you a flyer "yes I know I was just about to leave my candy bucket out" "that's not the problem" your friend looks at Yuta "where's his costume?" Your eyes widen at this realization. "...I'll be right back" you drag him inside quickly opening your drawer of make-up "when did you have this?" "You doubt how many times people ask for either a pad or makeup, always prepare for everything!" You run around gathering things while panicking and looking back at him only to get some of the best smiles in modern day. "Yuta don't look at me like that it's making me wanna give you dog ears" he turns away hearing tou ravange your closet when finally you settle on an outfit for him. "Here here we don't have time put it on I beg of you" "you think boss is going through hell up there" "have faith in y/n if they can manage to make probably criminals into club memmbers well be ok" they all look at their rabbit loving friend. "What?" "AHHHHHHHH" "that's bosses "I SAW SOMETHING WAYYY TOO GOOD THE TWINS SHOULD DO SOME DIGGING AND MAKE FUN OF EM SCREAM" "you're adorable" your on the brink of tears looking at him after putting on the outfit "the most handsome phantom I've ever seen" "are you sure-" "I'm very sure I'll just have to change my outfit last minute but" you sit him back down grabbing your eye liner "please hold still this shouldn't be long" "oh no please take your time" the same guy enjoying how close your chest was to him watching your eyes narrow as you figure out what to do. It's a great view on his end. Unfortunately, you finish quickly with you quickly changing to match him. "Alright lets-" you were stopped by him hugging you tight placing kisses all over your face. "I couldn't pass up this chance for the world" he kisses you again "you're gonna ruin your make-up Yuta" you avoid eye contact "I don't mind if it means you get to cup my face more" "Yuta!" You walk downstairs with him with the others. "Alright dearest" "blerg" "Shut up, anyway let's go win that contest" "that you're suddenly interested in" "Why yes since I have the best partner for it ever there's no wa-" your friend shushes you casually throwing you and Yuta into the car you all shared "lets go before they start monologing" "YEAAA"
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She wonders why you don't use a ball instead of those needles for weapons... Because while you were playing with friends outside of school all she heard was "IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO, STARLIGHT KIIIIIICK" and a few secounds later she got knocked out cold. Woke up in your bedroom with you crying next to her. "MAKI YOURE AWAKE!!" "What the hell happened" "you were hit with bosses starlight kick" "it was for them! I didn't mean to hit you!" Sincere sounding enough didn't save you from her attempting to train with you.
"It's either you teach me that kick or we train together for a week" "please don't ive seen what you've done to Yuta" you did attempt to teach her your kick and it mostly failed miserably, didn't stop you from suddenly getting determined to try harder. "Welp looks like you're training with me" you move her leg a bit "try kicking it now and with wind up" "ok?" "And kick it like Panda made a weird comment about you" she performed a starlight kick flawlessly at that momment. You cheered watching that ball go into orbit while maki grumbled under her breath. "That was amazing Maki!" "First try too" She always seemed to come up to you more often to flex her achievements just so you could stroke her pride a bit.
You even spoke about her outside of jujitsu tech. "Boss is into people that would most likely step on em. As usual they're always this werid" "CUT IT OUT YOU TWO, Makis super cool though you'll love her!" Little to say they did love her, so much she's basically apart of your friend group outside of school now. They're debating on making her the new vice prez to witch you friend did NOT approve to say the least. "Atleast she won't take pictures of us while asleep" "actually I have them while most of you were awake and those have been selling better than the sleeping ones suggest you get better sheets" "Awe man" "wadya mean awe man he just confessed to having cameras in our houses" "unless you wanna sell them for free" there's a long silence. "I don't think we should demote em guys" "yea totally not illegal im blind" "bliinndddd" three of you say in unison
She does like dragging you around to do stuff with her. "Y/n!" "Yea!" "Lets go to the supermarket together" "what could be waiting for us there-" "instant coffee" "SAY NO MORE" you do this happy go lucky little dance whenever you drink it even though she finds it childish it is pretty fun watching you enjoy instant coffee. "Thank you Maki I'm gonna drink the entire box" "save some for me" "maybe" "wadya mean maybe?" She did have to hide any mention of instant coffee around you.
The twins use her to mess with you, knowing to exploit your totally not obvious crush on her. "Hey boss wanna play" "I'm busy right now" "shame I guess we'll just have to plan our wedding with Maki then" you turn your head around almost like an owl as soon as maki and marry were in the same sentence. "I'll play" your voice suddenly more threatening and low as the twins shrug "alright then-"
She did like being around you alot, that changed from like to loved the day you hugged her when she got back from a mission. "MAKI!" no time for her to respond she braced for impact, not expecting a quick yet tight hug from behind. "I missed you a bit" "seems like more than a bit" you huff softly "I..." You tighten your grip even more "just had a bad feeling atleast I was wrong" sighing she pushes you off "you're gonna crush my ribs" "OH-" You let go of her backing up "I'm glad you're ok Maki" she couldn't sleep after hearing those words, you're the worst for saying that you owe her!
So she makes it her mission to ask you out. Shouldn't be that hard except she doesn't know how to put it. "Oh so you're trying to ask out y/n" the twins giggle "don't worry we got you covered" your friend pushes up his glasses before him and the twins get to work "remmber Wednesday by their window and be there by sundown" the twins smirk while your friend finishes up the thing he was scribbling. "Put this in their mail" "Sure thing!" She did what she was told opening your window to see you turned around "Maki, I must confess this is kinda...unlike you" "wadya mean?" You give her the note "IM IN LOVE LOVE. EVRYTIME I LOOK AT YOU IT FEELS LIKE MY HEART BEATS OUTTA MY CHEST PLEASE MARRY ME!!" That's all she got through before crumbling it "im gonna end em" letting her in from the window and closing it. "They usually do that thinking they'll help, they're not very good at love notes" you cringe remembering one of them, looking to see Makis embrassed expression. "So they tricked me" "I mean they got your message across" laughing softly she narrows her eyes walking closer "I like you, go out with me" "so straight foward" she looked at you seriously "I love you aswell if it wasn't odvious" sighing she hugs you hesitantly.
She won't be lovey dovey in public she mostly hides it, infact you didn't even know she had a crush on you till she told you. Won't stop her from bluntly declaring it. "Soo" the twins stare at you two walking in, you not sure how Maki will feel about it decide not to say anything, fortunately for you she smirks "we're dating" everyone stops in their tracks before an uproar of "WOOAAAHAHAHHAAHHAHH"'s were heard. The clubroom sounded like a frat house. "Congrats boss!" "CONGRATS Y/N!" The look on one of your fangirls faces were priceless exactly what she aimed for when doing that.
As SOON as you two are alone, it's a different story. "You should kiss me" "you just closed the door maki" your laugh only makes her even more lovesick. "You owe me two now" "so unfair" she's all over you when your alone as if acting on every thought she held off in public. "Maki dial it back-" she kisses your cheek "what scared?" As if teasing you she holds your hands pinning you down "I've been waiting all day for this you know" you go to school the next day looking a bit stunned by thise events that anytime you think of maki you just kinda pause. This happened way too much. Thank god no one figured out why.
She dosent understand why you help people so much its kinda painful to see you walk into odvious traps. Such as the one set up by a newspaper club. "Excuse me you know y/n correct" "yes why?" "Is it true they have a dark side?" She thinks back a bit "you mean the emo phases?" "NO NO not that! The evil dark side kind" she realizes what's going on rather quickly "No matter of fact y/n's a ball of idiotic sunshine" "Maki!!" You shout out to her suddenly "come on! We're about go start the next round without you!" She walks off toward you ignoring further questions from the newspaper club. Unluckily for them they had gotten a surprise visit from the club memmbers aswell as her. "They disbanded? What a shame" "indeed" "you two just pushed up your glasses in sync that was cool" "do it again"
She took you to a haunted house not expecting to carry you the entire time. "AHHHH MAKI A GHOST!" "it's super small tho" "SAVE MEEE" "MAKI!!" As much as she would admit your cute when scared she wasn't gonna let em jumpscsre you like that. "Hold my hand" you blush a bit "oh I cant" "you wanna get outta here?" You grab her hand as she leads you out with ease, almost avoiding all jumlscares. "What about this" she presents to you a small cart. "Now we can't run" "don't worry too hard about it" swallowing your fear temporary you went through the ride with her resting on her shoulder fully admiring the scenery. "Thsnk you for bringing me" "don't mention it" she pinches your cheeks "your reaction to all this is key ya know" "they really are scary!" "One was just a cut out" "still scary!" She laughs softly at that "what?" "Maki protect me!!" Qouting you as your face turns red "your the worst" "oh please you love me" she kisses your cheek not thinking much of it, but leaving you speechless. "You know you never kissed me in public before..." You get a bit bashful "maybe I should be scared more often" "too late already know your tactics" "awe"
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"BONITO FLAKES!!" "STOP SQUIRMING" he kept moving his head away as you tried to give him a spoon. "Inumaki you're gonna taste this so I don't lose to those two idiots and you're gonna be honest" "Mustard leaf!" "Gojo was being dramatic he didn't pass out!" You see disgusted fear in his eyes before he swallows down and opens his mouth. To his surprise its pretty amazing. "Sooo" he narrowed his eyes "salmon" "YES!" "I never knew you cooked" Panda walked in. "Why I do, to make everyone happy I mastered many things" "so you mastered leaving the teachers bedridden" "I TOLD YOU HE WAS JUST BEING DRAMATIC, that won't stop me from beating the twins in this bet" you smirk "maybe I'll even get that little bunny holding monsters approval!" You reach your fist to the sky. No one was sent to bed because of your cooking that day.
You've always forced inumaki to do stuff with you and in exchange whenever he'd as you'd use your curse technique to limit the effect his abilities had on him. He just had to sit through a make-over scene. Sometimes he thinks you can just nerf his powers entirely if you tried but you'd always respond "last time I tried to cancel someone's cursed technique I think I was too broad with it, think the guy ended up with like 50% fish 50% human it was really awkward". He "looses" the clips you gave him and you always have the same "WHAAA we must set up a funeral arrangement" "salmon" "don't agree your paying for it" "fuck" "don't speak normally while I'm reconsidering our friendship"
You're also the Inumaki decoder, which is why you two are usually partnered for missions, totally not because Gojo sees it happening. "Those two are married" "Why yes they are" "what-" "Bonito flakes" "not what you said last time this question came up" you could feel inumaki go deadpan you could tell the guys smiling under there "Bonito flakes" said in the most "I'm lying" way ever "I swear- give it to us before this guy ends up six feet under"
He definitely would find out the hard way what club you do outside of the high school. This "cooking competition" was actually a setup for something else something with rose petal involvement... "Welcome ladies" "AAAAAAAAHHH" "I've made eatch one thinking of all of you please savor every bite" "oh y/n you remembered my favorite dish!" "How could I forget something that important when it reminds me of you" "tuna tuna" "oh y/n please not in public" "don't worry my dear no one would mind this display of my adoration" "ah-" the girl causually faints into your arms and you put her in the preprepared bench to rest. "That's the 32nd boss" "I bet you guys couldn't reach 20" "we just had our 19th" "eh. HUH" "Tuna tuna" "you two idiots!!" You ran off once again never noticing inumaki trying to get your attention so he did the next best thing. "Next guest-" "tuna" it was as if someone had suddenly decided to jumpscare you, your eyes widening as you instantly break character finally hearing his voice. "...well if you don't mind" you drag him behind a table" trembling as you grip his shoulders "inumaki...what the hell are you doing here" "followed" "ARE YOU SERIOUS" you sigh "whatever listen you're gonna pretend to be a normal customer and then we move on with our day" "salmon" "yea you better" he enjoy that day knowing you watched his every move, kept it a secret just so he could keep messing with you.
He does sometimes wonder what it's like for the girls that come by so he does try to get you to seriously put on your theatrics, unfortunately you see him as a friend. Just means to try harder. "Inumaki?" He gets closer to you laying his head on your shoulder "are you alright would you like me to get you some water?" He dosent respond only holding your waist. "Inumaki...I don't know what's wrong but" you play with his hair "you always seem to brighten up when I do this" the twiddling with his hair strands was amazing to say the least. "I like you alot" "huh?" "I mean it I love you" you stop playing with his hair "wait...YOU TWO?!" You blush heavily "I've been inlove with you for a while aswell" smileing fondly he hugs you even tighter. "Salmon" "salmon you jerk" teasing him you kiss his forehead, you could feel him melting.
Everyone just automatically knows you two are dating without even saying it. "So did you two get together over the weekend?" "?" "I can feel it it feels like I'm third wheeling" "don't worry too much about it" "salmon" "yeaaa" Maki narrows her eyes at the both of you. "Inumaki there's a spot I wanted to try out nearby" "?" "They're even setting up dates right now" "it's gone too far" "who the hell are you two" your friends turn to her one with a bunny in hand the other looking like if megumi cut his hair and got taller. "A fanclub" "They're leaving" "GO GO" she did finally got conformation you two were dating when inumaki held your hand and looked as if he were about to teasingly kiss you, thank god your friends were so painfully odvious as stalking. "Inumaki you mustn't,wait...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE" "sorry boss just wanted to see it happen since you had to cancel" "WHO PUT YOU UP TO THIS" your friend raises his hand "I'm jealous" "that's the worst excuse you came up with.
He will admit one of his favorite activities is getting involved in your out of school shenanigans. "I order you to master the sassy chicken by the end of this week!" "Salmon" "inumaki not you unfortunately you can waltz...right?" "Bonito flakes" "UNACCEPTABLE, get over here were gonna dance!" He lied he just wanted to see you flustered, unfortunately he realized you were incredibly serious on this. "So what if you might not be there it's still worth it to teach you" you teach him quite quickly. Now let him buy those magazines of you.
The twins love him. So much infact that he helps mess with you. "Heyyy pookie" "who told you to call me that-" Inumaki waves from the distance. He 100% uses the twins to send you letters while your in the middle of club activities. "Now now ladies" "Boss it's from tuna" "...give it to me" you take it gracefully opening it to reveal "ditch the ladies and get over here" you turn your head to see inumaki stuffing his face with cake with the other two turning around just to smirk at you "that little" you fold it neatly putting it in your pocket "apologies ladies" "AHHHHHH" "SELL YOUR BATHWATER" "Alright now that's a little too werid"
He does like making you his personal nap post, trust as soon as he gets the chance he hits you with the "so tireddddd" waddle and lays on you. Ofc the first few times you gave him piggy back rides letting him sleep on your back but then he kinda ruined it when he didn't even use his curse technique at all. "Wait a minute you didn't use it at all!" Your eyes narrow as you point at him "no free piggy backs you can walk!" "Bonito flakes..." "you have a bed at home" you are his bed at home! He does NOT let you go as soon as he's napping you're gonna have to rizz people up with him latched onto you.
As soon as you two are alone he's up to something. Biting your cheeks texting you the most random things so he doesn't accidently curse you. "I wanna go to a park" "marry me" he deletes that text "sorry my cat typed" "you're right next to me you're such an idiot" and the best part a kiss to the forehead. The best thing ever in his opinion is when you get all affectionate. "You're always so needy, one can only assume you'd want to spend every waking momment with me" kissing his forehead again while playing with his hair the guy basically turns into puddy. "I should do this more often so you won't be jealous of the fans" you pull him closer "not to worry I'll be as affectionate as need be to make up for that" "salmon" he dosent even look up at you but he's very amused by the idea cuddling up to you continuing to play with his hair
"Salllmmmoonn" "you're a very depressing zombie ya know you're worse than Yuta" "Bonito flakes" "true you're much more adorable" "salmon" "salmon" you repeat back at him watching his cheeks puff. "Don't worry zombumaki well scare the other team easily!" "How long till they get here" "10 minute" "perfect" you continue on with your plan to jumpscare the next people in the room. "You'll be down in just a secound inumaki" waving at him from up there while he's stuck to the ceiling suspended by a few bits or ropes. "You know your lines right?" "Salmon" "perfect" you and your friend hide in the corner together bickering about small things. "You're such a jerk" elbow jab strike one "we wouldn't be friends if I wasn't" "true I like you like this" "me too" strike 2 "Oh they're comming!" You grab your friends wrist pulling them closer "shush shush I swear" "Relax I'll cover your mouth if you scream too loudly" "you're the worst" he quickly shushes you, strike three there wasn't time to glare at your friend as someone had triggered the trap set by you and your friend. He suddenly drops down infront of the guests "boo" "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" They all ran off without a secound thought. "Great job inumaki!" You untie his ropes so he's able to get out "I'm sure you got then good" "salmon" he hugs you suddenly glaring at your friends before back at you. "Alright next stage" he pulls you down suddenly whispering something in your ear making you blush. "Go on without me" "Alright if you insist" your friend leaves the room, with that happening Inumaki hugs you tighter making you pat his head. "You were a great zombie good job" giving him small head pats you stand there with him for a little while. "We're gonna win cause of you" "salmon" "of course you'd say that" you move his head to face yours. "Yes im helping you take off your makeup" "salmon" "yep"
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
a nice day to start again
eddie munson x plus size!reader
summary: a little rain isn't going to stop your special day
a/n: super short drabble ft. wayne the best duncle (dad uncle) ever, suggested rockstar!eddie au at the end, cw: eddie & reader have pos dads but they have each other so fuck em, <800 words
On a Friday afternoon in June, you and Eddie stood by the living room window of his trailer and watched as the skies opened up.
"Did neither of you knuckleheads check the weather?"
Wayne didn't look up from his newspaper, oddly scanning the sports page while Eddie nervously wrung his hands.
"Well, y'see...uh-"
"No, I guess we didn't," you nervously chuckled. You took one of Eddie's hands so he'd stop picking at his fingernails. "But that's okay. We'll only be in and out of the courthouse anyway."
A gentle squeeze to Eddie's hand and a smile softens the worry on his face. All you have to do is drive to the courthouse, do the dang thing, and drive to Steve's for the after party he's throwing with all your friends. Easy peasy. What's a little rain?
The sound of rustling paper and the squeaking groan of Wayne's chair pulls you from your thoughts.
"Grab the umbrella," Wayne grumbles. "The big one. I'm driving."
"Wayne you don't need to," Eddie waves his hands as Wayne pulls on his coat over his dress shirt and tie.
"If y'all want to do this, I am. Not sittin' in the back of that death trap again, Ed." Wayne grabs his keys and quirks a brow at his boy. "You still wanna do this, yeah? Not gonna let a little rain stop you?"
"Hell no," you grin, softening Wayne's gruff expression. Your eyes water, Wayne looks at you with all the fondness of a father you've never had.
"No, sir," Eddie gulps.
"That's what I thought."
He claps Eddie on the shoulder and Eddie rushes off to grab the umbrella.
You hold your dress up and out of the mud as you race with Eddie to Wayne's truck. His borrowed boots are heavy on your feet but it's better than heels.
"Your friends meeting you there?" Wayne eyes the lack of space in the small cab, already too small for the three of you.
"No, they were fighting too much over who got to go and the county clerk told us only two witnesses allowed."
"Ah. So it's, uh, it's just me then?"
"Unfortunately, yes," you tease and pat Wayne's arm.
The poor old man grumbles to himself about punk ass kids while trying to choke back the emotion clogging his throat. You squeeze Eddie's hand in his lap.
"Ready, big guy?" You lean into Eddie's side, resting your head on his shoulder. His thumb rubs across the back of your hand as rain patters against the windows.
Eddie just nods, squeezing your hand tighter for a moment.
"I'll be fine," he relents after a moment of silence. "Just nervous, y'know?" He's quiet, whispering against your hair. "Wanna do right by you. Not like..."
"I know," you bring Eddie's hand to your lips. "Trust me I know. And you will. You already have, every day. That's why I'm here, silly."
Eddie kisses the top of your head but doesn't day anything else, just holds you close until you have to make another run for the doors of the courthouse.
The county clerks office is a tight squeeze just like they said, but it feels that much sweeter. Just you, Eddie, the judge (and his assistant) and a teary-eyed Wayne quietly blubbering in the corner. And when it's all said and done, Eddie's holding your face so gently, so tender that you can't hold the tears back either. You owe Nancy big time for letting you borrow her waterproof mascara.
"You kids have fun," Wayne says as he pulls up in front of Steve's house. "But not too much fun. I'm not ready to be a grandpa, y'hear me?"
"Wayne," Eddie whines and flicks the umbrella out of the cab and into the rain. It's still coming down hard.
"Drive safe, old man," you say as you squeeze Wayne up in a tight hug.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get me goin' again with the waterworks or I'm gonna miss my shows."
You climb out after Eddie, waving goodbye as Wayne's truck pulls away.
The front door to Steve's house is already swinging wide open with Robin standing there waving a bottle of champagne around shouting about starting the party without them if they don't get their asses inside already.
His hand is warm and a little sweaty. It's real now, the promise you've made to be together forever. Greater than any record deal Eddie's ever signed.
You squeeze his hand.
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idontplaytrack · 2 months
Won’t mend what’s helpless
AJ Campos x fem! reader
Warnings: coarse language, angst, breakup, good ending
Requested? Yes / No
“No use wondering why your change in heart has wandered. So I'll ask you this question. 'Cause it might help me sleep longer.”
— Out of Love, Alessia Cara
“What?” There was a crack in your voice, one that broke her heart.
But she wasn’t taking back what she said. She meant it. And you knew it. She’s never lied to you. AJ was always honest, but only this revelation hurt. Your heart felt like it’s just gotten ripped out of your chest and stomped on. You also knew she wouldn’t say something like that if it wasn’t absolutely necessary.
“I’m sorry.” She continues, “I don’t want you to be with me right now. I can’t do that to you, I still care about you and you deserve someone who loves you.”
She gives you a hug and you were completely stiff, taken aback. You’d been holding back your tears all along. You couldn’t wait for her to leave your apartment so you could finally let the tears go.
“Goodbye, y/n.” She says, breaking away from the hug. With that, she leaves. The front door closes behind her and that was cue for the waterworks to begin. You plopped down on the couch, just sobbing.
You loved her so much, and you could only hope it wasn’t something you did that made her feel like she had to put the relationship to an end. That night, you could not sleep for the life of you. You were wide awake, haunted by her words. Haunted by all the memories you got to make with her in the last two years. You knew you could avoid her all you wanted, but you would still run into her somehow. She didn't exactly live close by, but knowing your luck and how the universe loved playing its sick, sick tricks on you, it would torment you by having her show up pretty much everywhere you were headed. If not, something would remind you of her. You understood her point of view, but it still hurt. It hurt so much, you felt like dying. AJ was your first everything, which only added on to what you were feeling.
Laying in bed, you felt like you were being drowned by your own thoughts, rendering you breathless. Your chest heavy and tight— it ached. You were a pathetic, crying mess. Your head was throbbing, and your eyes were eerily red. Yet, you still couldn't stop. You couldn't stop wondering when it all went wrong. Why, why did she fall out of love with you?
Did you talk too much? Ask too many questions? Too clingy? Did she have enough of babying you when you had a bad day mentally? Did you get fat and she didn't want to be with someone like you? Were you not paying enough attention to see through it? Did she even like you in the first place? What if it was all a lie? What if this was all your fault? What if you set yourself up for this massive heartbreak, while she felt nothing?
You got out of bed when the sun rose and went to wash up. You were exhausted, physically and emotionally. But you had to do something, anything to occupy your mind. You left the apartment in whatever you were wearing to run errands, the first one being grocery shopping. Well, not really. You just wanted to go get yourself a tub of ice cream and maybe some snacks.
Right away, there was already something reminding you of her. Those little figurines on the dashboard of your car that you both collected…they were staring right at you while you drove and you felt an instant prick in your eyes. However, throughout the drive, your feelings evolved. It slowly turned into annoyance. You were sick of crying.
Grabbing a shopping basket, you walked into the grocery store to gather what you wanted, and needed. Reaching the freezer aisle, you turned your head and saw her. Blinking profusely, your feet were rooted to the floor as you quickly turned your gaze to the shelves of ice cream before you. You hope that she didn’t see you. You took another peek as you reached for a tub of Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy and placed it in the basket. It was your favourite flavour, but you couldn’t help scoffing at the name of it. You didn’t see her again until she ended up in the lane next to you at check out, even making eye contact with you. You sigh, and then noticed the look on her face…how sad she looked. It was clear to you that you both had similar nights yesterday. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking.
You missed her already. But did she miss you? She wouldn’t be. Otherwise she wouldn’t have ended things with you.
Over the next month or so, you slowly started to feel better. You started to miss her less, you started to function better. But that pain will never be forgotten. It was healing, but painfully slow. So now it honestly felt Ike you were only just numb to it. You needed to let go and the best way to do that was to get on with your life. Getting in your car after a shift, you started to drive towards your therapist’s office. You were the last person they would be meeting with today, and thank goodness you had therapy. You needed to work through this somehow.
“y/n, good to see you back here on time.” Dr. Mullins greeted you as you sat opposite her on the armchair. You smiled at her politely.
“Last week, you said you were still feeling confused, and angry. About how things ended with AJ.”
“Wow, we’re jumping right into it, huh?” You chuckled humourlessly, fingers digging into the leather on the armrest. “But— yeah. I did say that and I was.”
“Why do you think you feel that way?”
Your breath gets caught in your throat.
“Do you think you’re ready to talk about that?”
“Um…” You exhaled, looking at her.
“Take your time, sit with that for a minute. Whatever comes to mind, say it and we’ll unpack it, work through that.”
"I mean— when she told me that she didn't love me anymore, like— romantically. I felt like I could pass out, I blacked out. I just stared at her and said, 'what?'. She repeated herself and said she didn't want me to be with her right now. And that she still cares about me and I deserve someone who loves me. All I could think about was what I could've done wrong, about where it all went wrong, why I didn't see any signs sooner, about how...I loved her still, how she was my first...everything. My first kiss, my first girlfriend, the first...the first person I've ever slept with." Once you started talking, you were on a roll. You couldn't stop.
"it's constantly been feeling like my heart's getting stabbed over and over since that day. Like— like— it's hurt, but it doesn't know what to do to get better, why am I reminded of her all the time? Why does it have to hurt this much? What she told me, made sense. It was considerate, she wasn't making us stay in a relationship where the same kind of love was one sided. But I just—"
Dr. Mullins nodded, taking notes, "Just, what?"
“I just can’t let her go, Allison. I want her back, I don’t know how to let her go.”
“You and AJ have been together for over two years. That is a considerable amount of time spent together. Based on past sessions, you two were deeply in love. So what you are feeling, y/n. Is valid, it is difficult, it is painful. But do you think, you would be able to reconcile with AJ, should you run into her again? Or if she contacts you and asks you out to talk to you?”
You pondered over her questions, your mind whirling with emotions, racing with her questions simultaneously. You let out another sigh, sniffling, “I…don’t know. You can’t mend what’s helpless, after all.”
“Do you think this all is helpless?”
“I’ve had a lot of doubts. Self-doubt, self hatred…since that day. I kept asking myself if it was something about me that made her stop loving me. Like, was I too talkative? Too annoying? Too quiet? Too fat? Too skinny? Too broken? To keep loving.”
“Okay, yes. I know that, I remember that.” Dr. Mullins nodded, looking at you. On reflex, you looked away, turning your head to the side. “You’ve shared this two weeks ago.”
“So then, if she were to ask to talk to me. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to not let those thoughts weigh me down and affect my judgement. What if those thoughts set me up for a non-ideal outcome to that hypothetical conversation.”
“Do those thoughts weigh you down and affect how you think?” She retorted.
You bit your lip, clenching your fists, your mouth going dry, “Yes.”
Allison stared at you, you felt her gaze on you. She wants you to look at her directly.
“Yes.” You repeated, firmly, looking right at her, “They do. It makes me feel inferior, unworthy of good things, of love.”
“I— Allison, you know this. I don’t want to say it.” 
“Very well.” She shrugs, “And have you shared that with AJ before?”
Dr. Mullins nodded knowingly— you’d shared this before, too. But she was going somewhere with that question. “And how did that make you feel?”
“Relieved? She understood that, understood me. She was the first one to make me feel loved, that I was worthy of love, of having good things in my life. I didn’t have to do things to earn love, earn attention. It was just given to me.” 
Your features softened and you began to lean back, relaxed. You look at Dr. Mullins, “I think…that it would be impossible to find a love like that, because of my childhood, but I found one. And I know… that what happened years ago doesn’t define me. I’m not a bad person for feeling these emotions.”
“Very good. I think so as well.” Dr. Mullins says, “When was the last time you talked to her?”
“That day.”
“Has she reached out?”
“No.” You answer. 
“You know what to do.” Dr. Mullins continued.
You laughed, shocked, “What?”
“What she told you that day, was important. She said you shouldn’t be with her right now. Do you interpret that to be a clean break off? Or was it a break needed that she didn’t clarify?”
“That’s not clear, Allison. She could’ve just been trying to let me down easy.” 
“That is exactly it. Nothing is a hundred percent clear. Work on yourself, work through this, figure out where you’re at with all this. There’s no harm in reaching out, or if you don’t. If she texts you, if she calls, how you respond to it is up to you. Up to what you want. It’s evident she cares about you, sometimes the heart just…stops feeling some things and as upsetting as it can be, distance was the right thing. It allowed her to figure out what she wants, and it made sure that you weren’t being dragged along.”
You stared at your therapist, everything finally seeming clear. The huge, suffocating weight finally lifted off your shoulders. "Thank you."
"It wasn't all me, y/n." She gives you a kind smile, "I think this is a good place to stop for this session. But is there anything else you would like to share?'
You got home that evening, feeling the most at ease you've been in weeks. You weren’t upset, and you did your chores efficiently. And you even managed to cook yourself a nice dinner instead of just ordering takeout again or raiding your pantry for snacks.
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Mustering up the courage to text AJ, you were so pumped up with adrenaline that you didn’t even see her texts come in just seconds before you hit send on your text. The words on the screen stared back at you, your thumbs hovering over the keyboard as you thought about your reply carefully, reminding yourself of what was discussed during therapy earlier. You were as calm as you could be, and in the best state to respond to her messages.
For once, it was clear what you wanted.
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Right now, you were feeling a little anxious but nothing you couldn’t handle. But, you were also hopeful. For what’s to come of this.
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You had about three hours to prepare yourself for the conversation mentally. You had no idea how it was going to go down, but you were determined to make it happen. One way or another.
Later that night, you’d walked up to the bar fifteen minutes before. You found a table in the back and sat down. Five minutes later, a familiar face appeared before you. “Hi.” You smiled politely.
“Hello.” She says, sitting down opposite you.
“What did you wanna talk about?”
“About us.” She began, “I knew it was a hard thing to do, but I needed some time to myself, to make sure I knew what I wanted and that I was not hurting you because I wasn’t sure.”
You nodded, maintaining the eye contact with her.
“And these past few weeks, it only became more and more clear to me. After the negative thoughts died down…I realised that you— you are the one that I want, the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with. There’s no more doubt in that. I love you so very much and I don’t want to let you go, ever again.”
You nodded, internally celebrating. But you were in tears, happy tears. Your head was spinning, you could not believe your ears.
“No more of this, no more breaks, no more separation. It’s you and me, now, and for as long as we both shall live.” She says, leaning closer.
You laughed tearfully, “Okay. Okay, yeah.”
AJ got closer, and closer. Your lips met hers with a yearning that has never been felt before. It felt terrific to feel that softness of her lips against your lips, how she held your face, the smell of her perfume, the smell of her shampoo. It ignited a deep fire in you, you missed it. You loved it— no, you love it so much. You loved her so much.
“I love you.”
“I love you.”
Those three words were shared simultaneously, as you two broke away from the kiss making you both laugh.
After a few drinks, you two stopped and just ate some sides, even ordering a coffee each to sober up. “I’ve missed you.” You admitted.
“I’ve missed you too.” She told you earnestly, squeezing your hand for comfort. “We’re okay.” She knew it, she never forgot that you needed assurance. It wasn’t explicit, but you appreciated it all the more. It was sweet, and a little subtle, but it fit the moment through and through.
Those words sounded like music to your ears. Nodding, you replied, “We’re okay.”
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