no-144444 · 1 day
family fights- o.piastri
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summary: you and oscar were never meant to be together, lando made that clear. one night changes everything, then another changes it again.
pairing: oscar piastr x fem! norris! reader
He’d done it again. Another win. Oscar Piastri was a two-time GP winner. 
And no one could ever take this one away from him. 
Over the past few weekends, he’d been pretty down about everything. Hungary, the whole ‘papaya rules’ bullshit, and how everyone had something to say about Monza. He’s a fucking racecar driver, and he wasn’t a second driver. It’s in his goddamn contract, thanks to Mark. And anyways, why would he pull over and let Lando take points from him, when he’s so close to P3 in the Driver’s standings? Charles is slowly but surely trying to build a gap, and Oscar is not planning on making it easy for him. It’s his season fucking season of F1, and he’s matching his teammate. Is that not something to be proud of? 
Apparently not, in Lando’s fan girls’ eyes. It’s pathetic really, the memes were funny a while ago, and now it’s all getting to be too much. 
And then there’s you. Lando’s sweet little sister who loved Oscar more than life itself. You’d gotten him through the lows of the past few weeks, with just a smile his way.
But Lando wouldn't let you two be together. It was a ‘betrayal’, in his mind. 
It was bullshit. Lando liked having something over him, and you were the ‘thing’ in this scenario. You’d liked Oscar for ages, and you started in secret, too scared to tell Lando. You continued like that for a whole year, somehow hiding it seamlessly. It was the best relationship either of you had ever been in. You matched each other perfectly, and you got to see him everyday, since Lando had brought you on as his physio. Stolen kisses behind closed doors was a-ok with you two, until Lando had to walk into something he wasn’t supposed to. It was your anniversary night and yes, maybe you should’ve checked that the door was properly locked, but when he was kissing you like that? Who would be able to find it in themselves to care? For some reason, Lando walked into your apartment, ready to tell you off for not locking your door, and he found you and Oscar asleep in your bed, 1 year anniversary cards on the counter, and a bottle of wine beside the sink. On the drying rack there were 2 clean plates, two sets of cutlery, two glasses, one bowl, and two spoons. He was so angry. He just stormed in and started screaming at the two of you, telling you that you’d betrayed him for a whole year, making accusations left and right, and generally just ruining your perfect night. 
Then he gave the both of you an ultimatum. Date and lose him as a brother and a friend, or break up and he’d never speak about it again. You two could be friends, but always at a healthy distance. 
It took you both a week to make the decision. You were both crying when you called him to tell him you’d broken up. His response? Good. 
He barely talked to either of you for a month, and you truly feared the worst for your relationship with him. But, in true Lando fashion, one day he just started to be normal again, and everything was ok. 
Oscar still remembered the way you looked when he'd made the choice to go behind Lando's back. You were wearing your favourite dress, you hair styled perfectly, your nails done, your makeup done, everything. It was for some boring gala that Oscar didn't want to sit through, and neither did you. Though nevertheless you went as the dutiful sister you were and made polite conversation with the gross old dudes who wouldn't leave you alone, and Oscar (he hoped he wasn't grouped in with them).
"Do you want to get some air?" he offered as you finished up a conversation with Christian Horner.
"I'd love to," you nodded, somehow keeping the soft smile on your face.
You burst out of the hall laughing, having run away from Lando. You got on well with Oscar. He was lovely, honestly. "He's going to kill us," you laughed, grabbing ahold of his shoulder to steady yourself.
"Worth it," he smirked.
You two spent some time outside, eventually ending up outside in the cold French air. You two somehow ended up intertwined on a bench outside the venue.
"I really enjoyed sneaking off with you," you beamed at him.
"I really enjoyed it too," he blushed. "We should do it again some time."
You laughed. "I think Lando will kill us if we pull that again-"
You stopped talking because he'd started kissing you, and you didn't want him to stop.
"I like you," he pulled back. "A lot."
It was so juvenile you almost laughed. Yet, you found yourself answering with; "I like you too."
And thus began your year-long love.
To be honest, Oscar hated clubs. He hated the sweaty air, the suffocating closeness of everyone, and the heavy drinking. Oscar didn’t drink much, mainly a glass of wine with dinner, or a celebration drink every now and then. He wasn’t a huge fan of feeling out of control. Despite all of that, he’d somehow been convinced by Lando to go ‘out on the town’. He didn’t want to go out on the town. He wanted to stay home, or bump into you in the cinema near your shared apartment building. You two had been doing that a lot lately, bumping into each other there. You’d sit together, or a few chairs apart, but it’d always feel a bit like before you’d broken up. It felt good. You missed him dearly, as did he. He knew you were going to see a special midnight showing of Psycho, yet he couldn’t even go because Lando dragged him out. 
“Mate!” Lando shouted from the other side of the VIP booth. 
“What?” Oscar asked, walking up to him. 
“I have someone I want you to meet,” Lando, being the prick he is, signalled to a girl in the middle of the dance floor that looked nothing like you. “Look, she’s nothing like Y/n! It’s perfect!” 
Oscar felt his blood boil, and finally spill over. “Fuck off Lando. That’s not fair-”
“What’s not fair was the fact that you dated my little sister behind my back!” He shot back. 
Oscar grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him out of the club, into the humid Monaco air. This back alley was usually used for a smoke break, but tonight it would be used a fucking ring. 
“I’m not expecting you to understand anything I'm going to say, but fuck you Lando. I loved Y/n- I love Y/n, and you took that all away from me because of what?! You felt betrayed? You felt bad? It was overwhelming? We’ve proven that we’re not awkward if we break up, we’re actually ridiculously civil, all for your sake! You’re the one being unfair here. Yes, maybe we should’ve told you earlier. Yes, maybe it was wrong to keep it from you, but for fuck’s sake man! She’s your little sister, I’m your friend, it’s not like you don’t know us! I’d never do anything to hurt her, and she’d never use me, or whatever bullshit excuse you gave me. Now, I know you don’t fucking understand this, but I love her. More than anything in the entire fucking world. More than racing, more than anything. She’s what gets me through the shitty days and even shittier races. Knowing that, once I get out of the car, she’ll be standing there with a smile, or a hug on the occasions where you don’t watch us like a fucking hawk, makes it all fucking worth it for me. You took that away from me, and you took it away from her. It ate at her the entire year we were together that she couldn’t tell you, because well, of course it would! You are her older brother, her best friend. She should’ve been able to tell you about her boyfriend. She questioned herself after every day we spent together, every date we went on, about whether or not what we were doing was right. She felt so guilty. I felt so guilty. But at the end of the day when I saw her waiting for me in my driver’s room, or my apartment, or at the foot of the podium, I knew that what I felt was right. And it wasn’t just me feeling it Lan, she loved me back,” he sniffled, trying to hold back tears. “So no, I don’t want to meet someone at a club, I want Y/n. My Y/n. And I don’t give a fuck if you’re upset by that, because I’ve given you every reason to trust me Lando, and I promise you, I’ll never try to hurt her. I’ll keep her safe, and above all, I’ll love her.” 
Lando was taken aback. He was a lot more sober now. He’d never seen Oscar show so much emotion. He’d never seen Oscar show much emotion, point blank. Yet here he was, standing in front of him, crying over his little sister. “Mate, what do you mean?”
“I means you’re a fucking asshole Lando, and I don’t give a shit if you don’t want me to date Y/n. It means I’m going to ask her out again, and if she says yes I won’t stop just because you’re a dickhead who can’t stomach the fact that she loves me, and I love her.” 
Lando was again, taken aback. He’d never really had a reason as to why he didn’t like you and Oscar dating, it just felt… weird to him. Then, with about a moment's worth of self-reflection, he realised. He didn’t want to be second to Oscar. All his life, you’d been his biggest supporter, you two were always together, always there for each other, always his little sister. From cradle, to karting, coffin, he thought he’d be the only driver you supported and cared about. Then, in came Oscar, being everything he wanted to be; cool, calm, collected, talented, unprideful, gracious, and kind. Everything he worked to be. It had taken Lando 6 years to get a win, Oscar did it in his first year. It took Lando 2 years to get a podium, Oscar did it in his debut season.  “Well it’s just not right,” Lando shot back. “She’s my little sister, and I’m not being second to you with her! That’s not fair. She doesn’t get to choose you over me!” 
“She chose you! She broke up with me because you asked her to! I don’t know what the fuck you think is going to happen if we start dating again, but it’s not like we’ll just abandon you Lando! She’s your sister, and she loves you more than life itself! For fuck’s sake, if this was all about being scared that she’d pick me over you, we could’ve sorted this out weeks ago!” 
“I have to be second place to a fucking rookie! Do you know how that feels? Bad, Oscar, it feels bad. And now you want to come here and tell me that I’m second place to that same rookie, in my sister’s opinion? Y’know how that feels? Worse!” Lando was crying now, unable to control it. “I’ve been second to someone my whole fucking life, and Y/n was the one person who understood me! And now you want to take her away!” 
“I’m not taking her away, Lando! We’re both still going to be here for you!” Oscar took a deep breath. “You shouldn’t take your frustrations on the track out on her, she’s the one suffering for it. You’re suffering for it too, and so am I. Lando, she loves you no matter what, you know that.” “I’m scared alright?” He groaned. “I’m scared that one day I’ll turn around after an interview and see her celebrating you winning over me! I’m scared that she’ll see I’m not as good as you! I’m scared.” 
“You can be scared all you want, but she isn’t like that, Lando. Talk to her about this, she’ll reassure you-”
“And how the fuck would you know? You barely know her-”
“I know her a lot better than you do if this is what you think of her,” Oscar’s words cut through the tension in the warm air. Lando flinched like he’d been hit. “Now, if you’ll excuse me from this shitty night out, I’m going to go find your sister and tell her how I feel. Goodbye Lando.”
Oscar didn’t even bother going back inside to grab his coat, he just started walking. Jimmy’s was a 30 minute walk from your regular cinema, and if his calculations were correct, you’d be getting out of the screening just then. 
As he walked he thought about everything Lando had said. It was pathetic, honestly, why couldn’t Lando have just told you how he felt instead of ruining the incredible thing you and Oscar had going with his own insecurities. Maybe he didn’t understand it, maybe Lando just hadn’t experienced what you two had. 
“Oscar?” you walked up to him, smiling. 
“Hi,” he answered, stopping in his tracks.
“How are you?” you asked, awkward tension filling the air.
“I’m… I’m alright. I wanted to talk to you,” he explained. 
“Talk away,” you smiled. 
“Well… Lando and I had this big blowout argument, and I made a choice. I don’t care what he wants anymore, and if he has a problem with me loving you, then it’s his problem, not ours. I want you back Y/n, more than anything. I miss you every fucking day. And if the only reason we’re not together is because of him, then I’m forgetting how he feels. I want you back if you’ll have me.”
You stood there, shocked. It had been 4 months since you and Oscar had broken up. You loved him, but you loved your brother too. You couldn’t put your relationship with your brother at risk for Oscar, could you? Lando had been for you throughout your childhood, a constant. You wouldn’t be able to handle him not being there, would you? “Oscar, when did you two argue-?” “30 minutes ago?” he shrugged, a soft smile on his lips. 
“I-oh wow. Osc, you know I love you, but Lando’s my brother and… I can’t betray him, can I?”
“Is it betrayal?” Oscar questioned. 
You’d been trying to figure out for the past 4 months why it was betrayal, yet you came up blank every time. Lando had dated friends of yours, and broken their hearts, why shouldn’t you return the favour? “But he said it was. He’s my brother Osc… I can’t just… ruin our relationship-”
“He ruined ours!” he sighed, exasperated. “All because he’s a insecure prick, no offence-” “None taken-” “And he was scared you’d stop picking him over me, which I understand but like, for fuck’s sake, he could’ve just spoken to you about it!” 
You thought for a moment. What did you want? Oscar. Always. You woke up thinking about him, fell asleep thinking about him, dreamt of him. He was everything you’d ever wanted.  “Are we really going to do this Osc?” you whispered into the darkness of the night. 
His lips turned into a smile, and then they were on yours. He’d gotten the girl, he’d gotten the win, and he didn’t care what anyone else said.
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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erinwantstowrite · 1 day
Dick and Tim would be REALLY good on reality tv,,, they're both charismatic (please do not forget that Tim makes friends/allies easily just like Dick can), handsome, CLEVER, and know how to play to a persona. i think they'd go on shows for fun and to de-stress. like one too many things piss them off in their daily lives and they could pretty much get a vacation from it just to go on these shows. no one in the family can talk to them and they get to annoy people, crack jokes, and get fun puzzles in the form of a literal puzzle or figuring out social dynamics of the other players.
sometimes they go on shows by themselves but mostly use it as a brotherly bonding activity. if it's a show where they can be a duo they're GOING to do it. and they're going in to play to a storyline, not to win. they don't need the money, they don't need the publicity, they just want to have fun. sometimes if they figure out that everyone on the show sucks and they get competitive, they'll win. but mostly their goal is "how can we make the funniest plot line look the most natural." or something like that. i know a producer LOVES to see them coming. i bet EVERYONE tunes in when they're on a show because they're fucking hilarious even if half of what they say are inside jokes. the rest of the family watches and they KNOW what those shits are pulling, they have betting pools where they guess what the two are gonna do next, they're the FIRST to make memes for both internet and for the family group chats.
one time they convinced Bruce to go (it's been many a years since he really had to play up the Brucie role, cause he's a dad now and the older he gets the more people expect him to mellow out, and even back when he was full Brucie, reality TV wasn't his thing). it was one of those survival based shows where you come is as a team and try to win together. Bruce got lost in the woods after going on a hike. The camera men literally lost him and Tim and Dick were playing it up for the camera. Dick cried and invited the other teams to a funeral. Tim had a speech that was basically "I think he's fine but this is my perfect opportunity to embarrass my dad with stories." The producers were like "we fucking killed Bruce Wayne oh my fucking god" and Bruce shows up at the funeral like "oh what a beautiful service my boys are so great." They won by pure luck and circumstances and they were actively TRYING to lose that game. They were gobsmacked at the end and everyone uses the moment they looked at each other in confusion and shock as reaction gifs
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jihyoruri · 2 days
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ SUPER RICH KIDS kim chaewon x reader
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❀ ͘ ⴰ previous chapters | richgirl ⭢ that girl (she’s delicious) ⭢ idon’t smoke ⭢ pretty when you cry ⭢ homesick
↳ warnings richgirl!yn, angst (yn is back home), family dynamics, rich kid things, swearing, chaewon is still chaewon, arguing, weight mentions
you’d think after everything that someone has gone through in this house, stepping back through those doors would be the last thing she’d want. but she wasn’t going to lie.
yn felt at peace.
because in the moon mansion, she could be who she truly was and not feel bad about it.
a rich girl.
“lunch will be ready soon,” jia’s voice broke through the peaceful quiet as yn lay sprawled on her pink towel by the pool.
yn let out a contented sigh, lifting her sunglasses and pushing her hair back. “thanks, jia. what’s on the schedule for tomorrow?”
“you already attended the press conference with your father, so that’s off your list. your brothers will be going to the one tomorrow, so all you’ve got left is golfing with your members.”
the happy, serene soundtrack in yn’s head came to a screeching halt as she shot up from her towel.
“your mother didn’t tell you? she thought it’d be a good idea for you to invite them, so she reached out while you were out with your father,” jia said, her expression full of concern. she didn’t understand. shouldn’t yn be excited?
“when does she ever tell me anything?” yn grumbled, flopping back down on her towel childishly “jia, during dinner, add a splash of vodka to my mango juice. maybe the alcohol will keep me from flipping the table.”
jia chuckled softly, fondness in her eyes for the girl she’d watched grow up. “when has that ever helped anything? i’ll check on lunch.”
yn groaned as jia walked away. this was supposed to be her escape. chaewon is going to have a field day with this.
it seems like nothing can ever go yn’s way.
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dinner was quiet. but that was hardly unusual. as far back as yn could remember, dinner had never been family bonding time
bonding didn’t even exist in this family.
the unspoken rule was simple: eat in silence, speak only when necessary.
honestly, yn found the quiet pretty peaceful. just eating, no forced conversation.
but it seemed like her mother couldn’t stand seeing her at peace—ever.
maybe that was an exaggeration, but yn firmly believed it.
“you seem tense, yn,” jae said, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he took a slow sip from his drink. “something bothering you? got a problem with someone?”
yn gripped her fork tightly, slowly lifting her gaze from her plate. “i do, actually. and for once, it’s not with you, dickhead.”
“language,” their father muttered, eyes never leaving the documents he’d brought to the table.
“oh really, who’s ahead of me?” jae asked clearly liking the banter him and yn are having at the moment.
“I won’t disclose any details just as yet.”
daeun rolled his eyes at his siblings, then, deciding to break the silence since everyone seemed eager to chat, he asked, “so, mom, how was your day?”
their mother beamed at the question, her smile bright and warm. oh, how she adored her son. yn couldn’t help but roll her eyes.
“it was amazing, honey. i was just reading an article about your sister’s group.”
“oh, really?” jae responded with mild interest.
“yes! that yunjin member mentioned how she always makes sure the other girls eat and stay healthy. isn’t that wonderful? yn, you have such lovely members.”
as far as yn was concerned, yunjin had never once asked if she was eating properly. but that wasn’t what set her off, she had kazuha who always checked in on her.
it was the nerve her mother had to praise yunjin for something like that—the same person who was the root cause of yn’s so-called “problem.”
“is that why you invited them over tomorrow—without asking me?”
yn hadn’t planned on bringing it up, but her mother’s comment set her off.
her mother furrowed her eyebrows at yn’s tone. “yes, actually. they seem like lovely girls. i was going to suggest you invite those ai girls you’re so fond of, but your judgment isn’t always the best, so i made the decision for you.”
the screech of yn’s chair echoed through the dining room. “i’m not hungry anymore, because clearly no one in this family respects me. may i be excused?”
“sure,” her father said casually, taking a sip of his wine.
“oh, come on, yn! let’s not fall back into those habits,” jae teased.
”fuck you jae!”
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“you don’t like them, do you?”
yn lifted her head from her pillow, turning slowly to see daeun standing at her door.
“the girls in your group. you don’t like them.”
she watched as he stepped forward and sat at the edge of her fluffy bed. “you wouldn’t have reacted that way if it were the girls from sm.”
yn hated how daeun could always read her. they barely talked nowadays, but he still knew his little sister like the back of his hand.
“it’s not that I don’t like them. they don’t like me. no matter how much I lower myself or how nice i act, it’s like they can’t get over the fact that i’m a moon.”
“you lowered yourself for them?”
yn’s eyes flicked up from her lap to see jae standing at the door, disappointment written across his face.
she nodded, feeling a wave of shame. they were raised to believe they were better than everyone else, and here she was, bending over backward for girls who didn’t even like her.
“well, that was your first mistake,” jae said, shaking his head as daeun nodded in agreement.
“you’re dimming who you are to make them feel comfortable, and they’re taking advantage of that,” daeun added, hitting the nail on the head. yn hated how right he was.
“i know you, yn. you’re a bitch—a real one,” jae said with a smirk, earning an eye roll from her. “just be who you are. that’s how you’ll show them. it seems like they can’t stand the fact that you were always going to be successful, idol or not, and they hate that.”
“woah.” yn blinked in disbelief, looking between her brothers. “for once, you two actually make sense.”
“see? a bitch.”
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yn adjusted the dior sunglasses perched atop her head, then straightened her pink ralph lauren golf dress before turning to jia.
“why are they taking so long? it’s a gated community,” she complained, tapping her foot as she stood in front of her expansive front lawn.
“patience is key, miss moon. the van is pulling up,” jia replied calmly.
yn felt anxiety creep in but quickly reminded herself of her brother's words. this wasn’t the dorms; this was her turf, the place where yn excelled.
the first person to step out of the van was kazuha, who immediately sprinted toward her.
“you look so cute! i love your dress,” kazuha gushed, her eyes scanning yn’s outfit she couldn’t help but smile at how relaxed yn looked, she was completely in her element.
“thanks! my dad got it. it’s vintage!” yn beamed.
“of course he did.” yn already knew who that could be.
as she looked past kazuha, she noticed the rest of the girls gazing at her house in awe, it was kinda awkward seeing them, especially after the last time, but yn was just gonna pretend like that day never happened.
yunjin nudged chaewon, nodding toward jia, who narrowed her eyes at chaewon, causing the latter's eyes to widen.
chaewon hadn’t realized someone else was there.
yn couldn’t help but smile at that. “this is jia, the help.”
the girls nodded politely, while kazuha waved, causing yn to furrow her brows. “bow?”
the girls’ eyes widened at the unexpected demand but quickly bowed their heads.
“we treat the help with great respect around here,” yn said sternly . “so take note of that for next time.”
kazuha smiled at yn while the others nodded, a mix of confusion and compliance on their faces.
“so, who’s ready to golf?” yn asked, flashing a sweet smile.
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“you guys suck,” yn laughed, watching the girls struggle with their golf swings.
“well, not everyone has been doing this since birth,” chaewon shot back, rolling her eyes.
“you’re so right! it would take a lot to be like me, wouldn’t it?” yn teased, nudging chaewon’s side causing the girl to stumble “your form is horrendous.”
she strolled over to eunchae, adjusting the younger girl’s stance, then moved on to yunjin.
chaewon’s gaze drifted down yn’s body, taking in her outfit of course, she didn’t even know people actually wore dresses like that these days.
she was about to make a snarky comment when a loud shout interrupted her.
“ignore them it’s just the golf boys,” yn said as she corrected sakura’s form.
chaewon rolled her eyes when she heard the boys calling out yn’s name in a flirty tone.
“passed around?”
yn groaned at chaewon’s words. “I’ve only talked to them a handful of times. I barely know them.”
“i talk to the caddy girls a lot, though,” yn added, causing kazuha to laugh while chaewon scrunched her face in distaste.
“do you want my help with your form?” yn asked chaewon, raising an eyebrow.
“definitely not.”
“okay, then continue embarrassing yourself.”
chaewon opened her mouth to argue but was cut off by a woman’s voice.
the girls turned to see yn’s mother approaching, and yn groaned, rolling her eyes. “why is she here?” she mumbled to herself.
the girls recognized the woman—it was yn’s mother.
“hey, ladies! I hope you’re having fun and that yn is being a good host,” she said with a bright smile.
the girls greeted yn’s mom with polite smiles, and she continued, “I just wanted to drop off some cute gifts i got for you all. I completely forgot about them! I had to stop the driver we just left from going to lunch.”
“lunch?” yn asked, the emotion in her voice hard to pinpoint. “you guys went to lunch without me?”
“honey, it’s not a big deal. don’t be dramatic! we were just celebrating your brother’s achievements just an intimate get together that I planned.”
yn couldn’t remember them ever holding something for her achievements, and she had plenty. “right,” yn laughed sarcastically. “i’m always so dramatic, huh?”
the girls exchanged awkward glances; they had never seen yn like this before.
“don’t act like that. god, you’re just like your father,” her mother said, brushing off yn's feelings.
yn clenched her jaw. “is that all? you just came by to drop off gifts?”
“yes, and i wanted to check on you. stop being so moody! just like your dad. my boys are more like me,” her mom said with a smile, prompting awkward laughter from the girls.
“you see how she argues with me, such a daddy’s girl, she looks like a girl version of him as well doesn’t she?.” her mother laughs causing yn to look at chaewon who looks at back at her with a blank face.
“how about you go back to your boys? they’re probably waiting for ‘mommy’,” yn snapped, glaring at her mother.
she had never spoken to her mother this way before, but as she got older, her respect for the woman had diminished. she barely considered her mother a mom anymore.
“yes, i have to go. we’re going shopping to pick out suits for your father and brothers.”
yn felt as if she had been punched in the gut. family shopping—without her? everyone knows yn loves shopping.
“did you plan that too?” she shot back.
her mother ignored yn’s words, stepping back to scan her daughter. “this outfit is cute. it looks good on you. maybe lose a couple more pounds, and it’ll look even better.”
the girls’ eyes widened at her mother’s words, but yn remained unfazed on the outside.
inside, however, yn felt the sting. she tried to pretend she didn’t care about her mom’s opinion, but deep down, she knew she’d spend extra time on her diet after that.
“anyway, I have to go. it was nice seeing you girls! i hope you like the gifts,” her mother said before walking away.
the girls turned to yn, who stared at her mother’s retreating figure before turning back to them.
“I just love my perfect life, don’t ’ I chaewon? now let’s work on your imperfect form.”
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allforthegaymes · 3 days
Somethin about Andrew Minyard who shoves himself face first into danger no matter what risk it poses to himself
Being 5 feet even and still taking on four grown men who try to beat up Nicky outside of Edens.
Knowing his twin brother for less than a few months and willingly killing Tilda, even planning on himself dying in the process if need be.
Andrew willingly putting himself in direct harms way if it means protecting those he loves, while unwilling to put those same people in a even slightly potentially dangerous position.
Andrew who deals with Aarons withdrawals on his own, sat outside a locked bathroom door to intermittently slide his brother new food, water, and clothes. Unwilling to risk sending his brother to a place where he knows people in high positions would be willing to abuse their power, willing to hurt Aaron.
Andrew who despite knowing all of this and making sure Aaron never had to witness it, goes through his own withdrawls at easthaven, knowing what kind of abuse could and would happen to him.
Andrew who promises to protect Kevin and Neil. He knows theyre lying to him and he knows he doesnt know the full truth of who they are and what (who) exactly he is protecting them from.
But he also knows it helps Kevin to have a buddy system to lean on, to have someone who can shove his way through a crowd of exy fans all trying to get at Kevin, both fans and haters of him following his Ravens departure.
The way Neil describes Andrew as being a wall he can lean on and know he wont tilt under the weight of Neil’s past and current issues.
Somethin somethin about Neil looking at Andrew and seeing Andrew in a way no one else can. A way no one else has.
Neil looks at Andrew and sees how his carefully created stony exterior is a way to protect his family, by taking on the brunt of the negative attention from others. Both the other foxes, exy fans, his own classmates.
The rest of the foxes cant hate Aaron or Nicky the most if Andrew is always the one acting out to take all of their feelings of hatred on himself.
And no one recognizes this until Neil.
Neil who sees the way Andrew loves his family so much that hes willing to let them hate him as long as theyre safe.
Neil who knows Aaron thinks Andrew hates him and goes to Katelyn directly to tell her she needs to push to get Aaron into group sessions with Bee to fix his and Andrews relationship, because if Andrew or Neil were the one to suggest it Aaron would be against it.
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herpsandbirds · 3 days
What are kingfishers? What category do they belong to? Are they songbirds? Waterfowl? A secret third thing? I must know!
Kingfishers are in the order Coraciiformes, along with rollers, bee eaters, todies, and motmots. They are not closely related to songbirds or waterfowl. Think of this group as its own thing.
Many of them perch, and they eat a wide variety of small animals. Even just the kingfishers, many of which live in forests, and hunt frogs and lizards and large invertebrates. The all have a similar toe arrangement, and most of them catch prey and then slam their prey against a surface to help kill it.
The closest relatives to the coraciiformes are the order Piciformes, the woodpeckers, toucans, barbets, puffbirds, jacamars, and honeyguides.
So, generally speaking when we refer to "songbirds" we are talking about the birds in the order Passeriformes (more particularly the Oscine Passerines), most of the perching birds you've ever heard of. Water fowl usually refers to mainly aquatic swimming birds, like ducks, geese, loons, grebes.
Here are some kingfisher friends for you:
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Collared Kingfisher (Todiramphus chloris), family Alcedinidae, West Bengal, India
photograph by Kamal Basak
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Woodland Kingfisher (Halcyon senegalensis), family Alcedinidae, found in much of Sub-Saharan Africa
photograph by @anthony.press
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Black-capped Kingfisher (Halcyon pileata), diving for fish, family Alcedinidae, Taiwan
photograph by joinus12345
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Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) eat a tasty fish!, family Alcedinidae, found across most of North America
photograph by Randy Wei
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Blue-bellied or Javan Kingfisher (Halcyon cyanoventris), family Alcedinidae, order Coraciiformes, endemic to Bali and Java, Indoensia
photograph by Jeffry Surianto
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kyri45 · 2 days
Need you to know that everytime I see bio dads au update I get so excited I wanna explode/pos
They look so huggable I wanna bury my face into them and just stay there- I wanna join the family hug plz-
Ok so you know how in like the dream smp fandom like the chat from Philza streams are like represented as a murder of crowds?
Ok so. EVERYONE of you guys following this story:
From now, consider yourself being one of the little monkeys in FFM. Each of you just dying to finally see the gays monkey kissing, and you can join the group hugs as you like (don't fight with each other though.)
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mixedupmojo · 2 days
Weird isekai idea that I had that I just wanted to realise into the wild.
Ok so you know how there are multiple stories out there about reader getting transported into the world of journey to the west and then ending up tagging along as the pilgrims make their way west. Here's the thing most of the time these story's take place once the group has already been assembled or the reader ends up meeting Tripitaka first.
So here's the thought what if reader meets Wukong before the group has a chance to get together. Let me explain.
So imagine reader has just arrived in a strange new world and they have absolutely no clue where they are or how they got there and are freaking out really badly. So they start calling out to see if there is anyone nearby that can help them and after a good few minutes of wandering around and shouting for help they suddenly get a reply. Relived they rush towards the voice, only to find that the person that was calling to them wasn't a person but a monkey that looks to be trapped within the rock of a mountain. And it only takes them a second to realise that this isn't just any monkey but thee monkey, the monkey king, Sun Wukong himself and somehow they've been transported into the story of journey to the west. Their internal crisis soon gets interrupted as Wukong starts asking if they wouldn't mind helping him out with his situation. Knowing the story not to mention what Wukong's capable of they immediately disagree much to Wukong's outrage. At Wukongs outburst they go to leave but that’s when they realise that they still have no clue where they are and what's worse no idea who could help them except for maybe Tripitaka so they resolve to wait for him much to Wukong confusion. Realising that it might not be a good idea to tell him that they are not exactly from this world they stick with the hopelessly lost excuse. which Wukong responds with that he would be happy to help them out if they let him out which is an obvious no so things quickly devolve into a stale mate.
Days go by and they end up talking a lot, with Wukong casually trying to convince them to take off the seal every now and then and them always refusing. But as the days go by the more anxious and worried reader gets after all they have no idea at what point in the story they are and it could very well be a hundred year before Tripitaka will eventually show up. Food and shelter are also a worry as they've managed to get by due to it being summer and there is plenty to forage and a small cave nearby that they've been using for shelter but they know it won't last forever. but most of all they really, really want to go home they miss their family their friends they miss their life. More time goes by and day by day reader and Wukong bond even more to the point where the monkey king has actually grow quite fond of them and cares quite a lot to the point that he starts helping them out in what little ways he can. He even stops constantly trying to get them to remove the seal on the mountain only occasionally asking every now and then and its usually only after he see them struggling, instead he's taking the time to ask them about themselves and find out more about them and in return he tell them about himself usually stories of his glory days. eventually they come clean about the fact that they are not from this world and how they have no idea how they got here or how to get home, breaking down a bit as Wukong resolves to help in any way he can. Then one day it happens completely unprompted reader suddenly get up and start walking away at first Wukong doesn't think anything of it as they often leave to look for food and other such things but as the hours go by and they've yet to come back Wukong starts to worry think that something bad might have happened to them before he gets the horrible thought that they might have just finally got sick of waiting and left him. Stewing in his thought the monkey king slowly growing more and more enrage and heartbroken at the potential betrayal. when suddenly he can feel it, he can feel the mountain shift and he realise what they have done. It's after another few hours pass that he hears them running down the mountain catching a quick sight of them as they run past him. it doesn't take him long to realise that they are getting a safe distance away and he waits a few more hours before he finally breaks free. Meanwhile your despriatly trying to catch your breath as you watch the entire mountain explode chunks of rock flying in all directions and your barely able to make out a reddish orange blur coming towards you before your enveloped in a bone crushing hug.
Thus beings their own journey to find a way to get reader home.
I dunno I just really like the idea of Guanyin or Tripitaka turning up and Wukong not being there and all of haven freaking out because the monkey king is on the loose and no one has any idea where he is.
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lnlightning81 · 2 days
Heat Stroke
Summary : Franco's thrown in at the deep end of the Singapore Grand Prix but you're there to look after him
Pairing/s: Franco Colapinto x Reader
Word Count : 1.1k
Warning/s: W*lliams Hate
Masterlist Driver Masterlist Want to be included in my tag list? Click HERE
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You personally thought throwing Franco into the Singapore Grand Prix with limited heat training was a bit crazy knowing that you’d been preparing since the last Singapore Grand Prix, along with most drivers. 
The race could be brutal, and anyone who’d raced there before would know that, however, the head guys at Wililams didn’t care. You had warned Franco about it, but you knew that if it wasn’t Franco that replaced Logan, then it would be some other poor innocent guy. 
You remember when the news broke that Franco was about to become an F1 driver and you couldn’t be more mad about how it happened. 
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Franco had told you to meet him in Argentina. He was going to arrive a day later than you were, and you were fine with it. You’d met his family before, and they were more than welcoming. 
Sat in their family house that evening, you had just been talking with his parents, who were more than happy to not only have you there but to include you in their family activities. Your phone was discarded in Franco’s childhood bedroom as you sat downstairs. 
It wasn’t until there was loud cheering from outside the family house you and his parents decided to get up and look outside. The street was full of people holding either handmade Franco signs or ones that they had bought previously. 
You turned to his parents confused just to see them looking just as confused. Quickly running up the stairs to grab your phone to see not only the F1 drivers group chat but all your other messages blowing up. 
It killed you. Logan was one of your closest friends, and Franco was your boyfriend. How were you meant to deal with this? 
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It turned out it was easier to deal with. Logan seemed okay but annoyed he wasn’t able to show his full potential because his car never had the upgrades, and his confidence was lost. Logan had plans for after F1, knowing that no matter what, he was leaving at some point in the 2024 season. Starting off by test driving for indy, then hopefully driving for them at some point. 
But now, after the Singapore Grand Prix, you were standing in the media tent watching Franco speak to the interviewers. You’d seen him straight after the Grand Prix when he could hardly stand getting out of the car. It was a gruelling race for everyone. 
In between interviews yourself, you couldn’t help but watch him. His normal flirty attitude wasn’t there, and you could see in his face that he was in pain. The cold towel around his neck no longer doing anything to cool his body down. He needed to be in the medical tent, but the FIA clearly didn’t care. 
You couldn’t help yourself but walk over despite your own media manager's complaints about walking away from him. You didn’t care, though. You also didn’t care that you were about to expose your relationship with the newest Rookie. 
Taking your own towel from around your neck and placing it around his neck, taking his now warm one away. Your trainer had swapped your towels over, knowing that when your body was too hot, cooling it down was near impossible for him. 
Franco’s head turned, giving you a small smile, and you couldn’t help but reach up and wipe some sweat from his forehead with his towel 
“You need to go to medical” You whispered 
“No no estoy bien” You shook your head, taking his hand in your own 
“Please or I’ll get your mama involved” You raised an eyebrow, and he nodded, taking a drink of water “Thank you” You hummed, walking away back to your media manager, who raised his eyebrows at the work you just created for him 
“Honestly, how simple my life would be without you” He shook his head, and you smiled innocently, moving onto your next interview. 
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Getting back to your hotel room, you went to check on Franco after dumping all your stuff in your own room. Knocking on the door, you heard a loud groan followed by shuffling and a couple bangs. You winced at the sounds before Franco finally opened the door, leaning against it. 
Sweat still dripped from his head, and he looked paler than in the media tent, earning a sigh from you. 
“Come on you” You sighed, ushering him back inside of the room. Franco sat on the bed in front of the fans he had going on in nothing but boxers as you walked towards his bathroom. Turning his shower on to cold before walking back to get him. 
Wrapping your arm around his waist as he walked to the bathroom and into the shower with you. You stepped in with him, still in team gear, knowing that it was the only way to get him in without an argument. 
“Lo siento” He whispered as you pushed some wet strands of hair out his face 
“You have nothing to be sorry for. This is definitely not your fault. This is your team's fault for not even sending your trainer here to look after you” You shook your head sitting him on the floor of the shower so you could step out for a moment. 
Texting your own trainer to bring some electrolytes and whatever else he recommended to Franco's room, knowing that at least your own team cared about their drivers and how the heat affects them. 
Going into Franco’s room to make it more comfortable for them knowing exactly what he was feeling right now because it was you last year. Helping Franco out of the shower and wrapping a towel around his waist before walking through to the bedroom, laying him down as there was a knock on the door. 
You walked over to it, smiling a little at your trainer. Letting him inside to help. 
“Go get yourself changed, Y/N. I know it’s warm, but walking about in wet clothes isn’t going to make you any better either” You nodded, stealing some clothes from Franco’s suitcase and getting changed in the bathroom. Walking back out once you were changed. 
Your trainer, Josh, handed you your water bottle full of electrolytes as he sat on the chair. 
“That stupid team needs to be sued” Josh muttered, and you could only nod in agreement as you played with Franco’s hair sitting next to him. Drinking your water at the same time. 
What idiot of a team decides to throw someone into a death trap of a race and then not provide support afterwards.
“Thank you for coming. I know your wife’s here” You smiled over to Josh, who shrugged 
“I get paid for being here, and she’s asleep” He chuckled, and you couldn’t help but laugh at that. Even Franco managed a little chuckle. Pressing a kiss to Franco’s head.
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jinnie-ret · 1 day
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stray kids x hybrid!ninth!reader (fem)
genre: light angst, mostly fluffy
content warnings: small swearing, mention of disease, mention of vaccination
word count: 1.8k
summary: the boys are shocked at how your hybrid features present themselves when you are feeling particularly emotional
requested: @shua-f4lmings
How could it ever work being a Kpop idol when you were forced to hide a part of our identity every day? Well, you managed somehow. Despite the fact that you were a hybrid, JYPE still accepted your audition and allowed you to become a trainee. You felt fortunate that you didn't face direct discrimination from the company, considering you were part of a rare few, an experimental collective, of children that had turned into hybrids against their will. You see, there had once been terrible news of a new outbreak of an autoimmune disease breaking out, during your childhood, so when a vaccination was created, your parents had rushed at the opportunity to make sure you were safe. Little did you know, did anyone know, that it was in fact a scam. The disease - a hoax. The vaccination - contained a serum that caused you to experience genetic mutations and develop physical attributes very similar to a cat, all because of some deceiving scientists that wanted to experiment.
Luckily, you had learnt to love yourself and your feline features. Your fluffy black ears that helped your hearing become more sensitive, and perhaps even more attuned to music, your tail that would swish and perk up anytime you saw your members or somebody you loved, these all became things that you appreciated. It truly showed your strength and determination to not let anybody get you down, particularly when you used to feel like the black sheep, or, black cat, of the family.
You remember that it was not too long after Chan had gathered you all together as a unit, pre-debut, that you decided to reveal this side of you. After all, you could only wear baggy sweatshirts and beanies for so long.
"Guys, can I tell you something?" you spoke up after you were all sat evaluating a dance practice.
"I think we really should practice this dance again, can it wait?" Chan pondered, not wanting to miss any rehearsal time, especially since the new TV debut show was on the horizon.
"Please, it's important," you had urged them all, your future group members, not wanting to withheld this information from them for any longer.
"Ok, sure," Chan nodded and turned his phone off, before everyone was looking at you as you stood up.
"Is everything ok?" Hyunjin frowned.
"Yeah, I just want to share this side of myself to you. I've not been honest," you began, confident in yourself, just unsure about what their reactions would be.
"If we're going to be a group..." Changbin tilted his head.
"-that's why I'm telling you now! Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. Umm," you apologised, feeling guilty.
"It's ok," Changbin nodded, seeing the weight of the situation in your eyes.
"Please can you just tell us? The suspense is killing me," Jisung groaned, whining after when Minho smacked him on the back without even looking.
"I don't know how to say it so..." you had taken a deep breath before pulling your beanie off, ruffling your hair back into plsce and ultimately revealing your ears. It had seemed like some sort of headband at first, but seeing the way your ears twitched and pointed at sharp intakes of breath or gasps in the room, showed that they were very real.
Poor Felix was incredibly confused. It was hard enough for the Australian boy to follow the conversation, and even harder to make sense of things as he saw your fluffy cat ears on top of your head.
"What the-" Jeongin's jaw dropped.
"Why are your ears moving like that..." Seungmin was astonished.
"I'm a cat hybrid. There was an experiment gone wrong a while back, masked as a 'cure', a vaccination, when really it was an experiment. So, umm, yeah, I'm sort of like a test subject.." you trailed off as Chan came to stand in front of you, raising his hand slightly.
"Can I touch your ears?" he questioned, which honestly wasn't what you were expecting. Instead, you thought it was time for him to go into his words of wisdom mode, but really even he couldn't avoid his own curiosity, as he waited for your response.
"Oh, yeah sure," you shrugged, a smile working it's way into your face as you felt a soothing scratch and pat to the head. It was so relaxing that you shut your eyes for a moment.
And when you opened your eyes...
"My turn! My turn!" Han was suddenly in front of you, Seungmin and Jeongin surprisingly waiting too.
"Wow, so cute!" Hyunjin was looking at you with the biggest heart eyes, and you could also lightly hear Chan explaining to Felix what had just transpired.
"Cute, haha," Changbin chuckled, stood next to you and observing your reactions.
"So you guys don't find it weird then?" you laugh as you ask, knowing that they were entranced.
"No! Never!" Seungmin shook his head.
"Me?" Felix came up behind Seungmin, half hugging his arm before asking permission to also pet your ears.
"Yes," you smiled reassuringly at the shy Felix.
The only one of the boys who hadn't interacted with you after you revealed your big secret was Minho, and perhaps that was because he simply couldn't comprehend that his fellow band member he had naturally grown protective over was also part cat. His favourite animal by a mile.
"I knew there was something feline about you," Minho hugged you tightly, the only one not to go straight for the ears.
"That's all the approval I needed."
Post revelation, you were able to feel even more relaxed around your members at the dorms, and wow, when they saw your tail, to be frank, they lost their shit. That was a story for another day though. You had more important things to think about them, such as the meeting that had been scheduled with the company before filming began. Understandably, in your opinion, they had found some medication, hybrid suppressants, that would hide your features. Some people would have been offended by the gesture but in reality, you were relieved. You just wanted to debut and you didn't want to take any attention away from the boys with your obvious differences in genetics. Although the first day of taking the pills felt rough, especially with your body having to withdraw physical features, you went through with it, initially explaining to the boys that it's what you wanted. Whether they believed you or not at the time, you weren't sure, until today...
"No way!" you gasped, clutching the blanket for dear life as you sat up from your comfy spot curled up on the sofa. Once again, you had chosen to use your vacation off from work as a chance to binge watch your favourite show, and finally, you had made it to the end.
"Don't roll credits, don't roll credits, don't- NO!" you cried out in disbelief. As if they had just killed off your favourite character. You sobbed, curling into yourself, ears flat against your head and tail curled up against you, like you were trying to protect yourself from the TV screen even though you had already turned it off and thrown the remote away from you in distress.
You hadn't realised that your hybrid features had popped out, not that it would be a problem as you were on break, but you must have forgotten to habitually take your tablets, the ones you bad taken the previous day finally wearing off. Even with the box being on the coffee table in front of you, the idea had left your mind.
It was long forgotten now.
It was a pitiful sight, the way you were trembling as you cried, but with your physical hybrid features also came mental ones, emotional ones, instincts that you couldn't help but follow. That emotional attachment that cats found with their people, happened to you and your favourite TV show. You felt hurt, betrayed, distraught.
"Rori?" Minho was the first to call out in concern, as the boys piled in from their outing at the beach. Yes, Rori, that was your stage name. It was a running joke between you all that Minho adopted Dori and her namesake was because of you. They weren't that dissimilar right?
"What's wrong? What's happening?" Felix called out in confusion, still taking off his sandy shoes by the front door. The boys had wanted you to come along with them, but you hated water, and would much rather laze around in the comfort of your own home.
"Aigoo, your tail is all fluffy," Jeongin patted your head, yet you continued to cry. The eight boys looked between each other in confusion until Jisung spotted the medication on the table and looked at Chan pointedly, hoping he took would connect the dots he had just found.
"Oh, Rori, we thought you didn't like taking the, it's ok. It'll be ok, we'll sort this," Chan rubbed your back gently.
"We can announce it to the fans," Hyunjin suggested, and the others nodded along.
"We'll have a word with the company," Changbin added, their plan already formulating before your very eyes.
"They'll still love you," Jisung didn't like seeing you cry.
"They won't care, you're still the same person," Seungmin spoke up, last to enter the room. He had soon caught onto the situation though, only after rinsing his feet from the sand that lingered. He couldn't barely the itchy feeling.
"What are you talking about?" you sniffled, lifting your head out from your arms and your ears lifted in curiosity.
"Aren't you sad because of, you know, having to take the tablets...?" Chan was confused, so much so that his hand had even stopped it's comforting motions on your back.
"No!!" you cried out, tail fluffing up even more, irritation flaring up ever so slightly as you wished you didn't have to explain yourself. It would much easier if these humans just knew what you wanted!
"Oh," Minho pursed his lips in thought.
"Then what's wrong?" Jeongin urged, eager to hear what was truly wrong.
"-died! It's not fair! They were my favourite and they were so kind and-" you whimpered tearfully, already having flashbacks of the final episode you and just watched.
"It's because of a show?!" Felix rose his eyebrows in surprise, leaning back to try and see your whole face.
"Really?" Seungmin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"It's not just a show!!!" you wailed louder, tail swishing now as you felt a mix of sadness and annoyance.
"Ok it's not just a show, we know that, chill, kitty," Jisung patted your head but Minho nudged him warningly, knowing you didn't like that nickname.
"Ji-" you huffed.
"But it's definitely not because of the suppressants, right?" Changbin cut you off, which was annoying at first, having being interrupted twice in a row, yet you were appreciative of the change in topic.
"No, no, I don't care about taking them. I'm fine with that," you took a deep breath and wiped your remaining tears away, "I just might need 2-3 business days to recover."
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @kpopmenace143 @haodore @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @his-angell @2minstan @skzoologist @lovingchan @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @lilmisssona @astraysimp @lixie-phoria @theo4eve @linoalwaysknows @royal-shinigami @jolly04 @turtledove824 @yangbbokari @thisrandomgoofy15 @lieslab @hannamoon143 @arumlilyeclipse
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princegaza · 1 day
🚨 🚨 🚨
🍉 🍉 🍉 Hello amazing Tumblr community, 🌹🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
🚨 Important and urgent
they have been verified on @/el-shab-hussein's and @/nabulsi's list of vetted fundraisers here (#250, line 254)
I'm so excited to be here with you on Tumblr and I'm hoping you can help me repost the post I've been working on. This post is not just words, it is part of a fundraising campaign aimed at saving my family from death and supporting them in these difficult times. I hope, as I heard about you, that you will extend a helping hand and help spread this message to everyone and reach the largest possible number of people.
Pictures of martyrs click here
Help me by republishing my campaign and donating so that together we can reunite my family and take them out of Gaza so that my children can complete their education and so that we can live in freedom and peace away from killing, destruction, disease and hunger, and so that we can live together in safety and stability, and so that the hearts of my wife and children can be reassured after she lost her family. Her mother, father, brothers, and their children during the occupation bombing of the Tammos family home at dawn on October 29, 2023. She felt sad or overwhelmed. These pictures show some of her family members who were martyred in the bombing.
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Other photos document the heinous crime against the family of my wife, Soha Tammos. Yes, it's time to console her and help her escape with her children to safety.
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I, Amjad, and the family are still in dire need of your help, even more so than before. Our campaign is continuing, and I hope that you will be able to support us by sharing it and donating even a little, and I know that your small donation saves a person’s life.
We have been displaced repeatedly, and our displacement journey is still continuing amid an ongoing war of extermination in Gaza. I sustained serious injuries to my foot and I am still suffering from my injury. I cannot walk and need medical care and treatment expenses. My young children also fell ill due to the current living conditions in the tents and the lack of potable water and basic, health and educational necessities.
I deeply hope that you can contribute by sharing our campaign and donating, so that we can achieve our goal together and provide some relief to my family.
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Supporting my family to survive the war
I am Majd Al-Shaltawi. I live in Gaza. I sent a distress call to evacuate me and my family from Gaza to escape the war. I am a Palestinian from besieged Gaza. I work as a skilled cook in Al-Shaltawi Kitchen and Restaurant, and currently my children are working to feed the displaced with donations from individuals and groups. This is my account on the Meta platform to follow updates
This is my accountx. To get new updates.
We lived through painful events during the October 7 War, and my children suffered panic attacks from the sounds of bombing and the killing of many family, friends, neighbors, and lineages.
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Al Shaltawi Restaurant Page
Click Here
On the morning of Friday 10/13/2023, we woke up to a call from the Israeli occupation army to evacuate the residents of the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City, which we live in, in preparation for its bombing, and to head to the south of the Gaza Strip, which is considered a safe area. A safe haven, as the occupation claims
As a father, my duty is to protect my children. I had to leave my home, my job, and everything I own to save my children’s lives from this fierce war.
Then my wonderful restaurant was destroyed, as you can see in the pictures.
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Restaurant photo click here
I lost my home, my job, and my source of livelihood, and I am the head of a family of 11 members
I lost a lot of weight due to war, hunger, and food shortages, and thinking about the future of my children and protecting them from genocidal war. I developed chronic high blood pressure, for which there is often no cure.
I am writing to you because I do not want to see death approaching my family
The cost of coordinating the exit from Gaza with travel costs per person is 7,000 euros. We also need housing. We need to evacuate my family of 11 people for approximately €97,000 to rebuild our lives and start again in peace and security.
My daughter Fidaa is studying a master’s degree in educational technology at Al-Aqsa University. The Israeli occupation destroyed the university buildings and ended her educational life. My daughter’s dream was to complete her higher education to obtain a master’s degree.
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My eldest son, Ahmed, is studying a Bachelor of Business Administration at Al-Quds Open University and aspires to complete his university education. Al-Quds University was completely destroyed, and his dreams, ambitions and dreams were killed.
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My daughter Farah is studying communications engineering at Al-Azhar University, and the occupation prevented her from graduating to become an engineer. The enemy stole her dreams and joy, as her wedding was scheduled to take place last November, and the occupation burned her entire house. Her dream now is to leave Gaza, go to her groom, Abd
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My son, Hamdi, did not complete his “tawjihi” secondary education, and the occupation destroyed his school and his dreams of success.
And my two young daughters, Malak and Tala, the occupation demolished their school and their hopes for a happy and stable life. Like the children of the world, they were not unhappy with their childhood. They are now terrified and suffering from psychological problems due to repeated bombings by warplanes and seeing corpses and body parts in the streets during the process of displacement from one place to another.
And my two young daughters, Malak and Tala, the occupation demolished their school and their hopes for a happy and stable life. Like the children of the world, they were not unhappy with their childhood. They are now terrified and suffering from psychological problems due to repeated bombings by warplanes and seeing corpses and body parts in the streets during the process of displacement from one place to another.
The Israeli occupation has destroyed educational life in Gaza.
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Thank you for learning about my story, thank you for your support and help, and thank you for your prayers for the people of Gaza to survive this war. I hope you will share the donation link with those around you and donate even a little to the evacuation of my family, Amjad, from Gaza.
@heba-20 @soon-palestine @ibtisams-blog @marnota @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @i-am-aprl @northgazaupdates2 @fallahifag @fairuzfan @sar-soor @90-ghost @hellspawnen @aroacekittywrites @ttohrus @proheromidoriyashouto @quagsiredoesnotfuck @turian @iamjustthinkin @genera1kenobi @fireyfobbitmedicine @tasteofyourblood @lesbianmaxevans @chimney-begins @ratmanwalking @aleksstroud @shellofashadow @ibtisams-blog @buttercuparry @wlwaerith @vetted-gaza-funds @sayruq @ripe @straycatj @thunderstruck9 @haflacky @catasters @northgazaupdates2 @northwezt @northernsiberiawinds @el-shab-hussein
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literaila · 2 days
Make a list of every single shenanigan teenage reader and Gojo have done
Doesn't have to be detailed I just want to know what these losers did to make Yaga so mad
• broke a vending machine because gojo kept trying to pull the drink reader wanted out of the machine with cursed energy instead of letting her pay for it
• accidentally bleached everyone’s clothes when it was readers turn to do laundry because gojo swore he “knew a secret”
• broke a tv remote when wrestling over it because gojo kept turning the volume up to 1000% when reader was trying to sleep
• set the oven on fire when trying to bake a cake for suguru’s birthday and then gojo “accidentally” pointed the fire extinguisher at reader instead of the oven and ruined her clothes
• picked the locks to the gym so reader could show gojo how to take the basketball hoops off of the wall
• spent a whole day scaring people by gojo teleporting them both around into peoples rooms for “practice”
• stole a car in the middle of the night just for fun
• when everyone was gone one weekend the two of them just went around everyone’s dorms and replaced the framed photos of their families with pictures of gojo
• developed a dance routine except the “dance routine” involved them tackling each other in the classroom and getting suspended from class for three days
• when reader found out that gojo was using his six eyes to cheat a look at his christmas presents and pulled his hair until he was crying from his pretty blue eyes
• sneaking away from group outings at popular districts to go and get dessert approximately 17 times
• sneaking out in the middle of night to get gas station food and inevitably getting caught each time because of the barriers around jujutsu high approximately 26 times (yaga but a deadbolt on the outside of gojo’s room to lock him in but then he learned how to teleport)
��� “forgetting” to complete their chores and spend their time beating each other at video games instead
• hiding all of the food in the kitchen in suguru’s dorm and replacing it with empty bottles of suguru’s fancy hair conditioner that they’d both been collecting for up to six months
• pretending that the other died for multiple hours at least once each (everyone believed it)
• throwing everyone a surprise birthday party (so it wasn’t a surprise after the 3rd time) but timing it so that yaga would only show up after everyone was gone and the classroom was a mess
• changing the newspaper out with fake versions to mess with yaga (this is readers personal favorite. also includes more pictures of gojo)
• endless prank phone calls
• literally endless (suguru eventually stole satoru’s phone but they would just use readers instead and shoko threatened to stab them both where “no one would realize it wasn’t an accident”)
• kept messing with nanami’s coffee in the mornings until eventually he got a thermos with a lid instead of a mug
• reader picked haibaras lock and they drew on his face (he thought it was funny though ((includes chibi gojo))
• reader got geto to start collecting fly heads and he assisted the two of them in letting them go in the common room right before yaga came back from lunch
• stealing the files yaga had on the gojo clan
• using shokos medical books that she “studies” to make paper airplanes to see whose would fly the furthest
• gojo replacing readers sheets with digimon ones (she kept them)
• making six voo doo dolls of yaga and leaving them around campus (you know how he feels about stuffed animals)
• reader hiding all of gojo’s candy in the library where he would never find it (yaga sat him down the next day and accused him of using school space as his own personal pantry and got banished to the library for several sparring lessons)
• sparring so late at night that suguru would inevitably send a curse to bite satoru
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devnmon · 2 days
to be loved is to be changed.
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Summary: Cutting Daryl's hair and his uncertainty around the idea of a walled community that's survived thus far.
a/n: back to writing daryl like i never left! i wanted this to be mostly soft but i realized thats unrealistic for him during the first days in alexandria. twd rewatches really do it in for me huh. wrote this in two days cause it was an idea i really liked and wanted to put it out there. enjoy <3
no warnings except suggestive at the end! | wc: 2k
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Daryl was not amused. By any of it.
Exhausted, covered in sweat, on edge, sure.
But amused? No. Far from it.
Absurd. That's what it was. To walk into metal walls of a community and trust it's exactly how it looks... that was the furthest thing from happening.
So when everyone else was taking advantage of the running water and toiletries, Daryl sat in protest. He would never fit in here, no matter how long they stayed. If this place lasted that long.
He sat in the filth and sweat and grease that coated his skin, sweat painted forehead and hair stuck to the back of his neck. Dark bangs covered his eyes, peeking through the hair as if it were to shield him from the darting eyes of people around him.
Though nothing would compare to how terribly out of place he felt. It took him a lot to feel included in Rick's group, to utter family in a world he thought he'd spend with his brother.
But now, they all were his family; Rick, Maggie, Glenn, you. Picking him back up by the knowledge that he can try to start over every single day.
He wouldn't-- no, couldn't conform to the pristine, blind-eyed disposition he saw in all the people living so wonderfully in this place.
Not being how he was out there didn't feel like him. Felt the farthest thing from it when he knew everyone else just felt grateful to not be out there. At least, almost all of them did.
Those people hadn't seen what you'd all seen. What you experienced, who you'd lost on the road. They didn't know.
Seeing you and Carol and the others refresh yourselves with soap and clean clothes that weren't stained by sweat or blood made him scoff.
How could you let down your guards so quickly? Give up the weapons you slept next to and gripped tightly to like they were merely objects and not a part of you.
His bow was like a second skin. What made you all indifferent?
You, once terrified of the outside, became a strengthened version of yourself. No longer shying away of everything that went bump in the night, too timid to move.
Then, you were safe inside yourself. Now, you were edged and cautious, backed by those you trusted.
To be invited back to a walled community with running water and actual houses? It sounded unreal.
But you were almost out there for too long.
Refreshing yourself from all that covered you on the outside only made you hopeful for what was to come. What could come. Optimism and hopefulness radiated from Deanna the minute you saw her face.
It was bizarre, seeing a bunch of people without the same hardened looks and dirtied clothes you all adorned. Strolling down the streets, going about their day like they were unaware of what the world was. Of what it had come to.
By the way they ogled as you passed by, dropping your weapons to be stored and trudging down the lane to be interviewed, they had not seen what you had.
They were the lucky ones. Lucky enough to hide behind steel walls and barbecues like the world hadn't stopped turning.
But you weren't as opposed to cleaning yourself up as much as Daryl was. A little nervous to be as vulnerable washing alone for the first time in months, but excited to see it all wash down the drain.
You knew Carol would be begging him soon enough. Not even a full day had passed and you had all jumped at the chance to have warm water rush over your skin. So your clothes wouldn't stick to your skin from the sweat and grime built up there.
If you could have stayed under the shower for the rest of your life without getting pruned fingers, you would have chose so in a heartbeat.
But spotting Daryl with the same dirt on his arms broke you a little. You knew how far he'd come since the quarry, how he was used to being on the outside.
You always knew he leaned into that part of him, the archer who never needed to rely on anyone for anything before. Watching him protect all of you though, that was the kicker.
"I'm gonna hose you down in your sleep." Said one Carol Peletier as she walked down the sidewalk, other members of your group further exploring as they'd been told to do so.
"You know she's serious about that hose." You began, walking out the front door to greet him.
Daryl scoffed and went back to playing with his bow.
"And I'd help her, if I didn't know how you are." You could see his blues peeking through the hair stuck to his forehead, almost poking into his eyes.
Standing next to him now, you reached out a hand to brush some of the hair out of his eyes, before cupping his cheek softly. He flinched at first, but welcomed your warm contact.
Daryl knew you cared for him, though being on the road had made him retreat inside himself again. Just before the prison fell, you saw that golden heart of his peek through his chest. But after Hershel, after Beth, he was overcome with a need to harden his exterior.
Any physical affection he was warming up to was all because of you, how your words disarmed him and tied a string around his lungs. Even if the road challenged him and your whole group, it was something familiar that you all knew like the back of your hand.
Walkers, people, the elements. The lot of you felt prepared to handle anything that was thrown at you.
But meeting Aaron, making it to his community and seeing how life could be from now on, instead of just making it-- that was something none of you had seen before.
"Could I be the one to convince you then?"
His eyes met yours, darting back and forth across your face and the background with uncertainty.
"Dunno." He shrugged, looking away off into the distance now.
"It's okay if it takes you a while, Dar. I know out there is where you feel the most you, but we don't have to just make it anymore. We can live. Feel some semblance of normalcy. But if it takes you longer than some of us, I get it."
"Y'think this is normal?"
"No... but we have to start somewhere. It started for me when I turned in my gun, precious as she is to me..." he glanced your way again, "And washing the outside off. Feeling how it was without all of that on my skin."
"Don't matter. Just gonna get dirty again."
You sighed, "Fine. If you won't take a shower, will you at least let me trim your bangs? They're covering your pretty eyes and you know how much I love to look at them."
One of the corners of his mouth twitched upwards, a semblance of a smile?
"Nothing crazy, Dixon, just a trim so they don't get in your way."
A gruff sound came from him before standing from the railing and letting his fingers brush against your shirt. He went to grab his bow before you reached for his wrist.
"You don't need it. We're just goin' inside, okay? We'll be more comfortable in there."
His stern look faltered, blinking a few times before nodding and leaving it to follow you inside, your hand in his.
Daryl spotted the comb and pair of scissors on the counter before he even got close to them, trusting you enough to go near his brown locks with something that sharp. He knew your steady hand was careful, having stitched multiple people up over the time you'd been with the group.
Clearing his throat as he sat, you picked up the scissors and comb and sat in front of him.
"Let me get all the knots out first, okay? Even though I'm just trimming your bangs, you deserve to be pampered a little. Are you okay with that?"
His eyes met the floor before looking to you, heart in your hands as you spoke. Silently he nodded, and you grinned before standing back up and moving behind him.
Your hands planted softly on his shoulders, feeling him fidget in his seat as you slowly rubbed his shoulders ever so slightly.
Fortunately for you, Daryl's hair was thinner and therefore less prone to knotting, but still had a few you took a minute to get through. The teeth of the comb scratched his scalp in such a way that was foreign to him, sending goosebumps down his spine.
The little sounds of content and enjoyment made you smile to know he was finding some comfort in what you were doing. It almost brought tears to your eyes at how much he trusted you.
Placing a kiss on the crown of his head, you walked back around to his front.
He grunted again, "Why'd ya stop?"
"I haven't even cut your bangs yet, Dar." You chuckled lightly, knowing a proper hair brushing would put him to sleep from how relaxing it was.
To be the only individual he'd ever let touch, let alone cut his hair, filled your chest with joy.
"Okay, now close your eyes and hold your head steady, here." Your soothing voice had him smitten, willing to be at your beck and call whenever you asked. This time was no different. He'd not known what he did to deserve you, much less anyone willing to get to know and trust him as he did you.
Two of your fingers lifted his chin and spotted those blues once again looking your way.
"You've got eyes like the ocean, Daryl. Wonder when I get to swim in them." He saw the stars in your eyes, something he hadn't seen since you all arrived at the prison.
Slowly you combed through the hair framing his face, separating it from the rest to begin trimming. His eyes fluttered shut as you lifted the scissors up.
The first snip was the most nerve wracking for him, hearing the scissors open and close. While a soft powdery aroma from the soap wafted from your skin, he realized that maybe it wasn’t the worst idea.
He's not sure the last time he's had his hair cut, if ever. Daryl decided it wasn't worth it to remember the past, and to just live in the moment now with you.
"Thanks," he mumbled, clear enough for you to hear. Your movements slowed a bit as you realized this was a big moment for him. Even bigger than when you admitted your feelings to him.
There was something about how easy it was for Daryl to unfold around you, not completely, but a bit more every day he got through with you by his side.
Little hairs floated to the floor as you trimmed, shedding them like he did the makings of his former self. It was mandatory, or else he wouldn't be where he is today.
"Of course. You do so much for everyone else, I'm lucky I get to do this for you. I'm happy to do this for you." Your hand grasped his, interlocking your fingers.
"Means a lot t'me." Slowly he lifted your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to it ever so lightly.
A whiff of that soap you smelled so nicely of made his head spin, realizing that if you smelled like it, he wanted to as well. There would be more dirt and sweat to come in the future, if this is where they were going to be from now on.
"Don't be getting all sappy on me now, D."
Scoffing, he replies, "Stop."
"Just let me know when you're ready to take that shower. Or I'll let Carol know she can hose you down instead..." You joke, standing up before combing his bangs through once more.
"Nah, I'll take the shower." Daryl shook out his hair from the left over snipped pieces of hair and stood up.
"Oh yeah?" You turned and crossed your arms at him with disbelief.
"On one condition."
"And what's that?"
"You come and join me."
You smiled, uncrossing your arms and holding out a hand to him.
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Hey um, what if the Overblot boys told each other their backstories?
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Mmm… Well firstly, I think it would take a lot of effort to arrive at a point where all of the OB boys would even feel comfortable being that emotionally intimate with the others. Many of the OB boys are highly guarded and resistant to putting themselves in compromising positions. For example, I can easily see Azul being paranoid that the others would use his background as blackmail; he would not risk having his own vulnerabilities becoming public knowledge. Would Leona really be okay with being sentimental in front of various people he dislikes, especially Malleus and Vil? Would Idia feel safe unpacking his trauma and grief in front of his peers? Etc, etc, etc.
Secondly, I think that even if the OB boys were hypothetically at the point where they were okay sharing their backstories with the others, it wouldn’t change much about their immediate circumstances?? The OB boys generally don’t strike me as particularly… empathetic? At least not automatically empathetic. It’s something they would need to put effort into and actively work on. I imagine that they’d otherwise just pull a Zuko-style “That’s rough, buddy” or potentially even say something tactless that rubs their peers the wrong way (for example, not fully understanding the situation or even downplaying one another’s trauma). Riddle (someone with very little to no experience with social media and entertainment mediums) might not get how being a celebrity influences Vil’s life, Leona might insult Malleus (someone whom he has a bone to pick with), everyone might still be upset with Malleus for what he did to them in book 7. etc. Each OB boy only has their own experiences as the lens through which they see and interact with the world, and it’s not that easy for just anyone to put themselves in the shoes of another person.
Hearing a (for lack of a better term) traumadump doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll connect with it or understand just how grueling it was for the person who experienced said trauma. It would usually take a significant amount of time and reflection (ideally facilitated by a licensed mediator or professional) to digest those stories in group therapy and to make sure that everyone actually understands one another. A surface-level story retelling alone in most cases isn’t (again, for lack of a better term) “enough”, especially with how self-centered, emotionally immature, and different many of the OB boys are.
Think of empathy like a skill or a muscle. It isn’t innate. You need to develop it and train it, and not putting it to use can lead to atrophy. And given how arrogant and independent your usual NRC student is… yeah, it’s definitely going to be something for them all to work on.
If you want to think of it another way, it’s like how different players will react differently to reading the OB boys’s backstories. Someone who experienced bullying similar to Azul could more easily empathize with him while also not fully “getting” the full scope of other stories they hear. Maybe they can’t understand why Riddle still cares about the mother who mistreated him. Maybe they don’t see why Jamil sacrifices so much for his family. It doesn’t make the player a bad person for not understanding all the stories, it simply means they have a limited perspective. The same is true of the TWST characters; they, too, have incomplete points of views.
Maybe knowing their backstories in advance would change some scenes in small ways (such as book 6, when they split up and then butt heads with each other). They’d know where the other boys were coming from, and how that informs how they act in present day. However, I maintain that I think not much would change from the original. In a stressful situation like book 6, they could easily slip up and say something insensitive/make assumptions about their behavior based on their background/overlook or not even consider their background in the first place since they’re so focused on the current task. For example, Azul, feeling insulted that Riddle is underestimating him, could make a snide remark that just because his mother was a control freak doesn’t mean Riddle also has to be. Jamil could still see Leona as a spoiled prince because, despite being treated like an outcast, he still grew up in immense privilege as royalty. They can so easily fixate on their own interpretations of events that it colors how they perceive others, rather than how they can relate to others no matter how similar or dissimilar their experiences were.
In other ways, I think the OB boys sharing their backstories with one another stifles potentially meaningful development. Character growth in TWST isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon, and we’re here for the long haul. What does depositing all the backstories in their laps achieve for the OB boys? It artificially puts them in a situation to “better know” their peers rather than let it happen organically or allowing them to grow closer through their own efforts. Let’s look at the Deuce-Epel beach scene from book 5. Do you think it would have been as impactful of a scene if Epel explained his life in the countryside and how he got his traditional views on gender norms to Deuce? Personally, I don’t think so. The scene we currently have has them bonding and connecting through a shared activity (shouting at the sea), then having a heart-to-heart without a heavy backstory exposition. It’s through that, not explicit backstory sharing, that the two form an attachment and become genuine friends.
Those are all my thoughts!! ^^
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covidsafecosplay · 3 days
Do you have any general advice about being Covid safe at conventions? I've been under the impression that visiting any con, big or small, masked or not, immunocompromised or not, is a big no-no, since it's a place where several people gather indoors.
I, personally, will not go to cons right now, and it's a big part of why this blog exists in the first place.
I live in a household of disabled people, one of whom has a respiratory disease, and it's just not worth the risk to any of us. We are 100% avoiding anything with crowds. We don't even go to the grocery store if we can avoid it, and thank our lucky stars we live somewhere that we can access reasonably-priced grocery delivery. People call us paranoid, but none of us have gotten covid once, so I have no real desire to change what we're doing.
Every time I think, "hm, local covid numbers are dropping, maybe I can go to something" there's another spike in infections, so I've just kind of...given up. I used to perform at the local medieval faire, my husband used to do burlesque, and my entire household was generally really big into the local performing arts scene. We gave up trying to participate in anything when it became clear nobody was interested in hosting or attending virtual events anymore.
That said, I know "everybody please just stop going to cons" isn't exactly an effective covid safety policy. The "get back to normal" urge is strong, and as much as it pisses me off, people are going to do what they're going to do. I also know multiple people who pretty much have to go to cons because their income depends on artist alley profits, or they're employed in the industry and have to make con appearances as part of their job. Cons are back in full-swing, for better or worse.
For those who have to go to cons, or just really, really want to and can't be swayed, I recommend reading through the People's CDC's Safer In-Person Gatherings Guide. It was originally published in 2022, but the information is good. It covers things that event organizers can do to make events accessible, as well as personal safety precautions attendees should take.
If someone is going to attend a con, they need to:
Check if the venue has upgraded ventilation and covid policies in place (if possible). If the venue has poor ventilation and nobody else is going to give a shit whether you catch covid, maybe reconsider attending that particular event.
Mask up using a properly-fitted, NIOSH-certified N95 or better for the entirety of the event. Wear it properly over the mouth and nose.
Avoid crowded indoor areas as much as possible, sticking to smaller groups in outdoor areas where available.
Stick to small, consistent groups you can contact after the event in case of exposure, instead of mingling in large crowds of strangers.
Get vaccinated and boosted in advance of the event.
Avoid high-risk activities for at least five days prior to the event.
Complete a daily symptom checklist leading up to the event.
Take a covid test the day of the event to ensure covid-free status.
Complete a daily symptom checklist for five days after the event. Test immediately if any symptoms present.
Take a covid test five days after the event, even if no symptoms present. Asymptomatic transmission is still possible.
If testing positive for covid, alert other attendees so they can get tested.
All this info is taken from the People's CDC link, which has become my go-to covid information resource. I and this blog are totally unaffiliated with them, but following their guidelines has helped keep my family 100% covid-free for the entire duration of the pandemic.
If anyone needs inspiration for covid-safe cosplay activities outside the convention scene, or ideas for making your covid mask match your cosplay, I have a post about that here. I also have a post with links to free mask patterns and tutorials here.
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gotinterest · 2 days
Education in the Gaza Strip Under Bombardment
Eman (whose fundraiser I have been boosting for the past few months) and I message each other about once a week, and she's been telling me about how her family- like many others in the strip- are working hard to continue their young children's education despite the massive destruction of infrastructure by zionist forces.
There is no formal school. The buildings are ruined or used as shelters. Constant displacement makes the sort of organization needed to run formal classes with any kind of consistency an impossibility. Instead, the parents and teachers have to take things into their own hands.
Eman tells me that teachers- from both Gaza and Egypt- share resources through schooling groups online to help parents teach their children. Eman's two elementary school aged children, Taim and Tia, are currently getting educated through the exercises and lessons that the teachers have shared in these groups.
Eman, herself, is also helping out by acting as an English teacher for a small group of children that live close to her tent. She tells me that the kids are all very excited to learn and shared some pictures with me of a few of the children (including Tia) and their recent school work.
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This is Tia with her two friends, Kareem and Malak
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Tia and Kareem are the same age and are still very young and aren't quite ready to learn the alphabet yet. Instead, they are practicing drawing shapes and lines to get them used to writing with pencils.
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Malak is a year older than them so she is learning some basic numbers and counting.
I wanted to share this with you all because I know that when we look at the news we see nothing but darkness from Palestine, and that makes it easy to feel as though the situation is hopeless.
The people of Gaza have not given up hope. They are still preparing for the future. They are still doing everything they can to not just survive, but truly live. There is still so much left to fight for. Protest. Share and donate to fundraisers. Speak about Palestine. Organize. The best treatment for that feeling of dread is action.
[Please consider donating to Eman's Fundraiser: Link]
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svt-luna · 2 days
ᡴꪫ ⋆ ARTICLE ࣪ ! ˓ ౨ৎ ࣪˖ ─── 240925: Soompi Article
╰ ౨ৎ LUNA-VERSE MASTERLIST ╰ ౨ৎ more articles
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Breaking: SEVENTEEN members Luna and Jeonghan are confirmed to be dating and are engaged
It's official! SEVENTEEN's Luna and Jeonghan are in a relationship!
On September 25, 2024 (KST), PLEDIS Entertainment confirmed that SEVENTEEN's Jeonghan and their only female member, Luna have not only been dating but are also engaged. The couple, affectionately dubbed 'JeongNa' by fans, has been one of the most speculated pairings in the K-pop industry for years.
Fans of the 'JeongNa' duo have long been convinced of their chemistry, especially after witnessing their close friendship and playful interactions on stage, behind the scenes, and during fan events. Over time, fans began theorizing that the two shared something deeper than friendship, pointing out cryptic social media posts, playful touches, and intimate moments captured by eagle-eyed fans. However, some chalked it up to the well-known bond between all members of SEVENTEEN, who are known for their familial relationships. Despite the rampant speculation, the pair had always stated that they were just "very close friends."
That all changed when 'Dispatch' reported on September 23, 2024, that Luna and Jeonghan were spotted on a late-night date. According to 'Dispatch', Jeonghan drove the two to a secluded park where they were seen enjoying each other's company, holding hands, and laughing. Initially, 'Dispatch' reported nothing too unusual, given Luna and Jeonghan's known closeness. However, as the night progressed, the interactions grew more affectionate, with the couple seen hugging and kissing multiple times before driving off together.
In response to these reports, PLEDIS Entertainment quickly issued a brief statement on September 24, 2024, saying, "We are currently in the midst of checking with our artists whether the reports are true. We ask for your understanding as we confirm the facts, and we will release an official statement as soon as we can."
Now, just a day after the initial report, PLEDIS Entertainment has made their official statement, confirming not only the dating rumors but also the couple's engagement.
As of today, September 25, 2024, PLEDIS released the following:
❝ Hello, this is Pledis Entertainment.
This is an official statement regarding the articles about our artists, Luna and Jeonghan of SEVENTEEN. Due to the reports and news circulating, we have communicated with both Luna and Jeonghan to confirm the facts.
Our artists, SEVENTEEN’s Luna and Jeonghan, have progressed from being close friends into a couple and have been maintaining a serious and private relationship since July 2019. After careful discussion between the two, we can also confirm that Luna and Jeonghan are officially engaged, having made their decision to take this step together on September 8, 2024, after five years of being together.
Additionally, Jeonghan is preparing for his upcoming military enlistment, scheduled for September 26, 2024. As a result, both he and Luna have been spending more of their free time together before his departure.
Both Luna and Jeonghan deeply appreciate their fans and the public’s understanding and request for privacy during this time. They hope that everyone can continue to respectfully support them both in their relationship and in their careers.
Thank you. ❞
This news comes as a major revelation to fans who have long supported the two idols. SEVENTEEN, known for their close-knit group dynamics, has always kept their private lives relatively quiet. However, the announcement has been met with overwhelming support from their fanbase, who have taken to social media to share messages of love and encouragement under trending hashtags like #JeongNaForever and #MrAndMrsYoon.
With Jeonghan set to begin his mandatory military service soon, it seems the couple is using this time to prepare for the next chapter in their relationship. Fans are also eagerly awaiting more updates from Luna and Jeonghan, who have both expressed gratitude for the outpouring of love from their dedicated fanbase.
This confirmation marks a significant moment not just for SEVENTEEN fans but also for the K-pop industry as a whole.
Stay tuned to Soompi for further developments and official updates.
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