#and then there was this boy who just sped past us on a scooter and obviously max was like oh *bad word*
i love people who leave bowls of clean water for dogs outside
#this may or may not be unspired by the walk i just had with my dog and it was /a lot/ more humid than i expected#and i was like oh *bad word*#to add we also had this conversation with this old man and he was so sweet#like he didnt really have anything to say but we just talked about my dog and we kind of repeated stuf but ughh#i love it all#also his mate or someone came out of the house and he said to him 'hes not fierce'#'cause he had a headcollar on#and im headcannoning them as together because they were both brilliant#and then there was this boy who just sped past us on a scooter and obviously max was like oh *bad word*#and he has boundry frustration at the best of times and this boy just came out of nowhere and was going /quite/ quick#and because max had a headcollar in he reared up itead of lunging and such#and i was like oh *bad word* because there was a woman quite a bit away and i was like shoot thats his mum#but when we got to her she had rhis smile on her face and said 'that was hilarious'#and so he had nearly like hit her or something going around the corner and apparently he had quite the look on his face when max was like#'that's not on'#so as she said 'its the little things'#dogs are so great like they provide my social life#and like i live with family#and i only really talk to one of them and they work a lot so yay#i have no friends lol#but lucky for me i can pretend to talk to people so it fine#as you can see here lol#also ive just noticed that the first tag was supposed to say inspired not unspired lol#dogs#dog#doglife#dog owner#dog training#kinda
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itsshortfurball20 · 5 years
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
This chapter has 5,518 words
9 – Not all Heroes Wear Capes (Just tight Spandex)
Percy ran through the road, weaving in and out of abandoned cars that had been overturned and were on fire. A loud siren rang through the city. Chitauri flew overhead, taking aim at shop windows and people who ran past the demigod, screaming.
He, Cap, Natasha, and Clint ran up Park Avenue, where STARK Tower stood high behind Grand Central Terminal. It was impressive, Percy admitted, with its sleek design and clean energy plan, but he would never admit that to the billionaire, whose ego already seemed inflated enough if the huge lettering of STARK plastered on the building was any indication.
A deep, primal roar came from the portal, echoing off the buildings. The small group skidded to a stop. Percy craned his neck so that he was looking right above him, where the portal hung over their heads. He brought a hand up to his face trying to block the sun. Inside the blackness of the portal, it was hard to make out much, but the demigod could’ve sworn he saw something massive move.
Then it emerged.
The son of Poseidon’s jaw slacked, watching as the humongous alien-whale hybrid flew down from out of the portal. It let out an ear-piercing screech as it made its way down towards the city. Percy couldn’t help but feel way out of his element, standing in the middle of New York City with an army of aliens flying around him, with nothing to fight them with other than a sword and shield.
The space-whale flew down over the Terminal, flying so low that it smashed the statue of Mercury into pieces. Percy got a flashback from the last time he had fought a battle in the city, where Annabeth and he had used the statues to help aid them.
There’s an idea, Percy thought. He wondered if the statues would still work, or if it was a one-use thing. But, if he could get them to activate, then the statues could help get the civilians to safety.
He was brought out of his thoughts when the space-whale started dispensing Chitauri who latched onto the sides of the buildings. Percy figured that the space-whale has to be carrying over a hundred Chitauri. If too many of those came through the portal, then they’d have a very big problem.
The Chitauri on the buildings started shooting. People below screamed as they ran for cover from the hailstorm of energy.
“Stark, are you seeing this?” Cap asked.
“I'm seeing, still working on believing.” Tony’s voice came through. “Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?”
Cap frowned as he surveyed the area around them. “Banner?”
“Just keep me posted,” Tony asked before leaving.
Just then, Percy caught sight of Loki. He was flying on one of the alien scooters with a group behind him, setting off a chain of explosions as they flew down the street. Percy watched as one car narrowly missed a woman as she ran as fast as she could to escape the attack.
“Those people need assistance down there,” Cap informed. Next to him, Natasha pulled out both of her guns and started firing, picking off Chitauri like ducks at a shooting booth.
“We got this.” She told Cap. “It's good. Go!”
Steve turned to Clint. “You think you can hold them off?”
“Captain.” Clint pulled a trigger on his bow, and Percy watched as an arrow was mechanically chosen before the archer loaded it in his bow. “It would be my genuine pleasure.” He then proceeded to shoot the arrow into a Chitauri’s head, exploding the alien.
Cap took the moment to gain a head start, running away from them and to the people in danger. Percy also took off, running in the opposite direction from Cap, towards a motorcycle that had been abandoned from the fighting. Quickly making sure it worked, he sped off, looking for any close statue that hadn’t been smashed to pieces already.
He zoomed between cars, picking up speed as the seconds passed. Careening onto Madison Avenue, the demigod kept his eyes open, scanning for a statue he could awaken. Nearing the intersection of thirty-seventh street, his eyes caught sight of a bronze sculpture.
Percy pulled over, jumping off the bike and running to the undamaged statue. The bronze man was sitting on a park bench with a chessboard lying next to him. There was also a simple cane he held in his left hand. Percy could remember seeing the statue before, but never really paying close attention to it.
Suddenly he realized he had no clue what to look for. He started looking around the bench that the person was sitting on, trying to look for anything that might activate it. He checked on the chess board, the man’s body, and the bench. Finally, the demigod spotted it on the side of the cane; the Ancient Greek Delta.
Daedalus’ symbol.
Percy pressed his finger to the delta symbol. It softly glowed blue. He took a step back, trying to remember how Annabeth had activated the first statue. “Uh, hey there… Jan.”
The statue didn’t respond. Jan’s stone face looked unimpressed with Percy. The demigod tried again. “Err, command sequence: Daedalus Twenty-three. Protect people and kill aliens. Begin Activation.”
Jan stood up, abandoning his game of chess and ran off. Percy hoped that he would wake other the statues. He started heading back to the motorcycle when he heard a kid scream.
Percy took off running in the direction of the scream. Up ahead, he saw a group of three Chitauri surrounding a young boy and his mother. Rage flooded Percy. Reaching into his pocket, he drew Riptide. The bronze sword grew to its full three feet.
“Hey, ETs!” Percy shouted, drawing the Chitauri’s attention. “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size?”
The Chitauri’s turned around to face him fully, forgetting about the son and mother. They slowly started walking away from the family, advancing towards Percy. The son of Poseidon gripped his blade tighter and readied himself to fight.
With one swipe, his sword sliced through the Chitauri, its body collapsing. The other two aliens held up their weapons. Percy moved to stand in front of the mother and boy, pushing them back.
“Go hide,” Percy instructed. “Don’t move until I come back.”
The two ran into the building behind them, leaving Percy alone with the aliens. One of the Chitauri lunged at Percy. The son of Poseidon grabbed the shaft of the alien’s weapon and pushed it down, effectively knocking it out of the Chitauri’s grasp. Percy then swung his sword.
The blade cut through the alien like it was butter. Percy grimaced at the black blood that clung to his sword. He realized how lucky demigods were, not having to clean up or hide the bodies of the monsters they killed.
The other Chitauri roared at Percy, apparently angry at the demigod for cutting his friend in half. Percy lunged forward. The Chitauri deflected his swing and charged up its gun. Percy swiftly dodged the blast and the bolt hit the building.
The bolt shook the building, causing chunks of concrete fall from above. Percy lifted his shield to protect him from the falling stones. They clanged against the metal, sending jolts up Percy’s arm every time one hit the shield. When the small hailstorm finished, Percy found the Chitauri hoisting its blaster, getting ready to fire.
Percy threw his sword. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t the smartest move, considering how terrible Percy’s aim was (Chiron still wouldn’t come near him when the demigod had a bow in his hand). But he wasn’t sure if his shield would’ve been able to take the damage.
True enough, Riptide sailed past the Chitauri. However, it did grab the alien’s attention enough to take his eyes off Percy for a couple seconds.
And that was all he needed.
The demigod ran at the Chitauri. He managed to get a hold on the gun and ripped it away from the alien. Now weaponless, the alien swung its arm to punch Percy.
The Chitauri’s fist connected with the side of Percy’s helmet. Percy stumbled backward. There was a faint ringing in his ear as he quickly backed away from the alien.
His foot hit something. Looking down, he saw the Chitauri’s gun which he had thrown. Percy swiftly bent down and grabbed it. There wasn’t a trigger, like a normal gun, but rather a series of four buttons.
“Oh, come on,” Percy muttered as he tried to figure out how to shoot the gun. Taking a quick glance at the Chitauri, he saw it walking closer, only a couple feet away. Percy figured, screw it, and pressed all four buttons.
A blue bolt shot out the other end and hit the Chitauri. The alien exploded, going up in a small burst of fire. Percy could feel the heat from the blast. He turned away from the dead aliens and dropped the gun, running into the building.
His footsteps echoed on the marble floor. He looked around for any sign of where the mother and son might’ve run off to hide. “It’s all right now,” he called out. “They’re gone. You can come out.”
There was a small shuffle from one of the back rooms. Small eyes stared at him. Percy gave the boy a small wave, trying to ease the boy’s fright. The mom appeared, grabbing the little boy’s hand and pulling him out.
“Thank you!” The mom cried. “Thank you so, so much!”
Percy stiffened slightly when the woman suddenly brought him in for a hug, but relaxed when he heard her sobs. His eyes drifted down to the boy, who was still staring at him.
A loud bang from outside the bank had Percy on alert. He gently pried the crying woman away from him. His hand wandered down to his pocket, where he drew out his pen, uncapping the sword. “I’ll get you guys out of here, just follow me.”
Percy peered out the door, making sure the coast was clear, before beckoning for the family to follow. He started to lead them down thirty-seventh. The demigod made sure to keep his eyes alert, looking for any sign of a Chitauri.
Half-way down the block, Percy felt something tug on the back of his shirt. He quickly whirled around, raising his sword and preparing to fight, when he realized that it had been the little boy, who was now staring wide-eyed at Percy.
Percy hastily lowered his sword. The kid’s eyes trailed after the sword, a gleam in his eyes that reminded the son of Poseidon of a ten-year-old Nico di Angelo. “Woah,” the kid muttered, totally oblivious to the fact that Percy had almost impaled him (not that it would’ve done anything, Riptide being harmless to mortals). “That’s awesome! What’s it called? Is it really sharp? Can I touch it?”
A small grin appeared on Percy’s face. He made sure that there were no Chitauri around before he crouched down to the boy’s height. The demigod held the sword to where the boy could get a good look at it. “It’s called Riptide,” Percy told the kid. “like the current that drags you out to sea.”
“That’s so cool!”
“I think so too,” Percy pushed himself up. “Let’s get you guys out of here.” The son of Poseidon led them down the rest of the block. “Keep going down until you can get some help. You should be safe as the fight hasn’t spread over there yet.”
Percy was about to take off when the small boy latched onto his legs, giving him a hug. “Thanks,” he muttered. The son of Poseidon smiled.
“No problem, buddy. Listen to your mother, stay safe.” Percy watched as the kid detached from his legs and grabbed his mom’s hand, making their way away from the fight.
Percy headed back towards where he left the bike. He didn’t run into any Chitauri, but he could hear them pass overhead on their fancy flying chariots. There was another noise overhead, but it was different from the Chitauri. Looking up, Percy managed to see a huge burst of lighting followed by the blond Norse god as he flew down.
Percy hopped back on the bike. He revved the motorcycle and took off, heading back to the group. The sounds of explosions and screaming got louder as he drove into the heart of the battle.
Up ahead there was a lone Chitauri, shooting at a group of people. Percy picked up speed, turning his bike so he was heading straight towards the alien. The Chitauri noticed him coming and didn’t have any time to react before Percy rammed the motorcycle into the alien.
Percy found himself face-to-face with the Chitauri who was now hitching a ride on the front of the motorcycle. The alien growled and swung its arm around to hit Percy. He quickly raised his shield to block the blow. The Chitauri growled, its ugly and mangled face less than a foot away from Percy’s own.
Unable to see around the Chitauri, Percy tried his best to navigate the street, pushing the bike to go faster. The Chitauri tried climbing onto of the bike, standing above Percy on the front fender. Through the Chitauri's legs, Percy could just see the road ahead of him and further on, the rest of the team.
Just as the alien raised his gun, Percy gripped the brakes. The bike came to a sudden stop and the Chitauri flew forward, skidding on the road and coming to a stop near the god of thunder’s feet. “Thor!” Percy yelled, catching the god’s attention. He pointed down at the alien at his feet. With a simple nod, Thor raised his hammer and brought it down swiftly on the alien.
Stepping off the motorcycle, Percy walked up to the group, stepping into their half-formed circle. “What’s going on?”
“The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable,” Thor informed the group.
“Thor is right,” Tony spoke through the comms. “We gotta deal with these guys.”
Natasha looked over the destruction that Loki had caused and frowned. “How do we do this?”
“As a team,” Cap answered.
“I have unfinished business with Loki,” Thor announced.
“Yeah, get in line,” Clint argued with Thor. Percy felt the same, and he knew that just about every New Yorker would be feeling the same after this fight. But he couldn’t worry about that now.
“We need to plan,” Percy spoke up. “Our priority is getting the people to safety. The fight is between us and Loki. They didn’t sign up for this.” The demigod turned to Cap. “Anything you’d like to add?”
Steve nodded. “Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us...”
He trailed off as the sound of an old motor got louder. Percy turned around to find Banner getting off of a small motorbike. The doctor looked around nervously, taking in the sight of the crumbling city. “So, this all seems horrible.”
Natasha didn’t even blink. “I’ve seen worse.”
“No,” she told him. “We could use a little worse.”
“Stark?” Cap called. “We got him.”
“Just like you said.”
“Then tell him to suit up,” Tony ordered. “I’m bringing the party to you.”
The next second, Percy spotted Tony in his suit flying around the corner of a building. Following him was the big space-whale, its tail knocking into the corner of the building and sending a large cloud of dust and debris down onto the street below.
Percy reaches into his pocket and gripped Riptide. He saw out of the corners of his eyes the others readying their weapons, trying to prepare themselves to fight the huge monster.
“I… I don’t see how that’s a party…” the son of Poseidon heard Natasha comment softly as Tony flew closer.
Tony landed in front of them. The space-whale started to fly lower to meet them head-on, barreling down the street like a freight train. Percy gripped his sword even tighter, trying to find any weak spots in the whale’s armor.
He watched as Banner walked past him, heading to meet the whale. “Dr. Banner,” Cap called after him. “Now might be a really good time for you to get angry.”
Banner gave them a small smile. “That’s my secret, Captain. I’m always angry.”
The doctor started swelling and turning green just as the space-whale seemed to be on top of them. Hulk punched the whale right in the nose, bringing the gigantic monster to a halt. Percy watched with fascinated horror as the creature started to flip over, its large and heavy body about to flatten them to pancakes.
Tony flew up, raising his arm. He shot a small missile out, aiming at the space-whale’s spine. Percy grabbed Clint, who had been standing next to him, and pulled him down in a crouch as he lifted his shield above their heads. He felt the heat from the explosion and a couple small dings from various parts of the space-whale’s body armor hitting his shield.
From all sides, the team could hear the screams of the Chitauri echoing off the buildings as they roared in anger. Soon enough, the Hulk roared back, his cry far louder than those of the Chitauri. But maybe that was due to proximity, Percy thought.
They closed ranks. Clint stood on his right, drawing an arrow and loading it into his bow. Thor was on his left, gripping Mjölnir tightly. Percy was comforted by the feeling of being in a team again. He knew that, no matter how much they argued, they’d have his back.
There were a few seconds where everything seemed to still. The city became quiet and the only sounds that Percy could hear were his own heartbeat and the crackling of nearby fires. Percy tensed, feeling that something else was coming.
The next second, hundreds of Chitauri started coming out of the portal, accompanied by a few space-whales. Percy watched as they flew out of the portal and straight to the streets, shooting anything that moved.
“Guys,” Natasha said, worry lacing her voice as she pointed out the growing number of aliens.
“Call it, Cap.”
“Alright, listen up,” Cap ordered. “Until we can close that portal up there, we’re gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on the roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays.”
“Tony can work on the perimeter,” Percy offered. “We don’t want anything getting more than three blocks out. If we have him flying around, he can make sure that we keep the battle in one area.”
Steve looked over at Tony, before he nodded in agreement. “Percy’s right. Tony, if you see anything, I want you to turn it back or turn it to ash.”
Clint looked over at Tony. “Wanna give me a lift?”
“Right,” Tony walked over to Clint, grabbing the back of the archer’s suit. “Better clench up, Legolas.” Tony flew away, taking Clint with him.
Steve turned his attention to the Norse god. “Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up.” Thor nodded and took off.
“We need people down here,” Percy commented to himself. He turned to Cap, waiting for him to give the next order. Instead, Steve gestured to the demigod, asking him to continue. “Steve, Natasha, we’re on ground duty. Let’s try and keep the fight in this area.”
Natasha and Steve nodded. Percy wondered what else was missing when he remembered Hulk. “Oh,” He turned back to the large green doctor. “And Hulk… smash.”
Hulk gave him a grin before jumping away, latching onto the nearest building. He threw several Chitauri off as he ran up the building before jumping to another building and doing the same thing.
Percy watched him before turning his attention back to the ground. Together, the group ran down the street towards where they could see a large group of Chitauri. Steve jogged up next to him. “Where’d you learn to strategize like that?” The captain asked the demigod.
“This isn’t my first rodeo, Captain. I’ve fought in wars before.” Percy told him, before running straight at the nearest Chitauri, slicing it before it even had a chance to react to the son of Poseidon. “At this point, it’s almost like a… hobby.”
Steve threw his shield at another Chitauri before responding, “Well then I think we need to find you a new hobby soon or you’re going to be really bored for the rest of your life.”
“Boys, maybe less talking and more killing,” Natasha yelled as she flipped over a Chitauri and used it as a shield as another alien shot it, killing its own. Percy nodded and reached out with his senses. He pulled some water from a nearby building with plumbing and used the water to trip up the Chitauri before plunging Riptide into them.
They fought for a while, the stream of Chitauri never slowing. Percy could feel a small strain as he cut down Chitauri after Chitauri. It seemed pointless. As soon as he killed one, there was always another to take its place, with several more behind it.
To his right, he noticed Natasha struggling with a Chitauri. With a flick of his hand, a trail of water wrapped around the alien’s waist, pulling it back from Natasha. The agent took the opportunity to grab the alien’s rifle and use it against the Chitauri. She gave a small nod of thanks towards Percy.
“Guys,” Natasha spoke up. “None of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don’t close that portal.”
“Our biggest guns couldn’t touch it,” Steve told her, walking up to the two of them.
Percy frowned as he stared upwards at the portal. “It’s not about guns,” the demigod muttered.
Natasha eyed the alien scooters. Percy followed her eyes and understood what she was going to do. “Need a hand?”
The agent nodded. Steve backed up, readying his shield. “Are you sure about this?” He asked her.
Natasha nodded, though she didn’t look fully convinced. “Yeah. It’s gonna be fun.” She ran forward, jumping onto a car and using it to springboard onto Steve’s shield. Steve sent her flying high into the air, just in time for her to grab one of the Chitauri’s passing chariots.
Percy watched her fly away until he heard the sound of Chitauri grumbling behind him. The demigod smirked under his helmet. He looked over at Cap and, With a nod, they both lunged into battle.
When the invasion started, it had become apparent to Annabeth that, while large in number, the Chitauri weren’t much for planning. From what she could gather, their only strategy was to shoot anything. Annabeth knew from experience that the monsters with no plan were just as dangerous as the ones with. At least if they had plans, you could calculate what their next step might be. With the Chitauri, there was no logic.
Ever since the invasion had begun, Annabeth had been running around, aiding people to safety and killing the occasional Chitauri. That was how she ended up in the bank, her Yankee’s hat on, sneaking up the stairs. A group of Chitauri had managed to find the bank that people had been hiding in from the battle. Annabeth had been dropping off an elderly couple when the aliens had barged in, blocking the doors.
She reached the top. Quietly, she unsheathed her drakon-bone sword. The daughter of Athena could see the three Chitauri: two of them aiming their alien-energy rifles (she’d definitely have to grab one for later, maybe let the Athena cabin dissect it), and the third one messing with what appeared to be a bomb.
Schist. She needed to move quickly before the aliens blew up the place. Moving quickly, she got halfway across the room when she saw someone jump in through the window. She paused when the man stood up and threw their shield at the Chitauri holding the bomb, revealing himself to be Captain America.
The other two Chitauri turned around. Annabeth saw them raising their guns to shoot the Captain. She jumped in, her sword plunging into the chest of the first one. The one next to it turned to its dead friend. Annabeth turned her sword on that one. Unable to stop the invisible attack, the Chitauri dropped dead next to its friend.
Annabeth turned around to face the Captain, only to find that the third Chitauri had snuck up behind him and jumped him. At her foot, the bomb beeped, and Annabeth smiled as a plan formed in her mind. She sheathed her sword and scooped up the bomb, taking her Yankee cap off. “Hey!” She shouted, drawing the attention of both the Chitauri and the Captain. The bomb started beeping faster in her hand as the two regarded the woman in front of them.
Annabeth threw the bomb at the alien. The alien let go of Captain America to hurriedly catch the bomb. Cap scrambled away from the Chitauri, backing up closer to the window. Annabeth was also moving away from the space-invader. Her back bumped against the rail. Unable to go any farther without jumping, she watched as the Chitauri reared its arm back to throw the bomb at Captain America.
She knew what was about to happen before it happened. Quickly, she jumped over the rail. Below her, the people parted, and she landed on the ground. “Get down!” Annabeth yelled. The crowd listened and crouched down, hands covering their heads just as the bomb exploded upstairs.
A large blast of blue energy spread across the ceiling. Little bits of dust rained down on the crowd as the room shook slightly. Annabeth prayed that the building didn’t come down on top of them.
After a couple seconds, the energy from the blast died down, and the building stopped shaking. People slowly started looking up. Annabeth stood up, surveying the room for any structural damage. None of the pillars looked too damaged, and as most of the blast had been upstairs, not much of the downstairs had been affected. But it was better not to risk it by staying in here for much longer.
“We need to move out of here!” Annabeth shouted, encouraging people to start moving towards the door. On the other side of the banks’ doors, police and firefighters swarmed up to meet them. There was an ambulance waiting with paramedics to take some of the more injured people up to a hospital far from the fighting.
Annabeth looked around for any sign of the Captain. She had no idea if he had made it out of the blast. Looking to her left, she saw the Captain gingerly picking himself off of a car. He seemed fine from afar, just dazed.
Satisfied, Annabeth stuck her Yankee’s cap back on and disappeared, off to lead more people away from the invasion.
Percy could feel the adrenaline that had fueled him earlier fading away. The fighting had picked up as more and more Chitauri came through the portal. Over the course of the battle, he had gathered a collection of scrapes and cuts that had begun to sting. There was also a but on his leg from where a blast had grazed him. He could feel the bag of ambrosia that he had stuffed in his pocket, saving it in case of emergency.
Thor fought next to him. He swung Mjölnir around, knocking aliens aside like they were dolls. But Percy could see that Thor was getting tired too. The god’s swings were becoming slower as more and more Chitauri surrounded them.
Distracted and tired, Percy didn’t notice one of the alien’s sneaking up behind him until he heard the sound of Cap’s shield bouncing off the Chitauri’s chest. Percy turned around, seeing Cap sling his shield back onto his arm.
“Thanks,” Percy told him. Cap nodded, waving him off. They hopped back into the fight. At one point, Percy remembered Thor flipping a car over, crushing a few Chitauri that Percy had used water to freeze them in place.
The son of Poseidon was about to launch another attack when Natasha yelled through the comms, “I can close it! Can anybody hear me? I can shut the portal down!”
Percy grinned and jumped in victory, only to almost be impaled by a Chitauri’s weapon. The demigod waved his hand a burst of water flew up and landed on the Chitauri’s face before freezing. “Then close it,” Percy told Natasha.
“No, wait!” Stark shouted through the comm.
“Stark, these things are still coming!” Steve argued.
“I got a nuke coming in, it’s gonna blow in less than a minute.” Percy shared a concerned look with Steve. A nuke? They’re sending a nuke? Thor, who had no idea what a nuke was, could only guess that it was bad news from his teammates' faces. Percy turned back in just as Stark said, “And I know just where to put it.”
The son of Poseidon could hear the sound of the jet repulsors on Tony’s suit as he appeared, the nuke right above him. Tony flew upward, pushing the nuke upwards towards the portal.  
“Stark, you know that’s a one-way trip?” Steve asked, fear and concern lacing his voice.
Tony didn’t respond. Percy watched as the man flew closer to the portal, picking up speed as he went. Closer… and closer… and gone.
Percy waited with bated breath for Tony to reappear. He didn’t look away. Not even when the Chitauri collapsed around him. “Come on,” Percy muttered. The demigod could see the cloud from the explosion growing closer to the portal.
“Close it,” Steve ordered, having also seen the explosion.
Percy turned to the man. “Wait!” He tried to tell Natasha, but he could already see the beam keeping the portal open disappearing, Natasha having already done whatever needed to be done to shut it down. In his head, the son of Poseidon cursed his fatal flaw. Logically, he knew that it was better to lose one man’s life than to risk thousands. But it didn’t stop him from staring up at the portal in hope.
Just as the portal was about to close for good, a small dark figure came out.
Percy released a breath he hadn’t been aware he’d been holding in. He could feel Steve’s and Thor’s relief as well, their bodies relaxing, even Steve’s disbelieving “Son of a gun,” as they watched their friend make it out alive. Tony was alive.
And he wasn’t slowing.
Percy’s smile faded as he realized that Tony wasn’t flying back down, but rather falling. Next to him, Thor started whirling Mjölnir, preparing to fly up and grab Tony when Hulk appeared, grabbing Tony. The Hulk leaped from building to building, slowing making his way down to the street.
Steve, Thor, and Percy ran to greet the two. They surrounded Tony, who Hulk had set on the ground, where he laid unmoving. Thor ripped off the front part of the mask, revealing an unbreathing Tony. Percy rocked back on his heels, forcing himself to take a deep breath as Steve leaned his head down by Tony’s chest. Unable to hear anything, Steve leaned back.
They were silent. The entire city was silent. Percy only remembered the city being this quiet when Morpheus had placed his charm during the - War. It had been unnaturally quiet then, like it was now. Percy hated the silence. He wished that there was something, some sort of noise—
Just then, the Hulk roared. Tony shot up, breathing harshly from Hulk’s angry roar. “What the hell?” Tony asked. “What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me.”
Steve let out a small smile. “We won.”
Percy couldn’t help but let out a huge grin. “Good job, man.” He patted Tony’s arm. “You did it.”
“Alright. Hey, alright. Good job, guys. Let’s just not come in tomorrow. Let’s just take a day. Have you ever tried shawarma?” Tony rambled. “There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I wanna try it.”
“We’re not finished yet,” Thor told them. Percy noticed he was staring straight up at STARK tower. Oh yeah. Loki.
“We better go get him before he disappears,” Percy warned the team.
Below him, Tony heaved out a heavy sigh. “And then shawarma after.”
Percy stood in the penthouse level of STARK tower, sword in hand. He stared at the Norse god, Loki, who looked a little worse for wear after his run-in with the Hulk. Loki slowly crawled up the steps. He paused, sensing that someone was behind him.
The Avengers stood behind him. He came face-to-face with the seven heroes, all staring at him with hatred and anger.
Loki spoke softly. “If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink.”
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rockinthebeastmode · 6 years
Bad Apple VIII
A/N: This is a bit shorter than the chapters before but it seemed like a good place to stop. It’ll probably be a couple days before the next one, between work and putting some final touches to it. Hope you enjoy!
Bad Apple I  Bad Apple II     Bad Apple III     Bad Apple IV     Bad Apple V     Bad Apple VI     Bad Apple VII
You can find the rest of my fics here.
@mmfdfanfic @eveerez @i-dream-of-emus @lilaviolet@laurielau @hey1tskat1e @tinakegg @kneekeyta @likeashootingstarfades @girl-looking-out-window @stinemarine @lurkernolonger @crystalgiddings1993 @milllott @milymargot @vivammfd @finn-nelson-for-the-win @ifinallyknow @isthistherightwayround @believethaticanandiwill
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list and if I missed anyone :)
Bad Apple VIII
It was a full minute before either of them spoke.
“What are you doing, Rae?” Chloe asked quietly, staring straight ahead. Rae shook her head, flattening her lips.
“I don’t know. It’s...complicated.” Chloe glanced over at her with a grimace.
“What’s complicated about him being sixteen? You couldn’t possibly like him--”
“I can’t help how I feel, Chloe!” Rae replied sharply, “I thought he was eighteen when we met and I know he lied but I...care about him.”
“Even if he wasn’t underage--don’t you care about his reputation? He’s a criminal!”
“He is not a criminal,” Rae scoffed, rolling her eyes, “He’s...struggling.”
“You can’t fix him, Rae,” Chloe insisted.
“Who said I was trying to?”
Chloe sighed and glanced at her, shaking her head.
“I can’t stop you but… I hope you realize what you’re doing.”
“I know--I have to figure it out.”
Rae fully planned on ending things with Finn. She didn’t know how he’d take it, but as much as she felt for him, this was a big mess that had gone too far.
She didn’t speak to him during class and tried her hardest not to pay him any mind. He kept trying to meet her eyes, get any sort of response but she focussed on class, reviewing Keats and Shelley for the test she’d planned.
When the bell rang, Finn hung back, going to her desk while students came in. She glanced up when his shadow covered her and he leaned over, his palms flat on the desk. He met her eyes.
“We still on for tutoring, Ms. Earl?” he asked quietly, barely smiling and looking her face over. She nodded, licking her lips nervously.
“I’ll see you at lunch, Mr. Nelson,” she said, her eyes going back to her notes, breaking their contact. He stood there another moment, staring at her curiously, before nodding and standing straight.
“Looking forward to it, ma’am.” Finn returned, giving her a once over and turning to leave. Rae shut her eyes, shaking her head, and stood to begin class.
Rae paced the front of her classroom, clicking her pen restlessly. The lunch bell had rung five minutes before and she was anxiously waiting for Finn to show up. She had her back to the door when she heard it open and close, Finn’s boots loud on the tile. She froze when his hand moved her hair to the side and his lips brushed the back of her neck.
“Rae,” he whispered, kissing her below her ear.
“We can’t do this here.” She stepped away and faced him. He raised a brow and nodded.
“Okay. Not here.”
“We should stop,” she continued, her lips flattening. Finn huffed, looking to the ceiling.
“We’re doing this again?” he asked, exasperated.
“It’s for the best,” she said, frowning, “We can’t be together.”
“I’m not trying to be your boyfriend, Rae,” he retorted, stepping closer to her. Rae crossed her arms.
“What are you trying to do?”
“I’m not sure yet,” he stated, his brow furrowing.
Rae shook her head, walking past him. He grabbed her arm, pulling her to face him easily.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, meeting her eyes intensely.
“You’re sixteen, Finn.” He nodded, tilting his head.
“And you’re 22,” he countered, Rae giving him a pointed look, “It’s a six year difference.”
“You’re underage,” she argued irritably. Finn raised his brows, his shoulders lifting a bit.
“I’m aware.”
“You know this can’t continue,” she said. Finn looked to the side, biting his cheek.
“Why can’t we just...do whatever we want,” he started, his hands taking her elbows, “Whatever feels right.”
“Because it’s all wrong! There are rules and laws and morals and....” Rae cried shrilly before stopping short, her voice quieting, “I don’t know what to do.” She closed her eyes and Finn stepped closer, bringing them chest to chest.
“I can keep a secret,” he said, Rae shaking her head, “No one has to know what we’re doing behind closed doors. It’s no one’s business,” His hand went to her cheek, his thumb rubbing her jaw. Rae took a deep breath.
“Finn…” she sighed, her eyes boring into his. Finn flattened his lips, stepping away from her reluctantly.
“Why don’t you think on it and we’ll do this tutoring bullshit,” he suggested, wrinkling his nose. Rae rolled her eyes but smiled softly.
“Alright...sounds good.”
They managed to stay on topic for the hour and Rae was surprised Finn actually listened and cooperated. She had fully expected him to try and distract her but he kept his word, only lightly joking through the material.
Rae was running late leaving the school for the day and came out of the front doors after almost everyone had cleared out. She noticed Finn in the parking lot next to his scooter, a few spots from hers, with his back to her. She managed to sneak past him and got in the car. She was about to start it and go when she heard someone call out for Finn. She ducked lower in her seat, watching as Finn turned to Simmy approaching him.
“You’ve been avoiding me, Nelson.”
“The fuck are you on about?” Finn scoffed. Simmy frowned severely.
“Don’t play daft, mate,” he retorted swiftly, “Kendo wants this done by tomorrow. You know what you have to do.”
“Look, Simmy, I can’t--” Finn began, shaking his head.
“Yes, you can,” Simmy snapped, stepping closer, “Finn, lad...You can’t back out now--not when we’ve come this far.”
Finn got on his bike and Simmy stepped slightly in front of it.
“If you don’t do your part, I can’t do mine, understand?” Simmy raised his brows at him, a menacing smirk on his face, “Neither of us will get our cut if you don’t take your head out of your arse and follow the plan.”
Finn started the engine and revved it, scowling at him.
“Consider it done,” Finn sneered. Simmy stepped back as Finn sped off, cursing sharply. He irritably lit up a smoke and stalked across the lot. Rae sat up straight, eyes wide.
What the fuck was that?
Rae didn’t know who this Kendo was but it sure didn’t seem like someone Finn needed to be messing about with. She knew she wouldn’t get a straight answer if she asked him directly. He’d obviously lied yesterday when Simmy called. She’d been suspicious but now it was confirmed. Simmy had Finn involved in something bad.
Maybe there had been some truth to Chloe’s words. Maybe she was trying to fix him but she just wanted the best for him. She cared about him too much to let him get in trouble and she was gonna do whatever she could to stop it.
Rae knew Finn sometimes went to the school on weekends to play football and she was relieved to see his bike in the lot late Saturday morning. She made her way to the locker room when she didn’t see him on the field. She hastily stopped as she entered, seeing Finn standing in front of the lockers, Simmy next to him. He clapped a hand to Finn’s back.
“Nice one, lad. The boys confirmed the drop off last night.”
“Macca’s handling the rest, right?” Finn stressed, Simmy nodding back.
“Yea, he’s driving it out of town now,” Simmy replied with a smirk.
“So we’re done here,” Firm confirmed, raising his brows. Simmy pursed his lips and nodded.
“We’re done ‘til the next one,” he replied, Finn frowning.
“There won’t be another one, Evans,” Finn objected, crossing his arms, “I’m out.”
Simmy stepped closer, putting an arm around his shoulders, gripping his shoulder hard.
“Finn...we’ve been mates awhile, yeah?” Simmy began, Finn nodding, his frown deepening.
“Yeah, Simmy, but--”
“But nothing, Nelson,” he griped, removing his arm and standing in front of him, “Think about what I’ve done for you.”
Finn only scowled, quietly fuming. Simmy got in his face.
“You’d be rotting in prison if my dad wasn’t getting you off,” he snarled darkly, “You just remember who’s in charge here.” Simmy patted his cheek roughly, “I’ll be in touch.”
He turned and left out of the door leading into the school. When he’d cleared the room, Finn cursed and hit the locker with an open hand, gritting his teeth. Rae gasped, unfortunately revealing herself. Finn’s head snapped to her.
“How much of that did you hear?” he asked lowly, his anger morphing to surprised dread.
“I heard enough,” she said, stepping into the room, “What’s going on, Finn?”
“Stay out of it,” Finn said hastily, biting his cheek with a frown. He went to walk out.
“Who’s Kendo?” she blurted, Finn freezing in front of the door, “Finn, please...Tell me what Simmy has you doing.”
He shook his head, still facing the door and Rae stepped behind him, a hand going to his shoulder. He stiffened, his breathing short. She easily turned him and his face softened at the edges as they met eyes.
“Not here,” he protested, biting his lip harshly and looking away.
“Let’s go to yours,” Rae said, rubbing his shoulder lightly. He nodded, a grimace on his face. They left the locker room a moment later.
They walked quickly across the lot to his scooter and he took out his spare helmet, carefully placing it on her head with a small smile. She couldn’t resist smiling back, sidling behind him after he put on his helmet and got on the bike. She clasped her hands around him.
“You ready, girl?” he asked, bringing a hand over hers on his stomach. She nodded against his shoulder, squeezing around his waist tighter. He started the engine and glanced around before pulling off swiftly.
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harveybwabbit92 · 6 years
DMC: Innocent souls 1
The following is a non profit fan based story, Devil May Cry belongs to Capcom. please support the official release.
I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading!
Gaila whimpered as her stomach growled, her dull lavender eyes scanned the empty streets as she sat huddled behind a bakery waiting for the staff to throw away the unsold bread jumped hearing the backdoor.
The white haired child flinched as she hid farther behind the trashcans, it was Marco the bakery owner taking out the trash this time not his wife...Who was a sweet old lady, who secretly left lunch bags for Gaila knowing the that this was probably the only meal the little girl would have for a while...Marco however.
Gaila remembered the last time he caught her stealing from the dumpster. he grabbed her arm called her a dirty mutt and other names and threatened to report her to the cops if he ever saw her again...and she'd be damned if she was going back to that hell hole!
The eight year old noticed the old mans limp and felt a sliver of guilt when she recalled Bruno biting Marco's ankle to get the old man off her, however another rumble from her tummy soon flushed that feeling out. Gaila stood dead still as Marco took the garbage bag and threw in the dumpster; cussing about him being to old for this crap. The eight year old slowly stood up careful not to make a sound when a can dropped from the trash cans she was hiding behind. she threw her hand over her mouth so not to gasp. Marco whipped his head in the direction the sound came from.
"Whose there?!"
"If it's the same little bitch who bit me, good luck eating tonight!"
Marco scanned the alley waiting when a cat jump from where he thought the noise came from, with a dismissive grunt he reached into he pocket and took out a pad lock and chain. Gaila could only wince as she watch her dinner get locked away. she felt her eyes tear up as Marco walked back into his shop and turn off the lights. Soon the alley was in complete darkness And Gaila was left hungry. and wondering how a sweet old lady like Francesca got stuck with a cold hearted man like Marco... as Bruno nuzzled the little girl from inside her worn out hoodie.
The soccer ball sized demon frowned feeling he was letting Sparda down, as he could only watch his deceased master's grandchild live like this; suddenly a smell a cheesy garlicky smell... Bruno's ball like body shifted and looked outside the mouth of the alley. He saw a very lost looking teenager, sitting on his scooter squinting at his note pad; while the kid was busy Bruno jumped out of Gaila's hoodie and stealthily made his way over to the scooter.
The teen had gotten off to use a pay-phone, while Bruno opened the pizza box strapped behind it, the demi-devil arm switched to his knight form opened the pizza box; grabbed a few slices, and quietly closed it before silently running back to his young mistress. Gaila nearly had a heart attack when Bruno ran off, her eyes tried to see where he had gone when a large black figure with lighting bolt like eyes stared down at her the girl frowned "Bruno! where-" she was cut off by him handing her three slices of pizza still warm...
Bruno then went back to his smaller form and settled back into Gaila's hoodie as the eight year old greedily chowed down only slowing when she picked the olives off, she tried to give Bruno the last slice. but, he refused settling for the crusts and discarded olives, and with that the two were on their way out into night.
Dante was pissed! that not only was the kid late with his pizza! there were three missing slices and there were olives on it! He contemplated whether he should complain to Romano. but, considering they'll bring up his tab...he begrudgingly let it go.
The next morning... Nero's pov in third person.
Nero slightly bobbed his head to the music coming from his earbud, while he waited for the light to change, It wasn't like he was in a rush or anything; as he took his sweet time getting to Devil may Cry, when the sound of a little kids giggling got his attention. the teen turned and saw a group kids oohing and awing at a little white haired girl in ratty clothes, who was bouncing a black and red soccer ball? he hummed thinking nothing of it, till out of his peripheral... when the girl stretched the ball out like silly putty and it bounced back into it's original shape. That's when Nero noticed the tail,rabbit like ears and the red lighting bolt shaped eyes staring at him...A demon!
The teen felt his stomach tighten "Hey you!" Nero yelled at the girl who jumped five feet in the air, Her purple eyes found his blue ones, in a flash she was off running, "wait" Nero shouted as he tried to follow, but a bus sped passed him blocking his path! When the bus was gone so was the girl. He went over to where she was standing and asked the kids about her they of course; scattered the second he looked at them, Nero scratched the back of his head looked down and saw a hat? he recognized it the girl was wearing it before she ran off he sighed picking it up:looks like he and Dante finally got a job.
"Yo, old man! you awake?" Nero said slamming the door open "I am now..." Dante moaned from under his magazine ignoring the old man jab he yawned and sat himself up gave Nero a tired glance which quickly turned to concern when he noticed how shaken up the younger male was. "what happen? Your girlfriend dump ya?" Dante joked trying to get a rise out of the teen who just glared at him.
"All have you know we're doing fine."
"Then the hell's got you all spooked?"
"I saw demon at the park on the way here...at least i think it was?"
"YOU THINK?! there's is no "you think" in this business kid! either it was or it wasn't...what did it look like?"
Nero gave Dante the run down, and jumped when Dante's energy changed "And you just let her run off with it?!" the elder hunter growled as Nero backed off "It's not like I meant to!" the teen argued as Dante calmed himself; grabbing his coat and weapons Nero gave him a wide birth just as Morrison arrived the old man could sense the tension the second he stepped out of his car. "What happen?" the old man asked as Nero awkwardly scratched his head "I s-sort of messed up." he repeated what happened on his way over.
Morrison eyes widened the child's description before pulling out a photo "Is this her?" Nero's eyes widened at the girl's photo. "Yeah! that's her!" Dante curiously looked over Morrison's shoulder, he could already tell this child wasn't completely human, which made the situation even more dire.
"Her name is Gaila Maxwell age 8; her social worker reported her missing three days ago, but, she been missing longer then that." Dante's eyes narrowed as he took in the kids features a weird feeling curdle in his stomach, he shrugged it off as Nero held the girl's hat out for Dante.
He could already smell the demon's stench on along with the girl's Morrison and Nero took the low ground while Dante took high, he was at the same park Nero had last seen the kid, when a slightly different aroma got his attention; it was sweet, mixed with grave soil and sage... "She gone to the hills." A voice said causing to look up at the trees when he noticed her,a woman with golden yellow eyes and raven hair lazily watching him from a large tree.*Who the hell is this?* Dante mentally screamed as his eyes drank in her appearance and frankly he was liking what he was seeing.
She was totally his type! she wore a plum scarf that faded into a sky blue, a nice rack that was safe and snug in black and yellow bikini top, with tight denim shorts with black g-string hugging her hips and shredded stockings. Dante gave her a sly smirk before shaking his head remembering what he was there for.
"Sorry what?"
"The little girl you're looking for... I saw her run off into woods towards the hills."
"Oh, yeah thanks..."
"just call me Ripple, it was good seeing you again Danny."
Ripple said jumping from her perch and calmly walking away, Dante just nodded and took off in the direction Ripple pointed out to him when a thought occurred "Wait how-..." the ravenette was already gone.*why does she know that nickname?!* There was only one girl who ever called him that... but, she *It's in the past, Dante focus on finding the kid.* with that Dante continued his job.
Gaila was in a very bad situation after that boy had yelled at her this morning, she thought he was one of Marco's employees there to report her to police and that met social services knew where she was! so, she ran only she didn't know the area well enough, to realize there was something worst out here, then some cranky old man and it was hunting her...
"hurry up Bruno..." the little girl muttered rubbing her arms Bruno had gone ahead to find a way out of this forest; he said he'd come back for her when he found the exit. the white haired child sighed leaning against a fallen log as she waited for her friends return, when a sudden pinch stung her arm she looked down and saw blood leaking down her arm along with with a hole in her sweater she hissed in pain and confusion when had that happen? maybe she caught her arm on something?
Then it occurred to her, she had been standing still, in a clearing! with nothing sharp that could've pos- Gaila ducked and rolled just as a sickle came flying out of the shadows missing her head by a hair! but, managed to nicked her cheek. the eight year old yelped as tears welled in her eyes, she looked up in the direction the sickle came from. her stomach felt like a block of ice as these ragged twitchy deformed monsters emerged from the darkness. one of the monsters sniffed the air and let out a giddy giggle and he pointed at her "Blood of Sparda!?" it exclaimed as the monstrous horde approached the little girl, Gaila could only shut her eyes wait for the end.
Only nothing happened...Gaila's purple eyes looked up and gasped seeing a large demon standing in front of her and pile of bloody ash at it's feet; the rest of the creatures seemed to hesitate as they observed this newcomer, it's chest and eyes were a blazing orange, it's face was very human looking. Gaila assume it was male because of it's stubble like spikes on it's chin and large broad frame that it was made of black scales and red armor resembling a long red trench-coat.
Unknown to the girl, Dante was observing her too... And He was pissed right the fuck off! with every scratch and cut he saw on her tiny body. He calmly leaned down gently pulled a twig out of her white hair as he examined her cheek and arm, his face contorted into a snarl as primal growl rumbled from his throat.
He silently picked Gaila up and held her close to him as his enraged gaze landed on horde the demons responsible for her injuries and they could sense his killing intent; a few fled while they could. But, the few brave ones that stayed? Yeah...they Barely registered what had happened hit them; before Rebellion had pierced trough their rotted bodies like paper. "Damn you son of Sparda! you can't protect her forever!" one shrieked before rebellion tore it's body in half soon into dust.
Dante turned to the left over demons who shivered under his gaze "Boo." he hissed the demons flinched and took off into the night when he was sure they were gone, Dante de-triggered and calmly turned his attention at the little girl in his arms. Who was gawking at him, if he was her position he do the same, the half-demon smirked "Hey..." she blinked "hi..." she shyly whispered back Dante felt his heart flutter, before a twig snap caused Dante to whipped his head in it's direction he aimed ivory at the intruder only for the girl to grab his wrist "No, stop! that's Bruno! he's my friend!" she begged as Dante stared at her baffled.
"He's not your friend kid, he's a demon."
"Bruno's different he protects me."
"well, he's done a good job proving that today!"
"Please don't...hurt him..."
The child begged Dante was conflicted here he had a kid who was bleeding out and small soccer ball shivering under his gaze, the hunter growled holstering his gun, "Fine! but, if he I find out he was just a lure to get you out here-" he turned to the small demon with a looked that set a car on fire "I'll pop em' like a balloon" he hissed the demon squeaked and nodded before bouncing after the white haired man.
=============================================== This is set in a AU where Dante met Nero four years before DMC4 and is fostering/mentoring him.
Dante 34
Nero 15
Gaila 8
Lady 29
Trish unknown
Patty 10
Morrison 47
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Volume 7  February 2005
INDEX: Miaoli 2/6 ¡V 2/7 Chinese New Year 2/8 ¡V 2/9 Constantine 2/9 Traditional lunch 2/10 Taichung ¡V Chung Yo 2/12 Earthquake 2/19
And so the Chinese New Year sped towards us, the school slowed down and the holiday beckoned. Finally a few days without the kids and school! Whatever will we be doing?
Our plans still stood for getting on a train and going exploring towards the south of Taiwan. Melissa was to take new classes at the other school when the holiday was over so she was told to get driving lessons on the scooter with me as her teacher, let’s see how that goes. So Saturday dawned and we took the bike to the open parking lot where the night market usually gets set up. Melissa did great and looked like a pro. We went to the other schools where I gave her the tour as to what’s where and so on. We quickly went to Carrefour for some shopping and then went back to the apartment to drop the groceries off, and then the fun started! I told Melissa she could take the scooter back to the school and I will walk. It’s difficult to piggyback someone on a bike if you are not familiar with the bike in the first place. You have to do the one before the other. Get used to the balance and how the bike handles etc. So I followed her to where our parking garage exited into the road via a ramp. She revved the bike a few times, looked all professional and darted up the ramp! The red light came on warning of down coming traffic as she accelerated up the ramp. Just in time she saw the car as she rounded the first little bend in the ramp and applied the brakes. Sheeeeeew!! Good job!! Then as the car passed she revved the bike a tad too much and still had to turn the bike at a 90degree angle to round the corner, this was a tad too tricky for a beginner scooterist and she braked and accelerated at the same time and the bike didn’t turn at all!. I think one only realizes how fragile a scooter is when you try out a stunt like that! Melissa went north and the scooter went south. Thank goodness she had on her helmet because I heard it hit the wall from where I was. Full throttle into the pillar and wall! She was fine of course¡Kthinking her nose was broken initially and boy did that bruise a bit for the next two weeks! She was lucky it wasn’t broken! All in good spirits! I was wondering if the school would ever let us use the scooter again. I rode it back to the school….sideways as the suspension of the front tyre was a tad bent. We went on holiday that day so; we’ll see whether they’ll just fix it when we get back. Thanks hey! There you go! The basket was flat against the body, but I managed to pull it into somewhat of a square shape and put the front cover kinda back in to a presentable position. It looked fine man, no problem, just the sideways driving got me a bit, indicating this way and driving this way! Interesting, definitely tests the driving skills!!!!! Melissa was ok!
So that afternoon, which was Saturday 5th we were asked whether we wanted to go on holiday with total strangers! Of course we said yes and off we went at about 7:30 in the morning! We met up with Kim at her apartment with Alicia and met up with our first stranger Cynthia. A friend of Kim’s through her Salsa classes. We stopped at a McDonalds and waited for another pair called Edward and Iman, I named her, her Chinese name was similar and we thought she was very attractive so we named her after the super model, fair enough! Edward was cool and very funny; this was going to be cool. We also met up with another couple Jimmy and Mila, who was driving a black Solio (Suzuki) I want one!!!! So ugly but cute ugly! Bit bigger than a Smart car but a type of Smart van looking car! My mother would look good in one!! Maybe I can organize in my luggage somehow! I must say it was extremely big inside and looked smaller than it really was.
So off we went, where are we going? Oh, Miaoli, exactly like you would say it. I love these types of holiday’s they turn out to be the best, you expect nothing, no nobody and don’t know where you going! I was SOOOOO excited!!! My camera was fully charged and ready to go! Our first stop was in the misty mountains of Taiwan on our way in a Northerly direction, towards Taipei. It was stunning, everything was foggy or smoggy! Whatever, I thought of it as foggy! We went up winding little narrow roads until we reached a place called Lion¡¦ Head Mountain. Apparently it looks like a loin’s head from the one side and even has a tail obviously on the other side. What a cool place, all very eerie and misty and jungley. I loved it! I started clicking away immediately. I saw three old Chinese people sweeping the road on the way to the temple in traditional straw hats in the mist, you could just make them out, I took a stunning sepia coloured photo, it looked as if it was ancient times and I was swept away in my imagination into the days of Genghis Caan and whoever else terrorized the country side. I was all over the place while the group was deciding and waiting for people. We were on the back of the lion and started following a stairway down into the valley we couldn’t see because of the fog but I could “see” it! It was beautiful! Far off we could hear the forlorn sound of a flute playing and people’s voices.
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We descended into the illusive valley feeling the air get damp and smelling the earthy vegetation.
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The trees were entangled above us and the misty light filtering through them gave enough light to step onto the moss-covered stone steps. Slippery at times but manageable. Like a magical forest there appeared strange writings on the cliff walls, warning their travelers of dangers ahead or praying for their safe passage. Gray etched into cold hard gray.
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The flute still beaconed and we were like adventurers in a lost land following the golden phoenix to some exotic mysterious destination that holds endless and priceless treasures and then it materializes through the mists of Miaoli. First the vague shape of a small Chinese temple roof top then the path connecting it to us and the smells of cooking. A small set up outside the main temple welcomed us and offered their wears that vary from traditional to plastic cell phones that play electronic tunes.
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We entered the small gateway decorated in the traditional way. We were transported into another world of ancient traditions and beliefs with the flute as our guide.
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The walkway lead us to our musician as he started another forlorn tune that brought memories of times past and lives lived. Surrounded by traditional instruments, maps and scrolls he smiled a toothless smile and offered us to try the flutes. I tentatively chose a large bamboo flute and tried to sound like him, but to no avail. It sounded like me blowing out my candles on my last birthday…scary! Anyway, where were we..?Oh yes, I wished him a Happy New Year in Chinese (shienien Kwai lur) and we disappeared into the mist.
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As we left him and heard the flute again we rounded a corner and there the ancient temple emerged brightly decorated against the gray walls and floors. It looked like a sentry watching over mankind and the mountain staring out straight ahead into the mist.
The rooftops are ornately decorated with flying faans (like a peacock but an ancient bird that is always depicted fighting a dragon)
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The roof tops slowly appeared out of the mist and the treasure was revealed! It looked like a mythical battle scene between animals time forgot.
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It was a strange and beautiful sight. I turned around to find how best to describe what I felt at this stage and to truly capture the atmosphere that existed here. A feeling of spiritual awe combined with reverence and excitement of discovery. An amazing experience! I clicked away.
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We went exploring further, every nook and cranny! No ornament was left unturned. They had a small cave carved out of the stone and molded to offer a cave like experience with a surprise at the end for the one who explores effectively.
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Then our group had to turn back and continue our journey to our end destination of Miaoli. Our payment for being able to experience this amazing place and seeing the forbidden was 1115 steps back up the lions back! We gasped for air as we reached the top.
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Thanks for that!!
We stopped off at a traditional restaurant that offered teas and cakes….with a difference.
You have to make it yourself! Interesting!
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But it was the best fun. Our first task was to make Lai Tsa, which is a traditional tea that you make by grinding nuts and herbs into a pasty substance.
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Jimmy and Bruce grinning on. The waitress then brings hot tea water and we mixed them together and stirred until the green thickish soup is ready for consumption!
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Delightful taste with a nutty and often chewy texture to it! I had about 6 cups….They were small cups man! Then came the Chinese cake. Many cakes here in Taiwan are of a chewy substance or texture. More like a kind of dough not cooked. The traditional Chinese Cake we had comes in a plate with a white/cream sticky dough and surrounded by crushed peanuts. You pull the dough apart into manageable balls that stick to the chopsticks you have to use to the pulling apart and then you dunk it in the peanut powder. Lovely!! Good taste too, but not too much. I did however have the urge to do the usual van der Spuy mixing things together to see what it would taste like etc. and then added the peanut powder to my lai tsa….the best move ever, tasted even better!
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Once again Jimmy and Bruce show us how it’s done!! Thanks boys!! I’ll look into getting them on a cooking show, maybe the Jimmy and Bruce Ready Steady Cook!! Or maybe the BJ Cook club….or not!
Anyway, that was our little “koek en tee” the Chinese way! On our way out we were hijacked into making somebody else’s Chinese cake…..
They asked for this, man!!! Enjoy guys! I hope that comes off our bill!! Kim got “stuck” into it as well…you go girl!
“Back on the road again”, Shrek 2 – Donkey’s holiday song in the coach! Cynthia’s driving was great as we hugged the mountains and veered to miss the race down hill! I’ll let her drive any day! We arrived shortly after, at a famous traditional Hakka restaurant….”what are we doing here?” I asked innocently, “we are having lunch” they said rubbing their hands together…”oh, again?” I asked. Silly question. Needless to say I only had a bit but boy the bit I had was a stunning lamb stew pot while the others got stuck into all kinds of different foods. When I tasted the lamb, I was transported back home on a Sunday and having a lamb neck potjie………..aaaaahhh yes. It was soo rich compared to what we were getting used to here in Taiwan that a few cubes of meat later I was stuffed….I like Hakka food very much!!!
Hakka was and is the traditional people of Taiwan. Like our Zulus or Ndebele. Same types of clothing and art works. Very interesting how that happens continents away and millennia apart. Their clothes are very bright and colorful, lots of reds and blues. Stunning.
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After that we found our accommodation and everyone was ready to pass out! The total trip was not even 2 hours driving from Changhua, where we live. We drove into the little country town bustling with people and scooters. We stayed at staff accommodation for a company called Changhwa Telecoms. Stunning way of doing it. The shop is on the road level and the rooms are above on the 4th floor.
We got given our options of rooms as we were the only people staying there for the night. We checked the room and it reminded me a lot of the usual Holiday inn rooms, maybe a tad smaller, Formula One, maybe. The we saw the VIP suite, never been used in mint condition with a widescreen TV…we’ll take it!!! SO the four foreign people take the VIP room and organize accordingly. There was a double bed and we added two mattresses we found in another room. Amazing little thin mattresses, very comfortable!
So we crashed for what was about 30min, when a knock at the door revealed Edward asking whether we wanted to go to the lake. Kim slept and Alicia, Melissa and I went. The “lake” turned out to be a bit of a pond really. Nice and all, in the forest and everything but a little pond. We also walked a trail around it, which was very interesting and I rescued two puppies in a drain pipe trying to get out, obviously exploring too far! They were fine! The mother followed us for a while…probably to say thank you or thanks for getting the kids out when I wanted them in there for some peace and quiet! Anytime!!!!
We got back, woke Kim with M&M’s and we slowly got ready. The bathing suits were on, the towels were ready and off we went to the hot springs! It wasn’t even 10min drive from us. The steam rose as we approached the front entrance. We paid 350 NT and got given a disk. We turned around to where the shoe exchange was and got some funky slops. We walked down a walkway to where the pools were under roof but outside, so inviting! We got to the counter where you could get changed in the change rooms or leave your belongings in a locker. As you use the locker you get a plastic bracelet with the key on. Cool!!! Sun City must get this!
We were ready! In about 5min we were in the pools. What a cool feeling, nearly like my swimming spa but the real thing! Then the adrenaline kicked in, I was allover the place. What’s there, oh, ice cold water and there? Oh boiling water….hmmmmm interesting…what if I run from here and jump in the boiling water, then go from there to the ice cold pool and then back into the warm pool, what will happen? Let’s!!! I nearly passed out that’s what happened, when I hit the ice cold pool after a circuit, my eyes gave me drunk vision, my skin glowed a stunning tomato red colour as the circulation tried to keep up and I couldn’t walk straight without crawling through the boulders to the warm pool…I stayed there while until my sight steadied….sheeeeewwww what a rush!!!! And so we cooked and steamed for about 3 hours. Then the photo’s started! Kay arrived and she started taking the photos. We got a stunning “Zoolander” pose in that will do the movie proud! Left – Melissa, back – Alicia, right – Kim and front and centre- Karen. Just incase you couldn’t see past the “blue steel” look!
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The last photo is more the Gorillas in the Mist look, my personal opinion.
After, that we went for supper at a restaurant and had dumplings. Not our dough dumplings that we know but a pastry with a vegetable filling steamed or fried. Delicious!
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In this little restaurant there were the owners two kids, a little boy and a girl. The boy probably around 5 and the girl about 6 or 7. They were clearing the tables and wiping it down. I want to see our kids do that at that age. The little boy sat behind the till like the manager afterwards just incase we needed something else. The little girl brought our serviettes and chopsticks. Too cute!
We arrived back at our room and got ready to relax when the knock at the door asked us to join them in the staff party room. No ways!!!! We fixed up a bit and sauntered down the corridor to the end where there was a glass door. We opened it and the music flowed forth! The karaoke was in full swing with the singers looking bopping away excitedly. I have gained a new respect fro KTV (Karaoke TV) it is an amazing bonding experience! We were such an amazing composition of people together that it was probably the most exciting holiday in Taiwan ever!!! We soon got hooked into singing a few songs, although the English selection was a bit on the golden oldie side with the latest thing, Lemon Tree that was in Chinese except for …..”Lemon Tree”! House of the rising sun was sung with great gusto on our part, with Let it be a close second!!! With cheers and clapping and singing going on there was no ways anybody was having a bad time!!! I made a video of the Chinese girls singing a stunning little pop song in a real girl band manner!
What a party! Jimmy mixed some Famous Grouse 12years old in a decanter and I had a strange mix of Smirnoff ice and whiskey…interesting! We eventually went to bed around 11ish. And had a very fitful sleep!!! What a day!
We woke up and were soon carted off to breakfast at another Hakka delicacy restaurant. In the early morning hours Kay’s brother, Cynthia’s boyfriend was collected at the airport for a surprise visit from the USA. Needless to say Cynthia was the happiest ever!! She doesn’t see him for about 6months at a time while he studies there. His name was Chris.
Not your usual bacon and eggs but boy do I love this Hakka food….did I say that? It is rich and oily, just like home! Not so bad, but when you get used to steamed rice, cooked chicken and veggies and soy sauce, this is rich and oily
We were preparing to leave to go and find some more hot springs in a place called Taian. But not before we have a little group shot of the travelers from all over the globe who can get along like they were best friends for years!!!!
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And off we went! Next!!!!
This time Chris was driving, there was definitely a difference…we were the ones racing down the mountain. Luckily we stopped at a temple in the mountains with a great view over a valley. The mists had subsided a bit and we had a clear day.
Enlarge the bottom right photo for a history on this temple, very interesting.
A bit of a subdued trip today as everybody was recovering and probably because we were going home at the end of it. But the warm breeze kept breezing, the sun kept shining and we were soon off again.
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We finally arrived at Taian where a lot of construction was happening in the river bed. Their river’s here is not like ours where you have mainly sand and silt. Here it’s all volcanic because of the origins of the land, so the river bed is a river of gravel and boulders. Did I mention the river?…..what river? In a broad river bed of about 500m or more across, I’d say the river measured about 3ft across. They had built a road in the riverbed…my only concern was, if they are doing that and spending money on putting a road there, does the river EVER get any bigger say in the rainy season?….obviously not!! But it is a weird feeling driving on a tarred road in a riverbed! Images of the Mummy Returns keep popping up in my mind where the towering wall of water chases them through the canyons! Hey, I’m just visiting!
And guess what else they do here that we also do in good old SA….strawberry picking! What a treat, I have to come to Taiwan to do what my brother has done ages go in SA. Go figure! They organized a basket and we were allocated and area. We didn’t do serious picking, just enough for the group! They were huge!!! Not the big red one on the photo, that’s a balloon, the others.
Come and get your farm fresh strawberries from us, where you pick the strawberries and we smile!!
And off we went again! We arrived at a hot spring spa called Sunrise. Quite impressive but we ended up not swimming while the others did and had a coffee instead.
I went exploring for old times sake before we went home and waved good buy to a memorable holiday! I couldn’t believe it when they sorted out the bill for the weekend and we had to pay NT 500 each, this included all the lunches etc. R100 or less. Our accommodation we paid as we arrived and that was another R100 for the VIP suite and we paid NT350=R70 for the hot springs. They didn’t want to know about us paying for petrol! It was truly the best and cheapest holiday in a very long time!!! When are we going again??? Hey hey hey! We exchanged email addresses and said our sad good byes!
And so the Chinese New Year began. It was Monday and Tuesday on their new year’s eve we were invited to go to Monica’s family get together. What an experience that will be to have a family dinner as we do over Christmas, very much the same feeling as our Christmas, where family come together from all over. Apparently the greatest movement of people on earth over this time period. Mainland China and Taiwan exchange millions as people go home!
So we got picked up by Monica and off we went. Not to far outside Chunghua and not too far from Lukang, just on the outskirts between the two cities, where rice paddies greet the eye and open areas are being cultivated.
We arrived and were warmly greeted and made comfortable while we started watching “Meet the Fockers”. Here one realizes that humour is definitely a universal language although many nuances are lost, the main ideas are understood and found funny. Finally we were ushered outside to an open area surrounded by three buildings, a horseshoe shaped building with three separate parts. The building on the left was the house of the oldest son whose responsibility it is to look after the mother and father and who lives with them on the property. The centre building is reserved for their temple or rather shrine. This has a certain format and is the same where ever you go in Taiwan. It consists of two huge tables. One the height of about 5ft and about 7ft across in length. On this are placed the deities. Here were three. The god of the mental, old wise looking guy with a long white beard and white clothes, much like Gandalf in Lord of the rings without the hat. On the right a red faced god with black beard which is the god of the physical (Kung Fu) and in the centre a woman. Also on this level they placed insence and tangerines which is the fruit of New Year and good fortune. The second table is the same as the first but just smaller and fits in under the bigger one, usually drawn out in a step formation with incense and a few other items on it. All red lighting and coverings. Very interesting. The right building is also for family to stay in. In the little courtyard, about 5 round tables were placed with about 5 bowls of food on each. You get handed your little bowl, they fill it with rice or noodles (like spaghetti) and you add your meats and veggies on top and eat them together. Very festive! People chatting, family greeting, each uncle and aunt did their rounds to the various tables to wish each a happy New Year and good fortune. We toasted every time they came around, good wine!!
Even the dog has to use chopsticks to eat! Impressive!!! After the dinner we were invited to the uncles’ house for Oolong tea. We all sat there and drank our tea and eventually we left.
Monica took us to Puck’s place, her boyfriend, an artist who writes the most amazing Chinese scrolls. I’ll have to organise. We were under the impression that they do a count down like we do and braced our selves for the blast and thunder of crackers after twelve. But as we count down nothing happened. They have a temple ceremony at each temple and televised the main ones in Taipei and Lukang and other major centres. People were waiting outside the temples for the gates to be opened. Their custom is to place incense sticks in a sand filled earn and make their wishes. So the idea is that as the doors open whoever places their sticks in the earn first will have good luck for the year. So around 20 past midnight after they were waiting for a ceremony inside to be completed the door opened and people dashed for the earns….scary, few people got trampled etc. but in the end the sticks were placed en though it sometimes got thrown in from a distance, as long as it stays. Was very different to watch. No crackers were heard in the streets on our way back home. In fact more crackers were lit days after as businesses reopened and lit firecrackers at the entrance to ward of the ninien monsters. The beliefs are, much like Christian belief in Egypt when goats blood was placed on the door frames to ward of the evil spirit of death, they place red banners on the door frames with well wishes to ward off the ninien monsters of ancient times that killed and were evil. The crackers were originally gunpowder in bamboo roots, an ancestor found that this works well to scare the monsters and the tradition was started that any new venture or if things were not going well or there was a new beginning, crackers were to be lit together with a little table outside with offering to the gods. But later on that….
So we were invited back on Thursday for the 2nd round of the New Year Celebrations when the daughters returned from their new families. Cool tradition, we should do that over Christmas, will solve all the family issues when Christmas lunches and dinners are held. So after a day of rest the Wednesday we decided to go and watch Constantine with Keanu Reeves, the battle between Good and Evil continues, extremely well done!
We arrived on Thursday, for lunch this time, and the same set up was organized. This time just a younger crowd with many kids.
Monica and her sister. They bring all the soups and stews in bags and decant it into the bowls on the tables. We were given a doggy bag to take home with crab meat, prawns, mud prawns, fish and calamari or squid…delicious. Interesting foods as well, like shark fin soup, nice taste though, a pork and veggie soup which was quite rich and lots of vegetables and battered mud prawns that look like huge termites! Yummy!!! The shark fin soup bugged me because there was such uproar when that syndicate in Cape Town was caught out to have killed thousands of sharks just for their fins. They believe it’s good for your skin.
SO after yet another meal and interesting wheat drink we were ushered into the living room and KTV was waiting for us! The uncles and the smallest boy I have ever seen singing like a professional! Holding the microphone and making sure the wire isn’t trapped or stuck somewhere while his singing and bouncing up and down. If there was something wrong with a microphone he’d come over and hand you another one after telling you there’s something wrong with yours, even though you were too happy not to be heard properly!! We eventually got sung out, although we were trying hard to keep a low profile at this stage, went home to sleep!
Had a very good night’s rest after that! A whole week without school, weird!!! Saturday we decided to go to Taichung a bit and walk around, find the Jade market and go looking for Chung Yo one of the biggest shopping centres in Taiwan. So off we went to the train station. On the train at about 9:30 10:00 and arrived around 11:00am. We hit the streets with Lonely Planet at our side telling us where what was. We found the Jade market near the station and what a treasure chest this was. I was in awe of the craftsmanship and prices, so cheap for quality amulets and bracelets and pendants etc. My mom would have a field day here with all these beads!!!
It was a maze of little turns and alleys under roof. We ended up an hour or so later emerging into the sunlight and facing a stunning park. We went walking around it a bit after a drink and snack from the 711. The park had a pond where people were rowing and walking around. A fate or market of some sort was at the far end and we ended up walking through the whole park to check everything. They had the most stunning little gazebo in a Japanese style garden around it.
As we climbed the little hill and arrived at the top, a huge weird statue surprised us. I later, on closer inspection, saw that it was a base station (I think), made by Changhwa Telecoms, these people are everywhere!
After the park we walked up the street and found what we have been looking for….the mother of all malls!
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This is the bridge that connects each building with the other. Three buildings with over 10 floors.
This was the best mall ever!!! The others we have been to like Mitsukoshi or Sogo are very up market malls where you do not get any cheaper normal people type stores, everything is Loui Vuitton and Gucci and Benetton, Diesel etc. This one has those as well on the lower level and the cheaper things further up. Where our malls work the opposite way, mostly. By this time I suddenly realized we have been walking since 11am, it was around 5pm when we decided to stop to eat something. Take that Lyndon, it must be some kind of a new shopping record! We went to TGIF – Fridays, had a hamburger and fries and had to ask for white vinegar…they actually had salt on the table…it was heavenly!! I had a glass of wine that actually tasted like our normal box wine we get when asking for a glass….stunning! We made our way back to the station, got lost in a flea market first and left around 9pm. We arrived at Changhua around 10pm and walked home slowly as my legs started cramping and I felt like I was back at having growing pains again!!! I collapsed on my bed around 11pm with my legs elevated to get some of the blood back to my brain!
On Saturday morning at about 4:20am I was shaken awake by some illusive force! When I surfaced I realized after a few seconds that the building was being shaken by an earthquake a tad bigger than the usual. How do I know this? I was sleeping! To wake me up you need to be pretty imaginative and or very loud!!! I would have loved to know how much that was on the Richter’s scale. Felt as bad as one of our first one’s. One of those was 7. something off the coast of Ilan, There is a fault there and that’s where most of the quakes originate. About 150km off the north-eastern coast. Lovely! I think if I had a choice I would prefer earthquakes in the evening when I’m a sleep. My motto “Ignorance is Bliss!!!
Sunday sailed past slowly, we had a braai and relaxed for a change. And Monday the school started again, on Valentines Day! Sad!
But we have another holiday coming up on the 2/28. It was a political massacre in Taiwan’s early years and Green Island was then the Robben Island of SA. Ryno went to Green Island with Andrew for initially 3 nights and four days and eventually ended up staying and extra two nights as the party was way too cool to come back, many South Africans, mostly teachers from Taipei. Next holiday!! Blade 3 is also planned for our Feb entertainment! Then I think we’re broke…again! All worth it!
Just to end off our month with a bang we had a school dinner at a department store called IDEE. A stunning 12 floor shopping centre with the top two floor restaurants. We visited a buffet styled restaurant with food in various nooks and crannies. Beautifully designed as most of their restaurants. Most of their restaurants are designed in a very up market dark wood and glass setting. Although the prices are very reasonable. This one was NT500 per person = R100 eat as much as you want with drinks included. Definitely worth it although the school paid, so it was even better!!! The boys went for the meet and the girls went for the Hagen Daasz stand for dessert! Obviously!! Delicious!
So another month has come to an end and February as short, wet and cold as it was has passed! 5 months to go girls and boys! Enjoy your week!
    Taiwan Times Vol 7 Volume 7  February 2005 INDEX: Miaoli 2/6 ¡V 2/7 Chinese New Year 2/8 ¡V 2/9 Constantine 2/9…
0 notes
xottzot · 7 years
2017-08(AUG)-31--Thursday. (what’s been going on since my last post in this HELL here.)
Several things have occurred since my last posting into this blog that nobody reads or cares about, exactly the same as to me and wishes I was to forever suffer and die.....(those last parts are absolutely true as always.)
I want to put everything down as bullet points but I'm going to have to break out of them perhaps now and then because there is too much that warrants more than just a pathetic terse bullet point.
Since my last posting here.....
I have NOT just been laying about and doing nothing. I've been in a LOT of pain and anguish and despair and struggling to get any sleep. EVERY DAY NOW I have terrible headaches as well that nothing helps, alleviates, or 'fixes'. - I have terrible nightmares. You know all about all the things I'm writing about from all my previous blog posts, AND you will know the reason why. It's all been occuring since late September 2015. And I'm in HELL here.
I have been conversing online with a neighbour because they ARE being affected by the crime (especially aboriginal crime and criminals from the aboriginal criminal household). So don't think I am antisocial. I simply DO NOT want to try telling anyone anything and then have them jeer at me as if I was some sort of nutter. I am not.
But there HAS been shit going on here in this area all because of the usual criminals.
And therafter there has been further instances of things resulting from that.
At the picket fenced corner house A WEEK AGO (owned by 'Ms New Age' who is a very gentle kind young woman who rents it out and doesn't live there herself although she used to when dear Fliss and I knew her), one day there was LOTS of banging and smashing sounds going on for AGES coming from that location. - Later, around the very onset of darkness of day, I saw two abo criminal kids from 3 Kalara Way Koongamia literally violentally and insanely smashing at the house exterior itself in a frenzy. They continued and then sped off, one carrying a foot scooter, they rushed through the massive hole in the fence that the abos had smashed, and they ran across an adjoining residents front yard and STRAIGHT into the 3 Kalara Way abo CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
I think this was directly AFTER I had been talking by phone to 'Ms New Age' (or the next day afterwards) and telling her how bad the criminal abos had long since become and how much insane, destructive wanton criminal damage they were causing all the time. (SHE phoned ME, but once again as always she was busy and our conversation was very heavily truncated and short and incomplete even though we had a short second phone call straight after the first).
The rented house has been a CONSTANT source of trouble for a year or so because of the rental inhabitants, the inhabitants themselves who not only refused to not associate with criminal aboriginals, but who themelves were victims of the criminal aboriginals almost on a daily/weekly basis. And of course their rented house and land and structures were COSNTANTLY being attacked by crimina aboriginals from 3 Kalara Way, and from wherever the fuckers were holed-up in and hiding out at in the OTHER nearby aboriginal houses they were all associated with in their large aboriginal mafia.
At the rented picket fence house, the 'father' seemed to be doing his best in trying to constrain everything. The 'mother' was hopeless and (as I was told before by one of her sons and others, was a drug addict...and she used to get her drugs from Fatguts the abo drug dealer a few houses down the street). And the two sons BOTH of whom got involved with the criminal aboriginals and literally would spend all day and so on with the criminal abo's and never went to school. (I've actually seen for myself the youngest boy taken away by Western Australian POLICE in handcuffs before.) -- The ENTIRE 'family' suffered. - I use family in inverted commas because they also had 1-2 teenage females living there with them (whoever they actually were) and those two were rampantly active with the criminal aboriginals of 3 Kalara Way night and day and the other abo houses in the Kalara street which are ALL associated with each other. - The place was attacked by insane feral violent aboriginals time and time again. I wrote all about that in my blog as it was going on during the past.
And YES, West Australian POLICE HAVE COME OUT and apprehended criminal abo's. AND they have come out TRULY COUNTLESS TIMES to deal with teh criminal abo's of 3 Kalara Way, AND the POLICE have 'given up' trying to do anything because they simply can't figure out anything for themselves as Police despite being told what the hell is going on by concerned people.
HOWEVER.....it seemed, (though it was never certain), that that 'family' of the rented picket fenced house whowever renting 'Ms New Age's place had moved out, or gave the illusion they did. Nobody could ever be sure because the 'family' had NOT paid any rent for MONTHS to 'Ms New Age' (she told me that), and that was yet another reason why she had contacted me by phone to ask if there was anyone living there. - I told her that the inhabitants 'hide' inside the house, they do NOT send their kids to any school, they freely ALL would NOT go out the front gate (which is only a few steps from the front door of the house), but they would trudge right through the entire yard and dirt and mud and ALL of them at anytime of the day or night ONLY use the HUGE smashed hole in the fence that was partly hidden by an overgrown tree foliage from that corner house yard.
And 'Ms New Age' was VERY worried and concerned. And I politely informed her NOT to try and inspect the house or yard on her own (WHICH SHE OWNED HERSELF), even though she told me she had unofficially covertly looked at the place time and again, because I told her that because of the violent, insane, unpredictable criminal aboriginals, her personal safety could be at risk. I advised her to have somebody with her for her own safety if ever she was going there. - She agreed. - And she was audibly upset but was trying to put on a brave face about the entire situation and didn't know who she could turn to to resolve the situation and have the current tenants evicted.
That situation with 'Ms New Age' and her troubles, somewhat mirrors that of my own with dear Felicity Carthew of Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia. - The two are forever linked because they occured around the same time and became so much worse and worse.
I am trying to set things out in this blog so that others can more easily attempt (though it is in utter vain) to understand the hell that has been going on an continues to go on.
Once again, I've had very little sleep and what I did manage to get has been terrible, fitful, and is as if I did not sleep at all. But nobody cares about me.
AND......there ARE things going on here that go on ALL AT THE SAME TIME that REALLY destroys ANY ability for ANYONE to follow or understand, much less myself being able to tell anyone about it all.
The criminal aboriginals use this (and certainly have used this countless times in the past here) to fuck up anyone who tries to reveal anything what's going on.
HOWEVER.....a few days ago, this week on Monday 21-August-2017, AFTER the incident (that I revealed in this blog of the two violent insane criminal abos smashing up 'Ms New Ages' picket fenced house place yet AGAIN', later that night there was activity in that yard, AND mysterious vehicles coming and going from and to there, AND mysterious unknown figures in the darkness with flashlights going all through the yards and then INTO the house itself. - They would go away, then return, then go away, then return. This went on well into the VERY total darkness of night for HOURS.
I told a neighbour of all this happening via emial. (no response from the neighbour)
This was the SAME DAY and around the SAME general period where that HUGE lot of rubbish and garbage was dumped onto 'Ms New Ages'' street verge at it's most northerly point by the next door neighbour to her at number 1 Kalara Way street. - (DO NOT GET THE TWO STREETS MIXED UP)
YOU did NOT read about THAT incident above because I only told it all to a neighbour. And I did NOT put ANY of it into my blog. However, you MUST now know of that as well.......read below.....
The house NEXT door to the corner picket fence house.....around 3pm, a utility vehicle with a tray back, that is a vehicle that resides at the house next door in Kalara Way next to 'Ms New Age's' picket fenced place, that vehicle, one that the residence owns and uses, it came along around 3pm with a large load of rubbish in its tray area. Two men got out. They jumped onto the back of the tray. Then proceeded to dump all the rubbish onto the street verge. Then one went inside the house of number 1 Kalara Way and the other man took his time backing the ute vehicle right up in front of the house and out of sight.
The very NEXT DAY, Tuesday, very early in the morning, one of the two men was out (and the noise of which it woke me in bed), because.....he was 'sifting' through the pile of garbage and putting the worst of it ACROSS THE ROAD into a large pile onto THAT front street verge. By doing all this, he made it seem as though the overall pile was not horrendous, filthy, and tremendous in amount. BUT IT IS ALL FROM THE SAME HUGE PILE THAT WAS CREATE AND COLLECTED AT 1 KALARA WAY street.
NOW.....there's 4 things to REALLY be mindful of here above.......
It's the 31-August 2017 as I write this blog entry, and THERE IS NO COUNCIL COLLECTION HERE (this is the Swan Shire) UNTIL DECEMBER 2017....at least 4 months from now!
Secondly......the utility vehicle BROUGHT RUBBISH HERE FROM ELSEWHERE AND THEN DUMPED IT ONTO THE STREET VERGE. (ala 'flytipping')
Abo's and some white shitheads fossicked through the mess and collected some and dumped it further along the corner street verge of 10 Kalara Road's property. - IT'S STILL THERE.
Thirdly......VERY EARLY the NEXT DAY on that Tuesday, the man DIVIDED the rubbish into two piles, dragged over the road to 2 Kalara Way, the worst of it, and kept the 'best' of the rubbish upon 1 Kalara Way's street verge and rearranged EVERYTHING in both piles to look nice and 'neat'.
The second pile of rubbish that was dragged across the road was also 'neatly' thrown together and piled up. - INCIDENTALLY....in that second pile of rubbish is typical abo crap, broken toys, a broken swing, and so on, and rancid clothing, and rags, and old carpets, and utter garbage. - The occupants of 2 Kalara Way have NEVER EVER HAD CHILDREN LIVING THERE OR VISITING.
FOURTHLY........AND DO BEAR THIS IN MIND! There is NOBODY LIVING AT 2 Kalara Way, (not for many WEEKS), on who's street verge they dumped the second (divided) pile of rubbish onto. That way the abos and shitheads can 'blame' the non-existant other people for making garbage there and everywhere. - THAT IS THE STANDARD USUAL CRIMINAL WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ABO WAY TO GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING BY BLAMING EVERYONE ELSE. (especially when nobody is around to counter the mad abo's lies and claims....this is a very well-worn tactic they've used for many decades...)
There of course is absolutely no rubbish outside on the verge of the 3 Kalara Way CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. Just some cut branches for the Swan Shire Council green cleanup soon to arrive. - How VERY convenient and predictable of the criminal abo's.....
And if ever I try to tell anyone what's going on, THEY REFUSE to believe me.
Yesterday AND TODAY, Thursday, 31-August-2017.........
There has been activity in the picket fence corner house inside and outside the yard and in the house.
It was 'Ms New Age' and adult male worker companions of hers. THAT may have also very well been been the case on Monday in the darkness when they came to quietly inpsect her property and house and the damage all over and throughout it, including the huge hole smashed in the fence.
I wanted to approach 'Ms New Age' and talk in private with her about everything. But instead I've left it up to her to contact me. (I am an utterly destroyed person without dear Fliss.)
An adult male abo (one of the MANY crazed ones), this is the one who 'walks too fast' all the time and is manic.......he was heading to the Koongamia shops direction and he paused, looked at what was going on as he was 'passing', and he repeated pausing, staring, over and over again. He was of course gathering 'intelligence' to use in a criminal manner and to pass onto others, including the countless abo criminals that infest all of 3 Kalara Way street, and the other abo houses in Kalara Way street.
At 10 Kalaar Road, they were doing 'gardening' cleanup tasks and neatly piling some garden refuse onto the street verge WELL AWAY from any of the rubbish dumping that other shitheads have willfully done on their street verge of the corner household property and all over. -- There IS a soon-to-come Swan Shire Council street verge garden refuse cleanup scheduled.
They left.
Later.....I was cleaning up dog poo by dear Sam & Max...whilst I was doing that, the abo's mad vicious HUGE big black dog was AGAIN roaming around the streets by itself. (the mad vicious aborginals simply do NOT CARE AT ALL AND ABSOLUTELY AND TRULY NO LAWS AT ALL APPLY TO THEM! - Especailly about keeping dogs on a leash. They do NOT care about their criminal feral 'children' and that is how they live with everything). The dog has a huge wide collar on it and it's over-studded completely and garishly with chrome pointed studs on it. -- I was NOT going to let that dog near me, and I kept a wary eye upon it.
The dog began wandering all about the area and invading other peoples properties. I saw that for myself.
On the OTHER side of the criminals pedestrian walkway that's at the end of Kalara Road, an adult abo male rushed along and picked up one of the brainless aboriginal toddlers in a diaper and turned around and walked quickly back to ? - (they it seems were lurking and wandering all about. It's no wonder the shithead toddlers in diapers do the same and escape and do the same whenever they can. This is how they are 'taught'.) -- The big black dog got scared at the activity and rushed off but stopped at the huge pile of rubbish at 1 Kalara Way street verge and was lurking about. - I went away from all this shit to feed dear Sam & Max some dog food and have a very scant little myself.
Because today has been raining on and off a lot, I've had to exteriorise dear Sam & Max whenevr I've been able to. And as such, in great pain I've had to clean up and transport away their dog poo. And as such, I've seen other things going on today......see below.....
At 'Ms New Age''s corner picket fence house a large wooden sheet has been afixed across the large window(s) the criminal aboriginals have wantonly smashed. ( I worte about that in my blog earlier). Further work inside the house I suspect is been forced to be done. Repairs to the outside are being done.
SEVERAL VEHICLES were at 'Ms New Age''s corner picket fence house today. They could have been West Australian POLICE or detectives. I simply do not know. - And it is NOT the first time that 'Ms New Age' has had to call in the POLICE to that place. It occurred in early 2016? as well. Once again...because of criminal aboriginals.
I met 'Ms New Age' at that time in her yard as she was cleaning up things. And I told her of the terrible shit going on and also everything else smashing me down to destruction because dear Fliss had a very terrible personal medical and mental episode and fled over to Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia. It is two seperate events that have become fused in HELL.
At that time, 'Ms New Age' found breaking and entering implements in her yard, and asked me about them. I told her of all the aboriginal criminal crap going on. And indeed not too much later on, a horde of aboriginals on another date were swarmed into her yard (and house?) and I called the West Australian POLICE. -- BUT....the Police did NOTHING it seems! - Nothing but have a police woman in uniform escort and walk the insane, mad, violent abo pack of thugs back down two houses away into 3 Kalara Way the abo CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
NOT long afterwards, West Australian forensic POLICE came and did an examination of things at 'Ms New Age's place. - I don't know what the outcome of any of that was, if anything.
BUT getting back to TODAY.........
Whilst all thise vehicles were at Ms New Ages's place, roaming mad criminal abo's were patrolling the streets and lurking about. Some were from 3 Kalara Way.
HOWEVER.......a young boy carrying a piece of black pole as a weapon, was idly slowly walking along up Kalara Way Street on the footpath. He paused on the footpath and was loudly talking across the street directly into 3 Kalara Way to an aboriginal who he had a conversation with. - The young boy WAS ONE OF THE SAME TWO BOYS WHO UNTIL JUST RECENTLY LIVED (WITHOUT THE ENTIRE FAMILY PAYING RENT) AT 10 Kalara Road.
THAT BOY is now CRIMINAL and has been CRIMINAL for a considerable period of time ever since being asociated with the aboriginal criminals of Kalara Way, Koongania. - The SAME criminals I'd warned them about NOT to ever get involved with in any way when they first arrived to stay and rent 10 Klara Road.
AND SO....that is what has happened to THAT family. -- It's fucked. -- The lives of the adults and kids are fucked. - And STILL they associate with the criminal aboriginals......
He walked on and away on the footpath ALONE towads the Koongamia shops direction with his metal pole weapon over his shoulder, using it to madly hit things as he went along......
He of course did NOT go into the house he had lived at so very very recently. He did NOT go in there because of the several vehicles parked there (POLICE?).
He does NOT go to any school. He does NOT go to any work. - He is just as the criminal aboriginals that he hangs runs with all the time are and profess to be his 'friends'........
Later, just after all the vehicles left 10 Kalara Road, a criminal abo (from 3 Kalara Way) on a pushbike was lurking all about
And thereafter, around 1:30pm onwards, there were criminal aboriginals on pushbikes REALLY lurking about and stopping on the roads and staring and returning over and over and over again to gather more intelligence of what was going on at 10 Kalara Road....AND across other innocent peoples homes.
P@15:25---I love you dear Fliss and so very very much want to be with YOU. - I AM IN HELL. - Dear Sam & dear Max are in HELL. - STOP pretending we don't exist and are suffering so terribly Fliss. - We love you. We want to be with you.
0 notes
xottzot · 7 years
2017-5(MAY)-24 to 26--Wednesday to Friday
2017-5(MAY)-24 to 26--Wednesday to Friday
Around 7:35pm an aboriginal woman (one of the usuals) came out of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD and was screaming and shrieking and swearing non-stop. She was doing this whilst walking ON the roads, and on any footpath.
She was acompanied by 2 male aboriginals.
This is the SAME woman who was roaming the streets earlier today and had gone into the rented picketed fenced corner house. (and was demanding to see/talk to somebody of there?)
Tonight, she went thru to the criminals pedestrian walkway, but instantly returned to walk the streets and footpaths still LOUDLY yelling, cursing, swearing and shrieking. The male aboriginals followed her wherever she went and eventualy they accompanied her as (still LOUDLY cursing and shrieking) she walked thru the criminals pedestrian walkway with them following and was gone....at least for now.
It was SO LOUD as to wake me.
Even if I had have been halfway to death as mapped out, she would have woken me it was THAT damned LOUD.
This is now going on for the second straight night in a row.
She walked off to go to another aboriginal household (of many) which is closely allied to the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
Please note:--that this very same very obnoxious criminal aboriginal woman was the very same one who approached me in the past after she just walked off the street and was verbally harassing me to give her money. - I was polite and reserved, though I now wish I had not been. But then she might very well have bodily attacked me, as it seems she has done so to other innocent poeple in the past.
At the time I later heard that this criminal woman also has in fact broken into innocent peoples houses too.
Later.....at close to midnight....damn abo's from the the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD loudly yelling in the streets and upsetting dogs, and then walking thru the criminals pedestrian walkway. Whilst others of them sat and stood around the front of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.......
Abo's have been all about again. Not as noisy, but just as rampant.
In the rented picket fence household property there's been plenty of banging sounds in the yard and not surpisingly abo's are freely allowed to wander in and out of there at will. - The two boys of that household freely associate with the criminal aborigials and have become criminal themselves.
To faciliate their constant goings out of themselves and aboriginals, there's been for some time a hole smashed in the side/rear/front fence to allow them to travel without being seen travelling between the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD and there, and of course they think nothing of actively trespassing into the neigbours property in between, at night or day. And the next-door neighbour seem so thoughtless as not to even care. The neighbour seem to be (or becoming) closely allied to the aboriginal households as well, including their next door neighbours the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOSUEHOLD which seems to have risen to become top-dog amongst all the aboriginal houses. (Fatguts the aboriginal drug dealer would be proud of what he's created. An aborigial ghetto, and a ghetto of crime.)
And they'll carry on doing whatever smashing of things they want. Today was hurling rocks and pieces of tiles about smashing them. But the house next door (number 1) has already had its gas meter metal door ripped right off from the gas meter metal box of that house. It's now open to all weathers to degrade and become a hazard from more attacks.
The corner household appears to have also had installed a new (replacement?) hot water system in the past few days into that rented picket fenced corner house. No wonder the abos are wandering in through the front door. Hot water must be a new experience for them rather than smashing shit and being feral all the time.
Shitheads in cars have been loudly tearing around on the streets, and VERY coincidentally as soon as they stopped or faded away, a shithead on an unlicensable-for-road-use offroad motorbike was tearing all about ALL on streets thoughout this hellhole suburb. And I DO mean all around. It went in and out of this hellhole suburb and all THROUGHOUT it at will all up to and including 9pm at night, He had NO LIGHTS on the bike whatsoever. - I wish somebody had've run into and killed the shithead. - No signs or hearing of ANY Police anywhere as usual. - And the shithead stoped in at into the yard(s) of the aborigial CRIMINALS or the white trash living next door to them. -- I'n not contacting the West ausralian Polce...fuck 'em. They've done nothing about all the shitheads and they give a free pass to aboriginal criminals of all ages, andor the Police are servants of the higher authority aboriginal services now who are like false gods......
Whlst innocently checking my letterbox, this is what I saw in this aboriginal ghetto of criminals.....
Several school-aged aboriginal criminal kids who NEVER ever go to any school despite a school literally being across the road from them all. - No, they instead wander ON the streets and commit crime.
At the aborginal household that was previoulsy empty for 12 months or so because the previous aboriginal drug dealer had been evicted in early 2016, there was a diaper toddler child sitting in a lounge chair with wheels being pushed by another aboriginal child (very young school-aged) on the concrete driveay to and from to the road edge. -- That chair also in fact looks to be the same one one that was previoulsy outside on the verandah of a house newly let out to new residents across the road from there. And then it mysteriously vanished one day. (stolen by the aboriginals? - Or given to them to placate them?)
That aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD is entirely connected by constant traffic of aboriginals to & from crossing the road night and day to the aboriginal household that was previously empty for 12 months or so because the previous aboriginal drug dealer had been evicted in early 2016. The aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD itself was an offshoot of the aboriginal drug dealer. The aboriginal drug dealer drove out thru severe intimidation and violence, and countless Police incidents the previous innocent resident of a young woman with two young boys. Dear Fliss herself and I witnessed it happening and emergency contacted Police when Fatguts the 'king' of all the drug houses and drug dealings went beserk and tried to attack the woman at her household. That caused her to leave for her own safety and her children. But Fatguts continued with seemingly complete West Australian Police immunity from EVERYTHING. That state whereby aboriginals are totally immune from everything and instead have departments working for THEM has become rampant. That state has once again become long established at the eviction of Fatguts whereby the mantle of king of crime has handed to the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
This morning a small dark car sped at high speed around on the roads around the corner shop, and drove straight to the driveway and property of a house directly opposite the innocent old guy who is always yelling across the road at to and its inhabitants at any time of the day. -- There was yelling and LOUD vocal goings on there across from him. And I do mean LOUD. - It's no wonder the old guy is continually yelling at them.
And incidentally, that house property he is yelling at is a place that was also shown in West Australian media (TV and newspapers) some years agao when dear Fliss was here with me, whereby the media accompanied the West Australian Police as they raided the property in a rare showing of Police dealing with crime occuring in this hellhole suburb that it has become. I think it was a drug dealer raid....but THAT house was nothing in size and scope compared to the aboriginal Fatguts drug dealer household in the next street and which all residents knew of (as well as West Australian Police) and yet that place was constantly protected by them or somebody in authority!
Today, a debilitated woman of a residence in the streets of aboriginal hell and crime, had visitors to her household whereby they seemed to be installing disability access features to her residence. They also delivered a largish crimson 4 wheeled electric scooter ('motorised wheelchair') powered by internal batteries there. And what was so typical, was that the woman go into it and was given a 'test drive' how to use it with a social worker woman walking alongside her. -- BUT....they did NOT go upon the footpath because....aboriginal feral children were running rampant at the place across from her home, aboriginals pushing a large wheeled lounge cahir with an aboriginal diaper toddler in it going back and forth along the concrete driveway, public footpath, and to the edge of the active road. -- And so the woman in the 'motorised wheelchair' instead drove it slowly up the road ON THE ROAD on the wrong side of the road. Whilsts she was doing that, the acompanying woman was inanely chatting to her as if it all was the most natural thing in thw world to do. When they came to the streets intersection, they stopped. The walking woman gleefully annunced, "Oh! There's a shop just over there. That'll be good for you then!" --- Obviously the walking woman has absolutely no knowledge or comprehension whatsoever of the crimials and crime and traffic....
I fully expect her motorised wheelchair will be stolen or vandalised. (I certainly do NOT wish that, but it is what it is at the helhole.)
Incidentally, I have not mentioned the rampant aboriginal-toddler-in-a-diaper but that one has been rampant ON the roads and mindlessly goes across the active roads worse than a dog off a leash. - - The aborigial-toddler-in-a-diaper is CONSTANTLY coming out of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, and running (toddling) across the road by itself to the other aboriginal household that has 2? toddlers-in-diapers there. (the residence that use to be the Fatguts drug dealer household). -- Yesterday evening, an aboriginal adult (the overweight aboriginal woman of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD) was (as usual) treating the feral toddler in-a-diaper worse than at a dog (ALL the aborignals let their dogs runs loose and never are controlled), and the aboriginal woman was yelling at the feral toddler in-a-diaper to walk across the road and go into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. The feral toddler in a diaper flatly refused and just sat down on the steet kerb. When the aboriginal tried to grab its arm, the feral diaper bratling just literally LOUDLY screamed & shrieked as hard as it could (as if it was run over - this tactic is use right thru adulthood), it threw off the grasp and toddled off to the brick letterbox of the aboriginal household behind it. Again the adult grabbed the feral diaper bratling but it squirmed out of being grasped, and again sat down on the street kerb in its diaper. This time the the feral diaper bratling was picked up. It LOUDLY screamed but this time was totally ignored. (all this was taking place on the concrete driveway of the aboriginal house and right beside and ON the road.) - The feral aboriginal diaper bratling was carried off back into the house of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD loudly screaming.
And TODAY, that same feral aboriginal-toddler-in-a-diaper is on the roads AGAIN and doing the same thing. (it must do this constantly everyday and and in darkness too), and again an aboriginal from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD yelled at it to to get back (which is rare in any case that being 'responsible'), but it of course angrily and defiantly refused as it does with ANY thing that is ordered of it. This is how they are all brought up and are reared into criminality. -- West Australian aboriginal crime is the highest, or amongst the highest in Australia. (crime statistics are always being fiddled with and manipulated for political and departmental gains as well as aboriginal purposes)
Crime is SO BAD that it is almost accepted that all crimes reported are by aboriginals. (and believe me so MUCH is never made or known by the public) - And it comes as a shock when some crimes are not by criminal aboriginals. But many non-aboriginals not only suffer from aboriginal crime themselves, but they also ally themselves TO aboriginals. And run with them.
Later today around after midday noon, a young woman of the rented corner house with the picket fence returned home via being dropped-off by somebody in a small car. Later....the young woman was WALKING ON THE ROADS in a group and stood with aboriginals at the streets intersection on the road. The group included the totally irresponsible overweight aboriginal 'adult' woman and they were all returning from the shops area. Also in the group was the oldest boy of the rented picket fence house who has become utterly feral and roams with the aboriginals day and night. He has long since become just like them and does anything they say of him to do and he follows them like a dog. They noisily carried on upon the roads. They fed the toddler-in-a-diaper ON the road and they all pretended they were being 'responsible' and 'normal'. -- They all walked down and into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. -- A casual note....the older boy wore a black 'bandanna' around the lower part of his face but it kept slipping down. As I said, he has long since become as criminals as those he associates with.
Throughout all this, aboriginal school-age criminals who never go to school, have been running around wearing a school uniform but NOT going to school. It's just an alias. It's also used to fool authorities into thinking thy are harmless school children who go to school. And so the authorities fool themselves (as always, yet again), that everything is under control. -- It's NOT.
A woman delivering 'junk mail' and a local public newspaper walking a bicycle with the load, avoided them all and kept a close eye on them for her own safety. (she purposely does not deliver to the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD as always for her own personal safety.)
At 1:18pm---- A marked West Australian POLICE vehicele, "GM 106", slowly came around on the streets and parked at the the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. A young policeman and young policewoman (the driver) exited and went into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. -- But they only stayed mere minutes and then left around 1:21pm. -- At the same time, an unmarked 'surveillance?' vehicle left as well.
Then false calm......
But then shirlty after the Police ahd left the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, an aboriginal came out of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD clutching something. What was highly unusual was that she walked on the footpath. As she walked off, the big black dog (mottled with brown) wlked out of the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, across the road and onto the footpath to slowly follow her. (just like the feral aboriginal toddler-in-a-diaper does everday). - Please NEVER make the mistake that they treat pets well, they do NOT and never have done so. -- The dog slowly rounded the street corner on the footpath and just stood there in an innocent neigbours front yard. The aboriginal woman almost at the end of the street and near the shops area YELLED LOUDLY OUT and kept yelling and threatening the dog. The dog wore a huge (for gloating purposes only?) dog collar with metal parts all upon it like a 'gangs dog'. She kept yelling out LOUDLY. The dog just kept looking at her. She began walking all the way back again and constantly yelling out LOUDLY. (all this is typical behaviour for the aboriginals even with their own crimial children, and as always it's all ignored). - She got closer, and the dog slunk away towards the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. Then she put a burst of speed upon her walking and the big dog literaly bodily cringed, it's tail between it's legs, and it loered itself to the road surface. The aborigial woman grabbed hold of the dog collar and hauled it into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD.
As I said...false calm....
Sam & Max barked and are upset. I need to take them outside and to safely watch over them in the backyard as they do their ablutions before rushing back inside to avoid rain. It's becoming VERY cold again.
It's perfect alias weather for the criminals and aboriginal criminals to get around in their all-black clothing...........that they wear in summer too.....because it assists to stop them being observed and identified........
I tried to have a sleep during the daytime because I am feeling so ill, but I was prevented from sleeping. I was actually stopped from doing so. And (as you can read above), you can see why from all the noise that was made.
Everything is once again building up for more crime and shit.
Weekends can be the worst for that but it has long since gone past the point where it it is only confined to 'weekends'. Now it is EVERY day and EVERY night.
24-May-2017 --- I love you dear Fliss and want to be with you and far from this hellhole. -- Say hello to dear Cath for me. I think of her and her struggles in life too. And of course I am ALWAYS thinking of YOURS (and OURS) struggles dear Fliss. But nobody gives a shit about me despite me being innocent and honest. - Always remember me when I am no longer alive
25-May-2017 --- I love you dear sweet Fliss and so want to be with you and so very far from this hellhole. -- I have become very physically unwell. Constant emergency ablutions, almost throwing up all the time, dizzy, and of course still unable to sleep. Max is also unwell. Sam is not the best either. 'tis the season for things dying. -- I am writing these entries as a compilation. I am too unwell being unwell & sick whlst dealing with the almost useless internet speed which is slower than dialup for me. -- Somebody please tell Cath I care about her troubles including her family health troubles, just as I do you dear Fliss. But I have been ripped away from having any contact with you Fliss and it was not by my choice at all. I want everyone to know that. -- My wounds are aching a lot too. I'm returning to bed. I am feeling far too cold again. And the forecast is for worse periods of cold....and NO rain in Winter.
26-May-2017 --- I love you Fliss. Nobody believes me of anything. I am in hell in a hellhole. -- And our car (yours and mine dear Fliss), it has died quite possibly forever. I do not have the money to get another at all. Dear Sam and Max will run out of food, as will I, as will the remining dear chickens. - I am not eating enough as it is, and now the car stuffs up for good. -- It is a time to die.
0 notes