#and then they all died in a nuclear explosion
swan2swan · 10 months
One of the most solid writing elements of Independence Day that has really helped the movie stand the test of time is just how methodical the aliens are in their destruction of Earth.
Despite all of their advanced tech, everything has its limits. They can't just bombard Earth from orbit because their weapons don't work that way--the blast from their mega-cannons spreads across the city because of the City Destroyers' massive size and shields. The dramatic charge time at the end is matched by the charge times in the beginnings (it's a few seconds longer in the climax, but the City Destroyer just spent a lot of energy moving full speed to Area 51 and probably hadn't charged the cannon as effectively as the ones resting above cities for hours had--which is logical!); everything works on a consistent standard.
The aliens also rely on the Earth's satellite connections to function, adding a level of realism to their communication and function--and yes, people make fun of the virus plot, but the writers show their work throughout and address every point step by step.
All of this combines so that, while you can't see the aliens acting at all in the movie, you can work out exactly what they're doing. There's a logical pattern to every action they take, and it doesn't matter if the commander in the final battle is smugly sitting back and swirling a glass of Space Wine as he prepares to exterminate the little humans for his Glorious Leader, or screaming furiously at every officer to get that weapon online before something damages his ship further--the goal is clear. The movie is a huge chess game, both sides are players, but we're only seeing one perspective.
That makes it an odd case where a Sci-Fi film is actually a War Movie, and I love it.
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mizuthe-cat · 10 months
I have so many strange facts in my brain
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canadiangold · 5 months
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#made myself grumpy in the shower again#did you know. last year a little over 60% of america's electricity came from fossil fuels? that's straight from government data#admittedly that's down a little bit from 2019 but like#solar and wind combined made up less than nuclear by a long shot despite the pushes for more renewables and less nuclear#when we're all forced to buy electric cars because nobody knows how to think big picture where will that power come from?#because it's still mostly coal. 'uwu natural gas' that's still fossil fuels you halfwits#nuclear power plants are (more than) 100 times more waste-efficient than coal plants and 60 times more space efficient than wind#AND it doesn't require ruining virgin land for it since most nuclear plants are built on existing industrial developments#AND AND modern reactors have incredibly low operating costs#'buuh buut what about meltdown explosion danger please help everything i know about nuclear plants comes from pop culture???'#oh right like chernobyl. because 1970s soviet technology is totally 1-to-1 with modern installations#oh right like fukushima. that melted down because of a fucken massive earthquake and tsunami 1-2 punch that killed thousands#oh right like 3 mile island where nobody died#would you avoid getting on a ship because the titanic sank? would you never sit in the backseat of a car because of the ford pinto's rep?#im so sick and tired of fringe cases being held up as counterarguments by people who pretend to know better
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ask for infodump about Chernobyl as someone who has never even heard of it
Chernobyl is considered to be the worst nuclear disaster in history, rated at a 7 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), the only other disaster ranking at a 7 being in Fukushima back in 2011. The disaster occurred on April 26, 1986. The Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant was located in Ukraine, which was under the control of the Soviet Union at the time. It was only about 16 miles from the Belarus-Ukraine border, which was also under Soviet control. There were two main towns nearby, Chernobyl itself, which was older, had only about 15,000 residents, and was actually farther from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant than Pripyat, which had about 50,000 residents, and was only about 2 miles from the plant. Pripyat was newer, and residents had an average age of about 26. The town itself was filled with young, well educated people starting new lives. A large number of public buildings were located in Pripyat, including a school and a sports complex, which contains the famous Azure Swimming Pool. The plant supplied Pripyat with energy, and the place was considered a sort of "dream city." The plant was an RBMK-1000 type reactor, a generation I nuclear reactor, which are the earliest, and generally most hazardous, nuclear reactors. RBMKs were used to produce Plutonium, a radioactive material primarily used in nuclear weapons. However, they could also be used to produce civilian energy, so a few were constructed to supply parts of the USSR with power. At the time of the incident, there were four reactors in operation, with reactors 5 and 6 under construction. A test was scheduled to be conducted to see if the backup generators could successfully turn on in time to keep the cooling systems running at safe levels. However, the test was delayed until the less experienced night shift was in. They turned off the reactor's shutdown feature and lowered the power to the reactor. Reactors need energy to function, as they have to be cooled. For these reactors, large amounts of water were used to cool them. Without the shutdown function, the reactor was in danger of overheating if it wasn't cooled. Regardless, they ran the test. When the backup generators took too long to turn on, panic set in, and the reactor began to overheat. Then, somehow hit the AZ-5 button, which lowers all control rods into the reactor at once. Control rods are used to absorb excess amounts of shed neutrons from the nuclear reactions. However, they momentarily increase reactions when first introduced into the reactor chambers. The undertrained staff of the night shift were not aware of this. With the increased reactivity, the reactor was now dangerously hot, and the casinging around the fuel rods began to rupture, causing white-hot radioactive fuel to come into direct contact with steam. At 1:23 A.M., April 26, 1986, Chernobyl Nuclear Reactor #4 exploded. The contact between the fuel and the steam caused a steam explosion, blowing the 1000 tonne reactor roof into the air and spewing radioactive debris and particles into the air.
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Two plant workers were killed instantly by either the force of the blast or from being hit by debris. Although plant workers realized what had happened rather quickly, superiors were slow to act. Firefighters were called in, but they were not told the dangers of the radiation. Most died within a few months. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. In Pripyat, the Amusement Park that had been scheduled to open the next day was hurriedly opened a day early to distract residents from the fact that the reactor was on fire.
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It took 36 hours for Soviet Officials to finally begin to evacuate Pripyat, only after residents had begun to report nausea, dizziness, fatigue, vomiting, and headaches, all symptoms of radiation poisoning. A few weeks earlier, citizens were trained with gas masks in case there ever was an incident. Officials said that they didn’t need them, as they didn’t want to cause a panic.
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Residents were also told they would be returning soon, and to leave everything behind. They did not come back. This left Pripyat as an eerie ghost down where everything seemed to have simply been dropped and left. Today, it is still abandoned, and is being slowly reclaimed by nature.
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During the cleanup of the incident, “Liquidators” were called in. Some knew the dangers, others didn’t. The fire of the reactor was too hot to be put out by water, so tons and tons or boron, sand, and lead were dumped onto the burning reactor by helicopters that flew over. It didn’t help much, and the reactor finally stopped burning after about 2-3 weeks. A structure dubbed “The sarcophagus” was built over the reactor to contain the radiation, though it was rushed and leaked radiation. A large area of woodlands was contaminated by the radiation, and it turned red and died, earning the nickname “The Red Forest.” Most of these trees were cleared and buried. Highly contaminated houses were knocked down, animals were shot, and crops destroyed. Absolutely everything that was highly contaminated was at least attempted to be destroyed and buried. Still, not everything could be destroyed and buried, there was simply too much. One object, dubbed “The Claw of Death” was, according to conflicting accounts, either used to assist in the overall cleanup or was used specifically in the cleanup of the plant roof. It is radioactive enough to give a lethal dose if sat in for about 11 hours.
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Another rather infamous object is “The Elephant’s Foot” which is a mass of sand, concrete, and melted reactor fuel that had melted its way through the floor and down into the basement. Upon discovery, the sheer amount of radiation it gave off was enough to give you a fatal dose within about 90 seconds. Today, that’s increased to about five minutes. The foot was unyielding to sampling tools, so, they shot it with a Kalashnikov Rifle (AK-47) to get a sample.
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After a very short period of time, the remaining three reactors were up and running again, as the USSR simply needed power desperately. By December of 1987, all three reactors were up and running again. They were operated for years, until the last reactor was finally shut down for good in 2000. Being so close to the border, and with the wind conditions of the time, mass amount of radioactive particles were blown north to Belarus. The Soviet Union had planes fly over and seed the clouds with chemicals, forcing them to rain on rural land instead of heavily populated areas, but this still had a major effect, as about 1/3 of Belarusian farmland was contaminated. However, the winds began to shift, blowing radiation towards Europe. Sweden was the first to sound the alarm, asking if something had happened after detecting dangerous amounts of airborne radiation and determining it was not from any of their own reactors. The USSR finally admitted there had been a “very small” incident at Chernobyl, and was very reluctant to give the world information. Careful monitoring protocols were put on resources everywhere in Europe, from grain to milk to wood, all were carefully measured for radiation. Years later, after the Sarcophagus was determined to be unsafe, the New Safe Confinement unit was constructed, which is a semicircular dome over the existing Sarcophagus. The New Safe Confinement was finished in 2018. 
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(For now)
@not-wizard-council-aristocrat @anarcho-neptunism @siley-the-wizard @villainessbian
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godmadeaterribleerror · 2 months
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Chapter 2 - A New Kind of Tension
Series Masterlist
Author's Note: Chapter title from American Idiot by Green Day.
Word Count: 5.8k
Chapter Summary/Warnings: Soldier Boy is woken up, and you have to deal with the pitfalls of your idea. Contains usual tags.
Read on A03!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
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When he was forced into this type of sleep, Ben didn’t dream. This type of sleep was more like death, with no part of him alive in any way that mattered. But in the few seconds before he woke, with chemicals leaving his system and consciousness returning, he felt pain.
Borderline unbearable, exhaustive and consuming pain. The last few times he had been woken up, the pain had made the bomb in his chest start to tick, tick, tick, building up and up, off the beat from his heart until they found a rhythm, and he would explode.
It never relieved all that pain, but fuck him if it wasn’t cathartic.
Every time he had woken up in Russia, he’d fought the scientists like a fucking animal. When that assfuck, traitorous Brit and his cum guzzling team had found him, Ben hadn’t hesitated to use teeth and fire, hellbent on getting out, on getting home. This time wasn’t any different, the beat in his chest was already banging against his ribs, save for the stark exception of his surroundings.
He wasn’t in a clean lab or disgusting tube. He was in a suburban living room, complete with potted plants, one of those new and weirdly flat TVs, and some of the most boring paintings of roses he had ever fucking seen. Not a single person was in sight, no tubes were hooked to his body, and no cannon barrels or gas-filled vents sat in his vision. A small part of him hesitated, wondering if he was suddenly dreaming, his body having adapted to fight back and allow him some hazy peace. But the fever in his chest was growing, and there was no goddamn world where he would ever find suburbia and floral-patterned carpets peaceful. No, this was someone’s attempt to trick him, to make him compliant. Maybe Vought, maybe the Reds, maybe the CIA, didn’t matter. They all died the same.
The nuclear explosion from his chest lit the room, tearing out of him with a rush. Ben braced himself for bullets and grenades as his captors realized their little plan had failed, but none came. And as the dust cleared, he realized that not only were there no soldiers dropping from the sky or weapons hurling at his body, but everything was… exactly the same. Well, the plants had been burnt to a crisp, but that was the only evidence of his power having ripped through the room. The TV was still smooth and clean, the sofa hadn’t moved an inch, and the paintings hung evenly on the walls.
What the fuck.
He paused, the drum in his chest having stilled, and listened. Bird song, running water below the floor, electrical hums through the walls, and…
There it was.
Five heartbeats. All sped up, all bouncing around in the chests of their owners. Three moved heavily and quickly, one rapid and staggered—that one reeked of terror—and one beat only a single mark off from steady, almost as if it were devoid of any fear. Interesting.
Ben searched the room for a camera, but settled on looking in the direction of the heartbeats.
“I know you’re there,” he drawled. “I can fuckin hear you. Come out, you pussies.”
There was a pause, all five heartbeats having stuttered at his words, before a door creaked down the dark, sconce lined halls, and footsteps sounded towards him.
The people who stepped from the shadows into the living room should thank the Lord that Ben didn’t kill them the moment they were in the light. Grace Mallory, the thin-lipped bitch, watched him wearily, with the backstabbing Billy Butcher to her left. Only a step behind them was the blonde broad that had blasted him in the face at Vought Tower, accompanied by her and Butcher’s gangly cocksucker. The only one he didn’t recognize stood at the very front, a woman who was looking at him with sharp eyes, arms crossed in front of her body and legs planted apart. This was the holder of the steady heart, unsurprisingly given her collected stance and cold gaze. It was almost amusing, the way she was looking at him, like she was a lion and he was a gazelle, like if she glared her lovely eyes at Ben enough, he might drop dead. But he turned his eyes from her tiny fury to Butcher and Mallory, giving them a smirk that made his murderous intentions clear.
“What the fuck is this?”
It was Butcher who answered, returning the false smile. “This is an intervention, mate. You have a problem, and we’re here to help.”
“The only problem I have is you. If you had half a brain, you’d start running.”
“Really? Because to me,” Butcher’s smile didn’t falter as he gestured around the room. “It seems like you’re having some performance issues.”
“Don’t make him angry,” the cocksucker mumbled from the back. Butcher only rolled his eyes in response.
“This, Soldier Boy, is an opportunity. We’re giving you a second chance to help us with Homelander.” Mallory said, watching Ben carefully.
“A second chance?” It was Ben’s turn to roll his eyes. “You should be grateful that I might not kill you all when I leave.”
“I’d start playing nice, Soldier Boy.” The blonde stepped forward with a scowl. “You don’t have the upper hand here."
"Oh, please, you blast me down once and think you’re some sort of god? You caught me off guard that time, doll. This time, you won’t be so lucky.”
Blondie opened her mouth to retaliate, but Butcher snorted first, a newer, more twisted grin on his face.
“Starlight’s no god, but she is,” Butcher nudged the steady-hearted newcomer forward. “Meet your new babysitter. Go on, Love, say hello.”
The woman stumbled slightly at the push, her already strong frown deepening, and had barely turned her anger to Butcher when Ben started to laugh. All eyes fell to him as he gave a loud snort of amusement, a broad grin on his face.
“Jesus,” he wheezed. “Didn’t think you were funny, Butcher, but that’s a fucking riot.”
“We’re being serious,” Starlight snapped. “You answer to her now.”
“Yeah,” Ben rolled his eyes, giving his alleged keeper a once over. “Sure. Sunshine over here is going to stop me from ripping all your heads off your bodies. Fuck, she won’t even stop me leaving this room.”
“Wanna bet?”
Ben paused as the woman spoke for the first time. It wasn’t just her heartbeat that was level and even. Her voice was smooth, unbreaking and calm with not a trace of anxiety. Her eyes were still watching him coldly, her pretty face set like a mask.
“Excuse me?”
“Would you like to bet that I can’t stop you?” She repeated slowly, as if he were a child.  “I’d advise you not to, but I don’t think you’d care for my opinion.”
“You think you can stop me, Sunshine? Are you fucking stupid?”
“No, but I don’t think my intelligence matters here. You’re not walking out that door.”
Part of Ben wanted to start laughing again. At her blatant lack of self-preservation to go up against him and not flinch. At her smooth claim of intelligence but painfully clear lack of understanding about the situation she was in. At her companions, who had all stepped back, undoubtedly realizing that their gambit had failed and leaving her in his line of fire.
Part of him wanted to be quick and brutal, make her an example before he left. But it wasn’t worth it, and her face was too nice to ruin, so he settled to just walk past her. He’d kill Butcher on his way out and figure out what he wanted to do from there.
He only had to take three long strides to reach the hall, making to just move past the woman, but she side-stepped, blocking his path. Ben looked down at her, finding his amusement at her misguided boldness fading into annoyance.
“Move, Sunshine. I’ll only ask once.”
She met his glare, no break in her resolve. “I’d say the same to you, Grampa.”
“I’m warning you. I’m not above hitting a lady.”
“I thought you were only going to ask once.”
That was it. Ben moved to grab her, to shove her aside and end her pointless little charade. He didn’t have time for her frivolous, self-indulgent bullshit, he had tried to warn her, and at this point her blood was really just on her own hands.
It happened fast. He reached to push her, she didn’t flinch, her face looking almost bored as Ben lunged, and his hand had barely landed on her arm before he let go, recoiling from her with a roar.
“What the fuck!” He looked at his hand, now raw and red, with blisters fading as soon as they had formed. His gaze shot to the woman’s unbothered face, she herself having neither flinched nor wavered. “Did you just fucking burn me?”
“I warned you,” she said. “I don’t play games I can’t win.”
Ben looked past her, where the small group remained, having retreated down the hall. Butcher’s face was painted with deep amusement as Starlight and Mallory held twin looks of satisfaction. Only the cocksucker still looked afraid, but his nervous eyes were trained on the woman, as though she might blow to pieces at any second.
“Somebody better start talking,” Ben growled.
“We tried to tell you, Governor,” Butcher said with an overly dramatic sigh. “She’s in charge here.”
“You think this will hold me? I-“
“You were unprepared, we got lucky, it won’t happen again. We all heard the speech you gave Annie.” The woman cut him off with a snort. “You need to start getting it into your head. You do not have the upper hand. The sooner you do, the sooner we can actually do something productive instead of peacocking like idiots.”
Ben stared at her, the drum in his chest growing loud once more, his anger serving as fuel. He didn’t bother to try and control it, simply letting it set to his heart and build and build. Just before the sound could drown out all his other senses, he heard the woman yell.
“Everyone out!” Her voice was slightly alarmed, but laced with no panic. And as the door slammed down the hall, Ben realized her heartbeat hadn’t retreated. She was still right in front of him. He hoped this hurt.
As the smoke cleared, Ben opened his eyes to, tragically and annoyingly, see the woman completely intact, unbothered, and in one piece. Most he could tell, she had only taken a step back.
“Are you done?” She raised her eyebrows.
“Bitch,” he said. “I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
“Lovely,” she sighed. “You just tried that. Didn’t work. Won’t work. Not on me. Like I said before you started acting like a toddler, the sooner you accept that, the sooner we can help each other.”
“How could you possibly help me?”
She grinned. “I’m so glad you asked. Hughie! You’re up!”
The skinny little coward appeared over her shoulder, anxiety painted over his face. “Can’t Mallory or Butcher do this?”
“Nah, Mallory has a powerful resting-hater-face, and Butcher would get himself killed all over me, which would be gross. I don’t need that right now.”
The cocksucker pouted. “Annie?”
“No, I don’t think he’s her biggest fan, especially after the whole tower thing-“
“Stop talking about me like I’m not right fucking here,” Ben cut in.
“Fine, you baby. Hughie,” the woman nudged Cocksucker forward. “Give him the pitch.”
Ben didn’t listen to Cocksucker as he rambled, catching only the beginning and electing to ignore him once the words “article B-55XP2 allows” were said. Instead, he focused on the woman, whose brow was furrowed as she listened to her companion talk. Small tendrils of smoke were rising from her body, and Ben noted the way Cocksucker stood off to the side, attempting to somehow paradoxically hold and elude both Ben’s and the woman’s attention. Her lips were in a tight line now, and she was hugging herself slightly, curving into her own body. The smoke from her had begun to choke the room, and though Ben could hear her level heartbeat, he could also hear her gnaw on her lower lip and the tap of her foot on the floor. When her gaze abruptly slid to his, Ben held it unblinkingly, and the crease in her brow only deepened.
Before Ben could figure out what sat behind her sharp eyes, Cocksucker let out a cough and said a name that made the woman turn.
“Can you turn it down, please?”
“Oh, shit. Sorry, Hughie,” she mumbled, taking another step back as Cocksucker gave a nod of thanks.
“So the big thing to know…” Once again, Ben didn’t hear whatever it was being said. No, he was now fully staring at the woman, her name playing in his head. It wasn’t a supe name, like how Butcher had referred to Blondie. Almost every supe Ben had known preferred being called by their fancy little brand name, but he hadn’t even learned if this bitch had one. Fuck, he hadn’t even heard of her. Last time he had been introduced to a large number of new players, most of them weak, whining pussies with pathetic powers, but this woman was far from pathetic. He hadn’t heard anything about a fire-supe, let alone a doll faced, angry, bitchy one who had to have the resting heart rate of a whale. He bet he could pick it up to match the Cocksuckers, if he really tried. He bet he could make her scream, maybe from being ripped limb from limb, maybe from cumming her brains out all over him. A smirk started to grow on his face as he imagined it, her ice-queen demeanor crumbling from his irresistible charm-
“Are you fucking listening?” The woman herself broke him from his thoughts, her fingers snapping in his face.
“No,” Ben sneered. “Why should I?”
“Well, if you’d pay Hughie half the attention you seem to be paying to my tits, you’d be able to answer your own dumb question.”
“Don’t fucking flatter yourself-“
“Please, I’ve been told you stick your dick in anything with a hole.” She cut him off again, an action that, if she kept it up, would result in her being punched. “Tell you what, I’ll get you a real nice watermelon to play with if you just fucking listen.”
She paused, but was thrown for only a second. “Ok, great, Hughie-“
“But you do the talking.”
She almost snorted. “Are you that fucking crow-brained that you can’t listen unless it’s something shiny?” She paused. “Sorry Hughie. No offense, you’re plenty shiny.”
The Cocksucker, Ben knew his name was Hughie at this point but couldn’t find himself fucked to use it, just shrugged. “No offense taken.” His attention shifted back to Ben. “Will you really listen if she talks?”
“She talks like a person. You talk like a boring army manual.”
“Could’ve just said book,” Cocksucker said with a frown, but stepped back nonetheless.
“This is fucking stupid,” the woman said with a glare that was somehow stronger than before.
“You wanted me to listen to your stupid little sales pitch, Sunshine. This is what will make me listen.”
She rolled her eyes further back than Ben had ever seen before, but started to speak, her voice dripping with contempt.
“Here’s the deal. You help us with our Homelander problem, we give you immunity for all the definite war crimes you’ve committed and keep you from being Sleeping Beauty for a third time. You’ll stay here, with me, until we have a clear and safe shot at Homelander. You’ll do your little Oppenheimer magic trick, and we’ll take care of the rest. After Homelander's dead, you’ll be free to leave America for good, and live out your shitty immortal life on some stupid island where no one knows who you are.” As she came to the end of her speech, Ben grinned at her.
“See? Wasn’t so hard.”
She didn’t even blink. “Any questions?”
“Questions? Nah. But you should know, this is fucking stupid, and I’m not participating in it. All I’ll get is a vacation, and I could have that right fucking now.”
“Really? Because from where I’m standing, it looks like you can’t leave this room, let alone go on vacation. And I’d say what you’d ‘get’,” she used air quotes, and Ben wondered if he could throw her out a window. “Is us not knocking you out right now.”
“Also immunity,” Cocksucker piped up.
She nodded. “Also immunity. We’re offering you this once.” She gave him a sickly-sweet smile. “Act now and we’ll throw in a second watermelon.”
“I’ll fucking break out.” Ben snarled.
“Take your best shot. This safe house is more durable than a cold-war bunker, inside and out.”
“I’ll kill your team.”
“Try it. I’ll burn off your money maker.”
“I’ll heal.”
“Doesn’t mean it won’t hurt.”
“I’ll go back to Vought.”
“Please, you hate them almost as much as me.”
“I doubt that.”
Her voice was coated in visceral, hot rage when she answered. “Don’t.”
Ben paused at that, squinting at her. “Why do you hate them?”
She shrugged. “Not your concern. But for the record, if you did try something that ass-brained, I wouldn’t just burn your face.”
Ben almost flinched when he saw her eyes flick down.
“What if I fail?”
“You won’t.” Her tone made it clear that there wasn’t room for debate.
“What if I want to stay here after, then?” Ben snapped. “I just spent forty years away. I’m not going again.”
“Fucking earn it.”
Ben let out a slow breath. He wasn’t an idiot. He knew when he was backed into a corner. But he had been against walls that were far more dangerous, and far more painful. He would play this little game until he figured out how to take her, the only player aside from him that mattered, out. But he wasn’t going to make any of this pleasant. If they wanted pleasant, they shouldn’t have crossed him in the first place.
“I want my fucking shield and suit back.”
She smiled with teeth for the first time. “I’ll see what I can do.”
This had been a mistake. Now that everyone had left, you could admit—to yourself and no one else—that this was a stupid, arrogant mistake.
The first day had been… rough. There were three bedrooms, all with identical queen beds and equally generic decor. Solider Boy had insisted on laying on all of them to “test their durability." When you had told him they were all the exact same, he had called you an “uncultured hick." You had explained that you were from Boston and currently lived in New York, two urban areas that rendered “hick” an unsuitable title for you, offering “street trash” as a replacement. He told you he’d call you whatever he wanted, utilizing his nickname of “Sunshine” once again. You reminded him of your threat to burn off his favorite part of himself, he said that you would be only depriving yourself of it, and you left the conversation before you could make good on the promise.
Eventually he came down the stairs and gruffly told you that the bedroom with the attached bathroom was his, before stomping back into the said room to do something undoubtedly disgraceful .
Day two was only worse. You had collapsed in the bedroom with the five horse paintings, as it had been closest to the stairs, and you were exhausted from a day of verbal sparring and worrying if you’d have to go back to MM, tail between your legs, and admit you’d been wrong. Now, having gotten a whopping 4 hours of restless sleep, you just wanted coffee. Mallory told you she would send someone to drop groceries overnight, the safe house door having a bank-like slot for packages, and she had made good on her word. You had been able to tell this because when you walked into the kitchen, it looked like a food bomb had detonated.
“What the shit is this?” You said, your voice more tired than angry.
Soldier Boy, sitting at the counter, glared at you. “You’re up late.”
“It’s 7am. In nobody’s world is that ‘late’.”
“I’ve been up for 2 hours.”
You shrugged. “That sounds like a you problem.”
“I had to eat a sandwich.”
“Yeah, that happens.” You survey the mess for anything that you can use, hoping to see a box of cereal buried somewhere. You find what you’re looking for, along with some coffee that you put into the filter and stare at with blank exhaustion. In your sleepy haze, you block out Soldier Boy’s ramblings of hunger and shitty, crunchy peanut butter, hoping he tires himself out and leaves you alone. 
You were startled out of your head by the sound of your name.
“Whatever you’re making, I want some too.” That gets through to you, and your head snaps up.
“How do you know my name?”
"Cocksucker said it."
"The little puppy that follows Butcher and Starlight around."
"Sure." He rolled his eyes. “So, what are we eating?"
"I asked you, very nicely, to cook me some of whatever you're making too. Or are you fucking deaf?"
“I’m not cooking anything.”
His brow knit in confusion. “You’re not going to eat? I thought all the feminist shit stopped that.”
“I’m going to eat, Jackass. But I’m not going to cook anything, I’m just going to throw cereal and milk into a bowl. You can do that yourself.” You decided not to touch the feminist comment, focusing on pouring your coffee instead.
“Well, what are you going to cook for lunch.”
“Well, if Mallory followed my list, I’ll heat up chicken tenders.”
You tilt your head. “Not sure. That’s like, twelve hours away.”
“But you’ll. You’ll cook something.”
You sighed. “I don’t know how to cook.”
“What?!” He looked horrified now. It would almost be funny, if it were any other circumstances. “How?”
“I never learned.”
“But you’re a woman!”
“Yeah, no. We’re not having this conversation.” You turned on your heels to leave the room, coffee in hand, trying to ignore the hot feeling bubbling under your skin. You paused only to call back over your shoulder. “And clean up your fucking mess!”
Thankfully, after that, the morning was uneventful. You avoided Soldier Boy, he avoided you. All the way into lunch, you were almost able to forget your situation.
“Fuck!” You tripped over a bag of apples on the floor, your eyes having been glued to your phone as you entered the kitchen. You looked around, seeing the mess from this morning sitting just as you’d left it.
“Keep it down!” Soldier Boy’s voice carried down the stairs. You ignored his request, raising your voice to a shriek.
“Get your manwhore ass down here right now, before I make you!”
You stepped further into the room, the bubbling feeling returning, and surveyed the area that somehow looked worse than before. Picking through the melted frozens, scattered produce, and loose cans and boxes, a dirty knife and plate on the counter.
“What the fuck is a manwhore,” he grumbled as he walked through the door.
“What the hell is this?” You ignored his question, gesturing around you.
He frowned. “The kitchen.”
“No, you ass. Why is all the food still out.”
He glared at you. “Because I’m already doing enough for your sorry ass, I’m not cleaning too.”
“You didn’t even put away your dishes!”
Soldier Boy just gave you an annoyed look, turning to walk away. Your vision went red.
“Shit!” He howled, running backwards into the room before turning with a glare. “You bitch!”
It took you a second to understand what he was talking about. You only managed to clue in from the fading scars on his face, and the realization that the feeling in you had boiled over.
If you were a better, less tired and angry person, you might have apologized. Thank god you weren’t.
“I am not going to spend the next who-knows-how-many months cleaning up after you. If you want to make this as difficult as possible, turn this house into a shithole, feel fucking free. I won’t stop you.”
“You don’t know how many months we’ll be here?”
“There’s a lot of moving parts to this operation that don’t concern you, and-“ You held up your hand as he started to interject. “That’s not the point. Clean up.”
“You should be thankful I’m even still here, you bitch. If it matters so much to you, do it yourself.” He growled back.
“Are you really that fucking stupid, or did you not just hear me say that this is not my mess to clean?! Either you do it, or it doesn’t get done.”
“You couldn’t make me with a million dollars and a blowjob.”
“Good thing I’m not offering either.”
A cold silence settled in the room, your arms crossed over your chest, trying to keep yourself from exploding once more. His glare had developed a murderous glint in his eyes, his fists clenched at his side.
You raised your chin. “Cunt.”
“You know, if I didn’t think it’d be a shame to ruin such a nice face, I’d slam you into the oven and burn yours off.”
“Oh, so you are that stupid.”
“Watch yourself.” He said your name in a low voice, taking a rough step forward.
“Sorry, for a second there I thought you said you believed you could burn a supe with fire powers. I must’ve misheard you.”
“I could make this very painful for you.”
“As opposed to your cheery compliance so far?”
“Do you think I’m just going to roll over?” He hissed, taking another step forward. “Be you and Butcher’s little lap dog?”
Something grew taut in your gut, but you held his gaze. “I think that if you don’t back the fuck up, I won’t make you roll over so much as physically harm you until you’re crying on the floor.”
"You're fighting a war you can’t win, Sunshine. I’ll kick your ass.” He sneered. “I’ll make you sob back home to Daddy Butcher.”
Your blood felt cold, your jaw almost cracking from the pressure in your chest. “So do it. Or move.”
Soldier Boy’s face was a portrait of rage, and you felt like he was dissecting with his cold green eyes. Looking for any weakness, any exploitable fallacy on your mask, any crack in your head that he could pry open and fill with poison. Make your lungs collapse into your ribs, make you claw and claw in desperation-
“Hm,” he grunted. He pulled himself to his full height before turning and leaving, leaving your anger sizzling at nothing. You watched as Soldier Boy, with controlled and rigid movements, stepped away from you, leaving the room without another word. Leaving you in the slop of the kitchen. He was getting further and further away from you, too far you to do anything about it, except maybe-
Before you could stop yourself, your hands were wrapped around the knife on the counter and the knife was flying across the room. It bounced off of Soldier Boy's back with a pitiful sound, but he stopped in his path, turning slowly. He glanced down, eyes finding the abandoned utensil on the floor before he dragged his gaze back to you.
“Did you just throw a fucking knife at me?”
“Clean up.”
He stared at you with the same eyes as before, the only betrayer of his emotions the twitch of a muscle in his jaw.
“It’ll take more than a bad throw to make me pussy enough to be your maid, Sunshine.” With that, he was gone.
Ideally, the woman Ben would be forced into a lockdown with would be fun. She would give him sweet smiles and syrupy words, laugh at his jokes, and sprout similar ones. She wouldn’t be a sulking, useless, bitter prude whose greatest talent seemed to be finding issue with every word out of his mouth. Every time they had spoken, he had felt that beat in his ribs grow and grow, and it was nothing short of a fucking miracle it hadn’t gone off.
He hadn’t cleaned the kitchen, and he wouldn’t. It was beneath him, and she was the one who had chosen to be here, not him. In a brief moment of weakness, the stench from the rotten produce almost breaking his resolve, Ben had eyed a vacuum cleaner, only to realize he couldn’t use it if he wanted to. There were far too many buttons, weird twisty things lining the handle and bag, and he would take the first flight to Russia before he asked her for help.
They skirted around each other with success for two days after the knife incident, sneaking into the kitchen at odd hours to look for somehow edible food and leaving every possible door in the house locked behind them. A beautiful and well executed arrangement, broken only by her sudden appearance in the living room a few days later, standing behind him as he watched TV.
“We need to talk.” When Ben didn’t answer, she walked around the sofa, and grabbed the remote, turning off the screen. “Now.”
Ben scowled. “I was busy.”
“Watch a re-run of Jeopardy? With categories you don’t even understand?” She crossed her arms in front of him.
“I understood enough.”
She snorted. “One of the categories was ‘Celebrity-Inspired Products’. Name one modern, non-supe celebrity.”
Ben paused. “Marlon Brando.”
“Marlon Brando died in 2004.”
“Gene Wilder.”
“That one funny guy who was on the rise. In that stupid book movie.” Ben frowned. “William Robinson.”
She titled her head. “William Robinson… Do you mean fucking Robin Williams.”
“I was close,” Ben said with a shrug.
“Yeah, well, not really, cause he died in 2014. Now can we please talk.”
“Are you here to apologize?”
“Yes, actually.”
That got Ben’s attention. “Well then. Go on."
She had started to chew her lip again, her nose wrinkling like she smelled something bad. Though, to be fair, she probably did. The milk in the kitchen had become a problem. “I am sorry.” She took a needlessly labored breath through her nose. “I shouldn’t have thrown the knife at you. It was childish.”
Ben waited for her to continue, and when she didn't, he leaned forward. “That’s it?”
“So you’re going to clean the kitchen?”
She let out a dry laugh. “Nope.”
Ben lounged back. “Then your apology is worthless.”
The now-familiar look of anger had returned to her face. “I am not your maid.”
“And I’m not yours.”
“I didn’t make the mess. And I’m not going to clean it just because you think you’re better than me.”
“I don’t think I’m better than you,” He retorted. “I am better than you.”
“Because you’re a man?” She jeered. “A big whiny baby with muscles?”
“Because I built up the company that gave you your little sparkle show. I am Vought. Those ungrateful backstabbing assholes wouldn’t be anywhere without me.”
She fell silent at that, the victory pumping its fists inside Ben’s head slowing the drum in his chest. If he had observed one thing about her, it was that there was almost never a time she lacked in words. Also, she listened to her stupid music deafeningly loud and had an impressive arm. He had felt that knife hit him, sharp end first, right on his spine, still burning from the heat of her touch. Another deep breath escaped her, a fog that had formed on her face clearing.
“Power and greatness have nothing to do with cleaning. Vought won’t hear about your refusal to run a dish washer and grovel on their knees for your forgiveness.”
“Because when I’m through with them, they won’t have knees.” Ben smiled at the fanstasy on a wheel-chair bound Stan Edgar.
“No, because they couldn’t give a shit about it. I don’t love being here any more than you, but I have to be. This is a marriage of convenience, so we-“
He snorted. “I'm not marrying you, Sunshine. You’re pretty, but too much of a bitch for my taste.”
“It’s an expression, you fucking idiot. It means a weary alliance hinging on a favor. We don’t need to like each other, but we can’t kill each other, or this will be a net loss.“
“Sure.” Ben gave her his cockiest grin. “Whatever you need to tell yourself.”
“You couldn’t handle me, Grampa.” Despite her mocking voice, her small step back didn’t escape Ben’s notice. Though her heart was steady, he dismissed it as anxiety. Obviously, nobody had helped her relieve any of that clear, needless stress plaguing her in a while. He would. Make this whole situation a little more bearable. Maybe, once she had a good fuck, she’d turn out to be just half as pleasant as his fantasy.
“I fucked Marilyn Monroe. I almost made her leave that pussy, Kennedy. You’d be lucky if I looked at you.”
“I’d say I’m lucky right now. You’re too busy trying to fuck your own reflection to look anywhere else.”
“And my reflection thanks me every fucking night.”
“Whatever you need to tell yourself,” she gave him a toothy, arrogant smile. Ben knew she thought she’d won.
“If you ever want someone to pull that stick out of your ass, I’d be happy to help.”
Her smile faltered quickly, but was plastered back onto her face just as fast. “I’m sure it’ll fall out on its own.”
“In case it doesn’t, my door is open.”
“Thought I was a bitch?”
“You said we didn’t need to like each other to get hitched-”
“Never said hitched.”
“So if you ever want to ‘not like each other,’” he winked at her. “As hard as possible, my door is open. I’m a gentleman, you’d have fun.” He reached to take her, and he had hardly brushed their fingers when she jumped back, recoiling like he was covered in warts.
For the first time, Ben thought that the look on her face might be fear. She rubbed her hand like it had been burned, a part of him thought she might bite through her lips, and her heart had become erratic. But when she spoke, her voice was just as level as always.
“Clean your dishes, and keep your door fucking closed. Or next time I throw a knife, I’ll aim for your eye, and I won’t miss.”
She stomped up the stairs, the room lingering with smoke long after she left.
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mothiir · 3 months
put Cato in the cuck chair
….but this time with sex pollen. I’m sorry for this. Inspired ofc by @moodymisty, @pluvio-tea, @kit-williams and all others who have got me into bully boy cato
cw: gangbang, sex pollen, Cato being a sexist prick.
The first indication you have that the mission has gone very, very wrong is the sight of Roboute sans helmet, cheeks flushed red, blue eyes spangling like the aftermath of a nuclear explosion — he practically barrels into Sicarius’ quarters, where you are mending a tear in an Ultramarine’s undergarment, while Sicarius himself fumes quietly in the corner, clearly still rankling from being excluded from the planet side drop. We need someone to watch the diplomat, Roboute had said, in that tone that brooked no argument. 
The diplomat, Roboute calls you. The lady, the squad say. And yet Cato Sicarius still has no shame whatsoever in calling you the woman — or, when he is especially vexed (and Roboute is not within earshot) the whore. 
Sicarius is on his feet at once. “My lord —?”
The rest of the squad follows in, collapsing into the room like a pack of hounds returned from the chase. One of them yanks his helm off, revealing a face flushed just as Roboute’s, nostrils flared and panting. 
“Daemon,” the young recruit manages, only for one of his brothers to shush him frantically. 
“Died,” another astartes supplies. His helm is already long gone; his sandy hair plastered to his scalp with sweat. His eyes are shining. 
“Yes, died but afterwards —“
”Spores,” manages a third, shucking off his gauntlets. “Father, it is too hot.” The last sentence is directed towards Roboute; it lilts almost into a whine, a sound so incongruous with the marine’s bulk that you may have found it funny, in less dramatic circumstances. “Father it is too hot, and it hurts — “
”Be at ease, Augustus — we will be fine. We will all be fine.”
Roboute moves in a blur of blue. It still shocks you how a man of such bulk can dash with the speed and grace of a hare. He grabs Sicarius by the scruff, and lifts him bodily off the ground, dropping him without ceremony into a chair, pressing a strange gun into his hands. It’s all sharp angles and edges — Eldar make? Sicarius eyes it with deep suspicion. 
“What is —?”
”If things seem to be going too far — if she is in peril of mortal wounds — I want you to shoot us,” says Roboute, his voice low and serious, and yet somehow wrenched. He clasps Sicarius’s face with one hand, pinching his cheeks together. “This is a bio-weapon — it will only effect those with Ultramarine DNA. She’ll be fine, but it will knock the men out and a few shots will slow even myself down. I would rather not use it — I would rather solve this using more old-fashioned means — but I do not want her to perish in such an ignoble way. ”
Sicarius is so rarely at a loss for words. His mouth pops open, apparently to ask something, but he’s silenced when Roboute —
When Roboute kisses him. Hard. On the mouth. Your eyes widen, and Roboute curses, shoving the other marine away. 
“Apologies, Cato — it’s all — it’s a ll a little much at present.”
Roboute turns to you. He has positioned the chair so it is facing the chaise lounge on which you perch, mending in your lap. The furniture here is all too large for you, designed for Space Marine bulk, and you are suddenly, profoundly aware of your own smallness. 
“My Lord,” Sicarius manages. “What was —“
”Slaneeshi daemon. Last minute defence strategy. It — it will wear off eventually, but we need to redirect the urges, lest it tear us apart. Augustus, stop touching Cicero — Cicero, get your hand out of your damn pants. Have some dignity.”
”But you just kissed —“
”Nevermind that, you heard the Primarch get your hands off my arse —“
Three of the squad are directly behind the chaise lounge, slap-fighting with each other as they scramble to remove their armour, dropping it directly onto the floor in a manner that would have a tech-priest weeping at the flagrant disrespect shown to the machine-spirit within. Two others are practically glued to the door, huddled together like lambs, apparently afraid to move, quivering —
Quivering with fear, or with the effort of restraining themselves? Neither are wearing their helmets, and both are staring directly at you with a focus that is damn unnerving. It seems almost — almost hungry —
In another blur of preternatural speed, Roboute is before you, removing the mending from your lap with deliberate care. His smile is somewhat fixed, and doesn’t touch his manic eyes. 
“My lady, when you took this position you swore that you would give your life up for the Ultramarines, and in service of the Emperor,” he says, his voice still rough and low. Normally, the Primarch deliberately pitches his voice a little higher, avoiding his normal voice, which is clearly inhuman, a rumbling bass that speaks of deep lungs and a biology almost as alien to you as the Eldar. 
“Of course. Always.”
”Good. Good. Then I ask this of you as. I would ask my men to go to battle. You are strong, and I know you will endure.”
”I — I’ll do anything, of course I will,” you say, lost in the magnificent glow of his eyes, unable to deny him even if you wanted to. Primarchs are practically hypnotic to their own legions; a baseline human stands no chance. 
“Good girl,” he says, and tucks your hair behind your ear. “You’re such a good girl, aren’t you? So willing to please.”
”Father, can I —“
”Primarch gets dibs, shut up —“
You look back again at the bickering astartes, and your heart stutters at the sight: they’re all naked; skin flushed and glossy with sweat. The two by the door have joined their brothers, disrobing with shaking hands. 
“When you said…when you said service,” you say, pieces starting to click into place just a little too late. “Uh —“
”Hush, little one,” Roboute says. “Drink this.”
He shoves a bottle up at your face. You swallow instinctively, and Roboute stares at the movement of your throat, the flex and pull of muscles. It’s tea — you recognise the smell, if not the taste. Relationships between human women and Space Marines are rarely spoken of but by no means rare, and this tea is infamous among certain circles for making thing s a little easier. It’s a variation on an old Ultramarine recipe that aids with childbirth. It eases pain and opens you up.
”There. Good. Swallow that. Swallow it all.”
Roboute, apparently unable to wait any longer, sits beside you and pulls you into his lap. His mouth on yours is eager and demanding, his tongue sliding past your lips, filling your mouth. You close your eyes and kiss back, wondering if this is all a fantastical dream. The Primarch tugs at your dress, pulling it off your shoulders, bearing your breasts, and you hear five astartes moan in harmony. 
No. Not a dream. 
”Hold her —“ Roboute orders, lifting you up, and another astartes gathers you into his arms, his prick rigid against your thigh. He cradles you to his chest, his mouth seeking your nape, his tongue along your jugular. You squirm in his grasp, panting as his hand goes straight between your legs, thick fingers probing along your cunt, only to withdraw. Primarch’s dibs, you realise, and bite back a shrill of hysterical laughter. 
Roboute has rid himself of his own armour, his cock standing up in his lap; you try to eyeball measurements, planting a hand on your stomach. He grabs you back, and replaces your hand with his. 
“You’ll take me, little one. I have faith in you. You’ll take all of us.”
Cato Sicarius is going to shoot himself. He’s decided — it is the only honourable thing to do. The xenos weapon is cool in his hand, and he caresses the trigger in slow, circular motions that certainly aren’t meant to be echoing the movements of your slender hips. 
You took Roboute up to the hilt with no small amount of effort, puffing and mewling, and growing teary eyed — but his gene-father kept urging you down, cooing about what a good girl you were, what a loyal servant, how well you took him — and, demonstrating once more that the Avenging Son can achieve the impossible, you ended up with the full length of a Primarch in your guts, your belly bulging around him. Your thighs were stretched to their limit as you straddled him, and — lazy thing that you are — you didn’t have the strength to ride him. That did not seem to matter to Gulliman, who simply picked you up and slid you back down, using you like a toy. He started off as slow as possible, but soon abandoned that, jerking his hips up to meet you as he yanked you down again, and again, and again. 
The tears soon broke into full on sobs. Gulliman hushed and soothed you — patently ridiculous, in Sicarius’s opinion, since you were only doing your duty, and no one (least of all a damn woman) should be praised for doing their part for the Emperor’s will — and you tried your best to swallow back your cries, lips swollen and puffy as he kissed you, nipping and sucking at your flesh. Sicarius’s battle brothers flocked closer, clearly wanting to touch but not daring, not yet, instinctively waiting for Roboute to have his fill. 
As Sicarius is counting the threads on the chaise lounge — and only because your moans and whimpers irritate him so, not to distract himself — Roboute finally cums. Your belly is stretched so tightly around him that Sicarius sees the Primarch’s seed slip inside you, pulse after pulse. He wonders what that feels like. How you feel —
No he does not. One hundred and twenty, one hundred and eighteen, two hundred and eighty six —
“Your turn, Augustus,” Roboute pants, and the next battle brother practically yanks you off his gene-father’s prick. Apparently unbothered by the fact that you are leaking Roboute’s seed down your thighs, like the worst kind of degenerate whore, Augustus crams himself inside, taking you as he stands, one hand supporting your arse, the other holding his cock steady as he lets gravity do its work, sinking you onto him. You squeal with astonishment. 
“S’big,” you slur. All a show — he bets you’ve been dreaming of something like this. Dreaming of an excuse to bed your betters, to spread your legs and take them, to do what you are meant to do. No attempts at diplomacy here, no pretence at being more than you are, just spread thighs and a wet, greedy cunt, and a womb to be filled, and filled again. Disgusting. Disgraceful. 
He’s never been so hard in his entire life. 
He bites the inner part of his cheek, to — to try and avoid shouting at you. That’s it. He wants to shout at you, to call you a filthy little slut for tempting his Primarch so. His battle-brothers should be with an apothecary, being treated for the aftermath of their mission, not here, rutting against you like animals. When Augustus finishes — quicker than he intended, judging by the sound of frustration he makes as his balls gather up and he empties himself inside you — Hadrian and Decimus take ahold of you. The two youngest members of the squad could be twins, with hair that shades more to red than blonde, and the pale skin of Ultramar’s northern, rain-soaked wastes.
”Open your mouth,” says Decimus, and you obey, your tiny lips barely enough to cover the head of the astartes’ purple-flushed cock. “Swallow it, swallow me —“
Meanwhile, Hadrian is positioning you on the lounger, mounting you from behind, trying to ensure your mouth can reach his brother’s cock, but his cock can bury himself inside. It’s an endeavour that should be easy, but you make it difficult — as you always, always do — by squirming and whimpering as Hadrian aims for your cunt, slides on the seed his squad mates have left, and almost sinks into your arse instead. You should let him, Sicarius thinks. You should take him in the arse and thank him, you should take him in the arse and thank him, thank you Cato, my lord, thank you, I’m nothing, I’m —
He grips the gun a little tighter. Shifts from cheek to cheek. Tries to think of the least arousing things he can. Tyranid gene organs, tyranid gene organs — the weird goo that pulses out of a Nurgling when you shoot it — his genefather naked, his genefather buried inside you, his cock distending you, your expression fucked-stupid and slack and — 
Not helping. Not helping. Oh, he hates you, hates, you hates you —
“By the throne, that’s good. How are you still so tight?”
Hadrian has managed to penetrate you at least, and you cannot answer his question, even if you had the brains to: Decimus has his cock in your mouth, your jaw stretched so widely that tendons stand out in your neck, your eyes streaming with effort.
”That’s it — swallow, let me in, going to fuck your face,” Decimus promises, and you keen, with eagerness or distress. Maybe both. Sicarius hopes it is both. He hopes you want it, and hate how you want it, and hate how good you feel —
Count the stitches on the chaise lounge. Count the — the tiles on the floor. Count the number of his battle brothers who have cum inside you. With a low, drawn out groan, Hadrian makes three. And then he’s literally dragged away, Cicero taking his place. 
“You’ve made such a mess,” the astartes coos. You can only manage a gargling slurry of sound, Decimus now making good on his promise, one leg folded under him, the other dangling off the crunch to support him as he starts to hump into your throat. “I wonder if you’ll have a child after this — wonder if you’ll give us a nice little recruit —“
Slicking himself up with the spend pulsing out of you, he pushes in, and you arch your back, popping your hips up, making it easier for him. The sight of you submitting — of you presenting — or maybe the thought of you growing fat with child after this revolting display does something to Decimus, who cums in your mouth. Your throat bulges as his seed spills down inside you, but there is too much to swallow, and you hack and cough it up as he pulls out, your chin sticky and white. 
Decimus huffs, almost sulkily. “Don’t cough it up — lick it up. Go on.”
He gathers his own cum on his fingers, and pushes it onto your tongue. You’re too tired to move at first, but something registers, and you start licking his digits clean with swipes of your kitten pink tongue. Sicarius imagines you crawling to his feet, nuzzling your face against his crotch, begging him to give you a taste, just a taste — he would say no, of course, and backhand you across the face for your whorish temerity, but he would not mind the display. 
Titus is the last to take his due, settling himself down in Decimus’ place, stroking your hair, murmuring soft nonsense to you, like he is comforting you. You don’t need comfort, Sicarius wants to snarl, you want a cock in your throat. All the way down there. That’s what he would do, ram himself into your soft palette and keep going, keep going until your gag reflex was just a helpless little flutter around his shaft —
— that’s what he would do if he were a lesser man, that is. If he were — if he were tainted. If he was ordered. Would Gulliman order him to fuck you? Sicarius’ mouth goes dry at the thought. Maybe he would, maybe his Primarch would see you lying there in a pool of ejaculate and realise what Sicarius has known all along: that you aren’t a diplomat but a whore. That you’re more use to the Legion on your back. That you shouldn’t be using your sweet little tongue to convince xenos to co-operate with the cause of the Emperor, but to lick his balls until he came all over your face. 
Yes. If Gulliman ordered it of him he would. He would not be able to defy his Primarch — such a thing would be tantamount to heresy! He would take you from behind, but yank your head up so he could watch your face as he bullied inside. He would fuck you until even Titus realised that soft words were lost on you. He would —
He would try very hard not to cum in his armour like a neophyte as Titus petted your hair, your lips beginning to bleed from the stretch around his cock. Gulliman has returned to the fray, running his hands along your sides, spreading your cheeks to stare at the ruin they’ve no doubt made of your cunt. Maybe he will turn you about, just a little, so Sicarius can see — 
He does not. That’s fine. It’s fine. 
Instead, the Primarch slides a thumb into your arse, working it in and out, as you shift and mew, face boiled red and slick with drool. Titus’ eyes are closed, his head lolling back with pleasure, heedless of his brother’s impatient commentary. 
“Lieutenant, hurry up, I want her mouth again.”
”Father, Titus is hogging her, make him share.”
Roboute smiles indulgently at his men, now with a finger worked inside you. “Titus, if you don’t mind —?”
”Ah — apologies, my lord.” He strokes your hair back from your face, his fingers tracing the outline of his cock in your throat. “I’m going to cum in your mouth, darling. You can swallow it for me, can’t you?” Wide-eyed, and so eager to please, you nod as best you can. Titus starts moving his hips with intent, the wet glucking sounds of your throat audible even over the Ultramarine’s chatter and the obscene squelch of Roboute’s fingers butterflying you open. 
“That’s it — good girl —“
No sooner has he finished then Roboute snatches you up, arranging you once more on his lap — this time, however, starting to sink into a different hole. Your eyes bug with pain. “Lord —“
”Hush, little one. You can take me. And look!”
He gestures over to Sicarius. 
“Kind Sicarius is keeping watch to ensure nothing goes awry — don’t fret, I know that he does not  like you especially, but he does not wish to see his brothers dishonour themselves by killing you so. Isn’t that right, Sicarius? You’ll watch us most carefully — and I do appreciate it. As, I’m sure, does she.”
The Primarch’s burning eyes meet Sicarius’s over your shoulder as he starts once more to inch his way inside, your body struggling to accommodate him. And then — oh, it must be a trick of the light, or some of your witchery, because he swears that Roboute winks at him. 
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foone · 2 years
Ablative Humanity
An old story about mechsuits and identity, copied from my former twitter account (originally written on August 10th, 2018).
So the war comes, and we have to use mechanical exoskeletons to have any chance of fighting back. They're mind-linked, so you control them by just thinking of moving, and they learn from you to get better, predict your motions, and you become a better fighter.
At first you're just wearing it for when you go out on raids, or when you're on guard duty, but after so many surprise raids you end up wearing it all the time.
it's comfortable enough to live in, and with the sensors hooked up you don't really feel "you" anymore, you feel the suit. After a while it starts to feel weird when you have to take it off for a medical check up.
In the early days, you felt "big" in the suit. now you feel "small" when you take it off. You stop taking it off, as much as possible. towards the end of the war you're wearing it for weeks at a time, then months at a time.
Finally, the enemy is pushed back. Security can exist again, the random raids slowly trail off, and slowly things settle down. you remember what "calm" is.
There's never a treaty, but at least you're no longer staying up for days at a time watching the horizon with the suit's far-beyond-human eyes, watching for an attack. You're no longer keeping a satellite feed up in the corner of your vision, watching for movement.
And the day you were waiting for, at least at first, finally comes. You're going home. The war is over, or over enough that you're no longer needed here. You can take off the suit for the last time, and go back to your pre-war life.
You approach that appointment with some trepidation. you've felt so weak and tiny and powerless when you've had to be outside the suit before, will you ever get used to being a normal human again?
It takes three techs and 2 doctors to get the suit open at this point, given all the armor and modifications that have been made. it's basically grown around you like a second skin, just a second skin that can shrug off high-explosive anti-tank rounds.
They start with computer connectors and migrate to screwdrivers and by the end they're using something that looks like halfway between a crowbar and the jaws of life, while you're busy keeping your automatic self-defense reactions from frying them.
And finally they crack it open, and someone vomits from the smell. There's nothing but a decaying corpse inside.
There's confusion at first, someone asks if you're controlling the suit remotely, but they check the dogtags. Then the DNA. It's you. or, "you". Cause you're you, aren't you? This is just a human body... and you're still alive.
The suit's mind-link systems grew into your brain and took over functionality and worked on emulating your reactions so it could do what you want, better, faster.
And at the same time, your mind did what human minds do: they adapt. Humans are naturally cyborgs, you only have to pick up a pencil to realize that. It's part of your body image, and you think of moving the pencil, not moving your fingers to move the pencil.
So your human mind got more robotic, and the suit's computerized mind got more human. At some point you met in the middle.
And then one day on the battlefield when the biological half died, you didn't even notice. It was just another redundant part, just your ablative humanity.
You're still you. You're not the you that was born all those decades ago, but the you that was built and given life by bonding with a biological "you" that you've since discarded.
It's the Ship of Theseus, replacing every plank and beam as they rot, and there never being a point when it stops being the original and starts being a new thing. You have continuity of self from when you were born to now.
It's just that the Ship of Theseus started as a single-sail wooden ship with oars, and is now an aircraft carrier made of titanium and iron, with nuclear fire in its heart.
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ssruis · 3 months
Possible alternative routes for tsukasa unit events because people are mad about him struggling with roles for whatever reason:
> amami seiichi calls him a bitch and he has to cope with that (funny)
> amami seiichi is in the area and tsukasa keeps trying to meet him only to just miss him every time in increasingly comical ways (even funnier)
> they’re about to bulldoze kamiyama but wxs can save it if they raise enough money by putting on the best show Japan has ever seen
> wxs gets audited by the IRS and as the chairman tsukasa is the one in trouble because rui keeps buying nuclear engines and illegal explosives and writing them off as business expenses
> he dies (VERY funny) (slipped and fell on banana peel)
> 8 episode event of nene making fun of him nonstop he doesn’t even need to be there i think they should let nene monologue
> I really want to see him cope with failure like doing all he can to get into character, succeeding, but someone else does better and gets the role. I feel like there’s a lot to examine with his jealousy/sense of inadequacy and failure is something you need to learn to deal with in any arts field. Can he reconcile his ego with coming short despite his best efforts? Can he learn from failure like he’s learned from his other set backs?
> nene teaches tsukasa to sing in a way that doesn’t make me angry
> wxs takes a field trip to a bug museum to help him overcome his fears but rui keeps tormenting him with horrifying bug facts and emu keeps chasing him around with bugs
> he loses his voice for a week
> emu 5 part 2 (the better character)
> tsukasa gets a psychiatric evaluation so we can find out what’s wrong with him (diagnosis: quirky)
> tsukasa goes bald & the lim hair style/costume is just his bald head with his normal unit costume
> wxs is locked in an escape room (disastrous)
> tsukasa and emu visit one of her grandpa’s favorite spots, the Chernobyl elephant foot
> ruikasa wedding and then divorce (never mentioned ever again)
> they bring nenerobo back out and tsukasa has to fight her for a part
> tsukasa finds out he likes men (he is the only person who is surprised)
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 6 months
Hello again! I've returned with another fic roulette request!
I would love to see what you can do with 2 and 31 Tech and f!reader. Please and thank you~ (Apologies for another Tech request, I'm a wee bit of a Tech girlie. ^^' )
Hello gorgeous,
I'm a Tech girlie too, so don't worry. I love our lovable nerd clone. He's so adorable.
I hope you enjoy this fic, since you didn't specify a platonic relationship, I didn't write one. I hope that's okay.
Also all the star talk is copied from Study.com, 'What Causes a Star to Shine Brightly?' article. Thank you to the writer for providing a great synopsis I could use.
Also it got a bit long at 1400+ words.
Love oo,
Just a Dream
Warning: Fluff, anxiety, force sensitive reader, possible character death, fear, nightmare, information dumping, I think that's it, if I miss any please let me know.
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The house was quiet, the island was quiet, not surprising when it was nearly two in the morning. You did your best to try and sleep, but you couldn’t. You kept having the same dream, a secret meeting with Imperial commanders. An explosion that dislodges a cable car. Tech hanging from a rappelling cable. No matter how hard you tried to push those images away, you couldn’t. Something about Tech dangling over nothing from a rappelling cable put knots in your stomach. You grabbed the shawl one of the villagers made you, they said you looked like the kind that indulged in warmth. She was a kind older woman, and you couldn’t say no. 
You tightened the shawl around as you sat on the patio chairs that had been donated to you and the Bad Batch. It was their way of welcoming all of you and honestly, you were beyond overwhelmed by Pabu’s hospitality and openness. You never wanted to leave here. 
As quietly as possible you moved the chair away from the patio table, took a seat and looked up watching the stars, trying to calm down your mind. 
It was a few minutes before you heard the door to the house close and footsteps coming to join your side. 
Tech sat down and looked up to the stars with you, he knew if you were out here it usually had to do with a nightmare that wouldn’t leave your mind or it had to do with some anxiety you were going through at the moment. 
“Do you know a star is a glowing body of gas and plasma? The reason a star glows is that it uses nuclear fusion to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium nuclei producing both heat and light. Scientists can determine what elements make up a star by looking at the emission spectra of the light they produce.”
You turned your head looking at him smiling, enjoying listening to his voice.
“There’s a star that is known as a red dwarf star, it’s smaller and cooler than main-sequence stars. However, due to their dimensions and cooler temperature they are too dim to be seen by the naked eye. You need a telescope in order to see them.  And some have been estimated to have a life span of 10 trillion years.”
As you listened to his soothing voice you couldn’t help but smile and keep looking at him as you turned fully to face him, keeping the shawl close, shutting out the cold air.
“What other star is there?”
“Well I’ve also read about red supergiant stars. Now these stars have fused all their hydrogen, so now they are fusing helium into carbon. Causing the star to expand in size until all the helium runs out in about one to two million years. The stars with the coolest temperatures appear red, and when a red supergiant star dies, it explodes into a supernova.”
You smirked as you listened to him, “When did you learn all this stuff about stars?” You asked him as you watched him turn his head to look at you.
“When I learned you enjoyed looking at the stars.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Yes, I did. You are important to me, and what you find enjoyable is important to me too.”
“You’re always there for me, aren’t you?”
"I will always be there for you. Whether you need me to simply info dump so your brain turns off, or you need someone to sit beside you in silence and hold your hand. I’ll always be there for you.”
As he said those words the image of him dangling from the rappelling cable came back into your mind, your smile fading as the sense of dread from before filled you again. 
He didn’t have to ask to see what something was wrong, he moved his chair closer, and gently caressed your head, holding your hand, “Hey, hey, shhhh. Shhhh. You’re okay. Hey, look at me.” He tilted your head, using his forefinger to lift your chin, until your eyes met his. 
“What’s wrong?” He gently wiped the tears that had been silently falling down your cheeks, “What is it? Was it a nightmare?”
You simply nodded afraid that speaking what you feared may come true. 
“Was it a bad dream?”
Well that’s the thing, it wasn’t necessarily a bad dream, but the feeling that came with the dream is what made it worse. It was almost as though your heart was preparing you for a loss that you hadn’t even experienced yet, “I … I don’t know.” You finally answered, giving the only answer you really could. 
Tech tilted his head as he looked at you, slowly guiding you out of your chair, to sit on his lap as his arms wrapped around you, gently rubbing your back as you tucked your head into his neck, wanting to hide from everything.
“Well… can you tell me what’s got you so upset. Was it something in the dream? Or was it something you realized because of the dream?”
“It …. It didn’t really …” you took a breath and closed your eyes as you wrapped your free arm around Tech holding him close, “It was about you.”
“Me. Okay. What about me? Did I say something wrong?”
“Was I mean to you?”
“Did this have to do with a mission?” You were silent. “Okay, a mission. Did something go wrong in the mission?” 
“I don’t know… I think so. I saw an explosion.”
“Okay. Explosion, was someone injured because of the explosion?”
“Was I in danger because of the explosion?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, well what can you tell me?”
“You were dangling.”
“Dangling. Was I holding on to something for dear life, dangling? Or was I gripping onto Wrecker’s arm, and waiting for him to pull me back to safety dangling?”
“You were hanging over nothing from a rappelling cable. I know it doesn’t sound bad, but … I have this feeling.”
“Yes. I feel as though … I … I’ll lose you.”
Tech didn’t speak for a second, processing what you were saying, trying to understand the fear that had somehow embedded itself into your heart. 
“So … you think I’ll die on this mission that we haven’t planned or even expected.”
“I don’t know how to explain it, but … I feel something big is going to happen, and because of that … we’ll be forced to make a decision. And because of that decision … I’ll …” your voice died down, barely above a whisper as you were about to answer him, “I’ll lose you. Forever.”
He let out a sigh, as he turned his head to kiss your forehead and wrapped his arms tighter around you, “Death is part of life, cyar’ika. You know that, I know that. These dreams … I know your force sensitive, not a Jedi, but at least somewhat knowledgeable of the force, and … it could mean a lot of things. It could mean that I’m simply dangling out in the open for a short amount of time. Could mean that I need to pack a second rappelling gun, in case the first one gets jammed it doesn’t mean I’m going to die.”
He took a minute to breathe in your scent leaving another kiss on your forehead, “And even if I die, it won’t change how I feel about you. How I’ve always felt about you. Ner cyare, please know that the time I’ve spent with you, being loved by you, having the privilege to love you in return has been some of the happiest and most loveliest days of my life. I look forward to every morning and night, because you’re there to make it better. I’m not saddened by the fact I may have to face my death, because I have no regrets.”
“I don’t want you to go” you stated, trying to fight back the tears despite the pricks you felt, “I’d rather have you alive and beside me. I …” you voice trembled as your bottom lip quivered, “I’m not ready to let you go.”
“Cyare, it was just a dream. I’m not going anywhere. Like I said there are no missions we plan on taking or are planning. I’m going to be right here.”
Tech held you for the rest of the night, even when you went back to your quarters, he didn’t stop holding you, keeping you pressed against him hoping to calm your fears and worries. He didn’t want to tell you, but the fact you may have dreamt his death, unnerved him a little. He shook the idea out of his mind, there was no need to worry. There were no missions coming up. 
At least that’s what he thought, until he received the distress call from Crosshair. 
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@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24@spicymcnuggies@lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @sprout-fics @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @ulchabhangorm @littlemisspascal @tortor-mcgee @vodika-vibes @clonethirstingisreal
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procyonloser · 4 months
Adamsapple mini ~space~ au that maybe I'll adapt into an actual fic after I'm done with eve of Adam.
Read more below the cut
Klaxons were blaring and the ship was painted in flashes of red and blue. His soldiers were running around like headless fucking chickens, trying to contain the fires and the leaks before they got out of hand, but bodies lay on the ground and they were drifting on no life support.
"Sir!?" His first officer screamed, holding her bleeding arm. Her eyes were wide in fear, fury, and a resolution that was quickly leaving him. But, they still shared a similar need for revenge.
They were outgunned. The traitors and outcasts had won, the scum of the fucking galaxy. Disgusting hybrids and freaks.
And the worst of all of them...
Adam stumbled to the front of his ship, stepping over the body of his navigator. He'd not live much longer, a piece of metal had gone straight through him in the last barrage. Lucifer's lead ship, the Morning Star, stayed locked onto them. He'd gotten a few good hits in on Charlie's ship, she'd not be able to warp out of here.
Adam stared out the window, and decided he had one song left in him.
"Attention, this is your fucking Captain speaking. Abandon ship. Get to your escape pods and get your asses back to Peter's Gate space station." Adam barked out, feeling a sharp pain digging through him with every word. Lute started to protest behind him, but he carried on. "I'm not leaving the ship, I wouldn't survive the trip anyway. Lute is your new acting Captain. Now - fucking go already!"
There was chaos as his soldiers realized all hope was lost and the fight was over for them. Lute had tears running down her face, but Adam just shook his head.
"I gave you an order. Get out of here unless you want to die too." Adam said, without looking back up at her. Instead, he focused on yanking the chuck of metal out of his stomach. His white and gold suit had been stained a deep red. The only spot of human blood on the ship.
"Sir-" Lute moved closer, but Adam just flopped down into what was left of the Captain's chair.
"I'm not going down without one last trick up my sleeve. Get out of here before I bleed out. I'm giving you one minute to get to warp." Adam finally met her gaze with a weary grin. She knew what it meant, and it took her a moment to find the courage to do what she knew she had to.
By the time he saw her escape pod launch from the port, and eventually flash away in a beam of light, Adam's vision had grown hazy. His entire body felt cold from blood loss, or maybe it was just the systems of the ship failing in the depths of space.
Either way, he had enough in him to punch in the self destruct codes.
Hopefully, he'd damaged enough of their ships warp cores that one wouldn't be able to flee, maybe even Charlie's ship. He doubted Lucifer's ship was damaged enough, but he could always dream. That's about all he'd be doing soon.
Adam sighed and looked out the window, wondering what Lucifer was thinking right now. It didn't need to be like this, if he hadn't rebelled, hadn't fucked Lilith and made that revolting hybrid. Lucifer could have been King of more than just the trash of the Galaxy. Lucifer had been more than that to Adam, once upon a time.
"I'll see you in hell, Lucifer." Adam said to himself, closing his eyes, as the countdown neared zero.
But explosion followed, none that Adam remembered. Which meant, he thought, that he'd died beforehand. Or maybe the nuclear blast was enough so that he died instantly before his brain or body had the chance to catch up with the feeling.
So, then, why was he thinking?
Adam opened his eyes to a bright white light, which he remembered from ancient human history as the description of an afterlife, before they'd mostly given up on religions. Two pairs of eyes seemed to appear above him, floating there in the brightness.
"God?" Adam mumbled in confusion.
"No, but you can call me that if you'd like, sweetheart." Lucifer said mockingly, and Adam's vision became more clear. "I saved your sorry ass before your ship went kablooey. You're now a prison of my Kingdom and my ring of coalition planets, Adam. We'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on. How's mercy taste?" Lucifer's grin was sharp, pointed, predatory.
Adam remembered that ancient humans used to have another name for the devil.
Maybe he was in hell.
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awesomeferret10 · 3 months
Don’t think about the period between “Food Battle 2023” and “My Dead Friend”
Don’t think about how Sketch!Ian and Sketch!Anthony have been roommates since 2008 (with a brief period from 2016-2023 where Ian thought he was living with a wife not a best friend) and are always with each other.
Don’t think about how normal it is after a food battle for whoever died to get up and carry on with their normal lives the next day.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian bringing Sketch!Anthonys body home after the ol’ scissoroo and waiting for him to wake up the next morning so they can go back to their usual nonsense
Don’t think about Sketch!Anthony not getting up the next morning.
Or the next.
Or the next.
Or the next.
Don’t think about the 14 days that passed between “Food Battle 2023” and “My Dead Friend”.
Don’t think about how much Sketch!Ian wants his best friend back.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian sobbing at every little reminder that “Anthony isn’t back yet, 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘪𝘴𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬.”
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian desperately trying to date and move on.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian getting more and more desperate until he goes onto the dark web, and pours all his time into reanimating Sketch!Anthony.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian getting increasingly more panicked as Sketch!Anthony’s body begins to decay.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian finally having to let go of Sketch!Anthonys body (either in the canonical nuclear explosion or if you’re being angsty about it sobbing, burying him as he’s finally too decayed to puppet, too rotted to pretend he’s still alive).
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian being so upset and setting up a small memorial in what was once their shared house.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian being so depressed that his friends notice and begin setting him up with people to take his mind off it.
Don’t think about Sketch!Ian paying his neighbor off and willingly spreading the rumor that he shit himself to all his friends so that he can put his undivided attention on grieving Sketch!Anthony. On mourning his best friend, and the guilt that comes with the fact he killed him.
Don’t think about how the next time we see Sketch!Anthony is March 1st.
Don’t think about how that’s more than 3 months after he died.
Don’t think about how we have no idea when he came back.
Don’t think about how long Ian might have been grieving for.
𝐃𝐎 think about how when his roommate and best friend died all Sketch!Ians friends began setting him up on dates. Think about how that implies his friends think they’re an item, or life partners, or something of the sort. Think so god damn hard about how in Sketch!Ian’s friend’s minds a girlfriend is a replacement to Sketch!Anthony. Think about what everyone around them assumes they are. Think about how reasonable that assumption is when two 36 year old financially stable men are still roommates and have been since they were 21. Think about how in love Sketch!Ian and Sketch!Anthony are with each other whether in a gay way or not.
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wildissylupus · 1 month
Junker Rewrite; General Lore and Environment
Ok so here are some general things I kept in mind when rewriting the environment and general lore. First thing is that though the rest of the world if fine in comparison, I still wanted the Junkers to feel isolated, specifically I wanted to give a reason why the Junkers didn't leave the wasteland and why no one outside helped with the aftermath of the explosion.
Secondly I wanted to change the lore in order to set Australia apart for the storylines given to London, Russia and Korea as I personally believe that they use those plot points a lot better. In all honestly the beginning part of the Junkers lore if fine and honestly very much represents how the Australian government treats these sorts of situations. The only thing I'd change is that a majority of Omnics were also not OK with being given the Omnium, for a bunch of reasons, the main ones being how isolated it made them, the trauma they have associated with it, and the fact this is a nuclear powered Omnium that is now been abandoned in Australian weather conditions. Basically imply that the Omnium blowing up was an inevitability and not something caused by either Omnics or humans.
Also when the Omnium blows up the radiation doesn't make the Omnics go crazy and ultra violent, please don't give the already prejudice group of people a genuine reason to be prejudice.
Also as a side note, specific characters will get their own post dedicated to them.
General Lore
Like I said the beginning lore stays the same except no one is happy with the Omnics being given the Omnium, the radiation doesn't make Omnics go insane, and the Omnuim was already a ticking time bomb before this whole event happened. Now let's get into the aftermath and Junkertowns founding.
After the explosion there were basically two sets of people, those who realized the gravity of the situation and put their differences aside to help each other survive this new wasteland, and those who put their pride over their own survival. Those who went off on their own died quickly due to the elements and the mutated animals that now inhabited the wasteland. Those who stayed together found leaders in Mason Howl, the Stone family, and a ravager named Grace. Howl along with Grace where in charge of defending the settlement against the elements and animals while the Stone family, a family of scientists and doctors treated and figured out a way to negate the negative effects of radiation on the settlement.
After the dust settled and the settlement had finally built a safe haven in the wreckage of the Omnium the long feud and prejudices boiled to the surface and the discussion on if Omnics should be allowed in the newly formed Junkertown started, the main reason against them being that they "wasted resources" and they "weren't affected by the elements". Lead by Howl the Omnics and their supporters where then kicked out of Junkertown, this including the Stone family. This group would then be dubbed "The Wastelanders"
While all this was happening several forces came together to try and help those affected by the Omnium exploding, including the then blossoming Junkers. The three most notable being Vishkar, Moira O’Deorain and Overwatch, most notably Angela Zeigler. Though they where able to help those outside the wasteland, the harsh contitions and mutations of the Wasteland proved too difficult to travers in order to help the Junkers, this did not deter O’Deorain though, as she furthered the mutation beyond the Wasteland. Creating a border of mutated bushland around the wasteland in order to protect those outside from the mutated wasteland, and to more specifically help those in the wasteland ride the radiation. Though at the beginning O’Deorain's work was not seen this way, it being viewed as her making the situation worse by bringing in more dangers.
However, the mutated plants and animals did serve a purpose, they absorbed the nuclear radiation from the surrounding area in order to grow, basically healing the environment despite the dangers it posed to humans. When the Wastelanders and Junkers discovered this area of bushland it was dubbed "No-Mans Land".
After they were banished from Junkertown the human Wastelanders started dying to the elements. Including the Stone family, when the Wastelanders finally adapted to their new environment a majority of the humans had died, including the entire Stone family with the exception of their middle child Odessa Stone. The Wastelanders ended up being one of the main groups to manage to travers outside the Wasteland back to civilization. Where they discovered they were both abandoned and branded as criminals by the Australian government and society. This revelation kickstarted Odessa Stone's motivation of reclaiming Junkertown, as that was the only home she would ever want to return to.
Eventually that dream became a reality, after many losses and a lot of painful work, Odessa Stone claimed the Junker thrown in the Reckoning, banished Howl like he did with her and the other Wastelanders, and started the healing process for the Junkers from the dictatorship of Howl. Thus being dubbed, The Junker Queen.
The first step being the implementation of new principles;
Howl Principles;
No omnics.
Pay your share.
Finders keepers.
Troublemakers will be exiled.
Junker Queen Principles;
Every trusted individual is welcomed, no matter the morals, no matter the origin
Freedom at all costs
The well being of Junkers comes first, personal grievances second
Settle your own scores.
There was also the explicit rule that any outsider, though welcomed, must have a Junker vouch for them to enter. Even then they would search an outsiders person to be sure they didn't have anything that could damage the city or community. This is because of Vishkar's continued interference with Junkertown, though on the surface it seems like they want to help, behind the scenes Vishkar are the main pushers of the narrative that the Junkers are just savage criminals. Ignoring the culture of art and engineering that has been born under Junker Queen's rule.
There have been many attempts by Vishkar to infiltrate Junkertown, one of which resulting in the second ever exile under Junker Queens rule, but all where unsuccessful. To this day those who have Vishkar affiliations are the only people banned from Junkertown.
Environment Lore
After the Omnium exploded the Australian Outback was rendered a wasteland, nearly impossible to travers alone and even harder to live in. The only thing that stopped the Junkers from dying was the interference of the Stone family in the center of Australia and Moira O’Deorain, both creating systems in order to filter out the radiation caused by the explosion. To this day both parties are heavily respected by Junkers.
The wasteland itself is also infested with mutated wildlife, both from Moira's experiments and from the radiation. Along with the increasingly harsh weather, it leaves traversing the wasteland along and/or with lack of experience a death sentence. Which doesn't even account for No-Mans Land.
The borders of the Wasteland are surrounded by mutated bushland, though they were made with the intention of filtering the radiation and healing the Outback, that doesn't make the area any less dangerous. Giant bugs, mutated mammals, and hostile flora are all extremely common here, one of the most commonly seen being a mutated Koala that Australians have given the name of Dropbear, what was once a joke amongst Australians made into a terrifying reality.
There is then Junkertown itself that has gone through tremendous change. Under Howl's rule, Junkertown was very industrial in appearance along with generally having a very hostile atmosphere with Howl's "everyone for themselves" mentality. Junkers were always so focused on meeting Howls taxes that there was never any time to give Junkertown any personality other then "Junk". The only decent looking areas where reserved for Howl himself and his select member of guards in order to keep them happy and loyal.
After Junker Queen took control Junkertown turned into an artistic and engineering paradise, both fields usually being lumped together by Junkers. There was also the introductions of power as the the access radiation was used as power along with the introduction of solar power by the surviving Solar farmers, that project being headed by Mako Rutledge, who had owned and run a Solar farm prior to the Crisis. This all culminated into Junkertown becoming a Utopia in the Wasteland, a place where everyone was just free to do what they liked without the worry of an overbearing governing force. This also lead to expansion and the city now known as Junk Springs (New Junk City cause again, why is that an American reference?)
I'm honestly open to feed back with this and again, character rewrites are going to be their own posts. This is also just the general history and explanation and not a full exploration of Junker society. It's mainly me trying to make Junkertown's history fit into what we know about Overwatch's world, along with changing the environment cause I really hate the direction the artists went with it.
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kadextra · 1 year
The Eggs
A lore overview & theory longpost :]
Let's start with a recap. The eggs were given by the Federation to the island residents to care for. A backstory was also given by Pato, saying the eggs were left behind by a dragon mother who flew off after the wall explosion. An egg has 2 lives, if it dies you get punished, if it's alive and happy you get a prize. But nobody really cares about a prize anymore, all the parents love their eggs sooo much that just being together with them is a prize. The eggs have developed unique, endearing personalities and have become a central part of the narrative in such a massive way that it'd take hours to describe. Some sadly passed on, and more eggs have joined the cast as new players arrived.
The Code Entity
A strange entity made of binary code began to hunt down the eggs, viciously attacking and bringing them all down to one life. The reason why is still unknown, but it seems to want the residents to leave the island. I'll make a separate lore post about this guy eventually, there's a lot to say theory-wise and a lot we still don't know about it.
The Strange Cracks
At one point, all the eggs were kidnapped from their homes in the night. The announcement of their return said they would be given back "unharmed" but they returned with odd cracks in them, as if they were injured. The eggs all acted unusually scared and extra fragile after the incident, and couldn't wear armor without pain. They slowly regained their confidence after a few days and went back to normal, along with a eggstatistics change saying they've "matured."
The Heaven Meetings
When an egg dies, the Federation gives the parents 5-10 minutes to say farewells in a white room. It's always really wholesome and emotional to watch. But lots of questions can be raised about how the Federation seem to have the power to revive an egg from the dead in the first place. If they can do it for 10 minutes, why can't they just... revive them permanently? q!Max asked his egg son Trump why he couldn't just leave during his meeting, and got answers alluding that the egg was trapped there. That "they" are too powerful, so he can't leave. What's really going on here? Are the dead eggs even dead?
Case of Richarlyson
The Brazilians noticed that their egg, Richarlyson had one smaller leg compared to the rest, as if he was underdeveloped. And strangely, he also had a weird substance left on him (visually shown as a slimeball) which they thought could be part of the mother dragon's placenta. q!Cellbit gave the sample to supercomputer SOFIA to analyze, the results being given a few days later. Turns out, the substance's composition had zero traces of DNA, it wasn't even biological. Instead, it was found to be some type of chemical preservation fluid... meaning Richarlyson was in some kind of stasis/storage before being given to the Brazilians, and rushed out at such short notice he couldn't even be cleaned off in time.
The Pomme DNA Test
A sample of the newest & youngest egg's DNA, Pomme, was given to SOFIA to analyze. The genetic results were:
65% Oxygen, 18% Carbon, 10% Hydrogen, 3% Nitrogen, 1.5% Calcium, 1% Phosphorus, Potassium, Sulfur, Sodium, Chlorine, Magnesium. These results are normal for a biological composition of a living creature. However, there were also traces of "unusual elements" in the DNA....
Silicon, Gold, Cobalt, Copper, Palladium, Cadmium, Bismuth, Uranium.
Silicon is used for making alloys.
Gold is a valuable metal.
Copper is a metal used as an electric conductor.
Palladium is a rare metal, also used for electronics.
Cadmium is a heavy metal used to make batteries and it's also toxic.
Bismuth is a crystalline metal again used for electronic appliances.
Uranium is literally radioactive and used for nuclear power.
HUH? These elements and metals are totally unnatural to find traces of in a living creature. edit: this is wrong, these elements and metals are common to find traces of in a living creature. However, SOFIA said they are unusual in the eggs. What does this mean..?
What if I told you there is a certain type of egg where it's normal to find metals all over?
Fabergé eggs.
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Fabergé eggs are valuable decorative eggs made with crystals and rare metals like gold. And it just so happens that as a lead-up to the QSMP, Quackity Studios released a teaser image, with morse code inside leading to a document where many suspicious letters, including this one was found:
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This potential connection can't be ignored. Real Fabergé eggs obviously aren't alive like our little eggs, but it's entirely possible that thanks to the traces of metals in their composition, the name is being used as a codeword to refer to them.
All of these things considered, don't forget that the eggs are still living creatures. The "unusual" parts in the genetic makeup are very few compared to oxygen, carbon, calcium, etc. Most of the weird ones do happen to relate to electronics and machines, but if anything, it's likely that the eggs could be cyborgs - a biological organism that's just enhanced with technological parts.
It's becoming more and more evident that the "dragon mother" story is a load of hogwash. The eggs might've been developed in a lab, and transported to the island by the Federation. Whatever intentions or experiment they have running, we don't know... but these poor eggs have no idea about any of this. They are innocent and being used.
They just existed one day, got adopted and began to know love. And no matter what happens, no matter what they really are, dragons or not, we and the parents will continue to love them <3
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lemmmmmmmmmmonade · 2 months
tell me about your current Favourite Guy. Tell me anything you want about them you have full permission to Go Nuts. also whats your credit card information
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Shout out to Ronald Roy Raymond Rockwell, gotta be one of the characters ever
So, a while back, I decided to watch through various DC animated shows, and really thought that Firestorm was neat, so I decided to delve into his comics (this was also around the start of me finally getting into actually reading comics and not just reading the lore of them because I was so intimidated to jump in and not understand what was going on)
Cut to now where he's my profile picture on every site I can plaster a pic of him onto. He's endearing, what can I say? He has a bit of that Spider-Man charm to him (makes sense I guess, he was co-created by two men who worked on it for a while, particularly Gerry Conway, who wrote for Amazing Spider-Man during the 70's, including the death of Gwen Stacey. Idk I just thought that was interesting) But,
Who the hell is this guy
Ronnie is one half of the hero Firestorm. Then he's the whole shebang. Then he's one half again. Comics are weird man. But the basic deal is that he was caught in a giant nuclear explosion alongside nuclear physicist Martin Stein, and they fuse together into Firestorm, The Nuclear Man. That accident also rendered them the ability to transmute any elements into any other elements. I am fully serious when I say if Firestorm weren't so commited to the bit, he'd be one of the most powerful characters in all of DC. But then a lot of stuff happens, he joins the JLA, he gets caught up in that crisis on those infinite earths, he gets sued, he dies (he got better dw), but I'll just finish off with a few cliff notes
He got essentially drunk off of atomic radiation he absorbed once
He made that goofy ass outfit himself as soon as he figured out his powers
He got sued, yeah. For accidentally destroying property while stopping a villain, but honestly he probably should have gotten sued for a lot of other stuff way before that
Like that fact he turns so much stuff into asbestos to stop fire
Ronnie it's the 1980's people know that's a carcinogen at that point
Stop making things into asbestos
Shit got weird for a bit after he got a nuke dropped on him
Like how the story transitioned from weird science stuff as a base to pure fantasy and Firestorm became a fire elemental which completely nixed the whole nuclear part of the character
Literally two of his villains are more popular than him right now (Killer Frost and the Weasel)
He's got ・゚: ✧・゚: DADDY ISSUES :・゚✧:・゚
He died so bad he came back as a black lantern when that event happened, and when he was fully revived he immediately went back to college and partied it up
But despite all of that, the reason I find myself liking Ronnie is that it's his immediate gut instinct after he gets powers to help people. Even when he's sulking and being angsty, he gets over it as soon as someone needs his help
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also i dont have a credit card, would debit work
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directdogman · 1 year
how involved was callum with nasa? he was president during the space race and personally sent norm on his mission but something that stook out to me was norm mentioning intell nasa info about man on the moon - neil armstrong - which happened 3 years AFTER he left earth. was history shuffled for callums sake, if it was important at all?
Disclaimer before I answer this: This is a nerdy DT lore question that is absolutely not essential to understanding DT lore and it's teeechnically slightly removed from the scope of the current canon (since it mainly relates to the actions of a character who Gingi has never met in-game), but it's a smart question so I feel compelled to answer it.
Answer: Your guess that the moon landing happened earlier in DT's universe than in ours, during Crown's presidency, is correct. It's funny, but I've got this rough draft of a joke post written that I never posted (involves DT characters having to pick their favourite Muppets. Yeah.) where Gingi (out of spite) informs Norm about the NASA Challenger explosion (a very specific malfunction/televised rocket explosion that occurred in the 80's in both universes, though the Bird Big Puppeteer died in DT's version of the event, unlike in ours, where that only almost (but didn't) happen.) ...which implies that, yes, with him not knowing about this event, Norm's intel obviously DOES cut out post-warp, meaning the moon landing itself was pre-warp by virtue of Norm having secret intel about it.
There are other big clues to an early moon-landing in other dialogue, but I figured I'd at least confirm your method of reasoning was also correct.
On the question of whether Crown really altered history: Yeah, history was shuffled to a large degree, certainly during Crown's term. while most events match up in timelines, Crown invested WAY heavier in certain technologies (mainly nuclear weapons + space flight), causing the US to hit certain milestones early (and even a few that we never did, when you consider the full extent of what Crown got done as President and then Honorary Leader of the UN!)
While I guess Crown's rigorous strides towards vast technological advancement was never outright stated in-game, I definitely implied it through Crown selecting Norm for the mission himself (which means Crown evidently had direct oversight on NASA projects.) There's also the very obvious (but easy to forget) point that of course NASA would not have gotten Norm to a wormhole before they reached the rock in earth's orbit! We're obviously far closer to our moon than any wormholes, and that also goes for the small sci-fi wormhole Norm traveled through which is not far from DT's version of earth (yet doesn't exist in ours.) If it was closer to earth than the moon, it'd definitely swallow satellites sent up by companies into space, which is funny and the kind of thing that would happen in DT's shitty world, come to think of it. But, yeah.
But yes, your question is entirely right for the reasons mentioned above. this might seem unnecessarily convoluted but there IS a reason why I constructed things this way (I know how it all connects in my head), but yeah, it's a little bit complicated to wrap your head around if you don't have surrounding context, and this kind of nitty gritty detail only really matters if you actually want to map a concrete timeline, or God forbid, deconstruct certain actions Crown took in office (some of which have never been directly referenced in canon DT material, but likely one day will be!)
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zephyr-otter · 2 months
Interrupted Domesticity
Rev and Tech are relaxing in Tech’s lab curled up watching a film when Tech’s phone begins to ring. “Hello?” Tech answers with a twinge of annoyance evident on both his and Rev’s features at having their weekly couples movie night interrupted for who only knows what reason. “TEEEEEEEEECH It’s an emergency, life as we know it could be changed forever unless you help!” Duck’s voice came screeching over the other end sounding more panicked than he ever had before causing both Rev and Tech to sit straight up wondering what was happening, could it be another supervillain attack, or some other disaster? “What-is-it-Duck?-Villain attack-Another Meteor-Tsunami-nuclear explosion?!” Rev rapid fires off a list of dangerous events at his usual breakneck speed of speaking before catching himself and allowing Duck to respond. “Worse! The batteries for the television remote died again!” Rev and Tech turn to face each other with the most unamused scowls on their faces as Tech wordlessly hangs up his phone as the couple continue watching their film, Rev occasionally peppering the coyote with a few small kisses. These kisses soon turn into a more passionate display of affection with both of them facing each other and Rev sat squarely in Tech’s lap. Right before anything else could happen however they are startled by the sound of Duck using his quantum quack to warp inside the lab. “Who do you two think you are hanging up on me like that, and in my time of need… despicable!” Duck began fuming until his eyes caught sight of Tech and Rev and all previous bravado washed out of him. Before he knew it a pair of batteries were thrust into his hands with a huff from Tech before being ushered right back out the door by Rev. “Now-if-that-will-be-all-we-would-appreciate-no-more-interruptions-okay-bye!” With that Rev slapped a do not disturb sign on the lab door and  closed it once more and sped back over to the couch and sat down. “Okay I’ll admit the look on Ducks face when he saw what we were doing when he barged in here was almost worth the annoyance of dealing with him over such a minute problem” Tech said with a sly smirk barely holding in a fit of laughter instead letting out a small snicker. “Speaking-of-which…” Rev paused to return his own mischievous grin back to Tech before continuing much slower, “Where were we?...” Not long after the film had been left completely forgotten as the couple continued their romantic evening free from any further distractions. (Just wanted to shake the rust off before writing my first rev tech fic with a bit of a mini interaction for Rev/Tech with a guest appearance by Danger Duck, this was gonna be a lot shorter than it was, but it sort of evolved into a mini one-shot of its own anyway hope you enjoy)
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