#and then they never dry on the clothesline
moonfromearth · 1 year
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Chores... Bleh 😝
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moonlitdesertdreams · 5 months
On the Surface
A/N: Nothing important, please enjoy and send me more ideas! Tags: Fallout, Cooper Howard, Cooper Howard x F!Reader, Cooper Howard x You, Ghoul x Reader, Lucy MacLean WARNINGS: None Summary: Lucy knew traveling with the Ghoul would be tough, but no one told her it would be so... weird. Especially when he stops to pick up another companion along the way.
Word count: 1.2k+
(GIF credit to @talesfromthecrypts)
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Lucy surely didn’t know what to expect when she trudged along after the Ghoul and Wilzig’s dog, charmed by its new companion. 
She followed, weighed down by the revelations Moldaver had laid bare. It had pulled the curtain away from her entire life and ripped her heart to shreds. Between seeing her father flee and leaving Maximus, her mind was heavy with pain. 
The Ghoul was absolute zero on the comfort scale. He walked silently, only breaking it to mutter hypothetical questions at the dog- so affectionately called Dogmeat- and cough dryly. Lucy decided they had to have been walking for hours through sparse woods and dry ground before a flickering light appeared on the horizon. 
And after everything she’d been through, she fully expected another fight. 
But the Ghoul seemed to gain some motivation at the sight, and moved along at a quicker pace than they had been. Lucy was able to make out the shape of a small campfire burning, less than ten feet away from a fairly large, but crudely-built cabin. It was tucked into a patch of dead trees, and had what she thought to be clothes hanging on clotheslines outside. Even the dog was excited, barking loudly and jogging up to the cabin. 
Lucy stopped a few yards away, apprehension freezing her limbs into place. The Ghoul continued on, hopping lithely onto the front porch and knocking at the door. Again, she expected the occupant to come out, guns blazing, and be killed by the man at her door. 
Maybe he’d even make Lucy carve pieces of them off to make jerky again.
What she didn’t expect was the door to open, and the Ghoul to crack a smile she’d never seen. A figure- a woman- stepped out onto the porch. Lucy watched them exchange a few words before the woman leaned in towards the Ghoul and…. hugged him?
What the fuck even was this place?
The Ghoul, always cold and callous with Lucy, chuckled out loud. “Miss me, sugar?”
When she pulls away, the woman is beaming. “Every day.”
Lucy probably looks like a whole fool, jaw gaping and brow furrowed in confusion. She stares at the woman, who eventually turns an eye to her. 
“What’s this? Gettin’ some on the side, Cowboy?” The still unnamed woman trots off the porch towards the Vault-Dweller. 
Upon closer inspection, the woman doesn’t appear as angry as her statement. She’s got long hair wrapped into a complicated braided style to keep it up and out of her face. There’s a smattering of freckles over her sunburnt nose, and a jagged scar running the length of her right cheek. The gnarled tissue pulls her mouth into a scowl, but she’s otherwise well-kept. She’s probably three or four inches shorter than Lucy, but no less intimidating. 
“Calm down, woman.” The Ghoul bites. “This is Lucy MacLean.”
The woman pauses, looking back to him for confirmation before staring back at Lucy. “MacLean, eh? I can see it.”
Spurs clank as the Ghoul takes those slow, scary steps towards the woman. “Thought you might be interested in comin’ along. We’re followin’ her dad. Hank.”
A smile twists the lady’s lips, fighting against the wretched scar on her face. “Come on in. We can leave in the morning.”
And that’s how Lucy finds herself in the rickety cabin. The woman- who still hadn’t offered up a name, much like her Ghoul friend- had led her to a room and tossed a scratchy blanket and pillow in behind her. Despite her gruff exterior, she had told Lucy there was a pantry in the kitchen full of non-perishables, and cans of purified water hidden in the back. And though water sounded beautiful, Lucy was more stoked about the water purifier connected to the house. She was told there was cold but clean water in a makeshift wash room to clean up.
So Lucy took her time to freshen up in the first relatively put-together place she’d been since coming up from the Vault. The little cabin did have lights, thanks to a generator that hummed along outside. She was able to scrub the grime from her face and hands, and attempted to do the same with her Vault-suit. There was an old Nuka-cola  bottle on the floor in the washroom with ‘SOAP’ scratched across it in cursive. It lathered like any other that Lucy remembered, and she felt like a new person walking out of the wash room and back into her own little space. 
Unsurprisingly, her empty stomach reared its head in protest, and she decided she’d make one last trip to the pantry before bed. There were no voices outside of her room, just the humming of an old Television setup she’d seen on her way in. Lucy tiptoes back to the junction of the living area and pantry, but stops dead in her tracks. The lights are all off, and it takes a moment for her eyes to adjust. 
The living area right inside the door, the one she’d passed by on her way in, was occupied by both the Ghoul and his mysterious friend. However, instead of the simple sofa she’d observed prior, it was now pulled out into a bed. 
A bed in which the woman and the Ghoul were curled up,  completely unconscious. 
Lucy almost feels bad intruding on the situation, but she’s more bewildered that anyone could show such affection towards the irradiated man she’d come to hate over the past few days. And they’re not even just sharing the bed, they’re tangled together and… cuddling? The Ghoul is on his back, head propped on a pillow and hat still on his head but tipped down low to hide his disfigured face. The long coat he’d worn day in and day out is hanging over the armrest beside his bandolier, guns easily accessible. And the woman, looking relaxed as ever, is curled up on her side with her head on his chest. The Ghoul has one arm curled around her shoulder, the other loosely gripping his inhaler device as he sleeps. 
Lucy collects her jaw off the floor and scoots along to the pantry, snagging a couple ration bars and a can of water before heading back. She tries not to look again as she goes back to her room, but the temptation is too great. She pauses, turning back only to hear the click of a gun being cocked. 
In the darkness, she can only see the whites of the Ghoul’s eyes and a flash of teeth. “Move along, Vaultie.”
Lucy obeys, and practically dashes back to her room. 
So when they move out in the morning, Lucy pretends not to notice anything. When the pair stops their trek and leans in close to murmur directions at each other, Lucy taps away at her Pip-Boy. 
There’s even a time where she returns from gathering water to find them locked in a kiss, coats swaying in the Wasteland wind. And Lucy had immediately backed up, lingering in the treeline until they broke apart. 
The displays of affections continue with the travels, and it wasn’t odd to wake up to the sight of the woman curled beneath her Ghoul’s arm, content as ever. Days pass, and Lucy doesn’t mention it. It’s kind of cute, she comes to think. She didn’t dare mention anything in fear of the Ghoul’s wrath. 
So their odd trio trots along through the desert, letting Dogmeat take the lead. 
And Lucy? Well, she's learning to be blissfully ignorant towards the abnormalities on the surface.
thanks for reading, much love ❤️
Read More: Fallout Masterlist
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onyourowndaisymae · 2 months
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"why do you guys put clothes out on the line if there's no sun in the devildom?"
"it's not the sunlight that dries them. it's the heat."
"oh. right."
"it's something we used to do back in the celestial realm. i guess we never stopped." beelzebub tossed a big sheet up on the clothesline, effortlessly pinning it into place. a small breeze made the fabric billow gracefully. for a moment, you could almost hear the birds chirping under gold sunrays in the garden of eden. "plus they smell nice after drying outside."
belphegor gave a lethargic nod as he handed you another wet shirt to dry. "napping on warm bedsheets is really nice."
you could understand why. the scorching heat of hell had simmered into a soft, bearable warmth, like a summer's day back home when the sun began to embrace the horizon.
you took a long look down the clothesline at the row of garments swaying in the breeze as the chatter between the twins faded into the background. mammon's pajama pants looked silly next to one of asmo's silk bathrobes. there was a dark sweater on the line-- satan's, a thicker one he wears during the colder months-- and for a moment you thought it might be one of lucifer's. belphie passed you something else to hang, and you held it for a moment as it dripped onto the grass below. it's yours. your RAD uniform is wrinkled from the wash.
for a moment, your mind wanders back to your journey. the days you've spent in the devildom bleed into the afternoons at the park back home. did the brothers play tag in the gardens of the celestial realm, too? did some angel pick their tired bodies from the ground and carry them to bed as they drifted off to sleep? did the heat of the devildom's arid climate remind them of the exhaustion after a long day in heaven's never ending light? when did it start reminding you of the trip your family took to the desert you senior year of high school?
do the memories of what could have been nag at the future of what will be for them too, or are you the only one blending realms like watercolors in your mind?
"do you need help reaching the line?" beel asks, already pulling the line down to your height and you out of your thoughts. belphie is looking at you curiously.
with a smile and without a word, you hang your shirt with a sense of triumph and watch it flutter in the wind. like the smell of laundry soap in the air, your new life mixes with the old.
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enviedear · 10 months
A request throught for billy the kid.
He goes to a bar where a barmaid owns and works there, and they sleep together, and when he comes back, she has a little boy running around that looks a whole lot like him....
girl from the north country — billy bonney
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i got this ask and my brain immediately went 'bob dylan rendition of girl from north country' because this trope has that song written all over it.
tw— allusions to the deed, hidden baby trope, use of, 'momma' as a pet name.
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less than three years ago, you made the grave decision to bed an outlaw. he was sweet and soft with you, sweet talking his way into your britches. it had been a fun night, but despite your delighted evening, a sinking feeling took hold of you the minute he caught your eye.
his name was billy. or at least, he went by billy. he was a mess of dark brown hair, kind blue eyes, and honest nature. it felt like fate when you saw him. he had been sitting at the bar, quiet and lonesome. you found it easy to talk to him.
he had given you a bright smile, engaging you in casual conversation as the night turned to morning. slipping out with you when you closed down the bar, only to follow you up the road to your small homestead.
you had never seen him before, but after he left town, you soon learned exactly who he was. wanted posters with his likeness followed his trail, leaving you tight-lipped about the entire situation.
it was about six months after his visit that your lips finally began to move, coming up with fruitless excuses for the townspeople. by then, your stomach had already started to round, bulging into something plain and inescapable. at first, you were terrified and even considered fleeing to another town and opting to try and pass as a widow. even now, despite yourself, the thought lingers in the back of your mind.
you've been lucky though, the town is nice enough to not ask you questions. just watchful stares and a few upturned noses. you kept your job at the gin mill, working through the night while your married friend watched the baby.
you've found yourself a quiet life—a growing meadow of life hidden in the hellish and desolate west.
with a sigh, you turn your attention back to the clothesline, grabbing at the last of the dry garments and flinging them in your basket. there's a storm brewing close in the distance, and a loud crack of thunder has the small child at your feet fretting.
you pick up your fussy toddler, his pink lips curled into a frown, "c'mon bubba, s'just a little storm."
you glance at the darkening sky, feeling the first droplets of rain on your skin. the wind picks up, causing the clothesline to sway with a creak. cradling your son in your arms, you hurry inside, leaving the clothes in your haste of trying to beat the approaching storm.
inside the cozy warmth of your small homestead, you try to soothe the worried toddler in your arms. the distant rumble of thunder grows louder, and you decide it's best to stay cooped up, work be damned. as you settle into a rocking chair, softly humming a lullaby to the sweet boy in your arms, the rain begins to patter against the window.
the hours pass slowly, the storm raging outside, when a sudden knock on the door startles you. with caution, you approach and peer through the small window and see a tall figure drenched in rain, barely recognizable underneath his sopping hat.
you open the door, and the man looks up. his eyes are kind, and eerily familiar. looking like a drowned man, standing at your door, is billy. he looks apologetic and somewhat sheepish. rainwater drips from the brim of his hat as he mumbles, "m'sorry for showing up like this, i wasn't even sure if you were still here."
you eye him cautiously, memories of your night shared with him resurfacing, but the storm outside softens your resolve, "what brings you here, billy?" you inquire, staring up at the rain-soaked outlaw before you, taking in his genuine expression.
his voice trembles as he confesses that he never meant to stay away for so long— but life on the run has its cruel complications. now, drenched and shivering in the midst of a raging storm, he pleads for refuge in your home, desperation etched onto every word as he begs for forgiveness and a safe haven from his pursuers.
hesitating for a moment, you look back at your toddler playing on the floor. with a sigh, you relent, "alright, billy, you can come in, but just until the storm passes."
as he steps inside, you notice the surprise in his eyes when he sees the boy. he's donned in a darling little linen onesie, your own hands had worked tirelessly over the garment. his bright eyes look between you and billy, the hue of your own eyes evident and the blue of billy's scattered throughout. a perfect blend.
a silence hangs in the air as realization slowly dawns on him. his gaze shifts between you and your little one, and in that moment, he connects the dots.
his voice softens, "is he... is he mine?"
the question sends a shiver down your spine and all of your carefully constructed defenses slowly crumble around you. there's no denying it now, the truth of what had happened was laid bare for both of you to see, innocent face staring up at the both of you. you stand in place, your feet rooted to the ground. you can feel your heart pounding in your chest as you realize the confession you're about to make. taking a deep breath, you finally relent.
a nod is all you can manage, the weight of the unspoken truth lingering in the room. billy takes a step closer to the little boy and you start. but his intentions are gentle as he reaches out to touch the top of his child's head, "i never knew." he murmurs, a mix of regret and wonder in his eyes.
you watch as billy kneels down to meet your son at eye level. the child looks up at him with innocent curiosity, and you can't help but feel a twinge of anger mixed in with the guilt that had been festering inside of you for so long. you had carried the weight of this secret for years, the fear of the townsfolk finding out and ostracizing you and your child from the community. but looking down at billy's face, you know that it's time to come clean.
"he's almost three now, billy," you say softly, the regret in your own voice almost palpable, "i didn't know how to find you...i didn't even know your name back then."
billy's expression softens as he turns to look at you, his eyes full of sorrow, "i understand," he says, his voice gentle. "m'sorry i wasn't there for you. for both o'you."
you nod, knowing his words are earnest, "you couldn't have known." you say quietly.
billy stands up and walks towards you, his arms open. his eyes are sad, but they hold a fierce longing that you can feel despite any attempt to deny it. his body radiates with a warmth that you can't help but feel drawn to, despite all of the fear and regret that fills your heart. you close your eyes, allowing yourself to be enveloped by his embrace, feeling his arms wrap around your body and pull you close.
"i'm sorry," he whispers into your ear. "god, m'so sorry for everything."
you nod, unable to find your voice. the storm outside rages on, but inside, the atmosphere is one of acceptance and forgiveness. you have both been through so much, but now, with the truth out in the open, it feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. you look up into billy's eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over you.
"i forgave you a long time ago," you say, your voice barely above a whisper, "figure i can't keep hiding this little one away from his father. not now, wouldn't be right."
billy nods, his eyes now filled with hope, "i want to be a part of his life, if you'll let me," he says, his voice filled with a conviction that sends shivers down your spine.
you nod, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes, "of course," you say, your voice filled with a mixture of relief and sadness. "he deserves to have his daddy."
billy smiles, his eyes crinkling at the corners, cupping your cheeks, "what about his momma? seems like she's been gettin' on fine without a man around."
you hum, trying to ignore how easy your heart skips for him, "i reckon she'll make him grovel 'fore she'll be his sweetheart again."
your outlaw lets out a soft chuckle, "then i best get to grovelin', momma."
—reblog and like if you enjoyed, let ur local writer know you like her work !
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chilling-seavey · 6 months
Don't Worry Darling (gr63)
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↳ A/N The best part about watching movies as a writer, is being inspired to write my own spin-off of the plot. I was absolutely gagged when I watched DWD and this came of it.
↳ Inspired By Don't Worry Darling (2022)
↳ Summary: Married and thriving in an idealised community based on routine, gender roles, and arguable paradise, you and George seem to be just as perfect together as the utopia you live within - but not everything is as it seems on the surface.
↳ Pairings: George Russell x Wife!Fem!Reader (NO use of y/n)
↳ Word Count: 21.7k
↳ Warnings: 18+, gender roles, smut, oral (f reciving), breeding kink to the maaaax (and the applicable dirty talk to go along with it), one or two instances of 'mommy' and 'daddy' but not in the spicy sense, unprotected sex (we're trying to make a baby here, people), some descriptions of sickness, brief mention of suicide, some mention of medical content, dark undertones.
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The summer sun danced across the freshly cleaned carpeted floors, lining perfectly with the horizontal streaks from the vacuum that had been taken to it only a few moments before. The single storey house smelt of fresh linen and citrus cleaning products and the full glass windows sparkled brilliantly in the early afternoon sun. Outside in the backyard, the two rows of clotheslines were hung over pristine green grass and the crisp white sheets were hung perfectly over each line and pinned precisely on each end. The wind rippled through them in the calm breeze, wafting clean scents across the trimmed backyard and tended garden of flourishing flowers. 
In your pastel blue dress, the empty laundry basket rested on your hip as you returned inside from tending to the laundry, a gentle whistle on your lips to a tune you couldn’t quite place but had been stuck in your head for a few days. Your white kitten heels walked silently across the perfectly vacuumed carpet back towards the mudroom that was tucked beside the garage and took the last load of laundry out of the washing machine to place in the basket. 
The crisp white dress shirts were hung on the clothesline in the backyard beside the clean sheets, pinned delicately by their shoulders so the wind could take their freshness and dry them in the summer air. 
Rain was never a concern as the neighbourhood in which you lived never had a day of spotty weather. In fact, since the day you and your husband moved into the desert oasis town, there had been nothing but comfortable temperatures and clear skies. It was just another confirmation that your decision to move out of your every-day society and into this private section of the world was the correct one. 
Running your hands down the front of the final clean dress shirt, you leaned in towards it to inhale the fresh scent of fabric softener that encapsulated the fibres and filled your senses with the familiarity that was your husband. With him away at work during the days, one might think that you would get lonely. On the contrary, there were always things for you to take up your time with. If you weren’t cleaning the house for his return, preparing dinner, or tending to the garden, you had lots of opportunities to visit the shops in town, lounge by the pool with the other ladies in the neighbourhood, or attend ballet classes where you could. Life had no stress. Life was perfect. 
With the laundry drying in the yard, you returned inside to begin preparing dinner. Your white apron was tied around your waist and you flipped open your recipe book to select your evening meal. Missing your husband a little extra that afternoon, you decided to make his favourite for his homecoming. 
On freshly scrubbed countertops and over the sparkling clean stove, you prepared the meal for him delicately and with nothing but your utmost attention to detail. He deserved nothing more than perfection. The meat was seasoned by your careful manicured hands and laid in a bed of onions and potatoes and spices in the oven to roast, the timer set for an exact hour. With the vegetables cooking on the stovetop and the counters washed down from dinner prep, you began to set the dining table for two. 
The china dishes that had been a wedding gift were set between carefully placed sterling silver cutlery and two slim candles were lit in the centre of the table. You crouched in front of the fireplace that divided the dining room from the living room and lit the flame, making sure it caught on the kindling before you shut the glass to protect the pristine home you kept from the smoke or flame. On your way back to the kitchen, you dimmed the dining room lighting down to a romantic glow and stopped by the record player to set one of your shared favourite records to play softly in the background. 
When the clock struck 5:00, you had just placed the roast on the table alongside the dishes of vegetables and salad and you hurried across the carpet floor towards the bar. Your apron was pulled off and tossed under the counter and out of sight and you quickly poured a perfect amount of golden liquor into a crystal glass and took it with you to the front door. The moment you reached the foyer, you had just a second to make sure you looked your best in the mirror by the door as the headlights flashed through the frosted glass window down the left hand side of the front door. 
The sound of footsteps on the front porch guided you to open the door with an eager smile, revealing your husband on the other side. In his work shoes and black jacket, his hand was tucked casually in the front pocket of his slacks with his briefcase in his other hand. He wore no tie but the buttoned up white shirt that you had ironed for him that morning was already slightly creased from his long day and would require laundering. But your attention was all focused on his perfectly gelled brown hair and his loving eyes that sparkled in the warm light that surrounded you. 
George was already smiling as if anticipating your usual greeting after a long day away and he stepped over the threshold of your shared home and set his briefcase by the door without tearing his eyes away from you for a second. 
“Welcome home, sunshine.” you said sweetly, offering out his drink. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” he whispered adoringly, stepping closer to you and he slid his hands around your waist to rest against the small of your back and he pulled you right up against him for a swift kiss. 
Your free hand easily wrapped around his shoulders as he walked you backwards farther into your house, the two of you sharing love-sick kisses after a long day apart. 
“How was your day?” you asked softly, when he pulled away from you for a half second to lick his lips.
“Absolute shit until now.” George whispered back, moving right in once more and he let one of his hands raise to cradle your jaw and guide your lips back on his. He lingered on your mouth for a second before his hand finally dropped to take his glass from you. 
“Then it’s a good thing I made your favourite.” you said, starting to unbutton his jacket for him as he sipped his drink all while staring at you and leading you both farther into the house and towards the dining room. 
“Mhm?” George blindly set his still half-full glass on the kitchen counter with a dull clink as you both passed by briefly so he could pull you back in for more kisses. 
You smiled against his mouth and your hands rested daintily against his chest as he leaned into you, expertly keeping up with the way his lips locked with yours in feverish kisses as if he had been too deprived of you. His large hands cascaded down your body and over your hips, steering you towards your perfectly set dinner table under the ambiance of the romantic music crackling from the record player and the fireplace flickering nearby.
“Cleaned the whole house for you too.” you continued between kisses even as your hands pushed his jacket from his shoulders and let it fall to the crisply vacuumed carpet. 
“Yeah, it looks so good, darling.” George breathed into your mouth as his hands grabbed your thighs and he hiked you right up onto the end of the dining room table. 
In all reality, he hadn’t taken his eyes off of you from the second you opened the door for him. The entire house could have been trashed and graffitied and he wouldn’t have even batted an eyelash because all his focus was on you. It had been that way for as long as you could remember - ever since he first laid eyes on you - and your honeymoon phase only followed you well into your first year of marriage. The whole neighbourhood knew that well. No one was as perfect for each other or as perfect together as you and George were.
Eyes locked, you were breathing heavily into each other’s open mouths as his hands helped themselves up your skirt and you shifted to help him tug your panties down your legs. They were easily tossed to the floor and George’s lips went for your neck, trailing impatient wet kisses down your skin until he was dropping to his knees at the head of the table. 
“Oh, I missed you.” you breathed to the ceiling as he bunched up your dress around your waist and then dragged his tongue right between your legs. Your sharp inhale had him doing it again before he was wrapping his arms around your thighs and pulling your legs over his shoulders. 
You fell onto your back against the table with a gasp, your hands knocking the salad bowl to the floor without concern as you messily caught yourself against the wood top. The simple touch of his mouth against your cunt had your breathing falling shallow and you gasped to the peaked ceiling of your mid-century home as you laid out on the dining table like you were dinner itself. 
George hummed gladly against your pussy as he warmed you up with filthy wet kisses. He acted like he had been deprived of you for weeks but in reality it had barely been twenty-four hours since you found yourself in a similar position. Your relationship really had nothing but strength in all aspects behind it. 
The feeling of his warm wet tongue gliding up flatly between your lips had your back arching off the table with a strangled gasp and your hands flew above your head to try and grab onto something, only knocking off the two place settings you had so meticulously set. The carpeted floor caught them delicately and without much of a sound but you were all too focused on the way George’s mouth felt to care about anything else. He lapped filthily at your clit as your breaths turned into moans and he nuzzled his face deeper into you, having craved you all day. 
“George-” you gasped to the ceiling, eyes screwing shut as he flicked his tongue over your clit in quick patterns. “Oh my God.” 
He moaned up against you and let his fingers press into the flesh of your thighs as he held your legs over his shoulders hungrily, playing with your swollen clit until your toes were curling and your back was arching. The filthy slurps and smacks of his mouth and tongue against your pussy were arousing and they easily drowned out the sound of the gentle record player across the room, harmonizing perfectly with your breathless whimpers and moans that were all for him. 
He was ruthless with it, eating you out like he wholeheartedly craved you until you were writhing against the wood dining table. Your hands flew down to his head between your legs and your fingers raked through his styled brown hair to tug pleadingly on the roots to feel him closer, to feel more of him. Mouth agape and eyebrows furrowed with pleasure, you peered down your body towards him but the voluminous skirt of your dress hindered your view slightly. Instead, you let your head fall back against the table, your back arching, and you let him urge the moans from your chest. 
“Fuck, baby.” you choked out, pulling at his hair harder. 
His tongue on your pussy had you quivering and he knew you like the back of his hand; always knowing right where you needed him and how to make you see stars. He tugged you a little closer to the edge of the table so he could get more of his mouth on you and his hands pried your thighs open wider, giving him full access to every inch of you. 
Your moans grew louder, pitchier, your hips trying to grind against his face as his tongue ravaged your clit mercilessly until you were flushing warm all over and aching for release. One of your hands reached above your head to grab the edge of the table, swatting the bowl of peas and carrots to the carpet blindly as you did so but you didn’t care. You were all too hung up on him and his perfect mouth. 
“Oh, darling-” you cried to the ceiling, “I’m gonna cum-”
George kept his tongue on your clit, lapping quickly at it at that same consistent pace that made you dizzy. Gasping and moaning through the romantic air, you let him take the pleasure from your veins until you were falling perfectly silent and your eyes rolled shut as your back arched helplessly off the table. 
George’s deep moan against you sent shockwaves up your spine as he licked and suckled at your cunt as you came for him, soaking his mouth in your creamy liquids that satisfied his cravings just so. You completely sobbed out his name once the height of your orgasm washed over you, your fingers clutching his hair to hold him against you just a little bit longer. He pulled away with a sharp inhale and a lick to his lips, standing up smoothly to let your legs fall gently back to the edge of the table. 
You brushed your hands over your once-tidy hair and peered down your body to where he stood at the head of the table unbuckling his belt with nothing but the strongest lust in his eyes. You hiked up the skirt of your dress some more and smeared your fingers through your messy cunt that was shimmering wet for him and from him. 
“Come here.” George ordered lowly as he kicked off his shoes across the carpeted floor and let his pants follow before he was sitting himself down on the stray dining chair, his hard cock standing stiff and swollen with need for you. 
You were still shuttering from your orgasm but you pushed yourself up from the tabletop and slid off the edge to land on your feet, your heels catching you silently against the carpet. He patted his thigh and then held out his hand to you, encouraging you over and helped you to toss a leg over his lap to straddle him. George shuffled up the large skirt of your dress and you helped him pull it over your head and drop it to the floor behind you, leaving you in only your bra and him in only his shirt as your lips found each other’s again. 
His hands groped your ass, pulling you closer to him hungrily as your lips smacked wetly together amid tongue-led kisses. Your arms around his shoulders allowed your fingers to tangle in his hair and you pulled his head closer until he was leaning into you to keep kissing you, sharing moans and breaths of nothing but pure erotica together. 
“Oh, baby.” you breathed out of your heated kisses, tilting your head back as his lips magnetized to your neck and your hands cradled his head adoringly. 
“I want you on my cock.” George spoke lowly against your neck, “I want you bouncing on my fucking cock.” 
“Yes, please.” you shifted on his lap to rise up slightly with your feet planted on either side of him and he reached down to angle his dick for you. 
With your hands on his shoulders, you slowly sunk down on his dick to feel every inch of it stretching you out snugly. Mouth falling open, your thighs met his lap and you moaned shakily at the warm stretch he gave you, swirling your hips lazily to feel him everywhere. 
“Good girl, darling.” George praised, resting back against the chair with his hands securely on your hips. 
Right away, you began to bounce on him, using the anchor of your feet on the carpeted ground on either side of the dining chair to keep you supported. You leaned your head back with a gentle shake to get your hair out of your face but kept your hands on his shoulders with your fingers gripping onto the once ironed white fabric. 
“Fuck, that’s my good fucking girl.” George praised through his teeth. 
“Oh my God.” you groaned out shakily. 
You were addicted to the clap of your skin together; the filthy lewd sound that was proof of your undying love and devotion to each other. How you were the pair that everyone else envied. 
When your eyes met, you could feel your insides fluttering from only his stare and the stormy mixture of love and lust that settled behind his gaze. Fingers tangled in the back of his hair, you held him close as you greedily fucked yourself on his lap, completely salivating at the feeling of his generous cock sheathed so perfectly inside you. It was hard to keep your eyes open with the pleasure that surged within you but your husband’s stare was completely addictive. He stared at you like you were the world and with his hands on your hips, he helped you guide you through your bounces until you were choking out the sweetest moans. 
George pulled you close by your waist so you could rest right down against his chest and your arms went right around his shoulders, allowing you to share another sloppy kiss as your bounces moulded into purposeful grinds. You moaned into each other’s mouths as your pussy gripped around his cock with each roll of your hips, your feet still tucked in your heels looping around the back legs of the dining chair to five yourself some added leverage to help yourself to his body. Grinding on him back and forth, a little faster, you broke your kiss with a soft gasp, letting your head fall backwards and his lips found your neck. 
George’s hands groped your ass and he pulled you into your motions steadily, making sure you were able to feel all of each other as much as possible. His teeth sunk gently into your flesh where your neck met your shoulder and he groaned tightly against your skin as you ground down on him faster, harder, whining for more. He spanked your ass before gliding his hands up your back and he let his furrowed gaze find your face, staring at the pleasure that took over your features. Your hands gripped the back of his hair and the back of his shirt, rolling your body against his hungrily as your lips were drawn together again. 
Both of you shared hungry moans and sloppy kisses as you ground yourself down on his dick and rode him purposefully on the dining room chair. The dinner that hadn’t been swiped to the ground in your initial rush was growing cold on the serving dishes but the waste of your hard work was truly the last thing on your mind. Instead, your attention was taken up by your handsome husband and the feeling of his warm skin taking you over - body and soul. 
Breaking your wet tongue-led kiss with a whimpering gasp, your head fell back for a moment as your hips lead their course on his lap, fingers clutching his hair and his shirt as you swirled yourself back and forth on his dick and watched how his handsome face was stricken in pleasure. His hands on your waist urged you to shift again and you gladly moved back into steady bounces using the anchor of your heels on the carpeted floor. 
“Oh my God, George.” you choked out, keeping your eyes on his. “Yes.” 
His deep groans in time with every bounce of your body on his lap filled the warm romantic air between you, his hands gripping a little tighter to your hips to pull you down a little harder, a little faster. 
“Good girl.” he praised lowly. 
“Are you close?” you asked shakily. 
“Yeah, baby.” his voice was strained slightly and he stared down his body to watch how you took him all with every ungraceful stroke, his feet planted firmly on the carpet as he stayed slouched back against the dining chair. “Fuck.”
“I want you to come in me.” you breathed shakily. 
“Yeah?” George’s right hand rose from your waist to hold your jaw tenderly and his thumb slid into your mouth, “Want me to put a baby in you?” 
“Fuck- uh huh-“ you groaned through his thumb, shamelessly bouncing harder on his lap until your thighs were aching. 
“Mhm?” George’s eyes flicked between your face and his lap, watching you fuck yourself on him with his feet anchroed securely on the carpeted dining room floor. He had been waiting and dreaming for his homecoming all day, desperate for this exact moment. He knew all too well that you would never say no to him. You were equals but you were such a good wife. 
George pulled his thumb out of your mouth and slid his hand around the back of your neck to pull your forehead against his as he groaned into his orgasm. You squeezed your muscles tightly around him, making his face screw up in pleasure as his cock throbbed within the tight confines of your cunt and you finally were blessed with that first feeling of him spurting warmly inside you. You shuttered on top of him, grinding down strongly against his lap as you held each other close and met his timing almost perfectly. Your moans together were harmonious and perfect and your heart soared with adoration for him as your souls connected in the dim lighting of your shared home. 
“Fuck, darling-” George breathed out of it, holding you to his chest with his entire arms around your back, keeping you grinding against him as your orgasm tapered off. 
“Holy shit.” you whimpered quietly against his cheek, your fingers gripping tightly to the back of his shirt, your thighs trembling as you sat all your weight down on his lap to take the weight off your feet. 
His hands caressed your back and you moved to be able to meet his gaze as he asked cheekily, “So, how was your day?”
You giggled sweetly and leaned in to kiss his lips, “Amazing. Even more amazing now that you’re home.” 
“Missed you so much.” George admitted. 
“I can tell.” you smiled, scratching your fingers through the back of his hair. 
George tore his eyes away from your loving gaze so he could look towards the dining room table that was left in complete disarray from his rushed entry. He leaned forward slightly to rest his head against your shoulder and you kissed his head and ran your hand through his hair. 
“Sorry for, uh, ruining your dinner.” he whispered. 
“That’s okay. Worth it.” you assured him, “But you’re cleaning it up.”
“Okay.” he chuckled and raised his head from your shoulder to kiss your lips again. 
You took his face in your dainty hands, whispering between gentle chasté kisses, “I love you.”
George smiled peacefully, staring at your adoringly, “I love you.”
His lips peppered kisses down your jaw and your neck and his hands squeezed your ass to prompt you to get up. You moved cautiously as you stood from his lap, letting a thick drop of white slip out of you and onto his thigh and he leaned in to kiss your hip as his hands guided you off of him. 
“Any symptoms yet?” he asked gently as you bent down to grab your underwear and pull them on. 
“Don’t think so.” you answered with a shrug. 
“It’ll happen.” he almost promised. 
You stood between his legs and rested your forearms on his shoulders to lean in towards him, “Hopefully.” 
“It will.” his large hands caressed your thighs. 
You shared a soft kiss. 
George patted your bum, “Okay, go wash up. I’ll clean this mess and slice up that roast for us. Looks like it survived the chaos.” 
You kissed him once more and then slid out of his arms. Picking up your dress from the floor, you headed across the open living room and down the opposite hallway that turned towards the back of the house and led to your bedroom. You pulled out your nightgown from your dresser drawer and helped yourself to the pastel painted ensuite to freshen up, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. 
Once perfectly styled hair was falling out of its pins and your cheeks were flushed from more than just the light coat of foundation and blush that you had applied earlier that day. You felt giddy and warm and yet a tinge of anxiety lingered in the back of your mind as you turned to the side and ran a hand over the flat natural curve of your stomach. You had been trying for a baby for only four weeks but you were impatient for the next phase of your perfect life with your perfect husband and with every passing day, you only got more and more ansty. George promised it would happen when it happens but you were both so familiar with things coming so easily to the two of you that not having results instantaneously was almost tortuous. 
Returning to the main space of your single storey house, George was in the kitchen in only his underwear and half unbuttoned white dress shirt, tidying up the dishes and scraping the spilled food into the garbage. To anyone else, they might have been more than annoyed that their hard-work that went into making dinner had gone to unappreciated waste but it was never that serious to you. You lived to give George whatever he wanted and when all he truly wanted was you? Who were you to deny him that? 
You leaned against the counter that divided the kitchen from the rest of the space and watched George putter around for a moment before he saw you. He smiled over at you and then brought over the plate of sliced meat that he had taken from the table and cut up himself. Setting it between you, he picked up one of the pieces and fed it to you from his fingers. 
“Little cold now.” you chuckled softly. 
“Still good.” he complimented, taking a bite for himself. 
You stood on either side of the peninsula counter and shared the plate of your half-cold dinner, one of the candles from the table resting between you and still lit. Moments like that only rehashed the idea of your perfect imperfection that was you and him. 
“You look beautiful right now.”
You raised your eyes from the plate, slipping one more piece of meat into your mouth as you met his loving stare. 
With a bashful smile, you shrugged, and spoke through your small mouthful, “I’m just in my nightgown.” 
“I know.” George leaned over the counter and captured your lips with his in a swift kiss. 
You smiled against his mouth and raised a hand up to dust your fingertips over his jaw before you were gently pushing him away from your lips. He reached over to gently tug at your pouted bottom lip with the pad of his thumb before standing up straight again and kept your eye contact from across the counter. 
“I love you so much.” you whispered. 
“I love you more.” 
The faint crackling of the record player in the living room drew your attention across the open space of your modest house and George drifted around the counter and danced his hand over your waist on his way past you. You took another bite of your makeshift dinner and watched as he lifted the needle from the turntable to remove the record and slide it back into its case. Whistling happily in his half-dressed state, George skimmed your collection of records and pulled out a new one to place carefully on the turntable. 
The tune he kept was the same tune you had stuck in your head for a few days and you inquired, “My love, what song is that you’re whistling?” 
George glanced up at you from across the living room, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth seeing you in the light of the kitchen behind your figure, and he looked back down to the record that he spun between his hands and then set it into its place on the turntable, “I dunno, darling. I think it’s just some random song.” 
“I’ve had it stuck in my head for a while now.” you explained, leaning back against the counter. 
“Mhm?” George seemed to shrug you off as he set the needle back on the record and the speaker crackled as it found its way into the groove. 
The house was filled with gentle romantic music and he turned up the volume as the voice of the vocalist flooded the space around you. George’s whistling moulded into the tune of the song playing and he did a little spin as he slunk his way saucily across the floor towards you. He climbed the three carpeted steps of the sunken living room and serenaded you with his rhythmic sways and motions as he approached you. You laughed softly at his goofiness and he held out his hands to you as he whistled along to the music. 
When you didn’t make a move to join him for a few seconds - just staring at him while leaning back against the counter with an adoring smile on your face - he requested of you simply, “Dance with me.” 
You pushed yourself away from the counter and set your hands in his, letting him pull you close to his body as he slid an arm around your waist and let his other hand stay holding yours beside you. He was the most angelic man you had ever seen and you set your hand around his shoulder as he guided you into gentle sways along with the music. 
You closed your eyes and melted into his chest, cheek to cheek, falling heavenly into the comfort of his embrace and the way his body moved with yours. His pitch perfect voice spoke right to your heart as he hummed quietly as you danced slowly in place within your cozy home, swaying to the rhythm of the record. With you in your nightgown and George in his underwear and dress shirt, you were perfectly domestic in that moment, the warmth in your heart swirling around the two of you wrapped as one. 
“Someday soon we won’t be able to do this.” George whispered to you.
The ominous nature of his statement had you shifting your head to look him in the eye, “What? Why?”
George just smiled sweetly and rubbed his thumb over the small of your back, “Because there’s going to be a baby growing between us soon. We’ll have to be a good arm's length apart.” 
You grinned back at him bashfully and leaned into him again so his lips pressed against your cheek for a quick kiss and then his head rested against yours. He led your gentle swaying on the plush carpet in the warm glow of the fireplace and your cozy home, only growing the adoring flutter in your heart. 
“I can’t wait.” you breathed. 
“Me neither.” George gave your joint hands a little squeeze. 
“I love you.” you whispered. 
“I love you.” George found your lips with his, kissing away any of your anxieties surrounding the unknown future with his love that comforted you always. 
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The ringing of George’s alarm clock woke you at dawn, just like any other weekday. He was cuddled up behind you in your spacious bed, wrapping you up in the warmth of the sheets and his embrace. You sighed deeply as you were forced into consciousness and as you shifted to stretch in George’s arms, he pressed a kiss to your cheek. 
“Morning, darling.” he mumbled sleepily, his alarm still ringing from his side of the bed. 
“Morning, sunshine.” you yawned, earning another cheek kiss from your husband before he was shifting away from you to reach over and swat off the alarm. 
You rolled after him under the blankets and as he turned back around from shutting off his clock, you draped yourself across his bare chest to admire him happily in the faint morning light that peeked through the sides of your curtains. He stroked your hair and you tapped your index finger against his lips before you leaned in to kiss them softly. He smiled at you and met you halfway for another. 
“Did you sleep okay?” you asked quietly. 
“Yeah.” he lazily draped his arm around your back, “Did you?”
You nodded, still tired from your deep sleep you had just awoken from, and your gaze stayed focused on his familiar face. Reaching your hand up from his chest you caressed his cheek with your thumb and across his jaw that housed a faint dusting of hair that was in need of his daily morning shave. He moved his head slightly to press his lips against the pad of your thumb and you giggled adoringly and stretched your body out on top of his as if not wanting to let him get up. 
“Do you wanna stay in bed?” George asked. 
“With you?” you replied hopefully. 
“No.” he smiled sadly at you and stroked your hair again, “I gotta go to work and make some money for us and our future babies.” 
You bit back your smile but didn’t make a move to get off him, still staring lovingly at  his face.
“Okay?” he patted your bum over the blankets. 
You reached a hand up to gently scoop some sleep from the corner of his eye for him with your index finger and a soft melancholy hum and he scrunched his eyes closed and tried to turn away. You sighed dramatically and rested your chin on your hand against his chest to stare at him just a little longer before you would both have to get up. 
George’s finger traced the bridge of your nose and then plopped against your lips, tugging gently at the bottom one, whispering to you once more, “Okay?”
You nodded, breathing out a forced agreement, “Okay.”
You moved off of him and let him get out of bed and you watched from your cozy spot against the headboard as he trudged across the room and pushed open the curtains to let the tidal wave of early morning sun flood your four walls. Standing in the light in only his underwear, George was almost just a silhouette to you and as he stretched his arms above his head with a waking yawn and skimmed over your perfectly manicured backyard, you nearly swooned. As the man of your house, he made you weak by simply existing. How you adored him. 
Your eyes followed him as he walked across the bedroom towards the ensuite and, like every weekday morning, you let him get ready for his day without hassle. He naturally left the door open and you could see in the reflection of the mirror how he stripped out of his underwear into nothingness and then stepped into the shower, pulling the curtain shut behind him. The water turned on and then his whistle followed, waking himself up in warm water a good tune. 
Now alone in your shared bed, you stretched your arms over your head and forced your limbs to wake up, the slight comfortable tension on your muscles forcing the reminisce of your evening reunion to leak out of you and into your underwear. The sheets had fallen down to your waist from George climbing out of bed and you dropped your hands to rest on your stomach with an impatient sigh, staring down at your soft skin exposed to the morning sunlight. Sleeping bare beside him to allow your skin to touch completely was your favourite way to sleep as you so easily learned after you wed and moved into your perfect home together. He always felt so close that way. 
When your bare feet hit the carpeted floor and you rose from the mattress, you reached for his white button up dress shirt that he had worn the previous day and had discarded to the chair in the corner of the room. Keeping yourself modest within your empty house, you buttoned up the bottom three buttons, and then straightened out the creased fabric in the full length mirror. 
You stopped by the bathroom door, leaning against the frame as you called out to your showering husband, “Darling love; I’m going to start breakfast.”
“Okay, sweetheart, thank you.” George called back through the water and patterned shower curtain. 
Your bare feet patted softly down the picture frame lined hallway that was bathed in sunlight from the floor to ceiling windows opposite, and you turned into the main space of your house that had been silent from nightfall. You opened the curtains and turned on the radio to bring your house to life as you began the routine of your mornings. 
As usual, the weather was bright and clear and the sun had just barely made it above the horizon, meeting you outside in the backyard with refreshing crisp air and a wash of golden light, filtered only by the neighbouring houses and your clotheslines. The laundry that you had hung up the previous day was now perfectly dry and you unpinned one of the fresh white shirts that matched the one you were wearing and brought it back inside with you as the iron was heating up. The radio announcer spoke to the news of your uneventful town where the most interesting happenings consisted of shopping centre sales or the community pool being closed for cleaning. 
The ironing board was set up in the living room and you draped the clean shirt across it to be met with the steaming iron. The creases were steamed and ironed out of the fabric with ease and you found yourself humming that same mysterious tune as you worked, constantly stuck in your head. When the shirt was left neatly on the ironing board for retrieval by your husband, you continued on to the kitchen to put his lunch together and get breakfast started, letting the radio’s news mould into morning hits that livened your home with music. 
George joined you in the kitchen a few minutes later, lured from the bedroom by the smell of bacon and coffee in only his dress slacks and socks with his tie draped around his bare neck, his face shaved, and his brown hair already combed and gelled to perfection. At the sight of you in the kitchen in only his shirt and your little panties, George was grinning slyly and walking over to you at the stove. He wrapped his arms around your waist and dipped his face in your neck to kiss your skin. 
“Mm, good morning, beautiful woman.” he said lowly against the shell of your ear, the smoothness of his voice enough to butter your toast that morning. 
“Good morning, handsome.” you replied sweetly, setting your free hand that wasn’t holding a spatula against his around your middle as you leaned back into him to welcome his lips on yours in a few lingering kisses. When he broke your kisses, your eyes shamelessly skimmed his face and chest and you reached your hand up to touch his smooth jaw, “Mm, you look so yummy.”
“Says you in this little outfit, baby, goddamn.” George tisked, giving your ass a little two handed squeeze that made you squeak in surprise and he kissed your neck again. 
“You’re an easy man to please, my dearest.” you said as he drifted away from you across the space to retrieve his shirt from the ironing board. 
“You make it easy.” he praised right back as he shrugged on his shirt and buttoned it up on his way back towards you.
He paused as he tucked the shirt into his pants and then stopped to open the front door and grab the newspaper from the porch. 
“Coffee’s in your mug already.” you told him as he shut the door again.
Returning to the kitchen with the promise of coffee, already skimming the headlines, he answered you haphazardly, “You’re a perfect woman, baby.”
“Perfect for you, George Russell, and don’t you forget it.” you waved the spatula at him from across the kitchen and he smiled over at you as he lifted his steaming mug of coffee up to his lips for a sip. 
He stood at the island with the newspaper laid out before him and he skimmed the stories and articles as he tied his tie around his neck and set his collar down neatly and flipped through the pages as he sipped his morning coffee. You cracked farm fresh eggs into the skillet beside the bacon, watching how the grease sizzled and crackled as breakfast cooked, filling the kitchen with aromas that made your stomach growl. As the pan was left cooking, you tended to the toast in the toaster that had just popped and you placed the perfectly browned slices on a plate. 
“What is your plan today, darling?” George asked you, his eyes following you as he sipped his coffee and left the newspaper open in front of him. 
“The girls and I are going to go shopping.” you answered casually as you buttered each slice of toast. “I’m thinking my wardrobe needs a bit of a refresher but I already have a dress in mind for tonight that I haven’t had a chance to wear yet so I won’t need to buy anything new for that today. I had my eye on this set that was in the window of the department store this week - these gorgeous blue shorts and a matching blouse.”
“Blue is your colour, baby.” 
“Is that why your eyes never leave me?” you flirted smoothly.
Said blue eyes - the very ones you fell in love with - winked at you over the brim of the coffee mug. You smiled widely and cut the slices of toast in halves diagonally before delivering them to where George stood at the island. 
“Make sure anything you buy is put on my card.” he reminded you. 
“I know, I know. That’s all they allow us to do anyway.” you tisked and returned to the stove. “I must say, every time one of the employees greets me with a ‘good morning, Mrs. Russell’ or a ‘is that all for today, Mrs. Russell’ I swear my heart skips a beat.” 
George chuckled lightly at your swooning over your shared name as he took a bite of toast and then spoke through it, “It’s been a good few months now, sweetheart. Still not used to it?”
“I’m used to it.” you assured him. “I just love it.” 
He just smiled down to the newspaper. 
“I might attend a ballet class this afternoon too.” 
“Oh?” George looked over at you again, “Does that mean I get to see you in a leotard and a little tutu?”
You rolled your eyes at him teasingly as you plated the bacon and eggs from the pan, “Don’t push your luck, mister.” 
He leaned in towards you as you joined him at the island with your two plates, promising with a quiet, “I’ll be good.”
“You’re always good.” you whispered right back, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before setting the plates in front of you both. 
You ate breakfast together over the newspaper and distant noise of the radio, feeding each other bites of bacon and toast and trying not to spill egg on his perfectly crisp clothes. Soon it was time for him to leave for the day and he grabbed his lunch tin that you had set earlier on the counter peninsula and you hurried over to get between him and the door. 
“Wait,” you set your hands on his chest as he nearly walked right into you, “I forgot to tell you-”
“Mhm?” George encouraged you on with a little amused smile, already knowing what was coming after this almost daily routine…only made more insistent on the mornings that came after an evening with perfect heavenly love making. 
“You can’t go to work.” you told him, even as he started walking slowly towards the door, forcing you to take slow steps back in time with him. 
“Why not?” he pressed, his lips grazing yours with how close you stood. 
“You don’t feel well, remember?” you slid your hands over his shoulders. 
“Oh, I don’t?” 
“No.” you licked away your smile as he had you in the foyer now, “And you need to stay home so I can cuddle you and kiss you and tend to you and nurse you back to health.”
“Oh, I see.” George blindly lifted his jacket from the hook by the door, all without tearing his eyes away from yours, “And your shopping plans?”
“Canceled for you, my love.” you answered easily, sliding your arms around his waist as he pulled his jacket on and you leaned in to kiss his smiling lips. “So we should get you into bed.”
“We should?” George had you against the front door and you stood guard in front of it to prevent him from leaving. 
“Yes.” you smiled sweetly at him with your lightly frazzled hair and wrinkled shirt of his you wore. 
It would have been so easy for him to fall into your little trap and stay home with you all day - it was near impossible for him to say no to you and especially so when you looked like a golden angel in the sunlight that bathed the house. Instead, he reached a hand up and caressed your cheek and then leaned in to kiss your lips once, twice, and then lingered there for a third before pulling away. 
“I got to go, darling.”
Pouted in lighthearted defeat, you slunk out of his way so he could open the front door and you followed after him onto the porch, stopping him by the arm for one more kiss. 
“I love you.” you said. 
“I love you.” he smiled back, his eyes glancing up and down your figure and once more across your face as if memorizing you completely, “See you tonight.”
“See you.” you let your hand fall from his arm and you watched him walk down the front porch steps and around to the drivers side of his shiny car. 
The other men on your little street were also saying their goodbyes to their wives and getting into their cars like clockwork but your attention was only on your husband and the way he checked his hair in the rearview mirror before sliding his sunglasses on. He caught your gaze once more and blew you a kiss before turning the key in the ignition. 
With the rumble of the engine, you took one more step down the front porch in only his white buttoned shirt and blew him a kiss back, letting your hand stay outstretched in a gentle wave as he backed out of the driveway alongside the other men. Then, like a little parade, they made their way down the street in a single file row and out of sight. 
Sitting around in the comfy chairs of the classy department store, you and your friends sipped champagne and discussed your mornings and the ballet class you had just returned from. 
“It was more of a workout than I had thought!” one of the ladies expressed. 
“Such beautiful dancing though. Do you think they’ll have us perform a show by the end of the season? I would love to be able to show my husband all that we do!” 
“Oh, that would be so nice!”
“We should put in a request.” 
“My husband does not so much as care about what I do, I must admit.”
“Being one of the most important men in business, it’s fair to say he’s tired when he gets home every night.”
“Yes, but I wouldn’t mind some attention from him.”
As your friends gossiped about their husbands and their home lives, you set your drink flute on the glass coffee table and stood from your chair to browse a few of the near-by racks. In a blue floral dress that swayed around your knees with every step, you held that soft tune on your lips as you gently swiped through each clothing option with the tags labeled without prices. The women never had to bother with money, it was just one way that life was made less stressful in your little picturesque neighbourhood. 
One of the ladies spoke a little louder so you could hear, “All of us seem to have things we wish to improve in our marriages and then there are the Russells who could not be any more perfect if they tried.” 
With a skirt in hand that you were admiring, you glanced over to your friends who all had knowing looks directed your way. You smiled and shook your head, “I wouldn’t call us perfect. No one is perfect.” 
“Oh, but you’re pretty close.” one of the ladies said before turning to the rest of the group, “You won’t believe the things I hear from even the next house over. It’s like their honeymoon phase lasts for months.” 
“Okay.” you laughed to try and brush her off as you set the skirt back on the rack beside you.
Another one of your friends added smoothly, “You won’t be fitting in these dresses much longer by the sounds of it then.”
The first friend only continued, “I know! If you two aren’t pregnant soon I think there must be something wrong with the universe.”
The rest of your small group agreed easily. 
“Yeah.” you added, “We’ve only been actively trying for a few weeks but-”
“More like six months by what we hear next door.”
“Okay.” you hushed her with a bashful blushing smile and you turned back to the rack to skim through some more clothes. You tried not to let their innocent excitement for you get under your skin but you were anxious and impatient and wanting a baby more than anything. It hadn’t been very long but when it was the thing you prayed for most in the world, each passing hour felt like a lifetime. 
You tried on the outfit you had been eyeing in the change room - that blue full skirt and matching blouse - and although it fit you like it was tailored for you, you silently wished it didn’t fit. You craved the growth of life inside you and it never seemed to leave the forefront of your mind. 
Regardless, you let your anxieties out with some retail therapy as you set your blue outfit on the cash desk along with a few more casual dresses and shoes. The man behind the counter rung up your items and folded them into tissue paper and set them in a box with a neat little bow. 
“Will that be everything today, Mrs. Russell?” he asked routinely. 
You glanced across the counter to him, “Yes, thank you.” 
“Wonderful. I will charge it to your husband’s account.” he held out the box to you, “We hope to see you again soon. I couldn’t help but overhear that it may be in our maternity department?”
You offered a polite smile and thanked him quietly as you took your box and returned to your friends who were getting ready to leave with their own purchases. Upon joining up with your little group again, you all emerged out into the sunny afternoon to make your way towards the trolley, discussing your evening in terms of your planned outfits for the neighbourhood dinner that was to be hosted at the lavish event hall in town. Your friends spoke excitedly about the dressed they had picked out and their hopes that their husbands would match their excitement at least partially. It was always nice to have a night off when you didn’t need to have dinner ready for the men’s homecoming - or so your friends touched upon. To you, everyday meant simply looking forward to George being home, regardless of what you had prepared or not. You liked to tend to him and you did so gladly. 
That day, however, you felt drained. Your physical body seemed to be taking after your emotional state in that sense and by the time the trolley stopped at the end of your street and let you off and you shared quick ‘see you tonight’s with your friends as you parted ways onto your own properties, you were ready to sit down. 
The house felt so quiet and empty when you were there alone and although it never usually bothered you, this afternoon only raised that looming loneliness that had been festering inside you. Trying to calm yourself down, you hummed that same gentle tune that had been stuck in your head and walked slowly down your hallway and into your master bedroom. After your morning tidy, the bed had been already made and any laundry was put away in the hamper, leaving a spotless room for you to set your shopping box down on the pulled tight sheets. With a hum on your lips, you helped yourself to the ensuite and ran a bath in the teal porcelain alcove tub, your gaze drifting over the alarm clock on the bedside table as the water filled and you stripped out of your dress and heels. George was expected home in just over an hour and you would have to be ready for him then so all he had to do was put on his formal jacket and dress shoes and you could be out the door and on your way to the party right away. 
The steaming bath water forced a sigh from your chest as you lowered into it and relaxed back against the edge. Your eyes closed peacefully and you rested your head back against the wall to give yourself a moment to ease your tensions that seemed to riddle your body that week, your hair still tied half-up with a ribbon that matched your day dress. In a few moments you would have to get up but you breathed yourself into relaxation to make the most of your quiet day. 
You were woken to a gentle touch to your shoulder and your eyes flew open with a surprised gasp, the barely-warm water sloshing around your body as you startled. George was sitting on the edge of the tub still in his work clothes, his expression a mix between surprise and love, and he caressed your cheek with his thumb. 
“I was worried where you were when you didn’t meet me at the door.” he chuckled softly. 
“Shit, what time is it?” you asked worriedly, your features expressing your unrest easily. 
“Just after 5:00.” George answered. 
“Oh my- I’m sorry- I was supposed to be ready to go-“ you started to get up but he set a gentle hand on your shoulder to keep you in the water a little longer. 
“It’s okay, darling. There’s no rush. We still have a whole hour.” 
George dipped down to kiss your lips and your stress lines melted into a tender smile at his touch and you leaned up from the tub to kiss him again gladly. When you sat back again, he just stared at you for a few long seconds, a calm smile on his face. The intensity of his blue eyed stare always had you needing to look away and you smiled shyly down to the bath water. 
George broke your silence with a soft, “You look gorgeous.” 
You leaned your head back against the wall again so you could look at him, admitting quietly, “I missed you today.” 
“I missed you too.” George stroked your hair before he was getting up from the wide of the tub, “I bought you something on my way home.” 
Your attention was peaked, watching him walk hurriedly out of the ensuite and out into your bedroom, “You did?”
He came back in with a garment bag and a beaming grin and he unzipped it to reveal a royal blue evening dress with a straight neckline, short dainty sleeves, and a matching bow around the waist. You bit back your smitten grin at the excitement of your selfless husband and you leaned your arms on the edge of the tub to admire the stunning new dress, careful to not touch it with your wet hands. 
“Sweetheart,” you breathed adoringly, “It’s beautiful.”
“Couldn’t stop thinking of you in it…I just had to stop and pick it up for you. You’re gonna look beautiful tonight.” George gushed as he hung the hanger up on the shower curtain rod. He started to untie his tie from around his neck as he talked on, “And I even grabbed myself a matching tie from the store while I was there just so we can match tonight. I know you always like that even if you might not always admit it.” 
You rested your cheek down against your folded arms on the tub edge and admired him shamelessly as he stepped back into the bedroom again only to return to the bathroom mirror with a royal blue tie that matched the colour of your new dress perfectly. He draped it around his neck and popped his collar so he could tie it as he spoke to you. 
“Come on, darling, come get ready.” 
You always loved going out with him and especially having any excuse to dress up but the whirling of your mind was distracting and you caught yourself suddenly swallowing back tears. You dropped your face into the crook of your arm and let out a shaky exhale to try and regain your composure. 
“Hey,” George’s gentle voice got closer and soon he was crouching beside the tub, reaching out a loving hand to caress your damp shoulder, “what’s wrong, my love?”
You sniffled and raised your head up again to meet his concerned gaze and you shrugged, mouthing a silent and passive, “I dunno.”
“Mm mm.” George shook his head gently, “Don’t do that. Don’t push me away. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I want a baby.” you whispered. 
“I know.” George let out a faint chuckle at your obvious confession but his expression stayed serious as he took in your obviously distressed state. His hand stroked over your head and into the damp ends of your hair that had grazed the water in your bath.
“I want one now.” you continued quietly. 
“I know. That’s why we’re working so hard.” he nudged your cheek teasingly with his knuckle.
You barely offered him a smile, “I’m scared it won’t happen.”
His eyebrows furrowed, “Why’s that?” 
You shrugged, “Because if it hasn’t happened yet then what if it never will?”
“Oh, sweetheart.” George tisked and gave your shoulder a reassuring squeeze, “It’s still early…it’s been barely a month-”
“But we weren’t even really being safe before that. How did it not already accidentally happen?”
“I dunno.” he chuckled, “But that’s okay. I am in no rush. We have our whole lives together and it’s only been a little while of trying and I’m not giving up yet. I’m not giving up on us or our babies, okay?”
You sniffled and nodded. 
“So don’t worry, darling. Don’t stress yourself out over this because you’re just going to make yourself crazy with worry.”
“I want to give you a family.” you mumbled sadly. 
“You are my family.” George promised and leaned in to kiss your temple. “You’re all I need to be happy.”
“I love you.” you whispered, turning your head slightly to urge his lips on yours in a sweet kiss. 
“I love you.” he kissed you once more before he was standing up and offering out his hands to you, “Now let’s get you out of this bathtub and into that dress so you can be the most breathtaking woman at the party.” 
The event hall was located near the centre of town and was decorated lavishly for the evening party that was to be hosted there. George parked on the street and even at the slight distance you were from the venue, the lights and music still made their way down the sidewalk and lured you in eagerly. With your hair curled and pinned to perfection and in your brand new gown purchased by the hands of your husband, you already felt like a million bucks, only eased more by the reassurance that he offered you only an hour earlier. He was truly all you needed and anything more was just a perfect treat. 
Your hand rested daintily in the crook of his elbow as he led you both into the loud and boisterous hall and right away, other partygoers were greeting you over the music and noise. Butlers passed by with platters of horderves and George snagged you both a small serving each on the way to your table. Right up near the front, your reserved table was awaiting you, and a few of your friends were already there and in their seats, mingling and drinking. 
At the sight of you, your friends had plenty to say about your matching dress and tie and the way you just looked so perfect together. Friendly cheek kisses were shared by the ladies and the men exchanged handshakes and everyone was arranging themselves in their seats that were labeled with golden calligraphy name tags. George pulled out your chair for you and helped you take your seat in your spot before he was leaning down with his hands on your shoulders to let you know he was going to the bar to order some drinks. You reached up one hand to pat over his in acknowledgement and he leaned down to kiss your cheek before disappearing through the crowd with a few of the husbands. 
“Oh he is enamoured by you.” one of your friends gushed from across the table. 
“And this dress is stunning!” another reached over to touch your sleeve. 
“He picked it out.” you admitted - only slightly bragging, “Came home with it today and said he needed to buy it for me because he kept picturing me in it.” 
The girls swooned over that, lighthearted jealousy filling the air. 
“You two are too cute.” another one of the women said, “It’s a known fact that the Russells are all too perfect.”
“Yep. Makes me sick!” another joked. 
The one on your right nudged your arm gently, leaning in to say quietly while still being heard over the band playing, “Did you hear that your husband might be getting a promotion tonight?” 
Your eyes widened, “No. I didn’t hear that. Is it true?”
She nodded, “My husband heard at work. Apparently George has been doing an excellent job…he’s so dedicated, y’know? The mayor is so impressed.” 
“It’s a surprise?” you questioned. 
“Think so. But I don’t even know if it’s 100% true so don’t go saying anything anyway. I know you two have no secrets between you and all.”
You pretended to lock your lips with your fingers and throw away the imaginative key and you shared quiet giggles. 
The men returned shortly after and George set your drink down on the table in front of you before he was unbuttoning his tuxedo jacket and then sitting down beside you with his own drink. His hand rested on the back of your chair while his eyes took in the party around you from the crowded tables of neighbours to the impressive height of the floral centerpieces on each, sipping his drink calmly. You set your hand on his thigh as you took to your own drink, naturally keeping him within arms reach at all times even if the attention was on the conversation at your table. 
It wasn’t long before the performers were introduced to the crowd and the stage was filled with female dancers, their costumes not leaving much to the imagination other than streaks of glitter and sparkle covering them scandalously. The music guided them and the men cheered loudly as the women watched politely, you among them. But George wasn’t looking at the stage. Instead, his head was turned away from the show just so he could stare at you instead. 
Cluelessly, you sipped your drink and watched the show, unknowing to the way his attention was focused all on you. A calm smile rested on his lips and his eyes took in every inch of your face as you sat at his side so effortlessly. When his hand dropped to your lap and he gave your knee a squeeze, you finally looked at him, eyes wide in surprise at seeing him already staring at you. 
George leaned in towards you and you met him halfway so he could whisper against your ear behind the loud show music playing through the spacious room, “Wanna come get some air with me?”
You smiled innocently at him and set your drink back on the table as your silent agreement. 
He got up first from his chair and took your hand to guide you after him, moving smoothly away from your table without wanting to interrupt the show. Your friends only shared knowing glances among themselves at the sight of the two of you sneaking off. You didn’t necessarily know you were that predictable to outsiders. 
The music from the ballroom muffled as you emerged into the hallway and let the double doors close behind you, having a moment alone in peace of just the two of you. George spun you under his arm and then pulled you right up against his body, sliding his arm around your waist lovingly as his lips found yours with ease. You raised your hands up to the side of his neck to hold him there, gladly letting him kiss you deeply within the rush of escaping the crowded party. 
George pulled away from your lips only to whisper honestly to you, “You really are the most beautiful woman here tonight.”
You caressed his smooth jaw with your thumbs, “All thanks to this dress you picked out.”
“Your beauty requires no thanks to me.” he corrected smoothly, taking your hands from his face to hold in his own and he started to walk backwards to pull you after him towards the washrooms. 
You walked after him giddily, only pulling your hands from his grasp and falling against his chest with your arms around his shoulders as he backed into the empty women’s washroom. In the formal setting of the ballroom, the washroom was designed just as lavishly and the mirror framed lounge with a central circular sofa welcomed you warmly. Your lips found his again and he blindly locked the door behind you before spinning you both around and leading you farther into the elegant room. 
You could never get enough of his lips and even as he licked his way into your mouth, you were still pulling at the back of his neck to feel him closer, moaning softly into his kiss. George’s hands slid down your body and over your hips and ass and his dress shoes scuffed over the marble floor as he guided you towards the small make-up counter across the room. Often used for ladies to excuse themselves from the party to freshen up their lipstick or blush at the built-in vanity, it was now taken as a place for George to press you up against in the most erotic way, sending your heart in your throat and between your legs in eager anticipation. Only the simplest of touches from your husband sent you spiralling. 
“Oh my God.” you breathed into his mouth as your kiss broke for him to focus on shuffling up your voluminous skirt. 
Both already breathing heavily, your mouths were open in lust as lips brushed tauntingly and you shared air together. Your hands held onto his biceps over the expensive material of his tuxedo jacket and his warm hands snapped the waistband of your lacey panties against your waist. You giggled and he lowered to a crouch in front of you, holding up your skirt in one hand as his other started to pull down your underwear and his lips trailed after them in slow open-mouthed kisses across your skin. His gelled hair wasn’t easy to get your hand in without ruining it completely so you settled for resting your hands on the cold vanity countertop that you were resting back against the edge of. 
George stood back up and in one smooth motion, his lips were capturing yours in a filthy kiss. You let one arm toss around his shoulders as you kissed him back hungrily, pulling hearty moans from his throat at the way you melted into each other and he shoved your underwear in his pants pocket. His hand took its place under your skirt and pressed right down against your clit, making your next breath shutter. 
George swallowed up your words with his mouth, tasting the way you swore at his touch, locking his pillowy lips with yours perfectly. He stroked your clit lazily with his fingertips and soon had you trying to grind against his hand as he stood between your legs and was nearly leaning into you over the vanity. 
You tilted your head back to break your kiss with a exhale, “George-”
Breathing in time with each other into each other’s mouths, you held him close around his shoulders as he made you wet with ease; like he knew your body like the back of his hand. His lustful eyes were on yours, unwavering, glimmering in the warm light of the circular mirrored room you found yourselves in, companion only to the muffled music from the party across the hall. 
His fingers moved a little faster against your clit and his attention was focused all on your face as he watched the way your expression changed for him, your nose scrunching up in pleasure and your eyebrows furrowing slightly with the moan that reverberated in your chest. He stopped suddenly, forcing a gasp from you, and his fingers slowed right down to rub over your pussy instead, smearing around the sweet wetness that pooled out of you by his very own touch. 
“Fuck, you get wet for me so easy, my good girl.” he praised into your mouth, his body pressed right up against yours. 
“I’m yours.” you promised him. 
“Uh huh?” he swirled his fingers around your clit again, taunting you, “Do you want me to put a baby in you, darling?”
“Fuck, yes please.” you rushed out. 
“Want me to make you a mommy? Say it.” 
“Please put a baby in me, George.” you pleaded, tugging at his tie to try and pull his lips on yours again, your legs spreading wider to urge his touch where you craved him. “Let me make you a daddy.”
“God damn, you’re so perfect.” George groaned, rubbing messily at your clit again. 
A pleasurable shriek fell from your throat and your head tossed back blissfully, welcoming his lips to your neck in feverish kisses that he moved right up under your ear to make you shiver. His fingers created the perfect friction against your aching clit and you ground against his touch, desperate for more. You always wanted more. 
“Baby, please.” you breathed to the ceiling, “Please fuck me. Please cum inside me. I need you so fucking bad.” 
George pulled his hand out from under your skirt so he could shove off his black jacket and he tossed it behind him to hopefully land on the couch in the middle of the room. Neither of you cared enough to watch where it went because then he was unbuckling his belt and you were shuffling up your skirt some more and draping your hair over one shoulder as the heat was already rushing over your body. You didn’t separate for long and even still he stood so close to you at the counter that you could breathe into each other’s mouths, eyes locked, hearts beating as one. 
He grabbed your thighs and hoisted you up onto the edge of the counter as your hands pulled his lips back on yours for more kisses. George’s grip on your hips pulled you closer to him and the feeling of his fingers pressing into your hips had your body arching into him hungrily. You reached down to wrap your gentle hand around his dick and gave it a few impatient strokes, feeling how it only stiffened up more at your touch. It felt like you were in a rush, driven by lust and desire, and George nudged your legs open wider so he could step right up to the vanity, at the perfect height to let the head of his cock nudge against your sensitive clit. 
“Don’t tease me, you asshole.” you giggled breathily, earning a soft laugh from your husband as he kissed the corner of your mouth. You held onto his biceps as he carefully fed his thick cock into your leaking cunt, sheathing so snugly inside you that both of your mouths fell open in unison, eyes locking. 
“Fuck, you feel so good.” George whispered against your lips, sliding a hand around the small of your back to urge you a little closer to the edge so he could get as deep as possible. 
“Oh my God.” you exhaled shakily, wrapping your legs around his waist to keep him close and your arms slung around his shoulders to pull his lips on yours. “Oh my God.”
You shared deep sloppy kisses as he started to thrust into you slowly and your moan against his lips had his eyebrows furrowing in filthy bliss. He broke your kiss for a moment to look at your face before dropping his gaze down between you, lifting up the hem of his dress shirt out of the way even if your skirt was still covering most of it. You tilted his head back up to look at you desperately, wanting to find the love in his eyes, and he thrusted into you a little faster as your gaze sent him spinning. 
You breathed in time together, wrapped up together on the vanity counter, and as George’s feet stayed planted securely shoulder width apart in his dress shoes against the polished marble floor, he had the ability to take you as he wanted you right then and there. His lips pressed to your jaw in fleeting kisses as he held your body close and fucked you faster, desperate to feel more of you. 
Your head fell back with a moan and he helped himself to your neck, holding you in place on the edge of the counter. As the seconds passed, he only got more desperate, thrusting into you faster, harder, holding your body against his in that gorgeous blue dress he bought for you. 
“George-“ you cried out softly, clinging onto him, spreading your legs wider for him so he could get deeper. Your manicured fingernails grasped the back of his dress shirt around his waist, crumpling the once perfectly ironed material in your fist as your heels dropped from your feet one and then the other, landing on the marble floor with a sharp thud. 
“Good girl.” George praised against your cheek, his large hands caressing your thighs and your back as he held you close to his body. 
Your eyes were focused over his shoulder to the wall opposite you, hung up on the reflections that the mirror-framed room offered you of all angles. It was possessive to watch like that, how your arms and legs were wrapped around him completely, fingers of one hand drifting into the back of his brown hair as his warm breath was panted against your neck in time with his quick thrusts. It made you salivate with desire for the man you loved more than life itself. 
“Oh my God-“ you moaned out for him, dizzy on the sound of his skin clapping filthily with yours as the luxurious bathroom muted the distant sounds of the loud party music through the ballroom. Your hand tightened in his hair as he fucked the whimpers out of you, igniting warmth over your skin. “Just like that, baby, please-“
“Wanna cum for me?” George asked lowly against your cheek. 
“Yes, please.” you huffed out shakily. “Please make me cum.” 
“Yeah?” George grabbed your thighs to spread you a little wider, making you hold your legs open by linking them over his forearms as his hands took your hips to hold you in place. 
Your pleading hands pulled his lips on yours by the back of his head, sharing filthy tongue led kisses between your pants and moans together as he drew you both closer. Both of you were completely ignorant to the muffled speech going on back in the ballroom, too hung up on each other. Tossing your head back with an overwhelmed moan to the ceiling, your hands dropped behind you to the countertop and your teeth sunk into your bottom lip. 
The skirt of your dress bunched around your middle and his hands were buried underneath it to hold you by the waist at the edge of the vanity, fucking you deliciously until that warmth was tightening in the pit of your stomach. Eyebrows furrowed as you stared at him lustfully, you basked in the pleasure he brought to you so easily, giving him the sweetest moans that helped him closer to the conclusion you needed from him. 
“Cum inside me.” you whispered to him longingly. 
George stared back at you strongly, thrusting into you steadily as he taunted you with words that sent you whirling, “Want me to put a baby in you, darling? Cum so fucking deep inside you until you’re completely knocked up?”
“Fuck me.” you groaned through your teeth, your voice wavering, “Please, George. Please knock me up. Please give me your babies. Please, please, please-“
“Uh huh-“ he spoke over your soft begging, holding you by your waist as close as he could so he could hit as deep as possible, making your toes curl in midair. 
You tugged the skirt of your dress up and got your fingers on your swollen clit to rub quickly at that spot, desperate for those incredible waves of pleasure that came to you only alongside your darling husband. Your head fell back with a gasping groan, your pussy squeezing down around him snugly as your orgasm approached quickly and you mouthed his name to the mirrored room in a whisper. 
So many reflections to watch your sneaky rendezvous but George was only staring at the real you right in front of him, watching how you succumbed to the pleasure he brought you, “Let go for me, darling. Take the fucking cum out of me. Take it.”
Your fingers rubbed quickly at your clit, pulling the air from your lungs as your body gave itself to him completely, pushed over the edge by the way he thrusted into you so perfectly. You tensed up around him and he groaned lowly between you as the pulsing flutters of your pussy radiated bursts of pleasurable sensations up his spine. You came for him with a cry of his name, your eyes staring back at his handsome face as your expression wavered with overwhelm. 
George only fucked you faster, desperately chasing that sweet conclusion that would bring you both closer together. You slung your arms around his shoulders as you shuttered against his body with the intense pleasure that radiated over every inch of you. He shifted to get your legs back around your waist and he held you as close as possible as he thrusted into you sloppily. 
“Hold onto me.” he whispered strongly, urging your hands to cling onto the back of his shirt to keep you together as close as possible. Your ankles linked together behind his waist and your heels pressed into the flesh of his bum to keep him nice and deep as his breathing grew shallower. 
He was coming seconds later, nearly slumping into you as your arms held each other close and he forced himself as deep as he could get inside you. His moans were beautiful and you breathed him into your senses greedily as he was all yours. You took every drop he gave you, grinding against his body to pull more out of him with how badly you wanted it, whispering little breathy yeses against his cheek in time with his final few precise thrusts. 
“Oh my God.” you breathed. 
“Mm.” George dusted a fleeting kiss to your neck as he stood up straight again. 
You held onto his biceps as he pushed up the hem of your dress to allow you both to watch him pull out slowly. His dick was slick in the mixture of both of your love and he was softening slowly in the warm air of the ballroom bathroom. He grabbed your thighs to spread your legs nice and wide and you leaned back on your hands with a sultry little smile as he stared down at your pussy and licked his lips at the sight of the thick white cream dripping back out. 
“Keep it in there.” he ordered quietly. “Keep your legs up for a bit.” 
“Mhm.” you rested back against the vanity mirror and kept your legs up, clenching your muscles tightly to keep everything in for as long as he wanted you to. 
George leaned in to kiss your lips a few times, bringing a loving smile to your face at his obvious adoration that was even more apparent in the way he looked at you when you separated. 
“I love you.” he whispered. 
“I love you so much.” you replied quietly. 
He drifted away from you to tuck himself back into his slacks and he buckled his pants up again and you watched him redress peacefully, always one to linger on the domesticity of it all. George retrieved his jacket from where he had tossed it onto the centre sofa and he shrugged it back on and buttoned the two buttons once more. 
Staring at him from your spot atop the vanity, you felt your heart swell with undeniable love for him, tears brimming in your eyes with the overwhelming concept that he was yours for life and that you were aiming to make a family together. He was all you wanted, even if you wanted more of him. 
Dedicated to the growth of your family, you let your legs ache as you kept them raised and spread, willing to do anything for the cause. George stopped by one of the mirrored walls of the circular room and let that same tune play on his lips as he tended to his hair and made sure it was gelled back down and away from his face, no remnants of your fingers in it. He then returned to you and situated himself between your legs, sliding his hands up your skirt that hid you modestly and he caressed your warm skin. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked quietly. 
“Little dizzy.” you admitted, your head resting back against the mirror, “But I’m so good.” 
“Mhm. You made me cum really hard.” you giggled. 
George smiled, his momentary concern melting into a cheeky grin, and he leaned in to kiss your lips. You shared whispered ‘I love you’s before he was helping you to lower your legs and guide you off the counter. On wobbly legs, you held onto his forearms and took a second to steady yourself until you were able to stand straight on your own. George pressed a kiss to your temple and then pulled your underwear from his pocket for you to put back on. You held onto him as you carefully pulled them up your legs under your dress and then slid on each of your heels one at a time.  
“Okay?” he asked. 
You smiled at him and nodded, blinking away the slight dizziness that lingered. You had a party to return to after all. 
When you returned to the ballroom hand in hand, the mayor was on the stage with the microphone in hand, addressing the crowd. It was otherwise quiet as if they were missing something but almost the exact moment you walked through the doors, the spotlight was on you. You raised a hand up to shield your eyes from the bright white light and George guided you slowly back towards your table as the mayor called you out by name. 
“There they are! The Russells have made their return!”
Blushing furiously with the entire town’s attention on you, you clung tighter onto George’s hand and followed close beside him to your table. 
On the stage, the mayor wasn’t done, “I have to admit that I am quite proud of these two’s dedication to helping our community to grow into the next generation. I’m sure it won’t be long until we can welcome another child into our perfect little paradise, isn’t that right?”
The crowd cheered loudly with applause and you nearly felt faint, the spotlight following you through the crowd. George’s hand rested on the small of your back as he helped you onto your chair again. 
The mayor continued, speaking into the microphone as his other hand gestured out towards the two of you, “In your absence, George, you missed my most important announcement of the night.” 
George offered him a tight smile as he sat back down beside you with a polite, “Awfully sorry about that, Frank.”
“No, no.” the mayor assured him, “I understand that you take your job as man of the house just as seriously as you take your job with us here.” 
Your dizziness was only growing into a sweat at your brow and you dabbed your napkin from your place setting gently at your temples to try and tame your rising temperature. Maybe it was the warm spotlight, you assumed, or the attention of the entire neighbourhood being focused on you that made you nervous but you really weren’t feeling too well. 
George was looking up to the nearby stage as the mayor addressed him directly, meaning his back was almost completely towards you. You set a clammy hand on his shoulder. 
The mayor continued, “Which is exactly why I wanted to bring up your dedication to your service to us and your ability to live with the morals and values of our dear community at the forefront of your mind.” 
You leaned towards George’s shoulder, whispering shakily to him, “Baby, I don’t feel too well.” 
He glanced at you briefly before the mayor drew his attention with a call of his name. 
“George Russell,”
Your forehead slumped against his shoulder blade, “I wanna go home.”
George shifted to let you lean on his shoulder and your arm naturally wrapped pleadingly around his, warmed by the blinding light of the spotlight. 
The mayor was unphased by your obvious distress as he continued addressing your husband directly, “it is with great pride that I would like to offer you a position with some of us in headquarters. It will come with more responsibility but I’m sure the pay increase will be beneficial when it comes to any little additions to your family.”
George’s attention was torn between this surprise news of an offered promotion and the way that you were nearly limp against his shoulder. His arm wrapped around you protectively but his gaze was still politely focused on the stage. 
“I really want to go home.” you repeated shakily to him. 
Your friends were oblivious, too excited about the proper announcement that was now given to the man it was directed towards under the blinding lights of the decorated ballroom. You felt faint. 
“What do you say, George?” the mayor asked loudly, his voice booming across the spacious ballroom. “Will you live up to the kind of man we know you can be?”
“George.” you whispered pleadingly, too out of it to even really know what was going on. “Please, can we go?” 
George glanced at you briefly before looking back up to the stage and the expectant faces of his co-workers and mayor. He nodded to him quickly, “Yes, thank you. I would love to accept the offer.” 
The crowd broke into applause and with the chaos that it brought, George turned to you quickly and grabbed your purse from the table before standing up. 
“Come on, let’s get you home.” 
He helped you out of your chair as the spotlight drifted elsewhere across the bustling party and your friends gave you odd stares at your sudden change and out-of-character distress. George, riddled with worry, wrapped his arm around your waist protectively and led you towards the exit doors of the ballroom, the cheers of the crowd echoing in your ears and you clamped your hands over them to block out the noise. 
Once out in the crisp evening air, you were stumbling across the pavement and George was pulling you to a stop to look at him. Hands trembling, you pushed your hair out of your face and kept your gaze downcast in near shame. 
“What’s wrong, darling?” George asked, rubbing your bare arms with his warm hands. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ruin your night.” you said shakily. 
“You didn’t ruin anything.” George brushed your apology off easily, “What’s wrong?” 
“I dunno…it just…was stuffy in there and overwhelming…I don’t feel too good.” you sniffled and he pulled you in for a gentle hug. With your arms tucked around your middle shyly, he held you close and pressed a kiss to your temple. You didn’t want to complain but you were still not feeling much better and you stood back from him again, holding a trembling hand to your mouth, “I feel so gross, George, can we please go home?” 
“Yes, my love, of course.” George took your arm and gently guided you towards the car. 
He opened the door for you and helped you in and even buckled your seatbelt for you before he shut the door and rushed around to the other side to get behind the wheel. You shut your eyes and leaned back in your seat, the world still slightly spinning around you. 
George turned the key and pulled away from the curb, “Did it come on this fast?”
You nodded, working up the courage to speak your response, “Felt really tired today and then dizzy while we were in the bathroom but…”
When your body made you lurch and you pressed your hand to your mouth, George’s wide eyes looked over at you. 
“Tell me to pull over if you need me to.” he instructed gently. 
You nodded in acknowledgement. 
“I’m sorry.” you mumbled. 
He reached over to set a comforting hand on your thigh, “Please don’t be sorry.” 
The street lamps of your perfect little community whizzed past your window as George hurried towards home, his gaze constantly flicking over to you from the street ahead just to make sure you were good. It was odd the way you so quickly felt sick and it honestly made him quite nervous, wondering what had happened to trigger such obvious illness within you in such a short period of time. 
It didn’t take long to get home since your neighbourhood wasn’t very large and George had barely put the car in park before you were tossing off your seatbelt and climbing out of your seat in a rush. George didn’t even turn off the car before he was hurrying after you towards the porch where you caught yourself on the white painted pillar and threw up in the garden. He was right behind you as you sputtered distastefully, pulling your hair away from your face for you as the nausea came over you again and you threw up for a second time right into your rosebush. 
“Oh my-“ you whimpered, eyes brimming with tears as you wiped your mouth with the back of your trembling hand. 
George hushed you comfortingly as you let out a little sob and he turned you to face him so he could easily pull you into a warm hug. You ducked your face in his neck, embarrassed, and your shaking hands grasped onto the back of his suit jacket to hold onto him comfortingly. 
“Let’s get you inside and into bed, okay?” he whispered to you, stroking your hair with a gentle hand that rubbed down your back. 
You nodded and sniffled and stepped away from him so he could hurry and turn the car off, gather your purse, and then return to your side to help you inside. Your spotless house greeted you warmly when George flicked on the lights but once glimpse at the kitchen had you panicked again. 
“We didn’t even get to eat. You must be starving-“
“I’m okay.” George assured you quickly, steering you towards the hallway so he could take you to bed, “I can find something for us. Are you hungry at all?”
“Maybe a little.” you answered softly. 
“Okay,” George pulled back the perfectly tucked bedsheets on your side of the bed and sat you down carefully, “I’ll get you into bed and maybe warm up some soup.” 
“Okay.” you breathed. 
He reached around you to unzip your dress and you lifted your arms up so he could pull it over your head. 
“I wanted us to have a nice night.” you mumbled sadly. 
“Hey,” George took your chin in his hand gently to get you to look at him, “I kinda enjoyed myself when we were there, did you not?” 
A little smile pricked at the corner of your mouth at his implication and you nodded slightly in agreement, “Yeah. I did.”
He smiled proudly back at you, your dress draped over his arm, and he reached behind you again to unclip your bra. He undressed you carefully and then helped you to shuffle into one of his sweatshirts. 
“I ruined your promotion.” you sighed sadly. 
“You didn’t ruin anything.” George assured you, gently untying the ribbon from your hair, as his voice lowered to a whisper, “It’s just a job…it’s barely a job. You know that.” 
“Yeah.” you said, “Although it’s nice that you’re being recognized. Makes this all a little easier.” 
George didn’t answer you for a second, his gentle hands stroking through your hair to smooth it down over your shoulders. When you looked up at him at his lack of response, he appeared deep in thought. 
“What is it?” you frowned. 
“Do you think you should take a pregnancy test, darling?” he asked softly. 
You almost scoffed, “What for?”
“Because you’ve been really tired and dizzy and you just threw up in our garden?” 
You bit lightly at your bottom lip and dropped your gaze to your lap. George���s fingers still danced through your hair as he stood in front of you, letting you decide on your answer for yourself. 
“I don’t think I could deal with it being negative.” you whispered to the carpet. “I can’t deal with that anymore and especially not here. I’ll fucking lose it.” 
George’s thumbs caressed your cheeks and he crouched down in front of you so you could look at him, taking your hands in his, “I know you want this more than anything but that’s the reason why we came here, remember? To have what we always wanted? You keep psyching yourself up about this like we’re still at home that you’re not even letting yourself enjoy it and think of the positives of what could be. We have this whole opportunity for us and I don’t want anything to hold us back from living this life that has been built for us.”
You nodded. 
George brought your joined hands to his mouth and he kissed your knuckles without taking his eyes off your downcast gaze and he whispered against your soft skin, “Please take a test?” 
You sniffled and lifted your head back to stare at the ceiling. 
“Please?” George said softly, pausing to kiss your hand again, “I’ll be right here.” 
Your bottom lip trembled and you shyly met his gaze, feeling warm butterflies in your stomach by the way the man you loved stared at you. It was obvious that he loved you more than life itself and you felt the exact same right back. With a moment's thought, you nodded and breathed out a barely audible, “Okay.” 
George honestly smiled and he stood up again, pausing just long enough to kiss your head before he was hurrying into the ensuite and pulled open the bottom cabinet, “Okay!”
You pressed the heels of your palms against your eyes as you tried to calm yourself down since your anxiety started to bubble up more in your chest. Still in a full face of makeup, smudging was the least of your concerns at that moment and you focused on deep breathing and keeping your tears at bay. 
George returned to his spot in front of you and he held out the pregnancy test to you. You could see how excited and impatient he was - even if he tried to tone it down for your sake - and the thought of having to tell him it was yet another negative made your throat feel like razor blades. Every time it completely broke your heart. He was so strong. This was your last resort. You had given up everything for this one last chance. 
You took the unopened test from him and felt the weight of it in your hands for a moment, staring down at the blank screen. 
“Where do you want me?” he asked thoughtfully. 
“Can you come in with me?” your voice was shaking. 
“Sure, sweetheart.” George stepped to the side and let you get up from the side of the bed.
You were less dizzy and nauseous but still terribly tired and he followed you closely into the bathroom just to make sure you were steady…and for your emotional support. He sat up on the bathroom counter as you shuffled your panties down and helped yourself to the toilet, holding the test between your legs while your singular evening party drink went right through you. 
You couldn’t remember what number test this was that you had taken and although it was the first since moving into this perfect little paradise of a community, the memory of your past experiences never faded. Your mind whirled with thoughts of the worst…if the alcohol in your recent drink would mess up the results, if you just had a sickness and that’s why you felt so strange all day, if you were too far lost for even a utopian community to save you and your dream.
The test was re-capped and George took it from you to rinse off while you cleaned yourself up and flushed. You wanted to be as far away from it as possible and you returned to the bedroom to sit on the side of the bed while George checked the time on his watch, test resting on the counter patiently. 
“Three minutes.” George said, following after you back into the bedroom. “Do you need anything? Some water maybe?” 
“No thank you.” you mumbled. 
He hesitated in front of you. 
“I’m going to get you some water.”
He was already half out the bedroom door, “Be right back!”
He couldn’t sit still. You couldn’t move.
From the distant kitchen, you could hear him whistling that same tune that had been stuck in your head for ages but you didn’t have the energy to think much of it. Your leg bounced restlessly off the side of the bed, unknowing of the time, and you awaited your husband's return. He was so selfless. He was so good. 
Soon, he was returning quickly and he passed you a glass of water; always one to stay busy. You sipped a bit of it to humour him and despite the fact that your mouth was terribly dry, you did not want to drink. You almost felt sick again. Not wanting to go through the discomfort of throwing up again, you clenched your lips shut and stared at the carpet, trying to keep yourself calm. 
George checked his watch. 
You held out your glass to him as if by instinct and started to get up. 
“You should drink more, love-”
“I’m gonna be sick again.” you hurried out as you pushed past him into the ensuite. 
Dropping to your knees at the toilet, you threw up loudly, struggling to hold back your tears. George set your glass on the counter and crouched behind you to comfort you by pulling your hair from your face as your body had you lurching to throw up again. He rubbed your back and your shoulders and hummed that silly little tune quietly to try and help calm you down. 
“I’m sorry.” you mumbled weakly. 
“Stop apologizing.” he tisked, following you onto the ground as you slumped from your knees onto your bum. You leaned back against his chest and he flushed the toilet for you before wrapping you up in his arms lovingly, pressing tender kisses to your head. “Through sickness and health, remember?”
You let a small smile come to your lips at the faint memory of the quaint English church in the countryside, the gentle organ playing, and George standing before you at the altar with his hands holding yours. It felt like so long ago as if the essence of time was skewed in your mind. In a way, it really was. Life was so different now but you both were sure this would be better…be worth the end of what once was to find your new beginning together. 
“I love you.” you whispered. 
“I love you.” he promised into your hair. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay.” you sighed. 
He gave your hands a squeeze, “Think you can stand and we can take a look at this test of ours?”
You bit nervously at your bottom lip, “You look at it.” 
“You don’t want to look at it with me?”
You shook your head.
“You sure?”
You nodded.
“Can I help you off the floor first at least?”
You permitted him to stand up and he slowly helped you up onto wobbly legs and you returned to the bedroom to sit on the side of the bed. Picking anxiously at your fingernails, you watched as he returned to the bathroom counter directly in your line of vision. He took one last glance at you before he was picking up the pregnancy test from the counter and flipping it over to read it, not giving himself a moment to second guess himself. 
You struggled to read his expression as he read the result; his eyebrows furrowed and lips in a soft pout. You were waiting for the news you had grown all too used to. He wasn’t saying anything and you certainly didn’t want to be the first one to speak. 
George little sniffle had your heart racing with anxiety, making you near positive that it was yet another negative. He looked over at you from the ensuite, bathed in the surrounding artificial light in his tuxedo with his gelled hair falling out of place, and his soft pout was unmissable. A single tear slipped down his cheek. 
You sat frozen in place, aching for him to just rip off the bandaid, “What?”
“You’re pregnant.” he breathed, his voice breaking. 
It felt as though the air was knocked from your lungs. You blinked at him, “What?”
George broke into a grin and he nodded, reaching up to wipe his eyes with the heel of his palms before taking another look at the test. He let out a wet chuckle at the result that stared back at him, “Holy shit.”
“Bring it here.” you ordered, almost panicking in disbelief. 
George joined you on the side of the bed and you grabbed the test from him, almost glaring down at it in your hand. The screen revealed two pink lines, one just a little more faded than the other but still clearly visible to the naked eye. 
“See it?” George pointed to it as if you couldn’t see it yourself. “It’s so clear.” 
Your mouth opened as if to say something but no words came out. No words felt adequate at that moment. Opening and closing your mouth like a clueless fish, you felt dizzy with emotional overwhelm. 
“You’re pregnant, baby.” George rehashed it to you sweetly with a smile as he rubbed his hand over your back, “You have a little us growing inside you right now.” 
You couldn’t tear your wide eyes away from the positive test in your hand, stumbling over your next breath as you struggled to hold back the sudden wave of tears that threatened to overtake you. The air felt lighter and you gasped for relief, letting it out with a sob to your bedroom walls. 
“Oh God.” you cried tears of joy, your trembling hands clutching the positive test in your two handed grip and you pulled it to your chest. 
George embraced you right away, pulling you close with happy tears of his own. You turned towards him lovingly and rested your head on his shoulder with your face tucked in his neck, letting him hold you just like that, basking in the relief that was felt by the both of you. Your tears dripped onto the fabric of his tuxedo jacket even as you held open your palms again to get another look at those two pink lines. George kissed your temple proudly. 
“I love you.” he whispered shakily. 
“I love you.” you sniffled and finally turned to look him in the eye. 
Through your tears, you shared quivering grins and he reached a hand up to caress your cheek and then pulled you in for a wet chasté kiss. Both of you were smiling into your kisses but you couldn’t get enough and the love that swelled in your heart was almost overpowering, forcing you to grab onto his tie and really hold his lips on yours. Your tear streaked cheeks pressed together moistly and your kisses tasted faintly of those salty tears you shared but the warm happiness that burned within the two of you was enough to overtake even the darkest of days. 
You broke your kiss only to stare down at the confirmation you held in your hands, your palms delicately supporting the proof of your destiny. Sniffling as your tears slowed, you leaned against your husband who never once left your side, letting his fingers brush your hair over your shoulder so he could lean in beside you cheek to cheek.
“It was all worth it.” he said softly, rubbing his hand over your back, “I knew this would be good for us.” 
You nodded. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked gently, noting your silence. 
You looked back at him with a calm smile and lifted a hand up to slide around the back of his neck and rest his forehead against yours, “So happy. And finally so at peace.”
“Good.” George whispered. “You deserve nothing less.”
“We’re finally gonna have our family, George.” you smiled sweetly, “You and me. What we’ve been waiting so long for.” 
He swallowed you up in his arms, hugging you so tightly and so lovingly that you swore you never felt the heat of his love pass onto you as strongly before as it did in that moment. You felt as light as air and you melted into him happily, a peaceful smile on your face as you held onto him and let a content tune hum pleasantly from your lips. 
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The egg sizzled as it hit the bottom of the hot skillet, the kitchen filled with warm morning sunlight and the smell of cooking breakfast and brewing coffee that lured George from down the hall to join you. In only his work slacks and socks with his tie draped around his bare neck, he made you his priority over getting dressed, enveloping you in the scent of his cologne as he wrapped his arms around you from behind and dipped his shaved face into your neck. 
His hands glided softly under the hem of his sweatshirt you wore to feel the smooth skin of your still generally flat stomach, “Good morning, mommy.” 
You grinned to the stovetop at the reminder of the long-awaited news you had found out the night before and you leaned your head back against his shoulder to guide his lips to yours for a soft kiss. With his thumbs rubbing lovingly over your warm skin, you melted happily into him, “Good morning, daddy.”
Purely innocent and bursting with love for your family of two that would soon be made three, you shared a few more lingering kisses that made your heart swell. 
“You sure you feel up to making breakfast?” George asked softly with one more caress to your stomach and a kiss to your neck. 
“Yeah.” you assured him easily. “I like making you breakfast.”
“Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
“I’m feeling so much better.” 
George kissed your temple and then slid away from you to retrieve his shirt from the ironing board where it was left in the living room as it was every morning. 
“Newspaper is already on the table.” you told him as he buttoned up his shirt on his way back over to you. “Your promotion made the front page.”
Living in such a small tight-knit community, there wasn’t much to report upon which only made George’s promotion big news. Front page worthy. He stopped at his usual spot at the kitchen island and glanced down at the newspaper as he tied his tie around his neck under the collar of his freshly ironed white shirt. Pausing to take a bite of toast from the plate that you had set beside the newspaper, he chewed as he straightened out his tie, still skimming the article. 
“I don’t know what’s the big deal.” he spoke through his mouthful, “Not like it’s a real promotion.” 
“Well, not everyone knows that.” you answered calmly, still tending to the bacon and eggs on the stove. 
“I guess.” George flipped to the next page before reaching for his mug for a sip of the steaming coffee that you had poured him. 
“We’re lucky to even be here under these circumstances. The other wives don’t know a thing.” 
George glanced up at you, knowing your conversation was treading towards dangerous territory surrounding the topic that was to be completely silenced under your discretion. You weren’t wrong, however, and thus it allowed you to be the one couple in the community that could freely speak to it - so long as you were completely alone and out of earshot of anyone else. 
“Does it scare you?” George asked. 
You plated the bacon and eggs and merely shrugged, “Sometimes. I don’t know their stories or why they’re here…what exactly led them to be a part of this without their knowledge. I can only hope that the husbands did it for the right reasons.” 
Your two plates clinked gently against the island countertop as you set them between you. 
“Besides,” you continued, “all I need to worry about is you and me. And our baby.” 
George broke into a grin and he leaned in to kiss you sweetly. 
“I know that we’re here for the right reasons.” you rubbed your hand up his chest and around the back of his neck, staring adoringly into his soft blue eyes.
“And that’s all that matters,” he agreed. “You and me.”
“You and me.” you nodded, pulling his lips on yours for another quick kiss. “And baby.”
“And baby.” he whispered happily. “Still so crazy…going to have to get used to that.” 
“I know.” you fed him a piece of bacon, “It’s only been months and months of trying and waiting.” 
“Are you going to start telling people today?”
“Should I?”
“If you want to.”
You took a bite of bacon for yourself, staring back at him with a sweet smile you couldn’t hold back, “Okay. Maybe I will.” 
Breakfast was eaten in close proximity, taking second rank of importance behind lovable kisses and whispers of excitement and adoration for each other and your growing family. George took one more piece of bacon for the road before he was grabbing his lunch tin and you were following him to the front door to say your goodbyes. 
“I really don’t want you to go.” you whispered, standing in the warm morning light of the foyer with your arms around his waist as he shrugged on his jacket. 
“I know, darling.” George smiled sadly. “But now more than ever it’s imperative that I go every day.”
“I know.” you sighed. “I love you for that.”
George held your face in his hands and pulled your lips to his for a brief kiss before telling you honestly, “I hate leaving.”
“I know.”
You shared another kiss as he insisted, “It’s the worst.”
“It’s scary sometimes.” 
“I know.” you leaned into him to capture his lips with yours in a lingering chasté kiss. 
He sighed into it through his nose, gently sliding his hands from your face down your shoulders and arms, and as he broke your kiss, he guided your hands out from around his waist. You laced your fingers together lazily between you and kissed him once more. 
“We’ll be waiting.” you promised. 
George’s melancholy expression pricked into a smile and he took one hand from yours to dust over the front of the sweatshirt you wore and then dip under the hem, caressing your warm skin lovingly. 
“Can’t wait until you start showing.” 
“Me neither.” you gushed, holding up your sweater for him as you both stared down at what was to become your baby, fingers of your other hands still linked together. 
George sunk down onto his knees and he gently slid his hands around your waist to press warmly against your back to pull you close. He dusted a sweet kiss to your stomach, right under your belly button, caressing your skin with his gentle loving hands, and you would have absolutely swooned. 
“Bye bye, my little one. Be good to mummy today.”
As he stood up, he gave you a smooth kiss next that you were both smiling into. 
“I love you.” you grinned adoringly. 
“I love you.” he promised, his eyes skimming across your make-up free face as if you were the most beautiful thing he had seen in his life, “See you tonight.”
“See you.” you breathed, letting him slip away from you and out the front door. 
You stood on the porch and waved him goodbye as he pulled the car out of the driveway and made his daily drive down your street among the line of fellow men as they journeyed to work together in a single file line.
George whistled happily in his car as the morning breeze took him to the outskirts of the neighbourhood and towards the vast desert landscape that framed your little oasis. With one arm resting on the open window beside him, he coasted in the steady lineup of cars that navigated towards the highly confidential headquarters where all the local men were to report for work at precisely 9am every morning. He hated leaving you but only more so now that you had both found out that you were finally expecting. On the other hand, it only proved to himself that his responsibility to attend his daily expectations was of the utmost importance. 
As the glass structure atop the desert mountains grew closer on his approach, his car radio crackled to life with the expected daily recording. 
“All male citizens on route to headquarters. Schedule is one time.” 
George absolutely dreaded the idea of leaving you but he had a duty to withhold that allowed you to live your life together in your ideal oasis that was already starting to give you everything you ever wanted. So he took the drive without complaint as the road turned into the steep mountainous climb towards the building overseeing the guarded little castaway town. 
The radio spoke again with the voice of the mayor, “Security risk is low. All units expected to pass without fault. Arriving at the gate in 3…2…1-”
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George’s chest gasped for air as his vision burst from light into the darkness that surrounded him, staring up into the dizzying patterns of light that were projected onto the ceiling above. He reached towards his face and carefully removed the metal clamps from his eye sockets and blinked feverishly a few times as the moisture re-settled over his irises. The wavering sound of white noise that filled the darkened room was almost invisible to him now and as he sat himself up in the bed and stretched his arms over his head and twisted his spine until it cracked in relief, he was unbothered by it. 
On his left, laying flat beside him, you laid peacefully, staring at the ceiling. The same clamps that he had been wearing also kept your eyes open, staring blankly up to the dark ceiling and the projection of light patterns that kept you stagnant. George shifted to face you on the bed and leaned down to kiss your pale cheek and caress your arm with the back of his finger. 
“I’m here, love.” he whispered, his voice slightly hoarse, “I’m still right here with you.”
Leaving you in place, he slowly got up from the bed and let his bare feet touch the cold wood floor beneath him as he opened the blackout curtains that framed the bed. The room was still pitch black outside of the canopy bed thanks to the extra safety barrier of curtains that covered each drafty window. You couldn’t be too safe. 
The floorboards creaked under George’s every step as he navigated the bedroom like he would every weekday and he pulled open the curtains from over one of the corner windows, allowing the room to be illuminated sufficiently by the morning sun. His eyes burned as the stream of bright light came flooding in and he rubbed his eyes with his fists as he once again became adjusted to the reality that surrounded him. 
The sunlight guided him to the nearby dust filled table in the corner of the room where he nudged a few of the dated newspapers and magazines to the side, ignoring the way the oldest copy of the Daily Mirror peeked out from the bottom of the pile with a headline that he always avoided looking at and yet couldn’t stomach throwing away. 
Your wedding picture was printed in black and white just below. 
George flipped open his notebook and sat down on the rickey wooden chair to write the date at the top of the fresh page and then recorded his physical status. He took his height, weight, heart-rate, and blood pressure and then did the same for you - all but weight - as you laid limpy on the bed. He scribbled the numbers down carefully and made sure to check you twice just to make sure everything was as it should be - especially since you were now in such delicate condition back in your perfect oasis. He couldn’t afford a single thing to go wrong. You were counting on him after all. 
“Perfect numbers today, darling.” George whispered to you as he closed his notebook and capped his pen, returning them both to the messy table across the room. 
Having been in only his boxers, George grabbed a folded sweatshirt from the bin under the table and pulled it on to brave against the chilly Scottish air that helped itself through the beams of the worn log cabin otherwise protecting you from the elements. He stepped out of the bedroom and made his way down the narrow hallway to the quaint and virtually untouched kitchen and living room area. The well water collection from Monday still sat on the counter and he scooped himself a glass of water to rehydrate for a moment as he took in the scenic views through the large tinted windows. 
Miles of lush forest sprawled in all directions for as far as he could see and after so long, he had started to forget which way was north or even which way civilization was. The Scottish highlands and forests were your only protection. Sometimes he wished you were able to watch the sunrise with him over the mountain peaks ever again but he had to force himself to stop missing what could be and focus on what now is. Your life was perfect together. Just you and him. 
Never permitted to set foot outside the cabin, George took the stairs down to the cellar and patted barefoot across the stone floor in the dark until he reached the sliver of light that peeked through the cellar door from outside. Hidden beneath the shallow stairs that led to the fresh air, a grey bin sat in the pitch black.
George knew the routine well so his eyes didn’t need time to focus as he crouched under the stairs and shuffled through the bin in the dark. The rustle of grocery bags drew his hands in and he lifted them up and out of the hiding spot to take back upstairs. He only reached back in for the final item - a small bouquet of flowers still wrapped in cellophane from the store. 
With a soft smile on his face, George took his time returning to the kitchen and he set his delivery on the stone countertop. The first bag contained a few food items for him such as non-perishable canned beans, peas, and cooked pastas in tomato sauce as well as a new bar of soap, a razor, and a few more similar necessities. The second bag contained a sealed medical kit in which George found needles, gause, tape, and rubbing alcohol. The medical bag of clear liquid was carefully wrapped in a clean towel alongside it. 
George organized the supplies into piles and then lifted up the bouquet of flowers again, pulling down the cellophane slightly to get a good look at the mix of brightly-colored tulips, peonies, roses, and hydrangeas nestled in a halo of baby's breath and greenery. He raised it to his nose to take a deep inhale, savouring the heavenly scent of fresh flowers. 
The card that was nestled within the flowers called his attention and he opened the little blank envelope to pull out the message inside. 
Happy anniversary 🤍
He always requested weekly flowers from his sister in order to keep some sense of romantic normalcy in your changing lives together but her little sneaky addition of the card brought a tearful smile to his face. He had almost forgotten your anniversary among the strange twists of life and time. Life in your new home was different than in the physical world…both in reality and the linear flow of time. He would have to make a point to buy you something in the shops on his drive back to your shared home that evening. 
But the generosity of his older sister never went unnoticed and he thanked the stars that he turned to her to keep your biggest secret. You had allowed George to choose the one person who would be your supplier for virtually the rest of your lives in hiding since he would be the one between the two of you who would return to the real world almost daily. It wasn’t a small ask to have her be the only person in the world to know your whereabouts and your story - to hide that from your families and friends as they grieved what they thought was your tragic and sudden death - but she was your most trustworthy and safest bet. Her devotion to her brother and you - her sister-in-law - was monumental and she managed to deliver the necessities to your secret hideaway twice a week like clockwork. George never knew how he would ever repay her. 
George took his time freshening up with the water from the well, sparingly rinsing himself off with soap and a washcloth before shaving over the bone dry bathroom sink to get the best look he could of himself in the grimy and cracked mirror. Even if you would never see him in person again, he always wanted to look his best for you. 
Then it was your turn and he took the bags back to your bedroom and set up the chair at your bedside to tend to you. You were laying perfectly still in your nightgown on the sturdy mattress with your ankles bound to the footboard and your arms resting at your sides. The IV needle was taped gently into your forearm and the bag hung on the metal pole just beside the bed, allowing a slow but steady drip of calorie-rich medicated liquid to keep your body fed and nourished while you laid in your stagnant state. 
George first replaced the flowers in the vase beside your bed, removing the week-old ones for the fresh ones that had been delivered by his sister. He refilled their water and arranged them nicely and spoke to you quietly about how nice they looked and how pretty they smelled. 
With washed hands and wearing medical gloves just to be extra cautious, George gently pulled the tape away from your skin and twisted off the IV drip from the needle that stayed nestled in your forearm. He wiped the area with rubbing alcohol to disinfect it and then retaped the needle in place. As he worked, he thought back to your conversation that morning and tried to imagine where the other husbands were at that moment and how they could tend to their wives like this without their consent. It nearly made George sick to think about that - about the possibility of having the one you loved most trapped there under his control for who knows how long simply for his own gain. That’s what made you and George different. You were in it together. You were in it for each other. 
With another clean cloth and the bar of soap, George gently washed down your body and rinsed you off the best he could, tending to you lovingly. He brushed your hair and your teeth and made sure you were lying comfortably even if you couldn’t feel anything. Leaning over you cautiously, he dropped a few eye drops into your still eyes to keep them moist as they were being held open by the metallic clamps. 
He then pulled out the new medical bag from the delivery from his sister and replaced it on the IV pole. He screwed in a fresh tube into the bottom of the bag and then attached the other end to the needle in your arm, double checking to make sure the drip was steady and as it should be. You only deserved the most precise treatment. 
To pass the day and keep an eye on you, he helped himself to a can of beans that he opened with a dull knife and hid the rest of the food stock away under the table in the bedroom. He sat at your bedside and ate quietly, keeping an eye on you and the IV as the minutes passed in the silence. 
When the food was done, George collected all of his garbage and any sign of life from the kitchen to hide away in an empty grocery bag in the bedroom until he would have to place it in the cellar bin for his sister to retrieve at her next stop-over. He locked the bedroom door behind him and returned to your bedside, straightening up the vase on your nightstand and he gently picked up the white music box beside it. The lid was topped with a baby blue decal of a sleeping puppy and framed in little stars and George smiled softly down at it as he turned it around in his hands to crank the tiny handle at the bottom. 
He had purchased it years ago when you were first trying for a baby, back when life was simple but the weight of its burdens rested heavy on your shoulders. Back then, it all seemed hopeful and exciting as newlyweds wanting to expand your family and George couldn’t help but buy something to surprise you on the eventual day you would find out you were pregnant. He never ended up being able to gift it to you but it stayed with him the whole time and found its rightful place in this cabin with you while you gave up your lives for your ultimate dream. 
When the music box was fully primed, he delicately turned it back around in his hands and opened the lid, letting the familiar gentle tune fill your otherwise silent cabin. He had shamefully played it a few times before when he would find himself alone during the days and waiting beside your still body just like that, maybe to hope for some sort of promise that things would work out. He never knew you could subconsciously hear him during the days when he left to tend to you like that but he found comfort in it too. Neither of you were ever truly alone. 
The soft tune played softly from the nursery music box and George helped himself to his side of the bed alongside you, resting back against the pillows to stare at you just a little longer in the patterned lights that were projected to the ceiling of your canopy bed. Soon, he would be called back by the passing of time to return to your true presence in your perfect little paradise with your growing dream tucked safely inside you. 
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ventique18 · 1 year
Papa 🐉 with triplets HCs
When going overseas for official duties, he prefers not to be cooped up in that weird iron bird creature (it's an airplane, hun). So he instead flies to the country in his dragon form. Imagine people's awe when this gigantic, magnificent creature lands gracefully, lowers his head down carefully, and out of his mouth hops not one, not two, but three little dragons. They're so tiny you could swear they're cute little dogs.
He always goes to meetings clad in heavy robes. More often than not though, his mysterious cloak has a peculiar feature: it produces three sets of giggling voices every once in a while, especially when the room goes deadly silent.
Once an hour passes though, three little tykes get magicked out of the cloak like how a bunny hops out of a magician's hat. The wyrmlings like to climb on and off papa's back and munch on his horns. Everyone could only glance in amazement at how strong their Majesty's neck muscles must be to withstand the weight.
The three siblings still have very small wings but would always attempt to fly. 🌸 always almost has a heart attack when they inevitably come crashing down from their disproportionate weight, but 🐉 would save them the last second with his magic. He'd laugh loudly and hug 🌸 to reassure them none of their babies would get into accidents while he's alive.
I say accident because the three would frequently get hurt on purpose anyway. Their parents don't understand why, but one of their hobbies seem to be beating each other up in any way they could think of. 🐉🌸 would often wake up in the dead of the night because one sibling hurled another off the bed, simply because he/she was hogging 🌸's chest apparently. 🌸's chest is their favorite snuggle spot.
While 🐉 frankly doesn't have all the time in the world, he strictly employs a 8-5 work hour like a regular person. He doesn't really mind working but ever since he's started a family, he believes this is finally his god-given grace so he'll do it properly. His spouse is very capable in assisting him so they never really had problems with this arrangement.
So he likes to be closer to his babies and feeds them personally while it's still normal. He kinda just force-feeds them mashed food with a spoon in a row though. "Can't you make it more fun? Like, open wide, here comes the flying broom!" "I am simply not a sappy person." "You feed me while saying cheesy shit though..." "I cannot very well say those kinds of things to my children."
When he bathes them, he makes them line up and dunks them into a pool one by one. When they're in their dragon form, he scrubs them with a brush like he's doing laundry.
He hangs them on a clothesline to dry them on a sunny day lmao. "What are you doing to our babies??" "What? They enjoy it." Fair enough, the little gremlins are giggling.
When 🐉🌸 gets one those snazzy refrigerators with a water faucet and ice dispenser in front, the siblings like to sit on top of each other's shoulders so they could steal ice cubes for themselves. Or lap at the running water like thirsty dogs.
Grim has dedicated water bowls all over the place because he finds it hard to pour from a pitcher, and the feral siblings actually prefer lapping from those than go to the refreshments table to fetch a drink. The first time 🐉🌸 saw this, they were so shocked they kinda just stared blankly.
"Are... Are they actually dogs..." "I do not know, at this point." "Did you do this too when you were little?" "We did not have any semblance of a pet so I do not think so." Lilia reveals later though, that 🐉 drank from the damn toilet once.
He likes teaching them all manners of things. He gets a bit too intense sometimes though, what with them failing over and over again on what he thinks to be simple tasks, so 🌸 has to remind him gently that they are not him and shouldn't ever be him. He lets up and smiles. Yes, this is what children are supposed to be.
He legitimately doesn't have any ounce of experience with fatherhood and was suddenly thrust with three, so 🌸 honestly thinks he's a bit clumsy when it comes to taking care of them. Really clumsy and callous, actually.
But when 🌸 chances upon their three babies curled up against him, with him napping soundly and still holding an illustrated book on gargoyles and their history (goodness, he never changes), they thought he wasn't so bad after all.
Thinking harder about it though, what with him carrying the weight of the country while carrying the weight of three chubby babies and a feral cat, he might be the best father ever, after all.
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pigeonpeach · 10 months
Arlecchino’s Husbandry
Cw: Fem reader, implied nsfw, manipulation, motherhood. Lesbians.
Summary: You were hired to take care of the younger orphans but ended up becoming a mother-figure to them and also winning the heart of their father figure
Edit: i did this without proofread so sorry for any mistakes
To say childcare is easy is a lie. Even in the House of Hearth where their children are disciplined to become the perfect soldiers and agents are they still difficult at times. You were hired as a caretaker. Meant only to help with the domestic side of things, cleaning, laundry, bathing, and emotional stuff. The last part wasn’t in your job description but something you took upon yourself. You may not be a mother yourself, but maternal instincts were triggered when you saw the two twins added into the orphanage. Lynette and Lyney, the youngest currently were such adorable and loving children. It broke your heart to think how they must’ve ended up here. And Lynette especially, her avoidance and clear uncomfortable behaviors around older males painted a unpleasant picture that tugged at your heart strings. All the kids here had tragic stories to tell, but many had stopped crying for their mothers or simply stopped crying at all. You knew you couldn’t spoil them so you decided to take small steps. You read them bedtime stories first. You explained it to your colleagues as helping them learn to read early on so they wouldnt get the wrong idea. You picked pleasant stories. The children were a bit confused at first but they grew to love it. And overtime, you. You became a source of protection in their eyes. If a kid felt bullied by others they ran to you because you would hold them sweetly and whisper assurances. You were still good at disciplining them yes, but you werent as harsh as the others they’d known.
Lynette especially took fondness to you. You didn’t force her to hug or any physical affection, you offered her sweets as rewards and to help her feel more calm. She took a liking to you clearly, as in her free time she and her brother would follow you around asking if you needed help. It became routine that tje children themselves would help your chores when they had free time. They prepared the clotheslines and washed their dishes,they wanted to make your job easy so they’d stay. You were quite proud of this, tje kids clearly adored you. Although you were worried what the Knave would assume or think if she saw how soft you were to them.
But You didn’t know that when she did catch sight of her that her gaze softened. Arlecchino had never craved for love or affection in years, but seeing you sat on a rocking chair with her children gathered around made her infatuated with you. You had such a soft presence, one that could melt ice cold hearts and dry tears. Your softness actually helped the children be more loyal unbeknownst to you. They wanted to make you proud and protect the home you fostered. Her affections however were noticed by the kids. Especially when she heard one referring to you as “mother”. If she was their father and you their mother, then you would be hers wouldn’t you? That idea wasn’t unpleasant but rather addictive. So she decided to become more acquainted with you. She praised you for your efforts and even offered assistance.
For the children they became even more attached, you bought a more fatherly side to their father. They noticed she became less agitated or more calm around you. So they wanted you stay, they wanted you to marry her actually so you could legally be their mother as well. With Arlecchino’s guidance they told flattering tales of their father, how much she seemed to like you. How perfectly you two would be.
Apart of you was hesitant. Arlecchino is a harbinger afterall. And you are only a low lying underling who has no combat skills whatsoever. But the way she raises your palm to her lips to greet you, the way she calls you into her office very often to just spend time with you, how she buys you your favorite teas or coffees, your favorite foods or treats, its started to make you flustered. She’s grown more bold the less resistance you show, she sometimes plays with your hair making you blush, sometimes her nails trace gently over your skin. But her eyes, although unhuman, they hold such devotion and adoration that it’s addictive. How can one not fall in love when they look at you with such a look?
So you accepted her proposal, to be her wife. To be the mother of her many children. Something celebrated within the house of Hearth. Your job did change, you had more authority as a manager of sorts rather than a domestic servant. You still spent time with the kids however. You still let them sit in your lap or nap on you. But now when Alrecchino comes back from missions or meetings she immediately heads to you to greet you. Her devotion hasn’t stopped or changed. She holds you close and presses her head to your neck as she inhales your scent. Leaving a kiss on your collar and a shiver down your spine. Her hands trace your body just to feel your soft unmarked skin. And when she gives a certain look you know you’ll struggle to get out of bed the next day. Alrecchino is a devoted woman after all. She may not be the best father ever but she is certainly a good and devoted lover.
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johnpriceslamb · 6 months
Hi! I love your how you write and I wanted to ask if you could do Javier Escuella x middle class reader? Something like Arthur and Mary case…
Thank you <33
𝓴𝓷𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 ,
❥ You’ve sent a letter to Javier asking for ‘help’. Just a day later he shows up at your front door.
𝓑𝓔𝓕𝓞𝓡𝓔 𝓨𝓞𝓤 𝓟𝓡𝓞𝓒𝓔𝓔𝓓 ! ꒰ female ! reader . hyper-feminine ! reader . reader is mentioned 2 be physically shorter than characters mentioned below . VERY SUGGESTIVE . No actual NSFW . 1k wrd count. ꒱
❥ Javier Escuella x fem! reader. (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ?)
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“You came.”
The air around is hot. Hot enough to be able to dry the wet laundry which clings on the thin clothesline with a peg. The sun showed no mercy among the people in New Hanover, and it blazes through like a forest-fire. There’s no fire, but you could practically feel the radiating heat from it.
“I did.”
Was Javier a fool to travel all the way from Valentines to Saint Denis in the blazing hot? Perhaps.
For you- was it worth it? Absolutely.
You’re still as pretty as ever despite the arid drought. He wonders how you manage to stay tall and well through this.
He wonders if the tint on your cheeks was from the heat or from seeing him. He hopes it was the latter.
Slowly does he creep forward. Your eyes almost shines and glimmer as he approaches, you feel that giddy part of you rising in your stomach as you watch him carefully.
“Needed help with the.. plumbing, you said?” He has that same charming grin he’s always had when you two first met. It’s always allured you, every time. His hand reaches to his pocket unconsciously, fiddling with the letter which was stuffed messily into the small compartment.
“Uhuh,” You smile, feigning innocence as you tinkered those dewy lashes of yours up at him. Oh, dear.
“Mhm.” He rests his weight by leaning on the door-frame, crossing his arms as he looks down at your demure figure. Gosh did he just want to take you right there, right then.
“Why don’t you, mm.. Show me where the problem is? I’m sure I can fix it.” He suggests with that lustrous smirk of his.
“Right, then. Please follow me.” You smile prettily, plump lips purposefully jutting out just a little bit to get that same effect he had with his smirks and grins.
As you lead him to the bathroom, you don’t notice the hungry stare which was coming from him. Half-lidded eyes size you up and down multiple times as he takes in that corset of yours which defined your waist oh-so prettily. That soft, dainty colours of multiple cream coloured pearls which were connected on a thin string which clasped around your neck, a beauty to behold.
You were nothing like him. Dainty, pure, cladded with luxury only daddy could afford.
As soon as you closed the door to the bathroom, your back was forcefully met with the wooden panels which encased the whole room. A soft gasp escapes your lips, which lead to a string of multiple curse words muttered in a language you weren’t familiar with.
“Dios mios,” He lets out a low growl, mouth near your ear as his hot breath hits your sensitive skin, “Me vuelves loco, ¿lo sabías?” He slams his lips on yours, a knee positioned right between your legs to help stabilise yourself. Your little ballerina flats hover over the ground from his management.
“Making me travel so far to help you with something which never even needed mending in the first place.” He kisses your neck multiple times, “Cheeky girl.”
You needily press your lips against his, leaning into his warm touch. Finally, finally. After so long.
“Missed you,” You babble with a soft whimper, the feeling of his teeth teasingly sinking down just a bit, “Missed you so— Oh..”
You let out the most softest whines as he gently sucks your skin, “J—Javier— Hnn.. Daddy’s right next door..”
“I’ll be quiet, mi amor.” He murmurs, pressing another soft kiss on your neck, “You don’t know the effect you have on me.”
A hand slowly travels down, another coming to cup you from behind. “For now, let me enjoy what i’ve missed.”
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melzula · 11 months
Break Apart
pairing: Zuko x princess!reader
notes: i know i’ve said previously that i don’t like going backwards with fire lilies but i feel like i didn’t do this scene justice the first time so i decided to rework the piece. plus i think revisiting this scene will be important before starting smoke and shadow
summary: your peaceful life with Zuko comes crashing down in the crystal catacombs of Ba Sing Se.
~ part of the fire lilies series ~
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You pull the shutters apart and let the sun shine through your new home in Ba Sing Se. The morning is just getting started, and as Iroh begins fixing breakfast for your little family you take it upon yourself to begin the day’s chores before it’s time to head to work. It’s been a long week, what with Zuko’s sickness and the hassle of moving into the Upper Ring, and you’re beginning to feel worn out from the emotional turmoil, but you do your best to keep these feelings to yourself in order to not ruin Iroh’s excitement for the opening of his tea shop. At least one of you gets to live out the life you dreamed for yourself in the city.
You eventually end up outside hanging the freshly washed clothes to dry, brows furrowed in thought as you pin the fabrics to the clothesline and hum a song Iroh used to perform for you during your day’s on Zuko’s ship. You’re too engrossed in your work to notice you have company, and it isn’t until you hear someone gently clear their throat that you turn to see Zuko standing before you with a smile on his face and two bowls of pongi in his hands.
“You’re up early,” you note with a raised brow before accepting his offering of breakfast.
“I wanted to have breakfast with you,” he says with a gentle smile as the two of you seat yourselves on the steps of your apartment. “It’s a beautiful day out, isn’t it?”
“Yes, I suppose,” you reply carefully, unused to his positive demeanor. “You’re not still feeling sick, are you?”
He laughs at the way you press the back of your hand to his forehead and feel for his temperature before carefully lowering it down. “I feel better than I ever have before. I’m really starting to like it here, and I wish I could have realized sooner how peaceful life is with you in Ba Sing Se.”
“Uncle was right, you really have undergone a metamorphosis,” you note, half teasing and half serious as you take a bite of your pongi. “But I’m happy you’re finally deciding to give the city a chance, my love.”
“It’s something I should have done sooner, and I plan to make up for all the time I wasted being miserable instead of enjoying my new life with you. I love you, y/n, and I’m going to make things right for us.”
You’re pleasantly caught off guard by the sweet kiss Zuko gives you after tenderly cupping your face in his hands and pulling you forward to meet his lips. You easily melt at his touch like you always do, and for a moment you’re able to forget all the hurt and insecurity you’ve felt for the last few years. Your relationship had suffered a few rough patches recently, and you worried that you’d never be enough for Zuko no matter how hard you tried, but it seemed that things were finally beginning to fall into place, and you could live the life you’d always dreamed of since running away with Zuko.
Finally parting from the kiss, he gifts you a sweet kunik before pulling away and taking your empty bowl of pongi with him. “I have to start getting ready for the grand opening of the Jasmine Dragon. You’ll be there, won’t you?��
“Of course. Miss Tai is letting me leave my shift early today so I can be there,” you assure him with a smile. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“I love you,” Zuko utters earnestly in response, “and I’m happy you’re still here with me.”
You longingly watch his form retreat inside, already beginning to miss his touch. But you have work to do before your shift at the dress shop, so you rise from your seat on the steps and resume hanging the laundry to dry.
Life is going to be perfect now, you can feel it.
The opening of the Jasmine Dragon was a success, so successful, in fact, that the Earth King himself has invited Iroh to serve tea in the palace.
The Earth Kingdom palace is certainly different from the palace you grew up in, and though you yourself are technically royalty you feel as if you don’t belong in such a grand space. The dress Miss Tai had loaned you and the way she had styled your hair for you at least makes you look the part, and you make sure to be on your best behavior as you wait with Iroh and Zuko for the king to arrive.
You neatly set out the cups as Iroh begins pouring the tea with a pleased smile on his face while a restless Zuko surveys the room for any sign of the king.
“What’s taking so long?”
“Maybe the king overslept,” Iroh suggests, prompting you to raise your brow at his unlikely explanation.
“He’s a busy man, Zuko. I’m sure he’ll be here soon,” you assure him, but the former Prince isn’t convinced so easily. The sudden appearance of Dai Li agents only furthers his apprehension as they begin to close in on your little trio.
“Something’s not right,” he utters anxiously, and as your gaze falls upon the shifty eyes of the agents before you you find yourself slowly pulling the tea pot towards you in preparation for bending.
“It’s tea time,” a familiar voice chimes prompting Zuko to immediately rise to his feet. The mere sight of the Princess is enough to prompt you to bend the tea out of the pot, and though it isn’t much you’re able to close your fists and produce small blades of water that shoot sharply from your palms. It’s a move you’ve seen Zuko perform countless times with fire, and it’s a move that you’ve managed to perfect just as easily with water.
“Azula!” He scowls only for her to smirk in response.
“Have you met the Dai Li agents yet? They’re earth benders, but they have a killer instinct that’s so fire bender. I just love it,” she punctuates with a clenched fist before her eyes shift to your makeshift water daggers. “I see that’s something you’re trying to mimic, Princess. Such a cute little trick.”
“It isn’t so hard,” you reply with a relaxed shrug much to Azula’s dismay.
“But of course,” she sneers disapprovingly at your lack of fear for her.
Breaking the silence, Iroh suddenly says, “Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname the Dragon of the West?”
“I’m not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle,” she scoffs with a bored expression, but Iroh merely smiles.
“It’s more of a demonstration, really,” he explains before taking a sip from his cup of tea. Before you can even process what’s happening, the man quickly pulls both you and Zuko behind him before exhaling a breath of fire around the room. With the Dai Li temporarily disabled, you’re able to make your escape out of the palace.
Using a blast of lightning to break through the walls, both Iroh and yourself make the jump through the hole and land down below in the the shrubbery. However, Zuko doesn’t follow behind, and instead you’re forced to watch him chase after Azula.
“We have to help him!” You cry only for Iroh to stop you.
“Even with our abilities combined we will not be able to outmatch both Azula and the Dai Li agents on our own,” he utters carefully.
“Then what are we to do? We can’t just leave him behind,” you express worriedly. You have no idea what Azula has in store for her brother, and you don’t want to leave Zuko in her clutches long enough to find out. You know Iroh’s right, but you can’t just sit and do nothing.
“We’ll have to get help,” Iroh notes thoughtfully, and you’re left with no choice but to blindly follow the man as he begins to head back towards the city.
“Help from who?”
It’s safe to say Iroh and yourself are the last two people the Avatar and his friends expected to see at their doorstep, but you’re not left with many other options.
“Princess?!” Sokka exclaims in surprise at the sight of you as you gift him a meager wave of hello in return. The last time you’d seen each other had been during the siege of the North, so it was safe to say he was more than surprised to see you here in Ba Sing Se. “What’s going on? Have you finally come to your senses and decided to leave Zuko?”
“What? No!” You cry indignantly much to the boy’s disappointment. “It’s the opposite, actually. We came to ask for your help.”
“Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se,” Iroh explains gravely.
“She must have Katara!”
“She has captured my nephew, as well.”
“Then we’ll work together to fight Azula,” the Avatar expressed firmly, “and save Zuko and Katara.”
“Whoa, there,” Sokka interjects immediately. “You lost me at ‘Zuko.’”
“I know how you must feel about my nephew, but believe me when I tell you there is good in him,” Iroh insists earnestly, but Sokka doesn’t budge.
“Good inside him isn’t enough!” He insists. “Why don’t you come back when it’s outside him, too, okay?”
“Sokka,” you call gently, eyes full of sincerity and a hint of guilt as the Water Tribe boy meets your gaze. “Please understand. We just want him back safe. I need him back safe. I know Zuko has done horrible things to you and your friends, things I don’t expect you to forgive, but we don’t stand a chance against Azula and the Dai Li on our own.”
“Katara is in trouble,” Aang reiterates to a contemplative Sokka, your words swimming in his thoughts. The mere look of sadness on your face is almost enough to make him cave in, but not quite. “All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance.”
After a moment’s pause, Sokka finally relents. Relief immediately washes over you now that you know the Avatar and his friends are going to help you get Zuko back. “Thank you, Aang. Your kindness means more than you know.”
“I’m just returning the favor,” the boy says with a sheepish smile, prompting you to recall fondly your first meeting with him on Zuko’s ship long ago.
With the Avatar’s help, you stand a chance now, and as your group heads to the crystal catacombs you once again feel that sense of hope grow in your heart.
Once this little bump in the road is over, you can resume your perfect life with Zuko, all you need to do is just get through the day.
And you will.
You journey underground with Iroh and the Avatar to the crystal catacombs, tuning out their conversation as your mind reels over your worry for Zuko. It figures that after having such a perfect day the universe would throw something like this at you. But that’s just the way your relationship was, and anytime a hurdle had been cast your way you’d always been able to overcome it. This time would be no different.
After finally arriving in the crystal cave, you’re quick to lift the skirt of your dress and sprint towards Zuko before flinging yourself into his arms.
“You’re okay!” You exclaim, voice coated with relief.
“What are you doing traveling with the Avatar?” He asks, almost as if he’s insulted by Aang’s mere presence.
“Saving you, that’s what,” Aang replies testily, prompting Zuko to lunge forward only for Iroh to hold him back.
“We wouldn’t have been able to find you without him,” you explain truthfully. “Please don’t be upset.”
Zuko had never really gotten over your little stunt back on his ship when you’d helped the Avatar escape, so seeing you by Aang’s side again felt like rubbing salt in the Prince’s wound. He was trying to be better for you, but the conflict within him still remained.
“Zuko, it’s time we talked,” Iroh says before encouraging Katara and Aang to move ahead without your group.
“Why, Uncle?” Zuko asks softly, hurt clear in his voice. Your gentle eyes meet his own and he looks away in shame, unable to return your gaze. He knows he’s disappointed you too many times to count, but he’s not sure how much longer he can keep up this charade of pretending to be happy in this dirt prison you now call home. He doesn’t want to admit this to you, but the conflict within him continues to fester.
“You are not the man you used to be, Zuko. You are stronger and wiser and freer than you have ever been,” Iroh says proudly. “And now you have come to the crossroads of your destiny. It is time for you to choose. It is time for you to choose good.”
A hopeful smile plays upon your lips at Iroh’s words, but it is quickly wiped away by the sudden rumbling of the cave. Before you can even process what’s happening, Iroh and yourself are encased in crystal.
“Y/n!” Zuko exclaims, but he isn’t left with time to free you once Azula appears with the Dai Li at her side.
“I expected this kind of treachery from Uncle and your little girlfriend,” she says sharply, “but Zuko, Prince Zuko, you’re a lot of things, but you’re not a traitor, are you?”
“Release them immediately!” He demands firmly, his hardest gaze focused on Azula. The crystals dig uncomfortably into your sides and pin your limbs in cramped positions, but you have enough movement in your wrists to bend should you need to.
“Are you sure? I think the crystals are quite flattering on y/n, don’t you?” Azula goads playfully to an unamused Zuko.
As his sister tries to fill his head with promises of redemption and honor in exchange for his help, and as Iroh tries to persuade him in the right direction, you focus your attention on looking for any source of water to help you. Your eyes land on a trickle of water that drops from the roof, but you don’t make your move until Azula has left the room.
“Zuko, you have to help Aang and Katara. If Azula and the Dai Li catch up to them they won’t be able to fight them off on their own,” you express urgently as you use your free hands to pull the droplets of water towards you. “Iroh and I will be right behind you.”
You’re too engrossed in your escape plan at first to notice that Zuko doesn’t budge, but when you lift your gaze to see he hasn’t moved at all a frown quickly pulls at your lips. “Zuko?”
A sense of dread washes over you at his lack of response, and for a moment you fear that perhaps Azula had gotten to him, but then he finally moves to meets your gaze. The green crystals of the catacombs reflect beautifully in your tired eyes, and Zuko can’t help but try to commit the scene to his memory. It will probably be the last good one he’ll be able to keep of you.
He finally gives you a silent nod in response, but not before urging you to stay behind.
“You’ll be safer here,” he says, and he doesn’t give you a chance to argue as he runs off in search of Aang, leaving Iroh and yourself behind.
After gathering enough water, you cover the crystal in ice until the intense cold prompts it to crack, and with a firm flick of your wrists the ice and crystal shatter so that you are finally free from the trap. You move to do the same for Iroh, but he quickly shakes his head to stop you.
“You must go and help the Avatar. I will catch up with you shortly,” he assures you. “There isn’t time to waste.”
You give him a firm nod before rushing after Zuko, hoping you’re not too late to offer your help. The crystals had ripped through the skirt of your dress, and though you felt guilty for ruining the clothes Miss Tai had lent you, you’re grateful for the range of motion the tattered fabric now gives you. Hopefully Zuko won’t be too mad at you for disobeying his request.
The commotion in the catacombs has you pushing yourself to run faster, but when you finally reach your destination you’re quick to skid to a stop at the sight before you.
Katara has Azula in her grasp, and it’s clear that the Fire Princess is at a disadvantage. Zuko’s back is turned to you, and at first it looks as if he’s about to help the water bender. But when his blast of flames cuts through her water arms and frees his sister you’re left with a dreadful conclusion.
Your heart sinks to your stomach as you realize Zuko hadn’t come here to help the Avatar- he’d come to defeat him.
“Zuko…” you utter softly, your features riddled with heartbreak and disappointment as he finally turns to look at you after hearing the sound of your voice. The eyes of the boy that stare coldly at you now are not the same ones that once used to look upon you with nothing but love and adoration.
There is no remorse or guilt on his features, but there is anger and resentment. He’s never looked upon you this way, fury blazing along his irises as if you’re the enemy, as if he hated you.
“How kind of you to join us, Princess,” Azula calls with a taunting smile. You swallow harshly and stand frozen in place, too in shock to move. But then she gestures to Zuko, and a sickness settles in your stomach as he slowly begins to approach you.
“Zuko, stop. This isn’t you,” you beg desperately, cowering away from his menacing figure. “Please, don’t do this.“
“This is me,” he says gravely. “You just didn’t want to see it.”
You can’t help but let out a scream as he shoots a blast of fire towards you, and you’re barely quick enough to form a wall of water to block his attack. His moves are relentless, but no matter how many times he strikes you don’t dare fight back. Your moves are defensive, for even though he’s turned against you, you can’t bring yourself to hurt him.
“I don’t want to fight you!” You insist, narrowly missing the fire he whips at you.
“Are you sure about that?” He retorts harshly, eyes hard-set on the water swirling in your palms. “You’re afraid of me, you always have been. You think I’m a monster!”
“That’s not true!” You cry desperately as you block another attack.
“You only stayed by my side to try and fix me so you could feel better about yourself. You’re no different than the rest of your people.”
“Zuko,” you gasp in disbelief. “How can you say that?! I love you!”
“You’re just a spoiled little Princess who thinks being a water bender makes her special.”
“Stop it. That’s Azula talking, not you.”
“You left your people to fulfill your own childish dreams of love. What a joke,” he scoffs harshly before hitting you with another blast of flames. “You’re selfish! You’re weak! You’re-“
You don’t want to hear anymore. It’s as if he has your heart in his hands, squeezing it apart with each insult he throws your way. Your Zuko is gone.
He isn’t able to finish his assault as the tsunami like wave of water you send his way sweeps him off his feet and throws him across the catacomb. The water roars deafeningly in your ears, drowning out the sound of the anguished sobs that wrack your body as you finally turning your bending on the one you love.
The rest of the fight seems to be a blur as you do your best to hold off Dai Li agents, but once Azula shoots Aang down with a blast of lighting it’s clear that the battle is lost. The fire siblings are beginning to close in on your group, and in a last ditch effort you find yourself standing protectively in front of Katara and Aang ready to fight for as long as you can. However, you find you don’t need to when Iroh swoops in and saves your group.
“You’ve got to get out of here. I’ll hold them off for as long as I can!” He insists before blocking the Dai Li from reaching you.
You hesitate in your tracks, unsure about leaving behind the man who had become family. As if reading your thoughts, he gives you a firm nod of encouragement. “Go, Princess.”
Swallowing harshly, you urge Katara to her feet and guide her to the waterfall. As she holds Aang’s limp body securely in her grasp, you use your bending to reverse the flow of the water so that it sends your trio upwards. Tears stream steadily down your face, but your gaze remains firm and set straight ahead.
Your relationship with Zuko is over.
The tide is calm as the Fire Nation ship sails towards the Capital City. After three long years, Zuko is finally returning home. It’s all he’s ever wanted, but for some reason it feels as if something is still missing. There’s a relentless ache in his chest that won’t leave him be, and he can do nothing but stare contemplatively out at the water.
“You seriously can’t still be worried about finally coming home,” a voice calls playfully as cold hands rest upon his tense shoulders. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, you’re practically a hero now.”
“I know that,” Zuko snaps irritably. Mai simply rolls her eyes in response.
“Then what is it?” She retorts only to be met with silence. Her eyes harden suddenly, and she yanks her hands away from him as if revolted by the Prince. “Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on that water Princess.”
“Of course not.”
“Sure,” Mai replies flatly, obviously unconvinced. “You don’t need her, Zuko.”
“I know that! She was just a distraction,” he tells her, trying to convince not only Mai but himself of it. “She never really meant anything to me.”
“I wish I could say I feel sorry for her,” Mai says unsympathetically with a bored wave of her hand, “but she must have been an idiot to expect you to live the rest of your life as a peasant.”
“Yeah…” Zuko murmurs quietly, remembering the way your eyes hard sparkled in the catacombs. They shined brighter when they were full of tears, and the image haunted him.
He’s pulled away from his thoughts by Mai’s hands gently guiding his face towards her own. A rare smile plays upon her lips as she pulls him in for a kiss. Zuko returns the gesture, but it’s empty.
He feels absolutely nothing.
Sokka is hesitant to approach you, unsure if his presence will make things worse for your emotional state. The tears haven’t stopped since you escaped from Ba Sing Se, but he feels awful just sitting there without attempting to comfort you. He never really understood just how someone like you could love Zuko or why you were ever with him in the first place, but all of it meant something to you, and he couldn’t ignore that.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks gently, well aware of how stupid the question is. Obviously you aren’t, but he isn’t sure what else to say.
“I should have known I’d never be enough for him,” you weep miserably. “I was foolish to think he would ever put me before his need to restore his honor and please his father. How could I have been so naive?!”
“It’s not your fault,” the water tribe boy consoles while placing a comforting hand on your trembling shoulder. “It isn’t naive to want to see the good in people. You tried to find it in Zuko, but it just wasn’t there.”
“I gave up everything for him,” you murmur dully, exhaustion and defeat clear in your features. “And now I have nothing.”
“You have us,” Sokka corrects you with a careful smile. “Trust me, you’re better off without that jerk.”
You carefully wipe away your tears and give Sokka a meek smile in return for his kind words. “Thank you, Sokka. I’m more than grateful for your compassion. I promise to do all I can to help you and your friends defeat the Fire Lord.”
After all this time, after all the hurt and the guilt, all the running and the hiding, you’ve finally left Zuko. And you don’t intend to ever look back.
| atla tags: @sirkekselord @chronic-daydreamer-blog @niktwazny303
| zuko tags: @thebluelcdy @royahllty @the-firebender-girl @ilovespideyyy @yiyibetch @eridanuswave @lammello @a-monsters-love @knaite-solo @taeeemin
| fire lilies tags: @titaniafire @emberislandplayers @kikaninchen-2 @music-geek19 @thia-aep @thyunnamed @haylaansmi @nataliahaslosthershit @idkdude776 @aangsupremacy @thirstyforsometea @ihaveaproblem98 @brown-eyed-thang @xapham @misnmatchedsox @chewymoustachio @that-bucket-hat-gal @chilifrylizard2 @kyomihann @kaylove12 @kiwihoee @freggietale @noodlesfluffy @moon-spirit-yue @bubblegum-bee-otch
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Rag Doll washes the tea things when the party is over because otherwise they won't get cleaned. the old Scullery Doll was much better and quicker at it but there were so many tea parties that she broke. one day when they stuck the key in her back it just wouldn't turn anymore and no one knew how to fix it. she just waits in her chair by the fireplace, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. we give her tea every day so she doesn't feel left out but it just grows cold in her lap.
we all have our duties. Rag doll's duty was to tuck everyone into bed at night. that's what she was made for. she was made so a young witch, frightened of the dark, would not be alone. she was made to say "are you comfortable? close your eyes. this one will tell you a story," and such things. the young witch is grown and gone away, and none of the dolls here seem to need that, so Rag stands at the sink with a teacup in one hand and a soapy sponge in another, late into the night. the soapy damp smell has become a part of her. she never feels fully dry. there is only so long she can stand being tumbled in the machine. so every night, instead of crawling into bed with the other dolls, she hangs herself from the clothesline with the fan blowing on her. someday Scullery will be fixed, and this duty will be lifted from her, and the smell will fade, but for now she hardly feels fit to present herself at the tea table.
Mabel helps by bringing all of the tea things to the kitchen, which is wonderful of it, because Rag can't handle the tray and would have to make individual trips for each piece. Mabel Doll has suggested that Rag wear some kind of rubber gloves, there are some that the witch used to use for magical purposes of some kind, but Rag has no fingers. the gloves are too big and the fingers get in the way. Baker Doll who happens to be passing by looks at Rag's cloth stumps and chuckling starts to suggest condoms before Mabel cuts it off. but Rag Doll has tried washing teacups with condoms. they're weirdly greasy. "this one is fine," Rag insists.
"that one is starting to get moldy," Mabel points out.
"a witch will come," says Rag, "and Scullery will be fixed."
years pass. the witch who finally comes can not fix Scullery. "Ro just left you guys here to your own devices," she observes, shaking her head. "Pity."
"miss Ro has many responsibilities," ventures Mable.
"not *that* many," says the new witch. "Scullery here, for example, a beautifully well-made piece of machinery. the silicone coating is lifelike, flexible, and durable. i've never seen its like. it apologizes, by the way, for neglecting the dishes all these years. what a waste, letting it rot out here."
"it needn't worry," ventures Mable. "Rags has taken over its duties."
at this, a giant gear within Scullery cranks into action, clicking over once. some of us jump, some scream, as this is the first we've seen it move in years and our memories are not very long. Scullery's hand jerks, toppling the cup of tea placed in its lap. luckily, its heat resistant silicone will seal out the hot liquid, preventing it from any harm. its skirt will have to be laundered. (we will probably just spot clean it.)
Scullery falls back into permanent stillness. "it's very upset," the new witch remarks. "it said 'that rag doll is least suitable to perform this one's duties."
"well, it's doing its best," says Mabel. "but we hope miss Ro will come back and give it some new body. that one is starting to be like a sponge that is ready to be thrown out."
"we did suggest gloves," says Sweetie. "this one thinks it just enjoys the feeling of decay. not every doll is capable of it, you know. this one will never decay. in a thousand years its parts will still be littering the planet." Sweetie's eyes get a faraway look.
"did it not occur to any of you," the witch says, the misery of the situation beginning to soak in, "that maybe one of the dolls who's not made out of absorbent, um, cloth, would be a better choice for washing the dishes?"
blank stares. finally "these ones' witch is gone."
"but Rag Doll offered to do it. Rag Doll said it was fine."
"we have our duties. this one sweeps the floor and dusts, for example."
"this one is also made of cloth! this one thinks that one is insane for taking on such a task."
"Rag got mad when this one tried to help. Rag screamed at this one."
"no." none of us had given it that much thought.
so the new witch goes into the kitchen to see Rag Doll. "oh, you poor thing," comes out of her mouth before she can stop herself. Rag, startled, falls off the back of the chair it's standing on. it had slunk back into the kitchen, defeated, the moment it had heard the new witch say she could do nothing for Scullery.
the new witch skips over and turns off the faucet. "what is it you were actually made for, little one?" she holds out her hand to help Rag Doll to its feet.
it struggles to remember. "this one... was made to tell bedtime stories and snuggle in bed." the years have not been kind to it. at least it's freshly laundered, having gone through the washing machine and tumbled in the dryer just a few nights ago.
"my name is Zo. may I pick you up?"
not believing what it's hearing, the doll nods, and suddenly it's being lifted into the air! levitated by a magical supportive pair of arms, and pressed into the chest of a Witch. it would take that one's breath away, if that one could breathe. it was like a purpose, long forgotten, was starting to reawaken. "a good weight, a good squish," the witch was muttering. "plenty of latent magic, plenty of spells to decrease the smell of dishes over time. little one, i might just steal you!"
but before it could object, miss Zo, with Rag Doll in her arms, was hopping on Elizabeta's broom and zooming out through an open window. when Baker stopped in a moment later, all it observed was a sink full of half-washed teacups and the curtains swaying in the wind.
those half-washed teacups stayed in the sink like that for a few more days, and then Baker and Mabel agreed to share the job.
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redtsundere-writes · 2 months
Tyrant's Favorite | Sukuna Ryomen
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Part 11: Apprentices
King!SukunaRyomen x Servant!FemReader
Summary: You used to be just another servant among the army of humans operating under the command of the terrible king, Sukuna Ryomen. An ordinary human who only knows how to wash, clean and cook. Until one day, he notices something in you that you hadn't seen before.
Tags: MDNI. +18. Murder. Blood. Cannibalism. Sukuna Ryomen Is The Warning Itself. Nudity. Sexual Display. Vaginal. Fingering.Sometimes fluff, sometimes angst.
Word Count: 4099 words.
Beginning. | ← Previous | Next →
Your mind missed the peaceful life in the countryside. You used to have a life full of constant work to survive day to day while your father worked hard as a lumberjack. You and your mother ran the household while your younger sisters were too busy growing up. Despite not having a very glamorous, or even easy life, there was nothing better than walking through the tall grasses after a hard day's work. Your little sisters used to go with you to run into the rainbow sunset amidst teasing giggles that were directed at the slow Mimiko. They would stroll along the gravel paths until their mother yelled at them that it was time to go home for dinner. It was a simple life they couldn't really complain about, although there were problems at times. 
Hanging white sheets when the wind acts up is a more complicated task than it sounds. You threw the semi-soaked fabric over the rope again and again until it stopped flying away. You set the little wooden hooks to secure it in place and stretched it along the rope so that it would soon dry completely. You moved a little away from the clothesline to appreciate your finished work. The sheets, white aprons and long dresses fluttered against the fierce wind, drifting against the current. Your hair and brown dress fluttered at the same speed as you took deep breaths. Washing everything had taken all morning, your hands were wrinkled like raisins from spending hours at the sink. 
Now it was time to cook lunch. You were about to enter the cabin again, but you noticed in the distance how a little 4-year-old Mimiko was running at full speed towards you. Her boots, worn out from endless hours of play, squashed the grass with every quick step she took. She looked really worried as she breathed in exasperation. Something was going on. You ran up to her to make sure she was okay. “A curse is coming?” you thought the worst. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” You asked her when you saw how sweaty she was from running in the summer sun. 
“Yorozu and Nanako are fighting the neighbors!” Your little sister answered with her voice cracking with fatigue. 
“Again?!”  She nodded to herself. You sighed in relief that it wasn't a real threat. “Take me to her,” you ordered.
Mimiko took you by the hand to pull you towards where the fight was taking place. You ran for half a kilometer to the hut closest to yours. The neighbors were a family similar to yours. A married couple with an older son and two younger sisters. You knew what they were about as soon as you saw the house. This situation always repeated itself from time to time. The older son has always been in love with Yorozu, but she never felt the same… For as long as they have known each other, he has been courting her. She plays with him because she finds it funny every time he blushes like a tomato when she tells him he looks handsome or feels his muscles. But she rejects him every time he asks her out on a date telling him that he's not good enough for her, completely crushing the poor delusional boy's ego. The boy's younger sisters were sick of watching Yorozu break their brother's heart over and over again, so they have fought on several occasions. 
Mimiko told you that they were at the neighbors' house because the older brother had invited her to see the new tomatoes he had grown so she could take some. She said that the sisters got very angry when they saw them there and picked a fight. They arrived at the courtyard where Yorozu was fighting with the older sister, while Nanako was wallowing in the mud against the younger one.
“Hey, take your dirty hands off my sister!” You shouted at the sister closer to your age who was hitting Yorozu in the face. You ran towards them to pull her away by the dress from your sister. 
“Get away from me, bitch!” She screamed before pushing you against a pile of wood that was meant for a fence. “We've had enough of you coming here to disturb our peace.” 
You analyzed the situation calmly. The older sister had Yorozu pinned against a ditch, the younger sister was pulling Nanako’s hair while Mimiko was rushing at them. The brother was nowhere to be seen. “Coward…” you thought disappointed as you theorized that he had run away to stay out of trouble. The girls' parents didn't seem to be home. You propped yourself up on your feet to get back to the fight with the older sister. 
They were from a farmer family so they were all very strong, especially the sisters. You grabbed the neighbor by the waist to pull her away, Yorozu took advantage of this to give her a good punch in the face while smiling mischievously. 
“Take this, bitch!” Yorozu celebrated her blow with anticipation. 
This only enraged the sister more. Now she began to move like a caged bull. Her red eyes just wanted to kill her once and for all. Yorozu was taking so much advantage of her brother that she was beginning to think it was better to get rid of her for the greater good. The neighbor elbowed you in the nose to get you to let go, you staggered backwards while holding your face. A couple of tears of pain escaped your eyes. 
“I've had enough of your little games, Yorozu,” the neighbor said before picking up a stone the size of her fist. 
“Your brother seems to like it a lot,” your sister scoffed. 
“Yorozu, stop teasing her!” You scolded her, concerned that she had a potential weapon in her hand. 
“I'm going to kill you!” The neighbor let out a war cry before running towards Yorozu who only smiled mischievously at her. 
You couldn't stand by and do nothing while your sister was attacked by a farmer who wanted nothing but revenge. Before you could process the situation properly, you grabbed a piece of wood and whipped it across her back, breaking it in half. The girl howled in pain and fell slumped to the ground. Everyone gasped in surprise at the vicious attack, so much so that the younger sisters stopped fighting. You saw the piece of wood you had left over as if it was to blame for what had happened. 
“Oh, snap!” Yorozu celebrated your effective attack before taking you by the hand. “Let's go before their parents arrive,” she advised before running away.  
Not knowing what to do, you followed her. Nanako and Mimiko followed behind, while the younger neighbor approached the older one to make sure she was okay. You didn't know how that had happened. You never thought you'd be strong enough to break a wooden board on someone. There were a lot of things you were capable of back then, but you didn't know it. 
“You were great!” Yorozu cheered you on. “You are the best sister in the world!” She smiled at you. You smiled back. Maybe you didn't know what had happened, but you knew you had protected your little sisters. You always would.
A couple of weeks had passed since the day of the harvest. You watched the new servants getting used to the new life they had been forced to live. You couldn't help but feel sorry for them, as you were once one of them. You understood how they felt being in such a dark and depressing place against their will. Whenever you had the chance, you greeted them with a friendly smile in an attempt to calm their nerves. Mrs. Inoue had befriended a few ladies and taught them how to do things the way Sukuna likes. Although you cared about the old people, the only one that was in your mind the most was Yorozu. 
When you were children, she used to do the housework wrong on purpose so that your mother would get mad at her and ask you to do it for her. She would run off into the yard giggling while leaving you with all the dishes to wash. You hated it when she did that, but at the end of the day she was still your sister. Your stubborn, rebellious sister.
Being a somewhat rebellious and free-spirited girl, you worried that she would purposely make Uraume angry and freeze her to death or that the king would catch her slacking off. You tried not to think about that while writing the essay Kenjaku had asked you to do for homework. 
“As the last lesson of the day, let's start with what I think will be the most important subject of all,” Kenjaku said as he erased the notes he had made at the beginning of the class. As a title, he wrote the word “debate.” “Debate is the art of discussion. It is an excellent way to improve one's speech, as well as helping to develop the skills needed to construct convincing arguments.” The teacher explained enthusiastically. 
Since he received the letter from Sukuna where he said that you were a person who always knew what to say, Kenjaku knew that you had the makings of an excellent speaker. Maybe you didn't have cursed techniques nor were you a prodigy warrior, but you were magnificent with words. Speech was your best weapon, and he would help you to constantly sharpen it. You had a long way to go in terms of your education, so he couldn't afford for you to fall behind when you were in constant motion towards the crown. 
“When you become a queen, in addition to obeying the king and understanding what he says, you must be able to help him make informed decisions regarding the interests of the kingdom,” Kenjaku explained. 
“I don't think I can do that honestly, Sukuna and I have very different priorities,” you replied. Kenjaku came over to tap you on the head with a scroll. 
“First rule of debate. Never say ‘I believe’, ‘I think’, ‘I have an opinion’, etc. Debate is based on facts, not thoughts,” Kenjaku scolded you. 
“Anyway, I don't know anything about ruling a country, leading troops or invading villages,” you replied while rubbing your injured area. 
You had seen Sukuna a couple of times leading the curses in different formations, giving many orders and walking at the head of the troops with his head held high. He was an imposing leader like no other who knows exactly what to do under pressure. You didn't feel you had the ability to do that. You could barely control your sister, how could you control a nation? Kenjaku smacked your head again. 
“Second rule of debate. Never let your opponent know what you don't know,” Kenjaku scolded you again. 
“But what if I'm not the one to give my opinion?” You asked while rubbing your head. It was already starting to hurt. 
“You are going to become the queen of this nation. You are going to have a say over anyone else, so you must prepare yourself to have a say in these matters.” Kenjaku explained. “Stop thinking like a mere servant and start thinking like the strongest woman in this nation.” 
You knew Kenjaku was right, but it was such an abrupt change of your persona. One's personality doesn't change overnight, and you weren't even sure that would happen. Kenjaku noticed that you were worried, so he approached you to take your hand. 
“I understand that you are confused and worried that you are not capable enough, but I am sure you will be. In a year, I promise you that with my help you will be a different person,” Kenjaku smiled at you to trust him, but you weren't sure if you could really do it. 
Graphite pressing against paper was the only thing echoing in the library as your mind burned inside with new ideas. Two hours had passed, and you still hadn't finished writing the essay. Your hand was starting to get tired. You were reading page after page about the wars to argue why you were against them. There were so many things you were beginning to learn about wars that you found fascinating and somewhat unpleasant. The strategies, the mandates, the deaths, the famine, and the misfortune. Little by little you were expanding your vocabulary, discovering new concepts that had never occurred to you.
The library door opened abruptly. You expected to see Kenjaku or King Sukuna, but you were surprised to see Yorozu holding a silver tray with a divine tea set on it. 
“I bring you the tea you ordered,” Yorozu announced.
“But I didn't ask for tea,” you said, putting your pencil aside to pay her attention. 
“I know. I just used it as an excuse to come to see you,” she smiled mischievously. 
You reciprocate the gesture with a gentler one. It was nice to see that your little sister cared about you even though she didn't seem to. She set the tray down in front of you and served you green tea in an elegant porcelain cup with gold around the edges. She was a little rough with the material, but it was alright as long as she didn't break it.
“Have you been behaving well?” You asked Yorozu before taking the cup carefully. 
“I always behave well,” Yorozu joked. You scolded her with your eyes. “Okay… Not so well, but I haven't been killed. That's good, isn't it?” 
“Don't play too much with your luck. There's not much I can do to protect you this time,” You reminded her before drinking the tea. Light, but warm, perfect for the freezing weather outside. 
Yorozu, after finishing her part of the job, began to prowl around the library. She would check out one book or another to inspect it and then return it to its place when it didn't catch her eye. That's how it was in the world of love. You see someone with a perfect cover, then you examine its contents, it turns out it's not as good as it looks, and you return it to its place. An endless cycle of attraction and boredom. 
“Hey sis,” Yorozu called out to you, still turning his back on you. “Aren't you sad that you have to marry the king?” I asked seriously. 
It was a question you didn't expect from her. You took a sip of tea to take a moment before answering. You were partly happy that Sukuna treated you differently from the others and in a way cared about your needs. On the other hand, you were terrified of what he was capable of doing if you did not accept everything he said at face value. You wanted to be honest with her, but you wouldn't even allow yourself to be honest with yourself.
“Don't worry about that. That's my business,” you answered her. 
“Tell me the truth,” Yorozu demanded. “Do you love him?” 
That was even more complicated to answer. Sukuna was a being so complicated to understand that his mere existence confused you. You saw that part of him that you detested and deplored constantly, but you also saw his sweet and caring side that was warm towards you. You wanted to love the curse that made you feel like the only woman in the world with her affection and attention. But you could not freely love someone who just wants to use your body as an incubator for leaders.
“I don't know,” you answered, trying not to let the sadness show. “Anyway, that doesn't matter, let me handle this.” You asked her so she could stop worrying. 
“You always take care of everything,” Yorozu told you before approaching the table to sit in front of you. “Aren't you tired of always being the one who has to carry everything?” She asked you seriously. 
It was rare when she acted that way. The last time you had heard her talk like that was when your father died. You still remembered that rainy day. Everyone praying in silence, the amount of earth burying his corpse, the tears mingling on your cheeks with the raindrops. Yorozu just looked at the lump with a poker face.  
“No, no…” Yorozu said as she took your hand from her cheek to take them on her own. “Let me take care of it this time,” she said with a smile before getting up from his seat. 
“What are you talking about?” You asked.
“It’s my turn so you don’t have to worry,” Yorozu answered before leaving the library, but that only worried you more. 
The afternoon was falling into dusk as you headed to King Sukuna's office to give him the report on the continuation of your classes. The floors had recently been waxed by hand by the new servants. You waved and smiled at the servants you saw, even though the conversation with Yorozu kept repeating on an endless loop in your mind. She was so rebellious and spontaneous that you could never decipher her behavior.
You would look around in case you saw your sister wandering the halls. You were about to turn a corner to cross to the hallway where your duty station was, but you saw Yorozu enter the office with a silver tray. You waved at her, but she passed you by, as she did not see you. You quickened your pace to prevent her from being alone with Sukuna so that he wouldn't do something to you. You were about to enter the office when you heard your sister speak. 
“I wanted to talk to you, my king,” you stood outside the door. “Why do you want to talk to him alone?” Curiosity got the better of you. 
King Sukuna looked over the document he was holding to see Yorozu pour the tea delicately. She moved slowly and gracefully so that the liquid would not spill. Her posture subtly bowed made her best attributes shine through. She was a beautiful woman, any man would fall at her feet. Unfortunately, Sukuna was not just any man, let alone a man. The truth is that you didn't feel like talking to a servant, but he had to behave with his future sister-in-law as he had promised you.
“Say it so you can leave,” Sukuna gave her the floor before returning his gaze to the document. 
“I think I have some kind of power that might be useful to you,” Yorozu replied with a confident smile. That would be enough to get his attention. 
You and Sukuna were surprised to hear that. “Why didn't she tell me?” you thought in disbelief as you covered your mouth to hide your reaction. You were beginning to think she was joking with the king, but her tone didn't sound like she was. Sukuna set the document aside and sat up straight in his leather seat to look at Yorozu. He stared at her as if he was saying “you better not be wasting my time.” 
“You think?” Sukuna asked. 
“I recently discovered that I can create things out of nothing,” Yorozu explained. 
To prove his point, a metal spoon emerged from the palm of his hand. Yorozu went on to use that spoon to mix sugar into the king's tea and then handed it to him. Sukuna was astonished by her power, he had never seen anything like it. He needed to learn more about it.  
“What else can you do?” Sukuna asked before taking the cup. 
“Almost anything that comes to my mind. The bad thing is that if I make something too big or complicated, I feel tired and dizzy,” Yorozu explained. “That's why I wanted to ask for your help to know how to control it.” 
“What you have is probably a cursed technique that works based on the level of your cursed energy. That's why you feel fatigued after using it. You will have to learn how to use it efficiently so that you won't faint in the middle of a fight,” Sukuna explained. “Oh, no,” you thought worriedly.
“Fight?” Yorozu asked, confused. 
“I don't have many sorcerers on my side for obvious reasons. Uraume and Kenjaku are exceptions, so I always try to recruit more,” Sukuna explained the situation. 
“Then you want me to fight for you,” Yorozu thought out loud. “No, no, no, no, Yorozu.” You couldn't believe this was really happening.
“That's right,” Sukuna affirmed before drinking his tea. “From now on you will no longer be my servant, and you will become my apprentice,” Sukuna dictated. 
“Fucking hell.” You were stunned at that statement. Partly you were relieved that Yorozu would no longer be a servant, but in another part you were more concerned that Yorozu might be a good warrior. Something in your body warned you that this was not right. You watched in the distance as Uraume approached the office. They frowned as they saw you outside the office suspiciously. 
“It will be an honor to be the apprentice of someone as powerful as you, my king,” Yorozu said excitedly. 
“If that's all, you may go,” Sukuna told her. 
“In fact, there is something else I want to ask you.” 
Uraume was about to enter the office, but you grabbed her arm and covered her mouth so they wouldn't make a sound to ruin her hiding place. You squeezed them against your body tightly as they squirmed to get away from you. You shook your head and whispered to be quiet. Sukuna motioned for Yorozu to continue. 
“Do you really think my sister will make a good queen?” Yorozu asked. 
Your and Uraume's eyes widened when they heard that. What was he going for with that question? They now understood why you were hiding, so they also listened carefully while you kept covering their mouth with your hand. 
“I don't think so, I know,” Sukuna answered directly. 
A feeling of satisfaction ran down your back and a smile crept onto your face when you heard that. You never thought he would defend you like that. That meant you were on the right track. You had to keep it up. Yorozu was speechless at that strong statement, so she just smiled at you.
“He hoped he was right,” Yorozu leaned toward him. 
Your little sister's footsteps were getting closer towards the door, she was going to leave the office and find out that you were listening to the conversation all this time. You took Uraume firmly by the arm to forcibly pull them back to the corner that turned the hallway. Yorozu heard footsteps walking away from the office, but as she stepped outside she was surprised to see no one nearby. She shrugged, assuming it must be just another servant, and went on her way. You watched as Yorozu walked away on the opposite side. You sighed in relief that she didn't notice your presence and waited a moment against the wall to make sure the coast was clear. 
“Worried?” Uraume whispered to you. That made you notice that you were still squeezing their arm tightly, so you let go. 
“Of course,” you answered her.
“I would be worried too if I were you,” Uraume commented, without leaving your side. “She could easily replace you.”
You could see the intention of the comment from miles away. They wanted to make you feel insecure with their extremely direct comment, but you trusted yourself and your sister. You would do your job well and protect her from the terror that Sukuna could become, even if it cost you your life. 
“I'm not going to let that happen,” you told them off. 
“Are you afraid of losing your privileges?” Uraume scoffed. 
“What a disappointment…” You sighed. Uraume paid attention to you, noticing that their comment didn't make you feel bad. “A year of watching me like a hawk, and you know nothing about me?” You said, shaking your head before withdrawing from the conversation. 
That comment gave Uraume a lot to think about as you walked away down the hallway to head to the king's office. To them, you used to be a simple servant who obeyed every rule without complaint, but they could tell that you were slowly coming out of the shell you had wrapped yourself in. Maybe they didn't know you, each time you showed her that you were a more complex woman than you appeared. 
Next →
Open fanfic commissions!
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ickadori · 10 months
[summary] arlecchino happens to come across you during a walk, and something about you draws her in.
[cws] fluff-ish. fem reader -> reader is a plump, country bumpkin. my poor attempt at writing a country accent. brief mentions of past violence.
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Arlecchino may have seemed cold, unfeeling and ruthless to many, but in truth, she was a deeply caring person. It was clear in her actions, in the way she cared for her ‘children’ and ensured that no harm would come to them as long as she could help it.
She had offered many a helping hand to those who needed it, even to those she sometimes deemed unfit of her assistance. There was always a persistent, nagging feeling at the back of her mind, pushing her to do a few good deeds in an attempt to make up for all the misdeeds she had done in her past, and would inevitably continue to do in the future. It was an impossible task, attempting to drown your sins with good behavior, but she liked to try nonetheless.
And that’s what led her to you.
She had first saw you while she was venturing through the countryside of Fontaine, having just left the Spina di Rosula, and you had been working in your yard; hanging up the wet laundry to dry on the clothesline, sweeping the dirt from the cobblestone path leading up to your quaint little cottage, and watering the flowers and small field of crops.
She had passed by many people living lives similar to yours, simple and quiet as they opted for a more reclusive life, and she hadn’t thought twice about them… but there was something about you that had captured her attention.
Maybe it was your looks. You were beautiful; a face that would have surely turned heads had there been any near you to turn, a body that filled out your clothes nicely, the loose fabric not able to conceal the heft of your breasts, the pudge of your stomach, or the curves of your thighs.
She had found herself transfixed as she stood and watched you, not caring that her dark attire made her stand out like a sore thumb. Besides, you were too preoccupied with your chores to notice her staring so blatantly.
You had worked earnestly, never once stopping to take a break despite the blaring hot sun that glared down at you. In hindsight, she probably should have made herself known then, given you a chance to stop and take a breather, maybe even take a much needed drink, but she had wanted to keep observing you in your natural state.
It was no surprise when your eyes had eventually started fluttering and you began to sway on your feet, and Arlecchino had debated letting you hit the dirt so you’d learn your lesson, but the thought that you might break something on the way down had been enough to spur her into action.
“Silly girl.”
She tsks as she lays you down on your bed, the soft mattress sinking underneath your weight. Now that she’s up close, she can properly look at you, and she lets her eyes take in all of you, from the frizzy strands of hair sticking in odd directions, the dark tan lines on your face that indicates the countless hours you’ve spent outside, the fine hairs on your forearms, the chipped polish on your nails, all the way down to your worn shoes.
She notices now that everything in your home seems to be well-used, from the old, scuffed wood of the front door, to the creaky floors that have probably supported many tenants in their time. The blanket on your bed, a colorful crocheted piece, is worn thin, the threads more frayed in some places than others. Your nightstand looks homemade, poorly at that, the wood is misshapen and when she nudges her boot against it, it rocks wildly and threatens to topple over before steadying itself. The door to your bedroom is nowhere to be found, a ratty sheer curtain in its place instead that flows from the humid air drifting in through the poorly insulated front door.
The sound of you stirring draws her attention, and she directs her gaze back to you. Your eyes slowly blink open, lashes fluttering, and you pause at the sight of her standing near your bedside. You blink once, twice, and she readies herself for a scream worthy of an award followed by a barrage of frenzied questions.
Instead, she gets a gentle smile followed by a sheepish laugh. “Did I pass out again?”
You laugh again, this one a bit more hearty than the last, and slowly begin to sit up in your bed. “Yes, again. I just can’t learn my lesson, it seems — or maybe I just have some damsel in distress trait that I can’t shake.” You press a hand to your head when you’re fully seated, and Arlecchino feels the strange urge to press her hands to your face and check for a fever while she frets about you. It’s foreign, this sudden urge to take care of you, she can’t say that she’s felt this even about her own ‘children’ whenever they fell ill. She wished for their recover, certainly, but she had never been the one to personally see about it, rather sending a trusted doctor to take care of them. “…troubling you.”
“What was that?” The country twang that you speak in is… endearing.
“Oh, I was just apologizing for troubling you. ‘M sure you had lots more important things to do by the looks of it.” It’s your turn to take her in, and she feels a strange sense of pride as you marvel at her clothing, but more so at her hands and the long nails that decorate them. “You must be from the city—oh! Are you one of those circus performers?”
She bristles at the comment, and something must show on her face, because you’re quickly backtracking as you wave your hands in front of you. “Ah, not circus, theatre! A theatre performer, ah, what do they call it…”
“No, I am not an actress.” You visibly deflate, and Arlecchino doesn’t bother dissecting why the sight disturbs her more than it should.
“Oh… well, you certainly look like one.” You stare at her face with a frown, and then a spark of recognition shines in your eyes. “I’ve seen you before.” Those words have not been followed up with anything positive, and she feels a bit sullen at the direction this encounter is surely going towards. “You were standing out in the field when I was workin’!”
“Yeah, I remember now. Thats why I thought you were a cir—actress. I thought maybe you were watching me ‘cause you were researching for a role or something.” Arlecchino doesn’t like to label people with stereotypes, but she thinks the label of daft country girl suits you quite a bit. “What were you doing out there?” You watch her with a quizzical look, and she takes note of the way you lick at your dry lips.
“How about you get a glass of water first? I’m sure you’re dehydrated.”
“Ah, right.” You shoot up to your feet, and she has to steady you by your waist when you nearly topple over. You flash another smile her way as you thank her, and she quietly shakes her head at you.
After pouring yourself a glass of water from a pitcher (she notices that you don’t have running water, and her mind goes back to the nearby well she had saw outside) you greedily down it, loudly swallowing as a few beads of water drip from the sides of your mouth and wet your top.
You let out a relieved sigh as you lower the glass and immediately go to pour another one before you stop and spin around to face her, the water sloshing over the side of the pitcher and splashing onto the floor. A few droplets wet the bottom of Arlecchino’s pants, and her mind flashes to a point in time where she had shed another’s blood over a similar incident.
“Where’re my manners? Would you like a glass, too? I can get you one.”
“I’m fine, thank you.” You refill your glass, and that one is downed in a similar manner before you deem yourself hydrated enough and set the glass and pitcher aside.
“I should be thanking you, actually. Sorry for not doing it sooner,” you throw her another one of those sheepish smiles, fat of your cheeks raising up and making your eyes squint. “Who knows how long I would’ve been out there before I woke up.” Or before someone much more sinister than she stumbled upon you, she wants to say, but she chooses not to. She’s already pegged you as incredibly naive and far too trusting, and while she usually relishes in tearing down people’s veils and forcing them to see the harsh, cold truth of the world, she’d rather you stay oblivious, if just for a short while longer.
“You live alone?”
“Yeah, it’s just been me ever since mama died. My brother used to live here, too, but he started seeing some city girl and moved out there to be with her. He visits sometimes, but not a lot.” Your mood dampens at the revealed information, but you immediately perk back up when you focus your attention on her. “What about you? Where do you live? In the city, right? Oh, maybe you know my brother! He lives in…”
Arlecchino listens to you prattle on and on, amusement building inside her as you willingly give up all of you and your brother’s information. She’s had to subject people to cruel means of torture just to receive a fraction of information, and dished out millions of mora to find out the locations of people, and here you are divulging all of your most precious secrets without a care in the world.
She wonders how you’ve survived for this long on your own — the Gods must truly favor you.
“…feel like I’ve just been blabbing your ear off, ‘m sorry.” You give her an apologetic look, plump fingers twiddling together. “Thank you again, really. I wish I could pay you, but…” You give a glance to your surroundings, a laugh following after before you’re meeting her eyes again. “I don’t even have enough to fix this place up.”
“No payment is necessary. I was simply helping someone who needed it.” There’s a mountain of work waiting for Arlecchino back at the Heart of Hearth, not to mention her other endeavors, and it’s all urgent, pressing matters, and yet she finds herself lingering in your rundown home, biding her time. What’s gotten into her? “I recommend keeping yourself properly hydrated the next time you go out to work, not to mention taking frequent breaks out of the sun. The next person who stumbles across you may not be as nice as me.”
“Of course, this won’t happen again! I’ve learned my lesson this time, honest to goodness—oh, don’t look at me like that, I mean it!” She gives you a wary look. “How about this, Miss…?”
“Arlecchino.” You test the name on your tongue, and seemingly finding it satisfactory, you beam at her, and it’s blinding. “Miss Arlecchino, I am formally inviting you to come back here someday and see for yourself if I learned my lesson. I’ll even cook you a nice meal to properly show my thanks.”
She’s busy, incredibly busy, and she’s never made it a habit to travel to the countryside, much preferring more… developed scenery. She has no time to stop by and come see you, a random woman whose name she doesn’t even know. Her time is valuable, and few can afford to waste it… but she doesn’t feel as though her time has been wasted so far—on the contrary, she feels as if she should be the one to dish out a few mora for having been on the receiving end of your attention.
“So? Is that a yes? You’re gonna come, right?”
“I’ll be incredibly busy for the foreseeable future. There’s many things that require my attention.” Your shoulders sag as you pout, and that feeling of disturbance from earlier comes clawing its way back to her chest. “But I suppose I can find the time to stop by, somehow.”
You cheer, a gleeful little sound followed by a bounce on the balls of your feet that Arlecchino finds to be oddly adorable, and she can’t help the slight curve of her lips.
Yes, she’s certain her time won’t be wasted on you.
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vinceaddams · 11 months
List of fun things about my current apartment:
The oven always undercooks things. Even if I put the temperature hotter than the recipe calls for and leave it in longer, I still often have to put it back in for even longer. And yet when I borrowed an oven thermometer to check, all the temperatures I measured were accurate.
The two burners on the left side of the stove are barely warm for the first half of the dial, and then in the second half they're on maximum, no in between.
The hot water takes about a full minute to get hot, which is actually good because-
The water from the cold tap tastes weird, but the hot one tastes fine, so we drink the cold water from the hot tap.
There's a weird lumpy patch in one of the lower cupboards that smells a bit like coffee and is streaky and brown no matter how much I scrub it, so I can only assume someone spilled instant coffee grounds there and just. painted over it??
Mice for the third autumn in a row, but somehow this year I've only heard them in the ceiling and seen them run across the vent but haven't seen any evidence in the kitchen even though it's been a few weeks?? They got in last year and the year before. The landlord never replied to my email about it this year when I started hearing them in the ceiling again.
Speaking of which, the kitchen counter is dark brown with a speckled pattern, and the lighting is really bad, so I have to shine a flashlight around to be certain there are no mouse poops.
Two of the cupboard doors are also missing knobs and won't latch properly.
There's a clothesline outside, but it's high up with a little springloaded thingy that you pull on a rope to lower, and I've tried pulling on it and it won't move.
The washing machine doesn't do a very good job washing, and the dryer usually needs to be run twice for things to dry completely.
There was also the treadmill that the upstairs neighbour had directly over my bed, which they were running on for almost an hour a day for a while, and which they once rode on at 11pm and once at 1pm (jail for one thousand years and also die please) but we complained and got them to stop.
The best thing about this place is that I have to move out very soon!
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romione-trope-fest · 7 months
Can't Do This Without You
Title: Can’t Do This Without You
Author: adenei
Trope: Cockblocker Harry
Summary: DH Missing Moment after Harry’s retrieval/Seven Potters. More angsty than anticipated.
WC: 1,790
Rating: M
TW: Implications of death/dying
Hermione would have thought she’d have a good night’s sleep now that Harry was here—now that they’d successfully completed their retrieval mission—and everyone was once again safe under the Burrow’s roof, but that wasn’t the case at all. She’d tossed and turned all night. 
  Dreams turned into nightmares where Ron was the one who was hit with the killing curse, falling off his broom and tumbling hundreds of feet to the ground. She’d woken up in a cold sweat, praying she hadn’t screamed or woken Ginny. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get the image of Ron’s lifeless eyes staring into nothing. It was the worst thought imaginable—even more so than wiping her parents’ memories and sending them halfway across the world.
  Because what would be left to fight for if he was gone? The fear she’d grappled with in those never-ending moments before he and Tonks appeared in the field just beyond the Burrow’s garden had been excruciating. She couldn’t lose him—her lifeline to everything. If something happened to him, she’d be useless to Harry, better off as dead too.
  She tries to shake the dramatics from her mind, but it’s no good. She knows she’s overreacting herself into an unnecessary spiral, yet she can’t help it. Ever since she finally admitted to herself that she was in love with him—back when he’d been poisoned—the need and want and desperation to repair their mangled relationship had occupied the forefront of her mind.
  It really shouldn’t. Not when there’s a war on and she needs to put all of her focus into helping Harry find Horcruxes to destroy them and defeat Voldemort. 
  Right. The mission.
 Hermione blinks her tired eyes and refocuses on her porridge. Now that Harry’s here, they have to talk, plan, have things ready to go at a moment’s notice—all while Mrs. Weasley is trying to keep them apart.
  She glances down at the list she’s been given, chores she’s meant to accomplish today before the arrival of Fleur’s parents. Ron and Harry have lists too, no doubt not aligning with her own. A sigh escapes her lips and her gaze drifts to Ron, who happens to be watching her with a concerned look in his eye. She offers a feeble smile, but it’s obvious he sees right through it when his brow furrows even deeper.
  As much as she’d been looking forward to the relief of finally having Harry with them, she misses the two weeks they had together—alone. It didn’t matter how much she tried to prepare herself for it, how realistic she’d been about its expiration date, she’s still mourning the loss of the time they’ll no longer get together. And now she’s left questioning her decision to let him that far in to begin with, knowing that it can’t continue with Harry here. Maybe it would have been better to keep him at a distance—to protect her heart. 
  Ha, her heart. That’s the whole reason she’s in this mess to begin with. She forces herself to finish her breakfast with minimal lamentation in her mind, but it’s no use. Her brain won’t let up. So, she magics away her dish and gets up, hoping the tasks she’s been assigned will be a better distraction.
  But as she’s halfway to the door to go collect and fold the laundry that’s been hanging out to dry, Ron also moves around the table, headed for the stairs, but passes her a little too closely. His hand slides into hers for a brief moment, leaving a ripped piece of parchment in her grip. Then, he continues on his way as if nothing happened.
  She waits until she gets to the clothesline before unfolding the wrinkled paper and reads his note.
  Meet me in the broomshed in 10 minutes.
  Folding it hastily, Hermione shoves it in her pocket, worried that Mrs. Weasley might round a corner or open a window and become suspicious. She sets about to take the clothes off the line, then uses the table outside after Scourgifying it to fold everything. It’s only been eight minutes when she’s finished, but she doesn’t care. It’ll be less noticeable if one of them sneaks in there first. Looking around, she takes the basket with her to the shed under the guise of dropping off a freshly-cleaned pair of knee and elbow pads. 
  Ron joins her soon after, though it feels like she’s been waiting a lifetime when he finally opens the door and shuts it quietly behind him. “No one saw you, right?” he asks.
  “No.” She shakes her head. “You?”
  Hermione waits, expecting him to ask her what’s wrong—he clearly knows something’s bothering her—but when he turns to face her, his eyes darken as they search her face. She knows that look, knows it so well, but the relief she feels upon seeing it is nothing compared to the way it finally feels to have his mouth on hers again.
  The way Ron kisses her now is different from every other time. She thought she’d experienced every possible kiss he has to offer by this point, but the desperation as his lips hungrily capture hers is brand new. With the looming threat of death and scarce opportunities to continue activities such as this coming soon, she wonders if this might become the norm.
  Instinctively, her hands tug at his shirt as his fingers claw up her sides, his thumbs teasing her as they brush the underside of her breasts. Even through her bra, it sends shivers throughout her body, and she arches her back in a request for more. He removes his hands long enough to let Hermione take his shirt off, then splays them on her back and presses her against his body. 
  In between the shower of little pecks along her jaw, he asks, “What’s wrong?
  Her eyes flutter shut as she focuses on the sensation of his hot breath on her skin. She wants to lie and tell him nothing so they can continue doing this, but she knows better. They promised—no more lies, no more hiding things. They have to be honest with each other.
  “I can’t stop thinking about—if it’d been—when you didn’t come back on time, I—” The tears begin to slip out of her eyes.
  He wipes them away with his thumbs and cups her face. “I didn’t. I’m right here.”
  “I know, but what if—” a sob escapes her mouth. “Ron, I can’t do this without you.”
  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m here. Right here.” He solidifies the fact by guiding one of her hands to his chest, placing it over his steadily beating heart.
  It’s funny how he always knows what she needs. The gesture does wonders to calm her. “I know, I know, I—we shouldn’t be doing this.”
  He smiles against her cheek. “Probably not, no. Want to stop?”
  “Good.” His lips return to her neck, kissing down to her clavicle as his hands find their way back up under the thin cotton of her shirt. “Missed you last night.”
  “Me too,” she breathes as he kisses the swell of her cleavage. Her hips dig into his, grinding against him. “More. Please.”
  Ron groans, the vibrations sending shockwaves to her center. Her fingers find the button of his jeans and begin to fumble when there’s a crack, then a commotion outside the door. The handle jiggles, but thank Merlin Ron locked it. Her eyes widen as she looks at Ron, her hands still frozen at his jeans.
  “Guys, are you in there?” Harry calls.“I could have sworn I saw—maybe not. Damn. Then where…”
  His voice trails off and they both exhale in relief. “That was close,” Ron mutters.
  “Yes, it was. Maybe we should…” she looks down at his bare torso and her hands halfway down his pants.
  Ron kisses her cheek. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
  “We knew this was going to happen,” she commiserates, immediately missing the contact as he bends down to pick up his shirt.
  “I know. I just—maybe we can find a way…at night? After everyone’s asleep?” She contemplates his suggestion, weighing the plausibility of getting away with a late-night escape out here. But when she takes too long to respond, he follows with “Not that we have to do this—I mean, that’s not all—we could just—”
  She places her pointer finger over his lips. “Stop. I’d like that. As long as we can get away with it.”
  “Oh. Right. Brilliant.” His cheeks flush scarlet, ears turning pink.
  Despite having expressed themselves in more ways than just words over the past few weeks, Hermione’s heart still melts over the awkwardness. It’s these moments that remind her how real this is—how genuine his feelings are too—and how sometimes he has a hard time believing they’re here right now as well.
  She leans forward and presses her lips to his, kissing away any of his lingering doubt. For a moment, she wonders if they should just tell Harry, but then she remembers he broke up with Ginny because of the mission, and she knows it’d hardly be fair for her and Ron to be together while he can’t be with her.
  Sneaking around it is, then.
  But then another thought occurs to her. “Ron?”
  “If Harry was looking for us and thought he saw us go in here…but the door was locked…did he not realize—does he know?”
  Ron shakes his head. “No! No, I swear I didn’t—I don’t know why he didn’t try to—oh bugger—”
  “But why else would he just—”
  “I don’t know. Maybe—er, maybe he thought Mum put a charm on it so we can’t get our quidditch stuff until chores are done or something? She used to do that when we were younger…”
  Hermione bites her lip. “Maybe. So then how do we—”
  “Give me a minute.” He furrows his brow and thinks. Hermione watches him carefully, seeing the crinkle of the corners of his eyes and the curl of his lips when the plan formulates in his head. “I’ve got it. I’ll Apparate back to my room from here, and you leave the same way you came. If Harry’s lingering, just pretend you were crying or something. He asked if you were okay at breakfast, so he knows something’s bothering you.”
  “Oh, that’s brilliant. That could explain the locked door too!”
  Hermione throws her arms around him and allows herself to get lost in another deep kiss until he’s the one who pulls away this time. “If we don’t stop now…”
  “I know, I know.”
  But they both stay there, neither attempting to move first. Then Ron squeezes her hand and smiles. “Tonight?”
  “Yes, tonight.”
  And hopefully, there won’t be any more interruptions.
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mishapocalyse · 2 years
You must be slammed with Soldier boy stuff buuut-
Consider: Soldier boy’s supe sweetheart (real not for the camera) from back in the day is still alive and when she joins him and the boys she becomes a mother figure to the group
Back To The Good Ole' Days
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Description: Without all the publicity stunts, the spotlights, the cameras, Soldier Boy found his way back to you. The same woman he fell in love with all those years ago.
Pairings: Soldier Boy x Reader// (platonic!)The Boys x Reader
Warnings: Soldier Boy is his own warning, Language, Soldier Boy pining over the reader.
Note: GAHHHHHH ya'll are way too damn sweet. I love the requests! This is another favorite of mine. I am excited to have written this! Also! I am loaded with Soldier Boy, and I do not care how many requests for him I get because hot damn...I love that man with all of my being, and he is a super big comfort character.
"Ben?" You hollered through the house. "Is that you?" Peering from the staircase, you shuffled down the steps in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
Your eyes widened, standing in the middle of the front doorway stood the man you thought you would never see again.
"Ben!" You cried out, as he caught you in his arms. Giggling while he spun you around.
"You look the same, sweetheart." Ben cupped your face in his hands.
"So do you. Wow. I don't know what else to say." You stuttered, just holding him close to you was the happiest moment in your life at the moment.
"I know. I'm still getting used to the times. Which is why I'm here. I need you to come with me. I need your help with something." You pulled away from him, a worried expression on your face.
Your first couple of months with Butcher, Ben and the Boys was all in all the most chaotic mess you could have ever agreed to. It was exceptionally great, some of the most interesting people you had ever come across. They were your family, and reuniting with Ben was top notch.
"Butcher, don't forget, I hung your jacket up to dry on the clothesline. " You called after him.
"Oi! Thanks, love." He replied to you.
"Hughie, do you want something to eat? You look hungry." Hughie shook his head no.
"I'm going to make you something anyway. You're too skinny, boy." You laughed .
Soldier Boy watched as you doted on the others. Something he rarely got to see from being gone from your life. He took to cleaning his shield after partaking in his normal array of pharmaceuticals. He was so lost in thought that he didn't even realize that your were standing in front of him.
"Hey baby girl." He cooed, lowering his shield to the ground to wrap his arms around your waist. He pressed his face firmly against your stomach.
"Hey Ben. I made you some lunch. Your favorite." He let you go to look up at the plate you held in your hands.
"Oh honey. You didn't have to." He took the plate from your hands setting it on the table.
"I wanted to. I always made you food when you came home. I mean, when you were home that is." You brushed your fingers through Ben's hair as he pulled you in closer to sit on his lap.
"Well-I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere, anytime soon." He reassured you with a feathery kiss to your lips.
"Oh how I missed you, Ben." You whispered loud enough for him to hear you. His grip tightened on your hips.
"We've got time to catch up. Don't worry sweetheart. I love you."
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trivialbob · 3 months
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50 clothespins for $1.25. Not even on sale!
What a screaming bargain. That's less than $0.03 each. It's a good thing I actually do dry clothes outside, because I would not have passed up this sweet deal even if I didn't have a clothesline.
I shopped at Target but with my Aldi shopping bag. This Target is in a city that forces retailers to charge $0.05 per paper and plastic grocery bag. No way I'm throwing away nickels like that.
Not only did I not pay to use Target's bags, my receipt showed I received a $0.05 "Reusable Bag Discount." I had never noticed that before. It didn't even matter that it was from a (somewhat) competitor of Target.
I also saved 5% on my purchase because used a Target Red Card to pay.
It was a good day.
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