#and then they're stood in this drawing room just very awkwardly looking at each other
theteaisaddictive · 2 years
you send one thematically-relevant song about loneliness and love and suddenly you get yet another vague au idea based on your characters
#roses and lavender#it just sort of sprung into my mind but -- ella's on the way to the ball#the horses get lost#they wind up at this castle which very clearly does NOT have a ball on but like. what else is she supposed to do. it's cold and dark and#she can see candlelight through the windows#the entire castle is FLABBERGASTED to see what appears to be an honest-to-god storybook princess walk through the door#of course the beast gets down there asap but as soon as he sees her he decides to keep lukring in the shadows#she's beautiful and bright and shining and he is -- not.#for her part ella is a nervous wreck#this was not what she signed up for when she stepped into that pumpkin carriage#she stays for dinner because let's be honest she's starving at this point#they talk a little over dinner. as one does.#there's a hunger in both of them for human contact and despite the awkwardness of the situation they end up talking for a long long time#they lose track of time#and suddenly ella's doing her reverse magical girl transformation#and then they're stood in this drawing room just very awkwardly looking at each other#the beast who's been lurking in the shadows all night afraid to sully this beautiful creature by even standing too close to her#and the servant girl playing make-believe who's suddenly found herself in the worst version of the emperor's new clothes#in the distance they hear cogsworth shouting 'why the FUCK did the FOOTMAN just turn into a HORSE?!?!?'#eta the song in question was the loneliest time by carly rae jepsen ft. rufus wrainwright
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes : RELOADED
More safe house shenanigans as the gang looks for leads.
Table of Contents
Previous Chapter : My Damsel in Distress
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Delayed Flight 
John 'Soap' MacTavish
Task Force 141 - Disbanded
Safehouse 110197, Brazil
Soap haven't slept like this for quite a long time. He almost felt guilty that he's peacefully sleeping all while the world was in chaos. 
Slowly got up after noticing that Alex and Ghost were still asleep beside him, they looked like they just slept and he didn't bother waking them up for breakfast. Another scan of the room indicated that everyone else is downstairs. 
John quickly tiptoed across the room and swung the door open. On the other side of the door was France who looked focused while carrying two mugs of coffee.
"Oh! You're up!" she said in surprise as her coffee mugs wobbled. John's quick reflex immediately caught her hands and held them tight until it stabilized.
"I'm sorry I surprised you. Are you okay?" he asked worriedly, a smirk escaped his face as he noticed a faint blush from the female's cheek.
"Yeah. I brought you coffee since the hot water was almost out and you were still asleep." she stammered, not making eye contact to him. Soap looked curious, where was the woman that confidently rejected him yesterday? 
"Aww. So you are concerned!" he mused, holding her hands tight, drawing the steaming coffee mug close to him.
"Not really. I just thought that you're the last one to drink some so the kettle would finally be empty. Don't get your hopes too high, MacTavish." she gently shoved him the mug and carefully stormed off. There she was, back on her guard.
"Well, thanks for the concern." He greeted as he stepped down the stairs while sipping his coffee and met with everyone in the living room.
"Aren't we supposed to do recon for Samantha?" He asked, addressing the leaders who were casually reading a newspaper.
"Negative." Jack said, not looking at the Scottish soldier.
"We still have fuel from Nikolai's plane but we can't waste in on suspicion alone. We have to get solid intel." Price added.
"So we're like chilling here. Doing nothing." He said.
"Not exactly nothing. Ghost might have a lead anytime soon. For now, why don't you run some errands. Maxine needs some things for us here." Price replied, eyes still focused on the paper.
"John?" Maxine peeked from the kitchen and both Price and Soap turned to her.
"I meant Price." she dismissed, making Soap turn away from embarrassment.
"Can I come with them instead of making a list?" she asked, Soap could see Roach behind her eyeing on the interaction. 
"Sure. You've got three bodyguards with you. Just make sure you're always with at least one of them." he muttered. Beside him, Jack stood up and placed the paper on the table. 
"All-righty then, I'll lead you to the town just this once. Next time out, you'll be on your own. It's quite a long walk. And you lad, dress less suspicious." he pointed to Soap's camo pants. Soap actually felt scared at Alex's former CO. His very being still intimidated the Scot.
"I'll be back in a minute." he mumbled and dashed upstairs while France walked by Maxine to the door.
"I know Price told us to wear civilian clothing but for some reason you still have the ability to stand out and raise suspicion." France announced as the small team of four exited the safe house en route to the nearby town.
"Is it the hair?" Soap quickly placed one of Price's bucket hats and flashed a grin at the two ladies behind him. "Happy now?" he asked.
"Aside from the fact that you're wearing a t-shirt too small for your size? Yep. When did you last buy clothes for yourself?" France replied sarcastically and asked. Maxine giggled as she walked beside her sister, something she started to accept and try to recall.
"You're just finding an excuse to look at me." He muttered as he dashed to catch up with Jack, who was peacefully enjoying the walk.
"I'm amazed as to how you two act like you're not soldiers right now. How do you do it?" Jack chuckled as he rolled his eyes to Soap's direction, trying not to laugh at the Scot. If he was being honest, the hat did him a worse job. It made his head look small and unproportional to his bulky build. He turned back to France and Maxine who were silently signaling him to keep quiet.
The road was quite long and Soap finally found a small puddle of water to look at how he looked. No wonder they were giggling. He looked like a teddy bear who had a small head.
He then shyly took off his hat and glanced back at the puddle. Maybe it was time for him to buy larger clothes.
"Yeah. Guess someone has to help me pick some clothes as well." he muttered, while France paced beside him and gave him an assuring smile.
"I could always help, John." she said cheerfully and their eyes met. John slowly felt the sincerity on her smile, his heart sped and he found himself inching his face closer to her.
"The town's almost there!" Alex yelled from the distance as the two broke their gazes toward each other and quickly caught up with the two.
Awkward silence. They walked together behind Jack and Maxine who were now discussing what Jack's interests were back in the day. Not that it mattered to John, as all his mind was thinking was this pretty lady walking beside him. He wanted to graze his hand against hers, just to feel her smooth touch, he wondered if she'd let him hold her.
But he insisted, France was more of a slow but steady kind of person. She pointed it out to him multiple times and if he really wanted them to work, he had to do it the old-fashioned way. Sure the kiss was sudden, but what they had back at the Gulag was something worth waiting for and kissing her anytime now would never feel the same as the first.
Jack and Maxine quickly split off toward the market while the two of them remained by the center of the plaza. John scratched his head as he stuttered to ask her where to go.
"So… um… where to?" He asked.
"Looks like they got some cool jackets over there! You think you look good on those?" She asked excitedly.
"What do you think?" He asked shyly.
"Hmmmm.. Maybe… I'm not quite sure." She replied. John expected the classic you'd-look-better-without-any joke but she's not that kind of girl, and he's digging it.
When they say time flies by when you're having fun, John resonated with the quote. They spent most of the time laughing over clothes whose designs didn't make much sense and ended up buying most of them. Despite all the things going on around the world, John felt normal when he's with her, something he hasn't felt in quite a while. He'd even imagined that they're actually boyfriend and girlfriend whenever people around look at them. He was happy. He could get used to this.
It was about lunch time when they returned to the Safe house, and the scenery inside was the most unexpected thing ever.
Price was sleeping by the couch, his whole head was covered by a newspaper which had "End' times" written as the headline. Ghost and Roach were fighting over a piece of broccoli on the table while Alex sat by the stairs, wearing a shirt with a huge whale printed on it, playing with a lighter, flicking it open then closing it back as he stared at the flames.
"So that's where Smokey went." Soap muttered.
"Smokey?" France asked.
"My lighter." Soap replied confidently.
"Yep." he said, popping the 'P' as he unloaded most of the supplies to the kitchen.
"What happened here?" Jack asked, taking off his jacket, completely regretting wearing it in a tropical country.
"Roach ate my broccoli!" Ghost complained.
"Ghost ate my pie!" Roach complained back as Jack sighed and placed a palm on his face.
"We had pie?" Soap asked, his eyes beamed at the table, only to be disappointed that there was none.
"Technically it's a tart and it's supposed to be for Maxine." Ghost smiled shyly eyeing at Maxine.
"Well, it didn't have her name on it so I assumed…" Ghost replied.
"You don't have to assume! You should've asked!" he yelled.
Soap was amazed at the spectrum of the team, which ranged from very righteous and courageous warriors to actual toddlers. It made him happy that he joined this little group he could call family.
Another day had passed and they still had no leads. But Ghost looked like he was onto something as Soap found him with Price as they discussed matters that sounded serious. He just hoped it was a lead. He's starting to worry about Alex who was constantly moping around. With nothing to work on, all he could focus on was Samantha.
"Guess you liked playing with that lighter so much." Soap leaned by the door, looking concerned at his comrade.
"Hey man. How was the market." Alex asked, his tone was nonchalant, almost lifeless.
"Well, it was busy. Jack led us there because you were asleep all morning…"
"Yeah. I couldn't go there. We shared so many memories in that town. I just can't handle it at the moment." He frowned and tossed him the lighter which Soap caught immediately.
"Thanks for this. And if you ever need someone to talk to… We're here for you, pal." Soap said awkwardly. The term pal was very American and he thought it'd be appropriate.
"Thanks, pal." Alex chuckled and stood up. 
"Let's go get dinner." Alex added, his eyes were fueled with determination. And Soap was happy that he's taking small steps to recover.
Next Chapter : Lurking in the Shadows
Notification Squad my Beloved
@beemybee @smokeywhalee @enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @ricinbach @whimsywispsblog
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Not Yet
Pairing: Harry Potter x reader
Word Count: 3,270
Warnings: None
Request: Could u do something Harry Potter x reader were the marauders are alive and the reader is Harry’s gf and is as good as Dumbledore in dueling. And she was staying at Harry’s house for spring break and (Harry is still the boi who lived) Voldemort attacks them and says something like “if she wins she safe but for now I am going to take the most important thing in ur life” to Harry and he starts crying but then she out duels him and comforts Harry and Jily notices how much they love each other?
A/n: Ok so I know that the time line wouldnt exscatly be perfect for this fic but whatever I dont care. Also I'm sorry it tooks so long I had restart it because I didn't like my first draft. Anyway hope you guys enjoy!
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"Harry, they're going to hate me." You groaned falling back from your sitting position on his bed to laying and burying your head in your hands.
Harry rolled his eyes smiling. "Y/n there is no possible way they are going to hate you, so stop stressing." 
You turned your head to glare at the boy who was struggling to close his suitcase, "Oh yeah because when you met my dad you weren't stressing at all." You said voice dripping with sarcasm.
"That's different," Harry defended still attempting to get the buckles on his trunk closed. 
"How is it possibly different, if anything I have it worse because you have like three dads." You pointed out.
"I don't have three dads." Harry grunted, cursing those textbooks that were making the task at hand nearly impossible.
You muttered a spell under your breath and watched as the items in his trunk shifted before the straps snapped closed neatly "You most certainly do have three dads." You iggled when he looked back up at you in amazement. 
"I forgot you could so stuff like that." He murmured making his way towards the bed. 
"Well you should try remembering." You smirked before Harry climbed on top of you meeting your lips with his. The kiss was soft sweet and short. 
"Bloody hell!" 
Harry quickly rolled off of you. 
You both blushed heavenly looking at Ron who now stood in the doorway with Hermione. 
"Sorry." You muttered looking down at you hands. 
"Thank god you were only kissing I thought you were doing other stuff for a second." A book promptly shot across  the room and hit Ron in the side of the face. He glared looking up at the beat red girl across from him "Can you stop with the no-wand spells? It's very confusing for us." 
"Speak for yourself Ronald." Hermione chipped, "They are quite brilliant in my opinion." 
"Thanks Hermione." You smiled the color trickling from your cheeks. You had always had a particular talent for performing spells without a wand. You barely touched it nowadays, you would simply do the spell without it. 
It was a "rare but exceptional gift that very few acquired" McGonagall had informed you in your first year when you had performed  a Relashio spell without a wand on your second day of charms. 
You had noticed at a very young age that you could simply read about a spell, murmur the name under your breath, envisioning the result and said result would happen. It was quite helpful for dueling and protection 
"We are leaving in a few minutes so we just came up to get you guys." Hermione explained looking at Harry's packed trunk, Hedwig placed beside it. 
"Y/n where is your stuff?" 
"Oh shit." You muttered.
"You aren't packed?" Harry asked worry covering his features. 
"I was stressing so much I forgot." You hissed under your breath closing your eyes and thinking. Finally after a few seconds you remembered the spell and murmured it quietly. 
You heard a shriek followed by "Merlin's Beard y/n can't you just pack like the rest of us, you almost killed me with your bloody broom!"
"Sorry Parvati!" You shouted back before your wand came whizzing into your hand followed by your trunk and your owl cage, your barn owl locked securely inside, and of course your broomstick which had been an unnecessarily expensive and fought against birthday present from Harry. "Packed." You smiled up at the other three.
When the four of you had finally boarded and settled on the Hogwarts Express nerves took you over once again. You found yourself tracing the scar on your hand feeling out every letter of the sentence, "I will not tell lies" engraved on your hand. You remembered Harry's fury when you had walked out of Umbridge's classroom tears pricking at your eyes as blood dripped from your hand. Fred, George and Ron had to physically hold the boy back from beating the pick monsters face in with his fists. 
Harry quickly noticed your nervous state and slide his arm around you pulling you closer. "They are going to love you y/n/n." 
You sighed and looked over at his breath-taking green eyes, "You don't know that." 
"Come on you already met Remus and he loved you." Harry said trying to comfort you. 
"Great only two more dads and a mom to impress." You said staring out the window.
"Hey look," Harry pushed your head back to meet his eyes gently, "Remus already likes you and my Dad will be easy, just tell him your a chaser and he will talk for hours. For my mom just talk about spells and all that stuff you are so bloody good at. And for Sirius just mention a few of the pranks you pulled on Malfoy and your in the clear. You are too amazing for them not to like." 
"But what if they dont think I'm good enough for you, I mean you are 'the one who lived' and everything and I'm just...me." 
Harry scoffed, "Just you? You mean the girl who has the best marks in every single class she takes. The girl who could take down there own professors when it came to dueling and knows how to perform more spells and charms without a wand than the Charms teacher does with one?" 
You blushed looking down, "I don't have the best marks in Herbology, Transfiguration or Potions." You pointed out. 
Harry sighed, "They are going to love you y/n. I just know it." 
When the train stopped at platform 9 and ¾ so did your heart. You were jumpy and anxious, you felt as if you were running on adrenaline and caffeine. 
Hermione and Ron said goodbye wishing you luck as Harry looked around for his parents on the crowded platform.  
"There they are." Harry said grabbing your hand and heading toward a man who looks stunningly like Harry and a woman with bright red hair. 
You gulped hoping you didn't look as nervous as you were. 
When you reached the couple Harry hugged both of them as you stood awkwardly to the side trying not to draw attention to yourself. 
"Mom, Dad this is the girl I told you about, y/n." Harry introduced.
You blushed a bit waving and to your surprise the women stepped toward you and brought you into a hug. 
"It's so lovely to finally meet you, we've heard so much about you from Harry." She said pulling away to look you in the eyes. 
"It's nice to meet you as well Mrs. Potter." You smiled. 
James  stuck out his hand and you shook it firmly greeting him as well. 
"Well we better head home before Sirius burns down the house." Lily sighed. 
"Its fine." James said brushing the issue away, "Moony is there too." 
You looked at Harry "Who's Moony?" You mouthed silently.
"Professor Lupin." He whispered back. 
You bit your lip hoping that he still considered you a good student. 
When you reached Harry's house your nerves were buzzing again, you could hear the thumping of your heart loud and clear as Harry opened the front door. 
You heard a loud "Harry!" Bellowed form inside the house and Harry was soon thrown into a hug by a man with long dark hair. 
"It's great to see you again." The man who you were guessing was Sirius smiled. 
"You too Sirius." You suspicions were confirmed. "Oh this is y/n." Harry said moving to the side so you were face to face with the man. 
"Hello, it's nice to finally meet you, Harry has told me so much about you." You greeted sticking out your hand. 
"I could say the same for you." Sirius winked taking your hand. You glanced over at Harry whose face was tinged red and glaring at the man.
You giggled as Harry pulled you away, "You can put your stuff in my room." He chatted as he dragged you up the stairs to the first door on the right. 
When you entered you couldn't help but smile. The room was so… Harry. 
The walls were painted a vibrant crimson, he had quidditch banners and famous wizard posters plastered on the walls. There was a wooden desk in one cornor, a dresser and a double bed against the other wall. A door which you guessed lead to a closet on the other. There were two hooks in the center of the wall above the dresser. Different posters and papers were sprinkled around the hooks  where Harry had now walked over and placed his broom. 
You walked closer to the wall to find that all of the papers and posters were tickets and brackets from various quidditch matches.
"My dad always takes me to them." Harry chimed in walking closer to you. 
"That's brilliant," you nodded continuing to look at the items sprinkled on the wall. 
"How many have you been to?" Harry questioned snaking his arm around your waist as you stood admiring. 
"Oh, I haven't been to any." You shrugged turning to face the now appalled boy.
You shrugged again 
You nodded rolling your eyes playfully; "My dad just never took me."
"You have to come with us next time." Harry declared. 
"I'd love too." You smirked leaning in to kiss the boy. Your lips had barley brushed his when you were interrupted by the bang of a door. 
"Harry dinners ready…" Sirius' voice trailed off when he saw the position of your red faces. He smirked, Harry once again glaring at him.
"We're coming." Harry growled cheeks matching his walls. 
"You are now?" Sirius jeered before descending down the stairs. 
The second he was out of sight you burst into a fit of giggles. 
"What's so funny?" Harry asked.
"I don't know," you laughed out. 
With that you made your way to the stairs. 
When you sat down at the dinner table you looked up to see your ex-professors eyes sparkling at you. 
You smiled at the man and then turned your head to see Harry serving you some food. You thanked him then thanked the chef who sat proudly next to the professor his head of long midnight hair held high. 
You quickly launched into a conversation with Mrs. Potter about your plans to be an Auror after Hogwarts while Harry laughed with his godfather. 
Your conversation was cut short by Mr. Potter. 
"So I saw you had a broom, you play I'm guessing." He inquired.
"Yes I do sir." You spoke politely before placing a tomato into your mouth and feeling its soft skin burst with flavor against your teeth. 
"No need for the 'sir'" the man explained before adding, "What position?"
"I'm a chaser si-" you cut your sentence
 short blushing.
 James eyes widened under his glasses, "Really?" 
"Yes, I have been playing since second year." You nodded.
"Wow, that's pretty young for a chaser." 
"She's incredible, probably better than you Dad," Harry cut in, "She once scored 180 points in one game. That's only 30 points below the record." Harry gushed making you flame red, "And she's only in her fifth year." Harry added proudly smiling. 
You felt on fire when all of the adults at the table looked at you in amazement and surprise. "It's really no big deal, I don't win the games your son does." You mumbled looking down at your food. 
Harry rolled his eyes at your modesty even though it only made him grin impossibly l that's quite impressive." Sirius noted, "I didn't take you for a jock." 
You bit your lip before hearing another voice cut through.
"She's not just a jock Sirius." Remus rolled his eyes. "When I had her in my class she had the highest marks of all the students, she's quite talented, especially when it comes to spells and charms, she would make a brilliant Auror." 
You felt your face once again fill with fire as you looked across at the man who had spoken, "Thank you Professor Lupin." 
"Just Remus." He said before taking a sip of his wine. 
You nodded and looked at Harry who was smiling brightly at you his eyes sparkling like rare gems. 
Lily opened her mouth to continue the conversation when suddenly Harry's smile turned to a grimace of agony. He bent over with a gasp, clutching his forehead. 
Everyone instantly began to move, you moved toward Harry wrapping your arms around him, James and Lily reached for their wands as Sirius and Remus leapt from their chairs flicking their own to lock the doors and windows around them. 
You and everyone else in that room knew what that anguish Harry was feeling meant. 
Harry hissed air through his teeth in pain, "Y/n, you need to get out of here, he's coming, Voldemort's coming." He spit out. 
You turned to Lily for an answer but it was too late.
The women flew across the room in a gust of wind 
"Lily!" James yelled from across the room before he was thrown backwards into the china case with a crash. You turned to see five figures in black standing in the living room. Sirius leapt into action deflecting two spells before being hit with another. 
Remus yelled in anger hitting one of the figures with a spell before being hit with two of his own. 
During this you gathered your scattered thoughts and muttered a small protection spell  under your breath. 
Your heard Harry shriek with misery as another figure appeared in the room. You recognized the man -if you could even call him that- instantly. He started toward you and Harry who had somehow ended up on the floor your arm still sealed over his shoulders. 
"Move girl." The thing headed toward you stated. 
You rose to your feet to meet him as he neared. "No." 
A cackle rose from the throat of the monster. "Look around you," he said gesturing to the four wizards all now caught by a figure in black, wands held by tattooed wrists at their necks. 
"Move and you may live." The thing promised. 
"No." You repeated grasping your hands to fists as you stood in front of the boy shaking in torment.
You didn't let the dark lord finish his spell before you whispered one of your own. 
The most forgiving of the unforgivable curses bounced off your shield and hit the window with a crash. You then whispered a small healing spell to Harry and heard him gasp for breath finally being released from pain's cold grasp. 
The white faced man now glared at you shooting another curse you deflected with ease. His frustration was now visible as he shot a series of painful spell at you. You muttered deflections and counter curses smoothly. 
You almost smiled at the man's great surprise and rage at the new obstacle that stood in the way of Harry's death. Your joy was swept away quickly.
"Y/n move!" You heard Harry yelled before you were hit with a blinding sting in your chest. You fell back in pain gasping for breath. You turned your head to see Remus laying on the ground in a heap, his guard standing over you in triumph. 
Suddenly you began to float up in the air. You tried and failed to regain your bearings as you were suddenly flying toward he who must not be named.  You felt cold as his fingernails closed aground your neck. 
You could smell rotting flesh and the metallic scent of blood. You could sense the hunger of the thing holding you, you could sense its hunger for death, for blood, for pain, he fed from it. 
Voldemort cackled watching as Harry screamed, writhing in the grasp of the death eater holding him.
You began to feel adrenaline rush through you with new found terror. You couldn't die. No no no. Not yet.  Please dear God not yet. You began to feel tears prick at your eyes. Please. Please not yet. Not yet.
"I can't kill you Harry." The monster paused "Not yet. But I can kill her. I can kill her easily as a bug, she's nothing." He howled in laughter. "The most important thing to you in this miserable world is nothing, its pathetic." 
Harry sobbed attempting to throw himself forward as Voldemort's wand raised to your throat.
"Please not her, please, take me instead, not her dont kill her, let her live please." Harry begged, sobs making his words almost incomprehensible.
You watched in horror as Harry broke in front of you. You could hear his parents screaming in the background and Sirius crying for Remus to wake up. 
Your body shook with anger and fear at the scene taking place in front of you. You squeezed your eyes shut and focused that energy. You focused just as your dad had thought you. You focused all that pain, fury, fear onto one thing, one spell, one person.
"Crusio." You murmured softly. 
Suddenly you were released and sent sprawling towards the ground. You heard a blood curdling shriek of agony behind you and stood to see the dark lord writhing on the floor. As he did your head felt with a splitting pain and you screeched grasping at your temples in an attempt to stop the pain. 
It ended as abruptly as it started and you stood over the man so many feared and you saw him look back up at you to see the one thing you were sure this man had never felt before in his eyes. Fear. 
He was gone in a whisper of black smoke, his followers disappearing just as quickly.
You turned sliding to the floor next to the boy you loved, tears of relief springing from your eyes. 
"She's gone, she's gone, she's gone." You heard him sobbing slumped on the ground defeated. 
"Harry, Harry it's me." You said voice breaking. He looked up his glasses were long gone his emerald eyes shining with tears. 
"Y/n?" He mumbled.
"Hey, yeah it's me." You cried. 
"But y-you, you, you were g-gone." 
"Not yet. Not yet." You sobbed tears of joy as you were tackled in a hug by the boy. 
You sobbed on to his shoulder as he pulled you into him grasping you desperately, wetting your y/h/c hair with tears. 
He pulled away from the hug grabbing your damp cheeks and smashing his lips onto yours. 
The kiss was desperate and needy, Harry moved his lips roughly against yours, you could taste the salt on him left from his tears, the same salty droplets still leaking from your eyes. 
When you broke away he pulled you into his chest again. "I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you y/n, I love you so much." The words fell from his mouth in a slur.
"I love you too Harry. I love you too" You cried into his chest.
Lily and James watched as the two of you reunited and looked at each other with the same eyes. They knew what the two of you had, they had seen very few like it, very few indeed. It was love. Not fake teenage dream "love". Not abusive of forced "love". Not one sided or used "love" but true and actual love. The same love they felt for each other. They watched as the young couple picked each other up and put each other back together and they knew that those two teenagers were in it for the long run. 
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Spidey Senses (pt. 5)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You and Peter get your costumes ready for the party, and Tony gives Peter some advice.
Word Count: 2779
Chapter 1 • Chapter 4 • Chapter 6
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When Peter came into his room, he did not expect to find Ned. When he did, he knew he was in deep shit. He's bad at keeping secrets as it is. And now? Now how is he going to keep your secret identity from his best friend? He's obviously going to ask.
"You're the Spiderman."
"No, no I'm not! Ned, this isn't what you think."
"You just climbed the walls!"
"No I didn't."
"Oh my God this is the coolest thing ever!" His words were jumbled together. "You can stop a moving car!"
"Are you an Avenger?!"
Peter tilted his head. "I mean, basically, yeah." He then snapped back to reality. "Ned, listen to me for a second. You cannot tell anybody about this."
"Yeah, yeah. Nobody... Okay I need to tell somebody about this."
"Y/n should know! She's gonna flip dude. Wait, are you in a relationship with the Spidergirl?"
"What?! No." Peter quickly shook his head. "That's, that's weird. Don't say that."
"Wait wait wait, so who's Spidergirl?"
"I can't tell you that." Peter was silently panicking as he pressed his suit center, dropping it to the floor.
"Why not? I already know your secret, and I can't tell anybody. This will be just another secret." Something then clicked. "Oh my God, this means that you know who Spidergirl is! And she knows who you are! You two know each other, and if you won't tell me who it is then that means I know who it is."
The two fell silent as you climbed through the window and landed the opposite direction from them. You then took off your mask. "Peter we need to talk. Tony just saw me today and—"
You stared at an almost naked Peter and a shocked Ned. Ned then opened his mouth in the shape of an O. "Ooohhh my God you're Spidergirl! That makes total sense on why Peter wouldn't want to say who you were."
"Uhm, wow. Okay. Well, what happened to you? Did you show him, or..." You asked Peter.
"I kind of just did the same as you." Peter nervously shrugged.
"You should get some clothes on." You forced your eyes away from his abs as he awkwardly nodded.
Aunt May then came in. "Peter, I was thinking we could go out for some Tai food—oh, hey y/n! So I take it Ned knows?"
"He just found out." You said sheepishly.
She giggled. "That explains Peter being naked."
You rubbed your neck. "Yeah..."
"Well, come and borrow some of my clothes. We're going out for Tai food."
You warmly smiled. "Thanks Aunt May."
"I'll do your makeup!" She excitedly said as you helplessly looked back to Peter, who gave you the same look, and the two of you left and closed the door.
"Your aunt knows?!"
"Yeah. It was a total accident."
Peter was filming in the hotel as you two did trick shots together. After a bit you stopped and Peter had laid down. He had his phone directly hovering over his face. "Peter be careful. You're honestly setting yourself up to hitting your face with your phone."
"What? No I'm not. Even if I did, I have super awesome reflexes. Don't worry."
It was as if karma hit him, because he wasn't paying attention to the phone and it slipped out of his hands, hitting him snack in the face. There was a pause, and even though this was a perfect time to laugh, you only asked quietly, "Are you okay?"
"Nn, yeah. That just really hurt my nose." He then saw that he had accidentally sent Aunt May the video instead of you when the phone fell. "Um, no! We aren't okay! We aren't okay!"
"Woah, what happened?" You got up from the chair and looked at Peter's phone, seeing the message that was sent to Aunt May. "Oohhh we're not okay!
Then, to both your horrors, she called.
Peter then snapped out of his memories and grabbed Ned's shoulders. "Listen Ned, you cannot tell anybody about this."
"Yeah. Don't worry, I can totally be your guy in the chair."
"The what?"
"The guy in the chair. Y'know, the one who tells you where to go and what to do. They're usually surrounded by a bunch of cool stuff."
"Ned, we don't need a guy in a chair."
He huffed. "We'll come back to it."
After a while, Peter was knocking his aunt's door. "May, are you done? We're hungry."
"Almost!" She called out.
You then came out in May's bell bottom and a zip up off the shoulder crop top. You had light eye makeup and some blush. "Wow." Ned said. "You look like girl."
You laughed and patted his cheek. "What did we say about wording?"
"I meant that you look good." He said as he swatted you away, giving you a goofy smile.
You looked at Peter and saw the red on his cheeks. Was it too revealing? "You, you look nice. Really nice."
Your face felt really hot. "Do you like it?"
"Yeah." He said in a breathless daze. "You look really pretty."
You did your best to calm yourself down. You felt like your face was on fire, and being around Peter had your spidey senses buzzing. He had that same buzzing feeling, and his face felt just as hot looking at you right now. Maybe becoming a man was making him see every girl this way. Yeah. This is normal.
You then told him about Tony, and sketched out some drawings of you and Peter later that night. The next day you and him sat outside of Del's, helping each other pick out which drawing to use. That's when Tony showed up.
"Hey kids. You two ready?" Then he saw your papers. "What are those?"
"Nosey as ever Tony. They're sketches of costumes."
"Can I see them?"
"Nope. Let's go!"
You and Peter met with a designer. You showed her the pictures you wanted, and the you and Peter communicated with the her about the details she wanted to alter. You both then got measured.
When you two left her office, Tony stood up from the waiting room. "What'll it be?"
You grinned. "That's a secret."
Two days later Tony picked you two up to get fitted. He went in with Peter to stir the pot that is you having a huge crush. "So kid, how's it going? Anything you wanna share to the class?"
"Uh, can I ask you something actually?"
The designer then scolded Peter for moving. "Sorry." He cleared his throat. "Did you ever start seeing girls differently when growing up?"
"Yeah, every boy does. Of course you shouldn't follow in my lead about what to do on those feelings."
"Woah, no! I meant, like, girls you knew. Ones that you were close with."
Tony held back a smile and slowly walked around the room. "Once."
"And what happened?"
"Now I'm trying to figure out when the right time is to propose to her."
"Oh." He fell silent and awkwardly twitched, getting scolded again for moving. "I'm sorry."
"So you're having those feelings with y/n?" Peter turned to see Tony look at him in the eye. Peter then looked away.
"I don't know. I feel weird around her and she's so pretty now."
"Then what's the problem?"
"I like Liz! Like, really like her. So why do I feel like that with y/n?"
"Kid, think about who's always going to be there for you. Who'll never laugh at you unless they have the right to. Who's going to stand up for you instead of quietly watching you get picked on. Who's the girl who'll do that?"
"I want a name. Now."
"Y/n." He surprised himself by saying your name without thinking. "But I still have feelings for Liz."
"Yeah, but she wasn't the first person in your mind." He then paused and looked at Peter's costume. "Wow. Was that y/n's idea?"
He then felt embarrassed, shifting only to apologize again for moving. "Um, yeah."
"Then she's..." Peter gave him a sheepish smile. "Oh God. Really?"
"I thought it would be pretty funny. She said it'd be cute."
"Mm." He then walked out of the room and into the waiting room that you were in. "Interesting to know you're one of those fans."
You giggled. "I'm really not, but I thought the matching would be cute. Do you like it?"
He huffed. "I guess I'll just have to see you two wearing it together."
It was soon your turn to be fitted, and once you were done the lady brought in Peter to have the two of you next to each other. Peter was in a very nice looking Captain America suit. It was in the style of his 2014 suit, and he had a very nicely done shield, one that looked very close to the real thing. He wore no face mask, as you figured this was enough.
You wore a gender bent Iron Man suit. It was a nice and detailed skirt with lines like the suit, while the fitted crop top had the arc reactor design. She gave you fake metal arm sleeves with your hands being connected to fake blasters. You had a simple red eye mask with lines like your skirt.
You grinned at the mirror. You then excitedly turned to Peter and hugged him from the side. "You look awesome!"
"Why would you make him dress up as such a boring person?" Tony asked.
"Because he's the one making me to the party in the first place."
Peter's cheeks reddened. "It was also Ned."
"You were the one who was going to follow me into the girl's restroom for it though." You giggled, and Tony raised his eyebrows.
"That's taken out of context Mr. Stark!"
"Not really. Anyways, what do you think?" You spun around and smiled. Peter dumbly didn't say anything and only slightly shook his head. "What? Why are you being weird? It's not like we're brother and sister Peter."
"No, we're definitely not." He mumbled.
"Then you don't like it?" You frowned. "You know you can be honest. It's just a costume."
"No no! I do, I really do like it! It's just that it looks so awesome that I didn't know how to explain how much I love it."
You furrowed your eyebrows but also smiled. "You're being weird right now, but I'll just assume that it's cause of Tony."
"Thanks kid." He then stepped up to you as you turned to him. He looked you over, awkwardly saying, "You look nice."
"Thank you." You grinned and rocked on your feet.
You were then brought back home and offered Peter to watch TV with you in the apartment. He agreed, and you made the two of you PB&J's as he sat on the couch. You texted Ned to come over, watching TV while waiting. It was cold in your apartment, so you brought a blanket for the two of you. You brought yourself to his side and leaned on him.
"Woah, what are you doing?" Peter asked, sitting up.
"You're not cold?" You didn't see the harm in being close to him.
"Yeah, but..."
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" You asked, straightforward.
"What? No! Why would you think that?"
"Cause you've been weird since last night. My spidey sense could feel it. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, I've just been thinking."
He heard your small gasp and looked into your sad eyes. "About what? Our friendship?"
"I don't know. About my life and stuff..." This only worsened your fears. He saw that you looked even more hurt, but didn't get the chance to say anything before there was a knock at the door. "Wait, y/n—"
"I need to get that." You stood up with a blank face and went to your door. It was Ned, and you silently hugged him before he could say anything. "I'm so happy you're here right now Ned. You have no idea."
"Um, thanks? You know I still love your hugs, but I need context."
"I'll text you about it later. Anyways, come in!" Peter watched you with sad eyes as you took out snacks for Ned, happily engaging in conversation as if you weren't just sad right now.
"Hey, can I have some?" Peter attempted to say lightheartedly with a smile. You only nodded. He took a cookie and nervously nibbled on it. He then cleared his throat as the air had gotten thick for him. "So Ned, so you have your costume for this Saturday?"
"Yeah. I'm going as Mario. I got a cool velcro mustache and everything."
"Good for you Ned." You smiled again.
"What about your guy's costumes?! Let me see them!" You then took out your outfit hanging up in your room and plopped it on the couch nonchalantly. This was making Peter uneasy. "I'll be wearing it to that damn party."
You gritted your words out with a forced smile, but Ned was too busy fan girling over the costume to notice. Peter quietly slipped his hand in yours to gain your attention. You stared at your laced fingers, and squeezed gently before you pulled your hand back.
"Okay, guys," Ned said. "I was thinking that you two could use your powers to your advantage at the party."
The rest of the time together at your apartment felt like a building was laying over Peter. He tried to get closer to you, but you'd move away when you noticed. Once Ned went home, Peter figured that this was his chance. "I should probably go home too."
"Yeah." You began to fold your blanket, your back turned away from him.
Though he was close to just leaving he scrunched up his face worked up his courage, blurting out, "We need to talk about earlier."
"No we don't." You began to walk away to put the blanket back, but he took the blanket from you and set it down on the couch. "Hey!"
"Listen. It's not what you think. I've just been confused—"
"Peter, please. It's okay to feel differently towards someone. It's okay to not like someone anymore. I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore, just don't coddle me if you're going to leave." You voice cracked and you wanted to crumble.
"Y/n..." He stepped closer to you. "Why are you crying?" He said, almost in a whisper.
Your eyes were cloudy with tears. "Cause I'm not ready for you to leave me yet."
You then bursted into sobbing, and Peter hugged you tightly as you buried yourself in his chest. You two stood like that, with Peter holding onto you for dear life, until your tears stopped. "Y/n, I promise I'm not going to leave you. I never was."
You looked up at him with your puffy eyes. "No?"
"No. I was just wondering if I still like Liz."
"Oh." You said dumbly. "I feel really stupid now."
"No, your not stupid! Don't say that." He said cutely. "C'mon, let's go to your room." You then both sat down on the bed. You leaned on him, wrapping your arm around him as he brushed his fingers through your hair. "Honestly, I was kinda comparing you to Liz a lot."
You weakly laughed. "I bet I just embarrassed myself after crying for you, even though there was really no reason to."
Peter smiled. "I don't think Liz would ever like me enough to cry over me though."
"Mm. So do you still like her?" You felt it getting harder to keep your eyes open. Peter noticed and chuckled.
"This probably won't make any sense, but I think it would be easier if I still liked her."
"Nope. That doesn't make any sense, but I'll support no matter what. Don't worry."
"Hm. You always do."
You then fell asleep on Peter, and after a bit he called Aunt May to pick him up. When she got there, waiting for him outside, he covered you with a blanket first.
He stared at you, before mustering his strength to go over to you and kiss your cheek. You would never know, so it's okay right? No, that's not okay. Peter felt like an jerk. He shouldn't have done that. That's invading your trust. Damn.
Once he got home he texted Ned that he thinks he likes you, even though that's kind of crazy for him to realize. He then got a call from Ned, and answered. "Finally dude."
Tag List:
@flawlessapollo6 @them-cute-boys @lunawndrlnd @the-greatt-perhaps @babebenhardy @sofisofi1602 @smilexcaptainx @herondalism @coni-martina @youvebeenlizzed
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