#and then think about the outcome if i say i t vs if i dont
agdab · 6 months
god dude i wish my autism didnt make socialising so difficult. like yea man we're in the middle of a conversation but ive run out of scripted things to say so i just stop talking. you see me try though. and its hard to watch. the subject changes. same thing happens. on fucking god
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 3 months
hater moment alert
Cannot stand the girl autism is more acceptable than boy autism bc masking take….i can abide by shitty takes on fictional shit but i cannot let shallow analysis of real issues slide. What the hell is boy autism and girl autism!!! The neat splitting of the complex process of socialization, the ways healthcare works as a system of control that often disregards symptoms of women, the complex way ppl punish the ways ppl diverge from gender roles esp for women, and how diverse of a disease autism is. I know this is a complicated discussion in healthcare bc how we view behaviors differently w gender but dare I say a big reason women (just like poc in america) are underdiagnosed is medical neglect LMAO.
This is like an actual pet peeve of mine. Theres so many stupid long held medical myths in the field like the symptoms of heart attacks are different for women vs men w no statistical bearing or were borne out of statistical malpractice (nuanced topic im not gonna fully get into abt how health data is analyzed). We (i hope) are moving away from this stupid biological determinism ohhh diseases present differently in different genders/races/whatevers bc of (biological differences/genetics/epigenetics and ooo this doesnt have anything to do w the long standing beliefs eugenics still has on how we view health ooooo bc eugenics was #cancelled and theres no troubling inheritances from it ) and acknowledging the reason why mortality differences exist are overwhelmingly bc of health inequities. I know behavioral issues are different. But they are often medicalized similarly and demographics are often homogenized when within groups ppls experiences are incredibly diverse. Anyways.
edit: this is not a dont trust the medical system go to a naturopath instead thing. Naturopaths are scammers. I generally think its a good thing medicine has moved to having evidence behind it, but our ways of collecting and executing it can be deeply flawed.
edit: its in bad form to make medical claims without sources and i dont aim to spread medical disinformation. Here are mine and you can draw your own conclusions:
the most commonly cited study on difference on presentation based on gender for heart attacks is the framingham heart study. A more recent cohort is the GRACE (the global reg of acute coronary events). U may look at these stats and go hey some of these proportions in initial disease presentation do look different between the sexes and even is statistically significant. Which is true. But it must be noted that atypical symptoms are common in both men and women (1/4 roughly vs 1/3) which means when assessing for a heart attack, you should be checking for atypical symptoms in both men and women because it occurs often. I dont believe these ratios are clinically actionable, tho some ppl disagree. Now the fact women get advanced heart treatments, get put on standard medications less often than men etc, I think thats much more actionable.
There is also something to be said abt what statistics measure. Which in population studies is: are the prevalence or outcomes of the disease different between these two populations? Which if you theoretically rounded up every man and every women in the US that has had a heart attack (which the populations in these studies are a proxy for) the answer would be: yes. But also if you rounded up everyone in the state of Minnesota vs everyone in the state of Montana, you would also have differences between manifestation of disease in these two states. The question is how large and why—the why is a question stats have a harder time elucidating.
Another question is what is the utility of dividing the groups to compare each other when there are infinite ways you could split groups up. You probably would not argue that there are inherent biological differences between people who live in Minnesota and people who live in Montana, but if you found enough difference, perhaps you could make an argument that there may be a difference in health infrastructure or policy thats driving that gap. But then youd have to further investigate. There is no approach in statistics where you can avoid the responsibility of interpretation. Now how does that get into how sex and or gender is traditionally interpreted in health studies. Well stay tuned to if i still feel like talking abt this. Bc this is complicated.
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sleepy-vix · 7 months
Hi!! I love the concept of me just throwing random book updates (currently with a side of random research info) at you so here we are haha (feel free to return the favor if you wish)
Todays update:
I wrote about 3 pages and finished the rest of Modernization and Postmodernization (I think I may have been calling it by the wrong title yesterday). This is what I have to say about it rn:
1)Inglehart is low-key funny asf. My favorite quotes in relation to this are “…Thou Shalt Not Carry Out a Military Coup” and “…both God and Marx are dead.” I’m not sure how funny these are without more context but I genuinely laughed out loud.
2)While I’m not 100% on board with the level of political economy he emphasizes (I think it’s a little more in reality), his overall framework is very convincing in a lot of ways. His main argument I’m basing stuff off of is that economy, culture, and political outcomes have a more cyclical relationship than most if not all of the previous literature argues.
3)The shift from Modernity to Postmodernity is a very compelling argument and honestly makes a lot of sense.
4)He managed to make a lot of literature that was in complete opposition kind of fit together to make a bigger theoretical framework.
omg this is a late reply T-T i thought i answered this alrdy but it mustve lagged or smtg
thank u for the book update :O
i'm unfortunately not very knowledgeable about political economy and it's changes over history, but that all sounds very interesting
what is postmodernisation vs modernisation? what's the difference?
also i love the 4th point ! that sounds so cool, i would love to read that book someday
oh also, have you happened to read "the count of monte cristo"? its fine if u havent, its just that my teacher recommended it to me and i've been considering it but tbh i dont like that teacher very much so i don't want to take the recommendation before finding out if the book is worth :(
if u have read it, what did u think of it? if u havent, that's fine! i just personally prefer to ask ppl abt books than read reviews (which tend to be unspecific and unreliable- u dont know if they're faking the enjoyment iykwim).
hope to hear from you soon 🐈‍⬛
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lootgoblinworld · 4 years
learning curve
what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear learning curve?
 you start learning new things or is it that he is at that stage he wants to try and learn new things he will be able to learn faster or will learn better no what i think the learning curve is when a person starts to develop interest in learning things not from school or college or some tuition but start to learn things which will help him in the future read things which will help him in his career or maybe starts to understand what he has been learning up until now will not help him so much in the long term but only help him in getting to the next stage of his life for eg. what i learned in my 10th grade will not help me in my long term future but it helped me get into a good college that in well known (NM) this is my thoughts on what a learning curve 
how to start it?
digital deepak made me start this curve now in the passed 3 weeks i have read 1 book and also started audible i felt i was wasting my time by doing nothing now i want to do so many things i have a list of things i want to do i have made a 90 day plan and also a 1 year plan every week i make a small to do list which i can do and every time finish a task from this list i pant that item in my to do list when i finish my to do list it looks so satisfying that i never want to miss anything  on that list after lisning to week one and two i have learned so much from this from right mind set to CATT and i have also read a little bit of edge of sanity all of this has inspired me to follow my passion and become my own boss i have also taking mass trust to heart i loved that term and also the niche chart where i can either ell 100 products to 100000 people or 1000 products to 10000 people and goes and on of my goals is to have at least 4-5 sources of income and i think this course with digital deepak can help me in doing so if not all 5 at least 1 from free lancing from what every i have learned so far it seems like a plausible outcome   
some things that i want to talk about that i took fancy in week 2 are 
Digital marketing vs. Traditional marketing.
marketing has changed a lot even if we see 10 years ago i dont see many people running to do Facebook ads or insta ads like today people now a days what to do social media marketing and want to make their presence known online i am not saying the old ways of marketing has no use now we still need to go and talk or meet the person to sell ourself there is something you will always need now past or the future thats communication what i fell is that communication is key to everything communication will help you in all walks of life its one of the most imp skill a person can master i just cant stress enough that communication is key no matter which area i dont think AI will ever be able to cross humans for marketing but digital marketing has taking marketing to new hights has made it easier to find consumer and seller due to this 
CATT Marketing Funnel
n=niche every thing is dependent on what niche you choose wealth success etc
C=content create things from which people come and see you and come for your content like vlogs blogs posts video live webinars etc
A=attention get attention or traffic to you by referrals seo social media insta ads etc   
T=trust we need to build trust with your consumers by market automation retargeting and also need to build trust among your audience members   
T=transaction you need to convert your leads into costumers with nature sales method 
Indian economics
Since independence India has been a 'Mixed Economy'. India's large public sectors were responsible for rendering the country a 'mixed economy' feature. Indian economy is basically based in the contribution of service sector (currently provides 60% share of GDP) and near about 53% of its population is dependent on the Agriculture.
If you see the current status of economy
Unemployment is highest in last 45 years.
Automobiles industry has seen it's worst days on July. Overall sale has been down to 30% out of which Honda sale down by 49% and Maruti by 36%.
10 lakh people may lose the job in automobile sector.
Over 6.9 lakh companies have been closed in financial year 2019.( Statement of FM in parliament).
Jet airways has been closed around 20k job has been lost.
BSNL does not have salary to pay salary to its 1.76lakh employees.
Indian railway is planning to retire 3 lakh employees.
I think above points are enough to show the condition of economy. For the time being Don't think from political angle. I am not saying these problem have been created by modi govt only. I am just explaining the state of Indian economy.
Now consider the case of BSNL ,Jet airways. Indian govt could do much more what it did. Jet airways problem came into the picture many months back. Either govt could take control of management and auction it or it could help the airline to get fresh loan. Yes this could be extraordinary step but to save the job of 20000 people and their families govt had to do it. But they were busy on speeches and drama.
BSNL could be sold easily or they could do something to improve it's services. But they din't to anything and today job of 1.76 lakh employees is at stake. Who will pay bread and butter to their families.
In automobile sector GST is too high. Over the above they have increased insurance price on the vehicle. Overall price have been increased and people are avoiding purchasing cars. When company will not do sale then how it will pay to it's employees? They will do cost cutting and employees will lose their job. If they don't have Job they won't do purchase of luxury or other items in market . Ultimately another business and it's eomployees will suffer.
Our govt has huge power. Current PM has full control over his party and govt. Still he is not doing much. See the status of coal India, yes bank, BSNL etc. Yes Bank is private bank bit govt either can take over or can makes the guideline to run it. Previous govt saved satyam computers and its employee by taking control of it. Later Mahindra purchased it.
Time has come for us to question govt about economy, job etc. It's good to support particular party or govt but always ask the question. The day you will lose job there is no one to help you. Your political party is not going to do any favoure. 
what i want to say about the economy is that we have no say or anything big people control it how they want i zero trust in our goverment this dont not mean i am against india or something i promote indian products to all my family and friends i just hate our govering body sorry for going on a rant there 
i hope you also experience the same drive that i am its amazing to fell this way to learn new new things every day to be better than last time even if its 1% be better than last time try all the things then say i or dis side try to form golas and try to conquer your goals 90 days and 1 years goals dont set a punishment if you cant do them give your self positive reinforcements to  work better and harder than last time 
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markvillacampa · 4 years
Week 31, 2020
Documents from the Hearing on “Online Platforms and Market Power: Examining the Dominance of Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google
House Judiciary’s antitrust subcommittee - July 29, 2020
Tech news were eclipsed this week by the antitrust hearings. The CEO depositions were what we expected: a lot of empty words and half truths. But more revealing was the trove of internal documents, mostly emails, from the past 10+ years released by the committee.
The verge has a series of articles dissecting the documents but I want to highlight this conversation from 2012 between Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom and one of his investors at Benchmark talking about a possible acquisition by Facebook. Talk about value-add investors!
Three people have been charged for Twitter’s huge hack, and a Florida teen is in jail
The Verge - July 31, 2020 - 7 min
A 17-year-old in Tampa, Florida, a 22-year-old in Orlando and a 19-year-old in the UK were responsible for wreaking havok on Twitter last week hacking the accounts of Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Joe Biden and more to spread a Bitcoin scam.
TikTok's new CEO says company will reveal how its algorithms work
Axios - July 29, 2020 - 3 min
TikTok will launch a Transparency and Accountability Center in Los Angeles for moderation and data practices that will house all of its data flows and code moving forward. The center will host online tours of its data during the pandemic.
I have absolutely no idea what any of that means, but looking forward to taking that online tour, I guess 🤷🏻‍♂️.
ByteDance investors value TikTok at $50 billion in takeover bid
Reuters - July 29, 2020 - 4 min
The investors’ bid values TikTok at 50 times its projected 2020 revenue of about $1 billion
If the online tours don't satisfy US regulators, a $50B exit would not be a bad outcome either.
Microsoft Said to Be in Talks to Buy TikTok, as Trump Weighs Curtailing App
The New York Times - July 31, 2020 - 4 min
And if investors can't come up with the 💸, Microsoft might be ready to integrate TikTok into their 365 subscription 🤡.
Trump says he's banning TikTok in the U.S.
NBC News - July 31, 2020 - 3 min
I really don't know what to think anymore 🤷🏻‍♂️.
From Education App to Global Video Phenomenon
Medium - November 15, 2019 - 19 min
If you’re not in the Gen Z age group and have never used TikTok, this is the best rundown of TikTok’s history I’ve read so far and your best chance at understanding what all the fuzz is about.
The Concorde, the Space Shuttle and Space Shuttle Bus at the Paris Air Show in 1983
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Airbus' self-flying plane just completed successful taxi, take-off, and landing tests, opening the door for fully autonomous flight
Business Insider - July 26, 2020 - 5 min
Fully automous commercial planes sound very plausible in 5 years. Cars on the other hand... not so much.
SAP to spin out Qualtrics via an IPO
Axios - July 26, 2020 - 1 min
SAP plans to have a majority stake after the IPO, while Qualtrics co-founder and CEO Ryan Smith will be the largest individual shareholder.
Imagine selling your company for $8B, then taking it public and still be the largest individual shareholder 😳.
Everyone’s a Day Trader Now
The Wall Street Journal - July 25, 2020 - 11 min
But when she couldn’t work, her unemployment checks weren’t enough to pay her bills. Her boss suggested she try day trading. She read “Trading for Dummies,” watched YouTube videos, opened an E-Trade account and dove in.
Day trading is starting to look like the new sports betting epidemic.
Intel Makes Changes to Technology Organization
Intel - July 27, 2020 - 2 min
Intel is not having a good time, after AMD surpassing them as leaders in x86 CPUs and Apple transitioning to their own ARM-based chips. As a result of deep internal reorganization, Murthy Renduchintala, Intel's Chief Engineering Officer, is leaving the company.
How an Irish Beer Became the Authority on World Records
How Stuff Works - October 24, 2016 - 4 min
Did you know the Guiness World Records and Guiness Beer are one and the same Guiness? Me neither, but the story behind it is quite... Irish.
Tech CEOs Deserve an Apology
The Wall Street Journal - July 28, 2020 - 4 min
Sure, there are screw-ups: Amazon favors its own products, Apple its own apps, Google its own YouTube videos; Facebook collects too much personal data. Yet none of these habits necessarily harm consumers and all could be easily fixed without decadeslong antitrust inquisitions.
I just sent my apology letters, what are you waiting for? 🤣
The Pandemic-Era Appeal of Getting Lost in a Labyrinth
Bloomberg - July 29, 2020 - 5 min
Lars Howlett is one of the country’s foremost labyrinth makers.
TIL: Labyrinth maker is an actual job title!
Google to Keep Employees Home Until Summer 2021 Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
The Wall Street Journal - July 27, 2020
Do they know something that we don't? 😬
You really don't need to work so much
New Yorker - August 21, 2015 - 6 min
The irony is that the people at the top are often as unhappy and overworked as those at the bottom: it is a system that serves almost no one
Translation of The instructions of Shuruppak
The instructions of Shuruppak is a 4600-year-old Sumerian text, one of the oldest in the world, and possibly the first self-help book.
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It’s Not Debt, It’s Better
Alex Danco - July 28, 2020 - 19 min
Pipe creates a new asset class to sell: the software subscription. Founders can now sell the recurring revenue from a cohort of software customers, as an easily tradable asset, and fund their growth without taking dilution.
Remember when coding bootcamps started securitizing future revenue from cohorts of students? Turns our any SaaS can do it now. But should they? 🤔
Our Series E Funding
Stack Overflow - July 28, 2020 - 10 min
Stack Overflow, the Q&A site used by every programmer to be able to do their jobs, is raising an $85 to push their enterprise SaaS product.
Introducing the Slack Certified program
Slack - July 16, 2020 - 7 min
Are you really an enterprise IT company if you don't have certification courses for your product? If you ask Slack (or Cisco) the answer will be a resounding No.
Mischief managed
The Verge - July 27, 2020 - 15 min
A profile of MSCHF, the viral product company that's like if SUPREME and TikTok merged. Their latest creation: the $1200 Jesus Shoes. A $200 pair of Air Max 97 sneakers with water from the River Jordan injected in the soles 🤷🏻‍♂️.
States Issue Warnings About Seed Packets From China
The New York Times - July 26, 2020 - 5 min
Americans have been receiving mysterious unsolicited packages from China containing seeds.
Turns out it's probably sellers buying their own products in e-commerce platforms with real USA addresses, then shipping a cheap product, all to boost their ranking and reviews in the platform.
Inside the World’s Only Sourdough Library
Atlas Obscura - May 16, 2018 - 7 min
Unlike books, the starters need to be fed regularly
Have you boosted your baking game during quarantine? Then you might be interested in this library.
Apple Buys Startup to Turn iPhones Into Payment Terminals
Bloomberg - July 31, 2020 - 2 min
There already are multiple products in the market to accept credit card payments with your phone, Square being the most notorious, at least in the US market.
This deal means Apple could become a merchant account provider, offering business a way to accept payments with any iPhone. B2B is the next step after shipping their first B2C product with the Apple Card last year.
How I Growth Hacked Instagram to Drive $13,000 of Card Game Sales
David Kemmerer - June 16, 2020 - 9 min
I growth-hacked the College Cards Instagram page with fake followers, fake engagement, and fake everything to make it look like the game was all the rage.
Great overview of social media tactics many DTC (Direct To Consumer) companies use... applied to selling a card game to college students!
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celestialallstars · 5 years
Episode #7: “That was what we in the business call a "bruh" moment.” - Stephen
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Oh I am so PUMPED! Kori leaving has all but confirmed most of the things we all thought already- Michael/Drew/Matt/Chloe are together. On top of that, Alyssa and by extension, Jack probably is also with them. Which leaves the remaining 4 of the OG Tuatha group (Rhys/Mitch/Stephen/Bryce) then Mitch. This also leaves Bryce/Loris/me. What does this tell me? I can't have Orfeo lose because it is sudden death for Bryce/Stephen/Loris...so I need to make sure my tribe loses. BUT I also need to make sure one of Jack or Alyssa leaves. Whether they are numbers for the others or not, I need people I'm with to gain upperhand before it is too late and if Orfeo keeps losing, even if we get to merge, I don't think it will matter because they will get numbers. So Operation: Snakegrass is now in effect
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That was what we in the business call a "bruh" moment.
KORI WAS SLAIN! Not by an idol like I worried, but by an advantage that was much more powerful in that given situation! My game has effectively changed here on the Orfeo Tribe. I'm no longer trying to form an alliance that controls the outcomes of votes, I can only really look out for myself.
Michael, Matt, Drew, and Chloe are very likely to let go of the majority now that they have it. They aren't my rivals anymore. Not until the merge, anyway. Unfortunately, that means if we lose another challenge, Bryce and Loris will need to be the people who go home, barring any insane changes. I'm going to need to pander like I've never pandered before. I can't be mad with Michael until his time comes. Don't worry though, if I have any say in it, he won't make it past the first merge vote.
But, that's assuming I survive that long! I'm sure Bryce and Loris are just as freaked out as I am, so I need to out-pander them. I wish it didn't have to be this way, but that's just how the cookie crumbles.
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Operation: Snakegrass so far got the first half downpack with us losing. Jared talked with Mitch who says he is close to me and Rhys. With Zach in the mix, we might be bale to get something going, but now we gotta be careful...anything can happen at this tribal methinks!
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WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP. Safe again! It’s so good to be back on the immunity train Choo choo. It’s also really good because I really don’t want to vote out anyone on my tribe and all the people I’m not as connected with are on the other tribe so keeping my tribe safe even tho I know Stephen and Bryce may not trust me 100% right now is CRUCIAL for my game going forward.
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likeee ok. i have some hot goss i suppose. so i knew kori was leaving pre-tribal. bryce leaked the vote steal (michael - > loris - > bryce) and so it was meh. i was truly fine with either kori or matt leaving though because those two are legit like 2 of the only 3-5 people i dont feel like i got a connection with.
throughout the time between tribal results to challenge, i get asked by a few people to throw [bryce, loris, drew, stephen somewhat, chris]. chris mainly proposes that bryce and loris are with us and they're in danger, which is likely true. i just like.. i didnt throw because im triggered by that but i also like probs didnt try my hardest. who knows ! not me. anyway. AFTER I FLOPPED I LEGIT HAD LIKE 4 OF THEM PM ME SAYING 'THANKS FOR THROWING KING' LIKE FUCK OFF LKSDJGLDKGMLKDSGMLKDSG I DIDNT THROW but tbh i might play that up so they think im a generous queen xx
chris seems to want jack or alyssa out, as does jared. chris/rhys made alliance with me them jared and mitch which is cute. i feel like i should leak bc someones going to but im also too lazy to.
im lowkey really anxious though cuz i dont want my tribe to snap at me for thinkin i threw or blindside me. like NNNN and we're so close to merge.  BUT if things go accordingly, one of alyssa or jack should leave. i like both a lot but i think i'd prefer alyssa out. we have a 'f2' or smth but we dont rlly talk and i feel like because we never were on the same tribe til now, our allegiances just fell elsewhere (which is fine but its just hard to maintain that).
i dont want to get blindsided/voted off yet. 14th isnt cute... and like... im so close to merge. my guess is merge will be at 12/13 so... im so close. (its probs f8 but who cares). i just hope i can be safe enough that i dont go. i feel rlly good with chris/jared... rhys decent too. mitch not so much but im gonna try to forge a stronger bond. i think the girls are gonna choose 2 rid of jack but idk.. i hate this cuz i really like jack and getting to meet him beyond just a VL was great n i truly enjoyed this. so if he ends up leaving, and he reads this, i want u to know u are great n i love u n playing w u was fantastic!! same with anyone. like everyone left is fairly active and deserve to be here so im content.
god. anyone wanna speak up is gonna come out when i get blindsided LOL.
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Sooo the 24 hour puzzle challenge cracked some things out of the water. Alliances got exposed left and right and now im in a 5 man alliance with og orfero and og tuatha against og cyrena. This is all becauase sharky leaked an alliance in one of his screenshots consisting of drew/michael/clohie/alyssa/jack/matt or some varient. In order for their numbers to weaken, we need to get rid of jack or alyssa. It doesn not help their case that they have not been on a tribe with anyone outside of og cyrena except drew and michael (who are on the other tribe). Right now, my alliance is debating on splitting the votes or making it unanimous but we are afraid of idols. We think that regardless of what happens, the one og cyrena left standing won't trust us any longer. I am excited to see where this tribal goes because the game is finally picking up speed!!!!
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this game is carzy i hate it im legit. this is a video of me:
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Hello I’m typing this compassionate with them with voice to text hello and say do you want to be your day because Drew Carey dick completely but now I’m scared Zach is going and I don’t want him to which is sad and I don’t know at the last round nothing at the boots that I thought he didn’t I kind a got fucked over
ok that was a disaster I give up. hi . drew carried immunity thank god. but now I’m scared Zach goes because I love Zach. umm I’m basically guaranteed merge unless I get super blindsided because I can just legacy if I think I’m going :^). I voted Matt just in case his vote steal was fake because either he lied and went home or he told the truth and lived but like the thing is Michael and drew don’t want me to tell Matt I knew so I can’t justify why I voted him to him MEANWHILE I told Bryce about it. and Bryce tells Matt he knew completely throwing that out the window but oh well. I love chloe... Bryce.. Michael.... Zach... drew..... Jared... Mitch..........I definitely forgot someone there oh RHYS.... love him and idk I think I’m good with a lot of the cast wooo because I like everyone else too 💗💗💗 when I win we won’t be shocked
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The other tribe is super boring like I don’t know what’s happening and there’s like an hour and a half left so like I’m just sat here bored as shit like DO SOMETHING!
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Audio might be bad, so basically, Chris has taken me under his wing as maybe his most trusted ally, and pitched me on a side vs. side type deal.
Side 1- Chris, Bryce, Loris, Zach, Mitch, Stephen, Rhys Side 2- Alyssa, Michael, Drew, Jack, Matt, Chloe
I am fully feeding into Chris' game at this point because for myself, working to advance his plan puts me in a much more powerful position than I believe he is anticipating.
Having incredibly close relationships with the Chris/Zach duo, a F2 with Bryce, an alliance with Mitch/Stephen, Rhys confiding in me about his game fears (and Rhys' thoughts being fed to me by Bryce), and an idol--- I really just need to work on Loris some more to establish myself with the most powerful position.
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So, I've been very busy. But this tribal I have yet again sat back and haven't done much into it as I have been preoccupied. However it allows other people to take the heat, and I'm aware I'm not doing a lot. So I can spin it into a winning case as long as I do enough come the merge.
The vote is set to be a split on Alyssa and Jack, However Alyssa and Jack havent spoken about the vote which scares me. Which t hen puts me in a paranoid states as I've spoken to people less today. But we just made a new 5 person alliance (chris, me , jared, zach an mitch) which seems super extra if theyre planning on blindsiding me.
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It is 7:18 PM and I have no idea who is going home. This is the most stressful fucking tribal I've ever been to
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omg so alyssa going home wooh? she talks to me more than jack so i wish he left but like one has to leave so w/e. chris is a king i love him so much he threw for me zach is so annoying and didnt throw said he was but like he literally was trying 80% like girl just throw. i love rhys still and jared.. hope he still likes me idk we feel off. wooh yaa um like loris and i hate that michael and drew both told him about the double vote but not me like isnt that so quirky we hate those elara girls (is that the season they played)
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Alyssa is voted out 3-2-2.
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what is the cost for gap insurance for honda acord 4 door sedan 06 year
Insurance premium increase?
I was involved in a fender bender where no party admitted fault. Other persons insurance company went to arbitration against my insurance company to recover their loss. Arbitration Panel decided in our favor i.e. I am not at fault hence need not pay the damages. Total loss amount listed by other party was $800. My car did not have any damage worth repairing. (Also, I am lazy and passive enough to not pursue too hard for a minor dent.) After arbitration settlement other person filed a lawsuit against me in small claims court. I was pretty sure that a judge cant do anything after arbitration. To my surprise judge assessed that out of $800 - $250 was the deductible paid by other person. Prior Arbitration did not include that amount hence he can adjudicate on this $250. He adjudicated against me for $250 + legal fee. Judge also told me that I need not worry about this money as my insurance will pay for it. (Most ridiculous judge and judgment I have ever seen, but thats a separate matter) I called up my insurance company. They are willing to pay this amount. My question is  will making them pay increase my insurance premium. I have a pretty clean record with no at-fault accidents. I pay about $1000 per year for two cars in WA state. Insurance company is: Farmers""
Guess our car insurance?
Primary driver: 24, perfect driving record, female, some college completed but no degree The car: Something mediocre from the late 80s to late 90s The insurance: Minnesota, metro area, daily 10-20 mile commute each way, we want all the proper liability and personal injury coverage but don't care about collision Seriously, just guess. We'll take any ideas. We completely know it varies by each of those factors and many more, and we already know the national average. If you know the state average, that's one step up on us. I'd get a quote, but my roommate is the one seriously thinking about cars right now, and I don't want to do anything in someone else's name. She'll be getting quotes soon, but right now I'm a little concerned about the insurance companies possibly running credit checks, as I'm under the impression a slew of them at a time can lower your score, and we don't know what car we're getting yet. So once that's settled, we'll check into it for real. We just want to TRY to budget before we seriously car hunt.""
""Buying a car with rebuild, or salvage title?""
I live in Texas, what is the policies/laws for buying a Salvage title or rebuild title car? What exactly is a Salvage title, and am i allow to have it insure by insurance company? ...show more""
Multiple auro insurance for vehicles in different states?
Me and my fiancee are relocating to different states for new job. I am moving to south Carolina and she is moving to san diego, California. We have multiple vehicle insurance discount now. If we move is it better to register both vehicles in one state to save on insurance , title and registration. I heard it is expensive to register vehicles in california. Can I register the vehicle in my name in south carolina. she is going to be there working at UCSD and the stay is temporary (max 2 years) or is it against the law?""
""What could be small, lasts forever, has expensive insurance, and there are 12 or 13 to choose from?""
What could be small, lasts forever, has expensive insurance, and there are 12 or 13 to choose from?""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
HOW MUCH can my insurance rate rise up after hitting another car? backing up i hit the front right bumper/ligh
I live in California and I have full coverage on my vehicle currently I am 26yrs old and have about 6 yrs with my Dirvers license and NO accidents or tickets on my record. BUT a lot of people mention that my insurance rates will go really high whn an accident happens. I hit the car behind me it donsnt seem to me a a major accident, but a small one. I need help just an advise to know what to expect, please!! maybe in an expert can advise.or other personal experience by someone?""
How is my motorcycle insurance so CHEAP?
Okay so im looking into buying a motorcycle this summer. Ill be turning 18, and have always wanted a bike. So i was looking at how much insurance would cost me for it because i hear that its expensive and im a full time student and work minimum wage job, so its not like i have money just to shoot out my *** for fun. I was looking at progressive, because they show instant online quotes so i dont have to actually call in and give my real name and social security # and stuff like that. So i go onto progressive's, and enter all my real info like age and stuff(but lie about my actual address and name and email cause i dont want constant ads and spam). And i got cheaper than expected quotes.....So i put in, 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Male. Turning 18 in july. Put in that i have motorcycle endorsement and taken safety course(i havent yet, but i will by the time i actually own a bike and have to buy insurance for real). No accidents or tickets. 0 years riding experience(although i ran multiple quotes and noticed price drops by $29 for a 12month policy if youve had even 1 year of riding experience, which is nice). And i got a quote for $285 12month policy. For Bodily Injury & Property Damage 50/100/25. Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury 25/50. $100 deductible on comprehensive for bike(again i ran multiple quotes, and changing the deductible amount on comprehensive only saves a few bucks). $500 deductible for collision(this deductible amount changes your rate incredibly). No other coverage. Got quoted $285...seems kinda cheap to me considering im so young? Not complaining that i save money....just wondering if this sounds normal? Random insurance question, lets say im riding my bike and going at a good speed, say 45+mph. Then fall and completely eat ****. I injure and damage only myself and my bike. Lets say my bike needs some repairs or maybe even replacing, and my leg is broken or something like that. Will any insurance cover any costs since it was my fault to my own personal injury? Is this when health insurance kicks in for medical bills? And would motorcycle insurance pay for any of this? If so, which kind? Like comprehensive, collision, liability, under-insured motorist? Because i have no idea. This next part might be a little hard to understand, so ill try my best. But i ran multiple quotes and changed the age i said i was, for instance, i put in my real birthday on one July 1996, than i put July 1995 on another just to see how much the rate goes for a 18yr old, because once i actually get the bike i will be 18. The quote where i put my real birthday and said i was 17, got quoted $285, the quote where i said i was already 18, got quoted $319.....how is that possible that i get a $34 cheaper quote for being younger??? I feel like someone at progressive online site is trolling me and getting my hopes up now, just to see me go ape **** when i actually go get a real quote. Thanks!""
Is there any affordable insurance plans I can get in NJ( South NJ )?
Particularly Dental Insurance. I am 20,a Part-time worker who also goes to college full time. I am not covered by my parents nor have I ever had insurance. I am one of the many Americans who do not recieve proper health care due to low income however I do need to get Dental Insurance, and Health Insurance. Is there any reasonable companies to look into?""
Car insurance want to know the outcome of trial?
So 2 years ago I won a court case against someone who crashed into me. They Never Never helped me in court at all. I didnt even get to use it After the car crash since the other person insurance expired. Anyway they now sent a paper asking What happened in the case.why?. What can they gain from it? And further more I am not in that car insurance anymore. I haven't been for months.
What motorcycle would be cheap to insure in Greater Toronto Area?
Hello everyone! I am a new 20 years old motorcyclist living in the suburban GTA. I just got my M1 license and I've enrolled myself into a motorcycle course which would help me earn my M2 by the end of September. So, I was thinking about buying a new motorcycle around new years time or in february. I am trying to do all my research but I havent got too far with the insurance problem. I want a bike that could get me up and down the highway to my school in downtown Toronto (40 km each way). and maybe some occasional weekend rides. First question comes to my mind is what bike should I get that'll be good for commuting and would be cheap on insurance. Experience wise I am comfortable with upto most 650 sport bikes. But I do understand that insurance may vary. Another question was, which insurance provider should I chose, that is fairly cheap considering I have never had any sort of insurance policy under my name. Or, should I wait till next summer when I turn 21? Thanks for the replies in advance!""
What is a good price for motorbike insurance for 125cc (im 18)?
how much is a good price for an 18 year old motorbike insurance for an 125cc. Also where is best to get it? cheers
Which car insurance can i get ONLY GAP INSURANCE!?
I wanna switch insurance company bec I got cheaper quote but they don't offer gap insurance. Agent suggested to go find an insurance company where I can purchase only gap insurance, might still be cheaper if I purchase my full coverage insurance from him plus the gap insurance from another company vs my current one. thanks!""
What is the cheapest way to insure a teenager with car insurance?
I have heard of people putting the car under their name on the policy and then they child drives the car and claims it is their parents car. Giving cheaper insurance. Is that very common?
Moped insurance (Ireland)??
how much would insurance cost for a 16 year old in Dublin with a provisional licence on a yamaha aerox 50cc in ireland?
What things can a teen do to help lower the cost of car insurance?
I'm sixteen and seventh months, and plan on getting my license in about two months. But money is a little tight now at my house, and when my brother got his license on his sixteenth birthday (two years ago) the car insurance my parents pay for jumped an extra 1200 dollars a year. So what can a teen do to lower the cost? IE; what type of car should I be driving, the best time to get my license, etc. I'm willing to hear any ideas. :) Oh and if it means anything, my parents are with State Farm. Thanks in advance for the help.""
Help!!! I need car insurance!
What company has good deals on SR22? I'm financing a new car today & I need full coverage insurance & SR22... all the online quotes I've received has been outrageous! Any knows of a good co. with low down payments? (I live in Louisiana.)
I had medical insurance but did not submit the bills till after the insurance was done new insurance wont cove?
Any help would be appreciated this was actually a few years ago but my dad claimed he was working on it but nothing has been done. Its already gone to an outside collections agency. It was in California
Showing proof of insurance after citation (in Texas)?
Hello, i received a citation for driving uninsured a couple days ago (my court date is the 15th). I got a letter in the mail today saying i would have to pay a fine of $300.... ...show more""
16 yr old..car insurance rate?
I am a 16 (almost 17) year old girl. I just finished all of my hours/behind the wheel/drivers ed. I would not be the primary driver and I would not have my own car. I am an honors student with pretty decent grades. About how much money would it be for me to get car insurance?
How much would insurance be for a teenager with a 2005 mustang?
I am too young to apply online for a car insurance quote and don't really feel like asking my parents because they keep saying it's way to expensive. I would just like to know around what price would car insurance be for a mustang for a teenage girl. It would be helpful if I had $ amounts instead of way to expensive answers. Thank you :)
How much does blue cross health insurance cost?
I need it for a individual, 20 year old, with good health. This is for a project.""
""What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P?""
What is Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E or 4P""
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Do you have health insurance?
if, so, How much is it per month? How old are you? what kind of deductable do you have?? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance.""
I need help with car insurance please!?
Ok here's the deal, im 18 yrs old and i currently financed a vehicle with the assistance of my mom. I agreed to pay for the car and most of the insurance. I financed the car with the plan of paying only general liability car insurance. After signing the car from the used car dealer, it came to my knowledge that i will have to get FULL coverage auto insurance. The reason behind this is because i need to protect the auto loan that i got to finance the vechicle. It is impossible for me to pay for full coverage of this vehicle as i called for a qoute and learned that i would have to pay an insane 300-400 a month. I dont know what to do, im going back to the dealer to explain the situation and hope he will be willing to get the car back. If the dealer wont agree to get it back, what are my options? Can i sell the car privately and pay off the loan with the money i get from selling it? My goal is to just buy a really cheap car straight up and only pay for general liability insurance. Help!""
Where Can I find good dental insurance?
I need dental insurance that will cover oral surgery, as I have 2 ingrown wisdom teeth.""
How to get around paying the over priced rate of car insurance for teenage drivers ?
Does anyone know of a reasonable insurance company for auto insurance ? We just added our teenage driver to our policy and it went up $400. She doesn't even have a car. I have a 2007 Dodge Charger and my husband has a 2004 Chevy Avalanche.
Will my Geico go up after 6 months?
My Geico is only $62.84 monthly. I have the 6 month plan. I had Allstate before switching to Geico last month. I switched because every 6 months Allstate would go up by $25. I could NOT afford it! So I switched to Geico because it was $125 cheaper monthly. Everyone I've talked to said theres hasnt went up after 6 months. I have no criminal record, no tickets, no felonys no nothing, etc. So I was wondering for all you Geico customers, has Geico been good? Has it went up after 6 months? No arrogant answers, please!""
Terms Life Insurances-term life policy?
i am wanting to cash in a 14year life insurance policy. the amount is $50,000. what is the formula for a cash out, in other words how much will i receive?""
Do I need car insurance ?
Ok so u just got my learners permit today and my mom said she's pretty sure I don't need car insurance that I'm automatically covered since I'm a minor and can only drive in the car when they are in it so am I covered I live in Tampa Florida if that matters I just want to start driving immediately but dad says I need to make sure I'm under his policy so I can drive
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
Should I be put on my moms car insurance?
should I be put under my mothers insurance, or should i take care of my car insurance my self? Im 18""
If a car has a dent will insurance consider it salvage?
Found this clean title used car but has a big dent. If i was to buy the car and insure it would the insurance consider it salvage? I'm new to all of this. pics ...show more
State of illinois insurance?????????
Im having trouble in finding an ob/gyn office that take my insurance. Its the Illinois stae insurance. Can someone please give me a list or something. Thank you.
What is group insurance n?
does anyone know what group insurance n is???
Car insurance policyholder and registered owner?
I am 19, living in Florida. My car is registered in my name. My family keeps all of our cars on one policy. The insurance company is aware that I am the registered owner and I am also listed as the main driver for my car. Does that present any problems liability or insurance law wise?""
How does car insurance work when making a claim?
What happens when a claim is made after an accident? If a car is written off how much does this insurance company pay? If a car is repaired by the insurance company what happens then? I guess they pay for the damage, but do they pay any extra? If the car is repaired then the value of the car will drop, therefore leaving the driver out of pocket even though the damage was not the drivers fault. How does it work? Cheers""
Insurance company said my car is totalled?!?
So this last Saturday before St. Pattys day I took this girl out to the movies and i went to go turn into a gas station and randomly this guy smashes into me as i was making my left turn, didnt see him at all until last second which makes the crash weird because he hit my front driver side and his front driver side is messed up, cops automatically said it was my fault probably because im 19 driving around in a car that is nicer then theirs or something. Insurance company came to the body part place and said it was totalled without leaving a report. No damage hit the engine my intake and radiator got pushed in alittle bit more towards the engine and my window washer tube cracked thats about all ive seen plus the smashed out headlight and my bumper hanging. Please leave me some thoughts on if you think its totalled, really dont want this thing to go. PICS BELOW!!! http://flic.kr/p/e4Gwdd http://flic.kr/p/e4Gw7s http://flic.kr/p/e4GvZ3 http://flic.kr/p/e4AV3a http://flic.kr/p/e4AUr4""
How much will my car insurance increase?
I went for over eight years without getting a ticket and got one over a year ago and one recently. I accepted and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned my lesson the hard way. Anyway, I have been with the same insurer or 6 years and saw a decrease in my rate last year, despite the ticket. My insurer only views records at renewal and mine is not up for almost a year. By then, my first ticket will be about two years old--if they notice it next year. I am middle-aged and get a multi--vehicle and home discount and don't live in the city. My car and truck are about 150 a month or both, with full coverage. How much do you think it might increase to? Thanks.""
What does the average American that already had health insurance get out of Obamacare besides higher premiums?
Peoples insurance rates are being raised already even though Obamacare isn't fully implemented. Mine went up by 34% over last year.
How much would car insurance cost ?
I was just wondering how much it would cost for car insurance for a 17 year old Male in England Also in no that there are different types of insurance what do they all do These are the cars I'm thinking of buying Ford ka sport Fiat punto Vauxhall corsa Citroen Saxo Roughly how much would they cost and whats the best insurance option to take ? :)
Car insurance rate for 24/m honda accord 03?
Just wondering if anyone could guesstimate a car insurance rate for me? I recently graduated college and just got my first job making 32,000 a year. I am thinking of buying a 2003 Honda Accord EX Coupe. I havent gotten a ticket or been in an accident, ill be commuting 20 min to work every other week (carpool) and i have ok/good credit (no co-signer required). Any guesses? Thanks!""
Can you pay for Car Insurance in monthly instalments by direct debit using someone else's card?
I want to take out car insurance in my name but I do not have a debit card, can I use my mother's account to pay in monthly installments? All the insurance companies I have tried so far will only take a payment for the full amount and will not spread the payments by direct debit if the card is not in my name. Can anyone please help as I only have a post office account and am unemployed receiving benefits so cannot afford to pay the lump sum and have been turned down for a bank account as I have a poor credit rating.""
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
Where can I get affordable dental insurance?
Can anyone recommend a motorcycle insurance company in the UK?
My son is 20 and trying to get reasonable quotes which don't cost more than the value of the bike is driving me nuts. I've tried all the comparison sites but what I want to know is which companies are worth bothering with. I've been on some review websites and looked up the companies which come up with the cheapest quotes and a lot of the reviews call them rip off merchants and say not to touch them. I want to hear from someone who's actually had to make a claim and been satisfied with the service.
How can i get a cheaper car insurance in ny after 3 non fault accident?
i have 3 accident on my current insurance , one was flood which was no fault of my own and the other two were where someone else hit my car now all state send me a letter that they are dropping me...im shopping around but everywhere else is charging me like $600 a month...that double of what im paying now ..is there a way i can get any insurance for cheaper ? what should i do??? please help...thanks...""
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
How much is auto insurance for a 16 year old male?
its in michigan if that helps and i have a perfect record and a straight a student.
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Auto insurance?
I just found that my auto insurance policy had been expired. ( I am too careless :( ...) .. Meanwhile, I tend to sell my car within 1 month. Do I have to present a new auto insurance card to the AAA service specialist while ceding my car to the buyer?""
What is a good and cheap insurance for a Acura Rsx 2002?
I just recently got my license and want to know of good and cheap insurance for my car.
""Auto insurance cancelled today, can I go to new company?""
I just got a new car a few months ago and was paying $325 a MONTH for my insurance. Way too expensive. I want to cancel and go to another company (nationwide or all-state) where I was quoted $195 a month. I dont have the money to pay the current insurance $325 for the month, then cancel it (which adds another $90 or so for cancellation fee), and THEN open a new policy with another company for $195. Thats $615 just to switch insurance companies! So, I let my current insurance lapse and it was cancelled as of last night for non-payment. Now, can I open up the new insurance with another company today, then pay off the old insurance in a couple weeks?""
Where can I get cheap insurance from ??
Just passed my test I'm 17 I have bought a 1985 old Nissan micra. I have 3000 where can I get cheap insurance:)
Best Place to get a Car Insurance Comparison Free Online?
What sites are best for car insurance comparison? I am trying to find a site that has the widest range of quotes and policies so I can pick insurance cover that is right for me, the plan I have that's due to expire soon is terrible and I feel really ripped off. It's just proving really hard to find something affordable and with good quality cover. Has anyone tried a car insurance comparison site that offers quotes from more than just the usual four or five insurance providers?""
How long does it take for the dmv to get my sr-22?
i had my insurance company electronically send proof of financial responsibility to the dmv a little more than a week and a half ago and they still have not processed it. How long is the whole process supposed to take? I am dealing with the California DMV. Thanks
16 yr old car insurance?
I'm about to turn 16, and about to get a car (Volvo cross country) I will have another 2 main drivers on the account. How much will it be in a roundabout? Also I will be 16^ I have a completely clean record C average And a male""
""Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
Poll: Hey, can I borrow your car?""
""Im 17,i need help with my car insurance?
im 17 and car insurance at my age is really expensive but about 9 months ago i went to an insurance agency and they gave me an reallllllllyyyy good quote well something happen and had to cancel my insurance with them now i bought a new car and i want to knw if i can go back to them and get the same good car insurance price because ive been shoping and geting quotes online and its sooo dang expensive
""Insurance question, 20pts for the best answer?""
Think about your life, home, automobiles and possessions. What type of risks/accidents can happen to each of these? What type of insurance would you recommend to protect against each of these risks.""
Where would i be able to find FREE health insurance in Derry New hampshire?
Where would i be able to find FREE health insurance in Derry New hampshire?
""Getting a used car, and insurance the same day (which first)?""
Today I will be looking at a used car a costumer has in their mechanics shop. There is a Geico agent right around the corner from where the vehicle is, and I would like to know, if I should get insurance on the car before I test drive it, or after I know I want to buy it. I also would like to know how will I drive it after I have bought it without it's license plates, and if I can would I be able to take it to the DMV, and get plates the same day?""
Does anyone know in detail what no fault car insurance is?
I am having a problem understanding no fault car insurance. Can somebody explain how it works?
Will car insurance go up if I get a speeding ticket?
Will my car insurance rate go up if I got a speeding ticket? Im in California. This is the first one ever, and I've been driving for about 4 years now. Anyone with an answer? Thanks in advance!""
Can I claim health insurance costs?
If i am retired, 55 and have to pay my own health insurance, can I deduct them on my income taxes. Lets say the monthly premium is $500 and my anual income is $24,000""
Where can i get cheap insurance?
low rates? ???
Health and life insurance?
im needing to look into health and lfie insurance for myself, and was wondering where to start? What is everyone using? i need something reasonable and something where i dont get the run around with!! Any help appreciated!""
Car insurance?
my spouse has never had a drivers license and took my car while i was at work and had an accident . my spouse is not excluded on my policy will my insurance cover damage to other property
What are the variables included in the cost of car insurance?
What are the BASIC variables that are included in any car insurance? i.e...car color, car make, type of car, horsepower, year, age of driver, ethnicity...? Which things do they look at car wise/and driver wise that affect how much insurance you end up paying in the end? and does the speed of the car effect the cost greatly?""
How much do i need to save for a motorcycle?
I have my g1 and will be attending a motorcycle safety course soon then getting my m1. Then i can drive motorcycles. But I want to wait till next year..I am first buying my car. (03 crown vicotria) After the winter. I am 6'2 and weigh 140lbs. (17 and male) is a kawa ninja 250r a good first bike for me?? how much do i need to save for the bike itself? but also insurance?? what is your opinions?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
How much qualifies as full coverage insurance?
Will this affect my car insurance rates?
Once, several years ago I had given the information to the other person but had not heard from anyone several days later, so I called my insurance... sadly (my bad) I did not get the other persons information so I was told not to worry about it until the other person reported it... that never happened... what happens here????..""
How much would car insurance cost for a 22 yr old male?
Im 22 yr old male, live in Florida and never owned a car. So how much would i cost for me to get car insurance? Im also a college student.""
Auto Insurance Company Lowballing me??? What do I do?
I have a 2001 porsche and this lady just tboned me going through a red light. Now My insurance company wants to offer me about 5000 dollars less then what I can replace it for. I sent them 10 ads in the area close to my car to show them, and they in turn had me appraised by an independent agency. This agency, BIG BLOCK, came back with a dozen examples that all had more miles then mine, and adjusted me .16 cents a mile. After doing depreciation calculations on their examples, the average dep per mile was .60 cents per mile!!!! This changes their evaluation by about 7-8000 dollars overall. Its been two weeks since they totaled my car. What should I do if they keep trying to low ball me?""
What if i don't have car insurance and i don't drive the car?
i wanna buy a car but not drive it for a while but i can't afford car insurance....can i not register until i am ready to drive it is that legal?????
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old?? please answer?
im a male, 17 years old, recently got my g2 license, i bought a used 2000 toyota celica gt-s. how much approximatly would my car insurance be? thanks""
Is it possible to get a good used car for 3000 $ ?
I live in the Los Angeles area and I am a student .. I really need a car but I can only afford 3,000$ at the most .. Do you think I can get a pretty decent looking car for 3000$ ? and I am 25 years old , I never drove before ... How much do you think the insurance would cost approximately considering that I am 25 years old and new driver with a used car ? I really wanna know if I can get a good one for 3000$ Thanks a bunch !!!""
How do I fight an auto insurance company's liability decision?
I was T-boned by another driver who I believe rolled through a stop sign and could not have been paying attention to the road. It was a four-way stop intersection, and the insured ...show more""
Need advice on good medical insurance company?
Wanting to purchase medical insurance for a family member. Looking for a very good company who could provide major medical insurance with at least a $2,500.00 deductible. Just mainly looking for some basic coverage. Thank you for whatever advice you can give me.""
Insurance related question?
I am planning to take a savings plan insurance in SBI Life Insurance for tax benefits and for my future benefit also. Is SBI Life Insurance reliable or shall i consider for some other insurance company? If you think other Insurance company, please suggest some good company names. And do you think my option for saving plan is good or shall i look for some other plan? Your suggestions are welcome and thanks for your time.""
""I need help w/ having a DWI, sr22's and autoinsurance?""
so i got a DWI in march of 2010. I havent had my license in over a year as penalty. but now i need my license & insurance. I have no idea what to do, where to get sr22 or whatever it is, nothing. i live on my own and i dont know what to do at all. i have no help. i used to live in california. thats where i got my DWI. but im september, i moved to oregon & thats where im currently living.""
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Anyone know any companies that provide really cheap insurance for uk drivers?
Can you or spouse be denied group health insurance?
I have stage 4 cancer. I have insurance through my husbands job. If my husband changes jobs and is offered insurance at the new job can I be denied insurance due to the preexisting condition? I live in Georgia. I already checked and got information on cobra.
Car insurance- estimated quote? lowest pricing company?
i'm a 17 year old new female driver. the car im looking at is a 1995 grandam. about how much would you estimate insurance will be monthly on my own plan? and what company do u find is the cheapest?
Will homeowner insurance rates go through the roof if Cap and Tax passes through the Senate?
HYPOTHETICALLY............If you are trying to sell a house, you get audited (like it says in the bill) and they say that you have to upgrade a whole lot of stuff that you can't ...show more""
Would you let me collect on your life insurance?
What would I have to do to collect on your life insurance? If I bought you life insurance and paid the premium on it and paid your funeral costs and paid your family 20% on the insurance policy would you let me collect on your insurance?? This is considering that you cannot afford life insurance yourself.
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
How much would the average cost of car insurance for a 16 year old male in ohio be?
Will my insurance agent report to my car bank that car is not covered no more.?
I'm with state farm. I been playing 190 monthly. Now they want me to pay 450 dollars. I just paid yesterday and my agent said my next due payment is due on 7th this month for 450 dollars. He said it was to be paid when I first got with state farm but I switched agents and now I am expected to pay next week. This is unfair and without fair notice. My insurance is going a cancle if not paid in weeks from now. What do I do. Is my car bank gonna find out car insurance got canceled. I was told it was 190 per month. I thought deposit was high but why 400 ?
""17 year old learner, got my own car - Do I just need learner insurance for now?
I'm a learner driver with my test next month and I now have my own car. I want to practice in my own car up until my test and I'm not sure whether I just need learner insurance or if the car itself needs to be insured as well? Learner insurance is around 80 for the month and for 'proper' insurance then it's around 2000. Any help?
Where can I get comprehensive car insurance to cover in Serbia and Montenegro?
I am travelling from the Uk to Serbia and Montenegro in June 2007 and want to have my car covered for this trip. My car is registered in the UK but my insurance company will not cover me for this trip.
Insurance for a street bike?
how much is insurance for a street bike starting out
Going on my dads car insurance...question?
My dad has Triple A auto insurance ..I do not live with him I am on my own in my own house, I never ask my family for help. But right now my tabs are expired and since I am only 20 I cannot afford auto insurance..they want me to put 300 down just for no fault and I think its ridiculous, Right now I dont have 300 dollars either so I asked my dad if he could help me out temporarily and put me on his car insurance ..i have a 98 cavalier so it shouldnt be that bad. its been 2 weeks and he keeps saying hes talking to the agent after tomorrow I can no longer drive my car because my tabs say march and april is comming up, I told him I would pay whatever costs to add me on it and whatever he needed a month. I was just wondering if they charge extra to add me on his insurance and my car or is he just making it up because I dont think It should take that long...like I said I am living on my own have never lived with my dad because he was in jail for a long time, moved out when i was 18 and can't get help from my mom or him,,I cant even ask to borrow money from them yet I can loan my dad 200 dollars. Feel like its so wrong, I think im doing pretty good being 20 years old working full time owning a house my own car that I bought myself and going to school...and Im having my first child.""
Does anybody have or had insurance thru esurance?
they are by far the cheapest i found for full coverage for me. i know cheaper isnt always better but i just need insurance because my car is financed. esurance isnt a very big name and i dont know anyone who actually has insurance thru them. anybody know how they are compaired to other companies?
What does health insurance cover?
i recently turned 18 and am in need of Knee surgury. if i got health insurance right now, would it cover the surgury? or would it be like trying to get a totaled car insured? if insurance doesn't cover it, what should i do? i live in NJ.""
So is this whole car dealerships thing going to affect insurance?
If the prices of the cars are going to drop, is this going to do anything to the amount of money I will have to pay for my car insurance once I turn 16? Will it go up, go down, or stay the same""
Where can i get some health insurance @ a reasonable price?
I'm need health insurance my income is very low.. where can i get health insurance at a reasonable price?
Classic car insurance..i need to insure a porsche 924 as a 2nd car.weekend use only any ideas of cheapest?
porsche 924
Car insurance... HAVE THEY GONE MAD?
Basically I am 16 and looking to buy a car that needs work, so that I have a car for when I pass my driving test. I have pretended I was born a year earlier which would make me 17 and eligible for insurance, but all the other details are true. I have also added my dad on the policy and the cheapest I got quoted was nearly 4000, and it's not like i'm going to be driving a rocket ship its a 1989 subaru justy 1.2l engine, which I have valued at 500 (double what its worth). Thus I am struggling to see why it costs so much?? BTW IT'S FIRE AND THEFT NOT EVEN FULLY COM""
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
Im a girl with good grades that would be added on to my parents insurance policy, can anyone give me a dollar estimate?""
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deductable do you have? feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance?""
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
Shawnee Oklahoma Cheap car insurance quotes zip 74802
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