#and then unnamed baby son of daemon and laena
acewithapencil · 1 year
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Lucerys meeting his loved ones in the afterlife ❤️🥲
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goodqueenaly · 2 years
So I noticed on the original Targaryen family tree in TWOIAF that Jaehaerys and Alysanne had a son listed as Prince Aeryn but come F&B he's been replaced with Princess Daenerys, why do you think GRRM did that? Daenerys dies anyway so what's the point of changing a young dead son to a died young daughter? I hope he reuses the name Aeryn elsewhere at least, it's a nice name, maybe it'll be used for some other dead baby or one of Elaena's unnamed kids.
For one, I think GRRM very much wanted to explore throughout F&B and especially in the Jaehaerys I section a question of absolute primogeniture and female succession; this is, after all, a concept he introduced with Rhaena and came back to again with Princess Rhaenys (and to some extent her daughter Laena). By booting Aeryn off the family tree and making Daenerys the second born child, GRRM was then able to introduce that conflict once again, with Alysanne treating Daenerys as the heir apparent and Jaehaerys considering Daenerys no more than Aemon’s future queen consort - a difference in political and legal outlook that would later form the basis of their Second Quarrel. While GRRM might have chosen to make Alyssa (once the secondborn child of the royal couple) the fulcrum of this conflict, perhaps he decided that Alyssa’s established position as mother of Viserys I and Prince Daemon (not just in the family tree but referred to as such in the text of TWOIAF) would have undermined the argument - having her marriage to Baelon then be seen as a strange sort of compromise - or otherwise forced him to explain away Alyssa’s place in the succession. Perhaps he decided it was easier to introduce a new princess, whose recent invention would mean she had no narratively awkward extant plot points to resolve and whose early death would keep her from making too much of an impact on established plot lines.
For another - though we’ll have to wait until the main series is concluded to find out - it’s entirely possible GRRM intended certain parallels between the Daenerys of F&B and our Daenerys of the main novels. I wouldn’t take this reading too far, of course, given the obvious differences - our Daenerys was not born in the bosom of a happy family, was not doted upon by either parent as a potential heir apparent, and certainly did not die at the age of six - but it may not be entirely coincidental that Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s daughter was a confident, dominating princess who, though imagined as a future queen (by at least her mother), never actually ruled over the Seven Kingdoms, instead dying of a death associated with the cold. To the extent any of these facets of the first Daenerys’ story parallel or will parallel our Daenerys’ story remains to be seen, but I wouldn’t be surprised if, say, our Daenerys never becomes a ruling Queen of Westeros, or if she dies to achieve a final victory over the cold-bringing Others.
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cynicalsympathy · 3 years
ASoIaF headcanon
‘Blood of the dragon’ is literal, older than the Freehold Empire. The silver-gold hair and purple/indigo eyes are as natural they get in a fantasy world but these guys were famous for using blood magic and worse “to fashion monstrous and unnatural chimeras.” The very first Valyrians to ride dragons used blood magic to infuse their DNA with at least 1 dragon. That allowed humans to be  accepted by dragons as companions and riders, able to give commands via the verbal communication and the silent empathic bond, such as what Daenerys shares to Drogon.
It explains why the stillborn babies have draconic disfigurements when murdered. Rhaego, Visenya daughter of Rhaenyra and possibly Daemon’s unnamed son.
Rhaego, died in that tent with blood magic being used by Mirri Maz Duur on Drogo and possibly used to kill Rhaego during birth, “He was scaled like a lizard, blind, with the stub of a tail and small leather wings like the wings of a bat.” Rhaenyra’s baby girl Visenya, her third child: Mushroom also claims that Visenya had dragon-like birth defects. He described her as having been twisted and malformed, with a hole in her chest where her heart should have been and a stubby, scaled tail. And this Visenya died after it was decided that if Rhaenyra took the Iron Throne then Daemon (who groomed her from childhood) would be the true ruler of Westeros, a decision made by men (Otto Hightower) who were willing to accept Rhaenyra as ruling queen without Daemon. She had three healthy sons by Laenor while Daemon had two healthy girls but also a stillborn “twisted and deformed son” by Laena. The son being born after Daemon’s standing with the high lords dwindled to nothing.
@nobodysuspectsthebutterfly has a great post about the subject here:
I also headcanon that in old Valyria there were stories about the ancient dragonriders being dragons turned to humans by the gods, as a way to muddle the waters so no one else could experiment and recreate the fusion. A way of preventing rivals. Similar to Old Nan’s story about the Night’s King and his corpse bride being a story but Bran seeing the white haired woman with the sickle and the dark haired man in a vision. You can’t copy the right formula for blood magic if you don’t know what’s correct.
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arielseaworth · 5 years
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Thank you so much for all your likes, reblogs, comments, kudos, bookmarks and translations, I really appreciate them <3 <3 <3
Arianne Martell & Quentyn Martell, happier moments.
A Great Unrest
His death was a mishap, almost certainly, and it is written that Prince Maekar always bitterly regretted Baelor’s passing and marked its anniversary every year. (The World of Ice and Fire)
Maekar Targaryen marking the twelfth anniversary of his brother’s death, during the first year of his reign.
The Picture
Laena Velaryon, Laenor Velaryon, and a gift for their parents’ tenth wedding anniversary.
Remember Me (Chapter 3)
Mothers, daughters, and the words said and unsaid.
Chapter 3: Mellario of Norvos & Arianne Martell
Loren of the Rock
He was Loren the First and then Loren the Last, and in between, he fought the Targaryens and lived to tell the tale, a fate he sometimes considered to be worse than death.
The Son
And Addam Velaryon, lately Addam of Hull, sought out the Sea Snake after the battle; what they spoke to each other even Mushroom does not say. (Fire & Blood)
What was said and not said between Addam Velaryon and Corlys Velaryon after the Battle in the Gullet.
Lady Elissa had been twice betrothed, once at twelve and once at sixteen, but she had frightened off both boys, as her own father admitted ruefully.  (Fire & Blood)
The two broken betrothals of Lady Elissa.  
Or, how Elissa Farman frightened off her betrothed, not once but twice.
The Knighting
“Aegon is to return to my castle at Summerhall. There is a place there for you, if you wish. A knight of my household. You’ll swear your sword to me, and Aegon can squire for you.” […] “I will take your son as squire, Your Grace, but not at Summerhall. Not for a year or two.” (The Hedge Knight)
Duncan the Tall requesting a boon from Maekar Targaryen before swearing his sword as a knight of the prince’s household.
Onion Soup
[Stannis] sat at the high table as a dish of onion soup cooled before him, hardly tasted, staring at the flame of the nearest candle with those hooded eyes, ignoring the talk around him. (A Dance with Dragons)
Stannis, Davos and onion soup.
Nameday Wish
She remembered Ser Willem dimly, a great grey bear of a man, half-blind, roaring and bellowing orders from his sickbed. The servants had lived in terror of him, but he had always been kind to Dany. He called her “Little Princess” and sometimes “My Lady,” and his hands were soft as old leather. (A Game of Thrones)
Daenerys Targaryen, Willem Darry and a nameday wish.  
Nonetheless, during all those years of Catelyn’s girlhood, it had been Brynden the Blackfish to whom Lord Hoster’s children had run with their tears and their tales, when Father was too busy and Mother too ill. Catelyn, Lysa, Edmure … and yes, even Petyr Baelish, their father’s ward … he had listened to them all patiently, as he listened now, laughing at their triumphs and sympathizing with their childish misfortunes. (A Game of Thrones)
The first time Catelyn ran to her uncle with her tears and her tales.
and they shall know you by your ghosts
When Alysanne asked if she would return to Greenstone, Rhaena shook her head. “There’s a ghost there as well. A kinder ghost, but no less sad.” (Fire & Blood)
It wasn’t so much that love ended. It was more the fact that it remained mired in the past. The ghost of how easy they used to be with another stalked them every step of the way, on this small island Larissa had made her new home.
The Banker
The Hightowers had not entrusted so much as a groat of their gold to the Lyseni, and thus remained one of the wealthiest houses in all Westeros, second mayhaps only to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, and Lady Sam wished to learn how to put that gold to better use. Thus was born the Bank of Oldtown, which has made House Hightower richer still. (Fire & Blood)
Samantha Tarly and the founding of the Bank of Oldtown.
The Cold Light of Day
And yet it was to Archmaester Vaegon that the Old King turned now, summoning his last son to King’s Landing. What passed between them remains a matter of dispute. Some say the king offered Vaegon the throne and was refused. Others assert that he only sought his counsel. (Fire & Blood)
What transpired between Archmaester Vaegon and Jaehaerys Targaryen.
Clever Wives
Lord Redwyne was incredulous. “The Tyrells are dolts,” he said. “I am sorry, Your Grace, they are my liege lords, but … the Tyrells are dolts, and Lord Bertrand was a sot as well.” (Fire & Blood)
The Tyrells were dolts, it was sometimes alleged, but they had a knack for marrying clever wives.
“Egg wanted me to help him rule, but I knew my place was here. He sent me north aboard the Golden Dragon, and insisted that his friend Ser Duncan see me safe to Eastwatch.” (A Feast for Crows)
Maester Aemon and Ser Duncan saying goodbye at Eastwatch (and reminiscing about the first time they met).
The Sun and the Moon
Baela Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen, Moondancer, Sundancer and Morning.
The Man Who Was Not There (Chapter 2)
Stannis Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, and a tense exchange during the wedding of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister.
Chapter 2: Tywin’s POV
Remember Me (Chapter 2)
Mothers, daughters, and the words said and unsaid.
Chapter 2: Ellyn Reyne & Rohanne Tarbeck
Daenaera Velaryon/Aegon III Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen/Laena Velaryon
Brandon the Burner & Brandon the Shipwright
Jonquil Darke & Daenerys Targaryen
Arya Stark, Old Nan & Black Aly
Plumm and Egg
Rhaelle Targaryen/Ormund Baratheon, white harts and roast stags
Brandon Stark & Rickard Stark, the boy who hated stories
Jocelyn Baratheon/Aemon Targaryen
Stannis, Cassana and baby Renly
Cregan Stark/Alysanne Blackwood, beginning
Quote Swap: Argella Durrandon + She wanted a storm to match her rage.
Daeron Velaryon/Hazel Harte (the parents of Daenaera Velaryon)
Rhaena Targaryen & Baela Targaryen, dragonriding
Rhaena Targaryen & tears
Aegon III Targaryen & Viserys II Targaryen, reunion
Egg, Daella and Rhae talking about the first Aegon and his sisters
Rhaena Targaryen/Melony Piper
Baela Targaryen & Laena Velaryon
Alyssa Velaryon celebrating the birth of her granddaughter (and great-granddaughter) Rhaenys
Oscar Tully & Kermit Tully
Alysanne Blackwood & Benjicot Blackwood
Jonquil Darke & Alysanne Targaryen
Anya Weatherwax
Myrielle Peake
Aegon III Targaryen & the “secret siege” of Maegor Holdfast
Cregan Stark/Arra Norrey, beloved companion
Rhaena Targaryen/Larissa Velaryon, reserved
Aegon III Targaryen & Viserys II Targaryen, stars
Baela Targaryen/Alyn Velaryon, marriage proposal
The Boy Who’d Sooner Have A Clout Than A Wife
Maekar’s Guilt
Lyanna Stark & Benjen Stark reenacting the duel between the Scarlet Shadow and the unnamed wildling woman
Rickard Stark & Ned Stark discussing the Pact of Ice and Fire
Argilac Durrandon & Argella Durrandon, tell me
Argella’s reaction to Orys resigning his position as Hand of the King
Doran Martell & Mellario of Norvos, “My mother had sent for him, I learned later.”
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