#and there’s some of my older fics I know a lot of people skip over
neon-danger · 2 years
Kinda redundant but have you read any good Jalex lately? I’ve been looking everywhere but I’m at that point of scraping the bottom of the barrel and re reading stories I’ve already read
I’ve been on a sterek kick actually so I got nothin
0 notes
klaus-littlestwolf · 10 months
I am Yours, You are Mine -Aemond T.
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This is an A/B/O fic. You have been warned.
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Everyone knew, they had always known.
It wasn’t hard to figure out from what I assume, my mothers children are all boys with brown hair and brown eyes, I have white hair and purple eyes. Everyone knew my older brother Jace and my younger brothers Luke and Joffrey were Harwin Strongs children and just like that, everyone knew that I was the daughter of Daemon Targaryen.
Laenor hadn’t been able to give my mother a child and I looked nothing like him, Daemon however…I’m told I’m the spitting image of him. So while I am technically a bastard, I’m also full Targaryen, so I was never treated like it. I was born only 5 moons after Aemond was and therefore was raised with him in a way, as we grew up his older brother Aegon and my older brother Jace got close, at least closer than they were to us and Aemond got picked on a lot. He didn’t have a dragon, and while I didn’t either, everyone knew to leave me alone, whether it was because I was a girl or because I was Daemons daughter I don’t know. My father is the only current Targaryen Alpha in the world and that made people so much more terrified of him than they already were.
Most people in the world present as Betas, it’s normal and no one really thinks twice about it, an Alpha however is a blessing from the Gods. He will be stronger, and tougher, and defend your family better than a Beta can, at least that’s what people believe, an Alphas instincts being so much stronger than a Betas, the only presentation stronger still is an Omega, and an Omega is considered a blessing from the mother herself. Presentation happens around puberty but usually you can see certain traits in children to tell if they will be anything other than a Beta, my mother believes I will be an Omega because even with a father like Daemon I’m quiet and sweet, always the most submissive in the room which for a Princess is a good thing.
Aemond and I spent more and more time together as we got older, him being shunned from the group with his older brother and mine, along with Luke who followed them around like a puppy and didn’t mind getting pranked once in a while. Aemond was the smartest of all of them, he enjoyed learning, and training, but most of all, he had no dragon. Neither of our dragon eggs hatched and the both of us bonded over that, and I always tried to make my uncle feel better when they had been particularly cruel, like the day they gave him a pig instead of a dragon. We skipped dinner that night and sat together in the library for hours just talking. He was my best friend, and my closest ally in the world, we made promises to always be there for each other.
The promises of children never seem to last though…even if the children weren’t the ones to break them.
After Joffrey was born mother moved us back to Dragonstone, me kicking and screaming, clinging to my uncle who held me just as tightly until our mothers gave up. We had a small second of hope as I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me to him so tightly it almost hurt. That’s when our mothers called for their guards and we were yanked apart harshly and I was carried all the way to the ship that would take us home.
We weren’t apart for long after that, my fathers wife dying in childbirth brought us back together for her funeral. As soon as I saw him I pulled away from Jace and ran to Aemond who held me close and breathed in my scent as I did his, it was a comfort that only we seemed to give each other. I stayed by his side holding his arm while everyone spoke about Laena, saying kind words about a women I barely knew while my “father” stood in the ocean below, crying for the Gods only know how long.
Aegon was with us for some time, watching the maids and being his normal vile self and eventually we were alone, speaking as if no time had passed at all. That moment as we sat on the steps talking would be one I regret for many years to come, watching Aemond as he gazed at Vhagar. I knew my uncle wanted a dragon, more than even I did and I told him he should go, as the sun went down and people filed inside to bed, I encouraged him to mount her while he had the chance. 2 hours later I was awoken to a knight running into my room to check on me and seeing I was in bed and fine. I followed him downstairs to my mothers relief, Luke was bleeding from the nose, Alicent was angry beyond belief and my uncle and best friend sat with a maester stitching his eye up. I moved to his side quickly, taking his hand in my own and holding it tightly, allowing him to squeeze it as he got stitched up and everyone continued screaming. I didn’t care for the politics, I didn’t care for the threats, or insults, only that my favorite person sat beside me maimed and my brothers had done it. I stayed by his side for the rest of the evening, even as the maester gave him milk of the poppy to be able to sleep, snuggling into his chest and feeling his arms around me as he slept soundly and all the while I felt sick to my stomach knowing that what Jace had said to me when I hugged my mother had been completely true… ‘This is all your fault’
I was taken from Aemond’s bed late in the morning, he had awoken to eat and been put back to sleep, all the while clinging to my hand. My mother took us home immediately, we went back to Dragonstone and so did Daemon who quickly married my mother as soon as Laenor passed.
Jace and Luke were quick to blame me for everything, knowing that I had encouraged Aemond to mount Vhagar, maybe if I hadn’t he would still have his eye and I wouldn’t have had to leave again. Maybe Rhaena wouldn’t despise me for “helping to steal her mothers dragon” even if I don’t believe you can have claim to a dragon if it hasn’t chosen you. Jace and Luke spent all their time with Baela and Rhaena and I was left alone, not wanting to be near my brothers to hear about how much they and Aemond despise me, how the only person I had ever truly loved besides my mother wouldn’t even write to me anymore no matter how many times I wrote him apologizing. My mother and father were the only people I ever spoke to anymore, Daemon practically claiming me as his own even if he couldn’t “officially” do that and I learned that being alone is better for everyone, especially once I presented. Jace, Luke, Baela and Rhaena had all presented as Betas as expected but I was “blessed” to a life as an Omega, suffering through my heats alone in a locked room, only maids to bring me food and try to relieve my pain which never worked.
I was 15 before I was truly blessed with anything in my life, out for a walk by myself, having escaped my guard and stumbling upon a dragon. The Grey Ghost was a name given to a shy, pale dragon, one I never hoped to even get a glimpse of in my life and I suddenly had, his eyes locked on mine as if waiting to see what I would do and so I reached into my bag to get the bread I brought with me and the fish I planned to cook on my little adventure, tossing them to him and watching as he snubbed the bread and ripped the fish apart. I had sat down on a boulder, watching as he ate, assuming this would be the only time I would ever see this elusive creature but it wasn’t. He had laid down to nap after eating and the next day he sat at the same spot as I brought him an even bigger fish. That went on for nearly 2 weeks of me bringing him food and talking to him before he approached me and allowed me to touch him, letting me mount him after that. I kept him away from the pits, away from everyone who only saw him when I went flying, knowing he was just as comfortable around people as I was, which was not at all. I even had all of my riding gear dyed as close to his color as I could, making it truly impossible for anyone, even another dragon rider to find us in a cloud bank. Daemon was impressed, believing it was a useful skill, especially for an Omega to be able to hide like that. Life continued on like that until Corlys’ injury, resulting in all of us needing to return to Kings Landing to fight for Luke’s inheritance. I was less than enthusiastic about going but my mother forced me onto the ship.
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In Kings landing once again I was stuck with Jace and Luke as mother and Daemon wanted to go see Grandfather, forcing me to follow them to the training yard that I hadn’t seen since I was a small child. Everyone’s attention was on a fight in the center of the yard and I pushed between Jace and Luke to be able to see, seeing Criston Cole fighting a young man with an eye patch and knowing instantly that it’s Aemond, and that he is winning, dodging the mace repeatedly before his blade was at Cole’s throat and I ducked behind Jace and Luke, catching a very strong Alpha scent as I did and feeling my stomach twist into a knot.
‘Nephews. Have you come to train?’ He questioned and I knew they were no where close to as good as he is, he would kill them. They had continued training but not very much and Aemond is clearly quite passionate about it. ‘Niece, lovely to see you again…or smell you I should say, and what a lovely scent it is. Hmm?’ I blushed darkly, not moving from behind my brothers until Jace turned and pushed me to walk back the other way.
‘I would stay close if I were you sister, wouldn’t want to be alone with him, would you?’ Luke teased and I wanted desperately to strangle the cocky little bastard but the last time I had hit him I’d given him a black eye and made him cry like a bitch, mother made sure I knew Omegas should never be violent, especially when they’ve been trained by Daemon and could make a man feel emasculated enough to be murderous.
I sighed, rolling my eyes and following them inside, finding my room as quickly as I could and locking the doors. I sat on the windowsill and stared out over Kings Landing, seeing a dip in the clouds and knowing my dragon had followed us, it was a comfort in case I needed an escape and knowing my family, I definitely will.
I stayed in my room until my mother came to get me, walking all of us together down to the throne room where I stayed as close to my father as I could, feeling men’s eyes on me, flinching from one who leaned in to smell me making my father turn and glare down at him, the man moving to the other end of the room quickly. I held onto his belt as Otto Hightower spoke, feeling eyes on me and knowing Aemond was staring as well. That same Alpha scent was back and my stomach felt like it was quivering as the wonderful smell assaulted me. My attention was only drawn when the doors opened to reveal our grandfather looking rough…half dead honestly as he walked into the room, stumbling up to his throne, Daemon helping him as he dropped his crown and leaving me exposed with no one to hide behind until he came back. I watched on, thoroughly entertained as Vaemond shouted about Luke and Jace being bastards, and actually couldn’t contain my snort as Daemon cut off his head though as expected nothing happened to him and Luke keeps his inheritance.
‘Now, if we’re through with this useless event, I think we can-‘
‘Actually my King, if I may?’ Otto asked, approaching the throne and mumbling something to him quietly.
‘Are you sure? Rhaenyra! Why was I unaware of your daughter presenting as an Omega?’ The King asked and my blood ran cold, Daemon pushing me completely behind him.
‘She was not ready for every noble man in the kingdom to be vying for her hand Father, I was protecting my baby. I apologize if you think I’ve hidden it from you but that was never my intention.’ She explained.
‘My girl, this is wonderful! Otto is right, there’s no need for anyone to look for a husband when we have a perfect Targaryen Alpha right here. Honestly I always did believe Aemond and Y/n would end up marrying, they were so sweet when they were babes.’ I backed away from Daemon, moving around the crowd and moving towards the doors the maids use to get to the kitchen quickly. ‘My son, you will take Y/n as your wife, do you have any objections?’ The King asked and I waited a moment, waiting for him to start yelling, or begging to get out of it…but he didn’t.
‘It will be my honor Father. Thank you.’
‘Well then it is settled, there will be a wedding, right here tomorrow night-‘
‘Tomorrow?!’ My mother exclaimed.
‘I’m a sickly, old man Rhaenyra, I would like to witness their union before I pass on. You can afford me that, can you not?’ He questioned and I knew my mother would cave at that as I got to the door, pushing it open quietly.
‘Father, I would like to request one thing. Since it must be such a quick wedding, I would like to do it in the traditional Valyrian custom.’ Aemond asked and I took pause.
When we were children we discussed just this, we talked about how we would be married one day and I told Aemond that I wanted to do it right, in the old customs. Since the day I learned of the traditional wedding I thought it was beautiful and I wanted it more than anything, Aemond promising me the perfect wedding. The idea that he remembered and even cared enough to request such a thing brought tears to my eyes.
‘I don’t see why not, I leave it to my wife and daughter to sort out the details with the bride and groom.’ My mother and the queen? And they want me in the middle of that? Fuck no.
I turned, leaving out the door, quickly running down the corridor and into the kitchens which were busy making dinner, allowing me to run through quickly and out another side door. I just made it to the gardens and down the steps, hiding in the bushes when a guard rushed out after me. ‘Princess! Princess! Your mother demands your presence!’ He shouted, running into the garden while I crept out and down the side of the castle. One good thing about growing up in a castle, you learn how to get around quickly and unseen.
I looked up to the sky, hoping to see my dragon, knowing exactly what he looks like now that I’ve spent so many years by his side and on his back. ‘Come on Ghost! Where are you?’ I questioned, getting down the stairs to the front of the castle, peeking around the corner to see many guards and I quickly moved around the wall and past the gates to the plaines where I knew Vhagar rested by the water. I kept far away from the resting place of the nearly 2 centuries old dragon and whistled, seeing the grayish white color separate from the clouds and dive down towards the ground, landing just ahead of me and just as he nudged his giant head into me in greeting a voice stopped me.
‘Byka Zaldrīzes!’ I froze, knowing only my uncle had ever called me that. He had since we were kids and I was trying to comfort him when he was upset about not having a dragon. My child brain figured, I’m a Targaryen, I can be your dragon and it made him laugh so hard he couldn’t breathe. He called me Little Dragon ever since. ‘Where are you going to go?’ He asked, not yelling…not even seeming angry.
‘Going home already, and I didn’t get a hello or a goodbye. I admit, I had hoped for a different reaction.’ He stepped closer, Ghost growling but not doing anything more as I shushed him to keep him calm. ‘You used to be excited by the prospect of us being married.’ That wonderful Alpha scent came over me again and I could no longer deny that it was him I was smelling, though deep down I knew it was. ‘You can’t even look at me?’ His voice held more emotion now, upset at the idea I couldn’t face him.
‘Please Aemond, please stop this? You don’t want to be married to me, there’s no point in whatever you’re doing…’ I told him, turning to face him and I couldn’t deny how beautiful he is. I had always found him cute but he had become incredibly handsome the past 9 years.
‘You dare tell me what I want? You?! After all of this time?! I have always wanted you Y/n and I always will, nothing will change that apart from you telling me you no longer love me and that my face is too much for you to accept as your Lord Husband.’ My eyes widened and I took an unintentional step forward.
‘Aemond, you are beautiful, you always have been! No scar changes that, and it could certainly not change the way I feel for you-‘
‘Then why do you run from me? Why have you spent 9 years not answering my letters? Why do you find it so hard to look me in the face? Why-‘
‘Because it’s my fault!’ I shouted, unable to take his questions anymore. ‘Because if I hadn’t encouraged you it wouldn’t have happened, no one would have fought, you wouldn’t have lost your eye! It’s my fault! And Jace and Luke, they tell me all the time and I don’t want to hear how much you hate me! I don’t want to hear you lie and tell me I ignored you, I wrote you every day for months! You never responded and I don’t think I can handle hearing how much you hate me Kepus…I can’t…’ the tears were now streaming down my face like crazy and as I reached to wipe them away he grabbed ahold of my wrists, forcing me to look at him.
‘You think I blame you?’ His voice was so soft it actually startled me. ‘Y/n…first of all I never got letters from you and I’m realizing you didn’t receive mine either which I’m assuming was your brothers but Gods Y/n! I have Never blamed you for that night!’ His face was so serious and hard I knew he wasn’t lying.
‘Not for one second! You are the only one who gave me any kind of comfort, everyone else was either scared or angry, but you just held me. I loved you so much in that moment I thought my heart would explode! Waking up next to you in the morning, in so much pain, but you were there to make me feel better…then you were gone. My Little Dragon was gone and I couldn’t even speak to her, and now I come to find out you’re carrying guilt that has never been yours to hold! Your brother did that, not you, Luke! He chose to pick up that blade and slice my face, not you! And Vhagar was no one’s to claim, she chose me and I chose her, and yes you helped make me feel better about it but I was going to go to her no matter what you said…please let go of that guilt, my Princess?’ I nodded, sniffling as he let go of my arms and used his thumbs to wipe my eyes before leaning close and pressing his lips to mine. ‘You’re mine Byka Zaldrīzes, all mine!’ He swore, kissing me again, harder this time and pulling me flush against his chest. ‘My Little Dragon is going to be my wife, the mother of my children, my perfect little Omega…Fuck you smell amazing!’ He groaned, digging his face into my neck and inhaling deeply.
‘That’s enough!’ A deep voice shouted and Aemond jumped but I knew exactly who it was.
‘Father, you ruin everything.’ I teased and he just smiled as he got closer, Ghost rumbling in irritation at how many people are here now, seemingly willing to deal with my Alpha and that is all. ‘Did you take my letters?’ I asked and he instantly looked confused.
‘The letters I wrote Aemond, and the letters he wrote me, we never got them. Was it you? I am asking you despite the fact that you’re the least likely…I’m going to kill Jace…and Luke.’ I told him and he seemed irritated.
‘If they really did that, then they will be punished, I assure you. However right now, we need to get you back inside and help your mother plan a wedding.’ I hesitated but nodded my head, moving to follow Daemon and he turned to walk away as well just as I pulled away from Aemond and climbed onto Ghost.
‘Y/n, what are you doing?’ He laughed.
‘You think I’m going to mediate our mothers? Not gonna happen, by this time tomorrow we’ll be married or they’ll be dead, but I won’t be in the middle. Bye father!’ I shouted, hearing Ghost rumble. ‘Sovēs!’ I commanded before he leapt into the air and began climbing towards the clouds. ‘You saved my life, you know that?’ He screeched and I snorted. ‘Not really I suppose, but it wouldn’t have been fun…at all.’ We stayed like that, flying contently over the clouds for several minutes before Ghost seemed agitated and I turned to see the shadow of a large dragon above us causing me to push Ghost down before seeing Vhagar behind us, Aemond laughing while Ghost complained. ‘Not Funny Kepus!’ I shouted, diving after him as he turned to land on a nearby island.
‘I like it when you call me that, Princess.’ He told me as we both got our feet back on the ground.
‘Really? I would have thought you would hate it. My father does, it makes him feel Old when my mother uses it.’ I laughed and he just snorted, laying out his jacket for me to sit on so I could be comfortable.
‘He is nearly 20 years older than your mother, of course he hates it. When you say it, it just excites me.’
‘Hmm, well then I will refrain. Wouldn’t want to excite you too much, would we?’ I leaned into his side and he wrapped his arms around me, Vhagar laying down behind us and Ghost wanting to lay his head on my lap but I wouldn’t let him with Aemond here too.
‘I knew you would be a perfect little Omega, I just knew it. So perfect Y/n, and all mine.’ Aemond’s nose trailed through my hair and I loved the feeling.
‘Not yet Kepus, you need to wait to say that until we’re married-‘
‘Are you going to tell me that you belong to someone else, Omega? Because I will remove their organs.’ He threatened. ‘I’m already keeping myself from killing your brothers so save yourself more problems. If any man has dared put their hands on you-‘
‘Aemond!’ I exclaimed, laughing as he went on his tirade. ‘No one has touched me! Jace tried once when I went into heat the first time but I smacked him so hard his ears rang for a week. I love the possessive attitude but no one has touched me.’ I teased him, giggling as he trailed his nose over my scent gland, groaning.
‘Good, because I would’ve killed them. I told you before, you’re all mine Byka Zaldrīzes, Alphas pretty little Omega.’ His lips wrapped around my scent gland, sucking on my neck and making me cry out. ‘Oh, such sweet little sounds you make for me, my good girl.’ He teased, pushing me onto my back and laying over top of me, arm circling my waist. ‘I’ve waited so long to have you under me like this, to have to wait one more day is torture.’
‘You will survive Kepus, no one will keep us apart again…I am yours, and you are mine. Forever.’ I trailed my fingers up his jaw to his cheek and removed his eyepatch, dropping it to the ground and taking his face into my hands, his eyes closing as I held him.
‘Should they try, I will set this whole world on fire my love. No one will dare take you from me again.’ His voice was firm and fiery, every bit the Dragon that he was always meant to be.
As he leant down, I turned my head and let his lips touch my cheek. ‘We’re not yet married Aemond.’
‘Surely you can afford me a kiss, we will be married by this time tomorrow, don’t make me wait to kiss you one moment longer.’ I had to giggle at the way he made it seem like a life or death situation. ‘I had your first when we were only 8, I would have your last before you’re married.’ His fingers trailed over my cheek as I blushed a dark red before I leaned closer and felt his lips on mine. They were soft and warm as he held me close. I touched my fingers softly to the scar under his eye, hating that he had had to suffer so much pain and I couldn’t even be there for him, or even write to him. ‘I am sorry this is the face you must look at for the rest of our marriage, I-‘
I glared up at him and flicked his nose hard before he could finish speaking. ‘You will not speak ill of the man I love that way! Do you hear me? I care very little about a scar, I’m just sorry that I could not stop it.’
‘Little Dragon-‘
‘All this scar shows me is how strong and tough my husband is. It tells me that I will be safe in his arms and bed, and that our children will never know the feeling of danger…I love you Aemond.’ I could see the unshed tears in his eye that I knew he would never let fall and I pressed my lips to his again.
‘I love you Y/n. You are mine, and I am yours. ‘
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For everyone who asked me for more Aemond content as well as those who asked for more Alpha/Omega fics.
I hope you liked it, cause I loved writing it!
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Aemond T. Masterlist
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bellewintersroe · 8 months
hiiii!! :) if you don't mind can you write something for nando? I am kinda going thru a fernando phase rn 🤭 ik ik. There is a lack of fics for him...I literally prob read all the fanfics in the app. If you don't want to it's totally fine!
Thanks a lot! :)))
honestly I’m 24/7 in my Fernando phase that man is beautiful so I’m happy for you hehehe, I agree there’s such a lack of fics!!! Thank you for your request I appreciate it, I hope some headcannons are okay for you!! <3 <3 some NSFW headcanons at the end, so feel free to skip that! Sorry this isn’t longer or more detailed, but I wrote it on a whim seeing your request!! <3
Fernando Alonso Headcanons x Reader
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First of all this man is a goofball, he loves to have fun and joke around. I feel like a lot of the time he’d be such a lighthearted boyfriend, always smiling, anyways joking with you. He’d be soooo fun.
Obviously can be serious when the time comes- but he would 1000% crack up in situations he’s not supposed to. This in return would cause you, his partner to start giggling.
he’d deffo hide his face in your neck, muffling his giggles with hands gripping your hips for dear life.
probs gets you both in a spot of trouble, but he’d be sooo good at making up for it.
I think because he’s older he’d potentially be a better communicator? I mean who knows, maybe I’m delusional but I feel like Nando would be a really unproblematic boyfriend because he’s just sooo easy going and comfortable around you that there wouldn’t be much potential conflict.
Maybe you’d have normal couple bickers but I think Nando would start smirking in the middle of it and the subject immediately gets dropped or you laugh it off.
not too big on showing PDA, especially if you’re a private person, he knows being with him comes with lot of media attention.
gets confused when people start making edits of you? But low key watches them and enjoys seeing your beautiful face plastered all over his phone.
probs changes his screen saver to a pic of you both and it would remain that exact same picture for the next 100 decades.
pulls your hair (gently) to wind you up, pinched your bum (in private), pokes you, bites you- I feel like he’d like to tease you as a form of fun.
holds your hand in public and guides you through crowds, especially if you’re nervous onfggggg no imagine his arms like barricading in front of you so nobody can get near you.
not afraid to get a lil physical if somebody does cross that boundary. Nothing too intense, but he’d hold a hand out, pushing maybe a little too firmly, to get them away from you.
Protects you physically and emotionally? I can’t think of the right word, but he protects your modesty always.
let’s say it’s a little blustery on the beach and you’re wearing a shorter dress- the paps would be obsessive and Fetnando would stand in front of you so they couldn’t get a single glimpse of you.
no omg he’d hold your skirt down with his thumb and forefinger to prevent anything being flashed. You wouldn’t even realise what was going on, but Nando being used to the vulture activity, knows exactly what they’d be attempting to get pics of. Gross!!
sooo polite when meeting your family and friends aahhhhhh- and after you’ve met his family I can imagine him being all giddy and grabbing your face, pulling you in for a kiss.
LOVES seeing you on the race weekends, the atmosphere is sooooo much more fun and rewarding when you’re at the GP’s
nsfw headcanons:
This man gives you the most intense eye contact and sex eyes ever.
would mutter your name to himself when he’s teasing you or something, ugh it’s so sexy with his accent.
like it’s your first few times meeting and the sexual attraction between you both is unreal, you’d melt under his gaze omfg.
holds your hand through it, loves it when you grip his arms omfg.
oh omfg 10928473% talks you through it. So so sexy, especially when he switched it up to Spanish one time. He nervously laughed a little, but when he realised you loved it omfg, he’d ramp up the dirty talk.
you’re deffo his good girl and his baby ugh he’s so vocal, especially when he’s close to finishing.
always asks if you’re okay, if you’re comfortable, consent is a huge turn on idgaf- he makes everything sexy and you’d just feel so safe and respected with him.
Fernando would deffo love doggy like omfg, imagine him going at it I can’t it’s sinful-
When you guys do missionary he’d put his whole bodyyyyy into it like omg.
Probs goes feral when you suck him off for the first time.
eats pussy like a king- and when you pull his hair omg he’s moaning against you.
Youd probs find him in his fireproofs so sexy and when he gets a little touchy the two of you practically RACE back to the hotel or wherever you’re staying.
expect several memes being made of this in the morning, when Nando’s pictured squeezing your bum and staring at your boobies omg- everybody goes feral.
Such a romantic and passionate lover, not into anything too cringe, but would try pretty much anything you want.
probs gets giggly after sex.
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Edge You To Death
Pairing: Undertaker x AFAB! Reader or Undertaker x Fem! Reader.
Summary: Undertaker loves ruining your orgasms.
Warnings: NSFW, Smut, Casual sex, Undertaker and Reader have a weird ‘situationship’, Age gap relationship, Mention of pedophila (not in reference to Undertaker! UT is not a pedo!), Reader is unaware Undertaker is a reaper or of what he does for Ciel, Reader has MY personal thoughts on pedophila (I don’t think they are controversial but just in case you don’t wanna here it skip the introduction), Oral sex (fem receiving), Edging, Daddy kink.
Writing Time: 1 hour.
Word Count: 1,317.
Format: Kinktober Fic, Day 20.
I kinda forgot wtf I was doing here.
Most of my Kinktober works were written well in advance, but this wasn’t one of them. I wrote this 2 days before it was due. My requests are pilling up but I should start prioritising these now. I doubt I’ve gotten that Matthew Patel request done yet, I planned to do that when I got the requester’s first message about it, sent the same day I got the request, but not anymore. Sounds a lot like a request got ages ago on my previous account but deleted when I started feeling harassed by the requester. This is more for the Matthew Patel requester than anyone else but yeah… don’t harass people about requests especially if it hasn’t been that long since you sent it. Everyone, harass me over a request and I’ll just delete it. You can send one reminder after a week and that’s it. Anymore and I delete. I usually have requests done in a week or two and those kinds of messages just destroy my motivation.
Anyway! Please enjoy this Undertaker smut.
Here are my other Kinktober 2023 works.
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You had been feeling dam good since you started sleeping with the Undertaker.
You had new relationship jitters, even if it wasn’t really a relationship. He was what you had fantasied about for years. An older gentleman who was kind and treated you like a Queen, but also open about wanting to ravishing you. With his age also came along a lot of life and sexual experience, a lot more than you had. He never mocked you for knowing less than him, he was just happy you wanted to know and happily taught you a lot.
Whilst age gap relationships have always been common and considered normal prior to the Victorian era, it was slowly becoming distasteful. Something many were unhappy with but also many other who were happy. Undertaker, years ago, would have been in favour this but with you now… he was in the middle and uncomfortable with it. Surely you and his relationship was ok because you was definitely an adult.
You were pretty set in stone on the matter. To you, age gap relationships were bad, unless it was you. You were a young woman who would never say no to an older man, even when you was a girl. You knew your exes were absolutely pedos, but you didn’t care as long as it was just you they were after. And no you didn’t consider yourself a victim.
You didn’t think of Undertaker in the same way though. You was an adult when you met him therefore wasn’t bad for perusing you. Well, you perused him but it didn’t matter.
Right know you was doing some dusting in the front of Undertaker’s shop, he was in the back. The first thing you took notice of when you first met your lover… was how nasty his shop is. It’s always covered in dirt and stinked of death. Obviously it would smell of death, it’s a funeral home, but the dirt was unnecessary and you was surprised that Undertaker had tried to do something about the smell. You figured he’s probably gotten used to it now and gone nose blind.
Once you had cleaned to a satisfying amount, you heard the bell go. You looked up and saw the familiar Earl Phantomhive and his butler. The young boy always looked so dam miserable, it depressed you. You didn’t like interacting with either of them and they never seemed to want your help, so you called your bedmate.
Undertaker came into the room, happy to deal with the Phantomhive and his butler. You was aware the two engaged in a different kind of business than coffins or funeral services, but it was none of your business what their business was. So you wasn’t going to ask…
Instead you headed out of the room and upstairs to bed, it was late and you knew Undertaker would join you after he was done with his ‘business’.
“Sort out the Earl?” You asked.
“Yes, Dear.” Undertaker smiled as he climbed into his bed, next you.
You sat up immediately and glared at him, “How many times have I told you Undie?! No sleeping in your day clothes!”
He laughed as you pushed him out of his own bed. Yeah, Undertaker had a bad habit of sleeping in his day clothes. He didn’t own PJs until you came into his life, nearly a year ago now.
“Ok! Ok!” Undertaker walked over to his drawers to fish out his sleepwear.
Once he did, he placed them on the end of the bed and looked down at you. You gave him a small smile, suddenly remembering this was his home and his bed and who are you say anything about how he sleeps? After all, you’re not even dating.
Undertaker grinned widely at you and slowly started removing his cloak. Ah, he was trying to indicate something.
He slowly stripped completely in front of you before getting back on the bed and crawling onto you. You kissed his lip gently and took hold of his arms, but Undertaker shook your hold off his arms and grabbed your face to pull you even closer to him, deeping your kiss. He quickly slipped his tongue into your mouth, desperate for a makeout session.
You moaned in between the kisses, you were started to feel a growing sensation in between your legs. If not dealt with quickly, it would become uncomfortable. Luckily for you, Undertaker could sense your arousal and was more than willing to help.
He let go of your lips and before you could even whine or complain, he was pulling the duvet and sleep shorts down and licking your lower regions. You made your hands comfortable, pulling on the pillow under your head and proped up your legs and planted your feet into the bed.
Undertaker ate you out like a mad mad. Sucking, licking, spitting and groaning like crazy. Your pussy and it’s sweet smell made him act unusual, way less calm and in control than usual. This was something you was proud of. You had the power (or pussy) to make Undertaker lose all composure.
You started to feel less prideful about your achievement as you started to feel yourself losing to Undertaker’s tongue. Your whimpered had become cries and moans, you begged him for release but you should of known better. It would be a long while before you got that.
Undertaker grinned evily against your cunt then looked up you, just go get a glimpse of your flustered expression. Having wait himself for release was a sacrifice he was willing to make if he got to see you cry and beg him for climax. He absolutely got a weird power trip from it.
“Oh please… oh please Daddy, I need to cum now!”
“Nu uh uh! You don’t get to cum until I say so, Dearie!”
You were still staring up at the ceiling and unable to look down, but you didn’t need to look down to know Undertaker was wearing his usual evil wicked grin. He always had that look when he was planning to edge you to death.
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allywthsr · 8 months
I‘M A CELEB | (l.norris)
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summary: you’re a singer and participate at ’I’m a celebrity get me out of here‘, and Lando does too
wordcount: 6.3k words
pairing: landonorris x singer!fem!reader
warnings: fluff, mentions of a bulge
notes: I’m back!!! Took a break from writing, cause I was barely alive. This fic got inspired by the German version starting again, enjoy whatever I wrote there. And also before anyone comments that you can’t get that close in a matter of days, yes you can. I also participated at some tv show and I still talk to a lot of people that I met there, even after over a year :)
You were a famous singer from the UK, having millions of listeners on every song. When the request came in to be on ‚I’m a celebrity… get me out of here‘, you didn’t hesitate. It was something you always watched as a kid and even with the disgusting foods (if you could call it that) you sometimes had to eat, it was an experience you couldn’t pass.
On the plane to Australia, you read through the list of other celebrities, as every year, the list of people you knew was small. Some of them, you even had to google, and some you saw once or twice on some events, but when you read the name, Lando Norris, your heart skipped a beat. You were a huge Formula One fan since your childhood, your dad got you in it and ever since you tried to watch every race, some you had to skip due events or recording sessions, but a certain brown-haired driver always caught your eye.
Now you were excited for the time in the jungle, and with the others being a bit older than the two of you, you were sure Lando and you would get along perfectly.
The hotel was beautiful and you enjoyed your last days in freedom by the pool, your best friend as your companion, chilling next to you, you told her the news about the driver and she was probably more excited than you were. She constantly had her eyes searching the hotel during breakfast or in the gym, but no Lando Norris was seen.
When you got picked up by the staff and brought to a boat where the opening would happen, you were the first to arrive. The camera crew followed you on the boat and the woman behind the camera asked you for your thoughts.
“I’m feeling nervous. Excited to meet each other and get to know my new roommates for the next two weeks. Does anyone have something to calm my nerves? I’m freaking out“, a small chuckle escaped your lips.
You dried your hands on your orange-colored dress, a dress you bought two days before the filming started, your best friend basically dragged you to a shop, and when she saw the dress, she forced you to buy it, telling you it would get Lando’s attention. Your hair was pulled into a high ponytail, with some strands of hair falling out, which your best friend styled elegantly, she also helped you with your makeup, adding some color here or there.
Before you could say another thing, you saw a handsome man with sunglasses walk over the bridge to the boat. You gasped and squealed into the camera, excited that you were finally getting some company. The closer he got, the more you could see who was walking towards you with a big smile, the brown curls were slightly bouncing with every step and his smile got bigger, Lando also googled the participants before he came here, and when he read your name, he couldn’t wait for the time to begin, he was a big fan of your music and always wanted to meet you. A small wave came from him when he was close enough and you waved back, his strong toned arms came out more when he pulled himself up on the ladder of the boat. He walked up the little staircase and before you could prepare yourself more, he was in front of you.
“Hi, I’m Lando, nice dress, I like the color.“
He went in for a hug, and when he wrapped his arm slightly around your waist, you introduced yourself, thanking him for the compliment.
“I love your music Y/N.“
“Thank you, I love watching Formula One, I’m always rooting for McLaren!“
His eyes lit up, he looked happy that he found someone he could share his passion with. He snaked an arm around your shoulder and looked at the camera, “I found myself a best friend already, mint. Are there any drinks? I’m thirsty.“
A woman with a tray came closer to you, you both chose a colorful drink, and clinked glasses, “To having a good time.“
During a small silence, Lando could look at you a little longer, seeing the dress sitting perfectly on your body, tight but still a bit loose, the end of your dress reaching your mid-thigh. He could already see the good time you two were about to have, already getting along with you perfectly.
You two chatted until the next celeb came walking down the red carpet, it took almost two hours until the boat was full, every person was nice to you so far, chatting with all of them a bit, until the hosts came on the boat, greeting you. You stood next to Lando and you already couldn’t contain the laughter, just seeing him, ready to burst because he needed to laugh.
The hosts explained that you would need to jump out of a helicopter, in order to get into the camp, you froze a little, jumping out of a helicopter. That seemed scary.
“But don’t worry, it’s only like two meters, nothing dangerous, it’s safe and you’ll be wearing a life jacket.“
That calmed you a little, Lando could feel you tensing up and placed his hand on your back for a second, it may be a subtle and friendly touch, and it was over before you knew it, but it felt good, being touched by him.
In the helicopter you sat next to Lando, it seemed like faith wanted you two to be together, you kept bouncing your leg, and Lando kept nudging you, wanting you to calm down a bit, he leaned over to you: “Do you want me to go first? That way I can stay in the water and help you if you need me.“
You nodded and smiled at him, mouthing the words thank you to him, before listening to what the pilot had to say. And that’s what you did, he jumped first, doing it like a pro, and he stayed in the water, even though the crew behind the camera screamed at him, that he needed to move out of your way. You jumped and dived in the water, quickly swimming back to the surface, Lando was immediately next to you, making sure you were okay, and when you gave him a thumbs up and a smile, you two swam to the edge of the lake, he got out and held a hand out, helping you do the same.
You two were faced with a bunch of rangers, looking sternly at you and waiting for the others to arrive, Lando tried to make small conversations with them, asking them if they watched Formula One, but they didn’t respond, nor did they show any reactions, Lando found that funny and giggled the whole time until everyone showed up. They told you to go get changed into the jungle clothing, and that you did, the dark blue shirts with your name on it, sat tight on your chest, the red jacket provided you with some shelter from the light rain, and the shoes weren’t fashionable, nor a hundred percent comfortable, but they did the job of keeping your feet safe from the mud and dirt on the ground.
When you stepped from behind the wall, you saw a handsome Lando trying to arrange his hat on his head, shifting it until a campmate told him it looked good enough. The rest of the group finished right after you and the rangers told you to split up into pairs and find the way to the actual camp, quickly pairs formed and you stood next to Lando, he nudged you and looked at you with a crooked eyebrow.
“Wanna pair up and be first?“
You shyly nodded and Lando stepped a bit closer to you, indicating he found his teammate. Every pair was handed a treasure map, but before you could start searching for the camp, everyone got dropped off at different locations, that way you all had the same chances of finding the camp, without going in the same direction. Luckily it only took you and Lando five minutes to get there, and after a man behind the camera told you to go, Lando opened the treasure map and pointed out to the left, “We have to go that way!“
“Are you sure? I think it’s the way to the right.“
“I’m eighty-three percent sure, Y/N. The first ones in the camp, get to choose the bed situation, and I want a good bed space, I’m not a fan of sleeping on the ground.“
“Me neither, but I think its the way to the right.“
“Let’s go to the left, if there’s no riddle after ten minutes, we’ll go your way.“
Every trail had a bunch of riddles, that way you could earn stars for tonight's dinner, and before you could say anything else, Lando was walking to the left, shouting out for you to follow him. With a pout to the camera, you followed Lando and shortly after you walked a few meters, there was a piece of paper attached to a tree, you read loudly: “How many koala bears are there in Australia? A: around 200.000, B: around 100.000, or C: 350.000. What do you think Y/N?“
“I feel like it’s A.“
Lando nodded and looked at the crew, “We’ll take A.“
The man nodded and you squealed quietly, looking at Lando, who was equally happy as you, he opened his arms and pulled you to his chest, squeezing you for a brief moment. He let go and you two continued on the path, the leaves of some bushes were touching you from time to time, and each time you let out a sound of disgust, getting scared when it came out of the blue.
And indeed, after the second quiz and a lot of walking, it was already getting slightly dark in the jungle, you shortly saw some lights flickering in the distance, and with a gasp, you slapped Lando gently on the shoulder, “Lando, see! There are lights, I think it is the camp.“
Lando grinned at you and started running to the camp, nobody was there yet, and at the campfire you jumped in his arms, closing your arms behind his neck and your legs behind his torso. Even though you only knew Lando for a few hours, it felt like you two were best friends already. Lando started to spin you around and put you on the ground shortly after, looking at the different bunkbeds and walking to one that was more outside of the camp and sitting down on it. “I want my privacy, at least I want to try and sleep in peace, have you laid eyes on a bed?“
“You know, I also want my peace, would you mind having me as a neighbor?“
The bed next to him was not really next to him, the parts where the heads were supposed to go, were touching, that way you only had to reach your arm above your head and you could move your hand through his soft-looking curls.
“I would love that, that way we can gossip even when everyone is sleeping.“
You both giggled and fist-bumped after you placed your backpacks on the beds, sitting down around the campfire and waited for the other celebs. It was now completely dark outside when the last campers arrived at the camp, now you all were talking and exchanging thoughts on the walk and first day. Everyone was excited it was finally happening and the wait was over, you hadn’t really talked to Lando since other people came in, but now you all sat around the campfire and some men tried to light the fire. Lando sat next to you and smiled at you, nudging you when everyone cheered, because of the fire, people were celebrating that someone was able to lit fire.
You were called into the interview room and you found a rolled piece of paper and were instructed to go back to the others and read it out loud, you sat down next to Lando again and started reading the text: “Dear celebrities, welcome to I’m a celebrity… get me out of here. Here are some rules for the next two weeks, the campfire has to be monitored every minute of the day, during the night two people need to guard over the fire, you can decide for yourselves on how you manage that, you’re also not allowed to walk around the camp alone during the night, every time someone walks to the toilet, someone needs to be waked up, the campfire watchers can’t be asked to leave for a toilet walk. Bush trials will happen every day and the watcher from home will decide who will participate, but more to that, when you are selected for one. Enjoy your stay, and don’t get bitten by some animals.“
Lando looked at the paper in your hand, “Sounds promising.“
The last two days were spent talking and sitting around, so far you haven’t been voted in a trial, and all you did was get to know the people that are currently living with you.
Especially Lando was your new best friend, talking with him basically the whole time, either while sitting at the campfire, sitting on your beds, or chilling by the pond. The pond was your favorite place, you had your peace, and during the afternoon, the sun was shining beautifully on the water, Lando and you could talk to each other, without someone intruding. In the camp, it was a running gag that Lando and you were the new couple, Lando and you hadn’t done anything that could have people believe that you were more than friends, only being together the whole time, talking and maybe sometimes he had an arm around you. You didn’t even cuddle, well, he did lean on you one evening when the food was prepared, but that was it.
Tonight was the first fire guard you did with Lando, you were excited, and small butterflies were flying in your stomach, obviously, you found him attractive, you couldn’t deny that and the more time you spent together, the more you wanted to be constantly with him. The fire guard was the perfect opportunity to really get to know him, without having someone eavesdrop on ‘The couple’. So when the last person said goodnight and went to bed, Lando and you sat next to each other at the campfire, doing slight small talk for now, telling you about his sisters. You loved listening to him talk about his family, you could feel how much he loved them, seeing them not as often as he liked, but he tried to call them at least once a day. The later it got, the more intimate the conversations got, you already told Lando about your insecurities and thoughts, while he was telling you all about his doubts. It was crazy how much you told other people, you never met before, but because you were stacked on top of each other twenty-four-seven, the people in here knew you better than some friends you had in the outside world, especially Lando.
He turned to you: “Are you in a relationship?“
“Not anymore, my ex-boyfriend and I broke up almost a year ago, what about you?“
“Also not in a relationship, but it’s been longer since we parted ways. Was your break up peaceful?“
“God no, we were together for like five years, and in the end, he cheated on me, the classic story how relationships end.“
“Oh shit, really? Why would someone cheat on you?“
“He said the other woman wasn’t as boring as me, let him do things I didn’t want to do, and had a real job. I was a rather unknown singer at that time, but because of the breakup, I wrote all of my sad songs and people liked them.“
“At least something good came out of that then, or else you wouldn’t be sitting here with me, watching over fire.“
“That's true, I like watching the fire with you, Lando. But what about yours? How was your break up?“
“Peaceful I would say, it's been two years, I think. We just didn’t get along anymore, it was more like a duty to meet up with her, and she felt the same, so we mutually agreed to break up. It isn’t like we still talk, but if we would see each other, there wouldn’t be any bad blood.“
“That's good.“
“Yeah, but have there been any more boyfriends?“
“No, not really. I wanted to enjoy my freedom, no responsibilities, no having to be anywhere. But it gets lonely after a while, what about you? Any secret girlfriends?“
“No, I also enjoyed my freedom, going to parties, drinking… Having a girlfriend is tough when you’re well known, no matter what girl I would have, someone would always have something against her.“
“I know what you mean, I had some flirts with some boys, and I always was the bad girl, so I’m kinda used to it. It’s just hard being a girl you know, no matter what I would do, I could breathe the wrong way, and get hated for it.“
A tear rolled down your cheek, quickly you wiped it away so Lando wouldn’t see your weakness. You had a few shitstorms in your career so far, nothing major and you never did anything, but tabloids assumed and people would send you threats, bad comments, and difficult messages. You tried to get over them, and you can deal with it, but being here, completely shut off from the outside world, and you had a lot of time to think. With it being so late at night and the previous conversations with Lando, you felt like you finally had someone to talk about all of it.
But Lando saw the tear, and pulled you into his side, holding you close. 
“I didn’t mean to make you cry.“
“No, it’s okay, I cry often“, you chuckled, while wiping away another tear that was threatening to spill.
Silence settled over you two and you were still in Lando’s embrace, cuddling closer to him, and leaning your head on his shoulder. You tested out the waters here, but he didn’t pull away, so that must mean he was okay with it. The later it got, the more handsy Lando got, squeezing you more into him, caressing your shoulder and he even placed his hand on your thigh, caressing the soft skin. It wasn’t in a sexual, more in like a caring meaning, but you liked it, being so close to him and enjoying each other's company, was your favorite thing so far in the camp.
From then on, you two were inseparable, doing basically everything together, you woke him up in the night when you had to pee and vice versa, after three nights he took your hand in his and led you the way. Apparently, the people at home only saw you on the screen, because when the vote was open for which celebrities have to go on a treasure hunt together, Lando and you were both voted with over forty percent each.
During the evening you two were called to the interview room and told that you would go searching for the treasure together, excitement was written on both of your faces. The map had a red cross on it and to it was leading a black dashed line that you had to follow. When you announced it to your campmates, they all cheered and were excited, a treasure hunt could only mean some nice treat for the camp. Because the hunt was a sleepover, you two packed a few things you would need, a toothbrush, water, a sleeping bag, and the two essentials you were allowed to bring from the outside world.
Lando led the way, this time it wasn’t hard to choose the right way, there was only one, but it quickly got dark and Lando could sense that you were scared, he took your hand and squeezed it tight, signaling you that he was there for you and protecting you.
The Red Cross was a small hill, that you could crawl into and in there was a small mattress on the ground, on the mattress was a piece of paper, you sat down and read it out loud: “Dear Y/N and Lando, the viewers at home have decided to put you two on a treasure hunt together, you’ll receive a gift for the camp if you succeed the challenge for the night. The challenge is that you have to survive the night in our horror hill. During the night, a lot of animals will visit you, if you get through the night, you will receive three chocolate bars for the camp, but if you need to escape, shout I’m a celebrity, get me out of here, and we will help you to get out of there as fast as possible. The night starts when the bell rings. Lando, how are we gonna survive this?“
“Don’t panic just yet, let’s just see what animals will be there. And look, there’s champagne, let’s drink that and once we’re drunk, we won’t care about that.“
And he was right, the champagne was in a cooler with ice cubes, and some chocolate-covered strawberries next to them. It was obvious that they wanted you two to do a bit more than talking, you weren’t opposed to doing more than that, but not on camera. Lando wasn’t a fan of it either, you two already talked about that, starting a relationship behind closed doors was both on your agendas and being in the spotlight was harder than everyone thought. He opened the bottle and poured some bubbles into the glasses, giving your glass to you and clinking them together. You both took a sip and waited for the bell to ring, talking about the way to the horror hill. After waiting for god knows how long, you two laid down a bit on the bed, Lando took the strawberries with him, ”Should we give them what they want?“
You tilted your head and asked what he meant, but he lifted one of the strawberries, and you chuckled while opening your mouth. He slid the red fruit with chocolate into your mouth and you bit a piece off while chewing you both started crackling up, this was so unserious and you loved it. Lando propped his head up on his fist while lying on his side, the bottle of champagne was almost empty and you felt the effects of the alcohol. Your head was spinning a little and you accidentally laid a bit too close to him, now your heads were just mere centimeters away from each other. You two stared into each other's eyes, “You have beautiful eyes Y/N.“ You blushed and chuckled, smiling at him, before anything else could happen, the bell rang and Lando and you got startled, laughing when you realized what position you were in after sitting up. The light dimmed and the pipes that led into the space you were in, made noises, shortly after three rats came into the room. With a scream, you jumped on top of Lando, without a thought he laid his arms around you and tried to shield you from the rats.
“They’re only rats, they won’t hurt you, I hope.“
“You hope?! Lando, I don’t want to get bitten by a rat.“
“Let's go to sleep, then we won’t notice the animals, I don’t wanna know what else is coming.“
After that point you only squeezed him tighter, wanting to be shielded from the bad things around you. Together you quickly brushed your teeth and went to the toilet, not together but one after the other. When you lay down on the mattress again, you both were in your sleeping bags, it was quiet between you, only breathing and the rustling of the rats could be heard. “Can I cuddle you, I think we both would calm down a little.“
You whispered a quiet yes, you heard the zipper and quickly one arm snaked around your body, his chest pressed to your back and his nose settled in your neck. It was the first time you two were this close, sure you hugged before, or he placed his arms around you, but not this intimate cuddling, but you enjoyed him being close.
Sleep wasn’t happening for either of you, each noise made you shift and turn in Lando’s embrace, when the pipes opened with the shrieking sound, and new animals were led into the room, you sat up and tried to see what creatures came in. In the dimly lit room, you couldn’t really see what it was, but shortly before the night was over, and an alligator was led into the room, you screamed and shook Lando awake, who was dozing off. You saw that the mouth of the animal was tapped and it couldn’t bite you, but still, you were scared. Lando sat up and blinked, while looking around, “Is this an alligator?“
You could only nod and put your hand on his thigh, trying to get as far away as possible. Shortly after you panicked about the alligator, the same bell as last night rang and the animals got caught and brought away by some rangers. When you walked out of the horror hill, you hugged Lando tight, happy you survived the night, he returned the hug and kissed your hairline. It was the first time he did that, and the short but sweet sign of affection made the butterflies in your stomach freak out. You smiled up at him and squeezed him a bit tighter, signaling to him, that you were okay with the closeness he showed. You opened a treasure chest, and three chocolate bars were lying in it, you gasped when you saw them, put them in your backpack, and walked back to the camp.
The way was sunny and warm, with a camera following you, Lando didn’t dare to grab your hand, but the urge was there, you wanted to hold his hand too, be close to him, so you held out your hand, for him to take, and he did just that. He grabbed your hand and pulled you slightly, your face was bright red, but only because millions of people would be able to watch you fall in love with the one and only Lando Norris. What you didn’t know, Lando thought the same, he felt comfortable in your presence and every minute you didn’t spend together, was wasted in his opinion.
When you came back to the camp, everyone cheered and applauded, a fellow campmate asked if there would be the first I’m a Celeb baby, but you ignored that, only holding the chocolate in the air. While you sat around the campfire and shared the chocolate, you told everyone about your night, you didn’t sleep, but the chocolate was worth it, but you needed a nap. Shortly after the chocolate was empty, Lando and you made your way to your beds, when you sat down on yours, Lando came over to yours and laid down.
“What are you doing, Lando?“
“I liked cuddling with you last night, I slept way better than I did the other nights, is it weird if I wanna cuddle again?“
You shook your head while pouting, he was truly too good for this world. You laid down and Lando did the same behind you, hugging you and smelling your scent. Quickly you drifted off in a light sleep, during the day the jungle was way too loud for a deep sleep, but the slumber was needed. Around you, you could feel multiple campmates staring at you and Lando, whispering and chuckling, but you didn’t mind that, they should stare how long they wanted, the only thing that mattered was that you and Lando were together.
After a quick but good nap, Lando awoke, looking in your face. His thumb caressed your cheek, and that was what woke you up, you looked at him with a smile, while whispering a quiet ‘Hey’, which he returned. Eventually, his thumb came across your lips, and he caressed your lower lip, he wanted to kiss you, but he was too scared it was too early. You’d only known each other for six days, and the feelings were stronger than he ever could’ve imagined, you felt the same, you know your parents would love him, especially your dad, you only hoped they weren’t mad at you for falling in love on TV, but that’s life.
“Should we go and swim in the pond? I feel the need to wash away the rats walking over me.“
You nodded and got up, turning around to face Lando again, who was still lying on your bed, you extended your arm and held out your hand, Lando took it and you pulled him up. With a groan, he got up and walked next to you, your hand still in his. Whistles and hollering accompanied you on your way to the pond, you rolled your eyes but pulled Lando only faster to the pond.
You changed in your bikini behind a small tree, trying to hide from the camera and Lando, you may like him a lot, but he didn’t need to see you naked, yet.
He did the same, changing to his trunks and you could hear a splash, while you finished changing, you came out of your little hiding spot and saw Lando swimming around. With slow steps you got in the pond, swimming to Lando and splashing water gently on him. With a gasp he started chasing you, well, chasing was exaggerated, you waddled through the water and after two steps, he already got you. Grabbing your waist and pulling you towards him, your back touched his chest and he mumbled ‚‘got you’ multiple times in your ear, with a chuckle you turned around, and looked into his eyes. He tucked a piece of hair behind your ears and smiled, his eyes shifted to your lips and back to your eyes.
Your arms snaked around his neck and your legs closed around his torso, your hands combed through his strands, pulling slightly on them, his hands found their place on your legs, stroking them. Lando gathered all his courage and closed the minimum gap between your lips, you smiled in the kiss and started moving your lips, stroking your tongue against his lower lips, asking for entrance. He opened his mouth and your tongue slipped in it, finding his tongue and toying with it. With a smacking sound, you two separated, your head fell against his shoulder and you chuckled.
“Shit, Lando, there are cameras, what are we going to do?“, you looked at him.
“Let’s care about that later, right now I just want to kiss you again.“
And he did that, pressed his lips on yours again and you enjoyed the feeling, it was new, but you wouldn’t want to miss it. Lando’s lips wandered to your neck, where he sucked slightly, the quiet moan that left your lips turned him on but you pushed him away soon after.
“I don’t want to have a hickey“, you chuckled.
“Too late.“
You pushed yourself off of Lando and grabbed him by his shoulders, turning him around and going on his back, closing your arms around his neck and your legs around his torso again, he swam around the water, giving you a piggy ride. You pressed several kisses on his neck, caressing his chest from behind and cuddling close.
A campmate came by, luckily you weren’t kissing, “We want to eat lunch, you coming? Or are you too busy eating the other?“
Lando scoffed and let you go while screaming a ’coming’ to your campmate. With a kiss on your forehead, he got out and grabbed a towel, drying himself off, you hoped the cameras wouldn’t catch his slight bulge poking out of his trunks. You also got out of the pond and dried off, pulling a T-shirt and your pants over your bikini, taking Lando by the hand, and walking back to the camp.
The people grinned at you, seeing the slight purple mark forming on your neck, Lando looked proudly at it, and it was the first time you two were remotely close. You took your tin tray filled with rice and beans, sighing as you took the first bite, at least you had food and you weren’t starving, but the food wasn’t nice, especially after multiple days of eating the same thing.
After lunch was done and everyone settled all over the camp again, Lando went to the boys and you walked over to the girls, you already missed him, even if you were only a few meters apart, but it wasn’t good either if you were together all the time.
The girls wanted to know what happened between you and Lando, you told them everything, and within these six days you got to know them and it felt good to get everything off your chest, having someone to talk about it, getting thoughts and opinions on your situationship, they all squealed and screeched when you told them about your kiss, but you didn’t expect any different reaction.
The sun was slowly setting and you felt arms wrapping around your shoulders, the girls smiled at you and at the person behind you, Lando whispered in your ear: “I want to cuddle, are you coming to my bed?“
You nodded and got up, waving to the girls on your way up. Lando lay down on the bed, signaling you to lay down on his chest, you settled on his chest and looked at his face, studying the moles and hairs on it, caressing the soft skin. He lifted his head and pressed his lips quickly, but gently, on your own lips, the smile was big and bright on both of your lips. He was a soft baby and an even bigger gentleman, you couldn’t wait to see what he was like without cameras and behind closed doors, maybe he was even more gentle than he already was, a bigger teddy bear.
You rested your head on his chest, caressing his neck and enjoying the silence that fell over the camp, you could hear the boiling of the water over the campfire for the rice and beans, as well as the toads and various other animals.
You couldn’t wait for tonight, you and Lando had another fire guard waiting, during the fire guards you two could talk about everything without someone eavesdropping.
And before you knew it, you got woken up by Lando, telling you to get up and come down to the fire. With a sigh you got up and put your shoes on, slowly trotting to the fire.
“Lan, can we go to the toilet before we start?“, you whispered to him, the other two people sitting at the fire waited until you came back. Quickly, you walked up to the toilet and did what you had to do, Lando peed as well before he came out of the little lodge and opened his arms, squeezing you tight and walking down with your hand clasped in his.
Settling down on the wooden bench, you leaned your head on his shoulder and listened to the fire crackling.
“What do you think will happen with us after the camp?“
You were startled at Lando’s voice, “I want to come to a race, cheer for you in your garage and be there for you when you win.“
He pressed a kiss to your temple.
“I would love that, you in my T-shirt, papaya would look so good on you. I also want to see you perform, sing on stage, and interact with the crowd. I love your singing here, I can’t wait to hear you actually perform.“
“I want that too, I can’t wait for all of this, my family but especially my dad is going to love you, he is the biggest F1 fan I know. He told me over the phone that I need to get your autograph, so I hope you’ll sign something for me when we’re out of here.“
“I’ll do whatever you want me to, baby.“
You chuckled and got a bit red in the face, “I like it when you call me baby.“
The next few days went by swimmingly, you and Lando cuddled, kissed, and spent most of the time together, the more days that passed, the more Lando and you became a normal thing, almost no comments were made nowadays. You and Lando cuddling on the bed? Every second of the day. Lando and you holding hands wherever you went? It was weird to see when you weren’t. You and Lando kissing? It happened so often, that no one really cared anymore.
You loved your campmates and were happy that no one was making fun of you two anymore, it was refreshing and you didn’t feel the need to pretend anymore.
The only thing that was said about you two was, that everyone needed to be invited to the wedding or else there would be fights, but no one needed to worry about that, because the jungle table at your wedding was the loudest of them all.
taglist: @millinorrizz @jamieeboulos @loxbbg
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blakbonnet · 3 months
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[graphic by @ofmdlovelyletters]
I've loved featuring some of the most incredible artists in the fandom for the AOTWs, and thanks to Connie's (@spirker) big brain, this week is dedicated to some of the most beloved fandom authors. I hope everyone will go and check out their fics, maybe discover some new works or give extra love to older beloved fics. There will be 3 authors featured this weekend, please give it up 🥁 for the first one: Emy who we all love.
When I think of an author whose writing feels like a warm, lovingly prepared bowl of soup by someone who wants you to eat and eat well: I think of Em's fics. It's impossible to imagine this fandom without her - not just her words but everything she is and does for her friends. I also strongarmed her into answering a few questions for me (kidding, she was very gracious, I kept harassing her to send the answers over 😌 I have no shame):
What's your writing process like? Do you start with the beginning or the end? Do you write in order or as the scenes come to you?
First comes the idea, which usually presents itself as “haha, wouldn’t it be funny/weird/wild if XYZ… wait a minute. I think I might be serious about that.” Once I’m pretty confident I’m actually going to write the story, I make a channel for it in the private Discord I created to keep myself organized. I’ll start jotting ideas down — doesn’t have to be in any particular order, just tone, beats I want to hit, any particular detail that’s pushing its way to the surface that’s demanding the story be told, and also grab any links, images, music, whatever, and stash them away for inspo later. I almost always have to create an outline for myself, even if it’s just a few bullet points, because otherwise I tend to just sit there spinning my wheels. If it’s a longer story, I’ll create a pretty fleshed out outline, and may also supplement it with an emotions matrix to keep track of the characters’ evolving mindset throughout the story. Tragically, I’m very much someone who needs to write in order. I’ve tried skipping around before, but inevitably I start feeling the tension of “well, how can I possibly write Scene 10 if I don’t know exactly what happened in Scene 5?” But if there are some scenes that feel more vivid to me in the brainstorming phase, I may write a few sentences just so I don’t lose that energy.
One Ed/Stede headcanon that's very dear to you and you love to explore it when you write.
I don’t know if I have one specific one. I generally treat them as my all you can eat buffet and like to play with different ones all the time, depending on my mood. But I’d say my “tell,” if you will, is taking some kind of ridiculous concept (being horny for clocks, running a sleepaway camp for singles, tooth fairies) and sussing out the Big Emotions, which often do circle around learning to be vulnerable in front of the one you love.
Whose voice is easier to write - Ed or Stede? Why?
When I first started writing OFMD fic after S1, I would have said Ed. There was something about that vulnerability and raw heartbreak that I found really accessible, perhaps because I was finally coming out of the fog of my own recent traumatic breakup. But as I spent more time writing and in the characters’ heads, I realized it’s actually Stede. I see a lot of myself in him, and have discovered getting his voice right is a rather cyclical process: the more I understand him, the more I understand myself, and the more I understand myself, the more I understand him.
Your personal favourite thing you've written that you'd like more people to read
I’m going to cheat and list two. The first is The Merry Strays of Lighthouse Sanctuary, which is my heart story. It’s not the first thing I wrote for this fandom, but it feels like it. I wanted to write a fic with a setting that felt to all the characters the way so many of us felt about the show itself — a place of hope, where everyone is loved and accepted and celebrated for exactly who they are. The second, which is definitely a harder sell due to the subject matter, is All Of These Lines Across My Face, which is the most personal thing I’ve ever written that I think has taken on a new, more meta meaning since the cancellation. Love is eternal; it changes everything it touches for the better. Ed and Stede’s world was forever changed because they loved each other; our world was forever changed because we loved OFMD.
What is the one word that you think you use a lot?
Exquisite. But it’s NOT MY FAULT. They ARE exquisite!!! What am I supposed to do, just call them pretty? They are EXQUISITE!
Do you have a beta reader? Have they made you a better writer?
YES! My beloved Hugo (@monksofthescrew/offsammich), who I’ve been working with since Merry Strays. I used to say I’d only use a beta if there was something I was particularly worried about in the story, but honestly Hugo makes everything I write SO much better that I don’t consider a story complete until her eyes are on it. Brainstorming the initial idea, helping me get unstuck in writing, pushing me to look at a scene from a different perspective, fixing all my verb tenses… truly could not do it without her.
Why OFMD?🥹
I found OFMD at a very transitional point in my life, when I finally started to feel healed from a few big traumatic events but didn’t know what to do now that I’d emerged from the fog. I experienced some panic that I had wasted too much time and the world had moved on without me while I was still struggling. OFMD showed me that it’s never too late, that you can always have a second (or third, or 300th) chance, that you deserve to be loved for exactly who you are, and, most importantly, that there’s always hope. It was like someone gently took my hand and said “I don’t care what your brain/society is telling you, there is a beautiful future in store for you, and you deserve all that it brings you.” These days it’s rare to find something with a message like that, that’s equal parts fierce and earnest. It’s something beautiful and precious, and I’ll be holding onto it forever. ❤️
Please head over to @ofmdlovelyletters and send your love for Emy and all your favourite authors (and authors of the week 😈 watch that blog for some special letters coming your way)
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skyfallscotland · 2 months
20 Questions for the Writers Tag Game!
I was tagged by @caeli0306
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1. Total number of AO3 works
2. Total AO3 word count 985,672! We're about to crack the mil, baby! And in just over a year, too 🥺💗
3. Fandoms I've written for
So many! But if we keep it to works currently posted: ACOTAR & The Empyrean series.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
Truth & TalonFear & FlameMacchiatoFurykeep quiet (nothing comes as easy as you)
5. Do I respond to comments?
Yes, always! I love receiving them, so replying is the least I can do 💗
6. What has the angstiest ending?
...Truth & Talon, actually...
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No, I'm just kidding....mostly... 👁👄👁 I'm saying Dangerous Devotion. 7. What has the happiest ending?
Fury, I think.
8. Have I received hate?
Not recently/in the Empyrean fandom (unless you count people telling me they're disappointed with my choices, lol, shoutout to that one girl who was sad Remi wasn't a virgin!) but I have before for sure.
9. Do I write smut? And what kind?
Sure. What kind like...kinks? Praise kink? Cockwarming? What do you mean what kind? 😭 The hot kind 💗
10. Do I write crossovers?
I have before, but I don't have any currently published.
11. Have I ever had a fic stolen?
Multiple times, lol. she's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment.
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Honestly though, please don't do this. It's not a nice feeling. It doesn't help you, either, or anyone else. Wouldn't you rather contribute something new to the fandom you're in? 12. Have I ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Some of my older Tolkien works were translated into Russian and I've had offers for Remi's Version, but I prefer that translations stay on AO3 (with very limited exceptions) which I suppose limits some people.
13. Have I ever co-written a fic?
I mean, most of my ideas are bounced off @justallihere and we throw dialogue/ideas back and forth so we'll give her... 12% of the credit for my next work. But no, I've never properly co-written anything. I feel like it would be weird, right? Unless you're writing a POV each?
14. What is my all time favorite ship?
Xaden Riorson/Remi Sorrengail 😌
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15. A WIP I'll never finish?
I really hope to finish the things I've started so far. I have a few on the go, but the brain does what it wants. Tattoo-artist Xaden is sitting right on the edge there. I have 10k words of a scribe Violet AU that I might never pick up again, so let's say that.
16. Writing strengths?
Feelings, apparently. Lots of people tell me I make them cry, lmao.
17. Writing weaknesses?
Battles, action, fight scenes. I hate them. I hate them so much I'll write in storylines that change the canon universe so I can skip them completely. Ick.
18. Do I like foreign language dialogue?
I just write, for example, 'he said in Tyrrish' after the dialogue, I like that sort of thing, I think it's indicative enough without doing all italics and strange indicators like people used to back in the day, lol.
19. First fandom I wrote for?
Lord of the Rings. Very short lived. Was told it was "the worst fic I've ever read in my life" and that was that. I was maybe thirteen at the time 😌
20. Favorite fic I've written?
I cannot and will not pick a favourite child, but I will say Fury is very close to me. It got me back into writing and it came at a time in my life where I was really struggling and finding who I wanted to be and really changing my life. Without Tessa, there wouldn't be Remi 💗
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I feel like everyone I know has already been tagged by someone, so I'll just open it to the floor for anyone who wants to participate 🤷‍♀️
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elliespuns · 9 months
Seeing the whole Joel thing with a Daddy kink reminds me of something else, Ellie being so horny? Like yes I read them because it’s a fanfic😔 but realistically speaking after a victim is hit with SA they can either be easily repulsed by sex or be hyper sexual. I’m sure Ellie didn’t suffer a lot after David & I love how your Drabble captures it after.
Another thing I hate when people say Ellie has so much experience in sex? Like being honest she’s probably only had sex about 2 times because it’s clear she’s had sex before when she got with Dina. Not to sound like a perv but Ellie did have Cat before & suspecting since they were both 17 & dumb teens it’s likely they did it before.
Another thing I really doubt Ellie would be dominant in bed being honest she probably looks like a standing stick bug trying to top you, as much as I love her. (I wanna give her a big fat smooch) yes I am talking about older Ellie & in none of these paragraphs am I talking about 14 year old Ellie-🕸️
ELLIE'S TRAUMA: The thing David did to Ellie was horrible. I still have chills just thinking about it. It definitely took a toll on her. We can see it when the game skips to the spring section (which is already a few months after David) and the deer on the wall awakens some bad memories of the incident in her and she suddenly becomes really sad and distant.
But as you say, I don't think she suffered that much from it (hopefully thanks to the fact he didn't have a chance to actually do any real harm to her). We can also see that it doesn't affect her as a person that she is in Part 2 at all. All she is is because of what happened at the hospital, not because of what happened with David. Of course, she carries it with her everywhere she goes, but after she managed to kill that motherfucker, I believe that her strong personality and bravery helped her to accept it and move on.
There are a lot of fics that capture her trauma after what happened with David, but I think the writers just portray their own trauma through Ellie for they feel close to her because she went through something similar (or the same). Which is okay. It's just not canon for Ellie as we know her. I think she felt bad for a long time after it happened, but I also believe that she was more upset about having to chop the man's face into pieces than about him hovering above her, trying to do things. I guess the fact that he didn't have time to finish what he started caused Ellie to be more 'accepting' of it.
ELLIE'S SEX LIFE Ellie is definitely not as sexually active as many people make her in their fics (again, it's just their way of portraying her as they want her to be). Which, again, is completely okay.
Although there are a few fics that make Ellie be like this and that just doesn't rub me the right way. Whenever I read something like this, I have a feeling I'm reading about someone else. I don't read much of the Ellie x reader thing (mostly because in most of them she is portrayed as a dominant and hypersexual nymph and it's not my thing), but I've read a few.
I have to admit though, that until recently, I always thought that Ellie had her first time with Dina. But when I play the scene in my mind over and over, I can see she's the one pushing Dina down, laying on top of her, feeling confident about 'taking over'. Which wouldn't probably happen if she was completely inexperienced. She knew how to do that already, and she had no other intention than to make it happen.
I also think that she had sex with Cat (and if not sex-sex, they definitely did things together). They must have tried. C'mon, I don't know how old Cat was, but Ellie was 17. That girl was probably having sexual thoughts at 15 already, let alone at 17. I mean... let's not forget she was still a hormonal teenager like everyone else at this age.
And as far as it goes for Ellie being dominant, yeah, I can't see that. She's probably this cute, little lame cookie trying her best to make her girlfriend feel good, always asking things like, "Is that okay?" during her first time or "Does that feel good?" during regular sex. Like, I'm sorry, I just can't see her pushing someone against the wall with words like, "I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you won't be able to walk." Like, no, this is not the Ellie we know.
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dw19791967 · 4 months
That Feeling Part 1
Pairing: Dean x reader (eventual), OFC Tyler
Warnings: language, unrequited love, angst, unwanted kissing.
Trigger Warning: This fic contains unwanted kissing, if that could be triggering for you I would skip out on this one. It is based on some experiences I have had in real life.
*All mistakes are my own!
Sorry for being gone for so long! Had a lot going on. This is going to be part one of a new series. I have no plan of when I am posting and I don't want to make promises I may not be able to keep. Thank you all for your support and love.
“And where are you off to this evening?” Dean asked me while sitting in the library. 
I went in there to grab my jacket. I figured he would be in his room or out at this point. 
“Going to meet up with a friend, you don’t know them.” I looked at him with a smile on my face. 
Ok, there is a good chance he is going to ask who, what, when, and where. He would never admit it but he was a little over protective of me as I was of him. He and Sam were the first people I had bonded with in forever when we had met two years ago. Sam was a loveable teddy bear, the big brother I had always dreamed of having. Dean….he was different. His cocky attitude, his smile, I knew I was doomed. I knew he would never see me as anything more than a friend so I hid my feelings deep down. I tried to find other ways to occupy my mind instead of dreaming of the perfect life with the older Winchester. That was hard. 
“How did you meet them and where are you going?” Dean didn’t look up from his book. 
“Well it’s a long story but we grew up in the same town and he knew I was living in Kansas now so he wanted to meet up. He’s in town on a business trip. I haven’t talked to anyone from there since I was 16 so I thought it might do me some good to see an old friend. We are meeting at the bar not too far from here but far enough.” I felt like I had to justify myself. Why does he make me nervous?
“Do you need me to go with you?” He finally looked at me. God those eyes. 
“No, I’m a big girl plus I have my knife in my purse if things go sideways which I highly doubt they will. He’s a good guy Dean, don't worry.” I grabbed my jacket and patted him on the shoulder. 
“Sweetheart I will always worry especially when I know you always try to see the good in people.” He went to stand.
I rolled my eyes. “I promise I will be careful, my location is on and you know I will leave if he tries anything.” I grabbed my purse and started heading to the door. 
He grabbed my arm. “Please be careful.” 
“You know I will.” I smiled at him.
I was waiting in the bar. I wasn’t nervous before but now I am. The fact that Dean was worried about me was nothing new but it gave me a weird feeling. Nothing bad of course, just a feeling that maybe he does care for me as more than a friend. 
My thinking was distracted when I heard my name called. “Y/N?” 
“Hey, Tyler! How are you?” I stood to give the man a hug.
“I’m doing great, damn you look good.” He winked at me. 
I smiled awkwardly, “Well thanks!” I moved to sit down again. 
“So how have you been?” Tyler asked.
“You know, same old same old, still same job nothing new going on really. What about you?” I suddenly felt nervous. 
“Oh nothing new with me either, hey do you want to get out of here we could drive around for a bit. It’s kinda loud in here.” Tyler moved to stand.
“I guess we can.” I moved to stand as well. 
It wasn’t until we were outside and getting into his car that I felt more nervous than I did before. He drove around and we talked for a bit. Then he pulled off into a field. 
My hunter senses were going off now. What is happening?
“Y/N” Tyler said. 
I looked at him, the next thing I knew he was kissing me. What the actual hell. 
“Please don’t” I said as I pushed him off of me. I got out of the car. 
“Woah hey where ya going?” He got out after me. 
“Listen I don’t know if I gave you the wrong impression or something but I was not ok with that. I thought we were friends?” I asked. I was holding it together fairly well and trying not to cry. 
“Well I just figured since we have known each other for a while now and you were kinda flirty in some of our messages this is where we were headed.” He smiled at me. 
“I’m sorry if I gave you that impression but that was not my intention. I would really like it if you could take me back to my car now.” I hugged my jacket together around me. 
“I’m sorry for doing that. I figured it would be no big deal to you.” He moved closer to me. 
I backed up. 
“It was. You can go, I’ll walk to the road and call an uber.” I am scared now. 
“Y/N please I’m sorry, let’s just talk about this.” 
“It’s ok, just please go ok? I’ll message you later.” I started walking towards the road. 
He got in his car and peeled out of there. Thank the Lord he left.
 Oh God, what happened? How could I be so stupid? Dean is going to be pissed at me.
I pulled my phone out of my purse. Dean had texted me. 
Why are you in a field?
Are you ok?
I’m on my way.
I sat down to wait. I never expected that to happen….
I had been sitting there for around five minutes when I heard the roar of Baby.
My head was down when he got out of the car. 
“Sweetheart?” Dean approached me slowly.
He knelt down to me. “Hey, what happened?”
I  broke. I leapt into his arms and began to sob. I am such an idiot. 
I looked up at him, “I’m so sorry.” I continued to cry.
“Hey hey, you have nothing to be sorry for. Look at me Y/N.” 
I looked at him. He had tears in his eyes.
“Let’s go home ok?” He stood back up. He reached his arm out to help me stand. 
We drove back to the bunker in silence. He held my hand the whole time. I had stopped crying at this point and went into auto pilot mode. 
We walked into the bunker. “How about you go get changed and I’ll meet you in my room, ok?” 
I nodded at him.
I went down the hallway and to the bathroom. I decided a shower was a good idea to wash away the shame I had. What girl doesn’t realize when a guy is going to come onto her, what girl freaks out when a guy kisses her. I guess this girl. 
I was drying off when I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I heard Dean speak “Hey I left your pj’s and stuff out here. I’ll head to my room while you get changed.” 
He was being sweet. Of course he was. He knew I needed him right now. How he could always tell, I don’t know how. 
I got changed then headed to his room. He was sitting on his bed, he moved over when he saw me and opened his arms. 
I laid down and let him hold me. I began to cry again. 
“He kissed me Dean.” I cried into his chest. 
He knew why I had issues, we had discussed that before. 
“It’s ok sweetheart, I’m here.” He kissed my head.
“I just don’t understand, we were friends, we had never discussed anything more. Hell, I've only talked to him for a few months now. I should have known better when he wanted to meet up randomly. God I’m an idiot.”
“You are not an idiot Y/N. You didn’t know. He’s the one at fault, not you.” 
“Who freaks out over someone kissing them, that’s not normal!” I looked up at him. 
“Y/N, it shocked you. You weren’t expecting it and he should have asked in my opinion. Especially if there was no hint of the night going in that direction.”
“I’m just crazy. No one is ever going to love me and at this point I don’t even know if I could handle it. I’m a mess.” 
“You are not crazy! Don’t say that about yourself. You are going to find the guy of your dreams some day, someone who takes it one day at a time on your terms, I promise. And if you are a mess, what am I?” He looked down at me. 
“You are my amazing best friend. I should have taken your talk as a hint of how the night was going to go.” I sighed. 
“You didn’t know sweetheart, and like I said you always try to see the good in people even when I don’t think you should. I was so worried. Especially when I saw you were in some random ass field. That guy is an ass and I would like to punch the son of a bitch in the face. I’m just thankful he didn’t try to do anything more. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you Y/N.” 
“I know Dean and I’m sorry. I am going to look into talking to a counselor. I think that could help. Thank you for coming, for saving me.” I sat up and kissed his cheek. 
He looked at me. Really looked at me. There it was, that feeling. The feeling of being scared about how much I cared about him. What scared me even more was how much I needed him. 
“I will always save you sweetheart, always.”
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earthtoharlow · 2 years
Sunday Kind of Love
Urban Wyatt x SingleMom!Reader
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AN: hey hey hey! :) i started writing a new fic and here it is! I have about 5 chapters written already! I’ll propbably update every other week but I hope you guys enjoy! Please feel free to give me feedback !
The weekend was slowly coming to an end and Y/N has made it a tradition to treat Brooklyn to some ice cream every Sunday. Holding Brooklyn’s hand as they took the short walk to their favorite ice cream shop. Y/N loved her baby girl, but boy did she love to talk.
“Mommy, do you think we could get a dog?” Brooklyn suddenly asked. Y/N looked down and saw Brooklyn looking up at her with her big brown eyes. “Well I don’t know sweetie, you know taking care of a dog is a big responsibility. They take a lot of work. I’m not even sure if our apartment allows dogs.”
Brooklyn gasped eyes wide. “Not allow dogs?! Momma that’s just ridiculous! Dogs are the bestest in the whole wide world!!” Y/N had to stop herself from laughing at the serious look on her daughter's face before replying “I know Lyn, that is ridiculous huh? I’ll look into it okay, but no promises. Like I said dogs are a big responsibility.”
Brooklyn started squealing so loud Y/N was so sure she scared away some birds. “OH mom I can’t wait! If we get a dog I’m gonna name it asparagus.” Y/N snapped her head not sure if she heard her correctly.
Asparagus?” Y/N questioned. Brooklyn nodded her head excitedly. “YUP! Asparagus, that’s my favorite vegetable AND I talked it over with Bear last night and he agreed that it’s the perfect name!! Bear always has the best ideas.” She said with a big smile as she skipped next to her mother. Bear was Brooklyn’s favorite stuffed sloth, who she ironically named Bear.
Y/N couldn’t hold her laughter any longer. “Bear is right, that is a perfect name.” She said while giggling before taking Brooklyn’s hand as they walked into the quiet ice cream shop. Luckily there were only a couple of people in there and they could find a seat next to the shop's big windows.
Guiding her to their favorite spot, she pulled out Brooklyn’s coloring book and crayons. “Ok sweetheart, I’ll be right back, I’m going to get our ice cream. Don’t move.” Brooklyn nodded her head, not bothering to look up as she had already started coloring.
After a few minutes, Brooklyn turned and looked around. She loved coming here to get ice cream on Sundays. As she looked around she noticed a man with long hair sitting at the table next to her holding a camera. She noticed he looked kinda upset. Brooklyn knew that when she was upset she loved coloring in her book.
Checking to see if her mom was watching her, Brooklyn quickly ripped a page out her coloring book and grabbed a couple crayons before sliding out the booth. Putting on her best and biggest smile she walked over to the sad man.
Urban cursed under his breath when he realized his film camera was indeed broken. It was his favorite camera to travel with, and he knew it would take weeks for a shop to fix it. Just as he was about to leave his spot by the window he heard tiny footsteps walking towards him.
He looked over and saw a little girl who couldn’t be older than five. She seemed so small, but she had the biggest smile on her face. She wore a sun dress, and her hair was in a puffball with a headband to match. Urban’s heart melted a little. The little girl was holding crayons and a coloring page. Before he could say anything she spoke.
“Hello mister, my mama said not to talk to strangers but I saw you looking sad so I thought I would bring you one of my favorite coloring pages and some crayons! Coloring always makes me feel better!” She said rather quickly before pushing it toward him and skipped back to her table across from him.
Urban let out a small chuckle, he was shocked that this little girl managed to say all that in one breath. Looking down he noticed it was a drawing of some random Disney princess he couldn’t remember the name of. When he looked over at the little girl she gave him a wide smile before putting a finger to lips to tell him not to say anything.
Before he knew it, Urban put a finger to his lips promising not to tell anyone.
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Y/N walked back to the table and sighed as she saw Brooklyn run back to their seat. When she made it back to the table she placed Brooklyn’s ice cream in front of her. Brooklyn’s eyes grew wide as she licked her lips and grabbed her spoon to dig into her delicious treat. Before she could, Y/N stopped her.
“Hey missy, what did I say about leaving your seat and talking to strangers?” Y/N asked sternly. Brooklyn dropped her spoon and looked down quickly. She looked up at her mom and said “I’m sorry momma, he just looked so sad and I wanted to help him feel better.” Y/N could see tears threatening to fall from her daughter's face. She silently cussed to herself, she could never handle seeing Brooklyn upset.
Y/N face softened before saying “I know your heart was in the right place, but next time wait until i come back. Understand?” Brooklyn nodded her head. “I promise to never do it again!” She held her pinky up to Y/N. Y/N smiled before kissing their pinky’s joined together.
After taking Brooklyn to the bathroom to clean up her face, the girls made their way out the shop to make their way back home. Lost in her thoughts, Y/N looked up, startled to see a large white hand, from a very attractive man holding the door for her.
“Wow, um thank you.” She said with a nervous giggle and tucking her hair behind her ear. Y/N felt tiny standing next to the man.
“No problem, I’m happy i caught up with you guys actually.” He said with a small smile before handing her some crayons she recognized as Brooklyn’s. Y/N looked up at him confused for a second before she looked over and saw Brooklyn waving shyly at the tall man.
“Oh! I’m so sorry about that, I told her about talking to people she doesn’t know. Sorry if she bothered you in any kind of way.” She said as they walked to the sidewalk
“Don’t apologize, she didn’t bother me at all. She actually helped me. Believe it or not coloring helped me get my mind off my now broken camera. The man said with a slight chuckle and wave of his camera
“Well, I’m glad this little monster could help.” giving Brooklyn a smile. “I’m Y/N by the way, and this is--” before she could finish her daughter started to speak “I’m Brooklyn Rose!” holding out her hand. All Y/N could do was shake her head.
“My name is Urban.” He said before bending down slightly to shake Brooklyn’s hand.
Smiling ear to ear she replied sweetly “Nice to meet you Urban! Can I see the color page?” Oh I don’t know, It’s probably not as good as what yours looks like.” Urban says
“That’s ok, I still wanna see it. I won’t— won’t— mama what’s the word I’m looking for?” Brooklyn looks up at her mom and taps her chin as she thinks. “I think the word you’re looking for is judge?” Y/N replies.
“Oh yeah judge! I promise not to judge your coloring, Mr. Urban.” She says holding out her hand as she waits for him to hand over the drawing.
“You promise not to laugh?” Urban asks bashfully before pulling out the drawing from his back pocket and handing Brooklyn the drawing
Brooklyn promises as she and Y/N check out his coloring. Y/N looks down at the drawing and it’s surprisingly not bad, if you ignore that fact he colored the princesses hair and dresses the wrong color. But of course, Brooklyn who’s basically a walking Encyclopedia on all things Disney couldn’t ignore it.
“Mr. Urban! Why does Elsa have black hair! That’s not right at ALL?” Brooklyn questioned with wide eyes and a small pout Urban looks down at the drawing “Well, too be fair I didn’t have a yellow or white crayon to color her correctly, and I’ve never seen frozen so I wasn’t sure about her dress. Brooklyn gasps loudly, but before she could on a mini rant Y/N stops her.
“WELL, I think this is our que to go, say goodbye to the nice man, Brooklyn.” Y/N says. Brooklyn sighs and reluctantly says bye to Urban
“It was nice meeting you, and you owe me for just saving you from an hour long discussion on Disney.” Y/N jokes. It shocks Y/N to an extent how she just easily joked with a stranger. A very handsome stranger, with beautiful blue eyes. Y/N stops herself from thinking about him like that. She doesn’t even know him and she’s nowhere near ready to date anyone. Probably never will be ready.
Luckily Urban was okay with the thought of owing the beautiful woman. “Yeah I guess I do huh? Well I’ll tell you what, I’m going out of town for a few weeks but next time we run into each other I’ll treat you guys to some ice cream. How does that sound?”
“That sounds like a plan, again it was really nice meeting you. But we should get going.” Y/N says trying to hold on her smile, grabs Brooklyn’s hand and starts to turn and walk away.
“See you soon,” urban says with a smirk
As Y/N was listening to her daughter's babbles on the walk home she couldn’t help but think about the man with the nice blue eyes and long hair.
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lily-alphonse · 2 months
Emily/Abigail the gem girls plss
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This one is hot. How do they fit together though? (imagining a scenario of Emily spraying Abigail with water for trying to eat her crystals lol)
Oh damn this one is very rare. I got nothing from that research lol. Come on guys we need people on this one the sapphics are being neglected once again!
Ok let's see.
I imagine them actually getting close because they are both very naturally affectionate people. They love hugs and teasing and stuff.
When Abigail and her friends start coming to play pool at the saloon every Friday night it starts out with compliments and “honey”, “dollface.” Abigail loves Emily’s style, and Emily loves Abigail’s makeup. (I headcanon Abigail can do a FIERCE cateye wing in her sleep). As Emily gets more comfortable with them she starts coming over to lean on Abigail (since Emily is tall and lanky and Abby is short) and calling her “BB” and “sugar” and even her girlfriend. “Oh my girlfriend is here look at that smokey eye oh my YOBA!”
Abby ends up looking forward to Fridays a lot for their little interactions. And if Emily ever comes into her dad’s store it makes her day. So Abby wonders why they don’t hang out outside of work. But the more she thinks about it, the more she thinks she doesn’t just want to hang out. She actually kind of wants to date her for real.
But Emily’s never given any indication that it was anything but teasing, and she’s a bit older, and it’s literally just her job to be sweet with everyone. That’s Abby’s rationalization for skipping the saloon that Friday, at least.
Maybe it’s concern, or her friends getting involved, or simply divine intervention, but Emily tracks her down Saturday morning. And at what is likely the worst possible time, too, since Abby is up by the lake practicing her flute where no one can bother her.
She’s startled when she stops playing and hears clapping.
She whirls around to the source of the sound to see Emily in a colorful homemade sweater. “Bravo!” she calls out, crunching through the leaves to meet her.
Abby just about drops the flute in a panic. “You weren’t supposed to hear that,” she says sheepishly.
“The flute AND the drums, that’s impressive,” Emily says with a smile, coming to sit down next to her on the boulder she was leaning against. “And it’s just me BB, I’m a far greater embarrassment than you could ever be.”
Abby scoffs, putting her flute back in its case.
“I’m serious, you’re so incredibly talented,” Emily counters.
Abby would turn back to look at her again if she wasn’t blushing. “Thanks.”
“Are you okay?” Emily asks, concern edging in her voice. “We missed you last night.”
Abby turns to meet her eyes then, wishing her expression would tell her if she meant “we” or just her. But she doesn’t find the answer in her eyes.
Emily loops their arms as she often does, but also takes her hand, threading their fingers together. Abby can’t breathe.
“You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” Emily asks carefully.
“There’s nothing wrong I just…” Her heart is pounding. She can barely think but she wills herself to continue. “I like you, Em.”
Abby expects the world to fall out from under her but it doesn’t. Emily’s face barely even changes. She doesn’t seem surprised, her smile just grows a bit. “I like you too, BB.”
Oh no. It’s her worst fear. She’s turning it into their game, or a misunderstanding, and she’s going to have to repeat herself and its going to be so awkward. “No like, I… like-like you.”
Emily nods. “I know what you mean.”
Abby is still stuck in disbelief, when Emily just finally leans over and kisses her.
“Amethyst” would make a banger fic title for this pairing lol
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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frownyalfred · 1 year
I was sorry to see you dealing with so many critical comments in Borderline recently, mostly because I love that fic and I love seeing characters in complex situations making bad choices sometimes. But I ALSO wanted to say that the way you're handling it is very classy. I have been dealing with some terrible comments on my own fics lately, and I find myself going to your page to learn how to handle it in a way that's fair, without being overly reactive or targeting anyone. Sometimes I can't tell whether to delete a comment or not, or whether to respond to a criticism or not, especially when my own hurt feelings get in the way. It really helps to see how someone else deals with it in a wise and experienced fashion. So thank you for that. If you have any further tips, too, I'd love to hear them!
Thank you so much anon! And I'm really, truly sorry that you're also dealing with hurtful comments. Nobody deserves that, especially authors working for free to put content out there.
I appreciate this ask a lot since there have been many times in the last few months where I have blown up privately, been upset, considered nuking everything, and generally reacted very poorly to negative, condescending, backhanded, or downright abusive comments. I was not handling it well! I was feeling hurt, and definitely not wise!
I have some wise, wise writing friends though. And generally, after venting (quite understandably) I think most authors know, in their gut, how they want to respond to these kinds of comments.
My advice is as follows, and it's been what I've pieced together from friends and my own experiences in the last few weeks:
Stand by your fic and your choices. It's great to slightly alter your plot when people respond really positively to a character, for example, but don't let a crowd of angry commenters force your hand on any decision, whether it's small or large. Would you have removed that character if there hadn't been three comments about it?
Try to be the adult in the room. Even if you're not older than your commenters or readers, the rule still stands. Try not to sink to their level (barring some necessary cases) and get in the mud. You're the author and you have all the power! Mute them, block them, lock down your comments -- the only power they have is through commenting, and getting into your head. That's power you can give them, or take away from them.
Be honest about how the comments make you feel. A lot of times, I think authors layer their hurt in other, more acceptable reasons. It's okay to be hurt by a backhanded, but well-intentioned comment. Saying "I appreciate this comment but the way you phrased it hurt me for x reason" is a totally mature and realistic way to respond to comments like that. Or telling readers something like "Please don't yell at each other/the characters in my comments, it stresses me out and makes me feel like you're upset with the story and/or me" is what I ended up doing.
Don't get caught in the weeds. Delete the comments that make you upset. Really. You don't need to respond to every comment (I have several rants about this already) and if you do, you definitely don't need to respond to ones that make you sad, upset, etc. If deleting that weird comment or skipping over a reply will make you feel better, do it! I'm sure your readers would prefer you skip a response over you getting hung up on a mean comment and not writing.
Know when to walk away. I took a break from writing borderline because it was stressing me out. Like, my already-high blood pressure was getting higher. I took a month off and wrote other things, and when I was ready to put up a new chapter, the words came really quickly and I was inspired again <3 It's also 100% okay if you never come back to that fic or series again -- your mental health is always -- always -- more important.
6. (bonus) sometimes saying "fuck you" is better than anything else. Sometimes, the pettiness wins, and you're not the adult in the room. I get it. I've ranted a lot on here and posted a lot about (anonymized) comments I've received. So yeah, fuck you, random assholes commenting awful things to me about sexual assault -- one day I hope to find a way to block my fics from ever being read by you again.
Sorry this was a bit of a rant. If you ever want to talk, anon, my inbox/DMs are always open. I'm sorry again that you're receiving hateful comments -- you don't deserve it, and your work deserves to flourish on its own. I hope you keep repeating that to yourself <3
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strwberri-milk · 2 years
May i suggest a fic or whatever of Kaeya inspired by this song??? It's just so cute to think of it!!!
Hmm I'm going to Indulge a bit :D the reason why ive chosen this trope is bc 1) this song gives me driving at night vibes 2) i konw nothing about mj outside of my friend in elementary LOVED his music and was devestated when he died 3) this song also makes me think of fall in middleschool and that disctinve smell but?? you and him are not staying as tiny children i just used my school experience to set up context :D
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You don't know much about Kaeya, other than the fact that the two of you have grown up in the same area. As far as you're concerned, your friend groups don't have much in common and his crowd was very different than yours.
However, he was polite, and you liked that enough. Whenever you two had a class together he made it a point to say hi to you, and if he was sat next to you he'd even make conversation. Outside of that, you had no reason to seek him out, especially thanks to the throng of people he seemed to surround himself with.
Unfortunately for you, Kaeya's somehow developed a devastating crush on you. You didn't seem to remember this, but once when he was younger and new to the school you sat and played with him through many a recess. He knows he's changed a lot, but he had no idea it was so drastic you couldn't put two and two together.
He thought it was just something passing, and that if he spent time with other people he'd get over it. But, the more time passed the more this ache to have you in his life persisted. Kaeya could never act on it - he was far too terrified to change the seemingly inert state of your relationship.
For now, he'd satisfy himself by just spending time with you in class every so often, or waving hello to you in the halls. It wasn't until his last year of high school when he thought he was over you that he realised he was dead wrong. Being assigned the same home room and having to see each other at least once a day minimum made his heart skip a beat every morning, nervously checking his appearance to see if he could get your attention.
Yes, he feels a little desperate, no, he's not mad about it.
"So, did you apply for early admission?"
You look up and see Kaeya, looking behind him to see if any of his friends are behind him. You assume he's just killing some time, scooching over to let him sit down next to you until you're forced to stay in homeroom for once.
"Yeah, I did. You?"
He sighs a little, blowing his fringe out of his face.
"Yeah. I got accepted."
You raise a brow, looking at him a little impressed. Kaeya's been a good student as far as you knew, so you're not surprised but considering that applications just opened for University two weeks ago you can't help but be taken aback.
"Wow. I'm pretty nervous. Did you get a safety school too?"
"Nervous? You'll be fine - everyone gets in, and you do well in class," he reassures, resting his head on the desk.
"And I did. I'm just waiting for the safety schools to respond just in case I change my mind."
Kaeya knew that with graduation creeping up on everyone he was running out of time to try and confess. He's been trying to get the gall to do it, building himself up every morning but failing miserably whenever he sees you.
"Yeah. I'm planning to just go to school locally like everyone else does. Not exactly rich enough to go abroad. Or smart enough," you laugh, fiddling with a pen.
"I want to go there too!" he says a little too excitedly, clearing his throat as an attempt to cover up.
"Diluc, my older brother, goes there too and I think it'd be nice to stay local. Maybe we'll see each other?"
"Hopefully! The transit will be a bitch though, right?"
Kaeya sees this as his chance, speaking before his mind can catch up.
"I can drive you! We have to make our own schedules so if ours align then we can carpool. I won't make you pay gas or anything, just in company." He winks at you, hoping that his charm is coming out, not nerves.
"Sure, if you want. That'd be nice - only if it works out for both of us, alright?"
He nods in response, trying not to bounce his knee too aggressively at how excited he is at the prospect.
Fast forward some years later and the two of you are deeply embroiled in your studies. You got accepted where you wanted to be, and Kaeya ended up deciding to stick with his first choice at the local school. To his delight, he was able to strike up a stronger relationship with you, now both friends rather than classmates.
He drives you to class or makes you drive his car the mornings he's too tired to. You meet on campus between breaks, have lunch together, or crash each other's classes on occasion when someone's bored. It's everything he could have asked for but that doesn't stop that yearning he thought would go away.
He's tried other people, wanting to see if he could get over you without a rejection but it seems like he can't, mumbling lightly to himself as he waits outside the building you're in to pick you up.
He needs an answer today, even if it's no. Just something to finally shut up the voice in his head saying it might be a yes and to just finally shoot his shot after all these years. His fingers drum against the steering wheel, eyes watching as people flood out of the building for your familiar form.
"I always have so much fun with you," you say after catching your breath from a stupid joke Kaeya made, leaning back in your reclined seat as you look out his car window and out to the trail.
"I'm not wrong though," he says, still laughing a bit. "Why are we parked outside of a park when we could just go walk around!"
"It's nice to just be like this, don't you think?"
You sigh a little, yawning and closing your eyes as you take in the sound of the wind rustling through the trees. The sun is beginning to set, washing you both in reds and pinks and he takes the opportunity to admire you.
He knows that if he doesn't act soon he could lose you forever. Your journeys at school are beginning to close, giving him less of a chance to guarantee time with you. His heart thuds loudly in his chest, desperate for the chance to finally make his feelings known.
He opens his mouth, not expecting the weak little noise that comes out. You turn to face him, holding back a teasing laugh to give him your full attention. He tries again, finally finding the words.
"I'm in love with you. I have been since the day we met and I just want you to give me a chance. Can you do that? Please?"
He hates how desperate he sounds, playing with the edge of his sleeves and averting your gaze to avoid looking at you. He has no idea if you'll say yes or no, slowly raising his eyes back to yours when he feels you put your hand on his.
"I thought you'd never ask."
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luffyvace · 9 months
Hi beautiful. Your writing is just so good. So as request are open I would please request Nico robin x younger brother reader(biologial) thank you so much. Got the idea from the last fic you did with boa x older brother reader. Tbh you should open commsion. Sure people will come runing to you.
AWHH HII! omg robin would be such a good big sister of course i’ll do it!! it’s no problem at all anon!!
OMG that’s the biggest compliment ever!! i’m actually starting to consider this now that i think about it..:) thanks for the idea!
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you and chopper twinning fr 🤪
LOLLOL anyways enjoy 😋💗
big sister robin>>
so getting the angst over with
you had each other and no one else for some time when you two were back on ohara
robin always prioritized, protected and loved you
you were the first one that knew her personally and didn’t shove her away
the first one that stuck by her, loving her unconditionally
you two gave each other lots of hugs and kisses on the forehead
as well as cuddling at night
you had a tough life since before you even hit 5
so you showed each other affection all the time to make up for the lack you should be getting from your parents
its sad you realized that at such a young age but you did
of course you had and appreciated the researchers but they weren’t family and they weren’t your parents!
you, robin and saul had good times and he taught you a lot in the short time you spend together before he died
both you and robin were confused when aokiji spared you
as sad as it is you were grateful and lost when he did, knowing you got to live on, but yet you had to do it with nothing left
if your a few years younger than robin, let’s say your 3
robin remembered your mom better than you and she always told you as much as she knew about her
she would buy you toy cars with whatever money she had when she could
she read you to sleep if your had troubles dozing off
she constantly reminded you “mommy will be back soon”
even though a piece of her told her she wouldn’t
that she’d have to step up and raise you herself
ok so time skip!!
robin is still just as motherly as she was back then
although now she can provide for you better!
you play lots of board games and read together
your the one person who can really get her laughing
of course she laughs with the rest of the crew, but with you? even if the joke is unfunny she’ll giggle the day away
which leads me to say she’ll do anything to keep you happy and healthy
she’s very knowledgeable and has taken care of you your entire life
so you go to her about any and everything
it doesn’t matter if it’s relevant or not she’ll listen anyway
sometimes you don’t even have to go to chopper
your tummy hurts? yeah she knows, it’s because you ate those berries she warned you about
what do you do if _____ happens?? oh just ______ that’s happened to her before
shes strong and you admire her for it
if your strong too you make a powerful duo!
devil fruit or not
shes got your back in any fights
and your the one person besides nami she won’t use as a stepping stool when climbing 😋
in fact she helps you up
if your weak or normal strength she always has a eye out for you
does you little favors all the time
need a helping hand?
i’m so happy with myself for making that joke
if you spill something she’s cleaning it
if your carrying something heavy she’s helping you and supporting your weight
if your cleaning your room she’ll help you sort stuff out
“i told you to clean it a long time ago, you know, m/n”
robin lectures!:)
yup that’s my next topic
shes super motherly/big sisterly
so you get lectures and lightly scolded for not listening to the all knowing robin’s advice!
lightly, like i said. it’s still in her soothing voice
the last thing she wants is to scare you
she just wants you to listen!
”see? wouldn’t it have been easier if you just ______ like i said?”
”i told you m/n”
*face palm when you end up in a silly predicament*
*sighs and helps you out*
she gives you head pats and sometimes puts a reassuring arm over your shoulder
she gets you things she knows you’d like when she comes across them
just as she did when you were younger💞
if your feeling sad, jealous, angry, etc for any reason she knows
the most observant person on the planet has known you your whole life. 😐
she knows everything.
still kisses you atop your head every night before you got to bed
its so sweet 💖
she can definitely handle if your a more excitable person too
acts like how she does with luffy
smiles and goes along with your silly plans
she’ll help you prank people just because she loves you
but if you try to prank her she anticipates the trap and avoids it
either that or she saw you set it up in the first place, but you didn’t see her 😭
somehow she manages to get you in your own trap when you do that to her
raises her eyebrows and smiles at you knowingly to show you she knew you were trying to prank her
other times she just promises not to say anything to the victim your trying to prank 😊
sometimes leading them to the trap
if your more introverted she won’t mind if you follow her around for peace and quiet
you often read together in silence
or recommend books to each other, swapping when your done
if you get tired she’ll carry you
usually with extra arms
let’s you know when dinner is ready if your too indulged in a book
wants you to get rest when it’s your turn to watch over the ship at night
so sometimes she takes your spot
other times she’ll stay up with you to see the beautiful sunrise
tickles you to make you laugh, she likes seeing you happy
she also knows just what to do to make you smile when your feeling down
just for the record you, chopper, robin and zoro are a group!!! as well as you, franky and robin!♡
if you have a calm and cool demeanor like your older sister robin..!
the straw hats may view you as a older sibling as well
especially chopper
going to you for advice and breaking up fights,
nami will definitely use you for that second one, i must say
another thing:)
you fall asleep with your head resting on her shoulder a lot
she doesn’t move you and will sometimes pat your head or wrap an arm around you
very good at keeping still<3
puts a blanket around you too
will openly give you hugs but most the time you initiate them
i want a hug from robinn
lucky u
robin best big sister!!
she’s such a sweetie♥︎
as always! i hope you enjoyed, anon.
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floosies · 7 months
Where The Boys Are
Mob!Steve Harrington x oc!fem reader
Fic warnings: violence, mentions of weapons, mentions of substance/verbal abuse, smut, cursing, angst, strangers to lovers (18+)
dedicating this chapter to @bettyfrommars whose fic i'm on fire gave me a lot of inspiration to do a story like this, and because i love the way she writes violence. also the way she made me fall in love again with lengthy chapters.
Part Four: Bad Boy
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They'd let the time pass, she was mostly herself again. Though he kept having to calm her down. Holding her and whispering that her parents wouldn't be mad. He was figuring out how he'd twist the truth this time. Nothing new, just the usual white lies and hopefully the assignment given to him to handle this kid. He wanted his second shot at this, one where the guy would be sober and wouldn't collapse without learning his lesson first.
He could see her visibly shaking as they walked to her front door. As gently as he could sound, he assured her, "everything is going to be okay sweetheart. I promise they won't be mad at you. I'm going to make sure of it." Steve knocked on the door, Mia looked at the floor, her mind racing and scared. As soon as her father opened the door and his eyes met his daughter's, Mia broke down, her arms wrapping around her father's bigger frame, frantically apologizing as he stood there entering some sort of surprise. Her father looked over her to Steve, who looked back at the man with a knowing look.
Her mother heard her from upstairs, her voice frantic trying to understand what was happening. Taking control of the situation, her dad got her to go upstairs with her mom and get cleaned up then head to bed. Then he motioned for Steve to follow him to his office. Steve didn't smoke that often but this had been some night, his boss could tell. They sat down as Steve continued to smoke his cigarette, his boss didn't waste any time, "who the fuck am I killing?" Steve shook his head, before explaining everything while skipping over other parts. To say the older man was enraged would be an understatement. Of course Steve suggested, "boss, listen I spoke to the kid at her party and already handled him tonight, let me just finish with the mess I made." He knew his boss would buy it, because it was technically his mess. Still the man pretended to contemplate it, then he spoke, "don't make a spectacle alright I don't want any people on my back about this." Steve smiled, putting his cigarette out on the ash tray, "of course."
True to his word, he'd planned this thing like a mad man. Even figured out the kid's schedule. They say anger is one of those things that either dies out or consumes you. Well Steve was drowning in it; he hadn't felt the way he felt last night in some years. Seeing Mia running into the street like that made something in him snap, a girl like that suddenly becoming into a scared little thing. He'd known from the jump she could do better, it wasn't right that she had to learn that the way she did. Then to hear that the guy was shoving her around like ragdoll, he was glad he was getting a second chance at him now.
Steve pulled up to the school's parking lot, it'd been some time since he'd walked on that asphalt but even now, he felt like he owned the place still. Practice was ending, it was ironic, the night before the kid was drunk as could be and now he was trying to trot his way around the football field. Soon as he saw him, he headed towards him, "Kevin man I just wanna talk. Promise." He said with a smile, his hands in the air to put on more of a show. The guy's eyes were wide as plates practically, of course the kid knew he was fucked, but that was his own undoing.
He waited around, talking about bullshit, hell he even entertained the old coach. Until everyone cleared, leaving them two in the parking lot next to Kevin's car, he would give him that much of a kindness. Steve had been smoking a cigarette, which he put out the second it was just the two of them, "so last night.." the younger boy immediately started rushing words out, "listen man I really don't remember that much. I heard so much shit and I probably deserve it. I didn't even get a chance to give Mia her sweater back. I'm really sorry if I hurt her feelings." Steve was beyond amazed that the fucker really was gonna go through with this story.
Scoffing, he shook his head, "you really don't remember shit? Geez that's a shame kid, because you're right you should be sorry." Then came the first punch straight to the gut. Bent over in initial pain gave Steve access to give one to the head. The kid fell over onto the ground now, "you put your fuckin hands on her" Steve remembering how frightened Mia looked as she told him how he pushed around.
Kevin tried to get some punches in but it was useless. Steve was older and heavier, he'd fought men tougher than this kid. Moreso, he was pissed that this arrogant prick tried to humilate his girl. His knucles were red and cut up some from somewhat missing and hitting the gravel at times, but his anger still surged through, "I told you last night what I'm gonna tell you right now." He grabbed him by the shirt, "you had one shot and you fucked yourself over." It was over but he still kicked him in the back final, "consider this your final warning from me and her father. Go near her? You're dead." Maybe it was too far but he spit on him, "and if anyone asks you had an accident." All he heard were groans of pain as he walked back to his own car.
His boss was more than thrilled to hear that the matter had been dealt with and Steve was more than satisfied to finally do what he should have done the moment he was first introduced to the kid. Henderson said that on Monday he didn't show up, but the rumor was he had gotten robbed and left badly beaten. Who started the rumor? Who knew and who cared. All that Steve cared about was that there were no loose ends to tie, he knew that little shit wouldn't squeal. Everything else that had happened at that party was already a disappearing haze anyways.
Mia however, had spent her weekend locked up in her room, she had taken down all the photos she had with him. Everything she had known was gone now. Her friends called her the morning after, trying their best to cheer her up or help her see the bright side of being single. It wasn't so much so that she was upset about being broken up with. It was the implication that she was frigid, that she had been a bore the whole way through. He had cheated on her, she had done everything for him and he repaid her with the worst betrayal.
Monday came around, Mia still remained locked up in her room, her parents tried to get her to go to school, but she'd mentioned that her friends were going to give her whatever homework and notes she'd missed. Her mother had tried to get her to go shopping with her for groceries as a means to get some fresh air, even that she refused. There was a shame she wasn't escaping, she'd rather stay home for the rest of her life if she could.
There was a knock at the front door, it was still early morning, both of her parents weren't home. She went to the kitchen as quietly as she could and grabbed a knife before going heading to the door. From behind the living room window's curtain she looked to see who it was. She saw Steve standing there, her heart was still racing but not as much as it had been a moment go. She went to open the door placing the knife on the console table by the door way.
As she opened the door, he smiled at her, "how ya been sweetheart." She shrugged not really wanted to talk, her eyes caught sight of his bandaged hands, "what happened?" She asked quietly, concern still showing through as she took his hands into hers. He shrugged, "work is work ya know nothing too crazy, I'm okay hun." She didn't believe it of course, but she knew it wasn't her place to ask him anything deeper than that.
Still quietly she asked, "what are you doing here? My dad should be at his office." He gave her a small smile, "yeah he said your ma had cleaned my blazer." Her eyes widened, "oh my gosh your blazer! I'm so sorry I meant to give you-" with a small laugh he cut her off, "you're fine bambi. It looked good on you anyways." She smiled then scrunched her face, "bambi?" He shrugged, "your eyes got all big like the deer in the movie." She rolled her eyes, moving away from the door she points for him to enter "get in the house. I'll go get your blazer." Before he could mutter out some faux apology, she ran up the stairs. That's when he noticed the knife on the table.
Was no one on watch duty? He looked out the window again trying to find a familiar car, someone always needed to be on watch for his boss' place of work and home. He heard her footsteps coming back, one hand on the railing and the other holding his blazer, he spoke without thinking, "were you holding this knife before you saw it was me?" She was on the final step of the stairs, her eyes following to where his hand was placed on top of the kitchen knife. Mia wasn't sure what to say, "yes?" He took a moment to think, "why aren't you in school? Also where is your mother?" She sighed, beginning to quietly mutter out "I don't want to be seen like this, I didn't feel like going today." Handing him his blazer she continued, "my mom'll be back soon, she went to go get the groceries." It was his turn to sigh now, "where's your house phone? I gotta make a call." She showed him the phone on the wall in the kitchen and then went to sit in the living room.
Mia could hear the whole conversation, he was talking to someone who obviously wasn't either of their fathers, his answers sounding annoyed at first and then pissed off. She knew by the midst of it that it was because no one was watching the house, she'd met all the guys who usually are on watch, but no one must have been out there today. Here he was again, worrying about her, watching over her. Some guy who had previously been just a local celebrity now was concerned for her wellbeing. Still she knew better than to make something out of nothing, her father was his boss, if anything he was probably trying not get chewed out for not calling out the problem.
She heard when he hung up the phone, his loud steps in the quiet house somehow carried all the frustration his face wasn't showing. He sat down on the opposite side of the couch, his face turning towards her, "listen I'm going to wait here til she gets back okay?" She didn't want this to last, sure he had been nothing but kind to her, but it didn't need to keep going, "Steve i'm perfectly capable of locking the door and -" "what? stabbing someone with a kitchen knife? Nope. Your father would kill me if I left you alone. He thought someone was watching the place." It was always odd talking about the life they lived, she didn't say anything afterwards.
There was silence for a while, occasionally the two would look at each other, but curiosity got the cat. Steve bit the bullet and broke the silence, "what did you mean I don't wanna be seen like this?" The question lingering in the air for a moment. She didn't wanna think about it again, but here it was. Avoiding his gaze completely she looked at her nails and hands, "he embarassed me in front of the whole student body practically. In front of the football team and my friends; he told them all how he cheated on me because I didn't wanna do him." The anger Steve had hoped died out when he beat the everloving shit of the guy had come back, "Mia you did nothing wrong. Hell you fuckin got him on the varsity team. With all due respect that fucker should have been singing your praises." She couldnt help but to smile a bit, "you sound like Jenny and Suzie."
He shrugged, "well they're right too. From the moment I met that kid I regretted trying to help him out." She thought back to her birthday, then she thought some more, "he said he was going to break up with me on my birthday. D-did you know anything about that?" Suddenly it was quiet again, he was thinking if it was worth it in this moment to say yes but his silence spoke for him, "you fuckin knew?!" Her hands go to swat at him, but he easily takes both her small arms in his bigger hands, "hey! I told him he was a fuckin idiot if he tried that shit. Imagine what your dad would have done to him then and there. I knew you deserved better. I even told you when we talked that night." Her eyes were glossy now, she said it without thinking, just feelings spiraling and swirling in her head, "you should have just ran me over that night."
Before she could even react to what was happening, his hand roughly cupped her jaw. Her eyes meeting his serious yet hurt expression, "don't you ever. Ever. Fuckin say that shit again. Do you hear me little girl?" She'd never been in this position before, it wasn't fear of him, it was fear of what would come from this. Still he didn't move, his hand still holding her gaze to his, "did I make myself clear?" His voice deep and unwavering, she nodded, "words bambi." Not trusting her voice but not wanting to be like this she answered as best she could, "I won't say that again."
The moment he let go of her she started crying, but yet she found herself once again holding onto him for comfort. Mia knew it was wrong, but she kept telling herself he would only be a friend and nothing more. Never anything but a friend. When her mom got home he helped her bring the groceries in, thanking her for cleaning his blazer and apologized that no one had been there to keep watch of Mia.
She had already gone back up to her room locking herself away again. Only now she stared at his phone number that he written down for her on one of her notebooks with the promise that he would drop her off at school the next morning to put anyone he needed to in their place. The rest of the night she would fixate on his writing, on how he held her, how she now had his number, but still she should know better. He was a friend and nothing more, it was her mantra as she planned her outfit for school the next day. Nothing but friends, yet she wanted to wear her best perfume, here it was the one thing she had swore she would never want or do.
Taglist: @xxhellfirebunnyxx
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orangepanic · 7 months
34, 36 (I am myself a very visual person, and I should say proudly that I have read all your fics during last 2 months, and I visualize Iroh very good, you even told his height, but not for Asami(as far as I can remember) I would love to imagine them beside eachother in your fics, so how tall you imagine her🧐)
39, 41
Please skip any, if you have already answered ❤️
That's such an interesting point! (also you read all my fics???!!!!!🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗) I wonder if I spend less time describing Asami because she has so much more screen time so I assume readers know? Anyway I have Asami as just a hair over 5'9" but as in canon almost always in heels, which puts her at perfect kissing height with Iroh :-)
34. What aspects of your writing are inspired by/taken from your real life?
At the same time everything and nothing. There are no characters who are inspired by real people, but at the same time there are little bits of people I know in so much of my characterizations. Asami has my messy purse and my coffee order. Iroh and I probably have the same number of books, though his are far better organized. His and Izumi's dislike of shoes is the same as my husband's. Some of the settings look like places I've been or seen (like all of Starvation Paradise is inspired by a real place in Russia). It's all cobbled together.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
Yes, which is often the hardest part. Writing for me is like watching a movie in my head and trying to translate. But it's also filtered through the characters' perceptions. Another reason I might describe Iroh differently than Asami is that they notice different things about one another. For example, I pulled these first re-meeting descriptions from the same fic.
Taller than average, he had thick black hair that he wore slicked back and the typical pale skin and golden eyes of the Fire Nation. Handsome in an angular sort of way, he had the kind of tense, uncomfortable look that she associated only with military men, nuns, and Lin Beifong.
Her black hair was bound up into a ponytail and she’d exchanged her heeled boots for hiking shoes. Even in the flat shoes she was tall, and though clearly younger than him she walked with a surety of movement that made her seem older than Korra and the others. A pair of olive green goggles perched on the top of her head. Iroh hadn’t wanted a traveling companion, but the thought crossed his mind that, if he must have one, he could do a lot worse than a pretty girl with common sense.
While it's only an example, I think Asami is slightly more literal and objective in her internal descriptions. Enter Mr. Tall, Tense, and Handsome from the Fire Nation. Iroh seems to be more relative, so while also noting features like tall and pretty, he's also describing Asami relative to his own expectations and feelings, so you get comparators like "younger than me but seems older than Korra and mature for her age so maybe okay to date?" and "I really didn't want to go with someone but hmmm okay yes I like this."
I can't claim I'm doing this on purpose but maybe I am? It would track with my characterization of Asami as slightly more analytical and Iroh as a big sack of feelings.
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
Oh, all the time! First, I shamelessly steal headcanons. All the time. I see something I like and I adopt it. Second, I'm always reading things that make me want to write better or differently. If I read something I like I'll try it out. For example I just read a trashy mystery novel that, while I didn't love it, hardly used dialog tags at all and I was fascinated by that, so I've been trying it out. It's just fun to play with. Finally, I love chatting with other writers and people in fandom and bouncing ideas and getting feedback. They've all made me better.
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
I love the subtle intimacy of this one and have been trying to write like that ever since.
Fanfic writer asks
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