#and theres a getting stuck hazard to all of this
toongirl007 · 3 months
What's the reason you made your spark oc have poison powers & why is she dating a fusion?
Poison appeared as a hazard in some games I like lol so went with that cuz well theres many different ways it can be used, good & bad!; on one hand it can be incredibly deadly but in the other it can be used for medicines. Also cuz I feel like poison is really under rated as an ability, it always showed up as either green or purple such as in Paper Mario or Pokemon; so trying to mix a small element of both hence why her poison is both purple & green sometimes with the different colors having a different effect. part of the reason I made her a doctor as well was because she uses her venom to help others when she creates painkillers. Oscuri's purple highlights are actually her nature hair color that secrete the oily slimey substance being her venom when the fur flares up from this tiny spines, it will prick through a formie's fur & into their skin giving them bad side effects like a terrible rash that lasts for a long while & I always seen her venom being stronger since formies are technically aliens & also well it works cuz ants can be venomous too so its both a blessing & a curse lmao. Its harder to get under control when shes stressed out or angry although she can flare her fur on command to harvest it to make her medicines. When its at rest is how shes able to safely approach others like giving hugs, handshakes, high fives, etc.
When I first made Oscuri the way she uses her venom in fights was more akin to water/blood bending; she could switch between the colors of her venom, purple which is the deadly option but just depends on how much is used meaning if you are struck she can easily just adsorb it back into her body by holding her hand in the area you were hit from, it can also be acidic. green venom was more of paralyzing the opponent. Did some rewriting where now its the opposite colors due to being experimented on by a group of scientists when she was a kid; If you ever seen gameplay or heard of Galerians, then its pretty much her being the "science experiment that got away & now roams free" type of thing that being her main canon now & she has to be extremely careful due to the unknown chemicals that made her venom more dangerous its why she had to make a custom jester power to keep her venom under control/manipulate it when she fights.
As for her dating Sfarx? honestly I was going to have her last moments in the Fark Force be going down trying to protect as many GPAS & formies she could & ends up dying in the end by Clarity just like the rest but a bunch of my friends in a VC said that its too depressing & ngl I'm not that good of a writer but their encouragement made me fix her tale (I did get sad too so glad they changed my mind) since she was one of Fark's elite's she followed his directions down to a T but slowly grows a friendship with him since my original idea is that she mistakes Fark as Spark when she gets in trouble challenging Armstrong during a meeting with the formie council leading to her rebelling & meeting Freom at the megaraph trying to find whereabouts of Clarity to destroy her but well things don't go as planned, Freom spares her & she flees although halfway when she is trying to get back home she gets ambushed by rouge GPAS (the main event of Spark 1) one of them bites her arm & feeling outnumber crys for help, Spark answering her call. She thanks him but doesn't catch his name in a hurry to get back home so it leads to when Fark flys over in Technoria City since she saw advertising of the power armor all over the place when he passes by she thinks it was the same jester that helped her before. Its silly but thats her concept & stuck with it since lol I have changed this being her actually leading a group of rebels to attack the megaraph although shes the only survivor from the failed assault, major change was that but she still ends up being followed/ambushed by GPAs & Spark still saves her. I said this a while ago & I'll say it again, since she gained Fark's friendship & trust working in the FF he takes her to a hidden location where theres a pod inside shoving her in so that Clarity doesn't assimilate her, the last thing she remembers is Fark telling her things will be alright & to come find him when she reawakens, when those 2,000 years pass her pod opens a few months before Sfarx defeats Centralis making her trying to learn what happened when she goes around Luna trying to help any survivors she comes across having a small journey by herself until she catches glimpse of a strange android with a hologram of what looked like the Jester that helped her in the past, they have a reunion & their goal is to pretty much help rebuild a new world & keep trying to find any survivors from the Clarity Calamity. I said in a VC that from this is where Oscuri grows more of a bond with Spark & develops a crush on both Spark & Fark but theres a problem; she clearly doesn't want to favor one over the other so she has trouble confessing her feelings & keeps them hidden until theres a moment where Spark wants to test if their fusion can work in the real world & Fark is curious as well in case theres a huge threat that could possibly show up in the future so they both show off this form to Oscuri, she isn't afraid since she's used to Fark transforming & thought that was him but then hears them explain that its a fusion of both Spark & Fark. Since shes been treated unfairly from formie society they were pretty much the only people that showed her kindness in a way where she has these feelings for them so she finally gets the courage to tell them & well I know this sounds dumb but they end up being a couple from Sfarx catching on that its easier for her to talk to them when they fused & from fighting along side each other they have each other's backs & theres moments where some formies are freaked out by the way Sfarx looks they bond from being outcasts together since Oscuri knows that feeling too well. I headcanon that they can fuse whenever they want & that Sfarx's fur is super soft & fluffy from the Spark side but also resistance from the Fark side so Oscuri's poisonous spines aren't a threat when they hold hands or cuddle. In other words they are Posion proof lmao
(shoutouts to friends for encouraging me to make Oscuri have a better ending that being her having 2 husbands in one being a gremlin) ok shared my cringe going back to my corner
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thebluerose · 11 months
Being stuck in Hell after the Qliphoth incident took the last five braincells he had left and incinerated them, theres no going back.
The man is a walking hazard to mostly himself than other people at this point.....and yet we let him keep a sword....
We let him go to Germany on his own. I'm surprised it's still a single continent and not split in two right now because of him.
LITERALLY the only thing he has going for him is he's hot and has nice tits, that's it. That's all.
Why do ya think people still go to you for Demon Jobs even though hes back, eh? The Wacky Pizza Man is a few Bullets short of a Full Magazine, if ya hear me right... [They elbow Nero gently]
Heh… he’s definitely wacky, I’ll give you that.
I do agree he can be a menace to society sometimes, but the guy has saved the world several times over.
Yeah, he’s dumbass, but he’s also my uncle, so I try to cut him some slack.
However, don’t get me started on some of the stupid shit I’ve seen him do. I don’t know how he’s still alive.
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turtersblade · 11 months
Sonic Superstars
Finished October 19
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Potential Spoilers here. If you're sensitive to spoilers, you probably shouldn't read this
Oh wow I'm conflicted. I'm just going to get right into it. Theres two main playthroughs, and then a true final boss. The first playthrough, I had a good amount of fun! The last like third was a little iffy in parts, but still pretty good! Second playthrough was awful. It was essentially hard mode. The problem is, they took the Sonic Mania Encore Mode approach to a hard mode, as in, just spamming spikes and enemies everywhere. Springs that launch you into spikes, Egg Robos spammed all over the stage shooting you from off screen. There was even a part where it was an auto scroller type of section, with canons that can shoot you out and go faster, which was in the first playthrough too. However, here they decided to make half of them insta kill traps. Why??? You cant even see, the insta kill hazard it would shoot you into is OFF SCREEN when you're decided to use the canon. Then that playthroughs final boss was slow, buggy, and just bad. Insta kill lasers. Insta kill punches. Mechanics just flat out breaking. Great. Then you get to the Super Sonic final boss. its 7-10 minutes long no matter what you do. Then it ends with a final section where you cannot replenish any rings, and you have to do 6 or 7 precise QTE's in a row. Then you have to dodge lasers for about 10-20 seconds, wasting the rings you cannot replenish (unless you get lucky and you're blessed with being able to get about 15 more). Then you have to do one more precise QTE. If you miss a single of these QTE's or get hit by the laser once, you have to restart this section again, which is a death sentence since you CANNOT REPLENISH RINGS. Eventually I did this, but the game bugged out!! I was stuck on a white loading screen that did not actually do loading, and in the background I still heard the final boss. I died by running out of rings on this white screen and had to start from the very beginning.
Everything after the first playthrough is genuinely garbage. If it was just that first playthrough, I could give it an 8. But with all the nonsense I went through, its somewhere in the 7's. I need to just replay the first campaign again and see where I lie. I might edit this post later on with how I feel after I do that, it just wont be now because of Spider-Man 2 and Super Mario Bros Wonder out TOMORROW.
Oh man this is definitely one of my messier write ups of the year
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s1x-foot-deep · 2 years
So, what are the fun mechanics of the game
well its the same as don't starve but, u can build rockets & stuff for Space Travel......... & since its Constant space its very much. weird & strange & scary even .
different planets act as like, different biomes, some of them more hostile to organic life than others....... some planets a non-robot player character cannot go on at ALL even if they craft a proper space suit bcuz of factors like Glass or Acid Rain that can destroy the suit....... some atmospheres are simply hazardous for a plethora of reasons & deal damage if a player decides to roam it without a suit, but can be managed with a spacesuit. theres also planets with 0 oxygen that, without a suit & oxygen tank, WILL instakill u . some of the hazardous environments distort visuals of the game the longer ur in it, & theres a 50/50 chance for one of those environments to kill u or just simply distort everything ................ some planets have day/night cycles, some are always stuck at midday/dawn/dusk/night.............
ummm what else.. u can build rovers to explore planets before u so u know what ur getting in2 first . some planets have alien species u can trade with or befriend, or fight & get attacked by .... maybe some species u can keep like u can w rabbits & birds .........
OH and. foraging is Difficult bcuz its a toss-up on what plant life and alien meats will kill u or do damage ................. ok ive emptied my brain out of the General ideas i have 4 it without. Specifics of some bits .
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stagefoureddiediaz · 3 years
Eddie and the daffodils
Ok so I'm back on my Eddie and Narcissus/Daffodils soap box!
I was prepared to believe I was maybe clowning a bit with all the Narcissus around Eddie in 5a...
But then having daffodils sat on the table in the Eddie montage in 5x11? Well now i'm convinced i'm not clowning at all because those things are not a co-incidence - thats 3 times in 1 season we've had Eddie and narcissus in the same space!
in 5x05 in the narcissus mirror storyline - apart from 1 moment (when Hen is), Eddie is the only one who we see in shot alone with Lewis - the guy who brought the mirror and injured himself by trapping a nerve in his neck - getting stuck in one position - on the toilet. All the other shots are Lewis alone or have multiple people (Hen and Bobby plus Lewis, or Buck, Hen, Lewis etc.) Eddie is also the only one down on his knees at the same eye level as Lewis - everyone else is standing up and above them both- again drawing a connection between them. Hens explanation to Lewis is also very interesting as well;
'What we have here is an severely pinched nerve in the neck, from over exertion and straining which caused his body to spasm and freeze. (said to Bobby)
Thats why you can't move.(said to Lewis)
But I assure you its all temporary.' (said while the camera is focused on Eddie).
Its as if we're supposed to read that this is actually about Eddie - we watch Him and Hen not being in sync with each other, but its about the idea of getting stuck in one place (hmmm foreshaddowing my beloved - the idea of over exercising and going nowhere - that treadmill is feeling even more relevent!!) - a place you don't want to be when you over exert yourself to please others - narcissism isn't always a bad thing - if you are doing something for yourself such as taking the time to self care and heal from trauma - it will enable you to be there for others. It's saying that others will be there for you - to provide help along the way, but ultimately you'll only be successful if you do it for you and not for others - something Eddie needs to learn!
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Then there are the daffodils in Eddies Kitchen;
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^^^ In 5x10 - there hanging out on the sideboard - in the centre of the shot while Eddie is talking to Carla about Christophers meltdown.
Then we see them in the middle of the table in 5x11 during breakfast with Christopher in the same yellow and white vase. vvv
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Both of these instances have the flowers in the centre of the screen and they draw the eye - because bright yellow and static (theres a reason hazard signs are yellow!)! the other common denominator in all of this is Chris - Eddie talks about changing his job to make Chris happy then we see the reality of Eddie leaving his job for Chris - the flowers tie the two scenes together and while initially Eddie is clearly enjoying his time with Chris, the reality of his new life is that as we watch it unfold - the colour drains out of the kitchen - not drastically, but it fades and looks washed out - in the same way Eddies clothes get darker and the bedroom washes out as well - everything is turning grey.
Also - as an aside - Eddie has actually decorated his barren wasteland of a room - with a picture of cactus in the desert!!! Set team you are not subtle - such a fun metaphor for Eddie - he is literally a cactus in the desert at this moment in time - stuck with little to no sustenance and outwardly prickly!!
Eddie has never been surrounded by soooo much background yellow as in s5 - the lighting especially is very loud!!
I mean in 5x11 alone - Eddie was surrounded by yellow - the yellow of the fruit and orange juice, the yellow daffodils and then all the very yellow background lighting through the windows.
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Sooooo much yellow - all in scenes that important communication is taking place and one of the reasons I'm convinced that talk between Eddie and Josh is going to come back up later - that yellow lighting is very loud! then we have yellow lighting in the kitchen when Eddie and Chris finally talk (not enough but its a start - Eddie needs to break before we'll get more!) and then yellow glass behind bobby and a yellow folder in Eddies hand when he tries to head back to the 118 - all important moments that set the course for Eddie to reach his breaking point!!
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rickywritesstuff · 3 years
walk to the park - bill s preston esquire x ted theodore logan
notes: evil bill and ted are also in this fic and are unbearably gay for the first like 2 minutes but this fic mainly revolves around human bill and ted, bill and ted have a swanky little therapy session while the robots have sex
warnings: mentions of "not wanting to live" and internalized homophobia, implied sex
desc: With no way to contact Station nor the good robot Bill and Teds due to the battle of the bands being over and them leaving, the Wyld Stallyns leads are now stuck with their evil robot counterparts, whom they thought they killed, as their roommates. That, of course, is bad enough, but it gets about 10x worse when the robots start dating. Bill and Ted, now face to face with the fact that they might not actually be as straight as they seem, talk a walk to the park to figure everything out.
"Well, maybe, next time you kill two totally evil robots, make sure they're actually, y'know, dead," Evil Bill stated, a wide, mocking grin on his face as he sat tangled up with Evil Ted on the couch, his right leg hanging off the edge.
"Dweebus," Evil Ted added, also grinning, holding Evil Bill so he wouldn't fall off the couch.
"Jesus, your heads flew off, I figured that was enough to prove that you were gone for good," Bill argued. "Sorry I don't know the signs of a robot being dead. Would you rather we had really killed you?"
"Our heads reattach, dumbass." Evil Bill rolled his eyes, kicking his foot back and forth lightly.
"Listen, dudes, we just want you to be respectful. This is our apartment, after all," Ted said calmly. "So could you... not trash it?"
Evil Ted groaned. "It's already a shithole, anyways, what difference is it gonna make?" he said with a smile.
"Dudes, you threw all our dishes while we were dead and now theres broken glass everywhere. It's a damn hazard just to walk around without shoes," Bill said, trying his best to remain as calm as possible.
Evil Bill rolled his head back, groaning impatiently. "Fine, whatever, we'll clean the stupid dishes, but we're not buying you new ones. Can we move on now? ET and I have got an announcement to make." He smiled, clearly anxious to make whatever announcement he was going to make.
Ted shrugged. "Alright, what's the announcement, duder?"
The evil robots exchanged glances, both grinning ear to ear, before Evil Bill exclaimed, "Me and Evil Ted are totally dating, dudes!"
Bill and Ted stood, both shocked at the news they'd just heard. "You're... what?"
"Dating, dweebus, did you not hear him?" Evil Ted asked as Evil Bill adjusted himself.
"I'm sorry, you called us a homophobic slur and now you're dating?" Ted asked, looking back and forth between Bill and the robots, as if making sure what he was hearing was real.
Evil Bill shrugged. "Yeah, sorry about the whole slur thing. Evil programming or whatever."
"You mind telling us what happened in between then and now that changed your point of view on dating dudes?" Bill asked, his face scrunched in thought and confusion.
Evil Ted shrugged. "We were bored, we made out, now we're dating. End of story."
"Wh- end of- y- what the hell?" Bill stammered, unable to put his thoughts and questions into words.
Ted stood, completely silent. Then, quietly, "I'm gonna... take a walk." He went to grab his coat, which was lying messily on the couch, then turned to walk out the door.
Bill shifted on his feet, suddenly slightly uncomfortable. "Yeah, me, too." He grabbed the nearest sweatshirt, one of Ted's, labelled with the name of their high school, threw it on, then walked to the door. "Wait for me, dude!" he called.
"Don't come back for a while," Evil Ted called out with a grin, before Bill heard the thump of both the robots' bodies landing on the couch.
"Gross," Bill muttered, before closing the door without turning around for even a second.
He ran after Ted quickly, who was already in the parking lot of the apartment complex. He turned his head as he heard the thumping of Bill's shoes against the pavement. "Oh, hey, Bill."
Bill smiled. "Hey. Where are we going?"
Ted was quiet for a moment. "I don't know. Nowhere, really, I guess. I was sorta just gonna clear my mind after- that."
Bill laughed. "Yeah." He paused. "Uh- 'clear your mind'? Like, in what way?"
Ted went quiet again. "I don't know." He laughed, trying to shrug off the awkwardness of the whole situation. "Try and get the image of the robots making out out of my head, I guess."
"Oh. Yeah." Bill tried to focus on his feet instead of the obvious tension between him and Ted as they walked. He tried to make conversation about anything that wasn't that. "Nice night," he stated awkwardly, mentally kicking himself over how stupid he sounded.
Ted nodded. It was quiet, the only sounds being crickets chirping, the sounds of their feet hitting the pavement, and the occasional car passing by. Streetlights and the moon were the only things illuminating their path. Ted looked at Bill as they passed under a streetlight, then laughed, startling Bill. "Dude, is that my hoodie?"
Bill laughed, too. "It was the closest coat I could find. Besides, it's comfortable." He shrugged, grinning jokingly as he showed off the oversized hoodie. It grew silent again, but the silence was more comfortable this time, then Bill spoke again. "You wanna go to the park?"
"The park?"
"Dude, come on, it's night, so it's not like anyone'll be there, except maybe, like, graffiti artists or something. Besides, we'd get a totally excellent view from the top of that big play-thingy."
Ted laughed, staring at the park as it came into view. "Alright, I'll race you there," he said with a grin, before bolting off towards the playground.
"Wh- hey, no fair, you didn't even give me any time!" Bill called out, smiling widely as he chased after Ted.
The two panted heavily as they made it to the park, leaning against the fence. "Dude, why do you run so fast?" Bill asked in between heavy breaths.
"You've just got short legs," Ted joked, also panting. The two giggled, clutching their stomachs. After they had basically fully recovered from the run, Ted pointed to the plastic playground. "Come on, let's go sit up there."
The two walked up the stairs, to the very top of the playground, the part just before the roof, and sat down by 2 large slides. They remained silent for a few moments.
Both of them knew what they had to address. Neither of them wanted to address it.
Finally, Ted spoke up. He tried to talk about it in a joking manner, which didn't exactly work. "Pretty crazy how they can go from homophobic to making out on our couch that fast, huh?" he said awkwardly.
"Oh. Uh, yeah. Crazy."
Shit. Back to awkward. Ted sighed. "Dude, you know we can't just pretend like it's not happening. I mean-" He paused, his voice quieting. "They're basically exact copies of us, Bill. And they're dating, and they seem- y'know, happy with themselves. Doesn't it make you think? Just a little bit?"
"They're not exact copies of us, Ted, they're totally evil."
"It's not evil to be gay, Bill."
"I know, that's not what I'm-" Bill sighed. "What the hell are you trying to get at, anyways?" he asked, looking at Ted now.
Ted was quiet. He couldn't avoid it now, he had to say what he was thinking. "Would it be so bad to- to, y'know... date? Like, each other?" he asked quietly, fidgeting with his jacket zipper nervously.
Bill fell silent. "Ted, what-" he started quietly before being interrupted.
"I just- I'm sorry, Bill, I can't just not tell you, I- dude, I've had a crush on you since we were kids, and- I mean, I don't want to ruin our friendship or anything, but- with- with the robots, do you think it could be possible? You and me?" Ted stammered quickly, hiding his face. The fidgeting of his zipper grew faster as he waited anxiously for an answer.
"I- I don't know, dude," Bill answered quietly.
Shit. Ted fidgeted more, hoping they could change the subject and forget about it all. "Th-that's fine, dude, you-"
"How did you find out? About how you feel about me, I mean."
Ted paused. Bill didn't seem at all negative towards Ted's feelings about him. Just curious. "Uh- I don't know, I guess I just sorta-" He paused. "I think I've sorta always known, I guess. I mean- when we were in middle school, my dad gave me that totally bogus talk about dudes liking other dudes and how it's 'wrong' or whatever, and ever since then, I-" He trailed off.
Bill reached out and touched Ted's shoulder. "You what, Ted?" he asked.
"I- uh- anytime I saw, like, a cute rocker dude or- y'know, you, and I got that woozy feeling in my stomach, I-" He swallowed, letting himself cry as Bill wrapped his arms around Ted, pulling him into a hug. "I hated myself for it. Jesus, I wished I was dead, and it's all because of my dickweed dad." He cried into Bill's shoulder, wrapping his arms around him as he did so.
Bill closed his eyes. He didn't know what to say, but he knew he had to say something. "I-" He paused, thinking hard about the right thing to say. "I'm sorry, Ted. Maybe Rufus'll let us burrow the booth and we can, like- go back and tell young you it's cool to like dudes? I don't- I don't know. That's a stupid idea."
Ted laughed, sniffing. "I don't think 14 year old me would take anything we say seriously, Bill."
Bill laughed, too. "Yeah, probably not. But, like- look on the bright side." He seperated from the hug slightly to look at Ted better. "You don't have to see your dickweed dad, like, ever anymore."
Ted smiled, wiping still-falling tears from his face. "Yeah, I guess that is pretty good." He paused. "I didn't, uh, fully accept my feelings until I moved out with you, y'know."
Bill nodded. "So- how are you supposed to know when you're in love with someone?"
Ted thought. "I don't know. You just sorta... know, I guess."
Bill sighed. "That's the problem, Ted, I don't know. I've never really been in love with anyone before. I mean, the princesses- they're hot babes, and that's what I'm supposed to like, y'know? But- it just doesn't feel... right." He shrugged.
Ted nodded. "Yeah, I get what you mean." He thought for a moment. "Maybe we could ask the robots about it?"
Bill shook his head. "Dude, they're evil robots who made out with each other to find out if they were gay. I don't think they'd give the best dating advice." Ted laughed. Bill scrunched up his face in thought. "I think- I don't know how to explain it, but- this, just- sitting here with you, doing nothing- it just seems... right? I don't know."
"Like everything we'd ever done before has led up to this moment."
"Yeah. That whole fate thing or whatever."
Bill looked at Ted again, his face illuminated by the moonlight. Gently, slowly, he set his hand on Ted's cheek, feeling it warm slightly. Smiling, he kissed Ted's lips gently. This felt good. This felt right. This felt better than any experience with girls he'd ever had, and he knew that what he had always felt when he was with Ted since they were kids had been love.
The two stayed sitting like that, Bill on Ted's lap, his legs dangling through the bars behind Ted. Their faces were only inches apart. "Do you wanna go back home?" Ted murmured, staring at Bill, then his lips, then Bill again, then his lips again, over and over and over.
"No. Let's stay here until the sun comes up."
Ted laughed. "Dude, that's not for, like, a million hours."
Bill smiled. "So? Sunrises are pretty and romantic."
Ted giggled. "Fine. Can we at least get snacks?"
Bill planted another kiss on Ted's lips. "Deal."
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mha-quotes-and-such · 3 years
im judging 1-a's hero costumes and want to share them with you :) just as a general base for this assume im judging everyone for not having the appropiate amount of padding on their costume
aoyama: sir, this isnt a modern fashion show this is crime fighting.
ashido: look, i know her whole schtick is like, 80s (90s??) era, but i am on my knees begging her to at least choose prints that go with each other.
tsuyu: honestly? its good. i think she should maybe add some blues and browns into it if shes going to be fighting in water so she can blend in a bit more, but its very nice already.
iida: sir, sir, why are you wearing the equivalent of a medieval suit of armor. he can run fast, yeah, but that wont do much if they can hear him coming a mile away.
uraraka: another one i really like. the color scheme is cute, you cant tell what her quirk is just by looking at it, and she has a face protector!! you go you funky little hero.
ojiro: i mean, it fits his personality? i look at his character and go ehhh. and then i see his hero costume and go ehhh. very on brand.
kaminari: the jacket is a grabby hazard. maybe he could fix the ends to the rest of his costume so they arent flapping around? other than that its good.
kirishima: look, i love him as much as the next person but god please put on a shirt. take a leaf out of mirio's book and make a suit out of your hair, that way it hardens with you and adds an extra layer of protection. also the skirt thingy is a grabby hazard.
koda: gonna be honest, i had to look it up because i could not remember what it looked like BUT when i saw it it was a little confusing? the mouth. why. he couldve put anthing else on his shirt in relation to his quirk but goes with a set of teeth. get it ig?
sato: its solid. a little boring to look it which must be a pain to market off but its reliable? i mean it compliments him well so. king.
shoji: so theres nothing really wrong with it, but i just dont like it. i mean he doesnt have much to work with to be fair and it feels a little plain. not like i could do any better though.
jiro: her costume looks like street clothes. the jacket, again, should be fixed to the rest of her costume so you cant grab it. her boots might weigh her down? idk maybe theyre made of lightweight material who knows.
sero: another one i dont necessarily have a strong opinion about. it works well with his quirk, he sticks to a few main colors, and his helmet thing looks like a tape dispenser. hes easily marketable and its efficient.
tokoyami: haha edgelord. but its useful. his cloak helps dark shadow if theres too much light and it just fits his aesthetic. another easy market (esp towards teens)
todoroki: why.
hagakure: see above, but more stressed. please, just copy mirio and make a suit out of your hair. we are all begging you.
bakugou: oh boy uh. green and orange are So Ugly together. they just dont work and the black background theyre on only accentuates this. another note: his gauntlets are too big for him to open a door. this man would never be able to do stealth missions unless he lost the gauntlets.
midoriya: i like his, honestly. he adapted it to work well with his quirks and he also reinforced the places and he needex extra support (wrists/hands). stuck to a color scheme.
mineta: i genuinely do not understand what the thing around his waist is for?? what is it. also cape: garbby hazard. id tone down the yellow a bit, just so it doesnt scream out his position because its eye catching.
yaoyorozu: you are a child. i cant believe i am reiterating this point so much but make a suit out of your hair. your hair is a surface on your body ergo, you should be able to produce your creations through it without exposing yourself.
+aizawa: i mean, it works for an underground hero. he doesnt have to worry about his appearance, just practicality. he has his goggles, his scarf. the only thing bad is the bagginess. some villain is going to grab the extra fabric and yeet him into a brick wall.
I’ll be honest. Whenever costumes are involved I always get a little scared. But you anon? You’ve managed to be OSHA and the fashion police all at once. I literally can’t add anything to this you are objectively correct
And THANK YOU for bringing up the ‘make costumes out of your hair’. Sure it might not work 100% of the time. But at LEAST Hagakure could! I would like to see it for all the ones you’ve mentioned tho, it’s incredibly practical and also way more protective for these children
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peachysnzs · 3 years
genshin snz headcanons
i caved here are literally All my genshin snz headcanons cause im thinkin so hard rn
def sneezes in fits but tries to stifle whenever possible
uses his elbow most of the time, but sometimes when hes especially deep in a fit he ends up just sneezing desperately in the air
quiet and breathy
tries to make his sneezes as discrete as possible but the further in fits he gets, the more desperate his sneezes sound
every time he has a buildup to a sneeze, he kinda just shudders leadin up to it yknow
he always tries to be cautious and not get anyone sick when he is sick bless him
ok this fucker inhabits an ice mountain theres no way he doesnt get at least a *couple* colds
sneezes in likes twos, threes
this is so unoriginal bcs hydro vision but like her sneezes are def at least a bit wet-sounding
uses tissues when avaliable, but if not she just kinda turns to the side
loud and high-pitched
she sneezes relatively suddenly and it takes her by surprise sometimes
tbh mona feels like somebody who’d have allergies and being all sniffly and miserable looking and still try to deny that shes allergic to anything and that youre stupid for thinking so. very tsundere.
speaking of sniffly her nose probably just constantly runs like a tap when shes sick
she wouldnt even try to keep her germs to herself and would be disgusted at sick ppl even if she was the one to get you sick
hu tao
literally almost never sneezes* but when she does its singles
uses her elbow and covers her mouth, ty hu tao for being a good snz role model
kinda low and naturally soft
long ass fucking buildups! her nose just kinda itches for a whole two minutes and her breath wavers before she sneezes quickly
so for the asterisk * i kinda lied, she sneezes up a storm only when sick, she has kinda a subpar immune systme so whenever shes sick she just is stuck with sneezng consistently through the whole day til shes dizzy
also sneezes in singles, occasional doubles
alternates between using hankerchiefs if avaliable or just her elbow
i feel like jean is the type of person to like excuse herself right before succumbing to a fit
small sneezes, decently graceful
i feel like shed had a dust allergy honestly
jean literally will not take sick days even when she has awful colds, and while she tries not to get ppl sick she does a kinda awful job at it
two to four usually
elbow once again, but sometimes when shes gliding she cant really use her arms so she just sneezes in the air
squeaky def, high pitched
she def has hayfever and one day opens her glider and its just covered in pollen
no build ups to her sneeze, just a sharp inhale and then the snz
we already saw her snz so
either single sneezes or long ass fits, no inbetween
sneezes into her gloves, but when her sneezes start to get messy she switches to a hankerchief
breathy and feminine
cyro characters get colds cause i say so
no fr tho eula just miserable w a cold and just constantly having to duck foward and sneeze into her gloves
half of her cold is her denying shes sick even when she looks absolutely horrible and the other half is complaining about how miserable she feels and demanding people to do things for her
doubles usually
he sneezes into the air or in his hands this fucker would never sneeze in his elbow
messy and desperate
long! ass! fucking! buildups! he tries to hide the hitching with his builds ups but hes not at all good at it
his sneezes get so much messier the sicker he is, until hes practically just dripping
dont be decieved by the way he hides being sick, he desperately craves being coddled whenever hes sick because of his home life
suprisingly good at caretaking
triples and quadruples i feel like
elbow primarily, but sometimes uses tissues
loud and rough
he tries so hard to hide his allergies but it never works because his sneezes are always so loud
fuck it give him all the allergies
his voice gets stuffy so quickly when even in like a five foot vicinity of flowers, and his nose itches so much to the point where it feels like hes just constantly building up to another sneeze
has probably sneezed on someones drink at least once while he had a cold
almost only fits and he fucking hates it
he usually pinches his nose to stifle but if he cant manage he either quickly goes for the elbow or just ducks his head down and sneezes towards the floor
shaky and itchy-sounding if that makes sense
yknow that little gasp people do sometimes before sneezing i feel like hed do that
never takes sick days unless forced to by jean or diluc, and ends up shambling through his daily tasks shaky and feverish and sneezy
he tries to stifle but it really does not work
singles, and if u catch her sneezing she’ll probably make you swear to silence
literally just in the elbow
honestly i feel like shed sneeze like a kitten, or just really high and femme
she sees being sick/allergic as a sign of weakness so fights sneezing very hard. like u can see the visible effort she makes pinching her nose and shit after her breath hitches even once
also one of those dumbasses that stifle way too much and doesnt take sickdays
doubles unless shes allergic, then its fits
she has a fancy ass lace hankerchief she carries w her speficially for snzs to look ‘proper’
she forces her sneezes to be elegant, sneezing naturally is loud tho
small buildups but v audible breaths building up to a sneeze
she has a good immune system but when she does get sick she gets it bad and tries to cover up her flushed face and red nose with makeup
without people around her she just lets herself be miserable while sneezes, lettting out small little “..guh...” after a particularly bad fit
doubles or triples
beidou would also like never use her elbow, shed sneeze in her fist even if the sneeze is messy as hell
loud and proud of it
look all im saying is beidou is a walking health hazard whenever sick, she doesnt try at all to keep colds to herself and can and wil sneeze into her hand only to shake yours seconds later 
no buildups, just sudden sneezes that scare the shit out of people tho
very very fucking messy
half the time does not care if shes sick, she doesnt really feel like she needs to take sick days because she doesnt feel that bad and stuff like that
singles and occasional doubles
she keeps tissues on her and uses them relatively often
delicate and proper
the idea of lisa having a dust allergy is just everything to me, like she blows off dust from a book and ends up stuck for a few minutes with her nostrils flaring until she finally sneezes desperately into a tissue
rarely gets sick, but when she does milks the hell out of it to be as lazy as possible. like “oh im feeling so awful rn, maybe a kiss will make me feel better?~”
fits fits fits
hands or elbows, really depends on how hard the sneeze hits him
decently loud and a bit high pitched
look venti is an anemo god all im saying is when he sneezes the wind picks up, and when he has fits its enough to push you over
to remedy this he just avoids everyone when sick and avoids cats with a a passion
buildups are very breathy and desperate
his nose runs so much near cats and he makes a godddamn mess of himself the longer hes around them
cats absolutely love him regardless
he gets fits only bcs i say so
literally either just the air or his hands because nobody ever taught him that he should like cover his mouth properly when sneezing
quiet but messy
the idea of xiao w just torturuous buildups does something for me. he’ll be stuck there w his breath hitching and hazy eyes for like a whole minute before he finally just ducks into his hand and makes a mess of himself
he does not understand being sick and absolutely hates it when he does get sick, 100% tries to power through it and ends up a fucking mess by the end of the day
his sneezes get stuck so often
his nose gets so fucking flushed and twitchy after a while of sneezing
doubles or triples
sneezes in her elbow most of the time
soft and low
when she gets sick she gets so sleepy, her sneezes just kinda draw all the energy outta her and she usually ends up taking a nap
shes allergic to dogs too bcs why not
she doesnt want to bother people when sick or get them sick too so she usually takes copious sickdays until shes absolutely certain that she cant get anyone sick
triples literally always for some reason
either into his fist or into a hankerchief
low and masculine, a bit loud
doing the same god shtick with him, the floor tends to shake whenever he gets particularly sneezy and stuff on cupboards can and will fall over when in the vicinity
no buildups really, hell just be in the middle of talking and then he blinks a bit and then sneezes roughly
he doesnt really take sick days but he doesnt really deny hes sick either, just kinda tries to get through the day despite feeling awful
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gmos · 3 years
its kind of funny how many environmental hazards i experience in a day and i dont even get to leave my apartment that often. like theres uneven floors and the subsequent shakiness that causes stuff to fall often and doors are always stuck, increasingly strobing lights in the bathroom, ac unit emits a weird smell every time it turns on, awful ventilation unless youre right next to the window, which goes bad with the hair dye/epoxy glue/bleach/nail polish/sharpie/acetone ive been working with lately. and then im like ummmm why do i feel like spiritually and medically shit spending all day in here
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some continuation i guess
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this time with the emperor
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we get the basic rundown, born to human parents, massively gifted, immortal, hidden among humanity and all that. It’s here where his motivation to shepherd humanities psychic awakening is really first brought up [something thats given overall more prominence in the book as well]. a much more interesting note however
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now, this probably seems inconspicuous enough at first glance. Indeed even in modern canon 40k’s imperium is first actually created over ten millennia ago. However, take into consideration this little bit earlier in the lore section that i didn’t think to much off at the time
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now, taking this into consideration, the implication here is that the age of strife, something that is typically thought to end right before the unification wars in modern 40k lore, is only considered to have ended after the emperor’s internment upon the golden throne, and that further the imperium seems to only officially be a thing upon the that internment. Now this suggests some things to me, two large ones possibly being
a) the unification wars and the great crusade were more so part of the same wider war, ie that the wars ‘only the emperor remembers’ were a large conflict between various warlords to determine who got the rightful rulership of the crumbling pre age of strife human civilization. or
b) the emperor started the age of strife in order to dominate humanity to control and shepherd the psychic awakening he saw humanity stumbling into.
take your pick i guess. food for thought and all that. also
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in my earlier post i jumped the gun, the 1st edition emperor is still a punk who needs human souls to survive. Though in this case its not some vague need to bind his soul to the chair or anything, no, its just that he apparently cant eat or drink anything else and hes really god damn hungry and thirsty all the time. Which is hilarious and i almost feel is just a better explanation in general.
to be fair he does look like this 10 millenia later
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makes sense he would need to eat unconventionally.
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as well, as opposed to specifying 1000 psyker souls a day it just mentions a vague ‘hundreds dying every day’ which is still a lot but also likely less then modern emps eats everyday.
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some explanation/emperor wank on why the emperor needs to be fed everyday. not much to say, just that i feel like the implications here atleast lean a bit more towards the emperor being pitiable in his own right as someone so dedicated to this vague future ideal of humanity that hes forsaken most of his own physically and mentally. 
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apparently humanity underwent no genetic changes over 38,000 years that werent the direct result of mutation from environmental hazards.
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@ lordsofmedrengard  early dark angels lore, here we can see where they got stuck with the moniker of “first legion” from in 30k modern lore, and its cause here in the first 40k book they’re noted as being ‘honored as the first marine chapter’. Guess it was something they felt needed to carry over... I like the copious more amounts of wine in the old dark angels chapter, and they seem a lot more aristocratic here then in modern 40k. Which makes an interesting contrast compared to the barbarian stocks of soldiers mentioned earlier in the book as being preferred for “legiones astartes”
we get some rundowns on the branches of the adeptus terra next, not much particularly new to note outside of them all being part of this larger governmental priesthood. some highlights though
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the old school custodes uniforms are in fact the traditional uniform of the custodes in 1st edition. 
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custodes wielded ‘lasers built to resemble the traditional and symbolic guardian spear’ whatever the fuck that means
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tech priests and the adeptus mechanicus were monastic monks who primarily lived on earth and didn’t stick metal parts into and all over their bodies. they were consequently much more boring as the echlissiarchies IT department.
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arbites basically doubled in the sisters of battle’s role as the militant branch of the state religion.
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arbites fashion choices and the arbites acting in a similar manner of chaplains as well really.
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the more voluntary nature of the astronomican in the first edition, the trainees learn how to safely let the battery drain them but it still seems to be a demanding job with a high fatality rate
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they also share monastic tendencies and a uniform with the mechanicus, though theres is a fashionable blue.
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included the entire bit on the administratum cause honestly, i find it incredibly fascinating. The parallels are certainly there between modern and 1st edition administratum, but i feel how its presented here just has more teeth and intrest to it. That is to say, its not just the ‘oh what fate, administration has become even more horrid, tedious and soul draining in this grim dark future, woe be us!’ that tends to get tossed around when mocking administration. Instead its a literal organization of religious monks dedicated to tax filings, school administration, rezoning and what have you. Blessed be the regulations and all that. Is there small cults dedicated to paper clip gods? what holy rites are involved when faxing documents compared to when faxing fourms? This is shit i want to know more about.
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all adeptus terra adepts carry a knife and are likely legally allowed to shiv you here as well incidentally. 
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the inquisitors are mostly the same, though with no mention of chaos whatsoever. less sub divisions from the looks of it too. this bit did catch my attention though.
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psychic powers seemed to be a hell of a lot more common among inquisitors back then as well.
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quirky inquisitors, who’d have thunk it. [its not that surprising, i just like that they took the time to mention it is all]
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don’t know wtf is going on here though, especially as to whats going on with dudes armour on the left. looks like a knight crossed with an oven.
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we get the usual spiel of psyker background, but then we get some interesting differences in opinions here on psykers compared to modern 40k imperium. How justified or not it is, is up to you but its definitely a shift in tone i would say.
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possibly the proto servitor narrative wise? As said, 1st edition 40k readily uses robots, so servitors would be unnecessary. technomats on the other hand fall between that as menials who likely operate these things but dont full on replace them like servitors eventually will.
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astropaths are basically the same, though the 90% statistic im not sure if it holds over to modern 40k. im thinkin likely but i could be wrong.
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navigators outside of not ubiquitously having the third eye mutation also seem to have much more personal freedom and respect in imperial society in 1st edition. probably pretty comfy to be a navigator back then really. Aside from that, navigator families are still a thing.
space marine time!
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well we get the same ‘feral world recruits as warrior god soldiers’ sortta stuff, it is mentioned and stressed that hive world criminals apparently make better stock in terms of raw aggression. Entire gangs will even be rounded up for the purpose of making new space marines.
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the early process to create a space marine. no special organs, but bio-chem and the black [plastic?] carapace were there from the start, and hypno indoctrination is alluded to. Apparently this is still barely controlled chaos though. [and on a personal note, nothing that indicates it was male exclusive either, outside of general attitudes of the 1980′s]
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early organization graph of a space marine chapter.
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chapter markings and armour
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iron hands apparently only had the one iron hand?
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list of chapter symbols with names and colours, these keep appearing in the book. seems i was wrong on only the imperial fist symbol, its actually the crimson fists chapter symbol so thats 3 of the modern big 9 that didn’t exist back then.
we get a break down on the typical structure of a fortress monastery for space marines next, using the space wolves funnily enough who were far more normal as it were in 1st edition [and also their home world was lucan isntead]. and its got a lot, and well its all fairly interesting ill just shotgun blast some highlights
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that the space wolves had an entire fuckin ship hanging in their great hall i find endlessly amusing, so thats why its there. the rest are interesting in terms of the domestic situation of space marines.
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techgoddessdeluxe18 · 4 years
Stop Fucking Up My Dream Firefighter AUs with Incorrect Research - A Long Rant
As a proud veteran of the fan fiction gang (what up 2011 fanfiction.net, pre porn banned Tumblr and 9 years deep into AO3) and an actual volunteer firefighter 
(Im not kidding we had a call to get a cat out a drain and this kid and his friends who had called it in were standing nearby and the kid had the Homunculus symbol from FMAB drawn on his hand and I asked him if he watched the show and he just look at me in awe that a firefighter could even fathom anime.)
I have a SLIGHT problem when wanting to read Firefighter AUs. The writers tend to get the vibe right, the steamy romance, the unhygienic sex in the fire engines, etcetera. But the basic info is almost always jarringly wrong, and its sort of painful to read through. 
So here is a incredibly basic breakdown of what you need to know when writing a Firefighter AU.
Paid vs Volunteer Company
In America, Canada, and most suburban and rural areas, depending on how wealthy your town is, are volunteer companies. Local families and people who have been serving for generations dedicate their time and lives to serve their community. They’re small, so they might have old but well cared for rigs (fire truck, engine, rigs are just easier to call them). Theres usually one Chief, an Assistant Chief, 2 Captains, 2 Lieutenants, and the firefighters underneath them. They work in conjunction with the surrounding companies when responding to a call.
Depending on how wealthy the town is, they might have paid or combination companies. My town was rich enough to fully staff 30 stations, but allowed volunteers to run with them as well.
Major and even minor cities, are mainly paid companies. Theres just too many people in small spaces and incidents tend to multiply in cities. The command structure is similar to the volunteer company, however they don’t have individual chiefs, they have 1 Battalion Chief that responds for the whole city, like for a big structure fire they would assume command from the commanding officer on scene.
Getting Dispatched 
In every county, city, province, there is a small office building with lovely people called the Dispatch Center. People call the country’s emergency number (North America - 911), dispatch takes your information, and says over county radio 
The box number (like say its Company 12, so Box 12-3 would be the north side of town, 12-7 would be the south, 12-10 would be the river, or something like that)
The Incident: Most common but not limited to:
 Possible or Working Structure Fire,
Fire Investigation, 
Fire Alarm (most common and so annoying at 3 AM)
Vehicle Fire (classified by size, like car, van, tractor trailer)
Traffic Accident (Accident w/ injuries, Multi Car pileup, Rollover, Accident with entrapment (stuck but not hurt), Accident with confinement (literally crushed in with the car)
Less exciting ones like Gas Leaks, Carbon Monoxide Alarms, Electrical Hazards, Cats stuck in trees
Medical calls - depending on the company, but mostly Cardiac Arrests, Stroke, Lift Assists (helping old people who fall in their tubs), possible pregnancies?
The most common are fire alarms. Pain in the butts and are usually nothing, but you always have to be prepared for something to go wrong. For some reason Structure Fires and Cardiac Arrests come in batches, so like 2 weeks of like nonstop action, then like a month of boring fire alarms.
The basic rigs are 
Engine (water suppression, 500-gallon tank)
Rescue (Rapid Intervention, vehicle accidents and technical rescue)
Ladder (single 90'-110' ladder), 
Tower (Ladder with bucket at the end)
 Some cities allow combinations such as a Quint, a ladder truck with a tank in it. Most of the time, for most incidents, its 1 Engine and 1 Rescue or Truck or Ladder. The Engine is the constant. For any incident you may write, there should be more engines than anything else, but for a basic fire, 3 engines, 2 Ladder or Truck, and 2 Rescues are good.
For accidents, usually 1 Engine and a Rescue
What to Wear?
All of your gear is in your locker in the Apparatus Bay, in lockers with your name on them. Gear is heavy, about 30 lbs. This is the order they go on, should be dressed and zipped and on the rig in less than a minute and a half (yes we’re tested on that)
1. Boots and Bunker Pants
Your bunker pants are tucked into your boots and they have grips, so tug them on and get your pants up over whatever clothes you have underneath. Suspenders on, though some people don’t use them.
2. Nomex Hood
It looks like a dark colored balaclava, but its soft, stretchy, and thick material, it goes over your head and then pushed back off so it sits around your neck. VERY IMPORTANT, WILL KEEP YOU FROM GETTING BURNED TOO BAD.
3. Jacket
Swing it up and over your shoulders and get your hands into the wristlets. Fire gloves will either be in the pockets or strapped to the front (I perfer strapped its easier to grab and put on)
4. Helmet
This is where OP can get creative because almost all helmets are very personalized, whether with cameras or flashlights or stickers or special handmade leather fronts with the Company number and firefighter name. (Mine has a chinese idiom that translates to water and fire have no mercy, cause im half Chinese)
Going on the Call
So to wrap up this very long post, going on each call is always different. No two are the same. The fire alarms are boring and tedious. The structure fires are fun and exciting and adrenaline rush, but just be aware that there is an entire room on fire and its 1400F degrees and its just you and a hose and you breathing heavily through your airpack. Its scary but walking out of it after is such an invigorating feeling. Your camaraderie with your crew will never be stronger than in that moment. Vehicle accidents are the same, just you and the spreaders (Jaws of Life), and praying that the patient inside is still breathing and conscious. Lastly, for medical calls, never underestimate the capacity of human grief. Cardiac arrests almost never seem to work. Its always very sobering to leave, but you did what you could.
In the end, firefighters are human. We are not epic heros like people like to believe. We enjoy what we do, helping others. We cherish the time we have.
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Kagaminette || Halloween on ice
For Marigami week at @marigami-week day 3: protective
The class goes to the Halloween disco at the (very crowded) ice rink but when they all split up, Kagami’s determined to spend it well with Marinette. (~1.5k words)
note: (i know its called marigami week but ive been calling them kagaminette for so long its stuck im sorry) im also late oof and theres like 1% of the actual prompt in here but i hope you enjoy :D 
It’s not the most formal date out there; far from it, especially considering the fact that they hadn’t gone out with the intention of making it a date and the fact that the only reason the two were alone now was because they’d lost most of Marinette’s classmates in the crowd (Rose and Juleka were swallowed up immediately; Nathaniel and Marc going into a corner in the stands; the chaotic group that consisted of Alya, Kim, Alix, and a helpless Max zooming onto the rink; and the others just plain disappearing).
But it was an impromptu one and now that it was, Marinette knew that Kagami was not going to let it go to waste (it had taken a lot of convincing--and perhaps some half-truths--to get her mother to let her come after all).
And yet… 
“I’m not too sure about this Kagami…” Marinette mumbled, huddled right next to her girlfriend as the crowd in the centre surged around them. The strobing disco lights were flashing all sorts of colours, moving around and settling on different people every time. “It’s… really crowded.”
For a brief moment, she swore a spotlight focused on Juleka and Rose before moving on; the former magnificent in her mysteriously stylish costume (the name of which Marinette hadn’t caught), the latter almost downright terrifying as a petite but very realistic zombie. 
Kagami scanned the centre, her sharp gaze visible even in the dim lighting (in truth, she wondered if that was a hazard; surely in such a crowded, party environment everyone should be able to see everyone else as easily as possible). They both stood on the outside of the rink wall, their ice skates and costumes on. Ones they had made together; a demon and an angel.
In a lovely twist of events that had surprised everyone, it was Marinette the demon who had arrived at the rink, side-by-side with her beautifully angelic girlfriend. Although, the latter had insisted herself that Marinette be the angel, claiming that the angel wings that they had worked so hard on deserved to be worn by the ‘true angel.’ (”And besides, it was you who did most of the work, Marinette. You deserve it much more.” “But I only did it so that you could wear it Kagami! And well... I may have...”)
And it hadn’t taken much to convince her otherwise; Marinette claiming that she had already started making the costumes based on their respective measurements and swapping them would have rendered all her earlier work useless... not that it would have mattered; they were able to share each others’ clothes anyway.
“We can handle it,” Kagami said decidedly, squaring up her shoulders in the way Marinette knew that nothing was going to stop her now. She sighed but relented as she was led onto the rink, where her feet suddenly decided not to move. At least the skaters glided almost effortlessly out of their way.
She swallowed; she hadn’t been on the ice since… since when? 
Oh! Since that double date with Adrien and Luka and Kagami. She smiled in spite of herself; oh how much things had changed. 
Kagami glanced at her, her own smile forming at the sight of Marinette’s; demonic red and black makeup and all. “How are you feeling?”
“Uh… A-a bit wobbly, to be honest.” She laughed nervously. “It’s been a while.”
“Indeed. The last time I’ve gone skating was on that double date last year.” Marinette’s eyes widened; so Kagami remembered too. “Do you remember?” She nodded vigorously.
“Definitely. There was so much drama back then, wasn’t there? When you thought you liked Adrien but he liked me and I thought you liked him but you liked me but you both thought I liked Luka--”
Marinette stopped when she heard Kagami’s laughter (a sound she was probably never going to get tired of), joining in after a moment. “It was a mess, wasn’t it?” She agreed, Marinette catching her fond smile. 
“It was.” She squeezed her hand. “But I’m glad that’s over.”
“Me too, Marinette.”
“Hey you two!” A familiar voice called out. Alix zoomed up, coming to a sharp curve around them, her bunny ears swinging from the speed. “Hurry up and get skating! You’ve been standing there for so long!” She raced into the crowd, a scarecrow following swiftly and yelling after her. Marinette could barely catch the “You’re slow Kim!” as she disappeared.
“Your friends are right,” Kagami said, gripping her hand tighter. “But we can start slow.”
Marinette nodded, cheeks dusted. Maybe if it weren’t such as unpredictable time she would be fine, but the rink was bustling with more people than she had initially thought, now that she was actually in it (and now that she remembered just how empty it had been on that double date before; she could hardly imagine that same rink which had served only four teenagers now held over two hundred skaters, on the rink alone). 
“Don’t be ashamed, Marinette,” Kagami said encouragingly.
“O-oh I know!” She laughed as they began marching, taking slow glides in the clockwise direction of the crowd’s flow. 
They skated for half a lap before picking up speed silently, Marinette gaining enough confidence to loosen her hold on Kagami’s hand, blushing when she realised just how tightly she’d been squeezing. 
A blur of brown and grey swerved in front of them. “Hey lovebirds! Say cheese!” Alya yelled, skating past with her phone out as she snapped a photo. She grinned, laughing as she looked at it. “You both look terrified! Love it!” 
“Wa-wait Alya take another!”
“Maybe if you catch up to me!” Alya winked, turning to face forward again with a swing of her arms, the glittering makeup stitches shining in the colourful lights.
Marinette groaned. “Bet that’s going to make it in our yearbook…” Kagami laughed softly. “Glad you find that a good thing.”
“It is not but it is an amusing thing.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “Easy for you to--” 
Oh no--
Sensing them without seeing, she was ripped away before she could move, Kagami tugging her away.
An arm wrapped around her back, the both of them twirling towards the centre as a familiar scarecrow crashed into the wall.
“Oh my god Kim you moron!” Alix yelled, coming to a stop in front of him. “You nearly killed someone!” She turned to face them, her eyebrows raising as she realised just who he’d nearly killed. “You nearly killed Marinette Kim.”
Kim shook his head, looking around for his straw hat before he found the two; Kagami’s eyes narrowed at him, Marinette’s wide. “But you can’t kill angels?” 
“Kim are you serious?”
He blinked. “Oh right. S-sorry Marinette! Sorry Kagami--I got a bit outta control back there.”
“No kidding,” Alix muttered, picking up his hat and chucking it at him. 
Marinette smiled. “It’s alright… but maybe be careful next time.”
“Others will not be as fast as we are,” Kagami added, her voice low and firm. 
Kim winced at her tone but nodded. “I will!” 
Alix huffed, crossing her arms. “Maybe it’s time for a break. Ever since Max got off we’ve been a mess and I’m starved; where’s the free sausage sizzle?”
Marinette wriggled her arm out of Kagami’s hold, pointing towards the direction of the entrance. “It should be to the left of the entrance. Inside where the cafe is.”
Alix nodded. “Thanks Marinette! Let’s go Kim, before you kill another person,” She said before skating away.
They watched them go for a brief moment as Marinette relaxed, her thumping heart slowing. 
Before realising that she was still in Kagami’s embrace (and then her heart sped up again).
“A-ah Kagami it’s fine now… you can--” She blushed as Kagami turned to look at her, her face… much closer than she anticipated. “You can… um… l-let...” Her voice trailed off as Kagami continued to gaze at her, an expectant look on her face. 
Then just as suddenly as she’d been pulled into Kagami’s arms, Kagami nodded, “Right,” and pulled away. 
And she cursed herself for even mentioning it.
Sure, standing like that in the middle of the ice rink might not have been the most practical thing but it had been the most comfortable thing.
Somewhere, a certain brunette glasses-wearing Frankenstein’s monster facepalmed as the music changed, followed by a hush over the crowd. 
The colourful lights dimmed, until the rink was bathed in a pale flush of reds and pinks. As one they slowed, some moving into the centre to find their own space, others getting off as lights spotlighted on couples (Marinette noticed Adrien and Nino under one, Nathaniel and Marc in another). 
And then one on them, too.
A look of wonder crossed Kagami’s face as she gazed around the centre, Marinette’s face too red to hide even under the red lights. 
“Is this… a couple’s dance?”
She squeaked, stammering. “U-um well it could be! Maybe!”
Kagami nodded slowly, deep in thought before looking up and offering her hand to Marinette. “Then may I have this dance?”
She tensed, a thrill going through her body... before the words spilled out in a breathless rush. “I-I don’t know are you sure? Youmightnotwantitthat’sall--I mean I’mnotthebestdancer--or skater--andcombiningthosetwotogether--well it’s not gonna wend bell--end well. End well. And well let’s be honest and--”
“Yes?” She breathed.
“We’ll go slowly.”
And they did, thankfully for Marinette’s sake, because her heart was beating way too fast for her to really be in control of her body and she was gripping onto Kagami too tightly and oh, her hands were so sweaty oh no Kagami must think she’s gross. And such a coward too, her legs were wobbling for goodness sake why was she like this--
“I like this,” Kagami said suddenly (and never mind it was a good thing she was like this). She smiled, the same, soft, mushy smile Marinette always received (and would never get tired of receiving). 
And that was all it took. Marinette relaxed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. That’s right; she didn’t have to panic around Kagami, didn’t have to worry. “Yeah,” she whispered. “I do to--”
“Come on lovebirds, get moving,” another all too familiar voice piped up in frustration, as all too familiar hands took Marinette’s and wrapped them around Kagami’s neck, a gentle push sending her gliding forward, in an all too familiar scenario. 
But before either of them could really register anything, Alya was already speeding away, her laugh sounding much too cunning for Marinette’s liking (maybe Trixx was getting to her).
“Alya I’m going to kill you!” She yelped after the girl, who flashed her a peace sign without turning around. 
“More like you’re going to thank me girls!”
Marinette groaned, head lolling forward just short of Kagami’s forehead. “I’m… so sorry about her.”
Kagami breathed out a laugh. “It’s fine. She’s very enthusiastic about… other people’s love lives.”
“Ever since she got me and you together she’s been calling herself the most successful matchmaker and now that Adrien and Nino are together she’s basically proclaimed herself Cupid.” Marinette huffed, rolling her eyes again. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she challenges Andre tomorrow.”
“Alya would be a better matchmaker than that ice cream man,” She stated, so matter-of-factly that Marinette had to stifle a laugh. But then Kagami frowned, thoughtful. “Though I don’t think Alya got us together. I’m certain we would have started dating with or without her interference.”
“That’s true. We would have found each other regardless.” Marinette beamed, thinking of the day Alya had rushed in announcing that it wasn’t Adrien Kagami liked, but Marinette--a week after Marinette had finally figured out her true feelings. “But who knows how much longer we might have had to wait to be with together.” 
Kagami’s own smile was enough of an answer, and in the flushed lighting, Marinette thought that even if she was without the halo and the wings and the hastily applied glittering makeup (because her mother would have possibly grounded her for life otherwise so they’d had to do it on the way to the ice rink), Kagami would always look as good as an angel.
Kagami would always be an angel to her.
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blookmallow · 4 years
workin on skyrim houses.... i am steadily amassing all real estate in skyrim lmao
most of this is super old news now but i never got around to posting it so 
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i hate that bag back there so much every single time i see it i think its a person for half a second 
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moved my family to solitude and everyone seems happy 
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fuck YES this is the kind of room worthy of my beautiful children 
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i got TWO MORE MANNEQUINS who are both very unruly and frequently refuse to stand where they’re supposed to but i at least haven’t seen them move,
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what is this room down here??? is my housecarl sleeping here?? why doesn’t she get a bed this place is enormous. lydia gets a bed. argis gets a bed. what the fuck is this nonsense 
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also i built an alchemy lab for my wife bc she used to be an apothecary’s assistant and i thought she might like it and I DO ACTUALLY SEE HER USING IT which makes me enormously happy 
i dont know if your spouse just always makes use of the things in the house or if its a particular characteristic for muiri or not but i like to think she appreciates my efforts 
im not using this house for a whole lot yet its mostly for my family 
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this isnt related to houses i dont know why this is in here but i dont feel like moving it, anyway this guy was offering what he clearly described as “meat pies” at the fire festival but then it turned out to be apple, which is probably because apple pies are the only ones that actually exist in the game’s coding as far as ive ever seen/they probably wanted to avoid this being The World’s Rarest Pie or something but its still :’) odd 
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time to BUILD AN ENTIRE HOUSE!!!!! by MYSELF!!!!! 
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i dont have a lot of progress shots of the falkreath property but it took a Very Long Time :’ ) its coming along great now though i think i just have a couple more things in the basement and it’ll be totally finished 
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check out this sickass taxidermied skeever i got 
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as it turns out, though, owning a house outside of the city is, uh. apparently very dangerous, because, in addition to the giants constantly going after my cows, 
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man you dont really fully appreciate the size of these fuckers until they’re in your goddamn HOUSe
i didnt REMOTELY expect them to be in here so i didnt even notice them for a good few minutes, i was just like. fucking around sorting things or something when i suddenly noticed Movement 
for half a confused second i thought they were just like, hanging out and was momentarily very pleased with the new friends i had obtained before they all started attacking me :’) 
had to kill them, which is a shame because i would have absolutely loved to have random skeevers hanging out in my basement. why must we fight 
this also meant my basement was full of skeever corpses for a bit until they despawned lmao
but, ok, rats in the basement, giants getting in your yard, thats like, understandable hazards, i guess, but falkreath was not done with me yet
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you have the option to move your family in to this house if you want to and im fucking glad i didnt, children cant be harmed as far as i know but they could’ve come in here and fuckign murdered my wife 
aNYWAY, i and my. snarky dark elf friend from solstheim who was with me at the time killed them all and there wasnt much in this room so nothing important got knocked over or anything, i dont know where the fuck lydia was during all this bc she’s supposed to be guarding this house and she didnt do shit, but 
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the corpses and the blood disappeared the next time i came back here but. god :’) 
i bought the windhelm property a while ago and forgot about it/didn’t want to remodel it bc i didnt want to lose the fuckign butcher crime scene but finally decided to investigate it 
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unless you choose to pay to have it cleaned up you do Not in fact lose the crime scene. you could potentially move your kids in here and still have blood everywhere. i m losing it 
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welcome to my lovely home 
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i feel like theres somehow MORE blood in here than there was before but i dont remember 
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you can remodel the secret room into an alchemy lab without removing the murder debris which is VERY funny to me 
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also very kind of the windhelm steward or whoever remodeled this for me to provide me with fuckign black soul gems,
arent these like. illegal
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one of my mannequins got stuck in this ridiculous pose for a while and the helmet is absolutely not helping lmao 
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strangesigils · 5 years
What kind of rebellion??? What what? I wish I had that power djsbsvshsg
OKAY so for those of you that dont know I work in an elderly care facility as kitchen staff.
We got this issue where the main important elevator, the only one that opens on the floor where the main entrance to the building is, is old as shit. It breaks down every day, sometimes multiple times a day. The elevator will not hold more than 350 pounds but they’re saying the go-to limit is 2 people because we have many residents that dont have the capacity to ride the elevator alone.
Weve had one of these types of residents get stuck in the elevator with their daughter for nearly 20 minutes. It’s a small space and it gets hot in there with the weather getting warmer here (even though spring has only just begun). This years summer in my area is predicted to be the hottest summer on record, when highs already go as high as 40C normally. The regular break downs in combination with the weather heating up makes for some dangerous conditions and every possibility for something to go wrong. To put it bluntly it’s a safety hazard.
For deliveries like bulk groceries or oxygen tanks we have to bring them down a flight of stairs to a floor where the other usable elevator is because were not allowed to use the main elevator for them anymore due to the short weight limit.
All these issues have been brought to the attention of management and the owner and they do nothing. They send in a dude to ‘fix it’ about once a week, which usually just consists of him turning it off and on again, taking some readings on the control panel and looking increasingly more stressed with every reading he takes.
Were coming under new management (same owners though) so we had a meeting today to brief us on what might be changing and to assure us that our jobs are safe as well as to answer questions. So naturally I asked 'how much say do you two have in regards to whether the elevator gets replaced?’. Old management was also present for the meeting and the moment I said that her head snapped around and she was like 'WHAT!?’. So new management did this spiel about how it doesnt need to be replaced we just need to not use it for deliveries of any kind and that theyve ordered certain parts to get the thing repaired. According to a coworker of mine that’s been there a while they said they ordered the parts to fix it years ago and they still havent shown up, so thats probably a load of crap.
So I got together with most of the Care Aids and we agreed that this is bullshit. So I proposed that every time the elevator breaks down with somebody in it (that doesnt involve deliveries), we make sure to get it recorded on paper as an incident report, or in the case of it being a resident and a family member, we will walk the family through filing a formal on-paper complaint. Make sure these reports all get sent into the office. They are required to keep physical reports like these on file by law and the way weve been told to do things to this point is to just talk to the managers, which doesnt give record to anything. So by doing this we put more and more pressure to come up with a permanent solution, or else next time a major incident happens with that elevator they’re going to find themselves in a lot of trouble. We will leave no shortage of proof that there have been problems with it for a long time and they chose to let it sit, and that makes them completely liable for any accidents that take place as a result of those problems.
And everybody apart of that conversation agreed so that’s how were going to be doing things now whether management likes it or not. I also happen to be on the newly formed hazard prevention and safety committee so as a member I’ll be taking it upon myself to keep photocopies of all these incident reports in case the originals in the office get 'misplaced’ somehow.
Not exactly a riot, but theres something kinda metal about using the system against the higher-ups that are supposed to benefitting from it in the first place.
It’s not really about power, I just get really charismatic apparently when I’m pissed about something.
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drferox · 7 years
20 Questions with Dr Ferox #20
Sometimes it blows my mind how many questions and comments you all have and want to share. This makes 400 we’ve got to in this format. Once again I’ve tried to tag people, but if you sent a question on Anon you’ll have to look yourself to see if you were answered.
@crazy-aquarium-lady said: Do you have any experience with farm or large animals in general? Goats for instance?
I spent the first few years of my veterinary career working in mixed practice, which included large animals and goats. I really did enjoy goats, though they often weren't kept as seriously as other livestock, but I'd have to admit I'm somewhat out of practice with large animals.
Anonymous said: omg all of your animal names are incredible. i once met two cocker spaniels called Beans and Trousers and that was pretty amazing
Bean and Trousers are great names too
@sketchingblanks said: Hi there Dr. Fox! Thank you for your wonderful blog and all that you do. My dwarf hamster recently passed away at the age of 3 and I'm a wildlife rehabilitator who has dealt with animal death many times before, but it's never quite the same when it's one of your own. However it did make me wonder what is the smallest animal you have ever worked with? Was it more fun or challenging? Question tax: How do you take your tea? I usually have something herbal (like peppermint/spearmint) with honey.
The smallest patient I've personally dealt with was a mouse. But the finch with the broken leg was pretty close. Believe it or not I don’t actually drink tea.
Anonymous said: Question: have you ever treated an arthropod (specifically tarantulas, because they can rupture their abdomen pretty easily) or know someone who specializes in that? Because I'm quite interested in knowing if vets provide care to arthropods, or if its better for the owner to perform medical care to their tarantula at home (ICU's, helping a bad molt, treating hemolymph leaks, etc).
I haven't personally treated an arthropod, though I learned a bit about them during work experience at the Melbourne Aquarium, most of their medicine seemed to be 'just don't make them sick'. There are vets that will treat them though, the Bird & Exotic Animal Clinic is my go-to for exotics (you should check out their facebook page).
Anonymous said: You dont have to reply to this if you dont want to, i just wanted to say i have rats and i love them so much and i will do anything they need at the vets. Because idk i thought maybe you might need encouragement that there are people who prioritize exotic animals health. I hear a lot of stories of people that wont get vet care for their rats but not a lot about people who do. Thought it might give you a little bright light amongst all the dark. Have a great day youre amazing.
People like you are definitely out there. Thank you for your comment.
Anonymous said: just needed to blow off a bit of steam because this still annoys me, but my father told me that taking a hamster to the vet to make sure she's healthy before taking her to college with me as a support pet was "a waste of money." granted, he hasn't taken the family cat to the vet in about seven years, so he generally seems to think that veterinary care is a waste of money. i love my hammy and i just want to make sure she's healthy, but since she isn't a cat or dog, she's "not worth it"
Anon, sounds like your father would think any dollar spent at a vet clinic is a waste of money, regardless of what sort of animal it was. There's not much you can do to change people's minds about this, so just do what you need to do.
Anonymous said: It's amazing how many people don't understand how economics works. They seem to expect vets to do everything for free or for cheap, but if they did that, how could they afford to eat? And besides that, you guys DESERVE to be paid for your time and effort. I wish more people thought about it like that instead of just looking at their bill and thinking that their pet's life isn't worth that much. Thank you for everything you do.
Veterinary medicine is one of the fields where people seem to think it's criminal for a practice to make a profit. Most other professions are not vilified for making a wage, but we're expected to like our jobs enough to work for free. Partly this is our own fault because we start to believe it after a while but we do frequently undercharge, do desexing surgery at cost, and treat strays and wildlife for free. The difficulty is most of this charity is invisible
Anonymous said: I want to say thank you as well because I thought I wanted to become a vet for the longest time, but reading this blog among others has actually taught me that it probably wouldn't be right for me. Now I'm more interested in something like a research professor. The amount of respect I have for you is boundless. I love seeing your work and following you and I think it's a good thing that I stumbled across this blog. This way I won't be stuck in a career that I wouldn't like.
Being stuck doing something you don't really like isn't a fun place to be. I'm glad you've found some more options and hope everything works out great for you.
Anonymous said: My favourite part of your blog has always been your vet stories, so I've been curious -- What kind of case/problem gives you the most satisfaction to solve?
Anything where I actually find a treatable diagnosis. Animals that get better 'mysteriously' are great and all, but I want to know why. And getting the answer is only bitter sweet if the answer is catastrophic or terminal. EPI, Addison’s and reconstructive cases are my favourite, because you can do so much good for them.
@daedricprincessxoxo said: Cute story for happiness: So a nurse-for-people brought in her dog for a sick visit. Unlike most human med people I've met, she was so respectful of those of us in veterinary medicine, and absolutely fascinated by how similar it all was to human medicine. Not only was she a dream client, her dog had freckles on its nose, which the vet adored too. What was funny is when she referred to the dog's spay as a hysterectomy instead.
It's great when you get a good one instead of a know-it-all. Technically a dog spay is an ovariohysterectomy though, we take those pesky ovaries out too.
Anonymous said: Im a vet assistant at a local shelter, and while helping a family look at dogs they remarked to me, "yeah our daughter is allergic to dog FUR but not dog HAIR. Do you know which dogs have just hair?" Needless to say, i was a little speechless and just recommended a poodle. Theres no real difference....right?
It's only semantics but some people like to use it to feel special. Hair and fur are chemically the same, if you're really allergic to one you're allergic to both, but hair is finer and typically longer so either doesn't shed or sheds much more rarely. It's weirdly common for poodle owner to be proud that their dogs have hair instead of fur. As long as they end up loving the dog, it doesn't really matter.
Anonymous said: Here's one: I work at a pet store. A man came in asking for a remote electric shock collar for a 3 lb Yorkie. Told him we carried nothing small enough to be safe. He told me it wasn't for barking - he and his wife had cattle, and when they went to visit the herd the dog would go pelting towards the cows. He said, "I just need something to drop er so she don't get stomped." I suggested a leash. He replied, "Nah, she don't like leashes."
Nothing the general public does or says surprises me anymore.
Anonymous said: I have a natural English Cocker. Her tail is heavy, constantly wagging, and a hazard to any legs in the vicinity :) Where I am there's a lot of working cockers, and hunters will swear up and down that docking is necessary because they'll ruin their tails in the brambles, etc. I'm not convinced - my (pet) dog loves diving into thick cover and this has never been an issue. Their ears are surely more of a risk, I'd think, but no-one's trying to crop those. Is there any real merit to docking?
No, there is no real merit to docking healthy tails and you're correct in assuming the ears of cocker spaniels are far more problematic for these dogs. Cocker Spaniels are the most notorious breed for difficult, drug resistant ear infections, with quite a few of them requiring lateral or total ear canal ablation surgery, but nobody would even think about docking Cocker Spaniel ears. This is because docking and cropping are done for aesthetics, not function.
@cakeandpi said: A long time ago, I took my cat in to the vet because he was limping badly and did not want to be handled. Turns out, rather than breaking his leg or anything like that, his hip joint had essentially eroded away and - to quote - “looked like swiss cheese”. His leg was amputated and it healed nicely, though he never let anyone close to that part of his body again. He had a long, easy, and mobile life, until he was roughly 18 years old (he was a shelter rescue) when his kidneys finally gave out on him for good. Whatever happened to his hip bone, it was unusual enough that the vet sent a sample to a vet research clinic. It’s been a few years since my cat passed, and even more since his amputation, but it helps a little to think that that sample might one day help, I don’t know, with orthopedic research or something of the sort. Maybe. Question tax: I really like your fantasy-animal science posts!
I of course have no way of knowing where the hip bone went, but I'm sure somebody, somewhere will make use of it. Veterinary Medicine is advancing all the time, which is the best thing about science, and accumulating raw materials and data is critical for us to be able to do so.
Anonymous said: hi dr ferox! i love your blog! earlier today my sister cut our cat's claws with human nail trimmers. i know you're not supposed to do that, but i don't know why. i looked at his claws after she told me she did it and they don't look hurt. should i be worried? thank you so much!
I use human nail trimmers on my cats' nails all the time. It's fine if your technique is good, though they're not the easiest device to use for that purpose.
@gemma-handyman said: Dear Dr Ferox, I've tried to find the answer via google but have come up short. Do you know why some cats have such an affinity for loaves of bread? For instance, my grandmother's cat, Cece, would drag loaves beneath my grandmother's bed and fiercely protect the pilfered loaf. She's not the only cat I've heard of with a strange penchant for gluten and carbohydrates. Do you know why some cats love loaves of bread? Question tax: came for the mythical breed breakdowns- stayed for the irl info
Cats can digest carbohydrates, and from a metabolic point of view they're likely treating it as glycogen in terms of dehydration. Some cats like novel chewing textures, celery leaves is another common thing for cats to like, so may be just chewing it for fun.
Anonymous said: I want to be a vet tech but everyone always says I'm selling myself short... vet techs are just as useful right?
Of course they are. Have you ever seen a human hospital function without nurses?
Anonymous said: So our clinic has a batch of neonate puppies. 10 of them. I'm clearly not going to be able to sleep for the foreseeable future, as I'm on puppy duty. At least they're cute.
Good luck bottle feeding the little squeakers. They'll turn into waddling balls of chaos soon enough.
@fndm-trsh-sht said: my cat is a lil shit- but a cute lil shit- t h a t i s a l l- *slinks awaayyy*
Most cats are buddy, but we love them anyway.
Anonymous said: Something about the angle of trashbags ears reminds me of a goblin. Hes wonderful
He is a bit of a gremlin, he's starting to grow into his ears though.
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