#and theres a table full of tiny things shes collected
Fanfics i would Love to read but not talented enough to write them myself...
.... fanfics... or even better if that was actual scenes in season 4!
1. Gilbert seating on the train writing a draft of his letter to Anne, getting emotional, passionate not noticing old lad seating next to him with his wife looking at eachother smiling at young love. Telling him a short story of their love and how they have been separated and how they would suprise eachother by visiting every now and then.
2. Anne talking to Diana and deciding not to tell anyone about her and Gilbert before she actually speak with him... which later on will pay of in girls faces when they see them kissing lol
3. Anne receiving her first letter from Gilbert and being over the moon, sending her own letter straight away and meeting young intelligent boy at the post office which turnes out is at queens aswel.
4. Gilbert and Anne meeting new people, having their lessons and studies and writing little notes to add their letters, collecting little flowers, making it very personal.
5. Gilbert being jealous over this new boy which Anne mentioned in 3 letters already. Doing extra work to finish his studies few days earlier to travel to Charlottetown and see Anne.
6. All girls seating outside, learning, talking romance, Anne and Diana giving eachother side looks because nobody knows about Gilbert yet... Anne getting very emotional she havent seen Gilbert in 2months while Ruby talking about daily walks with Moody.. her eyes tear up, girls are like ohh r you ok Anne when one of them look up from their blanket and bw like: oh, Gilbert whatever you doing here...
Anne jumped up straight into his arms, he swings her around in a massive hug, then they about to kiss, tios of their lips about to touch when Diananotice Girls faces and goes like: uhmm
Gilbert and Anne look at all the suprised girls, get a bit shy, Gilbert let's Anne out of his tight hug and they stand there looking at eachother for short while, Gilbert is like: ladies... if you dont mind I would like to steal Anne for a... looks at Anne not knowing what to say, but she finish his sentence for him: tea! There's certain matters we need to discuss with Gil... with Mr. Blythe... she says while looking at Gilbert's dreamy eyes... Girls being so confused and shocked by whole situation just nods while they walk out through back gate.
7. The moment they are away enough from girls and the boarding house Gilbert swing Anne in the air again with the cutest smile, she laughs, then they step to the side of little quiet road and he kiss like theres no tomorrow...
Talk about their studies... then walk past tea house and Gilbert is like, oh we are here and Anne look at him with a cheeky smile... shes like oh we are not really going to have a tea are we.. its dull and full of boring people.. Gilbert laughs at memory of being awkward with Winfred at one of them tea houses.
Anne takes Gilbert to one of her favourite parks, they walk by the water.. theres a small patch of grass surrounded by trees, Sun sneaking through the branches, they are finally alone and kissing and cuddling... they sat on the grass talking, laughing, simply staring into eachothers eyes... they lie down cloud gazing playing with each hands, hair...
8. Gilbert walking Anne back to her house, talking about leaving to Avonlea and telling everyone, both but stressed about their families reaction... they stop by the gate to avoid Anne getting kn trouble, hold eachothers hands. Gilbert's is like: so... we are... courting? Its official! Anne gives him a shy smile: I still cant belive it... Gilbert gives her a soft kiss and tells her he will come and see her at queens next day so the can travel together back to Avonlea.
9. Anne back to her room where she is immediately flooded by questions from all the girls... You kissed him, he kissed you in public, oh that's nothing like Gilbert we knows.. Anne stands there waiting for them to calm down and simply just say: I'm in love with Gilbert Blythe for a while now, and what I recently been informed about, hes been (she srops realising he never actually said he loves her...) ... having feeling for me aswel, for a while... we will be seeing our families tomorrow as we are offering courting.. girls get all hyped, asking questions if hes a good kisser Ruby throws a little comment that she actually always was confused when she thought hes looking at her but it was more like he was staring at Anne and that shes happy for her...
(Sorry... long list... I didint realised km so needy and desperate for fanfics 🙈)
10. All Anne can think if at school is fact that she is going to see Gilbert very soon and they will travel together back home...
She bumped into her friend, Roy which btw also have feeling for her and jokingly often admits he thinks Anne's is the most beautiful girl at queens etc... which Anne is ignoring as all she thinks of Gilbert and studies.
They walk out of school together, Roy lean and whisper somwthkng into Anne's ear, she laughs and notice Gilbert, wave at him, theyvwalk towards eachother. Gilbert's jaw is pulsing, hes jealous. Anne introduces them to each other and Gilbert have a little flashback to when he was introducing Winnie to Anne and disint know how to refer to Winfred, Anne did almost the same thing as it's actually first time she have to introduce Gilbert as her bou. Boys shake their hands bit stronger than they should, Anne says goodbye to Roy and her friends, Gilbert then offers her his arm to hold on to while looking at Roy standing and watching them walk away.
11. Gilbert is bit confused and worried, he isnt talking much on the way back, Anne is so excited shes doing most of the talking.. she noticed Gilbert acting wierd and asks, he then have tiny emotional tantrum and tells her he doesnt like the way this Roy guy is into her... she laughs and tells him theres nothing there, beside the only person she cares about... she ... loves its Gilbert.. he smiles, hold her hand... she then get a bit worried because its been 3 times when she said it out loud she loves him and Gilbert didint say it back.
12. They decided to invite Gilbert's family for dinner to Green Gables and then tell them together so when they get out of the train and see Matthew they being careful not to look to excited. Matthew offer Gilbert a ride back home and noticed little looks between Anne and Gilbert.
13. The dinner ready, Gilbert, Bash and Deli arrives at Green Gables, all the way Bash was giving Gilbert side looks with a cheeky smile and asking what so important they have to go to dinner tonight and not some other day... Gilbert just smiles and says its was Anne's idea on their way back from train station.. Marila opens the door calling for Matthew and Anne..
Anne come downstairs, Gilbert gets up with the most hearty eyes, theyblook at eachother for a while, and everyone e in the room glance at Anne then Gilbert, Marila and Bash look at eachother with a smile, Matthew looks a little bit concerned...
14. Anne stand in the middle of the room, Gilbert walks to her with a smile, turn around and stand by her side, they look at each other with a shy smile, he then pick up Anne's hand and while holding it dearly in his both hands he say something like: Marila, Matthew, Sebastian... Delphine (with a little smile as she giggle at he uncle)
We have some news, I mean... I would like to ask your permission first, ofcourse... uhmm
I would like to ask your permission to court with Anne... uhm... we recently discovered we both... have feelings for eachother... (Anne give him a concerned side look as again he wont say he loves her)
I needs to know if you Marila and Mathew gives us your... blessing..
They look at each other, Marila stands up, walked to them, hold their hands with tears in her eyes saying that shes so happy for them and their happiness and love is what matters... Bash alsongwts up and hug Gilbert with biggest smile saying he knew it and that he is so happy for them.. Anne then looks at Matthew which looks a bit sad.. gilbert then says: Matthew?
And hes like: if Anne's happy I am aswel, gets up and shakes Gilbert's hand, Anne hugs him.
15. They all seating alntalking, laughingnover the dinner table, Anne playing with Deli and Gilbert joining her, Matthew and Marila getting emotional as this is another big step towards losing their precious Anne.
16. Bash joking around, quietly saying to Marila about them behaving like perfect parents. Matthew then walking out but emotional.. Both Anne and Gilbert looking at eachother, Anne wanted Ringo but Gilbert telling her to stay and walking out behind Matthew. Then having a heartwarming conversation, telling Matthew how much he cares for Anne.
17. Anne kissing Gilbert goodbye and Bash seeing it, making comments about it on their way back home.
18. Anne and Gilbert going for walk... Gilbert being cheeky and keep touching Anne's hands, hair, face... talking about feeling when Anne suddenly tear up and tells him she wants to go back home, take a turn thru the woods, Gilbert all confused ran after her asking what's wrong, She then have a little go at him that shes scared he dowsnt really love her because it's been months and he never actually said he loves her... he then loom into her eyes, hold her face in his hands and tells her: I am in love with you Anne, my Anne with an e, I'm in love with you since i remember, it's always been you Anne...
He kiss her then and after the kiss shes all like: but why dont you say it..
He looked at her with sad eyes: I'm afraid of losing you Anne, most of people I ever loved are gone... I cant lose you Anne, I... love you to much, it hurts just thinking about losing you...
He seats on fallen tree, tell her a story of his mothers death while giving him birth, of his brothers dieing one after another to illness... then his father.. and dear Mary... he opens up and cry while she listens and hold his hand.
She then tells him how much sorry she is for being selfish and forcing him to say it, but he wont mind as it's been a while since he could open up like this and it feels so right to talk to his Anne.
They hug and talk about how Mary would be happy for them, Anne recalls his father and fact he said he herd alot about her and Gilbert getting all shy saying he told him alot abt Anne because even then he would not stop caring about her, back then he wasnt sure what it was, it was pulling him towards Anne, only recently he realised it's always been love...
Then they say it together and laugh...
19. As they are walking out of the forest Anne tripped and fall into a ditch, Gilbert laughs recalling the day Marila was talking about Anne in the ditch, asking her if that's how her adventures looks like and as shes a bit upset with him at first she also laughs saying he is her biggest adventure now...
20. Then as he helps her out, they stand and laughs, he gives her a soft kiss, Rachel Lynde watches it from nearby as she was just walking back from ms. Stacy's...
All shocked she rushed to Green Gables to talk to Marila... Markla gives he a little talk about being young and in love and maybe if she would listen to her heart she would be married now... as they talk Anne and Gilbert walks into the kitchen laughing... they both look ar Rachel bit scared of her comments.. but she gaze at Marile for short while thinking, then she gets up, walkes to them and congratulate them with a little cheeky comment about kissing...
21. They are back to their schools, emotional and full of love goodbyes, girls sneakily watching them and giggling...
22. Series of letters, Roy finding one of Anne's letters she left in one of her books he borrowed... then making a declaration.. Anne feeling overwhelmed as she does like Roy alot and woildnt want to ruin their friendship... bit of an argument between Anne and Gilbert, Roy trying to kiss her and she slapping his face...
23. Christmas back in Avonlea, together one big happy family... Anne and Gilbert sneaking out at night to spend time together... kissing and rolling in the barn...
24. Anne having a flashback from orphanage and Gilbert asking what's wrong, atvfitstvshe doesn't want to tell him but one night they talk and she opens up and tells him everything, about being bullied and treated like trash... about her imagination helping her get trough... about how broken she always felt and never couldn't even imagine being loved, and having so many loving people in her life... she would tell him about how worried she was her parents have her away because they disint love her as she was an ugly redheaded baby... Gilbert then kisses her single messy braid and tells her how much he loves her red hair and how much he Hope's their children will have same hair as her.. she then freaks out a little because she never actually thought about children and the way Gilbert talks it sounds so natural for him... she then look at him with a smile: out babies?
And gilbert is like: oh gosh, I I didint meant to scare you... but.. dont you think about... our future Anne? Coz I do.. alot he admits with a bit shy face..
She then say she only imagine their future together but she never actually thought about children... he get a bit stressed but then she adds that now he mentioned it, she also is looking forward to having a child, maybe two... they laugh and joke about it a little ... Bash and Ms. Stacy get married which course outbreak but after several years of secretly meeting and falling more in love they decided to go against the system. She ends up losing her job as a teacher but she writes books and articles to newspapers instead while pregnant with their first child. She also moves in with Bash his mother and Deli as Gilbert told Bash that after school he wont be living with them anymore. Elijah moves out as he met lovely girl himself, got married and lives outside Charlottetown, visiting them often and always helping with the harvest.
25. New years eve, theres a ball, dancing, beautiful scenes of them having fun together... Gilbert taking Anne back to green Gables.. he turn towards the cliffs... they walk together to the cliffs end, stand there looking into stars, he then drop on his knee, holding a ring, a beautiful ring and ask her to marry him, which she obviously say yes to.
26. Time skip with a bit of letters between them and their lives at school etc... suprised visits and going back home..
Matthew having another heart attack, being bed stuck, Jerry rushing to get a doctor but it's to far and they wouldn't make it, Matthew dieing with Anne and Marila by his bed... Gilbert coming to Avonlea back from his practice next day, Bash tells him what happened,bhe rush to Green Gables and Fojnd Anne in awful state.. Jerry explain to him he went to fetch the doctor from other town but it was to late... he apologise to Anne for not being here, she tells him it's not his fault... but he feels responsible for not being close to his family... he decides to come back and be a town doctor after all his school and practice is finished...
28. Anne after getting approval from mrs lacroix (stacy) applied and got the job as a teacher in Avonlea school, helping Marila as shes still very unstable after losing Matthew.
29. Then beautiful wedding in Avonlea... Marila crying.. Anne missing Matthew dearly.. lots of memories, laughs and dancing...
30. When Anne got the job as a teacher she also got the house ms Stacy useto lived in, she decided to stay at green Gables until theh get married but she got the house already for them week before the wedding.
They get back home, to their very own home, Anne is so happy it's in the woods as she always felt special connection to nature...
They have wonderful night and sweet love making, both happy in eachothers arms, enjoying the rest of their life together...
Gilbert suggest to Anne that she could write a book same as ms Stacy which she starts very next day...
31. Another skip in time... Anne giving birth, Gilbert doing his best, baby is breached, hes scared of losing Anne, of losing them both. Marila is there aswel... Baby is finally born but it isnt crying... Gilbert pass the baby to Marila and take care of Anne... she walks out quickly to check on the baby as therws still not a single cry in the house, Anne is bleeding alot, but asking for her baby... he walked in to the kitchen Marila standing there crying, he take baby if her hands and wrap aswel, their very first baby, product of their undying love didint survive the labour... he hugged his child pressing him to his chest, kissed his head... he then walked back to Anne's room... Marilenherd loud moan and deep desperate cry, shes crying herself... Gilbert asked if Anne wants to say her goodbyes. She said yes and hold her baby in her arms crying... they gold a little funeral two days after... Anne is devastated... her and Gilbert having a breakdown together crying...
32. Two years later Gilbert find himself worrying for his wife's life once agin... it was hard for them to decide tontryvfor another baby... Anne wanted it and now Gilbert is scared to death about his Anne and baby to come. Luckily this time everything went smoothly with mo single complication, baby cries and they both hold it together crying of happiness.
Then years later Anne writing another book, while their children are playing together outside of green Gables... Marilas dying wish was for Anne ro have Green Gables, it was her home and she wanted Anne and her family to live happy life in there...
Gilbert is backnfeom work, they seat on the porch, drinking tea, looking at eachother with hearty eyes, talking about their achievements kids keep running up to them, hugging and kissing them. They smile, stand up watching their 6 children being cheeky.
I love you Carrots...
I love you to Gil...
Then they kiss with even more passion than ever...
The end...
Gosh that possibly the longest post I ever wrote... when I started I had only abt 15 ideas... but as I wrote more and more... even more ideas came to my head... sorry for a long bit messy read... just wanted to share some of things that kept me awake since we found out about s4 being cancelled...
Anyway.... hope you enjoyed it... sorry for any mistakes... will proofread tomorrows as today its been a while since I started writing this...
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kindapinkskies · 5 years
like perfume | h.s.
hello my lovelies. tumblr deleted this, this morning but I'm reposting because i actually like it a lot. anyway theres this song called like perfume by shaed and its just really good. i hope you'll support this again if you saw it the first time.
i love you already
You better believe I fell in love with you 
Dippin the pen again cause I want to claim you
She wasn’t too sure when it happened, she just knew that it did. One day she was watching him speak and that’s when she realized it, realized she fell in love. The way his lips moved around every word he annunciated and how his tongue would move in his mouth, it was mesmerizing. If he was speaking about something he loved, which was often, his eyes would light up like the sun and the crinkles in his eyes became prominent. He was a beautiful specimen and she realized that she would like to watch him speak for the rest of her life. That’s how she found out she was in love. She didn’t want to stop watching someone speak. 
Watching him speak keeps her enthralled, interested, like nothing she’s ever felt before. Unsurprisingly, her eyes would gloss over and she’d look like she was daydreaming every time he was speaking in her immediate presence. He never noticed because how could he, when they were together it was always in a group either at a dinner or a party. He’d never know. 
“Are you ever going to tell him how you feel?” Her friend, Daisy, asks one night by nudging her in the ribs. “You’ve been staring at him since you got here”
Of course she’s been staring, he’s been telling a story ever since she arrived. He stopped to greet her, a kiss to her cheek, but went right back to his story and she hadn’t noticed anything else since. 
“No, you won’t tell him or no as in you haven’t been staring.”
She knows she’s been staring, even though she won’t admit it, she’ll just ignore it being pointed out to her. “I won’t tell him. We’re good friends and I don’t want to lose him by telling him about my stupid feelings.”
Daisy scoffs, “They’re not stupid.”
“Sure they are. How can I fall in love with someone like that. Someone that’s just supposed to be my friend.”
“It never hurts to try,” she mumbles as the table quiet downs with a lull in the story. 
Her eyes flit back to the man she’s so mesmerized by. He’s taking a drink of his water, then he’s laughing and continuing on with his story. She wishes she would’ve at least been paying attention to the words being said so she can join in the conversation and hope that he too would be enthralled in her like she is him. 
By the end of the night, she felt like she was on cloud nine because at some point it ended up being just the two of them. She’s not sure where everyone went but it’s like they all collectively agreed to leave the two to themselves. Neither one minded. In their own respective minds, they pretended it was a date. And they enjoyed it. 
“I’m glad you could make it tonight.” He smiles, reaching across the table to rest his hand on hers. She one ups him and daringly intertwines their fingers together on the tabletop, taking in a deep breath when his thumb traces over the back of her hand. 
“Of course, Harry. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Harry’s eyes light up at her words, a smile stretching over his face. He’s always been so fond of her, always going out of his way to make sure she was invited to events just so he could see her and spend time with her. They had so much in common and she’s always great company, he wants to spend all the time in the world with her. 
“I missed you,” he admits, his chest tightening in worry at how she’ll react. They were friends, good friends, and he didn’t want to ruin it with his feelings no matter how much he wanted to claim her as his. Sure, it sounds possessive but he wants to be with her, experience life with her. 
“You’re the one that goes on tour, not me.” She lets out a giggle and Harry swears his heart flies right out of his chest. 
I can't stand it
No more
Baby I choose you
Like new perfume
A frantic knock echos around the studio apartment, making her jump in surprise. The loud knocks mix in with the rain, fighting for dominance of who is going to be louder. Her heart is in her throat as she walks towards the door. It’s late, almost eleven at night and she wasn’t expecting anyone at all. 
She’s just about to ask who it is when a voice follows the knock, “It’s Harry, please open the door.”
“Geez, Harry,” you exclaim, after wrenching the door open. “Break the door down why don’t you.”
A pink tint rises on the apples of his cheeks as he mumble out a “sorry” and drops his chin down to his chest. Water droplets roll off strands of his hair and it makes her brow furrow. She takes a closer look and she can see he’s completely soaked from head to toe. 
“Why are you so wet?”
“It’s raining.” He deadpans, as if that was the dumbest question he’s ever heard. 
But it’s a valid question because he parks in his garage and her guest parking spot is the spot next to hers. In an underground parking garage. 
When she doesn’t respond, he continues, “I ran here.”
She doesn’t miss the flinch that passes through him at the tone of her voice. She’s still mad at him, their petty argument still fresh in her mind. Her hand clenched around the door handle as she thought about closing the door in his face, despite him having ran here. 
“I had a dream and it scared me. I needed to make sure you were okay.” He explains and she can’t help but watch him speak. His mouth doesn’t move a vividly as it normally does. It moves dejected around his words and she immediately knows she doesn’t like that. She almost forget she’s mad but that doesn’t last very long because she’s immediately reminded once he stops talking and his mouth stops moving. 
“I’m fine.” She steps away from the door, getting ready to close it when Harry places his hand to the surface. His eyes are pleading, wanting her to understand that he’s sorry even though he hasn’t outright said that yet. 
“Can I come in, please?” He pleads, out loud this time, a little shocked she didn’t offer him inside yet. She normally would. “It’s freezing.”
A clench in her heart, at the sound of desperation in his voice, makes her stern facade falter just a bit. She stares at him for a long time before opening the door again and letting him in. Ushering him straight to the bathroom, she leaves him there to go get dry clothes for him. There’s a drawer in her dresser, full of just his clothes because he’s “forgetful” and leaves them here. She knows better though. Knows that he’d rather spend his time here, with her, instead of being home all alone. There’s no other way she’d really have it though. 
When Harry wanders out of the bathroom, running a towel over his hair, she’s trying not to look at him. Focusing too hard on the television over the rim of her tea mug. He sighs but sits down anyway, close but not too close, and stares at her, waiting. 
It’s takes four minutes and sixteen seconds, Harry counted, before she finally breaks the silence. “I wish you would stop trying to find ways to push me away.”
Harry frowns, “But-“
“No,” she sighs, “listen to me.” 
She looks at him pointedly and he shuts up, giving her a small nod to continue. 
“Harry, we’ve been friends for what? Four years now?” She pauses and waits for him to nod and when he does, she continues. “Just because we started dating, almost a year ago now, doesn’t mean all of a sudden my feelings are going to change.”
He sits forward a little, rests on his knees, and desperately wants to reach out and touch her but he knows he can’t. Not yet. “I know that.”
“Do you, Harry?” She challenges. “Because every month, I’m tired of you picking tiny little fights with me. I can see what you’re doing. You’re getting ready to go on tour, you think it’s easier to just push me away, so I won’t miss you as much when you’re gone.”
“But it’s different now!” He tries to defend himself, even though she’s completely right. Of course she is. She knows him better than anyone else. They were friends, good friends, before they started dating. He knows her just as well. 
“No, it’s not.”
They stare at each other for a while, just breathing. The breaths come out of both of them stronger than normal, deeper, calculated, to keep them in control of their emotions. Harry feels like crying and he can see that she feels like she’s not being heard. But she is, he’s taking in every word she’s saying and he’s feeling like shit for ever treating her less than what she deserves. 
“I can’t take it anymore,” She pauses and Harry feels like throwing up. This is the end, what he feared. “I choose you, Harry. I chose to be with you, despite what we have to go through, because I fucking love you. I have for years and that’s why it’s no different. That’s what I need you to realize.” She almost jabs at his chest but she feels that would be too much. 
Harry’s lips part in partial shock, the revelation being news to his ears. Years? He wasn’t alone in his feelings?
Finally, he can see that it’s time, he can lean up and encase her head in his hands, so he does. His thumbs run across her cheeks and he can feel them warm up slightly under his touch. Her eyes land on his lips as he speaks, her favorite thing to do. “I’m sorry. I can be a bit dense and not realize these things. I love you, you know?” He pauses and waits for the nod he knows she’ll give. “I choose you, too. Always.”
He presses forward to lay his lips against hers, sealing his words off with a firm kiss.
Drippin' grace outside as I sip my tea
Conversations closed til you send me your deal
I'm not the type to sit and wait around
Rather have another drink and drown
Harry’s tour ended and he felt like taking a break. He needed to relax, catch up with himself. Experience the places he goes so often but never gets to see. And what’s better than doing that by himself? What’s better is bring his love along with him? Absolutely nothing is better than experiencing life with her. 
They chose Italy. A remote, country side, town with a very little population. They rent out a small cottage in town, just down the street from the ocean. Walking distance are local shops and a few restaurants. It’s the perfect place to get away and just be with one another. To be peaceful in the presence of the person you love. 
She’s sitting out on the back patio, looking out at the garden when she hears the sliding door open. A small smile graces her lips as she feels a presence come behind her before it drops down beside her. His head comes into view and he smiles, replicating hers on instinct, placing a kiss to her lips. He then moves to sit down across from her. 
The wind pushes the bottom of her dress around her ankles and a few loose strands of hair around her head. It pushes at the loose shirt around Harry’s torso, making it look rippled. It’s peaceful and she wouldn’t want it any other way. 
She offers him a cup of tea and he takes it, sipping it slowly, not once breaking eye contact from one another. They haven’t spoken to each other since last night. It’s nothing bad. She brought up marriage and he became bashful, telling her it wasn’t the right time. He needed to finish doing something first. He wouldn’t tell her what but he told her not to worry and she believes him. There was no malice in his eyes, he was telling the truth and she was okay with that. 
But she didn’t really want to let it go. Her snap fire attitude wouldn’t let her sit around and wait without at least talking about the specific subject. They’ve been together now for almost three years and she knew he was the one for her. And if her gut is right, she knew she was the one for him. She’s never seen someone look so in love before. She knows he looks at her like the stars were hung by her, he’s also told her so. Sure they’ve talked about forever but she wanted to make it official. He was hers and she was his. They claimed each other long ago and they were fine with that. 
“What’re you thinking about?” He asks, breaking her small trance. 
She smiles teasingly, “A closed conversation.” 
Harry giggles, fucking giggles, at her mocking tone of himself. His mind flashes back to last night when he pressed his head into her neck and said ‘conversation closed’ and just continues to giggle. 
“I thought you’d let it go.”
“Me? Let something go? You do know me, right?” She remarks, a light smile still playing on her lips. “Come on, H, you know me better than that. I’d rather drown than let something go, something that I want to talk about.”
Harry looks around the garden and realizes that this is the most perfect place. Nothing can add to the beautiful masterpiece sitting directly in front of him rather than this scenery around him. It fits her, like she was meant to be wearing loose-fitting sundresses with sun kissed skin and the wind blowing at her hair, in a rustic Italian scenery. She was perfect, perfect for him. 
“It’s like you sussed me out.” He mentions and at her confused brow, he continues, “I bought a ring when I was in Paris.” He goes through her reaction. “Then I thought of this vacation and figured I’d do it at the end just to bring this all to the perfect close. But then you brought it up, like you could read what I had planned and it made me freeze up.”
He looks back at her and smiles at the tears rimming her beautiful, bright, eyes. “I’ve wanted to marry you for so long, I hope you know that.”
She nods at his words and wipes at her eyes but it’s absolutely pointless. He hears the hitch in her breath when she watches him lean back and dig around in his pants pocket. Looking at the box, Harry runs his fingers over it before opening it and setting it on the table. 
Her hand covers her mouth and tears quietly slip down her cheeks. The ring is simple, a thin band with a small heart shape filled with diamonds in the middle. It screams her. Everything she embodies, dainty, loving, beautiful. Its all represented in the ring. 
“I choose you forever. Please marry me. Please choose me forever.” 
Cause you're like perfume all on me
I'm gonna wear you endlessly
Wrapped up in each other, the sheets covering just their bottoms, their torsos pressed against one another and their legs stretched out along the rest of the bed. They look like they could be a painting, with their tanned skin a stark contrast to the white sheets. Their bodies naked and intertwined lovingly, not really moving. Just staring at each other, dopey grins never fading. 
They’re warm but they don’t care. There’s a warm breeze coming in but it doesn’t really do anything to cool them down. The only cool thing between the two of them is the newly added ring to her fingers. It traces patterns, as she moves her hand, down the side of Harry’s face, down his neck, his side, his chest, everywhere she can reach without moving too much. He quickly comes to the conclusion that the ring moving across his heated skin is his one of his favorite feelings. Especially since it’s attached to her. 
Her head buries into his neck, just at the base, right before the skin turns into his shoulder. She inhales deeply, the smell of him making her sleepy as if it intoxicates her. If she could wrap herself in his smell, she would. She’d wear it everyday like a perfume and never tell anyone what scent it was because it’s hers. Only hers. 
He’s always smelled good, it’s honestly one of the first things she noticed about him. His natural scent was intoxicating and she was attracted to it more than any other cologne he could ever wear. Of course, when he did wear cologne, it mixed so well with his natural scent she never wanted to leave his side. 
“Are you sniffin’ me?” He mumbles, tiredness lacing his every syllable.
“You smell good.” Her voice sounds the same. 
Harry just laughs and tries to deny it with a rebuttal that he hasn’t showered since the morning and that the body wash has surely lost its purpose. She doesn’t respond because it doesn’t matter. He smells good. His skin smells good and she never wants to be away from it. 
But then she remembers she won’t have to be away from it because it’ll be around her endlessly. She’ll remember it just like how she’ll always remember the feeling of falling asleep next to Harry, with their noses pressed together and their lips brushing against each other ever so softly.
Just like how she wants. 
Not gonna lose you
Never gonna wash you off
Can't stop watching you
They get married two months after returning from their Italian vacation. In front of just their family and a few close friends, in the backyard of Harry’s England home. Some thought it was going too fast but they didn’t care. They chose one another and they were going to keep it that way forever. 
As she watches Harry speak at the dinner after their wedding, she knows she chose right, chose the person she never wants to lose, the person she’ll always watch. She’ll always be mesmerized by the way he speaks, the way his mouth forms the words and the way his tongue moves around to help him pronounce the words. So enticing. So mesmerizing. 
“I realized I fell in love with Harry one day when I was watching him speak. That day was the day I realized I would choose him over anyone else in my life wether we were friends or more. It’s a privilege to be loved by him and I will never take it for granted. I never want to lose him.”
The words fade away as Harry stands beside her and wraps himself around her, his scent wrapping her up as well and this time, making her emotional. She pulls back only slightly to look at him, to watch him, as he presses their foreheads together and speaks. Just loud enough for them to hear. 
“I choose you. Kinda like perfume.”
masterlist is in my bio
please feed my narcissism
I'm still really upset my original post was deleted
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yoon-kooks · 6 years
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Pairing: Stripper!Jimin x Reader
Genre: Stripper!AU, College!AU, Fluff
Summary: You infiltrate your local strip club to gather research and inspiration for your next painting and end up bringing home a stripper who also happens to be your cute neighbor.
Warnings: stripping, mentions of sex 
Word Count: 3.3k 
⤐ Story 1 in the Blossom!Universe; Read Blossom-pt.2 on my masterlist!
A/N: i know what yall are thinking!!! this is a stripper!au without smut??? but theres a good chance ill be writing more drabbles in this universe so look out for those!🌸
“Cute.” Your studio arts professor hands you back your print sample of a swimming platypus.
“…Is it not good?” You examine the print again to see where you went wrong. If anything, you thought this painting had turned out a lot better than the one of a goblin shark.
“Y/N, it’s amazing. It really is,” she tries to reassure you with a chuckle, but you know there’s something wrong with it. “It’s just… you’ve practically drawn the entire animal kingdom this semester.”
“Don’t you think you should try painting something else…? Like, I don’t know… a human?”
“But I’m more comfortable with animals.”
“That’s what I mean! You should try stepping out of your comfort zone? Plus, your portfolio will look better with more of a variety!”
“And how do you suppose I all of a sudden get inspiration for painting a human subject? I need something before the exhibition tomorrow.”
“I don’t know, try going to a strip club or something?” Your professor thinks she’s funny. “Just be creative!”
You lay on the floor of your dorm, desperately searching for inspiration. With animals and nature, it’s so easy for you to just sit down and paint whatever comes to mind. But with humans? You don’t even know where to start, and it certainly doesn’t help your concentration when a puppy is barking on the other side of the wall like it’s begging for you to draw it.
And in addition to the barking, you’re also being harassed by the constant replaying of your professor’s advice. Sure, you’d like to paint something that your professor and peers will approve of, but that becomes awfully difficult when what they want is not what you want. You just wish you could paint another animal and be done. But now even that’s impossible when all you can think about is trying to make everyone else satisfied.
“Shit.” You drag yourself off the floor, thrown on a fuzzy sweater, and walk out of your dorm with a sketchbook and pencil.
To your surprise, sneaking into a strip club undetected is a lot easier than one would think. And once you’re in, you squeeze your way through the crowd, inspecting the flashy lights, the booming stereos, and the big stage until you spot a table for one in a secluded corner. Perfect. No one will bother you there.
When the main show starts, the first thing you do is flip open your sketchbook with your pencil ready to draw. The second thing you do, however, is yawn. You aren’t sure what people enjoy about strangers prancing around naked on stage, but it could just be an acquired taste. Although the strippers are attractive and they have beautiful bodies, you’re just not interested nor inspired. Maybe it’s your artist block acting up, but it seems you’ve wasted your time.
Before you can get up to leave the club, you’re alarmed by a sudden eruption of screams. Giving it one last chance, you glance up and see the spotlight on an incredibly handsome boy in all white, running his fingers through his dark hair. Still fully clothed, he dances, moves, spins on stage, and somehow it’s so different from the previous acts. So much that you forget where you are until he flips his jacket off his shoulders and tosses it aside as he continues to dance.
The way he graces the stage is elegant and almost angelic. You flip your sketchbook back open and wait for the demon to show itself. He makes his way down the catwalk to engage more with the crowd, and money’s already being thrown before his body’s even exposed. Once he loses his tank, however, the cheering gets twice as loud and the stage is showered with crumpled bills. But you don’t have time to worry about that.
For the first time that night, your pencil starts gliding across the page in your sketchbook. You roughly sketch out his body, his motions, his movements, his smirks. You’re too busy drawing to notice when he catches a glimpse of you as he kicks his pants off to reveal a very healthy ass, or when he teases several customers with his rolls and thrusts.
With several pages filled with new sketches, you hear the collective aww from the crowd, assuming that means the handsome boy is done for the night. The only one in the crowd who isn’t sad is you, because you finally collected all the research material you need to be inspired. And before you leave, you decide to flesh out the details of what you witnessed, in case the vivid images and inspiration escape you before returning home.
“Would you like a drink or a dance, Baby?” A stripper with pastel mint hair eyes you up and down, leaning against the table with his head cocked to the side. You’re shocked he even bothered approaching you when you didn’t tip at all. Unless that’s what he’s after.
“Uhh, no thanks, I was actually just on my way out,” you throw your sketchbook and pencil into your bag and get up to leave.
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Sweetheart. Did you not enjoy your stay? Maybe I could change that.” The stripper continues to pester you, and you wonder if the smallest tip will help you escape.
“This one’s with me, Sugar.” An unknown voice appears behind you as the stripper named Sugar shrugs and walks over to another customer waving their money around.
With a sigh of relief, you turn around, only to have your heart racing again in an instant. It’s the handsome boy you had sketched. Only instead of wearing an all-white costume, he’s now engulfed in an oversized black hoodie. You assume he’s off duty, so you aren’t sure why he’s approaching you like the other stripper had.
“Are you the freeloader everyone’s talking about?” he asks you.
“I suppose I am…” You look around and realize you’re probably the only broke college kid at the club, hence the only one who can’t afford to throw money around for lap dances.
“Can you at least show me your sketches?”
“I saw you drawing something in your sketchbook during my performance earlier,” he does a cute little drawing gesture with his hand. “If you aren’t going to tip anything, the least you can do is show me what you drew.”
You suppose he’s right. Besides, you really do appreciate it when people take interest in your art, so you hand him your sacred sketchbook and watch as his expression changes from curious to awe.
“Are you an art student?” he asks while flipping through the quick sketches of his body.
“Yeah, I was just gathering research for a painting I need to do for tomorrow’s exhibition.”
“Oh? And I’m your muse?” He hands you back your sketchbook and catches a glimpse of your name written in the corner of the cover. “Y/N?”
You nod, getting your pencil ready to jot something down.” And may I ask what my muse’s name is?”
“It’s Jimin, part-time stripper, full-time dance student.”
“Wait, you’re a student, too?” You know you shouldn’t be surprised because the boy does look around your age, but still. You didn’t realize strippers had time for school obligations on top of work. “Which school?”
“Seoul Institute of the Arts.” No. That can’t be. There’s no way this handsome stripper goes to the same school as you. “Why do you look so shocked…?”
“I go there, too…” You shrink your body as if that’ll help you hide. You’re suddenly feeling super shy. “But you don’t happen to live in the dorms, do you…?”
“I do… Do you…?”
You nod.
“So what you’re trying to say is, we’re neighbors?” Jimin says as he stands outside his dorm, room 324, and you stand outside of yours, 325.
“I guess-” You’re cut off by a cute bark. “That’s your puppy making all the noise then?”
“Uh, yeah… I got her a week ago after saving up enough from work,” he opens the door and a tiny white fluff ball stretches its body in the door way before trotting over to greet you. You squat down to say hi to the little puppy who gives you her paw. “But anyway, the whole stripper thing needs to stay between you and me, yeah?”
Of course you have no intentions of letting people know you infiltrated a strip club anyway, so that means you also can’t be telling them your neighbor is a secret stripper. But Jimin doesn’t know that, and you’re going to use that to your advantage. “Okay, yeah, I won’t tell anyone… as long as you agree to be my model for the rest of the night.” You open your door and gesture for him to come in.
Jimin scoops up the feisty puppy and tucks it comfortably under his arm. “I thought I already was your model?”
“All you have to do is pose for me for a few hours,” you say, leading the stripper into your dorm-turned studio.
“Shirtless is fine.” Anything more than that would be far too much for your eyes. You pretend not to peek as he promptly removes his hoodie and t-shirt to reveal a picture-perfect torso and something you didn’t catch as the club. You tilt your head to get a better look at the word inked to his ribs. Blossom. “Is that the name a stripper girl you’re in love with?”
“For your information, Blossom is the name of that little one over there,” he points over to where his puppy is trying to dig a hole into your pillow before brushing his fingers over his tattoo. “But, it’s also just a reminder to myself.”
You nod, “Ooh, fascinating…” Once all of your art supplies are set up on your cluttered desk, you glance up at the clock on the wall. Midnight already. “I’ll keep that in mind for my painting.”
The boy has a lot of good poses, some suggestive, others charming. One second he’ll be licking his lips with his hands at his belt, and the next he’s laying on your bed while running his fingers through his hair. Oh, and he also has this really cute smile when he’s watching you be so immersed in your art.
Once you decide on a pose to paint (the one on his back with the fingers running through his hair!), you hop off your chair and walk over to the half-naked boy on your bed. He blinks up at you with either innocent eyes or inviting eyes—you aren’t really good at telling the difference. You don’t know what he was expecting, but his face looks awfully surprised when you extend your phone for him to take.
“Can you take a pic of yourself in That™ position?” You do the fingers-running-through-hair thing.
“You don’t want to take the picture yourself?”
You shake your head.
“You don’t want to get on top of me and see with your own eyes?”
You shake your head again. He chuckles as he sits up, doing the fingers-running-through-hair thing a couple of times. Must be a habit. You didn’t notice the fifty other times he did the hair thing, but this time you’re made aware of his cherry blossom cologne, its alluring scent trying to pull you closer. But you know to keep a distance.
“You’re no fun to flirt with, you know that?” It almost looks like he pouts before finally taking your phone and tossing himself back against your mattress.
“I’m a lot flirtier when I don’t have a project due in less than ten hours.”
“No.” Your answer makes him frown, but he takes the selfies you asked for anyway.
You watch your bed sheets wrinkle with every sensual movement of the boy’s body as he finds the best angle for your research photos. Not only does he adjust the positioning of his head and arm, but also his squirmy lower half with his waist where his underwear is peeking out and his legs unable to keep still. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was frustrated, needy, and a tad bit horny.
As you wait for him to finish, you start mapping out your painting with a rough outline. You lightly sketch Jimin down to his waist and surround him with-
“Done~” the boy yawns, handing you back your phone. Eager, you swipe through the 37 photos taken by Park Jimin, all of which have an overwhelming amount of sex appeal. You don’t know how you’re going to narrow it down, though you suppose the one he set as your lockscreen is the best in his humble opinion. And it has a perfect view of his tattoo.
You feel Jimin’s eyes on you as you painting. The sensation of being observed is oddly comforting rather than pressuring, and maybe it’s because you know it’s not with judging eyes. From your bed, he follows your paintbrush’s every stroke against the canvas as you fill it in with a splash of color, bringing your subject into bloom.
“What made you choose me specifically to be your model?” the boy asks as you’re defining his abs.
You pause your painting for a moment to think about his question. “I don’t usually use people as subjects for my art, but my professor suggested that I step out of my comfort zone.”
“So you went to a strip club and surrounded yourself with naked people?”
“Exactly,” you nod and continue, “I took a chance, went to a strip club for the first and last time in my life, and met a boy. And out of all the humans in the world, he was the first to lend me inspiration.”
“I can’t believe you found inspiration in someone who sells their body for money,” Jimin chuckles but his words bother you.
“I know I’m literally painting your abs right now, but believe me when I say I took more inspiration from you than just from your body.”
“Well I’m glad,” he says, rubbing his toned belly. You’re still not convinced.
“Do you not like being a stripper?”
“I don’t hate it, and the performer in me really does enjoy being on stage. Plus, it pays for my puppy,” Jimin sighs because he knows you’re not going to let it go until you get a proper answer. “But there’s always this feeling of being trapped in a bud of expectation and insecurity. As long as I’m a stripper, my body will always outshine my dancing. And yet, I can’t bring myself to quit, in fear of not being a good enough dancer for anything else.”
You can only nod because you don’t know how to offer support. The boy sounds a lot less confident now than how you remember him dancing on stage. But you get it. Taking that first step out of your comfort zone is as scary as that painting you did of the goblin shark. But that’s the only way you’ll ever blossom.
After several hours of endless painting and the occasional puppy whining in her sleep, you rise like a zombie from your desk to show your muse the final product of your blood, sweat, and tears. But of course he’s already fast asleep on your bed with his puppy at ass o’clock.
Not wanting to disturb the two cuties, you carefully pull the covers over them, make a nice bed for yourself on the carpet with three spare blankets, and turn out the lights.
When you wake up, however, you smell cherry blossoms and feel something warm pressed up against your back. Thankfully, what you find when you roll over on the bed is not a sleeping Jimin, but instead a puppy licking her butt. As soon as she realizes her privacy’s been violated, she wags her tail and does some morning stretches.
You flip the covers and bed sheets over in search of a half-naked boy, but he’s not there. Instead, you see him all bundled up in his black hoodie and the three blankets you’d been using on the floor. Somehow the two of you mysteriously swapped places. You can only assume he woke up in the middle of the night and tucked you into bed. Because coincidences like that don’t just happen.
Relieved from everything, you take time to play with the puppy on your bed for a bit before you have to get ready and leave for the exhibition. The little one explores the dark depths beneath your bed sheet, her cold wet nose sniffing everything including your exposed legs, until her fluffy head finally pops back out with a tiny bark.
You’re startled by half-asleep mumbles and rustling blankets. Jimin sits up as his hood falls down to reveal a wicked bedhead. He tousles his hair around and you can’t decide whether it looks messy or really fucking hot—like he just had a quickie. “Did you finish your painting?” He blinks at you.
“Oh right.” You stop yourself from any sort of fantasizing and hop off the bed to grab the colorful canvas from your desk. Once it’s in the hands of the boy at the center of the painting, you plop down next to him on the blankets and wait for his response.
Before saying a word, Jimin’s eyes examine every inch of the canvas. From the pastel palette, to the boy’s fingers-running-through-hair pose, to the pink bed of flowers beneath him and petals around him, to the bold tattoo on his ribs.
“Are you calling me a flower boy?” He’s unable to hold back a smile creeping up.
“You’re the one with the tattoo,” you say, softly poking the boy’s ribs through his hoodie. “So you tell me.”
He shakes his head, “I still have a long way to go before I, you know, blossom…” You find it adorable how he cringes and shrinks his body at his own word. “But until then, I’ve found another flower to inspire me.” He’s totally talking about you.
“You mean your puppy?” you tease him, picking up the curious white pupper and tapping her wet nose against the boy’s cheek. He plants a soft kiss on her little head before taking her into his lap where she quickly curls up in a ball.
“Yeah her,” Jimin continues to stroke his baby’s fur as her eyelids grow heavier. It isn’t long before the precious bean is fast asleep, and your heart melts a little.
“I was pleasantly surprised to wake up back in my bed with her all cozied up next to me,” you reach over to pet the puppy even though it’s right at the boy’s crotch. “You didn’t have to do that, you know… But I appreciate it, Jimin.”
“No problem, Little One,” he gives you a cute duck face. “I’d want to make sure I have your permission before we sleep together anyway.”
You suppose that’s his way of asking for sex, but you really can’t take a hint. So you ignore him. “Do you want to come to the exhibition with me?”
A little disappointed that you ignored his invitation, Jimin sulks and grabs his duffle bag as he walks towards the bathroom, “Fine, but let me change into clean clothes first.”
“You’re fine with stripping down at a crowded club, but not in front of me?” you ask, not because you want to see it again, but because it’s ironic.
After pausing mid-step, he spins around and stands right before you, his beautiful dark eyes meeting yours. And rather than running his fingers through his own hair for the fiftieth time, he runs them through yours for the first. “Maybe I’m not a stripper when I’m with you.”
“Then what are you? A vampire?” you look up at him with a teasing grin.
“You’re impossible, you know that?” The boy shakes his head and does a cute little eye roll to pretend like he’s annoyed as he walks off to the bathroom. And when he comes back in a very casual boyfriend look, the two of you head over to the exhibition on campus with the painting tucked under your arm.
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A family: Larry x Fem! Reader Part 1.
A/n Small warning of mentions of sex and a couple sexual scenes will take place but I don't know if I'll do full lemons or not, they're won't be a dull lemon in this. As always theres definitely cussing. Takes place in high school. An au where the apartments have ghosts and the cult exists but the red eyed demon doesn't. Anyways enjoy this little story hope it's good.
I woke up with the weight of someone's arm around bare waist. Looking down I see everything was still bare from the night before. The arm wrapped around me belongs to none other than my very best friend Larry. Yep you read that right best friend not boyfriend. Considering how lonely and well horny we had both been lately we decided a friends with benefits relationship would be a good idea.
With a small stretch I carefully pulled Larry's arm off of my body and pulled myself from the bed. I let out a small giggle as Larry readjusted to where he was cuddling a pillow. "Goofball." I scoffed grabbing my underwear and sliding them on as well one of Larry's many Sanitys Fall shirts. I made my way out into his bathroom brushing my teeth and making my hair look like I hadn't just spent the night having sex.
I also made sure to slip on my skinny jeans from last night. I frowned feeling the way I struggled to get them on. "Damn it. How the hell did I shrink my jeans?!" I huffed looking into the mirror. I lifted the shirt that was way too big on me. I had noticed my stomach was sticking out a tiny bit more but not a lot. On the plus size it looked like my tits had also gotten bigger.
When I exited the bathroom Larry's mom Lisa was leaning against the counter sipping coffee. "Morning (y/n). I didn't know you were staying last night." She said flashing me her warm smile. "Morning Lisa. I wasn't planning on it but by the time we finished with our art project it was so late I didn't want to wake you or my parents so I just stayed." I shrugged. I felt kind of guilty lying to Lisa since she was more like a mom to me than my own mother. I also didn't want to risk her finding out and not letting me sleep over anymore.
She finished her coffee and set the cup in the sink. "Well you know you're always welcome here. Will I see you for family dinner tonight?" She asked collecting her things for work. She seemed to pause reaching around her pockets while looking around the room. I grabbed her keys from couch and handed them to her making her smile. "Wouldn't miss it!" I beamed. "See you kids tonight then. Give Larry a kiss goodbye for me." She joked hugging me goodbye.
Once she left I went ahead and poured two cups of coffee. As I was making two plates of the eggs and toast Lisa had prepared I heard the bedroom door creak open. Larry stumbled out still tired. "Morning sleepy head." I smirked. "Morning." He yawned making his way over to the table. I placed a kiss on his cheek handing him his coffee. "What was that for?"
"Its from your mom."
"I don't get one from you?"
"No way you have morning breath."
He grabbed my arm pulling me into his lap so I was straddling him. One of hands moved to my hips the other to the back of my neck. He pulled me into a heated kiss sliding his tongue in my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss and pulled me closer. We stayed like that until we had to pull away for air. "Hurry up and get ready Johnson." I breathed getting up and eating my breakfast.
Once the two of us had eaten and he had gotten dressed we grabbed our bags and headed out to meet up with Sal. "You look good in my shirt by the way." He whispered as you approached your friends door. I smirked quickly tapping the door. Soon after Sal exited the apartment and the three of us left for school.
Sal and Larry had their first period together but I had it with our friend Ashley. The two of us were in the gym locker room changing into our Knockfell High uniforms.
"So then I told my mom i had important plans tonight and she actually told me that my brother was more important and to cancel. Can you believe that? So I told her you and I were studying for some exam."
I was laughing at Ashley's excuse when one of the other girls sprayed on her perfume and even though she didn't spray much it was like the smell surrounded me. My stomach bubbled and suddenly I could feel the eggs from that morning in the back of my throat. Nausea overcame me I couldn't help it so I ran into the biggest stall and collapsed onto my knees puking immediately into the bowl.
Ashley came over and knocked on the stall door. "You ok babes?" She asked concern lacing her voice. I finished puking and flushed the toilet. "Yeah I think so." I said confused. "Are you sure? You got sick this time yesterday too." She pointed out. I thought for a moment realizing she was right. Eveyday about this time I got sick. What the hell was wrong with me? I shakily stood up to leave the bathroom when a health poster taped to the door caught my attention. It was one of the new Planned Parenthood posters with information on pregnancy and STDs. My eyes grew at a sudden theory popped into my head.
"H-hey Ashes what's the date today?" I asked exiting the bathroom. "Its the fifteenth. Ohh Is it that time of the month that's bothering you?" She asked placing a comforting hand on my bag. I thought for a moment doing the math in my head. "I-I Ha-have to go." I stuttered grabbing my bag and running from the room. As I ran to town I silently prayed I was wrong that I had miscounted.
I ran straight to the store probably looking like a crazy person that passed by. But I got to the pharmacy quickly not even remembering most of my way there from how quickly I was going. The bell jingles as I make my way inside abruptly causing several shoppers and a couple employees to stop and stare. Ignoring their looks I made my way to the isle and started searching. I never knew how many types of tests there could be. I grabbed one I thought would work and made my way to the counter. The cashier was an older woman who started at me with a judging look on her face the whole time. I did my best to ignore her shoving the money onto the counter. The minute she handed me the bag I took off heading to the apartments.
I could feel warm tears falling down my cheeks and was breathing rapidly as I ran home. I ran straight into the building and into the elevator pressing my back up against the wall as it moved. Luckily my parents wouldn't be home at least I'd have privacy for my whole world ending. The second the doors open I bolted right into my apartment dropping my bag on the couch before running to my room. I went into the bathroom taking the test before sitting on the floor.
2 long minutes later the test read positive. I felt my whole world come crashing down around me when those little lines appeared. "How could this happen?" I mumble out loud. I was completely shocked, Larry and I were careful plus I had birth control. That's when a light bulb went off in my head. Struggling to pull myself off the floor I ran into my room. I didnt find what I was looking for in my bags or in my bathroom. I fished around in my dresser still not finding what I was searching for. That's when I remembered were I was last night and most nights.
"Shit shit shit!" I mumbled grabbingmy purse and my keys as well as hiding the test in my pocket before exiting my apartment. I made my way down to the basement hoping that Lisa wasn't home. Unfortunately as I opened the door she was in the kitchen making a fried balogna sandwich. As soon as I walked through that door the smell filled my nose and the nausea returned. I tried to swallow down walking farther into the apartment.
"(Y/n) dear why are you not in school what happened? Are you sick? You don't look like you're feeling too well?" She asked in her motherly voice. "Li-lisa I-" before I could finish my sentence I felt what was left of my food coming back up. I ran straight into the bathroom not bothering to close the door. As I threw up I could feel Lisa pulling my hair back. She held my hair back in one hand and soothed my back with the other.
When I finished throwing up I flushed the toilet and Lisa put my hair up into a ponytail. I learned up against the bathroom wall feeling tears spill down my cheeks again. Silent tears cascaded to the floor. Lisa filled up a dixie cup with water and dampened a wash cloth handing the cup to me and wiping my face with the cloth. "There there dear its alright. Why don't you and I go sit on the sofa and talk?" She suggested as I swallowed a majority of the water.
The two of us made our way into the living room sitting on the couch. Lisa left a comforting hand on my back as I struggled to breath. I let it all come out spilling every detail like more vomit coming out as words. Lisa continued to comfort me with a shocked expression on her face. "Are you sure did you take a test?" She asked handing me a tissue. I handed her the test before wiping my nose.
"Does Larry know yet?" She asked. I shook my head in response. "I just figured it out and got the test today." Lisa nodded her head for a moment clearly in thought. "Wait right here." She said grabbing her phone from the coffee table. She came back in probably ten minutes later purse in hand and changed into casual clothes. "Come on were gonna meet a friend of mine at planned parenthood. Just to double check. And they'll give you information on your choices." She informed me. The two of us made our way out to Lisa's pickup truck silently.
"Are you mad?" I asked breaking the silence as we turned off the road. She sighed stopping at a red light and putting her hand on my shoulder. "A little disappointed maybe but never mad." She smiled. It didn't take very long for us to get there. There was a handful of protesters outside the building as well as a few people passing by who stared at me with the same look as the cashier earlier. Lisa wrapped her arm around me glaring at the others.
About an hour later I was exiting the clinic with a handful of pamphlets and brochures and my head spinning. "Do you have any thoughts on what to do?" Lisa asked me as we climbed into the car. "I think I should talk to Larry before I make any decision." I sighed leaning back into the seat. Lisa nodded and we drove back home.
"You should call your parents over for family dinner tonight. Once the other kids leave we can all sit down and talk." Lisa suggested. She was always so smart and caring. I knew she would be mentally freaking out so it meant a lot that she was being comforting. "I just hope they're as nice as you're being. Thank you so much Lisa." I said with a small smile. She smiled back as we pulled back to the apartments.
Once we got back to her apartment I hid the test and pamphlets in my bag. "Larry should be home any minute now if you wanna wait in the treehouse to talk to him. Just promise me you'll be careful climbing up there." She said softly. I nodded giving her a hug which she returned tightly. When we pulled apart she handed me a water bottle. "Drink this while you're waiting. After throwing up you need to make sure you stay hydrated. Especially with my grandbaby in your tummy." She smiled winking. I smiled grabbing the water before making my way out to the treehouse to wait for Larry.
I walked around the small treehouse admiring some of the polaroids and pictures that Larry painted. I smiled seeing one of Larry and I. Sal had taken just a month ago. Larry had his arms around me as we painted something. He was trying to teach me how he paints but really it came out as a mess on the canvas. "That's a good picture of us." A voice said from behind me. I turned to see Larry standing there smiling at me. "Sure is. Look Larry I need to talk to you about something serious. Can we sit down?" I asked gesturing towards two beanbag seats he kept up here. He looked confused but nodded.
The two of us took a seat and I was suddenly nervous. We were only 16 we couldn't be parents. "Hey what's wrong (nickname)?" He asked grabbing my hand. I took a deep breath squeezing his hand before grabbing the test from my pocket. "I'm pregnant." I said simply despite the fear in my chest. Larry's eyes got wide and he grabbed the test from my hands. "Dude if this is a joke it's not funny." He said jumping up. By now the tears were starting to fall. "Its not a joke Larry." I sniffed standing up with him. "B-but how?" He asked running his hand through his messy long hair.
"I must've missed a pill or something."
"You missed a pill? How could you have missed a pill and not tell me!" He asked upset. "It happens Larry I don't know. But this isn't just my fault we did this."
"You're right sorry. What do you want to do have you made a decision on keeping it?"
"I don't know I wanted to talk to you."
"We're sixteen (Y/n) were too young."
"I know I know. But I don't think I want to abort it, it just sounds wrong. I believe women should have the right to choose but I don't want to abort our baby."
"Of course you don't I mean I wouldnt either if I was you. I don't know how I feel about adoption. I mean I love my mom and she did a great job but not knowing my dad and not knowing that part of myself was hard. I don't think I could do that to my kid. I always told myself I'd be there for my kid unlike him."
"That only leaves one option Larry."
He sighed looking at me for a moment before coming over and wrapping his arms around me. "Looks like we're gonna have this baby. If you're sure that is." He whispered holding me close. "I'm sure I want us to keep our baby." I replied. Larry pulled away a bit wiping away my tears. "Your mom went with me to the clinic and everything but we should go tell her we're keeping it." I told him looking up to meet his eyes. He honestly looked kind of happy. "Guess so much for strings attached huh." He joked laughing his melodic laugh. I laughed and we made our way out and back to the treehouse.
Ok that was it for the first chapter let me know what you think if you'd like but I'm definitely making it a series.
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mongoosefangs · 5 years
Most of the information I’ve found about keeping isopods as pets boils down to “poke some holes in a tupperware container and put dirt in it” or, at most, adding them to a vivarium as a cleanup crew for herps or other animals. An afterthought, basically.
Granted, they spend most of their time hanging out under leaf litter and rotting wood, so it’s not like they need a lot, and they will live and breed just fine in the tupperware full of dirt. But after keeping my isopods for a couple of months now in a display vivarium that is completely devoted to them, I’ve come to notice and appreciate little things about them that I think most keepers would miss if they’re just opening a plastic shoebox two or three times a week to spritz water in there, or dumping them in the soil of a big tank to eat gecko poop or whatever.
For one thing, my isopods like to explore and forage out in the open. They’re well fed and there’s no shortage of hiding places beneath the leaves or on the underside of their mopani wood, but they still like to wander the tank and climb around on the mossy walls where I can watch them doing their thing. When I first started this vivarium with one (1) isopod, I transferred him along with the piece of palm bark he’d been using from his temporary container, and it was hilarious to see him basically act like a cat that’s just been moved to a new house, poking out a tiny bit to explore before running back to the familiarity of the bark over and over. Pods are shy but ultimately curious, they run for cover when I open the tank lid but it never takes long for them to start investigating whatever I’ve put in there, especially the babies.
I love the way they hold their food while they eat. Fish pellets are especially prized and they’ll grab them and run around like excited puppies zealously guarding chew toys. They also love mushrooms, zucchini slices, cuttlebone, and green beans. Their table manners suck though, I’ve watched pods get into a slapfight over a giant piece of carrot (theres more than enough for both of you!!) and I’ve also watched them try to fuck and eat at the same time.
Isopods fuck. A lot. I cannot even begin to express to you just how much hot crustacean sex goes on next to my computer.
I have about 25 adults in the tank, but there are still a couple I can distinguish from all the others. Heterochromia/anime pod with the different colored antennae is one of them, and he’s a big dingus who’s bad with women and tends to faceplant against the wall. There’s also a female who has no antennae, and I was worried about her being able to navigate and find food- but she’s doing good, even if she does tend to explore more slowly, constantly probing with her front legs instead
Also, there’s one pod in here that is a different species. Most of these guys I’m guessing are Porcellio laevis or dilliatus, but there’s a smaller, darker, more rounded one that’s possibly some kind of Armadillidium or something. Unlike the others I can’t sex this one. It tends to hang out by itself though, preferring the clump of moss at the front of the vivarium, and doesn’t interact with the Porcellio much if at all. I wish I could find more of its kind so it could have some buddies in here. All these isopods were collected in the same exact place so ??? who knows
They’re all just really cute and fun to watch, and are about as unobtrusive as a ‘bug’ can get. They don’t bite, nor sting, nor smell, nor make noise, nor spread disease. They just munch on decaying plants and mind their own business. All I have to do is mist the tank every few days and toss them a veggie now and again. Isopods are such humble little animals but they’re more entertaining and interesting than most people give them credit for!
I’m eager to upgrade their living quarters soon. I want to take my time though, no cutting corners or halfassing the background next time. In the end I hope to not only have a space that’s comfortable and safe for them, but also beautiful and interesting to look at, while giving them lots more space to explore and expand their tiny empire.
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sunshineeashton · 6 years
Papa’s Finally Home - C.H.
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Words - 3,035
Warnings - None? Fluff! Like sickening fluff! Theres a few suggestive sentences. This might be awful?
“Papa! Papa! Papa!” Two small children with relatively dark curly hair squeal, running up to the tall, dark, handsome man.
“Ros! Fletch! Hey bubbas! Missed you so much! Missed you both so so much”. Reaching down to bring his two children into his arms, he pulls them close to his chest breathing in their achingly familiar scent that he’s missed for months now. Blinking quickly to rid the unshed tears that spring to his eyes. Unable to find a big enough gap in the touring schedule, meant he had been unable to spend more than a few hours with his favourite humans, having to wait it out until the end of tour to finally come home. He knows its early when he finally lets himself into their home and that his two kiddos are going to be more than a little stroppy later in the day, but at this moment he could care less.
Finally tearing himself away from Roseline and Fletcher, who instantly latches onto his hand, he stands back up to full height reaching for his wife, Matilda Hood. Tilly leans into him automatically and presses a long awaited kiss to his plush lips. He ducks his head down, applying more pressure into the kiss and releasing his hold on Fletchers hand to wrap his arm around his gorgeous wife. He feels his boy wrap himself around his leg, refusing to let go of his daddy now that he’s finally home. Laughing breathlessly against each others mouths, Tilly pulls away to grin happily up at him. Falling back down on the heels of her feet, she grasps her hands together.
“Righto kiddos! Brekkie and then Papa is whisking you off for the day!”, rushing towards the kitchen, Ros nearly trips over poor Duke, before he goes skidding over to Fletcher who’s still a bit unsteady on his feet. He’d started walking a few weeks before the end of tour and Tilly had made sure to catch every step he took on film to send to Calum. But seeing his mini me in the flesh take shaky steps is a whole other story. His heart fills with pride and admiration for the little boy who pushes himself back off the floor when he tumbles over.
Bending back down he scoops up his other child, nuzzling his face in his fur while Tilly chases after the kids to start on breakfast.
“Hi boy! Missed you too gramps!” Putting Baby Grandpa back on solid ground, he picks up his abandoned bags carrying them up the stairs to the safety of his and Tilly’s bedroom. Dumping them near the wardrobe, he sees a few of his shirts and jumpers lying around. Smiling knowingly to himself, he quickly changes out of his airplane clothes, throwing on a soft t-shirt and some jeans. Tushing back downstairs to his family, he leans lazily against the doorframe to the kitchen, grinning at the sight before him. Little Fletch sitting happily in his highchair, munching on his bowl of fruit, while Roseline and Tilly are stood together by the stove making what smells like pancakes. Spotting her husband, Tilly turns towards him, “Come on C! Stop lurking in the doorway. Kids wanted your favourite this morning!”.
“Yeah Papa! Pancakes and chocolate!”, Ros says, waving the kid sized spatula atound in the air.
“Mmmm, i hope its your Mama’s recipe Ros. That one is the best!”, he mumbles this as he sways towards his girls, grin ever so present on his face.
“Of course it is. Vegan pancakes are my speciality and you should know that Hood!”.
All 4 of them are laughing, giggling breathlessly and Calum feels this contentment lay in his chest at the sounds. He’s finally back on solid ground, home. Cal scoops Roseline up onto his hip, even though she is getting far too big to do so without a small groan. He tugs Tilly into his other side, mindful of the whisk in her hand. Pressing a long kiss to her temple, he breaths her in. Takes a moment to relish in the fact that he’s home with his favourite people - his family and he’s here to stay for a while. He’s broken out of his train of thought by a gasp.
“Fletcher Fox! Baby boy, no no”, Tilly looses her grip on his t-shirt, arm around outstretch towards Fletcher before Calum is stepping around her, “Hey bud! You know your not supposed to feed Gramps any food baby boy!”.
Cal had already popped Roseline back on her feet, by the time he had made his way over to Fletcher and Duke, who was happily munching on a piece of strawberry. Reluctant to take the fruit off Duke and risk getting nibbled, he opted for picking his mini me out of his highchair instead, settling him on his hip before picking up the nearly empty bowl, “You finished bud?”.
Fletcher nods extravagantly - “Papa no more”.
“Okay okay. That’s fine buddy, but don’t go feeding Duke any more, alright?”.
“Kay”, Fletch tucked his face into his Papa’s neck, grasping his t-shirt in his tiny fists. After that, they all sat down to eat breakfast together, Ros sitting as close to her father as she could, while Fletch refused to be put back down, clinging on to Calum every time he tried. So, he sat on Cals lap, stealing a piece of pancake here and there and dipping his chubby fingers in the melted chocolate. The clock read 8:30am by the time they had all stuffed theirselves full and he knew Tilly needed to head out soon. So with a quick few kisses at the door (more like 10 minutes of snogging away from the kids) he ushered her out of the house for her girls day, promising that he’d got everything under control. After finally getting Fletcher cleaned up and helping both of his kids into clean clothes for the day (after a argument with Ros about her being a big girl and could dress herself) he buckles them into their car seats; sitting himself in the drivers seat he turns towards them, “Right kiddos! You know how me and your Mama have been together for a long time?”.
Ros stretches her arms out wide to either side of her body, “Yeah Papa, so so so long”.
“Well it’s our special day tomorrow and Mummy thinks that i’ve got nothing special planned cause i’ve been away on tour. But i need yours and Fletch’s help to pick some things out for her. You wanna help Papa?”, he reaches out his hands towards his children, both of them clutching a few fingers.
“Flowers?”, grinning at his boy, he nods his head vigorously which causes both of his kids to yelp happily.
“Mama want sunflowers?”, she’s squirming excitedly in her seat, clearly happily about the new development.
“Yeah, sunflowers Ros. I’ve had a bunch already put together for us, so all we’ve got to do is go and collect them in a little while princess. But first, how does the park sound?”.
Screams of joy are heard from the back seat of the car, so with one final check to make sure his babies are secure in their car seats, he settles himself into the drivers seat, turns the ignition on and away they go to their favourite park. Carefully placing Fletcher on his hip, he grabs Roseline’s hand and skilfully locks the car on the first try. Grinning excitedly down at Ros, she squeals with excitement when she registers what her daddy is saying to her, “Come on Princess, race you to the swings”.
And just because he’s the best Papa ever and has little Fletch on his hip, he lags just slightly behind, letting Roseline jump around excitedly when she reaches the swings first.
A few hours later, when both children are absolutely worn out from the excitement of the park and spending time with Daddy, the family of three step into a beautifully decorated shop, breathing in the smell of nature. Smiling at the woman behind the desk, Cal mutters his name, smiling even wider when the woman brings out a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers, with a few others of Tilly’s favourites hidden within. Shifting Fletcher onto his other hip, he grips both his son and daughter with one hand, while the other reaches for the flowers. Handing them over, she reaches towards a free loose flowers, giving one to each of the sleepy children, who smile softly at the woman, both of them muttering a quiet thank you when prompted. Shifting Fletch slightly, he grins at the lady, “Thank you so much, these are beautiful. Say thank you bubbas and goodbye. Lets head home yeah”.
Pulling up outside of your shared home, he scoops up a sleeping Fletch and tugs a sleepy Ros up the drive, all while holding the flowers. Too busy getting his sleepy children in the house, he misses your car already parked in the driveway. Hearing the door open and Cal trudge down the hallway and up the stairs, Tilly stretches up off the sofa and makes her way towards the noise. Seeing the back of Calum disappear into the kids shared bedroom, she notices the bouquet of sunflowers sitting on the table top. Humming her appreciation of the yellow flowers, she picks the bouquet up brining it closer to her face to get a whiff of the stunning flowers. Turning towards the creek in the stairs, she grins up at her husband who furrows his eyebrows at the sight of the flowers in her hands - “You weren’t supposed to see those yet”.
She giggles lightly at him, tripping over her own feet to meet him at the foot of the stairs, “C, you’re ruining your reputation buying me pretty flowers you know”.
He grins right back at her, “I ruined my reputation the first time i laid my eyes on you and then ruined it a second time when we got married and then I definitely ruined it when we create those beautiful children upstairs”.
By the end of his declaration, he had wrapped his hands around his wife, pulling her flush to his chest. Similarly, she had wrapped her arms around his neck, still clutching at the pretty flowers.
“Missed you bubba. It’s been so long since I’ve been able to touch you at all. Love you so much”, she mumbles quietly under her breath.
“I Love you too Dove. Love you ridiculous amounts Mrs Hood. 7 years together tomorrow and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together”, he’s grinning bashfully at her, brushing his nose gently against hers. She presses up onto her toes, while pressing down on the back of his head gently to press their mouths together. Moulding their lips with one another’s, they kiss for a while. He runs his tongue against her bottom lip, slipping his tongue into her mouth when she gives him permission. Their tongues battle it out for dominance, Calum easily overpowering her while tugging her impossibly closer to his body. Unwillingly pulling away from her beautifully red and swollen lips, he smiles lazily at Tilly, “Come on, let’s go cook some ridiculous fancy dinner and drink a bottle of that ridiculous expensive wine that you seem to like so much and then I’m taking you to bed to get properly reacquainted my love”.
Giggling excitedly at her husband, she tugs him down for another kiss before sauntering away from him towards the kitchen; still hiding her smile in her flowers. Setting the flowers to the side, she grabs another one of their vases out and reaches up towards the cupboard that holds the proper flower food. Before she can grab hold of it, Calum presses flush against her back reaching up himself to grab hold of the item. Pressing a small kiss to the back of her neck, once, twice and a third time before pulling away. While Tilly busies herself sorting and arranging her flowers, Cal opens up the fridge to see what he can sort out for dinner. Turning around to face her, he catches himself grinning at her; so in love with everything she does. “Dove? Pizza good for dinner? I know it’s not the most healthiest but its quick and easy and the kids will love it”.
She places the vase with the pretty sunflowers in on top of the kitchen table before making her way over to Cal, muttering quietly, “Yeah that’s fine bubs”.
“Everything alright?”, as he tugs her back into the safety of his arms.
“Missed you. So much. Just exhausted, can’t wait to get into bed with you later”.
Placing his hand on the side of her neck, he uses his thumb to push gently at the jaw causing her to raise her head to look up at him, seeing a small grin taking over his features, “Love you Dove. Oh! How was your day sweetheart?”.
“It was good, really enjoyed it but couldn’t wait to get home to my husband and kids. Can’t believe you kicked me out the first day your home!”, she’s grinning so he knows she’s only teasing him but he plays along with her, “Only wanted to see the children, didn’t even really miss you”. They fall into a heavy laughter knowing full well that Cal is lying, having told her everyday he’d been away how much he wished he was back with her, at home with their children. His other hand, the one not holding her jaw had fallen to the curve of her back, slowly descending as he presses his lips to hers. Letting him love on her for a few minutes, Tilly reluctantly moves back and away from him, “Go and wake the kids you pest and i’ll get the pizza’s in the oven”. With one last kiss for the time being, he pats her bum twice before making his way upstairs to Roseline Joy and Fletcher Fox. The two out of three things that had completely changed his life for the better. His family. When they had found out just a few weeks after they had gotten married that they were pregnant with Ros, Tilly had been the one that was excited. Excited at the prospect of starting a family with the love of her life. But Calum, Cal had been more nervous and unsure on his feelings. Falling in love wasn’t something he even thought would happen again to him, let alone be married and now apparently be expecting a baby. He had been irrational at the time, ran off to Ashton to express his feelings before coming back home a few hours later with a strikingly familiar bouquet of sunflowers and too many apologies falling from his lips. His eyes were clearly red rimmed. She understood. Tilly always understood and waited while he muttered how scared he was to bring a new life into this world. His world. But they got through those 9 months. Together. There was a few bumps in the road but they always listened to one another and now looking at his biggest baby curled up next to her brother, he felt his heart soar with love and affection for them.
“Mummy”, “Mama”, came the shouts from the kids once they were awake enough to venture downstairs to the kitchen. Excited squeals were heard when Cal had whisper how there was pizza cooking before two sets of footsteps could be heard tumbling through the house. Home. He couldn’t be proud of himself, and Tilly. They had created a life that they had both always desired and found each other along the way. Soulmates.
Once the pizza’s were through cooked, Tilly had made an exception for the night and allowed the family of four to trudge through into the living room, to curl up on the sofa’s with each other and enjoy their food. Cal and Fletch sat on one end of the sofa, curled tightly towards one another as Calum switched between taking bites from his own pizza and feeding Fletcher his. While Ros and Tilly sat on the other end, giggling at the TV show on the telly while munching happily. This was his life now Cal thought as he watching his family. He could go off on tour happily if he could come back to this every single time. It made it easier. Knowing he had a purpose and a drive to go out there and perform and sing his heart out for his family who were waiting back at home for him. It was obviously a struggle. Going weeks, months without seeing his family was hard. But the few times they did fly out to visit him and stay for a few weeks made up for that. He could show them around the cities they were playing in and get to see his two children messing around with his brothers, while his wife gossiped with their girls. This was his family. And he wouldn’t change it for the world. They’d fallen asleep that night, right there on the sofa. Tilly and Cal lying curled into one another, their hands grasped tightly together. While Fletcher Fox had crawled his way to stuff his face into Calum’s neck, all of them giggling quietly when small quiet snores could be heard from the little monster, Calum’s huge hand sprawled safely across his back. And Roseline, Ros had tried to stay awake longer, longing to catch up with her father and hear every fascinating story he had to share, but she had nodded off next to her mother while Cal was in the middle of story about how Uncle Lu and Uncle Mike pranked Uncle Ash so many times. He’d stopped talking once he’d notice the silence in the house, Ros no longer giggling quietly at his story. Looking up towards Tilly, who was someplace between sleep and awake, he stretched over to press a quick kiss to the corner of her mouth before tucking his own face into her neck and drifting off to sleep himself. No longer need to dream as his life was exactly what he wanted it to be
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put down your sword & crown (come lay with me on the ground)
[this is rly late for clexa week but whatever it’s here (day 7 bc this is like future canon world but like nothing happened past 304) - clarke rly wants lexa to rETIRE partially bc her wife is hurt & stubborn abt it. also they have a baby. its soft & theres not a lot of plot. ao3.]
put down your sword & crown (come lay with me on the ground)
achingly beautiful how the sky/ looked as i stood after they left. nicer somehow/ in the middle. all the trees tucking blackbirds/ into their darkness. it really did take this long.
—gabrielle calvoccoressi, rocket fantastic (poems)
she has a limp. it’s more pronounced during storms, especially in the winter, and sometimes you think your wife is far too young to have a limp. other times you think it’s amazing she’s made it this far, alive and mostly in one piece.
you’ve been together for fourteen years, been married for ten of them. lexa is kind, attentive, and very funny—sides of her most people don’t get to see, but ones that you know almost better than any of your own moods. hers come with some warning: a tick in her jaw, solemn, sad nods, hours of swordsmanship when she’s upset. you think she’s more beautiful now than ever, a few laugh lines around the corners of her eyes; she takes you to the ocean whenever she can, and you think her eyes are the sort of jade—clear and depthless—as seaglass, as lightning left here for you to see.
she’s the most incredible, tender, intelligent person you have ever met, and she has a limp, shuffling in from training, again—and you. are. furious.
hale is babbling away in the corner, playing with some toys your mother had brought during her last visit. you watch her carefully because she’s walking now, and sometimes she looks at you  before she darts off across the room with an expression that reminds you so much of your wife that you have a hard time believing that lexa didn’t bear this child herself.
but today, soothed by the rain or the smell of bread you’re baking, she seems content with the small stuffed dog in her tiny hands. she looks up when lexa barges into the house, soaking wet and grimacing, but then goes back to her little game.
you open your mouth to say something, to snap at your wife, but she only holds up her hand exhaustedly before limping past you toward your bedroom quarters. you hear a stone sink into the bath you had started to draw, and then her first boot hit the ground. you wait for a moment, think about the old saying—wait for the other shoe to drop—and then, unsurprisingly, your wife’s does, softly and finally onto the worn hardwood of your bathroom.
you put hale in her little playpen—she doesn’t protest, just clings to her stuffed toys, and you brush back the mess of dark curls on her head and kiss her forehead when she smiles up at you—and then sigh. she’s the brightest, most special thing in the world and it had been lexa, surprisingly, who had advocated so passionately to adopt this tiny baby, abandoned in the woods near her home village. you had been hesitant: the ground is still not a gentle place, and it is not easy to love the most powerful person in the world. it is not easy, not really, for you to be mothers.
but she smiles, little dimples and all, and you hold her cheek for a moment before turning to go tend to your wife.
when you walk into your bathroom, lexa is naked, sort of staring at the tub. she’s put oils in it, and a few dried flowers; the room smells like lavender, like milk and honey, and if you weren’t already so mad you would be struck by it all, how beautiful and long and toned your wife is, wiry muscles and gentle curves, the steam causing her sun-kissed skin to flush gold. but lexa is crying, heaves a sigh, and then looks at you sadly, and some of your anger melts away.
‘i can’t get in,’ she says, quietly, and you’re surprised she’s speaking in english. perhaps it’s to feel further away from the words. she does this sometimes, when things are especially difficult for her to admit.
you don’t say anything, just take your shirt off and lay it on the chair. you slip out of the loose pants you have on, then your underwear, lexa watching you with an unreadable expression, one full of apology and relief.
‘she’s in the playpen. she likes the toys my mother brought.’
lexa nods once, and then you step into the tub, and hold out your hands.
she takes them, is graceful with one leg when she steps into the relief of the warm water, but then it is slow going for a few moments, and her hands grip yours tightly, almost frantically, while she gets her other leg over the edge of the tub, her hip not bending like it should.
you stay quiet when you settle in, and she leans back and closes her eyes. her hand massages the muscle above the sore, stiff joint, and you know you need to wait, no matter how much you want to berate her, or argue, or yell.
‘you’re angry with me,’ she says, after a while, sitting up and looking at you. she does so with tenderness and no trace of anger herself.
‘we’ve been fighting for a while, now,’ she states, no question, and reaches for your hand.
‘we have been,’ you agree.
you take her hand, her gentle, calloused fingers, turn it upside down and trace the scar on her palm from so many years ago.
‘i do not know how to stop,’ she says, shakily, after moments of quiet.
‘you don’t have to stop being a leader, lexa,’ you say. ‘i’ve never wanted that for you.’
‘how can i be commander, though, if i do not fight with my people?’
a rush of frustration wells up in your chest, but her eyes are wide, and she looks young and lost and scared. and you are her wife.
‘we are at peace.’
she stares down at the water, swallows. ‘the other clans cannot revolt, if i were to relinquish power in any way.’
‘you are a brilliant leader,’ you say, and reach toward her to raise her chin. you nod when she meets your eyes. ‘you brought them together when you were 16. you overcame a shit show when we fell to the ground, and the mountain, and the ice nation.’
she sighs, nods minutely.
‘things will not fall apart of you give some power to aden. if you usher in someone capable and guided by your own hand.’ you squeeze her hand. ‘you are a brilliant leader, my love.’
‘he is quite capable.’
‘you’ve trained him since he was a boy.’ you smile, because you very much do like aden, and he’s grown into a fine warrior and strategist, perfectly adept and passionate and willing. ‘he will be good for polis, good for your people.’
‘i still want to lead,’ she says, looks at your seriously, tilts her head in a challenge.
‘you will,’ you say. ‘just with a little more help.’
you give her the few minutes she needs; you stay quiet and wash her hair gently, massage her hip.
‘okay,’ she says, finally, resolved and upset and relieved.
you kiss her—tender and kind, rough, a mess of a kiss, the first of a certain kind—and she kisses you back.
when you back up, your foreheads pressed together as you both breathe, she says, ‘i do not trust your machines, and i only vaguely trust your mother’—you laugh, nod—‘but i think i may want to learn more about the procedure.’
you want to sing, or shout or dance or something, because your mother has offered surgery to fix lexa’s hip for months, since you forced lexa to go to arkadia for x-rays and a consult.
‘we can do that,’ you say. ‘i’ll radio her.’
lexa shakes her head, kisses you again. ‘tomorrow,’ she says, and when you lift a brow, she sighs. ‘i give you my word, clarke.’
‘just,’ she sighs, stands slowly, less stiff than before because of the warm water, ‘i need a day. i want a day with you, and with hale. to—to, i think, know what i can have.’
‘we do want you around, you know.’
lexa smiles, and, almost as if on cue, hale starts wailing for both of you, her little voice full of over-dramatic sobs. if you had to bet, it’s because she tossed her toy over the side of her playpen.
‘your daughter, undoubtedly,’ she says, as you help her out, and you flick water on her with a laugh before you follow.
she wraps her hair up in a towel and puts on a robe before walking out and collecting your mess of a child, her eyes brimming red. hale sniffles in lexa’s arms and you bend down and then hand her the little dog, wipe her tears before she hugs it tightly against lexa’s shoulder.
‘come on, strikon,’ lexa says softly. ‘mama made us breakfast.’
she situates hale at the table in her little chair, and you bring the fresh bread and cheese over with some fresh berries you’d had to trade a significant amount of venison for, but you are the commander’s wife, after all.
and you have breakfast with your family, lexa breaking the bread into pieces small enough for hale, and trying to get her to speak in complete sentences, and making both of you laugh. lexa looks at you after one particularly stupid joke that had pulled a snort out of you, and she says, ‘i am glad to no longer argue, niron.’
‘you’re an exhausting person to love,’ you say, but you’re smiling and she kisses your hand.
you clean up together, in rhythm and quietly, and hale starts to nod off in her chair, so you take her and put her between you in bed, watch her little chest rise and fall before you look at your wife.
‘she will need braids soon,’ she says, sifting her fingers through hale’s soft hair.
‘that’s all on you.’
lexa laughs softly. a weight has been lifted from her, you know, years and years of pain and being in a lifetime of forced debt to her people. she has fought for peace, and been willing to die for peace, and all you want—all you want for her, for your love, more than anything—is the same grace she has given to everyone around her.
you brush a strand of hair behind her ear, trace down her jaw. ‘you can rest,’ you tell her, and she closes her eyes like it’s some kind of holy benediction. a few tears leak down her cheeks but you let them, and then she dries her eyes and nods and props herself up so she can reach over hale to kiss you.
‘ai hod yu in,’ you say, quietly, and she smiles softly, tiredly.
‘i love you too.’
you put your hand on her hip, rub gentle circles below the waistband of her loose pants, her skin smooth and soft. your mother will cut it open, fix her bones and her nerves, and after that you will trace healing into her scar.
but for now you are all whole, and the rain has turned to heavy snow outside the windows. the fire is full and burns away; hale sighs and lexa’s breathing evens out. you watch them, and the wind howls outside, but you are warm.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #196
“Herobrine the Gardener”
[NK] -Is lost in Doc's house, having been looking around at all the new stuff he'd not seen before-
[Steve] Is following Doc's Goomy with a makeshift mop and a slightly annoyed expression.
[NK] ... That's a strange slime. -spotted the Goomy-
[Steve] Oh, hello. Ah, it's just a bit of a fall hazard. I hope it evolves into something drier eventually. - Notices his eyes- Are you new around here? I know Doc usually takes in new brines so they have a safe place to resettle from.
[NK] Yeah, relatively new. I've mostly been looking around since I got here. Didn't have anywhere near this amount of stuff at home.
[ryan] -runs into the room slips on the slime and goes into steve-
[Steve] Is nearly bowled over and stumbles against the wall- Hey! No running in the castle! It's dangerous! - He reorients himself- Darn it... It's mostly on Doc, they're really into collecting things.
[ryan] -is on his back wiggling his legs-
[Steave] Tries to flip him back over- Case in point. All the dragons. Us too.
[NK] Hoarder, huh? Not surprised.
[NK] -Looking curiously at Ryan-
[ryan] -his legs are covered in the slime so his legs just slide away making him end up on his belly-
[Stevenson] -comes into the room- oh there you are ryan please stop trying to get me to play chase in the castle.
[Steve] Well... I think it's just something that happens when you spent most of your existence homeless. You give them something and they treat it like a priceless treasure cause they remember having nothing all too clearly. And it's well-meant. They just want to protect their friends.
[Steve] Hello brother!
[ryan] -makes a playful roar-
[Stevenson] oh hello -picks up ryan and starts to wipe off his feet-
[Steve] Here, Have a cloth- Hands him a spare towel
[Stevenson] thank you -takes the cloth and wipes his feet off much more easily now-
[NK] True, true.
[Steve] I like having so many friendly neighbors. Brines and humans alike. And I do love my undead brothers, but it's nice having other live Steve's to hang out with too.
[ryan] -roars playfully at steve and nk-
[Steve] We have enough to start a mining club at this point. I know the Alex's hang out together sometimes. And I'm glad they include Herabrine.
[Stevenson] I think I will stick to my own mining because I tend to enjoy the quiet of mining
[Steve] Aw... Well, Stevie will mine with me at least. Steffan likes the protection too.
[ryan] -gets out of Stevenson's hands and flies on to steve's shoulder and playfully roars in his face-
[NK] I don't think Mix has mined in her life... Of her own free will, atleast... -Thoughtful look- Sure had a fondness for blowing things up, though.
[Steve] Winces at the volume but gamely tries to pet Ryan anyway- Mix? Ah well, Herobrine's usually aren't too excited about mining anyway. At least not the ones I've met. Blowing things up seems more appropo.
[ryan] -leans into the pets-
[NK] It'd be fitting if we were 100% sure she actually was one. -Shrug- We were abput 75% sure she's our Steve.
[Steve] Whaaaa? But?! She has the eyes! So she's a glitched Steve? But that would make her a brine technically?! And she's a girl? Or is Mix actually a dude!?! - He's making a face like his brain hurts now-
[NK] Her eyes are normally green. The glowing is mostly fake. And yes, last I checked, she's a girl. -Amused expression-
[ryan] -one of the heads lick steve's face-
[Steve] Fake?! How?! And.... Does this mean your Alex is a dude?!
[NK] Coding to layer light over your eyes. And yeah. I think, at least. Could never tell.
[Steve] Wow... So... Where is your Alex?
[ryan] -keep licking steve-
[NK] Not a clue. He'll get here eventually. Excellent tracker.
[Steve] Is gently trying to fend off Ryan's tongues- Well they are usually good hunters... Alexsezia is a wicked good at it.
[ryan] -his heads are trying to all get around steve's hands to continue licking steve's face-
[Steve] Arrrgh! Please Stop!
[Stevenson] -is watching ryan try and assault steve with kisses it's amusing him- but he wants to give you kisses
[NK] The lil dragon loves you, let him give you kisses. -Jokingly-
[ryan] -is still trying to lick steve-
[Steve] Can't we just hug it out?!
[Stevenson] but his legs are to small to hug you so he prefers kisses
[Steve] small distressed noises-
[Stevenson] ryan don't you want to give them kisses -points to NK-
[ryan] stops and flies off steve to NK and starts giving him kisses-
[NK] You know, this isn't the weirdest affection I've gotten. -Pats Ryan-
[ryan] -keep licking making happy roars to the pats-
[NK] Yes yes... I love you too...
[ryan] -then jumps off nk and flies over to Stevenson and lands on his shoulder and starts licking him-
[Stevenson] ryan is such a sweetie
[NK] Indeed.
-There's a soft glitchy ripple across the servers as the update settled in and the ambient temp goes back to normal-
[Lie] - Nooooo, the heat is gone!
[gem] yes it's cooler finally!
[NK] Oh, the temperature's normal now.
[Steve] Good, I can put my armor back on. I was feeling a bit naked without it- pulls out the diamond pants and boots and hops around getting them on.
[Steve] is a bit awkward with the bone chestplate but seems to breathe a sigh of relief once it's back where it belongs. He takes the skull helm from his inventory and a few touchies buzz out as well before crawling back into the nostrils and eye sockets of the skull.
[Stevenson] what are those?
[NK] Looks like a lightfoot skull... Just... less teeth..
[Steve] Oh their touchies, my husband made them. They fly around crops and make them grow faster- it looks like a what?- he fingers the ribs a bit nervously, his touch tracing the gem in the center of the armor
[NK] Lightfoot. A mob from my seed. About yay high, -Gestures about chest height- lots of teeth, sharp claws.
[Steve] Yeah, it was made out of something kinda like that... But they don't exist on my native seed anymore, this gear is ancient
[NK] Ours were very much alive, and would steal things out of your inventory if you didn't keep your eye on them. Greedy little things..
3:57 PM] gem: [Stevenson] so steve what do you normal do besides mine?
[Steve] Oh, me? I spend a lot of time feeding animals these days. Haha
[Steve] We have so many pets and pokemon in this house!
[NK] Lost my favorite scarf to them, actually. One distracted me with tricks, and another snuck up behin-As he does a hand gesture to show what kind of trick, theres a click of a spawn egg, and suddenly a very raptorlike entity is standing between him and Steve-
[Stevenson] why so many?
[Steve] Backs away in fear- Holy-
[Stevenson] -protectively holds ryan-
-The touchies buzz up, there's only six of them, but they're hovering around Steve like a halo-
[TLOT] Comes running up the steps- My lamb!
[Lightfoot] Why appear?! People! -darting back and forth looking unsure of whats happening
[NK] Fuck!
[Steve] Is backed against the wall and bolts into TLOT's arms-
[TLOT] He hisses in recognition, getting between Steve and what looks like a raptor-
[ryan] -is roaring at the lightfoot in a defensive manor-
[Lightfoot] ! ! ! -Backs up before bowling over NK in their escape attempt, swiping whatever other inventory items it can from NK as it goes-
[NK] -Panick throws a few eggs as he goes down, several more lightfoots popping into existence, them also freaking out and following the first-
[TLOT] What the fuck is going on?!
[Stevenson] -takes out his prince sword to defend ryan with-
[Steve] Is hiding under TLOT's cloak, he's obviously having a flashback-
[NK] I was telling him about Lightfoots and accidentally spawned one.. -Gets up, looking back the way he came from at the retreating Lightfoots-
[TLOT] Are they dangerous?!
[NK] No? Not yet? The worst they'll do is steal your stuff. Or yell at you and try to bite you if you take theirs... Little hypocrites.
[TLOT] I'll have to go round them up now...
[Steve] Tiny voice- Please don't leave me.
[TLOT] Or... not.
[NK] They'll find the nearest Swamp and set up shop there, so you can avoid any Swamps if you don't want to see them...
[Stevenson] -is standing still with ryan behind him trying to process what just happened-
[TLOT] Is just holding Steve protectively. - Geeze...
[Deer] Enters the room- Um...  A bunch of little things just went running past and stole a pie I had in my inventory...
[TLOT] -facepalm-
[NK] Fuck.
[Stevenson] -checks his inventory nothing seems to be missing-
[NK] -Covers face in embarrassment-
[TLOT] Picks up Steve as if he didn't weigh anything. - Fuck it. I'm going to make some tea.
[Deer] - Do you want any help?
[Stevenson] -puts his sword away- can I have some?
[NK] I'll see about rounding them up. My fault they got loose.
[TLOT] All are welcome, and yes.
[Deer] Motions for TLOT to lead the way- Should we warn the others?
[TLOT] Walks gingerly down the steps-  Just send them a chat please, my hands are full.
[Stevenson] -picks up ryan and follows tlot down the stairs-
[Deer] Quickly types in the chat- Some things got loose, if anything goes missing from your inventories don't worry, we'll try to get them back
[TLOT] Kicks a chair into the kitchen and puts Steve on it. The miner is clinging to his cloak but he's got enough slack to get the kettle and some cups.
[Stevenson] -sits down at the table and puts ryan on it-
[ryan] -walks over to steve and licks his face-
[Steve] Makes a very agaited whine-
[TLOT] Just leave him be please, I think that brought back some... bad memories.
[ryan] -walks back over to Stevenson and gives him lick-
[CP] Has been laying around the completely quiet house, enjoying the silence, but is now rather irritated by it.  He scowls as he runs his hand through the lava in the work room- So fucking bored...  Where's my wife?
[Doc] Emerges from the tunnel into daylight and looks back to check on Lie and Yaunfen-
[Lie] Is grumbling about the cold-
[Yaunfen] Yawns, having had a rather exciting day-
[gem] -still has the cold flowers around her neck- it's much nicer but I should get home
[Doc] Musing- I know you hate it, but I wonder if we could make flowers from some of TLOT's coffee? Peppy blooms? -winks-
[Lie] Narrows eyes at Doc-
[gem] -heads home-
[Doc] See you later Gem! I'm playing. How are the candy plants doing?
-the figure is trying to sneak back into the green house-
[Lie] - A little tricky, some of them don't quite want to come out right yet
[Doc] Heh, maybe we should fertilize them with sugar instead of bone meal!
[Lie] - Maybe...
-the figure manages to get inside and is now at the back of the green house distracted-
[Yaunfen] Sniffs at the air-
[Doc] Can we check? It's been a awhile since I saw your work Lie.
[Lie] - Sure- She starts heading around the front of the house
[Doc] Is back in hir human shape since they came out of the sub-seed and trots along to keep up with her. - Yaunfen is getting so big... I pulled my back a bit earlier...
[Lie] - I figured that's what that was
-there is a sound that almost sounds like a watering pail from the back of the green house-
[Lie] Stops- What the...  Did an animal get in there?
[Doc] Goes into a bit of a crouch, ready to protect hir baby and friend-
-the sound continues and but some times stops then start again after a few seconds-
[Lie] Is confused and walks into her greenhouse, once sure Doc and Yaunfen are inside, she closes off the entrance with vines-
-there seems to be someone standing in the back and hasn't notice them and is watering the plants with a water pail-
[Doc] What the..?
-the figure hears doc and freezes-
[Lie] - Hello?
[Doc] Who are you?
-the figure tries to run past them out the green house but smacks into the vine before seeming to tear up backing away from them they have glowing eye clearly a brine-
[Lie] - Hey, it's okay, we're not going to hurt you
[Doc] Whoah, stay put! It's okay! We're brines too!
-the brine curls up in a ball as far as they can away from the two and starts crying they seem scared of them-
[Lie] Carefully approaches- Hey, it's okay, she spawns a calming blossom in her hand- Here, this will help make you feel better
-the brine see lie make a flower and stops crying and stares at the flower-
[Doc] Man... this one must have seen some shit... I'm reminded of the NOTCHs that had such terrible PTSD...
-the brine takes out it's water pail and gets closer to lie then waters the flower in lies hands-
[Lie] Laughs a little- I'm afraid it doesn't need water
-the flower gets green sparkles like as if he was using bone meal-
[Lie] Speaking softly- Hey, what's your name?
[Doc] Another brine with plant powers?
-the figure say Herobrine the gardener-
[Lie] - Gardner huh?  I'm Lie, a fellow brine, my abilities allow me to create plants
[Doc] Why so afraid? Do you have a NOTCH after you?
[HG] I just tend to plants. Everyone is I am not a fight I am a runner I have been running from seed to seed to try to get away from people, brines, and NOTCHs who want to harm me.
[Doc] Well I have no idea how you got in, but you found the right place to hide.
[Lie] - This is a sanctuary for brines
[HG] so no one will hurt me?
[Doc] I can't promise anything if you pick fights with people intentionally, but yes. Fighting is discouraged.
[HG] I would never pick a fight but I got in through a weak portal in a colorful house.
[Lie] - ...  Did Splender go out and forget to close his portal?
[HG] all I know this seed was the next jump after the one I was in and the first opening was my only chance to get away from the other server
[Doc] I really hope not... but then... Pinwheel is a pretty good guard dragon.
[HG] -quietly- I was wondering what that colorful thing was that hissed at me was.
[Doc] Well then... you got lucky.
[HG] I was running pretty fast that's why it could only hiss
[Lie] - Either way it doesn't matter, you're here now and your safe
[HG] -smiles and hugs his watering pail-
[Doc] Well it's also been super hot and they're lethargic. And Lie is right, you're welcome to stay. We always have room for more Herobrines.
[HG] thank you
[Lie] - And you're always welcome in my greenhouse, just be careful, there are some dangerous plants in here
[HG] I will be careful like I was the first time is was in here I watered all of them -is looking at his dirt stained pants-
[Doc] Yeah, don't touch the black pods....
[Lie] - Thank you for that.  Like Doc said, avoid the black pods, and the purple blossom with black nectar
[HG] what do they do?
[Doc] They can fill a person with insatible lust. And if you don't have a partner... well... it's painful.
[HG] oh ok I will avoid them. -stands up brushing off his pants-
[Doc] Did you just get here?
[HG] yea I haven't been here long it was last night when I got here
[Doc] Generally I take in anyone new until they can build a place. Do you want to stay with me?
[HG] uh sure... I don't see why not.
[Doc] My garden isn't as exotic as Lies, but you're always welcome to fuss around in it as well. Shall we walk back? I think Yaunfen needs a nap anyway.
[HG] I will help keep it strong
[Lie] - And like I said earlier, you're always welcome here
[HG] thank you I will be back help take care of your garden
[Lie] Briefly focus' her powers and the vines move away from the doorway-
[Yaunfen] Has curled up in a corner near a calming flower and a dream flower-
[Doc] Aww, looks like I need to carry the baby. If you guys want to step outside, this will be delicate.
[HG] -waters one of the lantern flowers before stepping outside-
[Lie] Nods in understanding and steps outside, standing near the chorus plant- Oh and never water this one, water will probably kill it
[HG] it's not plain water but ok.
[Doc] Steps back and transforms, sliding down into the ground as xe does so.
[Doc] Vanishes underground and comes up below Yaunfen, Xe balances the baby on the crown of hir head and slides out of the greenhouse before smoothly stepping back out of the ground-
[Doc] ready when you are-
[Lie] - What sort of water is it?
[HG] it's mostly bone meal but has just enough water to make it liquid plants really like it
[Lie] - I see, most of my plants spawn fully grown already so there's no need to water them...
[Doc] Is walking softly to not wake hir baby-
[HG] it's more to give them something to eat to keep them healthy I water fully grown stuff all the time but if it don't it's not as healthy
[Yaunfen] Makes noises in hir sleep-
[Doc] Starts purring to keep them cosy-
[Lie] - Interesting...
[HG] I know when I water watermelon it make they sweeter and if I leave them sometime they can grow really big if they are next to another one if I just keep watering them and not picking them
[Doc] That's really neat! How big do they get? And does it work for pumpkins?
[HG] yea it works on pumpkins as well and you could end up with a eight by eight watermelon if you water it long enough and have eight next to each other
[Doc] Smiles- I think I would love to have you test that out on my ghost pumpkins..... haha
[HG] ghost pumpkins? and do you have eight growing all the same way next to each other?
[Doc] I can arrange it...
[Doc] Trots down the hill and across the spawn-
[HG] -follows doc- it takes a lot of watering to get an eight by eight but I am very willing to keep watering them
-There's a tearing sound from above as Endrea re-enters the overworld with her children, Steffan, and Enderbro-
[Enderbro]- WOOOO!!!!
[Doc] Doesn't look up to avoid dislodging Yaunfen-
[Steffan] Holy crap this is awesome!
[HG] AAAAAAAAA! -runs to hide behind a tree they are very fast-
[Doc] It's okay! She's a friend of ours!
[Endrea] Lands as gently as she can-
[Enderbro] Is holding Endrea's ears-
[Endrea] Is a bit irritated by the ear holding but isn't commenting-
[HG] -is looking out from behind the tree-
[Enderbro] Flops flat to hug her head and then tp's to the ground- That was fun!
[Steffan] Is all fluffed up from the wind- That was crazy...
[Lie] - It's okay HG
[Doc] Glad to see you back Endrea.
[HG] -is still a little scared-
[Endrea] - I'm just glad the heat is over...  WHo is this?
[HG] eep -hide back behind the tree he is shaking now-
[Doc] New guy. Herobrine the Gardener. He's kinda timid.
[Endrea] - I see
[Ashe] Crawls off of Endrea's back- Guess what!  Guess what!
[willow and oak] -follow ashe and crawl off endrea-
[Enderbro] Tp's over by HG - You're dirty. - pokes his nose bump-
[Steffan] Bro... Um Endrea? Can I have a hand getting down, please?
[Enderbro] Also screams-
[Endrea] - Certainly- She lowers herself as close to the ground as she can get
[HG] -falls on the ground trying to crawl backwards from enderbro-
[Enderbro] Whoah, you're loud too!
[Steffan] Awkwardly clambers down to the ground.
[HG] -bumps into another tree and tries to keep pressed up against it to stay away from him-
[Steffan] Gets between them- it's okay. He won't hurt you!
[HG] -is cowering from both of them holding tightly to his watering pail-
[Lie] - What is it Ashe?
[Ashe] - Willow and Oak can talk!
[Steffan] Come on bro, maybe we should go home anyway....
[Doc] That's great!
[willow] BOK!
[Lie] - Bok?
[willow] bok
[Steffan] Looks at the brine - Sorry to scare you. Come on bro.
[Enderbro] Gives Endrea and the kids an enthusiastic wave before departing.
[Ashe] - She means book
[Doc] Oh. That's so cute!
[willow] BOK BOK!
[Endrea] Tilts onto her side-
[HG] -shakily stands up before hide behind a tree again-
[Doc] Walks back over too him- You don't have to hide, I promise you're safe.
[HG] -is very quiet- I am ok over here
[Lie] - Endrea is an ally of ours HG
[HG] still I am ok over here I am not good around to many new people all the time
[Doc] Well, we can carry on if you want. The house is just up the hill- points at the castle with hir tail fluff-
[HG] I will thank you -walks to the castle-
[Lie] - I should probably head back to my place to
[Doc] Brushes gently up against Endrea with a purr as xe passes- See you later Lie.
[Endrea] Decides to let her kids play at spawn for a bit-
[Doc] I'm gonna have to phase through the wall again, can you open both doors for me HG?
[HG] -opens the front doors-
[Doc] Thank you. Just shut the doors behind us and follow me. Okay?
[HG] sure
[Doc] Ducks down and keep Yaunfen clear of the walls and floors, traveling down the steps and eventually phasing back down to leave the baby dragon in the middle of hir bed. - Sleep well kiddo...
[HG] -is following doc-
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