#and these are just two blogs unrelated to each other. and only a snippet of how much they emphasize that they don’t want minors there
vulpecular-draconic · 7 months
pov you’re me, a minor, casually checking a couple of the blogs that reblogged your post and seeing this kinda stuff in folks’ pinned:
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— my guys,,, if you’re this concerned about minors seeing your stuff then mayyyybe check the bio of the blogs you reblog stuff from?
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maddieandangel · 2 months
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Given the new Chapter 3/4 dialogue sneak peeks we got from the latest UTDR newsletter, I wanted to bring back this snippet of an old post from one of my other blogs:
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Those lines REALLY give me hope that we'll actually be getting some sort of "Rouxls and Queen show up to Cause Problems On Purpose for the Fun Gang in the name of Comedy" scenario!! Or at least Rouxls and somebody, since Queen hasn't actually been confirmed to show up outside of Castle Town. I don't know what the E's mean at the start of each line (..."expression", maybe??), but Rouxls' "We're just hereth for the Snackse" and Lancer's "Oh-ho! You want some treats of the trade?" seem like they could be connected! They've both got that food theme, at least. So maybe Rouxls and Lancer team up for a silly fight? Father-son bonding in the form of being a mostly-harmless obstacle together asgsdgf <3. Or Lancer could help you fight Rouxls in some way possibly.
I'm more inclined to assume that this scene happens sometime in Chapter 3, rather than Chapter 4? Since both Rouxls and Lancer are still in Kris' inventory at the end of Chapter 2, and Chapter 3 will most likely begin with everyone already inside the new Dark World. So the two cards are basically guaranteed to make an appearance there! And also Toby seems to imply that, when the newsletter was being written, Chapter 4's localization process hadn't quite started yet. But there's nothing to say that they won't continue to stay in Kris' pocket for further Chapters despite the dangers of being statue-ified. I sure hope they'll be in every chapter, at least!
This scene happening in Castle Town might also be an option, though! And I've seen someone else speculate that Ralsei's "get ready for another fight" line might point to some sort of boss/enemy rush, which is a thing you can do in Castle Town's Dojo! So possibly Rouxls crashes a dojo challenge?
Though as I read through the dialogue again, (while also assuming that the E's are for whatever expression sprite is shown alongside the text, and not any sort of indicator for the order or time the lines are said), I'm inclined to say that the scene does actually take place inside the new Dark World, during the main story's events and not a post-Chapter side thing. Seeing as Ralsei only mentions Kris, maybe the party gets split again and Susie's not with them at the time? And after getting through some unrelated fights (some generic enemy encounters? Or dealing with the Dark World's actual antagonist(s)?), Ralsei and Kris finally find Rouxls, perhaps after he had once again run off to do his own thing at the start of the Chapter. He's also with at least one other person; possibly Lancer, possibly Queen (highly unlikely if it's Chapter 3 but as a Queenkaard Enjoyer I can have hope lmao), possibly someone new who he just met in this Chapter. And Ralsei immediately assumes that Rouxls is gonna start another fight, since that's what he did last time. But nope! Ralsei is wrong! Rouxls is just in the area for some snacks. He's not interested in a battle. Maybe he understands now that the Fun Gang is stronger than he initially thought, and that he won't be able to defeat them in a fight. Maybe he's even on their side permanently now and has no reason to oppose them---he does seem to still be trying to serve Queen even after Chapter 3, after all, as seen in Queen's room in that Chapter 3 preview/status update back in 2022. Regardless, that Lancer line is a separate image, so it's possible that it's from an entirely different scene. But again, it's got that same food/snack theming to it, so it could also be part of the scene and just a couple lines after the Ralsei and Rouxls exchange! Lesser Dad and son bonding moments? Please? Maybe Lancer followed Rouxls out of Kris' pocket this time around and they've just been hanging out in the new Dark World together <3 dgshshf
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pens-swords-stuff · 2 years
Nanowrimo Project 2022 // Always the Bridesmaid
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Title // Always The Bridesmaid
Genre // Murder mystery, romance
Current Status // Brainstorming
TL;DR // Enemies-to-lovers that goes through a fake relationship/wedding/marriage between two bisexual rival detectives
There’s been a string of murders. While tragic, murders are commonplace enough in [Fictional City] that no one blinks an eye when they are reported on the six o’clock news. The victims had nothing in common, so it was largely believed to be the work of separate killers, unrelated and commonplace. Except for one tiny detail: Every single victim had been a part of a wedding party the month prior to their death. Two private detectives were hired to investigate separate incidents, two different murders. When it becomes apparent that this trail of wedding murders has one culprit, it was only natural for them to team up and work together, because two heads are better than one. The only problem: They are rival detectives with differing styles that clash and find each other insufferable. When clue after clue lead them to dead-ends and false information, they are forced to confront the reality that they need to do something drastic to pin down the culprit. Pretending to be engaged and planning a fake wedding to lure out the killer seems extremely out there, but if they can survive a fake relationship, perhaps they can bring down the killer once and for all. It’s a crazy plan, but it just might work. Because if there is one thing for certain… The victim is always the bridesmaid, and never the bride.
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Tags // All official ATB content (snippets, drabbles, character intros, etc) can be found at #always the bridesmaid or @always-the-bridesmaid-wip. You can find all the ATB posts that I post on my blog that includes rambles, fun facts, shitposts and random thoughts on #atb.
There is no taglist for Always the Bridesmaid! If you are interested in being notified when there's a post, please follow @always-the-bridesmaid-wip and turn on the notifications for that blog.
I only reblog official ATB content that can be found at #always the bridesmaid onto @always-the-bridesmaid-wip. I barely post official content, so you will not be plagued by notifications.
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Things to note:
Word count goal: 50k. I however have very low expectations for myself. I tend to do Nano for 2 days before stopping.
Takes place in a "soft AU" in a world where private investigators have much more power, influence and authority than the real world.
This is completely pants'd. I have a general direction, my main cast of characters, and that's it. I don't even know who the culprit is!
Credit for the amazing tagline goes to @inkysky, thank you so much!
There are some drabbles and character introductions that are already posted on #always the bridesmaid or @always-the-bridesmaid-wip that you can check out if you are interested!
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Always the Bridesmaid // A WIP sideblog by Undine
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➸ Writeblr // @pens-swords-stuff ➸ Welcome to the WIP sideblog for Always the Bridesmaid! ➸ Here you will find all the 'official' posts for this WIP such as...
➸ WIP Introductions ➸ Character introductions and posts ➸ Snippets, drabbles, any sort of writing content ➸ Lore ➸ Graphics ➸ Anything that I deem significant information for ATB
➸ If you would like to see more general chatter and musings, please visit the #atb tag on my writeblr, @pens-swords-stuff. ➸ For any comments, questions, or any interactions about ATB writing, writeblr, or anything else, please contact me at my writeblr, @pens-swords-stuff! My askbox is always open. ➸ If you are interested in being put on a taglist for this WIP, please follow this blog and turn on the notifications!
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NAVIGATION ➸ Character Information ➸ Writing, snippets, drabbles, ficlets Alternatively, you can find a masterlist of all the posts on this blog in one place here. (They can all be found in the navigation as well!)
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There’s been a string of murders. While tragic, murders are commonplace enough in [Fictional City] that no one blinks an eye when they are reported on the six o’clock news. The victims had nothing in common, so it was largely believed to be the work of separate killers, unrelated and commonplace. Except for one tiny detail: Every single victim had been a part of a wedding party the month prior to their death. Two private detectives were hired to investigate separate incidents, two different murders. When it becomes apparent that this trail of wedding murders has one culprit, it was only natural for them to team up and work together, because two heads are better than one. The only problem: They are rival detectives with differing styles that clash and find each other insufferable. When clue after clue lead them to dead-ends and false information, they are forced to confront the reality that they need to do something drastic to pin down the culprit. Pretending to be engaged and planning a fake wedding to lure out the killer seems extremely out there, but if they can survive a fake relationship, perhaps they can bring down the killer once and for all. It’s a crazy plan, but it just might work. Because if there is one thing for certain… The victim is always the bridesmaid, and never the bride.
➸ Genre // Murder mystery, romance ➸ Enemies to lovers / rivalmance between a bisexual man and a bisexual woman ➸ Fake relationship → fake wedding → fake marriage ➸ Diverse cast
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prorevenge · 6 years
Revenge for the boss from hell. 30k+ payable to me, thanks.
I posed this story once before in days past but deleted it in fear legal reasons. I’ve revised it and feel more comfortable sharing. I enjoy the heck out of this blog along with @r-maliciouscompliance and @petty-revenge-stories. I can tell you as a long time lurker this story is worth the read for the most deserved revenge.
TLDR: Boss was a d*ckhead all the time, then insulted me while I was eating lunch with a client in public. I painfully planned and executed a plan to make him pay me over 30,000 dollars as punishment , I was successful.
I worked for this small business IT Consulting firm for seven years. Owned and operated by a person we will call d*ck.
First two years things were fine. Occasionally this guy would take things a little too far, he was just passionate about his opinion and always had to be right, so I’d always give him that. I don’t have to agree but I saw his need and left it at that.
What I started to discover however is the turn over for the company is a couple of years and I began to realize why. The Boss (d*ck), picks one worker and makes it his life’s work to make that person as miserable as possible. I’m guessing the reason, ego purposes?
For months I’d hear him shouting all the time at this one guy. The co-worker after leaving the meeting would go back to his office from where I had a view and I could just see the stress and misery in his face. Till finally I said to him, “what the hell man? He’s always giving you a hard time here lately, what did you do?”
He didn’t seem to know. He confided in me right there the level of hell he’s in and some of the things d*ck has said or done. I couldn’t believe some of the details he shared on what d*ck both said and did. I felt things were embellished because people just don’t do some of the things he said. I would realize much later he was telling the truth as crazy as it sounded.
A few months later he finally found another job and left. I talk to him couple times a year and he always said it was the best choice in his life he ever made.
d*ck’s sights then narrowed on to me. I can take a lot. So for the next five years I took it. He would insult me pretty much every day, each day more and more colorful. I didn’t really care or take it home with me so it wasn’t a problem for me, for d*ck I would learn it was.
Unrelated, five years in I put in my notice because he asked me to get a couple certifications and if I did he would take care of me. Once I did what was requested he backed out of the agreement and played coy. Once he received my notice a couple months later he called me up within a minute, begged me to stay. It’s important to note he only asked for two certifications, I not only obtained those but an addional fourteen on top of that. Each time he would tell me “Great job, you will be well taken care of”. He lied 16 times in total on this matter. He matched the offer and increased my Salary up another 15k. Not looking forward to starting a new job I decided to stay.
What I learned is I was a fool to do that and money isn’t everything. Go where you’ll be the most happy. Best life advice I can give after this experience.
He left me alone for a couple months after that, he wasn’t in the office much either. Then a day struck his fancy to start things up again only he ran out of material. My work is solid and he had no opportunity to criticize that.
The only method he had was bashing his ego and sarcasm around but he realized it had no impact on me. Here is a Brief snippet of any given day of what it’s like to be selected as his target. He would communicate a problem he was having in length. Let’s say he complained about his cell phone. After he finished his story you would provide a helpful suggestion or advice from your experience. In turn he would ask with an entitled and sarcastic tone if you were an expert on the matter and wanted to see those credentials. I learn fast, just never speak unless spoken too. Any comment or insult he made I would respond without emotion and just say ok.
Because d*ck wasn’t able to get a rise out of me the old fashioned way he decided to create fictional content for a new direction.
Our small company would go out to eat as a whole, or just order in on Fridays. I ate half my sandwich, and wrapped the remaining to take home. He saw me with leftover food and claimed that I was taking home dinner on his dime. Any time there was any leftover, even a single French fry he’d be there with a magnify glass for inspection to find any conceivable way to yell.
So on Fridays I started packing my lunch, I’d order a beverage and a side. I’d finish the beverage and the side. Then eat what I brought, if I didn’t finish it he had no opportunity. You could see his look of disappointment when he would scan my plate.
This went on a couple weeks, he had no opportunity and couldn’t complain. He realized he failed again. So then he came up with the next item.
The Bathroom. This I actually did a little research on and couldn’t find anything legally I could do. But anytime anyone would use the rest room he would blame me for the smell. Instead of hello when passing in the highway he would say “Did you use spray” or “Did you light a match” as hateful as he could, but that was his normal. It went much deeper than this, more then I care to share. But I honestly believe d*ck has a fetish on this topic which is why I looked in to it legally. It was just always on his mind and a little too important to him, let’s just leave the rest unsaid.
I must have visually tipped him off I didn’t approve of this because he never got bored with it. However I did at least get him to stop asking about if I used spray. Anytime I used the bathroom, even to take a piss I’d use the entire can of air freshener. This wasn’t an easy task as I’d have to mask my face to empty that entire thing. Takes a while surprisingly to empty an entire can in a session. One thing is for certain when I was finished, someone used the “spray” and d*ck was buying a new can. Took about five weeks but I think he figured it out spending so much on spray, he stuck to just asking about matches after that. He even provided them in the bathroom.
One day we were out with a client. The current topic at this moment was “what is your favorite meal? My answer was “hot wings, I could eat those every day!” d*ck jumps in, his comment “Just think how bad the bathroom would smell”. Most at table wouldn’t get the context and direction of that comment, but I knew. He did this in front of a client, in public, while people are eating.
I almost walked out. Then I remembered he drove and it’s a long way back. Plus d*ck is over 60, what kind of person knocks out a senior? I had to chant that in my mind to keep control. I never get pissed but after years this was the last straw! I seriously pleaded with myself all day not to do it because I’d go to jail and he would win.
During this time period he also started playing with my money. Behind 4-5 months with reimbursement, week late on paychecks, stuff like that. You ask where it’s out, he says “next week” you explain he already said that last week, then he’d play coy.
I finished out the day without reacting somehow. Took everything I had but I’m not going to allow this to be unanswered. That was dangerous and too close. If he want’s trouble, I’ll give it to him! I will get even in a lawful way, somehow.
Then the idea came to me that night, did my research and odds were in my favorite that it could work. I’m just going to mirror him until he fires me. When he fires me he will have to pay half my current salary of 65k until I get a new job. You know what? I can live perfectly fine on 32.5k. Why not make him pay out of his pocket 32.5k for everything he had said and done? He would have to pay this over the course of six months or until I found a new job. So my goal was to make him pay me $32,500 to be exact over 6 months as restitution for what he said at that table.
I read up on all the rules in my state for Unemployment. Each state is different. But basically to qualify for it, it can’t be your fault if you were fired. So If I stood there and told him where to put it, that’s a no go. However if I was laid off I would qualify.
So I hit him where it hurt first, his favorite thing in the world is meetings. Because he loves to hear himself talk and take you step by step through his thought process with a noble tone congratulating himself for his thinking and why his way is the best way. So I started speaking up and illustrated a more efficient way that cost less.
He would argue, sometimes red in the face mad. Especially if others in the meeting liked my idea. He knew he was wrong but he would dismiss them and demand it be done his way.
I then started talking about him within ear shot on purpose. I’d say things like “Make sure you perform that d*cks way, takes longer but it’s better than him releasing the Kraken”. It would make everyone laugh, but it wasn’t a direct insult.
Trust me when I say this guy has a massive ego and I was counting on this for pissing him off. I laid it on thick, in time it took its toll. I knew it did because what came next.
His retaliation was the kitchen sink, he had nothing so he started accusing me of things, then playing coy when it came to reviewing the details or facts. He would put words in my month, I’d state he was wrong and then he would tell me I was. All he was doing was opening the door so he could play a revengeful sarcasm game. I know it’s a game so I decided to take his new toy away from him by just going along with whatever it is he said. Which further made him mad because what he was doing had no effect on me.
Fast forward six months, yes I’m STILL working here. But were only receiving a couple calls a day which are fifteen minutes each. This was due to d*ck’s bad business discussions.
While I took delight knowing he was hemorrhaging money for months, I was hoping for a lay off to execute my plan. Nothing. I have to make him want to fire me, it’s the only way. I have to beat him at his own game while providing the illusion he is in control.
So I turned up the heat. I was asked to travel to a client by the 2nd in command. I said “I’m sorry man, I haven’t received reimbursement in six months for travel expenses and I just had my work cell phone service turned off. With the way business is right now things aren’t looking good, I’d be stupid to take on more expenses, and I’m owed over two thousand dollars as it is. Once that’s paid in full I’d be more than happy to continue on a week to week bases after reimbursements”.
That day d*ck had a meeting with me and setup a payment plan to pay the money back. After three weeks it would be paid. So I said to d*ck “understood, after three weeks I’ll be on the road again, cool” just making sure he understood because he wanted to play games and not pay the amount in full d*ck is now going to pay me my salary for three weeks to do nothing until the reimbursement fee is paid.
Guy has a several million dollar house, goes on vacations has a boats, etc. Out of all the things I’ve done so far, this had made the most significant impact. Because I out whit him at his own game, it embarrassed him in the eyes of others. Why? Because the second of command was instructed to drive me anywhere I was needed. So I had my own personal Taxi driver for the few calls we had over the next two weeks. Two weeks he paid two people, me and the admin to drive and watch me work. I was friends with the admin and he knew exactly what I was doing and he loved every second of it.
Then on the third week, three days until the final payment, it happens. d*ck enters my office, and gives me the filmier demeaning dog wave gesture to follow him without speaking. We sit down and he asks me what the problem is?
I told him the problem is he needs a new hobby. In one hand you have someone sitting here that busted his ass for the last seven years, in the other your need to bash someone’s face in the dirt with your ego. The problem with me is I won’t conform and provide both.
He asked for some examples. I said you know what I’m talking about and even if I did review them you’d play coy. He then played coy about being coy, I laughed.
After a pause He said if you feel that way why didn’t you speak to me about it? I reminded him that I did twice and both times you humiliated me for it and said “this is I.T!” What the I.T Career that I’ve done the last twenty years had to do with his ego I’ll never know.
He responded with I’m behind the times, my work has been poor and out of the kindness of his heart he gave me a raise after I demanded it. I responded with Ok.
Then he finally said what I wanted to hear “I want to call it quits”.
I remained professional and communicated I’m sorry things didn’t work out and spent the next two hours reviewing stuff with co-workers on how to handle certain things. I shook his hand with a smile and left without saying anything negative. The fruit of my labor will do the talking for me shortly.
In route on the way home I called family members to tell them the good news. Everyone was so happy for me. It finally happened.
When I arrived home I promptly adjusted the dates on the unemployment forms I had filled out already in wait and submitted them. I called the state and confirmed everything was documented on my end accurately and now it’s the waiting game.
My plan wasn’t realized until my boss receive the letter in the mail about a week later stating he’s going to have shell out my Salary for the next six months or until I found a job.
Panicked at this point he realized what I set him up for. So He claimed he fired me for poor work performance. The state said, ok prove it. In this state it’s the employers’ burden to prove it. My record had no blemishes and he couldn’t use a client because a number of people at any given client would vouch for me and the truth as they all liked me and appreciated my work.
Realizing the shit storm he’s in now I’m told from the admin friend he was on the phone with them quite a while twisting and turning the fake stories out. Bottom line, the state needed to see documented verbal and written warnings, signed so he couldn’t fake them. He called his lawyer and his lawyer told him he’s screwed.
Later my boss told co-workers he felt bad for me that I couldn’t find work and he decided to give unemployment to me to save face of his ego. That made official that his ego was effected, he didn’t want anyone to know the truth. At this point he realized I got the better of him when I fought back and I won, big!
In a last ditch effort he lied about how much I made. The state sent me paper work stating this fact and asked me to prove my salary. So I gave them copies of checks and pay stubs for the last six months. After that things went easy, he was flagged for lying which made the reaming steps effortless the state rep told me.
For the reason I was terminated I said “d*ck the owner made some poor business discussions that impacted the company losing business and clients. He let me go as a business discussion, in his shoes I’d of done the same and understand.”
I wrote it that way for a reason. But d*ck didn’t realize why. I knew what his reaction would be. The state saw a down to earth guy that was honest and understanding on paper. Then they saw d*cks predicted response of being a d*ck, most likely yelling and of course lying. I had no doubt that would seal the deal simply on the evaluation on character before the facts even entered in to it.
His reaction being, his ego had to take it up the ass. Once for failing as a business man, another for me saying so on state paper work, and lastly accepting that I got the better of him and all this time I have been coaxing him to make this move.
The only thing left to do is pay me, every single week. And his money goes to the state first then the state sends it to me, so he can’t play games with my money or the state is coming after him.
Over the next six months I took that time to enjoy myself, pursue hobbies and lived life to the fullest on his dime as a reward for his comment. Once the letter came to renew unemployment, d*ck would no longer have to pay or only a parentage I forget, the important thing to know is tax payers would have to pay after six months not d*ck. So I declined the renewal. Three weeks later I had a new job.
It was either that or knock him out during that lunch, It wasn’t easy, took work but I’m proud of the way I handled it. I feel vindicated, it’s pretty rare the world is balanced, evil often wins. But not this time. This time it cost d*ck, 32,500 dollars to be exact. All in all I can say 10/10 would do it again.
Due to his age I can’t imagine that it would be a humbling experience at this point. But it was for me, money isn’t everything, there is only one thing of true value, your happiness. A year later, I’m very happy now, I enjoy my new job and my new boss. I discovered myself again, who I really am. The goofy friendly guy, my light is no longer dimmed by a dark presence and I can be myself without punishment.
(source) (story by Divine_Squire)
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mrlylerouse · 6 years
7 Emails You Need to Send to Real Estate Leads
Consider the emails you’re sending to your leads. Would you open them if they appeared in your Inbox? More importantly, would you respond or visit a website? Prospects these days have an inbox full of info and offers, most of which they will consider “junk,” and delete. This is why you have to follow the best practices to help your email outshine the rest.  
Readers don’t delete emails that interest them. Easy as that. The 7 emails below will help you earn your way into their Inbox. 
1. The Introduction Email
We strongly suggest only emailing leads who have opted into communication with you. Otherwise it can feel like an invasion of personal space. This first email serves as the “welcome mat” for the rest of your email communication.   Don’t overwhelm with too much information! Instead, quickly and casually introduce yourself and give a short snippet of what you can offer them.
Start by asking yourself the questions below:
Who are you?
Why are you emailing them?
What value are you providing to them?
Introduction Email Example:  
Hi Cindy,   I noticed you recently registered for e-Alerts on my website. I’m glad you signed up, as this is the quickest way to receive up-to-date information on listings in your area! Our website is refreshed every hour, so you will be the first to know when a home that fits your preferences hits the market.   Over the past 7 years I have worked in the area selling homes and helping buyers find the perfect property. Buying a home is an exciting time and I am here to help you navigate through the process. Below I have linked to one of my blog posts about preparing to buy a home and how it is different this year over the others.  
Read More: How to Prepare Yourself to Buy a Home This Year
  Have a lovely day,
Annie Agent
Don’t Use Smart Drip? Read our post about freeing up 36 Hours Using Email Smart Drip Campaigns.
2. The “Establish Expectations” Email
The Welcome Email should go out almost immediately after you receive their information or when they register on your site. The “Establish Expectations” Email should follow in the next day or two, and will answer the following:
How frequently you will be in touch?
What action should the lead take?
Are you showing your value as an agent?.
Establish Expectations Email Example:
Hi Cindy,   I hope your home search is going well! As of now, you are set up to receive emails when your preferred listings come on the market. I’ll keep you in the loop with any important market information that may help with your search as well.   If you’d like to see a home, please don’t hesitate to reach out at (###) ###-####. My door is always open at the office as well!
Continue Searching For Homes
I’ll be in touch,
Annie Agent
This email reaffirms why you’re reaching out, and then follows up with another Call-To-Action. These are important steps! Here are a few pointers for what you should be accomplishing with each email:
Provide a valuable offer of information or service to your lead.
Make it easy to take action with a clear link or button.
Do NOT make it all about you. This completely defeats the purpose.
Remember, you have to EARN your way into their Inbox. Just as any other business or service earns their way into your readership.
3. The Content Email
Here is where we engage the lead through valuable information. You can send the Content Email in the form of a regularly scheduled newsletter, or, save yourself some time and plug it into an email drip campaign. You want to provide value through content you aggregate or already have on your site. The best option is to combine the two!
These emails allow you to establish yourself as the local expert. Consider including any of the following:
Local Market Updates
Average Days On Market Breakdown
Seller Market Versus Buyer Market Explanation
How to Buy a Home in the Current Market
One of Your Sold Listings (if it is a seller lead).
Area Events Calendar
New Development Updates
Fixer-Upper Average Costs
Turning Your Home Into the Ultimate Investment
Showcase all of your best content that you’re sharing on your website, blog, and social media channels. The goal is to get the lead to interact with you, so it can be useful here to usher them to other channels where you share information. Link to one of your posts or events on Facebook and try to get them to “like” your page. Let them know if you’re “going live,” or connect them to a blog post through a Twitter or LinkedIn link.
Don’t Know What to Write For Your Blog? We’ve Got You Covered.
  If you really want to up your game, sites such as Canva can help you create quick and easy, professional-looking images. People respond to visual stimuli! In the end, put yourself in their shoes: If you opened this email, does the content really add value? Nobody needs fluff.
4. The Testimonial Email
Now we’re really heading in the right direction. You want to have a nice mix of content emails, and more personal information. At the end of the day, you are trying to get this lead to convert! The testimonial emails really take your marketing email marketing efforts to the next level.   Remember, testimonials are an incredibly valuable tool to prove YOU are the right person for the job… however, you don’t want it to come across as too, “in-your-face.” Here are a few pointers for accomplishing that balance.   Do:
Include recent testimonials.
Frame a story around the testimonial.
Relate your testimonials to current market updates.
Use them as a call to action. (Meaning, include a link to your website where they can read more, or a phone number to speak with you.)
Only include testimonials in the email.
Put a seller testimonial in a buyer’s email drip campaign.
Use an outdated or unrelated testimonial.
Place testimonials in the email without any context.
Testimonial Email Example:
Hi Cindy,
I hope you have been able to browse some of the market updates I sent over in my last email. If not, I have a blog post here explaining the current market and how to position yourself as the best buyer in the lot.   In this market it often comes down to negotiations between agents in order to close the deal on a home. And I wanted you to hear a few stories about how I’ve helped some locals find their perfect properties over the past few months.   “Annie worked magic in a market where I never thought I would be able to afford my dream home. She managed the process from start to finish and my family and I could not be happier.” -The Jones Family   “My home search was full of ups and downs, but Annie never stopped in the search for our home. After helping us sell our current home and find the new place, we could not have asked for a better experience.” -Matthew Trice   Browse more testimonials on my website here.   Starting the search is the first step in finding your perfect property, and I am here to help!    Talk soon,
Annie Agent
5. The “Get to Know You” Email
This email is your opportunity to gather more information about your lead. Up to this point you may have an email, home search preferences, or a phone number. If you have already spoken, then this email should be more specific to their wants and needs. But if you have not spoken to them yet, use this as your chance to figure out how to customize your value proposition. Try to drive a conversation.   These “Get to Know You” emails should be sent within a few weeks of your “Welcome” email and will also help you to gather specific information about your target audience.
According to the Content Marketing Institute:
86% of people skip TV commercials.
44% of direct mail is never opened.
91% of email users have unsubscribed from a company email they previously opted into.
  Bottom line… let your readers be in control of their content!
“Get to Know You” Email Example:
Hi Cindy,
I want to make sure I am sending along the right information to help you with your home buying decisions. In order for me to show you the best homes available, I’d love to speak with you about your home search. My number is (###) ### – #### if you would like to give me a call. If it’s easier, you can reach me at this email!
Until then, here are two of my client’s favorite resources for home buying:
The Ten Most Commonly Asked Questions in Home Buying
The Homebuyer Checklist: Everything from Pre-approval to Post Purchase Taxes 
Please don’t hesitate to reach out! 
Annie Agent
6. The Oh So Subtle “I-Haven’t-Heard-From-You” Email
We are all wired to get excited when someone likes a status on Facebook, or shares your post on Twitter. So when we don’t hear back from leads it becomes frustrating fast.
Keep in mind you are approaching strangers in very personal space: their Inbox. If you have made it this far and they haven’t unsubscribed or marked your emails as spam, then they are keeping you around for a reason. This email is your chance to really peak their interest. 
Consider including any of the following:
Invitation or incentive to use at a local event.
Reminder of the tools you have available on your site.
Inspirational and recent testimonial.
Inquiry into whether or not they still want to receive emails or e-Alerts.
 First Example
Hi Cindy,
I hope all is well with you and you are seeing a few homes that peak your interest on the site. In case anything has changed, you can easily update your preferences in order to receive properties better catered to your search. Please reply to this email if you would like to be removed from e-Alerts and I can do that for you! 
Change Your Preferences Here!
Annie the Agent
Second Example
Hi Cindy,
I hope all is well with you and you are seeing a few homes that peak your interest on the site. In other news, we will be at the Downtown Carnival Extravaganza this week running a raffle! We’ll have an extra t-shirt waiting on you, so feel free to stop by our booth any time.
[Insert Event Image Here]
 Hope to see you there!
 Annie the Agent
7. The “Request-a-Review” Email 
Also known as the post-deal email, this is your chance to congratulate your client on their closed deal and inquire about a review. Keep in mind after you client either buys or sells their home the emails are not over. You should have a drip campaign ready to go in order to keep your name top of mind for the years to come.
Until then though, you need to ask for a review.
“Request-a-Review” Email Example:
Hi Cindy,
Congratulations! I am so excited for you about your home purchase. This is a big deal and you should be extremely proud of yourself for owning your first home.
I will drop by a little gift from our company to you later this week, but until then I wanted to ask a quick favor. As you know it always helps to have a few nice words to share with future clients. And if you would be so kind as to share a few words about your experience via email or online here, that would be wonderful!
Let Us Know How We Did Here!
And again, don’t forget to submit your permanent residence application this month. We will be in touch to remind you when the date comes closer for that as well.
Congratulations again!
Agent Annie
How to Order Your Email Drip Campaigns
The number of emails and order of those emails in a drip campaign are specific to your audience. Leads who wanted to buy yesterday should receive emails more frequently, whereas casual browsers should receive at minimum a monthly check-in. 
No matter the email, always remember our three rules for all communications:
Provide value
Make it easy to take action
Do NOT make it all about you
Happy Writing!
  The post 7 Emails You Need to Send to Real Estate Leads appeared first on BoomTown!.
from BoomTown! https://ift.tt/2prDXGT
0 notes
mrdonaldclark86 · 6 years
7 Emails You Need to Send to Real Estate Leads
Consider the emails you’re sending to your leads. Would you open them if they appeared in your Inbox? More importantly, would you respond or visit a website? Prospects these days have an inbox full of info and offers, most of which they will consider “junk,” and delete. This is why you have to follow the best practices to help your email outshine the rest.  
Readers don’t delete emails that interest them. Easy as that. The 7 emails below will help you earn your way into their Inbox. 
1. The Introduction Email
We strongly suggest only emailing leads who have opted into communication with you. Otherwise it can feel like an invasion of personal space. This first email serves as the “welcome mat” for the rest of your email communication.   Don’t overwhelm with too much information! Instead, quickly and casually introduce yourself and give a short snippet of what you can offer them.
Start by asking yourself the questions below:
Who are you?
Why are you emailing them?
What value are you providing to them?
Introduction Email Example:  
Hi Cindy,   I noticed you recently registered for e-Alerts on my website. I’m glad you signed up, as this is the quickest way to receive up-to-date information on listings in your area! Our website is refreshed every hour, so you will be the first to know when a home that fits your preferences hits the market.   Over the past 7 years I have worked in the area selling homes and helping buyers find the perfect property. Buying a home is an exciting time and I am here to help you navigate through the process. Below I have linked to one of my blog posts about preparing to buy a home and how it is different this year over the others.  
Read More: How to Prepare Yourself to Buy a Home This Year
  Have a lovely day,
Annie Agent
Don’t Use Smart Drip? Read our post about freeing up 36 Hours Using Email Smart Drip Campaigns.
2. The “Establish Expectations” Email
The Welcome Email should go out almost immediately after you receive their information or when they register on your site. The “Establish Expectations” Email should follow in the next day or two, and will answer the following:
How frequently you will be in touch?
What action should the lead take?
Are you showing your value as an agent?.
Establish Expectations Email Example:
Hi Cindy,   I hope your home search is going well! As of now, you are set up to receive emails when your preferred listings come on the market. I’ll keep you in the loop with any important market information that may help with your search as well.   If you’d like to see a home, please don’t hesitate to reach out at (###) ###-####. My door is always open at the office as well!
Continue Searching For Homes
I’ll be in touch,
Annie Agent
This email reaffirms why you’re reaching out, and then follows up with another Call-To-Action. These are important steps! Here are a few pointers for what you should be accomplishing with each email:
Provide a valuable offer of information or service to your lead.
Make it easy to take action with a clear link or button.
Do NOT make it all about you. This completely defeats the purpose.
Remember, you have to EARN your way into their Inbox. Just as any other business or service earns their way into your readership.
3. The Content Email
Here is where we engage the lead through valuable information. You can send the Content Email in the form of a regularly scheduled newsletter, or, save yourself some time and plug it into an email drip campaign. You want to provide value through content you aggregate or already have on your site. The best option is to combine the two!
These emails allow you to establish yourself as the local expert. Consider including any of the following:
Local Market Updates
Average Days On Market Breakdown
Seller Market Versus Buyer Market Explanation
How to Buy a Home in the Current Market
One of Your Sold Listings (if it is a seller lead).
Area Events Calendar
New Development Updates
Fixer-Upper Average Costs
Turning Your Home Into the Ultimate Investment
Showcase all of your best content that you’re sharing on your website, blog, and social media channels. The goal is to get the lead to interact with you, so it can be useful here to usher them to other channels where you share information. Link to one of your posts or events on Facebook and try to get them to “like” your page. Let them know if you’re “going live,” or connect them to a blog post through a Twitter or LinkedIn link.
Don’t Know What to Write For Your Blog? We’ve Got You Covered.
  If you really want to up your game, sites such as Canva can help you create quick and easy, professional-looking images. People respond to visual stimuli! In the end, put yourself in their shoes: If you opened this email, does the content really add value? Nobody needs fluff.
4. The Testimonial Email
Now we’re really heading in the right direction. You want to have a nice mix of content emails, and more personal information. At the end of the day, you are trying to get this lead to convert! The testimonial emails really take your marketing email marketing efforts to the next level.   Remember, testimonials are an incredibly valuable tool to prove YOU are the right person for the job… however, you don’t want it to come across as too, “in-your-face.” Here are a few pointers for accomplishing that balance.   Do:
Include recent testimonials.
Frame a story around the testimonial.
Relate your testimonials to current market updates.
Use them as a call to action. (Meaning, include a link to your website where they can read more, or a phone number to speak with you.)
Only include testimonials in the email.
Put a seller testimonial in a buyer’s email drip campaign.
Use an outdated or unrelated testimonial.
Place testimonials in the email without any context.
Testimonial Email Example:
Hi Cindy,
I hope you have been able to browse some of the market updates I sent over in my last email. If not, I have a blog post here explaining the current market and how to position yourself as the best buyer in the lot.   In this market it often comes down to negotiations between agents in order to close the deal on a home. And I wanted you to hear a few stories about how I’ve helped some locals find their perfect properties over the past few months.   “Annie worked magic in a market where I never thought I would be able to afford my dream home. She managed the process from start to finish and my family and I could not be happier.” -The Jones Family   “My home search was full of ups and downs, but Annie never stopped in the search for our home. After helping us sell our current home and find the new place, we could not have asked for a better experience.” -Matthew Trice   Browse more testimonials on my website here.   Starting the search is the first step in finding your perfect property, and I am here to help!    Talk soon,
Annie Agent
5. The “Get to Know You” Email
This email is your opportunity to gather more information about your lead. Up to this point you may have an email, home search preferences, or a phone number. If you have already spoken, then this email should be more specific to their wants and needs. But if you have not spoken to them yet, use this as your chance to figure out how to customize your value proposition. Try to drive a conversation.   These “Get to Know You” emails should be sent within a few weeks of your “Welcome” email and will also help you to gather specific information about your target audience.
According to the Content Marketing Institute:
86% of people skip TV commercials.
44% of direct mail is never opened.
91% of email users have unsubscribed from a company email they previously opted into.
  Bottom line… let your readers be in control of their content!
“Get to Know You” Email Example:
Hi Cindy,
I want to make sure I am sending along the right information to help you with your home buying decisions. In order for me to show you the best homes available, I’d love to speak with you about your home search. My number is (###) ### – #### if you would like to give me a call. If it’s easier, you can reach me at this email!
Until then, here are two of my client’s favorite resources for home buying:
The Ten Most Commonly Asked Questions in Home Buying
The Homebuyer Checklist: Everything from Pre-approval to Post Purchase Taxes 
Please don’t hesitate to reach out! 
Annie Agent
6. The Oh So Subtle “I-Haven’t-Heard-From-You” Email
We are all wired to get excited when someone likes a status on Facebook, or shares your post on Twitter. So when we don’t hear back from leads it becomes frustrating fast.
Keep in mind you are approaching strangers in very personal space: their Inbox. If you have made it this far and they haven’t unsubscribed or marked your emails as spam, then they are keeping you around for a reason. This email is your chance to really peak their interest. 
Consider including any of the following:
Invitation or incentive to use at a local event.
Reminder of the tools you have available on your site.
Inspirational and recent testimonial.
Inquiry into whether or not they still want to receive emails or e-Alerts.
 First Example
Hi Cindy,
I hope all is well with you and you are seeing a few homes that peak your interest on the site. In case anything has changed, you can easily update your preferences in order to receive properties better catered to your search. Please reply to this email if you would like to be removed from e-Alerts and I can do that for you! 
Change Your Preferences Here!
Annie the Agent
Second Example
Hi Cindy,
I hope all is well with you and you are seeing a few homes that peak your interest on the site. In other news, we will be at the Downtown Carnival Extravaganza this week running a raffle! We’ll have an extra t-shirt waiting on you, so feel free to stop by our booth any time.
[Insert Event Image Here]
 Hope to see you there!
 Annie the Agent
7. The “Request-a-Review” Email 
Also known as the post-deal email, this is your chance to congratulate your client on their closed deal and inquire about a review. Keep in mind after you client either buys or sells their home the emails are not over. You should have a drip campaign ready to go in order to keep your name top of mind for the years to come.
Until then though, you need to ask for a review.
“Request-a-Review” Email Example:
Hi Cindy,
Congratulations! I am so excited for you about your home purchase. This is a big deal and you should be extremely proud of yourself for owning your first home.
I will drop by a little gift from our company to you later this week, but until then I wanted to ask a quick favor. As you know it always helps to have a few nice words to share with future clients. And if you would be so kind as to share a few words about your experience via email or online here, that would be wonderful!
Let Us Know How We Did Here!
And again, don’t forget to submit your permanent residence application this month. We will be in touch to remind you when the date comes closer for that as well.
Congratulations again!
Agent Annie
How to Order Your Email Drip Campaigns
The number of emails and order of those emails in a drip campaign are specific to your audience. Leads who wanted to buy yesterday should receive emails more frequently, whereas casual browsers should receive at minimum a monthly check-in. 
No matter the email, always remember our three rules for all communications:
Provide value
Make it easy to take action
Do NOT make it all about you
Happy Writing!
  The post 7 Emails You Need to Send to Real Estate Leads appeared first on BoomTown!.
from BoomTown! https://ift.tt/2prDXGT
0 notes
Best Evaluation Website
The Way to Select the Most Effective ...
Discuss your thoughts and talk about your own thoughts or questions with this issue. Just how do Secondly, the greater product reviews a product receives, the more the more transparent it Consumers trust online reviews as much as personal information. There you proceed -- favorable merchandise reviews can attract a considerable increase in earnings.
Appears and this fosters its own credibility. Folks trust interpersonal evidence -- especially as soon as the review's creator isn't associated with the brand and review of reviews it isn't anonymous (i.e., could be addressed by both name and their societal profile might be looked up).
What are the primary words? Fans would shed light on several different services and products, also represent a impartial, impartial perspective. But if testimonials have been crafted by at-home content founders who have skin at the match, they lack authenticity and are rather biased.
Can learn a lot more about becoming an affiliate together with LiveChat.
3. Find Out Concerning Your Product(s) Why is it that people study product reviews within the first spot? All things considered, do informed Although, to be honest, they just want to make sure that the item they need to get is your undisputed king of its category. Also, other consumers' encounters are not moot. Readers would like to face as many opinions as possible before creating any actual order.
Exactly What Are the Rewards of Writing Product Testimonials? So, what do you need to start your review with? People want to have to know several Product reviews can do a Great Deal More than simply make your product look attractive; Kindle discussion. Let individuals speak their brain and create a passionate area for discussion and attempt to develop a residential district.
Money on your own blog is by simply writing product reviews that are great.
What Are Product Reviews? B2B. For Example, Live-chat:
Given merchandise is), the harder you attempt to make sure your choice will be the only right decision. To truly feel confident concerning the buy, you search for solid evidence the product's good quality.
Exactly why? And it does not matter what purchase could be -- if it's Meals, No matter What It Is That You Are Attempting to sell -- one of the easiest approaches to create Think about your own buying habits to get a little while. A review -- as mentioned here -- is Just product-centered content Services and products they may have purchased or are considering buying.
The Function of Solution Reviews Novels, kitchen ware, vacation rentals and perhaps canine's toys...
You always check out online critiques On-line reviews really are a Amazing Means to monetize your blog, begin your affiliate
Cash- you are able to earn a little extra money by reviewing products within an affiliate.
Authority- you also build power for being a reviewer and individuals will trust your opinion if you play with it right.
Freedom- like an independent trainee and marketer only you pick what things that you want to critique, urge and what things to write around.
Site visitors- your content will help you attain organic site visitors also you're able to position your website for strategically chosen keywords. Source Curiously, based on E Consultancy, actually bad reviews increase By multiple and unrelated sources, this positive vibe resonates across the internet. This boosts the odds the potential buyer can pick that specific item.
Why Folks See Item Reviews Sometimes even recurring commission paid on each sale you called. Being a affiliate makes sense as you're promoting these products any way, and shouldn't you get yourself a cut and generate some inactive earnings on both negative?
This really is really a life example as, personally, I'm a head space believer as well as practitioner. ;--RRB-
They can raise your product or service's image and make it that the go-to item. The truth is that on the web testimonials are indispensable for branding and marketing almost any company nowadays.
Being a different marketer and bidder needs that you just get accessibility to Origin There are Also a Number of Other perks (and also reverses) of getting an Go beforehand, turned into a LiveChat affiliate and Begin reviewing That's all for now on creating a potent product summary. The Moment something fresh So, enable people to build that articles! Page and add wealthy snippets which are visible in the research benefits. This isn't all that hard.
Online testimonials must touch on Each experts and cons of a product, Product or service comparisons are vital to any great inspection. They supply your own This can Have added perks such as, for Example, a fixed and Shoppers purchase anything with out checking on line reviews?
Also, don't forget to include affiliate links in your review here and there. Speaking about options will probably give you authenticity -- especially in Case You can Another reason folks read product testimonials is much simpler. Users want to ensure that the product or service is the most useful of its own sort.Take advertising resources -- persons want to be certain they truly are easy, user friendly and simple to handle.
Say something greater than, "Hey, these are available, too!"
6. Get Yourself a Discussion Moving Familiar with product critiques. But let us fast recap the meaning consequently we're about an identical page.
Often genuine articles composed by users that are real. Thus, testimonials are societal proof and help build trust and loyalty.
You really experience doing it? Are inspections performing very well in internet affiliate marketing? I'd Reviews stand out, boosting your CTR and drive additional targeted visitors. And don't forget the CTR translates into search engine optimisation results!
Comes around, I'm going to nutritional supplement and upgrade this particular write-up.
Marketing business and get this up and running. This is a proven procedure, and we've got hard data to back this up. BrightLocal ran a consumer review questionnaire, an annual exploration of the way that consumers read and use internet reviews.
Well, to Start with, clients are heavily-dependent on reviews that are
Individuals will quickly put two and two together, and they will recognize (and necessarily elevate a fuss) for those who are not honest.
It is always preferable to have a look at services and products through the buyer's eyes. This makes no sense to deceive your viewers to believing your product does not have any flaws. Be balanced.
Honesty gives you users and credibility will wind up loyal and come to your site or blog whenever they want to generate a purchase.
5. Confront with Other players Even better -- a promoter of given product. A reviewer, to be specific. Here Is an Easy reality any marketer (or blogger or website owner) should take to heart :
The past couple of paragraphs are excellent for expressing your personal view. What's more, more testimonials often prompt subscribers to discuss, speed, and remark Services and products you are likely to review. You might just move up ahead of time and get them or toss that the suppliers and just request access. It's quite probable that a corporation's marketing representative will be happy to give you access to this merchandise in least to the time you'd want to review it. Become an Affiliate Enable an easy 5 Star evaluation program using CSS and HTML radios on your own review OK, now switch perspectives. This moment you are not a purchaser however an vendor, Becoming an affiliate is a complete other story, nevertheless, so here is where you The signals you that are social collect below your review the better. There Moreover, folks are curious about option options. Our merchandise, creating a solid revenue. Do not limit to just us feel free to examine products and brands from some other businesses to completely exploit the ability of your site.
First and foremost, folks trust product reviews -- a whopping 88 percent of When You combine affiliate apps or get access to goods in almost any manner, Are also some strong SEO causes of this. A conversation thread creates a internet page more which assists it indicator and position better.
7. End a Product Review with a Take Home Chat Ideally, a product review should come from an independent author. This type of Here Is What you get from composing testimonials: Thus, if evidence of a product's or service's caliber Becomes corroborated
84 percent of individuals expect online testimonials as far like a personal recommendation, ''
7 from 10 consumers will compose an review for a company whether they're asked to,
90 percent of consumers browse under 10 opinions prior to forming an opinion about a business,
54 percent of persons will pay a visit to the web site right after reading positive evaluations,
73% of consumers believe that evaluations older than 3 months are no longer relevant,
74 percent of people express that favorable reviews cause them to expect that a businesses more,
58 percent of consumers say that the celebrity rating of a company is most essential. Independent product reviewer. Okay so today, with all those factors in your mind, it is time to discover everything you are able to do in order to craft a genuine product review.
Just How to Compose the Excellent Product Assessment
1. Get Your hands About the Item This really is where you can get slightly subjective and speak your mind freely. Recap all the crucial things you've touched at the review, disclose the price and tell the reader when there is a totally free trial offer (remember, the word "complimentary" is intoxicating -- should applicable, sprinkle it throughout your essay and also highlight absolutely free options to have people fired up. It typically will work wonders). Sum everything up and create the final decision making.
8. Implement 5-Star Rating and Wealthy Snippets Anytime you print some content (not just reviews), then ask for opinions and If you've been advertising for, well, a minute or longer, you're certainly Conversion by 67%. Hope those facts are persuasive enough for you. As you are able to notice, there is a point out creating product critiques.
Pragmatic truth, s O:
Talk about the way in which a product grew you personally and talk about first impressions (and most of the successive ones!) .
Discuss your experiences with this item.
Record genuine advantages and disadvantages of the product or service.
Tell the audience when a product is aimed in them [that the aim users/buyers have been].
Rule in the event your item is of the highest quality and whether it's only value obtaining.
Is it userfriendly?
Discuss some possible annoyance points.
Supply alternatives. Nevertheless, the most optimal/optimally idea would be to develop into a affiliate spouse when it is an alternative. Here's an example. Imagine you're reviewing Headspace, the meditation app. That should explore detailed both advantages and disadvantages of unique products or services. Some fulltime writers and writers revolve around analyzing and reviewing services and products. Afterward they work on submitting them into alternative party websites, blogs, and platforms.
Service and even an entire new therefore shoppers understand the important selling things as well as its economy strengths and weaknesses.
Readers using a clearer photo of the whole classification. You readers will be aware of exactly what the options are and also will feel more positive regarding having the suggested version.
Make sure you do your analysis and also study this product. You would like to develop into a specialist. Be inquisitive and find out everything about the newest and also the merchandise itself. Include competitors in your search and also the entire industry too, just before you get going on your own reviews.
4. Be Truthful. Don't Hoopla It Intellect their frequency of occurrence, therefore they really don't conquer the reader or control your backup. Not certain how to find this correctly? Read the way to use affiliate links.
Bottom Line Are exceptionally potent. As an example, millennials, trust user-generated content 50 percent significantly more than additional media.
Typically, the higher the cost (or the further crucial to a well-being that a Love to hear your own notions so be in contact me personally on Twitter. Total transparency is key. Eyes on the prize and recall this: This kind of visual rating score in the lookup results will certainly create your A highly effective product review needs to clearly point out that who the item would be right for. Or we can proceed with a different example -- this time, let's leave it something This may encourage your viewers to leave testimonials -- and testimonials testimonials
0 notes
digital-strategy · 7 years
The big discussions this week included theories around the recent rankings shakeup and around Googles recent announcement to remove the first click free policy for publishers but is the new approach really a win for publisher?
Google also announced  that a huge increase to Adwords daily overspend budget limits.
Search News Discussions:
WMW members Share  Theories on SERP Shake Up
View full discussion
Member GoodROI calls for explanations around the recent ‘Fall Follies’ in Google SERPS. The major discussion what was role  HTTPS had in terms of the recent volatility.
Some other noteworthy observations included:
September 8:
Skynet84: “My hosting is in USA my domain .com I have lose -50% of my organic traffic in just one day on the 8 th September and now after 21 days nothing changed. I have respected all guidelines always have minimalist and perfect user experience website with full of self made content.”
Featured Rich Snippets:
“After all, I feel like it’s the “answer box”. Today, I see answer boxes for nearly everything. This would explain why my traffic is down, while my position remains unchanged.”
Mobile vs. Desktop:
“Mostly nailed on the mobile side. Mobile: Down ~12% MoM at peak. Recovered to down ~4% MoM this week. “
Image Indexation:
Google is deindexing my images, I have 5 sites with 10k indexed images, but after oct 1st now they are all at 2-3k, which means they are deindexing around 70% images from all my sites, and the sites are unrelated to each other (different niche).
Google announces new adwords daily budget overspend limit
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Google announced via twitter that Adwords can now overspend double the set daily budget.
To help you hit your advertising goals, your campaigns can now spend up to twice your average daily budget. https://t.co/TUO08wXnl3
— Google AdWords (@adwords) October 4, 2017
In the referenced help page, Google adds that any overdelivery will be credited back to the accounts.
Google Removing First Click Free Requirement For Publishers
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Google announced that they’re removing the controversial first click free requirement for publishers. In its place is ‘flexible sampling’, Google offers two different options:
Option 1: Metering – Requires publishers some number of free clicks, at their own discretion. This policy is like first click free except it allows for a limit on the number of times individual users get to see free content from Google.
Option 2: Lead in – Shows users a snippet of a full article.
In order to take part in flexible sampling, publishers must markup hidden content using JSON-LD, which will allow Google greater precision in terms of aggregating, filtering, and categorizing publisher content.
Featured Discussions:
HTTPS… external links update required?
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Webmaster World members discussed whether its worth updating inbound links to your website after switching protocols. From an SEO point of view, the general consensus seemed to be that it is not necessary but lucy24 did not that for inbound links referring traffic, it may be useful to updated the links for users saying, ” Don’t forget your human users. Every redirect doubles the time before content starts showing up. For users on slow connections, that’s a measurable lag. For users who pay for bandwidth, that’s a few more bytes added to the total.
For that matter, it counts against your own bandwidth too; it’s one more thing for your server to deal with. Why bother with an extra request-and-response set if you don’t have to?”
  Switched To HTTPS- Any SEO value to keeping CSP
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As part of a conversion to SSL (HTTPS), a Webmaster World member instituted a Content Security Policy (CSP) on their sites. The member also noted that they saw a 12% Google referral traffic bump after making the switch.
Should you retain a CSP after moving to HTTPS?
A Content Security Policy is a computer security standard that can be added to the HTTP header that provides an added layer of protection to help detect and mitigate cross site scripting and data injection attacks, which are used for security issues ranging from data theft, site defacement, as well as passing malware. The member was concerned if the CSP should be retained after the conversion to HTTPS and questions if its worth the extra work for the browser.
Member keyplyr recommends keeping it and states that it works in conjunction to HTTPS, and that “A CSP is probably the single most important security measure you can use in defense of you web properties.
Increase in Google traffic after move to HTTPS?
In addition to the Pjman, keyplyer also noted a bump in traffic after moving to HTTPS also. Member Aristole noted that the increase may actually be due to how switching to HTTPS impacts reporting stating that, “That’s probably just a reporting change. The newest browsers don’t provide some referal information to http sites, and as a result it’s reported as “direct” traffic even though it actually came from google. But when you switch to https, it’s reported correctly as coming from google.”
How Do You Promote New Brands, Product Names, And New Words
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Cre8asiteforums member cre8pc asks about using a branded name for a term at the exclusion of the generic version for what the service or product is. For example, ” a website where the company is a software developer and nowhere on the site do they use the word “Software”. They stick to using their product names only.” Cre8pc asks if there is an SEO reason for this this naming and reference methodology.
iamlost recommends, “actually, having unique brand/product names is a business best practice as it differentiates yours from all others. It’s the difference of being ‘Kleenex’ and ‘facial tissue”, ‘Levi’ and ‘buycheapjeans(dot)com’. Not using the latter to leverage the first..”
Member glyn adds, “If you are on brand you can register product names or company names as trademarks and submit that to Google so you can lower competitor QS for bidding on your keywords (but you can’t stop them doing that).
Advertising as thelostone says is the way to go and coupled with remarketing and landing pages this can be a powerful to mitgate the financial ruin that will most likely come if you are just running PPC without it.”
The post Did Google Update Just Happen? And Other SEO Discussions: Weekly Forum Roundup appeared first on Internet Marketing Ninjas Blog.
via We Build Pages
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symbianosgames · 7 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
In the previous post in this series I talked about our API registry that lets parts of our code register interfaces that other parts of the code can query for and call. The main advantage of doing this through a dynamic registry instead of through static linking is that the different modules can be written completely independent of one another, live in separate DLLs, and be loaded and unloaded dynamically. In this part I’ll show how we create a plugin from these parts.
Classes in C
In addition to APIs our headers also contain definitions of objects with state. For example we define an allocator as (simplified here for brevity):
struct tm_allocator_i { struct tm_allocator_o *inst; void *(*realloc)(struct tm_allocator_o *inst, void *ptr, uint64_t size); };
Here, struct tm_allocator_o *inst is an opaque pointer to the state data of an allocator. In the implementation of the allocator we cast the data to whatever structure the allocator uses internally.
The tm_allocator_i struct contains everything a client needs in order to use the allocator — the state and the functions that operate on that state, bundled up in the same struct. Calling the allocator through its API looks something like:
void *my_buffer = allocator->realloc(allocator->inst, NULL, 1024*1024);
Note that different allocator implementations can be completely unrelated. They can live in different DLLs, have completely separate code and state, etc.
Unlike the APIs that I discussed in the previous posts, objects are not registered with the API registry. Instead there are API functions for creating and destroying them. So there might be a function in an API somewhere for creating a heap allocator:
struct tm_heap_i { struct tm_allocator_i *(*create_static_heap)(void *buffer, uint64_t size); void (*destroy_static_heap)(struct tm_allocator_i *heap); };
As another example, a piece of C code implementing a stdlib allocator could look something like this:
static void *stdlib_realloc(struct tm_allocator_o *, void *ptr, uint64_t size) { void *new_ptr = NULL; if (size) new_ptr = realloc(ptr, size); else free(ptr); return new_ptr; } static struct tm_allocator_i stdlib_allocator = { NULL, stdlib_realloc, }; static tm_allocator_i *get_stdlib_allocator() { return &stdlib_allocator; }
In this case, get_stdlib_allocator() would be a part of some API exposed through the registry. The user would call this function to get access to the standard allocator. Since the stdlib allocator doesn’t use an explicit state, we don’t need the inst parameter and can leave it at NULL.
This approach with state and function pointers in a struct is a kind of “C with classes” approach. You might wonder, if we want classes, why don’t we just use C++? We would get some help from the syntax, better type safety and some performance improvements, such as the ability to use inline functions.
First, as already stated in the previous post, we want a standard ABI, which we can only get with C, and we like the simplicity of C APIs.
Second, these objects don’t act as any old C++ classes. They use purely abstract interfaces and complete implementation hiding. So they are more like what you would get if you consistently used the PIMPL idiom in C++. We like this, because it gives us a lot of physical and logical decoupling. But it adds a bit of verbosity and a performance cost (no inlined functions, for example). Note though that these costs are more a consequence of the design (abstract/PIMPL) than the language choice (C vs C++).
One difference between our approach and standard C++ PIMPL is that we don’t share vtables between objects. Instead, it’s as if each object has a little vtable of its own. With shared vtables, the API would look more like:
struct tm_allocator_obj { struct tm_allocator_vtable *vtable; struct tm_allocator_o *state; }; struct tm_allocator_vtable { void *(*realloc)(struct tm_allocator_obj *this, void *ptr, uint64_t size); };
Shared vtables are essentially a memory optimization. Instead of having the method pointers in every object, we just store them once and put a pointer to that in the object. The cost is an extra level of indirection which makes things a bit more verbose (unless we have syntactic sugar for using the vtable, as we do in C++).
The shared vtable optimization makes sense when you have lots and lots of objects with the same API — then all those function pointers start to add up. However, if you have lots and lots of things I would argue that the abstract PIMPL design doesn’t make sense anyway. In that case, you don’t want to address your objects individually, you want to process things in bulk. Implementing a “particle” as an “object” will be inefficient no matter how you do it. A particle should just be some data in a SIMD vector or on the GPU.
Our view is that anything that we have lots and lots of should be managed behind the APIs, in raw buffers. The objects that we manage at the API layer are high-level objects that we have relatively few of, which makes it worth it to pay the extra cost of abstraction. For example, in the particle case, the API level would expose a particle manager, but that manager would keep track of individual particles behind the scene — storing them in CPU or GPU buffers as necessary.
Since we have relatively few of these high-level objects and memory is plentiful these days, we don’t really need the vtable optimization and can go for the simpler approach of storing the function pointers directly in each object.
This is very different from the “everything is an object” philosophy of object-oriented design, which is why we talk about it as “data-driven design”. With our approach we pay the cost of abstraction where it makes sense (for high-level objects) and avoid it otherwise.
Forward declarations
In our system, modules make use of other modules through forward declaration. For example, the compression API that I talked about in the last post probably needs to use an allocator to allocate the buffer for the decompressed data (I conveniently skipped that in the previous post). With this, the API might look something like this:
struct tm_allocator_i; struct tm_piper_compression_i { uint8_t *(*compress)(struct tm_allocator_i *a, const uint8_t *raw, uint64_t raw_size); uint8_t *(*decompress)(struct tm_allocator_i *a, const uint8_t *compressed, uint64_t raw_size); };
Since the allocator interface is only passed as a pointer, we don’t need to include the allocator.h header in our module header. In fact, our header doesn’t need to include any other headers at all. This is nice, because it keeps the compile times down, as I talked about in a previous post. And more importantly, it keeps the complexity down. You can look at a single header file and most of what you need to know in order to understand and use the module is right there in front of you.
We went down this design path because it seemed to be the best way to build a flexible, modular, decoupled system. As an unexpected benefit, I find that I really enjoy programming in this style. The clear and very strict separation between interfaces and implementations makes it easy to focus on a small part of the system without being distracted by the whole, systems can be easily mocked for testing purposes, etc.
Plugging it in
The organization of our header files and the API registry provide most of the foundation for the plugin system. We only need to add a few snippets of code for loading and unloading shared libraries.
A plugin in The Machinery is just a DLL (or whatever shared library representation is used on the platform) that exposes two functions for loading and unloading the plugin:
void load_xxx(struct tm_api_registry_i *reg, bool reload); void unload_xxx(struct tm_api_registry_i *reg, bool reload);
Here xxx is the name of the plugin. So for our piper_compression plugin, the functions would be called load_piper_compression() and unload_piper_compression().
Having these names be unique for each plugin allows us to link the plugins either statically or dynamically, depending on the kind of executable we are building.
The load_xxx() function uses the API registry to query for any APIs that the plugin needs and then registers the APIs provided by the plugin with the registry. The unload_xxx() function removes the plugin’s modules from the registry.
The plugin loader simply loads a plugin DLL, gets the address to the load_xxx() function through GetProcAddress() or dlsym() and then calls that function to register the plugin.
The reload flag in the API is used for hot-reloading. We don’t require plugins to be hot-reloadable, but we want to give them the option to be. It is up to each plugin to decide whether it makes sense for that plugin to support hot-reloading or not. When hot-reloading of a plugin is enabled, the plugin system will automatically detect changes to the DLL and hot-reload it. So as a developer, you can just recompile the DLL in Visual Studio, or whatever tool you are using, and the plugin will hot-reload and you will see the effects of your changes immediately.
To hot-reload a plugin the manager first calls load_xxx() on the new DLL with the reload flag set and then it calls unload_xxx() on the old DLL with the reload flag set. This gives the plugin a chance to transfer state between the old and new instance of the DLL. Again, it is up to the plugin author to decide how ambitious she wants to be with preserving state. An FTP plugin might for example decide to cancel all ongoing transfers if the plugin is reloaded, or, it could be more ambitious and keep-alive the existing transfers by transferring the data and the responsibility for maintaining them to the new DLL instance.
Users of an API can ask the API registry to be notified whenever that API is loaded or unloaded. At that point they can store the new API pointer and go through any other reload protocol required by the API (restarting FTP transfers if they are auto-cancelled by the reload).
Windows woes
Unfortunately, implementing a hot-reload DLL system on Windows is not trivial, because of Windows file locking. Windows will lock the DLL when you load it — preventing you from overwriting it when you recompile. In addition, the Visual Studio Debugger will lock the PDB when debugging DLLs and keep them locked indefinitely (even if you unload the DLL). Locked PDBs can’t be overwritten either, which prevents you from recompiling. Here are some possible ways of dealing with it:
Copy the DLL and the PDB to a temporary directory before loading them. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work if the DLL depends on something in its current directory (such as another DLL).
Copy the DLL to a random file name in the same directory before loading it. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for the PDB, because the absolute path name of the PDB is hardcoded in the DLL during compile, so if we copy the PDB, the debugger will still load the original.
Move the old PDB to a random file name as a pre-compile step. This works, because we can move the file even though it is locked and Visual Studio can still use it. Unfortunately, this triggers a recompile of the PDB every time we compile the project, because the system no longer sees a PDB there.
Generate a random name for the PDB for each compile through a /pdb flag with a %random% macro in the name. This works pretty well, except the compiler output is not super neat. Instead of nicely matching piper.dll and piper.pdb files, it will have piper.dll and piper.39429834.pdb.
Write code to explicitly force Visual Studio to release its lock of the PDB file.
Our options are a bit limited by the fact that we want both the old and the new DLL to be loaded at the same time, in order to do the state transfer. So we can’t unload the old DLL (and thus unlock it) before loading the new one. If we did the state transfer some other way — for example by serializing the state out to a buffer — that restriction would be lifted. But we don’t want to force plugin developers to do state transfer through serialization. (With our system they can still do that if they want to, of course.)
Currently we use the following approach:
Copy the DLL to a random name in the same directory before loading it. This prevents file locks on the DLLs.
Move the PDB to a random name as a pre-compile step. This preserves the debugger’s use of the PDB and allows us to build a new one.
Copy the moved PDB back to the original PDB name as another pre-compile step. This prevents Visual Studio from rebuilding the DLL every time because the PDB is missing.
Clean up old random DLLs and PDBs when the executable is launched.
As an example of the hot-reload mechanism, our unit test system supports hot-reload of plugins. If you run the unit tests with the -r flag, they will run in hot reload mode. The unit tester registers a callback with the API registry and whenever a TM_UNIT_TEST_API_NAME API is reloaded — it will rerun the unit tests for that module.
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tylermorris7-blog1 · 7 years
Drive Website Traffic - M2 Digital Media Group
Website Traffic – Is this your #1 challenge…?
Hence, today’s topic: 25 Ways to Drive More Traffic To Your Website
At M2, this is BY FAR the #1 request we get from business owners and marketing directors every day.
There are countless ways you can increase traffic to your website, and in today’s post, we’re going to look at 25 of them, including several ways to boost site traffic for FREE.
That said, let’s dive right in…
1. Advertise
This one is so obvious, we’re going to look at it first. Paid search, social media advertising and display advertising are all excellent ways of attracting visitors, building your brand and getting your site in front of people. Adjust your paid strategies to suit your goals – do you just want more traffic, or are you looking to increase conversions, too? Each paid channel has its pros and cons, so think carefully about your objectives before you reach for your credit card.
If you’re hoping that more traffic to your site will also result in more sales, you’ll need to target high commercial intent keywords as part of your paid search strategies. Yes, competition for these search terms can be fierce (and expensive), but the payoffs can be worth it.
2. Get ‘N Social – (as my friend Randy might say)
It’s not enough to produce great content and hope that people find it – you have to be proactive.
One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content. Twitter is ideal for short, snappy (and tempting) links, whereas Google+ promotion can help your site show up in personalized search results and seems especially effective in B2B niches. If you’re a B2C product company, you might find great traction with image-heavy social sites like Pinterest and Instagram.
3. Mix It Up
There is no magic formula for content marketing success, despite what some would have you believe. For this reason, vary the length and format of your content to make it as appealing as possible to different kinds of readers. Intersperse shorter, news-based blog posts with long-form content as well as video, infographics and data-driven pieces for maximum impact.
4. Write Irresistible Headlines
Headlines are one of the most important parts of your content. Without a compelling headline, even the most comprehensive blog post will go unread. Master the art of headline writing. For example, the writers at BuzzFeed and Upworthy often write upward of twenty different headlines before finally settling on the one that will drive the most traffic, so think carefully about your headline before you hit “publish.”
5. Pay Attention to On-Page SEO
Think SEO is dead? Think again. Optimizing your content for search engines is still a valuable and worthwhile practice. Are you making the most of image alt text? Are you creating internal links to new content? What about meta descriptions? Optimizing for on-page SEO doesn’t have to take ages, and it could help boost your organic traffic.
6. Target Long-Tail Keywords
Got your high commercial intent keyword bases covered? Then it’s time to target long-tail keywords, too. Long-tail keywords account for a majority of web searches, meaning that if you’re not targeting them as part of your paid search or SEO efforts, you’re missing out.
7. Start Guest Blogging
Before you say it – no, true guest blogging isn’t dead, despite what you may have heard. Securing a guest post on a reputable site can increase blog traffic to your website and help build your brand into the bargain. Be warned, though – standards for guest blogging have changed radically during the past eighteen months, and spammy tactics could result in stiff penalties. Proceed with caution.
8. Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site
Guest blogging is a two-way street. In addition to posting content to other blogs, invite people in your niche to blog on your own site. They’re likely to share and link to their guest article, which could bring new readers to your site. Just be sure that you only post high-quality, original content without spammy links, because Google is cracking way down on low-quality guest blogging.
9. Go After Referral Traffic
Rather than trying to persuade other sites to link back to you (a tedious and time-intensive process), create content that just begs to be linked to by industry leader and industry influencers.
10. Post Content to LinkedIn
LinkedIn has become much more than a means of finding another job. The world’s largest professional social network is now a valuable publishing platform in its own right, which means you should be posting content to LinkedIn on a regular basis. Doing so can boost traffic to your site, as well as increase your profile within your industry – especially if you have a moderate-to-large following.
11. Implement Schema Microdata
Implementing schema (or another microdata format) won’t necessarily increase traffic to your website on its own, but it will make it easier for search engine bots to find and index your pages. Another benefit of using schema for SEO is that it can result in better rich site snippets, which can improve click-through rates.
12. Link Internally
The strength of your link profile isn’t solely determined by how many sites link back to you – it can also be affected by your internal linking structure. When creating and publishing content, be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities for internal links. This not only helps with SEO, but also results in a better, more useful experience for the user – the cornerstone of increasing traffic to your website.
13. Interview Industry Thought Leaders
Think interviews are only for the “big leaguers”? You’d be amazed how many people will be willing to talk to you if you just ask them. Send out emails requesting an interview to thought leaders in your industry, and publish the interviews on your blog. Not only will the name recognition boost your credibility and increase traffic to your website, the interviewee will probably share the content too, further expanding its reach.
14. Don’t Neglect Email Marketing
So many businesses are focused on attracting new customers through content marketing that they forget about more traditional methods. Email marketing can be a powerful tool, and even a moderately successful email blast can result in a significant uptick in traffic. Just be careful not to bombard people with relentless emails about every single update in your business. Also, don’t overlook the power of word-of-mouth marketing, especially from people who are already enjoying your products or services. A friendly email reminder about a new service or product can help you boost your traffic, too.
15. Make Sure Your Site is Responsive
The days when internet browsing was done exclusively on desktop PCs are long gone. Today, more people than ever before are using mobile devices to access the web, and if you force your visitors to pinch and scroll their way around your site, you’re basically telling them to go elsewhere. Ensure that your website is accessible and comfortably viewable across a range of devices, including smaller smartphones.
16. Make Sure Your Site is Fast
Ever found yourself waiting thirty seconds for a webpage to load? Me neither. If your site takes forever to load, your bounce rate will be sky high. Make sure that your pages are as technically optimized as possible, including image file sizes, page structure and the functionality of third-party plugins. The faster your site loads, the better.
17. Foster a Sense of Community
People want to speak their minds and weigh in on subjects they feel passionately about, so building a community into your site is a great way to start a conversation and increase traffic to your website. Implement a robust commenting system through third-party solutions such as Facebook comments or Disqus, or create a dedicated forum where visitors can ask questions. Don’t forget to manage your community to ensure that minimum standards of decorum are met, however.
18. Make Yourself Heard in Comment Sections
You probably visit at least a few sites that are relevant to your business on a regular basis, so why not join the conversation? Commenting doesn’t necessarily provide an immediate boost to referral traffic right away, but making a name for yourself by providing insightful, thought-provoking comments on industry blogs and sites is a great way to get your name out there – which can subsequently result in driving more traffic to your own site. Just remember that, as with guest posting, quality and relevance are key – you should be engaging with other people in your niche, not dropping spam links on unrelated websites.
19. Examine Your Analytics Data
Google Analytics is an invaluable source of data on just about every conceivable aspect of your site, from your most popular pages to visitor demographics. Keep a close eye on your Analytics data, and use this information to inform your promotional and content strategies. Pay attention to what posts and pages are proving the most popular. Inspect visitor data to see how, where and when your site traffic is coming from.
20. Get Active on Social Media
It’s not enough to just share content through social channels – you need to actively participate in the community, too. Got a Twitter account? Then join in group discussions with relevant hashtags. Is your audience leaving comments on your Facebook posts? Answer questions and engage with your readers. Nothing turns people off quicker than using social media as a broadcast channel – use social media as it was intended and actually interact with your fans.
21. Submit Your Content to Aggregator Sites
Firstly, a disclaimer – don’t spam Reddit and other similar sites hoping to “hit the jackpot” of referral traffic, because it’s not going to happen. Members of communities like Reddit are extraordinarily savvy to spam disguised as legitimate links, but every now and again, it doesn’t hurt to submit links that these audiences will find genuinely useful. Choose a relevant subreddit, submit your content, then watch the traffic pour in.
22. Incorporate Video into Your Content Strategy
Text-based content is all well and good, but video can be a valuable asset in both attracting new visitors and making your site more engaging. Data shows that information retention is significantly higher for visual material than it is for text, meaning that video marketing is an excellent way to grab – and hold – your audience’s attention, and boost traffic to your website at the same time.
23. Research the Competition
If you haven’t used software like BuzzSumo to check out what your competitors are up to, you’re at a huge disadvantage. These services aggregate the social performance of specific sites and content to provide you with an at-a-glance view of what topics are resonating with readers and, most importantly, making the rounds on social media. Find out what people are reading (and talking about), and emulate that kind of content to bring traffic to your website.
24. Host Webinars
People love to learn, and webinars are an excellent way to impart your wisdom to your eagerly waiting audience. Combined with an effective social promotion campaign, webinars are a great way to increase traffic to your website. Send out an email a week or so ahead of time, as well as a “last chance to register” reminder the day before the webinar. Make sure to archive the presentation for later viewing, and promote your webinars widely through social media. If you’re wondering how to do a webinar, feel free to reach out… We would be happy to help.
25. Attend Conferences
Whatever industry you’re in, chances are there are at least one or two major conventions and conferences that are relevant to your business. Attending these events is a good idea – speaking at them is even better. Even a halfway decent speaking engagement is an excellent way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and gain significant exposure for your site.
If you are still not clear how to utilize this information, what’s holding you back?
If you have questions, JUST ASK!! We would be happy to help…
Contact us today to receive your FREE Digital Footprint Analysis Report – 800-234-1522 or [email protected]
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baburaja97-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Vin Zite
New Post has been published on https://vinzite.com/how-to-be-a-blogging-idol-instead-of-an-idle-blogger/
How To Be A Blogging Idol Instead Of An Idle Blogger
To be successful at Search Engine Optimization, it’s important that you continually test out new theories and ideas. Before I use new SEO techniques on a client’s website, I always test them on one of my own. In order to better understand the application of SEO to blogs, I decided to implement the following experiment:
I would create a blog for each American Idol contestant. Using a pseudonym, I would blog each candidate until they got booted off the show.
Once the final 12 candidates were decided, I would step up my posting pace. Being that this was an SEO project, I didn’t aim to provide any valuable insights into the candidates…I only planned to “blurb” news articles that mentioned each contestant.
The goal at the end of the project (besides gaining useful knowledge) was to have 1-2 “sustainable” blogs in place while generating massive traffic the week of the final show.
Several weeks into the project, I discovered two things:
The Bo Bice Blog received considerably more traffic and better search engine rankings than the other blogs I had created. Bo Bice was the first Idol contestant in 4 years that TOTALLY ROCKED. I very much wanted him to win. So, while keeping my SEO experiment going, I decided to really “blog” about Bo Bice. In doing so, I learned many valuable lessons about creating a successful blog that can generate sustainable traffic, including many repeat visits.
Beginners Lessons:
Have a narrow focus: The quickest way to drive traffic to your blog is through excellent search engine rankings. If you blog about lots of unrelated topics, you won’t rank well for any of your key terms. Even if you don’t know much about SEO, you can still create a blog that will rank well in the search engines. Pick a narrow topic and keep your posts on a topic. Choose a group of keywords relevant to your chosen topic and make sure you feature these terms prominently in your posts.
Build a base of content: Unless you already have a built-in audience, very few people are going to read your early blog posts because they will be extremely hard to find in either the blogosphere or the search engines. So, save your best content for when you’ve already developed a steady stream of web traffic. Blogging newspaper articles is a good way to build up relevant content quickly. All you need to do is subscribe to Google news alerts to get relevant articles featuring your top keywords. As your receive new articles, create a blog entry for each article, excerpt a relevant snippet (making sure to credit the source), and comment on the piece. This might not be interesting to your readers…but the objective here is to reach a point where you can start creating original, unique content that people will actually read because your blog can be easily found. For the more advanced beginners, adding an RSS feed that is focused on your targeted niche will also be of great value to your blog.
Try to make several posts each week. You’ll be amazed how much content you can build up in a short period of time.
Monetize your blog (if appropriate): I placed a combination of contextual and affiliate advertising on my blog. The advertising revenue on my blog was poor given the amount of traffic I generated…however, if you are blogging successfully in areas of business and technology, you could make a good deal of money from such advertising. Google AdSense is a ubiquitous way for bloggers to earn money from blogging. Once you’ve placed the AdSense javascript snippet in your blog source code, Google’s contextual ad technology will automatically choose ads relevant to your blog content and when someone clicks on the ad, you get paid.
Advanced Techniques:
“Blog and Ping”: There is a reason why news spreads so rapidly through the blogosphere. When you update your blog, depending on your blog host, a “ping” might be sent to one or more blog search engines that track the blogosphere, showing that you’ve made a new post to your blog. People who have subscribed to your blog, or people interested in your blogging topic, can be notified about your post and read it / link to it. An active course of “blogging and pinging” will help greatly in building links to your blog and generating more traffic.
Web sites and software exist that will allow you to manually send pings to dozens of known blog search engines. Ping-o-Matic is a website that allows you to ping 18 different blog search engines on demand. I’ve been using RSSSubmit from Dummy Software to submit all feeds to over 70 such services at the push of a button.
“Conventional” Link-Building: To maximize your blog search engine rankings, I strongly recommend building links for your blog just as if it were a website. I did not do this for the Bice blog and that oversight (probably) came back to bite me.
Google’s “Bourbon” update hit several days before the American Idol final and this blog was the only “Bourbon” casualty in my entire portfolio…vanishing from Google the Saturday before the final. My intuition (plus other anecdotal evidence) tells me that had I built a foundation of links outside the blogosphere prior to Bourbon, the blog would not have been hit…of course, I’ll never know. The blog reappeared in Google with its excellent search engine ranking 10 days after the Idol final, depriving me of a tremendous volume of Bo Bice web traffic for the time surrounding the final…Thanks, Google:.)
Linkmarket.net is by far the best link-trading site on the Internet. They now have more than 20,000 sites that are potential link partners. For $24.85 per year, you have unlimited ability to trade links with any site on the network. No matter what your site niche is, you should be able to find hundreds of potential trading partners and generate large numbers of inbound links quickly.
Press Releases: Online press releases are an excellent way to generate the notice for your blog. I created a press release announcing the launch of the blog, and once I decided to “actively” blog Bo, I wrote a release each week recapping the show and featuring highlights from the blog. Online press releases can get thousands or even tens of thousands of reads…especially if you are writing on a “hot topic”. Many of the press release readers will become blog visitors.
PRWEB and PRLeap are the two most prominent online press release bureaus. Both allow free submission of releases and both allow you to pay for better “placement”. Your press releases will also get spidered into the search engines and (sometimes) will end up in Google or Yahoo News as well. I’ve seen my Bo Bice press releases as high as #3 in Google News for a “Bo Bice” search.
Best Idea Yet
When my blog reached a consistent 500 visitors a day, I decided to actively solicit posts from Bo’s fans. Sure, most blogs give readers the ability to post comments…but I thought that if I ran the comments as actual posts, I could create a “buzz” about the blog and generate large numbers of repeat visits. I ended up getting 5-15 e-mails every day from Bo’s fans wanting their information to be posted on the blog. So long as the post met my minimum blogging criteria, I ran the submission. Traffic spiked immediately and the quality of the submissions was generally excellent.
My idea worked strategically because the readers unknowingly submitted content that was SEO’ed for the keywords that were the focus of my blog… “Bo Bice”. By running reader posts, I generated large amounts of SEO’ed content that helped generate and maintain my top search engine rankings. And, my “Blog and Ping” strategy ensured that each and every new post (several per day) was broadcast all over the Internet.
Top Search Engine Rankings Confer “Authority Status”
For most of the duration of American Idol 4, I ranked #2 -4 in Google, and #6-15 in Yahoo for “Bo Bice” and I learned such rankings conferred an enormous amount of “authority” in my chosen subject. A sampling of my e-mails I received included:
After Bo performed “Vehicle” by “The Ides of March” (the first time), an original member of the band e-mailed a message to Bo’s fans through the blog. He even asked me if I knew how to reach Bo…which I didn’t.
A CBS Early Show Producer contacted my blog to promote Bo’s appearance on the show…asking his fans to show up at their New York studios.
What’s more, I received multiple messages from the person running the AOL American Idol fan poll soliciting votes for Bo.
Currently, my Bo Bice blog is generating sustainable traffic with very little work on my part (barring any unforeseen search engine calamity). As the American Idol Concert tour rolls this summer and as Bo gets to work on his first post-Idol album, I expect the traffic to increase.
One doesn’t need to be an SEO ace to be able to create a blog that can generate a large number of visitors. Whether you wish to blog for the business lead generation, ad revenue, or personal reasons, if you follow the techniques described above, you can create and sustain a well-trafficked blog by following the techniques listed above.
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pressography-blog1 · 8 years
Google: Sorry for the synthetic Content material in Seek Consequences
New Post has been published on https://pressography.org/google-sorry-for-the-synthetic-content-material-in-seek-consequences/
Google: Sorry for the synthetic Content material in Seek Consequences
In its quest to index the net, Google’s Seek engine has encounter pretty a few questionable websites. That Content on occasion suggests up at the pinnacle of the quest Effects as an embarrassing instance of the way its algorithms can’t usually determine the fact.
                                             Content Material
Contents Definition
Google “Why are heart trucks red?” as an instance, and the top cautioned Search result is a snippet of a Monty Python comic story concerning measurements, ships, and Queen Elizabeth. Although it’s an exceedingly benign joke, it is, in the end, unhelpful. And because the Outline points out, some Effects are a long way extra regarding Google’s algorithms have promoted websites that claim numerous presidents have been Ku Klux Klan members or that Barack Obama meant to divide The use so he may want to declare “martial conflict.”
Google’s structures have for years routinely selected the top answers to a few typically searched-for subjects based totally on numerous elements, which includes an “Information Graph,” and displayed them in a conspicuous container on the top of Search Effects pages. That practice came below renewed grievance on Monday following The Outline’s research of its inaccuracies, and amid the faux news testimonies which have come to the vanguard of the countrywide political debate in current months.
As Recode notes, the inaccurate Results are shooting up through the employer’s Google Home tool, which makes for a few funny video footage but is, once more, unhelpful.
“Featured Snippets in Seek provide an automated and algorithmic match to a given Search query, and the Content comes from 0.33-celebration sites,” a Google spokesperson said in an announcement. “Unfortunately, there are times when we feature a site with inappropriate or misleading Content. when we’re alerted to a Featured Snippet that violates our regulations, we paintings quickly to dispose of them, which we’ve got accomplished in this example. We apologize for any offense this can have caused.”
So it appears that Google is hoping human beings in search of Understanding in a rush will, however, make an effort to do their very own vetting of snippets through telling Google about incorrect Results (there is a link to provide feedback at the lowest of each snippet). This is precise practice for whatever you do on the internet: regardless of Google’s popularity for first-rate, its Search engine is ultimately a catalog of other humans’ Content.
And even as many searchers take Google’s featured Outcomes at face cost, you cannot bargain the reality that there are masses of Monty Python fanatics who just want a short refresher at the fire engine funny story, in addition to those who are sincerely questioning why heart trucks are crimson. Proper now, it appears that Google’s snippets are having a hard time telling the distinction.
Napoleonic Lessons for Google & Microsoft
Napoleon Bonaparte becomes arguably the most strategic thoughts set to warfare. As we will see later, his strategic brilliance, however, is equally applicable to the aggressive international of the Commercial enterprise; and in this situation, Microsoft’s contention with Google.
A little history
Microsoft, the sector’s biggest software program supplier, has been around for pretty a long time. Its goal market is especially promoting working structures and workplace packages for the computing device computer systems. Microsoft merchandise is offered to laptop manufacturers, i.E. Dell computers, who in flip install and deliver Microsoft software program package to the clients. So in a feel, purchasers emerge as writing Bill Gates a $100+ test without ever understanding it. This is how Microsoft have become to dominate the laptop desktop industry and became Bill Gates into modern day Henry Ford.
Google, however, is an incredibly new organization. It blossomed for the duration of the dot com increase and eventually came to dominate the web Seek engine Business. Today, Google attracts extra than two hundred million unique queries on its Seek engine every day; statistically talking, each question generates 12 cents for the enterprise…that is 8 zeros increased through 12! Google, for the most element, earnings thru its Search primarily based advertisement technology known as Adwords. AdWords makes on-line advertisement approachable in phrases of easiness and affordability. Adwords, combined with a similar generation called Adsense, made Google infinite quantities of coins. Google, These days, is the undisputed champion of the online international.
How they have become enemies
Until these days, each Google and Microsoft were dwelling in concord. The hundreds used Microsoft’s net Explorer to surf Google’s Seek engine. however, internet’s seemingly unstoppable growth since early 2000 began to attract the eye of many industries. Microsoft executives really noticed net as the next big thing; probably a marketplace worth pursuing. In the meantime, Google continued to make unprecedented strides within its Seek engine marketplace. Having generated sufficient coins, however, Google took a unique direction; based through generation lovers, Google started out to go into numerous markets unrelated to its Search Business. Rumors began to unfold that Google is constructing an internet “unfastened” operating Gadget and diverse other equipment together with an opportunity version to the dominating internet Explorer. This, as you might have guessed, ticked off Microsoft, and it took the bait and determined to roll its warfare drums against Google. Microsoft, through the manner, is not the only agency that feels threatened by its presence. different internet giants, together with AOL, Yahoo! And eBay also is feeling the heat ever seeing that Google embarked on its adventure closer to dominating any marketplace of technological interest. Google innovated in markets that already existed and, exceptionally, occurred to dominating them. For Microsoft, it becomes a risk worth neutralizing. Today, Google has its hands in net Seek, electronic mail, on-line movies, calendars, information, blogs, laptop Seek, picture sharing, online bills, social networking, immediately messaging, WiFi, word processors, net website hosting, internet browser, Seek tool bars, spreadsheets, discussion corporations, maps and greater.
Before long, Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo! And eBay maneuvered to encapsulate Google’s ever-growing electricity. Over hundred years ago, Emperor Napoleon, the Google of his day, discovered himself in a similar situation. Russia, Prussia, Austria and Britain had determined to go to warfare.
Fabric Warehouse
Microsoft’s take on this battle is pretty different from that of Google. Eric Schmidt, Google’s chief government, has again and again alleged that the web market isn’t always a zero-sum recreation; in other words, it is possible for 2 or greater players to dominate a huge proportion of this marketplace. Microsoft isn’t used to this. In the beyond it has decisively eliminated any opposition, and taken the throne for itself. Consequently, Microsoft has publicly declared an all out battle on Google.
Ironically, Google is the company that is on the assault; it’s been aggressively pursuing Microsoft’s market. but, using smart tactics, it has intimidated Microsoft to seem because of the aggressor, at the same time as Google quietly contains on with its Enterprise. In other words, Google has lured Microsoft right into a rash assault; when it ends up in disaster, Microsoft may have simplest themselves in charge, and all of us around them will blame them, too. Google will win both the struggle of appearances and the conflict on the field. Very few techniques offer such flexibility and power.
Being Content
It takes extra strength to take land than to keep it. At some stage in records, protective tactics have won extra battles than the aggressors. After the primary wave of siege, the aggressor loses the benefit of wonder attack and leaves himself exposed to a counter assault. The defender can truly see his strategy and take protecting motion. Napoleon’s maximum celebrated the victory, the struggle of Austerlitz became a counter assault, defeating a larger navy with a kill ratio of 15 to one. A protective position has grown to be the right way to cover an offensive maneuver, a counter assault. Google has time and again asserted that it isn’t interested in competing with other organizations; it’s far the web Seek Business simplest. They have used this facade to make Microsoft’s concerns with the enterprise appear paranoid; a smart pass that worked. The reality stays that Google is a powerful secretive corporation, pushed through clever human beings, and for a motive.
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symbianosgames · 7 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
In the previous post in this series I talked about our API registry that lets parts of our code register interfaces that other parts of the code can query for and call. The main advantage of doing this through a dynamic registry instead of through static linking is that the different modules can be written completely independent of one another, live in separate DLLs, and be loaded and unloaded dynamically. In this part I’ll show how we create a plugin from these parts.
Classes in C
In addition to APIs our headers also contain definitions of objects with state. For example we define an allocator as (simplified here for brevity):
struct tm_allocator_i { struct tm_allocator_o *inst; void *(*realloc)(struct tm_allocator_o *inst, void *ptr, uint64_t size); };
Here, struct tm_allocator_o *inst is an opaque pointer to the state data of an allocator. In the implementation of the allocator we cast the data to whatever structure the allocator uses internally.
The tm_allocator_i struct contains everything a client needs in order to use the allocator — the state and the functions that operate on that state, bundled up in the same struct. Calling the allocator through its API looks something like:
void *my_buffer = allocator->realloc(allocator->inst, NULL, 1024*1024);
Note that different allocator implementations can be completely unrelated. They can live in different DLLs, have completely separate code and state, etc.
Unlike the APIs that I discussed in the previous posts, objects are not registered with the API registry. Instead there are API functions for creating and destroying them. So there might be a function in an API somewhere for creating a heap allocator:
struct tm_heap_i { struct tm_allocator_i *(*create_static_heap)(void *buffer, uint64_t size); void (*destroy_static_heap)(struct tm_allocator_i *heap); };
As another example, a piece of C code implementing a stdlib allocator could look something like this:
static void *stdlib_realloc(struct tm_allocator_o *, void *ptr, uint64_t size) { void *new_ptr = NULL; if (size) new_ptr = realloc(ptr, size); else free(ptr); return new_ptr; } static struct tm_allocator_i stdlib_allocator = { NULL, stdlib_realloc, }; static tm_allocator_i *get_stdlib_allocator() { return &stdlib_allocator; }
In this case, get_stdlib_allocator() would be a part of some API exposed through the registry. The user would call this function to get access to the standard allocator. Since the stdlib allocator doesn’t use an explicit state, we don’t need the inst parameter and can leave it at NULL.
This approach with state and function pointers in a struct is a kind of “C with classes” approach. You might wonder, if we want classes, why don’t we just use C++? We would get some help from the syntax, better type safety and some performance improvements, such as the ability to use inline functions.
First, as already stated in the previous post, we want a standard ABI, which we can only get with C, and we like the simplicity of C APIs.
Second, these objects don’t act as any old C++ classes. They use purely abstract interfaces and complete implementation hiding. So they are more like what you would get if you consistently used the PIMPL idiom in C++. We like this, because it gives us a lot of physical and logical decoupling. But it adds a bit of verbosity and a performance cost (no inlined functions, for example). Note though that these costs are more a consequence of the design (abstract/PIMPL) than the language choice (C vs C++).
One difference between our approach and standard C++ PIMPL is that we don’t share vtables between objects. Instead, it’s as if each object has a little vtable of its own. With shared vtables, the API would look more like:
struct tm_allocator_obj { struct tm_allocator_vtable *vtable; struct tm_allocator_o *state; }; struct tm_allocator_vtable { void *(*realloc)(struct tm_allocator_obj *this, void *ptr, uint64_t size); };
Shared vtables are essentially a memory optimization. Instead of having the method pointers in every object, we just store them once and put a pointer to that in the object. The cost is an extra level of indirection which makes things a bit more verbose (unless we have syntactic sugar for using the vtable, as we do in C++).
The shared vtable optimization makes sense when you have lots and lots of objects with the same API — then all those function pointers start to add up. However, if you have lots and lots of things I would argue that the abstract PIMPL design doesn’t make sense anyway. In that case, you don’t want to address your objects individually, you want to process things in bulk. Implementing a “particle” as an “object” will be inefficient no matter how you do it. A particle should just be some data in a SIMD vector or on the GPU.
Our view is that anything that we have lots and lots of should be managed behind the APIs, in raw buffers. The objects that we manage at the API layer are high-level objects that we have relatively few of, which makes it worth it to pay the extra cost of abstraction. For example, in the particle case, the API level would expose a particle manager, but that manager would keep track of individual particles behind the scene — storing them in CPU or GPU buffers as necessary.
Since we have relatively few of these high-level objects and memory is plentiful these days, we don’t really need the vtable optimization and can go for the simpler approach of storing the function pointers directly in each object.
This is very different from the “everything is an object” philosophy of object-oriented design, which is why we talk about it as “data-driven design”. With our approach we pay the cost of abstraction where it makes sense (for high-level objects) and avoid it otherwise.
Forward declarations
In our system, modules make use of other modules through forward declaration. For example, the compression API that I talked about in the last post probably needs to use an allocator to allocate the buffer for the decompressed data (I conveniently skipped that in the previous post). With this, the API might look something like this:
struct tm_allocator_i; struct tm_piper_compression_i { uint8_t *(*compress)(struct tm_allocator_i *a, const uint8_t *raw, uint64_t raw_size); uint8_t *(*decompress)(struct tm_allocator_i *a, const uint8_t *compressed, uint64_t raw_size); };
Since the allocator interface is only passed as a pointer, we don’t need to include the allocator.h header in our module header. In fact, our header doesn’t need to include any other headers at all. This is nice, because it keeps the compile times down, as I talked about in a previous post. And more importantly, it keeps the complexity down. You can look at a single header file and most of what you need to know in order to understand and use the module is right there in front of you.
We went down this design path because it seemed to be the best way to build a flexible, modular, decoupled system. As an unexpected benefit, I find that I really enjoy programming in this style. The clear and very strict separation between interfaces and implementations makes it easy to focus on a small part of the system without being distracted by the whole, systems can be easily mocked for testing purposes, etc.
Plugging it in
The organization of our header files and the API registry provide most of the foundation for the plugin system. We only need to add a few snippets of code for loading and unloading shared libraries.
A plugin in The Machinery is just a DLL (or whatever shared library representation is used on the platform) that exposes two functions for loading and unloading the plugin:
void load_xxx(struct tm_api_registry_i *reg, bool reload); void unload_xxx(struct tm_api_registry_i *reg, bool reload);
Here xxx is the name of the plugin. So for our piper_compression plugin, the functions would be called load_piper_compression() and unload_piper_compression().
Having these names be unique for each plugin allows us to link the plugins either statically or dynamically, depending on the kind of executable we are building.
The load_xxx() function uses the API registry to query for any APIs that the plugin needs and then registers the APIs provided by the plugin with the registry. The unload_xxx() function removes the plugin’s modules from the registry.
The plugin loader simply loads a plugin DLL, gets the address to the load_xxx() function through GetProcAddress() or dlsym() and then calls that function to register the plugin.
The reload flag in the API is used for hot-reloading. We don’t require plugins to be hot-reloadable, but we want to give them the option to be. It is up to each plugin to decide whether it makes sense for that plugin to support hot-reloading or not. When hot-reloading of a plugin is enabled, the plugin system will automatically detect changes to the DLL and hot-reload it. So as a developer, you can just recompile the DLL in Visual Studio, or whatever tool you are using, and the plugin will hot-reload and you will see the effects of your changes immediately.
To hot-reload a plugin the manager first calls load_xxx() on the new DLL with the reload flag set and then it calls unload_xxx() on the old DLL with the reload flag set. This gives the plugin a chance to transfer state between the old and new instance of the DLL. Again, it is up to the plugin author to decide how ambitious she wants to be with preserving state. An FTP plugin might for example decide to cancel all ongoing transfers if the plugin is reloaded, or, it could be more ambitious and keep-alive the existing transfers by transferring the data and the responsibility for maintaining them to the new DLL instance.
Users of an API can ask the API registry to be notified whenever that API is loaded or unloaded. At that point they can store the new API pointer and go through any other reload protocol required by the API (restarting FTP transfers if they are auto-cancelled by the reload).
Windows woes
Unfortunately, implementing a hot-reload DLL system on Windows is not trivial, because of Windows file locking. Windows will lock the DLL when you load it — preventing you from overwriting it when you recompile. In addition, the Visual Studio Debugger will lock the PDB when debugging DLLs and keep them locked indefinitely (even if you unload the DLL). Locked PDBs can’t be overwritten either, which prevents you from recompiling. Here are some possible ways of dealing with it:
Copy the DLL and the PDB to a temporary directory before loading them. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work if the DLL depends on something in its current directory (such as another DLL).
Copy the DLL to a random file name in the same directory before loading it. Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for the PDB, because the absolute path name of the PDB is hardcoded in the DLL during compile, so if we copy the PDB, the debugger will still load the original.
Move the old PDB to a random file name as a pre-compile step. This works, because we can move the file even though it is locked and Visual Studio can still use it. Unfortunately, this triggers a recompile of the PDB every time we compile the project, because the system no longer sees a PDB there.
Generate a random name for the PDB for each compile through a /pdb flag with a %random% macro in the name. This works pretty well, except the compiler output is not super neat. Instead of nicely matching piper.dll and piper.pdb files, it will have piper.dll and piper.39429834.pdb.
Write code to explicitly force Visual Studio to release its lock of the PDB file.
Our options are a bit limited by the fact that we want both the old and the new DLL to be loaded at the same time, in order to do the state transfer. So we can’t unload the old DLL (and thus unlock it) before loading the new one. If we did the state transfer some other way — for example by serializing the state out to a buffer — that restriction would be lifted. But we don’t want to force plugin developers to do state transfer through serialization. (With our system they can still do that if they want to, of course.)
Currently we use the following approach:
Copy the DLL to a random name in the same directory before loading it. This prevents file locks on the DLLs.
Move the PDB to a random name as a pre-compile step. This preserves the debugger’s use of the PDB and allows us to build a new one.
Copy the moved PDB back to the original PDB name as another pre-compile step. This prevents Visual Studio from rebuilding the DLL every time because the PDB is missing.
Clean up old random DLLs and PDBs when the executable is launched.
As an example of the hot-reload mechanism, our unit test system supports hot-reload of plugins. If you run the unit tests with the -r flag, they will run in hot reload mode. The unit tester registers a callback with the API registry and whenever a TM_UNIT_TEST_API_NAME API is reloaded — it will rerun the unit tests for that module.
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