#and they ARE friends. but i appreciate more than i can say that lockwood & george & especially lucy are good people
necromycologist · 4 months
gotta say i love the sheer bitchiness of everybody in lockwood n co. im SERIOUS.
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oblivious-idiot · 2 years
Marker Mayhem
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Lockwood and Co Appreciation Week: Day One - Favourite Main Trio Character Summary: You find Lockwood asleep in the living room from waiting up for you but your delirious state gets a bit carried away with your permanent marker.
AN: This is for day one of the Lockwood and Co Appreciation Week! Lockwood is probably my favourite character but only by a smidge haha. I love how he can be so protective of George and Lucy while also being a reckless dickhead lol. Pairings: Anthony Lockwood x Reader
Word count: 800~
Warnings: just some fluff and hysterical laughter
When arriving back home to 35 Portland Row it was late in the evening and way past curfew. You'd spent the past few days up north visiting your family but you train back to London was delayed, meaning you got home much later than expected. You made sure to enter the house as quietly as you could so you wouldn't wake any of your housemates, knowing they all could do with as much undisturbed rest as possible.
Once you had taken all your stuff back up to your room and gotten changed you headed back downstairs to make yourself a cup of tea, only to notice the living room light dimly glowing from underneath the door. Slowly opening the door, your tired eyes fell upon the sleeping body of your best friend - and crush, Anthony Lockwood. His body had slightly slid down in his armchair, a magazine sprawled across his chest which he'd clearly tried to read to keep himself awake, drool starting to form on the edge of his mouth. You couldn't help but quietly giggle at his sleepy state and you decided that you should probably get him up to bed. But first you had another idea in mind.
You scoured the kitchen draws until you came across what you were looking for, a permanent marker. He was going to absolutely hate you for this but you were starting to get delirious from your long day that you simply didn't care, it was going to be too funny. Plus, when were you going to get another chance like this again? Lockwood looked like he never slept so it was probably unlikely.
Creeping back into the living room where Lockwood was softly snoring in his chair, you uncapped the pen in your hands with a mischievous grin on your lips. Suppressing your laughter, you slowly and softly drew on Lockwood's face - first just an intricate moustache, but then you moved on to horns and other squiggles around his eyes and chin. What's more, Lockwood smarted to smile when you drew around his lips and temple, which made your face so red from holding in your sniggers. Once you were happy with your completed work you stepped out of the room to get yourself a drink of water and let yourself breathe steady, letting your face turn back to a normal colour.
It was getting late and you realised it was probably due time to wake Lockwood up so he could get some actual rest. "Hey Anthony, it's time to go to bed" you say to him softly as you stroked his hair, making him slowly wake up as he stretched out his arms, looking at you once he opened his eyes. "Oh you're back, thank goodness I was getting worried..." he looked around the dark room and then back to your face "what time is it?" giving you a puzzled look. "Way past your bedtime, come on let's go upstairs" you say as you pull him up from his chair. You lead Lockwood upstairs into his room, guiding him to his bed and away from his mirror so he didn't have time to see the drawings on his face.
The next morning you were in the kitchen with George and Lucy before Lockwood had woken up, but the next thing you heard was Lockwood's voice shouting from within his room "whAT THE-" and then rapid footsteps racing down the stairs. George and Lucy exchanged confused glances while you remembered what happened last night. Suddenly Lockwood swung the kitchen door open, still wearing his clothes from the night before and his face covered in slightly smudged pen "Alright, which one of you three did this!?" his voice mildly angry, breaking halfway through his sentence, eyes darting between the three of you in the room.
George and Lucy both broke down into laughter as soon as Lockwood came in the room "oh I thought it was something serious" Lucy said through snorted laughter, "it suits you quite well actually, really brings out your eyes" George adds in with a smirk. You were trying so hard to not laugh, your artwork looking so much more funny the day after, but because of your suppressed laughter Lockwood shot you a look "it was you.." "I'm sorry, I was really tired, I don't even remember doing it" you held up your hands in defence, laughter escaping your lips. "You don't remember!? Y/n look at my face!" he said, clearly in disbelief "I waited up for you to come home, I was worried, and this is what I get in return??" Lockwood continued, but you couldn't meet his eyes, you couldn't take him seriously looking like that. "I- I'm sorry" you force out amongst your hysterical giggles "I'll help you clean up, I promise" "I would bloody well hope so." Lockwood finally heaved out, finally letting himself laugh about the whole situation.
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gaintsnowflake · 1 year
Hey, would you do Anthony Lockwood x reader,in which the reader (is in Rotwell) is George's twin sister and from the beginning of the first meeting with Lockwood hates him for the fact that he uses her brother for dirty work and one day got into such an argument,that George and Lucy had to leave the house (threw a vase at Lockwood and it crashed next to his head), and when they return, they find them kissing on the couch. Thanks
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PAIRING : Anthony Lockwood x fem!reader ( George Karim x sibling!reader )
ONESHOT : in which you do not like lockwood, at all.
TRIGGERS : fighting, throwing objects
A/N : I hope you enjoy this, if this isn't what you were hoping for, please dm me and I will do write it again or if you want an extention. I couldn't figure out how to write this well without turning it into a miniseries (which crossed my mind more than once), but it was still fun to write all the same, thank you so much for this request! Please ignore any spelling and grammar errors, I am my own editor, so I will not be able to catch everything!
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IT WASN'T common for you to get a letter from George. Although your twin status, your relationship sometime faltered. There would be months where you wouldn't here a word from the boy, but it didn't mean you didn't love him. You loved George more than most can imagine. 
You constantly looked after the boy when you were younger, making sure your parents were never to harsh on the little researcher. Although you were technically twins, you took on your role as an older sister, even though you were older by one minute and fifty seven seconds.
Because of your bond, it was quite heartbreaking to hear that he quit working at Fittes but you supported his decision. Until you heard he was working for a small agency, run by a teen boy. This news, was quiet aggravating, especially the more you found out about this agency. It was unsafe and George did most of the work. This caused a hatred for the owner.
George knows of this dislike, which is probably why he has yet to invite you to meet the company, his friends. Until yesterday, that was the letter you had received. A invite to dinner with him and his team. 
Although you don't know this, it wasn't George's idea to invite you, rather his coworker Lucy, who found out that you were also an agent who lived so close. Lucy wanted to meet you, saying something about how the two of you should be close. Much to George's dislike, he sent the letter inviting you. He thought you would decline, but, to his surprise, you had arrived at the door of 35 Portland Row.
You knocked three time, before you were greeted by your lovely brother. His eyes widened when he opened the door to see you. It had been only a couple of months, but so much has changed. You were dressed nicer, but still sporting a rapier and a Rotwell jacket. 
"Hi," his words were quiet, as if he was going to scare you away being any louder, but that was probably just the shock. "Here, come in."
He moved out of your way, letting you step into the homey environment. You were careful to take in every detail, of the home. You were quick to give George's shoulder a slight squeeze, knowing he wouldn't appreciate a hug. 
"George who is it?" You heard a voice call out, you assumed it was the infamous Anthony Lockwood. 
Before George could respond, a tall boy came into view, his ebony hair slightly out of place. He had on a blue tie over a white button up. You took in his appearance as he stood in front of you. You hated to say that he was relatively attractive, but if you didn't it would be a lie. Especially with the way his lips pulled into a smile as he seen you.
He reached his hand out, you just looked at him, giving him a dead stare. You took a step forward before taking his hand. You shook it with an aggressive nature, making sure to let him know with you looks that you did not like him. When you let go, you were quick to step back and turn to give George your full attention, ignoring the smell of what you could recognize as your favorite meal, most likely George's cooking. 
"How have you been, Georgie?" You asked him, ignoring Lockwood who was looking between the two of you.
You and George made small talk, catching up and what not, until Lucy came out to get the three of you, saying something about the food burning. George was quick to rush into the kitchen, attempting to save dinner.  You walked past Lockwood, shoving him a bit with your shoulder before introducing yourself to Lucy.
The dinner went well, you and Lucy bonding almost immediately.  George also enjoyed your company. Although you did ignore Lockwood, most of dinner, which is something he later questioned George about. 
This few hour interaction was soon to be turned into a tradition, where every Tuesday, you would show for dinner or breakfast. 
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It had been weeks of you coming, often times you would get into fights with Lockwood, telling him all the things he does wrong. It was more or less you scolding him for putting your brother in danger. These fights never really escalated too far, George or Lucy would normally step in, or you would leave. It also didn't help that you were using this anger to completely suppress your growing liking for the boy. 
You could already tell today was going to be different. It was about eleven in the morning. You had woken up after a long shift last night, to get donuts from Arif's and head over to the now familiar house. Even though you wouldn't admit it, you got everyone's favorite donuts, even Lockwood's. 
You knocked on the door, only to be greeted by Lockwood, which was the first noticeable difference in the morning. Normally you were greeted by Lucy, as George was most likely asleep when you came in the mornings. 
The next noticeable difference, was how Lockwood rolled his eyes before letting you in. Which instantly got your blood boiling. 
For the next hour you were there, everything Lockwood did seemed to piss you off in some way. Almost as if he was trying to get under your skin. And if that was his plan, it worked. Because here you are, standing in the Library screaming at Lockwood, George and Lucy looking on with horror.
"Should we go?" Lucy whispered to George watching the other two fight.
"Wait, a few more minutes... I wanna see how bad this is."
George knew you better than anyone, he also knew that fights like this were quick and done with as long as you didn't get physically aggressive. Although you would never hurt anyone, it would never stop you from throwing and kicking objects near a target. But the second he seen you reach for the closest thing next to you, he knew he was better off leaving with Lucy, giving the two of you space, as they would not want to be next on the list. 
Your movement's were quick when you reached for the closest thing. A vase. The vase that was then sent flying across the room, shattering behind Lockwood, right next to his head as you screamed out a string of curses.
That is when George ushered Lucy out of the room, knowing that there was no stopping the fighting now. He left the two of you to fight, as they went out, of the house. A short shopping trip to go get some tea's was good.
But when they returned nearly an hour later, they were not expecting what they seen. They walked into a quiet house, which was already a red flag. But for all they know, you stormed out. But that was quickly proven not true as they seen your jacket on the kitchen chair, where you left it when you dropped off the donuts.
Quickly they searched the house, only to find the two of you kissing on Lockwood's chair in the library. You straddling his lap as he held onto your waist, leaning back in the chair slightly. The two of you continued to kiss passionately and aggressively, as the two stopped and stared with utter shock. 
The next few moments were defiantly going to be a long lived inside joke between the four. No one would have thought that leaving the two of you in a house for such a long time alone would lead you to stop fighting, making you 'KISS IT OUT'.
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artyandink · 2 years
Could I request an Lockwood x reader where they are often asked if they’re dating but they both deny it and in the end they confess to each other? Thanks so much :)
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It all started when someone in the cafe asked that one question. “Are you two dating?” I almost dropped my spoon on the table, currently being used to stir my coffee, turning to the couple in the booth opposite. “S-Sorry? I didn’t quite catch that.” I stammered, my hand reaching up to fix my round, rose gold glasses. “Are you dating? I’m sorry if I startled you, but you two just look so cute together and I just had to ask.” I was at a loss for words for a moment, but luckily for me Lockwood answered my question, saving me. “Unfortunately not, madam, but I appreciate the compliment.” He flashed his gigawatt grin, smoothing down his shirt. I recovered from the momentary shock, sipping my coffee to dissipate the tension, recovering quickly. “Turning on the old charm, aren’t you?” I scoffed, tucking my strawberry blonde hair behind my ear. “Well, yes, in order to get a stranger to like you, you need to be charismatic, charming. Have you not learned that already?” “I’ve learnt that every stranger we meet turns out to think you’re a selfish jerk.” “Words hurt.” “Exactly.” Later, Lockwood was sitting with George in the kitchen, explaining everything. “They asked us if we were dating, hilarious, right?” He chuckled, pretending like he was wiping a tear from his eye. “What’s hilarious is that you two aren’t dating yet.” George muttered under his breath before speaking up, “Yeah, hilarious.” “Austin and I can never be a couple. We’re too… different.” “As in?” “We’ve two different ways of thinking.” “What you mean is that you pick the reckless way out and she picks the smart way out.” “Exactly. Two different ways of thinking,” They blinked at each other, George much more exasperated than Lockwood, who just appeared to be calm. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “So, after that, a couple next to us asked if we were dating.” “Well, are you?” Lucy asked, lying on her bed and reading while I stress-organised the makeup on our vanity, putting them according to colour. “No!” I cried, waving an eyeliner pencil in the air. “Lockwood’s a tad too reckless for me. He always has been.” “He got a lot less reckless when he met you. And you got a lot more reckless when you met him.” Lucy and I had been friends since we were small. We made a pact with Norrie to go to London, but when that backfired Lucy ran away, and when Jacob’s shut down I went after her, so we ended up here. “What do you mean ‘a lot more reckless’?” I interrogated, now waving a bottle of mascara around like a Harry Potter wand. “Remember when we had that case where you and Lockwood were trapped on the roof with a vicious Type 2?” “‘Course I remember that one, we almost died.” “Again.” We both chorused, counting the many times our lives were at stake. “But it was your idea to jump off the roof, onto the trampoline and land in the pool rather than the safer option: face it head on and wait for me and George to get up there.” “Admittedly, it wasn’t that safe to wait-” “But a million things could’ve gone wrong. Yet you did it anyway.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “Lockwood, where’s my cover?” I yelled, chucking a flare nimbly at the oncoming Type 2, an angered victim of a house burglary gone wrong. I drew my rapier, holding it front of me. Admittedly, my rapier was my best tool, since I’d gained my grade 4 very quickly and now could even match and beat the likes of Kipps and Lockwood in a duel. Lockwood claimed that Kipps was a pushover, but if someone beat him at a duel? They deserve a medal. “Right here, Austin!” Speak of the devil. He ran forward, swinging the chain and lashing it forward. “Found the source. Every photo in this house has just one thing in common. Sophia Wallis wears a necklace in them, the same one each time. George messaged me saying that she was strangled to death with it.” “Real nice manner of death, don’t you think?” I said sarcastically, lunging forward and catching “It’s fascinating!” “Do you even have human emotions?!” I snapped. There’s a Type 2, Austin, focus. “Plan D.” “No way. Plan E.”
“Plan G.” “What’s G? We didn’t make a G. Did I authorise this?” “Of course you didn’t. Distract the ghost and run. We stand a better chance together than apart.” “Sound good.” We threw a flare at the same time, meeting our target and running as Sophia screamed, the sound grating my ears as we reached the bedroom, searching everywhere. “Nothing in the drawers.” I informed before moving onto the cupboard. “Nothing on the floor.” Sophia appeared again, and the sound of my rapier being drawn alerted Lockwood, who drew his. “Plan E!” He yelled, and in the heat of the moment I complied, performing an aerial to dodge the flying flare, feeling the object pass between my shins. I started searching, tearing apart the bedsheets until I found the source: the necklace, buried under the mattress. A splash of blood had rusted the metal, but the crystal still glowed brightly. I immediately grabbed the net hanging from my utility belt, throwing it over the source just as Lockwood was knocked back, hitting the wall and falling unconscious. “Lockwood!” I gasped, instinctively moving to check his heartbeat. It was slower than normal, but fast enough to tell me he was alive. I saw his chest rising and falling in an even frequency, but there was blood running down the side of his face from a small cut he’d gained. I tore a chunk off a spare bedsheet, pressing it to the cut and calling Lucy and George, who responded immediately. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
DEPRAC arrived on the scene a few minutes later, immediately taking the unconscious Lockwood on a stretcher and binding his head up. “This could mean a minor concussion, but you and your friends can look after him.” The medic nodded. “We’ll take him home.” “You can watch over him, Austin.” Lucy patted me on the back, not knowing what much else to do. “George and I will prepare some tea for you at Portland Row.” “We will?” George was met with a slap on the head by Lucy, who looked at him with a ‘don’t you dare argue’ face. “Thanks guys.” I smiled, climbing into the ambulance. I immediately was met with the familiar feeling of worry, gripping me as I held Lockwood’s hand, his familiar warmth trying to soothe me. He still had that small smirk like he always did upturning the corner of his mouth. I guess it was his special feature. Apart from his dangerous best plans. “Are you two dating?” The nurse asked quietly, as to not startle me. This time I wasn’t too lost for words, answering almost immediately and surprising myself. “No, but I wish we were.” I took a moment to realise what I just said, “But we can’t. Just as colleagues, this happens. What will happen if we get together?” “I think you should take a risk.” She replied matter-of-factly. I took a moment to think, until it hit me. I just got given love advice by a DEPRAC medic. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “Locky. Oi, Locky.” Lockwood woke up to the sweet sound of Flo Bones waking him up, sitting like a queen on the armchair while he was flopped on the chaise lounge. “Flo?” He called groggily, moving to prop himself up. “What’re you doing here?” “Here to see Austy. She’s in a right state, so you can tell me what happened in that there case.” She raised an eyebrow, waiting. “I was hit by a flying piece of wood. The ghost had telekinetic powers somehow, and I was caught in the crossfire.” He explained, hoping Flo wouldn’t ask more. “I may not have gone to no school, but I’m not thick. There’s more, isn’t there?” She gestured for him to continue. “The wood was aimed at Austin. I had to jump in the way or she’d have gotten seriously hurt.” “Are you two datin’?” “No!” He refused sharply, but then deflated. “But I wish we were. However, we work together. It’s best if we keep the line between work and personal where it is.” “That’s something about you that you need to change, Locky.” Flo tutted. “You’re one of my best mates, but you don’t know when to stop being like that closed door on the landing.” “I agree.” George sighed, entering. “Hey, Flo.” “Georgie. You look taller.” Flo briefly acknowledged. “Probably cause I’m sittin’ down here.” “Probably. I had to lift the biscuit rule and use many sugar cubes and coffee sachets to calm Austin down.” “Traumatic experiences.” Lockwood shrugged. “Everyone’s had them. What makes you think she’s any different?” “Cause you like each other.” The statement induced a sceptical grin from Lockwood, who turned away from Flo. “Of course I like her. She doesn’t like me, and it’s bloody embarrassing if it’s one-sided.” “Who said it’s one-sided?” Lucy smirked, sipping her tea at the door. “Are we having a therapy session in here? I don’t need to talk about this, now, if you excuse me, I need to talk to Austin Garcia.” He got up, but his concussion made him trip at the foot of the stairs. “Lockwood, the… stairs.” …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… “Are you sure you’re ok?” Austin asked as they took a stroll before curfew. “Yeah, I feel just perfect. What about you?” “I feel good. Better than before.” “Why wasn’t I warned that Flo was coming over?” “Nobody was.” I shrugged. “You know how she has her own key. She says-” “Never throw one away. It always unlocks something somewhere.” We both quoted at the same time, looking at each other and bursting into laughter. I felt our fingers intertwine, my finger reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. “A rose for the happy couple? On me.” A flower seller asked, holding out a rose. “We’re not a-” “Thank you.” Lockwood interrupted, taking the rose.
"We're not a couple, Lockwood."
"What if we were?" We stopped in our tracks. "I think about it every day. Waking up and the first beautiful sight is you. I wish that upon every star every day." He tucked the rose behind my ear, "The thought is simply too tempting to resist."
"Then why do you resist it?"
"Because I never really knew that I should take a risk for love. But I will today. Austin Iris Garcia, will you do me the honour of being my girlfriend?" My only answer was to grab his tie, pulling him in for a kiss filled with fireworks. His hands gently held my waist while mine cupped his cheek before playing absent-mindedly with the stands of his hair.
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deadmisanthrope · 6 years
#MisanthropeSolo - Rêve Noir
Rêve Noir - Domenico Sigalas
As I open the closet that hadn't been opened for over a century, the dark wooden doors creak as the old brass hinges turn, the smell of the past strikes me, and along with it all those memories I thought were long gone, bleached out, faded, not recalled ever since.
Inside the massive cabinet, hidden from time itself and now exposed to me for the first time in a long time, well-known items, once dear to me, like my father's pocket watch - a precious gem, not because it was his, but because I liked it, liked the sound of it, liked the weight in my hand and how it ticked constantly, always reliable if there was someone who wound it up every once in a while -, my mother's music box, which was meant to go to Stefan after she had passed away, but I selfishly kept it for myself. Stefan had his memories of her. The untainted memories of a child, too young to see what was going on behind closed doors in the world of adults. But I knew. I had seen. I had heard. Witnessed. And I still remember vividly.
Carefully I lift the box from the shelf, leaving a dark square where the wood wasn't exposed to the decay of the past century, blow the dust from the casket and slowly turn the key-shaped screw at the backside to wind up the mechanism. A strange melancholia, like a heavy blanket encloses me as the melody reaches my ear, and I open the marquetry adorned lid, as I always used to as a child to watch the comb-shaped piece of metal struck by the small pins on the barrel, turning inside the box, slowly and constantly.
Placing the music box back on the shelf while its strangely soothing song fills the room with not just the mere tune but with a certain atmosphere I hadn't felt in a long time but which still comes naturally to me, my eyes roam further through the shelves inside the closet, to explore the long lost treasures of a distant life that once was mine.
On another board, a couple of books I used to read. I was far too young to understand the deeper meaning of the words when I started to read Baudelaire, but I already appreciated the way he painted pictures of a world I had yet to explore by only using words. Words we all knew. Words we all used. And yet he managed to use them in a way I never experienced before. I even had an original copy from france which I used to learn french autodidactic. With moderate success, to say the least. Next to it a copy of Dante's "la Commedia", an anthology of Poe, well-thumbed, and other books, some of them prosaic novellas, but my predilection was clearly for poetries. Of course my father had other plans for his eldest son than letting him waste time with literature, music, poetry and other unprofitable arts. But I still cherished it as a hobby.
Furthermore, a photograph of Katherine, hidden in another book, but now partly revealed to me; I apparently had to hurry to put it back the last time I took it out, but were too sloppy to hide it properly, so a corner of the photograph became yellow over the years, decades, centuries. I hid it not only from Stefan, but from everyone. Even from her. I used to look at it every once in a while. Sometimes, when I wrote, I liked to place it on the desk next to me, so a part of her was always present and inspired me with more than just her obvious beauty. I also took it out to say her good night, whenever she was too exhausted, too tired to meet me. Of course I was always polite and decent; bid her farewell at  the door to her room when she asked me to, but was yet bold enough to steal a kiss at any given opportunity. Back then I was sure she secretly liked it.
Not much is left of the clothes that were stored in the closet. Generations of moths had feasted on the now mere rags, covered in dust - materialized time - but I can still recall most of the familar attire. The characteristic gray of the confederate army uniform. One of the many chapters in my life I'd like to erase, rip out of the book and burn the pages. After I had returned from the battlefield - deserted, they called it; looking out for myself and do what was reasonable is what I called it, and still do - it had become almost impossible to get into my father's good graces. I came back as an even greater disappointment to him and a shame to my family. The nightmares haunted me for a long time, and sometimes still do. Support for returning soldiers were an alien concept back then, and even when I look at it today, people still have no idea what horrors you have to face; things no human being should ever witness, and yet I think that a species capable of such bestiality deserves just that.
Besides the uniform there are several other pieces, beyond recognition, gone forever. But a surprisingly well preserved sleeve that stands out between the rotting cloths catches my attention.
And as I run my fingers casually along the fabric, take out what appears to be a tailcoat, fragments of the past flare up in my mind. Voices. Laughter. People whose names I don't recall. Music. Dancing. But not me.
I can see myself standing a little aside, right after I had finished a light conversation with a friend of the family, George Lockwood, more to distract myself than actually listening to him. Father would have appreciated to see me being more involved, more interested in the founding family's business. Politics. What an ineffably prosaic sort of pastime. Nothing more it was to me, back those days. And why should I care about the fate of Mystic Falls... when all I cared about... was in the center of the room, dressed in a blue gown and drawing everyone's attention, clinging to my brother's arm as he led her through the crowd, swaggering like a peacock in courtship.
She had chosen him to accompany her on the founders ball. I shouldn't be too worried about my little brother's affection for her, rather should be thankful that he kept her company while I was away, spending days at a confederate army camp just outside Richmond and helping to defend the south. Because it was just that, right? Just a harmless infatuation. But I couldn't help feeling a light sting at the scenery playing out right in front of me. Little did I know about the importance of the founders council in my future life; I just learned about the actual existence of vampires and that my beloved Katherine was one of them, which is why I low-key wished, hoped, that it would have been me who would have had the joy, the honor of being her escort for the dance.
Because of the secret we shared and the trust she put in me by telling me the truth, there was no doubt, that she appreciated my company. Still I remember vividly how we used to spend numerous afternoons wandering in the garden of my family's estate or simply roamed through the village until we reached the Fell's property with the town's church.
And now she seemed to have chosen my brother over me. Him, who whenever the topic of vampires was mentioned, shuddered with fear and disgust. He needs more convincing, I thought back then. She is just making an effort to show him that there is truly no difference between us, I tried to reassure myself. A fool I was. No compulsion needed. Just the feeling that someone cared about my point of view was enough.
From this day on, my courting became bolder. More apparent and obvious for everyone around us. I strolled through town with her, accompanied her when she visited her friend Pearl and made sure everyone saw us. I wanted this to be the image people would memorize. Not the dance at the founder's ball. And she welcomed the additional attention and my interest in her way of living. An inquisitive student I was, eager and hungry for knowledge. I wanted to learn everything and - once she would deem me ready - become one of hers and be with her forever. At night I snuck out of the house to join her in the woods where she showed me to lie in wait. Where she showed me how to bait, how to feed, how to kill...
And the more time I spent with her, the more I diverged from father and my brother; we grew apart, even cold. My brother and I, inseparable all summer, long before she stepped into the picture, rarely talked anymore. Whenever we exchanged words, it led to arguing, no matter how trivial the conversation started out. Especially since he was insistent in persuading father regarding his views on vampires. He even wanted to educate the town council and thought he could sway them. It was his naiveté that eventually led to the events that marked a turning point in our lives: The night of September 25th, 1864.  
Another item veiled by shadows and dust at the bottom of the closet, now brought to light by removing the tailcoat from the hanging rail diverts my attention from the melancholic retrospection of having to share her and - once the object is identified - shoves me right into another, direful memory. Carelessly I place the hook of the coathanger back on the rail, uncaring for possible creases that - over time - might ruin the well-preserved fabric forever and crouch in front of the ancient furniture to reach for what I now realize is not neatly placed on one of the shelving for a reason.
I remember, I felt cold. Cold to the point that every fiber of my body hurt and refused to move or even shift its position. I also remember the smell of damp leaves and poached up soil. There was no sound at first and I felt like floating but at the same time under heavy pressure. Like the air itself was closing and tightening around me. It was a curious feeling and while my subconsciousness began to wrap around it and explore it, I suddenly gasped for air, realizing that I haven't been breathing for quite some time. My body, now finally being able to move, jolts into a sitting position and panic filled me when more impressions kept crashing down on me. Voices, yelling men and screaming women, but far away and even more distant, smoke. And being as cold as the peaty ground I even thought I could feel the warmth of a fire that must have been at least a mile away. I took a quick look around and found myself alone, absent of any company that my foggy memory insisted on. As I looked over my shoulder, I noticed ruts in the ground that led away from my place and... towards the church. Towards the screams and the smoke.
Katherine! It shot through my head and an ice cold fist clutched at my heart. And I jumped to my feet. And I ran. I ran faster than ever before. Perhaps faster than humanly possible.
When I reached the church, I found it blazing fiercely and I quailed. Several carriages waited in the courtyard and those few people who stood outside, armed with whatever they could find, were cheering at the fire, raising their arms with joy, rejoicing. Closer to my own position I rather heard than saw poor little Anna weeping for her mother, eyes red and watery with tears fixed on the conflagration. And instead of giving each other  solace, we both just watched in horror, too afraid to leave the cover of the trees, for we might have been thrown into the burning church as well, if we got caught.
Long after dawn and long after the sun reached and transcended its zenith, when the people of Mystic Falls were sure that all vampires were perished in the fire and left to probably celebrate, I dared to leave the shadows and slowly approached what was left of the former largest building in town. Most of the stone walls had come down and beneath them I could still feel the heat coming from embers that refused to stop licking at the remains of wooden beams. As I slid my feet through the ashes and took the few steps that used to lead to the door, which was now nothing but a stone arch leading to nothing but debris, I felt the heat burning my skin. But it didn't matter. It was nothing compared to excruciating pain she must have felt. And to feel close to her for one last time, as if torturing myself would have lessened her own torment, I endured it for a while.
Slowly I rise from my knees and carefully store the muzzle - too large and peculiar in shape to be made for anything else than a human head - on one of the boards, pulling out the book next to it and part its pages to look at her picture once more; this time I make sure to fully conceal the precious keepsake to preserve it from further decay. And as I do, the soothing melody of the music box slows, further and further, and stops, rendering the room’s atmosphere to the former clotted silence.
Unaffected by any outside influences remains my own memory, unattached to any token that might not stand the test of time. It will always be there, treasured, for eternity. Long after the closet's content and the wood itself has turned to dust.
The old brass hinges creak again as I slowly push the wooden doors shut and seal those items, memories and stories - those and many more - inside, to be found again in the future, by myself or - who knows - by someone else.
~end of solo~
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amostexcellentblog · 6 years
Classic Movies for Beginners: Case File #3: The MGM Musicals
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The world is a stage, The stage is a world of entertainment!
Director(s): Vincente Minnelli; Stanley Donen; Charles Walters; and Others
Starring: (Deep Breath) Judy Garland; Fred Astaire; Gene Kelly; Cyd Charisse; Debbie Reynolds; Donald O’Connor; Frank Sinatra; Jane Powell; many more.
Watch if You Like: Musicals. Seriously, the MGM musicals still define the genre in the popular imagination. So even if you’ve never seen one (and you have seen one, The Wizard of Oz) you’re probably familiar with the style. Almost every recent hit movie musical--La La Land, Hairspray, The Greatest Showman, High School Musical--was shaped in some way by the bright technicolor sweetness of these movies. So if you’re a fan of any of those films, a theater geek, or just curious about what the movie musical was like at its peak, enjoy.
Since I could talk for days about these movies, I’ve decided to just do a quick list of the 10 most essential titles There are, of course, many other musicals from the studio that are worth a watch, but I’m trying to control myself.
Singin’ in the Rain (1952): Everyone’s favorite musical! In case you’ve been living under a rock: Don Lockwood (Kelly) is a silent movie star famous for his films with shrill-voiced Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen). Talkies seem poised to ruin them until his pal Cosmo (O’Connor) gives him the idea to do a musical with his girlfriend (Reynolds) dubbing Lina’s voice. No summary can ever capture what makes this movie such a complete joy to watch. Every song, every dance, every performance is just flawlessly executed to put a great big smile on your face. It’s one of the few movies that deserves to be called perfect.
Meet Me in St. Louis (1944): A year in the life of the Smith family in 1903 St. Louis, the year the world’s fair came to town. There are four daughters, second-eldest Esther (Garland) is on the cusp of adulthood, starry-eyed, and filled with young love for the boy next door (Tom Drake). Youngest is Tootie (Margaret O’Brien), mischievous and morbidly fascinated by death in a way only an innocent child can be. Father (Leon Ames) gets a job in New York, a move that threatens the family’s fragile innocence. Will they go? 
Minimalist plot doesn’t sound like much, but it’s actually a great coming-of-age movie. Beneath its nostalgic sheen there are some darker moments that deal frankly with the loss of innocence that comes with growing up. Garland debuts “The Trolley Song” and the holiday standard “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” which she sings with a more heartbreaking style than you’re likely to hear now. “Have yourself a merry little Christmas, now...” she sings, as if you might never have another chance to. Appreciate innocence while you have it, the movie says, it can be taken away so easily.
The Band Wagon (1953): Washed up movie star Tony Hunter, (Astaire) heads to Broadway to star in a musical comedy written by his friends (Oscar Levant and Nanette Fabray), but they make the mistake of hiring a snooty director of dramas who promptly turns it into a heavy handed Faust adaptation. Tony is unsure of this, as well as the much younger ballerina (Cyd Charisse) hired to be his leading lady. The official favorite musical of people who think it’s too mainstream to pick Singin’ in the Rain. The satire of high art and low art can get heavy handed, and the movie’s ultimate assertion that Broadway musicals are meant to be light comedy is hopelessly dated in the era of Next to Normal and Spring Awakening. It’s real charms lie in the dances, from the joyful hoofing of "Shine on Your Shoes" to the simple romance of "Dancing in the Dark."
On the Town (1949): Three sailors (Kelly, Sinatra, Jules Munshin) on 24 hour leave in New York, New York (I hear it’s a wonderful town) find love and hijinks as they pursue a beauty contest winner (Vera-Ellen) across the city after one of them falls in love at first sight. Along for the ride are Betty Garret as their cab driver, and Ann Miller as a boy crazy anthropologist. Adapted from a Broadway hit, much of Leonard Bernstein’s score was replaced with original music for some reason (censors also required the lyric “New York, New York it’s a helluva town” be changed to “it’s a wonderful town.”) Fortunately, that doesn’t make it any less of a delight, with a perfect cast and great choreography celebrating the limitless possibilities of the city.
Easter Parade (1948): When his dance partner (Ann Miller) leaves him, Don Hewes (Astaire) plucks a girl out of the chorus (Garland) and sets out to make her a star. Shades of George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion (nobody tell Lerner and Loewe), with Peter Lawford in the Freddy role and a slew of Irving Berlin tunes along for the ride. The only movie Astaire and Garland made together, and it’s a fascinating pairing of the most carefree (onscreen anyway) musical star and the least. Astaire was rarely paired with singing stars (as opposed to dancers), and Garland was a bigger star than he was when this movie shot. As a result her character gets more solo numbers and feels more independent of Astaire’s than usual. On the flip side, Astaire does a better job at holding his own opposite Garland than most of her leading men. It’s a shame they never made another movie together as their chemistry makes the film.
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954): Mountain man Howard Keel ventures into an old west town one day looking for a wife to play housekeeper. He finds one (Powell), who falls in love at first sight and marries him dreaming of a romantic life in the wilderness. He didn’t mention they’d be living with his unruly brothers. Fortunately she manages to tame them enough to go to town for a barn raising. That’s when the trouble starts, each brother meets and falls for a girl from town. After an iconic dance-off with their fiances, the brothers end up kidnapping the women for the winter, which does not go over well. 
Look, this is not as sexist as its sounds. This is not a Stockholm Syndrome thing, the narrative does not condone the kidnapping, the men are banished to the barn by Powell so nobody’s pressured to do anything, and if you look at the end of the barn raising dance you see that the women do initially to choose the brothers on their own free will, before their parents intervene. The movie ultimately comes down on the side of equal power dynamics in relationships. Anyway, the dancing in this movie is incredible. Watch it for that if nothing else.
The Harvey Girls (1946): Desperate to get out of her small town, Susan Bradley (Garland) moves west to marry her lonely-hearts pen pal. That falls through, so she gets a job as a waitress at the Harvey House, a (real) restaurant chain catering to train passengers. A lot of the town’s men don’t want the ladies there, because the chain’s strict moral standards has a reputation for civilizing wild west towns. Nevertheless, they persisted. The town is cleaned up, and the waitresses find true love. Great showcase for Garland’s comedic and dramatic skills. The movie’s slyly feminist defense of a woman’s right to see the world beyond her back yard and the boy next door, as well as its emphasis on female friendships, make up for a bland male lead and awkward third act. (A proper big final number was shot, but deleted for time so the whole thing kinda peters out.)
Lili (1953): Barely a musical, but it has one song and two dance sequences that are key to developing the characters and plot, so it counts. Recently orphaned Lili (Leslie Caron) is all alone and naïve about the ways of the world. She is charmed by a womanizing magician in a traveling carnival. After he rebuffs her affections she attempts suicide, but is stopped at the last minute by the carnival’s puppeteer, Paul (Mel Ferrer), who strikes up a conversation through his puppets. Lili’s natural interaction with the puppets attracts a crowd and she is made part of the act. Paul was once a great dancer whose career was ended by a war injury, lonely and embittered he is drawn to Lili’s soft heart but is unable to express his affection for her without his puppets. Touching story about the walls we build to protect ourselves from hurt, and the necessity of letting them down. Caron’s performance is incredible, it’s like she walked out of a fairy tale.
The Pirate (1948): Manuela (Garland) lives in a small Caribbean village and spends her days fantasizing of adventure and romance with the legendary pirate Macoco, so she’s heartbroken to learn she’s to marry the town’s boring mayor, Don Pedro. On a trip to the port to pick up her wedding dress she is spotted by traveling actor Serafin (Kelly), who falls instantly in love. She is unimpressed with his charms so he pretends to be Macoco in disguise to win her over. Mistaken identity hijinks ensue when he shows up in her hometown and realizes her boring fiance is actually the retired Macoco. This never takes off the way it should. Between the stars, the director (Minnelli), and original Cole Porter songs this should be a home run. Frustratingly, the story never comes together as well as it should, Manuela starts to feel like a supporting player in the second half which throws the whole movie off balance. Still, there are some great songs and dances, and the movie does manage to say a few interesting things about who we are versus who we pretend to be in life.
Royal Wedding (1951): Sibling song-and-dance team (Astaire and Powell) heads to England to perform in a new show against the backdrop of the upcoming wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten, Duke of Edinburgh (what ever happened to those two?) While there both of them find themselves falling in love. Her with a penniless Lord (Peter Lawford), him with a newly engaged dancer (Sarah Churchill, daughter of Winston). This is primarily for Astaire fans who get to see two of his most famous dances. One with a hat rack, proving he could dance with anything, the other where he dances on the wall and ceiling of his room thanks to some clever practical effects.
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zalrb · 7 years
Damon, TAKE STEALTH LESSONS {2x04 Review}
1. I’m sorry, we really need to talk about how this twenty year old man is this jealous over his 17 year old brother, like get over yourself, Damon and grow up, be an older brother. Stefan is SEVENTEEN.
2. In this dream, Elena says that it’s Damon’s turn at the pool table but then Elena is the one who’s playing while Damon is like teaching her how to play even though Elena can play pool but I guess Katherine wouldn’t know about the last part.
3. Also I’m laughing because when would Damon and Elena actually do anything like play pool in their actual relationship.
4. Tyler is actually being quite calm considering he knows werewolves exist now.
5. Katherine actually annoyed me in this episode, mostly when she’s trying to be coy about werewolves, something about Nina’s enunciations and she exaggerates her features the way Ian does for Damon.
6. I still have no idea why all the vampires would look to Katherine.
7. Katherine, my girl, why would Stefan come back to MF to fall in love with you all over again when he thought you died? Girl, stop.
8. Stefan is also a lot better at emotional manipulation than Damon like Damon does it the most and he does it aggressively but Stefan is way more stealth when he does it. 
9. I can appreciate that Stefan is given the chance to torture his abuser but I am hella annoyed that Caroline wasn’t afforded the same chance with Damon.
10. I find it ridiculous that Elena tells Jenna to be nice to Damon when Damon killed her brother and Jenna’s nephew and I also find it ridiculous that Jenna tells Elena she’ll be nice when Damon “keeps [his] paws off [her]” and doesn’t tell Damon to leave her underage niece alone. Like Jenna, he was flirting with you and Matt’s mother at the bar! And this whole dynamic makes me question why Elena didn’t question Stefan and Damon dating one woman before she knew they were vampires because Stefan and Damon dating one woman is like her and Jenna dating the same guy.
11. Now when I watch the scene of Mason and Damon introducing themselves I think of that blooper when Ian goes, “Oh hey I’m Ian”, completely ruined the scene because now I expect Ian to introduce himself as Ian.
12. Lol Caroline trying to break up Stefan and Elena on Katherine’s orders just makes me laugh now.
13. But she’s eating chips and now I want chips.
14. Katherine legitimately comes off as a delusional, crazy ex girlfriend. “Does she know that you love me?” but like pretty much any woman who falls for Stefan comes off that way and that includes Elena storming into Tessa’s cabin when she had no business there. 
15. Also they need to establish time with vampires because I’m sitting here thinking like, for argument’s sake, let’s say Stefan did love you in 1864, Katherine, that doesn’t suggest that he would love you over 100 years later, 100 years is a long ass time and throughout those years you watched him and he wasn’t pining for you and he thought you DIED soooooooooooo, I need to know if 100 years is considered like a year for a vampire especially since in season 7 Caroline is freaking out over Stefan being away for 3 years and gets her ass engaged in that time so like RULES.
16. It also makes absolutely no sense to me that Katherine would be staying in a house full of men in 1864 Virginia and everyone is OK with it. Propriety was a thing.
17. Damon stays being trash. “Is my love not enough?” well I don’t know, Damon, who did she take to the ball? It wasn’t you. She didn’t even speak to you all night! WHAT DO YOU THINK.
18. “I never compelled your love” but here’s the thing besides the fact that Stefan was clearly just infatuated, it doesn’t matter because once you do start compelling him, it all goes out the window, it poisons and pollutes what was there before because then you make him your victim, you take away how he truly feels about something and continue a relationship with him then everything that comes from that can never be completely real particularly since she compelled Stefan to drink her blood, like she really fucked up his life though.
19. DAMON IS SO BAD AT BEING STEALTHY. Yes, let’s antagonize Mason openly with pictionary because that is SO smart. Damon is bad at stealth also because he has a false sense of power and intelligence but Caroline’s “Puppy! Puppy! Puppy with a tutu!” is hilarious.
20. “Aunt Jenna is getting tipsy.” “Will you stop plying her with alcohol?” “Well I want her to like me! Nice. Very nice. A tactic he also uses on Elena in 1x11. This is typical predatory behaviour.
21. Also Damon is just UP in Elena’s space and she’s actually constantly startled and uncomfortable, that isn’t sexual tension.
22. Elena, aren’t you at all conflicted by the fact that Damon plans on stabbing one of your friend’s uncle? Like that just doesn’t cross your mind?
23. “You were so scared of me I had to take away your fear” or you could’ve left him alone, Katherine.
24. OK so George Lockwood was a werewolf and Katherine knew he was a werewolf and he knew she was a vampire and he decided because she knew he was a werewolf to tell the council about the vampires living in the town but was willing to strike a deal with the one person who knew he was a werewolf? I guess...
25. Damon and Alaric are SO obvious, it really annoys me.
26. Lol, Elena is like ... Stefan didn’t pick up his phone or answered any of my messages or texts so obviously I am going to his house. Cute.
27. “And Damon being Damon nearly ruined everything” pretty much an exact description of Damon.
28. “Is that the only thing that makes me terrible?” Damon, you killed her nephew.
29. Elena was never really big on defending her relationships to other people but she was definitely more protective of her relationship with Stefan when Caroline attacks it this episode than she was of her relationship to Damon when Caroline attacks that. 4x08 doesn’t count because she was Sired.
30. Damon is fucking ridiculous, it isn’t a full moon, he tried to kill Mason by stabbing him and it didn’t work and he just stands there? You’re not going to try any other methods? No, you’ll wait to rip his heart out then taunt Katherine with it and get Jenna stabbed. Jackass.
31. I don’t go hard for Katherine as a lot of you may know but that line is still fucking great, “I will kill everyone she loves WHILE she watches and then I will kill her while YOU watch” like that’s fucked up.
32. Paul’s expression when Katherine breaks free of the chains is actually kind of amazing and the way he’s like “why, why” like he’s just SO confused. “I told you! I missed you Stefan!” legit crazy ex-girlfriend.
33. Seriously love how Stefan and Elena like have to hug right after they experience something traumatic.
34. I’m sorry but Katherine just isn’t threatening. At last when Isobel came into town, to prove her point she had Matt’s arm nearly crushed.
35. Why is Tyler only obsessed with how the curse is triggered and not the fact that his uncle actually turns into a wolf? And like what’s it like to be a wolf and how long he was a wolf and why they call it a CURSE?
36. YO. I was so scared when this episode aired and the break up scene happened, I was like OMG NOOOOOOO.
37. And then he was in her room and they were all fucking cute and I was like OK YOU SCARED ME.
38. That moan when they kiss tho.
39. I remember my best friend and I watching this in our uni library and when Katherine kisses Dead Stefan’s lips she turned to me and was like SEE? SHE CARES! She was so excited and I was like ... she’s trying to get in between SE right now so idgaf. And she rolled her eyes. I remember that SO clearly.
40. It is a sweet scene with nice music tho.
Thanks for reading!
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
okay, well today was pretty good. My alarm went off at 11 but I was really tired lol so I turned it off and kept sleeping till like 1. Then I got up and had some breakfast, then put in a quick instacart order before getting started on my work for the day. Since I don’t have any actual projects yet it’s mostly just reading cases and briefs and social security rules and all that good stuff. I had to pause here and there to take care of things but for the most part it all went smoothly. Around 5 I started getting ready for dinner, I had to have the pasta and the chicken cooked before starting the actual recipe part, so I took care of those and kept working while they cooked. It was a recipe that was like “creamy spinach dip chicken pasta” and was actually a recipe I found after scrapping my original idea but I had already both ingredients for it so I was improvising a bit with what I had on hand. easy enough, I had fresh spinach instead of frozen so that changed things a bit and then I didn’t have the right sized pan they wanted (they wanted an 8x11, I only have 8x8′s, 9x9, and 9x13) so I ended up keeping it in the oven a bit longer to make sure it was all warmed through and the cheese was melted. I pulled it out of the oven right after Jess arrived. So we ate dinner and I made her some tea because her voice is still mostly gone, and we awaited the Legends finale. I have mixed feelings about it. Overall as an episode I did enjoy it and appreciated the story, but as a finale I felt it was a bit lacking. Although they had definitely tried to heighten the stakes to the point where it’d be on the level of other season finales, it didn’t actually feel like the stakes were very high to me, and like, I wasn’t really concerned about this, I mean you always know they’re going to work it out but they just didn’t feel all that bad to me. The whole part about bringing Tabitha in seemed kind of pointless to me, like I’m not really sure how she furthered the plot or why she was necessary, it seemed like NeRay could’ve easily handled it all himself. Nora hunting down John and Ray in hell was pretty great, I definitely enjoyed that and the foreshadowing of what we’re going to be getting next season. Of course the Ray and Nate stuff towards the end killed me, I was confident that they weren’t actually going to kill Nate because they basically released an interview earlier today that was like “we were going to kill someone, then we were like nah, we’ll find a way out of it” so I knew he’d be okay, but that didn’t stop me from shedding a few tears seeing his teammates react to their apparent losing him, and especially when he had the scene with his dad up in the rafters, oh boy did that make me cry. and not gonna lie, their bringing him back with literally the power of love was really great, I appreciate this crazy show so much. One thing I was kinda bummed about though was that we got literally zero AvaLance scenes, I did at least appreciate that Ava was integrated into the main storyline with the team, but it would’ve been nice to get some closing thoughts from them, especially since this season started with some questions for them that needed to be answered. So yeah, kinda underwhelmed as a season finale but I definitely still enjoyed it as an episode. Once that was done we watched last week’s episode of Supergirl since Jess hadn’t watched it yet, then watched yesterday’s finale. I’m a sucker for spoilers so I already knew everything that happened lol but I definitely still enjoyed the episode. I really cannot give Jon Cryer enough credit for making this season SO much better when he showed up, when it was hardly bearable before that. I’d always been rooting for him because he hosts the addendum episodes of one of my favorite episodes, and I was so happy to see he absolutely kicked ass at the role, and is probably now my second favorite portrayal of Lex (with Michael Rosenbaum of course being first, because nobody can top his Lex). So I give him a lot of credit for that. The whole red daughter storyline just felt a bit repetitive to me, mostly because it was so similar to the Bizarro episode they did in the first season, so I was kinda meh on that. I was happy to see Ben Lockwood getting the crap kicked out of him and then rightfully placed in prison where he had to sit and watch his son, George Lockwood, MY BOY, denounce all of his actions and advocate peace and acceptance for everyone. damn am I so proud of that child. And then of course, Lena. Sadly my prediction was true in that she would find out Kara was Supergirl from somebody else in the finale, and of course it was especially cruel that that someone was Lex, even trying to hurt her in his last dying moments. I have mixed feelings about where I want her storyline to go next season. They are definitely at least planting seeds for her to turn into villainy, which would definitely be a good storyline, but part of me wants her to be able to say no, I am more than my blood, and I will remain a good person even when I’ve been wronged because my last name doesn’t make me a monster. And, I mean, we all know I’m super attached to Smallville’s version of Lena (Tess) who started out very evil but had an amazing redemption arc and deserved so much better than what the writers gave her. So I think villain!Lena would be fun, but I kind of want her to stay good. Guess we’ll have to see what happens there. After I finished that episode I realized The Fix was on and had been recording, so I switched over to that. It was the season/series finale, since they hadn’t gotten picked up for a second season (and tbh I didn’t really think they would). Overall I think it was a pretty good wrap up of a lot of loose ends, and a fairly satisfying conclusion. He may be locked up for the wrong crime, but he did finally admit to killing Cassandra all those years ago and let’s face it, he definitely belongs in prison. I don’t know what to think about his son, it definitely wasn’t first degree murder at least, but having him walk free is definitely morally dubious at best, but oh well. When I finished that I switched over to the news and then Jimmy Kimmel before showering and starting to get ready for bed and now I’m here and boy am I tired. Tomorrow should be good, get some work done during the day then have the chiropractor at 5, then when Jess gets off we’re gonna go get our nails done and then probably come back to get food and watch the GoT finale (finally!). But yeah, I’m dead tired now so I’m gonna call it a night here. Goodnight friends. Hope your Monday didn’t suck.
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