#and they are happy to sit in one place for an extended amount of time
mesopelagos · 1 year
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i saw @koifsssh's OC Rainy and thought it was fun that they and Glenn were both sorta storm-themed :] at least in their names/designs
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ellecdc · 2 months
Can we get a James potter pregnancy fic like the moon water one? I just on ow he’d be so sweet and doting and wouldn’t let you lift a finger.
it's so true though - he would be a master coddler, & sorry to leave you waiting since April, this fic gave me a run for my money 🥺
James Potter x pregnant wife!reader who interrupts game night
CW: mentions of pregnancy, gambling?
Sirius was not too proud to admit that he felt immediately guilty when he realised the mistake he had made.
As you got further along in your pregnancy, James had become increasingly less inclined to leave your side for any extended amount of time.
It got to the point that James actually took a leave of absence from work, and was now debating whether or not he’d ever go back once the baby was born. 
Remus, Sirius, and Peter all had bets on how long that was going to last, knowing how…involved James could be, not withstanding the potential pregnancy hormone related fits of anger and exhaustion. 
So, this week's game night (and likely every remaining one until perhaps your child went to Hogwarts) was being hosted at James’.
“Sorry boys, I just don’t want to risk not being here in case she needs anything, you know?” He had said. 
And they did know; and quite frankly, Sirius was looking forward to not having to clean up after his sodding friends, so there were no complaints from him or Moony. And your place was closer to Peter’s flat, so he was happy for an excuse to take an evening stroll.
So when the four friends were sitting around a circular dining table, bickering over whose turn it was in their game of muggle poker and you were - what was only now very clear to Sirius - tiptoeing down the stairs of your townhouse, Sirius really shouldn’t have made your presence known. 
“What are you doing up?” James asked as he quickly dropped his cards - face down, dammit - onto the table to make his way over to you after being alerted to your presence by Sirius’ traitorous smile and wave.
“I just wanted a snack, Jamie.” You admitted, half bashful and half frustrated at the fussing, though you accepted James' embrace willingly.
Sirius thought the hug looked awkward, seeing as how the two of you needed to leave so much room for your belly. 
“You should’ve told me, angel; I would have gotten it for you.” He chided gently as he ushered you (forced you) into his seat with a gentle hand on your back.
You smiled apologetically at the boys as you sat in James’ seat with only a small groan and a hand on your belly.
“Sorry, Trouble.” Sirius apologised quickly. But you - the sweet ‘angel’ that you were - simply waved him off. 
“Even if I had made it to the kitchen, he would have heard me rummaging in the fridge.” You said simply, picking up James’ cards and reorganising them.
“Has he got anything good?” Peter asked quickly, causing you to shake your head no before putting the cards back down.
“Damn sod’s been bluffing; he was always such a terrible liar at Hogwarts when he was the lookout for our pranks, how on earth can he bluff?” Remus asked incredulously as he dropped his own hand down on the table (face down, damnit). 
“He’s not bluffing; I don’t think he has a clue how to play this game.” You explained simply.
“You should come to all of our game nights.” Sirius chuckled as he gently nudged your arm with his elbow. 
You chuckled and looked towards the kitchen. “The point of gamenights was for you four to get together, and for me to have a quiet house.”
“Please.” James called as he made his way out of the kitchen with a tray of various treats in one hand and a large cup of ice water in the other. “You gave up having a quiet house the second you said ‘I do’.” 
You accepted a loving kiss to your temple as he handed the cup of water to you and placed the tray in front of you on top of his cards. 
If Sirius didn’t get a peak at someone’s cards really fucking soon-
“How many more weeks do you have?” Remus asked you then; probably a polite thing to ask a pregnant couple but Sirius was a little preoccupied wondering if there was an X-ray vision spell he could use to see through Peter’s cards. 
“Too many.” You responded as James offered a jovial “It’s gone by so quickly!” 
“Jamie, I really don’t think you get to say that.” You admonished him, though Sirius could tell the furrow of your brows was all for show. 
“What? Why? I feel like this pregnancy has just flown by!” 
“Oh, well I’m very glad you feel that way.” You sneered. “But you’re not the one who had to stretch and grow and carry around a bowling ball.”
Sirius felt himself swallow nervously in James’ honour, but the dumb sod simply beamed at you lovingly and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “It’s because you’ve done it so beautifully, angel; you made it look easy.”
And damn James and his smoothness; he had even Sirius blushing.  
“Alright, I’m in.” Remus announced then as he pushed a pile of chips towards the centre of the table.
“Me too.” Peter agreed as he followed in suit.
Sirius felt like he was grasping at billywigs, but he felt he had a better chance than James, so he, too, bet a couple of chips. 
“What say you, Prongs?” Peter asked then.
James turned back to the game, looking surprised as if he’d forgotten they’d been playing at all.
“Oh, I fold.” He said simply.
“What!?” Sirius screeched as he threw his cards down on the table. 
Remus made an exasperated groaning sound as he also placed his cards face up.
“Yeah, I had nothing.” James responded with a casual shrug.
“Nice.” Peter murmured quietly as he took in the state of Remus and Sirius’ cards before placing his own down on the table and pulling the chips towards himself.
“For fucks sake!” Sirius shouted.
“Pads! Little ears!” James chided.
“Are they even fully developed yet?” Sirius muttered back, earning him a swat up the back of the head from his boyfriend. 
“Oh yes.” You said solemnly. “Babe has been very active everytime Uncle Pads talks.”
Sirius paused in his tussle with Moony to whip his head towards you. “Really!?”
You smiled and nodded, holding your hand out for his which he took willingly and allowed you to place it to a particularly hard spot on your stomach.
“Say something.” You instructed.
“I solemnly swear I am up to no good!” He chanted, the end of his sentence rising an octave (or two, if you asked Moony) when he felt a little kick right underneath his hand. “Oh my godric!”
“I wanna feel.” Remus murmured as he reached over his boyfriend to swap places.
“Mischief managed.” Sirius continued, feeling the slight jump of excitement in Remus’ body at the movement he obviously felt beneath his hand. 
“Oh gods, you’re gonna have a trouble maker.” Peter remarked with a shake of his head, though his smile let you know the comment was made in jest. 
“Oh, there was never any doubt about that, considering who the father is.” You quipped back, smiling lovingly up at James who simply beamed down at you in turn. 
“Well, I’ll get out of your hair, boys.” You said as you made to stand. “Let you get back to your games.” 
Your sentence was met with a round of dissent. 
“No, no mama. We’ll leave.” Sirius argued as he too stood. 
“What? Why are we leaving!?” Pete asked then.
“Peter, you already took all our money, leave the expecting parents to their evening, yeah?” Remus reprimanded, causing the three of them to look over only to see James blanketed over you from behind with both of his hands resting on your stomach as he murmured softly into your ear.
Your eyes were closed as you allowed James to rock the two of you back and forth with a soft smile spread across your face. 
“Come on Petey, we’re officially intruding.” Sirius added as he tossed another chip at his friend. “Take this for the road - I’ll be winning it all back at our next game night.”
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tabbiwritesgenshin · 2 years
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failing light | various
synopsis: how would they act when you die
genre: angst
word count: 1,119
a/n: I don't have anything interesting to say but can I add how baffling it is the support my previous post got? like damn, i went from 20 notes to 253. tysm y'all omg
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Collei wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, to yell, her whole world had crumbled in only a few glances, yet she couldn’t. She was struck with both fear and shock, you were her most beloved person in the entirety of Teyvat, you were the only person who had shown her any love in a long while and now..you were just..dead. She could only stare at your body for what felt like hours until she eventually lost consciousness.
Eula clutched your body with all she had, she had to make sure your last moments were ones of peace. She tried her best to contain herself, to ignore her tears, to do everything she could to look strong for you, yet, she couldn’t. She was left as a crying mess as the concept of losing the only person who loved her dawned on her mind. 
Again she had lost, again Ei had weeped, again was someone else taken from her, again, she felt hopeless, like she had lost everything she held dear. She wanted to move on, she wished to maintain strong, that’s what you desired, that’s what she promised to you..yet she couldn’t. The pain was too much, the grief overtook her. Again would she retire to her Plane of Euthymia, again would she abandon everyone, again would she despise herself.
Ganyu was afraid, she was scared, terrified of the idea of losing you. She tried everything she could yet nothing worked. The half-Qilin tried every bit of knowledge she had on medicine to try to save you, even those used only by the Adepti, if she could, she’d even give out her life for you. Perhaps it was due to the panic of losing someone again, but during her numerous attempts to extend your life, she hadn’t accepted the fact that you were truly gone.
Kujou Sara was unfortunately experienced in the concept of loss and death so when you approached her with heavy battle wounds, she knew better than to panic. Her pain and grief were incomparable to whatever suffering she had seen before in her life, yet, she kept strong. She didn’t want you to pass in fear or sadness. The moment you died it shattered whatever facade was left in her. She collapsed onto the floor, still clutching your cold body. The mighty Tengu general of the Shogunate was lost..truly destroyed.
The skies were split and thunder roared as The Raiden Shogun weeped to your lifeless body. All semblance of hope..all happiness which she had ever felt in her life vanished as her eyes gazed at the ones which had given her so much with so little in return. No longer would the Shogun hold back against humanity, she would make all who dared harm her beloved pay, none shall be spared. All will suffer for the sake of eternity so no one she held dear would fear again.
Rosaria always acted like she didn’t care, Rosaria always acted like nothing mattered to her, even when she had someone to love, someone who loved her, she still acted with this cold exterior, yet, when she was faced with the news that the most significant person in her life had died every facade she had, every coldness in her heart, they were crushed as a sense of hopelessness would crush her like a boulder. Never again would that be a facade, after you had died, after she was left alone once more, that coldness overtook her heart and no amount of warmth could heat it ever again.
The Anemo Archon Venti would hold you on his lap as you slowly passed away, even in your last moments, his love was there to comfort you. Even after you were gone, he would not leave this position, even when you were buried, even when everyone thought you had died alone, even when everyone thought you two hadn’t even spoken to eachother, he would always be present in the place of your passing. Every night, every month, every year, he would sit there for hours at a time, drinking away as he talked to himself in only praises of yourself.
The Wanderer felt different, he was the creation of a god, mortals were below him, none were equal to him, he was above every single one of those worms, yet, there was one of those so called “worms” that for a single moment, for a brief second, could make him believe he was only a human, that he could feel happy, he could feel everything those he called below him could feel. There was only one person who could make him happy, only one person who could help him forget about his betrayals yet even them suffered, even them were hunted down due to his past, even them suffered because of him. Some would say, that the Wanderer, after so long, would return to who he was, even for a single minute, would enjoy murder once more.
He knew it would happen, a karmic debt was placed on Xiao a long time ago, he knew it, he knew that those around him would suffer because of it, but even then, the mighty conqueror of demons could also fall prey to the enticing and intoxicating love he used to think he was undeserving of. His more rational side was prepared for such an occurrence, of losing his most loved one yet deep down, he knew he wasn’t, he knew the moment you were at the brink of death, he would sacrifice his own to keep you safe..but he was too late, you were dead before he could heal you, before he could save you. Never before had the Yaksha felt such deep hatred, such unfeeling rage, so much was it that when he was done with his vengeance, when he had bathed in blood in the name of love, he felt nothing but a consuming sense of hollowness.
Zhongli grasped your hand with all the softness and grace he could have. He had a rather long talk with you, reminiscing about the fond times you two had, the love you shared, the pain and the happiness you had shared. He knew it would come to this, he knew that this would happen eventually. You were a mortal, a mere human, he was an archon, a god. Once you were gone, once time finally caught up with you, he couldn’t help but to shed a tear. Once again, none who would share his memories, once again, another loved one had been hit with time. Some could say that from that day, the enigmatic consultant of the Wangsheng funeral parlor seemed more distant, more cold, even.
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lovelyiida · 4 months
"The scandal of it all!"
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❥ SYNOPSIS: as the years passed, Bakugo realized he was the last among his class to tie the knot. As the days grew colder, and the nights became lonelier. Bakugo finds the desire to get married, but he doesn't really feel like falling in love. At least he has his trustee secretary!
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implied fem reader, aged-up! Pro-hero MHA characters over the age of 27, vulgar language, suggestive wording and content
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“That dress makes you look fat.”
“I agree, you look a tad… robust.”
For today’s catastrophe, you had the joy of honing in on the final detail for you and Katsuki’s wedding. The dress, of course!
You’ve always watched TV shows where the excited, bubbling bride brings their loved ones to shop for “the dress.” Only to be filled with anger and distraught over the absolute gall their family was.
You thought to yourself how you would never let this happen to you. If there was a problem, you tell them to get the fuck out! It’s your wedding anyway.
But now that you fit the quota (and maybe not the dress), you’re starting to think otherwise. And who else is better to go dress shopping with, than your fiance’s mother and your beloved sister?
Swallowing your pride, you show a defeated smile and step down from the elevated space. Turning around, you head back into the dressing room and look in the mirror. Letting out an exhale, you brushed your hand through your hair and placed it back on your hip with a plop.
“Just a couple of more dresses until they break,” you chuckled, reassuring yourself from the absolute nightmare this whole day has been. Biting your lip, you began to look at yourself a bit more. Straightening out some flimsy pieces here and there, swaying side to side in the dress.
You can’t believe you’re doing this…
You’ve fantasized about moments like these in your head millions of times. You’d be the perfect wife, marrying the perfect husband, who has the perfect family.  But now that everything has come to the forefront— it just seemed so dull.
You’re thankful you get some chance of normalcy… paparazzi included.
It was only an amount of time until you’d walk down the aisle to the “man of your dreams” and sign yourself away for the rest of eternity. And not even that will be set in stone.
“You’re just an open book of failures, aren't you?”
You spoke quietly to yourself. Scrunching your mouth to the side, you held back tears. You didn’t have the money to stain a 10-thousand-dollar dress with a 10-dollar mascara.
“Failed job, failed love life, failed marriage, failed quirk…” you trailed.
When was there a time when your life gave you a break? A moment of grace? When was the last time you felt genuine happiness beyond your prowess?
A singular tear streamed down your cheek.
Chin held high, you extended your hand out and under your cheek. “10 thousand dollars,” you whimpered. You’re wearing a dress worth ten thousand dollars, and yet you amount to nothing.
It's like placing birthday makeup on a potato sack.
As the tears kept streaming down your face, your whimpers grew louder. So much for trying to beat the sad-bridal-dress-shopping troupe.
God, when will you ever get a break?
Knock knock knock
Before you could even compose yourself with the little amount of time you had, the door was opened and someone barged in. “Y’know— if you’re gonna invite us, be respectful of other people's time. We’ve been sitting outside like a deer in headlights because you decided to dress yourself in that hideous mermaid tail–”
Mitsuki moaned on and on until she raised her head, and as her eyes fixed on your broken position; she was left speechless.
“Oh… um.”
“No, it’s fine. I’m sorry,” you mumbled with a hick in your breath. As you wiped your tears with the back of your hand, you then placed them on the sides of your neck. You stared at Mitsuki’s speechless look, unable to care for how she might scold you next.
The mother then let out a sigh before she reached into her purse. As she rummaged around, she found a package of napkins and opened them with haste. Handing them to you, you reached out with hesitance before you took them from her grasp.
“You know that dress is designer?” she deadpanned.
“Gee whiz! I don’t think I thought of that,” you spoke a cutting remark as venom oozed from each word.
“Who are you talking to?” Mitsuki scowled at your remark. You couldn't help but break out into a strained laughter at her words. “I’m talking to a woman who thinks I’ll never be good for their son!” You exclaimed with an anguished, teary smile.
Mitsuki jumped at your exclamation…
“I’m talking to someone who has only met me once, and now they have to call me their daughter-in-law, knowing they’d rather drop dead! Someone who knows that me and Katsuki should’ve never been together. Someone who is just as confused as I am, because we both know that whatever Katsuki sees in me is a lie!”
Your voice harshly trembled with each agonizing word, “is that what you wanted to hear?”
Mitsuki was unable to utter another word.
“I admit it! I’m a fucking fraud! I’m just some girl who’s trying to hold on to this false sense of happiness and drain it for whatever it’s worth because something always tells me it’ll be worth it. And it never fucking is!”
“Failure after failure, and I still don’t know what my purpose is on this earth! I’ll never be good enough for the life I’ve always dreamed of, the life where me and your son are in love and are getting married happily. Not by some phony contract!”
Mitsuki growled at your words, “what contract?”
“The…stupid-fucking marriage contract! This whole marriage is a sham!” You cried out. Mitsuki lets out a breath and begins to ponder around the dressing room, taking in the words you’ve spoken.
“Your son wanted some shot at normalcy and roped me into all of this mess. And you know what’s crazy? I said yes because I didn’t want to lose my job! My one shot of living the life I always dreamed, hanging by the thread of a shitty NDA and a seven-carat ring!”
Your words sunk deep into his mother's chest, weighing her down one by one, until she was left leaning against the wall with her hands cradling her face.
“And you know what’s even worse? I used to fucking hate his guts! But now…”
But now… what? You were silent.
The room hung heavy with silence, a palpable weight that seemed to press down on the both of you, muffling every breath and stifling any attempt at speech. The stillness was deafening, a stark contrast to the lively conversation that had filled the space moments earlier. An eerie hush blanketed the room as if the very air had stilled, holding its breath in anticipation of something yet to come.
Mitsuki’s hands drag from her face and her eyes bore into your disheveled state. Standing back up, she then neared towards you and then threw her purse down on the floor.
Unable to look into her eyes, your knees fall weak and you lower to the floor. Following suit, Mitsuki lowers herself and sits on the floor with you. “Listen, about my son…”
“Since the moment he was a young boy, I always knew he’d be destined for greatness. He was such a bright and confident spirit. Very sure in himself and his purpose in life
But ever since the war.”
You notice the drop in her tone, you nice her let out a defeated breath. She shook her head and continued to speak.
“That spark left him.”
“What do you mean?” You spoke softly.
“When I saw my son in the hospital— all his life was sucked out of him. His eyes were dead and he just looked out the window. Then the next moment he burst into tears…” Mitsukis voice wavered as her throat began to tighten, taking herself back to that dreadful day. 
“He never told me why he cried but I could put two and two together.”
Mitsuki wiped her tears with her finger, trying to gain back her composer. “Why was he crying?” you asked.
“Because he’s tired.”
Your brows were furrowed, eyes concentrating on her face. A heavy silence blanketed over the both of you, broken by the sound of a sniffle. “I knew at that moment I had lost my son forever. He’s not the same bright little boy anymore, he’s distant, reserved, and he’s completely shut out me and his father.”
“I apologize for how we’ve treated you.”
You turned to see Katsuki's mother, Mitsuki, looking out with a rueful expression. Despite her blunt words, you detected a certain softness there.
"I was the one who pushed him into heroics from a young age," she continued with a sigh. "Katsuki always had a...driven personality, even as a little kid. I figured that channeling it into becoming a pro hero would be good for him."
Mitsuki shook her head. "But I look at that son of mine now and I can't help but wonder if I steered him wrong somewhere along the way."
"With how angry and arrogant he is, maybe I should've pushed him into a different hobby," Mitsuki lamented. "Something where he could put that intensity to better use than constantly fighting and yelling."
She turned to you then, giving you an appraising look. "You must be a real saint to put up with that spitfire attitude of his. So, I understand you hate him–”
“I don’t hate him… I feel the exact opposite, actually.”
“So then what do you feel?”
“I feel like he’s worthy… worthy of love beyond his own comprehension.”
Mistuki nods in silence, “and I know that he’s been hurt in the past, and he’s willing to give this another try. And I’m happy for him because he’s just like any other person on earth with the right to experience love. Heroic title or not… I’m glad he was able to find something close to that with me.”
You showed a soft smile, satisfied that you were finally able to get that off your chest.
Mitsuki smiles back as she then rests her hand on your shoulder. You looked up to meet her gaze, falling into the familiar crimson irises.
“No matter how this marriage came to be,” she spoke, her voice thick with earnest emotion. “Whether it was by chance or by contract…” She gave your shoulder an affectionate squeeze. “The way my son looks at you tells me all I need to know.”
You felt your eyes prick with tears at her words, overwhelmed by the depth of her acceptance. “You two kids have found something real,” she continues firmly. “As parents, that’s the only thing we could hope for— that our children find genuine love and devotion.” Her smile turned impish, “even if it is with that hotheaded son of mine.”
A teary giggle bubbled up from your chest. An arm swept around your shoulders, and Mitsuki hugged you close in a warm embrace. “As long as you two have each other… that’s all that matters to an old lady like me.”
You pulled away from her embrace and showed her a smile, “thank you.”
Mitsuki chuckled before shuffling on the floor. “Now, let's get you up! My legs are killing me.”
As you both rise from the floor, you look at each other in a comfortable silence.
After Mitsuki finished gushing about how beautiful the wedding dress looked on you, she gave you an affectionate pat on the shoulder.
"Alright, let me give you some privacy to try on the next one," she said with a warm smile. "I'll be right outside if you need any help with the zipper or laces."
You nodded gratefully as Mitsuki slipped out of the fitting room, leaving you to carefully remove the lace gown. Just as you had stepped into the next dress sample, a sharp knock came at the door.
"Who is it?" you called out, doing a little shimmy to pull the dress up over your hips.
"It's me," came your sister's muffled voice from the other side. She didn't sound pleased.
Furrowing your brow, you quickly zipped and smoothed the dress before cracking open the door. Your sister's frown deepened as she looked at you over.
"Sis? What's wrong?" you asked with a tinge of worry. "Did something happen?"
She exhaled sharply through her nose. "Oh, nothing... except I just got a call from mom. Apparently, she's refusing to come dress shopping because, and I quote, 'That unstable brute isn't good enough for my baby.'"
You felt your jaw drop as realization set in. "Wait... she's boycotting my wedding dress shopping because of Katsuki?" 
A beat of silence passed between you before your sister's stony expression cracked and she let out a barking laugh.
"Leave it to Mom to find the most dramatic way to voice her dislike of your fiance," she giggled, shaking her head. "The scandal of it all!"
Unable to help yourself, you soon joined in the laughter, doubling over at the sheer ridiculousness of your mother's actions. Trust her to make a fuss at every turn about your perfectly wonderful relationship.
"Well, her loss then!" you managed between gasping breaths. "We'll just have to celebrate without her negativity!"
“Speaking of that… I can't wait to see his face when you say no and embarrass him in front of thousands! It’s what the brute deserves.” She chuckled.
You chose not to respond, and she took notice of that.
“About that… this whole elaborate plan— I think we should give it a rest.” You spoke firmly. Your sister shot you a look of disgust, “excuse me?”
“All I’m saying is… I’ve gotten to know him a bit more and—”
“You’ve fallen in love with the prick?” Your sister’s voice raised. You frown at her words, too embarrassed to argue back at her. A distressed break of laughter falls from her chest, “I fucking knew it!”
“I knew you’d find a way to mess this up and ditch me! As per usual” she spat. A look of disbelief cascaded over your face, “ditch you?” you asked.
“Yeah! Y’know— you go to the perfect school, get the perfect job, the apartment, the husband.” Your sister snarled as she pointed at the wedding dress. “And you leave the people you knew the longest behind to pick up the scraps!”
“And you wonder why you had to pick up scraps? Because you decided to run away and live your life without us! Leaving me to do all the work! So yeah, something good is finally happening to me and I’m gonna take advantage of that!
It’s not my fault you were a lost cause!” You yelled in anger.
Your sister's eyes went wide at the biting remark that had slipped out in the heat of your argument. "Did you really just say that to me?" she asked in disbelief, shaking her head slowly. 
For a moment, an awkward silence hung in the air as you stubbornly avoided her gaze. But then her expression hardened and she let out a derisive chuckle, taking a step closer until she was mere inches from your face.
"You're going to regret those words, sis," she said in a low, dangerous tone. "I don't take that kind of insult lightly, especially from family."
You refused to be intimidated, squaring your shoulders as you met her glare head-on. "Well then, if you know what's good for you, don't bother coming to my wedding," you retorted.
Her eyes flashed with fury before she gave a mocking laugh. "Oh, I'll be there alright. And you'll wish I wasn't by the time I'm through with you."
Refusing to be baited further, you simply shrugged one shoulder coolly. "Suit yourself. But any scene you cause, I'm holding you responsible.”
"We'll see about that," she hissed venomously. With one last withering look, she turned on her heel and stormed out, leaving you to anxiously play with the skirt of your dress.
Beneath the veneer of the joyous celebration raged a storm of bitter envy and resentment. Lurking in the shadows was the black sheep sister— a stark contrast to you. While you basked in the warmth of acceptance by Bakugo's hero circle, your sisters' lives had been a vortex of misery and poor decisions.
Cast out by their parents years ago, she found herself adrift and desperate on the streets. A chance encounter with a nefarious villain gang seemed her only lifeline, despite the cost. Slowly but surely, she buried herself deeper into their seedy underworld— committing petty crimes, and gathering intel, all to pay off her mounting debts owed to the merciless criminals.
What should have been her salvation became a noose around her neck. The more she witnessed your charmed life and success, the more her resentment mutated into a toxic obsession. The favoritism, the accolades, the love from the famous Dynamight— it all fanned the flames of her hatred.
When she discovered her pathetic sister had secured the heart of the renowned hero, something snapped inside Akari. She could never truly find happiness knowing you had achieved the perfect life. If she couldn't have that perfection for herself, she would ensure you burned with her in misery.
Trading villain information about Dynamight and his colleagues became her twisted obsession. Your sister bided her time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike - when she could sacrifice her sister on the altar of her malicious envy. Ruin both their lives with one brutal act, while settling her debts and finally living the life she deserved. 
But as you seamlessly got accepted by your fiance's friend group, seeing the genuine love and joy surrounding the both of you, it unraveled the last threads of your sister's unraveling sanity. Her fingers tightened around the serrated blade she'd been concealing, her eyes glittering with madness. If she could never attain that happiness for herself, then you didn't deserve to either.
She was done watching her sister have everything while she wallowed in darkness. One way or another, the path of perfection you walked would be drenched in ashes and ruin—
she would die trying.
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I know the chapter's short, but I'm saving a big juicy chapter for the ending!
— lovelyiida
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godslino · 8 months
i am so obsessed with your writing style and im so happy to see that you like to write kidfics because i don’t see them often !! could you write seungmin as a dad?
sending love <3
alright. kenzie gave me dad!seungmin brain worms. everyone enjoy (i certainly enjoyed writing it) and let me know if this deserves to have a continuation
TINY HANDS | seungmin dad!seungmin. request. 640 words.
Tiny hands.
It’s the one thing Seungmin will never get used to—ten fingers, ten little fingernails, soft skin that he can’t get enough of.
“What are you doing?”
Seungmin looks up just as you’re walking into the living room, freshly showered and hair still damp. Beautiful as ever.
He doesn’t allow himself to be distracted for too long, immediately turning his attention back to the sleeping baby in his lap. His baby.
“I’m counting her fingers.” he says, rubbing his thumb along each individual digit. He could get lost in his own head like this, comparing the size of his own hand to the borderline microscopic ones that your daughter has.
“Well, does she have them all?” you ask as you burrow into the armchair across from him, “Because if she doesn’t then I have a phone call to make.”
Seungmin chuckles and brings one of her tiny hands to his lips, places a small kiss on her knuckles. “Don’t worry, they’re all here.”
Everything about her is so delicate. Seungmin was scared at first, worried that she’d break if he touched her. Born two weeks early, she was smaller than anything he’d ever seen before. Seungmin couldn’t believe that he had a part in creating that, in making a human so beautiful, living proof of your love for one another. It’s still surreal to him, like a dream that he hopes he never wakes up from.
Once he got over his initial fear that he’d accidentally hurt her, Seungmin never spent a second without her close to him.
Sometimes you scold him, tell him that she’ll never get used to sleeping in her crib because she’s always nestled into the crook of his elbow. Even when he’s doing things around the house, he baby wears like a champ, has her pressed up against his chest as he parades around the living room in what was supposed to be your swaddle carrier.
“That wasn’t a gift for you, idiot.” Is what Minho had said the first time he stopped by and caught a glimpse of Seungmin with it on.
“He literally won’t take it off.” you laughed, grabbing the bags of groceries out of Minho’s hands so he could shuffle over and coo over her sleeping figure tucked into the fabric, a proud look on Seungmin’s face.
Seungmin doesn’t know how he’s going to do it when she gets bigger. What if he never gets to carry her again? What if she doesn't want him to carry her? What if her hands grow so much that he can’t hold both of them in his own anymore? Seungmin’s thought about it so many times, has driven himself to tears over hypothetical situations that are eons away from ever happening.
Seungmin holds his daughter like he has the world in his hands. He rubs his nose against her cheeks and smiles when she blinks at him, makes noises that have her opening and closing her mouth in an attempt to copy him. He takes an endless amount of pictures that eat away at the storage on his phone but he really couldn’t care less. He sings to her when she cries and laughs when she burps after every feeding session. He whispers stories to her about how the two of you met when she wakes up in the middle of the night and he has to rock her back to sleep. He hopes and dreams that one day, when she’s older, she’ll know that his love for her extends much farther than any distance imaginable.
Tiny hands. Ten little fingers. Seungmin watches as they wrap around his own and smiles brighter than the sun.
When you eventually move to snuggle up next to him, your head against his chest as you both sit with a finger curled inside of each of your daughter’s little fists, nothing else matters.
This is love, and it’s Seungmin’s to keep forever.
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© all rights reserved. godslino 2024. please do not steal, translate, or re-upload.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Cruel Weather (Part Three)
requests based off this ask: how the boys react to sissy being physically hurt
warnings: panic attacks, crying, swearing, mentions of injuries, mentions of dying, mentions to throwing up, coma, mentions of medication, lmk if i missed anything!
word count: ~4.5k
General Series Masterlist
part one — part two — part three — part four
a/n this chapter is mostly trevor centered
— — — — — — —
Trevor woke up in a leather recliner in the back corner of Y/N’s hospital room with an IV in his arm, presumably filled with sedatives to calm him down. The weight of the world fell off his shoulders when he heard the now comforting steady machine beep of his girlfriend’s heartbeat. He looked over and softly smiled when he saw that the breathing tube was out and replaced with a nasal canal.
He slowly got out of the recliner and dragged the IV pole with him to the chair next to Y/N’s bed. He bent down and softly kissed her forehead before sitting down and grabbing her hand.
“I never thought I’d be so happy to see you laying in a hospital bed,” Trevor whispered. “I’d like it better if I saw those pretty eyes of yours, sweet girl.”
Trevor sighed and felt his eyes watering. He missed Y/N. An unbearable amount. There was only a small period of time where they went without seeing each other. Or, talking, since he does go on extended roadies.
It was killing him.
Trevor didn’t get too long alone time before the rest of the worried mob rushed in. Quinn was ahead of everybody, but Jamie was a close second. Quinn joined Trevor on the side of Y/N’s bed, and Jamie positioned himself at the foot of her hospital bed with both hands on the rail. His head drooped down and tears began to fall.
“I thought I lost her,” Jamie spoke through tears.
Trevor got up immediately to comfort his friend. Quinn took his place in the seat next to Sissy, but not before noticing the IV bag following Trevor.
“Z?” he spoke up. Trevor turned to him and Quinn motioned towards his IV.
“Oh… I uh… apparently had such a severe panic attack and was fighting with the nurses that they had to sedate me instead of giving me an anxiety pill,” Trevor explained. “I’m glad they called you when I asked. Actually, that was all I was asking.”
Everyone had filed into the room by now, so Ellen went to find a nurse for Trevor to check him over one last time before removing the IV. Trevor was glad to be rid of it, but he wasn’t glad about the nasty bruise it left behind. It was tender, but it wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to.
“How are you guys?” Trevor asked the group.
“We made it through the night,” Alex said. That answered Trevor’s question perfectly: not well.
“Barely,” Quinn admitted. He spoke so low that Trevor barely caught it.
“I couldn’t hear anything after Quinn said that Y/N died. I guess it was an anxiety or panic attack… I don’t know. I’ve never really had one. All I know is that Jack had to stop me from running out of the house,” Jamie opened up.
“I threw up,” Quinn added to the sharing.
“I cried on the roof,” Cole said.
“I just… felt numb,” Luke said.
No one really wanted to open up, but it needed to be done. They were all in the same boat.
“At least she’s breathing better on her own,” Jack said in an attempt to shed some light on the situation. The monstrously fucked up situation. A nightmare.
The second official day of Y/N in a coma was proving to be worse than the first day. Especially since her heart stopped the night before. Every moment there was a fear that it would happen again, and that she wouldn’t pull through that time. Every beep on the machine was like a sigh of relief. It meant she was alive. It meant there was a chance that she would wake up.
After a while, Cole asked if he could have some time alone with Y/N. He and Alex were the only two that had not gotten a chance to speak to her in hopes that she could hear them. They were the only two that hadn’t gotten a chance to get everything out without everyone being around.
“I don’t know how everyone else did this,” Cole huffed out a fake laugh. “I guess it’s not too different from when we’re talking to you and you’re too distracted to listen to us.”
Cole sat on the edge of her bed and brushed her hair back, despite the fact that it was already tamed and perfectly in place.
“It was weird not watching a movie with you on facetime last night,” Cole continued. “Turc and I didn’t know what to do. Z offered to show us the list of movies you have planned for us to watch, but I said I wanted to keep the surprise. So you have to wake up before next week, okay? I know you wouldn’t want to get too far behind.”
Cole closed his eyes to keep himself from crying. He knew he should get serious. He knew that he needed to get everything out just in case something like last night happened again. He wished he didn’t have that fear. He wished he didn’t feel like he was holding his breath every second waiting for something to happen.
“My life changed when I met you. All of ours did, but I’m not here to talk about them, am I? I’ve known Jack for a while, but I didn’t meet you until we all went to NTDP, and I wish I met you sooner. You’re like… Wonder Woman. You’re compassionate, yet stubborn. And you will go to battle for the people you care about, which is honestly everyone you meet.
“I can’t think of another person less deserving of this than you. Especially because of the time of year it happened. Only Z and Jamie will be with you until we play against the Ducks, and I think that’s what gets me the most. Besides the whole… well, you know. I love being your best friend number two, and no matter what happens, no one can ever take that away from me. From us. I hope you know half the league asks us about you every day. Suzy demands that he gets hourly updates.”
Cole was saying anything and everything to keep from breaking down, but it was no use. He couldn’t get any words out now from how hard he was crying. He climbed off the bed so that he could lay his head down on the mattress and sob. Jack tried to run in, but Cole turned him away. He needed to cry it all out. Y/N’s constant saying that “the break will be harder the longer you keep everything in” was proving to be correct. He hadn’t let his feelings out all the way, yet. And the break was brutal.
The person that Cole did eventually let in was Trevor. Trevor got it. Trevor got him. Trevor sat down quietly next to him and waited to be needed. It didn’t take long for Cole to need a hug, and Trevor was happy to give it to him.
“We’ll make it through this,” Trevor told him. “I promise. No matter what. We’ll all still have each other.”
“But we might not have Sissy,” Cole sniffled.
“Careful, or I’ll tell her you used your once a month Sissy passes,” Trevor tried to joke. It fell flat, unsurprisingly. “I’m choosing not to think about losing her. I know our girl. I know my girl. She’s randomly flown to Van Couver to see Quinn and forgot to tell me. It scared the living shit out of me, but she came back. She always comes back.”
“She always comes back,” Cole repeated, more to trick himself into believing it.
“That’s right, buddy. She always comes back.”
– – –
Right outside Sissy’s hospital room, Alex was freaking out. He was struggling so hard at the idea of talking to Y/N like it might be the last time he’d ever talk to her alone again.
“I can’t! I can-” Alex was cut off by him choking down his own cries. He felt like he needed to scream. Jack and Quinn sat on either side of him and did their best to comfort their friend. “I can’t talk to her like I’m going to lose her. But if we do, and I don’t, then…”
“It’s alright, bud,” Quinn said, putting his arm around him. “She knows. She always knows.”
Quinn was interrupted by his phone ringing, so he stepped away and let Jack continue to help Alex. He was better at playing Sissy anyways.
“Matthew?” Quinn answered, confused. “Did I forget to update you?
“I’m outside the hospital,” Matthew said, not really answering his question. “I couldn’t stand it anymore. I kept hoping that she’d facetime two days ago, even though I knew she wouldn’t. I already talked to my coach. I wasn’t playing well with her on my mind. I need to be here.”
Quinn understood. He more than understood. He understood more than Matthew did.
“It just… it wasn’t a call I was expecting to ever get. And I really didn’t want something worse being told to me over the phone,” Matthew elaborated. “Can you come get me?”
“Yeah, I’ll be there in a couple minutes,” Quinn said before he hung up.
Quinn told Jack that he was going to get Matthew so that he could subtly let Trevor and Cole know. He really hoped that him being here won’t take away anyone’s ability to be vulnerable, but Matthew was just as important to her as almost anyone else, despite him not being in the “group,” for lack of a better term.
When Quinn returned with Matthew, Cole and Trevor were out in the hallway.
“We thought you might want a moment alone with her,” Jack told him.
“Just don’t confess your love to her. She might leave me for you,” Trevor joked. He was proud of himself for getting a small smile out of the clearly distressed man.
“I’ll hold back, just for you,” Matthew countered before entering the room.
Matthew’s breath hitched when he saw Y/N. Not so much as a picture was sent to him. Quinn told him that she looked worse with a tube down her throat, so he was glad that she was just left with a nasal canal now. He sat down next to her, but he didn’t hold her hand. It didn’t feel right to him. It felt like it would solidify the idea of her dying.
“Hey, little mouse,” he sighed, tearing up. “It’s uh… your rat. Or I guess sometimes you call me Ratty, or Matty, or Matty Rat, Matty Ratty, anyways– whatever you’re in the mood for calling me, it’s me. Fuck, this is hard.”
He was crying silent tears now. Y/N really was in a coma. He knew it before, but seeing her makes it a hundred times worse. He’d known her for five years. He played along to her silly little school girl crush. He bought her flowers for her sixteenth birthday because she asked him to come to her party! He watched her go through her teenage years, hell– she still is one, and now he’s praying that she’ll make it through the night. He’s praying that she’ll wake up.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. I was trying to still be a leader for my team, but even the coaches knew I wasn’t playing like my usual self and let me come here. I can’t even imagine the pain everyone else out in the hall for you is in. Especially Quinn and Trevor.
“You don’t deserve this. I’m sure if you can hear, you’ve heard just about everyone say it, but it’s true. I don’t think anyone else would drop everything and fly to Calgary just because I’m playing against one of your friends, and I know you do that for everyone else, too. You’re a light, little mouse. For everyone. It’s getting too dark without you, so you need to wake up, okay? You’d do anything for the people you care about and that’s what we all need. You.”
Matthew finally caved and took a hold of Y/N’s hand. His tears were dropping more fiercely now, and her touch helped a little. He smiled when she squeezed his hand. Quinn told him that she might do that and it’s all subconscious, but Matthew couldn’t help but hope it was because she heard him.
– – –
The parents went to acquire lunch for everyone, and while they were out, the boys all went into the hospital room. Cole, Alex, and Jamie didn’t really know Matthew, so they were happy for the distraction of younger teenage Sissy stories from before they met her. Jamie especially, because he didn’t meet her until a few months ago. And yet, they already loved each other. That’s how special Y/N is.
“Wait, so she actually fell over the couch trying to talk to you?” Cole laughed. “How have I not heard this?”
“Because Mr. Boyfriend here doesn’t like discussing the little mouse crush era,” Matthew laughed.
“That sucks, Z, because I need to know everything,” Alex said.
“You know some of it,” Trevor mumbled. “Even when she moved to Michigan and met all of us, she still fawned over him at first.”
“Wait, you’re the Matty she couldn’t stop talking about?!” Cole shouted. “This makes so much sense!”
“She practically begged him to come to her sixteenth birthday party,” Quinn told the group.
“She tripped when he came through the door,” Jack snicked.
“You went?” Jamie asked. “Weren’t you in the league by then?”
“I was playing in Calgary,” Matthew explained. “It wasn’t too long of a plane ride and the date worked out, so I couldn’t bear to say no to her.”
“He bought her flowers and I got nothing,” Jack added, jokingly sounding bitter.
“I could go buy you something from the vending machine down the hall; would that help? Clearly, you’re still upset over your lack of a sixteenth birthday present,” Matthew teased him.
“It would,” Jack said. Matthew laughed and pulled out his wallet to give Jack his card. “Thanks, Matty!”
Silence lingered for a bit when Jack left. It started with Trevor. He stopped smiling and brought his girlfriend’s hand to his lips and lightly kissed each knuckle. Everyone saw it and just couldn’t find a reason to laugh anymore.
“She squeezed my hand,” Matthew said. “I know it doesn’t mean much, but there’s hope, right? It was after I finished speaking. So who knows? Maybe she’s getting closer.”
Trevor sent him a small smile and nodded his head, which was the best he could offer.
“I hope she can hear us,” Trevor said. “I hope she knows how loved she is.”
“She knows,” Alex said, mirroring Jack’s words to him. “She always knows.”
What Trevor didn’t tell the group is that Y/N squeezed his hand after Alex finished talking. Maybe Matthew was right, maybe she is closer to waking up.
– – –
After everyone left, Trevor was too drained to stay up. Luckily, the nurses were kind enough to keep the recliner in the corner of the room for him, so he laid it back and tried to get settled to get some sleep. He stayed on his phone scrolling aimlessly for a while before eventually passing out.
Sleep wasn’t kind to Trevor. He was plagued by endless nightmares, none of them allowing the sweet release of waking up. Over and over again he saw and heard Y/N dying. One mirrored the actual event of her flatlining, in another she woke up and died in his arms, and another she didn’t even make it out of the car. After a second showing of the actual event he witnessed the night before, he finally shot himself awake. He was panting, and he was sure that a scream escaped his lips. He wildly shook his head to try and find Y/N, and the sound of her heart beating steady brought him some ease.
He walked over to her and sat down to grab her hand, “Just keep that heart beating for me, okay, sweet girl? That’s all you gotta do.”
Trevor smiled to himself when she squeezed his hand again, but he tried to not get his hopes up. It didn’t mean anything. It was mere coincidence.
What did mean something was the soft groans that escaped her lips.
“Y/N?” he asked urgently, standing up. Nothing. “Sissy?”
His hand was squeezed again and he heard muffled sounds coming from her. He swore he heard her say “don’t call me that.”
“If you’re awake, I need you to open those pretty little eyes for me, sweet girl,” Trevor said softly as he stroked her hair. “I know it hurts, but I need to see them.”
She groaned heavily, but began to flutter her eyes open, “you’re bossy.”
Trevor collapsed into his chair and heaved the biggest sigh of relief. He took her hand in both of his and held it up to his lips, pressing a firm and lingering kiss on them and allowed the tears to fall.
“You’re awake! Oh my god, you’re awake!” Trevor said through tears.
— — —
Your mind was muddied, but you knew the sound of your boyfriend crying well enough to know that that is what you were hearing.
“Why wouldn’t I be awake?” you slurred. Your vision was less cloudy now and you could see the situation you were in.
Hospital bed. Leg suspended in a sling. Shoulder wrapped and on a pillow-like thing. Feeling extremely groggy. In pain. Trevor’s crying.
Trevor’s crying.
Trevor’s crying.
You brought your hand up to Trevor’s face and cupped his cheek, wiping a tear away with your thumb, “Why are you crying, my love?“
“You- you… you,” he was starting to get worked up.
“Shhhh,” you cooed. “It’s okay. I’m okay. What happened?”
“I saw you die! Your heart stopped beating and the world ended and I couldn’t do anything and I keep hearing the flat line and–”
“Okay, okay, it’s okay,” you said. “Come here.”
“You’re hurt, Y/N/N. Bad. I don’t need to be in this bed with you,” Trevor said.
“Is anything on my upper body besides my shoulder injured ?”
“No, but–”
“So come here.”
Trevor slowly crawled into the small space between you and the bed rail.
“Lay down on my chest,” you whispered to him.
He carefully laid down on your chest, being mindful of your IV, and wrapped his arms around you.
You took deep breaths as you rubbed his back. Yeah, you were the one in the hospital, but your boyfriend just told you he saw you die and you weren’t about to let him suffer.
“See? It’s beating now,” you said low and you stroked his hair with your good arm.
“It’s beating now,” Trevor sighed in relief.
“It’s beating now,” you reaffirmed.
“I need to tell a doctor that you’re awake,” Trevor said.
“We can tell them tomorrow,” you said back. “I just want to lay with you before the real pain sets in. We can talk about whatever happened tomorrow.”
You didn’t know how long you’ve been in the hospital, but you did know that Trevor was incredibly tense and terrified. You were worried out of your mind about him. It didn’t matter how much pain medication was surely in you, even your clouded mind could tell your boyfriend wasn’t okay. You rubbed his back up and down until his tears ceased and you felt him relax against you.
“I thought our forever was going to get cut short,” he said sleepily.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily,” you said.
“I love you, forever.”
“I love you, always.”
— — —
You woke up early the next morning to a nurse going near Trevor to probably tell him off.
“Don’t touch him,” you scolded her.
“You’re awake!” the nurse jumped. She wasn’t expecting her coma patient to be awake. “Unfortunately, this does mean we’ll need to run some tests, so he will need to get up.”
“Can you give us an hour?” you pleaded with her. She gave you a playfully scolding look, but agreed. She gave you another dose of pain medication when you said you were in some pain, making sure to emphasize that Trevor was not that source, and left. Trevor slept through it all.
You found yourself humming and slipping your hand up Trevor’s shirt to softly scratch his back. You had an hour before chaos began and you were going to cherish every second of it.
“I love it when you sing,” you heard him mumble into your chest.
“Good morning to you, too, handsome,” you laughed lightly. “Thank you.”
You felt Trevor nod his head and cuddle up closer to you, placing his head back over your heart. You had a feeling he might need to do that a lot.
“My love, can you check what time it is? The nurse gave us an hour,” you said sleepily.
Trevor groaned but he carefully got off of you to check his phone. His sleepy eyes were soon filled with panic, “Oh shit! Shit!”
Alarmed, you tried to sit up, but you felt a jolt of pain and cried out. Trevor rushed over and eased you back down.
“Are you okay?! Do you want me to get a nurse? I should–”
“Z! Why did you say oh shit?” you cut him off.
“I didn’t immediately tell Quinn that you woke up, and when he finds out that I didn’t–”
“Quinn’s here?” you asked.
Trevor sat down on the edge of your bed and grabbed your hand, “Everyone’s here, sweet girl. They all flew in. Half the league’s been asking for updates. You’re famous, kid.”
You didn’t know how to take that. You were in pain, sure. Apparently you died which was already too much to think about. And now virtually everyone you know is asking about you? It wasn’t fun to think about. It wasn’t fun to think about how many people have worried over you. Trevor was a mess, and you couldn’t even begin to think about everyone else.
You’re the go to person. You vow to make every single person you hold dear, every single person you love, feel safe and loved. You’re the person people go to for support. You have people to go to, but who do you go to when everyone else is struggling with you?
Eventually your hour alone with Trevor was over, at apparently five am, and he had to be kicked out for testing. He freaked out a tad— okay a lot— but he settled for waiting outside in the hall with the door open and you periodically telling him that you were still there. That didn’t last long. A nurse accidentally caused your heart monitor to fall off your finger, causing the flat line to sound again, which caused Trevor to scream. You tried to call out to him, but your voice was too weak and his voice was too strong.
“Help him!” you shouted at a nurse.
You hated what happened next. Trevor’s cries and screams died down, and you were told that they put him in a room after being lightly sedated to calm him down. They explained to you that it happened two nights ago, as well.
“If he stayed in that recliner last time, he needs to be brought in here again. Or he’ll wake up and freak out again,” you told the nurse. “Trust me on that.”
She ended up listening to you, since he did spiral himself into a panic attack just because you were out of his sight. You didn’t know he actually had one, you thought it was just screams. You wished you were right.
You had just enough energy left in you to wait for Trevor to be placed in the recliner. He was out of it, he barely classified as a human at this point. You watched as he got settled and the nurses left, and when his eyes closed, so did yours.
You didn’t know how long you were asleep, but Trevor had drug his IV to your bedside and parked himself in the chair next to you.
“Are you okay?” you asked groggily.
“What? I should be asking you that” Trevor said, dodging your question.
“Z,” you said seriously.
Trevor just looked at you. He looked so guilty. He looked so broken.
“Jack told me that the second you open your eyes, I need to be strong for you if none of them are here. None of them are here yet today and instead of being strong, have an IV with sedatives to not have a panic attack,” Trevor said quietly. “Not even pills, Y/N! An IV bag!”
“Okay, okay,” you got out quickly. “Trev, what you saw is scarring. You never should have seen that, and I’m so sorry that you did. We’re gonna be a bit of a mess for a while it seems, but we’ll be a mess together. We can take turns being the strong one.”
“I need to take care of you,” Trevor said. “You’re hurt, Y/N/N. Bad. You’re going to need help doing everyday things. I can’t be a mess when you need me.”
“Yes you can, Z,” you told him, rubbing his hand with your thumb. “I don’t want anyone holding in anything for me, because that’ll make the break so much harder. Just because I’m going to need help physically doesn’t mean we can’t help each other mentally.”
“I hate to break it to you, but I think all of us are going to need help mentally,” Trevor admitted.
You gave him a sad smile and squeezed his hand, “Good thing I’m awake then, huh?”
Trevor smiled back, but you could tell he really didn’t mean it.
“Jack was playing your part, don’t worry. He held us together for a while.”
“It’s a twin thing,” you joked.
“That’s what Jack said,” Trevor laughed lightly, making you actually smile.
You could tell Trevor was still uneasy, so you had him lay down with you again, but this time he got next to you. You couldn’t lean against him, because moving was agonizing, but the touching of shoulders and your unbroken leg between his was enough for you. He caught you up on everything. He didn’t like it, but you needed it. You needed to know what happened to your friends and family while you were out. All of it absolutely broke your heart, but you were ready to heal with everyone. Physically and mentally. Together.
He told you that almost everyone had a moment alone with you. You wished it was like the movies because you wish you could’ve heard them.
“Do you remember what you said?” you asked Trevor.
“You want to know what I said?”
“I want to know what everyone said. It might help us all get through this.”
Trevor checked his phone, “Visiting hours start in an hour. Why don’t we just lay here together until they come and at some point you can hold one on one therapy sessions?”
It was a reasonable request. You were exhausted, and Trevor had already been through so much in the last three hours. Trevor put a movie on his phone, The Hunger Games, and you laid your head on his shoulder and drifted off to sleep again.
reblogs appreciated! it helps spread fics <;3
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lord-leclerc · 1 year
fate or destiny? (charles leclerc)
pairing: charles leclerc x fem! reader
summary: inspired by ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine. I did change a few concepts though.(i didn't include the last part of the song because im going through writer's block and couldn't find a way to join those two plots.)
warnings: fluff, nsfw, mentions of nudity, mentions of sex, angst if you squint.
a/n: first time writing for a real person, please bear with me. also lemme know if you want a part two(please say yes coz it will either be insta au or dad!charles ;))
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sighing at the ceiling for the hundredth time in the past thirty minutes, you felt bored out of your mind. Looking around the room, you noticed the little things that you never had before-the plaster on the wall beside the door was worn off, your bedside table had a little dent on the corner, the curtain had a coffee stain from a time you couldn't remember. Time felt like it was moving in slow motion, every waking second a seemingly excruciating long moment. You felt numb. No coherent thoughts running through your mind, you stood up. These vacations, although peaceful, were ruining your peace, your existence being a whirlwind of boredom. Walking around the room, you stopped at the window overlooking the city. You looked out the window and saw you car in the driveway and shrugged-might as well go get groceries.
"Its alright", said the man with a thick accent, picking up your fallen bag.
You only shifted to Monaco last summer and communicating with people with your broken french was hard, yet you still managed to get your work done somehow.
stepping out of the store with hands full of bags, you bumped into a hard chest, apologies spewing out of your mouth like water out of a faucet. "I am so sorry!", you said.
"Want me to help you carry these?", the green eyed boy asked, noticing the amount of bags you had in your hands.
Not wanting to cause anymore troubles for him, you politely denied.
"But you already have so much in your hands, it's alright, just tell me where your car is."
Realising he wouldn't budge, you lead the way to your car and he helped you put all your bags in your car.
"Thank you so much.", you said with a smile.
"you're welcome, ?", he said in a suggesting tone, wanting to catch your name.
"Oh right! I am Y/N.", you extended your hand.
"Its nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Charles.", he shook your hand, trying not to hold it for too long because of how soft your skin was.
As mesmerised as him, you blurted out your next words without any second thoughts.
"Hey, how about I get you a coffee? both as a thank you drink and an apology?"
One look at his dimpled smile and you knew, you knew you were doomed.
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that one coffee date turned into two, then three and now four. Sitting on one of the benches in the local garden, you both enjoyed the slightly gloomy yet happy weather. The cool wind brushed against your skins, making you shiver which in turn made Charles tuck you under his arm, your head on his shoulder. You sat there in a comfortable silence, feeling like having known each other for an eternity even though it had only been a few weeks. You both embraced the warmth radiating from one another's body, that is, until you felt the cool touch of the water droplets against your warm flesh. You both sat there, not caring about the rain, just melting in each other's company until the rain became too heavy.
Your giggles echoed through the now empty garden as you ran, hand in hand with Charles, towards the gazebo in the center of the place. You were both dripping with water from head to toe by the time you reached the gazebo, but the rain was so heavy that water still found its way to you from the little spaces in between the grills of the roof and the pillars. Deciding you won't be able to do anything about it now, you just shook your heads and chuckled. Still hand in hand, Charles pulled you to him, trailing his other hand down your arm and interlacing his fingers with your own, he leaned down to rest his forehead on yours. Both of you were breathing heavily. Maybe it was because you ran here or maybe it was because of the sudden drop in the temperature. Or, maybe, it was due to your sheer closeness. Charles trailed his hand back up your arm, up your neck and finally buried his fingers in your hair , making you inhale sharply. Your eyes fluttered close as he leaned your head back to take a better look at your face. To him, you looked ethereal. Cheeks a rosy shade from the cold, hair all wet and in all places, eyes closed with little puffs of air leaving your lips, oh those lips. How badly he wanted to taste them, to feel those lips against his own and swallow every next breath that leaves them. He leaned in ever more, to the point where you could feel your breath mingling with his, making your insides feel all tingly. As he brushed his lips against yours, she gasped, bringing your hands up to his sides and fisting his hoodie in them with your eyes still closed.
"Can I kiss you?", he asked in a whisper, making you open your eyes instantly.
Staring into his green hues, you nodded. He looked down at your mouth again, which flooded your stomach with butterflies and anticipation as you watched him.
"Words, Y/N. I need words."
You sucked a deep breath in and nodded again, "yes."
"Yes, what?", his lips brushed against yours with every word that came out of his mouth.
"Yes, you may kiss me, Charles."
He didn't need to be asked twice. Like a starving man, he connected his mouth with yours, swallowing your gasp. He kissed you with his entire being and you returned the kiss with the same burning passion. You kissed under the rain for what felt like forever before finally breaking apart for some air, making him chase your lips again before shaking his head and chuckling, resting his head on yours again. He just couldn't get enough of you.
As for you? You knew he was a Formula 1 driver, you knew he wouldn't be able to give you as much time and you knew all the things that came along with being the girlfriend of a celebrity and a sportsperson, but that didn't stop you. You were willing to give this a chance, to give him a chance because you couldn't get enough of him either.
The room was a mess of muffled gasps and moans and tangled bodies and ripped clothes.
"Charles", you gasped, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as he mouth trailed kisses down your body. Your hands in his hair while his were on your hips, to keep you stable. He made his way up your body again and whispered, "oui, mon ange?", kissing the spot just behind your ear.
As he hovered over you, you looked into his eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck before placing your lips against his.
"Please.", you said and again, he didn't need to be asked twice.
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Breathing heavily, he collapsed on you. You wrapped your arms around him and kissed his forehead before turning the both of you over so you were now laying on top of him and traced circles on his chest while placing small kisses against his neck.
"Are you okay, ma belle?", he whispered before placing a kiss on your head. You just hummed in response, too tired to even say something in response. Charles lazily rubbed his hand up and down your back while gently placing his lips against the skin of your shoulder, lulling you to sleep. As you laid there in his arms, he was the only one you could feel, the only one you could think about, the only one you could hear. He had enveloped you completely- body, mind, heart and soul. When he was with you, nothing else mattered-heck, you didn't want anything else to matter. It was him and only him and you would do anything to keep it that way.
Your mouth itched to say all this to him, to say those three words and you would've, but you didn't wanna ruin the moment by saying something he might not feel. Perhaps it was too early, since it had only been one and a half month but loving is something you can't control. You don't see the time or place, it just happens. You laid there, tangled with him, your body and heart at peace but your mind was full of chaos, full of all the words you ached to say to him, but perhaps words wouldn't be enough, so you did one thing which you hoped would convey everything you were feeling to him- you kissed him and he returned it with the same passion.
Both you and Charles were very happy that you both went to get groceries that day. Call it fate or destiny, you wouldn't be here if you hadn't been bored out of your damn mind that day. As horrific as it had been, you were thankful you bumped into the green eyed stranger and dropped your bags that day. Because now you don't know how to live without said stranger and couldn't imagine a life without him.
"I'll miss you, mon ange.", he said while pulling up to your apartment.
You rolled your eyes at his dramatic self.
"You'll see me tomorrow, Charles."
"Yeah, but tomorrow is so far. Comment vais-je vivre sans toi jusque-là?, he sighed. how will i live without you till then.
"I don't think you remember but I don't understand french to that extent so I would really like if you translate it for me."
"Nothing, belle.", he smiled before taking your hand and kissing your knuckles one by one.
You tried to pout but failed miserably. All you were capable of doing around this man was smile.
As the car came to a stop, your mind fumbled with the various possibilities of what would happen if you say those three words. Would he say it back? Would he get upset? What if he doesn't say anything? Fuck it-what will happen, will happen. He is going for 2 weeks straight this time and you'll loose your mind keeping it to yourself till then.
"Oui? Is everything okay?", he asked, picking up the nervousness in your voice.
"No, Charles. Everything is not okay! How could it be when you're by my side? You make me so nervous, yet so happy. You're the only one I think about all day, the only one I can feel, I can hear. You make me a better version of myself and- and I feel like spending every waking moment of my day with you! I've never felt this strongly for anyone before and it scares me but I'll loose my damn mind if I don't get this out of my system today but I-", you paused your frustrated rant and took a deep breath before averting your gaze from the window behind his head to his green orbs.
"Je t'aime, Charles.", your voice barely a whisper.
He just looked at you. And for a moment, you were afraid. Afraid that maybe he'll just smile and say nothing, or maybe he will just tell you to go or maybe he will say that things are moving too fast or-
Out of all the things you expected, him grabbing your neck and yanking you forward was definitely not it. You gasped as he connected his lips with yours in a hungry kiss. He was rough, wanting to swallow all of you. Tongues wrestling and teeth clashing, he kissed you like he never had before and you struggled to keep up with him.
"Je t'aime tellement, mon amour. You have no idea how much. I've been itching to say these words to you but I didn't want to scare you off.", he whispered against your lips.
Slowly, you opened your eyes to find him already looking at you. You chuckled at the irony. How you were afraid to tell him only to find out he was just as scared.
"What?", he smiled.
You just shook you head and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
"Come to the race with me?", he asked. "After this, I don't think I'll survive two weeks without you."
You happily nodded your head, "Thought you'd never ask.". He just chuckled and kissed you once again.
"You were wrong, by the way.", he said making you furrow your brows in confusion.
"You do know how to speak french and it sounds even more beautiful coming out of that pretty mouth of yours.", he winked while staring at your lips.
You slapped his chest, "Flirt." He grabbed your hand and held it against his chest.
"But I'm your flirt", he wiggled his eyebrows making you blush.
"I wanna fuck you so bad.", he said against your neck.
"Alors qu'attendez-vous?", you decided to put your french lessons to some use. then what are you waiting for?
He bit your neck and cursed under his breath. Suddenly, he got out of the car and moved around it to open your door. He helped you out of it and grabbed your hand before hurriedly making his way towards the elevator of your apartment. As soon as the elevator reached your floor, he was dragging you out of it and towards your door, demanding for you to open it. The moment you closed the door behind you, you were pinned to the wall beside the door and it was on. It would be a long night.
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jester089 · 10 months
High on life, and coffee
Been thinking about this for a while so I'm gonna write it. This one needs a bit of set up though. I've been thinking a reader who is really really fast. Like fast enough to just run on walls or ceilings when way to energetic. Kind of like a super powered slightly more mature kid. TADC Crew x Hyper, Fast, & Optimistic Reader
You were overwhelming to everyone. You always having a seemingly limitless amount of energy and just overall happiness for everyone and thing around you. Because of how you act everyone sees you as childish. But that honestly isn't true. You've been here longer then Kinger but you are strangely ok mentally. I mean the circus is tiring and childish but have you ever thought about if a child found it? I mean people in the circus don't age so someone who's energetic and not mature would be perfect. You aren't really immature though. Just a lot. You remind everyone of a cat with how you get zoomies and just sprint around till you tire yourself out.
Caine quite likes how you are. You don't complain and happily go on adventures. And he can be wild around you without worrying about freaking you out because you always match if not exceed his energy. One time he gave you a incredibly strong energy drink because Jax said you asked for it. That was an awful day for everyone involved. The day ended with thousands of dollars in damages and not a soul you included getting out unharmed. ~~~~~ You were sitting in your room physically shaking. You want to get up and do something but Caine said he has something to show you. So you're doing you best to be patient. Caine pops into existence next to you. You quickly stand up exited to hear what he has to say. "Hello my speedy friend! I have some amazing news! I'm expanding your room and adding a hamster wheel so you can run as long as you like without breaking things!" He snaps and one of your walls extends more then doubling your room size. And just as he said their is a giant hamster wheel. You get in to try it out. After running for a bit you get out thank and hug him. "Oh it's no trouble! I'm glad you enjoy it!" Caine disappears and you get back to running. It feels nice being able to go as fast as you want. I give the hamster wheel a day before it's broken.
Gangle is a tough one. She likes how energetic you are and feels more ok being herself when you're around. But you are also a lot and she can't always handle that. Despite you regularly moving at the speed of sound you never mess with her or break her masks. So she's grow to enjoy having you around. Do be careful though cause if you sprint by her just the speed in which you were going will knock her over. She doesn't have the body mass to be able to deal with normal wind non the less your shockwave things. ~~~~~ You sprint into a room looking for someone to talk to. You see Gangle and run over to her feeling bad when she falls over. Once she's back up you start talking at her, no matter how hard she tries she doesn't get a word in before your on a new topic. Eventually with Pomni's help you calm down ever so slightly and start having a genuine conversation with the two. That of course doesn't last long. You get maybe a minute into the conversation before you sprint off again. Gangle who was mid sentence stares at the door you just zoomed through. It's not like this is the first time you've done that. It's still surprising though.
Zooble is consistently annoyed by you. You have so much energy, talk faster then anyone can understand, and are constantly talking. She can't even avoid you as you can easily do a lap of the entire circus if you feel like it. You're just so loud and forget that personal space exists. So she doesn't like you. But she's kind of forced to get used to you as you're consistently everywhere at once. On the plus side you can find anything in a matter of seconds so she goes to you if she needs something. You can also get to places everyone else can't so if she wants alone time she'll ask you to put her really up high or something so no one but you can bother her. ~~~~~ Zooble is wandering around looking for you. She calls you name out every now and again. You two set up this awesome roof fort that only you are able to get into and she wants some time away from everyone. She call out one more time jumping when you come crashing through a wall at like 300mph. You skid across the ground face first coming to a stop right in front of her. She gets a little worried when you don't move but you soon hop up and dust yourself off asking what she needs. "I want in the roof fo-" She doesn't even get to finish her sentence before you pick her up, hold her above your head, and sprint off. She has to bundle up a bit to not lose any of her pieces just from the sheer speed you're moving.
Kinger going to have a heart attack every time you wiz by just saying. You never calm down and never stop, so he can't do much. He's intelligent and calm. Thinking things through and much preferring to just be comfy. You are the dead opposite never slowing down and acting exclusively on instincts and impulse. You honestly freak him out when you appear cause chaos in a room then zoom out leaving whoever is there to clean up. If any one Kinger would be the one to get you to calm down. If he manages that he's really surprised by how smart and mature you are. You have more energy then you know what to do with but you aren't stupid. From then he appreciates you a lot more. And he keeps stocked up on calming things like music or tea to help you out. ~~~~~ Kinger is laying in his fort thinking about his life and past life when he hears some incredibly rapid knocking on the door. He knowing who it is sets up a crash pad with his extra pillows and blankets then opens the door not surprised when you basically fly in crashing in the crash pad at unreasonable speeds. "Hey Kinger! Can I tell you something cool?! Can I, can I, can I!?!" Kinger smiles at you and nods while getting comfortable again. "I learned a new trick! Watch!" You pull a broom out of seemingly no where and balance it on your palm. You only keep it up for 10 seconds before it falls straight in your face. "Did'ja see?!" "I saw. Is that all you wanted to show me?" You nod and run up to the door. You throw it open and sprint out. Kinger is about to stand up to close it before you pop your head back in say bye and close the door behind you.
Ragatha would be the only real one who starts out trying to be around you. You're a lot, a lot more then she can keep up with. But she isn't just going to leave you alone because of that. It takes her a while to be able to make out what your saying but once she does it feels more like a friendship rather then her worrying about you. She wont admit it but she secretly goes to you asking for piggyback rides. The wind in her hair makes her remember the real world in a way that doesn't make her feel worse. She will unironically try to ground you when you break things. She never follows through though cause she knows you aren't trying to break things. You just move way to fast for even you to handle. ~~~~~ "Y/N GET DOWN HERE! YOU'RE 500 FEET OFF THE GROUND YOU'RE GOING TO GET HURT!" You, who is sitting up on the highest ledge in the circus glare down at her. "What if I don't want to. What then? Also you don't have any say over me I'm my own person." She is going to yell at you again before you slip, fall, and land exclusively on your face. She rushes over and helps you up. Surprisingly you're completely fine. "See I told'ja. I run into things at much faster speeds then that. I'm durable. Not I'm going to go annoy Caine for something sweet because I want something sweet. BYE!" You leave her in that room. She just stares in the direction you ran slightly surprised, and slightly annoyed. You have zero self preservation and you wont listen to her. It worries her. But she can't argue with the fact you're durable. I mean you're the only person she knows who could fall from that height and still move. None the less talk, walk, and run. After she snaps out of it she gets up to follow you knowing full well you've probably already gotten yourself into trouble again.
Jax after trying and failing to so much as touch you stops trying to "prank" you and switches to trying to get you to help him. He never tells you what you're helping with but he's gotten you to listen anyways. Until you inevitably find out what you're helping with his "pranks" get much more elaborate and hard to avoid. I pray for the poor sucker who walks into them. Cause trust me their going to be cruel. ~~~~~
"Little to the left. No to far. Yeah right there. This is gonna be perfect." "Nice! So... Why exactly did I set up this giant hammer?" "Oh uhh... Caine made this giant piggy bank that we have to destroy to win todays adventure. You want to win the adventure don't you?" "Of course I do! Do we need anything else?" "Yeah could you get some more rope." You give him a thumbs up and run out. Jax turns back to the door trap you set up without even knowing it. He sees Kinger start walking in and gets a huge smile. He pushes a little button and the giant hammer falls and hit Kinger straight in the face knocking him out and rearranging his entire face and head. Jax starts laughing hard as you come back in with the requested rope. You drop it and freak out when you see Kinger running over to him wanting to help.
Pomni is already jumpy without someone sprinting around at mach 2. Despite how often you scare her you apologizing and offering help is something she likes. Sadly with you there her hopes of finding an exit were quickly crushed. You picked her up and sprinted around the entire circus showing her every inch. And just as everyone says their wasn't an exit. She gets really depressed after that. She's less jumpy and more mopey. She thanks you for your help and wanders off towards her room leaving you alone to feel bad. ~~~~~ "It's just... Did I do something wrong? I just wanted to help..." "No you didn't do anything wrong. She just believed so hard that there was an exit. And by helping her you proved that their isn't." Your frown only deepens at that. You weren't trying to make her lose hope... Maybe you could do something nice for her. You and Kinger have been working on something for Pomni with some help from Ragatha. Once it's finished you thank him for the help and run off to her room. Once you get there you knock... Nothing. You ring the doorbell... Also nothing. You swear you hear something glitchy but only for a moment. Worrying. So you leave the gift in front of her door with a little hand written apology note. (Another story done. Sorry to all my requestors I've just been writing more casually and for what I want to write recently.)
xoxo, Jester
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americas1suiteheart · 7 months
Weird Science | Chapter III
Egon Spengler x Reader
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Notes; This is sort of poorly written at the end, but I think most of it is okay. Nothing else to add.
Warnings; Lots and lots of mentions of drinking and foul language.
Part 3/? | <Previous Chapter | Next Chapter>
Music blared throughout the building, the clinks of glass and people talking and laughing added even more to the noise. The smell of cheap colognes and perfumes somehow overpowered the smell of alcohol.
You look around to see Ray sitting next to what you assumed was Peter based off of the way he looked, and another man sitting next to Peter right next to him, tinkering with something.
You walk up to the group and tap Ray's shoulder.
"Hey, Ray! Sorry I'm a little late, I underestimated how long the walk from my apartment was." You say, your voice louder than how a person would normally speak, trying to be heard over the noise.
"Y/n, hey! Don't worry, we've only been here for 10 minutes. You look great! Sit down. This is Peter, though I think you said you remember him, and that's Egon over there." Ray says, pointing to the man tinkering with some piece of metal and wires.
You go to shake your hand with Peter and he holds it, bringing your hand to his lips.
"Y/n, long time no see. You look just as beautiful as before, if not even more." Peter says flirtatiously.
You pull your hand away, grabbing a napkin from the table and wiping your hand off. "Yeah, uh, great to see you too, Peter. You haven't changed a bit I see." You laugh dryly.
You look beside Peter as he lightly slaps the man's arm to get his attention. "Take your hands off of that thing and say hi to the beautiful lady and introduce yourself, Egon." Peter says, sounding like a mother.
The man turns around to look at you and fixes his glasses before he extends his hand out to you, a slight look of annoyance on his face.
"Hi, I'm Egon." He says in a monotone voice.
You do the same, shaking hands with him. "I'm Y/n, I used to study computer science and parapsychology at the University." You say, smiling.
You remembered him now. He often sat with Ray and Peter during lessons in the class that you took parapsychology in. That's where you met Ray and Peter. Though Egon wasn't much of a talker so you guess that might've been the reason why you didn't talk to him much.
You thought he was handsome and you'll admit that. You often caught yourself staring at him during classes or when you sat with the guys during lunch.
You release your hand and go to sit next to Ray, you look over at Egon to see he's gone back to tinkering with his piece.
"So, how's moving the stuff out of your lab been going?" Ray asks, taking a drink from his bottle.
"Well, it's been going. I don't really have any other place to put everything except for my apartment so it's cluttered in there right now, but regardless of how much I hate the Dean I'm really happy that he gave me a month to get everything out because it's going to take a good amount of time."
"We can always help you, you know. Just speed up the process. Oh! I almost forgot to ask you, I know it's only been a couple of days since we started talking to each other again, but I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join this thing that we're doing right now. I know you used to like doing the whole studying about phantoms and all, and we started this ghost busting business so-" Ray rants excitedly.
That's one thing you always liked about Ray. He was always so enthusiastic and passionate about everything that he talked about, easy to talk to. There was never a time that when you were talking to him you felt that he was bored or not interested in what you were saying. He always listened intently and responded well. And that's how you were when having conversations with him too, it's what made you grow close to him over the span of the 4 years that you hung out and talked to him regularly, and it feels like you still have that same closeness with him even after 7 years of not talking to him.
"Woah, woah, woah, now, Ray. We never talked about letting someone else in this biz." Peter says, interrupting Ray.
"Oh, come on, Peter. Y/n's one of the best engineers I know, we could use that kind of stuff for this." Ray argues.
"We have Egon for that, Ray. I th-"
"I would love to. It would be nice to have something to do and to get to work with you guys again after so long. I did miss talking with you guys, I'll admit." You cut Peter off, taking your bottle of beer from the bartender.
"That's great! Hey, in that case we could just move some of your equipment with us! This'll be fun, just like old times, right!" Ray says, patting your shoulder with a smile on his face.
You look at Peter as he shrugged his shoulders and took a drink from his cup, probably out of defeat.
"What do you mean move my stuff in with you guys? Didn't you get kicked out of the University, too?"
"Well, yeah. But we found a place where we could all do our stuff and run the whole Ghost busting thing we've got. We could move some of your stuff in there and you could work with us."
"Really? How'd you guys find a lab that fast?! it's only been what, two days now?" You say, looking at Ray in shock.
"Well, it's not really a lab, more of an, old fire station." Ray shrugs.
"A fire station! That's so cool! Does it have the pole to go down and everything?" You say, with wide eyes and a big smile on your face.
"Yeah it does! That's what I was most excited about too!"
"Don't encourage him, Y/n." Peter says, looking away from his glass as he gives you a disappointed look, to which you roll your eyes to in response.
It would be awesome to work with them again. And although when you were in college with them you never really got to work with each other all that much, you had fun doing so. The only hard part about working with them was that it would take forever to finish something due to the amount of time that was spent cracking jokes and talking to eachother about completely unrelated things.
You finish your bottle and order another, taking a long drink from it before continuing to talk to Peter and Ray.
Egon stayed tinkering with what he was working on, didn't really bother to get involved into any conversation and didn't bother to drink.
You were a little upset he wasn't talking but you were too scared to try to spark a conversation up with him. You kept glancing at him more than you would like to admit, just like you used to all those years ago, and you weren't being very sneaky about it unfortunately.
"You got your eye on something, Y/n? Or, someone?" Peter says teasingly.
By now you were already three drinks in, a little farther in than a buzz. Your tolerance to alcohol was way lower than it was when you were in college as you never got together with friends like now or bothered to drink that much when you started working at the University.
"What?" You slur.
Peter only gives you a wink and a smirk, and goes back to his conversation with Ray.
You feel heat rise to your cheeks and the tips of your ears. Was I really being that obvious? You sit and stare off at the other people playing pool to try to distract yourself.
"Y/n, we're gonna head out in a bit. Are you gonna need one of us to walk you back to your apartment?" Ray says, putting his hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of your trance.
"Oh, okay. And yeah, if you guys could that would be great. I don't think I'll be able to make it there without getting lost." You laugh.
"Great, we'll send Egon with you then!" Peter says, butting in.
You look at him wide eyed and see Egon look up at Peter to give him a look.
"Alright, Egon. Be a doll and help Y/n get to their apartment safely. Me and Ray will be at the station. We'll cover your bill, Y/n. Our treat." Peter says, turning to look at you and smiling.
You'd be absolutely happy and thankful that Peter was covering your bill if it weren't for the fact he was going to have Egon walk you to your apartment *alone*. The only reason why you had asked for someone to take you was because you immediately assumed it would be Ray. This was 1,000% Peter's idea of a joke or some sort of torture. He really hasn't changed then in that case.
"We'll be on our way now, guys. It was nice seeing you, Y/n! Hopefully it'll be more often." Ray says, putting a couple bills on the table and then getting his jacket on. Peter and Ray walked out of the bar and left you and Egon there.
You sigh and grab your things to get ready to leave, putting a 10 dollar bill on the table for the bartender to have as a tip.
"So, where do you live?"
"Huh?" You say, looking up and pausing before realizing what Egon was asking. "Oh, uh, it's that apartment complex on 121st street."
"Alright then." Egon says, leading you out the door with the parts he brought with him in his hands.
You stumble a bit trying to catch up with him but to no avail you couldn't. The cold New York weather made you regret not putting your jacket on before you left, as the cold began to sting your arms.
"Egon, jesus, wait!" You pant.
Egon turns around and walks to you as he realizes how far ahead he was of you.
You continue to pant, trying to catch your breath as you put your coat on and button it up.
"Do you uh, do you think you could slow down a little?" You say, pausing every other word as you caught your breath.
After a couple of seconds to recover, you and Egon continued to walk to your apartment building.
"Oh, sorry." Egon apologises.
The whole walk was quiet. You were too buzzed and awkward to even try to make any small talk, and Egon didn't seem to be much of a talker. It was very awkward for you at least.
"Thank you so much, Egon. I hope that this wasn't too much trouble for you, I really appreciate this." You say opening your apartment door.
"Of course, it was no trouble at all."
"Well, um.. I'll be going to bed now, sorry for keeping you up or anything because of this. Goodnight, Egon." You said, tapping on your doorframe nervously.
"No, you didn't keep me up, don't worry. Goodnight, Y/n." Egon says, looking at his trinkets and parts he was working on earlier.
You wondered what he was working on that had him so immersed in it at the bar. You could work with music, but all of the other noise like the bottles clinking and the people talking distracted you greatly. You have no clue how he could do that.
You close your door gently and lock it. You do the usual; throw your keys onto the kitchen island, hang your coat, navigate your way through the towers of boxes, brush your teeth, dress out into your sleep clothes and go to sleep. You fell asleep faster than you usually did, very obviously because of the alcohol that was still in your system.
I forgot just how handsome he was.
I had done 3/4 of this in 2 hours, and then I pushed it off for a month or so, and I'm so sorry about that, guys 💀💀. This is longer than the other two chapters though!
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sadslay · 1 year
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- NEIGHBOR⋆☆ 𝐩𝐫𝐞!𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐩𝐬𝐞 𝐣𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings — suggestive nsfw content, age gap (reader in mid 20s & joel in early 40s), neighbor!joel, the apocalypse never happened?
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you had moved out of home a few years ago, leaving the small texan town you had grown up in for the big city, but you often tried to visit once every few months to keep your parents happy, although the reason you kept doing these frequent trips was because of your long time neighbour, joel miller. of course you still wanted to see your parents, and you couldn’t deny that you missed the comforts of living under your parents roof, but you treasured the short interactions you had with joel any time he crossed your pass on your short visits to home.
and joel, well he too looked forward to your visits. one day, he’d catch your parents in the front yard doing some gardening or sitting on the porch keeping themselves busy and he’d find subtle ways to ask about you and when you were next coming home. and oh boy, when he heard the delightful news of your return, he’d count down the days until you arrived. today was the big day, you were returning home for just a short three day visit and joel had been counting down the days since your parents had told him the news.
he had finished work early, and sarah was at a friends house for the night, so now he patiently waited for the taxi to pull into the neighbouring driveway. waiting. he had been waiting for what felt like hours but in all reality it had only been about a half an hour. his eyes were focused on the living room window that looked out onto the street but occasionally looked over at the wall by the front door which had a clock, the small red hands slowly ticking around as the seconds and minutes went by, but then he heard a car driving down their street, a dead end street that hardly ever got any traffic. it was you.
after paying the taxi driver and tipping the kind man for helping you with your small amount of luggage he had insisted on helping you carry up to the door, you found yourself wrapped in your parents arms as they welcomed you home. your father placed your belongings in your old childhood bedroom before taking you out to the new patio area your father had built a few months prior.
“wow.” you breathed, walking out into the neatly paved area, decorated with beautifully stained wooden furniture - no doubt chosen and styled by your mother who had an eye for these sorts of things - mixed with newly planted vines beginning to grown up some trellis lining the walls of your home. “it looks beautiful out here.” you smiled, looking back at your parents as they stood beside each other, your fathers arm slung around your mother’s shoulder.
“did you like the table ‘nd chairs?” your father asked, his eyes momentarily looking at the matching set to admire it.
you eagerly nodded before extending your hand to feel the sleekness of the wood. “it’s beautiful dad.” you smiled warmly.
“he built it ya know?” your mother noted, proudly looking up at your father with a smile plastered on her lips.
your jaw dropped a little causing you to admire the table a little more. “with the help of joel.” he retorted, not daring to take the credit all to himself. “he’s a very smart man, he helped me do all the measurin’.” he continued to explain.
joel you thought. of course joel had helped your parents, he was just so handsomely sweet to them it warmed your heart.
shortly after your parents had pointed out all their newly renovations and additions to your childhood home - many of which were overlooked or done by joel - you had gotten changed into a pair of white lace bathers, planning on going for a swim before your father started preparing dinner, but you were unaware of the guest your parents had invited over.
joel watched the bright yellow taxi drive away before springing to his feet. he quickly pulled on his work boots - surprisingly the only suitable shoes to wear out of the house, especially if you were home - and made it way to the front door. after grabbing his keys from the small bowl sitting on the hallway table beside the front door, he paused for a moment, thinking if he should have changed out of his work clothes as he suddenly became aware of how he smelt. placing the keys back in the bowl, he made his way up stairs, beginning to unbutton his green and black plaid flannel shirt - throwing it into the corner of his room where a pile of dirty laundry was beginning to grow - before searching through his wooden drawers for a clean shirt.
and then, he found himself standing on your porch, holding a bottle of red wine as he waited for the door to swing open, hoping and praying you’d answer, but seconds later he was greeted by your father.
“i was starin’ to think you weren’t comin’!” he smiled, standing to the side a little to allow joel to walk inside.
joel let out a breathy chuckle, placing the bottle of wine on the kitchen counter before his hands rested on his hips, “smells good in ‘ere,” he noted, the genuine comment earned a smile from your mother as she pulled a deep pan out of the oven.
“thank you.” she chimed, placing the tray of freshly baked focaccia onto a cooling tray before placing her oven gloves on the counter. “how have you been?” your mother asked, giving him a welcoming hug.
“busy.” joel breathed. he wondered where you were. it was odd you weren’t with your parents, chatting up a storm and filling them in on all your new stories and adventures. “how’s that new door holdin’ up?” he asked, referring to the old bathroom door he had fixed a few weeks prior.
“great!” your father cheered. “no more squeaking.” he commented.
“m’glad.” joel nodded. “did yer need any help in ‘ere?” he asked after a brief moment of silence, earning a mixture of scoffs and repeated ‘no’s’ from your parents.
“you go outside and relax hun.” your mother insisted before her faces lighted up, “y/n’s out on the patio if you wanted to go say hello.” she smiled.
joel did nothing but nod as he took a few wine glasses from your father before wandering outside with the bottle of red wine under his arm. as he opened the french sliding doors he saw an empty patio, so his eyes began to search for you but it didn’t take him long to find you sitting waist deep in the door with a cigarette between your fingers wearing nothing by a small white bikini.
“howdy neighbour.” you sang from across the yard, a small cloud of smoke exhaling from you lips as you watched joels eyes find you.
“howdy stranger.” joel smiled, placing the glasses and bottle of wine on the table before cautiously wandering over to you. “whats a nice girl like you smokin’ for?” he asked, standing at the opposite end of the pool, his feet a few inches away from the edge.
“just for special occasions.” you grinned, subtly winking before standing up, droplets of water running down your curves as you began to walk towards him. “how’ve you been joel?” you asked, putting the cigarette out before hiding it in a near by plant pot. “feel like i haven’t seen you in months.”
joel let out a chuckle as he followed you back to the table, consciously making an effort to keep his eyes on yours, worried he’d get a little distracted. “cause yer haven’t been home.” he smiled. “how’s life in the big city treatin’ ya?” he asked after a moment of silence.
“s’good.” you nodded, grabbing the bottle of red wine as you began to inspect the label. “what about you joel?” you asked, unscrewing the bottle cap allowing the smell of the wine to spew into the air.
god, the way you said is name was heavenly. it was like ecstasy to him every time his names slipped from your lips. “s’been busy.”
then you grabbed a glass from the table - leaning up close to joel in order to do so - the very action making joels breath hitched a little as his eyes wandered further down your body, admiring every little drop of water on your sun kissed skin. as you held the wine glass by your stomach you began to pour the drink, suddenly very conscious of joels eyes on you.
“how’s tommy?” you asked, taking your eyes away from the glass as you continued to pour, your eyes wandering up to meet joels to find his eyes fixed on the glass. you let out a giggle before whispering, “earth to joel?” his brown eyes darted up to meet yours as you extended your hand to offer him the freshly poured glass. “how’s tommy ‘nd sarah?” you asked again, your voice softer and a little more flirtatious as he began to reach out for the glass.
“good.” he answered, taking the glass from your hand causing your skin to momentarily touch. you looked up at joel through your eyelashes with a smile ghosting over you lips as he began to stutter, “she uh- she’s just goin’ into her-uhm senior year.”
“let me know if she needs any textbooks.” you offered as joel desperately tried to compose himself. you began to pour a second glass for yourself as you continued, “i have a ton.”
joel softly nodded, taking a sip of the red wine before his eyes reconnected with yours. “she’d like that, she’s always askin’ ‘bout you.” he lied, sarah had spent most of the summer break with her friends and he had hardly seen her.
before you could reply, your parents walked through the french doors with plates of food in their hands. you finished pouring you glass before taking a seat at the table, continuing to pour two more glasses for your parents.
“smells amazing mom.” you smiled as she set down a bowl of salad and the plate of  focaccia while your father placed the roasted chicken in the center of the table.
she smiled as she say down beside you, allowing your father and joel to sit across from you. “thank you sweetie.” she hummed, taking a sip of the red wine.
as the night moved on you retold stories of your life in the big city, earning big laughs and smiles from everyone around the table, but as you and your parents continued to talk, joel couldn’t help but stare. you were sat opposite to each other and ever time you reached out for your glass of wine, he could have sworn everything fell into slow motion.
reaching across the table to grab the almost empty bottle of wine you had knocked over the salt shaker, creating a domino effect as joels wine glasses got knocked over, the red liquid spilling onto his lap and stomach.
“shit!” you mumbled. “m’sorry joel!” you apologized, immediately standing up from your seat mirroring joels actions as he reached out for a cloth.
“don’t apologize.” he spoke softly, a weak chuckle escaping his lips as he began to drag the cloth against his now stained clothes.
“dab it sweetie, don’t drag.” your mother mentioned, trying to hide the smile on her lips. “y/n take joel inside ‘nd get him cleaned up.” she advised, joel of course truing to insist he was fine only to be shushed by your mother. “you can borrow one of johns shirts.”
“alright.” joel sighed, looking at you before following you inside.
“i’m so sorry.” you kept repeating, occasionally looking back to find joel a few feet behind you with a smug smile on his lips. “why are you smilin’ like that?” you whined, growing even more embarrassed by your fumble.
he shook his head as a chortle left his lips, the wine beginning to give him the little buzz he needed to be more confident around you. “s’nothin’.” he mumbled, his eyes cautiously drifting down to look at your legs and ass as you made your way to the bathroom before darting back up, not wanting to get caught staring.
as you both arrived at the bathroom, you left the door open before rushing over the sink to turn on the tap, letting the water run. you grabbed the nearest hand cloth before retrieving a large bottle of soap from beneath the vanity. joel watched you scurry around but before he knew it you hand connected with his before you directed him to sit up against the vanity.
“i am so sorry.” you sighed, putting a little bit of soap on the hand towel before reaching behind joel to run it under the warm water shortly after turning off the tap.
“i told yer to stop apologisin’.” he spoke lowly, his eyes fixed on you ad you began to busy yourself with the base of his shirt, your knuckles occasionally grazing against his skin.
you looked up at joel, momentarily getting caught in his eyes as you basked in his gaze. “right.” you breathed before returning to the task at hand before realising majority of the wine had been split on his pants.
while your mind desperately tried to focus on cleaning the stain you had created, joel couldn’t help but stare and before he knew it his hand had connected to your waist causing you to freeze. joel stayed silent as he watched your eyes meet his, his fingers digging into the flesh of your thigh.
“you are so god damn distractin’.” he spoke, barely above a whisper.
you began to stammer and stutter, suddenly becoming flustered. “joel, i uh,” you took in another much needed breath of air before swallowing as you became aware of how dry your mouth had become.
“your s’beautiful.” he mumbled, his hands rising from your hips to begin peeling away the awfully thin white button up shirt, revealing more of your shoulders and chest. as joel leant down, his lips connecting with your exposed collarbone you let out a steady breath as you moaned his name sending goosebumps over his skin. “do you know what you do to me?” he mumbled.
but then you pulled away, and joel was suddenly terrified he had overstepped. he head hung low as you backed towards to door, far to ashamed that he had quite possibly made one of the biggest mistakes of his life but when he had heard the bathroom door squeak close his eyes had lifted to find you. you were still here. a spark had been lit between you and now a wildfire was beginning to spread as you hands reached out to grab onto each side of joels face.
you had noticed the smirk growing on joels lips before they had met your own and within seconds you were entangled in each others arms. your fingers had run up through his course curled hair while his hands roamed your backside. before you could even grasp at the consequences that might come about from this little interaction, joel had hook his hand under your thighs and hoisted you up before spinning you around.
the cool marble that formed the vanity made your breath hitch as joel sat you down. the last remnants of a red lip gloss had now been smeared between your lips. almost instinctively, your legs wrapped around his waist pulling joel impossibly closer. a whimper had erupted from your throat as his body caged yours against the vanity mirror.
“wish i could listen to yer all day.” joel murmured, as his fingers began to dip beneath the thin lace fabric, the feeling of his fingers against your skin was tantalizing and euphoric. “all ‘em pretty noises.” he added as another moan slipped from your lips.
you pushed yourself closer to joel, grinding up against his hips as you whispered, “m’all yours.”
joel would have taken you right there, right in that very moment but fate was not on his side as he heard the french doors slide open and the footsteps of your parents began to wander throughout the home.
“are you two alright?” your father called out causing the pair of you to pull away in the blink of an eye, leaving you breathless.
joel wiped his lips clean of any evidence before pulling open the bathroom door. “couldn’t get the stain out.” he lied, walking out into the hallway to greet your father as you hurriedly tried to compose yourself.
“i was just about to grab ‘im a shirt.” you spoke, desperately trying to sound normal as you walked out into the hallway to join the pair, wiping your lips clean of the smeared gloss. “s’really stuck in there.” you laughed weakly, sneaking past the pair before giving joel once last glance.
“thanks.” he mumbled as he watched you walk away like a sweet piece of forbidden fruit and my god, were you the sweetest thing he had ever tasted.
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𓋼𓍊 masterlist 𓍊𓋼
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drivestraight · 4 months
from here
i think i've basically posted this entire wip in fragments over the past, like, 8 months, with the amount i talk about it but don't write it so. i'll just post a massive part of it:
In Silverstone, Lando crosses the finish line first, takes the fastest lap, and extends his championship lead to a whopping thirty-eight points.
Oscar watches from the Red Bull pitwall, picks at his fingernails, chews the dead skin off his lips. That could’ve been him, if Lando hadn’t shunted him at Copse and sent him flying into the barriers. He didn't trigger the G-force sensors, but he had to get cleared by medical anyway. He feels fine. Physically, that is.
GP puts a hand on Oscar’s shoulder. “You’ll get him next week. We’re just happy you’re alright.”
Liam ends up getting a podium. Third place. Every point counts. It’s reason enough that Oscar rallies, finding it in himself to show face at the afterparty, if only for half an hour. He congratulates Liam, and Charles who managed to fight from tenth to second place. He sees Lando, too, but he takes that as a signal he’s been there too long. If they made contact, Lando would probably want to fucking, like, apologize. Which Oscar would be open to, but—it’s not necessary. It’s not something he needs to hear. You’re sorry that you won the race. You’re sorry that you nearly killed me, and you won the race anyway.
Oscar heads to his car, a 2028 Ford GT, gifted by Red Bull. It’s nice, but he still misses his McLaren, sometimes.
The lights are still on when he enters his flat. It’s also midnight. He grabs the leftover pasta he’d made on Thursday, spoons a small portion into a clean bowl from the dishwasher, and heats it up in the microwave. He brings himself, a fork, and his heated food into the sitting room.
“Tough race,” Max says.
He has his blue light glasses on, eyes fixed on the screen, his XBox controller in hand. He’s playing FIFA, of course.
Oscar sighs. “Wasn’t much of a race for me, mate,” he says, because there isn’t much more to say.
Max pauses the match, then glances at Oscar. “Want a drink?”
Oscar makes a humiliating noise: somewhere between a moan and a whimper. “Yes please.”
It’s kind of hard, explaining his living situation to other people. On principle, he doesn’t, but one time, when they were visiting the factory, his mum and dad decided to surprise him at his flat, only to walk in on Max nearly burning down the kitchen trying to cook himself eggs. Oscar was blissfully napping on the couch as smoke bloomed through the flat.
The short answer is: they’re roommates. Kind of. During the season, Oscar is really only in the UK when he needs to be, once or twice a week for the most part. He spends the rest of his free time in Monaco.
Max, on the other hand, has been living here—proper living here—since December.
The first day Oscar moved in, Oscar was crouched on the floor, unpacking some of his boxes in his bedroom. He had a short meeting with the team in the morning, and he still had a few hours until his afternoon flight to France, so he decided he might as well set up the place in the meantime.
Then, Oscar heard a key being fitted into the lock, and the door swinging open. Startled, he ran to the front door, and saw Max. In a suit. His shirt was wrinkled and his tie was undone and slung over his nape. He had a single suitcase by his side, his knuckles white around the handle. His eyes were red-rimmed. He looked at Oscar, bit down hard on his bottom lip, and neither of them said anything for a long while.
Oscar had questions. Many of them, but the most important of which was: Aren’t you getting married tomorrow?
Before he got over the shock of seeing Max, before he could even place the words on his tongue, Max blurted, “So. About the flat.”
Well, Oscar thought. No need to fly to France anymore.
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steddieas-shegoes · 2 months
glad you chased me
for @corrodedcoffinfest prompt 'fame & fortune'
rated t | 991 words | cw: breakup | tags: modern era, famous corroded coffin, angst with a happy ending, gareth gets his man
Sam was right for what he said, but it still hurt.
Gareth stares out the window of the hotel room he'd booked for them for his one night in Boston, wondering if there's any way he could turn back time. He hasn't even cried yet. He's not sure he can.
The night started great: ordering room service even though they could've gone downstairs to get food, drinking a six pack of beer that Sam brought from his apartment two hours away. They had a movie playing on the tv, but Gareth couldn't tell you what it was if you paid him. He was too caught up in being in Sam's bubble for the first time in nearly three months.
Sam hated taking extended periods of time off during the school year, especially at the beginning. His students were trying to get to know him, and he was trying to get to know them, and he didn't want to cause disruption to their schedules. Gareth understood, of course.
It didn't make it easier.
Gareth couldn't just come visit whenever he wanted, either. The tour had still been going well into September, and instead of being able to take a break when it ended, they immediately had a press tour to announce their next album, followed by Frankie's bachelor party and Jeff's engagement celebration weekend.
He knew it was hard on Sam. He knew Sam was grinning and bearing it. He knew that Sam hadn't signed up for this much when they got together over a year ago.
But he didn't expect Sam to break up with him before room service even got delivered.
Gareth looked over at the cart full of appetizers, desserts, and spaghetti. He couldn't possibly stomach it now.
"I'm not asking to be the priority in your life, Gare, just one of them. You didn't even call me last week. I feel like I'm out of sight, out of mind.
The words Sam used echoed in his head as he retreated to the bed.
The bed they should be sharing tonight.
He doesn't sleep. At first, it was because he was worried about Sam making it back to his apartment okay when he'd left in such a hurry, crying and shaking. Then, it was because he'd finally started crying himself, his mind no longer able to ignore what happened.
He watched the sun rise through the window with blurred vision and a headache.
Checkout is 11, but he's not sure he's gonna be ready.
Eddie calls him four times before he finally answers.
"Dude, why weren't you answering?"
"Sorry." Gareth knows his voice is fucked when Eddie immediately starts asking if he's alright, if he's sick, if Sam is taking care of him. "Sam isn't here."
Finally, Eddie's silent.
But it's not what Gareth wants. He needs Eddie's chaos and his words that don't always make sense and his wit. He needs the distraction.
"Where is he?" Eddie finally asks.
"His place I think."
"...Gare. What's going on?"
So Gareth does his best to explain. He tells him that Sam admitted he felt like Gareth never picked him, and that it started an argument that they couldn't recover from, and then Sam broke him up with him and left.
Eddie takes it in, lets it sit.
"Is this fame worth losing him?" He finally asks.
Gareth's first thought is yes. Of course his band, his friends, are worth losing a boyfriend.
But the moment he thinks the word boyfriend, he realizes the answer is no.
Because Sam isn't just a boyfriend. Wasn't.
Sam is the love of Gareth's life. Nothing else he ever does will compare to how he feels when he's with him. No amount of fans screaming his name while he plays on stage, or money sitting in his bank account, or famous people he meets will ever touch what Sam is to him.
The fame and fortune means shit if he can't share it with Sam.
"I'll take the silence as a no." Eddie sighs. "You know, Steve told me we should probably take a break. I didn't want to yet, but then Jeff said he wanted to be able to get married next summer and go on an extended honeymoon. Can't do that if we're on tour."
Gareth's breath catches as he listens to Eddie.
"This album doesn't have to tour, ya know. We could just take a year off after it's released. Plan something for later."
"We could?" Gareth feels tears gathering in his eyes again. "Wouldn't they be mad?"
"Probably. But you know I live to piss off upper management. And sometimes Steve. He's cute when his face gets all red."
Gareth lets out a wet laugh. "So if I tell Sam we're taking a break, no one's gonna be mad at me?"
"Nope." Eddie pops the 'p' and laughs. "Couldn't be mad at you anyway, man. You deserve to be happy just like the rest of us. Go get your guy."
Gareth doesn't even bother saying goodbye.
He barely even remembers to grab his backpack before he's getting an extremely expensive Uber and riding to Sam's apartment.
Gareth thinks back to the day he showed up at Sam's door, eyes red and swollen from crying, scared that he wouldn't be able to get him back.
But Sam was an angel, and patient, just like he always was. He listened as Gareth blubbered through an explanation of a half-assed plan that wasn't approved yet by their team. He held Gareth's hand when he told him he'd give up everything to keep him.
And when Gareth said he had every intention of marrying him, he took it as a proposal, even without a ring, even with the state they were in.
Gareth smiles at his now-husband as they look around the room of everyone they love.
"I'm glad you chased me," Sam whispered to him.
"I'm glad you let me."
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satrs · 1 year
Can’t feel my face - bllk x fem!Reader N°10
TAGS; NSFW CONTENT! MDNI! grinding. Teasingggg. Handjob.
a/n: Biggg chapter dis time (wordcount: 3k) bc I'm putting this story on hold for some time. Enjoy!
Once you walked into your apartment,
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the man who you were living with was nowhere in sight. But you were too exhausted to wrap your head around it, so you just made your way to your bed, ready to plop down and drift into a deep slumber.
Maybe he was out, at blue lock or at some girl's house. Well, since he didn't have any house keys, he would need to sleep at the doorstep, because you're definitely not getting out of bed after getting into it.
You quickly stepped out of your clothes, sloppily throwing on your nightwear before crawling into bed. Your arm extended to grab what seemed to be a pillow, but as you touched it more firmly, your brows frowned.
"Ow." You jumped at the sound of the deep voice, a loud yelp causing you to almost fall off your bed, quickly turning on the light on the nightstand. "Oli'? What the fuck?"
He rubbed his eyes in a tired manner, hand flying to his chest. Bare chest. He was half naked. In your bed. "Your bed is hellaaa comfy. Where did ya buy it?"
You were too exhausted to deal with him right now. "Get out!"
Finally, he opened his eyes to take a look at your irritated expression, getting meet with a way more delightful sight. He whistled at the sight of your nightgown. "Damn Y/N. That really is your color."
As you were about to throw a pillow at him, he declared his defeat and sat at the end of your bed, hand rubbing his neck. "Alright, alright, calm down. Where ya comin' from so late anyway?"
You threw the pillow back onto the bed, getting read to lay for rest again. "None of your fucking business." He hummed at your words, standing up and ready to leave your room without a revolt.
"Wait." the sound of your voice made him stop in his tracks and look at you, eying you in curiosity.
"I took the offer. For the job at blue lock." He was happy for you, really. "Great, I'm glad."
You made him stop his movements once again, sitting up in your bed while propping yourself on your elbows. "And, you can go back too. To blue lock, I mean."
He looked at you confused, ready to question your words before you beat him to it. "I talked with Reo and said my conditions for working there would be a good amount of money and," you looked away shyly, avoiding his piercing gaze, "and you're back in the ring at blue lock. He agreed. You're in, starting tomorrow."
He didn't know what to say or do. Were you fucking with him just now? "Wait, wait. I don't understand-" "I'm serious." You interrupted him, then eyed the empty side of your bed. "Hop back in, the couch must be really uncomfy. But no touching."
"You're crazy, you know that?" he complied, walking up to the opposite side of the bed, not questioning any further. He was at a loss of words, first you allow him to stay with you now you got him a job and the thing he loves the most back? You barely knew him for a few days, so, why?
"And you like it." , you teased, hiding your sly smirk under the covers. He noticed, throwing off the blanket to get in himself, chuckling at your remark.
He looked at you,"yeah, I love it." Before you could lose yourself in his mesmerizing eyes, you placed a big body pillow between the both of you because you knew if you would look at him only a second longer, you would end up on top of him.
You turned around and made yourself comfortable, biting your lip in an attempt to tame your wild thoughts. "Goodnight."
His eyes still lingered on your turned body, eyeing the curve your gorgeous body created under the covers, fingers itching to throw the sheets off, and you on top of himself.
In the morning, you woke up as the sun tickled your skin, attempting to turn around with a grimace attached to your face, but as you attempted to make yourself comfortable, you couldn't move in the slightest.
You felt a heavy weight on you, one leg thrown over yours, arm caging you against the broad chest of the dark haired male.
As you stirred awake, you tried to wiggle yourself out of his grasp, unsuccessfully. Your ass wiggling soon stopped as you heard him grunt lowly, noticing something hard against the curve of your ass. You gasped as you realized what was going on, but not intending to stop your movements either. What can you say? This was kind of sexy.
Your face twitched up into a smirk, softly biting your lower lip in anticipation, his grunts and low moans edging you on. He soon came to realize the sensation he was put under, eyes fluttering open. But before he could open his mouth, you quickly pushed him onto his back, straddling him. The man let out a choked moan at that, feeling your pussy through the fabric.
You really didn‘t understand what has gotten into you, but you just couldn‘t hold back any longer. Since the day he was in your home, you could barely shake those sinful thoughts out of your mind, longing to touch him - feel him.
He was in no better condition: hand gliding over his face as he groaned out a low ‚ fuck‘ in frustration, other hand moving to cautiously caress your hip. He let you take what you wanted, predator like eyes inspecting the movement of your hips against his now painfully hard cock.
„We really shouldn’t-„ „shut up. You know you want it.“ your sudden dominance made his eyes widen in shook, causing his cock to leak against his boxers.
You leaned down, placing open-mouthed kisses onto his neck, shoulders and finally his mouth, tongues tangling into a tantalizing mess.
He felt like he was in heaven. Never had a woman ever acted towards him like that, always him putting in all the work. This only made his desire for you grow even larger, soon understanding the possessiveness that sae seemed to have with you.
Finally, your hands reached down his toned chest, dancing under his belly button as you teased him. Giggling at his desperate groans, your hand lifted the waistband of his boxers and-
Your phone was ringing. Shit. You still didn’t quit your job, it was probably your boss. Hand retreating back to yourself as you took your phone in hand, reading the caller ID.
Oliver was visibly displeased, a dramatic whine erupting out of him as he let out an annoyed huff.
“Sae?” Oh, speaking of the devil. This red haired fucker was a cock blocker even through the fucking phone. Great.
„What’s up? I’m busy right now.“ Oliver closed his eyes and admitted defeat, sensing the sexual tension falling down. He probably will have a bad day today.
„You’re always busy. Anyway, I’ve heard. Congrats and all, but, are you really alright with that? And what does that frat boy Oliver got to do with you?“
Oliver's eyes wandered to your face at the mention of his name, already sensing that the caller probably didn’t put in a good word for him. You bit your lip in an attempt to hide your laughter, hand apologetically stroking his cheek as you got off of him, walking out of the room.
“This god-damned brat.” Oliver was still feeling bitter about the interruption, thoughts lingering on what would’ve happened if you didn’t pick up that damn phone.
It was probably for the best, he thought, still thinking otherwise deep down. His hard-on, now long gone from the sound of the man on the other line, lifting himself up with a grunt as he made his way to the bathroom to get ready.
You were seated on the couch, intensely listening to the sound of the older Itoshi's voice, trying to comprehend his words. “What?”
„You heard me. I’m coming over right now. Got something to eat for you too, so you don’t have to cook or anything.“
Wait, nonono- he can’t come now. Bad, bad timing. First, you were still kind of horny, and second of all-how the fuck would he react if he saw Oliver at your place now? Gosh, this can’t be happening.
But before you could decline his offer, he already hung up, a frustrated sigh leaving your lips. “Stubborn dickhead.”
„Busy. Oh, I see.“ you didn’t dare to look into Sae‘s eyes, already suspecting the judgmental look on his face. He just stepped into the door, Oliver coming right into his sight of view, still only in his boxers, toothbrush shoved into his mouth while he flashed Sae an annoyed look.
“It’s not what it looks like.” you sighed in frustration, lips forming a thin line at the scenario. “Hell yea, it is.” Oliver was quick to return, a prideful smirk visible on his lips, annoying Sae only further.
He ignored him, walking past him to the already set dinning table by you, placing the food he bought onto it. You explained to him why that man was in your apartment in the first place, trying to change sae‘s view of the situation.
His demeanor relaxed a bit at your explanation but still mad at the man in the room. “You could’ve just asked me instead of trying to get your dick wet here.”
You snapped at him for his blunt and open statement, Oliver's and your brows frowning at him. „See? That’s why I didn’t ask you. Also, I really like it here.“ Oliver said that with a teasing smirk on his face, clearly pissing off Sae even further.
Sae fully turned to the man, keys of his car jiggling in his hand at the action. „You’re coming with me to mine. Y/N needs time for herself, she has to prepare herself for tonight. And you need to too. It’s your comeback, after all.“
His dictating answer made you look at Oliver, giving him an apologetic look. You formed the words ‚ next time‘ to him, causing the boxer to smile at you and sae to turn to you right after.
„Hurry up and get dressed. Now.“ Oliver clicked his tongue at Sae‘s words, really not in the mood to go cause a scene right in front of you, gathering his clothes before throwing them on quickly.
He walked up to you, placing a quick kiss onto of your head, causing heat to shoot up your face before he walked out and bid his goodbye to you, “See ya.”
You gave him a quick wave, turning your attention to the man next to you as Oliver disappeared from your sight. „I know what you're thinking. We didn’t-„
“Oh, I’m not thinking anything Y/N.” sae interrupted you, expression disappointing his words. Your frustration was growing to your head at this point. What was he, your dad?
“You’re just mad I didn’t let you stay here, right?” He kissed his teeth at your words, both of you already knowing his answer. Of course, he was. He could’ve tended your needs just fine, so why let that guy stay over?
He walked up to your door, “later”, he said, before heading after Oliver, closing the door behind him.
Earlier, when Oliver and Sae left, you immediately called up your boss, quitting your job. Throughout the day, you couldn't help but feel excited for what was about to come. You were also curious of what would happen today. And who would be there?
And now, as you were in your 'personal chamber', as Reo would call it, you grown tobe very found of this. You barely have anything to do, only once an hour or something a boxer came in, injured and ready to be patched up by you. One of them right now was Shidou. He was seated on the leather, same familiar smirk adoring his face as he deeply inspected the movements of your hands on his body.
"Did I already told you how hot you look while doing me?" You rolled your eyes at his words, trying to contain the smile that was about to creep up your face. "Like two minutes ago. Plus, I'm not doing you. I'm just patching you up." He let a laugh escape his lips. "Yeah, yeah, whatever word suits you. Still lookin' sexy as hell, ma'." it was your turn to chuckle, chewing on your bottom lip as you locked eyes with him.
He licked his lips at that, eyes hanging low in pleasure as his gaze switched from your lips to your eyes frequently. Your hand stopped their movements, staying in place ontop of Shidou's chest. You legs moved between his parted ones, inching closer to the young man. "What are you doin' ma?" He questioned your action in a teasing undertone, hand moving to rest on your hip, thumb seductivly circling on your hip.
"Hmm I don't know," you began, face growing closer to his as you felt his hot breath on your skin, "What do you want me to do?" He growled at you, hold on your hip sneaking behind your back to take ahold of your rear. "I'ma give you three guesses."
He fondled your ass, other hand sneaking around your waist to make you straddle his lap. "Take care of you?" You first guess caused him to roll his hips up into yours, nodding. "Mhm. But you know how?" You returned him a shake of your head 'no'. He snickered at your innocent play, hand on your ass now grinding your lower region ontop of his growing buldge, earning a low moan from you in return.
"No fair Doll. Fun without me?" your head snapped at the source of the voice, swiftly jumping to your feet, which made Shidou kiss his teeth in annoyance. "Fuck you want? Here's the nursing room."
Nagi was visibly annoyed by Shidou's presence, not failing to let him know that. "Oh I know. That's why I'm here." He lifted his head to show his bruised nose, blood dripping out of it. "Think you can do something about that pretty?"
The tanned man jumped to his feet, walking up to Nagi as he let out a pity laugh. "A Fuckin' nosebleed, wow. What typa' pussy are you?" The white haired man stood his ground, lifting his head with pride to match Shidou's stance. "You're all good for what I can tell. Do you want to get your ass out of here or do you need me to do that for you?"
Shidou just scoffed at him shoving the man with his shoulder as he passed him and went out of the room, annoyance painting his face. As Shidou disappeared out of the room nagi‘s gaze was back on you, approaching you. „Why him?“ He asked, your face heating up in embarrassment as you ignored his question, trying to reach for his nose to clean it up.
As you instructed him to sit on the leather lie so you could tend his needs better, he complied, taking a seat as his low lidded eyes starred up at your figure. „Should be a little lower don’t you think?“ His hands sneaked around your hip, thumb brushing over it in circles in a teasing manner.
You were growing impatient. All the teasing and interrupting you had to bear today caused you to grow irritated, longing for relief. So what would you do in this situation? Handsome man beneath you, starring up at you with such lustful eyes? Exactly.
Your lips smashed against his, teeth and tongue clashing against each other. But before you seated yourself on his lap you wanted to lock the door, making sure no one would interrupt the both of you.
Nagi tightened his grip around you, throwing you right on top of him as his breathing was ragged. „Don’t worry doll. Already locked it.“ With that his lips were back on yours, hands groping your thighs and squeezing the plush of them.
This was moving way to slow-too lazy. So you had to take matters into your own hands. With one swift motion you pinned nagi down onto the leather seat, hands disappearing into his shirt as you explored his well trained body.
„Fuck.“ You could feel something hard nudging at your thigh, one hand quickly dipping into his pants to tease his aching cock through his boxers. „You better not leave me l-like last time doll.“ His voice was drenched in pleasure, teeth capturing his bottom lip as your hands sneaked into his boxers, pumping his already hard cock.
„This is only so you feel better, Nagi. Take it as your treatment.“ He moaned as your thumb brushed over his angry tip, smearing his precum all over his length.
He took what you gave him, sighs and moans escaping his mouth as he let you do the work. „What a lazy boy. You like it when someone does the work for you huh?“ You took your chance to tease him in his state, a gasp catching in his lungs as your fist tightened around his leaking cock.
„Fuckfuckfuck.“ His ragged breathing and slight stuttering of his hips into yours made you wary of his incoming orgasm, your lips attacking his collarbone and neck while steadily pumping him through his high, his moans like a melody to your ears as you felt the sticky and white fluid cover your knuckles. With one last suck of your lips you leaned upwards, your artpiece on display on his neck.
At the sight of your grin and the burning sensation on his neck he figured what you did. His hands swiped along the spot, catching his breath from his previously achieved pleasurable high. „So you claimed me huh?“
You bit back a laugh, taking a clean towel nearby to clean him and your hand off, carefully tugging his cock back into his boxers as you took your previous damp towel, some blood soaking in the white color and wiped off remains of the fight on his nose.
With a soft pat to his cheek and a clasp of your hand you sprung to your feet, walking up to the door of your room. „Alright all done! I’m taking my break now.“
Nagi just layed there in disbelief, eyes fixated on the door to which you disappeared behind. He sat up, huffing out a small laugh. „She’s unbelievable.“ He said, mind playing off the previous scenarios with you.
„I need her.“

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🏷️; @seiamor
ᵃˡˡ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵇᵉˡᵒⁿᵍˢ ᵗᵒ k-azus.°
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peterparkersnose · 2 years
Merry (Din)mas
pairing: Din Djarin x fem!reader
word count: 1k
warnings: none, din is grumpy but whats new, small sexual reference ? 
a/n happy holidays!
summary Din learns and celebrates about Christmas. 
join the tag list
read time: 3 mins 41 seconds
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“And the issue is…?”
“There is no issue. I just don’t think we should spend our time focusing on the old holidays.”
Din sat at the lousy refresher table feeding Grogu. You stood on top of one of the chairs, balancing your best and attempting to stick a branch with some leaves from the ceiling.
“That’s not gonna stick,” he sighed, taking a bite of his food. “Yes it wi-”
The branch fell on the floor in front of the chair.
A tiny smirk arose on his face.
Annoyance rose on yours. “I’m just trying to give him the natural experience of a holiday as a child,” you argued, hand reached out towards Grogu.
“He doesn’t understand, do you?” Din asked the baby. He was half asleep in his makeshift high chair after finishing his meal. “My point,” he said, finishing the argument.
The next morning Din woke up early to the sounds of brush and grunts from the kitchen.
He opened the door from his chamber and found you wrestling a tree you seemed to have chopped down and dragged into the Crest.
“Maker Y/N, what is this?” he sighed, his hand rubbing his temples. “Christmas…tree,” you struggled, pushing branches down to reach the stem of the tree.
“It needs to go back outside.”
“But Din!”
“Back. Outside.”
“It’s Christmas!”
“I don’t give a womp rats ass what it is. The outdoor belongs outdoor and it will stay outdoors.” he demanded, pointing towards the open hatch.
You sighed, defeated. Maybe Christmas was an old holiday for a reason.
“It’s too early for this shit,” Din mumbled, slumping back into his chambers.
When he awoke, he was met with the scent of what seemed like bread- only sweeter.
When he rose from his chambers once again, he was met with the blasphemous sounds of what seemed like sirens.
“Turn it off!” he yelled, planting his hands over his ears.
He saw your confused face sitting at the table with Grogu once the music stopped. “What in the worlds was that?” he asked. “Christmas music. From a long time ago, the traditional stuff.” you shrugged, stirring a spoon in one of the pots.
Din looked at the colorful paste you had in your hands. It seemed like red goo.
“Oh, come on Din. Just sit with us,” you begged, kicking out the chair opposite from you.
Reluctantly, he agreed.
“Why is he red?” Din sighed, looking at Grogu thoroughly for the first time that day.
He had the red goo all over his hands, various places on his face, and somehow the tip of one of his ears.
“What even is that?” he asked, carefully swiping a bit off of Grogu’s forehead.
“Taste it,” you smirked, amused at his disgust. “Taste it?” Din replied, his nose was crinkled at the meer suggestion.
You swiped your finger in the bowl and sucked a hefty amount of it off your finger. That totally unintentionally turned Din on.
His eyes seemed to pop out of his head. “It’s only frosting,” you teased. The makeshift cooker beeped. You turned around, excitedly taking the sweet smelling things out.
“Christmas cookies.” you said, carefully placing them on a plate.
Grogu extended his tiny hand and began to levitate a cookie off the plate.
“No, not for Grogu. Too hot.” you said, catching the cookie mid air. You dropped it back on the plate quickly.
“Did you see the rest of the ship?” you asked eagerly. “Please tell me there isn’t some magic rabbit sitting in my living room ready to spread Christmas joy.” Din said, crossing his arms.
“That’s easter, wrong holiday. Come on,” you sighed, scooping Grogu up. The apron you had on wiped him clean on your way to the living space.
Grogu cooed as the two of you entered the room. A much smaller tree sat in the corner, decorative lights covered it. “And Grogu helped, didn’t you?” you asked, tickling the child ever so slightly.
Tiny decorative balls hung off the tree. “He’s gonna have a field day with those,” Din muttered. “Already did,”
The cardboard box near the trash was filled with broken bulbs. “And we’re not going to do that again, are we?” you asked the baby. He just whined and looked up at you with his sweet eyes.
“What’s that?” Din asked, referring to the tiny box on the ground. “That is your gift,” you smiled, sitting next to the tree with Grogu in your lap.
“A gift?” he asked, joining you. “I was going to save it for the solstice, but…”
You handed him the wrapped gift. “Open it,”
He carefully tore away the paper and revealed a small box. He opened the lid.
A tiny brooch sat upon white fluff paper. It was a skull, similar to the Mandalorian crest he often wore. This one had three sparkly stones engraved in it, one for each of you.
His lip began to quiver as he stared silently at the beautiful gift. “Do you like it?” you asked, patiently waiting for his response. The silence made you suddenly doubt your gift choice.
“It’s… beautiful,” he said, completely touched by the gift.
“One for me, you, and Grogu. Isn’t that right, buddy? I let him pick the color out.” you smiled down, looking at the baby now grabbing for stray pieces of your hair.
“This is just…”
Din was at a loss for words. He didn’t know how to tell you that this is the first gift he’s ever gotten. Or at least remembered getting. And it was perfect.
“Are you okay?” you asked, reaching over touching his shoulder. He lifted his head from looking at the box in his lap. A smile was on his face as his glossy eyes met yours.
“Don’t cry,” you said, embracing him in front of the tree.
“This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten.” he whimpered, wiping a stray tear away.
Grogu quickly jumped in his lap next to the gift.
“Besides you two.” Din smiled, patting Grogu’s little head as he admired you on his side. 
tag list: @dani5216 @uwiuwi @alohastyles-x @samanthacookieone @maddieinnit0 @alexxavicry
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moonlight-tmd · 5 months
So we all know Prowl isn't really the most emotional of the bunch- sure he has moments of strong feelings but most of the time he keeps them under control.
He didn't really have anyone to help him out emotionally in the past, he had to learn to cope with feelings on his own. He was doing a decent job at it...
But after Lockdown came to earth and all those memories of Yoketron flooded back to him he couldn't find a way to deal with it.
He needed comfort and he wasn't getting any by himself... What he didn't expect was to find himself sitting on the berth in Bumblebee's room, waiting for said bot to return from patrol.
Prowl might not have gotten along with the scout sometimes but Bee was the only mech who could help him right now... Bee was always the one to extend a servo and offer help, he never judged the person for what they were struggling with and always gave his best to make them feel better. One could not compare to the amount of compassion and kindness the little bot had.
Prowl sqeezed the little square bee plush sitting in his arms, a substitute until the real one shows up. Which wasn't long, few moment later he heard the door to the room open and a very familiar voice saying "Uh, what are you doin' here?"
Prowl didn't anwer nor moved from his spot for that matter. He heard pedesteps growing closer, a sound of the door creaking but not falling shut in the distance. Bee came to stand beside him, a confused expression on his faceplate. "You good?"
Prowl might have been good at hiding his emotions but Bee has learned to know what the ninja felt at the moment- the way his faceplate scrunched up in places and the body language was enough to tell what mood he was in. Bee's expression softened to something more worried, he sat next to Prowl. "Prow-?"
He didn't get a chance to finish before Prowl leaned to his side and rested his helm on Bee's shoulder. That... took him by surprise, still he didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the ninja in a hug.
Prowl never asked him for help, at least not like that... Bee might have spoke to him few times when he saw Prowl wasn't feeling okay but that was it. Now, Prowl was here, clearly feeling vulnerable and asking for comfort. Bee wasn't about to ruin this chance.
He held him gently, a servo rubbing his back. Bee recalled in his mind the recent events, wondering what could've made Prowl feel like this. "Is it about Lockdown?" He quietly asked. Prowl didn't say a word, after a moment he only nodded and leaned into Bee's hug more.
They sat like this for a long time, only few words were exchanged during that- Bee didn't know if Prowl wanted to talk about it so he kept quiet, which Prowl was grateful for.
When all was better Prowl leaned back and held Bee's servo for a moment while his faceplate held a gentle smile- a silent thank you. Bee smiled back, Prowl returned the little plush to its rightful owner and went back to his room for the night.
That little interaction made Bee very happy, it was a huge step forward in their relations, a sign of the trust between them growing. Prowl was difficult to get to open up, Bee was happy to see all the progress he made up to this point. And so was Optimus.
Little did the two knew but the team leader caught a glance of the two sharing a hug, he wanted to ask Bee about the report from the patrol but upon seeing the scene he decided to leave the matter for a later date and leave the two alone.
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countrymusiclover · 3 months
18 - The Rock Shall Never Fall
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Part 19
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
“Burn them all!-“
Those were the final words of my father before I watched Jaime stab him in the back with his sword. He’d told me to run and when I had pulled myself from the trance I was stuck in I bolted. Holding up the long material of my black and red dress I maneuvered throughout the Red Keep and away from the throne room.
Repeatedly looking over my shoulder and behind my back I wasn’t sure if someone was following me or not. Only a handful of guards knew about the secret passageways underneath the castle. Rounding the corner I collided with a smaller body tumbling to the cold and harsh floor. “Urgh!….Tyrion.” Rubbing my head my vision cleared showing me the dwarf laying on the ground before me.
“I told my brother the three of us should have made a secret code for this situation.” He groaned, pushing himself up off the ground, grabbing the burning torch he had dropped when we fell.
Brushing off the fabric of my dress I pushed myself up to stand apologizing to my friend and brother in law. “I’m sorry, Tyrion. I just wasn’t looking where I was going - Jaime - he - he killed my father.”
“I was afraid that he would have to. Everyone around your father was just too afraid to tell him in fear of being burned by Wildfire.” He admits with a sad expression. Lifting my head upwards I gasped hearing the sound of heavy footsteps above our heads. Meaning it had to be Robert Baratheon’s army. “We must go, princess.”
He extended his freehand and I placed mine in his before he dragged me through another passageway and down multiple stairs till we came out of the caves seeing sunset. “Where are we supposed to go? Surely they’ll notice me gone?”
“Don’t worry about it. I have something already set up with a local tavern owner. He’s agreed so long as I send him double the amount of coins to help pay for his rent.” Tyrion explained squeezing my hand in his, reaching inside his tunic he drew out a bandanna. “Wear this to hide your silver hair.”
Taking it from his hand I nodded before we stood outside of the tavern that was closest to the Red Keep. “I understand. But I doubt I’ll ever be able to repay you for saving my life.”
“You will one day. I have faith in you, Vaella. My brother will become a better person because of you.” The lion lifted his gaze up to meet mine. At the time I didn’t realize that he would be right about me and his brother. My current family was falling apart but my new family wouldn’t fall even if our home did.
It had been quite some moons since Jaime had left the Rock and that made me extremely worried. I had never had to sit somewhere and wait for him to return like this. When he was serving as a Kingsguard I was forced to be distracted while working as a tavern girl. Peaking my head inside the twins room I saw them playing with their toy swords that we had let them carry.
“I challenge you to a duel, lion boy.” Luciya aimed her sword at her brother wearing a short red gown and some boots.
Rhaegar drew out his own sword gently hitting hers with his blade. “No! I challenge you sister. We know who's the better swordsman in the family, our father.”
“So who got his skills? We shall see.” She teased with a smirk.
Leaning my body against the doorway I couldn't help but just silently watch my two children. Ever since they had been born I would often think about my mother. And how she never seemed happy around our father. Her children were the only thing to not make her feel like a prisoner that she was. I was forever grateful that Jaime had allowed me to be myself and be as free as I desired. “Take that, princess.” Rhaegar swung at her but she rolled underneath his sword climbing up onto the bed.
“Try again, brother. You appear too slow to catch little me.”
Rhaegar glared at her climbing up on the bed. “I'll get you, Luciya.” They each swung at the other playfully, jumping around the bed, causing the feather stuffed in the mattress to fly up in the air as they did so.
I was pulled from my trance hearing footsteps rapidly approaching me from behind. “Lady Lannister.”
“Lady Alys, whatever is the matter?”
The woman caught her breath before speaking. “There’s an army destroying the fleat. You must get yourself and the children to safety.”
“You know as well as I that the Rock has never fallen. We needn't have to worry about-” I sharply cut myself off remembering one of the passageways underneath could be broken more than others. “Alert Commander Antler to have a large amount of men in the sewers.”
Lady Alys questions. “The sewers, my lady?”
“Tyrion created those. He knows them better than anyone else. If the fleet gets in through there then we have a problem.”
She curtsies to me disappearing off. “Yes, Lady Lannister.”
“Children, come with me now.” I called out to them and they stopped playing their game running up to meet me. Taking Luciya by the hand, Rhaegar took her other in his, allowing me to lead them through the halls of our home until we reached one of the main guard towers the Maesters would send Ravens from. Entering that room there was a newly connected staircase inside the Rock that led to a dragon pit that was built for Amethyst and to occupy her great size.
My dragon rose her head up smelling us coming into the pit before Rhaegar asked me. “Mommy, what are we doing down here?”
“I thought we're not old enough to fly on her.” Luciya added on while I suddenly hoisted her up sitting her on the dragon saddle.
Picking up my son I did the same thing with him, moving over to the edge doing my best to look on and see hundreds upon hundreds of the enemy's ships coming our way. “There’s nothing to be worried about, my little dragon lions. You're mother will be right back. And under no circumstances are you to get off of her. Do you understand?”
“Yes.” They replied in unison before I slipped my way back into the hallways of the castle.
Entering the main war room I saw many Lannister soldiers gathered around a table and all eyes focused on me. Yet none uttered a word except for Commander Antler who was dressed in all golden armor compared to the others who spotted red. “Lady Lannister, you shouldn't be here. You should be with your children.’
“My children are safe on Dragonback. Now I'm aware that my husband is away but it doesn’t excuse me from meetings when someone may be trying to take the Rock for themselves. So what exactly is your plan here?”
Commander Antler explained. “The plan is to prepare to attack them. The Lannister Rock has never fallen.”
“Unless you recall the story of the Castalies who took over the castle and that’s why it’s called Casterly Rock.”
Another knight made a face. “What do you wish us to do, Lady Lannister?”
“I want you to not waste our resources when we all know the Rock is far too large and deficit to overtake. With that being said I want to speak with the commander of this army who challenges the lion and dragon household.”
An older guard raised a brow at me. “The late Lord Tywin would have had us show how strong the house is compared to the other houses.”
“Just because our combined house's words are Fire and Blood or Hear me Roar doesn’t mean we always have to choose violence!” Slamming my hands down on the table every guard in the room remains frozen and silent in the place they stood.
Commander Antler lowered his gaze briefly before he finally met my gaze gesturing with a hand to the two knights standing by the door. “Guards, please prepare lady Lannister’s dragon and watch over her children until she returns.”
Once everything had been taken care of I was back with Amethyst inside the dragon pit. Slowly walking towards her she lowered one of her wings and kept her gaze on me until I was seated on her back after 21 years of being separated from one another. She launched up into the skies where we flew over the fleet of ships of the enemy’s that were still standing. From high above I could see men running around until I found an open area on the nearest ship so I launched her down rocking the ship harshly throwing a large amount of water on it, while creating huge waves the other ships had to face. “Which one of you is the Commander in charge?”
“Nyke se jentys hen daenerys jelmāzmo hen lentor targārien. Qilōni issi ao? - I am the commander of Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Who are you?” A soldier removed his helmet and I saw a tan man standing before me and my dragon.
Recognizing that he spoke old Valyrian I didn’t bother to ask if I needed to speak English. “Nyke vaella lannister. Former prince se se tala hen aerys ii se rhaella hen lentor targārien. - I am Vaella Lannister. Former Princess and the daughter of Aerys II and Rhaella of House Targaryen.”
The soldier glared at me. “ īlon issi kesīr naejot gūrogon aōha rock hen ao. Obūljagon nykeā laehurlion īlva azantyr rūsīr violence - We are here to take your Rock from you. Bend the knee or face our army with violence.”
“Skoros’s aōha brōzi, ser?” (what’s your name, Ser?)
“Thorgha nudha” ( Grey Worm )
Replying with a heavy sigh I prayed that he would understand that trying to take the Rock was a ridiculous idea. “Thorgha nudha, bisa dīnagon daor sagon taken nyke assure ao. Don’t waste aōha jēda se vali’s lives syt nykeā ojūdan cause. Nyke giving ao se chance naejot obūljarion. - Grey Worm, this place cannot be taken I assure you. Don’t waste your time and men’s lives for a lost cause. I am giving you the chance to surrender.”
“Obūljarion iksos unacceptable isse issa dāria’s laesi. - Surrender is unacceptable in my Queen’s eyes.”
Amethyst growled lower and blew air out of her nose at him but he didn’t seem fazed until not even when I spoke again. “Aōha dāria iksos issa mandia. Therefore nyke demand naejot gīmigon skoriot ziry iksos rȳ bisa moment sīr bona nyke kostagon ȳzaldrīzes rūsīr zȳhon naejot avoid unnecessary bloodshed. - Your Queen is my sister. Therefore I demand to know where she is at this moment so that I may speak with her to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.”
“Ziry iksos nearing dārys tegorīr. Currently rȳ zaldrīzesdōron yn ziry won’t agree naejot aōha terms hen daor taking bisa sombāzmion. - She is nearing Kings Landing. Currently at Dragonstone but she won’t agree to your terms of not taking this castle.” Grey Worm had a threatening tone in his voice.
“īlon’ll ūndegon bē bona. - We’ll see about that.” I raised my head tugging on my dragons scales and she launched up into the sky again flying back to the Rock, landing in the pit calling out to Lady Alys who was waiting with my children. “Lady Alys!”
The woman of the Rock led the two children out by the hand. “How did it go, my lady?”
“I’m going to speak with their queen and get her to leave the Rock alone.” I offered my hand out to my daughter and son who were standing at the end of her wing laying on the floor. “You two can come with me.”
Lady Alys went to argue. “Lady Vaella. I must disagree with that decision-“
“If I can’t convince her to not seize the Rock maybe it’s little heirs can instead.” I tugged my little ones on dragonback, before Amethyst spread her wings open and we took off into the sky over the waters below us.
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