#and they basically just went oh youre a woman with a history of migraines? heres a list of migraine triggers good luck
thalasseus · 1 year
wait going back to that migraine post another fun thing is when youve had them your whole life and you know what triggers them but still sometimes theyre random and unavoidable and you go to a dr and theyre like thats cute here’s a list of common migraine triggers have you tried just avoiding those?
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The Grinch Girl
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x MC (Klaw Craig)
Warning: Nope only fluff content and bits of sadness.
Word count: ~2.3 k
A.N: Hello again folks! Did you miss me? Well this fic came out unexpectedly and wasn’t even planned lol. But I hope you enjoy this and Merry Christmas! And I know you’re impatiently waiting for Part 6 of my OH AU 1 but still is in progress. THIS IS MY FIRST STAND-ALONE FIC EVER OMG AND I’M REALLY NERVOUSSSS.
Basically from all of the staff of Edenbrook Hospital there was a certain someone who didn't like Christmas as everyone else- Dr. Klaudia Craig. This wasn't something new for everyone because they knew she detested it.
She was occupying herself with lots of different cases in order to escape from the festive moments and the cheering voices of her colleagues ready to decorate the Infamous Christmas Tree.
At least that's what she thought.
She wasn't into the winter holidays or any kind of other holidays. Maybe she was a Grinch but as much as she had information about him it was completely another history- he hated people but not Christmas. Whereas she hated both of them.
Klaw didn't have any particular reason to be angry with anyone but she couldn't bare the fact to be involved in such kind of parties. Lousy and noisy people were always a migraine for her and would drink two strong pills in a day at least saving from that horrible sinusitis.
Her free times would always consist of reading books or scientific researches on internet for new developments in oncology surgery as she was eager to see the latest news. Furthermore she would watch BBC every time when the British Government released new announcements about the future of the country whom she dearly missed it. Maybe for others it was such a granny thing but for her was the best cure.
And as for today she was stepping into the corridors seeing the nurses chirping and decorating the railways and doors in which she let an exasperated sigh while shaking her head.
Why do they like them so much? It's completely nonsense. All of that glitter. Everyone seems so happy but I'm sure this is a façade.
Well clearly from her point of view it was maybe a façade but actually everyone was happy and was enjoying at its fullest. And that's why she hated it.
She never got to celebrate any holidays with her family as they have been always busy in their works and didn't pay too much attention on how this would reflect on their daughter's character in the future. They would always justify their lateness in house because of the "duty". God she thought that word would never get out of her mind.
When one of her patients asked her to do the Gingerbread House together she stared blankly as she had no idea what was this thing and she immediately regretted her lie to the kid.
Oh yeah of course I'll help you but until i finish my shift alright?
The little girl was smart and understood that she wasn't telling the truth and aside from that she could tell that the doctor standing opposite her wasn't even pleased about it and she let a mischievous smirk.
"You don't know what Gingerbread is, don't you?"
The doctor gulped hardly as ever. The patient saw her hesitation and asked sincerely.
"Don't worry I'll ask someone else but can I ask you why don't you know about the Gingerbread?"
"Mary, I think you need to rest now after your long surgery, right?"
"Got it doc."
With that she trailed off furiously as she didn't want to awake again that memory.
She hated herself.
She didn't want to be like this.
Cold demeanor.
And afraid to be happy.
When she went to the elevator she heard Sienna calling from behind.
“Hey Klaw!"
Oh god please don’t tell me she’s going to invite me to that party.
"Hi Sienna, how you've been?"
"Perfect! May I say everything is going to be awesome and I can't wait to celebrate with all of us in our apartment! You'll come too, right?"
God she wanted so bad to celebrate. But her logical answer was always ahead of what heart truly wanted. You can say without fear that she was an introverted ass.
"Uhm actually I won't."
Sienna's smile immediately faltered and shook her head in confusion. "Why?” Before Klaw could explain herself she abruptly said “Look If you're worried about those scumbag surgical residents, don't worry we won't invite them. And also-"
"Sienna it's not about them. It's just..."
"Just what?"
I don't celebrate Christmas Eve and I don’t have any intention to because I just simply hate it.
“It’s about patients Si and we have lot of work to do especially Dr. Ramsey won’t let me to finish the shift that easy so I’m leaving-”
“Not so fast gorgeous." a sing-along voice stopped her. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Oh, Bryce." She put a plastered smile while laughing nervously. As always. "Uhm, well I have to go to a patient now heh."
"Tsk. I don’t believe any single thing what you’re saying girlie.”
She wanted to seem so believable but this time was out of her luck. Before she would protest again he interrupted.
"Come on Klaw. We already know you've been working your ass since five in the morning and you haven't even eaten anything today needless to say- you haven't even wished us for Christmas."
"Oh really?" He nodded "Well- Merry Christmas Bryce!"
He frowned in confusion and was crooking his eyes in suspicion as she sounded differently from usual. Something was wrong and he was about to ask her again when he heard that annoying voice.
"Rookie!" Klaw's eyes widened but in the meantime she thanked him in silence for saving her.
"In my office."
"Yes Dr. Ramsey."
With that she excused herself to Sienna and Bryce who stayed mouth agape and Sienna was finally the one to break the silence.
"So...Plan A and B are ruined right?"
"Yeah" he slid from his pocket the phone in which he called a number. "Jackie." He let a defeated sigh. "Tell the others we need a plan C. That old man Ramsey destroyed everything."
When the elevator reached the 3rd floor Ethan guided Klaw to his office gently pushing the door for her to enter first. They made an arrangement before she started her residency- to remain professional but her gut feeling told that something not good was about to happen.
What was weird was the fact that the lights of his office weren't turned on but only those of his little Christmas Tree. She rolled her eyes annoyingly.
Great. Now I have to deal with another Christmas enthusiast.
He saw her expression and when she turned as if questioning, he gave her a rueful smile. "Please sit."
She did as he said raising her left eyebrow. "So? What is the reason you called me?"
"Simple. I want to find a treatment for a patient whose brain is not functioning as usual." He said ironically which she didn't get it.
"What are her symptoms?"
Even though it was not an usual question he would ask as every time- she was ready to show her high diagnostics knowledge despite being a surgeon.
"It's a difficult case and a rare one. I'm not sure if you're going to handle it."
"There's nothing I can't handle Dr. Ramsey." She said while raising her head in confidence. "Remember what you said to me in my intern year? When there isn't a path, you make your own."
"Fair well. This girl is about 5 years old and she doesn't celebrate Christmas because she hates it. What do you think we should do?"
"What? I don't-" Then it all clicked.
It was about her.
"You too?" She scoffed in disbelief while standing up "I really can't believe this!"
When she was reaching the door handle a strong grip on her waist held her in place and growled in her left ear that made her shivered. "You're not going anywhere!"
"What happened with being professional Dr. Ramsey huh?"
He shut his eyes and inhaled sharply. "Please. Tell me what's wrong. I know that you're worried about something."
"You don't deserve to know anything!" With that she kicked his crotch with her left knee letting herself free from him. That self-defense instinct she had- it was going to be the death of him one day.
"And you don't tell me what should I do!"
"Is that so Dr. Craig? Remember that I'm your boss."
"Ouch. So scary. What are you going to do then? Pin me to the wall?" She let out a weary chuckle "Remember Ramsey- I'm not going to play hot and cold game again with you because I've had enough! And don't even try to do the victim's face here 'cause you know that it's your fault that we're in this position now!"
She was the most infuriating woman he had ever met in his life and maybe this was the reason why he wanted her so badly. Her gorgeous face etched to his mind every night before sleep. When she was always angry she looked like a goddess to him no matter how and he would bow down just for her. One word or only one action from her and he was her slave.
"What happened Dr. Ramsey? Cat got your tongue?" said in a sing-along voice and when he didn't answer she wanted to use the opportunity to leave but his eyes were trailing her full parted lips.
No. No. No. Don't let him kiss you Klaw. Just don't.
But his actions were faster than she thought and her fear came to life. He kissed her such gently that made her cheeks blush enough to stop arguing. When they parted Ethan set both of his hands to her face trailing her cheekbones and temples saying in a soothing voice.
"Now, will you tell me what is going on with your cold behaviour?"
She nodded forgetting everything in what they agreed on. Maybe she would regret it later but it seemed that she didn't care for now.
"So that's why I hate it. I mean I don't want to hate Christmas. It's just I don't want to leave the impression to the others that I hate holidays. I don't want to look like Grinch but still...Ughh I don't know.” she placed her palms in her temples. “I feel such in shame now like I don't even know what Gingerbread is!"
"Why haven't you searched on the internet before?"
"Well this is the case. I've never shown interest in it. The only thing that I would search were always something about science in general and projects for school. And I've never received Christmas gifts before which makes me well-" the last words she said almost in a whisper. "- not appreciated person."
Ethan could see himself in her somehow. After his mother left he didn't want to celebrate Christmas anymore as that day was one of the worst of his life. But his father Alan insisted that his son should see his future and letting that pain to go by every year celebrating and reminding him to be a strong man just like now. Whereas for Klaw he felt his jaw clenched in frustration when her parents now that they weren’t anymore never celebrated and not even letting her to go at least at her best friend's house.
"Do you think I'm a Grinch Girl, Ethan?"
When she called him in his first name he felt his chest warming as she was slowly becoming more openly to him.
"No." He said without hesitation. "It's clearly that you were raised like this and you should not blame yourself for that. You're not the only one who doesn't celebrate Christmas Eve. There are many people who don't even know what Christmas is so-" he put a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. "No, you're not a Grinch but...A grumpy one may I- agh!" he winced when she pinched his arm then smacked it furiously.
"That hurt."
"You deserved that."
"Seriously? I'm trying to understand you whereas-" she cut him off guard with another kiss but on his cheeks instead.
"Thank you. For always being nice to me."
"Hey, you know I would do everything for you?"
"Yeah, I know. But what am I going to do now?"
"First things first" he stood up from the couch where they were staying "You're going to say to everyone who you meet the magic words: 'Merry Christmas!'"
He chuckled when she let a groan. "And then you're going to pick some gifts in the shop for your friends because this is the value of this holiday- sharing is caring. And about gifts-"
He went to his drawer of his white wooden-metallic desk to reveal an object packed in a rectangular shape with a white strap.
"Wait is that-?"
"Yes it's for you". She stared at him. "Open it."
She took it hesitating at first because this was the first gift ever someone made especially for her and was fidgeting her fingers not knowing where to start because she didn't want to ruin the way how beautifully it was packed.
When she let go of the strap she gasped when there was an old book of Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Grey and there were two milk chocolates Fin Carré which was her favourite flavour and a little card were was written:
I'm sorry for being an asshole.
Merry Christmas Rookie!
"So...uhm do you like it?" He scratched the back of his neck nervously. " I know you're a bookworm and I remembered that Oscar Wilde was the only Irish author whom you didn't read so I went to the National Library and asked if there was still an old copy of it and luckily it was the last one."
She immediately left the gift in his couch and pressed a lingering kiss on his lips and said in a whisper while tearing up "Merry Christmas Ethan. And I'm sorry too for being grumpy and harsh to you."
"You don't have to apologise to me. Your friends and your patient Mary need to hear this. Okay?"
"Okay. Seni seviyorum. [ I love you ] “
“Uhm what?”
She giggled “I’ll tell you when the year ends.”
“A girl has to keep some secrets, right?” said when she opened the door and left contently with it.
For the first time in her life Dr. Klaudia Craig felt a radiation coming through her body.
She was happy and grateful.
P.S: The words ‘seni seviyorum’ come from Turkish language. And no- my MC is not Turkish but British lol. She is a polyglot that’s why.
Perma tag: @starrystarrytrouble | @junggoku | @maurine07 | @nadeen-ahmed11 | @hopelessromantics4life  | @lillylavander20 | @caseyvalentineramsey | @custaroonie |  @miss-smrxtiee  |  @drstellavalentine | @archxxronrookie  |  @binny1985
if anyone else wants to be tagged please let me know! xoxo
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arch-venus25 · 4 years
The Head and the Heart, Part 2
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Hello everyone,
I am submitting this for @just-the-hiddles‘s The Damnit Jim, I’m A Vampire, Not A Landlord Fic Frenzy. I chose prompt “1....You can pay your rent in money or in blood.” I was inspired by all the prompts and will probably use them throughout the series. Basically I use the prompts as guide-lines.
This is the first time I have written and shared a fic online-- or ever really! It’s also the first time I’ve written anything modern so please let me know what you think! I hope I’m posting this correctly--I created the title art--LOL I’ve never done this before. I’m aiming to update the series each Tuesday. So here we go...
Series Masterlist: The Head and The Heart
Summary: The twins are taking a night off from their graduate studies-- or at least Tessa is; her twin sister, Antha, is just trying to keep her out of trouble. What starts as a night of good old-fashioned fun and flirting quickly changes as they find themselves at the doorstep of the Hollow House Bed and Breakfast.
Characters: OFCs Antha and Tessa King, original characters/vampires
WARNINGS: 18+ for suggestive themes and violence, cursing, implied drug use, implied rape, stressful/scary situations, vampires, and characters with incredible hair-- you’ve been warned. Read at your own discretion.
Word Count: 2228
Part Two: Long into the Night
        The bass swelled and the drums cracked imitating well-known pop-rock songs that sent the patrons into a lather. Antha wasn’t the only one that finally felt it: the night was officially popping-off as it were and when she followed Tessa’s lead people stared.
        As if caught in a fever-dream, the mirrored image of them simply blew one young man’s mind. Way past his limit, he asked one of the twins “Are you real?” Zoey stepped in, pulling her friends around them acting as a barrier. With the added security in numbers, Antha started to relax, even have a little fun; also, knowing that Doug was on his way helped. The song led into another fan favorite and then another; they rolled with the rhythm, working up a sweat that no air conditioner could soothe.
        Something caught Antha’s eye. It was Franco, watching them, flipping the top of his lighter. A chill ran up her spine. She figured now was the best time to break the news to Tessa.
        “Hey, we’re going home after this,” she yelled into her twin’s ear, “one more round and then home.”
        “What did I tell you? We’re going to have fun!” Tessa proclaimed like it was the only stance she had ever believed in.
        “I just have this feeling Tess, I don’t want to go to that bonfire.”
        “You don’t have to! You’re not my third wheel, just get on home then—I’m going out to get lucky!” Tessa shimmied to her Daft Punk reference as the band began to play Get Lucky. She hummed when she followed Antha’s eyes across the floor toward the booth, where Franco lounged. “How can you resist that tall glass of water?”
        “We’re not going. You can have him over for brunch tomorrow,” Antha turned into the spitting image of her mother on the spot, as if compromising with a child. Every so often she checked the door, wishing Doug would just appear to help wrangle her girlfriends. She was truly outnumbered.
        Tessa laughed incredulously, “Franco doesn’t do brunch.”
        “And he’s not doing this either.” Antha waved her hand between the two of them as if a package deal. Tessa stopped dancing, her brow cocked and arms crossed. Zoey piped in that she would go, as did one of her cronies. Tessa shifted her weight and tossed her hair with her unequivocal “I do what I want” look, then she led the girls off the floor toward the bathroom. Antha trailed behind them, hot on their heels.
        She stood outside her sister’s stall trying to be as reasonable as the cocktail coursing through her veins would allow. Tessa and the others finally came out with the flush of toilets reverberating into one long sustained note, suggesting a migraine to Antha. “Oh, you’re still here? I thought you went home.” Tessa began, her attitude getting away from her as she preened in the mirror. Zoey tried to mediate but fell silent when the twin stated her case.
        “Look, if José asked, if Treyvon, if Brian asked—I would go! We could have fun—I just don’t like Franco. He’s got that weird, slow drawl—he disappears then reappears—where does he go? Where? To bonfires on Slaughter Beach? This sounds like the plot of every slasher horror flick ever made!” Antha explained, exasperated.
        “This is just like ‘the Treyvon incident’ years ago, when he touched your hair—it’s like an endless tug of war with you Ant. You never let anything go!” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling, tired of her sister.
        “Tessa. He didn’t touch my hair—he snuck up behind me, fisted my dreads and whispered some nonsense about reigns or riding—or some shit! You know damn well he’s never ridden a horse so I can only imagine what he meant!” Antha grew annoyed recapping history when all it did was make Tessa laugh as if that was one of those old fond memories. Zoey blushed and covered her mouth, feeling a bit mortified for them both.
        “Maybe, I’ll explain it to you when you’re older.” Tessa shot back as she dabbed her neck with a damp towel. She began mumbling her usual rhetoric of Antha should ‘grow up and relax’, but a moment later she slouched against the counter.
        “If this is going to be a thing let’s just stay local—we can hit up the diner, you know like old times—summer is just starting, class is about to let out, we can head down to the beach another night.” Zoey rationalized.
        “Whoa…” Tessa sighed as if she wasn’t part of the conversation and held fast to the sink. She seemed woozy and held her head.
        “Who bought you drinks other than me?” Antha immediately took her sister up by the face and stared into her rapidly dilating pupils.
        “No, no, its not like that—he’s just got some good shit I haven’t had in a while.” She explained, completely detached.
        “Did you know about this?” Antha barked over her shoulder at Zoey and her friends; the girls hemmed and hawed like they were lined up for her firing squad. Of course, Franco had good shit, she thought. In the light of the bathroom Antha could tell she was the only mostly sober woman in the group. “We’re going home now.” She pulled Tessa and the rest from the bathroom, her head pounding from the music and cheap whiskey.
        When they got outside Franco was leaning on the back of his truck bed as if he were waiting to round up a herd of sheep. One of his friends, beer in hand, offered to help the girls up. Two climbed in, but Zoey hesitated, debating if she was more afraid of missing out or Antha. Antha put Tessa in her car and told her not to move; before she could hunt Franco down she found him lumbering toward her.
        “What is wrong with you? She’s as high as a kite!” She confronted him, attempting to keep her voice low.
        “Really?” He replied with mild surprise. “Well I got yer friends here—y’all still welcome to come down if you want.” He handed her the messenger bag and continued casually, his hands in his pockets as if he couldn’t fathom why she was upset. She threw her bag in the back and slammed the door—praying that Doug’s Buick would be squealing into the parking lot right about now.
        “You’re trouble, you know that? My sister doesn’t need a redneck like you hanging around—so do us a favor and disappear like you always do.” She threatened him as he dryly pulled a cigarette from his other ear and lit it. What else you got behind those ears?
        “Well, I see.” He bent to look in on Tessa who was fighting the urge to laugh or cry, she wasn’t sure in her current state. “I guess I’ll be hitting the road then.” He ironically saluted and turned to his truck. Antha watched as he threw up his tailgate and fired up the engine. His friend and the girls clucking like teenagers in the back.
        Antha sighed and swung herself into the driver’s seat of her sister’s car, realizing she didn’t have the keys in her pocket. When she turned to Tessa to get them, she found an empty seat. To her horror she looked up ahead to see the familiar white hot-pants climbing into the passenger side of Franco’s monster-sized truck. She jumped from the car, prepared to block the way and be crushed rather than watch him drive away with her.
        Before she could take one step closer her ears filled with the shrieking of brakes slamming behind her. She hadn’t had time to turn before flashes of color and angry feet whizzed by her body. Someone shouldered her out of the way, knocking her to the ground. The air filled with the unmistakable sound of shattering glass. The girls were suddenly screaming and jumping from the truck bed as Antha held herself, recoiled on the ground and terrified.
        “What the fuck?” Franco bellowed as José took a baseball bat to his side mirror and his crew slashed the back tires. “Who is this guy?” He yelled, completely blindsided, not truly wanting the answer. The invading men knocked out the taillights as José threw open the door and yanked Franco from his seat.
        “Tessa!” Antha held herself, her shoulder throbbing. The men circled as Franco attempted to defend his case.
        “Dude, I don’t know you—are you her boyfriend? Look, I don’t know what the—” He tried to set a standard for the situation before it escalated further. When José’s fist met Franco’s mouth Antha turned from the riot, too afraid to look. The sound of knuckles crashing against teeth was enough visual for her.
        “Tessa!” She called again as she pulled herself up to get her sister. Tessa was called by the men too as if insisting she bear witness to their fury.
        The passenger door groaned open and all that could be seen was a blur of white as Tessa hopped out and bolted from the parking lot and into the corn fields. With a surge of adrenaline Antha found her feet rushing as fast as they could after her sister. The shoddy bar and its watered-down drinks fell away from her like dead weight as the fear set in that her sister was running into the great unknown without her full faculties.
        The broken corn stalks and uneven ground was all she could follow—the only evidence to lead her to her fleeing sibling. The men brawling sounded distant like a dream from another time; everything, the whole night, was forgotten as Antha called for her lost other-half. She took a sharp left, listening, unable to trust her eyes as everything seemed to be moving. The corn stalks swatted back viciously in their disturbance. The further in she ran the more they grew, reaching to the sky, disorienting her and stinging her arms and face—but not like the terror in her chest, her lungs burned with her efforts. She didn’t know how long she had been running.
        Then there was silence.
        Antha stopped for a moment, unsure where to go, the stalks holding fast like bodyguards, reminding her she didn’t belong there. You’re lost, she swore someone whispered to her. She turned to find no one. “TESSA?” She called. Complete silence. All of her hackles raised as the realization set in that she might end up on the six o’clock news and not be around to watch it. The breeze could barely pass through the crop. “Tessa?” She cried as she desperately looked for those white cut-offs that encased her precious sister.
        She slowly moved forward as the thought occurred to her that they might not be alone. Momma, please I’ll never do anything wrong again! Please help me find her—I swear I didn’t mean to lose her—I swear to you and to God I’ll donate more to the church, I’ll never say the f-word again! I swear— Antha’s internal prayer was cut off as the ground suddenly left her, or rather she left it. After spewing the words she swore she’d never say again, she found herself in a rut. She looked above her head to see the corn stalks leering down at her, as she pulled herself from knotted roots and mud.
        The ground had cut away and she could barely see in the dark the massive crater-sized drop. She looked about with nothing but a freckling of stars and clouded moonlight to her aid. She searched for a way up, but could find none. “Tess—” She began but her voice died in her throat as something moved a few feet off from where she stood. She approached carefully—it could be Tessa, it could be a rabbit, or the Boogey Man—perhaps all of the above. Even the Boogey Man wouldn’t be out in this Delaware heat, she thought to herself, her internal monologue attempting to keep her panic at bay.
        She continued further and swore she saw light through the foliage and dank terrain. Antha followed the specks of light, frightened of what she might find, but too scared to stay in place. She prepared her fists but lost her gumption as a whimper sounded. She thought it was herself at first, but then realized the brush was shuddering and crying. Cautiously she pulled back a branch and found the iconic hot-pants, dirtied and shivering. “Tessa!” She excitedly whispered and threw her arms around her sister.
        “Ant, is that you? I’m so lost—where are we?” She sniffed, dazed and confused.
        “I’m here! I’m here!” She kept whispering and pushing her braids back, inspecting her face and limbs. Tessa’s expression was alien; whatever she had taken was in full affect now. She vomited in the shrubbery next to her. When she was done emptying her stomach, Tessa turned to her sister petrified and pointed. Before Antha could turn she heard a smooth voice cut through the dark.
        “You seem to be lost.” The metal click of a shot gun being cocked and readied trumped all of the twin’s senses—that was until the cool tip of the barrel met the base of Antha’s skull.
Twinning Taglist: If you want to be added or removed just let me know; please share with anyone that might be interested. I would love any and all feedback so I can learn and become a better writer. Thank you!  I tagged some people that I thought would be interested in this. @myoxisbroken @just-the-hiddles @vodka-and-some-sass @nildespirandum @yespolkadotkitty @latent-thoughts @emeraldrosequartz @villainousshakespeare @hopelessromanticspoonie @caffiend-queen @poetic-fiasco @lokimostly @dianamolloy @marvelgirlonamarvelworld @brightsunanddarkmidnight2-0 @cateyes315 @mooncat163 @nuggsmum @myraiswack @wolfpawn​ @plastic-heart​
Bottom image Credit: https://images.app.goo.gl/Tq153Yhn2DsyBq296
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ninjanonymous · 4 years
I’m pissed off, and sad, and scared, and I have a lot to say right now. This all needs to be said, for my own sake if not for anyone else’s.
Very recently, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that employers under the Affordable Care Act are now allowed to roll back access to birth control for their employees, as long as their religion disagrees with it. This ruling was made in the name of religious tyranny, and NOT that of religious freedom. Christian-run businesses can now force their beliefs onto their employees by actively denying them the healthcare that they very much need.
Can you imagine the outrage there would be if SCOTUS decided that it was suddenly okay for a Muslim-run business to break FLSA standards during Ramadan? After all, if a Christian-run business shouldn’t be forced to pay for all ACA-protected aspects of an employee’s healthcare, why should a Muslim-run business have to sacrifice profits when eating lunch during Ramadan is against their religion?
“Oh, but there are federal protections to keep something like that from happening.” Are there? Are there really? The ACA gave employees FEDERALLY PROTECTED access to birth control through their employers, because an employer’s religious beliefs shouldn’t be used to control the freedoms or hurt the wellbeing of others. Now look where we are.
This court ruling essentially dictates that religion can make you exempt from federally-mandated rules for the sake of profit. It puts the employer’s beliefs above the beliefs and wellbeing of their employees. It puts any company’s self-proclaimed God over the law, and allows them to forgo worker protections because, according to them, it’s what Jesus would want.
And where do we draw the line? Should a company that’s run by a Jehovah’s Witness be allowed to deny coverage for a needed blood transfusion? Can a religious company claim that any illness is a righteous punishment from God, and the use of modern medicine to treat it would be sinful? What would that mean for something as devastatingly expensive as cancer treatment? What if the CEO doesn’t agree with vaccines? And really, why even stop at access to healthcare when there are any number of ways that a company could encroach on their worker’s rights in the name of God?
Too many people in this country are entirely dependent on their employers for their health insurance. Healthcare costs in America are the highest in the western world by far, and life-saving treatment is often prohibitively expensive without it. This SCOTUS decision may ultimately deny many Americans their constitutional right to life.
Employers pay private insurance companies to provide care for their employees. This is a blanket expense. They don’t get an itemized bill for the healthcare that they’re covering. They’re paying for general healthcare coverage to be provided by insurance company, and that’s it. The employers are not the insurance companies themselves. They are not the ones processing the claims and choosing which to deny and which to cover. Your medical record is private, protected information. Your employer does not have access to that information under HIPAA. If your employer isn’t allowed in the room with you during your doctor’s appointment, they absolutely shouldn’t be allowed to pick and choose what care you can and can’t receive.
These companies are literally just saying, “see that person right there? I don’t like that they’re on birth control, because I’M a Christian, and that’s against MY beliefs, so now THEY can’t have it.” A Christian forcing their beliefs onto someone else isn’t religious freedom, just like a Muslim forcing their beliefs onto a Christian wouldn’t be. This is religious tyranny the and Christian-backed persecution of women.
And for this specific ruling, it really is that arbitrary. This ruling is a poorly-disguised move to further strip away the rights of women in the name of Abrahamic theocracy. The idea that this decision would save money for these employers is completely asinine, considering good reproductive healthcare and access to birth control reduces long-term costs overall (I will be adding the stats and sources to back this up in a later post).
And here’s an important reminder for you all: reproductive healthcare is still basic healthcare. Taking care of one’s needs regarding their reproductive system benefits their overall health. And even if you disagree with me there, “birth control” is a pretty damn big misnomer. While it is commonly used to prevent unwanted pregnancies, there are a myriad of other reasons that a woman might need it for.
Birth control can control hormonal acne. My own mother was put on it for this reason back when she was a teenager.
It can be used to help regulate one’s mood. A dear friend of mine is on it for this reason. She suffers from severe depression, occasionally to the point of suicidal ideation. I am fucking terrified about what this court decision could mean for her.
It reduces one’s chances of getting uterine cancer. I have a family history of uterine cancer, and it can be hard to detect. They only found it in my grandmother by chance when they were performing an unrelated surgery.
It reduces your chances of forming ovarian cysts. Women with PCOS often suffer from these, and they can be quite painful. My mother had to have a football-sized ovarian cyst removed from her abdomen, and histology found that it contained pre-cancerous cells.
It can relieve symptoms of PMS and PMDD. Again, this is a form of hormonal mood regulation, as well as a means of controlling many of the unfortunate physical side effects of the menstrual cycle. PMS and PMDD are often topics of ridicule, but their symptoms can have a serious negative impact on one’s day-to-day life. I’ll add more information on this later, since there’s a lot to cover.
It can help regulate one’s menstrual cycle. For reasons I shouldn’t have to explain, knowing when blood and viscera is going to start pouring out of your crotch really helps with being prepared to deal with it. It also helps to avoid really embarrassing situations in public, or the need to clean bloodstains out of clothes and furniture. Irregular periods are a gruesome guessing game. I’ve been there. I don’t want to go back.
It can make your periods less painful. Periods happen when, once a month, the uterus sheds its inner lining. As in, the person having their period is bleeding internally, because one of their organs is shredding and expelling parts of itself from the inside. That shit hurts. Many women have reported vomiting or passing out from period pain. For me, the average period cramp can be compared to really bad gas or diarrhea pain. You know, the kind that has you breaking out into cold sweats on the toilet while you silently beg for mercy to any god that might be listening. Fun, right? I’d recon my pain level is about the average, too.
It can be used to manage menstrual migraines. Did you know some women get migraines in conjunction with their periods? Migraines are debilitating. Imagine having them chronically, getting them frequently around the same time every month, then being denied affordable access to the one medicine that was keeping it in check because your asshole boss says that Jesus wants you to suffer. Bonus points if you get fired because the migraines had a negative impact on your ability to work.
It can reduce your risk of anemia. Some women get really heavy periods. Like, crazy heavy, to the point where they bleed so much that it’s unhealthy. Technically speaking, I fall into this camp. I’d hemorrhage to the point of needing a transfusion if I went long enough without birth control. Gee, I sure hope the insurance-throttling company that I work for isn’t run by a Jehovah’s Witness.
Birth control is the only non-invasive way to control uterine fibroids, which often go hand-in-hand with endometriosis. These are non-cancerous growths within or around the uterus can cause uncontrolled bleeding, and may be quite painful in and of themselves. A ridiculously high number of women have this, myself included. Most women that have them have no or very few symptoms. I was not so lucky.
And that’s just a few of birth control’s many uses. And actually, let me talk about my fibroids some more for a second, just so you all have a better idea of what it means to live with this shit. TMI time. I take birth control. I’ve been taking it regularly for about five years now. I’ve never had sex before, and I don’t plan on it any time soon. This is the one and only reason I’m on the pill.
Five years ago, during my freshman year of college, I started bleeding out of the blue. Really, really badly. This “spotting” was sudden, and heavy, and unrelenting. I’d completely bleed through a super tampon in less than two hours, when one of those would last a good eight hours on my heaviest day during a normal period. I had to sleep with towels on the bed, and set an alarm to wake up early so I could take deal with the shed blood before it got too bad, and to give myself extra time for cleanup before classes. After going from horizontal to vertical for the first time in several hours, getting to the bathroom was a race against time and gravity.
I lived like this for a full month. Tampons and pads, for those of you that have had the privilege of never needing to buy them, can get really pricey. Doubly so for a broke college student, triply so when they need to be extra-large packs containing extra-large products, and quadruple-y so when that broke college student is still managing to bleed through those products at an absurd rate. And, it hurt. The pain was worse than usual; the camps were sharper, more persistent, and sometimes it felt like someone was jabbing a big needle into my abdomen and twisting it around. I was taking OTC painkillers constantly, and they barely made a dent in the pain.
The bleeding started just over a week after my last period had ended, so it was way too early for it to be my next cycle. I figured that maybe my cycle was syncing up to my roommate, or some other chick on my floor had some weird hormonal imbalance, and the outside interference from other people’s hormones was screwing with me enough to make my own body act weird. I figured I’d just have to wait out this one bad period, and everything would settle back down to normal. But, two weeks passed and absolutely nothing changed. The bleeding wasn’t slowing down, and I started to get worried that it wasn’t just an abnormal period. I waited a couple more days, then booked an appointment at the health center. It was more than a week until they could see me.
The consensus was fibroids. They couldn’t give me an official diagnosis without an ultrasound, but all signs pointed to that one conclusion. They said that the only way to make the bleeding stop was by taking birth control. I wasn’t happy about it, since my mom had me convinced that birth control would actually increase my risk of cancer (not true, as I later found out), but I agreed anyway. The nightmare was over a few days later.
So, off topic but still related, I had surgery on my foot a couple months ago. It had to be immobilized for a while, and I was put on blood thinners to prevent any clots from forming while I recovered. Birth control pills can actually increase the risk of blood clots, so I made the choice to hold off on taking those for a while, just as an added precaution. Sure enough, only five days later, the bleeding and the pain was back. Again, it had been only a week since my last period.
I still need to be on birth control. It is a medical necessity for me. My fibroids are still around, and I’ll still spot and cramp up if I miss a pill. I’ve recently been told by my doctor that a permanent fix, and my only other option for treatment, is a hysterectomy. I am 22 years old. Most surgeons would never dream about performing that procedure on me, even if it didn’t already come with its own health risks.
And hell, even if it is used just to prevent pregnancies, what gives someone else the right to deny a woman her bodily autonomy? Human beings are sexual creatures. They’re going to fuck, regardless of whatever laws or religious doctrines are involved. We are quite literally built to have sex, and it’s entirely healthy to do so. There are plenty of peer-reviewed studies that go into detail on the matter; just hop onto Google Scholar and see for yourself. And, maybe, preventing pregnancy is a need in and of itself. What if a woman has a condition that would make pregnancy extremely high-risk? Is she not justified in taking birth control to protect herself from grievous injury? If she’s married to a man, does that married couple not have a right to sleep together without fear of one of them literally dying for it? Even by Christian standards, it doesn’t seem right.
This decision that the Supreme Court has made is utterly shameful, and countless law-abiding American citizens will now be denied access to needed care that they otherwise couldn’t afford without insurance coverage. This is truly a loss for America and her people, and one that will cause suffering for decades to come.
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katleowriting · 6 years
Sister of Darkness-History Repeating S1 E9
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Summary Entire Work:  Elena has an older sister, her name is Parker Gilbert. Katherine had a cousin who’s name was Patience. Tatia had a cousin who was raised as her sister named Petra. But unlike the Doppelgangers they don’t just look identical, they are the same person reborn. Parker in all of her lives has had powers of the mind. Eventual a Kol/OC romance and many OC’s with almost everyone friendships
History Repeating
Fell/Gilbert Residence
Parker sat in the living room looking around and deciding she had to go to work. Walking up the stairs Parker changed her clothes in her room quickly before heading back down the stairs. She took a long hard drink of bourbon. After that some of the buzzing went down, and she made her way to work, chewing gum to cover the smell of the bourbon as best as she could.
Mystic Falls High
Parker arrives in time to see Caroline stare longingly after Matt as he walks away, having only offered a basic greeting. With a small sigh Parker made her way to Caroline.
“Caroline! Wait up,” Parker called rushing to catch up to the blonde. “You doing okay? Need anything, girl talk? Boy talk? School talk? Remember anything you tell me is between us.”
“It’s nothing just friend drama, maybe a little bit of boy drama but that doesn’t matter.” Caroline replied before putting on a false cherry voice, “How are you doing? I noticed you weren’t at the party the other night.”
“Oh yeah, I had a pretty bad hangover. I’ve also been getting bad migraines and they aren’t helping when I get hungover very much.” Parker answered as close to the truth as she dared.
“Oh, well that sucks.” Caroline shrugged before heading off to her class.
Walking away and down the hallway Parker quickly said hello to a couple students before walking down the hall to see if her siblings were both there. Spying her sister walking into the history room Parker started her search for her brother. She spotted Jeremy exiting one of his later in the day classes with the teacher. Deciding it looked safe to ask what was up, she walked over to them saying hello.
"Hello Ms. Gilbert, your brother here was just asking about ways to bring his grades up." The science teacher said putting his hand on Jeremy's shoulder.
"That's good Jer, talking to all of your teachers. If he needs help I will do my best to help him out." Parker said earning a raised eyebrow form the teacher before adding, "Even if I am bad at the subject, I’m sure you remember some of my science exploits."
"I see your brother is in good hands, because even your science exploits though not always correct, were quite fascination. That will be due in two weeks." The teacher said going back into his classroom.
"Hey PG, how've you been haven't seen you in a while? Were you sick?" Jeremy asked as they started walking down the hallway.
"Yeah, at first we thought I might have just been hangover but of course me being me, it was worse. Random migraines that get better when drunk and hell of a lot worse when hungover." Parker said jokingly making Jeremy laugh. "I wasn't joking when I said if you needed help I would do it. I think I still have most of my notes from high school somewhere at the house anyway, mom never wanted me to toss them cause I might need them or some Shit."
"I don’t think you’re supposed to swear that much as a member of staff Parker, but thanks sis, see you later." Jeremy said walking off to his own class leaving Parker to walk to her office to go over her schedule and prep for any student or even faculty appointments.
Throughout the day Parker would have to take deep breaths and make herself stay and not run to the bathroom to vomit from the onslaught of the headaches. After about fifth period she could feel the effects strongly, the alcohol she’d drank before heading in having complete run out of her system. She started to feel tired and the buzzing would get stronger at random, so far she hadn’t managed to catch any thoughts throughout the day. Though on occasion she’d catch single words or word fragments, never entire thoughts.
At the end of the day Parker didn't waste any time rushing to her car, and heading home. Once back at the house she realized she’d left her phone there. Because as she walked into her room drinking straight from the bottle, there was a beeping coming from her phone that lay on the side table. Checking the phone, she saw that Jenna wanted her to meet her and Jeremy at the grill for dinner. Putting the bottle on her dresser she walked down stairs and outside breathing in the fresh air with a smile, the booze was doing its job.
Getting to the Grill parker saw Jeremy and Jenna sitting at a table, both already had food, and there was also food and a glass of bourbon already waiting there for her. Walking over to them she smiled sitting next to Jeremy and listening to Jenna talk.
"Well I can introduce," Jeremy said looking at Jenna.
"I have yet to meet the new history teacher, I heard he's way cooler than Jackass." Parker muttered the second half taking a drink and making Jenna and Jeremy smile.
"Yeah he is, told me he'd give me extra credit if I wrote a paper on something from the towns history."
"Well have you picked a topic?" Jenna asked.
"Well it has to be local and non-internet researched, so." Jeremy said looking at Jenna.
"Well that's easy, you've got all your dad's old stuff." Jenna said playing a pen.
"What stuff?" Jeremy asked looking at her.
"All the founding family stuff, it's all boxed up in the closet. Your dad really liked all that stuff." Jenna answered as Alaric moved by them.
"Mr. Saltzman." Jeremy said introducing him to his aunt and sister. As Alaric and Jenna looked at each other Parker and Jeremy gave each other knowing looks and smirked.
Gilbert Residence
A little while later Parker left and went to the family house and parked in time to see Bonnie rushing out of the house, but for a flash for a second she looked like someone else. Someone wearing clothing that defiantly didn’t belong in modern day Mystic Falls. One name suddenly came to Parkers mind as she got out of the car and ran toward her.
"EMILY," Parker yelled causing Bonnie's body to stop and turn around.
"I can't let him free them, I can't let the vampires be let out." Bonnie said coldly before leaving again.
"Damn it," Parker said running back to her car and thinking back to learning about the vampires.
Fell/Gilbert Residence
Back at her house Parker ran inside and went to the basement. Sara followed her looking worried.
"Park, what's wrong?" Sara asked as Parker started digging through boxes.
"In 1864 twenty-seven vampires where killed, I need to know that location." Parker said ripping through box after box.
"Why, Parker? What about you, if you come in contact with to many people what will happen to you." Sara asked picking up the boxes that Parker threw.
"I went to work at the school and then the Grill, I ignored the buzzing. Booze appears to help dull the buzzing. But I don’t matter this might be matter of life or death." Parker said before pulling out a book with a smile.
"What's that?" Sara asked as Parker started flipping through the pages.
"A journal written by non-other than Emily Bennett herself, it was in case something ever happened to her grimoire." Parker explained before finding the page on the twenty-seven vampires. "And now I know where I have to go."
Parker handed the book to Sara before she ran up the stairs and out to her car. Her mind felt too weak to astral-project anywhere, especially since she couldn’t manage it last night when Shelia tried to have her do it. She needed to hurry before the alcohol quit working. Driving
Fells Church
Parker could feel the buzzing had lessened as she got farther and farther away from the town. Driving into the woods Parker parked her car before running to where she could see Damon talk to Emily/Bonnie.
“Emily” Parker yelled running, she was sent back just as Damon was thrown into a tree and impaled on it.
“Fucking hell Emily, what are you doing?” Parker asked pulling herself back to her feet.
“I won’t let him bring them back,” Emily answered continuing with prepping her spell.
“Who the fuck did you save 145 years ago?” Parker yelled just as Stefan and Elena arrived, Stefan pulled Damon off the tree.
Parker watched as the Salvatore’s and Emily rehashed an argument they probably should have had 145 years ago, completely ignoring her sister who was watching her best friend be possessed by her dead ancestor. Parker watched as the circle ignited into flames, a part of her wanting to watch the world go up like that. She didn’t move or do anything as Bonnie was attacked by Damon, just watched as Stefan pulled him away from her.
Without looking at her sister or Bonnie Parker walked farther into the woods, following the direction that Damon had gone. Her little sister having sent a hurt look her way briefly, she simply ignored it. She followed after the vampire who just lost what he thought to be the only way to get the woman he was in love with back.
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