#and they both knew it. and b. it is just not in his character no matter how much fun people find it to write
yuumcbr · 3 days
part 01
Some people asked for a second part, about this post
So here are some more characters:
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AU Summary: Years after graduating from NRC, Yuu lives with a boy from TWST and he proposes to Yuu.
After accepting, Yuu says that she would like him to meet her family.
Yuu= MC
There is a better explanation in part one.
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Just as Jade knew that having you around was like having Grim around, you knew that dating Jade meant constantly living with Floyd.
So it was obvious that when you went to Devilton to meet your family, you would be taking both of them. Jade was against taking your brother at first, but gave in (You know he only said Floyd wouldn't go because he wanted to tease him a little).
When you arrived in Devilton, you told them to be careful when touching or/and eating anything, since poisons and curses are extremely common.
Which only made Floyd more out of control, you were happy that Jade managed to hold him back (it would be bad to start a fight here, especially since you didn't know how merfolk would fare in a fight with demons).
You decided to stop at a grocery store in Devilton to buy some Cursed Candy Apples to take to your brothers and some Apples of Truth for Jade to use when her One Magic had already been used on someone and no longer worked.
But when you noticed, the trio of two mers and a monster cat had disappeared and done one of the few things you didn't want them to do: eat something and get into a fight!!
Apparently Floyd and Grim found the names of some of the food at the stalls next door amusing and forgot to pay, when Jade tried to pay for them, the owner refused the Taumarks and didn't hesitate to get into the middle of the fight.
The fight:
Salesman, Jade, Floy and Grim: *Fighting with punches, kicks and magic*
Yuu: STOP IT!!
Jade, Floy and Grim: *Look at an angry Yuu*
Salesman and the other demons who joined the fight for fun: *recognizing MC*
Demon A: Damn, I told you it was a bad idea to fight
Demon B: You said the complete opposite!!
Salesman: Sir/Miss MC - *walks away from the twins* - I apologize for the confusion, but these thieves can't get away with it.
Yuu: When you have a problem like this, take a picture of the thief and take it to the authorities, there's no need to get into a fight.
Yuu: As for the costs and expenses of this fight, I ask that you write a letter with the damages and send it to the House of Regrets within 3 days and I will settle it.
*Yuu turns around*
Yuu: And you 3, come with me!
As they walked a little:
Jade: *smiles* Oh, that was unexpected, Yuu-san!
Floyd: Shrimp is always full of surprises, hehe!!
Yuu: I'm still mad at you guys!!
Well, it didn't take long for Jade to notice that you worked a lot on government issues, or that there were only demons around.
To say that he and Barbatos got along would be an understatement, when Barbatos started talking about recipes with Hellfire mushrooms and Cat Ears mushrooms, you had the slight impression that Jade was exchanging you for the fauna and flora of Devilton.
You already imagined that your next days off would be spent exploring mountains that would have a new landscape.
It's better for you to make a list without Jade knowing which ingredients he brings to the Devilton Lounge are cursed or/and poisonous to give to Azul just in case.
Mammon found Jade to be a strange person, especially when he smiled. He seriously felt scared, he even asked you if you really wanted to marry a weird version of Barbatos.
You laughed at that, the two looked alike, but they were very different.
Barbatos is quiet and reserved, as he does not want to spoil or interfere in the future and thus be surprised by the paths that time will follow.
Jade is quiet and reserved because he likes to observe every detail of a person and get to know them better, to learn their strengths and weaknesses and use them if necessary.
Jade also had a very soft side when it came to nature and his passion for learning was extremely motivating.
Not to be outdone by Barbatos and his mushroom recipes, you gave Jade cigar cookies rolled with Hellfire mushrooms that you bought in town.
It was fun to see his reaction when he discovered the ingredients in the cookies:
Oh, do you eat Hellfire? I never thought you could make something so sweet with mushrooms, maybe you should try with the ones you have at home, you're going to help me make them for Azul and Floyd, right? After all, we don't want them to miss out on something so amazing.
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When I thought about what Cater's proposal would be like, I initially thought he would do something as magically loving as possible.
But if you've gotten to the point where Cater proposes, I'm guessing you've been through a lot of ups and downs in your relationship and it must have been hard to break through the barriers he's built to protect himself from the world.
I think for Cater, it would be perfect if you proposed to him, in a quiet place with little to no movement.
Now, I'm sure he'd try to tell you that he's looking forward to meeting your family, but along the way make sure to calm his nerves (he's nervous to meeting your family).
Tell Cater that your family is a busy one and if your brother Asmo says something about Cater not being as beautiful as him, it's because Asmo believes he's the most beautiful person in the world, so there will never be anyone more beautiful than him.
He finds your family names a little strange, but he thinks it's something about different emotions.
Before going to Devilton, meeting the queen of the rose kingdom, Rose was something he will never forget.
And her saying that she considered you family, so that extended to him and that he would take good care of you was extremely, how can he say it, encouraging? Honorable? Charming?He doesn't know how to describe this feeling, but he's sure it's something positive.
On the other hand, nothing really scared him more than finding out that he would be surrounded by real demons for the next few days, you could have told him that, Prefect!!
What do you mean you didn't think about it? You explained to him that since you noticed that TWST was a place where all races lived practically in harmony, you didn't think there was a need to say which race your family belonged to.
Cater even thought that you could be a Demon, but you explained that you were just distant relatives who only found out they were related months after meeting each other.
It's obvious that you, Cater, Mammon and Asmo went to countless places like restaurants, spas, theaters and tourist spots.
When they're at an electronics store (Asmo and Mammon are picking out items to improve the quality of Asmo's Devilgram posts [Mammon is carrying the bags]):
Cater: Nee Nee Yuu-chan, what do you think of these headphones, we could match *Cater shows you a pair of headphones with white and red patterns so that each earbud has the opposite color pattern to the first*
Yuu: *smiles* That looks amazing!Cater: I know, I have great taste, I'm your fiancé after all! *winks*
Yuu: *laughs* Yeah, I couldn't ask for anything better!!
Cater: *loses her composure for a few seconds* He, aren't you a cute person?
Yuu: That's right!! I just remembered *takes something out of her bag*
Yuu: Here!! Remember when we first met and I said I didn't have a cell phone and you asked me to go buy one?
Cater: Do you still remember this? picks up the wrapped box and opens it to find a weird looking cell phone
Yuu: This is a DDD, it's like the cell phone in our world but different.
Cater: stops looking at the DDD when she sees Yuu showing her own DDD with a lilac and pink sheep on the cover
Yuu: Now we're a match!!
Cater: smiles as she turns around and sees a reddish and yellow sheep on her cover
Obviously you met Lord Diavolo and visited the castle, and Cater fell in love with Luke's cuteness (he said he wasn't cute [he is]).
You avoided the dangerous places with Cater, since he wasn't the biggest fan of adrenaline when it meant running or dying (which is something that happens a lot in Devilton).
You got the impression that he really enjoyed having tea with Simeon, Luke and Barbatos, maybe because it reminded him of the time they were in Heartsbyul.
Yuu, thank you for existing!
What did you say, Cater?
Hmm? I didn't say anything, Yuu-chan~♡
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Ever since college ended and his romantic relationship with Leona was revealed, things had been tense.
Leona said it was worse before and that this is common in society. He noticed how people found it strange that you two were dating, since Leona is an unfriendly and lazy person and you are someone who always helps everyone and is kind.
(In fact, you get into a lot of trouble and when you get out of it you end up solving a problem that no one else could solve and this made others think you were someone extremely dedicated and helpful).
Leona felt strange with you getting so much attention, but it was funny to see people's faces when you ran to him like a happy puppy when it saw its owner, abandoning anyone else who was talking.
Always putting him as your main priority, always keeping curious and nosy people away when he was irritated and wanted silence, always surprising him in a strange way.
He didn't expect you to get used to the etiquette, rules and politics that involve royal life so quickly.
He didn't even expect you to get used to it, actually.
However, you even taught Cheka's royal etiquette teacher some tricks!
That's why he wasn't so surprised to see that you and Queen Rose were such good friends, since she values ​​elegance and natural beauty above all else.
As the years went by and the pressures of a royal wedding appeared, it wasn't that Leona didn't already have it in mind, she was just waiting for the right moment.
However, any planning Leona, Ruggie or Falena had for the right moment to happen was thrown out the window when a tiger-like beast of a man flirted with you with the excuse that there was no proof that you were engaged (i.e. no ring on your finger).
And that pissed him off so much that he proposed to you right then and there.
When you said that before the wedding you would like him to meet your family, he found it strange.
Weren't you from another dimension, planet or something?
Taking Leona to Devilton was complicated, but you knew how to get the lion out of its den (this is one of the reasons Kifaji goes after you all the time).
The house of lamentation was reasonable for Leona, maybe small, but it would do.
He knew you had seven siblings, since Falena had asked if you had siblings and how your relationship with them was.
Falena's idea was to say that an older sibling has to take care of the younger ones and that he expected you to understand the expectations that the relationship between the two of you would cause.
He remembers that you said that every day was something new with your siblings and that you never stopped discovering something new about them, since each one had a different personality, it was difficult to understand each one's feelings and thoughts.
And instead of you starting to think about your relationship with Leona, it was Falena who started to think about his relationship with Leona.
For Leona, it was normal to have a feast at every family meal, but it was rare for all the food to be eaten so quickly.
Was your family starving? You had to explain to him that at the beginning of the meal you had to put everything you wanted to eat on your plate, otherwise your older brother Beel would eat it all while you were chewing the third bite.
Leona didn't even need an explanation as to why, since like Beel's introduction previously said, he was the sin of Gluttony, so he would eat constantly.
You introduced him to Satan and Solomon, saying that they were great at chess, but he thought they were similar to Azul and Jade at first.
You said that Barbatos was more like Jade and that Satan acted more formal when meeting someone new.
When Leona understood that all her knowledge of etiquette and social rules had been learned by frequenting a castle in the region, it was as if a piece of the puzzle had been completed.
When Luke said Michael's name, it caught Leona's attention, since you were wearing that guy's ring.
It was Diavolo and Barbatos who had to explain that this ring was like an extremely powerful magic seal and that it would prevent you from losing control of your magic.
You and the others didn't like this subject.It was strange for Leona to see you sharing a giant cow pillow with one of your brothers, Belphie, but he soon fell asleep nearby.
Mammon saw the scene and took photos that he knew you would definitely pay a good price for.
After all, you had said you would take something for Ruggie and why not add the embarrassing photos of Leona as an extra souvenir? It could be a motivation for a certain lazy lion to get out of bed and do his duties.
Okay, Leona is definitely against this anti-nap friendship.
At one of the tourist stops to meet Solomon:
Yuu: *Hands Solomon a potion*
Yuu: Sorry I didn't give it to you sooner, I think it must have worked this time!!
Solomon: Hmm... I see that even after graduating you continue your studies, huh? *shakes the potion to analyze the color*
Leona: *Raises an eyebrow in doubt* what potion is that?
Solomon: An immortality potion *says opening the gafara and drinking a little*
Leona: What?
Yuu: Before I went to NRC and met you, I was sad to know that among everyone in my family, I was the only one who wouldn't live for thousands of years.
Leona: ... an immortality potion would be practically impossible.
Yuu: It's not impossible, Solomon has made it before, I'm just trying to replicate it.
Leona: Have you made it? If it's true, why don't you tell me the recipe?
Solomon: Memories of certain things fade after a few thousand years.
Solomon: Now MC, there's still something missing, I suggest testing it on one of your brothers, I think Mammon would be happy to know there's a chance you could live longer.
Yuu: ....
Leona: So you're after immortality?
Yuu: No, just the recipe for the potion. I don't think it would be worth living in a world without you.
Leona: ....
Leona: You're annoying. *looks away*
Yuu: Yes, I'm your annoying bride! *wink*
Solomon: ...
It was always unusual for Leona to have someone give up something important for him or make an important decision without considering him.
You know, Herbivore, it's not like I care about spending eternity taking care of your shit, but I guess your brothers do care if you're not there to take care of theirs.
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Phew, I'm done!!
I never wrote Jade and Cater, so it might be weird.
Leona is kind of OC too, I think he should be a little more selfish and I don't think he would react that way to seeing Yuu arrive and make friends with everyone when he hasn't been able to in years.
I also think I made Cater more shy, I think that even though he's always smiling and taking pictures, he's still a very different person.
I thought that as the years went by, he would start to act more like himself, although I'm not sure.
And about Jade, I have no idea what came out in the end and if he's similar to Jade.
I always found him very enigmatic.
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kakitetan · 2 days
Phighting! Self Aware AU x Reader (Scythe's Route)
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Description: Your friends won't stop talking about Phighting! and so you decide to check it out. With confusing mechanics, and most of all, and odd partner system. You soon learn that it's much more than you bargained for.
You had no idea what Phighting! was. Your friends were talking about it, but you never paid too much attention, until there was one detail that caught your attention. They rely solely on you, as their partner. The game is a PvP game, where you fuse with your partner character. You have to take a quiz before playing, and the character you get will be your partner. You both have to work together to fight the other players. It sounded unreal, and it even made you a bit nervous. But it was a free game, so you decided to try it out.
Your eyes reflected the screen, processing the quiz questions that appeared…
Scythe's Route:
You stared at the screen, and a cowboy-looking figure appeared. A text popped up on your screen, "So yur my partner', ay?" She spoke, "Not too shabby, don't disappoint me now, Partner." She snickered before you logged into the game. You were greeted with a loading screen. It gave you time to process it, were these characters sentient? You knew that Roblox has some AI stuff, nah. It had to be programmed. There's no way. You leaned back in your chair. The game finished loading, and you clicked 'play' and saw other players in the lobby.
"So Partner, since yur' new, let me explain some things. I'm Scythe, I'm pretty famous round' these parts. Heh.. I use a Scythe, it can change into a rifle. Just press that button' in that corner of yours." She said.
"Pft.. Yea, no shit. I can see your Scythe." You remarked.
"Watch that mouth of yours, sweetie." Scythe glared at the camera.
You paused, staring at the screen. "Uhh." You mumbled.
"Uhh is right, now don't make me lose my temper now. Click the damn button!" Scythe demanded.
"Uhh! Yes ma'am!" You said, clicking the button to switch weapons.
"Yes ma'am is right, damn kids." Scythe tsked, "Let's go to a lobby now. Talk to that fine gentleman over there, his name is B. Zuka." She told.
You silently took control, heading over to B. Zuka.
"Hey, wanting to head out?" B. Zuka said.
"Yes sir.." You mumbled, you didn't want to test his temper either.
"Hop in." He sighed.
The loading screen appeared. You didn't realize how tense your body was until now, you tried to relax more. You appeared in an ongoing game, Scythe loaded in.
"Yur' in complete control, Partner. Let's show these folks who's boss." Scythe told you, and you nodded.
"Alright. I'll try my best!" You exclaimed.
Author's Note: Hey, it's been a while. I stopped posting for a while to focus more on my other hobbies, I didn't expect people to actually miss me. I felt unmotivated due to the death threats I've been receiving from the Pressure fanbase. But nonetheless, I decided to do something new again. I have Pressure fanfics in the making, but it will be slowing down. I have multiple hobbies, many outside of writing.
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sandboxscenes · 5 months
You've been challenged! (Pokemon AU)
A/N: This is an experimental piece that I wanted to try out because I was inspired by this Pokemon Battle featuring Delphox. This is a different take on a Genshin Impact Pokemon AU. This was done in conjunction with @xianyoon for their Extreme Bias Game. Special thanks to @floraldresvi for assisting me with the ideas for Thoma's section.
Characters: Lyney, Thoma
Genre: Mostly fluff, with hints of angst
Pokemon and Genshin collide in this Pokemon style AU that answers the question: What would happen if the characters you encountered in Genshin Impact challenged you?
If you were challenged by them, what would be their in-game tagline when they challenged you to a battle? What would their title be on the game screen? And most importantly, what would be their character summaries?
In short, it positions the different Genshin Impact characters as in-game coded sprites.
Word Count: Lyney (277 words), Thoma (328 words)
You have been challenged by the House of Hearth's Second in Command, Lyney!
Tagline: "Let's give them a show to remember!"
Brief Summary:
Tricks, Illusions, and Magic galore! Whenever anyone takes a seat at Lyney's shows in the Court of Fontaine, they will be in for a magical time. Charming, charismatic, and talented are all words that describe the renowned magician. Lyney and his aforementioned magic shows are famous across the Fontanian landscape. But few know the man behind the spectacle.
Growing up, Lyney owes much of his present success to his upbringing in orphanage known as: The House of Hearth. His sister, Lynette, and his (adopted) brother, Freminet, also grew up there as well. While not much is known about The House of Hearth, it is full of unexpected surprises.
To Lyney, family means to the world to him. He will do anything to protect it. Second only to the "Father" of the House of Hearth, he is the one that will eventually be "Father's successor." Despite his young appearance, there is a reason that he is the second in command. Anyone who ends up underestimating him, regrets it.
For the Magician Lyney, he always wants to keep people on their toes. His Pokemon are the same way. Some of Lyney's trusted Pokemon partners include the show stopping, Delphox and Meowscarada. They also have some tricks up their sleeves as well.
Special Notes:
Lyney's interest in magic has spread to his Pokemon too. His Delphox is a bit of a magician as well - blink and things will disappear. On the other hand, his Meowscarada is ready for anything. It's able to adapt on the fly, like any good magician does.
You have been challenged by the mysterious foreign fixer, Thoma!
Tagline: "Let me protect you. It's what I want to do."
Basic Summary:
Inazuma is a land of tradition.
However, Thoma himself has a very non-traditional skill set.
As someone with skills in cooking and cleaning, he enjoys using his skills to assist people whenever he can. His earnest kindness, his willingness to help, and loyalty have made him well liked among the Inazuman Citizens, despite their wariness towards foreigners.
As a foreigner, Thoma cares deeply about others. He knows what it's like to have people be wary of you due to things out of his control. As someone with a deep sense of duty and loyalty, he is not someone who forgets his debts or reneges on them.
Thoma's actions have earned him the nickname of fixer, as he is well-versed in the art of fixing problems. For someone like Thoma, resolving things peacefully is always preferable. Whether it's a small fight between children over toys to a fight between foreign and local merchants, Thoma would prefer if both sides could compromise.
But if things things escalate, don't be fooled.
When push comes to shove, Thoma's willing to do what it takes to protect himself and his family from harm. Once you have wormed your way into the heart of the foreign fixer, he will protect you until his dying breath.
For the mysterious Fixer, he is well-informed of any happenings going on in Inazuma. He has to be, due to the nature of his job.
With such a dangerous job, he needs partners he can rely on.
One of his trusted Pokemon partners is Talonflame. Talonflame soars above the skies of Inazuma, its keen eyes alerting Thoma to any potential issues that may arise within Inazuma. And for those conflicts that can't be fixed peacefully and require a 'forceful' touch, Thoma's other partner Blaziken, is there to help - both its master, its family, and the people of Inazuma.
#genshinblr may ebg 2024#Genshinblr EBG May 2024#Library Shadows - Works#((((((( So I'm positioning this AU as like if the Genshin Impact Characters were in-game Pokemon Trainer Sprites. )))))))#((((((( If I could draw this I would. But I can't. So I have to rely on my words to do it for me. )))))))#((((((( I admit I was tempted to do a team listing but I don't think I have enough time. )))))))#((((((( EBG is nice as a way to challenge and try out new ideas for formats I wouldn't think of otherwise. )))))))#((((((( But also I was listening to some Pokemon Champion osts from the different eras of the series. That is how this came about. )))))#(((((((((( I still can't believe how quickly this AU idea came together honestly. ))))))))#(((((((((( It started as a fleeting thought but the more I thought about it the more it worked for me. )))))))#(((((((((( Both Lyney and Thoma are interesting characters b/c there is an element of danger to both of them that I find intriguing. ))))))#((((((( For Lyney specifically I wanted to focus on the fact that he is part of the Fatui. He's Arle's successor! )))))))#((((( Knowing that Lyney is Arle's successor creates an interesting dynamic that I want to explore. Especially with his voice lines. )))#((((((( For the descriptions it started as my attempt at a Dainslief style voiceover. )))))))#(((((( Then it just kinda morphed into like character descriptions for them in the Pokemon game I have in my head. )))))))#((((( It's times like these I wish I could code? or do Photoshop? It would've been fun to sprite-ify Thoma and Lyney. ;_; ))))))#(((((( Fun fact: I did try to make my own Fontaine Pokeball Sprite. Unfortunately my computer couldn't handle it and I lost everything. )))#((((( It wasn't an impressive sprite by any means. But I did try my hand. It was a different and way harder than expected. )))))))#(((((( Like I knew making a sprite would be hard. But I didn't expect how hard it was going to be. )))))#Genshin Impact
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and i draw parallels solely on the cinematographic basis of “when my man is no more than a millimeter away from perturbation at all times but you give the Whole Right Half Of The Screen 3/4 Closeup of Harrowing Recontextualizations” like that’s right. we’re living it up
#i mean i guess it counts lol. said generally similar cinematographic approachs for said very generally similar scenarios#(a) when a guy shows his hand (shit) & the Team Experience is in shambles & you're two sec away from shooting him for real....#nemik not even being around for said ''oh so this guy is like that then apparently'' but Insisting on giving cassian his manifesto when we#all knew like oh f you're gonna get it lol. unsurprised but not unmoved that nemik's manifesto is the source of that Quoteth....#paraphrasing closely from memory the frontier of the rebellion is everywhere even the smallest act of insurrection pushes our lines forward#the imperial need for control is so desperate b/c it is so unnatural tyranny requires constant effort it breaks it leaks....#(b) when against all odds you busted out of island forever factory labor electric containment torture execution jail and made it to a phone#make a risky call home to relay to your mom that you're alive and all only to be informed that she is not#and both still like serving as [major turning points] naturally. end of ep six; end of ep eleven of twelve....#love some drama. even on top of ''oh we knew you'd die but now we know you're dying'' and then like escalation on escalation like umm what's#our bestie here talking about. oh i see. oh he's getting quickdraw blown away right on really at this point; makes sense in this position;#still what a surprise lol truly....that we Aren't surprised maarva dies not only b/c it's heavily cued but also We find out at the ep start#like the one guy dying in prison while we Know that's coming but heaping drama on drama as the doctor tells them what happened on floor two#and we get yet more Acting Wins as andy serkis (lino?)#(nah looked it up & i spoonerized that lol. kino loy. i Only Just Now have one name per each of that heist team down i think lol) so anyways#andy kino loy serkis is getting to be the king of Harrowing Recontextualizations in that moment. ugh just great shit going on throughout#there was a Lot of great [i'm perturbed to harrowed] acting all across the board. its being by and large a cast of characters who are all#like wary and continually endangered with varying degrees of urgency. like the rec abt this series as [tfw depiction of police state life]#star wars ///#andor#truly cassian my [he has the face of a friend] cassian#he really does have this key energy of like your insta new best friend and comrade....nemik's delivery w/''i wrote abt you last night.'' Fun#again like also unsurprising he'd already land on cassian out here like ofc i'll give my crucial legacy work to that guy who just showed up.#and And I Insistingly....and he's right
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qeyond · 1 year
I heard you say that You'd lost, you'd lost You'd lost your way But I don't think you had much to lose That house was never built for you And I ain't gonna hang my head for them For them And I ain't gonna let them Paint the truth with sin And I ain't gonna tell you it's okay But at the end of the day You were just something they'd blame
B always knew A's days were numbered, and while the Eyes were never kind enough to whisper secrets locked behind tear choked throats, he always knew. He always knew.
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synthetic-sonata · 2 months
one day i'll be the one rping the canon character in an incidental oc/canon relationship that started due to shitpost rps or jokes But by god that day is not near canon characters are fucking scary to rp
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llycaons · 1 year
the fic where everyone is into bdsm and/or in a poly relationship also has lwj super experienced but also he and wwx JUST got together even though they knew each other since they were in high school which all lends itself very nicely to the sex scenes the author likes to write but I just can't really see it...I can see them having other relationships/hooking up before they become friends but after???? lwj is having crazy kinky sex without wwx for YEARS??? I just don't think he would do that
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yan-maid-cafe · 6 months
Yandere Imposter
Imagine a yandere that pretends to be someone else...
You and your husband hadn't been close in years. A rotten drunkard that spent all day rotting away on the couch. When the two of you got married, you genuinely thought things would be perfect, he was such a sweet guy. But things just went downhill from there.
He was a sleeze bag. Spending all day drinking and refusing to work. Forcing you to get a job to support you both, but he couldn't even bother being somekind of househusband. No, he expected you to get off of work clean the house for him and still cook him dinner everyday. You felt more like his mother than his wife. And it was getting on your last nerve.
So imagine your surprise when you walk into the house one day, the smell of cheap booze and cigarette smoke gone. Instead replaced with the smell of soup?
The place was oddly spotless as you made your way into the kitchen, and there standing at the stove was your husband. Wearing an apron as he stirred the food in the pot. It was unnerving, if you knew anything about your husband it was that he refused to even step foot in the kitchen unless it was to eat. As if sensing your presence, he quickly turned around a smile spreading on his face. Was it just you or were his teeth whiter than usual?
Walking over he wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug, burying his face into your neck. A look of happiness on his face as he held you close.
"I'm so happy you're finally home, Dear. I went ahead and made dinner, you just go sit down and I'll be right over."
Since when had he called you pet names? You couldn't help but check his tempature, wondering if he was running a fever of somekind. Why else would he be acting so out of character suddenly. But he simply laughed off your worry and ushered you towards your seat. Immediantly serving you dinner with a blissful smile, a smile you had never seen on his face. You were so confused...
The night just continued on like that. One weird occurance after another. It felt like you were with a stranger, someone nothing like your husband yet identical to him. You felt like you were going mad, until night eventually came. Bringing you to bed, you and your husband lied down together. Except unlike everynight since your honeymoon, he pulled you closer. Snuggled up next to you as he whispered softly in your ear, almost bringing tears to your eyes.
"I'm so sorry for the way things have been all these years. You never deserved any of it. But as long as I'm here, I'll treat you perfect..."
Edan had always hated his brother. Despite looking identical, they couldn't have been more different. And it felt like his brother was always out to make his life difficult. If Edan got on the football team, his brother was the quaterback. If Edan got a B, his brother got an A. If Edan got honor roll, his brother got valedictorian. And eventually when Edan felt like he had met his soulmate his dear brother had to marry them. He could never win. It was all too much.
Especially when Edan began to take a closer look into the life his brother had stolen away from him. He was disgusted. Working his beloved like a dog day and night. Treating them as nothing more than a servant meant to do whatever was demanded of them, not giving them the life they deserved. The day he snapped came when he saw his beloved leave for work, continuing to stay near the house. He watched as his brother stepped out of the house hours later, walking over to one of the neighboring apartment doors and knocked on it. A scantily clad individual opening the door and ushering him inside. He saw red...
How foolish did that idiot have to be. Stealing away the life that Edan deserved, only to not even appreciate it. He got the privilege to lay beside perfection every night, and he still ran into the arms of some worthless harlot. He couldn't stand it. His beloved didn't deserve this mistreatment, and his brother didn't deserve their love. But what was he supposed to do about it...
He had never been so happy that the two were identical...
All it took was a little makeover and a swap of IDs for the two to look the exact same again. Now if he was ever found, Edan would be dead. He had to clean up all the blood from the floor, he might have gone a bit overboard but years of hatred and frustration will do that to a person.
But it was all worth it in this moment. Holding his beloved close to his chest as the two lay together, it was a dream come true. Burying his face in their hair, he continued to whisper to them, arms wrapped tightly around their body so that they couldn't get up. They never had to know.
" You'll get the life you deserve. We'll both get the lives we deserve, no matter what..."
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peanutpinet · 23 days
Soft for You - Sylus x Fem Reader
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Prompt: “Let me kiss it better”
A/N: yes, I’ve fallen into this rabbit hole and all because of Sylus. There’s just something about white haired men with red eyes that’s 190cm. Hates everyone but you T^T I’m such a sucker for these characters and it doesn’t help that I’m on my period so I decided to make a lil one shot of how Sylus would react if you’re on your period and wanting to cuddle but he was in an important meeting
Warning: None, just fluff (not proofread, sorry, was so into writing this)
Disclaimer: I do not own the images nor the characters or you (the MC). All images were taken from Pinterest.
“Miss, I don’t think it’s a good idea to disturb the boss right now” Luke mentioned, trying to stop you from walking further down the hall
“Yeah, he’s in a meeting right now. And the meeting, well, it’s not really going that well” Kieran added on. “Some of the low workers were trying to steal his weapons and sell them off to a higher bidding at Linkon because we heard that Linkon is currently trying to find ways to get more intel regarding the boss”
You knew that Linkon was constantly trying to uncover the mysterious Onychinus’ leader. Though they knew his name, they couldn’t find anything regarding what he looked like or any other information about him. That’s why Linkon is willing to pay a hefty amount to those who have been associated with him to gather any sort of intel. But you could care less about what political issue was going on between Linkon and Onychinus. What you cared about was that you were in pain because of your period and you wanted to cuddle with Sylus because somehow, he always helped ease your pain.
Not caring about the twins’ warning, you managed to drag yourself all the way in front of Sylus’ meeting room where you could clearly hear his deep voice echoing along with several other voices. It sounded like the meeting had just begun and you suddenly contemplated on going in and disturbing Sylus just to tend to your pain.
However, on the other side of the door, Sylus already knew that you were in front of the door along with Luke and Kieran since he could see through Mephisto’s eyes with his aether core. Though Sylus wouldn’t mind you coming in, he wanted you to come to him first instead of jumping to conclusion that you were actually looking for him.
He learnt that from past incidents where you were actually looking for Luke and Kieran but Sylus jumped into conclusions and thought you were looking for him.
Right as Sylus was about to start the meeting, he could hear both Luke and Kieran’s frantic voices calling out to you. Without uttering a word, Sylus got up but not before making sure the men in the room stay put in their designated chairs. “None of you get up from the chair or I’ll rip your legs apart from your whole body”
After his calm threat, Sylus went to the door and opened it to find you on the ground with both Luke and Kieran holding onto you. When the twins looked up at their boss, the colour from their faces were slowly drained. “B-boss” the twins managed to utter out as Sylus looked at your weak state, basically trying to hold yourself up with the help of the twins.
Without saying anything, Sylus crouched down and lifted you up in his arms and practically carried you into the meeting room where all the other men in the room were staring.
“U-uh boss? We can bring her back to her room and…” the twins didn’t get to finish their sentences as Sylus used his evol to close and lock the door
To say the men in the room were shock was an understatement because who would have thought that the Onychinus leader could be so gentle towards anyone yet here he was sitting in his chair, further away from the others with you on his lap.
“S-sylus?” you uttered, looking up to see your boyfriend looking at you with soft eyes
“You alright, sweetie? I heard you from in here. You looked like you were going to pass out in the twins’ arms. What happened, sweetie? Did someone hurt you?” Sylus asked, his eyes were searching through your entire body for any wounds but you shook your head and leaned on his chest, wrapping your small arms around his waist
“No. It’s that time of the month. It’s the first day and I don’t know why but it’s painful this time” you whined and Sylus couldn’t help but coo at your vulnerable state that he brought you closer to his chest (if that was even possible with how close the two of you were).
“Shhh, it’s alright sweetie. I’m here” Sylus kissed the top of your head as you hummed in satisfaction. “Sleep sweetie, I’ll be here when you wake up, hmm? I’ll try to keep the meeting short and quick for you” Sylus mentioned as he lulled you to sleep
As he stroked your head like a kitten, Sylus the softie was gone as his eyes looked through the entire room with a cold, sharp gaze that if looks could kill, everyone in the room would be dead by now. “Now, where were we? Ah, right. Where’s my share in the sales, gentlemen? Or did you think that you could fool me that easily by selling my weapons at a higher price by giving away some information about me?”
By the end of the meeting, there was practically no one in the room as Sylus dismissed them all into thin air since he needed to be quick.
Sylus almost cursed at himself for almost going too far with the lowlife men in the room until he remembered that you were practically sleeping in his arms.
Taking a deep breath, Sylus went back to look at your sleeping figure, stroking your head as he kissed your forehead before teleporting both you and him back to the master bedroom where Sylus laid you on the bed.
Leaving you to sleep, Sylus decided to shower and cook up something quick and easy for dinner which was steak and creamy mushroom soup to help ease your pain.
In the midst of finishing his cooking, he heard soft footsteps and a yawn slowly getting louder which he knew that it had to be you. Turning around, Sylus saw your now awaken figure sitting by the counter where Sylus was just behind of.
“Here you go, sweetie” Sylus mentioned, placing down a plate of steak with the mushroom soup he made in front of your sleeping figure
“Thank you, Sy. Am sorry I interrupted your meeting” you yawned, drinking some of the soup that he made while Sylus decided to eat across from you
“It was nothing, sweetie. I’ve mentioned it before. If you ever need me, just come to me. No matter where I am, who am I with, or what time of the day it is. I’ll always be here for you” Sylus mentioned, caressing your cheek whilst wiping the excess soup at the corner of your lips
“But what would those men do now they’ve seen your soft side?” you asked, holding his hand that was on your cheek
“They’re none of your concern. Besides, they won’t be able to spread anymore information anymore” Sylus smirked, making you roll your eyes. “You and your evol”
Chuckling at your behaviour, Sylus decided to feed you the dinner he made. “Are you still in pain?” he asked
Thinking about it for a second, you decided to tease him. “A bit. Mainly because you only kissed my head when the pain I’m feeling is at my stomach”
Shaking his head, Sylus went around the counter and cupped your jaw, making you look at his tall figure. “Is that so? Then let me kiss it better”
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azlrse · 2 months
➳ the headwardens as fathers (twst x gn!reader headcanons; separate)
cw: 'a decade later' au, fluff, accurate/canon take on the houswardens' background, angst in some parts (mostly on vil and idia's part)
a/n: decided to post this just to practice the characters as accurate as possible. also, imma be writing some of the housewardens for the first time soo i hope it's good lol
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Riddle Rosehearts 🌹
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due to his upbringing, riddle can be strict towards his children, whether it's from their grades and their studies alone since he believes that one's studies are very important to a child's future.
but not all the time riddle is like this. as a father, he only wants what is best to his children and refuses to treat them the way their grandmother does to him in his childhood. he even encourages them to take a certain career his kid wants. do you want to be a musician? he can buy his kid an instrument they've always wanted. not a musician but instead a baker? he can tell their uncle trey to give them private lessons to be the best baker in the queendom of roses.
there are certain times the two of you are arguing over a punishment. riddle knew rosabella punched a kid (he had flashbacks when her godfather punched him) stole her tart and decided that his kid will be grounded for a week. you, on the other hand, rebutted that she only did it out of self-defense and that's the last tart she had. this goes on back and forth, even for an hour, and her punishment reduced to 2 days minimum. rosabella didn't like that but at least it's better than to stare at books for a week straight.
riddle is the type of father to teach his children magic early on. not because it's enforced by his mother but because he just wants them to use magic in case of emergencies and for them to have an advantage to their education. he encourages them so much that he offers them sweets and strawberry tarts if they make it through their lesson.
overall, riddle's just protective over his children and knows what's best for them but at the same time is strict towards them.
Leona Kingscholar 🦁
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leona didn't expect to have his own children, especially to the prefect of ramshackle dorm who's grown into a sophisticated and loving adult.
he's the type of father to teach his children the concept of fairness. he doesn't want them to have the same upbringing as he had in his childhood and growing up to have an inferiority complex. leona also embedded to them that one's hardwork can signify what kind of a person are they, especially that they're royalty.
when it comes to his children, he's deep down a girl dad but nonetheless loves his children equally. leona loves spending time with his kids, especially when taking walks around sunset savanna or taking them to ivory springs.
his parenting style can be permissive sometimes but thanks to your constant nagging, he steps in to reprimand them on what's wrong and right. sadly, he doesn't mind when his daughter & son can be demanding sometimes but is behaving very well when it comes to you (thanks to the 'stare' you enforced into them in their childhood).
like riddle, leona also helped his children in terms of their education, he might pull a string or two in order for them to attend a really good school. after all, they don't want the crown prince of sunset savanna and a father to be disappointed, right??
Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
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hands down, the type of parent who wants his children to pursue the field of finance and marketing. no buts or ifs, he really wants them to pursue such career so that they can take over the business someday when he and their uncles are retiring.
there could be a possibility that his children are half-merfolk since you are human. hence, you and azul wanted to teach your kids both cultures, whether it's on land or water. he can be self-conscious and scared towards his children on the possibility that they inherited his octopus form. what if they didn't like the said form? what if they're being teased because of their body shape? what if they despised it so much that they wished their own father was a merman instead of an cephalopod? you reassured him that the both of you will teach them the importance of self-image and self-love.
speaking of their seaforms, azul is the type of father who will cry when his kid swam on their own for the first time (equivalent to a toddler taking their first steps). it doesn't matter if they're a late bloomer when it comes to their seaform, azul is still proud on the progress his children obtain.
every birthdays & anniversaries or any special occasions are held within the beach. imagine his parents swam on the surface of the ocean just to see their grandchildren. they would gush about how cute their grandchildren were, especially when they're still a little chubby baby.
heavily encourages his kids to fight back just in case they're being bullied by their peers. he's the kind of dad to call them in his office, not to scold them but praising on how they beat up that kid in a pulp (thanks to their uncle floyd ig--)
Kalim Al Asim 💛
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probably the type of dad who loves spoiling his children rotten and sometimes gives into their demands but at the same time likes to teach his children the concept of hard work. after all, not all the time everything is handed to them on a silver platter (albeit to their father being raised on a silver spoon).
undoubtedly wants more than 5 children, whether they're biological or not (but will not push through if you are uncomfortable with the idea). this guy is raised having 30+ siblings so it's understandable why he wants that many children and having a huge family.
as usual by kalim, every achievement earned by his children, in academics, extracurriculars or birthdays, holds a grand & extravagant celebration. won the regional spelling bee? a celebration must take place! oh, you hold second place on a swimming completion? here's a parade to celebrate such occasion! a birthday party? that's too plain, how about a 3 day celebration for the birthday kid?
low-key his children would let out an 'aww' when they saw their father kissing you :'33
like leona, kalim would take on a bit on a permissive parenting style since he would give into the demands of his children and saying no makes it difficult for him to say in front of them. thanks to your talks and reprimanding him, he learned to say no directly into them and chose to cool down their tantrums before talking to them again.
Vil Shoenheit 💎
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idk how to write vil accurately soo im really sorry if this one sucks and comes across as out of character ;_;;
out of all the housewardens, i believe that vil can be really strict when it comes to his children's appearances but also cares sm for their well-being and is fiercely protective of them. he believes that his children are the splitting of him and his lover (you ofc) plus he's a celebrity and a model so that adds to the fuel on why his children's appearances are really important.
most of his children confided on you on how suffocated they felt due to their father's demands and high standards when it comes to beauty. how they cried, begged and asked you if you still loved them even if they're covered in scars, acne or having oily skin. you reassured them that you and their father loved them so much, much to the children's happiness in hopes that they're father can be less controlling.
of course, you talk about this to your husband regarding this issue and vil can understand the children's point of view. he doesn't want them to be bullied, to be teased or being compared to him since they're the children of the biggest celebrity in the industry. he also promises that he'll talk to the children and apologizes for making them miserable.
on the fluffier side, vil loves spending time with the kids. going shopping or having photography sessions are some of the examples and heavily adores them when his children are being made to be endorsers/models on a children's brand of clothing. when his daughter asked him for tips when it comes to make up, vil didn't hesitate to teach her the basics (also buys her the make up brands she really wanted).
teaches his children the importance of fighting prejudice towards gender norms. vil is the type of father to accept that kind of future his children chose for themselves and does not give a shit when it comes to people's opinions on them; his son wants to wear make up? sure why not, he also wears one during his time as a student in nrc. his daughter wanted to crossdress? why not? it's just clothes and at least she's not waking around naked.
Idia Shroud 💠
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to those who voted on the poll and answered idia, ya'll deserve a pat cause he won 😭🙌
as much as i love idia shroud, idia is the houswarden that's least likely to become a father due to his trauma and fucked up family dynamic but what if he does become a father with the only person that he loves and is comfortable to be with?
hands down a helicopter parent fr, like this guy suffered so much that he didn't want his own children to go through the same fate he had in his childhood. man even prohibits his kids to go out w/o telling him first but also values his children's privacy in terms of their gadgets and other private stuff.
when his kids were born, he knew straight up that the kids inherited his flaming blue hair due to his cursed bloodline (and prays that his kids won't hate him for it) but loves it when he saw their (e/c) eyes for the first time (at least his kids looked like the combination of the two of you). aside from that, ortho's excited to become an uncle and wants to be the cool kind of uncle to his brother's children.
as always, when his children were a bit older, he wanted to teach them the basics of coding and video game development. being the children of the director of styx and a professional gamer, he expects his kid to be as good as he is in these kinds of field. if his kids wanted to pursue a different path as he is or a different hobby, he doesn't mind at all but is disappointed to say the least.
due to the shroud curse, at least one of the children has to take over styx when they're now at age sadly. as a father, he really wants them to pursue a future without revolving around in his family's business but they couldn't avoid it.
doesn't care how much his children spent on things due to an immense wealth his family holds. don't be surprised his children's rooms were covered in merch of their favorite video game or fandom. he heavily supports his children having the same passion as he is as a geek.
Malleus Draconia 🐉
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if future malleus told past malleus that he became a father and the husband of the ramshackle dorm's prefect, it's either he'll pass out from happiness or becomes excited so much that he wants to confess his feelings in front of you.
a big family man, aside from his heavy duty as the crowned king of briar valley, he always set aside some time to spend with you and his children on the rose garden by the greenhouse of the castle. he also doesn't care what are the other fae's think about his own half-human faelets, he still loved that the kids are the creation of both of your love to each other.
speaking of the other faes, he will hear a thing or two about children of their ages making fun about their half-human characteristics like having rounded ears instead of pointed ones like their own father. like vil shoenheit, he is fiercely protective about his children and would confront the kid's parents if the bullying had gone too far but he's a really forgiving father don't worry.
adding to the previous statement, his heart would break a bit when he knew either one of his children are either being excluded (preventing them from playing a game with the other kids or isn't invited to a birthday party).
the type of father who let's them sleep in the middle of the both of you when one of them had a nightmare. he can sense it when his children are in dire need of his assistance and wants to sleep beside the both of you for comfort.
really loves it when he sees his children playing on the throne room. he loves the noise they emitted comparing to the quiet and eerie noise the throne room before they were born. one of the playdates you and malleus joined with your children is about a roleplay involving a knight trapped in a tower while a dragon saved them and fell on love with each other. i would imagine them kissing in the final scene as the children gagged from the public display of affection.
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ilions-end · 2 months
i finished statius' ACHILLEID. thoughts thoughts thoughts:
i knew going in it was a VERY short unfinished epic, but i didn't know it would be FUN?? if i ever get that time machine, FIRST THING i go back and find one publius papinius statius, i lock him in a room, and i'm NOT letting him out until he's finished the achilleid!
achilles is statius' BLORBO in a way neither homer, quintus nor virgil have blorbos. statius likes achilles to be strong and pretty and graceful, but most of all ENDEARING even when he fails. and he fails a lot, because this is him still figuring out how to be an adult, not to mention a prophesied legend literally everyone is waiting for to step up
the one thing that gets tiring is just how many prophecies permeate the achilleid. nothing's left to chance, there are so few unknowns. even ODYSSEUS was aware that from peleus' wedding there would come a child destined to be a central warrior in an upcoming gigantic war.
as it stands, the achilleid is more of a... thetisiad? she is very centered in the narrative (we spend more time looking at things from her point of view than achilles') and there is SO MUCH SYMPATHY for her, oh my gosh!! she loves ONE person, her son, the only worthwhile thing she got out of a traumatizing marriage, and she despairs that he's fated to die young in a silly human war.
also i'm a deidamia defender forever now. so three-dimensional, so clever!
aughhh i love how much characterization statius puts in, even in the small scenes! my favourite example is odysseus and diomedes as they walk up to lycomedes' place (literally just moving characters from A to B). diomedes teases odysseus, and odysseus is delighted to be teased. that night we're told odysseus CAN'T SLEEP because he's too excited about showing off his plan the next morning!
the unveiling of achilles is completely different from the chagrined defeat/"achilles is a fucking idiot" ways i've heard it retold! i love that it's collaborative, it's a mutual triumph. it's just as much achilles (who's been suffering in gender dysphoria hell for a year) longing to be exposed as it is odysseus LIVING for showing everyone (especially diomedes?) how clever he is. it's not just the shield and the spear and the bugle, it's odysseus playing the part of the siren, whispering in achilles' ear that he knows who he is and describing how glorious he will be on the trojan battlefield. it's achilles' grateful relief at being ALLOWED not to pretend anymore as he rips off his own dress even before the bugle calls
also it's very important to me that the moment he's no longer hunching over trying to make himself look small and inoffensive, we're told achilles is taller than both odysseus and diomedes
i KEEP IMAGINING how good statius would have made the rest!! especially because as book ii ends, achilles regards odysseus as a cool uncle; he's the guy who rescued him! i want to think statius would have put in the big mystery quarrel achilles and odysseus are said to have had early in the war, something to drastically change that affection. i want to know how statius would have handled troilus, and the gods. augh statius you roman BLUEBALLER
an assortment of story beats still revolving in my head:
chiron is such a sweetheart!! he's SO gallant with thetis, he's so affectionate with achilles. he HIDES HIS TEARS when achilles leaves, awww
statius writes out phoinix completely. as a phoinix stan i object. sure chiron can raise young achilles, but i NEED phoinix to tend to him as a baby
i enjoy how achilles EXPLODES into a mess of teenagerly hormones when he first sees deidaima. it's so funny that thetis is looking on (and we get my favourite simile of the achilleid, of a herdsman delighting in a young bull snorting and foaming at a beautiful heifer) like "aaaaand there's my son's sexual awakening. i see! well, we can use that" and THAT explains why achilles is so willing to commit to the female disguise
(listen. listen. few things mean more to me than the love between achilles and patroclus. but achilles is a teenage boy at the age when a fucking breeze will give him a boner, and deidamia is the most beautiful and the cleverest of her sisters. i really enjoy a story where achilles and deidamia are neither "fated eternal true love" or one's a sneaky opportunist. it's much more compelling that they're both knots of budding emotions and bodily feedback)
i notice that statius never uses the name pyrrha, he doesn't seem to have a fake name at all, just "achilles' sister"
lycomedes is SO honoured and proud that thetis is entrusting her daughter to him. i feel sorry for lycomedes, he seems so earnest and hasn't done anything to get tricked
the one thing i can't forgive statius for is that after spending SO much time establishing that achilles and deidamia (who knows he's a guy) are genuinely into each other, it feels like statius goes OUT OF HIS WAY assuring us that their first sexual encounter is rape. sure they talk right after, deidamia forgives him, AND i understand there are social rules that makes deidamia more "honourable" and "worthy" when she resists, but like. sigh.
aLONG with the previously mentioned interplay between odysseus and diomedes as they walk up to lycomedes' court, there's a simile where they're both starving wolves on the hunt. so sexy it's almost illegal
the feast scene is SO FUNNY omg. all of achilles' careful feminine training dissolving because odysseus and diomedes are there with their boundless masculinity for him to feed off of. deidamia practically WRESTLING achilles back down on the couch every time he forgets himself and behaves too much like a man. odysseus chatting with lycomedes SPECIFICALLY trying to rile up achilles, and then after the women have left (achilles dragging his feet and looking back, YEARNING for their male company) odysseus specifically praises the maiden's "almost masculine" beauty (because ohh he suspects. he just needs to prove it in the morning. he can't SLEEP for it)
when they depart, achilles earnestly swears to deidamia that no other women shall ever bear his children. i find it interesting as a reminder of the social rules of its era. neither of them expect achilles to be sexually exclusive, just not fathering potential heirs. which again makes me wonder about the contraceptives in ancient greece
on the ship towards aulis, diomedes begs achilles to tell them all about his feats and training with chiron, and achilles is so shy about it! who can blame him! diomedes has a WAY more impressive track record
odysseus is SO good at firing up achilles' outrage at paris even as he's just catching him up on what the war's about. and he's so pleased at how easily achilles' outrage can be directed! you KNOW that would have developed in such an interesting way AUGH THE REST WOULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD.
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thinking about how of course billions is about people trapped in eternal battle world, and trapped because they won't ever exit, and don't want to because that's the only way they can define their idea of themself or like move through life, to the degree they have to just create or find another battle if one ends or they don't have enough going on at once or they're unhappy about anything & can only respond to that the only way they'll respond to anything: finding someone to consider a target to Defeat & being like nice, i'm so competent & active as a person, so with any other issues in my life, i'm sure it's not my fault at least
and it's been clear that to be someone at the Center of the show means needing to be inflexible enough to never leave that life, which also probably means never engaging in genuine self-reflection besides like, fuming in distress for 5 sec & then immediately searching for blame for someone else, or calling up your designated moral supporter who'll tell you you're upset b/c you're very complex & sympathetic & maybe if you do [xyz] you'll be able to Keep Winning, so like, don't worry, we'll never get too off track here. you have someone like connerty who cares so much about playing by the rules ft. ethics, but he was also someone completely inflexible who would give a shit like "ha ha you broke the law" and be Defeated b/c like yeah damn you do got him in that situation. he may then have gained the flexibility to throw a punch when he's already imprisoned but he's still just gotta retire & pursue some completely different goals
this in contrast with like, what a coincidence (surely not) that the more flexible characters are the ones who also do introspect & reflect & genuinely think about & question themselves ever, & how even beyond that, being in this world of people who overwhelmingly are thee opposite & aiming for a static sense of self & thus strategy for navigating life & all interactions & situations, the more reflective parties also tend to accept both Blame & the fruitlessness of pushing for more/different/better from the people & relationships & situations they're amongst. those willing to take on responsibility at all surrounded by people casting all of it off, always, w/the former already primed to take blame & the latter primed to be looking to find the blame in anyone else, a powerful mismatch....which allows the flexible parties to also put up with shit for longer lol like if they got fed up that quickly or recognized the dead-end here they'd just leave the show lol. like wow can't believe taylor spent their whole life already stuck having to deal with someone who's so very much like these bullshit central men & those trying to emulate them, & perhaps also then have a lifetime of experience extending endless patience & sympathy with little to no expectations for more from people who put up with such a bullshit man & his effects on everything around him, like, what do you mean taylor's mom hasn't seen them b/c douglas didn't want to see them b/c he wasn't yet motivated enough to have to exercise begrudging shows of basic respect. whilest sure seems like taylor felt more concern & basically stated their responsibility re: trying to make their relationship with their dad work / basically take on the task of making his life work for him according to his sense of himself (genius! who deserves the recognition thusly!) and doesn't seem to take on this role re: their mom, who nevertheless is just presumed to move closer to them along w/douglas. and here's taylor never truly putting their foot down re: wendy, no matter what, able to have no real positive expectations in how wendy treats them or thinks of them, but also always able to extend sympathy / decent treatment themself
thinking of like team ben out here as the Nicer axe cap or mpc people who also happen to be people absorbing the L's, blaming themselves for being at the bottom of the hierarchy & being subjected to the always negative treatment doled out to them accordingly, and, winstonesquely, still generally like extending genuine gestures of amicability, efforts of constructive actual communication, etc, & this being shut down & likely punished by all the people around them who won't handle that kind of thing. that Of Course nobody's actually supported around here, like, at best they'll get some kind of "well you're actually talented & valuable :)...." (so why aren't they already treated in a way such that they're aware of this?) "....so just have more confidence already god!" wherein (a) again that just means it's Their Fault that they're having a miserable time at the hands of others & (b) their having "confidence" doesn't really mean like, an emotional buffer between their sense of self-esteem & the message of inferiority in how they're treated, it has to mean externally acting different in some ways, more like A Winner, more like everyone else. the limits of ben trying to sometimes be a buffer for tuk as that kind of friend/mentor role, where either it simply fails or ben's Help is more unilateral "correction." that generally only any increase in aggressive hostility gets them anywhere, and really not that far.
the way dollar bill could always act however he wanted & they could always clean up his messes / save him from himself / just flatout blame other people for what dollar bill did to them or someone else; success in being a mini axe in that way for sure. dollar bill going off the rails over his literal dollar bill & that's not a problem, he's validated b/c he's upset, & b/c rudy knew he'd be upset it's really all rudy's fault....who just so happens to be more of a loser, what with his glasses & possible masturbation ever and all. whilest even when dollar bill is like every season being shit at his job & life, well, just find a loser to trounce while everyone ignores this, cheers you on, takes on responsibility for fixing things for you, blames the person targeted probably. dollar bill couldn't even do in office transphobic hate crime physical attacks, or that but while yelling the r word at the autistic guy he's already harrassing & threatening, without it being really basically the target's fault, & hey, as long as no investors are watching. and we're still dragging dollar bill back to the office b/c uhhh yeah!!
& then of course there's winston, who, like a loser, says things in real efforts for real communication with others, that they winningly can only bring themselves to respond to as "he's not allowed to talk, that's out of line, i have to punish/deny this to reassert our respective status" except for, sometimes, taylor actually communicating in turn, or even simply receiving the information. winston in a duo with the very winning & worthy rian, being something of a quasirival for 5 seconds but even during then, and since, trying to be amicable to establish an actually positive dynamic, trying for actual communication, engaging flexibly & actively based on her feedback & her terms & etc to try to find some more success; versus rian completely inflexible, unwilling to respond to efforts to communicate, unwilling to have an actual relationship with any flexibility & genuineness in turn, or see winston as a person of course, and engage with real emotions. which is hardly an exclusive response of hers, like, everyone else is just the same, she's just also the one interacting with him more often and personally bullying him & standing next to him & immediately responding with clear contempt when he tries things like earnest expressions of "hey rian could you not do what you just did b/c it makes me feel like shit, probably b/c that's what you're trying to do" and "hey that was cool what you just did b/c it makes me feel like—" b/c like, what a loser. real winners cannot handle engaging with another person as a person. when you can just make up & stick to a narrative about "oh but i don't hate winston, who i feel is inherently beneath me. i wouldn't wanna feel bad about killing him, not when i could feel fine about administering more of a death by a thousand cuts with some other people helping out & hey maybe it was their cut that did it after all....but also if you're like 'pwease' then eh sure" or that winston's got a lesser inner existence anyways, some classic dehumanization, no complexity there, & hurting him isn't real, & it'd never be you in his position anyways! especially the more you're buying into "yeah i'm more of a person / more deserving / more real & sympathetic & correct than him :)" & being cheered on as you act that out. pretty cringe of winston to be earnest, flexible, openly trying & wanting & needing things, sounds bad & silly. unlike the winners around him who really cannot handle him or any of these things about him. of course near equivalent in loserness, tuk, is the person with the realest most amicable relationship with him. both of them too incompetent to realize their mutual failings in this, ha ha, real winners are repulsed & fleeing & can't handle a basic exchange with either of them. and the imbalance re: how little others are willing to give them in interest, consideration, time, words, etc, while they're always trying Too Much re: the disinterested others, totally proves their unworthiness
winston and tuk always having to stay at the bottom of the hierarchy, winston only able to be shitted on even as he extricates himself, ending up surrounded by people who will only act "correctly" according to their superior roles & this mf wags only processing anything as "did that reinforce my being a correct/winning person???" & only responding by trying to reassert to others how much of a winner they are, which requires establishing a loser, and crushing them. winston having recognized / gotten fed up with a bullshit scenario & had realistic expectations of those around them & spent those years being treated like shit yet never crushing an enemy to restore his ego & also spent those years trying to communicate and work with others and share actual info and make actual connections & now independently choosing to make a big shift in his life so that things can be different? is definitely the contemptible loser here while everyone else looks very good faffing around for an episode getting some temporary ego boosts & being very "correct" in every response to winston, even pointing out that rian even noticing something genuine & positive from winston in the absence of it anywhere is first & foremost incorrect, which rian will Also immediately drop in the face of that "well yeah it's more correct to prioritize Anything else. like that he's pathetic & mpc 5ever" like wuh oh rian being doomed from 5x08 "time to embrace acting more correct now" & being truly inflexible from that point on, never had a moment of conflict not resolved by [ignoring that] &/or again just getting someone more correct to declare how it'll be answered. taylor at their most flexible and Taylorest and most juxtaposed with central men & static ossified "winners" when they are also at their best in engaging with winston. taylor Like winston & vice versa in so many substantial & interesting ways, despite their relating to / sympathizing with / devoting much more effort & interest to people more like the central men. that here we are, when taylor might have to give up on Being A Winner, someone who'll walk away with status & resources & a seamless transition into some established business foundation, to really get the wins that matter, against pince, &/or to clock out of a sunk cost factory, &/or to not have strangled every part of themself that can be in conflict with this general situation into eternal dormancy. don't You dare blame latency lol, the taylor who gets to exist outside the conditional "well i guess you're a winner who's very useful to me, like dumping work on you & blaming you if it goes awry. and you can act like a Real winner in the ways that really matter (crushing people)"....is also a taylor who can be rejected & shut down & shut out & have their value denied & be treated shittily despite even knowing they'd be / are good at this shit, superlatively even, & could never feel okay just being regarded as a tool stashed away at someone's disposal. & Has been treated shittly & is liable to accept blame, unilateral responsibility for other's selves & feelings & actions & lives, & marinate in self-loathing. while people who refuse any introspection, questioning, responsibility, awareness, etc, & refuse to handle the least of genuine interactions/relationships with others as real people, are glad to scoff at them & dismiss them & imply or assert their superiority, like, wow have You got a lot to learn, or maybe you can't b/c you're inherently inferior. all just like re: winston!
tl;dr shoutout to the flexible characters who like can & do reflect & change things up actually, just so happening to always be Losing for this in the [only way to win is not to play] arena of fake winners seeing if they can consider themselves superior to everyone else & only even possibly correct always & forever, in the pyramid scheme of social hierarchy & also capitalism
#real winners quit! it's winston#society if rian Wasn't quickly boxed in & given the ''prominence'' of being Used for other characters#and where we could more truly have this like triumvirate of seeing yourself in both the other two parties in tmc lol#almost a similar fate re: lauren showing up Worthily Yet Zanily! then Most offbeatness falls away / dating is in the bg#& she's mostly Around & doing general [just competent things] But she was also flexible enough to do things Wrong actually / be doomed lol#which we Knew b/c of the relationship that billions would only eventually crush as the Cost of xyz....#rian's offbeatness mostly gone too; ''what am i gonna do next!'' Conveniently/contradictorily; going Bazinga; snark instead of aggression#general [just competent things] that'll last until ppl quit last minute; if they do. she started out secretly pretty inflexible already#& is really locked in by now; very similar to wendy who also never really considered ditching her life of ''i love to feel like i'm toying#w/ppl's lives & enabling some mf with more power'' & really isn't that different from prince; who tf else isn't also totally inflexible#team ben's endurance come from what insulation / teamwork they can find w/each other & just staying out of the way really#& also just the writing like ''of course they can & will stick around for years despite how they're treated. bit of Loser Feelings as#Lesser Feelings after all b/c haha i mean come on they may be nice but do they seem Epic to you?''#which is just as true / even more so re: winston. until he; in another [the Actual winner's move]; finally leaves#and gets like the most bass boosted [WHAT A FUCKING LOSER] treatment on his way out b/c what else could or would anyone do#winston billions#anyways he & the Loser Nerds like him have so much more maturity & flexibility & allowed capacity for actual growth lol. cringe comp!!#and this may be at all on purpose Of Course. show's aware central ppl are peak shit & intractible. show also does think winston's a loser#&/or is certainly trying to have their cake and eat it too with him and like tuk as well & even to a degree w/e goes on w/spyros etc etc#and Illustrating a lot of the ''deserved'' aspect through static inflexible Assumed Universal Facts abt what seems wrong & unworthy#like fucking yourself literally! objectively Bad. having glasses. knowing the diff b/w a vagina & vulva. not being ''''attractive''''#[jumpscare of Blaring Tangent dialogue abt that all overlaid on itself into 1 second of 9000 decibels]#taylor is also Flexible re: philip who is Flexible re: them in turn. definitely Something and Promising as has been established lol#visit taylip hq nothingunrealistic.tumblr.com for so much more. and this blog for [thinking abt winston] hq in turn. covering ground
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lightaflaem · 10 days
characters: s. rintaro, m. atsumu
genre: hurt/comfort
word count: 1.1k
summary: how would haikyuu boys react when you give them a silent treatment.
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Suna’s keen observation and logical reasoning are always on point. That’s why whenever you try opening up to him regarding your problems and worries, he’ll shut them out in the most logical way he could.
Usually, when you are feeling overstimulated with your emotions, you just need a breather and you already know what to do. However, your boyfriend could not understand that yet at some point.
So when you tried opening up regarding the pressure of reviewing for college applications, you were already shut down with his remarks such as “Well, you can try reviewing harder, right? There’s nothing we can learn in this world so use your resources appropriately”
“Rin, I know what to do! Can you just…listen to me and maybe offer some comfort if you can?” “Why? What’s the point of ranting when you could’ve done something about it and actually made a difference?”
You hated that he’s right and you hated that you couldn’t do anything about it. To prevent yourself from detonating like a bomb, you picked all your things up and left his room as quickly as you could to get some fresh air.
With a huge sigh, his foxy eyes just twitched as he watched your figure disappear from his sight.
You figured out that it's best to just chill out and let everything flow before approaching your boyfriend again because honestly, your mind is still declining from everything.
However, your plan to chill out seems like a little bit hard to carry out, especially when you are also the manager of the Inarizaki VBC.
When their preparation for the incoming practice match with another school started and you did not even bother to look Suna's way, the Miya twins exchanged glances and instantly knew that there was something wrong.
The way your gaze shifted and avoided him during the meeting, Suna felt like his heart was being bruised a fist. He never thought that you avoiding him and giving him a silent treatment could hurt this bad.
The first round of practice just finished and he was already lingering towards you, expecting that you’ll hand his bottle of pocari sweat; however, when he saw you leaving as soon as you saw him towards you, he knew he had enough.
“Come on, Y/N,” he spoke, hand quickly grabbing your elbow in a soft way to prevent you from escaping. “Don’t give me this silent treatment. It hurts here,” he then pointed at his heart, eyelids  drooping.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t really give you the support and comfort you needed. But maybe if you can enlighten me with how I can help you, maybe we can understand each other more.”
Suna doesn’t lie. It hurts him so much seeing you ignore his presence like he wasn’t existing at all. He doesn't like the feeling. He loathes it so much.
Atsumu will definitely try to pull some shitty pranks however, Kita was fast enough to stop him and pull him by the hem of his shorts before he could do something.
The both of you talked, almost forgetting that Suna is in the middle of training.
The Inarizaki VBC intentionally left the two of you and continued with the practice, letting you guys fix the childish argument you had.
Right after that, Suna was on fire and didn’t even slack off the whole training. In his mind, he's definitely thinking of ways to make it up to you after his training. In fact, he's already thinking of taking you to eat ramen with him which is your comfort food and make you talk to him about your worries once again.
He promised himself that he'll listen and give you advice or comfort or maybe both with a few hugs and kisses to ease you up.
“Should we try setting something to make Rintaro and Y/N argue and make it up before a match so that Suna will be on his best game?” Atsumu proposed.
“Don’t even think about it. I’ll bury you.” Suna answered with his eyes shooting lasers towards the blond male.
Arguments with him usually lasted the whole day, depending on how deep the fight was or how petty his actions were. However, this particular argument lasted for 3 straight days. It can actually be fixed however, your boyfriend chose to be an ass instead of talking this shit thoroughly with you.
When his brother, Osamu called you at 8 in the evening to help him calm his idiot brother down who nearly trashed the whole gymnasium of Inarizaki just because he wasn’t having his best day and play, he chose to ignore you and your attempts to soothe his frustrations out which escalated into a heated argument and bickering in front on the whole Inarizaki volleyball team.
If it wasn’t for Kita interfering and saying something like “you know that you could be benched in the following games if you continued doing this, right?” then he wouldn’t calm down and stop throwing the volleyball everywhere.
When you attempted to be the bigger person and sat down to have a talk with him, he decided to fold and close himself with every option and raised his voice at you which made your blood boil.
After making sure that Osamu took his brother home safely, you went back home alone and left a few text messages but he never texted or called you back. So, you figured out that it’s the cue and both of you needed some space and time to cool down.
On the second day of the argument, it was hell for Atsumu. He tried calling you twice. However, you still feel shitty with the way he acted on you that day so you never answered his calls.
He left multiple missed calls accompanied with messages like ‘baby please answer the phone’ ‘😭😭😭’ ‘i missed you. I’m sorry, i was an ass’
A day after, there’s a few knocks on your doors and you were welcomed with Atsumu in his usual volleyball training outfit, head hanging low with both of his hands inside the maroon pockets of his university jacket.
“I’m sorry,” he said with the softest voice you’ve ever heard. “Can I come in?”
Upon closing your door, he didn’t even give you time to adjust with his presence and instantly pulled you into a hug.
“Wait—Are you crying?” “The hell I’m crying! Yer not answering any of my calls and messages! I thought I’m gonna lose you!”
And there he is, Atsumu the big baby like he always is. Rolling your eyes, you gave him a few good smacks before talking everything through and reminding of the boundaries and of course, letting him let out all of his frustrations.
Atsumu will definitely feel like the shittiest person ever after realizing that he just yelled at you in front of the whole team. He also got some punches from Osamu after they went home that day.
“I’m so sorry baby. I know it’s not an excuse but please, don’t give up on me. I’m working on becoming a better person every day.”
The following days were spent with him making up with you and apologizing to Inarizaki VBC.
Surely, he earned a few punches from Osamu again because what he did is still an ass move.
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© lightaflaem. do not repost on any platform.
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c0ffeejelly1 · 1 month
I know where the hole is!..I think.
-Bros the type to let you take control during his first time
Cw: smut smut smut um smut (virgins, like both of y’all soo) fem dom, thats all. (ALL CHARACTERS ARE TIMESKIPPED VERSIONS 🙏🙏 so basically of age.)
* “A-are you sure about this, babe?..”
* He felt like his heart was sinking to the deepest depths of his stomach with each passing moment.
* Is this a heart attack? Is this how it feels? Is he having one right now??!
* He was panicking. How the hell did he get himself into this position??
* “I mean, I don’t want to force you to do anything you might not like..”
* Who was he kidding? He knew damn well you wanted this! But he’d just never...
* “..we could always just..reschedule?”
* Reschedule? Seriously?
* Who the hell says, 'reschedule’ in this type of situation???
* What had he gotten himself into...
* He could practically feel his brain going into overdrive, the stupid word ‘error’ repeating in his mind.
* Why was his heart trying to wrestle its way out of his body?? Did it want him to die?!
* Is this organ failure? He doesn’t want to die!!..
* And the drips—no gallons of cold sweat running down his face like a marathon...
* Is this normal?!? Sweating this much??
* Could you see this? Was his face clammy looking??
* God, he hoped you were blind to his nervousness...
* This was such a stupid idea.
* And all because of his big ass, egotistical, lying, good-for-nothing mouth.
* If only he’d just said the truth to you...
* The truth that he’d never done something like..this.
* Something so intimate..something so deep..something like having-
* “Are you nervous?..”
* His eyes immediately open wide.
* Why were his eyes even closed to begin with?!
* This was so embarrassing..he could feel the blush on his cheeks rise even more as he avoided eye contact with her.
* “M-me?! Noo…not I’m nervous! I-I mean-..nervous I’m not! Ha..so let’s just um..”
* He gulped loudly.
* Are gulps supposed to hurt your throat?
* He’d have to look that up later...
* ..but back to the problem at hand!
* You were getting suspicious, which wasn’t good!
* And his arms remained laying either side of your head—not because he was experienced and knew what he was doing. No.
* only because he needed something to stop himself from collapsing down onto you like a nervous wreck.
* He was shitting himself.
* How was he supposed to do something like this to someone as gorgeous as you?
* And to think you were willing on your back presenting yourself to him in just your underwear...
* The way your bra would cup the two fruitful breasts he had no shame burying his face in, hiding the sinful buds he’d never seen in his life—actually, there was the one time he caught you in the shower, so maybe this wasn’t going to be his first time seeing you so- fuck. He’s getting distracted...
* But then there were your undies that shielded away your most vulnerable parts..and to think, you were giving that to him?.. Him????
* He doesn’t even know what he’s doing, y’know?
* You should know by now that he’s all talk, no action! He can’t touch you!
* The thing is..he’s never actually had sex! Okay?! He admits it!
* It was a lie!
* But you were just talking about how you want your first time to be amazing. He just-…
* He just didn’t want to seem lame to you! I mean, look at you!
* You were so beautiful..and he was just..there?
* And to think you wanted him to- to-..put his D in your P?? He’d probably finish on the spot!
* Just imagine how embarrassing that’d be...
* “Baby..”
* His head perks up at the pet name, his eyes meeting yours.
* “You’ve..never done this before, have you.”
* Fuck.
* Well
* It was good while it lasted, boys.
* He tried his best.
* Now he can finally crawl into a hole and die.
* He can’t lie to you when you look like this! You're practically naked, for Christ's sake! And he was in his boxers and- shit.
* Had a raging hard boner...
* He didn’t know a thing when it came to making women feel good...
* He’d watched sex videos before. Yes, he wasn’t a prude, but still.
* Did he know where exactly the hole was?
* …
* No.
* So how was he supposed to-
* “Lay on your back.”
* “..What.”
* “I said lay on your back.”
* “But then how am I gonna..“
* “I’ll do it.”
* “..y-you’ll wha-“
* How did he get himself into this mess?
* How did the only piece of clothing covering his most precious area end up on the floor?
* How did he find himself covering his mouth with the back of his hand, trying to stop the sinful sounds from escaping his lips..
* How did your mouth feel so good?
* “Ah..f-fuck baby..slow down a little..”
* His chest only moved up and down frantically, his breathing becoming heavier as his hand found a place in your hair. He was falling apart and was so close already...
* The way your tongue would flick at his tip, teasing it as you looked at him for a reaction.
* The way you would suddenly take him whole, causing his back to arch slightly and his head to fall back into the pillow behind him, a stuttery whine leaving his mouth.
* And then there were your hands..the way they would wrap around his cock so nicely, quick strokes being made, and the occasional massage of his balls.
* Fuck it was 'so good..’ as he would say it.
* you sure you were a virgin?
* This doesn’t seem like virgin behaviour to him...
* He was so deep in thought, so dazed that the only thing he could think of was coming undone.
* He felt good..way too good, so good that-
* “Baby!- w-wait..mhf!..ah-..I’m gonna cum..”
* “Y-Your mouth-..fuck..so good..sogoodd..”
* Then you stopped.
* ..why did you stop?
* Did he do something wrong? Why did you just...
* He felt his thoughts come to a halt as he watched you pull off your undies, his eyes wandering down to your..oh wow. You really were going to do this.
* You gently place a hand on his chest, using your other to grip his cock, causing him to suck in a breath at the sudden contact.
* He was sensitive and on the verge of finishing just from a slight touch..it was adorable.
* Your hips ride up above his pelvis just right enough for the lips of your pussy to wet his cock with your juices.
* Were you trying to kill him here?
* All he could do was watch and whine softly as he hoisted himself up with his elbows.
* He wanted to be inside you.
* Wanted you to take him
* Be his first, just as he was about to be yours.
* He needed it badly, and so you gave it to him.
* Sweaty, hot, messily.
* You were so beautiful...
* The way you held your tits from bouncing up and down while riding him, a hand still placed on his chest as your head slightly tilted back from the pleasure you were receiving.
* He was making you feel this good..him.
* He felt so embarrassed with the sounds that were falling from his lips—the whimpers, whines, and moans of your name—all just for you.
*Fuck he loved you.
* He was so in love...
* He couldn’t hold it in anymore. He could feel the coil in his stomach begin to tighten as his cock twitched inside of you.
*He was gonna cum
* And you knew that.
* You both did
* “Y-you’re so..t-tight..fuck.”
* “How do you f-feel this good?”
* “So beautiful..h-how did I ever deserve you?..”
* “Fuck d-dont clench around me like that baby..”
* “I wanna cum for you baby..please..”
* “I’m so glad you were my first time..”
* “D-don’t..say things like that..it’s so dirty..”
* “I-i can’t baby..i-I’m gonna-“
* A wonderful first time for both of you, if you ask me.
Characters I had in mind while writing this
REIGEN (mob psycho 100)
All might, present mic, DENKI, sero (my hero academia)
Hinata, NISHINOYA, KAGEYAMA, yamiguchi, bokuto (haikyuu)
ITTO (genshin impact)
POLNAREFF, mista (JOJO’S bizarre adventures)
Kagami, MIDORIMA (kuroko’s basketball)
Sanemi, HAGANEZUKA (demon slayer)
METAL BAT, king (one punch man)
GOJO (jujustu kaisen)
JEAN, Connie (attack on titan)
LEORIO, kite (hunterxhunter)
ONIZUKA (Great teacher onizuka)
Any character you would like
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mysicklove · 2 months
CW: aged up character, making out, ppl in love, yuuji is taller/bigger than reader, mentions of sex and NSFW content, word vomit, bad writing bc i wrote it on my phone and didn’t edit it
Yuuji Itadori found making out to be on of his favorite ways to pass time. Sex is great an all, but something about the way your mouth locks with his his, your tongue grazing his teeth while your hand creeps up his shirt just sends his head spinning. The raging boner he gets in his pants is a little uncomfortable, but sometimes if he’s lucky you’ll run your hand over is, pulling a shiver from the boy.
Making out is easier than having sex, no body fluids to clean after you are done (although, he does find himself occasionally cumming in his pants either way) and all the two of you have to really do is fix your hair, and pretend like the room is a little too hot to explain your red, panting faces.
On one second your on top of him, hands in his hair while he’s groaning into your mouth, and the next Fushiguros there, rolling his eyes at Yuujis love sick expression for you. It was great — the switch up was thrilling.
You seemed to like it as much as he did, which almost made him feeel giddy inside, akin to schoolgirl, embarrassing enough. You don’t see a problem of shutting the apartment door the second the two of you arrive at your place, and attacking his mouth.
He doesn’t mind being the one pinned to the door — it may be a little embarrassing considering how much larger he is than you, but you don’t seem to care. Your tongue slides into his mouth without a warning.
It’s a mess of limbs and teeth and saliva, but Yuuji wouldn’t have it any other way. He likes that it’s messy — it’s hotter that way, or so he says, usually after with a massive grin on his face on his red face. But for now, he grabs your chin, tilts it up, and mimics your movements.
Your body is pressed against him on the wall, and he can feel your lower stomach touching his groin, sending shivers up his spine. It’s almost unconscious the way he drives his hips toward you, humping your body to gain some friction of his now hardening cock.
You don’t pay it any mind, cruelly enough, not pulling away from his mouth even with the lack of oxygen between the two of you. But Yuujis stumbling forward, accidentally moving his body too much to be controlled and pulling himself away from your mouth.
He doesnt go far, panting with hazy eyes and red lips, before pressing quick kisses to your mouth while trying to catch his breath. He’s leading you backward, littering now your neck with butterfly kisses. “B-Bedroom.”
You guys make it to the kitchen before your on eachother again like magnets. He lifted you up on the counter, loving to show how easy it is for him to lift you — he’s prideful in his strength, and does like to show you in subtle ways like this. But you don’t mention anything, and he knew you wouldn’t, especially since now his shirt was off and yours was soon to come.
His hands are around your waist, and his mouth moves with rhythm, pulling groans from the both of you until he breathes the words, “love you” into your lips, not caring if you heard, because he says it a multitude of times anyways.
But you do, and giggle a breathless laugh, gripping his hair and pulling it back just to hear him moan. Your hands run over his abdomen, tease his chest, and then finish back at his jaw. “Me too,”
He takes off your shirt, pulling away to lock his mouth on your chest for a moments worth, knowing that you won’t be pleased if his lips don’t find yours again soon. You nod at him.
The two of you make it to the couch before your pants come off.
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animelover28sworld · 2 months
When You Say The Safe Word.
Characters: Scaramouche, Zhongli, wriothesley, Kaeya and Tighnari
Warnings: NSFW, hair pulling, name calling, teasing, double cocks (Zhongli) slight breeding kink, unprotected sex
Info: saying the safe word during s3x
A/N: this is my first time writing Genshin smut so it will be bad so please bare with me a bit plus half of this was written late at night.
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Don't get me wrong, you love rough sex with WRIOTHESLEY but today was a lot rougher than usual. He had a long day at the fortress of meropide and you understood that plus hardly gets any days or nights off. So tonight he was rough, all it started out was a simple kiss then turned out to be a heated make out session then to sex. He was pounding into you like there was no tomorrow while gripping your hips hard enough that you knew that there were going to be bruises the next day, but you couldn't take it any more "pine- pineapple." You choked out but he didn't hear you and just kept going. "wriothesley pineapple!" You said, that time he heard you and completely stopped what he was doing and took his hands off of you. "are you okay love?" wriothesley asked you. "Y-yeah you were just a lot rougher than usual..." You told him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too." He apologized. "I know you are." You told him. "Do you need anything?" He asked you. "a nice warm bath would do and cuddles." You told him. "Your wish is my command." Wriothesley told you.
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Oh boy, you think you would have to use the safe word with KAEYA a lot but actually you never really did, even when both of you got drunk he was gentle with you. Except for tonight, you honestly didn't know what got into Kaeya, you saw this side of Kaeya before but this felt different somehow. He had you on all fours pushing your head into the pillows, mascara running down your face from the pleasure, but then it got too much for you, it felt like you could barely breathe because when you wanted to come back up for air Kaeya just pushed your head down. "K-Kaeya apple!" You said before he could push your head back down. When he heard that he stopped, then you sat up coughing. "I'm sorry, I was a little rough wasn't I?" Kaeya asked you. "A little? More like more rough." You told him. "I'll run you a bath okay?" Kaeya told you. You nodded your head "okay"
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Now with SCARAMOUCHE you always have rough sex, very much like Kaeya he would have you on all fours but instead pushing your head into the pillows he would pull your hair up and never give you any breaks. "Hah you like that you slut?" Scaramouche said as he pulled your hair up. You whined yes you did like it but it got too much for you. "Scara orange." You whined, he clicked his tongue and let go of your hair so let go of you. "You were taking me so well what changed?" He asked you almost it sounded like he was mocking you but you knew he actually cared. You were too tired to say anything. Scaramouche sighed "I'll get a bath ready..."
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You gotta remember that ZHONGLI is a dragon that has a human form so usually he has a heat cycle. Which usually means he gets heat cycles as weird as it sounds it's true, anyways this isn't your first time having sex with Zhongli while he's in heat. It's usually not that bad but this time it was bad, he put you in a mating position you found out that Zhongli had a breeding kink while he's in heat so all he could think about right now was stuff you full of his cum, he wasn't slowing down and you know he wouldn't be slowing down any time soon, plus it didn't help taking both of his cocks in you, usually you would do one but you thought why not tried the other one and man did you regret it because you felt like you could barely breath. "Zhongli b-blue." You croaked out. You heard him growl when you said that, was he pouting? "Are you okay Y/N?" Zhongli asked you as he sat you up. "I just need a break..." You told Zhongli, your voice was a little scratched out from all the screaming and moaning, he got you a cup of water. "Stay here I'll run a bath." Zhongli told you.
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(I don't know who's fanart of this is Tighnari but all the credits go the the artist)
like Zhongli TIGHNARI has a heat cycle he usually gets through it with medicine, it doesn't totally get him through his cycle but it makes it a lot less painful for him. but it doesn't help when you are around because the medicine doesn't do shit for him, all he thinks about is taking you right then and there. which he currently doing once he got home to you. "Do you know how much I craved for you all day?" Tighnari asked you rutting into you, you couldn't say that much because Tighnari was literally fucked you out of your mind and too rough. "Tighna-Tighnari Kiwi." You groaned out. When he heard that he stopped and looked at you, and saw you completely wore out. "I'll get you a towel and you glass of water and get a shower running." He told you. "Okay." Is all you could say.
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