#and they know it's more fun to stay anon from your irl persona
waywardtrek · 1 year
On the rare occasion when i see sunnyblr like “oooooh i hope rcg never witness how much we macdennis truth/go hard for sunny/meta til our eyeballs bleed on here etc. EMBARRASSING lol” like have you seen rcg? watched the sunny podcast?
those are the three most beautifully unhinged, undiagnosed adhd-iest, different-zones-of-the-autism-spectrumiest, neurodivergent motherfuckers i have ever had the pleasure to witness up close. like the holy neurodiv triumvirate lol. hell, they’re probably all already on tumblr, relentlessly liking/reblogging posts of sunny memes and other hyperfixations lol. good for them
^^posting this today, in light of certain updates, but pinkie promise you it sat in my drafts - without useful tags - for an entire three weeks (thanks, adhd and anxiety LOL). Anyway, good for rob for talking about it and being brave enough to do a whole podcast about it, very inspiring.
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goldstarcorrector · 3 months
Hi, I’m someone who has an interest in kinks, fetishes, sexual fantasies, etc. Recently I stumbled across ‘Orientation Play’ and it’s sub genre ‘dykebreaking.’
It caught my attention because of it being contradictory on a surface level, but obviously there’s a lot more than that. While I have seen some peeks into the thought process and feelings behind it, I’ve yet to come across more definitive answers, especially from someone who actually has the kink.
Anyways, below I prepared some questions I have about some aspects of the kink.
Of course if any of the questions you find too personal, vague, or just you don’t want to answer, feel more then free to skip over them. Or even say your own thoughts on it, whatever you please.
(Side notes: I use the term ‘RP’ occasionally. In this: RP means playing a character. Something I know many kink blogs do.)
(On this topic, I would ask that you stay out of RP for this ask. While of course I can’t force you, it would be greatly appreciated.)
(And finally, this is not in RP. I do not have an interest in this kink sexually and very simply have weird as hell interests.)
The most compelling question: What are the thing(s) that are the arousing parts of this kink? AKA: What gets you off about this?
What was the inciting incident or thought that first got you interested in this kink?
Do you have an actual attraction to men? Is it just a thought or are men actually attractive?
Following that up, what would you define your sexuality as?
Have you / how comfortable are you taking this kink to reality? Is just a hot thing you post about or is taking it IRL something you wanna strive for?
Thank you for reading, and an even greater thank you if you responded, and understanding if you decide not to respond.
You know what, this was clearly something you put a lot of thought into so I'll answer clearly, out of character.
Technically speaking, nothing! I've always enjoyed stories where characters struggle with their own desires - the gap between your ego, the persona you put on for others, your public-facing identity, and your natural response to stimulus - it's something I find very interesting from a storytelling standpoint.
A friend of mine mentioned it, I thought "that sounds lame," but then when they explained why they liked it, I realized "hey I might not like it, but I bet I'd be good at writing it." And then not only was I good at it, but it was very fun.
Nope! I don't have much attraction to anyone, but I prefer the company of women in general.
As I alluded to before, I'm actually asexual. I'm just here to play.
I've put a lot of thought into whether or not I would be able to stomach any kind of sexual engagements/kink IRL, and the answer is... probably not, sadly. It would be nice to try with someone I trust, but I doubt I'd like it.
Thanks for being mature about this, anon!
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tenebrius-excellium · 3 years
Douxie for the character ask meme, please? (If he's already been done, I'd love to hear your thoughts on Hiccup!)
Why not both? Let's do it!!!
What I love about him: How this boy is so confident, charming, smug, stylish, reckless, cool, adventurous on one hand and yet so profoundly humble, deeply caring, super kind, considerate, weak, and hurting on the other hand. You don't see those two go together often and it's attractive. So often people are using the first persona as a facade to mask the vulnerability of the second. But with Douxie you know that he's openly both. He's honest to the core and, as so many have said about him before, wears his heart on his sleeve. He's real. I love his careless, free-spirited, figure-it-out-as-we-go attitude towards life, the quick wit he uses to come up with spontaneous ideas and solutions, and it's absolutely mesmerizing to see him have fun. I would trust him with my life, and I want to meet an irl version of him one day!
What I hate about him: His eagerness to please Merlin becomes annoying fairly quickly upon the occasional Wizards rewatch, but it's bearable knowing you're obviously only supposed to go through the same issue once in life. And because you know he gets better. Other than that, I...um...I have to confess that I don't really like moppet. I would have liked to see him have at least one (1) good idea to show us that the wits of the older and smarter Douxie were already slumbering in his younger version. Or, alternatively, something to show us that his tiny, moppety problems were ALSO valid. But all we got was the dead stupid apprentice. There, I said it. Jail for Mother for One Thousand Years from all moppet lovers XD
Favorite Moment/Quote: You're making me pick? Impossible. I'll narrow it down! Um... the unexpected guitar is a classic favorite, then the "Eternal Time Trap/I am Hisirdoux Casperan!" speech and "That was kind of the plan." Yup. That's about it :)
What I would like to see more focus on: moppet, I guess, as stated above, Ash Dispersal Pattern and his relationship with Zoe and Arch. You could basically have given me a 5-hour documentary about his ordinary life and I'd have watched it.
What I would like to see less focus on: Nothing. We all wanted more, not less, and rightfully so! :)
Favorite pairing with: ...................me, please? Haha <3 oh, to cuddle with a bf in a hoodie as comfy as that...nahh, not really. I'm in love with his personality but I'm not sure I'd like the goth aesthetic every day of the week. Also, he's just a teeny-tiny bit too skinny and pale for my taste...and he prefers Zoe anyway. So that's that. To be honest, I can imagine him just staying single as well. He's got too much great big brother energy!
Favorite friendship: Claire and Steve. To watch both friendships grow and improve in their own unique ways is super satisfying to watch. I'm still 100% convinced that Douxie had no choice but to look at Steve one day and go "welp. I'm stuck with this idiot, so I might as well be his friend." Steve values it deeply, though.
NOTP: With anyone else but Zoe.
Favorite headcanon: That famous Ash Dispersal Pattern concert in New York City I just won't shut up about. Somewhere, in some universe, it happened and he had lots of fun and carried the smile of a child in his happy place :)
Thanks for asking, anon! Doing Hiccup under the Read More because this is getting a bit long :)
Lots of love <3
What I love about him: Oof. He wears his heart on his sleeve as well, but introverted haha. He's quietly observant, incredibly smart, daring and brave. He's honest to himself too, playing only to his strengths and not even remotely trying to be someone else than he already is. He's very handsome, beautiful and a deep thinker.
What I hate about him: Hey, remember the other ask meme? The one where it said "if you could, which character would you whack over the head"? Yeah that's HICCUP. HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID. HOW CAN YOU WHO WERE PRAISED FOR YOUR SOPHISTICATION DENY EVERY SINGLE BIT OF LOGICAL THINKING UTTERED BY YOUR FATHER AND WALK INTO THAT STUPID TRAP SET BY DRAGO. AND HOW CAN YOU NOT REALIZE THAT IN HTTYD 3, YOU NEEDED AN ACTUAL PLAN BOY; BECAUSE YOU'RE CHIEF NOW AND YOU'RE DEFINITELY, UNDOUBTEDLY RESPONSIBLE FOR LIKE 700 PEOPLE AND 2000 DRAGONS. No seriously, his development in the later movies drives me mad as heck. I projected a lot onto him when I was younger, and felt highly insulted when his character turned dumb. My greatest fear is that people will think that I'm that way. I'm all for spontaneity and taking chances, but NOT without thinking logically first.
Favorite Moment/Quote: Pheww...you're making it impossible to choose again. First one: That "Yes" after Astrid asks him whether he'd sacrifice it all for his pet dragon. Second: "Yesterday...when we flew together...it's like I got back something I didn't know I'd lost. And that's the part I'll choose to remember" (taken from a deleted Httyd 2 scene where Valka was still the villain). Third...the "Toothless made it easier" - "What are you going to do about it?" - "Probably something stupid" line from the last movie. Man, that scene was good.
What I would like to see more focus on: Frankly, the rest of his life. Because Httyd tells so much of his story, and well, life doesn't end as soon as you're married. I would have liked to see him be a great Chief. I wouldn't even want a Httyd 4 to be about his kids or something. Just him. I believe there's still more to him, you know.
What I would like to see less focus on: HIS OUTRIGHT STUPIDITY PLEASE AND THANK YOU
Favorite pairing with: Astrid.
Favorite friendship: Dagur. I just love how they were written to become brothers.
NOTP: Heather??? Whoever thought that was a good idea????
Favorite headcanon: Another happy flying scene where it's just him and Toothless in Httyd 3. And oh, yeah. The shield he brought to the cove in the first movie? It's still stuck between the two rocks. You bet.
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