#and they tossed that out bc ‘well this is a prequel and he doesn’t know in the comics so he can’t know in sv either’
invidentius · 5 months
still thinking about how giving him amnesia in the last episode was the dumbest thing that sm.allville could have done with lex and how erasing his history with and memories of clark not only defeated the whole purpose of the last ten years of lex’s character development, it also just. completely removes any reason lex had to hate superman in the first place
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ut-girl666 · 2 years
Okay, okay. So we have (basically) canon Poet!Megatron. but, hear me out here - what about Author!Megatron?? Like, writes books, not just poetry.
Personally, I think of Fantasy Genre being what he writes, and he ends up with a good couple books. And like, they’re really well written. Beautiful plot, fantastic characters, gives plenty of development to each of them, and whole arcs, usually completed before the book ends.
Even better; he specifically tries to make them LGBTQ+ friendly. He makes lots of diverse fun characters, with different identities of all kinds. Particular interesting thing he does specifically for his repulsed readers, is he actually warns when there will be smut or something close in a chapter. This is because he’s a Repulsed!AroAce. And further more, when scenes like that actually happen (not in the first two, only implied), he actively admits, no, he didn’t write them, one of his ‘editors’ did.
He also tends to write his books with lots of warnings, and usually puts a page between each chapter, specifically so readers aren’t immediately tossed into something they weren’t alright with, because he knows that people have trauma, and PTSD, because he does himself, and doesn’t want to put his readers into a bad spot, because of his writing. He’s a very friendly writer.
And now into the funnies of Author!Megs.
One day Elita drags him onto Twitter and Tumblr. He effectively does normal twitter stuff, and he talks to some fans/readers, lets them ask stuff, etc. Tumblr, he talks, interacts a little more, and reblogs a lot, he also has a few little blogs - one for reblogging things, one for just his own talking and stuff (inc when he comments on his weblogs outside of tags - those go on both.), one where he is magical author man. Readers can talk to him there, and see when he makes new content just for fun. They love it!
And when they do the asking, it depends which he’s on. Twitter - he’s serious, mature, and very adult. Tumblr - it’s like he looked at his full ass inbox, and did some drugs before answering them. He is so fun on Tumblr.
“You said [Character] does [Hobby] in the first book, and they still do in [Later book]. Did they get any better?”
Twitter Megs: It depends. Time may only tell if they did. Full answer on tumblr - [link]
Tumblr Megs:
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lol they still suck ass.
Also, Elita, being an Artist on Tumblr with her own characters, world, lore, and stuff, knows him. She loves to make him things, and has read his books. She likes them. Eventually once Ariel and Orion were bondmates, and she started having to spend more time with him (Orion and Megs shared a house for like, their v. of six years, basically- and they were gonna be in-laws, gotta learn to get along with the family. kinda. at least for dinner.), they got along. She became his beta-reader for the third book, and his editor. (She suggested the smut, and wrote it. The explicit part is on her tumblr/ao3, megs didn’t let that go through, only suggestive/implied! He got really hot and bothered by it… in the negative way. He likes it, until the actual sex. Then *scream* SLAM! So it all goes on ao3.)
She also stands up for him when people steal his shit. He doesn’t really do much besides say ‘hey, please don’t copy/steal my stuff’, as he’s new to the internet. She’s been around since he was fourteen, and she used to be like that, but now she’s aged up, and she will not tolerate theft!! So she screams it from the rooftops, and alerts people “hey! They steal/copy other ppl’s content! Stay away from them! >:(.” it’s something she does for a lot of people, and Megs is included bc she knows that just like her, he hold his blorbos close and dear to his heart.
Ppl also hate him in the second book/prequel, he does the thing, and kills a character for the first time, especially one that had become so beloved!! He didn’t like doing it. He cried, a lot. He hated having to bring them back home to him. But he happily put them out into the world for ppl to make fics about them.
That being said, he doesn’t like it when people make fics where they mess with specific established stuff (sexuality, race, etc.), but otherwise, if it’s just an AU (Cafe!AU, Royalty!AU, Highschool!AU, etc.), other little things, (fluff, angst, etc.), or even something else (fix-it fic, song-fic, slice of life, how a pair may have got together, etc.) he loves them!! He loves all of that, to see people being inspired, tossing his babies into scenarios, making what-if?s about them, maybe letting them have a break with some fluff, or whatever! It’s his favorite! And he loves to scroll and see the things. So every time his kills a character, he puts a tag around their neck, and gives them back to the fan base to play with.
I’m begging you lot, think about it!! Just an idea, but what if?! Wouldn’t it be fun?
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persephonesfill · 4 years
choke on me—chapter six
breathe me in (prequel fic)
chapter five
chapter seven
a/n: not much to say about this one, i just hope you guys enjoy it!
rating: explicit
warning(s): this chapter contains smut bc i have no self control
Tony is sore in that delicious way that comes with a good fuck, feels the echo of Steve’s cock pressing into him and splitting him in half. It’s not impossible for a man of Tony’s age to get hard so quickly after an orgasm, but definitely improbable. Were he less desperate, less crazed, he might consider the side effects of regularly sleeping with a super-soldier without a condom, but all he really wants is for Steve to fill him up again.
He wants Steve to tie him down like he promised once and leave more bruises and bites, leave his mark on Tony, until there’s no doubt that Tony belongs to him in a way he has only ever belonged to himself.
He says so, and Steve fucks him again, all slow and deep now that they've taken off the edge. Tony spreads his legs willingly, pouring all of the love he has in his body into every kiss, every caress to Steve's skin. He didn't have the courage to say it just yet, but he wants Steve to feel his love. It takes them no time at all to come again, Tony's toes curling, his fingers sinking into Steve's skin.
"God," Steve gasps into Tony's throat as he pulls out of him. Tony's right there with him, his skin hot to the touch, his legs still shaking from the force of his orgasm.
Steve lifts his head from Tony's throat, and Tony brings him down for a kiss. They exchange languid, sweet kisses like they have all the time in the world. They don't. They don't because HYDRA's back and worse than ever, and Tony knows down to the marrow in his bones that there's something else on the horizon. Something ruthless and out for blood.
He wants to savor this moment with Steve, wants to live in it for as long as humanly possible, because who knows when they'll get another moment like it. Unfortunately, Tony's discomfort wins out.
"We're sticky," he says against Steve's lips and wriggles his hips. Steve pulls away from him and glances down, observing the mess they’ve made of each other; Their come and the lube is starting to dry on Tony's skin, leaving it tacky.
"I'm not sorry," Steve says softly. He runs a finger over one of the bruises he left behind on Tony's collarbone, presses a feather-soft kiss there. He does the same to the hickey on Tony's neck and the bruises on his hips and works his way back up to Tony's lips. Steve tastes like salt as Tony moans into his mouth. His cock gives a half-hearted twitch at the thought of one more round with Steve, but another orgasm might actually send him into cardiac arrest.
Tony breaks the kiss and pushes Steve's hair back from his forehead. Two bright blue eyes pierce him like hooks snagging his skin. "I don't expect you to be. Sorry that is," he clarifies at the look of confusion upon Steve's face.
"Come on," Tony murmurs. "Follow me."
Steve does so willingly, easing out of the bed and taking Tony's offered hand. Tony leads him into his bathroom, trying his best to ignore the heat of Steve's stare on his ass.
His shower is large enough to accommodate five grown men and is more than enough space for Tony's purposes. The water kicks on with a hiss, coming down like a bout of summer rain. "Turn around," he murmurs to Steve. Steve does as he's told, and Tony grabs a spare loofah and his body-wash, working it into a good lather. He scrubs Steve's shoulders and his back, his fingers working on loosening any knots he comes across. Steve carries so much tension like he's Atlas, forced to bear the weight of the world on his shoulders for all eternity. Steve moans, his hands pressed against the marble tiles. He pushes back into Tony's touch, his head falling forward into the spray.
"Why are you doing this?"
"Because I can," Tony says. He lets the water run down Steve's back, washing away the suds before he turns him back around to face him. "Because I want to," he whispers like it's a secret. "Is this okay?"
Steve swallows before nodding. Tony repeats the process on Steve's front, running the loofah across Steve's pecs and the firm muscles of his stomach, delighting in the way Steve seemed to tremble at his touch. He's never done this for a partner before. Usually, Tony's dates didn't stay long enough to cuddle, let alone shower together, with the exception of Pepper. But this...it had never been like this. It's like he's discovering a new element again or building his suit for the first time. Bringing something into being that which the world had never seen before.
Steve returns the favor, taking his time as he washes Tony's body, lingering over scars, old and new. He pauses when he reaches Tony's sternum. The skin is smoother there, newer. Tony can hear his heart beating like a war drum in his ears, and he's almost certain Steve can feel it.
Steve places his palm directly over Tony's chest like he's trying to reassure himself that it's still beating. Tony puts his hands over Steve's, effectively trapping him.
"Can you feel it?"
"I can."
"It's because of you," Tony confesses. "I'm alive, Steve. I made it. This is proof, honey."
The pet name slips out unbidden, but Tony doesn't have it in him to take it back. He doesn't want to anymore. And given how Steve's eyes soften at the name, he doesn't want Tony to take it back either.
"They got close today," Steve says. His brow is furrowed, a scowl twisting his features. All of Tony's hard work, trying to get Steve to relax, down the drain. "Too damn close."
"It's going to take more than a bunch of neo-nazis with delusions of grandeur to kill me."
Steve's shivers. Tony doesn't know if it's from the shower or if it's the thought of Tony's heart stopping. Either way, it's time for them to get out. If they stay in here any longer, they'll shrivel up like raisins.
Tony shuts off the shower and loans Steve one of his towels. He shuffles into his bedroom, his exposed skin prickling. Steve stands in the middle of Tony's bedroom, hunched in on himself, almost as if he doesn't know what to do with his body. An uncharacteristic display of shyness from him.
Tony supposes that their day has come to an end; The sun has gone out of sight, the edges of the sky tinged with a thousand shades of pink, orange, and violet. They should eat dinner, and Tony needs to gather up everyone's armor and weaponry for some much needed updates and—
He doesn't want to be alone. And seeing Steve standing there like he has no place in Tony's room, in Tony's life, makes him want to remediate his mistakes. He wants Steve to stay for as long as he wants to.
"Tony, I—"
"Steve, I want—"
"Sorry," Steve blushes. "You first."
Tony’s suddenly aware that they’re just standing there in their towels, nothing else separating them from seeing each other’s bodies. This time feels noticeably different from all the other times they’ve seen each other in the nude. It’s more than his body being laid bare. "Can you...can you stay with me?"
"Tony?" Steve whispers, a little bit of awe seeping into his voice. Tony holds back a flinch, trying to tamp down on the surge of guilt that threatens to choke him. Had he been so cruel to Steve, so sparse with his affection?
"It ends now," he thinks. He'd never make Steve feel like that again, even if it killed him.
"Please?" Tony asks. "I don't...I don't want to be alone. Please stay with me."
“Okay,” Steve says. His voice is softer than Tony’s ever heard it. It strikes a chord within him, like an electric shock directly to his core, leaving him exposed and bleeding. They change the sheets together; Tony doesn’t feel like sleeping in a wet patch if he can help it. It feels intimate yet routine. Like he and Steve have done this a thousand times already.
Dropping their towels, they slide into bed together, tossing and turning until they’re somewhat comfortable, both of them unused to sharing a bed after being alone for so long. Tony curls up into Steve's side, tangling their legs together. Steve's hands stay at his sides, not pulling Tony close but not pushing him away either, making his stomach twist.
He doesn’t want there to be any distance between him and Steve, wants to press against him until he can’t tell where they begin and end.
Steve has that cute little wrinkle in his brow when he's thinking hard about something. His skin burns where it’s pressed against Tony, flushed from the heat of the shower...or maybe Tony’s proximity.
Tony’s lips find their way to the shell of Steve’s ear. “Hold me, please?” he whispers. Steve tenses, every muscle in his body coiled like a tiger ready to strike.
“Please?” he says again, a hint of desperation bleeding into his voice.
Steve’s hands hesitate at his sides before he wraps Tony up in his arms, the full heat of his body engulfing Tony. He melts into Steve’s side, letting a sigh of contentment escape. There’s no sound but the sound of their breathing melding together; Tony’s bedroom might as well be on another planet, he and Steve, the sole occupants. It’s a comfortable silence, one that Tony doesn’t feel the need to fill for once with inane chatter. For the first time in years, he feels safe. He feels loved.
Steve strokes Tony’s arm, his touch far lighter than one would expect from a soldier; he touches Tony like he’s something precious, with the soft, exploring hands of an artist. Of a lover.
Steve’s the one who breaks the silence, clearing his throat before he speaks. “Tony,” he begins. His voice is rough, unsure like he doesn’t know what he wants to say exactly.
Tony hums, signaling that he’s listening.
“Seeing you fall, today...it brought me low."
Tony closes his eyes. What little peace they have falls away. He knew the conversation was coming, but he hoped they’d at least have a day to regroup. He’s had the conversation plenty of times with Pepper, with Rhodey, even with Happy. He’ll hear Steve out, but the second Steve even hints at Tony quitting as Iron Man, he’s digging his feet into the proverbial sand.
“It was like losing Bucky all over again,” Steve continues. He’s stopped caressing Tony but still holds him close, a reassurance. “And if they had gotten your hands on you...like they did to him...God, I don’t—I don’t know what I would have done.”
Despite his body heat, Steve’s words leave Tony cold and shivering. He had prepared for Steve to beg him to stop, to step away from the suit. He hadn’t prepared to think about sharing the same fate as Bucky; Battered and broken, only to be put together worse off than he was. A mindless puppet forced to commit countless horrors. And if HYDRA did it to Bucky, what was stopping them from doing it again, especially since their precious asset was on the run? Who’s to say there wasn’t an army of brainwashed super-soldiers somewhere, ready to usher in HYDRA’s new world order?
Tony closes his eyes, pressing his head against Steve’s skin to clear the chilling image from his brain.
“I’m not going to let that happen,” Steve whispers with a fierceness to his voice. Steve frees one hand and grabs hold of Tony’s chin, forcing him to meet his gaze. “You hear me? I’d die before I’d let them get to you. To any of you.”
His heart speeds up again, and given their proximity, Steve can surely hear it, how crazy he makes Tony. With a declaration like that, how can he not love Steve with everything he has?
“And what about you?” Tony asks. “Who’s looking out for you?”
Steve swallows. “This isn’t about me.”
“Like hell it is,” Tony snaps, anxiety creeping up on him like a thief. “You’re not the only one who was worried today. If you’re willing to lay your life down for me, at least respect me enough to let me do the same.”
Steve doesn’t speak. Tony doesn’t know if he shocked him or offended him, or perhaps Steve was just thinking over what he would say.
“Is that what you think?” Steve says quietly, hurt coloring his voice. “That I don’t respect you? That I don’t know what you can do? Tony, I admire you. Not for your looks or your money, but for who you are.”
Tony can’t look away. It’s like there’s some electric current going from him to Steve, and the second they break eye contact, it’ll cease to exist.
Steve pushes on. “You have such a big heart, Tony. The world needs you. I need you. So, I’m not going to apologize for wanting to help keep you safe. I know you can take care of yourself, but if something happened to you...something I could've stopped…"
Steve trails off. Tony doesn't want to think about what his death would do to Steve. On many occasions, Tony had learned to never trust people who said they didn't have a dark side because chances were that they were lying. Steve had been his exception. Steve, who held him when he was lonely and drank hot chocolate with him on the nights when his demons got to be too much. How could someone like that have a dark side?
But Tony remembers how Steve fought by his side like a demon, like the god of war himself. What he saw today scratched the surface of how far Steve Rogers would go for someone he loved.
But did he love Tony? Did he love Tony like Tony loves him? Before his anxiety could get the best of him, he pushed the thought from his mind. Regardless of how Steve truly felt, Tony would still care for him. There was no going back. Hell, Tony didn't want to go back. Steve was in his heart now, whether he liked it or not.
"A promise, then," Tony states. "A pact. We protect each other. We take care of each other."
Steve practically pins Tony down with his gaze. Tony wets his lips and finishes with, "We trust each other. Alright?"
"One condition," Steve replies, "and I'll agree. Just promise me one thing."
"And what's that?" Steve's response is instantaneous."Don't pull away from me."
There goes Tony's heart again, beating like it wants to leap out of his chest and directly into Steve's hands. He hears the unspoken words in Steve's condition, and he realizes that that's precisely what he's doing. Handing Steve his heart on a silver platter.
"Here you go. Here's my soul, too. Whatever you want, it's yours," he thinks.
"Okay," Tony says. "I can do that. I have a condition, too."
"What's yours?"
"Don't stop kissing me," Tony says, feeling silly for even saying the words, but Steve doesn't laugh.
Instead, Steve swallows, and in one fluid motion, he's rolling so Tony's beneath him, his arms bracketing Tony's sides.
"I can do that," Steve whispers, stealing the words right from Tony's mouth.
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knifesxedge · 4 years
you really are about to unlock smth bc a) i have SO many thoughts on the sequel trilogy and b) im DESPERATE for a distraction so um. i think about the prequel trilogy and i really truly start to lose it. bc force awakens was SO GOOD. like remember the first time you watched it and you (me, but maybe you as well) were like? HOLY SHIT. it was obviously a new hope v2 but it was FRESH and NEW and there were cool characters that i CARED about. (1/3)
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HELL YEAH let’s get into it ok ok ok OPINIONS INCOMING.
TOTALLY with u on this. like the prequels make me mad about the wasted potential but tbh the sequel trilogy is just like. draining emotionally because they LOOK so fucking good. the force awakens WAS so so good, like very very star wars even if it was following the plot beats of anh. and then it just. tanked itself holy shit. like at least the prequels look bad, sound bad, it’s like a comical level of tragic. the sequel trilogy feels like having chalk dust spread all over my skin and then being put in an echo chamber of nails on a chalkboard 😔 at this point even tfa comes with a TINY lil bit of like 😞 just because i know what comes after but YES tfa is one of those star wars movies that just FEELS so fucking star wars it makes me unhinged. “THATS ONE HELL OF A PILOT” YEAH BITCH!!! IT IS!!!!! GAY PEOPLE!!!
the last jedi. a mess. i like certain rian johnson films but he should not be allowed to be anywhere near Star Wars. my main problem? (beyond the racism and romanticizing stalking and emotional and physical abuse?) it doesn’t FEEL like star wars. like. ok even in the darkest moments in mainstream star wars films they are SUPPOSED to feel hopeful. tlj feels like watching a train wreck in slow motion it’s just like shitty thing after shitty thing after shitty thing happening to the main cast. i think the casino planet’s design was a little lazy and WAY too underlit and rose’s character was pointless in the way she was shown in the movie. exhausting. the jokes were all on the wrong edge of disrespectful to the characters and the original star wars like luke tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder? appalling. not funny just there for shock value. everyone is out of character. everyone is stressed and miserable all the time. aside from things i didn’t really want to see but wouldn’t have argued with in a better movie (ie luke dying) it really was just a racist misogynistic mess. oh yeah did i mention how they did rey’s character dirty because she went from being a scrappy desert mechanic who’s a little dorky and just trying to find a family and a place in the galaxy to Bland White Girl Servicing a Man’s Character. that pales in comparison to how finn poe and rose’s characters were treated but HOLY shit. i walked out of the theater crying. tfa raised my expectations only to have tlj smash them down to the floor it was. hhhhh ok ok ok im trying to think if i liked anything from the movie. um. you were right it looked good! sound and score were great as usual. i did think poe’s conversation with hux at the beginning was funny. i really liked when leia used the force to come back to the ship (ik that was a controversial scene for some people but i did really like that scene. she deserves it). laura dern is cool i hated her character but in theory laura dern being leia’s lesbian boarding school friend is neat. but yeah im sorry i really REALLY didn’t like that movie we only saw it in theaters once it was so bad. :( i do agree with u abt the force mysticism being cool tho!
rise of skywalker. now maybe it’s because the bar was on the floor after tlj. but i actually liked it quite a bit. still kind of a mess. jj trying to retcon all of the stuff from the last movie because for some reason he wasn’t just allowed to do the whole trilogy. the pacing being a nightmare for the first half. the atrocious abuser-validating kiss at the end. but im gonna be real after having to sit through tlj i was happy enough just to see the main trio back together and finn and poe being treated with more respect to care much about that stuff. disney queerbaits me once again but that’s on me for clowning. i really genuinely liked the scene where rey passes the lightsaber to kylo i thought that was cool but it was overshadowed by the knowledge that the Kiss 🤮 was coming so i didn’t get to enjoy it like i wanted. ALSO hayden christiansen and all the other actors doing the voices in the scene where rey is fighting the emperor (who im pretty sure was only in there because RIAN put the trilogy’s intended big bad into a sparkly gold bathrobe and killed him off in the second movie but im not complaining about seeing ian mcdiarmid) were apparently on set in costume and force ghosts were supposed to protect her in like a big circle and what im saying is i feel robbed and cheated and feral
the only movie of the three i REALLY liked was tfa. now we’re back to How Would I Fix It. step one fire rian johnson. step two put JJ on the whole trilogy and HOLD HIM ACCOUNTABLE for having a plot planned out, or else get a different director TO DO ALL THREE MOVIES. none of this middle of the road “trying to appease both sides of the fandom” bullshit. kylo dies at the end and they DO NOT kiss and that is all the redemption he gets. if disney is claiming gay rep then they SHOW us ACTUAL gay representation. poe and finn kiss on screen and we don’t get a two second blurry background kiss between random characters. completely toss out whatever the fuck that plot was supposed to be in tlj and separate ros into two movies so JJ could actually DO the entire plot he had planned (instead of disney execs chopping down what was p much a four hour movie into two hours twenty two minutes which was SHORTER than the two hour forty minute cut jj reluctantly okayed but i DIGRESS).
god. what the fuck. anyways sorry for completely going off the rails but ty for sharing ur sequel trilogy opinions and ty for letting me rant sorry this got so long but ily!!! ❣️💕💝
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moariin · 5 years
novel prep tag
tagged by @montevena​ (i don’t remember how long this was but i’m doing now)
tagging: @zielenheil @starshots @ophelia-says @rkmoriyama @songbirdur @rosmiri @themillionthdraft @dotr-rose-love @viciousvenganza + anyone who wants to do these, no pressure!
rules: answer the questions and then tag as many writers as there are questions answered (or as many as you can) to spread the positivity! even if these questions are not explicitly brought up in the novel, they are still good to keep in mind when writing.
i will be doing this for my nano project, heir of the alchemist !
1. describe your novel in 1-2 sentences (elevator pitch).
a guy just wants to chill but the world doesn’t allow it but did an oopsie when they found out he’s an infected. but didn’t do anything about it and thinks it’s okay to let him roam free
2. How long do you plan for your novel to be? (Is it a novella, single book, book series, etc.)
this is more of a spin off to my main wip, so i’m planning it to be a single book.
3. What is your novel’s aesthetic?
typical southern/midwestern gothic with a dash of baroque and classicsm architecture. it’s lol because the world is based off of german/czech (that is tentative, names are hard). also there’s dark alchemy and paganism/catholic toss into the mix, and of course magic!
4. What other stories inspire your novel?
frankenstein and rebecca are my top inspiration for coming up with this novel. i love the sense of mystery and its intrigue + a little bit of science. you’ll see some similarities like the dollmaker (the main antagonist lol).
another thing is this novel is sort of me wanting to explore one of the side characters from my main wip, more. 
so i’m like hey, would it be nice to make this into a prequel ???
5. Share 3+ images that give a feel for your novel.
 here’s the pinterest for it! more under the cut, btw!
6. Who is your protagonist?
my main protagonist is marcel, he’s the one doing hocus pocus on himself and called the darkness, his old friends bc [redacted].
7. Who is their closest ally?
nobody, jk, he feels closer to brother juri even if he’s a little annoying ( a helicopter parent, ope) but marcel sees him as a father figure, growing up and still lost in the place. another person is feliks, and he’s the first one to talk and come close to him, and understands him. and that they’re both weird together.
8. Who is their enemy?
um let’s just say, the diviners are the biggest obstacles, esp when they are practically magical beings and got a secret to hide, so they will do anything to stop marcel and the co. from uncovering the truth...it has to do with the plague. the dollmaker, too, but that’s redacted information
9. What do they want more than anything?
marcel just wants to live his life in peace at the start but he adapted his reasons the more he ventures to search for the mystery behind the plague like who started it and why is it turning people into monstrosity. there, he wants to find more about himself, why he’s different from the rest of the infected and how to use that knowledge to spread the higher sciences,
10. Why can’t they have it?
his refusal to admit to the faith also turns into something he wants the system to change (the ramona thrones and baszceri), moreso a revenge on them but it prove to be difficult since both of the religious sanction wants something from him....and it’s giving him a headache.
11. What do they wrongly believe about themselves?
he believes the world could no longer fear the infected, that they are more like him that evolved from the plague and survive. and that it is his fault that rahel, his sister, is dead because of him
12. Draw your protagonist! (Or share a description)
marcel has thick, black hair, down to his shoulders and it’s wavy. he sometimes had it tied all the time and likes it that way. somewhere between 5′10 range, a moc with dark olive skin with a few spots across his face, mostly around his cheekbones and eyes. angular brows, not too sharp or thin, and double-lidded brown eyes. typically wears a white and black garb (he doesn’t have much choice). a little toned and is healthy looking.
13. What is the internal conflict?
rahel being the biggest conflict, he feels guilt and shame and he’s the reason why it started it all. pretty much some insecurities.
14. What is the external conflict?
drive for knowledge about the sciences and people that want the same thing
15. What is the worst thing that could happen to your protagonist? 
he becomes a plaything or puppet for the ramona thrones, being extorted as much as they want until he dies.
16. What secret will be revealed that changes the course of the story?
spoilers but hmm let’s call her the mother, and she’s close to a certain someone...possibly having a child that would shake the world
17. Do you know how it ends?
hmm i think i have spoil it to someone, can’t remember what their reaction are. but i think it has something to do with connecting universe lol?
18. What is the theme? 
biggest theme is that it’s okay to let go of your past even if it haunts you, still acknowledge who you are and what you want to be. also face your mistakes, don’t try to hide it. and learn to respect people with different ideas and morals because not everyone is like you or will be you...esp having the freedom to fuck everyone else or get fucked 
19. What is a recurring symbol? 
the ocean and death + the color red
20. Where is the story set? (Share a description!)
the story is set in two different places, the main setting is the white chapel, located in sarcherin. which is a nice place filled with gray and white houses, so the church color matches them and oh it’s on the red cliffs, just a couple yards away from the ocean. it has that southern gothic look as well. the other setting is ramona, a holy city with mostly baroque and classicism architecture. everything is pristine and polished, even the pavement is made out of marbles. except for that daunting prison on the far side of the city, everything is eerie there. 
21. Do you have any images or scenes in your mind already?
i dig this ocean = death imagery, and there’s going to be a lot of these throughout, esp the color red! and this cool fight sequence that i have yet to write, it has some magic and bending going on + horst becoming the infected too
22. What excited you about this story? 
the ending and the revelation in the middle, i love any confrontational moments, it spice things up 
23. Tell us about your usual writing method! 
i usually would get in the mood listening to music and when i’m ready i would write whenever i can (how long or how much i write, idk it’s up to my brain). also most of my notes or cryptic quotes is something i came up with in ungodly hours and i try to figure out where to put it or what it means.
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yoon-kooks · 7 years
Bad Decisions
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader, with a hint of Seokjin
Genre: fluff with implied smut, FriendsWithBenefits!AU, CEO!Taehyung
Summary: On one hand, you feel guilty about sleeping around behind your roommate’s back. On the other hand, you’re in love with his boss.
Word count: 699
PREQUEL#1 // Piggies in a Blanket PART1 (coming soon!)
A/N: this is prequel#2 for piggies in a blanket~ i was planning on posting this on taehyung’s bday, but i decided to post it a little earlier!
Taehyung’s fingers ran through your tangled hair as you breathed heavily against his chest. You helped the boy push your hair out of your face so you could give him a few innocent post-sex kisses.
Between lip locks, you blinked at Taehyung with a needy look in your eyes. And from the way he bit and licked his lips before massaging your tongue so tenderly, you could tell he wasn’t quite satisfied yet either.
Inevitably, “a few innocent post-sex kisses” turned into a full-on makeout session with another round in mind. But you certainly weren’t going to complain. You’d do anything for more time with Taehyung.
Buzz! You jumped, first at the brush of Taehyung’s fingertips along your most sensitive areas, and then at your text notification.
“Ahh, Jin~” your groan of frustration came out more like a moan of pleasure. The boy who certainly wasn’t named “Jin” gave you a rather confused look.
“I’m not the jealous type, but please refrain from mentioning Seokjin’s name when we’re in the middle of s-”
Buzz! Another notification cut Taehyung off.
“Fuck,” a real groan finally came out of your mouth. You gave the boy on top of you an apologetic look before reaching over for your phone. Not surprisingly, the two notifications were from your roommate asking if you’d be home for dinner. “Jin really has impeccable timing.”
“Fucking cockblock,” Taehyung hummed to himself, rolling onto his side as he watched you text the other boy back.
7:10PM jin “hi this is a very important question”
7:10PM jin “do i make curry for one or for two?”
7:12PM Y/N “srry ill be home late bc of work!! maybe in an hour?”
7:13PM Y/N “eat without me dude”
After tossing your phone onto the carpet where you wouldn’t have to hear it vibrate again, you rolled yourself back into Taehyung’s arms, although it was clear a round two wasn’t going to happen anymore.
“And FYI, Jin’s not purposely being a cockblock,” you chuckled, giving Taehyung a playful shove. “He doesn’t even know about this…”
“You haven’t told him yet?” he raised his eyebrows and smiled, impressed by your sneaky self.
“Not yet… I mean, I’ll tell him eventually,” you sighed. “But it’s not like he’s my boyfriend, right? So I’m not technically obligated to tell him that I’ve been sleeping with his boss.”
“Whatever you say, Y/N~”
“It’s not like I enjoy hiding this from him,” you pouted. “But I just know he’ll start lecturing me about my ‘bad decisions’ when he finds out.”
“I’m one of your bad decisions? Does Seokjin hate his boss that much?”
“I wouldn’t say he hates you… I just think he wishes you weren’t a shitty person.”
“And may I ask what exactly makes me a shitty person?”
“You underpay a songwriter as talented as Seokjin for all the bullshit you put him through. You implemented a shitty no-dating policy for all your idols. Oh, and you sleep around way too fucking much~”
“Wow thanks, Y/N. Feels great to be a shitty person.”
“I’m not saying I feel that way about you! Those are just the facts according to your BFF Kim Seokjin.” You gave the boy a quick peck on the lips before hiding your face in his chest. “You know how I feel about you…”
For as loud as the two of you had been earlier, the room was suddenly quiet for just a moment. You never actually admitted your feelings for Taehyung, but you were certain he knew by the way you always showered him with affection before and after sex.
“Well, I guess I can try to be a less shitty person to Seokjin,” Taehyung finally spoke. “For you.”
He massaged your back slowly, soothing enough to put you to sleep in his embrace. That would’ve been much preferred, but you forced yourself to stay awake, knowing the boy would be driving you home in a little bit. Maybe if you were more than just a sex buddy, you’d be able to stay the night. But that wasn’t the case, at least for now.
For now, you’d have to return home and face Seokjin about one of your many bad decisions.
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zombolouge · 7 years
thoughts on the v route? the general consensus seems to be that it is pre-main game, but i'm curious as to hear what your thoughts about it are.
To be honest, I haven’t been part of the hype train that much, since it’s V and I have a lot of salt for him. 
Based on the preview, I would have to say it definitely looks like it’s pre-main game. Which is incredibly interesting to me for lore reasons, because I have so many questions. 
- What happened to Rika’s parents?
- What the actual fuck was Rika doing? Like, yes, she founded Mint Eye, but before that?? She had so many absolutely bonkers connections, there was no way “party planner” was her real job title. 
- Why is Zen legitimately magical? His healing powers and prophecy dreams??? (I am betting 10 MILLION dollars that this was the real reason he got recruited into RFA. That and V clearly has a massive boner for him)
- V used to send Jumin hundreds of letters. MOTHERFUCKER SENT HIM LOVE LETTERS. V WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK WHY ARE YOU SUCH A DICK HE WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND. *ahem* I would like to see those letters.
- whaaaaaaaaaaaat the fuck was Saeran doing before hurricane Rika fucked him up? Or was she just the absolute worst from the beginning? Homeboy looks like he’s in a little school uniform but he doesn’t look happy. I would bet all my money that Rika made sure his ass was miserable at all times unless he was in her presence, and then she would be kind and gift him happiness so that he would learn to trust her. You know, because manipulation is kind of her jam. 
- When did Mint Eye start??????????? How long had she been planning it? Or was it always Mint Eye and she only started hiding it from V when she felt like it?
- Is Mint Eye named bc of the color of V’s eyes? Because if not what the fuck.
Okay, not all of those are questions, and I doubt we’re going to get the scoop on everything, but I am excited to see what new information they reveal. 
It will be very important for the ABatS sequel. Well, and the prequel, too, but also the sequel for REASONS. 
Uh…I hope that answered your question lol
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punkinroses · 4 years
I love Legend of Korra. I think it has some breathtaking moments and I love the characters a lot. They had amazing characters.
I just want my Avatar Lian au to explore scrapped ideas and ya know
Fix whatever the fuck they thought they were doing with the gaang bc
Theres no reason Toph should have become a cop
Sokka barely showed up and we never hear anything about him
SUKI NEVER GOT SHOWN AT ALL AND IT LED MANY OF US TO BELIEVE SHE DIED AT AN EARLY AGE (and it doesn't help that Suyin looks just like Sokka and it also doesn't help that I'm still convinced Varrick is his long lost son or grandson bc look at him)
I refuse to believe that Aang was a shitty father. Like no he's not gonna be perfect but he's not gonna toss the other two to the curb when they're not airbenders.
And Katara would have never let that fucking happen and I hate that all she got reduced to was a fucking housewife and healer, not doing much of anything to help change the world after she got married, like BITCH--
And everyone else got shafted. Like. You don't hear about any of their other friends they made during the war. Ty Lee, Mai, Haru, Teo, the Freedom Fighters, fucking AZULA. Granted ya got the comics but you don't. Hear about any of them after that and a lot of people also don't seem to like the comics and I understand that. Hell I'm not sure half of them even show up in the comics.
And the Kyoshi Warriors? You never hear about them but they still gotta exist and it would have been perfect to have them in Republic City. I don't...I'm mad okay.
Also this is just me but I'd love to hear what the White Lotus did to help after the War as well, or have seen statues of them. And to have seen Bumi. I'm pretty sure he found how Kyoshi got immortality, like I could just see that. And honestly? I don't care that he was 112 during ATLA, I think that fucker could still be out there being the mad genius that he is. Or see him in the Spirit World w Iroh bc he absolutely would have reached spiritual enlightenment. That's besides the point tho, but, like, could you imagine--
I do approve of Zuko getting a beard that looked like Irohs. I still weep over that. And Toph ultimately fucking off to the swamp and being able to see everything through the tree roots. That was badass. Also Iroh just reaching pure enlightenment and ending up in the Spirit World. That was very touching.
Also I just. I wanna at least cameo the swamp benders. Or the next generation of swamp benders. I'm still laughing about them.
Oh and uh. Yeah no Aang absolutely figured out how to bring back the Airbenders. Rigorous teachings and practices with the Acolytes, and you know. Energybending and the help of the HOARDS OF SKY BISON THEY FOUND.
Just uh. Just some thoughts I've been having as to what I wanna put out into the world. And honestly I might do a whole prequel before the Lian storyline bc there's a LOT I wanna cover and Idk if I just wanna cover it in flashbacks or a prologue with it. But I just like getting my thoughts like out there that aren't like spoiler related but yeah
That's where my frustrations lie with Korra and thats about it. And where my desire to make an au was other than "hey look, sentimentality, i get my zutara, and that line of friendships can last more than one lifetime bit kicks in" so
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