#and this allows obi-wan/qui-gon to find him at like 4 years old
antianakin · 9 months
A question, if I may? Do you think Anakin, as he was when he first joined the Jedi Order in TPM, was doomed to fail as a Jedi, so to speak? In-universe, not out-of-universe meta. At that point, do you think it could have gone either way for him, in that he was still capable of becoming a Jedi? And may I be cheeky and ask for full details of why you think that, one way or another?
I've written a post about this before because my answer to this kind-of encapsulates my primary interpretation of Anakin as a character.
In case people don't want to click the link, I'll rehash it a little below.
I think Anakin never would've been a good Jedi because by the time you reach him in TPM, he's already the kind of person whose values and desires don't match up with the Jedi lifestyle. This doesn't make him a bad PERSON, at all, and he's entirely capable of getting a lot of good out of the Jedi's teachings. I think that Anakin was capable of really being able to HEAL through Jedi training, but that if he had been able to really learn from them the way he should've, he would've left the Order voluntarily eventually out of recognition that this life ISN'T WHAT HE REALLY WANTS. Anakin doesn't WANT to be as limited as the Jedi are forced to be by making themselves answer to the Senate and the Chancellor. Anakin DOES want to be able to prioritize the people he personally cares about (in the more normal way that people tend to do, not the genocidal way he does in canon).
And all of this is FINE. Honestly, I think this is the ultimate good outcome for Anakin, to spend enough time with the Jedi to allow their teachings to heal him from his past and give him control over himself to the point that he can pursue the life he really wants in a healthy way. I think Anakin was always capable of being an incredible person and the character we see in TPM is entirely capable of going either way on that, but no, he'd never make a good Jedi.
I also think that if Anakin had been found a much YOUNGER age, like 3 or younger, he'd have been perfectly capable of being a good Jedi. It would remove his attachment to Shmi and the way they had to live their lives, it would allow him to have a better foundation of Jedi philosophies, and it would help him to really see the JEDI as his family rather than constantly searching for a "real" family beyond them. This interpretation comes straight from Lucas himself, who has said that if Anakin had been found at a much younger age, he'd have been fine with being a Jedi, but that being found late was, in many ways, his first stumbling block towards darkness. And that's no one's FAULT, obviously (aside from perhaps the slavers who took Shmi), but it doesn't make it any less true.
Let me know if you want more details on my personal interpretation of this!
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mostthingskenobi · 1 year
Fanfic ask 2,4,11,19
Here’s the list with the prompts.
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
I do actually. For 2 reasons.
I write stories I want to read, so when I'm craving a specific story arc, I know where I can find it LOL
To see if I've grown or changed as a writer.
4. How many WIPs do you have right now?
I currently have 3 in the works in different stages.
The Dark Side of Obi-Wan Kenobi Part 3 is in the outline stage.
A fic about Obi-Wan returning to the Jedi Temple with Anakin after Qui-Gon's death is 75% finished. It features a lot of Quinlan and is all about emotional whump :)
And Cassian's Reckoning is 95% finished. I've already started posting it but I have a few chapters to write.
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
I do. It's a collection of my favorite songs from different soundtracks. I usually will pick a few specific songs off this playlist that strike the emotional chord I'm trying to achieve in a scene or fic. I don't use the entire playlist.
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
I've been very Cassian-centric lately, so I'll switch it up and give you a sample from my Obi-Wan & Quinlan fic:
Yoda raised a hand, stopping him. “The Council is curious about you, young Kenobi. How have things progressed with your Padawan?”
Obi-Wan shifted uncomfortably, not sure if this was a friendly or combative question. “Anakin is an eager student. He learns very quickly.”
“And where did he learn to pick fights with his fellow students?” Yarael Poof asked.
Kenobi turned to look at the tall Quermian. Though the Jedi master’s facial expression was like stone, the younger Jedi’s senses served him well. This was not going to be a pleasant exchange. “He is learning to control his temper.”
“He struck a boy in the hallway just the other day.”
Obi-Wan took a deep breath to calm himself. “I was standing there when the exchange began. Anakin was not to blame.”
“Did he or did he not tackle the boy?” Mundi asked sharply.
Kenobi clenched his jaw against his rising outrage at this injustice. “Yes, he did.”
“And you’re defending this behavior, are you?”
“Of course not.”
“The boy is a menace!” Poof finally extolled. “I’ve seen his anger with my own eyes. We cannot allow this to continue.”
Obi-Wan had had enough. “A menace?!” he said, rising to his full height. “That is an absolutely absurd thing to say. He’s a nine-year-old boy who was recently taken from his mother, and, after watching Qui-Gon die, thrust headfirst into a strange, demanding, and stringent life that he doesn’t fully understand. You’ve hardly given him a chance to prove himself.”
“This is exactly why we do not bring older children into the Order.”
“Well, it’s too late for that excuse,” Obi-Wan said, holding his ground, “because whether or not it was against your better judgement, you did bring him in, and all you’ve done since he got here was criticize every move he’s made. Have you even once stopped to think of the remarkable things he’s accomplished in such a short period of time? Perhaps if you took a moment to see the amazing things rather than focus on your dislike of Anakin, you wouldn’t risk driving him into a self-fulfilling prophesy of doom and destruction.”
He suddenly shut his mouth, realizing he had said exactly what he’d been thinking, which was not always a wise choice. After this outburst, he fully expected to be expelled, with Anakin, from the order.
“It is no great mystery where the boy’s lack of self-control comes from,” Master Poof said with smug satisfaction, leaning back in his seat. “You clearly struggle with it yourself.”
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novelmonger · 2 years
Thoughts on Jedi Apprentice 7: The Captive Temple
Okay, I'm really excited to read this book, because it contains one of my absolute favorite scenes in the entire series. Good thing, too, since the previous two books are so emotionally devastating. Having just made myself read those two books that I disliked so much, I can grudgingly admit that the impact of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan working together in this book would probably not be quite so powerful without their time apart.
But enough about that! Let's see what's going on in the Temple!
Jedi Apprentice #7: The Captive Temple by Jude Watson
Chapter 1
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan return to the Temple and meet with the Jedi Council, who brief them on the situation. Someone set an explosive under a footbridge in the Room with a Thousand Fountains, which the Force warned Yoda about just in time for him to avoid getting blown up. There are also malfunctions with a lot of the Temple's systems, and no one can figure out how all of this is happening with security so tight.
"'You are thirteen years old, Obi-Wan. You are not a child,' Mace Windu said with a frown." - FFFFFFFFFFFF ;ldfskja;lgkjd;lgkjasd;glhjs;dfljdsfhjsd;flkj (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
They ask Obi-Wan if he has any insight on the situation, since he knew Bruck, but Obi-Wan has no idea. After all, they weren't friends, so they didn't know each other that well. Obi-Wan stumbles through a plea for them to take him back as a Jedi, but they sternly remind him of just how egregious his betrayal in leaving the Jedi was. Not exactly an encouraging interview.
Chapter 2
Obi-Wan meets up with Bant, and they go to the indoor lake. Bant is honest, but encouraging, reminding Obi-Wan to be patient with himself and the Council, as they carefully repair the broken trust. She asks him about Melida/Daan, but he can't find the words to talk about Cerasi with her yet. The pain is still too fresh.
"Suddenly, Obi-Wan was struck by a thought. What if the Council took him back, but Qui-Gon did not? If the Council allowed him to remain a Jedi student, he was already thirteen and past the limit to be chosen by a Jedi Knight as a Padawan. Who would ask him, if not Qui-Gon? He didn't want another Master, Obi-Wan thought in despair. He wanted Qui-Gon." - ☯﹏☯
Chapter 3
A tense little episode where a turbolift breaks, almost falling from its shaft to the lake far below where Obi-Wan and Bant are talking. Ten small children and their caretaker are inside. Bant runs to get help, while Obi-Wan climbs up to the turbolift and cuts a hole into the shaft, carefully carrying the children out to safety. Qui-Gon and the Jedi Council show up before too long, the Masters holding the turbolift up with the Force and Qui-Gon helping carry the children out. I have to say, Obi-Wan is super cute with little kids, even at thirteen years old. When the danger is past, everyone is commended for their quick thinking and bravery...except that Obi-Wan is also reprimanded for being impulsive and acting without waiting for help or guidance first. Like...I kinda get what they're saying, but...it was an emergency! What was Obi-Wan supposed to do, just stand there like an idiot while children were in danger? I don't think a single thirteen-year-old would have been able to hold up the turbolift all by himself! He's not Yoda! Super unfair.
"Obi-Wan stood, watching them go. He did not think this day could get any worse. Now it had. In the eyes of the Council, he could do nothing right. And in Qui-Gon's eyes, he was worth nothing at all." - *cries forever* ;A;
Chapter 4
Internally, Qui-Gon is much more sympathetic towards Obi-Wan's situation than Obi-Wan thinks he is. He thinks the Council is being too harsh on him, he wants to stay with him and give him moral support...but he submits to their wisdom, and he has more pressing matters to take care of anyway. It turns out that the Temple is currently holding a shipment of the precious mineral vertex while two star systems negotiate; without the Jedi's assurance of keeping the shipment safe, a great war could break out between them. So the situation is even more dire than it normally would be, that the Temple is effectively under siege right now.
"What if the shaft had broken free before the Masters had arrived? What if Obi-Wan had perished? Qui-Gon's heart stopped at the thought. His hurried pace resumed. He had learned much over the past weeks about how the heart could surprise you. He was beginning to realize just how deep and intricate the bonds were between him and his former Padawan." - Ooof, my heart!
Chapter 6
We get an introduction to Siri, a girl a couple years younger than Obi-Wan, who will be appearing in the series again. They weren't exactly friends before, but they were classmates who got along well enough. Now, however...well, they're both rather blunt and tactless, but Siri makes it clear that Obi-Wan leaving the Jedi has cast a shadow on all other prospective Padawans, because now potential masters might be thinking twice about taking anyone on, in case they go the same way Obi-Wan did. It's a hard lesson, but an essential one for a boy his age, I think. Our actions and choices always affect more people than we realize.
Qui-Gon discusses the intruder with the Temple's tech expert, trying to figure out how he's been sabotaging all the Temple systems. It's clearly above Bruck Chun's pay grade, so who could it be? Qui-Gon realizes that Xanatos is a likely candidate. He's smart and skilled enough, and familiar enough with the Temple--not to mention that he has a personal vendetta against the Jedi, especially Qui-Gon. Right as they're figuring this out, Obi-Wan happens to come into the room and overhears their conversation. And so Qui-Gon asks for his help!
Chapter 7
Siri comes to find them as they're discussing the investigation with Tahl. She tells them about a conversation she had with Bruck a while ago about his father that struck her as odd. Apparently, Bruck's father recently acquired power on their home planet--Telos, which is also where Xanatos is from! Tahl was skeptical about Qui-Gon's hunch, but this confirms it. Xanatos must have gotten to Bruck through his father, playing on his pride and anger and turning him to the Dark Side, paralleling his own descent to evil. And to Obi-Wan's great satisfaction, he will be included in the investigation, since he's faced Xanatos before. He and Qui-Gon will look for Xanatos and Bruck's hiding spot, while Tahl investigates Xanatos' connection to Offworld. It's clear that Tahl is frustrated that her recent blindness will prevent her from joining them in their search for physical clues, but Qui-Gon reminds her that her task could bring up some vital clues as well.
"Obi-Wan noted her new determination. Qui-Gon had done this. He had not dwelt on her dissatisfaction. He had acknowledged it compassionately, then flung out a challenge to engage her. I have so much to learn from him, Obi-Wan thought. And it is not only about battles and strategies and the Force. It is about the heart." - Yes! We're back to these two thinking admiringly of each other! This is what I'm here for! 8D
Chapter 8
Bant shows up with a sudden epiphany: Bruck must be using the water tunnels that run through the entire Temple, supplying water to all the locations things have been stolen from. As a Mon Calamarian, Bant knows the tunnels well. Both Tahl and Qui-Gon praise her for her sharp thinking, which makes poor Obi-Wan a li'l jelly~ :O
"Jealousy trickled through Obi-Wan. He fought against it. Jealousy was not an appropriate emotion for a Jedi. Yet he couldn't dampen it, or make it go away. ... Obi-Wan felt a shock as he realized that if Qui-Gon didn't take him back, he most likely would want another Padawan. Was he thinking of Bant?" - :C Of course, Obi-Wan's not privy to Qui-Gon's thoughts that he's never going to take another Padawan. This is so sad....
Sure enough, they find an out-of-the-way maintenance platform with signs that someone's been there. And then, just as they're examining things, someone comes up out of the water. EEEEEK, IT'S XANATOS!!!!! \(º □ º l|l)/
Chapter 9
Epic lightsaber battle! ୧☉□☉୨ Anytime these two fight side by side, especially against a Dark Jedi like Xanatos, I can't help imagining them fighting like they do against Darth Maul. Which, as we all know, is the coolest lightsaber battle in the entire series ;) Seeing as how we're not even halfway through the book yet, obviously they don't defeat Xanatos. Right when they begin to get the upper hand, water is flushed through the tunnels, and Xanatos uses the flood of water to get away while Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan jump to safety.
"As he fought side by side with Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan felt the familiar rhythm pulse between them. The Force was strong, bonding them together as one unit." - <3
Chapter 10
They find a speeder in the water tunnels that Xanatos must be using to come and go from the Temple, and have security take it away so he'll be trapped inside. Obi-Wan does some thinking, and remembers that Xanatos taunted Qui-Gon for relying on children, that without Bant's help he would never have figured out where Xanatos was. But how did he know about Bant? Is there a spy informing him of their movements? Partly because of the jealousy simmering inside him about how nicely Qui-Gon has been treating Bant, he suggests that Tahl might be the spy.
"'No, Obi-Wan,' Qui-Gon said curtly. 'You are wrong. I am used to betrayal. I know exactly what it looks like.' He gave Obi-Wan a hard look and turned away. Obi-Wan felt a stab of pain. He knew Qui-Gon was talking about him." - >﹏<
Chapter 11
"The moment the words left Qui-Gon's mouth, he regretted them. His harshness had arisen more out of his frustration at Xanatos' escape than anything Obi-Wan had said. Yes, the boy had lost his trust. There was no need to torture him by constantly reminding him of it. It was behavior unworthy of a Jedi. It was his own flaw, Qui-Gon realized heavily. He was the one who could not take the leap to trust again. It was not Obi-Wan's fault. It was a combination of Qui-Gon's history and his nature. Although he felt a connection to other beings, he was slow to trust them. Once his trust was given, it was solid. When it shattered, he was at a loss as to how to refashion it again. His problem. Not Obi-Wan's." - SLYTHERINSLYTHERINSLYTHERIN such a Petrified Slytherin AAAHHHHH TT^TT I can't decide if this makes up for the pain of the last chapter or only makes it worse....
They return to Tahl to discuss what happened. Tahl has also discovered that Offworld Corporation has fallen on hard times due to Xanatos' mismanagement. That's probably part of the motive behind him infiltrating the Temple--he's planning to steal the vertex to deal with his financial troubles. They also figure out who the spy is: TooJay! There's a transmitter hidden on her that's been sending recordings to Xanatos all this time. As soon as I started reading the way Tahl pretended to be annoyed at her and shut her down, I suddenly remembered this part of the plot. This is how they're going to lay a trap for Xanatos.
Chapter 12
As part of the plan to fool Xanatos, Obi-Wan is tasked with finding someone of his height and build who can pretend to be him, while Qui-Gon does the same. Obi-Wan goes to find his friend Garen Muln, who would be able to pull it off. On the way, he runs into Bant, and all the jealousy he's been pushing aside for the whole book spills out into an accusation that she's just trying to ingratiate herself with Qui-Gon so he'll pick her as his Padawan. It gets to the point where she starts crying and runs off, poor thing. She was just trying to help :'(
"Qui-Gon's hand on his shoulder, his steady words, sent a shiver through Obi-Wan. He had been unfair to Bant. If Qui-Gon was encouraging her, it was only because of his goodness. It didn't mean Qui-Gon wanted Bant as a Padawan any more than it meant he still wanted Obi-Wan. It only meant that he was encouraging strength where he saw it. Obi-Wan realized it wasn't Bant who stood between him and Qui-Gon. It was Qui-Gon's own feelings. He had known that. He just didn't want to accept it." - This is so sad.... ;A;
But then, just as Obi-Wan's assuring himself that he'll apologize to Bant later, and they're finalizing their plans, Xanatos calls Qui-Gon up on his comlink. Apparently, Bant went to the water tunnels, and Xanatos has taken her hostage. He's demanding a transport to get away in exchange for Bant.
Chapter 13
Okay, this is quite possibly my favorite chapter in the entire series. Even more than the delicious angst and irony of The Hidden Past's climax, I love this short chapter. Basically the only thing that happens in it is that Obi-Wan has a panic attack, and Qui-Gon talks him down. But that's enough. That's everything.
When I read this as a kid, I didn't have the vocabulary to determine that Obi-Wan is suffering a panic attack, but I can see now that that's what's going on here: "It was as though his body had taken over, refusing to listen to his mind. No matter how forcefully he told his legs to move, they would not. ... My fault. My fault. Bant will die. She will die. Xanatos is merciless. She will die. And again it will be my fault. ... He gulped down his panic, but he could not make it go away. Instead it rose in his throat again and again, choking him. ... The fear squeezed his throat, cramped his muscles. He could not move."
"He loved Bant as he had loved Cerasi." - Okay, I feel completely justified in interpreting his love for Cerasi as platonic.
Qui-Gon is so gentle here, so calm and understanding. He takes the time to help Obi-Wan find his center of calm again, acting as the rock that Obi-Wan can cling to. There's no bitterness or impatience, none of the tension that's hung between them. He sees that Obi-Wan needs him, and he delivers. When Obi-Wan says he can't control himself, Qui-Gon assures him that he can. When Obi-Wan says it's his fault that Xanatos captured Bant, Qui-Gon gently and logically lays out the truth: Maybe he was unkind to Bant and needs to apologize, but he didn't force Xanatos to capture her.
"'You want to return to the Jedi,' Qui-Gon continued. 'Now be a Jedi. This is the moment. This is exactly the moment when you must. The very worst time is the time you must follow the Code. Cast away your doubt. Let the Force flow through you.'" - <3 ಥ^ಥ
Chapter 16
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan implement their plan to trick Xanatos by recording a message their decoys will act out, lying about where they'll be and that they're arranging for the transport Xanatos demanded. Instead, the two of them go to wait just in front of the vault door, to ambush Xanatos and Bruck when they come to get the vertex.
Sure enough, the plan works, and Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are able to surprise them. The element of surprise gives Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan the advantage until Qui-Gon knocks Bruck's lightsaber out of his hand and then Xanatos holds his lightsaber to Bruck's neck. He knows Jedi won't want to risk him killing one of their own, and Bruck has never been anything but a pawn to him. Bruck is surprised though - poor kid, he's only thirteen! Even Obi-Wan was taken in by Xanatos' lies at first. But ultimately, Xanatos just pushes Bruck away and keeps fighting. Bruck runs away, and Obi-Wan gives chase.
The duel between Qui-Gon and Xanatos is super epic. They fight in the Jedi Council chamber, Xanatos throwing chairs and stuff around and then cutting a hole in the window and leaping out. It feels rather reminiscent of the Mace Windu/Palpatine fight, actually - which is funny, because this book was published five years before Episode III came out. But still, a very cool fight scene, and I wish we could have seen it on the big screen.
Chapter 17
Oh, wow.... This chapter is so much more tragic than it seemed when I was younger than the characters. Obi-Wan catches up to Bruck in the Room of a Thousand Fountains, at the top of the artificial waterfall, which has been turned off. They fight, another epic battle full of ups and downs. It's really cool how the focus of this fight is just as much on what's happening internally in Obi-Wan as it is on what's happening physically. Bruck keeps taunting him (the return of the Oafy-Wan jab from the first book!), and Obi-Wan is struggling with his anger and fear for Bant.
"Bant is dying. I won't have to do a thing. I'll just make you watch it. We would have freed her if we got the treasure. But another person will die because of you. Right in front of your eyes. Just like your friend Cerasi." - Ohhhh snap... Bruck's in trouble now! D:
"In that split second, Obi-Wan saw the seeds of his own defeat. This is the moment. The very worst time is the time you must follow the Code. Cast away your doubt, Padawan. Let the Force enter you." - Whooooo! Qui-Gon's words break through the hatred and desire for vengeance, and Obi-Wan finds his calm center again! You can practically hear the music swelling at this point ヽ(^▽^)ノ
Obi-Wan maneuvers Bruck into the dry riverbed, knowing that the water is supposed to start flowing again any minute. Sure enough, it takes Bruck by surprise, and he's struggling to keep his footing. There's another moment that might feel derivative, had this book not come out before Episode II, let alone III. Bruck's lightsaber shorts out in the water, and Obi-Wan calls to him, "That's it, Bruck. Give up." But, just like Anakin will later, Bruck refuses to listen to him, and tries to keep fighting - only to lose his footing and tumble over the waterfall. He hits a rock on the way down and falls to his death. He's thirteen.
Obi-Wan doesn't have time to process what just happened or how he feels about it. He only has time to pull Bant from the bottom of the pool in the nick of time, and then race off to help Qui-Gon with Xanatos.
Chapter 19
Qui-Gon and Xanatos fight on a narrow ledge just outside the Jedi Council chamber. I don't care what anyone says, this is every bit as epic as Obi-Wan and Anakin's duel on Mustafar - though shorter and much less fiery ^^' The wind is buffeting them, and Xanatos throws out taunts aplenty: "Will you allow your precious Padawan to die just to kill me? He tried to get away from you once. Why don't you get rid of him for good?"
Xanatos leaps off the ledge and onto an air taxi below, but Qui-Gon dares not follow because Xanatos announces that he's rigged the whole Temple to blow as soon as all the systems come back online. I never thought about this before, but...the driver of that taxi gets tossed into the air. Could Qui-Gon have caught him with the Force? Did he just go splat on the planet's surface miles below? >_<
But there's no time to worry about that! Qui-Gon gets back inside, meets up with Obi-Wan in the hallway, and they travel through the service areas to the maintenance hub, where they stop the system reboot just in time to discover that the missing healing crystals had been placed in the fusion furnace. The healing crystals would have caused a huge chain reaction as soon as the furnace started up, blowing up the entire Temple. Made it just in time!
Chapter 21
Everything gets wrapped up in the last couple chapters. Obi-Wan talks with Bant, apologizing for his harsh words and reflecting on what happened. Bant shows wisdom beyond her years, understanding that Obi-Wan was afraid of losing Qui-Gon, as well as how you can be glad to have stopped someone from doing evil, while still being sad that they're dead. And Obi-Wan finally tells her about Cerasi.
"'You loved her,' Bant said. Obi-Wan swallowed. 'Yes. She inspired me. We fought together side by side. We trusted each other. And when she died, I blamed myself. When I thought that you might die, I knew I could not go on if it happened. ' 'But you would have, Obi-Wan,' Bant said softly. 'We all go on.' She leaned against him, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. 'You saved my life. We will go on together.'" - TT____TT
Qui-Gon's conversation with Tahl has stuck with me all through the years. Not because of anything said in their discussion of everything that's happened, but because of a metaphor Tahl uses to encourage Qui-Gon to consider that maybe his relationship with Obi-Wan isn't broken beyond repair. She talks about the art of putting a shattered glass back together (similar to the real-world art of kintsugi, which is used to repair broken pottery with lacquer and gold). "He could not make again what he'd had. But what if the new thing he made was stronger than before, because it had once been broken?"
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan meet with the Council, to debrief them on what happened with Xanatos and to decide what their next steps will be. Obi-Wan asks to be given a probation, where he'll take classes with Council members and prove to them his rededication to the Jedi Order. Qui-Gon asks to go in search of Xanatos, but the Council refuses. They think Qui-Gon is still too angry about this, so he should wait until Xanatos comes to him again. But after the meeting, Qui-Gon decides to go after Xanatos anyway. And Obi-Wan joins him. What will happen next???
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sirikenobi12 · 4 years
Dear Mr. Filoni: About Qui-Gon Jinn
Mr. Filoni, I know you are pretty much the undisputed Padawan of George Lucas, but like many students they can sometimes misunderstand their teachings or interpret things from a certain point of view. While I won’t deny you are a brilliant creator who have brought us some amazing Star Wars content you said something a little while back about Qui-Gon Jinn that I think is rather nearsighted and in my opinion incorrect.
“And with the death of Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin loses the father figure who truly could have understood him – and maybe prevented what was to come.”
This implies several things, the first is that Anakin never had a father figure in his life. Or, rather that he lost the father figure he truly needed. In many ways this is implying that if someone grows up without a father (or a traditional father figure) then they are missing out or won’t have a stable childhood. What about all the people who are raised by single mothers or grandparents or aunts/uncles or by their older siblings? 
Pixar’s Onward is a great example of finding a father figure through an older brother, it highlights that just because Ian never had a chance to meet his father didn’t mean that he lost out on a father figure in his brother Barley. 
“I never had a dad, but I always had you.”
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Saying that Anakin lost the father figure who truly could have understood him also just spits in the face of a young man who also lost his father figure in that moment and gave up everything to raise Anakin. 
Let’s unpack that a little bit. Imagine if you will you’re twenty-five years old, you’ve worked your ENTIRE life for a particular goal which is to be a Jedi Knight, traveling the galaxy doing the most good that you can while discovering who you are on your own. Then maybe down the road when you are ready to settle down and possibly train/raise an apprentice you’ll take one on. Suddenly the only father you’ve ever known pushes you aside for a child he’s just met (without even discussing it with you first) and then uses his last words to push this child on you, making him your responsibility, thus shattering your chance at the freedom of a true Knighthood. 
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By all rights Obi-Wan could’ve given Anakin’s training over to the Council, the boy was in no way his responsibility. Much like an adult sibling doesn’t have to take on the responsibility of raising their minor siblings if their parents die, they could give the children over to the state and have a chance at a normal young adulthood instead of being thrust into being a parent before they are ready. But, Obi-Wan didn’t do that because he A.) Respected/loved Qui-Gon too much not to fulfill his final wishes, and B.) Knew it would be better for Anakin to take the boy under his wing. 
I will say this until I am blue in the face: OBI-WAN WAS A FATHER TO ANAKIN!! 
In fact, in Episode 2 Anakin refers to him as a father/father figure multiple times and it is clear their relationship while Anakin was a Padawan was that of a Father/Son. It isn’t until Anakin is knighted and they are peers that you see their relationship shift to that of brothers.  
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Am I saying that Obi-Wan didn’t make mistakes when raising Anakin? Absolutely not, but would I argue that Anakin was missing out on a father figure because Qui-Gon died? No, I would not. 
The second part of that quote claims that Qui-Gon Jinn could’ve been someone who understood Anakin and might’ve been able to prevent what was to come. I 100% believe that would not have happened, while I think Qui-Gon Jinn is a very interesting character there is no indication in either canon or legends that he would’ve been a good influence on Anakin. In fact, quite the opposite. Here are the top ten reasons Qui-Gon would’ve been a terrible father influence for Anakin: 
1. Qui-Gon Jinn thinks the rules don’t apply to him: While many fans applaud Qui-Gon (including apparently you, Mr. Filoni) for going against the Jedi Council and being a “Maverick” I would argue that more often than not it was to his or his mission’s detriment. This is not to advocate that the Council was 100% correct or that Jedi shouldn’t question things, but there is a difference between questioning authority figures and flat out being obstinate. This is something Anakin excels at even with being raised by the rule abiding Kenobi, imagine how bad it would’ve been had Jinn raised him.
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2. Qui-Gon Jinn was selfish: There are several examples of Qui-Gon using the guise of “the will of the Force” in order to get his way. Are we honestly supposed to believe that somehow this one man was more in tune with the Force than any other Jedi (including 12 powerful Jedi who were on the Council)?? And, if he truly believed in following the will of the Force then why did he constantly bend the rules to make sure the “Force” went his way - an example of this is had he actually believed it was the will of the Force that he free Anakin, he wouldn’t have had to make the chance cube go the way he wanted it to go. He flat out cheated so he could get his way.  
3. Qui-Gon was dangerously reckless: Many Jedi are reckless, even Obi-Wan said to Yoda in ESB “so was I if you’ll remember”. But Qui-Gon was reckless in ways that was pretty astounding. For example, EVERYONE told him that his plan to get off of Tatooine was dangerous and frankly stupid. Couldn’t they have just sold the Naboo ship and then purchased a clunker that would get them to Coruscant? Honestly, that would’ve probably hidden them better from the Trade Federation in the long run...but no, he instead decided the best course of action was to put a slave child in mortal danger, thus also placing all of their lives in the hands of a boy who had NEVER won a race before. Now, it ended up working in his favor, but even still those few days spent fixing up Anakin’s pod and then the race itself delayed the Queen from getting to Coruscant which meant more people died on Naboo all because Qui-Gon refused to see any other solutions. 
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4. Qui-Gon was often a bully: our Maverick had no problems throwing his weight around to get what he wanted. The Council meeting with Anakin is a perfect example, he didn’t get the answer he wanted. So he put his hands on his hips and refused to leave the room until the Council caved to his demands. Another example of this is in Claudia Grey’s Master & Apprentice where he refuses to do his duty as a Jedi and fulfill the mission simply because he had a vision. He doesn’t discuss this with the Council or with Obi-Wan beforehand, he just decides for himself this is how it’s going to be and then throws a hissy-fit when he doesn't get his way. Or how about he is the one who cheated to get his way in winning Anakin and when Watto calls him out he threatens to get the Hutts involved? He just bullies his way to getting what he wanted.
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  5. Qui-Gon never saw the bigger picture: Master Jinn’s whole thing is to focus on the here and the now, and while that’s great advice (especially for Obi-Wan who often looks too far a head) it also means that Qui-Gon often misses the big picture. An example of this is in the book Master & Apprentice where he wants to free the slaves on Pijal’s moon, but Yoda has to remind him that there is a bigger picture and they can only act if it’s in their mandate. He says this not because the Council doesn’t want to free slaves, but because there are incredibly complex consequences and if they were to just do whatever they wanted/could do as Jedi it would cause all kinds of issues for others and while he could maybe free a handful of slaves now it would cause countless others to suffer in the long run. But, Qui-Gon wouldn’t accept this, because he refused to see the bigger picture - he refused to look at anything except what was right in front of him.
6. Qui-Gon has a history of failing his Apprentices: Now, I know this isn’t Canon at the moment, but by the time we make it to TPM Qui-Gon has already done severe damage to 2 former Padawans, and is in danger of having history repeat itself. Xanatos was his second Apprentice right before Obi-Wan, and this Padawan was extremely powerful and Qui-Gon insisted he be trained, but the boy fell to the darkside because he had been too old to start training and had a healthy attachment to his family (sound familiar?). Qui-Gon was so devastated by his fall that he went back and reputed his first apprentice, Feemor, claiming he was such a failure of a Master that there is no way his first apprentice should’ve been knighted. He basically in his grief pushed aside an apprentice who while on paper wasn’t anything special, but was kind and dutiful and a true Jedi (sound familiar?). He then begrudgingly takes on Obi-Wan (only after 12 year old Obi-Wan offers to kill himself to save others) and then time and time again tries to basically pawn off Obi-Wan onto someone else (even as far into their relationship as the Master & Apprentice book). Then, when it finally looks like the Kenobi/Jinn team have figured out how to work well together Qui-Gon has to literally be reminded that his Obi-Wan even exists because Qui-Gon is so blinded by Anakin’s power!! How in any way does this seem like a better father figure option for the emotionally needy Anakin?
7. Qui-Gon Jinn has a history of Attachments: The specific example I have is again from Legends, but it shows how Qui-Gon allowed attachments to become dangerous. He had a childhood friend who he fell in love with, they decided that they could handle being committed to each other as well as the Order so they “pledged themselves” to one another (my guess is basically this is like a Jedi marriage so to speak). Sounds beautiful right, and it is, but...But his love interest Tahl was injured on a war torn planet where the children are so sick of their parents' civil war that they form a third army and go to war against the adults. Tahl is caught in the middle of this and is gravely injured. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon are sent to rescue her, and Obi-Wan is sickened by the sight of children fighting and wants to stay and help, but Qui-Gon is so blinded by his attachment for Tahl that he for the first time EVER actually follows his mandate and tells Obi-Wan that they weren’t sent there to help the children, but to rescue Tahl. Obi-Wan who is only 13 doesn’t understand so instead of taking the time to really explain it, Qui-Gon just LEAVES his young apprentice behind on a war torn planet. Now, I’ll admit that Qui-Gon did give Obi-Wan a choice, to come back to Coruscant or to stay and fight, thus leaving the Jedi Order and Obi-Wan did make the choice to stay. But, it was Qui-Gon’s responsibility as the teacher to fully explain the situation to Obi-Wan and let him know that they could do more good if they were to go back to the Council and the Senate and try to return with supplies and reinforcements. But no, Qui-Gon just yelled at him, disregarded his feelings and told him their mission was to rescue Tahl. He didn’t bother using this as a teaching moment for Obi-Wan because he was so concerned about his attachment. And then later when Tahl actually died, Qui-Gon nearly fell to the dark side and it was Obi-Wan who saved him.  And then Qui-Gon went on to decide that because of the pain that had been inflicted by losing Tahl he’d basically give Obi-Wan an ultimatum when it came to the woman he loved (and basically downplayed it as nothing but a crush). Now, say what you want about how Obi-Wan handled Anakin/Padme’s relationship - maybe pretending it wasn’t happening instead of confronting Anakin about it wasn’t a healthy/smart choice, but at least he didn’t downplay it and make it look like Anakin’s feelings weren’t real or valid.
8. Qui-Gon refused to apologize: There are several examples where Qui-Gon refuses to accept any responsibilities and won’t apologize. One such point is in TPM where he basically traded his current Padawan in for a newer/shinier model in front of the entire Council (which if this alone isn’t enough cause to prove the man wasn’t the best father figure…) he then refused to even approach Obi-Wan about it, in fact the twenty five year old Apprentice who had just been tossed aside for a supposed prophecy came and apologized to Qui-Gon!! Another example is back in the Jedi Apprentice books where Qui-Gon leaves Obi-Wan on the war torn planet (as mentioned in #7) it is up to Obi-Wan to make it up to Qui-Gon and prove his worth once again. I’m not certain given Anakin’s tendency to need constant affirmations that this would’ve been a good combination.
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9. Qui-Gon was manipulative: Oftentimes we see Qui-Gon manipulating people to get his way (I’m not talking about Jedi Mind Tricks). In TPM he manipulates Watto to win Anakin’s freedom, he even manipulates Obi-Wan into taking on the burden of training Anakin by making it his dying wish. He is not above manipulation if he gets his desired result. We see Anakin does the same thing, so one could argue Qui-Gon would’ve only encouraged this behavior.
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10. Qui-Gon cared more about the prophecy than the boy: I’m not saying that Qui-Gon didn’t care about people, or even Anakin, in fact he was a very compassionate character. But, all of his arguments to have Anakin be trained was that he is “the Chosen One” not once does he talk about how the boy needs training simply because it’d be dangerous to leave such raw power alone in the galaxy without training, or that it would be the right thing to do. He doesn’t ever talk about how learning to be a Jedi would actually benefit the boy. Every single time he brings up Anakin needing training is because of the prophecy. Now, as far as it looks in both canon and legends Obi-Wan tried incredibly hard to not bring up the prophecy to Anakin (except on Mustafar), Obi-Wan would bring it up to Mace/Yoda but that was about it. Obi-Wan wasn’t blinded by the prophecy because until ROTS it didn’t really appear that he even believed in it - he believed in Anakin for who he was as a person. Something we just didn’t see with Qui-Gon.
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Now, Qui-Gon has a lot of great qualities, I am not denying that, but to say that he would’ve been the father figure Anakin needed is just misguided. If you believe in the idea that there is a will of the Force one could argue that Obi-Wan training Anakin was that will, otherwise Qui-Gon wouldn’t have died. 
Also, Mr. Filoni, why is it that Anakin supposedly suffered because he didn’t have a father figure yet you turned around and gave Ahsoka a brother, not a father? Are you suggesting Ahsoka suffered as well because she didn’t have a father figure? Or, was Obi-Wan by this time finally “old” enough to be considered a father figure? 
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This idea that Qui-Gon Jinn would’ve been the fix it to Anakin’s issues is just silly and once again places the blame of the Jedi’s destruction in the hands of the Council and specifically Obi-Wan, thus not forcing Anakin to be held responsible for any of his actions. 
I’m sorry, but it’s not a theory I buy due to a lack of evidence. 
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hellowkatey · 3 years
angstpril day 1: "you have to let me go"
the five times Obi-Wan hears these words, and the one time he says them
1-Satine // 2-Qui-Gon // 3-Satine // 4-Ahsoka // 5-Anakin // +1-Luke
Her touch is light. A few fingers lazily intertwined with his as they sit beside one another. Knees knocking together with every restless leg shake… or perhaps, a purposeful movement. Her touch is light because Qui-Gon is in the next room, and his footsteps are virtually silent to the ear when he wants them to be-- and around the two of them it's like he's constantly padding on the tips of his toes just to raise Obi-Wan's blood pressure.
Her touch is also light because it's the last moments they have together. Satine and him seem to have different philosophies when it comes to saying goodbye. She likes to distance herself. Satine would sooner put galaxies between them and whisper her final words through a commlink than have a proper farewell. She says it's because she hates when people see her cry, so it's easier this way. While Obi-Wan doesn't like seeing her cry, he can't deny that it's when tears fall from her eyes that her eyes are bluer than the kyber crystal of his lightsaber. Breathtaking. But Obi-Wan also knows that if she starts to cry there is a fair chance he will follow close behind, which is why he lets these light touches be the thing he is etching his memory with.
If he had the choice, Satine would be wrapped in his arms, her body as close to him as they can possibly get. For as long as they can manage. He would memorize the way her hair smells, the places where their bodies fit perfectly together, and the map of her veins he likes to trace with his fingers. Given the chance, he would kiss her, kiss her the way he wished their first kiss had gone, and the way he hopes she remembers when they are worlds apart.
Her light touch twitches from its spot. Fingers separate, and he's left with nothing. Were they in the presence of others, he might accept this as their final touch, but the room is empty and Obi-Wan isn't satisfied with this goodbye. He reaches out, grabbing her hand as she stands, knowing full well she has every intention of walking out of here and not looking back.
"Please," he says. "What if I leave the--"
"You have to let me go," she says. Satine won't let him finish that sentence. Just like he would never let her finish her own version. He holds her hand for a second longer and then decides to indulge one last time.
A kiss on the back of her hand. The brush of his lips as light as her touch on his fingers, and then he lets her go.
His skin is cold. How can it be so icy already? Only seconds after he fell-- or so it feels-- and Qui-Gon's skin is clammy and cold. Obi-Wan is panicking. He has been trained not to panic in every situation imaginable but somehow Qui-Gon failed to instruct him what to do if he finds himself holding his dying master in his arms.
"It's… It's too late," Qui-Gon says in a tone that is much too weak for Obi-Wan to perceive as being real. Tears spring up in his eyes and drop onto Qui-Gon's chest in unceremonious splatters. It feels so un-Jedi-like to cry, but he has lost the will to care about that.
"No," the padawan protests. He shakes his head like a youngling,
"Obi-Wan," his master says. While he sees his lips moving, he is suddenly aware of Qui-Gon's voice within his head, speaking directly into their Force bond. A message only for him to hear.
"You have to let me go."
He looks at him with horror. "The medics… they will be here momentarily just hold--"
"You have to let me go, padawan. My time is over."
Even Obi-Wan feels it now. The Force wrapping around his master like a warm blanket. His skin is still cold with Obi-Wan runs his fingers along Qui-Gon's cheek, but his spirit is ablaze.
"Yes, Master."
Obi-Wan promises many things in those final moments, but the hardest comes when Qui-Gon leans back into his leg, his weight releasing and his last breath coming out like a soft gasp of relief.
While every other goodbye Satine has ever given has been curt and distant, leaving Obi-Wan wishing there were more, nothing prepared him for the goodbye he thought he wanted.
She lays in his lap. His arms wrapped around her, her body pressed into his chest as close as she can possibly get. Satine looks exactly as his memory stored. Golden hair he has to brush out of her smooth face, cheeks red and cheekbones high. Her hand is slipped into his and she's squeezing it hard-- were her veins not slowly releasing their content of blood he might be able to trace them with his finger like he used to when they'd lazily lay together watching the clouds overhead.
Satine's blue eyes are as vibrant as the kyber crystal that called to him as she tells him that she loves him. That she always has.
And when her hand cradles his face, a touch as light as all the rest, he is thrust back into reality. Somehow the faint touches and distant goodbyes always felt temporary. He would always see her again whether in a few months or years or decades. But somehow she is right here and already gone-- the way Satine always liked to say goodbye, especially when Obi-Wan was nowhere near ready to say it himself.
You have to let me go, she mouths to him as her eyes flutter closed. Because somehow she knows that making those her final words aloud to him would crush him in every way. When her hand falls limp at her side, he catches it.
A kiss on the back of her hand. The brush of his lips as light as her touch used to be, and though he feels like his entire world is crumbling around him, he lets her go.
He catches Ahsoka outside the Temple. A few tears fall from her eyes, but even as she allows him to walk next to her, she says nothing. Her shields are up. Tight. And when he looks at her he can see the dark circles under her eyes and the slouch of her shoulders. She's exhausted. Physically and mentally.
"Ahsoka," Obi-Wan stops to say when they turn the corner and he is confident they are alone. She stops but doesn't look him in the eye. "I am so sorry."
"Did you…"
"No," he says. He knows what she's going to ask, and it breaks his heart she would ever think he would. "Not for a second. I tried--"
"But it wasn't enough, I guess."
She finally looks at him. While anger, frustration, or even sadness would be expected of her, Obi-Wan is unsettled to see none of that. Rather, he sees resignation. Content. The determination that he knows all too well. His chest swells with guilt. He should have done more.
"The council will let you return," Obi-Wan says, the hope in his voice betraying him. "Even if you've already said no if you change your mind they will-- They must. They--"
"Abandoned me. The council abandoned me. Didn't believe in me. Are they even sorry?"
"The council… isn't always right."
"Master Kenobi, you're talking as though you are separate from the council."
A deep cut. He nods through the bitterness that he deserves.
"Ahsoka, whether you decide to return or not I just hope you know I tried. And I am sorry I didn't push even harder."
She nods. It isn't forgiveness but forgiveness is not what he is looking for. Just for her to listen.
"I understand. And I appreciate you coming after me. But you have to let me go."
So Obi-Wan stops. Immediately, and she almost looks shocked when he does, but she keeps on walking through the stutter-step of surprise. Her eyes linger on him for a moment long, and then her mouth that has been so set on remaining neutral flickers into a sad frown. Obi-Wan doesn't have to see her sadness for long, for his grand-padawan is as strong in will as she is in battle and she looks forward to her path unknown. Ahsoka doesn’t look back, and he doesn't expect her to.
He didn't listen to her once, and he won't make that mistake again.
Ten years since they battled on Mustafar, and still, standing in front of the man that was once his padawan, brother, and friend, has not gotten easier. He is more machine than man now. A glistening sculpture with a mangled interior he knows too well. The strangest part of it all is feeling his signature in the Force. Though he looks like Vader and sounds like an asthmatic bantha, and nothing about him is remotely reminiscent of Anakin Skywalker, the Force still registers his presence as a person Obi-Wan knows well.
"I always wonder if you are still in there, my friend," Obi-Wan says. His saber is already drawn, ready for a redo of the battle he thinks about on a daily basis. With any hope, he can right the wrongs he made a decade ago.
"You have to let Anakin Skywalker go," the Sith says, the annoyance in his voice palpable even through the respirator. "He died on Mustafar, where you killed him."
"It's funny, I remember that going differently. I remember Vader being the one who silenced my brother and took advantage of his power."
"Then this shall be a fight for who writes history."
Vader is the first to lunge, but Obi-Wan is ready. He never forgot the sound their lightsabers made clashing together as enemies ten years ago, and today it is all the same.
The Force is singing at a time when Obi-Wan would least expect the Force to have any sort of positive opinion. How this situation can yield any good is far beyond the old man, but he has learned over the years there is no point in arguing with the will of the Force.
Vader is relentless. Since their last battle he has only grown stronger, and once he learns of Luke-- who is conveniently also present in this space station of destruction-- his lust for power will swell with the idea of having his son at his side. Luke is strong, kind, and well-balanced for as untrained as he is. Obi-Wan senses greatness from the boy, but all that will fail if he allows Vader to win.
So he seeks him out. Battles him yet again in a test of wits and swordsmanship. Nineteen years on Tatooine has made Obi-Wan rusty in some senses, but there is one thing he can count on.
Whether Vader admits it or not, Anakin is in there. He can see it in the way he duels, the way the wheels turn in his head and he approaches battles. Anakin was always creative and quick, using his environment as well as his lightsaber to attack from all sides. Vader is the same fighter behind that sword. While he may not be as limber in his cyborg suit, there is a part of him that is still Anakin. If that is the case, then the Force is singing because the time has finally come.
Are you sure? He asks the Force. Though it doesn't reply in Galactic Basic, as would be most convenient, it does wrap around him like a warm blanket. Obi-Wan can feel the Force that flows within him go ablaze, and the feeling is a familiar one.
Obi-Wan looks through the open blast doors as Luke runs in, his mouth open in awe and eyes filled with worry. He looks at Vader, too enthralled in the fight to pay any attention to the importance of the person just a handful of meters away. And the old Jedi Master smiles.
Vader staggers. Obi-Wan can practically see Anakin behind the mask doing a double-take. Wondering what in the world he could be thinking to be losing their duel and grinning at him.
Obi-Wan raises his lightsaber. I'll see you soon, Master, he says into the Force, and as Vader's swings through the air, he hears Luke cry out in protest, and then nothing at all.
"No!" Luke yells, immediately regretting his outburst when five stormtroopers take notice of their position and start firing. He can see Ben's cloak in a heap on the ground in front of the murderous monster that just cut through him, and out of desperation to save Old Ben, he starts firing back at the troopers.
Han and Leia are yelling at him to get on the Millennium Falcon, but he has already downed one trooper, and he can get the rest! He can get the rest and defeat Vader and--
"Luke," a voice says. His head turns by instinct, but it isn't a voice speaking to him aloud, nor is it Han or Leia's voice. "You have to let me go."
"Ben? Ben are you--"
"Go, Luke. All will be revealed in time."
Luke stands for a moment in a daze until Han screaming at him to blast the door pulls him out of the trance. He does as he's told, and as Vader marches toward him the blast doors slam shut in his face, separating him from the monster that killed Ben.
"Run, Luke, run." Ben's voice rings in his head. He doesn't understand it, but he listens.
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newswcanonprompts · 4 years
Padawan Lineage from Dooku to Tano going forward to the Empire and have to work together to get back to their times
Buckle up folks, ‘cause this is a long one
time-travel au where 18 yr old Padawan Dooku, 16 year old Padawan Jinn, 13 year old Padawan Kenobi, 9 year old Padawan Skywalker, and 4 year old Initiate Tano (who Skywalker ran into in a hallway and latched onto him when the force rippled) end up getting launched forward in time together to a time between Ep. 3 and 4 in an abandoned temple and have to work together to get back to their own times while avoiding them empire and coming up with a plan to end the sith in their times
Look i just want a story about this lineage that matches that one picture of all of them together in like that library
I also want that
oh no now i'm THINKING about that
Qui-Gon is def wondering how his Master got deaged.
This is after Obi-Wan became his padawan
And Vader KNOWS that he can’t kill any of them
They're all padawans except Ahsoka
He has to help them get home
Even though he really wants kenobi dead
Bc then the timeline will get completely derailed. And it may actually rip a hole in the space-time continuum
Vader has poor impulse control and lots of self-loathing
He might just do it anyway
He may also want to kill himself to put himself out of his misery
but ahsoka is there and he just...can't
Vader knows he can't kill his younger self. And Tiny!Ahsoka gives him all the feels in his otherwise cold, dead heart.
Even though he really wants kenobi dead
Imagine Dooku, Qui and Ani's reaction to Vader being like. Unnecessarily mean to Obi. Even meaner than he is the rest of them.
When they find out Vader is Ani...and Obi-Wan put him in the suit
Qui-Gon: "Is this what makes you feel big and powerful? Pushing around a 13 year old? This is what you need to feel worthy?"
Little Ani asking: "What happened that was so bad I decided to give myself another chain?"
Tiny Obi-Wan, hugging Tiny Ani: "I'd never hurt you, I promise I won't, not ever, I'll keep you safe forever--"
Ani: "I won't do it. I promise. I won't chain myself again. I won't hurt you. I promise. I promise. I promise."
Kinda want them all to go back to their timelines with a plan to derail the sith's plans. Like the sith have been planning this for 1000 years they're going to need time to derail all that. So when Qui-Gon goes back things are different because Dooku remembers him and has been doing his part. When Obi-Wan goes back, it's the same thing with Qui-Gon. When Anakin and Ahsoka go back, it's the same and Dooku hasn't fallen. That could be a whole nother sequel.
And then the sith had to adjust their plans to fit their actions and everything is so DIFFERENT
A favorite trope of mine, rarely used in fandom: someone choking back tears of their own while they comfort a crying child.
This, but Dooku and Ashoka
The snark between those two
Also, Obi-Wan learns he was never sent to Bandomeer and that whole mission happened differently because Qui-Gon took him without him being sent to AgriCorps first. Anakin has memories of slavery but now he also has memories of growing up in the Temple because Qui-Gon and Anakin knew to find him.
You're all,,,, giving me,,,, so many feelings
Also, Obi-Wan learns he was never sent to Bandomeer and that whole mission happened differently because Qui-Gon took him without him being sent to AgriCorps first. Anakin has memories of slavery but now he also has memories of growing up in the Temple because Qui-Gon and Anakin knew to find him.
Oh this is a whole crap ton of complicated emotions for them
I want protective "i have to be the protector/defender of these kids" young Dooku, with "I have to follow the will of the force while protecting these kids even though i just want to lean on this young version of my master" young Qui-Gon, with "idk what I'm doing and i want to curl up with my master, but these two little kids need me to be brave" young Obi-Wan, with "recently freed slave not sure who to trust only dealt with grieving Obi-Wan and Jedi who don't want him but needs to protect ahsoka" young Ani who also just wants someone to hug him, with young "recently brought to the temple but too young to really understand what's going on and is just scared" little Ahsoka.
Oh, and the longer after they return, the more their original timeline memories start to feel like someone else's life!
The five desperately try to live on the run for a bit, but they have no way of getting off coruscant easily and are kinda slumming it in the tomb of the temple for a good week or so trying to get news or figure out what happened
In Legends the temple was a light-side nexus turned dark by the death of so many force sensitive younglings. In disney the temple is ontop of a sith shrine.
Either way
It's a bad place for young force sensitives to squat.
Dooku, looking for information: Hello, my siblings and I-- Guy: You all don't look like siblings. Dooku: Different father's. Anyway-- Guy: pointed look at Ashoka Dooku: Are you going to sit here and debate our family dynamics or are you going to answer my question?
One of the two oldest just straight up refuse to put Ashoka down most of the time
She would run off if they did or get trampled or lost or something terrible. In that same vein, Anakin refuses to let go of Obi-Wan's hand
Dooku: This is my younger brother, my little brother, my kid brother, and our sister (she's adopted) and we would like some help.
Dooku: This is my younger brother, my little brother, my kid brother, and our sister (she's adopted) and we would like some help.
Clone Trooper: as you are Jedi, we are instead going to shoot at you
She would run off if they did or get trampled or lost or something terrible. In that same vein, Anakin refuses to let go of Obi-Wan's hand
oh my gosh imagine how much that would mean to little 13 year old Obi-Wan
It wouldn't necessarily be obvious, if enough time has passed. The haircut wasn't completely standard and, with hiding, they probably ditched their robes or disguised themselves with 'borrowed' clothes
Dooku, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin have to cut off their braids to escape the troopers
They wrap them around their wrists like bracelets
They all cry when it happens
Ahsoka goes around and hugs each one when it happens
Cue comforting cuddle pile
I mean Sheev did his best to erase Jedi culture, so the braid=Jedi apprentice thing probably isn't something very many people know.
Dooku finding out he became a Sith Lord who was killed by Anakin. Qui-Gon learning how he died. Anakin learning he killed Dooku and then became a Sith. Obi-Wan (and maybe Ahsoka though how much she understands is debatable) learning they probably died in a massacre
I mean Sheev did his best to erase Jedi culture, so the braid=Jedi apprentice thing probably isn't something very many people know.
But it may be something the clones are taught to know to keep an eye out for
Are there many clones left at this point?
Mostly stormtroopers now?
Important question: do they have their sabers with them?
Still stormtroopers and then the inquisitors who would know
Prolly Dooku, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan have lightsabers. Anakin just joined the Jedi and Ahsoka is too young
Anakin and Qui-Gon's death being so fresh....
Prolly Dooku, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Anakin just joined the Jedi and Ahsoka is too young
I don't think the stormtroopers would know, the inquisitors probably would
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reallybadfeeling · 3 years
Random prompt of the day (Day 4/???)
Back to something more specific, how about a nice Obikin Sports!AU? Don't know if it's just me, but I love any duo's sports, especially stuff that needs lots of synchrony between the two athletes competing together.
Which is probably why I kind of ended up thinking that Obi-Wan and Anakin would make a nice sync diving duo. From there, my brain just built up on the idea.
Like, Obi-Wan starts as a solo diver and Qui-Gon, as a former Olympic Diving gold medalist, is his coach. He's about 16 and winning medals in the international competitions he's allowed to join. He's still young, but he's basically training with the Olympics already in his mind, because their only 4 years away and he's sure he's gonna compete in them finally!
THEN, one day Obi-Wan notices this 12 years old diving from the 5 metres board with no fear at all despite having no training, and Qui-Gon notices him too. And lo and behold, Qui-Gon, which has always been very picky about his students, decides he wants to train Anakin, the mysterious 12 years old.
Of course Obi-Wan isn't happy about it. He's about to hit the age where he can compete with adults, and Qui-Gon is putting way too much energy into teaching to this kid that should have started training at least a couple of years prior, like Obi-Wan did. He should focus on Obi-Wan and the Olympics!
Obi-Wan can't help but be fucking jealous of course. Even if he has to admit that Anakin is a natural at diving. And by the time Obi-Wan compete's in his first Olympic games 4 years later and barely manages a 6th place, Anakin is beating all of Obi-Wan's records in the Junior competitions of the same year.
At that point Obi-Wan is basically questioning his own career, but instead of antagonizing him, Anakin is always looking up to him, trying to be as good as Obi-Wan and always cheering for him during competitions.
And once he realizes that Obi-Wan is having doubts he tries to push him even more, so much so that he starts jumping with Obi-Wan.
That is when Qui-Gon realizes that not only will both of them have a brilliant career as single divers, they could do SO WELL in sync diving, competing together and not against each other.
It takes a little bit of convincing, because Obi-Wan is self conscious of how his body is different from Anakin's and there's the obvious age gap. He just thinks it's gonna make absolutely obvious that Anakin is a better diver.
But once they start working together, it's almost like finding the missing piece of the puzzle. They just fit and have perfect sync almost without even trying.
And it is glorious and they win a medal the first time they compete together at the Olympics and... wait, when did this duo thing become "a thing" in their private lives as well? Didn't Obi-Wan use to hate Anakin? Not that he really cares. They just fit together even there.
(Also, I want to point out that teenage Anakin is very insecure about how tall he's getting, because usually divers aren't taller than 5ft 8. Like, Qui-Gon was a fucking exception, a once in a blue moon thing and nobody truly knows how he managed to be so good despite how tall he was. And even Obi-Wan is considered too high for the sports standard, everyone always points out his slow spinning. But of course it doesn't really fucking matter, they make it work and shove it in everyone's faces that they can do this and be the best cause fuck physics, their love for both the sport and each other beats that too!)
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violetnotez · 5 years
Disneyland and Lightsabers- Kaminari x Reader
Because there is never enough Kami fanfic and Im missing Disneyland ;(
Also, Kaminari and Izuku are definitely Star Wars nerds. Fight me not really pls i have noodle arms
Kaminari x reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1250+
Warnings: some cussing
Summary: Kaminari and you visit Disneyland with Class UA and your boyfriend becomes a mega nerd in the middle of TomorrowLand
One Shot
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Everyone had been so excited for the trip to Disneyland-especially you and Kaminari. You being the mildly obsessed Disney freak that could sing every song without fail and Kaminari never have gone, you both were psyched to experience the magic of Disney. You spent weeks planning, researching, and discussing what rides to ride on, what group pics to take, and what yummy foods to gorge yourself with. 
Now you were here, and you couldn’t be more ecstatic.
All morning you were having the best time of your life. Your group, which consisted of Shouto, Midoriya, Uraraka, Sero, and Mina, were having the best time running into rides and taking dumb pictures around the park. But as the midday rush came and the sun was beating down on your group, you all felt like you were living in a sauna.
“No gonna lie,” Mina huffed out under the sheen of sweat trickling down her face, “I don’t think I can do this-how are wearing black Todoroki?”
Todoroki shrugged, not a drop of sweat evident on his face even with an adorablely clingy Izuku latched on to him as your group walked down the packed lanes of Tomorrowland.
“I’m cold blooded.”
“Wish we were back in Space Mountain,” Uraraka added tiredly, her bangs starting to stick to her forehead, “it was so cold.”
You looked at the tired faces of your friends and sighed. You were trying so hard to be the optimistic, happy one of the group that kept everyone on their feet and moving. But you had to admit that you were extremely hot too. You looked around as you dodged strollers full of children, hoping a nice quiet spot to rest in the shade was open-to no avail. It seemed like every family had taken a spot that was out of the hot California sun.
You sighed.
 “Why don’t we just go into a store? There’ll be some air conditioning in there.”
“Can we please?” Mina begged, Sero nodding frantically as his bangs, too, began to stick to his skin.
You laughed exhaustedly from their childish desperation.
“Hey look,” Kaminari pointed, “that store sells lightsabers!”
Kaminari and Izuku looked at each other, a common love arising on their faces. Izuku finally clung off of Shouto and Kaminari let go of your hand, leaving you and Shouto to watch the two nerds run in like 5 year olds.
Shouto looked at you and shook his head.
The store was a noticeable few degrees lower than outside, even with the hoards of families walking inside. The whole group sighed in relief, allowing the rush of cold air to sweep over your bodies. 
After that relief, you began to look for your fanboy of a boyfriend.You walked past bundles of children and Star Wars merchandise, puzzled on how you couldn’t find either boy.
You turned to Uraraka (who was obviously in awe by the store), confusion plastered on your face.
“Where do you think they-“
You heard Kamianri yell a few octaves too high as he pointed frantically at a wall of lightsabers.
You smirked. 
“Never mind.”
You walked over, a sly grin plastered on your face as you snuck up on Kami as he was gushing over the toys with Izuku, tapping your finger against his shoulder lightly.
“Having fun over here?” You asked, a smile playing on your lips.
Kaminari slightly jumped, surprised his quirk didnt go off and shock you from the scare. He felt his heartbeat go up, chuckling at your obviously smug face.
“Yeah,” Kaianri sighed, breathless with excitement, “it’s just-these are so cool! I’ve always wanted one of these since I was a kid.”
“Really, Kami? I thought you had a bunch of those things,” you said, remembering the bucket of old toy lightsabers you found at the back of Kaminari’s closet.
“Yeah I know,” he agreed,” I just-always wanted a real one-one I could build myself, ya know? Be a real Jedi and do what they did.”
“Oh,” you nodded as you agreed, giggling at his adorableness.“Should I sign you up for the Jedi Training here too?”
Kami’s face light up, grabbing your shoulders and shaking them slightly.
“Oh my god could you please?!”
You laughed, brushing your finger on the bridge of Kaminari’s nose, something you loved to do because it made him a blushing mess.
To no surprise, his checks turn a soft shade of red. 
“Believe me Kami, I would  if I could.” 
You both look at the lightsaber station and the group of crazy kids becoming their own Jedi as they meticulously built their weapons.You turned back to Kami, the softness in your eyes making his heart thump. He loved when you looked at him straight on-he could look and appreciate every facial feature that made you you- the color of your eyes, the shape of your nose, the outline of your lips: everything about you he found cute, beautiful, and attractive, and he loved to absorb it all in.
“What color do you think you’ll pick?” You asked.
Kami blinked his eyes a couple time, his daze being broken. “Huh?”
You giggled, making his checks warm. He always felt sheepish when he realized he had been staring at you.
“I said, what color are going to get?” 
You bopped his nose again, making his checks go redder, making his bright yellow eyes stand out.He fumbled with his hair, giving you a cheecky grin. 
“The blue one, obviously!”
“That’s so basic Denki!” You laughed.
“It’s the best color though!” He argued happily. 
“Obi-Wan used it-well, until Darth Vader killed him-oh and Qui Gon-until Darth Maul killed him too…Anakin- he turned into Darth Vader and got a red one-and Luke…except when Vader cut his hand off he got a green one…”
You looked at him, you eyebrows raised in concern and amusement, a comment on your lips that you were holding back to spill.
“What?” Denki asked, Noticing the look you were giving him
You smiled wide. “Nothing….”
“What?” he chuckled, trying to get your thoughts out of you.
He grabbed your hand as you turned away to hide your smile, making you look at him as a laugh escaped out of you.
“No, I’m not gonna tell you!” You shouted, crinkling your eyes closed. Kami’s face was right next to yours, your hands on his chest. Being so close to Kaminari was nerve racking, and the feeling made you feel like being dropped from a 4 story building, the smell of his cologne making you feel warm.
“Come on-please tell me,” He asked as his fingers sat dangerously near your ribs-your tickle spot. His fingers brushed against your skin, sending rivulets of energy up your spine, making your head shoot up.
You looked at him, eyes wide. 
“Denki I swear to god-“
“Hey love birds!” Sero yelled as Mina raised her chin as a greeting to you two, “come On! Our Fastpasses to Star Tours are almost up!”
You looked at Kaminari, an evil grin on your face as you poked his stomach on the side.
 Kami grabbed his stomach instinctively, even though it didn’t hurt at all.
“You’re mean.” He said with a fake pout.“
“And you’re a nerd.”
“But you already knew that about me,” he replied, making you shake your head.“
”I guess,” you replied smiling,
 “Wait-,” you asked, “didn’t you want to buy a lightsaber?”
“Yeah… Maybe I can-“ Denki began, but the sight of Sero frantically waving him down and pointing at the time on his phone made him think otherwise.He sighed. 
“I guess I can get it later.”
“You sure?” You asked, knowing how much Kami wanted that toy.“
“Yeah, Yeah,” He reassured you, “I can get it later. Besides- we have all day.”
You looked back at the table, trying to make a plan that would satisfy everyone.
“Well what if I stayed back and got you the lightsaber?”
“Wait no y/n I can’t let you do that!” Kamianri protested. “We said we were going to do Star Tours and try to get one of us to be the spy, remember! I dont want to ruin our plans because of this.”
“But-” you protested.
“Please, I don’t need it-lets just go-I’m fine, seriously!”The more he talked, the more desperation played in his voice.
You gave him an unconvinced look. “Are you sure??”
“Yeah, Yeah,” He said in a fake airy manner, “I’ll be fine-I’ll just-get it later.”
He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed your hand, leading you to the group, Izuku back to being latched on to Shouto and everyone looking way more energetic than before.
“Lets go fight some space baddies!” Mina yelled, Uraraka and Sero cheering as they jogged out of the store, you four following behind.
Later never really came. Ride after ride after ride, and it seemed Kami was never going back to that shop.
Night had now fallen, and you felt Kami’s hand fidget in yours.
“Do you think we’ll be able to go back?” He asked, his big puppy dog eyes boating into yours.You wanted to go back, but your call back time for the adults to drive all the students to the hotel was in 10 minutes, and you were a whole 2 lands away from the designated meet up spot. There was no way you could convince the group to walk more, and no way to expect to buy that lightsaber in that time.“I don’t know…” you said, not wanting to bring his hopes down. 
You know Kami would try his best to not look disappointed, but he never was very good at covering his emotions up.
As expected, you watched his face fall a little.“Awwww...I guess I’ll just have to do it next time…”
Even though you thought it was slightly childish to want a toy so badly, you thought it was cute and adorable, and it broke your heart a little to see the one thing he wanted to go unfulfilled. It was like watching a kid on Christmas not receive the one gift their heart desired so desperately-it was heartbreaking and little guilty to watch.You grasped his hand, rubbing your finger against his skin, wondering how you could fix the situation. That’s when a light bulb went off.You turned to Denki, false distress on your face. You let go of his hand, turning to the group as you yelled, “I gotta go to the bathroom-I’ll met with you guys later!” And instantly running off, completely startling Kami and everyone in the group.
 Everyone was focused on their bloated bellies, tired feet, and sleepiness, so the sound of your voice breaking their quiet self muddling completely startled them shit less. Kami shook his head as he tried to comprehend what happened in his worn out state,watching your back as you ran off.
Uraraka walked up between Kaminari and Sero who had took your place next to Kami, pointing at a crowded corner a few feet away from the trio.
Uraraka cocked her eyes, asking, “She knows the bathrooms there, right?”You were nowhere to be seen, and Kamianri looked around confused. “Where did she go?” He asked, completely bewildered by your actions.
After Izuku  reassured Kami that you would come back after a few minutes of him yelling frantically for you like you were a lost child, they rushed back to the assigned meet up spot. The night air drifted coolily through Kamianri’s hair and clothing, cooling his warm body. The sound of crickets chirping on the ground and the soft blinking of lights in the trees made him feel like he was in a dream like state-until he thought of you. When he finally realized you hadnt made it back, his heart rate shot up, his senses going into overdrive. Instinctively, he began to think of every possible bad scenario-you somehow getting so lost you wouldn’t make it time and get in trouble, you getting hurt, someone Kidnaping you… the scenarios went on and on, becoming more ridiculous and more scary nevertheless. He stood there, deciding to call you and ask if you are okay, until he finally saw you running up, a Disneyland bag in your hand as you desperately tried to shove it in your backpack with little success.
He jogged up towards you, smiling slightly as he breathed a breath of relief. His face took in a serious note as he asked, “Where did you go?”
You cocked your eyebrow mischievously, giving him a slight grin. 
“Nowhere-Just the bathroom.” You stated matter of factly, disguising your smile by tying up your hair.
Kami could tell you were lying just by the pitch of your voice-it always went up slightly because you were excited or nervous to tell him something.
He chuckled as he shook his head.
“You are a-terrible liar,” he laughed.
“Oh don’t act like you’re any better Denki,” you smiled as patted his cheek.“Now come on,” you grabbed his hand tenderly, “we got a bus to catch.”
He didn’t see you the rest of the night after roll call. Kami sat next to Sero the whole ride back due to the stupid “gender-with-gender” rule they have on school trips, and checked into his hotel room with him. He sat on the bed, sending you a good night text as Sero changed out of his clothes and fell asleep in seconds.
Denki stayed up, waiting for your reply. He wasn’t worried that you were taking awhile because he expected you were taking a little more time going to bed. His eyes began to become more droopy, and before he knew it he was fast asleep.
Morning came, Kaminari stretching up with a loud yawn. The warm California sun flitted through the curtains, blinding him. He rolled over, checking the time on his clock: 6:15 am.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes: damn this bright light waking him up so early. He debated whether on not to just suck it up and close the curtains, but he knew if he did he would wake up and be screwed the rest of the day.
He laid on his back, thinking quietly as Sero snored in the bed next to him. A smile dawned on his face- if he could sneak into your room, he could go and snuggle with you and go back to sleep. He knew that you were bunking with Uraraka- but- she wouldnt mind right? Nah.
He got up, stretching, and grabbing his pillow as he opened the door. To his surprise, though, right in front of the door was a blue Disneyland bag, the castle adorning the front as Tinkerbell happily tapped the tallest tower with her wand.
He looked down, confused- the hell left this here? He looked at his sleeping friend, racking his brain to remember if maybe Sero bought something yesterday that he left on the floor when he feel asleep. Kaminari couldnt remember, confusion plastered on his tired face.
He bent down, feeling his sore feet as he checked the bag. There was a single note on it, the stationary having the name of the hotel at the bottom. He noticed it was your handwriting, immediately recognizing the loops and angle of the words that made it yours.
The note didn’t have much to read. The only words written on it were-“Sorry not sorry ;)”
He smiled, shaking his head, setting the note down as he pulled out a blue lightsaber out of the bag.
Kamianri gasped in shock and excitement. He already had a feeling what was in the bag you had earlier, but he was so tired he didnt even think twice to prod you anymore about it He bite his lower lip, his heart swelling with love. He didn’t know why you went through all that trouble for him. His smile widen, his body giddy with excitement.  
If he could, he would go and propose to you right then and there.
Should I write more Disneyland stories for the boys? Cause this was fun!
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Title: the kind that was burned first [chapter 3 & 4] Summary: The one where Anakin and Obi-Wan traveled back in time and don’t inform anybody of it.
Read on AO3
#3 Qui-Gon Jinn
Qui-Gon would always be proud of Obi-Wan. He had been a fool when his Padawan was young, having been unable to see his potential. Obi-Wan had grown into a formidable Knight and Master, little Ahsoka certainly was a credit to his skills. She was strong and wise, even compared to the other war-time Padawans as they had shamefully begun calling the youths who hadn’t seen anything but the battlefield.
The fact that Obi-Wan had accepted a seat on the Council would always be an issue between them, but lately Qui-Gon felt like it didn’t matter as much as it once used to. Obi-Wan had always been strict about following the code, likely something that stuck with him from his last year as an Initiate, but in the past months he hadn’t just been lax about it, he was outright breaking it. Everybody was busy trying to find their place in the order and peacetimes again, so Obi-Wan’s behavior got sort of ignored, or tolerated. Either way, his Padawan didn’t seem to care too much.
“Good morning, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon greeted his former Padawan.
Obi-Wan had taken to spending a lot of time in the Room of a Thousand Fountains with young Anakin and his children. Little Luke and Leia were a delight to be around. They had recently learned how to crawl and were causing the appropriate amount of trouble. Neither their father nor Obi-Wan were particularly interested in putting them in the crèche with the other children, so mostly they were watching them by themselves. Ahsoka helped out as well, dragging her friends with her into babysitting. It was fun to see the Padawans fumble with the children when neither were even particularly fussy babies. Truth be told, Qui-Gon had never seen them throw a tantrum or cry for long. They always appeared to be very happy and content.
“Good morning, Master,” Obi-Wan said.
He smiled at Qui-Gon and motioned for him to sit down on the grass next to him. Qui-Gon obliged and allowed himself to enjoy his Padawan’s presence as it had been a while since there were enough hours to spare for some actual peace and quiet. Obi-Wan didn’t say a word, he just continued observing the twins and their father.
Anakin was lying on the grass as well, barefoot and shirtless, while the twins were crawling all over him. His chest was slowly rising and sinking again, he was sound asleep. Like everyone else, Qui-Gon had been and still was curious about Anakin’s origins. As a Jedi, Qui-Gon was no stranger to scars and Anakin had a lot of them. Most of them were quite old and spoke of life-threatening injuries like you wouldn’t normally find on Core Worlds.
After a couple minutes of silence, Obi-Wan suddenly got up and walked over to the three. In the same moment, the twins began crying, heartbroken and so fearful, their emotions resonated in the Force. That however couldn’t even begin to compare with the onslaught of fear, anger, worry, devastation and pain that assaulted Qui-Gon’s senses after. It threw him off balance so harshly that it took him a moment to recognize it was coming from Anakin. The man wasn’t moving at all, not a single muscle twitched. The children continued on crying as Obi-Wan sat down next to them. He put his hands on Anakin’s temples and lowered his head so that their foreheads were touching.
He was whispering to Anakin, but Qui-Gon couldn’t make out the words he was saying. He thought he caught memory flashes of flesh burning, betrayal, and regret, but they passed so soon, he couldn’t really make out a proper image.
Slowly, very slowly, the oppressive aura lifted. It got easier to breathe again and Qui-Gon could stretch out his senses. They were very deep in the room, hidden away in a small corner hardly anyone ever came to. Perhaps they had chosen this spot not to hide away but to spare others this experience. Qui-Gon wondered how regularly these fits happened that they were so prepared for it. He was just glad nobody else was around. A Padawan experiencing this torture would certainly get caught up in a flashback of the war. No wonder the children had begun to cry. Something horrible must have happened to Anakin, but Qui-Gon didn’t think it was his place to ask.
Anakin opened his eyes, tears still running over his cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” he cried. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“Shh,” Obi-Wan replied. “I’m sorry, dear one. Never again, I promise. I’ll never leave your side again.”
“I-“ Anakin’s eyes darted to the crying twins, then widened in horror. “They can’t be here. You have to take them, hide them somewhere safe!”
“Anakin-“ Obi-Wan began to say, but the other man wasn’t listening, too caught up in whatever dream he had awoken from. He got to his feet and stepped back from the group.
“My own daughter,” Anakin said and took another step back. “And I cut off his hand-“
“It hasn’t happened here,” Obi-Wan sternly cut him off.
Anakin wasn’t deterred. He was caught up in his panic like a cornered lothcat, ready to lash out if he couldn’t disappear.
“No, but I remember it anyway. Just- I can’t do this today.”
And with those words, Anakin turned around and stormed out of the area. Obi-Wan sighed and picked up the twins instead, humming soothingly. They buried their heads in Obi-Wan’s tunic and their crying subdued into silent sobs. The whole exchange couldn’t have taken longer than a minute, but to Qui-Gon it felt like decades had passed, draining his Padawan entirely. The war had exhausted all of them but only rarely had Qui-Gon seen Obi-Wan show openly that he was weary to the bone.
“I’m sorry,” Obi-Wan apologized unnecessarily to him. “Today hasn’t been one of the better days.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon replied. “Your companion is haunted by many ghosts.”
Obi-Wan glanced into the direction Anakin had disappeared to. If not for the children in his arms, Obi-Wan would probably chase after him. Whatever was going on behind the scenes, the two of them needed to talk about it soon. If this episode really wasn’t even one of the worse ones, Anakin needed serious help, more than a Knight could provide. He needed a mind healer. Qui-Gon wasn’t going to voice his concerns though. It wasn’t his place. He could, however, support his Padawan in different ways.
“Do you think Luke and Leia would enjoy a trip to the planetarium?” Qui-Gon mused. “I’ve been meaning to stop by there again as I haven’t been in a while. I can take the two off your hands for a few hours.”
“Master, there’s no need. I can take care of them on my own.”
As if to prove his point, Luke and Leia stopped sobbing entirely and instead began cooing and babbling.
“I am not questioning your abilities. I am merely stating that I have time and wouldn’t mind spending some time with-“ Qui-Gon halted to find an adequate term, but after concluding he couldn’t find a better synonym, settled on the truth, “-your children. It is no bother.”
Obi-Wan looked conflicted and Qui-Gon was reminded of all the times he used to play around with his Padawan braid when he was nervous. He hadn’t thought of it in years, but the memories weren’t unwelcome.
“In fact, I believe I will enjoy it,” he added. “The two are very strong in the Living Force, you must have noticed.”
Obi-Wan��s expression softened and he even smiled in amusement.
“What do you say?” He asked the twins. “Do you want to spend the morning with your grandmaster instead?”
Of course, the twins couldn’t reply, but they also didn’t protest when Obi-Wan handed them over to Qui-Gon. They were confused, but then quickly entertained themselves by attempting to reach for his hair. Qui-Gon should probably braid the loose strands so avoid getting his hair pulled.
“Thank you, Master,” Obi-Wan said.
“Go help your friend, Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon just replied. “He needs you.”
And going by the speed Obi-Wan rushed after Anakin, he needed him just as much. Qui-Gon waited another few minutes, then set out to take the twins to the planetarium; and if he made a few stops across the whole temple until it was lunch time and Obi-Wan and Anakin came to collect Luke and Leia, then that was his business.
#4 Padmé Amidala
Padmé was once more regretting that was she was the overachiever of her family. None of them did well with idle work. Her father had worked with refugees of which some had detonators in their bodies, her mother had been the mayor of their home village, Sola had her eyes set on reforming the educational system of Naboo and Darred was a prominent lawyer. Nobody in her family had set their goals low, but Padmé had to go out of her way to become first Queen and then Senator and now she was overworking herself trying to get a grip on all of Palpatine’s machinations.
His manipulations had run so deep, there were nights where she and her handmaidens, sisters in all but blood, stayed up until the early morning hours, letting off steam and trying to figure out how to fix it. There were days when Padmé thought they might not be able to fix it, that the Republic would be better off if they cut it completely and built it up anew from the ground up. Padmé knew she couldn’t dwell on those thoughts, they weren’t productive, but she found herself tapping into that body of thought more often than she was comfortable.
One thing that never did fail to comfort her was the steady presence of the Jedi. They had been shook to the core just as much as every other institution, but they appeared to adapt to this changed atmosphere much more quickly than the Senate. The Jedi were fewer people, governed themselves differently, but after the past nine long months, they had returned to some sense of normalcy. The clones, those that had decided to stay at least, were making their way through the temple as if they had never belonged anywhere else.
Two of them welcomed her kindly at the Temple’s entrance. She was a known figure to the as she had fought visibly and openly for their rights for years. The two guards wore blue tabards over their tunics and armors, they must have been part of Master Jinn’s 501st then. Out of all the battalions, she might know them best. Master Jinn’s creative problem-solving style had often made him her companion during her missions.
“Senator Amidala,” one clone greeted her. “Meeting with the Council again?”
“Yes,” Padmé replied. “Would you be so kind as to inform the Council?”
The clone saluted and allowed her to step into the Temple. She was one of the few Senators who actually bothered to work more closely with the Jedi. Their standing hadn’t been great in the first place, but now people were asking how the Jedi hadn’t known about the Sith Lord when it was their job to protect the Republic. People wanted answers and they were calling for blood that shouldn’t be shed. Padmé had been the target of such accusations as well. It wasn’t fun.
She made her way up to the tower where the Council resided. She’d been working with them intimately to finally finalize the clone’s citizenship as well as sort out how the Jedi would react to future demands of the Senate. The Order had suffered greatly, their losses not exactly visible for people who didn’t know them well, but she’d been here when she was but a little girl playing Queen herself. Their rooms used to be fuller, the amount of Jedi with visible injuries less.
Padmé stepped onto the floor the Council room was on. The hallways were empty with the exception of a young man walking up and down with two babbling toddlers. Their steps were not entirely steady yet, they must have just begun learning how to walk. It was enlightening and disheartening at the same time to see such young children in the Jedi’s care. From the whole Cad Bane fiasco she’d learned that the Jedi didn’t usually take anyone younger than the age of two unless there were troubling circumstances surrounding their home life.
“Dadadada,” one of the children babbled.
The man leading them, a Knight going by his lack of braid, laughed. “Yes, I’m here, Leia. And we are waiting for Obi-Wan to be done. Can you say Obi-Wan?”
“Bah!” The other toddler squealed excitedly. “Bah! Bah! Bah!”
“Oh-Bi-Wah-N. Where are you getting that ‘Bah’ from, Luke? Repeat after me, Obi-Wan. C’mon, show your sister how it’s done.”
The Knight emphasized every syllable, but the child just happily continued on rambling as he had before. The Knight just sighed and slowly maneuvered the children around again so they were walking into her direction.
Padmé couldn’t help herself, she laughed.
The Knight probably hadn’t noticed her before as his head whipped up quickly.
“I apologize,” Padmé said. “But those two are quite adorable.”
“Yes, they are.”
The Knight’s reply was short, standoffish. Nothing unusual for a Jedi, but his demeanor was world’s away from the open kindness he had shown the children. Padmé attempted not to take it personally.
“Senator Amidala, I know.” He wasn’t looking at her, not really, and instead turned to glance at the Council chamber doors. “Are you here for a meeting?”
“Yes,” Padmé replied. “I overheard you speaking, are you here to talk to Master Kenobi as well, Master…?”
The Knight swallowed. “Skywalker. My name is Anakin Skywalker.”
Right. He didn’t seem all that interested in conversation, so Padmé decided to just take a seat at the nearest chair and wait for the Council to call her inside. She knew their sessions could take longer sometimes and had brought her datapads to keep busy. These days she didn’t have a single minute to spare.
Knight Skywalker had returned to his task of walking up and down with the children, though by now he appeared to be much more nervous than before. It made it hard to work or concentrate.
One of the children, the dark-haired one he had called Leia, was tugging at his hand and reaching for her.
“Leia, darling, no-“
Little Leia apparently didn’t appreciate being told ‘no’. It reminded Padmé charmingly of her own nieces.
“It’s alright,” she told Skywalker. “I don’t mind it.”
But he, rather obviously, did mind it. In the end, Leia won though and slowly made her way over to Padmé.
“She’s a curious one,” Padmé said, making faces for the little girl, causing her to giggle.
“She really is. Luke is more careful, but I think that’s just because he focuses more on other’s emotions. Leia has better control of her own, doesn’t get spooked as easily too-“ Skywalker cut himself off. “I’m sorry, you probably don’t need to hear this.”
And yet Padmé felt like she ought to. “It’s nice to hear something different than just politics all day,” she said. “Tell me more?”
Skywalker still didn’t look at her properly, but he did begin talking about the twins and their many adventures. They were the youngest in the Temple currently and growing faster than he or Master Kenobi could keep up with apparently. It took a while for Padmé to question that.
“You are their father, right? Forgive me if I am rude, but I thought Jedi didn’t have families,” she finally said.
“They don’t,” Skywalker replied. “But they are my children and I’ll always be their father.”
“Then Luke and Leia are very lucky children,” Padmé said. “They are very happy.”
Now Skywalker did look at her and it felt a little like he was trying to read her mind. Jedi couldn’t, that she knew, but it still felt like he was staring right through her.
“Are you happy?” He asked her.
Padmé carefully schooled her face into a neutral expression. It was a difficult question. Of course, she wasn’t happy that she had helped a Sith Lord come into office. Everyone was suspicious of her, Padmé would be lucky if she was still in the Senate by the end of the year. Now that it was clear that Palpatine had played both sides, not even Padmé’s many speeches against him amassing power could protect her against the silent accusations. The Senate was working much to slow, she didn’t have any time for herself or her family.
So, no. Padmé wasn’t really happy, but what choice did she have?
“I am glad the internal investigations are finally picking up,” Padmé answered diplomatically.
Skywalker shook his head. “No, I meant are you, personally, happy.”
She didn’t see how that was any of his business, but there was a desperation to his question that she felt compelled to answer.
“I am,” she said. “The war is over, the fighting can stop and I can-“
Figure out who I am when I’m not representing millions of sentients, but just myself.
The doors to the Council opened and Master Kenobi greeted them. He looked at her, then at Skywalker and back again at her, now frowning.
“Anakin, is everything alright?”
Skywalker rose from his seat next to her. “Yes, I needed this. You were right, I put this off too long.”
Kenobi observed him a little longer, then sighed. “Alright, if you say so. Was there a reason you were waiting for me?”
“Yes!” Skywalker smiled now. It made him look a lot younger. “Watch this.”
He helped Luke and Leia to their feet and took a small step, the twins following after. Kenobi’s eyes widened and he moved closer to Skywalker, taking Luke’s hand in his instead.
“They’re walking!”
Skywalker was positively glowing. “Yes, Senator Amidala was the first to see it beside me.”
Oh, she hadn’t known that. “The first time, really?”
“Yes,” Skywalker said as Kenobi walked around the hallway with the two, utterly besotted. “Ahsoka’s going to be jealous, she’s wanted to be here for it.”
“Did you record it?” Kenobi asked.
Skywalker rolled his eyes. “Who do you take me for? I don’t want to miss out on anything.”
He sounded so determined saying it, like he’d do everything to ensure it. Padmé couldn’t recall the last time she had heard such a passionate declaration in the past weeks. If Knight Skywalker could be so certain, then perhaps she should be as well.
“I hate to take you away from this, Master Kenobi, but I believe we have a meeting?” Padmé said.
Kenobi gave the children back to Skywalker, looking a little sad. “We do, if you would, Senator?”
Padmé entered the Council chambers, newfound strength running through her veins. She had survived being the target of more people than she could count, she would see the Republic through this crisis and she’d force them to listen to her.
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starwarsfic · 4 years
Originally posted August 4, 2020
Summary: Obi-Wan is assigned to the team of negotiators to work out a treaty with the new Mand'alor. It takes far longer than expected.
Details: Jango/Obi-Wan, past Satine/Obi-Wan
Obi-Wan wanted to be anywhere but Mandalore, staring down the man who called himself Mand'alor. When the Council had given him this assignment, he'd almost refused, almost (foolishly) told them of his feelings for Satine and why he could not do this.
But that would have shown too much attachment. They would have questioned his Knighting, maybe even questioned allowing him to take Anakin on as his Padawan.
It had been months since he'd taken assignments that Anakin didn't come along on, but this time he left him back at the Temple, whining about the unfairness of it all--he wasn't bringing a thirteen year old into a warzone, he wasn't Qui-Gon.
Keldabe was different than his memories--rebuilt, but not in the New Mandalorian style (he could see places, here and there, where that must have existed and been destroyed when the True Mandalorians took it back). Everywhere there were Mandalorians in beskar'gam, watching him with suspicion as if waiting for a peacekeeper to become an assassin.
If he broke the truce Fett had given them, it wouldn't be to murder him in cold blood--it would be to find where he was keeping Satine, free her, run off with her to somewhere safe.
He wouldn't.
Fett was the sort of Mand'alor people thought of, when they thought of the Mandalorians. He might not be terribly tall, but his presence filled the room. His eyes were cold, intelligent, sweeping over Obi-Wan and easily seeing him for the threat he was--and certainly coming up with ways he thought he might neutralize him.
In turn, Obi-Wan made himself less of the ideal Jedi, trying to blur what Mandalorian culture he knew with his own heritage as often as he could. The Mandalorians, and Fett in particular, had no reason to trust a Jedi. And the Republic needed their trust, no one wanted another Blockade of Naboo or Stark Hyperspace War.
When they found out he knew Mando'a, that became the only language they used with him, leading a flighty protocol droid the Senate had sent to try to translate for the Senators with him. At first he thought to at least say his own part in Basic, but Fett backed him into verbal corners where he could choose a few words in Mando'a or paragraphs worth in his own language.
As the only one the Mandalorians were actively communicating with, at first he didn't even notice the way they isolated him from the other Republican representatives. Then, at some point, he realized he'd gone three entire days without seeing any of them and that he barely had any time in the schedule the Mandalorians had checked just to run across them and make sure they were alright.
In contrast, Fett was almost always there, watching him like a lazy predator, waiting for something Obi-Wan had yet to pinpoint. The Mand'alor cared little for most of the provisions of the treaty, it was a few of his own that Obi-Wan balked at--the Order was complicit in Galidraan, and of course regretted it, but the concessions Fett wanted for that, and to make sure it didn't happen again anywhere else, were extreme.
No matter how Obi-Wan tried to explain that such matters as the Order's connection to the Senate was necessary, was desired by many, Fett didn't budge. Not after the first debate, or the second, or the tenth.
But if he thought he could be more stubborn than Obi-Wan, he was going to be in for a surprise.
Not that Fett seemed upset, if anything he seemed amused. He invited Obi-Wan to sit in a seat of honor beside him at the feasts he threw, gave him great regard by sparring with him in the mornings when they were both free (something that happened with enough frequency Obi-Wan suspected it was planned), and taught him more about Mandalorian culture in a month than Satine had in a year.
It was a soft correction one afternoon of Obi-Wan's pronunciation--too Sundari-short for the word being said--that finally made him crack.
"What did you do to the Duchess?" Reports said she was alive, but he hadn't been able to find her in the Force.
Fett shrugged. "She's fine, under house arrest, in one piece and being taken care of well enough. Getting rid of her opens up the field for some other New Mandalorian 'leader'."
The truth rang through the Force, but Obi-Wan had the impression there was something more, some other, more personal motive.
Five months into the negotiation, having not seen anyone else from his team for four weeks, Obi-Wan almost welcomed Fett's seduction. A welcome distraction, he thought, and a way to maybe, finally, get Fett to lower his guard.
Instead it felt as though Obi-Wan was the one who had been shattered apart, Fett left to pick up the pieces. He seemed to have perfect instincts for what to say, how to move, how much pressure to use, to break through the persona of control that Obi-Wan projected.
He'd forgotten how nice it was, to just let someone else take care of him. To let them take charge and direct the entire encounter.
He was so blissed out afterwards he fell asleep in the Mand'alor's bed and had to walk out in the morning under the knowing gazes of the Mandalorian guards.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he spared a hysterical moment to wonder exactly what it was that kept attracting him to leaders of Mandalore.
Obi-Wan contacted the Council, when he could, for their opinions on the sticking points of the treaty. For updates on Anakin. He did not tell them what he was doing with Fett, certainly not that they were sleeping together, that they were dining together every night, that the Mand'alor was spending his brief moments of free time showing Obi-Wan around Keldabe and teaching him what it meant to be Mando'ad.
Compared to the Mandalorians, the Council's coldness wore on him. He knew if he was there, in the Temple, he'd feel them in the Force and know it wasn't so bad. But so far away, with no Jedi in the sector, he could only rely on their expressions and words. Both of which made him feel like a failure. When they told him they'd "temporarily" assigned Anakin to another Master, it felt like a slap to the face, even though he knew his mission had gone on longer than expected with no sign of resolution.
He spared with the Mandalorians after the holocalls, now, becoming more aggressive as he learned just how much they could take. They commented dreamily, sometimes, about what an unstoppable force he'd be like wrapped in armor made of beskar and, sometimes, Obi-Wan imagined it, too.
It was nine months in Mandalore when Obi-Wan started wondering what it would be like if he just...didn't go back. When he was younger, with Satine, he hadn't let himself delve too deeply into the fantasies, but now he couldn't help himself. He could have never prospered in the New Mandalorian utopia Satine dreamt of, but now, in Jango's Mandalore, there were avenues he hadn't expected.
Obi-Wan spent time around the city without Jango, the Mandalorian guards assigned to him helping him get around when he needed it. There were clinics that could use a Jedi's help, and shelters, and so many other ways that he was needed there. He made friends without much effort, despite being a Jedi (though, sometimes he wasn't sure everyone was aware of that, at some point Jango had put clothing for Obi-Wan in his bedroom and he'd just started putting that on instead of going back for his own things).
Eleven months in, Jango asked him to stay. For him, for Mandalore. He asked for time to meditate on the subject, spending a few days away from his lover as the world continued on around him.
When he came back, he almost had his answer. But first, he asked to see Satine.
She was being kept in a house outside the city, under constant guard but not without some luxuries. There were servants to clean and cook, books and datapads (with limited access to the Holonet).
There was a holoprojector with holodramas and, to Obi-Wan's horror, recordings of him--him sparring with the Mandalorians, him cuddling with the Mand'alor, him walking around Keldabe and speaking Mando'a like a native.
Satine had never looked at him like that, like he'd betrayed her (broken her heart). She didn't want anything to do with him, not even his help to escape.
Back home, Jango waited for him. He took Obi-Wan's screams, rolled with his punches, let him work out his rage in a way completely unbeffiting a Jedi. He held him close as he cried, his own heart breaking at the loss of the most important love of his life.
Obi-Wan had spent two years in Mandalore, altogether, before he left the Order.
A/N: From the anonymous prompt: "Jango/Obi-Wan prompt request? How can I resist???? Jango's re-taken Mandalore from Satine, and you know, hasn't killed her because he's being 'diplomatic' but that doesn't mean he won't seduce her former lover away (both from her and the Jedi)."
Originally posted here.
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peterpumpkinparker · 5 years
Disneyland and Lightsabers~ Peter Parker x Reader
Anonymous: Can I have 15 from the prompt list for Peter Parker? But in this one, s/o is trying to hide a surprise present from him?
Of course! I’m in a Disney mood right now so this is gonna be Disney themed-hopefully that’s fine!
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
AU: Disneyland
Word Count: 2000+
15) “You are a terrible liar.”
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Even though Peter told you he doesn’t want you to buy him anything at a Disneyland trip, you can’t help get him something he really wants
Everyone had been so excited for the Senior trip to Disneyland-especially you and Peter. You being the mildly obsessed Disney freak that could sing every song without fail and Peter never have gone, you both were psyched to experience the magic of Disney. You spent weeks planning, researching, and discussing what rides to ride on, what group pics to take, and what yummy foods to gorge yourself with. Now you were here, and you couldn’t be more ecstatic.
All morning you were having the best time of your life. Your group, which consisted of Ned, MJ, Peter, and yourself, were having the best time running into rides and taking dumb pictures around the park. But as the midday rush came and the sun was beating down on your group, you all felt like you were living in a sauna.
“No gonna lie,” Ned huffed out under the sheen of sweat trickling down his face, “I don’t think I can do this-how are wearing black MJ?”
MJ shrugged, not a drop of sweat evident on her face as your group walked down the packed lanes of Tomorrowland.
“I’m cold blooded.”
“Wish we were back in Space Mountain,” Peter added tiredly, his hair starting to stick to his forehead, “it was so cold.”
You looked at the tired face of your friends and sighed. You were trying so hard to be the optimistic, happy one of the group that kept everyone on their feet and moving. But you had to admit that you were extremely hot too. You looked around as you dodged strollers full of children, hoping a nice quiet spot to rest in the shade was open-to no avail. It seemed like every family had taken a spot that was out of the hot California sun.
You sighed. “Why don’t we just go into a store? There’ll be some air conditioning in there.”
“Can we please?” Ned begged frantically, his shirt beginning to turn dark around the collar from sweat.
You laughed exhaustedly from Ned’s childish desperation.
“Hey look,” Peter pointed, “that store sells lightsabers!”
Peter and Ned looked at each other, a common love arising on their faces. They both started to fast walk over to the store, leaving you and MJ to watch the two nerds run in like 5 year olds.
MJ looked at you and shook her head as she commented:
The store was a noticeable few degrees lower than outside, even with the hoard of families walking inside. You and MJ sighed in relief, allowing the rush of cold air to sweep over your bodies. After that relief, you began to look for your fanboy of a boyfriend.
You walked past bundles of children and Star Wars merchandise, puzzled on how you couldn’t find either boy.
You turned to MJ, confusion plastered on their face.
“Where do you think they-“
“OH MY GOD NED THEY HAVE COUNT DOOKU'S LIGHTSABER?!?” You heard Peter yell a few octaves too high as he pointed frantically at a wall of lightsabers.
You smirked. “Never mind.”
You snuck up on Peter, tapping your finger against his shoulder lightly.
“Having fun over here?” You asked, a smile playing on your lips.
Peter slightly jumped, surprised his Spidey senses didn’t warn him of your movement-he blamed it on the lightsabers.
“Yeah,” Peter sighed, breathless with excitement, “it’s just-these are so cool! I’ve always wanted one of these since I was a kid.”
“Really, Pete? I thought you had a bunch of those things,” you said, remembering the bucket of old toy lightsabers you found at the back of Peter’s closet.
“Yeah I know,” he agreed,” I just-always wanted a real one-one I could build myself, ya know? Be a real Jedi and do what they did.”
“Oh,” you nodded as you agreed, giggling at his adorableness.
“Should I sign you up for the Jedi Training here too?”
Peter’s face light up, grabbing both of your hands and clutching them close to his chest.
“Oh my god could you please?!”
You laughed, brushing your finger on the bridge of Peter’s nose, something you loved to do because it made Peter a blushing mess.
To no surprise, his checks turn a soft shade of red. “Believe me Parker, I could if I would.”
You both look at the lightsaber station and the group of crazy kids becoming their own Jedi as they meticulously built their weapons.
You turned back to Peter, the softness in your eyes making his heart thump. He loved when you looked at him straight on-he could look and appreciate every facial feature that made you you- the color of your eyes, the shape of your nose, the outline of your lips: everything about you he found cute, beautiful, and attractive, and he loved to absorb it all in.
“What color do you think you’ll pick?” You asked.
Peter blinked his eyes a couple time, his daze being broken. “Huh?”
You giggled, making his checks warm. He always felt sheepish when he realized he had been staring at you.
“I said, what color are going to get?” You bopped his nose again, making his checks go redder, making his few freckles stand out.
He fumbled with his hair, staring flustered, “um-uh-probably the blue one.”
“That’s so basic Parker!” You laughed.
“It’s the best color though!” He argued happily. “Obi-Wan used it-well, until Darth Vader killed him-oh and Qui Gon-until Darth Maul killed him too...Anakin- he turned into Darth Vader and got a red one-and Luke...except when Vader cut his hand off he got a green one…”
You looked at him, you eyebrows raised in concern and amusement, a comment on your lips that you were holding back to spill.
“What?” Peter asked, Noticing the look you were giving him
You smiled wide. “Nothing….”
“What?” Peter chuckled, trying to get your thoughts out of you.
He grabbed your hand as you turned away, making you look at him as a laugh escaped out of you.
“No, I’m not gonna tell you!” You shouted, closing your eyes. Peter’s face was right next to yours, your hands on his chest. Being so close to Peter was nerve racking, and the feeling made you feel like being dropped from a 4 story building.
“Come on-please tell me,” He asked as his fingers sat dangerously near your ribs-your tickle spot. His fingers brushed against your skin, sending rivulets of energy up your spine, making your head shoot up.
You looked at him, eyes wide. “Peter I swear to god-“
“Hey love birds!” Ned yelled as MJ raised her chin as a greeting to you two, “come
On! Our Fastpasses to Star Tours are almost up!”
You looked at Peter, an evil grin on your face as you poked his stomach on the side. Peter grabbed his stomach instinctively, even though it didn’t hurt at all.
“You’re mean.” He said with a fake pout.
“And you’re a nerd.”
“But you already knew that about me,” he replied, making you shake your head.
“I guess,” you replied smiling, “Wait-didn’t you want to get a lightsaber?”
“Yeah... Maybe I can-“ Peter began, but the sight of Ned frantically waving him down and pointing to his watch made him think otherwise.”
He sighed. “I guess I can get it later.”
“You sure?” You asked, knowing Peter really wanted to get his toy.
“Yeah, Yeah,” He reassured you, “I can get it later. Besides- we have all day.”
You looked back at the table, trying to make a plan that would satisfy everyone.
“Well what if I stayed back and got you the lightsaber?”
“Wait no y/n I can’t let you do that!” Peter protested. “Please, I don’t need it-lets just go-I’m fine, seriously!”
The more Peter talked, the more desperation played in his voice.
You gave him an unconvinced look. “Are you sure??”
“Yeah, Yeah,” He said ina fake airy manner, “I’ll be fine-I’ll just-get it later.”
He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed your hand, leading you to Ned.
Later never really came. Ride after ride after ride came, and it seemed Peter was never going back to that shop.
Night had fallen, and you felt Peter’s hand fidget in yours.
“Do you think we’ll be able to go back?” He asked, his big puppy dog eyes boating into yours.
You wanted to go back, but your call back time for the adults to drive all the students to the hotel was in 10 minutes, and you were a whole 2 lands away from the designated meet up spot. There was no way you could convince the group to walk more, and now way to expect to buy that lightsaber in time.
“I don’t know…” you said, not wanting to bring his hopes down. You know Peter would try his best to not look disappointed, but he never was very good at covering his emotions up.
As expected, you watched his face fall a little, only to perk up as quickly.
“It’s alright!” He replies in a fake, cheerful voice. “I guess I’ll just have to do it next time…”
Even though you thought it was slightly childish to want a toy so badly, you thought it was cute and adorable, and it broke your heart a little to see the one thing he wanted to go unfulfilled. It was like watching a kid on Christmas not receive the one gift their heart desired so desperately-it was heartbreaking and little guilty.
You grasped his hand, rubbing your finger against his skin, wondering how you could fix the situation. That’s when a light bulb went off.
You turned to Peter, false distress on your face. You let go of his hand, turning to the group as you yelled, “I gotta go to the bathroom-I’ll met with you guys later!” And instantly running off, completely startling Peter and everyone in the group. Everyone was focused on their bloated bellies, tired feet, and sleepiness, so the sound of your voice breaking their quiet self muddling completely startled them shit less. Peter shook his head as he tried to comprehend what happened in his
worn out state,watching your back as you ran off.
MJ walked up between Peter and Ned who had took your place to Peter, pointing at a crowded corner a few feet away from the trio.
MJ cocked her eyes, asking, “She knows the bathrooms there, right?”
You were nowhere to be seen, and Peter looked around confused. “Where did she go?” He asked, completely bewildered by your actions.
After Ned reassured Peter that you would come back after a few minutes of him yelling frantically for you, they rushed back to the assigned meet up spot. The night air drifted coolily through Peter’s hair and clothing, cooling his warm body. The sound of crickets chirping on the ground and the soft blinking of lights in the trees made him feel like he was in a dream like state-until he thought of you. When he finally realized you hadnt made it, his heart rate shot up, his senses going into overdrive. Instinctively, he began to think of every possible bad scenario-you somehow getting so lost you wouldn’t make it time and get in trouble, you getting hurt, someone Kidnaping you… the scenarios went on and on, becoming more ridiculous and more scary nevertheless. He stood there, deciding to call you and ask if you are okay, until he finally saw you running up, a Disneyland bag in your hand as you desperately tries to shove it in your bag with little success.
He jogged up towards you, smiling slightly as he breathed a breath of relief. His face took in a serious note as he asked, “Where did you go?”
You cocked your eyebrow mischievously, giving him a slight grin. “Nowhere-Just the bathroom.” You stated matter of factly, disguising your smile by tying up your hair.
Peter could tell you were lying just by the pitch if your voice-it always went up slightly because you were excited or nervous to tell him something.
He chuckled as he shook his head.
“You are a-terrible liar,” he laughed, emphasizing the word “terrible”.
“Oh don’t act like you're any better Parker,” you smiled as patted his cheek.
“Now come on,” you grabbed his hand tenderly, “we got a bus to catch.”
He didn’t see you the rest of the night after roll call. Peter sat next to Ned the whole ride back due to the gender-with-gender rule they have on school trips, and checked into his hotel room with him. He sat on the bed, sending you a good night text as Ned changed into pajamas and fell asleep in seconds.
Peter stayed up, waiting for your reply. He wasn’t worried that you were taking awhile because he expected you were taking a little more time going to bed. His eyes began to become more droopy, and before he knew it he was fast asleep.
The sound of soft footsteps was picked up by his Spider senses, making him shoot out of a deep sleep. He fumbled loudly in the dark, searching for the alarm clock on his bedside table. He finally turned it, seeing it was 3 o’clock in the morning. He propped his body up, listening to the footsteps. They slowly got louder, stopping at his room for a split second, then slowly going away. Peter stepped out of bed slowly, slightly scared to open the door. He debated to wake up Ned, but he didn’t want to disturb his friend until absolutely necessary. He unlatched the two locks on his door, and looked out at a empty hallway. He then looked down, noticing a Disneyland bag at his feet. He picked it up suspiciously, noticing a white sticky note on the front of the bag. He gingerly pulled it off, reading the words written on it.
He noticed it was your handwriting, immediately recognizing the loops and angle of the words that made it yours.
The note didn’t have much to read. The only words written on it were-“Sorry not sorry ;)”
He smiled, shaking his head, setting the note down as he pulled out a blue lightsaber out of the bag.
Peter already had a feeling what was in the bag you had earlier, and really, he didn’t know why you went through all that trouble for him. His heart swelled with happiness, and he realized then a there he never wanted anyone but you as his girlfriend in his life.
@acciopeter @petersshirts @th3n3rdyon3 @just4muggles @anxieteandbiscuits @fratboievans @grandmascottlang @gayuwuenergy @galaxy-parker @hollandroos @honeymoonparker @hazsterfield @itsholyholland @jupiterparker @naturallytom @revengingbarnes @starksparker @underoosstark @uglypastels @underoos-shield
I love you all and I hope your day is amazing! I’ll see you in the next fic ❤️
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swhurtcomfort · 6 years
I don’t know if you guys are comfortable with this topic, but could you write something where Obi-Wan starts self-harming after the events of the phantom menace, and Anakin walks in on him?
Hi anon, this is a grey area of my comfort zone as a writer but I gave it a try. If this fic isn’t what you were hoping for, try submitting another prompt when Leslie comes back so maybe she can write you something.
tw non-graphic self-destructive behavior (not cutting) under the readmore; tw complicated grief
Be brave don’t look back be brave don’t look back
Master Kenobi comes home from his mission. He’s limping a bit and hides his face from Anakin, disappearing into the sonic without a word.
When he emerges, he is walking more normally, and he has something smeared on his face to cover up the black eye.
“Get dressed—casual robes will do,” he says to Anakin. “We are going downtown for supper.”
Master Kenobi gets injured on more missions than not. In lieu of the six-month solo assignment that a newly-made knight would traditionally be given, the Council sends him on shorter, more frequent missions so that he can be in the Temple with Anakin most of the time. Anakin hates that things have to be done differently to accommodate him, just another problem he’s created.
Anakin isn’t sure what to tell his classmates when they ask him about Master Kenobi, their eyes full of jealousy and sometimes malice. What’s it like being trained by the Sith-Slayer? He doesn’t think he’s supposed to tell them that Master Kenobi is unpredictable, sometimes friendly, sometimes aloof. And he knows he’s not supposed to tell them about the constant injuries, or the bloodstained robes that he tries to scrub clean in the sink rather than take them to the quartermaster. Or the fact that four months after the funeral, Master Kenobi still sleeps on the sofa rather than in the bed that was previously Master Qui-Gon’s.
Anakin gets dressed and follows Master Kenobi down to the hovertrain platform in silence. Anakin is painfully aware that Master Kenobi hadn’t really wanted a padawan in the first place, but he likes to think that things are improving between them. Master Kenobi is teaching him Shii-Cho so he doesn’t have to take Master Yoda’s class in a room full of 4-year-olds. They laugh and kid around sometimes. It’s just that other times, Master Kenobi comes home bloodied and bruised and they can’t seem to talk about it. Time passes painfully slow on the tram ride.
When they arrive at the diner, Dexter Jettster isn’t fooled by whatever he’s painted his face with. “Quite the shiner you’ve got there, my boy,” he thunders, grabbing Master Kenobi’s shoulder roughly and offering Anakin a smile.
“You know which booth. I’ll come and join ‘ya if I can catch a break.”
Obi-Wan leads the way to their usual seats. He’s still too quiet and seems distracted, even though Dex’s food is his favorite treat. At the end of their meal Dex asks Anakin into the back kitchen under some pretext about some spare parts from old kitchen droids.
“Listen, kiddo,” the Besalisk says once the kitchen door swings shut behind them. “Your master, he’s not acting right. Even considering all that’s happened.”Anakin averts his eyes and takes a half a step back, just another instinct he hasn’t unlearned from his previous life. He doesn’t want to get in trouble. He’s still very aware that Obi-Wan is the only thing standing between him and the Council, so he can’t screw things up between them.“It’s alright, you don’t have to tell me nothin’. But Anakin?”
Anakin’s head snaps up.
“There’s a healer at the Temple, sweet girl, goes by Bant. If our Ben needs help—even if he tells you he don’t—give her a call, alright? It’s alright to tell somebody if he’s worryin’ you. Go to your healer’s wing and ask for Bant.”
“I know Healer Eerin,” says Anakin quietly.
“Well, there you go.” Dex’s gentle smile reaches the corners of his eyes. He claps Anakin on the shoulder a little too hard. “It’s a bad job, poor Jinn, poor Kenobi. Shouldn’t be for someone your age to worry about, but somebody oughta keep an eye on him.”
Anakin agrees, shoulders this silent and awkward responsibility that he doesn’t quite understand.
Dex’s warning is timely; the following week is a rough one. Obi-Wan sleeps too much and eats too little, and barely pays attention to Anakin at all. It makes Anakin dreadfully homesick, mixed with a guilty wish that Qui-Gon were here to train him. He’s pretty sure Qui-Gon wouldn’t have stood him up for sparring practice and left him waiting in the dojo for hours.
Anakin comes home and lets himself in, crabby and feeling sorry for himself. A drop of blood on the hallway floor catches his eye.
Anakin treads lightly to the open ‘fresher door, and sees Obi-Wan kneeling on the floor in front of the med kit. He is dabbing bacta on the corner of his blackened eye.
Obi-Wan leans forward and shrugs out of his shirt, and it’s all Anakin can do not to gasp.
Obi-Wan carefully examines the mottled flesh that spans from his hip halfway up his rib cage in a rainbow of colors. The horrendous bruise sprawls at the edges into the outlines of blood vessels. Obi-Wan lays a hand over the injury and presses experimentally.
He grimaces while applying more pressure. There’s a sudden hitch of his breath.
Anakin swallows hard, sickened by what he is watching. He feels a wave of guilt for intruding on something so intimate and private, watching Obi-Wan explore the hurts all over his body with cruel fingertips, prodding and picking at the injuries as though the pain of them were a relief.
Anakin starts to suspect that some of these injuries were avoidable. He’s known slaves who possessed the same tendencies. They weren’t as easy to spot as those who inflicted wounds by their own hand, but they were the dejected folks who disobeyed and acted out, and didn’t seem to mind the beatings it earned them. An outsider might think they were simply strong-willed or foolish, but Anakin could recognize hopelessness when he saw it.
He sees the same look on Obi-Wan’s face, as if the pain is deserved, as if it brings him some sense of rightness. A wave of repulsion crashes over Anakin. He slips back through the hallway and out the front door. He thinks about Dex’s advice again.
His feet take him to the healer’s wing, but by the time he gets there he still hasn’t decided what to say. A padawan greets him in the lobby.
“I need to see Healer Eerin, please,” he squeaks.
“She’s in an appointment. Do you need medical attention?”
Anakin swallows hard. He is starting to feel like this was a bad idea. What if he gets Obi-Wan in trouble? What if Obi-Wan gets angry with him?
“It has to be Healer Eerin,” he stammers. “Master Kenobi—he—well, Dex said…”
Anakin is starting to panic. The junior healer leans over the desk. “Take a deep breath. If Knight Kenobi is injured, he might have asked you to fetch Bant because she is his friend, but another healer will still be able to help him. Is that what happened, padawan?”
“No!” Anakin’s stomach churns. He’s not sure if Master Kenobi is going to get in trouble for what he’s doing, but he’s obviously been trying to hide it. Anakin’s not a tattletale…but Dex said it was okay to tell Bant even if Obi-Wan said no. He doesn’t think Dex would have told him to do something bad, but then again, Dex isn’t a Jedi so maybe he doesn’t understand the rules. Everything is too confusing.
“Does anyone need a healer right now?” the boy behind the desk tries to get his attention again.
“No!” Anakin says quickly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, don’t, please,”
“Alright,” the junior healer looks thoroughly confused. “How about I just leave Bant a note, and have her comm Knight Kenobi in an hour?”
Anakin agrees before he takes off at a run.
Jacosta Nu is not particularly happy to see him sprinting through her doors, so he slows his pace to a respectable walk. He weaves through rows and rows of archived datafiles and finds his preferred hiding spot, a narrow cranny between two tall shelves, hidden by a row of force-sensitive ferns. It’s just right for someone his size, and impenetrable to anyone bigger. He used to come here a lot in the first few weeks, to avoid the mutual embarrassment of overhearing Master Kenobi’s crying. It’s comforting to have a place in the Temple that no one else knows about.
Anakin pulls his knees up to his chest and braces his feet against the flat side of a shelf. It’s oddly comforting to be so snug. He takes deep breaths. Be brave don’t look back be brave don’t look back
He lets out a few silent tears, and contemplates his options. Weighs the likelihood that Master Kenobi will find out he almost told and be cross with him. Weighs the likelihood that the Council will find out anyway and take Anakin away from him, or something equally horrifying. Wonders if Master Kenobi is going to be okay.
Anakin’s not sure how long he stays there, taking deep breaths. Probably a few hours at least. He falls asleep there and wakes up feeling worse.
The fronds of the oversized plant rustle. “Hi, Anakin,” whispers a voice.
Anakin’s head shoots up as he wipes the tear tracks from his face. “Master Siri?”
“It’s alright, Anakin,” Siri Tachi assures him. “Come on out of there, it’s past your bedtime.”
Anakin obeys, wondering suddenly why Master Kenobi wasn’t the one to fetch him.
“Everything’s fine,” says Siri quietly. “You’ll see.”
Anakin thinks a bit as he walks. “Master Siri, how did you find me?”
Siri laughs. “Jacosta said you weren’t the first little padawan she’s known to take a liking to those ferns.”
Anakin almost says something when they reach the level where he and Obi-Wan live. Master Kenobi never entertains and Anakin isn’t allowed to invite people over either – he suspects it’s to hide the fact that Master Kenobi still hasn’t cleaned out Qui-Gon’s room.
Obi-Wan’s not going to like it if Siri barges in, but before Anakin can say anything, the door is sliding open.
The scene that greets him inside is a complete shock. Master Kenobi sits in the center of the sofa, flanked on either side by Bant Eerin and Mace Windu, each with a hand at his back. Dexter is hovering near an armchair beside a green-eyed woman whom Anakin has never met.
Anakin and Obi-Wan make eye contact, then look away. Anakin can tell that he knows—knows what Anakin saw. That he’s wondering what Anakin thinks of him now. That a childish part deep down in Anakin isn’t sure of the answer.
“Anakin, it’s alright,” Obi-Wan manages hoarsely.
“You’re not angry, Master?” Anakin barely whispers.
“What?” he asks. Mace’s hand shifts higher on Obi-Wan’s back. Obi-Wan shakes his head. “Anakin, I’m sorry.”
Anakin nods and presses himself up against the wall.
“I’ll make you a deal, Obi-Wan,” says Bant quietly. “I’ll sneak some supplies from the Halls and patch you up here if you let me set you up an appointment with Raina.”
“I don’t think I need a Mind Healer,” Obi-Wan mumbles.
Bant shrugs.
“I’d take that deal if I were you, Obi-Wan,” says Mace with a rare note of humor. “If you make us take you to the Halls, Vokara will have some choice words about those bruises.”
“There’s no shame in it, kiddo,” says Dex sagely.
Anakin doesn’t know whose face to look at. He’s thankful no one seems to be paying attention to him.
“Okay,” Obi-Wan sighs.
Bant nods and rises to go fetch her medical supplies.
“We all miss him too,” says the girl sitting next to Dex. “If you want our help tomorrow, all you have to do is comm.”
“Thanks, Astri.”
“But if not, that’s alright too,” Dex adds. “Sometimes you gotta have your space. But we’ll just be here in a few clicks if you ever need.”
As they begin to take their leave, Obi-Wan beckons Anakin to him.
“Mace and Bant are coming over tomorrow morning,” he says slowly, as if the words were a great effort. “And we’re going to clean Qui-Gon’s room.”
Anakin glances towards the bedroom door, the one that they never open. He realizes he can’t remember the last time he heard Master Kenobi say Qui-Gon’s name out loud.
“If you would like to help, you can skip your morning class. It’s up to you,” he continues. He lays a hand on Anakin’s arm, almost gingerly.
Anakin doesn’t react either way, still watching nervously.
“I haven’t been myself,” Obi-Wan half-whispers. “Things are going to get better. I’ll be a better master to you.”
“You’re a good master,” says Anakin quickly.
Bant returns with her pockets full of bacta, gauze and painkillers. “Let’s try the kitchen table, Obi,” she says in a business-like tone. “Wouldn’t want to get blood on your sofa.”
Mace takes that as his cue to leave. Obi-Wan politely indicates that Anakin should go get ready for bed.
As he’s brushing his teeth, Anakin can hear the muffled sound of their lowered voices in the kitchen. It’s somehow a weight off his back, knowing that there’s a grown-up taking care of Master Kenobi. He hadn’t realized how heavy those secrets were while he was carrying them.
Master Qui-Gon’s presence is still missing in their home, something that should be there but isn’t, an empty hole that aches. And perhaps he always will be. But Anakin falls asleep with Obi-Wan’s promise echoing in his ears, that things are going to get better.
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kingofattolia · 6 years
hi grace im rewatching the mortis arc and I want very specifically to get uhhh literally all your thoughts on it please go off
OKAY UHHHHHHHH BOY WHAT A QUESTION. SO i love Mortis honestly. it makes no sense and allows me to do WHATEVER i want with theories and fanfiction and have it be canonically plausible. 
absolute random thoughts:
1. when Obi-Wan goes “hello there” as soon as the Daughter shows up 👌👌 i hate him.
3. kind of really uncomfortable with the whole dark!Ahsoka part. the Son, in his guise as a sniveling weird animal, makes me REAL uncomfortable and also is it just me or do they make dark!Ahsoka act in an ooc, overly sexy~~ way. like i know it’s a trope that all evil females have to be femme fatale sex objects but Ahsoka is what, FIFTEEN? and Anakin doesn’t act ooc when he’s using the Dark Side – he acts just like himself, but angrier. don’t like this at all
4. HOWEVER i am very interested in the fact that the Son poisoned Ahsoka with the Dark Side and i think that potentially has a lot of strange implications. so how you use the Force isn’t always a choice? if you can be poisoned with the dark, can you be poisoned with the light? we know about normal sith poison that just increases negative emotion & encourages rage, making someone weaker to the dark side and more likely to use it. but it seemed like the Son’s poison was more than just that? interesting that he didn’t poison Anakin
5. the part where dark!Anakin clomps onto the ship and Ahsoka hides from him and then escapes. it gives me the shivers every time because honestly the possibility of Anakin hurting Ahsoka feels REALLY bad. also it is very interesting to me how Ahsoka doesn’t even seem that surprised. maybe im wrong or maybe its the surreality of Mortis as a whole? but it always seems like she’s not particularly shocked by dark!Anakin for some reason
6. forever astounded & confused that all it took for the Son to turn Anakin was showing him a vision of the future.
anakin: *sees a vision of himself killing everyone* NO!!!
anakin 2 seconds later: i have seen that it is THE JEDI who will stand in the way of peace
like??? it’s a constant of both Falls that he wants to end the war and bring peace. its a constant that he wants the power to protect people he loves from harm. it ALSO seems to be a constant that mere instants after falling to the Dark Side he forgets his original aims and becomes unhinged. he literally sees a vision of HIMSELF, specifically, individually, standing in the way of peace. and then is inexplicably like RAUGUGHRHFJHGHF THE JEDI. 
this seems to be the same transition that happens at the end of ROTS between him leaving for mustafar and when Obi-Wan finds him there. is this a facet of the corrupting, perverse nature of the Dark Side itself? i assume its like drugs or something where you’re like “yeah just wanna get buzzed once” and then suddenly a year later you find yourself homeless and stealing from all your relatives?
7. when the Son visits Anakin and pretends to be Shmi?? Anakin’s like “the only love in my heart is haunted by what would happen should i let go” and Shmi/the Son is like “then it is not love. it is a prison.” LIKE WOW UH? the Son is apparently a true bro, dishing out some solid therapeutic advice. i cry because Anakin is genuinely trying so hard & also needs mental health support
8. love it when Anakin just stabs the Son in the back and kills him
9. WHEN THE FATHER RESTORES ANAKIN TO THE LIGHT BY WIPING HIS MEMORIES. RRHGJGJRHFJFJGHFJRVHGghhHH. i hate moments like this. like in “thrawn: alliances” when thrawn tells anakin “you’ll want to watch out for someone messing with your clone troopers. that’s gonna be really dangerous to you” and anakin is just like “yeah yeah, whatever.” OH MY GGGOSH HE LITERALLY JUST TOLD YOU ABOUT ORDER 66.
theoretical speculations:
first of all, it’s absolutely iconic that the way Anakin brings balance to Mortis is by leaving no one there alive. which is basically the same way he later brings balance to the galaxy. classic Anakin.
what’s weird to me is that the Father seems to think balance NEEDS to be kept between the Son and Daughter on Mortis for the galaxy itself to not fall out of balance. this would make one think that all three of the Ones are simply personified manifestations of the Force itself, right? but: 
a) they straight up died and thus were mortal 
b) the lore seems to indicate they began life as mortals way way way way way back at the beginning of time and just drank some elixir of life that turned them into Force demigods
c) according to some dumb legends book about Luke Skywalker, all three of them were necessary to entrap and defeat some hideous primordial dark side force beast called Abeloth that lived in the Maw and escaped every so often. except when Abeloth escaped during luke’s lifetime, oh whoops, the Ones are all dead (thanks dad)
obviously this last is not canon anymore, but the combination of all of this still makes me think that they were actually just massively OP individual beings who drank the wrooong magic elixir five thousand years ago and had a theory of Force balance influenced by their own lived experiences. 
i’m not convinced by the theory that they were never real and were just Force apparitions the whole time. as a “shared vision” Mortis kind of makes sense, except for the fact that it makes NO sense at all?!? what kind of a useless vision, honestly. the Force is going to impart something monumental to three of the most important players in the whole “balance” storyline SIMULTANEOUSLY, and it chooses THIS?!?! that’s like trying to deliver an urgent message by just yelling GRHKEAHAAAAAGRGHRHAHGHHRGHAAAA in the person’s ear.
the Force isn’t exactly known for delivering explicitly clear visions, but i’ve never heard of one this complex and weirdly, pointlessly creative either. to me, it makes much more sense that the Ones were all real individuals. and if the whole thing was just a vision, that means they’re all having visions inside of visions inside of visions, when Ahsoka sees herself and Obi-Wan sees Qui-Gon, plus Anakin’s vision of the future from the Son. that’s pretty wack and OTT. 
my inclination is simply to think of them as crazily powerful, insanely old Force users that died when they met Anakin Skywalker (a very universal experience) and evidence of the diversity of how the Force manifests in the galaxy. the biggest problem with this is the gosh darn time travel episode from Rebels.
the ~world between worlds~ and access to every moment in time, past present and future, is entered through a mystical portal painting of the Ones. why the HECK would this be the case?! did they create the portal? did they discover it? they clearly had some knowledge of weird dimension stuff, given that Mortis itself was kind of an alternate dimension. are they ACTUALLY Force gods of some kind? technically, everyone is a manifestation of the Force! what makes them different?!
what secrets do they know about “the balance”? it seems like they must know SOMETHING to be so powerful and so inextricably linked to time and space itself. and yet….. everything they CLAIMED about the balance in the actual Mortis episodes seems a) stupid and b) mostly wrong. so…….. WHAT then? 
honestly, i have no idea what conclusion to take away from Mortis. we JUST don’t KNOW and it drives me nuts. on the one hand, why is all of star wars about the Force and yet we have no information about the Force that makes sense?!?! on the other hand, it is absolutely accurate to irl theology to have no real concrete answers and all of it is just “well some say this” or “some interpret it this way.” 
tbqh Mortis is the blank check Dave Filoni wrote me so that i can make up whatever the heck i want and it’s not wrong
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novelmonger · 2 years
Thoughts on Jedi Apprentice 2: The Dark Rival
The first book in the series is the longest (book 2 is about 50 pages shorter), so probably my thoughts will be shorter too. Guess we'll find out!
An interesting thing to note is that, while the first book is written by Dave Wolverton, the whole rest of the series is written by Jude Watson. It took me a really long time to even notice that was the case when I read them as a kid, so I'm curious to see if I'll notice any difference in style now.
I'm stoked for this one, because it's got lots of delicious angst from Qui-Gon's past!
Jedi Apprentice #2: The Dark Rival
Chapter 1
First of all, I feel like I should say something about the elephant in the room: Xanatos. That's the name of Qui-Gon's first Padawan, who turned to the Dark Side and left the Jedi. Nine-year-old me had no idea, of course, but it's starkly obvious to me now that they took Thanatos, i.e. death, and put an X in the name to make it more "spacey" XD Pretty cheesy name for a recurring villain of the series, but...I mean, it's no more on the nose than Darth Sidious, amirite?
Chapter 2
So the first difference I'm noticing is the presence of flashbacks. I mean, maybe Wolverton would have done that too, because this story does deal a lot with Qui-Gon and Xanatos' backstory. Quickly flipping through the book suggests that each Qui-Gon POV chapter begins with a short flashback.
Nice to see that the new author is carefully referencing back not just to the events of the previous book, but also to the way people were characterized. Qui-Gon is still very Petrified Slytherin. "The reason he couldn't feel close to Obi-Wan was because he wouldn't allow himself to. ... He knew how treacherous it could be to rely on an apprentice."
Chapter 3
"'Close your mouth and open your ears, you must,' Yoda had said. 'Then hear what your true heart is seeking, you will.' Well, right now his true heart was seeking to scream out his frustration." - XD
"'I see that your discourtesy sprang from anger,' Qui-Gon continued. ... 'I will ignore it.' Angry words sprang to Obi-Wan's mind. If you're choosing to ignore it, why are you mentioning it?" - Careful, Obi-Wan. Your dry wit's going to get you into trouble one of these days XD Still, he's already doing better at controlling his anger - or at least, at not expressing his anger. He's frustrated at Qui-Gon's continued refusal to accept him as a Padawan, and the knowledge that Qui-Gon is heading out to mediate important negotiations for the future of the planet, while Obi-Wan has to go be a farmer for the rest of his life. And yet, as angry as he is, he does what he's supposed to.
Chapter 4
Enter Xanatos! Oooh, his introduction gives me chills, remembering a few of the things coming down the line. As cheesy as his name is, there's something about him that feels as epic and right for a villain as any of the Sith lords in the movies. He's definitely a double Slytherin - and hopefully it's clear that I don't just say that because he's a "bad guy," since I think Qui-Gon is a Slytherin too. Xanatos is a different sort of Slytherin from Qui-Gon, and actually that's probably one thing that makes him such an effective personal villain. More on this later.
Chapter 5
You know, one thing I appreciate in these books is that death and injury are allowed to happen, and to be serious. Nothing is gratuitously described, since this is a series for children, but it doesn't shy away from saying that people are dead and letting the weight of that settle. There's an explosion in the Meerians' mine, and Watson describes how Qui-Gon carries bloody and broken bodies out of the wreckage. I don't know, maybe that's not particularly remarkable, but for some reason it's standing out to me this time. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, because that's the way it is in the movies too. You hardly ever see any blood, but there's actually a lot of death and dismemberment if you think about it. Most importantly, though, the characters are allowed to be affected by it, even experienced Jedi Masters who have seen countless battles and accidents like this one.
Chapter 6
Okay, for all that I was talking about how Obi-Wan is more obedient now, less likely to go running off on his own...he's still a frustrated twelve-year-old boy who's been sent to do a job he has very little interest in. And so when he meets up with Si Treemba in his new job, they break the rules at the first opportunity and steal fruit from the orchard, then have to run away from security and end up landing in a manure pile ^^' And Obi-Wan just can't keep from poking his nose into anything even slightly suspicious, sure that something fishy is going on and trying to get Qui-Gon to do something about it. This will serve him well in the future, I'm sure, when he's actually a Jedi, but for now...he's liable to just get in trouble.
Chapter 7
VeerTa, leader of the Home Planet Mine, takes Qui-Gon on an inspection into the mine, where they've found a source of the valuable ionite, uncovered because of the explosion. They talk about the various hopes she has for the profits they can make, and fears about potential challenges, but the entire time I was distracted by this line: "She gave him the protective headgear..." So now all I can think of is Qui-Gon in a hard hat. Please someone make fanart of that.
Chapter 8
Xanatos and Obi-Wan meet for the first time! It feels a little random/convenient to me that they met because Obi-Wan was snooping around a hidden storage room that Xanatos was coming to...I'm not sure. Maybe once all is explained, it will make total sense, it just seems so random for the first meeting of two such important characters.
Yeah, Xanatos is definitely a Slytherin Secondary. He knows exactly what words to use, what buttons to push, to stoke Obi-Wan's anger and plant the seeds of doubt in him towards Qui-Gon's intentions. It's a bald-faced lie, but one with enough truth in it that Obi-Wan can't just immediately brush it off.
Chapter 10
Huh. Jude Watson has the same inconsistency with Yoda's speech as Dave Wolverton did. Or maybe they just both had the same editor who didn't care :P
Uh-oh! Typo! Obi-Wan's name was used when it should have been Qui-Gon.
"'I did not accept Obi-Wan. He is not my apprentice. We are on a planet together. There is a difference.' Yoda nodded slowly. 'Trust is the difference. Easier you think, to change the past than the future.'" - Ooof. Yoda diagnosing the problem with his usual keen insight. Regrets over his past mistakes are holding Qui-Gon back from making better choices in the future.
Chapter 11
I can tell already that I'm going to get tired of saying this: Why does nobody think it odd to see a twelve-year-old boy in dangerous working conditions?! This time, Obi-Wan has been kidnapped and sent to a deep-sea mining platform, where all the miners have been kidnapped and enslaved, fitted out with electronic collars that will blow them to smithereens if they try to escape or overthrow the guards. And no one bats an eye. I guess I can understand if his fellow miners are too jaded to be surprised at what Offworld Corporation is willing to do...but I still feel like they should be somewhat surprised that anyone would bother kidnapping a kid like this.
But this chapter also introduces one of my favorite side characters of the whole series, Guerra the Phindian. Maybe some of what he says to Obi-Wan upon meeting him and explaining the situation will make it clear why that is: "So the guards can't blow us up, no. ... They can only beat us and blast us and stun us and throw us overboard. ... I like you, Obawan. So! I'll watch out for you--ha! Not so, I lie again! I trust nobody and nobody trusts me. ... Don't look so sad, Obawan. Tomorrow, you'll probably be dead!" (Okay, maybe that doesn't make it clear. But I love Guerra.)
Chapter 12
"Of course, he should contact Yoda with an update and await instructions from the Council. But he wouldn't. He was tired of being played with. This wasn't just a game. Xanatos was taunting him, daring him to risk open confrontation, and now he had involved the boy." - SLYTHERIN! And Qui-Gon is beginning to realize Obi-Wan has become his Person (☆ω☆*)
And then there's an epic lightsaber duel between Qui-Gon and Xanatos! 8D Xanatos throws aside any pretense, and makes it clear both that he's fully embraced the Dark Side, and that he's the one who made Obi-Wan disappear. He even starts fighting Qui-Gon with both his own lightsaber and Obi-Wan's! The scene as it unfolds in my imagination is really cool and exciting.
"He was fighting the past. His past. Perhaps he could defeat Xanatos, but the battle would not be won. Only the future mattered now. Obi-Wan was the future. The past would wait." - Go, Qui-Gon, go! Un-Petrify that Slytherin heart! (•̀o•́)ง
Chapter 13
Here I go again, complaining about the Jedi Council's irresponsibility. But seriously, this chapter has Obi-Wan working himself to exhaustion in a deep sea mine, where the guards beat the miners mercilessly for the smallest infraction, make them fight each other in the evenings for their own amusement, and throw people overboard for stealing. No, the Jedi Council wasn't sending Obi-Wan to this mining operation; they were sending him to a farm. But it's still on a planet in the Outer Rim where such things are known to happen, so the risk was always there. Qui-Gon being around and available to bail him out of such problems is only due to happenstance (or fate, whatever), not the Council's plans. So yeah, Yoda and Mace Windu and everybody else responsible for this: YOU SUCK.
Also, just...poor Obi-Wan is getting brutally beaten two days in a row, after only recently recovering from being beaten by a Hutt and fighting off pterodactyl creatures to exhaustion. I feel really sorry for this poor kid :'(
Chapter 14
"The young Arconan looked so tired Qui-Gon wouldn't have been surprised if he fell asleep on his feet." - Yeah, no kidding, Qui-Gon...especially because Arconans sleep standing up.
The daring rescue! Qui-Gon investigates the scene of the kidnapping, finds out where they took Obi-Wan, and takes a boat out to save him. He gets there right as the guards are throwing Obi-Wan overboard...but Guerra catches him in a net on a lower level and pulls him to safety! Even though he called the guards' attention down on them and got Obi-Wan caught in the first place, he comes through in the end to help Obi-Wan out. And that's another reason I love Guerra.
"I...trust...no one. ... Not so, Obawan! I trust you!" - ٩(♡ε♡ )۶
Chapter 15
This chapter consists of Qui-Gon finally telling Obi-Wan the whole story of what happened with Xanatos. They went on a final mission to his home planet, where he saw that his father was rich and powerful, and he began to thirst for power of his own and resent the Jedi for (as he saw it) taking away what was rightfully his. Civil war broke out, Xanatos led the army, the Qui-Gon was forced to fight against him to bring peace back to the planet. He ended up killing Xanatos' father (I'd forgotten that!), which sealed Xanatos' hatred of him forever. That's when he left the Jedi and vowed revenge.
I really like this chapter, and I wish more angsty backstories could be revealed in this way. Xanatos lied to Obi-Wan and raised doubts in his mind against Qui-Gon, and while it led to some juicy angst, it didn't devolve into needless drama. At their first opportunity, Obi-Wan just asks Qui-Gon for the truth, no beating around the bush. He's confused and bothered by what Xanatos told him, but he knows better than to trust someone who kidnapped him over someone who has proven to be an honorable man. That right there makes this twelve-year-old boy smarter than a lot of protagonists.... Also, I like how Qui-Gon is open with Obi-Wan at last. He sees that it would be a greater danger to keep silent, and Obi-Wan deserves to know the truth. He's also open about his mistakes and failings, how his loyalty to his Padawan blinded him to a lot of the warning signs and only ended up hurting him in the end. Such openness at the beginning of their relationship is going to be vital for a truly strong bond.
Chapter 16
Oh, I remember this moment! "He could not break the collar, or twist it apart. He set his lightsaber to lower power and tried to cut it, but could not. 'I need a high power, and that would injure you,' he said. 'Or behead me,' Obi-Wan pointed out cheerfully." - It's that last word that kills me XD
"Obi-Wan followed. He would stand by Qui-Gon's side until his very last breath." - Be still, my beating heart! T-T
Xanatos shows up on their way back to Bandor, and chases them on a speeder bike into the mines. He's got it all planned out, and they walk right into his trap. They have an epic fight in the dark tunnels, and then Xanatos leaves them stuck down there while he rushes to safety, just minutes away from blowing the whole thing to smithereens again. What I love most about this battle is how, once again, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are so totally in sync with each other. They can almost feed off each other's connection to the Force, which almost multiplies their strength instead of simply adding it together. Truly, these two were meant to fight at each other's sides.
Xanatos is proud of the family he came from, and he has ambition in spades, a longing for power and prestige. He's also charismatic and adept at ingratiating himself with people. He no longer has anyone in his inner circle besides himself, so his Loyalist drive benefits no one but himself, and he's eaten up with anger and bitterness at the ways he's been wronged, lashing out at Qui-Gon, who once was the most important person to him. Qui-Gon, on the other hand, though Xanatos' betrayal Petrified him, has always had a wider inner circle. There's a compassion in him that's missing in Xanatos, a sense of empathy that comes from understanding that others have their own circles of people they care about that are just as important to protect. Maybe that's the best way to explain how Xanatos and Qui-Gon are opposite sides of the Slytherin coin: Xanatos is inward-focused. Qui-Gon is outward-focused.
Chapter 18
Aaaaagh, these two will be the death of me... ;_; They can't find a way out of the mine, no matter what they do, so Obi-Wan offers to sacrifice himself. He'll press himself against the door, turn his explosive collar back on, and blow open a way for Qui-Gon to escape. Qui-Gon protests, of course, as he watches the nightmare he had in the first chapter coming horrifically true before his eyes. "Yes, Qui-Gon. I can do it. I will do it."
"I know I can fight you, and win. Maybe just this one time. But this time I'm right, and you are not. ... Let me go, Qui-Gon. It is my time." - Twelve. Obi-Wan is twelve. 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。
But of course, Qui-Gon finds another way, and doesn't have to watch this brave boy sacrifice himself for him. He finds the secret lock to open the door, and they can escape. They find the bomb Xanatos set, and Obi-Wan proves himself even further by putting to use the short experience he had in the mine, using the ionite to make the timer stop so that Qui-Gon has enough time to carefully dismantle it. Truly, Obi-Wan is the hero this time.
Chapter 19
The ending of this book is so beautiful, I can't handle it ;A; After wrapping up plot stuff and answering the last few questions, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan go back to their quarters to pack up. And finally, at long last, Qui-Gon officially asks him to be his Padawan. "You would have died for me. ... Your courage was extraordinary, even for a Jedi. I would be honored to accept you as my Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi." ಥ﹏ಥ
To my surprise, it's right there on the page: how Qui-Gon got un-Petrified. "I'm not angry, Obi-Wan. ... Xanatos is gone from me. He is just another enemy now. The hate is all on his side. I am prepared to fight the evil he does. He may kill me one day, but he will never wound me again." Basically...he finally expelled Xanatos from his inner circle. As hurt and betrayed as he was before, he was still thinking of Xanatos in terms of my Padawan. But now, after all these opportunities he's had to realize that Obi-Wan is his future and Xanatos is the past that he needs to let go, he can finally let Xanatos join the circle of "enemies I need to stop," rather than keeping him in the inner circle of people who are close enough to truly wound him. In that moment in the mine where he inadvertently called Obi-Wan "Padawan," he finally let someone take that space in his heart again.
This book has the distinction of bearing possibly my favorite quote from the entire series: "When the Padawan teaches a Master in turn, the partnership is right."
And it closes with a friendly argument about whether or not Qui-Gon would have been able to stop Obi-Wan from sacrificing himself. They smile in the knowledge that there are many years ahead of them in which they can argue back and forth about this, because now they're on the path together T^T
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infinitesorrow · 7 years
so, what went through obi-wan's head all those years on tatooine? was he focused on anything besides anakin / making certain luke was safe?
               AH! another good question.   okay. so. so the first year or so is really tough. he’s very depressed & he’s very focused on his anger, his regret, his pain. it’s a huge effort to not be overwhelmed by all the emotions that the collapse of the order & the republic had left him with. he can’t really connect with qui-gon except in bursts, & he can’t understand why his master won’t continue with his training.  however after about the year & a half mark, ( after he goes to help ferus olin over on bellassa, because jude watson’s last of the jedi series are canon on this blog ) he finally begins to move past those emotions. 
     he begins the process of healing. 
     much of his time spent on tatooine can be categorized in the following four ways:   1) he spends a lot of his time on practical things. taking care of his hovel, maintaining his water evaporator, making sure he has supplies, that the cracks in the walls don’t let in sand, that the tusken raiders & the jawas aren’t bothering him, etc.  2) he is looking after luke, he usually wanders over to the lars’ homestead at least once every two days, if not every day. he stays out of the way, he doesn’t bother them. owen doesn’t like him very much so he keeps his distance. he leaves presents for luke sometimes, but mostly he’s just making sure that they’re all safe & that luke is growing up happy & healthy.   3) he is training with qui-gon. some intensive, reorienting himself in the force, lots of meditative work, lots of learning about the vast expanse of the force, about the living force v. the cosmic force, about honing his own consciousness outside of his body, allowing for the time when he will cease to be in his body but will still retain his identity within the cosmic force …  you know, jedi stuff.   &  4) a huge part of his healing process is his spiritual development. i go into that & its relation to mysticism in this post here, so i won’t elaborate too much, but apart from his training with qui-gon, he also does a whole lot of thinking & a whole lot of meditating & a whole lot of self-examination. the spiritual development is a really important piece of his character, & explains a lot about how the the man broken by pain & betrayal & loss turns into the strange, kind, wise old man we meet in anh. 
     so yeah, mostly he’s worrying about luke, but he’s also training, growing, thinking, examining himself …   he keeps an ear to the ground as far as the empire is concerned, but as the years go on he becomes less & less worried about them finding either him or luke. he does try & learn as much as he can about the rebellion without being directly involved. he gets a visit from ahsoka every now & then & sometimes, though it’s very rare, a coded message from bail or ferus maybe. 
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thebisexualjedi · 7 years
"I've got a bad feeling about this..."
Qui-Gon turns to his partner, an eyebrow raised. "And why is that Obi-Wan?"
Both Jedi wait anxiously, or at least in Obi-Wan's case, for their jaeger to get the green light to deploy. The Maverick was the top of the line mark 2 that the Jedi Corps had to offer, and Obi-Wan was grateful that he had been chosen to co-pilot it with Qui-Gon. But with the breachers, or droids as the Jedi liked to call them, coming more frequently it was all hands on deck within the temple base. Which meant that both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon haven't slept more than 2-3 hours per day within the last couple of weeks. Obi-Wan didn't need the force bond with Qui-Gon to tell him that he wasn't the only one suffering from the lack of sleep.
"Our jaeger's repairs weren't completely finished, they still needed to run performance checks to make sure all systems were fixed. Not to mention that the droid's category isn't known." Obi-Wan frowned. And with larger and larger droids coming out of the breach, knowing their luck, this next droid could be a Sith. No one had seen a Sith classification since the beginning of the droid attacks, but all Jedi knew that the Sith came in pairs. When one came through the breach, another wouldn't be too far behind it.
Qui-Gon squeezed Obi-Wan's shoulder comfortingly. "I know, but none the less we are the only Jedi available. The Maverick will have to do, the Naboo are counting on us."   
Obi-Wan sighed, deflating. "I know Qui-Gon, but it still makes me nervous."
"I understand Padawan but we must focus on the here and now, not on what may happen."
Obi-wan wrinkled his nose at the use of his old title, he wasn't an apprentice anymore but rather a full fledged knight thank you very much, but made no other comment as the comm system crackled to life.
"Neural handshake beginning in 5...4...3...2...1..." The voice of Chief Mace Windu filled the cockpit. Obi-Wan sighed, allowing his mind to clear. The flash of memories that came with the force bond happened quickly, and before Obi-Wan knew it the familiar presence of Qui-Gon was in his mind.
"Force bond initiated. Good luck gentlemen, may the Force be with you."
Obi-Wan turned to look at Qui-Gon one last time before their jaeger was dropped into the Naboo ocean. The hunt for the droid began.
"Maverick do you copy?"
"Looks like Windu is on the comms tonight." Qui-Gon mutters, causing Obi-Wan to smirk at his partner's frustration. 
"We copy Windu." Obi-Wan answers before Qui-Gon can snark at the younger man. 
"The droid should be picking up on your sensors momentarily, we have both of you on our radars." 
"Do we know the category yet?" Qui-Gon questions. 
"No, the bastard is still shielded heavily. You're walking into this blind." 
Both Jedi looked to each other, their apprehension echoed in the force. The Maverick's sensors beeped, alerting them to the location of the droid. 
"Hmm, according to the scanner the droid should be right in front of us." Obi-Wan frowned. "I'm not seeing anything, are you Qui-Gon?" 
"Negative Obi-Wan. Which means that it must be underwater still. Be on guard."
With a nod Obi-wan turned his attention back to the water, the Jedi ready to strike at a moment's notice.
A giant rumble shook the Maverick as the droid quickly emerged from its hiding place in the water. The monster was huge, larger than any droid Obi-Wan had ever seen in his 10 years on the temple base, it towered over the Maverick by a good couple of feet. But it was not the size that made Obi-Wan falter. Instead the distinct red and black markings on the droid's face and body made the Jedi Knight's blood run cold.
"Holy- it's a Sith!" It had to be a category 5, or better. They had never fought anything over a category 3 before, no current Jedi had.
"Obi-Wan, look at me!" Obi-Wan's attention was drawn back to Qui-Gon. "We got to lure it away from the shore." Sure enough, instead of attacking the Maverick the Sith had it's sights on the Naboo shore line.
Obi-Wan shook his head, pushing aside his fear and worries to focus on the present like Qui-Gon was always telling him to. "We're going to need our lightsaber for this."
Qui-Gon nodded, a small smile on his face as he activated the Maverick's lightsaber. Without a moment's hesitation they attacked the Sith, swinging the saber with all the force they could muster. The Sith turned around with a howl, it's attention fully on the Jedi now.
"Well it knows we're here, now what?"
"Follow my lead Obi-Wan."
Together, united as one with the force bond, the Jedi parried the Sith's attacks. But the Maverick continued to stay on the defensive, without any opening to take advantage of things were not looking good.
"Maverick do you copy? You need to abort. I repeat, you need to abort."
"Negative base. We're still too close to the shore." Qui-Gon grunted as the Maverick took the brunt of an attack.
"Damn it Jinn! We can't lose you. Kenobi, talk some sense into him."
Obi-Wan hesitated for a moment, mind too focused on the task at hand. "Sorry Windu, but he's right. If we don't distract the Sith then Naboo will be lost."
There was a pause before a string of curse words was barely audible on the comms. "Backup is on the way Maverick, just hold on until then got it?"
"Understood, Jinn out."
With each passing moment, the Sith was growing more frustrated at the Jedi. Despite their best efforts, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan could not hold an offensive strike long enough to find a weakness. And Obi-Wan knew, at this rate, they would not last in time for reinforcements. As if the Sith had read his mind, it lunged for the Maverick. Both Jedi gave a yelp as their jaeger toppled to the ground.
Panic rose again in Obi-Wan's mind. "Qui-Gon, he's too powerful!" He all but shouted as they struggled to stop the Sith from crushing them.
"Obi-Wan, listen to me. Focus, we're going to be oka-"
Qui-Gon was cut off, his sentence ending with a gasp. Obi-Wan looked over to his partner in horror. The Sith had broken through the solid steel of the jaeger, it's long sharp claws now impaled the older Jedi. With a soul shattering shriek the Sith tore away a chunk of the Maverick, taking Qui-Gon's dead body with it.
Obi-Wan feels the emptiness of Qui-Gon's death in the force. What was once warm and loving had turned cold. He can feel himself drifting further into the force, losing himself in the swirl of emotions. No... he can't allow himself to drift like a youngling, he still has a Sith to kill. And damn the consequences he's going to succeed... for Qui-Gon.
With a new found determination Obi-Wan transfers total control of the Maverick, or what was left, to his side. The Sith aims for another blow, but this time Obi-Wan sees it coming and blocks it in time. Rage bubbles inside of him towards the Sith. Letting out a yell, he pushes the monster off of him. Seeing red, he activates the lightsaber once more. And for the first time this fight, Obi-Wan goes on the offensive.
If droids could feel, Obi-Wan would have sworn that this Sith would have seemed surprised. He relentlessly attacked, less worried about form and more on power, each strike fueled by his ever growing rage.
Suddenly he sees it. The weakness they, he, had been looking for. Obi-Wan channels all of his fury into one final strike, he hears himself unleash a feral shout as the Sith is sliced in two by the lightsaber.
Obi-Wan felt his legs give out, and he grabbed the console for support before he could fall to the ground. It was over, the Sith was dead. For a moment he turned to his right, expecting to see Qui-Gon's pride filled eyes on him, but all that met him was an empty pilot seat damaged beyond repair. Grief washed over him, and Obi-Wan closed his eyes to stop the oncoming wave of tears.
He was pulled out of his thoughts by the annoying shriek of alarms. Obi-Wan swore to himself when he noticed the fried control panel. The Maverick is beyond repair, most of the electronics were shot, and if he remembered correctly the current alarm meant that the nuclear reactor had been damaged. Kriff, that meant he had maybe 10 minutes before the jaeger would automatically shut down so the core wouldn't explode. Obi-Wan's eyes drift towards the Naboo shore, he can't be more than a couple hundred feet away. Sitting straight up again, he begins the slow crawl back to land.
He makes it to the shore... barely. The Maverick powers down before he can pilot the jaeger completely out of the water. Windu is going to kill him, he thinks as he tears himself from the pilot seat letting out a wince when his right shoulder complains. Kriff he's going to need to see the healers after this one, hopefully it won't mean another dip into the bacta tank. Exhaustion takes over as the adrenaline from the fight slowly ebbs away, and for a moment Obi-Wan isn't sure he has the strength to make his escape.
Somehow he manages to make it out of the jaeger without passing out. His body wobbles with each step he takes as he numbly starts the trek away from the Maverick, never to lay eyes on the jaeger again. Some small part of his mind registers that he's probably in shock, the effects of having a force bond ripped apart was fatally dangerous if he did not receive help soon.
"Oh my god, are you okay?"
Obi-Wan looks up to see a teenage girl and young boy staring at him in shock. He realizes, suddenly, that he must look rather dreadful. Obi-Wan goes to open his mouth (to reassure them that yes, he's perfectly fine, most of the blood isn't even his...) but not sound comes out. Instead his legs decide that now is the perfect time to give out on him, and he hears the girl gasp in surprise. Someone catches him before his head can make contact with the ground, but Obi-Wan doesn't have the faintest idea who is cradling him in their lap.
"Ani, get help!" The girl shouts. Ah, so it's her lap that his head now lays in. He realizes that she's saying something to him, but it's as if he's underwater for everything is distorted and blurry. Obi-Wan wonders if this is what it's like to die as he drifts away into blissful darkness.
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