#and this happens every time I’m online. every. time.
parkersgnome · 2 days
⭐️Mima Rants⭐️
I remember coming across slideshow on tik tok this about a year ago, and even *I* (as someone who used to be grossed out by proshipping) thought was ridiculous…
This is the title of the slideshow.
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Just a heads up guys, just like our favorite ships, None of these stories are real.
And if they were based on actual events, wouldn’t it make more sense to make a video about that instead of making up shit that never happened?
But, Let’s go through each of these as if they were real stories, shall we?
First one
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“Caleb uses the internet to deal with his trauma”, Alright, I’m gonna stop you right there.
Isn’t “Staying off the internet is beneficial for your mental health” something we learned in, idk, fucking grade school? Cyber safety PSAs in middle school? Something that dozens of people have screeched from the top of their lungs since social media was invented?
Who the heck told him that being on the internet was going to help with his trauma and improve his mental health???
His feelings are valid, I get that. He has every right to be disturbed by Sage’s writings and fantasies. However, it seems that Sage isn't encouraging these actions in real life and keeps them strictly within fiction. As long as it’s in text or art, Sage has every right to express his fantasies.
Anyways, Caleb should seek a better therapist who can teach him better coping mechanisms like going out for walks, yoga, baking, or some other fourth thing instead of browsing social media where there’s a good chance he can run into something that makes him uncomfortable.
Next one…
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“Jackie is 10-”
Yeah no no no no no no.. no… NO.
10-years-old. That’s, like, what? 4th grade? Shouldn’t Jackie be watching cartoons, playing with toys, or better yet, playing outside? Why did her parents give her internet access? Why aren’t they monitoring what their elementary schooled daughter is watching online?
If Charlie was going out of her way to promote this to minors then I would say she’s in the wrong, but this story never implies whether her content was specifically targeted to and/or letting minors come on to her account.
I've never seen proshippers create accounts specifically targeting children. If Charlie makes it clear her content isn't for kids, then it's not her fault if some random little girl she doesn’t know ends up consuming it.
If Jackie thought this was normal and ended up being groomed/assaulted by her brother, then it is her parent’s fault for neglecting her online safety and allowing her to access adult-targeted content at an age when media literacy is at an all time low.
The last one
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“dEGenErates LiKE hiM 🤓” 💀💀
Once again, unless you can present to me a REAL LIFE incest/pedophilia case where proshipping was involved, this is not a valid argument that fiction affects reality.
Alas, we're treating these stories as if they were real. If Trey feels compelled to SA his sister after seeing writings or drawings of problematic ships, this suggests he’s likely an untreated mentally ill individual, especially since he can't differentiate fiction from reality.
What? If Trey played GTA V and started shooting and robbing a bank because he wanted to be like Trevor Phillips, should we consider banning violent video games?
As proshippers, we do not endorse real-life criminals and genuinely terrible people. The essence of proshipping is that all negative or degenerate actions should be confined to fiction. Understand?
End of discussion.
Anyway, as ridiculous as that slideshow was, please refrain from harassing or bothering the artist who made it. They have the same freedom of speech we do, and stooping to harassment and bullying wouldn't make us any better than antis who promote such behavior.
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lyriumlullaby-ao3 · 1 year
an underrated line from Inquisition is one you get from Josie after ‘Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts’ if you tell her you felt out of place at the Winter Palace. She tells your Inquisitor that all sorts of serious conflicts have started over petty things like dropping the wrong spoon in Orlais, then says,
“Never underestimate the enmity of those for whom outrage is a sport.”
i dunno, i just feel like that… hits on… something relevant… can’t quite put my finger on it. no way to be sure. /s /lh
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j-esbian · 1 month
i lost the post but i saw someone talking about how some of y’all act like being weird is a choice and like. YEAHHHHHHH.
that’s fine, it might be for you. but i just live like this and don’t know any other way. like yeah i’ve worked customer service, i can do innocuous small talk, but anything beyond that, i don’t understand what i’m missing. and it’s frustrating to see the tonal disconnect especially from people who are like “uwu embrace weirdness!!” where they’re like. dressing quirky and talking about bugs and listening to obscure music and eschewing small talk to ask Deep Questions on the first date and unlearning their tendency to not infodump. and generally have an idea of what Weirdness is supposed to look like. idk man some of us wake up and get out of bed and can’t figure out why the rest of their coworkers chitchat with each other but when they join the conversation it dies.
weirdness is value neutral. let’s stop trying to turn it into a badge because quite frankly, it’s not a choice for everyone. it’s fucking exhausting to never be on the same wavelength as other people and they’re going to react the way they do and label you the way they will without any conscious actions on your end. it’s difficult to talk about this without feeling like you’ll be dismissed as immature, a teenager whining “no one understands me” but the thing is. sometimes you don’t grow out of feeling alone and different, and there’s no good way to talk about it without feeling like people will think you’re just fishing for pity.
#most of it is stuff i can’t help like!!!#coworkers and i don’t share a lot of interests so i’m always like. yes i’ve heard of that show but haven’t seen it. no idk that band sorry#and they’ll like. talk shit abt other people who share my interests without realizing that i also like those things#so i just have to sit there and take it#i feel like i don’t have a lot in common with my friends even. a few shared interests but very different lives#in my experience the conscious choice has been to try to keep up with what’s popular but it’s just. not interesting to me#i got bored and forgot to finish s2 of stranger things and never picked it back up#even alt subcultures have gone kinda mainstream and i never quite slot in#let’s not even touch the gay culture ‘flags’ that are extremely online and unrelatablr#and the most frustrating thing. every time i try to talk about myself and my interests i feel people shutting down#one person i know. open mouth sighs in exasperation when i open my mouth#i don’t know why you’re making it my problem that we’re different#i know there is supposed to be a niche out there for everyone but some of that feels like#those niches are falling prey to marketability. if you’re too far out of the mainstream. too out of touch. it can’t be helped#a lot of messaging online is like. embrace weirdness but only if it’s subversive in a very specific way#too normal to hang out with self-proclaimed proud weirdos. too weird to hang out with normies#like i thought the thing was to disavow performativity. i’m sorry i don’t find the same things interesting#i don’t care about the office and you don’t care about the hundred years’ war. that’s fine. why is that seen as a personal fault of mine#i feel like some of the reaction i get might be bc it comes across as hipster shit. idk#i’m literally just oblivious and looking for any kind of indicator for social interaction#but so often it feels like the onus of finding common ground is on me. i have to listen abt things idk but no one cares what i have to say#i think what makes it more frustrating is this reaction from people who claim to not care. do their own thing#and then get annoyed when i do mine and it’s. different#instead of being like ‘fuck the mainstream! conformity is bullshit! be yourself!’ it’s like#‘fuck the mainstream because it doesn’t appeal to me personally and i’ve made my own club!’#and this is not going to come out right because i’m just at my limit and venting and don’t know how to say things the right way#so people don’t misunderstand me#i just happen to never like the Right Things and know the Right Things and act the Right Way and idk how else to say it other than#can we be more normal about weird people#idk it’s hard to talk abt this without sounding like i’m just complaining but i’m more bewildered and trying to state things as i see them
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hershelwidget · 4 months
A collection of things I’ve screamed into the void with mild hope that the void would scream back (it did. on several of these)
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I am so sorry but every single word uttered here is canon to YLS’s already insane lore. yes even the one about Jack Skellington. yes even the one about Dimentio. yes even the one that ties into MSM/TBoCI. yes ESPECIALLY the one about Captain Barnacles.
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steveharrington · 2 years
i am surprised you are proud to be from texas but i am glad you like it there
yes i am proud to be from texas and i’m going to get defensive for a second (sorry if you didn’t intend for this to come off negatively but this is the second ask i’ve gotten that seems to imply being from texas is like Scornful) texas as a state is not defined by the harmful legislation that we live under or the bigots who happen to live here. this is the only state i’ve ever lived in, therefore it’s the state where i’ve met and lived in a community with diverse groups of people, where i’ve met other lgbt people, where i went to a gay bar for the first time, where i went to a protest for the first time, etc etc etc. i’ve seen the ways people in my community respond to the oppressive legislation we live under, i’ve seen the ways we help each other when our senator fucks off to cancun during a natural disaster or when our cities flood and our most vulnerable citizens are ignored by the government…..is all of that meaningless because we live in the south? because we live under a republican majority? i’m so tiredddd of northerners implying that everyone who lives in a southern state should be grouped in with our bigoted neighbors bc ykw there are bigots in your states too! and we suffer the direct consequences of living in a red state every day! but the true genuine spirit of texas is to be welcoming and friendly and loving to everyone, and i’ve seen that firsthand from at least one person in every town i’ve been to here, no matter how tiny or rural. idk like am i supposed to overlook all the firsthand experiences i’ve had with humanity and compassion and love here just because our government is trying to take it from us? that doesn’t make sense to me.
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trash-bin-ary · 22 hours
I can go on that ramble about the future and housing and aromanticism though now. It’s like man, the future is already something that is so inconceivable to me. To then have the sexuality that does not allow me to slot in the cookie cutter you find a romantic partner that you end up moving in with is terrible. And like In this economy I sure can’t live alone, and I know at least when I’m sick I desperately want someone to be there. And then there’s I’m likely to move around a bunch how do you deal with that housing, other than the work having paid housing. like constantly having to find somewhere that’s looking for roommates and it isn’t terrible? And then long term, when I find a job I stay at for a while (that’s remote so I’d love to live in a remote place) is it like I find a place to stay and then I’m stuck there forever and I just have to hope that I make good friends at this new place. (Friends that don’t want to live exclusively with a romantic partner no less.) I want to live with close friends so bad and I’m not sure if that’s a feasible thing for my future. I’m a person that has so much hope so I have to assume that yes it will work out, I do believe that. But man just hearing someone mention it, sparks that hope.
#… vaguely related other way too personal ramble#I need to try so hard to keep my friends for a long time. I want it so much#but I’ve never had close friends till now and once I went to a different period in my life the friends I had were gone#and Ive made really close friends now in college and one day I was talking with one of them on a walk home and mentioned still being friend#in 5 years. and they were like that’s not happening this friendgroup isn’t sticking together that long and they were right#at least for them specifically they were the one that came back worse and it’s a big group#there are most definitely different groups inside it and that makes me worry if once I finish college I’ll still chat with them at all#and oh hey tying this into another thought I had earlier… I’m planning on studying abroad next semester (that’s the application I’m procras#inating rn lol) and I’ll be like 8 hours in the future and I guess that’ll be the ultimate test on if I can really keep friends#a trial run before I graduate#and I won’t let this thinking of the future ruin my time now I know that doesn’t help but still.#well… actually summer sorta also is a trial run. and I still talked with them just less often and in a different way… it’s gonna be okay#this is a post i made#uh I am bad at tagging if things are vent posts or not#vent#oh I completely forgot to put the online part of the tag ramble! Ive made quite a few friends online and we talk for a while and I love the#and then it’s a every once in a while going hey I still care about you but I can’t hold a conversation for the life of me#and now there’s. you know who. who I care about so much and we say things I never imagined people saying about me#and I am so scared? (… sure) that that’s gonna go the same way. and I’m not sure reassurance on any of this will really help I think it’ll#just be I will only be less scared of the future as time passes and it’s proven to be wrong#mh hit the I want to keep this all inside and not let this out to not make other people think about it thing#… okay now I need to make a joke that is so tonal whiplash cause uhhh okay siffrin#… I need to go to sleep it’s late I’m sure that’s why all these feelings are being brought up… ’I’m fine’ as great role model siffrin says#… but it doesn’t feel real that people care about me. that I do actually have an impact. that I’m actually a note in someone’s story#I know it logically everyone I’ve ever known is part of me but it’s so hard to imagine that applies to me in others#okay I’m gonna go shower and go to sleep. I wanna say ignore this post but that’s not a good idea I don’t think#though just talking into the void does help a lot. I’m great at talking myself into believing that things are a okay if I just talk about i#… this wasn’t supposed to be a vent or be so long geez
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trainer-blue · 1 year
working myself up getting really stressed out & upset about tragedy jokes online I fucking hate how everyone pretends they’re mocking the us government as a free pass to joke about a very real & very fucked up tragedy
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chibishortdeath · 1 year
I would absolutely love it if I could look up one of the only things making life bearable rn without seeing either a constant stream of content about a show that makes me deeply uncomfortable or “actually your favorite character is boring as hell and does not work at all in anything and has no effect on the story at large and also doesn’t matter and sucks and he doesn’t do anything remarkable or have enough abilities to warrant any attention and literally you can skip those games tbh they don’t have a story anyway play this fan game that changes all of the dialogue instead because he is so lame and has no personality or plot significance whatsoever he could spontaneously not exist and nothing would really change even that show you don’t like that doesn’t really adapt anything from the games and changes everything about every character they decide to write about couldn’t make him interesting he is that much of a nothing nobody character because he has no modern triple A game level cutscenes he is basically whip man Mario he go kill Dracula so boring that’s it”
#castlevania#castlevania games#text post#simon belmont#vent post#I don’t even know if I should use the main tags but eh#anti netflixvania#cw netflixvania#just an ​implied mention of it but yeah#I’m genuinely depressed over this and it’s so stupid like it’s just a fucking game get over it stop being such a fucking child#I should delete Reddit cause it’s all just this all the time#I’ve seen this from both Netflix and game fans too#and yeah everything in that text wall are things I’ve seen people actually say#I hate being online rn#the only reason why I have been at all is because I go to this series for comfort#yay having a niche special interest within a niche special interest oh boy#I’ve been trying to come back to regular internet stuff on multiple platforms#but I just can’t do it#every time something happens and hits me back into artblock and low energy burnout hell again ugh#I haven’t been able to get myself to talk to people very much lately#partially from already not having much energy because of this#and partially cause I don’t know how to manage having like more than maybe two or three friends at a time#and I guess also cause I don’t really have anything good to say#it’s all just been bad news stress I can’t deal with and mild annoyances lately#which is pretty fucking insufferable of me isn’t it#not an excuse to just fucking abandon people god I’m such a bitch#the digestive issues aren’t helping either#and my fucking Xbox broke so I can’t even play curse of darkness about it#so I go online to calm down and immediately get blasted with everything I like being insulted all the time#I’m just so tired
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trashpremiium · 1 year
i wish i knew how to keep friends :( making friends is… hard, but doable. if i have a reason to be near someone and they’re amenable to my Autism Beam of infodumping, i can usually make them tolerate being around me for as long as that activity lasts.
but semesters end. mutual interests fade. activities wrap up. and then those people leave. not to say i’m not thankful for however long their friendship lasted, i just wish people were more likely to want to be friends because they liked me, not because i was a body near them to spend time with.
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fly-away-flynn · 1 year
My Emotional Breakdown is over people somehow not understanding that I want them to stop talking about what happened to me as if they have any right to talk about the situation.
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brenilla · 1 year
So QSMP, Romon died?!?! On his own, yeah no bad move. This isn’t “interesting” or tragic. If you want to set a precedent for eggs can die on their own, USE AN EGG WITH TWO LIVES?!?! Use dapper, honestly would’ve held so much significance. Like Bad has his hands full, bad’s had so much close calls. And in the end he wasn’t their for dapper when he needed it.
Fit wasn’t even online, Fit was sick this week…
Like the eggs should be dying and have conciquence, this isn’t right way guys. I’m not sad, I’m mad.
In a game you wouldn’t just have the DM go have your character’s kid die from the big bad cause he just so happened to be out. If yah want it to happen you give a chance Even if it’s one choice one or two rolls, you give a chance. Cause guess what it isn’t Sad, it isn’t real life tragedy happens, it’s YOU DID THIS. Characters aren’t the one making the stupid decision it’s you.
If I had somthing to punch I would. If their was any precedent I would be upset and sad but at least I’d be content.
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lavenderyoonji · 22 days
pretend this isn’t me you’ve never seen me i don’t exist
#i’m not even about to start my period and yet i’m just as sad as i usually get around that time#i think a lot of this comes down to what happened with my ex lmao#it was so good until she spent the night for the second time#she came over after a date with someone else where she explicitly told me she planned to have sex#i’ve never felt so fucking brushed to the side#i felt like an object. like i was somehow used just so she didn’t have to drive up to sf#she truly has no regard for anyone in her life except for herself#i kept telling her i was uncomfortable with her offering me money and yet she offered it to me time and time again#all i asked of her was to tell me if she wasn’t masking#and she didn’t. she put her comfort over a virus that has already caused life-altering issues for me#i’ve never had someone so blatantly disregard me all while claiming to love me#also! fucked up to tell your partner you love them after fucking someone else! cannot believe that has to be said#i thought she was gonna be good for me. i thought finally; finally someone wanted me in person#sometimes it feels like the only people to want me for more than my body and my ability to be walked on are online#which like. i love attention i’ll take it all but also it would feel nice to have someone see the all of me and want all of it#also friendship is so wonderful and fills me with so much joy#but feeling so undesired romantically is something i’ve lived with for years and it never gets less painful#if i had better taste maybe things would be different#but every single real life partner i’ve had has exclusively wanted me for either sex or emotional support#i just want to feel loved#not just told i am#but i want to feel it.#okay sad post over
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thewingedwolf · 23 days
incredibly annoying that i’m on desk literally all day except for lunch when there’s two other people working during the same hours who are off desk All Day Long, like they can’t be on desk for an hour? they’re not even doing programs!
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ellamenop · 2 months
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sevenines · 3 months
i finished the main story of the pokemon scarlet violet dlc and i am floored i didnt expect it to be so good.
one of my favorite parts of it is how it lowkey participates in the trend of critiquing the role of a main character, but in never fully stating it the game only reinforces such a message even more. the basis of kieran’s frustrations is that HE is not the main character, and no matter how much more sense it would make for certain events to happen to him (befriending ogerpon, getting terapagos) he will never be the protagonist. and frustratingly, the main character—being a self insert—is emotionless in comparison. you never even get the choice to step aside and let kieran get what he wants because you yourself are trapped as the bland protagonist. the character is never animated half as passionate as kieran is no matter what the player feels because the game must accommodate for every user. narratively it feels right to let him achieve his biggest dreams but it can never happen. and in the end he can’t even stay mad at you. you’re the main character.
also when he tried to take control of the narrative and took terapagos with the master ball i cheered
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toastspirit · 6 months
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