#and this is obviously much bigger than the scarf
trashart00 · 1 year
Marinette not telling Adrien about his father being Monarch is giving Marinette not telling Adrien about the blue scarf being from her so that he can be happy…but like on a whole different level.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
*Runs and hides from the 1000s of wips while I write this fluffy rogue thought that came into my head*
Bucky being obsessed with your baby bump. 
Imagine being pregnant with Bucky’s lil baby and as much as you absolutely love it, not every day is easy. 
Like today.
You pouted, looking at yourself in the mirror, your rounded belly pushing against your sundress ever so slightly. You brushed your hand over your tummy, not sure if it was your little one growing or the 3 donuts you’d scarfed down making you bigger today. 
Bucky walked in, padding towards you like an excited puppy, his hands immediately coming to wrap around you, loving how soft and sweet you looked carrying his baby. He thought he was in love before but that was nothing compared to now. 
You were genuinely so gorgeous; your skin glowed, your body was driving him feral, your neediness made him weak in the knees. He frowned when he looked down to see your less than happy face, scrutinizing every change your body was going through while your husband was waiting for you to give him attention. 
“Why is my angel grumpy” He whispered against your hairline, peppering kisses across your face while you shrugged, not meeting his eyes. He hummed, noting the way your gaze were still fixated on your body, easily reading your mind. 
“Hmm, is it cause of this little one” His eyes twinkled, dropping to his knees, pressing his forehead against your tummy. “Is my munchkin making you all pouty?” 
You nodded while Bucky lifted your dress, pressing his lips on your bare skin, his hands coming up to your hips so he could pull you closer and smush his face in. You giggled at the feeling of him rubbing his face in, tickling your sensitive skin, 
He becomes a ridiculous menace with your belly. He always has to have a hand on your tummy at all times. Doesn’t matter when or where. As long as he can shove his hand under your shirt and feel your belly, he’s content. 
Move night? Hand on your belly, under your oversized shirt. He’s ready to flip anyone off that tells him he’s doing too much but no one does because the way he dotes on you is too cute. 
Cuddle time? Only if he can be big spoon so he can hold your belly. 
Showering? Obviously, he has to be there. 
Cooking? Both hands are splayed on your tummy while you waddle around the kitchen, telling him he can sit down. So now he’s pouting while still holding your tummy. 
Going for a walk? You have to take breaks so he can feel your perfect baby bump. 
He also never stops talking about it. 
“Isn’t my angel the prettiest?” 
“Yeah, she is-”
“Shut up, only I can say that”
“My baby looks so pretty carrying my baby”
“Can’t wait to get you pregnant again doll”
“Bucky, we haven’t even had our first-”
“Shhh, we’re gonna make an army of baby Buckys”
“If you look this good now, imagine how gorgeous you’d look with twins”
“It’s not like you can decide when twins happen”
“Then we’ll just have to keep trying- (wiggles his eyebrows, stalking over to you with that horny feral look that got you pregnant in the first place)
“What if it’s not twins the next time”
“Then we try again”
“and again”
“and again”
“Bucky, seriously?”
“Were gonna have so many babies” 
“And they will be called Winter’s Children” 
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tenderleavesbob · 2 months
In Time's memory, Warriors remained bigger than life. Bright smiles and explosions of magic and laughter which filled their small tent. For years, Time carried those memories of his big brother, and when he painted the picture for others, he often made Warriors even bigger and more dramatic just so they could have a good understanding of his big brother. In Time's mind, Warriors was supposed to remain strong and bright, so it hurt when Warriors was brought low.
Warriors whimpered and shifted restlessly on the bed. Time wanted to whimper, too, as he checked Warriors's shoulder again. The infection looked better, but the skin around the wound still looked painful and sickly to Time.
If Warriors was conscious, Time knew, he would hate all of this. He would hate every pained noise which slipped through his iron control, would hate being shirtless and vulnerable like this, would hate the knowledge that the boys were peeking through the doorway to check on him. Warriors was the medic. Warriors was the captain. He was the one who took care of people. People didn't take care of him.
Time forgot, over and over again, how much he relied on Warriors's steadiness. He pointedly did not look in the direction of the door and the worried watchers as he gently cleaned Warriors's wound.
It was getting better, he reminded himself. Sky had said so before he left to get some rest. When the infection was finally handled, they would be able to heal the wound with some red potion. Everything would be fine.
He heard Malon shooing the boys away from the doorway. Just hearing her voice let Time relax a bit more. If this happened without Malon's presence, Time had no idea what he would do.
"I want to go in there!" Wind protested. "I won't get in the way!"
"He's sleeping now," Malon said. "Link's taking care of him. He got blood on his scarf, though, and I haven't had a chance to clean it. Do you think you can help me with that?"
By the Three, Time loved her.
Wind grumbled, but Time heard Twilight's voice chime in. Of course, the only thing which would drag Twilight away was taking care of another member of the chain.
Warriors groaned as Time finished cleaning the wound and put a new bandage in place. His head lolled on the pillow. Time couldn't resist brushing his hair away from his face. As Time tucked his hair behind his ear, Warriors blinked his eyes open. "Mask?" he asked hoarsely.
Time swallowed another whimper. He rested his hand on Warriors's sweaty head. "Yes, it's me. Go back to sleep."
Warriors pouted. It reminded Time so much of the captain when he was younger that Time had to smile. "Ugh. How long have I been sleeping?"
Time couldn't resist. "Obviously not long enough. You have bags under your eyes."
Warriors made a face at him. Time grinned back. Warriors rolled his eyes. "Brat."
The bandage on Warriors's shoulder was clean and white. So different from how it looked yesterday. "Just rest. I'll wake you in time for dinner. Wild is going to help Malon in the kitchen."
Despite his annoyed frown, Time could see Warriors's eyes grow heavy again. Blood loss and infection took a lot out of him. "Don't let me sleep for long, 'kay? Slept too much..."
Warriors's words cut off with a yawn. Time smiled and pulled Warriors's blanket a little higher, covering his bare chest. "Yes, yes. I'll make sure you don't miss anything."
That earned him another look, but Warriors was already starting to doze off again.
He would be fine. Everyone had assured Time of that. Time knew that. It was a nasty wound, but they were able to take care of it in time and they were in a safe place.
Yet Time found himself lingering, anyway, hand still on Warriors's head. One day he would lose Warriors for real. One day he would lose his rock.
But not today. That day wasn't today.
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eldritch-spouse · 9 months
Now I want something. I want admin to spank Morell.
I know a regular piglet wouldn't even make him flinch BUT ADMIN, Admin is enhanced with Krulu's strength. So Admin could make Morell moan for sure.
[Fem reader.]
TW: Dubious consent to no consent; Abusive spanking; Blood; Humiliation; Physical and mental abuse.
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You're not sure why your Lord approved of this idea so readily.
You wouldn't even call it a proper punishment plan for Morell's latest minor infraction, it was more of a vaguely intrusive thought that surfaced in your mind. To bend the large, proud monster over your knee and have him lose some of that attitude.
Krulu immediately gave you the greenlight to do it, with some manner of glee even, somewhere between genuine anticipation and humor.
You've come to learn your higher seems to sometimes prefer humiliating punishments over the physically painful ones. It leaves a much bigger imprint on the soul than the marring of flesh, he tells you.
Who are you to question his absolute wisdom?
Besides, it'd be lying to say that you aren't looking forward to Morell's reaction. For as rowdy and assertive as he can be with his coworkers, the chef has always had immense respect for you, being one of the first to pipe down and get in line with new directives or goals. It's something you admire in him.
So, surely, he's not going to flip out now is he?
The kitchen is quiet. Sterilized even. You had the bobbles take care of it before leaving. Part of you considered doing this in the warehouse, in front of the pigs he'll have to look in the eyes when the time to slaughter them comes. But that's already too much sadism for a slap on the wrist measure, isn't it?
No. You'll do it in the kitchen, a much more intimate environment.
Sitting on one of the restaurant chairs you dragged inside, you're roughly in the center of the large room itself, next to the main chopping block, legs crossed. Sharpened eyes study the previous work of the bobbles under Morell's hold. His training is efficient, you'll give him that.
It's taking him a while to come back in. Fact of the matter is he's not even in this floor, most likely. That's part of the problem, how often he's leaving the restaurant for extended periods of time. A frown slowly graces your features, nails tapping rhythmically on the iron legs of the chair. Tsk tsk.
You're considering additional punishment methods for his extended work post abandonment when the telltale squeak of boots on tiles hits your ears. He's in a hurry.
The kitchen doors blast open, Morell puffs with physical exertion and looks scratched in several areas, bits of... Gravel? Rock? Cling to his arms and apron, which he dusts off rapidly, opening his mouth to presumably start barking orders at his team of workers, except- He finally gathers enough wit to notice his actual surroundings.
Squinting, frowning, then finally spotting you. There's a short, vapid blink before he reacts.
" M- Admin, miss! " The shroom greets, nodding respectably before quickly closing the doors behind his large figure.
The monster looks aggravated, guilty. He obviously knows you'd never like seeing him deviating during work hours. You're willing to bet he's gulping behind that thick pink scarf. Morell scratches at his forearm and impulsively keeps dusting himself off, waiting. " Can I get'cha anythin' ta eat? "
" Morell. " You smile, sarcasm all but dripping off your words. " Pleasure seeing you here, for once. "
The mushrooms monster's hands rise immediately in a sort of placation attempt almost unbecoming of his large stature. " Ah know- I know it looks bad, miss, but it ain't like ah'm leavin' the floor ta screw 'round- "
" Did I ask for excuses? " You cut in.
Morell pipes down instantly. " No ma'am, ah'm sorry. "
And this is why he stands out to you. His obedience to authority figures. Morell has always been the kind of monster man who doesn't just bend for others at a whim. He's a stubborn bull of a guy, and all that's missing are the horns to furnish him. When with his coworkers, the shroom is rough and brutish, shooting them down the moment they attempt to mess with him, getting loud, in their faces, threatening them whenever they think they know better. When you first hired the chef, you wee already counting on having to use a sterner hand to keep him in line, and yet, since the very first day, he's regarded you with a courtesy and level of respect that's almost strikingly out of character compared to other sides of him.
Krulu shared this initial wonder too, finding it amusing that the shroom adapted extremely quickly to the roles he should play before you and your Lord. He knows better than to oppose you, sides with you, is very cooperative and available. Commendable qualities.
" I've always liked that about you. "
" ... Beg pardon? "
" How polite you are, without even having to be taught better. " Something you can't say for all.
In spite of the flattery, the chef doesn't relax. " Thank you, ma'am. "
Funnily enough, his accent sometimes takes a backseat in these moments too. Maybe because he's trying to speak like you? You could pick him apart all day, honestly.
" I don't want your apologies, I want you to know your punishment. "
He looks like he wants to desperately say something. Explain the situation, say that he's not at fault, that it can't be helped. You have an inkling of an idea of what might be wrong, more gargoyle shenanigans. Morell looks into your challenging hues and nods, bitterly swallowing any words. Fear flashes briefly in that dark canvas of a face.
It's not often he misbehaves enough to warrant punishments. The most he tends to get is a slap on the wrist for playing too much with the slaughter piglets.
" Of course, ma'am... "
Good boy.
" You're having issues dealing with the gargoyles again. "
Morell nods, hands over his chest and fingers tapping his elbows, the subject very quickly drawing a furious grimace from him.
" They're breaking in and taking meats, finished orders, body parts, sometimes even bobbles. "
Another nod.
" I would be angry too. But you know what I wouldn't do, Morell? Take it upon myself to go out there and hunt them down, when there's already someone who can do that, employed in these very grounds. "
The tapping turns into a tight grip.
" Why not come to Belo about this? A power such as him, who has wings to pursue them with flight, who holds a weapon capable of obliterating them with little effort, whose job is precisely to maintain order here. "
" Buh-! "
" Hush. " Your warning is heeded. " Don't step outside your role, Morell. Perhaps you have the strength to take one or two down, but your effectiveness lies here, in the restaurant. That- " You motion past the kitchen doors. " Does not concern you. "
He sighs quietly, rolling his shoulders. " You're right, ma'am. "
" Good. I'm glad we could get on the same page. " You grin, uncrossing your legs and patting a stocking clad thigh. " Now, for your punishment this time, I want you to bend over my knees. "
Oh. This is precious.
At first, the cook makes a face like he's certain he didn't really hear right, giving himself a few seconds to see if he can decipher what you really must have said. And then, slowly, it starts to sink in, the realization isn't the only thing that sinks however, that expression falling into a somber and wide-eyed look, questioning you. Wounded even.
And hat's how you know it's going to be effective.
" Ah... Come again? "
Oh, the hopelessness.
" You heard me, Morell. " There's no doubt he did.
Another few stunted seconds pass where he seems to be mourning his dignity, presumably. Your eyes glint with cruel anticipation.
" ... Do I hav'ta, miss? "
So polite. Adorable, even. He's smart enough to understand he doesn't really have a choice, somewhere between bargaining and pleading.
Suffocating the urge to giggle and kick your legs, you offer Morell an almost mocking solemn nod, as if it pained you too to be doing this. An open palm claps gently in your thigh, hurrying him.
The chef's face scrunches again, and if the skin directly under his cap weren't so dark, you would probably be able to spot the stress creases forming on his forehead. He shuts his eyes and takes a silent deep breath, reaching back to undo his apron. Morell takes his sweet time getting ready, and because he's been obedient thus far, you allow him those precious moments of peace. The desperation is such so that he even takes the time to fold his dirtied butcher's apron.
Finally, wearing only pants and boots, the monster stands before you, defeated before you've laid but a single finger upon him. Brilliant work.
" Knee. " You insist.
Slightly luminescent eyes scroll from his own massive figure to your much smaller one. " Ma'am... Ain't it gonna hurt? "
He knows better. He's seen better. The force and resilience bestowed upon you by your Lord knows hardly a limit. Morell could throw himself onto you, where as a normal human's bones would creak and shatter, you'd merely wonder how to best castigate him.
" I don't stutter, Morell. "
Boy, does that get him moving.
Somewhat awkwardly, the cook sinks to his knees. If his peculiar skin allowed it, you know he'd be covered in goosebumps when he angles himself across your legs. A tremor wracks his body, though you're quick to lower a hand on his broad back, encouraging the shroom to let his weight settle on your thighs.
A few seconds pass in that stillness. That delicious silence, the walls dripping anticipation and Morell radiating a level of mortification that has the spectator behind your eyes grinning with glee.
And then, as if gouging the right moment to lunge, you yank his pants and underwear down. The way Morell jumps could almost be compared to a frightened cat's leap, a tremor followed by this choked noise of embarrassment that all his coworkers would surely mock him over for eternity. The chef's rump perfectly fits his worked physique, yet there's an unmistakable softness there, an appealing shape, something Santi has openly admired before- To his own detriment, as such was quickly followed by a wooden spoon to the top of his head.
It's a nice ass, you'll admit. Shame he doesn't let anyone touch it.
Snickering at his panic, you soothingly rub a hand over his backside, feeling the give of his bizarre anatomy. Shroom monsters don't have the same type of skeletal structure humans do, their bodies are spongier in nature, yet by no means does that mean they're less sturdy. Humming peacefully, you take the time to squeeze over the spots that cover his blue hide, fondling the grown monster currently surrendered to you in thought.
Your forearm begins to sprout blackened veins, lovingly possessive growths that curl over your limb and encompass it, appropriate it. In a matter of seconds, Lord Krulu has transformed your hand into one of his, dark and deftly long fingers furnished with the claws of an apex predator. You raise it in the air with nothing but pride and adoration.
And oh, if Morell had any hope that your spankings would be tame, then it'd be a compliment to call him a fool.
Because when that same hand crashes down, the muted force of your god thunders across his entire body.
And he squeals.
Nicely done.
Both of you freeze. Your hand doesn't sting minimally, but the imprint immediately left on Morell's asscheek is a testament to the level of strength that was so effortlessly doled out.
No one moves for a second, the shock of that bizarre bleat being processed. You'd never guess a sizable monster like Morell could make such a noise, like a confused animal in pain.
The grin that crawls up your cheeks is sickening.
" What was that, Mori? Did one of your pigs escape? "
He's panting, quietly, but not subtly enough to miss.
" ... No. "
" No? "
" N-No miss. "
You snicker. " Alright, must have been my imagination. "
A tune is hummed serenely when your hand rises off his already overheated flesh, and the way the chef sucks in a desperate lungful of air is as riveting as it gets. But like Hell you'll give him the privilege of certainty, lowering said palm again with a deceitful gentleness, petting him, resting.
The next whack has spittle flying past grit teeth. He muffles part of the humiliating noise, at the cost of drooling on himself like a beast. Morell shivers atop you like a stuttering car engine. Krulu laughs.
" Honestly, I'm almost sad to be bruising a rump this pretty, Morell... " You muse, watching his cerulean hue steadily bleed into navy bruises that muddle his naturally glowing spots. " But it does make for an interesting sight. "
He stays quiet, and, in retaliation, you let that very same hand wander a little. Krulu's features recede to allow your human softness to brush over his skin, moving between the chef's legs. Instantly, there's a sudden tension in his entire body, more so than when he feared the spanking, and although you only teasingly feather over his asshole, Morell squirms in endless discomfort as if you had stuck pins and needles on him. Pressure against his perineum rips a grunt out of him, though reaching past the butcher's balls reveals the expected, he's entirely limp.
Something easily fixed.
" Part your legs a little. "
The shroom monster gulps, voice only a tad hoarse. " Admin, miss... "
Be it with the sharpest claws or bluntest nails, most men don't enjoy having their family jewels crushed. " Part. Your. Legs. "
He does, arms flexing in suffering until you relent. You don't need to warn him not to make you repeat yourself again. His reward is a much softer grasp around his manhood. And, with no pain to distract him, it's easy to get Morell to twitch in response, even if his fear is still palpable.
You stroke him until he hardens in your hand, something easy to achieve considering this sick fuck loves making his terrified little piggies worship his cock before he guts them into a dish. There's nothing like a human's touch to many of the workers here, and he's no exception. You can't help lick your lips when he starts silently rocking the slightest amount into your motions, soft sighs leaving his slowly relaxing form. Goading him further into this state of mindless pleasure, you offer him slightly faster friction, until he's properly bucking into your hand, ruffling groans of enjoyment.
He could never have spotted the spare arm sprouting from your back, could never see its dark length extend in the air-
Before it slammed down with enough force to rattle the skeleton out of anyone.
" HHHRK- "
You laugh, loud and jovial, this childish cackle ringing through the kitchen at your Master's impatient and cruel swat. Poor little Morell jolts and groans openly, the growing wave of pleasure interrupted and now intermingled with shock. His confused mind struggles to process the difference between pleasure and pain, lumping both together in a way that has him throbbing.
He seems to still at his own body's response.
You don't cease pumping his cock when the third arm lifts again, forcing the chef to experience both extremes of sensation when he's spanked again. He spasms uselessly, you bet his eyes are bulging by now.
Time to force him to think.
" What area of The Clergy's Eye have you been assigned to? "
" Tha- Kitchen! " He struggles, huffing.
" Where shall you stay when working then? "
More confused twitching in your hand. " Kh- Kitchen! "
" Are you going to leave it again to do things that don't concern your station? "
" NnNO! "
The pace of your hand quickens, yet so does the your Master's rightful penance. Morell's bruised, indigo-tinted behind starts blooming into shades of abused purple. Tattoos of Krulu's divine hand furnish it nicely. You have no doubt this monster will sleep on his stomach for the following week.
Thwack thwack THWACK
" Will I have to do this again, Morell? "
He sobs, a real ugly sob that he quickly tries to suck back in, making you swiftly lean down to spot... Ah, the first few tears falling on the tiles. Good.
" No- No please- " And yet he still leaks precum like a faucet. What's going through that head right now?
Pleasure, pain, fear, regret, shame that reaches the skies.
Your Lord generously offers.
" You learn fast, I'm sure I won't have to discipline you again, right? "
The chef shakes like a leaf, yet there's no denying he's close to orgasm. His legs flex from more than just pain now. " Y- Yes, ma'am! "
" Though I'd say you're enjoying it if I didn't know better. "
He makes a sound somewhere between a whine and a blubbered wail. " No- 'M not, please- " It's the most pathetic thing you've ever heard coming from him.
" Mhm, okay then, I believe you. "
The next set of unrelenting spanks makes even you cringe, Krulu's force jostling not just the fully grown monster but yourself as well. It's actually a little exciting to witness. Spots where Krulu's claws intentionally caught onto the tender flesh turn into depraved welts, droplets of blood flying out with each merciless motion, spraying the snow-tiled ground and even yourself.
Morell screams, wails, shrieks like his arms are getting ripped out their sockets. It's a symphony of panicking pain that hardly lets him breathe in between each tormenting snap and quick pump. He makes the mistake of sucking too much air into his lungs at a time, then starts coughing and hiccupping hopelessly.
The moment your Lord halts is when your fervent motions take the stage, and Morell, tortured, oversensitive and disoriented, lasts less than five seconds before throbbing hard and shooting ropes all over your fingers. You pump his cock throughout the entire orgasm, milking it, making a mess that you then wipe on the inside of his thigh, letting his cum-soaked length rest.
Another pause stretches for a long few moments where everyone is winding down. And, as adrenaline seeps out the mushroom monster's pores, he breaks.
Totally limp upon you, Morell attempts to fruitlessly hide his face behind broad arms while his sniffling and gasping escalates into the most defeated, utterly humiliated sobbing there is. He struggles with breathing properly, scratching his own throat as tears splatter steadily on the ground, keening whines bubbling out of the still shaking man. In his despair, he tries to huddle closer to you, tries to fold himself into a ball even with your legs in the way.
You don't know if it's your Lord's enjoyment or your own, but the view sends a pulse of arousal straight up your cunt, cheeks heating.
" There there... " You murmur, rubbing a comparatively cool hand around the edges of his punished skin. The way he tenses and tries to push his sobbing behind a tightened jaw is adorable. " It's all over now. "
The trembling doesn't stop, but the butcher manages to quiet his own wailing within a few minutes. Tears still drip onto the ground.
A few taps get him to move off your legs, but Morell quickly finds out changing positions is torturous, sharp burning stings eliciting choked grunts and heaves from the monster. He settles, embarrassingly, for laying almost on his stomach, prostrated before you on the ground.
Grinning, so wet you can feel your panties soaking, you push the chair away and sit on the ground next to the recovering monster, pulling his face onto your lap and petting that large cap of his.
Morell chokes, clinging onto your clothes. You didn't think he'd break this hard, but it's a lovely reaction.
" 'M sorry... 'M-... Sorry... "
And, as you study his sorry state, you can't help but smile warmly. Bruised ass darker than night, blood still spilling, half-hard cum-coated dick out, arms and face wet with tears, grasping onto you for dear life...
You wouldn't mind doing this more often.
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askbishopschildren · 5 months
I'm bored, so yall get a bunch of fun facts
TW for the Loki section mentioning suicidal thoughts
Koda, Mars' and Apollo's dad for those who don't remember, originally was sent to Heket as an offering from his village. They had pretty poor harvests and not much was working, but eventually Heket came by to see what else they had to offer and took a liking to Koda pretty quick. Frankly he doesn't know why she chose him, nor does he think he deserves it, but he's grateful nonetheless
Artemis physically cannot go more than a week or two without getting sick, their immune system is THAT bad
Artemis is also allergic to cats despite loving them.
Mars prefers to stay solo, however if he fucks up and pisses off either Astraeus or another bishop, he will cower and hide behind his momma. He's a giant mommas boy if you couldn't tell
When with the lamb, Astaeus goes on missionary a lot since he can use his bigger form if a life or death situation arises
Continuing on the missionary theme, Mars tries to go as much as possible solely to get away from the lamb since he hates them, both for hurting his family but also supplying his drug dealer with enough shrooms that he died
Speaking of that, Sozo is just straight up Mars' drug dealer. They talk a lot over mushroomos and regular shrooms alike. It's also how he ended up getting along with Iluquim as Sozo kept insisting they talk
Artemis is a damn good cook, as they spend free time especially when sick doing it just to kill time. They really enjoy the cooking.
Mars really does not respect his dad much, but in the end he still does love him. He just thinks he is really weak compared to other cultists, which he isn't entirely wrong about and Koda thinks he is correct aswell.
Apollo experiments with poisons a lot, including his own as a poison dart frog. His mother gives him heretics to test the poisons on, however he usually lets the heretics that praise Narinder go under the guise of escaping.
Apollo is also just very shy when it comes to Aym, and Aym is too dense to notice the crush. Baal is driven insane every time he sees it.
Mars and Apollo both used to cuddle in their mothers bandages/scarf when they were little, with Mars even throwing fits when Heket wouldn't let him do it when she needed to do something.
Gaia is the only one of the cousins, aside from Loki, to not be able to change to a smaller form to match followers just because shes already pretty small to begin with, considering regular followers go up to her shoulders.
Mars is physically the strongest of the cousins, but it's from overcompensating as he doesn't have any special abilities like the bishops or his cousins. Apollo doesn't have much either, but he doesn't feel the need to overcompensate like his younger brother
As for their abilities, Astraeus can use weapons/abilities of different zodiac signs ones at a time, Gaia can grow plants anywhere she wishes, Loki is basically a nerfed Discord from MLP, Artemis can manipulate shadows and make animals out of them, and Apollo can light bend but it isn't much.
Artemis is AFAB
Astraeus is the cousin who's the farthest from their bishop parent by a mile, excluding Loki obviously since he ditched them decades ago, just due to Shamura being so busy in general.
AAnd for a final bit, a section fully to a Loki infodump
So we all know Leshy was a total hardass on Loki when he was a kid, but it was BAD. Loki was pretty much dead inside when Ratau found him, to the point Loki pointed Rataus sword to himself just because he had no reason to stay alive anymore. Ratau recruited him by showing him knucklebones and getting him hooked, which is why he is such a big gambler now. It's so bad that he lost both his eye and his leg in two bets, both to Shrumy, as Ratau forgot to teach him safer gambling practices and he didn't learn his lesson the first time. Loki also liked to sing for Rataus cult back in the day, and to an extent still enjoys doing it when Lambert starts their cult. He genuinely loves his counsins when he meets them and likes to help them with any issues they might have, basically acting more like an uncle to them over a cousin.
There might be another part of this if I get bored again, as I have accumulated a lot of facts and infodumps over the months of these guys being around from talkin bout em with friends on discord :]
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alessiathepirate · 9 months
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December 24
Prompt: "I thought you were going home for Christmas." "Well, I couldn't leave you all alone."
The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Curator x fem!reader
The Repository didn't look like an ordinary room at all. Even the halls leading up to it weren't normal, they led to many different places if you didn't have a compass with you and the ability to know how it works.
Still, for Christmas it was quite ordinary.
Nothing changed, everything looked like it did yesterday or the day before yesterday. It was dark, full of books and cold. Quite cold, even with the fireplace present.
But no matter how empty and cold it seemed when compared to the streets in the cities, she stayed there for the holiday. Or at least came back for the holiday.
"I thought you were going home for Christmas." The Curator said, not hiding his surprised tone, as she walked through the door.
He was holding a book in his hands, a thick one, the one she knew was full of empty pages. They must have had a visitor.
"Well, I couldn't leave you all alone here, could I?" she asked with a small smile as she got rid of her gloves and started to take off her scarf.
Soon the book was put on The Curator's desk as he walked around it to help her with her coat. His hands unbuttoned it carefully, and she couldn't help but smile shily when he helped it off her shoulders, his fingers barely touching her arms.
"I appreciate the concern dear, but you should've gone home to enjoy the holidays."
"I changed my mind. I'd rather spend it here with you than spend it with people who don't think of me as someone important." she explained slowly.
"Stupidity when one's left in the dark about things is always amusing." he said as she started to walk around, eventually walking up to the desk to see which story he's telling. "I hope you don't believe that of yourself."
"Every life is equally important." she said as she smiled, knowing that's part of the teachings in the stories. "If I see it right we have a story to finish. 'House of Ashes' again?"
"That seemed to fit our visitor best."
She stayed there, leaning against the desk as she looked at him and considered him. They both had important roles in the job they were doing even if she was the only human being in it.
Would they have time for a bit of celebration?
Did The Curator celebrate it?
"When will our visitor be back?" she asked.
"In about an hour or so, I believe."
They both looked at the other, seemingly both of them understanding what she wanted. She smiled at that.
"Merry Christmas by the way." she said with a careful tone and a slight headtilt. "Care to have a drink with me?"
It was very rare that The Curator smiled, but right then he did. Without answering her he picked up two glasses and a bottle of wine, the kind they drank once or twice when no visitor came.
They chose to move toward the fireplace, where she put two armchairs years before. That was the warmest corner of the Repository. She adored it a lot.
Before taking a glass from him and sitting down, she pulled the small Christmas stocking from her pocket, not bigger than her palm. She put it up above the fireplace, making her favourite corner more comfortable.
"It looks better, doesn't it?" she asked as she took a glass from him.
"Much better dear."
They sipped some wine after they gently collided their glasses. One of his arms rested around her waist as a sign of affection.
"You know, we are probably the only ones who work during Christmas and no one's there to appreciate what we do." she said as they sat down.
"Once again, the stupidity of the blind. The world would be empty without the stories we tell."
She hummed, putting her glass aside.
Loving Death meant having these moments. The calm ones. The beautiful ones. The ones in a warm and comfortable corner.
She looked at their hands holding each other, fingers intertwined.
Loving Death meant loving the thought of dying too.
"Care to read a story for me while we wait?" she asked.
The Curator most obviously said yes.
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gaviicreates · 1 year
FO: time flies by in the yellow and green...
...Stick around and you'll see what I mean
(there will also be more pictures under the cut)
Remember literally yesterday when I mentioned I was doing a stretchy bind-off purlwise, and I loved the fluidity of it? Well, obviously a bind off pretty much heralds the end of a project in sight so here we are. I was so eager for this one to be completed that I lightly washed the shawl and pinned it overnight so that, by today, I'd have my first finished, knitted shawl.
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Pattern: Mara Shawl by Madelinetosh, available here through Ravelry
Yarn: Arcane Fibre Works, "Calm Waters" -80/20 Extra Fine Merino Nylon Super Wash Fingering Weight. (2 Skeins)
Tools: Clover Takumi Bamboo Circulars - US 5 3.75mm, Eucalan Lavender Wash for blocking
This shawl is a garter stitch shawl with yarn overs down the center and sides to both increase and add a bit of lacy interest. I had actually started on this before I finished the throw blanket, so these two pieces together were so critical for my knitting journey thus far, and I've learned so much already.
While the throw maintained the upward structure of its rows, this shawl gave me the experience of increasing along the center and sides, working outward as well as up. Once I figured out the yarn-over and the cadence from row to row, the location of the yarn-overs was easy to remember. Simple, but elegant on the piece. It did take me a few rows in to figure out that a stitch marker for the RS vs WS would probably be helpful, and from there it was smooth sailing.
Almost too smooth, because I just kept going. I don't remember the cord size I used, but eventually working the stitches scrunched up on the needles, and the work curled into itself. Once that started, I had a hard time imagining what it would look like finished. I had no idea what the shaping would look like once it was off the needles, so my plan was to hope I just figured out when would be a good time to stop. Low stakes winging it, if you will.
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She's big. This is no shawlette you behold. The length surpasses my wingspan on both sides, and the drape down the back is lovely and full while the fabric itself is light and breathable between the stitches. I think because the needles were a bit bigger than recommended size for fingering weight, this resulted in some space between the stitches.
I'm dreaming of that first cool day of fall, and wrapping myself up with her covering my shoulders pinned with a nice brooch, or rolled into a scarf around my neck over denim. She's going to be a wonderful addition to my wardrobe, and I am ecstatic with the final length and look.
I mentioned above I used two skeins. Another learning curve for me - one I intentionally played with here - was the way the colors fell. I don't think it's a crochet thing specifically because I know opinions still vary, but coming from a craft that tends to create potentially less ordered fabrics with variegated yarns, I'm kind of open to color pooling at times. It's not for everyone, but I think there's a fun little magic in letting the colors land the way they want to in both crafts it seems.
I started with one skein, then switched to alternating after a while to learn that technique, then ended with one skein again as I finished out the project. I was nervous about this choice, especially as I started seeing entire blocks of yellow forming. But in the final garment, I don't feel like these larger streaks take away from the color combination. I'm loving that it's not uniform and there's a bit of fun and randomness to how the colors fall.
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Towards the final rows, the pattern switched from garter to 1x1, then 2x2 ribbing, which I could see being a great opportunity to switch out to another color to complement. But I really wanted to have my yellow and green shawl, so I decided to keep working up with the same yarn. Plus I am kind of in love with seeing how different stitches create a new texture that gives the colors in a variegated yarn a bit of a different life to them.
Now - I do have one more skein of this colorway, as I had bought a just-in-case extra. I am thinking my big shawl needs a little something else to go with it - maybe a hat or some fingerless gloves, oooh! or some socks.
Now, I have... how many more months till I can wear this?
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bigskydreaming · 1 year
Jason, randomly, out of nowhere, without warning: Hah, I'm taller than you now. LMAO. Loser.
Dick, who knows perfectly well that height has absolutely nothing to do with self worth and also that he's supposed to be above being blatantly baited by his little brother, who is obviously the REAL loser, and needs to be reminded of that fact which so doesn't count as actually being baited: Please. You're only that tall now because you got revived in a magical pit of green ooze that optimized your growth when bringing you back from the dead which is CHEATING, and thus doesn't count. Loser.
Jason: Really? Me dying and being dunked in a magical pit of green ooze to undo the physical trauma of my MURDER and also the years of malnutrition that led to my growth previously NOT being optimized is 'cheating?'
Dick: I regretted it as soon as I said it but I can not afford to set the precedent that I made a misstep in the minefield that is our fraught sibling relationship. I have no choice but to double down. The only way this ends well is if you choose to let it slide and gracefully accept a subject change. I'll even let you pick. As long as its understood that me letting you pick is not an admission of wrongdoing on my part, its just me being Awesome and you're welcome.
Jason: First off, I have never let anything slide gracefully a day in my life and I'm damn sure not about to start NOW, when you were being an ASS....
Dick: Oh biiiiig surprise, little brother can talk a big talk about being the bigger man, but god forbid someone give him the opportunity to back it up.....
Jason: Not my fault if you're feeling particularly SMALL at the moment, pun absolutely intended. Since its not like you have a monopoly on those no matter HOW much you've tried to act like you do over the years....
Dick: Hey, I've never claimed to have a monopoly on puns. I just said I find it INTERESTING that you were totally cool with using the name, costume and SIGNATURE BRAND OF HUMOR I DELIBERATELY SPENT YEARS CULTIVATING AS A LITERAL SIGNATURE BRAND all while insisting that noooooo, no need to CREDIT your older brother who quite literally paved the way with all of that and gave you his express PERMISSION to adopt it all as your own, hahaha, who actually gives credit where credit's due, that would be so weird right....
Jason: Tell you what, since you're sooooo sore about not being properly credited for your work why don't you go ahead and figure out a royalty rate for all the times I used YOUR intellectual vigilante property or what the fuck ever, and I will PAY you to never bring it up again.....
Dick: I would LOVE that, actually. I think it would be a great way to acknowledge MY trailblazing hard work, but I think we both know you'd literally just make a show of stealing the money from Bruce to make some kind of statement about how beneath you all this is which KINDA DEFEATS THE POINT of acknowledging or crediting someone's work as WORTH something, so -
Their siblings, who have been standing right there the whole time, and who are all Very Tired, and literally just wanted to know if their older brothers wanted to go to Bat-Burger with them and are now regretting everything, why does this always happen and why don't any of them know better by now: Is it done? Is it over? Can you stop? Ever?
Dick and Jason, simultaneously swiveling in instant older sibling solidarity: Wow. So impatient. So entitled. So demanding. Why, in OUR day, we'd be LUCKY to be granted even ten minutes between patrol and bedtime, to scarf down an Alfred-Approved Healthy Snack, but its not enough that Bruce lets you run around Gotham stuffing your faces with fast food at any hour of the night, noooooooo, its gotta happen RIGHT NOW, like THIS INSTANT, how dare anyone make you wait five whole minutes to get whatever you want.....
Tim: I honestly can't tell if I hate it more when they're just being obnoxious at each other & we're stuck bearing witness or when they combine their powers of obnoxious and aim it at us.
Cass, gravely: There are no winners here.
Damian: And Father doesn't get why I wish I was an only child.
Duke, wistfully: I took being an only child for granted.
Stephanie, with popcorn: None of you appreciate good theater.
Bruce, from somewhere offscreen, even miles away: My parents died because of the theater, STEPHANIE.
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solitaire-sol · 1 year
Prongsfoot Week 2023 - Day 2
What Headcanons do you have for this ship? IE, things like, James made the first move or Sirius got James into crosswords. Anything really.
I definitely got carried away with this one, but...
⌘ James was Sirius' first friend; Sirius was James' first real friend.
⌘ I HC James as short until the growth spurt that puts him at slightly shorter than Sirius, so until then the taller-than-average Sirius hones his Potter Protection Instinct because James may be tiny but will still go at bigger/older Slytherins. Sirius is a little disappointed when James gets taller, and secretly gratified that James still has to look up at him a bit.
⌘ They start sharing a bed early in First Year because James has never been away from his parents for so long; he pokes his head through Sirius' curtains, sees he's awake and declares he's going to stay because Sirius obviously needs the comfort. Sirius has been lying awake, staring at the canopy, thinking about how his parents will react to his Sorting, so he scoffs but lets James stay. They both sleep very well and continue to share beds for the rest of their time at Hogwarts.
⌘ Sirius is noticeably cool to the touch, to the point that James initially thought he was sick or something, much to Sirius' confusion. James runs hot, and they both love snuggling under the blankets on a cold night.
⌘ Sirius was initially startled by James' tactile nature, then kind of disappointed and a little huffy when he realizes James is like that with everyone; when James figures out what's bothering Sirius, he ups the physicality with Sirius so Sirius knows he's special. It becomes common to see Sirius with his head in James' lap, or James sitting between Sirius' legs and leaning back against him, or constantly touching each other or each other's clothes, like holding onto a sleeve/scarf/belt. They want to know where the other is at all times, ideally by physically confirming it.
☾ Bonus Moonchaser HC: James is especially tactile with Remus as it gets closer to the full moon, going full mother-hen (checking his temperature forehead-to-forehead, stroking his hair, massages if he's achy before/after) and while Sirius never says anything, he can't help getting a little sulky/snippy because he secretly suspects Remus is playing it up. He kind of is, because it's the only time Remus can get more of James' attention than Sirius.
⌘ They sit next to each other at meals and in class, whenever they're able, so they can hold hands under the table. This starts before anything romantic, so James can support Sirius when he gets another Howler from his mother and Sirius can reel James in when he's having trouble focusing in class. When there's no table, they improvise, like sharing a blanket at a Quidditch match and holding hands under it. It's not because they're embarrassed, it's just a private thing that's just for them.
⌘ Sirius initially starts calling James 'Jamie' because James' parents call him Jem or Jemmy, and James gets horribly embarrassed when Sirius reads it in a letter from Euphemia and starts using it; he forbids Sirius from calling him Jemmy, so Jamie is Sirius' "compromise." James starts calling Sirius 'Siri' in an attempt to annoy him back, but Sirius just shrugs it off because James can't say it in any way that doesn't sound affectionate. No-one else uses these nicknames.
⌘ They both love to give each other gifts: James' varies wildly, all types and price-points, anything he thinks will make Sirius laugh or smile or roll his eyes and pretend he's not charmed. Sirius' gifts are more carefully chosen and usually more expensive because he goes for quality. Sirius also likes giving James things he can wear, which James does, because Sirius likes seeing James wearing them.
⌘ Sirius realizes his feelings are romantic first and has a thousand reasons why he shouldn't tell James, first and foremost being that Sirius Has Issues and doesn't want to inflict them on James; Sirius can lash out verbally when he feels hurt or vulnerable and he's terrified of doing real damage to James, who can brush off most things but can be terribly vulnerable and sometimes insecure where Sirius is concerned. It takes some time before James can convince Sirius that he's willing to accept said Issues and that they can deal with them together.
⌘ James takes much longer to recognize his feelings as romantic because their friendship is already romantic in so many ways; he's actually capable of hiding his feelings well because restrained-James-in-love isn't much different from normal-James-with-his-best-friend. If James is pining, it's because he knows Sirius could have anyone he wants and has no qualms about going after what he wants, and he hasn't gone after James yet, so he must not want James. James doesn't want to be one more person who puts their expectations on Sirius, so he's willing and able to be Just Friends.
⌘ When they get together, it's either completely easy and natural or comes only after pining and angst and tears and self-loathing because they shouldn't be asking for more than what they have, which is so wonderful and perfect and it'd be selfish to want anything more.
⌘ James is openly sentimental, though negative emotions are different, something to keep to himself so he doesn't worry anyone; it becomes a huge relief when he realizes that Sirius won't judge him for it, despite Sirius usually being happy to jab at everyone's weakpoints, even those of friends. Sirius is cool and aloof on the outside, but on the inside he's gushing about how happy James makes him and how brilliant James was in that duel and how amazing James' arse looks in his Quidditch kit. The difference in communication styles leads to early problems when Sirius doesn't say it aloud, so James isn't sure if he's reading Sirius right or just hearing what he wants to hear; Sirius initially doesn't know how James could not know how much Sirius adores him, but starts verbalizing more, quietly murmuring you were great out there or I absolutely adore you into James' ear at appropriate/random times. It makes James melt.
⌘ James is rebel-curious, lol, he likes bending the rules but doesn't want to disappoint his parents with "bad habits" like smoking and drinking, so Sirius technically starts them off but knows James is interested and just needs a nudge as an 'excuse'-- He never pushes for anything if he doesn't think James doesn't want to try it, which includes sex and kinks later in life. It also gives Sirius a bit of a thrill because he never completely stops seeing James as 'the golden boy,' so James smoking/talking dirty/etc will always be a turn-on. Once James finds out he's more than happy to lean into it
⌘ Sirius starts thinking about getting a tattoo, then James suggests they get matching ones, which makes Sirius' heart almost explode because James is doing something transgressive and it's permanent and they're going to be linked forever. The first tattoos are small and easily-hidden, but they like to touch/kiss each other's, even after they both get more (Sirius gets a lot more, of course).
⌘ Sirius and James spark so many sexual awakenings, separately and together. There were definitely rumors about how close they were and more than a few people fantasized about having both together. I HC Sirius as not dating/sleeping around because he's extremely selective and has a very high self-worth; he doesn't think much of other people in general. When he does get involved with others, it's usually in reaction to James being in a relationship/trying to deal with his feelings for James, and in those relationships Sirius always holds back emotionally/has to be the dominant party because he only trusts James enough for that to change.
⌘ James has a somewhat old-fashioned view of love and sex due to his elderly parents, so while he likes when people flirt with/admire him, his 'dates' tend to be more like hang-outs. He's still a teenage boy, though, which leads to James and Sirius being each other's firsts: First kiss, first handjob, ect. James doesn't like anyone else enough to consider them and Sirius hates the idea of anyone else touching James like that, especially for his first time, because what if they're not good at it or hurt him or-- No, it's best that James comes to Sirius, what are best friends for?
⌘ Sirius drinks heavily when he's stressed or sad or otherwise Having Feelings, but only in private; James is a very social person and a very social drinker, and he can go from being pleasantly tipsy to a friendly drunk to a casually slutty drunk without really realizing it. Part of the reason Sirius barely drinks in public is because he's keeping an eye on James. Sometimes drunk!James gets clingy/handsy with Sirius and it kind of drives Sirius insane, because he's sure it's just because James is drunk and not because James' subconscious is trying to get them together.
⌘ James is neither jealous nor possessive because, lovingly spoiled as he is, he hasn't ever been denied anything or had to worry about losing it; he never considers that he might lose Sirius as a friend, and he never worries about someone seducing Sirius away after they're together because no-one has the power to make Sirius do what he doesn't want to. James does get insecure, because he knows Sirius can lose interest easily and it takes a long time for Sirius to convince James that he doesn't have to worry about that, Sirius can't ever get bored with James.
⌘ Sirius isn't jealous but is possessive, both before and after he and James get together. There's not much that matters to Sirius, certainly not anything that matters as much as James, and he's going to hang onto James come Hell or high water: While usually not overt, he makes his claim known, platonic or otherwise. This is why he and Lily don't get along until after Hogwarts: Sirius would dislike someone for "stealing" his best friend even if there weren't romantic feelings involved. He and Lily are also more alike than they first seem, so naturally they clash over James.
⌘ They're both spoiled rich kids, but James knows how to cook and do chores the Muggle way because his parents made sure he did, in a 'appreciate how good you have it' way. Both of James' parents like cooking so he becomes surprisingly good at it, and he likes to cook for Sirius because Sirius appreciates it so much.
⌘ They're both well-versed in the usual manners and traditions of an aristocratic pureblood, but the Potters let James have fun with it while the Blacks stressed achievement for the sake of prestige; Sirius is better, technically, but he doesn't enjoy it until James. Dancing is only fun when James is in his arms (and vice-versa), the piano is only worth playing again because James is entranced by it, languages are only interesting when James gushes over how amazing Sirius sounds, they should go traveling together so Sirius can show off!
⌘ If Voldemort/Jily doesn't happen, they do travel and are blissfully happy, but James wants to settle down and have a family (surrogacy or mpreg) while Sirius is hesitant. He says it's because he doesn't want to be tied down, but it has a lot to do with his family: He knows happy families exist because he's seen the Potters, and he thinks James would be an amazing father, and Sirius is afraid that he'd ruin that due to his own family background. This is one of the few sticking points where they're initially really at loggerheads, because Sirius can't bring himself to be completely honest about why he's hesitant so James thinks Sirius just doesn't want a family with him. They eventually work it out, of course.
⌘ In AUs with mpreg, James is always the one who carries any kids, be it Harry or OC offspring; he loves being pregnant, he knows Sirius doesn't like the idea of being pregnant himself, and he loves how doting Sirius is during and after the pregnancy. Their children call James 'Dad' and Sirius 'Papa.'
⌘ I HC James as having a successful pro Quidditch career before suffering a near-fatal injury as he approaches potential retirement age; it scares Sirius enough, and maybe James if they already have kids, that James agrees to retire. He could become a manager/coach/commentator, but he might become a stay-at-home dad just as easily, especially if they'd been holding off on having kids. James would thrive in this role, raising the kids and gardening and making friends with neighborhood housewives and old biddies and local kids. He'd want to give Sirius the loving, happy home he never had when they were younger, and give their children the same kind of happiness he knew growing up.
⌘ For a canon/canon-adjacent HC: Sirius modifies his motorcycle to have a sidecar as soon as they find out Harry's on the way, so he and James can take baby Harry out on the bike.
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thescribblings · 7 months
Just some random lil fun facts about my peepaw au, since i can
1, his tail isn't natural whasoever. He spent too much time in radioactive areas and boom! Lil nub tail popped up one day! (No, he didn't notice it until someone pointed it out, and yes, it can retract, but it's uncomfortable after a while, lol)
2, it's called 'slightly feral future leo for a reason, i just haven't explored it properly yet so i don't have many explanations atm '•>• (except that he has 'mission mode', it's basically ptsd but with extra ✨️spice✨️)
3, this man is like, really fuckin active (living my dreams fr) one of his favorite things to do when he isn't lounging on the couch is run! And boy, does he run, he was a lil too eager to get back to it when his abdomen was healing, and luckily nothing bad really happened, but he did get an earful from everyone else
4, contrary to most, my peepaw doesn't have a lot of self depricating thoughts! They're there, but they don't run the show, y'know?
5, like i mentioned in the post about his prosthetic, he's really fuckin heavy (200-250ish kg or 440-550ish lbs), and for good reason! On top of the heavy ass shell attached to him, the undeniable fact that he's mainly made of muscle and built like a damn tank and his prosthetic, i decided to make him 7'4, 223,5cm. What can i say? Tall idiots scratch an itch in my brain
6, he has zero sleep schedule, you will find him awake at the most random of hours, in the most random of places (sometimes he's up for days, but we'll get into that in the future) you'll also find him sleeping in random ass spots, on a light fixture in donnie's lab? Yep. In a corner, crammed between pipes? Yessir. In the middle of the floor? Obviously. Literally in the fuckin closet? Yes. Turtle brain go brrr
7, onto one of my favorites, i personally believe (as illogical as it may be) that rumbling vs churring has to do with size to some extent, the smaller turtles can rumble but they have to think about it, the bigger turtles do it on instinct, make sense? Lemme tell you, this man can sound like a fuckin engine sometimes, mikey loves it ofc. oh, and he makes more turtle noises than the others lol, part of the whole 'feral' thing
8, he's very interested in unicorns still, once a leo, always a leo. But he's also very interested in fashion, and mainly different clothes that look good, are comfortable, AND that he can kick someone's ass in, so he mainly wears loose clothing, and despite the choking hazard, often wears his scarf! I just don't know how to draw it yet, lol (and yes, present leo did get him a unicorn onesie, he loved it)
Oh! And he does usually wear a prosthetic arm, i just havent designed one yet lol (and I'm enjoying not having to draw 2 arms)
Thank you for reading my ramblings!
Have nice day
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its-a-ducky-mess · 18 days
Clarification: Hopefully the Last Sarah and John Comparison Post
This should be the last of the comparisons/points of interest that have come to mind during other investigations. I hope. [Part 1] [Part 2]
Name of the Game
Sarah and John rank among the few characters that have confirmed names, much less humans with names. With Cloud Captain Parkside, this might be his last name. Or worse, that's his designation ("Parkside" while he's stationed in a tower at the park. The Narrator remarked "I don't think we've been this far into the park before." in Cloud Tower as Sarah, Duck and Scooter Boy were coming upon the tower, which could be the "side" of the "park"). Poetry Pete, seen/mentioned in Pond Prose and Mountain Mints, could be his real name, or simply a stage/pen name.
Besides Sarah and John, every other character is named after what they are (Duck, Flamingo, Donkey, Moon, Shallots, etc.), or their quirks (Scarf Lady, Music Lady, Bread Man, Scooter Boy, Plate Girl, etc.). You might debate that Primrose counts as a confirmed name for this line of thinking. It is indeed a valid name in real life, yet it is also a yellow color, much like Primrose is in the show, and the umbrella species in Sarah & Duck aside from Umbrella himself are named after their appearance (Blue [Umbrella's penpal] and the judge umbrella, credited as "Judge", both in Parasol Show, Primrose, and the two umbrellas encountered in Brolly Bus, which are simply credited as "Frog and Cat Umbrella").
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This naming pattern is incredibly interesting because of the sheer, previously mentioned similarities between the pairs. The two kids, the ones that have bird friends, are the only ones that have cut and dry, plain and simple first names?
More About Colors and Clothes
Not primarily mentioned in the previous pair post, Sarah wears bright colors- bright green and pink- while John wears dark ones- dark green, and dark blue. Duck, while you could argue is a bright green, is opposite of the much more vivid and bright Flamingo in comparison. John also wears a bigger, bulkier jacket without a hood to contrast Sarah's lighter, hooded jacket. When seen in his costume during Boo Night, his body is around Sarah's size.
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Very inconsequential and almost grasping at straws at this rate, John also wears bright, laced shoes to contrast Sarah's dark, slip-on shoes. Green and pink are also complimentary colors.
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[Source: https://www.canva.com/colors/color-wheel]
Just For Fun? But This is Clarification!
Fitting this straw-grasp mode, Sarah and Duck find entertainment mainly in "natural" ways, such as going outside, playing in the yard, or interacting with others. Flamingo and John have often been shown to partake in electronic entertainment, such as DVDs (Sarah returns a borrowed movie to him in Origami Overload) and arcade games (Arcade Dance Off). That isn't to say they're both locked into these typings. Garden Gaming starts off with Sarah and Duck (attempting) to play a computer game, and Perimeter Pals shows Flamingo and John biking in the park. In their living room when relaxing, Flamingo and John opt to "lie and rest" as opposed to Sarah and Duck's "sit and think". Sarah and Duck have a non-speaking, pet-like Bug living in their home, as opposed to Flamingo and John's non-speaking aquatic Tako. Flamingo and John have a treehouse in their backyard, whereas Sarah and Duck only have a looking stump.
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[Sources: Series 2, Episode 30, Star Renovation (left) | Series 1, Episode 27, Slow Quest (right)]
Sarah and Duck's house obviously has more floors than Flamingo and John's, having two floors and an attic opposing the single floor bungalow. The pairs also find enjoyment in stargazing or otherwise looking at the night sky, though John is obviously more into it than Sarah, having astronomical tools such as star charts and a sextant.
And closing, because they doesn't fit any other categories: Sarah is typically shown to be talkative and energetic, while John is more quiet and to himself, typically keeping his sentences short. Both pairs like breads as well. Sarah likes plain bread as well as pear bread in World Bread Day, and John likes shokupan.
The pairs also feature similar instrument/music interests. The kids, Sarah and John, prefer playing large instruments (Tuba for Sarah, double bass for John), while the birds prefer smaller percussion instruments (A drum for Duck, maracas for Flamingo).
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OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF your last few fills are brain scrambling thank you for your service
Tbh I have been thinking about the fat himbo Bucky concept w the WG denial and then saw the recent curse one with clothes ripping and my brain said‼️
So: Any thoughts on himbo Buck just pouring out of his clothes and being like “Steve why did you shrink all my stuff in the wash🥺” since you wrote he was a former athlete just imagine some old teeny workout shorts w that stretch marked belly & lovehandles hanging out🥵plus hims poor ass about to rip the shorts in half. Meanwhile Steve probably has a coronary like “alsnsnsbd babe sorry bABE we’ll have to buy new ones” while totally stretching the daily peep show out until everything is impossible to fit Bucky’s fat ass steadily growing…hoo boy
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If you want to write anything yeehaw but whatever you wanna do, if not I hope my horny ramblings were entertaining
Oblivious heavy himbo Bucky + Bucky's rapid weight gain curse
Thanks! ❤️
I am always happy to make people’s brains malfunction 😂
Also YES! That’s such a good combination 🤌🤌
Hell yes, himbo Bucky cursed to burst out of all of his clothes 🥵
I have to say though, as much as I love fast, super intense rapid weight gain… I think for himbo Bucky it would be really hot if he somehow gets cursed with a slower weight gain curse. Like, it’s still much faster than he would ever be able to put weight on irl, no matter how much he stuffed himself every day, but it’s not the instantaneous gain either. The curse is just slow enough that Steve can see Bucky expand if he keeps looking at Bucky for more than a few seconds. This also means that the curse is slow enough that Bucky doesn’t notice it - keeping on theme with the weight gain denial a little bit. Bucky isn’t paying enough attention and isn’t smart enough to notice there’s anything wrong.
Not right away.
Maybe Steve bought a charm off of someone claiming to be a witch... Maybe Steve had a sorcerer put a mild curse on Bucky that they promised would wear off after a little while... However you would like to imagine the curse came about, Steve knows that Bucky is growing much faster now than he would without some help. But, still, he isn't growing so fast as to give away the game.
So, how long will it take Bucky to notice? Such a pretty, sweet, and stupid boy. Place your bets now!
Stucky belly kink ahead! Be warned! It’s unbeta’d and there’s also some dub-con elements in it because Bucky doesn’t know, at first, that he’s been cursed and gaining weight. Otherwise, it’s the usual belly kink with stuffing, weight gain, tight clothes, etc.
Throughout the day when it kicks in, Bucky asks a bunch of stupid questions, like:
“Why are you looking at me so much, Steve?”
When Steve can’t help but zone out on Bucky. He’s watching Bucky chow down from across the kitchen island. Right now, Bucky’s happily munching on his fifth bowl of cereal. His fifth bowl even after Steve woke him up with the smell of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. Steve had a protein shake, perfectly caloric and with the appropriate macronutrients. The traditional, sweet, and savory breakfast foods were all for Bucky.
And Bucky scarfed it all down plus, obviously, then some. Hence the five bowls of cereal.
Steve has been trying to keep his cool while watching Bucky’s double chin get thicker and thicker. He’s been trying not to lunge across the kitchen island to bury his face in between Bucky’s tits. Why does Bucky have to sleep shirtless and have breakfast shirtless? It’s killing Steve! 😫
Bucky’s tits have always been soft and tempting since he began gaining but watching them get plumper and plumper by the second is awful. Steve has to chew on the inside of his cheek to keep from reaching out and sinking his teeth into those tits. Or, Christ, his nipples. As he gains, slowly but surely, his nipples are getting bigger and bigger. Softer and softer looking. Pinker and pinker. Steve is dying to know if they’re any more sensitive now than they were last night before all this started. They have to be. Right now, his nipples look so hard. Steve wants to put his mouth on his lush tits so fucking bad.
Steve shakes his head, trying to be normal and throwing on a cheesy grin, “what? A guy can’t look at his best pal?”
Bucky slurps another spoonful of milk and sugary cereal and grins sweetly. His face is already fatter, oof, and his chubbier cheeks turn the prettiest pink at the compliment. He waves a hand as if to say, stop it! But he keeps eating and he keeps letting Steve stare.
Steve looks for a little while longer until Bucky squirms in place under his appreciative stare. When he squirms his tits jiggle. And Steve can’t take it. He’s sweating. He can’t even imagine what’s happening to that tummy of his under the kitchen counter between the curse and all the food he’s eating.
Steve rasps, “I’m gonna go shower.”
Bucky nods and reaches for the box sitting next to his bowl on the counter, pouring himself another bowl.
Oh, God.
Steve rushes off to the bathroom but he makes the mistake of looking back. And he’s presented with a way-too-hot view of Bucky’s ass and love handles slowly creeping wider and wider. He’s growing out of the kitchen island bar stool right in front of Steve’s eyes. If he sits there for the rest of the day… will the stool eventually break? Will he get too big? Will his ass get two, three, four times wider than that stool?
Steve is-
Steve is going to shower.
Steve is going to take a very long, very hot shower because… because his muscles hurt from his run earlier this morning. That’s. That’s also why he’s so sweaty. He went on a run before breakfast. Mmm-hmm. That’s it.
“Steve, why are my clothes so tight!?”
By the time Steve is done in the shower and has changed into his comfortable, I’m-not-leaving-the-house-today clothes, Bucky is sitting on the couch, still in his own PJs. Steve trips over nothing in the hallway. Turning the corner to reveal Bucky reveals that he is still eating. He’s got the second box of their cereal out (he must’ve finished the first already 🥵) and is putting handfuls of it right into his mouth. Not caring that it’s dry. Just. Hand-to-mouth. Feeding himself. Like he can’t stop. Almost like he doesn’t know he’s doing it.
“Huh?” Steve says intelligently.
Bucky pulls at his little workout shorts. Not basketball shorts but tiny, little shorts. Like the kind you see women running in these days. Like the kind of shorts that men wore in the 1980s. Hiding nothing.
And when Bucky pulls at his shorts - the ones he wore in college when he actually fit into them - he doesn’t pull at the waistband of the shorts. He can’t. It’s buried under his tummy. Instead, he pulls at the bottom hem of them. The bottom hem has ridden up to the very, very top of his thighs, sitting down the way he is, showing off the way his pale thighs spread on the sofa.
“My sleep shorts don’t fit anymore,” he pouts.
How did Steve not notice before that even his thighs are covered in little stretch marks? Sure, they’re light. But. They’re still there. How could he miss them!?
Steve might faint. He just… just had some alone time in the shower, how does he already need more?
Steve really wants to turn right back around so he isn’t completely overwhelmed by how fucking hot Bucky is but also he wants to go right up to Bucky and he wants to fall to his knees between his legs and he wants to sit there forever. He wants to watch Bucky grow bigger and bigger and bigger. He wants to touch him as he gets softer and softer, heavier and heavier, larger and larger. Steve does neither, instead, he comes up behind Bucky on the couch, pressing himself to the back of the couch for no reason (it’s definitely not to get a little friction and pressure against himself, nope) other than to be able to massage his shoulders. An excuse to touch him, to soothe him, and to say, “sorry, baby, I probably messed up the dryer settings. They must’ve shrunk last time I did laundry.”
Bucky crunches thoughtfully on his cereal.
Steve keeps massaging his shoulders, disbelieving his hands and his eyes, how can someone’s shoulders get fat? Fuck. 😮‍💨
“It’s okay,” Bucky says once he swallows. “Can I get more?”
“Of course.” Steve’s mind catches up to his mouth after he answers, “although… maybe not today.”
“Why not?” Bucky asks, “we’re not doing anything, right? We could go shopping?”
“Eh,” Steve shrugs and can’t help but stroke his fingers down Bucky’s throat as he swallows again. He gets goosebumps. “I just don’t feel like shopping today. Wouldn’t you rather relax all day anyway.” Standing over Bucky the way he is, Steve can see two kinds of progression - he can see the way Bucky’s belly makes slow, steady progress over his thighs, pushing farther and farther out, and he can see the way the amount of cereal in the box gets lower and lower.
“I do like doing nothing.” Bucky says, all sunny.
“I know, baby,” Steve pats his head and he thinks and you deserve to do nothing. Do nothing but get bigger and bigger. But, for now, he walks away. Only throwing over his shoulder, “are you gonna shower, Buck?”
“Steeeeve how come I’m so hungry? I’m hungry all the time but why am I so hungry today? Can you hear my stomach growling?”
It’s only an hour after Bucky had an early lunch when he asks that. He’s snacked more before lunch and he’s also showered by now.
(Steve may have mourned the loss of getting to keep an eye on Bucky’s growth while he was showering, singing carelessly and loudly and off-tune as he cleaned up, but that all dissipated when Bucky came back out with a few extra inches. Asking, “did you wash these clothes too, Stevie? They’re tight too. Tighter than my shorts!” And Steve can tell. The clean clothes he’s stuffed himself into are his own lazy day clothes. An old, college t-shirt that’s white with their navy blue college logo stretched over Bucky’s bigger tits. The bottom of the shirt doesn’t even come close to covering his gut. Half of it is just hanging out, showing off his thickening waist. Showing off how his poor shorts, another pair of little ones because, of course. They are being crushed under the weight of his tacked-on belly and chunky love handles as well as being stretched across his fat ass.)
Can you hear my stomach growling, only an hour after I’ve stopped forcing food into it?
Steve totally can hear it growling. Gurgling. All that food shifting around inside him. Accelerating his growth.
Steve might also be able to hear it stretching. All that plush fat struggling to grow around the mass of food packed into one overtaxed stomach. Steve can’t describe the amount of hunger he suddenly feels himself. Is it wrong to want to bite him? He’s just so fat and plump and-
Steve licks his lips. If he didn’t close his mouth he might start drooling. He wouldn’t eat Bucky, obviously, but he does want to devour him. Y’know?
“Yeah,” Steve breathes in and out. Slow. Like Bucky’s never-ending growth. He doesn’t want to faint. “Yeah, you’re alway hungry, Buck. An’, yeah, I can hear your stomach growling. Are you sure you ate enough, baby? You gotta be hungry for a reason.”
Bucky pouts, “I thought I did eat enough!”
“Do you want some more?”
“Oh, please,” Bucky moans. He moans. And. Doesn’t even seem to notice. He’s so effortlessly hot. Steve can’t stand it. He walks to the fridge to pull out more leftovers to reheat but also to stick his head in the cold. While his back is turned, Steve also bites into his fist and lets out a moan of his own. He didn’t anticipate this being so hard on him. Bucky isn’t struggling like Steve is. Bucky is just enjoying himself. Ignorance is bliss. Stupid and so, wonderfully happy. It’s sweet. Steve can’t stand it, it’s so sweet. Like, why does even that turn him on?
God, he’s a pervert. 🥴😵‍💫
“Am I always this big Steve?”
Hdhfhdjs, Steve’s brain provides helpfully. He’s too stunned by the question to add anything right away. He can’t answer! For the last two hours, he’s been trying his best to not tear through the throw pillow he’s had in his lap with his hands fisted in it to keep himself from grabbing Bucky and giving up the game and also leaving it in his lap to hide how much he’s into what has been going on right under Bucky’s nose (more like under his double-chin and past his g-u-t 🥵).
Also for the past two hours he’s been swiveling his head between the TV playing some reality TV show that Bucky enjoys to Bucky himself.
Over the past two, maybe three, hours Bucky has been munching. Steadily getting more and more snacks from the pantry. Filling himself beyond full. Stuffing himself. Steve isn’t sure if he isn’t aware he’s full, not noticing the signals from his body while being so absorbed in his show, or… maybe the curse keeps his stomach growing as well as his fat? Like, he really can’t get full, his stomach getting larger and larger, or maybe all the calories are instantly being digested and used for more fat so, he has to eat to keep up. Steve doesn’t know. It doesn’t matter though.
All the matters is not exploding.
He’s all sweaty again and very turned on and paying way, way more attention to the sounds Bucky is making than anything else. His noisy tummy. His clothes creak - the seams scream under the pressure. His little huffs and puffs and satisfied moans. His “oofs” when he drags himself up, off the sofa. His laughter at himself, nearly unable to hold his balance under the weight of his always bigger body. His hiccups when he eats or drinks faster than his body knows what to do with and the following groans of overfullness along with the sound of his hands caressing his pregnant, over-due looking gut sitting in front of him.
“Have I gotten bigger?” He asks, turning towards Steve, bringing one of his thick legs up onto the couch, and, oh, God, running a chubby hand over his enormous belly. “Or am I always like this?” To emphasize this he wiggles, just a little. Just enough to sway his belly back and forth which is better to Steve than any perfect, sinful strip tease could ever be. His big, fat, pale gut wobbling. All that lard hanging out, thick and round, from his t-shirt that might as well be a bra at this point, straining around his full breasts, the seams bringing to pop under his fat arms. His shorts have ridden up every time he sits back down on his fat ass, and have been pushed down by his growing belly until Steve can only see little peaks of them around his fat. They’re beginning to break too.
Does Bucky even know?
Does he know he’s practically naked?
Does he know he’s rapidly gaining weight yet?
Steve’s head is spinning, watching Bucky as he continues to touch himself.
“No,” Steve finally replies, breathless.
Bucky’s eyebrows come together. He obviously doesn’t understand. Sweet, stupid boy.
Which means Steve has to explain what’s going on. Bucky’s face, as he learns what’s been happening to him, is practically orgasmic. He loves it. Then, it’s Steve’s turn to ask a question, “so, you’ve been getting fatter all day, Buck, did you seriously not notice?”
Bucky shakes his head. He grabs an overflowing handful of blubber at the side of his ballooned belly - wide and fat and impossibly heavy, sticking out in front of him. And he leaves his hand there for long enough to feel himself growing.
Larger and Larger.
Bucky bites his lip, just feeling himself for a moment. Not even trying to put on a show for Steve but putting on the best possible one anyway. Especially when he seemingly can’t take it anymore, letting his head fall back with a ragged moan. Shifting his hips and murmuring, “no wonder I’ve felt so good all day, Stevie. I love getting fatter.”
It flickers through Steve’s mind to say, I know, it’s why I did this. I did it for you, sweet boy. But no thoughts are sticking for long in Steve’s head.
Besides, Steve can’t take it anymore, and he doesn’t have to. So, he pounces. Lunging forward and plastering himself around Bucky’s rotund gut. It feels so much better than it looks. It feels pornographic to have Bucky’s fat balloon against Steve’s own body, slowly working to push Steve out of Bucky’s crowded lap.
I hope you enjoyed!
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pers-books · 1 year
Doctor Who fuels UNIT spin-off rumours with new picture hint
It's the question on every Doctor Who fan's mind - but could we be getting a UNIT spin-off?
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By Morgan Cormack
Another day, another Doctor Who rumour to get chatting about - and this time around, it's the possibility of a UNIT spin-off that is getting us even more excited for the new era of the long-running sci-fi series.
As of late, the official Doctor Who Twitter account (which has rebranded as X) has been giving fans snippets of anticipated information regarding the upcoming season and 60th anniversary episodes.
Under the hashtag of #WhoSpy, the account has continued to build excitement around the run to come - with many a clue and mysterious picture leading fans to speculate about what's on the horizon.
Well, the latest picture to be shared on the account is of none other than a desk with a classified UNIT (the Unified Intelligence Taskforce) folder on top of it.
All the usual work desk items can be seen, including a mug, stationery and folders, but in and among the ordinary are some very specific clues.
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Eagle-eyed fans have spotted a post-it note reading "Tuesday meeting @ 13.00" with some extension numbers scribbled on it, which has led fans to wonder whether the ominous date could tease a forthcoming Doctor Who social media post to come.
More importantly, though, some have started to draw conclusions about UNIT's potential involvement in the new season of Doctor Who.
Along with the very clear document hinting at UNIT's importance, many Whovians have wondered whether Petronella Osgood could be making a return to the series, especially with her iconic colourful scarf looking a lot like the umbrella atop the desk in the picture.
So, could Ingrid Oliver be back in Doctor Who or feature in a potential UNIT spin-off?
While there's been no word of Osgood's involvement just yet, we do know that a Whoniverse is on the cards when it comes to returning showrunner Russell T Davies's plans.
Back in January, Davies told GQ that "the spin-offs are ready", saying: "I always believed in spin-offs when I was there. I did Torchwood as a spin-off, The Sarah Jane Adventures as a spin-off."
Similarly, Pete McTighe, who's written various episodes of Doctor Who, also told RadioTimes.com exclusively: "I haven’t really been paying attention to the rumours about the spin-offs, but I think Doctor Who is a show that deserves to be a much, much bigger brand - which is obviously what they’re doing now."
But will UNIT be getting its own spin-off? Well, more recently, Doctor Who star Jemma Redgrave, who played the head of scientific research Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, said she knows nothing about a possible UNIT show during an appearance on Good Morning Britain.
While the fictional military organisation has appeared in Doctor Who, Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, there's been no confirmation about any UNIT-focused show just yet - but Redgrave did say they will be making an appearance in season 14, which is likely the source of the Twitter picture.
She said: "I don't know about a spin-off, but I have been back. I've done one episode in series 14 and it's such a wonderful thing to be part of that family. It was absolutely tremendous and to be part of Russell T Davies's vision is so exciting."
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teamskull-datingsim · 7 months
okay just for my own sake heres my relationships with the undertale cast.
for context: in jeremytale, as im calling it, the Player latches onto me instead of frisk but frisk is still there. and killing someone is never a possibility. the dialogue options, whether mean or sarcastic, are something I myself would say regardless of being possessed by an Entity
frisk: thats a little sibling if ive ever seen one holy shit. in general i think theyre a cute kid and i think they look up to me but also theyre full of sass and love to backtalk (back sign??) me
chara: another little sibling. I love narrachara theory and it carries over. little dead guy (nonbinary) and their strange living cohort. chara voice Fun fact! If I was alive, I'd be your age! jeremy voice Thats really depressing dead kid
flowey: little sibling number threeee jesus christ. yes he hates me yes if something bad happens to me he will try and hurt the person who did it!! i just think hes a weird flower... until i learn the truth obviously. i try to be supportive but hes kind of a stinker
toriel: "wow this is. a bigger human than im used to having fallen here. Whatever still my child." i think shes awesome and i would love to hug her. however i do think i remind her of chara and asriel for time until she realizes that comparing me to either of them is unfair to everyone. im still her child though. Goat Mother
sans: he goes between "i need to avoid this guy at all fucking costs" and "hey it's not that bad. hes just autistic. thats cool". I do get mad at him frequently for patronizing papyrus (and he tries to do it to me too but i am not above threatening him). on the surface we relax with each other quite a bit. Especially when he realizes that me and papyrus are a good match. and also when he stops babying his brother lol
papyrus: man. cmon. you know this. i do think itd be funny that if i ever actually made jeremytale the outcome of the papyrus fight will always be the dating segment no matter what the player has me do. compliment him? "hey buddy i like your scarf! i have one just like it" "Y-YOU... SUCH A SINCERE TONE! ARE YOU... FLIRTING WITH ME?!?!" ".What". intimidate him? "(*You stand up to your full height and look down on Papyrus.)" "W-WOWIE... TRYING TO SHOW ME YOUR IMPRESSIVE STATURE... ARE YOU... FLIRTING WITH ME!?" "huh." just straight up spare him? "S-SO MYSTERIOUS AND STOIC... YOU MUST BE TRYING TO IMPRESS ME... YOURE FLIRTING?!" "WHAT!!!!!!!"
undyne: at first she hates me but once i get the undyne hang out we are. Basically siblings. she thinks me and papyrus are great and we become a trio of it. she loves noogieing me because i actually put up a fight. i also confront Her on babying papyrus but i think she already knows its bad. i also think she is so funny. most forgetful fish on the planet. WHY DIDNT YOU SIGN YOUR LETTER
alphys: im so cool to her when shes just watching my journey but when we meet face to face she quickly realizes im just as much of a dork as her. we're best friends
mettaton: i am so quirky and funny to him not in a patronizing way but like. That one video of "(excited voice) How do you keep your pants up when you perform, its incredible!" "....... belt". of course once i see EX its like. of course you have black hair and pronouns. unparalleled friend group of me, papyrus, undyne, alphys and mettaton
asgore: he is so. he thinks im an odd chap but mostly very polite and sweet. reminds him of chara much like toriel and makes him very sentimental. hes not really a dad to me but i do think he enjoys my company
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
How would the Icons feel about their obsession being massive, like taller than them kinda massive, towering over them? (they’d obviously not be human in this cause lol)
I have a height complex and NEED to be taller than everyone U-U
Icons with someone who towers over them
To tower over Vorticia, you'd have to be... Some kind of creature, for sure. She's not used to not being the tallest, ever, so this is definitely something she'll have to slowly adapt to. She doesn't feel threatened, but she does find herself gawking at you often. You're... Beautiful. Elegant, powerful. She's never been so taken before. Please, please hold her just once.
Zizz is also heavily surprised. But given he's already had contact with someone bigger than himself (Vorticia), it takes less for him to accept it. He's happy to finally be able to lean on you when he feels sleepy. In fact, he'd like to nap on you like a cat if you'd let him. If you pick up this demon, he will go lights out within seconds, guaranteed. Who knew he'd enjoy being the small spoon so much?
Kalymir is so fucking HYPED. You're formidable! You're a total beast! You're power incarnate and he wants you to show him just how brutal you can be. Wreck him! He'd love to actually fight you one on one, you'll never hear him more hysterical than when you manage pin him down- The Icon might actually cum himself. This is fucking amazing for him, he's never been a trophy husband before, but like Hell he's complaining.
Vesper is, albeit a little surprised, mostly horny. Can you blame him? It's very rare that he meets somebody who can manhandle him, so he's definitely itching to find out how you'll put him to use. His beautiful Queen will have toys made to her size, lingerie that fits you to a T, the whole nine yards, he doesn't care if he looks like a dwarf next to you, he's in cloud nine. You beautiful, hot giantess slut.
Rinx hopes your hands are also bigger, so you can hold his in yours and make him feel more proportionate. The first thing he does is order a couple dozen new sets of clothes for you, because obviously, it must be hard to find anything high-quality with your size- You poor, poor thing. You're his biggest treasure, literally. You're invaluable, and your magnitude only serves to showcase that! You're the biggest gem he could ever want, and he'll squeal like a school girl should you ever pick him up like you OWN him.
Livius is your personal scarf, it seems. He's not particularly bothered by you being taller than him, mostly because the lord of Envy never really stands completely straight- But oh he won't be deterred. He's likely to wrap his bendy limbs all around you and, depending on the size difference, rest on your back or shoulder like a parrot. This is fine by him! Really, he's having a ball. Sometimes, he might feel envious of your size, something he can't really mimic no matter how hard he tries, but it's an intrusive thought he can will away without too much effort.
Cero is mildly... Put off. It doesn't really sit right with him that he's not taller that you. He'd like it if you had to look up at him, but there's not much he can do aside from ordering you to crawl- Which is definitely something that makes his pants feel tight. Size isn't all however, he'll find ways of asserting himself, rest assured. Nonetheless, the fact you're so tall is good in the long-run. A prideful ruler should tower above all others, head held high and chin up, stepping on any and all who cross your way, you are to be the pinnacle of elegance next to him.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Nitpick Number Six for Nitpick November
We all know I hate Coco, but today I specifically want to talk about how bad I think her stupid shirt looks. Like... Potentially worse than the volume eight looks for WBY.
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I'm not gonna talk about the military aspects and how bad it is with the fact that Coco's inspiration - Coco Chanel - was a Nazi, because that's far more than a nitpick. So instead let's start with color. For the most part, this look (outside of its obviously bad Chanel tribute status) is passable. The pants and the boots and the belt all look good and the glasses aren't bad, though I still say the beret is just generally bad. However, the shirt is a big no to me tbh. In the first shot, the brown looks okay-ish in this caramel-y ochre color due to the lighting, but then when you see it in the Vytal Tournament fight it's this dull desaturated looking brown. And this little black vest corset thing looks so bad, and on top of that, what's with the black brace with bracelets on her arm? It's so unnecessary. And the necklaces with the scarf and the ruffles around her neck?
You know what it reminds me of? On Disney Channel shows, when there's some kind of fake celebrity dressed up in 'fashionable' posh clothes. Or, it reminds me of looks on Project Runway where there's some arrogant person who goes on about how creative they are and then gets sent home in the first round because their look was simultaneously too busy and too boring.
Honestly, this look would've been much better if she'd had just a simple brown or white tanktop on with a black regular old black vest. Not everything has to be 'so iconic no other design looks exactly like this' because sometimes it just doesn't look very good at all. And also, Coco Adel in this ensemble that I would've put together when I was a pre-teen in order to try to look like Hannah Montana made fun of what other people were wearing in Before the Dawn!
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Which one of these looks actually seems like someone trying too hard? I hate Coco with or without what I think is a not great look, but the fact that she with her whole chest will judge someone for 'dressing like a twelve year old' because they're in a sweater and skater gloves while wearing this corset-ish thing with five necklaces and a lopsided scarf? Btw, if I ever made a RWBY re-write I would either completely delete Coco or make her a bully (with a different allusion,) and out of spite I would make Reese Chloris into a bigger role and a heroic character that maybe winds up in a relationship with Velvet.
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