#and ugh sarah's face throughout like oh god he's really talking about our feelings
chuckaf · 3 years
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“Agent Walker, despite your heroism, you have directly disobeyed several orders.” “Wait, General. Isn’t the most important part of being my handler making sure that I stay alive?”
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Baby, You’re Perfect
Chapter Five- New Beginnings 
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Harry had been in complete and utter shock, from the very moment he laid eyes on her. It took everything in him, to keep her promises. He no longer needed her explanation. In that moment, he had known exactly what happened.
To say that he was angry was an understatement. He was beyond furious. He knew who had been responsible, and it took everything in him not to hunt Jackson down. He knew if he ever did see the boy again, he wouldn't be responsible for his actions. Murderous thoughts filled his head, as he looked at her for the first time in days.
Knowing she needed him, he pushed his own feelings to the side. Careful not to hurt her further, he crawled into the bed beside her. Taking her into his arms, he held her closely. Resting her head on his chest, his hands automatically ran through her long brown hair.
He could feel her body start to slowly relax, and he could tell she hadn't slept much since the incident. He felt her sigh contently, as she closed her eyes. He silently vowed to hold her all night, and he softly sung to her until she had fallen fast asleep. Watching her, he couldn't fight the tears that flowed silently down his cheeks.
'How could someone be so cold?' He thought. 'Why would anyone ever want to hurt such a beautiful soul?!'
The thoughts filled his head, as he fought for answers. He now understood why Sarah had refused to tell him anything. He even understood her looks of sadness she often gave him.
Although Harry was furious with Jackson for what he had done, he was more angry with himself. He couldn't help but blame himself for what had taken place. If he had not run away after she kissed him, she never would have been alone in the first place. He blamed himself, for not being there to protect her. He should have known that a guy like Jackson wouldn't have left things alone. He couldn't stop kicking himself, for his part in all of this. The thoughts tormented his mind, as he watched her dreaming peacefully.
He couldn't keep his eyes off of her. Her beautiful face was covered in bruises and slightly swollen. Her left arm was wrapped in a bright blue cast, and although he couldn't see it he knew her body was in the same shape. The thought made him sick to his stomach. He wanted more then anything to be able to turn back time. He wished he would have been there to stop this from ever happening to her. Maybe if he had not been avoiding her, she would have told him what Jackson was capable of.
All throughout the night, Harry fought sleep. He didn't want her to leave his sight, for even a moment. Although he tried desperately, sleep eventually overtook him.
He slept restlessly, his mind filling with nightmares.
I awoke with a start. It took me a moment to slow my heart rate and to remember where I was. As the nightmare slowly faded away, I took in my surroundings. My head was still resting on Harry's muscular chest. His steady heartbeat was soothing. It was like a lullaby.
Sighing, I looked up at his angelic face. Although he was sound asleep, e was frowning deeply. I didn't like what I was seeing. It wasn't right, and all it done was break my heart.
Reaching up, I gently traced my finger across his cheek. Thankfully, his frown started to slowly disappear into a slight scowl. I let my finger linger on his perfect jawline, for just a moment longer. His skin was warm and smooth, and all I wanted to do was lean in and kiss him.
Not wanting to wake him, I tried my best to climb over him. It was difficult, because of my screaming ribs. I was practically on top of him, when he began to stir.
“Well good morning!” He exclaimed, with a smirk.
Opening his gorgeous eyes, his hands automatically went to my thighs. He held me in place, as his eyebrows rose ever so slightly.
“Trying to escape?” He asked teasing.
“You caught me,” I giggled.
Surprising me, he sat up so that we were now face to face. Grabbing his shoulders, I steadied myself. His face grew serious. Carefully, he reached up and tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear.
“I've really missed you,” he breathed out.
His warm breath fanned over my face. It was intoxicating, and made me lose my train of thought. I was tempted to lean in and kiss his perfect lips, but I knew we needed to talk first.
“Harry.. I'm so sorry,” I started to say.
Putting his finger to my lips, he stopped me. “No.. I'm sorry.”
“What?!” I asked him confused.
“Just let me get this out,” he pleased with his eyes. “I was a complete idiot. I never should have walked away from you. If I didn't, none of this would have never happened. I would have been there to protect you.”
“Harry stop!” I told him sternly.
Copying his actions, I place my hand over his mouth. He acted like he wanted to continue, but he stopped when I narrowed my eyes.
“None of this is your fault. It's mine..” Harry rolled his eyes. “Just let me get this out..” I pleaded with him, while removing my hand.
Securing both his hands behind my back, he remained silent. He waited patiently, as I tried to gather my scrambled thoughts. I knew I had to explain everything to him. It was the only way he would stop tormenting himself.
Trying my best to take in a deep breath, I continued. “Jackson and I were together for roughly two years. Things were great in the beginning, but then he slowly started to show his true colors. I can't really say everything that happened, because it's to hard to even think about. However, I'm sure you can guess. I had been looking for the perfect opportunity to end things with him for quite some time but, I could never seem to work up the courage. Which is why this job was a God sent. It was the miracle I had been praying for, and I can't think you enough for that. I foolishly thought that would be the end of it. I thought I could get out of town, and that would be that. Jackson, however, was never one to take no for an answer. I should have known he would eventually show back up. When he did, I was utterly terrified. I did my best to play along, while I thought of a plan to get away from him. I never wanted to drag you or anyone else into this mess, and I'm so very sorry that I did.”
I rambled on for a moment, and then I stopped to let Harry think everything over. I also needed to catch my breath. My ribcage was screaming in protest. There was a moment of utter silence, while we were both lost in thought. Finally, he spoke.
“Why didn't you come to me?” He asked hurt. “I could have helped you. Don't you trust me?”
Looking down, I avoided his eyes. “Again it wasn't you.. I didn't want to drag you into this. This is a part of my life that I'm not proud of. I wanted to avoid having you give me that look You know the one that people always give you when they feel sorry for you.”
Putting his finger under my chin, he raised my face and forced me to look at him. He looked back at me, and his eyes rang with sincerity.
“I wouldn't have done that. You have to know that. All I want is to protect you. Layla..” He paused, trying to find the courage. “I think I'm in love with you, and I know it sounds crazy. We haven't known each other long, but I can't fight these feelings. Trust me, I've tried.”
I couldn't help but smile back at him. His confession made my heart start to pound inside my chest. Although I already knew how he felt, it still felt great to hear him say it out loud. He watched me, as I grinned at him like an idiot. Silently, he waited for me to respond.
“This is usually when you say something,” he teased. “I mean I did just confess my feelings for you.”
“Would you completely hate me, if I told you I already knew how you felt?”
“Wait what?!” He asked stunned.
“Welllllllllllll I might have overheard you on a few occasions...”
“Overheard me saying what?!” He asked alarmed.
“I'd rather not say.”
“Oh no. You aren't getting out of this one! Tell me!” He stated, looking at me sternly.
“Are you trying to be intimidating?” I asked laughing. Although it made my ribs scream in protest, it felt good to laugh.
“No,” he lied pouting.”
“Heyyy. Don't do that!” I told him, putting my thumb on his lower lip. “It does things to me,” I confessed.
“Oh yeah?” He asked smirking. “What kind of things?”
“Wouldn't you like to know,” I teased.
“I know what you're doing.” He said, suddenly serious.
I suddenly noticed how close we had gotten to one another. Our faces were just inches apart. It wouldn't take me but a split second to close that distance, and our lips would be touching. It took everything in me, not to kiss him.
“You're trying to avoid telling me what you heard.” He stated, smirking once more.
Rolling my eyes, I sighed. “Do you really want to know?”
“Of course I do!”
“Ugh.. Fine! Do you remember that first night we spent the night together?”
“Oh no!” He said, his eyes growing wide.
“You told Mitch that you thought you were in love. I thought I had dreamt it, entirely. So I didn't think anything of it until...”
“Until?” He groaned.
“Ummmm... Welll...” I hesitated.
“Oh just tell me already! You're killing me!” He groaned.
“Well... A few days before our encounter with Jackson, I might have overheard you and Mitch talking again.”
“Oh no!” He groaned, trying to think of what I might have heard. “What did you hear?”
“I heard you talking about me and Jackson. You were talking about your feelings for me, and conformed you had been avoiding me. Up until then, I couldn't figure out why you refused to be around me. I was surprised by how much not seeing you had bothered me.” I confessed.
His eyes grew softer. “I'm so sorry, love.” He whispered. “I really wish I could do it all over again. It was just hard, thinking about you being with someone else.”
“If it helps, you were the only one I was thinking about during that time. All I wanted with Jackson was for him to leave me alone.”
Thinking it over, I decided I needed to confess something else. He had already poured his heart out to me so he deserved to know.
“Can I confess something?” I asked him hesitantly.
“Of course!”
“Before you came along, I could never picture myself being with anyone again. Jackson really broke me, and I honestly never thought I would be rid of him. So I never allowed myself to even consider the possibility of being with someone else. However, from the moment I first laid eyes on you, I was hooked. I couldn't understand it, but you were like a magnet I was being pulled towards. Our every encounter, never failed to put a smile on my face. No matter what was going on, you were always there to make things better.”
Harry's answering grin was breathtaking. He was truly the most gorgeous creature I had ever set eyes on. I couldn't believe my luck, and it still felt like I was in a dream.
“Harry... I never in a million years would have thought that someone as incredible as you would like someone like me. I swear to you, you’re the only one I want. I think that i might be in love with you as well.”
Without another word, he closed the small space between us. Still being as careful as possible, he pressed his lips tenderly to mine. As soon as our lips touched, it was like my entire body had been electrocuted. He ignited sparks in me that I didn't even know existed.
The kiss started out soft, but grew in passion. We had both wanted this, for so long now. By the end of the kiss, we were both breathless. 
“That should have been out first kiss.” He stated, grinning from ear to ear.
“Wellll it kind of was. This first time, you rejected me,” I teased.
“You're never going to let me live that one down are you?” He pouted.
“We'll see,” I laughed. “I'm sure, you'll think of someway to make it up to me.”
Laughing, he shook his head. “You're something else, do you know that?”
“So I've been told.” I informed him, smiling.
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skyecrandall · 6 years
A Choices Halloween - Choices Fic
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Books: Features characters from many different books
Words: Around 3000
Genre: Comedy
Summary: Kenji Katsaros is hosting a Halloween party where other influential persons like Thomas Hunt, Kamilah Sayeed or Sloane Washington are attending. Unfortunately things do not turn out as the hero hoped to.
"Hello everyone! I hope you guys are ready for the best Halloween party of the world!" Said the man coated in bronze, generally known as Talos to the general public. "Yeeaaah!" Yelled the crowd gathered on the dance floor. "I would just like to thank all of you for coming to this event! It is all thanks to you that this party will be considered as such! After all, how can you make an awesome party without super awesome people! Am I right?" Said Talos. "Yeah!" Echoed throughout the crowd. "I won't hold you guys down any longer! However let's just have a souvenir selfie!" Said the superhero as he turned his back to the crowd and lifted up his phone so that it could capture him and part of the crowd. "Everyone say Spooky Socks!" He said as he clicked the selfie. "Now... Party hard everyone! Just try to not break anything!" Said Talos as he got off the stage.
'We are having an amazing party here! Totally not missing you two!' He typed in the picture before sending it to Eva. A few seconds after the seen marker pop up but no reply, even after five minutes. 'At least reply if you've seen it!' Typed Kenji and after a few seconds Eva replied with a photo. The photo's content was her in the corner of the frame and the main target being Alex, in a very revealing demon outfit. It also had the caption: 'Sorry can't speak to you right now. There is someone more worthy of my attention 😏' This caused Kenji to nearly throw his phone away when a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head around and saw cute girl in a regency era costume.
"I am Imogen Wescott and I would like to personally thank you for hosting this amazing party!" She said with a bright smile. "Ugh thanks? But how did you get to the backstage? Weren't you on the dance floor with the others?" asked Talos. "It is too early to head for the dance floor. Plus too many sweaty people out there currently, maybe later. Moreover I wanted to thank the host personally," said Imogen brightly. "Thanks! And yeah, I should have probably looked for somewhere with a better dance floor?" Replied Talos. "Also I'm wondering do you have any superhero buddies who works around Pine Springs or Westchester? Weird stuff have been happening in the region lately," she said. "Not really, but we will see if we can come by someday," said Talos. "Sweet. Now if you'll excuse me, I saw a butler with really cute snacks on it," said Imogen as she waved to the bronze clad superhero before chasing after the butler who were serving certain pair.
"Oh my god Zack! Look how appealing these snacks are!" Squealed Madison at the skull shaped mimi-muffins in her hand. "They are so well done that I'm getting willies just by looking at them," frowned Zack before throwing the cake away while no one was looking. "I know right. Thanks again for coming with me Zack! Nobody wanted to come with me to the party," said Madison. "No problem. I'd be a fool to miss out an opportunity to have fun with someone like you! I wondered why you didn't take Becca instead with you," asked Zack who was dressed as a pirate. "She has an important assignment for her courses later this week and preferred to prepare herself instead of coming with me. She is working really hard for it and I respect her choice. She even got Sarah to come around to help her. I also couldn't get anyone from the Sorority since they are having their own party," explained Madison as she munched down the skull. "With Sarah around, I doubt she'd be able to focus much," smirked Zack. "Maybe," smiled Madison.
"Oh my god look at that girl! She looks just like you, except maybe a few years older," said Zack as he pointed towards two woman who just entered the party. One of them was wearing a green swamp monster outfit while the other blonde one was wearing a skin tight cat outfit. "Oh wow, you are right! And look at their outfits! We have to go and introduce ourselves!" Beamed Madison. "But they are across that massive crowd," said Zack shocked. "It will all be worth it! Come on!" Said Madison as she dragged Zack by the hand towards the crowd.
The two women those two were talking about were none other that Sereena Patel and Brooke Williams. "Yes! This party looks so fun! And all those wonderful costumes!" Squealed Brooke. "Wonderful costume? Most of the outfits that I have seen would probably have the sexy adjective stuck onto them. Modern Halloween is just an excuse for the patriarchy to be able to look at women in revealing out-" said Sereena before she was lightly slapped by Brooke. "Listen Sereena. This is a girl's night out. We are here to have fun and unwind ourselves. Especially you need to do so after stressing out so much these last few days. Plus if we went to Cole's party instead, I'm pretty sure a skimpy outfit would be obligatory..." said Brooke. Sereena was angry that her best friend slapped her, but deep down she knew Brooke was right and that she'd rather be in any other party than Cole's. "It is just that I'm losing my mind every time I'm seeing something sexualised. I mean do you know how many sexy nuns I have seen today! Wasn't The Nun a horror movie? Not a sexy romance one? And aren't nuns supposed to represent chasit-" argued Sereena before she was slapped yet again by Brooke. "You. Me. Have Fun," said Brooke threateningly. Sereena was going to blow up when suddenly a girl a Starfall outfit and a guy in a pirate outfit came.
"Wow your costumes are amazing!" Said Madison. "Am I already drunk? Why do I see two Brookes? "More important is that a Starfall costume? It looks so good! If Ben was here with us he would be so proud!" Said Brooke. "Wait you know Ben Park! I'm such a fan of his artwork for Venus Corp?" Squealed Madison. "Yes! He's part of our friend group! Oh, I'm Brooke by the way!" Replied Brooke. "And I'm Madison! Come over! I think we'll have a good time together!" Said the other blonde as the two of them walked away, deep in conversation.
"I guess it is just the two of us now," said Zack amazed by how the blondes got along so quickly. "And before you even try it, I'm not interested in you," said Sereena, annoyed that her partner left her alone with another guy. "Why would I even try to flirt with you? I'm only interested in guys. Maybe if you looked like Talos it would be another case," said Zack. "Oh sorry. It is just that I'm tired with men coming to me and flirting," apologized Sereena. "I can feel you. Heteros and their hetero bullshit assuming everyone is straight like them," added Zack. "I like you. My name is Sereena," smiled Sereena before reaching over for a handshake. "And I'm Zack! Let's go have a drink! We have to talk more," said Zack as both of them started walking towards the bar. As they walked towards there, Sereena noticed an odd trio consisting of two women and an old man in Santa outfits. They seemed really familiar but she'd rather focus on the man she just met.
"So guys, what do you think of this party?" Asked one of the women of the trio. She is known as Priya La Croix and is one of the most famous fashion designer currently. "It is nice but the host baited me hard with his 'Bloodwine'. I expected real blood in it, not a blood red wine with hints of pomegranate in it," said the Baron as he took a sip of his drink. "He is not really a vampire, so it is not really surprising that his appetizers do not really appeal to us that much. Still it is a rather decent party," said Kamilah. "We should host our own party and get him to taste real Bloodwine. Can you imagine his face when he discovers that he actually drank real blood," said Priya. "We should replace the human blood by rat blood instead. It would be even more fun," joked the Baron. "We are not going to ruin such a fantastic drink by mixing it with cheap rat or chicken blood. Furthermore, we should very likely not talk about this out open in the public eye. We do not want to look suspicious," said Kamilah. "No, I think we are good. If there is anyone suspicious out here, it is those two by the corner there. They look fishy with those electric blue lines on their face yet they are wearing a medieval outfit," said Priya.
The persons Priya was talking about were the Elara siblings, Pax and Eos who came back to the past. "That was cool of you for inviting me on your trip to the past Pax. I'm glad you are trusting me more," smiled Eos. "The only reason I brought you was because that would prevent you from telling Nova about my machine. Trust me, I'd rather take Holmes with me that your ugly ass," said Pax a little annoyed. "For your information, I have a nice ass. Zekei can attest to it. Also are you sure this medieval outfits will help us blend in?" Asked the elder brother. "I think they will do good. It is a Halloween party, so even if we came in our regular clothes is would be okay," replied Pax. "How did you get hold of these anyway?" Asked Eos. "Oh these outfits? I went back in the past as a test run and brought these as souvenirs," said Pax. "Wait! You used it without consulting us? What if you got stuck back then? How the hell would have we been able to bring you back to our era??" Exclaimed a shocked Eos. "Shut up! Someone is coming," said the younger sister as she noticed a woman approaching.
"Wow! Your costumes of Val Greeves and Will Jackson are so good! And I'm also a fan how you decided to give it a more sci-fi look with those blue bands. Oh sorry where are my manners. My name is Imogen Wescot," said the woman. "I'm Eos and this is my sister Pax and we are hapoy that you like our costumes" said Eos. "What are you doing in such a remote corner though! You guys should be strutting out your amazing costumes! You guys deserve more attention," said Imogen. "Uh this what we are trying to avoi-" continued Eos before Pax secretly elbowed him in the gut. "Oh I know your type! You want to be part of the fun but also don't want to be in the spotlight. How about you guys come with me on the dance floor? At this time it is not that crowded and people will barely notice you. So how about spending some time with me?" Asked Imogen. "Why am I getting the feeling that we will have to pay 20 diamonds to be able to do that?" Said Eos but he was ignored. "Sure! We'd love to!" Said Pax with a smile as she started following Imogen. Eos quickly walked towards Pax and whispered in her ear, "Shouldn't we try and stay hidden? What if we cause a time paradox?" "Its okay Eos. Time paradox only occurs in sci-fi movies. Plus Nathaniel Hoealot already debunked this stupid mytho. It does not exist. Let's just have fun," said Pax. "Why do I feel something bad is going to happen later on though," sulked the elder brother.
Eos was not the only one a little worried. By the entrance, a certain highschooler was also anxious. "Are you sure we are at the right party Micheal? I can't really see anyone we know here," said Maria Flores. "I think they might just be friends of Payton's sister. I heard they once invaded Autumn's party," said Michael. "Still, I'm not sure Payton would have been able to get us such a grand place for the party," argued Maria. "If you are that worried, why don't you just call her?" Said Michael as he started walking towards a nearby snack table. "Good idea. Aw come on! I forgot my phone! Let me use yours," said Maria after digging through her purse. Michael took out his phone and then shrugged. "Looks like we have the worst luck ever. My phone just died out. No battery," he said. "Ugh. Is this karma for when I returned an application half an hour late," replied Maria. "Listen.I'm sure it is her party, let's go deeper inside. The group will be there," continued Michael. "I don't know... I think I'm just going to wait outside for a little bit," said Maria as turned around, nearly bumping into someone in a black ghost outfit.
"Oh my god, Micheal. I don't know what to do. They are kinda scary," whispered Maria into his friend's ear. "Let me take care of this," whispered Michael back. "Hey there! Sorry for the little incident," said Michael in a friendly tone to Redfield. "Your costume is so good! It almost feels real!" He added as he went closer to the spirit and tried to grab what he believed was cloth, but his hand ended up going through the spirit's whole body. "Wh-wh-what the hell???" Said a panicked Michael. "It's not a p-p-person, it's a real ghost!" Yelled Maria as the ghost's face suddenly lit up in flames. "Maria! Run!" Yelled Michael as they both started running away.
Redfield using his levitation power lifted the table and tried throwing it at them, fortunately missing the highschoolers. However this caused the a mass panic at the party. The noise from the screams caused Redfield to grow more angry and attacked the persons closest to him. He took Thomas Hunt before throwing him across the room. He then grabbed Sloane Washington and then threw her on the snacks table. His gaze then soon trailed onto Drake Walker. "Me choke you, ugly man," said Redfield as he grabbed Drake by the neck. "But...Riley said...I was...gorgeous" said Drake as he tried escaping the ghost's grip. "She lied! You look... like a rotten potato!" said Redfield when Talos tried to kick him but ended up passing through the ghost. "No one is getting choked in my presence. Even ugly people," said Talos as he jumped back to his feet. "Go away!" screeched Redfield as he threw Drake like a slingshot on Kenji, knocking both of them unconscious.
"Should we not try and stop this ghost from killing those humans?" commented the Baron before sipping on his drink. "Since it seems to be an immaterial being, I doubt we will be able to accomplish much," said Kamilah. "The how about we ditch this party and crash another. I heard some high school students are hosting one nearby,"said Rpiya while checking her phone. "Seriously? High school students? Didn't you say that you had standards Lacroix?" commented the Baron. "That's where the fun is at. We will crash the party and show them how to really have fun! We'll even bring in some Bloodwine," suggested Priya. "Hmmm Let's go!" said Kamilah and the group of friends started walking towards the exit while dodging the flying furniture.
"Oh my god, we need to do something?" said Pax. "Eat that!" roared Eos as he fired his plasma gun at Redfield but that only succeeded at making the ghost more angry. "When I said that we needed to do something, I was talking more about running away! Wait? where did Imogen go?" yelled Pax. "No time to think about that! Let's go! That thing is now coming towards us!" yelled Eos as he activated the time travel device and they both disappeared back into the future before Redfield could get to them. Imogen was actually hiding in the corner texting Tom. "Hey Tom, big problem here. Ghost like monster. Immaterial black body," she typed and very soon after Tom replied. 'Redfiled? What is he doing there? Listen Imogen, find a safe place and remain hidden there and in absolutely no instances play any games with him!' typed Tom. "Why can't I have any parties without any monsters," she mumbled to herself.
Confused by the sudden disappearance of his pray, the spirit looked around and found two persons who seemed to be still having fun. It was Sereena and Zack who were in one of the private isolated booths. Somehow these two were so deep in conversation that they did not notice the carnage outside. Red field barged inside, scaring both occupants. "What The H-" was Zack able to say before Redfield swatted him away.
"What the hell are you doing!" yelled Sereena, angry again. Redfield was going to grab her when Sereena raised her voice again. "Don't you dare touch me!" she said. Redfield decided to roar at her but his attempts to make the lady scared were in vain. "So this is how it is eh? I'm not scared of people who think they can scream their way," she said. Redfield was going to grab her yet again but Sereena didn't let him. "I said, no TOUCHING!" she said as she grabbed her drink and threw it on the ghost's face, somehow making it wet. "I'm sick of your bullshit. Now I am going to talk and you are going to listen. I had finally found something redeemable in that party, something being Zack and you probably got his a ticket to the hospital. I was already angry that I was forced to come in this party where most persons are sexualised from head to toe. This is especially nerve wracking since a majority of those are women outfits but then now you come in and decide to make me even more angry? This is just wrong and rude!" she yelled as she now took Zack's drink and threw it on Redfield's face again. "You know what you are? Just a petty little bitch. People like you try to showoff how much of an alpha they are. But deep down they know that they are just a puny little bitch inside. They try to act tough thinking this will hide their insecurity but oh boy they are transparent," said Sereena as she tried reaching out for her glass. "God dammit, I'm out of drink thanks to you now. Why do I have to be sober right now, ugh? Anyway ghost dude, I want you to take your trashy little ass and get the fuck out of my way before I get really angry and let me tell you that me being angry is the worst thing that can happen to people understood. I don't care that you can fling people around because I know that deep inside you a just a little bitch who throws temper tantrums around to sound interesting however you end up being really rude and become an attention whore. What are you going to do now? Try to fling me around too? But I bet you have no balls to do so and you will just end up running outside to cry," added Sereena and as she said, Redfield ran towards the exit with a distorted cry.
"Wow, Sereena... you scared an actual ghost away," said Brooke who slowly crawled towards Sereena. "What? It was a real ghost?" said Sereena shocked and Brooke replied with a slight nod. 'Anyway can we just go some place where we can get some alcohol? I don't think this party will be serving now," proposed Sereena. "Let's go to Double Tap . My treat," said Brooke as the two walked away. "With your sphere of prettiness we will likely get those for free, but I don't really mind," smiled Sereena.
3 Hours Later
"Don't Worry Imogen! I'm here and I brought some friends along!" said Tom with an ax raised behind him. Along with him were also the rest of his Westchester friends. "Looks like Redfield is looking for more ass kicking," said Stacy. However the group were shocked to find the villa free from any ghosts or people. "Oh hey guys! Sorry, no after party this tie. Can't really party with broken limbs," said Kenji who just arrived from the noise, in his crutches. "But what about Mr.Red? Where is he?" asked Lily. "The ghost? It ran away crying like a child after a woman berated him. A really scary one," said Kenji. "Oh--okay... Let's go then guys," said Lucas.
Finally managed to rewrite the whole thing after I forgot to save the draft the other time. BTW I hope you gus had fun reading this. :3333
Tagging: @choiceslife and the neutral squad @wlwkateomalley @teamtomsato @lovethemarshalltwins @nuttatulipa
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