#and unlike the proxy body
yutaan · 1 year
I can't believe I have to ask this with my own mouth and type this with my own two hands but.... will you ever drop the rita+dio heights 👀?!?!? Honestly I'm jk because they have that mechafiction thing going on so it's nice to leave it up to imagination but I'm just tickled pink the way you refer to him as tiny or 'comparatively' small. Rather than an actual height, is Dio small compared to the average person or just his super cool and adoring, amazing and loving tall gf Rita? From the mash up drawings I've seen, Dio is always the smallest person on the page :3 I love a confident little man in charge so I adore Dio and Rita and their dynamic <3 The caption about him being in distress because his gf was out of shot in distress had me cracking up lolol
Darlingest anon I cackled SO hard when I got this ask; thank you for being interested in my motorcycle kids!! And you are in luck: Even though I usually don’t get too fussed about how tall characters are, this is the one project I have where I did work out out everybody's heights. If you don't want to know exact answers, I'll just say that Dio is, in fact, Tiny specifically when compared to Rita. He's of pretty average height! Even a little taller than average! She's just QUITE tall.
And if you do want the exact measurements, Dio is 5'5 (and a half)! Rita is 6’3 in her bio body and 6’4 in her mechanical proxy body so next to her he simply looks like a bean rather than a beanpole. AND the rest of the main cast actually ALSO skews quite tall so he just… appears short most of the time. He doesn’t mind! It's rad! His girlfriend is tall and amazing and can lift him up with one arm and he is THRILLED about it.
Rita and Dio are in their late teens in the main part of the story, so it’s possible they both could still grow slightly? They’ve pretty much reached their full adult heights, though; it would be a very minor difference.
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chuunai · 5 months
Dazai kisses you with the reverence of a worshipper. He’s eternally grateful that such a filthy, lowly demon such as himself received the affections of such an angel. His morning and nighty rituals begin and end with the same event—kisses all over your holy body, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. They’re chaste and fleeting in the beginning, afraid to defile and corrupt you. But oh, he craves to hear the delicacies of your gentle hums and moans when he gets too messy later on and leaves a pretty mark. He knows mere mortals shouldn’t get too close to goddesses, but he can’t help but follow icarus’s steps and hope to touch the sun, you.
Chuuya kisses you like a man drunk in love. Your lips replace the bottle he used to seek comfort so often from, and the taste of red wine could never hold a candle to the taste of you. And not unlike the glasses full of alcohol, he finds himself asking for just one more kiss. They’re bold and clear to the point that he has given himself to you. He’ll proudly kiss the ground you walk on with the same energy he kisses you. He’s lost so many people in his life, and the one thing he wants is to keep you and your kisses all to himself. The finest wine deserves a knowledgeable man who won’t break the bottle.
Fyodor kisses you with the delicate touch of an artist. Every imprint of his lips on your skin is carefully arranged in an ethereal collage of devotion and intimacy. There’s no overdoing it or under-doing it, it’s the perfect amount. His words are always coated in sugary lies and webbed subsidiary secrets, and he opts to express his love through affectionate gestures such as a mere kiss. Being a man of God, naturally he strays away from anything too provocative and heated. Except sometimes in the dead of night, he thinks of Eve and the apple. He shouldn’t have you, no, but he can’t resist forever.
Sigma kisses you like he’ll lose you. The three years he has known this world has only taught him pain, anguish and anxiety. He’s so inexperienced, and he’s afraid that inexperience will frustrate you to the point of leaving him. There’s a bit of everything in a kiss with him, some tongue (he read about it online on a WikiHow article of how to kiss), the shaky hand on your cheek and hip and so much idolization. You lead most of the kisses by proxy, and he lets you. It’s okay if you use him like a toy. He’ll gladly be used as long as you don’t leave.
Nikolai kisses you with all the wild passion he can muster. The lipstick he wears smears across your skin, painting your Cupid’s bow red. Mutters of ‘pretty thing’ and ‘fucking delicious’ leave him with each deepening kiss. It’s a pity he’s thought about setting you free from this world during such a moment. Your heart bleeding around the knife, wails and whimpers of pain muffled by his lips while he guides you through the end of life. The last remnant of the chains holding him down would be gone if your kisses weren’t so hammering onto his soul. Every peck and smooch only solidifies his connection to you and this universe.
Tags: @twst-om-lover, @briars-castle, @little-miss-chaoss, @sinfulthoughtsposts @starrs20
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justasecretflower · 14 days
HIII!! ermm this is my first time requesting something so idk if I'm doing something wrong, but I saw the Ticci Toby dating before he became a proxy can we pretty please have one where we meet him after he became a proxy? Tyyy!!! (You can just ignore this if you're already making something similar or you just don't want to do it) 🤍🖤
Hi chérie! I love this idea hon:)! When requesting creepypasta you put the “🥀” emoji if you wanna request more :). Love you sm!
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🥀- Meeting Ticci Toby! Again after dating him before he was a proxy 🤍
Synopsis- you meet ticci Toby in the woods after you haven’t seen him for years. What’s his reaction?
- seeing the boy you once loved years ago, now a hatchet in his hands with somebody’s blood smeared on his clothes is certainly a tough sight.
- you were out for a walk in the woods expecting it to be quiet, not expecting to see him..
- his eyes would soften, his shoulders slump and letting go of the hatchet as it slipped out of his grasp.
- he scans over your body head to toe, examining the slight changes within you. He soaks up every bit of it.
The crickets hopped through the thick blades of grass, fireflies popped out occasionally, lighting up a tiny patch of darkness throughout the forest. It was peaceful, just the way I liked it. The peace coddled me and made me feel snug, like I was wrapped in a quilt.
Hearing some footsteps my eyes quickly snap to look where the source of the sound was, my heart thumping and my body tensing with goosebumps decorating my skin. Then I see him, face to face with a man I used to love. That I mourned when he went missing, that I cried millions of raging oceans of tears for. He had changed tremendously. He grew a good couple of inches / a foot on me (depending on how tall u are.) his face got severely scarred, like his face got cut into, and he had blood splattered on his coat, hands, and hatchet that he was carrying. I didn’t know what happened, I don’t even wanna picture it, but the thoughts telling me I knew what happened, and throwing pictures into my head of my Toby taking someone’s life make me slap a hand over my mouth and take a shaky breath in.
His hazel eyes go through a mix of emotion. Anger, confusion, realization, then landing on a softened look of affection, like our memories together are just now hitting him. I can’t speak. Even if I want to. “Y-Y/n..” he whispers my name like a prayer, soft spoken, promising, gentle, honest.
My hand shakily reaches back down. “Toby.” I echo back. My voice almost a fleeting breath, just barely a whisper. He keeps getting closer, and my breathing keeps getting more shallow with every crunch of the fiery leaves under his boots.
We’re just a couple inches to a foot away from each other now. I can see his dark hazel eyes, that I used to look into before kissing him, the messy brown hair I used to thread between my fingertips , the lips I used to laugh into a kiss on, he pulls so many strings on my heart by just looking at me. Like he’s playing a heavenly harp and I’m just standing here, soaking up his presence.
“I m-missed y-you.” And the walls crumble down, the strings break.
- he stalks you for a bit, deciding to leave small things he found like pinecones and wildflowers at your porch.
- he makes it clear that he’s sending it.
- eventually, he starts giving them to you in person, starting to talk to you more and more.
- you learned about what happened, and what he does. You’re not thrilled, but you can’t stop what you’re feeling.
- whenever he’s with you, he goes back to a time when he didn’t have any blood on his hands, when he looked up to the stars and kissed you under them, when there were fleeting kisses under the covers and comforting snuggles.
- you’re his warmth.
- unlike him, you didn’t change for the worse, And you’re doing amazing in life, which makes him so happy.
- he knows you find his killing distasteful, so whenever he goes out to kill, he comes back and just.. grips onto you, sinking on his knees and mumbling stuff about how he loves you, he missed you, and how much he’s sorry that he ended up like this. Clothes all bloody and dirty, dirt caking his face with somebody’s blood on his hands.
- his love language is touch..WOAH!!
- his hand is always in yours, finger tips to finger tips, nose to nose, forehead to forehead, kissing softly, tight hugs, loving embraces.
- refuses to get you involved with slender. You’re the only thing in his life that doesn’t revolve around killing, the creeps, and gruesome settings, you’re what brings him back to simpler times, he 100% preserves that.
- “Angel” because you saved him yet again in hard times.
- “sunshine” because you’re the only thing that shines in his horribly dark life (corny but true.)
- cares about your safety and gets you like a thousand locks for your doors and windows, even gifted you a hatchet to match his right next to your bed if something happens while he’s gone.
- he doesn’t mess around when it comes to you. No one touches or hurts his angel.
- sometimes he’ll just..come behind you, interlace your fingers and kiss your lips softly, telling you he loves you.
- he’s so little spoon core.
- he lays on your chest, curls his whole body into you.
- you’re his whole world<3…
If you guys want more creepypasta make sure to use the “🥀” emoji with your request!!
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lullabyes22-blog · 11 months
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Le Rite sacré de l'amour magique - The Sacred Ritual of Magical Love.
I feel so sad whenever I read about how this scene was 'cringe' and 'unnecessary' and 'awkward' - given it's visually and narratively a feast of subtext, and full of delicious tidbits about the essential nature of Hex-tech as a magical system.
It also wonderfully highlights the fusion of a pure source powered by the crystallization of celestial bodies with the viscerality of blood as a sacrificial link to esoteric knowledge - but at the cost of forfeiting one's 'tether' to humanity.
We have Viktor literally having a brush with death and nearly transcending the physical plane, while the Hex-gem takes away his life force and infuses it into its internal matrix - a literal melding between man and magic that, sadly, also requires the forfeiture of his fundamental humanity.
All while simultaneously, Jayce and Mel are making love, in a gorgeously animated sequence which is allllll about prioritizing female pleasure (and showing a female orgasm onscreen in a PG-13 kids' show - like, y'all, that takes balls, given if it were a mainstream Hollywood film, it'd earn an NC-17 rating or get slapped with a big ol' R for its trouble.)
And there's so many wonderful interpretive lenses we can apply to the juxtaposition between Viktor and Jayce - all while sex, death and magic are happening onscreen. On one level it represents Jayce's seduction, and by proxy corruption, at the hands of Mel - all while the Hex-core is corrupted by human blood that belongs to a man who has grown up in toxic environs and carries their lived legacy in his body to the point it's killing him from the inside out.
And on the other hand, we can see it as a divergence between the two routes of magical power as a means to channel transcendent knowledge - one through the brutal solitude of Viktor's path, which will ultimately set him in Machine Herald territory, and have him casting off his 'earthly ties' - right down to everything that makes him human. For him, the Hex-core is knowledge to be penetrated and absorbed, and its secrets require a sacrifice of the highest order. And on the other hand, we have Mel and Jayce literally melding together with astral imagery in the background, to show a different route that magic allows one to take, namely where two life-forces come together and engender something sublime between them (or possibly even make a baby? It's a popular fan theory and I can certainly see the potential.)
Magic, for Arcane, seems to be a means of interconnecting different facets into a unified whole (not unlike the way the series mirrors and makes parallels between a host of characters and circumstances, almost like they're different faces of a Hex-gem). And this scene sums up so powerfully what that system of science and magic is about - and the extreme highs and lows it can take you to.
And of course, right at the heels of this intense interplay between sex and death, two different types of la petite mort, we have the ultimate confluence between the two:
And who better to embody it than two characters who carry their dead selves behind them like corpses shackled to their heels, in different ways?
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Tbh I read these scenes as a trilogy for explaining Arcane's magic system - with Jinx being that final spark - literally the Powder - that blasts Hex-tech in all its destructive and yet empowering potential wide open.
Also a separate aside, I find this scene way more uncomfortable than the earlier two, simply because the interactions between Silco and Jinx are so fraught and charged. The first time you watch it, there's that almost-kiss Gotcha! that makes you spit-take, like: Wait are they...? And then the whiplash is so extreme because in a blink it goes from uncomfortably full of romantic undercurrents to strangely tender, verging on reverent. A moment of perfect and pure trust between two monsters whose entire conception of trust has been trampled into shards that they now use to cut others with.
But for me the pinnacle is this scene.
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Other fan theories have also stated that they see Jinx as sort of the unwitting embodiment of the Hex-crystal's power paired with the dark potency of Shimmer, and for me this is one of the biggest visual metaphors. This girl, caught in a blissful gyre of fulfillment and serene frenzy, unmade and then remade, as she deciphers the codes of the Hex-gem and feels, for the first time, at one with herself and with her potential to unlock secrets and usher in miracles.
And madness, too, but that's a whole 'nother analysis.
tl;dr - Please Fortiche. Release an art book. I will shell out the big bucks<3
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scary-lasagna · 9 months
oh oh oh!! Yandere proxies with a darling who, in the escape attempt, damages the proxy marking thing?
If a marking is damaged, it still relays a weak signal. Lesser creatures won't be able to detect it, but higher beings will. But damn, is it painful. It's a direct link to Slender, and then it's severed, it's disobedience. Disobedience is punished.
It was a knife, the very weapon used against you to subdue your 5th escape attempt.
You were a fighter, and that's why he wanted you.
That's why he adored you.
But damn. You could really pack a smart faced punch when you needed to.
He was on top of you, with the handle of his knife between his teeth, struggling to fist both of your wrists at the same time. And in a quick motion, you snatched the knife, chipping his tooth in the process, and swiped down on the shoulder of his jacket.
He screamed, completely blacking out in pain and clutching his shoulder. You managed to quickly scamper away as Masky starts heaving and collapsing on the ground, spots clouding his vision from the pain alone.
You didn’t waste time pushing yourself off of the bloody grass, and almost slipped as you ran into the brush of the forest.
Time seemed to escape you as you pounded your way through the forest, not caring where you went as long as you were keeping distance from Masky, who was hopefully still writhing in the ground in pain and regret.
But then you came to the conclusion that you were lost. You didn’t know how long you’ve been in the woods, how many times you’ve passed the same tree (or at least you thought it was), and why it seemed like something was following behind you.
It might just be a squirrel, right? But no, foolish [Y/N] this is the Black Forest, there are no harmless squirrels. Any creature in here following a cute little human like you has no good intentions to your health.
You didn't even have time to react to your quick, painless death of a snapping neck.
Hoodie is usually a bit more smarter than this, he knows how to protect his weak spots, unlike Masky who tends to act on reckless anger.
It was only a simple scratch as you flailed under his grip, consistently dragging you by your ankles and eventually the rim of your pants, which you quickly learned was an easy handle that he enjoyed dragging you around with.
A game of cat and mouse can only go on so long before the mouse gets eaten. Freedom was only steps away into that dark forest, you didn't care if you could find your way out, because you'd have a better chance of survival against the elements and beasts rather than with this complete psychopath.
But a measly little scratch, just enough to draw blood was enough to drag him down.
He was more fortunate than the others, getting by with only a scratch that felt like a hot, molten nickel erupting from the wound.
Hoodie's grip released, and you quickly freed yourself, scrambling away while he hunched in pain, screaming through his gritted teeth.
Hoodie's body was entirely tense, focused on the sheer amount of pain wrecking his body in wave after wave.
You almost paused to stare at the sight, not quite sure if it was a trap or not. He tended to trick you with little tests.
But you tested fate that day, and sprinted into the forest, letting him watch helplessly as you faded into the brush.
tw: seizure
Toby doesn't feel pain, but magic will not let a bad deed go unpunished no matter the circumstance.
In Toby's eyes, you only needed a little coaxing to stay still while he attempted to shackle the handcuffs on your wrists.
He'd given you too much freedom to be comfortable with.
A knife stuck out of Toby's back, although it took a moment for him to realize the marking was split open from the blood running down his back.
He felt no pain, but the hallucinations started soon after.
He kept screaming your name, calling for help, it was too pathetic for you to feel sympathy for, even if you had stayed to help him.
His wretched voice echoed throughout the house as you rushed toward any door, any window you spotted. Your mind rushed faster than you could make sense of it, and even opened a pantry in the rush of adrenaline.
You had to try the back door, which was past Toby's body in the living room.
And it fell unusually quiet.
But upon tiptoeing into the living room, with eyes wide and full of primal panic and focus, you noticed Toby convulsing on the ground.
But you didn't have any sympathy for him, you reminded yourself. Every villain as their golden moments, and in his delusions he loved you. But people don't hurt someone that they love. And they certainly do not threaten to lock them in handcuffs, to shove them into a windowless basement.
Foaming at the mouth, Toby wasn't present anymore, and didn't pose a threat even if the seizure did stop before you left.
You grabbed the keychain from his pocket, and unlocked the multiple locks lining the back door, and you disappeared from his life, hopefully for good this time.
When Toby finally woke up, the back door was open, a stupid racoon was picking through his hair.
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freezingmcxn · 3 months
hihihi!! sooo I was wondering for a while, how many creeps/zalgoids(if any) have you put into your AU? do zalgoids even exist in your AU, and do the creeps and zalgoids have like that enemy vibe to them or is it another story?? I love your writing by the way please don’t explode and turn into a marketable plushie☹️
Tw: gruesome and dark, mentions of both child murder and murder in general, sacrifice, abuse(childhood included), cannibalism, torture, gore.
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Hiii, I’m glad you enjoy it!! So there’s no Zalgoids because Zalgo is a fictional God in my AU rather than an actual entity!
I can totally tell you what creeps and proxies are featured though, I’ll give you a small **summary about their purpose and who they are too ;)
There is some more that I want to add but this is what I have for now
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Proxies' true names are unknown, identified instead by a prominent feature or possession.
They are deceased individuals whose bodies have been inhabited by fragments of Slenderman's consciousness.
Proxies exist solely to hunt sustenance for Slenderman, devoid of any need for human interaction or other basic needs. They are single mindedly dedicated to their assigned task, with no distractions.
Nicknamed “Boots” due to her signature steel-toe hiking boots, she stands out among the Proxies for her relative lack of hostility.
Unlike others, Slenderman’s influence over her corpse is tenuous, resulting in a lingering sense of emptiness and detachment.
She remains mostly unaware of her situation and existence in general, only occasionally acting on his commands.
Nicknamed “Shiner” due to the black eyes he often inflicts on his victims before delivering them to Slenderman, he is the most violent and ruthless among the Proxies.
Slenderman’s possession of his corpse is extremely strong, leaving Shiner singularly focused on capturing victims.
Nicknamed “Bagsy” for the shotgun always slung across their body, they take hunting for victims with grave seriousness.
Bagsy remains quite enigmatic, appearing far less frequently than the others.
Constantly wearing a burlap mask, they are often spotted lurking in bushes or trees, meticulously searching for “prey” to satisfy Slenderman.
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These are the people living in Maine who have either a secret hobby or a full-time lifestyle centered around killing. Some are in plain sight, while others remain hidden behind the trees.
Jeffery Woods (Jeff The Killer)
Jeffery Woods is a complex twenty something year old man who thrives in the isolation of the forest, deriving extreme pleasure from the suffering he inflicts on others.
Constantly evading the law, he is driven by an insatiable hunger for death and haunted by severe issues and scars that came from “the incident.”
Jeffery roams through towns across Maine, leaving a trail of terror and death in his wake. His extreme god complex fuels a sense of invincibility, making him smile at the wanted posters that adorn telephone poles and store windows.
Tobias Erin Rogers
Tobias Rogers, a self proclaimed outlaw at thirty, fled from home at seventeen and has since made the forests his refuge.
Plagued by a multitude of disorders and an awful past, Toby resorts to murder as a release for his pent-up anger, often turning to cannibalism as a sick comfort.
When he's not burying his hatchets into someone's skull, he wanders endlessly through the forests and towns, a restless and tormented soul.
Natalie Ouellette
Natalie chose a life of isolation, drifting away from society at fifteen after her home life became unbearable.
Now twenty two, she resides in an old camper deep in the forest, rarely seen and shrouded in mystery. Uninterested in human interaction, she often exhibits animalistic behavior.
Driven by an obsession with gore and art, Natalie seeks out campers, typically men, to torture and gruesomely murder.
She dismembers their bodies, scattering parts throughout the forest or creating her own scarecrows, leaving a chilling mark on her secluded part of the forest.
Laughing Jack (Jack Aurand)
Jack Aurand is widely perceived as a happy, upbeat, and kid loving local who runs a store called “Hetty’s”.
His warm demeanor and infectious laughter make him a beloved figure in the community, especially among children.
However, behind this cheerful facade lies his sinister alter ego, "Laughing Jack." Disguised as a clown, he dons colorful costumes, exaggerated makeup, and a big red nose.
His clown persona, complete with an uncanny smile and demeanour, allows him to gain the trust of unsuspecting children who stay out way past their given curfew.
He is the unseen hand behind most of the child murders and kidnappings that have plagued Durham for decades.
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The demons and ghostly residents of the forest are the most human among the creeps you might encounter, which says a lot. Some are fairly neutral toward humans, some see them as prey, and others may fear them.
Sally Williams
Sally Williams, a 12 year old spirit, resides near the deepest parts of the forest.
Her body was tragically dumped in a ditch by her sick uncle and had decomposed before being discovered. Missing posters for her still hang around to this day.
Sally appears to lost campers, attempting to deter them from encountering Slenderman and other dangerous beings.
She remembers every detail leading to her death and has never fully accepted it, though she has learned to cope.
Sally wears a pink, frilly dress that is dirty and torn, her thick curls are knotted and matted with blood and there are visible bruises on her arms and head.
Lyra Rogers
Lyra Rogers, sister of Tobias Rogers, tragically died in a car accident at the age of 19.
She lingers around the outskirts of the forest, hiding whenever people walk by.
Deeply distressed, she still struggles to comprehend what happened, even after all these years.
Lyra misses her baby brother and her mother dearly.
Benjamin Lawman (Ben Drowned)
Ben was forced into Purus because of David Newton’s affect on his mother. His defiance against the cult leader led to his tragic death, and his body was disposed of in a lake.
Ben’s spirit now roams the Durham forests, tethered to the lake that became his final resting place. He appears dripping wet at all times, his clothes cling to his gaunt frame.
His sunken eyes now reflect a deep sorrow and confusion.
Unlike Sally, he has little to no memory of what happened and misses his mother deeply.
Ben is extremely timid, often hiding in the shadows of the dense forest, making him an elusive presence.
Jack Nyras (Eyeless Jack)
Jack one of the demons of the forest (more human than demon) who is living quietly among the trees.
His age is unknown, as he has long lost count. Jack has been in the forest longer than any of the other human creeps.
Once a victim of a satanic cult(not Purus), he was sacrificed, but the ritual went wrong, leaving him half blind and hosting a starving, flesh eating demon who is more of a nuisance than a nightmare.
Jack only kills when necessary, if animal organs aren’t enough, he will seek out a human and consume it whole, bones and all, always making sure to cover his tracks.
David Newton
??Mystery man for now…what’s he doing here.??
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That’s all for now!! There is more creeps who are in the townsfolk catagory, let me know if you wanna hear about them too :))
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mayashesfly · 4 months
A follow up/expansion on the Robot replaces Dead Vox scenario au
For simplicity's sake I'll refer to Vox's robot replacement as the Proxy. And any possible future posts about this au will be tagged under "The Proxy AU"
(Do take note that some of these things may be subject to change as I expand on this au in time)
Thank you @theautotrophic for your questions! ^w^
Vox made the Proxy at first after his fallout with Alastor as a way to let out his self loathing. So Alastor didn't know about it.
The Proxy is almost direct reconstruction of his body but improved to better at handling overheating amongst other things while also having the chest area be more… masculine. (If you headcanon Vox as Trans ontop of my headcanon that he can't exactly have permanent top surgery because sinner regeneration is a bitch)
The biggest difference between Vox and the Proxy is that the Proxy doesn't have alot of shark-like qualities unlike Vox since Vox was still terrified of sharks when he made the Proxy.
So the Proxy doesn't have any dorsal like fins and his tail is a retractable cord tail instead of a retractable shark tail. But it still does have the gills as its vents.
There's also details on his backside specifically that he couldn't replicate because well… It's not like he can see his back.
The Proxy was meant to be Vox's attempt to upgrade his body as a way to cope with his fallout with Alastor. After all, if he can upgrade his head, why can't he upgrade his body?
Unfortunately, he couldn't actually replace his body with the Proxy. And the idea of completely getting rid of it didn't sit right with him since he wasted alot of materials and time into making it.
It'll be a waste to scrap it but it's not like he could admit that he made the Proxy in a state of weakness to his only business partner friend left.
After some time of calming down, he realized that he could use the Proxy as a back up plan if things go south with him.
At this point, he still didn't know he could transfer parts of his memories into flashdrives to download them somewhere else. But he reasoned that he could theoretically make a head for the Proxy and program it to act like him.
So knowing that there's a chance Valentino would see the Proxy because you can't exactly hide a life-sized "improved" replica of your body, he told Valentino that the Proxy could be a backup plan for him if things go south before Valentino could find out about it through other means.
At the time, Valentino was utterly confused and pretty disturbed at the information.
But it was something they never really brought up again since they both wanted to forget it.
Velvette didn't actually know about the Proxy until it happened.
After his close fight with Alastor wherein Valentino intervened before Alastor disappeared, his thoughts went back to the Proxy as he realized that he could actually die.
His media empire with Valentino and Velvette was already growing and if anything happened to him, the technological and broadcasting aspect of their business would fall over without him acting as the head.
And their reputation would take a hit if Valentino and Velvette was forced to rebrand Voxtek in the case of his death. Especially if their competitors sees his death as something that'll weaken the Vees.
He couldn't bare letting the Vees go without an actual backup plan in case something happened to him.
So while he and Valentino healed from the battle with Alastor, he took some time upgrading the Proxy to be up to date and actually modifying and programming it so that it could actually act like him in case something happened.
He didn't bother making the Proxy a head of its own since he knew he always upgraded his head and it would just be a waste of time.
But he did set up a machine that can automatically give the Proxy a head after the head that'll be installed has the proper programming and necessary memories installed inside.
The Proxy doesn't actually have any personality of its own unlike Kitty wherein Vox put in the extra effort to give it some personality thay he knows Valentino would like since it was a gift for him (just like how Vark was a gift for Vox from Val which helped him embraced his shark-like qualities)
The Proxy is programmed to handle broadcasting, interviews, and public meetings. Pretty much every public appearance Vox had to make.
The memories downloaded into the Proxy mostly isn't personal at all, and they mostly only pertain to the business and important aspects of their business. (So it doesn't have any personal memories of Alastor)
Though there are also programmed codes and memories on how to handle Valentino and Velvette to make sure they don't fly off the handle based on Vox's previous interactions. With more emphasis on how to specifically handle a Valentino who's having a fit just in case.
Though when the two of them goes against the programmed interaction the Proxy has on them, then it has some difficulty.
After all, it wasn't like it has anything to work off on on how to handle a grieving Valentino and Velvette.
It takes alot of energy from the Proxy to handle its daily public appearances. And it's unable to do surveillance unlike Vox as any attempts to do so would overload its systems and it'll just crash.
When its not on "public appearance" mode, the Proxy is on a "low power savings" mode around the Vees as it tries to keep up the appearance of a businessman for the other employees. Though it visibly buffers and pauses at times, causing its face to disappear.
Sometimes Valentino and Velvette would manually power it off to be hidden somewhere out of plain sight.
It's a miracle if they could remember to plug it in through its tail cord or its actual charger or another charger so it could recharge.
Something that Vox's assistant has to keep up on consistently unless he wants to reschedule the entire day so that the people who are none the wiser won't be confused or upset that Vox had to reschedule their meetings and other public appearances. (Poor Eelliot)
As for Vox's death well… I'll keep that to your imaginations for now :D
But I will say that one of the reasons Alastor knows Vox is dead is because of how their shared frequency went completely silent.
Meanwhile, the Vees have a contract to ensure that everything the deceased Vee has under their possession would be transferred to the other Vees in the event of their death so that they won't lose any power, souls, properties, and ect that the other Overlords and Kingpins could steal.
Even when Valentino and Velvette didn't know where Vox was or how he died, the both of them physically felt Vox's powers and possessions going to them after he died, confirming his death.
Valentino quickly went to Vox's surveillance and control room to desperately search for him while there was an Extermination going on outside.
It took everything from Velvette to convince him not to go outside when he could also be killed and then Vox would be fucking upset with them.
(Neither of them said a word that there was no more Vox to be upset with them ever again)
When they finally located his body, they quickly collected him discreetly so that noone else would know that the Vees lost its eldest member.
Neither of them said a word as they hugged the cold, lifeless corpse.
A stark contrast to the warmth Vox constantly radiated despite his calm and collected persona.
It took some time for Valentino to finally put Proxy to use.
Some of Vox's shows having a few reruns while he gathers the courage to face the machine.
He had half the mind to completely destroy it beyond repair.
To tear everything down to pieces after he had lost his longest business partner.
But Kitty and Proxy was the only things left that Vox made with his two very own hands.
To have them repaired by someone else other than Vox…..
Well, while Vox may still be the same despite how much he changed…
The same could not be said about the robots he made.
It wouldn't be the same.
When metal and wires could easily be replaced but the soul cannot.
It wouldn't be the same.
Still, he couldn't stop himself as he shattered the screen that showcased it buffering instead of the exasperated but still fond sneer he had gotten used to.
Velvette was absolutely devastated and livid when she found out about Vox's replacement.
She screamed at Valentino, asking him what the fuck he was even thinking and HOW THE FUCK DID HE EVEN ACQUIRE SUCH A THING
Vox never told her about the Proxy and while Velvette could care less about the roofies she makes and the Fizzibot Val has and every worse thing she's done under existence, she couldn't fathom replacing Vox with a mere husk of a pathetic disgusting thing.
She only stopped her shouting when Valentino quietly said it was Vox's idea.
And they both promised that they'll kill whoever decided to hurt the Vees and avenge Vox.
For now it was something both of them could focus on, even if it was a lie.
Valentino will hunt them down no matter what other people may say.
When Alastor saw Vox alive and well after the dead silence in their shared frequency, he first thought it must be a bad dream.
But he knows it was real.
That it happened.
After the confusing feelings he felt upon seeing that familiar face alive and well passed by, anger gripped his soul.
He had half the mind to ruin and destroy that pretender.
Vox was well and truly gone and it'll stay that way if Alastor could help it.
But when he realized what truly happened, he could only laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at the situation.
And when he calmed down, he deigned to not interact even further at what happened.
Except for mocking the remaining Vees at what had happened to make himself feel better.
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wall-legion · 8 months
Fan Tree Concept: Shiverpeaks Tree
So a few days ago I was consumed by the idea of "to be loved is to be changed" and started developing the idea of a seed being carried to the Shiverpeaks and taking root there, resulting in a coniferous Tree (and by proxy, sylvari). More information under the snip!
So the basic facts about this tree are as follows:
Like the Pale Tree in the Tarnished Coast, this tree has an avatar: it is male presenting and has been named Pinefather. (I think he sounds like Patrick Page but that may change!)
The seed was planted by a Shining Blade human monk named Laird, after he was separated from the rest of the Shining Blade and nearly died from frostbite/exposure. He was saved from this fate by a norn warrior named Sif, and in the process of her helping him to recover the two fell in love. Laird planted the seed he had taken from the same cave Ronan had found the Pale Tree's seed outside the abandoned haven where Sif cared for him, and the Shiverpeaks tree has grown through the remains of that same haven.
The sylvari from this tree have body patterns and "hairstyles" more akin to the trees you would find in the Shiverpeaks: think pine cones or tassels, maple leaves, birch bark, etc. Less tropical and more "humid continental".
Unlike the Pale Tree, the sylvari from this tree only drop four times a year and thus are sorted by the time of year that they are "born": Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
Because of Sif's influence on the seed and their proximity to the norn, these sylvari have their own version of the Spirits of the Wild. They are the Spirit of Rain, the Spirit of Wind, the Spirit of Sun, and the Spirit of Earth. Instead of the Dream, the sylvari commune with these spirits before they awake into the season they're "born" into, and the spirits inform the sylvari of what to expect of the world they're about to join: for example, a Winterborn sylvari might hear "I am Earth. I am frozen and the seeds sleep within me."; "I am Sun. I stay out as long as I can, but I must be fair to the season."; "I am Rain. I fall as snow this time of year and blanket those sleeping within Earth."; "I am Wind. I shake the snow from Pinefather so you do not catch a chill before you awake." Finally, the season the sylvari awakes into is equivalent to the Pale Tree's time of day. And while these are not true for every sylvari born in these seasons, these descriptions are fitting for most sylvari from the Shiverpeak tree.
Springborn sylvari are said to be naive but charming, the kind who will ask a thousand questions about something and then have a thousand more by the time you've answered the first set.
Summerborn sylvari are thought to be naturally gifted at the arts and entertaining other, and there are stories that the first Summer child climbed down from Pinefather's branches by dancing.
Autumnborn sylvari tend to be caretakers: they care for the crops, they care for the sick, or they care for the animals who help them survive. Because of this, Autumnborn are thought to be more serious than their siblings.
Winterborn sylvari seem to be the most shy of the Shiverpeaks sylvari, as they tend to be quieter or more secretive. So there's what I have so far! If I figure out anything more, I'll post it by reblogging this post!
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quillfeather21 · 3 months
What I think of Zenless Zone Zero so far, as someone who has played Genshin and HSR (going to try Honkai 3rd soon)
/ I really like the combat style, from what I’ve seen it’s basically Honkai Impact: 3rd, but with tweaks that fit the world of New Eridu. It’s easy and fun.
/I enjoy the art style and the character designs. They’re interesting without being “busy” or “over complicated” unlike some of the other Hoyoverse designs (side eyes Genshin and HSR because like why does everyone need a garter belt).
/the animation is bouncy and gives life to the characters and how they interact with one another. And honestly they don’t really have “unrealistic” body types unlike some of Hoyoverse games. It’s nice to see the characters in games actually looking like they have room for their organs.
/I actually really love the concept of being like, a secret organization that operates around the government, and our username is in fact, a username for their fake account. It’s interesting, and a concept that is honestly very unique.
/speaking of the “Proxy” thing because Wise and Belle? They are some of my favorite characters and I’m REALLY interested in learning more about them. Like how are the able to do what they do? WHY are they able to do it?
/I chose Wise and he’s my bbg. Him and Billy Kid have my entire heart
/the storyline seems decently paced without feeling rushed (the combat aids this because it goes by relatively quickly so you can focus more on the story)
/i really like the “comic book” set up they use for some scenes. It gives it an urban feel (fitting the game) and it allows people to read at their own pace.
/ the game is brand new, so they’re still working on some glitches. I have yet to experience any but I know many players have.
/the SIZE. Why is it so big? I believe I seen one thing where it was bigger than GENSHIN. I had to abandon my Pokemon on Pokémon GO! In order to make room for the full game of ZZZ.
/The Prologue is kind of a snooze fest, but most game prologues are. This one was legit just introducing us to our main crew.
Zenless is a really good game, and I really enjoy it so far! I can’t wait to see where the story and the crew working on it takes us.
Meanwhile I wanna just about Wise because mean I LOVE his design? His dark circles, the light in his eyes? I legit said “oh my god he’s so pretty” when THIS scene happened
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unikron-kitten-kat · 1 year
after that i dont want. i need a part 2 >:) give us the goods!
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Oh my Zalgo ITS DONE!! Ya'll wanted some part 2, and you shall receive!! One of my previous posts clears something up about [the reader] in this one, so you can find that if you end up getting confused about a certain something mentioned in here!
Slenderman x Male Reader, Smut this time!
Kinks may include: mpreg; tentacles; praise; nicknames: slender maybe calls you stuff like pet or little spiderling, or stuff like that; overstim;
No tws that I know of in here.. I dont think anyway... Now enjoy!!
His Dearest
Mine Nøw
It has been a while since you have become a Slenderbeing.
A long while.
You are now completely adapted to the warped time of the dimension your Boss keeps you all in, your internal clock warped when you transformed completely.
It was the next day, after your completion.
The others saw you.
And oh boy..
Were they jealous.
They despised you. They hated how you, a total outsider to them, ripped the spotlight off their stage, and held it over yourself.
But they knew how oblivious you were to it all. They knew. And they hated your.. Naivety. They hated the favoritism.
And don't get me started on the Big Boys, the.. The Proxies Slender favored before he brought you home. Before he introduced you to his other servants finally.
Toby, Masky, and Hoodie were slapped in the face the hardest. They no longer had the large favor they used to have with Slender, and Toby even got into serious trouble with Slender for messing with you.
But now that you were... Like that!?
God, being that close with Slender was only something any other Proxie could dream of now.
But, they don't know the full extent to your closeness. At least, the fondness Slender has for you, anyway.
You see, ever since you started... Blooming.. Really fitting into your new body.. He had slowly become infatuated with you. He slowly started to find you adorable.. Cute.. So naive... Fuckable... Breedable... His to have.. His.. To own.. His.. His...
And lo and behold, after being under his wing for the few decades you were, the universe finally let him have you..
In the form of the results of your receiving a piece of Slender's magic and powerful essence to grow more powerful with... In the form of a Slenderbeing Cadaver.
The perfect chance to finally make you his.
And he took it without hesitation.
If he didn't find you so cute as a tiny little human, he certainly found you cute and gorgeous now.
You are sitting on a log, fiddling with your magic, letting the sparking, ribbony lengths of sickly-green and gold wrap and twine between your fingers, even motioning for it to flow around the chest claws you had.
There was something about the colour that entranced you. Something was off about it. And, you very soon learned what it was. Your magic, green and gold as it was, had some semblance of His. There was a hint of a dark maroon that cracked and sliced through your magic.
You wonder if it had anything to do with the fact it was his magic that made you like this. That his magic gave you your own.
You inhaled sharply, startled, whipping your head to see it was only him who touched your tentacles.
Yours, unlike his, looked like long ropes of whispy cobweb, bundled up. They had your magic coursing through them as well, giving them a green and golden glow in some parts.
"Hello Little Spider.."
"H.. Hey.."
His hands were on your shoulder. Your face flushed, the dark green that was your blood now painted your face a different colour than a human.
He pressed his body against yours. His face rested in the crook of your neck.
Both sets of his arms wrapped around you, and he hummed in contentment. His tentacles wrapped around yours, some even trailing to your body, and wrapped around your thighs or chest.
His arms moved to lift you off the log, him then moving himself onto the log behind you, you now sitting in his lap.
His arms are back around you, holding you against him. He is warm. His arms and tentacles were trailing and rubbing their touch all over, not leaving an inch of you untouched. He wasn't applying any pressure either, just touching you. His touch still felt hot even through your clothes.
His hands, one pair, trailed down from your neck, to your abdomen, and they stopped. The rest didn't stop though. Just the one pair on your abdomen.
You let out an inquisitive whimper, looking down to his hands resting there.
"... Would be.." He paused, and moved his face to the back of your neck, "Would be endearing to see you..", his hands resting on your abdomen rubbed it in circles, "full.. Of my children..."
Your face lit up bright green, your eyes widening, your other eyes even opening in your shock at his statement.
"Wh.. What?"
"Wouldn't you like that, [Name]?"
"You can't deny it, [Name]. I know.. What you dream about.. I know what makes you wake up wet in the pants.."
Your face might as well be a lamppost with how deeply coloured your face was now, the green glowing bright with the help of your magic, which seemed to.. Imitate your emotion with brightness and fluidity.
"I.. Could see what you dreamed of, you silly little thing. I saw what you thought of when you tried your hardest to keep those... Filthy thoughts to yourself."
You made a small noise, your body tensing with embarrassment at the realization his hands and tentacles were getting more.. Antsy.
The ones on your abdomen trailed down to rest on the inside of your thighs, rubbing the sensitive skin in circles very close to your crotch.
You hadn't realized that your hands, the four, had grabbed onto his arms, your embarrassment leading to quite a grip that human bones wouldn't be able to withstand.
"I mean.. Even if you weren't a Slenderbeing at this current time..", he trailed off, his upper hands slipping under your shirt and trailing up to rub and grope your pecs, his palms would rub over your nipples, "I would still be rewarding you for being such a good servant for me..."
His voice was right next to your ear, his mouth opening to nibble at your jaw.
You were trembling, and your crotch was throbbing, so was that spot on your neck that Slender licked with his tongue a while back. The feeling seemed to only ebb away when Slender got close to touching them.
This made you subconsciously move your throbbing areas against him, chasing his touch there.
His other hands and tentacles were getting more sensual with their touches, squeezing sensitive areas of your flesh, flitting over the ridges of your neck, ribs.. His fingers would ghost over your mouth, his tentacles wrapped around your limbs, opening your legs, and wrapping your arms behind you to pin them to your back.
One hand came up to grasp your chin, his fingers splaying slightly, and his palm gave enough force to push your head back, you now facing up.
The little whimper that scrimped past your trembling lips made Slender chuckle.
"You like this, [Name]? You like my hands on your body? My tentacles on your body?"
You let out a trembly affirming hum. He chuckled again, and he used to fingers to trail down your neck from your chin, and back up.
"Use your words, my pretty mate....." He whispered, his voice trailing off.
Your voice wavered as you spoke, "Y-yess... Mm.. I-I do like it..." Your voice trailed to a whisper.
His sensual touches continued. His hands would squeeze your arms, your chest, your thighs, and rub back up again, his fingers ghosting their touch along the lines your muscles made as his hands traveled. His tentacles resigned to holding you, their slimey cold touch moving as they pulsed and slithered against your skin in the places they held you.
Your pants were interrupted with trembly moans and gasps at his touch and the stimulation.
One of his hands groped your crotch, soon slipping into your pants, his palm rubbing against the wetting slits of the flaps covering your dick, your back arching and a gasp leaving your slightly drooling mouth at the touch.
His fingers rubbed at the slits to your flaps, another hand of his slipping your loose pants off your legs and down to your ankles easily.
Your hands, now held behind your back, tensed into fists with the new attention to your aching, pulsing wet.
Your dick was pressing against the flaps, making it easier for Slender to slid a finger in the middle of the four flaps, sliding them apart, trails of slick and pre covered his fingers and stretched between the flaps. Another hand came down to help his other seperate the flaps, all four now splayed, your throbbing dick out for him to see.
Slender pressed his palm to the base of all your tender flesh, a moan drawled out your mouth, his fingers wrapping around the base of your dick, gently squeezing the knot you now had, and another moan shook your throat.
He stroked you, up and down, your legs shaking, breath shuddering, body trembling. Your tentacles wavered, them finding his own arms and legs to weakly wrap around. Pre beaded at your tip, Slender's thumb rubbing over it to smear your dick with it.
Your back arched more, your shoulders pressing into Slenderman, his upper hands slid down to your hips, to rock you against his own excitement. You settled after he stroked you a few more times, trying to and failing to roll your hips against his touch to your dick.
He kissed your neck. Not where you needed him to though. He scraped his teeth against your skin, gently biting you. He nipped your jaw, trailing bigger bites down. He found sensitive areas you'd shiver at, and sucked them black and blue.
One of his lower hands traced the wet, tender flesh of your unhidden dick lower, to your begging tunnel. He kissed your neck hard, resting his face into your neck as your body arched in his lap again, a quick moan escaping your drooling mouth, his fingers dipping into your dripping hole. His fingers gently and slowly rubbed along your entrance, sliding in and out against your walls, a breathy chuckle came from him.
"You are doing so well [Name]. So good.. Keep being good and I'll give you a bigger reward~" He whispered into your ear.
He hummed at the following shudder that shook your body against him. Your cunt quivered around his fingers, you whimpering, squirming at his touch. Slender dragged the length of his fingers against your entrance, the tips dipping into you briefly. He brought his slick coated fingers to his mouth, where he tasted your essence.
"Mmm, you are tasty, [Name].."
You shuddered, exhaling.
Your clothes were feeling hot against your skin. You needed them off.
You were in quite the daze, so it took you a moment to register that Slender was pushing the both of you up into standing.
Once you both were though, he had to hold you against him. Your legs were wobbly. You weren't used to the increased stimulant of being touched places in this body.
It was the faint but sudden breeze that made you realized he had removed your coat. He was starting on your shirt then too.
He suddenly turned you around, and you were suddenly against a tree. He was removing his suit jacket now.
It was your mouth he wanted open. And you opened it, exhaling slightly when you did.
The force of the kiss had you whimpering, his upper pair of hands roughly grabbed your wrists, a pair of tentacles grabbed your lower ones. His sudden roughness had you squirming in between him and the tree, your crotch was also unbelievably hot, and was leaking with slick and pre.
Your upper arms were held against the tree, level with your head, and your lower ones were "cuffed" with his tentacles behind your back, making it arch into him.
He was rough with you. He was grinding his leg in between yours, his pants getting wet with your excrement, he was hardly letting you breathe with the messy kisses with tongues.
Your squirming against him riled him up. Jeez, he can't restrain you enough can he?
He pulled away, finally letting you breath in short, moaning gasps.
You froze and shuddered, a low growl emanating from him. The sound only made you chitter weakly, a groan left your throat as he started trailing nibbles down your neck.
His tentacles were holding your thighs apart.
His mouth was resting on the spot that was oddly throbbing now. You were (trying) to push your neck up into his mouth.
Slender hummed.
He dragged the tip of his tongue along the achy spot, making you shudder and squirm. He pressed against you after hearing the whimpery moan you made.
His skin was smooth, and in your sex-numbed daze you saw prominent veins of magik pulsing with his magik colour along his arms and body.
You gasped as you felt him press against your weeping tunnel.
"You ready, [Name]?"
You whimpered an answer, shuddering at the huskiness of his voice.
You yelped as you were both suddenly down, on a floor, him on top of you, but you weren't able to process that much before his dick started sliding into you.
You were so wet he didn't need to stop until he was completely inside you.
His lower arms were holding your hips as your back arched, his upper ones each had both sets of yours in their grasp, still pinning you down.
He had finally bitten that spot of your neck that ached for it, it sent a pulse of something through you.
You gasped, and moaned sweetly as he started rocking slowly into you, pulling out till just his tip was hitched on your entrance and then pushing back in.
He had you pinned down to the carpet covered floor completely, still slowly thrusting into you, and kissing you roughly, his tongues playing with yours.
As his hips rocked against yours, his body rubbed against yours.
His kisses didn't waver in their passion, and he didn't neglect your 'mark', the specific spot of your neck he bit.
Your moans filled the room. His groans and quiet grunts were stiffled by them. Your cunt would squeeze him, blinding you with stars and filling you with pleasure, making your arch into him. His tentacles were stroking your dick in between your bodies.
The sounds of his dick slipping into you were wet.
"Fuck, [Name], your so tight... And wet... So warm too..."
You whined, his dick felt so large, even despite your new size compared to him. You thought it wouldn't feel as tight.
It was pulsing inside you, the ridges it had rubbed along your walls, making you shake and fat tears well up in your eyes.
He was thrusting very deep into you, you swear even being around his size and height he was filling you much more than you were supposed to handle. But you loved it. His dick was warm, and thick. And hard. Its ridges rubbed against your gummy walls whenever he moved inside you, making pleasure reverb through you.
Despite being pinned, you still squirmed, and pressing into him.
He had let go of your lower arms, the hands of which were tightly gripping his lower shoulders.
He was thrusting so deep. So so deep. You felt him squeeze his way further into you, you felt him in your tummy. It made that area of your body feel tight.
His teeth were marking any place he could bite down on; your shoulders, your collar, neck, nibbling on your jaw, your chest. Anywhere. The moans and sobs of pleasure eminating from you made him warm and riled. He was close to going feral on you.
The crotch tentacles you both had were wrapping around eachother and were trying to pulling your hips closer.
He thrust into a particular area that made moans get caught in your throat, and he didnt stop hitting it.
His rough but soft thrusts would drag his dick along that spot, making your legs turn to jelly, and the breath leave your lungs. The hot, pangy and painful pleasure the motion spazzed through your body made you go limp against him.
He hugged you to him as you arched into him again, his mouth next to your ear.
"You are doing.. So, so good [Name].."
He shuddered as your sopping cunt squeezed him. His tentacles squeezed your dick when it pulsed in their grasp.
Your moans wavered, his hand grabbed your head.
"That's it [Name], be a good little spider. Be a good little spider and spill. Come on, little spider.. Cum for me.."
His deep and gruff words sent you ober the edge, your moans loud, his tentacles pumping you even as you came all over the both of you. His tentacles slithered in spirals around your dick, moving as they climbed and sank, one rubbing over your slit as cum continued spilling from it.
You felt your cunt was quivering, and he laid you completely down to the ground again, hugging you still, as he sped up his thrusts, bringing quick and loud moans out of you.
Your cunt clamped around him as you spilled there too, your claws scratching at his back you came around his cock, and your loud, wanton moans echoed in the room a bit. The pressure from how tightly you were squeezing him made your vision darken and stars appear.
He didn't stop thrusting into you, however. In fact, he did quite the opposite, thrusting harder into you, his dick roughly rubbing along your sweet spot now, the ridges pulling small squeals of pleasure from you.
Two pairs of large tentacles messaged your chest muscles, and smaller tentacles slithered along your body and found ares to suction to to leave dark bruises on your now moon-pale skin.
The hands Slenderman didn't have occupied with keeping you pinned were used to slide and rub across your body, squeezing other sensitive areas.
Your moans quivered and wavered, and your lungs desperate for air, pulling even more desperate pants out of you, and yet he wasn't letting up. You tried to find words to plead for less, to beg him to go easier on you, it was too much, but your voice couldn't muster the words, nonetheless form them in your head.
Drool and tears were ebbing from your mouth and eyes, your eyes were heavy and lidded with the pleasure, your upper ones closed because you were beginning to grow tired and exhausted from how much at once your body was experiencing.
Slender could tell you were getting tired. Your grip on him was softening, your body was practically going limp beneath him, your voice was wavering and stuttering, your pretty song was fading.
The slick and sloppy sounds his dick made as it slid in and out of your soaking cunt were now loud with the added slick from your orgasm, making a mess.
Your dick was beginning to hurt, it was being overstimulated beyond belief. Your hadn't made yourself cum more than once at a time before.
You choked as you felt a second pair of orgasms building inside you, the feeling spreading warmth and making you exhale shakily.
You whimpered feeling him drill into you as hard as he could. He was looming over you, no longer needing to pin you down himself anymore.
He chuckled, the sound making you lazily look at him.
"You look so cute like this [Name].. Had I known you would look so good, I'd have done this to you at least once while you were still human..."
You couldn't react to his statement as the orgasms that were building finally released. Your back weakily arching as both your throbbing dick and swollen pussy released cum at once, your jelly legs weakily moved too, and your upper hands were grabbed by his as they closed from the immense wave of pleasure that shook your body.
When you body went limp again from the end of it, he was still going. Your hands weakily closed around his.
You sobbed as your dick was painfully brought back to life from Slender's tentacles, and your tired pussy was also pushed beyond its limits.
Your body was loosing its strength seemingly. The orgasms came much quicker, a third already sneaking up on you, and your loud wanton moans were reduced to whimpers and whines.
You whimpered loudly as you felt the third orgasm.
"Don't worry, [Name], we'll have.. a nice hot bath when we're done here.." His words were interrupted with his quiet grunts.
It didn't take long for a third set of orgasms to shake your body, tears spilled from your eyes, and drool from your mouth as you let out weak little moans.
It was now you were feeling his movements become sloppy. His lower hands softly grabbed your thighs and folded your legs, giving himself a much better angle to fill you.
But this new angle had him reaching deeper into you, somehow. You looked, a shuddery gasp escaping you as you saw the small but noticeable bulge that showed. Your dick was red, and painfully throbbing.
You let out a pained moan as a fourth pair of orgasms slienced you, your meak moans getting caught up in your throat.
Even more so when you felt the sudden hot spread up into you. You shuddered, whining with pleasure.
He was still inside you, his knot inside you as well.
He was beathing deeply, you were panting.
He thrust slow and gentle a few times, to lessen the mess.
You squirmed, gasping and whining at a bigger lump forcing its way into you.
"Shhhh, it's okay [Name]."
Slender held you cheek.
"It's just my eggs~"
You let out a meak whimpery moan as the lump slid all the way into you, down to where his tip was in you, right up against your.. Ah.. Uterus? Did you have one of those if you had a pussy? Yes. You do have one, and Slender was filling it.
"Fuck, you look so cute all fucked out like this... We should do this more often [Name]."
Your body felt numb, and limp. It felt so warm to, the hot from Slenderman's seed spread through you.
It took a moment before he was done. He had trouble pulling out though. You were very tight now, something all Slenderbeings did when they got their fill. It was a way to keep it all inside.
He pulled out, finally, your cunt actually closing up. He pulled you down, level with him.
He was gentle in pulling you up. And slow.
Your legs were completely jelly. You couldn't even stand with them.
He picked you up though. Bridal style.
"Looks like someone's too tired for a bath..."
You were pretty much asleep in his arms.
You inquisitively whimpered feeling warmth cover you.
You felt him cuddle up with you. Ah, you were in a bed, under some blankets.
"Sleep well, [Name]... I love you, my pretty mate.."
One of his hands stroked your cheek.
"L...love you too..."
You fell asleep in his arms, wrapped up in eachother.
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lemon-russ · 2 months
good news my fever broke and my regular illness of putting Cato in situations returned
this upcoming arc has been haunting my brain since someone?? prob moodymisty?? posted a list of trope-y things Cato would be forced to endure as a body guard, specifically diplomat going to a warm planet with balls and wearing revealing dresses and making him p a n i k. anyone knows the post lemme know it's haunted me forever.
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Part 8/ ???
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 7.5 :: 8 :: 9 :: 10
Cato Sicarius x F!Reader
(both POVs today)
CW: Vague alluding to sex, Cato back to being mean
Summary: Ambassador heads off on vacation with Titus, Cato takes it SUPER well and is very normal
word count: 1,720
You try not to pout as you sit on the ship heading out to the planet you were being forced to take a vacation to.
Commander Titus and a couple of lower rank ultramarine's sit across from you, talking politely among themselves. Guilliman has forced you to rest after the scare you gave him on that planet that rebelled.
You sigh a bit. You heard Cato swept through the place in a day with the second company. Titus said he was on a warpath- he always delighted in battle, but this one was a personal vengeance against the people that put them through all the trouble of having to rescue the both of you.
Now you're off to a particularly pleasant agri-world, renown for their fruits and home to hot spring baths and nightly dances. The marines with you weren't thrilled about standing around while you relaxed on warm beaches, but unlike Cato, they would never dare voice it. You were a high ranking diplomat, personal ambassador to Guilliman. Most marines show you a modicum of general respect. Then again most ultramarines were very professional all around. Cato is an outlier in his attitude and disrespect.
Which is nice. It's nice to not be bullied and teased. Nice to not have a whining huffing rain cloud following you. Nice… and a little boring. The two lower rank marines don't talk much, and when they do it’s polite “yes, Ma'am.” And “of course, Lady Ambassador.” Titus was a little better, still reserved, but seemed to at least understand you were looking for conversation, so tried his best.
You smiled at him a bit. “Will you be taking part in any of the activities, Commander?” You ask, desperate for conversation. He smiles politely. “Ah, no, Lady Ambassador. That would mean I'd not be properly guarding you, and, I am here to guard you.” He said apologetically. You sigh. “You mean here to babysit me…” you mumble, putting your head on your hand and looking out the window. Babysit was the word Guilliman used for it, specifically. Calling you a disobedient child when he'd found you sneaking paperwork.
Titus let out a soft chuckle. “I'd never want to imply you were childish, my lady.” He said with a small smile. “I am merely here to ensure a less dramatic trip for you than last time.” you sigh. You were disappointed when Guilliman told you he was removing Cato from your guard. You don't know why you were. He was a huge pain in the ass, a bully, and caused most of the issues. But your mind flashed to him pinning you to that cave wall and you flushed a little. Damn it, Cato. You couldn't get that day out of your head.
He would have just cause you issues here, too. But you had secretly hoped a bit that you'd get to convince him to join you in a hot spring- no, no stop that. Its bad enough you kissed him for some reason. Everything is so complicated with him now. You hate him a little, but you also kinda really like him, and you definitely are attracted to him… and you can't get all these images and memories of him out of your head. He's haunting you and it's making you angry at him by proxy. Stupid Cato.
Titus glances at you a bit while you think. “Lady Ambassador? You look upset, is all well…?” He asks with a small frown. You blush a little, sitting up properly. “Ah, sorry. Just have things on my mind. No need to worry, Commander.” You say, composing yourself. He looks unconvinced. “Ah, I wont pry then, my lady.” He said politely.
Cato would pry, you think. No, that is unfair to Titus. He is very kind, more personable than most other ultramarines too. But he's so… professional. And polite. He sometimes will respond with a light joke if you do so first, or laugh at something. But mostly he just smiles and nods and stands an appropriate distance away. As he should, that's how a bodyguard should act. But you'd gotten used to Cato cracking jokes at your expense, and insulting random passing nobles, and walking right next to you to force you to walk into walls and things. Which is annoying. But at least it was something.
The thunderhawk jolted a little as it began to land, and for a split second your heart skipped a beat and your hand jumped to your harness. You'd been a bit jumpy about flying in small craft since the thunderhawk crash. And much more on top of keeping buckled in.
Commander Titus frowns as you flinch and grab the belt, lifting a hand a little towards you, “Ah- my lady? Are you alright?” He asked politely, confused about what happened. You frown a bit, “oh, yes, sorry. Just, a little spooked by the landing…” you play it off a bit, giving a tight smile. He raises his brow but nods and sits back as the thunderhawk finishes its landing sequence.
The marines help you unload your things and you get off the ship and look at the pretty planet you’ve landed on. Lush tropic greenery, warm breezes, greco-romann looking buildings with lots of open to the air arches. there’s a beach and gentle waves nearby, and you think you hear a waterfall. You try and force yourself to stop thinking about how much work you’ll have back home, but what if Guilliman didn’t understand your file system? did he get those things filed in time- No, stop it, relax.
You sigh, pursing your lips. you take all your unwanted thoughts, worries about work, worries about deadlines, and the stupid thoughts of Cato Sicarius saving you from burning shipwrecks and pinning you to walls- and you file them all away in your mind in your mental LATER pile. You sigh, and try and soak in the warm air. You’ll get to it, in a few days. You were ordered to relax, and you hate not following orders.
Cato paced the training fields, watching some of the newer aspirants to the Ultramarines do drills. They’d all passed trials, and it was one of his responsibilities to keep up on new recruits to the company. He didn’t normally take fresh marines, but he liked to keep an eye out for talented new Astartes. He needed the distraction anyways.
That world had been far to easy to run through, barley taking a day to fall to the impirium. It was meant to calm him, leading the charge, but it was only more infuriating how he had been cornered by people so weak and low tech. He growled to himself, and pulled his un-powered power sword out, practicing his regular drills on the combat dummy. Stupid primitive world. Stupid Titus, gallivanting on that stupid romance planet with the Ambassador- he chopped a chunk of the dummy off- Stupid Ambassador, kissing him randomly and then barely talking to him for two days- another chunk flew off- Stupid, warp-damned woman keeping him up all night, haunting his mind- The dummy shattered into a splintered mess with a hard swing. He growled, then stomped it a few times. Stupid combat dummy that can’t even take him going light on it.
He lets out a frustrated snarl and throws his sword to the ground, running his hands through his hair. What were they doing right now, his throne damned commander and the ambassador? Nothing good could come from them locked away together for days on a planet Guilliman described as “one of the few places left a noble could take a honeymoon.” He bets Titus is being unprofessional- he never knew how to stick to the rules. He bets he's taking her dancing- he's probably stealing a dance with her right now. She always dresses so impractically, and it's warm there, is she wearing something even more revealing? Is Titus eyeing her the way he did?
He heel stomps the dummy once more for good measure, picks up his blade, and storms off toward the Hangar. He has to go fight something, anything. He'll ask around for leads on something to kill and go focus on things that actually matter, like defending the Imperium. And not stupid, vapid women who probably are taking the first chance alone with Titus to give him secret kisses and hide away in corners with, doing emperor knows what in hot spring pools. He's fooling himself thinking he'd be an exception anyways, the way she smiles at everyone who looks at her, she's probably in everyone's beds. Everyone's but his.
He slams his fist on the button to open the hangar doors. One of his men looks up at him and grimaces. “Are we going out again today, sir…?” He asks, and Cato just nods and scowls. “Get everyone together, we're going… going… somewhere- it doesn't matter, just get the men in here!” He snaps. The marine frowns but nods, scrambling up to follow his orders.
He lets out a long, frustrated sigh, gripping his hair a bit as he runs his fingers back through it. If Titus lays a finger on her, he's going to kill him. He doesn't care if that's the worst thing a marine can do, betray a battle brother. Titus would be betraying him first, touching his woman- he stops dead in his tracks.
When did he start thinking of her as his?
Holy golden throne, she's driving him mad and she's not even here. She's broken his mind, flipped some switch he can't find to turn off again. He hates this, he hates her- but by the emperor, he hates the thought of her and Titus doing what he and she had done most. He grits his teeth and smashes his helmet on, stomping onto a thunderhawk. If his men weren't here in 30 seconds he was going without them. He white knuckled the hilt of his power sword.
In his mind he was desperately trying to shove all these feelings and thoughts into the overflowing WEAKNESS box, but there was just nothing rational left to think about. He's hanging on by a thread, and his men now have 20 seconds to be on this ship before he went and tore through some Orks alone.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Hey , how would Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, Ticci Toby and Eyeless Jack react to a Albino reader ?
Jeff the killer, Slenderman, Ticci Toby, and Eyeless jack w/ an albino!reader !
jeff and toby are the only two characters strictly written as platonic as per admins personal boundaries, but the others can be seen as either way YAHOO playing TLTs new fnaf song on loop while writing this its so mf good got my bones getting in a twist YIPEE did some research on albinism since i didnt want this to be the characters simply reacting to the surface level stuff so thats why it took a little longer to get to this ! hope thats okay!
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sticking true to my personal headcanon that outside of feeding and running people out of his forest, he doesnt actually interact much with humans... asides from the additional torment he puts potential proxies through but hush hush thats a whole different can of worms. point is, i think its unlikely that he would meet someone with albinism. sure, hes probably seen albino animals now and then, but a person? new experience for him, but i dont think he would be treating you like a spectacle. puts two and two together not long after meeting you... though even if hes accepting of it, he doesnt know of the extra precautions you need to take (to protect your eyes and skin from the sun, for example) but hes pretty receptive i think... notices youre having a hard time on days where its sunnier out so he either keeps you inside or keeps you in the shade. doesnt like giving you things from victims, so hes going to find other means to get you what you need (sunscreen, hats, sunglasses, ect). generally very accommodating, has a soft spot for you. i mean of course he does, you managed to win over this ancient forest demon thing
already knows what it is, down to common traits and the different types since i personally hc that before he became this silly man eating demon he was studying in medicine + generally had an interest in this sort of thing. doesnt bat an eye to the way your eyes sometimes twitch or drift off, helps you to the best of his ability when the strain gives you headaches. very good at reminding you to reapply your sunscreen and to remember to wear a sunhat when you go outside. if he has to, hes going to give you his jacket just so you can protect your upper body long enough to get back to your place/// just please give it back when you see him again..
"has heard of it but like slenderman knows next to nothing about it asides from "oh it means you dont have pigment/have low pigmentation" has heard of it but like slenderman knows next to nothing about it asides from "oh it means you dont have pigment/have low pigmentation", but unlike slenderman hes kind of... an ass about it... like hes generally an arrogant asshole, so it may take a while for him to pick up on things to make things a little easier for you. seems like hes annoyed with helping you remember to pack your sunglasses and other necessities, or when giving you something to help with any headaches caused by any strain... but let it be known that if he truly didnt care he wouldnt even bother to pipe up and drag you out into the shade when the sun starts beating down on you two.. he simply shows his care for you differently, you know?
he gets it, he does. maybe this is because he relates to having to just. deal with stuff that makes you different from others. or because admin is on the fence of headcannoning toby with poliosis... which while not albinism, visually he can relate and also relate to some of the other symptoms of it (namely the eye issues). flip flops between reminding you to pack stuff you need and forgetting.. but when he does remember hes very pushy about it, so much so that you might need to tell him to tone it down. you guys tend to vent to one another about things since theres some relatability between the two of you. as mentioned in my previous post hes prooooooobalby going to steal things for you to help you feel better; from things that will physically help you to things that will emotionally help you
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yasmimkilleruwu · 8 months
I think that those creepypastas and proxies who didn't want to be murderers and who kill because they have to, judge Liu a lot.
Liu had an opportunity to have a “normal” life, of course there would be some obstacles and such, but he could live normally and he could rebuild his life.
But instead of rebuilding his life, he chose to pursue Jeff, thinking he could still save him and bring his brother back to normal.
And with that choice, instead of Liu taking Jeff away from this life of killing, Liu joined this kind of life, the more Liu ran after Jeff the more he sank into the pile of bodies that Jeff left along the way.
Liu thought he could save Jeff, because he met creepypastas and proxies who didn't want to be in this life of killing, so this gave him hope, but unlike these creepypastas and proxies, Jeff kills for fun, he loves to see people suffering and dying in the worst ways possible.
Jeff doesn't feel pity, empathy or sadness, he has fun with the whole situation, Jeff approaches people only those people have something he wants, and when he gets it he will discard the person like trash, even Jeff doesn't feel romantic attraction, so if he is with someone it is out of pure interest.
For Jeff, Liu is dead, because he killed Liu himself and he doesn't feel any regret about it, and he already told Liu that when he was drunk, but Liu didn't believe it and thought that Jeff only said that because of how drunk he was.
Liu followed Jeff when Jeff was going to commit another murder, the problem is that Jeff doesn't care about being discreet or cautious when he kills, so when Jeff broke into the house he ended up waking up the family that lived there, the mother hid with her two young daughters, while their father took a gun and tried to shoot Jeff, he almost hit, but to protect Jeff, Liu shot the man who didn't die instantly, but was finished by Jeff, soon after that Jeff looked for more people in every corner of the house looking for more people, and he found them, Liu stayed in the living room of the house looking at the man's body, just seeing what he himself had done, but he soon left the room when he heard screams from a woman, When he arrives in the room where he heard the screams, he sees the body of the woman already dead near the bed and when looking in the wardrobe he sees Jeff killing the children.
{Liu just stood there looking at everything in denial..}
Basically Liu is trying to save a person who doesn't want to be saved, and the more he tries, the more he destroys himself.
Liu is ignoring everything that is happening, he can't sleep, he has no peace, he feels guilty about everything, the truth is he is afraid of Jeff, but he is more afraid of being alone.
{Sorry for the writing errors.}
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m1d-45 · 1 year
summary: who can be blamed for a world wide calamity? the executioner, the judge, or the jury?
word count: ~1.3k
-> warnings: mention of blood, implied death(you, but you revive after), um minor spoilers for inazuma and sumeru archon quest, as well as for kazuha lore
-> gn reader (you/yours) and unspecified traveller (no pronouns)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay || @cupandtea24 || @genshin-impacts-me || @chaoticfivesworld || @raaawwwr
< masterlist >
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to see a god is a feat most strive their whole lives toward. to bear witness to one so much holier than you, to view a deity far beyond your time. mortals pray to statues and shrines, each vying for the eye of the heavens, a select few showing off their rewards in the form of a gleaming vision.
but even those with a vision cannot see the stars. true gods- the true god is a memory beholden to only a few, to those that remember the times prior to the archon war. before the creator lifted to celestia, sequestered away far from the petty meddling of people.
they’re missed. they’re always missed. the gods have a hole their gnoses are too small to fill, a deep ache that beats with their hearts, yearning for the one they called ‘home.’ it’s not unlike the feeling one gets on a clear night, looking up to the stars, knowing the world’s so vast and you are so small, unsure whether to be afraid or comforted.
so they wish their god a well recovery? do they grieve the idea that they may die before that happens? do they grab a bottle from the shelf and bear headaches without hangovers, do they sit at a worn table and drink tea nobody else remembers, do they sleep endlessly, hoping to dream instead? what does one do, when so alone? what does one do, when the stars blanket the sky and they are struck with the remembrance of their finite lives?
mortals get up from their blankets. look away, go to bed, rise the next day with the only star they know being the one that warms the stones beneath their feet. but gods don’t tire easily, and the nights are known for stretching far longer than days.
the unlucky ones die.
the cursed are given a false prophet.
“if you remember me, then i don’t care if anyone else forgets.”
the greater lord was kind. too kind. beloved. unfairly so. how strange, she wondered, fading to dust, that she did not see her god greeting her. how odd, she thought, that the closest she had come to heaven was within the moments before her death.
it’s not her fault. it never was. the eyes that watched from celestia were hard with iron and not time, cruel with choice and not purpose. so many died, so many didn’t have to, so many fell under the foot of a fraud while their true colors hid behind a mask.
“do you remember me?”
“do you?”
it wasn’t your fault either. it never was. your chosen warrior, your first picked, saved from the grips of the one who had stolen your place. so many people, so many names, so many conversations held within proxy. the earth remembered, the people rejoiced, and yet it was only your golden companion that questioned the sea.
(the waves calmed. eons old bodies finally laid to rest. the abyss itself stilled for just a moment, just long enough to stop and watch you smile, and even now occasionally lent an ear to your pride.)
how unfair, that you once laughed together but now cry alone.
to lay eyes upon the divine is one thing. to view with one’s own eyes even a fraction of true power is enough to blind the commons, and even the most ancient dragon must bow its head. but to touch? to hold, to grasp, to feel universes thrumming beneath your fingers, the power of giants hovering barely an inch away?
“we named a constellation after you.”
you had said hello. a god, a being so far beyond mortal understanding, crouching to one knee and extending a hand to a child that had fallen. you could have walked by. perhaps on another day you might’ve. but you didn’t recognize the world as your home, and she didn’t recognize you as hers, fleeing to the guards the moment she saw something a little too bright in your eyes.
it wasn’t your fault. the ground is stained with blue and that child’s hand burns with the fire found in the core of a newborn sun, hot and new far too much for someone so young to handle. a samurai will never be able to look at his sword the same way again, but you shouldn’t blame yourself for that either. his hand holds the grip as his own shakes, red eyes struggling to take in what he sees.
the human mind reacts strangely when it sees something it doesn’t understand. it fizzles, stops, the wiring going dull as it realizes its neurons are far too small to comprehend the unusual stimuli. unfortunately, this response does not lend itself to survival, and the drive to live overshadows your cries for the same.
he doesn’t like the visit that part of town anymore. he can’t look at maple leaves without remembering how they stuck to the ground, weighed down by blood. he visits a familiar grave, tucked between two sharp cliffs, lingering far past the settling of lavender melon on the ground. he kneels there for a few hours too long, wondering of all the what ifs.
it’s not his fault either. it’s nobody’s. they were given a candlelight and were told it was a star, even as they watched the wax drip. he was doing his best, and it just so happened that in the blind grasp for a handhold, he’d pushed you away. he couldn’t see. it wasn’t his fault.
“don’t blame yourself, kazuha.”
“the tide does not stop rising when asked. neither does the guilt.”
it wasn’t his fault.
you try to remind yourself of this, at times. so does he. the two of you lie awake at inane hours of night, searching the sky for an answer.
what happened? what went wrong? was it me? was it anyone?
celestia looks down with eyes of fake steel, looking between you and the empty throne behind them. they’d finally caved, thrown the one they puppeted for the vishaps to dissect and the hillichurls to pull apart, but now worried. they’d certainly be punished if it was known they’d allowed this to happen… was it their fault, perhaps?
eyes sought out others, the council known as ‘heaven’ lost for what to do. their eyes joined yours, as yours joined kazuha’s, all tilted up and beginning to turn glassy.
the universe is so big, each star their own system, and it’s so hard to feel like any more than sand when it’s displayed so clearly. maybe it was kazuha’s fault, for not recognizing the light you shed as that of the sun. maybe it was celestia’s, for continuing to entertain an impossible fantasy. maybe it was the earth’s, for guiding you where it thought was safe, maybe maybe maybe. it doesn’t matter. did it ever? your heart burns with grief—love—as you go to bed, sheltered within a hilichurl camp. kazuha stays up too late, punishing himself with the fog of sleepiness that lasts a little too long the next day. celestia doesn’t feel guilt, for when did it ever, but the next day is unproductive, something strange taking place of the air there.
maybe it was nobody’s fault. maybe the world was disjointed, unfamiliar with your presence, stuttering for a moment as it collected itself once more. maybe in that moment of confusion, of flickering light and a burnt out flame, tragedy had struck like lightning. the universe was illuminated, bathed in the gleam of your power, able to see what it couldn’t in darkness.
it wouldn’t happen again, but that didn’t stop it from hurting. scars still ached when it rained, and the skies were weeping as it realized what had occurred in shadow.
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okay hear me out, what abt a kasha!reader ( https://yokai.com/kasha/ ) w/ the proxies? (separate)
maybe they're just, an absolute little shit and likes to steal fresh corpses of their kills. i saw the one ask featuring a youkai so i HAD to jump in w/ one
Yes! I love mythology and reading stories about different cryptids is a guilty pleasure of mine. Loved the ask, feel free to send in more!
ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ <- kasha
Masky Hoodie Toby and Eyeless jack x kasha Reader
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★ Kasha's are said to carry the bodies of the dead to hell for punishment. That checks out with what he does as a job. You can do yours with less effort if you just follow him from behind and steal the bodies of people when he turns his back.
★ He thought you where a regular cat for awhile, even started feeding you bits of ham from his lunch sandwich. Felt like a idiot too when he realized you where a demon. Still feeds you bits of ham though.
★ You are basically his body clean up. Usually it would take him about two hours to get rid of a bodie. With you it's done in about a minute. This helps you get on his good side.
★ He once tugged your tail when it was in his face and you freaked out. The tail is not to be touched.
★ Like with Masky, you follow him from behind to take away the carcasses he leaves behind. However unlike Masky he is a complete ass about it and tries to get you to stop because he thinks it's annoying.
★ And he has a point, a cat demon that can catch on fire isn't really good when you are supposed to be focused on watching someone. Even if he gets a quick clean up out of it.
★ You where once a house cat and like a cat you get the zoomies at 3 AM. He sleeps through it most nights but he will never forget the time you woke him up by tackling him. He sleeps with a spray bottle on his nightstand now.
★ Kasha's are pretty interesting yokai, the stories he reads about them lead to him to ask plenty of questions. He's a little pyromaniac so the fact you make fire is amazing to him. He could watch those golden flames for hours...
★ Do not teach him the "Don't be eaten by a baku, don't be eaten by a kasha" chant because he will use it against you for fun. Wanna go to the living room? Think again. His bedroom? Don't even think about it.
★ When you steal body's to animate he will not be going near them. Few things genuinely freak him out nowadays, this is definitely one of them. It's even worse if you use someone he killed, poor guy probably wouldn't sleep for awhile after.
★ He's much happier if you just carry the bodies to hell, like you're supposed to. While we're on the subject, I have a feeling that the way you get to hell from earth is similar to the way he travels from the manner to literally anywhere else in the world. Weird demon magic.
(Bonus) Eyeless jack
★ Kasha's are known to live in populated areas and descuise themselves as regular housecats. When he first met you, you where disguised as a regular cat. He was breaking into someone's house through a window and the whole time a random cat (you) was staring at him.
★ When he finished with the bodie, he left it behind for the police to find. When he started walking back to the manner you used the carcass as a puppet to follow him. He was starting to freak out at this point. Yes, it was kinda funny.
★ Unlike Toby, he would want to get up close with the bodies you animate. Fortunately you have a habit of stealing bodies from him when he's gotten what he needs from it. What are even doing with all the carcasses?
★ When you mention that you used to be a regular housecat he stops for a moment to think. Then he asks if you can remember your past life before becoming a kasha. He can't remember his life as a human, so he's curious if that's a trait shared with all demons.
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crushedsweets · 9 months
How would the other proxies react if Brian/Toby got badly hurt during a mission?
Ok lets say Brian and Toby got sent on a mission together. They were both torn up pretty bad, Kate stumbled upon Brian and Toby being incredibly hurt. Bleeding out and shit. She'd freak out, try dragging them herself, yelling as well - it might trigger a O/S episode, so she'd have the strength to drag one of them pretty far(plus adrenaline and stuff), but she'd still be freaking out. better off running as fast as she can to Tim, getting the truck, and coming back to pick them up.
eventually, they'd get to Jack's cabin.
If Brian is still unconscious for whatever reason while Toby's sitting to the side half bandaged cuz Brian got pain-priority, Tim would be screaming at Toby about it. Not cause Toby did anything wrong, but because he wants to know what the hell happened and he doesn't know how to cope with the fear and stress normally.. Tim would have to leave and go pace around outside cuz he's worried.
Once Brian is completely settled and bandaged up and Toby's getting treated by Jack, Tim would still be pretty upset and unable to express the concern in a non-angry way, but he'd relax a bit knowing they're both gonna be fine. He'd try convincing Brian to go to a real doctor to get checked out, but neither of them have great health insurance so it's unlikely... and toby cannot go to a hospital period so they'd all just cope.
Kate would stay just so she knows whats going on, but she doesnt really offer any emotional support. She'd just sit off to the side and fidget and wash her hands and go through Jacks fridge and waste time. talk to Toby when Tim's not yelling
Tim and Brian share an apartment out in the city already, away from the cabin, so Tim would kinda. not take care of him, but check in more often. bring home take out and drive him where he needs to go.
Brian and Tim would ask Kate to stay at the cabin more to keep checking on Toby. depending on the point in the story, Kate probably would stay. they'd just talk and she wouldn't do much besides like... "idk if you should be out chopping wood bro" and Toby would be like "shut up i can do what I want" so kates like ok. but then kate would 'accidentally' mention it to tim and then toby gets shouted at cuz "if you break your body, it means our jobs get harder" LMFAO
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