#and ur both emotionally repressed
Lana del Rey's exact wing (9w1 or 9w8) is torturing me. I see strong arguments for both. But I lean towards w1 after thinking it through properly.
Popularly everyone types her 9w8, probably because of the fallacy that 1s are all boring political types who hate art. Really 1 is the type that is MOST fixated on actualizing their ideals of beauty, so... yeah. That changes the game here completely.
I see w8 in her life choice to live Mad Max style and her constant focus on sex. Though that can all be explained away with her being an sx/sp. I see w1 in her prissiness, her extreme perfectionism towards her appearance and her highly stylized and polished music videos. Her focus on philosophy -- she got a degree in philosophy, few know this because it isn't really in her songs -- and also the tone of sarcasm as opposed to raw rage in most of her songs. She never overtly expresses her feelings of anger. But her songs are almost all sarcastically digging into the guy she is mad at by painting a pretty picture of how brutal and disrespectful of her (non-existent and invisible) boundaries he is. A w8 would be much more direct and also more minimalistic / ugly, less stylized than her. She has the 1-ish pursuit of perfect beauty
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hoodreader · 20 days
Sept. 7, 2024. Moon in Scorpio ♡
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general transit reading. word count. 1.0K+
keywords healing. subconscious. vivid yet confusing dreams u gotta meditate on. surrender. shadow work. grudges. trauma. triggered. discomfort. survival. the chariot. reality. “i saw things i imagined” by solange.
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the moon enters scorpio on september 7th, 2024 @ 1:18 AM EST.
when the moon transits into scorpio, we begin to feel more protective over what is intimate to us, so we recluse into ourselves. transits like these, we become sensitive to the depths of our souls/psyches/minds/emotions.
but the moon isn't comfortable here. despite the fixed-watery nature of scorpio, the moon in scorpio is like frozen ice that's cracking under pressure. there's only so much weight and heat that can be taken before the surface succumbs and vulnerability is exposed. water characteristically flows. it's meant to be malleable and movable, which scorpio isn't (as a result of it being fixed). u must learn to move the water.
for that reason, even though we are now more sensitive to our unseen energies, for those unfamiliar with navigating a malefic-influenced moon (and unsure how to get that water flowing) this can be a confusing and triggering time. u can feel a bit emotionally stuck on what ur being exposed to during the descent into ur own psyche: buried memories, things u tried to repress, and unresolved grudges may bubble to the top like underwater volcanic fissures.
some of these things can trigger u into survivalism if u never processed them. the moon is as integral to understanding ur root chakra energy because it represents shelter, instinct, protection, and intuition: evolved traits we use to protect ourselves. and this is the case of mars (the ruler of scorpio) as well. mars is the blood, the desire to fight and advocate for urself, and so on. but the moon is the benefic, representing security. whereas mars is the malefic, representing insecurity.
moon is the home, the immediate community, food, rest. u must be secure to have a shelter to protect u from the elements/enemies, to have a loving people around u, to be nourished, and to be able to comfortably be unconscious - this is why the moon is truly one of the most intimate planets there is, as u surrender logic and awareness when u sleep.
but mars is the insecurity of survival, of enemies, of starvation, of sleeplessness. when u feel unsafe, u are unable to feel secure. which is why the moon in scorpio transit can trigger people into feeling unprotected, thus, they feel they must switch over to survival mode in order to ensure that the body survives.
this is also the case considering mars in cancer will form a trine and mutual reception with the scorpio moon transit. both of these planets of survival are afflicted. mars doesn’t fare well in the sign of cancer, as cancer/moon is nurturing. cancer/moon represents empathy. and the fact that the moon exalts in the third house shows that these qualities are necessary for community, emphasis on unity. this is at odds with the core principles of mars, which is aggressive and unharmonious.
the mutual reception means that they help each other, but only when blending the respective energies. sometimes feeling triggered is a necessary catalyst. mars will bring heat to encourage the frozen exterior of scorpio to melt away, and expose ur shadow to urself. how many of y’all ever tried to hug, embrace, understand, or merely see ur shadow? y’all get told to kill it, but no. the shadow is a part of y’all. it’s the natural consequence of light.
translate this to the emotions and psyche. the things that may trigger u emotionally up until september 9th, 2024 (when the moon enters sagittarius) may be the shadows u house within urself. a moon in scorpio transit is a time for emotional transformation. mars in cancer likes feeling safe. it’s reluctant to be triggered. it side steps and avoids confrontation unless it’s cornered.
scorpio moon transits can bring a spiral of paranoia. fears of jealousy, enemies, mal ojo, and more. but a lot of times, we undo ourselves in our psyches. sometimes, we corner ourselves with our fear and grudges. when u always looking for an enemy, all u gon find is an enemy. and all u gon find is shit to confirm that there is an enemy. so what u gon do?
eventually, the scorpio moon will form a trine with the boundless saturn in pisces retrograded. many think it is scorpio/pluto who is the body of shadows, but saturn is also significant in interpreting them. this shadow is something like a blurry haze. like the shadows u get from various different light sources shining on the same subject.
reality is tangible and shows one subject, but the shadow (representing the unseen, the misunderstood, the repressed) shows as many subjects as there are light sources. and this can be disorienting for the moon in scorpio — the frozen river — who desires fixed structure for security.
but saturn — being not only retrograded and in pieces — says relinquish reality as u know it. it’s the understanding that the unreal and the real aren’t mutually exclusive. that they blend into each other freely. saturn, the planet of grudges and baggage, tells the scorpio moon (who craves a constant) to let go. let go of the need to constantly be on the defense. the active cancer mars melted the waters. now the boundless pisces saturn Rx encourages the waters to pass.
the afflicted moon contacts two malefics before it enters sagittarius. i don’t expect this transit to feel easy. i expect some folk to be a little defensive. i expect some folk to immediately deflect when triggered b/c they feel attacked. shiii, i myself got cancer placements and a scorpio moon. baby, i’m tired. i know i’m about to get tested. but… this process would be less draining if we stopped resisting our own internal, energetic ‘riverflow.’
knowing that reality and unreality blend in and out of each other, what do u accept in ur reality? what do u want to ‘freeze’ and preserve? what do u want to let wash away? what do u wish to protect and house within u? that’s ur choice. saturn in pisces Rx shows u free will. that ur karmic descent into ur psyche isn’t as determined or fixed as u think. remember, u hold the reigns to ur chariot.
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$35 for moon transit x natal readings. includes transit readings centered on the transit moon & natal / transit aspects & timed predictions. 🧘🏾‍♀️
work of hoodreader. don’t repost without credits, reproduce, plagiarize, copy & paste, ai, or translate. all rights reserved.
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pumpkinsy0 · 1 month
papercut proposing hcs??
them????getting MARRIED????tch,,,,
•it would b curly who proposes lets b honest, if not, they rlly wouldnt get married at all, well at least not officially, they’d just have a weird mutual understanding of loving each other like a married couple
•it was NOT happening in public, curlys too emotionally repressed to show how he feels publically and pony just wouldnt like it to b public period
•curly told angela that he wanted to do it and she was just thinking, how the fuck r u getting w someone before ME🤨🤨
•curly is NOT asking for soda OR darrys blessings, they just gonna have to deal w whatever happens😭
•i dont think it would even be particularly romantic or anything, but it would be them, so to them it was perfect, it would be after they hung out together all day and curly just, did it
•he proposed w a ring he’s always had but meant a lot to him, he’s too broke for an actual wedding ring, but if u want, maybe tim pitched in to help him afford one or somethin
•pony had NO clue how he was gonna tell darry and soda, but thankfully he didnt rlly have to, next time they saw the ring and it went “pony whats that for,,,😕😕” “mmmm😕😕😕”
•ik their vows short as hell, ESPECIALLY curlys, he KNOWWWSSSS tim and angela would laugh at him after it and pony is just shy to say how he feels about curly to everyone like ew omfg stop looking man
•they had to have a debate on what to do w their last names, theyre both WAAAYYYY too attached to their last name to just,,,drop it, so its either they hyphen or they keep their last names, but ppl just switch around and refer to them as like “mr shepard’s” or “mr curtis’” or like “mr curtis and shepard”, pick ur poison
•curly would constantly call pony his fiancé just to rile ppl up and pony would constantly have to explain the difference between fiancé and fiancée
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fangsforiris · 3 months
Hihi!! I say ur ask box was open (srry if I’m wrong) and I wanted to see if you could maybe do how Shuu, Ayato, Kanato, and Reiji would react to falling deeply in love with someone who is incredibly self sacrificial? I’m sorry if I didn’t do this right, it’s my first time submitting an ask so I’m a bit nervous. Have a good rest of ur day/evening!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Sakamaki’s Reaction to S/O Who’s Self-Sacrificial
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“Don’t act like that, please… I’ve already lost so much, I dont’t know if I can possibly handle another… Just stay with me…”
• This would hit Shū the hardest by far. Considering how he’s already lost a lot (ex: Edgar,) he wouldn’t want to lose another thing precious to him.
• It’s like a cycle to him which he so desperately wants to get out of.
• This would either make or break him, since he’s emotionally repressed himself for years, or even centuries, just to save himself the fear of once again not being enough to save anyone else he cherishes.
• Falling in love was never his expectation nor was he looking for it. For it to happen so suddenly, and to someone that happens to be the same sacrificing trope like a certain someone, it’ll definitely throw him for a loop.
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“You mustn’t let yourself succumb to such acts. I am a vampire, your sacrifice will be in vain. You mean more to me alive… more than you’ll ever know.”
• Reiji wouldn’t want to deal with someone self-sacrificial, really. As in, it would really have him at a loss for words at times.
• In the sense that, when seeing them, he doesn’t want to be reminded of how naive and ‘over the top’ he was in his own past.
• He 100% wouldn’t want to see his S/O attempt anything he may deem foolish (that is, attempting to sacrifice themselves at any given moment.)
• He’d find the sentiment a bit shocking, especially with his past of rejection. For someone to now want to do certain things for him, in the name of him, all for him… it doesn’t seem real. It doesn’t feel as if he deserves it.
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“Oi! Don’t go doing anything stupid! Your place is beside me, not 6 feet under me…! Stupid…”
• Ayato doesn’t usually fall for people other than by their looks.
• So for him to now suddenly get an emotional connection to someone who’s so helpless devoted to him, it’s as if he’s the only one in the world that matters.
• He’d find the sentiment cute, in the sense that someone is willing to do anything and everything for him— the great ‘ore-sama.’ However, if someone is his, he has no intention on letting them go.
• I feel as though he doesn’t believe as much in the ideology that ‘vampires kill for love/killing is the ultimate act of love’ as much as other characters may (Ahem, Laito.) So this would hurt him more if anything, since he did canonically feel a bit of guilt killing Cordelia, as well.
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“You will stop this silly attempt of yours to end your life! Why do you want to leave me and Teddy alone, huh!? Am I not worth it…?”
• Kanato would be deeply upset. As in, I think he’d show the largest outward reaction to both himself, his brothers, and you. 
• He canonically has high abandonment issues, so to have someone with a high tendency to resort to self-sacrificing methods, it would set him off. Almost as if it’s a trigger.
• He would most likely place it around himself, using terms like ‘why are you leaving me, why do they always do this to me, why me?!’ That sort of thing.
• Kanato would do a lot to stop this. You’re his toy, and he doesn’t exactly play with broken dolls— as stated by him. For an immortal being, he wouldn’t want to be left alone and would do whatever it takes (even if it’s unhealthy,) to rid their S/O of the mindset.
Authors Note: You’re all good!! Thank you for the ask, hope you enjoyed !!
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actualbird · 1 year
you probably already saw this in ur notifs but i have been OBSESSED with everything tot you've posted ever since my tot obsession came back. like. OH MAN I VIBE WITH YOU. YOUR IDEAS AND DISCUSSION OF CHARACTERS. CHEFS KISS. poly ot5 is my everything especially bcs it gets DEEP into every one of them :D
and i was thinking about mc's parents meeting nxx. in a scenario where maybe, they need researchers and for some reason or whatever they need someone personal, who they can fully trust including maybe some nxx stuff.
luke looks at mc. mc looks at luke.
well, if marius von hagen needed them. surely they'd be allowed to leave the program maybe temporarily.
and that's how vyn, artem, and marius have their internal parental issues brought out in full force at the sight of mc and luke with mc's parents. like they're just coddling them in the Parent way and they're both enjoying it as a Son and Daughter would. and those three are just like Oh. Wow. That Looks Nice.
artem has both parents but like based on how he's lonely as a kid i know these sorts of interactions were surely few and far between. he would Not be so emotionally repressed. marius has a loving dad but a dead mom who people blame him for and austin has said himself that he Represses. like marius. and vyn? Disastrous. yeah they would be having a Moment with that sort of scenario
and the Moments they will be having when the parenting goes to them too. because i think mc's parents are the type to parent their kid's friends too. they see these sad boys and think. Adopted.
SORRY THIS GOT SO LONG ASJJFKWKS it's just given me a lot of Thoughts.
hello hello, and HAHA YEAH i did see in my notifs a lot these past few days!! im so so glad you enjoy my tot stuff, i was particularly surprised that u even managed to get to me super early posts. it makes me rlly happy to see even those still enjoyable now ;w;
also pls this idea is lovely, has such fertile environment for BIG FEELS!!!!
i rlly wish we knew more about mc’s parents in canon. like i understand that theyve been yeeted into the void for narrative/player-insert-ambiguity purposes buT I HAVE A GREAT NEED!! TO SEE THEM COME BACK!!! ALL THE INTERACTIONS WLD BE LOVELY
and gosh yeah jkvkjHVJAHFKS 3 SAD BOIS R IN GREAT NEED FOR SOME FAMILIAL LOVE!! it makes me really emotional thinking about how artem, vyn, and marius have less than stellar parent-relationships for all the reasons u mention. it’s either absence, neglect, or something else altogether that just resulted in a childhood where their parents couldve been better. they werent the worst parents in the world, but they all couldve been better.
im So For mc’s parents vaguely becoming pseudo-parents to the other three. i mean, they already did that with luke, whats 3 more neurotic grown men?
(sidenote 2: i joke sometimes that luke is unintentionally very good at collecting father figures. aaron, that Bar L owner, a bunch of mentioned NSB seniors he worked under. people see luke and go “wow is anybody gonna son-ify that young man” and then they dont wait for an answer, they just go for it)
itd be sweet and also entertaining if mc’s parents invited them all to a dinner. i mean, the nxx boys are the people she hangs around The Most so it’s basically like meeting her friend group! her….really weird and varied friend group who REALLY want to make a good impression.
[outside of mc’s apartment, artem, marius, and vyn stall on ringing the door buzzer]
marius: ok so before we go in, i wanna ask…….what gifts did u get her parents?
vyn: this better not be a way for you to flaunt your gift
marius: it isnt! im genuinely curious!! and also hoping i’ll be less nervous if i know what you guys brought!!!
artem: i bought a kitchen knife set and sharpened them myself
vyn: i purchased the best bottle of wine i could
marius: …cool. cool cool cool cool those are lovely and reasonable gifts and now im realizing i should uh. tone mine down.
artem: huh?
vyn: what on earth did you get?
marius: it’s fine, dont worry about it, im getting vincent to drive it away right now
vyn: WHAT
luke, phasing into existence behind them without a sound: so are you three thinking of going inside any time this century?
artem, marius, vyn: AAHH
itll totally be a fun dinner all together HAHAHKJAVFKJHAS
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eldelasuerte · 4 months
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(I'm so srry if I'm like spamming ur asks but I hope u don't mind)
Nah I'm open for asks ☺️ you're fine dude dw 🫶
Oohh I love this concept but it hits different for baffy
Bear with me
Daffy might not be exactly soft but he IS more open than bugs
On everything lol
This Is why Daffy is a rock, hes way better at managin his emotions than bugs
AND also why you could pair Daffy with any other character without resulting on him feeling wattered down
At their core all looney Tunes have a soft heart, thats what looney Tunes are about, about portraying intense emotions in a humorous light AND also anarchy lol, theres no situation that has no silly side
Baffy hits different because bugs and Daffy BOTH navigate violence separate and together
But whereas Daffy has to more often take the L bugs has to ALWAYS win (most of the Time)
Whereas Daffy is able to lose and still gets to keep his core intact
Bugs prudence, wit and stoickish (when used right hilarious) nature Is the thing that separates him from other characters
This is what makes modern bugs who he is, and while both parts (bugs and Daffy) are to blame on their eggshellish relationship bugs fault is this facade that keeps him from being authentic and forming a true connection to Daffy
And we could excuse it with hipothetically saying that if bugs, used to being the "bigger person" were to put his fear to vulnerability aside and actually reciprocate Daffys affection in a decent attentive way a partner does Daffy would still choose himself over it
BUT Heres my hc with Daffy, hes emotionally intelligent
he knows bugs well enough because theyve both been on the same situations, he knows how bugs responds to feeling cornered, he knows the facade, so when bugs does this thing of acting nonchalant he calls him on his bullshit, he knows bugs biggest pet peeve is his unability to let things go, he's obssesive and just as intense as he is and his efforts are not to bring the softness but the intensity out him, and bugs just wont give in because he cannot let Daffy get a rise out of him, that would mean he wins and bugs cant loose
Thats why theyre like that, they like eachother authentically
Daffy is constantly (alledgely subconciously) looking for the part of himself that he recognizes in bugs (bugs started as a copy of Daffy) but if bugs gives up on his facade, not only loses what makes him unique but also bc of the misscomunication usually present in their relationship, could be thinking on losing Daffys attention
Even tho Daffy is open and better at managin his emotions, he still has a looong way to go to be comfortable with normal affection even moreso with bugs
BUT theyre both also naturally sweet, this is where their passion comes from, so theres still hope for them, the thing with them is just how well balanced their dysfunctional relationship is, like you could think bugs Is the most "mature" but is actually Daffy who Is better at managin emotions as a normal individual, also the one whos open for the other one to be himself Is just bugs has layers and layers of repression for being put against the eraser so many times
And despite everything you cant really say bugs doesnt accept Daffy for who he is, he has limits with him, which yes make Daffy be better but heck you could say he is aware of his emotional walls that Daffy wants to tear down and this Is the reason he spoils him so much lol
theyre both soft with eachother in a way the other needs
Theyre both selfish in a way that doesnt help the relationship
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Considering the SiD fandom is fucking dead. I can do whatever
So Walter x Killian hcs BITCHES. n also before anyone comes tell me that's problematic or whatever 1) i hate antis so just block me thx <3 2) Walter is literally 20-24 years in the movie, most likely 24 years old actually. Go to his wikia page n then to the comments for a pretty good theory/explanation on that. They said they'd put that age range on his profile but it just says 20 yrs old, which just seems false after all the proof from that commenter so. Yh. Fuck u <3
Now, first things first, yall know Walter upgraded the FUCK out of Killians body mods. Like he went "that looks cool! But i can make it better :) just saying :)"; now killian has better, comfier, smoother tech, like an actual robot hand instead of a claw; his eye was already pretty nice, Walter just helped make it more natural looking in case of malfunction, n avoid any pain n shit like that
Walter has Killian wrapped around his lil finger its insane. Anyone with any prior context of everything between them just doesnt know how to act. Walter wants a water? Ok but does he want it flavoured? Iced? Natural? Walter looks at Killian with those big blue eyes and suddenly he just has to touch him in any way.
Walter is definitely the chill half of this couple. Walters the anchor. And im not saying chill like in general, Walter is still is cute energetic self, what i mean is only one of them will become a flustered mess after their first kiss and think abt it forever all the time, especially at night while he watches the other sleep and pets his hair and is overwhelmed by the amount of Feelings he has for the other (killian is so emotionally repressed but then walter is the way he is n he just naturally forces killian not to be that way by just fucking breathing, n its very disorienting for Killian)
Killians not affected by sleep hours all that much, he goes to sleep whenever n then wakes up whenever n he'll be fine. Walter, however, is not a morning person. Can u imagine walter grumpy? Well, killian has now experienced it many times. Its actually how he first realized his feelings for walter. Its stupid endearing (he'd never admit this tho ofc)
Killian bites as a love language. Theyre very soft (sometimes >:)) n walter always turns beet red when he does them
Its hard for both of them to say i love u, but for different reasons. Killian, for ur regular degular emotional repression. Walter, because he never had meaningful emotional n intimate relationships to warrant saying that except for his mom, so saying it gives him anxiety like no other. So, they do that thing where u tap someone 3 times as "i love you" n then the other taps back 4 times "i love you too"
Killian never had the habit for listening to music. Walter introduced him to kpop n it all went downhill from there (his main group is dreamcatcher, because he has taste. His bias is dami)
Walter needs glasses but always forgets them. Killian is now used to carrying around two pairs of glasses: one for himself, n a duplicate of Walters glasses
I could make so many more of these bit its 4am where i am rn so i will go to sleep. If there's any mistakes yknow why that is
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 months
would be curious to hear more about ur near-expulsion, if you're happy to share! no worries if not
I would never pass up an opportunity to indulge some self pity about my youth!
The long and short of it is tgat i was quite seriously mentally ill in hs—not ever psychotic, which is how a lot of ppl tend to read that, but very emotionally disturbed—and my school was veeeeeery bad at handling this.
Starting end of freshman year i was in a very emotionally abusive relationship, i could give and have in the past given more lurid details but at this point it feels kind of ridiculous to hold that extensive of a grudge against another pretty differently mentally ill 15yo. It came to an end start of junior year, where i told her i was self harming and asked her to tell the counselors about this. She agreed, and their response upon hearing about the relationship was to tell both of us, "Holy shit, you have to break up"
The breakup was a lot harder on me than it was on her, in large part bc i had very little of any remaining friend circle among the other students (see: emotional abuse) and my teachers that semester were for whatever reason less able to talk to me outside of class (i generally preferred adults to fellow kids whenever possible). This led to a situation where i was breaking down fairly dramatically now and then in school, which did not make the school administration very happy
They prolly would have expelled me immediately, had it not been for the fact i was by the numbers an especially promising student. You can read this in a sort of meritocratic way, that i was being rewarded for my intelligence and hard work. But i think the deeper explanation was more crass: as a private religious school with a strong reputation and high overhead, they relied heavily on alumni support to maintain themselves and thought i would be a future cash cow, and so were eager not to lose my future munificence (jokes on them lol). So instead of expelling me they... forcibly isolated me for the rest of the semester, msking me study from home away from all contact with other students. This was (surprise!) terrible for both my academic motivation and my wider mental health
Part of my overall deterioration was that i started posting a ton of mildly insane religious and rightwing shit in long essays on facebook. The importance of sexual repression was one major theme, but also stuff about the metaphysics of angels and Society, the need for a theocratic upheaval of existing democratic institutions, etc. (Also there was one about how the school shouldnt ban the proposed gsa? Which seemed very natural to me but prolly struck others as weird.) This contributed to two deleterious interactions with my school administration. First was a couplr of crazy letters i sent to the administration denouncing insufficient rigour in the theology curriculum and proposed changes in class scheduling to be implemented my senior year. Second was my tattling on a shithead the year above me who started responding to my bizarre essays with screeds about how i was the moral equivalent of a meth dealer, which was technically a violation of school rules leading to mild official rebuke. The school was not at all happy about the first one, and the second would eventually bite me once i returned
Oh, i almost forgot: part of the conditions on returning to school were that a shrink diagnose smth wrong with me thst medication could fix, said shrinks protestations that he couldnt find anything strsightforwardly treatable thru pills not withstanding. Thus began my almost decade long history of coercive administration of psychiatric medications, first fluoxetine and then (after that gave me scrupulosity spirals so severe and immobilising my parents had to call a priest to our home just to hear the worlds most banal confession) mirtazapine, which would regularly induce sleep too powerful to let me wake in time for school and caused me to launch into incoherent delirious fits if my parents tried to wake me for it. (This was not when i was introduced to antipsychotics, which began instead 2yrs later in college after a failed hanging.) So that was fun
I made it back go school the following semester, where i was unsurprisingly just as isolated and emotionally unwell given my lack of any social support and enforced separation from the only person among the students i had previouslybeen close with (my shitty ex). I was incredibly bored and unmotivated, and for the first time in my life started to get failing grades after i continually blew off homework and study
Then, one day, i happened upon a means of relieving my boredom. Sitting in the college admissions lounge i found the guy whod been an ass to me on fb hanging out with his gf, and approached him to start demanding an apology. Obviously he got pretty pissed and refused, so for the time being i left him. But from then on, any time i saw him in the halls vel sim, i would approach him to again request an apology, less out of any expectation he would experience a change of heart than bc it at least gave me smth to do
This reached its summit after a couple of months when, the day of parent teacher conferences, i was sitting in a nearby public library and saw him walking down the street with his gf. Ofc, i followed him and again started pestering him for an apology, to which he this time replied with threats of physical violence. This was apparently quickly reported to the administration as stalking, and my parents were informed of it later that afternoon. They were, unsurprisingly, pretty upset, but let me know later that the school (iiuc) had not yet decided to expel me, but had instead retained the services of a psychologist to determine whether i was suffice sane to be held responsible for my actions enough to expel me. This was the point at which i pulled the "You cant fire me!" with my parents help
It didnt turn out so bad in the end. I was able to start college early at a peculiar but much beloved liberal arts college in my city, where i had a very rewarding undergraduate education leading to a promising graduate school career for 5yrs before similar psychological deterioration (with a much more understanding set of teachers/administrators) forced me to temporarily withdraw, leading to my past 5yrs of faildaughter idleness
Eta: im prolly inordinately self critical about my theologico political juvenilia. It bears the unmistakable quality of in fact being juvenilia but so does, idk, the treatise of human nature. I havent looked at it in ages, i cannot speak much to its merits anymore, but like, if it werent for that stuff i prolly wouldnt have gotten as intellectually far as i did. Even if im still short of where i want to be
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kuroshika · 2 years
hello! i have just stumbled upon your page and i have to say i love ur work! i was wondering if u are familiar with the theory of Will's romantic pursuits representing the 5 stages of grief for him? and if so would you care to share your opinion on it? :3
giggling because all i thought about was
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but besides that! i have heard the theory, and i wrote my own little spin on that myself, so here you go!
so, will has had four romantically-coded relationships during the course of the show. molly, alana, margot (barely), and hannibal. the five stages of grief (because i can't remember them for the fucking life of me) are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. i absolutely believe his romantic development can be a mirror of that.
denial would be molly. will married molly after hannibal went to jail, after the famous overdramatic breakup between him and hannibal. so your mortal-enemy-slash-gay-lover-slash-psychiatrist is in jail. what do you do from here? you won't let yourself confront your emotions about him, and you sure as hell aren't going to say there was anything between you— in marrying molly, it felt like an unconscious act of denial on will's part. he's denying hannibal has changed him, he's denying that hannibal still has power over him, even locked up (which refers to me previous post about will wanting hannibal to need him and hannibal needing will to want him). in marrying molly, he's trying to prove to himself that he doesn't want hannibal anymore, that he can love and have a normal life.
anger is obviously hannibal, pre season 2b. their relationship is so convoluted with anger and dependency, of both sides trying to find themselves in the other. hannibal's ache to consume, to blur with will until they couldn't survive without each other, and will's urge to keep himself repressed and unchanged. the tension sparked a lot of deep-rooted anger in will, which hannibal enjoyed stoking all too much. in closing himself off from hannibal and condemning/sabotaging their relationship since the very beginning, establishing that anger before he finds his reckoning, he opens the entryway to hannibal seeing the perceived worst of himself before the mask comes off.
alana is bargaining. even though their relationship is in the beginning, he still carries that sort of flame for her all the way until the end of season 2— and, honestly, i don't really think it ever dies out entirely. will is trying to push off all of this new information he's being given, both about himself and the people around him, by pushing that projection of himself further. he goes after alana, a woman whom he has hardly been in a room alone with up until this point, who knows the bare minimum about him and sees him as a professional enigma, because he has gone through a very traumatic ordeal and she was one of the few people there for him (besides hannibal). what i likely believe happened was that will trauma-bonded with her and decided that she was who he should want; in any other story, doesn't the guy go for the strong girl who helps him emotionally? that's what he should be going after, right? he can't begin to broach whatever relationship he has with hannibal, whatever pseudo/psychosexual tension they've got going on, and instead opts for the option he believes he should want.
margot is depression. when will sleeps with her in s2, there's a lot of shit going down. margot is using him to get pregnant, will barely registers that she's even seducing him and is just using it as an emotional outlet, yet he still finds himself picturing alana bloom, and by extension, hannibal lecter. two people he's had romantic entanglements with thus far— alana by his projection and hannibal by what lays underneath his mask. hannibal, it seems, no longer needs him and alana doesn't want him. he's been left (in his eyes) by the two people he cares about most. i don't even think there's really an emotional connection between the two of them (there isn't, but she's still a love interest, so), which only furthers her place as his depression stage.
and, of course, hannibal "i wanted to be seen by you" lecter is acceptance. their earlier anger has simmered down but not disappeared— their romance will always be bloody and angry, feral in all aspects. will is coming to terms with that, he's making his choice in choosing hannibal. in turning him in, in telling him that the fbi knows, in pushing the two of them over the cliff. one cannot exist without the other, nor can they coexist. hannibal wants to permeate every fiber of his being with will's and will wants hannibal to see every part of him and ache for it. when will asks bedelia if hannibal loves him, this is when he starts to accept it. throughout this whole series, not one person that has loved him has been constant. but hannibal has stuck by his side through all of this mess, and still loved him, beyond what normal projection he showed. will does indeed ache for hannibal, he aches for his attention, to be wanted and needed and seen by him. he wants hannibal to need to have him, he wants to be desired and sought over. and he accepts that with hannibal in TWOTL, when he makes the choice to follow hannibal to their deaths.
@lesbian-hannibal @7x16pm @shatteredlesbian
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soullessjack · 11 months
watching frozen w my little brother and like it is actually really fucked up now that im older. like imagine ur like some nine year old girl with cool ice powers that your little sister loves to see and you’re playing with her and suddenly you accidentally hurt you so then your parents take you out to a bunch of trolls that remove all your sister’s memories of you having powers or hurting her and then give you, a nine year old who’s extremely traumatized in the current moment, a prophecy about how you’ll become stronger and the world will turn against you completely if you can’t gain control . so your parents decide to completely lock you and your sister up in the castle during your formative years without any outside contact for years and you’re not only taught but encouraged to be emotionally repressed and distant so you don’t hurt anyone after what you did to your sister. and then your parents. your source of guidance and self control. fucking drown overseas, and you can’t even support your sister in her grieving because of what they taught you and she has to grieve alone because, again, she doesn’t even remember because her memories were tampered with as a child so she doesn’t even understand why you’re closed off to her or that it’s for her presumed safety. now because of the years of isolation your parents put you through she’s an emotionally socially stunted incredibly naive 18yo princess and you’re an equally emotionally stunted 23yo queen and neither of you even know what a party looks like because you both grew up in so much isolation and your sister is so resentful of you for shutting her out and you know you deserve it but it still hurts and you still can’t even tell her why so you just have to keep hurting her and hating yourself for it
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k-s-morgan · 1 year
Hi Morgan I am from Asia and I love ur blog
Can u help me understand something as I am new to this series there are some things that confuses me.
I think Will doesn't love hannibal as much as Hannibal loves Will . Yeah I understand he chose him after everything Hannibal had done but he always makes this decision at the end and after that he tries to justify his actions he is not always 100% sure with his decisions. He literally threw them off the cliff after some seconds of acceptance. Tbh I guess I fall on the minority when I say he really irritates me . I still feel hannibal's love and devotion is deeper than Will's.
Just my opinion tho
Second question was he was really jealous of Bedelia because of his underlying feelings or it was just him feeling salty that she wasn't as scared as he was .
Thank you
Ai shite iru (love u)
Hello! Thank you so much for your lovely words! <3
I have a very long post about the different ways in which Will and Hannibal express love here. I'll copy the TLDR part: Hannibal is more open about himself and his feelings, including love, hence he doesn’t have many challenges with admitting it. Will is closed off, stiff, and emotionally repressed, so he expresses his feelings in a much more subtle way.
Will has gone through a long, painful journey. He went from hiding from emotions and deflecting to not denying and carefully acknowledging them. We don’t hear words “love” or “in love” from him in relation to Hannibal because Will is not that kind of person. He doesn’t use these words freely, and for him, every small emotional step is a struggle. He tried to deceive himself and other numerous times; he tied to deny the truth and manipulate his own mind, but with each season, his feelings for Hannibal became more and more explicit. Will reaching out for physical contact, Will saying “It’s beautiful” are his way of saying, “I ached for you. I love you.”
So, I think his feelings are equally strong, he just doesn't express them in the same way. If there was S4, I'd expect Will to keep making progress and to start showing Hannibal how much he loves him more openly. Hannibal truly needs to see how adored he is, he might be emotionally starved at this point, after so many years.
About Bedelia, Will was absolutely jealous of her. Bryan on Will and Bedelia’s interactions:
And when we got to the Will and Bedelia scenes, they were just delightful. Because there were, in a sense, two spurned lovers, sniping at each other over the man that they were obsessed with.
He also said that he loves how "bitchy Will and Bedelia are to each other" and that they consider each other as "the other woman in Hannibal's life."
Hugh said a similar thing in the commentaries to the show:
Will and Bedelia are brides of Hannibal, exes of Hannibal, they consider each other the other woman in Hannibal's life, and they are very bitchy toward each other for this reason.
Just one conversation example from the show:
Will: You didn't lose yourself, Bedelia, you just crawled so far up his ass you couldn't be bothered - personal, targeted against Bedelia's attachment to Hannibal.
Will: You hitched your star to a man commonly known as a monster. You're the Bride of Frankenstein - personal attack with romantic connotation. Bedelia catches up on it and mocks him:
Bedelia: We've both been his bride. Have you been to see him?
Will: Yes.
Bedelia: Haven't learned anything, have you? Or did you just miss him that much?
Will: Have you been to see him? - jealously-personal again. Will wants to know if Bedelia is keeping contact with Hannibal. It's all about her relationship with Hannibal.
His aggression toward her and the extent of it is the reason why I think he was the initiator behind the attack on her that we see in a post-credits scene. He needed reassurance that Hannibal is capable of killing her, something he could never do to Will.
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Hi! U need to add Poland to the country list, im sorry luvie. Ur spreading like a Plague Inc. virus, im sorry hahahah also im the guy that some time ago send u an annon about GC some time ago, You have asked me some questions which im sorry for not responding to ig life got busy(i did do a mountain bike marathon tho very epic). Anyway,
1. You are not fucking anything up luv, it's not coming of fetishy or objectifingly. Ur doing allright
2. When it comes to portraying falling for someone, there is no inherent difference between falling in it as a men or a woman. But I am just a guy and never been a woman so idk. Everyone is diffrent too, and I think you write them all very emotionally charged. Full of nuance and depth qnd all those feelings that just might burst.
(I might be a few chapters behind but I really like the emotionally repressed and self destructive Remus as in it makes sense. It makes a lot of sense for a guy I think. Irl he would most probably be the typa fella that starts going to the gym or gets into 1200cc piss missile motorcycles. Maybe even drink a bit too much, but "strong" enough to get over himself and use that toxic masculinity to go back to "normal")
However, after thinking about it and like whilst keeping in mind what I said earlier - I do have a gf. Looking at me and my Sunshine, whilst strongly generalizing - I think it took me longer to fall for her. Like acually fall for her, not just like her and think she is one of the most beautiful woman on earth. But now as a guy, idk I just think about her a lot, I'm more on the logical side then her. Also way more reserved idk uhh I have some sa experience so it might be just me but after chatting a bit with some people yeah guys usually more reserved waiting for the sign or something. Idk it's ig hard to describe normality bcs it's just normal to me lol
3. When it comes to specific scenes uhhh pooki what can I tell you xD they have great chemistry, with Rem hoping back and fourth. It makes sense that a lot of them are sexually charged since they cannot connect romantically (at least as far as I've read). If you have more specific ones that would be easier to say xD
A mountain bike marathon? OMG that sounds AMAZING! You guys are all mindblowing ૮꒰ ˶• o •˶꒱ა
Thank god I'm not coming off as objectifying, I swear I was terrified, I feel like there is a very thin line, especially for BL and I wanted to portray it right and do it justice, especially since I know a lot of fanfiction can be complicated, and I have read plenty of people (specifically queer men) complaining about the way their relationships are typecasted and portrayed in said media.
I definitely focus heavily on their feelings, but that's kind of the reason I decided to write GC in the first place, I wanted to explore the complications of a throuple hehe.
It makes so much sense that guys would be more reserved I think, but I think especially in queer situations, both for men and women would be, since you might not be sure if the other person is actually queer too, idk if that makes sense?
Regarding specific scenes, I remember I was super nervous when I wrote the library scene with Sirius and Remus in Chapter 26, since it was Sirius' first time to feel something for Rem, and panic over it, I was so scared it wasn't doing it right. And also in chapter 31, when Sirius sees Minho and Tom kiss and has another gay panic revelation moment. I mean, I'm not sure when I figured I was pansexual but I think if I had seen two girls kiss in a closet and I didn't know about it, it would have definitely done something to me if that makes sense.
Sending a bunch of love all the way to Poland, thanks for answering all my questions, darling ☆૮꒰•༝ •。꒱ა
Read Gilded Constellations
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okthatsgreat · 1 year
i am GRABBING YOU and SHAKING YOU. did you know your mikane is the craziest. did you. did you know that. last chapter drove me so far up the wall i am still yet to calmndown...... poor mikan. imagine ur emotionally repressed gf runs away again only for two children w the exact same problem to come barging through your door.
i have so many things to ask........ but i shan't ask them all. please please tell me anything about ur ideas for mikane in general or in oppdmh bc they're the most crazy insane yuri ever. OH RIGHT YEAH AND. the actual question. obviously opddmh mikan still struggles with anxiety, but how do you think she's changed in mentality and issues after everything that came after danganronpa? any issues outgrown or gained? morphed in some way? love ur work so much every time. u made me pause my utena rewatch and that is such a big compliment u do not even know
talking about this fic, as always putting the answer under read more for people who dont wanna read lol!!!!!!!
OHHH MY GOD IM INSANE ABOUT THEMM. went into this fic knowing that i wanted mikan and akane to have their own povs because i thought theyd bring different perspectives, especially in comparison to makoto's pov. i knew what i wanted mikans story to involve and i had a vague idea about akanes (fun fact rantaro was originally gonna be kaito LOL) and then like two chapters into writing mikans point of view i was like waiiiitttt a minute. wait a minute hold on. what if they were in love. and what if they were so not normal about it
it made so much sense for the story i wanted both of them to tell that immediately i went into my notes and started pivoting a few things LMFAO. i just think that their relationship (or their pining at least lol) is able to neatly underline some of their core themes/issues in this fic, whether that be for better or for worse. through the lens of their relationship im hoping to convey mikan's sheer capacity of worry and insecurity, how she finds it difficult to move through life without another person to rely on even if she has done a bit of growing since the simulator and how that dependency affects her. and then of course akane's emotional repression is highlighted through their relationship (her forgetfulness, her inability to communicate, LEAVING all of the time), but also it's a great reminder of just how protective akane can get even if she isn't there. not to mention how worried she gets about mikan despite her absolute refusal to worry.
they care about each other to the point of unspoken codependency and while it is absolutely making both of them feel safe and happy it is still a reminder of their underlying problems. akane would do anything to avoid somebody thinking she is weak enough to be cared for. but all mikan can do is care and care and care about her. both of them are so willing to shoulder the problems of the other but neither of them want to be seen as burdens, so all they end up doing is silently dance around their issues until eventually somebody caves. INSANE YURI MOMENT
mikan still absolutely has anxiety LMFAO and dare i say..... she's...... kind of better????????????????????? or maybe not actually. going into this i had to think about how to write these characters in a way that felt true to who they are but also remembering that they have GROWN, even if danganronpa really makes them feel as if they havent lol. this is a mikan who has likely endured years of therapy, even if that therapy is SHIT at best. this is also a mikan who has been shoved into the spotlight rather forcibly and has basically been given the choice to adapt or die. so i probably shouldnt say that shes "better", it's more that shes had to modify herself to fit this new lifestyle of hers. she hasnt been given much of a choice, and i imagine shes had a few years to really fuck up and struggle before reaching this point. she is constantly in the spotlight and basically always under scrutiny, so ive sort of swayed away from her wanting attention and focused more on how she reacts to this attention-- shes grown bitter from the negative and she doesnt think she deserves most of the positive. it's this hurricane of problems with mikan and a lot of it involves her own struggle to view herself as a good person, which stems heavily from the insecurities she already had in her game and intensified by what happened outside of it. years of being seen as this iconic chapter three killer has absolutely worn her down a bit, but there is still a part of her that yearns for control over her life and the people surrounding it. she is still SO anxious, ive tried to really hammer home quite a few recurring symptoms with her like her nervous tics, sickness/lack of appetite, hair shedding, etc!! and she is extremely bitter about how shes been treated, too, which im hoping to elaborate on further on down the line. however she really, REALLY can not be passing out in front of cameras or throwing any fits about the exploitation shes endured since shes been a teen because the company she works for wont accept anything that isnt on brand. and underneath it all shes still that scared little kid that desperately wants to please
she's an older mikan but she is still very much hurting, not necessarily any less but in a way that's a bit different if that makes sense :)
you are SO FUCKING NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333
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dogcodedcatboy · 8 months
Pre-Relationship 7, General 9, and Domestic Life 8, 10! :)))
♡ @eternally-smitten
hii omg thank u for sending an ask!!! i looooove ur ship w herbert sososo much :D what a good film. cat dead details later!!! 🐈‍⬛
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
oooh cool question!!! roman would have just followed canon trajectory i think. chewed up and spit out by the company. still as repressed as always. sippin that martini post-canon. i think shiv and roman have a decent relationship post canon but. i am unsure if ken ever forgives them for that boardroom scene. aaron...i have no clue! def worse off bc he never gets sugarbabied to hell and back. probably just perma-broke trying to pay off art school loans. also taking the time to understand roman/being w someone who understands his trauma and shit also helps him emotionally in ways he doesn't even know. so. he likely ends up continuing to have weird short and turbulent relationships.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
both of them. constantly. especially when it's SOOOO not appropriate to do so. do not sit next to these fuckers at a roy family function unless u wanna risk overhearing something that might shake ur faith.
How do they celebrate holidays?
big holidays r split between aarons fam and romans fam ! aaron muscles thru roy family holidays, while roman is bewildered and intrigued by all of aaron's friend's traditions!! aaron is a FREAK abt halloween so roman is REQUIRED to attend his house's halloween party IN COSTUME !! which he does. of course. also aaron nuclear bombs rome w valentines day propaganda which roman tooootally thinks is stupid....(he def brings the little chocolates and shit w him to work and keeps a stupid handmade valentine in his wallet....whatever)
Who’s the better cook?
aaron is a professional chef ! and roman is a billionare who i do not think could prepare a box of mac and cheese without looking around confused at least once. having a personal chef and caterers his whole life has definitely rotted his brain. aaron does the cooking For Sure
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trans-xianxian · 1 year
hello ben been following u for a while love the content great stuff. rewatching cql and wanted to know ur opinion on whether or not u think wwx knew he was in love with lwj b4 his death, after his resurrection, or post-canon? and talking like, IN LOVE. crush he probably knew like idk. during or after the schooling portion as teenagers ?
idk what the book says but cql specifically i think he knew pretty early on. there are a lot of fics about him JUST figuring out his feelings post-canon surprisingly so i wanted to ask u abt it lol
u've probably already said in the past but i either forgot or didnt see when uve all discussed it. thank u much love hope the hair comes out cool as shit
here's my timeline for how I think wei wuxian felt about lan wangji throughout the series/how aware and comfortable he was w those feelings:
I think that wei wuxian knew almost immediately that he was at the very least Attracted to lan wangji. he makes that stupid gay face the first time he sees him. throughout the cloud recesses arc it's pretty clear that wei wuxian has himself a little crush, and I think he definitely knows it. I've seen a lot of interpretations saying that wei wuxian had a crush but wasn't aware of his own feelings, but all of his clumsy attempts at flirting w lan wangji and trying to get his attention make it obvious to me that he knows very well how he feels and is not uncomfortable or in denial of those feelings
I don't think that wei wuxian was necessarily In Love with lan wangji by the time he's thrown into the burial mounds, but I think he's moved on from silly teenage crush to something more. the thing that makes him finally sit up and keep going in the burial mounds is him imaging lan wangji saying his name for fucks sake
during/around the sunshot campaign I think he is somewhere between Very Strong Romantic Feelings and In Love, and the fact that they spend half of that time at odds w each other only complicates his emotions and how much he is able to accept his own feelings. he obviously feels very strongly for lan wangji in a romantic way and is pushing and prodding to see if lan wangji feels the same but a lot is happening and he has just experienced intense emotional and physical trauma, Every emotion he's feeling is intense and complicated and repressed
as for post sunshot campaign pre yiling laozu era wei wuxian... I think this is where his feelings for lan wangji become more complicated. wei wuxian is pushing Everybody away post burial mounds and trying to separate himself from all of his attachments. he went through unspeakable trauma and now the war is over, he is left with a lot of time and space to fester in his trauma in a way he wasn't during the sunshot campaign. wei wuxian is conflicted about All of his relationships, including his relationship with lan wangji. I think he's struggling with being close to and vulnerable with anybody, and accepting new, intense, and, honestly, dangerous emotions for lan wangji is difficult for him. at this point he is very much shutting down emotionally and he very well may be In Love by then but I certainly don't think he's processing it fully. I think their conversation on phoenix mountain speaks to both wei wuxians uncertainty about their relationship and the intensity of his feelings for lan wangji
now. by the time "at least I could be killed by you, that would be worth it" happens, I Do think that wei wuxian is in love if only because that's the most batshit insane romantic thing I've ever heard in my life no other evidence needed. I think by then he's started to process his emotions more but also there's like. a lot going on right now. I don't think it's high on his list of priorities
By The Burial Mounds Arc, I 100% believe that wei wuxian not only knows that he is in love with lan wangji, but is fully aware of the fact that lan wangji is in love with him. for me, part of their tragedy is that by the end they both Knew, but they had simply run out of time. what is the point of saying it now, at the end? what good is that? maybe if they do not say it outloud the fact that they cannot act on their feelings for each other will hurt less
but part of the joy of their relationship post res Is the tragedy that came before it. they thought they had run out of time but they didn't! wei wuxian gets a second chance! they have been given more time!!
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safyresky · 1 year
I am once again venting below the cut, please enjoy this Jacqueline in the meantime:
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GOOD LORD!! CIRCULAR CONVERSATIONS ARE GENUINELY SOOO FRUSTRATING. I've had my new car for a WEEK and for a WEEK it's been the SAME SHIT between the hubbers and the MIL:
He mentions the car bc he's excited about it
She goes on an emotionally charged RANT about how concerned she is that we went and bought this car and how she's worried about all the debt we have and that we won't be able to "just vibe"
He assures her we went over everything (which we did) and that it's affordable for us (it being the bi-weekly payment)
It stops there. He laments to me. I reassure. I boost him the FUCK UP LIKE HE DESERVES TO BE! 😤
He brings up the car again with her in the hopes she'll be like I'm also excited about this for you!!
She instead once more lectures us on debt
He once again reassures her
He comes to me lamenting once more
I am stuck watching this circle and smacking my head against the wall
And he's NOT explaining this bit to his Mom, and keeps being like w/e her opinion doesn't matter
I hate circular arguments y'all. They make me want to explodE. My entire morning/afternoon has been reassuring the hubbers and trying to point out how the convo is circular bc he's looking for her approval and excitement but she is looking for Something Else BC she's worried about our finances. Guys, imma be real with you. This is an affordable payment for us. It's literally only coming out of MY PAYCHECK since it's MY CAR and they BOTH seem to be forgetting that and it's causing this stupid discussion that won't end until either:
He tells her he's heard her concerns and asks her what she's looking for (since despite his reassurances and walking her thru the process we went thru last weekend and showing her the numbers and how it all works out fine she STILL keeps voicing her concerns, to the point where I haven't even talked with her about it but am dying to yell WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE US TO DO MARGE, GET RID OF THE CAR??? Because really, what WOULD you like us to do and it's presumptuous of you to assume we can't handle it and will need your help)
He tells her he's heard her concerns and asks her to just listen to his and please show some excitement because he's excited about it, so why can't you be
They let it die and never talk about it again the end OR
He understands that this is another one of those Margie being Margie scenarios and he's not gonna get her approval or excitement, and accepts that all he needs in this scenario is his OWN acceptance and excitement, and find a way to be OKAY with that
And I don't know how LIKELY any of these are going to be in the near future (and dw, I texted him that blurb already so hopefully it's on his mind and he makes good choices, good choices being either 1 or 4 bc this isn't gonna get resolved any time soon with my MIL's old fashioned REPRESS UR EMOTIONS ass 😤) so I am instead FUMING about situations OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL bc as an outsider Incan see how it's going and after 4 years of therapy I can see what needs to be done bc I'VE BEEN THERE TOO
This situation has me so down it's making me wanna call and vent to my Mommy and that's how you KNOW it's yucky tbh
#dani speaks#dani vents#i don't often call my mom to vent these days bc she can be very similar to Richard's mom re: ur childs feelings#BUT MY GOD. I AM AT A LIMIT#anyway if u read the vent ty for reading I appreciate it 🩷#we'll be okay! i know Richard will read those options and see what's going on and choose what works best for the time being#BUT MY GOD WATCHING THE CROSSFIRE?? IS STRESSFUL#I'M LIKE#THIS IS SO STUPID GUYS PLZ#anyway if anyone wonders why I wrote blinter the way I did#THIS IS WHY. I THINK PARENTS SHOULD MAKE UP WITH THEIR ADULT CHILDREN AND UNDERSTAND THE TRAUMAS AND THINGS#AND BE SUPER SUPPORTIVE#I THINK PARENTS NEED TO STOP THE AGE OLD HANDING OVER OF TRAUMA TO THE KIDS#GENERATIONAL TRAUMA IS AO FRUSTRATING AND SO EASILY AVOIDABLE BUT IT DOES ENOUGH DAMAGE THAT IT KEEPS GOING!#FUCK THE CYCLE ALL MY HOMIES HATE THE CYCLE#and if anyone is wondering. i am VERY excited about the new car#being able to drive again without breakdown anxiety and in a car that isn't crumbling to dust around me#is STELLAR! I WANT TO CRY HAPPY TEARS! I HAVE MY FREEDOM BACK! THE MONEY WE'LL SAVE ON SUDDEN REPAIRS#IS GONNA BE SO NICE#I'm 😭😭😭#it's just so reliving and I feel so annoyed that MIL doesn't see it like that and is focusing on 'startung ur marriage out in debt'#sweetie. I've been paying student loans for 5 years. We were ALREADY starting with debt and our payment plan is FINE#WE HAVE JOB SECURITY#OTHERWISE I WOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT#AND IF WE SUDDENLY DON'T#WE SELL ONE OF THE CARS#Boom. done.#ANYWAY. IMMA GO GROCERY SHOPPING NOW#BC I CAN BC MY CAR IS RELIABLE!! AH!#out of context jacquelines
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