#and ushi n tendou
teddybeartoji · 7 months
just swallowed the whole hq s3 in one bite WHAAAATT my hands are sweating i loved it so much i think i had like three heart attacks anyway this post is actually about oikawa with glasses though..... yeah............. oikawa..... with..... glasses............. 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
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pin-k-ink · 5 months
synergy // ushijima wakatoshi
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tw ⇢ mild sexual content/suggestive themes, non-sexual nudity, ushijima and the reader being oblivious to their own feelings, this whole story is an emotional rollercoaster, reader is written in third person since its easier for me
wc ⇢ 3.7k
a/n: i actually enjoyed writing this one. has to be one of my favorites
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Ushijima sat up against the headboard, his mind weighed down by a nagging sense that something was amiss. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but the constant questioning from his friends had begun to seep into his thoughts, making him second-guess the nature of his relationship with the woman sleeping peacefully by his side.
For nearly an hour, he had been sitting there, dressed only in a pair of boxers, while she wore the shirt he usually slept in. Her cheek rested on his meaty thigh, a small pool of drool forming on his skin, but he paid it no mind. This was their normal, a comforting routine that he had grown accustomed to over the years. Waking up on a weekend to an empty bed would be far more unsettling than finding her there, wrapped in his clothes and seeking solace in his presence.
Without realizing it, Ushijima's world had long since begun to revolve around her. Every aspect of his life was intertwined with hers, and he had never once questioned it. Sharing everything with his best friend seemed as natural as breathing. But now, with the seeds of doubt planted by his teammates, he couldn't help but wonder if there was more to their bond than he had initially believed.
A soft sigh escaped his nose as his phone buzzed with a message from Tendou, inquiring about the keys to the gym. Tendou... he was the one who had first sparked this internal conflict, causing Ushijima to question the depth of his friendship with her. With a snap, he closed his phone and placed it back on the nightstand, settling against the headboard once more. As if sensing his unease, she stirred, and Ushijima instinctively reached out to card his fingers through her luscious locks, gently lulling her back to sleep.
This was their normal, and he couldn't understand why his friends couldn't see that.
His mind drifted back to their first year of high school, when he had initially introduced her to Tendou and Semi. Ushijima had breezed through the practice match set by his seniors, even though he had forgotten his application form. His reputation preceded him, and they already knew who he was.
"Woah, who's that chick?" one of his seniors had whistled lowly, his gaze fixed on the gym entrance. Ushijima followed his line of sight, curious as to what had captured the attention of his teammates. His eyes widened slightly as he spotted her peeking out cautiously from behind the door. Without a second thought, he abandoned the ball and jogged over to her, oblivious to the questioning stares of his teammates.
She held out his forgotten application form, explaining that he had left it in her classroom that morning. Ushijima nodded appreciatively, his expression unchanging. What baffled his teammates, however, was the way he leaned down to peck her lips, just as she instinctively tilted her head up to meet his. The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was far too long to be considered purely platonic.
"Ushi-waka, is that your girlfriend?" Tendou teased, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. He seemed almost proud that the seemingly robotic Ushijima had managed to catch the attention of such a cute girl.
To everyone's surprise, Ushijima appeared genuinely confused by the question. "No, she's my best friend," he stated simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
As time went on, the team struggled to wrap their heads around the nature of Ushijima and her relationship. She would often drop by the gym, delivering small items that the seemingly scatterbrained Ushijima had left behind. Each interaction followed the same pattern: Ushijima standing too close for comfort, though she never seemed bothered by it, and the two sharing a kiss that lingered just a bit too long to be considered friendly.
The team eventually came to the conclusion that Ushijima was simply shy and unable to admit his true feelings. They reasoned that, given his stoic nature, this must be his first relationship, and he was struggling to come to terms with it.
"I'm not in a relationship. She's my childhood friend. We're neighbors too," Ushijima insisted, his tone firm and unwavering. The team decided to drop the subject, realizing that he was far too stubborn to convince otherwise.
It became clear that Ushijima spent his lunches in another classroom, never appearing in the cafeteria or his own classroom. Semi deduced that he must be visiting her, and so he and Tendou decided to investigate. They weren't surprised to find Ushijima sitting across from her, engrossed in reading something while she occasionally fed him small bites of food. When he failed to pay attention, she would lean in and gently wipe away stray rice from the corner of his mouth. The intimate moments they shared seemed far too personal for mere friends, yet Ushijima remained steadfast in his assertion that she was nothing more than his best friend.
The final straw came when Ushijima, with genuine curiosity, asked Tendou if he liked her. His sincerity was enough to make Tendou reluctantly agree that perhaps Ushijima truly did see her as just a friend. But what about her feelings?
Semi took it upon himself to approach her, befriending her and welcoming her into the club as an unofficial manager. Once she seemed comfortable enough, he finally asked the burning question: "Are you and Ushijima-san dating?"
She blinked, confusion evident in her expression as she tilted her head to the side. "No, he's my best friend. We've been together since we were kids since our parents are also friends."
It dawned on the team that perhaps both Ushijima and she were equally dense when it came to matters of the heart. From that point on, they found themselves more invested in the pair's relationship than in volleyball practice itself.
One evening, they stumbled upon Ushijima and her in the gym after practice. She was helping him perfect his spikes, tossing the ball up for him to slam down onto the other side of the court. Everything seemed to be going smoothly until Ushijima accidentally sent a ball straight into the net, which then bounced off and hit her square in the face. She let out a soft yelp, crouching down and clutching her bleeding nose.
Ushijima was by her side in an instant, kneeling mere inches away and gently prying her hands away from her face. He clicked his tongue as he watched the crimson blood cascade from her nose and over her lips. With an apologetic look, he scooped her up like one would a toddler and carried her to the bench. Kneeling between her legs, he tore a piece of cloth and tenderly wiped away the blood, his palms smoothing up her thighs in a comforting gesture. Once the bleeding had stopped, he remained in his position, seemingly unwilling to move away. When she assured him that she was okay, he kissed her lips once more before standing up, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
The team confronted Ushijima about the incident later. "I like kissing her. Is it wrong to?" he asked, genuinely perplexed.
Tendou and Semi exchanged a knowing look. "No, it's not wrong. But it is something that people who are dating do," Semi explained gently.
"Dating? But she's my best friend," Ushijima countered, his brow furrowed in confusion.
"Well, yeah, but haven't you ever felt like you wanted something more with her?" Tendou pressed.
"Why would I want something more? It has always been like this between her and me." Ushijima's bewilderment was palpable, and Semi and Tendou decided to let the matter drop, realizing that he was not yet ready to confront the depth of his feelings.
The team's suspicions were further confirmed when they witnessed Ushijima and her saying goodbye before he left for a two-week training camp that coincided with her birthday. Ushijima pulled her aside, apologizing for missing the special day they usually spent together. He wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her close and nuzzling his nose into her hair. They stood mere inches apart, gazing at each other with a look that the team could only describe as love, even if the two were too oblivious to recognize it themselves.
Throughout the training camp, Ushijima spent every free moment texting or calling her. When he couldn't do either, he would prop his phone up on the bench, leaving her on a video call so she could watch him play. It became increasingly clear to the team that the two were emotionally dependent on each other, their bond so deep that they struggled to spend even a moment apart.
Their theory was proven correct when Ushijima fell into a state of depression after she stopped answering his calls. Her grandmother had passed away, and she had retreated into her room, shutting out the world in her grief.
As soon as the training camp ended, Ushijima raced to her house, desperate to be by her side. He arrived to find the house empty and dark, the only light filtering through the curtains coming from the moon above. He made his way upstairs, his heart heavy with worry, only to discover her bedroom vacant. A soft sound coming from the bathroom caught his attention, and he gently pushed open the creaky door.
There, in the darkness she so feared, he found her lying in the bathtub, staring blankly at the moldy ceiling as tears streamed down her face. The water was frigid, but Ushijima paid it no mind as he knelt beside her, brushing her wet bangs away from her forehead. Without a word, he reached into the water and gathered her into his arms, cradling her close and not caring that her bare, wet body was soaking his clothes.
He wrapped a towel around her shivering form, holding her tightly and rocking back and forth in a subconscious attempt to soothe her pain. Gently, he removed the towel and dressed her in one of his shirts before slipping under the covers with her, holding her close throughout the night.
When Ushijima recounted this story to Tendou, the redhead was left speechless. Not only was it the most emotion he had ever seen Ushijima display, but it was also a testament to the profound love and connection the two shared, even if they couldn't put a name to it.
During their third year, the arrival of new first-year players brought about a shift in the team's dynamic. Coach Washijo had specifically requested her presence to take notes, and she had obliged, her keen eye for detail and understanding of the game making her an invaluable asset.
Among the fresh faces was Goshiki, a boisterous and attention-seeking young man who seemed to gravitate towards her warm and nurturing demeanor. She found his enthusiasm and charm endearing, and she readily showered him with compliments, knowing that it was exactly what he craved.
The rest of the team, however, could only watch in trepidation as they noticed the darkening expression on Ushijima's face. It was a look they had never seen before, a mixture of jealousy and possessiveness that seemed to radiate from his very being. Tendou, ever the opportunist, seized the chance to probe Ushijima about his feelings, but the stoic captain remained tight-lipped, refusing to acknowledge the green-eyed monster that had taken hold of him.
It came as no surprise to the team when Ushijima, in a display of his newfound authority as captain, suddenly banned her from entering the gym. The self-satisfied look on his face was unmistakable as he watched Goshiki's crestfallen expression upon realizing that the object of his affections was nowhere to be found.
The crushing defeat against Karasuno had been a blow to the entire team, but none felt it more keenly than Ushijima. He had maintained his composure in front of his teammates, his stoic mask never slipping, but she knew better. She had been there, watching from the sidelines, her heart aching for him as he shouldered the weight of their loss.
That day, Ushijima had actively avoided her, and she had returned home with a heavy heart, wondering how she could ease his pain. It wasn't until the middle of the night that she was roused from her sleep by the sound of her window sliding open. She watched as Ushijima's familiar form slipped into her room, his shoulders hunched and his eyes downcast.
Without a word, she lifted the covers, inviting him into the warmth and comfort of her bed. As he settled beside her, she wound her arms around his neck, holding him close as he nestled his cheek against her breast, inhaling the soothing scent that was so uniquely her. His hand found its way to her waist, his thumb tracing gentle circles on her soft skin as they both drifted off to sleep, entwined in each other's embrace.
Ushijima had never given much thought to the nature of their relationship, content in the knowledge that she was his best friend, his constant companion. But that all changed the day he received a confession letter from a girl in his class. Unlike the countless anonymous notes that flooded his locker, this girl had mustered the courage to approach him directly, her handwritten letter trembling slightly in her grasp.
As he stood there, the delicate paper in his hands, Ushijima found himself at a loss. His eyes remained fixed on the letter, but his mind was elsewhere, filled with thoughts of her—his best friend. He couldn't understand why, in this moment, when faced with the prospect of a romantic entanglement, all he could think about was her.
The girl before him was undeniably pretty, but she paled in comparison to the one who had captured his heart so completely. He couldn't fathom a future where he devoted his time and attention to anyone else, where he shared the same intimate moments and unspoken understanding with another woman. The very idea felt like a betrayal, a violation of the bond they had spent a lifetime cultivating.
With a heavy heart, Ushijima had rejected the girl's confession, his words gentle but firm. To her credit, she took the rejection in stride, as if she had already prepared herself for this outcome. As he walked away, Ushijima found himself inexplicably drawn to her, his best friend, his other half.
That night, he had taken her home with him, and they had fallen into their familiar routine, laying side by side in his bed as they had done countless times before. But sleep eluded him, his mind racing with questions and doubts that he had never before entertained.
As the first light of dawn crept into the room, Ushijima found himself propped up against the headboard, his gaze fixed on the woman slumbering peacefully beside him. In the stillness of the early morning, he allowed himself to imagine a future where he woke up to her every day, not just on weekends. A future where he could kiss her for as long as he desired, hold her close and never let go. A future where their outings were no longer just hanging out, but proper dates, filled with romance and intention.
His mind wandered further, to visions of making love to her, of joining their bodies and souls in the ultimate expression of their devotion. He pictured marrying her, watching her walk down the aisle towards him, radiant and resplendent in white. He imagined her round with his child, her belly swelling with the life they had created together. He saw them growing old side by side, their love only deepening with each passing year until they took their final breaths, forever entwined.
With sudden clarity, Ushijima understood why Tendou and Semi had been so persistent in their questioning of his relationship with her. He had always known that he loved her, but he had never fully grasped the depth and magnitude of that love. It was a love that transcended friendship, a love that encompassed every aspect of his being.
He realized that if he were to wake her now and ask for her hand in marriage, she would say yes without hesitation. Their love had become so ingrained, so fundamental to their existence, that the idea of marriage, which held such significance for others, seemed almost trivial in comparison. It was simply the next logical step in a journey they had been on since the very beginning.
And if he were to express his desire to make love to her, would she react with the same easy acceptance as she did to his kisses? Would she welcome him into her body just as readily as she welcomed him into her heart?
Ushijima's heart swelled with the weight of his realization, the full extent of his love for her crashing over him like a tidal wave. He knew, with unshakable certainty, that she was his past, his present, and his future. She was the one constant in his life, the one person who understood him better than he understood himself.
As he watched the steady rise and fall of her chest, her face serene in the golden light of dawn, Ushijima made a silent vow. He would cherish her, protect her, and love her with every fiber of his being, for as long as he drew breath. And when the time was right, he would make his intentions known, laying bare the depths of his devotion and asking her to be his, now and forever.
Until then, he would continue to hold her close, to bask in the warmth of her presence and the unbreakable bond they shared. In the end, it had always been her, and it would always be her, his best friend, his soulmate, his one true love.
As the morning sun began to filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, Ushijima remained lost in his thoughts, his gaze fixed on the woman who had captured his heart so completely. The revelation of his true feelings had left him both exhilarated and terrified, the weight of his love for her settling deep within his chest.
Suddenly, he felt her stir beside him, her eyelids fluttering open as she slowly emerged from the depths of sleep. Her gaze, still hazy with the remnants of her dreams, met his, and a sleepy smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"Good morning, Toshi," she murmured, her voice soft and slightly raspy from sleep. The sound of his name on her lips, spoken with such tenderness and familiarity, sent a shiver down his spine.
"Good morning," he replied, his own voice thick with emotion. He reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face, his fingers lingering on the soft skin of her cheek.
She leaned into his touch, her eyes drifting shut once more as she savored the gentle caress. "What time is it?" she asked, her words slightly muffled as she nuzzled into his palm.
"Early," he answered, his thumb tracing the delicate curve of her cheekbone. "The sun's just coming up."
She hummed in acknowledgment, her body shifting closer to his, seeking the warmth and comfort of his presence. "Why are you awake?" she questioned, her eyes opening once more to meet his gaze.
Ushijima hesitated, the words he longed to say dancing on the tip of his tongue. He wanted to tell her everything, to pour out his heart and lay bare the depths of his love for her. But something held him back, a flicker of uncertainty that whispered in the back of his mind.
"I was just thinking," he said instead, his voice low and hushed in the stillness of the morning.
She tilted her head, a curious expression on her face. "About what?"
"About us," he admitted, his heart hammering in his chest. "About our relationship."
Her brow furrowed slightly, a hint of confusion clouding her features. "What about it?"
Ushijima took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation to come. "I've been wondering if maybe... maybe there's more to us than just friendship."
Her eyes widened, a flicker of surprise dancing within their depths. "More?" she echoed, her voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded, his gaze never leaving hers. "I love you," he said, the words tumbling from his lips with a fierce intensity. "I've always loved you, but I'm starting to realize that it's more than just the love of a friend."
She remained silent, her expression unreadable as she processed his words. Ushijima felt his heart constrict, fear and uncertainty gripping him as he waited for her response.
"Toshi," she breathed, her hand coming up to cup his cheek, mirroring his earlier gesture. "I love you too. I have for as long as I can remember."
Relief and joy surged through him, a small smile breaking across his face as he pulled her closer, their foreheads touching as they shared the same breath. "So, what does this mean for us?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly with the weight of his emotions.
She smiled, her eyes shining with a love that matched his own. "It means that we've always been more than just friends," she said softly. "It means that our love has been there all along, waiting for us to recognize it for what it is."
Ushijima felt his heart swell, the warmth of her words washing over him like a soothing balm. He leaned in, capturing her lips in a kiss that was both familiar and new.
As they parted, their eyes locked in a gaze that spoke volumes, Ushijima knew that this was just the beginning. Their love, which had been the foundation of their lives for so long, had finally been given a name, a purpose, and a promise.
With a contented sigh, he gathered her into his arms, holding her close as the morning light bathed them in its golden glow. They had a lifetime ahead of them, a future filled with love, laughter, and the unbreakable bond they had forged through years of friendship and devotion.
And as they lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Ushijima knew that he had found his home, his haven, and his forever in the woman who had always been by his side.
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mattsunnn · 4 months
warnings(can be and not be): haikyuu season 3 spoilers!, platonic, fluff
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seeing them cry broke your heart.
you watched your team line up infront of the crowd by the bleachers, giving their thanks all at the same time before turning their backs and walking over to the coach.
you can see all of them with their heads down. sadness? regret? you don't know. you noticed shirabu in a dazed, eyes unfocused, and mouth a bit open. leon called his name to ask if he's alright but you couldn't hear the rest. but his last words reached you and it puts a weight in your chest.
"no one here thought we would lose."
not even you. you rooted for them, you cheered for them. you were there when coach washijo would make them do receives and spikes 50 times a day. you're there for them.
"we'll have a meeting when we get back. once the awards ceremony is over, get onto the bus." coach tanji stated, walking over to the exit.
"right." ushijima answered, nodding his head.
the demon coach stopped, looking back on his team. "and you'll be hitting a hundred serves later."
a lot of them grunted and tsked in unison. shirabu wiped his eyes before smirking in defeat. goshiki's still sobbing but he's trying to muffle them.
the team, looking solemn, was about to gather their things and do some stretching but they stopped when they heard you speak. all of them looked at you, turned their bodies to you and standing straight.
"i know i'm only a manager but... i want to say you guys did your best. that was a great performance and you guys did not disappoint." you smiled, "i am very proud to each and one of you."
all of them stared at you in silence before goshiki bursted into tears again, running to your arms and hugging you. he sobbed onto your shoulder as you carded your fingers to his hair. shirabu couldn't help but walk slowly to you, his forehead bumping on your other shoulder before you patted his head, letting him lean onto you for support as he, too, sobbed.
"thank you, y/n." ushijima said, slightly smiled in appreciation and you nodded your head in reply before the other guys leaned onto you as well to receive pats on the heads.
after everyone has calmed down-even though kenjiro's still beside you, clutching your sleeve in comfort- you gestured for them to gather their stuff. "after doing your hundred serves, we'll come into my home and i'll cook you guys dinner."
"yay! y/n-chan's cooking!" tendou cheered, hands coming up in excitement. you chuckled, shaking shirabu's hold on your sleeve before intertwining his fingers with you. "i'll make sure to make it delicious."
"i'll help with the preparations." leon said, clutching a bag on his side as he walked on the other side of you. you muttered a quick "thank you!", and hooking your arm on his before turning to the second year on your left.
"best setter you are out there, sweetie."
shirabu turned his head on the side, wanting to look unbothered. "thanks." you chuckled at his reaction before pulling him with you with the rest of the team as you guys made your way towards the exit.
they look like children following their mother.
well, they are your precious babies.
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finished season 3 and it was so intense with the scene of tsuki and hinata being pushed down by ushi and then everyone's just helping them😭 made me cry fr even though this was the second time i watched the series😭 but seeing bebi shirabu crying and the rest brought out the mother in me🙂‍↕️
probs not the best but i love em sm
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natriae · 2 years
A/N: on my ushiwaka grind rn i love him
i fully believe that Ushi is not good at sex especially not the first time. He has no idea what he's doing.
He understood sex jokes in highschool but he just didn't know why tendou and the team thought they were so funny. Sex was not on his priority list, so he wasn't ready at all when you started to climb on his lap when you guys were kissing.
Somehow his brain told him to bring you closer, so he did just that, but you could feel the hesitancy.
"'toshi we don't have you," you tried to comfort the strong man.
"n-no i want to," but you knew deep down he was just saying what he thought was right based on what he heard in the locker room.
Safe to say you guys didn't have sex that night, but you did your best to make sure toshi didn't feel uncomfortable or feel bad for leaving you "high and dry". His therapist taught him that communication was very important to a relationship, so you were thankful he was blunt and clear with his feelings. He didn't want to mess up, or cum at the wrong moment.
You knew Toshi was a virgin but not because he was so worried about preforming wrong. Volleyball came easy for him but he always had to put a little more work into your relationship especially after seeing his parents. He wanted to treat you like a princess, and if he knew he couldn't provide you in some way he'd find someone else to do better.
"Toshi I don't care if any of that happens. It will be our first time. It won't be perfect. Just like Volleyball you practice all the time to make sure your skills grow."
"you're right, but can we still wait a bit?"
"of course, goodnight baby."
From that day toshi did as much research as he could to learn how to "preform" well during sex. He read blogs, he even asked Kageyama for help which lead to a very awkward stare off.
When the real thing happened he needed lots of help. You directed him to your clit, and things that made you feel good. Seeing his small smile brought you more pleasure then the sex itself. And Toshi was beyond proud of himself, but his confidence lowered when it was time for him to take his dick out. What if it doesn't fit? What if it doesn't feel good for you? He won't even be able to look at you in the face if he-
He feels you grab his face, "toshi look at me,". seeing your eyes look so deeply into his was enough for him to begin pushing it in.
Yes he did cum before you, but he kept going till he was overstimulated because he wanted to be perfect for you. Train himself to hold it till you came.
You ended up faking an orgasm because toshi looked to be in pain, but he doesn't need to know that.
So no Ushijima Wakatoshi is not good at sex, but he will practice just for you. And you are glad he was willing to step out of his comfort zone for you.
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ennoshitas-princess · 8 months
From No One to Someone
Wakatoshi Ushijima x Fem! Reader
If he is ooc I am sorry!! Please don't come after me
Warnings: umm Ushi-kun might be ooc. Nothing else comes to mind really
Synopsis: You and Ushi-kun have known each other since middle school but never interacted, until he was stuck on some of the problems on an assignment. Sharing lunches and walking together.
Word Count: 819
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Today, you were walking to class peacefully with your mind distracted by your crush, Wakatoshi Ushijima. You knew him since Junior high, but you never had the courage to go up to him and speak. He was handsome, tall, and built like a bodybuilder. You looked at yourself thinking you weren't made for him.
But you were so wrong.
Ushijima just made it to class, waiting for class to start. He looked up to see you walk in the classroom. And you made this boy very much turn a crimson red, but he always hid it from everyone. He thought you were smart, sweet, beautiful, and just a perfect doll. He wanted to approach you, but he thought you might be terrified by him.
But he was so wrong.
That day, the teacher assigned an assignment that was very hard. You, being an excellent student, managed to get all of it with ease.Ushijima was sort of confused. At this point he was getting a bit irritated. He looked to see that you got up and turned it in with the teacher. He was always the first one to finish, no matter the subject. He felt his blood boil of fury. Why did y/n turn this assignment before him? She couldn't have gotten it better than him. He paid attention in class and never got distracted, while you would at times fall asleep or doze off in class.
“Do you need help?” You offered.
You realized how he furrowed his brows. How he looked stressed. Sure he had that face always, but you read him perfectly. You didn't want him to struggle at all and decided to approach him to help. To your question, you only received a nod from the powerful ace. You sat down next to him and began explaining it all to him. He nodded and did it with ease then.
“You are a good teacher.” Was all he said to you.
You looked at him. You weren't expecting a word from him at all. Did he really think that? Was he only being nice? “Do you really think that Ushijima-kun?”
He nodded in reply. Oh how good it felt to him when you called him Ushijima-kun. He wants to keep talking with you. And maybe go out sometime. Of course when he didn't have volleyball practice. It was his passion.
“Thank you Ushijima-kun.” You turned your head away so he didn't see your face tint a tiny hue.
He gave you one of those rare smiles of his and went back to having that stoic face. You have never experienced such a thing. It was like a special thing only for you. You will now cherish it in your heart forever.
The next day, you and Ushijima are having lunch together. You packed (favorite food) and he packed some rice and curry. You gave him some to see what he thought about it. He grabbed it with the chopsticks and plopped it into his mouth. It was very delicious! He has never eaten such food in his life. “So you like it?”
“Yes!” His face turned as red as Tendou’s hair.
He wants to keep eating it with no stop. He grabbed some more and ate it. You giggle at his shining eyes. He blushed ever more profoundly. He wasn't expecting you to giggle at his antics. “Sorry.” He looked down in embarrassment.
“Oh it's okay. Here grab more if you want some.” You pushed the bento box toward him.
He started to eat more of the scrumptious food from the box of yours. He munched it and he stretched it out to you. “Here l/n-san, you can have some of mine.”
“Oh, thanks Ushijima-kun!” You exclaimed.
Days have passed by and you and Ushijima decide to walk to school together. You look around you to see that everything seems sweet and calm. How could you ever tell Ushijima you love him? Does he feel the same towards you?
You start at the ground and see beautiful flowers on the grass. Ushijima looks at you to see how beautiful you look. How could he tell you how much he adored your smile? How could he ever say all the things he thought?
Ushijima came out of his train of thoughts and he picked a flower. He placed it behind your ear. “I don't know how to explain this l/n-san. I don't truly know how to explain feelings. I feel as if I find it hard to breathe with you around and I-”
You interrupted him with a soft, delicate kiss on his lips. His eyes widened in shock. He wasn't expecting this, but he let it go and he closed his eyes and kissed you softly back. You both separated and were blushing like crazy. “I feel the same Ushijima-kun!” You smiled.
And that was the last time you called him Ushijima-kun.
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gatitties · 2 years
Manager Miniseries
─ Aoba Josai x fem!reader + Shiratorizawa
─ Summary: your friend insists that they have a practice match with your team and Oikawa is exaggerating
─ Warnings: none
5 < 6 > 7
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The Shiratorizawa men's volleyball team was at the house of their beloved great ace, apart from doing a study session they decided to meet to talk about new techniques to win the tournament and go to Tokyo. Everyone was concentrated until the doorbell rang, the mother of the family opened by happily greeting the newcomer.
"What a surprise to see you here! I haven't seen you in a long time. What brings you here, honey?"
"Well..." you scratched the back of your neck, averting your gaze "my parents wanted me to come by, also to see if Toshi could help me with some issues."
"I was just going to leave, but Wakatoshi is in his room studying, he will gladly help you."
"Thank you, have a good day Mrs. Ushi"
"You too sweetie."
You entered the house saying goodbye to the owner, knowing that you would be alone before going to the room, you went to the kitchen to get a package of cookies. Your parents had forced to go so that Ushijima could help you study mathematics —a subject in which you were disgusting— knowing that he was a good student as well as that their families were very close. You walked unhurriedly to the well-known room, you entered as if were your own house, throwing on the bed without realizing that you practically crushed a boy. A boy who was clearly not your friend.
"Hey Tosh-"
You choked on the cookies when saw how there were more boys in the room, and to top it off, one of them was trying to get you off of him.
"Uh, sorry about that."
The poor black-haired man shook his head nervously and frantically as you backed away from him, muttering more apologies for putting him in such a situation.
"I-It's okay!"
Thunderous laughter filled the room, a redhead laughing tearfully as he watched the bowl cut boy grow more agitated by the second.
"(N) what are you doing here?"
“I need help with math, you know..." you played down the importance, brushing the crumbs off your shirt "but if you're busy I can come back another day."
"Wait, wait, Ushiwaka knows a cute girl?"
"Tendou, don't make those comments as if she wasn't here."
A boy with gray hair and darker tips scolded the redhead who teased him calling him 'semisemi mom' for scolding him, you ignored the small verbal fight in the background focusing on your friend.
"No problem, we are also studying, I will help you with your homework."
"Thanks Toshi, I promise to make it up to you."
While you were studying, everyone introduced themselves, the red-haired Tendou was undoubtedly the opposite of Wakatoshi, which you found funny, plus Goshiki was too adorable but just as intense as your friend, there was a mother here too, Semi, and they even had a sarcastic named Shirabu.
It was a curious group without a doubt. When the team finished their homework they started talking about volleyball, leaving you to concentrate on making derivatives and matrices. You sighed pulling some strands back, you couldn't concentrate so stopped for a while to look at your phone, it had been vibrating for a while, they were just messages from your team, you just left them on read to look at Ushijima who had his eyes on your figure for a few seconds ago.
"Is something wrong Toshi?"
"Yes." the whole team paid attention to their captain "I want a practice match against Seijoh."
Everyone seemed confused —even you— but of course, the others didn't know that you were the manager of the volleyball club, because you had only talked a little and about studies, but you thought that Ushijima wouldn't want to have a practice with your team when they always had won.
"You are their manager, right?"
"Yes, but today they don't have practice."
"Hey, hey, the cute girl also knows about volleyball, now I understand why you like her!"
"I... I don't like (N)." he cleared his throat. "So when could we have a match?"
"Well, if you want I can talk to them now, maybe they don't care."
"It will be good for us to try new things."
"Yes, we will defeat them!"
"Don't get so excited about that bowl boy, it's just a practice game."
Tendou laughed at Shirabu's comment, no doubt Goshiki and he didn't have the best relationship, but it was fun to hear the second year's sarcastic comments while the first year tried to return the comments to no avail.
"Huh? But I like his hair..."
You approached to be able to remove the black locks, noticing how he became rigid as a rock and his face exploded with pink tones, you decided to stop for his health, you would swear you could hear Goshiki's heart about to explode.
"I also want caresses!"
"Hmm if you insist…" you shrugged your shoulders to caress the redhead's head "wow why is your hair so soft?"
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Oikawa desperately ran towards you when he saw how you entered the gym together with Shiratorizawa's team —specifically, you were talking animatedly with Semi and Yamagata— quickly grabbing you to take along with your team.
"Are you okay? Have they done something to you? I won't let them kidnap you again."
"They have not kidnapped me, besides they are nice."
"It can't be, surely they are extorting you! Blink if you are in danger." He whimpered moving you from one side to the other, then you blinked but not because of your captain's request "Iwa-chan, they are harassing our pretty (Nn)!"
"Shut up Shittykawa, you need to blink to live, idiot."
"Ow, that hurts Iwa-chan."
You walked away ignoring the small argument between friends, leading the rival team to the locker room so they could change into their sports clothes.
"Hey (N) are they always like this?"
"Yeah, but I guess it's okay, it's funny."
Tendou laughed taking you by the shoulders as you walked back to the court, this action did not go unnoticed in the eyes of the Seijoh boys who glared at the interaction their manager had with the middle blocker, that only made Tendou become more attached to you.
"You could stop irritating the rival team."
Semi looked at how his partner had fun seeing the faces that the others made, rolling his eyes, he went to warm up without wanting to be part of the scene, he wouldn't be part of the redhead's game.
"(N) can you hug me? It sure brings me luck in the match!"
He spread his arms with a catlike smile, narrowing his eyes in amusement at seeing his attentive rivals like owls, causing him to chuckle as he robbed their manager in a thinly veiled manner.
"Sure, why not?"
You shrugged your shoulders without giving it much importance —for you all kinds of hugs were well received— Tendou also took the opportunity to quickly kiss your cheek as a farewell, that's when he completely angered the Aoba Jōsai team, he couldn't hug you as if nothing had happened you were their manager. Unintentionally someone —Kunimi— threw a ball towards the head of a certain blocker, although the ball landed on your head because you were just separating from the hug.
"Oww…" you touched the affected part with a grimace, searching for the culprit, everyone gasped looking at Kunimi, who seemed to want to disappear at that very moment "Kunimi, if you wanted a hug, just tell me."
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You had insisted on cleaning the gym by yourself for making them train on a day they shouldn't have, they reluctantly agreed, leaving you alone, or so you thought, because a certain imperturbable boy was waiting for you to accompany you home like a true hunk.
"Toshi, I thought you had already left."
He denied watching you keep the key to the place, arms folded, patiently waiting for his friend to finish closing the gym.
"I'll walk you home."
"It wasn't necessary, but thanks."
You two were silent for a few minutes until Ushijima cut it off, looking at you with a certain sparkle in his eyes, he stopped causing you to stop walking as well.
"(N)" you looked at him with a raised eyebrow "I want a hug too."
You laugh internally observing the serious face of your friend to wrap him in a warm hug, he was a big baby.
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Grow Some Guts
Shirabu x gn!reader
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Shirabu wanted to play it cool, wanted to act like he didn’t care. It was what he did best.
So why did he find himself marching up to Ushijima the next day at practice?
“Y/N likes someone?”
The large man blinked, looking back at the setter, “Yes.”
“And you know who?”
“Yes.” He nodded, “But I do not believe Y/N would appreciate me discussing it.” Shirabu watched as he seemed to ponder it for a moment, before he shook his head, “No, after the way they seemed to be threatening me this morning, I am certain it would not be appreciated.”
Rolling his eyes, Shirabu scoffed, “You brought it up yesterday.”
“I did. I should not have mentioned it in the group chat.” He shrugged, “I was merely trying to be helpful.”
“Hey, guys!” You greeted as you entered the gym, smiling like there was nothing wrong in your world.
“Y/N-Chan~” Tendou grinned, your smile fell into a grimace.
“Ushi, you’re always saying Oikawa should’ve come to Shiratorizawa.” Tendou was still singing your name as he came up behind you, “But we have our own version right here.”
“Aw, you wound me Y/N-Chan! But that’s okay, because I think I’ve figured out your secret~”
Your head whipped toward him so quickly the boys around you could hear the crack, but you didn’t seem phased, “What?”
“The one you’re trying to get over,” He grinned, you hated the knowing look glowing in his eyes, “I’ve cracked it! Solved the mystery!”
Ushijima just tilted his head, you knew he didn’t say anything- if he did he’d have told you.
Unfortunately for you, your gaze unwillingly skidded to the mystery himself, catching his annoyed gaze already on you before you were spinning back to Tendou.
“You know?”
His grin widened, leaning closer to whisper, “I wasn’t sure, but you just confirmed it.”
The others watched as you stiffened, before you were suddenly bodily dragging the tall boy out of the gym, “You guys start warming up! We’ll only be a minute.”
As soon as you made it out the door, you wheeled around on Tendou, but he was smirking at you, “It was rather obvious. Even before your confirmation.”
“How was it obvious?” You asked desperately, “Oh, god, does he know?”
The blocker waved you off, “If he did you wouldn’t be going on dates with people that dip out.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’ll see.” You huffed, it was annoying when he was like this. You liked Tendou, he was probably one of your best friends since you joined the club- but he had a habit of acting all knowing if he noticed the smallest detail no one else did.
Shirabu was frustrated- it was almost his default when it came to interactions, but now he was frustrated that it seemed like more and more people could figure out who you liked but he couldn’t. So who was this person? Who had caught your attention when he couldn’t manage to? He had become the team’s starting setter- who did something more, something better, that they managed to impress you when he hadn’t?
He wasn’t even sure when he started to care, when he stopped being the blasé person Semi regularly complained about.
But somewhere along the way he wanted your eyes on him.
He saw the way your eyes sparkled when Tendou performed a difficult block or when Ushijima slammed the floor on the opponents side of the net with the ball, and he wanted to have that admiration from you. He wanted more than that, too.
Your effort in getting to know him no matter how much he shrugged you off in the beginning, how much you worked hard for them so they didn’t have to think about the extra things that went into practice, you even organized study groups for the players like him that wanted to move on to good colleges when they left.
But instead you were going out on dates with losers that were ditching you for their equally loser exes?
That wouldn’t do.
So as soon as practice ended, he caught your arm in his hand, pulling you toward the gym’s exit. “Let’s go.”
“Whoa- Wha- Where the fuck are we going?” You stumbling, keeping pace with his brisk steps as you fumbled to keep up.
“Out.” He answered tersely, but you could see the tips of ears burning red, “I’m gonna show you how a date is supposed to go. Maybe when you actually grow some guts and confess they won’t ditch you.”
Part of you nearly swooned, but the stronger part flamed in offense. “Excuse me?” You ripped your arm from his grasp, nostrils flaring, “When I ‘grow some guts’? Screw you!” Shirabu’s eyes widened, he hadn’t been trying to insult you! “You really have some nerve, you know that? Do you know how often I have to defend your snarky ass to other managers? To other players?? Grow some guts, my ass.”
You stomped out of the gym, leaving an awkward silence behind as the players looked at their setter.
Until Tendou broke it with a low whistle, “Good job, Shirabu. I’ve never seen someone try to get a date and insult that date in the same breath.”
Shirabu glared at him, but he was mostly annoyed with himself. Eventually Tendou walked out first, hands tucked behind his head, and Ushijima followed with a shake of his head. The setter could only sigh, why did he say that? The evening air did little to cool him off, but then he heard Tendou’s voice still carrying on the wind.
“Come on, you know how he gets. If you aren’t Goshiki he doesn’t generally mean his insults.”
“I don’t care. Hearts are traitors. Why did it have to look at him with his attitude and say ‘yes! That’s the one I want!’?”
His feet jerked to a stop. He shouldn’t eavesdrop- he hadn’t been trying and he wasn’t trying now- but he couldn’t make himself move. Ushijima’s deep voice drifted over next, “Isn’t there a saying- ‘the heart wants what it wants’? If you would just tell him-“
“He clearly doesn’t think much of me.”
“You’re wrong.” When the hell had he finally moved? “I- I’m not great with words and feelings and junk. I just wanted to take you out.”
Your eyes were wide before you shook yourself off with a huff, “Got a funny way of showing it.”
Shirabu sighed, mostly wishing he didn’t have an audience for this but ultimately decided it would have to do if it was his only chance, “I know. I hadn’t meant to say that. But… I would honestly just really like to take you out. Even if it’s only once.”
You eyed him critically, your mouth twisted up in amusement, “What do you think, guys?”
“You know my thoughts.” Ushijima offered, and Tendou patted his back.
“Get your man, Y/N! I love knowing I’m right.”
You gave them a grin, stepping over to Shirabu with those shining eyes he had always wanted to be aimed at him, “Let’s go then, Romeo.”
“Ugh, I already feel like I’m gonna regret this.” But he gave you a rare smile, taking hold of your hand as he led you away.
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duha54 · 29 days
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You got Satori Tendou !
Match up for Miauchu !
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• Congrats your perfect match is Tendou Satori !
• He's used to people with a rbf *cough Ushijima ;(づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ
• So he could easily see what was behind the surface
• Was the one to approach you .
• You became bestie .
• He was the one to approach you but not the one to confess . And this due to all the bullying he was victim of during his childhood .
• Guess who confessed ? Ushi !
• He just blatantly came up to you and stated :" Satori have what's • called a crush on you ."
• And he goes back to whatever he was doing .
• The face Satori made when you reciprocated your feelings was priceless .
• His typical ・゚✧drama queen・゚✧ behavior . But even more exaggerated .
• His favorite thing is when you cuddle while petting his head .
• Would go shopping with you .And for one specific reason :trying out crazy outfits and doing photos hooting .
• At first, the employees were annoyed however, the sight of a lovey-dovey boyfriend taking willingly tons of pictures of his significant other ... It was just so cute ! How could they even think of interrupting a moment like this ?
• Had definitely begged you to put on a cat costume (=^ェ^=)
• Would hype you up for any crazy sh*t you're about to get into .
• Sometimes when you both just wanna chill ,you'll hang out in his room both reading the latest shonenjump .
• He'll then sneak onto your lap pretending that the pillow wasn't comfy enough .
• He also does that whenever he's craving attention .
• You're the only one to who he talked about his insecurities and all of the bullying he has been the victim of during his childhood .
• "Wait ... You haven't talked to Wakatoshi about this ?! -It was for the better ... -You bottling up your feelings isn't "for the better " . -If I've told him that, he'll glare at everyone until graduation . Plus it's me his pillar ! He needs support if he's gonna be a superstar .
-And you ? -I'll live my modest best life ~ -Alongside your pillar ? - A pillar ? -I'm talking about me dummie ! -You sure ? You won't get annoyed and leave ? -Of course not ! How could you even think that !? -Promise ? -Promise . "
• And you spend the rest of the night in each other arms o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
• I imagine him having insomnia, and due to that late night calls would be an oftentimes occurrence.
• Loves movie nights. Especially if you fall asleep during it ( you're just so cute ! )
• For valentines, he wants to make a chocolate cake with you . He thinks it's more romantic .
• Compliments you all the time but gets flustered the moment you compliment him back .
• Your n°1 cheerleader in whatever you'll do throughout your life .
• He also makes sure to reassure you as much as possible ,hence he fairly knows that you won't voice your concern out loud .
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It was a bit shorter than usual however I hope you'll still enjoy it o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
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oodlesofowls · 2 years
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Feel free to use this as a pfp WITH CREDIT!!
It’s the last day of aro week!!! Ahhhhhh I’m both happy and sad lol. also since theres two of them i think im just gonna do bullet point for my hcs
ok here u go :)
theyre in a qpr. or just besties tbh
they didnt officially decide they were in a qpr after basically being in one fore like a year
tendou never got asked out or had any romantic gestures directed towards him growing up and it was kinda sad for him until he got asked out one day and it was the most uncomfortable experience in the world
tendou did a lot of internet searching (like a LOT of internet searching) once he found out being aro was a thing
he came out to ushi like the day after finding out and it was very chill
about a month later ushijima told tendou he was aro too
both of them aro aroace but have different favorabilities n stuff
tendou is romance favorable and sex indifferent
ushijima is romance indifferent and sex repulsed
tendou made like a 40 slide long presentation to come out as aroace to the team (def not me projecting)
they move in together after hight school and hv separate rooms but tendou likes to hv sleepovers
tendou cooks and ushijima cleans
their love language is infodumping
ushijima like plants a lot (not bc i read it in this fic def not its a rlly good fic btw also pretty short)
they have matching bracelets that tendou made during his bracelet faze (ofc he had a bracelet faze also the bracelets im talking about are those cute bead ones that u can put the lil cube letters with u know)
they adopt a pet rabbit in the future because ushi had a special interest in rabbits for a bit and also theyre just so cute
ahhh i love them so muchhhhh!!!!
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jqnny · 2 years
| Haikyuu!! Sentence Starters #1 - 5 |
- ⚠️ tk ⚠️ -
1. ~ lee!Ushijima ler!Tendou
“Oho, does it tickle here too?” Tendou asked, brushing his finger around Ushijimas ear repeatedly, making the man flinch slightly at every touch. “N-no Tendou-san! Don’t!” Ushijima whimpered, trying to remove the red heads arm wrapped around him that was trapping him down on the bed.
“Hehehe stop trying to free yourself Ushi~ You’re gonna be here a while y’know.” Tendou teased, wiggling his nail softly behind Ushijimas ear. Ushi scrunched one of his shoulder, trying to move away from Tendou’s finger. No luck.
Tendou moved his finger to Ushijima’s neck, slowly tracing circles around the skin.
“T-Tendou-san please!” Ushi jolted at the feeling on his neck, now scrunching both of his shoulders.
“Hehe what Ushi?? What’s wrong?” He blew cold air against Ushijimas neck, making him shiver.
“Tendou-san! Dohon’t!” Ushi accidentally letter out a giggle but unfortunately for him, Tendou had good enough hearing to have heard it.
“Ooh? Was that a giggle I heard Ushi? Do that again~” Tendou used his other hand that was trapping Ushi and brushed it against his other ear.
“S-stohop! T-Tehehendou-sahan!” Ushijima suddenly realized that Tendou’s other hand wasn’t so secure on him anymore. Ushijima quickly wiggled out of Tendous trap and used this chance to escape. Ushi bolted out of the room.
‘I’ll get you next time Ushijima~’ Tendou thought as he watched his friend run out of the bedroom, making his escape.
2. ~ lee!Oikawa ler!Iwaizumi
“I’ll give you 5 seconds to run Oikawa.” Iwa warned Tooru, holding up his fingers for countdown.
“What!? Iwa-chan I didn’t even do anything!” Oikawa said, confused on what was happening.
“5..4..3..” Iwaizumi continued to count down, ignoring Oikawas question.
Oikawa ran since he didn’t want to know what would happen. Iwaizumi did say that he had to run so it had to be something bad.
“..2..1!” Iwa finished counting and chased after Oikawa that hadn’t made much progress from getting away.
Oikawa ran into the bedroom, closed the door, and tried to lock it. Oikawas hands were shaking since he knew that Iwa was near the door.
Iwaizumi swung open the door before Oikawa was able to lock it. Iwa then launched himself at Oikawa, making both of them fall on the bed.
“I-Iwa! Don’t do this please!” Oikawa tried but struggled to wrestle Iwa off him. Iwa pins down both of Oikawas wrists together with one hand.
“Heh it’s too late now Oikawa. I’ve already caught you~ I gave you time to run y’know and you didn’t run.” Iwaizumi begins to poke Oikawa on his sides. The man giggled at the ticklish feeling that spreaded across his body in an instant.
“Iwa-chahahan! Stohohop!” Oikawa laughed, trying to break free from Hajimes grip.
“Stop trying to free yourself Oikawa. You’re going to be here for a whiiile.” Iwa said, wiggling his fingers at Oikawas side. Oikawa knew that he really was going to be there for a while.
3. ~ lee!Daichi ler!Suga
“Daichi! Clean up your room!” Suga commanded, walking into Daichis room. Suga came over to Daichis house today to hangout and had just opened his bedroom door, revealing the messy room filled with clothes and trash on the floor.
“Don’t worry Suga, I’ll clean that up later.” Daichi said, turning the other direction knowing full well he won’t.
Suga also knew that Diachi actually wouldnt clean up his room after he leaves the house so he needs to see him clean up with his own eyes.
“No! Clean it up now Dai.” Sugawara demanded again, pulling Daichi back to his room. “Clean it now before it gets messier.”
Daichi stayed silent for a few seconds. He ran.
“Hey Daichi come back! You cant run away!” Suga said, running after Daichi.
“Nooo! I told you I’ll clean it up later!” Daichi kept running with Suga on his tail.
Daichi changed kept changing directions, running all over the house, almost tripping but was able to prevent that.
Dai eventually ran into a dead end with nowhere else to run.
“Daichi just clean up your room! Or I’ll have to make you.” Sugawara wiggled his fingers at Daichi, making the man get shivers. Suga took tiny steps towards Daichi.
“S-stay back Suga! I’ll clean my room!” Daichi tried to think of a way to get out of this situation but trying to run past Suag would fail since he could just easily catch him.
“Alright Dai, you have sealed your fate.” Suga launched forward towards Daichi and attached his wiggling hands in Daichis underarms.
“PFFT- STOHOHohop! I’ll clehehean my room! Plehehease Sugahaha!” Daichi laughed and laughed, gripping on Sugas wrists, trying to remove them from under his armpits.
“You should have cleaned your room when I told you the first time Dai~ now look what happened because you didn’t listen.” Sugawara said as he moved to Daichis sides.
“NOHOHOHohohohoho! Sugahahahahahah!” Daichi fell sideways, trying to crawl away but it just makes it tickle more since hes not easing the sensation with his arms.
Sugawara slowed down to gentle tickles so Daichi could atleast breathe a bit.
“Heheh Sugaha stohooop.” Daichi giggled, trying to pull off Sugas hands from his sides.
Then Suga finally stopped and helped Daichi off the floor.
“Now clean your room Dai. Or I’m going to tickle you again.” Suga said, walking with Daichi back to his room.
Suga turned and saw that Daichi wasn’t next to him.
He looked behind him and saw Daichi running again to not clean his room.
“Oh Daichi I’m going to get you worse this time!” Suga ran after Daichi again, trying to catch Daichi.
Daichi did end up with the same fate as the first time but worse. Just like Suga promised.
4. lee!Kuroo ler!Tsukki
“Tsukki, where are you~” Kuroo said, scanning the empty kitchen before moving on to the bathroom.
There was so response from Tsukki. The blonde was currently hiding somewhere in the house due to a punishment he had refused to receive.
Tsukki had insulted Kuroos bedhead and Kuroo took that personally, so of couse he wouldn’t get away with it.
Kuroo continued to walk towards the bathroom while Kei stayed quiet, trying not to give away his hiding spot.
“Hmm, you’re not in here, are you Tsukki?” Kuroo asked but there was still no response.
Kuroo left the bathroom and headed towards the bedroom with clothes on the floor. Not much different from Daichi.
“Where are you hiding Tsukki?”
Still no response from Kei.
Kuroo went towards the closet and swung opened the doors. Inside was a bunch of clothes and a curled up Tsukki.
“K-Kuroo!” Tsukishima said, looking up at Nekomas captain with wide eyes.
Tsukki pushed Kuroo aside and tried making a run for it, but Kuroo got up fast enough to grab his arm to pull him back while he was still stumbling out of the closet.
“You can’t run from your punishment Tsukki~ This is what happens when you insult my hair.” Kuroo pinned down both of Tsukishimas wrists, grabbed his hips, and kneading into one of his worst spots.
“AHAHAHAH S-STOHOHOHOP KUROHOHO” Kei laughed, squirming under Kuroo while trying to full his wrists free.
“This is your punishment Kei. Now stay still and accept it.” Bedhead Kuroo squeezed Tsukkis hips before squeezing his thighs. His other worst spot.
“AHHHH STOHOHOHOHOHOP K-KUROHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEASE” Tsukki screamed, shaking his legs and turning left to right repeatedly.
“I’m not stoping until you say “Kuroo I am so sorry for insulting your hair and your hair is amazing.” Kuroo went back to kneading Tsukkis hips, making him yelp and arch away from Kuroos hand.
“WHAHAHAT!? THAHAHAHAT’S SO STUHUHUPID” Tsukishima yelled through his laughter.
“Well then I guess I’ll continue tickling you then.” Kuroo said, still squeezing Tsukishimas hips.
“Say it Tsukki! Say it!” Kuroo said, switching to squeeze Tsukishimas thighs, making him go crazy.
“UGHHAHAH K-KUHUROHOHO IHIHI AM SOHORRY FOR GAHAH I-INSULTING YOUR HAHAIR AHAHAND AHAHAH” Kei choked through his words, almost going insane from all this tickling.
“C’mon Kei you’re almost there!” Kuroo said proudly, still kneading Tsukishimas thighs.
“GAHAHAH A-AHAHAND YOUR HAHAIR IHIHIS AMAHAHZIHIHING O-OKAHAY NOW STAHAHAHAP PLEHEHEHEASE” Tsukki had finally spitted out the whole sentence and so Kuroo was satisfied.
“Ok ok ok I don’t want you passing out.” Kuroo finally stopped tickling Tsukki and letted go of his grip on his wrists, pleased at the whole apology thing he had made Kei say.
Tsukishima curled into a ball once again, just like how he was like in that closet, hugging his legs towards his chest, huffing and panting after all that tickling that almost made him go insane.
“Y-Yohour the wohohorst. I can’t believe you.” Surprisingly, Tsukki even managed to get those words out with the leftover giggles in him.
“Whateverrr. Anyways get up when you’re good. I’ll go make something for us to eat.” Kuroo said, standing up and heading to the kitchen, leaving Tsukki as a puddle of giggles to recover from his attack.
5. lee!Kageyama ler!Hinata
“Stop running Kageyama~!” Hinata said, sprinting after Kageyama.
“You stop chasing me!” Tobio answered back while running in all kinds of directions away from Hinata.
Kageyama ran up and down the hill, making a bigger space between him and Hinata.
Hinata of course, is faster than Kageyama so he was able to close up the gap pretty quickly. They ran and ran into the gym. Kageyama was pretty exhausted at this point so his legs were feeling a little weak.
Kageyama knew that Hinata would eventually catch up and of course, he did. Hinata pounced on Kageyama, making both of them fall on the hard gym floor.
“H-Hinata get off me!” Kageyama turned to his side and tried to push the orange head off of his back with his hand. Hinata rolled Kageyama back on his back and straddled him.
“Hinata you’re heavy! Get off me!” Kageyama wiggled under Shoyos straddle, trying to crawl away which was pointless.
“Hehehe now lets see how ticklish you are!” Hinata scribbled Tobios back, earning a squeal in return.
“H-Hinata! Stohop ihit!” Kageyama was giggling on the floor, trying to get Hinata off him but was unsuccessful.
“How does this feel Kageyama??” Hinata asked, continuing to scribbled all over Kageyamas back.
“Gehehet off mehe!” Kageyama waved his hand behind him to sway Hinata away.
Hinata and Kageyama hears someone coming in the gym and lifts their heads to see Asahi.
“Asahahahi-sahahan! Hehehelp mehehehe!” Tobio reaches his hand towards Asahi, signaling for help.
“Nope sorry Kageyama. I don’t want to be a part of this.” Asahi said as he walked out of the gym, leaving Kageyama and Hinata, once again alone.
“Nohohoahaha Hinata stahahap plehehease!” Kageyama pleaded, laying flat on the floor, weakened by the attack.
“Only if you promise me pork buns!” Shoya said, easing his tickles a bit.
“Okahahay fihine just stohohop!” Kageyama now had to spend his money on some pork buns for Hinata. He could get some for himself as well actually.
“Yay! You’re the best Kageyama.” Hinata finally got off from Tobios back, letting him breathe.
“Whahatever.” Kageyama slowly sat upwards after laying on the hard floor for so long.
Kageyama and Hinata left the gym to buy some pork buns as promised.
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kitashinsukehoney · 2 years
A Miserable Christmas
TW: Denial, Heart break, Rejection.
Characters: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Y/N and Tendou Satori.
"Ushijima, should we visit the Christmas tree infront of the train station during Christmas Eve? I'm not busy during that day so I guess it's a great chance for both of us to have a date!", you said to him through the phonecall.
"No, Y/N, sorry. But I don't think i can. I have something to do that day.", he said to you. "Oh...really? If you don't mind, I probably would send bentos to your house that day if you're busy. Well, maybe you could enjoy my meals although we are not together that day, right?", you tried to kill the intense feelings.
"I don't want to bother you during that day nor i want you to bother me.. Sorry, Y/N. I should hang up now. I don't want to waste my training period.", he said. You didn't have a chance to say goodbye because he hanged up right on time after he said that. You thought it is fine because Ushijima wants the best for his school and his team. You wouldn't feel like you're being abandoned but you should knows you're just in a denial.
During Christmas Eve, your parents called you to ask if you're celebrating that day with your boyfriend or not. Well, you have to lie by saying that he is at the convenience store buying some items to have dinner together. After you have some small chats with your parents, you dressed up warmly. You looked at the packed bentos you're planning to give to Ushijima and decided to give it to Tendou instead. Before you leave the house, you took Ushijima's scarf and wrapped it around your neck since the current temperature dropped drastically to -10°C. You even wore gloves that were given by Aran last Christmas.
You took the bento and walked out from your house. You ran to Tendou's house and forgotten about informing him about you're going to his place. When you're about to call him, your phone slipped from your hand. "Oops, noo!", you yelled. Your phone immediately hit the sloppy road and someone accidentally ran over it by using their bicycle. The person stopped and looked at your phone which is now buried in the snow. "Oh lord, Miss. I'm so sorry. I didn't meant to run over your phone", the person said while picking up your phone and wiped it by using his gloves. "No it's fine. As long as it's still functioning well..", you said to him. You took away your phone from him, worrying your phone might be broken or something but it's fine. He sighed a relief and asked if you're okay. "I'm okay. Thank you.", you said to him.
As you're about to walk away, the guy suddenly called you out again. "Wait, miss. Are you going anywhere whereby I can..send you?", he said. "No thank you. I'm just going to my friend's house.", you said to him again trying to refuse his offer.
"Aren't you Ushijima's girlfriend?", that person asked you. "I..am. Why are you asking that?", you turned around to look at him. "I am one of the trainee for the Volleyball team...I saw him dating with someone else's...infront of the train station.", that man revealed to you.
Oh, now. You thought why would you believed someone who you just met? You stormed off and leave him to go to Tendou's place. As you rings the bell, an unfamiliar girl opened the door. "Oh..", the girl said to you.
"Darling, who is that?",you heard Ushijima's voice from the house. "I guess it's Tendou's girlfriend!!", the girl yelled. Darling? What?
Tendou ran to the door after he saw your silhouette and he went to talk to you. "Y/N! You're here. Why are you here?..", he said. You tried not to cry but the feelings are hurting you so bad. "Well...I was planning to meet Ushi here since the Christmas tree is not that far from your house"., you said. Ushijima went out to see you with both of his widen eyes. "Wait...Y/N. You're here....", he said to you. He realised you have caught him so he tried to explain but you cut him off.
"Shut up, Ushi. I don't want to hear anything. One of your trainees did told me before you proved it. I swear to God, I'm tired of everything.", you said, with your tears trickling down your cheek while running away. Tendou looked at Ushijima standing like a stone and don't even chased you. Ushijima turned around and went back inside with his new girlfriend. They went out after 15 minutes, planning to go to the Christmas tree since they felt guilty.
After an hour of trying to make a decision alone home, Tendou ran out with his trench coat and went to the nearest place as he's trying to find you.
You walked to the train station after having a mental breakdown, hoping next Christmas will treat you better. You stand under the mistletoe and cried. You covered your red face with your hands looking at Ushijima kissing his new girl behind the tree. You tried to hold in your sobs but it's way too hurt.
Suddenly, a call reached in. It's from Tendou. "Y/N. I MIGHT BE LATE TO SAY THIS BUT STOP RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE.", you heard his breathing went faster and faster. He looked around trying to find you. Well, at least his house is not that far from the train station.
"Don't. Just leave me alone, Tendou.", you said to him. "I will not going to let you go away for the second time, dear. I will be with you this time.", he sounded so stern. You were way too speechless to hear his words.
"I-, Tendou, what type of nonsense you're saying?", you said to him.
"Turn around.", you heard his voice behind you.
You slowly turned around and he looked at you. Suddenly, he hugged you and whispered in your ear. "I have always be patient to be with you. Please.", he said to you. "What....do you mean?", you tried to make sure everything is real.
"Fuck, okay. I've always liked you for 3 years. I have always pretend to be your best friend although I'm yearning to be with you or being called as yours. I loved you so much that i got so mad knowing Ushijima is cheating on you. You ..will you be mine?", Tendou took out a rose from his trench coat's pocket and gave it to you.
You're surprised to see the confession but...
you're still ...not in the mood to say anything.
The snow slowly falling down just like your ability to love someone.
"I'm sorry, Tendou...I can't. I need some space and time to load everything.", you rejected him....right infront of the Christmas tree under the mistletoe. Well, both of you didn't get a kiss but instead a misery.
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immortal love: leaky faucet
masterlist (continued)
previous masterlist
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-go away tate.. no don’t do this to me.. go away tate. ur all i want. go away… your all i have… GO AWAYYYYY
-i never realized until writing this scene how very very similar omi n yn were to ushi n tendou
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saetoshis · 2 years
do u have…fav hq chars?
I love nishinoya n his whole vibe!
and I want bokuto n atsumu to double team me
LITERALLY UR SO RIGHT BOKUTO N ATSUMU TOGETHER WOULD BE SO😵‍💫😵‍💫 but EEEK !!! omfgfg nishinoya was my huge crush when i first watched it years ago 😋 BUT AAAH OKAY. its gotta be bokuto, hinata, ushiwaka, akaashi, tendou, n yamaguchi hes so sweet !! but HEAVY on ushi bc WOOOFNATKBARKBARK hes so fine
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natriae · 1 year
Heyyy I wanted to ask if u have any WIPs ? If not can I pls request a smutty make out session with ushi gushi College au where and reader have dated for a while but not gonna more than kissing and he expresses he wants more and reader is kjke omg me too I was just waiting for u lol idk if that makes sense ahaha
A/N: Ushijima is so comfort man
"I want to kiss you," he states like that's something that comes up in normal conversation...especially in the library.
Since you began dating Ushijima times like these weren't uncommon, but they still catch you off guard. For example, when he took you to meet his highschool friends he straight up told them that the two of you have yet to have sex...with a straight face and no blushing. Then he was shocked that you began choking on your water.
At the beginning of your relationship you thought he was doing these things on purpose. A way for him to make you nervous and blush (not that it was hard for him to do that anyway... have you seen him), but it didn't take you long to realize that he has a hard time in social situations. He doesn't realize what is to honest, but you wouldn't change him for the world because he was right 'honesty is the best policy'. It was cute how he would say these child like phrases without batting an eye all because Tendou told him.
Never have you dated a man like Ushijima Wakatoshi, and you doubt another man like him exists. You assumed he was like a wall you would never be able to climb, but oh were you wrong. He says it exactly how he means it, so last night when he told you how happy he was to be with you, you felt a little zap in your heart. You really trusted with man with the world.
~last night~
The best part about college, getting to sleep in your boyfriend's dorm. Ushijima's volleyball scholarship allowed him to get his own room with a private bathroom all to himself. Every college kid's dream, and he got it for free :). So you were welcome anytime Ushijima allowed it. No worries about a roommate which allowed the two of you the alone time most college relationships didn't get. Even though you told everyone you wouldn't date till after college, a year and a half later here you are snuggled up next to your life size teddy bear. Ushijima laid on his back while you laid on your side with your leg hooked over his. Your right hand rested on his chest as you listened to his heart beat to lull you to sleep.
However, tonight you felt the rumble in his chest as he began speaking. He never spoke when it was time for bed, so you perked up to listen.
"y/n," he rumbled, looking at the ceiling.
"jima," you responded, watching his face to see any slight movement. Bingo. The corner of his lip twitched upwards. He may be stotic, but he wasn't allergic to happiness.
You feel his right arm tighten around your back before he continues, "Thank you for dating me," 'thank you for seeing past my mannerisms' he wanted to say, "and I really love you." i want to spend the rest of my life with you in my arms. You watched his eyes flicker down to yours before looked back up at the ceiling. He was nervous, so cute.
"I love you to 'Jima. More than you'd ever know."
"you wanna kiss me 'Jima," you responded with a small smirk, trying to hide the blush that consumed your face. All he did in response was nod his head once and began packing up his things. "wait where are you going," you questioned.
"I will not kiss you in public," He responded in a way that if you were any other person you would feel stupid, but you know Ushijima doesn't mean it in that way. He just prefers his privacy. Packing up your things you follow him to his dorm.
You place your things down and go to rest on his bed with the thought in the back of your mind of when will he kiss you. The two of you haven't done anything more than just a peck, but something feels different. There's a thick tension in the air as Ushijima slips off his shoes and puts on his slippers. Walking over to his bed he leans down and leaves a light peck on your lips.
Was that all?
Seemingly unphased by your confused face he sits on the bed next to you and takes a deep breath before pulling you onto his lap. Now strattling him his face softens before speaking. But you can tell by the small twitch in his lip that he's nervous, but he doesn't want to scare you.
Your hands hold his face as your thumb caresses his cheekbone. "'Jima you can tell me anything," you whispered, even though it was just the two of you.
He blinks softly before speaking. "can i kiss you more?" I know you weren't exactly comfortable woth it before, He grunts out. Your lips turn up in a smile at how he says it so monotone, but his eyes and heart tell another story. He's freaking out inside.
Nodding your head you lean in till your noses are touching. Waiting for Ushijima to close the gap. He leaves a small peck on your lips one more time before kissing you deeper. Kissing your bottom lip then your top. Both of you turn your heads opposite directions to kiss deeper. Your hands fall to the back of his head and rake their way into his hair.
You feel his strong, manly hands hover over your waist not sure if he's allowed to touch. To him you're his most prized possession. Something expensive that he doesn't want to leave finger prints on. Something he doesn't want to break with his excitement.
You bring one hand down to his and press it on to your waist telling him it's okay and smile into the kiss.
Through the wet sounds of your lips colliding, the deep breaths, and quiet moans it was clear this wasn't just two college students making out. It was two quiet lovers who were trying to pour all their love into a kiss.
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Kinks every Shiratorizawa and Sakusa has
Due to the great reaction from my Karasuno,  Aoba Johsai, and Nekoma/ Fukurodani. I have included the most prominent the boy volleyball players in this. I hope you enjoy what kinks each of them have. I tried to have some variety. Tell me your your head cannons! If you have any suggestions, feel free to message me. Reblog and like if you enjoy please!!
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Tendo: Edging/ Orgasm denial
Tendo is the king of teasing and edging. His goal while you two are having sex is to let you have the most amazing oragsm and have you work for it. 
His fingers are so long and the perfect size to curl and find your g-spot every single time. He loves watching you squirm and grip his hand to make him move faster. 
“You’re not in control” he’ll tell you with a smirk lined on his face. No matter how much you plead or whine, he’ll still not let you cum. 
One long weekend, he edged you for a few days. It got to the point you were crying for him to make you cum and every time he’d say “not yet” or “soon.”
Tendo gets off to watching you cum on his fingers more than he does while inside you. It’s his way of showing his care. You don’t have to even touch him sometimes. You enjoying him toying with your body is all it takes. 
Ushijima: Breeding
Ushi comes from a traditional family with traditional morals. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t use his power to fuck you into the mattress any chance he gets. 
He loves to fill you up with his cum to the point you don’t even ask if you can give him a blow job. You know he’s going to want to cum deep inside of you. 
His dick is big and veiny too so it fills you up even more than you can take sometimes. 
He loves to whisper “maybe this one will take” or “I want to see you filled with my child.”
If you do get pregnant, then expect sex every single night because he wants to reward how beautiful you look. He’ll make sure to comment that you’re glowing and stunning while rearranging your guts. 
Semi: Fingering 
Unlike Tendo. Semi is nice when it comes to fingering.
His hands are absolutely perfectly tuned for this since he is a musician after all. He has learned to play acoustic guitar and piano so he has to be good with his fingers. 
He’ll plead for an orgasm from you while moving two fingers so slowly in and out that you swear he was trying to tease you. 
Semi loves to thank you for cumming while he licks your cum off his fingers. 
His goal is to make sure you’re prepped because he wants to go as hard as possible. 
Semi does have to have some sort of song on in the background whenever he’s actually inside of you. He’ll ask you to sing it for him while he’s fucking you from behind. Or he’ll use the beat of the song as his own rhythm. 
Goshiki: Bondage
Goshiki loves bondage but for himself. He’d much rather you be in charge than him. The bedroom is the only place he trusts to not put on a show for others. 
He bought you the special rope and pair of handcuffs that attach to the bed that he purchased when you two moved into together. 
One time he let you even peg him while he was tied so beautifully against your bed that you share. It took a bit of convincing but his whines and begs to cum was worth every single moment of pain when you didn’t use enough lube. 
Even though he is more subby, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to tie you up sometimes. When you tease him too much or tie the ropes too tight, he’ll make sure you’re tied up just as tight the next time. 
The golden rule applies to both. Give unto others what you want done to yourself. 
Shirabu: Older S/O
While it's not a kink persay, Shirabu loves a significant other to have more experience than him in many ways. 
He enjoys any one that will take control from his stressful job and pamper him. 
He would much rather be told what to do and release some control than he would want to be in control. That doesn’t mean he won’t take charge but he wants his S/O to do it for him. 
Plus, Shirabu likes that he still has the adrenaline for sex while they have a high sex drive. He is pretty enough and stable enough to get a nice milf or dilf depending on the day. 
Special Character
Sakusa: Degradation/Stomach Bulge
This man is the embodiment of big dick energy and he knows it. 
He’s favorite pastime is to tell you how filthy you look while you’re riding his cock. 
Sakusa has felt his dick through your stomach a few times and makes sure you know whose you belong to every time since. 
When you’re begging for him to fill you up, he’ll call you a whore but still will fuck you into the nearest surface because it’s the only way to get you to stop asking for him. 
He’s told you to suck his cock before because you’re being a dirty girl for asking for him to fuck you too much. 
You always smile afterwards with mascara running down your face because he still gave you what you wanted.
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meowdarame · 3 years
be honest with yourselves: if you were at the club with your anime s/o and you threw it back on them, would they catch it?
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