#and wasn't gentrified all the way to the edges
whiskey-bumblebee · 1 year
made it to Paris. Overwhelmed with happiness.
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vee-crytraps · 5 months
Good Luck, Babe! | Ch 1-5 | Ice Cream for Breakfast
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{Trigger Warning/Themes Masterlist} This is split into a billion parts because it's long as hell! Read on Ao3 to avoid the headache!
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The uptown warehouse turned gentrified party spot thrummed with heavy bass and colored lights. A mile long snack table lines one edge of the room, parallel to one stacked high with gifts. Almost every person in your grade that you could stand was there, along with a healthy smattering of ‘family friends’.
Several of your older guests were in and out, but made sure to greet you with kissed cheeks and generic comments about how much you’ve grown.
You didn’t bat an eye at the quick goodbyes, all too aware that even you couldn’t expect Superman clear his schedule on your birthday.
He earned his beads all the same, only stopping on his way out to boast about his birthday points to your bead-less father.
Lost in your snickering, you hardly noticed the figure that approached you from behind. 
Jonathan Kent wore a sheepish smile as he wished you a happy birthday. For a moment you found yourself shocked into total silence, having recognized his bright blue eyes and dark hair, but completely taken aback by his newfound height.
Puberty had hit you like a train, but it had hit Jon like a Kryptonian.
“Jon?! Jesus, you’re like a whole foot taller!” You laughed, pulling him into a hug. “Does Damian know? He’s going to be so pissed.”
“You look pretty great yourself,” he returns, shouting over the music.
“I know, right?” You can’t help but do a little spin, your plastic tiara and polyester ‘Birthday Girl’ sash clashing with your outfit. 
As soon as you’re done showing off, you grab his hands in yours and lead him to the dance floor. “Come on, let’s dance!”
You can’t help but notice that the steps he takes are much longer than yours. He must be something like six-foot-five.
Checkerboard LED tiles flash to the beat, silhouetting your guests in its neon light. You only know less than half of them, and of those people, most were more familiar with your brothers than with you. You try not to think about how sad that makes you feel, opting to fill yourself up with the compliments and birthday wishes they holler as you pass. You can feel the bass beneath your feet as you move with Jon, pulled out of your head by his laughter.
 He’s clumsy, sometimes tripping over his own feet in a way that almost makes you forget that he's an indestructible superhero. 
It doesn't seem to bother or embarrass him, and you can't help but envy that earnest Kent confidence he seems to absolutely sparkle with.
 “I can’t believe you’re wearing a tiara!” His unruly curls fall in his face as he moves with you, a charming grin plastered on his face. Jon laces your fingers together, spinning you in a purposefully ungraceful manner just to make you laugh.
It works.
You successfully fight the urge to play it off, hoping to match his confidence by owning up your silly choice in birthday accessories. “What’s wrong with it? I look adorable!” 
“You always look adorable!”
“Oh yeah?” You ask, hair falling out of place as you move to the song.
“Yeah!” He nods, pulling you close. “No amount of gaudy birthday junk could make you any less lovely!”
You wonder if he knows that the creeping warmth in your cheeks isn't solely caused by the heat in the room. 
“Oh my god, you’re so sweet!”
The modest heel of your shoe barely assists you as you throw your arms around his neck, using what little slight of hand you kept from your Robin days to slip the rest of your beads onto him.
“Damian doesn’t deserve you!” You joke, poised to kiss his cheek before you’re yanked back by your sash. Somehow you manage to steady yourself before you totally eat it, and you turn to face a furious Silas.
“What the fuck?” He asks, gesturing between you and Jon- who, to his credit, posts up behind you in support.
Thankfully the guests around you seem undisturbed. While you knew it wasn't okay for Silas to pull on you like that, you were more concerned that it was happening in front of an audience. For the first time in a while, you were thankful that none of your brothers were around to witness the budding scene. 
“That wasn’t very nice of you,” Jon frowns, setting his hands on your shoulders. “Is there something you need?”
“It’s okay, Jon.” You manage, patting his hand.
Silas grabs the wrist of your other hand, pulling you through the party. You don't resist, keeping your shoulders from tensing and your heart from racing. You'd much rather deal with this in private, beneath the radar of your more protective guests. Otherwise, this could get ugly. Fast.
Panic and confusion twists in your gut and you wave off a concerned looking Jon, calling over your shoulder as you’re led into a stairwell. 
“Go try a cupcake! I’ll be right there!”
Part 6
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og-danny-dorito · 2 years
Hi there!! I'm gonna teach you how to make a bottlecap pin since I've gotten a lot of questions about where I got mine from baby punks and others who just find them cool! I've found that a lot of people buy their pins online from companies that overprice and over-process their designs, and often times steal them from smaller businesses. Punk has been gentrified over the years, so this tutorial acts as a way to reconnect to the roots of DIY fashion made by people with limited resources and time. This is a great way to show your interests, pride in your community, and pretty much anything else you want even if you don't have a penchant for traditional art. Don't worry about it looking good, just try to have fun! At the end of the day, the shittier the job, the more punk it is.
[ Step Count : 6 ]
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Here's what you're gonna need! (optional materials have a star next to them instead of a regular point):
-> hot glue gun (in replacement of pliers)
-> safety pin
-> bottlecap (unbent, preferably a twist off)
-> can tab
✮ pencil/pen
✮ sandpaper
✮ paint & paintbrush/posca pens
✮ regular Elmer's glue
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Gather your all of your materials and place them on your workspace. I'm going to paint mine, so I got the sandpaper, paintbrush, and paints as extra materials.
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If you're not going to paint yours, go ahead and skip to step 3. Otherwise, get your sandpaper and your bottlecap, then sand down the surface (A). Paint your base, draw a design with the pencil/pen, and fill it in with your paints/posca pens (B)! After I'm done painting I'll usually seal it in regular Elmer's glue to make sure it doesn't get messed up anytime soon (C). I chose a little green skull since the person I'm gifting this too likes and spooky stuff and green is their favorite color :]
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[ Also sorry for the change of scenery, I had to finish at the library cause I was studying. Visiting, donating, and helping your local library is Punk As Fuck. ]
What you're going to do now is set your bottlecap aside, and take out your can tab. I have joint problems and I can't use pliers, so I bend it over the edge of a table by holding it half over the edge and pushing down to bend the metal. But try not to bend it too much so your safety pin stays in place!
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Okay, here comes the tricky part. Like I said, I have joint issues, so I can't use pliers because they hurt my hands. Instead I'm going to set aside my now bent can tab and bring back my bottle cap, then flip it over. Place 2 hefty drops of hot glue on the bottom and top of the pin, then get your safety pin and open it so you can place it on the back horizontally.
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Now, place your bent can tab on the back of the pin and over the open safety pin, pressing it into the hot glue drops and letting it dry for a little bit (A). If you like, you can also put two more drops of hot glue on the tops of the bent can tab for extra security (B). I also put some hot glue in the middle of the tab's opening for extra security on the safety pin. Please pardon the absolute dogshit photo quality it wasn't cooperating for some reason LMAO
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Wait for it to dry, then you're all done!! Your very own bottlecap pin. You can attach this to bags, jackets, shirts, pants, and pretty much any material that a safety pin can glide through.
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Here's the finished product, as presented by my friend D at the library (everybody say thank you D for modeling)!!
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[ -> Next (coming soon:]) ]
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