#and we all know that that's a one way ticket into a man's pants
hammerhead-jpg · 9 months
Do you guys know how in MLP ponies who have magic are only good at magic related to their specialty, but twilight's specialty is magic so she's good at all magic
That's Avior with special interests. He has a special interest on having special interests therefore being interested and knowing everything about everything
You cannot stop him
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simpjaes · 9 months
can we have a maybe part 2 of policeman!jake who takes you out on a few dates and you end up fucking in his car everytime, and later on maybe if you feel like it become something official???
police officer jake! x afab reader part 2 drabble // part one here
this is fluffy as all hell.
The thing about fucking a cop is like, it was fun while it lasted but he reminded you at the end of it, cum all in your shirt simply because he pulled out and didn't want to get any on the patrol car, that he really does have to start ticketing you.
When you looked sad, of course he was quick to follow up with a
"You don't need to commit crimes to get my attention, you know?"
And like, you liked speeding. You liked the way the adrenaline would rush solely for the hot officer that would always pull over and give you warnings with a flirty smile.
You guess it's only natural that he'd actually have to start doing his job at some point, especially after you already gave yourself up to him and ended the game of cop vs slutty crime girl.
You did get his personal number out of it though, which led to several dates where the handsome officer became a regular citizen in some regard. You saw his personal style, with his less combed hair, and his loose t-shirts and jeans.
Arguably, he looked just as good in uniform as he looked out of it. Everything about him turns you on, and he knows it.
With chuckles and smiles throughout dates when you turn every genuine conversation to get to know you into something sexual.
Like when he asked what you do for fun, you off handedly stated "try to get you to pull me over."
Of course, after each date he would also live up to all of your remarks, driving you around in his very normal car and parking in that same spot he had you the first time before dropping you at home.
Always the same thing. His cock pulled out of the zipper of his unbuttoned pants, and you as spread out as you can be in his back seat. Sometimes bent over, sometimes riding it. It really depended on the date.
It was nice though, seeing the difference between his polite and kind self try and talk through a date like he wasn't leaking all in his pants at the outfits you wear or the words you say to him.
After several dates, you invite him into your home. Which he rejects, solely because he believes he should be inviting you to his place. Which, he does do.
"Your place?" He laughed, scanning the way you rub your legs together in the passenger seat. "What kind of guy do you think I am?"
"The kind who will finally fuck me in a house rather than his car?"
He laughed at you again, fondly smirking at the girl he's grown so fond of.
"Well, yes." He admitted before turning the car around. "Would rather see your clothes on my floor though."
You weren't one to argue then, and you certainly aren't one to argue now. Especially with the way he has you in his bed, bouncing and moaning, feeling and seeing him in full for the first time.
With his pretty flushed cheeks and that same bitten smile as he watches you bounce freely, without the confines of car doors or ceilings holding you from moving too much.
It felt like it went on for hours, probably because it did. Over and over again. In his bed, on his bathroom floor, kitchen counter, living room couch. It just kept going, and going.
Every hour or so the two of you would be ready to go again, without fail.
And by the next morning, when you woke up in his messy and dirty sheets next to him, you realized it's the first time you ever slept over with a man you wanted to hook up with.
It was also the first time a man has ever woken up, smiled at you, and ate you out as his breakfast before making you your breakfast.
Oh, right, also the first time you've ever considered a simple fantasy of fucking a cop as not just a fantasy and perhaps more than that.
Especially with the way he drives you home, kisses you on the forehead, and stood awkwardly, not quite letting you go.
He wanted to say something and time was running out, simply because he genuinely did have to go to work and patrol the streets of people who aren't you.
You encourage him with another kiss, squishing your chest in your arms and bouncing slightly.
He laughs at your antics, wondering how someone like you could be interested in someone like him. His eyes staring directly at the bounce of your tits when he finally just says it.
"We should like, date, or be together, or something...i don't know."
Your answer wasn't a mystery to either of you, but still, he knew he had to ask. Mostly because he doesn't want any of his other cop friends spreading out into his territory and eyeing you down much like he did upon that first speeding ticket you received.
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ladykailitha · 7 months
Icarus Part 3
Hello! If you haven't seen it yet, I've got a set schedule for what story posts on what days now (as seen here) and this one as well as Well Met By Moonlight, Batshit Soulmates, and Never Hold Back Your Step... will still be posting just on rotation until I can finish some of my WIPs. (I may be stretching myself a bit thin having six going at the same time.)
In this one we have the concert. Eddie stumbles on something big and doesn't know how to deal with it all. And Uncle Wayne is bestest as always.
@emly03 @redfreckledwolf @itsall-taken @rozzieroos @mira-jadeamethyst
Part 1 Part 2
The day of the concert dawned abhorrently cheerful and bright. Not a cloud in the sky or any accidents that would prevent Eddie from having to take Dustin to this event. He wouldn’t deign to call it a concert. He had heard the album and seen their posters, but he refused to wander over to YouTube and watch videos of their concerts, interviews, their music videos.
He didn’t want to be even more disappointed that they were all flash and no substance then he was sure he was going to be for the next two hours.
Dustin rolled his eyes when Eddie parked in the huge concert parking lot.
“You’re just salty because I like them as much as I like Corroded Coffin,” he huffed getting out the car. “You have to concede that Abaddon’s vocals are killer.”
Eddie scoffed. “Do not. I haven’t heard them live. Way too many artists use autotune too much these days.”
“You sound like that meme,” he sneered, “‘Old Man Yells at Cloud’.”
Eddie swatted at him playfully. “Am not.” Dustin raised his eyebrow skeptically and he threw his arms in the air. “I’m not. I am a very serious musician, Dusty. The last thing metal needs is some band that can’t write or even play their own instruments. This isn’t pop.”
“You are such an asshole,” he said and turned toward the entrance, leaving Eddie to jog to catch up with him.
Eddie sighed and put his arm around Dustin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I am being an asshole. I turned into the person I swore I would never be. Those shit for brains critics that hated Corroded Coffin when we first got on the scene. And that was wrong of me.”
Dustin sighed, too. “I just want you to like them too. They are so good if you’d just give them a chance.”
Eddie breathed out through his nose. “Yeah. I can at least give them that.”
They got to their seats and Eddie was a little impressed at Claudia Henderson’s Ticket Master foo. They weren’t front row, but they were only a couple of rows back so you could actually see the stage without having to strain their necks and smack dab in the center of the row.
Dustin would have the best time. And now it was up to Eddie not ruin it for the kid. Because yes, he was still a kid as far as Eddie was concerned. Twenty-one was so fucking young. That was how old most of the band was when they got their record deal, after all. They weren’t prepared for what came next, that’s for sure.
They got settled into their seats and Eddie watched as the rest of the crowd shuffled in. They were all about Dustin’s age with very few exceptions in either direction.
There seemed to be a color theme going on with the girls in the audience though. They were grouped in clumps of red, black, blue, or white. Which made sense if each band member stuck to a certain color palette.
Well he was about to find out, he supposed.
The lights dimmed. The crowd quieted down. The spotlight lit up the drumkit first. And Eddie knew that Gareth would be drooling over it. It was all black with black metal fittings. The kit seemed to collect light almost like a blackhole.
Then from the ceiling, a man dressed all in black being lowered onto the stage with large black raven wings on his back. He wore a black hooded coat over what, Eddie couldn’t tell. It was all black. The shirt, the pants, the boots. Even his mask was all black with even the eyes appearing closed. His feet touched the ground and the crowd went wild.
“Azrael!” the announcer called out.
Azrael settled on the throne and picked up black drum sticks.He counted time above his head and played a wicked solo to the adoring crowd’s absolute delight.
Dustin jumped up and down, screaming.
The spotlight moved to the right side of stage and the next band member descended from the ceiling. Large bat wings adorned his back and he was dressed in red leather fetish gear. Complete with tight leather pants that looked painted on and a matching harness highlighting his bare chest, peeking out from the red leather hooded coat.
His guitar was fucking gorgeous, though. A Warlock, much like Eddie’s own. It was custom painted red with black flames licking up the neck.
Eddie rolled his eyes, but it seemed he was the only one who thought the whole thing was over the top judging from the screams from the girls in the audience.
He didn’t just land gently on the stage like the drummer did, oh no. He fucking stomped onto the stage with a howl.
His wings, like the drummer’s ascended back into the rafters as the announcer shouted, “Asmodeus!”
And then Eddie really did roll his eyes. The demon of lust. Of course he was.
But seconds later Eddie’s jaw dropped to the floor as the man wailed on his guitar driving the crowd further into the frenzy.
Once he finished his solo the crowd quieted again and he could see why. Because just then, descending on gossamer wings that shimmered like starlight, was their bassist.
Everything about him was midnight blue and shimmering like the night. His mask was the face of the moon. He had his own hooded coat, but it was like the night sky, with some kind of crystal or gem sewn in to make the coat glimmer like stars.
His bass was something that Brian would have sold his own mother for and they were as thick as thieves. Eddie didn’t know much about basses considering his sweetheart was an electric guitar, but he could tell it wasn’t expensive but was perfect for his style. A style he showed off with gusto to the audience’s obvious delight.
“Astraeus!” the announcer cried.
Eddie decided that this one was his favorite. It played up the whole mysterious thing without the over the top flash of the guitarist or the sheer void of the drummer.
The audience hushed as the three members of the band began to play what was clearly the lead singer’s entrance music.
And holy fuck was Eddie screwed. This man was descending like a fucking angel sent from God, Jesus pose and all.
He was all in white with an opaque lace mask that had his mouth and chin cut out for him to sing. That surprised Eddie somewhat. He figured that the guy would have his whole face covered like everyone else in the band and that he could lip sync.
But nope. Apparently no one in this band did anything by halves.
The lead singer was wearing a sheer mesh crop top under the hooded floor length coats the whole band was wearing. Only his was white with a silk powder blue lining.
Eddie winced in sympathy. They must get boiling under the lights with those things on.
A few feet from the stage floor there was an explosive pop! And the feathers from his wings flew out into the crowd who was now screaming as if their life depended on the sheer volume coming out them. He looked over at Dustin who was no different.
When Eddie could see the stage again, this angel’s wings were now skeletal and gothic.
He landed in front of microphone whose stand had been decorated with a scarf in each of of the band members’ signature colors.
“Abbadon!” the announcer yelled for the final time.
And Eddie was in love. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
Dustin must have seen his expression because he was suddenly tugging on Eddie’s arm and screaming, “I told you!!”
“Indy!” Abbadon growled, grabbing the mic. “Thank you so much for having us! Let’s get this started.”
Then he began to sing and yeah, Eddie knew that the guy had charm, but this was a whole new level of epic. He was enthralled.
He didn’t utter a fucking word for several songs. But then it happened. Eddie couldn’t believe it. He hurried to snap a picture to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
But there it was it in living color. He turned to Dustin to see if he saw it too, but the kid was too busy screaming and jumping up and down.
Eddie’s jaw fell.
That couldn’t be right, couldn’t it? That Dustin didn’t know? Eddie looked back up on stage and a lot of the puzzle pieces started slotting in place. His heart sank a little.
He shook his head to clear it of dark thoughts. He didn’t know the reason for any of this and leaping to conclusions would only get a shit ton of people hurt. Especially the boy next to him.
Eddie let the music wash over him. Let the magic of metal soothe his soul. Soon he was jumping up and down and headbanging with the rest of the crowd. Right hand flashing the devil’s horns, left hand out to steady himself he let himself enjoy the band’s stage presence.
To say that Eddie’s mind was fucking blown would be an understatement. He pestered Dustin all the way home with rapid fire questions. Where did the band tour last time? What was their schedule this time? Was it a six month tour or an eighteen month tour last time?
Dustin answered each question with growing excitement, thinking that Eddie had finally grown to love this band as much as he had.
Eddie on the other hand felt a growing sense of dread. Well... maybe dread was the wrong word. It was certainly a sinking feeling. One he really had to exam closely.
At least he could honestly say that he fell in love with the music before he found out his little secret.
And fuck what a secret it was.
He dropped Dustin off at home and drove out to the ranch that he had gifted to Wayne when Corroded Coffin first made it big. It was a beautiful, sprawled out home surrounded by acres of land and Eddie loved it even more than Wayne did.
Eddie stumbled through the door and was surprised to see Wayne drinking hot chocolate and reading a sports magazine in his expensive recliner. And yet, at the same time, not really that surprised.
“You do realize I’m no longer that fucked up kid with anger issues,” Eddie huffed on his way to the kitchen to grab a beer, “that were almost as bad as the troubles with the law, right?”
Wayne chuckled. “Maybe so. But you’re still my boy and I’ll keep worrying about you until the day I die.”
Eddie popped open the can of beer and sat down on the sofa. He leaned his head back on the back cushion with a heavy sigh.
Wayne raised an eyebrow. “What’s stewing around in that head of yours?”
Eddie slowly raised his head. “What would you do if you accidentally found out something about a friend that they were keeping from everyone they knew?”
Wayne set down his magazine. “That would depend on the secret. Is it hurting anyone?”
“Is what hurting anyone?” Eddie asked. “The secret?” Wayne nodded and Eddie frowned, really thinking about it.
“Maybe some feelings,” he said after a moment. “But it’s not dangerous like they committed a crime or anything. It’s not even about their sexuality.”
Wayne hummed thoughtfully. “And is it a big secret or a little one?”
Again Eddie was forced to think hard about what that meant. “I guess it depends on the person, but in my eyes it’s pretty big.”
The elder Munson nodded. “Do you feel hurt by this secret?”
“Yeah, yeah. I guess I do.” He bowed his head and let out a shuddering breath.
“Is there a reason you think he wouldn’t have told you?” Wayne pressed.
“Of course no–” Eddie stopped as his brain caught up to his mouth. “Shit.”
Wayne raised a questioning eyebrow.
“Yeah,” Eddie admitted shyly. “There’s a pretty good reason why he wouldn’t have told me. And now I feel like the shit friend.”
Wayne stood up and pulled Eddie into a big hug. “Maybe so, but you have the time to course correct and show this friend that you are worthy of his secret.”
Eddie nodded. “Thanks, Uncle Wayne,” he mumbled into Wayne’s neck.
“I’m just glad I could help.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @danili666 @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @goodolefashionedloverboi @i-must-potato @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @vecnuthy @irregular-child @yikes-a-bee @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @anne-bennett-cosplayer @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @dragonmama76 @scheodingers-muppet @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman @eyehartart @dawners @y4r3luv @cryptid-system @thespaceantwhowrites @tinyplanet95
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Fringe Benefits
Part of my Birthday Bash!
Request: “you’re spending more time at my desk than at your own” for Roy
Roy Kent x Reader 0.7k words Warnings: Language
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“Well, well, well, what have we here?”
You turned around, smiling at Roy as he strolled into his office. He raised his thick eyebrows at you, nodding a greeting. You wondered if he could see the way your eyes flickered down his figure, checking him out, the way you could never resist doing when you saw him.
You’d been working at A.F.C. Richmond for about three months now, having been hired by Keeley Jones to manage their PR. It was a fun job and, if you were being honest, the sight of Roy Kent in those track pants was definitely a perk.
“Hey,” you hummed. “I was just leaving you a note.” You nodded at the sticky note you’d begun to write on before the sound of his growling voice interrupted you. “Got those concert tickets for you and Pheebs for Friday. But make sure you post on your Instagram, alright?” You gave his arm a playful smack. “Or I’m never doing you a favor ever again.”
A smile broke out across that handsome face. “Fuck, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.” He paused, gazing at you thoughtfully. “This is what, the third time today you’ve been down here?” He narrowed his playful eyes at you. “I think people are starting to notice that you spend more time at my desk than you do at your own. What, you using me to get your fucking steps in?”
You rolled your eyes. Okay, maybe your crush on Roy Kent was obvious to everyone at Nelson Road. Keeley teased you about it nonstop. The players, especially Jamie Tartt, often gave you sly, knowing smiles when they saw you make your familiar way to Roy’s office. Even little Phoebe had asked you if you were her Uncle Roy’s girlfriend when she met you at a Greyhounds match- a question she repeated every time you saw her, actually.
“Come on Kent, you know I just come visit you for the snacks.” To punctuate your point, you opened one of his desk drawers and pulled out a sweet. With a wink, you popped the treat into your mouth.
Now Roy rolled his eyes at you as he approached you, standing a smidge too close, the way he’d been doing almost since the day you started working at Nelson Road. “And here I thought you came all the way down here for the pleasure of my company.”
Another sweet found its way into your mouth. “Ah, that’s just a fridge benefit, Coach.”
“Fringe benefit, eh?” Roy snorted, his cheeks tinging pink as he glanced down at the floor. Fuck, he looked adorable like this. How could a man look bashful and confident at once? And how could he look so damn good at the same time? “So, you’re basically using me to manage your sweets cravings, then?”
“Afraid so, Kent.”
He nodded as he glanced at you through his lashes. “Then maybe you let me buy you some kind of fruity drink after work today. For your cravings.” He smirked. “And the fridge benefit of my company.”
Could he see the way the color rushed to your cheeks? “O-oh. Yeah. That would be nice.” You took a step back towards the door, needing to run back to your office and call Keeley to squeal- and maybe ask her to come drop off a change of clothes. “I’ll see you after work then.” As you turned, hoping you didn’t sound as nervous as you suddenly felt, Roy cleared his throat.
“Oi.” You glanced over your shoulder, your heart skipping a beat at the sight of his cocky grin. “And see if you can get one more ticket for that concert. You don’t have plans Friday, do you?”
Oh hell. If your smile got any bigger, your cheeks would probably crack. “I’m free,” you managed. “And I’d love to go to the concert with you guys.”
Roy nodded, looking nothing short of pleased. “Right. I should let you go back to your work, then.” His expression became teasing again. “I’m sure you’ll be back down here in an hour or so. I’ll have some snacks waiting for you.”
A giggle tumbled out of your mouth as you shook your head at Roy. “I’m sure you will.” With a little wave, you strolled away, already coming up with another excuse to come back downstairs to visit Roy Kent.
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honeymvnt · 9 months
Altitude [18+]
Tom Cruise x !fem!reader
Words count: 3.7k
A/N: taking a flight alone can be a nightmare, especially if you have anxiety but he knows how to help with it
Warnings: it’s a smut so, that’s the only warning I’ve got.
this is my Christmas gift for @dxddycruise bc she’s the best🎀
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After putting your bags away you took the ticket of the flight in your hands for the thousand time and checked which one was you seat.
Most of the people were still trying to make the bags fit while you started to walk on the carpeted floor, searching with your eyes the number and... letter? Of your seat.
You’ve never been on a plane before and you had no idea what those numbers and letters were doing there nor how it worked.
You looked behind and there was a whole line of people just like in front of you and when you tried to reach for a hostess they were all busy helping the other passengers.
You were almost about to panic and let everybody walk ahead so you had more time to figure out where your seat was.
After a few minutes, when everyone had found their seats a man stopped behind you again and without even looking at him you gestured him to just go ahead but he did not move until when you looked up at him and when you did...
His eyes were staring into yours but you couldn't help yourself from looking at the rest of his gorgeous face.
He was smiling at you and it was honestly the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen, and the way his cheeks were rising when he noticed that you weren’t looking at him but staring at him as if you’ve seen a ghost (for him, for you it was more like you’ve seen a God).
"Do you..." he spoke up. The tone of his voice sent a shiver down your spine until your feet and you gripped the ticket as if it could save yourself from fainting. He pointed at the paper between your hands and looked down at it for a moment.
He thought you were going to say something but all you did was just staring at him. You could tell it was getting really awkward when he let out a small laugh and slowly took the ticket away from your hands to read it.
"Yeah... I can't- find my..." you couldn't even finish the sentence when he looked back at you. "...My seat" you smiled and swallowed hard before you looked down at the paper to avoid his intense and penetrating stare that was already sending you over the sky before you even left the land.
He smiled back at you as you slowly approached the seats and you noticed that everyone was already sat, already glued to their phones, already planning the rest of their lives in their hands. How depressing it was.
"There you go" the man spoke up again and placed his hand on your waist just to help you out with it and he had no idea how much you loved it.
"Thanks" you smiled, glancing back at him before sitting next to the small window.
He looked at his ticket and with a surprised smile he spoke to you again.
"I guess we will share this flight together" you laughed as he sat next to you while you were trying your best not to look at him for too long.
He took his phone out of the pocket of his expensive pants and you had to force yourself to look at the empty view next to you just not to stare at his hands or his lips or eyes. He was so hard to ignore.
"I'm Y/N by the way" you said out of the blue when he put his phone away.
He looked at you again and extended his hand for you to take it.
"Such a pretty name. I'm Tom nice to meet you" you took his hand in yours and he gently squeezed it before he let go of it.
"Thank you... so is yours" you smiled and he looked right at your lips before noticing your eyes.
Whenever you looked at him, time seemed to stop and no noise around you matter except the one of your heart echoing through your whole body.
When the plane suddenly left the airport you held yourself on your seat. The anxiety in your body started fo grow uncontrollably: from the noise of the people talking until the engine of the plane and was scaring the shit out of you.
"Are you okay darling?" He asked.
You didn't know what he was doing to you and you knew he had no intentions with you but he must've known by now how much he had caught you and how much you’ve been waiting for this moment.
You slowly looked at him and your lips parted slightly, ready to speak but he took the word before you could even form a sentence.
"I'm going to get you some water" he said.
"No it's okay, I'm fine" you smiled before he could stand up. You didn’t want him to leave you, not even for some water, and so he leaned back on his seat and looked at you a bit concerned.
"I'm okay, thanks" the corners of his lips raised and there he was, smiling at you once again. It was such a view for you. The kind of view you'll never ever forget about.
"Vacation?" He asked after a while, trying to break the ice with you as he noticed how tensed you were.
"No, not really..." you chuckled "you?"
"No... just meetings, the usual" Tom laughed after you but it wasn't calming you at all.
You were nearly about to freak out on that plane and the more you looked down the more you felt like you wanted to throw up but his presence was forcing you not to and besides how embarrassing it was getting because you couldn't stop gripping the seat and take deep breaths between a smile and another he was noticing it all along.
"Your first time?" He looked down at your hands before meeting yours eyes again.
"Yeah, is it so obvious?" You laughed awkwardly before you closed your eyes for a moment to take your breath.
"You want to..." he whispered you.
"To what?" You asked back at him a little confused about what he meant by that.
"To go to the bathroom?"
Right. What were you even thinking about now. You felt so embarrassed. All you did was embarrassing yourself since the moment you dropped your bags out of the taxi this afternoon and then the ticket and the seat, your anxiety kicking in right when a handsome man talks to you and now this....
"Maybe it's better" you nodded and stood up, walking out of the seats but Tom held your wrist and you felt your whole body heating up. For a second you really thought that the altitude hit you but it was him, the way he looked at you and touched you was making you feeling higher than you already were.
"Do you want me to come with you?" He asked you but you didn't answer. Your lips parted and you frowned trying to read between the lines of what he was trying to say.
"I don't want you to pass out in there" the little laugh he let out led you to say yes to him. You were going to say yes anyways, to anything he wanted, you were down for it and couldn’t forget yourself for thinking such things in front of his face.
"Sure, that'd be better" with this Tom stood up and walked behind you as you approached the bathroom, holding yourself on every single seat until the door.
"I'll be right here" he smiled before you entered the room.
Your hand reached down to lock it but instead you did not. You didn't know why you were in the bathroom. You really didn't want to be there but you didn't even want to be next to him and act like a scared little girl so you had to make your move.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and you washed your hands without taking your eyes off of your reflection. You wondered if he was wondering why you didn't lock the door, you wondered if he was wondering that you were wondering that he was wondering why you didn't lock the door.
You were thinking about dragging him inside the room and just kiss him, as a thank you maybe?
The water was still going and you were still staring at yourself before he slowly knocked on the door.
"Is everything alright?" He asked quietly.
He knew it was open and even though you weren’t there since a long time you wondered why he'd really came here.
He wanted what you wanted, it was obvious.
"Y/N?" He spoke again and you felt his hand on the doorknob of the room before you decided to speak.
"no" you lied. Well it wasn't a lie, everything wasn't okay... you wanted him. You wanted him to kiss you and you were trying your best to convince your mind that that was what he wanted too, that he wanted to kiss you and more.
You suddenly opened the door and there he was, standing in front of you with that goddamn suit that only made you dream about what kind of beautiful, sculpted body was hiding behind it and those eyes, those lips. Your mind was going crazy.
He slowly walked towards you without taking his eyes off of yours, not even to blink. His hands reached for your face and his lips crashed on yours.
You held yourself on his arms as Tom entered the room and locked the door behind him without stopping the kiss.
Your mouth opened to let his tongue slip between your lips. Your breath was stuck in your throat and all the anxiety was replaced with hot waves of excitement.
His hands slide down your sides until your waist before he pushed you against the door and kept eating your mouth as if it was his last meal. You moaned and moved your hands into his jacket so he could take it off.
He broke the kiss and smiled when he noticed how good you were reacting to all of this while your hands traveled down his chest to finally feel it.
He kissed you again but quickly moved down to your neck, nibbling on your skin and biting it too.
Never in your life you’ve experienced anything like this and even if this was very inappropriate, you couldn't deny that it was such a feeling you didn't want to end for any reason.
His hands found the end of your sweater and he took it off of you with a fast move before his lips kept moving down your body.
You bit your lips as hard as you could, trying your best not to make any noise but he was making it impossible. Your hands reached for his face and you kissed all of him, harder than before and he didn't hesitate to go even harder until when your lips were red and sore.
Your heart was racing and your legs were already shaking just by the excitement of his kisses and when one of his huge arms wrapped around your waist and held you up on the small sink you let out a gasp.
"I knew you would’ve liked it” Hearing his voice after all of this was just the beginning of the end for you and he knew it, fuck if he did.
You smiled and looked up at him while he moved your jeans down your legs and kissed your thighs before you stepped out of them.
Tom started to unbutton his shirt but you didn't want him to do it, you needed to do it. You’ve been fantasizing about it since when your eyes landed on him and you must've had the pleasure to do it.
He was standing between your legs and you slowly leaned closer to him. You kissed his hand and Tom smirked down at you, noticing how eager you already were.
You took his hand in yours and moved it between your legs as you started to unbutton his shirt.
You bit your lips again and opened his shirt just enough for you to kiss his chest and just take a taste of it. His free hand moved through your hair and then down your clothed breasts.
"Fuck..." he moaned when your lips moved a little lower just to tease him and to make him lose his patience because of it.
You looked down at him with a smile printed on your face when you noticed what you've done to him. You couldn't help yourself from it and touched his huge hard cock with a hand and the moan he had to swallow not to let anyone hear the both of you was going to be the end of you.
He bent down to kiss you again as you felt his fingers gripping your thigh and moving closer to your core.
Your back arched and another moan escaped from your lips before he kissed you to avoid it.
"I'd love to hear you my love" he said against your lips as you tried your best to keep yours on his.
"I really can't let you do that..." he smirked while he slowly lowered and got on his knees in front of your spread legs.
You looked at him in surprise when you noticed what he had in mind and the worst part of it was that you were sure you couldn't shut up, you couldn't be quiet if he really did this to you.
Tom started to kiss your thigh without taking his eyes away from you, moving even closer to your core, teasing the hell out of you as you held yourself on the sink beneath you.
"Please..." you whispered quickly when two of his fingers moved your underwear to the side and you saw how proud he was for having you like this, helpless and completely fucked up already.
"Please Tom..." if only he made a false move now, the whole plane, pilots included, were going to find out what was going on in there.
"I haven't started yet" his long fingers slid down your soaked folds, slowly enough to make you feel how sensitive you already were because of him.
Your eyes fell shut and your body arched toward his to feel even more.
"Eager, are we?" He chuckled and when you opened your eyes he was right above you, with his body pressed against yours so you had no other choice but stare into his eyes while his fingers were slowly entering you.
"Oh my...." you gasped but he immediately kissed you before you could moan even louder.
"Fuck-" you cried out at the feeling of his fingers stretching you out, curling inside of you to hit the right spot.
"so wet…" Tom said against your cheek, holding your thigh in place with his free hand.
You nodded eagerly and let him sped up the movement of his fingers between your legs and your hand unconsciously held his wrist.
"Mm yes... yes-" you bit your lips again to kill all the cries that he was dragging out of you with his fingers pumping into you.
"You're gonna cum for me, aren't you?" He asked brining his hand toward your neck.
You nodded again at his question while your legs started to shake uncontrollably. His fingers were moving so fast that you could've barely feel your own body. Your hands tightened on his shoulders as he helped you reach the peak of your orgasm.
"There you go" he said kissing your neck, moving his hand up to your cheek and close to your mouth.
"Cum for me" his lips moved up to yours again as you came all over his hand while you cried out his name repeatedly, biting onto his fingers to kill all the moans that you were desperately trying to let out of you.
"Oh god" you took a deep breath and your eyes eyes fell shut as he caressed your face and kissed you over and over again.
"I want you so bad" you whispered against his lips, trying to keep yourself composed even though you were already feeling weak again.
Tom chuckled and kissed your lips while his hands left your body to unbuckle his pants and free his huge hard cock.
You bit your lips at the sight and when he noticed it, well that made him very proud.
"So do I" he replied and teased your sensitive folds with the tip of it before he slowly slide into you.
The way your walls stretched around him sent you straight to heaven and back and the way he was even struggling to go deeper just made you want to scream the lungs out of you.
"Fuck you're so big..." you moaned quietly and he let out a low groan as he tried to fit all the way in.
"And you're very tight" Tom held your thighs with both of his hands and spread your legs even more as your body started to get used to his massive size.
"Oh please fuck me..." you cried out in desperation when you felt your walls clenching around him.
"Say it again" he said staring deep into your eyes, holding your face with a hand.
"Please, fuck me" you repeated, breathing heavily and tightening your hands on his arms.
He looked down at your lips and kissed you while his cock slide almost out of you and slowly went all the way in again, with a slow, torturous pace that only made more eager and desperate for more.
"Oh fuck... I can't" you cried out but he was enjoying how stimulated you were and how badly you needed him to just break you.
"Yes you can..." Tom moved his lips down your jaw, until your neck while you were struggling to keep it quiet.
"And you will" his pace quickened as your legs wrapped around him to keep him even closer to you.
"Oh fuck... fuck" you moaned but he quickly kissed your mouth again before speaking up.
"Quiet babe" he said panting and fucking you at the same time.
You bit your lips as you felt your whole body giving in more and more. Your legs were trembling and your hands moved up his arms until his shoulders and face. God he was so beautiful.
His dark hair fell in front of his eyes as he looked down at the both of you but he quickly moved a hand through it so you could see his beautiful eyes again.
Just his face was driving you insane and the rest was killing you.
He was fucking your brains out and you were just about to let go when you began to feel his cock throb inside of you.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum again" you said against his lips.
"Not yet" he whispered next to your ear before moving away from you.
The sudden emptiness you felt made you gasp and moan at the same time. Tom quickly held you down from the skin and grabbed both of your arms, placing them behind your back.
"You cum when I tell you to" he continued and spun you around so you were facing the small mirror of the bathroom.
He bent you over the sink and slide all the way in again. Without giving you time to adjust to the size he started to pound into you with no mercy, hitting spots that not even his fingers could've reached.
"Tom- fuck" you were cut off by your own moans but he did not stop, he did not slow down.
He was giving you just what you wanted in the best way you wanted it.
"You want it, don't you?" Tom said against your cheek. Letting go of your arms so you could hold yourself up and he grabbed your hair and forced you to look at him through the mirror.
"Say it" he whispered you, speeding up the pace even more, till the point you couldn't take it anymore.
"Yes... yes-" you said straight away as tears ran down your cheeks and his lips moved down the back of your neck.
"Such a good girl" these words, sent you over the edge and he knew it by the way your walls clenched and gripped his cock so tightly.
"Yes just like that..."
"Please" you cried out.
"Let go for me darling, give it to me" and so you did.
He didn't stop moving back and forth until when your orgasm wasn't over and he had to place a hand over you mouth to keep you quiet while he finished himself inside of you, until the last drop.
"Oh fuck..." he moaned too and held himself on the sink even though you could feel the weight of his body over yours.
You two stayed there for a few moments to catch your breath before he slowly turned you around and hugged you close to him. You were both glowing with the after sex aura and the thin layer of sweat as you wrapped your arms around him and he did the same, trying to hold you up.
You slowly pulled away and kissed him again one last time.
“I hope you’re feeling better now” Tom said with a chuckle and you playfully rolled your eyes at him
“You think so?”
“Well I hope so” you laughed and kissed his lips one last time before you opened the door to check if anyone was there or if anyone heard what have happened but he held your hand and dragged you inside to kiss you.
You both quickly dressed up again and tried your best to look exactly like when you stepped into the bathroom.
“I think I’ll take you out on a date” His hands were holding your waist from behind as you slowly left the bathroom and you felt his lips against your neck again.
“You better” he laughed and you held his hand as you slowly approached your seats as if nothing happened.
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stevesjockstrap · 9 months
Butter Him Up
🎁 Merry Christmas to @eddiethehunted who asked for nasty feral linecook!Eddie smut - props to you for answering smut questions in front of your grandma
Steve/Eddie • rated: E • vague timeline, no UD, inappropriate use of a staff bathroom, come and Steve’s uniform tie 🫠 now on ao3
When he’d applied for the job at the restaurant, he assumed it would be like working at Scoops or the movie theater, people order food and he gave it to them. He could handle that. Steve wasn’t a stranger to an embarrassing outfit, either. This one wasn’t even embarrassing, really. He actually liked the button down and tie, the half apron with big pockets.
The real issue was Eddie. The line cook.
Eddie made him feel like he was doing everything wrong, always asking him questions about his tickets or confusing him about sides and substitutions. He leered at him and made comments about his uniform like every other server wasn’t wearing the same exact thing. It made him crazy.
But when he walked into the kitchen, Eddie wasn’t there.
“Hey Jon, where’s Eddie tonight?” He asked, trying to keep his voice casual as he punched in.
“Their band had a gig, out in Indy, I think Gareth said. You’re going to have to make do with the rest of us tonight,” he sent him a wry smile.
Steve huffed, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Jon threw a towel over his shoulder and came closer to the counter, still giving him a sly smile. “We all see you two dancing around each other, man. It’s entertaining. Be careful there, he’s not known for his, uh, tenderness,” he chuckled.
Steve blinked. “Um. Okay? I’m not interested in anything with Eddie, alright?”
“Sure, Steve, whatever you say.”
It wasn’t until a few hours later that it hit him.
He did like it. Liked Eddie ‘dancing around him,’ like Jonathan said. He’d always been sort of an attention whore and tonight he felt off, unsteady without Eddie infuriating him with his comments and constantly feeling his eyes on him. On his ass.
“Fuck,” he said under his breath as he filled up water cups. What was he going to do about this?
“Heard you missed me yesterday, big boy,” Eddie jeered at him.
He took a moment to really look at him, a wild smile all teeth and tongue, metal shining from his lips and eyebrow and nose, tattoos across his throat and down his forearms where his own white button down was rolled up. Steve wanted to yank his hair out of the pile on top of his head. Oh.
“Sure did, Eds,” he replied with a quick wink.
He watched with satisfaction as a shock wave went though Eddie’s features, not expecting the pushback.
It didn’t seem to stop the comments or all the eye fucking, which Steve was now expecting and then maybe encouraging.
“Doll face, if they have an egg allergy they can’t have the Caesar dressing. Go see what they want.”
“Hey sweet cheeks, this appetizer for table 23 has been here longer than you’ve worked here, can you go take it to them?”
Steve put a swing to his hips as he took the plate with a smile and headed back to the front. He thought maybe there was a crash behind him as the door swung shut. He smirked to himself.
After the big dinner rush, he punched in his own shift meal and stood watching as Eddie got the ticket.
“You going on break, babydoll?”
“Yeah, you gunna come?”
There was a cut off sound and Gareth snickered next to him at the line.
By the time he was shoved into the staff bathroom, Eddie seemed to have recovered his attitude.
Big hands grabbed at his ass, and Eddie groaned into his ear. “Shit, Stevie. You’ve been teasing me with this ridiculous ass of yours forever.”
“Uh huh,” he gasped as he was pulled forward roughly and their hard lengths rubbed against each other, a hot mouth finding his neck. Eddie already had him wound so tight and he felt like he was going to explode. “Please-“
“I know, sweets. You’re already so desperate, huh?”
Steve whined as his apron was untied and thrown, his shirt rucked out of his pants so hands could work their way down the back of them to grab a handful.
Then he was quickly pushed away as Eddie ordered, “Down on your knees, I think, darlin’. There’s a good boy. Need those lips around me. Shut you up good, huh?”
Steve was quick to comply, just as ready to sink down onto his knees for him. They both fumbled with his belt and zipper, Eddie finally slapping his hands away and yanking his boxers under his balls.
Eddie’s dick was big, and already so hard, precome beading at the head. His mouth watered and he immediately opened it and stuck his tongue out.
“Such a cock slut, aren’t you, pretty? Yeah, you need it so bad, don’t you?”
He nodded, tongue still out as Eddie held his cock just out of reach for another moment before tapping it onto his tongue. Steve went up on his knees, trying to push further down on his length and received a few inches for his trouble. Hands came around the back of his head to rake through his hair and he moaned around him. Suddenly the hands pulled him roughly up, shoving his length down his throat. He gagged and tears sprung to his eyes.
“That’s it, shit, the mouth on you. Ah-”
Steve tried to suck in breaths through his nose as Eddie pulled him back and forth, licking around the head and keeping his teeth out of the way while his throat was fucked open on his gorgeous cock.
Suddenly he needed something else. He slid back and looked up, gasping out, “Fuck me, Eddie, please-“
“Jesus Christ, Stevie. Of course. Get up here.”
Eddie yanked him to his feet and pushed him against the sink. He made quick work of his fly, letting his pants slide down his legs.
“So wet for me already, pretty. Turn around. That’s it.”
When he found himself bent over the sink, some small semblance of sense sparked in his brain. “Lube,” he gasped. He couldn’t string a sentence together to save his life right now. “I-“ he shook his head.
“Got it, sweets. Been carrying it around since your second day here. I’ve fantasized about you spreading your legs for me every day since then.”
“Fuck,” he breathed. Why was that hot?
“Yeah, dreamed about bending you over the bar and letting the whole place watch.” Eddie grabbed handfuls of his ass again quickly before yanking his underwear down. They both groaned when he pulled his cheeks apart and spit directly onto him.
“Oh, holy shit,” he whined as fingers rubbed the wetness around his rim. “C’mon, Ed-“
“You gunna let me in this tight little hole?” Eddie taunted. He must’ve added some lube before he pushed a finger in roughly, Steve raising up on his toes with a squeak. “That’s it, gotta stretch you out for this big cock.”
“Oh my god.”
“Just Eddie works, sweetheart,” he chuckled darkly.
Steve shuddered, the condescending tone sending him further to the stratosphere. He arched his back as he added another finger. “You are- ah- such a dick!” He said between clenched teeth.
“Sure am, baby. And you love it. Think I’m gunna come all over this ass. Rub it in and let you walk around with me all over you as you finish your shift. How’s that sound, my little slut?”
He, naturally, decided then to press solidly against his prostate and Steve lost the plot of the conversation again, only able to gasp and groan as another finger was introduced to his entrance. He pushed back against it, trying to hurry him up. For someone ‘not known for their tenderness’ he sure was taking his time in his preparation.
“Such a little slut, Stevie. I know, I know, we’re getting there. Hold your horses.”
Finally, there was a blunt wet head pushing against his rim and he moaned as it popped in.
“Mmm, you gunna be loud for me, baby? Let the whole place know you’re getting what’s coming to you?”
Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew that wasn’t ideal for his job or reputation, but the rest of him thought that was a great plan. Nodding and whining since he couldn’t get any words to come out, Eddie chuckling at him.
Now he realized the prep he’d thought was excessive was necessary and almost cursory, as Eddie continued to press forward and his dick stretched him impossibly. He whimpered and gasped, Eddie pulling him upright and he got to watch them in the mirror as he finally bottomed out inside of him.
“Holy fuck,” Steve breathed. Thankfully Eddie took pity on him and gave him a moment to adjust, mouthing down his neck to his collar.
With a smirk, he pulled out, looking pointedly down between them, probably knowing Steve was watching in the mirror.
“Your greedy little hole is sucking me right back in, darlin’- oh fuck- so fucking tight,” Eddie rambled.
He shoved back in and rubbed over his prostate, making Steve shake and arch his back for more. His head dropped forward and he heard a tsk from behind him.
With a grin, Eddie grabbed the tie around his neck, spinning it around and wrapping it around his fist, using it to keep him from falling forward. The threat and the tightness around his throat made his dick twitch and he automatically wrapped a hand around himself.
His arms were suddenly pulled back and Eddie held onto his wrists in the small of his back.
“Uh uh, greedy. You’re gunna wait. Think you can come just from my cock? Huh?”
Steve wailed as the angle changed and his prostate was nailed again and again, pulled around like a rag doll as Eddie held onto his wrists and his hip. He didn’t know how he was even still standing, his legs shaking under him.
“Christ, I knew your ass would be magnificent, doll face,” Eddie huffed into his ear. “Look at you, so drunk on my cock you don’t even know which way is up, poor baby.”
Steve cracked an eye open and tried to make sense of what he was seeing in the mirror, his own flushed cheeks, mouth open, tear tracks and drool making a mess of his face. His hair was stuck to his sweaty forehead and sticking up where Eddie had raked his hands through it. He looked completely fucked.
The heat in his belly coiled tighter and he gasped out, “Cl-close, Eds!”
“Me too, sweetheart. C’mon, come for me and I’ll decorate this perfect ass of yours.”
Something must’ve shown on his face or Eddie just instinctively knew what he needed but he watched as the tattooed arm left his hip and his hand wrapped around his neck, pressing just right on the sides.
His eyes rolled back and he may have screamed as his orgasm shot through him, his hips rolling forward and back through the aftershocks. Eddie growled in his ear as he continued fucking him through it as he clenched around him.
“So fucking good, Stevie,” he hissed before pulling out roughly.
His wrists were released and he miraculously caught himself as he dropped forward onto the sink, able to see just Eddie’s face as he jerked himself off above him.
“Oh fuck, can’t wait to see you shaking this ass around for everyone, knowing it’s covered in me, ah- all mine.” He grunted lowly and Steve gasped again as he felt the hot splashes against his back and down his cheeks. Big hands immediately started rubbing it in, making sure to cover every inch and down his crack.
“Pull your pants up, slut,” he growled.
After barely making it through the rest of his shift, he wasn’t surprised when Eddie met him at the back door. “Your place or mine, baby cakes?”
Gareth ran to Jonathan’s car as he pulled in for his shift the next afternoon, “You owe me fifty bucks!” He held out his hand with a wide smile.
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chamomiletealeaf · 4 months
Based on a True Event
So a few months ago my family went to Busch Gardens and I wanted to see the penguins before they closed so my family and I went back in but our tickets wouldn't scan. We got the tickets from my dad since he was working there. The people were super rude and wouldn't let my mom in and told her to go all the way to the back of the line and it took us forever to get in.
But imagine this with Simon, and he makes it all better.
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to hate on customer service workers. I am a customer service worker myself, this is just my experience with the Busch Gardens people lol.
Warnings: none :) just a bunch of fluffiness and Simon being in love with you.
You convinced Simon to take you to an amusement park you've been dying to go to. When he finally said yes you were ecstatic and couldn't wait to have fun with him in one of your favorite places.
"Si come on! Hurry before the line fills up!" You pull him along, wanting so badly to get into the park.
"Alright alright I'm coming." Simon grumbles, but he can't help but smile at your giddiness.
"They have penguins here! Can we go there first? Please? I want to see them so bad they're so cute!" You beamed up at him in the line to get into the park.
"Of course love whatever you want." He says with a smile.
You two were next in line to have your tickets scanned by the workers who looked like they'd rather be anywhere but there.
Not wanting to upset them further, you quietly held your phone out to scan the ticket.
The scanner makes a chiming noise and a big red "X" comes up on the reader.
"Ticket's no good." The worker says emotionless, not even looking up at you.
"What?" You ask panicking, looking at Simon for help.
"Here try mine." Simon says, stepping in front of you to scan his ticket.
The scanner dings again, but this time it was a happier tone and a green checkmark shows up.
"You're good, have a great day sir. You miss are gonna have to go to the back of the line and try again or leave. NEXT!" The worker says, and you raise your eyebrows in shock.
"Wait so he can go in but I can't? Can't you try again? Please we've been waiting all day to be here." You plead with the worker, sadness filling your eyes at the thought of not being able to see the cute little penguins you've been dying to see swim and waddle around.
"Sorry miss, you can try buying another ticket for another day or you can leave. You're holding up the line." The worker says, scanning other people's tickets and not looking at you.
Your eyes start to fill with tears of frustration and sadness knowing that Simon was going on deployment soon and you don't know when else you would be able to do this with him again. You look up at Simon looking devastated and he can't take it.
That's when he steps in.
The worker senses his presence and looks up at him. Simon crosses his arms and looks down at him, intimidating the guy so much that he actually makes eye contact with you two for the first time.
"Listen mate, the missus here has been waiting ages to get in here, and I'm never one to leave my woman unsatisfied. So you're either gonna let her in with me, or I'm gonna have to find a way to get her in myself." Simon stares down at the smaller man, who is now showing a fearful expression instead of a bored and uninterested one upon seeing Simon's scars and tattoos let alone his towering size.
And without another word the worker opens the turnstile and rushes you two through.
"Have a nice day you two!" He says, as if he wasn't shitting his pants right now at Simon's threat.
"Yeah that's what I thought." Simon grumbles under his breath.
You jump with joy and kiss Simon's cheek.
"Yay! Thank you honey!" You chime. "Let's see the penguins!" You say, practically pulling Simon's arm off rushing him along.
"Ok sweetheart I'm coming." He laughs.
"That was really hot." You say, leaning into his arm.
"What was?" He asks with a smirk, wanting to hear you say it.
"Sticking up for me. You're hot when you're all big and scary." You say with a giggle.
"Well of course, like I said, I'm never one to leave my missus unsatisfied. In any way." He whispers into your ear with a smirk while he squeezes your waist and you blush at his innuendo.
Then you spot the penguins and you squeal with excitement.
"Simon look! the babies!"
You run up to the tank to admire the little penguins. They were African penguins. Small and cute.
"Oh Simon, look at their little waddles! How cute are they!" You coo at the penguins watching as they waddle and swim around in their tank.
"Funny little blokes aren't they." Simon says, but he's not looking at the penguins.
Simon is watching you.
Simon stands next to you and admires your joy and how much you glow when you're happy like this. It's something he lives for. It's why he risks his life out on the battlefield every deployment. So you can have a fulfilling life. Everything Simon does is for you, and he can sleep better at night knowing that even though he's murdered, even though he's done heinous things, you will always be the one good thing that keeps him from falling into the darkness.
As Simon gets lost in his thoughts and love for you, a penguin waddles it's way up to you behind the glass.
"Simon! baby get a picture! Look at this little sweetie!" You say, and he snaps out of his thoughts to pull his phone out to snap a picture of you and the penguin.
The penguin flaps his wings playfully and you lean down to it's level and turn your head, making a kissy face pretending to give the penguin a kiss on the head.
Simon takes the picture and immediately makes it his lock screen and home screen.
You walk up to him to see the photo and smile.
"It's perfect! He's the cutest, sweetest little baby isn't he?" You ask and Simon just nods and smiles, thinking that you're actually sweetest thing.
Then, a penguin waddles out with a feather pattern that looks like it's wearing an eye mask. The penguin was white with black splotches of feathers on his body, but it's head was black, with a white mask around the eyes.
You notice it, and you gasp.
"Simon! It's you!" You excitedly exclaim and tap his arm getting him to look.
"It's a Ghost penguin!" You say, and he laughs out loud at that.
"Oh baby c'mon you gotta take a picture with it. Please? For me? It'll be so cute!" You plead, and how can Simon resist your glittering eyes and the crinkle in your nose from your smile.
"Ok ok. Just one picture though." And he walks up to the tank to pose with the penguin and you snap a picture, immediately sending it to Johnny and making it your lockscreen and homescreen as well.
Simon comes back to your side and you show him the picture, which earns another laugh out of him.
"Thank you honey." You tell Simon.
"For what?" He asks.
"For doing this for me. For being the best boyfriend in the world. For showing me what real love is like." You say with a smile, and Simon looks down at you.
Simon isn't one for PDA, but there was something about you in this moment that he couldn't resist kissing you right there in front of the penguins and all those around the exhibit.
"You're welcome my love." Simon whispers and smiles against your forehead after breaking the kiss.
You two spent the rest of the day walking around the park, forcing Simon to go on rides with you, and occasionally passing the penguins again where Simon buys you a little stuffed penguin that you named "Ghost", after the penguin that looked like Simon with his mask in the exhibit.
And that night, you two fell asleep in each other's arms with little penguin Ghost between you, exhausted from the long day of walking and fun, knowing that tomorrow you would both awaken in the morning seeing the one thing you both live to see:
And that's each other.
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resi4skz · 5 months
Title: Starstruck (pt2)
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Pairings: idol!Chan x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, bike s*x
Part 1 , Part 3
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"Right in here, please," I say as I put a checkmark on the list of things to put away before closing the bakery. "I need everything to go smoothly as possible on Monday."
"Why are you so snappy?"
I turn, giving Luna a confused look. "I'm not snappy."
"Uh huh," she rolls her eyes as she took off her apron. "Let's go before you start hyperventilating about seeing their fanmeet in about," she glances at her wrist watch, "3 hours."
"I don't know what to wear."
"Alright. Let's go."
"Where we going?"
We arrived at the venue an hour earlier and we showed the tickets to the vendor. "Ah, right this way please." He leads us to a different enterance and I glance at the back, seeing others standing in line with merch.
"Ma'am, these are VIIP tickets. It gives you access to backstage."
"Okay. He's definitely going in the good books," Luna says smiling.
"Jeez, how much do you think he spent of these tickets?"
"Honestly? Probably a lot, but who knows?" She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe he got them knowing you were coming."
Fuck. How do you expect to me to act after knowing this information?
We walk around the staff and stand just right to the main stage. The butterflies in my stomach right now is nothing compared to what it would've been watching them from the front. This was their 4th fanmeet and I couldn't have been more happier for them. They have achieved so much in the past 6 years.
"Okay, wow. This is awesome," Luna says, her eyes shining with excitement.
"Are you sure I'm wearing the right clothes?"
"Yes, now stop fussing over it!"
She made me wear a black corset with black skirt, boots and a leather jacket. My hair was down in loose curls. Okay, maybe she does have some taste.
"Hey, you made it."
I turn around and I'm again blown away by he man in front of me. He was wearing a blue coat and pants with white shirt underneath, topped with black boots. And his hair was styled in a wavy look. And damn, he looked good. "I hope no one gave you trouble coming inside?"
"Uh, no. Everything went smoothly," I replied. I felt a poke on my arm. "Ah, right. This is my best friend, Luna."
"Oh, hi Luna. Nice to meet you."
"Yeah," she waves nervously at him. I roll my eyes. Why did I even bring her with me?
Then more guys appear behind him. Oh my god. It's them. Leeknow, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. The whole gang is here. Holy cannolli. This isn't real life.
"Alright, we gotta go. It's time for us to go on the stage," Chan states. For a second, I felt his eyes trail over me, my attire but he turned around and walked away with the group. I blinked, asking myself what happened.
But he turned around and walked straight to me. He takes my hand and says, "I'll see you later?"
I nod.
He smiles, his dimples on display. He leans in, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. "See you later, babygirl," he says, winking at me before sprinting back.
"Did he just....kiss you on the cheek? Wait. Am I dreaming?" Luna pinches her arm and hisses in pain. "Definitely not dreaming. Holy shit."
Holy shit was right.
Because their fanmeet was a success. They played small games, did dance challenges, did a lot of performances and by the end of it all, they were still happy and energetic. I don't think I've ever seen them be this happy before.
And their performances? Just wow. And with Chan in a sleeveless top? Those arms made me weak in the knees. "Stop drooling."
I sigh, feeling those butterflies again. "Luna, I'm not drooling."
"Is it me or is he only looking at you?"
"Who?" I asked as I follow the direction she pointed at. He's smiling, but his eyes show something else, something desperate as he looks at me. He disappears in the back rooms, probably to change and freshen up.
"Okay. You have my permission," Luna nods.
"Permission?" I blinked at her.
"To get thoroughly fucked by h-oompf."
I cover her mouth with my hand. "Are you insane?!"
She pries my hand off. "Do you not want to? You do know who he is, even as the biker tiktok dude."
"I knew I shouldn't have told you that."
"Hey, I would've found out either way. But the question still remains."
"Which is?"
"Do you like him? Enough to take you, sweep you off your feet?"
"I mean yeah, but-"
"Oh. Here he comes."
He walks over, wearing all black. Very similar clothing to mine. "Ready?"
"Uh, are we leaving?"
"Yes. You and me. I wanna take you for a ride."
I look at Luna then back at him. I feel her hand on my back, giving me a little push. He grabs my hand, intertwining it with his own as we walk away, sprint more like, away from the book. "Wait. What about the res-" He stops, turns around and cups my face, he takes advantage of my surprised expression and swoops in for a kiss. When he pulls away, he smiles down at me before grabbing my hand again and walking outside.
What just happened?
The roar of the engine filled the night air as I zoomed down the empty road, the darkness engulfing me like a comforting shroud. The pair of gloves hands around my waist felt more comfortable than riding my bike alone. Her hands were small but god, did they feel good against me.
My headlights cut through the blackness ahead, illuminating the twisting road as it disappeared into the distance. The cool night air whipped against my helmet, the only sound besides the thundering of the engine. I was going to the place I had found a few weeks ago, where I could be this tiktok personality I made for myself.
I felt her arms tightened around me. Maybe she wasn't used to bike rides? Flashes of streetlights and neon signs painted the surroundings in streaks of light, blurring past in a colorful whirlwind. The occasional silhouette of a building or tree flashed by, casting eerie shadows in my path.
As I leaned into the curves, the sensation of speed combined with the solitude of the empty road created a thrilling sense of freedom. But with her behind me, it was more than freedom. I had been waiting for this day. I wanted to see her again because when I dropped her off at her place the other day, all I wanted to do was rip off that dress she wore.
It was then I knew that I was fucked. 100% fully fucked.
The city lights glimmered in the distance, a distant beacon guiding us on our journey through the night. In that moment, it was just me, my bike, Y/N and the open road stretching out before us—an endless expanse of possibility and adventure.
As I take a turn, I felt her hands wandering. Any lower, it would be dangerous territory. I grab her hand and squeeze. A warning. But as I speed off into the highway, her hands slide down low. Lower. Until they've reached their destination.
The little minx.
Through my tight jeans, she uses her hands to grab my clothed dick and gives it a rub. Fuck. My hand tightens as I try to maintain my hormones at bay level till we were at the destination.
5 minutes.
She gives it another rub and I almost crash. This is going to be harder than I thought.
4 minutes.
I swerve into the left lane, as the traffic was faster and I wanted nothing more to reach the location faster than I had originally planned.
3 minutes.
I groan as her hands slide up and down a bit quicker. I grip her hand, stopping it.
2 minutes.
Reaching around my back, I find her ass cheek and gives it squeeze. Hard. I feel her jerk towards my back.
1 minute.
Taking a left turn, I see the familiar abandoned cliff as her hand reaches down again. I curse as I increase the speed of my bike. I need to get there faster.
30 seconds.
Slowing down the bike, I, very gently, park the bike.
15 seconds.
Turning off the ignition, I wait till she's off the bike. Then I climb off, unbuckle the clasp of my helmet before taking it off as she also takes her helmet off.
5 seconds.
I stare at her till she's composed herself. Then I'm on her.
I don't get time to breathe as he's on me within seconds, our helmets long forgotten on the ground. Lips and teeth clashing as his hands slide around my back, giving it a slight push towards him. I felt his hardness on my lower tummy. "Wait," I lightly push him away. "I need to breathe."
His delicious mouth travels down to my jaw and neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. "Mmm, Channie," I moan as he sucks and bites a spot on my neck.
"You little minx," he breathes against my mouth. His hands travels to my hair and grabs a bunch before yanking on it lightly making my head tilt up a bit. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?"
"I may know on some leve-, ah," I let out a yelp when he yanks on my hair.
"Brat." He growls, attacking my neck with wet kisses and biting the delicate skin. "I had to tell the boys I was going for my nightly rides," he gives a long sniff before coming up. "But they don't know I was going with you."
I'm then hoisted up on the bike as he settles himself between my legs and kisses me again. His kisses are desperate and dominating. I reach for his jeans when his hands grab my arm. "Nuh uh, baby." He makes me stand and spins me around. "I need to be inside you."
"But, ah!" I moan as his palm makes contact with my right ass cheek as he bends me over.
He wastes no time and removes my black panties from under my skirt. "Damn. You're perfect." I hear something ripping which I think was a condom wrapper.
And then, in one swift motion, he snaps his hips into me. My eyes roll back in my head as I groan at his girth, feeling the stretch. "Fuck," I groan. I've imagined this moment in my delusional mind but this was beyond my dreams. "How are you this big?"
"Fuck, you're so tight," he moans as he pulls out completely before snapping his hips against me. "This cunt was made for me, fuck you feel so good."
He gradually picks up speed as his hand travel around my waist towards my throbbing clit. The only sound you could hear was our heavy breathing, into the darkness surrounding us. I felt the tight knot in my lower belly ready to burst. "Chan, please."
"Fuck, yes!" He grunts, now slamming into me. "You're close, aren't you? You gonna cum? You gonna cum for me?"
I nod my head. "Yes!"
His fingers rubs my clit and I see stars in front of my eyes as my climax hits me the hardest, my legs shaking but he doesn't stop. "Oh, fuck. Fuck, you're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna cum." His hips ram into me a few more times before he stills, spilling his seed into the rubber.
We stay like that for a few minutes, catching our breaths. He finally pulls out and I groan at the odd feeling. I try to move but my legs refused to budge. "Uhm."
I hear him zipping up his jeans. "You okay?"
"I can't move."
"My legs."
He softly chuckles as he walks over and grabs both my arms, lifting me up. I shriek. "Put me down!"
"Hold still!"
He turns me around and puts me on the bike with my legs hanging over. Placing his hands on the lower part of my legs, he gently starts massging them. "Good?"
"Hmm," I savour the feeling coming back to my legs. "You should've started with this first."
"Oh, really?"
The nerve of this guy, showing me his dimples. "I'm a sucker for massages."
"Noted," he says as he comes up, face to face. "Say, what are you doing next weekend?"
"Why, you wanna take me a on a date?"
"Yeah. Is that a problem?"
"Well, considering how this date went, I might agree to it."
"Brat," he pecks my lips before he picks up the helmets and hands me mine. "You're more than welcome to feel me up again once we're on the road."
My cheeks heat, my blush making its permanent stay on my entire face. "Wha....I wasn't feeling you up!"
"Uh huh," he says wearing his helmet and grins turning his head towards me. "And I didn't give you the best sex of your life just now."
I narrow my eyes at him as I hop off to let him sit first. As he turns on the ignition, I climb on behind him. He grabs my hands and places them around his waist. And the we were off, into the same darkness that surrounded us mere minutes ago.
Who knew I would be startstruck by the guy I watched on my laptop and phone was interested in me? And the biker dude? Oh man. If only the world knew what we just did.....
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A/N: wtf did I just write 💀
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bloodywickedlips · 2 months
Masks and Surprises
Summary: When a new BDSM club opens you drag Garcia with as a plus one just to see what it looks like, but you get more than you expected. PLEASE MDNI!!
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It was a wonderful day as all the case files were handed in and the whole team had two weeks off, and I wanted to start it off with a bang.
Walking quickly to Garcia’s office I barged in and smiled at her.
“What brings you here lovely?” she asked and I smiled as I sat down.
“Well a new club opened up and I want to go check it out, only downside is I have to bring a female friend” I said and watched as her brows connected in confusion. “What type of club is that?” she asked and I looked down as I quickly mumbled it out.
“Honey I can’t understand you” she said and I sighed loudly.
“Garcia please, I need to get out and only you would understand and come with me. JJ defiantly wont and Emily is busy” I pleaded with her hoping that she would come along without more questions.
“Right but what club is it, I haven’t heard of a new bar opening” she said and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks.
“It’s a new, classic BDSM club?” I said with a hopeful smile at her and saw her gasp and shake her head.
“No no no, I don’t go to clubs like that” she said to me and I then proceeded to pout at her. “Come on we don’t even have to do anything, have cocktails and lots of eye candy will be there. Did I mention everyone has to wear masks at all time?” I said and she perked up hearing the masks.
“cocktails only, I wont do the dirty with some weirdo” she said and I arched my eyebrow at her.
“No I don’t mean you are a weirdo, I just mean a man I don’t know. I know you are into the BDSM thing but I'm not so sure about it” she quickly explained herself and I smiled as she agreed.
“Great, I will pick you up at 9, and no word to anyone about this” I said quickly and kissed her on the cheek as I rushed out.
I drove home and showered and did my makeup and then stood in front of my closet not knowing what to wear. So I settled on black stockings with a halter belt and a deep green dress that hugged my figure perfectly, matching with green lingerie and black high heels. I grabbed a black mask to fit with my heels and black clutch bag. I left my hair down as it was naturally wavy.
Driving to Garcia’s I sent her a message that I was outside and couldn’t help but smile as she came out in a blue dress and matching blue glitter mask.
“Thank you again Garcia, I owe you big time” I said as she climbed into the car.
“Oh you definatley do” she said back to me but I knew she was intrigued by the club.
I parked outside and we both made our way to the door where there was a bouncer standing there and asked for our tickets, to which I gave him both of ours.
“Have fun ladies” he said and sent a wink to Garcia which I chuckled at knowing she was blushing under her mask.
Once we stepped inside we both had to take a few seconds to take it in. it was low light with various women and men in masks talking and drinking, some were settle on the lounge chairs all around, but we made our way to the bar and ordered our drinks.
“So what do you think?” I asked her as I took a sip of my cocktail and ran my eyes over the people in there.
“It seems safe, but I don’t know if I could just start talking with someone and then have sex, it’s just not for me” she said and I shrugged understanding, but she didn’t understand the thrill of giving up all control and letting someone take charge.
The bartender came over to us and slid drinks our way but I shook my head “We didn’t order that” I said but the bartender smiled “it’s from an admirer” he said and both Garcia and I looked at each other.
“It’s safe I promise, I don’t spike drinks” a voice said behind us and we both turned to look at the man dressed in a button up black shirt and black pants.
“I would recognise that laugh anywhere baby girl” he said and I inwardly groaned realizing its morgan. Non of the team knew about this life I had, Garcia being the exception.
“Morgan what are you…oh, oh never mind” Garcia said as she connected the dots.
“I never expected to see you two here” Morgan said and I sighed knowing I couldn’t back track now.
“Oh just wanted to see what this whole BDSM thing was about” I quickly lied and turned back to my drink, gulping it down quickly.
“I need the bathroom” I said and quickly walked away and into the bathroom. I took a few minutes to compose myself and knew that the cat was out of the bag now that morgan knew.
But it was my personal life and I could do with it as I please. I was not looking a man to marry and have 2.5 kids with. I was a free spirit and enjoyed giving up control now and then.
Washing my hands I walked out of the bathroom with my mood killed I was ready to tell Garcia I was ready to go home but seeing her and morgan talking and laughing I felt guilty.
“Your friend found someone she clicked with” a voice said to my right and I looked over to see a man with a white button up and black slacks, a silver mask covering his face.
“Yeah she did it seems” I replied back as I watched them laugh and joke about something.
“I never knew someone could look so good in my favourite colour” the man said again and that’s when I noticed he had moved behind me and the back of his knuckles were brushing over my shoulder, giving me goosebumps.
“Thank you but I should be getting back to them” I explained but the man took my hand in his.
“Leave them, they are having fun. Why don’t you join me in my room?” he asked me and I turned to face him.
“No offence but I don’t really want to go into a room where someone else could have had sex a few minutes ago, you know germ wise” I said and I could see the mans eyes get smaller like he was smiling under the mask.
“I am the same, which is why I am a platinum member, I have my own room that is mine only. Cleaned regulary and sheets are always replaced, I promise” the man said and I looked over to morgan and Garcia having fun so I decided to leave them be. Nodding to the man he pulled me down the hallway and into an elevator which required a code. It took us down and when the doors opened I gasped.
It was one big room, a king size bed in the middle and it was filled with shelves, a big variety of toys and whips to choose from and much more.
“Lets talk first” he said and led me over to a couch, we sat down and his arm went around the beck of the couch and his legs were spread out. Without even seeing his face I knew he was just my type.
“Firstly I am a dom, but I respect your limits and will not over step them. Secondly no names will be exchanged, and lastly you obey everything I say unless it’s a hard limit for you, understand?” he said and I nodded as that was what I usually agreed to.
“Any hard limits?” he asked as his fingers rubbed over my shoulder. I stayed quiet for a moment as I tried to think. “Not really, but nothing in the back door and no electrocution ect, there I draw the line. My safe word is freeze, I agree no names as this will most probably be a one time only thing. I know I'm clean as I haven’t slept with anyone in 6 months and I do test after anything” I replied and watched as he nodded.
“I am clean as well and also have not bed anyone in a long while” he replied in his dark husky voice, I wanted to laugh the way he said he hasn’t ‘bed’ anyone but thought better of it.
“Shall we start?” he asked and I nodded and took his hand as he led me over to the bed. I stood in front of it as he circled me and I felt his hand go to my mask but I quickly gripped it.
“My mask stays on” I said and heard him hum behind me and felt his cold finger ghost over my back until his hand was by the zip and felt him slowly pulling it down and then felt him pull the dress down so that it was pooled at my feet.
He was crouched down and I felt his hand slide up from my ankle up to my thigh and then over my hips where his hands settled.
He pulled me back into him and I felt his hardness push against me and it made me groan out.
His hand snaked to my front and cupped my breasts, playing with my nipples as I threw my head back and hissed as he pinched one harshly, chuckling at my response.
“Stay there” he commanded and I obeyed as he stepped away from me, leaving me in anticipation.
“Any time you want to cum, you will ask for permission, understand?” he asked me and I turned my head to look over to him, I nodded once and his eyes turned cold.
“Answer appropriately” he growled out and I gulped as it sent the right type of shiver over me.
“Yes sir” I said and he hummed in approval. I felt his hands unfasten my bra and then he was behind me again, he gripped my hair in one hand and pushed me over so that I was bending over the bed.
I felt him curl over me, his hand playing with my breast and his other snaked between my legs and then I felt him push a vibrating toy against my bundle of nerves, making me gasp at the sensation and if not for his hand holding me up by my chest I would have fallen forward.
He switched between speeds while cupping and twisting my nipples and I knew I was already close.
But right before I could fall over the edge he removed the toy and I groaned in frustration.
“Is that attitude I hear?” he asked and before I could reply I felt the sting on my ass cheek from his hand.
“Count” he said and I was about to ask what he meant when his hand collided again. “I said count” he said and I whimpered as I heard the crack accompanied with the sting. “One…” I said breathlessly as I felt the arousal pool in my panties, ready for release.
“Two, three, four” I continued counting until we came to fifteen where I was shaking and breathless from the painful pleasure.
“Do you think you earned a reward now?” he asked me and I whimpered and pleaded with him.
“yes please sir, please I need it” I begged and felt him move away from me. Next I felt his fingers slip my panties down and one of his fingers swiped between my folds making me moan.
“Such a slut, you are soaked right through” he said and I knew he wasn’t lying because I was turned on from the spanking as I had a pain kink.
I felt his finger run up and down my slit before it entered into me and made me moan out loud as the feeling. Soon his second finger joined the first and his thumb was rubbing over my clit making my fist clench the sheets as I felt the coil inside of me wind up.
His pace increased as I felt his fingers curl inside of me and I bit my lip in pleasure. “Please, please” I whimpered out and heard him chuckle.
“Please what?” he asked and I groaned as I tried to form the words while being so close to falling off of the edge. “Cum, please can I cum?” I whined out as his thumb rubbed faster over my clit.
“Since you asked so nicely, yes. Cum for me” he replied and as soon as I heard him say cum for me I screwed my eyes shut as the dam broke and I came hard around his fingers which were still moving inside of me.
I was panting as I tried to catch my breath and was shocked as I felt something rub between my folds that could only be his thick long hard cock. Before I could utter a word I felt him push his head inside and heard him hiss at the warm wetness. He pushed himself in with one stroke and it made me groan.
“Fuck you are tight” he hissed out as he held still for a few seconds, giving both of us time to adjust. I felt his arm snake around to hold onto my chest and shoulder as he pulled back and rammed back inside, hitting me so deep.
He thrusted in a fast brutal pace, pulled me back into him with every thrust, making each one deep and hard.
He moaned as his thrusts picked up and I felt his hand move down and rub circles on my clit.
“I want you to cum again” he groaned out as his thrusts sped up and he didn’t have to ask me as I was already close to cumming again.
“I’m close, oh fuck please” I shouted out as he gripped my hair and pulled my head back, making my back arch, with this position he hit the right spot and I saw black as I came again, this time around his cock. He grunted from feeling me tightening around him and thrusted hard before pulling out.
I laid with my face in the sheets breathing hard but felt him pull me up and saw him crawl onto the bed, laying on his back.
It was the first time I could see him naked, and just from looking at him I was ready to cum again. He was thin but with defined muscles where it was needed and a long thick cock standing up, glistening from both our wetness.
“Are you going to stare or ride me” he stated and I couldn’t reply, only crawl up and straddle him. I positioned him at my entrance and sank down slowly, hissing as he felt bigger this way.
I felt his hands settle on my hips and helped guide me up and down slowly at first as we both savoured the feeling of him dragging in and out.
My head fell back in a moan as I rolled my hips forward and bit my lip out of pleasure. He started thrusting up and I let my hands fall onto his chest where I scratched my nails down his chest leaving marks and he growled out as he took my wrists into his hands with a bruising force, while thrusting upwards as I rolled my hips. He sat up while I was in his lap and put my hands behind my back, gripping them hard as he panted, and the way he was sitting was the perfect angle as my clit was rubbing on the little bit of stubble he had growing by his pubic bone.
I felt the heat pool in my stomach and moaned out loud as I felt him bite into my collar bone and leave bites over my neck. “Please can i?” I pleaded and felt him smirk against my skin.
“Can you what?” he teased me and I whimpered as I was trying to hold off from cumming.
“Please can I cum?” I moaned out loud and a simple nod from him made me move my hips faster but the harsh bite from him into my shoulder sent me over the edge. I tried to pull my hands back to grip something but he held them tightly, most likely cutting off blood circulation.
I shuddered as my orgasm went through me and he didn’t stop, he fucked me through it and when he pulled back he let go of my hand and the instantly fell to his neck with light pressure.
I felt my legs shaking so he held my hips and helped me move in a fast pace on top of him. “Fuck you feel so good” he moaned and I smirked even though he couldn’t see it.
He started thrusting faster and faster and I was getting too sensitive but when his hand went to my clit I tried to push it away but he smacked my hand away. “You can give me one more” he said in response and I nodded as he set a brutal pace trying to cum himself.
I felt him pulse inside of me and his movement were uneven meaning he was close to cumming so I moved my hips faster to push him over the edge.
“I cant breath in this thing” he said and his hands fell away from my hips and went to his mask to pull it off.
My hips stopped completely and my eyes went wide as my heart started beating even faster as my eyes behind my mask fell onto spencer’s face. Spencer my bestfriend, my colleague, my spence. “Fuck, shit , fuck” I said as I jumped off of him breathing hard.
“What are you…” he tried saying but I was off of the bed and grabbed my dress and threw it on, not even bothering to zip it up. I grabbed my shoes and ran out of the room not caring about how many people I bumped into.
I ran barefoot to where Garcia and morgan was still talking with a few drinks added after I left.
“We need to go now…” I said breathlessly and saw both of them stare at me with wild eyes.
“What? What happened?” Garcia said and I shook my head and grabbed a shooter that was in front of her and drank it quickly.
“No time, we need to go” I said and grabbed her arm and pulled her after me with morgan following.
“Sweetness did something happen?” morgan asked sternly as he looked over my state, unzipped dress and shoeless.
“No, no I’m fine. I'm just ready to go home” I said and my the look in his eyes he didn’t really believe me but nodded anyway.
Morgan stepped forward and zipped up my dress before we all walked to my car. Garcia and I said goodbye to morgan and then got into my car and drove off.
“Y/N talk to me, did someone hurt you?” she asked me and I shook my head, too shocked to speak. “Well you know you can talk to me” she offered softly and I smiled at her. “Thanks Garcia but no I am okay” I told her as I dropped her off and made my way home.
I got home and went straight to the shower, I scrubbed myself raw but I couldn’t scrub the feeling of spencer thrusting into me and moaning out of my head.
I went to bed but hardly slept, only in the early morning did I fall asleep. When waking up I stayed in bed, horrified at what happened. But was it because I found out it was spencer or because all the while I was imagining him doing that to me, and then it was him under the mask.
My train of thought was interrupted as my phone went off in the familiar tone and I shook my head in disbelieve.
“No please no…” I said out loud as I checked my phone. We had a case. And we were needed to come in. Now.
The whole time while getting dressed I felt my heart race a mile a minute and I didn’t know how I was going to face spencer, but if I put my poker face on he would know nothing. He didn’t know it was me, he would probably be disgusted if he knew it was me. I was only a friend to him, nothing more.
I drove to the BAU in silence and took a few seconds to compose myself before walking into the office.
We all met in the conference room and I got worried looks from Garcia and morgan but ignored it and avoided spencer’s eyes.
“Y/N please hand these out” Hotch said handing me the case files I grabbed them and handed them to the team. “Y/N!!” JJ gasped out and I frowned and followed her eye line and saw she was looking at my wrist which hand dark purple finger prints around them.
I cleared my throat and pulled my sleeve of my shirt down more and when I looked up I saw spencer’s eyes squinted at me looking closer at me, but I quickly looked away and sat back down.
After the information was given out everyone walked out but I was stopped by morgan.
“Who did that? Sweetness we can deal with him” he said and I swallowed hard as I felt my cheeks burn.
“Morgan please, it’s not what you think” I said and quickly walked out to grab my go bag. Everyone else had already gone to the jet waiting for me so I grabbed my go bag and walked to the elevator, it dinged open and my eyes went wide as I saw spencer standing there with his own go bag.
“I’m not too late?” I asked nicely and he shook his head “No you came just in time” he said, putting extra strain on the word came. I smiled softly and turned to face the door with him behind me.
I gasped as I felt his hand grip my waist and his breath blew over my neck.
“You left me hard and aching alone in the bed, don’t think I will let that slip” he said and I unconsciously clenched from his words and bit my lip. He definitely knew it was me, and by the sound of it there will be a round two and I didn’t know if I was grateful or apprehensive because of leaving him hard and alone in a bed.
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coastbycoast101 · 8 months
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Everybody knows that I'm a good girl, officer
No, I wouldn't do a thing like that, that's for sure
Cw:Officer nanami, Pet names like "princess, good girl, baby" sloppy blowjob. Nanami cupping her breasts. A very creamy creampie ;)!!.Reader getting her back blowed 🫣🤭Nanami being so coquette 🎀🎀 FEM reader
tried out something new :33
Authors note 📝: I would recommend listening to Playing Dangerous — Lana Del Rey while reading to this <3
Word count: 864
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Nanami loves his job.
Suddenly your car got pulled over, the time was 10:46 PM.
As you waited, you heard a knock on your window. You rolled it down looking up seeing a 6 foot tall man. Damn he was fine.
Her eyes lingered over to his slender veiny hands. She noticed he has a ring on his finger, and that he had a notepad in front of him signaling he was writing her a ticket!
"Hello ma'am, you were going 50 over the speed limit, did you notice that by any chance?"
"No, m' sorry officer I didn't notice.. is there anything I can do? I don't want a ticket..
"Well, I can't just let you go without a ticket but there might be something we can negotiate," he said with a smirk. He leaned in closer to her window.
she kneeled down, her knees rubbing against the concrete highway road. She wrapped her hands around his cock, hesitating.. she then gave a kitten lick to his slit making him let out a deep groan.
"Just like that..," he groaned. "Take it all the way in, use your tongue too... Fuck"
she opened wide and took his entire length into her warm mouth, gagging slightly but not stopping. Her tongue swirled around his head, massaging it gently before moving downwards towards his base. She heard him moan softly in pleasure, feeling confident by the way he sounded.
"Good girl, suck harder," he panted.
She gagged as she deep throated his cock, taking him all in like she promised as he leaned over her. She reached one of her hands to her wet panties, rubbing her clit through the fabric.
"That's a good girl," he praised, thrusting his hips forward into her mouth making her whimper. he moved his left hand to cup her right breast, squeezing it firmly while massaging her nipple between his thumb and index finger.
She arched her back slightly, moaning as her orgasm built up in anticipation as she fingered herself. Watching her pleasure herself, he could feel himself getting closer to cumming already.
He knew this was wrong, but the thrill of being caught made blood go to his cock.
"Do you like being my little whore? Do you want more?" he asked harshly yet there was a hint of desire in his voice.
she nodded her head quickly, eager too see what he would do to her. She thought of awfully lewd stuff making her clit throb.
"Good girl," he praised, his voice thick with desire. "Now, take off your top and show me those tits of yours."
Reluctantly, she complied, unfastening her bra and throwing it aside as she stood up.
"That's better," he praised, reaching over to cup one of her breasts in his hand. He squeezed it roughly, eliciting a gasp from her before moving onto the other breast.
"Turn around now, face away from me." He ordered her in a deep sulky voice that sure made lots of women besides her panties drop.
she turned her face away from him as she leaned on the car. His hand stroked his cock before rubbing his tip up and down her folds making squelching noises. She reached her hand down to discard her lacy panties making it easier for him to slide in.
"Now, spread those legs apart for me princess," he commanded.
With shaking hands, she complied, giving him a clear view of her wet and swollen pussy. He positioned himself at her entrance before slowly pushing inside her tight hole, groaning as he felt how hot and ready she was.
"Oh fuck, you're so tight," he praised, his hips starting to roll faster. Each powerful thrust brought moans of pleasure from both of them. In response, she reached in front of her and grabbed onto the car door handle tightly, arching her back into his rhythm.
"feels so good nami"she whimpered as her ass clapped against his pelvis. A red tint displayed across his face as he eyes the way his cock slid into her pussy.
"Tell me you want it," he growled, pounding into her mercilessly. "I... I need it," she panted, her voice trembling with desire. "Please, don't stop."
He picked up the pace even faster, his balls slapping against her ass in sync as he felt them tighten with each thrust. Sweat trickled down their bodies, mixing together as they lost themselves in their animalistic lust.
"Cum for me, baby," he groaned, his orgasm building rapidly. "Cum hard fer' me"
"nami... m' cummin, oh my god" she whimpered as her cunt made more squelching noises. Her pussy clenched around him as a creamy substance began to form at the base of his cock.
"That's it, cum for me," he groaned, feeling her walls tightening around his cock. With one final thrust, he buried himself to the hilt, holding her there as he emptied himself into her.
"Ahhh— fuck yessss," he moaned, his hips bucking wildly. "So fuckin good.."
After several long moments of their shared ecstasy, they finally came down from their high. Breathing heavily, he pulled out of her, leaving a trail of their combined juices on her thighs.
"Now then, I think we can forget about that ticket today," he said, zipping up his pants and re-fastening his belt. 
She nodded her head as they both dressed themselves back appropriately. She opened her car door sitting down. Nanami then wrote on the notepad his number.
"thank you officer" she said in a innocent voice. She looked up at him before driving off.
Nanami knew you weren't speeding in the first place.
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Nanami as a police officer is so hot like :3
Currently taking requests!!!
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strang3lov3 · 4 months
I'M SO PROUD OF YOU, 5K??? THAT'S SO MANY PEOPLE I'd be scared being in a room with 5k people
anyway I wanna send you some 🍆 horny old man head cannons and it's gonna give you a throwback to how we met HAH.
We've had this conversation some time ago, but: JIM FUCKING HOPPER
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horny thoughts I have about him:
I don‘t know if you remember that one Jopper fan art where Joyce's on top and Hop just looks SMITTEN
definitely loves having his girl riding him (maybe not all the time though?)
and definitely grabs your hips with his huge hands to guide you
or your boobs, but mostly your hips
lots of eye contact
maybe sometimes gets your focus back on him with a little "eyes on me"
loves when you support yourself on his pecs, loves feeling your nails dig into his skin when he hits that sweet spot
isn't very vocal, he's just focusing on the feeling and watching you
you do hear him pant every now and then or like suppressing a moan/growl
calls you a dirty girl, but in an encouraging way, just letting you take what you need
lets out a single husky moan/growl when he's finishing, and it gets you every. time.
other thoughts/random things that get him riled up:
watching you take a drag from his cigarette while you keep eye contact
you standing up for yourself (or even him) when someone gives you/him shit
I can't think of more rn I'll know where to find you if I have more thoughts
Ohhhh man. Yup, just last year I was all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to grab fic writing by the balls and write my first dilf love, Jim Hopper. And I tried it. And I fucking sucked at it. And then you said hey are you ever gonna write my request? And I was like lol nope. Remember when you sent me a request that I completely changed and made it for Joel instead 😭 or how you’d read all my fics before I posted them and leave the most horny and loving comments on the doc 😭😭🩷🩷🩷 I love you so much. You’re the very first friend I made on tumblr and I will cherish you forever.
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You know what I think about Hopper? I think he loves eating pussy, sure. But there is nothing in this world this man loves more than a blowjob. I’m sure of it.
Think about it. You’re driving along the backroads, going way too fucking fast and Hop pulls you over. He’s warned you before, so this time you get a ticket. And you really can’t afford that right now.
You drop to your knees, fumbling with his belt buckle and he asks if you’re trying to bribe a cop. Of course not, you tell him.
Hopper unbuckles his belt the rest of the way before pulling his semi-hard cock out, grinning down at you because it’s his lucky day. You’re gonna suck his dick and he doesn’t have to do any paperwork from giving you a ticket. Score!
You wrap your hand around the base of his cock, Hopper sighs and leans his head back against your car. He keeps a steady hand on your head as the head of his cock parts your lips and you swirl your tongue around that perfect part of him. He tastes sweaty and masculine, just like you’ve imagined. And oh, have you imagined it.
His cock fills your mouth perfectly, you trace your tongue along his thick, protruding veins. “Takin’ it so good, sweetheart,” he tells you, jutting his hips forward and inching himself down your throat. Your nose buried in that patch of thick curls, he loves the way you look at him from below, the same look every woman gives him when he fucks her mouth. All wide eyed and teary with the ache, so eager to please him. “Such a good girl.” He comes with a deep groan, painting your tongue with his hot spend. You take it all, just like you’re meant to.
Hopper’s a gentleman and helps you to your feet, rips up the ticket he wrote and sends you on your way. You never do quite learn your lesson and slow down, not when speeding in your car can be rewarded with his cock in your mouth.
80 notes · View notes
musings-of-a-rose · 8 months
A New Life
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Pairing: Clint “Freaky Tales” x f!readers (there’s 2, both have nicknames)
Word Count: 11,000+ (it's a long one, folks!)
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: a huge shoutout to @nerdieforpedro for beta reading this and giving me the confidence to actually hit post. And to Mr. Rose for helping me out of a corner.
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❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
→Tell Tumblr this should be shared with others by reblogging! That's what the algorithm loves (it's how it works here. I don't make the rules!)
**Reader is not described
Main Masterlist
Clint Masterlist
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“No! No, please! Tell The Guy I'll step back from his territory!”
Clint stares down at the man who's now covered in his own blood, coughing and spitting up the red liquid onto the floor, splashing a little onto Clint's shoes. He looks at the man and grabs his hair, yanking his head back and staring him in the eyes, seeing fear at the rapidly approaching end of his life. 
“Then you should've stopped when we warned you.”
Clint slides his knife into the man's abdomen, watching as the man coughs and sputters, small gasps all he can manage as the life leeches from his body. When he slumps, Clint knows it's over. He sits back, shaking his head and sighing, looking around at the mess all over the tarp he'd placed on the floor. I'm getting tired of this.
He cleans up and disposes of the body properly, his stomach rumbling by the end of his work. A quick glance at his watch tells him it's nearly 3am. He hopes there's still someplace open where he can at least get a cup of hot coffee. 
He drives in the general direction of his apartment for nearly 15 minutes before he sees the neon OPEN sign on the side of a little corner diner. He parks around the back, adjusting his pants and smoothing down his shirt before heading inside, a little bell ringing as the door swings open. It's quiet, only one other person sitting at a booth in the back corner, a man who doesn't look when the bell dings, too absorbed in his own issues. 
“Hey, hun! Have a seat wherever and I'll be right over!” The waitress calls from somewhere behind the counter. Clint looks around and finally settles on sitting at the counter, spinning to face the counter on the bar stool. 
The waitress suddenly appears, smoothing out her skirt before turning to face him and when she does, Clint momentarily forgets how to breathe. She is the most gorgeous woman he's ever seen and her smile makes him feel warm and safe, things he hasn't felt since he was a child. And even then, that's debatable. 
Her smile is bright and wide. “Sorry to make you wait! That damn sink pipe’s entire purpose is to annoy me, I swear. Want some coffee, hun?” She's already got the pot in her hand, regular, not decaf. He nods and she pours him a mug with a smile, sliding a small bowl with some creamer and sugar packets towards him. 
“You look hungry. You a steak man?”
Clint pours one of the sugar packets into his black coffee. “I like steak.”
“Great! The steak here is-” She leans closer to him “-edible. But it's best in town at 3am!”
Clint chuckles, the sound almost unfamiliar to him. “Sounds perfect.”
She writes down his order and turns, placing the ticket in a clip and rotating it, dinging another bell so the cook knows he has an order. 
“James? You back there? You have an order!”
There's some sort of affirmative grunted towards her that she accepts with a shake of her head, turning back to face Clint. 
“James is a nice guy. Lost his hearing in one ear in the war. Sometimes you have to be a little louder for him. At his request of course.” 
Clint nods and takes a sip of his coffee, expecting it to taste bitter and cheap, exactly like what you'd expect coffee at a diner open at 3am to taste like. But to his surprise, it doesn't. A pleasant mix of coffee beans washes over his tongue and he can't help a little moan escape him. 
A different smile, this one more sly. “You enjoying your coffee?”
Clint feels the tips of his ears heat up. “Uh, yeah.”
“I'm glad you like it, Mr….” Her eyebrows raised and Clint chokes down his sip. 
“Clint. No need for a Mr., ma'am.”
She waves her hand with another smile. “No ma'am here. I'm not that old!” She chuckles and tells him her name. “But everyone calls me Poppy.”
Poppy. He likes that name. It makes him feel happier somehow, like she's somehow taking care of him, not just because she's a waitress. 
She continues chatting with him while she bustles around, cleaning things and restocking sugar trays, and cleaning menus, Clint chiming in now and again. The man in the back corner eventually leaves and they're alone in the diner together. Aside from James in the back, who had just set his plate down on the back counter. 
“Thanks, James!”
“I'm going out for a smoke, Poppy.” 
She gives him a thumbs up and James takes off his apron, walking out of the side door. Poppy turns and makes a little fanfare of bringing him his diner steak and potatoes, setting it down in front of him and then casually placing the A1 steak sauce next to him. 
“You might need this.” She winks at him and he melts, what can only be described as butterflies in his stomach. 
Get it together, Clint. You don't do this. You don't like people like this. Fall for people. 
But then he's done with his steak, telling her some funny stories from his childhood. She's sitting across the bar from him, leaning on her elbows as she listens, laughing at all the right places. He's trying desperately hard to not be obvious in staring at her boobs, which had been pushed together tighter the more she leans forward. 
“If you don't mind me asking, Poppy. Why are you working this shitty shift?”
She cocks her head to the side slightly, her eyes on his. “Someone has to be here to serve you.”
He nods. “Yes but why you?” 
She waits a moment. “Maybe I'm just waiting for the right man to come on by.”
Shit. He had told himself she wasn't flirting, that she was just being nice to him for a tip. That he could just flirt a little and then be on his way. Normally, he'd take her out back and fuck her in his truck, promises to call again that he knows he'd never fulfill. But none of those women were her. None of them made him feel this way, her laugh and big eyes smiling at him while he sits here with blood on his hands and his past full of monsters.
So instead, he surprises himself. 
“Can I take you to dinner sometime?”
She glances at the clock on the wall. “If you're not too tired, I'm off in an hour and you can take me for breakfast.”
He smiles an actual genuine smile. “Breakfast it is.”
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The conversation flows between them at breakfast, both of them laughing and joking throughout it all. And at the end, he walks her to her car, asking her on another date before they reach it, her enthusiastic “yes” giving him the confidence to kiss her, his hands cupping her face as their lips melt together. He presses her back against the side of her car, his body aching to be with her, inside of her. But not like this. She's different. She's special. He wants to take his time with Poppy. So he pulls back, a promise to pick her up in 2 nights for dinner. 
Clint takes her out on several more dates, falling harder for her each time he sees her, hears her laugh, sees how attentive she is towards him. He doesn't think he deserves her, knows he doesn't, but maybe she's his way out of his world of darkness and bad deeds. The world he's kept hidden from her, whether because he's afraid she'd leave him or he's too afraid to bring his darkness into her light he's not sure. 
But Clint knows he can't leave her. He's gone too far. 
2 weeks in, and his resolve to treat her like a lady, an actual relationship, which is what they'd finally called it, snaps when she opens her door in a black dress that accentuates everything about her that he loves. 
“I know we were supposed to go out tonight Clint, but I thought maybe I could cook for you instead?” She looks nervously up at him and he knows right there, he'd do anything she asked him to.
“If it's not too much trouble.”
She shakes her her, chuckling lightly. “Not at all. Come on in.” 
Clint follows her inside, hearing her lock the door behind him. He kicks his boots off and places them by the door. 
“I thought we could have steak. A real one. Dear James does his best with what he has but…” her voice trails off and Clint chuckles. 
“Steak sounds delicious.”
“Great! Would you like a quick drink before I start cooking? Or are you too hungry?”
“A drink sounds great, thanks.”
He takes a beer from her and she leads him to the couch. They both sit, taking sips from their drinks before setting them on the coffee table. He's nervous, his palms a little sweaty. Why is he so nervous? Clint looks at Poppy and he can see the way she's shifting around slightly, obviously nervous herself, which somehow gives him the confidence he needs. Confidence that he's never had a problem with before. 
When he touches his lips to hers, he knows he belongs to her forever. 
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I knew what I was doing, inviting Clint in for dinner instead of going to a restaurant as we had planned. But I wanted to take care of him, try and help quell that sadness and regret hidden just behind his eyes, the darkness he swallows and blinks away when our eyes meet, for the sake of me. 
We settle on the couch, each taking a sip of our respective drinks before setting them on the coffee table. I see him wipe his palms across his jeans, a sweet, nervous gesture and I smile shyly, turning my head to the side to tuck some hair behind my ear. I look back up at him and find him looking at me already, his deep brown eyes seeing into me and I feel myself stepping off the cliff, diving headfirst into love. Could it be love this early? I’d felt it before once, in my youth. But I had been burned and so kept my heart behind a lock but somehow, Clint already had the key. 
He keeps his eyes on mine when he slides closer to me, hesitating briefly before placing his hand on my bare thigh, my skin tingling where he touches me. I angle my body towards him a little more, feeling his large hand cup my cheek, a soft smile on his lips before he leans in, pressing his lips to mine. We’ve kissed plenty, made out in the back of his truck for hours and hours, but this is different. The energy has shifted, our paths fully converging to become one. 
He slides his hand on my thigh up higher and I spread my legs for him, opening more than just my body to him. His fingertips brush against my panties and I inhale sharply against his lips, his hand stalling. 
“Is..is this ok?” He asks, a nervous tremble in his voice.
“Please,” I whisper, begging him to touch me again. “Please touch me.”
He kisses me again, pushing his tongue into my eager mouth and I feel him between my legs again, gently stroking up and down, up and down, feeling how wet my underwear has become. He pushes aside my panties, slowly swirling one thick finger around me before pushing in, my whine breaking our kiss before he grunts out, mumbling something about how tight I feel. 
He deepens the kiss, his finger gently stroking inside of me, brushing against me and I moan into his mouth, my legs twitching. When he stops, pulling away from me, I think I’ve done something wrong. But then he slides from the couch, getting on his knees, kissing my thighs as he hooks his fingers in my underwear, sliding them off and tossing them over his shoulder. He pushes my legs open wide, putting them over his shoulders as he stares between my legs, eyes dark and admiring. 
He looks up at me and I nod, knowing what he wants even though I’m not really experienced with it. He places soft kisses on my inner thighs, slowly moving to where his hand had been moments before. When his tongue touches me, I gasp, a breathy “oh” escaping me while my thighs try to slam against his head of their own volition. He chuckles against me and I moan at the vibration, feeling him wrap his hands around my legs to push me open wider. His tongue is relentless, swirling around, tapping, and I reach for him, tangling my fingers into his hair and tugging on it when he lightly sucks on me.
“Oh…oh, I-” I break open, cry out as I come, Clint’s tongue guiding me through my release. I release his hair, my legs falling open as he sits back, wiping his face with the back of his hand. 
He stands, offering me his hand and I take it, allowing him to pull me up against his body. He smells like cedar, a hint of cigarette smoke, and me, my head swimming with the scent of it all. 
“Bedroom?” He asks, his eyebrows raised.
I nod, almost too much in my enthusiasm. “This way.”
I take his hand and lead him on wobbly legs down the small hallway to my bedroom, grateful that I had made the bed this morning. Clint closes the door behind himself and turns to look at me. Several long moments pass where we just look at each other, the energy in the air electric, as if he didn’t have his head between my legs just moments ago. He closes the distance between us in a step or 2, stopping just short of me.
I do as he says, feeling his large hand work my zipper down, his fingers brushing against my skin as he pulls the dress down and off, coming back to do the same to my bra. He moves my hair off my neck, placing soft kisses there as one hand wraps around my boob and the other dips a finger between my thighs. My head lolls back and I moan, feeling him pinch and tug at my nipple as I get wetter and wetter. I can feel him nearly bulging out of his jeans, the denim pressed against my ass, so I gently grab his wrists and turn around. 
I say nothing as I start to unbutton his flannel, sliding it down and off his broad shoulders, noting the appearance of a new scratch on his chest since the last time he’d taken his shirt off around me. I keep my eyes on his face as my hands unlatch his belt, popping open the button on his pants before carefully sliding down his zipper. I push his jeans down, getting on my knees to help slide them off of his legs. I look up at him as I pull down his underwear, a small grunt from him as he springs free. I want to return the favor, take him in my mouth but then his hand grips my chin, pulling me back to standing. 
“I’d love to feel your mouth on me, but Poppy, I want to make love to you.”
He helps me lay back on the bed, his eyes roaming over my naked body, more dark loving than I’ve ever seen them.
“You’re so beautiful, Poppy.”
I spread my legs, allowing him to settle between them. He kisses me, soft at first, his mustache tickling my upper lip, his hands sliding across my body, goosebumps following in his wake. His lips travel down my neck, finding a spot just below the side of my jaw that has me squirming, my fingers burying themselves in his hair. 
But then he pushes in and the world stops, nothing else in the world exists but us. We meld together, our bodies moving as one, slotting together like we were made for each other. I writhe under him, his hips breaking me open out of my cocoon, showing me what pleasure really is, what love really is. His hips thrust a little harder and I come, his name tumbling from my lips like a chant, praising him as my nails dig into his back. I feel his hips sputter, soft grunts and pants in my ear as he comes with me, his forehead coming to rest against mine. 
“Holy shit,” he says, his breath puffing out against my face. “That was..”
“It was.”
He lifts his head and looks at me, kissing me softly before pulling out, and getting a washcloth to clean me up. 
A steak dinner never tasted so good.
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He was the happiest he’d ever been. Poppy was a beacon of light in the darkness that was his life, always there to welcome him with open arms. It had only been a few weeks, but he loved her. He knew deep down that he never wanted to be without her. 
He just felt so fucking guilty about it. 
He was torn on telling her about his job, his real job, not the one he told her he did. He wasn’t a delivery man, although he did deliver whatever terrible fate that The Guy bestowed upon those who crossed him in business. He’d been a little too preoccupied tonight and his mark managed to slice his cheek with a knife before Clint snuffed the life from him.
But Poppy doesn’t even question it, just takes him into the bathroom and gently cleans his cut, dabbing some alcohol on it that burns, but not enough to distract him from the guilt he feels. He knows he has to get out. 
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A few months go by and he couldn’t be happier with Poppy. They had been dating for about 8 months and he wanted desperately to ask her to move in with him, but first he had to leave The Guy. He couldn’t have him showing up whenever he felt like it. No matter what, he would protect Poppy from that side of his life. 
After he kills his next mark, he heads back to The Guy to give him his confirmation of delivery, so-to-speak. 
“What would I do without you, Clint?”
Clint shifts his weight to his back leg, hands on his hips. “Actually, I need to talk to you about that.”
The Guy sits back in his chair, lacing his fingers together. “Oh?”
Clint clears his throat. “Yeah. I uh, I need to retire.”
The Guy raises an eyebrow. “Retire?”
“Yeah. My body isn’t what it used to be. My knees almost gave out tonight. I can’t continue like this.”
The guy sits there, his fingers still laced together as he studies Clint. “You have served me well, Clint. I’ll let you out, holding onto that evidence in case you try to cross me-”
“I would never. I’m not a snitch.”
The Guy holds up a hand. “I know. One can never be too careful these days. I think you get that?” Clint nods. “Good. I’ll let you out but I have one more delivery for you to make first. You’re the only one I can trust with it. What do you say?”
Clint stands there for a moment, thinking about his options. He only has one. “Deal.”
They shake on it, The Guy gives him the details, and Clint is out the door, feeling a little lighter now that he can see the light at the end of the tunnel. He’s finally getting out, starting a new life free of bloodshed with the love of his life.
He killed that last mark in near record time, The Guy shaking his hand and thanking him for all of his hard work. 
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He knows she’s on the late shift again tonight, so after he cleans up, Clint heads over to the diner, their diner, watching Poppy move about through the dusty window. She smiles at a customer, but when Clint walks in and she sees him, her entire faces lights up, her eyes beaming as she crosses the room, pressing her lips to his and forgetting herself for a few seconds before pulling back, her face hot.
“Clint! To what do I owe this surprise?”
“Move in with me.”
He hadn’t meant to ask it like that, so blunt and harsh. But he couldn’t wait anymore and it sort of just came out when he opened his mouth. Surprise on her face, her eyes widening for a moment before that smile splits her face again, the one she has only for him.
“When can I get my things?”
They get married exactly 1 year from the day they met.
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“Poppy! What are you doing?” Clint rushes into the kitchen, quickly snatching the knife Poppy was using to spread peanut butter on her sandwich. 
“Clint, I’m pregnant, not sick. I can do it myself.”
“The doctor said to rest.”
She smiled, a soft smile and squeezed his bicep. “The doctor said for me to relax the last 2 months. Not stay in bed entirely.”
Clint sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just..let me do things for you, ok? Have a seat on the couch and I’ll bring your food.”
Poppy looks like she wants to argue for a moment, but then gives in, tossing her hands in the air before heading into the living room. 
“And don’t forget the-”
“Apples. I got it, Poppy.”
Clint arranges 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and some apple slices on a plate, also grabbing a glass of water to set on the coffee table in front of her. She reaches for the plate with grabby hands, smiling and shifting her weight as she settles in, making light work of the food before downing half the glass of water. 
“Thanks, babe.”
Clint puts his arm around her shoulders and kisses her head. “Anything for you.” He shifts a little. “You need a foot massage?”
“The day I turn down a foot massage, just know I’m a clone.”
Clint chuckles as he helps Poppy turn, laying back on the couch, her head on the arm. He takes one of her feet in his hands and starts to work them, spending extra time on the knots and sore spots. The sounds Poppy makes has him shifting in his seat, his hands starting to work up her legs. He gets to her upper thighs, leaning down to press kisses along her inner thigh before she gently grabs his wrist. 
“Hey now, that’s what put this here,” she gestures to her belly. 
Clint presses another kiss to her inner thigh, higher up this time, listening as her breath hitches. “Well then, let me help you relax.”
Clint spends the next hour buried between her legs, Poppy’s fingers twisting in his hair, his fingers digging into her legs as she chants his name over and over and he thinks this would be the perfect way to go: smothered between his wife’s thighs.
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“And that makes the last payment! Will you be taking home the crib today, sir?”
Clint puts his wallet in his pocket, nodding to the cashier. “I’ve got my truck out front.”
“Let me call for some help.” The cashier leans over her mic and asks for someone named John to come to the front for customer assistance. She makes idle chit chat with Clint, asking how his wife is doing so close to her due date.
“She’s stubborn and better be sitting her ass down and letting me take care of her,” Clint chuckles along with the cashier. 
“Don’t be too hard on her. She is fighting that nesting urge. It’s hard to resist, trust me!”
John comes up and takes the other end of the large box that contains a beautiful wooden crib that Poppy had laid eyes on months ago, determined to have that exact one for their baby. Clint had put it on layaway that same day, making sure he’d pay it off in time to assemble it before the baby’s arrival. He thanks John and takes off, glancing in the back at the box and smiling a little, already envisioning Poppy’s ecstatic face when she sees what he’s brought home. He turns onto their gravel drive, pulling into his parking spot and shifting the truck to park. He glances up at the house before reaching for the handle and freezes.
The door is cracked open. 
It’s very unlike Poppy to leave the door open, even when bringing in groceries. Clint’s eyes remain glued to the door, but he leans over to open the glovebox, carefully extracting the handgun he had stashed there. He checks the make sure it’s loaded before getting out of the truck, cautiously moving towards the front door, his stomach twisting tighter and tighter the closer he got. 
There were wood chips on the front step, an indication that this was not simply a case of forgetting to close the door. Someone had broken in. Gently, he pushes the door open, waiting a moment and hears nothing. He steps inside, gun raised and ears on high alert for anything, any sound. The main hall and living room are empty, aside from furniture tossed about, some of it destroyed. But as he cuts through the dining room just about to reach the kitchen, his boot slips and he looks down, choking back the fear and panic that immediately threatened to take him over.
He pushes into the kitchen, eyes roaming around at the mess and then he steps around the island, dropping to the floor and tossing the gun aside. 
“Poppy? Oh God Poppy? Can you hear me?” He cradles her head in his lap, tears flowing down his cheeks. Her color is pale and he can’t tell where the blood is coming from exactly. But then she blinks and he lets out a choking cry as she looks at him.
“Hey baby! Don’t move. I’m gonna call someone.”
“C…Cl…Clint…” Her words are choked and he can tell she’s holding back tears.
“Ssshh don’t talk, baby. You’ll be alright. I’m here now.” He reaches up on the counter, hand tapping around and landing on the phone before pulling it down to him. He quickly dials 9-1-1, barking at the responder to send an ambulance immediately before Poppy calls his name again and he drops the phone.
“They’re coming, Poppy. Just hold on.”
“Clint…I…I love you.”
“Hey now, none of that. You’re going to be ok, you hear me?” His throat is tight, his stomach churning as he pets her head, wiping the blood onto his pants. 
“Please..be happy. I want…want you to be..be happy.”
“I will be happy because you’ll be here with me.” He cradles her head in his lap, the tears falling harder and she reaches up, a wavering hand smeared with blood that she places on his cheek. Their eyes meet and in them he can see her resolve, her sorrow not for her own life but for him, for not being able to be here for him.
“Be happy, Clint. Have..have a good life. I can’t wait-” she gasps and closes her eyes for a moment before blinking them open and he can already see the glossiness in them. “-can’t wait to hear..all about it. I…I love you, Clint.” 
He swallows hard. “I love you too, baby.”
She smiles, one last time before she slumps, the light in her eyes that hard brightened his life gone, snuffed out too soon. Clint wails, yells, screams, and sobs into the empty house, holding her close. The pain is too loud, too raw and real, threatening to overtake him. But then people are in their house, his house, trying to take her from him. He fights back, yelling and screaming they can’t take her from him, and then he feels a sting in his neck before the world blacks out around him. 
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It’s a bright and sunny day, the sky a vibrant shade of blue, and just the right amount of fluffy, white clouds in the sky. Poppy would call it the most perfect of days, warm but not too warm, the perfect day to spend outside. 
Clint blinks in the sunlight as he watches them lower 2 caskets into the ground, one considerably smaller than the other, the priest saying some sort of prayer over them as the people gathered around shed their tears. Clint picks up a handful of dirt, holding it in his hand for a few moments while he stares down at the wooden boxes that contain his family, his future, all taken from him in the blink of a violent eye. He always thought he’d be the one to go out that way, in a bloody mess. But not them. They didn’t deserve this.
Clint tosses the dirt on the caskets and steps back, letting her parents toss handfuls on top as well, not really hearing them when they bring him in for a hug and mumble something about coming over for dinner. He doesn’t hear any of them as they file past him, patting his shoulder, telling him if he needs anything to just call. That they were all here for him. But what he needs the most, they can’t provide. No one can bring them back, bring her back.
Clint returns home, skipping the wake at her parents’ house for some quiet contemplation. The house is nearly silent, only the clock on the wall and the hum of the appliances make any sort of noise. Clint sits at the little table they had in the kitchen, staring down at the floor where he had held her for the last moments of her life. 
He had cried so much since then, wailing and screaming at the world, begging whomever is listening to take him instead, that he would gladly switch places with them, give up his sorry life for them to have a chance. But of course, nothing happened besides his throat hurting, his eyes stinging from overuse. 
But as he stares at the floor, depression and sorrow washing over him, a small thought ticks at the back of his head. He initially had thought it was a random break in, not all uncommon in Oakland. But when he had picked up the pieces of his broken life, he had noticed that nothing had been missing. All of Poppy’s jewelry, despite most of it being costume jewelry, was still there, so was the tv and pretty much everything else. It hadn’t clicked then, too preoccupied in his immediate grief to really think. 
This wasn’t a random act of violence. This was targeted. This was specific. This was for him. 
Clint hates himself anew, burying his face in his hands at the idea of him being the cause of their death. But then it hits him, washes over him and changes his purpose. Once it was to take care of her, of his family, but that had been ripped away and so had his future, his purpose. 
He had nothing left to lose. Nothing that anyone could possibly take from him. So why not go out in a blaze of violence, taking down everyone that was connected to his wife and child’s death.
Clint pushes his sorrow aside, locking it away gently as he gets to work locating those who would soon meet their day of judgement.
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Several months later…
Clint sits in his truck, staring at the entrance to a seedy bar, watching a few wayward souls enter, one punching the other in the arm before the door closes behind them. He glances down at the paper in his hand, triple checking that he had the address right. He takes out a lighter and burns the paper, waiting until the last embers fade out before getting out of his truck and heading inside. 
He sits at the bar and orders a drink, taking a few sips before flagging down the bartender again, asking him if he recognizes a few names. The bartender, a middle aged man with eyes that had seen war, stares at him for a few moments before nodding towards a corner, a small group of men standing around the pool table. Clint thanks the bartender, leaving a large tip on the counter before turning in his stool to watch the men. There were 4 of them and they were already towing the line between buzzed and drunk, slightly stumbling around before taking their shots. 
Clint moves silently over, quietly sliding his blade into 2 of them, not waiting for their bodies to crumble to the floor before the other two even noticed he was there. One tried to swing at him, which he dodges easily, his blade quieting the man’s movements. The last guy, Rick, backed into a corner, desperately fumbling with something he had in the back of his pants, presumably a gun. Clint takes 2 large steps towards him, a second too late to see the man stop searching for the gun and grab a knife instead, swinging it wide and slicing into Clint’s side.
Clint stumbles, grunting for a moment before straightening up, dodging the man’s swings, ignoring the yelps from the other bar patrons as Rick swings wildly, knife cutting into the air just in front of Clint. He gets a few more blows in, pain searing into Clint before he grabs Rick’s wrist, turning it with a crack, Rick yelping in pain as his knife drops to the floor. Clint gets his knife to Rick’s side, pinning him against the wall.
“You killed my family.”
Clint presses the knife a little harder and Rick grunts in pain. “You killed my family.”
“Look look look. I don’t know who you are, man!” Another small push and Rick yelps again. “Can you be more specific?”
Clint glares at him. “In my kitchen. Woman. Pregnant.”
The color seems to drain from the man’s face as he recognizes the situation. “Oh..oh..well, listen, we were just given’ the assignment, right? No hard feelings. We were just doing what we were told!”
“Who told you?”
“Ah, look man. I can’t just-” Clint pushes the knife further, feeling warmth start to seep out around the knife. “-ok ok! Fuck, stop! I’ll tell you!” He whispers a name to Clint, a name that sounded vaguely familiar. Frances Stokes. He thinks he’s worked with him before.
“Is that all?” Clint barks out.
Rick furiously nods his head. “Yes, yes!”
“Thanks.” Clint drives the knife further in and up, waiting for Rick to slump over. But when he turns around, the barrel of a gun is pointed at him, the bartender obviously nervous.
“Get out of here, man! Just go!”
Clint doesn’t need telling twice. He doubts anyone in here will say anything, each of them involved in their other dark dealings to be in a place like this. Clint makes it to the front door, stumbling out onto the sidewalk, his hand clutched to his side. He glances down at his hand, seeing the crimson shine in the street light. He glances up and for a moment is transported: a woman, the same hair as Poppy’s stares back at him, only a few feet away, eyes wide as she takes him in. 
“Look out!” She yells at him, just in time for Clint to turn, stopping the man that had been running up behind him with a fist to his stomach. They both fall to the ground, rolling and punching before Clint gets on top, letting his fists fly as the guy’s head slams against the pavement. Clint shifts off of him, turning to see the woman still there, her hair like a shining beacon before he feels himself falling backwards, the blackness swallowing him.
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Sunlight warms his face and for a moment, Clint feels transported. Like he was at home, safe in his bed with-
He blinks awake, reality slamming into him as he remembers punching the guy out before blacking out. His head feels like it’s splitting in 2, and his side hurts bad, like he had been stabbed - wait. He had been stabbed. He tries to sit up, groaning and laying back down when his head felt like it was splitting open.
“Hey, he lives! I wouldn’t sit up just yet.” 
Clint blinks rapidly a few times, the disembodied voice trying to permeate its way into the meat that is his brain right now. But then a person moves into his vision and it all comes flooding back: the woman from outside the bar. The one with hair just like Poppy’s.
“Where..” Clint coughs, just realizing how dry his mouth is. 
“Take it easy. I have some water here with a straw.” The woman grabs a cup off the side table and holds it next to him, pinching the straw inbetween her thumb and pointer finger so it stays in place. Clint debates for a moment on taking the drink from a stranger, but then again, if she had wanted to kill him, she’d have left him on that sidewalk. So he takes a few greedy sips before she pulls the straw from his mouth.
“Take it easy. Small sips.”
“Yeah, I know. You’ve been out for 2 days. But you have to take small sips so you don’t overload your system.”
Clint nods and the straw returns. He does as she says and realizes she was right. She sets the cup back on the side table.
“Where am I?” Clint lets out a small cough.
“You’re at my apartment. I couldn’t just leave you there, not after you took care of that man.”
The man. Right. “He ok?”
“I shouldn’t have bothered checking him, not after he nearly attacked me, but I’m a nurse and I took an oath so,” She gestures vaguely around the room. “He died on the sidewalk.”
Well that’s one less thing he has to worry about. “You don’t seem shaken about that.”
Her eyes go somewhere else for a moment before she blinks. “I’m no stranger to death.”
Silence rules the room for several long moments. 
“Are you hungry? I have some pain pills but we should get some food in you too. I also have some clean towels and clothes in the bathroom if you’d like to shower.”
“I think food sounds good.”
She nods and heads out of the room, distant sounds coming from the kitchen. Clint looks around the room. It was obviously her bedroom, sparsely decorated but a few photos of presumably family sit in frames on her dresser, as does an empty vase. She has a random poster on the wall, a movie poster for The Thing. The blanket he has is soft and light blue, but not frilly like he’d expect. But it is warm and comforting. She comes back in with a tray, a bowl of vegetable soup and a grilled cheese sandwich sitting on it, a glass of water off to the side. She places it on the dresser and walks to him. 
“Let me help you sit up.”
“Oh, I don’t want to mess your sheets up.”
She waves her hand. “Don’t worry about it. I can always get new sheets.”
She helps him sit up, Clint holding his head for several moments before the searing pain abates. She puts the tray over his lap, tapping on the tray next to 2 small pills. “Make sure to take those now and eat some food after. I’ll let you eat.”
Clint reaches for the pills. “Thanks, Flo.”
She cocks her head and looks at him. “Flo?”
Clint pops the pills in his mouth, taking a few more sips of water to swallow them with, hoping they act fast. “Yeah. Like Florence Nightingale. The nurse?”
She smiles and tells him her name. “But Flo. I like it.”
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That night, Flo insists he takes her bed again, that he needs the space to recover. He tries to argue but she’ll have none of it, promptly telling him goodnight and to yell if he needs anything before closing the door most of the way. 
The pain in his side keeps him from getting a good sleep, pain throbbing out from the wound Flo had stitched up. He didn’t want to bother her, he could just grunt through it, but then she was there, softly pushing the door open and rubbing sleep from her eyes. 
“Fuck, didn’t mean to wake you, Flo.”
She yawns and stretches, her sleep shirt lifting a little and exposing a sliver of skin. “You didn’t. I have to get up for work anyway. But I can see you’re in pain. The meds not working?”
He shakes his head. “Not really.”
“That happens sometimes when you gain consciousness. Give me a minute.” She disappears into the other room and returns a few minutes later, some scrubs tossed quickly on. She has a small pill bottle in her hand and she shakes one out, handing it to Clint.
“You can have one of these now but not another until I get home, ok? It’s pretty strong so don’t go mixing it with alcohol or anything.”
Clint nods. “Got it.” He pops the pill and swallows it, thanking Flo as she sets down some food next to him. 
“I’m going to be home this evening, but if you need me, here’s my work number. Just ask for me.” She sets a piece of paper down next to the phone on the nightstand. She pauses for a moment and looks at him. “I’ll uh..see you tonight.”
The meds kick in when she leaves and mercifully, they knock him out, Clint finally able to get the sleep his body desperately needed.
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Fuck, getting injured at his age was not fun. Stabbings hurt a lot more than they used to. When Flo gets home she brings him more food, then has him take another pain pill. He passes out again, his dreams carrying him to dark places with familiar violent themes. He thrashes about, trying to rid himself of the images, and is yanked from his nightmare by a hand squeezing his shoulder. Clint’s eyes fly open and Poppy is standing there, her hair framing her face. He reaches out to touch her cheek, his fingers barely touching her soft skin.
She’s saying something that he can’t make out, so he shakes his head and blinks a few times. But when he opens them, he sees Flo standing there, worry etched in her features. 
“Clint! Are you with me?”
He puts his hand to his head and nods. “I…I think so.”
She puts her hand on his chest, trying to help him slow his breathing. “Are you ok? You were making a lot of noise.”
“Oh. I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t be. Are you ok?”
He takes a moment, his head still foggy. “I…will be. I think.”
She stands there for another moment. “Who’s Poppy?”
Clint's eyes harden as he glares at her. “What did you say?”
Flo pulls her hand back, regret in her eyes. “Poppy. You were calling her name. Is it someone I can call for-”
“NO! Don’t ever say that name again! Get out!”
Flo nods and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. Tears immediately fall down his cheeks and he buries his face in the pillow, remembering the first and last time he’d seen Poppy.
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It was nearly a week before he could tolerate not being on those heavy pain meds. Basic ones now worked just as well and his head started to clear. He was having flashes of memories from the week but nothing concrete. He did feel like he needed to apologize to Flo but for what, he couldn’t clearly remember.
Clint walks to the kitchen, the movement feeling good. He puts together a dinner of sorts, random things he can find in Flo’s fridge that seems to just have ingredients, nothing premade. He just sits on the couch, taking a bite of a sandwich when the front door opens and Flo walks in, gently shaking out her coat before hanging it on the hook. 
“Raining?” Clint asks, his mouth still full of sandwich.
“Oh, hey! Yeah. Not so bad here but it was pouring by the hospital.” She moves around to sit next to him on the couch, her eyes studying him. “How are you feeling?”
“So much better. I really can’t thank you enough.”
She glances down at his plate with his small sandwich. “Why don’t I whip us up something warm? Just give me a few minutes to wash off the day.”
“Oh you don’t-”
“I have to eat too. I’ll just make more.”
She made something called pesto pasta, which Clint had never heard of before. It was different but he would eat it again for sure. They watched some game show and then the news before Flo was yawning. 
“You want to take your bed back tonight?”
“No, that’s ok. You take it. I’ve got my own little nest going out here.”
Clint chuckles. “If you’re sure.”
He gets ready for bed and sits down to get comfortable. It was then he noticed that he had left his medicine in the living room. Before he could do anything, there was a soft knock at the door and Flo comes in carrying the pain meds. 
“You forgot these. Figured you’d want them.”
“Thanks.” Clint takes the bottles and pops them open, swallowing the pills with the glass of water on the nightstand. Flo turns to leave but Clint stops her.
“Wait. Can I ask you something?”
Flo turns around to look at him. “Sure.”
“Did I…did I do or say anything to you when I was on those big meds?”
Her face hardens slightly. “Nothing I’m not used to. It’s ok.”
“Fuck. I’m sorry. What did I say?”
“It’s ok, really. I’ve had worse.”
“It’s not ok to me.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Flo, please. Tell me.”
She hesitates a moment, her eyes bouncing between his before she sits on the bed. 
“You were making a lot of noise one night and I came in to check on you. Your eyes opened but I don’t think you were really seeing things. You kept calling me Poppy. And when I asked who she was, you flipped out.”
Clint’s jaw tightens as the memory floods back. Her hair. That’s what made him think…
“Listen, you don’t have to tell me, Clint. I just wanted to know if I needed to call someone-”
“Poppy…was my wife.”
Silence stretches on for several seconds before Clint swallows hard, continuing.
“She was…the love of my life. Made me a better man. Great woman. We got married…got pregnant. And then…” Clint clears his throat, blinking back tears, Flo waiting patiently, letting him take his time.
“I came home one day and they were…I held her while she…died.” He whispers the last word, but it’s like he yelled it, screamed it. He’d never talked about it with anyone, not even Poppy’s parents. 
Flo puts her hand on his and squeezes. “I’m so sorry, Clint.” He just nods, trying not to lose his shit in front of her. 
“You have her hair. It’s almost exactly like hers. So I guess I saw it and mixed with the meds, I thought…you were her.”
Flo nods, squeezing his hand a little harder. “I understand.”
Clint looks at her, his eyes hardening slightly. “How would you understand? How would you know what it’s like?”
She takes a deep breath before puffing it out. “I was engaged once. High school sweethearts. We were waiting to get married until we were out of school. Anyway, he was taking night classes and one night, this other guy decided it would be super fun to get drunk and drive….I lost my future that night. And I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
Fuck. So she did know exactly how it feels.
“You remind me of him sometimes.” She says it so quietly Clint almost misses it.
“I do?”
“Yeah. It’s not…it’s in your small movements, the way the light hits your hair sometimes. So..I get it. Honestly, it’s just nice having someone else here. Someone who gets it.”
“Yeah. It is.” Clint squeezes her hand back and she looks at him, her eyes big in the lamp light, the glow bouncing off her hair and looking just like Poppy’s. 
Their hands stay intertwined for several long moments, Clint rubbing his thumb gently over the back of her hand. She scoots a little closer to him, her hand gently sliding up his arm. Clint’s breath picks up as her hand cups his cheek and they lock eyes, both silently asking the other if this was ok. Clint hesitates for a moment before slowly lowering his head to hers, their lips gently touching. Flo’s lips are soft and a little more plush than Poppy’s, but her tongue timidly brushing against his lips is all the permission he needs. 
His hand slides to the back of her head, his fingers tangling in her hair as he pulls her close, his tongue dancing with hers. She moans softly, clutching at his shirt and he feels his pants growing tighter. Flo pulls back slightly, resting her forehead against his. 
“Bedroom. Nurse’s orders.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Flo takes his hand and leads him to the bedroom, the door closing behind them. For a moment they stare at each other, another moment of confirmation before she starts to pull her shirt off, the rest of her clothes following. Clint matches her actions, his own clothes falling into a pile on the floor. His eyes roam over her body before stepping forward, pulling her face to his again. Her fingers glide up the sides of his body, her warmth pressing into him and it all feels so intense, but not bad. He walks her backwards, her legs hitting the bed and she breaks the kiss to climb up it, Clint crawling over her, Flo’s legs opening to give him space. Her hands lightly squeeze his biceps, which feels nice but then the light from outside hits her hair a certain way and for a moment he’s transported, sees Poppy. 
His hips push against hers as his hand grips her hair, her heat enveloping him as she moans, her legs wrapping around him. He blinks and it’s Flo again, but as he works his hips against hers, the light catches every now and then in her hair, he gets flashes of Poppy.
Fuck, this feels good. It had been so long since he’d held someone, felt them touch him like this. He had been alone for too long, not letting himself live fully. He felt guilty, even with Poppy telling him to live his life. His eyes find Flo’s and he can tell she goes somewhere else occasionally too, his guilt slightly lessening at the thought he’s bringing her some comfort like she is him.
He can feel himself getting closer to the edge. He licks his fingers and snakes them between their bodies, teasing her between her legs. He can feel her starting to squirm, her breaths starting to pick up. Clint grabs her hand with his free one, lacing their fingers together as he pushes her hand into the mattress slightly above her head. Her fingers dig into his skin but the second she tightens around him he comes, burying his face in her hair. 
When he rolls off of her, Clint pulls her to him, feeling her nuzzle further into his chest before falling asleep. He stays awake a little longer, gently tracing shapes on her back as he thinks.
In the morning, just before the sun rises, he gets dressed, gathering up the handful of personal items he had. He hesitates briefly, staring down Flo as she sleeps. He presses a kiss to her head, silently thanking her for everything she had done for him before he steps out into the morning light, back into his life of violence.
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A Few Months Later…
“You thought you could just kill my family and nothing would happen?” Clint twists the knife he had in the man’s leg, smirking when he screams out in pain.
“Then why did you come for them?” Clint taps the knife and the man whimpers. 
“I wasn’t…we weren’t going to.” Tears were streaming down the man’s face, fear at seeing the end of his life.
“But then you decided to try and find me? Why?”
The man takes a shuddering breath. “Will you not kill me if I tell you?”
Clint grips the knife and the man cries out. “How about I’ll kill you if you don’t?”
“OK! OK!” He takes another breath, inhaling sharply through his nose. “We weren’t trying to seek revenge. But then one day, we get invited to this house and get handed everything on you. Who you are, where you live, all of it.”
Clint cocks his head. “Who gave it to you? Why?”
“They..they said they would give us a chance at revenge. Only if we promise to…to take you out.”
“Take me out. Why did you kill my wife?”
The man blinks, swallowing hard. “We were told to since she was…since your line would be carried on.”
Clint had to take several deep breaths so he didn’t turn this man inside out. He still needed one more piece of information. Someone had betrayed him, and he had a strong feeling he knew who. He swallows down his rage and looks the man in his eyes.
“Who?” He grunts it through gritted teeth and the man shivers. 
“He’ll kill me.”
Clint twists the knife hard and the man screams, jerking around against his restraints. “Who?”
The man seems to rethink his situation. “The….The Guy.”
That was the answer Clint was hoping not to hear but had a suspicion he would. It was the only thing that made sense. The Guy didn’t want him to quit, his best hitman. He knew the only way Clint would come back would be to have someone take away his new life. And The Guy made sure of that. 
Before the man could beg, Clint yanked the knife from his leg and slit his throat, waiting until the gurgling and sputtering stopped, his body still before he sighs, getting to work on cleaning up the mess. But his mind was elsewhere, planning and plotting. Which is why he didn’t hear another man coming up behind him until it was too late, his body falling sideways and slamming into the ground. 
The man gets on top of him, pulling out a knife. Clint dodges as best he can, but he does get a good knick on his shoulder. Grunting, Clint throws his body weight and the man, a lot skinnier than him, gets thrown off balance. Clint pushes up and manages to flip them, gripping the man’s wrist and slamming it against the floor, the knife clattering across the ground. No weapon in hand, Clint reaches for the man’s head, but his shoulder sends searing pain down his arm. He must have dislocated it when he hit the ground. Instead, Clint grabs the man’s hair, slamming his head into the ground until he stops moving. He gets off the man and sits for a moment to catch his breath, his shoulder throbbing.
Well this will make cleaning up suck. 
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He can’t go to the hospital, but he knows he needs stitches. He can’t do it himself because of his fucking shoulder, which is just violently throbbing at this point. He knows where he can go, but should he? Finally, he gives in, knowing he has no other option. It’s not that he doesn’t want to see Flo, he does. He really does. But that’s the exact reason he shouldn’t go. He doesn’t need to bring his shit to her.
He sighs, knocking on her door. It takes a moment but the door opens and there she is, almost glowing, just gorgeous. And for a moment, he’d forgotten why he was there.
“Oh! You’re bleeding!” Flo takes his hand but he jerks it back.
“Shoulder is dislocated.”
“You’re just all kinds of fun. Come on in.” 
Clint heads inside, kicking off his boots before following Flo into the kitchen. She pulls out a chair from the table and motions for him to sit down as she goes to get her med kit. She returns a moment later and sets it on the table, moving to stand next to him. 
“I take it you’ve had a dislocated shoulder before?” 
Clint looks up, her eyes big and round and he momentarily wonders why he had left. He nods, preparing himself while she gets into position, gripping him.
“Just do it.”
Flo nods, looking down at his arm. “1…2…I’m pregnant.”
“What?! FUCK!” His arm pops back into place, the initial sharp pain quieting down to a dull ache. Flo hands him some pain meds and a glass of water but he pushes them away.
“What the fuck did you say?”
“Take these. You’ll need them. I’ll also sling your arm.” 
“Fuck the sling. Flo, you’re…you’re pregnant?”
She takes the sling off the table, not meeting his eyes yet. She helps him get situated in the sling and reaches for the alcohol to start dabbing at his other arm. Clint had completely forgotten about the knife gash. But before she starts, he grabs her wrist, giving it a little shake so she’ll look at him. She sighs and meets his gaze, worry etched in her face.
“Who…am…am I…”
“I’ve only been with you since the accident.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. He didn’t mean to get her pregnant. Fuck, this is not what either of them need. It’s not that he doesn’t want the kid. He would love to be a dad, was going to be a dad before…fuck. He has to kill The Guy or he’d find them and kill them too. FUCK. He has to protect them. Clint is so wrapped up in his thoughts that he doesn’t even feel it when Flo starts to sew his wound, tying it off and putting a bandaid over it.
“You should be all set. Just try not to fuck with that shoulder too much.”
Clint’s mind clears and he focuses on the main objective: to keep Flo and his unborn child safe. He can’t let them die for him, for his mistakes. He will never let that happen again, even if it kills him.
“I’ve gotta go.” Clint abruptly stands and pushes past a bewildered Flo, grabbing his keys and closing the door gently behind him. It never occurs to him to say anything to Flo. She doesn’t need to know about this. About any of it. He’s so absorbed in his thoughts, he doesn’t hear the sobs coming from inside the home as he walks away from it. 
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It takes him another month to locate The Guy’s new hiding place. He imagines it would be difficult for anyone to find - anyone who doesn’t know The Guy like he does. Clint watches from his steakout point, his eyes hardening and his brain sliding into his job mode, compartmentalizing what he needs to do to protect his family. What he should’ve done before.
The bodyguards at the door hesitate when Clint walks towards them, but soon they are silenced, slumping to the ground before they even had time to draw their guns. Quietly, Clint moves inside, making his way down the hall, silencing another several guards. The Guy really needed to hire better employees. He pauses outside of what looks like a main door, listening. From inside, he hears a familiar voice, a voice that has commanded him to do so many violent things for him.    
“I don’t care what it takes, I want it done!” A phone slams down, The Guy sighs. “I swear, it’s so hard to find good help these days.” 
Clint listens for a few minutes, hearing no other movement behind the door aside from The Guy, assuming he was alone in his office. Clint takes a deep breath and stands straight, holding his gun at the ready before pushing in the door and aiming his gun directly at The Guy. When Clint enters, The Guy glances up, all color draining from his face. He was totally alone and he knew from looking at Clint that the cat was out of the bag.
“H-hey Clint. How’s retired life?”
Beads of sweat start to drip down The Guy’s temples. “Why what?”
“Why did you kill them?”
He seems to debate for a moment, settling on the truth instead of pretending he didn’t know. “Look man, good workers are hard to find. And you were the best. You did everything for me and so when you wanted to leave….well, you knew too much.”
“So you took out my family?”
The Guy shrugs. “I figured maybe you’d come back if you had nothing left. Besides, I couldn’t have you continuing your line if they’d go to work for someone-”
Clint fires his gun, hitting The Guy directly in the forehead, his body crumbling to the ground. He listens for a moment, but no one comes running. No one else is here. Clint lowers his gun, dropping to his knees and buries his face in his hands, wailing and screaming, as he gets closure on the last chapter of his life.
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Clint stands in front of Flo’s door, hesitating for a moment before knocking. He had been sitting in front of her apartment for another 2 weeks, making sure no one was casing the joint. But no one would - Clint had taken out the remainder of The Guy’s associates. No one would be coming for them. 
The door opens and Flo stands before him looking absolutely breath taking. Her eyes widen and her mouth nearly drops on the floor.
“Clint?” She whispers it, hesitating for a moment before reaching her hand out. 
“It’s me.”
Clint rubs at his cheek, chuckling a little to himself at the assault. He deserved that. He deserved more than that.
“What the fuck Clint? I tell you I’m pregnant with your baby and you just leave? Not even a word?”
He holds his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, Flo. But I had to…had to make sure you were safe.”
“I don’t expect you to be involved, but you could’ve- safe?”
He nods. ”Can I come in?”
She studies him, her eyes somehow seeing through him and she nods, opening the door. “Lock it behind you.”
This time, he decides to tell her everything, about his past life, about what happened to Poppy, what he’d done now to protect them. How he couldn’t let it happen again, not when he has the chance to have a family again. To his surprise, when he was done, she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him, holding him tight. He hugs her back, swallowing down some tears and melting into her embrace. It’s several long moments before she pulls back, cupping his face with her soft, warm hands.
“It’s not your fault, Clint.”
He looks down, shrugs a little. “But-”
“You can’t control what other’s do. Poppy knew that. Why do you think her last words were of love and not revenge? She doesn’t blame you, Clint. She would want you to be happy. So, be happy. Even if…even if that’s not with us.”
His eyes snap to hers and he’s surprised to find tears there. “Do you want me to leave? I understand if you-”
“No!” She grips his face a little tighter. “No. I want you here, but I need all of you here. We need it. But if you can’t, I understand.”
“You…you want me? Even though I’ve…I’m a violent…”
She cuts him off by pressing a soft kiss to his lips. “Look, I knew you were in some shit when we met. I’m not stupid. You came tumbling out of that bar stabbed and then tussled with another guy. I had to patch you up and you bled all over my floor. I figured you were in some shit. This is Oakland. But..you were also gentle with me and patient, even when I told you about my past and I thought…we had that moment and I know we were both a little in our heads during it, but it was..fuck, it was nice having someone, especially someone who..gets it. I like you, Clint. I don’t expect you to like me in the same way, but however you want to be involved in our lives, that’s fine with me.”
How the fuck did he lead such a violent and fucked up life, all the shit he’s done, and he managed to find not one but two amazing women who just cared for him despite it? Poppy never knew exactly what he did, but Clint always suspected she knew he wasn’t really a delivery driver. She just never pressed. Just carried on loving him. 
Clint reaches forward, cupping her face in his hand this time. “I want to be involved with the baby. And I’d…I’d like to see where this goes,” he gestures between them and she smiles, realizing his intent. 
“Really. But know that no matter what happens, I’ll always be here for both of you.”
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Clint and Flo dated for a month or so before they decided it was easier to just move in together. They found a little place for their growing family, a little 2 bedroom place in a better area of town. Clint had had some extra money after taking out The Guy (and raiding his safe) and happily moved them all in. Clint is there for every weird craving, anytime she wanted something at 3am, foot massages, all of it. He loved being there for her, talking to her belly, but also being with her. Flo was the first person to help him realize that he still deserved love. And even if he didn’t believe it, he knew that Flo deserved it and he would spend the rest of his time making sure she had it. 
Their son Christopher came screaming into the world right on time. They got him cleaned up, wrapped in blankets and a little tiny hat and handed him to Clint. He gently takes Christopher in his arms, walking over to Flo who was still laying on the bed. Tears well in his eyes as he stares down at his son, Flo leaning her head on his arm and he sighs, happy that he’s finally getting the life he wanted. 
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105 notes · View notes
leverage-ot3 · 9 months
notable moments from The Cross My Heart Job
leverage 4.09
(team comes down an escalator toward the main floor)
Sophie: Well, that trip was a complete disaster.
Hardison: It was a train wreck.
Eliot: No, it was a shipwreck. And you know how I know that? 'Cause I was in the wreck.
Hardison: Hey, man, I don't want to hear you complain. At least you don't have to fix th-the ear buds. You know what?
Eliot: Man, don't talk to me about the ear buds! I just fought three ex-Brazilian combat divers with spear-guns, underwater!
Hardison: I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear it.
Eliot: You believe this? (taps Sophie’s arm)
Sophie: Ow, don't touch me. I am sunburnt everywhere. I hate playing the French heiress on the topless beach.
Parker: Oh, I don't know what you're complaining about. I didn't even get to see the emerald.
Hardison: Are you for real?
Eliot: Oh, my god, for the last time, it's not an emerald. All right? It's an island. It's the "Emerald of the Caribbean."
chaotic family on an escalator
- - - - -
Parker: The heart could be anywhere by now. They could have jumped in a taxi and driven off.
Sophie: No, no, we have to assume it's still in the airport, that they're planning to fly it out.
Parker: Why?
Eliot: 'Cause otherwise, we've already lost
- - - - -
Eliot: All right. They're in there. We're gonna need a distraction.
(Sophie takes off her pants and uses her long shirt like a dress, then shakes out her hair and pulls a pair of heels from her purse. Parker counts some cash)
Parker: All right, they told Linda to call from a pay phone for instructions once she made the drop.
Eliot (hands Parker money): Better hurry up, or they're gonna start getting suspicious.
Parker: It's a good thing we didn't stay on that island to see those emeralds.
Eliot: Parker, I just t...
(Sophie leans on Eliot to put on her shoes)
Eliot: You carry high heels in your purse?
Sophie: I always travel with heels. (takes Parker’s scarf and ties it around her waist) How's this? Distracting enough?
Parker: Hmm.
parker and eliot both look away, partially to give her privacy but partially to act as a wall so that other people won’t see her changing
notice the stark contrast between this scene and the other changing scene in this episode
- - - - -
(the clerk closes the doors. Inside, Eliot pulls the kidnapper between two tables while Parker talks to Tanya)
Paker: Yeah, that will work. We'll get you a little taser, carry it with you wherever you go-
parker and her tasers + being surprisingly good with kids
- - - - -
Nate (to Eliot): What do you got on this guy?
Eliot: He's not a professional. He has no combat training. Lousy Zanshin.
Parker: The what?
Eliot: He's a loc... It means "personal awareness." Thug for hire, but very well funded. (hands Nate tickets) Two first-class tickets, one for him and one for the girl, and that's how they got past security, and (hands gun to Nate) plastic gun. One or two shots in the barrel warps, but that's pretty much all you need, very pricey hardware.
Parker: Why would someone pay for that but not hire a professional?
Eliot: He doesn't want a professional. He wants a local so we can't trace him back to him.
- - - - -
(Eliot uses a cord to tie the kidnapper’s hands)
Eliot (to Sophie): Don't suppose you travel with handcuffs.
Sophie: No, not on this trip.
- - - - -
Parker: Plus the ear buds are busted.
Hardison: And I burned our phones and our credit cards so we can't be traced.
Sophie: Most of our money went on bribing the waiter.
Eliot: We're operating in a secured area.
Parker: And my lock picks are checked.
Hardison: And airport wi-fi is a joke. Face it, we're practically naked.
- - - - -
(Eliot and Parker walk out of the Restaurant and part ways. Parker approaches a kiosk that sells computers and looks around, then crouches to look at the locks before walking away. Eliot approaches an electronic store before yelling catches his attention from a check in desk not far away)
Platinum Flyer: You guys! Hey! Platinum flyer over here. Come here. Somebody look at me.
Airline Clerk: Sir, please calm down.
Platinum Flyer: Ju... let me stop you right there, okay? I don't care what seats you have left, all right? Do you see this? (holds up a card) I am a vista Atlantic platinum flyer, all right? Is this card gold? No. Look at it. Is it silver? No.
(Eliot looks around, sees a magazine and picks it up)
Platinum Flyer: It's platinum, all right? So if you think that I am sitting back in coach with the rabble, you got another think coming, all right?
(Eliot puts the magazine over the Platinum Flyer’s briefcase as the man tries to drop his wallet into it)
Platinum Flyer: You can just forget it. I don't even want to talk to you anymore. Who's that? Thing one and thing two, come here. You guys. Hey!
(Eliot walks back to the electronics store and pulls the Platinum Flyer’s credit card from the wallet. He enters the store and grabs several packages of walkie talkies, then flags down a clerk)
Eliot: Yo, yo, yo. Come over here.
(Parker tries on various sunglasses, stealing a pair before walking away. She walks past again and steals a snow globe. On another pass she steals a bag. She returns to the computer kiosk and breaks the sunglasses to picks the locks, revealing an old style CRT monitor)
all this competence porn, it’s SO GOOD
- - - - -
(later Parker and Eliot take apart the walkie talkies at a table while Hardison uses an old computer at the bar with Sophie and Linda watching while Nate paces)
Nate: Hardison, come on.
Hardison: Look, man, this is like stone knives and bearskins, okay? Nobody's asking Eliot to fight a guy with a nerf sword.
Eliot: Damascus, 2002.
Hardison: Like you've been to Damascus.
domestic parker and eliot taking apart walkie talkies? eliot legit sword fighting with a nerf sword? amazing
- - - - -
(the clerk watches from behind them, amazed)
Hardison: Wh-what? Come on, man. Like you've never seen a man travel with a desktop before. Go.
- - - - -
Nate: Right there! Right there. Him.
Sophie: Dean Chesney?
Nate: Dean Chesney, CEO of Vertronics defense contractor. I had my eye on him for quite a while, but he was never a high-priority target.
Hardison: Why not?
Nate: He was dying.
- - - - -
(Eliot sits down and his feet hit against the struggling kidnapper. Eliot kicks him in the head but he continues making muffled sounds)
Nate: Are you done?
(Eliot kicks the man again)
Eliot: Yeah
- - - - -
Hardison: After we get out of the public areas of the terminal, we work on level two. It's ground crew, tarmac access. It gets us from here to the private terminal.
Parker: How do we get that? Break Eliot's wrist?
Hardison: What? N-no, no. We just pick one up from where the ground crew left it.
[Locker Room]
Parker (opening combination lock): Yeah, this will keep my stuff safe, from a 6-year-old with the DTs.
(Parker opens the locker and removes a jacket. Eliot closes the locker and hits the lock on the one next to it, opening the lock. He pulls out a level 2 badge and hands it to Parker)
Eliot: That's two.
(Parker and Eliot begin to change clothes)
🔥🔥🔥 scene tho 🔥🔥🔥
also, notice how they start getting changed without turning around or anything, like hardison would have immediately turned around because that’s who he is. she literally immediately takes her shirt off without a care. he doesn’t even blink at it. eliot and parker have a very strong, nonverbal, physical bond because they’re similar entities. they understand each other on a deep level because of their pasts and there isn’t that type of need for modesty between them.
also they’re literally so close to each other when they’re doing this??? literally, personal space? they don’t know her
ALSO, eliot throws his shirt at the camera and idk it feels like he’s giving parker privacy from the “onlookers” (aka the camera) if you get what I’m saying,,,
- - - - -
Sophie: Well, we have to lure them out.
Parker: Oh, okay. Set Nate on fire?
Eliot: Settle down
she mouths “no” back at him and they have a silent exchange where she ends up smiling I love them
- - - - -
Hardison (pacing): Come on, Eliot. Come on, come on. Come on, man.
Announcer: Mr. Picard. Mr. Kirk Picard, please meet your party at door "E.
- - - - -
(Eliot gets into a cart that Parker is sitting in. She holds up the keys and hands them to him)
Parker: Let's ride
- - - - -
Hardison: Excuse me. Uh, something's wrong with my pin. Can you reset it for me?
(Hardison hands the card to the guard, who scans it)
Guard: Can you confirm your old pin?
(the screen shows that the card belongs to a woman and the guard looks at Hardison in surprise)
Guard: Uh...
Hardison: What?
Guard: Wh—
Hardison: what? You got a, you got a problem? My little transformation? Go on, speak your mind. Yeah, I had some surgery, huh? A little nip, a little tuck, a little pop, okay? And now I am who I'm supposed to be. I used to be Francesca. Now my name is Frank!
Guard: Um...
(a second guard turns to look at Hardison)
Hardison: You got a problem? You... excu—excu—I didn't know this was the club. You all up in the mix, don't even know the flavor. What's your problem? (walks around the desk aggressively) You got a, you—everybody got a problem with this? Look, racism, sexism, anti-semitism? That's how you y'all want to play this? Cool. I thought it was a no-no in airport security, but I see y'all profilin' me right, left, and center, everywhere. You know what? Shame on you. Shame on your mama. Shame on your kids.
(Hardison glances at the monitor to see the pin number, then walks back around the desk)
Guard: I-it's fine. I-it's fine. I got no problem with anything. Uh, it-it looks like you used to, used to be a-a really pretty girl.
Hardison: Used to be?
Guard: A-and n-now you're a-a very handsome gentleman.
Hardison: You hitting on me?
Guard: C-can you confirm your old pin?
Hardison: It's 5135.
Guard: Uh. (scans the card) Okay, there. Try that.
Hardison: Thank you. (looks at second guard) You better re-adjust your peripherals.
Guard 2: Real smooth.
(Hardison returns to the card reader and scans the card, entering the pin)
Reader: Pin accepted.
Hardison: Don't care what anybody else says. Next time, I'm taking the train.
I can’t tell if this scene was transphobic or not ??? like, it could have been worse and he called out people who would be judgmental of his “transformation” ???
like there was like one other kinda transphobic thing they did in the show but I forget the episode
- - - - -
Nate: I know what you're gonna say.
Sophie: I think you should have a drink.
Nate: Okay, I didn't know what you were gonna say.
Sophie: Look, we don't like it when you drink, (pours him a drink) but we trust you when you do. We both knew this was gonna get personal. We need you to stay clear-headed. You let it get to you now, it's gonna go bad for all of us. Be very careful, Nate.
- - - - -
Nate: Sam would have been 13 this year. A teenager. Almost a man. I mean, you know, probably a big pain in the ass, but… Joshua Spin is getting out of that hospital bed.
(Sophie nods. Nate sighs and takes the drink, looking down at Sophie’s hand over his)
- - - - -
hardison’s GRIN when he sees all the computers in the tower 🥺
- - - - -
Parker: It took us 8 minutes to get there. It's gonna take us 8 minutes to get back. Wait. (goes around to the front of the cart)
Eliot: What are you doing? Wait. No way!
(Parker lies on the ground and reaches under the cart)
Eliot: Come on, Parker, we got to go! We got to get-- Let's go! What are you do-- Quit monkeying around under there!
(Parker stands up holding a piece of electronics)
Eliot: Did you just pull something out of the engine?
Parker: Yeah. Spark regulator, keeps the cart from going more than 25 miles an hour. Now we'll get there in 4 minutes.
(Eliot starts the cart and takes off quickly)
Parker: Hey! Whoa! Whoa! Yeah!
- - - - -
Nate: Last week on that island, you faked a volcanic eruption. How is this harder?
- - - - -
Nate: You just sell it to the tower.
Sophie: Massdot special?
Nate: Massdot special.
Linda: Massdot special?
Sophie: Yes! (takes Linda’s phone and makes a call)
[National Weather Service]
Rachael: National Weather Service. This is Rachel.
Sophie: Oh, thank God!
Sophie: I was just out walking my dogs, and I saw a tornado touch down!
(Nate pulls up pictures of tornadoes on the computer)
Rachael: Are you sure?
[National Weather Service]
Rachael: The current forecast don't indicate any severe-weather patterns.
Sophie: I'm sure.
Sophie: I took a photo of it with my phone. I'm sending it to you now.
(Nate sends a picture of a tornado to Rachael as he dials the phone)
[National Weather Service]
(Rachael looks at the picture in shock)
Rachael: Uh, please hold, ma'am. (places Sophie on hold and takes another call) National weather service. This is Rachel.
Nate: Are you asleep at the wheel? There's a tornado out here by the airport right now! A freaking tornado! Come on!
[National Weather Service]
Rachael: Bill. Bill!
Bill: What is it?
Rachael: We got calls here. I think we need to issue a tornado warning for the Cincinnati metropolitan area.
- - - - -
Chesney: --to make the top of the list. This is my only chance. I've planned for months. I have eight backup contingencies. I'm fighting for my life, Mr. Ford! What are you fighting for?
Nate: I am fighting for that 15-year-old boy that you're going to kill.
[Chesney’s Room]
Chesney: God helps those who help themselves.
Nate: And I help people who can't.
Nate: And God help you if anything should happen to that boy, because if he spends more than one second longer in that hospital than he needs to, I will make it my mission in life to end you.
[Chesney’s Room]
Nate: I will ruin you.
Nate: I will ruin your name. I will ruin your company. I will bring down everything you have ever touched. And when I am done, I will hunt you down--
[Chesney’s Room]
Nate: --and I will kill you myself.
(Nate hangs up the phone)
- - - - -
parker yells “yee haw” a lot and I love her for that
- - - - -
Pilot: Tower, field is in sight.
Program: We have you in sight. Clear to land on runway 1-8.
Hardison: Okay, flight 4-0-9. W-we have a visual. You are clear to land on runway 1-8.
Pilot: Roger. Clear to land.
(the airplane lands safely)
Pilot: Tower, we are down.
Hardison: Yes! Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about.
Pilot: Say again, tower?
Hardison: I'm sorry. No, no, I'm sorry. It's cool. It's cool. It's cool. Celebrate with me. All right.
hardison managed to land an airplane with 300 people on it with nothing more than a computer and a flight simulator and we STAN our intelligent man
- - - - -
eliot was always standing next to hardison in all the extra scenes in this episode and we love to see it
- - - - -
(Eliot looks at Nate and Sophie, then nudges Hardison)
Eliot: Let's go.
(Eliot grabs Parker on the way down the hall, Hardison follows them)
his lil pat on hardison’s shoulder? how he places a guiding hand on parker’s arm, leading her away? we LOVE to see casual touches and casual intimacy between them
- - - - -
so hardison likes to assemble model helicopters in his spare time sometimes and nate assembles model ships in his ???
- - - - -
Chesney: So now what? You can't report me without exposing yourself. And what's to stop me from trying again?
[Leverage HQ]
Nate: I am. (hits remote to bring up information and a video feed on the monitors) I'm watching you. I'm watching your money, your people, your company. What have you got there, a pulse rate of 86?
[Chesney’s Room]
(Chesney looks around in alarm)
[Leverage HQ]
Nate: Oh, look at that.
[Chesney’s Room]
Nate: Just jumped up to 104. That can't be good for you.
[Leverage HQ]
Nate: Make your peace now, Chesney. (continues putting model together) Because if I see anything, anything I don't like...
[Chesney’s Room]
Chesney: Well, Mr. Ford it seems you've killed me after all.
[Leverage HQ]
Nate: Oh, I didn't kill you. God killed you. I just made sure it took. (hangs up)
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Dead Robins Club
Summary: Jason and the boys are in a band and you're the bands social media manager.
Pairing: Photographer!Reader x Drummer!Jason Todd.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, SMUT, Rock Band! AU, swearing, bondage with chains, teasing, choking, hair pulling, spanking, object insertion, man handling, pet names, dirty talk, probably something else very horny I forgot.
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The music rings through the hall of the dark and atmospheric club, Tim's guitar solo brings the crowd forward, the patrons push the barricade to try and get closer to them. You step closer to the stage, keeping your security guard close as you pace behind the barricade hoping to find the perfect angle for the band's socials. Tim slides out in front of Damian who's belting the lyrics to their latest song so loud you’ll be surprised if he can talk after.
The crowd grows wild, people cheering and dancing behind you as you snap a photo of the two front men singing angrily into the microphone. 
"Oh my God!" A woman shouts behind you, "there he is. Fuck, he's so fine," you don't need to turn, knowing that she's staring at the now spotlighted drummer, sweat pouring off his head, the drumsticks twirling in his long fingers, those pretty blue eyes fixed on his drums. The chains on his pants rattling, his studded vest flapping with how fast his arms are moving, his curls plastered to his face with how much he’s sweating. 
"Looks like they're going to rush soon," a familiar voice whispers into your ear piece as you click the shutter on your camera. The 3 of them now in the shot, "head back, don't want another incident."
"Two seconds, Dickie. Get my margarita ready." You respond, turning to take a few pictures of the crowd and a few on your phone of the drummer, just for you, before you head backstage.
You meet Dick at the side of the stage, your drink already in his hand as he offers you a seat. "Don't know why they wouldn't let me book a bigger place," he says taking the seat next to you, "this place is packed and everyone on the internet is bummed they didn't get tickets."
"Makes it more exclusive," you shrug, moving your head so you can peer from behind the curtains at the flex of Jason's arms, "plus you know what they're like, they still think their small time."
You and Dick sit together, sometimes getting up to dance when the music compels you. But you're always watching him, the quick way his fingers twirl the drumsticks, how his legs flex as he beats the drums, his curls sweaty and sticking to his forehead. 
His eye catches yours for a moment and he smiles at you. Your heart starts to beat faster, your cheeks getting warm and your legs going gooey as you return the smile. Seeming to notice the effect he's having on you, he throws his favourite pair of drumsticks in the air before catching them and falling back into the song.
The crowd goes wild as the last song of the set comes to an end. Tim and Damian thank the crowd for coming out to see the last show The Dead Robins Club would be performing in this city, before the boys head to the side of the stage towards you. 
"Show us the pics!" Tim says coming up beside you and leaning over your shoulder, "did you get the mic toss?"
"I did and I got your power slide," you flick through your reel, showing him most of the pictures you took, all the ones on your official camera at least. The ones on your phone were, are, personal. And you don’t wanna feed Jason’s hordes of thirsty ass fans with the slightly provocative pictures you took of his hands and his pretty face.
"Shame, still none of Jay," he says, slapping his brother on the shoulder, "guess we know who the favourites are big guy" 
"A huh," Jason grunts as he passes you, "meet you guys at the hotel."
"You're leaving already?" Dick asks, trying to stop Jason as he starts to pack up his things, "the fans want autographs."
"Like Timmy said, I ain't no one's favourite." He pulls his bag over his shoulder, ignoring Dicks protests, he shoots you a look before he walks down towards where the cars are waiting.
You entertain the boys for an hour helping them get selfies with fans, before Dick announces that it's time to wrap up. 
"Wanna go grab a drink at the bar?" Dick asks as the boys head out to do their own things, "the night's still young and so are we."
"Nah I’m good. It's been a long day,” you yawn for affect, “Plus I gotta get all these,” you gesture to your camera, “edited and uploaded,” you give him a sympathetic look, “I think I'm just going to go to bed before we have to get back on the plane tomorrow, sorry Dickie"
"Suit yourself. I guess I'll just sit and drink,” he pouts at you, “alone."
"Sure you won't be alone for too long." You joke, giving him a quick hug and heading up the elevator.
You pull out the key card, slipping it into the lock and stepping into the room. A familiar face already waiting on your couch with a bottle of wine in hand, and his large combat boots kicked across the room, "took ya long enough."
"You know how they are," you shrug off your coat, "Dick still didn't wanna go to bed," you toe off your shoes and step towards him, "I can't just leave him."
"You can," Jason stands, grabbing you and pulling you down onto the couch on top of him.
“But he uses those puppy dog eyes on me and I feel bad.”
“That’s the only trick that guy knows,” he rolls his eyes, his arms wrapping around your waist, "just tell him you got a better offer."
"Did I though?"
"Cheeky," he kisses you like he's been waiting all day to get you alone, his hands already clinging to you and starting to peel your clothes away, "I saw you watching me, sweetheart," he finally frees your shirt from your pants and pulls it over your head.
“I wouldn’t, didn’t you hear the boys,” you pull his vest from his back, “No pictures of you.”
"There's always a way for me to check," he smirks into your kiss, his fingers slipping down to your ass, then reaching into your back pocket for your phone and dangling it in front of your face.
“Won’t find anything in there.” you lie, unconvincingly.
“You wouldn’t be lying to me, would you?” he raises his eyebrow at you.
“No,” you grab for it, but he pulls his arm up higher. You jump, and he drops it behind the couch, giving you a knowing look.
“That's what I thought,” his fingers toy with the button on your jeans, “What else are you lying to me about?” he grabs at the band, pulling them down to your hips, "Is my pussy wet for me?"
"You wouldn't lie to me would you?" He kisses across your jawline as his fingers sink into your panties, stopping at your panty line, "no, not you. My good girl wouldn't lie to me," his fingers slip down lower meeting with the seeping spot in your panties, "tell me Kitten," he leans back meeting your eyes, "if you got such a better offer, why are you here with me with suck a soaking wet pussy?"
"Coincidence?" You joke, laughing as he lifts you up and your pants fall to the floor.
"Like fuck is it a coincidence," he throw you over his shoulder, "you bloody liar," he slaps you on the ass, "I know how watching me play affects you," he walks, his bicep just far enough away form your pussy go tease you, “bet you’ve got lots of good shots on your phone, don’t you?”
“Nope,” you giggle, your arms attempting to reach his ass, but his torso is so fucking long and thick.
“You're going to pay for that." he smacks you again, his fingers kneading at the tender flesh of your ass.
"Oh, no. How awful!" You start to squirm as he kicks the door to the bedroom open and drops you on the bed.
"First the lying and now the attitude," he tuts as he peels off his black t-shirt, "you poor thing," he unclips the chain from his pants, "You really need some sense fucked into you," he grabs at your hands slinking the chain around them and locking them together behind the bed head, "don't you?" Jason’s soft lips brush over yours.
"Good girl. Now, how should I punish you?" He thinks aloud, watching as you start to squirm when he pulls back from you. His studded belt releases his tight black jeans, "What?" He laughs as your eyes fixate on the way his huge hand is wrapping around his cock, "Do you like watching me play with myself?" He licks his lips, his teeth sinking in when he notices your hips gyrating into the air, "do you need some attention, Sweetheart?" 
"But you haven't been good," he kneels on to the ground and you feel something cool touch your leg, the metal of the chains biting into your wrists as you strain to get free, "maybe I should coat my sticks on your cum," the cool wood glides up your thigh before slapping down onto your clit, "at our next show I'll be able to smell you on them," his eyes lock with yours, "wouldn't that be a nice treat for me, Kitten?"
"Yes, please," you try to move, but he just taps the drum stick onto your clit again, "that'd be so hot."
"Wouldn't it just," the tip of the drumstick slips down from your clit, dipping into you and you can't help the way your back arches into it, "so needy for me, aren't you Kitten?" The drumstick goes deeper, angling it up so it sweeps right over your g spot. Jasons free hand rests on your stomach as his thumb rubbing into your clit in just the way you like as he thrusts the stick into you. His eyes torn between watching your face and watching his favourite thing disappearing into his favourite person.
"Does my girl need more?" He teases you, "need something bigger?"
"I do.”
"Show me," he chuckles, pulling the drumsticks from you with a pop and licking along its length, moaning at the taste of you on his tongue. His face forlorn, torn between wanting to taste you and how bad he wants to fuck you, "show me where you want me Kitten?"
You whine, your hands jangling against the chains, tugging at them as you glare at him.
"Oh, you can't? You poor thing," his cock slaps on top of your pussy, "keep squirming for me  Kitten." He leans over your body, his lips finally meeting yours, "I love when you're needy for me like this. So desperate," his hand grips your face, "it's pathetic."
You try to pull your face from his grasp, but he holds you still. Your eyes start to wander until his nails dig into your cheeks, "keep those pretty eyes on me," you feel his cock slip back, the huge head pushing, teasing at your core, "you ready?" His head circles you, "nod or shake your head for me, Kitten. I know words are hard for you when you're like this."
You nod, your legs wrapping around Jason's thick thighs. Trying so hard to pull him closer, even if you know it's useless.
"Good girl. I can feel your legs tightening on me," he releases your face, his hand softly brushing your cheek where you imagine his claw marks are, "pull me in."
You tighten your legs even more, Jason moves closer, his cock pushing up against you until it starts to spread you, stretching you out as he sinks deeper and deeper inside you. You can’t help the moans that escape your lips as your pussy becomes so fucking full you think your brain might explode. “Breathe,” his fingers pull your bottom lip from your teeth, “Sweetheart, take a breath for me,” he starts to withdraw himself, not really restrained by the grip of your legs, “Kitten,” you suck in a breath, the overwhelming fullness turning your brain off for a second there.
“I’m breathing,” you reassure him, trying to pull your hands from the chains, “Please don’t go.”
“Do you want me to unchain you?” his eyes are so soft, one hand still on your face while the other traces little hearts into your thigh, “Is it too much?”
“I’m good, now. I just needed a minute,” you reassure him, “I promise, it’s just been-”
“A while, yeah I know.”
“Can we talk about it after, Jay?” you try to move, but he’s so heavy on top of you, “Because right now, I’d really like you to move.”
“Needy,” his fingers tighten on your thigh, pushing it back up towards your chest, “Impatient,” his soft caress on your cheek stops as his hand slips around your throat, “My good Kitten.” He starts to thrust, his hips meeting yours with every inwards motion. His pelvis grinding into your clit when he leans down to capture your lips with his. “I missed this,” he moans into your mouth, his fingers tightening in your hair while your legs cling to him.
“Missed you.”
“I’m right here, always.”
“Not close enough,” you thrust back up, “Closer, please.”
“Never been close enough to you,” Jason mewls, “You’re so fucking warm, Kitten.”
“Fuckin hot when that spotlight hits you.” you feel your pussy clench down on him when he smirks down at you.
“Not as beautiful as you do, shrouded in the dark of the clubs,” he brushes the hair from your face, smoothing it back behind your ear. The tingle tickles, jolting your body up and you feel his cock brush over your g spot.
“Jay, right there-” you moan into his ear, “Please don’t stop.”
“I’m not stopping until you cum on me,” his hand reaches up, releasing your hands from the chains with a snap of his fingers, “But I need your hands on me.”
Your wrists ache, but your hands quickly find their place in his hair, tugging his face closer to yours, kissing him deeper and sinking your teeth into his lip. With one hand in his hair, you slip the other down to his shoulder, bringing his chest flush with yours. The sweat of your bodies mingling as you both moan into the kiss. 
Your eyes open when he pulls back from you, his stubble brushing against your cheek, his moans filling your ears, “You’re fucking gripping me so tight, Kitten. You getting close?” he bites down on your neck, “I know you are.”
“Yes, I’m so close, Jay.” the animalistic sound that seems to reverberate from his throat is what sends you over the edge, the primal way he turns from somewhat sensual to fucking insane is something else. You can’t stop cumming, his cock somehow getting harder and deeper within you with every thrust and that sound just won’t stop. You almost question whether it's you making that noise, but when he starts to chant your name in your ear and you know he’s close.
“Jason.” you whisper hoarsely as your second round of pleasure starts to build inside you, you feel his cock throb, “Jason,” it’s twitching inside you, bouncing off your insides and making a smoothie out of them, “Jason.”
“Fuck me, Kitten,” his nails dig into your, his lips reaching for yours to quiet the scream he lets out into your mouth. Jasons cum paints your insides, but he doesn’t stop fucking you, “I don’t want this to end,” he pants between cries of pleasure, “I want to fuck you forever, to be inside you always.”
You don’t even realise you’re cumming again until your legs start to cramp and your mind goes numb, the thickness of Jason's cock slowly receding from you and his fingers replacing it. Gently gliding up and down as you twitch out the last of your orgasm. “You look beautiful like this. Carefree and relaxed.” he whispers, placing a kiss on your forehead before falling down beside you and pulling you under his arm. “Take a deep breath.”
You do, snuggling into his side as you try to match his breathing. Your leg wrapping over his to try and leech some of his warmth. “I can breathe on my own, you know.”
“Yeah, but I know I take your breath away with my dashing looks.”
“True,” you rest your chin on his chest, looking up at him, “You’re very pretty,” you bouncing one of his curls, the white one, it’s your favourite.
“Not as pretty as you, Kitten,” he takes your hand. Holding it in his, his thumb grazing over your wrists, “Are your wrists ok?”
“They’re fine, a bit tender.”
“I’ll rub some of that coconut cream on them in a sec,” he gives them each a small kiss, “Just wanna cuddle you a bit longer.”
“I missed this,” you sigh, putting your arm over him and pulling yourself up so you're laid out flat on top of him, “tour buses suck. Maybe we should run away?”
“I wish, could you imagine. Dick would have a fucking heart attack. But I get what you mean and the next few weeks aren’t going to be any better.”
“We’ll have to get better at sneaking around.”
“You will.” he says, like he doesn't, “You think I’m the only one who knows you take pictures of me on your phone to jerk off to?”
“What?” you try to sit up in alarm only for Jason's arm to hold you close.
“Don’t worry about it, but Kitten,” he whispers, bringing your lips down to his, “tour buses are small, maybe next time, don’t moan my name in the middle of the night.”
Taglist: did I forget you? let me know in your most sarcastic typeface
@littleredwing89 @ilikw @bubbles-incorrect-yb @megumisbabymomma @nutmeg030 @gone-batty-fics
Do you want to be on the everything Jason taglist? firstly, why? and nextly, let me know.
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ariseur · 6 months
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you stood there as you and zack both stared at each other. his hands, once holding cardboard swords similar to the ones you used as kids when you two would sneak off to whatever small clearing you could get in gongaga and clash, now held a thick metal sword. a sword that you recalled was the first class SOLDIER, angeal hewley’s, most prized possession. at least that’s what you heard from zack. he always did admire him, you wondered where angeal was at now.
you almost felt guilty that zack trusted you enough to tell you all these things, even with you as a turk. you felt guilty standing there, knowing that the man you loved was the man who you were supposed to kill. you felt guilty as you reminisced on the missions where you saw zack so excited, the two of you following tseng’s orders. you felt guilty knowing that zack just dreamed of being a soldier, he didn’t ask to be roped into all of this.
his hands stayed firm around the handle of the sword, the sheen metal glimmering in the sun as it practically blinded you. in his eyes, they stayed not the blue you were so used to, but instead a glowing aqua as the mako infused itself with the natural color of his iris.
“how did we get here?” you asked, your weapon remained in its holster as you not dared to use it on zack. a frown graced itself upon his lips although his weapon never faltered.
“i don’t know.” he said.
you spotted the man behind him, obviously unconscious as his head hung low. his blond hair covered his face but you could clearly see the calm rise and fall of his bulky uniform-clad shoulders.
you looked back up, zack’s eyes never leaving yours as they held such a solemn slant. you could’ve sworn his eyes started to glaze over, tears washing out the glowing tones of mako resonating in his irises. swallowing thickly, you spoke again, “you have to go, zack. they’re on their way. you don’t understand—“
with a soft call of your name, you looked up again. god, look at you. a turk, one of shinra’s goons, and there you were choking up at someone who had a manhunt out for him.
“i’ll be alright.”
“zack, no—“
“go.” he said, managing to give you one last meager smile before nodding his head to the other side of the cliff, a small opening where one could pass through and flee. with your bottom lip quivering, you glanced back at zack. he nodded his head at you in reassurance, lowering his sword and sheathing it once again.
your breath quivered as you sighed and began walking to the small crawl space, your footsteps heavy with each aching step you took.
the cool wind suddenly felt more evident in the air against your sweaty palms, wiping them against your black sleek uniformed pants. you could feel zack’s eyes on you, watching you trail away— and you almost didn’t turn around until you were face to face with your exit ticket out of there. his name felt thick on your tongue as you breathed out a call of his name, “zack?”
just the syllable was enough to leave a bittersweet taste in the back of your throat, swallowing in hopes of moistening your now dry mouth. you turned your head slowly to look at him. he adorned that same smile as he always did, the same smile he’d wear when he’d get good news from lazard or when he had triumphed in a sparring session.
you recalled the numerous times you two would rant to each other. he’d talk about how well it was going over there, how much work he had put into himself and his job.
and you recalled how you’d talk about your latest victories and accomplished missions, although you always rambled about your latest failures as well. that memory shifted to the front of your mind as you managed to flash a poignant smile whilst you talked once more, mimicking the tone you’d use during your late night talks, “man, you know what sucked today?”
he cocked his head.
“i failed my mission.” and with a wistful grin, he gave you one last nod.
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
Game Shakers / Pt. 4
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Pairing: Eminem x OFC! King
Warning(s): Cursing, drug abuse, racial discrimination, sexual assault
Summary: 2000s seemed to be quite the highlight between the fashion and the rise of pop culture. Seemingly the new faces of shock value, rapper Marshall Mathers and rockstar King Woods seem to find a common ground amongst the unnecessary bullshit.
Divider by @saradika-graphics I believe that's the name, I hope so cause it took me some time to track it down
Ch. 01 | Ch. 02 | Ch. 03 | Ch. 04 |
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The night of the Grammys is much like any other night at an award show. You walk down the carpet, get blinded by the paparazzi, answer pointless questions, sit for prolonged periods of time just to watch yourself and everyone else be screwed over, party, and kill yourself.
Well, maybe that last part was a bit extreme, but there was no denying that was how King felt about the shit. They leave with a Best Hard Rock Performance for You Spin Me Round and Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Santana for Maria Maria thanks to the band’s collab with King. Unlike before, Matteo directs security to drive the group back home per their request.
More pleased to celebrate with each other than two-faced strangers, the sextet sits around the living room of Harley’s house conversing and sipping glasses of wine. Everything was going swell until the party host glances King’s way with indescribable yet daunting glare.
“Speaking of love,” she drags out, teasingly. “Looks like Cupid’s arrow hit the bullseye on someone.” King scrunches her nose, “if it was a bullseye, it’d technically be anal, and I think an arrow is a little outside of my boundaries.”
The group laughs as the lead vocalist neither denies or confirms the obvious affection growing between her and a certain blond. Maliyah jokes, “why do I get the feeling that you’d much prefer someone than a something?”
King shrugs, “I mean, I wouldn’t complain. I got to see it.”
As if all five friends were Bluetooth synced, they sit up and shout: “You got to what?!” Their eyes bulge out of their skulls, jaws dropping to the floor.
Matteo gulps, recollecting himself as the brotherly figure. “Okay, okay. Whoo, run that by us again? You got to see… it. What precisely is ‘it’?” His onyx eyes glare up at the nonchalant singer.
“His dick.” She answers, her voice echoing against her Moscato filled wine glass. Dramatically, Tink jumps over the back of the couch with a scream as she runs down the main hall behind the living room before coming back, past the group and into the kitchen.
“When was this?” Harley laughs, tan face turning hot with amusement. “When we left the MTV after party.” Breathless and tipsy, Iris throws a couch pillow at her friend with a cry: “Stop giving us short answers, bitch!”
Tink calms down, flipping over the back of the couch once again, stiff as a board. Panting, she adds on, “we need details. A, a – what was that middle school bullshit from English? A who, where, when, what, and how.”
Maliyah claps her hands, nodding, “please! We already have the who -” The others chime in unison, “Marshall and King.” She continues, “the when –“
“MTV Awards.”
“And the what –“
“King got front row tickets to this man’s penis!” The forementioned woman snorts, chewing on her Doritos and tuna salad.
“So, all we need now is the where and the how. Now, give us.”
“Fine,” she sighs, a subtle blush setting on her cheeks. “So, after we left that shitty party together –“
“Wait, let’s rewind it back. Em showed you his dick but y’all never got down like that?”
“Curtis,” King side eyes him, bemused. “Please. You already know this, man.”
The childish rapper shrugs, smiling, “hey. I’m just amazed at how y’all two function, especially when y’all were single but pining after one another. It’s cute. It’s cute.”
“It’s cute?” “Yeah…” She snorts, “shut the fuck up. Anyways!”
“We first agreed on getting McDonalds cause, ya know, a sugar mama’s gotta take care of her baby, now,” she jokes, breaking at the sight of Harley’s glare. “You’re older than him by like two fucking weeks, shut up!”
“Anyways! We get some food, we’re talking and we’re joking. We then talk about our kids, well, more like his seed and my angelic niece and nephew.” Matteo deadpans, “not you lying to this man like your family doesn’t raise menaces to society.”
King looks at him, feigning insulted, “we are not menaces.” Tink nods, “yeah, you’re a damn fiend.” The others laugh while she glares, holding back her own laugh.
“Can I finish, damn!” She huffs, “so we’re talking about the babies. He’s raving on about his little girl, shows me a picture and she is like his damn twin it’s adorable. Then he starts telling me how she’s a fan of ours, I tell him that mine are fans of his. Fast forward, we’re venting, now.”
A glaze of melancholy takes over her once amused gleam, “he’s venting about his baby moms and how she likes to use his daughter in a power trip and constantly cheats on him to the point where instead of seeing it as a dealbreaker, he decides to cheat on her right back. I’m venting my sister and shit, I damn near felt like I was in therapy.”
“Once we had trauma bonded, I guess we felt understood between each other. Like we weren’t the only ones living in this fucked up world where nothing goes right for us. So, we kissed and made out way to my house.”
Harley’s eyes widen, “you let that man in your house?” Iris looks at King with concern, “it took you damn near three years to let Brother Dre even know that you have a house in Cali, let alone step inside.”
“Yeah, yeah, I fucked up alright. We were touching and rubbing, whispering little compliments to each other. It was damn near romantic. Then he saw some of my tattoos and my nipple piercings, so he showed me his tattoos. We got so tired, we just laid out on my bed cuddling and look at each other, studying one another.”
“Dude,” Tink draws, lost in thought. Matteo looks over, “have you talked to him since?”
“Yeah, a lot, actually. Hell, in the morning, we woke up and I made this man breakfast and some coffee. He’s adorable when he’s happy, he does little dance when he likes the food.”
Harley throws her head, “you’re trying to be this man’s wife.” King throws a Dorito at her, “no, I’m not. I feed everybody, it’s a cultural curse. Y’all, out of everybody, knows this… Even Iris, she’s the token white girl.”
“Ya dig,” the strawberry blond sings, causing the crew to laugh once more. Maliyah focuses back onto King, “regardless, King, we can be this man’s friend. However, as you said, he and his baby mama got drama the size of a category 5 hurricane. As you’ve said in the past, you’ve come too far to let some man, some pointless drama stop you from your dreams.”
Matteo nods, “true. We’ll support you in whatever you do, but we beg you, please, just be careful.” Harley adds, “you’ve been through a lot and deserve happiness, just don’t mistake an adrenaline rush for said happiness.”
“Do you think opening up to the group changed the way they looked at Marshall, like at all?”
King sits up in her chair, head shaking. “No, instead, they kind of saw him in a similar light as we all seen each other. We as friends came together because of the shitty cards life threw at us, and we became support pillars for one another before we became business partners. To them, Marshall is a friend their willing to support and stand ten toes down for.”
“Marshall says that, that night after the MTVs wasn’t the night he fell in love with you. Did you fall in love with him that night? Or, was there a different moment that you were just like ‘he’s the one for me?’”
She hisses, head tilting in thought. “I wouldn’t say that was the night I fell in love with Marshall. I would say that I got to see him in a different light, ya know? It wasn’t like some, ‘oh I can fix him’ type shit but more of a twin flame ordeal, if that makes sense.”
“You really believe that Marshall Mathers was made for you?”
“I believe everyone has someone made for them. Platonically or romantically, everyone has a person and he’s mine. Always been mine since day one.” She smiles.
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Taglist: @slytherinroyalty16 @evasmlp
Y'all, chapter 4 is here and it's so fucking bad! I apologize for the tardiness as well as the shitty material. I was thinking about doing like a one shot or something about King and Marshall's night, I don't know. Anyways, enjoy and let me know if you wish to join the taglist.
Love, S.C!
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