#and we need to support the few progressives we do have
seedlings-stuff · 23 hours
Beneath the Surface - Chapter 1
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Tommy Shelby x Female Reader
Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst
Word count: 1.8k
Decided to write a mini series! Please let me know what you think so far x
(Y/N) sat comfortably at the kitchen table, cup of tea warming her hands. Across from her sat Polly, listening intently as (Y/N) filled her in on her growing relationship with William. (Y/N) thoroughly enjoyed kitchen catch-up chats with Polly, especially now that William and her were spending much more time together.
She had practically grown up in the Shelby household with the Shelby boys. When they all left for France, (Y/N) stuck around with Ada, keeping Polly company and looking after John’s young ones. Aunt Poll had become the closest to a mother figure she had ever had.
As she poured her heart out about her confusing relationship with William, she could see that Polly disapproved, and it was apparent why. He was a copper and had only arrived in Birmingham a few months ago. She had met him on a night out with Ada, and while caught off guard, she was immediately captured by his charm. Not once before had she successfully been asked to dance, not with Tommy Shelby consistently over her shoulder. But she didn’t care that evening, fed up with Tommy’s cold behaviour towards her. She had decided to have some fun.
That fun had now grown into a rapidly progressing relationship with William, one she struggled to keep up with. Recently, he had asked her to move in with him; this is what she was discussing with Polly.
“I’m just not sure if I’m ready, Poll.” She lowered her eyes to the steaming tea, feeling its warmth through her hands. “I mean, it feels too quick.”
Polly’s lips pressed into a thin line. “So why do it?”
She also knew that the move would mean less time with the Shelby family; William lived on the outskirts of town while she currently stayed only a street away from the Shelby’s.
(Y/N) hesitated. Because he wants me to. She shrugged, forcing a small smile. “It’s just... everything’s moving so fast.”
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to love; you should know that,” Polly reassured.
“Yes, but you should see his home! It’s a castle compared to my old flat.” She laughed. Admittedly, a part of (Y/N)’s attraction to him was his comfortable life. Formally a sergeant in London and from a decent family, he had enough money to spoil her with new dresses and beautiful floral arrangements regularly. Growing up poor in Birmingham, she had rarely seen this wealth before.
“I just feel like it’s too soon, you know?”
“Well, if you decide to stay with him and it’s not for you, you will always have a bed here.” Polly reminded her, careful not to be too obvious with her disdain for the man while remaining supportive.
“Thank you, Aunt Poll,” (Y/N) replied, relieved. Glancing to her watch, she gasped, standing up from the table. “I'd best get going. I’m meeting William for dinner soon, and he doesn’t appreciate my tardiness”, (Y/N) huffed.
Polly embraced the girl, then paused. Sensing something, (Y/N) broke the hug, and a questioning look was thrown at Polly as she placed her hand on her belly.
“Did you know you’re pregnant?”
The dinner with William felt like a blur, each bite of food turning to ash in her mouth. Her mind raced, replaying Polly’s words over and over. She needed space, a moment to breathe, to truly absorb the weight of it. How could she be carrying a child when she felt so unprepared for the future? But William’s eager gaze bore into her, demanding her attention. He wanted to know all of the details from her tea date with Polly.
“You’re awfully quiet tonight, darling,” William said softly, reaching across the table to take her hand. “Everything alright?”
“Yes,” she lied, stomach twisting. No. The truth was, ever since Polly’s words, she didn’t know what to think.
She moved her food around her plate, stalling.
“We just talked about womanly things”, she half lied, hoping to get him to change the subject. She didn’t want to tell him just yet. If she struggled with the idea of moving in with him, how could she have his baby?
“(Y/N), are you unwell?” William pried, concern washing over his face.
“No, I’m fine,” she replied a little too harshly. He looked hurt.
“Have I done something, darling?”
Yes, you have, she thought. “No. Sorry, it was just a long day looking after the kids.”
He stroked her hand, her anxious fidgeting calming. “You know, when you move in with me, you won’t have to go to work, right?” She took a deep breath, trying to focus on the soft touch of his hands. There were too many decisions to be made.
He searched her face, prying with his eyes. “Why don’t we go somewhere for a drink once we finish up here?”
William and (Y/N) walked side by side into the Garrison. She had suggested they go somewhere else for a drink, knowing that Tommy and his brothers would most likely be there, but William insisted. She was too tired to argue.
The lively chatter of the Garrison greeted them like a wave as (Y/N) stepped inside, but the warmth of the atmosphere did little to ease the tight knot in her stomach.
As soon as they had entered, (Y/N) felt a cool stare from across the room. She was correct; Tommy Shelby and his brothers sat at their table in the corner. They were all looking at William and herself, but the stare that she felt bore into her the deepest belonged to Tommy.
“Shall we go and say hello to your friends?” William inquired. (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel like he was showing her off as he strode towards their table. “Evening, gentlemen,” William spoke, nodding at Tommy. He stared back. “Evening, William,” replied John. As William left to buy himself a drink, John slid closer to (Y/N).
“He’s a brave one,” spoke John. (Y/N) threw him a questioning look. “Coming here with you. Showing you off like his prized horse.”
“Shut up!” (Y/N) laughed, hitting him on the shoulder. “Seriously though,” he whispered. “Look at Tommy. He’s fuming.” “There is no reason for him to be”, she whispered back. “I can make my own decisions. Even if he doesn’t approve”.
As William returned, he brushed his hand along the small of her back, moving her towards him.
The evening progressed, William consuming noticeably more alcohol than (Y/N) was used to. He tried a few times to buy (Y/N) a drink. She kindly refused, citing her ‘tiredness’. Towards the end of the evening, as she pushed away yet another glass of gin he’d bought for her, he jokingly mumbled, “You’re not pregnant, are ya?”. (Y/N) winced at this, although he didn’t catch her reaction, wandering off to the bathroom for the third time.
(Y/N) looked around her. She was always at the table with the Shelbys, but tonight something felt different. She didn’t feel a part of the family. It’s not like she wasn’t welcome; it was quite obvious that he was the cause of some unspoken tension.
Looking away from the direction William went, she found Tommy staring at her again. They had barely spoken for the past few months; he seemed to have drifted away from her as soon as she became close with William. She was frustrated. Why could he not be happy for her or treat her like he did before the war? Like a friend?
As if he had read her thoughts, he walked up to her. “I haven’t seen you dance yet tonight”. This was the first thing he’d said to her in weeks.
“William’s not much of a dancer”, she replied, coyly.
“Oh, I thought that’s how he caught your attention?”
It was true. Despite William’s charming moves when he first swindled (Y/N), he hadn’t had much time for dancing since.
“Would you care for a dance?” Tommy asked, holding his hand out to her. She was taken aback. “Oh, I don’t think that William…” she stuttered. “Just a quick dance then.” Tommy interrupted, taking (Y/N)’s hands and moving her onto the floor.
(Y/N) giggled as Tommy and she began to sway to the music. She did miss this. A lot. (Y/N) almost tripped on a fallen glass, but Tommy gracefully steadied her. “I thought you weren’t drinking tonight,” he teased. “You need to stop watching me like a hawk, Tommy. I’m okay.” “As long as you’re happy,” he said reluctantly.
“Sorry!” She gasped, laughing as she accidentally stood on his foot. Tommy took her in. If she was happy, then maybe he should just let her be. Tommy lightly stood on her foot in response. “Tommy!” she giggled. Looking up, (Y/N) was surprised to find a rare smile on his face. As they swayed, the world around them faded into a soft blur; the music wrapped around them like a warm embrace, grounding her amidst the chaos of her thoughts.
As the song ended, Tommy released (Y/N) gently, their hands lingering for a second too long.
Tommy’s expression suddenly turned cold once more. Feeling a hand on her lower back, she turned around to find William breathing down on her.
“Enjoying yourself?”
His tone was pleasant, but the sudden force of his hand at her lower back startled her. She stiffened involuntarily. His breath was warm against her cheek, laced with the scent of whiskey. “I thought you were feeling tired, darling.” His smile tightened as he leaned in, voice dropping to a murmur. “Or was that just an excuse?”
His eyes narrowed slightly as he studied her face, his smile from seconds before vanishing. What the hell? She shot a glance back at Tommy, confusion welling up inside her. “William?” she murmured, genuinely taken aback. She cringed at the way he grabbed her wrist. He had never manhandled her like this before. He never…she recoiled slightly as his fingers dug into her wrist, his eyes flashing with something unfamiliar to her.
But it was Tommy’s stormy gaze that caught her attention, a flicker of concern and something darker passing through his eyes as William’s grip tightened.
“I’m sorry, Tommy,” William slurred, almost cheerfully. “I think I’ll have to take this one home. Not feeling well, apparently.” He tugged on her arm, and for a second, she stood rooted, frozen with shock, before she let herself be pulled by him towards the doors of the Garrison.
She glanced over her shoulder at Tommy, a silent plea in her eyes. But he stared back unmoving, unreadable apart from a clench of his jaw as William led her away. (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel that that she was being pulled away from a safety net she never knew she needed.
part 2
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lurkiestvoid · 10 months
Look into Claudia De la Cruz! She's a 2024 presidential candidate with the Party for Socialism and Liberation and she is actively participating in pro-Palestine protests.
Thank you! I briefly looked through her website and platform, and she sounds amazing. I love her policy proposals, and I'll read more about her and how I can support her going forward.
That said, I've been through enough presidential elections now that I do not believe we can fix a two-party system by sliding a progressive candidate into the tippy top of the hierarchy. We've tried the top-down approach so many times and it has failed every single time. The closest we got in the last three decades was Bernie, and the DNC kneecapped that at the finish line.
So fuck the DNC, but a select few dems across the country have indeed clawed back tiny pockets of progress despite the damage of the last eight years, and we need those few to continue holding the line against christofascism while we work towards meaningful change with a combination of community organizing, mutual aid, protesting, AND voting, because it will take all four tools in the toolbox to have any chance of reversing this dumpsterfire.
There are 420 registered parties in the US, over a dozen declared third-party candidates for 2024 so far, and there is major perpetual and growing anti-voting sentiment in the leftist base with less than a year until the election. I personally do not believe we can create and sustain enough momentum behind a single candidate to break through, and find it more likely folks will pick a few faves and splinter across several parties.
In my opinion, we need to take a lesson from the Tea Party and work bottom-up, not top-down.
The Tea Party was officially founded in 2009 as an extremist response to the Obama presidency, and had a growing presence in Congress by 2010/2012. Today it's considered a 'dead' party, but they had MAJOR influence inside the GOP which fed and evolved directly into M@G@-style politics and policies.
They did all this in less than a decade of elections. The left can do it too, if we can simply sustain that same passion for our own shared goals.
If we want to actually drag the Overton window back to the Left and actually break the two-party system in the US, and if we want to see an actual Progressive president in our lifetimes, we HAVE to elect progressives to Congress first to have enough of a presence to realistically bring forward and successfully enact required changes such as getting rid of first-past-the-post voting, abolishing the electoral college, enacting congressional term limits, and removing the cap on the House of Representatives. A large enough progressive presence in Congress can also help us better fund and represent more third parties, and gives us a better chance of enacting progressive reforms such as UBI, universal healthcare, universal education, and more.
But in order to do that at all, we cannot afford to risk letting the far right have the oval office again, no matter who their candidate is. We should absolutely primary all disappointing democratic candidates on all levels including presidential, and I'm hoping like hell we get actual progressive candidates out of it, but in the end I will personally be voting a straight blue ticket in 2024 regardless of who wins those primaries because if Project 2025 is allowed to come into play we're all globally and permanently fucked.
tl;dr: Even on the very slim chance they would be ALLOWED to win the office in a rigged system, a third-party president won't get anything meaningful done with a two-party Congress -- and if we try and fail yet again, we may never get another chance to try at all.
(Sorry for the rant anon, I respect your intent and enthusiasm!! but I didn't wanna just leave it at 'thanks but I'm voting blue' without explaining why.)
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mantisgodsdomain · 6 months
Slowly, yet painfully realizing that we're probably the exact type of person that random fandom guys would miscast as a father.
#we speak#internet teenagers keep coming to us as like the only authority figure on hand who will treat them like people#and we're like... please... we don't want to be an authority figure... why do all of your parents suck so hard...#like we're willing to offer ourself as an anchor as well as we can because we've Been there and know how it feels#but like damn. who the fuck let your families suck this bad. how on earth have situations managed to produce enough of you#that we end up being cast as The Only Adult On Hand Willing To Listen And Talk Through Things MULTIPLE TIMES#and perhaps more importantly why are we the only person in random fandom discords who is willing to treat teenagers like People#weren't the rest of you also teenagers at some point??? don't you like remember how it feels like to not have agency for shit???#experiencing the “only person in the room who's willing to take a position” thing#despite there being like multiple other people in the room who should be WAY more qualified for this#how does this keep happening and more importantly why are we the only guy in the area who is doing anything to help#just to stress this point#we are trying our hardest to NOT be an authority figure because historically it ends terrible for us due to The Mental Health Issue#but somehow we are continually running into situations where we're the only guy willing to come up to plate#the syndromes. the issues. we are so fucking glad that this particular wave is coming now instead of A Few Years Ago#something something progress but also we dislike that we have to be the one handling these situations#because we shouldn't be considered a primary point of stability in anyone's life and the fact that we ARE a stable point to anyone is uhh#weird to think about. who let this happen. we're not old enough to be a parent#and we also find it very alarming that there are so many of you out there who are severely lacking in support#someone needs to work out a childcare arrangement system that doesn't suck because the current one really isn't doing it#while we're at it we can start overhauling the culture that landed us in being the only person willing to listen to people like ever#and maybe make it so we don't have to be a primary support because people are sufficiently supported already
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She came down for cream cheese for the first time in weeks
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schoolhater · 2 months
Shahed Muhammad @shahednhall is a 21 year old college student and photographer who has now become the sole provider for her large family. She has five younger siblings and two parents who have fallen ill. For the past few months she has been fundraising for her entire family to escape genocide. She just signed her family up for evacuation with the Egyptian Hala travel agency but they told her if she doesn't provide the full fee soon, her family will get split up!
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If the threat of her imminent death and/or family separation isn't enough for you, @journalsforpalestine is running a raffle to give away an ornate journal , @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness is offering commissions, and @quicksilver is running an art raffle. i am also offering commissions, check my pinned post.
current progress:
$49,400 / $80,000
@timetravellingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe 
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako 
@feluka @terroristiraqis @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria 
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees 
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis 
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptochecca 
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts 
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat 
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap 
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates2
@decolonize-the-left @bisexualpositivity @arty-cakes @closet-keys @assad-zaman
@claudeleine @killy @heritageposts
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
oh god is biden dropping out? i don't know what happens then
Jesus effing Christ.
Few thoughts:
The billionaire Democratic donors got their way, apparently. All I saw was that the big-dollar donors were secretly putting pressure on the rank-and-file Democratic elected officials (i.e. House and Senate) to denounce Biden or not get any more money, and other shameful backroom maneuvering to knife Biden. I will refrain (lol, no I won't) from speculating that billionaires of any political stripe feel threatened by Biden's increasingly progressive tax/wealth redistribution policies, and saw their chance after the bad debate performance to knife him. Because until further notice, I'm going to think that was the biggest factor.
I don't know if there's an actual health condition that made Biden agree it was the best time (in fucking July) to step down, but if this was an issue, there needed to be planning last year, at the earliest, to prepare for a new successor. I don't know what's going on. This is a clusterfuck on many, many levels.
However: it is true that this does change things and not necessarily only for the worse, as long as Harris is immediately confirmed as the new nominee and this stupid Democrats In Disarray nonsense, which is giving the media exactly what they want, is put to a fucking end. If Harris is also swept aside and the billionaire donors try to install their preferred "Centrist!!!" candidate (lol Manchin or some shit) with an equally antidemocratic closed-door Star Chamber convention, then yes, we're fucked. Because the Congressional Black Caucus and African American voters saw exactly what the rich white man billionaires were trying to do by torching Biden and then Harris, and they are not going to play ball with some Magical White Man replacement.
If Harris is immediately confirmed as the new nominee (and to the best of my knowledge Biden has endorsed her), then she has a chance of reinvigorating the race. There were a lot of Americans who did not want either Biden or Trump. I suspect they were fucking braindead, but so be it. Harris has apparently polled pretty and increasingly well in recent days (in some cases actually better than Biden) and again, there is no remotely small-d democratic alternative to her. The billionaire donors already trashed the duly elected (by the primary process) Democratic nominee. If they do the same to Harris, then yes. We will have Trump and there won't be any more democracy in this country on either side, because the Republican big-bucks donors will gleefully pick up where the Democratic big-bucks donors left off.
Jesus fucking Christ.
The message needs to be "Harris is Joe's successor, she is younger and already has four years of experience and is the only candidate." Anything else is a fucking gift from god to the Republicans, once more getting trashed after Trump's terrible RNC speech. Maybe she can then pick Whitmer or Shapiro (both popular and effective Democratic governors of swing states, MI and PA respectively) as a running mate, but the nominee has to be Kamala. There is no other fucking choice. This is already enough of a mess.
If that can happen, and the fucking donors can refrain from fucking it up, then... okay. It's not great, but it does change things. It makes the ticket younger. It makes it historic (first Black female president beating Trump would be amazing). It could reach people disenchanted with the current two-old-white-guys setup.
This is an incredible sacrifice on Biden's part and I only wish that I could believe he did it voluntarily, rather than being forced out by a small class of rich people worrying about his policies getting too progressive.
I wish him only the best and I recognize this decision was taken under extreme pressure. If we then lose to Trump, I hope everyone who forced Biden out burns in hell.
I was a diehard Biden supporter not because I loved the guy personally, but because he was the only choice for preserving democracy in America. The essential stakes of the election have not changed, even if the billionaires just knifed us in the fucking back, possibly to nobody's surprise, because R or D, they are not our friends.
Kamala is the only choice. I will now have to defend her as hard as I did for Biden. She needs to beat Trump. There is nothing else to it. If you think she can't, then you need to work at helping her do that. There is already enough calamity and doom. We do not have a choice. We cannot lose sight of what is at stake here.
Kamala Harris/Whitmer and/or Shapiro and/or Buttigieg 2024.
The end.
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fandomtrumpshate · 2 months
Defeating Tr*mp and the Republican party: how you can help
So as you've probably heard, there is a presidential election coming up in the US this November. You may even be experiencing some concern about the outcome of that election -- given both the high stakes and the active efforts by Republicans to suppress the vote -- and wondering what more you can do to stave off the possibility of a literal fascist takeover of the United States.
The good news is: you're not helpless. There are wonderful organizations out there -- staffed by knowledgeable, talented people with their feet already on the ground -- and they could use your help.
Here are a few of them:
VoteBeat offers deeply-researched local reporting about elections, which is both valuable and rare in the current news environment. A spinoff of ChalkBeat, it was founded and is run by journalists from ProPublica.
Spread the Vote is an organization that works on the ground to help every eligible voter secure the documentation and the access they need to make their voices heard. In particular, StV runs a program called Vote by Mail in Jail to help ensure that incarcerated persons also have access to these rights.
VoteRiders, like StV, works to ensure that every American has the opportunity to vote. In particular, they provide financial and practical support to trans people so that they can get hold of the documentation they need and can vote safely and confidently.
FairVote advocates for ranked-choice voting, a system in wide use outside the US which far more effectively captures the will of the electorate. (we don't have an individual feature page for them, but FV was one of FTH's supported orgs in 2020.)
(This is just a short starter list of amazing organizations, pulled from FTH's supported orgs list in past years; there are plenty of others. Please feel free to add them in reblogs!)
Ways you can help
Donate to one (or more!) of these organizations. These are all fairly small operations, even if their goals and their impact is large; they could use the help!
Volunteer your time. Many of these organizations rely on volunteers to make their day-to-day operations work. Sometimes it's necessary to do this volunteering in person, but often there is a remote option for volunteering if that's what works for you.
Run a fanworks auction to raise money. FTH recently rolled out a full and detailed playbook, sharing all of our organizational materials and step-by-step guides for how to use them and adapt them to your needs. This is a great moment to put that to work! Whether you want to raise money for one of the organizations listed above, or for some other nonprofit, or even for a progressive local candidate that could use the support (FTH doesn't do individual candidates, but you shouldn't let that stop you!) you can make a real difference while also helping to put more fanworks into the world.
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auraworkshop · 8 months
A Guaranteed Way To
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I believe that THE VOID COMMUNITY is in serious need of an upgrade and that we need to take a more progressive and forward-thinking approach towards it. The void community seriously needs to progress and move forward, and it is important to provide updated and innovative ways of achieving the void state. Having an efficient and effortless way to entering the void would be a monumental advancement for the void community. I fully believe that this can be the start of a new community that embraces and supports effortless manifestation and effortless ways of achieving the void state in a way that is clear, concise, and to the point.
Let's keep shifting the community forward !
So for this, I have created a subliminal which will take you to the void for sure because I've manifested that subliminal in the void to work 100%
I also did a experiment with the sub, in which I took few peoples and made them listen this sub for 3 days to see if there's something I gotta improve in the sub or if there's something I can do in extra to make the sub work no matter what.
Here are the results of the experiment :
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After taking notes of everyone's experience, I tried to improve the sub as much as I could !
Here's the subliminal :
Enter void right now | GUARANTEED | ⚠️ Don't overuse ⚠️ | Insanely powerful
So, all you have to do is :
STEP 1 : During the day, listen to the subliminal for once and affirm awareness affirmations along with it so you don't end up not being aware in the void when you enter.
STEP 2 : Now, at night grab your headphones, put the subliminal on loop and sleep.
STEP 3 : Congrats ! You've made it.
I want everyone to try to keep an open mind and not be resistant towards the results. Remember that you must surrender completely and allow the possibility of a void shift to occur without any resistance or doubt. For my manifestation to work for you all, Faith is essential as it directly correlates with your inner state. You must have enough faith and trust in yourself to allow it happen easily and effortlessly. Faith means letting go of any doubt or worry and fully surrendering to the process. So, in conclusion, faith is important for this to work as it allows you to fully immerse yourself in the process and let go of any resistance ! 🤍
One thing to keep in mind that this isn't gonna work for you if you've ever :
• Hated on a blogger for literally no reason, no matter if it was me or any other blogger on Tumblr
• Guilt tripped someone intentionally
• Started a pointless/unnecessary drama
When I'll hit 1k subs on YouTube, 'll be doing something similar as a celebration of it, but this time it will be something different and unique.
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bi-writes · 9 months
more childhood-bestfriend!roommate!simon x fem!reader because im a mess inside and he can fix me
more bestfriend!roommate!simon (part 2/?)
cw: unwanted suggestive advances (verbal only), protective!simon
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he wont leave. he's been sitting at the counter all night, nursing a mug of coffee that he keeps sneaking splashes from his flask into. he's gotten progressively drunker as the hours passed, but you paid him no mind, continuing to serve other customers. you said nothing to him, just kept refilling his mug when he held it out to you and ignoring him.
"what a pretty dress, love...look at ya."
"got somewhere to be after this? wanna grab a drink?"
"ya look so nice, got the eyes of a kitten...hope ya don't bite..."
the patrons that passed by him glared and told him to shut up, but he just kept whispering to you as you went by him. you shrugged it off gracefully, keeping the smile on your face as you poured someone more coffee. words were harmless, and even though he came off as a creep, he was drunk--and drunk people were stupid people.
you smoothed out the skirt of your dress. it was short, riding up every time you reached up on a high shelf. you tried not to snap at the man every time he whistled when you did.
when you made your way to the back to pick up a few plates, one of the cooks asked if you were okay.
"fine," was how you answered. "besides, if he makes a move, i dont think he'll like it when i pour hot coffee down his pants."
but he wont leave. he has been sitting there, and the clock read two in the morning, and your shift was ending.
he wont leave. he was in your way, blocking the door to the counter. he stumbled a little on his feet, and you raised your brow.
"you gonna move? youre in my way," you said finally, sighing.
"whoa, whoa...no need to get all bent out of shape. i need another coffee."
"my shift is over. get your own damn coffee."
you moved to go around him, and he stepped to the side, blocking you again.
"whoa, whoa! all fiery all of the sudden? cmon, darling, let's go get a drink, yeah?"
"listen, i've been patient and kind all night," you laughed bitterly. "but you're starting to get on my last nerve. so why don't you sit down, pay your bill, and go home, huh?"
he didn't like that. he frowned, puffing out his chest a little, narrowing his eyes.
"hey, you got a mouth on ya, pretty lady, and i don't like it."
"oh yeah? look how much i care," you snapped. "now get out of my way, or ill make you."
the bell chimed above the door, ringing and filling the tension in the room. you sneered at the man who tried to intimidate you, clenching your jaw.
"oi," a familiar voice spoke up. "do we have a problem here?"
"yeah, mate, this fuckin' waitress thinks she can say whatever she wants to customers and still get a tip."
"i would watch your tone if i were you," you spoke lowly. "he doesn't like it when you're rude."
"listen, here--"
the man raised his hand, and suddenly a gloved hand shot out and gripped his wrist, tugging him backwards.
"oh, mate, what are y'thinkin', huh?" simon towered over him. taller, broader, the black of his outfit making him that much more intimidating and that much more frightening. his hood was up, his eyes the only visible part of him, but they were angry. hard and dry and angry, narrowed as he used one arm to yank the man backwards, putting himself between you. "you raise a hand, y'raise it to me, yeah? ohhh...what's the matter? lost your voice all of a sudden?"
"this man givin' you a problem, luv?" simon asked. he turned his body to face him, tightening his grip on the man's wrist. the man hissed, his knees buckling a little as he grabbed a nearby table for support.
"it's fine, simon," you sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. "he's just...drunk."
"i don't believe that for a second."
simon shoved him away, watching as the man's back slammed into the window behind him. he shook, terrified, covering his face with his arms.
"i think you knew exactly what you were doin'," simon accused. "y'like preying on pretty women, mate? well, unfortunately for you, i taught this one a nasty right hook, and i might just let her have some practice, would you like to practice, luv?"
"hey, i think he gets the point," you put a hand on simon's arm, soothing the tense muscle there with gentle circles. "let's go home."
"i dunno, does he get the point?"
the man nodded furiously, sinking to the ground as he kept his hands up for protection.
"right, if you get the point, why are you still fuckin' in here?!"
simon slammed the window next to him with the palm of his hand, and the man scrambled to his feet ungracefully, the bell dinging as he scurried out into the dark. you raised a brow as simon turned around, rolling out his neck as he narrowed his eyes at you.
"you happy now?" you asked, shaking your head. "who am i kidding? youre not happy unless you put the fear of god in men, huh?"
simon held the door open for you, a hand on the small of your back as he guided you outside.
"not god, luv."
you smiled. "ohhh, thats right...fear of you."
he grunted in response, and you slipped your arm around his, watching your feet as you walked.
"you're not scary, simon. sorry to tell you."
he chuckled lowly. "not to you, maybe."
"no..." you looked back up and him, and he met your eyes. he couldn't tell that it was love in your eyes. perhaps because maybe he'd never seen it before; he wouldn't know what it really looked like. "never to me, simon."
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cher-rei · 3 months
sparks— jamal musiala [ J.M ]
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how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist [saturn– sleeping at last]
pairing: jamal musiala x fem!reader
summary: it's the knockout stage for germany for the 2024 euro, and as usual you're there to support your boyfriend, accompanied by some bad weather and a bet to spice up the evening.
genre(s): fluff (as usual)
[w.c: 3.3k] masterlist
notes: I had such a fun time writing this shut upppp shsjssj. this one is for my musiala girlies xx
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"this weather is going to be the death of me," you said and took your seat beside your friends sophia and aaliyah who were huddled together in attempt to defeat the crisp yet strong german wind.
you tucked your chin into your scarf, but even then it didn't help. the three of you actually remembered to dress warm for today's match, unlike the last few games where you whole heartedly believed that the rain was just an episode.
before leaving the house sophia had to remind both you and aaliyah to bring scarfs because she had a bad feeling. so here you were, at the stadium in dortmund dressed in a pair of jeans, a cream knitted jumper, and a wool jacket that unfortunately hid your football jersey with your boyfriend's name decorated at the back.
the stadium was bustling and you couldn't believe that supporters still came out to watch football under these conditions, but it was an important match and you were filled with just as much anxiety and anticipation as them.
jamal was all the more excited the evening before when he facetimed you from his hotel room. there was a twinkle in his eyes as he spoke to you about training and how his day had been and it just reminded you of how much you missed him.
sophia and aaliyah agreed with you in that department, understanding just how difficult it was to be separated from their partners this long. but the three of you managed (barely) and showed up to every match together to show your support.
needless to say, the media were having a ball with the amount of content and pictures that were published of the three of you every week. there wasn't any issue with it however and jamal quite liked the fact that he got to show you off, saying that the world deserved to know just how smitten he was with you.
it was about twenty minutes into the first half when you felt a drop of rain hit your hand, having nothing much to do besides groan and deal with it. so far, little progress was made on the pitch despite the three shots on target that germany had.
"good on denmark for putting up a fight, but I'd really appreciate it if they gave up so that we can go home," aaliyah joked and you fought back a smile, while sophia was sat in her seat with a torn expression.
there was a small pout on her lips and by that look you knew that she was worried about kai. her gaze was glued to his figure running on the pitch, mentally cheering him on. "I think the rain is messing with him."
you hummed and lifted your head to look at the darkened sky, your face scrunching at the sight of the heavier clouds blowing over the stadium. the wind had started to pick up now which made the experience even more uncomfortable but you had to endure it.
a smile tugged at your lips as you watched your boyfriend make his tackles. there was just something about watching him play that made you appreciate the sport more, it was enticing. "pure class," you said out loud with a boastful smile.
sophia jokingly scoffed at your comment which caught the attention of aaliyah who felt the need to tease her. "what are you scoffing for?" she asked with a smug smile. "kai missed two goals already."
your lips parted in shock, but you remained silent and proceeded to listen to them go at each other from each side of you.
"yeah, well at least he had the chance. remind me where flo is again?" sophia countered and you let a laugh slip out at the attack on florian who was on the bench.
the teasing didn't stop though, and it got to the point where you had to physically back away because they were both leaning over you to take a jab at the other. the roaring of the fans was soon interrupted by an even louder roar which you recognised to be thunder.
seconds after, the rain got heavier and it was pouring. you heard the whistle blow from the pitch and apparently the match officials were taking an intermission to check if the lightning would be an issue any further.
you felt sophia's hand slip into yours, the chill sending a shiver down your spine. the three of you were nearly drenched and if it was one privilege that you loved then it was the option to sit in the booth at times like these.
it was announced that the match would be suspended until further notice due to the weather ten minutes before half time and your head instinctively turned to look for your boyfriend, to check if he was okay before you got up from your seat.
"and this is our cue to leave," aaliyah said and led you and sophia through the rampaging crowd to the top of the stands where you'd be covered.
the supporters however were doing the exact opposite and rejoicing in the downpour— dancing and waving their flags in the air while some used it as a form of shelter. the sight was anything but ordinary and you couldn't help but bask in the atmosphere.
another boom of thunder sounded through the air causing sophia to jump up beside you, her grip tightening on your hand. the three of you looked up at the sky, awing in unison at the strikes of lightning flashing between the clouds.
there was only one thing on your mind, and it was the need to take a picture. you took out your phone and waited for the perfect moment, practicically spamming the button until it hit the perfect shot.
aaliyah awed at the picture from behind you. "you have to send that to me, that looks unreal."
after a few more minutes and pictures being taken you finally made it upstairs to dry off. both teams were in their dressing rooms as well, probably more scared than ever because of the match interruption. uncertainty hung in the air at times like this, where all they could do was wait.
the door to the family booth that the three of you were sat in just closed when someone opened it again. to no one's surprise entered kai and florian sporting two completely different looks.
sophia's eyes softened at her boyfriend's state, his hair damp and kit looking like it just took a swim. she hesitated for a moment to pull him into a hug for some comfort seeing as he wasn't having the best time on the pitch.
aaliyah on the other hand ruffled her boyfriend's hair and laughed, gaining sophia's attention. "see what being on the bench does? he's as dry as the sahara right now while kai looks like he just drowned."
from beside aaliyah, florian's jaw dropped in offence, at the mention of him being benched which quickly broke out banter between the two while sophia was still comforting kai and giving him some words of encouragement.
watching them interact made your heart swell, making you miss jamal even more. and as if you summoned him, your smiling but breathless boyfriend made his entrance and without time to spare he pulled you into a tight hug.
despite the chill in the air and his body, you were filled with a warmth that you've missed so much the past few weeks. so much that you could almost excuse his audacity to hug you when he was dripping from head to toe.
you pulled away with a smile. "j, did you see the lightning? I can't believe that it's summer right now."
jamal looked at you puzzled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "I came here to say that I missed you to the point of an enotional brekdown and you ask me about the lightning?"
your lips pursed at his counter but before you could defend yourself he pressed a quick but much needed kiss to your cheek. "we'll talk later, I just really needed to see you."
he looked up at his teammates who were leisurely enjoying their time with their partners, a look of disapproval on his face. "am I the only one who cares that we're playing an international knockout stage right now?"
"flo doesn't care, he's on the bench," aaliyah said and shot her boyfriend a teasing smile. "isn't that right babe?"
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the german supporters in the stands all screamed in victory at the penalty that was given, and to no one's surprise kai was the one who was ready to take it and potentially put them in the lead.
aaliyah leant forward and looked at both you and sophia with a determined smile. "I think it's time for a bet."
a hum of intrigue left your lips at the idea but sophia shook her head. "he's going to get this in... I hope." she looked at her boyfriend who stood uneasily in front of the penalty area.
but a few words were exchanged between the three of you and an agreement was made.
"there's still 40 minutes left," she began and gestured to the pitch. "they're capable I'm sure, but whoever's boyfriend doesn't score has to pay for lunch tomorrow."
your eyebrows raised when she said "lunch". you knew very well that it wasn't just a meal. it consisted of breakfast, a trip to the museum or any activity really, lunch and supper. the loser would have to pay for the entire day, and it was no joke that you three were expensive.
aaliyah was more than confident in florian being subbed on and scoring, sophia was more uneasy than kai at the moment but had hope in her boyfriend, and you didn't really mind paying but you could never back down from a challenge.
the three of you shook on it and watched as kai got ready to take the penalty, everyone holding their breath in unison. it happened in a blink of an eye but the goal had sophia jumping up from her seat and clapping as loud as she could.
"guess I'm eating for free tomorrow," she teased and sat back down to which you rolled your eyes. aaliyah on the other hand shot you a competitive glare, causing you to laugh.
you eased back into your seat and shoved your hands into your coat pocket. "if jamal scores then I'll stand in the rain without my coat on, and if flo scores--"
"miraculously," sophia interjected which earned her a playful slap on the arm from aaliyah who quickly turned her attention back to you.
"then I'll have to? on the pitch?" she asked with her eyebrows raised and you nodded. she ran her tongue over her teeth and shook your hand, loving that you were upping the stakes and adding some more to the bet.
a good 10 minutes of no action went by and you were watching with immense focus, your gaze not trailing from jamal who looked breathtaking drenched in water, and without even saying anything sophia read your mind.
"they look ten times better with water dripping from them on the pitch, it adds something extra," she said bashfully and took her phone out to take a few pictures of kai since he wasn't too far away.
she then looked to aaliyah with a smug smirk. "obviously you wouldn't understand because flo is dryer than the sahara."
you covered your mouth at the retort about what aaliyah said earlier on. it seemed that the two of them never ended their playful banter, and you were always in the middle without complaining because it was genuinely so entertaining.
while they continued to talk, the universe gifted you with this perfect opportunity because you caught a certain someone's attention. he wasn't doing much on the pitch and you took advantage of the moment and gestured to the goalpost.
of course, jamal was confused but he was more than certain that you were asking him to score. he jogged on but kept his attention on you for a moment, and you gestured to the goalpost again, flashed him a loving smile and made a heart with your hands.
from beside you aaliyah let out a gasp. "that's literally cheating! you can't tell him to score."
you raised your hands in defence seeing as jamal had run off and continued to play. "I'm not doing this for me liya, I don't mind paying. and even if he does then I have to strip in this weather."
aaliyah shook her head at you, disagreeing with you wholeheartedly even though you tried to defend yourself. there wasn't much to say since you were being honest. "I told him to score because it gives him extra motivation."
now both sophia and aaliyah hummed unconvinced, to which you sighed.
"he just does better if I ask him to, okay? and he really wants that third goal, so if I ask him to do it then he'll do anything he can to get it."
it was practically scientifically proven (to you at least). jamal was always the type of person to do anything you asked him to, even before you guys started dating. all it took was a smile and he'd make sure that what you wanted was handed to you on a silver platter.
the devotion that he had towards you was unmatched, especially when it came to scoring or performing well on the pitch. no matter how he played, you always sat in the stands with a proud smile on your face and the appreciation that he was yours.
so even if he could barely see you from the stands, a simple gesture to the goalpost was enough of a tell tale that you wanted a goal. and if you wanted something, then he'd get it for you.
"and it's in from musiala!!!"
the german supporters jolted in their sears at the unexpected goal, rejoicing in the 2-0 lead and celebrating the clear advantage they had in heading to the quarter finals. you were the first one out of your seat the second the ball hit the back of your net, not minding the light drizzle hitting your face as you watched your boyfriend celebrate.
of course, he didn't forget about you and made sure to send a heart your way, one that you were more than happy to return. the adrenaline rushed to your cheeks in the form of a blush and looked at your friends with a smug smile.
they both sat in disbelief, their lips parted as you clapped. "I need that type of devotion in my life," sophia said and nudged your arm.
it wasn't too long that florian was subbed on for jamal, which was hilariously funny considering the context. aaliyah clapped with her lips pouted. "come on let's make it three for three, bench boy!"
both you and sophia burst out into a fit of laughter at her comment, and you swore that you saw flo turn to look at her with an expression that screamed "what the actual fuck??".
it was heading into the last few minutes of the match and despite flo having a few good opportunities, he took none of them. aaliyah grew frustrated from beside you, complaining about the incompetence of the players even though they did nothing wrong.
it was obvious that she was the one with the temper in the group, and that only showed even more when florian had a good run with the ball and she was practically sitting on the edge of her seat, screaming for him to kick it to which he did.
"yes that's what I'm talking about!" she screamed and hit her chest in victory. "three for three girls."
her moment of bliss didn't last long however because the referee blew the whistle for offside. she wasn't happy about that at all either and fought back a mouthful of curses. "what the fuck? how was the offside??"
the whistle blew for full time after a very eventful knockout stage, you and sophia adorning smiles while aaliyah was still complaining about the linesman not raising the flag sooner. the supporters started exiting the stadium slowly as the players went out onto the pitch.
the three of you weren't in any rush however, and made your way down leisurely. "at least you don't have to strip in the rain," sophia laughed and you rolled your eyes.
the rain did in fact start to pick up, and the light drizzle was lightly pouring now instead. you head out onto the pitch with them and started by removing your scarf and handed it to aaliyah who was more than happy to take it.
they watched with smiles as you took off your jacket, followed by your jumper to reveal the thin football jersey underneath. when they were happy with you, they headed off to their respective partners.
"you had one job! now I have to pay for lunch tomorrow!" aaliyah yelled as she approached flo who could've have been more confused. he threw his hands into the air at his girlfriend's outburst.
"thanks for the support I guess," he said and the two walked off to complain to kai and sophia.
for the nth time this evening you raised your head to look at the dark clouds hanging over the stadium, enjoying the feeling of the rain hitting your skin.
the moment of silence was interrupted by the feeling of someone tickling your side, and you turned to see your boyfriend who looked happier than ever.
"well done out there starboy," you said and loosely wrapped your arms around his neck while his hands took refuge on your waist.
he leant in to pepper your face with kisses, and you relished in the warmth you missed more than life itself. "when my girlfriend asks for something, she gets it."
your stomach did at least three flips at his answer and to anyone watching it seemed like this scene was straight out of a movie. seriously, you were standing in the middle of a football pitch in the rain. insane.
jamal pulled away to dry your face despite his sleeve being just as wet. "now can you please tell me why you aren't wearing a jacket right now, baby?"
your shoulders shrugged at his question. "I won the bet."
"huh?" he laughed at the absurdity and tried to make sense of what yoh had just told him, because in no way did it seem that being vulnerable in weather like this could be a reward. "and what did you win?"
you couldn't suppress the smile on your face, losing yourself in his eyes that felt all too close to home. "I won a very happy boyfriend."
the warmth of his hand cupping your cheek wasn't even registered until you felt his lips meet yours. the rain cascaded, each drop of rain that hit your skin being a reminder of just how real this moment was. how real he was.
his hands gently gripped your waist, and he pulled you closer for some extra warmth. the coolness of the rain heightened every sensation in your body— the warmth of his lips and his touch and the pounding of you heart against his chest.
and when the two of you finally pulled away, breathless but more in love than ever you were reminded to be thankful for moments like this. the rain continued to fall, but it no longer felt cold because all that mattered was the warmth of jamal as he looked at you with a softened gaze.
"we should kiss in the rain more often."
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genericpuff · 6 months
I'm sorry, but this should come as a shock to absolutely no one.
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Just a little bit of 'insider info' (and by 'insider' I mean I was a part of the beta testing crew a few years ago) Webtoons has been messing with AI tools for years. You can literally play test that very same AI tool that I beta-tested here:
Mind you, this is just an AI Painter, similar to the Clip Studio Colorize tool, but it goes to show where WT's priorities are headed. I should mention, btw, that this tool is incredibly useless for anyone not creating a Korean-style webtoon, like you can deadass tell it was trained exclusively on the imports because it can't handle any skin tone outside of white (trying to use darker colors just translates as "shadows" to the program, meaning it'll just cast some fugly ass shadows over a white-toned character no matter how hard you try) and you just know the AI wouldn't know what to do with itself if you gave it an art style that didn't exactly match with the provided samples lmao
And let's be real, can we really expect the company that regularly exploits, underpays, and overworks its creators to give a damn about the ethical concerns of AI? They're gonna take the path of least resistance to make the most money possible.
So the fact that we're now seeing AI comics popping up on Webtoons left and right - and now, an actual "Webtoon AI" branding label - should come as zero shock to anyone. Webtoons is about quantity over quality and so AI is the natural progression of that.
So yeah, if you were looking for any sign to check out other platforms outside of Webtoons, this is it. Here are some of my own recommendations:
ComicFury - Independently run, zero ads, zero subscription costs (though I def recommend supporting them on Patreon if you're able), full control over site appearance, optional hosting for only the cost of the domain name, and best of all, strictly anti-AI. Not allowed, not even with proper labelling or disclosure. Full offense to the tech bro hacks, eat shit.
GlobalComix - Very polished hosting site that offers loads of monetization tools for creators without any exclusive contracts or subscriptions needed. They do offer a subscription program, but that's purely for reading the comics on the site that are exclusively behind paywalls. Not strictly anti-AI but does require in their ToS that AI comics be properly labelled and disclosed, whether they're made partially or fully with AI, to ensure transparency for readers who want to avoid AI comics.
Neocities - If you want to create your own site the good ole' fashioned way (i.e. HTML / CSS) this is the place. Independently run, offers a subscription plan for people who want more storage and bandwidth but it only costs $5/month so it's very inexpensive, and even without that subscription cost you won't have to deal with ads or corporate management bullshit.
Be safe out there pals, don't be afraid to set out into the unknown if it means protecting your work and keeping your control as a creator. Know your rights, know your power.
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kaile-hultner · 2 months
Help me dig upward: the Tumblr post
In which I talk a little bit about the hole I’ve been in for a hot minute—and what I want to do to dig out of it.
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Hey y’all,
For the second time in a few years I’m starting a GoFundMe. This time, though, it’s not for the site, at least not explicitly. It is to help me get out from under the weight of debt that I’ve been carrying for more than a decade at this point, but which has finally gotten so bad that it’s affecting everything from my sleep patterns to my overall mental health and ability to do the thing that you likely already support me for: this website. 
If you’ve been wondering why the posting has decreased here, or reduced in quality, or why we started 2024 off publishing other writers and then just as suddenly stopped doing that again, this is why: I am out of money, I am in debt, and it feels like I’m living every day in pure, basic survival mode. 
This GFM, in which I’m asking for $10,000, is a moonshot, a Hail Mary. I don’t expect it to raise anything; it will be the last time I ask the Internet for money, whether it works or it doesn’t. If it works, obviously it’ll mean I’ll be able to post more and maybe my mental health will improve and I won’t feel like every moment is a countdown to a terrible ending, and I’ll be able to think of compelling angles to talk about video games again. If it doesn’t work, maybe I’ll figure something else out. Bankruptcy, probably. I don’t know. 
I hate doing this. I hate being in this position. I hate that I’ve already asked for money this year and people have been extremely generous and it just feels like all that generosity just went into a hole. I wish I had something to show for that generosity, or proactively for anything I gain from this campaign. So, if there is something you want me to cover or talk about or look at in exchange for your support on this campaign, just shoot me an email with proof of your donation, no matter how small. It’s [email protected]. I can’t promise I’ll write a bunch of magnum opuses at your request but I will do what I can just simply to show appreciation for your support. 
Anyway, this feels bad to me and I’m already starting to regret it, so I’m going to wrap this up by saying thank you in advance and I owe you my life. I wish that was figurative.
Edit: here is the text of the GFM I posted. 
Hi y’all,
My name is Kaile Hultner. I am an online cultural critic who has been running the video game criticism website No Escape since 2019. My work has been featured in other places like PC Gamer, Polygon and Bullet Points Monthly. And like a lot of people, I have been deeply in debt for years. 
Debt is a very strange phenomenon. As anthropologist David Graeber demonstrated in his book Debt: The First 5000 Years, it is a phenomenon that imparts a kind of moral valence on a person; whether or not that person can pay their debts is a sign of their trustworthiness or virtue as a member of polite society. Yet you can’t go without debt: at some point, at least in the United States, you have to pick up a form of debt – credit – to establish your credit score, without which you can’t rent an apartment, buy or lease a car, or, in some cases, even get a job. Being debt-free can harm this score, as can having a credit history that is “too young.” 
I’ve been in debt for a long time. I’ve been managing my debt for over a decade. Every year for the last six or seven years in particular it feels like I’m losing progressively more and more ground. Seven years ago I had a car; I could do things like deliver Uber Eats and DoorDash and make extra money whenever I ran out. It broke down in my driveway in 2022 and I couldn’t afford to take it to a mechanic to get it fixed. I sold it for $200. I haven’t been able to replace it. I don’t know what I’ll do if I ever need a car for anything. Luckily my day job is WFH. 
Recently, I’ve been fighting with my old bank over charges it erroneously applied to my account in excess of $1000, causing it to go deep into the negatives. I’ve been slowly, slowly digging myself out of that hole thanks to some close friends and some very kind folks who follow me on the Internet. But it’s caused other debts to exacerbate. And tonight I realized that I am at the end of my rope. I can’t do this anymore. I won’t sit here and say that I’ve done everything right; certainly, more than one bad decision made out of desperation has put me here. I won’t make excuses for that. But I’m tired of being here, in this position. I’m tired of waking up in the middle of the night with heart palpitations because I got an alert from my bank that I’m in the negatives. I’m tired of getting emails and phone calls from debt collectors. I’m tired of living in basic survival mode with no discernible path forward. I’m tired of being tired, of not having the energy to be creative and do the work I’ve built an online presence around for five years. And paradoxically, I’m tired of asking people on the internet for money. 
So I’m going to ask people on the internet for money, one final time. 
I’ve set the goal at $10,000. This is far more than I’m honestly expecting to get, but if I get even a fraction of that I could finally obliterate my debts in a meaningful way. I do have specific milestones that I basically need to meet, otherwise this GFM doesn’t hit its maximum effectiveness, but otherwise the sky is the limit. If I reach the whole amount… I don’t really know what I’ll do. Cry, maybe. 
Milestones – bolded are high-priority
Milestone reached! $750 – gets my old bank account out of the negatives. Eliminates one vector of harassment, allows me to close that account and move on. 
Milestone Reached! $1800 – does the above and allows me to fully pay any late or past-due loan payments missed as a result of the bank issue.
Milestone Reached! $6000 – does the above and allows me to fully pay off all installment loans 
$8000 – does the above and allows me to pay off any remaining debts. 
$10,000 – does the above and allows me to start saving. 
$10,000+ – basically a moonshot, I have no idea what I’ll do with extra. 
I fully do not expect you to donate to this. There are people trying to escape genocides, much more abject poverty, crushing medical debt, and so much more that feel – at least to me – so much more worthy of your attention and money. But just know that if you dodonate something, you have my undying appreciation. I will quite literally owe you my life. 
I’m going to post this now before I get too emotional or lose my nerve entirely, but again: thank you. Even if all you do is read this. 
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lonniemachin · 6 months
Muhannad reached out to me to help share his fundraiser. He is urgently trying to raise money to help evacuate his 5-person family from Gaza. He has only raised $1,086 AUD out of his $35,000 goal so far! Please share and donate, and if you can't donate, please still share!
From Muhannad's GFM:
Give us the last chance to survive and leave Gaza
Hello everyone, I am Muhannad from Gaza. I hope this message finds you well and safely.
I'm here trying to save my family from the genocide happening in Gaza. You will save the lives of 5 amazing family members, 3 of whom are children. My wonderful mother, Nisreen, suffers from a recurrent tumor in the parotid gland. It requires urgent follow-up every 6 months to control the progression of the tumor because it is very close to the brain and the chances of it spreading are high.
My family faces death every minute... I feel constant terror when I hear every bombing surrounding them, the only thing I can do to save their lives is evacuate them from the death zone. However, the border is closed to citizens trying to leave. There is only one way for families to leave, and it requires an amount of money of $6000 per person. We do not have this amount after destroying our property and depriving everyone of access to banks or withdrawing their money. Hence, I am here to ask for your support to reach the targeted amount of money needed to evacuate my family while they are still alive.
All my family members who are in Gaza now (my father, my sister Farah, my sister Hala, my brother Abdullah, my mother) who were living the best days of their lives a few months ago are now facing unprecedented challenges to survive day by day. day. In addition to the continuous indiscriminate bombing, which led to their displacement repeatedly.
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driverlando · 4 months
synopsis - you and charles are two bestfriends, but over the years you become more
a/n: my first request! A Charles leclerc x singer!reader smau. hope you enjoy, pls reblog and follow :)
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liked by yourinstagram, charlesfan16 and 1,314,741 others
charles_leclerc happy birthday @yourusername sorry I can’t make it this year. drinks are on me the next time we meet ❤️
view all 2,084 comments
charlesfan16 friendship goals
↳ y/nfan69 I NEED them to be more
f1forever they’ve been there for eachother since the beginning of their careers 🥹
oscarpiastri why don’t I ever get a birthday post on instagram
↳ y/nfan29 you’re just not her
↳ landonorris neither do I :(
f1forever34 oh to have drinks with the charles leclerc
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liked by charles_leclerc, taylorswift and 1,114,162 others
yourusername thank you once again coachella, you were amazing!
📸 by the adorable @charles_leclerc (p.s thanks for the drinks 🥂)
view all 3,567 comments
yourfan16 ADORABLE??!?!?
↳ leclercforever let’s not make this something into something it isn’t
charles_leclerc anytime 🥂
y/nbestsinger THEY HAD THEIR DRINK!! 🥹
landonorris I’m the adorable one, not him
↳ charles_leclerc someone’s jealous
arianagrande pretty girl ✨
In a twist that has sent fans into a frenzy, Formula 1 star Charles Leclerc and singer Y/N, who have been best friends since childhood, were spotted holding hands during a leisurely stroll in Monaco yesterday. The sighting has ignited rumors that the pair’s relationship has blossomed into something more than just friendship.
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The duo was seen walking along the picturesque Port Hercule, laughing and appearing very much at ease in each other’s company. Both were dressed casually, with Charles sporting a simple white T-shirt and blue jeans, while Y/N looked effortlessly chic in a miu miu white skirt and blue top. But it wasn’t their fashion choices that caught the public’s eye—it was the undeniable chemistry and the intimate gesture of holding hands.
While the public speculation has been rampant, sources close to Charles and Y/N have confirmed to Daily Mail that the two are indeed in a romantic relationship. “Charles and Y/N have always been very close, but over the past few months, their bond has deepened,” a source revealed. “They’ve realized that their connection is more than just platonic, and they’re exploring this new chapter together.”
Another insider added, “They’ve been inseparable lately. It’s been a natural progression from friendship to romance. They’re very happy and are taking things one step at a time.”
A Friendship Turned Romance
Charles and Y/N’s story is the stuff of fairy tales. The pair grew up in Monaco, attending the same school and sharing numerous childhood memories. Despite their demanding careers—Charles in the high-octane world of Formula 1 racing and Y/N in the glitzy music industry—they have always made time for each other. Their close bond has often been a topic of admiration among their fans, who have long speculated about a potential romantic link.
What’s Next for the New Couple?
As Charles gears up for the upcoming Grand Prix and Y/N prepares for her next album release, the couple is reportedly keen to keep their relationship private and out of the public eye. However, given their high-profile careers, that may be easier said than done.
Despite the challenges that may come with dating in the spotlight, it’s clear that Charles and Y/N are ready to navigate their new relationship together. Whether it’s supporting each other at races and concerts or enjoying quiet moments in Monaco, this celebrity pairing is already proving to be one of the most talked-about romances of the year.
Stay tuned for more updates on Charles Leclerc and Y/N’s blossoming romance as we follow this beautiful love story unfold!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris and 1,749,888 others
charles_leclerc Two bestfriend in a room…
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landonorris they will kiss 😌
↳ f1fans67 😭😭😭
↳ y/nforever2 IM SO HAPPY
formulaonefan3 couple goals 🥹
[liked by charles_leclerc and yourinstagram]
yourusername my muse 🫶
[liked by charles_leclerc]
↳ y/nthebestsinger so happy for you bestie
↳ charlesfan1009 they’re so cute 😭😭
↳ oscarpiastri I thought that was me :(
yourbestfriend fave couple ❤️
taylorswift love you two!
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 5 months
The PledgeManager has launched!
Thank you for bearing with us. We’re happy to say that, as promised, the PledgeManager has officially launched!
In case you missed it, we detailed earlier this week that the publication of the graphic novel has been pushed back from its original July 2024 estimate into Spring 2025 - you can read the full update here. We also want to take a moment to say that we have seen the outpouring of love and support on Kickstarter, and across various platforms, wishing Colleen well in her recovery and the time needed for the graphic novel - a huge thank you from all of the team for your understanding and patience, and for the genuine community and care we’ve seen these past few days. We appreciate you all.
With this in mind, we think it’s important to underline: though PledgeManager has launched, you do not need to pay for your shipping fees immediately.
The PledgeManager is there for those who missed the campaign to order the graphic novel, and indeed for any backers who would like to upgrade, get some other add-ons, or the new items. You, as a pre-existing backer, should receive an email with information via Kickstarter and/or PledgeManager to inform you that this is now open to you - note, these are sent in waves of smaller batches, so if you don't get yours immediately, don't panic! It will likely take between 12-18 hours to process all the backers.
You are, of course, welcome to pay your shipping right away if you'd like, however we completely understand that you may want to wait until closer to the fulfilment time, or when more solid dates are confirmed, before actioning this.
For this stage, we have compiled a quick FAQ below covering some key questions:
Will the whole project be moving from Kickstarter to PledgeManager? No. This is just for the fulfilment side and logistics - all updates will still remain here.  
Do PledgeManager backers get everything that Kickstarter backers do? No. While the remaining tiers will be made available for those who missed it, with certain stretch goals (e.g. additions to the book, loot boxes, etc), Kickstarter backers have a number of exclusives such as the Good Omens HQ discount code for when the store launches, and the backers only events.  
My PledgeManager address will be different to what is listed on my Kickstarter. Is that fine? Yes. We are handling all logistics through PledgeManager and, as such, that is the only place where we will need your address. If you move or need to change any details, that will be the place to do so.  
Can I change my address? Yes. You can update your address until we are at the shipping stage. We will keep this option open for as long as possible to ensure maximum flexibility around this.  
How are shipping fees calculated? It is based on both weight and the country it is being sent to. We have been working over the past months to streamline processes and bring the costs down from their original starting point.  
Do I have to pay just now? You do not need to pay immediately, but payment will need to be made prior to your items being shipped. You now have a bigger window during which you can make payment. As above, we will keep updating you on the progression of the publication schedule, should you be waiting for firmer dates before doing so.  
What about taxes and import duty? UK: VAT is included in the costs UK backers pay, there should be no extra tax charges. US: We believe (but cannot guarantee) that imports under $800USD in value should not attract import duty, those pledges above may be taxed at import. EU & REST OF THE WORLD: If taxes or duties apply to your pledge, these will need to be paid at time of import into your country. We’ve spent months trying to integrate the costs at this stage, but in having the project open across the globe, it has proven too complex to be able to fully refine and cover all instances and locations, and we’ve been advised that this is the best route forward.  We know a lot of international backers, particularly in the EU – for example – will already be used to this process, and we will keep you all updated on any developments on this front. For all of our backers, we are working hard to make labelling and declaring all of the contents of your pledges as transparent as possible, in order to make taxing and importing as easy and affordable as possible.  
I want to buy the new items, but am waiting to pay shipping. Are they limited? The pins, mugs, notebooks - all the new items specifically added to the PledgeManager are not limited and will be available regardless of whether you get them now, or months down the road. The only limited items are the remaining tiers that have moved over from the Kickstarter (e.g. the Obsidian Tier) that were limited to begin with, and a very limited run of the Alien Parking ticket. Everything else is fully available, in perpetuity.  
Will you be adding extra items to the PledgeManager? No. What is there at launch is all we plan to include at this point - any new items afterwards will instead originate via the Good Omens HQ store.  
Will Kickstarter backers get items first? Yes. We will have a staggered approach for fulfilment: Kickstarter backers, then PledgeManager, then everything that is moving to the Good Omens HQ store will subsequently be made available.
You can also view the more general PledgeManager FAQ at terrypratchett.com.
We will keep PledgeManager and logistical notes present in all the monthly updates going forward, but felt this warranted a dedicated one-off. 
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These are available as part of the PledgeManager. Another beauty from our pin designer, Carl Sutton.
Thanks again for your patience. Back in the April monthly update.
In short: :)
The Good Omens Pledge Manager has launched:
those who missed the Graphic Novel Kickstarter: Now you can order the Graphic novel, not all things that were in the original Kicstarter are available but there is stil a lot of options and fuckton of lovely ineffable add-ons! :)<3
those who participated inthe original GO GN Kickstarter: you should an email (Dunmanifestin needs more information to fulfill your reward) with a link that logs you (if not log manually) into the pledgemanager and lets you edit the order (add new add ons) (yep, my wallet weeps :D<3)
The addons:
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I mean... how can one resist for example these I do not know... :D
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
How about one where Bruce and M!Reader have been dating for a while. Reader lives in the manor and everyone in the family has opened up to reader accept Damien. One night when reader is babysitting Damien while everyone else is out reader is able to finally get through to Damien. He really opens up to reader and even ends up falling asleep in readers lap much to the shock of everyone. Reader becomes Damien’s favorite person and he is always practically clinging to readers side. If not it’s totally fine!
Oh yes! Bruce would wonder for ages. Also, no specific version of Bruce in mind, imagine any version you want. This gif popped up first.
Summary: (Y/N) does something that no one was able to do. Damian opened up.
Warnings: fluff, mentions of psychological warfare, (Y/N) is patient man, Damian is not trusting, did I mention fluff?,
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(Y/N) and Bruce were match made in heaven according to Bruce's three boys plus Alfred. Bruce and (Y/N) have been dating for 3 years and (Y/N) has moved in just a few months ago to live with Bruce. The 3 boys were happy. One wasn't. But we will get to that later.
Every member of this house, expect for one, loved (Y/N). At first they thought that he was a gold digger and was just looking for money and fame. Couldn't be further from the truth. Bruce even trusted (Y/N) to tell him that he's Batman.
He was often supportive of them, didn't try to stop them, or talk them out of it or snitched. In fact, before (Y/N) moved into the manor, he would leave little snacks for the boys and Bruce to take during patrol. He slept during that period because he has a job and he can't work while sleepy.
Everyone loved it. Besides Damian, but we will get to him later. Of course, they all went to the apartment to get those snacks. It was a nice change and those snacks were lit. They gave them an energy boost and they were all happy to have the boost that runs out when they get home.
And there was one important thing that (Y/N) has that Bruce is not really known for it. Emotional availability. Boys came by to his apartment when they needed to talk to him about anything and they would be sure that (Y/N) wouldn't tell anything to Bruce unless it was serious.
Now, when Bruce proposed to (Y/N), everyone was happy. Besides Damian, but that was then. The 3 out of the 4 four boys were happy that they had a stable person alongside Alfred and they would be happy to have a second parental figure, considering that Bruce was slightly overwhelmed and needed support he needed.
Of course, the media caught wind of this and was all over (Y/N) for it. It was difficult to live a normal life, but since he was an author, he spent his time at home and just decided to keep going out to a minimum. Bruce made sure he was taken care of, knowing it wasn't easy.
(Y/N) moved in when his address got leaked and the press started hounding him even more. Bruce already wanted (Y/N) to move in, even before he proposed to him. So, one weekend, (Y/N) packed his stuff and Bruce helped him move to the manor, making some space in his room, just for (Y/N).
Everyone was happy and helped (Y/N) in any way to help him settle in. Besides Damian. Damian wasn't happy by any means and he didn't like any of this. His mother should have been the one in (Y/N)'s spot.
So what does Damian do in that situation?
Psychological warfare it is. (Y/N) found his stuff going missing from time to time. Damian would be close to him one day, then distant and cold the other and there was no way to see if he was actually any progress. Then, it got a little bit more extreme.
Damian tried to mess with him even more, more directly. Bruce and the others tried to persuade Damian and Bruce knew that punishment would only fuel the problem. (Y/N) knew that he had to prove himself to Damian that he could stand in this family.
So, (Y/N) asked Bruce to train him. To show him the ropes. Bruce was surprised and he could see why, he was hesitant, but did it anyway. Now, (Y/N) knew how to fight, knew how to see signs of something psychological happening, such as manipulation and warfare.
(Y/N) was more than ready to take on Damian and crack that tough exterior. Bruce was more than supportive, but worried that (Y/N) doesn't get hurt by Damian. (Y/N) has said that it doesn't matter. He wants Damian to accept him no matter how long it took.
Everything came to a head one evening when everyone needed to go out somewhere and (Y/N) was stuck babysitting Damian. He didn't mind it actually and it was going to be a great time to bond. Of course, if Damian wants to bond. He would never force Damian to bond. It would counter productive.
Right now, he would fancy a movie night or something like that. He made himself comfortable on the couch, a cup of green tea on the coffee table and he got himself a blanket. He put some snacks on the table too and turned on the TV to check what's on.
He could easily go to Netflix and check what to watch. This is going to be a rather nice night.
" You know father doesn't love you? " Damian said from behind the couch, near the kitchen. (Y/N) turned his head to look at him and then took his hot green tea.
" I know he does, otherwise I wouldn't be engaged to him. "
Damian scoffed and moved closer to the couch, but still far enough.
" You can scoff all you want, but I know you hate me because me because you want your mom to be with Bruce so that you can be a family. " (Y/N) said and Damian was quiet. (Y/N) knew he has hit a nail on the head with that statement.
" Also, I know you think I will try to replace your mom, but I won't be trying to. "
Damian scoffed once more and (Y/N) laugh. " Damian, you were raised by assassins and you are the son of Batman. You know when people are bullshitting you. " (Y/N) said and took a sip of his tea.
Damian knew that as well. He could see if someone was lying directly to his face. Damian moved quietly and sat down next to (Y/N), still some distance between the two. (Y/N) didn't say anything as he watched Damian, waiting for him to start. He waited for Damian to start talking.
" I... Do you know anything about my upbringing? " Damian asked (Y/N), crossing his arms, still defensive.
" I just know it was rough. Some said hell. I don't know any specifics. " (Y/N) explained and sipped his tea.
" Well... It could be described as hell... I was taught to kill anyone in 50 different way using a single object. I was never really shown love, only seen an heir to the league and the son of Batman. " Damian started and (Y/N) put his tea down, giving him his full attention.
Damian stayed silent before he started talking once more. " I was trained to be an assassin and love was... Not a thing there. When I came here, I was still cold, despite everyone trying to be nice to me. I guess deep down, I still missed my mother. When you entered the picture, I was pissed. I thought you wanted to replace my mom. " Damian paused for a moment.
(Y/N) watched him in silence. He allowed him to compose himself.
" And you were nice, so I got suspicious. Even when father recently proposed to you, I was mad and pissed." Damian said, frowning and shaking his head. " I couldn't understand why you would be so loving towards us. But I see the way father looks at you and how much he loves you and how much he has opened up emotionally. The way everyone has... " Damian stopped and moved closer to (Y/N) who lifted a blanket to let Damian get closer.
Damian did just that and he hugged (Y/N). (Y/N) wanted to scream from happiness, but he had to remain calm. " And when you didn't leave when I messed with you, there was something more than intrigued me about you. "
(Y/N) put his hand on Damian's shoulder and Damian relaxed. " I'm guessing I didn't get any love when I was younger so I guess I was just repellent to love. "
(Y/N) smiled and hugged Damian. " Don't blame yourself. I don't blame you at all. If you feel bad, we can start over completely. A new slate. Clean slate. " (Y/N) suggested and Damian nodded and (Y/N) saw a small smile on Damian's face.
" Good. " (Y/N) said, smiling widely and watched as Damian put his head on his lap, before covering himself with the blanket. I smile and pat his head.
" I know it's not easy to trust me, but I'm here for the long run. " (Y/N) said and Damian let out a hum.
" Are you tired? " (Y/N) asked and Damian nodded, closing his eyes. (Y/N) didn't say anything and caressed Damian's hair. (Y/N) smiled widely, happy that Damian liked him.
Bruce and the others came back home, worried beyond belief. Is (Y/N) hurt? Is he even alive? Bruce and the others checked the living room, one worried for his fiancé, the others worried for their dad number two.
Well, they didn't expect to see Damian sleeping in (Y/N)'s lap, looking calm and peaceful. (Y/N) shushed them with bringing his finger to his lips. He smiled back at Damian who shuffled a little bit, looking like he was going to wake up, but he remained asleep.
Bruce's jaw dropped a little.
" Hi. " (Y/N) whispers and Bruce smiled, melting at the sight of Damian laying on (Y/N)'s lap. The other 3 boys are still in shock.
" How? " Bruce whispered back as he moved closer to the duo.
" He opened up on his own. " (Y/N) whispers and Bruce cards his hand through Damian's short hair.
" Really? " Bruce whispered and kissed (Y/N)'s forehead.
" Yes. I think Damian and I will bond more. " (Y/N) whispered back, smiling. He kisses Bruce softly and looks back at Damian.
" Lets get him to bed and then get you to sleep. I'm afraid that I have to go on patrol tonight. " Bruce explains and take Damian into his arms. (Y/N) stands up and says hi to his other sons. He gave each a hug, before going to his room to sleep. He made sure that Damian is tucked in the bed and Bruce made sure he tucked Damian in correctly.
After that night, Damian was always near (Y/N), following him around, making sure he was safe at all time. Can you blame Damian? When ever they are out and doing something, press hounds them and Damian has to make sure that his dad is okay. Like, what did you expect from him?
Bruce didn't say anything as he saw how Damian spent a lot of time with (Y/N). It was nice to see and Bruce know how Damian would protect him from anything that might hurt him.
Now, what shocked Bruce was the first time Damian called (Y/N) dad. It was not something he expected and he had to sit down on the couch for a moment.
The rest of the family lost their collective minds. (Y/N) cried and hugged Damian tightly. He has never been happier and he was officially going to adopt all four of them. He talked to Bruce about adopting those four, but only when they all accepted them.
Now he was going to do just that, without a doubt. The others also called him dad, but Damian calling him that? (Y/N) was officially happy and could move to adopt all four boys. He would do that once he marries Bruce and since Bruce has connections, he could speed the thing up.
Now, does any of this mean that Damian is (Y/N)'s favorite son? Nope. He loved all of them equally. Maybe a little bit more than Bruce. And now, even when (Y/N) and his sons are now cuddling on the couch, watching a movie, (Y/N) has never felt so calm and relaxed.
This was something that he wishes never stops. Bruce may have or may have not snapped a few pictures.
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