#and we’re ignoring ojv kyles yeeting disorder bc uhhhh yes I’m also a recovered anorexic and I’ll vague about it when the mood strikes but
1moreoffkeyanthem · 7 months
Hi PCE! I have a silly question for you if you have the time! Which of your characters are you the most like and why? :3
Oh goodness this question made me think HARD lmao the singular brain cell out here workin overtime bc y’all I literally have SO MANY DIFFERENT AUS SO MANY CHARACTERS AND I PUT A BIT OF MYSELF INTO ALL OF THEM BUT!!!
I gotta say, I think I poured the most of myself into my Kyles, and especially OrangeJuiceVerse Kyle.
So if you’re familiar w my insanity, you know ojv is my most involved au with 18+ stories and has wound up being my default state when I think abt my shit, and Kyle is kind of the first character I really fleshed out with that au? In a lot of ways, he’s a variant of me that I wish I could emulate better. He’s empathetic and passionate to a fault, feels so strongly about everything and everyone in his life, he craves validation and personal achievement, and is really hard on himself. He has a lot in common with Tweek (I’m extremely Tweek coded too) in the overthinking and sometimes paralyzing anxiety but the difference is that Kyle does tend to bounce back and forth with his emotions; he’s kind of a whirlwind.
A lot of my Kyles are very idealistic in their worldview, because I am. I want to believe that everyone is capable of good, that rainclouds make the sky light up silver, that birds in the winter will be safe and have somewhere warm to go. Like especially OJV Kyle, I want to make the world a better place and spread positivity, because we need that! And while irl I’m a nervous depressed piece of shit, deep down I want to believe that the world doesn’t actually suck, see the beauty, find the art in it all and give people the benefit of the doubt. That romanticism fucks me over sometimes, but Kyle’s in the same boat.
It’s also worth noting that I make every Stan I write a simp and a loser vegetarian because I am lmfao
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