#and what exactly is this strike going to do when you have no backing whatsoever from any union or anything
radmystique · 8 months
Twitter “activists” are something else, man.
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christinesficrecs · 10 months
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These are also very classic but I feel like they're a little more well known. If you managed to miss it, Bones Straining is THE fic to read, followed closely by Reach Out. Also, forgot about this ficlet if you're up for a tiny bit of angst.
The Time Traveler’s Prerogative | 9.2K | Explicit
After the events of “117”, Derek doesn’t magically transform back into his twenty-five-year-old body. Instead, he’s stuck as a sixteen-year-old for an unknown amount of time. So the pack has to learn to deal with it.
Reach Out  | 20.2K | Explicit
In Which Stiles Falls in Love Twice…With the Same Person
Released (From Behind These Lines) | 15.9K | Explicit
Stiles was the first one. He doesn’t know how it started, what’s wrong with the house to make it like this, but he knows that he’s the first of them. The next one was Boyd, then Lydia, then Erica, and lastly, Isaac. It seems a habit, anyone who ever moves into the house leaves someone behind. But no one’s lived in the house for the last ten years.
Until Derek Hale.
See Me In Hindsight by weathervaanes, wishingonalightningbolt | 19.6K | Explicit
Stiles is 18 when he finds out exactly what’s going on in Beacon Hills. He has a few months left before he goes off to college, has a while to help Scott become the best werewolf he can be - and also to get into Derek Hale’s pants. And his heart.
Bones Straining Under the Weight  | 15.6K | Explicit
One of Stiles’ favorite things about life is Derek Hale’s food blog. He never expects to meet the man in person.
Stiles is away at UCLA for school. It may only be a few hours from Beacon Hills, but Derek still only visits every once in while. Suddenly, every time Derek even talks to Stiles, the boy just can’t help but bring up his new college BFF, Tara. When Derek visits, jealousy strikes. And make up sex ensues.
Can’t Be Saved (Not So Frail)  | 16.3K | Explicit
In which Kira is Derek’s ward, Stiles is Scott’s brother, and omega heat cycles are good for everyone.
This Kind of Luxe by horchatita394, weathervaanes, wishingonalightningbolt | 15.1K | Explicit
As they have for almost every US President since the 1910s, the Prime Minister and the royal head of their country pay a visit to the United States after inauguration. Which is why, when President Jonathan Stilinski is elected into office, Queen Talia Hale of Norland plans their trip.
For Love is Not Ours to Command | 18.5K | Explicit
Where Derek's skills at thinking on his feet mean that he and Stiles have to act. For the sake of Stiles' dad, of course, for the sake of the pack. No personal interest interference at all, whatsoever. Right.
Like Heaven Catching Lighting | 41.5K | Explicit
Prince Stiles of Cor has always known, somewhere in the back of his mind, that he was never truly going to marry for love. Fighting it has only made it worse. Now, presented with a choice between two children of the Hale family of Ignis, Derek and Cora, he must make the decision to determine who will rule by his side. If only it were that simple.
Sweet Dreams 'til Sunbeams Find You | 9.2K | Mature
But that’s when it happens. Stiles is on a down stroke when Derek opens his mouth against Stiles’ neck and says, “What do you think about having kids?”
Whispers in the Dark | 6.9K | Explicit
Stiles Stilinski would call himself a starving artist except for the simple facts that he is neither starving, nor does he know anything about art (unless you consider a novelist an artist, which Stiles only does sometimes). So when his best friend insists he accompany him to a show in the city, Stiles thinks it will probably be the most boring evening of his life.
Enter Derek.
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ato-catto · 1 year
can I get more piccolo x reader I love him so so sm
Of course! Sorry this took so long ...
Here's a little one shot I had been saving.
Piccolo eyed you with palpable annoyance. Your form had been off all day and your technique sloppy. Your mind was clearly elsewhere and otherwise engaged- not that you would ever admit it.
He stopped mid spar and shook his head in dissapointment, folding his burly arms over his chest. "You aren't thinking before you strike." He grunted, his dark pupils investigating you from head to toe.
You felt slightly offended- but he was right. You weren't thinking out your attacks whatsoever. Your mind was.... otherwise engaged.
See, since become a Z fighter (and therefore Piccolo's pupil), you had gotten to spend more time with him than you ever had before in your entire life. And the longer you spent with him, the more you couldn't seem to breathe the same air as him. Your heart would pound when he touched you during spars, and your brain felt dizzy whenever you finally did get a hit, and he bared those pearly white fangs in determination and pain.
Safe to say, you had developed a crush on your mentor. And now whenever he was near you, you couldn't think straight at ALL.
Piccolo grunted, turning away from you. "If you're going to be like this then quit wasting my time. Go home and sort out whatever going on in your head and come back to me with a clear mind. Got it!?"
"Sorry, Master Piccolo." You sigh, pushing hair out of your eyes. "I just.. I have alot on my mind."
Yeah, you did. Him.
He looked at you with sceptical eyes and folded his arms across his impressive chest. He wasn't exactly buying your weak excuse. "Nice try, but I've seen you be less sloppy the day before a big interview. It's either something really big or you're just plain lazy today."
Ouch. "No, I swear. I'm just sidetracked today." Your ears began to get hot, so you turned away.
He sighed and scrunched up his nose, and looked at you tiredly. He had been picking up on your cues and basic body language all day. "Are you uncomfortable around me? Is that it?"
You blinked. WAAA? H-how did he? No- surely he hadn't picked up on your feelings?
"No." You said, smoothing back your hair and looking out into the open sky. "Not at all. I like being around you."
"If you like someone enough it gets uncomfortable. I may not be human but I know what infatuation looks like." He wasn't making eye contact, and that was making this situation so much worse.
Taking a few steps back, you looked at his towering form with your heart in your throat. Was it really that obvious? "I'm sorry, Piccolo. I.. " You began winding up for a lengthy friendship saving explanation, but he silenced you by turning to face you.
"It's natural." He said, his voice surprisingly monotone. "If anything, it's just an obstacle to furthering your strength and power."
You lowered your head. "I'm sorry-"
He grunted and smirked. "Don't be. I can use that silly human emotion as motivation for you, and help you excel even further, instead."
You blinked, and stared at him. The mischievous look in his eyes was almost scary. "What do you mean?"
"Land 5 hits, you get a kiss. Land 10, I'll go out with you wherever you want. A date, I think humans call it."
Your jaw hit the floor. That devious little-
"Alright. Okay." You breathed, straightening up and sinking into your fighting stance. You were more determined than ever now. You at least wanted a little kiss - you had been dreaming about it for weeks now.
Piccolo grinned menacingly and put up a guard, watching you as you renewed you energy and focus into pummelling him with hard hits.
It took you almost 15 minutes, and you were dripping with sweat, but soon you had counted five blows. You skidded back, panting. "There! Five! You owe me, Piccolo!"
He chuckled and wiped purple blood from his lip. "I suppose I do."
As he approached, his bravado seemed to drop as his ears flushed a lilac tone. His dark pupils softened as he gently and slowly tilted your chin up with his fingers. You watched him swallow, and you could've sworn it was just your hammering heart you could hear.
He slowly brought his face to yours, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. It had the metallic tang of blood mixed in it.
You were caught off guard a few seconds later when Piccolo totally lost control, throwing the wall he had built around himself aside and giving in to the feelings he himself had been feeling for months. He grunted softly and laced a hand into your hair, probing your mouth with his devious purple tongue, making you gasp and whine in surprise. Past the taste of blood, his saliva tasted sweet, and his lips were soft.
Your body felt like it was vibrating, his energy coursing into you, around your nerves and back to your lips and into him. You gripped at his gi, trying to kiss back with a matched energy, but he was overpowering you, his fangs nipping at your bottom lip and making you wince in delicious pain.
Piccolo pulled away, panting, his bottom lip wet with your saliva. "Th-there." He grunted. "You got your kiss. Now get back up. I'm not done with you."
You got into your stance again, your knees weak and eyes hazy. "I'm going for 10 this time." You muttered.
He pursed his lips, his cheeks and ears a deep purple. "You better."
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thegreymoon · 8 months
The Story of Minglan
I've had a horrible three days but now that Shakespeare is temporarily done with ruining my life, I can finally go watch the aftermath of Molan and Lin Qinshuang digging their own graves. This is the most satisfying part of the show so far but IRL bullshit just won't let me seeeeeee 😭
The two of you have ruined your lives so thoroughly but you just don't realise it yet 😕
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You stupid child.
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You have accumulated so much grudge and resentment here. You don't know your limits but you fucked around and I suspect you will be finding out soon.
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Ah, yes, but it was Concubine Wei that died. It did not affect him personally because he cares about nothing except his own dick and ego so it was easy to sweep it under the rug.
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This time, the damage was to him. You are done for.
Oh, you stupid woman. Nobody will fall for that now.
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You have sorely overestimated yourself.
Oh, Jesus.
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She still doesn't understand what she's done.
First of all, Lin Qinshuang is a servant in this house. She has no rights or freedoms and Wang Ruofu will be out for blood. There is no chance she would just let her get out and go live happily ever after somewhere else. Second, Molan doesn't seem to understand that she will have no standing in her new home. None whatsoever. Zero. She personally has no money, no connections and her in-laws resent her already. They will not move a finger for Lin Qinshuang after her shameless scheming forced their hand like this.
They are both screwed.
This wedding has all the cheer of a funeral.
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But then again, it may as well be one.
Oh, shut up with "Darling Hong" already 🙄
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I know I should be feeling sorry for Lin Qinshuang but she has been so vile and so obnoxious and has done all this to herself, so empathy is super hard to come by.
Cold 😬
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All of Molan's and Lin Qinshuang's wrongs not withstanding, I still believe that he is still primarily to blame for all this.
Well. She is now firmly in the Finding Out stage of Fucking Around.
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The thing that strikes me about Lin Qinshuang is that she was definitely very capable of scheming and manipulating within the back courtyard, but she thought that the same rules applied to the outside world and that she could get away with her bullshit on a larger scale too. She is about to find out just how wrong she was.
Wait, is he actually going to kill her?
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You fucking piece of shit. When do we get to kill you?
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Yeah, she was evil and yeah, she did what she did, BUT YOU ARE JUST AS RESPONSIBLE, IF NOT EVEN MORE, FOR ENABLING HER TO DO IT. He did not care until it came back to personally bite him in the ass. Who cares about some dead woman and her baby? Who cares about a neglected and mistreated daughter? All the injustice and unfairness? As long as he is comfortable and getting his dick wet, he is just fine with turning a blind eye!
This is exactly my problem with Song Qiutong in 2ha. Yeah, she's a vile person and yeah, she has blood on her hands. But Mo Ran is the one who let her, who gave her the power to murder and abuse. Plus, yes, she may have been the one to betray the Rufeng Sect, but he's still the one who razed it to the ground. Who is he to pass judgment upon her?
Oh, so he didn't kill her?
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But, yeah, her life of luxury is over. She is in for a very miserable existence. Molan will not be able to get her out despite her best intentions because she doesn't even realise yet how she herself is also screwed. And Changfeng is also incompetent. She is done for.
Yeah, I knew that the servants who aided and abetted Molan were not getting out of this alive.
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I still don't understand how they even agreed to do something so stupid, they must have known it would not end well for them once this was discovered. Such a huge risk and I'd be surprised if all servants didn't already know just how disposable they are to their masters. But maybe they didn't have a choice? Would going behind Lin Qinshuang's back and reporting her have saved their lives? Or would they still have been caned to death just to shut them up?
Good job, Minglan!
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I'm not sure your mother would be proud, but I certainly am!
Ah. Just like she didn't get a doctor for Madam Wei.
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically: 32
Second half of the two-parter! The Doctor gets them out of it by making a radio go all loud and gross. I too get sensory overload. I feel sorry for these Daleks.
Anyway, this is actually a very fun and intriguing bit of plotting – the Daleks, now led by the human-dalek hybrid that is Dalek Sec with a beard of penises, have been stockpiling humans. Dalek Sec wants to make lots of hybrids, using a lightning strike to the Empire State Building – now with those Dalek bumps on – to power it. So far so normal, except Dalek Sec has caught human feelings, and now thinks they need to Embrace Emotion. He wants the Doctor to help, so that they might have lots of little humany Daleks running about, and also so they can be taken to a new planet and allowed to start a new race.
This goes down with the other Daleks of the Cult of Skaro approximately as well as a priceless porcelain vase being fired down a fifty foot well out of a cannon. Inevitably, mutiny occurs. They tamper with the gene solution so that the hybrids created will be, like, super Daleky, no emotions. They also make Dalek Sec wear a collar and leash and crawl around on a stage, because even Daleks have kinks I guess.
Fortunately, Martha, Frank, Tallulah and Lazlo manage to hold off the pig slaves (actually, Martha has the genius idea to rig up a set of metal poles so that the lightning that strikes the Empire Stake Building will fry the pig slaves in the lift, because Martha is brilliant and hyper-competent) long enough for the Doctor to get up to the main mast and remove the Dalek bumps. Except he doesn’t do it in time, so he just wraps himself about the mast like a koala and screams as the lightning hits him too. This means the hybrids have Time Lord DNA, and so turn on the Daleks; Daleks Thay, Jast and Sec are all killed, but Dalek Caan survives.
“The only Dalek left in the universe,” the Doctor says sorrowfully. “Like I’m the only Time Lord left.”
We have literally seen Daleks with both Smith and Capaldi, and more than one at that, so lol no. What a silly continuity error! It’s almost like this watch order is completely broken.
HOWEVER is that the first mention that the Doctor is the only Time Lord left? I think it is! Gosh, I wonder what happened to the others?
Other notes – Martha is great again. Something that gets clearer and clearer when you watch this way is that RTD really knows what the point of a companion is and how to use them – neither Moffatt nor Chibnell do. Well; Moffatt has an idea, actually, it’s just a very bad idea because he thinks they’re props for the Doctor’s Man Pain rather than characters in their own right. Chibnell straight up does not know. Ironic, given that he gave himself three at a time, and there’s not enough for even one of them to do.
But RTD companions are co-protagonists; Martha in this episode actually has a fairly small showing, comparatively, but still gets to use her medical skills, break into the Empire State Building, find out exactly where the all-important Dalek bumps that need removing are, and rig up the pipework to electrocute the pig slaves. If you wrote her out, you would need to change the plot to get it all to work still, AND would lose important humanising story elements. It would, quite literally, be a worse story without her. In the last two Yaz episodes, if she was removed there would be no difference or impact whatsoever.
And, in a final moment of glory for the comparisons, as they stand in a theatre before the final showdown, waiting for the Daleks to arrive, the Doctor turns to Martha and tells her to run.
“No,” she says. “I told you I’m staying.”
“And I told you it’s not safe!” the Doctor snarls. “Leave! I’m giving you an order!”
And Martha squares the fuck up to him and says “So who are you, then, some sort of Dalek?”
(Compare: Amy, the “spunky no-nonsense one”, scurrying immediately back to the TARDIS without a word as the Doctor yells at her to leave.)
ANYWAY, fun episode! Weird accents! Very bizarre that Spider-Man was in it! Let’s update the plot threads.
Oh, on the subject of which, I realised yesterday I’ve forgotten to tick one off: now that we’ve met Dead!Bill and heard she was cyber-converted, we know the answer to “Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber conversion?” Sorry about this shameful lack of consistency at my end.
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
Who was the Doctor’s wife?
What’s happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna’s ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said “The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?”
If Dalek Caan is the last Dalek left why are there more now?
How did the rest of the Time Lords die?
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eddiediaaz · 7 months
Hi there! We're not mutuals, so sorry if this is weird, but I saw your vent post and I just wanted to say that you are absolutely not a waste of space. I can't pretend to know exactly what you're experiencing career or health-wise, and I won't tell you it doesn't suck because having either one of those things happening at once would suck, so having them at the same time definitely does. That said, I know just from the fandom work that you share that you are an incredibly talented person, and that you're going to be able to find a way to apply those skills somewhere, even if it's in a different way then you were doing pre-strike. To be dealing with health stuff on top of that is obviously stressful, and I hope things start coming together for you in some way to make any piece of what you're dealing with feel easier soon. If you ever need someone to vent or talk to, feel free to reach out. There are a lot of people around here that are thinking of and rooting for you <3
it's not weird at all oh my god, that was so so sweet of you. the fact that you took the time to send this to me, you are incredible and i thank you so so much <3
i already "work" (well, worked) in a creative industry, movie vfx, and i have no idea what else i would do if i can't find a job again there. it's a very unstable industry and the hollywood strikes last year and now the very real AI threat have rocked the boat so hard. a lot of people lost their jobs and won't be getting them back for many months still, if at all. i've still paying my student loans from film school! i feel at loss about what to do, do i take a minimum wage and suffer when my unemployment benefits end after the summer? do i go back to shcool? can i even go back to school without any savings whatsoever? i live on my own, who would pay my bills if i'm a full time student? anyway yeah it's just A Lot to process right now, and i'm just hoping i won't have to figure out and that the industry will go back to what it once was after the summer (which is doubtful according to a lot of people). and then the whole heallth thing is well i've been unhealthy with how i eat and little excercise i do and now i'm paying the price.
thank you so much for being there and listening <3 i know i am well surrounded, but sometimes i feel like such a burden talking about my "problems" when i know a lot of people have it much much worse.
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crosbyism · 1 month
Fic Writers Q & A
tagged by @dadvans (like a fortnight ago, lol my bad bud, thank u boo)
How many wips do you have currently? like 9, and actively working on about two. fucking r i p, my writer’s block is absolutely taking me out back to the glue factory right now.
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish? Why do you think that is? I’ve been struggling with creative block for a while, so everything is hard right now. But for sure the ones that are hardest are the ones I’ve made the least progress on— where I love the idea and have written some scant words but maybe haven’t found the voice or the sticking points. It’s really important to me to find an emotional core while I’m writing. Sometimes that manifests as a certain atmospheric vibe given by the POV character’s emotional state bleeding into the narration (see nuts and bolts and the low tide), sometimes that’s a very concrete topic or discussion that the fic is centered around (like who can grow me), and sometimes it’s just about hitting the right narrative voice. In Pornstache and the Dogg, that sort of narrational style that’s (comedically) commenting on the events as if from after-the-fact (“It wouldn’t have happened the way it did…”; “And if it weren’t… then Nate would never ask…”; “That’s how Nate ends up…”)— I slid into that almost right away. Although it took quite a while, it was really smooth going from start to finish, and I think I even wrote it chronologically (which is unusual for me) because getting into the flow of that voice propelled me on really well. I think of it like a river: if the established current (=narrative voice, emotional core) is really strong, it’s a lot easier for me to just ride that current and let it take me where I need to go. So when I don’t have that, or am still trying to find it, that’s really hard. It’s why long-ish fic is really hard for me, because I’ll have an idea that I can plan out, that’s easy to sort of map plot points out for, but then the actual writing process is really hard because while I know what needs to happen, actually finding the voice for the story around it beomes a challenge. For me, doing it the other way around is much easier, because rearranging plot points or dialogue is very easy and natural for me if the groove of the narrative voice is well-established for me to slip into. It’s why I think of myself as more of an editor than a writer, because I find it a lot easier to rearrange my writing in order to get to a satisfying emotional ending— which is, to me, the whole point of writing.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you? It looks very random, haha. No rhyme or reason whatsoever, very mercurial lightning-in-a-bottle type shit, which makes it harder to capture. I do actually get boosted creatively a lot by spitballing with friends (most notably dadvans, who really lights my fuse like no one else), but other than that it’s unfortunately hard-to-plan, haha.
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different? For a lot of fics, yeah, but not for every fic. what’s much more common is that I’ll curate either a ship playlist or a playlist for a certain mood or atmosphere, and it’ll get me in the right mindset to write e.g. a creepy scene; a sex scene; shenaniganery; etc. It’s all about mood-setting, for me.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized? I think of it as writing as I go like 90% of the time, but I don’t think that’s exactly true. It’s funny bc I always have certain beats I wanna hit for sure or plans that have evolved by midway through writing. That’s true for smut as much as for anything else. For smut it can be sex acts or sexually motor-revving moments for the characters (which, to me, is always emotionally significant), but mostly it’s an emotional beat. But it can work out to be structural elements too! For example for who can grow me I knew that the logical ending of the fic was the end of the weekend, and I’d already written and conceptualised the conversations that needed to happen within the fic/timespan of the weekend, so I ended up making a timeline midway through the process to more concretely figure out what conversation needed to happen when, so that it’s sort of “all ticked off the checklist” by the time they leave the cabin at the end of the fic. After scribbling down a timeline and planning it all out, it became clear that the last scene didn’t need to happen right before they left and that I didn’t need to make them leaving the cabin a part of the fic at all, since it was more important that it should happen the morning after The Big Emotional Talk. So I MacGyver’d it into the final scene happening on the second to last day, as they’re going out for a little hike. Because for the emotional beat, it was more important for Matthew to finally ask for something from his brother, trust him in that way, and for Brady to be able to give it to him, to sort of reforge the trust and emotional connection. So that ended up being a change made through logistical planning. What that did mean is that an easter egg that I planned fell through (Brady and Matthew were going to meet the mysterious owner of the cabin coming in as they’re going out, and sort of lift the minor mystery of who the cabin even belongs to), but since the emotional story was more important, it was a cut I was pretty happy to make.
tagging: @crosmack @imafriendlydalek @plethoriall bc i’m curious (no pressure tho buds ❤️) and anyone else who wants to. talking about this was actually really fun!
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regina-cordium · 4 months
For the writer asks: 4, 14, 18, 35, 40?
please pretend like i answered this in a timely manner i truly am the worst at answering messages
4. What's a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
cobble is The best word to say. Great mouth feel.
14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your "lost" books are and which specific friend from school you haven't seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back?
OP has been deeply wronged in their life jfsdiojfsf but yes, I'm willing to lend by books out to whoever. HOWEVER. it is a one strike system. the second u hand me back a book that looks worse than when i gave it to u, u get no more books. use the library.
18. Chose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
I wanna talk about the cafe scene from like a star across my heart
i knew that katherine and sarah needed to get together to work out the details of their fake dating endeavor, and it seemed to me that it would be easier to work it out in person rather than just over text. plus, they uuuuuhhhhhhh needed to actually meet in person lmao
i really didnt have anything specific planned beyond (and this is a direct quote from my outline) "[Insert increasingly cartoonish reasons they haven’t actually met before]" which. miiiiiiight be obvious? i'm gonna be sososososo real with you. i wrote that scene at, like, 4 am. it was VERY much just going with the vibes
however, to again quote my outline, i knew the background vibe was "Oh No She's Hot" and "Katherine Ethel Pulitzer can be Totally Fucking Normal in the face of extremely pretty girls. She’s an Adult." i definitely went overboard with katherine dying in the presence of a pretty girl, but also she is NOT as dignified as she pretends. she is no less chaotic and messy as her friends. i Needed it to be noted that not a single person in this friend group is normal
35. What's your favorite writing rule to smash to smithereens?
using "says" like. sometimes characters are Just Saying Something. not yelling, not snarking, not whispering. just. they're just saying!!
also, i love me an adverb. let me overly describe the most minuscule of details for no reason whatsoever
40. Please share a poem with me, I need it.
My absolute favorite poem is The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot
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Just Fine and Dandelions
Summary: Like other magical creatures, witches are very territorial.
(Part 1/3)
Many things in this world are beyond human comprehension.
Vampires were tall, gangly things with too much pallor to their skin and wicked sharp teeth. The undead were visibly crumbling into ash, and gave off a horrible smell that warned you of their existence well before they were in striking distance. Sprites were tiny, glowing beings that, like an angler fish, would lead the unwary to an untimely death.
But these aren’t what people fear the most. Because, though the chances of surviving an encounter with such a creature were slim, at least you would know what was going to happen the moment you saw it.
No, the things people fear most are the things that look like them. The faerie are perfect facsimiles of humans, unless you peer too closely at their teeth or count how many fingers they have. Nixie will lure you into the water with them with beautiful songs and even more beautiful bodies, and you won’t realize that they’re not normal until they grab you with their ungodly strength and pull you under.
There was no warning. No chance to run. For why would you run from what you think was just another person?
And then there were witches.
Perhaps witches disturbed humans the most.
Because faerie and nixie usually stick to themselves. They’re willing to leave humans be, as long as they themselves are left alone. If you don't stumble into a faerie's circle, or come close to a nixie's lake, you could go your entire life without seeing one.
Witches, however, will join human society, and humans will never be any the wiser – or rather, not until the witch got bored.
In which case, their problem really isn't the fact that there is a witch in their village, and more the fact that there is a magical being set on razing everything they've ever known and loved to the ground.
Until then, though, witches are perfectly willing to be just yet another human. They're model citizens, really.
After all, gathering all those ingredients for their potions and spells was difficult. Who wants to spend all of their time gardening and hunting when you can simply go into town with a couple of coins and buy most of what you need? Witches need to perform magic to survive, and if they’re spending all of their time doing other things they start to…
They rot, for lack of a better word.
So, witches hide among humans. Tolerate humans. They’re willing to have symbiotic – or, at the very least, parasitic – relationships with them.
But, like other magical creatures, they are also very territorial.
Which is why, when Marinette looked up from her sewing and her gaze landed upon a ‘man’ with dark skin, her smile strained.
She could feel the magic radiating off of him. The humans wouldn’t notice, she knew. Her entire shop was practically overflowing with magic after all of her years living there, to the point where the floorboards glimmered with glittering gold that she could never quite get out, but the humans’ eyes glazed over it like it wasn’t there at all. So, no, they wouldn’t notice the way that the air around the man seemed to brighten just slightly. As if he was so happy that the world itself had lightened to give that perfect, sunny feeling right back to him.
Not that he actually looked all that happy. His hands curled into fists where they hung out of his traveler’s cloak.
To be fair, she wasn’t all that happy herself.
She fought the urge to reach up and check that her earrings were still in place. That they hadn't popped out of their own accord and rolled right over to him. It was a stupid thought, perhaps, but one that poked at her regardless. If she lost her earrings, she would be ruined. Which was exactly why she couldn't risk drawing any attention to them whatsoever.
She discreetly tied off her most recent sewing project underneath the table before slowly pushing herself to her feet.
She cast a glance around her store. She was the town seamstress. She was good at sewing, could make lace so intricate you would think a spider had woven it. People liked her work, and she liked having something to busy her hands with in the long hours before nightfall. It was mutually beneficial.
And, unfortunately, business was booming.
Which meant that there were several people around to watch as the man glared her down for seemingly no reason.
She set her jaw, forcing her expression to remain as cheerful as she could make it. “Oh, you must be new in town!” She glanced him up and down, and couldn’t quite hide the way her lips tried to curl in disgust. “Come into the back with me, I’ll get your sizes and everything so I can start on something for you.”
He raised an eyebrow at her. “When did I say I wanted to commission new clothes from you?”
“Oh, I just assumed. Because…” She made a vague motion to him and his current clothes, and then tipped her head to the side with a smile that was more passive-aggressive than true. “Well, you’re here, aren’t you? Is there any other reason you’d come to a fabrics shop?”
His annoyance faded just slightly, replaced by the barest traces of amusement.
She jutted her chin out, silently daring him to say something that would get them both thrown out of town. After all, the only way someone can sense magic is if they themselves are magic as well, and humans don’t care about honoring the wishes of even the most well-intentioned whistleblowers.
He held her gaze for just a few moments longer before sighing and giving a small shrug of his shoulders. He brought a hand up to steady the backpack slung there, beneath his cloak, making him look like he had a posture that even Quasimodo from Notre Dame would pity.
Quietly, she led him into a backroom. Her tape measures lay there, yes, but that wasn’t at all what she was aiming for.
The moment the door clicked closed, the sigil carved into the door and the wall were joined. A human might see the swirling designs and colorful shapes on her walls as a design choice. But, when she reached into her pocket for a couple of stray flowers and then pressed a hand to the design, channeling enough magic to make the soundproofing rune glimmer her signature deep red color, it became unmistakable. This was the house of a witch.
Not that the man was surprised.
His hand jerked towards the flower vase not that far away, but she knew the intricacies of her house's layout, and he stumbled over a rune. It was harmless, something that stuck his foot to the floor, but it was enough to trip him up regardless. He hissed a curse as his chin slammed against the ground.
She only paid him enough mind to purposefully step on one of his legs on the way to the vase. Her fingers looped around the stems delicately. Water dripped over the floor, but she didn't seem to care.
She almost looked pleasant like that, holding a small bouquet to her chest, smiling with so much ease it almost bled into him. It would look domestic, pretty, sweet…
If he didn't know that living things were extremely powerful channeling tools, and that she could use them to drain the life right out of him with a few simple words.
"Scared of a couple of flowers?" she teased.
She made no moves to stop him while he dispelled the rune binding him to the ground, nor when he pushed himself to his feet. She had the upper hand and she knew it.
Not that he cared to back down. He sneered at her. “Not really. But I can't say that I’m all too fond of the idea of fighting both of you at once.”
She laughed, but there was no real humor there. “Then don’t force me to fight you.”
He tipped his head to the side, seemingly considering it, before humming and stepping around her. Brown eyes scanned the place as he walked around her tiny little abode but, really, he was watching her. Trying to gauge her reactions.
“So,” he said in a light tone. “Where is your Item? Is it a book? Or a sewing needle? That sounds like something you’d do, you seem to like sewing quite a lot, if you chose that to be your job.”
He grabbed a nearby set of knitting needles suddenly, but she didn’t do much more than raise an eyebrow at him.
And then she snorted and started forward.
“You want to play that game, huh? I mean, if you want to find my Item, then surely I’m allowed to have a little looksie for yours as well, right?” Her grin turned sharp. Her heels clicked loudly on the floor with every step she took in his direction, getting louder and louder, faster and faster as she advanced on him. “It’s got to be on you, right? I mean, you wouldn’t leave it out for the werewolves to find, and you aren’t set up in any of the houses in town yet, so it’s got to be in your bag somewhere… I’m sure that, if I just up and grabbed it I’d have it, and I don’t think you’d want me to own you, now, would you?”
She stepped into his personal space, leaning in and smiling in a way that could only ever be described as creepy.
“Don’t start fights you can’t win,” she warned. And, for just a second, she didn't look like an innocent little seamstress. Blue eyes swirled with something Wild, as if nature itself was contained within her tiny frame. Held at bay, but only just.
He grinned and brought a hand up to tap her on the nose.
She opened her mouth to curse (either at him, or to simply curse him), but her voice quickly died in her throat.
A tiny flower poked itself out of his palm, the roots curling around his finger.
She jerked back.
“I don’t.”
(Next part)
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papirouge · 6 months
Make no mistake Candace will embrace zionism again if Palestine falls and Palestinians are forgotten. She is by nature simply a contrarian - she will ALWAYS take the other side regardless of what that side is. If Tate suddenly becomes mainstream and accepted, she will inevitably speak out against him. If feminism goes underground, she will be a feminist. Her grift is to be loud and go against the popular for views and attention. Her husband from what I’ve seen is pretty submissive (very funny how ALL of the married “trad” girls I know of that pander to the right and claim they only love aggressive masculine and traditionally dominant men never marry them, they always find the quiet submissive men that are house husbands that don’t really work) so nothing he will say will matter to her either. Her running back or trying to run back to black spaces is because she doesn’t want to be attacked now for being a black woman now that she’s vulnerable. Yet she still wants to bring white peoples feelings in those spaces too so she can stay on racist white people’s good graces because that’s her nature - to always to be the opposite. Black spaces are for black feelings, she knows this yet she will do the opposite anyway. All for attention. Just a pathetic person
She reminds me of an old friend I had. My friends and I started a gaming group for just ourselves, just black girls gaming and having fun without any worries. It was so much fun except when my ex friend tried to invite and get her white male friend involved. We told her no, this space was for black women only. She called us racist and sexist while her white friend just moved on He never cared about joining since he wasn’t even a gamer, it was all her idea. We had to block her and move on too 💀
Wait a minute- are you talking about the black gamer girl discord group drama ? Are you aware this drama came over tiktok?? 👀 Why am i only half surprised that a fellow black girl shoved this white dude there though ? 💀 Not that white men trying to invade black (female) space is unprecedented, but as I always said, Black women are EXTREMELY male identified (probably more than any other race) so I'm not shocked this black woman did the most for her White male friend.. TRAGIC.
It's so confusing to see her talk about her husband and how she chose him because he was her match intellectually speaking when he doesn't strike as such 💀 He's definitely not stupid, but I feel like there's a major dissonance between how she "sells" him, and reality. Their dynamic is very loopsided : he only talks about her, while she's -very publicly- taking all the attention. Sorry but there's nothing less submissive or traditional in this marriage dynamic. Even the way her own camp talks about her doesn't reflect any idea of feminity - they talk about her like an attack dog. A smart, eloquent one, but still a dog. When Shapiro and his Daily Wire clique turned against then dumped her, nobody felt sorry for her. Even those who defended her knew she was the Strong Black Woman™️ and would ultimately get back on her feet. Candace herself is so energyetically masculine she didn't remotely think about leveraging her femininity to grasp some sympathy (emotions) by saying how she felt betrayed or left out. Nope. Like a soldier, she got back on her feet and started campaigning to fund her next venture.... If anything, Candace is the posterchild of feminism. Nothing about her screams traditional or feminine.
And it makes sense bc Candace is so bigger than life that she would hardly be able to find someone to match her level - especially among conservative men who absolutely don't come off as the intellectual type.... To reach that goal, she would've had more chance with Asian men since she said before her boyfriend all her earlier boyfriends were Asians (Korean and Japanese) lol
And yeah, that's exactly it : she's a contrarian. That's why her opinions have no consistency whatsoever. Like, you can't blame feminism and try to reinforce traditional gender roles onto society......while defending a lover boy/pimp/porn producer/fornicator aka Andrew Tate.
That's why contrarian are so politically stupid btw. They're often lumped with the right, but rightoids at least have a set of value tenants that won't change depending on whether they're popular or not. But contrarians? They'll hate things to the point of cognitive dissonance. We witnessed it A LOT these last few years. For example, tpeople who were against the c0vid shot and (rightfully) called out the msm propaganda and lies to push it, often used the fact of being against the "popular opinion" (=getting the vaccine) as a proof they were right. Well it was pretty shocking to see a lot of them turned out to be big supporters of Israel/Zionism, and sided with the very same msm they bitched against non stop a few years before. Their primitive contrarian mindset made them believe that because they were against Palestine (= the popular opinion) they were right once again..... And they have the same pattern with Musk, Trump, Take and every problematic/controversial figure they think unabashedly supporting means they're doing right against the MatRix - or whatever it is.
And this issue isn't only with right leaning people : it was extremely disappointing and disgraceful to see people support the TikTok ban in some wack intellectual superiority move, and (indirectly) campaign for the same US government they were shitting on FOR MONTHS over what it's been doing in Palestine. Mind you, they are the same crowd saying shit like "yOu aRe nOt iMmuNe tO prOpagAndA uwu" when anyone with a IQ higher than room temperature would grasp that this ban was a way to CONTROL TikTok which is the least biased media platform when it comes to social commentary or news coverage (especially with what's going on Palestine right now). But nooooo, those idiots refuse to look at the bigger picture and want it shut down because of a handful of dumb tradwives and pro ana mentally ill girls. PLEASE.
I've said it and I'll say it again : nothing you see on TikTok is unique to TikTok or happens because of TikTok. I'm a millennial, I'm old enough to remember that social contagion/reproduction the most destructive trends always happened since the drawn of the internet. In 2002 it was on message board, forum, etc...in 2024 it happens on social media - not only TikTok. If anything, those big SNS corporation centralizing the lot of internet communication help having a better outlook on social trends. Instead of having to patrol gazillions of obscure group chat with no mail adresssed required to post shit, the special services only have to lurk on social media 🤷🏾‍♀️
Oh and one last thing: 99% of the shit ppl complain about TikTok I never see it on my dash. TikTok algorithm is INSANE and manages to spoon fed you what you like 9 times out of 10. So there's 2 possibilities : either 1) they're the problem and should stop entertaining content that harms their peace 2) they're lying and just rehash the stuff other people say without checking by themselves if that content is *that* pervasive on that app.
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goldenlaquer · 1 year
Omggg yes I want him to be the reason why they aren't hunting Tora down !! She probably told him about her father and why she wants to go on earth so he helped her🥺
I also have this idea where she stumble across Kamui and Abuto during the Yoshiwara arc (she was with the Yorozuya gang helping Seita), Kamui didn't recognize her because he's little shit who only remember the one he wants to fight but Abuto immediatly knew who she was and was like "Oh isn't that the brat who stole from us ?" and Tora freaked out. Is Yan part of that arc at all and if yes how do you think he'll react ??
YES!! I don’t know if their relationship is close enough to warrant Tora trusting Yan enough to confide in him about her trying to look for a way out (a life-or-death situation, I’ll assume) so if Yan helps Tora, it wouldn’t be through a direct approach, but subtly from the sidelines. Tora doesn’t exactly strike me as being a smooth liar when she tries to sneakily ask Yan questions, so Yan would immediately catch on that she’s trying to escape and nudge her in the right direction without ever letting her know that he knows, so that she can actually come up with her plan on her own terms. The less Yan knows the easier it is for him to play dumb about it if he’s ever interrogated. Would Tora ever figure out if Yan was actually helping her out? Maybe not then in the moment, but after she successfully defected and had time to think the events through?
And if Abuto is Kamui’s right hand man, then Yan is the unofficial left hand— he knows pretty much everything that goes on with the 7th division and he does hold some sway in the important decisions (well, as much sway you can have when Kamui is practically a tyrant captain). So when the discussion comes up on whether they should hunt down Tora and make her pay for disrespecting the 7th division with her defection and stolen money, to everyone’s surprise it’s Yan speaking up and saying that Tora isn’t worth the trouble, and that she never had any real purpose on the crew, and that she’s so weak she’d probably be killed before they can reach her anyway. Yan knows that Kamui probably isn’t all that interested in hunting Tora down anyway because she’s a weakling in his eyes, plus he never cared about money (Tora took a lot but I can see it being a nonissue for the 7th division because money comes easy with their line of work)—which is why Yan’s taking advantage by expounding in all these points that already align with Kamui’s feelings. Tora better count her lucky STARS that Yan is so dead eyed that he gives nothing away, even when Kamui directs the full prying force of his attention to him and asks, hm, Yan? You aren’t trying to protect Tora, are you?
Yan doesn’t really show up in the Yoshiwara arc so he won’t be there to meet Tora again, but I have a scene where Kamui hauls Abuto back to the ship and Yan is taking care of Abuto’s major wounds. Abuto could probably mention seeing Tora, news that Yan takes in with no reaction whatsoever as he works on stitching Abuto up. Well, Yan’s never one for reaction LOL but there is relief in knowing that Tora isn’t dead and that she’s probably doing well enough for herself from what he can tell from Abuto’s account of her. I think Abuto would ask Yan if he really didn’t have any part in helping her escape, a question Yan doesn’t reply to— and he doesn’t need to because that tells Abuto everything he needs to know, good grief.
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dorefasolsido · 7 months
Do you ever wonder how Atheist people raise their kids?
I mean, just normal? I was raised by an atheist and an agnostic, I guess the only difference is that they never really taught me about religion whatsoever, so when I was asked in school which faith I identify with, I had no idea what to say. But they never told me I can't read the Bible if I wanted to (only read part of the kids' one tho), and we still celebrated Christmas and Easter like everyone else. Tbh, hearing about some people's experiences with growing up in religious households, I'm glad mine wasn't like that.
If you’re atheist, would you raise you kids believing in God or not?
I'm more of an agnostic, but if I ever had kids (which I don't want to), I'd raise them like my parents raised me. They can explore on their own, I can answer some questions, and that's it. I won't push anything onto them, especially not something I don't really believe in either.
How long does it usually take you to finish answering a survey?
Depends, I'm done with some in ten minutes, others in half an hour or more.
Do you spell it gray or grey?
Usually grey, but depends if I'm using American or British spelling.
If you make surveys, how do you decide about its title?
I don't.
When are you going back to school?
I'm done with school.
If you don’t go to school anymore, what do you do?
I work, attend German classes, deal with the crushing reality of everyday existence. As everyone else.
Do you care about other people’s status messages?
Hmmm where? I can only check those now on WhatsApp, and yes, I do that. I'm too nosey not to.
Do you like reading self help books?
Nah, it's just not for me.
What is your opinion on sex change?
Those who want it should go for it, I'm glad such options exist for trans people.
Do you think that this will take away the essence of gay pride?
I have no clue what this means, tbh, but the answer is probably no.
What do you do when you tell a really bad joke?
I laugh at myself and give myself a highfive while others all sigh and groan.
If you’re still a virgin, how important is your virginity to you?
It's not important and I think the whole concept and discussion around it is stupid. Like, I'd just get rid of that whole idea entirely. It seriously fucked with my head when a gynecologist reacted like I'm some mythical creature just because I'm over 20 and have never had sex with a man. I'm still dealing with that shame sometimes, and I'm not even attracted to men like that.
If you have lost it already, do you regret it?
As I said, it doesn't mean anything to me, so no, I wouldn't regret it. But tbh, I can't see myself in that situation, being ace and all.
Do you believe in marriage? Why or why not?
Well I mean sure, but I don't personally see that much of a point. I guess there are financial benefits and so on, but ehhh, I don't know.
Do you like having a huge group of friends or would you rather have few close friends?
A few close friends.
Do you have any goals for this summer? If so, what are they?
Summer is far away, but I'd like to travel somewhere, I guess.
Or do you plan on getting a summer job? Or do you already have one?
I have a job--not just a summer one.
If so, where do you work and what do you do?
Content writing and translating.
Do you watch the TV Show Skins? If so, who’s your favorite character?
I don't.
And which generation do you prefer? Or do you equally love both?
Refer to the above.
Do you know someone who still typpe thiszz wayy?
Has anyone ever typed that way?
Would you take a break after graduating from high school (like, postpone going to college for a year or so)?
Well I didn't--it's not exactly a common thing to do here, but I think it's not bad. Like, if you can afford it, why not travel a bit before college?
Do you feel tired after stretching?
Not normally.
Can you get a strike at bowling?
I did a few times. Beginner's luck!
Do you use Facebook? If so, what is your favorite application there?
I don't use it anymore.
It seems like everyone’s addicted to Twitter these days - are you?
Nope. I'm barely ever on there.
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aariba-alex · 2 years
What Is Your Sleeping Position?
When thinking about how to arrange this source, I made a decision to break it down right into the 6 most important concerns to consider when acquiring a new bed mattress. Each section, after that, will educate you exactly how to respond to these inquiries in the way that's right for you. For a little tease, right here are the Q's we'll be checking out together with links to their corresponding areas (so you can jump around as you please):. How old is your mattress? What setting do you oversleep? What firmness do you require? Just how much do you weigh? What kind of mattress do you need? What's your spending plan? Though everyone's search is going to look a little various, spoiling these predicaments will certainly establish you up for significant buying success. So, let's begin by discussing mattress age! Exactly how old Is your mattress? This is the very first concern you need to respond to. Why? Well, the age of your mattress can play a huge duty in determining whether you need a new one. As a basic general rule, you'll wish to begin thinking of getting a brand-new bed if you've had your old one for over 8 years. This isn't an established requirement whatsoever, however is generally a great benchmark for checking in with your mattress and finding out whether it's still doing its job re: Lulling you to rest!
While these numbers are valuable in contextualising the life-span of your mattress, the very best way to determine whether it's time to change points up is to pay attention to your body. Are you waking up with new discomforts in the morning? Do you have difficulty finding a comfortable setting at night? Have you observed any kind of brand-new dips in your mattress that can't be fixed by revolving it frequently? If you responded to yes to any of these questions, it might be time to bid farewell to your bed. Now that we have actually got the age concern arranged, it's time to think of you, the sleeper. While we'll be excavating right into a great deal of different aspects that have to do with you and your special slumber style, the first thing to identify is what placement you sleep in. Though a majority of people often tend to toss and turn between various settings in the evening, most people prefer certain placements over others. Maybe you're a person that such as to begin on your back and also roll over to your side. Or probably you spend most of the evening in your corner and then finish things off on your stomach while striking snooze in the early morning. If you have actually never really considered your liked resting settings previously, I would certainly encourage you to pay added close attention to just how you sleep over the following week. You'll likely find that you're either a back sleeper, side sleeper, stomach sleeper, or some combination of the three.
You don't have a bedside table? Well, there are various other illumination choices to discover! In other words, there is no factor to have to do without this atmospheric as well as helpful extra lights. From bedroom lamps to brighten up your bedside, to desk lights to help you work. Learn more here.
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cookiedoughuwu · 2 years
☾ ℳ𝑜𝑜𝓃𝒞𝒽𝒾𝓁𝒹 ☽ Minjoon
It's late at night.
The stars and full moon are out shining bright.
I've been up for quite some time, staring at my phone waiting for a notification to arrive.
I sighed as I awaited that special text from you.
Yeah I'm tired and it's late but without you, by my side, I won't be able to sleep anyway.
Speaking the language of love or saying the words I want to say is hard to convey.
It's so warm and cozy in our room, on a cold late night-yet it's not perfect until I know you're alright.
I mean, I know you're okay and just fine but I miss you because you're gone sometimes.
Always busy making music, developing your own perceptive view on the world on how you see things.
Other times we'd talk and lay together in bed and watch a scary movie.
Most days you would teach me how to write a few song lyrics.
I adore your love for sea animals even though to me they still taste great!
Yet within your heart you find so much merciful grace.
I adore how cute and clumsy you are when it comes to doing anything.
There's always something you break or destroy, never on purpose.
Yet it always happens no matter what object you choose.
I adore your intelligence it's one of a kind and definitely elegant.
I adore how you're so well-mannered and respectful, you grew into something so amazing, didn't you?
Like a perfectly watered plant, you matured and blossomed into something so much more.
Like the guy who swept me off my feet and made sure I fell for.
I know I shouldn't have a crush on you, but it just felt so right!
I know it's wrong to have a crush on my bandmate for so long.
But can you blame me?!
Your beautiful music and intellectual personality is pulling me in and I'm falling harder than dead leaves for you.
I'm just not over how it all happened so fast.
Way back in the past from the moment I saw you, I knew you were the one.
It was clearly a stream of serendipity when I first joined this group and saw you.
At first, I didn't think I'd like you like that.
Back then you were just another great bandmate and nothing more.
Until now once I realized how adorable you looked whilst catching crabs by the sea shore.
Then my simple 'small details' of noticing all the cute things you do develop into something much bigger.
Anytime you smiled, get flustered at yourself for being cute, or even breaking something, I'd smile as well.
Eventually, I always caught myself staring at the walking picture-perfect painting in front of me.
My eyes always dwelled on your body,
Whether it was when you were looking and sounding as amorous as a red rose during expensive girl.
If not, then you would be naturally striking as a buttercup.
Even with or without makeup!
You still look perfectly imperfect to me and way better than anyone else.
Without makeup, you have nothing but absolute ethereal beauty.
With makeup, you look better than any actor or character I've seen in anime or a movie.
Truly, in my heart, you shine brighter than any star.
You're my light, the motivation I use to keep me going so far!
A passionate leader who knows exactly who they are.
Not a fake rapper wannabe.
Not an untrustworthy person who doesn't know how to lead.
Not an unexpressive person in their music whatsoever, which is something every A.R.M.Y sees.
I'm proud to know that you're the man I love.
Ever since I liked you, my feelings flew high in the sky like white doves.
I can't wait till you get home Hyung.
But for now, I'll wait for you to get back since I miss you so much.
I really do love you Kim Namjoon, I hope this poem means something to you.
Whether it's your own true feelings back or something less significant.
Yet whatever it is, I'll be happy, whether it's your feelings that you like me back.
Or the feelings for me that you lack.
I'll just be happy knowing that you read this and saw my confession.
Thank you for being such a great leader and best friend.
I know I keep saying it, but I'll say it again, I love you Kim Namjoon.
Please allow me to love you as you are.
I'll wait for however long it takes, since me loving you was never a mistake.
I hope this poem will be engraved within your heart, to show how my love for you, will never fall apart.
I love you Kim Namjoon.
I hope you just let me love you for you.
C'mon, y'all~
Moonchild, don't cry~
When moon rise, it's your time~
C'mon, y'all~
Moonchild, you shine~
When moon rise, it's your time~
C'mon, y'all~
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nationunited · 2 years
Important Mattress Questions
When thinking about how to organise this source, I chose to simplify into the six most important concerns to think about when acquiring a brand-new mattress. Each section, then, will teach you how to answer these questions in the way that's right for you. This details is very important since all mattresses engage themselves to various kinds of sleepers. Below, are the best types of beds best for you at bedfurnitureworld.co.uk Just how old is your bed mattress? What position do you sleep in? What suppleness do you need? How much do you evaluate? What sort of bed mattress do you require? What's your spending plan? Though everybody's search is most likely to look a little different, puncturing these predicaments will certainly set you up for major shopping success. So, allow's get going by discussing mattress age! This is the extremely first inquiry you require to address. Why? Well, the age of your bed mattress can play a large role in determining whether you need a new one. As a general rule, you'll want to begin thinking about getting a brand-new bed from www.simplyfurnituredirect.com
if you've had your old one for over 8 years. This isn't an established standard whatsoever, yet is normally a good criteria for checking in with your mattress and also determining whether it's still doing its task re: Waning you to rest! While these numbers are practical in contextualising the life expectancy of your mattress, the most effective way to determine whether or not it's time to switch over things up is to listen to your body. Are you getting up with new pains in the morning? Do you have problem locating a comfortable setting at night? Have you discovered any type of brand-new dips in your bed mattress that can't be repaired by revolving it regularly? If you addressed yes to any of these questions, it might be time to bid bye-bye to your bed. Since we've obtained the age question arranged, it's time to consider you, the sleeper. While we'll be excavating into a lot of different factors that relate to you as well as your one-of-a-kind slumber design, the first thing to determine is what setting you sleep in. Though a bulk of people tend to toss and turn between different settings in the evening, most individuals prefer certain settings over others. Maybe you're someone who likes to start off on your back and also surrender to your side. Or possibly you spend most of the evening in your corner and then finish points off on your stomach while striking snooze in the early morning. If you have actually never ever truly considered your liked resting settings previously, I 'd urge you to pay additional attention to exactly how you sleep over the next week. You'll likely find that you're either a back sleeper, side sleeper, stomach sleeper, or some mix of the three.
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uwusenpaiuwu · 3 years
Sleepovers At The Baji Household feat. A Fed-Up Chifuyu
Summary: Chifuyu just wants to sleep, man, but Baji wants to be a jealous crackhead at 2 AM.
Pairing: Sano Manjiro | Mikey x Male Reader
Note(s): I had a little free time and wrote this. So, please enjoy! ALSO, to the anon that sent me a request a few days ago, I saw it and have it filed on my to-do list!!! I will definitely get to it as soon as I get a break in my schedule :)
"Chifuyu, ya wanna see some real discrimination?"
No. No, Chifuyu does not want to see what Baji means by 'real discrimination.'
Does he tell him that, though?
Yes, actually, because it's 2 in the fucking morning and, as much as he respects the other boy, he wouldn't put it past himself to smother him with a pillow after having his dream of cuddling with a sea of puppies suddenly destroyed.
Unfortunately for his sanity, Baji either doesn't hear him or, more likely than not, doesn't give a fuck, because he's already flopping onto his belly and whipping out his phone to do God knows what.
The dial tone that sounds from the speaker a few seconds later makes Chifuyu cringe, especially since it's only ever been a calm silence fit for a good night's sleep prior to Baji bulldozing through it with his absurd question. (At the very least, he's thankful that the latter has half a mind to keep the brightness on the lowest setting, otherwise, Chifuyu would have had to fight.)
On the far end of the row of carefully-laid futons, you shift in your sleep, eyebrows furrowing together at the noise. Rotating onto your side, you unconsciously reach for Baji, and just when he thinks you're being cute and trying to cuddle him, you smack him in the head.
Baji doesn't flinch, instead, takes his pillow and shoves it in your grasp to keep your unconscious self occupied, so that he can focus on getting through to the person who reuses to pick up (understandably so).
Releasing a frustrated groan after being redirected to voice mail for the fifth time, he dials the number again, muttering an impatient, "Pick up already."
Chifuyu feels sorry for the poor soul on the other end. He would've blocked someone following the first call, because again, it's-
The blond has to squint his eyes up at the digital clock on Baji's nightstand, which confirms that it's already 2:22 A.M, further solidifying the fact that he shouldn't be awake right now. And this also applies to the ever persistent first division captain, who insists on bothering who Chifuyu soon discovers is Mikey from the contact ID that flashes across the screen.
Why Baji is so keen on bothering him is a question he doesn't have the mental capacity to ponder over. The most energy he'll expend is to listen in when the call miraculously connects.
"What...?" comes a muffled voice from the receiver, tone laced in an irked grogginess birthed from a slumber rudely interrupted.
There's an absurdly loud, almost angry, roar of Mikey's name, one that has Chifuyu curling in on himself in a futile attempt to escape a sound that should be illegal at this hour.
But you know what else should be illegal?
The fucking whiplash Chifuyu gets when Baji's deep voice takes an abrupt 180°, switching from its normal gruffness to a squeaky, ear-piercing shrill as he screams, "I love you, love you, love you! Do you love me, too, Mikey-kyun~♡?!"
The room is dead silent.
Not a word. Not a murmur. Not a breath.
Just pure, unadulterated silence as both Chifuyu and Mikey process the words that hang in the air, permeating it with a goosebumps-inducing eeriness from having heard such a...a girly, overtly cutesy screech from Baji.
"What the fuck? He hung on me!"
Chifuyu opens his mouth, thinks better of reacting to the cursed scene he had the misfortune of bearing witness to, and promptly closes it.
Other people may have sleep paralysis demons.
But Chifuyu?
Chifuyu has Baji.
With both hands partially raised in prayer, he begs for the shenanigans to be over and done with.
They are not.
While his eyes remain closed in a last ditch effort to convince himself that it's all a bad dream, he hears a lot of grumbling happening on your side of the room, courtesy of Baji, who's scrambling around in search of...something. One quick peek reveals him fiddling with a phone - yours, to be exact, as evidenced by the distinctive phone charm of your favorite anime character hanging from it.
"(Y/n), wake up for a second," he hears him whisper. It takes a bit of prompting, until he's able to successfully rouse you enough from sleep to elicit any kind of response, which is, essentially, nothing short of an incoherent, slurred mess. Although, Chifuyu is pretty damn certain he heard you call Baji a 'dickhead' for the trouble.
Unperturbed, he continues shaking your limp form, coaxing you into wakefulness with, "Repeat what I tell you, and I'll let you go back to asleep. Deal?"
You squint your eyes at him, only able to make out a vague outline of his visage in the lightless room. "Promise?"
"Cross my heart, hope to die," he automatically responds with the same phrase he's become accustomed to saying whenever you two made a promise, something done purely out of habit, formed when the two of you were just kids and he wanted to get you to do something absolutely ridiculous either for him or with him. And just 'cause he knows you're more susceptible to complying if he does it, he also interlocks his pinky with yours.
The approval is his cue to proceed, and it's as he's putting the phone on speaker that he turns back to a regretfully wide awake Chifuyu, mouthing a wordless, 'Watch.'
The phone rings, loud and clear, precisely once and only once.
"(Y/n), what's wrong?" It's important to note that even though Mikey still sounds tired as hell, his tone is much lighter, much happier really, than when it was Baji, which is an offense in itself to the said teen that's off to the side, attentively listening to the conversation unfold.
Then, it strikes Chifuyu, what Baji is trying to do, and fuck does it give him an instant headache.
Meanwhile, your mouth morphs into the dopiest of smiles with the pleasant surprise of hearing your boyfriend's voice, chest instantly overtaken by a warm fuzziness that never fails to make an appearance whenever he's involved. Sappy, you know, but it's true!
A light but firm nudge to your shoulder reminds you of your mission. It's too bad that, teetering along the edge of sleep as you are, the words Baji whispers are barely repeated correctly.
The initial phrase from before, the one Baji greeted Mikey with, is shortened to a simple, "You wuv I...?"
But, without missing a beat, you receive Mikey's confident reply of, "Mhm... I wuv you a lot."
There's a sleepy giggle then - a fucking giggle - before your voices drop to sweet whispers that the third and fourth wheels can't fully comprehend from where they are.
"Where the fuck was my 'I wuv you,' huh?!" Baji whisper-shouts, considerate of your conversation even when ranting and raving. "Shit, I would've taken a simple 'I love you,' too! I've known that bastard way longer than (Y/n), and this is what I get?!"
Okay. Toman's president answers his boyfriend's late night calls faster than he does anyone else's and openly expresses his love for him. So what? Chifuyu wouldn't exactly call it 'discrimination,' per se. 'Favoritism,' maybe if you wanna stretch it, but using as strong a word as discrimination, especially taking into account you two are dating; it's normal? Nah.
"You wanna say 'bye' to them? Mm. Baji and Chifuyu." A pause. "Fuyu, Mikey says 'bye.'"
"Bye, Mikey-kun."
The other person in the room waits, and waits, and waits, and when it's clear that there is no intention to address his presence whatsoever, Baji turns to Chifuyu with an almost scandalized expression, making wild gesticulations with his hands, clearly distressed. "See?!"
Blank blue eyes stare back at him, unblinking. Honestly, it's a common occurrence - Baji spiraling in a nonsensical rage - so it's easy for Chifuyu to block out the muted, jealousy-driven temper tantrum as he takes his pillow in both hands, raises it as high as he can, and-
-lets it flop right back onto his face.
He can't suffocate Baji. Shouldn't. Wouldn't. Couldn't. After all, they're best buds, meaning he has an obligation to put up with shit like this once in a while. (Plus, he'd probably get his ass kicked before he succeeds anyway. Totally not worth the beating.)
"Did you hear? Mikey said he wuvs me," he hears you drawl dreamily as soon as you hang up, sounding very close to clocking back out for the night.
"Yeah, yeah. Cute shit. Happy for ya, dude," Baji huffs. Thankfully, he sounds like he's in a similar state to yours, if the yawn that follows his sarcastic comment is anything to go by.
"...He soooo ignored you."
That warrants a punishing punch to the arm, dulled only slightly by the combination of the thick quilt you're swaddled in and the raven-haired boy's fatigue.
"I'll fucking throw you out right now, (Y/n). Don't test me."
"You won't."
"I will."
The conversation gradually dies down shortly after, the exhaustion that took its sweet time getting to both of you having reached its peak with the help of the childish bickering. It takes 10 minutes, maybe 15, before two sets of light snores fill the room.
Let it be known that there is a lesson to be learned from tonight's events. Really, there is. Y'know, something along the lines of 'Don't agree to a sleepover with Baji, if you plan on actually sleeping,' or whatever.
Alas, Chifuyu's consciousness fades before he realizes what it is.
"Mikey, be honest. Who do you love more? Me or-?"
Baji is only momentarily discouraged, sharp eyes glaring at the blond that lays his head on your lap after hi-fiving you. He didn't want to do this, but he's left with no choice.
"(Y/n) or Babu?"
From the way Mikey stiffens up, refusing to look at either him or you in the eyes, Baji knows he has him right where he wants him, has him torn between a cute face or a sweet ride.
"Oi! Don't pretend to be asleep! Answer the damn question! OI!"
(After hours of serious contemplation - even though you told him it doesn't particularly matter - it's revealed that, of course, Mikey loves you more. Babu just happens to trail behind as a very close second.)
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