#and when i started listening to blue hour while on the train going home with the sunset smiling like an idiot
binniesoob · 2 years
this wasn't supposed to make me cry.
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cockdestroyer32 · 2 years
all mine
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tangerine x fem!reader
word count: 2304
summary: after the events in the bullet train in tokyo, you and ladybug have a new job in a new place, unfortunately, you're not alone.
a/n: okay so in this reader's codename is sarin. and you're besties w ladybug bc I lov him. title is from brent faiyaz's 'all mine' which has nothing to do with this fic but I didn't know what to name this and I rlly love that song so. also no smut in this.
When I grow up, I wanna be famous I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies, when I grow up I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna have groupies.
The song blew out of the car’s speakers, and both you and Ladybug sang each word perfectly (and very obnoxiously, you were practically yelling out the lyrics.) He drove and you sat in the passenger seat, you both swinging your arms around dancing tirelessly as the citizens of Greece who were able to spy inside the moving car judged your shameless partying. You hadn’t seen Ladybug in months, so when you found out you were finally going to be assigned to a mission together again, you both beamed, and got together to plan your entire trip from the cities of New York to the city of Larissa. You went from cackling a little too loudly at comedy movies on the plane, to endless chatter at the airport, to listening to your iconic super duper awesome 2000s hits playlist on a rented Jeep (the playlist title was Ladybug’s decision.) There’s no one you’d rather work with. Except…you weren’t working alone tonight. 
This hit wasn’t just any hit, it was a stakeout. So, Lemon and Tangerine were called. 
You had walked into Tangerine a few times before; New Zealand, Cuba, Romania, and Tokyo, of course. You’d been the longest with him while in Tokyo, when you had to team up because of a lost briefcase. He was incredibly irritating and the different ways you both did your job clashed immensely, but by the end of the night you two had worked frustratingly well together. 
You’d never met Lemon before though, you hoped to God he wasn’t just a Tangerine 2. 
“Oh, boo!” Ladybug starts and you join him when you look up.
“Booo!” You yell out at the warehouse as if it’s just told some awful joke at a stand-up show.
The building has the same architectural creativity as a cardboard box. Except that instead of brown, it’s grey and dirty, and instead of holding a gift you just spent the last days waiting anxiously to arrive at your home, it just holds the next gruesome hours you’ll spend planning your hit.
You and Ladybug allow The Pussycat Dolls to finish the last few seconds of their song and turn off BlueTooth before you can be sad about not singing Britney.
You sigh and say, “It’s gonna be a long night.”
“Yep, but the sooner we do it sooner we’re done. Come on, let’s meet the fruit duet.” You chuckle.
The warehouse acted as a lighthouse, the nighttime a sea of nothingness. You can spot the remnants of the trucks that passed by in this area marked in the muddy ground. Tonight smells of wet grass and fancy dinner parties, the ones you should be in right now.
You enter the warehouse, the night’s cold air vanishes and it shifts to a warm, still atmosphere. You take off your coat. Tangerine and two other men are already in the room. Even at such a dead spot in town, Tangerine is still dressed elegantly, sporting a blue striped suit that fitted him perfectly, and smelling of rich men’s perfume. You often wondered if he could fight in those suits. Although you loved a good luxurious suit—God knows your blood money could buy one, your closet was full of Versace, Vivienne Westwood, Dolce & Gabbana and Burberry—you preferred to wear more tactical outfits for the job, you know, in case someone fucked something up and everything went to shit.
“That’s Lemon, by the way.” Ladybug whispers to you, while pointing his head to the man standing in front of Tangerine.
“What? I thought they were supposed to be twins,” Ladybug shrugs.
“Um, I hope we’re not late…you’re Lemon I suppose?” You pretend like Ladybug didn’t just tell you and offer a handshake. He takes it.
“That’s right, and you’re...”
You look over to his brother.
“Tangerine.” A nod, no handshake.
“You’ve met Ladybug.” You say to the two brothers.
“Yes, we had the pleasure.” The taller man doesn’t hide the sarcasm.
“Accommodating as always, Tangerine.”
“So, shall we?” Says the other man in the room, the one who was managing this whole thing, and you all follow him.
He takes you to a desk where there lie multiple files on different workers and a big map layout of the warehouse. The man shows all of you the place, discussing what approach the team should take for the mission, at what time each one should arrive at the building, the shift times of each warehouse worker, the spots each one should be in…and so on and so forth. Time passes relatively quickly, demanding you and Ladybug a secret high-five, and you all turn to look at the man who’d organized this.
“Yeah. That’s it.” The man repeats.
“Yeah.” You agree, still looking at him.
“You can go home now.” He practically demands.
“Uhh, I’m pretty sure we’re supposed to get paid now,” Lemon adds.
“You’ll get paid after you get the job done.”
“Did you not get the memo lad? We get first half now and second half after the job is done.” Tangerine said.
“Yeah, we’re supposed to get paid now, didn’t our handler message you?” You asked honestly.
“Well I didn’t bring the money, so what do you want me to do?”
“I don’t know, but we’re getting paid.” Tangerine insisted.
“There are lots of ATMs in Larissa…” Ladybug spoke. The man mutters some curse word under his breath,
“Fine. I’ll get you your fucking money, but you’re gonna have to wait.” He disappears from sight, making his way up the stairs in the corner of the building.
“Damn, what a Gordon.” Lemon remarks.
“Thomas the Tank Engine?” You ask.
“Nah, I think he’s more of a James, just super cocky.”
“Oh my God, there’s two of them.” Tangerine sighs.
“I’m gonna go get some air.” You say.
With your coat in hand, you make your way to a backdoor on the side of the warehouse. Slipping the garment on as soon as you open it, the chilly air cutting through your skin. You slide your hand into one of the coat pockets, finding a small rectangular box and a smooth metallic item. You fish one of the cigarettes out of the box and light it, inhaling the nicotine, warming your body while letting yourself freeze in the moment. You were so far out of town that you couldn’t hear any of the cars, any of the people in Larissa, your team also seemed to be particularly quiet inside the building. Here, it was silent, save for crickets chirping in the vast nothingness that was the field at nighttime. Tomorrow it’d be full of people, receiving and delivering new packages, trucks coming and going and workers arguing amongst each other, all their chatter overlapping, sounds of life, until you all arrive and the sounds of an active workplace morph into that of an action movie, slashing and yelling (no guns, this was supposed to be a somewhat subtle and more practical job) and then, nothing. The building once again ghost quiet, but this time painted red. 
It didn’t bother you. You’d been in this business for way too long to be perturbed by the sounds of the dead now. You knew what you were getting yourself into from the beginning, this is no bombshell. Although the still of a city that’s beginning to fall asleep is much better than one that had its commotion ripped away from it. So you took these quiet moments you had to yourself and held them tightly in your hand, like some old trinket gifted to you by someone special. And for a few moments, as you exhaled the smoke out of your body, you felt outside of space and time, frozen in the moment, your feet planted on the ground, scared that if you move even an inch, you’ll fall off the face of the earth. You melt off the moment when you feel a pair of eyes on you.
Tangerine stands by the back door on your right, looking at you. You’re not sure how long he’s been there, but he has a calm look on his face, a smile on his eyes but not on his lips, by far much different than all of the ticked-off facial expressions you’d seen on him before.
“The fuck are you looking at?” You tease.
“Geez. I’ve just come to get some air.” He walks in your direction. You offer him your cigarette, he takes it. You two breathe together for a while before you ask,
“Do you like this?”
“What? Jobs in the middle of nowhere handled by some fucking dickhead who can’t even pay us right?”
“No. This.” You look around, motioning slightly to your surroundings, “The quiet. We don’t get a lot of it in our job.”
“I suppose we don’t,” He passes the cigarette back to you. “It is kinda nice, I can hear my thoughts for once, don’t have to listen to Lemon yapping about.”
You snort. “He’s nice. I was scared he was gonna be like you.”
“What? I’m nice.”
You stare at him.
“How am I not nice?” He continues.
“How are you not nice? Okay let’s see, you’re impatient, you’re always irritated, you look like you’re constantly on the edge of throwing a fit, you’re always cursing people out and you always got that look on your face of a teen girl who just got her phone taken away by her parents.”
He takes this in for a second, surprised at the speed of your answer, as if you’d been waiting for this moment for a while, and maybe you were.
“Hm…still think I’m nice.” He adds, you smile to yourself, nodding your head in fake disbelief.
You can feel his eyes on you, even as you take another puff on your cigarette and stare at the darkness. You don’t look back, refusing to give him the satisfaction.
“S, Fruit, guy’s back.” Ladybug pops out of the door, and you follow him back into the building, followed then by Tangerine. 
The man now holds bags of money, one for you and Ladybug, and one for Lemon and Tangerine. You finally leave the warehouse, each of you making your way to your hotel rooms. And you would’ve been able to wash the night off your body and rest on the hotel’s comfy bed, if it wasn’t for the misplaced amounts of money. See, your bag and Ladybug’s held only his share, not yours. Thankfully, it wasn’t some scam, your money was placed along with Lemon and Tangerine’s. So, now you’re going up an elevator to Tangerine’s room to get your share. You knock on 215 and he opens the door.
“Hey, come in.” You walk into the room, but only close the door slightly, not shutting it, and you stand next to it, ready to just get your money and leave, not expecting to stay here any longer than you have to. He goes to the back of the room and brings back a bag, “Here.”
“Thanks,” You spy inside the room, the place is quiet, most of the lights are off and it holds only one bed. “Is Lemon not here?”
“No, different hotel, leave no trail and such.”
“Oh.” You’re genuinely surprised. Shit, that’s smart, perhaps you and Ladybug aren’t as great professionals as you thought you were—even if the bar when you two worked together was already pretty low.
“What? Is me delivering your money instead that bad?”
You snort. “No, no, that I don’t mind.”
You look at each other for a second, perhaps you should be on your way-
“Are you staying in Greece after the job?”
“Uh, no. Me and Ladybug are going back to New York right after.”
“Oh.” He looks down, the expression on his face something you can’t quite read. “Are you and Ladybug…”
“No! God, no!” You almost yell. “No, he’s my best friend.”
“Oh, right.”
Hm. Curious. 
You stare at each other again, a smile on your eyes but not on your lips.
“Okay, I should get going.” You start opening the door to leave.
“Wait,” He says, grabbing your arm. “I think…you should stay here the night.” 
The smile reaches your lips, amused. “Why?”
“You know, you could just stay here the night, if you want…”
“Okay but, why?” You tease. He furrows his brows. “I’m sorry Tangerine, I just don’t know what you’re telling me.” Your words are of someone genuinely confused, but your face and tone tell a different story. He catches on and sighs.
“I’m just saying…you could spend the night here, with me.”
You click your tongue, “Tangerine…you have to speak clearly.”
He squeezes your arm, and approaches his face to yours, changing his tone, “Sarin. I want you to stay. I want you.”
You let your lips fully curve up this time, pleased.
You put both your hands on his face, and close the space between you, only placing a light kiss on his lips, then pulling away to see his reaction. He keeps his eyes shut for a moment, as if still in the moment. Then, he opens his eyes, staring at you for a second, and pulls you in for a stronger kiss. His hands at first cupping your face, then one makes his way towards you back, pulling you in closer, even though you were already as close as you could possibly be right now. You shut the door with your foot behind you, not letting each other go for even one second. Tonight your own bed’s gonna have to wait for you.
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saintwyfe · 2 years
࿐ ˚ . ✦ STAY THE NIGHT? jude bellingham
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summary. when you're just not ready for your bf to leave yet
cw. aggressive reader smh fluff
word count. 819
your dry eyes exclusively stared at the bright, white screen in the middle of your dim bedroom. you were bundled up in heaps of blankets alongside your boyfriend, jude, who’d also lent his arm around your neck and snuggled away. there was a spot on his chest left warm from the imprint of your cheek, marinating on it for an hour or so. the fluorescent blue light of the tv screen was slowly burning your eyes, but being preoccupied with the movie in front of you, you could truly care less.
along the movie, you felt your boyfriend fidgeting next to you, shuffling his legs, adjusting the hem of his t-shirt, and tapping his phone every now and again. you didn’t pay much mind to it when it first began, but now it was becoming a little repetitive. he hadn’t been giggling like he typically would, either, which drew worry within you. 
your head drifted from the movie in front of you as you stole a glance at the boy who’d once again quickly clicked the power button on his phone.
"you okay?" you asked out of concern. you trusted he wasn’t being sneaky—if anything, maybe he was uncomfortable.
he swiftly cleared his throat, "yeah, i’m good." your eyes peered upon his stoic appearance while he attempted to seem preoccupied, squinting at the tv screen with his arms crossed in a formal demeanor.
"i actually," he paused, taking a second to (once again) peep at his phone, "think it’s getting pretty late." he shifted himself onto the headboard of your bed. 
"what? we’re already so far into the movie—just stay for however long there is left," you protested, stationing your body upright as you watched his turned back begin to face you.
"listen, princess, i really have to get up early for training tomorrow. you can finish the rest without me, right?" he cooed in a sweet, drowsy tone while lowering himself to cup your cheek.
you frowned, gazing into his eyes. you took the opportunity to grasp the big hand fixed on your cheek, stroking it, as you two shared a few seconds of physical affection.
"do you really have to go?" you batted your eyelashes at him, anticipating that somehow your innocent gape would stir him back into bed.
he sighs. his head scans the ceiling of your room for a second before returning his gaze to you. you can sense that there was contemplation emanating from him, weighing the consequences of either spending the night or going home.
"last time i stayed the night, i was an hour late to practice," he says, pinching your cheek before grabbing the hoodie laying on the corner of your bed and flinging it over his head.
"i got into so much trouble too. i promise i’ll stay longer next time, but i really have to go." he continued, adjusting the collar of his hoodie, which draped so nicely on his broad frame.
as much as you hated to admit it, he was right. for whatever reason, every time he stayed the night, it just so happened that his alarm didn’t seem to go off. you two would be an hour into cuddling before he darts up and realizes that practice started 45 minutes ago.
you took the opportunity to sit on the edge of the bed as he fiddled with the hood of his sweater. you stood silent for a second, watching him before his departure.
"well, at least hug me before you go," you plead, tilting your head among the boy perched in front of you.
he let out a soft chuckle as he approached you with open arms. the fabric of his sweater etched across your cheek as you pulled him closer in your embrace, hugging him tighter.
wrapping your legs around him, you had the bright idea of keeping him home a little longer.
"you’re not going anywhere," you muffled into his clothed chest, sinking back into the bed with him still bound to your arms.
"y/n—" he cried, startled by the extent to which you went to keep him for the night.
"you’re so heavy," you mumbled under him. he chuckled in the crook of your neck before pulling himself from above you, though he didn’t fully plunk his weight on you. (😔)
"gosh, you really want me to stay the night that bad?" he teased, mounting himself between your legs. instinctively, you swathed your legs around his thighs once more.
"mhm," you nodded, dragging your bottom lip between your teeth. 
"and, if you try to leave again, you’re dead, okay?" you declared before your boyfriend chuckled, bending down to peck your cheek.
"got it, ma’am" he hummed in agreement.
"but, if i'm late again, i swear—" 
"shush, you're not going to be late, promise." you cut him off, knowing fully well it was destined to happen again, but that's for tomorrow to decipher.
an: chronic writer's block does not mix well with my notes list of ideas to write abt...
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A "Meant To Be Yours" song scenario but with it's S/O's ex-boyfriend and they're trying to call the skellies for help- how does this one go?
TW: Abusive relationship. I'll go with Skeleton being a friend, not their boyfriend.
Undertale Sans - No hesitation, he invites you to stay a few days to his place to talk and find a solution. He won't stop trying to make you talk to the police, but if you don't want too, it's not going to deter him from talking to Toriel so the crown can protect you. Sans is scared that crazy man will do something to you, and he's quite stressed.
Undertale Papyrus - He doesn't like all the tension and how stressed you are. He tries to be there for you to listen and comfort you, hoping his presence will make the man run away. When he shows up at his place, Papyrus firmly asks him to leave, which your ex refuses to. So he calls Undyne to force him to move. Since your friend with Papyrus, you're friend with Undyne. Undyne dealt with an abusive father her whole childhood, so she's REALLY triggered. She's going to arrest and destroy your ex and charge him with everything she can find to make him rot in prison for a long time.
Underswap Sans - You make the right call going to him as he's a police officer. The plan is to let the guy become jealous you're living at Blue's place so he gets mad and attacks Blue. Blue is not scared, he's trained for this. When the man comes and actually attacks him, Blue smiles and then in seconds, the guy is handcuffed on the floor, crying like a baby.
Underswap Papyrus - He invites you to his home for a few days and he tries to divert your attention with movies and nice cooking. In the meantime, he explained the whole situation for Blue, who is standing guard, waiting for your ex to attempt something against Honey or you. Your ex is getting arrested not two hours later, enraged. Blue doesn't care they're mad.
Underfell Sans - The problem with Red is... Well, he doesn't have any cold blood. He's all angry. And that man? That man is pissing him off. That's twenty minutes he's ringing and banging on your door, and you two tried to act like he's not there. But Red has limited patience, and after an hour, he stands up, tells you to stay in the living room, and stomps to the door. All you hear is a raging blaster, your ex crying and begging for help, and then you see him run away in fear in the street, chased by Red's blaster. Silence, at least.
Underfell Papyrus - He came directly to your place to comfort you, but that's the time your ex chose to show up, as he saw Edge entered your house and got jealous. Edge opens the door, dominating the guy from all his height, and he will put a very sharp bone right under his jugular. "IF I SEE YOU AGAIN, I WON'T BE THIS MERCIFUL. RUN TO YOUR MOM, PATHETIC PRIMITIVE MONKEY." Your ex shits his pants lol. He will try to come back, but every time, one stare from Edge and he's gone.
Horrortale Sans - You're safe in the farm with Willow. Suddenly, Oak is gone, and you're a bit worried. You're right to be. Oak goes straight to your ex's house with his huge axe and he's going to make sure to scare the hell out of him so he never comes to you again. Oak is going to bully the poor man for three entire days, camping in front of his door and attacking him if he dares to put a feet outside. The guy is terrified, and that's good, at least it sees what it's doing.
Horrortale Papyrus - He's calling your ex-boyfriend's mom and tells her everything. You both watch with a big smile as she comes to pick him up as he's banging on your door and his mother starts to scream at him and lecture him, while dragging him towards the car. Willow knows the true power of angry mothers.
Swapfell Sans - No shit given, he's going to see your ex to tell him what he thinks of his behavior. He better listens, because if Nox thinks he's not listening enough, he's going to break both of his knees. If he has no legs, he can't come to bully you. That's simple logic, right?
Swapfell Papyrus - Oh, your ex came to see him? You shouldn't have! He missed him too! Rus runs to him and hugs him and starts to tell him all about his day, and he won't let go of the hug. When Rus tries to kiss him, your ex panics and gets angry, asking what is wrong with him. Yes indeed, what is wrong with you? You don't like it when he's all "friendly" like that? S/O neither. Now get the fuck out of his lawn before he lets his brother out. He hopes the message is clear enough.
Fellswap Gold Sans - Weird, your ex totally disappeared after you complained about him to Wine. Where could he go? Wine has no idea. It's probably just a coincidence. Or maybe he's dead, ahahah. Just kidding, you know his sense of humor. Or maybe he's really dead, you're not sure.
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - Coffee had the idea to make your ex believe you two are living with Wine again. Your stupid ex is now banging on Wine's door, screaming racist insults about skeletons, and about Coffee more especially. The door slowly opens on a very pissed-off Wine who didn't appreciate at all a random stranger screaming insanities about his brother so early in the morning. The guy is suddenly yeets inside and all you can hear from outside is your ex screaming and begging.
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dairy-farmer · 18 days
First time doing an ask like this but here it goes.
I was thinking about that one a while back where Bruce was horrified after finding out that Dick and Jason were working together to groom Tim. So hear me out, that but instead of being horrified Bruce has a “fuck that’s hot” reaction.
He’s also admittedly a little embarrassed for his older boys because really?? All those detective skills and you didn’t realize that Tim’s been ready to bend over a desk for the bats since he was 10?
I mean, Bruce has never acted on Tim’s affections before, mostly because he didn’t want to upset any of his other boys. But if his other sons are going to be even worse perverts than he is then hey, why hold back?
Of course, Dick and Jason should probably still be punished for this. Fucking their little brother would have been one thing but an elaborate plan to groom a child is another thing altogether. But he doesn’t know how he should go about doing it, so he asks Tim.
Tim is furious when he finds out. You mean to tell him that he’s spent years thinking there was something wrong with him for getting wet and horny around his older brothers and this whole time they’ve been doing it on purpose? How many nights has he spent wallowing in shame and desperation because those two wanted to toy with him? It’s time for revenge.
Dick and Jason end up called into the Batcave for a meeting with Bruce and Tim. The later treat this seriously, like Bruce is about to get them arrested kind of seriously. It’s just an hour worth of dread and nausea until Tim pipes up with their actual punishment.
They’re not getting arrested, in fact Tim is totally down to fuck. No, they’re getting punished for the years of teasing they put him through. They started this when he was 13 and he’s 16 now, do you even understand what that did to him? So now, instead of being allowed their little brother’s pussy like they wanted they have to wait until Tim is 18. It’s their turn to be blue balled.
Dick and Jason nearly lose it at the idea of having to wait two years but the worst part of the punishment is yet to come because Tim has taken this incident as blanket permission to be the whore he’s always wanted to be.
It’s one thing to have to wait, it’s another to come home and find Bruce discussing which toys he’s going to train Tim’s virgin pussy with. To try and get some energy out by sparring with each other in the cave only to come in and find Tim fucked out and drooling as he cockwarms for Bruce at the batcomputer. Daddy won the virginity race.
It doesn’t just stop at Bruce either. Tim starts being pretty open with his body and sexuality, both at home and in places like Titans Tower. He stops wearing clothes when he doesn’t feel like it and doesn’t hide when he’s horny. He share’s his exploits with other heroes too (Jason nearly breaks when he finds out Roy had his little brother first.)
Within the family though it’s even worse. Bruce was bad enough but Dick and Jason are the ONLY ones getting frozen out. They have to listen as Steph and Cass giggle back and forth at the dinner table, each taking turns playing with a vibe they shoved up Tim right before. Damian gets a first hand sex ed experience as Bruce uses Tim like a dummy to teach him how to please a partner. Tim becomes the willing testing ground for all the bats kinks (he’ll try anything once) and the less said about the passionate warm welcome Duke got the better.
Tim is super smug about all of this the whole time, enjoying both all the sex he’s having and just how badly he’s teasing his older brothers. It’s only when the final month of the punishment hits that he starts to have some regrets because now, Dick and Jason can see the finish line in sight. Now they can be open about just how they’re going to punish their baby brother for all this. They’ve got plans to really put him back in his place once the metaphorical cock cages come off, some of the most shocking, pussy soaking dirty talk Tim’s ever heard. He feels like prey in his own home over night and this is before he hears Jason and Dick talking about turning Tim into a sex pet.
It seems extreme but well… he’s been patrolling a lot less recently anyway due to needing to recover from just how often he’s pulled away to be fucked. And his big brothers haven’t exactly been shy about their plans for him either, yet no one seems particularly willing to stick up for Tim. If anything it seems like Bruce might be on board with the idea of carving out a new permanent role for him.
Not that Tim really minds either if he’s being totally honest.
the dick and jason grooming tim au
bruce being more on board and it turning out that tim's not the sweet and innocent naive little lamb he pretends to be, that the whole time he's made passes at bruce and tried to see what he could get away with and bruce having the realization that not only were dick and jason in the same boat with their desire but that they were trying to cultivate a situation where they could potentialy fuck tim and get away with it by putting the blame on tim.
bruce seeing them and understanding them because he'd the same but drawing the lline at them trying to groom their brother- couldn't the have just been normal and tried to fuck him like reasonable people? instead they were using the tactics of the enemies they faced on the street in gotham and that, well that earns them punishment.
tim would be SO mad that he'd been suffering and feeling bad about his stupid cunt getting wet and twitchy around his brothers when they'd been doing things to make him like that all along! tim turning into a slut and giving into the slightest desire as payback for dick and jason is hysterical- he's so mad and this is the lesson he decides to teach them.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 8 months
Don't Think Just Listen
Pairing: Jordan Parrish x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: okay let's see sub!Jordan & Dom!Reader (what else is new with me lmao) pet names & honorifics (puppy & mistress) shibari/bondage, slight edging, unprotected sex (BE SAFE YALL), creampie, face sitting, oral (f & m receiving) I think I missed something but who knows
Genre: fluff & Smut
Summary: you've got some plans for your sweet deputy boyfriend when he gets off of work
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As you stroll into the local police station you wave at the different officers you've met a dozen times while visiting your boyfriend. You're here often enough that even the sheriff can tell when you're around well before he sees you. Your boyfriend is at his desk but so focused on his work that he doesn't notice you until you plop a lunchbox on his desk and settle into the seat across from him.
"Hey! I didn't know you'd be stopping by today." He smiles leaning over to kiss your cheek.
"Well you forgot your lunch. Can't very well let you starve now can I?" You smile.
"Oh- I didn't think you'd notice."
"Did you leave it on purpose?"
"No! I only realized it once I got here. Sorry." He mutters.
"Well, you're lucky I was headed back to mine anyway or you'd be left to your own devices." You chuckle.
"You're not going back to my house from here?"
"No sweetie I have some work to take care of. But when your shift is over I want you to come to mine instead of going home."
"Right away?"
"What time are you off today?"
"6 o'clock."
"Yes, right away."
"O-okay. Will do."
"Good. Enjoy your lunch. You'll need the energy." You wink at him.
"I will?"
"Absolutely." You nod walking out of the building. You smile to yourself as you leave, knowing he'll be thinking about what you've implied for the rest of his shift.
Back at your place, you do actually have a lot to do before Jordan comes over and you feel pretty accomplished by the time he knocks on your door around 6:20.
"Hey!" Jordan says as he walks in.
"Hey. How was work?" You ask as he walks over and kisses you on the cheek.
"Slow. I was mostly doing paperwork all day." He groans.
"Must be nice to have a quiet day in Beacon Hills for once." You hum climbing onto his lap and straddling him.
"It's a bit like waiting for the other shoe to drop actually. I kept thinking 'what's brewing that makes things so chill right now'. The last couple of days have been way too for Beacon Hills. This level of stillness can only mean hell is on its way to our doorstep and I-" You listen to his concerns intently, your fingers running through his hair.
"You what?" You blink at him.
"I lost my train of thought." He closes his eyes and sighs, your hand in his hair distractingly enjoyable.
"That quickly?" You giggle.
"You know damn well what it does to me when you do this."
"Think you can ignore that other shoe you're waiting on for a few hours?" You ask sweetly, littering his face and throat with kisses.
"I- I can't think if you're doing that." He stutters, his head rolling back.
"I don't need you to think beloved. Quite the opposite. I just need you to tell me you'll surrender." You grab his chin gently and pull his gaze back towards you. "Will you surrender for me, darling?" You ask.
"Anything. I'll do anything you ask." Jordan breathes out his eyes shining with the truth of his words.
"Pretty boy." You hum and chuckle, climbing out of his lap. "Come. I have some surprises for you my love." You say walking out of the living room. You hear Jordan scramble off of the couch to follow behind you. In your bedroom, you pull out a couple of things you plan to use for the evening, the first of which is some blue rope. You saw the color and thought it would look just perfect against his skin, especially when it starts to flush red while you play. "Strip, and then raise your arms for me my love." You say. You watch as he undoes his uniform and shrugs it off quickly. Part of you wants to chuckle at the way he pulls at the garments as if he can't get them off soon enough. When he's naked he raises his arms with a deep breath and you take a moment just to admire his toned muscles and smooth skin. You trace your fingers lightly across his skin first, smiling to yourself when he shivers under your touch, then you do the same with a section of the rope and watch his muscles tense in anticipation. You start around his neck, creating a pretty collar around his neck in blue. You make diamonds across his torso, wrapping the rope around each of his thighs, looping it in crisscrosses up his back, and finally circling it around his arms to suspend them above his head.
"Lay down." You tell him and though he struggles a bit to move in the bindings, he eventually manages to climb onto the bed. With the last of the rope, you secure him to your headboard and then step back to look over him. "Even prettier than I imagined." You hum taking a seat next to him. Grabbing his chin, you angle his head to kiss him roughly. Jordan has no trouble matching the intensity but the kiss is over as quickly as it started, your lips traversing the exposed skin between the ropes webbing across his body. You litter his chest with kisses and hickeys as he tries not to squirm, though the longer you tease, the more his control slips. By the time your kisses have made it to the tapered V at his hips your dear boyfriend is all harsh breaths and barely suppressed grunts. You spend a while there, kissing and nipping at the taut muscle because it's so close yet so far from where you know he wants your attention.
"Please." Jordan groans, his voice so strained you'd think he's been tied up for hours.
"What is it Jordan?" You mutter against his skin.
"I- I need your mouth on me- please." He says.
"My mouth is on you my love." You place another kiss on his hip to emphasize your point.
"No, I mean- come on baby, are you- going to make me beg?"
"Now you're catching on. Go on Jordan, please what?" You sit up and caress his cheek softly but with enough pressure to keep his gaze on you. Your other hand traces his skin along the edges of the ropes.
"I really- need- I need you to- I'm so hard it hurts y/n, please just- please put me out of my misery."
"But you sound so cute." You pout at him. "And you still haven't actually said what it is you want from me." You add with a shrug. Jordan's cheeks are flaming red over his request as your fingers dance across his body.
"Please. Please I- I want you to blow me- please."
"Do you now?" You smirk trailing up his length with a ghostly finger.
"Yes! So badly y/n, p-please?" Your gentle touch only winds him tighter. You dip and allow your tongue to drag across the head. Jordan jolts against his restraints, hissing at the teasing feel of your tongue.
"How badly?" You ask looking up at him.
"So so badly- mistress, I can't- please I'll do anything."
"Careful with those kinds of promises sweetness." You chuckle before letting your lips finally wrap around his dick. He draws in a shaky breath as you swallow him down and the moment you start to move he's a cacophony of grunts and whines and groans and expletives. You relish in the sounds he makes as you suck him off. When his muscles begin to tighten up beneath your hands you slow to a stop.
"Fuck." He grits out when you pull off of him.
"Not yet." You soothe. "Now since you're hands are currently- out of commission you'll have to rely on your mouth alone for this bit." You say as you stand up.
"W-what bit?" Jordan blinks at you.
"I'm going to ride you of course puppy. But before I can do that, you're going to warm me up." You shimmy out of your shorts and swing your leg over Jordan. "I expect you to do well if you want to cum tonight darling." You tell him.
"Yes mistress." He nods. You shuffle up until you're hovering over his mouth and lower yourself onto his waiting tongue. He's voracious immediately lapping at your center like a man starved and you reward each pleasurable move of his tongue with a sweet moan. He loves the way you sound and it only fuels him to go harder as he pulls out all your favorite tricks, hoping to make you cum fast and hard. It doesn't take long for that knot in your abdomen to form and tighten as you grind against his mouth. When Jordan wraps his lips around your clit and sucks at the bundle of nerves you bury a hand in his hair and tug at the strands, a sign that he knows means you're close. He keeps at it until you jerk against him, your release coating his tongue with a drawn-out moan from you. He keeps licking at your core until you raise your hips well after the waves of your orgasm have died down.
"Working hard for your prize I see." You hum.
"Anything to please you." Jordan says, his voice hoarse and eyes blown wide.
"Aw my pretty boy. So well behaved for me." You kiss him deeply, tasting yourself on his tongue. When you pull away, Jordan's mouth chases yours, an action that makes you want to coo at your boyfriend. You adjust yourself on top of him so you're hovering over his waiting dick.
"Please, mistress." Jordan whispers. You smile slightly when he groans as you finally sink down onto his length. He fills you so nicely you can't help but moan when you're fully seated.
"So full." You hum. You brace yourself with your hands on Jordan's shoulders and start moving, bouncing your hips, eagerly riding him.
"Fucking hell." He grunts. You catch his hands twitching in their restraints and you know he's dying to touch you, he always wants to touch you. Your nails dig into his shoulder as you rock against him, you'd drag them across his chest if not for the ropes covering parts of it. Still, it's satisfying to see his skin flush red against the ropes as he writhes under you. To the best of his ability, he jerks his hips against yours as you drop down over and over again and the sounds from both of you create a symphony that bounces off of your bedroom walls.
"Y/n I- I'm close. Fuck I need to- please let me- God." Jordan's head falls back as he struggles to finish a thought.
"Come on puppy, you've gotta tell me what it is you need if you expect to get it." You say with a faux sweetness in your voice that makes him groan louder.
"I need to- I need to cum, ple-please y/n. You have to- please let me cum." Jordan pants out. You lift one hand into his hair and tug harshly enough that his eyes shoot open, now forced to look directly at you.
"Ask again and don't take your eyes off of me." You tell him sharply. Jordan all but whines at the command, his eyes barely focused.
"Please can I cum? I need to so badly." He breathes out.
"That's better." You hum. "You've been good and I promised a reward if you did well. Go ahead and cum for me my hellhound."
"Thank you." Jordan groans deeply as his orgasm hits because he's sure he wouldn't have been able to hold off if you had said no. His eyes roll back as white-hot proof of his release paints your walls. You ride him through his orgasm chasing your own release.
"You're close, aren't you? Please say you're close- I wanna see it, want you to cover me in your cum. Please y/n." Jordan coaxes you over the edge with his breathy words and it doesn't take long for your orgasm to wash over you. When the aftershocks have subsided, you force yourself up first to clean him off then to untie the intricate ropes covering his frame. As soon as he's untied he pulls you on top of him and wraps his arms securely around you.
"You know, I wasn't done with the after process Jordan." You chuckle against his chest.
"Whatever it is, isn't important. I just want to hold you know."
"I guarantee you'll think it's important when these lines in your skin feel raw come morning." You muse. You were just going to rub some balm over where the ropes were to minimize the after affects.
"Nah. I wanna feel it and be reminded of tonight." He kisses your forehead.
"That is- kind of adorable? In a kinky way I guess." You say placing a kiss of your own on his chest since you can't reach his forehead from where he's got you cuddled. "Thoughts? Feelings? Feedback?" You ask, tracing some of the lines.
"You're really good at this stuff. No notes. Although- there are some other things I'd like to try- if you're open to it."
"Always baby." You say. Although you really have no idea what he's signing you up for so you should maybe be more careful with that kind of promise.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
i’ve had this idea for the longest time but i don’t have the time or skills to write it well>:(
bratty!eddie being jealous of reader being friends with steve. maybe they’re having a game/movie night with friends or even just baking together and steve does something particularly flirty and eddie tries to stand his ground and show that it’s upset him but it manifests in a childish sort of tantrum. (yk, as the lil mf does lmfao) and reader is a little upset with eddie until steve makes an unkind comment about eddie’s reaction, and she’s suddenly defending eddie w her life, cause no one talks about /her/ boy
tldr; i have mommy issues and i projected it onto you. i am so sorry
If there is anyone who loves someone that's got Mommy issues, it's definitely me. Don't feel sorry about projecting it on me ;)
Bratty Eddie is my baby so I'll definitely write it <3
Eddie didn't mind that Y/N had friends...well he did but he wouldn't say that. He wanted to be the only focus her attention was set on. But he understood that isn't always possible. She had a job, she had coworkers, and she had a life outside of Eddie. He didn't relate to that. He breathed her and that was all he needed. He didn't care to have friends or go to work for hours at a desk job. He wanted all his hours devoted to her.
And when she said she was inviting a work friend over for dinner, he promised to be on his best behavior. She made a list of all the things she needed from the store, sending her sweet boy off to run her errand while she went to work.
Eddie didn't want to let her down, so he accepted the list and ran off to the store. Collecting every item she wrote down, blushing at the little descriptions of what the item would look like. He snuck a few candies that definitely were not on the list.
Once he returned home, he put all the groceries away. He started to get their house together, knowing the cleaning part was his to do during the days that she worked. She wanted it extra clean for the guest. Eddie didn't question the guest. He figured it was a woman she worked with and wanted to make a good impression.
He made sure to shower and tie his hair back. Staying clear of smoking any weed or cigarettes to make the house smell funky. He dug through his closet to find his fancier shirts. Grabbing a dark blue button-up and black jeans.
Eddie was putting on his rings when he heard the front door open. A huge smile on his face as he raced to the living room.
"Mommy!" He cheered excitedly, rushing to give her a kiss.
"Hi, baby. You look handsome as ever" she smiled, pecking his lips.
"Thank you," he said shyly, feeling his cheeks turn red.
"Steve is coming in two hours so I have to start dinner right away. You want to help?" She asked, walking into the kitchen to wash her hands.
But Eddie was stuck on the name. Steve sounded like a boy's name. She invited a man over for dinner?
"um, Steve?" Eddie squeaked out. He didn't want to sound as insecure as he felt. Was Steve attractive? Did he like her? How did they meet?
"Yeah! He works at my office. He's training under me for a position so I invited him over to get to know each other." She shrugged like it was no big deal. But Eddie was going off the walls.
"He's training with you? As in he'll be following you around the whole time at work?" Eddie questioned.
"Yeah, but it's no big deal. I'm all yours." She reminded him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Turns out Steve was gorgeous and Eddie hated that. He had a pretty boy smile and charming eyes. Eddie grew more nervous as he saw similarities between him and Steve. Dark hair to go with their dark eyes, both have a nerdy sense of humor, and both have that look of adoration in their eyes when they look at Y/N.
If Y/N was attracted to Eddie, there's a big chance she would be attracted to Steve too.
Eddie pouted all throughout dinner. Listening to Steve's countless stories, all of them making him sound like the most perfect man in the world. Eddie hated the way it made him so insecure.
He hated the way Y/N's eyes followed Steve's every move as he told a story, her attention locked in on him.
Once they finished dinner, Steve offered to help with the dishes.....suck up. Eddie always got to help with the dishes.
But Y/N welcomed the help and both worked on the dishes by the kitchen sink. Eddie watched from the table, well watching Steve more than anything.
He hated the way Steve licked his lips as he watched her. The way Steve's eyes looked like they wanted to devour her, with no care that Eddie was sitting right there.
Eddie's last straw was when Y/N accidentally lost her grip on the plate, plunging into the sink and causing the water to splash all over her white shirt. The red lace bra easily shows itself. And easily catches both of the boy's eyes in the room.
"wow Y/N, wear that just for me?" Steve smirked. Y/N assumed it was a careless joke so she laughed and brushed it off. But Eddie took it as pure disrespect. This guy was disrespecting her, their relationship, and him all at once.
"HEY!" Eddie shouted, hitting the table as he stood up.
Y/N quickly looked over her shoulder at him. Her eyes told him not to do whatever he was going to do. Steve looked at him confused and that pissed Eddie off more.
"You don't talk to her like that! She didn't wear it for you and she never will." Eddie snapped, crossing his arms to seem more intimidating.
"Just a harmless joke, man," Steve said, holding his hands up to show he meant no harm.
"It's not harmless. You are making comments about her body. That's not a body you get to admire! It's mine!" Eddie pouted, losing his intimidation immediately when he stomped his foot.
Y/N let out a big sigh, knowing exactly what an Eddie stomp let to. He was seconds away from a tantrum.
"Baby, let's relax before you get upset." She said softly. Wiping the soap off of her hands before she walked over to him.
She kissed his pouty lips, keeping her voice low as she spoke against his lips, "Head to bed and I'll be right there and we'll talk."
Eddie huffed but accepted her order. Uncrossing his arms and shuffling out of the room.
She took a deep breath when she heard the bedroom door slam hard.
"I'm sorry about that." She apologized, walking back over to Steve.
"Sorry about his little hissy fit? He's like a man-child." Steve snickered
But Y/N didn't find anything funny.
"He was upset and he had a right to be. Your comment shouldn't have been made and especially not in front of my boyfriend. You disrespected him in his own house. And now? You disrespected me by talking about him like that. You can get the hell out of my house." She snapped. Stomping over to the front door and yanking it open.
"Look, it was a joke! I didn't mean to upset anyone" Steve tried to explain.
"Well, you did. We'll talk at the office but right now, please leave" she ordered. And just like Eddie would, Steve followed her order in seconds. Grabbing his jacket as he walked himself out the door.
Before she closed the door she called his name, "And Steve?" He turned around, "If you ever talk about him like that again, I won't hesitate to get your ass fired." Then she slammed the door.
"Baby?" Eddie turned his head as he heard a soft knock on the bedroom door.
"Open, Mommy," he said, turning his head back to face the wall when she walked in.
She crawled onto the bed, grabbing his small waist as she turned him on his back. His red puppy eyes stare at the ceiling.
"You want to talk about it?" She whispered, moving her hand to undo the bottom buttons of his shirt. Exposing his tummy as she began to draw small circles against the skin.
Eddie hummed at the comfortable feeling.
"I'm sorry I embarrassed you." He whispered, eyes still on the ceiling.
"you didn't, baby. You had every right to put him in his place." She reassured him.
"Why did you send me away then?" He asked, this time looking down at her.
"I wanted you to calm yourself down, that's all," She said, giving him a small smile as she finally was able to make eye contact.
"Not embarrassed of me?" He whispered, his hand moving down to land on hers. Now causing her hand to rest against his stomach.
"Never," she said, moving up to kiss his lips. He kissed her back instantly, loving how safe he felt underneath her touch.
She pulled away and stared at him for a few seconds. Sensing something in his head as he kept looking down at her bra.
"You want to cum on it, don't you?" She laughed. Eddie blushed immediately, she could feel the hand on hers get wet with sweat.
"a little" he squeaked out, hips wiggling when her free hand moved to unbutton his black jeans.
"after all, it is your bra" she teased.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingwicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93
Bratty Eddie tags
@simping-over-boys-with-trauma @capricornrisingsstuff @somnialol @buginnettesstuff @thegemaqua @skyline4446
@bunnyweasley23 @leahhs-things
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coachs-locker-room · 2 years
My friend and I are pretty standard nerds but I haven’t seen my friend around lately. The last thing I heard from him was that he was going to join the wrestling team. Can you help me find out what happened to him?
It is a good thing you came to me - I know exactly what happened to your former friend. Speaking of which, how about we walk over to the locker room to see if we can find him?
As Coach of the sports department, he naturally found his way to my office a few weeks ago, saying something about finding an item of lost kit in his bag. Of course, I was quick to correct him. Y'see - those wrestling singlets were only provided to anyone who signed up to join the team at the start of the semester. He must have been confused, as after our talk he swiftly changed into his new uniform. Ah - speak of the devil - there's our champ!
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If you hadn’t known he was known your friend, then you would not have been able to recognise the man standing in front of you. Looking significantly different than you last saw each other - and seemingly feeling at home in the gym's locker room - your former friend turned around and flashed his coach a big smile and an even bigger gun show.
Despite being previously the same height as you, now he stood above you around 6"2, almost the same height as the towering Coach behind you. As your eyes continued to dash across his new body, significant muscle mass, visible strength and - of course - facial hair - you could hardly imagine the thin and nerdy frame that he used to own. The biggest change, however, was the wide dumb-looking grin that stretched across his face as he chucked a deep, low laugh. "Hey, bro - how'd you like the new look?"
Without even waiting for a response, Coach placed his thick hands on your shoulder and spoke for you - "Your old friend hasn't heard from you in a while, kid - care to give him an update?"
As your former friend started to relay his new workout regimen, supplements and wrestler training, under the weight of the hand on your shoulder your mind started to fade away to blank... the dumb jock speech was becoming more and more monotonous as the numbers, percentages and each repetition circled your head. It felt good to listen... it was nice to learn...
After what felt like hours, the weighted hand released its grip and gave you a shake back to your senses. Startled, the subliminal thoughts of how happy your former friend rubbed off on you and left you slightly aroused.
“There’s still time to join the team, Bro. I think you should give it a try.”
When you followed Coach back to his office, he turned up the strange buzzing noise from the radio that you had only half-noticed earlier. Looking through a cabinet, he handed you a light blue kit bag - matching the singlet of your friend - including a singlet, pair of sneakers and headgear all exactly the right size. The strange hazy feeling started to return as he went over what induction to the team would entail, now sounding more like a contract than a workout.
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As you pulled off your sweat-soaked headgear you had a brief moment of clarity - the first since you searched for your friend all those weeks ago. Your bulging muscles and beating heart pulsed away in your chest after grappling with your opponent. As you looked down at your body you saw that were bigger, stronger and taller than you’ve ever been in your life.
You heard your name being called from the sidelines by your fellow team. A line of toned and strong guys, including your friend, all wearing the same light blue singlets were cheering your name. You were victorious, you were today’s hero.
Instinctively- in celebration - you flexed your guns and gave them all a show - just like your bro did in the locker room.
Fuck yeah, bro. You are a jock now.
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strayheartless · 9 months
Listen I’m only sharing this because I don’t want to be in pain all by my lonesome:
So, alternative crisis core where instead of rebelling Genesis comes home and as he gets off of the helicopter Angeal and Sephiroth are there to meet him (both still tense from his training room incident). He looks okay. A bit battered but otherwise fine.
And then between looking at eachother to breath a sigh of relief and then looking back at him, Genesis just… drops.
They both shoot forward in time to stop his head from cracking against the floor, but there’s nothing to be done about the apparent seizure that grips him. Hollander is on them, trying to pry Gens coat off and Angeal is turning the room blue, swearing at the scientist and yelling “you said you’d fixed this! You bastard, you said he’d be fine!”
Sephiroth can only do what he knows which is what he’s been taught to do when someone has a seizure. Clear the area, make sure Gen can’t hurt himself, cushion his head and wait. He pulls out his PHS and times it after putting his coat under Gen’s head.
It lasts about two minutes. It’s the longest two minutes of Seph and geals lives. Hollander wants to take him straight to the Lab but Angeal insists Genesis needs rest and to recover from what just happened. They stand and argue about it for a good five minutes before Sephiroth simply picks Genesis up and walks away from them.
Angeals quick to follow as Seph brings Genesis to his own apartment and eases him into bed in a recovery position. He allows Hollander to Check him over and take a blood sample but then he makes him leave. He tells Angeal to stop hovering and start making dinner, that Gen will need to eat, and uses his generals voice to make it clear that its an order not a request.
It takes a little while for Gen to come fully round but he is conscious for most of this and Sephiroth stays with him and rubs his back when he’s throwing up into a bucket. It’s pretty hard going for the next couple of hours. Genesis is anxious and nauseous and can’t remember much of what happened after he got on the aircraft. There’s a massive blank spot where going home should be, and if his field diary is anything to go by, this is t the first Seizure he’s had.
Angeal gets a report from Genesis’ sergeant major that he’s been having been having blank moments that in hind sight were petit mal seizures. Genesis’ mobility is deeply affected by whatever’s going on, and once he’s recovered enough to give verbal consent to things they find out he has a brain inflammation that Mako can’t heal.
Eventually Hollander figures out that S cells will stop the process of degradation and Sephiroth is all to happy to hand his cells over if it means saving his friend. But the damage that is doe to Genesis’ brain can’t be reversed. He goes through long periods of being fine and having mobility, but then has long periods of fluctuating between crutches or a wheelchair. He still has seizures, though he has medication for that now.
And he’s changed. He’s quieter. Once Lazard confirms his honourable medical discharge, and Angeal has filled in dependency paperwork to keep him with them, he’s just despondent. Not even loveless can really rouse him and it terrifies Sephiroth and Angeal.
Eventually, when Angeal starts showing signs of degradation however Genesis seems to re-emerge. They are quicker to catch Angeal’s symptoms once he complains of headaches and starts snapping at Zack and Sephiroth. Genesis is the one to realise what’s happening and takes himself down to Hollander to report the emergency.
Once Angeals injected Genesis announces that he wants out of Shinra and that he’s leaving regardless of what Angeal and Sephiroth think. The two follow him, much to Hojo’s absolute dismay.
It takes fighting their way out, and Genesis has the absolute pleasure of setting RnD on fire before they make their way to AVELANCHE -Zack and a small fluffy chocobo looking cadet named Cloud in toe.
Genesis puts all of his energy into helping AVALANCHE fight for the planet and in the end he gets to go home to the two men he loves and nobody fricking dies.
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glassartpeasants · 1 year
Dabi x F!Reader x Yandere?Shigaraki
Warnings: Angst, cheating, small amount of spicy if you squint
A/N: I hope you guys like it despite me feeling like i dropped the ball with this one. Also, this one isn't the super sad one, that one is still being drawn in the tears of my victims
“I’ll always be honest.”
The room was so cold. Cold and empty. You should be used to it by now, but it's so hard when he comes home with your favorite flowers, chocolates, and a present with a pretty bow on top. Always spoiling you just when you feel like leaving. How could you leave someone who spends what little money they have on you?
Even if you didn’t see him for weeks and he never texted you once? Would you still be the cruel one? If so, then that's not fair. Just cause he’s a villain doesn’t mean he can treat the one who loves him most like shit.
You’ve lied to the cops for him, gave him a bed to sleep on, fed him when he hasn’t eaten in days. Listened to him complain about his co-workers. Almost anything and everything you’ve done for him, and what had he done for you?
The once cold and empty room was now filled with a warm rage as you remembered all the wrongs he caused you. Standing you up on a date that was made 2 weeks in advance. Borrowing your car for hours on end without asking and bringing it back smelling horrible and trashed. Leaving your house unlocked and vulnerable to robbers. There was probably more that you couldn’t remember, but you just didn’t have the energy to. All you could do was stare at the ceiling as you tried to lull yourself back to sleep.
The smell of the disgusting alley made his face clench up. It smells worse every time. But then again, it's his own doing. He’s the one that's always coming back to her, even if he has someone at home. What’s the point of living if you can’t do what you want? That's how he saw it. Not many other people did, but it was his life, and he would live it how he wanted.
He felt his phone ring in his pant pocket. Grabbing it and looking at the screen, he saw it was you. He rolled his eyes and left it to ring. He didn’t feel like talking or seeing you right now. You understand, right? You always do, so why would this time be any different? 
Sure, you didn’t know that he sought woman other than you still. How whenever he didn’t answer you, he was always in someone else's bed or talking to a potential fling. He’s always wondered what your reaction would be if you were to ever find out? Would you cry? Would you break up with him and kick him out of your home and life? Would you forgive him? The thought sometimes bugged him at night, but it was always pushed away when he would see someone else next to him.
Whatever, it didn’t matter right now. Right now, he wanted to go see his favorite side piece and then follow whatever orders Shigaraki had for him. And by the sounds of it, he was finally going to see what those UA kids were really made of.
Turning on the tv to see some sort of violence was expected. With a quirk-filled society such as this one, it was impossible for there not to be either heroes or villains. While you were never the biggest fan of heroes, you weren’t pro villain either. You just wanted things to go back to normal to where heroes went into the business for the good of the people and not to make a quick buck. To go back to before that damn Shigaraki started stirring shit up. The only good thing he’s done is help get the heroes off their asses for once. If he didn’t have such a dangerous quirk, you could probably take down that scrawny twig of a man yourself. All of a sudden, breaking news showed up on the TV.
You stared in horror at the TV. Pictures and seemingly live video feeds of a burning blue forest started to fill your screen. A sharp pain strikes your chest as you cover your mouth with your hand. The news flashed a picture of a child shown on the screen. He couldn’t have been older than 15 or 16. The words ‘kidnapped’ rang through your mind as you could only stare at the tv in hopes that they’d already got a hint as to where the poor boy could be. You didn’t want to believe it. You didn’t want to think that the man you let into your home would kidnap a child. 
Tears brimmed your eyes as you sat on the couch, eyes locked to the screen as you begged for more information.
“Hello?...” Your voice distant to whoever was on the other line.
“I need you to grab me some food and bring it to 722 Cherry Ave. You can do that for me, can’t you, doll?”
“You kidnapped that kid…”
“Huh? Oh, the news must be faster than usual-”
“Why did you kidnap a child?!”
“Oh, calm down. We’re simply gaining new recruits.”
“That isn’t recruiting! That kid has a family who’s probably worried sick about him!”
“I didn’t call for a lecture (Y/N). Now, I need you to bring me food. I’m fucking hungry.”
“Get it yourself, cocksucker.” Before you could hang up, you heard him say something that made your heart constrict.
“Whatever, I’ll just call Morgan-” It sounded like he just meant to say it to himself, but you just heard it enough.
“Who the fuck is Morgan?” 
“You said you’d call Morgan. Who the fuck is Morgan Dabi?” You heard a chuckle coming from the other side of the phone.
“She's just a friend. Your overreacting like always. No need to stress.”
“You're lying to me, and I know it. Just tell me, who the hell is Morgan?”
“Just some chick I like to see from time to time.”
“And what do you mean by see?”
“Ugh, your so insecure (Y/N) it's annoying. Do you not trust me?” You go to say words, but for some reason, nothing leaves your lips. You just sat in silence as you tried to weigh your options. 
“I’ll call you later, doll. I'm hungry.” With that, he hung up the phone. 
You felt so numb after the conversation. You didn’t know what to do. You let him get away with so much during your time together. You’ve lost friends due to his infidelity. He’d cheat on you with them, and when they thought he’d leave you for them, he’d spit them out like a piece of gum. You remember their horrible words towards you as they blamed you and never spoke to you again. After that, he was the only person you had left, and he was doing this to you all over again. Letting you believe he’d changed only to pull a stunt like this.
This was the last straw for you. You'll take him being horrible to you, but there was no way in hell you’d let him get away with this. 
That being said, you came up with a plan. While you were no hero, you couldn’t just sit at home and do nothing. Knowing that a child was out, there was probably scared to death. You got up from your couch before opening your closet and began searching. 
You pulled out every black article of clothing you owned. Anything to hide you from the eyes of curious villains and heroes you put on your body. Stepping out of the house, you take a deep breath before making your journey. The streetlights were the only thing lighting up the darkness and helping you see where you were going.
You knew where he always wanted you to drop him off, so that would be your first place to look. It bothered you slightly that you weren’t much of a combat fighter if any other villain was there. Hell, your quirk wasn’t even built for battle or anything destructive. More hypnotizing than anything.
It was called Calming Siren. Your parents named it since you were too young, and you’ve never forgiven them for it. You could have definitely come up with something cooler. At least they helped you by giving you singing lessons. 
Basically, when you sing, the person or people next to you will feel a calming sensation that soothes any aggression or negative emotions. It doesn’t get rid of it but postpones it by an hour or two. If the person is already calm or slightly tense, it makes them fall asleep. It truly depends on how strong the feeling is. 
That being said, you were silently humming every step you took, ready to use your vocals at any moment in case someone were to ambush you. So you need to be super vigilante-
“Oof!” A strong force stopped you in your tracks as you bumped face-first into something. You step back after shaking your head, thinking you just walked into a wall, only to be surprised to see a man in all black standing in front of you.
“S-Shit, sorry. I had my mind somewhere else.”
“It's fine.” A gravelly voice emitted from the man. It was slightly attractive when combined with his all black appearance. But you also thought that maybe he was super thirsty.
“Are you okay? Do you need something to drink? You sound parched!”
“I’m fine. It's just my voice.” a hint of annoyance rang in the air.
“Oh! I’m sorry again, haha. I just didn’t want you to go around suffering, ya know? There's an ohagi shop nearby that I was gonna suggest-”
“Yeah! It’s my favorite food!” You stop in your tracks as you realize you’ve completely lost track of your original plan. Instead of finding Dabi, you were here talking to a man you bumped into and trying to ask him if he wanted to get some Ohagi with you.
Maybe a part of you wanted someone next to you? You were lonely with how often Dabi seemed to disappear without a trace. You guessed that's why you were so quick to try and hang out with someone you just met. Where you really sp desperate for slight affection that you completely forgot. You were supposed to be trying to find where they took the kid, for christ's sake!
"I don't have any money on me." There was a slight sadness in his voice that you would have missed if you weren't paying attention.
"My treat. Come on, they close in 20 minutes." 
"...okay." You motioned him to follow you towards the store. 10 minutes never hurt anyone, you guessed. Your mom always said it was never good to go out on an empty stomach anyways.
“Hey, boss, where ya been? Ooo, something smells good!” Toga’s voice echoed through the bar and caught everyone's attention.
“I’ve just been out. Is that so wrong?”
“Well, considering we’ve been waiting for you, I would say it is.” 
“Dabi, shut up. I wasn't gone long. Instead of bothering me, why don’t you go call some whore if you're looking to bother someone.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.” Passing by the scarred man, the man in all black went into his room before locking the door shut. Not wanting anyone to see what he’d obtained during his casual little stroll. 
A piece of napkin with numbers written on it and a cute heart at the end with the name of the girl he’d met only minutes ago. He couldn’t help but feel a giddiness inside his chest as he stared at the flimsy thing. 
He’s never gotten a girl’s number before, especially not from someone as cute as you. He’s glad he didn’t dust you when you commented on his voice. He was just cranky, but after realizing you were simply concerned about him, it made his heart swell slightly. Someone he barely knew was worried about him. Not to mention when you offered to take him to an Ohgai shop and said you’d pay for it, he was so happy his hoodie covered his face. That way, you couldn’t see the way he was looking at you like you were some sort of angelic creature. 
No one has treated him so kindly like that before. Sure, you only bought the both of you some ohagi and a drink before handing him your number, and you were on your merry way. He heavily considered following you, but you just happened to be walking in an area where he just saw a hero move. He didn’t want to take any chances. 
So, for now, he’ll just stick to talking to you through a screen. 
“Doll, I’m home!” A little chuckle left his throat as he couldn’t help but imagine your annoyed face. He knew you didn’t like him making random appearances in the middle of the night, but he was a villain. What did you expect him to do?
He wasn’t initially planning on coming tonight, but after some arguments with his dumb boss, he thought he might as well see his cute favorite doll. Despite the number of women he liked to keep close to that answered his beck and call, you were like a prize. A little trophy to show off. You’ve never left him when he fucked all your friends and left you with only him as a support. Never left him when he ghosted you for days on end. When he’d yell at you for something, and you didn’t bother to yell back. 
You were just the perfect thing someone like him wanted. 
He would be lying if he said that you talking back to him on the phone earlier didn’t turn him on. It was cute hearing you get mad over something so insignificant. Why get mad when you were his favorite to come home to? 
“It’s 3am, Dabi. What the fuck do you want?” He saw you figure walk out of your room and down the hall, your voice drowsy from sleep.
“I just came to see my beautiful little doll, is all. Is that so wrong?” Your lips turned into a pout when the words left his lips.
“Oh, I thought you’d want to see Morgan. She’s always has your back, right?” He could hear the venom in your words but paid no mind to it.
“Your still hung up on that? Jealousy isn’t a cute look on you, sweetheart.”
“And cheating isn’t a good look on you, yet here we are. I bet if I pulled this bullshit your pulling on me, you would’ve burned me alive.” Letting out a laugh, he grabbed your chin and looked at you with those piercing blue eyes.
“Well, I wouldn’t burn you. I’d just burn everyone you cared about while you watched. Then, you’d have no one but me.”
“Considering you’ve fucked everyone I cared about, I’d say nothing is stopping me from seeing how you like being dragged around on false hope and promises.” Instead of his teasing guise just seconds earlier, his eyes held a silent rage toward them. A frown wormed across his face as the grip on your chin grew harsh to the point you winced.
“You don’t want to play this game with me doll. It was cute at first, but now you're starting to piss me off.” 
“If you're so upset about the thought of you getting a taste of your own medicine, why not try to be a better partner? Or is that too difficult for you?” You knew you were playing with fire. Literally, but you couldn’t help it, not with all the times he’s put you in such heartbreak and dread. It was aggravating seeing him act like this.
“I’ll give you one more chance since I'm feeling generous. Be grateful I came to see you, or you’ll see how long I can really disappear.”
“Your record is a month.”
He’s only known you for 3 months, and yet you were so perfect. He could never stop thinking about you. About the kindness, you showed him. How you’d always text him how his day went or call to tell him about some low-level drama at your work. 
Recently though, he learned the beauty that was your voice.
“Yeah. I’m glad I actually sound decent and not like a dying cat.” Your laughter was contagious as he let out a chuckle himself. Anything to make him seem more normal than he was when he was off the phone. 
“But basically, what happens is that I sing it, it works as a calming mechanism? Hypnotizing in some way? It depends on how strong the emotion the person is feeling, but if they're calm enough, they can fall asleep. If they're really aggressive, I can postpone that aggression  to about two hours.”
“Interesting. Dare to sing a little for me?” His infatuation seemingly grew every time he talked to you. The way your voice managed to get his cock stirring in his pants had him struggling to not jerk himself off with you still on the other end.
“I mean, sure, but if you fall asleep on me, I'm hanging up to take a shower.” It's like you're teasing him on purpose! Giving him new pictures to replay in his head when he talks to you. 
“I’ll take this threat very seriously.” 
“If you say so.” Not even seconds later, a haunting tone emitted from the phone. It was like a beautiful melody that only angels could sing. He felt so special hearing you singing to him. All to himself. A warm feeling came over his body as he let out a shaky breath. This feeling was so.. foreign. It felt like the world was soothing him from all it took from him.
You were soothing him. 
Despite the overwhelming calm, his cock was still rock hard in his pants. Begging to be released as your voice only stirred it on more.  How he wished you could be here next to him and singing your sickly sweet tone right before him. You’d look at him with adoration and love as you played with his hair and sang him a lullaby to soothe him to sleep.
He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed you. Being without you felt sinful. You wouldn’t need anyone else but him. He can give you everything you’d ever want. He’d keep you all to himself. Locking you away and clipping your wings, not letting his angel fly away. 
A/N: Have a cliff hanger because i said so.
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kookieminsuga · 9 months
The Wolf and his Coyote - Part 4
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Part 4! Things are starting to look up!
Summary; Jungkook is the leader of the biggest biker gang in Korea. He is never interested in people unless they can benefit him in some way. That is until he runs into a girl who is the only person who appears to not be afraid of him. New to Korea, Amalia is an artist who spends most of her days working on her comics at her friend Minhyuks diner who also happens to be Jungkooks favourite hang out spot. What will happen when Jungkooks, a man who's heart seems to be frozen in ice, interest is peeked for the first time since he can remember?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
Pairing: Gang leader jk x Tsundere, artist Amalia
Rating: 18+ do not interact if you are a minor!
Word count: 2.3k
Genre: Biker gang bts, action, romance, there will be smut down the line, angst, violence, humour.
Warnings: potential triggers, signs of trauma, Jungkook is SMITTEN, mentions of past, motorcycle ride, voice raising, arguing.
Amalias pov:
The roaring sound of engines cut through my thoughts, effectively snapping me out of my hyper fixated state. I look out the window to my right and notice 6 guys on motorcycles pull up. As they take off their helmets one by one, I notice it’s the guys from yesterday. Jungkooks gang. I guess this is the end of my peaceful day. 
Well, it had been very peaceful apart from the moment he decided to come talk to me. I still don’t know what he wants with me. I wish he would just stay away. At least he’s not too pushy. Like him.
I shake my head, not letting those thoughts creep up on me. You’re safe Amalia. It’s all in the past now.
The doors to the diner fly open as one by one those guys start piling in. Starting with one handsome man, black, long hair, cat like eyes, resting bitch face. He looks around the restaurant for his “owner” I assume. His eyes land on me as I look at him and he snickers before walking towards the other side of the restaurant as he spots Jungkook. 
What was that? Anyways, it’s time for me to go. I start packing my tablet and research materials back into my bag. I finish my cup of tea that Min had brought me earlier and get up to let him know I’m leaving. 
The restaurant is pretty busy for dinner time so I just manage a wave as I step out and head towards my bus stop. The bus arrives not too long after that and I start my commute home. 
The route is pretty long. I start with one bus, then a train and another bus. It’s better than sitting at home by myself all day tho, so it’s worth it. I read a book with my headphones on as per usual. About 20 minutes later, I arrive at the train station. As I wait for my train, I hear an announcement being made so I move my headphones to the side to listen.
“Train towards blue lines are all cancelled for the day due to technical issues, sorry for the inconvenience.”
Oh, well hell. I start to think of other ways to get home. A taxi would cost way too much from here for my broke butt. It’s too far to walk as well. I wonder if there’s other buses that lead close enough. 
I start to walk towards the street, where all the buses are and scan the signs to see where they went. Ah, there is a bus that leads close to the other bus I have to take, however it only comes every hour. I look at the time and, of course, the last one left 6 minutes ago. I guess I’ll be waiting here for a while. 
I sit at the stop by the street and take my book out again, getting ready for this long hour. 
Jungkooks pov:
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I wave at my group before heading off on my bike. 
The breeze hits my body as I zigzag through the streets of Seoul. As I drive, there only one thing going through my mind. “She hates your type”. My type. What is my type? According to Minhyuk I have become self absorbed. It shows that he doesn’t know me like he used to. Although the boy he knew is now dead and gone, I still don’t really know the man I have become. All I know is the hatred I feel towards him.
I shake my head, attempting to shake off these negative thoughts and feelings, heading towards my usual patrol. 
As I pass by the train station, I notice something that makes me instantly turn my bike around. Is that..?
I make my way back to the bus stop where a girl is resting her head on the side of the bus stop, sat on the bench with a book in her lap. As I approach her, I notice that it is indeed her. The girl from the diner. Minhyuks friend.
I park my bike in front of the stop, there being barely any cars that pass at this time, and walk up to her sleeping form. I look at her for a minute and she doesn’t even flinch. I kneel down in front of her and look over her features. Long lashes, small but plump lips and a beauty mark right below her left eye. 
She really is nothing special.
Then, her eyes suddenly shoot open, dropping the book in her hand and letting out a scream. 
“Hey hey, it’s just me.” I say, still on one knee before her. 
I take my helmet off so she can see me more clearly.
She looks down at me and then at her surroundings as if analyzing the situation. 
“Wha- what time is it? Why is it dark? Why are you here?” She says as she pulls out her phone and checks the time.
“Oh no! I missed the last bus!” She gets up frantically looking around.
I take my time standing and take a guess as to what had happened.
“Well considering you left the diner quite a while ago, I’m guessing you fell asleep here waiting for your bus until now, did you not? As for why I’m here, I was just driving by when I noticed you and just had to come say hello.” I say with a smile.
“Way to state the obvious.” She says as she rolls her eyes and sits back down.
She appears to be thinking, and as she said she missed her last bus, I guess she doesn’t have a way home.
I roll my eyes right back at her before heading to my bike. I feel her eyes on the back of my head. I lift the seat, pull out my spare helmet and turn back to give it to her.
“Here, I’ll take you home.” I say.
“Why would I trust a stranger with my address?” She says crossing her arms and legs and looking down.
“Oh so you don’t trust me with your address but you trust everyone else enough to fall asleep at a public bus stop?” I say, raising my voice.
I could see her visibly flinch as I did. 
“Who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do? You don’t even know me!” She says, visibly upset.
I sigh and take a deep breath. Arguing with her will get us nowhere.
“Look, I’m sorry I raised my voice. I know you’re new to town, but this area is very unsafe. Especially for woman. So when I saw you sleeping here without a care in the world for your safety I..” I cut myself off.
“You what?” She asks, turning to look at me in the eyes for the first time. 
“I know you probably won’t believe me considering what Minhyuk has probably said about me, but I’m not a bad guy. I care about him a lot and you’re his friend. So no harm will come to you around me, ok?” I say truthfully, avoiding what I was going to say before.
She continues to sit there and stares at me. I see the gears shifting behind her scared eyes that she tried to pass off as anger.
“Fine then, you can stay here.” I say as I turn to place the helmet back in my bike. 
Then I feel a tug at my back. It takes me a moment, but I turn to see her looking at the floor with her hand grasping the hem of my leather jacket.
“I’m sorry. I just.. I..” She stuttered. I could tell she was trying to say something very difficult for her.
“Its ok, you don’t have to tell me.” I said gently.
She nods and I turn to hand her the helmet. She takes it and puts it on like she already knows how.
“Have you ever been on a bike before?” I ask.
“I have. I can drive one too.” She says matter of factly.
My eyes grow wide as I stare at her in shock.
“What? Is it that shocking? Is it because I’m a woman?” She says crossing her arms and staring me down.
“No, I just… I didn’t expect it.” I say while sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. I quickly put on my helmet. Why does my face feel warm?
I get on my bike and look towards her. She still seems unsure, looking down and fidgeting with her hands.
“Common, I don’t bite.” I say, reaching my hand out towards her.
She looks at my hand for a few seconds before reaching out and taking it in hers. 
My heart skips when our skin touches. What was that? Get a hold of yourself Jungkook.
She then comes closer and throws her leg over, taking a seat behind me. I feel her trying to push back and turn my head to see her grab a hold of the bars on the back.
I sigh in frustration.
“Just hold onto me please? It’s much safer that way.” I say revving my engine.
“Are you sure?” She says shyly.
This girl goes from shy to attitude to shy in an instant huh?
I smile, “Yes I’m sure.” I reach back and wrap her hands around my waist.
With her front pressed against my back, I head off in the direction of her home.
As we drive through the streets, I feel her looking around as if my hometown is all new to her. I hear her little gasps as we come into view of beautiful sceneries. I could feel her loosen and tighten her grip on me as we turn and speed up and slow down. It’s funny, I usually don’t like people riding behind me but I don’t mind it with her. She’s not purposely trying to grab a feel as she holds onto me, like the other girls I’ve taken for rides passing it off as just holding on for safety, no she’s different. She keeps her hands tied together across my stomach and doesn’t move them an inch. 
We approach her street and I come to a full stop. Strangely, I feel slightly upset at having arrived already. She gets off first and then I do the same, kicking the stand up to park. I turn to see she has already taken off her helmet and has the widest smile on her face.
Woah. What a beautiful smile.. 
What was I just thinking? Snap out of it! Luckily, my helmet was still on.
Her hair blows in the breeze as she looks at me.
“Thank you for the ride home. It’s been a while since I’ve been on a motorcycle, I forgot how great it feels. Oh and I’m sorry I was so rude.” She says while fiddling with her fingers.
I take my helmet off and give her a smile. 
“Don’t worry about it. It’s good that you don’t easily trust people. That intuition will keep you safe around these parts.” I say genuinely.
All of a sudden her eyebrows furrow as if she just thought of something.
“Wait.. I never gave you my address. How did you know where I live?” She says while taking a step back.
Oh right. She still doesn’t know I was there that night.
“Yeah about that, I mean, I didn’t want to just say I know where you live. Probably would have sounded creepy at the time.” 
“Well it’s sure creepy now, so can you answer my question?” She says with her hands on her hips. 
I guess the attitude is back.
I laugh at her ever changing personality, which for some reason, I find adorable.
“The truth is, these are the streets I usually patrol at this time a night. I don’t know what Minhyuk has told you, but my gang is not like the usual gang. We like to watch over our city and keep the innocents safe.” She just stands there looking at me as if urging me to continue. So I do.
“One night, I was patrolling as I usually do, when I crossed by this alley and saw a man following a girl. I was about to step in when suddenly, this girl turned and smacked the guy in the balls with her bag.” I laugh at that last part, still finding it funny.
I see her eyes light up in recognition. 
“Oh! You were there that night? I did find it odd that he didn’t try to follow me.” She pondered with her hand on her chin.
“Yeah, don’t worry, he won’t be following you again.” I smirk.
She stares me down. 
“What?” I ask.
“You didn’t kill him, did you?” She says.
I look at her, my eyes then turning serious.
“I don’t kill people. Not unless I have to. It’s not my place to take lives.” I say stuffing my hands in my pockets. 
Although the question stings, I do understand why she would ask. I am the head of a gang after all. It’s true that I don’t like to kill people, but it would be a lie to say I never have. 
“Ok well, thanks again for the ride.’ She pauses,’ and for protecting me that night I guess.” She says, looking up at me.
She hands over the helmet.
“You’re welcome.” I look down at her smiling softly. 
“Have a good night.” She simply says as she starts walking down the alley towards her home.
“Hey!” I say before she reaches her door.
She turns and looks at me with a questioning raised eyebrow.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
She looks at me for a moment before answering.
“It’s Amalia, but you can call me Lia. Consider that an honour.” With that, she turns and heads inside.
I can't help but laugh at her last comment.
Amalia.. that’s a different name. I like the sound of it.
I start walking down the street, beginning my patrol. Unable to wipe this stupid smile off my face.
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meowza315 · 10 months
i am OBSESSEDDDDD with your avatar au is there any way you can give us more hcs?? (idgaf if its a dangerous question ill listen for hours bbg)
WOAH THERE alrighty
of course I can give more headcanons / canon info!!! I love rambling about the AU :) I don’t have many headcanons since I can just.. make them canon to the story 💀💀💀
We can start off with more plot centered stuff (? kinda) and then work into more minor details
- Their first meeting together was similar to Jake and Neytiri’s from the original Avatar movie except they both get attacked by viperwolves and get pretty injured in the process. They both have some permanent scars from it, most noticeably a scar on Will’s left hip/side (same location as in Stranger Things when he’s burnt by Nancy in S2, yk)
- Mike’s training took about 18 months and he failed a lot of the rites of passage the first time, but ended up learning and successfully completing them on the second try (ex: Ikran taming. He was thrown off a Cliff similarly to Lo’ak in the graphic novels)
- Mike ended up falling in love first, about 5 months into training. He got pretty depressed due to it because he fell in love with an alien, another species. So he has this guilt of being a human and using a false body pretty much every day in order to see Will. William ended up falling in love 4 or so months later. (I have a timeline.. I’ll put that as like the last thing on here)
- Will kept pushing back Mike’s Dream Hunt in fear that Mike would be killed in the process (its a really intense rite of passage and Na’vi have a chance of dying during it). But, Mike survived and everybody cheered!!!
- Their first kiss later that night (after his dream hunt) was really emotional for both of them, but more or less Mike (for reasons stated previously)
- They both sleep in hammocks together from time to time
- Will’s songcord has a lock of Mike’s hair and a heart shaped river stone that Mike found for 1: Tsaheylu / the bond they make, and 2: their confession / first kiss. Mike’s has a drop of Will’s blood in amber to represent their bond and a bead that Will carved for their confession
- Will’s ikran is yellow and blue/teal while Mike’s ikran is blue (although I haven’t really given them full designs)
- Mike has scars on his hands from carving gifts for Will
- After tsaheylu they end up getting a lot closer, like they weren’t already. They started getting more comfortable in Home Tree and people noticed.. so rumors spread that they mated (but they didn’t! they just created the bond).
- Will calls Mike a “skxawng” (moron in Na’vi), but Mike hits him back with the “But I’m your skxawng” ☹️
- They have a tendency to go out into the forest to do stuff together and hopefully not get killed by a Thanator while kissing or something idk. that would be a way to go 💀
Long story short the AU is very detailed and there’s too much information for me to fit into one post so ‼️
plus the timeline!!! other questions about the AU are welcome 🔥🔥
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mentallyshattered · 6 months
This is part 24 of the "What if Yuu didn't want to go back?" Series!
(I, the author of this work, do not consent to this work being crossposted/translated without my knowledge or used to train an AI, ever.)
We're late. Shit. Only by seven minutes, but there's a lot of gossip in the Backstage Room during seven minutes. Damn!
Luckily, we still have plenty of time for our skincare routines. Grim gets brushed a little faster than usual, but we're good. "Breakfast can be eaten on the way to class," I mutter to myself as I speedwalk down the hall.
"Y'ain't gawt classes t'day! Jeez, yeh jus'a lil' too awn edge 'bout yeh grades, ain't'cha? Cawlm yerself, 's awll awrigh'," says Epel, voice drawling along as it does to add a w into some words that wouldn't normally contain them this far north. I laugh along with him. We were really in such a hurry, and for what? Club doesn't start for a long while today.
In walks Korrak. Mandible is on his shoulder, as usual, and they look... as fatigued as always. Do they know? I can't tell. Maybe their evident exhaustion is from normal causes, whatever those are.
Well, I'm not going to risk it. Those two have never looked fully rested as long as I've known them, and using my signature spell last night showed me that's not a recent development. Even on the day of the entrance ceremony, they looked like there had been about two hours of deep, undisturbed, uninterrupted sleep between the two of them.
...Actually, they look way better now than they did then. I suppose Rook and Vil's care has really had an impact. Good. They deserve it.
Is the same true for me? Did I look like some kind of abomination when I walked in this world for the first time? Thinking back to day one, absolutely. Grim and I actually got taken into the Backstage Room first, and our housewarden spent over an hour and a half on detangling my hair alone- after he spent another thirty minutes on cutting it without breaking the scissors. Maybe I overestimated the difference between me and the boy with the dark blue opossum.
Ok, definitely. I definitely overestimated the difference between Korrak and I. Then again, we're from entirely different worlds, so is that a crime? I hope not.
Oh, well. Korrak isn't looking at me or Grim like anything's different, so we're probably fine. Probably. There's definitely an ethics factor, but I'm choosing to ignore that. For now.
Speaking of problems I'm aware of but choosing to pretend I'm not because the stress of that issue is pressing and I never learned to properly cope with anxiety in any way but ignoring it until I can't and it breaks me, I've heard of a spring and winter break when students go home. What do I do then?
Perhaps my impending doom shows on my face, but It doesn't matter if so because nobody appears to have noticed, and I don't see Rook. That doesn't mean he doesn't see me, though. Good ol' Rook.
He'll find me later. There's a good chance Grim and I will be taken to Vil's room to discuss that, and perhaps my signature spell. I need to get better at using that. There, that's something to do today.
I don't know when I sat down, nor do I know when Korrak and Epel started talking about combat, but it's oddly comforting to hear someone talking about fighting whilst drawing many of their 'a's into 'aw's. All becomes awl, on becomes awn, and so forth.
Did I have these moments before? Of peace, of contentment, of calm? Of simply sitting on a couch and listening to friends speak of violence in familiar voices and tones? No, I didn't, not even that last part. It's nice to know things can improve with as little as... well, not little. Still, it's nice to know things can improve.
I need to start with learning how to trigger Memory Lane. I think it was accidental last night, but I can't recall enough about before to even guess how I set it off then. Perhaps I have to be asleep? Does Grim has to be asleep? How close do I have to be to the person whose memories I'd like to rummage through, physically? Does physical space even matter? How well do I have to know them? Do I have to know them? Can I swap between targets without leaving the spell's area, or do I have to cast it twice for that to happen? Where does my physical body go? Can I take other people there?
I'm getting ahead of myself. First things first: how to start using Memory Lane. No, wait, first is breakfast. I'm almost done with that, so I'll head into the woods to train. I'll probably have to register that with Vil and maybe the headmage, but that can wait. I'd like to learn more about this spell before I tell.
"You look like you've got a plan," murrs Grim. "What're we doing today?"
"We're figuring out that spell," I maow back. Grim grins, sharp little teeth slightly dirty with minuscule chunks of salmon and toast.
"Y'all ain't all that subtle when yer up ter somethin'," teases Epel with a roll of his eyes before he gets up to stretch. "Best I git goin'," he starts again, smirking. "Cain't masta spelldrive without practice, after awll."
With that, Epel is gone, and Mandible turns to chitter at Korrak about something- I don't know what; I don't speak opossum- who then nods, scarfs down the rest of his food, and makes a break for it. He is stopped by Rook, who probably wasn't there a moment ago if my eyes are telling the truth.
"No running in the lounge," he chides gently. "Now, then, follow me!" I assume that has to do with club activities and think nothing of it. We ought to be going, too- daylight only lasts so long.
The forest is quite pretty again, leaves crunching beneath my feet as I step through the rug of orange, red, yellow, and brown that only parts for trees, their roots, and large rocks. The air here is crisp and fresh, good for clearing your head. I'll probably need that to pull this off, but I'm not sure. Can't hurt, at least.
I inhale, holding the air in my lungs and picturing... someone. The breath escapes me. Who should I go for? Myself, perhaps? Grim? Korrak again? Myself, I'll try myself first. Worth a shot, at the very least.
I try again, holding my breath in my lungs with an image of me, as reflected in the Backstage Room's wall-length mirror. My eyes close. My breath exits me in a quiet whisper: "Memory Lane."
I open my eyes to a Grim-grey path beneath my feet and a slightly blueish sky. Not blue-grey, but blue-brown, like the sky was shifting from a brunette brown to an overhead midnight expanse and I walked in on it midway through. The "stars" are small, black dots and streaks that have scattered themselves across the expanse, more numerous than in Korrak's and somewhat grouped into rows that make me think of a river spreading itself over the landscape it cuts through, as if I walked in on them, too.
The trees are willows, not the weeping kind- at least, not until I look close enough to see their branches are held up by vines with stems that match the path and leaves that match the flames in Grim's ears. The trees themselves are the dark, colorless color of my familiar's trident tail, and their leaves vary in color like confetti- some are the signature Pomefiore purple, some are the same blue as the leaves on the vines, some are a different shade of violet I've seen in Vil's eyes, and some are the green of ferns, moss, and Rook's irises. These willows do weep, but the vines prevent that. Interesting.
I wonder what that says about me.
In front of the comforted willows are more memory screens, though mine appear less like floating screens and more like... what's the word? Like those big, fancy graves with something built from smooth marble atop them, honoring the dead by creating something beautiful in their name. Crypt? No, those are underground. Tomb? Maybe.
Mausoleum, that's it. Though, notably, only the memory portal things a little ways away have them- these are nestled in the willows themselves, once low-hanging branches held away from the screen by the vines and slightly obscuring my view of the past anyway. The farther and further I look, the more little white roofs I see.
"Funny," starts Grim, "I don't remember all this. I mean, the sky's bluer than before, the leaves on the trees are more colors, and the fancy buildings are new, too." He dips his head down, eyes facing the ground near my feet. "Then again, it's been years, and my memory isn't all that great. I don't remember my family, just being cold, that striped ribbon, this place, and you." He curls into himself, soft stomach hidden from my sight, and I cannot help but forget for a mere moment that I am holding a catlike unknown as opposed to a newborn human in my arms. The thought soon evaporates like a drop of water on the surface of the sun, though my familiar's pose remains fetal.
"That's okay, Grim," I reassure, hugging him closer to my chest. "We have each other." I do not tell him the whispers of my childhood are blurry and mysterious like fog over the sea. I do not tell him he is all I clearly recall. I do not tell him I've forgotten the face of my reflection so much I thought I was face blind until I realized I only knew what I looked like when I saw myself. He does not need to know.
Nobody does. Not Mandible, not Korrak, not Epel or Rook or Vil or anyone but me. Those teachers are irrelevant now; this new world has new rules that they can't teach me. Those kids were never my friends; they just let me sit with them and tried to talk to me. Those parents aren't my parents anymore; I have new ones.
Methinks I need a distraction. My remedy is to walk a few meters to the nearest one, adjusting Grim in my arms as I do so, and touching the shiny white with my newly free hand. My familiar uncurls and turns his head to watch my fingertips glide accross the pristine, exact surface. Not one bump, dent, or crack.
The memory itself is of searching the woods for a stick to turn into a toy for Grim- it's clear and crisp despite the fact that I haven't touched it and don't intend to. Behind me, the next memory is of learning I had magic. It's just as vivid as the one before it.
Further down the path, though, memory mausoleums are fewer and farther between. It's nowhere near as packed along the sides as Korrak's- a testament to my poor memory, I suppose- or, perhaps it testifies for his being above average. Maybe even both.
I guess that's just my life- forgotten until recently.
Actually, if I look, there are a few. These ones are blurry, concerningly so, and some part of me says they need to be wiped down like soapy windows in a car wash, as though that would somehow improve the quality.
The farther back I go into the faded scraps of my own forgotten past, the fewer and farther between the memories get, and the ones we do find are notably worse than the last, though not by much. It adds up, though. After a while, they look less like life viewed through a dirty lens and more like splotches of color that were filmed through fog.
Then, I see it. This marblelike structure is huge; I'd have to stand on my own shoulders to see the top. What event could this possibly be?
I look. It's crisp like the most recent ones, with clear differences between even a grey, trident-tailed cat and an asphalt road.
It's... Grim's death.
Yeah, that... that lines up. When did I get on the ground? Oh, I've fallen. Grim is- alive. He's alive, and I'm not losing him. Not again.
It'd be comforting if I could tell myself that wasn't real, but it is. That happened, and it won't again. Not on my watch. I won't let it, no matter what.
"H-hey," starts my frantic familiar. "Yuu... um, look! Over there! I think there might be something under the trees! Let's go and look, okay?"
That's right. That's right. More to see. More to remember. Farther and further back into my faded past.
I stand and look. He's right; the branches are unusually thick here. And, right at the bottom, a rectangle cuts off, like a memory has been hidden by the trees and was revealed by the vines pulling them up.
Gently, slowly, I brush some branches aside. Harshly, suddenly, I am standing in a very nostalgic yard.
Grass. Clover. A mossy wooden fence that my startled mind remembers was willowwood, once upon a time. Grim was right. This is a memory. Speaking of Grim, there he is. In my arms. My eight-year-old, grey-clad arms. I recognize that hoodie- the grey of Grim's fur. It was my favorite as a kid.
Another child is walking down the sidewalk. Small me sees him- blond hair, forgotten eyes- and does not call. He sees small me right back, through the many large holes in the picket fence, and then he stops, his feet in dark cyan shoes I don't remember the style of. His mouth opens.
"Hey! Yuu!" I freeze. It feels almost as though he's calling out to me- not small me, but current me. That shouldn't be possible, and then small me shouts back.
"What?" My old, echoing voice calls back. The boy- Christopher- smiles like he's just been given a pack of gummy bears.
That's right. Christopher. His name was Christopher, and his favorite food was gummy bears. He sat with me at lunch.
"Are you gonna come over to my house this weekend?"
Small me lights up. "Sure!"
"Okay," Christopher shouts back, "see you tomorrow!"
"Bye!" Small me turns back to Grim. I get a good look at him then, and he is visibly younger than the Grim of today. His trident tail, like the rest of him, is smaller, and the blue flames in his ears look more like embers than they do fire, as though they once roared and have been slowly softened by the neverending sands of time.
"Mreew," sqeals the exited bundle of fur.
Small me giggles, ecstatic and still learning cat. When did I master that language?
The door on the house behind me opens, faded paint flaking off in thin shards of what was once green. Young me turns to the obnoxious squeaking, and thoughts drop into my mind like rain into a bucket: That door was greener. Why is it so white now?
The paintless parts of the door are pale brown.
The memory cuts to the following day. Christopher's mother is cutting my hair, and, from where today's me is standing, it oddly resembles Vil doing the same. She's fussing over how it should t be this matted, and how this isn't healthy, and how she's going to call CPS. I can't even remember what that stands for. Did I ever know?
More thoughts flow through me: Their door is so quiet; mine is so loud. Their house is warm like the park is in summer. What color is this? It's like the walls of the doctor's office. Or snow.
I smile to myself. My elementary school was decently fancy when I was a kid, even though Night Raven has since blown it out of the water. Many of the kids who attended came from rich families, and my friends were no exception.
The memory ends, and I'm standing on the road again. It feels like something was cut out, like there was more to it that was lost to time. I guess I'll never know again. Thinking about that makes me feel a little faint.
We should head back. I can't tell the time right now, but we do have club.
I think I can just...
"Memory Lane."
There. Isn't that neat? With just the faintest of whispers and a little bit of magic, we're back in the woods- and my phone is buzzing in my pocket with messages. Specifically, texts from Ortho.
[This groupchat was created]
[Groupchat renamed to "Board Games Club]
(666-89-02740) Hi!
This is Ortho Shroud of Ignihyde
You are Yuu of Pomefiore, right?
And Azul Ashengrotto of Octanville
(534-82-42001) Yes, this is Azul.
Why are you texting us?
The lounge is opening.
(666-89-02740) Board Games club has been canceled for today
Idia is sick
And the club room hasn't been cleaned yet
Neither have the games
(534-82-42001) Okay, I'll be at the lounge if you need me.
(666-89-02740) Okay!
Yuu, respond when you see this
The first thing I do before I respond is add Ortho and Azul to my contacts. I don't know how Ortho got my number, but it probably has to do with the whole "Ignihyde is the tech dorm" thing. The second thing I do is look at the time, and the third is sigh with relief. We'd be late if it weren't for club being canceled.
(Yuu & Grim) We have seen this!
(Blue Candle) Got it
Thank you!
I smile. It feels like I'm connecting with this new world a little bit more at a time, and the thought is enough to distract from the still-drying tears on my cheeks. Grim is purring again, probably unintentionally.
And that connection with my old one is gone. Was it ever even there? My life was nothing special, except for Grim. I should know- interesting things stick in my mind. I lost a lot of then after the whole car-and-cat thing, but I remember some of Shakespeare's plays. They were interesting.
I only remember one of them, though- what was it called? The Ides Of March, I think that's it. All I really recall is the name and that some guy got stabbed.
I remember that play better than I remember my biological parents, and I barely remember the play. Did I even live with them? Did I ever know them? Maybe I was raised by a straight couple. Or a lesbian. Or two lesbians.
No matter. Right now, my "parents" are a pair of theater kids, and I'm happy with that. I like them. Vil personally dematted my hair when I first arrived.
...Hold on. I was raised by parents, not aunts or uncles or anything, I know that much. And I know they were alive and in the house. And I know parents are supposed to care for their children.
So, why was my hair a rat's nest when I first came to Night Raven? Why did Vil have to spend so long fixing it? Why am I hyperventilating?!
I hold my breath and pray to whatever will listen to please let me faint. That's what I always did back then... okay, maybe that just means this is a bad thing to do.
Maybe my poor memory is one of the ways I cope. I'll never know with what. That's the point, after all.
My phone breifly vibrates with another message, this one directly from Ortho to me with nobody else involved.
(Blue Candle) Hey
I can't find anything on you except school-related stuff
(Yuu & Grim) Why were you looking for that?
(Blue Candle) The nurse asked me if I could find your medical history and stuff
You know
For safety reasons
Seems reasonable. Although, wouldn't it make more sense to contact Vil first? And then Rook? Or the headmage, even? Maybe Ortho knows her personally or something. Maybe she wanted to contact Idia, but he sent his brother in his place. Yeah, that makes sense.
(Yuu & Grim) Yeah idk lol
Good luck
(Blue Candle) ???
That does not help
(Yuu & Grim) 🤷
(Blue Candle) 😐
I don't send anything new, still processing my delight over the discovery of this world's emojis. By the time I look back, Ortho has sent another text
(Blue Candle) Meet me in the nurse's office soon so I can get your blood type and stuff
(Yuu & Grim) Ok!
"C'mon, Yuu! Let's go, I'm bored," meows Grim. I smile and nod. I can process this later, anyway.
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sollucets · 1 year
could you maybe write something where akk calls aye his home?
i absolutely can do that, nonny, thank u for asking! have a little bit (1.5k. of course.) of long-distance akkaye :') loosely related to the last prompt but fine to read without it
“Akk, are you sleeping?” 
Aye’s voice is tinny, the noises of a subway station behind him just the right side of too-loud through Akk’s phone speakers to catch his slow-moving attention. His headphones must have slipped out; he doesn’t remember it happening. 
“No,” he answers, like a liar, and pushes himself upright on his dorm bed with some effort.
He’d given up on holding his head up to look at the screen part way through Aye talking about one of the other international students he works with and her hopeless crush on a Thai grad student senior of theirs that Aye is 100% sure is taken, and all of the accompanying drama. “You think P’Win has a partner already.” 
“That’s the last thing you heard?” Aye asks, pouting a little on the tiny screen under his big blue scarf. His cheeks are pink. It’s really, really cute. Someone passes behind him; Akk thinks he hears the edges of a robotic voice making an announcement. “I don’t just think so, I know so, and I was telling you all the evidence.”
“Do you have a conspiracy board for this too, or am I still special?”
Aye says something extremely inappropriate for a public place in response, but he says it in Thai, so he’s probably safe. Akk still opens his mouth to scold him on principle, but he’s caught by a yawn before he can say anything, jaw cracking unpleasantly. 
Aye’s expression melts from put-upon irritation to fondness so quickly it’s impressive. “You don’t have to stay up so late for me,” he says. “Don’t you have class in the morning? At nine, right?” 
“Don’t remind me,” grumbles Akk with a sigh, but he swings his legs over the side of the bed, picks up his phone sans headphones, and heads into the bathroom barefoot. “It’s not really so late. And besides, you’d pout if I went to bed without calling. It’s our day.”
Their day, Thursday specifically, had been the day that worked best with both their busy schedules and the six-hour time difference for most of the first semester of their time apart. They’ve missed only once, during Akk’s midterms, and Aye had texted no less than thirty times that day, all test-taking memes and supportive emojis. Now, though, Aye’s classes combined with his new work in his university's tutoring center run into the London evening; it’s midnight in Chiang Mai. 
Aye says something in response, but whatever it is is drowned out by the noise of a rush of people behind him, all probably getting off of a train. 
“What?” asks Akk, propping his phone against the bathroom mirror and grabbing his toothbrush. 
“If it’s really not that late, then why are you falling asleep while I’m talking, hm? Am I so boring to you?” 
Akk rolls his eyes, squeezing out a little toothpaste, and says, “Maybe I just didn’t want to hear you go on and on about P’Win anymore, hm?” 
As expected, Aye zeroes in on that immediately. “Aww, is my baby jealous?”
Akk sticks his toothbrush in his mouth to avoid answering and weathers the ensuing and expected storm of teasing very bravely, if he does say so himself. He lets the ease of falling into a familiar dynamic soothe the very slight sting, and he listens patiently without showing even a hint of a smile on his face at how pleased Aye looks to have ‘won’ that admission. 
“And he’s almost as handsome as me,” Aye is saying, in his most annoying tone of voice, when suddenly he seems to stutter for a moment, his expression freezing in place on his face. It’s odd enough that Akk makes a questioning noise through his mouthful of toothpaste. 
“Akk…” Aye starts. He looks conflicted now, mouth turning down even as he speaks. “You’re not — really, though, right?”
Akk blinks. Then spits. Then says, “No,” even though it’s not 100% true.
His face must show it, because Aye’s frown droops even further and he says, clearly enunciated, “It’s not like that. You know I’m just—”
“Teasing,” Akk interrupts, having mercy on him. “I know. Aye, no, you’re fine. I don’t actually think you’re serious, or you wouldn't have spent the last half hour explaining why P’Win is absolutely definitely taken anyway.” And you wouldn’t usually worry that I did, Akk thinks, so why?
Usually, if he thinks he’s gone too far, Aye just drapes himself over Akk like a particularly affectionate cat, no matter what he’s doing. He kisses his way back to forgiveness, he brings Akk dinner or looks over his homework or buys him stupid, cute little charms to put on his phone keychain, and Akk always lets him even and especially if he isn’t actually mad, and — he can’t do any of that, six hours and half the world away. Oh. This is that communication thing they’re supposed to be better at by now. 
Aye is still staring at him with giant, horrible pleading eyes, because he doesn’t believe him, and he shouldn’t because Akk is still sort of lying. 
Akk sighs. “I’m jealous of anyone who gets to see you all the time.” He can’t keep looking at Aye, his gaze drifting towards the edge of the bathroom counter. “Just a little. That’s all it is. I’m— glad you have Thai friends, actually. You seemed a bit homesick lately. I think it’s cheering you up.” 
It’s silent for a little too long, and Akk finally looks up to make sure nothing’s happened to the connection and finds Aye with one hand over his mouth, eyes still huge but soft around the edges now. 
“What,” he mumbles. 
“My boyfriend is the sweetest,” Aye says, as he’d feared he would, all earnest and sincere and completely without the teasing edge, which makes it worse. 
Akk jerks his head away again, in a motion he couldn’t control if he wanted to. He puts his toothbrush into the cup with more force than is strictly necessary. “It’s just the truth, isn’t it?” 
“Phi reheated omelets on his break the other day and I thought I was gonna cry for a minute,” Aye tells him, laughing an embarrassed little laugh. “They’re not right here. They’re all undercooked and flavorless.”
“Did you get to have any?” asks Akk, imagining Aye looking (up, statistically) at this mysterious P’Win with his awful begging eyes.
“I wouldn't steal my senior’s lunch.”
Akk can’t help the little satisfied twitch of his mouth at that scandalized tone. Aye steals Akk’s lunch all the time. “Too bad. I get it a little, though. I really miss the way my mom prepares things.” 
Chiang Mai is easily 14 hours of travel from his house, more if you count having to switch trains, and he’s only been back once. He dutifully calls his parents every Sunday, but they don’t really have good enough reception there for regular video calls. 
Aye makes a sympathetic noise, then glances at something up and to the right of the camera. He frowns. “Baby, I have to go soon.” 
“‘Kay,” answers Akk, raising a hand to cover a sudden yawn. 
“Don’t worry about me too much,” Aye says, smiling at the screen all little and v-shaped. “I’m okay. I’ll go to a market and get my own ingredients and make my own omelet, and I’ll text you all the time, and I’ll call my mom twice so she can pretend I’m her favorite over you. Don’t you get too homesick either, okay?”
“Even if—“ Akk starts, hesitates, then forges on. He can say these things; he’s worked to say these things. “Even if I visit,” he tells Aye’s tiny, beloved face, miles and miles away and here in his dorm bathroom, “I’ll still be homesick until you come back. You’re my home.” 
Aye stares at him, mouth open for a minute, then demands, “Pick up your phone.”
“Just do it. Pick up your phone.”
Slowly and distrustfully, Akk takes his phone off the counter and holds it closer to his face. “Wha—“
Aye’s screen moves suddenly closer and then goes dark, the sound weird and muffled. “Hug me,” he says, just barely audible. 
Akk laughs a little, breathless and pointlessly fond. What must it look like, to those people in the subway station? Alone in his own room, though, he doesn’t hesitate to pull his phone to his chest, right over his heart. 
After a moment, though, he gives in to the temptation to peek and finds the screen still dark. “Aye.”
The station blurs into view again behind an Aye who looks notably pinker than before, a rush of people just like the last one passing behind again. “You’re so — I love you so much,” Aye tells him, sounding helpless, “and I miss you. It’s stupid that term break is still so far away.”
“Aye,” says Akk again, unable to stop grinning if he’d actively tried. “Don’t be late for your train.”
“They’re always late for me,” grumbles Aye, but he sighs and says, “Go to bed, okay? I’ll talk to you later.”
“Love you too,” Akk tells him, just before hanging up so he doesn’t have to deal with whatever new heart-squeezing thing Aye’s face is going to do at that. 
Just before he actually gets into bed, quiet in the sudden silence of his empty dorm, his phone lights up with a text: "❤️❤️❤️❤️"
And far away, in a subway car in England, Aye barely represses a little noise of delight to receive “❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️” in return. 
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ironwoman18 · 4 months
Rather Be - Part 5
Chapter 5: Their third date
The Forger had a really long week. Loid had side missions all week, short ones but still needed to arrive late at home.
Thankfully for Anya and Bond, Yor was also busy with extra hours at the town hall office, so both of them stayed at Grandpa Siggy and Grandma Barbara. 
Grandpa knew how to help Anya with her classes so he was helping her with her homework and since he liked Spy Wars as well, he used it to help her in a better way. Loid took mental notes of some of his methods but it didn't work for him, she always found a way to make him lose his patience.
On Friday Loid received a call from Becky’s bodyguard, Martha “Hello Mr. Forger. I'm Martha, Ms Blackbell's bodyguard, speaking”
“Oh yes. I remember you. Is everything ok with the girls?” He asked, he tried to keep his tone as neutral as possible but her trained ear could tell he was expecting some bad news, she smiled thinking it was adorable how he was worried for her daughter.
“Yes, don't worry” he released the air he didn't know he was holding “just calling you because Ms Blackbell wanted me to call you to ask for permission to take Anya with us to watch a movie. Her father accept that she brings a friend to their Saturday’s movie afternoon”
He smiled at that. He was glad that Anya became her best “I'm sure she will love to, so yeah, she can go”
Martha smiled on the other side of the line “perfect, I'll make sure to have popcorn and peanuts for her”
Loid laughed softly when Nightfall entered his office while he was looking at the window “Sounds perfect, thank you so much” he said as the woman spy stayed in the room listening to him.
The white haired woman had shivers when she heard his beautiful laugh. She could tell it wasn't fake or acted. Was he aware of her present and he was acting?
“Oh and please don't give her lunch, she can have it here”
“Ok no problem. And can you not tell her when you pick her up? I want to use it as a prize for her to do her homework and work on her handwriting”
‘Oh senpai... If I was your wife that little girl would be a machine well oiled’
“Sure I won't tell her, have a good day Mr. Forger”
“Thank you” she said, closing his eyes, smiling, then he finished the call and said “What can I do for you Fiona?”
‘As expected, he knew I was here’ she thought then said “Doctor, here's the file of a new patient”
‘Oh no... Another side mission...’ He thought tiredly “ok thank you” he walked towards her and looked at her “there's no other doctor who can do it?”
“No, they said they only want you” he sighed looking at it. Using his quick reading he was able to know what the mission was all about. He nodded looking at her “fine. Thank you” Twilight’s cold blue eyes looked at her “you may leave now” she nodded and left.
He sighed, rubbing his forehead and left to do the mission. Meanwhile Yor also had to stay late at work doing extra hours again. Her boss needed them to finish some boring paperwork before leaving. 
Late that afternoon Loid arrived at their building apartment when he saw Yor paying the old couple for babysitting their daughter.
“Daddy is here!” said Anya excitedly, hugging his legs, Yor looked at them and smiled.
“Good evening Loid, I just arrived to pick Anya up” she said with a warm smile and he smiled back.
“Good and thank you for watching over her” 
“Oh don't worry, we enjoy the younger energy she is bringing to our home” said Barbara with a smile “by the way, she did her homework and we worked on her calligraphy”
Loid smiled “that's music to my ears. Ever since Anya started at Eden, that was a problem but hopefully working it with you will help her”
“I helped my children and my neighbors’ children with that and they had very elegant handwriting” Loid nodded smiling.
“Then my daughter is in good hands. Thank you and good night” then the small family walked to their apartment and walked in.
After Loid made sandwiches for him and Yor and sat by the table with Anya. While they were eating, Anya told them about her day. 
When they finished Loid said “Ok Anya, since you worked on the calligraphy as I asked you to and did your homework with grandpa and grandma, I decided to give you a prize” the little girl was excited and her eyes sparkled, she tried to read his mind but stopped because she wanted the surprise coming out of his mouth “Becky wanted to invite you to watch a movie with her and I decided to allow you to go tomorrow”
Anya jumped up and down excitedly and jumped over to the table to hug him which made him and Yor laughed.
Then the little girl went to her bedroom to lay in bed as her mother was going behind her to read her a story and Loid with Bond went for a night walk.
When Loid and Bond arrived thirty minutes later, Anya was asleep in her room and Yor changed into her pajamas and was sitting on the couch reading a book with her legs on the couch, she lifted her head when she heard the door opening “You both took your time, didn't you?” she smiled looking at them.
“Yes, I had a really busy day and wanted a time to relax” he said while he was taking off his coat and gloves then he removed Bond’s leash and let him go to lay by Anya’s bed “by the way, it seems like we will have snow sooner or later”
She nodded “Yeah, the weather is getting colder as the days passed. I love winter” she confessed to him.
“Me too” he got a cup and poured some wine in and sat next to her “I was thinking... Since Anya will be at the Blackbells tomorrow, do you want to go on a date with me?” he asked, blushing a little, which he cursed himself for.
“Sure, I would love to” said Yor also blushing.
“P...perfect” said Loid, a little nervous again and thought ‘What does this woman have that makes me so nervous? I’m Twilight, the best spy of his country but with her I’m just a pudding under the three o’clock sun on a summer day’ Then he took one of his books and continued his reading. 
They were in a comfortable silence only interrupted by either of them taking a sip of wine or when either passed a page of their books. Normally Twilight could read a page in two seconds but with this novel he wanted to take his time, he was enjoying it and he wasn’t in a hurry. 
At eleven, both adults went to their rooms to sleep. Tomorrow would be a good day, they were sure about it.
The next day, Loid woke up early to cook breakfast for them. He had some plans for his date with Yor, he heard her said to Anya on their way to wait for the bus that on friday there will be a movie she had being expecting so they might go to watch it, then lunch by a restaurant by the river and after that going to a street concert of jazz music, he read about it on the newspaper on his way to work.
While he was thinking about it, as usual, Yor was behind him without him realizing it. “Oh... good morning Yor” he said with a little drop of sweat on his forehead “how did you sleep?”
“Good morning Loid, I slept great, thank you” she said with a big smile “what about you?”
“Great as well,” he smiled back.
“Do you need any help?” she asked, watching him almost done with a Spanished tortilla and toast on another plate.
He checked his wrist watch “can you wake Anya up? it’s getting late” she nodded and left to their daughter’s bedroom.
While Yor woke her up he finished their food and even made coffee with milk for him and Yor hot cocoa for Anya, just in time for the two Forger girls to sit by the table.
“Good morning papa!!” she smiled, hugging him by the waist when he put down her cup.
“Good morning Anya” he smiled and rubbed her hair gently getting a giggle from his daughter “Are you ready for the movie today?”
She nodded and started to eat quickly “Anya, eat slower. We are on time” said Yor and the little girl did as her mother said. The rest of the breakfast was relaxed for them, talking now and then about their plans for the day. Anya was happy to learn that her parents made plans for the day.
When they finished, Loid sent Anya to her bedroom to get ready while Yor washed the dishes and Loid went to his bedroom to get ready for when Becky arrived.
An hour later the Blackbell arrived and they went down with Anya “Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Forger and of course good morning Ms. Forger” said Martha smiling.
“Good morning” said the three of them, then Loid smiled and added “In her backpack there is another dress in case she had an accident” he looked at his daughter “there’s also some of her favorites toys and a box of peanuts” the woman nodded.
“We had the peanuts covered but since she loves them so much, I guess it’s ok to have more, just in case” she smiled “Ms. Blackbell stayed at home because she couldn’t pick the right outfit in time so we will meet her at home” the Forger nodded then the two parents kissed their daughter’s forehead and cheek then she got in the car and left.
“Are we ready to go for the date?” asked Loid once the car left, Yor just nodded and both left, walking as Loid told her part of his plan but not all the details because he wanted to surprise her.
Their first stop was the movie theater and when he bought two tickets for the movie she wanted to watch she was blushing so hard that her face looked like a tomato “Did you hear me when I told Anya?” he nodded and she thought ‘What a careful man, taking the time to pay attention to details’ then added “Thank you” and kissed his cheek gently.
“W...welcome” said Loid blushing softly, they walked in the theater and bought some snacks then went to the hall where they will watch it. It was a fun movie, with romance and some action about two spies that were enemies and became lovers in the end.
Yor cried once or twice at the love moments of the couple and how he sacrificed his job for them, which moved the girl in the movie to do the same for him and in the end they ended up living in another country with different names, making a beautiful family.
Loid was a mentality counting the things the writers got wrong from a spy, some were quite accurate but other well mere lies. However he was enjoying it, especially Yor’s reactions to the movie. In the end both walked out of the movies chatting about it and how fun it was. Loid checked his watch, and it was almost lunch time so he looked at her and asked “Yor, what about we go for lunch?”
“Sure, I would love to” and both started their way to the restaurant “Do you think it’s possible that enemies from different countries can fall in love?”
“It’s a possibility, if they find more similarities between them and sacrifice a lot of things to be together” he said looking at her “Can you imagine a person from Westalis falling for an Ostania's person?”
“Everything is possible” she smiled “as you said, if they find a common ground, it’s pretty possible” she looked at him.
Loid smiled and thought ‘If you knew... I’m from another country and I trust two Ostanians. Maybe I’m trusting too much but I can’t help it... The warmth I received from both of you reminded me of my mother’s...’
They arrived at the restaurant and after asking for a table outside, both of them ordered a cocktail and some seafood snacks as they waited for the actual lunch. Meanwhile they had a nice chat about random things like the beautiful view or the restaurant they are in.
When they finished their lunch, they went to the jazz concert where they ended up dancing together and with others and having fun.
At last, Loid invited her for a ride on a bout around the city which she accepted. It was a really fun day for them, with having to worry about their daughter following them with Frankie. The sun set while they were on the boat so they enjoyed the view.
“This had been a beautiful day, Loid” she said after getting out of the boat while they wait for a taxi “Thank you very much”
He smiled and looked at her “I’m glad you actually enjoyed it. It was a pleasure to share this day with you. Without you being angry” she blushed remembering their last date was a disaster thanks to her injury.
“It definitely is,” she said, smiling more and holding his hand softly. He let it happened since it was her who did it and any display of affection from her was welcome, since she was too shy and it was good for the mission to look like a couple, unconsciously he liked how her hand felt on his and how perfect their hands fit, like the right piece of a puzzle, but of course, Twilight could never entertain that idea.
When they finally arrived home they ended their day by the TV watching some old movie he remembered watching with his mother before the war started which force him once or twice to hold her hand and whipped a couple of tears, he tried to hide them but little he knew Yor noticed it and allowed those light touches.
By nine Anya arrived in Martha’s arms, asleep and smiling slightly. Loid and Yor bet she was having a good dream about her day. 
“How did she behave?” asked Loid.
“Great, she was a perfect young lady” said Martha smiling at them “In her bag is a present from Ms. Blackbell as well as a half eaten bag of peanuts” he nodded and smiled.
“Thank you. Have a good night” he handed Anya to Yor and when Martha left he closed the door and they took Anya to her bedroom. The present from Becky was a plushie of Bondman. 
‘You can find this plushie outside the country... Becky’s father used his influence to get this’ thought Loid looking at the new toy, then smiled ‘She made a really good friend’ 
Then the couple took turns for a shower then went to sleep in their bedrooms. Smiling after a wonderful day.
Hope you liked this one. Also, since this world has weird names for some countries but quite similar to ours, I made the decision of turning Spanish into Spanished.
If you have other prompts for me, let me know, I will continue to look for more things and come up with new ideas. Do you think they celebrate Christmas or Father's day? Because I might have some ideas. Also I would do a birthday party for each member but there’s no canon information of their birthdays (Fake or Real).
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damien-wolfram-art · 1 year
Getting Over it
** Writer's note: If you want to set the mood, I have a song for you to listen to before reading! Here it is! I'll also link a time stamp for the climax later on! **
**Extra Credit! I made a playlist! Rock on with Menma!**
“Uggh!” Groaned Menma, rolling from one side to his other on his messy bed. His mind was rife with thoughts of his recent break-up and the events leading up to it. His relationship hadn’t been particularly rough. He thought it had been going well actually.
Sakura Haruno was the child of heroes. She was extremely well known and well liked in The Hidden Leaf Village, Menma’s home village. When he was placed on her team, it felt like a blessing. Sure, he had to share her with, Mr. Useless, Sasuke, but he could ignore him. As payment, he would get to see Sakura’s inherited strength up close. Little did he know though, that his admiration would blossom into something much more.
The two started dating after a very informative training session. Sakura felled many trees that morning. Menma quietly watched over her as usual until she targeted the tree he was in. Observant as he was, he noticed right away and instead of fleeing, jumped down to catch her glowing blue fist.
Her big pretty green eyes opened wide, and he grit his teeth, meeting her gaze with his own tired deep blue ones. His deep purple chakra emerged and overtook hers, stopping her dead in her tracks before his back could even hit the tree.
“Men-ma?” Sakura whispered in surprise. Usually, people stayed far away from her fists if they could avoid it. Her monster strength struck fear into both her enemies and allies. “W-what are you doing? You could’ve gotten hurt!”
Menma’s chakra dissipated and he loosed Sakura’s fist. He let out an exhausted chuckle before speaking, “I’ve been gauging your strength for a while now, y’know? I needed to test it for myself.” He slumped against the tree and Sakura followed him, crouching in front of him.
“I’m fine,” he dismissed. “Just took a lot more chakra than I was expecting. You really are strong.”
“I-I’ve never met someone so reckless!” Sakura chastised and Menma just laughed some more– weakly.
“You weren't worried about me, were you?”
“I-I,” she didn’t answer.
“Heh, we should train together more. I get the feeling that we’d both get better for it y’know?”
“Why don’t we go grab a meal? We can talk about training over lunch.”
The rest was history. The two would train until near exhaustion and then date in what remained of their off hours. It all changed after one fateful mission though.
Menma still couldn’t totally remember what happened. He remembered the difficulty of his mission escalating dramatically– far beyond the range for a team of genin like his. He also remembered waking in the hospital. It was Sasuke who told him that Sakura too had been injured. He rushed to see her, but she refused him entry.
Now, all Menma felt he could do was feel sorry for himself for losing such a catch. He rolled over again and changed the music track on his phone from a somber rock song to something much more intense. Inside him, something terrible stirred. He winced as the wave of gut-wrenching hatred resonated within him– Kurama, The Nine Tailed Fox. “Not now,” he moaned.
“You’re pitiful!” Snarled a deep guttural internal voice.
“Shut up…”
“Brat, you dare address me with disrespect!?!”
“I don’t really feel like talking,” Menma explained, curling up.
“You’ve got to be kidding me…I can’t believe I’m actually bonded to you.”
“Leave then,” Menma ordered weakly.
Kurama growled, “You really are annoying.” A ninth of the beast’s chakra jumped out of Menma, manifesting as a small, masked fox.
Menma peered over his bed at the beast curiously. “What are you doing?” He asked.
“You need to get over yourself! She was just one mate!”
“Girlfriend, wife, who cares what you Humans call it!”
Menma blushed at the idea of Sakura being his wife, but returning to the conversation with Kurama, shook his head. “Whaddaya mean get over myself?” He snapped back.
“She’s just one mate! You can find another.”
“She’s The Child of Heroes! -”
“And I am the Nine Tails!” Screamed Kurama loud enough to shake Menma down to his very core. The small fox shifted into the form of a masked large white tiger and pounced upon him. “She is not the only grand achievement you have attained, nor will she be the last!”
“Kurama, what are you doing?”
“Showing you just how stupid you are being!” Kurama answered and with a clawed paw flipped his Human partner. “So, what if she left you?!?” He ripped off his bottoms, so that he was exposed. “You have other accomplishments and will certainly have more! See!”
Menma grunted, feeling the large beast invade him. “Kurama!” He squealed–face hot from angry embarrassment.
“How many can claim to have mated with a tailed beast, hm?” Asked the beast.
“Not many,” said Menma, now understanding that Kurama was trying to cheer him up.
“Yet another of your accomplishments!” Exclaimed Kurama. He was extremely rough.
Menma bit his lip and took his barbed thrusts painfully. “You bastard,” he grunted breathlessly. “Can’t you go a little easier?” Despite his whining, Menma was feeling a little better.
“Don’t act like you don’t like it. I’ve seen what you do behind closed doors!” Kurama scolded, slamming deeply into Menma and crashing into something that made his Human partner yelp with delight.
Kurama was right. Menma often allowed himself to get plowed and was as fond, if not more, of playing with his own holes as he was touching himself elsewhere. The more Kurama railed him in that spot, the more Menma got closer to his climax.
“Ah fuck, Kurama!” Menma groaned lustily, moving his hips with his beast. Their final thrusts were perfectly timed to the beat of the music.  A strikingly impressive guitar solo from his still blaring phone stole his mind and he spilled out onto the sheets he was humping. It was one of his favorite artists too.
Inside of their mind palace, Kurama sneered. Inside of Menma, he came. The two rode out the rest of the song breathing in sync with Kurama laying heavily on his partner.
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