#and when she explains about her accent and the pronunciation of her name
herawell · 1 year
Eiffel and Minkowski knew each other for 1200 days and spent only 300 of them as friends.
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httpswritings · 9 months
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Bonmatí — Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 682
Summary: Aitana teaching your some sentences in Catalán.
Aitana had always involved you in the most intimate parts of her life, which included her family. She trusted you from the very beginning to share with you everything that mattered to her. The more time you spent with her, the more you understood her mother tongue.
One day, you surprised her by telling her how much you wanted to learn Catalan. “Really?!" Her smile grew wider when you nodded. “That's great! I'm going to be the best teacher ever. You're going to love the language, I promise you.” Her eagerness to teach you her first language warmed your heart. “Okay, Mrs. Bonmatí, where should we start first?” 
“Well, let's start by learning some words so you can get more familiar with the language. We'll get more into depth with the theory and grammatical rules another day.” Even if you were truly interested in the language, seeing Aitana so excited to teach you how to speak Catalan was getting all of your attention. The way her eyes were slightly closed as she smiled was beautiful. Her giggles made you feel all types of emotions. “Are you listening to me?”, she asked. You disconnected from the outer world for some minutes, focusing on her eagerness as her eyes brightened more each time she explained a word. “God, you're beautiful.” Aitana blushed as she lowered her head, “If you make me feel like this when you compliment me in your mother tongue, I don't know what I'm going to do when you'll do it in Catalan."
“Okay, then let's start by learning some compliments, Mrs. Bonmatí.” Aitana rolled her eyes. “Don't call me that; in Spain, we don't usually call our teachers by their last names but by their first names. Call me Aitana.” You shook your head, “That's not your first name. Not to me, at least.” She frowned, confused. She asked, “What's my first name, then?“
“Beautiful”, you responded. “In that case, you'd say bonica”, she flirted back. “It has the same first three first letters as your last name. «Bon-ica», «Bon-matí» It totally fits you.” Aitana laughed, moving forward and hitting you playfully on your left shoulder, “Just an appreciation; «Bon» means «Good». For example, you know when I greet you in the morning, «Bon día», meaning «Good morning.» 
“Bonica”, you said, looking softly into her eyes. Your pronunciation made Aitana weak in a good way, with a thick accent trying to sound as close to the correct pronunciation as possible. 
“T'estimo...”, she said as she hugged you, “Thank you for being this interested in my cultu—” “I know what that means! That means «I love you», right? You always tell me that!”, you interrupted her, unable to contain your excitement. Aitana laughed loudly, “You're so cute, amor meu. You probably know what this means. I love calling you «my love», don't I?” You nodded. 
“Let me teach you another thing, «Cada dia t'estimo més», meaning «I love you more every day that passes» Is that the way you say it in  English?“ Aitana had always made an extra effort to talk to you in English. She never complained about it, making you feel more than loved and appreciated, as you willed to learn Catalán until you could be completely fluent. You had to. She deserved to be loved and embraced in her first language. 
“I've thanked you before, but thank you for making such an effort to learn and get better at English so we can understand each other in a better way. I promise you, I'm going to be speaking Catalan as soon as I learn it, because not only do I want to speak it with you but also with your family. They had made such an effort, too, and I think it's time for me to reward them by showing my appreciation for every single one of them.” Aitana hugged you after you finished speaking wholeheartedly to her. “You don't know how much this means to me. Thank you. And for the English part, «faria tot el que fos per tu», meaning «I'd do anything for you».”
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agendabymooner · 1 year
about names: an amazing boy with an amazing name || cl16 scenario (1)
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dad!charles leclerc x mom!ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
Summary: The Leclerc boys and their names go hand in hand. OR times when Charles and his wife Aimee had to explain that their children’s names are meaningful. 
Scenario summary: Charles and Aimee wondered what Hervé meant when he said that his name was silly and that he hated it. Thank goodness, Pascale Leclerc was the one that the boy cannot refuse as she comforts her grandson.
Content warning: Kids teasing kids, possible use of explicit language, fluff, dad!Charles content, the Leclerc family (Pascale and Leclerc brothers) content, briefly mentions Charles' dad, crappy French translations by Apple, sad kids being comforted, fluff, what is beta reading we write things at 2am and post it after lol
Note: One more before I dash out of my dorm for the day lmfaoo
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Aimee Leclerc was no stranger to chatty kids and pick-up schedules, so it was no wonder why she immediately found herself in front of the elementary school that stood gloriously in the middle of Monte-Carlo as she waited for her two children to be dismissed from the class for the day. 
It was a routine of hers now that her work in McLaren had become remote. Five children took up all of her time and between them and her work— she would’ve immediately left the company if the team made her choose. She’d rather be in Monaco while Charles continued to pursue his career as a racing driver. 
Zak Brown was empathetic enough to understand that a set of children wouldn’t be able to have a stable routine should they continue to travel around the world just to be with their parents who worked overseas, offering Aimee a chance to work at home and adapt to a better routine as she took care of her children. 
She could wait patiently if anybody ever asked her. She had no problem, knowing that she was able to finish her work long before she could pick up her eldest children. 
But the energy that her children had shown merely told her enough: they might have been either excited to see her or they thought that she was rushing them. She caught a glimpse of her twins as they stepped out of the elementary school, their uniforms somehow tidy and less wrinkled despite their busy day. 
“Maman! Devinez quoi?” Guess what? Jules jumped excitedly as he wrapped his arms around Aimee tightly, still jumpy and giddy as he spoke in English, “We did our quiz in maths!” 
“Oh? Is that right, J?” Aimee asked with a smile, her fingers running through her son’s wavy hair. It was surprising how her children’s hair continued to lose its volume as years passed— it was becoming more like Charles’ hair.
They were mini Charleses, indeed.
“Yes, Maman! I also— uh…” It seemed like Jules ran out of English immediately as he said, “J'ai fait si bien! Je n'ai perdu qu'un point!” I did so good! I only lost one point!
Aimee was merely thankful that she could understand French and Italian, or rather, she was thankful her private teacher taught her how to speak those languages; otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to understand her multilingual-speaking children. 
She primarily spoke English and had grown up practicing a standard accent in her Received Pronunciation. She never adapted to her husband’s speaking style, but learned to understand it nevertheless. Their children were being raised in Monaco, after all, and most people spoke in French or Italian. She was only thankful that she was able to teach them to speak English to preserve that part of them. Most of their cousins are raised in England and this gave them the opportunity to converse in that language. 
Aimee beamed at her son and exclaimed, “A good job done, Jules!” Then she turned to look at her other son, who was unusually quiet for such a normal day. Hervé, as Aimee learned while nurturing her ever-growing children, was never quiet — he was one of the boys who would often cause ruckus inside the Leclerc home. If he’s silent like this then Aimee knew he was feeling something along the lines of upset. 
Hervé was never upset. He was so much like his grandfather— his namesake. So joyous. Why was he feeling so down? Aimee didn’t know.
“Hervé, my love,” Aimee called softly, but he couldn’t hear. Jules turned to look at his twin and noticed the boy disassociated, giving his brother’s shirt a tug as Hervé finally looked up. The Leclerc matriarch (2.0) smiled gently and asked, “Is it a long day for you?” 
“Oui, Maman,” he replied quietly, offering her a nod and nothing more. 
Aimee had led them to the Aston Martin family SUV as soon as he answered and drove off to head home. Jules was chatting Aimee’s ears off and it somehow defeaned her. It wasn’t because Jules was loud, no; Hervé wasn’t even talking, and his silence defeaned her.
“Herb,” she called as she looked at the rear view mirror, noticing how his jaw clenched before crossing his arms. “Hervé?”
“Stupid, silly name,” Jules hadn’t seen Hervé mutter those words beneath his breath but Aimee certainly had, leaving the mother confused. What the hell was happening?
“H,” Aimee called once more. Hervé’s angry eyes finally looked up to meet Aimee’s worried ones. Even if she wanted to remind him to calm down, she knew that it would lead to his outburst so she avoided it and asked, “Da’s home? Do you want to tell him about your maths quiz today? Maybe you and Jules can show him the art you made for Mademoiselle Blanc?” 
“Hmp,” the eldest Leclerc twin huffed, turning away from his mother and looking out the window. 
Jules’s eyes narrowed as he gave a brief glimpse at Aimee, turning towards his twin, “Are you okay, H?” 
“Oui,” Hervé muttered, acting as some sort of assurance, but this only made Jules look at his mother with worry. Aimee flashed a smile at her son before continuing to drive on the way home. It was another thing that the Leclerc boys had gotten from their father; they were bad liars. 
It only got worse when Aimee pulled up to their driveway, and the boys made their way inside. Jules dashed out of the car with his backpack to navigate his way around the house, trying to find their father before he gasped, “Da!” 
Aimee watched her other son carefully, trying to read Hervé’s behaviour as he walked past Aimee. She still wasn’t sure what was going on. 
“Oh! Hello, Jules!” Charles Leclerc, a Ferrari driver who had just returned from a doubleheader, grinned gracefully at the sight of his son. In his arm was one of his young twins, Anthoine — or Tony, for most people — while the other half of the pair, Alain, sat on the playmat with his book propped open. “Comment va l'école aujourd'hui?” How is school today?
“Very good, Da!” Jules grinned toothily, “Madame Hurst m'a donné une étoile pour mon quiz de mathématiques!” Mrs. Hurst gave me a star for my maths quiz! 
“Ah, really? Cela signifie que vous avez fait un excellent travail en étudiant avec maman alors,” it means you’ve done a good job at studying with Mummy, then. Charles glanced past Aimee’s legs, seeing the other pair of his twins as he greeted the quiet boy, “Bonjour, Hervé. Comment allez-vous?” Good afternoon, Hervé. How are you?
“D'accord, Da,” Fine. Hervé muttered, his irritation noticed easily by his father as Charles scowled lightly. Every adult in their family knew that it meant trouble if Charles gave this look. 
At first, the Ferrari driver tried to make a light of the situation, “Why the long face, Hervé? The more you do that, the more you’ll look like your Uncle Toto. Give Da a smile?”
“No,” but Hervé wasn’t having it as he snapped at his father firmly, the tip of his ears turning red as he stomped off.
“Don’t call me that!” Hervé snapped, his eyes turning dark as he got angry and upset.
“What? Hervé—“ Charles tried to reason out, but the 7-year-old was anything but reasonable at the moment. 
“I’m not Hervé! Don’t call me that! It’s a stupid name!” 
Charles could have sworn that he, too, was seeing red as he placed the toddler in his arms before marching off the playroom. He followed after his son and exclaimed, “Hervé Louis Sebastien René Mathieu Leclerc! Come back here!” 
“No! No more talking! Leave me alone, Da!”
Thud. The boy had just slammed the door on his father’s face, and Charles— Charles was fuming. 
He loves his boys dearly; he does. But it was moments like this that somehow made him different from the loving father that he is. He wasn’t even sure why he was so upset— was it because of the fact that his son just yelled that he didn’t want to talk, or did he just hear his son say that his father’s name was stupid? He wasn’t sure. 
He was just… upset and confused. 
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Charles wasn’t sure where he’d gone wrong with becoming a parent to his sons. He did everything he could despite being a busy driver— he took care of them whenever Aimee was out, he taught them how to be kind to other people and he taught them how to love. Hervé had never been this upset before and it bothered Charles and Aimee to no end. What was he genuinely upset about?
Then they both recalled what the boy said. Hervé wasn’t his name. He thought that the name was silly, from what Aimee had told Charles. Where did that even come from? 
“I— truthfully, I don’t even know where that came from, Charles,” Aimee admitted as she sat with him on the couch that night, sighing heavily while the driver rested his head against his hand. 
They tried asking the boy, from asking him to come down for dinner (with Aimee giving up and leaving a bowl of rice and chicken in front of his door) to Charles asking to come into his room (with Charles not receiving any form of response). But alas, Hervé had no response. He didn’t even respond when they tried to ask if he’d like to come over to his Uncle Lorenzo or Arthur’s place. 
No luck. 
“He didn’t mention anything at all,” she continued, keeping her voice down to avoid waking any of their children up. “He was muttering to himself, I’ve no bloody clue he was upset.” 
“I didn’t know either,” Charles murmured, grabbing a hold of her hand and kissing the knuckles of it. “He isn’t normally like this— he’d tell us if there’s something wrong.”
It was true. Hervé, much like the other Leclerc children, never got into a fight with a friend before. He was upfront about his feelings and would tell either his parents or playmate about being upset. There were some instances when he almost snapped but otherwise managed to control his emotions— he was so much like his brothers and mother in a sense. Aimee always approached them with the five-finger solution before they could even burst into tears or anger. 
So, for Hervé to keep quiet? 
Even Aimee couldn’t get an answer from him. What did he mean by his name was a stupid name? Charles asked himself this a couple of times. 
His name was Hervé— that was a typical French name, no? What made Hervé think that his name, his late grandfather’s name, was silly? Charles tried approaching his son about the matter every minute since the boys got home from school, but much to his dismay, the boy evaded him. 
But there was only one person that Hervé wouldn’t refuse to answer. Much like his late grandfather, Hervé never refused his Mamé. 
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So the next day, Pascale Leclerc — the grandmother of the Leclerc boys — took the liberty to have a day off with the upset boy. Jules felt incomplete without Hervé in the school but went nonetheless, and the five-year-old boy PJ went to kindergarten while Aimee, Charles and the youngest twins went out. Pascale stayed at home with Hervé and baked cookies with him. 
After putting the cookie dough into the preheated oven, Pascale served the boy some tea, to which Hervé gratefully drank as his grandmother sat across from him.
She sighed and placed a hand on his knee, “Est-il vrai que tu t'es fâché contre ton père, Hervé?” Is it true that you got angry with your dad, Hervé? She asked, her question leaving him frozen as he looked at Pascale guiltily. 
Hervé carefully sat his mug down on the table and nodded solemnly, not uttering a word. Pascale asked, “Has it been a rough day for you? That’s why you got angry?” 
Hervé shook his head as Pascale suggested, “Veux-tu dire à Mamé ce qui t'a mis en colère? Peut-être pouvons-nous trouver une solution ensemble?” Will you tell Mamé what has gotten you angry? Maybe we can find a solution together?
The longer the silence lasted, the more the tears flowed out of Hervé’s eyes as his lips pursed and trembled. The poor boy couldn’t help but stammer, “Mon nom est tellement silly et stupide, Mamé!” My name is so silly and stupid! He continued to cry out, “Kylian a dit que mon nom venait de «Herbe et fromage» et c'est très stupide! Je n'aime pas mon nom, Mamé!” Kylian said that my name came from ‘Herb and cheese’ and that it’s stupid! I don’t like my name, Mamé! 
Pascale’s eyes nearly teared up at the confession that Hervé made. He hated his name because someone made him feel like it wasn’t worth appreciating. Her poor grandson was subjected to this kind of behaviour, which felt so… disheartening. 
“Oh, Hervé,” Pascale immediately reached out to soothe the boy, shushing him quietly while he sobbed. His eyes shut as tears continued to flow down, soaking Pascale’s cardigan in the process. “Your name is not stupid or silly; did you know that?”
His crying lasted for several minutes, with Pascale patiently soothing him in the process. When his sobbing quietened, Pascale took this as an opportunity to tell him about his name.
She sighed shakily, not wanting to shed a tear or two as she explained, “Da, Uncle Lorenzo and Uncle Arthur had their own Da— you have seen him before in the pictures, oui?” She felt the boy nod through her chest as she hummed and continued, “That was your Papy. Do you know what his name was? His name was Hervé.” 
“Her—“ the boy hiccuped. “Hervé? Like me?”
“Oui, mon amour,” Pascale replied with a soft smile, “Hervé like you.”
“You are sooo much like your Papy Hervé, that is why Maman and Da named you after him,” Pascale continued, “you are as funny and happy as him. When he was still alive I used to call him Herb. I loved him so much, mon chou.
“And when he was gone, your Da and your uncles filled the rest of the space in my heart that you and your brothers soon took over,” Pascale smiled, “and I think that your name is beautiful like it is with my Herb’s.” 
“It is?” 
“Oui, my love,” Pascale replied, “your name is what keeps your Papy’s memories alive for your Da and your uncles. Do not let anyone think that it is a silly name because you are an amazing boy with an amazing name. Your Maman and Da love you so much, and your Da? He loved his Papa so much that he decided to name another person he loved after him. That’s you, mon cœur.” 
Ever since then, Hervé learned how to embrace his name and would often explain to everyone where his name came from, even in the grid and paddock. 
Nobody needed to ask where his name came from— after all, he is Hervé Leclerc. He was just as joyful and enthusiastic as his grandfather. 
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
I know bandmate! y/n is british i think, but in my head i always imagine her as like a full on irish version of Louis, like she's got the most thick Dublin accent and is always swearing and always calls Niall a "Culchie" cause he's from Mullingar
I think i think it cause im irish but it fits so perfectly in my head
I think the best way to show the accent im talking about would be Saoirse Ronan's and a mix of other Northern Dublin accents
but when she's trying to act professional in interviews etc she'll slip into a South Dublin or even kind of American accent but once something funny happens or shes gotten comfortable she'll go back to how she normally talks and just comes off really loud and fun 😭
bc for me, yn's accent is like louis's: thick, sometimes hard to understand for americans, swearing, etc.
i love Saoirse's accent like it's pure music to me ngl. speaking of her and interviews though, that's something yn would do a lot: speak in a "clearer" accent for other people to understand her.
for her press interviews for Little Women, people would always compliment her on how good her american accent was:
"'Fank you!" YN beams from her seat in between Flo and Timothée. "S'quite funny because in the band, Niall and I would always try to mimic accents where ever we went for tour just to sort of entertain ourselves. So me dialect coach for the film was quite happy with how much pronunciation I knew 'cause some of it can be quite hard. And actually, tweaking me accent every now and then for interviews and things like that with the band was like a normal thing for me after a while."
"Whatever for?" Flo questions from her right.
"S'cause people wouldn't bloody understand meh," YN laughs and the room follows suit.
"Well I think your accent is beautiful, truly," Timothée compliments, making YN coo and briefly rest her head on his shoulder.
Or when she's on tour and she's trying to talk with a fan:
"'Ello! Wha's yeh name? Furn? That's a beautiful name—"
Fern! It's Fern!
No, Fern!
"Furn," YN retorts back with a furrow of her eyebrows. "Like the thingys Harry has tattooed." She tries to explain as she motions to her lower stomach.
"Well tha's what m'bloody saying innt?" YN laughs as she throws her hands up. "M'from north'rn England, babe. V'got an accent. Fern, right?" The crowd erupts into a fit of laughter and screams at the sound of her Vally Girl accent. "Fern. No, my name is Fern. Ferrrn. I don't think this bitch understands me." YN sassily teases, her pointer finger up and waving from side to side.
Later on in the show as YN covers Alive, she sings:
Went to a party just after the doctor talked to me I met Fern, I took her in up to the balcony
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spicyraeman · 9 months
I usually don't send two asks in a row because I don't want to overwhelm you. But you just posted about phonology and I was curious and then bam hyperfocus. I found a pretty cool table of gith sounds :
It looks like there are a few main differences to english:
No W
-Like in french from France. She probably would say "Oo-il" for Wyll. They usually replace the W by a Oo or a V, depending on the sound after it. A "wagon" -> a vagon, but "when" -> ooän. In German you would have the W as a V, because it's already pronounced like that.
There is a type of Th, like in "thin", but not "this".
- I kinda hear the difference but I can't do it. The first one is closer to an s or an f and the second one to a z , I guess? A native english speaker may understand the nuance better.
There is a Zh
- It's the same as the French "j", like in the name Jacques (which could be your frenchsona btw. It's the equivalent of James). In English you add some kind of "d" in your "j". As an example, we visualise Djordan for Jordan. You take that D off, you got the sound. (Insert respectful trans joke here)
The Tl like in Nahuatl
- I can explain this one in english because I can't find the right translation, but you can find how it's pronounced on Wikipedia.
Gh is not silent
- Kind of a guttural G, like in dutch or the scottish gh.
The glottal stop '
- It marks a pause between syllables, while still linking them. Uh'Oh in English, "bu'er" for butter in cockney. It depends of the dialects/accent/language.
Everything is my understanding of this, obv, linguists please don't hate me. I'm just an audhd girly with a multi-lingual environnement and too much time.
Sooooooo Frog'zel is not completely off the table, but I'm sad the R's not an uvular one. It would make it a more "brutal" language. I think she would have some difficulties we see in frenglish. Especially when a letter has several ways to be pronounced, like cat / face or breath/breathe because it's straightforward in gith.
Ergo, she wouldn't have a stroke trying to say "library" like I do. But she would struggle with "throughout", I guess.
I couldn't find anything on tones and accentuations stuff though. I still want her to fight for her life like I do. I shouldn't be the only one suffering here.
I guess it can still change with context and stuff. Like the s in german becomes a sh when it's in front of a t.
I hope I was clear enough. Sorry for any spelling or formatting mistakes, cat fell asleep on my arms in the middle of this. But she's cute so forgive her please.
You are always allowed to overwhelm me with worldbuilding shit like conlangs (even if this isn’t really a conlang) I live and breathe this stuff and I'm constantly rotating it around in the back of my brain
I cannot express the sheer joy I felt looking at these charts and comparing them to my own and seeing that I've got pretty much the same result! The only strange thing I found was the addition of a b sound, maybe I missed it but I haven’t found a single word that uses that sound (despite Lae’zel’s “bah’s”) Their chart is also missing a p sound but I believe that's due to when the charts were made bc there's only one Gith word that uses it and it was in bg3. Honestly tho, it makes a lot more sense for Gith to have a b sound and no p sound instead of the other way around, there are wayyyy more examples of languages with no p instead of no b (although a language with neither would be fun lol)
The lack of a W was the first thing that I noticed! But there's a fuck ton of languages without it so it makes sense, It doesn’t really fit the feel of the Gith language either. Also, I know in my heart that you’re probably very much right on the Wyll pronunciation but I was joking around with my friends while I was looking through all this stuff and one of them made a German comparison and the thought of the fascist space frogs having a german accent was just too funny to me to pass up
I personally find the Gith language having θ but not ð very fun for their accent! It's kind of a subtle difference but also not? I went through and pronounced a bunch of words with a ð sound with a θ instead and they sound harsher? I guess? It really did give them a more Gith feel honestly
(a little aside but the thought of a “frenchsona” is so fucking funny to me and you’re respectful trans joke got a legit laugh outta me lmao)
Fun fact! English does have a ʒ (zh) sound it's just not associated with a specific letter, it just kinda.. happens in words. All in all, it seems that Gith is relatively comparable in terms of sounds with English. The lack of a w and p/b (debatable) seems like they’d be the biggest ones to come up in everyday speech as far as phonetics goes
Also can I let you in on a little pet peeve of mine? I usually hate when “fantasy languages” use ‘ in their words bc most of the time it's just a cheap way to make it look more fantasy-esc or alien. BUT in Gith, it honestly works? Mostly because it actually is a glottal stop and not just a random “make this word look fantasy” addition
I'm also nowhere near a linguist, just insane about worldbuilding stuff (i have notebooks full of phonetic charts and mathematics on creating solar systems) It's really insightful and interesting to see the perspective of someone with a multi-lingual background tho as someone who only speaks English
I've always seen the Gith language as less brutal and more.. Sharp? I dunno how to describe it really, kinda harsh and pointed rather than guttural or brutal if that makes sense. But yeah if common is English then all the long and short sounds and strange exceptions would be supremely rough especially if you only ever really read it and never truly spoke it
I couldn’t even blame Lae’zel for not being able to pronounce throughout correctly cuz I can’t say that shit right either unless I'm really trying
If you want tones and accentuations you’re just gonna have to have fun and make em up, cuz sadly most fantasy “languages” are just a bunch of made up words with no real rhyme or reason. If I had the brain power to spare it’d be fun to flesh out a real Gith conlang
At least with a full phonetic chart, you can see what sounds the Gith wouldn’t be used to using and find out what words would cause trouble
Also I can forgive any and all misspelling or weird formatting, cute cats aside, cuz I have no clue how anyone could read this jumbled rambling mess lol gratz if you got this far and understood any of this
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silent-raven13 · 9 months
A Spider-woman named Billie! 4
(Part 3)
The Hobies glares at Miguel 928 seeing how the bloke caught their ideas or fantasy. "You boys better relax. Having kids is a big responsibility." Miles 2020 stated, "Oh my goodness, they act like Alphas without a second gender."
"It's baby fever!" Miles 43 looks worried as he stand behind Miles 2020 holding Gonzalo 1015 in his arms. "Ain't no way we agree about kids!"
"Oh no, I have Billie to think of!" Miles 1610 said at his boyfriend.
Billie 1610 smiles happily at his brother being carried by Miles 42. "Ah-HA!"
"Me too but it's Gonzalo!" Mimi 1015 said. The Miles had their focus on their boyfriends while Gabriel turns to Billie.
"Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere! I thought we were supposed to stick to the plan. I take you here and meet up with Mari." He said with one hand out as he express himself about their plans before.
"Hey asshole! She's a grown woman and doesn't have to listen to you!" Miles 1019 scowls at Gabriel. The tall Spider-man ignores him.
"I'm sorry, Gabe. I wanted to try to do things on my own. You seemed super busy with your world and time travel." Billie looks up at him with her big honey-brown eyes pleading to be forgiven, her hand fidgeting almost being nervous.
Gabriel's mask to reveal his face with a worried expression, the whole gang gawks at his face. "Waahhh, no way!" Pavtri got close to look at his face.
Gwen and Miles 1610 couldn't stop looking at him. He look nothing like Miguel 928 and Miguel 970, in fact he had more of white features on his face. He had black hair with red eyes and creamy white skin, his nose straight and had more of a Prince Eric look. His hair looks like one of those pretty boys from the 90s. The wholes gang couldn't stop looking at him, looks like his Irish genes won this round!
"That's not a GAH-Bree-ell that's Gay-bree-uhl!" Miles 43 jokes using the Spanish pronunciation of Gabriel and the American version. This cause most of the gang to laugh at the joke.
Miguel 928 try to hold his laugher when he saw Gabriella looking so confused. "That's not a boy me! That's a white boy!" More laughter came out from the groups.
Jess said, "Um... your dad is Miguel 660?"
"Yeah, he's the white guy with red hair..." Gabriel pouts with one hand on his neck feeling a bit embarrassed. "Not my fault that one fourth gene won!"
"Gabriel, this is a variant of you of some form. He was born different..." Miguel said to his daughter.
"Really? Mmm, I guess so." She looked rather disappointed, she thought her boy version would look like her with brown skinned and brown hair and maybe close to her dad.
Gabriel said, "Hey, why I'm getting these kinds of looks!" He puts his mask back on, "Fine! Then no one can ever see my face, again!"
"No, Gabe. You're so handsome. It's just they aren't use to you or your dad being white." Billie 1613 said to him trying to lighten up his mood. "Trust me, I was surprised when I met Miguel 928! I didn't think there was such variety!"
"I wonder how Miguel 660 looks like then." Gwen rubs her chin.
"Very white." Marina 1022 hums to them, "Like really really white. You wouldn't even say he's Mexican until you hear him speak. He got a bit of that Latino American accent."
"How white?" Miles 1610 asked.
"Miles 43 called him, Leche."
That made all the Spanish speakers choked up with laughter trying to hold their snickering. Miles 43 giggles, "Mari, you're not supposed to tell them that! I only said that because he was so damn white!"
"Bruhh, like that makes me feel any better." Gabriel 660 scowls.
"Hey be happy you don't got redhead or else I would've called you, Ariel." Miles 43 added.
Miles 42 couldn't stop laughing, "Miles, stop! That's so funny. Ain't no way a Miguel is a redhead."
"He is... Idk where he get that Mexican pride coming from because he's gringo format." Miles 43 tries to explain, "And I know that sound bad, but I was just so confused."
"How are you confuse when we come in all forms of color?" Miles 1019 asked, "You called him, Leche!"
"Yeah because I'm Café!" Miles 43 explains, "Café con Leche would be..." She looks around, "Okay we barely have any light skins here... But you get me!"
"All this talk about coffee is making me crave for a pan dulce." Mimi 1015's stomach growling.
"Can we go now for lunch, mommy? I'm so hungry!" Gerald asked.
"Sure. Okay, guys. Kids are getting super hungry. How about we go to the cafeteria to each lunch?"
"Oh yeah. I wanna get to know my little sister, Billie." Gabriel holds Billie 1613's hands, "Right!"
"Right." Billie smiles at her.
"Oh me too!" Mayday said.
"Daddy, I want chicken nuggets!" Mariana 2020 spoke up being carried by Hobie 138b. "Me and-and- and mi hermanos discuss, umm-" She looks up at Hobie, "da-da, what's that word again?"
Hobie 138b whispers in her ear while Hobie 138c holds Aaron and Hobie 138e holds Karl. Hobie 138d holds a sign that saids, "Three cookies each!"
"Oh, chicken nuggets com-boo and three cookies each! Because we a-ew super super hung-wy or we will st-wike!" The toddler looks up at Hobie again to make sure they got all their needs met.
Miles 2020 giggles at the sight, "Oh yeah?"
"Yeah! Down with the system! W-epa-wations." Mariana 2020 holds her first out.
"YUS!" Aaron and Karl hold their fist out cheering on for their demands.
"Demands must be met for our kiddos!" Hobie 138d hold his sign.
Miguel 928 pinched the bridge of his nose, "Why did I have a feeling that them meeting those kids would cause problems?"
"Because they would fallen in love to their variants' children?" Petie giggles, "Peter was happy to meet May."
"Oh yeah, I was." Peter 616 chuckles. "Come on, she's cute." May giggles being proud of her adorableness.
"And do we have to remind a specific someone loving his own variant's daughter?" Jess hums at Miguel 928.
"You got me there." Miguel 928 said.
Miles 2020 smirks at the group, "Okay, because when they sugar high I'll let my mate handle them."
"Yay! We won!" Mariana said happily to Hobie 138b, "Tank-coo, da-da!"
"Da-da!" The boys also said to the other Hobies.
"When did they taught them to say da-da?" Miles 1610 asked his variants being so confused.
"That's a secret, Sunflower." Hobie 138b winks at him while holding Mariana 2020 in his arms then gave his variant's daughter a kiss on the cheek, "Right, lass."
"Right!" Mariana giggles as the two smirks at Miles 1610.
Miles 1610's face turns bashful almost as if he got baby fever. "Oh no, baby fever! Miles snap out of it! You're still so young!" Gwen said out loud with panic. "I'm not ready to be an Aunt!"
"Aunt? Miles is a man! He can't possibly have a kid unless some weird invention Lyla creates to-" Miles 42 hushes Pavtri, "Hush! Just say it's basic biology! The male anatomy doesn't work like that."
"Hehehe," Billie 1613 giggles, "Awe, nothing wrong about dreaming about being with someone you love and fantasize about their kids."
Gabriel lovingly gaze on Billie, "Yeah..."
Miguel 970 glanced over at Mariana still standing next to her even when she moves around. "Mmhhmm."
"Awe man, the O'Haras just got bad game... it's so painful to watch." Jess said to Peter and Petie.
Peter sighs, "Looks like I gotta teach them a few skills."
"You got skills?" Petie arched his eyebrows.
The massive group slowly walks to the cafeteria having to continue their multiple conversation. Miles 2020 watches the Hobies carrying his pups, "You guys are so good with children. I'm impressed."
"Aye, Jack Harlow, have people ever ask for your ID?" Miles 43 asked at Gabriel giving him a new nickname.
"Who's Jack Harlow?" Gabriel asked being so confused as he walks in the middle of all the Miles. They were suspicious of him still.
"You know, that song Lovin' on Me. Your vanilla, baby or you want me to call you, Logic?" Miles 43 hums. The Miles around Gabriel were snickering at the joke.
Billie 1613 carries Billie 1610 admiring her hairstyle, "Wow, you have such pretty hair, but... the outfit is weird..."
"I told Miles to make her cute." Miles 42 pouts. "And she looks so cute with that hairstyle."
"Hehehe, I like my tutu!" Billie 1610 touches her tutu even though she got on her weird outfit of sweats and shirt.
"I tried! We skipped laundry day!" Miles 1610 added with a slight whine.
Jess said, "Oh nonono, this won't do. Not with my baby. Right, honey? You want a cute outfit to match with your tutu." She went over to carry Billie, she expected her outfit seeing how terrible it looks. It was giving lazy dad on a couch, little Billie is a classy girl and deserves to dress cute. "Petie, you got any extra clothes for Billie."
"Hmm, I think I do, but May is pretty small." Petie went into his baby bag to find a cute plaided dress, "This one."
"No way, Billie needs something more cute." Miles 42 said out loud.
"I think this is cute." Petie pouts.
Miguel 928 look into Miles 2020's baby bag to find a two strap red gingham dress with one big bow into the middle. "What about this one?"
Miles 1610 said, "You guys don't need to find her an outfit, I can-" Miles 2020 said, "It's fine. Besides, those sweat pants aren't it."
"I know." Miles 1610 sighs giving up. The three adults were able to put a cute outfit plus with Miles 42 being the one to critique the outfits. It went from preppy, to princess, to girly.
In the end, Jess was able to give Billie a cute outfit, a pink top with white puff sleeves, and with a plain pink skirt underneath her tutu. The little girl wave her hand being happy, "Yea!"
"Awe, she's so cute!" Mariana 1022 cooed at the three year old.
Little Billie giggles being bashful. Gabriella happily poke her cheek, "Wow, tia Jess, you did a wonderful job!"
"You can say I'm a pro." Jess proudly grins widely.
All the Miles were admiring Little Billie's cute outfit, then Miles 42 carried her. "Awe, Boo-Boo! You're so cute. Finally someone gave you a cute outfit." She responded with laughter.
Miles 1610 rolled his eyes at Miles 42 being dramatic. Then he noticed Gabriel looking at Billie 1613, who cover her mouth having to giggle. "So, Gabriel... how close are you are with Billie?" He asked being curious.
"Oh um... we are-" Billie happily said, "He's one of my best friends." She hugs one of his large arms. They look like a couple when she gets close to him. Gabriel nodded, "Yeah, she's a very close friend."
Mariana giggles, "Awe, such a shame. You two look so good together, too." She held her holo-camera from her watch to take a photo of them. "Hehe, aren't they cute together?" She looks at Miles 1610.
"Yeah, I can see them together." He nodded.
Billie giggles, "You guys are so funny. We're just friends! Gabriel doesn't like me like that and I just got out a relationship!"
"What?" Miles 1610 and the other Miles became alarmed by that too.
Gabriel blinks under his mask, "Wait, since when?"
Mariana grins widely, "Oh yeahhh, you were busy with your time travel missions. Billie Boo was dating Peter Parker 1613."
"Whoa, everything is coming together huh?" Peter 616 blinks in surprise.
"It's bound to happen with all these multi-verses." Jess commented.
"Before you guys start freaking out. He was a year older than me, and his name was Peter Osborn... Technically Mary and Norman Osborn got together and had twins. Harry and Peter Osborn. Let's just say it was a messy family. I didn't know Peter Parker was so common as Spider-man, until Gabriel told me about it and I came here." Billie nervously rub her hand, "Haha, we weren't a thing, well he wanted to but got pretty abusive... I think he's taking that drug from his dad."
"Yikes." Gonzalo 1022 commented.
"Huh uh!" Billie 1610 nodded.
"Oh my goodness." Gonzalo 1015 added.
Peter 616 blinks in shock, "Man, these multi-verses!"
"Wait, did he touch you?" Gabriel asked with a panic.
Miles 42 got his claws out, "Where is that asshole? I'll kill him."
"Well..." Billie 1613 wanted to speak but she saw the Miles and Gabriel looking menacing like they're going to murder someone.
"Come on, guys. Relax. Let her speak." Mariana said, "She will give us an answer."
"Wow, a green goblin Peter Parker... today is getting better and better!" Pavtri types into his blog about a new Peter Parker variant for his readers.
The Hobies went over to listen while holding the triplets. They peak over at Pavtri's long blog. This guy writes so fast, they wonder how he does it.
Gwen said, "Wait, is there a Gwen Stacy in your world."
"Yeah! His name is Grayson and we're friends. I'm friends with him, Harry and Ga-Yeon. I met Peter through Harry. The issue was they are known to be the popular rich boys in school, so it was hard to hang out with the two of them. There was a lot of fan girls, and Harry always seems to be the nerdy one."
"Funny, I always thought Harry liked you, too."
"Maybe. I only dated Peter because he asked me out then something happen with him that got him tweaking. It was on our fifth date he took me to the movies, but his eyes were green and bloodshot. He took me to an empty freeway driving faster and faster, I got so scared until I snap him out of it. When I told him, I'll take the bus home, he threatens to hurt me. Luckily, I'm Spider-woman, because he grabbed my wrist leaving a bruised." She softly said rubbing the wrist where the teenager hurt her, "I got home safe by taking an Uber! I swear, he never touched me, again."
Gabriel's claws came out, Miles 1610 could tell he's pissed off. The way he hunched over almost like a primal vicious animal, looks like an O'Hara is showing.
"I'ma kill him." Miles 42's face darkens.
"Not until I get him first." Miles 43 scowls.
Miles 2020 grins widely showing off his own canines, "I do like hunting..."
Miguel 928 spoke up, "No, you guys stay! Your Spider-men! Well, except for you, but don't do it!" He points at Miles 42.
"I don't care. How can he hurt my baby sister? It's like saying if Gabriel got abused by a boyfriend. You're gonna avoid that?" Miles 42 said to the older Spider-man.
For the moment, just for the moment Miguel 928 had thought about it. His whole face darkens with cruel almost menacing expression on his sculpted face, this made Gabriella stare a bit afraid. "You're right. As you were." He finally said trying to calm down. No, he will never let his Mariposa be tainted by cruel abusive men when she reaches her teens. He will commit murder and knows how to hide a body.
Miles 2020 gave him a side hug, "Awe, papa bear."
"Why do you hug him like if he was your man." One of the Hobies felt a bit jealous seeing Omega Miles being very touchy with Miguel. They saw him hugging him, playing his hair and calling him, 'Papa Bear', it made them very jealous.
Miles 1610 said to his boyfriend, "Calm down, bae."
"But luv... if I see you touching the bloke like that I will go insane! I will- I think I will blow this place to the ground!" Hobie 138b said.
Gwen laughs, "He would like Hobie Pine blow up a sector because Meows was hugging one Kaine Barker."
"Oh my god, you met Kaine Barker! He's a dog, right?" Miles 1610 asked.
"Yup, a cute Golden Retriever." Gwen added.
"Awe, so cute. I wanna meet him," Then he noticed his Hobie frowning almost hurt being ignored and mentioning another Kaine. "Sorry, bae. It's just so many variants to meet!"
"Easy boys. I'm always flirty with Peter, Ben, Miguelito, Jess, anyone. It's who I am." Miles 2020 chuckles.
"That is true. Always flirting but respectfully." Peter nodded.
Miles 42 put down Billie 1610 so she can walk with Gerald and Mayday. Gabriella watches them, "Wanna hold my hand, Billie?"
"Yea!" Billie looks over at May being carried by Petie, "Fren?"
"Daddy, I wanna walk!" May finally wiggle her legs.
"Okay, honey. Stay close my me!" Petie set her down so she can walk with her friend. Then, the Gonzalos got down to walk with them. They were talking having their own conversation.
As the group have so many conversations with each other, one specific one was focused. Gabriel said to Billie 1613, "Why didn't you tell me about this? What if he hurt you? He's an Osborn. They're all tweaking on that drug." He places his hands on her narrow shoulders being so gentle with her.
"You seem so busy. I thought it would be stupid to tell you... besides I talk to Mariana and my friends about it. I'm not delicate, Gabe." She pouts.
He let out a sigh with his head lowered, "I thought you could tell me anything."
"I'm so sorry, Gabe. I didn't mean to..." She felt awful now, "I thought it wasn't important to share."
"You dating a jerk?" He asked being offended.
"Somebody is jealous." Miles 43 whispers at Gwen and Pavtri.
"Mmmhhmm." They nodded.
"I'm not jealous! Coño!" Gabriel shouted at them being annoyed.
Billie 1613 said, "Then, there's no problems. Are there rules about Spider-heroes dating? Did I hurt my canon for dating a Peter?" Her being so naive and unaware of Gabriel's crush on her made it worse.
"No..." Gabriel answered.
"Because Mariana was dating a cute guy too!"
"QUÈ?" Miguel 970 asked Mariana.
Mariana burst out snickering, "Oh, it was this guy... I think he was the male version of Black Cat. It was all flirts. We went out a couple of times then he left me on read."
"Gurl, you didn't fight him!" Mimi 1015 said to her, "I would be so offended."
"Meh, we were flirty before but I was never serious about it. Then I dated this guy who happens to be Lizard Man." Mariana shrugs, "Nothing serious."
Miguel 970 frowns, "When was this?"
"Recently. Black Cat comes and go whenever he feels like it. Lizard Man and I stopped dating once he became all evil."
"Recently? Why you didn't tell me?"
"Geez, these two O'Haras are hopeless." Gwen said to Miles 43 and Mimi 1015.
"Yup." Miles 43 nodded.
Petie saw Miguel 970 looking gloomy, "Miguel, maybe you should talk to him about how the young kids "rizz"." Jess burst out laughing.
"What?" Miguel 928 asked.
Peter nodded, "Oh I heard a lot of the kids rizz each other. I dunno what that is but it's like flirting?"
"It's a slang for charming someone." Miles 2020 added.
Miguel 928 rub his neck, "What do i say?" He saw Gabriel and Miguel looking so upset about their crushes. "Ugh, I guess I can give them a talk... or-" Gabriella went over to Mariana, "Big sis, why not hold Miguel like this! Please? I got a magic trick to show you."
"OKay!" Mariana being a nice person hold Punk Miguel's hand. "Like this?"
"Yeah! Okay," She claps her hands once and said, "You two, will be together! Now, promise me together forever!" She smiles at them.
Miguel 970 blushing so hard while Mariana thinking this is a harmless magic trick. "Okay. Together forever." She smiles.
"Pshh! Abracadabra!" She puff her chest out when she somehow release glitter on the two's hands holding showing a red ribbon pop around their wrists.
"Wow, where the sparkles came out?" Mayday asked.
"Ohh, ahhh." The three year olds gawk.
"Wait, where did the ribbon came from?" Gerald tilted his head being so amazed.
"Hehe, a trick I learn!" She grins widely.
Mariana giggles, "Looks like we're stuck together, Miguelito!"
"Ye-yea..." He blushes.
"Awe, so cute. Gabriella, do it to Gabriel and Billie!" Pavtri said, "I need this on my blog."
"Hehe, you got it!" She happily went to the two with the other kids to look at the trick, again. Gabriel being shy holding Billie 1613's hand.
"I think Gabriella already did your job." Jess commented at her friend.
"Hah, yeah." Miguel 928 smiles happily at his daughter being adorable.
"Freedom!" Mariana 2020 spoke to the Hobies, "We fight for freedom! For Ana-wchy!" Along her brothers chanted.
"Anarchy!" The Hobies cheers on.
"Jesus, this is a cult..." Peter 616 said to Miles 1610.
"That's what I'm afraid of..." Miles groans, "He always love his little anarchist, so I'm not too surprised."
"Especially when it's your kids." Peter hums. Miles couldn't help but feel his face red and warm at the idea of children existing between him and Hobie. Well, he is happy to find out there is a possibility and to meet them.
(Part 5)
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castlebyersafterdark · 2 months
being attracted to voices is like the most inexplicable thing to me, meaning so hard to explain. some voices are just hot but why? i remember a Black Books episode about this, where the woman heard her old flame had become a radio forecaster so she would tune in late at night and masturbate hahahhaa
but with noah, is it the lowness and vocal fry you like? is it easy to imagine him making certain.... noises lmao? cos i feel like his overall tone and vibe is very goofy, but i guess his voice is low. such a nice contrast for will's sweetness too. meanwhile finn's squeaky high register is just so unique. he actually had a lower-sounding voice in s2 than s4 lmao... that sincerity of childhood where you wanna be taken seriously. but in s4, mike is more manic so i think the higher register comes out in panic and frustration. noah is clearly also leaning into queerisms like using pet names for everyone like 'babe' as well as embracing a campier vocal style at times.
Always fun comparing different perspectives, because voices are one of the most important things to me when it comes to real attraction. There's your every day surface level attraction from just looking at people but then you start breaking down the finer details and voice is just a really big one with me. For sure. And HA! The vocal fry hahaha, aww I find his cadence and the way he talks really cute, in character and out of character. But a few of those longer videos he's shared, where it's just him kind of talking to himself (like narrating the makeup, or that one where he was describing his day, a few of the clips I've seen from those very relaxed bedside live videos) he just has this soft soothing voice and I really like it. It's deeper but not super deep, it's just... repeating myself, but soothing. I could listen to this guy read the phone book.
I like how Finn sounds too, but it's def not as captivating as Noah to me, though I like the way he sometimes slips into an odd pronunciation that sounds sooo Canadian but his accent is not as strong as others I've heard. I'm really into accents of all types and the variations of how people talk. Finn just sounds interesting, so it's compelling, but in a different way to me.
Because I'm incapable of not, gotta talk up 💙 because this is actually super relevant, for those who follow the lore. Yes, I sat there like a creep waiting for the hot guy at the party wake up, but I partially stuck around all night because I wanted to keep listening to him talk...
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paradoxcase · 10 months
So it is explained why in Nona, but John is the only one that ever remembers anything from pre-Resurrection, even among his Lyctors, the first to be brought back (apparently; there are cetain hints that at least one other person does
I'll reserve judgement until I read Nona, then, but like, there is some knowledge of stuff prior to the Resurrection, since presumably this is when guns and the various other things that are regarded as "ancient" stopped being used, right? But everyone in the story does understand guns. They just don't use them.
Where Augustine, Mercy, and the rest got their names is also addressed in Nona. :-)
I'll definitely be interested in that!
I think the pronunciations is solidly an accent case being conveyed through text. Also is Nona it's very heavily implied that House is a very different language and TM is using a case of reader omniscience.
Quite possibly, yeah. What do you mean by "House is a very different language"? Different than what BOE speak? Different than Modern English? I've been assured by multiple people now that it is supposed to be Modern English
For Pyrrah, in that book her whole shtick is her passing for someone she is not, and in an interesting inversion, Pyrrah is the real one, the princess passing for the warrior (although I'm not sure anyone would describe here as a princess, so maybe she is the warrior and Gideon is the princess?)
Oh, that's true, I didn't think about it that way. I like the idea of Gideon being the princess in this analogy. Do we ever get any more information on what his personality was actually like, since it was so conflated with Pyrrha's in this book?
It's not because of Caesar. There's a reason why he named himself Gaius, but I'm not sure whether you've been spoiled far enough to get it. What do you know about Alecto?
I'm referring back to when someone (sorry, I don't remember who) suggested to me that John could have picked it because he was one of those Roman Empire fanboys and wanted to use Caesar's name, which I could sort of see, actually. If you're referring to Alecto being the soul of Earth and Earth being called Gaia in Greek, that doesn't make much sense since Gaius was a Roman name that was unrelated to Greek Gaia, and there was no Greek name Gaius that corresponded to Gaia. Or at least, if that is the reason he picked it, it's even less sensible than picking it because it was Caesar's praenomen
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invinciblerodent · 6 months
Oh-oh! 25 and 7 for oc asks for your tavs
Also, please tell me how Petyr is pronounced, I keep reading is as Peh-TIER, but I'm starting to suspect it might just be Peter
OC Ask Game!
25) The name you chose for your OC, why did you chose it?
oh to unleash the nerdery
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For Arvid's name, I was just thinking that dwarf aesthetics generally have a bit of a... half Art Deco, half Viking feel going on for them? so I just thought that leaning into that Scandinavian angle a little bit would be fun. (I was also really fixated on studying Swedish at the time, but I didn't really want to use a specifically Swedish name, so I went with one my little search said was quite common all over Scandinavia, and one I could obnoxiously overpronounce in my head.) (Like the way I tend to read it to myself is with a very grossly exaggerated Swedish accent, lol.)
His last name, Trygg, I chose kinda in the same vein as how J.R.R. Martin did the bastard children's names in GoT depending on the country: it's just... it just means "safe" in Norwegian. I thought it'd be fun for him to have a name that's... not really a name, but more just an adjective, a placeholder given to him out of necessity by the monastery where he was raised. (Which ended up working out really nicely with him getting "Dekarios" to call his own at the end!)
(A fantasy!Norwegian first name and fantasy!Greek last name sound really silly together ngl, but a part of me really loves how strange it is because it's his. Like yeah, people do sometimes wind up with silly names because of their spouses. It's love.)
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Iona, as I was kinda developing her, her first placeholder name was "dove" (because of one line of a Dove Cameron song lol) - and I admit, I did just google what names might have similar meanings, in that dove/freedom/independence/autonomy/rebirth vein of things, and one website said that Iona, in Scottish (I believe?) is supposed to mean "dove".
I don't.... fully believe that was correct because I haven't been able to confirm it elsewhere since, but by the time I looked into it further, I got attached to the name, and it... got stuck.
Her last name/maiden name (which is what she uses now), "Raedir", I tried to make a pompous, quintessential Elf Name (to go with her Long Draconic Bloodline), but at the end of the day, it's... really nonsense. Translated, it'd mean something like "unicorn dust", derived from the words "raer" (unicorn) and "mithardir" ("white dust"/snow?), but that meaning is sort of just there to amuse me, because I was looking at a lot of medieval tapestries with unicorns on them at the time.
(One weirdness about it is that, while I know it's supposed to be pronounced "eye-ona" in English, with my Hungarian brain I kept reading it as "ee-yona" on accident. So I decided that "eye-ona" is the "human" pronunciation, and she deliberately went back to pronouncing it the "elvish" way, as "ee-yona", when she started using her maiden name again.)
(A little benefit- if someone is looking for an "Eye-ona" Birchlight, they're not gonna find her. Nope, there's only an "Ee-yona" Raedir here.)
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As for Petyr, you're actually reading it perfectly right, lol! I deliberately wanted it to be a little misleading and obnoxious, like it sometimes is in old fantasy novels from like the 70's and 80's. Like sometimes a character will have a very normal name that's spelled- and consequently pronounced in a ~fantasy~ way?
Honestly, I just looked at my build/concept, and thought.... "He's Peter, but stupid. That's it. That's his name. I hate it, it's perfect." So the "-tyr" is pronounced like the god Tyr's name. I don't... really have an answer why, but I do really like the thought of him having to always explain that no, it's not Peter, it's Peh-TYR, like in Tyr, how is this so bloody hard.
"Wildbrook" came from a similar thought, I kinda just... wanted the most "80's fantasy ranger dude" name I could think of, and just like how it is with his whole existence, the fact that I like it actually does bother me a little bit lol.
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"Raymond Percival Trevelyan" is basically "Knightly Knightson Canonlastname". "Raymond" means "protector/protecting hands", "Percival", I took from Sir Percival, one of the knights in Arthurian legend, and Trevelyan, as in the last name given to the human Inquisitor in DA:I.
Back in the day, I was leaning really into the whole "archetypal hero character" theme. He was just... a young, pious, knightly idealist who went from said piousness and idealism to absolute disillusionment (and a much less formal relationship with religion). Now, it sounds pretty tongue-in-cheek, to have the Big Strong Former Hero Of The Lands brandish such a deeply pompous name.
7) Does your OC have a favorite and least favorite food?
OH this one is fun!
Okay, so one of my favorite pieces of headcanon that carries across franchises is that dwarves' superior poison resistance translates in them to an extreme tolerance of spice. Like most human foods, they just taste completely bland to to dwarves.
So I like to imagine that Arvid, having grown up in a monastery and eating mostly things prepared with it being shared with non-dwarves in mind, is just... kind of resigned to things not having a lot of flavor. He'll say nice things when asked for his opinion of course, but more often than not, he's simply eating just to put the calories in- no real favorite or least favorite to speak of there. It's more about the physical sensation of not being hungry anymore.
Gale is of course horrified when he learns this (what do you mean my cooking is bland to you, I cooked every meal you've eaten in the past year????? have you just not had food you've liked in a year??????), and makes it his personal mission to learn to cook traditional dwarven cuisine.
He, uh. He winds up accidentally poisoning himself more than once. But his husband is very, very endeared (if worried) and appreciative of the gesture.
Iona has no such troubles- having been a housewife for such a long time, she's a decent cook, but she's used to preparing meals she... didn't really like much at all. All sorts of roasts and steaks, various pieces of dead animals, the occasional potato maybe- and she, in true elf fashion, is no fan of meats in general.
So during their travels, the only time she cooks is the first night ever, when it's just her, Shadowheart, and Astarion (they toss together a weird, bland stew from just a couple potatoes and a fistful of sage they scrounged up- they didn't even notice that Astarion just pushed the food around a bit, they were so out of it), but as soon as Gale joins up, she categorically rejects even touching a wooden spoon.
It's only after the game, living with a person who makes zero demands of her in regards to food, that she finds joy in food and cooking. She can finally make whatever she wants, whenever she wants it, and she experiments as much as she can. All she has to forego is garlic. (Which, well, you win some, you lose some.)
She's.... sometimes successful. But whatever it ends up being, whether it's good or bad, she is the only one who has to eat it, and she bloody well delights in it.
Petyr has been mostly self-sufficient for 20+ years at this point. Most of his food is homegrown or wild-caught, and like with everything else, he learned by experimentation.
I like to think that he doesn't really think of himself as a good cook, but he is infuriatingly good at this too, like he is at everything else.
Like he'll agree to whip up something quick for the group a few tendays into their journey, and make fucking...... perfect venison steaks, with a wild rice- and fresh mushroom risotto, and a gorgeous red wine sauce. Gale can't decide whether to be impressed, or livid. Petyr just shrugs like, "I kept myself fed in the forest for 20 years. What'd you think I was doing in that time, grazing?"
He too is, I think, in the "whatever puts meat on your bones is good enough" mindset when it comes to favorites, but for some reason I think he'd love a good, nice cheese. That'd be something he can't really make himself, so it'd be a special treat to get on his monthly little supply-trips.
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schrijverr · 1 year
A Behind the Scenes of: Corroded Coffin Pt. 3
Jonathan is out, so Eddie gives insight into the Europe tour he went on with Corroded Coffin in '94 (can be read as a standalone).
Pt. 1 & Pt. 2
On AO3.
Ships: Steddie
Warnings: minor homophobia mention
The video opens not to Jonathan in his living room, but to Eddie on his own couch. He grins into the camera and happily says: “Bet y’all didn’t see this one coming.”
“Jonny-boy was a little idiot, who went out and did a photoshoot in the rain for four hours without a coat, so now he’s miserable in bed, getting homemade soup spoon fed to him by Argyle, so truly his life isn’t the worst. Anyway, he’s really invested in this project and he didn’t want to miss an upload, so I offered to make a video and that’s what we’re doing,” Eddie explains.
“I’m gonna talk about the Corroded Coffin Europe tour of ‘94 with my lovely baby, Stevie, here as the peanut gallery,” Eddie introduces.
“Hi,” Steve speaks up, his audio not the best, since Eddie only has one mic.
“We wanted to stay true to Jonathan vibes in these videos,” Eddie winks at the camera, before grabbing his own copy of the book and announcing: “Let’s get into it, people.”
He flips it open, then has to flip a little more, before he finds the right page. He lets out a little ah-ha when he does, then looks up and says: “First one is Corroded Coffin in London, which is embarrassing for me right out of the gate.”
The photo that comes on screen is of Eddie and Jeff glued to the window of a pod of a Ferris wheel. The two are boggled by the view, but Chris next to them isn’t so much. He is too busy lighting a cigarette to watch the view.
“When I gave Nancy this photo, I was completely convinced this was the London Eye, told her that with full confidence,” Eddie explains. “Now, Nancy is a lot smarter than me, because she googled it to check and the London Eye was built in 1998, which is definitely later than ‘94 which is when this was taken. So, uhm, I was talking out of my ass and this is just a random Ferris wheel. Still very cool, but not the same.”
“Me and Jeff had never been out of the state, but Gar had been in Canada once and Chris the fucker had family in England, so he’d already been. As you can see, he was a little less impressed with the view than the rest of us,” Eddie says.
“The next photo is Legal Weed and taken in the Netherlands, shout out,” Eddie grins.
The photo is taken in a hotel room. All of them have joints because weed has been legal in the Netherlands since 1976. Gareth is holding a joint in one hand as he sits cross legged on the bed, stuffing his face with chips with the other. Jeff watching the ring he blew with a lazy smirk as he reclines against the pillows. Eddie is lying with his head off the side of the bed as he takes a drag of his joint.
“This was the only stop on our tour we were allowed to smoke. Our manager would have killed us if we got arrested while abroad,” Eddie pouts.
“I would have come killed you too, Eds,” Steve calls out from behind the camera.
“You wouldn't have come to bail me out?” Eddie asks, pout deepening, though he looks amused too, dimples showing slightly.
“No, of course, I would,” Steve answers, sounding offended. “I would have broken you out if need be. I just also would have had to kill you for being an idiot.”
“Well, ain’t I glad I didn’t get arrested,” Eddie laughs and winks. Then he focuses back on the photo and says: “Getting high with the guys is always fun. We work great under influence, but it also helps us unwind too. Great for between shows.”
“Jeff is totally showing off by the way. He only learned to blow a ring like that in ‘92,” Eddie points out. “I taught him that. And Gareth is totally stealing my chips too. The mooch.”
“The next one is Gareth the Manneken Pis and is taken in Belgian of Gareth being an idiot,” Eddie introduces, his accent throwing the pronunciation of the name off a little.
Gareth the Manneken Piss is of Gareth imitating Manneken Pis as Eddie and Chris loose their shit next to him. A few tourists around them are mean mugging the group.
“Isn’t there one of you doing the exact same on the next page?” Steve asks.
“We’re not talking about that right now, baby,” Eddie says, flushing red. Before he shakes it off and says: “You know what? I’m taking it back. Me and Gar were very correct for our Manneken Pis impersonation. He is an icon and I love him.”
“He’s just a silly little guy, you know. They dress him up holidays with little outfits and have myths about him being a war hero, that’s just iconic,” Eddie defends himself. “I’ve read his Wikipedia page a lot, okay.”
“He has,” Steve confirms from behind the camera. “We went to Brussel on a trip once just to see him in one of his outfits.”
“And it was magical,” Eddie tells the audience definitively.
“It was,” Steve agrees with bemused fondness.
“So, shout out to Gar for being very correct,” Eddie laughs. “Next one is taken by me and is called DnD on the Road.”
The photo is taken from the head of the table, the edge of the DM screen visible. Chris, Gareth and Jeff around a table on the tour bus as the countryside passes them by outside. The three are discussing their next move with grave seriousness.
“We’re all big DnD fans. We made the DnD club at our high school together way back when. I’ve been DMing for these guys since ‘82. We never stopped even on the road,” Eddie recalls fondly. “Our manager loved us for that, because we never broke anything in our hotels, just played our nerdy little game. We still do.”
“The next one is Castle Hill, which is in Budapest if I’m not mistaken. They have this amazing architecture,” Eddie says.
The photo is of Jeff and Eddie from behind. Eddie is practically on Jeff’s back so he can see the Castle Hill of Budapest. It’s a cozy sweet moment, even if the two look slightly ridiculous. They’re in bright colored shirts and cargo shorts, the best disguise they could have found.
Eddie grimaces slightly, before he admits: “Those outfits are my biggest shame.”
“Oi, that’s my shirt,” Steve exclaims.
“Yeah,” Eddie grins. “I love you, baby, but you know our fashion doesn’t mesh.”
“You like stealing my shirts,” Steve pouts.
“I do, I do,” Eddie quickly assures him. “I just don’t like people knowing I like stealing your shirts. I have a bad boy image to maintain, you know.”
“Your image has been ruined ten times over, everyone knows you’re too nice,” Steve rolls his eyes.
Eddie pauses for a second, then makes a ‘fair enough’-face, as he shrugs: “You’re probably right, sweetheart. And you clothes made a great disguise. Somehow no one ever thinks the normie next to them is from Corroded Coffin.”
“Why would they?” Steve laughs. “You guys looked ridiculous.”
“Hey!” Eddie exclaims, but he’s laughing too.
After they calmed down, Steve asks: “Why are you hanging of Jeff anyway?” He already knows the answer, but he has also been keeping Eddie on track for over three decades.
“I was so tired,” Eddie whines as an answer. “Being a tourist is a little fun, but it’s so much walking and I am not athletic, Stevie, not at all. And my beautiful, strong, jock husband wasn’t there to carry me, so I had to lean on Jeff. I love Jeff, but he doesn’t have nice shoulders like you do.”
You can hear Steve giggling in the background as Eddie finishes his lament. Despite his dramatics, Eddie sends a little glance over to Steve, looking proud of the reaction he got.
“Last one on the page is Post-Show Smoke Break,” Eddie moves on after dropping his theatrics again.
That one is taken behind a venue. Chris, Eddie and Gareth are all in costume with their coats over it, hair sweat slicked. Chris and Gareth are smoking while Eddie sulkily sucks on a lollipop.
“Now this one was just rude. They always were,” Eddie complains. “We quit smoking together at the start of the year – well, not Chris, but the rest of us. Gar was already smoking a month later and Jeff started again on tour. They’d all smoke and I was trying so hard, so I had to stand there like a dumbass with my lollipop.”
“I’m glad you didn’t start again,” Steve says softly.
Immediately the indignation melts of Eddie as he gives Steve a smitten smile. He replies: “I’m glad too, sweetheart.” Then he breaks the moment with a joke: “I can even walk up the stairs without being winded nowadays. A true win.”
Steve snorts: “How did any of you survive those shows?”
“Adrenaline and youth, baby,” Eddie winks. “Also shout out to our costume makers, we looked both ridiculous and epic in the best ways.”
“Ridiculous and epic is kind of your brand,” Steve informs him.
“Should I name my autobiography that?” Eddie asks, looking serious.
“Since when are you writing an autobiography?” Steve asks in return.
“I’m not,” Eddie shrugs casually.
“God, you’re ridiculous,” Steve sighs, sounding incredibly fond as he does so.
“But you love me anyway?” Eddie makes big pleading eyes as he asks.
“Of course I love you.”
“I love you too, Stevie,” Eddie grins in return, then happily flips the page, grin widening as he says: “Okay, so I have no excuse for this whole page. I just missed my baby and I needed to call him, because he couldn't come with me, but he had to experience this with me.”
“Are you at the page with all the photos of you calling me?” Steve asks.
“Jup,” Eddie replies, popping the p. “I think I’m just going through them real quick, saying why I was calling you. Think that’s smart?”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Okay, first up Calling Steve from London,” Eddie reads.
The photo that appears is of Eddie in a red phone booth, behind him is the Big Ben. He has sunglasses on and a hat in which he is hiding his hair along with bright tourist-y clothes. He is smiling excitedly.
“I had seen the Big Ben and the phone booths like they have in the movies. Of course I had to tell Stevie about it. He has also never seen it, so I had to report to the best of my ability, no better way to do that then when right there,” Eddie shrugs. “Next up Calling Steve from Dublin.”
It’s of Eddie on the phone in a pub. There is a beer in his hand and behind him is a bar of people drinking and laughing. They had managed to sneak out and not be recognized, since a folk band is playing and drew a different crowd than they do.
“Well, I told him we were gonna try and sneak out, I had to tell him it was successful, you know. Plus, I missed him. Being among a lot of people that aren’t him, always makes me miss him. I wanted to hear his voice,” Eddie says.
“Ahww, baby,” Steve coos as Eddie blushes and hides behind his hair. Steve says: “I love you, Eddie,” and Eddie grins shyly from behind his hair.
“Love you too, darling,” Eddie tells him, dropping hair as he twirls it around his finger. After a beat, he clears his throat and says: “Next one is Calling Steve from Amsterdam.”
Calling Steve from Amsterdam is of Eddie in an airport as he happily talks into the phone. Behind him are Chris and Jeff glaring at the paparazzi that is being held back by security, while Eddie is oblivious.
Sheepishly Eddie admits: “Someone just told me weed was legal in the Netherlands, so I had to tell Steve about it. Also, I always call when we land to say I’m safe, though I must admit that the timing could have been better here.”
“Now the next one, I have already defended myself about,” Eddie introduces. “It’s Calling Steve from Brussels.”
This is the photo of Eddie imitating Manneken Pis even if the person on the other side of the phone can’t see him. He is at a payphone again in disguise as he talks excitedly on the phone.
“I was calling Steve, because I had just met Manneken Pis AKA one of the greatest statues in human history. Of course, I had to tell Steve about that. Here I was telling him about Gareth impersonating the statue. I gesture when I talk,” Eddie shrugs.
“It’s cute,” Steve assures him.
“Thank you, baby,” Eddie grins, before he moves on: “Now the next one is Calling Steve from Paris, which is more subdued. Very artistic, shout out to Gar.”
The photo is of Eddie in a hotel room. He is sitting in the windowsill, leaning against it as he looks over the Paris skyline while chewing on a toothpick. He looks a bit melancholic and wistful as he listens to what is being said to him over the phone.
“Ever tour has a point where the excitement of being on the road dies down and the homesickness overpowers it,” Eddie says softly, looking down at the photo. “I called Steve nightly. He was telling me about how they’d gone to the club and Robs had met a girl.”
“That was the night she met Rose, really?” Steve asks, sounding surprised.
“Sure is,” Eddie nods. “You were so excited about it and you were rambling away and I was just hit by how much I missed you and how much I wanted to be home. To root for Robin, help her pick out an outfit, give her a pep talk, listen to you two go over the wooing plan you made with her. It just sounded so much better than being out there.”
Eddie clears his throat, then plasters on a smile as he jokes: “But as you can see, I did not abandon the tour midway through, I stayed like a good little boy. Just a hazard of the job and I bounce back easily, don’t worry. I don’t have the attention span to keep one mood for too long.”
“Now, next up is Calling Steve from the Road, which Jeff took while we’re on a potty break while driving to Madrid,” Eddie says.
It’s of Eddie at a gas station somewhere in the middle of nowhere, calling from a payphone with the tour bus behind him. The Corroded Coffin logo is splashed across it and a group in the background is pointing at him, but he seems oblivious as he happily talks into the phone.
“For those wondering, yes, I did get recognized shortly after. They were very nice, I told them I was talking to my sweetheart and they were very understanding about it. My manager nearly tore my head off about it, but it was worth it,” Eddie grins. “I signed a few shirts and they let me be to go bug the other guys. Hope they’re doing well.”
“I remember that, you suck at Spanish,” Steve speaks up, “but it was very cute to see you try. Robin had to come over to feed you lines to say to them.”
“And I am very grateful to her for that,” Eddie replies with a smile. Then he goes on: “Alrighty, next one is Calling Steve from Rome.”
Calling Steve from Rome is of Eddie next to the Spanish Steps while on the phone in disguise. A fair of sorts is going on on at the square in the background that Eddie points to, despite not being seen. There is a lollipop in the hand he’s gesturing with, while Chris leans against the wall next to him as he smokes.
“We found this by pure luck, so I had to call Steve to tell him and ask what he wanted as a souvenir or if Robs would like anything,” Eddie explains. “Robin loves markets.”
“She does. She and Rose got a stand next Saturday, did she tell you?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, she’s been telling anyone, who is willing to listen,” Eddie answers with a fond eyeroll.
“She’s excited about it. Their tomatoes have been doing great this year,” Steve says.
“And they’re delicious, I don’t know how she does it. I killed that cactus she got for my birthday and that thing was fake,” Eddie exclaims.
“Knocking it off the dresser and stepping on it, is bad for any object, Eds,” Steve informs him with a little bit of amused judgment.
“Fair enough,” Eddie grins. “Now what’s next? Ah, yes, Calling Steve from Athens.”
The photograph is of Eddie with big eyes as he watches the Acropolis. However, despite his awe, there is a payphone tucked between his shoulder and ear. He is describing the sight to the person on the other side.
“Okay, context, I’ve been a little ancient Greece nerd since I was 8 years old,” Eddie confesses. “I love that shit. I built whole homebrew worlds and campaigns of of it and I did actually reading about it, I hate reading. Seeing it in person was amazing and like life shattering, I couldn’t do that without Steve right there.”
“You were all stammering on the phone,” Steve recalls sounding very much in love. “It was very cute.”
“I managed to get myself together and give a kickass description,” Eddie pouts, though his dimples are showing despite his huffiness.
“It was very kickass,” Steve assures him.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” Eddie smiles, then he mutters: “I still use that description.” He blinks, then continues: “The next one is Calling Steve from Berlin.”
In the photo you can see Eddie in Berlin. The wall had only fallen a little over three years ago and many remnants are still upright. Eddie is in front of one of those, calling home, as the graffiti behind him asks to be reunited with loved ones, being allowed to go home. Eddie himself looks a little anguished yet relieved as he hears the other person talk over the phone.
“God, it’s hard to describe being there, especially so recently after the fall,” Eddie sighs. “It this combination of a place of mourning and a place of desperate hope that makes you want to check up on everyone I know. I called Stevie first of course, but I also called the other twerps. Jeff called his mom too.”
Eddie’s quiet for a beat, then he says: “But you know, we were all fine. We all made it out just fine,” he is going for his normal cheer, but those who know, can hear the layer in his voice, that ‘thank god, we did’.
“The next one is a little less sad, luckily. They’re in the order of how we traveled, but we have multiple of every location. Jonathan picked the photos to put in and he sure picked ones that make your emotions jojo. Very much like it is on tour” Eddie laughs. “So, onto Calling Steve from Budapest.”
Calling Steve from Budapest is of Eddie in full stage makeup, having big dramatic eyeliner around his eyes and his hair teased to all hell. He is in a leather vest that is hanging open to reveal a mesh shirt through which all his scars and tattoos can be seen, leather pants and high boots with straps and buckles. He looks like he is about to step on the stage, but he is still on the phone, twirling the telephone cord with a shy grin. Gareth in a leather harness is facepalming behind him.
“How do you manage to be cute and hot at the same time?” Steve asks, bordering on complaining.
“Ahw, babe, you think I’m hot and cute?” Eddie replies, batting his lashes.
“Of course, I do,” Steve says, you can’t see him, but you just know he’s rolling his eyes. “I’ve been with you for 31 years by now, bit rude if I didn’t think so.”
Eddie’s joking batting lashes look turns into genuine heart eyes as he coos: “Stevie, I’m gonna have to make out with you now,” as he gets up from the couch.
There is a cut and Eddie is sitting on the couch again, happy grin stretching across his face. He continues on like nothing had happened, saying: “I was calling Steve to tell him Chris accidentally misspelled his own name when signing the wall. It was hilarious and had to be shared and then it kind of spiraled, because I like talking to my baby.”
“Next up is another sad one,” Eddie warns. “Calling Steve from Copenhagen.”
The photo is of of a hotel room, out of the window one can see the colorful houses of Copenhagen, however, the cheery atmosphere does not reach the room. Eddie is on the bed, while on the phone, crying. Chris is next to him on the bed, an arm wrapped around him, so Eddie can get comfort by burrowing into his side. Jeff is sitting on the other side of Eddie, handing him a sweater that belongs to Steve.
“Like I said before, sometimes the missing becomes worse and I had a nightmare and all I wanted was to cuddle up with my baby and I couldn’t. It was all a bit too much,” Eddie explains quietly. “I am glad for the guys. They’ve always been there for me.”
“As that photo indicated, I was glad to go home, even if it was pretty cool to go on tour in Europe,” Eddie says. “You can see my enthusiasm in the last one, which is Calling Steve from Stockholm.”
The last photo is of Eddie calling from another airport. This time they haven’t been spotted. He is dressed in sweatpants and his own merch with messy hair. His face is split in two as he talks.
“I was calling him to tell him I was about to board the plane home,” Eddie says, softly grinning. “I was so excited to see him, you have no idea. God, I missed you so much. I love doing tours, but I love it more when I get to see you.”
“Ahww, you’re so cute,” Steve squealed lovingly.
“Look who’s talking,” Eddie smiles back, eyes crinkling in the process.
Then he flips the page as if to check, scanning over it to see what’s on it. His eyes get stuck on it for a second, before he grins: “Let’s add the reunion photo to this as well: Back from Europe.”
The photo is of Eddie hanging off Steve koala style, bags still around their feet, the rest of the band coming up behind them and Robin steadying Steve, so he doesn’t fall over from the sudden weight.
“I always jump Steve when I get home,” Eddie grins. “Well, used to, neither of our bones are strong enough for that now. Getting old rocks, but it has it’s lesser moments.”
“I could still catch you,” Steve pouts.
“Of course, you can, sweetheart,” Eddie smiles at him. “But let’s not test it, just in case. You’ve had enough hits to the head to last you a lifetime, plus Robs would totally murder me if you had but a bruise on you after a stint like that. Which it totally hypocritical, because she has no issue enlisting your help when putting on the Christmas decorations.”
“That’s because, she needs me to hold the ladder, not climb it, Eds,” Steve points out, fond grin obvious in his voice.
“Still,” Eddie pouts. Then he focuses back on the photo and says: “Steve couldn’t come pick me up from the airport, because our label was afraid of paps catching us – total dick move by the way – so that’s why our dramatic reunion is happening in our little hallway.”
Eddie looks a little sad as he says it and Steve softly says: “I still liked our reunions anyway, baby.”
“I know,” Eddie replies, flashing a small smile. “Just- It’s always gonna feel like we missed out on things because of it anyway, you know.”
“I do,” Steve agrees quietly.
The two are silent for a second, then Eddie smiles again and signs off: “Now, I watched Jon do these, so I’m gonna try and do his dorky sign off, so let’s go. That was a behind the scenes of the Corroded Coffin Europe tour, hope that was interesting. Bye!”
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Worst YGO Dub Names
I’ve softened to the dubs lately but they still committed some atrocities, particularly toward character names so here’s the ones that personally piss me off the most. The first two are the worst ones but after that they’re not in any kind of order.
Jun Manjome to Chazz Princeton
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The crown jewel of shittiness. I know Manjome is a comic relief but he’s not a complete joke. He’s a character and a good one. This name just makes him sound stupid. And aggressively American. This one just really really angers me personally, as does pretty much everything in the GX dub.
Yuzu Hiiragi to Zuzu Boyle
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Yuzu is a fruit. “Zuzu” is a degrading nickname Azula gave Zuko. It’s fucking stupid and I hate it. And pairing it with the last name “Boyle” sounds like a disease or something.
Mai Kujaku to Mai Valentine
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THIS PUN IS FUCKING AWFUL. Yes Kujaku is a pun too but it’s a pun with class goddammit. Also “My” sounds confusing in English and is one of the few times that changing the name could’ve been acceptable. I would’ve accepted “May.” But no. They made a mildly sexist pun out of her name. UGHHHHHHH.
Hayato Maeda to Chumley Huffington
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I can’t explain it, but this name sounds vaguely like a fat insult. Also, it sounds fucking stupid.
Noburo Gongenzaka to Gong Strong
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…do I need to explain this one? It’s just… so stupid. It sounds more like a mockery of the character rather than a real name. It’s not even a pun! It’s just dumb. I haven’t seen the Arc V dub but it wouldn’t surprise me if Gongenzaka is treated like a joke considering his name.
Judai Yuki to Jaden Yuki
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If this were any other character, I wouldn’t really care about this name change. The “Americanizing” is bad on principle but if they insist on doing it, then I’ll take it as long as it doesn’t sound stupid. This though? This is the main fucking character, you should not be changing it, especially when “Judai” isn’t hard to pronounce. Like at all. Not that these names care about pronunciation though considering-
Takuma Saio to Sartorious
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This is literally harder to spell and say than his original name. And makes him sound like a fucking dinosaur, which is ironically how old he looks compared to the others.
Anzu Mazaki to Tea Gardner
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“We need to make these Japanese names easier so the dumb American kids aren’t confused! Let’s put a fucking accent mark in one of them! You know, that thing that most American keyboards can’t even type!” -some moron at 4Kids, probably
Copy and pasting accent marks is effort that Tea doesn’t deserve. Therefore, she is forever hot leaf juice on this blog.
Rei Saotome to Blair Flannigan
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The GX dub names are all fucking stupid. If I had less self control, this list would be every single GX dub name because I hate what the dub did to this show so much-
Okay, stupidity aside, this one is also a story issue. Rei’s very first act in the series is disguising herself as a boy. It is a twist that Rei is a girl. One of the things that makes this a twist is Rei’s name: a gender neutral name in Japanese. I’m not saying a boy can’t be named Blair but social biases and your very first thought are going to say that Blair is a girls’ name. And this show aired in 2004. So you know… maybe don’t make the twist that fucking obvious, dub. I know this doesn’t apply as much in other countries but this show was dubbed by an American company with American kids in mind so I feel like my point still stands.
Also, the name is dumb. It’s just dumb and upsets me.
Kaito Tenjo to Kite Tenjo
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I know this seems like a small and kind of whatever change at first glance and honestly it probably is but just… the audacity to take a Japanese name, remove one syllable, and go “hurr hurr, he flies like a kite, aren’t we so clever?” is just irritating to me. I’ll let Hart off the hook because that’s admittedly a cute name and could have some symbolism to it if you squint but I draw the line at “Kite.”
Ryoken Kogami to Roken Kogami
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Okay don’t get me wrong, this one is far from the worst change, hence why it’s all the way down here, it’s just... a pet peeve that’s gotten under my skin the more and more I’ve typed it in my tags. It’s extremely inconsequential especially compared to the previous ones it just annoys me.
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diamondsandlemons · 2 years
Hi sorry for being the least normal person on the planet about this but I saw you rbing some The Locked Tomb stuff and it's only been like a week or two since I got extremely into the series and it's nice to see someone I follow also show interest in it around the same-ish time as me! Can I ask abt your take on the books so far n fav character/s?
well I've only read the first book (I'm definitely interested in continuing with the series but I probably won't get to it for a while, esp. since I wanna get back into playing Ace Attorney games, as playing a visual novel kinda takes up the same time slot in my day as reading a novel, yk?) so there's def stuff I don't know abt yet.
but anyway yeah! I did really enjoy it. I appreciate the comedy in it, which I wasn't really expecting since like the cover art is so grim and it opens with some really dense politics stuff and a bunch of long names (that I just know should be pronounced with a british accent but I can't really make my head voice do that) and like the actual plot is very serious with deaths and stuff but nonetheless This Book Has Jokes
and its best when they're the dumbest, simplest jokes you could think of and Gideon says them out loud because thats the kind character she is. love her
Palamedes is great too because he entertains Gideon's antics while also being the one most focused on solving the mystery castle puzzles. (this girl who's been here for like a month and has never spoken a word to anyone is talking to me now? and she's rude? thats fine I'll just roll with it). he's also like the most normal dude in the whole cast. you feel comfortable when he's around
(btw what the hell was up with the thing he discovered about the rooms in Canaan House being from different time periods? like the different rooms are literally different ages? I don't think that was ever explained or brought up again???)
Also, for "lesbian fiction" being basically the one thing everyone says about this series, I was kinda surprised at the lack of a romantic plot in this one? I mean maybe there will be more of that in the other books idk, but like. ok so from the beginning it's very clear that Gideon and Harrow are gonna be the main pair here. and I was a little skeptical they were gonna be able to sell me on that because of where their relationship started, but nahhh I had nothing to worry about. they were meant for each other and enemies to lovers works great it turns out. but like. their relationship definitely improves a lot over the course of the story, but most of the time they don't talk to each other about anything but their jobs. its all bones and skeletons and locked doors with them.
don't get me wrong it has strong gay vibes all the way through (and Gideon is constantly commenting on how hot other women are, which is great) but at no point are Harrow and Gideon actually like. dating. closest they got was when I think it was implied they fucked once, after the pool scene. which like, good for them, I'm glad they got the opportunity to do that before, ah, y'know.
speaking of which I have NO clue what'll happen next based on how it ended. and the brief glimpse of the emperor at the very end was not at all what I expected, so that's curious as well...
OH yeah and speaking of the empire. uh at least the copy of the book that I have has a bunch of bonus material at the end, like in-universe essays and reports (and a pronunciation guide where I frustratingly learned I'd been reading half the characters' names wrong). and ONLY in that bonus material was it ever acknowledged that other inhabited planets exist outside of the empire. like for the whole book it kinda seems like there are nine planets that comprise the empire, and that's it. no humans anywhere else in the universe. no life outside the empire.
sure, the Cohort supposedly fights "enemies of the empire" but that's all that's ever said about that. could be like evil skeletons or some other kind of space monster for all we know. but no there ARE other civilizations, which I guess might be at war with the necromancers? it's cool to know that, that this story's universe is bigger than we've seen, and if I had to guess I'd say bigger than we probably ever will see, since there's still so many ghost/death mysteries and House history stuff our beloved necros have yet to solve.
ok thats probably everything I have to say about Gideon the Ninth for now. thanks for giving me an opportunity to put it all into words, lol
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firstaidspray · 2 years
So I ran a poll on how you guys pronounce my oc Nonia's name. Here are the results!!
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Originally I was gonna make a video with me talking so 1. You guys would finally hear my voice and my apparent "confusing accent that comes and goes" and 2. I could give you the most accurate pronunciation, but my throat hurts and I've got sinus congestion so I would've sounded bad. Instead, you get it in written form.
The correct pronunciation of Nonia is...
Non-yah !!!!
18% of you pronounce it as it's intended to be, including me I guess, because I had to vote to view the results for some reason. Not to say anything bad about those who say it differently, it's understandable!! It's a weird name that came to me in a dream so like. I understand why you see this name and you're like "who the hell is named Nonia and how tf is that even said?"
Here's some story on WHY Nonia is pronounced as "non-yah." It was a dream where my perspective was like I was watching a movie- Nonia was a character in that "movie." She worked at a gas station and looked just as I portray her, and her name tag said Nonia. When the customer asked what her name was, she said it, pronounced as "non-yah." The customer said, "Okay, Fine, don't tell me," thinking that she said "none ya," as in "none ya business." Nonia then pointed to her nametag and said "no really, it's Nonia, like Sonia with an N," and proceeded to explain to the customer that her parents came up with the name and its pronunciation as a pun, knowing that this incident would happen sometimes in the future and it would be "funny." She doesn't think so. Reese does.
So yeah, my brain, in a dream, came up with a stupid ass pun for an otherwise, imo, cute name. Later into the dream, her full name was shown to be Nonia Fonzarelli. Keep in mind I had this dream and created this character when I was like 14, so I had no idea what the fuck Happy Days was or who The Fonz was. I don't even think I'd seen that Family Guy episode about the church Peter dedicates to the Fonz. I'd just heard his name somewhere apparently, and it lived in my subconscious until it decided to become the last name of a burnt out gas station employee with a stupid pun for a first name.
So, that's the correct pronunciation of Nonia, and the story behind it. If you still read it in another way, that's totally cool, brains will read things how they wanna read things. Just know you're supposed to be imagining Gary Cole talking in a southern accent saying "non-yah." Hope this was an educational post on my favorite girl. As Peter would say, [Nonia] Fonzie be with you. Ayy.
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Same person. I understand what you are saying. It's just difficult, especially, as you said in the case of applications. I have an asian name. So I know when I apply somewhere I have checked my english several times over, but when they see my name, they have this idea that I cannot speak well, you know? It stresses me out. I have frequently been told, "oh you speak english so well." well yes, I have lived here since I was 10. But I still struggle.
Okay, yeah, that is not okay. Ever. That's racism, pure and simple, and it's not acceptable. I know it happens - friend of a friend got told once she's been turned down for a job because her name "looked black." She was white, but regardless, that is not acceptable. At all. Ever.
I know the psych studies where the same application for a job or apartment gets accepted more readily if the name "sounds" white, compared to something perceived as black, or Asian, or Middle Eastern. Again - not acceptable.
I wish I had a solution, but I don't. I know the pressure on people with "ethnic" names to pick an "American" one, too. Which, fine, if you want to. But you shouldn't have to. I sometimes get the Italian version of my name when I'm in Rome, just because it's easier for people to say (so "Emily" becomes "Emilia" or "Emmi"). I don't mind, but that doesn't mean others feel the same. I have yelled at my mother for saying "I'm not doing the accent" when pronouncing my girlfriend's last name. You try, or I am not fucking speaking to you.
You try. Because that is someone's NAME. Their identity.
When I was 12-ish, I was asked to help out a girl who'd just moved to the US from Vietnam and knew almost no English. When she'd first arrived, the woman helping her family had "assigned" them new names. Because they needed American names! Names people would recognize and could pronounce!
So I was introduced to "Tammy."
We were friends long after I'd stopped helping her with English. And it was a few years before she could really explain just how much she did not want to be "Tammy."
Her name was Thu Nu. Not even hard to say.
They hadn't given her a choice, when she didn't know how to argue.
That's bullshit.
I have a strong accent in Italian, especially on the R's. I can't say my girlfriend's name properly. It's a name we also have in English, but said differently. I do my best - not the English pronunciation. The butchered Italian-R version.😆
I've been annoyed enough of my life that my parents used my middle name, leaving me dealing with "huh? But I thought-" every damn time I have to fill out anything official.
I hate it.
So I'm very defensive that names should have no stigma, I do my best to say them "right," and if I screw it up, please feel free to laugh at me.
I'm sorry you deal with that. There is absolutely nothing about a name that inherently denotes language mastery or native language(s). My father has an insanely "Southern white trash" legal name. He's a neurosurgeon. 🤷‍♀️
But I take it back - sometimes a name does have a particular meaning behind it. My grandfather could tell you. He got stuck changing my diapers. I'm sure I deserved what he called me until the day he died:
Stinkpot. 🙃
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jessicamarianasocs · 2 years
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 “Tell me, Julie,” Yoshiko said as he looked around at all the creatures getting off the ship. “I assume Helvetian will not be an option for me…”  Julie shook her head when Yoshiko’s eyes momentarily rested on her.  “You will have to learn one of Earth’s numerous languages,” she answered. “It depends on the nationality you are given with your identification card, and what your name translates to up here.”  “They will translate my name?” Yoshiko was worried of losing the name which Kasumi had given him and which he had since then treasured.  Julie shrugged and started to rummage through the little pouch she carried on her waist. She pulled up an odd looking piece of hard material onto which was neatly written what Yoshiko assumed was her name and a series of numbers that looked like dates, along with a miniature portrait of her.  “It is called an ID,” Julie explained, handing it to Yoshiko. “It states your full name - in the language of whichever Earthian nationality is give to you - your birthday, how long the card is valid, and your nationality of course.”  Yoshiko looked closely at the card. It must have been a very skilled artist to have been able to make such a detailed yet small portrait of someone.  “See here,” Julie pointed at the top row of letters. “That is my translated name. Well, actually, it is my real name. My Helvetian name is my translated one.”  “Julie Fantasy,” Yoshiko read with a thick Helvetian accent.  “Better than nothing,” Julie chuckled at Yoshiko’s pronunciation. “We better get in line or we will never get out of here.” She pushed Yoshiko gently towards the forming line at the end of the dock.  “What do you think my translated name will be?” Yoshiko wondered, and Julie could hear the anxiousness in his voice.  “Let me see,” she said slowly, thinking it over. “How do you spell your name?”  “Yuxhecu.”  Julie went over the Helvetian letters in her head, translating them one by one.  “Yoshiko,” she said after a moment, and looked up at him. “It sounds Japanese.”  “Japanese?” Yoshiko had no idea what that meant.  “It is not the easiest language to learn, but I am sure you could do it. Do you have another name? Or is it simply Yuxhecu?”  “Yuxhecu Ice Wrisc,” Yoshiko replied.  “Aki… B- Black!”  “That sounds odd,” Yoshiko grimaced at the sound of his new name.  “Bilingual,” Julie corrected. “It means you could also be English with a surname like Black. Much easier. I would pick that if I were you.” “Thank you for your advice.”
 “ID?”  Yoshiko looked at the fat man sitting on the other side of the table.  “It is his first time on Earth,” Julie said from over Yoshiko’s shoulder and smiled when the customs officer glared at her.  The man sighed heavily before saying: “Name?”  Yoshiko said his full name and made sure to pronounce it properly so the man could spell it right and give him the easier nationality.  “Yoshiko Aki Black,” the customs officer said while scribbling it down on a sheet of paper. “Congratulations. You get to choose if you want to be Japanese, Finnish, or English.”  Finnish hadn’t been one of Julie’s suggestions, so Yoshiko quickly looked over at her questioningly. She mouthed the word “English” and nodded encouragingly.  “English, please,” Yoshiko replied and the man wrote it down.  “Okay, kid, here is the deal: you have sort of Asian looks, and an Asian first name…”  Yoshiko swallowed. Had he done something wrong?  “…so I will grant you a British nationality.” The customs officer continued scribbling down Yoshiko’s new information with a dull look on his face as he spoke. “But if someone were to ask, you are adopted.” The man gestured along the table as a sign for Yoshiko to move on to the next checkpoint. “Next!”  Julie gently motioned for Yoshiko to go as she stepped up to the fat man with her ID in hand.  Yoshiko was confused to what had just happened, but went along, hoping Julie would explain when they eventually got out of the line. The man hadn’t mentioned anything about English after he’d made his choice.  Julie was soon right back behind him and told Yoshiko that Britain was a good choice, and that their major language was English. Yoshiko vaguely wondered why the nation and their language had different names.  “That’s good,” Julie added with a smile. “I’m British too, so I’ll teach you as much as possible.”  With her reassurance Yoshiko felt a slight glimmer of hope for his new life on Earth.
– Arriving on Earth
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barbiewritesstuff · 2 years
Told You
-- Bit different from what I usually do but this was fun! I hope you don't mind but I made her like 13 because I cannot write children for some reason.
Request: you're Phoenix and Rooster's daughter and your teacher doesn't believe that both your parents are navy pilots. 
Thank you @astoryinblack23 --
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Mrs Higgins had picked a really random hill to die on today. She was usually a little strange but this really took the cake.
"I want you to write a short paragraph introducing yourselves and your family." She had said, her french accent particularly thick and difficult to understand today. You were pretty sure she was putting it on anyway. 
"You will read it in front of ze class and I will grade you for your pronunciation." 
Still, you had no choice. You pulled a pen and a notebook out of your bag and began to write.
"Je m'appelle Y/N Bradshaw et j'ai 13 ans. Mon père s'appelle Bradley et ma mère s'appelle Natasha. Ils sont pilotes d'avions pour la marine. Je n'ai pas de frère ou de soeur mais nous avons un chien qui s'appelle Max. Il est très gentil." 
("My name is Y/n Bradshaw and I am 13 years old. My father is named Bradley and my mother is named Natasha. They are pilots for the navy. I don't have brothers or sisters but we have a dog called Max. He is very nice")
It wasn't Shakespeare and you knew it, but you figured she'd pick at your choice of words, not whether or not you had lied about the content of your introduction.
"I do not believe you" She said, arms crossed ovee her chest as she leaned on one of the empty desks on the front row.
"I do not believe your parents are pilots for ze navy. It is very difficult to become a pilot for ze navy. Statistically, it is almost impossible."
You had no idea where she had pulled her numbers from but there had been a miscalculation.
"No, I can assure you my parents are pilots" 
"I do not appreciate your tone, Mizz Bradshaw"
She turned around. In an moment of terrible judgement on your part, you stuck out your tongue. Mrs Higgins saw you in the periphery of her vision. She instantly turned around again, fury etched on her wrinkled face.
"If you did what I think you did, Mizz Bradshaw, I shall make sure you are suspended"
So she did. At lunch, while your friends were going to get lunch, Mrs Higgins had dragged you out into the school entrance hall to speak to your parents. 
They had called your mother and when she didn't respond, your father. You were really hoping neither would be coming and your grandfather would come as you didn't really look forward to the car ride home. You had never been suspended before, or gotten in enough trouble to get them called so you couldn't be certain but you were almost sure that they would spend the journey home angry that they had had to miss work for something so stupid. And they would ground you.
But when a car stopped in front of school's front door, it wasn't Mav that stepped out but both your parents. You felt yourself pale at the thought of the lecture you were going to get, especially since they were both in uniform. But any fear you felt vanished at the sight of Mrs Higgins' astonished face. 
She had pulled your parents aside to explain privately but the sight of two stern fighter pilots talking to a mortified teacher was enough to draw a crowd. Bradley shook his head halfway through and left Natasha to it while he came up and sat next to you.
"Not entirely sure I get what she's saying…Something about you sticking out your tongue at her? I mean, I know you're a kid but I thought we'd outgrown that stage…"
"Sorry dad"
"Yeah… so, what happened?"
"I don't know. She asked us to introduce ourselves and our family in front of the class and when I did she wouldn't believe you guys were pilots"
"So you stuck out your tongue?" You smiled, you knew he was trying not to find this whole situation too amusing.
"Obviously not" You smiled " I told her I wasn't lying, she dudn't like my tone so I stuck out my tongue."
"That makes more sense" 
"Am I still getting punished?"
"We'll let your mom decide, she's an ace when it comes to the whole child-raising business." 
You hummed. Your dad stood up and went to joined your mom again. 
Phoenix had started looking incredibly infuriated with the teacher and it was getting worse by the second. If anything, Rooster was only going in order to mediate.
He looked at his daughter and then at his wife. It had always amazed him how alike the two of them were in both appearance and personality but Rooster had to recognise that there was some of him in you too. You had his eyes and his temper. Where Nat could keep her head on straight in difficult situations, both he and you tended not to think things through too much and just act. It was great in stressful situations, but it had gotten him in trouble more times than he could count.
Rooster wished he'd passed on some other trait, like music. When Nat had first told him they were expecting he had imagined teaching his child to dance, sing and play music but you couldn't carry a tune if it came in a bag, and piano was a no go either. 
He remembered when Nat had first told them they were expecting. They hadn't even been together and Rooster was terrified. He had spoken to Maverick and to Penny to try and be the best dad he could be. He was afraid he would mess up, that he would die and leave you fatherless, or worse that he would work and never spend any time with you.
But when the nurse put you in his arms he had simply melted away, reassured by your little baby smiles. He was instantly smitten.
Eventually, the teacher stopped talking and Nat dropped the death stare to discuss things with her husband. 
You wished they would hurry. They spoke in hushed voices, shooting glances your way every few minutes. It made you nervous, like they were an judge pannel on a gameshow, deciding whether or not to press the buzzer that would send you on in the competition.
You were snapped out of your nervous thoughts by someone's hand tapping you on the shoulder. Wendy, a cool older girl leaned towards you.
"Hey Y/n, are those your parents?" 
You nodded. At least, even if you did get punished the entire experience would have given you some school credibility.
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