#and when she said the original title 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
vivacissimx · 2 years
Hey, how are you? I asked you yesterday if I still could ask you about certain wisps you made and you said yes. So here we go…
First what you mean by Kingdom of heaven/ Dany origin story if Rhaella slayed, that’s sounds a quite funny topic, what is the plot?Second have you written anything about TOJ, I always found the mystery surrounding it and all the speculations people make quite interesting to say the least, I mean c’mon it’s Jon Snow birthplace.
Finally for hotd- verse I’m interest in “life on dragonstone” because I love the Targaryens and I want to know more about their life in their home island, especially for Rhaenrya after all it was her seat for more than 24 years (I think).
But only share your wisps if you want to. 😊Also if I was supposed to only ask you one thing, I’m sorry, just choose one of the three. I’m just a very curious person and given the opportunity (and also the courage) I will inquiry people about every single subject. Thanks I’m advance. 👏🏼
yeah the more the merrier!
kingdom of heaven
the premise of this is that aerys dies at duskendale (rip bozo) and that rhaegar became a boy king type at 16. however this is a rhaella POV so not too much on that, i do want to explore the distance between rhaegar and rhaella--esp with him now in the shoes of aerys. she's developed a psychogenic itch issue over time as a result of the abuse which causes rhaegar to worry & employ a few of her ladies to keep him apprised of her condition, which she understands as him "spying" on her.
i wanted to play with rhaegar's whole reading ancient texts at 3 thing as being helped along by rhaella's gift with tongues/translation, maybe even an interest in history. and given aerys' mentioned growing refusal to cooperate with the iron bank, there now being a need for an ambassador to be sent to braavos in order to negotiate the repayment structure.
rhaegar, who's been trying to connect to rhaella via books like how they bonded when he was a kid, comes to think rhaella would actually be a good addition to the party doing this & she agrees because she realizes one day that she's never left westeros. there she meets the tattered prince who is employed as her bodyguard (she has a complex about the kingsguard considering aerys' kingsguard didn't keep her safe). they bond over these empty titles they have that caused them so much pain & suffering and yknow it's a daenerys origin story so you can guess what happens next !
“Seed born of your royal father,” Pycelle blusters. “With all due respect, your Grace, to the Queen, to whom I have provided services over many a year but this child is not… born in the purple chambers, so to speak.”
“Rather blown in with the wind, hm?” the new Queen speaks. Perhaps impertinently, but Lyanna Stark’s face is yet soft with the fat of pregnancy, and a babe of her own lies in the royal nursery. Rhaella releases a pain she did not know she held and sees her son’s wife with a clarity she could not, in years before.
Rhaegar holds Rhaella’s blessed bundle in his own arms. He has not yet looked up.
Rhaella wishes to go to him—an old ache that she has always tamped down, a reflexive you are not allowed you will taint him you are watched and found wanting ringing through her fingers. The itch threatens her. A first since Braavos.
It is left to him to fill the distance, then. 
Him to raise his face so bright and measured, find her eyes with his own, so much darker than hers, yet of her and her son still. “Daenerys Windblown,” the King softly says, in front of all the Council. “Princess Daenerys Targaryen, the Windblown. Long awaited.”
“Perhaps one day she shall be Queen," Lyanna adds, defiant, denying any other the chance to speak. To which Rhaella can think only of Braavos' salty streets instead, and festival masks crowned with seashells—and freedom from all such premonitions
TOJ / all candles fall quiet
this is just vibes lol i like the chatty chattyness of two people newly in luv
“Fine, then. Your turn.”
Rhaegar hums, pretends to think about it. “The Others. The Others take this, the Others take that.”
Lyanna frowns. “You jape me. I heard southron men say it often at that last grand tourney. We Northerners are surely not the only ones who would say this.”
“Southroners say it, certainly,” he concedes, “yet not half so often. In the streets of King’s Landing, you will oft hear Maegor’s teats, or Seven Hells.”
She snorts. “Seven this, Seven that.”
“Shall the Others take them too?” he teases, and she groans. “You’re terrible!”
“Apologies,” he murmurs, bringing her hand to his mouth and brushing his mouth across her skin, rubbing his nose at the knuckle of each finger. Gods be good, her skin is always so comfortingly cold. “Your turn.”
“Arbor Gold?” she tries, and he arches a brow.
life on dragonstone
meant to be a slice of life with the rhaenyra/laena/harwin/laenor/daemon/qarl hexagon going on. i LOVE this dynamic that george gave us by accident i assume, i think it's so interesting & it's the one thing in fire & blood that i desperately wish had an equivalent in the main story.
Life has not gone quite according to plan, admittedly. Rhaenyra doesn’t wonder if perhaps… in the future, should her sons look back, how they might think of her. Of the choices she’s made, whether the love she has given them has been enough to make up for all the horror they have been subjected to? 
No, that is not fair to herself, Rhaenyra does not believe. They will not be children forever. She has walked into her life with her eyes wide open and her children will do the same. Laenor did, when she wed him, Daemon as well, Harwin always professed to. Rhaenyra has never asked anyone to accept what they could not for her sake, nor would she take upon herself more than she could handle simply in love’s name. Everything she has ever done is by her own free choice.
Perhaps Laena knew that better than anyone. It is this loss that Rhaenyra feels most keenly, as one who would be a mother to Laena's girls.
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thasorns-moved · 2 years
Turkey made a adaption of Strangers from Hell??!! HELL YES count me in!!
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