#and while all of this is tru so if the fact that he and steve are vers and switch <3
a-nybodys · 2 years
sorry steddie nation but im gonna say something controvesial
theres no way in literal HELL that eddie is a dom
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
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bucky barnes x reader. masterlist.
part 1 — part 2 (soon)
a / n. this is a series of 15 mini-drabbles to celebrate the 500 followers' milestone, based on one word for each story. this first part contains 8, and the next one contains 7. it was supposed to be posted one story per day, but by that way, it'd take me to last an eternity to post other works / requests.
words. 1.533.
warning, tags. none, just a bunch of fluffy and cute situations with bucky.
join my tag list.
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It was the first time since you started to date that Bucky had to leave for a mission. Neither of the two of you knew when he'd be back, and that got you worried than ever. You were conscious of what he did for a living when you met him, but you couldn't help but feel scared. Next to the front door of your apartment, Bucky left his backpack on the floor, leaning to cup your cheeks on his palms and kiss your lips tortuously slow.
“I'll be okay, (Y/N)”. He murmured keeping his eyes closed.
“You better”.
Your hidden threat made him giggle. The soldier felt goosebumps bristling his skin as your fingertips toured his neck blindly, just to put in place the chain of his necklace. But soon, Bucky stopped your moves to take it off from him and place his dog tags on you.
“I'll come back for them”. He promised, fixing his pale blue orbs on yours, holding your hands to bring them to his lips and place fond kisses on every knuckle of both. “I love you, don' forget it, okay?”
“I won't... How could I, Buck?”
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Bucky was sweating, still not believing he was about to get married to the love of his life. He was on the altar, waiting for you and surrounded by all of your friends in common. Steve had had to help him with a panic attack he had suffered while dressing up, thinking that maybe you could change your opinion at the last moment. He couldn't blame you. But all those doubts vanished at the second you crossed the huge, heavy doors of the church. Your beauty eclipsed him, wearing a white lace wedding dress and seeming like you floated over the floor. Just like an angel.
His heart jumped. His oceanic eyes got covered in tears. A giggle escaped his lips, stretching a hand towards you, still praying it's not a dream. And you noticed the tension and the nervousness running his veins, leaning forward to kiss his cheek with all the love you felt for your future husband.
“Can't wait to say yes”. You whispered into his ear, causing Bucky to lace his arms around you and embrace you tight and tenderly. “I love you, James, from now and forever”.
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After his most recent nightmare and walking all grumpy from one side of another around your house, you decided to cheer him up only like you can do. With reluctance, you managed to get him out of your apartment and drag him to your car. Bucky was like a child, cross-armed, lips puckered and frowning annoyed. He tried to hide the fact that he had another nightmare to not worry you, but you weren't stupid.
Thinking that glimpsing the beach throughout the large front window would make him feel happier, your boyfriend just reclined himself on the seat, causing you to roll your eyes. That mood changed as soon as Bucky was sitting on the sand, between your legs, tho. His back was resting against your chest and his neck was wrapped by one of your arms, watching fascinated the sunset on the horizon. He wouldn't recognize it, but he felt much better hearing the waves crashing into the shore, while you stroked his scalp tenderly using the tip of your nails.
“You're welcome, grumpy mummy”.
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You didn't want to drink, but Sam and Sarah wanted to celebrate that the family business was picking up. On another occasion, you wouldn't mind, but Bucky was there. So, when everything started to spin around, you lead your clumsy steps to the edge of the harbor, having a sit there and let the soft breeze help you.
“Stop”. You heard from behind.
“You're stealing my antisocial personality”. Bucky chuckled, taking a seat by your side. “What's up? Why are you here all alone?”
“Truth or lie?” You asked tilting your head towards him, raising both eyebrows.
“Truth”. He scoffed as if it wasn't obvious.
“I'm too clingy when I'm drunk”.
“Can't see the problem there”.
You chuckled, shaking your head inevitably, causing him to pucker his lips with a funny grimace.
“I've been all night wanting to rub your beard”.
Bucky exploded in loud laughter, not believing your words until you put your hands on his jawline. “God... It's so soft”.
His laughs increased, causing you to burn in shame. “No more drinks for you, ma'am...”
But the fact was that he turned to you, so it could be easy to caress his face.
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Bucky was deadly tired on the sofa, warmly cuddled between your arms. A while ago, he stopped to pay attention to the movie, turning his back to the TV to hide his exhausted expression on your chest. You placed the cozy blanket over your bodies, making sure it covered both of you, being aware that tonight you'd sleep there. You felt sorry just at the thought of waking him up, seeing him peacefully breathing and his face more relaxed than the last few days.
Shutting off the TV and stretching an arm above your head, you turned off the small lamp on the auxiliary table close to the sofa, before getting comfier by Bucky's side. Your boyfriend purred delighted, still sleepy, as your fingers got tangled on his hair and started to scratch his scalp slowly, urging you somehow to place a leg over his waist, so he could settle between both a little more closely.
“Feel better?”
“I feel safe”. He replied in a low breath, to exhale the sweet scent concentrated on your neck.
“You're safe, James. You're at home”. Your calmed tone made him sigh, snuggling you strongly.
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You snapped awake because of some knocks on the front door. Tossing the sheets to a side of the bed, you grabbed the gun under your pillow. It was stupidity. If somebody wanted to kill you, that would be the last thing they'd do: knock the door. You walked slowly, step by step, through the main hallway aiming to the door, more than ready to shoot your assailant.
“It's... Bucky”. You heard from the other side.
Sighing in relief and closing your eyes for a split second, you left the weapon on the dinner table in the living room. Not doubting on opening the door, you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow when you noticed the reddened mark around his left eye and cheek.
“Can I, uh... stay tonight with you?” Bucky inquired, licking his upper lip ashamed, bowing his eyes down to his boots covered in dust.
“C'mon, Sergeant”. You invited him to walk in, using such a sweet tone, while holding his cold hand.
He looked like shit but felt much better when his arms got wrapped around your waist and middle-back, hiding his face into your neck. Kicking the door shut, you embraced him tighter to your body.
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You were lying on the opposite side to Bucky on the sofa, but keeping your legs tangled. It was a rainy evening with nothing to do and you decided to start to read the book you bought last week. Your boyfriend was silently doing something in a notebook. Maybe writing memories, maybe doodling, you didn't know. But the third time you caught him staring at you, you had to ask.
“Uh... nothing”. He whispered focused on the paper in front of his eyes.
“Whaaat?” You kicked his right leg with your bare foot causing him to chuckle.
“Nothing!” Bucky replied using the same playfully tone of voice.
Putting the book on the coffee table, you sat up to lie on top of him, cuddling between his legs and resting your head on his chest. Glancing to the sketch of yourself he was drawing, you raised your heart-eyes to his. It was such a piece of art. The drawing and Bucky. Both.
“I learned in Romania. It kept me sane sometimes”. He confessed, leaning to place a kiss on your forehead. “I want to remember you forever”.
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“Truth or dare?”
Bucky narrowed his eyes, leaning on the table just like you did, challenging him. He was trying to read your mind to figure out which were your intentions.
“Dare”. He answered firmly.
“Put twenty marshmallows in your mouth”.
The soldier stared at you in silence, watching him lick his inner cheek and push it with the tip of his tongue. He nodded his head then, grabbing the plastic bag without losing eye contact, to start to place —one by one— the sweets into his mouth. In less than thirty seconds, he looked like a squirrel with his cheek swollen. Bucky squinted at you again, triumphant.
“Hold on, I need to capture this moment”. You laughed, catching your phone to take a picture.
When the flash went off, he spitted a marshmallow like a shotgun. And you couldn't help but laugh.
“C'mon, Bu—”.
You didn't finish the sentence, being hit by another marshmallow slightly wet because of his saliva. Your grimace turned into a funny disgust, grabbing it back to throw it to his face.
“You're like a five years old in a body fos— STOP!” You ended up giggling as he spitted you the third one.
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feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
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tag list: @whatrambles @phoenixhalliwell @homesicam @marvel-diaries @amelia-song-pond @heartbeats-wildly @met4no1a @weenersoldierr @petlaufeyson @sillygamingartghost @wildflowergubler @isnt-it-loverly @zealouspursecowboydeputy @rvgrsbrns @artisancowbells @plagooey @tinylumpiaa @hemsbucky @bxmaaa @quxxnxfhxll @soldierstucky @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @hateinthemorning @asemistablehundredyearoldman @purpleelfwizard @twinerd14 @nikkixostan @stolenxkissess @wintersfilm @whoreforsamwilson @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm @baconmuffins1216 @28cnn @hxlyhoax @lieswithoutfairytales @angrybirdxx @clownerlyluv @kait-is-always-late @marvel-ousnesss @natashadeservedbetter @ebxny27 @fanofalltheficsx @spider-man-lover @masterlists101 @lewd-alien @warm-sensations @stealapizzamyheart @talk-on-the-street @theresnoplatypus @need-serious-help
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metalheadcowboy · 4 years
i love stommy 🥺 hc that before they get together, tommy and steve would just get high and make out with each other as “kissing practice” (but really they have both been pining over each other for years and just want an excuse). eventually someone finds out (robin or carol) and is just like “jesus, how emotionally constipated are you guys? please just go on a date or something”
It’s like a tradition, every Friday night they sit on the nearly falling apart couch in Tommy’s old basement and take turns taking hits off the same joint. And they never intend for it to happen, never mean to make out for hours on end sometimes, but one thing lead to another and it just kind of happens. And in the morning they pass it off as ‘kissing practice’, but oddly neither of them really regret it a guilty as they might feel about the fact.
Sometimes things go further, Steve’s hand slipping under the hem of Tommy’s shirt to glide over the soft expanse of his tummy, Tommy’s thigh ‘accidentally’ pressing up into Steve’s groin to feel around for the half chub he always got when they did this. But it rarely ever got further than longing touches. They jacked off together once, and it was good, but decided that it wasn’t worth the clean up or having to scrub the cum stains out of the beat up corduroy couch.
But there was always one unspoken rule between them. What happened in Tommy’s basement under no circumstances left the basement. And that was just fine by the both of them, wasn’t anything they wanted getting around, not wanting to face the inevitable ridicule for something that wasn’t even serious.
And for a while it’s fine, for years actually they get away with lazy kisses and hopefully grinding hips until they both have a few too many at a party, get dared to kiss each other and... well. It’s more than just a simple peck, it’s deep, borderline tonsil tennis before they finally pull away facing the sea of wide eyes staring at them, Robin being the most shocked of all.
The next morning Steve wakes up on the floor of whoever-the-fuck’s bathroom covered in his own vomit with the word ‘FAG’ written in sharpie across his stomach where his shirt had ridden up. He wants to cry, he does. Curls in onto himself and sobs silently until some guy stumbles in and he has to move to narrowly avoid getting pissed on.
All he wants to do is go home and forget everything that happened last night, but when he walks into the living room to find Tommy sound asleep half hanging off the sofa with ‘QUEER’ in bold on his forehead it’s kind of hard to ignore. And he couldn’t just leave him there, he just couldn’t. So, he ends up struggling to haul Tommy’s blacked out ass, body half slung over his shoulder, to his BMW avoiding various body’s and discarded cups.
And as if things couldn’t get any worse when he got to his car, gently laying Tommy in the back seat before slipping into the driver’s seat, up came Robin, knocking on his closed window. He groaned, pressing his head to the top of his steering wheel before rolling down his window.
“Going so soon?” she teased, grimacing when her eyes travled down to the vomit crusted on Steve’s t-shirt.
“Shit off,” he replied, starting the car up, thinking about just driving away right then and there, “Gotta get ‘Queer’ back there home.” Robin frowned, peaking behind Steve’s head to look at a sleeping Tommy.
“I’m sorry, Steve.” He didn’t even know what to say to that. Okay? Her pity didn’t make him feel any better.
“‘S fine,” he lied, “Just don’t know what I’m gonna tell his parents, what I’m gonna tell my parents. This just- it’s so shit!” he felt tears pricking at the corners of his eyes again, sniffling aggressively trying to get them to stay back.
“It’ll be okay, just lie,” Robin instructed, trying her best to help.
“I don’t think there’s a lie big enough to get out of this one, Rob,” Steve bit his lip, looking in his rear view mirror at Tommy snoozing in his back seat, fuck.
“Then just tell the trust,” and Steve thought that Robin had gone mad.
“You’re kidding,” he spoke, huffing out a crazy sort of laugh, “I’ll be killed, my parents will skin me alive, send me to one of those camps where they ‘straighten kids out’ or whatever the hell-”
“Not to them, to him,” Robin motioned back to Tommy.
“It’s obvious Steve, just tell him, better to be in it together than in it alone.” Now the tears came, streaming down his face, wetting his already tear stained face. As much as he hated to admit and, and as much as he tried to pretend that he didn’t have a crush on Tommy, that he didn’t love him. Maybe she was right.
Send me Stommy/Kegboys asks!! 💛🌻✨
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Stolen Worlds 5
Queen of Thieves: Takes place just after the MC breaks up with Nikolai.
Avengers: Takes place during The Winter Soldier, but with additional characters.
Unknown!Nick Fury x reader, (previous) Nikolai Stirling x reader, platonic!Natasha Romanoff x reader, (eventual) Steve Rogers x reader.
Also just a statement, for any other languages spoken in this piece it will be done in bold and in English so that you are aware characters are speaking a different language. I find this easier than finding a bad translation.
Warnings: Strong Language & Violence. There are also some cuts of the film in this chapter, I have tried to edit as much as possible so that they aren’t the exact same...
Summary:  A new hideout made things all the more difficult to get a certain Nick Fury in and out without catching the glare of cameras surrounding the bustling city of New York, though Y/N is up for the challenge. Remy makes a deal with Casimir to not tell the others about what they witnessed, the only issue is, can the infamous conman stop Nikolai’s cousin from spilling the beans? Natasha looks into this Agent Z character a bit further now that she has nothing to go on, meaning easy bait for Hydra. Perhaps there’s something more she can uncover. Meanwhile Steve is still adjusting to the fact that ‘Z’ is not who she says she is.
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If you had to ask her how things were going, Y/N would most likely respond with everything falling to pieces. She suspected that her cover was going to be blown by Hydra soon enough, meaning that reasoning with the Winter Soldier will not happen any longer. Moving to a more secure safehouse, well, safe-apartment, she continued on her hacking duties, remaining indoors. Unfortunately when she was in the zone, she tended to ignore the outside world, ergo, Steve’s messages asking when they could meet next.
She didn’t have time at the moment, she needed to ensure things were going to plan in her books or it would be the end of the road for all of them. Hydra would win. Something within her struck like lightning to her brain. The soldier! Fury, who had been accustomed to her silence for a long time now, perked up. “I take it you found something.”
“More like remember something. The Winter Soldier, he has a string of words and numbers that trigger him into the monster assassin that he is known for. I… speak to him, to get him to cooperate within the Hydra ranks. He’s softening, in the words of Pierce.” The older man raised a brow at her words, wanting her to continue. “As bad as it sounds, I could see about programming him to snap out of it? The only issue is that I have no doubt that Hydra are pushing their agenda faster… I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not there anymore. Most likely trying to kill Rogers and Romanoff.”
Cracking her knuckles she tapped away at the keyboard in front of her, accessing files, while ensuring that her IP couldn’t be traced back to their current location. “He’s out… to kill Sitwell. He’s with Romanoff, Rogers and Wilson...”
It certainly was suspicious timing for Steve to come across this Z. In all fairness the man may have been from the 40s but given the danger they were in, Natasha presumed that he would be more careful who he spoke to. She was obviously wrong. Hell, the name Z is a bit odd, not even giving him an actual name. So she spent her time now sitting through encrypted data that is hard to bypass. But the name has popped up a few times. Agent Z, joined recently after Fury died.
Wait what? After he died… Hydra aren’t that careless given that they had been planning this for years… Something wasn’t right, but as Nat was about to put her finger on it. “I got food, if you want some…” Sam’s voice called out, momentarily taking her gaze away from the laptop. “Ah, thanks.” Slamming it shut, she pounced on her feet, nimbly moving across the floor.
“You look like you’ve got a lot on your mind… care to share?” Filled the silence between the two as she helped herself to some pasta. Nat kept quiet for what appeared to be an hour, but then remembered she needed to trust him, especially since Sam has let them crash at his place. “Just this Z person. She’s an agent in S.H.I.E.L.D.. My guess she was a part of Hydra, but the only piece of information I have is that she joined recently… as in, shortly after Fury died.”
Wilson was quick on his feet to contribute. “So what you’re saying is, either Hydra is getting sloppy or…”
“Or she’s our person on the inside.”
Steve wasn’t far from Sam’s home, he was merely a couple of paces away. Luckily the man’s neighbourhood was a quiet area. Hopefully there wouldn’t be S.H.I.E.L.D. agents running amok and causing chaos for the civilians. His head was reeling still at the thought of Z, he assumed it was short for Zoe or something could be his enemy. I must have fallen hard to get caught over it. Natasha was trying to be a friend to him, he valued honesty and if Z couldn’t do it then he’d get it out of her. She hadn’t responded to any of his messages he sent her via burner phone. She probably knows I’m on to her. All he wanted was to talk to her, if she was Hydra then maybe being taken in was the best to get more information out for them.
“I got something on Z.” Turning his head to face the spy, he headed inside to hear what she had to say. “I am still unsure on whether she’s Hydra or not, still nothing on that matter, but I’ve got something I need to deal with, a loose end…” Brows furrowed together at her cryptic words, Steve chose to just ignore it for now, after all, even if he asked it wasn’t as if she was going to give a clear answer, she would’ve done so to begin with. “Do you need any help?” The nod of her head shocked the captain, but he began to prepare.
Pushing his longest friend’s cousin against a wall was something the other man had not expected from the conman. Remy hushed any complaints out of Casimir. “Listen to me and listen to me carefully. There’s no need for Niko to know this. If you really want to value family then I suggest for the better, you keep your mouth shut about Y/N.” It was an out of character threat, but Remy understood that Y/N would’ve said something if she wanted anyone to know this side of her life. The side that was linked in with death and violence. As much as he didn’t want to assume anything, Remy trusted Y/N enough that she can handle herself. She was right after all. The Poppy doesn't get involved in anything violent or purposefully taking from the innocent. What she was doing must go against their beliefs, but that doesn’t mean that they would abandon her.
The cold stare she gave him spoke words to him, more than anyone else would. She’s doing this for herself and also for the man that was with her. He means something to her, and she to him. What, was something he would hopefully find out later. Shouts of names were called out as the rest of the band of thieves showed their faces. Quickly setting Casimir back on his feet, Remy frowned and shook his head. “Sorry, but she wasn’t there when we got there, it appears that Y/N has disappeared.” A solemn look crawled onto all faces of the Poppy, except Nikolai. His expression was more of pain and worry. He was griefed with fear that something bad had happened to her, much to his willingness of admitting it.
“Gathering from what I could see and find, she’s living fine, not terribly, but whoever is causing her to run, they frightened her so much that she thought we were them.” Looking down apologetically, it appeared everyone else seemed to buy it, Nikolai was more cautious than anything. “You’re positive you didn’t see her?” One guilt riddled shake of his head was all it took to convince the Thief Lord.
The fight on the bridge was a losing battle. Sitwell had most likely been killed off and now Sam was arrested alongside Natasha and Steve. The juddering movements of their confined vehicle caused them to bob, as vibranium-made restraints cuffed the trios wrists tightly.
“It was him.” Steve was the first to speak after a good 10, maybe 20 minutes of utter silence. Glancing in his direction, Sam observed the man’s expression, one of haunting. “He looked right at me… and he didn’t even know me.”
“How is that even possible? It was like 70 years ago.” It didn’t take long for Steve to put the pieces together of what had happened before he rescued Bucky the first time.
“Zola. Bucky’s whole unit was captured in 43, Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall.” There was something that irked Sam with the way Steve was acting. He understood the first time round was the fact that this Z woman could possibly be Hydra, but this one held more pain, like he was remembering losing Bucky for the first and second time, the latter being for good, or so Steve thought. “They must’ve found him and-”
“None of that’s your fault Steve.” Natasha seemed to be the right person to speak up then. If Sam did, it wouldn’t have been pleasant. Yet, it caused an uncomfortable silence for what lasted hours, when in reality, a few seconds. “Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky.” The conversation came to an end. Though, Sam caught on quick that Natasha wasn’t looking so good.
“We need to get a doctor here. We don’t put pressure on that wound, she’s gonna bleed out here in the tru-.” His eyes widened in horror to see one of the guards getting electrocuted by their fellow colleague. What the hell was going on? Panic ensued him as he had no idea who had hijacked their truck, when all three were under restraints. The helmet soon came off alongside the voice of Maria Hill.
It was getting rather late for some, Y/N had disappeared off to do god knows what in order to keep her cover under wraps. According to her Rumlow had been questioning her whereabouts and so she had to meet with him to get him off her back. Exhaling slowly, Fury never had peace for this long in his entire life. He may have been a trained spy but a part of him still held a small ounce of regret for dragging Y/N into this mess. She was the only other person he could trust in hiding him. She was a loyal person in general, even after she disappeared. He knew she kept tabs on him in secret when she could. He always knew. The young woman cared too much for her own good.
The peace didn’t last that much longer though, as his eyes snapped open to the sound of multiple footsteps. Seeing Rogers, an injured Romanoff and a new guy, he couldn’t resist a retort. “About damn time.” After an explanation of what had been hit with during his own assasination attempt, Romanoff was getting patched up from her own wound.“You’re looking good for a dead man.”
“Supposedly dead man. You can’t kill me that easily, trained assassin or not.”
“Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?” Rogers was never one to shy away, always one to get straight to the point. “Any attempt on the director's life had to look successful.” Thankfully Maria had stepped in for him, but he continued.
“Can’t kill you if you’re already dead, besides, I wasn’t sure who to trust…” The trio shared a look between them, but Natasha was the one to speak up first. “It’s clear you trust someone. They are going through a lot of effort for you to stay alive?” From her query, as much as it did imply Maria, he understood exactly who she was on about. Staring down at the assassin and spy, he took in her posture and expression, scanning for anything that could possibly be a trap. Noting how Rogers and the other man were giving similar reactions for a demand of an answer.
“The kid’s my niece. Been watching out for her since she was six. And the reason she chose that lifestyle… well I’m sure you’ve definitely heard the news.” And Natasha did. She knew what he was on about, though, Steve and Sam, not so much.
“What do you mean Fury? You’ve got a kid niece?”
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a-small-teacat · 5 years
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Billy Hargrove breaks things.
 That’s just a fact of life. Billy breaks things when he is angry or sad or happy. He breaks even more things when he is scared. He broke more things than he could count (hell, he broke Steve’s face ) and would break things in the future. He knew who he was. He knew that it was the reason why he didn't deserve nice things.
 But fuck if he didn’t try not to screw this one up.
 He had this thing with Steve for three months. He never predicted their fragile truce could turn into something akin to friendship and then into more, more than Billy ever dared to hope for. He wouldn’t even try to categorize it. It wasn’t a relationship (he wasn’t fucking naive) but not quite just fucking either. Dating? Billy wasn’t a fucking dating material. So he doesn’t know what it is exactly but it was something that Billy really didn’t want to screw up. Like he screws up everything he fucking touches. 
 But he fucking tried, okay? He bit his tongue until he tasted blood, he smiled instead of sneering, he acted...civil, which is more than he could ever say about himself. But it didn’t change the fact that Billy’s nice was still everybody else’s asshole.  
 So he knew that this thing with a fucking Mother of Six couldn’t last. That he would do something that would fuck it all up, that would make Steve realize that it was all a mistake. He came into this knowing that it had an expiration date. 
 So he expected this.
 It still hurt like a bitch. 
 Billy took a long drag of his cigarette trying to calm himself, tapping the fingers of his other hand on the hood of his Camaro. He could take this. There were worse things than being dumped after 3 months of not-relationship. 
 (He wasn’t sure if there were worse things than being dumped by Steve )
 He closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose until it hurt. He couldn’t help but replay their argument in his head. Why couldn’t he just shut up or stay calm like a normal fucking person? It turned out to be stupid fucking study date. But when he saw Nancy fucking Wheeler opening the door - the girl that made Steve look like a sick, kicked puppy for months - he was just so fucking sure… 
 He had every right to screw her, they weren’t even fucking exclusive.
 (Even though Billy was and hated himself for hoping Steve would be too)
 But with Nancy right there he couldn’t bite his tongue, couldn't pretend to smile, so he turned around. Like a coward he was. Steve shouldn’t have ran after him. Maybe if he didn’t, they wouldn’t have had the argument and Billy wouldn’t be waiting by the quarry, going through the last of his cigs, waiting for Steve to come and dump him.
 He threw away the butt and moved his fingers in search for another but found the pack empty.
 “Fuck!” he cursed, throwing it away. Not satisfied in his anger he kicked a tire of his car with all the force he could manage and punched the hood repeatedly. 
 He practically jumped away when he heard the sound of Steve’s BMW nearing. He took several calming breaths and put his hands in his pockets for fear of them shaking. He watched as the car stopped, his whole body tensing the way it always did when Neil called his name.
 (Maybe Harrington would punch him for calling Nancy a bitch. He probably deserved it.)
 Steve came out of his car, wearing shades and his team jacket, hair perfect as ever. Billy’s hand flexed inside his pocket, he wasn't sure if he wanted to run his fingers through it or punch him. He couldn't do either so he kept them put. 
 “Harrington” Billy called out when he saw him approaching, in what he hoped was a casual tone. 
 Steve grimaced. 
 “Billy.” He greeted. 
 The boy in question slowly took off his glasses, a look of determination visible in those brown eyes. He crossed his arms, staring straight at Billy who flexed his jaw nervously. An uncomfortable silence fell, one that only prolonged the inevitable. Billy felt like throwing up but steeled himself, bringing a comfortable sneer to his lips. He just wanted to deal with this, go to the nearest liquor store and get too drunk to remember his own name.
 “Can you get on with this, some of us have places to be,” he stated, voice flat even to his own ears. Though, he supposed, he should be proud of himself that it wasn’t shaking.
 “Fine.” Steve huffed and ran his fingers through his perfectly styled hair, utterly destroying it. He didn’t seem to care. ”What happened last night was not okay, Billy. I understand how you feel but the way you acted… We can’t go on like nothing happened. We really need to-”
 “Break up.” 
 “-talk about tru...Wait what?” Steve’s eyes went incredibly wide, his mouth hanging open slightly. Billy would have found it humorous if not for the fact that his throat started tightening and he had to fight to keep his breath even. Meanwhile, all of Steve’s composure seemed to have left him. “Why would we break up?” he asked, his voice higher.
 Billy crossed his arms, averting his gaze, feeling the familiar prickling behind his eyelids. He was not going to let Harrington see him cry like a little bitch.
 “Because of last night.” he forced out through gritted teeth.
 He visibly flinched when he felt Harrington’s hands on his cheeks yet he still allowed his head to be guided in the boy’s direction. He wasn’t expecting to see glistening eyes and pure fear painted on Steve’s face.
 “What about last night?” Oh, and his voice was definitely shaking as he drew small circles on Billy’s skin. “Because if you want to break up because of Nancy- Nothing happened between us, nothing will ever happen. Baby, I promise you, we’re just friends, I wouldn’t lie to you like that”
 That stirred something inside Billy and his heart clenched while his mind filled with confusion.
 “I don’t want to break up.” he replied without thinking, his voice smaller than he intended. He swallowed, leaning into the touch against his better judgement. “But the fight… I thought you wanted...”
 Steve’s face twisted. He shook his head, stepping closer and closer until he was just a breath away.
 “Baby, no, no, shit, I’m so sorry, I should have known better than to leave you in the dark like that. We’re not breaking up.” he spoke gently, wiping away the tears Billy didn’t even know he shed.
 Billy frowned, thoughts going a mile a minute. He pulled back suddenly, all of him screaming it’s a trick even though Steve had no reason to lie. He felt as if he had a panicked bird in his chest trying to claw outside.
 “Aren’t you angry?” Billy didn’t understand. His brain failed him. What was the catch? Why didn’t he want to break up? Did he want to talk about leaving their thing open? Billy didn’t know if he could handle that-
 “Billy, hey, hey, breathe .” He felt Steve’s hand on his and only then he realized it was clinging to Steve’s jacket. He let go of it. “I was angry and, maybe, I still am a little but...“ Steve smiled a little, lacing their fingers together. “Billy I… “ He sighed. “I like you I want you , not Nancy or anyone else. I’m not going to break up with you just because we had a fight.”
 As if to prove his point, Steve leaned in and kissed him, slowly, gently, and so so lovingly and Billy felt something inside him shatter. He let out a sob (Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic) and let himself be embraced, clinging to Steve for dear life as if that would silence his thoughts.
 “I’m sorry, “ he croaked out but it was muffled by Steves jacket. He breathed in the smell of cologne and Farah Fawsett spray, and Steve and felt himself tensing as he tried to stop another sob from escaping. He squeezed him tighter, hiding his face further.
 “I know, baby, I know, it’s okay,” With Steve’s words came soft soothing hands on his back and even softer kisses to the side of Billy’s head and he closed his eyes overwhelmed with the amount of feeling that overtook him. “It’s okay, you’ve got me”
 Never, not even once, in his life did Billy feel as if he could actually keep something without it breaking. But with Steve like this, whispering sweet nothings into his hair, pressing gentle touches over his scars, he thinks that maybe, if he tries hard enough, he might be able to keep this. 
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Suburban Life 4/-
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warning: angst, fluff, death, drama, comforting, sad reader, slow burn.
Summary: Steve had his daily run every morning. While running through the streets he noticeds a house with it’s lights on. A woman is dancing to the music, while making breakfast. Two childeren join her and they start eating. Steve is fasinated with the life of this little family and even stops to withniss this suburbane life every morning during his run. Feeling the need to settle down and the one question remaining Where is the man beloning tot this family?
A/N: Here’s chapter four, our dear Steve has givin you a hug. But what will the kids think of this and what was Steve doing at your house. Find out!
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Chapter 04: Screaming at the top of my lungs
For a second you couldn’t react, couldn’t registere what was happening, but when you did you fisted Steve’s shirt and started crying. For the first time in 3 years, you let your tears run freely. For the first time you let your grief take the upper hand. For the first time you accept that this hole in your heart is caused by missing of your other half. And this ‘stranger’ had somehow sensed you needed someone to lean on. He just knocked at your door and without any hesitation just took you in his arms. You didn’t understand it, but accepted the welcoming warmth his body radiated. Your crying had stopt and were replaced by little sobs. Steve was stroking your hair and whispered “It’s okay.” time and time again. After some time you look up at Steve’s face, you were welcomed with a warming smile. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what came over me.” You say letting go off Steve’s shirt and taking a step back. Instantly missing the warmth of his body. You wipe the remaining tears away with your sleeve and look at Steve. He still stands in your doorway, a blush on his cheecks and his shirt wet from your tears. “As I already said, it’s okay.” He smiles scratching his neck. Your eyes soften and whisper a soft thank you. Now you’re the one blushing.  
You scrape your throath “So uhmm, what business has Captain America with my family?”
Steve stoot dumpfounded, he didn’t expect that he had to explain himself so soon. What should or could he answer? Telling you he saw you cry, gave away the fact that he was looking through your window..well technically it ws spying, but just looking didn’t sound so criepy.
“Well..Captain Rogers.” You say interupting Steve’s thoughts. “My son swore he saw you a few times at our window. I always said it was wishfull thinking. Now Captain Rogers, was it wishfull thinking or did my son see you?” you asked, eyeing Steve. Boy was he busted. How was he going to explain this, this pull towards you and your kids. Since the first time he saw you, there was a need to know more about you. How could he explain what he was feeling, it wasn’t love, at least not yet. But there was something that was facinating about you. He caught himself thinking off you, off your kids and your day, multiple times a day.
“Uhmm..I guess.” Steve starts, but got interupted with a screaming Alex and Isobel running down the stairs. “Mom, Alex took my book and....” Isobel looked at Alex, who was staring at the person by the front door.
“Mommy, do you see him too. Is that…is he…it’s Captain.” Alex stammered
“Wow, okay, What is Captain America doing here.” Isobel asks. “Why are you crying? Did he hurt you?” Isobel looked angry at Steve.
“No, honey nothings wrong. Go ahead and get dressed, we're leaving in an hour.” You hug Isobel. “Alex, come on little bugg, go get dressed.” You lead Alex towards the stairs, he’s not letting Steve out his sight. Walking backwards up the stairs, until he hasn’t a choice and walks forwards further.
“Captain Rogers, would you like to come in for a moment?” you ask, Steve hesitateds, but walks in. He looks at your hallway full off pictures. How is he going to get out off this one.
“Coffee?” you ask turning the music softer. “Yes please and it’s Steve.” He says following your moves.
Pooring Steve and yourself a cup of hot coffee, you eye Steve while blowing the hot coffee. “So Steve..what were you saying” you say in your teacher voice, looking straight at him. He shifts under your gaze. He’s in trouble.
“Well.” Steve starts. “You see I run every morning..” Boy you can make someone feel awkward with just looking at them. Steve hasn’t run much this morning, but he’s sweating.
“Just tell the truth, Steve. It isnt so hard, right?” You say with a sweet voice, cocking your head. Steve blushs feverisly. “Well, to be honust.."
“You were standing by the window.” You finish his sentence.
Steve looks with wide eyes at you. How did you know this, he thought you didn’t notice him. “Yes, it’s tru. I’m sorry.” Steve felt like a little schoolboy. “I don’t know what it is, but fors ome reason I feel attracted to this house, to you.” He looks at you with stormy eyes, hoping you could understand it.
“For how long?” You ask with a soft voice, the expression on your face shows you mean no harm. You just want to know what is going on.
“Uhm. I think like for a month.” Steve holds his mug thight, just a little harder and that thing would break in two.
“Steve, I’m not mad. I do not know what to think of it, but I'm not angry. I think it's funny maybe.” You answer laughing a little. Steve dares to laugh with you, it makes the situation les akward.
“Sit down, Steve, we can talk a little.” You motion for him to sit down. You sit opposite of him. “Tell me how did you end up here?”
Steve starts telling you about his morning run. How he had never noticed the house until that very morning. The morning filled with music and laughter. How he can’t get you three out of is head since that day. The way you interact with your children, enjoy the music, how you behave so strong and then comes the question you’ve been dreading. “Where’s your husband?”
You look at steve, swallowing heavy when tears start to form in your eyes. You had expected this question. “Well..Steve..” you started.
“Mommy..help me..” Alex screams entering the kitchen. “Alex, give that back, it’s mine.” Isobel screams. “Isobel watch your tone you warn. Isobel turns towars you, looking at the person sitting at the kitchen table, she turns her anger towards you.
“Why did you let him in” she asks you angry. “Watch what you say, Isobel” you warn again, only your voice has an egde to it.
“No, I don’t have to. NOt with him around.” She raises her voice. “Isobel that’s to far, stop it.” You say angry, looking at her, starting a staring contest she looks back. Anger in her eyes, but you know better, she’s not angry about Steve. “Why do I have to stop, you let a straNGE MAN IN.” She screams the last part. “Isobel behave, not today, please.” You reason with her. “Well, TODAY you decided to let him in. I’m not okay with that.” She answers her hands forming into fist.
“Isobel that’s enough, he’s our guest.” Your voice is full of onspoken emotions. “I’m not done yet, If you’re done with grieving and want to continue your life, well I ain’t.” Isobel says, her lip trembling, hands into fist and her eyes full of unshed tears.  
You walk towards Isobel and take her into your arms. “Let me go, I don’t need your hugs.” She exclaims. “Isobel stop it, it’s okay. I know honey” You tighten your grip on her. Isobel tries to get away from you, but you won’t let it happen. “Let go of me.” She yells, tears slowly running down her cheeks. “Let me go.” She says again, only sobbing this time. “It’s okay honey, let your tears run freely” you say soft, still holding her tight. At that moment Isobel breaks and start crying uncontrolable. While holding onto you, she pushes the both of you over, falling to the ground. In midair you catch yourself and sit on the ground with Isobel between your legs. “Why, mommy, Why did daddy leave us. He knew we loved him. We were there for him all the time. We stood strong togheter. Were we not good enough for him.” She says between her sobs. “I know little mouse. We were strong, but daddy wasn’t. He couldn’t stand it any longer. He loved us with al his heart, but he wasn’t strong enough.” You gently rock her back an d fort. “You’re safe, it’s okay.” You whisper softly.   
Alex is watching from a distance, his own tears rolling down his cheeks. He tries to wipe them away. “Momma, it won’t stop.” He says sobbing. You look at your little boy, “It’s okay, little bugg. Come on over, there room for you too.” you say while opening your free arm. Alex runs to you and cuddles against the warmth of your body. Listening to your steady beating heart.
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heiressofnerdiness · 5 years
Ok people keep saying how much they hated it but...
For the most part I actually really really liked it. 
Up until about the final ten minutes, I was smiling the whole time for the most part. I almost had no problems.
Now, of course there were some major issues. Like, Tony “I just want to settle down” Stark dying while Steve “I’ll never rest in my life” Rogers went back and got a do over. 
Although, I feel like that’s not entirely and completely 110% wrong of a characterization, at least for Steve. Because if you remember when Steve fought himself, and said ““yeah I know” to his iconic line? This guy is tired. He’s not the same guy from Civil War or Winter Soldier. It’s five years after he lost his best friends. I feel the life would get drained out of you. 
(Yes I’m aware my attempt at an explanation is a large stretch, and I’m still ticked at it for the most part but I’m truing to be optimistic)
Now, all of that being said, I still have a problem with the whole “Bucky still in Hydras clutches” thing. Yeah. I don’t think there’s any getting around that plot hole. 
Now, for Tony Stark: I wouldn’t have had such a problem with him dying if it weren’t for the fact that he had something to go home to. He had a wife and daughter and finally got his surrogate son back.
And, let’s face it, the whole “I tried to use the stones to bring him back but it didn’t work :(” was BULL. Marvel  literally threw that line in there to keep fans from hounding them about that plot hole. They didn’t develop the why or how and it was completely ridiculous. 
All that being said, I loved most of the movie. 
That scene with all the avengers surrounding Steve, the first avenger, after he stood up to Thanos alone bUT was later surrounded by everything that followed him? Iconic. Peter Parker being protected by the women of the mcu? Amazing. The reunion hug? 10/10. Valkyrie being Queen of Asgard? Wonderful. Hawkeye not being in infinity war but being the first thing on screen for this one? Incredible-
Okay, and my take on Thor - i don’t think they were playing him down/simply making him the butt of the joke the whole time. I mean, he was a joke a lot of the time, but here’s the thing - he’s probably going to be in the guardians movie, where his character will probably develop more. And with fewer characters to focus on that’ll be good. And he scene he had without his mom was emotional and heartfelt - this man is going through some stuff. Do I feel they could have made him the joke a little less? Yes. Do I hate the fat shaming part of it? Absolutely. But there was more to it.
Anyway, for Bruce/Hulk - loved it. Amazing. Great way to do a character arc, but I am upset it wasn’t but actually developed on screen. Like, we see hulk actively hating Bruce banner then 5 years later, they’re just peachy? Ok then-
Nat and Clint - I feel this was the best way for that particular scene to play out, sadly, with the route hey chose. Nat knew Clint had a wife and kids that needed him - and of course nat had a family in the Avengers, but there was no way she would leave the Barton’s without Clint. And the way they showed how much they cared for each other. (But why Clint didn’t argue for the fact that he had already lost justness about all that he loved, I will never understand)
But honestly, the two BIGGEST issues I had with the movie, no one is talking about really that I can see:
2. It didn’t feel like a conclusion
1. Nebula’s memory file
Let’s start with 2 - the whole time, I’m enjoying the movie, sitting there, munching on my popcorn, but. It didn’t feel like a conclusion. Or anything they made us expect - which I love to a certain degree, but thereabouts a certain amount of finality and epic ness you want from a finale to an eleven year franchise. It just didn’t have it. 
And my first big problem, the part of the movie where I basically said ““screw this, it doesn’t make sense” - how on EARTH did Nebulas memory get into the tigers nebula? Does no one else have a problem with this?
How. No logical sense in my mind. There’s a timeline, right? Memories don’t jump timelines simply because you share a timeline with someone else. Tony, Bruce, and Steves mission would have turned out quite differently if this were the case, and it wasn’t the fact that it was technology - tony had to have had so much info stored in his suit. Did it transfer to the other Tony’s suit? No. The whole memory file thing was a ridiculous plot device because the writers couldn’t think of a better way to write Thanos in. Is my problem petty? Yes. 
But for the mostly part, I left the theatre happy, mostly, if not also sad. Of course, there were plot holes. But I did like it until the very end, and I can’t wait to ignore the last ten minutes from now until forever.
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rauthschild · 4 years
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“You Just Made The Connection” US Senator Tells Reporter About Biden Porno Links As Leftists Tell Trump “Die In Fire”
By: Sorcha Faal, 
An intriguing new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting how socialist Democrat Party leaders are attempting to construct a narrative to explain away the explosive Hunter Biden email stories as Russian propaganda, says this futile effort of lies and deception has just been met by President Donald Trump truthfully telling the American people: “Hunter Biden’s laptop is a disaster for the entire Biden family, but especially for his father, Joe…It is now a proven fact, and cannot be denied, that all of that info is the REAL DEAL”—after which then saw Biden campaign surrogate Jenna Arnold being queried: “You still have not answered the fundamental question, which is can anyone say that these emails are inauthentic and so far, I’ve not heard anybody say that”, to which she replied: “I don’t think anybody is saying they are inauthentic or not”—a reply that top American legal scholar Jonathan Turley responded to by stating the obvious facts: “Hunter Biden has yet to deny these were his laptop, his emails, his images…If thousands of emails and images were fabricated, then serious crimes were committed…But if the emails and images are genuine, then the Bidens appear to have lied for years as a raw influence-peddling scheme worth millions stretched from China to Ukraine to Russia…Moreover, these countries likely have had the compromising information all along while the Bidens — and the media — were denying reports of illicit activities”.
Compromising information about the Biden Crime Family so concerning to famed American financial reporter-analyst Maria Bartiromo, it caused her to ask powerful United States Senator Ron Johnson if the FBI investigated whether there was child pornography on Hunter Biden’s computer—to which Senator Johnson cryptically replied: “You just made the connection”—a stunning revelation quickly followed by Peter Schweizer, the president of the Government Accountability Institute, announcing that former Hunter Biden business partner Bevan Cooney had provided 26,000 emails to him, and that shockingly reveal how a high-level Communist Chinese group bought hidden access to then Vice President Joe Biden at the White House.
A shocking revelation of corruption that itself was quickly joined by the release of an email from Hunter Biden’s attorney demanding that the computer shop give the hard drive from Hunter’s computer back to his client—a demand that one can liken to closing the barn door after all of the animals in it have run off—as evidenced by the over 25,000 images of Hunter Biden’s demonic sexual perversions and pornography from his computer now being in the possession of top President Trump advisors Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon—images so shocking to the human mind the New York Post hasn’t posted them—which is why Bannon has just revealed that he’s behind the “Roll-Out Plan” to spread these Hunter Biden’s  images all across America using “Multiple Stories From Multiple Media Sources”—and that comes at the same time more trouble for Joe Biden has just emerged after a Ukrainian lawmaker claims a second laptop belonging to Hunter's business contacts in the country has been seized by law enforcement.
All of which socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden is refusing to answer any questions about and has locked himself away in his basement bunker and won’t be seen again before debate night this coming Thursday—and while hiding himself away from the American people he expects to vote for him in barely more than a fortnight from now, sees leftist social media giants Facebook and Twitter doing everything they can to protect him by censoring every true fact about what’s going on—and was fully expected to happen with Twitter, whose just revealed shocking messages shows their top leaders saying such things like all of those who elected President Trump are “hysterically fucking stupid people”—and saw a top Twitter engineering manager saying that President Trump should “DIE IN A FIRE” in a January-2017 tweet, and a year later, saw him ringing in the new year by saying “Happy 2018! Donald Trump is dead!”  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According tohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zhWHsfEa0U&feature=emb_logo&ab_channel=SkyNewsAustralia 
According to this report, with words like irony and paradoxical no longer being able to explain the defense of the Biden Crime Family by leftist social media giants and the mainstream propaganda media, the only one left that applies to what is now occurring is Orwellian—the societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society—and best evidenced as being the new reality in America when juxtaposing the just published leftist New York Times article “The Facebook-Twitter-Trump Wars Are Actually About Something Else” against the important new Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma”—that on one side sees the New York Times being in full support of mass social media banning and censorship, even to the point of them advocating that: “Both the platforms and lawmakers need to want to do the hard work of actual governance”—but before the American people allow themselves to be governed to any degree by these social media platforms, they should know about the other side as explained in this Netflix documentary, where the very creators of these social media platforms admit it dehumanizes people, disrupts the social fabric and destroys democracy.
One of the few people trying to warn the American people of what is truly happening, this report notes, is award winning Rolling Stone Magazine editor and journalist Matt Taibbi—who in his just published article “Facebook and Twitter's Intervention Highlights Dangerous New Double Standard” points out the obvious facts that: “The optics of a former Democratic Party spokesman suddenly donning a Facebook official’s hat to announce a ban of a story damaging to Democrats couldn’t be worse…Moreover, the Orwellian construct described in papers like the Times suggests that for tech executives, pundits, and Democratic Party officials alike, the lines between fake news and bad news, between actual misinformation and information that is merely politically adverse, have been blurred…It’s no longer clear that some of these people see a meaningful distinction between the two ideas”—and though warning that “The public can’t help but see this”, sees one of this article’s typical replies being: “With today's post, you're helping to elect Trump and his crime family…They'll take Obamacare away from us…How could you do this?...You bastard…Fuck off, Matt…You'll see what you've done…History won't be kind”.
To understand how any American citizen could react in such a nonsensical way after being warned of the dangers of their free press establishment becoming an Orwellian tool of socialist elites, this report explains, it should be noted that they’re under a deranged spell of totalitarianism cast by hard core leftist academics like Stanford University communications Professor Emeritus Ted Glasser—who in the leftist screed “Should Journalists Rethink Objectivity?” insists that “journalism needs to free itself from this notion of objectivity to develop a sense of social justice”, and sees him further saying that “reporters must embrace the role of activists”, that he says is “hard to do under the constraints of objectivity”.
The outcome of which, this report further notes, would see no one in America knowing what the truth is anymore as news and facts are turned into socialist ideology—and standing bitterly opposed to this happening are those like esteemed American legal scholar Jonathon Turley—who in his just published article “Censoring The Biden Story: How Social Media Becomes State Media” agreeing with Matt Taibbi’s assessment of how hypocritically dangerous it is for leftists to censor anything about Hunter Biden’s emails, adds his own warning stating: “The tech companies’ actions are an outrageous example of open censorship and bias…It shows how private companies effectively can become state media working for one party”—while at the same time he points out the glaring truth that equally applies to Hunter Biden’s emails today as well as it did to the emails belonging to Hillary Clinton leaked in 2016, they are true—and as Professor Turley points out:  “The funny thing about kompromat — a Russian term for compromising information — is that often it is true…Indeed, it is most damaging and most useful when it is true; otherwise, you deny the allegations and expose the lie”—and critically to be noted, are emails not denied by Hillary Clinton in 2016, nor is Hunter Biden denying them today.
As to how far the American society has drifted from the truth, this report concludes, is evidenced by the massive number of leftist propaganda media articles extolling socialist Democrat Party leader Joe Biden’s lead in the polls over President Trump—lying leftist articles used like baby pacifiers to keep Biden’s leftist supporters from hysterically crying at anyone telling them the truth—which is why the main leftist publications, like the Washington Post and New York Times, have erected around themselves paywalls to keep these deluded leftist babies out—and within only the privileged elite are the only ones able to know the truth—best exampled today by the Washington Post behind its paywall admitting the truth about how terrified socialist Democrat Party leaders are because: “Even the most partisan tacticians caution that the election result remains unknown…Polling, which has consistently shown Biden well ahead and en route to winning in the electoral college, is but a snapshot, with a built-in margin of error that can go either way or not at all”—further sees behind this Washington Post paywall Biden campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon admitting the truth that: “We know that even the best polling can be wrong, and that variables like turnout mean that in a number of critical states we are functionally tied”, as well as it sees Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh stating the truth saying: “The mainstream news media has spent the last four years trying to destroy and defeat President Trump, so why would anyone put faith in polling paid for by these same organizations?...The president is going to be reelected”—facts and truths being denied to Biden’s hysterical and crying leftist babies, and if knowing about would see them going insane—which is why none of them understand what it really means when only a handful of supporters showed up yesterday to meet Joe Biden in North Carolina, while at the same time, President Trump was greeted by thousands of cheering supporters lining the streets in Newport Beach-California, after which he traveled to Carson City-Nevada and was greeted by more thousands of cheering supporters, and without his even being there, saw thousands more gathering in Miami-Florida to cheer and celebrate President Trump—though for any of these crying leftist babies wanting to know what is really going on in America, all they need to do is watch the video made by the young woman who explained everything about this election in less than one minute—and who looked into her camera and told every socialist Democrat: “The Reason Why We Are Voting for Trump is “We Can’t Stand You!”.
From Lasse Burholt (above) to all socialist Democrats:
If you are liberal and can’t stand Trump and can’t possibly fathom why anyone would vote for him, let me fill you in.
We can’t stand you.
You’ve done everything in your power by trying to destroy this country by tearing down our police, our borders, our history, systematically destroying our schools and brainwashing our kids into thinking socialism is the answer to everything.  Demonizing religion and faith and glorifying abortion, violence and thug culture.  And calling us racists…
We are voting for Trump because of you!
0 notes
ofstaffs · 7 years
steve steve was absolutely walking on air. the weather was amazing and he was enjoying it with the woman he loved. of course, it wasn't a totally perfect afternoon due to his endearing clumsiness. after his second time dropping the venue folder, they decided it was better if peggy carried it instead. other than that, it couldn't have been better. "i really like the meadow, if i'm being totally honest," he glanced at peggy as they walked under a cluster of trees in magnolia park. "but the park is fine too, of course."
steve: im screAMING
peggy: OM G CUITE
peggy: CUTIE
steve: the ghostbusters theme song came on while i was writing thiS
peggy she didn't think it was possible for her to love him anymore. the bold and the brave captain america was stumbling over his own feet and dropping the folder each time he held onto it, papers flying everywhere, which required a ton of chasing. she hadn't laughed more in her whole life, and she was sure she had never been more infatuated with someone in her life. "i know, i do too. i just wanted to look around here to see if it was a backup choice," she explained, craning her neck to glance around.
peggy: lets just do them for a bit then ill bring rey in
steve: okie dokie
steve "you know, the first wedding i went to was out here." steve spoke, pointing at the patch of grass by the fountain. it wasn't exactly an enjoyable experience; they hardly knew the grooms and there was quite a bit of drama at the end of the night. he decided to leave out the fact that he brought a date to it. "you would have hated it. it ended in absolute chaos." he laughed quietly, knowing his future bride wasn't one to put up with people's shit.
peggy "oh, dear. maybe we shouldn't have it here, then. i don't want people to be reminded of bad memories when they come here," she said, biting her lip in concern. then she glanced up at him with a teasing smirk. "you know that if anyone tries to start /anything/ at our wedding that i'll deal with them myself." they couldn't exactly hire security; plus, they didn't need any. the groom was captain america, after all. "i don't think you'll let that happen, though," she winked.
peggy: omfg deans rper will not stop chatting me
peggy: like
steve: my ot4 tbh :,)))
peggy: actually
steve: im confused on how it all happened so fast
peggy: they kind of pushed it on kathryn and i
peggy: im convinced the mun is the same person
peggy: they're literally the SAME
steve: nO WAY
steve: mia's rper chats me a lot too so
peggy: yep
steve "i can only think of one person who'd be bothered." steve shrugged. that person was rey. she left early on in the ceremony and sprayed someone with beer when she returned. but at that point, he wasn't even sure if she'd show to his wedding. "i know you will." he grinned with a raised brow, tightening his grip on her hand lightly. him and peggy had already waited way too long for someone to ruin it. "hopefully everyone just keeps their issues to themselves."
steve: if somebody hijacks the steggy wedding i will take it ooc
steve: no shame
peggy: ya tru
steve: i feel like dia would tbh not trying to be rude
peggy "they better," peggy agreed with a firm nod, placing a hand on his cheek then slowly smiling again. "but i don't care if /everything/ goes wrong. as long as i get to be your wife at the end of the day. that's all i want. that's all i've ever wanted." she leaned up to kiss him softly, wrapping her arms around his neck.
peggy: BLESS
peggy: ok im gonna bring rey in]
rey joined the chat 2 hours ago
steve: yaaaasssssssss
rey getting some fresh air was nice, as her dispute with derek was still ongoing, and she felt like she had the opportunity to really clear her mind of everything. until she stumbled across a couple. as soon as she saw the red and blue clothes (did they plan that or did they always just coincidentally dress that way?), she knew exactly who it was. she clenched her jaw but let out a sigh and tried to walk past without her face being seen, tilting it away as much as possible.
steve: does steve stop her orrrrrrrrrrrrr
peggy: probs
peggy: i didnt know how else to bring her in lmao
steve "trust me, you'll be my wife no matter what. even if it means i have to become a minister and do it myself." he chuckled against her lips, gladly welcoming the kiss. naturally, he got too carried away, wrapping his arms around her waist and stumbling back slightly. he didn't even think about anyone else in the park until he felt his back brush against another person. "oh, geez. i'm sorry about that," the avenger apologized to this person behind him, before he quickly realized who it was. "rey?"
steve: i just did that instead whooops
peggy: nice
peggy peggy pulled away as soon as steve did, glancing at the person he had, literally, bumped into. uh oh. hopefully he wouldn't be recognized. she smiled apologetically and began to say sorry when steve said the girl's name. peggy's smile faded as she stared up at him, then chuckled softly. "is-is this a friend of yours?" she asked quietly, nervous about the expression on his face.
rey oh, great. clumsy steve, back at it again. she rolled her eyes and turned to him, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. she was sure she looked horrific, given she'd been bedridden for five days, but finally seeing peggy in person for the first time shocked her most of all. she really did look like her. at peggy's question, she just glared up at steve again before firmly replying, "nope."
rey: ouch
steve: damn steve, back at it again
peggy: i kept saying that in my head while writing jrc
peggy: jfc
steve "uh..." he stammered, glancing between rey and peggy. oh god, they looked so much alike he was getting confused. he genuinely did not know what to say. rey and him had a large falling out, sure, but they were so close. they were still friends in his eyes, best friends even. his eyes narrowed at her once she spoke. "no. she's tony's friend."
steve: yiggity yikes
peggy peggy's shoulders straightened at steve's words, and she stood protectively at his side, hand on his arm. "tony stark is no friend to us. it is obvious that steve doesn't want you around, so i recommend that you keep walking before i have to take action."
rey rey couldn't tear her eyes away from steve. her expression was a mixture of heartbreak, anger, jealousy, and distress. she missed him, but seeing him with peggy angered her beyond belief. she clenched her fists at her sides as peggy spoke to her, then raised her eyebrows. "believe me, i think that's the best idea, seeing the last time i spoke to your fiancé, he threw a coffee table across the room."
rey: riP
rey: sry im replying so fast im like trying to do this fuc kn g study guide
rey: ETE
steve: UR DUMB
peggy: FML
peggy: O K
peggy: KMS
steve steve was stupid to think this day wasn't going to get ruined. he expected the cops would have something to do with it, not rey. not his /best friend/. he glanced at peggy once she spoke, but rey was already retorting before he could catch up. "that's enough." the expression on his face was enough to kill. no more clumsy, adorable steve. rey awakened the beast that was captain america. "so where's derek this lovely afternoon?"
peggy peggy's head snapped up to glare at steve slightly. "so /that's/ what happened? you threw a coffee table because you were angry?" she asked in disbelief. but the expression on his face was not allowing for any chastisement at that moment, so she turned back to rey, watching her carefully. obviously she had done something to make steve, sweet, kind-hearted steve, angry and she didn't like it one bit.
steve: http://66.media.tumblr.com/902d809ec25de... LOOK AT THIS
rey "he's at home. i wanted to go on a walk, so here i am." she'd only mumbled a few words to derek before leaving, but she didn't tell him that. she was too afraid he'd poke fun at her for having a failing relationship. two at the same time. just in very different ways. "oh, but i see you two are planning your wedding. you know, that's funny. the last time steve was at a wedding, he brought along a date. but i'm sure he's told you that."
peggy: DED
peggy: REY ST OP
steve "yes. but you should let rey tell you what she said to make me so angry." he spoke through gritted teeth. he could almost hear rey's angry outburst about peggy and bucky leaving him. his hand flew up to his nose, pinching the bridge of it as she continued to spill like an immature child. "i brought natasha romanoff, my colleague. interesting that you bring up the wedding, rey. recall your little beer incident?" two could play that game.
steve: steve rn: (ง'̀-'́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง(ง'̀-'​́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง(ง'̀-'́)ง(ง'​̀-'́)ง
peggy "yes, i /would/ like to know that," peggy snapped to rey, crossing her arms firmly across her chest. anyone who upset steve had to deal with her. "i understand. you didn't want to be alone at the wedding. i get it," she assured him then turned back to rey, furrowing her eyebrows as steve brought up one of /her/ issues.
peggy: omg steve should do like a rly low blow
peggy: and then rey will just strt cr ying
peggy: bc i need them to make up
steve: how low u talkin
peggy: as low as u want
steve: idk how low i can go
steve: damn is this limbo
peggy: truth
peggy: idk like her being abandoned by her family or smth
peggy: or her problems with derek
peggy: or her family issues
peggy: rey has a lot of things to use against her ok
steve: i'll talk about her trying to get derek to propose cause i got an anon bout it
peggy: make it bad tho
peggy: or else rey will just be angrier
rey rey's eyes widened slightly as her expression darkened. now /he/ was digging. this was bad, and was surely not going to end well. she wished she had derek here to back her up. if he even would at this point. "well YOU'RE the one who had feelings for me while you said you were in love with /her/!" she exclaimed, motioning carelessly to peggy.
steve "why don't you tell her." steve looked down at his friend demeaningly, unable to bring himself to repeat her words. "at least i don't have to beg the love of my life to get marry me. i know who i love, rey, and you're sure as hell not one of those people when you act like this." the captain spat, grabbing his fiance's hand. "let's go, peg."
peggy: shIT
steve: shawty got low low low low low low
peggy "is that true?" peggy tried to ask steve after rey explained how he had feelings for her. if so... that was shocking. extremely. but at steve's words, she froze. ouch. that was a harsh one. but it was necessary. so peggy swallowed thickly and held on tightly to steve's hand before turning and beginning to walk away with him.
rey no... he couldn't have just said that. had he? he /had/. he didn't love her. once upon a time they were inseparable, spending every day together. first he had used derek against her, and then he outright said he didn't love her. not even as a friend. her hands clasped over her mouth in shock as her eyes fell shut, not even acknowledging them anymore. silently, she began to sob as she slowly crumpled to her knees on the ground, slightly ripping the comfortable pajama pants she had on, decorated with stars. she hated this. she wanted her best friend back.
steve "it was." he admitted swiftly, avoiding her glance. it was before he knew peggy was alive. it was a mistake, all of it was. she had a boyfriend anyway. right as he's ready to turn on his heel, rey falls to the ground in front of them. at first he thinks she's hurt, so he accesses her body quickly until he realizes she's just crying. oh no. was it really that harsh? his jaw clenched as her scene attracted attention from civilians in the park. "rey... just get up, okay?"
peggy "steve," peggy gasped as soon as she saw rey fall to the ground. they were friends at one point; and she knew steve wouldn't want to see his friends hurt. even though it was obvious she was just crying, she knew steve would still want to help. maybe. so she stayed back but watched carefully as he approached her again, hoping things wouldn't get worse from here.
rey rey simply ignored them both, covering her face with her hands and tucking her knees to her chest as she continued to cry. after all they had gone through together... that was what he now thought of her? simply because she was jealous? sure she had said some things that went over the edge, but he knew she hadn't meant them. but his words... he meant each and every one. and she didn't care that he was now seeing her break down right in front of his eyes. she couldn't hide her sorrow anymore. she cried even harder as she leaned forward slightly, threading her fingers into her hair.
steve steve pursed his lips, sending peggy one last apologetic glance before crouching down next to rey. he wish he could comfort her like he used to, but it felt too unfamiliar to him at the moment. "c'mon, rey. get up." he curled his hands around her forearms, making sure to be gently while he pulled her to stand. he meant the words in the heat of the moment, but now he was beginning to regret them. "i didn't mean it, alright?"
peggy peggy nodded her head swiftly as her eyes saddened. she knew he had to take care of this. he needed as many friends as he could get here in magnolia, seeing as they had enough enemies. and she didn't want one friendship to be ruined because of some simple jealousy. she kept some distance, but watched closely with a sympathetic expression as he tried to apologize.
rey "no... no..." rey cried as he, literally, tugged her up to her feet. it took a few moments for her to get a stable stance on the ground, but when she finally did, she began wiping at her eyes as her sobs became almost completely silent. "y-you did- you-..." she tried to say, but only wept harder, wiping at her eyes yet again and trying to move out of his grip. she was beyond humiliated and ashamed now and just wanted to go back inside where no one could see her.
peggy: wtf im tearing up
peggy: this is rly sad but its also bc of this study guide LMAO
peggy: but mostly bc of this bc aw
peggy: i miss my bbs
steve: omg dont crrrrrrrrrrrry
steve: im sobbing this sad ass song just came on my shuffle i feel it
peggy: right omfg
steve: speaking of shuffle wdyt about the plot shuffle
peggy: what about it
peggy: did they post it
steve: no they just talk about it when they get clique qs
peggy: oh lmao tru
steve: ive never done one b4
peggy: idk ugh
peggy: bc i dont want rey or peggy to be stuck with chars they've never interacted with
peggy: fml
steve: same dude
steve: can u imagine if peggy and negan had to be 2gether
peggy: riP
peggy: steve would be freaking tf out the whole time
steve: steve would literally bust through every door in magnolia to get to peggy
peggy: i love him what a nerd
steve the expression on rey's face caused an ache to spread through his chest. "i didn't, i-i swear." he murmured softly, struggling to hold back the lump in his throat. he couldn't believe he let his anger get the best of him and cause this. the last time he saw rey this upset, it had something to do with snoke. she was right, he lost everyone he loved. he always did. he looked back at peggy with forlorn eyes, almost as if he was making sure she was still there.
steve: im cryin
steve: ldr just came on im gonna fight
peggy: whats ldr
steve: lana del rey
peggy "it's okay," peggy mouthed to him when he turned to look at her, making a silent promise that she wasn't leaving anytime soon, unless he asked for privacy with rey. she understood that she wouldn't understand their friendship, and she didn't try to. it was for them, and none of her business. unless steve was being hurt.
peggy: nice
rey "you /did/, you did," rey sobbed, beating her fist weakly against his chest two times then just crying again. maybe if she wasn't so weak from the concussion, bruised ribs, and all the medication she was on, then she would've run away by now. or maybe she just didn't really want to run away. she wanted to stay, to bring back what they once had. "l-leave me alone," she pleaded anyway, attempting to tug her arms out of his grip, to no avail.
steve he let her hit him once again, her fists rekindling memories from their last fight. "stop, s-stop!" he curled his hands around hers, pushing them away from him. "stop this! stop trying to fight me, rey. i don't wanna fight anymore!" who would have thought, steve rogers, the kid who would fight anything or anyone, begging to avoid a quarrel.
steve: im screAMI
peggy: riP
peggy "steve," peggy gasped when he raised his voice, immediately stepping to his side and placing a hand on his shoulder. but she didn't stop him from speaking to her. he wanted this solved, and she didn't blame him. so she let it continue, and would only step in if things got really bad.
rey "then why would you /say/ that to me?" rey sobbed in distress, trying desperately to tug her hands out of his, though, obviously, that was impossible. he surely wasn't even using half his strength and she was using everything she had in her weak body. "y-you don't want to be my friend, you-you don't love me anymore..."
peggy: im em o
peggy: r u here
steve: IM HERE
peggy: YEET
steve "i'm sorry," steve looked down, letting his head hang low. he was apologizing to both of them at this point for losing his temper and control. "yes i do, rey! i never said that," his eyes were wide in confusion, "do you even want to be my friend? every time we're near each other we fight!"
peggy "it's okay, steve. m-maybe we should take this somewhere more private, though," peggy whispered, noting how people were beginning to stare at the three of them. if steve was recognized... the location of the wedding would be the smallest issue.
rey "of COURSE i do! i-... i miss you..." rey admitted, her voice thinning out to hardly nothing as she said it, finally peeking her eyes up to look up into his own. then she sobbed again as she shook her head. "but-but not after you said that. n-no... y-you meant every word... e-every word..."
peggy: midnight rip
peggy: and still working on this piece of shit.
steve: jesus h christ
steve steve nodded, instantly cooling down when he heard her voice. peggy was his happy place. any place, any situation; if peggy was there, he could do anything. "no i didn't, rey." his brow furrowed and his face fell once again. "let's go home, okay? come with us."
peggy peggy held onto steve's arm gently, though he was still holding a fragile rey up. she wondered to herself why she looked so sickly, but kept her thoughts to herself as she led them both inside, and up to their apartment. "i'll get some waters," she offered and stole a kiss when rey wasn't looking before moving into the kitchen to do so.
rey rey didn't want to go to their house, to where the two of them spent their time together. but the stress was overwhelming and she needed to sit down, but she didn't want to go to her home just yet. she still wanted desperately to fix things with steve. she let him practically pull her up the stairs and past the door, feeling too weak to do so at that point.
steve "okay." steve whispered quietly against her lips. he lead rey's weak frame to the couch, passing over the spot where the coffee table used to be. "-uh, are you alright?" he questioned, refusing to let go of the grip on her arm.
peggy "you don't seem too well," peggy agreed, bringing over a glass of water for each of them and setting it on the little makeshift table they had in place of the coffee table. she knelt before them and looked worriedly up at steve, silently asking him what was going on.
rey "yes," rey exhaled as he sat them down on the couch, closing her eyes and bringing her hands to her head. "i... d-derek and i were pushed down a flight of stairs... i hit my head and got knocked out. and bruised a couple of ribs... w-we went to the hospital and now i'm on five different kinds of medication..."
steve steve shook his head at peggy's questioning look. he had no idea what was going on. whatever it was, it was more than just her being upset. she looked horribly fatigued. "what?!" he exclaimed loudly. the floorboards in the house might as well vibrated at his staccato.
peggy: omg steeb my bb
steve: he cares so much about his girls
steve: peggy, rey, nat, wanda
peggy peggy's hands came up to her mouth at rey's admission, looking over at steve in shock. oh, no. she knew her steve; and she knew the guilt would hit him /hard/ after this. "i-i'll get some ice," she whispered immediately and jumped up, jogging to the kitchen to get some ice to cool rey down.
rey for some reason, she assumed steve had known about her injuries. but how could he possibly? they hadn't spoken in weeks. "i-i'm sorry, i thought you knew..." she admitted honestly, nodding in appreciation as peggy went to get her ice. then she moved her hair out of the way so steve could see the stitched up gash near her temple, with sweat-soaked bandages covering it.
rey: im emo
steve way to go, steve. he felt absolutely terrible for everything at this point. all previous guilt he had was superimposed at her admission. "o-oh, god, rey. i'm so sorry." his gaze fell to his hands, which he quickly retracted from her forearms and placed in his lap. once peggy returned with the ice, he gave peggy his best attempt at a smile.
peggy peggy knelt in front of them yet again as she finished wrapping the bag of ice in a paper towel, giving a small, hesitant smile back to steve. "back of your neck, darling," she said to rey, handing it over carefully. any friend of steve's was a friend of hers. she was choosing to look past their differences, as they obviously wanted to as well.
rey rey shook her head. "i-it's okay, i should've told you..." she whispered, feeling bad that she'd, accidentally, of course, kept him in the dark about it all. it was why she couldn't stand up when he told her to, why she couldn't leave when all she wanted to do was run away. but maybe it helped them reconcile in the end. "thank you..." she whispered to peggy and placed the pack on the back of her neck, leaning back against the couch pillow with a slow exhale.
peggy: LAST PAGE
peggy: ITS SO LIT
steve steve instantly sat up from his spot once peggy administered the ice. she didn't need to be on the floor anyways. "i don't blame you." after the whole coffee table mess, who would want to speak to him? he acted like a complete and utter fool in their apartment and in the park. "i'm sorry."
peggy "no, no, no," peggy mouthed reassuringly, shaking her head and helping him to sit again. "you sit, i'm okay." obviously rey wanted, or needed, his support right now, and she was sure he needed hers as well. they had just come back together, after all.
rey rey opened her eyes and looked sorrowfully over at steve, shaking her head gently. "don't apologize, it's my fault too... i-i didn't mean anything i said either, i just wanted your attention again..." she admitted. speaking of... she looked down at peggy sadly. "i-i'm sorry i was so jealous... it led me to do things that i wouldn't usually do. bad things, and it wrecked my relationship with the best friend i've ever had. so i'm sorry..."
steve steve responded to peggy's refusal with a tight lipped nod. "you didn't wreck anything." he murmured with sad eyes. "i shouldn't have got angry when you told me what you did. i acted the same way when you were with derek."
peggy: omg wtf when did u get here
peggy peggy smiled kindly and nodded to rey, gently patting her knee. "it's alright... everything's all better now," she reassured her with a light, soothing tone. obviously she and steve were very close, and it made her sad to think that they'd spent so much time apart because of peggy herself.
rey right... derek. that was a whole other ordeal that she still had to sort through. her eyes closed slowly as she let out a heavy sigh, readjusting the ice pack on the back of her neck. "i don't know what's going on with us now..." she admitted quietly, peeking up at steve again. "i want to be married to him... /so/ badly, but... but he's still not ready yet. and it's been /two months/... we've known each other for three of them... he doesn't understand that i haven't had a real connection with anyone for fifteen years... i don't want to waste anymore time in my life..."
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nok-abadjuan · 7 years
Nokia Jade Crooks.
Full Name: Nokia Jade Crooks
Nickname(s): Nok, Kia, Kiki
Sex/Gender: Female
Birthday: September 27, 1998
Age: 18
Astrological sign: Aquarius
Occupation: Tattoo Artist
Spoken Languages: English
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Birthplace: Tampa, Florida
Relationship status: In A Relationship
Race: White American, Black American
Ethnicity: Greek, Irish, African-American
Hair color/style: Black, curly naturally. Straightens it or wears it in curls or weaves.
Eye color: Dark Brown
Accent (if any): Southern Miami Accent, barely there
Height: 5″10
Weight: 150
Tattoos: Sleeve (flowers), wrist and hand (female)
Piercings: Ears, belly button
Unique attributes: High cheekbones, compared to Lauren London a lot
Defining gestures/movements: Pouts a lot
Posture: Regular
Pet peeves: Fake people, being lied to, being used, people who don’t cover their coughs or sneezes, people who don’t respect others opinions, weak ass niggas, copycats, passive aggressive people, people who can’t own up to anything, scaredy cats, when people tell you to do something as you're doing it, being betrayed
Hobbies/interests: Art, painting, drawing, walking around the mall, exploring places and things, hanging out, eating, watching youtube and going to the movies
Special skills/abilities: Very artistic but doesn’t really show it off, can do a split and back flip
Likes: Making friends, going out, laughing and being silly, cuddling, pumpkin spice lattes, baking desserts or pinning new ones from Pinterest, looking at herself in the mirror, looking at pretty women with nice bodies, going to sex store and buying sex toys to be goofy with and use, pranking, surprising people, reading conspiracy theories online, wikipedia is life, helping poor people
Dislikes: Being told what to do, being judged without being given a chance, sensing someone’s dislike for her or talking about her, people who talk about those less fortunate, being let down, fighting, arguing, not being given a chance, the dark, scary things like ghosts and monsters, scary movies,
Insecurities: Her weight, her shape, her hair, her past drug use and addictions, being easily controlled and persuaded to make others happy
Quirks/eccentricities: Dots her i’s with a heart, draws random doodles on any piece of paper in front of her, strongly dislikes the sound of chewing and hums a quiet song while eating, writes with left hand, but does everything else right-handed, loves to hug or touch on people
Strengths: Creative, love of learning, very wise and loving, really kind and sweet, cares about others, makes a great friend very loyal, forgives easily
Weaknesses: Gets in her feelings easily, very sensitive, gets her feelings hurt easily, easily irritated
Speaking style: Has kind of southern drawl, curses and says nasty things to be silly or funny, can be sometime ghetto in speech
Temperament: Bad temper, irritable, sensitive, emotional
Family: Her father Gael and her mother Tammy do not get along. They hooked up the summer after senior year of high school when he broke up with his girlfriend and Tammy got pregnant. He went away for college with his girlfriend and eventually married her. He was barely in Nokia’s life and his wife now ex wife, forced him to stay out of Nokia’s life. She grew up with her white side of the family. Being the only dark one, she was picked on and set apart a lot. Her and her mother were kicked out her grandmother’s house and were homeless, lived in a woman’s shelter, then lived in a trailer with her mother’s boyfriend at 12, then they finally got their own 1 bedroom apartment. When she was 15/16 he took her mother to custody after his divorce and won custody over her because he had the money; being a surgeon. She moved to Miami to live with him and to live a better life, taking fun trips and having her own room.
How does (s)he feel about his/her family? She doesn’t like her maternal grandmother. She’s racist against blacks and thinks they’re dirty and did not forget to remind Nokia about herself and her father. She used to tell Tammy she was a slut for sleeping with a black man and having his baby. She called Nokia a porch monkey and little monkey. Called her a nigger whenever she was angry and drunk. Tammy and Nokia are close but they have their drifting moments. Nokia got her drug and alcohol habits from her mother. She used to buy her mother cigarettes and started stealing them to smoke with her friends. She started drinking alcohol because sometimes that was all there was in the house. They got high together a few times but Nokia got clean and her mother still struggles with her own addictions which she tries to hide but Nokia knows the truth. Nokia and Gael are now cooler than when she was younger and first moved in with him. She hated him because her grandmother filled her head with negative thoughts. She used to love when he came to see her or called her as a kid. She got older and realized he put his wife before her and hated him for it and the fact that she had to struggle growing up. They’re now in a better place because Nokia is learning how to forgive people and let things go.
How does his/her family feel about him/her? Her mother depends a lot on her. Since they kind of grew up together, being that she was young herself when she had her; they’re like sisters. Nokia’s father tries to do everything to keep her happy but shows his disappointment when she’s not happy with her. They both love her and she’s the only reason they’d ever come together but she never has asked them to, so they don’t see each other. They haven’t been in the same room in years.
Pets: None.
Where does (s)he live? Her father helped her get a small place but she’s breaking her lease because her boyfriend wants her to move in, so she’s living with him now in a really nice townhouse.
What is it like there? Enough rooms, beautiful from the outside, not much going on. Very calm atmosphere, quiet neighborhood.
Description of his/her home: Modern Townhouse.
Description of his/her bedroom: She sleeps in her boyfriend’s bedroom. Is moving in new furniture and they’re changing the decoration to be more neutral and sexy for the both of them.
Introvert or extrovert? Ambivert
Optimist or pessimist? Realist
Leader or follower? Depends on the situation
Confident or self-conscious? Self-Conscious
Cautious or careless? Careless
Religious or secular? Secular for the most part
Passionate or apathetic? Passionate
Book smarts or street smarts? Street Smarts
Compliments or insults? Compliments
Pajamas or lingerie? Pajamas
Favorite color: Black, Lavender, Lilac
Favorite clothing style/outfit: Tshirts, shorts, pants, sweatpants, dresses, heels, sneakers, flats. Has a girly but boyish style.
Favorite bands/songs/type of music: Yellowcard, Linkin Park, Paramore, Green Day, No Doubt, Gwen Stefani, Bob Marley, The Wailers, Peter Tosh, Shaggy, Destiny’s Child, Jodeci, TLC, Dru Hill, Xscape, B2K ,The Supremes, The Temptations, The Isley Brothers, Rihanna, Frank Ocean, Michael Jackson, Prince, Erykah Badu, Janelle Monae, Lauryn Hill, Chaka Khan, Ciara, Whitney Houston, Jazmin Sullivan
Favorite movies: Coming to America, Love Jones, Woo, Eve’s Bayou, Set it Off, The Grinch, Home Alone, This Christmas, The Preacher’s Wife, City of God, Cooley High, Juice, Losing Isaiah, Poetic Justice, The Wiz, Love & Basketball, The Last King of Scotland, The Princess and the Frog, Dreamgirls, Coming of age movies, cartoon movies, biopics etc.
Favorite TV shows: Atlanta, Insecure, Chappelle’s show, OITNB, Blackish, Power, The Proud Family, A Different World, The Boondocks, Girlfriends, One on One, In Living Color, Family Matters, Moesha, The Steve Harvey Show, Parkers, Talk shows, Court TV/Judge shows, crime shows, Half & Half, Survivor’s Remorse, Hey Arnold, Criminal Minds, RHOATL, Black Ink Crew, LHH, Fresh Prince
Favorite books: Monster, The Coldest Winter Ever, Kite Runner, Aesop Fables, The Wave, Desert Flower, Of Mice and Men, Number the Stars, Hunger Games, Life of Pi, The Giver, My Sister’s Keeper, The DUFF, The Lightning Thief, The Maze Runner, The Outsiders, Speak, Stargirl, The First Part Last, Tyrell, Good Girlz series, Kimani Tru books, Drama High series, Bluford High series
Favorite foods/drinks: Pasta, pizza with a lot of sauce, anything cheesy, fried chicken, buffalo wings with blue cheese, McDonald’s fries, slushies, homemade lemonade, gummy bears, skittles, zebra cakes, saltine crackers, apple juice, grape juice
Favorite sports/sports teams: None
Favorite actors/actresses: None
Favorite time of day: Night Time
Favorite weather/season: When it’s chilly outside or it rains and thunderstorms, warm breezy days
Favorite animal: None
Fears/Superstitions: Other people dogs scare her, scared of the dark, scary movies, ghosts, monsters, scary stories
Political views: None
Religion/philosophy of life: Believes in God but doesn’t go to church, wasn’t brought up in church, only knows basic biblical stories everyone else knows
Allergies: Spiders
Addictions: Used to have a drug and alcohol problem. Heavy drugs like cocaine, LSD, shrooms and weed
Best school subject: She was always good in math, gym class and art
Worst school subject: Hated science
School clubs/sports: None
How does (s)he get money? Tattoo Artist and her father gives her something like an allowance
How is (s)he with technology? Very good with technology and social media
Fondest memory: Going to the kids choice awards with her dad when she was 12.
Dream vacation: Anywhere with water, beach, sand and beautiful tourists spots
Best thing that has ever happened to this character: Rose Kairi Knight
Worst thing that has ever happened to this character: Being addicted, trying to fit in, her upbringing, doing things for attention, being jumped and bullied, being physically abused, getting hit by a car
What does (s)he want to be when (s)he grows up? She never really had dreams or thought about that
Perfect date: Anywhere as long as the conversation is good and they can both laugh and make memories
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Young Caucasians Soundcloud playlist
The Young Caucasians 1980-1989
Matt Hahn- Vocals
Judd Lees- Guitar
Andy Kaulkin- Keys, Guitar
Jerry Hergenreder- Bass
Bill Kalish- Drums
Ted Vanderclute: Vocals; Jack Lees: Drums; Bob Bullock: Bass; Go Go Tim: Rapping & percussion; Mark Philips: Guitar
Pop Quiz- 1983;  The White Stuff- 1986; The Shroud Of Elvis- 1987
The Young Caucasians was my band from '79 or '80 until '89 when we split up and i moved to LA.
The band was started by myself and guitarist Judd Lees with his brother Jack on drums and a really interesting bass player named Bob Bullock and our good friend Ted Vanderclute on vocals.   Judd was a musical omnivore.  More-so than me, and very studious.  He was good at playing pretty much any style he wanted to.
We started out doing Grateful Dead and classic rock covers plus a lot of 60s r&b, which i was obsessed with, as well as some originals that were written by myself and lyricist, Andrew Ellen.  By the time we started gigging and recording, we had morphed into an r&b flavored 60s garage punk type of band with a bit of early rock and roll and more of a focus on originals.  
Right around this time, Andrew died in a car accident, but left me with stacks of lyrics that i continued to write music to for the next few years.  all the songs on this playlist up until the "white stuff" sessions are his lyrics.  After that the lyrics are mostly mine.
About the lyrics.  Lyrics were never supposed to be an important part of the band.  We knew Andrew was a talented lyricist, but I was not sophisticated enough to really pay attention to what he was writing about.  I was really only going off of the sounds of the words.  He is the one who got me into all the big lyric writers like Bob, Tom, Neil, Bruce, etc.... but, even though i loved those artists, i really only listened to them phonetically as well.  I didn’t really start taking it seriously until i started writing them, and even then it was a while before i started to understand it.  The point of this band wasn’t lyrics though.  it was about fun and energy and crowd interaction.  I talk about lyrics on this blog because the process of learning about them became important to me, and i feel self consious about my lyric writing in this band.   Listening back now, I really like Andrews lyrics a lot.  He died when he was 18 so they were all written by a teenager, but they were youthfully fatalistic, ambitious and passionate and actually fit what we were doing really well most of the time. Most of my lyrics in the band were way worse.
Around '82 we had a big personnel shift and the real band started coming together with the addition of Matt Hahn on vocals and Jerry Hergenreder on Bass.  Matt is a big personality and a great performer.  He created the personality of the band, which was really fun and energetic.  To me, he sang a lot like Buddy Holly (in the early days), which was very unique for this type of band.  Matt loved the Beatles.  Matt and I both loved the Ramones.
Jerry has a very natural musicality and had a great feel for r&b.  in addition to bass, Jerry wrote most of the background vocals and wrote songs for the band as well. He probably was the most tuned in with the funky stuff and we probably couldn't have done the Go Go as well without him.  Because of these guys, we were incorporating a lot of showmanship and flashy r&b cadences in the arrangements and got a reputation as a really great live band.
At this point, Judd had become a very serious guitarist and was deep into chuck berry, steve cropper, and roots music in general which is actually my favorite part of this music when i listen back to it now.  any actual toughness in our sound would definitely be attributed to him. He was probably the most professional player in the band as well.  on some of the live recordings he is the only one holding it down while the rest of us are flailing, caught up on our stage moves.
Jack was younger than us and was more into commercial hard rock, but he was a very accomplished drummer and his precision gave us a punky edge.
In my mind, we were The Ramones meets The Rascals, but the other band members brought their thing into it so that was really just a starting point.
Our Pop Quiz ep was made half with this band and half with a new drummer, Bill Kalish, who was an NRBQ fan and brought a little of that looser vibe into the band.  Jack was great, but we wern’t really his taste in music, and Bill ended up fitting in with us really well.
the song "Natalie" from pop quiz got played a lot on local radio station called WHFS, and we started doing really well at our gigs and playing out of town more.  Local promoters liked us and we opened for a lot of national touring bands including multiple shows with bands like the Fleshtones and The Ramones (5 times!).  We were a smaller band in the same scene as local heroes, The Slickee Boys, Tru Fax and The Insaniacs, and The Insect Surfers, to whom we were sort of the little brother band.  In fact Pop Quiz was on the same label as the Surfers, Wasp records, owned by local record store owner, Bill Asp.
I think this is when we were at our best.  we were a fun, goofy band and in addition to club gigs, we got invited to play at a lot of schools and dances.  We were very proud of our live show and always working on it.   The originals were catchy, but we also knew a lot of old r&b tunes and we enjoyed winning over tough crowds.
Around this this time, a local studio offered us free studio time to make our next album thinking that being associated with us would bring them business...big mistake!  we took forever and never finished the record.... i included a couple from this session (unmixed).  there were actually a bunch of good songs from this period but unfortunately the recordings are lame and wimpy.  We probably should have released it anyway.  This was the last of Andrew’s lyrics and sort of the beginning of the end of the band. First of all, this is the point that i started writing lyrics which weren't very good.  a lot of word vomit….nothing to say…swaying from portentous to silly and back...  But even worse, this is when i started taking myself seriously as a songwriter and started wanting the band to be taken more seriously.... without the actual songs to back it up, of course.  I started playing guitar more live with the band because i was writing on the guitar, and the band was getting less fun. Also, the focus on lyrics and the switch to writing on the guitar made the music simpler and less distinctive than the earlier stuff.
  Luckily, while this was happening, we stumbled into the DC Go Go scene where we had a lot of fun playing those kind of shows.  There was a guy named Kenny Marshall that i worked with at a record store who introduced me to the scene and he was in the band for a short while.  Kenny was a good rap writer and he wrote the rap in “Right On Time” He also introduced us to Go Go Tim, who was a really talented mc and percussionist.  Tim was actually in the band for a while and played on our 2nd ep, The White Stuff, which included one of our attempts to mix gogo and rock&roll, the very catchy but ridiculous, “Right On Time”.  It’s a dumb song but it was popular at our shows and got played on our cool local radio station.  It may have been the first lyric i ever wrote.  Its literally random rhyming words and phrases put together with no meaning.  Another early song that i now think was much better than Right On Time was “Your My Reason”.  I think i was trying to write like Andrew, but was ultimately embarrassed by it’s earnestness so I didn’t want it on the album. Instead, we had a bunch of songs that made no sense.  I have a hard time listening to this album because of the words,  but i included some of the songs because we were definitely trying some new things musically.  Its a little more “professional” and “accomplished” than Pop Quiz. For better or worse, we were evolving.
I should also mention that before we recorded the White Stuff, we had an unfortunate episode where we worked with a pop producer and recorded some of these songs with really slick, un-listenable production.  The only redeeming value of these recordings is that the version of Right on Time features Kenny doing his own rap in that classic 80s broadcaster style.  i still couldn’t stomach putting it on the playlist.
Live, the Go Go thing was pretty awesome.  We did some crazy gigs, like the time we opened for Trouble Funk and r&b star, Shannon at a football stadium at North Carolina A&T for thousands of people.   We had a lot of cool experiences that were way outside of the scene we came up in and it really kept things interesting on the surface.
Unfortunately, as a rock band, we were getting more unfocused. The next record, “The Shroud of Elvis” is sort of all over the place…. some stones-y rock with the 2 guitars….some awkward attempts at a funk rock hybrid,  some really portentous songs, but some good ones.  I was listening to a lot of Television, Clash, Velvet Underground, Husker Du, Replacements...None of it really fit in with the Go Go stuff the way our earlier music had.  Having said that, the band was playing really well at this point, especially Judd.  Some of these tracks did come out pretty good.  In particular, I Don’t Love You, which is a total stones rip off, but is still kind of clever and catchy.  I also included Real Things which is closer to the stuff i was doing on my own, but the band and Matt sound great with it.
Judd quit at some point after that and was replaced by a guy named Mark Philips.  He was younger, more from a punk/post-punk background and, listening back, did not fit our sound as well as Judd.  I have some recordings with him, but i didn’t include them because they sounded really forced and the songs were also pretty bad.  
We did end up back in the studio one more time in 88 or 89 before the band finally broke up.  We did a lot of straight up go go in our shows but never recorded any, so we wanted to do that, and that is “This Joint Is Bumpin”…. i actually think it came out pretty good, for what it is, and was in the spirit of our early stuff in its own way.
I don’t remember exactly how and when the band broke up, but i think it was late ’88; early ’89.  I spent most of 89 working on my own music and i moved to LA at the end of that year.  
I hadn’t really much thought about the Young Caucasians (or my own music from that time)  since my life took other directions in the mid ‘90s  The band existed before i fell in love with chicago blues, or delta blues, or Erroll Garner, or took piano lessons, or listened to classical music or electronic music or latin music and so much more of what informs my tastes these days.  However,  I recently discovered forgotten tapes of the band and remembered what a big part of my life this music and these people were.  It was a very odd feeling.  It all sounded so alien but intimately familiar at the same time.  I feel a very strong sense of gratitude for all of it and I’m actually proud of a lot of it now.
At our best, we had no “artistic” motivation.  We just wanted to have the most fun, exciting show around and I believe we achieved that on many nights.  The recordings don’t really capture it, but I now enjoy them.  The ones on this playlist are my favorites in sort of chronological order.  It’s an odd journey.
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marioxbzr471-blog · 4 years
Meet the Steve Jobs of the Best Tennis Camps Industry
With the difference of measurements of a court of tennis, the surface of court of tennis can alter in the character. Different surface areas have numerous characteristics which impact the design of the play. Common surface areas for the courses of tennis external include grass, red clay, clay green, and the courses hard. Moreover, the courses of tennis typically have hard or synthetic surfaces of interior, carpet-like surface areas.
Red clay and clay green are the two kinds of clay, or slow down, go to the front of surfaces. Red courses of clay tennis are constructed of clay regular or crushed red brick. Open French has actually made use of the red clay courses. Clay green, the standard more common of clay court to the United States, is made in Har-Tru, a mix of stone, rubber, and plastics crushed. Clay courses are thought about sluggish since the ball rebounds more slowly in addition to court. Generally, the gamers making use of courses of clay tennis prefer to strike balls in addition to rebound by behind the base line.
Constantly dress in tennis clothing when participating in tennis. The concern of picking a racquet is a a lot more severe matter. I do not promote requiring a particular racquet upon any gamer. All the standard makes are outstanding. It is in weight, balance, and size of deal with that the real worth of a racquet frame depends, while good stringing is, important to get the very best results.
Tennis is played primarily with the mind. The most perfect racquet technique worldwide will not be enough if the directing mind is wandering. There are many reasons for a roaming mind in a tennis match. The chief one is lack of interest in the game. No one ought to play tennis with an idea of genuine success unless he cares sufficiently about the game to be going to do the drudgery necessary Southampton Tennis in finding out the video game correctly. Offer it up at once unless you are willing to work. Conditions of play or the noises in the gallery frequently puzzle and mystify skilled match-players playing under brand-new environments. Total concentration on the matter in hand is the only remedy for a roaming mind, and the faster the lesson is learned the more rapid the improvement of the gamer.
If your kid is training to be the next fantastic tennis player then you may be wondering if a few weeks at a tennis camp is an excellent idea. The plain realities of the matter are that each kid is different. What is finest for one kid might not be best for another, but some basic standards will generally be quite helpful in choosing if sports camp is a good concept. Making a great choice can mean motivating your child, making the wrong decision could turn your kid versus tennis for life and may be possibly devastating so always proceed with caution.
Some would say the objective of the video game is to win a match. But others would state the genuine aim of this video game is to have fun in the sun! My goal here is to reveal you the principles if you are new to it.
When on the court you wish to hit the ball into your opponent's court till they can not return it (as you have actually most likely guessed). However to win a video game you need to score two points more. This makes for no such thing as a really close video game. Fortunately, picking up a racquet, a can of balls and a set of athletic shoe (those that do not leave marks on the concrete from the soles) are all you need to try it out.
It is common to see children playing alone outside with a racquet and a ball. They are learning to play tennis by practicing their serve on a concrete wall. They might recognize that tennis requires them to run more quickly than they initially thought, and by the end of the day they are ready to go to bed early due to the fact that they are extremely tired. The next day that they practice tennis in this way, they might be more going to pace themselves in their tennis training.
Don't buy an oversized racquet because although the seet area might be bigger, the area outside the sweet area is extremely difficult and developed extreme torque which results in tennis elbow injury.
If https://goo.gl/maps/LaBsdzrsdxQo2Ggb7 you are a novice, you actually should not think in terms of purchasing less expensive equipment. Your tennis racket is an extremely important aspect in becoming successful and constructing your ability base. Good quality rackets will always last longer than bad ones, and so the financial investment deserves it. Try to find a racquet whose weight, balance, and size of handle fit your frame.
There are numerous places that are all offered to play tennis and most cities have numerous choices that you can explore based upon your individual needs. Finding an appropriate location to play is typically based upon where you live, for how long you have to devote to playing and what kind of surface area you are trying to find in regards to the court. There are lawn courts, clay, asphalt and even an indoor wood court. You need to decide which type you are most interested in prior to you undoubtedly make a decision, however having a number of alternatives readily available to you will make it a lot easier to discover a good tennis court that you can utilize.
Finding a good tennis court is quite possible and obviously larger cities will have even greater options to find the perfect court for your requirements.
Hamptons Tennis Clinics and Camps with Doug Dean
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Westhampton Beach, NY 11978
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phawareglobal · 5 years
PH Awareness Film - phaware® interview 250
In our 250th episode, phaware.global co-founders Steve Van Wormer and Marie Rand reveal a "breathtaking" new PH Awareness short film project with the film's director and producer, Elisabeth White from RooAndKanga Productions.
Steve:              Welcome to I'm Aware That I'm Rare, the phaware® podcast. My name is Steve Van Wormer, president and co-founder of phaware global association. Welcome to our 250th episode of the phaware podcast. Today, we've got a very special conversation lined up for our 250th episode. I'll be joined by one of our fellow co-founders here at phaware, Marie Rand, and an award-winning director and producer, Elisabeth White. We're going to talk about a special project we've been working on for quite a while here at phaware, a live-action short film project that's going to take pulmonary hypertension awareness to another level. Without further ado, here's my conversation with Elisabeth and Marie.
Marie:              Hi. I'm Marie Rand, and I am the managing director and co-founder with Steve Van Wormer and John Hess of phaware global association, and I am the mother of a PH patient who was the first person to undergo major heart surgery using the first drug in clinical trials in 1994. Her name is Chloe. I spend my time helping raise awareness and working with Steve and John to develop technology for pulmonary hypertension. Sadly, we lost Chloe in 2006. We work together at phaware in effort to do projects that are out of the box and differently oriented, so that we can raise awareness in innovative ways. This podcast today is about one particular project that we're working on.
Elisabeth:         My name is Elisabeth White, and I am a film director and producer. I've been living in Los Angeles seven years now. I love working with organizations. I've worked with international charities such as Ronald McDonald House and Amnesty International, and now I love working with you guys. I think www.phaware.global is just something amazing.
Steve:              One of the very first things we did as an organization when we formed over five years ago was to put a proposal together to do innovative things, one of which was to do a film of some sorts, whether it was a documentary or a short film beyond say a PSA.
Marie:              With that, we at phaware discussed many options and directions that we could take with this potential film project, and we ultimately landed upon doing a piece that was not documentary, but fictional, allowing us the ability to develop characters and [show] the multiple sides of the human condition in regard to somebody who has a disease. I think that we achieved this really beautifully with this piece, because we are able to show the outward-facing side of a patient or a person with the disease and the inner side of them and how they're feeling, which is often is very different than what they're portraying to the world. We find this an important thing to show, because it helps our patients. We are giving them a piece that they can share with other people that enables them to speak about who they are and what they're feeling. I have found with this piece that it's very alarming to people at first to really see a vision of what a patient is feeling like inside. It's the first time I think people really react to what they believe the patient's feeling. The closest someone who doesn't have the disease has come to saying, "Oh, I think I get that."
Elisabeth:         When you guys came to me to direct and produce this film, I honestly didn't even know what pulmonary hypertension was and what people that have PH are going through. For me as a director and to see and feel these visions, it was very surprising and heartbreaking. We took a diverse group of PH teenagers. They come together, and we see their journey through friendship and self-discovery, and what these teenagers, what these young people are going through. First of all, through their teenage years, and second, fighting this disease. It is actually a secret disease, because when you have PH, you don't really see it. I think we did an amazing job. When people with PH and just ordinary people watch this, we can approach awareness and especially what they're going through, these teenagers.
Marie:              As I said, my daughter Chloe passed away from pulmonary hypertension in 2006, and I have four other children Liz, Zack, Ava, and Elijah, who are all very committed to the pulmonary hypertension community. They have a deep love and great compassion for people who are ill. When we were talking to Elisabeth about casting the production, my son Zack happens to be an actor who started on Broadway when he was nine years old and has done TV and film. He became a part of the production for multiple reasons. One is because he is very well versed with the pulmonary hypertension community. He also wanted to honor Chloe and be part of the filming and production so that we could be certain that we had the emotion of pulmonary hypertension patients. In addition to that, my daughter Ava joined in. She is going to college for sound engineering and design. She was on location working behind the scenes, thanks to Elisabeth, learning with an amazing sound technician. My other kids were there as well, some playing extras. It was really wonderful for us as a family to be so involved in the piece, and Elisabeth was really instrumental in wanting to pull that all together and having our family be there to help bring this piece to life.
Steve:              What's a beautiful thing is we have an award-winning director behind this project, and because I see it on Instagram and social all the time some of the accolades you're getting. Can you tell the listeners what some of those projects were?
Elisabeth:         Well, we did a music video with Snoop Dogg and C-Tru. We've won quite a few awards with it. It's called California Party, and we've won a lot of awards, because it's about diversity. I love no matter what projects I'm doing, like next month, I'll be going Indonesia also to direct a feature film. As a filmmaker, you need to bring awareness. You need to bring diversity that people visually understand. No matter if it's good, bad, sad or happy, people understand what humans are going through in a daily life. That's what we're trying to bring to this film that people understand what teenagers (and not even just teenagers). I mean, you [can] get PH as a child or as an adult. I went to one of your events a couple of weeks ago, and I spoke to other people, and I met this wonderful woman. She was, I think, in her 40s or 50s, and she just discovered a couple years ago that she had pulmonary hypertension. That's why I love working with organizations, and I want to bring awareness no matter if it's music or film.
Steve:              Speaking of music, many of the music tracks in this film are attributed to yourself, and maybe tell us a little bit about your past in music, Elisabeth.
Elisabeth:         My first love to the art world still is music. I'm a singer/songwriter. I got signed when I was 18 years old with BMG in Germany. I've released five albums. I've toured around the world with Lenny Kravitz, Deep Purple, performed with Brian May, Simple Minds, many, many artists. I was very fortunate, and sold a lot of albums. I was living in London, and I came to United States through Universal Music, but I was always a passionate filmmaker through my music developing music videos. Suddenly, bands came up to me and said "hey," and record companies, "Hey, could you direct our music video?" That's how I started to film. Ever since then, I just love being a part in the film world, as well.
Steve:              I think another cool piece at least for me is many of the artists and collaborators we've been working with since the inception of phaware (and even earlier), whether it be graphic designers or sound people and editors have been involved in this project, which we're very excited about. It's lovely to see the evolution of that, and to that end when we were cutting [the film] together, Elisabeth was always mindful of saying, "Do we understand PH, because we want the viewer to really connect with that?" So early on, the very first thing you see is some facts about the disease. While we were [editing], we're like, "Well, let's get more patient voices involved.” Something that I'm personally really thrilled that we have in [the film] is many years ago, I made a series of PSAs [public service announcements] with a number of children raising awareness for PH specifically in pediatric patients. My son Lucas, who is a voice actor in his own right and a number of other kids were cited in them, whether it be our partner John Hess’ son Iain Hess, Maddie Bonpin, who was the first patient I ever met. She was six months old. Joel Belt and a couple other patients. We tracked all these patients down and used those kids, [who are] young adults now, to voice these facts to really ground this as you launch into this movie. It was a team collaboration community project. I'm just thrilled how it's come together.
Elisabeth:         It doesn't matter if it's music or film. There's always a collaboration between many, many people. It's just not, "I directed or I produced it." No, it's a collaboration on this project of like 100 people. The key to success is to have just a great team, and I'm so lucky to have phaware. You guys were always behind our back, and I couldn't have done this project without you guys, as well, because I just needed the fact and the personal touch of each and one of you. You've lost a child [Marie], and I know Steve has a child with PH, and John has a PH child who just had a lung transplant. So, it was a very educational experience for me and very heartwarming.
Marie:              I think it's a really important to note the idea of collaboration and the importance of collaboration because as I said, my children and I were on location, and I can't even count the number of times Elisabeth and/or Peter [Lugo from Roo and Kanga Productions], would come to me and say, "Is this accurate? Is this what you would be seeing in a PH patient?" But knowing that I had lived for 13-and-a-half years with Chloe being a patient, and it was really important to both Elisabeth and Peter that they were collaborating at all times, making sure that what was happening was accurate. In post-production, it became even more of that. That got elevated to a different level. It was agreed upon early on that this was a collaborative process. That's what we needed to do. We needed to work together, and thankfully, we did that and came up with a really good product using the talents and skills of a lot of really creative people and people who are super passionate about this project, Steve being one of them. His son, Lucas has PH, and his background is that he works in the industry and has for a very long time. I watched as I was there on location and then what happened afterwords was Steve picking everything up with Elisabeth and Peter and moving forward with it in a way to produce something really spectacular.
Steve:              I'm more of a post-production person, so I loved the idea when we would play around with scenes and, "Hey, where could we move this?" We moved things around, and we would talk about different ways to get into [scenes] and get out of something and how to reveal certain points. So that was great.
Elisabeth:         Yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Steve:              One thing I want to note, tragically a person who was an actor in the film just recently passed, and maybe Elisabeth, if you want to talk about that, because you cast him, and I just wanted to make sure we give a shout out about that.
Elisabeth:         Yes, unfortunately, Clement von Frankenstein our “Dr. Brooks” passed away last week. He had a heart attack. He was a huge fan of this project, and it went very close to him, especially working with teens and just listening to all the stories. On set, I know Marie was always talking to Clement, as well. He took it very personal, his role. I know that he was very sick. He had diabetes, and he had heart problems, and for him, he'd said to me that he is so thankful to do this and be a part of this project and to bring awareness. Clement, thank you so much. I'm sure you're listening wherever you are, and thank you so much for bringing this amazing performance that you gave us. Everybody will see it on the silver screen, and yeah, it was amazing. I'm actually very heartbroken that he's not here, but I went to the hospital. He was in a coma. I went to the hospital to see him, and I played his scene, so he could see it before he passed away.
Marie:              We did a screening of this [film] with an industry partner. The intent was to get feedback, and the feedback was both enormously helpful to us and extremely insightful. As I listened to the responses of people, and I happened to be in the room during the viewing, they were very taken aback. It was jarring to them to see PH be portrayed with such realness and more so than they imagined what a pulmonary hypertension patient may be feeling. As the piece progresses, there's a shift. Towards the end, it becomes somewhat lighter, and their response was (and I think this is a really important thing). It's often necessary to push the viewer to the point of some discomfort, so that they really feel the sensation of what's happening. Then as you bring the piece around, you lighten it so that they don't have to feel that pressure for too long, and yet there is. I mean, literally pulmonary hypertension is about pressure. It's about elevated pressure in the lungs. So, as they were explaining to me that they were feeling the pressure of like being pushed upon because it was difficult to watch in regard to that's being what a PH patient is feeling. I thought, "Well, that's exactly what we were trying to capture." We were trying to give them the sensation of, in essence, taking your breath away in a different way than what happens to our patients, but still taking the breath away. We got amazing feedback, but that worked really beautifully.
Steve:              This was an industry crowd that works in the pulmonary hypertension space, mind you, so these are the people that are on the front lines every day with clinical trials and on the pharmaceutical front. So, it was interesting to hear some of the comments that motivated them to work harder in the work that they're doing on behalf of these patients at the same time.
Elisabeth:         Still even though it was this discomfort, we still have a comedic relief, which is important, because not everything in life is bad. I always say, "Life is a complicated comedy.” It sounds very dark, but through PH and what you guys are doing as an organization, and me talking to some of your patients at that event, they feel they're not alone. They have a community to reach out to, who could help who, what doctors. That was for me very uplifting and to see all this and what you guys are doing. It's amazing.
Steve:              What's interesting with the piece, as well, is there's a multitude of characters that are all suffering from this disorder, and they are all masking it in different ways or hiding it in different ways. They're keeping it internalized.  One might be outwardly angry about it or might be outwardly optimistic about it or whatever. We all have these masks that we're putting on too, so I think that was executed well by the actors. It was executed well in the edit and in the direction. We're just happy to take a new trajectory out there on the advocacy and awareness front, and hopefully enlighten more people about PH.
Marie:              As it is with any creative effort when you work this hard on something together. As Elisabeth said, she's learned so much about pulmonary hypertension. She's met patients. She's met caregivers. She went into a whole world that she had never seen before and has really attached herself to this. That's the brilliance of working in this industry is that when we all work together and collaborate the way that we did, we really facilitate change, and that was our effort here.
Steve:              What I get from this, hopefully, and I hope you both agree, is there's no shortage of stories to tell whether it be in a podcast or whether it be on the big screen. We'll endeavor to tell more intricate stories about this rare disease that impacts so many people around the world.
Marie:              I don't know if everybody knows that three-and-a-half years ago or so, you came up with the idea of this podcast series. Steve came to John and me and said, "I have this idea, and I'd like to give it a try." We are now on the 250th episode of a podcast series that literally was a glimmer in your eye, and it now downloads somewhere between 10 and 20,000 downloads per month on every platform that exists. We spent a great deal of time with this particular piece, with other creative things that we have done together, we’ve chosen content together, and we've spoken about which physicians or patients or whatever we've done to work on this together. You have been taken that with another team of people that nobody knows is really behind the scenes who are longtime co-workers of yours and friends of yours that help us create this every day. We are getting the message out on a broad scale about pulmonary hypertension in a way that’s never been done before globally. I hope that everybody knows the amount of work that you put into making that happen every day, because I'm not sure people do. I'm also not sure that people understand the number of conferences we go to and how many meetings we attend and how deeply immersed we are in facilitating change, because we're in it for the cure, and we always will be. We are always thinking about patients and their quality of life and what's next for them.
Steve:              Marie, Elisabeth, thank you so much for joining us today.
Marie:              I'm Marie Rand, and I'm aware that I'm rare.
Elisabeth:         I'm Elisabeth White, and I'm aware that I'm rare.
Steve:              To learn more about our phawareness short film, go to our website at www.phaware.global, or follow us on social at @phaware. Thank you so much for following us for 250 episodes. We've got so many more stories to tell, so much more medical education, and great conversations from all around the world. My name is Steve Van Wormer, and I'm aware that I'm rare.
Learn more about pulmonary hypertension and our PH Awareness short film at www.phaware.global  Sign up to be notified about upcoming screenings, film release details & trailer updates.
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cheneyq · 7 years
Body Language - (Billy + Reader) Part 1
Parts - 
Short Description – Sara bumps into the bad-boy at school, makes new friends and gets invited to a party.
Pairing - Billy + reader
Warnings - Swearing + Sexual remarks and scenes (Smut, not in this part) + Violence + There are Season two spoilers, so if you have not yet seen season two, don’t get mad, this is the !!!!SPOILER WARNING!!!!
(A/n) - Send me a message to tell me if it is good or comment on here. I am adding my old tag list, if you're not a Billy fan please comment and ask to be removed. If you like it you can comment and I'll add you. This started as a request and I turned it into a mini series.
Words –  1938
I DO REQUESTS!!!!! - Fandoms mainly include: Stranger things + Supernatural + Dexter + Vampire Diaries + The Originals + Teen Wolf + Tru Blood etc. (I do A lot more, just didn’t want to type everyone.)
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"How could you be more of a dork than you already are?" Jonathan asks his younger sister, Sara, who rolled her eyes and climbs out of her brother’s car. "Maybe it runs in the family." She slapped back, not giving her brother a chance to say anything else as she walks off towards the old school building.
Suddenly a loud engine roaring attracted her attention and she turned her head to the side just in time to see Billy climb out of his car, looking handsome as always. Her heart fluttered, and she forced herself to look in front of her and ignore the attractive Cali boy whom she's been infatuated with for maybe a month now. Something she would never admit to anybody.
She smiled brightly at the sight of her best friend in front of her locker, his face buried in a science book he held up. "Hey Sean." She greeted, opening her locker and removing some of her books she'll need for her first few periods. His only response was a subtle grunt. "What are you reading?" She questioned only to be shushed by him, his blue eyes met hers.
"No distractions, Sara. A little birdie informed me that we might have a surprise pop quiz in science today." She frowned at him, "Then why are you standing in front of my locker?" Sean cracked a smile and side hugged the girl, "I wanted to at least see your face before I enter the hell zone." Sara smiled and turned to walk with her friend in the other direction, but instead she collided with something hard
"What the fuck, watch where you're going." She looked up from her fallen books on the floor into Billy's magnificent eyes. She didn't even stutter. "Maybe you should look where you're going, asshole." She scoffed. Not backing down. She might have a slight crush on his face, but she was no fan of his horrible personality.
"Excuse me?" He asked, raising a dark eyebrow. "Did I stutter?" She said and crossed her arms over her chest. Billy looked at a loss for words. He opened his mouth to say something, but she raised one finger and shushed him. "Rather not. You've already wasted a lot of my time,-" she bent down and picked up the two books on the floor "-I'd appreciate it if you didn't waste anymore."
Sean struggled to keep his laugh to himself as Sara stepped around a speechless Billy and Sean followed. "What was that?" Sean laughed. Sara blushed, "I don't know. Just didn't feel like dealing with more asshole guys today, Jonathan was more than enough." She admitted and stopped in front of her homeroom door. Sean didn't question her, just gave her a quick hug and walked off to his own.
The day slowly passed, and Sara found herself seeing Billy everywhere she went. In classes, in the hallways, in the Cafeteria. EVERYWHERE. And it started to bother her. Especially since every time her eyes landed on the boy, he was already looking at her.
Sara sighed as she slowly took her sweater off exposing her band shirt she rocked underneath it. A few girls caught a glimpse of it and snickered and whispered among themselves. Sara ignored it, she knew she didn't fit in with the rest of the crowd and that she was a loser or a 'nerd' like they would call her. But she didn't let that get her down. At least she was her own person and knew what she wanted and how to stand up for what she believes.
"No wonder she only has one friend." Monique whispered to her group of slaves and they burst out laughing like it was the funniest thing ever. Sara ignored them and pulled her gym shorts on quickly before they could make fun of her undergarments.
She placed everything in her locker and quickly locked it so the asshole girls couldn't get in there and mess with her shit again.
Sara grunted when the coach informed the class that they will start off by doing laps, as you may think, she wasn't exactly an athletic girl.
She started with the rest of the class and soon fell embarrassingly far behind the rest of the student body. Her face was on fire and sweat dripped down when suddenly she heard footsteps from behind her, someone was about to pass her. Embarrassment flooded through her as she tried to push herself to go faster but the footsteps got closer, faster.
Within seconds someone was casually running next to her. She looked to the side to see the one and only Billy running next to her, looking majestic as fuck with his hair bouncing around his head. "I really want to punch you in the face right now." She huffed and heard the boy next to her laugh, but he stayed running next to her until the teacher blew his whistle indicating that they can stop.
Sara fell down immediately and huffed, sprawling out like a starfish. "You're okay, right?" The boy questioned and she just raised her hand, holding her thumb up.
"What are you doing running with her?" Someone asked and you groaned as you sat up slowly. Folding your aching legs underneath you. You looked up as Monique forced her body as close to Billy's body as possible. You rolled your eyes out of instinct.
"She looked lonely." Billy stated with a shrug, of course he'd be fucking around with someone as shallow as Monique.
"Oh, she is always lonely. It's not fun being at the bottom of the social ladder, is it?" Monique hissed at you. For once you didn't have anything to say so you just stood up and walked to the other side of the gym as far away from the assholes as possible. You kinda wished you had this class with Sean.
"Okay everyone, partner up. We're doing some routines today!" Coach shouted and you awkwardly rubbed your arm, looking around as everyone found someone to partner with and you were left alone.
"Wanna partner up?" Someone asked you and you turned quickly, startled. Steve was standing there smiling at you, you didn't really have a choice. It's not like people were fighting for your presence as a gym partner.
"Sure." You smiled and nodded your head. "I'm Steve" he said and stuck his hand out, "I know, we've met." You said with a blank face as you shook his hand with direct eye contact. Steve blushed and looked uncomfortable. You watched as his hand reached up and his fingers danced through the mop of hair. "Sara, by the way. Without an H." You smiled, trying to be kinder. Steve visibly relaxed.
You were having a great time with Steve, smiling at things he said and comments he made about his 'ex' best friend Tommy. H. You were in the middle of laughing loudly, doing wall-squats against each others backs when you looked over and saw Billy staring at you and Steve while clearly not listening to what Monique was telling him at all.
"Byers, Harrington! Do you want to do more laps!?" Coach yelled at Steve and yourself who were busy talking intently about how boring English class was. "Sorry coach." You and Steve both said at the same time. "Yeah, you're a distraction." Billy pipped in loudly gazing at you from the other side of the gym. The way he looked at you made your skin tingle and heat spread out through your entire body. He winked at you then looked away.
You were actually disappointed when the bell rang indicating it's time to go home. "Well, I had fun, Harrington." You said and saluted him before walking away. Steve just laughed as he watched you go. Your entire face was blood red, not because of the exercises, but by the fact that you just saluted another human being who isn't one of your brothers or your only friend, Sean.
You found an open stall and quickly got dressed, deciding to shower at home. You left the locker room quickly and made your way to your locker to get everything you need when you saw Steve and Nancy walk towards you. "Sara without an H!" Steve greeted, "This is my girlfriend Nancy, and we were just talking." While Steve introduced you, you smiled at Nancy and shook her hand. "That you should totally join us at the party tonight." He said with a huge smile, his arm lightly dangling from Nancy’s shoulder.
"Oh, thanks! But I don't do parties." You said back, thankful for the invite. "It would be fun, you can even drive with us. And all the alcohol you want." Nancy insisted, smiling brightly. You couldn't help but think it was fake. "Can I bring someone?" You asked and both of them nodded. "Then sure, what time would you pick us up?" "Eight?" Nancy said and looked up at Steve for approval, Steve nodded.
You said your goodbyes and stopped at your locker, your stomach turning at the thought of going to your first party. You got everything you needed then walked outside, the warm sun feeling great on your skin.
"Byers!" Someone called and you turned your head, seeing Billy leaning against his car, cigarette hanging from his lips. Your eyes moved back towards your brother’s car and saw that he was not yet there, so you walked over to Billy.
"What?" You asked, trying not to stare at his exposed chest, rather resting your eyes on his damp locks from the shower a few minutes ago.
He slowly took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew the smoke out. "What are you doing tonight?" He questioned, catching you off guard. "What?" You stumbled, trying hard to recompose yourself.
Billy smiled. "Do you want to meet at the party tonight?" You frowned. "Meet who?" You asked, instantly regretting it, your cheeks heating up. "Me." Billy smiled and pushed away from the car, standing a few inches away from you, his tongue flicked over his bottom lip and you couldn't help but stare at his mouth as he came closer to you. The smell of nicotine attacking your nostrils. It was a welcoming smell, because your mom smoked.
Your breath got caught in your throat when his chest slightly brushed against yours. Suddenly Billy pulled away and smirked at you. Flustered, you scowled at him. "For a second there I thought something was wrong with you." Billy commented and leaned back against his car. "Now I see you want me just as badly as the rest of the girls at school here."
You were shocked as you watched him take another drag from his cigarette, then he dropped it to the floor and then stepped on it with the front of his shoe.
Anger rushed through your body as you stared at his cocky face. "Just because I was flustered for a second by your weird godly features does not mean I want you. You might be good looking, but that does not make up for your shitty, boring, regular ass personality." You spat, stepping closer towards him while you spoke. His jaw clenched.
And just like that you turned and walked towards your brother’s car. Where, luckily, he was not there yet. You leaned against your side when you heard the Camaro's engine roar to life and speed off.
You might not have seen it, but Billy stared at you like he's never stared at anyone before as you walked away from him, where you just slightly bruised his ego.
Tag List: @wontst0ptilwesurrender @moonysmemes @thinemineours @agirlwholovesfandoms @allkindfangirl @negroneon @0-lost-in-stereo-0 @fightmeandmy100fandoms @tiarrasmith @plantmumma @sebbysbucky @love-your-little-thingss @klassxies @lilo-1398 @captainspangles16 @weasley---twins @jhonnysodyssey @allybeario @gwendolyngonzalez @thehakunamatara @myshakespeareandarling @oldwanderingsoul @theecoolestgeek @writevanna @anamcg317 @tothetardissterek @lydiaforstiles @frickin-bats @afroditesx  @mooniessuniverse @klassxies @teenwolfimagination @shaerose98 @tiarrasmithxoxo-blog-blog-b-blog @top-spookey-dj @wishyouhadstayed @diamond-girl513  @redvelvetwithacherryontop @serendipity-moments @reclusive-chicken-nugget @yepthatsame @lahey-the-loving-wolf @cupcaitlyn96
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cheneyq · 7 years
The UpsideDownWhat? - Part 2 - (Steve Harrington xx)
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SHOULD THIS BE A SERIES? - This all depends from you guys who are reading this, let me know in the comments or send me a message.
Parts - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten
Short Description – Steve takes the reader to Dustin’s house to prove that the upside down is a real thing and that he was, in fact, not cheating on you with Nancy.
Pairing - Steve + reader
Warnings - Swearing + Sexual remarks and scenes (Smut - not in this chapter.) + Violence
(A/n) - This is my first attempt of writing an imagine series. If you could maybe comment at the end of this or just send me a message to tell me if it is good and if you want to find out the readers reaction when seeing the demodog for the first time.
Words - 1675 (Kinda short sorry guys)
I DO REQUESTS!!!!! - Fandoms mainly include: Stranger things + Supernatural + Dexter + Vampire Diaries + The Originals + Teen Wolf + Tru Blood etc. (I do A lot more, just didn’t want to type everyone.)
You were the last one to exit the class after the final bell rang for the day. You’ve been trying to ignore Steve the whole day and you just wanted some time to yourself to try and comprehend what was going on. You just couldn’t stop think about the Upside down, or whatever it was called. You grabbed your bag and slowly walked to your locker, once there you had to put the pin code to your lock in a few times, you kept getting it wrong because you were distracted. “Son of a bitch.” You yelled when someone grabbed your arm. “Where have you been all day?” Steve asked, clearly amused because he startled you.
“Wipe that smile off you face, Harrington. I'm still sceptical about the story you and Nancy spun this morning.” You felt irritated as you closed your locker. “Yeah, about Nancy, she left soon after we finished our conversation this morning.” You frowned. “Why?” You questioned. “Beats me, but she left with Jonathan. We’re still going to Dustin’s house to go check out that thing Nancy was talking about. But to be honest with you, I don’t think it’s in the same group of alien shit we discovered last year, I think it’s just some weird looking animal that the kid picked up somewhere.” You nodded slowly, wondering to yourself why you should believe the story they told you if Steve doesn’t even believe there is proof at Dustin’s house, you pushed the thought to the back of your mind. 
“So, do you want to ride with me or in your car.” Your hand automatically reached for your keys in your pocket. “I'll take mine and follow you there, I don’t want to leave Betsie here.” Steve grinned from ear to ear, “You know the real freaky thing we should be discussing is you naming your car Betsie, babe.” You blushed and rolled your eyes. “Whatever.” You mumbled, Steve grabbed your hand and you guys made your way to the parking lot.
“Do you still have your bat?” Dustin questioned Steve as we moved up his drive way. “Bat? What bat?” You asked. “The one with the nails?” Dustin stated matter of factually. You frowned, concern took over your whole face. “Why?” Steve said, sounding nervous. “I'll explain inside.” Dustin said, turning on his heels and walking inside. “What the hell is going on?” You asked and followed Steve to the back of his car, “Why do you have a bat with nails in it?” You hissed. It felt like you were having a mild panic attack.
“Oh my god my boyfriend is a psychopath.” You whispered to yourself as realisation hit you. You clutched your forehead. Steve popped the trunk open, “Calm down (Y/n), I am not a psychopath, okay?” You glared at him. “How do I know that?” You whisper yelled at him. Your eyes went wide when you saw him pulling out the bat. “Have you had that in your car for all this time?” Steve nodded. “Why?” Steve sighed and gave you a stern look.
“Listen, could we please stop playing twenty questions or ‘Is my boyfriend a psychopath’?” Steve huffed and you nodded. “I'm sorry, okay? It’s just a lot for me to take in right now.” Steve nodded. Like he understood what you were going through. “Believe me, at least someone told you about everything instead of it just being thrown in your face and almost killing you.” You followed up the path to the front door, entering together.
Inside you found Dustin sitting on the couch, you and Steve moved to go stand in front of him. “Okay so basically, I found a little lizard thing in my trash can and kept him in my turtle cage. I called him Dart by the way, anyways he started off cute and tiny and about this big,-” He shows us with his fingers, holding it about a few inches apart. “-when I came home today it was this big.” This time he didn’t use his fingers, he used his hands to show you the size of the thing, probably the size of a small dog. Your eyes grew wider, how was that possible?
“Wait a sec, how big?” Steve questioned. “First it was like that,-” Dustin moved his fingers a few inches apart, “-now he’s like this.” He once again showed the size of a small dog. Steve rolled his eyes while yours were frozen in fear, staring at the wall. “I swear to God, man, it’s just some little lizard, okay?” Steve tried to rationalise what he just heard. “It’s not a lizard.” Dustin shot back, becoming impatient. “How do you know?” Steve asked. “How do I know if it’s not a lizard?” “How do you know it’s not just a lizard?” Steve snapped, raising his voice. “Steve calm do-” You started saying but you were cut off by Dustin, “Because his face opened up and he ate my cat.” You and Steve both stared at him, your heart breaking over the news of his pet. Even though you’ve never met his cat, you couldn’t help but feel sad. You hated when animals died.
You looked at Steve and it looked like he was convinced, which freaked you out. Now there was really an alien species outside or in this house somewhere and you don’t think you are ready to come face to face with it. “Do you know where it is?” Your question came out in a high, uneasy voice. “It’s in my back yard down in the basement area.” You just nodded. “Okay, let’ go see this thing.” Dustin stood up. “Dart.” “What?” Steve asked. “Call him Dart.” Steve grabbed his bat. “Sure, let’s just give the alien thing that killed and ate your cat a name.” You wanted to laugh, it’s like you naming your car. “To be fair, I did give him the name before he ate Mews.” Steve shot Dustin a look which seemed like he was saying, ‘bitch, I don’t care.’
You followed the boys outside. You could feel the fear creeping up your spine. “Shouldn’t we all have a weapon or something?” You mumbled. “Babe, if you're scared you should go inside.” Steve said softly. “And leave you two idiots alone out here? No thanks.” Dustin started to get agitated. “We don’t have time for love story drama, guys.” Silence overtook your body as you stared at them. You looked around you and noticed that I was getting dark, and that Dustin had a flashlight in his hands. What time was it? When did he grab a flashlight, it felt like you were starting to lose your mind. Steve took the flashlight and shone it on the lock that were keeping the doors closed. Steve leaned in a little bit.
“I don’t hear shit.” He said after a few moments. “He’s in there.” Dustin confirmed. Steve looked at the doors again, then hit it once with the bat, not hard, just hard enough to make a sound. You waited in fear to see if something would move down there or make a noise, nothing happened. Then taking a step forward Steve hit the metal doors again, harder this time. Still no movement from inside. 
“All right, listen, kid. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead.” Steve turned around, glaring at Dustin and shining the light in his face. “It’s not.” Steve was being serious, you could see it in his face. “All right?” he warned again. “It’s not a prank.” Dustin said again, “Get that out of my face.” He added, pointing at the flashlight. Steve looked at you then back at the doors, lowering the flashlight away from D’s face. “You got a key for this thing?” Dustin nodded.
Steve then turned towards you, he could probably see the fear on your face. “Babe, if this is what he says it is I would be more comfortable if you went inside, please.” he said softly. You kind of nodded your head, you were terrified anyways. “Okay, please just be careful.” Steve nodded and stepped forward, planting a kiss on your lips. He pulled away and you made your way up towards the house with Dustin. “You can sit in here and wait.” He said, you nodded. “Be careful, kid.” You said once more and then the door closed, leaving you alone with your thought
What felt like hours later Steve and Dustin burst through the door. “It’s not there.” Steve informed you, you stood up off the couch and walked towards him, inspecting his body for any injuries. “Then where did it go?” you asked, confused. “It changed its form again, which means it’s bigger now. And it dug a tunnel and escaped like that.” You rolled your eyes and threw your hands up in the air. “Oh, just great! The alien escaped and dug a tunnel, he’s probably halfway to China by now!” Steve laughed at you. “Babe just chill out.” You fell on the couch again, trying to keep your breathing normal.
“We’re going to head out tomorrow and see if we can trap it or kill it or something.” Dustin said. “How are you planning on doing that?” you asked. “Track him down in the woods, leave a trail of meat leading towards us, I have a great hide out for us as well.” You just slowly nodded your head. “Okay. Not knowing how you got yourself into this.
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