#and wilson sleeps with married women
thankstothe · 1 year
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This is controversial, but I don't think Wilson is bisexual. I'm convinced he's completely gay.
"Well wilsonsmcgillsweatshirt, he sleeps with A LOT of women."
You are correct, and ironically, that is one of the reasons I think he's gay. The closet he's hiding in is deeper than the Mariana trench. The denial runs so deep that he doesn't even think he's gay. He sleeps with women constantly because he's trying to convince himself that he's straight because in his mind, he thinks that he couldn't possibly be gay if he sleeps with women. He's constantly stuck in the cycle of married to divorced, and he could not keep a stable relationship with a woman if his life depended on it (I'm not counting Amber because she wasn't around long enough). Obviously, not all, but a lot of queer people share the experience of overcompensating as a form of denial.
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suhossineun · 1 year
s2ep23 introduces houses friend from high school/college and when house is talking to wilson, house says that this friend was dating a girl house didn't like bc she seemed flaky or whatever but his friend was sure he was going to marry this girl. so house said he'd talk to her, but ended up sleeping with her. needless to say his friend didn't marry that girl.
kind of sounds like what house does to wilsons relationships, all the damn time- he ruins them with the excuse that he doesn't think those women are good enough for wilson.
earlier in the episode house said that he would have married this friend if he'd been a woman.
and now wilson is his best friend- whom he'd surely marry and gladly so. you know, if only wilson was a woman. bc, you know. he's supposedly oh so straight.
house has almost 30 years of history of ruining his best friends' relationships with women bc he'd rather be in a relationship with them instead. he's so fucking repressed it's not even funny.
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So, I saw that you had no propaganda for the Iron Duke himself and thought that should be corrected, because I cannot let this man go unloved.
He is the ultimate sexyman. I don't really get that title or the requirements but I do know this man and he is the ultimate in Regency-era sexiness.
Field Marshal Sir Arthur Wellesley, First Duke of Wellington, whose full list of titles merits its own Wikipedia page, he had so many (including Prince of Waterloo of the Kingdom of the Netherlands), was so well known for his debonairness that he was often called "the Beau" or Beau Wellesley.
Our dear Duke with his eyes of "a brilliant light blue," is quite the underdog made good. The fourth son of an Anglo-Irish aristocratic family, he was a bit of a loner as a child, whose star was eclipsed by the academic success of his older and younger brothers. Yet he had a remarkable talent for the violin, which as we know from Mrs. Jefferson is quite a good quality for a man to have. As a young man he was considered extremely good humored and drew "much attention" from female society. The Napiers of Celbridge thought he was a "saucy stripling" and he was also considered quite mischievous. Yet he also had a rich inner life, reading and contemplating the great philosophers of the day.
Yes, we know about his military victories in the Peninsula (the position of Field Marshal of the British Army and the accompanying baton were created for him) and his success at Waterloo, but he was also both romantic and a ladies' man. (I could go on about the military success but that's not really what this is about, is it?)
Want the romantic side? He fell in love with Kitty Pakenham while a lowly aide-de-camp in Dublin but, with no real position or prospects, was laughed away by her brother when he sought to marry her. In a fit of pique he destroyed his violin and turned firmly toward progressing his career. Over a decade later, after he had made something of himself in India, he learned she hadn't married, supposedly because she was still pining for him. Reader, he married her, despite thinking she'd grown ugly, and got two children from her in less than two years. I'm not kidding, this man was virile. They married in April of 1806, their first son was born in February, 1807, and their second son was born in January 1808. Although he wasn't sexual faithful to her, Wellington wore an amulet she gave him for over twenty years, and was still wearing it when he sat with her on her deathbed. When she was surprised he still wore it, he told her if she'd just bothered to check in the last twenty years, she'd have found it. Despite surviving her by twenty years, the Duke never remarried.
Now, please don't think badly of him for the lack of sexual fidelity. It was the Georgian era. Sexual fidelity was not a part of marriage in high society. Men didn't sleep only with their wives and some wives could be quite happy with that (for one, it's much easier not to have one pregnancy after another when your husband is sleeping with someone else). Not that women weren't also sleeping around. Which brings me to one of Wellington's more... interesting conquests: Lady Caroline Lamb, wife of William Lamb (the future Second Viscount Melbourne and Prime Minister). Why do I know that name, you ask? The OG pixie manic dream girl, Caro's much more notably known for her affair with Lord Byron. After that particular bit of nonsense, she was in Brussels with the rest of the English aristocracy during the 100 Days/post Waterloo. She and the Duke supposedly slept together and she took his cloak away as a souvenir.
Who else did the Duke liaise with? Well, there were the usual flings with actresses and singers, such as La Grassini. As previously noted in another post on this tumblr, he was noted as a stronger, better lover than Napoleon by another of their mutual lovers. Wellington also was a client of Harriette Wilson. He visited her when she was in Paris after the Duke of Beaufort bought her off, though this was before Beaufort stopped paying her, prompting her to publish her memoirs. She canvassed her old lovers, including Wellington, to see if they'd pay her not to be in them. Wellington send her a note in return saying "Publish and be Damned." Something about his succinct dismissal of her is just so hot.
Oh, want a bit more of Wellington being a bad boy? In 1829, while Prime Minister, he got into a duel that still is commemorated almost two hundred years later. King's College, London, was set up while Wellington was also advocating for Catholic Emancipation and this led to Lord Winchilsea publicly insulting Wellington's honor to the point that the Duke (who'd never dueled before or supported dueling generally) called him out. They went to Battersea Fields and settled the matter with pistols. Wellington won and Winchelsea apologized. King's College celebrates "Duel Day" every March.
Even better, want to read about Elizabeth Bennet and the Duke being witty and falling in love? Complete with scenes of the Duke showing he knows what to do with his cannon? Then let me recommend the third variation of An Ever Fixed Mark, A Dalliance with the Duke. I dare you not to vote for him for all eternity with that portrayal in your head.
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
Flightless Bird | seventeen | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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Jose and baby Florence, or Wren as they’d taken to calling her, came home a few days later. Wren seemed like an easy baby, sleeping through the nights and eating on a pretty regular  schedule. Jose felt more than lucky. Jake’s mom flew in to help for the first few weeks, plus Penny was only ever a phone call away. 
Jake, Bradley, and Natasha stayed as close as they could, leaving only to work. Bradley found himself sleeping in bed next to Jose most nights, just so he could help her take care of any night feedings that Wren needed. He also learned how to change diapers very quickly. 
Secretly, Bradley liked being able to spend time with the little baby. He found it very  soothing. Some nights when he couldn’t sleep, and Wren was just laying awake in her little bassinet, he would take her out into the living room. He’d prop her up on his knees and just talk to her for hours. Jose never knew that. Although Jake walked out during one of those late nights. On occasion, if Jake couldn’t sleep too, he’d join Bradley and they’d take turns with Wren. 
She was good at calming down the two aviators. Her soft little coos seemed to put them at ease in some strange sort of way. Like holding her just made the rest of the world go quiet, and they could finally think again. Or be free not to think, and just sort of exist in her presence. 
Jose was in love with her little daughter, she could stare at her forever. She loved the way that she would grab her finger and hold on as tightly as she could. Wren’s little hands would grab onto anything she could find, hair, fingers, clothes, anything.
The days turned into weeks, which turned into months. Suddenly Wren was six months old and babbling away at everything. Jose’s heart hurt thinking about how fast her little girl was growing up. She wished she could just freeze time. 
Her life with Bradley seemed almost perfect, so much so that it didn’t seem real. He stayed most nights, cuddling in beside Jose, and often woke up to take care of Wren before Jose could even make any sort of move to get to her daughter. 
Jake was always around, ready to help with absolutely anything that needed to be done. It was soothing to Jose to have both of the men in her life. Not to mention Phoenix, who was an absolute Godsend. The other woman was there to help her with any female related things, and Penny too. Jose’s little family felt so right, she didn’t want anything to change it. 
But then she found the letter on Bradley’s kitchen table one day. He was up for a promotion, and a spot with the Blue Angels…something he’d only dreamt of. Jose swallowed a thick lump in her throat and put the letter back. It was sent more than a week ago and he hadn’t mentioned a thing about it. 
Worry bubbled up in her. He wasn’t going to take the position, which meant he’d be giving up on his dream. She knew it was because of her…she was the reason he would give it up. There didn’t seem to be another valid reason behind it. He was happy here with her, sure, but would that last?
How long until he started to resent her and Wren because they kept him away from something he loved. He would be out of combat situations and be a spokesperson for the Navy and fighter pilots in every branch. He would be wonderful at it too. He was so good with kids, there’s no way the public wouldn’t love him. 
But he hadn’t even mentioned it. 
She debated talking to Jake and Phoenix about it, maybe even Penny and Mav since they were Bradley’s family. But instead she kept it to herself. She made her way back to her house across the street, Wren clutched tightly in her arms and tried to decide what she would do. 
The letter stated that he needed to give an answer by the end of this week, and it was already Wednesday. They were out of time. Both of them. Jose’s chest ached. She wished she could call Penny for advice, but Bradley obviously hadn’t told a soul about this potential position. 
Wren wiggled about, nuzzling deeper into her mother’s neck. It was time for her afternoon nap, and the little baby was no doubt ready for it. 
With a sigh, Jose made her way towards the nursery and carefully laid her little girl in the crib. It was a gift from Mav and Penny, even though Jose tried not to accept it, they wouldn’t hear anything about it. They took to calling themselves Wren’s adopted grandma and grandpa; the verdict was still out on their official names though. 
“Baby?” Bradley called, opening the front door. 
“In the kitchen,” She called back, softly enough that he could hear but not loud enough to wake Wren. 
He was on her in an instant, arms wrapped around her with his chin on her shoulder. She relaxed in his arms for a moment as she cleaned the bottles. There always seemed to be something in need of cleaning these days. Clothes needing to be washed, bottles needing to be cleaned…always something. 
“How was your day?” He asked her softly, kissing her neck. 
“It was…good,” Does she tell him she knows about his possible promotion and new position? Or does she just leave it alone? 
“Yeah? What did you and our little Wrennie do today?”
Her heart clenched. Our little Wrennie. They started calling her that not long after she was born. Bradley might as well have been her father, with the way he was always here to take care of her and Jose. But how could Jose ask him to give up his dream for them? How could she ask for him to stay?
“We went and cleaned up your house a bit,” She shrugged. Here it comes, no going back, “I found your papers.”
“My papers?” Bradley tried to act dumb. He knew exactly what she was talking about of course. But maybe he could steer the conversation back away from them and forget all about them, like he’d been trying to do since he got them two weeks ago. 
“Brad,” She turned in his arms, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
It was his turn to shrug now, “I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. I’ll still get promoted, but I just won’t take the posting.”
“Baby, it’s the Blue Angels, you’ve always dreamed of flying for them!”
“I always dreamed of having this,” He replied simply, “A family of my own.”
Jose swallowed the lump in her throat. He was going to turn it down and stay here. But now long until he started to hate them for making him stay? He would start to resent them, and she couldn’t imagine him resenting little Wren. It broke her heart. He would leave them one day, because he would realize that they just weren’t enough for him. 
The day would come. She knew it would. All she wanted was for him to live out his dream, and if that meant forcing him to leave her, then so be it. She would make sure he found his way to Pensacola, Florida and to the Blue Angels. 
“You aren’t her father,” She said so quietly, but she knew he heard her from the way his arms dropped. 
“I know that,” He said gruffly. 
“We aren’t a family,” She went on, each word slicing deeper and deeper into her heart, “You’re just playing house.”
“Don’t tell me that,” His tone changed, he was starting to get angry, “You know that this is a lot more than that.”
“Is it?” She questioned, “Because I don’t think it is.”
He stepped away from her, hurt flashing in his eyes. She knew she had to keep going. He wouldn’t leave with just a few angry words. She had to make sure he would take the posting and go, for his own good. She had to drive the knife in further, go past the point of no return for them. And Jose would do it all for Bradley.
She would hurt herself for him to make sure that he would be happy in the long run. She wanted nothing more than for him to be happy and healthy and living his dream. She could already imagine him in the Blue Angels uniform, doing interviews and being a perfect candidate for them. He was so good with people, and amazing with children. He could talk to the young flight students in Pensacola and tell them all of his old war stories, and what it was like flying with the absolute best fighter pilots in the nation. He would love every minute of it, she knew he would. 
“I think you should go,” Jose told him, “Stop playing here with us. We don’t need you.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Because Wren and I will be just fine without you!” She exclaimed, not believing a word she said, “You’ve just been here to keep me warm. I don’t need you, and Wren doesn’t need a fake father. So stop pretending.”
“Stop talking like this,” He begged, “This isn’t you.”
“It’s time to wake up, Rooster,” She never used his callsign, she always called him Bradley or Brad. She hated the way the simple name sounded coming from her lips, “It’s time to stop playing house. You need to take that post and leave us alone.”
“Is that really what you want?” His anger was back again, he was ready to fight for them. For his little family, he wouldn’t let her push him away.
“Yes! God, you’re so stupid,” Jose hated herself. He was one of the smartest people around. She knew he would fight as long as there was a chance, she knew she had to take away all hope for them, even if it destroyed her in the process, “I don’t love you. I was just using you. It was pregnancy hormones, I needed someone. You were right before.”
“Don’t you fucking do this Josephine.”
“I don’t love you. So take the damned position and forget about us, okay? Do yourself a favor for once in your fucking life.” 
“If I walk out that door right now, it’s over,” He told her coldly, “I’m never coming back, do you understand me?”
The house was silent for a moment while he waited for her to respond. She felt like she was going to be sick. All she wanted to do was beg for his forgiveness and take it all back. She knew he would stay with just one word, but that was the problem. He needed to go, for his own sake. 
“Leave then,” She replied, regretting the moment it left her lips, “I don’t care. I never did.”
He scoffed and turned on his heel, “Goodbye Josephine.”
She waited until the door closed, carefully and not slammed like she expected, before she followed. She watched out of the window as he stomped to his Bronco and drove away. He didn’t even go home. It was then that the tears started to fall. She couldn’t stop them even if she tried. 
She slid down the door to the ground and sobbed. Her chest felt like it was going to split into two. She tried her best to be quiet, so she wouldn’t wake Wren. But the sobs were so loud they rang through the quiet house. 
Then Wren started to cry from her little nursery. Jose tried to control her breathing but it was getting harder. She wiped at her tears, trying to dry off her face before she went into the nursery, but it seemed impossible. 
“I’m coming baby,” She called through the house, and then she pushed herself off of the ground and vowed to stop crying. This was for the best. Bradley might even thank her one day. 
She carefully picked up Wren, who was due for a feeding, “Just you and me now, baby girl. Just you and me.”
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sjsmith56 · 2 months
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The Flame Burns From Within, Part 2 - Secret Wedding
Summary: An attack on the King forces Lord Barnes into undergoing the wedding with Lady Arden in secret, before any of the banns have been read.
Length: 4.9 K
Characters: Lord Barnes, Lady Arden, Ser Anthony, Lady Stark, HRH Steven Rogers, Ser Samuel Wilson, Garrison Commander Barton, Father Bruce.
Warnings: Minors DNI - contains sexual content not suitable for readers under the age of 18, loss of virginity, death of family members, revelation of true identity, women seen as property of their husbands.
Author’s notes: Weddings could proceed without the banns being read under the approval of the bishop. Acceptable reasons were the bride being pregnant (especially if she was of higher status), or the husband being called into battle. Lord Barnes was well within his rights to take Arden by force to consummate the marriage but I like my Bucky to be soft and sweet. The border below is from vecteezy.com.
<<Part 1
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Part 2 - Secret Wedding
Lord Barnes
A banging on my chamber door roused me from my sleep and I pushed the curtain aside on the bed, then stumbled down the steps to find out who would wake me at this hour. I was surprised to see Ser Anthony, followed by the commander of my garrison, Barton. They stepped inside but we were soon joined by Steven and Samuel.
"My Lord," said Barton. "An attack has been made on the King. He is besieged in his country estate. The Queen, the Duke's mother and the Duchess Margaret escaped by the efforts of our inside man and the Queen’s guard, then rode for an hour to the Citadel to alert you. The attackers wore no insignia, but her guard recognized several of Pierce's men amongst a host of sell swords." He looked gravely at Steven. "Your father and older brother are dead, killed in the first attack, your Highness. You are now the heir to the throne."
"We must go," said my friend, his face already betraying his anger at this development.
"Then I must marry, immediately, and consummate the marriage," I replied. I looked up at the ceiling, wishing I had the night sky above me so that I could feel less constrained. "If they were so bold as to attack the King, we are all under threat. Barton, rouse the garrison and send them to the aid of the King."
"Already done, my Lord," he said. "I took the liberty of sending riders to the other aligned Houses, and two others to the Northman, Lord Odinson. He has always had the greatest respect for the King and has openly pledged his support against any usurpers."
"You did well, Barton," I replied, extending my forearm to him in thanks. "Return to the Citadel with the Duke and protect the Queen, the Duke's mother, and the Duchess. Steven, let me keep Samuel here as witness to the marriage and to accompany me back in the morning. Do you wear the chain now?"
"Aye," he said, reaching inside his night shirt and pulling out a chain with a ring on it. He took it off, handing it to Samuel. "I'm sorry not to be here as your witness. Marry Lady Arden. Ser Anthony, we signed the agreement last night but in light of this development do you object to sending for a priest to perform the marriage in secret?"
"No, not at all. He is but a short ride away. We can keep Arden safe here and Lord Barnes can send for her when there are enough men to escort her to the Citadel."
There was no time to be lost, not even enough time to dress as I quickly washed my face. I had hours to marry, claim my rights as husband, then leave for battle. If I had the favour of all the gods, not just the one, Arden would carry my child from this night, securing all our futures. If not, then I never had their favours to begin with.
Lady Arden
A hand on my mouth woke me and I fought against it, but my aunt's voice stayed my struggles.
"Put your robe on and come with me," she whispered. "We have little time to get this done."
"What's happened?" I asked, as I rose from under the covers, only to have her slip one of my arms into the sleeve of my robe. "Where are we going?"
She helped the other sleeve on then placed her hand on my cheek, gently.
"It wasn't supposed to happen this way, but we have found something out and have to act now. You're going to marry Lord Barnes in a few moments, then consummate the marriage in his bed."
I must have still had sleep fogging my brain. Did she say I was getting married now?
"Arden, there is much we haven't told you, in order to keep you safe over the years. Did you ever wonder why your uncle refused all offers for your hand, except for this one man?"
"He always said it was so I would be happy with the one man who would treat me as his equal."
I could hear her smile in the dark. "Anthony would say that, but it is more. You are more important than you'll ever know but we've run out of time to explain it all to you before you marry. Please, trust me. You are as much a daughter to me as the daughters I bore your uncle. Never once, has he complained about not having a son, when it was well within his rights to annul our marriage and find someone younger to give him a male heir. But he loved me and wanted the same for you and more."
She was pulling me along one of the secret passages in the castle, so obviously did not want the servants to be aware of what was happening. Illuminated only by the placement of small windows that let in the moonlight, we arrived at the door into the chapel, and she pressed on a panel that opened it. Inside, dimly lit by several large and well-placed candles were my uncle, Lord Barnes, Ser Samuel, and a priest I recognized as Father Bruce. Nervously, I gathered my robe around me, covering my night chemise, which wasn't of very thick material. If the moonlight coming through the stained-glass windows landed on that fabric it would have revealed more than what was considered acceptable in polite company. It seemed almost sacrilegious being here, dressed in this manner, but everyone, except the priest were also in their nightclothes. So, I wasn't the only one suddenly awakened in the dead of night.
"We're all here, Father," said my uncle. "It must be done now."
"Very well, Ser Anthony. There will be questions asked by the Bishop about the secrecy of the wedding. What shall I say?"
"As much as it pains me to say this, if you are asked, your answer is that the good name of Lady Arden is in peril as she may be with child," said Lord Barnes, looking solemnly at me. "It has been used in the past in similar situations and although it may cast aspersions on her character, I believe she is strong enough to bear the gossips. Once I publicly acknowledge her as Lady Barnes, it will silence the naysayers. You may also state that I was called to battle to defend the King. We will still go through the motions of reading the banns three times and performing an official ceremony, but our connection must be formalized from this moment on."
"Face me then, and let's get this done."
I stood beside my husband-to-be and Father Bruce began the marriage ceremony. When it came time for me to receive the ring symbolizing our union, Ser Samuel removed a chain from around his neck, on which a ring rested. Breaking the chain, he handed the ring to Father Bruce, who regarded it with wonder, then looked at Lord Barnes, who nodded. Blessing the ring, he handed it back to my almost husband, whose words as he placed the ring on my finger would bind us together in holy matrimony.
"You are blood of my blood, and bone of my bone." He was saying the old vows, those spoken before the Church became powerful. "I give you my body, that we two might be one. I give you my spirit, until our life shall be done. We do not possess each other for we are both free, but this ring symbolizes that we will always be together, in our hearts, minds and bodies. Will you accept this promise of eternity with me?"
It was all on me now. Even though my uncle had agreed to the marriage, I still had the option to refuse Lord Barnes by not accepting the ring. Although the ceremony was being performed by a priest of the church, the fact that he stood there without protest as Lord Barnes invoked the old ways, was proof that something much greater than myself was going on. My aunt and uncle looked imploringly at me. The expression on Ser Samuel's face was neutral, although he seemed ready to spring into action at any moment. Then I looked up into the eyes of Lord Barnes. There was no expectation in them, just a level gaze that told me this truly was my decision and he fully accepted what it would be. I was free to assent to his promise and free to turn away. There would be no repercussions if I chose the latter.
"I accept."
The words came out of my mouth without hesitation, and he slid the ring onto my finger, then squeezed my hand before he kept it in his own, as we faced the priest for the final blessing. He pronounced us man and wife, and we kissed to seal the promise.
"We leave when you are ready," said Ser Samuel. "I wish you had more time with your bride, Buck."
"I will have eternity, if we are successful," he replied, then offered his forearm to the man, who took it in return.
My aunt and uncle kissed me on the cheek. My aunt, who had already talked to me of the ways of men and women in the privacy of their bed chambers, smiled encouragingly at me. Then my husband was leading me through the passageway to his chambers. He said nothing as we went through the moonlit passage, until we found the right door and he pressed his hand on the panel that opened it. Leading me inside, he let go of my hand to make sure the panel on the inside was secure then faced me.
"Your aunt has prepared you for this moment?" he asked.
"She has," I answered.
"We must consummate the marriage before dawn. It doesn't leave us much time. It was not how I envisioned our wedding night."
"It is my Lord's right to take that which is his," I said, knowing the law of the land.
He shook his head. "Do you think so little of me that you assume I am like them? I wished to do this properly, with the reading of the banns, bringing you to my home to meet my family, to learn more about you and you about me, to allow the formation of something between us that was more than obligation or duty. Arden, you don't know what you are, do you?"
I could feel my temper flare. I knew exactly what I was. "I am a maiden bride, suddenly married in the middle of the night to a man I only met less than two days ago, a man my uncle has insisted is the only one whose offers for me he would entertain. When my parents died, I became the responsibility and property of my uncle, who raised me to believe I was equal in a land that doesn't see me that way. Now I am your property, and you may do with me what you will. Regardless of your words, that is the truth."
"Your parents were murdered, and Ser Anthony is your godfather, not your uncle," he said bluntly. "The wasting disease was the explanation given to scare off any potential interest in you by those who didn't have your best interests at heart. It also protected you from the people who killed your family. We may have only just met, but we were betrothed shortly after your birth, when I was barely out of childhood myself. Our marriage was foretold by those who see beyond what is visible to most. That ring, is your mother's wedding ring." I looked at it, not comprehending exactly what he was saying. "It was taken from her forcefully by the removal of her finger, before she was killed, and it was given to the man who ordered your parents' death. It took us a long time to recover it. Even now, he is unaware that we have it, and that it now graces the ring finger of the Flame of the Forest, like it did her mother, Lady Forrest of the House Forrest."
Gently, he took me by the hand and led me to a beam of moonlight, bright in its intensity, then placed my hand in the middle of the beam where I saw my mother's ring for the first time since I was a child. It was hers; I knew it without a doubt for the intricate design that was engraved on it was something that had fascinated me then. The moonlight made the design stand out and shine.
"It marks you as a descendant of the long dead kings and queens who once ruled these lands just as the one God became known and followed. Your power is ancient and deeply rooted. A battle is coming. It's already begun, due to an attack on the King which has killed his first two heirs, leaving the Duke as the next in line. That is why we have done this and is why once I have fulfilled my duty as husband, I must leave you right after. By marrying you now I have aligned myself, and by extension the royal house, with your lineage. If our joining tonight results in the creation of a child, then more than my line is secure. It's possible this is the only time we have together as I may die in the coming days."
Those blue eyes gazed at me in the dark, but the blue was barely visible. Instead, they showed only the dark pools of his pupils. It was a look unfamiliar to me, but it still made me feel warm inside, as I felt the stirrings of desire within me. He still had not touched me here in our bedchamber other than by my hand, not even a chaste kiss. His intent was clear. Nothing between us would happen without my consent and my initiative. I was truly sovereign, free to take this man as my husband, or not, even now after the ceremony had been performed. Swallowing my nervousness, I removed my robe and stood in the moonlight, allowing the light from that silvery orb to illuminate my body through the thin fabric of my night chemise. Then I lifted it off over my head and stood before him, unclothed.
"Thou art beautiful," he whispered. "I will forever worship thee as the goddess thou art."
He removed his robe and nightshirt, revealing himself and the embers of desire within me grew into a flame, as I regarded his body. It was obvious he was strong, as his shoulders and chest were muscular and broad. A thick scar on his left arm was the only real blemish on his skin, although there were several other minor scars on his body. The ripples of muscle along his midsection were tantalizing me as they tapered down to where his manhood was ready to break my maidenhead. Every part of him seemed ready for battle and for a moment I feared that he would take me as his prize, in the way that plundering armies often do to the women in the lands they have conquered. Instead, he reached out to take my hand and kissed the palm, then the wrist above it, slowly drawing me closer to the warmth that radiated from his person. Even as his other hand circled my waist, caressing the skin of my back, he gazed at me, then kissed me with soft lips, that were almost pillowy as they rubbed against mine. As my lips parted to allow more of him to explore, both of his arms enclosed me within them, while he pressed his hips against mine. One of his firm thighs slid between my legs and I felt it against my sex, feeling a wetness that almost poured out of me. It certainly seeped out onto his leg, but he used it to his advantage, sliding it against that part of my womanhood that had suddenly awakened.
Breaking the kiss, he grasped my breasts, then mouthed them with his lips and tongue, drawing sounds out of me that I didn't know I was capable of making. Slowly, he kneeled, kissing more of my body down the way until he got to the apex of my thighs and pressed his face into the most private part of my body. Briefly, he paused, to look up at me, as a supplicant would look up in worship.
"Do you wish me to stop?"
I shook my head, then gasped out a "no," and he resumed his exploration of me, bringing small cries out of my throat as I fought against a rising tide of something I had never experienced. He paused again and this time he invoked his right as husband.
"Don't fight it. Accept it."
Obeying his command, I gave myself over to that which was coiling within me. After a few moments of the resumption of his efforts, it snapped, and a rush of white heat went through me, making my legs shake as my body felt weak all over. He supported me, grasping my bottom then he rose to face me and kissed me deeply again, only now there was a taste on him that was almost obscene as I knew it was from the wetness that came out of me. Yet, it seemed right, almost sacred.
"Come to the bed," he murmured, tugging gently on my hand again.
My legs, still weak, almost stumbled and he picked me up with no effort, carrying me up the wooden steps to his bed, the curtain still open and the covers of which were still tossed aside from when he had been hastily awakened. Laying me in it, he joined me, intertwining our legs, as he caressed other parts of me. His skin was warm and surprisingly soft for a man who was also a soldier. The various scars on his body, remnants of earlier battles, were explored by my fingertips, almost as if my hands wanted to remember what they were touching.
"What happened to me?" I asked. "I've never felt like that before. It was not something my aunt prepared me for."
"No, it's not something easily described," Lord Barnes answered, still touching me. "It's something that many have been taught is sinful. The church reduced the act of the giving of pleasure to another as not in keeping with God's command to be fruitful and multiply. As if one has anything to do with the other. What you felt was the coming, and I was honoured at being the first to gift it to you." He took my hand in his and kissed the fingertips, then placed them on his chest. "I also enjoy your touch upon me, anywhere you wish to touch, with your hands or your mouth."
Even though my aunt had told me that, it was something I was still unsure of. Hesitantly, I traced around the pebbled nipple on his chest with my fingertip, hearing his breathing change at my touch. Then I leaned forward and did the same with my tongue, feeling and hearing the groan that came from his throat at that moment. Somehow, I knew that he wished for me to touch elsewhere, and I slid my hand down his side to his hips and over the rounded muscle of his backside. Once more he pressed his hips into mine and I felt the hardness of his manhood against the wetness that was still evident. His lips were on my breasts again, bringing that feeling of desire back. Except now, it was also a feeling of emptiness inside me, of wanting to be filled up by his presence. My hand moved from where it rested on the back of his thigh to just inside his hip, almost touching the part of him that was ready to join with me.
"Just be gentle at the start," he murmured, already knowing my intent. "It is sensitive to touch, but I long to feel your hand on it."
"My Lord," I whispered.
"No, not here, not when we're alone like this." He raised himself over me, grasping my chin in his hand so that our faces were close to together. "In public we will follow the expectations of others but in here, we are ourselves, just a man and a woman. Say my name."
"James," I stammered. "James, what do I do with ... it?"
He smiled, then kissed me, a deep kiss that stirred the fire in me to burn brighter again.
"Caress it, trace its parts with your fingertips or tongue, taste it, whatever you feel right about doing will be more than enough. I promised my body to you. No other woman will ever touch it as you do now. There shall be no mistresses, no one who will ever take your place in our bed."
I did as he suggested and gently took him in my hand, surprised at its hardness yet how velvety soft the skin of it felt. The look on his face showed how enjoyable it was for him. The touch and taste of all of James, brought that feeling back into my body and I found myself writhing against him, desperate to experience the release I felt earlier. Grasping himself, he spread my legs at the knees, then lined his manhood up to slide it into me.
"This will hurt at first," he whispered while he kissed my face. "I will go slow for you, but the first time is usually hard for the woman to bear. Forgive me, beloved."
It did hurt even though his first thrust was gentle and slow, but as he continued his efforts it also released something from deep within me, a sensation that I hadn't known existed until this man, my husband, enlightened me. It was overwhelming and I moaned loudly with the pleasure I felt. Those moans became cries of ecstasy as I felt the coming again, and my whole body seized in a long moment of bliss. James also did the same and I felt heat erupt inside me as his seed filled me. Slowly, he ceased his thrusting then withdrew from within me. Although there was discomfort, the lack of his presence was sorely felt and I clung to him, wanting more. Gently, he kissed my lips, then my neck, before laying beside me and draping his arm and leg over me. I wanted only to remain in his arms for as long as possible, to feel his warm skin on mine, his breath in my hair, and his touch upon me.
"Are you pleased, my love?" he asked softly, as he continued to caress me. "It was not too painful an experience?"
"Is that how it is for all marriages?"
I was still barely able to breathe normally. His smile was felt on my cheek.
"No, only those who have something more between them," he murmured. "Most marriages are made for reasons that have nothing to do with love, and this act of consummation is performed without tenderness or care. Even our betrothal was made for strategic purposes but when I first saw you, I felt a stirring in my heart that I had never felt before. If your parents had lived, we would have met when you were of marriageable age and would have been allowed to become close before the banns were officially read. When it became necessary to hide your identity, I kept away to protect you."
"I know the houses of Pierce, Walker, Rumlow, and Dreykov all offered my uncle ...."
I stopped speaking as he wasn't my uncle, not truly. James must have sensed my disquiet as he caressed me and kissed my head again.
"Even though he was but your godfather he willingly accepted you into his family and raised you according to your father's wishes. I think you can continue to think of him of as your uncle for he certainly did all he could to keep you safe, especially from those Houses. Since it might be a while until I can send for you, it is necessary for you to continue referring to him in that way."
"Can I not return to the Citadel with you?" I didn't want to be separated from James, not now that I knew he was sincere in his love for me. "Surely, I would be safe there."
"You would be, but I can't guarantee that you would make it there, with only Sam and me to protect you. Those houses you named ... are the houses who are behind the attack on the King. I came to claim you as my bride because a spy we have in Pierce's estate, told us that he knows your true identity. Now that we have consummated our marriage, he cannot legally force you into a marriage with one of his sons or nephews." He shifted and turned my head towards him. "You cannot ride in the forest alone anymore. I detest having to ask you not to go there but I fear if you do, he will kidnap you and hold you for ransom."
"It sounds like you believe he will try regardless." He looked down then nodded at the truth of my words. Pulling away from James, I laid with my back to him. "So, I am to be held here until you decide when to let me come to you."
"It's only because of the attack on the King, Arden." He placed his hand on my back. "It has changed everything. I'm sorry."
I didn't answer, as I was still caught between betrayal, anger, and a profound sense of dismay. As soon as he left, I would be a married woman, without the presence of my husband, but possibly a target of an ambitious man who sought the throne for himself. My life, which had been certain just two days ago, was now unpredictable because of machinations that I knew nothing about until this past hour.
I felt the bedding shift as James pulled it aside and rose, pulling the curtain back on that side. A candle was lit, and I could hear him get dressed, then pack his saddlebags. He didn't rush, possibly hoping that I would acknowledge him in some way, but I was still angry that what should have been a momentous event in my life had been reduced to something undertaken clandestinely, as if it were to be ashamed of. Suddenly, he was there at the side of the bed I was in, pushing the curtain even further aside so that he could see me better. I rolled to the other side. A sigh escaped his lips as he stood, waiting for my acceptance.
"I hoped that you would grant me a farewell that would sustain me in the days to come," he said. "If I should fall in that time, you will be the Lady of House Barnes. It will all be yours. I meant what I said about respecting your rights and granting you your sovereignty. You had every right to stop the marriage during the ceremony and to refuse to complete the marital expectation of intercourse. I would have respected your choice. Not many men would. You are angry that I wish to protect you until a time when you are out of danger. So be it. I will take my leave, knowing that at the moment I needed your favour you gave me none. It will not dampen my love for you, dearest Arden."
With no response from me, he turned away and I heard the door open, then close. There was no sound after that until I buried my face in the pillow and cried at my own pride that kept me from giving my husband the respect he deserved. With a sudden regret I jumped out of the bed and hurriedly pulled my robe on, keeping it closed with my hand as I pulled the door open and ran barefoot down the stone stairs into the Great Hall. I continued out of the door into the courtyard in time to see James mount Soldier.
He turned to see me and dismounted as I threw myself at him, not caring that my robe had opened or that my hair was askew. Pulling his riding glove off he touched my cheek gently, wiping away the tears that fell freely. He had such a look of gentleness on his face as he kissed me sweetly.
"Come back to me, James."
"As soon as I can."
He kissed me again, deeper this time, and mounted his horse, as I covered myself again. With a nod to my aunt and uncle, he and Ser Samuel rode out of the keep into the night. After the sound of the horses had faded the only sound were the sobs coming out of me as I buried my face in my hands. Then my aunt and uncle put their arms around me and led me back into the castle to my chambers. Covering me in a clean chemise, my aunt tucked me in, then sat with me and ran her fingers through my hair until I slept.
Part 3>>
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milfbro · 11 months
I'm trying to think if any character in House MD is fuckable. House is too insecure, Wilson is way too needy, Foreman will propose the next day, Chase is gonna whine, Cameron. Well Cameron is open to emotionally distant sex. That mormon guy canonically celibate unless he's married. Taub. Lol. But like. The women he pulled? Must be great in bed. Kutner might be an actual incel. 13 will probably never talk to you again. Cuddy has milf energy and then turns into a milf. Smash. Who am I forgetting. Amber is fuckable if you're a doormat and/or don't mind getting stabbed in your sleep. Smash.
I stopped watching before that last team but I think that one doctor who said 'oooooh coool' to a guy who wouldn't stop bleeding from his ear is a huge catch. 10/10, smash
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weirdtvland · 5 months
I love how the rock women was dominating the hell out of every single group it makes me laugh, I can’t take them seriously back then because every was high as hell! Like Anita single-handedly dominated The Stones to where she likes to call herself the Sixth Stone. Her and Keith’s relationship was strange, because she likes to say they had an “open relationship” but she was furious when she found pictures of Keith and Uschi together. Also Keith was furious at Donald Cammell the director for the movie “Performace” because apparently he was the blame for Mick and Anita’s affair. In a weird way, she reminded me of Lithofayne. Jimi was trying to keep her from living as a free spirit but she wouldn’t have it, it’s like Lithofayne had some sort of hold on Jimi, they were always going back to each other no matter what. Also Devon Wilson was always around him too and say said that she would drug people just to keep them away from being with Jimi, she wanted him to herself but also was chasing after Mick Jagger.
lol Anita needed to be in control all the time, she single-handedly took over the group because she was bored and they were yes men. Often times when I read about Anita she’ll always put the other girls surrounding the group down saying they were mediocre and being rude to them because they weren’t bitchy. Her and Marianne often excluded Shirley because Shirley didn’t do drugs, so she was put as this girl with no personality who Charlie “hides” which was fine with Shirley because she didn’t care. It’s funny because Shirley became close to the other wives like Jerry, Jo, and Patti who were sweethearts and didn’t need to sleep with each other’s husbands and single out the other for attention. And yes she often said that she was the sixth stone, which I kind of agree in a way because they always took whatever she said inconsideration, especially with fashions, she influenced a lot when it came to them. When the filming of Performance started Keith paid Anita not to do it, he read the script and it was like a porno and he begged her not to do it even tearing her script apart. She ended up taking the role of the movie and Keith blamed Donald for the entire thing. Funny thing about that is Marianne blamed Mick for his attractiveness that started their affair and Keith blamed the director. Her and Keith was in an open relationship, they often would sleep with other people but behind each other’s back I guess, it wasn’t like David and Angie who would invite women to sleep with them or would swap partners with other couples. Keith would start a relationship with other women while on the road and then come home to Anita. Uschi said in her book that Anita did find a picture of her and started screaming at Keith about it because she found out about their affair. Also I would have to agree with you on the similarities between Lithofayne and Anita, in an odd way they had the same effect on Keith and Jimi. They were toxic as hell for them but they couldn’t help but to love each other. They were both free spirited and devilish to which everyone found them interesting. Also it has been said that Lithofayne had something to do with Jimi’s fashions. Devon Wilson was a groupie, it was the 60s so there wasn’t any girl’s girls, so the thing about Devon drugging people has been said to be true, she was always fighting for his attention, Jimi liked her as a really close friend but she wanted to marry him. She sleep with Mick & Brian Jones because they were huge scores in the groupie scene in those days. She was even congratulated afterwards.
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
Who’s your favourite rockstar wife?
Hi anon!! This is such a good yet hard question to answer for me! During my years of loving classic rock I have come across many beautiful women who I was either a little jealous of, or absolutely fascinated by. My first real classic rock obsession, as many other fans of the genre, was with The Beatles, so my mind takes me straight to the lovely Cynthia Lennon, a beautiful, resilient, strong woman with a heart made of honey and the most tender smile.
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Thinking about The Beatles, Linda McCartney also immediately comes to mind. I love her photography work and her... interesting lifestyle at the end of the 60s which included sleeping with nearly every rockstar he captured on camera (this included Jimmy Page in his Yardbirds era, who, as you may know, I'm quite fond of). She was such an intelligent, beautiful and talented woman, I remember crying a little when I found out that she sadly passed away.
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Next, I would like to mention Angie Bowie! I know some cr fans think she's problematic, and she did have a very rocky relationship with David, with her even admitting that they didn't actually love each other; nonetheless, I appreciate her gorgeous androgynous look and the way she helped him in his early career, including in the development of the Ziggy Stardust persona.
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Another two rockstar wives I'm really fond of are Maureen Wilson and Mo Jones.
Maureen has such a beautiful, radiant soul and her relationship with Robert is probably my favourite rockstar x wife relationship of all time. We all know how it ended in the end (oh Robert...) but they shared such pure and precious love that remains ever-lasting, no matter the odds.
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And Mo has been married to John Paul Jones ever since they were literally kids, in 1967. I admit I don't know much about their relationship, as there isn't much info about it online, but she's the only wife I have listed that is still married to his husband as we speak (perhaps because Jonesy is a good, faithful lover... I mean it's pretty rare between rockstars to only have one significant relationship in their life, isn't it?)
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Thanks so much for the question anon 🤍 And you? Do you have any favourites?
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rodeoromeo · 2 years
So I've looked into George's friendships with women a bit and there def were limitations for various reasons. 1. A general lack of women in these spaces bc of the male domination of the time. Female musicians and comedians in the areas George liked were also more likely to be American. 2. The cultural aspect of the guys hang with the guys and the ladies hang with the ladies. 3. A mixture of George's friendships being intense and him being a whore, making platonic relationships with women tricky.
But! He did have some lovely female friendships. Astrid ofc, Freda Kelly, Chris O'Dell, Lakshmi Shankar, Cilla Black, Ronnie Spector, Mary Wilson, Beth Chatto (gardener), Yvonne Innes (gardener and wife of Neil Innes), Carinthia West (photographer), Vicki Brown, Jenny Boyd, and Pattie, Maureen, Linda were always close. He was also super close to his sister-in-law Irene and there's this interesting story of a Russian lady named Natalya Sazanova who taught him Hindi in India: harrisonstories /post/187842182188/in-this-photo-natalya-sazanova-is-on-the-far
Anyways, obvs not the *same* as what he had with men but I feel like in a way George might've had more female friendships than John and Paul bc they were so invested in their wives and he and Olivia were friends with a bunch of other married couples. O'Dell's friendship with him is particularly interesting bc she refused to sleep with him out of loyalty to Pattie. She had potential to be one of his deeper friends but unfortunately had her own issues to sort out.
Sorry for the essay lmao but in case anyone was curious!
very interesting research!!!! thanks for sharing!!!!
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cyarskaren52 · 6 months
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That whole thread is full of dusties, ashies and pick-mes, all butt hurt & still claiming the marriage is temporary & Russ will toss the boy away once he catches Ciara sleeping with men in his bed. I’m sorry they saw their momma get caught up but they need to chill.
And even if Russell caught Ciara sleeping with the entire Denver Broncos in his bed, he will still have to deal with Future Jr since he is the sibling to Russ’ kids with Ciara.
A lot of these dusties are bigmad their mommas’ multiple boyfriends rejected them and they project that onto to Russ & Ciara
The sad thing is if Russell Wilson married a white woman with a child NONE of these dusties would be calling him a simp or calling the white woman a ho.
Dusties, Ashies and Pickmes are pissed that with Russell’s money and access to white women, he chose a black woman and they will never forgive him for it.
And the thing is, Russell had himself a white woman who did the exact same thing to Russell they claim black baby momma Ciara will do.
They’re not mad about potential cheating behavior. They’re mad he chose a Black woman instead of the White woman they wish they could get.
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needlesscontrarian · 1 year
Having almost finished the first season of House, the implied relationship between House and Wilson is that they are married but let each other sleep with women because it "doesn't count."
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Mabel Fairbanks (November 14, 1915 – September 29, 2001) was a figure skater and coach. She paved the way for other minorities to compete in the sport of figure skating. She was inducted into the US Figure Skating Hall of Fame, as the first person of African American and Native American descent, and the International Women's Sports Hall of Fame. She was born in Florida's Everglades. Her father was African American while her mother was a Native American of English descent. She was orphaned at the age of eight. After staying with a teacher who treated her like a "maid," she joined one of her brothers in New York City. A wealthy woman saw her sleeping on a park bench and offered her a job as a babysitter. She began figure skating around 1925 to 1928. After observing children at the Central Park ice rink, she bought herself used skates, stuffed them with cotton because they were two sizes too big, and began skating at the rink. She said, "Blacks didn't skate there. But it was a public place, so I just carried on." She gained further inspiration after seeing Sonja Henie in One in a Million. She was denied access to the local rink by the cashier but she kept returning until the manager admitted her. Maribel Vinson Owen and Howard Nicholson provided her with technical advice. She was not allowed to compete in the national qualifying event for the Olympics or any competition. She performed in shows in New York. She wore pink or purple skate boots rather than the more common black or white ones. She practiced on a 6 ft by 6 ft rink constructed in her room. After relocating to Los Angeles, she toured internationally, skating with Ice Capades in Mexico and with Ice Follies. After returning to the US, she saw a sign with "Colored Trade Not Solicited" at the Pasadena Winter Gardens. She coached singles and pairs, including Tiffany Chin, Billy Chapel, Scott Hamilton, Kristi Yamaguchi / Rudy Galindo, Tai Babilonia / Randy Gardner, Leslie Robinson, Michelle McCladdie, Richard Ewell, Debi Thomas, Atoy Wilson, and Jean Yuna. She taught skating to the children of many celebrities. She was never married. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck8Jnd6LMjj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goodomensmike · 2 years
Tumblr Get To Know Me Emojis
🎨 = Favorite Color(s)?
Soft blues and pastels in general.
🌅 = Early Bird or Night Owl?
Early bird, but not by choice. Career and parenting forced me into short sleep cycles and early mornings. Now it's just how I am.
👀 = Eye Color?
Hazel. They tend to shift with what I am wearing and you emotions. When I am very happy, they are a clear, bright green. When I am in pain or sad, they are an almost white shade of grey. When I am annoyed or deep in thought, it appears a bright blue. When I am ready to break someone they get large dollops of gold and brown.
🤩 = Celebrity Crush?
I have a few. I'll put pictures here.
But Stevie Nicks,
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the late Laura Brannigan,
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Ann Wilson of Heart,
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The Corr sisters,
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Orla Gartland, who is one of the most incredible singers out there.
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Nathalie Miranda, who has a gritty, passionate voice that blows me away (plus she is just plain sweet and nice and hard working)
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Julia Jones (actually being part Native American i am rather drawn to all my relations there),
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Tia Carrera (I have a strong attraction and desire towards Asia/Pacific women and men),
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Julia Nunes, whose career i have been following since 2008, and is the hardest working, most gorgeous AND talented woman on the freaking planet. There is some REAL brains and guts for you!
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Richard Dean Anderson,
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and oh my Gods who ISN'T attracted to Jason Momoa?! (Drools)
📺 = Favorite Childhood TV Show(s)?
Battlestar Galactica, MacGyver, Knight Rider
💈= Current Hair Color?
Sandy. It is a blend of grey, silver, blonde, brown, and red highlights 
🔐 = Relationship Status?
Open/Poly. Today, as I am writing this, is 28 years married and 30 years dating earlier this year (March 23). I have dated both men and women, and while I still "bi-cycle" it tends to go 40-40-20 one way or the other. (Women, men, other)
🌎 = What Country Are You From?
Same 💩hole I'm in now, United (that's a freaking laugh!) States of America 
🙀 = Favorite Scary Movie?
Hellraiser or Event Horizon 
🔮 = Advice You Would Give To Your Younger Self?
Oh Gods, REAMS! I'll do that later, maybe even in video form.
🎊 = Favorite Holiday?
Lughnasadh or Mabon
🐉 = Zodiac Symbol?
Virgo in Tropical system, Leo in Sidereal
🏘 = Any Siblings?
I am one of 10 by my dad, but my moms only child
✨ = If You Could Be Any Supernatural Creature, What Would You Be?
Good question. I need time to think about that.
📏 = How Tall Are You?
Five foot none inches aka 175.26 CM
🤓 = Do You Wear Glasses?
No, but I am pretty sure I need them
🍿 = Favorite Snack?
Slices apples, bananas, pears, jellied cranberry sauce, yogurt covered raisins 
🐶 = Any Pets?
5 cats. I also have a mated couple of deer who like to come see me and sit with me in the morning. I don't feed them and haven't done anything to make this occur. They just picked me. The coyote pack on Lake Hartwell did the same for years.
👽 = Do You Believe in Aliens?
Seems like an awful big waste of space and probably mathematically impossible for there NOT to be.
🥑 = Favorite Food(s)?
Avocados, pizza, extra sharp Cheddar, grapes, pumpkins, squash, succotash 
⏰ = Current Time Zone?
Eastern daylight aka -5 GMT
🗓 = Favorite Season?
💅 = Do You Wear Makeup?
Does nail polish count? I have in the past and probably will again. I have no interest nor attachments to gender norms, but I also have 0 desire to do anything out of the way to flaunt them.
💉 = Do You Have Tattoos?
I wish. Too expensive. I want the art in the cover of Liber Aba and a few other things, but just haven't had the means when I had the will.
📍 = What’s The Furthest You’ve Travelled?
Well, my memory is damaged due to a prescription med interaction in 2016, but I can tell you I have been on every Continent except Antarctica. 
💔 = Have You Ever Had Your Heart Broken?
Multiple times. If you love for real, you're going to hurt. Brian Moshpit, Danny from school, Shannon from Junior high..you can love and let go, and still find strength in that love while just being happy and hoping they are happy.
☎️ = What’s The Last Text You Received?
A 🤬 advert from Chili's 
🏀 = What Sport(s) Do You Play/Have You Played?
I used to play soccer (REAL football!), field hockey, ice hockey, baseball, and golf (terribly! Got called the divot king)
💀 = Have You Ever Broken A Bone?
Have one healing right now, my left foot. I've had 35 total in my lifetime. 
❓ = Freebie Question (Ask Whatever You Want)
Fire away. Let's hear some!
Thanks to the following for sharing!
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dameronology · 3 years
marvel masterlist
i do not give permission for these works to be posted on any other sites
steve rogers
⥤ the one where everyone finds out
you & steve had been pretty good at keeping your relationship hidden from the public eye - it takes one (minor, in his defense) mishap on his part to change that ⥤ the one where you bring home a dog
you want a dog. steve doesn't want a dog. so you get a dog.
⥤ walls
steve just wants to look after you - even if it means breaking down your insanely stubborn walls. ⥤ the one with his new girl
pretending to be over steve rogers is hard. all it takes is a few glasses of expensive wine and a conversation with his gorgeous new girlfriend before the walls begin to come down. ⥤ the one where you can’t sleep
steve rogers is a good cure for insomnia. ⥤ the one where you finally talk about it 
when a mission goes wrong, you end up in a cell with your ex-boyfriend. what a better way to pass the time than to discuss where things went wrong? ⥤ knowing me, knowing you
breaking up is never easy - but it’s the best thing you can do (yes, it’s based on the song by abba and no, i have no regrets)
⥤ delays on the a-train
you had a lot of beef with the MTA; slightly less so since the world’s most unreliable subway led you to the likes of steve rogers bucky barnes ⥤ the one where he’s not ready
you and bucky, during one particularly soft morning, have an honest conversation about your relationship ⥤ you have my number
bucky barnes’ memory is a little selective, thanks to all the brainwashing - but one thing he’ll never forget is his love for you, even if you’re a complete & utter pain in the ass. his ass. ⥤ it’s no use, i just do
‘if i just wanted someone to hold, then really anyone would do/i’d close my eyes and really try not to turn them into you, but it’s no use, i just love you’ - no use i just do, hayley williams (a.k.a the one where bucky needs a hug specifically from you) tony stark (no longer on character list) ⥤ the one where he does something dumb 
‘you think i’m the stupid one but you’re the one who married me, so who’s the real idiot here?’
thor odinson ⥤ the one with the failed mission
‘you think i’m the stupid one but you’re the one who married me, so who’s the real idiot here?’ natasha romanoff ⥤ questioning
natasha had always been able to appreciate women. once she meets you, it becomes clear why ⥤ aftermath
when the snap happened, everyone’s minds immediately went to the person they loved the most. natasha romanoff’s went to you ⥤ better now
just domestic bliss with natasha - also, you have a cat sam wilson ⥤ the art of self care
after a long week at work, sam wilson waits for you at home matt murdock ⥤ the defence rests
aka romeo & juliet, except you’re a hot young d.a intern & matt is a hot lawyer frank castle
⥤ lonely eyes
frank castle therapises you, basically (based on the song lonely eyes by the front bottoms)
⥤ trigger
frank castle lives to protect you. he doesn't take it very well when you do the same for him. matt murdock + frank castle love triangle, because clearly i have psychological issues ⥤ slipping through my fingers
frank castle has a lot of pride - maybe too much to admit just how in love with you he is ⥤ anyone but him
you and matt are different people. you and frank are similar people. how’s that working out for you? not well. ⥤ red & blue
domestic life with matt murdock was a new kind of bliss. that doesn’t mean you’d ever stop thinking about frank, though. zemo ⥤ the loyalty complexity + part two
you were once loyal to captain america, but it never worked out in your favour – after his actions regarding the sokovia accords sent you on the run, you found yourself in an unlikely pairing with a former enemy. when rogers requires both your assistance, he’s forced to face the truth: you’re no longer his. you’re no longer anyone’s, in fact, but baron zemo comes close. peter parker mcu peter parker ⥤  when we were young
you haven’t seen peter parker for years. a chance meeting on a roof-top reminds you of your younger days. amazing spiderman peter parker ⥤ scenes from a modern romance
everyone has stupid arguments, but it’s hard to stay mad at peter parker ⥤  a matter of time (series masterlist; completed)
peter parker has barely gotten over losing you and getting dragged into another universe where you’re still alive and kicking isn’t about to help the case. thanks to an ultimatum from stephen strange, peter has just a matter of days to make you realise who he is and what you had, or he faces losing you all over again. he better get to work. ⥤  come home 
peter parker can’t protect you from everything, no matter how hard he tries ⥤ what can you do?
a.k.a the one where peter has an existential crisis about turning 20 (based loosely on 30/90 from tick, tick, boom)
⥤ burnt out
when you're feeling a little burnt out, peter's there to remind you of what's important (the answer? pizza)
⥤ last request
you want to break up. peter doesn't.
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Flightless Bird | sixteen | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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Jake and Bradley were both smiling when they landed their planes. The training went really well, both men winning exercises easily. It put them in a good mood, well a great mood actually. 
Jake slapped Bradley’s shoulder before slinging an arm over it, “Good flying, Bradshaw.”
“Yeah, you too Hangman,” Bradley laughed, “Good maneuvers.”
“Did you see the way-”
“Hangman, Rooster,” Mav came jogging up to the two men, slightly out of breath, “You two need to get to the hospital.”
“Why?” They both seemed to ask at the same time, sparing a quick glance at the other. 
“Penny called, Jose went into labor,” Mav explained, “Jose requested that you both at least rinse off before you speed your way there.”
“Shit,” Both men cursed, already unzipping their flight suits as they started to run towards the showers. 
They passed Phoenix along the way who was chatting with Bob outside of the locker rooms, “Phoe, baby, hurry up. Jose is having the baby.”
It took all three of them less than ten minutes to be on the road. Both boys were sort of bouncing in their seats, either from excitement or nerves, Phoenix wasn’t sure which. Jake was probably all excitement, because he hardly stopped talking about how great of an uncle he was going to be to that little girl. Bradley on the other hand, well Phoenix could imagine it was probably more nerves than anything else. The girl he loves was having a baby, but that baby didn’t belong to him. Phoenix knew he would love her all the same, undoubtedly more than her biological father would. But still. 
Phoenix didn’t run down the hall with the boys, instead she lingered in the waiting room. She knew this was a moment they needed to be there for, she could meet the baby later, and only when Jose wanted her to. 
The boys ran to reception asking where to find Jose before taking off towards her room. It was quiet when they knocked on the door before hearing Jose tell them to come in. Jake hesitated, clinching and unflinching his fists for a moment before pulling on the handle. Beside him, Bradley drew in a deep breath before following him inside the room. 
Jose was the bed, hair pulled back into a messy ponytail. She gave them both a soft smile when she saw them. Neither noticed Penny sitting on the little couch next to the bed, or the small baby bassinet between them. 
“How are you feeling?” Jake was the first to speak. 
“Good,” She sounded tired but almost dreamy, “I have someone I want you two to meet.”
She pulled back the blanket with one hand to reveal a tiny, sleeping, baby settled in her arm, “Meet Florence.”
The air was knocked out of both men. Bradley lingered behind Jake, not knowing what to do. When was the last time he actually saw a baby up close? Had he ever even held a newborn? 
“Jo, she’s perfect,” Jake breathed out, “Why didn’t you call us sooner?”
“There wasn’t a thing you could’ve done. Penny took great care of me, she held my hand the whole time,” Jose explained softly, “Do you want to hold her?”
Jake’s eyes were teary as he looked at the impossibly small baby, “Can I?”
Jose nodded and shifted so she could hold the little baby out for Jake to take, ��Just watch her head, okay?”
He nodded and held her carefully, smiling a bit as she nestled into his arms, “Does she have a middle name yet?”
Jose smiled and nodded, looking over at Bradley. He was still frozen just inside the room, “Bradley, aren’t you going to come say hello?”
“I don’t want to wake her up,” He whispered. 
“She’ll be fine. Come on,” Jose went as far as to pat her bed, inviting him to come sit on it. 
Jake was softly rocking Florence in his arms, whispering that he was her Uncle Jake and that he planned on spoiling her absolutely rotten. It made Jose fight back tears. Bradley paused right in front of Jake, peering down at the little baby before looking back up at Jose. 
He knew she was going to look just like her mother, even if Jose couldn’t see it yet.  Little Florence had the same nose, and already seemed to be smiling in her sleep like her mom did. The thought alone made Bradley smile. The little baby was perfect. 
“She’s so beautiful, Jose,” Bradley whispered, not looking away.
“She really is,” Jake agreed. 
Penny smiled at the boys before slowly getting up and slipping out of the room, but not before winking at Jose. 
“You asked if she had a middle name yet,” Jose said slowly, taking a deep breath, “She actually has two…boys, meet Florence Olivia Caroline Wilson.”
“Olivia?” Jake asked, tears brimming. 
Jose nodded slowly, “After your mom… and Caroline after..”
“You named her after my mom?” Bradley was crying now, which only made Jose cry. 
“I hope that’s okay. I know I didn’t ask, but I wanted her to be named after some very strong women. Those were the best names I could dream of.”
Bradley moved forward and kissed Jose softly. It was all he could think of to do. He wanted to hold and kiss her all day long, but a little whimper made him pull back. Jose held her arms out for her baby, smiling at her the whole time. 
“My sweet girl, these are the two most important men in your mommy’s life, which means they’re the most important in your life too,” She said softly while running a finger down Florence’s little cheek, “Your Uncle Jake, who will spoil you even if mommy tells him not to. And your mommy’s Bradley, who will probably spoil us both.”
Jake thought back to the day Jose was told she couldn’t have children. He held her for hours as she cried, and then watched and she burned her list of baby names. They never talked about it again after that night, but he knew how much it hurt her. She always wanted to be a mom, she used to dream of it. He couldn’t help the emotions that welled up while watching her now. She was finally a mom.
She had everything she dreamed of, a man that loved her by her side and a baby of her own to hold and love and raise. 
“You did an amazing job Jose,” Bradley said softly, trying to wipe at his eyes without being too obvious. 
“You really did,” Jake agreed, “She’s amazing. I can’t believe you made her.”
Jose smiled softly at her daughter, “I can’t believe it either. It’s the fact that she was still inside of me this morning and now she’s here.”
The boys huddled around her bed and just watched the baby. She was so little, but so precious. Bradley was amazed at her from the moment he saw her. He didn’t know if he would love the baby, she wasn’t his to love anyway. But at first sight he felt his heart seemingly double. She looked just like her mother, how could he not love her? How could he not automatically want to care for and protect her too? Then Jose told him that she was also named after his mom and he swore he could hear both of his parents tell him that he picked a good one. 
It took a minute, but then he seemed to finally notice the blanket the baby was wrapped in. He had to choke back a sort of sob, it was his blanket. His old, warn, well loved baby blanket. The same one that his dad bought for him.
“Something loved for someone loved,” Jose smiled up at Bradley, already knowing what he just realized. 
“I love you so much,” He leaned down to kiss her forehead, “So so much, Jose.”
“Can I go get Phoenix?” Jake asked, bouncing on his feet. 
“Yeah, I think it’s time little Florence met her Auntie Nat, don’t you?”
Soon, the four of them were all huddled around sleeping little Florence. Her whole little family all in the room to celebrate her. They took turns holding her, being as gentle as possible. Jose cried several times, blaming it all on the hormones. But she missed the fact that everyone else, Florence aside, was crying too. The little family of four was now a family of five, and all seemed right in the world. 
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