#and with Sango I think that’s really helpful when it comes to her brother her traumas and her future
shikonstar · 2 years
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Hearts are delicate. Breakable. Once they slip through one set of fingers, can they ever find a home in those hands again?
An Inu/Kag ficlet.
“I love you.”
She says it, knowing it’s too late. He’s already set his eyes on someone else, but if she doesn't get the words out, she knows she’ll explode. Saying it once he’s actually involved with someone else just wouldn't be right. Her smile is several watts too bright as his eyes blink rapidly, his brows lowered in confusion.
“But I don't--”
“Love me. I know. I just....had to get it out. Don't worry about it. I know that it’s her. And...I hope it works for you. Really.”
She means it. She truly does. All she’s ever wanted is for him to be happy, even if that happiness is like acid in her lungs, drowning her in fire. She doesn't bother waiting for an answer. She knows he’s staked out this hallway, waiting for Kikyo to make her way to her next class, and just because she’s always been his biggest cheerleader doesn't mean she wants first-row seats to the game. So she steps to the left and allows herself to be swept away in the sea of other students, drowning out the sound of him trying to let her down easy.
Her heart slipped from the clawed hands in which she had placed it, shattering into crystalline fragments as it hit the floor.
“This doesn't mean I love you or anything.”
It’s an almost grudging mumble, and she has to bite back the harsh words that want to shoot from her mouth like bullets in response. It’s been months, he’s dating someone else, and she’s not an idiot.
“I didn't think it did,” she settles on saying, meeting his eyes steadily.
He shifts, still holding the class assignments he brought for her while she was sick with the flu.
“I just....didn't want to give you the wrong idea,” he explains, and there's an almost apologetic note in the tone of his voice.
“I hardly think bearing gifts of extra homework qualifies as a declaration of undying love,” she says dryly, choosing to give him an out.
He snorts a laugh, and the tension leaves his body as he drops into the chair by her desk, launching into everything she’s missed in the Miroku/Sango drama since she’s been out for the week.
“Tryin’ to take her place won't make me love you!”
The words are sharp and meant to cut; the feral snarl on his face makes that clear. The breakup with Kikyo has been bad, and he is still raw and exposed. Steam was still rising from the meat of a fresh kill, and he was looking for something--anything--on which to vent his pain.
Naturally, that would be Kagome. Always soft. Always helpful. Always near. But even as the words leave his mouth, something tells him he has crossed a line. He waits for the tears or, if he is lucky, the angry yelling, and his apprehension grows when neither comes.
Instead, she draws herself up and gazes at him with a coldness that would have had even his brother shivering.
“You don't share my feelings, and that’s fine. But that doesn't mean you get to throw them in my face whenever it suits you,” she says quietly.
The words fell on him like a stoning, each one leaving a bruise in its wake. It washes away his own raging sadness, leaving him feeling small and ashamed.
“I didn't mean--”
“I already knew it without you having to say anything. Just....leave it.”
He looks at her from under his bangs, and for the first time, it occurs to him that Kagome is no stranger to this feeling. He wonders how she manages to keep such a good lid on it and how long it took to learn that kind of control.
He’s afraid of the answer.
Her phone buzzes, sparing them both. She looks at the screen, then arranges her lips into the distant cousin of a smile.
“Sango wants us to go to the movies with them. C’mon, let's go spend a couple of hours watching things blow up. It usually makes me feel better, at least.”
He should probably make a better apology or at least finish their conversation, but instead, he wipes the crusty trail of tears off of his cheeks and snatches up his jacket from where he had tossed it on his bed.
“Fine. I’ll spring for your snacks this time,” he says, knowing that as apologies go, it’s weak and insufficient, but he promises himself that he’ll try to make it up to her later when he isn't feeling like a steaming pile of shit.
“Ya know, if you didn't love me, you'd probably have more of a social life.”
He says it almost like a joke, and he hopes she doesn't hear the note of curiosity in his voice. He knows she’s been asked out on dates. He’s heard guys moan over her in the locker room. Part of him feels guilty that she’s never made an effort to move on. Part of him he bludgeons with a mallet every time it starts to pop up out of its hole.
Kagome takes another delicate nibble of her sandwich, never raising her attention from her book.
“It would probably make it easier for me to get laid, too,” she agrees, her manner distressingly casual.
The shock causes him to pause before his fangs can break the skin of his apple. The concept of Kagome getting laid is foreign. It’s as if he has been dropped in another country where he doesn't speak the language and doesn't know the terrain, but somehow he is expected to navigate it successfully. He examines her out of the corner of his eye, wondering if she realizes that she sounds almost comfortable with the idea of being with someone other than him.
It should come as a relief.
But it doesn't.
“You've always said you didn't love me, so what does it even matter?”
They have been arguing for over an hour. She’s tired, and her nerves are fraying. Why was he acting like this was such a betrayal? Eventually, he would move on from his heartbreak (for someone who could heal physically within the blink of an eye, wounds of the heart had been surprisingly slow to mend), and he wouldn't need her as some sort of living security blanket.
He digs his claw into the tree, the wood soft as butter under the unyielding blades. “We’d all decided on the same college, and you wait until now to say you aren't going?” He snapped, unable to look at her; otherwise, the stinging sensation behind his eyes might make itself known.
“I am going. Just not until next year,” she says with a listless shrug. “My grandparents are paying for this trip, and it’s an opportunity I think I’d regret passing up. Besides, having me around would just cramp your style,” she tries to joke, but she can tell by the way his jaw clenches that her attempt has fallen flat.
“Is it really what you want?” He asks, becoming oddly stoic.
There’s a stretch of silence, as she thinks. For years, she’s been by his side, as constant and unobtrusive as his shadow. The pain of loving him has become a steady weight that she carries like her school backpack. She’s weary. She wants to put it down.
“It’s what I need,” she answers.
“I don't love you anymore.”
She says it with a smile that speaks of relief, a prisoner who has had their sentence revoked.
Inuyasha wants to scream, wants to laugh. He wants to beat the living shit out of someone or tear down trees. He wants to bury his face in his mother’s stomach and sob like a pup. But he doesn't get to do that, does he? He had his chance. No. He had hundreds. In the time she’s been gone, he’s counted them all out, a rosary of sadness worn smooth from use. It shouldn't come as a surprise that it was too late, and yet, for some reason, it had. It was like fate had saved up all of the pain Kagome must have felt from his words and actions over the years and hurtled it back into his stomach.
The smile he gives her is only marginally less shaky than his voice. “Took you long enough,” he laughs.
His heart begs her to realize that something is wrong, to understand and make things better as she always has, in her typical Kagome way.
She doesn't notice.
She’s not really looking at him anymore.
“They look so in love, don't they?”
He has to turn a growl into a cough at those words, and he pretends to check his phone so he doesn't have to watch the couple slowly strolling across campus, their arms wrapped around each other. They do look like they're in love. It was a look he had imagined on Kagome’s face for over a year now, and he was finally seeing it. Just not from the angle he wanted.
Not that he saw it much. He hated being a third or fifth wheel, so he usually made an excuse to duck out of any kind of group activities where she and her boyfriend might be. He had made the mistake of going to a party, and he still wasn't over the shock of seeing Kagome dancing. Her body swaying and grinding against another, her arms wrapped around his neck in such an intimate manner that screamed out for the whole room that they were lovers.
He had staggered out into the cold night air, his legs so shaky that those watching him thought he was drunk. But he had been stone-cold sober; he wasn't granted the mercy of a blackout-induced memory loss.
Still, he couldn't bring himself to try to find someone else. There was a tiny part of him that hoped that if he waited long enough, the situation would right itself, and they would find their way to each other. The thought brought a grim smile. That isn't how life worked, though. The most likely scenario was that Kagome, if she didn't stick with this guy, would find someone else. And then another. And so on and so forth, until she finally found one who was the one.
And he was just going to have to deal with it.
“It hurts. Not as bad as loving you did, but it still hurts.”
She’s crying, and he can feel each hot tear as it sears through the material of his hoodie. He’s a sick, selfish fucker because, for one hot minute, he clings to the fact that she had felt more strongly for him; that feeling withers and dies in the face of her sadness, and he can't bring himself to take any real joy from something that is causing her pain. At least this time, he’s not the one who fucked up and hurt her. At least this time, he’s trying to be there for her in whatever way she needs him--not the way he wants, but hell, this isn't about him.
Sango would probably tell her not to waste her tears on the bastard.
Miroku would have soothing words of wisdom that made you want to slap him for being right.
Inuyasha figured he’d said enough of the wrong shit over the years, and she didn't need to hear anymore. Words had never come all that easily to him, and she was too precious to hurt as casually as he had in the past.
So instead, he holds her a little tighter, stroking her hair. He places the barest whisper of a kiss on the top of her head, knowing she probably hadn't felt it but unable to hold back that small gesture of affection.
She wasn't his to love or protect.
Somehow, it really didn't seem to matter.
“Because I’m an idiot, and I fell in love with you again!”
It’s a quiet wail of despair, and honestly, the last thing Inuyasha thought he would ever hear. His ears flick forward and back in rapid succession, sure that somehow the delicate instruments were in error. She had been avoiding him, and he had finally hunted her down and pressed the issue. At her words, joy bubbles up within him, and the dead lump of flesh in his chest starts beating rapidly as if it’s trying to make up for lost time. He’s almost delirious in his happiness, so it comes as a shock when he realizes that Kagome is slumped in on herself, looking like the textbook definition of misery.
Why isn't she as happy as he is?
Then his brain catches up with the reality of the situation, and he has his answer. She thinks it’s like before. She thinks her heart is in a freefall and he’s not gonna do a damn thing before it splatters all over the ground.
But she’s wrong.
He takes a step toward her, and then another.
“Took you long enough,” he says, and he can't hold back the smile when he hears the hitch in her throat as her eyes search his with a desperate intensity.
He’s still shit with words, and he knows that she knows this. So instead of tripping over his own tongue and leaving room for misinterpretation, he leans forward and places his lips over hers. It’s light and gentle and over far too soon. She still looks slightly confused, so he places one hand on the back of her head and goes in for another. He feels her fingers slide up and grip his collar as she returns his kiss, her small whimper of satisfaction pulling out a rumble of agreement from deep within his chest.
He still doesn't feel like it’s enough.
“Fuck it,” he whispers harshly before pulling her flush against him, bruising her lips as he pours out the feelings that have been trapped within him for far too long.
Kagome, being Kagome, feels everything that he is saying without words, and to his delight, she responds in kind.
As they cling to each other in the cramped stairwell of her dorm, he feels it. Not the hair under his right hand or the hip under his left. But somehow, in both, the sensation of her heart sliding into place, exactly where she had placed it before.
It was a perfect fit.
From the slight tremble that ran through her body, he knew it was being placed carefully, as if not entirely sure it was safe. He couldn't blame her, and he was determined to do whatever it took to prove that neither her trust nor her heart had been misplaced. He wasn't too worried.
He might be an idiot, but he was an idiot with a damn good grip.
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silverstar22x · 1 year
Yashahime : The sequel that could have been everything
As many of us know we all have a favorite comfort show or movie that brought us much happiness and nostalgia , well for me it was "Inuyasha" (created by Rumiko Takahashi) which was first debut as its manga of the same name before it was later adapted into an anime in the early 2000's. The anime follows the journey of Kagome Higurashi who came accidentally traveled to the feudal era though a mystical well and Inuyasha the young Half-human half-dog demon the illegitimate son of a powerful demon lord as them and their friends Sango the demon slayer , Miroku the cursed monk and Shippo a mystical fox demon child travel around feudal era Japan collecting shards of the sacred Shikon jewel that has the Ability to enhance the spiritual power of those who whether demon or human. While the show itself had its up and downs it still became a memorable series to watch . . . that is until we get to "Yashahime: Half-demon Princesses" the sequel to the anime that did not really live up to the hype that many old and new fans were hoping for as the show had its own that we will discuss.
"Yashahime" is the spin-off series of the original Anime and Manga "Inuyasha" that released in June 27, 2021 which shows us the adventures of Towaqa , Setsuna and Moroha who have set out on journey to uncover their unknown past and reunite with their parents while also fighting powerful demons and getting into wacky high jinks.
While in the original series the focus was on the adventures of Inuyasha , Kagome and their friends however the Sequel takes a different approach as it main centers on Towa and Setsuna the fraternal twin daughters of the great demon lord of the west Sesshomaru and his orphaned ward Rin (who's relationship we will discuss later in this post) its shown in the first episode of the series that when the twins are four they get separated from each other in a forest fire then caused Towa who was desperately searching for her sister when she falls into the bone-eater's well transporting her to modern world where she is and then later adopted by her Uncle-in-law/ Kagome's younger brother Souta Higurashi , a decade pass and time-traveling portal of the bone eater's well finally reopens allowing the sister to finally reunite with until it is discover that Setsuna who shown to have become a harden warrior and demon slayer under that tutelage of Kohaku , Sango's now adult younger brother it is then when it's discovered that when the twins were separated Setsuna fell pray to a demon who not only stole her dreams but as well as her memories of her beloved sister Towa. It is during that time when the twins come across Moroha the quarter-demon child of Inuyasha and Kagome and she later joins their group as they embark on their epic journey together.
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As excited as many fan of "Inuyasha" sequel "Yashahime" i myself do not share the sentiment as the show itself present a lots of issues never discussed in the series but is very obviously noticed by the fandom like the mischaracterization and lack of understanding the values and principle of of character of the original anime like making the character Miroku abandon his family for the of training and don't even get me start on weird character designs and it doesn't help that the pacing of the story is confusing .
while the show did introduce us to Moroha it feels insulting that the show would her the child of the original main character to be pushed to the side for comedic relief, then their the biggest issue with this Sequel is the fact that Sunrise the production company behind Most of Takahashi's works made Sesshomaru and Rin a canonical couple and made Rin the mother of the twin in the sequel which is pretty gross when you think about as in the original aRin was only 8 years old when she was taken in by lord Sesshoumaru after he revived her when she was murdered by a pack of wolves and in the flashbacks in "Yashahime" show her to look no older than 14-15 years old when she and Sesshomaru get together. This shocking discovery did however come with plenty of criticism from fans of the fan base as very clear that their relationship in the original was meant to be a platonic/ familial one where Rin and Sesshomaru had a father and adopted child relationship that work both ways for Sesshomaru he need someone to show him that humanity was something that was worth protecting and fighting for, However these word at the time did not sway Sesshomaru as he was left confused as to why his father would say such things when those very beliefs are what led to his early demise. while these things cant be said to be the same for Rin ,her life before meeting by Sesshomaru was not an easy one, as a young child Rin's entire family was killed by bandits which lead to her becoming a orphan in another village the entire experience causing her to become mute , she later then find an injured Sesshomaru , who despite his attempts to keep her bay did not work on the kindhearted child , we continue to see their relationship progress as Rin start to view Sesshomaru as her protector/ or Father , someone who will anything to protect. Sadly despite all the fact reflecting on the true nature Sunrise production and their director still had the audacity to make this kind of thing happen in the sequel which in my opinion this is not an anime i would recommend to others no how much it had brought in its release.
This is Ashley's Anime Opinions signing off Bye !!!
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girlbossminerva · 2 years
Hear me out again please
Sango x Kagome AU
Instead of meeting Inuyasha first, Kagome meets Sango, and for some reason or event she chooses to help Sango to find out more, and they meet Inuyasha a rogue prince who got kicked to the curb by Inu No Taisho's first wife, Inukimi, and her first son Sesshomaru, of course he has trust issues (same) but meets Kagome and Sango, Kagome reminding him of a maiden who took pity on him and kept him safe from his brothers arrogance towards him, only for him to sometimes attack her, but eventually they get along and become a group of a misfit family, oh and eventually meet Miroku who at first believes Kagome and Sango are kept hostage by Inuyasha and imagines he saves them and makes them his wives but of course this is driven out when Inuyasha saves him from Naraku's minions who come after him.
Hmm interesting interesting, I honestly have not considered many Inuyasha aus since (as far as I've gotten in my rewatch) there's not much I'd like to change.
Didn't the exterminators have the shikon pearl for a while? What if, let's say, the pearl didn't really dissapear with Kikyo's dead, some remnant of it was still there and the exterminators had to keep it safe, but it's still being constantly stolen by monsters.
So, a monster gets that little remnant and Sango's village has to get it back. Kagome gets brought back in time as per usual, we can even keep the centipede woman from EP 1 & 2, and the monster that got the remnant perceives the appearance of a new, stronger version of the pearl, and goes to find Kagome. THAT'S how she and sango could meet first.
Inuyasha would be a little trickier to get to, because his history with Kikyo could stay the same or not, he could be sealed in a tree and wakes up because of Kagome's presence, or something else. Because you see, i don't think that Inuyasha can remain the same character without Kikyo or having one more fully human character in his life (after his mother) to keep him from embracing toxic masculinity i mean demonhood with all the evilness that entails.
Miroku can change completely. Please, I need him to be even just two degrees less awful.
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ruinlost · 2 years
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@erabundus said:
ren  normally  isn't  one  for  HOLIDAY  CHEER,  but  the  least  he  do  is  put  on  a  smile  for  the  strange  little  family  he's  (  somehow,  against  all  odds  )  found  for  himself.  ❝  alright.  line  up.  hold  out  your  hands.  ❞   he  gives  a  tiny  chuckle  and  nods  at  the  bag  by his side,   ❝  i  come  bearing  gifts.  ❞
farrow  is  up  first.  ren  hands  him  a  small  box.  inside  is  a  wooden  lock  puzzle,.  while  comprised  of  many  different  pieces,  it  feels  surprisingly  sturdy  and  built  to  last.   ❝  it's  from  sumeru.  ❞   he  explains.  ❝  you  could  say  i  took  inspiration  from  someone.  ❞   something  to  keep  the  mind  and  hands  preoccupied,  if  nothing  else. he knows from experience how helpful that kind of thing can be.
taiyang's  gift  comes  in  a  bag.  it's  a  sango  pearl  —  and  an  especially  lovely  example  of  one,  at  that.  (  as  if  someone  painstakingly  took  their  time  to  choose  the  nicest  they  could  find...  )  it's  large  enough  to  be  held  in  both  hands,  and  its  surface  shimmers  like  the  light  of  the  moon  upon  the  ocean's  waves.   ❝  from  inazuma.  it's  just  something  to  look  at  when  you  need  a  reminder  of  that  great,  big  world  out  there.  ❞   he  arches  a  brow,  smile  turning  to  a  daring  smirk.   ❝  perhaps  one  day ...  you  might  just  visit  the  island  it  came  from.  ❞
ren blinks suddenly, then spins around to rummage deep in the bag. ❝ oh. right. give these to your MOTHER for me, would you?  ❞ he holds the final gift out to tai. it's a box of assorted fine teas from all across teyvat. ❝ i've tried them all.  ❞ the wanderer explains, with a casual shrug. ❝ they aren't half bad.  ❞
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Farrow still honestly wasn't used to receiving gifts from other's, so it always manages to catch him a bit off guard-not that it was a bad thing it just surprised him to think he'd receive something - but this is family so he guess he should have seen this coming, the automaton looked over the puzzle quietly in his hands for a moment as if already trying to figure out where to start , as a small smile tugged onto his face.
["I see I would be lying if my curiosity wasn't a bit peaked by that"],maybe he'd have to seek that inspiration out himself one day or visit sumeru himself one day.
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["thank you ren truly,I very much appreciate this"]
Taiyang on the other hand was starry eyed ,he has never seen a pearl so big this one before it was super pretty too! ,he was going to put this right by his bed right where he kept all his special trinkets and special gifts ,he hugged it close to him for a second ,'you  might  just  visit  the  island  it  came  from' ,those words repeated in his head-he really hoped so... someday ,for now however this will be the best reminder he's ever had,(along with a string full of questions about it but he’d try to hold those back for now).
Before he said anything else tai ,nodded taking his mothers gift,and placed it next to his pearl- hed make sure to give it to her when she was done cooking -knowing how se is she'd probably end up using some if it tonight.
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"I love it !,thank you so so much big brother!-and I know mama will too!",taiyang got up to give ren a very big hug,”your the best!”
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The Broken Miko
The final battle was fought and Inuyasha comes after Kagome.
She falls down the well.
Guess what happenes next? Joker/Kagome/Dagger threesome pairing.
This is just another one of the stories that I came up with after reading the Kuroshitsuji series.
I hope that you readers like this.
Most of my fan fictions have been crossovers but I really do hope that you enjoy this one as well as the others that I have written.
If you are a new reader of my stories then I hope that if you enjoy this one then you will enjoy the others that I have written.
Good day to you all and enjoy!
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters or setting portrayed in this story.
I own only the plot and the scenarios.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter Text
They found me when I called for help.
They comforted me when, every night, I would wake up screaming from a nightmare.
They fixed me when no one ever tried to before.
They were my new family.
The only family that I really needed all along.
They were my best friends, lovers, brothers and sisters.
They meant everything to me and accepted me when others shunned me for being myself.
Joker, Dagger, Beast, Doll, Jumbo, the Twins and all of the rest of the main performers in the Noah's Ark circus were the only ones I could trust.
The only ones that I could really count on to help me get back on my feet and through the day.
They were my family.
~Joker never made it as a wise man~
Chapter 2: Chapter One
The story really starts here.
Hope you like it!!!
Hey readers.
Sorry for the short chapter.
I would just like to inform everyone that the prologue was a prologue and not a summary.
I would also like to say thank you for all the alerts and favorites that I got for this story so far and hope that you can enjoy this chapter too.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
I was running through the forest, Inuyasha's forest, towards the well.
Naraku had been defeated, but not without a price.
Sango, Shippo, and Miroku had perished.
The jewel was finally put back together and completed, but there was just one problem.
She was still "alive" and had convinced Inuyasha to do something.
She had told him that they would always be together if he killed Kagome and made a wish on the jewel for her to be whole again and they could be mated.
Inuyasha had agreed that that was what needed to be done.
So here we come to the present.
Him, chasing an injured Kagome through the forest, to the well.
But she still had the jewel.
He knew that if she made it to the well, she would disappear down it and with the jewel, she would permanently close the well and the portal to the future forever.
He had to get the jewel so that he could bring his beloved back.
They needed Kagome so that Kikyo could come back to flesh and bones, instead of clay and dust.
Just then Kagome reached the well and had swung one leg over the rim.
In a last ditch effort to stop her, he struck out, intending to grab her, only to knock her off and into the well.
"NOOOO! This cant be happening!" Inuyasha shouted.
~Joker couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing~
As she fell, all she could think about was what would happen to her brother, mother and her dear, sweet grandfather?
What would happen if Inuyasha got through, and went looking for her?
Just as she thought this, a bright flash of blue, green light appeared and, floating in front of her was Midoriko.
"Child. You will not be going back to that place you called home." She said.
"Why? That is my home. It's been my home ever since I was a baby. How could that not be my home?" Kagome asked in disbelief and confusion.
She knew this was a great woman, but what was she talking about?
"You were taken from your real home and placed in another. You have a younger brother in that home, of who you are three years older." Midoriko explained.
"I will not, however, send you strait there. He has been through much pain in his young life and thinks you dead. I will release your memories that have been sealed away. They are not all pleasant though, and I hope you can accept them. You will both meet again soon, but not as soon as you would probably like. I will send you to the well in your true time. There will be people there that can help you. Now I will leave you, but I will see you again when you most need me." She said as she turned to walk away.
"Oh! One more thing. Beware the one who calls himself Doc."
And with that little warning that made no since to her whatsoever, she turned and disappeared.
~Joker's tired of living like a blind man~
Thank you for reading this first chapter.
I know the explanation is a long one, but I hope that it was good enough for you to want to read more.
Once again, I ask that you review so that I can use your comments to better my writing.
Thank you for reading and I hope that you enjoy the next chapter that I will be posting later in the week.
Chapter 3: Chapter Two
Another chapter, another day.
Thank you for reading this story. Here is the next chapter!
None of the characters in this story belong to me.
They belong solely to the authors that created them.
I really don't want to have to write this for every chapter, so this disclaimer stands for all chapters that will come in the future.
Please don't sue me.
I have no money.
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
Kagome jolted back to consciousness as soon as she hit the bottom of the well…
"Omph!" was the sound she made as all of the air in her lungs was forced from her body.
"Ugh! Why is this stuff always happening? Seriously! I think I may be Kami- samas' favorite plaything. Great! Now I'm talking to myself as well!"
She sat up and glanced up at the sky that was showing through the top of the well.
She knew everything Midoriko said was true.
She pictured a small boy in her mind that had hair so black it was blue, and sapphire blue eyes that were exactly like her own.
They had both gotten their coloring from their father, but Ciel had gotten his health from their mother.
He was always a sickly child, but we had loved them no less for it.
Kagome stood up and then cried out in pain.
It felt like she was being ripped open by Inuyasha's claws again.
She looked down and sighed.
"Really." She thought, "I have to be more careful next time." Just as she blacked out.
~Joker is sick of sight without a sense of feeling~
Joker POV
Me 'n my troupe was just settling down for the evenin' meal when I heard someone groanin'.
"Beast, D'ye hear that?" I asked her.
She gave me a look that said that I'd better get me head checked.
I looked around at the others and the only one who noticed was Dagger.
"Big brother Joker. Wot is the matter with ye?" He asked me.
"I thought I heard someone moanin' and a groanin', but no one else has heard it. I know I heard somethin'." I replied.
I was just starting to think that it was just the wind, when I heard it again.
"I hear it big brother, I hear it!" Dagger whisper shouted to me.
As the moaning got louder, we jumped up and ran as fast as we could in the direction it was coming from.
The sounds lead us to a well set just inside the edge of the forest that the circus was camping by.
"Let me go first big brother. I'll tell you what I see. Maybe it's just a stray animal." Dagger told me and took a peek inside the well.
I heard him gasp and so I went over to him. Wot's the matter? Can you see wot it is or not?" I asked him.
Dagger POV
"Big brother, come over here and see for yerself." I told him.
As he walked over to me to find out what exactly I was looking at, I moved out of the way so that he could see down the well better.
"Wha-a! What is that down there?" Big brother exclaimed.
It moaned again and shifted positions onto its back.
It was a girl, no older than 17 years old and it looked like she was badly injured.
"Go and get Jumbo and some ropes. Notify Doc and tell him he has a new patient and to be ready when we get back." Big brother told me and I rushed off to tell everyone the plan.
~Joker says it's not like you to say you're sorry~
Thank you all for once again reading (and hopefully enjoying) another chapter of "The Broken Miko."
It starts out kind of dark, but will get better in the later chapters.
Please review and I will hopefully be able to post another chapter of this story soon.
I would also like to say that hopefully I can update more often on all of my stories and I will try my best to make that happen.
Thank you and I hope to see you all in the next chapter.
you and I hope to see you all in the next chapter.
Chapter 4: Chapter Three
Things start rolling along on it's path.
Hey readers!
I would just like to give a cookie to everyone who reviewed, like, and/or followed.
Here is the next chapter of the Broken Miko.
Hope you like it!
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text
While Joker was watching over the injured person, Dagger was racing back to camp to do what Joker had bid him to do.
He raced to Jumbo's tent and told him that they needed rope and that Joker was waiting for him.
Dagger gave him directions to the well and then raced off once more.
This time he was headed towards where Doc's tent was.
On the way there, he bumped into Snake.
"Snake! Can you go help Joker and Jumbo to get the person out of the well? I think she's badly hurt! I have to go find Doc so he can take a look at her right away." Dagger told him.
"Where are they? Asks Goeth." Snake says.
Dagger gave him the directions and Snake and his many…
Snake friends, made their way towards where Joker, the person in the well, and Jumbo were.
Dagger slipped and slid all the way to the medical tent.
"Doc! Doc! We need you! You need to be ready!" Dagger shouted as he entered the tent.
"Calm down Dagger and explain to me slowly why I need to be ready." Doc said to him.
"There is someone down the well at the edge of the woods! They're bloody and they need help!" Dagger told Doc excitedly.
Dagger just wanted to help with the person down the well and find out who she is.
"Ok. You go and guide them carefully back here." Doc told Dagger and off he went.
When he got back to the well, Jumbo was climbing out with the person strapped to his back securely.
As Jumbo deftly slips out of the well, both Joker and Dagger caught a glimpse of pitch black hair matted under blood and grime.
Ruby red lips clinched in pain and a weird outfit drenched in blood.
Hers, they assumed.
And maybe of her attackers.
"Jumbo, hand her over t'me an' go help Doc get the room ready for 'er. Please?" Joker asked Jumbo.
Even though Dagger really wanted to oppose Joker, he was his big brother and so he knew he couldn't without drawing major attention upon himself.
Joker POV
Jumbo handed the (now apparent) girl over to me and it surprised me with exactly how light she was in my arms.
Jumbo started off before everyone could crowd around me and the injured person.
"Where do ya think she came from?"
"Who d'ya thinks she is?"
"What weird clothes is she wearing?"
"Why was she in the well?"
"How did she get there?"
"Is she even alive?"
"Is it a he or a she?"
Were the questions that the troupe started asking me.
"I don't know. I just found her. She wasn't even awake when Dagger n' me found her. All we heard was her whimpering and groanin'." I told them, and began walking towards the camp.
~Joker was waiting on a different story~
They reached the camp and made their way toward the tent where Jumbo and Doc were seen.
As Joker pulled ahead of the group, Doc saw the person covered in blood and rushed his wheelchair inside the tent and immediately got his medical supplies ready for the patient.
Jumbo held the tent flap open and Joker walked over to the ready bed and laid her gently upon the sheets and the mattress.
Doc moved all of the people, but for Dagger and Joker, out of the medical tent, and started to remove the young person's clothes.
As Doc got to her back, he looked at Dagger and said, "Help me turn her over please. I need to take her top off and look at her back."
Dagger complied while blushing heavily at the sight before him.
The person was definitely a girl, and now obviously well endowed.
I had to get a wet cloth to help get her shirt away from the wounds on her back.
The blood had dried and so her shirt was sticking to the wounds and wasn't good for her health.
As I was slowly peeling her top away, her wounds had begun to reopen and it looked like she was clawed by a big cat or something like a bear.
What I saw horrified me and I had to turn away for a moment.
I must admit, it takes a lot to horrify me, what with what I do to children in my free time.
"Joker. Come here and take a gander at this!"
I pointed to a large-ish pink glowy thing that I could see just under the flesh on the top of her hip.
"Wha? Wot do ye think tha' is Doc? It doesn't look very normal." Joker said to me.
"Well… let us leave it there for now and ask her what it is when she wakes up." I tell him.
If it is important for her to keep living, then I won't mess with it.
~This time Joker is mistaken~
Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I hope that I can get it to where Kagome wakes up next chapter and hopefully we can get this story GOING!
Any who!
Please review.
I love them and I really want to know what ya'll are thinkin' 'bout my story so far.
Chapter Four
She wakes up and they all get a surprise... Well... Maybe.
Hope you liked the last chapter.
I am giving everyone an extra chapter today.
On with the story now.
Chapter Text
Joker POV
The girl, (for she was a girl, and not quite a woman), groaned and shifted her body.
Then let out a very quiet whimper/sob and opened her eyes.
Kagome POV (It's been a long time, hasn't it?)
When the clutches of unconsciousness finally let me escape, all I felt was pain.
I groaned and tried to move, but I almost lost my mind from the pain.
I half whimpered/ half sobbed.
It took a little while, but I could finally manage to open my eyes.
I realized that I was on my stomach and my face was against the wall of what seemed to be a tent because of the look and feel of the fabric.
"Are ye awake girlie?" Asked a man's voice.
I groaned again and turned my face towards the voice's location.
"W-where am I?" I asked.
There was so much pain.
Why was there so much pain when there wasn't any before?
"JOKER! DAGGER!" Shouted the man.
"The girlie's awake!" he continued excitedly.
Two more men entered my field of vision.
Dagger POV
I heard Docs' shout about the girl being awake and went to see how she was fairing.
When I got there, what I saw wasn't pretty.
Slash marks all over her back, like someone or something had taken claws or some sort of blade to her.
Then my gaze made its way to her face and I was stunned.
She had the most beautiful pink lips.
The cutest little nose and then my eyes met hers and I was floored.
Her eyes were such a startlingly, glorious shade of blue.
Her face was so elf-like, it made me breathless.
All of a sudden, the girl shifted again and looked like she was trying to roll over.
Joker moved over to her and put his hands on her shoulders.
He bent down to her eye level to speak more easily.
"Hold still girlie. You're injured pretty badly." He told her.
She looked apprehensive for a little while and then slightly moved her head in a nod.
Then she looked at Joker and me.
She got a look of wonderment in her eyes and stared at us both until I started to fidget, uncomfortable with her staring at me for so long.
She turned her eyes back to Doc and winced a little as he poked and prodded at her.
"D'ya knows what did this to ya girlie?" He asked her when he got done.
She nodded her head after a short pause.
"Where am I? And who are all of you?" She asked in a hesitance voice.
Her voice was as beautiful as the rest of her was.
Clear and sharp with only a small hint of some foreign accent, maybe Chinese or Japanese.
"My name is Doc. They there are Joker, Dagger, Jumbo and Beast and you are inside the medical tent for the Noah's Ark Circus. Who might you be and how did you get down that well we found you in?" He asked.
She looked at him warily and then cleared her face of any expression.
"I don't trust you enough to tell you any time soon. Maybe with time, but not right yet. I'm sorry." She told them emotionlessly.
"I'm not so sure you'd believe me if I told you anyway." She continued.
Beast scoffed at her.
"Of course not." Beast said scornfully.
"I'm not answering to you and if Joker or Doc has anything negative to say about my decision, they need to speak up for themselves. I don't think you are their voice since I heard them talk to me already." The injured girl said.
Big Sis didn't like that too much, glared at her and stormed out.
"Beast really didn't like that girlie. She and you won't really have a good relationship. I must admit though, that she deserved it." Doc said.
"Will you really tell us nothing about you though? No family information so that we can let them know that you are all right or anything?" He continued softly.
"What would you do if I told you exactly who I am? Would you really try to help me? Kick me out? What would you do?" The girl asked us in a distrusting tone.
"No miss. We could never do that. We were the ones that found you, and until you get better, you can stay here as long as you want." Joker told her.
It was the first time he had spoken since the young miss had woken up.
"Will you at least tell us your name so that we can know what to call you by?" Doc asked her.
She was reluctant.
You could tell that from the look in her eyes.
She thought for a long while, and then she nodded her head, like she was agreeing to something that she was discussing in her head.
She had made a decision.
"Fine. My name is Kagome Phantomhive-Higurashi-Taisho." She told us matter-of-factly.
As I heard her name, I was shocked.
Could she be of any relation to the Earl Ciel Phantomhive?
The young Lord who we are supposed to kidnap?
I looked over at Joker and saw that he was just as stunned as I was.
Then he went to say something to her.
Kagome POV
They all looked shocked at the name I had given them.
I knew my real family are nobles, but are they really that well known?
I watched as the blond and black haired boy, (that I now know as Dagger,) thought for a moment.
I could practically hear the questions running through his mind in that moment of complete silence.
Then he turned to face the orange haired man named Joker and watched him.
The man stared off into space for a moment and then turned his gaze to me.
He opened his mouth to speak…
But the man named Doc interrupted him.
"Now, now. No more questions for the patient. She is seriously injured and needs to rest. Come back tomorrow and see how she is doing." He told them and ushered them roughly out of the tent.
Doc turned back to her with, what she thought was a nice grin, and came towards her.
She scrambled back away from him and the searing pain in her back reminded her she really shouldn't have done that.
"Please don't move girlie. You will only hurt your-self more. Now lay back down and I will treat and clean your wounds. Then you can sleep. Ok?" He told her.
She stared into his eyes, and even though Midoriko had told her not to trust this man, she couldn't find any bad intentions in his eyes…
For the moment at least.
Kagome slowly nodded her head without a peep of noise and lay back down on the cot that she was on.
Doc treated and bandaged her wounds and gave her a cup filled with some sort of strange liquid.
She looked at him warily until he gave up and told her it would help her sleep without pain.
Kagome looked down at the cup and sniffed the contents delicately.
She didn't find anything wrong with it so she upended the cup and handed it back to him before she lay back down and finally went to sleep.
~For handing you a heart worth breaking~
Chapter 6: Chapter Six
More of Doc and Joker.
Chapter Text
Chapter Six
~Scream, “are we having fun yet?”~
It was the next morning when Kagome woke once again and she, again, wasn’t alone.
Doc was there with her and she didn’t like the feelings she was getting from him.
“Ah, so you’re awake now? Your wounds look to be healing quite nicely, if I do say so myself.” He told her pompously.
Kagome was getting the creeps from the way he was looking at her.
His aura was also disgustingly green and leaking black pussy substances.
What alarmed Kagome the most though, were the auras coming from the various prosthetics that were lying around the tent.
~Yet, yet, yet, no, no yet, yet, yet, no, no~
How could anyone heal in an environment like this one?
It was oppressive and dark and it sucked the light and care out of everything it touched.
This man has to have done many monstrous things for his aura to look like it was.
“Little miss? Little miss, are you alright?” Doc asked the girl.
She was just staring around her with a look of dawning horror on her face.
‘My tent probably isn’t good enough for her high class sensibilities, fucking bitch!’ Doc continued in his thoughts.
“Umm… I-I’m okay. I’m just confused on where I am at the moment.” She explained. (i.e. she lied)
“Yer in my medical tent at the Noah’s Ark Circus, miss. I’m the medical caregiver to this ‘ere group, and this is the medical tent. Do you remember about waking up before now?” He asked her.
She was quite beautiful, and he thought she would make a lovely sacrifice.
Added to the fact that she was a Phantomhive as well and he had just hit gold.
“Now, drink this. It’ll help your wounds heal and the pains lessen.” Doc finished by handing her a cup with some sort of herbal concoction inside of it.
Kagome sniffed it before even thinking of drinking it because there could be poisons or sleeping drugs inside of it that would incapacitate her so he could do anything he wanted with her while she couldn’t struggle.
Smelling nothing except for the healing herbs, Kagome took a small sip and tasted it as she swallowed.
He was at least a very well learned doctor if he could make something so potent, yet safe for people to take.
“It is very good. It’s made very well, and you seem to know your healing herbs as well.” Kagome complimented his knowledge.”
She could see that that had inflated his ego enough so as for him to soften towards her somewhat.
Kagome took more sips from the cup as she heard footsteps come up to the tent entrance.
A red head haired man stepped through.
Kagome thought hard for a moment, and then recognized the man.
He was Joker, and he was the leader of this circus.
He also had one prosthetic arm formed to look like bare bones.
They also had the same dark aura as the rest of the medic tent.
“Hello there again little miss! How are you feeling today?” He greeted her warmly.
“I am feeling much better. I also heal a ton faster than regular people, so I should be all better by tomorrow at the most. Then I can get out of your hairs.” Kagome explained.
“Now I’ll be the judge o’ that, li’l missy. I’m the doctor here.” Doc exclaimed.
Kagome looked at him for a moment, then responded coldly, “I am a trained medic. Also, I would know my own body more than someone whom I’ve just met.”
He was indignant, then Joker began laughing.
“She sure is a spitfire, isn’t she Doc? Wait until Beast and her team up on people. None would be able to stand against them.” He joked.
Kagome turned to the side of the bed she was situated upon and placed her feet on the ground.
She then proceeded to stand up, or try to at least.
Joker rushed to catch her as her knees buckled out from under her and almost sent her crashing to the floor.
“Whoa there! I don’t think you should be trying to walk right now.” Joker told her.
“I need to keep up my strength.” She told him logically.
He smirked at her.
“Well why don’t I be your personal crutch from now on?” He teased.
Kagome had to think on it for a moment.
“Hmm… Mr. Joker, are you offering to carry me around today?” She teased him back.
That she responded to him so brazenly, shocked Joker.
It also planted a seed of doubt in his mind about whether she was actually as bad as some of the other ‘ladies’ that he had taken to his employer.
~It’s not like you didn’t know that~
End of Chapter Six
Sorry for the short chapter.
I have had this story in my head ever since I started to read the Kuroshitsuji series and got to the part with Joker and the Noah's Ark troupe.
I hope you enjoyed this and that you will read the next chapter that I have for you.
Thank you for reading.
I surely hope that you will review and give me your thoughts/ opinions concerning how good or bad I did.
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 2 of Kagome Crossovers Next Work →
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turianmailman · 2 years
Ok so I just looked through all you kogkag art and I am in love! You draw Koga so well and it's nice to find someone else who ships kogkag. Out of curiosity, do you ship anything else in Inuyasha?
This is so out of left field, but — Sango x Inuyasha — literally because of that one time he prevented her from killing herself and Kohaku
They’re also just. Extremely normal around each other and I love that for them as opposed to their very canon, very unsavory relationships they end up in.
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inuyashaha · 4 years
Yashahime Episode 15
I think so many of my feelings and observations have been stated by others at this point, but here go my rambling thoughts anyway.
First the negative:  It was an oddly structured episode.  The introduction threw us straight into the past, very, very briefly framed by Riku as the narrator.  Did Riku break the fourth wall or were we to assume a listener we did not see?  I’m still not sure.  So much information was thrown at the audience that it did not feel like there was enough times to savor the emotions of the moments ...  very very important moments that showed us Inuyasha and Kagome’s home and married dynamic, pregnant Kagome, RIN HAVING HER BABIES with Kaede, Sango and Kagome being there (I LOVED that), Sesshomaru taking his babies...I’m willing to wait and assume this rushed narrative is on purpose, but it was a little jarring.
Now the good:
Rin is the mommy!  I knew that.  I was convinced on August 1st during the livestream, but it was a sweet (if all too brief) moment.  Mamiko Noto’s voice as Rin was so perfect.  It was sweet, but it was subdued.  It was the voice of a someone who had just birthed twins and knows something awful is about to go down.  To hear her name the babies was a beautiful moment, and how sweet were baby Towa and Setsuna.  Towa looked a little grumpy/sleepy, but baby Setsuna was already smiling :).  I do think they will show that Setsuna, deep down, is a smiling sweet girl like her mother and that circumstances made her like she is.  It also makes me think that we have only seen one side of Towa -- we haven’t really seen what she has inherited from Sesshomaru -- yet.
I loved that all of Rin’s friends surrounded her and helped her have her babies.  The twins hurrying to get Kaede, Sango going for Kagome...it was a community event!  But seriously, to know that if only for a short while, Rin got to be surrounded by love and peace with her babies by her side makes the bitterness of Sesshomaru taking the babies so quickly afterwards a little easier to bear.  Just a little.  Sango the experienced mom.  Kaede the midwife.  Rin the new mom.  Kagome the expectant mom.  Imagine the conversations and bonding.  Their kids should have grown up together :(. 
And I am going to speculate, until the show proves me wrong, that Rin probably had her own hut and continued to live in the village after she married Sesshomaru, or at least after she got pregnant.  The fact that the twins came to get Kaede at night makes me think that she was not in Kaede’s hut.  Wouldn’t Kaede be at her own place at night? 
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Like Inuyasha and Kagome, I think Rin and Sesshomaru had their own place:
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This looks different from Kaede’s hut.  I don’t remember the little pathway on the left, but it’s impossible to tell if they are next to the gate here.  Again, I’m choosing to believe they had their own place.
So, this makes me consider how much Sesshomaru really did settle down for Rin.  He gave up his titles.  He did not take her to a castle in the air.  He let her stay among her friends and start a family WITH HIM but still within the village.  He gave her the best of both worlds.  He MARRIED her.  How many times was she called his wife or bride?  She’s no concubine or human piece on the side.  He MARRIED her.  Since he had not seen his mother in a while, I’m assuming he married her in her village, letting everyone know she wasn’t just some poor village girl taken advantage of by the powerful yokai. And it clearly wasn’t just a human marriage.  All the big bad demons called Rin Sesshomaru’s wife. What honor, respect and love he showed to her, a mere human peasant (though of course we all know she is so much more than that, especially to Sesshomaru).
Was he like many lords and installed her in her own home, visiting and staying with her when he did not have business to attend to?  Or did he tell Inuyasha that he better get used to having another demon hanging out in his forest by the village?  Like...for all intents and purpose, Sesshomaru may have been living in the same village as Inuyasha, both intending to raise their families together.  I love that.  Please Yashahime, don’t dissuade me of this.
Poor Sesshomaru...sigh...I know it doesn’t look great for him right now...but that will change.  The story is not going to make him the villain.  It’s just not.  But yes, poor Sesshomaru.  He got to be happy about his babies being born for all of about two seconds before Zero interrupted him.  Look at his little smile while he listens to his daughters’ first cries:
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He had his worried face on, and then he smiled.  He’s a dad in the waiting room.  And the TONE of Jaken’s voice when he declared that they had been born.  The WARMTH, the LOVE.  Grandpa Jaken I love you so much.
This bitch, though, I don’t love at all:
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Does she have some kind of magic yokai ultrasound that lets her know Sesshomaru had twin daughters and predicted Kagome would have a daughter?  I look forward to seeing how this all unravels, but the fact that she showed up IMMEDIATELY after the girls were born is frightening, and maybe that was why Sesshomaru was at the outskirts of the village instead of closer by?  Clearly, they were expecting some kind of attack, but dang...that happened fast.
Who is this lady anyway?  I’ve seen it speculated that it may be Riku’s mother...and yes?  I could see that.  Did she have a hanyou she was not allowed to keep,  poor Riku tossed overboard, and now she seeks revenge? Or was she rejected by Toga? Those tears of hers.  Who was she crying for?
As many others noticed, this was a little odd:
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What about Sesshomaru’s mother?  He hasn’t seen her in years (such a bad son), and when they go to her castle, she’s missing.  Was she just off doing flying dog stuff in the sky?  Was she shopping for expensive jewelry and designer silks?  I’m assuming she was not at Sesshomaru’s wedding.  Or did Zero do something to her and Sesshomaru just wasn’t aware?  I’m dying to see more of Sesshomaru’s mom.  I want her to meet the twins and just throw out her arms all, “Come to Grandma!  Let me buy you things and tell you stories about your dad.”  But that remains to be seen.
Speaking of grandparents, can I say yet again that I love the honorary grandparents Kaede and Jaken, both trying to protect Rin in their own way.  Kaede doesn’t hold back and calls Sesshomaru a fool (imagine what she was like when Sesshomaru was truly courting Rin) while Jaken comforts Rin when her babies are taken away.  Again, the voice acting by Jaken’s VA is EVERYTHING in this episode.  The LOVE he conveys.  He’s perfect.  I love him.  I do.
And Rin knew the plan. She knew what was going to happen, but poor thing...I wish it could have been different for her.  Look how much she loves and trusts Sesshomaru.  That expression clearly says “Look what I made! Look what WE made!”  I wish we could have seen them react to the babies together. 
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Also, look at how Sango is about THISCLOSE to putting on her slayer clothes and kicking Sesshomaru’s ass when he scooped up those babies and turned away:
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The rest of the episode was such a jumble of events.  Sesshomaru AND Jaken were with Inuyasha and Kagome when the comet arrived, which was after the twins’ birth but before Moroha’s.  Even if they are hanyo, I don’t think Jaken and Sesshomaru would have left newborn babies alone.  Rin was with them.  Jaken even said he was bringing Rin to them (I assume after she recovered from birthing twins).  Further supporting this would be the dream gazing spell business --  Like others have said, I’m pretty sure Rin sacrificed herself to keep her remaining daughter safe after Towa was pulled into the future.
Miscellaneous observations:
1. What the hell is going on with the comet? Every 500 years?  So, the Higurashis might be in for a surprise pretty soon?  Comet remnants are still in the sky though...
2. Why in the hell did Inuyasha bring his pregnant wife along for the comet destruction? Why exactly was she there?  Unless he was too worried about her safety to leave her behind?
3. Riku is one shady fellow.  HE found the compact?  How did he know where to look? I know, I know.  Don’t be hasty, but c’mon.  We don’t have that many episodes left.
4.  I like how they portrayed a pregnant Kagome.  I like this little side view where you can see she’s chunky, but it’s not an exaggerated thing:
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5. Sesshomaru and Rin had babies before Inuyasha and Kagome! On one level, it is very sweet.  Of anyone, Rin and Sesshomaru are very aware of the fragility of life and how fleeting time is.  Look at the names of their daughters.  It makes sense that they wanted a family quickly.  On the other hand, I cannot shake the idea that the brothers did get competitive with each other.  I can imagine Inuyasha knocking up Kagome as quickly as possible after finding out that Rin was pregnant.  Then Sesshomaru has TWO daughters to Inuyasha’s one.  I am longing for some brotherly interactions.  Let Inuyasha call him a hypocrite at least once.  Let Sesshomaru gloat that he has TWO super awesome daughters. Let the daughters watch their ridiculous fathers fist fight while their mothers pour water on them and tell them to SIT.  Please.
6. Besides emphasizing the fact that Rin is Sesshomaru’s WIFE, the episode also emphasized the fact that Rin actually birthed the girls. Rin is in labor, it will be soon, you did well, Rin, Rin resting in bed with her daugthers, her voice weak and tired, the tub used to wash the babies in the background.  There was no magic switcheroo.  The twins were not found beneath a tree.  Sesshomaru did not sprout them from a forgotten limb. They came out of Rin’s body.  She’s the mom. She made them with her husband. End of.
6. Finally, this is the best part of the episode.
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You sure did, Rin. 
Now where are A-Un and Shippo?
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akitokihojo · 3 years
Monster - Chapter 19
chapter index
“How far off are we talking?” Inuyasha asked, kicking out the fire as the rest of his team hurried to pack up camp.
“Ten miles, give or take.” Koga answered.
“How are you so sure it’s Hakudoshi?” Kagome asked next, strapping her bag over her shoulders.
“Anyone want to fill us in on what a Hakudoshi is?” Miroku implored with a bemused frown.
“A short, evil minion that we need to kill.” The wolf demon answered.
Blinking blankly, Miroku shifted his eyes over to Kagome for an actual explanation.
“Naraku created a group of demons. As far as we know, he had five. We killed one already, so now he’s down to four: Hakudoshi, Kagura, Byakuya, and Goshinki. Hakudoshi, we really don’t have a lot of information on other than he’s a child and has long, white hair.”
“He’s a child.” Miroku gasped.
“An evil one!” Koga feebly defended.
“Miroku, think of it as a design.” Inuyasha spoke. “Remember how we explained Naraku to you? How he’s an inorganic half demon? Anything he creates is essentially inorganic, as well. Child or not, Hakudoshi is still a demon of his that needs to go down.”
“Excuse me?” Koga sort of gaped at how that bit of information was so casually mentioned and how no one else was the least bit fazed by it.
“He’s just a little boy though, right?” Sango inquired sympathetically. “Isn’t there a chance he can be turned around and saved?”
“No, I think he’s a bit too far gone.” Kagome grimaced. “We had a friend that was sort of tortured into shape by Naraku’s guys. Hakudoshi was the main offender and was a fan of sharp objects.”
“Oh, okay. Evil child with a knife. Got it.” Miroku cringed, immediately throwing aside any further argument he could have thought of.
“The only one that’s worth saving is Kagura, but that’s a story for another time. We’ve gotta get going.” Kagome added.
“Hello?” Koga called, demanding their attention. “Inuyasha, what the fuck did you just say about Naraku?”
“Oh, that he’s an inorganic half demon? Yeah. You didn’t know that?” The hanyou shrugged sardonically. It was high time the secret got out to all that were involved since everything was so real now, but that didn’t mean he planned on sitting Koga and Sesshomaru down to have a nice, mature, informative conversation. That just meant he’d openly talk about it in front of them so that they could piece it all together on their own. It wasn’t like they could do much with it, anyway. He kept it under wraps for the protection of himself and everyone around him. Now, there was no further reason for it.
“Yeah, come on, dude.” Miroku arched a brow, playing along. He felt it was only his right since the guy just tried to punk him. “Even we knew that.”
“How the fuck… Inuyasha, what are you talking about? What does this mean?” Koga questioned seriously.
“It means he’s not a full demon like he wants everyone to believe. I can tell you’re looking for his weakness though, and I don’t know that. Technically, at this point, him being half demon is useless information. It’s nothing more than a fun fact. Half demon or not, he’s still a force to be reckoned with.”
“No, but half demons have specific traits about them, don’t they? They have a time of the month dedicated to basically emphasizing their weaknesses, right?”
“We turn human, yes.” Inuyasha tried not to grumble with his admittance. It was common knowledge. What wasn’t was the day and time it happened. “Naraku, doesn’t. I don’t exactly know what he transforms into, but it’s definitely not human, and potentially even more damaging to him. Be that as it may, do you know when that is?”
“Obviously not.”
“Then, it’s useless information.”
“How do you know this? Did you see it?”
“A long ass fucking time ago, I did. I was a kid; I wasn’t paying attention to the phase of the moon. Unless you know where he is and want to camp out every fucking night outside his place to wait and see if you miraculously feel his demonic energy die off, I’m going to have to repeat, this is all useless information now. It serves as nothing more than a stab to his ego.”
“Dammit.” Koga hissed. He was hoping that since it was new information to him, it’d be something they could grasp onto and utilize in the future, but the mutt was right. No one knew where Naraku was hiding, and camping out was obviously out of the question. Not to mention, a monster like that with the pride he harbors would take extensive efforts to protect himself during his moment of incapacitation. As quickly as he’d clung to the hope, the wolf demon was going to have to drop it. “Can you guys keep up while running? We should head out.”
“Kagome, get on.” Inuyasha kneeled, securing her rear as she climbed onto his back. With a little hike up, he was set to carry her at a decent speed.
“Kirara, let’s go.” Sango firmly ordered, and the small cat demon by her side let out a little meow, hopping into an open space as she transformed into her larger, saber-toothed version.
“Uh, there are things you don’t see every day, and there are things you see that make you think you took a little too much of Kaede’s good shit. What the fuck is that?” Koga pointed to the large cat demon, beyond perplexed.
“Kirara.” Sango replied nonchalantly, jumping on the demon’s back with ease. Miroku followed, not quite as skillfully, but not as sloppily as he used to either. “She’s my cat.”
“You’re not high, buddy.” Miroku grinned. “This is not an illusion.”
“Kagome, you’re from a weird ass village.” He shook his head, heading off in the direction he came from as he led the squad forward.
Koga had had to slow his pace down a bit since he knew he ran faster than the average demon and he didn’t want to lose his new comrades, but he was glad to hear no complaints from anyone. In fact, it was him that ended up doing the complaining. By the time they reached the fork where he’d left Sesshomaru, the high and mighty dog demon was nowhere around. As fruitless as it was to even call out for him, given his scent and aura weren’t in the immediate vicinity, the wolf demon still found himself audibly searching.
“Let me get this straight,” Inuyasha began, safely setting Kagome back down to her feet. “You told Sesshomaru to wait for you?”
“Yeah.” Koga frowned.
“And, you actually expected him to listen?”
“He said he would!”
“Did he say he would or did he grunt?”
Koga paused as he recalled the conversation with Sesshomaru, realizing it was the latter that he’d received. “Fuck!”
“Who’s Sesshomaru?” Miroku asked after climbing down from Kirara.
“Inuyasha’s older brother.” Kagome answered.
“Half brother.” Inuyasha corrected.
“They don’t get along.” She continued with a grimace.
“From the smell of it, he’s long gone.” The hanyou mentioned, his nose in the air to gather the area. “He went right. We’ll go left. There’s no use in you trying to catch up with him, so just come with us.”
“What happened to no teaming up?” Koga meagerly mocked, barely putting any effort behind his deriding tone.
“You can come with us, you can stay behind, or you can seek out the imp fucker. I don’t care. I was just giving you another option.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes, leading the way toward the left route.
“Alright, alright. No need to beg, Inuyasha. I’ll help you out, but only because you asked so nicely.”
Inuyasha barely bit back his groan, his head falling as he kept walking. He was going to regret this, wasn’t he?
“Koga, you never answered my question from before.” Kagome said, jogging a little to walk beside him as they all continued down the path. “How do you know this is Hakudoshi? Didn’t you guys say the underlings all give off the same scent as Naraku?”
“Oh, yeah. They do. We caught something feint and followed it. You’re not gonna like this, but we ended up coming across a house at the edge of the woods -“ Koga paused, pointing behind them to the West. “And, everyone inside was…”
“Dead?” Miroku attempted to finish for him, wondering if that was the word he was going for.
“I mean, yes, but a little more than that.”
“How can you be a little more than dead?” Sango asked.
“It was gruesome, okay? The bodies were mangled. It was an entire family torn to shreds. The smell of Naraku was strong there, so we followed it out. We got all the way to this path here, and the scent of him went down both ways. Hence, why I came and found you. That way, no matter what, more ground is covered and we can hopefully corner the fucker. Sesshomaru was adamant that it couldn’t be Kagura, Byakuya doesn’t look like the type who’d want to dirty his nails doing something like that, but who’s the one we discovered has a thing for torment? Hakudoshi.”
“You cannot possibly be that stupid, can you?” Inuyasha gruffly asked, abruptly stopped in his tracks as he spun around. His brows were furrowed and his lips turned down in disapproval. “This is most likely the biggest trap anyone has ever willingly walked into.”
“No, that was definitely considered.” Koga plainly responded. “But, it’s a chance we have to take. And, one you readily hopped on board with without any further information.”
“Because, I decided to trust you for once. A big mistake on my end, clearly.”
“So, if you knew it was potentially a trap, you’d let it all slide and allow him to get away?” The wolf demon challenged.
“I would have taken a moment to establish a plan.” Inuyasha scowled.
“Hakudoshi could theoretically lead us to Naraku. Sesshomaru and I already came up with a plan. Cover more ground and pin him.”
“You’re forgetting one major thing here, Koga.”
“Goshinki.” Miroku concluded. It was the only name he’d heard that hadn’t been considered.
“Right.” Inuyasha assertively confirmed. “That’s a creation we have literally no information on, and you two are going off of assumptions. Assumptions that could get us all killed.”
“What’s happened to you, Inuyasha? You used to be so carefree and reckless.” Koga teased. “Now, all of a sudden, you’re rational and want to put as much thought into everything possible? Why’s that?”
Inuyasha didn’t answer. His jaw clenched tight, and his amber eyes pierced through Koga’s blue irises.
“Oh, got it.” The wolf laughed, patting Kagome’s shoulder. “It’s because your sweetheart almost died, right? Well, don’t worry. I’ll be right here to save her again if anything happens.”
“You son of a -“ Inuyasha ground out, stopping himself before he could throw a punch at him.
“Koga!” Kagome pushed his hand off of her.
“Kagome, what?” Miroku demanded, marching forward.
“Goddammit.” She grumbled before turning to him. “Look, there was an incident, but I’m fine.”
“What happened?”
“Naraku’s puppet kicked my ass; I told you that already.”
“You didn’t tell me it’d almost killed you!”
“It’s not imperative knowledge, Miroku. It happened, it’s done, I’m okay, so let’s drop it.”
“What happened?” He repeated more sternly.
She hesitated. She didn’t want this to make her cousin worry more, which was why she’d chosen to never include that tidbit of information in the first place. It wasn’t necessarily her most prideful moment, either. It was terrifying. For she and Inuyasha. Bringing it up would help no one, and would ease the pressure on no one’s shoulders. Still, Miroku pierced her with his indigo stare, and she felt compelled to give him something.
“He tossed me off of the mountainside and into the river after the heavy rains had filled it. Koga saved me.”
Miroku could say nothing, his hand flying to rub the tension from his forehead as he closed his eyes. This was why she didn’t want to tell him. What good is it doing? It seemed to only be reinforcing his stress and the longer he was silent, the heated sighs leaving his nostrils, the more uncomfortable she was becoming. She could only hope he was taking this long because he was processing the information and throwing it away. He got what he wanted, there was nothing anyone could do to change it, and now the best thing to do was to let it all go.
But, then his dark blue eyes transferred to Inuyasha. “I thought you’d said she’d been safe with you.”
“Hey!” Kagome quickly shouted, though she didn’t immediately regain his attention. Nevertheless, she spoke. And, she spoke powerfully. It was like she could feel the admonishment sitting heavily in Inuyasha’s chest, and she wasn’t about to allow that to overtake him again. “It is not his fault! My safety is in no one’s hands but mine, so don’t act like I need bodyguards standing at every side of me! I am not fragile, you know I’m not fragile! I know it upsets you that you weren’t there, Miroku, but that’s the thing! You weren’t there! You don’t know how it all went down! So, don’t blame Inuyasha, because you don’t know how hard he was trying to save me!” Finally, his look had shifted back to her, and it seemed his frown became something less angry and hinting more on the remorseful side. “Redirect it towards me! Ask me what I had done wrong! I can list everything! I was too scared, I let my emotions get the better of me, I wasn’t strong enough, I hesitated - I can go on! But, you’re not gonna do that, are you? If you aren’t going to blame me, then I can guarantee you that it’s not going to make you feel better to place the blame on anyone but Naraku, so just drop it! It happened, it’s done! Let it go, Miroku!”
Swiftly, while the heat still bubbled in her core, Kagome turned around to face Koga. “And, you! What was that? Were you just trying to gloat because you didn’t like that Inuyasha opposed you!? Grow up!”
“I - I didn’t know that not everyone here was aware of what had happened.” Koga feebly defended.
“No, you just didn’t think before you said anything! You were throwing whatever you could out there to get under his skin! If you want to tag along, you need to learn to communicate better, understand!? Work with us or go find Sesshomaru!”
Then she turned to Inuyasha, sighing out some heat and allowing her glower to relax a little before speaking to him. He was innocent, he didn’t deserve her temper. So, with one exhale, she pushed as much infuriation from her being so that she could continue semi-reasonably with him. “I don’t really think that there’s any way we can come up with a plan for this. I think the best thing we can agree on is to be on high alert. Expect the unexpected. Or, did you want to turn around?”
“No, you’re right.” Inuyasha agreed.
“Okay.” Kagome breathed, though she faced the others in challenge. “Anyone else want to say anything?”
The group was quiet, and she’d noticed Koga’s tail drooped almost fearfully, his azure eyes on the floor and away from her. Good. It was immature of him to bring up her near death experience anyway; he should be ashamed of himself. He didn’t just cause Inuyasha to recoil, but gave her, her cousin, and Sango grief in doing so, as well. What an idiotic move.
“Great. Then, let’s keep going.” She concluded, turning around on her heel and walking forward at a quick pace. Everyone else, though, had to stay put for a quick breather.
“What did I tell you about pushing her?” Sango asked Miroku, coming forward to give him a half-sympathetic rub on his arm.
“Yeah, I know.” He grimaced, turning to follow after his cousin so that she wasn’t wandering off alone. “I’ll go calm her down.”
Inuyasha pinched the bridge of his nose. “The answer you were looking for is, I’m not sixteen, seventeen years old anymore, Koga.” He sighed. “But, it does also help to have someone else to consider when making your decisions. You should try it sometime.”
“That was terrifying.” Koga admitted.
“Yeah.” Sango laughed, her cat demon companion following her forward. “That’s what you get.”
Kagome could hear the footsteps approaching, easily identifying the gait as Miroku’s, and as soon as he was close enough, she glanced over her shoulder at him. “I’m sorry I left home without telling you, and I’m sorry if that felt like betrayal, but can you please try to get over it?”
“Well, that was blunt.” He muttered. “I wasn’t betrayed, Kagome. I was worried sick. Look, stop for a second.”
“No, because then the others will catch up and I don’t want them to overhear us.”
“Okay, fine, fair enough. Just try to look at it from my point of view. Please. Our entire lives, I’ve spent looking after you. Not just after I moved in when dad and uncle died, but always. I was the one who gave you the boost on top of the counter to get the cookie jar, and then helped you down. I was the one who put a bandaid on your knee when you tripped and fell. I was the one who stood in front of you when the henchmen came to our village. I know you don’t need protecting, but I’m your older brother. Whether you need it or not, I want it for you. I like to know that you’re safe, and when I don’t, it scares me.”
“That’s very sweet, but it also sounds like you’re saying if you weren’t there to monitor the situation yourself and something went wrong, you’re going to be judgmental about it.”
“How did you get that from anything I just said?”
“‘I like to know that you’re safe, and when I don’t, it scares me.’”
Miroku grimaced. “That wasn’t supposed to be turned against me.”
“I don’t know what you want from me, Miroku. I’ve said I was sorry like ten times already. I can’t go back to two months ago and change my mind, and even if I could, I wouldn’t. You can be mad at me all you want, I completely understand, but can you please try not to take it out on Inuyasha?”
“I didn’t take it out on him. I asked him a simple question.”
Kagome stopped walking then, pinning him with a stare that read right through his weak facade.
“O-okay,” He babbled awkwardly. “So, it was less simple and more a question that put him on the spot. I met the guy yesterday, Kagome. I don’t know him yet, so if he’s telling me he’s ensured your safety but Koga’s telling me you almost died, I feel like I have the right to -“
“Be judgmental?” She interjected, walking again.
“He never said that, anyway. He’s contributed to my safety, but no one can ensure anything. Especially out here. You said it yourself last night, you and Sango have been through the wringer, as well. How many times have you guys been really hurt to the point where you needed to lay low?”
He bobbed his head in a small motion. “A couple times.”
“Right. It’s impossible to know what to expect outside of the boundaries of home, and we’ve all had to learn that the hard way. I’m not asking you to be his best friend, I’m asking you to take common sense into consideration, and to think before you react. You cant control what happened in our separation, and you just need to come to terms with the fact that I’m fine. I know you want to protect me, and I sincerely appreciate it. I do. I want to protect you too, which was why I suggested you two go home. But, you made your choice, and as much as I wanted to fight you on it, I respected it. It’s not like you’re blind to the craziness we’re dealing with; I’m sure you’ve gotten a pretty good taste of the morbidity out here. All I’m saying is, what’s done is done. Let it be done. Stop trying to make up for lost time, and just be with me now.”
“Okay, okay, okay. I get it. I’m sorry, but I’m also not sorry. I didn’t want to upset you, but it’s sort of shocking to find out you’d almost died. You can’t blame me for responding in a manner that wasn’t exactly the most positive.”
“In my defense, you weren’t supposed to find that out.” Kagome sighed. “I’d wanted to keep that from you, and clearly for good reason.”
“Why? Why wouldn’t you want me to know that?”
“Because, that information only hurt you, Miroku. Are you telling me it’s a good thing you know now?”
“Okay, I see your point.” He finally relented.
“It’s not like I’m trying to keep secrets from you or offend you in any way. I’m just keeping my business on a need-to-know basis.”
“I understand now. I do. Is there anything else I need to know?” He gave a crooked grin to try and lighten the mood.
Kagome heard the footsteps of the rest of their group coming around the bend not too far behind them now, and she peeked over her shoulder to make sure Inuyasha wasn’t in sight. Still, to be respectful of his sensitive hearing, she chose to keep her voice low. “Yeah. The day I’d almost died, it was really hard on Inuyasha, too. He was scared he’d lost me. He’d felt like he’d failed me. So, what you said - salt in the wound, Miroku. Not cool.”
“Oh. Ouch.” His smile stiffened. Faltered. “My bad. I can’t even apologize to him, though. I take it from the way you’d whispered that I’m not supposed to know.”
“Yup. Just keep it in mind for the next time you want to act like a tough guy. You don’t know the full story. I know that’s what’s bothering you, but handle it.”
“Are you saying I’m not tough?”
Kagome stopped walking and analyzed the size of her cousin’s biceps, teasing him by pursing her lips disappointedly as she pinched the muscle. The flicker of her brown eyes up to his said it all and Miroku gasped.
“Is this what I get? Is this the treatment I get because I care about you?”
“No, it’s the treatment you get because you’ve got puny arms.”
“The audacity! You’re small, too!”
“Miroku, she stabbed a guy in the groin with an arrow yesterday. I wouldn’t say that if I were you.” Sango chimed as they all appeared down the trail.
At hearing that, Koga’s eyes went wide, aghast, and he swiftly spun around on his heel mid-step to head back in the direction they’d come in. He’d been the most recent to piss her off, so it was evident he was the one she’d have no problem turning on if he spoke out of pocket again. He’d much rather head out to find Inuyasha’s brother than stick around to potentially share the same fate as arrow-dick-guy. Before he could take another step though, Inuyasha snagged the back of his vest, dragging him along.
“Keep going, wolf. She’ll only turn on you if you pretend to be alpha.”
“Inuyasha, I am alpha. I’m literally the alpha wolf of my pack.” He murmured unnervingly to the mutt.
“I know.” He smirked. “I want to see what happens.”
“Uh,” Inuyasha heard Kagome up ahead, noticing she’d stopped walking, she and her cousin facing off to their right. From his vantage point a little down the path, he couldn’t see what they were gazing at, but he could tell there was a break in the trees right where they stood. “It’s a cave.”
“Do you sense anything?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
She was right. The scent was feint, but Naraku’s trail ended here and went inside. He could feel demonic energy, but what was disconcerting was, he couldn’t pinpoint just how dangerous it was. Even worse, from outside of the cave, he felt eyes on him. Eyes he felt would only peer harder the moment they went inside.
“You got anything to help prepare us?” Sango asked. “We haven’t faced anything belonging to Naraku yet. How strong are we talking?”
“That sword on your hip,” Inuyasha pointed. “It’s not just there for show, right?”
“No. I’m highly skilled with it.”
“Good. You’ll find it’s a valuable asset to keep you alive then. Other than that, all I can say is to stay vigilant. If Koga or I tell you to back up, you back up. We tell you to get down, you get down. Understand?”
“You two went from arguing to playing co-leaders?” Miroku asked with an arch of his brow.
“You got heightened senses?” Koga asked. “You got keen instincts?”
He scrunched his nose in regret of his remark. He was on a roll today. “No, but I’ve got nice hair and great listening skills.”
“Wonderful. Then, you’ll be just fine.” The wolf remarked with a wink, bravely leading the way inside.
“Hey, you okay?” Inuyasha checked, grabbing Kagome as he sort of forced her to walk slower and stick behind everyone with him. His arm wrapped around her shoulders as he pulled her closer to kiss her temple, her stride falling in line with his.
“I’m fine.” She dismissed. “Sorry for what he said back there.”
“Don’t be. You still mad?”
“Nah, I was more frustrated than anything. I get where he’s coming from, I just don’t know how to make everyone happy right now.”
“Don’t worry about making everyone happy, kid. He’s spent over sixty days worried about you. By now, it’s almost a learned behavior. Show him he’s got nothing to worry about. Show him what you’ve got. Just like you did with me.”
The advice made sense. It made a lot of sense. Miroku had always stood in front of her, shielded her from so much while growing up, so simply telling him no one needed to do that anymore wasn’t going to be as effective as showing him what she’d learned she could do. He hadn’t been there to see her develop into the conjurer she now was, so his absence went both ways. He was going to have to drop his need for control, and she was going to have to demonstrate her formed abilities.
In reply, she smiled and nodded, glancing up to the hanyou in appreciation. Kagome gave a little perk of her lips to silently request a kiss while he was still so near, and he grinned, leaning down to quickly give her what she’d wanted.
Inside the cave, it was dark. Ominous. Inuyasha was right, he felt closely watched. Almost studied. He jogged ahead to catch up with Koga, the hit from his boots against the cavern floor echoing off the surrounding walls.
“You feel that?”
“Yeah.” Koga agreed, blue eyes searching for the culprit. There was nowhere for anyone to hide, though. Not so close to the entrance at least. The only way to discover the source, he felt, was to delve deeper, but deeper was where it would definitely grow increasingly dangerous. A turn of events they were prepared to expect. No matter what, Koga didn’t like the feeling swimming in his gut. “Come out of hiding! You wanted us to follow you, right!? Well, here we are!”
The wolf demon’s loud voice bounced off of the walls, repeating down the chambers the cave harbored, but no one replied. No one came out from behind a rock, or a nook in the siding, no one approached, no one was there. Except someone was. Someone had to be. This was Naraku’s scent, there was no mistake of that, but for some reason, the demonic aura was so engulfing, it almost felt like they were inside of a demon, itself.
“Well, if they didn’t know we were here before, they sure do now.” Inuyasha remarked dully.
“We give off demonic energy, ourselves, dipshit. Of course, they knew we were here.”
With a roll of his amber eyes, Inuyasha trudged on beside him, remaining observant of their surroundings as they traveled through the tunnels. The deeper they walked, the more sinister the feeling became. It was like wading through a sludge of demonic energy, and that sludge was toxic and thick, almost entrapping. Still, there was no way to pinpoint the source. It was all around, and he was trying to figure out the direction of a stronger pull, but he couldn’t.
Kagome fell behind. Just slightly. Out of nowhere, a very subtle dizziness began to hit her, but she didn’t want to worry anyone. She hadn’t had much water today, so maybe she was a bit dehydrated. It wasn’t bad at all, so there was no need to bring it up or ask for a small break. Maybe it was the energy of the cave. It was putrid, that was for sure. Definitely similar to what she felt when Moryomaru was near. Vile and rotten.
That had to be it. It was just overwhelming. Kagome tried to blink her slight case of vertigo away when the tiniest ache in her head pinched right over her eyes. No one else was reacting, though. Were they not affected by this? With a deep breath and a thick swallow, she pushed it all aside. If the demons of the group, more sensitive than she, could go forward, then Kagome could, too.
The further they went, the worse it got. She found herself squinting to see straight, tensing her throat so her pained sighs wouldn’t alert anyone. Her head wasn’t consistently throbbing, but came in waves. Not even quick waves. In fact, she couldn’t grasp the pattern, sporadically coursing through and causing Kagome’s brow to crease and her nose to crinkle each time. Again, she tried to gather if anyone else was having adverse effects to the atmosphere. Koga and Inuyasha seemed relatively uncomfortable but that was the extent of it, Sango and Miroku appeared fine, and Kirara had reversed her transformation to perch in her owner’s arms. Then, Kagome’s vision blurred momentarily, and her fingers twitched. What was wrong with her?
As much as she didn’t like it, she was going to have to say something. This wasn’t going away. Something was off. She was feeling a haze drifting over her, and it almost seemed like it was legitimately clouding her vision now. Kagome opened her mouth to gather Inuyasha’s attention, but her voice didn’t seem to work. Her body stopped as they all kept going, though she hadn’t told it to. Her brain was sending signals to her legs to keep walking, to her mouth to speak, but her command seemed to be meaningless all of a sudden.
And, when she blinked that time, she opened her eyes to see the bars of a cage before her. It was pitch black all around, not a sound to be heard, not a person in sight. No longer was she dizzy, and her head pounded no more. To her right, her left, beneath her feet, and above her head, she was surrounded by metal that sealed her in. The bars were cold and didn’t budge at all when she thrusted her bodyweight into it, trying to shake the lock free.
The shock to go from behind her group to wherever the hell she was now in a split second had her shaking, her lungs pumping as a panic sprung over her. She called for Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Koga, but no one answered. Her voice merely echoed in the darkness she was trapped in, the rattling of her cage from her forceful jerks against the bars hitting her ears over and over as the sound bounced off of walls she couldn’t see.
When she heard someone speaking, Kagome held her breath. Ice pebbled her skin. The voice was that of a child’s, a young boy’s, yet it held the underlying hint of menace. It was like she could sense the smile he wore, the enjoyment on his tongue, but he wasn’t talking to her. What he was saying, it didn’t make sense.
Inuyasha felt a spike, and both he and Koga stopped immediately. Ominous energy no longer filled the air. It was focused now. It was heavily concentrated in one spot. Behind them. The hanyou turned around to scour the open area they’d reached deep within the cave, spotting no one that didn’t belong, but then his stomach unexpectedly sank. It dropped so low, he thought he was going to be sick. The threat they were feeling, it was coming from Kagome.
She stood there, her hands raised up as she steadily moved her fingers one-by-one, her expression blank. He could hear the smallest mumble coming from her lips, but what she was saying, even he couldn’t make out. A sense of dread was overcoming him. Why was he feeling this? Even Koga seemed struck, confounded, saying nothing, but instead, actually taking a step away. The evil, it was growing. Evolving.
Miroku and Sango had turned to look, and Miroku was quick to notice something was wrong with his cousin, but as he went to step forward, Inuyasha hastily reached for his collar, pulling him back.
“Kid?” He cautiously asked. Kagome didn’t even look up from her hands. “Kagome?”
After a moment, she sighed and shook her head, her dark tresses fluttering around her shoulders. She made a few more subtle sounds from her mouth, the only clear word Inuyasha gathered being, “testing.” Otherwise, it was almost like she was learning to speak, clicking her tongue once or twice to discover how to make audible noise. Her brown eyes wandered around the large cavern, blinking as if to adjust to the dull light in the cave, panning over them, up, and then coming back to land on him.
“Kagome.” He tried again, this time more seriously. His heart was pounding as it would in the face of an enemy, his instincts were ready for an attack, but everything felt wrong. This was Kagome. This was his Kagome. He wasn’t supposed to feel this with her; it was all wrong.
Her plush lips parted, and a breathy, “huh,” was released. Her voice was high, sweet, and a timbre she rarely used.
Inuyasha let go of her cousin, knowing he was staying put now, and his fists clenched at his sides. Worse, Tessaiga began to quiver in its sheath, calling for his attention. It only did that in dire situations. It only asked to be released when he neglected to recognize it needed to be wielded for his own protection. It was wrong. It had to be malfunctioning because of the weird aura.
“Oh,” She sighed again, beginning to speak more clearly from then on. “There it is. Finally. That was tough - she’s a tough one.”
“Kagome -“ Sango tried.
“That’s not Kagome.” Inuyasha said, cutting her off.
A smile began to curl at her lips, and it scared him. It scared Inuyasha. It was crooked, arching more in one corner before it expanded on the other end, and her tongue tipped out between her teeth in a playful manner that made his blood go cold. That wasn’t Kagome’s smile, that wasn’t the grin he loved so much. Even Miroku twitched agitatedly at his side, stepping away before he looked at him with disturbance hindering the glow in his eyes.
“What’s wrong with her?” Miroku asked.
“What?” Kagome leaned her head to the side. “Don’t you recognize me…?” Her voice trailed off at the end as she nibbled her bottom lip. “Miroku?”
She seemed unsure of the name she spoke.
“Or, are you Miroku?” She asked, pointing to Koga, ending with a frustrated groan as she tapped her head. “Hang on, it’s a little jumbled in here. She wont let go just yet.” A few more taps. “Come on, lady. Let it go. Ah, no, I was right. Miroku.”
“What’s going on?” He reached, jaw taught.
“And, you’re Koga.” She pointed again to the wolf demon, completely disregarding the question. “Which obviously makes you Inuyasha, and you’re Sango. Got it.”
“Who are you?” Koga asked, stoning as he nobly squared himself.
“I’m Kagome.” She giggled.
“Who are you!?” Koga repeated in a lethal growl.
“Woah. Someone’s testy.” Her smile shifted to a wry smirk. “What are you so upset for? I haven’t done anything yet.”
“Don’t make me ask you again.”
“Or what? You’ll choke me out? Kill me? Look at me, pal. Whose body am I in? If you come at me with those claws of yours, it’s not me you’ll be touching. Come on, use your brain.”
Koga didn’t rebuttal, clenching his jaw and slanting his eyes dangerously, and her gaze bounced around to gather the discomfort written over all the others’ faces. Inuyasha, in particular, seemed the worst off. His hardened features screamed his seething anger, but his golden irises communicated something much different. Something more desperate.
With a grumble in the back of her throat, one that was small and held the attitude a young teenager would, Kagome rolled her eyes and lolled her head slightly, a small stomp being given from her right foot. “You guys are no fun. I’m Hakudoshi. Duh. Who the hell did you think I was?”
“So, this is what you can do? Mind control?” Koga glared.
“Way to simplify it. Don’t do me the dishonor.” Hakudoshi gestured to his entire self inside of Kagome’s body. “This is much more than mind control. I have control over her heart, brain, soul, you name it. Kagome has left the building.”
“Where is she?” Inuyasha questioned, his voice coming off husky.
Hakudoshi pointed to her head. “Right up here. She’s annoying as shit, how do you handle her?”
“Let her go. This is your one warning; let her go.” The hanyou growled. “You hold onto her, you hurt her in any way, not a single one of us will blink when it comes to ripping you apart.”
“You’d hurt your precious lover?”
“You think we don’t know your body is around here somewhere? You honestly think we’re that stupid to believe your entire entity is inside of her right now? No, you’re in this cave, we know that much.”
“But, where?” Her smile widened tauntingly. “This cave goes on for miles, and what makes you think you have that sort of time on your hands? You can go searching for me, but what’s your plan? Is someone going to play babysitter while the others go on a wild goose chase? Not a single one of you is strong enough, and that’s what’s fucking funny. Two humans and three demons against a conjurer. From the looks of it, three of you would be too sentimentally stunted, maybe four of you, and the last one - that’s you, Koga - would just get absolutely wrecked. Or, are you going -"
“Get out of her head, you stupid, fucking brat!” Inuyasha demanded, his claws biting into the heels of his palms with rage that was only building at an uncontrollable speed. How did this happen? It couldn’t have been that quick. Did Kagome feel anything weird, anything abnormal, or was Hakudoshi stealthy while he slid inside and took command.
She arched a brow at the interruption. “Well, that was rude.”
“You’re forgetting something, Hakudoshi.” Miroku spoke. “So long as Kagome is in there, she can still fight back. If one of us has to restrain her while the others go searching for you, so be it. Kagome wouldn’t allow you to hurt us.”
Hakudoshi guffawed, laughing hard as Kagome’s frame doubled over to clutch her stomach. “What!? Again, look at me! I have complete control over her!” He boasted, flailing her arms about. “This is all me, you fucking moron! Kagome can’t stop shit right now! She had just enough darkness in her heart for me to grab hold, and now the fight she’s putting up is worthless. I can utilize the knowledge and skills she’s learned by flipping a switch in her mind. If I want to kill any of you with her abilities, I can and there isn’t a damn thing you guys can do to stop me!”
“What darkness?” Inuyasha asked.
“I’ll actually entertain that question, because it was hard to find and I’m proud of myself. Apparently, holding Kikyo while she died was what did her in. Just a tiny bit. It’s been eating at her for a while now, hasn’t it? That’s not where it started, though. There was a little girl? One she failed to save, or something?” She grimaced carelessly. “I would say that created the smallest, dark spot in her heart, and Kikyo’s gory death made it about the size of a small ink stain. She’s resilient, I’ll give her that. But, not resilient enough.” That last part was almost sung while he emphasized each word of the sentence, tapping her finger in time. “All I need is an inch. So long as there’s darkness, I can take rein.”
Kagome could hear everything that was being said from within her cage, listening to this little boy speak through her. She could hear the others reply to her. It was like she was just a bystander to a conversation while she was also the main focus, and it was driving her insane. She felt completely powerless, rattling the metal bars as hard as she could, but the lock refused to give.
It didn’t surprise her to have darkness in her heart. In fact, what surprised her was how small it was. Kagome was the type of person to pick herself back up again, she never lost hope. In the era they were living in right now, darkness surrounded them, but it was what they fought for that made the difference. She knew that was what had divided her from Kikyo. She knew she’d been strong enough to avoid allowing it to take over her. But, she was human. Kagome was a human who’d been through a lot, who’d had her heart broken, who’d seen others have their hearts broken, who’d had her world turned upside down over and over. So, she wasn’t upset to know her heart had taken a hit. She was upset that her anguish was being manipulated against her.
How was she going to get out of this? Her back was bare; she didn’t have a single weapon on her. She stood in her cage in nothing but the clothes she’d donned that day, stripped of her bag, her arrows, and even her father’s blade in her boot. It was like the demon wanted her to feel as vulnerable as could be, to watch helplessly while he plotted in her own body.
Still, she shook the door of her crate, the metal hitting loudly, echoing, muting her scream as she demanded to be set free. Kagome refused to be a prisoner in her own mind, her own vessel. If he thought she was annoying now, she was going to create as much noise as she possibly could to give this guy a pounding migraine. Hopefully it would throw him off or distract him, though he seemed well versed in tuning things out. It was the best option she had until something better came along, and it was more important that she didn’t sit back and take it.
“Naraku’s not going to be too happy to learn she’s still alive.” Hakudoshi mentioned. “Though, given there was no validation of her death, he was fifty-fifty on the possibility, so maybe he’ll just do his notorious grunt before giving us our next orders to kill her. Which brings me to my next course of action. See, I honestly didn’t expect all of you guys to show up, no less the conjurer. I was trying to draw in Sesshomaru. I’ve been bored and felt like taunting him a bit, and since Naraku asked us to dispose of him, I figured I’d have some fun beforehand. Goshinki went one way, I went the other, and I was really hoping Sesshomaru would follow in my direction, but my dumbass of a brother broke his muzzle and found some villagers to eat, which stole Sesshomaru’s attention from right under me. Anyway, in you guys walk, and the moment I saw the conjurer, I couldn’t resist. Now, I’m toying with the idea of taking her back to Naraku. It’d save us both an enormous amount of time -“
“No.” Inuyasha rumbled.
“-and he can choose whether to keep control over her and use her to gain the power he’s always wanted, or kill her on the spot and remove any inconsequential threat she thought she ever was.”
“Like hell!” He barked.
“Right, right. Of course, you object. That’s to be expected, but it brings us around full circle. Obviously, you all were going to die the moment you set foot in this cave. No matter what, Sesshomaru and the wolf were going to be goners today, and Koga made our jobs a hell of a lot easier by bringing Inuyasha along. The rest of you are just bonuses, I guess. The thing about me is, I’m not really the, um, remorseful type.” Kagome leaned her head to the side, the smallest smile curling her lips. “I like it when people scream. Watching blood seep from wounds excites me more than anything I’ve ever experienced. I couldn’t have imagined a better scenario. Now you all get to die by the hands of someone you care so much for.”
“Kagome.” Sango stepped forward, a valorous pinch to her brow appearing. “Kagome, you have to fight harder. I know you’re in there, I know you can hear me. Kick his ass. Push him out. Push him out.”
Kagome’s eyes were on Sango now, and for a moment, her expression had completely fallen. Her lips were straight, brow was uncreased, and her entire body had stilled. Then, she dropped her gaze, a shudder running over her, and a pout formed so fully that her chin quivered.
“S-Sango?” Kagome trembled.
“Kagome!” Her friend called urgently. “We’re all right here! We know you can do it!”
“It’s so cold.”
“Keep fighting! Keep -“ A flash of heat ran through Sango’s veins when she stopped, realizing Kagome’s frown had crumbled and it seemed like she was pinching back her laughter. Gradually, her stomach shook with amusement and a snort came through her nose, giving in to the one-sided humor of the situation as she laughed.
“Man, you should have seen your face!” Hakudoshi gloated. “How could you fall for that so easily!? You’re clearly not the brains of the group!”
“You’re despicable.” She said through clenched teeth.
“Thank you.” He replied with a grin.
“You guys need to go.” Inuyasha spoke lowly. “Find Hakudoshi. Kill him.”
“What’s that you’re saying over there?” Kagome rose her eyebrows in question, her head inching to the side curiously. “Trying the whole divide and conquer thing?”
“Inuyasha…” Miroku started, appearing more tense than he had before.
Was he expected to just run off and leave her behind? Sure, Inuyasha was strong and he and Kagome clearly cared about each other, but this was his family. This was his cousin, his little sister, being manipulated right now, and he was being told to leave her to someone else to take care of? That wasn’t going to sit right with him. It was logical that Inuyasha would be better at tending to this situation given he was stronger and faster, but Miroku was struggling with the aspect of leaving her at all.
Hakudoshi took the moment to shrug everything off of Kagome’s back, heedlessly dropping her bag to the floor before returning her quiver full of arrows where they belonged.
“Ah, that’s better.” She spoke, wiggling her shoulders freely before pulling an arrow free. “Miroku, tell me she won’t do it again.”
“You need to go.” Inuyasha insisted, giving the guy beside him a pressing look. “Get out of here.”
“I can’t leave her.”
Hakudoshi lined up the nock of her arrow with the string of her bow, utilizing Kagome’s skills by simply reaching into her brain. It didn’t matter if he had never shot before. Kagome knew how, and it was her being he inhabited. Anything she knew how to do, he was able to do as well. Pulling the string back, he leveled his aim, lining the arrowhead up in Miroku’s direction.
“Awe, let him stay, Inuyasha.”
“Look, I can’t protect you and her at the same time. It’s better if you go and find him. You need to save her.”
“Inuyasha’s right, dude.” Koga concurred. “We’ll only be in the way, and for what?”
“To help!” Miroku strongly stated.
“Where’s that arrow aimed, Miroku? You think you’re helping right now?”
“They’re right.” Sango said, backing up. “Inuyasha can handle this. We’ll be of more help if we find that bastard.”
“I can sense your anxiety.” Hakudoshi grinned, teasing them all, adding to the tension on their shoulders. “You really think it’s gonna be that easy to find me? Do you think my body is somewhere in this cave, sitting helplessly alone? Don’t take me for a fool. Of all of Naraku’s creations, I am the genius. I am the more cunning. I am the imperceptibly strong one. You think Naraku made me a child for nothing? No. It was to deceive everyone. It was to strike more fear. You may only see your precious Kagome right now, but believe you me, you’ll be an idiot to think finding and killing me will be as easy as running off to save the day.”
“Oh, shut up!” Inuyasha commanded angrily. “The only thing you’re good at is fucking with people’s heads. You want to make us think it’s going to be difficult so we second guess or stall. Well, it doesn’t fucking matter. Either way, you’ve fucked with the wrong person.”
“Oh no, I’m shaking in my boots. Whatever shall I do?” She giggled. “I’m not just good at messing with your head, Inuyasha. Want to watch me drag you all down one-by-one? She’s yelling right now. Kagome’s trying so hard to break free, and she’s frustrated that she’s gotten nowhere. She’s beginning to lose hope. She’s really reliant on her weapons, isn’t she? Without them, she’s powerless, and boy is that catching up to her right now. ‘Inuyasha! Inuyasha, please!’” Hakudoshi called out in the exact scream Kagome was internally fighting with.
The hanyou flinched painfully, his jaw tensing, and a trembling breath left his nose. Every muscle in his body went unbelievably taut for a moment, horrified by how scared she was. He’d had to fight his instincts to protect her, because he couldn’t. He couldn’t do a damn thing for her right now except face her as she currently was.
“Miroku, she just wants to make you proud. Awe, you two have such a sweet bond, don’t you?” Hakudoshi said, violating Kagome’s mind as he discovered her thoughts, her emotions, laying them out on the table for everyone. No longer did she wear a smile. In fact, she seemed nothing short of serious now. As if hurting people was a business matter. “Grew up together, got into trouble together, lost your fathers together. The look on your face when you watched your one remaining parent die has stuck in her head for even this long. Wow, it’s so vivid, too.”
“Stop it.” Miroku muttered.
“You only held it for a moment before you realized she was looking. Then, you wiped it off and never showed it again, and she didn’t know why. But, it’s stuck with her ever since. Oh god, and your fathers went down in flames, didn’t they? Fire and bloodshed, demons everywhere, they were doomed from the start. You were trying to stop the bleeding even after your father shut his eyes. She saw you put on that brave face when it made the least amount of sense, and since then, she’s felt like she needs to put one on with you too in order to be taken seriously.”
“That’s not true.”
“Isn’t it?”
“I know her better than anyone does. She knows perfectly well that I respect her and take her seriously whether she’s got a brave face on or not.”
“Knowing her better is irrelevant, Miroku. I’m in her head. I can see everything. You want me to scream again so that you’ll believe me, or what?”
“No!” He quickly sputtered, terrified to hear her desperation again. “No.”
Hakudoshi blinked, lowering the bow and arrow Kagome held. Her plush lips were relaxed together, and her gaze lowered just for a second before he looked back to her cousin.
“Her heart’s pounding right now. She’s scared. She really doesn’t like that you’re the one I’m threatening.” He cocked a brow in speculation, and as he continued speaking, it was more to converse inward than anything. “Would you rather Inuyasha? No? Sango? No, again? Koga?” He sighed in irritation, re-stringing the arrow. “Then, silence.”
“Go.” Inuyasha urged, feeling the gravity of the situation upsurge dauntingly. “You guys need to go.”
“What are you gonna do?” Miroku inquired when Koga grabbed his shoulder and began pulling him back to continue through the tunnels.
“Whatever the fuck I can.”
“No! I’m staying with you!”
“Oh, please do.” Kagome’s voice sinisterly brushed their ears while she once more aimed.
“Miroku, I know you don’t trust me yet, but right now, you’re going to have to!” He barked, shoving Miroku away. “What the fuck are you so worried about!? If anyone’s in fucking danger here, it’s me! So, if I have to tell you to get out of my way one more fucking time, I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“Let’s go, Miroku!” Sango dropped Kirara to transform, reaching for her boyfriend’s arm to pull back.
Kagome inched her arrow back further, pinching an eye shut for better aim.
“We’ve got this, Inuyasha.” Koga promised.
Inuyasha had turned away to regard them for a split second, grateful that Miroku had finally given up his obstinance, when he felt the incoming threat. Thinking as quickly as he could, he pulled Tessaiga, the sword transforming as each inch was freed from its sheath, jutting it out to successfully block the shot that was too close to hitting Miroku in the back.
In his peripherals, he’d caught Kagome waver. Her head had notched to the side and her hands twitched. Her face had twisted almost painfully, but before long, her deadly stare was back. As if it had never left.
“Oh, you’re fast!” Hakudoshi grinned.
Tessaiga transformed when defending against her arrow. It had been calling for his attention on his hip. No. He was almost scared to see if his hunch was true, but he had to. Turning back forward, Inuyasha squared, holding Tessaiga in the direction Kagome stood and watching as it stayed transformed, swirling with energy that should have died off. As if betrayed, he nearly dropped his sword to the ground. It was detestable, compromised, ruined, wrong. Tessaiga didn’t work against Kagome. It wasn’t supposed to. He’d figured out a while ago that it was meant to aid her. It was meant to protect her. Fate was a funny thing, and it managed to tell him he was born to be by her side, not opposing her.
“Inuyasha.” Miroku whispered apprehensively.
The hanyou slid his sword back into its sheath, and then removed the sheath entirely from his belt, tossing it to the side. “Go. I promise, I won’t hurt her.”
Finally, he heard them run off, the sound of their feet fading down a corridor as they rushed to find Hakudoshi. There was a chance. Before, her fidgeting, that was Kagome trying to regain control. It had to be. Hakudoshi had almost struck her cousin, of course she was going to object powerfully. Inuyasha could reach her, he was confident of which. It was going to be tricky, but it was possible. She was conscious in there.
“So, it’s lover versus lover, is it?”
“You realize you’re part demon, right?”
“Baby, I know you’re giving it your all right now, but you’ve gotta put in a little more effort.”
“All I have to do is flip that switch in her brain to use her conjurer abilities.”
“Push him out, kid.”
“It won’t even take a lot. You’re only half demon, so with the power coming from her, I’d say ten percent would be enough to do you in. Twelve percent to be safe. Six percent if I want you to suffer.”
“Come on, kid. Fight.” Inuyasha pushed.
“Oh, give it a rest.” The grumble in her voice was deep, another octave she rarely used. “All you’re doing is agitating her; you’re not helping her any. What is this? You think some motivational speech is all you’re gonna need to save her life? Or, is it your own life that you’re more worried about?”
Inuyasha could barely fight his glower. It felt off giving it to Kagome, but it wasn’t Kagome it was intended for. It was Naraku’s minion. Hakudoshi was lucky it wasn’t he going after him, because Inuyasha would make his death agonizing. As if he didn’t already hate Kagome being touched as it was, she was now being held captive from the inside. He wanted Hakudoshi to beg for forgiveness before he ended his meager existence.
At the exact same time that Koga had sensed something was off, Kirara gave a low growl of warning, reinforcing the wolf demon’s decision to stop immediately. The further they’d gone down the corridors, the darker it had become, and the drip of water echoed loudly in a cavern up ahead. Quickly assessing it, Koga could tell there were no living beings anywhere near, but that somewhere in the cave was another dangerous demon. It was either Hakudoshi’s body or the fucker wasn’t lying earlier.
“There may actually be someone else here. With him.” Koga mentioned to the others.
“Are we near them?” Sango asked.
“No. I can’t tell where they are, but the further we get from Kagome and Inuyasha, the more clear their energy is becoming.”
All he smelled was Naraku, though. Which meant, no matter what, they were going up against an underling. Considering he was traveling with two humans, Koga almost wished they were facing an off-brand demon. These were like mini bosses before the big boss, and Koga just wasn’t sure how skilled these humans were with the weapons belted to their sides. Would they pull through and be actual assets to him, or was he about to have to keep their lives in tact while facing a direct descendant of Naraku, himself?
“Stay close. Follow orders. You go against anything I say, I’m knocking you out myself so I don’t have to deal with saving your sorry asses. Got it?”
“Who died and made you king?” Miroku grimaced.
“The previous leader of my clan.” Koga snorted.
Miroku and Sango exchanged a bemused look before shifting back to Koga.
“I’m the leader of the wolf demon pack. That may mean nothing to you, but let it mean something here. I know how to look out for people, I know how to make quick decisions in the heat of battle, and I know how to make the best calls. We’re all fighting for the same thing, right? So keep up and don’t hold me back.”
“How about, you don’t hold us back.” Sango countered, slanting her eyes brazenly. “There. You wanted a challenge, right? You wanted to make sure we weren’t submissive and weak? Well, go ahead. Lead the way, King Wolf Demon. We’ve got your back.”
“How far ahead do you think they are?” Miroku inquired, gazing into the dark shadows in front of him.
“Not sure.” Koga replied, impressed by the boldness of the woman. She was gutsy, he could grasp that much. “It helps that Hakudoshi’s presence isn’t hanging over us anymore. Now that it’s centered, whomever’s with him is standing out.”
“You can’t follow their scent?”
“I only smell Naraku, but it’s all over the place. It’s like they’ve touched every fucking wall in this maze to throw us off.”
“They probably have.” Sango agreed. “It would be a good reason to back up Hakudoshi’s arrogance regarding our difficulty finding him.”
“So, we go forward, right?” Miroku asked.
“Only way to figure out where the scent gets stronger. Be on your guard.”
Kagome was protesting as hard as she could, wrestling, yelling, trying to break the lock on her cage. Hakudoshi was reaching back to equip another arrow, and he was moving agonizingly slowly. His way of taunting both she and Inuyasha with the threat.
“Stop it!” She demanded. “I won’t let you hurt him!”
But, she went ignored. Time and time again, she went ignored. What did she have to do? What had she done earlier to make Hakudoshi’s control falter when he’d shot at Miroku? She was frantic and scared, and she was resisting. She was resisting, and that resistance was like the spark of a flame in the kindling. While she pulled back, there was a thump in her core that pushed forward, but what was it? How did she fan the spark to grow into flames? How did she do it again?
“What would you do if I spoke to you entirely like I was Kagome from this point forward?” Hakudoshi asked, aiming an arrow at Inuyasha.
The hanyou didn’t answer. The bastard would have him dead in a second if he didn’t think up a plan, and he needed to be quick. He’d need to dodge and then he’d need to disarm him. That was the best course of action. Pinning her down would be second. He had to believe that the rest of the group would pull through, would kill the brat and free Kagome. Until then, he was going to have to do everything he could to survive, which may very well be as difficult as facing Kagome in the flesh. He knew what she could do, and this child was inside of her putting her skills to the test. Against him. If he really could utilize her conjurer powers, Inuyasha would have to be incredibly careful. It was ironic to think about, a demon using conjurer powers, but wasn’t something he was willing to underestimate. Technically, he was just possessing her, not completely encapsulating her body as it was easy to assume. Which meant, Hakudoshi probably wasn’t all talk.
“Her mannerisms are right here.” He pointed to her head, nearly nicking her flesh with the arrowhead. “Oh, whoops.” He flinched too casually, cringing at his mistake.
Inuyasha had had to tense rigidly to avoid reacting. He couldn’t feed into Hakudoshi’s bullshit. It would egg him on. It could potentially cause him to actually hurt Kagome, and Inuyasha refused to allow that.
“So, anyway, what’s your plan? You really gonna fight Kagome? Or are you gonna take every hit she throws at you?” When Inuyasha neglected to answer, she shrugged her brows. “Silent treatment, huh? I bet you wouldn’t ignore your girlfriend.”
Her expression softened, brown eyes shimmering as they always had as a very soft curve appeared on her lips. When she spoke then, it was in her natural tone, and it struck Inuyasha directly in the heart. “I understand if you can’t fight me. This is scaring me, too. But, can you do me a favor?”
It took everything in him not to respond, but he’d failed to keep all of his reflexes at bay. His amber eyes flickered away and his frown deepened momentarily before he forced himself to look back at her. Whatever existed of Kagome’s smile had shifted as she now worried her bottom lip between her teeth, and her gaze had fallen to the rocky floor beneath their boots.
“Inuyasha, I really don’t want to hurt you.” She tremblingly admitted. “Kill me before I do. I can’t stop him. I’m trying so hard, but I can’t stop him. So, you have to stop me.”
“No!” He growled. “Stop it! Hakudoshi, stop it!”
“Baby, please.”
His stomach clenched painfully.
“Why can’t I break free? What do I do?”
“God fucking dammit, stop it!” Inuyasha slammed the heels of his palms into his temples.
Kagome began to walk closer, and the hanyou had to remind himself to take a step back. The aura coming off of her, the threat, it wasn’t hers and it was to be heeded. This wasn’t his girl he was up against; he couldn’t be fooled so easily. But, each step away from her was physically painful. He was supposed to be protecting her, but he was refusing her quivering form.
“Why won’t you let me near?”
“Knock it off already!”
“You have to promise me that you wont let me hurt you.” She whispered.
“Hakudoshi!” He back stepped again.
With a small groan, the demon relented. “Fine. This will be more fun, anyway.” He said, making Kagome grin as she lunged to attack Inuyasha.
Swiftly, he grabbed her wrists to protect himself, flinching back when she’d almost cut his face with the arrow. Getting her to drop the bow was easy, but her grip on the sharper object was white-knuckled and fierce. Already, he knew his hold on her was too strong, but he couldn’t let go just yet. He could feel the danger levels spiking, which made him believe Hakudoshi was legitimately using her conjurer powers. If he didn’t make her drop it soon, if Hakudoshi cut him, he could be severely hurt, and then what? Lose Kagome? Allow his death to sit on her shoulders? Neither were going to happen.
“Kid, keep fighting for me, okay?” He said directly to Kagome, thrusting her back against the cavern wall to smack her hand against the uneven rock. Finally, her grasp relented and the arrow slipped from her fingers.
“Remember when Naraku was holding me over the cliff?” Hakudoshi continued his charade, speaking as if he were Kagome again. “Just before I was thrown over, I wanted to tell you that I loved you. I didn’t want to die without you knowing.”
“Stop it!”
“And, I know you know now, but I feel like I should remind you.”
No, no, no. He couldn’t hear that. Hakudoshi or not, he didn’t want that tainted in this moment. They said those words so rarely, spoke their feelings through actions and other versions of affectionate discourse, but whenever that phrase did come out, he didn’t want it to throw him right back into this incident. He wouldn’t have it taken away from them. He was frenetic to shut Hakudoshi up.
He’d acted without thinking. It was a natural impulse, and before Inuyasha knew it, his knee was being thrusted up into Kagome’s diaphragm. She doubled over with a violent cough, her breath coming raggedly, unevenly, struggling at first until Hakudoshi started laughing with saliva dribbling over her lower lip.
Inuyasha had backed away in unrestrained regret, holding his hands out at his sides as if they’d abused their privileges. How could he? He’d hurt her.
“Holy crap, dude.” Hakudoshi guffawed, and Kagome’s voice both caressed and defiled his ears. He wished the possession changed her tone to the child’s. It was painful to hear her be talked through, no matter how out of character it’d been or not. “You really kneed her. That wasn’t even a warning tap either, that was a full on hit!”
“Fuck, baby! Fuck! I’m so sorry!”
“What kind of abusive boyfriend are you?” He asked, standing straight.
“Oh, fuck off!” Inuyasha ground out, setting his jaw irately. “You can’t get under my skin with that shit.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Hakudoshi bobbed her head. “Only, ‘I love you’ will do the trick.” She grinned tauntingly, picking up her foot to pull out the knife in her boot.
Kagome slowed down a moment. Too long, she’d been fighting the restraints of her bars and it was getting her no results. She needed to take a minute to analyze the situation, no matter how difficult it was to do right now. It was easier to let her nerves get the better of her, to keep fighting and struggling, but it was fruitless and Inuyasha needed her to come back to him.
She looked closer at the lock keeping her closed inside the cage. So many times, she’d kicked it with everything she had, applied her entire bodyweight into it, and the only thing she’d achieved in doing so was creating loud clanks to echo in the darkness she currently resided in. The lock didn’t look to have received any damage whatsoever. That was impossible. It should have at least sported a dent, or a nick. Something. This was getting her nowhere. Why?
Because, she wasn’t shut in by a key. Of course. She was confined by demonic energy. She’d been so heavily consumed by Hakudoshi’s that she hadn’t even been able to feel the power engulfing the thick, black padlock. That being said, she still wasn’t sure how the hell she was going to get out of there. Yet again, she was held back by her inability to transmit spiritual power into her hands.
That wasn’t going to work for her right now. Kagome had no other options. She couldn’t wait for an alternative to appear, because nothing ever would. She was going to bust out one way or the other, and this was how. Hakudoshi had no right to threaten Inuyasha with the power that was hers. It was hers. And, she was going to use it exactly as she willed.
Koga’s heart was beating hard, his lungs were pounding. It felt like they’d been traveling through the cave for way too long and only ended up turned around, but before he’d even sensed it, Kirara caught onto something to their right. She led the way, her hackles raising, her growl growing more violent when they finally found the right path. Koga felt it, too. Up ahead was a threat waiting for them. Literally waiting.
“For a while there, I honestly thought you’d never find us.” A woman spoke, her arms crossed over her center. “The child’s been out for half an hour now? Forty-five minutes? Were you guys walking or something?”
For a quick moment, Koga took in the sight before them. They were in another opening, one just a smidge more narrow than the other they’d left Inuyasha and Kagome in. Water had leaked in through the cave ceiling, coating the ground in puddles all around, the drip loud to his ears. The woman in front of them, she was tall. More interesting, she looked to be about as done with anyone’s shit before anything had even happened. It was like the expression of annoyance was forever etched into her skin, her eyes naturally slanted in that manner. Her hair was brown, medium-length, worn half up in a twisted bun that a white feather decoratively stuck out of. Red painted her lips, nearly matching her bold irises, and along her body, she wore a plain, black dress that dipped down low in the center of her chest.
On the floor at her side, a young child slumped in his seat. His hair was white, long, untamed. He was unconscious and still he managed to give Koga the creeps. Nothing more needed to be studied about him. That was Hakudoshi.
“Kagura?” He asked, just to be sure.
“Don’t try to be my friend just because you know Sesshomaru.” She shook her head, rolling her eyes. “I’m still under orders to kill you and protect this freak.”
“Because of Rin?”
“Because of Naraku.”
“Because he has Rin?”
She sighed out heatedly, shaking her head in irritation again. “You clearly already know the answer to that, so why are you asking?”
“Don’t you think it’d be easier to save her if we knew where Naraku was?” Koga tried, carefully stepping forward with a subtle hand gesture for Sango and Miroku to hang back. “Give me something that I can pass on to Sesshomaru. Better yet, come with us. We -“
“Stop.” She ordered abruptly, and it was said in a tone that brought Koga to listen. Very slowly, very steadily, she shifted her head from left to right, her scarlet eyes never parting from his azure. It was her way of conveying something she couldn’t say out loud, but whether he understood was up to him. Hakudoshi wasn’t completely unconscious; he could still hear everything. The last thing she wanted was him bringing anything back to Naraku, and that fucking rat would. “Back up.”
“I don’t want to fight you.” Koga admitted, following her gaze as she glanced over to the child’s limp form, then back up. What was she telling him?
“Then, this’ll be easy.” She said. This guy had to be as daft as they came. There was only one way to make this painfully obvious, so careful of the ruffle of her clothing, she grabbed her ear and once more looked at Hakudoshi. That seemed to do the trick. Koga stiffened slightly, nodding in comprehension.
“Kagura, what am I supposed to tell Sesshomaru?”
“Nothing.” She frowned. “You aren’t leaving here today. So, I suggest you fight, or you’ll die in shame.”
As Hakudoshi lunged at Inuyasha, Inuyasha had to be quick to grab Kagome’s wrist again. He couldn’t afford to be conscientious or apologetic right now. He had to disarm her and pin her down. Swiftly, he stepped a leg behind her ankle, shoving her back to throw off her balance, and dropped down to the floor with her. He tried smashing her hand against the ground to make her fingers release their grip on the blade, but they actively refused. She held onto the knife for dear life, and Inuyasha had to shove the worry that his clutch was bruising her to the back of his mind.
“The first time we made love -“
“No! Shut up!” Inuyasha demanded, silencing her sweet voice. “Get out of her head!”
“Make me.” She rumbled seductively, the switch in her timbre nearly giving him whiplash. “Of course, that brings us to the third time we made love.”
“Fuck you.” He growled, pinning her still as she tried to buck him off. “Those are intimate moments between she and I.”
“Not anymore.”
Inuyasha thrusted her hand along the ground again, fighting against her incessant battle to stab him, but still she clung to the dagger with a grasp that would not yield. He was just going to have to pry it away from her, then.
It was difficult, but his main focus had to be her dominant arm. He couldn’t let go of it whatsoever, so he had to figure out a way to use his hand that restrained her left. Dragging it down, despite her opposing struggle, Inuyasha managed to capture it beneath his knee, freeing his own hand to force her fingers to release the knife. She’d given a jolt and the sharp blade clipped his palm, making the hanyou hasty to retract back.
“Man, I really messed that up, didn’t I?” Kagome giggled. “I’ll admit, it’s hard to multitask. This lady’s got it down to an art.”
There was no conjurer power that backed up her attack, and Inuyasha got fucking lucky. His hand was seeping blood now, but he didn’t have time to even think about it. It was actually working in his favor. The more blood that got on her hand from his prying, the more slippery her grip became. Finally, Inuyasha stole the dagger away, dropping it to the side of his leg as he quickly rolled her over to her stomach.
God, he’d forgotten how fast she could be. Immediately, Kagome was pushing up against him, and he’d barely been able to really define his dominance. He had to apply his knee to her back to shove her back down while he expeditiously scooped the arrows from her quiver and threw them out of reach.
“You fucking jackass!” Hakudoshi protested on a wheezy breath.
Inuyasha removed his knee, realizing his bodyweight was hindering her breathing, and everything else was by pure instinct. He’d jerked one hand behind her back, hiking it up so she had limited use of her shoulder, and took a solid grip in her hair. Maybe he’d gotten too lost in the moment, too aggressive. He could feel how forcefully he was pinning her down, feel her cheek scrape against the rock, but it wasn’t until she cried out that he slackened.
“Ow. Inuyasha, you’re hurting me.” Kagome moaned.
“Shit!” It was reflex, his reaction to let her go. But, he shouldn’t have been so precipitous. He hadn’t realized her free hand had reached for the blade he’d thoughtlessly dropped so close. Kagome rolled over nimbly, and Inuyasha hardly had time to react. She swung the dagger at him, and he was incredibly fucking grateful it was in her non-dominant hand, because it was held at an angle that gave him the advantage to jump away without harm in the nick of time.
“Wow, you really are weak for her.” Hakudoshi commented, rising to Kagome’s knees. “If you don’t wisen up, those emotions will be the very thing that kill you.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Inuyasha responded, wiping the blood from his hand on his pant leg, a vain effort as he felt more warm liquid cover over the burning wound. He had to ignore the angry spot on her cheek he’d caused, one that went right over the small scrape she’d received the day before, making it larger, darker.
“You know, maybe I’m going about this all wrong. Maybe I’m attacking the wrong person.” Kagome smiled mischievously.
Immediately, Inuyasha knew where Hakudoshi’s thought process was headed and he stiffened.
Steadily, Kagome lowered the knife to her thigh, scratching the blade against the texture of her pants. “What if I -“
He’d moved promptly, he had no choice. He went to pin her down again, to steal the dagger from her grasp once more. He was going to throw it so far away that it’d be lost in the shadows and worthless to find in the depths of a struggle. But, Hakudoshi got the better of him that time. Inuyasha hadn’t established proper form, and Kagome bucked her hips upward, tumbling his balance and rolling him over.
Good fucking god, she was strong. He was hanyou, he had formidable strength, and yes, the fear of hurting her was drastically holding him back from doing anything too impetuous, but he was now in a pressing conflict. The knife was inches from his throat, and she was pushing all of her weight down into him. Inuyasha was lucky he was quick enough to stop it in time from stabbing him through, and now he was fighting to keep her lifted so she didn’t succeed.
“Kagome, baby!” He called warily. “I could really use your help right about now!”
“Kagome says to suck a dick.” Hakudoshi grinned.
“Kagome!” His options were limited. Rolling her off of him was a feeble choice if she still had the fucking knife, though it gave him an opportunity to pick himself up and create space. There was the potential that she’d be faster in that sort of predicament, and that obviously needed to be taken into consideration. He desperately needed to disarm her and he needed to act quickly, because she was bouncing her weight down on the dagger now in an attempt to wear out his muscles.
His best option was to take her by surprise. He needed a split second, that was all. He had no choice, and he would make up for it in whatever way that he could later. For now, Inuyasha fixed his grip on her hands holding the knife with one palm, trusting the strength in his arm, and with the one he now freed, he slapped Kagome in the face with what was absolutely too much vigor. But, it worked. Hakudoshi was discombobulated for an extremely brief moment, a gasp leaving her lips, eyes wide from the jolt of it, and Inuyasha utilized the time to push Kagome back and rip the knife from her fucking hands, throwing it in a direction unknown even to him.
Hakudoshi began thrashing against Inuyasha. He hit him back, he scratched, he laughed wickedly, and it was difficult for the hanyou to take hold of Kagome’s wrists again with how wild Hakudoshi made her flail. Inuyasha was trying. He was sorely trying to get her under control, only really failing to block one good hit from her, and when he’d thought he had a forearm in his grasp, Kagome sprung off of him, ripping herself free to run toward something.
He rolled himself over and pushed himself up, his body going insurmountably tense in response to what he was facing that his gasp was silent and nothing more than a hitch in his chest. Hakudoshi had snagged an arrow and her bow, and was inching it up to aim at him. Kagome’s smile was one of victory, her bottom lip stained with blood he’d caused her to bleed.
She was furious. She was screaming. She was desperate and frantic. This was her body, and Kagome had no control over it. This was her mind, and it wasn’t listening to a thing she was saying. What caused her stomach to ache painfully was that she could feel Hakudoshi pulling her spiritual power, rounding it up, saturating an arrow as he aimed it at Inuyasha. Hakudoshi had the upper hand, she could practically see it, and her panic was beginning to overwhelm every inch of her.
“Inuyasha, run!” Kagome cried, but unsurprisingly, she went unheard. Until Hakudoshi had the audacity to tease by repeating it. His tone held no inflection. It was said casually, carelessly.
“Inuyasha, run.”
“Please! Run!”
“Please. Run.”
“No.” He replied gruffly, and Kagome froze, realizing he was replying to her. “I won’t leave without you.”
Hakudoshi inched her arrow back to create a tauter string, and she could feel that he was about to release it. No. No!
Feeling helpless, Kagome shook the bars of her cage again, frenzied enough to try anything to save him. She was hot all over, her heart was pounding erratically, her mind was racing a mile a minute.
“Stop!” She screamed. “Stop it!”
This wasn’t supposed to be happening. This was her body, dammit. This was her mind, this was her heart, this was her ability. Why wouldn’t her powers work for her? Why would they never work this way? She’d been trying to burst the lock, and nothing. Failure was not an option right now, she needed to recondition her strength.
Protect yourself for me, my little bird. Keep it in its cage.
Her father. His words. It rang so relevant right now that it hurt. She was nothing but a little bird trapped in a cage, but it was the most unsafe she’d ever felt. Her papa thought it’d be her salvation, to hide away, but this was irony at its worst. The fact of the matter was, her powers weren’t what put her in danger. It was the people around her. The people against her. Locking her gifts up to defend herself had been the counterintuitive option all along.
“They’re mine, Hakudoshi! Stop!” He was about to shoot and Kagome was terrified, shouting so loud that her voice broke. “They’re my powers! You can’t use them!” She rattled her cage defiantly, feeling a pull in her abdomen that helped her push against her restraints. “They’re mine! Not Midoriko’s, not Kikyo’s, not yours, they’re mine!” Hakudoshi released his shot. “Get out!”
Inuyasha grunted, the sharp strike of her arrowhead piercing the right side of his chest, causing him to stumble backwards a few feet until he hit the wall. There was nothing in her arrow. He was dealt nothing more than a painful blow through his flesh. Still, he found himself holding his breath anxiously. Her powers would have taken effect by now, right? The tail of the weapon stuck out in front of him, and he watched it to see if it would disintegrate. When nothing happened for thirty seconds, Inuyasha nearly slumped in relief.
There it was, she could feel it. Hakudoshi’s hold on her was destabilizing. Warmth radiated from her being, and Kagome urged it to grow. He was trying to reattain his control, like hands slipping over an oil-slicked rope, but she couldn’t allow that. The fire charred the kindling in her core and raged violently within her. It hurt, but she didn’t care. She let it expand through her veins, through her flesh, through her fingertips.
“Get out!” She repeated vehemently, doubling over as she vividly visualized the demon expelling from her soul. “GET OUT OF ME!”
Inuyasha watched Kagome’s frame fold, falling to her hands and knees as unrestrained grunts and groans left her mouth. Her fingers raked against the rock beneath her, and letting go of a cry, she stumbled down to her forearms with a wild tremor that racked her entire body.
“Kid?” He spoke through heavy breaths from his lungs.
“Get -“ She was fighting. She was pushing so hard, and he felt a manic energy soaring from her that greatly intimidated him. Kagome was giving more than what she had to free herself that her voice came out low and throaty, like she was forcing her words out while her body was battling intensely that it was nearly impossible to use her vocal cords. “Get out!”
It was her. Inuyasha’s stomach twisted achingly, desperately needing to support her, to be next to her. “Kagome!”
He ripped the arrow from his chest, clenching his throat to swallow the pained moan. It was unimportant in retrospect. Fuck his discomfort, he had more critical things to worry about right now. Inuyasha pushed himself from the cavern wall, sprinting over to Kagome’s crumpled body and skidding to his knees.
“Don’t touch me!” She screamed at him, and the hanyou went rigid. His hands hovered just inches above her back, twitching as he struggled with himself to listen to her.
“Kagome, it’s me!”
“It’ll hurt you! My power! It’ll - It’ll hurt you!” She claimed through choked exhales.
It was emanating from her. That’s what he was feeling. He may not be able to see it, but she was shrouded in her conjurer strength, seemingly able to do what she’d never been able to before as she fought back against Hakudoshi.
“He won’t -“ Kagome released a wrenching sob, trying to pick herself up to her hands but collapsing back down. “He won’t let me go. He’s still here.”
“Keep going, baby!” Inuyasha encouraged, dropping his palms to the earth while staying as close as allowed. “Fight him! You can do this!”
“Get out!”
“You can do this!”
Kagome whimpered through the engulfing and searing heat of the flames, taking as deep a breath as she could muster in an effort to fan the fire and keep it growing. Blinking open her eyes, she could see how vibrant the lavender of her power was, appearing like a legitimate blaze from her skin. At this point, Hakudoshi’s presence was barely lingering. She needed to be diligent to make sure there wasn’t an ounce of him left in her soul. If she wasn’t thorough in getting all of him out, he could potentially seep back in to take rein of her again.
Never. She wouldn’t allow it. She was going to make him regret ever taking her hostage, she was going to make him regret ever using her against her people.
“Let me go!” She demanded, slamming her fist against the ground.
“Good, Kagome! Fight him! You’ve got this!” Inuyasha shouted.
He was in her heart. He was clinging to the small fleck of darkness that’d been created from the times she’d endured, his grimy hands slipping but catching, slipping and catching again. Kagome tensed her breath then, concentrating her strength there as it torched and incinerated whatever presence he left within her. It was overkill, but it was necessary. She felt like she’d inhaled smoke, coughing and sputtering when she finally breathed again, but that was it. She was freed.
Hakudoshi was gone.
Inuyasha felt her powers calm, but didn’t reach for her just yet. Gradually, the stiffness in her muscles noticeably decreased. Kagome was gasping in air, her back excessively rising and falling with how her lungs pumped, but progressively, her body was relaxing.
“Kagome?” He whispered.
She couldn’t help the chuckle of relief that left her mouth, or the way her arms refused to work with her, failing to even try and pick herself up. Her head went from the balance on her forearm to the hard surface of the ground as her rear sank back to rest against her legs. It didn’t matter that her head scraped along, nothing mattered in that moment. She was too fatigued to care, or feel pain, or worry about anything more.
Extremely sluggishly, Kagome reached out with one hand, blindly feeling around for Inuyasha. He was still there, she could sense him, but words weren’t coming to her right now. All she wanted was his touch. She wanted to feel his warmth, his callouses. With her opposite hand, the side she’d yet to try, the side she’d assumed he had to be closer to, Kagome turned it over, sliding it out in the hopes that he would know what she wanted.
Inuyasha swallowed thickly, hoping he was reading her right. She was searching for him, wasn’t she? With her hand opened for him, he slid his fingers within, feeling the sweat that coated it and sighing out so deeply the moment her fingers curled to hold him there.
“Is it you?” He asked, unable to control himself any longer as he scooted closer. “Are you back?”
Kagome hummed, nodding lazily.
Inuyasha made haste to pick her up. He released her hand, grabbing around her shoulders to pull her to a sit so that she wouldn’t have to push with her defeated muscles. Her dark hair was everywhere, but she managed to sweep her arm over to fix the tresses out of her face, a small smile curving her plush and blood-stained lips. But, her eyes. Though lidded, they glimmered with tears and the earthy tones pulled him right back home.
“You did it.” He chuckled proudly, sweeping hair behind her ears as he admired her for all that she deserved. “You did it, baby.”
His fingers trembled as much as she, the ice was finally leaving his bloodstream, and Inuyasha cradled her jaw when Kagome finally got a good grasp on supporting herself. As tears fell to streak her cheeks, he gently swiped his thumbs to clean each one, careful of any sensitive marks that marred her face.
“I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
Kagome leaned into his attention, uncaring of how she felt or looked while she couldn’t take her eyes from the wound in his chest. Though his shirt was black, she could still see the blood causing the cloth to stick to his skin, seeping through in a thick coating. Her fingers shakily reached for the injury she’d inflicted, stopped by his quicker hand when he grabbed her wrist and brought her knuckles up to kiss.
“I’m sorry.” She cried.
“Don’t be. You saved my ass, kid.”
“No, I -“
“You didn’t hurt me. I promise. This wasn’t you, baby, remember that.”
Feeling like she needed him or else she’d be unstable and incomplete, Kagome urgently grabbed his shirt and pulled for him, nearly losing her meager balance in the process. Inuyasha wasn’t hesitant in the least to comply. He moved closer at the same time he gathered her forward, hugging her tight while breathing her in.
“Are you okay, kid? You okay?” He rushed to ask, taking her jaw again to tilt her head to the side and analyze the blemishing of her face.
“I’m fine.” She replied.
Inuyasha swiped his thumb over her bottom lip and froze when she winced. Reflexively, Kagome sucked in her lip, finally tasting the copper as her tongue traced over the cut that bled. It must have collided against her teeth when he’d hit her. She could hear everything, she was aware of the general happenings of the fight going on, but given it wasn’t a direct reality for her, it was weird coming back to deal with the repercussions of it.
“Oh, that was a good one.” She commented, and Inuyasha immediately released her, a look of panic striking his expression. He’d almost backed away fearfully before Kagome reached for him, and she steadily pulled his hands back toward her. “No, it’s okay! Inuyasha,” She hovered one of his hands by her cheek before she nuzzled into it. “It’s okay. I promise.”
“I hurt you.” He breathed contritely.
“You didn’t do it on purpose. You were defending yourself. I’d have a problem with you if you hadn’t.” Kagome brought the other back to hold her as he had been.
Inuyasha curled into her, tilting her face again as he softly brushed a kiss to her scraped cheek. The tremble in her fingers was increasing, the shock of the situation really settling in. They rested on his forearms, her hold barely there anymore. She had to be fucking exhausted. It had to be so hard just sitting up right now. Her eyes were sunken and hooded, her smile was present but listless, her skin was pale and clammy, yet she still pushed through it all instead of collapsing and saving affection for later.
With a kiss to her forehead, he decided it was best to gather everything up. The battle wasn’t over. As much as he wanted to get her out of there, he needed to help the others, and Kagome was undoubtedly safer with him at this point.
Making sure she could support herself, he stood to find the knife he’d tossed. Thankfully, her scent was good guidance, and he was able to locate it hidden in the shadows in the distance. He fixed that in his belt before he picked up her arrows, unsurprised when he heard that grumble come from her as her stomach clenched in pain. Inuyasha made his way back calmly, smoothly, setting everything down beside him so that he could pull her hair out of the way. His hand was gentle as it stroked her back, soothing her heaves while she vomited.
“You’re okay.” He kissed her shoulder. “You’re okay, babe. You did such a good job. I’m so proud of you.”
Kagome coughed, a shuddering whimper following her discomfort, but Inuyasha continued to console her the best that he could. This was to be expected. She’d busted her ass saving them both and presented a level of power neither of them had yet to see. He’d take care of her tonight. He’d watch her carefully, he’d tend to everything she needed. Thankfully, Kaede had given them some of her medicine that helped Kagome the first time around, so she’d at least be able to sleep through the evening and fight the fever with a little help.
He helped her crawl away from the mess, whispering that he’d be right back when he walked in the direction of their kicked-aside bag, grabbing Tessaiga not too far off along the way. He pulled out the canteen of water and opened it up, ambling back and handing it over for her to sip on.
“Where is everyone? Can you smell them?” Kagome asked as she handed the bottle back over to him.
“Yeah.” He gave a small nod, replacing the lid before reaching for her arrows to drop back in the quiver over her shoulder. Her bow was within reach, so he stretched from his spot, dragging it their way. “They’re somewhere deep, but I’ll be able to find them.”
“We’ll return for the bag later.” He said, helping her to her knees so she’d be able to rise easier. Turning around, the hanyou readied himself for her to climb on his back, keeping a grasp on her hand to help leverage her up before he scooped up her rear to support her.
Thankfully, he not only had multiple scents to guide his way, but just a mile in, he could catch the sounds of fighting, of yelling. The cat demon’s roar was distinct and echoed, and Inuyasha picked up his pace.
As he got closer, he scouted out a spot to tuck Kagome in. She was already growing feverish; he could feel it through his clothing. Her part was over, she’d done more than enough. Now, he needed to protect her.
“Stay here, okay?” He whispered as she settled into her little nook. Her body was tired, and she leaned against the rocks for support.
“I want to come with you.” She said, but everything else about her communicated otherwise.
“No,” He shook his head, smiling softly while pushing her bangs from her eyes. “We’ve got it from here, kid. I’ll come back for you. I promise.”
Inuyasha leaned forward and brushed a kiss to her forehead, feeling how she subtly relaxed. “Tell me you’ll stay here. Nod.”
Kagome gave a listless nod, her face expressionless as she fully sank back now.
“Good girl.” He cooed. “I’ll be right back.”
It looked like he hadn’t taken the exact turn everyone else had. The tunnel he inhabited inclined and he came out on a ledge overlooking the scene below. There was a wind picking up in the cavern, one that only bewildered Inuyasha for a second before he pieced together who the woman facing off with Koga and Sango was. Kagura could control the wind, keeping their advances at bay while assaulting them with sharp thrusts of rocks shooting mercilessly through the air. Miroku and Kirara faced a child, a malicious grin on the little one’s face as he whipped his white hair over his shoulder.
Taking out his sword, Inuyasha jumped from his ledge, slicing through the current Kagura flared with a wind scar that carved a passage. The moment his feet were on the ground, he raised Tessaiga over his head and slammed it down, watching Miroku get shoved out of the way by the feral cat demon as his attack went straight for the evil child. A barrier protected Hakudoshi, forcing his second wind scar to trail right over him in a circular motion before dying off as it hit the far wall.
“Long time no see, half breed.” The boy sneered.
“Inuyasha!” Miroku called. “Kagome, where -“
“She’s fine. She’s safe.” He quickly replied, amber eyes never parting from the purple ones belonging to the demon child.
“Eh,” Hakudoshi’s top lip curled cynically. “You tend to use those words lightly, don’t you.”
“Fuck you.” Inuyasha spit.
“You did quite the number on her.”
The hanyou nearly dropped his sword in his vehemence, marching forward. He could see the arrogant twitch of Hakudoshi’s mouth, thinking he had the upper hand with his barrier, but with a tightening of Inuyasha’s grip, the fang of his sword grew red and he stabbed it through. The wall around the child disappeared, and it was pleasant to watch his expression dwindle instantly. His small legs hurried to back up as he tried to rebuild another barrier, but Inuyasha went and broke that one two, reaching forward to strike his face.
“Not so tough now, are you?” Inuyasha grabbed the demon by his neck, lifting him up, ignoring the way Hakudoshi clawed at his wrist and hand to be set free.
“Kagome blames you for not saving her when she was thrown from the cliff.” Hakudoshi claimed through his clenched throat, choking but still speaking tauntingly with whatever willpower he had. “She saw you trying to grab your sword, but couldn’t understand why you weren’t able to get it because it was right there. She thinks you should have been stronger. Stronger like Koga. Like your brother.”
“No, she doesn’t.” He evenly refuted.
She’d lied. She’d never intended to stay behind and wait. Kagome just knew it was the only way to keep Inuyasha from worrying. She would be upset with herself if she didn’t do everything she could to help, and there was still some fight left in her.
At first, she’d tried climbing to her feet, but her legs shook and gave out from beneath her. Twice, she’d tried to stand, but it was no use. Not even with the wall as support was she able to walk up the incline. Just trying to pick herself up was exhausting, her stomach wringing painfully, and she’d had to pause to pass some bile. Trembling horribly, Kagome wiped her mouth clean, continuing forward on her hands and knees.
It was a strenuous path uphill, but Kagome pushed herself as hard as she could, swallowing thickly to fight through her body’s resistance. She could hear the action, she could hear Hakudoshi spewing nonsense to try and hurt Inuyasha again, and she could practically feel just how livid Inuyasha was as he faced him. She wanted to see to his end. She didn’t want to risk him getting away. If anyone needed to be disposed of in Naraku’s army, it was him. He was the termite, the demon who destroyed you from the inside out, and he was going to choke on his arrogance today.
“Kagome thinks you could have done more to save your mother.”
“You’ve lost your spark since you can’t speak through her anymore.” Inuyasha firmed his hold on Hakudoshi’s throat.
He wheezed, his voice breaking, but still he continued. “You were fourteen, you weren’t helpless. Just inexperienced and stupid. That’s no excuse. You could have helped her.”
The hanyou turned around, walking back the way he came.
“Kagome believes she would have survived if only you were full demon. Your mother would have been better off.”
“Kirara,” He called, holding the child a little higher. “Hungry?”
Tossing Hakudoshi, the saber-toothed cat leapt forward and caught him in her mouth, biting down and vigorously shaking her head from side-to-side. His screams echoed as he was mauled alive, ripped apart in Kirara’s teeth.
Kagome perched on the edge of the ledge on her knees, aiming an arrow in her bow downward. It was almost too much effort to pull the string taut, the muscles in her arms quivering horribly, but she powered through. Supplying a lethal dosage of her power into her weapon, she locked on the best she could.
“Kirara, drop him!” She ordered, and the cat was obedient to the ring of her voice. Spitting the maimed demon out, she backed away and Kagome released her shot, killing off the wicked underling of Naraku.
She’d had to catch herself before falling forward, her balance off kilter, her body weak, her stomach objecting, but she swallowed the bile the best that she could. She had everyone’s attention now and there was still one demon left.
“Kagura!” Kagome stressed demandingly. “Go! If you want to protect Rin, then go! Now! Otherwise, we’ll have to kill you, too.”
“You aren’t even going to try to ask questions?” The woman asked through a tense jaw and uneven breaths. “You’re just going to let me go? Just like that? That doesn’t seem like the wisest thing to do.”
Aggravated, Kagome pulled an arrow from her quiver in a means to challenge her attitude, aiming it in her bow. It worked. She was stopped promptly by Kagura’s quick reaction to raise her arms in way of yield.
“Alright, alright.” She murmured. Her scarlet eyes looked the countering woman over, how she was fighting just to stay up. She was dangerous. She was a force to be reckoned with, and she could tell that with nothing but a glance. Kagura was there when Hakudoshi came to, and he hadn’t been touched with her around defending him. Which meant, Kagome had pushed him out. No one had ever succeeded at doing that before. Hakudoshi was violent and sadistic. He’d make a home out of your body and then kill you while he was in it. But, when he regained consciousness here, he was pissed. Which meant, he lost. He didn’t get up as easily, either. He seemed out of breath, he carried himself as if he’d been wounded, as if his strength had been compromised, and she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d been sent back not only with a damaged ego, but damage to his being, as well. “I hope you win, conjurer.” Kagura said before backing out, leaving the cavern.
With a breath of finality, Kagome let her hands fall to the ground beneath her, supporting her body the best she could. Spotting her cousin gazing at her with pressing concern, she gave a feeble wave, a smile containing minimal effort accompanying it as she gave a thumbs up. Miroku chuckled exasperatedly, rubbing his forehead in agitation before running his fingers through his hair.
“You said you’d stay.” Inuyasha said as soon as Kagome’s eyes glanced his way.
“Sorry.” She mouthed. Matching his tone, as light as it was, was just too much energy right now, and it was a struggle on its own not to collapse.
As if reading her fatigue clearly, Inuyasha effortlessly made his way back up to the ledge to check on her. The backs of his fingers caressed her cheeks, pushing hair from her face. She was burning up; it’d hit her hard this time. They needed to get her to a place where she could safely recuperate.
“I don’t think any of those things Hakudoshi said.” She whispered on an exhale. Her body gave the slightest sway, and Inuyasha’s hands moved to her sides to prevent her from falling.
“Shh,” He soothed. “I know you don’t.”
“I - I would never.” Kagome looked as if she were about to cry, sparring against her exhaustion to stay upright. “I think you’re perfect the way you are.”
“Kid, stop.” Inuyasha lulled. “Come on, you need to rest.”
“Is the fight over?” Her brow furrowed tight, and one of her hands pressed into his thigh as she wavered again. It was like she couldn’t feel his support. “Are there - there anymore demons?”
“No. It’s over.” He shook his head. It clicked. She was about to pass out, and at the perfect moment, Inuyasha caught her when she fell into his chest. Giving it a second, he waited. Her breathing was still there, her pulse was still beating, but she was undeniably unconscious. Honestly, it was surprising that she’d lasted this long.
With a sigh of relief, Inuyasha held her tight for just a moment longer. Everything was fine now. Her body was forcing her to rest. Kagome was going to be extremely unhappy when she woke up later, but for now, she was okay. He pressed a lingering kiss to the top of her head before adjusting her legs so he could scoop an arm beneath the backs of her knees. She was safely cradled in his hold as he stood, silently gesturing to the others that it was time to leave.
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mamabearcat · 3 years
9: a missing moment from canon 💜
Okay. Sorry in advance. This ended up a lot angstier than I'd planned.
The thing is, Kagome is a modern girl in a very violent and unforgiving time period, and I'm sure she saw a lot of things that she wasn't emotionally prepared for. And she's such an empathic character, she would take those situations to heart, and they would affect her a lot.
I'm going to put this under a read more. Contains a death (not main character) and canon level violence. I'm going to put it in my AO3 one-shot collections as well.
“Kagome? Can I get the kettle out of your backpack?”
Kagome startled at the sound of Sango’s voice so close to her, and the soft touch of a hand on her shoulder. Suddenly she realised that everyone had been setting up the camp around her while she’d been sitting on a tree root, silently staring into space.
“Oh Sango-chan, I’m sorry, let me help!”
Sango smiled at her wanly, her lips barely turning up at the corners, squeezing Kagome’s shoulder gently.
“It’s fine Kagome-chan. Just rest here a moment.”
And she was left alone with her thoughts again. Swirling thoughts she didn’t really want. Thoughts she wished she could bleach out of her mind, like Mama did with the stains on white tablecloths. Soak her whole self in a bucket of bleach to be hung out on the line, and go back to being sunny carefree Kagome, who’s main worry of the week was if she managed to remember the quadratic equation for that math quiz. Not the Kagome who had just seen that village. That hut. Not the Kagome who had held that boy. Not the Kagome who… killed.
“Here, there’s someone alive over here!” Shippou called out frantically, his tiny paws incapable of pulling aside the ruins of the toppled and still smouldering hut. In a flash Inuyasha was there, lifting heavy boards, kicking aside matting and broken furniture until he could make his way inside.
Kagome followed him into the partially collapsed hut, medical kit in hand, but Inuyasha turned to block her view.
“Don’t go in Kagome, you can’t do no good in there.”
There was a faint, gurgling cry, and Kagome slipped under his outstretched arm to glance around the room. There had been fire. There were arrows. There was blood. There was a woman, her eyes open but no longer seeing, her torn clothing no longer protecting either her modesty or the horrific end she had come to. And there was a boy.
He was young, probably around Souta’s age. But the gash across his throat and horrific burns covering half his face and chest made him look monstrous, and Kagome had to clench her teeth hard against the bile forcing it’s way up her throat. The smell was horrific, and she panted for a moment as she knelt next to the boy, trying to get herself under control. His one eye focused on her face.
“Ma…” he gurgled. Kagome glanced aside to the woman on the floor and then back to the boy, concentrating her gaze on the unmarked side of his face, smoothing the blood soaked hair off his forehead as she gathered her courage, then forced herself to take stock of his injuries for a moment. She blinked quickly, fighting back tears. Even if she tried to treat those burns, the amount of blood he’d lost from where his throat was cut, the actual cut itself – she had no way to fix this. Even a modern hospital would have trouble fixing this. She took a deep breath.
“I’m Kagome, and I’m going to give you something to take the pain away”, she said softly.
She reached into her medical kit and took out the tiny dark bottle that Kaede had given her. The one that came with extremely strict instructions and should only be used in very specific circumstances. There was no way she could save this boy. Left for dead by samurai soldiers and then horrifically burnt by the hut they’d set alight. The hut that had once been his home, his safe place. They had arrived too late to help, long after the samurai had left. She couldn’t do anything to take those violent memories away for him. But at least she could take his pain away.
Being as gentle as she could she dribbled the mixture into the child’s mouth, humming softly to him and stroking back his hair as she waited for the medicine to take effect. Gradually the ragged breathing slowed and his eye rolled back as a great sigh, and then another left his body.
Her trembling hand slid down his face to close his eye as the silent tears came. Tears for a little boy she would never know, a boy from a different time, but who in essence was probably very similar to the little brother she loved.
Inuyasha stood behind her silently, waiting for her to be ready to move aside. For a while, he’d sat in the hut with Kagome and the boy, listening to her quiet hum and the gasping breaths of the boy, watching the movement of the gentle hand. But in the end, he hadn’t been able to sit still any longer, his fingers twitching helplessly, and had gone outside to dig the graves. At least with that he was useful.
When Kagome finally wobbled to her feet, he picked up the little boy, barely a weight in his arms, and carried him outside to place in the grave. When he came back for the mother, Kagome had found a charred blanket to wrap her in, and had closed her eyes.
When the graves for all the villagers had been filled and Miroku had chanted the sutras, with Sango laying some wildflowers she’d managed to find not far away, Kagome had leaned on Inuyasha bonelessly, holding Shippou in her arms. It felt like she should still be crying, but her tears had dried up to be replaced by a feeling of emptiness. A hollow rage that had no where to go.
And that rage still filled her. The unfairness of it. There had been no reason for the people in that small village to have died. There had been barely twenty of them. It had obviously been a small farming community, a poor one, with nothing worth stealing. The only thing stolen had been their lives, their dignity, by men who had no compassion or soul.
Little Shippou was standing there in front of her, holding out a plate. Plain rice, with fish cooked over the fire.
But one look at the blackened blistered skin that she usually loved to eat had her bolting into the darkness as far from the camp as she could manage before she collapsed over a large tree root, hurling the meagre contents of her stomach onto the forest floor. The dry sobs came then as she gripped the bark under her fingernails, feeling them bend and crack as she put all her strength into it.
Inuyasha was there, holding back her hair, his hand warm on her back.
“It’s not fair”, she gasped. “They didn’t deserve that. It’s not fair.”
“No, it’s not fair”, he said, his usually gruff voice gentle.
“And I know what you’re going to say. And I know it too. I need to be tougher, harder. I need to get used to seeing things like that. I need to be stronger.”
The hand on her back rubbed gently.
“I wasn’t gonna say anything of the sort.”
He sighed then, and she felt herself being pulled backwards into his arms as he picked her up and moved away from the meagre pile of vomit, sitting down against a tree closer to the campsite, holding her tightly against him, kissing her forehead.
“You are a good person Kagome. Kaede woulda done the same.”
“I’m not a good person”, she whispered. “I killed him Inuyasha. That little boy.”
“No you didn’t.” He ignored her shaking head. “He woulda died anyway, all alone. You gave him peace, and you were there for him when he needed someone the most.”
Kagome shut her eyes, and he turned her face to his.
“Look at me. Kagome look at me.”
His eyes were the most earnest she’d ever seen them, and she couldn’t help the small sob that escaped her.
“You don’t need to be hard. You don’t!”
He stroked her hair gently as she pressed her face into his chest, tears streaming.
“Your heart, your… softness. It’s one of the things I like about ya the most. Because that soft heart a yours looked at a shitty hanyou like me and decided I was okay.”
She snorted at him through her tears, pushing at his chest with a weak fist.
“You’re better than okay, dummy!”
“Better than okay”, he chuckled. “I’ll take that. But I'm be'in serious here, you don’t gotta change, alright? Not one bit a you. You stay the same Kagome. I could never have sat beside that kid like you did. You keep be’in you, and I’ll be here to look after you.”
They sat silently for a while in the darkness, the only sounds the crackling of the nearby campfire and the wind in the leaves.
“Do ya think you could eat a little, or do ya need to go to sleep.”
“Maybe… just… not the fish.”
“Fair enough. Can ya walk?”
When they got back to the campsite, Shippou was crying in Sango’s arms as she murmured soft words to him, and Kagome’s heart lurched. Letting go of Inuyasha’s hand she held out her arms.
“Shippou, I’m okay", she said, trying to make her tone light and encouraging. "You didn’t do anything wrong, I was just sad. But I bet if you gave me a hug, I’d feel much better?”
Seeing her, Shippou bounded over to her and into her arms, hugging her tight, sobbing out his apologies for making her ill, and she hummed to him, stroking his soft hair away from his forehead. Here was a little boy who needed her right now, who she could help. And that made the rage lessen a little.
But she would never forget.
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mythicamagic · 3 years
Unorthodox: a Sesskag oneshot
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Summary: Kagome is pleasantly surprised to receive a present from Sesshoumaru for White Day... until she glimpses the contents inside her gift box.
AN: Written for the Sesskag 2021 Big Bang event on tumblr! @chierafied​ 
I was paired with @milomai-art​ and here’s their lovely artwork: https://milomai-art.tumblr.com/post/648766972634513408/unorthodox-mythicamagic-inuyasha-a-feudal
Rated K+
Words: 3,000
You can read it on Ao3, Dokuga or fanfiction.net. 
Valentine's day had come and gone, with a notable difference this year for Kagome compared with the last lonely three;
Her return to the Sengoku Jidai.
To celebrate reuniting with her beloved friends, she'd gone all out. Everyone received gifts, right down to Myoga and Jaken; no one had been excluded.
For all her efforts, however, she expected nothing in return. Though she'd explained the concept to the Inutachi, Sango and Miroku were much too busy looking after their children to keep track of dates, Shippo was often away at Kitsune school and Inuyasha had been absent as of late. Besides that, since their relationship had ended, the subject of Valentine's had become an awkward one. She'd had to stress the platonic intent behind her gift to him.
Therefore, Kagome had pretty much forgotten all about White Day by the time it rolled around.
Exiting Kaede's hut with a tub of water in her arms, intending to give the old miko's horse a good scrub down, she dug in her heels the second exquisite silks, armour and a fur pelt registered- having blinked into existence before her. Kagome gaped, swaying. Water sloshed, some spilling to their feet.
"Uh hi," looking up at grave, handsome features, she arched a brow. Sesshoumaru stared at her fervently. "Nice to see you, Sesshoumaru," adjusting her grip, Kagome sidestepped him and flashed a warm smile, used to his minimalistic approach to conversation by now. "Do you need something? Inuyasha isn't here. I think he's helping the next village over repair a-"
"I am not here for him."
Kagome noted his succinct tone, sounding more defensive than usual. Setting down the wooden tub carefully, she straightened, tilting her head. "Then what are you here for?"
"White Day."
"White... ah!" Kagome gasped, "that's right! How did you know about that?" she blinked, noticing he looked extra grumpy today. His jaw ticked, golden eyes narrow. Slowly, the miko brightened. "No way. Did you... get me something?" she breathed, strangely touched.
Of all people, Sesshoumaru had remembered? Was she dreaming?
A hand thrust out stiffly towards her, balancing a small box upon his palm.
Accepting it with thanks, heat touched her cheeks. Weird. She really shouldn't be indulging this- or feeling kind of happy. It didn't mean anything to be pleased, right? Was she even allowed to feel warm and fuzzy towards her ex's brother?
Opening the lid, Kagome tried to squash her excitement- peering down. Slowly, she reached in, retrieving a silky soft thing.
It appeared to be made of something long, silver and fine, the material woven into a pretty design. A bracelet of silk, if she could hazard a guess.
"Um, thank you," Kagome raised her gaze. "What's it made of, out of curiosity? It's very soft."
Sesshoumaru appeared pleased, preening a little. "Only the finest material."
"Really?" she stroked it. "I hope you didn't go to any trouble on my account."
He scoffed, midsummer gaze smiling slightly as his tone became haughty and prideful, "it was no trouble to use this one's own hair."
Kagome dropped the bracelet back into the box. "Whut?"
Lithe fingers combed indulgently into his fall of lustrous silver hair, "you need not be alarmed. The strands grew back quickly."
That isn't what's alarming me, Kagome silently screamed. Now that she was paying attention though, the pale bracelet really did resemble the demon lord's long flowing locks.
Her hand recoiled a little from the box. "W-well, um... thank you very much," Kagome said thinly. "It's a very thoughtful gift. Truly."
Sesshoumaru's keen, piercing eyes roved over her strained features, voice deepening. "If you do not wish to accept it-"
"N-no, I do! I'll wear it right now!" Kagome grabbed it madly, fiddling with the thing while repressing a shudder. She tried and failed to secure the clasp, stiffening when large hands closed over her hand.
The demon lord leaned forward- that same hair currently being secured around her wrist falling free from behind a pointed ear. Silver strands draped down like a gossamer curtain, tickling her flushed, sensitive skin.
Sesshoumaru tilted his head up, expression unreadable.
Shifting her wrist, Kagome observed the threads of hair wrapped around it. His bracelet felt odd, the concept totally foreign. However, she could feel how much the gesture meant to him. She didn't fear offending him because of his dark temper- more because she cared about his feelings and wanted to nurture any hint of a bond between them.
"Thank you," Kagome said. "No one else brought me anything today, so I'm...I'm grateful."
Even if it was the weirdest thing she'd ever received. A bracelet made of hair wasn't exactly traditional.
Straightening, Sesshoumaru's lips thinned as his eyes flickered with confusion.
Kagome blinked, wondering what else he'd envisioned her saying.
"Hn," inclining his head regally, he pivoted sharply and began stalking away quickly, giving a swift kill to the conversation.
Without a frame of reference for how long he desired her to wear it, Kagome tugged her sleeve down to hide the bracelet from curious eyes during the next few days. She tried to ignore the sensation of hair continually brushing her skin.
"I wonder if it means something important," Kagome examined it while sprawled out upon a grassy hill, taking a break from her miko duties Kaede had started dishing out ever since her return.
Sesshoumaru had seemed extremely serious while giving it to her. Then again, the gift could've meant nothing. Maybe his hair was just THAT valuable in the Daiyoukai's opinion. She snorted, twisting her wrist and watching silver threads catch on sunlight, making it shine white. "His ego is big enough. I'd believe it. Heh, maybe he'd also give me one of his eyelashes, or a fingernail or..."
Why was Sesshoumaru heading towards her?
Sitting up and fussing absentmindedly with her hair- removing a few stray leaves- Kagome felt heat flood her face.
Okay, no- she shook herself, putting a firm lid over the butterflies taking flight in her stomach. Too strange. Enough of that.
The Daiyoukai stopped a few feet away, expression detached. Kagome knew by now to ignore it in favour of looking into his eyes. They were intent and unblinking today, hinting at his seriousness.
"Hi," she said, patting a spot next to her. "It's rare for you to visit the village again during the same week. What's up?"
Sesshoumaru cocked his head to the side at her odd term. Kagome bit her lip, finding it endearing. Her attention strayed, noticing yet another box sitting innocently upon his hand.
She paled. Oh no.
Gracefully sweeping himself down onto one knee- he thrust the new box out towards her, giving Kagome a dizzying sense of Déjà vu.
I was joking about the fingernails. Please be something normal. Please.
Accepting it gingerly, blue eyes flicked up towards him. "White day is over, you know."
"This one is aware."
"So...why the new gift?"
Sesshoumaru pretended to be interested in the gentle bubbling stream not too far away. "Because it pleases me to give it to you."
He was so difficult to figure out. Not wanting to squash his newfound sense of generosity, Kagome carefully removed the lid.
The contents did not look promising.
Trying not to jump to conclusions, she reached in and removed the long necklace. A single solitary tooth hung from the chord.
"Ah," Kagome squinted. "Open your mouth a sec."
Sesshoumaru's lips parted wordlessly, mouth opening wider to reveal a gap where one of his sharp canines used to be.
"This...is yours?" she asked weakly.
Sesshoumaru closed his mouth and nodded primly. "It will serve you well, should you have need of it."
In what way would I ever have need of a tooth? a wrinkle marred her brow as she considered it, coming to a small realisation. "To make a sword from?"
Well, that explained a small piece of the puzzle. In a very 'Sesshoumaru' way- it almost seemed a little sweet, practical even.
However, this did not help assuage her naturally squeamish reaction while looking at the freshly plucked tooth.
"Thanks," she said lamely. "I-I'm sure it'll be very useful if I visit Totosai in the future."
Her answer didn't seem to be what he was looking for. Sesshoumaru's gaze flitted from her to the dangling fang. "Females... prefer jewels, make-up or clothing, I suppose."
Kagome scratched her cheek, "depends on the lady- but you really don't have to worry, Sesshoumaru," laying a hand over pale knuckles resting upon his knee, she gave a squeeze. "I'm touched you're being so thoughtful. There's no need to give me anything else though, I have more than enough."
His nostrils flared, jaw setting stubbornly. He drew himself up to stand, "you are too modest."
Feeling thoroughly discombobulated, Kagome could only watch as he pivoted with all the grace of a dainty dancer, stalking away with billowing sleeves.
For two weeks, Sesshoumaru continued visiting the village at random intervals. His flair for turning up at the most unexpected times made it difficult for Kagome to anticipate his visits. Sometimes he'd arrive bright and early, others- nearing nightfall. Occasionally he'd visit Rin, but their interactions seemed distracted. Rin would whisper fiercely to him while gesturing in Kagome's direction, but he'd ultimately leave without speaking a word to the miko.
It was odd, confusing. She'd used to think of Sesshoumaru as a fairly straightforward demon. As of late, he'd been downright unpredictable and... flakey. She kind of missed their previous easy interactions when she'd pick herbs and prattle on while he occasionally offered a word or two. His silence had felt comfortable rather than awkward.
I don't know how to get that back, Kagome thought sadly.
A chilly wind passed by, breeze rushing around her exposed neck. Adjusting her miko garb, she sneezed, shivering a little. Autumn would soon be on its way.
The heat of an intense stare sent a new chill down her spine. Kagome turned, sensing it- only to find Sesshoumaru gazing at her intently.
Was it her imagination, or did he seem absurdly pleased? As though struck by a revelation.
As was typical behaviour for him, the demon lord began walking away without a word.
Trudging back from training in the woods, Kagome shouldered her bow while walking around a thick tree- only to quickly stop, almost bumping straight into polished armour.
Sesshoumaru stood before her, holding another box. This time it was larger, more of a rectangular shape.
"M-more?" Kagome squeaked. Her heart thundered. It felt like so long since they'd last spoken.
Sesshoumaru inclined his head gravely, "hn."
Biting her lip and somewhat dreading what cast-off part of him could be inside this time, Kagome grasped the lid and removed it- only to slam it abruptly back down.
"What… what is that?" she asked thinly.
Sesshoumaru's lashes fell shut and slid open in an unruffled blink.
"My fur."
I thought as much.
Kagome removed the lid with trepidation once more, lifting out the lush, soft coat. Even while her hands sank into the cloud-like material, blue eyes remained wide with distress.
Sesshoumaru seemed to guess her line of thinking. "It is discarded fur that I have shed, not cleaved off. Do not worry."
"O-okay," she said thinly. It's still weird though. Too weird. Imagine if I'd made a coat of shed skin.
It was so odd that Kagome felt a line needed to be drawn, placing it back into the box and numbly accepting it from him. "Sesshoumaru… I have to put my foot down now. I appreciate your gifts but I can't accept any more."
He stiffened, the burning embers in his eyes freezing into glassy orbs.
Kagome rushed to explain, "it's very sweet of you, and I appreciate the thought. I'm just not, uh…sure they're suited for a human. Besides, you seem to be worrying about what to get me instead of talking to me. I'd rather we just spoke like old times instead of this awkwardness."
"I see," he said stiffly.
She took a step forward, eyes widening when he took one back and turned. "This one did not intend to give you things deemed inappropriate and unwelcome. Farewell."
Too late, Sesshoumaru blurred away from her outstretched hand.
Kagome grit her teeth, sighing and balancing the box on one hand. Damn it.
Slowly, Kagome lowered the box onto a tree stump and gingerly lifted the coat. It felt lush and divine, her hands disappearing within the sheer volume of fur. Sliding her arms into the sleeves and putting it on, Kagome wrapped it around herself, feeling like she were enclosed in a giant fluffy cloud. His static youki brushed her skin intimately, fanning out from the strands.
It was big. It was a little ridiculous. It was wonderful.
Kagome groaned, burying her face in her hands. Sure, the idea of him collecting his shed fur to sew into a coat was strange by human standards, but actually wearing the coat, she now understood his simplistic intent.
He'd just wanted her to be warm.
"You're such a weirdo," she grumbled, blushing and dipping her nose into the fur. It smelled like him; wild forests, with the hint of refined smoke from a pipe.
Maybe she was weird too.
He was absent for an entire month.
Sesshoumaru figured it would help ease the sting of rejection. The second he caught Kagome's fragrance, however, it was like an old wound had been ripped open again.
His lips thinned, firmly keeping all emotion locked tight behind a placid mask as he visited Rin.
Chatting with the girl allowed him to soothe his stung ego for a while, distracted by Rin's news about the village and her training. Occasionally she would mention the miko and his chest would tighten again. How pathetic of him.
Once his cup lay empty and Rin mentioned the need to leave in order to assist the older miko, Sesshoumaru took his leave.
Stepping foot outside Kaede's hut, however, he froze.
Kagome stiffened before him, swathed in furs- his furs- he dimly noted.
More than that, lithe fingers curled around the fang resting at her collarbone. The silver bracelet of his hair caught the light before disappearing beneath the length of her sleeve.
Kagome's cheeks heated, and she thrust out a box, letting it rest on her palm.
"I asked around," she muttered. "Inuyasha was clueless, and Shippo kept laughing whenever I tried to ask him what was going on. Luckily Myoga happened to stop by," blue eyes pinned him in place. "You could've told me what all the gifts meant instead of leaving me in the dark."
Sesshoumaru did not accept the box just yet. "I thought my intentions were achingly clear."
Embarrassingly so, for a proud demon.
"Not for humans!" she huffed, lowering her hands a little. "I was confused the whole time! How was I supposed to know that you were giving me a betrothal bracelet, or that the fang was for any half-demon children I might have when they need a sword? I kind of figured out the coat, but I didn't know it represented your intentions to provide for me."
Sesshoumaru stared. Oh. Perhaps he should've listened to Rin about courting the miko after all.
Cheeks scarlet, Kagome sighed, lifting the lid of her box off and removing something from inside.
"May I?"
Sesshoumaru nodded dazedly, golden eyes widening. His entire being thrummed, heart picking up speed.
Shifting closer, Kagome pushed some dark locks behind her ear, the length slightly shorter than usual. Sliding a black bracket around his striped wrist, Kagome swallowed. Her hair had been woven into a band much like his, though nowhere near as intricate.
The demon stared at it, fixated. Baser instincts purred.
Molten gold eyes slowly raised to pin her with a disarmingly reverent look. He spoke no words of poetry, no love or longing, but it was there, he hoped. Abundantly clear. Kagome seemed to recognise it for what it was now.
She smiled a little, hugging her arms and scuffing her foot. "Don't get the wrong idea; I'm not saying I'll jump into marriage with you, but it turns out I'm kind of interested in dating you. Really... interested," Kagome forced out, obviously embarrassed but soldiering on. "If it's okay, we could...do that," she finished lamely.
Sesshoumaru took a step forward, invading her personal space. She blushed exactly the way he'd hoped she would, babbling. "So the uh- think of the bracelet as a dating bracelet! Maybe down the line it could...it could become an engagement thing," she murmured, voice dimming in the wake of his proximity.
"Hn," honeyed eyes smiled, careful claws unfurling to find her chin. "That would be pleasing," he uttered in a faint rumble, tipping his head down. "I accept."
Satisfaction rolled through him fiercely as she tilted her head just so- lips meeting and brushing feather-light against his. Emboldened, Kagome's hands found the collar of his hankimono just as he took her by the waist as though entering a dance, tightening.
Sesshoumaru let his eyes flutter shut, inhaling sharply through his nose. He could smell her so bright and clear—the sweetness of tangerines, faint, exotic soaps—and her mouth so warm. Kagome kissed him, firmer, hand finding his hair- fingers curling. His breath began to roughen the longer their kisses went on. His heart chanted the truth of it all- 'yours.'
If the foolish woman wanted him, he'd already given himself to her. The ticklish brush of her hair claiming his wrist made him smirk against her mouth, glimpsing his own band of white around hers and revelling in a plume of possessive pride.
Perhaps it was unorthodox by her standards, but they were not exactly normal themselves. And so, Sesshoumaru drowned himself in the curious, raw newness of the strange miko, surrendering to all the oddities that would likely follow during their strange courtship.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag Royalty Au
A month had gone by since the Naraku incident and for the two royal families, life had seemingly returned to normal. Princess Rin found in Prince Souta a new friend closer to her age, Miroku had started following Sango around— much to her chagrin, and the Queens were already teasing their kids over future grandchildren. The formal wedding celebration had begun with guests from all their ally territories in attendance. It was truly a large and joyous occasion. The Higurashi’s ballroom was filled with the finest food and drink, beautiful decor, and music to entertain the masses. Both kingdoms were ready to put all the misunderstandings aside, ready for a bright new future. But not everyone was in a celebratory mood.
The party was already in mid-swing with Prince Inuyasha and Princess Kagome mingling with the guests and giving off on an air of contentment. Plastered smiled and staged conversations. But once the revelers seemed fully preoccupied by drink and merriment, Inuyasha pulled Kagome to the side.
“I could use some fresh air,” he suggested quietly.
“Mmhmm,” she agreed with a nod.
Inuyasha took Kagome by entwined fingers and led her out to a side garden where they would have some privacy. No one noticed them take their leave, save for their ever-dutiful attendants who simply nodded their approval. Don’t get him wrong, Inuyasha wasn’t having second doubts about marrying Kagome. He loved her, there was no question about it. But that didn’t mean there weren’t a few things still left unanswered. He could sense in her that she felt the same way, so with the start of their new lives truly about to begin, it was time to get things straightened out.
“Is this, okay?” Inuyasha questioned once they reached a small gazebo. “The night air isn’t too cold, is it?”
“No, it’s alright.” Kagome sat down with Inuyasha following her lead. “I suppose this was inevitable.”
The last couple of months had been such a whirlwind. From her identity being found out, to Naraku, the threat on the kingdom, the wedding— she and Inuyasha didn’t have any time to talk. Or rather, Kagome had also been nervous to do so.
“I think so too.” Inuyasha took her hands. “Please do not think I brought you out here because I am unhappy with you or that this marriage was simply to save you from Naraku.” He brought her hands to his chest and held them tightly. “I married you because I love you. But I just wanted to make certain there isn’t anything else you’d kept from me. All those months you were with us under false pretenses, I wish to know what was fact, and what was fiction?”
Kagome dropped her gaze to the ground. “I’m sure it’s obvious that all the stories about my family were fiction since they are very much alive. But there were truths woven in. In her youth, my mother’s parents really did not provide her a tutor because they didn’t believe a noble woman needed anything more than how to satisfy and cater to a husband. So, she took it upon herself to listen in during her brother’s lessons, then steal away to their library to educate herself further. With me, she made sure I got as much education as they could provide. Sango taught me a lot about how to protect myself and to use a bow. My parents weren’t thrilled about it but didn’t stop us either.” She looked back up at Inuyasha. “And Tanaka was the name of an old attendant of mine. As for what else is true, falling in love. I tried so hard to resist you because I didn’t want either of us to get hurt.” Kagome looked down again. “I should have thought things out more clearly before I ran… it caused so many problems for everyone. Yet even so, I feel guilty because it had led me to you and the happiest time of my life. You, Rin, your family, I love you all so much for what you’ve done for me. I wouldn’t know where to begin in repaying such a debt.”
“Is there anything else I should know?”
“Who you saw in me, my personality, and behaviors, that was all still me. I didn’t change that part— don’t think I could have lied to that degree and made it believable.”
Inuyasha tipped Kagome’s chin back up. “I believe you; I can sense that much in you.” He smiled before leaning in with a soft kiss. “Now, is there anything you’d like to ask me?”
“No,” she shook her head and smiled. “I feel you’ve always shown me the real you.”
He kissed her again, deeper, letting it linger as he kept their foreheads touching. “There is no debt to be repaid my love. For you’ve already given me what I’ve been searching for my whole life.”
“What… do you mean?”
“Acceptance— true acceptance.”
“I-I don’t understand…”
Inuyasha pulled back but kept his palm cradling Kagome’s cheek. “All my life I’ve felt split between two worlds because I’m a hanyo. Yokai and human alike would sometimes look at me differently. Of course, they wouldn’t dare say anything to my face, but I could feel the awkwardness. That’s why I was very angry for a long time. Rin forced me to lighten up, but I still felt inside like I’d never be truly accepted and yet you loved me despite my nature. Now, I don’t care if anyone else judges me differently, as long as I have you by my side.”
Kagome’s eyes crinkled at the corners as a few happy tears pooled in them. “Oh, Inu, I’m just as lucky to have you too.” She chuckled and smiled. “My mother worried no one would want a woman who’s feisty.”
He laughed, “that’s exactly what drew me to you.”
She leaned her head onto his shoulder with a contented sigh. “Fate was never something I really believed in before, but it’s hard not to think there is truth on such tales.”
“It is quite ironic how things worked out in the end, but I’m really happy they did.”
“Me too.”
This was a future neither had allowed themselves to believe possible. For Kagome, the fairytales of finding a Prince Charming were once a dream now come true, and Inuyasha the weight of lonely years melted away. They sat there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence, simply enjoying the night air and absorbing this whole new life about to begin. What will it be like? Will they always be happy now? Have all their worries ended? As a second son, they won’t have the stress of ruling to deal with, so that just left creating a normal family life— well, as normal of a life a royal could design. Children… how many should they have? These are the kinds of questions the couple will need to ponder at some point.
Speaking of children, Kagome flushed at the idea. While they have had a few intimate moments, mostly kissing and a little bit of touching, but the couple had not gone all the way yet and frankly Kagome was a little nervous about it.
“Inu?” Her voice was soft, hesitant in breaking the silence. She wasn’t sure how she’ll take his answer, but Kagome wanted to know.
“Have you, been with anyone before… like, i-in bed?”
“No. Why do you ask?”
“I’ve heard stories about how princes can be loose like that…”
“Well, not me. I won’t lie and say I’d never been tempted, but most of the women I’ve been around never interested me much. Nobles are usually so… boring or just looking to increase their status and I wasn’t about that.”
“Are you nervous about it?”
“A little.”
“Me too.”
Inuyasha turned to face Kagome. “I won’t force you, if you’re not ready.” He lifted her chin. “I’ll wait as long as you need.”
Kagome blushed harder. “It’s not… that… I want to… with you.”
“Oh,” his brow raised with a chuckle. “Have you been fantasizing about me?”
“Maybe… Have you?”
“Oh— yeah.” He grinned. “How could I not? Every time I’d see your beautiful face, and this,” his hands moved down to her waist, “body, just dreaming of learning every inch of it. Plus, have you any idea how much your scent drives me wild?” She shook her head no. Inuyasha leaned down, his lips so close to her neck, his breath sent chills down her body. “Well, it does, and now you know,” he answered in a husky tone.
“Oh… Inu…” Kagome breathed out when his lips grazed her skin. Her hands clutched to his vest, pulling, begging he stay right where he was as her head tilted to give a great span of access.
Inuyasha chuckled, whispering a tease. “Princess we’re too out in the open to be getting so hot and heavy. Or is this a naughtier side you’ve been hiding from me?”
“S-Sorry,” Kagome blushed. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“No need to apologize love.” He kissed her forehead. “I’m excited too.”
Now that the air had been cleared, the couple decided to go back to the party before someone came looking for them. It was winding down already, and guests were starting to leave. They assisted their parents in giving their thanks and wishing safe journeys to those traveling a distance. Then once they were assured, they were no longer required to stay, Inuyasha and Kagome retreated to their private room.
“Need any pointers?” Miroku whispered to the prince as he escorted them through the castle.
“Pfft, not from you,” Inuyasha sneered back.
Miroku chuckled as they reached the room. “Have fun you two,” he winked before walking away.
“Damn pervert.”
“Leave him be,” Kagome giggled as she pulled Inuyasha into the room and locked the door. “He means well. Will you help me with this dress?”
“I know…” Inuyasha sighed. “And of course. What do you need me to do?”
Kagome’s face heated up, but she stayed with her convictions. I’m a firm, yet tentative tone. “Take it off me.”
Inuyasha’s eyes widened as a grin formed. “With pleasure…”
Their time at the Higurashi castle had come to an end, and the Inu royals said their goodbyes. Kagome’s parents were sad to see her go but were happy with the outcome knowing their son-in-law will take good care of their daughter. Promises were made to visit as often as possible, and they looked forward to the grandchildren yet to come. Sango would stay on and become a member of the Inu kingdom for Kagome, much to the delight of Miroku. The Princess had teased her friend about the budding infatuation, but Sango still refused to admit there was something brewing. That left more addition to the entourage, Sango’s younger brother since he became her ward after the death of their parents. Princess Rin was delighted by the decision because now she’ll have a friend to play with at the palace. Even her father Sesshomaru had taken a surprising interest in the boy’s prospects as a future soldier.
The newlyweds were given their own comfortable carriage to travel in. Which was great because it gave them privacy during the four-day trip. Inuyasha pulled Kagome close and kissed her forehead. “Ready to start our new future Princess?”
“Mmm,” she smiled. “I can’t wait.”
Sorry this final chapter is a bit lackluster, but the last couple of weeks I kinda lost motivation to write. I hope it was still at least okay, and thank you to everyone who's been following along :)
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neutronstarchild · 3 years
So excited that you are doing this 💖💖
Who is your favorite IY, but non-InuKag (so, not Inuyasha or Kagome) character to write, and why? Which one gives you most difficulty?
And, since you write in other fandoms, same question—favorite character, and most challenging character (and why), any other fandom? Thank youuuu and I can’t wait to see your response! 🥰
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Thank youuu for the ask @fawn-eyed-girl!!!
My favorite non-InuKag character to write is probably a tie between Jakotsu and Shiori. We get some sense that Jakotsu has no filter and will say whatever comes to his brain, and that is SO FUN to play with in a modern setting. Shiori on the other hand has this understated fun and intelligence about her, so she says something entirely witty to make the person she's with laugh as hard as they can, with this innocent "who me?" look on her face. I love them.
Ironically the toughest character for me to write is probably Sango. There's something about her self-defeating melancholy that just... I find really hard to connect with to write her well. I do my best, and hope my Sangos spark joy, but yeah... Sango chapters and writing tend to be the toughest for me.
Other fandoms you say? 😎
Oh let's go back to the very beginning. In Lord of the Rings I absolutely adore writing Éomer. He has such gruff and grumpy big brother protecc energy and loves his sister and is plain spoken but very intelligent. I adore getting into his head. Aragorn on the other hand, MAN that I find rough. He's so lofty and remote that I strain to make it work (picturing Viggo Mortensen helps).
Yuuri on Ice is the only other fandom I've really taken a deep dive in and written for now, and Victor is my absolute favorite. I don't think I've written enough yet to find characters that are challenging. Maybe when I make an attempt at Otabek or JJ??
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sessrin-posstiv · 4 years
Thoughts on Episode 15
Necessary disclaimer: this is a positivity blog, so, while there were parts of the episode I wasn’t totally satisfied with, we will not address them here! There are a lot of thoughtful and interesting posts on what could have been improved, and I will leave those folks to it. :)
Here are the things I loved, in no particular order:
LADY RIN / りんさま !!!!!!!!!!
Kin’u and Gyokuto so excited for new babies! This was extremely sweet - I love the thought of Rin helping with Sango’s kids and bonding with them, and them being excited through her pregnancy
The (very) brief implications of Sango/Kagome/Rin friendship, which I hope fanfic authors explore if canon doesn’t give it to us. Sango and Kagome had such a lovely friendship in Inuyasha, and I like to think Rin becomes a part of that as she gets older
Every single second of Jaken
ESPECIALLY! When he tells Rin he will take care of things and his expression is so soft and serious!
Jaken honestly was the star of this episode for me, but I figured he would be when they finally let him appear - he’s my favorite :)
Moroha being raised by the wolf tribe! This was one of the fan theories I really liked and found plausible, so I was glad to see it confirmed.
Also, I’m going to say it: I actually liked how Sesshoumaru was handled. I know - I KNOW! - I wanted to see him be squishy with Rin, too. But here is the thing, my awesome fellow Sessrinners: he married her.
She is explicitly his wife. She is Lady Rin.
So, regardless of how you feel it happened, this boy did at some point admit that he not only loved her, but that he wanted to commit himself to her.
This is Sesshoumaru we’re talking about. Mister “I’m going to devote myself to killing Naraku because he tried [successfully] to manipulate me once.” Mister “I’m a wandering hobo because the thought of staying in a single place is anathema to me.” He hates being bound or controlled by anything - this is why he and Kagura come to understand each other!
And he bound himself to Rin. In a way that was so open and obvious that literally all the villains know about it.
Honestly, friends, I will be right here screaming with you if/when we get some PDA between them! But I feel like the fact that he married her says a whole lot.
The whole Inugang knows it, too! Remember how he reacts when Kagome calls him “big brother”? He glares and flies away! And I’ll bet that’s what he wants to do when he’s going to fetch the babies - but he CAN’T. He has no escape. I’m not surprised he got out of there as soon as he could, even if we’re ignoring the children-in-mortal-peril angle.
Now, if we get a scene with him and Rin alone and he’s cold to her? That’s something else entirely. But I thought they did a good job keeping him in-character here.
Really hoping that we’ll get scenes of Rin and Jaken with the little twins, though! That’s what I need out of the next flashback. :)
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planetchii · 3 years
Tropical Rouge, Culture Festival! Everyone Together, Let's Put Make-Up On Aozora!: The Tropical girls are getting ready for the best time of the year: The cultural festival. And in true Tropical Fashion, the girls decided to hold make-up classes for all visitors. But while planning just the right make-up to teach the novice children and grown adults, Laura gets suspicious that Minori is looking over to her ex, the Literature Club. I mean, when you up and disappear into the library, it's kinda hard to not think that you're looking for an escape route. But it's fine because they totally have enough people to help with the make-up classes. As long as Minori stays in the clubhouse.
That being said, distancing yourself from the rest of the group isn't very cool, Minori. Now you have a suspicious smug fish being all suspicious. And being a detective. And asking questions. A lot of questions. And she would ask even more questions if Manatsuu and the Smug Fish Laura's homeroom booth wasn't short-staffed because the kids with that shift decided to get an early head start on getting their Yaruki power stolen.
Meanwhile, the Lazy Trio has clocked into work, and Chongiri drew the short straw today. Guys, he just wants to cook. He wasn't trained for this. And he certainly wasn't trained for being kidnaped by a bunch of martial artists to run their grilled squid booth. Even if it's the most fun that he's had. At least right up until the point where he remembered he was still on the clock. At least everyone is busy.
I mean, really busy: Sango is still teaching people how to put on lipstick properly, and Asuka is trying to make sure no one cuts the line. The only one who the Broadcast Club could interview for the Tropical Club was Minori. Who turns out to be a secret master of the make-up arts.
The lesson the monster should have taken away was don't touch books. Books are supposed to bring people joy. I feel like I've heard that before. It also turns out that the reason Minori left the Literature Club is because her sempai quite literally read The Great Book and that story was already written, and therefore boring and too familiar and unoriginal. Again, I feel like I've heard this before. But that's okay because Minori's stronger with the Sword of Logos Tropical Club.
Reviving A Legend! The Pretty Cure's Power-Up Makeover!: After getting the results of a contest that the girls were not aware they were part of, The Tropical Club finds out that they came in second in the "hey, this booth is pretty cool" contest. Everyone is so excited that even Kururun even has to say something in front of the School newspaper. In other news, the girls suddenly develop a love of ventriloquism. Before telling Kururun to do their best impersonation of a statue.
Elsewhere, the Witch is waking up from a nightmare when her ex-girlfriend up and left her. If only her ex just didn't have the energy to leave... she probably should have given her ex's money back. But on the plus side, the Butler finally does something! He heads to the nearest watering hole and figures out a way to make polymer slime. While that is going on, Manatsuu and Laura are having a loving conversation over who is the most Tropicool.
After a nice long conversation, Manatsuu and Laura head to sleep, where Manatsuu meets the legendary Precure in a trippy and glowy dream aquarium. Manatsuu probably shouldn't overeat at dinner. Especially when she nearly drowns in her own dream.
But in the morning, the Girls start heading to school, only to have the Butler's slime experiments come up from the depths of the town's canals. So the girls transform and try to find the source of the Yaruki power, only to have the Aqua mirror 404 error on Cure La Mer. But while trying to find the source of the Yaraneda power, Cure Summer learns that Kururun is a good listener and has not moved since the beginning of the episode.
Meanwhile, the villains really still have no idea what their actual job description is. They're now working to form a union because they don't even know why they have to do all of this extra work. They're just a maid, doctor, and cook respectfully. They have also decided that union dues are due at the end of the month. Nuremi will collect.
Elsewhere, Cure Summer has picked up one (1) Kururun but ends up having to sacrifice herself to save the good sealo. And while Summer is now being farmed for Yaraneda power, Kururun becomes the new Cure Summer. All Hail Cure Kururun. Only to get hit with friendly fire via Cure Papaya's eye lasers. RIP Cure Kururun.
But with the power of Friendship (TM) and a new Mirror (buy our toy) Toei actually giving a good budget for an episode and some new barefoot dancing, The Butler's polymer slime experiment is defeated. This type of leadership should be the Student Council President. Revice, The Devil is Just a Bad Guy?!: It's time for a company review of last week's (lol), super conference where FENIX was super happy to show off their belt and their choice for a Rider in front of the whole world and one over-excited family. Since it didn't go too well, someone's getting demoted as punishment. RIP Hiromi's commandership. Perhaps he shouldn't have tried to be a hero, because now instead of a belt, he has a contract to become a magical girl I mean, have a deadman walking around. And now, the one that they wanted to be Revice in Daiji, has become a go-for to get his older brother to sign a contract to also become a magical girl I mean to work for FENIX, since he's not scared of the belt. Daiji can't win.
Meanwhile, in a golf competition, an older brother and younger brother are fighting over who has the better swinging motion, and who has the better golf knowledge. The fighting gets so... well, not intense, but belittling for the younger sibling, so much so that he gets fired as his older brother's caddy.
Don't work for family. (I say that as a younger sibling too.) But at least he was sold this spiffy new contract by a personified alcohol person. Alcohol for your soul. Salespeople are getting real pushy with their selling.
Meanwhile, back at the bathhouse of Happiness, Daiji has come back home to offer Ikki an offer he can't refuse.
Ikki promptly refuses it. Something about needing more bare butts in the tubs. And probably wouldn't want to trigger Vice's fight or fight harder instincts. But in the mists of the "Please, Ikki, there's a 300,000 yen signing bonus" fight to get Ikki to work for FENIX, the dad apparently found a live stream of the golf fight. Fight or Fight Harder instincts fully engaged, Vice possesses a bike to get to the action faster. Regular bikes are for squares; get your demon-powered bike now at your local bike store.
At the golf course, Ikki and Vice transform. And while Ikki was actually doing his not-his-job, Vice went off to do some selling. He'll be denied no fights. At least until the new VStamp pulls him back in to become an Eagle. After beating the older brother's contract deadman, Vice goes back to selling things. At least until Ikki undoes the transformation.
But good news, everyone! Mama is almost completely healed from almost being eaten unceremoniously. And soothes Ikki's fear and tells him that plenty of people have had 2 jobs before. I mean, look at Vice, selling things. He sold the younger golf brother on visiting the Deadmans and getting his own Deadman. That's some A+ selling.
Not the right selling, apparently, since Ikki is pissed. We're not supposed to be selling the Deadmans, we're supposed to be selling the bathhouse. I mean the bathhouse services. And as punishment, Ikki fights this new Deadman without transforming when Daiji notifies them of this new, totally out of the blue and not sold to, Deadman. I mean we can't have other lives in danger.
Tasked with either apologize and fight properly or not fight at all, Vice agrees not to sell shit like Deadmen again and finally gets that magical girl contract. After beating the second Deadman of the day, the two golf brothers make up as much as siblings are willing to, for the low price of their stamps.
Hostage Trouble, What To Do Brother?!: While hanging out at the best-awarded rave place in town, the Deadmen are trying to look for a way to revive their head of ravers, and peanut butter named villain Jif I mean Giff, with a new recruit, a walking hood. Meanwhile, while Mama is trying to support her middle child, in a surprise to all middle children everywhere, an eviction company came to evict the bathhouse. Ikki proudly states that they will never be evicted from that spot, despite the father's best attempts.
Elsewhere, Sakura and her best friend forever Ayaka are going shoe shopping, where Ayaka finds these really nice sparkly shoes. Since Ayaka was not invited to her little sister's photoshoot (instead opting to bring her mom), it was only fair to bring about the shopping therapy. But it turns out that one of them has a stalker following them. And that stalker has some Deadmen foot soldiers. He really has this thing for Ayaka. But Sakura has a cellphone, and calls for Ikki, since we're not doing hide the identity thing.
When Ikki gets to the scene of the crime, he tells them to run, only for the stalker to throw a Pokeball and catch Ayaka. He also demands Sakura, a woman who could probably kick his ass, or he'll kill off Ayaka. But live your dream dude. No kink-shaming here. But they agree because killing people is bad. But is then interrupted by the Kong Deadman. At least Daiji comes in at the right time with the 555 suitcase, now holding the Revice Driver.
While in the midst of a hard-fought battle, the Deadman runs to where the girls are kidnapped, and while chasing this Deadman, Revi and Vice run against another alcohol personified man who wants to make a bargain: The girls for the stamps. This leads the new Go-For Daiji to go back to the FENIX Inc., and retrieve the new stamps, and takes a look at the new P-Bandai belt. Daiji asks if it's possible for him to use that belt, only for George to do his best Ankh impersonation and laughed in his face.
In a sign of kindness, the stalker allows Ayaka to call her mom, who tells her to bug off, she's watching her daughter work the cameras. It sucks to know you're not the favorite.
Elsewhere, the trade is going down, in the following fight allows both of the stamps to go back to Ikki and Vice who pull off their best Den-O impersonation, and end the fight. And in the confusion, Sakura breaks out of her confinements and kicks the ass of the stalker, proving that if Toei doesn't make her a Rider they are missing an opportunity. Sucks that it seems the stalker isn't the actual contract holder.
Back at the Rave Central, The Hooded Intern has these new sparkly shoes.
Zenkaiger, No. 27-kai! A Great Voyage Through Seven Worlds!: After hearing that his mom is still alive and has escaped her deep sleep can on Tojitendo Kikaitopia, The Zenkaiger group starts looking for Kaito's mom Mitsuko. Despite their best efforts, including a massive Google search by Secchan, they still can't find her. This leads to the thought by Gaon that maybe she escaped to a whole other world.
Since it was a good thought, Kaito asks his boyfriend Vox if he can borrow his pirate ship to go look for her. He promises to fill it back up with gas. What does it take, diesel? Regular?
Vox doesn't allow this because Kaito has no driver's license. I mean, neither does Vox, but Flint does and Flint has the keys.
Meanwhile, Stacey hates his job and now is sent on a wild chase to find a woman he may or may not have let out for the sake of his adopted grandma and ice cream supplier. Truthfully, it wasn't entirely his fault. It's not like he attacked the warp gate like the others when he may or may not have left the sleeping pod open.
Back with the heroes, Vroom and Gaon stay behind because Toei's budget is running a little tight. Can't have all that CGI and stuff after spending all that money on the CGI for the other worlds. There are budget concerns to think about, you know. But the remaining heroes board the Pirate ship and Magine sets about looking for Mitsuko with her crystal ball. But because the Pirates have no time for proper seancing, they just start picking the closest worlds to our heroes' world and work from there. Mr. Su is everywhere, by the way.
And after going to worlds where they are called perverts, nearly arrested, and freeze to death, in that order, Stacey arrives with his entourage of other people looking to cash in on overtime and says that all of the other worlds are getting visited, because she didn't just go back home, and not because they shot themselves in the foot. Instead of searching for clues in the Ice World, the Zenkaigers and Twokaizers head off to the Mushroom Kingdom. They did not see any plumbers, however. But, they "find" "Mama" "Mitsune" before Stacey and his crew of merry overtime workers, and a fight breaks out. After beating this wave, the Pirate ship heads off to Earth, much to the relief of Stacey who just wants to make Yatsune happy. Only to be told to follow them. Leading to another battle on Ice World. Stacey better be getting paid time and a half for this. The Zenkaigers win again and head back to Earth. But after the fight, "Mitsuko" takes off the magical disguise to show that it was Me, Magine! (not actually this writer.) with the hope that the bait and switch will get Tojitendo Kikaitopia to leave the other worlds alone, and just focus on them.
No. 28-kai! Weekly Shonen Manga World of Great Illustrations!: Kaito finally got his learner's permit to drive interdimensional ships and is going on a drive with Flint and some of his friends for practice before his big test with the Experienced Driver Flint. Vox has decided that is not his scene and is hanging out at Colorful, on Kaito's dime.
As someone who loves discovery, Vroom has made a big one: Vox is an Otaku. Vox loves him some manga. This is cool since Vroom is also a Manga Sommelier. And so is today's world, Manga World. And Manga World is working on his new hit piece for not-Shonen Jump about the everyday lives of the People of Earth. The pages even move! Now with exclusive Zyuran and Magine chapters! This is a limited edition, so make sure to get yours soon.
Back at Kikaitopia, the entire Tojitendo is still not happy about losing the Eve to their Adam. It'll be fine guys. It's not like there's someone there who'd sell you guys out for one ice cream parfait or something. He's too busy trying to get intel and how to get the father out to really mess with his own dad.
Back at Colorful, the Comics and the Not-Comics are having a conference about how to deal with Manga World. Kaito thinks that because Manga is just "drawing" and "some words" and some "Ink" that anyone can be a Mangaka. That it's sooo easy. This may or may not piss off Vox (and this writer.) about how people think it's so easy to be a Mangaka and storms off. Probably to an art room to make his Manga.
So because plan A didn't work, they go with plan B and buy the latest edition of the most popular manga. And after unbinding the pages of the latest Tankobon of Kimetsu no Yaiba and laying them off on the floor, Manga World starts trying to collect and read the pages. Kaito, thinking he's a ninja tries to steal it while he's reading, only to be caught and sent to the Manga page world. That Limited Edition now has a Kaito Chapter. Only 50 made! (Use the Ninninger or Hurricaneger gear next time.)
But this gives just enough time for Vox to drop ALL of his doujinshi and Original Works onto the floor. The Manga World loves the fact that they're seeing this new work about a pirate in space, looted, in true fashion, from Mangatopia. So much so that Vox does what pirates do best and swipes the limited edition not-Shonen Jump.
Everyone transforms to fight, including the comic pages. And proceed to fight and win, with half of the time acting it out in comic pages. And all the people are freed from their comic pages. I hope you got that limited edition not-Shonen Jump before it was too late.
And while Vox used that manga to save his family, he'd like to get it back now. Too bad Yatsune has ordered that manga back to Mangatopia. If he doesn't tell, will he get to keep it?
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savethelastdan · 4 years
Yashahime Is Over Party: Contribution #2
“All right, all right!” 
The crowd of villagers quieted (some with a wince) as the high-pitched shout rang around the village entrance. Ten-year-old Moroha gave them one last warning glare for good measure. 
With, as her Great-Grandpa on the other side of the Well would say, “more gusto than should be necessary”, she then leapt upon the nearest height-offering surface - one of the tourists’ suitcases, emblazoned a dozen times on every side with “FRAGILE” - and began her welcome speech. 
“Shut your mouths and hold onto your butts, folks, because this is a real treat! The coolest village ever to exist in any timeline, on a sunny day! Since my big brother is at kitsune academy today, you all have the honor of yours truly acting as escort around this prime piece of feudal real estate!” 
Dramatic pause for emphasis. (Yes, she’d taken some liberties with the script that Shippo had left, and she didn’t quite know what ‘prime piece of real estate’ actually meant, but her cousin Towa agreed that it sounded fancy and fancy always worked with humans.) 
A soft-faced young woman glanced around the crowd self-consciously before raising a hand. “You mean, this is the village where priestess Kikyo - “
“Ahem!” Moroha held up the wooden sign hanging from her neck, tapping the carved-in letters spelling ‘Village Tour Guide #2” with one nail. “Are you wearin’ the sign?”
“Oh. Uh, sorry.” The woman blushed. 
After a moment, Moroha cleared her throat. “Okay, yeah, it is. But there’s a bunch of other super-cool people here, too! If you wanna meet them - follow me!” With that, she jumped from the suitcase to land solidly in the dirt. A few tourists reared back from the cloud of disturbed dust, putting them at the back of the moving crowd. 
“First up, the sister of the blah-dee-blah-famed-priestess-blah-dee-blah Kikyo - Lady Kaedeeeeee!” She swung both arms in a dramatic half-circle towards the healer woman’s hut; the crowd ooh-ed and ah-ed appropriately. “On days like these, she’s either healing a sick patient, birthin’ a new baby, or taking a long nap! Since she’s awfully old, the napping’s more frequent.” Hooking an arm around a teenage tourist’s shoulder, she hissed in a spooky tone, “Some say she’ll live forever, getting older and older until she’s like a living zombie-” 
“I heard that.” With a cross expression, Kaede leaned out of the window.“Don’t think I won’t curse you for those bad manners.”
Moroha waved the group on with a nervous chuckle. 
“And this is the home of the most famous demon slayer known to womankind - Sango!” Cupping both hands around her mouth like a bullhorn, Moroha drew out the last syllable of the woman’s name to emphasize her coolness. Several of the humans perked up with excitement; it wasn’t hard to imagine that they had themselves benefited from some of the woman’s work. 
“Her husband Miroku lives here too. He used to be a monk, but now he’s a family guy! My papa says -” She straightened, putting on a deep, gruff tone - “it’s a damn miracle -” Dropping the tone, she grinned cheerily at the group - “nobody will tell me why!” 
As if on cue, the door to the house opened to reveal a group of tall, bickering young adults. The loudest were two women with matching features, the only visible difference to a stranger being that one’s slayer outfit was trimmed in pink and the other’s in green. Behind them trotted a younger boy, also wearing a slayer outfit in red.  
“I’m taking the kusarigama, you’re taking the wakizashi!” The green-outfitted slayer said, ignoring her sister’s attempts to talk over her. “Otherwise you and Mom will have two long-range weapons, and that makes no sense!” 
“Plus that’s Uncle Kohaku’s specialty!” Their brother piped up; he dodged the twin elbows that swung back at him as easily as if they’d warned him. “She wants to impress him with it so he’ll take her on his trip to the mountains with Rin this summer!” 
Through the left-open door, came the sweet smell of treats baking - one of the many hobbies Miroku had taken up with his time, now that he wasn’t going to up and die (Moroha knew she wasn’t technically supposed to know about that. Or probably phrase it like that… But if her godfather Koga said it that way, why was it any different for her?)
The group of slayers stopped short upon seeing the crowd; with awkward bows, they quickly skirted their way around the gaping tourists. 
““That’s Sango’s kids; every one of ‘em demon slayer prodigies.” Slinging her arm around the same teen from earlier, Moroha shook her head with a dramatic sigh. “Makes me almost want another sibling. Except then I’d have to share my room, nooooo thank you!”
“Excuse me.” A mustached man in the middle of the group raised one arm curiously. “I heard one of those women mention Rin - is that the human who died twice and was resurrected by the sword Tenseiga?” 
“Huh? Oh, yeah. That’s Rin.” Moroha tapped her own head thoughtfully and muttered under her breath, “Was it really only twice…”
“Does she still live here?” The man’s mustache drooped in a frown. “Or did she go to live with that dog demon?”
“Dog demon? Ohhh, you mean Uncle Sesshomaru!” A smile stretched across her face. “I almost forgot about him! Nah, after she got married she decided to stay in town -” 
“Married?!” The group erupted in murmurs of horror. One kerchiefed mother clapped her hands over the ears of her daughter; the mustached man turned green.
Moroha’s face fell. “Well, yeah. She wanted to keep taking healer lessons from Kaede, and even though he travels a lot, she wanted to stay by Kohaku’s side when he comes home. Be a team, and all that.” 
“Ohhhh, so she’s Kohaku’s wife!” The human mother’s shoulders slumped with a sigh. “How lovely and age-appropriate.” 
Moroha wasn’t sure what that meant, but if it made the negative energy go away then she was all for it! “Rin’s super cool, anyway. She knows how to heal demons, not just humans, and she tells really good ghost stories, and she’s actually really good at arm-wrestling -” 
Suddenly she ducked her head to whisper, “She’s probably my favorite cousin, if I’m bein’ honest with ya.”
 “Do you have other cousins?” A man who appeared to look a thousand years old squinted in her direction. Perhaps in confusion, but it was hard to tell with all the wrinkles. “I doubt a full-blooded dog demon like that Sesshomaru fella would leave his legacy in the hands of a human girl.” 
“My mom would say that’s prejudiced,” Moroha said helpfully, causing the old man to blanche. “But Rin’s got two little sisters, who you can see riiiiiiight now!” 
With a dramatic twist, she whirled around to point in the opposite direction with both hands, adding a low growl that was meant to mimic the roar of an excited crowd. 
The moment was slightly underwhelmed by the confused looks of the tourists as they took a moment to figure out where exactly to look. That’s okay; she’d work on it. 
Down the road, her twin cousins leaned against the wall of a house (Moroha’s house, which she was saving for last because you always save the best for last). Towa was smiling and pointing out something up in the sky, while Setsuna wore a very predictable scowl. From this far away, the red streaks in their hair were little more than smudges. 
The extremely old man with an attitude problem made a weird hacking noise, most likely in surprise. 
“Did he adopt them like your other cousin?” asked a teenage girl. 
“Kinda!” Both hands landed on her hips; Moroha then modeled her expression on her Uncle - stoic, dismissive, oh-so-cool. “On a cool spring night, Uncle Sesshomaru walked into the darkest, deepest forest on the planet, waved his sword over a really old and creepy tree, and when he cut it open - there they were. Two lil’ hanyou babies.” 
Dramatic pause. 
“Just kiddin’.” Laughing loud enough to bring back the wincing from the group, Moroha slapped her knee. “They’re full demons. I can still take either of ‘em in a fight, though. Oh!” She pointed up in the air with a wide, excited smile. “There’s their mom right now!” 
Murmurs of confusion filled the air as the tourists moved their heads this way, that way; only when a chilling breeze morphed into flesh and bone, right before their eyes, did the group exclaim in collective understanding. 
Moroha waved. “Hi, Auntie Kagura!” 
“Yo.” Clearly taken aback by the crowd, the wind demon gave a tiny salute. The side of her neck bore a half-moon symbol tattooed on the skin; Moroha thought it was neat, even if her dad thought it was a dumb, archaic wedding ritual. “Do your parents know you’re doing this?” 
“Uh, duh!” She held up the sign with a cheeky grin. 
“Fair enough.” Upon spying her daughters across the way, Kagura’s expression softened a bit. “Well, I’ll see you later.” 
“No, wait! We’re actually heading the same way.” Gesturing to the not-moving crowd, Moroha repeated, “The same way. Meaning the best part of the tour - come on, folks, work with me here -” 
Kagura snorted, walking quickly as though to avoid the gawking humans and their nosy questions about how she had been resurrected or could still live now that Naraku was dead or got Sesshomaru to admit he had feelings much less have kids with her. A curt “none of your business” was all they’d get, no matter how much Moroha tugged on her sleeve and whined about “giving people their money’s worth.”
Luckily, once they reached Moroha’s house, it was easy to escape. After all, a much more awe-inspiring attraction awaited the group of lucky, lucky tourists. 
“And now! The Greatest Love Story Of Our Time!” With a winning grin, Moroha landed a kick on the door, sending it slamming open. 
“Oh.” Kagome blinked at the group from where she sat on a futon in the middle of the house, surrounded by magical artifacts. A scroll marked with ink rolled from her lap all the way to one side of the room. Behind her, halfway through helping her put her hair in a bun, Inuyasha froze “Uh, hello?”
“My parents! Dumdedumdummmmm!” The warmth of her pride felt like it was going to burst in her chest. It was the absolute best to come home to people who loved her! Whether it was tickle fights before bed, or her dad taking her and Shippo out on demon-tracking trips, or her mom humming a lullaby if she felt sick on the full moon night, Moroha was certain her family was the best of anybody’s anywhere. “One fell through time, and one fell -- fell, uh, for her -- sorry, I’ll work on it.” 
Inuyasha huffed in the way that meant he was going to complain later. Kagome just chuckled and waved. 
For once, the humans reacted exactly the way Moroha wanted them to - smiling, clapping, appreciating the wonder of her super-beautiful-and-also-hella-powerful mom and grumpy-but-still-amazingly-brave papa. She launched into the story she knew by heart, of how they had come to be together and saved the whole world while they were at it. Some parts were probably missing or misrepresented, from the laughter in her mom’s eyes, but she had enough of it right that half the tourist group was in near tears by the time she was done. 
“And now, they have one more accomplishment to add to the long list - parenting the greatest warrior this world has ever seen. Moro-uh, Beniyasha!” Swirling the ends of her fire-rat robe, she twirled. “The Crimson Slayer!”
“Slayer of my patience, maybe,” Inuyasha snapped, though he was unable to hide his smile as he marched over to grab her by the collar. “Come ‘ere, kid. You’ve got chores to do!” 
Tossing her over his shoulder, he waved dismissively at the group of humans. “Sorry folks, the show ends here. Yeesh...” 
Moroha cupped both hands around her mouth, screeching to be heard over her parent’s laughter before the door shut.
“Make sure to leave your comment cards in the box at the entrance!”
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nikkxb · 3 years
Hi,! I love the rockstat AU and thats something I have never been able to say, but I was also reading about koga and the boys interacting with the tachi and I wish the well could have worked a little differently and let souta jump (maybe by accident) and how funny it would be. He'd lose his mind over kilala for starters but if he got lost in the woods and the wolves found him? Ginta and hikaku would immediately love this tiny brother, and koga would be trying to get souta (a die hard inu fan) to warm up to him as they try to find kagome and kogas just gushing about how perfect she is and souta, in true little bro fashion is just like ?? No?? She's a total clutz inuyashaissocoolcanipetyourwolves???
Souta would LOVE the whole gang.
Sango would immediately take him in. He'd love the Hiraikotsu (lady crush like WHOA) and then being able to cuddle with Kirara? Souta would fit in there immediately.
He'd take some time warming up to Miroku. Not that he dislikes Miroku, but more because Miroku is crushing on Sango and Souta doesn't think he's worthy of her.
Inuyasha is Inuyasha; Souta definitely has a strong case of hero worship there. That will absolutely be hard to crack, though Souta does see it wane healthily as he gets to know Inuyasha and sees the dynamic.
Shippo would take longer than anyone expected. Shippo's jealous that Souta immediately fits in; Souta's jealous that Shippo spends all this time with Inuyasha and Kagome. Eventually, though, the two come up with the same prank idea and they bond immediately. It has its ups and downs, but they're two peas in a pod before long.
Ginta and Hakkaku -- it's almost immediate! Souta doesn't really understand why they call Kagome 'sister', but he absolutely takes to having two older brothers. Especially when he finds out they do different things from Inuyasha. Souta loves seeing the diversity of the group and he really loves the two wolves. Between those two and Shippo, Souta is never bored.
Kouga can't get Souta to like him for the life of him. At first, it's because Kouga's too familiar. No, only Inuyasha gets to do that. Then, it's that Kouga is closer to Kagome than Souta realized and it's the first time he's ever considered Kagome not getting with Inuyasha and Does Not Like It. Why doesn't he like that? Not sure because watching Inu and Kagome as they traverse Edo Japan is very different from home. So that's weird and he doesn't quite know how to deal with that, so poor Kouga gets the brunt.
But Kouga doesn't begrudge him at all! If anything, Kouga takes it quite well, never retaliating, always letting Souta use him to explore the negative emotions he's learning about. Over time, Kouga can converse with him after the explosions, figure out what the underlying issues are, help Souta work through his emotions and control his reactions better.
And by this point, Souta's learned everyone. He's seen how everyone interacts. And he can absolutely see that while Inuyasha is his big brother pick #1, Kouga...Kouga is his pick for Kagome. So those two need to work that out because Souta's going to keep his big brother with the white furry ears and Kagome's going to be happy with her partner that comes with the big, loving family and nothing about the two stubborn jerks is going to get in the way.
And then Kirara shifts, distracts Souta, and he's off on another adventure until the next Moment happens and he's thinking about it again.
(Thank you!! I am not one who enjoys rock star AUs either, but I absolutely love the idea of what can happen with what Anon threw at me. I'm so happy you're enjoying it, too!)
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