#and wow im in il mheg again
sasslett · 8 months
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dragoon armor is the bane of my posing existence why did we have to make them both dragoons in the spikiest armor possible
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astrxealis · 2 years
ahdhwjhfksn till sea swallows all
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gcmblingdice · 5 years
replies are slow. playing ff14 uwu also let me show u more pictures i got! This is from the sylph lands in Gridania, near Hawthorne’s hut. More info under cut because this is long!!!! 
also this is an excuse to show off HOW PRETTY THIS GAME IS AND I JUST WANT TO THANK SQUARE ENIX. and yoshi-p. you da man boi. 
for the area your muse could come out to, see this link here ! 
I’m literally imaging this bridge, which takes you from a small little coven of forest nymphs who are helpful btw! and takes you into the forest, and the deeper you go the more you see outlines of ruins of a city. and eventually, if you make it through the corrupted area of the forest you could, potentionally, see a portal and archway that would take you to the “eden” riadeux lives in. although if you do, unless pure of heart it will be clouded over by fog and the colors muted.
Actually for a modern human to even find this place, one would have to have stepped into a fairy circle without knowing which would whisk them to the area. 
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Your muse will find themselves suddenly noticing that wow, there looks to be something like buildings? a house? what is this???? but if your muse keeps walking, as i mentioned, you’ll come to this: 
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and after passing through they’ll see more of what used to be a human settlement. At this point you can keep walking, or turn around and hope your entry way has not dissappeared!!! [don’t worry a kindly sylph or forest nymph may guide you back!] [they are much kinder then the fae folk :V ] 
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the path way is literally beautiful. the green grass, lush trees...and clean air. it could be easy to want to rest suddenly. If your muses wants, there is always a main little building which would probably have cured meats or something.  [you can ignore the aytheryte, it wouldn’t be there in the thread if you didn’t want it o:!!]] [[if you wish to include it, just imagine it as like a light source, maybe its filled with magic? who knowso : we could totally figure out what to use it for! plotting is fun after all.] [again tho you don’t need to know jakc shit about ff14 or its lore], [im literally basing Ria’s home and such off Gridania and il Mheg uwu with references from various dungeons to show off what once was a grand castle with a city inside and outside of its walls! which can be found via various posts tbh. ] MOVING ON!!! 
As you walk to the left you will notice a path, over ridden with grass. 
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the more you walk the more you eventually see what looks like a tree house of some sort. 
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continuing you would see this: A settlement that used to be inhabitted. although if the muse is able to see, they may notice the sylphs. maybe the fae folk? who knows. we can always write it as abandoned tho. Like I said plotting is fun~~ 
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Walking through you come across a bridge uwu 
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crossing over will take you fully into the fairy world and if you turn back, your muse may get lost! So you gotta keep wandering. 
your msue will start to see many creatures, and the area will have a green haze to it. Proceeed with caution!!! o: 
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Should they choose to keep going on [and avoid!!!] they will come to here: 
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and then as they venture deep they will eventually come out here: 
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walking further will lead you to hear, and passing through this gate will take you the path that will eventually lead to ria uwu 
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congrats your muse found ria’s domain. good luck getting him to remove the veil otherwise you’ll be wandering uwu 
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