#and yeah he's a kid and this was his first relationship so he'd probably mess some things up due to lack of experience
wildflowercryptid · 9 months
florian's such a nice kid who has such a kind heart and tries his best to not hurt ppl he cares about— *shoves what happened between him and ortega behind my back* ignore that.
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tange-my-rine · 6 months
saying something stupid (like I love you) || Tangerine × gn!reader
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Summary: With Lemon's guidance, you take the initiative and confess to Tangerine. He kept saying he felt the same, and wouldn't shut up until you did it. So, in a moment of weakness, you told him. You kind of knew what to expect: either reciprocation or rejection. Easy. But when Tangerine instead physically runs away from you, you have to admit you weren't expecting that.
TW: angsty (with a happy ending), crying, cursing (it's Tangerine), and avoidance (Tangerine is really bad at feelings, what can I say).
[[A/N: yes this is based off that one song. It's so GOODDD. And also something Tangerine would totally do. Peep the Little Women reference. Enjoy :)]]
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"C'mon," Lemon urged, "-'s not 'at hard, mate."
You rolled your eyes, absent-mindedly chewing the inside of your cheek, "You say that as if you've ever been in a relationship. Ever."
You had known the twins since middle school (probably), both raised with shitty parents and even shittier lives. When you saw them for the first time swindling a boy out of his money in a go-fish game, you essentially blackmailed them.
('If I don't get a share, I'm telling the teacher.')
You actually even knew their names, and them yours, but you preferred the codenames -you were the one to come up with them afterall.
Tangerine almost popped a blood vessel when you met that day, but Lemon smiled big and bright and pulled a five out of his brother’s hand. You and Lemon were fast friends after that; Tangerine took a lot more time.
That being said, when you were finally friends -near high school, he started to... fill out his form. Naturally, being close to someone who is handsome, you find yourself in... certain states of mind. And what started as a little crush your senior year, snowballed to now.
Where you were in love with him.
You probably told Lemon after a few years of it not going away. But, you'd find that every day after you'd regret that decision.
"Sally Jones," Lemon offered up, seemingly in defense of himself.
You scoffed, "The girl you dated for a month?"
He nodded his head.
"You didn't even like her," you clarified, "-you liked that she had cable so you could watch your fucking trains."
"So-" you said a little loudly, turning to the bedroom where Tangerine slept and drastically lowering your voice at the distinct absence of shuffling, "-Lemon. We have been best friends since we were kids, that's... That's a lot to mess up because I'm... because I have feelings."
"What so-" Lemon starts, "What if he gets married one day? What are goin' to do? Just... Just fuckin' bury it down?"
"First off, he's too much of a dick to get married, secondly-" you paused, letting out a big sigh -something in your chest twisting, "-yeah. I mean, it's what I've done for all of these years, isn't it?"
He frowned for a minute, hand finding its place on your shoulder, "You ever think ya deserve to get it off your chest? 'At maybe you deserve the happiness it'll give ya?"
"Might give me," you corrected.
"Look, I know my brother," Lemon argued, brown eyes layered onto yours, "-and I know he's been fuckin' crazy about you since you stole that fuckin' five dollars on the playground."
"I didn't steal it," you clarified, a little defensively "-we made a deal. We negotiated-"
"Y/N," he refocused, "-I just wanna see the two of ya happy, yeah?"
"I know," you spoke, softer, "-I know, Lemon."
Before another word could be spoken and it really seemed like Lemon wanted to, Tangerine stepped into the living room -hair still sleep-mussed, and clothes far more casual than what he'd wear normally. Not that it was new to you, but it still made your heart flutter a little.
"You 'avin' a fuckin' pow wow without me?"
"Morning, sunshine," you smiled with a sing-songy tone.
"Fuck you," Tangerine muttered (a tiny little smile quirked onto his lips), before slinking off into the kitchen -most likely in search of coffee.
When you stayed seated, eyes flickering over whatever reality TV show was on -Lemon nearly burned a whole in your side.
'What?!' you mouthed, exasperated.
He was wordless, brown eyes darting from you to the kitchen -a few times in a row actually.
'Now?' you mouthed back.
'The sooner the fuckin' better,' Lemon mouthed back, shoving you further down the couch.
Well, you debated to yourself, it would get him off your back, and that would be nice.
But, you didn't feel so scared then -not like all the years prior. It was like something... something had shifted in you and you just wanted it done.
Shit, you thought, maybe it is time.
You took a deep breath in and with raised hands (in mock surrender), stood up.
Lemon seemed taken aback a moment, shock, like he'd never actually expected you to cave; to be fair, you were a little surprised too. But... you were tired, and if heartbreak was to come of it -you wanted to get it over with now.
'But if he doesn't...' you mouthed, '-you owe me everything in your wallet.'
He neatly nodded in agreement.
You swallowed, squeezing your hands together and with the timidness of a doe, entered the kitchen.
The kitchen in the apartment was small, but modern-looking. It was all sleek metal and plain colored cabinets, looked like something out of a magazine. That being said, Tangerine fit right in.
Your eyes unwillingly went to his hair, the unkempt curls, and you briefly wondered if they felt soft.
"Hey, Tan?" you echoed out -trying to keep your voice level and calm.
He held up a finger -as if to say 'one moment', before fidgeting with his coffee. He took it basically black so it didn't take him too long to do so. Just a dash of both sugar and milk, he spun around to look at you.
You supposed you hadn't thought about the idea that he had to be looking at you while you said it. His eyes were always so... bright and distracting -you could hardly handle it when he looked at you so intensely on a regular day. How could you do that today? Right now?
You cleared your throat, wringing your hands together, "I, um, I need to tell you something."
Tangerine pursed his lips, looking you over -leaning slightly on the counter with his cup in his hand. His eyes dashed over yours with a curious sort of question there -scanning over you like he was trying to figure out just what it was.
"Ya alright, love?"
You blinked, trying to clear your head, and opening your mouth to respond. In what way, you weren't sure but any at all sounded good-
"Get fuckin' on with it, mate," Lemon yelled out from the living room -apparently hearing everything in here he could.
Tangerine was just looking at you -blue eyes just looking.
Something in you snapped.
"Jesus Christ, fine, Lemon," you hissed in frustration -words coming out before you could stop them, "-Tangerine, I'm in love with you."
Tangerine froze.
You weren't even sure he was breathing.
"Tangerine," you stepped forward, concerned, "-are you okay?"
Before you could so much as touch him though, he, without a word, beelined out of the kitchen. So fast you were left reeling in his dust, blinking a little deliriously.
You instantly spun around your heels and rushed to the living room -just in time to see Tangerine swipe the keys (the car keys) off of the little table near the door and promptly leave the apartment.
The sound of the door slamming shut echoed into your mind -like a pin dropping into silence.
Something swirling up into your chest, you swallowed -something heavy on your tongue and even heavier on your heart. You blankly stared at the door, like if you wished hard enough he'd come back and tell you he loved you. That all of it had just been a gut reaction.
After a few minutes, that did not happen.
"Lemon...?" You croaked out, eyes suddenly blurry and heart pounding in your chest -had you really just ruined it all?
"Lemon-" you let out a breath and it somehow turned into a sob. It felt like your chest had been cracked open and your heart crushed to dust.
God, you'd lost him. You fucking lost your best friend because you decided to be stupid and fall in love with him-
You don't know when you fell to the floor, crying, but you do remember Lemon rushing over to you -brown eyes guilty and somewhat confused.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
He kept repeating it, over and over, but all you could see in your head was Tangerine frozen and all you could feel was a loss. You were grieving him, there was no way anything could go back to normal-
You'd have to get separate jobs, live on your own-
"I'm not leavin' you," Lemon said suddenly, and you realized you must've been muttering, "-My brother can shove 'at idea up his arse."
Without another breath, you pushed yourself into his arms -wrapped around him into a hug.
"Liked you much better anyway," he muttered, and there was a laugh that burst through your chest.
You and Lemon ended up staying at that apartment for about three more days, waiting to see if Tangerine would return. All of his clothes were here, and you weren't entirely sure he even had his wallet in his pajamas -but he didn't show back up.
Not that he hadn't been in contact, Lemon had been both answering and not answering phone calls from him almost by the hour. He always ran to another room to answer them though, and you respected the privacy -it's not like you wanted to hear from Tangerine anyway.
Even though he was your friend and you were worried, you knew it best not to talk to him.
"You're a fuckin' idiot, mate," Lemon hissed out -bitter and disapproving, "-none of it makes any fuckin' sense, I swear you were-"
There was silence for a minute, you assumed Tangerine interrupted him.
"Are you really fuckin' serious with me right now?" Came back with a much harsher sentiment and the tone of it chilled you to the bone -Lemon was mad.
Which you'd really only seen once or twice, in grade school, either when someone picked on you and you cried (both boys reacted similarly to that) or when someone, unprompted, hurt Tangerine.
You were suddenly flashed back to your senior prom when a guy had asked you but it had all turned out to be some joke. 'He's fuckin' stupid not to like you, love,' rang through your head -familiar blue eyes and arm wrapped solidly around you pulled you into his side, '-doesn't deserve you anyway.'
There was a bitter taste in your mouth.
Lemon pulled you out of your thoughts, "What were 'ey supposed to think, mate? That you were so joyous you couldn't stay fuckin' still?!"
You rubbed your hands up and down your arms, mindlessly packing your bag. The next piece made you stutter to a stop. Hands lingering on a long-sleeved button-up, one you'd borrowed from Tangerine and he'd never asked for back, your heart sunk to the bottom of your chest.
No more crying, you thought.
With not a word, you took the fabric in your hands, leaving your room, and shoving it into Tangerine's bag.
You did stay in the room for a moment, breathing in the... Tangerine of it all.
And then, you left.
"No, no, mate," Lemon laughed, incredulously, "-I'm not doin' shit for you. You come 'ere and do damage control yourself."
You pulled your bag up on your shoulder, it was just a little duffle -you didn't carry much job to job, and trailed into the living room.
Lemon immediately straightened, cutting off Tangerine, "I've got to go, brother. I think you know 'at to do."
With the precise press of a finger, he hung up.
Letting out a big sigh, Lemon turned to you, "Let me get 'is stuff, and then we'll leave, yeah?"
And you did.
You're not sure what the last call was about, but after that one, he started calling you too.
Lemon had decided to cool off on the jobs, just visiting a few cities out of want -kind of treating it like a tourist. It was weird, but not unwelcome. One of those nights, it started.
You were eating on the couch, some sort of reality TV show distracting you with Lemon -when your phone vibrated on the coffee table. You unhesitatingly went to pick it up, eyes smoothing across the name-
'Tan 🍊'.
Staring at it for a moment in disbelief, you quickly declined and set your phone back on the coffee table.
He didn't call you again until late that night when Lemon was asleep in his room; you weren't asleep, to be fair, just staring up at the ceiling.
The name flickered across your screen, and with a little hesitation, you answered.
"What the hell do you want, Tan?"
He was silent for a minute, slow to respond -speaking a little in disbelief, "Hey, love."
"Tangerine, don't-" you started, something breaking in your voice -you cleared your throat, "-That's not fair."
"You're being mean," you echoed out, tone a little broken and weepy -it was all you could say.
He was silent for a long while then, almost exhausted, "I'm sorry."
"It feels like," and you could feel the tears bubbling up, "-it feels like when that stupid guy ditched me at prom," your voice got much quieter -a little pathetic but you didn’t care, "-but you're not here, Tan."
'I want you here,' went unsaid.
"I'm sorry," he repeated -but this time a little more dim.
"Don't you think I deserve to hear that in person?" You offered -swallowed back a sob, you were crying by now, just silent tears down your cheeks, "Don't you have any respect for me-"
"I never meant to-"
"Save it," you interrupted -tired and exhausted, "-I need to sleep."
Before he could say another word, you hung up.
And if you cried yourself to sleep that night, that was between you and the apartment walls.
He didn't stop after that night, calling you more than Lemon -he still answered. You didn't. You had nothing to say to him, until he decided to apologize, in person. Or even just come back at all. He couldn't run forever. No matter how much he didn't want to reject you, you needed to hear it.
Couldn't he understand that?
Because every day he didn't, there was a traitorous little part of you that held onto the hope that maybe he had just been overwhelmed. Maybe he just wasn't ready.
And that hurt more than anything else. That he wouldn't come to tell you otherwise, when you already knew it.
There were a few times he'd call you, and Lemon would call him back: 'Just leave 'em alone, mate.' And then, he'd disappear off into a room -ready to talk about whatever they did.
And then, about a month after the start of it all, you heard a knock on the door.
It was a normal day, where you and Lemon ate takeout and watched whatever show was on -which was often shitty. He didn't talk about Tangerine, so the conversations were more lighthearted -made you feel better.
But when you heard the door, you froze.
Lemon seemed to be looking for your reaction, brown eyes darting all over your face. And for a moment, you were relieved that he was okay but then your face settled into something strained.
You told him you loved him and he ran away. You didn't think it could get much worse than rejection, but it did.
Lemon took the look as a sign to gently rub your shoulder, comforting, before standing up and heading to the door.
Deciding to focus on the TV and eat, you did so. You only flinched when he swung open the door, and in quiet whispers, you heard his voice again. It felt like your whole world was crumbling, you thought you were ready for this -the rejection. But you still loved him so much-
You blinked away tears, determined not to let him see you cry. You wouldn't accept pity, not from him.
You knew his footfall, knew exactly where he stopped behind the couch and you even felt his hand come to clutch it right by your head. You ignored him.
"Y/N," he started and his voice seemed a little wrecked.
Not knowing entirely why (or maybe knowing exactly), you turned to meet him.
Tangerine was disheveled, hair messy like he'd been running his hand through it for days -which you knew he did when he was nervous, and his new suit messy. He did look a little like he'd been in a bar fight, and won. You also knew he did that when he needed some stress relief.
Was that why he was here? For refuge?
You abruptly stood up, food falling from your lap, and somehow safely onto the couch, "I'm too tired for this."
Tangerine looked at you for a moment, and you thought it was a little desperate but you smushed the idea without hesitation.
This time, you were the one to run away from him.
You found immediate solace in your room, slinking against the door and breathing so quickly -your eyes fogged up. Needing something to do, you decided to unpack your bag.
Unwillingly, you heard a mutter of voices, and even Lemon's footfall as he disappeared into his room. Tangerine took a bit longer, but when you heard the door shut, you let out a long sigh of relief. Not tonight.
Before you could finish with your clothes though, you heard his steps again -slow and hesitant. You thought for a second that maybe he was leaving again, and something in your stomach twisted.
Instead, though, all you hear was them booming closer. You stilled.
You had the off thought to run over and lock it, but it was too late then. The door opened slowly like he wasn't sure if you were asleep. And you chastised yourself for not thinking of that.
When he opened it all the way, his eyes landed squarely on you. You waited for him to say something, anything, so you could shut him down and go to bed.
Instead, he simply extended his hand forward.
Your eyes darted to it, his hand clutching a shirt -the shirt you had shoved back into his bag. How did he even know it was different?
"Take it," he spoke, voice quiet.
"Tangerine," you countered, swallowing back the heaviness in your voice, "-that's yours."
"'S not," he explained, "-I fuckin' gave it to you."
"You let me borrow it," you clarified, tone wavering slightly, "-I'm just returning it."
"You didn't fuckin' borrow it-"
"Take the fuckin' shirt, love," he reiterated, "'s not mine anymore."
"Tangerine," you sighed out, "-can you not? It's late, and I'm tired-"
"It's your shirt," he interrupted, something in his eyes but you couldn't quite label it, "-take it, and I'll fuckin' leave you alone, yeah?"
"I'm not-" you exhaled, closing your eyes for a moment -trying to bat away the tears, the frustration, "-Tangerine, I don't want it."
"Well, I want you to fuckin' have it."
"Do you think about what I want?" you echoed, "-Ever?"
Tangerine opened his mouth, but you were on a roll now.
"I..." you laughed incredulously, looking up to stop your tears (you blinked them away), "-Tangerine, it's been a month."
He tried again, but you didn't let him.
"You. You left," you sniffled slightly, clearing your throat -prolonging the inevitable, "-Tangerine, I... I told you that I loved you and you ran away."
"Love," he started, small and barely there.
"Stop-" you swallowed, "-Don't call me that, it's not... it's not fair."
"How is it not fair?"
"You don't-" you groaned, swiping at your eyes -you were crying now, and out of the corner of your eye you saw his hand twitch (like he wanted to comfort you).
He stood in silence waiting, patient.
"Tangerine, why didn't you just tell me then?" You asked the question that bounced around your mind ever since he left.
"Fuckin' tell you what, love?"
You flinched, ever-so-slightly, at the name again -something twisting in your stomach, and squeezed your eyes shut. Breathing a big breath in through your nose, you started.
"That you don't love me," you clarified, and now your voice was shaking and your eyes were blurry, "You could've-"
Tangerine seemed to be processing something, a flicker in his eyes.
"You could've made it so much easier if you'd just-" you frustratingly wiped your eyes again, "-said that. But instead, you ran away, and all I could think about was what I had done wrong for you to-"
"You didn't do anythin' wrong."
"Then why didn't you just tell me the truth?" You practically begged, "-Why don't you tell me now? So I don't have to... So, I know."
"That's not..."
"Tangerine," he looked at you -and you but back a sob, "-I deserve the truth. Just say it. I know you're scared you'll hurt me, but I... I've survived worse."
"What makes ya think it'll hurt you?" He offered, and your heart in your chest started beating loudly -ringing in your ears.
"Because you ran away," you repeat, wiping at your eyes again, "-I think that makes the answer pretty clear."
"Just fucking reject me!" you exclaimed, not loud enough to bother neighbors but enough to bounce around the room (Lemon probably woke up to it), "-It's not that hard, Tan, you've practically done it before."
He seemed to flinch at that, grimace even, at the mention of what he'd done. You were glad he felt some kind of guilt. Still, he remained quiet.
"For the love of god, Tangerine-" you echoed out, shaky now and your heart on the floor -vulnerable, "-just say it. It's not that hard."
"I fuckin' can't," he finally answered -something bubbling up in his tone; his hands clenched by his sides -shirt still clutched between his fingers.
"Can't," you questioned, voice shaky and tears building in your eyes, "-or won't?"
"Can't," he reiterated.
"This is ridiculous, Tangerine," you whimpered -swallowing back a sob, "-you can't give me fucking peace?"
"Give me a reason," you interrupted, brash, "-give me the reason you can't reject me right here right now."
"It's not 'at fuckin' simple, love," he remarked, low in tone, but you could tell he was getting frustrated.
"Nothing ever is!" you reasoned, "-Just tell me, that's all I want."
"It's not..."
"Tangerine, please."
He swallowed, eyes dipping to yours -scanning over you with your no doubt red eyes and shaky hands. Like he was thinking, deciding on what to say. All you could see was reluctance.
He let out a big long sigh, fidgeting with his hands (and the shirt in the mix).
"'S not how I feel."
You furrowed your brows, "What?"
"I can't..." he trailed off, eyes off you and flickering toward the ground, "-I can't reject you because it's not what I feel, love."
Your breathing halted in your chest. Heart twisting into something so complex, sad and angry and hopeful.
There's no way, he- Why the hell did he run away?
"That's not funny, Tangerine."
"It's not a fuckin' joke," he responded, eyes finally back on yours -and you tried to read them all you could.
"Stop, no," you echoed out, shaking your head, "-don't pity me, just tell me the truth-"
"I am," he reiterated.
"No you're not," you laughed incredulously, "-it makes no sense."
He pursed his lips, exhaling through his nose, "I was scared."
"That's not-" you started, before clearing your throat, "Do you not think I was scared? That I wasn't putting everything on the line to say that? I thought I was going to lose you and then I did-"
"You didn't lose me," he spoke, softer, "-you could never lose me, love."
"I did, Tan," you sniffled, "-I lost you."
"Tangerine," you echoed, "-you left. And I thought, I thought that my best friend was gone. I thought that because I had stupid feelings I lost you. You ran away, Tan!"
"They aren't stupid," he responded and it seemed that he was deciding on whether to step closer -you took a preemptive step back.
"At least," you sighed out, voice cracking, "-at least you knew the truth, I... I didn't know shit. You could have never come back-"
"I did," he interrupted, "-I did come back, love. And I know I'm fuckin' stupid, Lemon has been drillin' it in my head for weeks. I regret walkin' out of 'at fuckin' room so much."
His eyes were shiny with tears now, as he stepped forward into your room -hands reaching forward like he'd wanted to touch you, but he stopped.
"How the hell am I supposed to believe you? What if you just-" you sniffled, "-run away again?"
"I won't," he spoke -unwavering, "-I swear on whatever fuckin' god is up there, 'at I won't do it again."
"I don't-" you whispered out, clutched at your arms.
"I never meant to hurt you, love," he echoed out, stepping closer, "-I fuckin' hate myself for doin' it. I will never fuckin' do it again."
"Tangerine, this isn't-"
"I'm fuckin' madly in love with you," he finished, laughing a little -slowly placing his hands on your arms. You didn't move away, and he seemed to smile at that, "-'ave been since we were kids, and you pulled 'at greedy shit on me."
"It wasn't greedy," you defended.
"Most certainly fuckin' was," he tsked back, moving one hand to your face -thumb wiping back and forth.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, but there was still something heavy in your stomach. Tossing like waves.
"I'm sorry," he said, finally, "-I got fuckin' scared and ran away. It wasn't fair to you, and-" his hand brushed against your cheek, "-I'd beat myself bloody senseless if I could."
You laughed at that for a moment, and his smile got a little wider.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" you asked, something clawing up your throat again.
He frowned, allowing his hand to fall to his side -sighing, "I'm a fuckin' coward, love."
You opened your mouth to say something, anything.
"You confessed to me and it was so fuckin' brave," he looked at you like you were the sun then, bright and warm, "-and I... I couldn't spit out a fuckin' word. I just went into autopilot and..."
"Ran away," you finished, swallowing.
"Yeah," he spoke, confirming, "-ran away."
Before you could hold your tongue, words slipped out, "That is pretty cowardly."
Tangerine laughed, a big one, and something in you warmed -a smile perking onto your lips.
"It is," he agreed, "-I'll give you fuckin' 'at."
And then he paused, eye flitting over you -seeming to detail all your features in his head. Tracing over your nose, your eyes, your eyebrows, your lips-
"Are we okay, love?"
It was soft and hopeful, and something in you softened -your hurt letting up just a smidge. It wasn't gone, not yet.
"Yeah, we're good," you hummed out, taking a hand and pushing a strand of hair behind his ear, "-but you have a lot to fix."
"I know," he hummed back, blue eyes soft and affectionate, "-I'll do it. Whatever you fuckin' want."
"Well," you smiled, so close to his face -merely a breath away, "-I think I've got my first idea."
"Do you?" He offered with a smirk, hands coming to hold the sides of your face.
"Yeah," you brought your hands up on top of his, "-kiss me, please."
Tangerine didn't hesitate after that, pulling you closer with the grasp of his hands -still somehow gentle. His mustache tickled your upper lip, and you laughed a little -a grin spreading along his own lips in response. And after, it was slow, languid, each press of the lips just a touch more desperate -like you were his oxygen. Fingers pressed into your skin, your head went a little fuzzy -fingers twisting around his palms.
Speaking of oxygen, you parted.
Before you could so much as say a word though, Tangerine pressed a small one to your lips -simple. You laughed a little.
And then again, and again, and again, and again-
"Tangerine-" you laughed out, "-I can't breathe."
"Fuckin' fine," he muttered, before taking a deep breath of his own.
And then the thought crossed your mind that he would leave eventually -go back to his room. Sleep. But, you had lost so much time. You didn't want him to leave yet.
"Yeah, love?" He gave you all his attention, eyes focused on you.
You pursed your lips for a moment, "Will you sleep in here with me?"
Tangerine opened his mouth.
"I don't want you to leave yet," you clarified, hand loosely twisting around one of his own -held limply between the two of you.
"I don't want to leave either," he breathed out, "-ever, preferably."
You smiled, "Is that a yes then?"
"Oh," he laughed, "-love, 'at's much more than a yes."
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avianyuh · 10 months
S.Coups/Choi Seungcheol as a boyfriend
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He would be so much fun
I think he'd love to go out to different restaurants with you
Or take you to the studio and have you hear his lyrics
Maybe even take you to the gym with him lol
You'd be Kkuma's other parent
Most likely, you'd watch over Kkuma while he was away on tour
Anyways, Cheol would be so protective over you
He's like that with the boys, so imagine being his partner
You ARE his baby
Somebody messed with you?
You will frequently be hearing, "Do I have to make a visit to someone?"
You're cold?
"Take my jacket! Do you want me to look for a nearby store, I'll buy you a new one?"
"No Cheol, I'm fine"
"No I really will, I'm ordering one right now for next time"
This man!
Most likely, he'd introduce you to either Jeonghan, Shua or Woozi first.
Reason I say Woozi is becuase they've known each other for so long, I'm sure he values Woozi's opinion
But with Seungcheol, I don't think he needs his members opinion when it comes to you
Mainly because he'd only introduce you to the members if he was serious about you
So I see him confiding in those three in the early stages of your relationship, not really when he's sure of you
When you're in the car, he drives with one hand, so his other hand is placed on your thigh
It's so hot
And no this is not made up, I have photo evidence that this man drives with one hand
Shexy Shtuff
Defo the type to 'wait it out' lmao
He wouldn't want you to feel used or anything
So during the first year, even if YOU wanted to have sex, he'd probably be like, "Uh, let's just wait"
I think he'd want to fully get to know you first
But when he feels like you're completely committed to him and vice versa
It's all free real estate
He's a switch
I said what I said
Yeah, he's a total daddy dom
But I think Seungcheol would like to be taken care of sometimes
Probably more submissive when he's tired but still in the mood for sex
And like I said, once he's committed, free real estate
This man will come home horny
Constantly ready to go
Especially after the gym when he's all sweaty
You jump him every time he comes home from the gym
Back to regularly scheduled programming:
He wants kids, and loves to talk about your future
How many kids you want
When you should start your family
One of his favorites things to do in your relationship is lay in bed, your head on his chest, him caressing your hair, staring up at the ceiling
And just talking about the future
What you both want in life
It's his way of making your relationship feel like you're still in the honeymoon phase.
Cheol would be a committed man to you
Gives the sweetest kisses
The type to kiss you all over your face when he sees you
Hypes you up with everything you do
Awkward and adroable
Choi Seungcheol,
SVT's dad
Your daddy ;)
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{A/N; I told y'all I would write the coups headcanon. I literally cried watching him give the acceptance speech at MAMA lol, he looks like he's recovering well! BTW, if you have any requests, plz send them in, it seems like I only get BTS requests? Funny cuz I used to only get NCT requests and now it's completely switched. I kinda miss my NCT requests lol, if you have anything you want plz send it in! I've also been writing for some second gen idols (not published yet)
second gen idol fics are lacking on tumblr for some reason?...but that's another story
Anyways hope you enjoyed, mwah💋}
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starringthesturniolos · 4 months
surprise- sturniolo triplets
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summary- you've always wanted a cat and matt, chris, and nick come make your dream a reality.
contains- platonic relationships only<3 its just a cute little drabble fr.
"she is going to flip the fuck out when she sees him." chris looks back at the little surprise him, matt, and nick got for you while rubbing his hands in anticipation. now that the car is parked matt looks back as well, and his eyes light up for the second time today. "Awww, he is sooo cute. such a handsome man." he coos making both chris and him chuckle. "I don't know...he looks like he'd bite the shit out of me." nick adds right after, making the two in the front seat burst out in laughter. "of course you think that nick" chris says. after they both calm down a little, nick shifts his attention to the camera at the front of the car.
"OKAY so if you guys watch our videos, you know Y/n and you also know how much she talks about wanting a cat. we figured it would be so fun if we just bought her one and got her reaction on camera. I, for one, am so so excited to see how happy she's going to be." he looks out the window at your front yard and sighs happily. "Y/n is so sweet, I love her." he says almost tearfully.
"here he goes, getting all emotional and shit" chris adds giggling at nicks nonsense.
after talking a little bit more about the story about getting the cat, they all walk out to go up to your front door. nick has a key, so there was no need to knock. they just walked right in to your tiny apartment. matt trails behind nick and chris as they make a beeline for your room. "she's probably still sleeping, im kinda scared to wake her up." nicks says fear creeping into his voice. you were one of the sweetest people they have ever met, but you are a whole other person when you first wake up. not only are you grumpy, but your also pissed with the person who interrupted your sleep. one time, nick went to wake you up from a nap to see if you wanted to go to top golf and you ended up shooing him out your room with a broom. lets just say, you didn't go to top golf and nick did not go into your room for about a week after that. chris and matt shudder at the memory, but chris is quick to reassure nick. "nah it'll be okay, she won't be annoyed we woke her up for long. I'll go in first. matt stay outside the door for a little until we call you in. " okay" matt says barely paying attention and just staring at the cuteness that is your kitten.
chris opens your door to find you sleeping. tissues surround the floor next to your bed, and you stir upon hearing someone opening your door. you sit up straight and sigh when you see him. "chris, what the hell are you doing here this early."
"we just wanted to come see you, feels like we haven't seen you in sooo long." he says with way more energy than you felt at the moment. "I would give you a hug, but you look like shit" he chuckles. your eyes were bloodshot red, your hair a mess, and your nose bright red from blowing it all night. even so, you shoot him a glare but your eyes soften when you see his smile. chris always reminds you of a kid in a candy store, and his bubbly attitude is contagious.
"yeah well, im hoping its allergies." you say smiling back at him before nick walks in.
"okay girl, you don't have allergies. lets be real, your sick." nick points at you. "sickie sickie doesn't get any kissy kissies." he says in a strange high pitch voice. matt has to cover his mouth to keep himself from laughing too loud and revealing his hiding spot. chris on the other hand laughs while cringing openly. "dude, never say that shit again, that was really bad." you laugh along before going into a coughing fit. both boys look at each other and then look at you with concern. "Jesus" nick says and chris hands the camera to him. chris approaches your bed and softly sits next to you. he moves the hair out of your face and then places his hand on your forehead. "oh you are burning up, hun. we'll make this quick."
"make what quick? and where is matt?" you question just as he walks into the room your surprise in hand. he took him out the carrier so you could hold him immediately.
"SUPRISE" he yells. you wince a little at how loud he was but quickly recover when you see the kitten he's holding. sick and all, you rush to get out of your bed to go see him. your body is fatigued from being sick for two days so when you get up, you stumble. good thing nick is there to catch you.
"careful there girl" he laughs nervously while grabbing your arm to walk you to matt. you pay him no mind, completely focused on the bundle of cuteness in matts arm.
"AWWW matt, he's so cute!!! whose is it?" you say while picking it up and cuddling the kitten into your chest. nick steps back a little to get both you and matt in the frame.
"its yours y/n" matt says softly and you freeze.
"its mine?" you say tears of joy filling your eyes.
"of course it is y/n, we got him for you because we love you" chris adds smiling at your heartfelt reaction.
"thank you guys" you say as tears stream down your cheeks. even though your sick all three of them came to hug you, touched by your gratitude. you lean your head into matts shoulder and sigh looking down at your new pet in your arms.
"sooo what's his name gonna be?" chris inquires as you all break away from the group hug. you pause to think for a minute, and then your face lights up.
"angel" you say dreamily.
"angel" nick repeats chuckling for no reason at all.
"angel." matt repeats the name as well. "its perfect sweetheart." he sends you a soft smile. you look around at the three boys, grateful to have the most amazing best friends in the world.
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sigmasemen · 4 months
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multiple blue lock characters x reader
tags: established relationship, tooth rotting fluff, short headcanons.
taglist: n/a currently.
characters: jingo raichi, meguru bachira, yo hiori, kurona ranze, sae itoshi, gin gagamaru, michael kaiser, kenyu yukimiya, alexis ness, gender neutral!reader.
word count: 2348
extra notes: reposted from my wattpad ^—^ !! older work… you cannot get me to read this shit. had to post it in multiple parts sorry y’all!!
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- He's definitely the sort of guy to get embarrassed that he did it. However, he'd also do it for the sweetest reason. Even if it comes at his own expense.
- Probably something simple. A sudden snow storm during your date, he realizes you're shivering as you walk home. At first, he tries just giving you his mittens but your shivering gets worse.
- "Just- Just take this." He throws his jacket over you in seconds, not making eye contact as he does it. You smiled like an idiot when he did it but he just played it off.
- You end up keeping it for a long time, and even though he's embarrassed about the story behind it, he thinks you look really nice in it. He's even got a photo of you in it that he gushes over! 
- "Gushes over" mostly internally. He tries his best to never gush aloud about you. A hard but needed challenge.
- One of his friends tease him about the jacket though (Probably Bachira) and he ends up shouting at him to stop laughing. 
- The walk of shame to Ego's office to ask for a new coat because his old one was "lost" was known amongst all teams for months.
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- Another sudden storm on your date, except you're both out of a restaurant. (McDonalds, specifically. He took you there because he knew it was gonna rain and he wanted somewhere closer to home. You ended up spending too much time fooling around on the kids area (got kicked out because you're both teenager.))
- Bachira doesn't notice at first. In fact, he's shivering himself. He loves thunder and even attempts to jump in puddles with you. 
- Even though you're cold, you try your best to focus on your lovely boyfriend's smile and how happy he seems doing this.
- And not the freezing feeling you feel in your hands and thighs.
- Except after one of his louder and harder splashes, you shiver quite intensely. 
- "Oh? Oh!" He probably looks so shocked, but immediately gets close to you and throws his jacket over the both of you. Even if a good portion of Bachira is sticking out of it, he doesn't care.
- "First one to my house wins!" And even though you made it, soaked beyond belief (mostly your lower halves from bending over/standing on tippy toes to each other) you're both more than happy.
- For a while, then you realize you're both sick the next day.
- And even though Bachira's teammates tease him for making a mess of himself and getting sick because he wanted to please someone? He smiles and laugh. "It was worth it!"
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- Hiori is deemed the prettiest and one of the most "gentlemen-like" people in Blue Lock due to how nicely he treats you. This story was actually quite expected and really not a shock at all. They all sort of shrugged it off as they heard and told the others, "Yeah, not a surprise.
- It was a nice day in Blue Lock, the birds (Ego) were chirping (yelling to get to work) and everything seemed to go soundly. Until a certain coach decided that it was too warm and chose to turn up the AC as high as he could.
- So, almost immediately? You were shivering in your spot and holding onto yourself.
- Until a certain pretty boy walked up behind you and tapped your shoulder. He smiled for a second and asked if you were alright.
- "Oh! Yeah, I'll be fine." 
- Hiori pauses and smiles, then wraps his coat around you. "Does that feel better?"
- You pause, then quickly nod and tighten your grip on the zipper of it. "Thanks!"
- Almost immediately does he sit next to you. He isn't a super social person, but that's fine. You aren't one either.
- It's the rare comfortable silence you get around here.
- You fumble with the jacket in your hands, feeling at the pockets until you grasped something. You glanced up at a distracted Hiori, already staring at the corner of the room. So, you dug through your pockets and noticed something.
- "Is this 9S?" It was a small can badge.
- Hiori looked your way and gave a short laugh, "Ah, it is. It's a self indulgent purchase I made last year..." He scratched the back of his head, "Sorry about that!"
- "No! I love 9S!" Your eyes practically lit up as you leaned towards him, "His design, his character, his lore, he's so investing!"
- A pause came from Hiori, before a smile spread across his lips.
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- Kurona is the more silently romantic type. He's not the sort of guy that'll be super PDA like, but he will do a lot of romantic things in private. Like giving you his plate, or letting you touch his shark plush. Hell, he'll even let you feel his teeth and show them off them you ask about them.
- However, the most notable experience of all with him and his private displays of affection are when you two were having a casual walk through Blue Lock. You were just discussing how you wanted to become the best strikers together and your plans for the future, then he paused.
- "Are you cold?" He pointed at the bodysuit, ignoring the fact he was in an identical one. Maybe it was because sharks were secretly warm blooded...
- "Just a bit, I'll be fine!" You smile, then resume your conversation where you had left off.
- Though Kurona was physically present for the entire thing, he seemed to have more on his mind.
- And this somehow led Kurona into your dorm late at night, dropping his jacket off at your dorm along with a note. You knew it was simple, but the small shark doodle with a thumbs up along with his slightly sloppy hand writing made you smile.
- From there on, even if it inconvenienced you, you would wear his coat constantly. During matches, in public, whenever. Every time Kurona sees you with it, it makes him nod. He doesn't smile much, but he always has a slightly less neutral expression his face and occasionally is more touchy.
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- Sae isn't a particularly romantic person, he only acts romantic when he's dating someone. He's significantly more subtle with his romantic actions. You have one of his jerseys? You probably took it from his locker.
- You've actually given him more of your clothes than he's given you his. He doesn't wear your clothes unless you really nag him about it. Then he'll do it just to make you smile.
- However, there are rare instances where he'll give you just a bit of attention. It's not super pampering, but he will give you his stuff. Specifically his coat if you look cold. It's rare, he does end up asking for it back, but he loans you it a lot.
- You've told him countless times he doesn't have to, but he keeps doing it.
- It's nice. Honestly? It smells just like him. It's surprisingly clean 90% of the time.
- On more often occasions, you're wearing his jersey to surprise him. He always tells you to take it off because he doesn't want it to be messed up (he trusts you, just... Not with his clothing.). He still thinks you look nice in it. 
- He gives you one of his coats and jerseys more permanently after you get married, and then has to pry his eyes away. It just makes you want to wear it all the more. 
- He has a small photo of it that you gifted him in his bottom drawer. He sometimes looks at it but hides it for the most part.
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- Gagamaru has a hard time realizing when hems actually being romantic or nice. He does try really hard to make you happy and do all the romantic things in the world for you.
- However, jackets.
- He never understood why partners were so into giving each other coats because he could only imagine how the smell of the jacket would be. Not that you smelled bad, of course not. He thought you smelled great. It would just be foreign.
- However, that all changed when you first offered him your jacket. It was after a chilly day and you wanted to be romantic, so he took it for your approval.
- He wore it for a few days without complaint. He even asked Isagi to wash it a few times. It was a lot different than he'd thought. It was like carrying a bit of you around everywhere you went. Like he had your arms constantly around you. A constant memory of you in his mind, no matter what he was doing.
- He took a lot longer than necessary to give it back, but he gave it back when you needed it again since you were cold.
- You even when he did it, "Isn't this my jacket?"
- "I thought we were sharing it now." He reached over to pat your head gently.
- Well, you accepted pretty quickly that you were going to be sharing a jacket with Gagamaru from now on. Not like that was an issue though. You enjoyed it.
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hobiebrownismygod · 3 months
My Favorite Underdog
Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
TW: established relationship?? Hobie's not Spider-man in this, just some dude, cursing, something about domestic, no powers, underdog Hobie just has my heart I love it so much
You sat down at your desk one lonely night, scrolling through your phone in the dim light emanating from your table lamp. You were tired, but a few more minutes wouldn't hurt, right? You needed to relax, especially after such a stressful day at school.
The rain was pouring outside, making your room seem even toastier with the contrast between freezing cold and a blanket-covered warmth enough to make your head dizzy and your eyes droop.
The patter of raindrops on your window was loud enough to keep you awake though, loud enough that they sort of sounded like knocks.
Oh wait...they were knocks.
You glanced over at the window only for your quaint little moment of domesticity to be completely overturned by the sight of your boyfriend, soaked in blood and rainwater, feverishly tapping at your window in an attempt to be let in.
You practically leapt towards the window, pushing it open and pulling the poor man in while he coughed, ripping his mask off in one fell swoop. "Jesus, took you long enough to notice me-" he said snarkily, leaning against you while you shut the window again.
"What are you doing here? What happened?" You exclaimed, sitting him down on the bed. "Got into another fight." he shrugged nonchalantly, sitting up straight with a slight wince. "Not my best idea, considering that there were three of them."
"Three?" you exclaimed, grabbing your first aid kit (that you always had to keep on hand now thanks to him) from above your dresser and kneeling in front of him. "Are you bloody insane?"
"They wouldn't leave this poor bloke alone! Fucking threatening him like they were part of some gang- stupid wannabes" he scoffed, folding his arms over his chest, only for you to immediately shove them back to his sides so you could pull his shirt over his head.
"They got you good." you said, wincing as you ran your hands over the purple bruises lining his chest. "I don't think there's any internal bleeding, but these are gonna leave some nasty scars."
"Nice. I'll look even cooler shirtless." he said with a grin, leaning down towards you slightly. "What are you doing up at this hour? It's past midnight."
"You're in no position to make remarks about my choices." you replied, rolling your eyes at him as you began to bandage up the little cuts scraping his shoulders and back. He looked like he'd been dragged across the floor, which he probably was. Normally you'd ask, but he seemed like he was in enough pain already. "You can't keep getting into fights like this, 'Bie. You're gonna get yourself hurt."
"Yeah, yeah I know." he said annoyedly, leaning back. "I'm no superhero. I just- I don't know, seeing that poor kid getting bullied like that...I couldn't just stand by and watch!"
"I know, I know." you cooed, cupping his face gently so you could look over the bruises littering his skin. "Shame that you got your pretty face all messed up too."
He scowled teasingly. "I asked them specifically to leave my face alone." he said, smiling at you. He leaned in, pressing his forehead to yours before immediately pulling back with a hiss. "Damn. Hurts to even touch it." he muttered, raising a finger to gingerly pat the bruise on his face.
"I think I have ice." you said sympathetically, walking back over to the little mini fridge in your room where you kept ice packs, just in case he got into one of his little fights (which happened almost every day now).
He just grinned, his eyes raking over you appreciatively as you bundled up the little lump of ice in a plastic bag before plopping down on the bed next to him and pressing it to his cheek where the bruise was reddest.
"What did I do to deserve you?" he hummed, gazing at you with the most starstruck smile. "I think you have a concussion." you told him in an unamused tone, picking up his hand to make him hold the ice pack himself before checking the back of his head to see if there were any more wounds.
He nodded forward slightly to let you sift your hands through the thick hair on the back of his head, searching for any signs of blood. Nothing. "I think...you're good." you told him, glancing at his neck for good measure before letting him pull his head back.
"Thanks Doc." he said with a smile before taking his chance to lean in and kiss you. "Guess I owe you, huh?"
"Yeah, you've owed me for a long time." you scoffed, letting him push you down against the mattress while he kissed your cheek and jaw. "I don't expect you to start making up for it now."
"I could make up for it." he murmured, lips tracing against your skin as he pulled you up slightly. "Let me kiss you."
"You're gonna hurt yourself-" you protested, arms wrapping around his neck as he shifted his weight onto you again, large hands loosely holding your waist. He just smiled, shaking his head before kissing you once, twice, three times, never wanting to let go.
You could barely move with all his weight pressed down onto you like this, practically suffocating you in his arms. It always amazed you how someone so lanky could be so heavy. "Hobie-" You mumbled out against his lips as he kept pressing them against yours, hands cupping your face as he hovered over you. "Yeah?" he asked dazedly.
"You have to rest." you told him, putting a hand over his mouth when he opened it to protest. "I already know you're gonna get beat up more tomorrow, so just sleep, okay?" He scoffed, leaning back and plopping down onto his back. "Fine." he huffed.
He pulled you into his arms the moment you reappeared at his side and hugged you, laying back onto the pillow completely. "Stay here with me?" he asked, kissing your forehead.
"It's my bed, you twat" you scoffed, propping yourself up slightly to gaze down at him. "But yes. I'll stay with you tonight, baby." you added, voice softening slightly as you leaned down to kiss him, hair falling over your shoulder.
"I love you, you know that right?" he grinned, letting his head fall back as you slowly pulled your lips away from his, brushing your hair behind your ear. "I love you too, 'Bie."
You couldn't help but reach your hand out towards his face, pinching his cheek gently while his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "My little underdog." You cooed, kissing his cheek.
"I am not an underdog!" He protested with a huff, pushing your hand off his cheek and grabbing you by the waist again, leaning in for a real kiss. "So you don't like it when I call you baby?" You teased, cupping his face.
His gaze faltered slightly. "I do." he admitted, a wry smile on his face. "But there's a difference between calling me baby, and calling me an underdog." he said with a slight scoff. "You can call me baby."
"Yeah, cuz you're just a baby." You smiled, tapping his nose. "Oh, shut up." he muttered with a half-smile, pulling you into his arms. "I'm still bigger than you. And stronger."
You laughed, kissing his shoulder as he wrapped you into his arms. "I love you, 'Bie."
"I love you too."
Haven't written in a while, hopefully this broke my writer's block but who knows. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it!! <3
Taglist Link
Tags: @therealloopylupin2099 @spiderrinn @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @vileviale @Bubble787635 @puff-hugs @d0ubl-tr0ubl3 @lauryn2558 @choccymilkdrinker @sunasslut69 @ask-1610-miles @axels-garden @eli21345 @miniaturesuitfox @spotconlon55 @riris-radioactive-panther @trash-panda-xoxo @0strawberrysorbet0 @preciousxsin @d3lux4ry @mikiyamarie @daphne00daiz @cumsluut @star-maker-rain-dancer
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fakeuwus · 11 months
RECKLESS | lee heeseung
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now playing ☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。 reckless by madison beer
"how could you be, so reckless with my heart?"
⁺ ⋆˚ genre: idol!hee x nonidol/university student!femreader, pure angst sorry lol, established relationship
⁺ ⋆˚ warnings: cursing, lowercase intended, barely proofread, mention of i-land LOL, lots of dialouge and idk if thats even a warning but had to put it out there, use of nicknames like babe/baby, infidelity
⁺ ⋆˚ word count: ~1k
⁺ ⋆˚ message from nic: wanted to put smth out while working on my jay fic!! got inspired by this show i was watching called "the game" (dont watch it its like highkey misogynistic and a bit racist and just overall so bad 😭) i wanted to rewatch it bc i used to watch it as a kid and now i realize how bad it was skdkd. but basically the bf is a pro football player while the gf is in med school and a certain plotline in the show inspired this 😁 also this is my first writing piece so pls be nice and feedback is appreciated!
heeseung slowly opened the front door to the apartment you and him shared, trying to be as quiet as possible since you were most likely sleeping. once he made it in he tip toe'd his way to your guys' bedroom. "did you have fun tonight hee?" you asked, while sitting on the couch with nothing but the lamp on. heeseung jumps, "holy shit you scared me! baby what are you doing up? come on let's get you to bed."
he walks over and tries to give you a kiss. you turned your head down only allowing him to press it to your forehead. you were pissed. actually, you were beyond that. words could not describe what you were even feeling at the moment.
you get up from the couch and stand before him, "you didn't answer my question. did you have fun tonight hee?" heeseung is perplexed by your tone. you sounded... hurt? angry? annoyed? all of the above? he tried to proceed with caution, racking his brain of all the possibilities of why you could be acting like this.
"uh... yeah babe, i had a lot of fun tonight. sorry i stayed out so late by the way. you really didn't have to wait up for me, you're probably tired." he was hopeful this was the right answer. it's gotta be, right? all you could do was stifle a cold laugh.
why the hell were you laughing? what was so funny? heeseung can feel his heartbeat in his ears and his skin was turning hot. you had never once acted this way in all of the years you guys had been together. it may not seem like a big deal to others, but you had always been so caring and sweet towards him.
even when you guys were arguing, your soft voice never changed. this was new. this was scary. you had a smile that didn't quite reach your eyes now and it seemed like you were staring into his soul.
"yeah heeseung. it's 2 am," you say sounding almost condescending, "but no i'm not mad that you stayed out so late. i mean i WAS, but after someone sent me a little something i realized there are worse things to be mad about." suddenly your phone is shoved into heeseung's hands. his jaw dropped. no. there's no way.
"who sent you this?! wait no it doesn't matter baby you can't believe this can you?" he reaches out for you but you pull away and start walking towards the front door to gather your jacket and bag, "so you're not even going to try to deny it? huh. i guess my friends were right." it makes him sick how you seem so calm on the outside, your words and actions treating this like one big joke while he's freaking out. he'd rather you be a crying, screaming mess than whatever behavior you're exhibiting at the moment.
you turn back around to him, "you think i don’t know who you’re giggling with on the phone while i’m sitting in the room studying for hours? that i’m stupid enough to believe that you’re not making out with her in that video? that i’m blind enough to not see the heart eyes you two make at each other while in the same room?” your words drip with venom and they shoot heeseung straight in the heart.
he feels like the room is spinning and he wants to faint. he wants to go up to you and hold you and tell you that she doesn’t matter, that you’re the only important thing in his life. but that’s not what happens. heeseung is too wrapped up in the moment to admit his wrongs.
frankly, he’s disgusted with himself and at a loss for words right now. he wants to convince not only you but more importantly to himself that he didn’t do anything wrong. and so he does. what comes out of his mouth next are words he’d soon regret. “WHAT DID YOU WANT ME TO DO YN?! i’ve been so lonely lately because you’re so wrapped up in school and she’s THERE FOR ME. she’s been there when you weren’t. i wouldn’t have made out with her if YOU were at the afterparty with ME like i asked you to! we won four fucking awards tonight and i just wanted my girlfriend there to celebrate with me.”
and just like that, you snap. the jacket and bag in your hands are now thrown to the ground and heeseung flinches. “YOU ARE SO FUCKING UNBELIEVABLE! do you hear the words that are coming out of your mouth right now?! i told you i have an exam tomorrow there was no way i was going to that damn party.”
tears are blurring your vision and your breath is becoming uneven. you don’t even recognize the man standing in front of you. “i have a life too heeseung. while you’re out chasing your dreams so am i. do you even acknowledge the sacrifices i have made for you over the past five years? tell me, was she there for you when you first became a trainee? was she crying for you every fucking episode of i-land? was she there every step of the way supporting your career?!"
heeseung doesn’t speak. he doesn’t move an inch yet his brain is moving a million miles per minute. he knows you’re right. he knows that you decline going out with your friends so you can wait for him to come home from practice. that your life only revolves around school and him. and he’s so eternally grateful for you. his heart yearns to express all the love he has for you and that he fucked up so badly. he just wants to fast forward to the part where you guys work through it and everything is okay again.
but that time is never going to come because you walk up to him with a heavy heart, placing the promise ring he gave you all those years ago in his hands.
he stares at the pretty diamond that shines in the moonlight, the only thing illuminating the darkness that’s consumed the space you both once filled with love. “i hope she was worth it,” you say as you open the door and walk out into the cold night. leaving heeseung and all of the memories of your relationship behind.
© fakeuwus 2023 do not repost, translate, or plagiarize
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dust-tastic-1983 · 20 days
Life with Turbo on the Internet (x reader head canons)
A/N: First ever fanfic(if this counts???) I tried to keep it in character lmk how I did.... lots of "probably"s in this one. I'm very unsure.
Genre: (Wreck it ralph) Turbo x reader headcannons, fluff and shenanigans! (Hehe that rhymed!)
Summery: He totally lived guys. He survived and escaped to the Internet guys. He's alive and well and living in a shitty website i promise guys (hcs of what I think living on the internet with post-movie turbo/kc would be like) based on this post I made.
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You guys live in a website Turbo made with his trial-and-error-achieved coding skills… so its kinda shitty and cluttered. But its cosy and its yours so its fine. It'll probably improve the more Turbo improves his skills, anyhow.
As you'd assume, you'll be spending alot of time on racing related websites and games. He probably got himself banned from a couple games either by messing with the code to make himself better or for harassing players. He'll to try to bypass the bans and sometimes he succeeds! And gets you both banned again because he said a swear word in a kids game.
Of course he will go with you to places pertaining to your interests, whatever that may be. He might be less enthusiastic about it than his precious car games but he'll still go with you because he likes hanging out with you❤ he almost gets you banned again though
You need to stop him please
He's definitely an Internet troll. Would purposefully start or stirr drama on forums he doesn't like using throwaway accounts.
Lots of marathoning various games and movies/shows. Someone on tumblr said that he probably watches car crash compilations and like. Yeah. He'd binge watch the shit out of car crash videos and nascar fails. (I hc that he would enjoy Its Always Sunny but for the wrong reason.)
Lay next to him in a bundle of blankets and pillows use him as a pillow he is warm and squishy and soft and touch starved eating snacks and watching "8 most disturbing things caught on dashcam footage" on YouTube. He's probably the type to talk during movies and videos, there are so meny opinions in his little body and he will not shut up. Though is a bit more quiet when sleepy.
yeah ofc you guys would play alot of competitive games together, both racing games and other. He passes out after trying too hard on project diva.
Turbo messed with the computer avatar... things idk what they are called. Trips em up, makes peoples websites crash, etc. Until one of the ad blockers punch him. Then he stopped.
You guys are probably on familiar terms with Knowsmore. Probably one of the first people you and Turbo spoke to when you first entered the Internet, and still speak to since he helps you to get around. Turbo probably would find him annoying, though.
Same with Spamley. Turbo probably hangs around the darknet because of course he would... He probably would try the "Make money playing video games" spiel, success varies. Spamley, despite being a boyfailure, still knows his way around the darknet (barely like he did make that virus guy throw him across the room) Would also find spamley annoying but maybe less so.
Speaking of the darknet, he would bring you along whenever he'd go. he'd hold your hand or arm to make sure he doesn't lose you. Of course he does a myriad of illicit activities. Learning more about programming and hacking, plotting revenge, probably released a couple viruses in websites thatve wronged him, and- 🤢 and🤢 film piracy 🤮 /j
Idk if he'd try to take over another game or if he'd try to find fame another way... I'm still mulling over it tbh.
The artist Blackthewolf17 who drew a picture of turbo and y/n sitting on a bench listening to Spotify. Just think about it.
Use one of those relationship compatibility websites. Results depend whats funnier to you ;)
Regardless of wether you fled with him from Litwak's arcade or met him in the online world, if your feeling up to it, spend the rest of eternity bouncing around the interwebs with him until entropy takes you both to oblivion. It might be fun...
Thanks for reading! ^.^ hope you enjoyed!
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crazyfor-toby · 4 months
Summary :: regular hcs for Ticci Toby
Notes :: hahaha😝 Ikik I'm finally back!!
Warnings :: none that I know of
Readers gender :: no reader in this(?)
This hoe is crazy asf man good luck😭 because you're gonna need it if you come across this guy... especially older him
Even if he doesn't remember a lot of stuff from his past the trauma he went through stuck with him through everything and a lot of people still use that against him.
ok... so ik that canonically he doesn't know Masky or Hoodie but... I'm going against that for these head canons and even go against my personal head canons as well because... Idk
Masky tends to bring up his past a lot on purpose just to get this reaction out of him because he's and asshole and even goes out of his way to call him “Mr. Rogers”, “Toby Rogers”, or “Ticci Toby”
Toby(for obvious reasons) has ditched his last name and everything else that connects him to his past, the only thing that he carried into his new life is his first name and no. HE DOES NOT GO BY TICCI TOBY! He hates being called that because that's what he was called by a kid by his bullies... which bullied him so bad he had to be homeschooled
I can’t really see Toby making friends with people in the manor either but instead being more of acquaintances with everyone while also being very passive aggressive towards every being he interacts with.
When Toby first joined the manor though, he did have an on and off relationship with Natalie which left him even more messed up than before and now he has relationship issues as well
Toby tends to have a lot of stuff in his hair all the time (blood, leaves, etc.) and if we’re being honest, he probably doesn’t shower- jkjk he showers every time he gets the chance, though that's only really when he's at a victim's house and has time to spare.
He also doesn’t eat much due to being out in the woods all the time for Slenderman so the best thing he gets is also stuff he takes from his victim's house...
After killing someone they kind of just make themselves at home and catch up on everything they need to while taking some stuff with them to go.
Also, he's a STALKER. Not even intentionally at times but it's something he's taken with him from his very... unusual job...
He's got a midwestern style going on and has probably tried to pierce his ears and a bunch of other things before but it ended up getting infected.
He actually tries to take care of the cuts he gets on missions and his gash because when he was younger, his mom used to freak out about the littlest of things and when he'd get a cut or anything his mom would say if he didn't take care of it, it would get infected and fall off. And now he takes that to heart even if he didn't when he was younger and getting hurt all the time.
But his habits just don't let his gash heal properly and he continues to chew at it, never giving it time to heal.
But, speaking of getting hurt. He used to get hurt A LOT when he was younger but now, he doesn't. Because after coming back from missions hurt almost every time due to him being reckless everyone started refusing to help patch him up... So now he knows how to be more careful and take care of wounds!
But yeah... that's the end of these head canons lol I might make some more for this silly guy later on though
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chiiyuuvv · 10 months
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• PAIRING — bf!xikers x gn!reader
• GENRE — established relationship, cuddling, squeals, really soft
• WORD COUNT — 564
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — finally out of my small break/writers block!! Been a little stressed lately since finals are near yet suddenly school wants to dump every assignment on me.. good thing i dont have to take exams. Request from wattpad!
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @the-lemon-boy , @nenede (welcome!! And thank you for your kind words :( , @soul-is-a-strange-kid (welcome!!)
lets out a little squeal of shock
Because you had the audacity to come to his studio, wrapped in either his blanket or hoodie and looking up at him with your big doe eyes
Youre just so cute he wants to squish you :((
Happily places you onto his lip and melts when you snuggle your head into his chest
Runs his hands through your hair and rubs your back, putting you to sleep ♡
Another squealer
Suddenly, hes bubbling from laughter at how cute you were being and how shy he was, little goosebumps on his arms
Probably the shyest youll ever find him, looking down at you with so much love in his eyes
He adores you <3
"Whats wrong baby?" He'd say in a small calm voice, pulling you closer to him ♡
Another another squealer
Just know that he will squish your cheeks
Then processeds to get shy about it, apologizing because it was impulse
Uses this time to check up on you, asking how youre feeling, what you want for dinner
Gets a little sleepy because its just so calming ♡
Doesnt have much reaction
Like hed continue watching tv with your head on his lap and him stroking your hair
"Wanna watch something else?" He'd lean down and whisper in your ear, his voice is so soft
Opts to turn off the tv so he can cuddle you in peace
Uses this time to stare at you, mumbling how pretty you are ♡
Its either one or two ways
Your head is on his shoulder and his head is on top of yours, singing you a sweet song
Or your head is on his shoulder and his head is on top of yours, saying the dumbest jokes alive
You either fall asleep on him
Or you end up leaving with hyunwoo laughing at you ♡
Hes caught off guard ngl
Like frozen in his spot when you rest your head on his back as hes looking for something in the fridge
And when your arms wrap around his waist, he gets so hot
Please dont have sweater paws, he WILL die on the spot (that rhymes haha ^)
So inclusion, hes a hot, studdering mess and lowkey hates you for making him feel this way ♡
Initiating teasing
"Im just so soft and warm that you wanna snuggle with me huh?" Quipped with his classic smirk
But immediately pulls you back to his arms when you get up to leave
"Im just kidding baby, stay with me."
Truth was he wanted to snuggle with you first, but was so shy ♡
hes gonna giggle
Like so loud
A wide smile on his face and just giggling
"What are you doing?~" as he hugs you back, with this huge giggle. Sighssss ♡
Hes a little shocked that hes so comfortable that you just randomly lay on him
Cups your cheeks and kisses you so sweetly
So it kinda turns into a makeout session??
Well not exactly, its just him kissing you, then whispering a sweet nothing, then kissing you again
Their so slow too, and the way he looks at you.. damn ♡
Another giggler
And another another another squealer
And another "what are you doing?~"
Rip that boys heart, hes done for
And yeah, he another will squish your cheeks and then apologize saying it was impulse ♡
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
Tylo save me...Tylo...save me Tylo...
WHATEVEER leave me alone more ship alphabet garbage 😭😭😭 I'm gonna sleep I got work tomorrow 🫠🫠🫠
Logan Fields
A = Affectionate
A bit reserved. He's never had anybody to be affectionate with besides his grandparents so he doesn't really know where to draw the line. Also, you know. Hes gay in Georgia in 2016, he needs to be careful. A lot more comfortable with verbal affection tho!
B = Best Friend
Logans never had friends so like. If he did have a best friend he would be really loyal to like a concerning degree, probably protective too, but also extremely helpful and encouraging, always trying to teach you new things :D
C = Cuddles
A littleeeee touch starved :< So he does like cuddling with Tyler, especially since they don't get the chance to do it a lot (only at Tyler's house). He's super melty because he has to take off his glasses for it and he gets sleepy quickly. Will probably fall asleep during it...^_^
D = Domestic
He's a little romantic in the sense that he wants to get married and settle down, have a kid, and 3 cats. He's not in a rush or anything but it is something he looks forward to with Ty. He's good at household chores, especially cleaning and taking care of the garden, and he's a pretty good cook. His specialty is still baking tho.
E = Ending
If his relationship with Tyler spiralled (which has a decent chance of happening) :> If the resentment he had with Tyler boiled over and all the bitterness came out, yeah, he'd probably end things, probably in a yelling match. It's hard to see them breaking up amicably ahaha :")
F = Fiancé
He spent a lot of his childhood/early teens thinking he'd never be able to get married, so...it's a big deal for him. Cried when Tyler said yes (and while proposing)
G = Gentle
Generally he's pretty soft spoken. He's not a super physically aggressive person...but he has his moments 🫠 But usually he's pretty light with Tyler, specially since he has like...chronic pain...🤡 Also good at saying super mushy stuff that makes Tyler implode
H = Hugs
A bit awkward about it, but he likes hugging. Always a little hesitant, so waits till Tyler hugs him first, but he's a v good hugger :) very cozy aura. He's a short king so he can snuggle into Ty's chest.
I = I love you
Was so nervous he almost threw up- Got really emotional and cried- he didn't plan it so the whole thing was a mess lmao
J = Jealousy
Tends to manifest as insecurity more than sheer jealousy. Sometimes thinks Tyler will leave him for somebody "better" (him and Tyler are actually pretty similar in that regard) and he might honestly just bring up how he thinks Tyler can do better depending how far they are in the relationship.
K = Kisses
A bit shy. Gets flustered by proper kissing so he's more of a pecker, usually kisses Tyler's cheek or chin because it's hard to reach him with their height gap- he gets all gooey when Tyler asks him to kiss him on the mouth tho (^_^)//
L = Little Ones
He likes children! He finds them more honest than people his age kkkkk. He also likes how children are constantly learning new things and likes teaching them about interesting facts :D gets a bit overwhelmed by hyperactive children though, better with children who have quieter characters like himself.
M = Mornings
Eepy lil guy. So seepy. Big tirremd. Barely coherent in the morning, also he's not wearing his glasses or contacts so he can't even see help him. He needs a shower and like four cups of coffee to even wake up lmao. Tyler be literally dragging him out of bed because otherwise they're GONNA BE LATE-
N = Night
Total night owl, loves staying up late (especially in the summer) to use his telescope. Tyler has to drag him INTO bed otherwise he's gonna stay up till 4am or fall asleep on the balcony :>
O = Open
Honestly pretty closed off, he doesn't like talking about his past unless it's really necessary. Gets anxious if Tyler asks personal questions early in the relationship.
P = Patience
Patience is a virtue he's worked hard to cultivate. He does kind of bottle of his negative emotions so when he *does* lose his patience it tends to be explosive.
Q = Quizzes
Good memory and very detail-oriented, so he knows a lot about Tyler, and he's also good at applying that knowledge. He's better at reading him than most people.
R = Remember
His favourite moments are whenever Tyler is just unapologetically sweet and sappy with him. Makes him forget how mean he used to be :>
S = Security
Way more chill than Tyler, he trusts him to take care of himself, but sometimes he thinks about Tyler stuck on the tree...bleeding out...his organs torn to shreds... and he worries about him 🫠
T = Try
Of course he tries. He's trying so hard. To be brave. To love him unconditionally. To forgive him. He just needs time...hopefully.
U = Ugly Habit
Kind of a grudge holder and he's one of those people who will be kinda salty after you apologize for smth even tho he accepted the apology. Passive aggressive ngl. Tyler is always "..." whenever Logan is annoyed with him even tho he prolly deserves it 🤡
V = Vanity
He doesn't *not* care about his appearance but he doesn't care a loooot. Was raised to be well-groomed so he is very clean and proper but fashion-wise he's kinda...y'all know 😔 (he can look like a nerd and still be fashionable BUT he isn't just look at him 😭)
W = Whole
They got that trauma bond so no, not really, he wouldn't feel "whole" without Tyler. But I think he would be able to move on at some point.
X = Xtra
Very serious about learning Spanish! Tyler's kinda "...bro I don't even know it that well" about it but Logan wants to make an effort. He's really smart including in languages so eventually he starts speaking more proper Spanish than Tyler (but with a horrible accent) which Ty's just dead over. He can have a full on convo with Marianna and everything.
Y = Yuck
HATEEEES how protective Tyler is. Like he understands where he's coming from but OMFG he feels SO infantilized by it sometimes. And also Tyler is constantly trying to help him and Logan just feels like Ty doesn't trust him to do things by himself. He hates people who let their anger control them too, if Tyler is mad he will just walk away from the argument and hang out in his room.
Looks like an absolute angel while sleeping, it's ridiculous. He just looks so goddamn peaceful and serene, Tyler is just "?!!?!?" and wants to combust 🫠
Tyler Hernández
A = Affection
His way of showing affection is like. Annoying. He's that kind of guy who shows his care by teasing the crap out of you 🤡👌🏽 Logan was kinda intimidated at first but now he's like. So over him because he knows his bf is dumb. He understands the chalequeo.
B = Best Friend
He your RIDE OR DIE FR. Omg...THAT WASNT ON PURPOSE, I just meant that he's really loyal even though he's kind of a "tough love" kind of guy 😭 would tell you if your bf sucked ngl
C = Cuddles
Secretly wants to hug Logan all the time. Logan is very soft and he just kinda...melts when they cuddle. Like its a guaranteed way to relax him, and lord knows he needs to relax.
D = Domestic
King of household chores. Compulsive cleaner. Cooks AND does the laundry. He cannot sit still for five seconds help him 🤡 It would take him a LONG time to be comfy not living with his mom or sister (I think Taylor would move out first) so there might be like. A small period where he and Logan live with Marianna.
E = Ending
He's kinda...reluctant to ever break up with anybody, especially Logan. If he did it'd be like, more on accident after losing his temper, like Logan saying maybe he should leave and Tyler saying he will or whatever. He'd regret it ofc 🤡
F = Fiancé
Oh, he was really surprised when Logan asked him. And happy :). He had gen never thought about it cuz he was so stressed lmao but he was real excited and also lowkey terrified 🫠
G = Gentle
Verbally he's pretty harsh, that's just how he is. But physically, besides the occasional arm/shoulder tug, he's very careful with his loved ones <3 sometimes when he's sad he holds Logans cheeks or rests his head on his lap.
H = Hugs
Ohhhh he loves hugging. If he could, he'd be hugging Logan constantly 😭 his hugs are REALLY long and he kinda does that like. Swaying motion. Also lifts Logan off his feet. Literally shoves his face into his shoulder.
I = I love you
He needs to be really sure of his feelings to say it, and even then he usually says it very quietly or when he thinks Logan won't notice. For some reason has an easier time saying it in Spanish (he just like me fr)
J = Jealousy
Yeaaaaahhhh...worse than Logan. Hate watches people who be getting touchy with Logan :) you know he would get salty/sassy about it he's just Like That TM. And Logan is not putting up with that haha.
K = Kisses
Awkward and makes it way more tense than it needs to be smh. If he's kissing him on the mouth he gets really nervous and squeezes his eyes shut and just HOVERS there waiting for Logan to close the gap 💀 Kisses the top of his head a lot so Logan can't see him blushing cuz he's a loser.
L = Little Ones
Like a beleaguered babysitter. He finds kids annoying and he can be a little Itty bitty bit mean to them sometimes but he's like that annoying older cousin you had that you liked to play with because they were Real with you. Hair ruffler.
M = Mornings
Wakes up right with his alarm and gets straight to work. He goes jogging and does stretches, then comes back home to make breakfast. Logan sleeps through it all help
N = Nights
He goes to bed at like 9pm because he's a dork lmao and he gets tired 🤡 That doesn't mean he'll fall asleep tho! He's super restless and will be tossing and turning and sometimes Logan will spoon him so he'll sit still and relax for a second-
O = Open
...No 💀 HELP NONE OF THESE KIDS ARE OPEN FFS- 😭 naaaah he doesn't feel like telling people his "sob story" or whatever and he doesn't really like talking about it 🫠 He mentions things offhandedly to Logan, who...understands and doesn't ask.
P = Patience
Whatever he loses his temper easy, big deal. Consistently annoyed at the world, and who can blame him? World kinda sucks 🤡 he's been working on not losing his cool so quickly because Logan just doesn't like being around angry people.
Q = Quizzes
He is a detail-oriented guy with a good memory, not to mention being well organized, so he has a space for "important Logan info" that he thinks might be useful at some point. Not at Aiden's level tho (fortunately 🤡)
R = Remember
When Logan confessed, because he was just so...I'm tryna think of the right word here omg. Like, in awe? That this guy he's been crushing on and was honestly not that nice to liked him BACK? And they were so earnest and genuine about it and he was just???? Help???
S = Security
Tyler is overprotective of Logan the same way he's overprotective with all the people he cares (a lot) about. He will put himself in front of him in dangerous situations, remove him from situations if *he* thinks they're dangerous...can get kinda annoying about it...
T = Try
Tyler puts 110% of himself in anything he cares about so yes, he is trying very hard in this relationship. He is very meticulous about helping Logan out whenever possible, planning outings/dates, controlling himself around him, etc etc. Trying to get Logan's forgiveness
U = Ugly
He is overprotective and sometimes doesn't let Logan handle things by himself when Logan totally could. The aforementioned anger issues are also a problem :/ Also can be kinda brash and won't...filter his thoughts before hand when he probably should.
V = Vanity
About as concerned as the average teenage boy is. That is to say, very little- (helpppp I know this isn't the case for everybody LOL). He literally still matches outfits with his sister I don't think he cares about his own style too much LMAO
W = Whole
Nahhhh all of them got that trauma bond for life and would feel incomplete with out each other. I think he'd take it a lot worse than Logan too.
X = Xtra
Sometimes they go to church together as deeply repressed Catholic boys with religious trauma. Tyler thinks he'll go to Hell whenever they kiss but he's gonna do it anyways 😔
Y = Yuck
He doesn't really like, how do I say this, like. "Vapid" people I guess (this is just how he views some people tho). Like for example before knowing him better he thought Aiden was a really shallow person. So he'd never date anybody who he thought had nothing going on under the surface. Needs the relationship to be serious, like, he doesn't want anything casual.
He has bruxism and like, scratches his throat while sleeping (not with his hands like, the swallowing thingy you do) (cuz he just like me fr), and he is literally so loud it will wake Logan up at night even tho he's a deep sleeper 😭
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taleofharrison · 2 months
AN: I wrote this ages ago and I randomly decided to expand on it lol and here we go.
Steve is a model, he moved to LA with Eddie the moment Eddie got his record deal. It was probably the easiest decision he had ever made, his parents still travelled a lot and his best friends had left Hawkins for college and other projects so he didn't anything left in Hawkins.
They lived in the cheapest apartment they could find near the record label's office, Steve got a full time job while Eddie had a part time job since he had to be free to record demos, talk to execs and essentially work towards releasing an album.
Eventually when the money became more steady and Corroded Coffin started making noise in the scene Steve got a part time job and started joining the guys on the studio and photoshoots. That's how he got discovered by a photographer who thought he'd look good in an upcoming fashion campaign and from that moment on Steve's career as a model just sky rocketed to the point he was considering acting too.
Steve became familiar to the fandom often being there and even could be found in music videos, he was as loved as the rest of the band was and Eddie couldn't have been prouder, that's why the decision made by their label of keeping his relationship private was devasting, hard and upsetting.
After the kiss at the sold out show, the press was crazy and fans connected all the dots. It made sense now why Eddie rejected all the groupies while it seemed like the rest of the group left the concerts with a different person every time.
To the managers and PR team this was a mess and a crisis of sorts. The sex, drugs and rock&roll life they wanted to sell was broken. Eddie didn't give a shit though. He didn't pay attention nor care to listen to whatever the label had to say, it was his life and his career at the end of the day.
"You two" Greg, the manager spoke over the phone "have to give an interview together, make it seem like you got together during the tour"
The reporters from People magazine arrived to the their shared house in Beverly Hills. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't a mansion. After growing in the biggest and emptiest house of Hawkins the last thing Steve wanted was a huge house and Eddie just wanted Steve to be happy. Their house had 3 bedrooms, enough to have Wayne or friends over a few days and an extra room for when they were ready for kids, it was perfect.
"How long have you been together?" The reporter asked once they sat in the living room.
"Straight to the point, I see" Eddie chuckled "since high school pretty much"
"Eddie!" Steve exclaimed. He had off script but it only took one look from Eddie to follow along "well he's a year older than me and I had already graduated when we got together"
"Well I was about to start my third try on my senior year, so to me we have been dating since high school" Eddie explained further "we got together summer of 85 while he was selling ice creams in the cutest sailor outfit"
"You said you wouldn't bring that up!" Steve groaned.
"I can't help it. That really caught my eye back then" Eddie "I have photos of that, do you want to see them?"
The reporter was caught off guard when Eddie suddenly addressed him, it didn't take much to notice that if they were together, they acted as if no one else was around them.
"Uh no, it's fine" he stammered "that's not the point of the article anyways"
"Thank you" Steve spoke again "so what else do you want to know?"
After the interview and the reporter left Eddie and Steve fixed themselves some snacks and wine.
"You went off script" Steve told him "your label is gonna flip"
"Yeah, well" Eddie said after taking a sip of wine "all I care about is finally getting to kiss you whenever and wherever I want"
Eddie leaned in for a kiss which Steve gladly accepted, he was so glad Eddie went off script.
"And just in time for the Grammy's" Eddie suddenly remembered "you'll be my plus one and we'll walk the red carpet together"
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spamgyu · 8 months
rating and how long i would date svt based on mine and their birth chart bc they the hell not
my sun: scorpio / my moon: aries
(disclaimer this is done in pure fun and based on my interactions/dating history with the signs— dont fight me)
seungcheol — sun: leo / moon: capricorn
7/10 - 9 months
we're both stubborn and tbh i'd probably want to put him in a box and shake it really hard 3 months into dating
also as a scorpio... i am possessive and god........ a leo wanting attention??? from everyone??? god i am not ur strongest soldier
we'd be good for a bit but im crazy so
jeonghan — sun: libra / moon: aquarius
2/10 - 1 week
1 week bc he'll get bored and get the ick
my scorpio ass would love bomb him and he'd be over it after a week
also libras are too independent and just do whatever they want and they run away when someone likes them back so yeah hard pass
joshua — sun: capricorn / moon: taurus
9/10 - honestly maybe a year??? if he wasn't resident ms. bitch maybe i'd marry him...
okay honestly..... caps and taurus are actually a great match for scorps
BUT i have such horrible experiences with capricorns who put their EVERRYTHING first over their significant others and taurus men who ARE SO STUBBORN so...... minus one point
not zodiac sign but he's an only child...... that's too much for me.
jun — sun: gemini / moon: aries
0/10 - 1 day
i would think he's cute and maybe i can get one flirty interaction in.... maybe
when it comes to romantic relationships i stay away from geminis... they are the worst.... AND WITH AN ARIES MOON??
baby ur fine as hell but i might actually throw up bc with my aries moon .... girl if we fight.... yeah no
hoshi — sun: gemini / moon: gemini
-1000000/10 - no
get this man away from me
wonwoo — sun: cancer / moon: leo
3/10 - 3 months
that pretty face disguising how crazy he is
like first of all the worst water sign to ever exist
second of all..... stubborn, passive aggressive, holds grudges.......
it would be good for like 2 months and then we have a fight and it will be the same fight we'll have over and over again bye
we're literally too much alike with our rising except as a scorpio im not AS sensitive idk i think two water signs will just be a fucking mess
woozi — sun: sagittarius / moon: aries
2/10 - 1 month
not just a sag but a sag CUSP?? yeah no
he seems like a great guy friend but no thanks im good luv xoxo
i think we would date for like a month but both of us have horrible commitment issues so...............
seokmin — sun: aquarius / moon: cancer
7/10 - 2 years??
maybe he'll be like a really good match??
idk bc he's an aquarius and they have commitment issues too.... but that cancer moon..... i feel like it would cancel out?? bc cancers are commited??
out of all the signs i have never dated an aquarius but one of my guy friends is an aquarius and he stresses me tf out when it comes to his love life so idk man......
mingyu — sun: aries / moon: pisces
10/10 - married with two kids, a boy and a girl. we just put a downpayment for a house in the hills. we're doing great
i MAY be biased just bc he has a very similar chart to my bf and if u read backburner he uh... he's my easy love.
he's also very much similar to my bf and when i tell you we have only fought once since we started dating......
and idk our sun and moon are at complete opposite so ??? idk guys maybe i'll dm him
minghao — sun: scorpio / moon: aquarius
8/10 - not a single chance
8 only bc we may not date but GOD i know he would be that guy i flirt with just for validation LMFAOOOOO
like he got the two signs with commitment issues i know it wont happen
i feel like he would be a fun situationship pure toxicity involved lmfaoooo
anyways that says a lot about me, a scorpio woman
seungkwan — sun: capricorn / moon: virgo
10/10 - probably married to him if he wasn't a top contender for the title of resident ms. bitch
out of all the charts.... i think relationship wise he would be v compatible with me..........
but also i love virgos so ???
but ,...... a capricorn???? idk same issues with shua, ms. bitch and all.
vernon — sun: aquarius / moon: scorpio
4/10 - not a single chance
the way his sun and moon is minghao's but reversed
he'd be fun to like flirt with maybe???? literally same as minghao but he won't be toxic... but also idk??? that scorp moon tells me otherwise
4 only bc i know he and i would be on each other's roster but never date
more of like yeah we kissed when we were drunk but eh...
dino — sun: aquarius / moon: leo
3/10 - no
not a single thing in common
.... at all
the way we wouldn't even look at each other
...... he's fine as hell but lmfaooooo no
we'd be friends who kinda flirt but only bc his sign is very warm to people and kind in general and scorps flirt for fun so i'd take his kindness and just run with it lksfdjsldfjkf
and his leo moon would love the attention but
yeah no.
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barbieaiden · 1 year
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2. [Doorbell rings]
3. Kell: Sam. Fuck. Uh. I totally forgot you were coming. Sorry about the mess, I was going to clean.
Sam: Were you sleeping?
Kell: Yeah, but I should've probably woken up, like, 9 hours ago so it's a good thing you came.
4. Sam: I can help you clean.
Kell: Yeah, no, that's not happening, I would die from embarrassment. Sorry if it's smokey in here, I don't want to give you an asthma attack.
Sam: No, it's fine.
5. Sam: Are you okay?
Kell: Not at all.
Sam: Did something happen?
Kell: Well, I don't know if you know this, but one of my closest friends got himself into a coma?
Sam: Very funny.
Kell: Then it's been downhill from there. How is he? Aiden?
Sam: He's, um...
6. Sam: I don't know. He's acting like the whole thing was just nothing.
Kell: To be fair, he was unconscious the whole time so it was probably nothing to him. Plus, this isn't his first drug-related medical emergency, is it? You, however, were a wreck. Like a total mess.
Sam: I'm sorry, next time my fiancé is in a coma I'll think of being more presentable.
Kell: Good.
7. Kell: No seriously, pretty understandable with the situation and all. I'm glad things turned out the way they did, I'd have no one to get high with if Aiden died.
Sam: Kellan.
Kell: I'm kidding. Also, it wasn't weed that got him into a coma, Sam.
8. Kell: Seriously, though, actually seriously this time, I get it. I mean, I was a wreck too. Honestly, I don't know what I would've done if Aiden died.
9. Kell: Especially not like that. The waiting was the worst, not knowing if he'd be okay or not. I mean, I don't know about you but I had some hope he'd live, but still.
Sam: [Shakes head]
Kell: You didn't think he'd live? Like, at all?
10. Sam: ...no.
11. Kell: In other news, my date last weekend was so bad. Unimaginably bad. Easily top 3 list bad.
Sam: You have a list of your worst dates?
Kell: Well, Sam, some of us aren't super fucking lucky and randomly meet the love of our lives one day. I have to gamify it to maintain my sanity. She was really nice, though, it was my fault. I just wanted to go home the entire time.
12. Sam: Let me know if I can help.
Kell: With dating? You might be in a long-term relationship but you're not qualified.
Sam: No? You know what I meant.
Kell: Dude, you're literally the last person I'd unload my emotional baggage on right now. I'm more likely to do it to Aiden. Aiden.
Sam: Kell, you are not making me feel better.
Kell: I'm not trying to. I'm giving you a reality check.
13. Sam: I don't need a reality check, I'm well aware I've been a mess.
Kell: You literally went straight from a mental breakdown to taking care of Aiden.
Sam: Yes? He was in a coma? He's my fiancé? We live together?
Kell: Okay, now you're just making me feel lonely. You're literally third wheeling me and Aiden's not even here.
Sam: You brought it up!
Kell: Oh. Right.
14. Kell: Have you slept in the past week, by the way? Because it doesn't look like it.
Sam: I have. This is just what I look like.
Kell: It's not.
Sam: Yes, it is. You're just insulting me now.
15. Kell: My point is, you let me know if I can help you.
Sam: You could have phrased it in a nicer way.
16. Sam: Can we talk about something else? I'm getting tired of coma related conversations.
Kell: Oh, for sure. I can tell you about my worst dates list and you can laugh at me. I have it written down and everything.
Sam: What?
Kell: Yeah, with details. Do you want to see?
Sam: ...sure.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Ok maybe I love angst???? I know you wrote readers perspective during break up but what about Joel’s perspective seeing pap pics or posts from crew, knowing Sarah and Ellie still chat with reader?
but yes 😈
Night Shift
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Summary: “Some days, I want to spit me out, the whole mess of me, but mostly I am good
and quiet.” - Camille Rankine, “Emergency Management” [1.3k]
Warnings: angst, Joel being the best dad, I think that’s it??
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The first thing he said to the girls when he told them about the breakup was, "But if you still want to have a relationship with her, that's totally up to you. I know you guys both really liked her." And it was true. After years of being more or less a single dad, he wasn't about to pry the first woman he'd introduced to them from their hands. He reasoned that they were old enough to make their own decisions regarding their relationships. Who was he to take that away? He just wasn't expecting it to hurt as much as it did.
When Sarah got into UCLA, he took the girls to a fancy dinner downtown. He's always been one to shower his daughters in love and adoration, especially when one of them hits a huge milestone and especially now that he has the resources to do so. The night was filled with laughter, wistful ideas about the future, and a few tears on Joel's part. He put his own schooling on hold to raise Sarah, and now, to see her accomplish something he never did, it's warranted for him to be a little emotional. 
Those emotions are still fresh when he wakes up to Sarah sitting at the kitchen table, a beautiful flower vase on the counter. He walks over to where she's sitting and kisses her head before asking who the flowers are from. He expects them to be from his parents or even Tommy and Maria to celebrate the good news, but when Sarah says your name, everything in him freezes. 
"I texted her when I found out because she helped me with applications and stuff. I didn't know she was gonna send anything." She says sheepishly, but Joel composes himself and shakes his head.
"That's perfectly fine, baby. It was nice of her to send you something pretty." He recovers, and she smiles as she walks over to the vase and plucks a note between the petals. 
"She sent a nice note, too. D'you wanna read it?" She asks. He rocks back on his heels, glancing between the flowers and the soft smile on his daughter's face. She wouldn't offer if she didn't want him to read it. He nods weakly, and she hands him the tiny notecard, rereading it over his shoulder.
For SBM,
Congratulations on getting into UCLA! I'm proud of you every day but especially today. You're going to do amazing things, kid, and I can't wait to see what they are.
Love you
Then, under the heartfelt note are your initials. Joel stares at them like it's enough to fix the past and bring you back to California. Sarah notices and wraps her arms around him, squeezing him tightly. He takes a deep breath and kisses her temple.
"That was very nice, honey. D'you text her to say thank you?"
"Yeah, but she's ahead by a few hours, so she probably won't see it for a while," she mumbles. "Have you talked to her since she left?" He thinks about lying to soften the blow for her as all good parents do, but she'd see right through that.
"Don't think she'd wanna hear from me."
"That's not true." 
"She's workin'. I'm pretty sure the last thing she wants right now is to hear from her ex."
"How do you know?" She challenges, and he gives her a look.
"How do you know the last thing she wants is to hear from you? What if she's waiting for you to make the first move?"
"Sarah." He says, shaking his head. 
"I'm just saying you never know until you try! You, obviously, cared about each other. That doesn't just go away overnight." She says, throwing her arms up in defeat.
"It's not that simple."
"Because you still love her."
"Because I fucked up," he says. He makes it a point not to curse in front of the girls very often, but they can always tell when he's upset because it slips out. Old habits die hard, right? Sarah stands there, staring at her dad, as he thinks. "I hurt her, and when you hurt someone, you don't get to decide when things are okay again. I hurt her, and she did what she had to, and I have to respect that."
"You could tell her Angela disappeared again. Maybe that'd make it better?" She suggests, and Joel's heart breaks all over again. Sarah put a lot of faith in Angela this time. They all did. He thought she had turned a corner, and she had, but that didn't mean she was ready to step up for his daughter. She said as much in her letter. I'm sorry. I can't do this. I'll only hurt Sarah. Tell her I love her, but I can't be the mother she needs. I don't know that I ever will be. Just like that, he was left to pick up the pieces again. 
He reaches for her and pulls her into a tight hug. She rests her head on his chest, and he rubs her back. They stay like that for a long time, tears falling from both. He tells her it's not her fault. Angela is sick, and she has been for a long time. It's not an excuse, but it's a reason. He tells her he wishes she could be better for her, that she deserves a mother whose presence doesn't bring pain. He tells her he loves her and he's always here for her. He wishes so deeply that he could take this pain away from her and erase any bad memories of her mother. In a perfect world, maybe they could co-parent or, at least, see each other at family events every couple of years. But this is not a perfect world, and they both know it. So, like always, Joel holds his baby girl and tries to make things okay for her. 
"I love you, Dad," Sarah whispers after a long silence. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For always trying." She says. The words rattle in Joel's skull, and he immediately tears up again. He clears his throat and kisses her head again to hide the tears.
"I love you, kiddo. With everything I am." He says. When she looks up at him, he wipes his tears and claps his hands together.
"Alright, no more bein' sad. What does the college girl want for breakfast?" He asks, opening the pantry to search for something to make. He smiles as he reaches up on the top shelf and pulls down a box. "Pancakes?" Sarah's face doesn't change, and he raises his eyebrows at her. "C'mon, when you were a little girl, these were all you wanted to eat. Used to ask for 'em for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Pretty sure Abuela Lucy thought I didn't know how to make anythin' else." He teases, floating the box in front of her face mischievously. "You know you want 'em. I can see it in your eyes."
"Alright, fine, but we're coming back to your love life later." She finally smiles.
"Whatever you want, pumpkin."
Ellie wakes up to the smell of pancakes and the sound of their laughter, completely in the dark about their earlier conversation. With his girls, Joel makes pancakes and listens to them bicker and make plans for the day. Maybe, in another universe, you'd be there with him, enjoying the sunshine and flour-stained countertops. In another universe, Joel doesn't have to apologize to his daughter on behalf of a mother who doesn't care. In another universe, you're a weird, blended family who isn't perfect, but goddammit, do you try your best to be good for each other. The bittersweet thought rings in Joel's ears, and he has to shrug it away.
It's okay, he thinks. It's nice to still have dreams, right?
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
i’m so happy your requests are open again omg!! i think i’ve read pretty much everything you’ve ever written on this blog sdjfgifakskfk
i’m asking for any type of romantic headcanons involving brandon stark. like, a marriage between him and a lady from the stormlands, family/kids hcs, jealousy hcs or literally anything you want. i’ll literally read anything you write <3 if you don’t have the muse for this, that’s completely okay too !!
Oh, my cup runneth over with choices! Hmmm .... for now ill do a little bit of everything? Mostly relationship and domestic HC's 🤔
To start with! When it comes to an arranged marriage, he's initially huffy about it ... until he realizes she's pretty and interesting and whoops he's like a boy trying to impress her before the wedding. Lyanna especially teases the hell out of him for this change of heart. Ironically a lady whose more closed-off, shy or nervous will get a much gentler side to him, whereas one whose more outgoing or friendly will get his full gregarious self. He isn't really aware of it, but a lot of this trying so hard is because he'd like her to be comfortable and happy in Winterfell. Brandon's parents were happily married, and if he really sat with himself about it, he'd want his relationship to be the same - but he knows that's a pipe dream in Westeros, so trying to start off on the right foot with his new bride is important to him.
Now, if this was someone he was familiar with for a while, like a lady whose also a Northerner, Brandon is much less anxious. If anything, he's probably more boisterous and himself because he feels more comfortable. He "gets" Northern girls, and he gets you. You're more familiar and therefore he's less nervous about "messing up".
And the thing is, Brandon can become very attached with the right lady. Even if she doesn't fully feel the same yet, he's finding himself wanting to do things for her. He wants to be lordly and gallant and all those things he used to make fun of in the songs. He wants to get flowers delivered to her (isn't that what ladies like?) and help her up on her horse (he's pretty sure she rides ...?) and carry her over the snow and mud (though, the Winterfell yard is well kept, so ...). Alright, maybe that doesn't pan out, but he can still impress her with his hunting and swordsmanship and show her all over Winterfell. The Stark siblings are having a field day with all this and his father is just happy he's too busy to sleep around.
There's also the matter of jealousy, and it's something that shows up early. It's a childish sort of jealousy at first, especially if his lady is lovely and not from the North, therefore many lords want to see her and speak with her during feasts. He wants to interrupt them and take her away, and if he's drinking he's only more obvious about it. It's gotten some of the court to whisper, look how taken the wolf lordling is with his bride. He just frowns and sulks if you, his father or Lyanna scold him about how boyish it is.
(Now, if there was a serious breach of etiquette, like a lord taking too many liberties during a feast or Brandon was feeling some fierce insecurity ... Yeah, the dueling swords are coming out, if he doesn't just wring the man's neck with his bare hands. In the North, you fuck around and find out).
He's the sort of person who really needs to be in love with their spouse, or at least fond of them, even if he knows that's childish to expect. He'd start to become lonely and listless otherwise, his eye prone to wandering to other women, wondering why his house isn't like the warm and happy family he was raised in. He'll always love any children, though he's not always the most attentive father. Twins? Oh, he won't tell them apart until they're ten. His daughter wants a sword? Sure, sure, let her have steel, that's what he practiced on. A child wants to ride? Well, why not come up on the warhorse with him, no need to start with a pony - you get the picture.
Now if he is in love with his spouse, it's utterly obvious, just like his early infatuation and jealousy was. He'll trust her completely and be grateful to her for many things, not just raising children and helping him with the more infuriating parts of running the house, like numbers and logistics for guests. He doesn't like leaving his wife for a long period of time, even if his brothers are there to protect her. He'll give her a tight, long embrace before leaving and takes her in his arms once he's back. He always wants to kiss and touch, even in inappropriate places (old servants warn the new people about which rooms and halls to avoid). It's not hard at all for the new Lady Stark to get Brandon wrapped around her finger.
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