#and you are scuba-diving to the bottom of the ocean to find fish no human being has seen before
forcebookish · 1 year
has anyone else noticed that almost all, if not all, my meta/"fighting" with other people is just me describing what happens in any given scene
i barely even embellish or speculate. i'll mention recurring themes every once in a while, but for the most part i'm just writing out a play-by-play summary of what the characters actually do, because some people cannot be trusted to use their eyes let alone their brains
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forestryfae · 11 months
I saw your concept art about a Generator Rex mermaid au! Tell me all about it, it sounds awesome!
i forgot to answer this ask ages ago and now i remember nothing except like. being a mermaid is contagious. dont ask how idk it just is. its like werewolves or the flu. you either have it permanently (born as a mermaid and cant turn human) you were infected somehow (you can now turn mermaid because magic ig but only for a short while, you dont have every mermaid trait and generally can only breathe water and might get webbed feet and scales and stuff like some horrible seamonster but it goes away), you can turn into a perma seamonster of some sort (thorugh chronic infection, like youve been infected with mermaid gunk so much your body cant fully get rid of it all and you just sort of turn permanently into a mermaid/seamonster) and then theres the variation that happens if one parent is a mermaid and the other is infected (you cant turn into a mermaid if only one parent was a mermaid while the other was a regular noninfected human tho) uhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think part of the plot was?? mermaids are your typical human on top/fish on bottom mermaids, there was a mermaid version that had legs with webbed feet and gills instead and was temporary but still mutated you and could become permanent, and then theres humans. mermaids are generally born in the sea and kinda hard to find and not very well known about despite being one of the most common fish in the sea, so to speak, so not much is known about them. humans live on land and do human stuff but also do research on mermaids cus otherwise there wouldnt be a plot or providence. uhhhh. some mermaids are mean. rex inherited the mermaid gene from his violeta and raphael, one of which was a perma-mermaid and one who was shortterm mermaided (dont ask who was what i dont care and its irrelevant. do what you want go wild), so he can shift between mermaid and human forme. cesar cant and is a full time employee of the mermaid species. theyre both a warmer sea not so far into the depths of the ocean fish so they cant tolerate too much pressure but they can get a good couple km down there. theyre primarily omnivorous. rex is orange and white w blue spots. cesar is primarily red and brown, i say as if i didnt draw him with GREEN scales. come on. sometimes they change colors but generally thats a seasonal thing. six is a human and has a scuba diving certificate. wk is wearing one of those old school scuba diving suits with the round helmet w the glass on it. or hes afraid of the sea idfk. hes the boss guy or something. maybe he has an allergy to seafood holiday is still smart and also does fish science. she also has a scuba certificate
noah is a human but rex keeps infecting him w fish lung disease so they can fuck around and find out in the ocean breach is of course an octopus. nothing else would make sense. her tentacles are purble as of now circe is. probably also half mermaid half human the same way rex is?
van kleiss is a deep sea cold climate shark mermaid, which means he can dive like all the way to the marina trench and probably get halfway to the borrom or so before he dies. idk i dont know science. its 2 am. hes mainly brown and has some yellow golden stripes. he could also be an orca if realistic mermaids based on real animals is a thing people prefer cus frankly orcas are fucking mean. the only thing meaner than orcas are dophins but i dont think he realy ahs dolphin vibes. also orcas are black and white soooo. his diet is carnivorous and eats seaweed and algae sometimes. hes missing an arm from having an anchor fall on him. totally not his fault skalamander is a kind of crocodile or some shit idfk. biowulf is also there?? at absolutely every point during the making of this au i forgot they even existed
basically violeta and rafael were scientists and stuff and they did science w humans and other mermaids and they were doing some stuff and then vk killed them and it resulted in rex losing his memory and vk getting an anchor dropped on himself which cut his entire arm off (not his fault he did nothing wrong) due to the ship exploding after vk did some tech shit and blew it up. later providence started to exist idk. they got big ass aquariums and they use it to study mermaids??
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classy-lovely · 2 years
The Wonders of Scuba Diving
Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the ocean’s surface? What secrets are hidden among the coral and sea life? Thanks to scuba diving, you can find out! Scuba diving is a thrilling and unique way to explore the depths of the ocean. It provides you with an opportunity to experience the wonders of nature up close. Let’s dive in and explore what makes scuba diving so special.
The Thrill of Discovery Scuba diving gives you a chance to explore uncharted territory beneath the waves. You can observe creatures that are rarely seen by humans as they go about their daily lives. Every dive is a new experience, full of surprises and unexpected discoveries. From colorful schools of fish to majestic sharks, your underwater adventure awaits!
The Adventure Factor Exploring the world underwater is a genuinely exciting experience. With each dive, you have no idea what lies ahead—maybe it’s ancient shipwrecks or mysterious caves waiting for you at the bottom of the ocean. With scuba diving, your journey is only limited by your imagination! Plus, scuba diving provides an adrenaline-filled adventure without putting yourself (or anyone else) in danger.  
Protecting Our Oceans By taking up scuba diving, not only do you get to experience all that our oceans have to offer but you also get to help protect them as well! Many organizations offer courses on how to be an eco-friendly diver so that we can preserve our oceans for generations to come. Responsible divers help ensure that our oceans remain healthy and vibrant long into the future!  
If you’ve ever wanted to explore beneath the waves and uncover its many mysteries, then scuba diving is just what you need! Not only will it provide hours of entertainment and adventure but it also helps protect our oceans too! So why not give it a try? Who knows…you might even find something extraordinary waiting for you down there!
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janshu · 3 years
In The Shallows...Part One.
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Summary: @hanji-is-life more merman!Bakugo and so I shall provide! I was hoping to get this out much earlier, back in may because MerMay but better late than never I suppose! You, a marine biologist, take a scuba dive to see the local fauna off coast and you find more than you ever could've bargained for...
Word Count: 1.5.
Warnings: None but minor curses, mentions of the ocean, an illusion of drowning. Viewer discretion is advised at least.
How did you manage this?
You hadn't walked on the beach, much less roll around in the coarse substance. So how did it manage to get into your pockets? This was a new jacket so how?
A short walk from the parking garage to the pier was all it was, no beach travel involved yet it had wormed its way into your pockets, in between your toes and nearly everywhere else. 
Your team chuckles at your discomfort finding your squirming the funniest thing on the planet as they loaded up the sizable vessel for the day on the water. For the past several weeks you had been cooped up in a lab studying the samples others brought to you but now you were given the green light to head out into the field yourself. Your goal for the day was to gather samples, check on the status of the coral nursery, and a checklist of other menial tasks. A full plate all things considered, much better than getting a migraine staring through a microscope at sea water until you either give up or get sent home. 
Waves battered against the hull of the boat while you and your fellow colleagues suit up in scuba gear. The goal wasn't to go to the bottom of the ocean, far from it, fifteen meters was the maximum for today so simple snorkeling hear wouldn't cut it. You didn't get your diving certifications to be stuck in a lab. The salt spray refreshing against your skin for the few seconds it was vulnerable while you changed from your outfit into the designated wetsuit. Not the full suit that covered your body from head-to-toe, just a body one to keep your core warm when your swimsuit didn't offer much protection.
The boat came to a stop right around where the GPS locator dinged where the nursery site was and the captain gave everyone a thumbs up as you and your fellows attached their fins, tanks, SPG's and all the other necessary equipment. One-by-one each of them held their regulators to their mouths and fell back into the blue ocean below until it was your own, to which you received a wink instead while everything turned upside down.
Ten, twenty, thirty, a hundred. Regardless of how many dives you've had you'll never get over the beauty of the reefs. Each time serving something new, change was ever present in your line of work. Never seeing the same specimens twice to witnessing a rare species and everything in between. The sunshine overhead casting glittering ripples on the sandy floor, catching your eye on the schools of fish that swam by as their scales gleamed in different patterns. This was the closest feeling you had ever come to your childhood dream of becoming a mermaid. When you wished on your birthday candles and shooting stars to holding your breath underneath tub water in hopes gills would magically appear. That's what started this career. Maybe it was a long forgotten portion of your evolved brain from life's time in the ocean but you felt at home, a familiar sense of belonging that you didn't have on dry land. This was where you were meant to be but sadly your wishes had never come true and you were cursed to remain a land-dwelling mammal.
The beeping in your ears ripped you from your fantastical daydreams to remind you of the harsh reality. This is as close as you were going to get but that wasn't so bad, it was better having a little than nothing at all. Looking at the gauge meter it showed that you have roughly an hour left of oxygen which meant you had been in the water for an hour already. How time flies when you're having fun, absorbed in your daydreams, and checking on coral and taking samples.
"Hey, could we switch our tanks out without getting oxygen narcosis or are we screwed in that department?" Your voice came over the radio built in the full face masks everyone in the diving team used no doubt scaring those who were lost in thought as you just were. 
"Y/N...do you really want to stay out here longer? Shitting Christ, you should be glad you're out here in the first place!" The captain's voice responded from the safety of the boat. "Now get your asses back up here n' we'll head on ba-...what was that?"
"What was what?" 
A chorus of responses chimed in immediately after, some crackling from the distance they were from the source and others sounding as if they were a foot away.
"Nothing, never mind, must've been a Manta Ray. Forget about it. Just get your shit and come back, I'm gettin' hungry and its close to lunchtime so hurry up." The static cut off as he put down the radio and looked out into the churning ocean. The massive shadow he had just seen passing by the boat putting him on alert, he didn't want to witness any reef shark's feeding frenzy.
"We can come back tomorrow, Y/N. Nothing's stopping us from that, right?" Another voice, one of your favorite colleagues suggested. That was right, you were there and your boss hadn't explicitly said that this was a one time thing. Another visit would do some good to see if the biometrics have changed in a span of twenty-four hours.
"Alright, okay, we'll come back later for a differential test."
The group had a collective sigh of relief. You were notorious for loving the ocean to such a degree you'd do anything to stay in a while longer, they were all content with leaving now and coming back later if it meant they wouldn't see your sad pouting all the way back to the van. Picking up their equipment and vials everyone began swimming back to the boat now most of them making small talk and discussing their plans for the weekend while you were once again lost in your thoughts.
Something impossibly dark darted through your vision. Blocking out the beautiful view of the turquoise water and colorful life like an angry, ominous storm cloud. A blanket of blindness shrouding all light for a moment but it felt like an eternity as dread sunk in the pit of your stomach, anchoring you to the spot. The warm water now felt cold, goosebumps running up your bare arms and thighs like pinpricks. The heart that had been so calm in the home of your ribcage now pushing adrenaline through your bloodstream, adjusting to a state you weren't acting on. Fear. That wasn't a Manta Ray or a comically large Stingray that was something else entirely. A predator that crashed against the fragile cage of safety, security and believing you were untouchable in shallow depths.
You were reminded of the psychologically scarring and irrational fear of one's ankles being grabbed particularly in the ocean by a shark, the part of your lizard brain firing signals all across your synapses to detach the leg. If only. A fair trade, being left alone at the price of a limb but unfortunately humans couldn't detach or regrow whatever they lost.
That fear was horrifically evoked when something far more firm than a limp leaf of seaweed wrapped around your ankle. Slimey, cold as death and tipped with five sharp points. Reminiscent of a hand, a very large hand. Expanding across your bare skin like a calloused cuff that threatened to break the skin, sink into the meat and tear your foot off entirely. However, that didn't seem to be happening. No cloud of your own blood instead the safety of the boat got further and further away, turning into a speck barely seen in the shallow water.
"Wait, wait no! What the fuck?! Let go! What the hell?" When your brain managed to get over its fear and shock of the situation your fight-or-flight instincts kicked into high gear and your body began to thrash around against the hold. If it was a shark hitting it in the snout and eyes was imperative to get it to release but what if it wasn't? What else could possibly have your leg in its grip with a goal of pulling you away from the boat?
A flurry of indistinguishable voices and noises came over the radio. From yelps, screams and to curses but the thudding in your ears and the furious splashes drowned them all out, everything became topsy turvy, what was the bottom of the ocean and what was the surface became an abstract concept. The primal urge to escape was ripped away when the respirator giving you oxygen was unceremoniously and harshly ripped from your mouth, the hand that had done it orange and black. The water was salty, like you had dumped an entire container of table salt into your mouth and you washed it down with a sip of water. It was invasive, slipping down your throat into your lungs as they tried to gulp air instead. The more you inhaled the harder it was to move. Your limbs becoming as heavy as cement bricks. Unconsciousness began to consume everything, your body down to your mind. The eerie sensation of falling was the last thing before everything faded to black...
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Mermay Vore RP
It’s a tad late on here, but I don’t really care. Any day is merperson day.
-Merperson prey- Pet Store Fish: I hated the small enclosure I was in, glaring out of the glass walls at the shadows of customers outside. There used to be other merpeople forced into the case, but they were all bought out before me, whether because they were flashier or friendlier. Or because I was almost constantly hidden. Tangled Up: Humans fishing wasn’t anything new, but it was incredibly irregular for it to happen at night. If I had known that someone would be out in the waters with their fishing nets over the side, I wouldn’t have gone up so close to the surface. Now, ropes bit into my skin and scales painfully and no exclamation for help could stop the lifting of the net. Beached: The waves tossed and turned, and while it was was hectic above, the waters beneath the surface churned. I was torn from my attempt to shelter inside the reef as a current swept me up sharply with some other fish and debris, even starfish and urchins torn from their holds. After a few minutes of swirling madness, I was battered against the shore, unable to pull or push myself back into the water as waves continued to hit me. After a few minutes, my head struck something sharp and I felt my vision begin to fade. Pulled Aboard: There are many stories of sirens tricking sailors and pirates to their death. Which were almost all fictional, so there was no reason for me to be harmed technically. Still, that was no comfort when I was caught by a passing pirate ship, unsure if they would kill me or try to sell me as an object. Other: Make a scenario -Human Prey- Scuba Diving: It took a few lessons, but I had my scuba diving certificate. I was still jittery, but practice makes perfect and I decided to try scuba diving on my own. It was surprisingly peaceful, especially by the colorful reef I'd dived down by. I even found a sunken ship at the bottom! One look couldn't hurt... right? Riptide: I don't like beaches, what with the crowds and course sand, but I'd been wanting to try going. So, I was really happy to find a mostly hidden beach, devoid of people and quiet, and the shore was pebble rather than sand. But, that also means that no one was there to help me as I swam out and pulled away by a riptide, forced away from the shore. Fresh Water: I wasn't fond of the ocean or not being able to see the bottom of the water. But, at least in lakes there wasn't the threat of sharks in the water, so I wasn't as opposed to go swimming. Lakes are still big, however, and the fish inside could be as well. Expedition: As a marine biologist, sometimes I just have to go out there to collect samples or do field research. However, I didn't expect to come across a real, living merperson! Preds: Merpeople, obviously If my merperson is small enough, humans Or giants Feel free to suggest a pred though Rules: Nothing 18+. There is no warning, I will simply cut you off if you push the boundaries. If vore is involved, it is to only be oral and I am prey, NO EXCEPTIONS. If you so much as whine about that, I will not entertain you further. No same size vore. Proper grammar and spelling please. I know not everyone is from America or speaks English, but it's just a pet peeve of mine that even Americans can't keep up with. NO ONE LINERS. I actually have to be able to respond instead of just saying, 'Alright cool. And?' Three strikes and you're out with this one. Respect myself and my character PLEASE. Cursing is allowed, but excessive vulgarity is not, despite me cursing like a sailor IRL. Write 'Mermay' if you've read the rules. If you break them after the acknowledgement, I will cut you off.
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symphonicmetal101 · 4 years
Wishlist For Someone Special
Ok, so I'm feeling really sappy and just a little lonely. All my friends are boring and my family members are too young for me to take to do some stuff.
This is kind of a wishlist of things I wish I had someone to do with or look forward to doing eventually...not necessarily romantic, but I wouldn't mind if it was. (broskis, I ain't never been on a date, not even, like, a platonic one, so bear with me if it seems ridiculous)
Stargazing- lying on a blanket in an open field or in the bed of a truck, just watching the stars, pointing out constellations, and making up stories
Watching the Northern Lights- bundling up in our warmest winter clothing, grabbing a couple campchairs and hot chocolate as we watch them dance and flicker.
Laser Tag- sneaking around, just trying to one up each other, or being on the same team and still- try to one up each other😂
Paintball- a little more painful than laser tag, but still fun. Checking up on each other afterwards to make sure there aren't any really bad bruises
Graffiti- I've always liked the way it looks. I would love for someone to teach me, or for us to learn together in one of those public graffiti houses
A Willow Tree- I would love to find a weeping willow tree and climb it's branches, only to sit and read there with my loved one enjoying their company.
Just Drive- just take a roadtrip with someone I love, blasting music, laughing, singing, and snacking as we blaze down the roads. It doesn't have to be long.
Visit an Animal Sanctuary/Reserve- I find animals fascinating, but also find that sanctuaries and reserves are more educational and often more humane than zoos.
Volunteer at the Food Bank or SPCA- just general acts of service. They make me happy.
Pillow Fortress- I didn't really get to make blanket forts when I was younger, so I want to try doing something even bigger! I want to convert the couch into a cuddle palace.
Spontaneous Dancing- idk man, it just makes me really happy. My dad used to twirl and dip me when I was little, so that's probably where it started.
Cooking/Baking Together- so what if we make a bit of a mess? So what if we screw up the recipe? It doesn't matter, it was time well spent.
Cleaning Together- Growing up as an only child for ten years and then becoming the oldest means I've done chores alone for a long time. I want someone's company, maybe we'll talk, maybe we'll work in comfortable silence, or maybe we'll blast music. I don't care. I would be happy just to know I wasn't alone.
Learning One of Their Hobbies- I want to learn something they know!! Please, let me understand a little better, I just need them to be patient with me.
Forest Walks- especially in Fall. I want to walk down an old trail, listen to leaves crunch under our feet as more fall from above I want the blustery weather to give us rosy cheeks and noses by the time our walk is over.
Horseback Riding- I've done it before, but I would love to bring someone with me. You have more experience? Great! I love to see that confidence in you. You've done it a couple times? Yay, we're in the same boat! Never done it at all? That's ok! I'll do what I can to help you!
Outdoor Movie Night- we don't have drive- in theaters anywhere nearby, but give me a sheet, campchairs, and a projector? I've got us.
Indoor Movie Night- let's bundle up and cuddle together while we watch a new movie. Or maybe it's a classic. Idc.
Try New Food- let's go somewhere for lunch and pick something completely foreign...(I am not eating guinea pig again though, thanks.)
The Wharf- if one of us happens to live by the ocean, we'll be frequent visitors. Not necessarily the beach, bit on wooden planks where the salty sea air still reaches you. We can watch the boats come and go. (Fisherman's Wharf in B.C Canada is fun. There's a really good Mexican food place😂 There's a blind seal named Sammy that lives there, and you can buy a bucket of fish to feed him. Be careful though, seagulls are vicious, being pecked by one sucks...yes, I needed a bandaid and my finger was sore for a long time. Idk if it's still like that, it's been a while. Sorry, just reminiscing a bit.)
Painting- let's buy a couple canvases and paint and see what we can do! It doesn't have to resemble anything, just do what feels like you.
Splatter Painting- dear god I've wanted to try this for so long. Just full on globs of paint and flicking it towards the canvas. (I was never allowed to do it because it was seen as a waste of paint. I couldn't even do it with an old toothbrush on a small canvas😑)
Video Games!- Please teach me how to play! Video games are banned in my family. I mean, I've done Just Dance, but that's about it. Mobile games have been kept a secret...basically just teach me to play and don't make me feel bad about playing, and I'll love you forever, mkay?
Ice Cream Date- again, idk. The idea just makes me really happy, whether we're sitting in a small shop, eating and talking. Or maybe we're walking, maybe holding hands, trying to point things out to each other, but our hands are full, but there's no way we're letting go. Or maybe we're sharing a cup of ice cream on a park bench, just people watching.
Thrift Store Outfits- I want to go to a thrift store and pick out the most ridiculous outfits for each other. We don't have to go anywhere, but just humour me when we're alone by wearing whatever I found for you, and vice versa.
Writing- writing a poem, a atory, a quote, or learning calligraphy and just writing their name- I want to write something to you
Books- let's go to the library and choose a book for each other, one that neither of us have read so we can talk and ask questions, come up with theories as we continue to read.
Books pt.2- if you write me a note and give me a book telling me why it's one of your favourites, I'll melt. I'll do the same for you, and soon we'll have a few more things to talk about and enjoy together
Music!- you bet your bottom dollar I'm going to send you music that reminds me of you, and I would be overjoyed to recieve the same.
Music! Pt.2- if you happen to play, sing, or dance, let's make something beautiful together! If not, I'll teach you!
Improv/rp- just making stuff up as we go, not caring if other people hear our conversations.
Trampoline Park/Something Similar- I just want to try it. Don't care if I break my leg, I want to try it. I'll care if you break your leg though.
Plant Shopping- again, idk. Just the idea of choosing a succulent or two to take care of together sounds nice.
Dance Classes- maybe you're already an amazing dancer, I'll let you take the lead. Maybe you just know the basics like me, we can learn together. (I know how to do the basics for, like, salsa, cumbia, bachata, swing, and waltz, that's it. Please teach me more🤩)
Sewing/Knitting/Crocheting/Fabric Work- useful skill! And maybe we can make something for each other. (Spoiler alert: you're getting a pillow case, mask, or a scarf, I can't do much yet😂)
Rage House- let's just let loose! Make a mess! Yell! Doesn't matter, all of it's legit. I just want to destroy stuff.
Weird Cuddles- again, just the idea makes me happy. If you're lying down, I may as well just flop on you, right? Or maybe somehow we end up upside down. Cuddling while we read books or listen to music. Ok so maybe just cuddling but it feels weird because I'm touch-starved👌
Late Night Calls- I've never done this with anyone under happy circumstances. Could you help me change that? It would be nice to have the last thing before I go to sleep be reassurance and happiness.
Calendar/Planning- let's make a calendar together with pictures of the places we want to go one day. Let's talk to each other so we know what we both want and make sure we put it down.
Scuba Diving- this is something I've wanted to do since I was little- actually it was the first job I said I wanted. I don't want to do it as a career anymore, but I would love to try it with you.
Finding Random Things- little things that remind me of you. Maybe I was out and found a heart shaped rock. Or I heard a bird sing and managed to record it. Or maybe there was a cute keychain at the store that reminded me of you. And that would be enough to make me smile.
Ride a Double-Decker Bus- I've done it before, but the excitement that comes with the thought of riding one again makes me giddy. Just being able to see the city and people from a mobile throne😂
Bike Riding- let's explore nearby, just riding together. Maybe you have trails you want to show me. You can lead, I'll follow. Or vice versa. If we get lost at least we can laugh about it later.
Camping- lets share a tent and a campfire together, roasting smores as we laugh and tell each other stories. Maybe we'll try and sing a few songs too.
Punch Buggy- just playing the game properly will make me happy tbh. It's been 8 years of bending the rules😂
Board/Card Games- yes. I will get competitive. But that's half the fun. Also, I would like to play these properly as well lol
Museum Date- maybe somewhere local, or maybe we were driving by and decided to stop, or maybe we actually planned to go. Let's learn something new together, take some pictures.
Comfy- I didn't know what else to call it. Basically, take out, sweat pants, (messy buns), snacks, drinks, and a good show. Bonus if it's storming outside.
Rain- watching it rain, listening tonit rain, going outside and dancing or running in the rain, jumping in puddles- I want to do it all with you.
Little Gestures- little things we develop as we get to know each other, faces that we come to understand, hand movements we start to copy. Idk, I find it really cute.
Ok guys, sorry this isn't what, well, any of us were expecting. I guess this is my Valentine's Day post?? Idk. If you read it, I hope you liked it.
Feel free to put who you thought of in tags or comments, real or fiction. Or add to the list if you want. I would love to know😊 I know there's a lot of "I wants" but that's because for the first time, in a long time, I feel comfortable admitting that.
51. Mutual comfort characters
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maria-scribbles · 4 years
glitter + crimson (let’s start a riot)//part four
summary: carmen actually steps foot inside her own house after discovering her daughter isn’t the only teenager living there. the hurricane hurtling toward the island matches the tempest in sailor’s heart as she finally gets some long-overdue words off her chest that her mom isn’t very happy to hear and two friends inch closer and closer to crossing that metaphorical line.
word count: 6.6k+ (oops, i did it again 😅)
ship: jj maybank x oc (sailor flynn)
warnings n stuff: mentions of abuse/neglect, gambling addiction, child abandonment, being kicked out of home, fluff, swearing, underage drinking, flirting, having shitty dads, mentions of weed, star wars, and sailor’s unhealthy addiction to nutella, mention and direct quote of the percy jackson and the olympians series (again), subtle nod to new girl (i love seeing how many references i can make lmao)
a/n: first off, i just want to thank each and every one of you for your likes, reblogs, and especially your wonderful comments! they mean to world to me, seriously ❤ now, here comes the dramaaaaa! we get to dive into sailor’s complicated, turbulent relationship with her mother (sailor, like john b, has a very big, very real fear of being abandoned by people she loves because of her dad) before heading toward the canon timeline of the show. the quote about the sea near the beginning is from jaques cousteau, legendary french naval officer, marine explorer and filmmaker who co-created the aqua-lung and paved the way for modern scuba diving. he also pioneered marine conservation and discovered the wreck of the hmhs britannic, sister ship of the rms titanic! so overall, he was a pretty cool dude and i feel that he’d be a personal hero to ocean-loving sailor (maybe even kiara as well, considering her love of the environment/conservation).
unbetaed as usual so all mistakes are my b.
gif credit to @toesure (who has the most beautiful gifs, ngl)
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part four: high tide
The sun’s just peeking its rays over the horizon, painting the deep blue sky the softest shades of pink and orange. Calm, steady waves lap against the shore and over Sailor’s bare feet as she stands alone on an empty and desolate beach, the only signs of life coming from the seagulls squawking overhead. The air is thick and sticky with early morning humidity, the type that makes it hard to breathe and frizzes the hell out of her wavy hair, and she can already feel moisture starting to collect on her skin.
Why’s she here again? She can’t remember a reason and come to think of it, she can’t remember exactly how she got here, either. Did she drive? She turns her back to the ocean and its entrancing pull to look for her truck but finds the surf shop is the only thing she can see clearly, the world surrounding it blurred in an incomprehensible mess of color; the sight should’ve caused anxiety to take root in her chest but somehow she finds herself unbothered, relaxed. Somehow, she feels at home.
“The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”
Sailor’s head snaps to the left at the sound of a painfully familiar voice. A tall, redheaded man now stands in what was only a few seconds ago an empty space, smiling out over the water with the brilliant colors of the sky reflecting in his green eyes.
Ryan doesn’t seem to hear the incredulous tone in her voice or even the fact that she spoke at all as he turns to face her and asks a question of his own, “It’s true, don’t you think?”
Of course she does. The sea has had her under its captivating, magnetic spell ever since she first laid eyes on it when she was a toddler, a baby, even. Her parents always said she wanted to spend every waking moment at the beach, combing the sand for shells and staring out at the water, imagining what new discoveries were waiting for her in its depths. Her mouth moves on it’s own as she replies, “You know I do.”
It’s not what she wants to say at all. She wants so badly to yell at him, let out her frustrations and hurt and pain ‘how dare you leave us’ ‘what did I do wrong’ ‘why haven’t you come back yet’ but finds that she can’t form the words. It’s like she’s watching a video, or maybe reliving a memory -oh. It feels like a memory because it is one, she recognizes with a start, of the week before he took off and abandoned them for the very first time, leaving behind a gaping, bleeding wound that neither Sailor nor her mother ever managed to properly stitch back together.
Ryan’s smile widens. “Always got your eyes on the horizon, Starfish. Just like your old man.”
Her heart clenches at the old, familiar nickname that she hasn’t heard in years, like she’s looking at a favorite pair of childhood shoes or an old t-shirt from a family vacation long past and realizing she doesn’t fit in them anymore, that she’s moved on, and surprisingly, it doesn’t sting as much as she thought it would.
“Come on,” Her father says and when he reaches out to her, Sailor finds herself reaching back with a much smaller, eight-year old sized hand that’s swallowed by Ryan’s larger, calloused palm. “Think you can go fifteen feet today?”
“Fifteen? I’m gonna go twenty!” She declares confidently in her most grown-up voice, giggling when her dad beams and hoists her little body up into his arms, the stubble on his face tickling her skin as he plants a kiss on her cheek.
“That’s my girl.”
He runs into the surf, tossing a laughing Sailor into the ocean when it’s waist deep before they wade out, further and further until the sandy floor drops away from their feet and they’re left treading water.
“Ready, Starfish?”
The sun breaks over the horizon and casts its golden light on the pair, turning their hair an identical shade of fiery red just as they dive below. She has to work harder to keep up with her father’s longer strokes but she does it and reaches the bottom the same time he does; he smiles widely and reaches out to quickly cup her cheek, pride shining clearly in his eyes and she beams back before turning away to scan the floor for any worthy shells. Finding a knobbed whelk a few feet away, she swims over to grab it before pushing off toward the surface, Ryan following close behind. The sun becomes brighter and brighter the closer she gets and just when her head breaks through the waves-
Sailor wakes.
The early morning sun shines across her eyes through the curtains as she stares up at the surfboard above her bed, the very shelf were the whelk from that day still sits, proudly displayed with her other finds. Yawning, she runs her hands over her face and blinks away the last threads of sleep still clinging to her lashes, along with the memory of her dream. Moments like that with her father were rare. Ryan was a blast to be around when he was happy doing something he wanted to do, like diving for shells, hitting up the bowling alley for a few games, or taking his old, beat up boat out into the marsh to fish for hours on end (never something mundane as doing the dishes or folding the laundry, no, those were children’s jobs and being an only kid, those responsibilities fell to Sailor.). Moments like that were when she felt that -naively, foolishly- her dad was actually proud of her, that he wasn’t horribly inconvenienced by her having the audacity to be his daughter, to be born, that maybe he loved her as much as she loved him.
Cold from a sudden shiver that runs through her body, she rolls onto her side to seek out the best human space heater she knows but her arm only finds empty sheets lacking warmth, her hand reaching for someone who’s no longer there. She frowns and sits up, fingers automatically running through her sleep mussed waves in a semi-futile attempt to fix them into something less resembling a bird’s nest. A quick check of the phone she doesn’t remember plugging in to charge reveals its just before 7 in the morning and her confusion over her missing bedmate only grows; JJ’s rarely ever conscious before 9 AM at the absolute earliest and almost never by his own volition unless surfing’s involved. Even Binx is gone from his usual spot at the end of the bed, leaving her truly alone in the tiny room.
On the floor alongside his boots, the backpack she never noticed him having yesterday is still where he dropped it with its zipper open wide, while his phone rests next to hers on the bedside table and Sailor feels an almost embarrassing wave of relief wash over her knowing he’s still here, that he didn’t just up and disappear in the middle of the night, that he stayed (of all the times he’s come to her before, only once did he leave before dawn and, after she’d frantically tracked him down at John B’s place, tears in her eyes and streaming down her face at the thought of him returning to the lion’s den that he called home, he held her close and promised to never do it again.). She pulls herself out of bed and crosses the room to pull on a random hoodie from the closet before pocketing her phone and padding into the hall, the wooden floor cool under her bare feet.
A demanding meow comes from the kitchen followed immediately by a vexed, “Binx, my dude. For the last time, you can’t have this.” JJ’s bright laugh echoes throughout the room when Binx meows again, this one more insistent than the last and the redhead smiles, quietly shuffling forward to lean against the wall. He doesn’t notice, instead holding a finger to his lips as he shushes the cat sitting on the counter beside him, then turns back to whatever he’s doing. “Be quiet, dumbass! You don’t wanna wake your mom up, do you?”
“I don’t know, sounds to me like he might need my help.”
He startles at her teasing voice, nearly dropping the butter knife in his hand as she steps forward and scoops Binx into her arms, pressing a kiss to his fuzzy cheek. “Is mean old J not feeding you, Binxy? That just won’t do!”
He rolls his eyes but the grin tugging the corners of his mouth upward betrays his amusement as he says sarcastically, “Yeah, I’m the bad guy for not giving the brat Nutella. Great.”
With a laugh, Sailor gives the cat another loving scratch behind the ears before gently setting him on the floor and hoisting herself onto the counter beside JJ, her legs swinging back and forth and lightly brushing against his side. “So...you’re up early.” She says, watching him scrape the last bit of Nutella out of the jar and smear it on some toast, another piece already made on the plate at his elbow.
“Yeah, I woke up and couldn’t go back to bed.” He shrugs, tossing the knife in the sink and the empty container into the trash; her stomach does a little flip when he brings his hand to his mouth and licks away the chocolate left behind on his thumb, then continues, “Sorry if I woke you up. I tried to be quiet but that shithead over there wouldn’t shut up.”
He nods his chin in the direction of a lounging Binx, stretched out on the back of the couch in the sun and she shakes her head. “Don’t worry, you didn’t. I-” She shrugs, too, and meets his blue-eyed gaze. “I guess I couldn’t sleep, either.”
“Bad dream?” JJ asks, holding the plate of toast out to her and she takes a piece with a grateful smile as she replies, “I’d call it more of a bittersweet memory.”
They both fall into a comfortable silence while they eat until he suddenly asks another question around a mouthful of breakfast, “About your dad?”
Sailor freezes mid-chew, her father’s green eyes flicking away from her best friend’s face toward the floor as she swallows thickly, her free hand anxiously clenching the fabric of her shorts. After a long, pregnant pause in which they finish their food and he puts the dirty plate in the sink, she finally says softly, “I’m sorry.”
She apologizes again, staring down at the floor and swinging her legs back and forth, her bare feet hitting the cabinet with dull thuds.
“For what?” His brow furrows in confusion while he takes a step forward to stand between her legs, one hand reaching to hook a finger under her chin and lift her head so he can look her in the eye, the other resting on her knee. “Seriously, help me out here ‘cause I’m confused as fuck.”
“Because I feel guilty, okay?” She starts, eyelids briefly closing as she takes a deep breath before snapping open again and continuing before he can interrupt, “Here I am, getting upset over a stupid dream I had about my gambling addict dad that ditched me when your dad does that,” -she points to his bruised ribs- “and this,” -her palm rests on his cheek, thumb skimming over his scabbed lip- “and God, I just-”
“Whoa, hold up there, Sail.” JJ cuts her off, his free hand joining the other in cupping her face, “Just because your dad never hit you doesn’t mean you don’t have something to be pissed about. He abandoned you, stole your mom’s money, and made you feel like shit! You have a right to be mad as fuck about it.”
“But nothing! We’re not having a fucking competition about who has the shittiest dad,” -He smirks devilishly, brushing a wayward red curl off her forehead- “because they both suck major dick. End of story.”
In spite of herself, Sailor snickers as she winds her arms around his neck and pulls him close, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder while his own arms slide around her waist. “We should start a club.” She jokes lightly and feels his snort of laughter against her ear in response.
“‘Shitty Dad Society,’” He declares proudly, “I call being president.”
“Well, I’m your VP! Binx’s our secretary- shit, I’ll be treasurer, too ‘cause I don’t trust you with any type of financial situation at all.”
He laughs again, hand tightening its grip on her waist and she smiles into his neck as he says, “That’s fair. We should make shirts.”
They settle into another comfortable silence after that, both more than happy to relax in the other’s arms and just be. It’s one of her favorite things about..whatever they are, the ease, the contentment, the familiarity felt when they’re together are sentiments she never, ever wants to lose and a thought, an exciting, dangerous thought pops into her head: what if he never has to leave?
“Come live with me.”
Oh, fuck, she just said that out loud, didn’t she? Brain, enter panic mode. The redhead abruptly pulls out of his embrace and buries her already blushing face into shaking hands, closing her eyes tight for good measure, stammering between her fingers, “Nothing, nothing! I said nothing!”
“Pretty sure you said something,” His hands encircle her wrists and gently pull them down to her lap. “And it wasn’t ‘nothing.’”
She stares down at their entwined fingers resting on her thighs, the backs of his hands deliriously warm against her exposed skin and grounding her to this (scary, exciting, vulnerable) moment, and blurts out in a rush, “I said, come live here. With me.”
JJ doesn’t speak, but the way his hands almost imperceptibly tighten their hold on hers -she would’ve missed it if she hadn’t already been looking- compels her to raise her head and meet his eyes; the indescribable depth of the ocean is behind his gaze, as well as the barest hint of pure, brazen hope, and it says everything his mouth won’t.
“Remember yesterday, when you said you don’t know how much more you can take?” She asks. At his tight nod, she weaves her fingers even more intricately with his and admits softly, “Well, I’m not sure how much more I can take, either.”
Sailor’s eyes sweep over the cuts on his face with all the gentleness of a lover, his lip first, followed by the one on his cheekbone before meeting his again. “I can’t...I can’t see you hurt like this anymore.”
Blue stares into green for an insurmountable stretch of time, long enough that she starts to think that she should’ve just kept her big mouth shut, until he finally whispers, “Seriously?”
“J, I’ve never been more serious about something in my entire life. I can’t let him do this to you anymore.” She finishes with a shrug, “My mom’s never here, anyway. It’d be, uh, really nice to not be alone all the time ‘cause as much as I love him, Binx doesn’t count.”
His eyes become stormy at that casual admission of loneliness for just a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment before brightening into their natural blue, the same color of the sky on a clear day as he says simply, “Okay.”
“Seriously?” It’s her turn to ask it now and the smile that breaks over her face when he nods is one of unabashed relief; without thinking, she leans closer and presses her forehead to his. “Good.”
He smiles, too, and briefly lets his eyes fall shut at the contact as he jokes, “Just so you know, Flynn, I’m probably not gonna be the best roommate.”
“Please,” She giggles, freeing one of her hands to playfully push at his shoulder, “I live with the most spoiled, demanding cat in the world. I think I can handle you, Maybank.”
The teasing smirk on his face makes her heart beat a little faster. “We’ll see about that.”
Sailor decides to pretend she didn’t hear his loaded comment (she’s not quite ready to open up that particular can of worms just yet), instead pulling her phone from her hoodie pocket to check the time. “Alright, here’s the deal: in one,” -she glances at the time again because holy shit does she have the short-term memory of a fucking chimp- “two hours, we’re going shopping and, hey, don’t give me that look!” She laughs at the pained expression that crosses his face, “If you’re gonna live here, get ready to put in the work.”
JJ offers her a lazy salute with his free hand and she rolls her eyes, trying her best to ignore the butterflies in her stomach as he says coyly (again, damn him!), “Yes, ma’am.”
“Until then, though,” The redhead continues, hopping off the counter to grab his hand and starts pulling him toward the hall to her room, “We have a book to read and you have some Greek to mispronounce.”
“Fuck, you’re bossy.”
“Don’t pretend you don’t like it.”
It goes like this: for nearly three weeks, life for the pair is pretty damn good. The summer days pass the same as they had been, either spent lazing around with the rest of the pogues or working their variety of jobs -Sailor at the ice cream parlor, along with her weekly shell dives and the beginner surf classes she teaches for The Sandbar, JJ at the country club and doing whatever odd jobs he can find around the island- as June slowly bleeds into July. They find themselves doing everything together: shopping, cooking dinner, sharing her tiny room, and it’s so painfully domestic, so natural and so right that it hurts to wrap her head around it.
If their friends notice, none of them comment on it, even though she sees the looks sent their way whenever they both hop out of Sailor’s truck together (most are curtesy of eagle-eyed Kiara, but Pope and even the ever oblivious John B raise their eyebrows a few times). At night they continue to read through the Percy Jackson series, taking turns reading aloud each evening and for a short, blissful time, they let go of the burdens weighing heavy on their shoulders. For a while, everything is close to perfect.
Typically, predictably, it doesn’t last and when shit finally hits the fan, it happens in epic fashion because nothing is ever easy when they’re involved.
It happens a few days after the Fourth of July. It’s late-afternoon, Hurricane Agatha brewing off the coast causing the clouds to streak faster through the sky and, with the rest of their friends working or otherwise occupied, the two teenagers decide to spend a day lounging at home, getting in a few more chapters of The Battle of the Labyrinth and drinking the beer left over from a night of partying at John B’s house.
“’Jumping out a window five hundred feet above ground is not usually my idea of fun,’“ Sailor reads as she relaxes on the couch, book in one hand and can of PBR in the other, the wind blowing in through the open window ruffling her hair, “‘Especially when I’m wearing bronze wings and flapping my arms like a duck.’“
“I’ll drink to that,” JJ says, briefly lifting his head from her lap to chug the rest of his beer before settling back down, feet propped up on the couch’s arm. They’re both a little buzzed, having lost count of how many drinks they’ve downed but she’s had enough to make her start giggling at his comment as she struggles to keep reading while Binx, fed up with the noise, jumps down from his spot behind her and slinks down the hall to find some peace and quiet.
“Damn you, stop it!” She laughs harder as he pulls a ridiculous face at her pronunciation of Daedalus, then shoots her an impish grin and she responds by ‘accidentally’ dropping the paperback on his face. Both are so caught up in hysterics that they don’t notice the sound of a car pulling into the driveway or a key unlocking the front door.
The girl freezes at her name, green eyes widening at the sharp tone of her mother’s voice. Slowly, she turns her head to look over her shoulder where she stands, arms crossed, and she’s so shocked Carmen’s actually looking her in the eye that nothing comes out of her open mouth but an oh so eloquent “huh?”
“What the hell is going on here?” The older woman demands, moving around the couch before either teenager can react, and her eyes narrow when she catches sight of JJ’s head on her daughter’s thigh and the empty beer cans on the end table. “Are you two drunk? Get up, now.”
He hastily does as she asks, eyes downcast to the floor and shaking hands clenched at his sides; ignoring her mother’s glare, Sailor deliberately reaches over and rests one palm on top of his as she says tightly, “Nice to see you home for once, I’m surprised you remembered where it is.”
It’s a low blow and she knows it but she can’t find it in her fuzzy, alcohol-numbed brain to care when Carmen reels back like she’s been slapped before she seems to compose herself, mouth pressing into a thin line. “Sailor Giselle, don’t you dare talk to your mother like that!”
The redhead feels something inside her snap and she glares up at the only parent she has left, all but spitting her next words, “Then start acting like my mother! This is the first time I’ve seen you here in four months!”
“I had to come home after Rachel told me you were shacking up with some boy! Do you have any idea-”
“Rachel?!” Sailor explodes at the mention of their obnoxiously invasive old biddy of a neighbor whose sole mission in life is knowing everyone’s business, “God, that hag just can’t keep her nose out of anything can she?”
Carmen crosses her arms once again and glowers at her daughter. “You know how hard it is for me to be in here, Sailor. I asked her to keep an eye on you for me and I’m glad I did.”
The teenager stares at her in disbelief before barking a loud, humorless laugh. “Let me get this straight: you asked our neighbor to spy on me so you didn’t have to come home...so you didn’t have to actually put in some effort?” Carmen opens her mouth to defend herself but before any words can come out, Sailor continues, throwing her free hand in the air, “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
“This is my house!” Her mother thunders, not noticing the way the silent blond boy flinches at her yell and how her daughter tightens her grip on his hand. “This is my house and I can do whatever I damn well please, including having someone look out for you when I can’t.”
“When you won’t, you mean.” She scoffs, shaking her head in thinly-veiled disgust, “I’m doing just fine on my own, no thanks to you, Mom.”
“Does ‘doing just fine’ mean living alone with this kid?” Carmen spits and when she glances at JJ like he’s gum on the bottom of her shoe, Sailor’s finally had enough and takes a step toward the older woman with a furious glare.
“Will you just let that go? God! He’s my best friend and he needed somewhere to stay, that’s it!”
“I don’t care.” Turning to JJ, she demands coldly, “Go pack your shit and get out.”
“No.” Green eyes hardening into chips of emerald, the redhead grabs his other hand as he goes to leave the room and steps in front of him protectively. “He’s not going anywhere.”
Carmen pinches the bridge of her nose, her voice low as she threatens, “I swear to God, Sailor, either he leaves or I’ll make him leave.”
When she feels his whole body go rigid behind her, she knows her mom’s won this particular battle and before she can even turn to face him he’s disappeared down the hall to her room without a word. Sailor whirls to face her like the wind outside, red hair flying over her shoulder like a whip as she seethes, “How dare you.”
The older woman sighs like she’s the one hurting and crosses to the window before closing it with a firm hand. “Drop it, I’m done arguing.”
“I care about him, Mom, you can’t just kick him out!”
“I said drop it! I don’t give a shit how you feel about him, I’m not having your homeless boyfriend mooching-”
“Jesus Christ -his dad beats the shit out of him!”
The words ring out like a bell, loud and clear and impossible to ignore. Carmen freezes in the middle of picking up a discarded can, tan skin turning pale as she stares, mouth slightly agape, at her daughter; the girl stares back unflinching, and despite her heart’s rapid staccato in her chest, her next words cut like a knife.
“He’s not homeless, okay? But his dad hits him, all the damn time. You’re not gonna stand by and let that happen, are you?”
Her mother’s eyes soften -for a fleeting moment, she looks like her old, caring self again- before they harden to steel, the open expression on her face slamming closed with all the force of a screen door in a hurricane.
“I’m sorry -really, I am- but that’s not my problem.”
Sailor flinches at the icy edge in her voice and looks down at the floor, jaw clenched tight as she tries to blink away the sudden burning behind her eyes. “I...I don’t know you anymore. My mother would never say that.”
She hears Carmen heave another deep sigh as her footsteps slowly head toward the front entry, “You and I have a lot to talk about when I get back from work, Sailor.” She says, followed by the snatching of keys and the door handle turning. “And that boy had better be gone when I do.”
The redhead looks up from her feet, watching the door slam behind her mother’s retreating form before hastily making her way down the hall to her room and like that morning, the wave of relief that she feels when she sees JJ still sitting on her bed, realizing he’s still here, is downright embarrassing but she’s well past the point of caring. In a flash, Sailor’s in his arms, face pressed against his neck as she cries, “I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry.”
“Sail, you’ve gotta stop apologizing for things you can’t control.” He whispers when she eventually falls silent and she can’t stop the rough laughter bubbling in her chest, even as her whole world feels like it’s falling apart around her.
His own laugh is short and low in her ear, and then he’s pulling her closer as his hand draws soothing circles on her back. She lets herself relax for a brief moment, eyelids fluttering closed at his touch, before she takes a deep breath and pulls back to look him in the eye, hands carelessly wiping away the tears on her cheeks, “Help me pack.”
“When she kicked you out, she kicked me out, too.” She says matter-of-factly at JJ’s confused look while she abruptly kneels, pulling her old suitcase from under the bed and heaving it up onto the mattress.
“Okay, so she didn’t actually kick me out but she might as well have!” The redhead strides to her closet and starts picking out her favorite clothes, tossing them haphazardly onto the bed as she fumes, “God, I even told her about your dad -I’m sorry, shit I did it again- and she said she didn’t care! Not to mention she had our neighbor spy-”
“Sail!” She’s so caught up in her rant that she doesn’t notice when JJ moves to stand beside her, and only when he puts his hands on her shoulders does she stop short, a Kildare County High School sweatshirt dangling from her fingers; she can feel him watching her and when she flicks her gaze up to meet his, she’s not at all prepared for the tempest of emotions -admiration, pride, empathy, something else she can’t name- all crashing like the surf behind his eyes.
Blue. Oh so blue. It’s been her favorite color ever since she knew what colors were and she thinks her favorite shade has to be the one she finds in his eyes: bright, clear, and ever easy to drown in if she’s not careful.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” He says it in such a casual way that it’s impossible to think it’s not as intentional as the fingers that slowly tuck a stray curl behind her ear and the thumb that brushes along her flushed cheek.
She just shakes her head with a tiny, bashful smile and her words are an echo of a quiet, rainy night all those weeks ago, “I’m just doing what feels right.”
They fall into an easy rhythm after that, one that helps them both sober up as they fill her suitcase to the brim with everything Sailor thinks she’ll need for a long stay, wherever she ends up. The Chateau makes the most sense of course, but with the DCS breathing down John B’s neck recently, she’s not sure how viable of an option that is but there’s one thing she knows for sure: there’s no way in hell she’s coming back here any time soon. It hurts to leave her shell collection behind -for a brief, dark moment she toys with the idea of tearing the shelf down and smashing them all until they’re turned to dust but she pushes that thought away- so she takes her favorite, the lightning whelk that reminds her of JJ and that day on the beach, and gently tucks it away in her backpack to ease the sting, as a promise to one day return for the rest.
“Jackpot!” JJ exclaims and she looks up to find him on the floor by her chair, pulling up the loose wood board that hides her secret stash of booze and money and reaching in to snag a nearly full bottle of Jack Daniels, holding it above his head with a triumphant smile.
“Shit, I forgot that was even in there,” She replies as she kneels beside him and snatches the whiskey from his hand before he can take a swig, slipping it into her backpack, “Not yet.”
“Oh, come on,” He laughs when she rolls her eyes at his pout and reaches into the dark space to pull out an old plastic lunchbox, along with a small flask that gets thrown in her bag without a second glance. “Boooo.”
“Patience,” She teases, opening the cracked lid to take all of the cash inside and stuffs it into the ziploc bag that doubles as a purse (“it’s cheap and waterproof, what more do I need?” was her argument when Kiara asked her why she didn’t have an actual handbag), which she then stuffs in her backpack. “We can get drunk after we get out of here.”
“You had me at ‘drunk,’“ He slides the floorboard back into place after Sailor tosses the empty lunchbox inside and then stands, pulling her up alongside him with his hand in hers, the other reaching out to grab the handle of her suitcase. “Ready when you are.”
The redhead takes one last look around her room, from the assortment of shells and pictures on one wall to her poster of Bethany Hamilton on the other and everything in between -her sanctuary for the longest time- before turning away from the familiar comfort of the old to face the enticing uncertainty of the new. “Let’s go.”
After a quick stop in the bathroom to grab her shampoo, conditioner, and toothbrush -no way in hell is she gonna share any of those with the boys- then the kitchen to grab some food for Binx and the cat himself from the back of the couch (surprisingly, he doesn’t put up much of a fight), they head outside and throw her suitcase and their backpacks in the bed of the truck along with her surfboard.
“John B’s probably gonna be pissed about the cat,” JJ says, leaning against the passenger door with his arms crossed, smirking as she gives him a flat look and unceremoniously dumps Binx onto the bench seat through the driver’s side window.
“Well, John B’s just gonna -stay, Binxy!- have to get used to it. I’m not leaving him behind.”
Across the street, Rachel perches on her porch as she watches the two teenagers with her beady little eyes and Sailor, feeling particularly defiant, grins wickedly. “J, watch this.” Waving to the woman to catch her attention she calls over the wind, “Hey, Rachel!” before slowly extending both middle fingers toward her, one at a time. “That one’s for my mom and this one’s for you, you nosy bitch!”
He instantly joins in and both hold their hands high, cackling with laughter, until the old crone scowls and slithers back into her house like the snake she is. “Good riddance,” the redhead says, opening the truck’s door and sliding behind the wheel, “Let’s blow this joint.”
“Joint?” JJ asks, climbing into the passenger seat and slamming the door behind him, Binx instantly curling up on his lap, “Did you say joint?”
“You and weed, I swear...” She laughs and goes to start the engine before she realizes she’s grasping at an empty ignition and lets her head fall against the steering wheel with a thunk, “Son of a bitch, I forgot my keys. I’ll be right back.”
Going back inside isn’t as hard as Sailor thought it would be, but leaving is a whole other ball game. She snatches her keys from the bathroom sink where she left them and heads back toward the front door; she’s just passing by their family portrait when it hits her: this is it, the last time in who knows how long she’ll be here. It’s now or never. She thinks of it as a weight on her shoulders, one that’s been dragging her down for far too long, like Atlas holding up the sky, but unlike him, she’s going to break the chains and set herself free.
In one final, sudden burst of years of anger and hurt and frustration, she rips the picture from the hook and smashes it to the floor, sending pieces of glass and wood skittering down the hall before striding from the house and all its memories without a backwards glance, slamming the door behind her with a resolute bang.
Surprisingly, John B doesn’t give a shit about the cat when they show up at the Chateau but he does give a shit about Sailor and her well-being after they give him a quick rundown of the afternoon’s happenings.
“Are you sure you’re okay, Sail?” He asks as he and JJ carry her bags into the house and deposit them in the spare room, the redhead trailing behind with Binx in her arms.
“That’s the age old question, bro,” She deflects with a shrug, taking a seat on the bed and setting the cat down beside her; he instantly takes off to explore his new home as she continues, “Who actually knows if they’re okay? What’s okay to one person can be completely different to another-”
“Sailor, seriously.”
She glances back and forth between the two boys -two sweet, caring boys- watching her with twin looks of understanding and relents. “Look, I’m still kind of...processing everything, alright? I’m not exactly sure what I’m feeling and I don’t know how long it’s gonna take for me to find out but I promise you,” She says softly, looking them both in the eye, “I’ll let you know if I’m not okay. Deal?”
JJ shoots her an enthusiastic thumbs up while John B opts for a simple nod and she grins before pulling the bottle of Jack Daniels from her backpack with a flourish. “Good. Now, I think we could all use a drink.”
The trio (and Binx, house thoroughly explored) bums around the living room while the afternoon slowly turns to evening, the wind outside getting worse with each passing hour the storm moves closer, passing the bottle back and forth until none of them are anywhere close to sober. What started as a game of truth or dare quickly dissolves into straight up truth as they get remarkably philosophical about what animal they’d want to be (an eagle for John B, a wolf for JJ, and to absolutely no one’s surprise, a dolphin for Sailor) and then have a deep, animated discussion about the best Star Wars movie and why it’s The Empire Strikes Back. Later, when the whiskey’s down to a few sips left and their collective demons have retreated to the very back of their minds, JJ drunkenly suggests playing strip poker and both Sailor and John B have to remind him that none of them a.) know how to play poker or b.) even own a deck of cards.
“Damn it!” The sly grin falls from his face when he realizes they’re right and he dejectedly sinks back into the couch, head coming to rest on the redhead’s shoulder. “I wanna see you take your clothes off, Flynn.”
She laughs loudly and grabs the bottle from his hand before taking a big sip and passing it to John B. “You’re gonna have to try harder than that, Maybank.” Whiskey, she found out few months ago, hits her hard: her filter? Gone. Blushing? Aside from the flush in her cheeks from the alcohol, gone. Self-consciousness? As long gone as her father. She’ll flirt her heart out without giving a single shit and it’s both a blessing and a curse, as well as an endless source of secondhand embarrassment in the morning.
“That’s okay, you know I like a challenge.” He declares with a wink, cracking up when she plants her hand directly on his face and pushes him off her shoulder as John B snorts and downs the last of the liquor without either of them noticing.
“Jesus, get a room,” He uses the empty bottle to point down the hall, then sets it on the side table with a hollow thunk as he leans back and stretches his arms above his head. “There’s one right there.”
Sailor gives him a swift kick in the shin with her bare foot for that, plus the shit-eating grin on his face. The trio lounges around for a little while longer, relaxing in a whiskey-induced haze; the redhead finds herself nodding off every so often, slipping back further and further until her head finds a place to rest on JJ’s lap and her legs end up on John B’s. The feel of fingers running through her hair is so feather light that she can barely keep her eyes open and before she knows it, she’s down for the count.
When she wakes some indefinite amount of time later the room is dark, the only light coming from the moon shining through the windows and John B’s gone from his spot by her feet, Binx curled up in a ball on the cushion instead. JJ’s dead asleep, hand stalled in her curls and the sight of his head tipped back against the couch with his mouth slightly open is so damn endearing that she can’t help but smile, even as she reaches a hand up to gently shake his shoulder.
“J, wake up.”
“Five more minutes.” He groans, free hand sluggishly pushing her arm away. Sailor sits up and swivels to face him before shaking him again, giggling quietly at the way his head lolls from side to side.
“Come on, the bed’s way comfier than this.”
Sleepy blue eyes open to give her a heavy look that screams both gratification and longing and so much hope as he quips, “You just want me in your bed again, don’t you?”
She reverently rolls her eyes but reaches to grab his hands anyway and pulls him to his feet, both swaying in place before they find their balance. “And if I do?”
The corner of his mouth rises in a small, adorable smile as his fingers entwine with hers. “I’d say that’s right where I want to be.”
“Well, you’re in luck ‘cause that’s where I want you to be, too.” Still a little bit tipsy, her words are honest, sincere, and as she leads him down the hall, she realizes that old saying is true: drunk words are sober thoughts. After three weeks sharing a home, a room, a bed, she just doesn’t think she can sleep without him anymore and that belief doesn’t quite scare her as much as she thought it would.
Lying wrapped up in his arms in the dark, Sailor finds herself dreaming of a future -as much of a future an impoverished, quasi-homeless, not-quite alright, not-quite-seventeen year old can dream of- with the damaged boy that holds oceans in his eyes.
A few miles away, Carmen Flynn sits on her daughter’s bed with a broken picture frame in her hands as she cries, all alone in an empty house with no idea how to make things okay again.
let me know what you think! also, fun fact: sailor compares her short-term memory to a chimp because studies have shown that chimpanzees are the absolute worst at remembering things, not goldfish as we previously thought (they can remember things for at least five months, compared to chimps who, despite their similarities to humans, forget things in about twenty seconds). sailor, being a zoology nerd, would definitely find that fascinating and make it her mission to educate the masses that goldfish aren’t that stupid jj finds it both adorable and kind of hot
taglist ❤: @sinkbeneathwaves​ @jiaraendgame​ @hmsjiara​ @obxsummer​ @maysbanks​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @sunflowerbecca​ @obxlife​ @obx-adventures​ @sexualparkour​ @coltonparayyko​ @miawantsapuppy​ @jjmaybanky​ @ethereallust​
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wildflowerirwin · 5 years
Gemstones Falling - a.i. - part 1
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Summary: He teaches her to be human, and she teaches him to be himself
Pairing: Ashton Irwin x female mermaid!OC
Warnings: None
Words: 1.2k
shoutout to Chloe @rip-lukes-balsamic​ for the amazing moodboard and Genny my love @i-calumhood​ for hyping me up <3 Enjoy :)
Days off were rare for Ashton. Even though he spent his work life surrounded by the water and the creatures below, he always found himself back in the water. He paddled out past the reef where the waves were stronger. Ashton had always loved the water. There were times he wished he could live in it. He sat up on his board and looked out at the water, getting ready to take the wave. He was on his way to stand up when something pulled him into the water. He tried to scream as a shooting pain shot through his arm, but it only filled his lungs with water. He opened his eyes as his back hit the sand at the bottom, just in time to see a Mako shark, swimming away quickly.
Opal was pulled from her daydream when Meeko, the Mako shark, gently hit her back with his tail fin. “Op, I did something bad and I need your help.” Meeko said.
“Oh, no, Meeko. What did you do?” Opal sighed, sitting up.
“It’s a human. He looked like a sea turtle and it is lunch time.” Meeko explained.
“Oh, God. Take me to him.” Opal gasped, swimming after Meeko. She sighed heavily as she looked at Ashton. “Meeko, what have I told you about looking before you grab food?”
“I’m sorry. I was hungry, and also I don’t have very good eye sight. I am a shark.” Meeko said, watching as Opal pulled Ashton up to shore. Ashton’s eyes briefly met hers as she laid him out on the dock. Opal grabbed a handful of seaweed and wrapped it around Ashton’s arm, creating a bandage. She checked to make sure it was secure before ducking back into the water, her tail splashing against the surface of the water. Ashton moved quickly to watch her, throwing up the salt water from his stomach.
“Fuck, that wasn’t real..” He rasped, looking around the water for any sign of her. “Mermaids aren’t real..” He repeated to himself a few times as he laid back on the dock, coughing hoarsely. He pulled himself up from the dock and made his way back to his house. He flopped down on his couch and rubbed his face. “Mermaids aren’t real..” He repeated. “But I know what I saw.” He shook his head and looked at the seaweed on his arm. “It was a mermaid.” Ashton sighed and rubbed his face. It was at this point that Ashton decided he was going to find the mermaid that saved him.
Ashton pulled on his scuba gear as the boat floated gently in the easy waves. He fell back into the water and swam down to where he had fallen early that morning. He was scoping out the area when he turned around and found himself face to face with the same Mako shark and the pretty mermaid he wasn’t even sure was real. “Holy fuck.” Ashton flinched, backing into the reef.
“Don’t freak out, he’s not gonna hurt you.” Opal explained, putting herself between Ashton and Meeko.
“This isn’t real. This can’t be real.” Ashton shook his head. “I must be dead, or having an out of body experience. Maybe I ran out of air.”
“No, your tank is still full.” Opal said, checking the gauge.
“Who are you?” He asked, looking at the mermaid.
“I’m Opal. This is Meeko. He’s very sorry about what he did to you this morning.”
“He’s sorry? He’s a shark.” Ashton said.
“Yes, but he thought you were a sea turtle and he was hungry. He’s the one that came and found me, so I could get you back to safety.”
“You can understand him?” Ashton asked, looking at Opal.
“Yes. Mermaids can communicate with all creatures of the sea. We can also communicate with most animals we come in contact with, though we don’t come into contact with many non-sea creatures.”
“This isn’t real.” Ashton repeated.
“Come on. We’ll go to the surface and you can breathe real air and see.” Opal suggested, holding her hand out to Ashton. He reluctantly placed his hand in hers, allowing her to lead them up to his boat. Ashton climbed in and pulled his scuba mask off. He looked down at Opal as she floated on her back next to the boat, her deep orange tail a stark contrast against the dark waters.
“So.. Mermaids are actually real?”
“Clearly, we are.” Opal rolled her eyes. “No offense, but humans are kinda stupid.”
“Hey, we were taught that you were fake. You knew humans existed.” Ashton crossed his arms.
“Some mermaids don’t believe in humans, but I have human genes, so I know humans are real.”
“You have human genes? So, like, one human parent, one mer-parent?” Ashton asked.
“My grandma was a mermaid and my grandpa was a human.” Opal explained.
“How do mermaids give birth? Or have sex?” Ashton asked.
“God, you humans want to know the weirdest things about us.” She shook her head. “It’s different if a mermaid and a human are having sex or if two merfolk are having sex. For a human to have sex with a mermaid, the mermaid would need to have legs. For two merfolk, it’s like how fish have sex.”
“How would a mermaid give birth then?”
“There’s two kinds of births. Human primary and mermaid primary. My mother was a mermaid primary, so she was an egg. A human primary is birthed while a mermaid has legs and is then raised on land. A mermaid that gives birth to a human primary loses their tail and will only get it back on a full moon and only while the moon is out.”
“This is so complicated, but so interesting. Why don’t more mermaids use legs?” Ashton asked.
“Oh, you’d be surprised how many do. We just have to be careful because humans love to try and catch us to run tests and experiments on us.” Opal sighed. “We’re always told not to talk to humans, but just as you’re interested in me, I’m interested in learning about humans.”
“Can’t you just ask your grandpa about humans?” Ashton asked her as he rested against the edge of the boat.
“No, he passed away before I was born. His family was very against my grandma and the whole idea of mermaids. It made for a very complicated relationship and my grandma forbid my mother from coming to the surface.”
“But, you’re here.” Ashton raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, because I’m a rule breaker and I want to know how humans live. My grandma always told us stories about them and I just really want to know more about them.” Opal said, looking up at Ashton, her deep ocean eyes staring into his. They both turned their attention to the lighthouse as the light came down on them. “I should go.” Opal sighed, sinking back into the water.
“Wait, can I see you again?” Ashton asked, grabbing her hand.
“Probably not.” Opal sighed.
“Why not?” Ashton sighed, looking down at her.
“Because, it’s not safe for me to spend so much time up here. And, I don’t even know your name.” Opal said, looking back at him.
“My name’s Ashton, and I really want to see you again.” Ashton sighed. “Please..”
“I’ll think about it, Ashton.” Opal said, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek before diving deep into the dark waters.
Tags: @myloverboyash​ @i-calumhood​ @dontdoitluke​ @cthoodaf​ @rosesfromcth​ @aliencal​ @spicycal​ @bloodmoonashton​ @noshamenion​ @calum-uncrowned​ @yessirashton​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @flowers-on-the-graves​ @toofadedtofight​ @tea4sykes​ @calpops​ @ashtoniwir​
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The Challenging Depths Of Man
I am, you may say, a "fish pervert".
As a scuba diver I am not unique in this regard. In fact, it is a poorly-kept secret that the vast majority of scuba divers are fish perverts. I mean, what other possible reason could we have for risking the kinds of death most men only dream of in the kind of steaming nightmares that come when the nights are humid and inescapable? What do you think we occupy our minds with in the diving bell eternities while we keep the bends at arm's length if not the undulating, shivering forms of fins and flippers?
No, we are humble fish fanciers and we do not care for, nor about, your judgement. You should not be surprised that we shirk society's expectations when we look death in its suboceanic rod-rich retinas every day of our damned lives. Within the first week of training a fellow diver, a fine boy from my own hometown by the name of Felix Trunkopolis, was crushed by a dropped anchor which had been customised to look like a gigantic pair of buttocks in tight-fitting lycra. Such tragedies are commonplace. His diving partner, Chudwick, having not warned him of the obvious danger (distracted as he was by a particularly alluring Pterois Lunulata), inherited the entirety of Felix's considerable debt and the burden of the nine monstrous Trunkopolis children. Chudwick accepted this burden magnanimously. Any of us would have accepted it likewise, because Diving Law states that it must be so.
We all know of the danger, and of the cost of inattention. Diver Law exists to keep us together, and to keep us alive, and is simple: if your diving partner perishes, you inherit their life's responsibilities. It is simple, clear, and extremely legally binding.
It is thus that we divers are bonded as brother and sister. Bonded in responsibility, in fraternity, and in fish pervertery. It is thus that we remain strong.
I, Phil Glanschirp, am a scuba diver. Or at least I was before James Cameron ruined my life.
Depending on who you ask in the diving community, James Cameron was either a missed opportunity, a charlatan, or an aberration. He was a missed opportunity because, despite his interest in oceanography and the power that he wields culturally, he did not include a single shot in Titanic of caviar being massaged out of a beluga sturgeonfish's asshole. He was a charlatan because, like so many other rich men with expensive hobbies, he expected to swoop in and solve all of our problems despite an almost total lack of experience. He was an aberration because he did not once express a desire to fuck a fish.
There are technical and logistical factors underpinning the incident, of course, but it is my sincere belief that James Cameron was turned into compressed bonechum at the bottom of the ocean that day because he did not develop the deep bonds shared by the diving community. The rest of us have spent person-years together drinking in semi-abandoned dive bars (pun unavoidable) where the marine air rusts the emptying beer kegs hungrily. We have been bored, together, alone, in steel bedrooms with a view of the infinite waterline, passing well-thumbed copies of Fishy Rendezvous Monthly amongst ourselves samizdatically despite the fact such material is not just allowed but encouraged. As we pull our hands to our chest ready to slip backwards from the deck into Andaman, deep green waters, we hold Diver Law to our hearts, each of us an oath-bound Hippocrates.
I must admit that, on a cosmological level, much of the blame for the misfortune I now find myself in must fall upon my own shoulders. My excellence in the field led me to deeper and more dangerous dives, which usually means being led deeper into the cold and lightless parts of the ocean. Those who dive past a certain depth -- the depth at which life loses its form and changes to vague, sexless creatures like urchins or sea cucumbers, also known as the "Pillusker Attraction Depth", i.e. the depth at which 1940s diver Proust Pillusker stopped feeling horny -- are viewed with utter suspicion.
Yet I allowed myself to lured by the usual siren songs of fame, money, and recognition when I joined the team of the Deepsea Challenger 2. Although the Deepsea Challenger mission had already reached the bottom of the Mariana Trench, James wanted to do another go-around as an excuse to delay his fifth divorce. And I was to be his wingman, travelling in a second ship to look out for any art deco bullshit that may have once belonged on the Titanic. He beckoned, and I came, and we dove toward the centre of the Earth.
And so it was that, on 7:42pm on the 21st of March, 2020, my submersible's video feed showed a crack appear along the glass of James' submersible all at once, as if smited. In that moment I knew there was nothing that could be done. Not even a second later the submersible was crushed, altered to an impossible miniature form as if it were a can of tomatoes under the heel of an industrial press, a jet of James sent firing out of a breach and into the water like a silly string of vicsera.
In that moment I knew there was nothing that could be done.
By Diver Law, I was bonded to James Cameron's earthly responsibilities.
I would have to write and direct the next four Avatar sequels.
I should be fine with being out of my depth. Christ. And yet I find myself floundering (stop -- you don't have time to be horny), this responsibility tied to me like lead weights around my ankles. I'm not any kind of director, let alone one who should be responsible for a multi-billion-dollar franchise. The lawyers have found no way around it and no way out. There must be four Avatar sequels, the money must be spent, and I must be the one to make it happen. But I cannot possibly do the thing that is asked of me. I cannot do what I need to do.
Am I not a creative being? Do I not ache and burst with the same pain and failure and urges as Melville, or Hemingway, or del Toro? I am large, I contain multitudes! Creation should not be rationed to only those qualified! Have I not something to say about this most human condition? The more I think of this burden of mine, the more it swells from itch to pleasure. I feel like my pipes will burst if I do not turn this tap, and fill to the brim these Avatars with myself!
I must do what I need to do. I will prove I am not just the man who had to make Avatar 2, 3, and 4 because I am legally bound to, and along the way if some of myself makes its way into the movies, would that be so bad? It is time for me to show the world who Phil Glanschirp really is.
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noaasanctuaries · 6 years
Using art to highlight our connection to national marine sanctuaries
By Andrea Fisher
This summer I snorkeled in a kelp forest, went tidepooling with marine researchers, had coffee with a recreational angler, learned from a Chumash weaver, and painted. While not your typical summer graduate school internship, these experiences were part of my quest to better understand – and share – the various ways individuals and groups connect with national marine sanctuaries. My internship specifically took me to the five national marine sanctuaries along the West Coast in Washington and California.
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Fisher explored Santa Cruz Island during her visit to Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Photo courtesy of Andrea Fisher
At each sanctuary I spoke with fishermen, sanctuary staff, visitors, indigenous people, sanctuary volunteers, and other community members to better understand how they feel and identify with the place. Afterwards, I produced an acrylic painting for each sanctuary to summarize and celebrate the species, activities, and emotions mentioned during the conversations. I decided to paint my findings, because art can showcase the ocean’s beauty, as well as capture complex stories, relationships, and emotions that are otherwise difficult to express. Below you can see the painting and read the highlights for each sanctuary.
Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Washington: A wild place, then and now
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Image description: A painting of Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. A tidepool containing sea stars and sea anemones is in the foreground. A beach stretches into the background on the left side of the image. A sea stack is in the middle. On the right side of the painting is the ocean, which contains a ship, four indigenous canoes, and orcas.
I first made my way to the northwestern coast of Washington state to visit Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. The sanctuary includes a vast offshore area, including deep-sea habitats, kelp forests, and an iconic, rugged coastline. Communities of the Makah Tribe, Quileute Tribe, Hoh Tribe, and Quinault Indian Nation have long-lived connections to certain species, natural items, and places of the region. Today, the communities simultaneously celebrate their ancestral ties to the ocean, manage their treaty-protected resources, and embrace modern fishing techniques.
My painting aims to capture the sanctuary as described by those I interviewed: "wild" and "remote." The coastline – with marine fog, silver-colored driftwood, and sea rock formations – was often described as a peaceful place, especially for visitors "escaping" their daily lives in major cities. My painting also showcases a mint-colored sea anemone and ochre sea stars for those who expressed their love for tidepooling.
The four traditional canoes represent the four native communities and allude to an annual event called the Tribal Canoe Journey, an event where indigenous communities from the United States and Canada undertake a long-distance paddle journey to celebrate community and tradition. I was fortunate to see some of the canoes leaving La Push, Washington, during my trip. Each tribal community is distinct and rich with culture, and therefore, my painting also refers to some of the past and current valued species as explained by various tribal representatives. A Makah representative described how halibut was dried on Tatoosh Island, and how orcas are considered protectors of the tribe. A Quileute representative explained how each year they welcome migrating gray whales with salmon and a ceremony.
Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, California: A place of mystery and wonder
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Image description: A painting of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. In the bottom of the painting is a reef covered in pink and orange invertebrates. Fish swim in the foreground and background; a remotely operated vehicle hovers in the middle-left; a whale swims near the top of the painting.
Next I traveled to Point Reyes, California, to learn about Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. This sanctuary differs from other sanctuaries along the West Coast as it is completely offshore and can be difficult to access due to unpredictable weather and ocean conditions. Luckily, advanced research technology and underwater photography has brought the sights of Cordell Bank to us.
My painting offers viewers a glimpse of the mysterious underwater world of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Photos taken during research missions inspired my rendition of Cordell Bank, a rocky undersea feature that rises to 115 feet below the ocean surface. When viewing the research photos, I was struck by the tropical-looking, colorful corals, sponges, and anemones on the reefs. I also heard from a technical diver about his dive at Cordell Bank. He described the bank as the underwater Mount Everest.
In my painting you’ll see a red remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) that represents deep-sea exploration and other research happening in the sanctuary. I also wanted to showcase the productivity at the sanctuary, described to me by those I interviewed. People explained how the sanctuary attracts an array of seabirds, and how seeing thousands of juvenile rockfish or 30 blue whales at one time is possible.
Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, California: Healthy ecosystems and communities
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Image description: A painting of Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary. The top third of the painting shows the rocky Farallon Islands. The middle third depicts a surfer. The bottom third shows a view underwater of a whale, white shark, sea lion, kelp, and small fish.
Next on my itinerary came Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, located just north of San Francisco. The sanctuary encompasses a large, complex system of bays, estuaries, marshes, nearshore reefs, rocky shores, and oceanic waters. It also surrounds the iconic Farallon Islands that can be seen from San Francisco on a clear day.
My painting of Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary highlights how communities come together in this place. Upwelling, an ocean phenomenon that brings nutrient-rich waters to the surface, creates an abundant food source for a variety of species. The sanctuary attracts a multitude of whales and seabirds who feed in the region, and supports one of the world's most significant populations of white sharks.
Human communities enjoy the waters as well, through activities such as wildlife viewing at the Farallon Islands and surfing at places like Bolinas Beach. A couple of beachgoers explained the sanctuary as “clean,” while a high school surfer said time in the sanctuary made her feel happy, centered, and relaxed.
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, California: A place for all
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Image description: A painting of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The bottom half of the painting depicts a nearshore environment with sea lions hauled out on rocks and a sea otter resting in a kelp forest. Further into the background, a diver surfaces and a humpback whale breaches.
Next, I had the chance to explore Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary – the place I live and describe as my home. This sanctuary is adjacent to the Big Sur coastline, Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Half Moon Bay. Many describe the sanctuary as one of the best places on Earth to watch marine wildlife. Its diverse habitats – large sandy beaches, uninterrupted kelp forests, rocky shorelines – offer visitors endless recreational activities. The sanctuary also protects a variety of features like an inactive underwater volcano and a deep-sea canyon comparable in size to the Grand Canyon.
My painting showcases the diversity of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. The sanctuary is rich with marine life, but also full of humans interacting with the natural systems. Human activity on land, whether agriculture in Salinas or day uses of Big Sur, define and affect the sanctuary.
I came across scuba and free divers, surfers, bay swimmers, kayakers, whale watchers, beachgoers, sailors, fishers, and people admiring marine life from shore. People I interviewed especially enjoyed watching sea otters (a crowd favorite), harbor seals, and sea lions. A diver described the sanctuary as “one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen,” and others explained the place as "home," "my sanctuary," and "life."
Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, California: A magical place, focused on community
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Image description: A painting of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. The top third of the painting shows an above-water view of Santa Cruz Island, Chumash people in a traditional tomol, and other boats. The bottom third of the painting is a view of a kelp forest, including several types of fish and a diver.
For my final stop, I headed south to visit Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. The sanctuary is just off the coast of Santa Barbara and Ventura and surrounds the five Northern Channel Islands: San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Barbara. The islands are surrounded by majestic coastal vistas, kelp beds, and diverse shoreline features. The islands and surrounding productive marine area have been, and continue to be, special to the Native American Chumash community.
My painting aims to capture the sanctuary as described by those I interviewed: "magical" and "a place that celebrates community." The Chumash community maintain their connection to the Channel Islands in various ways, such as the annual tomol (traditional canoe) crossing from the mainland to Santa Cruz Island, Limuw. While various species are valued by the Chumash, a Chumash weaver identified abalone as especially important.
The painting also alludes to stories I heard about children snorkeling above a bat ray and scuba divers encountering seals, sheephead fish, bright orange Garibaldi fish, and giant sea bass in the kelp forests. The boats in the painting represent the active recreational angling and commercial fishing communities, as well as the boats that take visitors to the sanctuary and islands.
Painting a picture of our shared connection
My summer journey confirmed that national marine sanctuaries are valued by various individuals and groups for different reasons. The diverse accounts of how people connect to their national marine sanctuary, when woven together, create a dynamic story, a story that reflects how we collectively think of and value a place. My paintings are a platform for visualizing these stories. I hope they provide you a new look at national marine sanctuaries along the West Coast, and inspire you to consider your connection to a special ocean place.
Andrea Fisher is an intern for NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries West Coast Regional Office and MPA Center. She is a graduate student at Middlebury Institute of International Studies focusing on ocean and coastal resource management.
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rememberthattime · 5 years
Chapter 47. Fiji
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I was born on May 13, 1989. I don’t remember much about the day, but from pictures, it looked like a great time. My parents were celebrating, there were balloons, someone brought a children’s Chicago Cubs baseball set.
Today is my 30th birthday, so I’m reflecting … looking back all the way to the very start.
It’s interesting to imagine my mom & dad’s thoughts in that delivery room 30 years ago. They must have been terrified by the responsibility of raising a toddler (I would be), but also excited for their new son’s future. What will he grow up to be? Where will he live? What will he do? Their dreams for me had to be bigger than their 1980’s hair.
In the least dramatic way I can say this: they couldn’t have predicted where I’d end up 30 years later.
Birthdays are important to celebrate, but especially milestone birthdays. This is mainly Chelsay’s influence speaking, but I agree with her: milestone birthdays are ones you’ll always remember. 15 years from now, we’ll think back and ask: “What did we do for your 30th birthday?” ... I won’t let that be an ordinary memory. Life is busy though, so it’s tough to carve out a day for festivities, let alone plan them. Even a month ago, Chelsay and I didn’t know how we’d be celebrating. Chels had plans in motion, but my work complicated things by scheduling meetings in Atlanta the week before. My trip back to Sydney would require 24 hours of flights, so would we still be up for a big celebration? The answer is Yes. I’m not 70, and I just said milestone birthdays were important, so we’re making this happen. Work would pay for me to get from ATL back to SYD via any route, so Chels and I started looking for convenient connecting destinations. Hong Kong, Tokyo, Patagonia, and Hawaii were all considered, but in the end, we found the perfect blend of celebration, relaxation, adventure, and convenient flights in Fiji. Fiji is a county made up of 330 islands, and each island chain has its own unique characteristics. Viti Levu is the main island and home to Nadi Airport, but most tourists don’t stay here. Near Viti Levu are the Mamanucas, small sandy dots amongst the expansive blue. The Mamanucas are stunning, but they’re typically more resort-y and popular with nearby Aussies & Kiwis. Then there are the Yasawas, where Chelsay and I chose to stay. The Yasawas are further from the mainland, and their remoteness means their less touristy.
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This is a double-edged sword though, because less tourists means there’s less tourist infrastructre, so finding a comfortable option would take some research. We eventually decided on Paradise Cove, which perfectly balanced vacation comforts (comfy bed, outdoor shower, and excellent food, which can’t be understated on a remote island) with a sense of wild adventure (fewer guests, great snorkelling, and hiking paths around the large island).
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I nailed my meetings in Atlanta, so my birthday weekend was off to a good start even before boarding the plane. For the next 24 hours of flights, I had nothing to worry about - just enjoying a few movies and catching up on sleep. Chelsay and I met up in the Nadi Airport after extremely disproportionate flight times (hers was only 4 hours), and caught a ferry to Paradise Cove. Seaplanes were an option, but they were 5x the price and this wasn’t our honeymoon. The other advantage of the ferry is that it allowed us to see the different Fijian islands up close. Viti Levu and the Mamanucas were very nice, but Chelsay and I knew we’d made the right choice as we arrived in the less crowded Yasawas.
We were in heaven as we stepped onto the sandy beaches of Paradise Cove. A jungle of palm trees lined the beach, at first hiding the resort before eventually revealing a dream island getaway: shaded cabanas, pool-side lounge chairs, and a bar concocting frozen, fruity treats.
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The pineapple on top of this pina colada was that Chelsay told the resort it was both of our birthdays, so they upgraded our villa and outfitted it with balloons and welcome drinks. As birthday surprises go, drinks on a beach in Fiji was pretty good.
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After drinks on the beach, scuba diving wasn’t really an option, so we decided to snorkel in Paradise Cove’s house reef. I was really surprised by its color. It was just last week that I wrote about the scale of the Great Barrier Reef... but out in the middle of the Pacific, Fiji’s immense soft coral, highlighter vibrancy, and sea life abundance were incredible.
Now, it was inevitable that jet lag would catch up to me. Atlanta is 16 hours behind Fiji, and I was mentally nearing midnight. Chelsay was also dealing with severe time zone change (2 hours), so she was equally down for a nap. We gave ourselves 90 minutes but would wake up well before our 6:30 dinner. Apparently we woke up to the alarm at 5:30... I don’t remember. I guess I turned it off and only woke up once Chelsay checked her phone. 6:20. Woof. I say all this only to give you an idea of the mental state I was in over dinner. It was similar to that infamous Innsbruck dinner, where Chelsay and I giggled through our whole meal in a tired haze. After our mains, I asked Chelsay if it was time to call it a night... Despite having sour straws in the room, she insisted we stay at the restaurant for dessert. “Alright, well if we’re going to be here awhile, I need some extra bug spray.” I stumbled back to the room and, as I was re-applying, I heard singing in the distance. “Must be the ‘Kava Social’ by the fire pit,” I thought. ...These resorts always put on a show. Still in a sleepy haze, I leisurely made my way back to Chelsay. As I got closer though, I realized the singing wasn’t coming from the fire pit… it was coming from the restaurant. I turned the corner and could see they were surrounding Chelsay and I’s table... and Chelsay had her hands clasped over her mouth... and they weren’t making eye contact with her... and they had a cake. OH NO! They’d been singing this whole time for me!!!! Ahhhhh-I rushed back to the table, face bright red, and started clapping along as they sang a Fijian happy birthday song. I don’t know what they sang actually... it could’ve been the alphabet. I just tried to focus on Chelsay and not on the fact that the song had been going for at least three minutes. I thought to myself, “Chelsay must be so embarrassed!” And then I thought, “Oh no everyone thinks I was taking a shit!” The song finally wrapped up, and the waiters were laughing with Chelsay and I. They accusingly pointed out that it was the longest they’ve ever had to sing happy birthday… “Guys, I swear, I was putting on more bug spray!” Luckily a nearby couple caught the awkwardness of camera.
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The next morning, Chelsay and I had scheduled back-to-back dives. We’ve been diving quite a bit recently, but it was still fun to float around the bottom of the ocean. Much like the local humans, Fijian fish seemed incredible friendly: the sea life was very comfortable with divers, staring back at Chelsay and I from only a few inches away.
After our dives, Chels and I took a 1.5 hour hike around the island, stopping at a secluded beach for private snorkelling. Along the hike, the resort had set up a few small exercise stations. One station was a tire flip... like what NFL prospects train with. This is probably why all the Polynesian players are so big. Anyway, Chelsay challenged me to flip it and I did so without difficulty. It must not have looked hard, because Chelsay confidently stepped up to try it herself. She bent down, grabbed the tire, lifted from her legs for less than one millisecond, and walked away with nothing but a “Nope.”
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At dinner that night, first of all, there were no birthday song surprises. Second, we had phenomenal steak with a spread of beetroot, pea, and garlic purée. It was exceptional, as was every meal we ate at Paradise Cove. This can’t be overstated. I mentioned earlier that food in many Yasawan islands is poor, often limited to rice and fries. These resorts just aren’t prepared to meet all vacation comforts... Paradise Cove was ready though. Over our three days, we enjoyed tasty local kokoda, beef lettuce wraps, coconut crusted chicken, and their many fresh catches of the day.
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The next morning, Chelsay and I joined a snorkel excursion through a nearby island channel. In Fiji, these channels serve as a funnel for pods of manta rays, which are probably my favorite non-dog animal. See, ever since our failed hunt for mantas in the Maldives, I’ve had an appreciation for how hard they are to find. Even though we’ve since seen entire pods of mantas, I’ll always jump at the slightest chance to see another. Our boat between the two islands, and the guide jumped in the water. He wore a weight belt so that he could sink down where the mantas swim, which I only mention because I want to remember how easily he descended 10 meters (30 feet), sitting in the dark blue for 2 minutes before resurfacing. This guy is a fish. On the other hand, Chelsay had a less graceful descent. When we scuba dived the day before, we exited the boat by sitting on the ledge, tanks over the water, and just falling backwards. The weight of the tank would naturally fall into the water and 360-degree flip you back to the surface. When snorkelling though, you don’t have the weight of the tank. Chelsay threw herself back and entered the water, but was too buoyant to complete a flip. She’d contoured herself into an arch, with her belly sticking out of the water and fins frantically trying to rotate over. She probably scared the mantas away. It took about 30 minutes of tense anticipation, but while staring down at the blue abyss, we heard the guide yell, “Manta!” Chelsay and I swam over quickly to take in the majestic giant. At around 3 meters wide, this female manta was bigger than me, yet swam with such gentle grace. Its grace is deceptive though, because it’s actually still moving quickly - between our hunt and subsequent chase, I probably swam 3 km that morning.
Chels and I were tired when we got back to Paradise Cove, but it was our last day so we decided to snorkel the house reef one more time. It was cool to see the soft coral again, but we were pooped. I actually had to tow Chelsay back: you know, when I swim in front and my wife just holds onto my foot.
As I was towing her, we passed over a shallow part of the reef but I kept powering along. Suddenly, Chelsay let go of my foot and started slapping the water. I stopped in my tracks, unsure what she was freaking out about. She swam off, so I followed, and it wasn’t until we’d gotten to shore that she told me what it was: apparently a venomous white-banded sea snake popped out and launched within 1.5 ft of me. That was enough sea life for this trip, so we spent the rest of the day on the resort’s inflated jungle gym. We laughed, played around, and attempted backflips (key word: attempted). Just a reminder that I’d turned 30 a few days before.
That note actually transitions well into my conclusion…
A lot of people get anxious about their 30th birthday. It isn’t a vitality thing - too early for that - but the anxiety comes more from gauging where you are vs where you thought you’d be. Life isn’t a checklist, but it’s natural to have expectations for when you turn 30, 40, etc. Well, I’m writing this from my villa patio in Fiji, so I’m nailing the “Where you are” part. To answer that question less literally though, I’ll instead consider “Where I am” against Chelsay and I’s life motto, something we wrote in our wedding vows: “We’ll never let age get in the way of our youth.” This is perfect motto for age-related milestones because youth isn’t a concept tied to age. It isn’t chapter in your life that just fades away. It’s a mindset, and it’s one you can measure whether you’re 5, 20, 30, 40, or 80. To be youthful is to be energetic, playful, and optimistic. Now I’m technically 30, but this milestone age doesn’t bother me. “Where I am” is energetic enough to swim with Mantas, playful enough to laugh at awkward cake situations and splash around on an inflatable jungle gym, and optimistic enough to make a celebratory Fiji weekend happen despite all of life’s complexities. I’m not worried about turning 30, because after the past weekend, I know I’m as youthful as I’ve ever been.
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weenlovexx · 6 years
scuba diving
“If you remember one rule of scuba diving, make it this: Breathe continuously and never hold your breath.”
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
“Put your snorkel in while on the surface of the water before we descend.”
I do.
Breathe in. 
Breathe out.
The water’s choppy
I paddle to the group, combating the waves that push me into the unknown abyss of the great wide ocean
I grab onto the line that will guide me in my descent
Breathe in. 
Breathe out. 
The waves choke me
Filling my snorkel with poisonous liquids- I’m sick of this. I’m ready to go down
It’s much calmer there
The waves won’t try to attack me
Breathe in. 
Breathe out. 
“Signal to show your group that you’re descending.”
I don’t
They don’t care
It’s just a formality
I hold up some kind of deformity in my hand as I combine a thumbs down with a hand shrug
I begin to release air out of my buoyancy device
I can feel the water consuming me
It feels good
Much calmer than the waves that seeped into my airways
Breathe in. 
Breathe out. 
Falling into the arms of my old enemy
New friend
Her coldness makes me feel warm as I combat her attempts through my preparations for these moments
She pulls me down
She wants me to see the array of flora, fish, figments that once only existed in my imagination
She offers me variety, novelty, adventure
She partially blinds me
Murky, unable to see behind me without turning my entire body upside down and sideways
“It’s all part of the experience.” 
She whispers
She is timeless
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
I watch turtles and sharks, poke at coral and shells, grab at stingrays and barracudas
I swim through narrow escapes and take out my air supply to smile for photos
I do flips and twists and turns to prove my subpar flexibility and courage to myself
Everything that once scared me has become my friend under the waves
Everything that I never was now comes to light as I find myself in a whole new world
Everything that I’ve ever wanted to be is in front of me
Up for grabs
I just have to reach out
And take it
She watches me closely
She begins to ring in my ears and I can taste her through my regulator
She makes me pinch my nose to clear out her presence and she taunts me with daunting depths and limited visibility of my partners
“It’s okay”
She nudges me a bit as she reassures me
I check how much oxygen I have
I’m fine. 
She begins to push me around a little bit
Laughing at me as my eyes widen to realize my buddy is further away than expected
Breathe in. 
Breathe out.
Her eyes crinkle with unrelenting laughter as my heart turns in disgust
Did I want this?
This isn’t me.
I’m meant for land.
I’m a human. 
Not a fish.
I’m a writer
A runner
A devout member of religious affiliations
A student
Certainly not a fish.
What was I thinking?
My eyes hurt from the salt water that has been making its home in the bottom of my face mask
My ears haven’t stopped ringing since 45 feet ago in my descent
My nose feels like it’s spewing blood from the amount of times I’ve aggressively pinched it to equalize
My attempt at making myself equipped to conquer this whole new world
Breathein. Breatheout.
Is it sunny outside?
Is it raining?
Will this current ever stop pushing?
“You can’t do this.”
“You’ve never been able to do this.”
“You’re not adventurous.”
“You can't do new things.”
“You can’t keep acting like something you’re not.”
“You’re being ridiculous.”
“Your hopes, your dreams, your aspirations of fitting down in here in this little world of mine crumble with every time you fight against my embrace.”
She cackles.
I panic. 
Thoughts about my imminent death at the bottom of the ocean race around my head like play trains on a track newly gifted from Christmas time
I’m brought back to my childhood
Playing survivor in the woods and constructing huts out of loose sticks and broken branches
I look around as my neighbors have fully developed shelters while I lay under a mere pile of sticks
Jealousy set in as I compared my meek surviving abilities to the strong 10 year olds that sharpened their sticks and threw rocks from the comfort of a full constructed wooden cave
I try to weasel into their constructions as they yell at me
“You’re too big.”
“There’s not enough room for you.”
“Go back to your hut.”
“Maybe somebody will help you make it better.”
So I reside in the shattered pile of forest garbage that I call my creation
A single tear falls onto my leaf bed.
I’m brought back to reality
Where I lay on the ocean floor
Watching the unknown universe pass by like a beautiful countryside out of the car window
Somewhere beautiful I’d like to go but I simply never will
She smiles
And brushes against my cold body as she allows me to rest in her embrace
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meghanlittle-blog1 · 5 years
The Hat in the Sea
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Source: Blue Moon Moving and Crafting. (n.d.). “How Deep is the Ocean Floor Map.” Home Design Ideas. Retrieved from http://bluemoonmovingandcrating.com/how-deep-is-the-ocean-floor-map
Sitting on the bottom of the ocean isn’t very fun, especially for a hat who has spent most of its life on someone’s head. Jason’s CBF was lying lonely on the ocean floor for quite a few years, watching the fish swim by, swim by again, and swim by again. For the first time in its life, Jason’s hat wished he could swim- not a common thought for a hat.
Well, as it was sitting there, reflecting on its life on land, it noticed an odd-looking human shape swimming its way. Flippers on the feet. A sleek, form-fitting wet suit. And a menacing oxygen tank, threatening to explode.
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Source: Pillsbury, Mark. (2012). “Scuba diving Part 1: Dive Like You Train, Train Like You Dive.” The New Rostra. Retrieved from http://rostranovum.blogspot.com/2012/03/scuba-diving-part-1-train-like-you-dive.html
Then another human came swimming by, this one with a camera in hand. The hat realized that the first swimmer was picking up other human objects that had sunk to the bottom of the sea- fishing nets, sunglasses, even a singular running show. The hat was the next object to be picked up.
It was swooped under the lady swimmer’s arm and brought to a nearby boat. After about another hour of going up and down between the bottom of the sea and the boat, the woman stopped on the boat and took off her goggles. The cameras was pointed at her, expectantly.
“To all the viewers watching this right now, I want you to know that this is your trash. Your trash is polluting our waters. Your trash is destroying habitat. And I object.”
That’s right, Jason’s CBF somehow made it onto Alisha Found Objects. While not the cleanest it’s ever been, it now definitely had some character. Bleach white no more. Beach white here it comes.
Little did the hat know that Jason was watching this episode live at home.
“Mom, there’s my white hat! The one I lost that day I went sailing! OMG! It’s my hat! THIS IS A MIRACLE.”
“Oh honey, don’t get your hopes up, there are a lot of white hats in this world. How do you know it’s your hat?” replied Jason’s Mom, skeptical as always.
“I just know it is. CBF, I will come find you.”
Jason spent the rest of the afternoon trying to reach Alisha Found’s team. Eventually, he got on the line with her producer, John. John was a nice man, helpful. Jason was super happy to be on the phone with him. They talked for a few minutes before deciding to meet a week later to sort through the pile of trash from the ocean.
A week later, Jason arrived at the studio and went straight for his hat. Even after sifting through the entire pile, he couldn’t find his hat. Then John approached him with a hat-sized giant piece of caramel popcorn-looking object. His hat had changed a lot.
Walking out of the studio that day, Jason and his hat were content. Although his hat was dirty and misshapen, Jason put it on his head anyway.
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Ocean Dream
Arthur Curry x female! reader
Warning: none
Specifics: ocean, swimming, fluff, romantic, race neutral reader
People: Arthur Curry, you
Words: 1,154
Requested: By anonymous Hi! I was looking at your list of ransoms and say you write for DC! I was wondering if you could write one for aquaman where the reader wears scuba diving gear (even though she feels stupid in it cause I mean Arthur looks gorgeous) and he shows her the beauty of the ocean. Like the sea creatures and the reef and it's really beautiful. (Please have them swim under a whale) He speaks with the animals and make sure they behave around her. Just something really fluffy! Thanks! Sorry this was long!
Authors Note: i have actually never gone scuba diving, and i dont know how i would feel about that cause i have asthma and i feel like i would probably have either an asthma attack or panic attack, whichever would come first lol. i love the sea tho, so much. i love the ocean and swimming there like i wish i lived by the beach, everyday i would go! but i feel like these animals, these creatures dont deserve to be treated like how they are. like for example oil spills, this affects not only the marine creatures in the water, but also the birds that fly down in the water to catch their fish. and with plastics that are thrown by humans, the six pack rings get stuck around a marine animals neck, please everyone throw your garbage away. be kind to these animals, because they are so loving and important, and all in all a blessing to this earth. that is why planet earth is so different and unique from any other planet. but thank you for this brilliant idea, and i love the idea of the whale. i had trouble writing this though cause i wanted to put like every sea creature in this story lol hope you all enjoy this and thanks for reading!
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“Arthur why do I have to wear this,” you whine to your boyfriend. 
“Y/n we went over this already, if you want to swim more towards the bottom you need to wear the scuba gear. It’s to protect you,” Arthur said as his knees bent a little to talk to you better. “C’mon babe we’re gonna have tons of fun, and plus you’ll be with me!”
You shrugged, “Okay, fine. But only cause I feel like you’re begging me.”
You both stood at the end of the boat you rented. 
“You ready y/n, 1, 2, 3!”
“But like what if we see your fish friends there or worse...Mera,” you mumbled the name under your breath. “Like I’m gonna look stupid with you looking all hot and, and, finesse. I just really want to make a good impression if we do end up running or more like swimming into them.” 
Arthur took a hold of your hand and kissed it. “You are my light y/n, you are my ocean, and nothing in this world would ever change that fact. I question you this though, like how are you still beautiful wearing this? It just makes me fall head over heels in love with you again.”
You smiled all giddy, and through your scuba mask you whispered “I love you fish boy.” You still gripped his hand awaiting the coolness of the ocean water. 
“So lets try this again. 1, 2,”
“3!,” you yelled, hopped in the sea, and took a hold of Arthur with you. 
“Oooh its kinda cold in here. Alright my sexy fish stick, where to?”
Arthur gave you a face with that nickname. “We are going to swim, if you want to, more near my people.”
“Great,” you muttered, thinking about that curvaceous, stunning, Mera. But you sucked it up and told yourself that today was about fun. So enjoy it. “You know what babe, thats sounds great,” you smiled to Arthur.  
Arthur still clutched your hand in his large one and you both swam in the direction to his kingdom. As you both swam closer, a turtle came up to you. You brought your waterproof camera with you and snapped some photos.  
“Aww hey you cutie,” you praised the shelled animal. The turtle was with other turtles and they performed a little show for you. Swimming all around you, eating their food. You loved it, you have always adored these animals. Cherished their beauty and each sea creatures skills. 
“Alright guys, you have showed off enough,” Arthur told the turtles. 
You swam further with him. A puffer fish was enjoying his meal and you snapped a picture of that. You guys wounded up in the home of the jellyfish. It was as if you were in the scene of “Finding Nemo,” where they encounter all the jellyfish. 
“Arthur we can’t go through, they’ll sting us,” you cautioned Arthur. 
Arthur shook his hand and whispered, “nonsense.” He swam more to their height, level. And concentrated on something with his eyes closed. Finally, the jellyfish moved and it was as if Arthur were parting the red sea. The jellyfish created a path for the two of you to swim through. 
“How on earth did you do that,” you gasped.
“With a little talkin to my fish pals.”
You were flabbergasted to say the least. “You are literally the coolest person I know,” you said while swimming through the path. Arthur laughed at your praising. 
As you both swam some more you were greeted by...sharks. You shrieked and swam behind Arthur. 
“Guys you’re scaring her,” Arthur scolded the sharks. The sharks came by you and you hesitantly placed your shaky hand to pet them. You let go of the breath you were holding. 
“Hey this isn’t so bad. I mean they’re not eating me cause of you being here. But this is a once in a lifetime opportunity!” You took a couple of pictures and even took a selfie with the sharks. Your friends totally had to see this! 
After that you were tired of swimming so you crawled on Arthur’s back and rested there. 
“You comfortable sweetheart,” Arthur asked you. You moaned in relaxation and crawled to kiss his shoulder. Then you heard Arthur gasp.
“What,” you questioned.
“Look babe...a whale!”
You quickly came off of Arthur’s back and that is when you saw...the biggest animal. A blue whale! (Blue whales are actually one of my favorite animals, they are so beautiful and just amazing)
“Oh my god, Arthur this animal is gorgeous! I, I , I have no words,” you said in awe. 
Arthur smiled, seeing your reaction, seeing you love something that he loves makes him so happy. “C’mon then,” Arthur said bringing you along, next to the whale. 
“Hellooooo my friiiennnnd,” you said speaking whale like Dory. 
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Arthur laughed, and you giggled with him. He saw you were a bit nervous to touch an animal such as this one. The blue whale was so ginormous. 
“It’s okay you can touch her,” Arthur whispered to you. You looked at him then her and placed your hand by her stomach. Your mouth hanged open. This was one of the coolest moments ever!
“This is so incredible,” you squealed a little. “We totally need a photograph of this.” You took a picture of the blue whale alone, then a selfie with the blue whale, you, and Arthur. 
“Come over here y/n, I want to show you something, something you’re gonna love.”
He led you to the underside of the whale. YOU WERE LITERALLY UNDER A HUGE BLUE WHALE!!!!
“Babe what if she squishes us,” you panicked. Arthur assured you with a kiss to your mask. 
“Trust me baby, she knows we’re here. She would never squish us, right?”
The blue whale did her whale noises. You cheered at the noise, “sheeee iiiis sooooo greeeeeeeat!” You totally knocked it out of the park at speaking whale. 
As you and Arthur floated under the whale, Arthur kissed your hands. 
“Thank you for exploring a little of my home,” Arthur said.
You looked at him shocked, “thank you? I should say that to you. Thank you for showing me these animals and the environment. It hurts me so much when I see these animals in pain, or they get hurt because of man kind. Seeing the beauty and the importance of the ocean makes me want to fight for the animals. To help clean the sea, to stand for these creatures. They need to be saved, they deserved to be saved. So thank you Arthur for this amazing day.” “How did I get so lucky to be with someone who loves the ocean just as much as I do, and who is so hardworking? You are just the best person in the world,” Arthur said to you. 
“I ask myself that question too, how did I get so lucky to be with a man like you?”
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ledgrowlightconz · 3 years
5 Things Not To Do During A Dive
Scuba diving the do-no-harm way In a previous article 10 Things Not To Do If You Love Scuba Diving And The Ocean, I covered ten things you should not do, if you want to protect the ocean. But where these focused on general, everyday behavior, this article will focus on things that you can do (or rather, should not do) during a dive. Buy Diving Equipment in New Zealand. #1 Harass Marine Life This one really should be a no-brainer, and yet we do see all too often videos uploaded to YouTube showing people (non-divers and divers alike) entertaining themselves by (inadvertently) harassing marine wildlife. So just to reiterate: don’t grab animals, don’t hold them for photo ops, don’t go for rides on dolphins or turtles, and don’t force puffer fish to inflate (it can be fatal to them). It is bad form, you’re setting a terrible example for other divers, and many organizations will actually revoke your license, at least if you’re a professional diver, such as an instructor or divemaster. #2 Pick Up Coral This one should be a no-brainer, but it still happens. Coral grows slowly, and a snapped-off piece of a few inches can take many years to regrow. To make matters worse, some types of coral are at risk of dying if even small piece are broken off, killing off a major part of the reef they’re on. Here’s A Scuba Diver’s Impact On The Coral Reef. Quite quickly, we’d find ourselves with severely diminished coral growth on reefs around the world. But there’s more to this than just not breaking off living coral. Picking up dead corals off the seabed isn’t much better. These broken off pieces are also part of the ocean’s ecosystem, so removing them also removes resources that other parts in that ecosystem depends on. And I know you only pick up a single piece. But so does the next diver. And the one after that. And the one after that. Do not do while diving pick up corals #3 Land On Stuff For many divers, and in particular novice ones, maintaining neutral buoyancy is tricky. Underwater Breathing Diving Snorkel Deep Diving Ventilator In particular when you want to get a photo of something, and need to keep completely still. So from time to time divers will “land” on the bottom to rest or stabilize themselves. This is fine if you’re landing on a clear sandy bottom, but not so if you land on corals, anemone or other sensitive plant and animal life. Before you set down, look at where you’ll be landing and make the assessment of whether it would be OK or not. Imagine yourself diving without a wetsuit. If you’d be OK with putting your exposed skin on whatever surface you’re eyeing, it’s probably OK to do so in a wetsuit. #4 Chum Spotting marine life, in particular the large, pelagic ones, like sharks, is a real crowd pleaser. But because animals usually don’t follow timetables, sightings are never guaranteed. For many of us divers, that’s part of the charm; you never know what you’re going to see (maybe nothing). But sometimes, out of impatience perhaps, some divers and dive guides will try to stack the odds in their favor by chumming the water to attract certain species, usually shark, or they’ll bring chum on a dive to draw animals closer. And this is always a bad idea. Chumming means animals start associating divers with food, which will make them less careful when approaching them, and some humans seek to cause harm to animals. Also, feeding in particular sharks can cause feeding frenzies, where humans can get bit. Too many shark bites around the world are actually caused by humans chumming, but ultimately, it is the shark that gets blamed. #5 Take Souvenirs There is no better souvenir than a memory, or a photo. Picking up stuff from the ocean, whether it be shells, rocks, pieces of coral (see point #2), or artifacts from shipwrecks. Sure, if you come across something that is obviously trash, bringing it up with you and throwing it out is cool, admirable even, but anything else should be left in the ocean. Some things are a part of the local ecosystem, others serve as shelter for marine wildlife, and still others are part of the dive experience, and if you take it with you, you’re essentially robbing future divers of that experience. Here’s how you can Make A Positive Difference For The Environment. Scuba Aqualung Diving System Portable Rechargeable So while that centuries old wine bottle could probably look awesome sitting on your desk, leave it for others to enjoy, too (not to mention that it might be illegal to raise it, depending on the laws of the area).
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banderasscuba · 4 years
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Probably the most popular shot at Los Arcos. In front of us, looking south side of Bay, we discovery two islands. On our left picture side, east, bigger one rock, this is home for most of our marine bird especies who can be find at Bay. During nesting season you can observe here,american Pelicans, little blue heron, white and black egrets, sometimes cormorants, vultures, gulls and magnificent frigates. On the picture right side, west, “sea turtle rock” and small colony of blue footed booby birds. All of them sharing in armony a beautiful area (maybe an example for human race). Here snorkeling practicing is a must when you visiting the area. Couple of recommendations, keep an eye of wall/rock proximity, mostly when you have surge or waves, if you are not a comfortable person at water, ask to your captain boat a life vest, it is mandatory have it them on board. There are an small arch on the east side of the rock inviting you to cross it, please be so kind to check with you snorkeling guide or boat captain ocean conditions and guidelines before do it. A buoy line is there for your protection. Talking about scuba diving, this is a perfect place for non certified divers who want take a beginner Scuba Diving program and for students who are taking their Scuba Diving certification (just open water session). There are not better place at Bay for students and teachers than LOS ARCOS. Bottom area start close to the wall around 10 feet deep and going down north way smoothly till reach 50/60 feet deep where you can start find sand area. This is a reef area full of Marine Life, you can see here all of the topical fish you can find at Bay like King Angel, Moorish Idol, Snappers, Cronets, Butterfly, Trigger, Grouper, Hogfish, Parrots, Ballon, Puffer fish and many more of them and at bottom, maybe more easy to see for scuba divers a great sort of rays (mostly Cortez ones), moray eels and many different kind of small marine life. If you were at Puerto Vallarta and don’t visiting LOS ARCOS you missed the best of the trip. #Banderasscubarepublic #PVScuba #PADI #PVPADI #PADI5star #ScubaVallarta #pvscubadiving #PuertoVallarta #BuceoPuertoVallarta #vivanaturamexico #vivanatura #div (en Banderas Scuba Republic Malecón area) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJym29QJFG9/?igshid=oisapgrii93v
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