#and you know. that was a legitimately good playlist! in my opinion!
scholarhect · 2 years
oh btw technically today it’s 3 months since i read doctor sex. and like yes, nona rewired my brain, but the day i read dr sex, something did happen to me. so happy 3 months to this version of my life
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asmrrpaddict · 2 months
This is all personal opinion and preference. Please do not take offense if this is your thing. This is just a rant from someone who doesn’t understand.
I don’t get Yanderes. I don’t like yanderes. More power to those who do, not going to say since I don’t like them you can’t, but how is this a thing?
The red flags are numerous! In many cases these include non con manipulation, gaslighting, degradation, condescension, conditioning, mental physical and emotional abuse, kidnapping, literal murder of family and friends!! If it’s a consensual thing, have at it, but a lot of them aren’t or don’t start that way.
I only watched Redacted’s Ivan playlist because it ties into Freelancer’s playlist. I have watched Regulas (however it’s spelled) and Caller because his content usually ends up intertwining with others. But they made me so uncomfortable and sometimes even made me sick. (Not literally)
I understand wanting someone who loves you immensely, but (and this is extreme cases) to stalk, put cameras in your home, murdering someone for having a conversation, even going so far as to starve, harm, and/or threaten the person they claim to love is not love. It is harassment, abuse, and MURDER!
Esme Jones has a really good script that I listen to through AJ Audio called Black Heart. It is classified as Yandere and it is, but the thing is, and spoiler alert if you would rather listen without knowing, once the king (speaker) realizes how bad he was to (listener) once a good person (using it loosely because he also drugged and kidnapped them, but it ended up being a good thing), he started trying to be a good person to deserve them. Only to have it turn out there was a legitimate reason for their king’s toxic behavior. (Please go listen to this story it has amazing plot twists and Siren’s Son!)
Again major spoiler for those who don’t want to know, it will only be this one paragraph so if you skip the next paragraph, there will be no spoilers after.
It even ends with a bipoly marriage with 2 men and listener (GN) with the occasional inclusion of Juno (not even going to try to explain Juno). They even have a pet bear!
Spoilers over
Yandere rant over. There really is no point to this. Apparently, yanderes is one of the most popular genres in asmr rp. Again these are just my opinions from someone who doesn't understand . Everyone has things they like and don’t like, this just happens to be mine.
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seth-burroughs · 1 year
for the ask game how about both seth and yomi?
MY BOYS >:))))))) THE BOYS
favorite thing about them
I can't. fucking. The poncho that tricked me into believing he's a short king but he's like fucking 5'9. The glowy hood belts. How he looks like he's gonna keel over any minute. The bouquet. Him needing to use a megaphone since he just mumbles me too buddy I was pointing at the screen saying "me too buddy" when Yomi was being Yomi about his voice ME TOO BUDDY (it's fine I forgave him). Him taking bribes from the Nail Man because his boss told him to and how he saw nothing suspicious about it. Him ALSO trying to make a deal with the detectives when they get close to finding out. Him being a literal saint compared to all the other peacekeepers (what is wrong with them) and kiiiiiiiind of actually doing his job. His monocle. That shit eating smile. The green. Him existing in (and making) the best chapter in RC. Him getting hit with a helmet so hard he bleeds (guess by who). Him getting progressively less intimidating and more pathetic and cringefail with every scene he's in. The concerning Burroughs family loading screen trivia. Him being good at chess and liking wind instruments. Him hating untuned instruments. His birthday being in pride month. His winx enchantix form in the ML. Should I keep going
least favorite thing about them
How he appeared completely unannounced out of fucking nowhere to be the best character in the game in like 4 scenes total and they then just. hauled him off.
The disrespect is unbelievable I was in denial the whole game every chapter I was waiting for him to show up again. He's not even the only peacekeeper that shows up out of nowhere and then we never see them again, hello Swank Guillaume & Dominic. Dare I say MDA:RC should have been longer - not as in, more cases but like. More downtime between chapters to get to know the Guys more. Please
favorite line
"You need to get your watch repaired. Oh dear... the watchmaker is currently detained as a suspect. Just throw away that piece of trash then." you just KNOW he was so fucking satisfied with himself after that he was giggling internally the whole time. What if I killed him
Seth & Guillaume nominated for Kanai Ward's most toxic friendship. I hope you die I hope we both die (platonic)
Seth x therapy and a different job best ship
Seth/Yakou I just don't vibe 😔
random headcanon
Most polish man in Kanai Ward he pickles fucking everything. Goes mushroom picking every autumn and dries all the boletes and boletuses to use for pierogi filling. Always makes his own pierogi store bought are disgusting. Puts atrocious amounts of frozen dill on all his surówkas and mashed potatoes. Cucumber soup enjoyer. All of these are about food. I love food I wish I could eat it
unpopular opinion
Don't have any. I agree with mostly everything they're are saying about him here I approve of the RC tumblr community Seth opinions👍👍
song i associate with them
Hmmmmm.......... Sometimes by Nick Lutsko - You see with Yomi I could make an entire playlist, but there is literally only 1 song in the whole world (that isn't like. an instrumental lmao) that reminds me of Seth. My music taste is fucking Sethless.
favorite picture of them
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I don't care what the masses say his phantom fucking slayed. People are being so cruel to him fr calling him cabbage head. I mean they're right but
favorite thing about them
How he's so terrible and evil and so fucking sexy about it. Every single time he appears on screen gets a fake zilch zombie esque response from me
least favorite thing about them
I legitimately cannot think of a single bad thing about Yomi
favorite line
I have three!
1. "That's even more impossible than a chance meeting between an umbrella and a sewing machine on an operating table!" what is wrong with him.
2. Not a single line but like. The conversation he had with Yuma when they were alone for a few minutes after we talked to Huesca where Yuma just tries to break the awkward silence with "umm" and Yomi just hits him with the "WHY DO YOU EXIST. WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE"
3. [after Makoto says he has a duty to watch over Amaterasu and Kanai Ward as a whole] "... What? What have you ever done for Kanai Ward? All you do is look down on it from high. The peaceful order you see when you gave upon it is thanks to my righteous justice. I'm the one guiding these lazy fools! I brought civilization to this place! I don't need you messing with the proper order of my city!" :]] I'll leave it without comment go make up your own mind about it~~
Him and Fake Zilch. Not because I see them as platonic but because Fake Zilch was like... literally the only bro option that exists for him lmao
How dare you make me choose between Fake Zilch, Makoto & Yuma
Yomi x Martina. I remember when he got introduced and right after he sent Seth to the electric chair, spat on Yakou then left I thought to myself "well at least he's a big wife guy" hoo boy.
random headcanon
Has two beds in his apartment. One shaped like a cool racecar where he has sex with Martina, and one three days grace themed four story bed where he has sex with everyone else. He doesn't sleep in either of them because rest is for soyboys and omegas. Speaking of omegas h- *audio cuts off*
unpopular opinion
Yomi haters are WEAK as FUCK Also he should be allowed to do whatever he wants actually I cheered and clapped when he hit Vivia right on the face with his whip you and me both Yomi you and me both.
song i associate with them
I have an entire playlist for that lmao so I'll limit myself to five: Dear Dictator by Saint Motel, Autotheist by Baby Bugs, Digital Silence by Peter McPoland + The Reason They Hate Me by Daughters. If we're talking about his relationship to Makoto then Want by Recoil and Men by The Dodos are PEAK makoyomi I beg you to listen to them. Pleas e
favorite picture of them
Sigh *pulls out the Yomi folder and starts picking them out extremely carefully*
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namelessvoid77 · 1 year
I'm curious about your rankings, like what are your favorite songs of her ? and how you did got into Taylor's music ? Tell us more 👀( if you want of course )
oh my god i would love to tell you more LMFAO
so i mean when i was like. A Child like legitimately like seven years old i was like.. obsessed with some of her bigger hits at the time (love story, bad blood, 22, etc. all of which i stand by being rly fun and good songs though i know her actual fans dont like them as much LOL). so when i like.. actually started developing a music taste beyond what my parents put on the radio in the car it was like right around when lover came out, which i listened to in full and REALLY REALLY liked tbh its still my third favorite album of hers.
but then for whatever reason i never fully listened to folklore or evermore when they came out (honestly i think because at the time i didnt appreciate more slow/chill/sad music i was more into faster "edgier" stuff but my music taste has. broadened since then) and then i didnt rly know what was happening when fearless and red tv released lmfao. and then once midnights was announced stuff about the album was like, ALL OVER all of my socials so i decided to try listening to it and again i found i actually pretty good (its still my fourth favorite album).
(god this is getting long sorry) so then i decided to just like fuck it go through and listen to all her albums, and i started ranking them mainly just bc i saw so many other people sharing their opinions about her albums i thought it sounded fun. i actually only finished this task this weekend because listening to new music is like. a LOT of effort for me but i finally did it lol, finishing off with fearless tv which i liked a LOT more than i thought i was going to tbh.
for a while i had reputation at the top of my list, but since its shifted to folklore, but i honest to god love all of her albums lmfao.
album ranking:
Speak Now
Taylor Swift
and i suppose for now ill give you like, my top seven songs (totally not just bc thats how many i can easily fit in a ss from spotifylol). i actually have a playlist of all (most. i left some out but the ones on her main studio albums should all be there) her songs organized from best to worst in my opinion that i can post if poeple want lol, i also have all her albums ranked individually in a google doc (i have become seriously obsessed i know).
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(ID: spotify screenshot showing my top seven albums. the order is
this is me trying
right where you left me
All Too Well (10 Minute Version)
Would've, Could've, Should've
Getaway Car
the lakes
Cruel Summer
end ID)
oh, and for fun, before i listened to all her albums i predicted how i would like all of them. so heres that. its quite different lol
Speak Now
Taylor Swift
i really thought i would like Red way more than i actually did lmfao. again its not a bad album just a lot of it isnt quite my taste.
rant over. lmfao
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shipsgaysfordays · 2 years
get to know me tag game
Thank you for the tag @spikybanana 🧡
Relationship Status: Getting out of a crush, bisexual chaos that will not be acted upon but all the people at my school are so pretty, feeling that sense of loneliness in my bedroom at night.
Favorite Color: I would normally just say rainbow, or maybe green or a red-purple, but right now I think it might be orange.
Favorite Food: Sweet potatoes, at least at the moment it’s that.
Song Stuck In Your Head: Maybe Chiquita since I’ve been listening to it a lot. The melody of Thérèse because of tiktok and because I added it to my own playlist. Two Birds On a Wire will work it’s way into my mind a lot of the time too.
Last Thing You Googled: when is doctor who coming to disney plus
Time: 10:03 AM, I really need to go and get ready for class but I’m currently sitting on a chair with my cat sleeping on my lap.
Dream Trip: Honestly, I’m not much of a traveler. I’d like to go to Washington state at some point, maybe somewhere in Europe if I ever have the money. Overall I care far more about the who then the where, it wouldn’t be worth it to me if I wasn’t going somewhere with someone who I love (including friends).
Last Book/Fic You Read: I started reading a fic called “As if it never happened” by pieceofchocolate on AO3, it’s a very interesting concept. I’m only on chapter 3 so far though.
Last Book You Enjoyed: I loved All The Young Dudes, The Song of Achilles. Also we read this book in my english class called Grendel and the parts that I did read (I have dyslexia and procrastinate so I wasn’t able to keep up well with the class) were really pretty good, also that book made me realize that if you look for it you can find queerness in many books.
Last Book You Hated: Honestly, I didn’t really enjoy reading 1984 for my english class. There was another smaller book that we read afterwards that I legitimately hated but I can’t remember what it was called and that’s probably for the best.
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: I generally prefer baking over cooking, I think mousse is one of my favorite things to bake.
What Craft Do You Do In Your Free Time: I used to draw more, and I painted some, and like long before that I crocheted blankets because those are pretty simple hand movements to make something big. I also learned how to do embroidery for an art class and I’d like to make some of it again sometime.
Most Niche Dislikes: Christian radio music is the bain of my existence simply because my dad plays it all of the time, and not just in the car, no no also in the house in a radio in the kitchen. The amount of times I have had to hear stupid anti abortion ads and wonder if my dad agrees because we’ve never talked about it. Or the amount of very simple repetitive worship songs that I really just don’t get/like. I also don’t really like legos that much because of my mom’s boyfriend, idk man, like they’re cool but idk. Are these niche? I don’t really know and I’m not going to look up the definition. Oh another dislike is these stupid thoughts and feelings of like “damn I feel like such a side character right now” I dislike myself for feeling that a lot.
Opinion on Circuses: I’ve never been to one, they seem to exploit a lot of animals and in the past a lot of people. Then again I also think going to Circus type performances done by people with cool skills would be fun.
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction and if Not When Was The Worst Way You’ve Gotten Lost?: I think I have a sense of direction because I can’t think of many times when I’ve gotten lost.
No pressure tagging @moonlarking @lavenderandliliesx @moonlvr69 @mymoonagedreams and anyone else who wants to join🧡
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liugeaux · 1 year
Greatest Songs Ever!
Here we go, the final days before “Greatest Songs Ever Part 20!” Sure, I know it’s not a big deal to everyone else, but If I’m not hyped, who will be? Nobody, that’s who! So I choose to be my own happiness here.  
Before I dive into the new stuff let’s establish where exactly all of this came from. Here’s a not-so quick history of this now 20 year mini-obsession of mine.  
It All Started In High School (I think)
Around the year 2000, while attending Murrah High School, my big dream was to be a Radio DJ, or at least what I thought a Radio DJ was. In retrospect, what I really wanted to be is what you would call, in today’s terms, a music-influencer. I wanted people to take my opinion on music seriously. Out of that, sprouted my tendency to make Mixed CDs for myself and others. I made hundreds, and even sold some. In my mind, I was building my brand and getting new and good music to people who wouldn’t find it any other way. In practice, it was probably pretty annoying. The “Greatest Songs Ever” Disc was to be my shining achievement. 80 minutes of perfect songs, in the perfect order, my masterpiece. I made a few copies, gave them out and even made custom labels to really make ‘em pop. This turned out to be the seed of my other subtle passion, graphic design.
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About 3 years later I made a follow up with the same idea behind it. So there it is, the first 36 Greatest Songs Ever. In my barely adult mind I had enshrined these songs in a “Library of Congress” type vault for the world to hear. By now the novelty of sharing Mixed CDs was wearing off (honestly I don’t know if it was ever actually “cool”). Kazaa, Limewire, and Torrents were becoming ubiquitous, everyone started stockpiling their own collections, and the “need” for a music-influencer was disappearing. Also, my short tenure at local radio station Rock 93.9 taught me that the dream of being a DJ was pretty easy and not at all what I thought it was. Around 2004 I stopped burning Mixed CDs all-together and these two CDs-full-of-bops got tucked away in an unmarked binder of discs. 
Greatest Songs Ever 2.0 (The Myspace Years)
In 2006 social media was a growing medium and Myspace was king. I was very active on the platform (if you’re a weirdo that’s followed this blog, you’ll know I’ve made a habit of reposting and critiquing a lot of my old Myspace content) and found their blog feature to be one of my first real creative outlets. I’d write opinion pieces, anecdotes, reviews, you know, basically what I do here, but with less usability. As I continued to be a huge fan of music, I wanted to rave about it in a public forum. In stepped the refreshed Greatest Songs Ever format.  
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Remembering the CDs I had made, I decided to take those same songs and expand them into a blog series. I spread the original 36 songs (once you’re enshrined you’re always enshrined) across 6 blogs that each had 10 songs. These ran from October of 2006 to July of 2007. Looking back, it felt much longer than 8 short months, but I was foolishly proud of these in a way that I wasn’t with my other blogs. I had married my love for music with my love for lists, being opinionated, writing, pretending to influence and making things a thing. I legitimately thought I put together a solid 60 song playlist.  
Links to the first 6 Greatest Songs Ever Lists (Reposted here from Myspace):
- Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 (Sergio’s Tracks of Approval) -
I had always thought it would be cool to go back and make CDs out of the 60 songs and jokingly referred to it as the Greatest Boxed Set Ever. Obviously it never materialized, but more on that later. From there, the list stood dormant for quite a long time: 8 years to be exact. However, in a world where the concept of a personal blog had morphed from a outward voice of influence to a more inward therapeutic exercise, this Tumblr became home to my weird rants and opinions. 
These Aren’t For You, These Are For Me (Let’s Get Gimmicky)
Myspace was dying, so in 2011 my blogging moved to Tumblr (here) for what now seems like its permanent home. With that change, it was only a matter of time before I spun up the Greatest Songs Ever ... uh ... brand name? lol. In July of 2015 after reposting the previous 6 Myspace posts, I spun the song machine back up. I continued the series exactly how I left it, 10 songs at a time. The original 60 songs remained enshrined, no matter how I currently felt about them (this became an important detail as I looked back at some of my previous choices and started to cringe). If I were to reverse course on any of the songs thus-far, then I would devalue the entire list. A definitive list that can change at anytime doesn’t sound very definitive to me. Again, if I’m not taking this seriously, who will? 
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This time around, I decided to get more themed with my lists. New Stuff, Ladies, 80′s, 70′s, etc. Each Volume was a curated box, a personal exercise in music criticism. The gimmicks were fun, but even if the boxes were just 10 songs, the boxes seemed too constricting. What these gimmicks DID do was break a couple of molds that made the next evolution much easier. Example: Prior to Part 7, the only female-fronted artist on my list was Alanis, that’s it. Not only am I now aware enough to notice the discrepancy, I've personally have changed my listening habits. I am much more open to female artists than I ever was as a young adult. Also, seeding the list with older songs (as hard as that turned out to be) allowed me to redefine what could qualify for the list. This third era (Parts 7-12) really made the 4th era the most fun and fulfilling era thus far.
Links to the 3rd era of lists.
- Part 7 (The Return) - Part 8 (The Ladies) - Part 9 (Classics: The 80′s) - Part 10 (Classics: The 70′s) - Part 11 (Self Actualization) - Part 12 (The Ladies II) -
Full-On Audio Therapy Sessions (Maturity)
Finally able to acknowledge that I’ll never be an influencer of anything, and that there’s a vast audio landscape to explore when building the list, I’ve gotten to an exciting headspace with this project. Instead of this being an outward facing exercise where I’m blasting my opinion of my tiny corner of the music world, it has become a playground for me to explore things I would have never given a second listen. No era is off limits, no genre is a stranger. Instrumentals? Sure! Country music? Why not? It doesn’t matter that I can’t speak confidently about a track or understand the history or meaning of its significance. It’s now about HOW a song effects me and nothing more.  
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If I’m in a grocery store, and a song I haven’t heard in ages comes on, and it sparks some subconscious feeling, I jot it down to explore that feeling later. That’s what it’s about, exploring the feels. Now, each list is built and listened-to over and over and over, in headphones, in the car, on my daily walk ... while drunk. The nuances of each track are combed through, not for quality control, but to feel its essence. I don’t want to get too hippy-ish, but to put it plainly, music’s only job is to elicit feelings. This list is now about THAT and THAT alone. It makes me reflect on myself, others, the past, the passage of time, and even the abstract concept of humanity itself. 
Music is humans is their most brilliant and most vulnerable. If I’m in the middle of carefully manicuring a 10 song set (which can take weeks or months), and someone asks me what I’ve been up to, I find myself wanting to reply with how much fun I’m having building the list. While hyper weird, it tells me I’m doing something right. So, that brings us up to date. I told you this wouldn’t be short.
Links to the 4th era of lists.  
- Part 13 (Diversification) - Part 14 (Leaning In) - Part 15 (Another One!) - Part 16 (Things Are Getting Weird) - Part 17 (The Formula) - Part 18 (Softballs) - Part 19 (Infinite) -
What’s Next? (Part 20 and beyond)
I have a really hyper-dumb theme planned for Part 20, but after that, I feel like the list will keep growing by continuing to follow where the music takes me (so much for not being hippy-ish). There is so much music out there and so many sounds I’ve never heard. Having 200 songs on this list is just a drop in the bucket.  
As promised, I’ve finally built a playlist with all the Greatest Songs Ever on it (in the order they were added via the blog posts). For maximum usability, I built it on Youtube. As the list grows I’ll try to keep it up to date, but for now, it’s embedded below! As a bonus, I have a running Google Sheet of all the songs with selected metadata included. If you’re willing to get SUPER nerdy with this dumb list, it’s here.  
Enjoy, The Greatest Songs Ever!
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utilitycaster · 2 years
What Ashton ships do you not like and why?
So this one to be fair is a bit of a weird situation in that...honestly it feels like only one Ashton ship has much traction on Tumblr, which is Ashton/Fearne, and it's not so much as I actively dislike it as I'm neutral towards it in canon and the fandom shipping of it gives me some off vibes.
The most obvious analogy I have is Fjord/Veth. I don't ship it, but I see where it could come from. But also, of the people who shipped it, like three actually seemed to legitimately engage with it and talk about it and genuinely have things to say about it as a ship and about the characters. The rest were like "oh yeah I like Fjord/Veth a lot!" but if you looked for actual content it was like. Almost no posts about either Fjord or Veth on their own, really only two or three ship posts (rarely with any meta to them), and then the rest of their blog heavily skewed towards Caleb/Jester, which Fjord/Veth conveniently would do some significant work clearing the way for.
I know this all sounds weird and suspicious of me, which is why I'm emphasizing it's all vibes, but like, feels like a handful of people actually have thoughts and opinions on why Ashton/Fearne is good, and I support them in their endeavors, but a whole lot of people, many of whom were pretty vocally in favor of no relationships after C2, seemed to suddenly flip to ASHTON/FEARNE OTP once Chetney/Fearne became an actual possibility, and feel weirdly devoid of thoughts on those characters on their own.
And like, on the one hand, for all of this, ship what you want...but shipping to pair the spares/tank a ship with a character you don't like leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, and I say this as someone who is largely motivated by spite. I'd rather engage with shipping where people genuinely care about all the characters involved and are excited about them.
So: if more happens in canon I'm not opposed to it, I can see where people are coming from, Ashley's Fearne playlist can even be seen as supporting it (to be fair, Ashley's Fearne playlist can be seen as supporting Chetney/Fearne AND Fearne/Imogen as well, so I would say all bets are indeed off here), but right now almost all of the shipping and content surrounding it leaves me absolutely cold.
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eijispumpkin · 3 years
sing? 👁️
favorite thing about them
he's such a little firebrand but he's also so smart and i LOVE that combo!!!! also he's a gremlin teenager who looks up to the Cool Older Teens around him so much and i love him 🥺🥺🥺
least favorite thing about them
picks him up. wraps him in a blanket. you are fourteen you should be in middle school please put down the knife you are a toddler
favorite line
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it's hard to pick a singular favorite line because i just love every single time he makes fun of yut-lung so much.
shorter & sing (AAAA), sing & nadia (AAAAAAAAAA), sing & cain, sing & ash, sing & eiji
sing/eiji's sister :3c i have so many hcs for them hee hoo
yue/sing. this is kind of a soft notp though bc i love their dynamic but i don't like how 99% of yue/sing content i've seen portrays them? bc at least in canonverse i don't think they'd ever be truly able to be a healthy couple. i think sing would really resent yue for setting lao up to attack ash, and go in cycles of guilt about it (guilt for liking yue even though it's his fault that lao is dead. guilt for not forgiving yue even though he's trying to improve himself. guilt for forgiving yue. guilt for not forgiving yue.) and yue is Trying, he legitimately is, but he's not exactly good at taking responsibility or communicating effectively and it will take him a WHILE to learn those skills, and on top of that he feels guilty not so much for manipulating lao but for the fact that it hurt sing. i think they're a tragic pair bc they do care for each other deeply but at the same time they Can't get past some things (especially about lao's death), and yue/sing fluff always feels a little Off to me for that reason.
random headcanon
extremely transgender, extremely bisexual, has a crush on everyone who talks to him more than two times and is s u f f e r i n g. has a mega crush on eiji (bc eiji is a Cool Older Trans Dude and sing isn't sure if he wants to date him or BE him) at the same time as he has one on ash (ash is SO COOL and SO SMART and SO UNFLAPPABLE and) and at the same time KNOWS they're both into each other and not him and that they'd definitely both tell him they're too old for him anyway and he's DYING. he's D Y I N G here squirtle he's DYING!!!!
...and then he gets over eiji only to trip and fall head over heels face-first for eiji's sister and he's just like ARE U FUCKING SERIOUS. GOD FUCKIGN DAMMIT WHY
unpopular opinion
do... do i have unpopular sing opinions?? is "he loved his big brother even if the fandom likes to pretend lao didnt exist" an unpopular opinion???
song i associate with them
you know this is making me realize i ought to make sing playlists bc i dont have any so far. perhaps "lost on you" by lp...
favorite picture of them
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literally NEVER getting over this one
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simplepotatofarmer · 3 years
wait you used to hate c!dream? What changed if you dont mind me asking
i did!
or rather, i certainly didn't like him.
i've mentioned before that i started watching because i heard about techno and wanted to see what was up with him and at first i tried to watch some sort of playlist to help people get into it? so i ended up watching a lot of tommy's pov and that influenced my opinion a lot, i'll be honest.
anyway, i ended up skipping ahead at some point and watching techno's stuff and then just. kept watching his stuff until i got to doomsday and i was like :) this is wonderful. that stream had such good vibes and i loved it. i still didn't like c!dream however.
hell, the prison arc started and i was legitimately upset and angry at him for killing tommy. i added this in the tags but it's still awful he killed tommy, it was just for some reason i was more angry at dream then like. the prison? which is weird for me, y'all know.
i can't remember exactly what prompted it, but at some point i ended up watching some older stuff again and the stream where techno protects max kind of made me see dream a little differently because it was lore but he was goofing off so much with techno especially.
anyway, so i went back and re-watched a few more things and when i got to the spirit speech, it just. hit me. the first time watching it, i didn't like dream so i viewed it as him showing his true colors but watching a second time when i was more neutral on him, i felt awful. i could relate. (how is a much longer story and involves a cat and my parents' divorce) but it just came across to me as something different and it made me so sad.
then the more i re-watched all this content, the more i started to understand him. the same way i grew up and learned to understand - though not forgive - my parents. the same way i came to understand my own reactions to things that had happened.
and i thought, no i don't hate him. i don't think he's a monster. i think he's done terrible things but, god, i just want him to have a chance.
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Ok, But Seriously, I Have Thoughts
I have... really mixed feelings about this episode, so I'm gonna talk about those feelings. And if my feelings about zep as a show and this season come out during that... so be it. (Seriously, this got long. I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry). Also spoilers for the new ep below the cut, but y'all should've been able to guess that
- I... Zimon seriously deserves just so much better. We saw them as a couple together for three episodes, and they honestly weren't explored enough. Zimon... and this is a very personal opinion, but they really do strike me as a couple who never fully leave the honeymoon phase... like ever. Like, of course, they'll fight and disagree on a lot of things, but they also can have adult children, and just kind of act like newlyweds even if they've been married for over twenty years. And again, I know that's a very personal opinion, but I mean... we all knew c/arkeman was gonna be endgame, and it just feels like zimon was never given an actual chance.
- However, I do very much appreciate that their breakup was not messy, there's still clearly a ton of respect for the other on both of their sides, and that Simon is okay.
- "We didn't belong together." No, you fucking did.
- I am not going to stop writing Zimon fanfic either. In fact, this might spur me to write more and work harder on writing Zimon fanfic.
- Rose. Fucking. Deserves. Better. I'm not even gonna elaborate on this one. We all know it.
- Despite the fact that I fucking hate c/arkeman and that it was very, very rushed... I'm giving acting and singing props to Jane. I Melt With You is a song that's extremely personal to me. It helped get me through a point in my life where... I was constantly feeling at war with others, myself, and even felt unsafe in my own home (something I still feel today, no matter how irrational I know it is). I just generally feel a strong connection to every version of the song bc of that, whether it's the original or the Bowling for Soup cover (that was in Sky High!), and... Jane just has a way of making me feel safe when she sings. So, I really, really loved her cover.
- Um... yeah, I'm gonna be real, I don't like the idea of Max having powers. I don't know, I just think it kinda changes the whole original concept of the show, and I'm not a big fan of that...
- Simon! Simon working on changing SPRQ Point!!!!
- I do not really like how they handled Simon's racial bias/systemic racism in coding storyline *after* episode six (aka it only really being mentioned in passing, not being further explored, etc.), but,,, credits due where it's due I guess? I like how they handled him going to Danny Michael Davis, and how DMD listened.
- Sidenote, I kinda find it weird we as a fandom don't refer to him as Danny... it's Danny Michael Davis, DMD, or fucking Willy Wonka jokes. Makes sense I guess.
- Um... the writing was just... so lazy. Yeah. It's... really sad, I think that the show would've benefitted from even one less ep. But on the other hand... lazy writing is lazy writing.
- I think it would've been better - honestly - if Zoey's feelings of loss hadn't been connected to Max in a romantic way, but in a platonic/familial way. We didn't see a ton of their friendship, and yeah,, I hate Max, but there are a few moments there where you can see a legitimate friendship that's really sweet. I also think if they had maybe explored Zoey's fear of losing Simon as well as Max and centered the finale more on Zoey telling Simon about her power, it would've just been a lot better.
- But... honestly, after I just aired out all my issues with this episode (and the season too kinda),,, I honestly liked it. I hate that Zimon broke up and I just generally hate cl*arkeman but... this ep had some really great moments. Zoey and Mitch were beautiful to see again. Mctobin, Davidemily, and Mo x Perry were all absolutely my favorite parts of the episode. Hell, I'll even admit I... well I don't wanna say laughed considering I was so close to crying, but I let out a weird, breathy noise resembling a laugh when Zoey just blurted out she and Simon had broken up.
I don't want to say it was a bad episode, because I did honestly, enjoy ~parts~ of it... but... it wasn't even that cl/arkeman happened, I knew it would, but how it did... it just honestly (my g.od i need to stop writing that word) seemed like they were trying to kill off or like... fucking quash *any* hope Zimon shippers may have had,,, and the writing was just so fucking lazy, I just...
I started the show after dance one night because my teacher showed us the Help! number bc he was an extra in it. And I had already been intrigued by the few ads I had seen for it. So, my mom and I watched it, and we loved it. So we kept watching. And it was good! It was really good! Sure it could be cheesy, but... that didn't matter. I latched on...
I don't know if, ZEP is gonna get renewed, and if it is, I don't know if I'll watch it if/when it does. I latch on to shows really fucking hard when I do latch on. It's why I keep rewatching The Good Place and why I'll never forgive Freeform/Disney/Marvel for canceling Cloak and Dagger. The way I latch onto things is probably a bit unhealthy. And the fact of the matter is, despite everything, my overwhelming feelings about ZEP are positive. And I latched on. I'd honestly do it all over again.
I have a lot of feelings about this fandom and this show, both positive and negative. Still, I love it. Unconditionally. Ultimately, I don't care if Zoey ends up with Max or Simon (though, seriously, she and Simon are made for each other). It's a good fucking show, ships shouldn't be everything that matters.
I began lurking in this fandom when I was fifteen. I began posting fanfic for it when I was sixteen. I'm almost seventeen now. I was planning to get Tumblr when I was seventeen. I also knew I wouldn't forgive myself if I hadn't made my presence here known if it didn't get renewed.
I want to thank @simon-haynes because, uh, holy fuck, I adore you. Running a blog for fandom is something I couldn't even fathom, especially when a large portion of the fandom doesn't like your ship. I legitimately can't believe you followed me.
Thank you to @jennakang. You are, honestly, one of the best writers I've ever read from. You were so incredibly supportive of my writing on ao3, despite the fact you didn't know who I was, and that really meant the world to me. Thank you so much for your contributions to the fandom. Also, uh, fun fact, I was the anon who, after you expressed the want to write the quarantined Zimon fic, sent in that ask that was like "please do!" and also "hope I'm not being pushy about this". I don't know if you remember that at all, but your response meant the world to me.
And uh, lastly @myheartissetinmotion. Um, wow. I know we barely know each other, but I can honestly say, you have been my anchor for this whole show. I love both your Tori content on TikTok as well as just zep content you do on there, and how you wrote her into zep on ao3. I personally like to think of you as the pioneer of Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Tok. You were pretty unbiased when it came to ships on there, and that made me feel safe in a place where there were virtually no zimon shippers. Your content was funny, and I always found myself laughing or screaming "accurate" at it. I know, I'm the nuisance who every few months DMs you about something zep related, but I hope you know, you made me feel both seen and somewhat appreciated in this fandom. I cannot thank you enough, Isabella 💗
I know Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist may not be ending. But this still oddly feels like the end of an era. I'm not leaving the fandom, I plan to keep posting fanfic for it and everything. I just want everyone who may be reading this to know I love this fandom and I would not take any moment here back.
Also, this is me formally asking for a link to a Discord group chat since I know it exists but I'm too scared to actually ask any of you for it directly.
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koushisun · 3 years
Shouto and/or Suga for the character ask game?
RJ!! i’m so glad you asked for them, they are two of my favorite characters skfjdks <333
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Sugawara Koushi
favorite thing about them
probably how team-oriented he is! we’ve seen Suga sacrifice quite a lot for the good of the team, and i think that deserves to be recognized!! Suga is a genuinely talented player, but he gave up his final year in the starting lineup because he thought it would benefit the team. He has such a big heart, which i just really love! <3
least favorite thing about them
his self-depreciation, 100%!! I know what i just said, but you can be humble and sacrifice for the team while still acknowledging that you are good at what you do!! Suga puts himself down a lot, and i think he needs to love himself a little more!
favorite line
Suga and Oikawa!!! They’re both so chaotic, i wish we got to see them be friends :,(
uhhhh idk! maybe him and Kiyoko? i don’t really have a ship with him that i’m like “NO!!” lmao
random headcanon
Suga is the kind of person to have those “zen coloring books” or whatever, but he tries to make them look as bad as possible skfjfkshd he picks the ugliest color combos he can think of and makes no effort to stay in the lines (he shows them to Daichi and he hates it)
unpopular opinion
Suga is not the team mom. He is the wine aunt
song i associate with them
Particular Taste by Shawn Mendes for absolutely zero reason, i cannot explain lmaooo
favorite picture of them
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Todoroki Shouto
favorite thing about them
oh man, this is a tough one!! umm probably his character development in general! he started out very distanced and closed off from his peers, and it makes me so happy to see him have genuine friends in his classmates!!! :D
least favorite thing about them
the fact that he doesn’t have long hair /j ok but actually just his god awful first costume, i legitimately hate that outfit so much
favorite line
My name is not Five Weenies. I am Shouto from UA, and I want to be a hero. My father, Endeavor, is currently the number one hero, but to be frank I’ve always hated him and want to forge my own path in the world of pros. My childhood was less than loving, you see…
Todoroki and Sero! (i do also ship them, but i just love their friendship!!)
Todoroki and Bakugou, i guess? I think the ship is fine, i just don’t really go out of my way to read stuff for it!
random headcanon
unpopular opinion
not sure if this counts as unpopular but, Shouto (+ the siblings) don’t need to ever forgive their dad for how they were treated. I don’t think they owe him that? They can obviously try to repair their relationship and be civil, but they don’t need to forgive him for past abuse. (Like, they can forgive him if they want to, but they don’t OWE Endeavor anything, in my opinion)
song i associate with them
Monet Issues by Chase Petra (i also have a playlist dedicated to him!!!)
favorite picture of them
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heylabodega · 4 years
re: your latest post: can we please have more romance novel recs, then, as a treat
Can you EVER. Ok bear with formatting here I'm on my phone.
I JUST finished one I HATED called The Unhoneymooners which started very promisingly: they hate each other but have to pretend they're married on an all-inclusive romantic trip to Maui. For Reasons. Unfortunately it turned out to be very nerdy (she swoons at him understanding a Harry Potter reference and I snorted out loud on the subway), and then he doesn't believe her when she tells him his shitty brother hit on her so they should not have gotten back together and I could not enjoy it.
The Worst Best Man does a more fun enemies-to-lovers and brief fake-dating (can't have one without the other) though it gets eye-rollingly heavy-handed about the way it deals with racism and sexism at times. Then again, I'm sure it's the entree for someone into thinking about those things so fine I guess.
Another one I hated, sorry, was Happily Ever Playlist which got SO stressful and real (...ish, there's still some very contrived miscommunications) about external forces keeping them apart that I was anxious while reading it and legitimately stressed when I thought about it for like a week after. Maybe that means it's more Art and less RomCom but oh my god I'm tearing up with stress just thinking about it. Anyways it’s about a widow and this hot musician guy she falls for when she finds his lost dog and at first it’s sweet and genuine and they really love and like each other but I cannot emphasize enough how relaxing it isn’t.
Headliners, on the other hand, and this is barely a spoiler, ALMOST does the obligatory conflict/misunderstanding and then just kind of...doesn't? Which was really relaxing although maybe not "technically" "good" "novel writing." It's a Lucy Parker which means it's about semi-celebrity hot Londoners who think they hate each other but actually just want to smash and find that out prettyyyyy quickly as soon as they're forced to hang out all the time For Reasons.
So you can guess how Pretty Face goes. In this case it's an actress and her director though so the thing is they...shouldn't date? You can just not kiss people even when you're attracted to them if you're in a position of authority. You can just not. Even if you're both hot and both enjoy like the same obscure Dickens novel or whatever.
Beach Read was chill and fun, semi-enemies to lovers, a little too much Dad Stuff for my taste. A woman who writes romantic novels and a man who writes gritty “real” novels try to write each other’s genres and spoiler alert learn about each other and develop great respect and affection in the process.
Don't You Forget About Me was mostly fun, again I love a "huge mess is eventually loved by someone who is very tidy and Together" story who knows why big mystery can't relate. This one DOES have an unnecessary sexual assault backstory. Like I just. Do romance novel authors not understand what disparate tones they're knitting together? Am I the problem? extremely the simpsons voice no it is the authors that are wrong.
I also Could Not Deal with The Ex Talk sorry I know you asked for recommendations and these still kind of are recommendations in that you should read them I'm just telling you the specific ways they were bad. Half the fun, really. Anyways this should have been good--radio personalities, fake-dating but with a twist (they're fake-exes) but was simply too sappy and earnest even for a me, a person who multiple people have come to associate with the gesture of bringing the tips of my fingers together and making kissing sounds as shorthand for everyone should kiss. Also, any story where a lot of the conflict is fame-related or like people-on-twitter-have-opinions-about-us related is not fun. For me PERSONALLY.
For that reason, I loved the start but hated the end of Love Lettering, about a woman who makes a living making fancy lettered planners for women in Park Slope (haha) and a guy who does...math things for work. It's really sweet and warm and then, again, stressful for publicity reasons.
Evie Drake Starts Over was a very...gentle book. There's love and sex and arguments and getting over trauma but it's all just very...gentle and soothing. I highly recommend as a nice little warm bath for your brain.
Ok I think that's all I've got for you right now. I've been trying to get into To Have And To Hoax but I can't yet for whatever reason.
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365days365movies · 3 years
April 8, 2021: Swiss Army Man (and Black Comedy) (Review)
Let’s look at the week’s other black comedies, shall we?
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I’m a bit behind on the reviews (and the Recaps, but that’s a little easier to fix at the moment), but I decided to give something a shot. While I’ve still got full Reviews for each of those films, it occurred to me that the ones left to review are the black comedies. The Great Dictator is technically a part of the category as well, but I’m letting it skate by under satire. Plus, I already reviewed it. And, since Swiss Army Man is the last black comedy I’m covering this month, what better time than now to summarize the rest! Again, I’ll be giving more comprehensive reviews in due time. But until then...
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Arsenic and Old Lace (1944), dir. Frank Capra: 90%
Wow, I get why this movie is so very loved, by everybody and my mom! Told her I watched it the other day, and she was very happy to hear it! This is a VERY funny movie, and while it is a black comedy, it’s more of a straight-up comedy than any of these other films! The acting’s a little cheesy sometimes, yeah, but Cary Grant is goddamn AMAZING in this movie. It’s mostly his supporting cast that serves the cheese platter (Raymond Massey especially). Plot and writing by Julius and Phillip Epstein are spot-on smooth, but directing isn’t one of Frank Capra’s best in my completely uninformed opinion. Production and art design is great, especially given that we’re mostly only in one place for the whole movie. Still, that place looks good regardless. Finally, the music by Max Steiner is also pretty fantastic, although it’s not going on my playlist anytime soon, to be honest. Editing by Daniel Mandell is also great, and the pacing of this movie’s plot is...mostly perfect. Lags a little when Jonathan comes in, I think. Anyway, highly recommended, and a must-see!
Recap (Part One | Part Two)
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Withnail and I (1987), dir. Bruce Robinson: 86%
OK...this one is kind of hard for me. Because I think I was supposed to get more out of this film than I actually did. Maybe that’s because I’m a filthy American and all that, but this film came off as good dramatically, with some ribald humor in it...but not really that funny. But, OK, to briefly go through the points here: Richard E. Grant, Paul McGann, and Richard Griffiths all turn out fantastic performances here, and they’re extremely memorable. Plot and writing by director Bruce Robinson is very good as well, and it’s also autobiographical to an extent, which is interesting. Very wittily written and performed, so no complaints there. Directing is...fine? It’s fine. Nothing to write home about, although there’s one nice scene on a mountainside which sticks out. Same with Charles Lang and his cinematography, although that fares a little more memorable for me. Production and set design is great, and the music (by Adolph Deutsch)...leaves a little to be desired. In that I don’t remember it at all, not gonna lie. Editing by Arthur P. Scmidt is fine!
Recap (Part One | Part Two)
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In Bruges (2008), dir. Martin McDonagh: 90%
Take my feelings on the humor for the preceding two and combine them, then make the tone WAY darker than either, and you have In Bruges. And HOT DAMN, I love it! All of the performances are ridiculously strong here, from Colin Farell and Brendan Gleeson, to Ralph Fiennes and Clémence Poésy. Although, Jordan Prentice and Jérémie Renier are mostly just OK, to be honest with you. And that was nothing to do with the writing and directing of Martin McDonagh, because GODDAMN, those are spot-fucking-ON. Seriously, if this movie has nothing else going for it, it’s some fast-paced writing and delivery that’ll knock your socks off. Love it. And Bruges is framed like a painting, and a nice one at that! It’s also a good looking movie, even if the color palette leaves a little to be desired sometimes. Production and art design is...well, it’s the city of Bruges, for the most part, let’s be honest. It looks good. And finally, music by Carter Burwell is...fine. It’s OK, it’s definitely not very memorable for me, to be honest. But, uh, this is a grizzly, dark, rough movie...and totally worth watching again, hot damn.
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Swiss Army Man (2016), dir. Daniels: Well...keep reading!
Recap is here and here!
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Cast and Acting: 9/10
These two, Paul Dano and Daniel Radcliffe, are a hell of a pair...kind of. Fact of the matter is, Radcliffe is heavily restrained in his role until the very end of the film, but is also VERY GOOD with these restraints. I mean, is this one of those “disappear into the role” moments for him? I mean, it definitely is for Dano, but for Radcliffe...I was watching Harry Potter. Never didn’t see the boy who lived, ironically. But, that’s not really on Radcliffe at all, to be fair. Like I said, dude is legitimately fantastic, seriously. He does a fantastic job in the role of...well, being a dead body. And Paul Dano’s Hank is a genuinely interesting character, and one that I’d like to know more about, honestly. He does a great job with what he’s given. Oh, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead was there, too!
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Plot and Writing: 8/10
Look...this is a weird-ass concept for a movie. I mean, come on, it’s a movie about a guy with intense social anxiety who makes friends with a semi-resurrected corpse that has multiple abilities and is slowly coming to terms with an new life. And yes, there’s definitely some symbolism in here, whether you see this as a story about depression, coming out, coming to terms with yourself, social anxiety, friendship, existential crises, personal development...dead bodies. Yeah, this film can be read in a LOT of different ways, it turns out. And is that a bad thing? No, of course not. But it is a little nebulous as a result, and you end up focusing less on the sybolis, and more on the whole “dead-body-Victorinox” thing. That plot and the writing, both by the Daniels (Daniel Schinert and Daniel Kwan), are well-done and very funny in a lot of instances (MOST instances, to be honest; this is a very funny film), but I can’t say that I think the plot itself is perfect. But then again, this may have just gone over my head.
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Directing and Cinematography: 8/10
I mean...it’s good. Both the directing by the Daniels and the cinematography by Larkin Seiple are both quite good. Lighting is usually pretty great, framing is consistently good, I really don’t have any major complaints...or major comments. There are some good shots, to be clear, but I’m not going to say that it’s perfect or anything. To be fair, this is the Daniels’ first feature length film, so that’s interesting. But yeah, like I said, it’s good!
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Production and Art Design: 9/10
This is a great looking movie! And that also comes down to the fact that there’s a pretty realistic looking Daniel Radcliffe puppet in here, and I genuinely didn’t notice until after the fact. It’s pretty great, though, and Radcliffe’s makeup is especially good. The setting of the Pacific Northwest woods is fantastic as well, and the whole thing is simply a great looking film overall. Not much comment outside of that!
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Music and Editing: 9/10
MY LORD I love the music in this movie! I meant it when I said I’d be putting some of this on my playlist, because it sounds great. And it’s not just Andy Hull and Robert McDowell’s orchestration, but how the score is integrated with the plot and characters of the film! Look...I love it. Go back to my recap and check out the links embedded within to listen to my favorite tracks, if you’re curious! So, if I love the music so much, why not a 10 here? Editing. There are a few moment where the editing is a little weird. Faster cuts than needed, scene with the bear’s kinda weird, that kind of thing. Nothing huge, but it did come to mind when I was rating this section. Still, Matthew Hannam did a great job; just saw a couple spots I thought were weird.
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86% for this one! I had a really good time.
This is the last straight-up black comedy I’m covering this time around, and it’s one hell of a film to end on! So, let’s go back to...well, the ‘50s, this time. Let’s start at the most imfluential comedy of the time period. And hey...might as well start with a near-certified banger, huh?
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April 9, 2021: Some Like It Hot (1959), dir. Billy Wilder
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Side Tracks opinions part 3: Logan
(Here I go again! Logan’s playlist is a bit more straightforward than the other bois, so heres hoping this one doesn’t take me as long 🤞)
1) The Elements: Not much to say. It just a literal musical list of the periodic table of elements. You can’t get much more Logan than that 😂 Also, Logan likes chemistry!
2) White and Nerdy: Apart from the obvious listing of nerdy things and the legitimate title, Logan feels like he doesn’t always get taken seriously enough by the other sides (“I wanna roll with the gangstas, But so far they all think I'm too White and nerdy” “I wanna bowl with the gangstas, But, oh well, it's obvious I'm White and nerdy”). Basically Logan is a big nerd and a dork. He knows that and he’s worried that sometimes it ostracizes him from the others.
3) Algorithm: Logan doesn’t understand humans very well, at least, he doesn’t understand anything but the logical aspect of humans and the world. He has a different view on life than the other sides (“Supercomputer status, walkin' along streets”). He thinks that the dilemmas and problems in the world would not exist if it wasnt for humans throwing a wrench into all of it with their feelings and emotions (“Humans don't understand, humans will sell a lie. Humans gotta survive, we know we gon' die. Nothing can live forever, you know we gon' try. Life, is it really worth it?”). As the song puts it, Logan believes that the theoretical algorithm of life is perfect, and he doesn’t understand why it needs to get muddied and ruined by simple human issues (“Looking for something worth it, the algorhythm is perfect, mmh”).
4) Fitter Happier: This song is interesting because it shows us the innerworkings of Logan’s thought process. A lot of what he does involves simply planning daily tasks (things as small as drinking or eating) based on what he knows is most healthy for Thomas. The song completely lacks any sense of feeling or emotion and is, as I stated, a legitimate list of things to do in a day. All tasks are put in place to keep Thomas fitter and happier, however, Logan doesn’t have a grasp on emotions and clearly doesn’t know all of the things that Thomas needs to be happy AND healthy. I’ll just list some interesting daily tasks in the song here: “Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week” “Eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats” “Careful to all animals, never washing spiders down the plughole” “Favours for favours, fond but not in love” “Still cries at a good film” “Still kisses with saliva”. As the song goes on, you kind of get a sense that Logan is losing his grip on Thomas, or doesn’t understand why Thomas isn’t feeling satisfied with the plan that, to him, is perfect. Thomas feels trapped in the life that Logan plans for him, and Logan does not understand why that is (“A pig in a cage on antibiotics” “No chance of escape”). There are also a lot of points in the song where Logan shows that he finds emotions to be a weakness, or something to hide away (“Will not cry in public” “Nothing so childish” “No paranoia”).
5) Medicine: I’m not 100% sure what this song is about, but it talks a lot about ancient philosophy. Basically being curious about the world and people in it. I’m guessing that Logan just likes philosophy and thinks that people should always stay curious. Logan really values curiosity and thinking (of course).
6) The Watchtower: This ones... interesting to say the least. If you’re a fan of the broken blue crayon theory you may want to look into this song a bit more. The song talks about being broken and wanting to restart things, possibly showing that Logan will crack at somepoint and need to reevaluate how he’s been handling things (“I'm breaking, I need another start. Far away, From the city lights.”). Ultimately, I think this song is about Logan’s neutrality over all the situations that the group handles. He doesn’t really see problems as good or bad, because he can see logical scenarios with both options (“From the watchtower, We can see things coming. Good or bad”). He knows that this mentality makes him a bit unlikeable because the other sides want him to side with them, but he doesn’t really mind (“I don't mind, If I'm impopular-ar.”).
7) The Breach: Another interesting one which I feel like could have two meanings. My first take was that this song was about Virgil escaping the dark side of Thomas’ mind and mixing in with the light sides. Logan wasn’t quite sure how to process this new arrival at the begining and had no control over his escape (“Generally operating normally, A small anomaly has become evident” “There is spiking in the pulse of a member of the cargo” “First: the recommended course of action should be to Administer a sedative to all the cargo via ventilation” “Now: one specifically is up and moving to the door”). After looking into the lyrics a bit more though, it seemed like a lot of them could be applied to Janus as well, specifically his first appearance when he was disguised as patton. Logan knew from very early on the Janus was taking pattons spot, but was unable to say or do anything about it due to Janus being the only one with “the access code” (“The ship is fully capable of automating this But requires an approval code from the administration” “He has found the access panel situated in the floor. He is entering the codes and overriding has begun. Reading rage in the nervous system, nothing can be done”). Either way you see it, I’m nearly positive it is about a dark side coming out to the light and Logan not being able to control it.
8) The Letter C: I LOVE THIS ONE 😂 And it’s the first in our list of songs that Logan vent’s about Roman in! The premise of the song is that someone insulted the main singers rap and so the main singer goes off about the comeback he wished he would have used to tell this guy off. It’s honestly such a funny song and I couldn’t give it the justice it deserves here by just listing the lyrics. It gives off huge rap battle vibes and I’m sure Logan would have been imagining the one who insulted him as Roman. Here’s just some great lines that I’d like to point out: “Man I wish I could’ve hit him with a zinger. Should’ve served him with the verbal equivalent of a middle finger.” “I’d say, "Are you insured medically? ‘Cause you sure better be When you’re broken in half from provokin’ the wrath” ““Aw shit!” “Oh crap!” Everybody within earshot would be like, “Oh snap!” I’d high five all around while the guy falls down in a ball on the ground” “I pull out a sharpie marker, Narrow my eyes through my Warby Parkers. Like, “Watch who you’re f-in’ with, with your f-in’ ish””.
9) Galaxy Song: Logan trying to calm Thomas down in the only way he knows how: Gushing about how great the natural world is (“Just remember that you're standing on a planet that's evolving” “Now the sun, and you and me, and all the stars that we can see, Are moving at a million miles a day” “Our galaxy itself contains a hundred billion stars” “And our galaxy itself is one of millions of billions In this amazing and expanding universe”). It’s cute, its wholesome, and Logan tries his best to be comforting 🖤 (“So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure, How amazingly unlikely is your birth; And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space, Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth!”).
10) Streaks: Logan explains to Thomas that growing up is a process that he needs to experience. He understands that it’s hard and scary, but he believes that if you follow the plan and stay in the lines, everything will work out alright (“You can decide on the colors that you like As long as you stay in the lines” “All these years of filling out papers, Building a future, keeping your head down. Tryin' to keep a head on your shoulders” “Cause It's all a piece of the plan. It's something You'll understand When you're older” “Give em what they need to move on, then you let them go”). As he’s explained in canon, he doesn’t really see room for taking a lot of creative liberties in life, and he believes Thomas should follow the mold set out for everyone in life. That’s the logical way to survive anyways.
11) What I do for You: (This song and the next song feel pretty connected to me, so keep that in mind) In this song, Logan really shows his pride and ego. He believes he is the most important side for Thomas and that he will get Thomas the furthest in life (“I want you to survive” “I'm your only hope, I'm your savior too. Every single test You've been ever carried through”). Despite his superiority complex, he knows that Thomas doesn’t see Logan as important as he should. Logan knows how much he does for Thomas but is a bit annoyed that Thomas never seems to notice (“I couldn't ever give up on you, But don't thank me”).
12) Erase Me: Oooh boy. This ones heavy... Logan is PISSED. The whole song feels like a jab at Thomas, daring him to get rid of Logan to see what happens. Logan still feel important and knows his necessity as part of Thomas, but he’s frustrated with the lack of recognition he gets for all of the things he does (“Would it be easier? To just delete, our pages And the plans we've made” “Erase me, so you don't have to face me. Put me in ground and move the daisies” “So what will you do? With no me for you” “Erased me, what the fuck is this? You're crazy, Turn around and do each time, Replace me”). Logan sounds MAD in this song, something that he’s shown in canon quite a few times. It’s interesting that Logan alone seems to be the only side whose shown such anger and furstration, this song just adding to his list of instances. I’m not sure what that could mean going forward...
13) Art is Dead: Well what do yah know? Another rant song for Roman! We all know how Logan feels about Thomas’ choice of career as an entertainer and this song is basically just that. Logan can’t understand Roman’s dreams and aspirations for Thomas because they don’t make any logical sense to him (“ Have you ever been to a birthday party for children And one of the children won't stop screaming Cuz he's just a little attention attractor. When he grows up to be a comic or actor He'll be rewarded for never maturing, For never understanding or learning That every day can't be about him. There's other people, you selfish asshole!”) Logan would rather Thomas take up a job that is benefiting society and making his world a better place (“Cause I wanted my name in lights When I could have fed a family of four For forty fucking fortnights”). Roman’s self-centered and fantastical view on Thomas’ future is just childish to Logan and he feels like Thomas may one day grow out of it (“I'm just a kid And maybe I'll grow out of it”).
14) Equation: Oh man... I just don’t know. The song mentions a mom and dad, so I automatically go to a younger Thomas and his younger version of Logan. The song just asks a bunch of questions that feel like things a little kid might ask (“Have I made you cross? Have I made you sad? Have I made you proud Mom?” “How white is the snow, Does it matter after all?Will I ever learn How to fly like a birds?” “Are you going to school? Are you far from home? Are you well alone Dad? Will I be a brave? Will I be a bright? Will I be a good grown up?”). Logan may have represented more of Curiosity in Thomas’ younger years than Logic. A lot of Logan’s songs have an encompasing theme of wonder and curiosity being amazing things to have. I think Logan really values that part of himself/Thomas.
15) Sunrise: Yes! The love song everyone! I’ll shut that down right away and say that Logan DOES NOT UNDERSTAND LOVE. He isn’t even capable of “love” as some of the other side may be. He of course understands love and how it works, but it’s merely a process to him, and a word which he’s openly stated that he doesn’t like to use. So lets try to look at this from Logan’s perspective. The song is literally about learning spanish, yes its clearly romantic, but its about learning spanish. Something that Logan has shown an interest in since wayyyy back at the begining of the series. I like to imagine that this song came up in Thomas’ playlist and Logan was overjoyed that Thomas was not only learning something from the song, but also learning spanish!
16) One More Time with Feeling: This one feels kind of tough to crack. To me, I get the feeling that Logan’s again talking about the others and the fact that they don’t listen to him. He prepares his words and hopes to get through to them, but is only welcomed by blank faces and misunderstanding (“Everyone takes turns. Now it's yours to play the part And they're sitting all around you, Holding copies of your chart, And the misery inside their eyes is Synchronized and reflecting into yours”). After getting shut down, Logan tries again ‘with feeling this time’, hoping to get through, but it falls flat over and over again (“Hold on. One more time with feeling. Try it again, breathing's just a rhythm. Say it in your mind until you know that the words are right”). Logan has been trying really hard to appeal to the others in different way, but if seems like it never works in his opinion (“You thought by now you'd be So much better than you are. You thought by now they'd see That you had come so far”). He want’s to finally be shown the respect that he believes he deserves and hopes to one day be loved by the others and much as they love each other (“And the pride inside their eyes Would synchronized into a love you've never known. So much more than you've been shown”).
17) In My Mind: Logan has a drastically different view of Thomas’ future than is actually the case (“In a future five years from now. I'm one hundred and twenty pounds, And I never get hung over Because I will be the picture of discipline” “And I will be someone I admire And it's funny how I imagined That I would be that person now, But it does not seem to have happened” “Maybe I've just forgotten how to see That I am not exactly the person that I thought I'd be”). He’s realized that he has some unrealistic expectations for Thomas and that’s odd to him as, logically, things should have played out how he thought they would. At the end of the song, Logan seems to accept the fact that even though Thomas hasn’t strictly followed the plan that Logan expected, he’s still doing great and succeeding at life (“I am exactly the person that I want to be”).
18) Not Perfect: This song has a lot of lyrics, but most of them can be taken at face value. Logan recognizes that everything in Thomas’ life (his world, his country, his house, his body, and his brain) is not perfect. I’m sure it’s a metaphor for Logan realizing that he, himself, is not perfect and he’s begining to realize that he can’t solve every problem.
19) Human: This song is also long. REALLY LONG. But thankfully it is fairly straight forward. When life is getting Thomas (or any of the sides down) Logan will list facts about their life as a human that are supposed to be comforting or inspirational. It’s basically just like Galaxy song, but a bit more personal and loving. Here’s just some cute quotes from it to keep you all going: “For you are a force of skin & nails & heart. A walking Monae, you're breathing art” “The average human heart will beat over 100 million times in one lifetime. I'm sure you'll find someone who won't mind skipping one for you” “You need to grow up. You need to grow out of things. When something doesn't belong, even your body knows when it's time for that thing to be Replaced” “15 million blood cells are Destroyed in a human body every second. If your body can get over it You can get over that last relationship”). Basically Logan trying to ground Thomas in reality to make him realize that everything he’s going through is just human.
20) Time Adventure: (ughhh this song make me cry every time I hear it) That being said, I was a bit surprised to hear this on Logan’s album and not Pattons. Not only that, but it’s his finishing song. The song is all about growing up and how, even though time passes, you will always have the good memories that you built along the way. It’s also about how, no matter how much time passes, the singer and the person theyre singing about will always be friends. Seems kind of like a weird song choice for Logan right? It seems like it needs to include Patton in someway... So perhaps its Logan trying to comfort Patton. Patton has shown a fear of growing up and changing, so perhaps telling him that he’ll always have a friend in Logan no matter how the times change is something that Logan does to ease his worries.
(Oh boy... this one took a long time 😅 Sorry about that! Like usual, let me know what you think and give your own opinions if you’d like!)
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just-come-baek · 5 years
at your scarvice
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader ft. Jimin x OC (Jiwoo) and other BTS members as cameos
Themes: smut | comedy | ghost!au | haunted house!au | amateur ghost hunters!au | friends to lovers!au
Word count: 12.2k
Summary: “I’ve done a research about a haunted house which is like only one village away from Jiwoo’s parents’ house, and it would be awesome if we went there for a quick ghost hunt before the party. You can even bring all your cameras and shoot a Halloween special for your YouTube channel or whatever. You’re subscribers will love it, and besides, what could possibly go wrong?”
Prompt: “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.”
Warnings: amateur ghost hunting | irresponsible usage of ghost hunting devices | mentions of brutal deaths | mentions of Jungkook being a YouTuber | plenty pop culture references | friendly bickering | main characters being idiots | occasional spooky stuff | penetrative sex | 
Knock! Knock!
“What are you doing here?” Jungkook asked straightforwardly upon seeing me on the other side of the doors. As per usual, I smiled brightly, waiting for him to move aside, so I could feel myself home.
“I’m inviting myself in,” I answered, walking past him. “Tonight is a big day, and we gotta get ourselves ready,” I added and put two heavy shopping bags on the floor before plopping on the couch, catching my breath. “I planned the entire day, and we’re already far behind schedule. If it wasn’t for the traffic, I would be here about thirty minutes earlier.”
“It’s just a Halloween party,” Jungkook stated, and I rolled my eyes. “It’s no big deal; Jiwoo organizes one every year.”
“The party is just one of the things we’re gonna do,” I started, excited to tell him about everything I had meticulously planned. I was going to make sure he would never forget this night. “I’ve prepared a few surprises before the party.”
“Do I wanna know?” Jungkook asked, sitting in an armchair across from me.
“One thing at a time, okay?” I proposed, and Jungkook unwillingly complied; he had never been the one to fancy surprises, but he could make an exception for his best friend. “First thing on the list – re-watching the season 6 of Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural while eating unhealthy snacks and having gin and tonic drinks,” I revealed, and Jungkook scrutinized me, making an ugly face.
“Are we talking postmortem, too?”
“I can’t believe you had to ask me that,” I answered, a little bit disappointed that he thought I’d skip this content. Never; it was too good to be ever skipped on.
“Sweet,” Jungkook exclaimed, jumping out of the armchair in excitement. “Why don’t you turn on the playlist, and I’ll go get us glasses and a bowl for the chips?”
Hurriedly, I logged into Jungkook’s computer and turned on YouTube.
“Which episode was your favorite?” Jungkook asked me as he sat on the couch beside me, setting the tableware on the coffee table next to the laptop.
“All of them were good. They’ve gathered a lot of evidence this season, but for me, the house call one was the best."
“It was dope, but my favorite is definitely the season finale,” Jungkook stated, and I couldn't disagree. All of the episodes were great, and it was impossible to choose the best one – objectively, at least. All of them were hilarious and spooky in their own way, and it was a delight to re-watch them again. “The marathon shall begin,” he added, pressing the play button.
It was a very peaceful afternoon, and frankly, it was exactly what I needed after a couple of hectic days at the university. The professors were more demanding than usual, and a relaxing hangout was the perfect remedy to all the stress I had been put under.
Per each episode, Jungkook and I would have a drink and empty a bag of potato chips, occasionally bickering about how we would act in these haunted places. While we both considered ourselves shainiacs, it was quite obvious we would chicken out in the moment of strange, not necessarily supernatural, occurrence.
For the outsiders, Jungkook might have seemed to be a tough cookie, but in reality, he was just a big softie. I, on the other side, enjoyed horrors a bit too much; therefore, in the face of danger, I would laugh.
One cannot be sure without actually witnessing a supernatural occurrence. Best case scenario – a full- body apparition. 
“You would totally run outside screaming,” Jungkook snickered when the ghoul boys’ spirit box picked up a bizarre voice. “You would lose your fucking mind.”
“I would let out a confused chuckle at best,” I fought back, but Jungkook wasn’t having any of this, throwing a potato chip at me, blowing a raspberry. “See, this is why Jiwoo doesn’t like you. You’re too childish.”
“What are you talking about? Jiwoo adores me,” Jungkook protested, and I couldn’t help myself but burst his little bubble of confidence and self-assurance. “I'm like... her best friend.”
“She only tolerates you because she has the biggest crush on Jimin,” I explained, and Jungkook gasped in disbelief. “What? You didn’t know?” I asked, confused because it was too obvious not to notice her infatuation. Only Jimin was too blind to see it, despite Jiwoo’s blatant flirting.
“Of course, I know. I’m not that stupid,” Jungkook answered, but I still thought he and Jimin shared one brain cell. “Too bad for her; Jimin's dumb.”
“I'm betting she's gonna make a move tonight,” I started, knowing the juicy gossip which would pique Jungkook's interest. “Jimin told me he's cosplaying as Fred from Scooby-Doo, and she's coincidentally dressing as Daphne. She's gonna be as subtle as a dump truck driving through a nitroglycerin plant.”
“Weird way to put it, but I agree,” Jungkook answered, giggling adorably under his breath. “And where's your costume?” Jungkook asked, confused, as he finally noticed the lack of my spooky outfit. Our whole crew enjoyed Halloween too much to attend a party in basic all black clothes. “Jiwoo's not gonna let you in without one. You know it.”
“Relax; I'm going as the Nun from the Conjuring Universe. My costume's at Jiwoo's. I'm not parading in that hellish make-up, giving people heart attacks,” I elaborated, and Jungkook nodded, understanding my choice. Last year, I had been dressed as a very vivid horror character, and a few elders had got pretty spooked. I'm not going down that road again. “I've only got white face powder, three black eyeliners, and a set of black contact lenses on me. And check this out; all of it fitted into my new fanny pack. It's awesome, isn't it?” I showed it to Jungkook, and he grabbed it to investigate my new purchase.
“I've been trying to convince you to buy one for almost a year; what've changed your mind?” Jungkook asked suspiciously, remembering numerous rejections of his (in his opinion) well-argued propositions. In all honesty, I considered fanny packs a terrible accessory, but tonight it suited the occasion. It was more comfortable than a purse or a backpack, and surprisingly, it could fit more items than I had previously assumed. “You've also got a new phone case? It's awesome! Why didn't you get one for me, too?” He added in a whiny tone after inspecting my latest let's summon demons phone case.
“I'd say my fanny pack is going to be a Mystery Mousketool, but then I realized you know what the item is, and you don't know what it's going to be used for,” I started rumbling, and Jungkook looked at me in visible confusion. Perhaps, he had one drink too many to comprehend my twisted presentation. “All I'm saying now, it may come in handy if the second phase of my amazing plan goes a little bit off track,” I continued vaguely. Best friends or not, I couldn't straightforwardly confess that it would be easier for me to run for my life if the police would start chasing us for trespassing a haunted property.
“Whatever's going on your mind, I don't like it,” Jungkook muttered as my previous account must've triggered his spider-sense. “What are you plotting?”
“It's nothing, really,” I tried to dismiss the topic, but Jungkook wasn't having any of that; he wanted to know everything about my secret plan, and he wouldn't stop glaring at me until I'd tell him all the details. With this man, keeping a secret wasn't a possibility.
“Tell me, or else I'm not going anywhere,” Jungkook threatened, and Halloween or not, I knew he wasn't joking. For him, gaming all night was just as entertaining as attending a party; therefore, he didn't have any trouble choosing either one of them. At this point, the only thing I could do was to advertise my plan, making it irresistible. “I was planning on streaming this one game this week, and I might as well start doing it today,” Jungkook carried on with his nerdy shenanigans, letting me know it was my cue to change the subject, snowing him under a handful of promises of an adventurous unforgettable night.
“I've done a research about a haunted house which is like one village away from Jiwoo's parents' house, and it would be awesome if we went there for a quick ghost hunt before the party. You can even bring all your cameras and shoot a Halloween special for your YouTube channel or whatever. Your subscribers would love it, and besides, what could possibly go wrong?” I blurted out on one breath, hoping my sincerity was enough to convince him. “Pretty please?”
The bus to the village was about to leave at 17:06, and we had only ten minutes left to double-check our inventory: two go pro cameras, two old-fashioned flashlights, a legitimate spirit box (which Jungkook had been gifted two months ago on his birthday), an ouija board (which he gave me for my early birthday), and a spare bottle of booze if we sobered up before arriving at the location.
Due to traffic, our bus arrived a few minutes late, but we were in a great mood, so we didn’t mind it that much. If anything, we were even more excited, because it would be already getting dark upon our arrival.
“So tell me something about your research,” Jungkook started, as we found a couple of empty seats in the back row of the bus – finally we were the cool kids.
“OK, so check this out,” I started, sitting comfortably in my window seat, rubbing my hands together in ardor. “No one really knows how many ghosts haunt this place, yet according to previous owners’ accounts there are at least three ghosts roaming all around the house, and I have my theory about their identities,” I said with a mischievous smirk upon my face, waiting for Jungkook to compliment my well-done research.
“What’s your theory?” He inquired, already intrigued by the house’s story.
Even it was only my thesis.
“Finally, let’s go over some theories,” I said, quoting my favorite YouTube channel.
Whispering, I told him everything I had managed to dig out, successfully keeping Jungkook on the edge of his seat for the entire ride.
It was a mystery how many ghosts actually haunt this location, but according to the witnesses’ testimonies, old newspaper articles, and land registers, I was sure about three names. All of the three men were once residents, and all of them died tragically within the sinister four walls.
The unholy trinity of Kims – that’s the name of my theory.
The house was built in 1913 on an old rye field. It was a very amicable side of the village, and no one had expected the house could bring so much evil.
The first tenants moved in 1915, and though neither of them died, they reported they had witnessed strange happenings within the premises, beginning with the dog barking in the middle of the night at the darkness, ending with them hearing screeching sounds from under the walls.
One night, they stirred awake with their skin covered in scratches, and their dog breathing heavily, slowly bleeding to death. Needless to say, they moved out before the dawn, leaving all of their belongings behind.
While the majority of the locals believed it was witches’ revenge since the coven had been denied the premises, some of whom thought the family was mentally-ill and violent.
The house remained empty way until 1973 when Kim Seokjin moved in. Back in the time, he was a singer, slowly gaining popularity. Having signed the contract with an entertainment label, he bought a house as his own getaway when he needed a break from his demanding fans.
He would reside in the house a few times a year, only when he was desperate for a few moments of solitude. In late October 1974, he went for a short hiatus. Late evening, when he was relaxing with a glass of scotch, someone knocked on his doors, asking for someone – almost like in The Strangers.
Seokjin suspected the stranger was just a very sneaky fan and locked the person outside. The sole purpose of buying the property so far away from the city was precisely omitting situations like this.
Unfortunately for him, it was not a fan.
Later that night, a dozen of Satanists broke into Seokjin’s house, tied him up, and carried him straight to the basement where they performed a grim ritual. According to the police report released to the press, he was discovered lying on his back in the middle of a bloody pentagram, his intestines gutted out, his tongue cut out found in a golden goblet, and two paper knives sticking out of his eyeballs.
It is told that his ghost roams around the basement, leaving a bloody trace after him. Moreover, a young journalist, back in 1981, while doing research about satanic rituals, claims she had seen his ghost, resting in a rocking chair down in the basement, sipping a glass of alcohol. She even swore she could smell a mixture of whisky and blood in the air.
Unfortunately, she didn’t gather any evidence, later being called a lunatic by the disbelieving society.
The house waited for its new residents for twenty years – in August 1994, a newly wedded couple moved in right after their honeymoon. Kim Namjoon was a poet, teaching European literature on the university, while his wife, Kim Joori, was a sweet librarian.
At first, they didn’t notice anything strange. No weird noises, no unexpected guests, no cold spots, no nothing. Everything was peaceful until they decided to conduct a major renovation – it was then when the hell unleashed.
In 1996 they decided to start trying for a baby, and though they both fancied the old décor of the house, it was evident it wasn’t a safe space for a child. While they were thrilled to upgrade the property, providing their newborn with safety, the entities which lived inside were not.
Joori was the one who started experiencing supernatural happenings; she only worked three times a week, and the majority of her time, she spent alone at home. During these late hours, she thought her mind was playing tricks on her. At first, she justified it with stress and a shitload of work regarding the renovation, but then, the occurrences she had witnessed couldn’t be explained with logic.
Joori wanted to sell the property and move out, yet Namjoon would always dismiss her pleas. It wasn’t until November 1996 when Joori, who was already three months pregnant, and Namjoon had a big fight. She gave him an ultimatum, and when Namjoon chose the house over her, she moved out.
A few collective nights after Joori’s departure, Namjoon would sit by the newly rebuilt fireplace and drink into oblivion. It was the first time he noticed peculiar activity in the house, yet he blamed the alcohol for it.
Slowly, day after day, Namjoon would lose his mind. It started off with strange whispers. The voice in his head, or so he thought, begged him to call Joori and bring her back, yet his pride would always stop after pressing the 6th digit of her parents’ landline.
Then it was tugs; from time to time, Namjoon would feel his shirt being tugged. It was challenging to explain with logic, but he opted for blaming the trauma for making him delusional. Namjoon would rather believe his brain was slowly frying itself than accept the supernatural entities.
At some point, he also started hearing distant giggles within the house and seeing shadows passing between walls, but the last straw that broke the camel’s neck was definitely his book of poems flying across the room, landing in the middle of the carpet, and then shredding into pieces right in front of his eyes. While a lot of events could be blamed on the strong drafts of wind or poor timely construction of the house, some things he witnessed were unexplainable.
Shortly after the incident, the entity residing in the house became violent – it wanted Namjoon away, and since he wasn’t going to leave like his wife, there was another way of getting rid of him.
Namjoon wanted to leave the house, reach out to Joori and start anew with her and their baby.
However, he never did.
On a Christmas morning, Joori paid him a visit and the things she witnessed traumatized her for life.
Namjoon’s suitcase was neatly packed, waiting by the doors to be picked up. The house was spotless, except for Namjoon’s study.
Walls were painted red with blood, Namjoon’s body dismembered – pieces of his body parts scattered all over the floor. Only his head was in scarless, resting on top of his desk, right next to his ripped poetry book.
No signs of forced entry, no motive, no evidence.
The police obviously closed the case, but Joori never felt at peace, still believing it was the entity that killed her husband.
And now, finally, the third Kim.
Kim Taehyung.
Not that long time ago, in 2007, the land was purchased by happy-go-lucky Kim Taehyung. At that time, Taehyung was only 19. He bought the house with his inheritance. Ever since little, he was very family-orientated, and when he had a chance to purchase a property, he didn’t hesitate.
Just like former residents, Taehyung didn’t sense anything odd; the omnipresent feeling of darkness came with time. However, even then, Taehyung would dismiss all the strange occurrences happening inside the house.
He had never been one to get scared easily, so a round of floor creaking or cold spots didn’t really impress him.
On the 17th of April, his girlfriend, Chanmi, slept over for the first time, and it was chilling.
According to her testimony, after their steamy sex session, she felt as if being watched. Later on that night, when they were sleeping, cuddling under the sheets, she heard distinctive steps downstairs.
Frightened, suspecting it was a burglar, she shook Taehyung awake, yet the moment he opened his eyes, the noise stopped. Complete undisturbed silence. To Taehyung, Chanmi seemed paranoid (and not accustomed to new surroundings), but he loved her dearly and checked the house, calming her.
Although Taehyung didn’t find anything, Chanmi already knew she didn’t feel welcomed – ever since that night, she made sure they would hang out at her place. Whatever it was that she sensed – it was pure evil.
On the 23rd of June, they had a big fight, and when Chanmi came over the next day to makeup, Taehyung was already gone.
His body was discovered in the bathroom on the second floor – he was lying in the bathtub, sharp pieces of mirror protruding from his wounded body.
Chanmi screamed and fell onto her knees.
But it wasn’t the worst thing about that day – the moment she started sobbing, Taehyung’s head tilted to the side, looked at her with his dead eyes, and in a throaty voice, he growled her name.
In a matter of seconds, Chanmi got back on her feet and bolted out of the house, swearing to herself that she’d never ever return there.
Though the police suspected a murder, deep down, Chanmi knew it was the evil’s doing. She never bothered mentioning that in her official statement, knowing the cops wouldn’t believe her.
Ever since Taehyung’s tragic death, the residence belongs to the city. Despite multiple proposals, it has never been sold.
And now, it’s our cue to investigate these haunted premises.
“You’re shitting me right now, aren’t you?” Jungkook asked me, probably both crept out and impressed. My research was thorough and off-putting at once, and I was sure it partially discouraged him from participating in the exploration.
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve read that shit about the house, and you still wanna go there? What’s wrong with you? Only a psychopath can enjoy doing shit like that,” Jungkook argued, and I couldn’t find an answer right away.
I loved horror films and scary stories, mostly because I loved discrediting them and finding flaws in the storylines, and right now, I was about to do the same, but my subject was a real thing.
I didn’t have huge expectations – it was more than probable that we wouldn’t find anything, yet at the same time, it would be pretty dope to witness something strange. Jungkook shouldn’t be that worried – in the worst (best) scenario, we would get spooked by another team of amateur ghost hunters.
“Come on, Kook, grow a pair,” I started, trying to take our conversation on a less pressing level. It was just a silly ghost hunting gig, yet Jungkook sounded serious, almost as if we were going through the pros and cons of keeping a baby. “Ghost ain’t real; the scariest thing inside that house it probably bats,” I reasoned, and Jungkook agreed with a sigh.
“I guess you’re right,” Jungkook said, finally manning up for the mission. “Let’s get this shit over with,” he added when the vehicle stopped at our bus stop.
“So… what do you think?” I inquired when the murder house was within our eyesight; the building was spacious, and it really stood out amongst the other residences – no one could miss it. From quite a distance, you could see there was something evil about it, even the fence around the property was installed upside down, supposedly to lock the supernatural entities inside.
“It doesn’t look very welcoming if you ask me,” Jungkook started, scratching the back of his head, probably trying to come up with a good excuse to call it a day and just head over to Jiwoo’s party. “Just by the look of it, I can tell there’s something wrong about it,” he added, and I hummed in agreement.
“Are your spider-senses tingling again?” I asked, and Jungkook elbowed me lightly, not enjoying my teasing. “But for real now. Should we take a few selfies before going in?” I proposed, and Jungkook eagerly agreed, as if prolonging the inevitable reconnaissance.
Carefully, Jungkook wrapped his arm around my frame and snapped a few pictures with his phone, making sure the haunted house was standing proudly in the background. Then, he took another series of photos with my camera.
“If we’re seriously going in there, I think I need an intro for my Halloween special video, don’t you think?” Jungkook announced, pulling out his go-pro camera. After giving me a quick instruction, we started rolling.
At first, he reported what we were doing, but then, he started talking about the new segment of his channel, and my brain just froze. Although I respected his passion for gaming, I completely lost focus whenever he started blabbering about it. But honestly, I thought it was healthy for our friendship. We had a lot of things in common, yet it was a blessing to be different at some point. Whenever one of us felt a bit overwhelmed, we could engage in independent activities. For Jungkook, it was gaming – I’d never try crashing his nerdy party.
“I think we got it,” I announced when Jungkook’s mouth stopped barfing gaming jargon. “Let’s go inside.”
“Fine, but keep it in mind that if I die, I’m going to haunt your ass,” Jungkook stated, and I laughed. Right… as if this cinnamon roll could ever haunt anything.
“Puh-lease,” I retorted, trying to refrain myself from giggling. “If anything bad happened to you, you would be Kookie – the friendly ghost,” I finished, and Jungkook whined quietly, not fancying my opinion.
“Shut up,” Jungkook barked, pulling out the second fancy camera. If he were to step into that hellhole, he would gear himself up from head to toe, getting ready to catch the ghost on tape. “Let’s go in before I change my mind,” he added, as he effortlessly jumped over the fence.
“Will you help me? Not everyone has legs for days,” I mumbled as I extended my arms, so Jungkook could support me when I made my way through the first obstacle. “Thanks,” I quickly said when Jungkook grabbed me, and carefully put me on the ground.
“If it makes you feel any better, I think you’ve got a sexy pair of legs,” Jungkook complimented me, and though in other circumstances I’d blush, this time I ignored it, focusing on the vibration I felt in the butt pocket of my jeans.
The second I put my foot on the unholy soil, weird shit started happening.
My first thought was that I got a text message on my phone, but then it struck me that I always had my phone on silent mode. Quickly, I checked my cell phone, and it turned out that Siri turned itself on.
“What can I help you with?”
The device turned itself on again, but this time in my hand, when I didn’t push any buttons.
“It’s not a good sign,” Jungkook commented, and I started to second guess the brilliance behind my ingenious plan. “It’s not too late to turn around and leave. I won’t be disappointed if you chicken out,” he carried on, but I just grinned at him. There was no way I’d wimp out.
“Nice try; we’re going in,” I prompted, confidently walking toward the main entrance, Jungkook following behind me, probably shooting the surroundings.
As soon as we stepped onto the porch, the wood would start to creak underneath the pressure. Just like everything about the house, it gave off that creepy vibe.
“Showtime,” I whispered under my breath as I extended my hand and grabbed the knob. Just as expected, it was locked.
“Well… it looks like another sign to me. Let’s go back,” Jungkook spoke, trying once again to convince me to back out.
“Get a grip; we’re going in,” I ordered, and Jungkook sighed, regretting that he couldn’t say no to me. “I’m picking the lock; Betty in Riverdale does it all the time, it can’t be that difficult,” I muttered, reaching into my new fanny pack for a bobby pin.
“Are you for real? Since when anything they do in Riverdale makes any sense to you?” Jungkook wondered, but I just rolled my eyes, ignoring his mean comments. “You’re not opening that lock,” he added, making my blood boil. In times of crisis, Jungkook wasn’t very supportive.
“Just shut up, I almost got it,” I barked, sticking my tongue out, adjusting myself to my ultimate focus form, ignoring Jungkook and his shenanigans. Not only he showed me no support, but also he pulled out the small bottle of booze and took a gulp, without proposing me some.
“Just deal with it. We won’t get inside,” Jungkook teased again, pissing me off, and then leaning in, literally breathing on my neck.
“I really hate you right now,” I yelled at him as I straightened up, dropping my bobby pin in the process. “It was my only one,” I whined, kicking in doors in frustration, and to my surprise, it swung wide open.
“Ladies first?” Jungkook murmured, smiling sheepishly, moving aside.
“How gentlemanly of you,” I tsked, turning on the flashlight before entering the building. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to edit your video, deceiving people into thinking you’re a real macho man,” I complained, inspecting the foyer.
Nothing out of the ordinary. For now.
“I’ve got chills,” I stated matter-of-factly when the silence inside the house started to bother me. Though I didn’t believe in ghosts, for some stupid reasons, my heart rate quickened. I felt uneasy, and when I heard my voice echo across the room, I felt less crept out. “Which room should we check out first?”
“When I listened to you on the bus, all of them sounded awful,” Jungkook honestly answered while shedding some light around the living room. “If got rid of all the dust, it’d look pretty comfy,” he added, and I snorted, not expecting him to give me such a nonchalant comment.
Unfortunately, it seemed I was the jittery one.
Well… fuck.
“How about we check out Ouija board in Namjoon’s study,” I proposed, and Jungkook hummed in agreement.
“Maybe there’s still some blood left. You said it was pretty messy,” Jungkook added in excitement, making me wonder how the hell he did a 180 so fast. Not even two minutes ago, he acted like an adorable sacredly cat, but right now, he seemed confident enough to roundhouse kick all the demons back to hell.
“I doubt so, but it’s worth checking,” I answered, and we both headed to the east wing of the house, navigating toward Namjoon’s office. “It may sound ridiculous, but I’m getting horny,” I confessed, and Jungkook stopped in his tracks, gawking at me, not expecting such revelation.
“I knew you wouldn’t resist my manly charms,” Jungkook murmured cockily, wiggling his eyebrow suggestively. “I knew you would fall for me eventually.”
“Right… I’d rather believe a sex demon just possessed me,” I retorted, and for some reason, Jungkook didn’t find it funny. Come on, it was hilarious! “OK, I guess you’re kinda hot right now,” I gave in, unwillingly stroking his ego.
Not my fault, he was just irresistible.
“I knew it,” Jungkook cheered right before when we finally found the right room. This was it – the first space to be “properly” investigated.
Putting the flashlights on the desk, we set the Ouija board on the floor, sitting across from each other.
“Do you know how to use it?” Jungkook inquired, and I smiled sheepishly, telling him I knew bits and pieces, though I had absolutely no idea if my knowledge was legit since it all was based on multiple horror films I had seen. “I’ll check it online,” he proposed and pulled out his phone, quickly typing his inquiry into Google’s search tab. “Whoa, the signal here is no joke; I have a better connection than I have at my apartment. How expensive is this house again?”
“You’re really dumb, you know…”
“You love me regardless, so I don’t really care,” Jungkook absentmindedly replied while browsing through the answers. “OK, it’s easy.”
Briefly, Jungkook explained the ceremony. Apparently, the horror movies didn’t get everything wrong.
Unfortunately, the spirits inside Namjoon’s study weren’t chatty – during our session, they only edged the planchette toward the numbers 9 and 4 (the date of Namjoon’s settlement), yet I didn’t put much thought to it. Jungkook was probably moving it to scare me, and I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction.
“You know what? It’s not as exciting as I thought it would,” I started when we were collecting our stuff, getting ready to explore another room. For the majority of the time, nothing was happening. We were sitting just sitting in darkness, waiting for something to give us a real spook.
Later, we headed towards the second floor. The stairs were creaking as we made our way up, but we didn’t pay much attention to it, being too focused on locating the bathroom to actually think about basic safety.
The bathroom looked terrifying; the tiles inside were dirty, the original color already fading. The facilities were covered in rust and probably making a lot of unnecessary noises.
“Give me your flashlight,” Jungkook ordered as he put both torches on the edge of the bathtub, one of which switched on. “If there’s something that wants to communicate with us, turn the right one on, and turn off the left one,” Jungkook spoke loudly, waiting for the lights to change, and after some time one did.
“It was definitely a ghost,” I exclaimed in fake dread, bursting out laughing a second later. “It’s solid evidence; it’s confirmed – ghosts are real,” I added, and Jungkook joined me, chuckling adorably. “You can’t change my mind.”
“If it’s you, Taehyung, tell us what happened to you,” Jungkook carried on, and I grew silent, waiting for the ghost to reach out to us. “We don’t want to hurt you; we just want to know the truth. Who killed you?”
“Come on, Taehyung. We don’t have all night; we’ve got places to be,” I urged the ghost in a taunting manner, hoping for something to finally happen. With each passing second, our expedition seemed more and more disappointing, and though I didn’t believe in ghosts, I’d really liked to be proven wrong.
“You’re weak sauce, Taehyung!” Jungkook mocked, reaching for the flashlights, wanting to explore another active part of the house – the basement. “You had your chance, Taehyung, and you blew it.”
We quickly left the bathroom and headed to the basement, yet just before we entered the room, I hesitated.
“Maybe we should investigate the basement individually,” I proposed, and Jungkook bit the inner side of his cheek, pondering over my suggestion.
“Fine, let’s do this,” Jungkook agreed with a sigh. “Do you want me to go first?”
“Whatever.” I shrugged, and Jungkook pulled out the spirit box, a little bit excited to use it for the first time. “Go get ’em, tiger.” I patted Jungkook on the back, and closed the doors behind him. “You’ve got ten minutes.”
The stairs creaked when Jungkook was walking down. For a while, it was oddly silent, but then I heard the loud white noise, and I knew Jungkook finally turned the device on.
While he was down there, I roamed around the ground floor, taking a few extra selfies. Unfortunately, regardless of the flashlight, it was still dark as fuck, and I was sure none of the taken photos were Instagram-worthy.
Ten minutes passed, yet Jungkook still didn’t get out.
“You can come out now,” I shouted, but I got no reply from Jungkook.
This fucker was messing with me. I knew him too well not to understand what he was trying to do. However, I wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. He wanted to scare me shitless, but he would never succeed.
Confidently, I swung the doors open and made my way downstairs.
“Have you found anything?” I asked when I noticed Jungkook standing in the corner of the room, facing the walls.
“Nope, it was boring as fuck.”
“OK, it’s my turn. Give me the spirit box,” I spoke eagerly, waiting for Jungkook to give me the gear. He survived the individual session with ghosts, so there was nothing to be afraid of. If ghouls didn’t eat Jungkook’s cute butt, I doubted they would be after mine.
“Good luck,” Jungkook murmured and leaned in, pressing a delicate kiss against my forehead before running upstairs.
OK. What the fuck?
With a slam, I was left alone in the basement, and frankly, right now, I didn’t give two shits about ghosts. What the fuck was that? Jungkook and I never showed any affection for one another. The most intimate interaction we had ever had was elbowing each other.
We didn’t kiss.
Not even an indirect kiss.
All the wires in my brain were frying. A whole army of ghosts might’ve jumped out of nowhere, and I wouldn’t give two shits about them. What the hell was Jungkook’s deal? Why did he do that?
Regardless of how much I desired to find evidence on ghosts, right now, my mind wasn’t in the right place. Thoughts of Jungkook, of how much I tried to not act on my attraction toward him, how I wanted him to make a move – they completely took over my sanity.
A full-body apparition might’ve as well started reciting Great Gatsby, and I wouldn’t notice it probably.
Trying to leave that horrifying train of thoughts, I shook my head. I needed to get a grip. Tonight was about ghosts, not about Jungkook.
Promptly, I turned on the spirit box, starling at how loud it roared to life.
Except for one beam of light coming out of my flashlight, it was entirely dark, and the white noise emitted by the device made the scene even more terrifying. I would undoubtedly faint if I didn’t like this dreadful atmosphere.
“Is anyone here?” I asked and looked around – everything seemed ordinary. Well… as ordinary as an abandoned house’s basement could be.
“What the fuck was that?” I jerked my head to the side, staring at the device in my hand. It sounded like a male voice, yet I couldn’t quite comprehend the words. “Can you repeat that? You have to speak more clearly,” I spoke, refraining from face-palming myself.
What the hell was I thinking, talking to ghosts?
I must’ve really lost my mind.
Once again, I jerked my head, furrowing my eyebrows. It really sounded like the word behind, so obviously, I turned around, checking if there’s something, in fact, behind me.
There wasn’t.
“I have to hear more than just one word,” I declared, focusing on the noise, ready to pick up another message. For a long while, the white noise was ringing in my ears, but then I heard something which sounded like my name.
Jungkook’s gonna love my footage, I wondered upon hearing these strange noises. Maybe it is not groundbreaking evidence, but it surely will be thrilling to watch. Jungkook’s followers will love the new content.
“You find me.”
“Oh my God, this is awesome,” I cheered enthusiastically, and though I was having the time of my life, it was time to take the fun to the next level. “Who am I talking to? What’s your name?”
“That was an instant answer,” I commented, feeling goosebumps on my skin.
Much to my dismay, it was the last coherent response I got; I sat there alone in the darkness and received only a few unintelligible reads. So much for ghost hunting… I thought, ready to leave the basement.
Checking the time on my phone, I realized I had two more minutes, and though it was pointless to reach out to ghosts at this point, I decided to record my useless commentary. Maybe Jungkook would use my witty monologue as a part of his YouTube clip, or if not, he’d have a good laugh when analyzing all the footage from this night.
“So… I’ve been sitting in the darkness for a while, and no ghost dared to give me a spook. It’s such a disappointment, really. These ghosts here are real wimps; I lured Jungkook inside this basement, and this may come as a big shocker to everyone, but nothing really happened to him –“
Quickly, I turned my head around, trying to locate the source of the strange noise; it sounded as if it was coming from under the stairs, yet I quickly dismissed the disturbance – it must’ve been a rat or something.
Clearly, it wasn’t a ghost.
“As I was saying… this house is a complete bummer. When we first arrived, the house looked really nerve-racking, but when we actually started exploring it, it let us down. Honestly, the scariest part of this expedition probably was when Jungkook failed to prank me.”
“Your time is up,” having opened the doors, Jungkook hollered. “I’m going down there,” he added, and I turned around, giving Jungkook a chance to record my grand exit on tape.
“I’m getting outta here, ghosts. You are a bunch of wimps!”
“Did you just seriously mock the ghosts?” Jungkook asked, giggling adorably.
“Why not? It’s not like they’re going to kill me for calling them out.”
“Should we leave now? I’d stay for a little longer and recorded some weird random shit. What do you think?”
“It’s definitely gonna piss these ghosts, so I am in.”
At first, Jungkook insisted I record him dance a few Fortnite choreographies, and though I had no clue what he was doing, I kept the camera rolling. Then, I turned music on my phone, and we jammed to old K-POP hits like Super Junior’s Bonamana, SHINEE’s Lucifer, f(x)’s Electric Shock, and many others.
Then Jungkook made me record his beatbox performance, and it was torture. However, there was a silver lining – it helped me determine whether ghosts were real or not. The answer was no – no one would endure it.
And if it wasn’t for my crush on him, I’d definitely not endure it either.
Later that evening, Jungkook gave a short instruction video on how to defend oneself with basic taekwondo moves, and then we thumb-wrestled.
“You know what would really piss the ghosts off?” Jungkook inquired, and I wondered what else his one brain cell came up with since I highly doubted if it could get any dumber than it already had.
“I don’t know… what else would really piss the ghosts off?” I answered, having no idea what we could do to outdo ourselves. Everything that we had done for the past hour was already offensive as fuck.
“Isn’t it absolutely the worst when you’re in a public place, minding your business when you walk past a couple making out right in front of you?”
“It is absolutely the worst, but how is it any relevant?” I asked, cocking my eyebrow in confusion. Jungkook was right, making out openly in public was rude, and obnoxious, and one of my biggest pet peeves, yet I highly doubted the ghosts had the same hierarchy of irritating situations. They’re dead, and they can haunt people without any consequences – that’s pretty dope itself, and I just couldn’t understand why it would be their top bête noire.
“Well… it’s not completely irrelevant, and besides, ever since you’ve mentioned you’re horny, I really wanted to kiss you,” Jungkook confessed, and my jaw dropped at the revelation. Jungkook wanted to do what!?
“Well… you just played yourself,” I stated, and Jungkook creased his forehead in confusion. “Is that a confession you’ve just recorded? I bet you want to record our kiss, too. That’s kinky, and weirdly enough, it turns me on a little bit,” I finished my thought, and then Jungkook smiled widely at me, figuratively lighting up the rundown basement which we were still in.
“Well… now you just really have to kiss me,” Jungkook retorted, and I smiled mischievously, curious of how he’s going to play his cards now, “unless you want me to show your parents a video of you confessing to your kinks.”
“Well… you should’ve waited a little bit longer, maybe I would’ve named all the other kinks I’m into,” I challenged, biting my bottom lip seductively. “If you really want our first kiss to be in this shabby, totally not haunted basement, then go for it,” I consented, waiting for him to approach me and knock the air out of my lungs with a world-shattering kiss.
“It’s not perfect, it’s not exactly what you deserve, but it will be a hell of a story to tell our grandchildren one day. Don’t you think?”
“I think you’re getting a little bit ahead of yourself,” I retorted, chuckling. Jungkook was acting ridiculous, and it was adorable. With his cute smile and firm butt, he could get away with anything. “Just kiss me, you idiot.”
At first, I expected him to say something cringe-worthy like m’lady or alrighty, but thankfully, I was wrong. With one long stride, Jungkook approached me, resting his large hand on my hips before leaning in to kiss me.
The kiss was sensual and soft, and the way I had always imagined. Gently, Jungkook pressed his plump lips against mine, and we just moved, basking in pleasure. His hand was roaming over my back and butt, whereas mine was going through his silky hair, tousling it.
Gradually, it grew in passion. Jungkook pulled me closer against him, and I opened my mouth, inviting his tongue. Though it was only one kiss, it was quickly making me thirsty for more.
It felt blissful, yet it came to an abrupt stop when we heard a loud bang upstairs.
“Well… you were right, it obviously pissed someone off,” I whispered, chuckling.
“What do you think it was?” Jungkook asked, concerned about the strange noise. “It sounded as if someone just slammed the doors shut,” Jungkook stated, and I quickly agreed with him.
“But we left the doors closed, didn’t we?” I wondered, trying to remember our previous actions. Neither one of us was perfectly sober, yet I was pretty sure we did close the doors. “OMG, this is awesome! It was probably another group of adrenaline-seeking people! We could give them the spook of their life if we jumped out of the basement,” I explained, and I was sure I wasn’t perfectly sober right now either.
“It was probably the wind, but okay, let’s do this,” although knowing it was a stupid idea, Jungkook agreed to conduct my improvised prank.
Carefully, we made our way upstairs, yet when we jumped out of our hideaway, there was nobody there.
“Stupid wind,” I murmured under my breath, really bummed out by this whole situation. “Fuck you, you stupid house. You’ve wasted our time,” I hollered at nothing in particular as I approached the doors and pulled the knob. “Jungkook, it won’t open,” I announced, taking a step to the side, letting Jungkook’s strength to let us out.
Seriously, what kind of an estate agent would try to sell this house without repairing it first? At this point, only people from these HGTV shows would consider buying it, so they could later sell it with real profit.
At first, the doors didn’t want to budge either, but then he handed me his camera and roundhouse-kicked the doors open.
Whoever locked the doors, be it the wind, the ghost, or anyone else, Jungkook’s thick thighs were more powerful.
“Let’s get out of here,” Jungkook said as he grabbed my hand and led me outside, leaving the creepy though definitely not haunted house behind us.
Although the navigation system on my phone estimated our route to take us forty-five minutes on foot, Jungkook and I made that distance under half an hour. The house was creepy, but we were already late for Jiwoo’s party, and we didn’t want to face her wrath.
She had called me three times, and Jungkook and I lived in a universe where three missed calls from Jiwoo were more terrifying than fifty from mom.
When we reached Jiwoo’s house, we tried knocking on the doors, but unfortunately for us, everybody was already in a good mood. They couldn’t hear the knocks due to loud music, and I couldn’t be angry – it was our punishment for arriving so late.
Thankfully, when we walked the house around, the patio doors were open, so we got inside.
The house was packed with people, yet I was familiar with only a few of them – the majority of guests were Jiwoo’s college friends, and I haven’t yet acquainted them. In the kitchen, I saw Mario and Luigi, and I instantly knew it was Yoongi and Hoseok. Each year they have adorable couple costumes.
“Look who’s finally showed up,” I heard a loud voice from over the stairs, leading to the second floor. It was Daphne, closely followed by Fred.
“I guess Daphne and Fred just checked the bedroom,” I told Jungkook, and he chuckled, getting the reference. “I hope they didn’t find any ghosts.”
“I bet Scooby and Shaggy are already eaten by the ghost in the basement,” Jungkook carried on, and we both started to laugh.
“Your costumes are in my bedroom, but before you change, I have to feed us some jello shots,” Jiwoo started, making us follow her to the kitchen. “In which bushes were you two fucking, so you came so late?” She questioned, but Jungkook and I didn’t know how to reply. Jiwoo was unpredictable – she would either scold us for going to that house without her, or just shout at us for being reckless and irresponsible, but I guess it was her role in our friend circle.
She was the mom friend.
“We weren’t fucking,” I protested quickly, trying to buy us some time to get a better excuse for our late arrival. “If we were indeed fucking, we would be here before anyone else,” I joked, yet Jungkook didn’t find it particularly funny.
It didn’t worry me, though. Jungkook and I dissed each other daily, he wasn’t going to pout. If anything, he was plotting how to get his revenge.
“Well… true,” Jiwoo replied as she high-fived me. “Don’t worry, Kookie. I’m just messing with you,” she added, and I nodded, knowing she was extra mean to impress Jimin. Retorts weren’t her strongest suit, but so far, it was okay.
Jiwoo distributed the jello shots among the four of us, and to my surprise, they weren’t as strong as I had expected them to be. She had made them, and it came to me as a shock, then the proportions weren’t fifty-fifty.
“Oh my God, I just noticed you both have matching costumes. What a coincidence!” Jungkook hollered, faking his surprise, taking  revenge on Jiwoo.
“What can I say? Great minds think alike,” Jiwoo quickly retorted before Jungkook managed to embarrass her in front of her crush.
“Some things are just meant to be,” Jimin added, draping his arm over Jiwoo’s shoulder, making me and Jungkook gag. What the hell had we missed?!
We had totally wasted our time in that haunted house – we could have been here, watching their relationship develop in front of our eyes! Though I had no regrets after reaming around that disappointing trip to that house, now I had one regret. I was genuinely upset that I missed witnessing how the line between their friendship and love faded away.
“OK, you know what? Go upstairs and change. You disgust me without your costumes on,” Jiwoo ordered, shooing us upstairs.
Obediently, we headed to her bedroom, finding our costumes on her bed.
“I’m so tired,” I announced as I plopped down onto her bed, wanting to get some rest. The march from one location to another was more exhausting than I had initially thought, and my legs were killing me.
“Well… it’s all your fault, I told to we should call an Uber,” Jungkook replied, lying on the bed next to me. “No slacking,” Jungkook hollered, playfully slapping my butt. “If we don’t get downstairs in a few minutes, Jiwoo’s gonna bust in here and complain how we ruin her party.”
“True,” I agreed, and with a loud groan, I stood up to get changed. “And that reminds me. You’ve never told me what you’re dressing as this year,” I spoke, wondering what was inside the bag which was sitting next to my costume.
“I didn’t have time to come up with anything, so I asked Jimin to lend me his costume from last year. He was Jack Sparrow or something,” he explained, and I watched him unpacking the bag.
“Or something it is,” I started when I saw what his costume consisted of. It was basically a deep-cut white shirt, a pair of tight leather trousers, and a hat. “Good luck with fitting into it,” I snickered, wondering how uncomfortable it’s going to look like on his powerful thighs.
“Why don’t you shut up,” Jungkook said, not pleased with my commentary.
In silence, we got dressed, and since my costume wasn’t revealing, I could quickly put it on my clothes, which gave me plenty of time to gawk at Jungkook.
“I feel like a piece of meat, right now,” Jungkook commented, as he caught me staring at him, zipping his trousers. “Can you stop staring at me like that? I’m a person with feelings, not a sex toy.”
“Now you know how all girls in clubs feel,” I retorted and continued to stare at him shamelessly. Right now, I only needed a bucket of popcorn and a few bills which I could put under the hem of his pants.
“Aren’t you going to put that creepy make-up?”
“I was going to, but I don’t have energy nor patience to do that,” I answered lazily, watching him button his shirt. “Besides, I checked myself in the mirror, and I’m rocking that Mary-Eunice look right now,” I added, and Jungkook agreed, approving my American Horror Story costume.
“You know what? Even when you wear that ridiculous nun costume, I would still fuck you,” Jungkook blatantly confessed, and I giggled, not knowing how to react to this odd compliment. “I really must be wrapped around your little finger. You even made me go to that abandoned house.”
“You make me blush,” I admitted shyly before approaching him. Then, standing on my toes, I pecked his lips innocently. “We better go downstairs, Jiwoo must be furious at us for taking so long,” I added, exiting the room, leaving Jungkook speechless behind me.
Though at first, we were too tired to party hard, Jimin and Jiwoo engaged us in a few drinking games, and I was thankful I managed to bullshit myself out of playing truth and dare with them.
I realized what Jiwoo would make me do or confess, and I’d rather Jungkook find it out in different, more private, circumstances.
Around three a.m., people slowly started to get tired, one by one heading upstairs to either fuck each other’s brains out or simply find an empty bed to sleep in. At that time, Jungkook and I were chilling in the kitchen, munching on the food which other guests had the courtesy of leaving.
“We should go on a date on Saturday,” Jungkook proposed, and I looked him in the eyes, nodding my head. “What do you want to do on our first date?” He asked, leaning against the countertop next to me.
“Is there any chance you’re wearing this outfit on our first date?” I asked, and Jungkook quickly shook his head. I teased him all night about this outfit, and by now, he must’ve dreamed about taking it off at least a dozen times. Best case scenario: taking it off right in front of already naked me.
“Nope, stare at me while you still can,” Jungkook said, and I didn’t dare to question his decision. Though he looked like a snack, I respected his choice. He wasn’t going to wear it again, and I wasn’t going to force him. Besides, I was kind of curious about how he looked naked. “So… what do you want to do on Saturday? Bowling? A candlelight supper? Cinema?”
“I was gonna say that anything is fine as long as it’s with you, but would you really prepare a candlelight supper for me?” I questioned, quite amazed by his proposition. Jungkook rarely cooked himself, and even if he happened to whip something up in the kitchen, it would be ramen or something just as easy to make.
“Of course, anything,” Jungkook promised, and I tried my very best right not to kiss him. “It probably won’t be any tasty, but at least, I made it with my hands.”
Oh, screw it.
Instantly, I pulled him closer, smashing my lips against his. The moment he realized what I was doing, he reciprocated the kiss.
“I don’t really care,” I spoke, wrapping my legs around his hips. “Oh, shit,” I cursed upon noticing Jiwoo and pushed Jungkook away.
“I think everybody’s asleep already, what are you guys still doing here?” She asked, eyeing the both of us.
“Nothing, we were just eating,” I stated, though Jiwoo didn’t fully believe in my innocent reply. “What have you been up to? Your green scarf is gone, and you have a hickey on your neck. Have you had fun with Jimin?” I inquired, and she looked away in embarrassment.
Jiwoo had never been to shy away, but she didn’t act like herself around Jimin. When with him, she became a better person, and right now, she was blushing. It was the first time when I saw her behaving like that, and I liked it.
With Jimin by her side, Jiwoo was slowly turning in the best version of herself, and the transition was crystal clear. Even Jungkook wouldn’t miss it.
“We’ll talk about it tomorrow; right now, I just want to clean up and go to bed,” Jiwoo said, and I knew it was our cue to live. I didn’t like cleaning, and I knew Jiwoo wouldn’t appreciate my help. She would prefer Jimin’s assistance. “You’re sleeping in the guest room with Yoongi and Hoseok.”
“Thanks,” I replied, and we slowly headed to the guest room, knowing that Jimin would shortly join Jiwoo. They thought they were subtle, but they really weren’t. One look was enough, and Jungkook and I knew everything.
“I hope Yoongi and Hoseok already fucked each other,” Jungkook stated before we entered our room, and I agreed. I wouldn’t like to walk on them fucking. I just wanted to lie down and get some sleep.
On Friday, I focused only on myself. I needed to recover fully after a long night of drinking, but also, I wanted to pamper myself a little bit before my date with Jungkook. I was sure he was going to prepare everything to perfection, like the golden boy he has always been, and it only made sense that his girlfriend (me) also ought to be perfect.
I took a long, relaxing bath, I wore a face mask, I ate plenty of fruit, I planned my next week of college, I even turned on the relatively new drama with Ji Changwook, and whipped up a mug of cocoa with marshmallows.
The day was peaceful, and I cherished every second of it before I had to face reality and go to classes on Monday.
In the evening, I even chatted with Jiwoo, listening to a few newest rumors. I didn’t expect her to have any time to spare, but apparently, to her, gossip was more important than her new boyfriend. Good thing she had her priorities set straight.
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:21 | omg you won’t believe it!
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:21 | I know why Seulgi and Irene didn’t come
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:21 | apparently
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:21 | they were on a date yesterday!
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:22 | Chanyeol told Jimin that Jongin were their Uber driver and he took them to a fancy restaurant
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:22 | I was gonna get really mad
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:23 | but I ship them so hard
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:23 | I mean…
That crazy Capricorn girl |17:23 | fucking finally
Jiwoo wasn’t ashamed of double texting, obviously. If she had gossip to deliver, she would spam anyone until she would get a reply, and frankly, it never upset me. Mostly because I was texting the same way.
Me | 17:25 | told you
Me | 17:25| I knew they had hots for each other
Me | 17:26 | you should be glad they didn’t come
Me | 17:26 | they probably fucked all night long
Me | 17:27 | that would be gross if they did it at your place
Me | 17:27 | it’s enough that Jungkook and I walked on Yoongi and Hoseok
Me | 17:28 | if it was my house I’d kick them out
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:30 | they did what????
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:31 | are you kidding me???
That crazy Capricorn girl |17:31 | so Jimin lied to me
Me | 17:32 | wow
Me | 17:32 | you started dating and he’s already lying
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:33 | Jimin told me they behaved well
Me | 17:34 | pls don’t make a scene
Me | 17:35 | you better let them taste their own medicine
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:35 | I knew I shouldn’t have invited them
That crazy Capricorn girl | 17:35 | they’re cute but also horny af
With Jiwoo, when we started texting, we didn’t know how to stop. Topics would come and go, and we would always come up with something new. This night wasn’t any different. When we discussed everyone’s behavior during the party, late changing the subject to the people who couldn’t make it. Then, we would exchange messages about the newest K-POP hits, scandals, and dramas. Sometimes, we would even send memes to one another.
Usually, we would continue our conversation until one of us was tired and went to sleep, but tonight a bizarre text from Jungkook made me finish.
Cutie Goo Baby Kook | 21:41 | come over
Cutie Goo Baby Kook | 21:41 | now
Well… rude.
We didn’t even go on our first date yet, and he treated me like a booty call.
No, it couldn’t be.
Me | 21:42 | what do you mean???
Me | 21:42 | Jeon Jungkook
Cutie Goo Baby Kook | 21:42 | get your juicy ass over here
Cutie Goo Baby Kook | 21:43 | asap
Cutie Goo Baby Kook | 21:43 | you need to see something
What the hell did he want? Couldn’t he wait until tomorrow to meet me? If he wanted to see me, he could just text me like he a regular person. He didn’t have to act like an asshole about it.
Me | 21:45 | fine
Me | 21:45 | I’ll be in thrity
Me | 21:46 | if it’s your dick that I need to see you’re dead
Within thirty minutes, I was at Jungkook’s apartment, breathing heavily. His flat was located on the fourth floor, and the elevator was out of order, and whenever I had to take the stairs, I could feel blood on my tongue.
It wouldn’t hurt me that much to tag along once in a while to the gym with Kook. Well… hopefully.
“What’s the emergency?” I asked instantly when Jungkook swung the doors open. “Jungkook, I swear, if it’s a booty call, I’m gonna be pissed,” I warned him when Jungkook grabbed my wrist and yanked me inside.
“No, it’s nothing like that,” Jungkook reassured me as he led me to his bedroom.
Well… he might’ve said it wasn’t a booty call, yet his actions were giving me a totally different message. He was literally dragging me to his bedroom.
“What is going on?” I asked once again, as he made me sit in his gaming chair.
“So… I was editing the footage we recorded at this creepy house, and I found some weird shit,” he started before he leaned against the desk, looking for the right file to show me. “I watched every frame of these tapes, and there’s something seriously wrong with your individual session in the basement.”
“What do you mean by wrong? Can you be more specific? I didn’t feel nor see anything weird when I was down there,” I said, cocking my eyebrows up in utter confusion. Was there something my eye didn’t catch, but the camera did?
“Well… there is like a shadow lingering above you,” Jungkook confessed, and I fought the urge to laugh into his face. It was a shadow, and shadows do linger. “You don’t seem convinced, so why don’t you see for yourself?”
“Ugh, fine,” I answered, focusing on the screen.
I couldn’t believe my own eyes. Jungkook was right. It lasted for a couple of seconds; there was an irregular black specter behind me, and it couldn’t be my shadow – I was perfectly still while it moved for a while, and then disappeared.
It was terrifying.
“I’m speechless.”
Seeing my reaction, Jungkook sat on the edge of the desk and grabbed my hand.
“I know it looks like something supernatural, but I’m pretty sure it can be explained somehow. Don’t worry; all fellow ghost hunters would discredit this evidence in seconds.”
“I’m not worried; I don’t know what I’m feeling, but it’s not worry,” I spoke, still a little shook about the discovery. “Did you find anything else when editing?” I inquired, wondering if Jungkook had more aces up his sleeve.
“Nothing solid,” he declared with a sigh. “I was listening to the messages picked up by the spirit box, and one statement which you assumed unintelligible sounds like not alone, but once again, it’s not perfectly clear. It’s probably just my mind interpreting the white noise.”
“Too bad ghosts ain’t real. If we caught it on tape, we would be millionaires,” I confessed, and Jungkook nodded.
“If it makes you feel any better, I think we’ve gathered a lot of entertaining footage; my viewers are going to love it. It’s probably the dumbest video I’ve ever recorded,” Jungkook spoke, and I started to grin.
He was right – we were a great duo.
“Glad, I could help,” I answered proudly, boasting about my recording skills. Having tooted my own horn for an inappropriate amount of time, I inquired, “Since I’m already here, what do you want to do?”
“How about we cuddle?” Jungkook proposed, plopping on his bed, waiting for me to join him, and since his proposition was irresistible, I obediently lay down beside him, resting my head on his firm chest. “Mm… it’s so comfy,” Jungkook purred as he wrapped his arms tightly around me.
“Have you decided where you’re taking me tomorrow?” I inquired, curious as hell about our date. Knowing Jungkook and how perfect he was at everything he did, I could only guess he would exceed my wildest expectations.
“How is it gonna sound if I tell you I’ve already had it planned out for a while?” Jungkook confessed, and I giggled when he started to press delicate kisses across my neck. It was ticklish, but I liked being teased like that.
“Is there a chance you tell me? You know I hate surprises,” I spoke, turning around on my side, caressing Jungkook’s chest and abs. Jungkook smiled adorably and shook his head. Damn it. “Is there a chance I can guess it?” I tried a different approach, but Jungkook shook his head once again.
“You’ll find out tomorrow,” Jungkook said, and I pouted.
“Is there a chance I can convince you to tell me now?” I challenged him, and before he managed to shake his head again, I sat astride on his muscular thighs, making him speechless. “You can tell me. I can pretend I’m surprised tomorrow,” I urged him, playfully moving my hips against his crotch. Curiosity was in my nature, and Jungkook was really getting under my skin with his stubbornness.
“You’re cute when you’re frustrated,” Jungkook stated before he effortlessly flipped us over, pinning me down to the mattress. “I’d love to push you to your limits, but I’m not ruining the surprise.”
“Come on, Jungkook. You can tell me. We’re best friends, and we don’t keep secrets from each other,” I carelessly mumbled until Jungkook shut me up with a passionate kiss, reminding me that we no longer were just best friends.
With my eyes closed, I gave in entirely, letting Jungkook’s hands roam all over my body. Our mouths moved in sweet harmony while my body writhed beneath him every time his little touches set my skin on fire.
This moment was magical, and I wished every time with Jungkook to be just as good. His smooth and soft movements made my body respond, leaving me breathless and craving for me whenever it lost contact with his hands.
“I really want to fuck you right now,” Jungkook absentmindedly confessed while he was pressing sensual kisses along my chin. “We should wait, shouldn’t we?” I inquired, and I wanted to shout my objection.
Judging by his boner digging into my thigh, he also wanted me to oppose.
“You should’ve thought about it before you kissed me like that,” I replied, and Jungkook smirked, tugging my blouse out of my jeans, slipping his large hands on my bare stomach, slowly making his way up to my breasts. “It’s too late to go back, lover boy,” I added, undoing the buttons of my blouse.
“Fuck, you’re gorgeous.”
“Drop dead,” I corrected him, and Jungkook hummed in agreement, his eyes focused on my cleavage, wondering how my breasts bounce. Arching my back, I wrapped my hands around Jungkook’s hips, pressing them against me, making me feel his throbbing cock.
“You won’t be a good girl, will you?” Jungkook asked me, and I bit my lip, shaking my head, hoping he expected such an answer. “Of course, you won’t. Why did I even ask?” Jungkook smirked, playfully nibbling my delicate skin all over my cleavage, while his hand undid the button of my jeans.
“You always assume the worst when it comes to me,” I reminded him, tugging the hem of his T-shirt, wanting to get rid of it. It wasn’t fair – I was almost half-naked while Jungkook was still fully-clothed. “Take it off, I’m losing my patience,” I ordered, and Jungkook quickly pulled his T-shirt over his head, tossing in on the floor. “Jeans, too,” I added, and with an angry growl, Jungkook stood up and discarded his pants as well.
“Happy?” Jungkook asked, standing in front of me only in a pair of boxers.
“Over the moon,” I retorted, and Jungkook smirked as a playful idea crossed his mind. “What are you thinking about?” I questioned uncertainly, but Jungkook didn’t bother to reply. He just leaned forward, slid his fingers under the hem of my jeans, and pulled them down in one fluid motion.
“You make me impatient,” he confessed, and I kneeled on the bed, waiting for him to join me again. I needed him to kiss every inch of my body.
Right now.
“Come here,” I urged him, and he obediently sat on the bed, allowing me to sit astride on him again. “I wanna fuck you like this,” I blurted out, entwining my fingers behind Jungkook’s neck, pulling him closer into another heated kiss.
“I want you to fuck me like this,” Jungkook whispered when we finally parted. “Just jump on it and ride me until I come,” he said before reaching to his night stand for a condom. “Roll it down for me, will you?”
Obediently, I pulled Jungkook’s boxers down, and smeared the pre-cum all over his thick cock before putting a condom.
“I wanted it for so long,” Jungkook whispered when I raised my hips, slowly getting seated on his length. Though Jungkook didn’t go down on me before I took his cock, I didn’t mind it. It stung a little, but I enjoyed this sensation.
“Fuck yeah,” I moaned when I slid down his length all the way to the base. For a short while, neither of us moved, letting one another get used to it. “You stretch me up so fine,” I muttered, gently rolling my hips.
“Move, princess,” Jungkook urged me, and I began to ride him. At first, my actions were delicate and a little shy, but as soon as I relaxed, I picked up the pace, rocking my hips back and forth, making Jungkook moan loudly.
“I love it when men are vocal,” I confessed when I put my hands in his hair, tugging it slightly when I happened to fall out of my rhythm. “It gets me off much faster,” I added, and as if I challenged him, Jungkook moaned again.
“Good to know; now I gotta use this information to my advantage,” Jungkook whimpered with a soft smirk upon his face. “You love hearing my deep moans, don’t you?” Jungkook asked, and I replied in a heartbeat.
“Yes!” I exclaimed when Jungkook began thrusting his hips from underneath, shoving his cock deeper and deeper inside of me. “Ahh… Jung-Jungkook, keep fucking me like that, please, don’t stop,” I begged, and Jungkook even increased his pace, quickly making me overwhelmed in pleasure.
“Your pussy feels so good,” Jungkook started, and I closed my eyes, feeling my orgasm approaching. With a couple of thrusts, I would come around his pulsating cock, and I couldn’t wait to welcome this blissful feeling. “So tight, yet you take my fat cock so well,” he praised, and I pulled his hair when he made me come.
“Fuck, Jungkook, that was amazing,” I praised him, and Jungkook kept ramming his dick inside of me, chasing his own release. His stamina was no joke, and I was feeling lucky because this incredible man was mine.
“Shit, shit, shit, I’m coming.” Shortly after me, Jungkook reached his orgasm, milking the condom with his jizz. “You’re out of this world,” Jungkook whispered before he wrapped his arms around me tightly, kissing me deeply.
We were both sticky with sweat, and we smelled like sex, but right now, I couldn’t care any less. Jungkook and I were floating in heaven.
“We should do it again in the morning,” Jungkook proposed, and I laughed, realizing it was the first time in my life I was actually excited to wake up early.
Unfortunately, our plans fell through.
Before my arrival, Jungkook had uploaded our Halloween clip into his YouTube channel, and then, Jimin forwarded it to Jiwoo.
Needless to say, Jiwoo blew up my inbox with notifications, furious at me and Jungkook for doing something so reckless shit without her supervision. Once again, she was the mom friend, and going into an abandoned house without her knowing was pure evil.
Thankfully, she didn’t hold a grudge for a long time – she grew pretty soft on us as soon as she discovered Jungkook and I were well… dating.
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salamoonder · 4 years
Okay but I want to know your opinion on liam’s songs for his past, and like you’re mine for astrid
anon i SCREAMED. i legitimately screamed when i saw that on the playlist. i had a very particular idea of caleb and astrid’s relationship before caleb playlist #2 came out, which looking back tbh i was ignoring some characterizations that liam had put forth, but “you’re mine” thrust those things into sharp relief.
i was thinking of bren/astrid as two scared kids clinging to each other for comfort...as sort of an “at least we have each other” sort of thing...as the one Good thing to come out of a Bad situation. and i was sort of ignoring that like...bad environments breed bad relationships.
You don't talk to no one, don't you look at nothin' Focus on me, look into my eyes Come a little closer, let me tell you somethin' Eat your ego, honey, swallow your pride You don't talk to no one, don't you look at nothin' Focus on me, look into my eyes Come a little closer, let me tell you somethin' You ain't goin' anywhere, 'cause you're mine
this.....this is not a healthy relationship. this is a codependent, jealous, possessive mess. and it makes sense. in a situation where you are made to feel powerless by the people in charge of you, it makes sense to grab and claw and fight for that power elsewhere, like in the romantic relationships you have with your peers. i’m still not sure--and liam certainly did not give us enough context to know--if caleb is the speaker, or astrid, or both, but either way, it is interesting. it is a startling reminder that yeah, caleb did enjoy being “special”. he enjoyed his privilege and his power and his ability to destroy.
truth be told, when the second set of playlists came out, i zeroed in so hard on this specific song and on caduceus’s playlist in general--i listened to it on loop for a week--that i don’t really have many other coherent thoughts on the caleb playlist #2, except that i am amused that he finally put arsonist’s lullaby on there since it’s on every fan playlist ever....although despite the name being obvious and the lyrics being pretty fitting, i’ve never fully understood every other caleb fan flocking to that when
With each love I cut loose I was never the same Watching still living roots be consumed by the flame I was fixed on your hand of gold Laying waste to my lovin' long ago
So in awe there I stood As you licked off the grain Though I've handled the wood I still worship the flame As long as amber of ember glows All the wood that I'd loved is long ago
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