sinceileftyoublog · 7 months
BCMC & andplay Live Show Review: 2/20, Constellation, Chicago
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Tuesday night marked the beginning of the Peter Margasak-curated Frequency Festival, an annual event hosted by Constellation that focuses on contemporary classical and experimental music. Though this year's lineup is heavy on microtonal music, specifically string players, the headliner of night one was a guitar-and-synth-wizard supergroup. BCMC is guitarist Bill MacKay and Cave/Bitchin Bajas multi-instrumentalist Cooper Crain. They had been playing live together for a few years before releasing their debut album Foreign Smokes last year via Drag City. Unlike what I imagine was the experience of many folks in the crowd on Tuesday, this was my first time seeing BCMC live. Witnessing their performance after their album was released, meaning I had a number of months to digest it, gave me a greater appreciation for how the duo was able to, live, build off of their compositions.
BCMC started off with abstract sounds, gradually becoming more concrete before reverting back to rounded noise. MacKay's bluesy guitar riffs embedded within Crain's synthesizer hum, replete with a sense of motion akin to a chugging train, simultaneously swirling and gentle. At times, the songs turned percussive, via pulsations, as MacKay either meandered or ripped slide guitar licks. Even Crain got an opportunity to solo on the keyboard on "The Swarm". Simultaneously tactile and droney, BCMC were able to lull you into hypnosis and suddenly capture you at the command of their instruments.
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The opening set from NYC-based string duo andPlay, meanwhile, set the tone (no pun intended) for the rest of the festival's ethos. Violinist Maya Bennardo and violist Hannah Levinson performed the two pieces that make up their latest album Translucent Harmonies (Another Timbre), both of which use just intonation. Kristofer Svensson's "Vid stenmuren blir tanken blomma" (“By the Stone Wall, Thoughts Become Flower”) emphasized extremely short strokes of different lengths and volume, using pauses and ultimate silence to create a sense of tension and disintegration. At times, one player would play a note--a mere pluck--and the other would continue their stroke, resembling a sort of synaptic process. Ultimately, the piece was paradoxically meditative, consistent in its lack of consistency. Their second piece, Catherine Lamb's "Prisma Interius VIII", was comparatively deliberate, the players playing in tandem at times and not just off of each other. As a duo, in contrast to larger ensembles who have played on other recorded versions of the piece, Bennardo and Levinson were able to strip "Prisma Interius VIII" down to its essential elements. Though there were many contrasts between andPlay and BCMC--in instrumentation, in groove (or lack thereof), in space--the two acts shared a common desire to hold your patience and deep attention, toy with your expectations, and make you reflect.
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abhishekinfotech · 8 months
5G Technology: Everything You Need to Know About the Next Generation of Wireless Technology
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How Is 5G Technology Transforming Communication And Shaping The Future Of Connectivity?
Technology has always evolved by pushing restrictions and offering up new opportunities. The development of 5G technology has radically altered how we interact and communicate in recent years. While 4G's predecessor gave us quicker internet connections and better mobile connectivity, 5G raises the bar. This article covers 5G's effects on communication, the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, and the future of connection.
Capabilities and Impact on Communication
5G technology has an immediate and noticeable effect on communication. 5G promises lightning-fast internet speeds, reduced latency, and improved network reliability. We can expect seamless video calls, high-quality video streaming, and lag-free online gaming, even in crowded places. Imagine conducting a video conference call with colleagues or loved ones without any buffering or pixelation. 5G's increased bandwidth and speed will make this a reality. Moreover, the reduced latency of 5G networks means that real-time communication will be incredibly responsive, facilitating applications like remote surgery and augmented reality (AR) experiences.
IoT Revolution
In the Internet of Things (IoT), commonplace items are linked to the Internet, sharing information, and cooperating to improve our quality of life. Making this vision a reality will require 5G in a big way. Because 5G can link several devices at once, IoT devices can interact with it without any issues. Numerous industries, including smart cities, agriculture, healthcare, and logistics, will be significantly impacted by this. Smart cities offer raised safety for everyone, energy conservation, and real-time traffic monitoring. IoT devices used for farming may gather data to increase agricultural yields and decrease resource waste. In the medical field, timely availability of medical data and monitoring of patients from afar can save lives. By providing the essential infrastructure for Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets to thrive, 5G technology lays the door for these breakthroughs.
Autonomous Vehicles and Transportation
Autonomous vehicles are the way of the future of transportation, and 5G is the force behind this transition. Decisions have to be made in a split second, and infrastructure as well as cars must be communicated with instantly. Self-driving vehicles need 5G's low latency and enormous bandwidth to operate efficiently and securely on the road. With 5G, vehicles can communicate with each other and with traffic signals, enabling them to make informed decisions in real-time. This technology is not only poised to reduce traffic accidents but also promises to make transportation more efficient, reducing congestion and pollution in our cities.
The Future of Connectivity
The impact of 5G extends far beyond our smartphones and connected devices. It lays the foundation for the future of connectivity, where virtually everything is linked and empowered by the internet. Beyond the applications mentioned earlier, 5G will empower industries like manufacturing, education, and entertainment in ways we can only begin to imagine. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), enabled by 5G, has the potential to create more intelligent factories with equipment capable of diagnosing problems and ordering new components, cutting costs and downtime.
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The Power of 5G Technology Due to the possibilities of 5G for virtual reality and augmented reality applications, distance education in the educational setting will become more immersive and engaging. With 8K streaming and lag-free online gaming, 5G can bring immersive experiences in media unlike anything seen before.
Internet and Connectivity of 5G Technology
The internet has blended seamlessly into every day in our highly interconnected society. It influences the way we learn, communicate, work, and play. The complicated environment of internet infrastructure, 5G technology, and ongoing discussions about neutrality on the internet, however, exists below the surface of this digital world. We'll examine these crucial facets of connection and the web in this essay, as well as the difficulties that exist for worldwide connectivity.
Internet Infrastructure: The Backbone of Digital Connectivity
A vast and complex network of infrastructure serves as the Internet's structural backbone. Data centers, fiber optic cables, satellites, and networking routers make up the infrastructure's supporting structures. In data centers, enormous amounts of data are processed and stored, while fiber optic cables and satellites enable high-speed data transit across continents and seas. As the demand for faster and more reliable connectivity grows, the expansion and maintenance of this infrastructure become paramount. The development of new technologies, like 5G, is a testament to our unending quest for better internet connectivity.
5G Technology: A Game Changer for Connectivity
Internet connectivity has advanced significantly with the introduction of 5G technology. It claims to connect more devices at once and deliver faster bandwidth and lower latency. Using bandwidth-intensive applications, streaming high-definition films, and downloading huge files will all be smooth experiences with 5G. Additionally, 5G technology will make it possible for various networked devices to effectively communicate with one another, enabling the Internet of Things (IoT) to reach its full potential. By simplifying processes and boosting service standards, this has the potential to revolutionize industries including healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing.
Net Neutrality: Ensuring an Open Internet
Net neutrality is a hotly debated topic in the world of internet policy. At its core, it's the principle that internet service providers (ISPs) should treat all data on the internet equally, without discrimination or preference. Net neutrality ensures that ISPs don't block or throttle access to certain websites or services while prioritizing others.
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5G Technology: The New Innovations The concept of net neutrality safeguards a free and open internet where users have equal access to information and services. Advocates argue that without net neutrality, ISPs could potentially control what content users can access, potentially stifling competition and limiting online freedom. Challenges of Global Connectivity Despite the advancements in internet infrastructure and technologies like 5G, global connectivity still faces several challenges: - Access Disparities: Not everyone around the world has equal access to the internet. Rural and remote areas often lack the necessary infrastructure, leaving residents with limited connectivity options. - Digital Divide: Socioeconomic disparities impact Internet access. A digital gap that limits educational and professional prospects may be caused by lower-income people and communities' inability to purchase high-speed internet. - Security Concerns: Threats to cybersecurity are on the rise as a result of our increasing reliance on the internet. Data, privacy, and crucial infrastructure must all be protected from threats. - Regulatory Complexities: Navigating the regulatory landscape of the global internet is complex. Different countries have varying laws and regulations regarding data privacy, content censorship, and online freedoms.
Overview of 5G Technology and Internet and Connectivity
Our digital era is centered on the internet and connection. It's critical to comprehend the complexity of internet infrastructure, the possibilities of 5G technology, the value of net neutrality, and the difficulties associated with global connection. Addressing these issues and providing fair access to the digital world will continue to be a key concern in the changing connectivity environment as we continue to depend more and more on the internet. The introduction of 5G technology represents a paradigm leap in how we connect, communicate, and live rather than merely a minor advancement. It significantly affects networking, the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles, and communication. Our devices, cities, and industries will become smarter and more linked than ever before as we enter a transformational era. As 5G networks spread around the world, we could be looking forward to a time when possibilities are nearly endless and our lives, careers, and recreational pursuits will all be irrevocably changed.
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freyaviol · 2 years
David Bird’s new chamber concerto for AndPlay, premiered Dec 15 at 7:30pm. What a beautiful piece! Starts around 50 minutes. 
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afarcryfrommymain · 1 year
💚💚💚💖💖💖 for aphid!!
Was gonna awnser tmmrw, but I can't sleep, so here we are
Send 💚 for a reason NOT to date my muse send 💖 for a reason to date my muse
💚He straight won't tell you when he has a problem until it's absolutely unavoidable. It's the most frustrating thing on Earth because it's very clear something is wrong, but he won't say anything unless you force it out of him. Like "for fucks sake just tell me what's wrong" and even then you might not get an awnser.
💚The way he sleeps seems like it would be nice at first- when he isn't have a nightmare or whatever he is very still and stays in the same spot all night- then you try to get some extra blanket in the night and woops sorry! He's somehow in a state of rigor mortis while still alive, and you physically cannot move him. If you get too hot at night and are the little spoon? No escape- wake him up or die of heat stroke because he's warm as fuck too. (And its not easy to wake him up) On more than one occasion whoever he's with wakes up and thinks he's dead for a solid minute because his breathing is so soft and again- you can't fuckin move him. It's terrifying every time, and he doesn't seem to understand why.
💚self isolates, like a lot. This is similar to the first issue, but this one makes it worse bc one day he has a metal breakdown and good fucking luck finding him that day. He drops off the face of the Earth- he does leave a note or a text that amounts to a "back soon" but will dip, worry you sick, and then show up again like "hi sorry I just had to cry and scream and throw up for 10 hrs straight I'm normal again" he doesn't tell you why
OK positives
💖he will listen to you for hours and hours and hours- he doesn't get bored of it, he loves hearing what you have to say and pays attention like you're going to quiz him on it later (that doesn't happen but he'll bring up the topic later if/when he thinks of questions to ask about it)
💖Excellent cook - if he doesn't know how to cook or bake your favorite thing, he will learn by the end of the week. He makes things spicy usually but if you ask for it more mild then he'll tone I down for you
💖if you find something that flusters him and leaves him like putty once, it will never not in the future. Small actions or calling him an extra mushy name make him a gooy mess every time. It never gets old for him.
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grandscrumwizard · 3 months
I don't get the three day weekend for Canada Day because I have to work the whole thing (I'm fine with being paid doubletime) BUT I do get Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday off, so that'll be nice anyways
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kroosluvr · 8 months
i blacked out and forgot to be active here but i miss chatting here.... ill do so more... uauu.. reaches.. im busy w work and IM APPLYING FOR CONS (!!!!!!) and trying to set up merch and shop and stuff ehheghe hehehe... so theres a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes
i'm also vtubing..!! more!! with my vtuber juno calimanco... shoot her a follow on twt/twitch if u wanna ahgnout w me and see me draw andplay silly games sometimes :') the live2d debut is vvvvsoon...
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eudico-my-beloved · 8 months
i should be kissing girls andplaying tf2 with them. istead of workign
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moonsupremesblog · 1 year
#棣片场# is new: #王和磣 bravely enter the game world# , who is interested? Come andplay high-energy with @王和磣_Dylan !Weibo video of high-energy hero
Source: Wang Hedi Studio Weibo
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darkestspring · 2 years
*baelon and Aelyra laying inbed late at night*
Baelon: *watches Aelyra sleeping tucked into his side* Aelyra: *doesn't open eyes* Is there any particular reason you've been staring at me for the past half hour? Baelon: *grins and leans in, kissing her for a moment, then pulls away* Aelyra: *eyes still closed* I'm still waiting on an answer... Baelon: *grabs her hand andplays with her ring* You're Beautiful
aelyra would open her eyes, looking at baelon intently before humming. "Even after two children?"
Baelon presses kisses to her cheek. "You'll always be the most beautiful person to me."
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huidol · 2 years
i need you to listen to me I am handing you a gun at this very moment. here’s what i need you to do. I am going to install EA’s hit game the Sims 4 andplay it on my compiter. it is currently 9:18 pm on a wednesday night. my next shift is on saturday at 5pm, i only have two days until then. i am going to play sims 4 for tonight and tonght only. if i am up past midnight playing sims 4 i need you to come directly into my house and shoot my computer. do you understand.I cannot be playing sims 4 past midnight. Do you understand
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valaratminaforaldrar · 2 months
i was going to spin kas around a little in blender but i spent 4 hours watching youtube andplaying games on my phone instead
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hackercult · 2 months
i want to go home andplay stalker
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babyawacs · 5 months
.@law @law @harvard_law @bbc_whys and their shitballs thrown objects decoys that allalong itis criminal governance criminal securitypolicy allalong each e f f e c t of that is gladly hedged because that whatthey do they quell criminal governance criminalsecuritypolicy over civilpopulation with and withoutproxies withand without brokensystems is precisely what it is a s c h a r g e d daytime whichtehy quelled and now brainmelt andplay resillient democracy against the victim of their crimes overtaped what
.@law @law @harvard_law @bbc_whys and their shitballs thrown objects decoys that allalong itis criminal governance criminal securitypolicy allalong each e f f e c t of that is gladly hedged because that whatthey do they quell criminal governance criminalsecuritypolicy over civilpopulation with and withoutproxies withand without brokensystems is precisely what it is…
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needyhoneybea · 7 months
I don't want to work, I want to have mind-blowing t4t sex andplay helldivers
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videostak · 1 year
rly gotta practice and get my melodica chops up... rly rly rly want a song on my album to be on melodica like idk it feels perfect for my vibe but im just not v good at it enough to regularly come up w/ pieces on it. think i might try to like write a melody thats a decent length andplay it on the melodica and toy piano simulataneously like for a cool lil vibe. but also just wanna get goood at it i wanna become a reggae internation superstaaaaaaar . like idk also not v good at electric organ but like if i dont come up w/ an organ piece for this album im fine w/ that since idk if the organ even fits the vibe of this album but the melodica totally fits the vibe of this album so like i neeeed to. def gonna try to jump into it when the piano 26 arrives here and if it works properly n all. but till then im gonna try to practice daily on the piano 27. ilooooove sounds
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dumbonem · 5 years
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My organization runs a farm program in which our clients can grow produce for their homes or to sell throughout the year at local farmers markets. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We took a field trip to see just how everything goes down out there. We even found some shade and had our weekly staff meeting. We ate plums off the trees 🌳 A few even climbed into the irrigation ditch and caught “ craw dads” #goodtimes #funjob #work #andplay #career #professional #adulting #farming #agriculture ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ https://www.instagram.com/p/B1RXL-wgkJQ/?igshid=1f3t57l3qd3cl
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