#anderperry teachers au
inahallucination · 1 year
teacher neil who asks his hubby to chaperone a field trip becuz theyre short one person
featuring: parents flirting with their kids’ hot teacher 
todd alternating between seething/glaring and being amused
neil, being oblivious to all of this 
all of the students recognizing todd from neil’s stories
todd accidentally getting added into the parent groupchat and having to be like “um im here for my husband. who is the teacher.”
he’s an honorary member anyway
todd gets flirted with too but he doesn’t realize
eventually tho he gets that its all in good fun
he still makes sure to announce himself as todd perry, neil’s husband, even tho technically he’s todd anderson-perry
if neil knew he would enjoy the drama
but he doesn’t
the parent groupchat will have people sharing advise or tips or whatever
and todd, with no child, will be like “damn i gotta try that” with his husband ig
does this count as a teachers au if so im back bitches if not im still here besties
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73647e · 2 years
hopping on a bandwagon here, but anderperry teachers au where they both overshare to their students, but in very different ways.
neil is the teacher that likes to talk about his husband any chance he has. by the end of the school year, all of his students know everything possible about todd. they know his favorite plays, poems, interests, hobbies, what he said to neil the morning of april 15th, literally everything. neil’s student will ask him what his favorite color is, and neil will rant about the gorgeous blue color of todd’s eyes. his students end up loving todd, just from what mr. perry tells them.
todd on the other hand, is the teacher that overshadows about his own personal life, but every time a student asks him about his partner (they deduced because of his ring), todd blushes and clams up, telling his students that he loves them very much, refusing to speak further of his lover. mr. anderson will happily share the most traumatic experiences of his life (‘my parents never saw me as good enough’) if he thinks it’s relavent to the lesson, but even with all the pestering from his students, they never learn a single thing about todd’s spouse besides the fact that he very obviously loves them very much.
so when some of neil’s students arrived slightly early to his class and saw mr. perry draped over mr. anderson’s shoulders, they were shocked. mr. perry jolted back from mr. anderson, and began acting like nothing happened, while mr. anderson swiftly got up from mr. perry’s desk and left the room (they had an incident with some homophobic co-workers a few years back, and they never really got over it). those students were confused, and actually kind of hurt. how could mr. perry cheat on wonderful todd with mr. anderson? how could mr. anderson decide that his spouse wasnt enough? were romance and chivalry truly dead?
the rumors quickly spread like wildfire, and todd and neil found it very amusing (“todd darling, it seems that i’m cheating on you with mr.anderson” “oh my! neil, how could you!”).
the whole fiasco was finally put to rest when neil’s students caught mr. perry and mr. anderson holding hands, and they were about to confront them when mr. anderson said, “you all know my name is todd, right?”
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(frantically fanning the dying embers of my motivation for the anderperry chocolat au) cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon man
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liamsyux · 1 month
ANDERPERRY ONE SHOT bc i’m going crazy (it’s bad and cringe BUT IT’S A MODERN HIGHSCHOOL AU CMON)
(also english isn’t my first language and i didn’t even try to write that good)
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
the first time todd anderson saw neil perry was on the first day of school. he arrived early and when he entered the classroom and right away sat on the desk near the window, he noticed a certain brown-haired guy. the guy had a smile that could light up an entire room and his eyes were simply filled with the purest joy ever. todd found himself staring at the guy, and when their eyes met, todd felt like he was being teleported to another planet. he flushed and suddenly looked down not caring whether the guy was still staring at him or not.
he found out later the guy’s name was neil perry.
weeks passing todd was crushing more and more on the brown haired guy; he was smart, cute, funny and well-cultured. the only problem was that they never actually spoke to each other. and that was, todd was sure of it, because neil didn’t actually seemed to enjoy todd presence in the class.
when their eyes met he always looked away first (strange thing to say when the other guy is todd fucking shy anderson), when todd rarely spoke up in class he seemed to didn’t care at all about what he was saying (also strange because he always cared about what their other classmates had to say) and every time todd started a absolute necessary conversation, he was always trying to get away as soon as possible.
so, for todd anderson, that wednesday was the weirdest day in his life.
the morning was pretty fine actually; he took notes, he listened, he did everything regular. and so, as every other day, when the bell rang, he took his time to pack his stuff away and saw all his other classmates rushing out of the door. all, except one. neil fucking perry. now the only possibilities that came up in todd’s mind where all concerning him being in the wrong and perry having something to say.
what he did not in fact expect was to see a flushed neil with in his hands god knows what, walking towards him.
“erhm todd?”
todd felt his face heat up. neil never called him, let alone called him by his first name.
kinda scared and anxious todd tried to say something normal, without sounding weird.
his voice was low and he felt very insicure. what the hell was going on.
“s-sorry for bothering you, i know you probably would have preferred being alone and pack away your stuff but t-there’s something i-i gotta tell you”
neil kept walking towards todd’s desk as he spoke leaving todd wide eyed, he never seen and heard neil talking and approaching someone with that little confidence.
“n-no don’t worry about that” he said actually sounding very confident.
todd thought neil didn’t like him at all or at least did not like him enough to be friends with him (ne was friends either basically everyone); so the things neil said to him in that empty classroom left him astonished.
“listen i’m sorry if this sounds weird or i don’t know creepy but” he looked up directly into todd’s eyes “i-i really like and i’d feel really honored if you would want to maybe get a coffee with me sometimes! he-here’s my number if you maybe want to text me your answer, or you could just ignore everything don’t worry” and neil left on todd desk a piece of paper, with in fact a cellphone number written on it.
todd was completely astonished. he looked at neil with wide eyes and mouth open.
“i’m sorry, w-what?” he said. it’s not like he didn’t hear him c’mon, neil was basically screaming, he just did not understand.
“shit sorry don’t worry about it i’ll just leave” neil whispered already making his way out.
“i-i thought you didn’t like me” todd said, his voice almost a whisper.
“like you befriended everyone in the class except me a-and you never listen when i say something to the teacher o-or you always look away when our eyes randomy mert; i-i just thought you didn’t think i was nice” todd almost shouted.
neil ran right away to todd’s desk resting his hands on it.
“i-i’ve liked you since the first day, shit i’m sorry i made you feel like-like i hated you or something”
todd looked at neil like the words he just said were gold falling from the sky. neil looked at him and the kept staring at each other for a while.
“actually i’ve wanted to get some coffee with you since the first day, neil. i like you too” todd revealed with a soft smile.
now was neil turn to be completely in disbelief. seeing todd smiling though made him chukle and smile.
“oh yeah?”
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intrstellarhearts · 1 year
hi i'm back to elaborate on the playwright/anderperry au :D this is going to be very scattered so maybe one day i will write it out nicely
anyways so i was thinking that after welton, neil & todd ended up at the same college. why? bc they need each other ofc!!! anyways so neil & todd both end up studying english. neil has a concentration in writing, and todd has a focus in education. (yes english teacher todd is perfect & i will never change it!!!) neil also studies theater & does many many plays that he's amazing in and todd is there for every single one with a bouquet of flowers on every single night bc they're cute
so i'm thinking after that, they move to nyc. well, right outside of nyc. they don't exactly have the means to move into the city y'all its expensive :'( so anyway todd gets a job teaching english at a local school & he's very happy with his career. neil goes on audition after audition, and he books very very small things, but he never really gets anywhere. so one night he's so fed up that he goes into an old journal of his & finds this script
*cue hallelujah music or smth*
and this script is great. neil, with all of his bad outcomes from auditions, has come out of them with some connections. and so his play gets staged off broadway. then closer to broadway. then ON broadway.
i feel like this is rly conflicting for neil bc he originally wrote it for himself to play but the producers were like "eh let's audition other people"
no he auditioned to play his character than didn't get it
and ofc he's very thankful for what he has but he's also kind of sad that he doesn't get to act
and then it's always "what is he going to write next? when will you write again?"
but it's never "hey i heard you were an actor! do you still want to act?"
but he is still happy dw yall he has his todd so he's good :)
also they still live right outside of nyc bc todd loves his job & doesn't want to leave & neil is ok with that :)
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cowboylexapro · 2 years
I am currently taking anderperry  fic requests!!!
i just finished a lot of fics for ao3 with scheduled releases, so i thought why not get my creative juices flowing??
A few aus i have special interest in (todd is on the left side of the ‘x’, neil is on the right), but u can always suggest other stuff (ive made stuff for some of these before)
Stagehand x actor au
Childhood besties au
Nurse x doctor au
English teacher x theater teacher au
Editor x writer au
Famous au
i can also do chrisginny and cheeks fics
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willthewise85 · 2 years
I’ve spent over an hour today reading anderperry teacher au stuff. It’s a problem.
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ameliterature · 3 years
Kyle and Joey (From AnderPerry Teachers AU)
Spin off from @inahallucination 's Teacher AU
Okay like, everyone's already established that Mr. Perry and Mr. Anderson are married and somehow it's even worse now because Kyle and Joey can't pretend that the other teacher is making them do extra credit or going past the period. Their mutual bond over getting the two teachers is what got them to be good friends
Joey the dunce in the back who's soul purpose is to "hit the lights" whenever Mr. Anderson wants to present Neil Perry PPTs. He's not really aa dunce, he's just distracted a lot in class so Mr. Anderson usually gives him extra credit to bump his grades, Joey thinks it's just torture.
Kyle is the Chaotic student of the batch. think Charlie, but a modern day teenaged boy. He tried to spike the punch bowl back in junior prom. He's set fire crackers in the janitor's closet. He DOESN'T LIKE DOING ENGLISH OR DRAMA HOMEWORK-- he likes watching plays sometimes but not enough that it'll make him interested. He loves spy movies though, so he likes to commit dastardly deeds of inconvenience whenever he can.
Kyle's the one who ropes Joey into trying to get their teachers together so they could get away scot free next time. They did stakeouts, fake gifts, fake poetry (that oddly seemed genuine), and tried their best to copy their teachers' handwriting. When they find out they were married this whole time, part of them feels bummed out they can't hang out anymore.
Then Mr. Anderson sets them up to do an English project together, which at first they "whine" about it. "Ugh not another assignment." But they didn't mind because they get to work together.
Mr. Perry also assigned them to be the Villager 1 and 2 for the upcoming school play. They don't have important scenes but it's enough to give them an excuse to rehearse together because their lines are only with each other.
Neil and Todd would update each other regarding their ploy and giggle whenever they see the two together in the cafeteria.
Joey goes up to Mr. Anderson one time to tell him he's got feelings for his friend and Todd's like "OooOOOH???" and basically helps Joey come up with a way to confess to Kyle.
Meanwhile, Kyle was alone in the parking lot of the school cursing at some pigeons and Mr. Perry's like "???" and basically Kyle straight up just says he likes Joey so much he doesn't know what to do'-- "Mr. Perry PLEASE HELP ME, my HEART IS ABOUT TO BURST INTO A MILLION PIECES, GOD I LIKE HIM SO MUCH--"
So then on the day Joey was about to confess, Kyle appears by the bleachers to sing "Can't Take my Eyes off of you" before asking Joey to Senior Prom.
Neil and Todd both look at each other, Neil smirking while Todd is in shock.
"My kid got to confess first~" Neil mocks.
"They're literally BOTH my students first." Todd leans on Neil as they watched the two students collide in a hug.
"You think they still did the assignments we gave them?"
"I highly doubt that."
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emilythefern · 3 years
“Mr. Anderson?”
Todd turned around, looking at the group of students behind him. “Yes, boys?”
“Can we ask you a question, sir?”
“What was the Dead Poets Society?”
Todd felt his breath catch. He tried hard to limit his reaction. “Where- Where did you hear of that organisation?”
The boy leading the organisation handed him a senior annual. His senior annual. It was open to the page of “A” surnames, and his small section read;
Todd Anderson. National Merit Scholar. Member of the Dead Poets Society. ‘“‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all” - Alfred, Lord Tennyson.
It had been years since Todd had looked at the annual, and he was still surprised that the mention of the dead poets had made it in. The magic of Charlie Dalton, he had guessed.
“Mr. Anderson?”
“The Dead Poets Society was an old club I was involved in during my time at Welton. It was shut down after a tragic occurrence the club was partially blamed for.”
“But what did you do in this club, Mr Anderson?”
Todd made a grab for his bag, he didn’t want to have this conversation right now. Not ever actually. The Dead Poets Society had been buried with Neil. He felt like a grave robber even discussing it with these boys. “I am forbidden to tell you I am afraid. I am not forbidden to tell you, however, there is a book in the library entitled ‘Five Centuries of Verse’ formerly belonging to a J. Keating. This may give you some answers. If anyone asks, I’m not the one who told you.”
The boys nodded as Todd left the room.
The Dead Poets Society was the best thing that had ever happened to him, until it was the worst. And here he was, slyly giving the loaded gun to a group of young boys.
He had pledged to be a dead poet forever though, and maybe this was the punishment.
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AnderPerry Teacher AU
Alongside @inahallucination and my lovely back and forth of the teacher AU, here's her post, I wanted to draw more Headcanons lmao
HC Todd looks some what scruffy, but wears a ton of Keating-esque suits while Neil likes his comfy sweater vests like the theatre teacher he is!!
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Side HC, the reason why the students dont recognize Todd in Neil's photos is because, much like Ethan Hawke, his face/hair changed a lot. Plus he was more blonde in HS and now at like 30+ he's light brunette, people are like??
"Mr. Perry, who's that guy you're with on your photo"
"That's me and my husband when we were in HS"
"oh cool, where's he now??"
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Also, Neil wears his glasses more because <3 and Todd grew his facial hair out because he's that teacher laksjdalks
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alilsakurablossom · 3 years
concept: anderperry teacher au where Neil is a preschool teacher and Todd is a secondary school English teacher; Todd has an adoptive daughter and he takes her to the preschool each morning because the preschool and the secondary school are right next door to eachother. Neil and Todd always have the friendly lil exchange eachmorning before they get back to their jobs.
one day, when Todd picks up his daughter later than usual (only by 30 ish minutes tho, there was an issue with a student that he needed to sort, the printer didn't work etc) he comes into the preschool and sees Neil happily playing with his daughter, being all dramatic with his acting and pretending to be the character he is playing in the game (does that make sense?? so like if they wére playing with dinosaur toys hes pretending to be a dinosaur etc). his heart then fills suddenly so full and the butterflies (which have been there since he first saw Neil smile) are fluttering like crazy because wow, this man is so good with his daughter and his child is smiling and so sosoo happy right now and it's delightful to see. he also allows himself to Indulge in how handsome Neil (even with his now messy hair and paint splattered apron), that doesn't help the butterflies in his stomach calm down.
Neil then noticed Todd standing in the preschool doorway and he slowly brings their game to a close telling Todd's daughter to get her coat and bag since her dad is here for her. she agrees and goes to her lil book nook.
Neil and Todd are alone and Todd is sheepishly shuffling on the tips of his toes; face flushed as he watches Neil wash his hands from the pen he had on them.
"i haven't seen her look that happy in ages" Todd then finally speaks leaving a moment for Neil to answer.
"she's a delight, so joyful. has she told you how well she did during our little production of little red riding hood the other day. she did fantastic." Neil replied with a gentle smile, drying his hands on his apron
"I know, she's a little star.. and by the looks of it you are fantastic teacher" Todd returns stepping further into the room
"you are just saying that" Neil shrugs bashfully "it's my job so"
"I mean it-" Todd answers, pulling out a piece of paper and scribbling down something "you are a fantastic teacher- a wonderful person" he corrects himself. "and I would be more than obiligied if someday you would want to get a cup of coffee with me"
Neil takés the note and its Todd's number; Neil is smiling like an idiot and holds onto it because wow, this really handsome guy just gave me his number, and wants to go out for coffee. he thinks I'm wonderful ah. Neil agrees to the coffee and then Todd's daughter comes in all coated up and with her little rusac.
"oh- [child's name](I'm thinking Lilly) don't forget your drawing" Neil then rememebers As he hands it over; it's of her and her father.
months; maybe weeks later the drawing includes someone else holding onto the drawing Lilly's hand; Neil. a Neil that is ever so much in love with Todd, and a Todd that is ever so in love with Neil and they are like a cute family ahhhhh
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inahallucination · 1 year
au where kid! anderperry get “married” at the park at some point 
but they lose contact 
until todd comes to welton and neil sees him and remembers him and blurts out “my husband????”
but the rest of the poets dont know wtf hes talking about so theyre flabbergasted (well charlie does but he’s fueling the fire for the hell of it and acting betrayed that neil never told him he was married)
and it doesn’t occur to any of them, at least at first, that neil and todd are teenagers where and why would they be fucking married
todd is flustered but he wont lie having random ppl do stuff for him becuz they think he’s their in law - even if only for a few days/weeks before common sense kicks in - if kinda nice
and horrible becuz anxiety but all of them have jumped in when a teacher has called on him so yay
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babo0shka · 3 years
Anderperry Teacher AU Moodboard (loosely based on @inahallucination ‘s genius headcanons)
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(all pics pulled from pinterest)
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ahhh ty here’s my hc (two parts for word count): rsl seems like he’d delight in dad jokes purely bc they embarrass his kids—neil and todd making dad jokes as they navigate getting a kid+it becomes this joke competition so whoever makes more bad jokes is gonna be a better dad. teacher au, no one knows neil and todd are married, and they both make sooo many dad jokes. in their respective classes joey & kyle say smth along the lines of "you should have a kid with the amount of bad jokes you make"
[Neil/Todd:"me and my husband are actually trying but did you know...*gay history* my husband works here too actually” joey/Kyle: :o and they both independently are like omg I gotta find out who he’s married to. Neil and Todd meanwhile are trying to set up joey and Kyle and put them together on some theater/English combo project idk. So joey and kyle gossip and “omg mr. Perry and mr. Anderson are married???” (2/2) hope you enjoy thanks for indulging me :)]
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anon my beloved
thank you so much for sharing
this is an absolutely brilliant headcanon
neil and todd sit out on their balcony one evening, grading papers in the nice weather. neil takes a moment and looks out along the street.
"i don't like these trees," he says.
todd looks up, eyes narrowed with confusion. "really?" he says. "i always thought they looked nice."
neil shakes his head. "they always look shady to me." he goes back to grading papers, and todd just stares at him, trying not to laugh and let him win this round.
the next day, todd and neil have lunch in todd's classroom. in between chews, todd perks up.
"y'know, i told janis about our little joke game," he says.
neil chuckles. "what'd she say?"
"well," todd says, "she told me this joke about boxing."
todd squeezes his eyes shut, like he's thinking really hard. but finally he shakes his head. "yeah. i guess i missed the punchline." he takes a bite of his sandwich, and neil just looks at him like this.
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my beloved anon, you are always welcome to send hcs into my ask box or my dms if you want. i love talking about them <3
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ilovehimbos · 3 years
wait guys stfu anderperry dancer au omg
omg so todd would so be a ballet dancer idc argue with the wall.
the andersons r a long line of successful and extremely talented ballet dancers. this means that todd was immediately pressured into becoming the best ballet dancer possible as soon as he could, as per tradition. however, this pressure turned into neglect aswell, after jeffrey proved to be a rlly gifted ballet dancer !!
todd anderson is a transfer student to welton academy, which is basically like a dance school or a theatre school, at the beginning of the fall semester, having transferred from balincrest academy, a famous ballet school.
he meets and befriends neil perry and the dead poets and they all become rlly close quite quickly and confident w them!!
neil would be more of a swing dancer, the charleston is his favourite dance, but he’s also rlly gifted in ballroom upon his father’s orders ! he’s also secretly studying musical theatre and practicing acting/singing
the perry family r like newly established wealth which is one of the reasons mr perry pressured neil into ballroom and classical music, in order to appear fancier then they r rlly. neil, subsequently, hates being forced to do ballroom dancing but doesn’t necessarily hate the actual type of dance or the waltz etc
neil is one of welton academy’s top students and he has a rlly bright future ahead of him, no matter what ave he goes down !!
it all begins when todd transfers from balincrest to welton. he meets neil perry and the boys and he and neil pretty much become inseparable from that point on !!
however, as much as todd gets along with the boys, he still remains in his shell, apprehensive and shy.
btw the dead poets meetings still happen except they discuss music and dance along with their poetry.
todd still remains shy while doing his ballet privately, feeling bad about it bc how he will never compare to his older brother or manage “to fill his big shoes” in his absence.
neil however feels he can't express himself properly and that he's trapped in a life sculpted for him that he will never shape. he wants to live and be free and dance how he wants.
mr keating, a new teacher who teaches poetry/music and kinda dance??? inspires the boys and bit by bit, they all start to bloom under his influence.
todd starts to believe in himself more and allows the other boys into his life properly after the gay scene with neil
and todd???? actually is rlly good at ballet???? which surprises the guys when he finally dances for them??? bc he was so shy about it????
they cried bc it was so pretty and then he cried bc they were crying
the poets, crying bc holy hsit that was so beautiful they didn't know dance could be that graceful:
todd immediatley tearing up: omg y'all hated it i'm sorry
but it was rlly bc his parents drilled it into him that it wasn't “up to their standards” and he didn't prove the long anderson bloodline proud.
neil starts being happier and freer in his dancing, and begins to swing dance and the like more often!! infact, he even auditions in school productions and gets the lead most often !!!
and todd starts doing lowkey things with his ballet but by next yr he would be much more ok with shows n shit
todd has personal beef with mr keating after he made him do a billion pirouettes
neil makes todd charleston with him and despite his poise and grace as a ballet dancer, that boy has two left feet omg
he left with sm bruises that day
charlie’s favourite dance is the charleston bc he thinks he's funny. he's not!!!! becuase i Said so
cameron can ballroom dance but actually prefers to play the music and he's literally like a scholar with the piano, its v pretty!!
knox does everything bro. he's just there??? any type of dance??? he's probably done it??? its honestly pretty intimidating
meeks again prefers to work behind the scenes as he's a bit better with more technical stuff but he and pitts r a more free ans modern dancing duo
i love them sm
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sunniesapphic · 3 years
anderperry teacher aus are everything i've ever needed in my life im obsessed (@inahallucination u are a god amongst men)
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