#andrius (one piece)
shegetsburned · 11 months
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The Brass knuckle Pirates y’all <3
Was a delight to commission the talented @xang-yyumi to draw chibis of the crew. They look amazing and so cute!!! I’m so happy with the results, they’re perfect. And the expressions are so into characters. I love it so much. Also, kind of a surprise for the moots I’ve had so much fun forming this crew with (@lunar-cherries, @stuckinthewrongworld) I really hope you guys will also like it!
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Unawakened Dream really awoke the plot bunnies! Enjoy!
The very fabric of Teyvat is unraveling — shattering into unseemly pieces; leaving gaping holes for the Primordial Sea to flood in. Mondstadt has long fallen — Dvalin and Andrius with it — and Venti thought he had no more tears to cry.
And yet…
“Zhong– Zhongli please! You can't leave me too!”
The geo archon lays at his feet, slowly crumbling to dust as erosion dared to claim him in the worst possible moment. The leaking of the geo archon's power destabilizes Teyvat even further. It brings Venti to his knees — threatens to turn him to stone alongside his last and oldest friend…
But Venti can't bring himself to care, as he grips onto Zhongli's crumbling hand and cries into his chest.
Zhongli does not remember Venti's face. He does not remember their shared battles, nor their hopeful songs or idle conversations. Venti is a stranger. And despite that, he gazes upon the image of their melting, shattering, dying reality, and dismisses it: deeming the sobbing archon above him more important.
Despite everything, Zhongli offers a calming smile, laying a half decayed hand upon Venti's unstained white feathers — a speck of soft and clean perfection in a disastrous painting. His voice is quiet and weak, missing his authority and wisdom, but it is still Zhongli.
“You… are important to me. Do not cry; one needn't waste tears over the inevitable and irreversible.”
‘Inevitable and irreversible.’ The thought stills him.
Because nothing is irreversible. Not to that spark split in three. Not to the power long abandoned. Not to the Shade of Time.
It has been millenia since the use of such power. Centuries since he'd thought of it…
Mondstadt would live.
Zhongli would live.
The tears don't stop at this realization, but Venti's grin isn't dampened as he looks into the clouded eyes of the only one left, “Nothing's irreversible Zhongli — not to me! I can fix this! I will fix this! I'll fix Teyvat– I'll save you!”
His words seem to send Zhongli into deep thought, but he speaks before Venti can even begin to draw upon those dimmed sparks, “Is that a promise?”
‘A contract?’ And Venti pauses. Because Zhongli does not know what power those words hold. Does not know that he is the God of Contracts, does not know that a promise bound by him is one impossible to break without severe consequence.
Venti has never entered a proper contract. Though he has always protected Mondstadt (he failed them), if he really felt like it, he could walk away without consequence. He has always retained the freedom of choice, even if the choices are mere illusions.
But what freedom is there if everyone is dead?
So Venti smiles — face marred only by tears, he is a picture of clean perfection amongst muddled destruction, untouched even in the final hour of Teyvat's demise. Untouchable, for even Teyvat's destruction is no guarantee of his own. He draws upon those faded remnants of Istaroth's power — of the power of the First Descender — and his voice is clear, echoing through the remnants of Teyvat and through the Primordial Sea, touching even the realities beyond their dream,
“I'll fix Teyvat, or die trying. May this contract be bound in stone.”
So yeah, may or may not make an actual fic, and did NOT intend this to be as ZhongVen as it was, but that image of Venti using Istaroth's power (of BEING Istaroth) really refused to leave me alone lol. I think it's mostly because I ADORE writing time loops, so even if I do already headcanon Venti as a time manipulator, seeing it in animated form... the temptation was too strong lol
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fantimati · 9 months
Hey do you guys ever think about how the primordial one's nation is based off of Greek mythology and has a lot of ancient Greek influences (especially if the primordial one is Phanes) and how Mondstadt has Roman influences despite being clearly based off of medieval Germany (and maybe the Holy Roman empire? Idk enough about it to say anything)
Favonious→ name of the Western wind god in Roman mythology
Dvalin/stormterror → East wind god, was thought to bring storms
Andrius/Lupus Boreas → Boreas is the northern wind god thought to bring winter and snow.
Venti → literally "Wind god" in Latin. people keep translating it as just wind in Italian which isn't wrong but I don't think it's right either.
And how Istaroth (Literally one of the shades of the Primordial one) was worshiped in Mondstadt in the past with Barbatos.
And how The thousand winds are only mentioned in Enkonomiya ( part of the unified civilization) and Mondstadt (where their GOD is literally a part of them and Istaroth has a connection to them??)
And Kronos (Greek god of time) is often equated wind which matches up with Istaroth extremely well.
And how the Genesis Pearl (Genesis as in creation of something. Often as "Creation of earth/the universe) is encircled by a snake similar to IRL Phanes' egg being encircled by serpent and how VENTI is the one telling us about this??
Can we talk about IRL Phanes' themes of rebirth and how he keeps getting chopped into pieces and eaten for the power to control the heavens? Because I want to talk about how it matches up with the 3rd decender being chopped into pieces and getting "eaten" (absorbed?) By Celestia to control Teyvat.
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bycmykae · 4 days
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🐕 Puppy Love; a canine exclusive genshin impact zine
Content Restrictions and Requirements Rating: SFW, PG Shipping: No Canon Compliant: No Characters: Wriothesley, Razor, Cyno, and Gorou only.
Interest Check: November 23 - December 14
Contributor Sign Ups: December 16 - January 9, 9PM CT
Last day to Join Server :January 13 9:00PM CT
Check in 1: February 9
Check In 2: March 9
Finals Due: April 9, 9:00PM CT
What is a zine?
New to zines? Check out https://zinebaby.carrd.co for some general information. For this project, a zine is a digital PDF that consist of art and fics.
What is the theme?
Your work must include at least one of the following characters: Wriothesley, Razor, Cyno, and Gorou. You can draw them as they are canonically, put them in an AU, or draw them as doggos.
Characters that are in theme that can be featured in your piece alongside Wriothesley, Razor, Cyno, and Gorou without problem:
Razor's wolf spirit
In game dogs like: Kageroumaru and Taroumaru
Generic dogs and wolves
Other Character Inclusion Restrictions:
In writing: other characters can be mentioned in passing, but should not be main or secondary character. In art: Only Wriothesley, Razor, Cyno, and Gorou are allowed to be depicted as humans. Other characters can be depicted as a dog (like. a doggo dog. just adding dog ears do not count). Example 1: Razor with a Pomeranian that's representing klee. Example 1: Razor with a scruffy dog with an orange bandana. Why is this a specification? We will not be curating pitches. So this is an easy way for us to ensure that any of our main characters (Wriothesley, Razor, Cyno, and Gorou) are not overshadowed by an associating secondary character related to our canine characters. Example: If Wriothesley twice as popular then Gorou—and a majority wants to include Neuvillette as a secondary character. This would lead to Gorou being overshadowed by Neuvillete
Who can participate?
Anyone who applies during the application period. No previous experience. No portfolio necessary. Unless you want to be the cover artist.
What types of mediums are allowed?
Anything that can be put into a PDF, which means no music or animation. (Although contributors are encouraged to turn their pieces into animations if they choose to outside of this project).
Contributor Expectations:
English speaking: mandatory.
Discord attendance: mandatory.
Check-ins: optional.
Let a mod know you need to drop: required.
Final deadline: non-negotiable. (No extensions)
Portfolio Requirements
Only cover artists need a portfolio. For our cover we're looking for an artist with a color palette that complements our graphic colors and is willing to draw ALL FOUR boys. Experience drawing Genshin Impact characters (and dogs?) not required but preferred.
Additional Questions?
Feel free to reach out through tumblr ask or email ([email protected])
Bycmykae's extensive FAQ: bycmykae.tumblr.com/about
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burningivy · 4 months
10, 17, 32 for the oc ask game (or just one if thats too much <3)
ok so I'm gonna answer for both Cassandra (because she's my favorite <3) and Sarah (because I've been thinking about her a lot lately; particularly with her friendship with Cass)
10. if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
ok so this is a me-thing, but because I don't wear jewelry, I never really think about what jewelry my ocs would wear
so, I don't think Cass tends to wear much jewelry, in part because I'm projecting, but also because she thinks it would get in the way (since she tends to work with machinery etc). I think if she had like a normal childhood (that she didn't spend being trained), she would've pierced her eyebrow (like on her own, in the bathroom). sometimes I give her a bunch of ear piercings though
I don't think she has a preference towards silver or gold, but I tend to give her black or silver jewelry. I also don't think she has a favorite gem (but also don't know too many gems tbh)
she definitely wears quite a bit of jewelry. I think she owns a lot and tends to switch up which pieces she wears, but she definitely always has on some sort of fun earrings, and she wears the same necklace everyday (I haven't figured out the significance yet, though, oops). I don't think she has a preference either, towards silver or gold; I think she bases it on her outfit, but I tend to picture her in blues with silver jewelry
Sarah definitely has a favorite gem (or a couple favorites). one is alexandrite because it's her birthstone (she's a June birthday). I have a little guide up, and I'm trying to pick out which other ones she'd like. I'm thinking various opals, moonstone, and sapphire
17. how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
ughh I need to finish my post about Cass and Arriela for more context for this. anyway, generally, I don't think she really had "summers" since she was home-schooled (and very unorthodox-ly), but in the actual summer, she spent a lot of time with her cousins (Melia and Andrius) since that's when they'd visit. I also think she spent more time with Arriela then (because while they grew up together, Ela did actually go to school). in her free time, I think she read A LOT and spent time outdoors (either swimming or hiking)
Sarah was definitely a summer camp kid. she went to the same camp every year and eventually became a CIT and then an actual counselor. I also think her family would go on vacations and go camping over the summer. in her free time, I think she, like Cass, would go swimming because she grew up not far from the beach. she also did gymnastics and theater. oh! and she was in a band!
32. do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
she literally makes the weirdest jokes, like refers to being horny as "feeling like a transformer" (based on that 'a transformer just busted' tumblr post). and if she's not speaking in weird/obscure references, she's speaking so cryptically (she's the oracle though, she can't help it)
oh! and her accent is fake. like her grandfather is Greek, but for a time he lived in the UK, so he started faking a British accent. and it's recognizably a British accent, but I think anyone who's actually British would know it was fake in an instant. and because he raised Cass, she picked up his accent. she still has a Greek accent, she just continues to fake the British accent
this isn't odd, per say, but she does that obnoxious theater kid thing where she just randomly breaks out into song. I'm not sure what other odd habits she has. for some reason, this question was the hardest. I think because I don't tend to focus on my ocs' smaller behaviors, so I'll have to start taking note of those
Thanks for the ask!!!
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aetheternity · 2 years
Do you ever think of Venti lore and you’re in the mood for angst? Because I did that and I realized that Venti took the nameless bard’s appearance and his occupation, but Venti fights with a bow. And the bard didn’t wield a weapon. But he was killed by arrows. And I just- Is this Venti’s idea of vengeance or of honor?
What’s even more curious is that the skyward catalyst says he was a catalyst user briefly before he took up the bow. Was he originally repulsed by the bow and needed to use something else before he felt prepared to use it? Why bother to tell us something so seemingly insignificant if they’re not going to explain why they chose to reveal it.
But let’s be honest, even when we do get more Venti lore it probably won’t be about Mondstadt’s beginnings. They’ve already touched on that and they’ve probably got bigger more important things to cover. But that doesn’t keep me from wanting to know more. About everything I just mentioned. About Venti. How did he feel ascending to godhood right after his friend’s death? Did he have proper time to grieve his friend before having to shift into his new role? Did he like being a god and having a humanoid form or did he prefer being a wisp? What were his initial thoughts about being an archon, about Mondstadt and it’s people? What were their thoughts on him? They just killed their tyrant god and another one shows up like two seconds later and Celestia just declares that he’s their archon now. Were they angry? Suspicious? Did Venti immediately do something to win over their trust? What made the newly freed people of old Mondstadt love Barbatos so much? Were they somehow convinced that he helped with the revolution? DID he actually help with the revolution (because the lore is really vague about that) gaining his new form after his friend died but before Decarabian did and then finished him off? What was the nameless bard’s name anyway? Did he not actually have one? Or did Venti forget it with time because everything succumbs to erosion eventually like Zhongli said?
Idk I’m just really passionate about Mondstadt, hoyo pls care about it too I need more!
You know what's funny I actually was having a Venti lore discussion with Luna (Ventisslut) not that long ago. We were talking about that angst headcanon that's like: Venti likes to sit in the hands of the Barbatos statue because it reminds him of when nameless bard used to hold him. And she sent me this cute little video of Venti as a wisp with nameless bard and the entire life story of Venti in an animatic from being a little wisp to his friend dying and then him actually becoming a bard and the way he processed his grief. I believe she reblogged the video so if you want you might be able to find it on her page. Also the fandom likes to call Venti's friend Himmel and I like that name very German. Very cute.
Tbh I find the stuff about him once being a catalyst user so amazing because his fighting style really does feel like a catalyst user and then if he did pick up the bow out of some kind of self justice of some sort I wonder if he ever feels powerful holding something that uses similar mechanics to his friends eventually demise.
What I want is the little things like Venti hatching baby Dvalin. And his possible friendship with Andrius before he became a spirit. Maybe the anime will answer all of this stuff if the game doesn't I mean I heard rumors that the anime is going to show the time period before Traveler came to Teyvat. Maybe we'll finally get the bits and pieces of Venti lore we deserve. Ngl I am going to eat that shit up. Every little piece of Venti the anime has I'm going to eat it up because the game doesn't do him enough justice.
Safe to say I'm ninety nine percent watching for Venti.
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klappertart · 1 year
Genshin orchestra pieces that I wish I can listen to them live:
(Slightly obscure/not main tracks)
Qingce village BGM (Peaceful Hike)
Across Dimming Asterism
Streets of Elegance
The chasm battle track
Village of green(?), Sumeru village BGM
Luhua Pool/Guyun BGM (Another Hopeful Tomorrow, etc)
Various Qingyun Peak BGM (eg that Rainbow (?) Track, Adepti(?) BGM)
Andrius BGM
Popular tracks, I'm almost certain they made it to the setlist but who knows
Liyue, Moon in One's Cup
Rage Beneath the Mountain (Azhdaha)
Inazuma battle BGM (that one played in Emblem artifact domain)
Signora BGM
Genshin Impact title screen track
Sumeru battle BGM (swirl of shamsir)
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cryptidcalling · 1 year
A bit more about Vesper and Captain Andrius (The Empire and The Kingdom haven't been given proper names yet which is why they're called that)
Vesper and Andrius (who he still frequently calls "Captain" out of habit, almost like a nickname at this point) are essentially equal rank and status wise. The same way an emperor is equal to a king, it's just different versions of essentially the same title. Despite this, they have incredibly opposing personalities.
Captain Andrius is the army captain for his Kingdom. However, said Kingdom is allied with the Empire which gives them access to their military might. The Kingdom's army used to fight inter-planetary battles and invading forces, but ever since it allied with the Empire the army hasn't been deployed at all. Almost none of its current soldiers have ever even been to battle.
Andrius himself is much more of a diplomat than he is a military man. Most of his job ends up being paperwork with occasional dinner parties and video calls with various government officials, doing ambassador duties and such. He's a knowledgeable high-society man. He can use all the right forks, knows all the right dances, and can plan a perfectly-polished event. He has a lot of time on his hands when he's not doing paperwork, so he fills it with hobbies. But when it comes to real combat or commanding respect from his troops... he's a bit lacking to say the least. He's not a bad swordsman, he can definitely outdo the average person, but if you put him in real danger it would be like putting a fencing champion on the battlefield. Sure he knows a lot of techniques, but he's always practiced in situations where he knows it's going to be a fair, safe fight. So overall, despite all his talents, he feels a sort of inadequacy. His title as captain is practically just for show. Sometimes he feels like nothing more than a glorified PR manager.
Vesper is a stoic, serious military general who spends most of his job out  in the danger zone, stealthing his way into enemy bases and ripping them to shreds. Or, more accurately, lazer-sword-slicing them into singed little pieces. He's violent and apathetic, easily able to divorce himself from his target and feel no remorse for taking many lives. He's ruthless, and his name strikes fear into the hearts of anyone who may oppose him. Even his own troops wouldn't dare take a tone with him, only his lieutenants and the Emperor himself feel safe to let their guards down around him. But while he's a skilled general, spy, and assassin, he fumbles the ball in real social settings. He only feels the need to fake friendliness and lie when he's manipulating his enemies. So it means if you're not his enemy he can be rather scary, even when he's really not trying to be. He's incredibly out of touch with his emotions, often times not even recognizing which are which. He can easily confuse anger, frustration, fear, sadness, boredom, etc as simply "negative" whereas interest, pride, happiness, desire, can all just be filed under "Not negative." He's not even able to make a proper distinction between "I feel good" and "I don't feel bad." He knows a bit about high-society things, enough to not embarrass himself or his Emperor. But he doesn't see the point in all the frivolous rules. He's busy almost all of the time, out on missions or training his soldiers, sometimes just patrolling if he has reason to. When he does have free time he doesn't really know what to do with it. (His one hobby ends up being collecting some version of sci-fi CDs and dancing, but even that hobby isn't a true passion. It's just the one thing he does outside of work that manages to feel like it's not a waste of time).
They end up first meeting at a large, week-long social event between all of the allied governments tied to the Empire. It's held on Andruis' planet, and it's primarily meant to be a show of good will between all of them. The Empire in particular has been given a good opportunity to show their diplomatic side. But Vesper, as previously established, is incredibly out of his element. Panza ends up basically ordering Vesper to go find someone else to hang around for a little while so he won't look so cold and antisocial. He wants his terrifying general to seem more approachable toward their allies. Eventually, Vesper picks Andrius.
The full arc of their relationship hasn't been worked out yet, but Vesper feels uniquely comfortable around him because of their equal status. He doesn't let his guard down right away, but Andrius is the only person he's ever met that he doesn't need to worry about upholding status with.
At first, justifiably, Andrius is both shocked and terrified that Vesper has taken any interest in even acknowledging him. But later on, he's able to have a unique insight on how out of his element Vesper really feels in a situation like this. See, Vesper does FEEL emotions, he's just trained not to visibly express them, and he doesn't know how to deal with them or recognize them. Andrius is much more knowledgeable and empathetic, so he's able to understand Vesper's feelings better than Vesper himself.
He ends up feeling kind of honored, honestly. Special even. It's like when a mean cat decides to sleep in your lap. It makes you feel like you have a special something, like you really earned it when really all you did was sit there. So he starts to help Vesper out a bit, directing him through social situations and helping him step away when he's clearly too lost.
And Vesper is suspicious at first. He's not used to people doing this his way. Whenever Panza tries to get him to be more social or have more hobbies it's by pushing him out of his comfort zone. He does things the Panza Way, assuming that Vesper just has to loosen up and be willing to try more stuff. But Andrius does it the Vesper way. He takes it slow, he protects Vesper's reputation, and he doesn't expect Vesper to just do everything on his own. He gives him directions, something Vesper really prefers to have in unfamiliar situations. It's gentle, it's careful, it ebbs and flows. Kinda like a dance.
And eventually Vesper's able to move a bit more on his own. Mostly just with Andrius, but also just in general. He learns how to recognize emotions more easily, or at least how to describe them so Andrius can help him out. He gets more willing to open up about it in general, again mainly to Andrius.
Obviously there's a lot more to develop here. I have a beginning and a "later on", but not a good middle or conclusion. It's a work in progress.
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chocoenvy · 3 years
villain au
but the reader decides "aight yknow what fuck it"
and just decides to go for a flirty thief with a tophat and cape kind of aesthetic
and they just
steal shit
and flirt with those that are the most angry at them
also adding the gold blood idea because yes
I may have gotten a bit carried away so there's some concept art under the cut lol (also I imagined reader having a skill tree and they unknowingly put all of their points into stealth so-)
warnings: blood, some torture (reader receiving), drawn golden blood
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Your side hurt, your lungs hurt, your heart hurt. You could barely think. The gods were on your tail again. They hunted you and sought to kill you again and again and again and again.
It'd never stop. They'd never stop. You'd be hurting forever if you didn't do something. You could just... sit there... and accept death.
Ha, hell no. You wanted to watch them writhe in anger, wish they hadn't played games. Wish they were powerful enough to kill you.
So you disappeared. Teleported away with nothing left behind but tracks. It was during this time you honned your stealth and thievery skills. It started small, with some food and water - you were dying after all. Then it started getting bigger, you started accumulating clothes and cloth to make clothes.
Stealing the basics first, a mask and a big hat to not get recognized easily. A better cloak you had sewn a primogem onto and you'd fashioned some primogems into earrings. A small fuck you to the gods to show you'd never wish for any of them again.
Then you went for the bigger fish. You stole weapons. Replacing all of their weapons with one stars, all of those that had hurt you were stripped of their artifacts as well. You put them in your own arsenal. Though, you preffered your daggers as you had fully adopted the theivery act.
The artifacts you had merely gone to the character screen to steal, but for the weapons...
You went in person.
You could see their blood boiling as you appeared from seemingly nowhere. At first, the gods were confused.
"Who are you!" Ei had demanded.
"Aw you don't remember me?" Your smile was damning, "Let me paint a picture, Wolvendom, cornering a scared human between three wrathful gods and Andrius. Then, they dissapeared."
The recognition that dawned on their faces was just the beginning of your sweet revenge.
"It's you! The heretic!" Venti shouted, his face twisted into a seething anger.
The three immediately went to attack you, but you'd dodged at an almost inhuman speed.
"Barbie doll, I'd stop jumping to violence if you wanna keep you lyre der hymmel in one piece." You grinned like a cat, "Well, you've already nearly broken it-"
"How'd you get that?" Venti gasped, his bow lowered.
You giggled, "Now you're lowering your weapon? Not when I was helpless and stared at Mondstat with wonder-?"
"Nobody gives a shit about your sob story just answer the question!" Venti snarled, his bow raised again.
You sighed and shrugged, "How'd the traveler and you get it the first time? I snuck in, though the fatui didn't interrupt me."
Venti's breath was stolen, "How do you know about that-"
"Oh! Look at the time! Seems I'm gonna be keeping this, see you later loves!" You made half a heart with your hand whilst you hurridly teleported away. Spears and arrows penetrating the ground where you had stood.
Another time, you had decided to have a bit of fun with Sara.
"How do you run in those shoes babe?" You had appeared beside her, curiously tilting your head.
"Wha- You!" She'd drawn her bow and aimed it at you.
You held up your hands, "Woah! No need to get so angry so quickly. You're reminding me of Ei you know." You pouted.
"Who's Ei- nevermind. I won't listen to the words of a heretic like you." She sneared and let go of her arrow. It whizzed past you and you just barely dodged, seeming to dissappear for a moment before reappearing next to her.
"But seriously, how the hell do you walk in those? Can I try them on?" You smiled innocently as Sara opted to just attempt to stab you with the arrow.
"Jeez! You and your archons really have no chill!" You huffed, dusting your clothes off.
"Soldiers! Surround them!" Sara ordered.
You sighed, but just as you were about to teleport away a bolt of lightning struck the ground near you and with it, the mussou no isshin slashed you just past your shoulder. The cut wasn't that deep, but it still hurt like hell due to the lightning embued into it. It caused convulsions to overcome your body and you crumpled to your knees.
"Can't teleport away now can you?" The cold voice of the Raiden Shogun - no, that was Ei - sparkled through the air.
"Fuck." You huffed, holding your shoulder.
A hand knocked your hat off and grabbed your hair, forcefully lifting you up to meet the face of Ei. More strikes of lightning struck you and your body convulsed.
"What do you have to say heretic?" Ei held her sword up to your throat, "Now that you've been caught and shall now face divine punishment."
You puffed for air, "What... did I ever do... but try to be happy... with the face I have?"
Ei didn't like that answer. She pulled her sword back and you shut your eyes tight as another round of lightning struck your body. Your arms went limp and uncovered your arm just as blood drippled down your nose.
She gasped and let you go. All at once, the pain of lightning and being held up by your hair dissappeared as you crumpled to the floor, breathing heavily.
Ei's hands shook as she dropped her weapon and carefully picked your injured body back up. She looked to your face, your half-lidded eyes, eyebrows and lips drawn back in pain, golden blood dribbling down your nose and shoulder.
"Haha," You giggled, a mad grin on your face, "Hahaha! That's the- that's the softest anyone has been to me."
Ei's heart broke, Sara could barely stand and dropped to her knees. You reached your hand up to Ei's face, cupping it.
You grinned, though your eyes shone with golden flecks of hate, "I hope those months of me terrorizing you was hell, and I hope this is worse." You made half a heart with one of your hands.
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arxiste · 2 years
Darcy goes back home
They have been waiting for this. For centuries, millenniums they waited, and now it was finally here.
The invasion of earth.
The core watched as the frobots and herons wreaked havoc on the pathetic world and smiled with crazed delight that looked wrong on the face of the once lovable teenage girl.
Darcy looked out upon their army, giving orders, what they did not see, however, was the sad and guilt ridden expression of the once mighty king of amphibia behind them.
Though all of a sudden the core froze.
Andrius looked over at the stop of orders and was met to see Darcy stuck in place with their eyes burning a hole to what seemed as a small neighborhood.
“My lord are you alright?” He said while reaching out to them.
“You seem a little out of it-”
“Shut up Andrias!”
The core said venomously while spinning around violently and smacking the newt’s hand away.
“Get me my scythe and a frobot. I’m going down there.” They said abruptly while shoving past him.
With a worried and confused look the king obliged. “Yes, my lord.”
Darcy was led to earth with scythe in hand and landed near a gray house with two stone statues. The core walked past a sign on the lawn disinterested and went up to the doorstep with their scythe glowing ominously.
They smiled as they slashed open the door violently and yelled with their two-toned voice,
“I’m home!”
Though they were only met with silence.
An empty home. no couches, chairs, pictures of a young girl smiling while being handed a trophy, and most importantly..
It was just a house with nothing in it. A home once filled with laughter and yelling was now filled with silence.
“Helloooo don’t you want to see your favorite daughter one last time?”
Darcy mockingly said, but the smug smile on their face was fading when they were still met with nothing.
In a fit of rage they took their scythe and tore through the walls.
They slashed everything throughout the house in anger while a question rose up in their host’s mind.
Did they leave?..
In the back of the core’s mind there sat Marcy Wu with tears streaming down her cheeks as she wondered if her parents abandoned her.
Although the real Marcy Wu was quietly crying over the anxiety of the assumption, her body or ‘the core’ had not one tear on their face, they simply wouldn’t allow it.
They wouldn’t be burdened by their host’s problems no matter how much they felt it and besides, they could only assume the humans caretakers left. So it wasn’t their problem.
Darcy went back to the door and only then did they see the sign that they passed so carelessly moments before.
On big bold bold letters the word
sat there on the piece of plastic..
It is so funny that those 4 letters can hold so much meaning to someone, but for Marcy it was the worst thing in the world as she felt her heart fully break in two..
She hoped that she was just making assumptions but the sign proved all her doubts..
They left.
Her lungs heaved with gut- wrenching sobs. All the pain she experienced in amphibia could never prepare her for the utter
hurt and betrayal she felt
when she saw the sign from the core’s eyes.
They traded me out for a new job..they left me?
As Darcy looked out at the sign a single tear dripped out from under their helmet as they stared.
heh- dumb, puny human emotions.
They thought as they wiped the tear off their face as they weakly chuckled.
Darcy walked away from the house going back up to the castle leaving behind not only a broken home but also a broken heart..
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xu-ren · 3 years
Genshin gods and their connection to demonology and mythology
I’m no expert on demonology nor mythology, simply someone that enjoys both and the connection between them and Genshin Impact. I think that Mihoyo did a splendid job on the choices they made when deciding which demons in The Lesser Key of Solomon to use. Anyways, I hope that you enjoy. 
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Barbatos in demonology is one of the earls of hell, ruling thirty legions of demons and has four kings as his companions to command his legions. His name seems to derive from Latin 'barbatus', bearded, old man, philosopher. He is the 8th demon in The Lesser Key of Solomon, while Pseudomonarchia Daemonum listed him as the 6th demon.
So far it does not really have anything to do with Genshin, except maybe the fact that Barbatos refers to Morax as old man when his name means old man, so that’s a little ironic.
Barbatos is very known for his command over archery, which is why Barbatos in Genshin uses a bow.
Alright, here is the fun part, Barbatos, unlike some of the other demons in The Lesser Key of Solomon, doesn’t have anything to do with foreign gods. Foreign gods in this case refers to gods not belonging to the Abrahamic religions.
In fact, Barbatos is a fallen angel and was once of the order of the virtues of heaven. This is a delicious piece of irony, given that Barbatos’ godly form greatly resembles an angel.
Barbatos takes upon the name ‘Venti’ as a mortal. The name Venti is most likely Latin instead of Italian. Venti in Latin means wind, and can either refer to the entirety of the four wind gods that serve Aiolos, the Roman Lord of the Winds, whose Greek counterpart is Aeolus or a specific type of wind spirit in Roman mythology, whose Greek counterpart is known as Anemoi Thuellai. The wind spirits are violent storm winds, sons of the monstrous hurricane-giant Typhoeus and were kept locked up in Aiolos’ floating fortress. 
The four wind gods that served Aiolos are Aquilo, the north wind, Favonius, the west wind, Notus, the south wind, and Vulturnus, the east wind. Their greek counterparts are Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus and Eurus respectively. I brought this up because of the Knights of Favonius. 
Another of the four winds gods appear in Genshin, although this time with a Greek name. Andrius, the Wolf of the North, is also known as Lupus Boreas. Lupus is the Latin term for wolf while Boreas, as stated above, is the Greek god of the north wind. In conclusion, the name Lupus Boreas itself more or less means Wolf of the North. 
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Morax in demonology is one of the presidents of hell, ruling thirty legions of demons. His name seems to come from Latin 'morax', that delays, that stops. He is the 21st demon in The Lesser Key of Solomon.
So far, similarly to Barbatos, the only thing that has anything to do with Genshin is his name, mostly because rock is the most likely to be able to endure time.
Morax appears as a great bull with the face of a man, which is interesting in a Chinese context, as Liyue is based on Ancient China. In the Chinese zodiac, an ox has a fixed element, which is earth. The Chinese zodiac sign Ox is disciplined and orderly in his or her thoughts and actions. They are known for the strength of body, mind, and character, and tend to be very conservative. They do well in business, not because of ingenious inventions or clever self-promotion, but by hard work and long hours. Sometimes considered old-fashioned, Chinese Oxen are well-known for their moral fiber. They live by a code that may no longer be popular, but they have a clear sense of what is right and wrong. While others may see them as slow and plodding, inside, they are romantics who want to look at the world as it once was (or at least how they know it was).
This makes the ox a very fitting animal for the Morax we know in Genshin.
Furthermore, another belief for his name is the Egyptian goddess Maat, the goddess of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice. This makes it fitting for the Morax in Genshin in my opinion.
Alright, back to demonology, Morax teaches Astronomy and all other liberal sciences, and gives good and wise familiars that know the virtues of all herbs and precious stones. The precious stones part is fitting for the Morax in Genshin but also the fact that Morax in demonology likes to teach, just like the Morax in Genshin.
Morax descends upon Liyue as a dragon. Dragons in East Asian mythology is commonly associated with good luck, propitiousness, power, and nobleness. In ancient times, only emperors were allowed to use a dragon as a symbol. This is probably used to further reaffirm Morax’s position as the highest of the adepti. The colours used in Morax’s dragon form are simple, brown for the earth and gold for the gold that flows in his veins. Even if he did not create Mora, it is typically said that immortals bleed gold, which is commonly known as ichor.
“The Dragon is believed by the Chinese to present power and valiancy, excellence and determination, dignity and divinity. A dragon is believed to have the powers to overcome obstacles to see success. He is spirited, confident, enthusiastic, intelligent and determined.”
As a mortal, Morax takes the name ‘Zhongli’. Chinese names are a bit more difficult to decipher, compared to Latin names since they depend more of the characters used to make up the name as compared to just the sound of the name. Different characters in Chinese could make the exact same sound but mean very different things. Zhongli’s name in Chinese characters is 钟离, the Zhong in his name means clock while the Li in his name means leave. A interpretation of his name would be off the clock, symbolising his retirement. 
His name is likely from a figure in Chinese mythology, 锺离权, Zhongli Quan, one of  the Baxian, the Eight Immortals of Daoism. Zhongli Quan is also sometimes known as , 汉锺离, Han Zhongli because he is said to have lived during the Han dynasty. In legend, he wields a large fan which can resurrect the dead and transform stones into silver or gold. The Zhong in his name is actually the same Zhong used in Genshin’s Zhong but in traditional Chinese as opposed to the simplified Chinese used in Genshin. 
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Baal in demonology is a Duke of Hell, with 66 legions of demons under his command. His name comes from a Canaan and Mesopotamian god, specifically the god of fertility and storms. The Semitic word Baal means lord or master, and the ancient people believed he was in charge of all of nature and humans. He is the 1st demon in The Lesser Key of Solomon.
Baal in Genshin forms herself as a ruler or lord and master of Inazuma. Unlike Barbatos, who is mostly absent or Morax, who descends once a year, Baal seems to be a god that rules with an iron fist, appropriate for someone whose name means lord or master.
Baal in Genshin claims that her ideal is "nearest unto Heaven," calls her body the "noblest and most eminent of all in this world," and sees her reign as eternal which is again, fitting for someone whose name means lord and master.
Baal in demonology is also commonly associated with Satan or at least as his primary assistant. The arrogance shown in Baal in Genshin is therefore fitting, given that Satan was once Lucifer, the most perfect of angels before he rebelled against God and fell to heaven. He too believed that his ideal was the nearest unto Heaven and that his body is the noblest and most eminent of all in this world. Another interesting factor is that Baal in Genshin believes that humans are not deserving of visions, similar to Satan’s reason for his rebellion against God, for he believed that humans did not deserve God’s love or protection.
Baal as a god was believed to be the "giver of life" and mankind was dependent upon him for providing what was necessary to sustain the farms, flocks and herds. Baal was the god of fertility and storms, it is fitting as storms meant lighting and therefore electricity. In Ugaritic and Hebrew, Baal’s epithet as the storm god was He Who Rides on the Clouds.
The question on how a powerful ruling god, similar to Zeus in Greek mythology, became known as a demon is fairly simple.
“According to the Old Testament, after the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years, they arrived in the fruitful land of Canaan where the prime deity was Baal. Before they entered the Promised Land, the Hebrew people were warned not to worship the pagan gods of Canaan. However, after wandering in the desert for all that time, they weren’t quite sure that their god was the right choice since the Canaanites were living it up on the fertile soil. Many split their allegiance and decided to worship both their god and Baal.”
Many pagan gods were demonised by the Abrahamic religions as the Abrahamic religions did not allow worship of gods that weren't their God. They called it idolatry and deemed it a sin.
Baal’s primary prophet was Jezebel, if you are not familiar with the Abrahamic religions, she is symbolically associated with false prophets. The original Jezebel instituted the worship of Baal and Asherah on a national scale and violently purged the prophets of Yahweh from Israel. Through the centuries, the name Jezebel came to be associated with false prophets. By the early 20th century, it was also associated with fallen or abandoned women. In Christian lore, a comparison to Jezebel suggested that a person was a pagan or an apostate masquerading as a servant of God. By manipulation and seduction, she misled the saints of God into sins of idolatry and sexual immorality. In particular, Christians associated Jezebel with promiscuity. The cosmetics which Jezebel applied before her death also led some Christians to associate makeup with vice.
Personally, given that the records of Jezebel are mostly from Abrahamic religions, I would advise that it be taken with a spoonful of salt. I mentioned Jezebel because she was said to have violently purged the prophets of Yahweh from Israel, similar to how Baal in Genshin purged the vision holders in Inazuma.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Venti: First Meeting and Friendship HCs
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First Meeting HCs
The god of freedom certainly lived up to the title. A truly free spirit who only wished the same for others. He shaped the many hills and cliffs of Mondstadt with his own hand, and graciously bestowed his powers unto those he deemed worthy. And yet…there he sat - teetering on the edge of a barstool, completely and utterly intoxicated.
The red-head manning the bar rolls his eyes at the sorry display the archon was creating, and resumes cleaning the glass in his hand. However as a bell rings out - signaling a new patron - he looks up.
You enter the famed “Angels Share”, the best tavern in Mondstadt - or so you’ve been told. Really, you’ll decide that for yourself - is what you think as you slide into an empty seat at the bar. Eager to unwind after a long day of adventuring, you order your drink and attempt to relax.
But really, your night didn’t end how you’d hoped at all. You ended up with a loud and incredibly clingy bard hanging off of your shoulder spouting barely comprehensible rhymes and poems. You would’ve found amusement in the spectacle if you weren’t so tired. Shrugging him off did no good, as he was surprisingly strong for someone so small.
Thankfully, you got your sweet freedom as the bartender cut him off for the night, presenting the smaller boy with the shockingly large bill. A wave of pity washes over you as his face drops at the number.
He laughs awkwardly, attempting to convince the bartender that he could pay by other means, but the stoic man only sighs, trying to explain to the drop-dead drunk bard that he cannot keep the tavern open with “songs and sonnets”.
Really you were quite done with your failed attempt at relaxation - wanting to go home and just sleep the night away. Sliding a bag of Mora across the counter you state that it should be enough to cover both of your tabs. That was essentially all you’d earned via commission today, though, you can’t really find a reason to be mad about the extra expenditure. Helping people out - that’s just what you do. You don’t look twice as you exit the bar, though you feel a pair of eyes on your hooded figure as the door swings shut.
And that was that - you never saw the drunken bard again. Or so you thought. As the very next day you spotted him out of the corner of your eye while scouting around a Hilichurl camp, but as soon as you looked he was gone. And then that very same evening as you sat down for dinner at Good Hunter. Then several times over the next few days.
It was ticking you off, not just the fact that you had pretty much obtained a stalker, but the extra stress he brought with him as you now had to worry about his well being on top of yours during battle. You even started taking less dangerous commissions to further guarantee his safety. You didn’t really know or like the guy, but you certainly didn’t want him hurt, or worse; dead.
And by that point he wasn’t even trying to hide or disguise himself - trailing a few feet behind you nearly everywhere you went, drawing perplexed gazes from the townsfolk as you wandered from store to store for supplies. You were trying your best to keep your composure - to pretend he wasn’t even there in the first place - but the longer the charade went on the more cracks that appeared in your mask.
You didn’t mean to snap at him, honestly, but you were tired of putting up with a complete stranger following you around for no good reason - so you yelled at him. Right there in the middle of the market, the bard stood stunned - taken aback by your sudden outburst. He recovered quickly of course, smiling up/down at you like he hadn’t just been shouted at in clear view of the publics eye.
He hastily explains his actions, identifying himself as Venti - a travelling bard seeking inspiration for his next story. That night in the bar, he had been there lamenting - drowning his sorrows in wine over his recent pieces. They were all lacking ingenuity - a certain bit of flair that makes a story truly unforgettable. And that’s where you came in. You had caught his attention with your selfless act of generosity, so much so that it had given him that spark he he had been searching for. So naturally, he followed that spark - hoping it would continue to present him with the same creativity as before.
As you listen to his reasoning, the initial anger you felt mellows. You’re more than relieved that he’s not actually a creepy stalker, just a bard looking for inspiration.
Apologizing sheepishly for your actions, you scratch the back of your head. In that moment it was impossible to look into the boys eyes. You felt bad, truly. You had misread the situation entirely - thought it wasn’t all your fault. If the bard had simply approached you in the first place this whole fiasco could’ve all been avoided.
As you voice these thoughts to Venti he hums in understanding. He returns your apology with one of his own - bowing deeply with his beret in hand - shocking you and the few random townsfolk still paying attention to the scene.
Deeply embarrassed by the confused gazes the bard was drawing to them, you hastily accept his apology, tugging your hood further down to hide your hot face. Honestly the idea of just running away from the situation sounded quite appealing, but instead you restrain the urge - opting to walk past the boy as quick as possible.
Just as your shoulders brush, a hand latches onto your wrist - stopping your escape in its tracks. This time it’s Ventis turn to look sheepish, as he officially asks to accompany you on your exploits. He offers you entertainment and conversation, as well as any other skills he may or may not have - the latter only serving to confuse rather than convince you.
“Your journey would be far more enjoyable with a skilled bard such as myself by your side. Perhaps you would even allow me to write a ballad of your conquests?”
It’s not entirely uncommon for a bard to travel with an adventurer for inspiration, you suppose to yourself. Though you’re still more than a bit apprehensive on the matter. It’s not that you don’t want his company - really it does get quite lonely alone out on the road - it’s simply his safety that concerns you. But upon voicing this Venti simply chuckles, exclaiming that he’s much stronger than his appearance lets on.
Now - with no real reason to refuse - you accept his offer, earning a cheer from the bard. And so your joint journey began - you and Venti against whatever tasks or monsters needed tackling.
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Friendship HC 
It goes without saying that if you didn’t have a vision before, you certainly have one now. Within the first week in fact. Waking up in the early hours of the day to a soft blue glowing vision beside your head was not something you ever thought you’d experience - but of course you’re not complaining.
Upon shaking the bard awake to show him your discovery he only gives a rather tame reaction - as if he already knew you had it.
“Hmm? You woke up to a vision by your side? My, my - what luck you seem to possess! Perhaps now you may go into battle with less distress.”
Travelling with Venti is never dull, as he fills the silence with stories of old - tales of the long deserted original city of Mondstadt, the creation of the seven nations themselves and other obscurities that you don’t remember hearing about in any history book. Often times he interrupts his own story to spill his own hot take on a major historical figure or deity - hearing him call Andrius a “mother hen in denial” had you spit out your drink. His storytimes often end with you wondering how exactly someone so young would have knowledge of times long gone. He always shrugs it off, quickly changing the subject with a smile filled with secrets. For a boy so young he talks as if he’s been around for centuries.
Any looming worries over his well being are quickly dismissed once you see him fight. His nimble fingers and sharp eyes shoot down all matter of foes in rapid succession, and his skills at utilizing anemo are completely unparalleled. Really, you’re left wondering how he’s not the adventurer here.
You will absolutely fall victim to his pranks there’s nothing you can do about it. Whether it’s the wind blowing your cloak around in your face, extra jueyun chilies in your food or a slime condensate down the back of your shirt - you cannot escape the impish bards mischievous side. It’s when he suddenly falls quiet that you have to worry. A silent Venti is a scheming Venti.
However this is not a one-sided deal at all, he welcomes - no, insists - that you prank him back. He doesn’t want you to be left out of the fun after all! So get him back for that frog he put in your pack, or the time he kept pushing air currents in your direction so you couldn’t land your glider. Really; the more creative the better. If you’re able to prank him successfully he’ll laugh with you as you celebrate, praising you for your victory. But be warned that his next scheme will be twice as good as yours.
If you ever need a break from his shenanigans, go hang out with a cat. He won’t approach you while the animal is around, however he will be pouting up a storm from a distance.
You’ve gotten to discover many quirks of the bard clad in green over time, like how the tips of his hair seem to glow brighter when he’s in a good mood - especially when he laughs, and that he’s completely repulsed by cheese. If he ever bothers you too much you can get him back by chasing him while holding the stuff. Some of that nasty, stinky stuff Sara has at Good Hunter should do the trick. Mind you that the boy is incredibly spry - so good luck keeping up.
Eventually, he ends up revealing his true identity to you after the guilt of lying begins to eat away at his heart - making it harder to keep up his persona. Really he’d wanted to tell you for months at that point, but a lingering feeling of apprehension - a worry that you may no longer see him the same way - kept holding him back.
“Y/N, I wish to tell you a truth I’ve been hiding. You see…in reality, I am Lord Barbatos.”
“That…actually explains so much…”
He’s relieved to find that nothing has changed between the two of you after his revelation. You still treat him like Venti the bard, just as you always have. It’s a weight off his shoulders to be sure, and you can tell his overall mood has improved too.
It’s still kind of shocking when he switches to “Barbatos mode”, as you’ve taken to calling it. Spouting bars of philosophical gibberish at the most random of times leaves you blinking in utter confusion and often times just hurts your brain.
At the end of the day, the God of freedom is incredibly lonely. The best way to describe it is that he’s detached - he’s out of touch with his ever-changing homeland and the people that reside in it. Only ever appearing to handle a major problem or calamity at hand and then sending himself into a deep slumber for hundreds of years.
Waking up each time is like mental whiplash for the poor god, as he sees towns rise and fall, people come and go and things change again just he’s beginning to get used them. It takes a toll on him - though he won’t let anyone see that.
He craves companionship and the feeling of belonging that comes with it more than anything. Placing unconditional trust in someone else, backing them up when the goings get tough and having them do the same in return. Providing a shoulder to lean on in moments of weakness and being so comfortable that breathing easy becomes the simplest thing in the world. That’s what he wants. Barbatos may not be human but his vessel is.
That’s why Barbatos cherishes his friendship with you so much. He knows you - like all other humans - have a finite amount of time in this world. In time, wrinkles will adorn your face, and strands of silvery gray will appear in your hair. You bones will ache as age seeps into your body. And yet he will experience no such afflictions - forever wearing the face of a young boy from another time. Ever ageless, frozen in time.
The dull ache that spreads through his chest at the thought of watching the one who he considers his closest friend wither away in front of him is…crushing. Even though he knows your time alive is brief, and that your death would only cause him more pain - he can’t stop himself.
He’ll spend nearly every day by your side, telling you tales of yore, pulling pranks and practical jokes, covering your back in battle and being there when you need it most. He wants you to experience the land and all its freedoms. He wants you to get the most out of what little time you have in such a vast and expansive world.
You’re the closest friend he’s had since the real Venti - and he sees bits of him in you too. You help fill the gaping hole of loneliness in his chest - one stemming from a millennia of duty and repressed guilt.
He knows you’ll eventually leave him, and one day hopefully he’ll come to terms with that. But for now, he’s content with you by his side, racing off into whatever dangers lie ahead.
This turned out so much longer that I thought it would I’m so sorry ;-;
I know you said all you wanted were headcannons but I think I went a lil too far…ok ALOT too far
I had fun though…so thanks for giving me something to work on!
No need to feel sorry! I loved it so much. Headcanons, fics, whatever you want^^ I stan talent and you have it 💕💕
I don’t know if you lads remember but when I was struggling over Venti HCs, this was the friend I asked for crumbs of inspiration that ended up giving me an entire fic. I went absolutely feral over it and wanted to share it with you all. 
So thank you to @fulltimeventisimp​ [alt account] for your beautiful work and feeding us all Venti crumbs. I swear to god, if there is a Venti re-run and you don’t get 6 venti’s in one 10 roll it’s time to riot. 
[No worries about tags] 
Also, I know this isn’t my work but I’m going to tag you all in this 
  @mikeysbike​​ @unionwitch​​ @musekala​​ @sunnshiii​​ @stanzastic​​ @akaasea​​ @xoneaboveallx​​ @adoring-ghost​​ @asheseiler​​ @childelover​​ @dilucsz​​ @dai-tsukki-desu​​ @thicmitten​​ @nonniechan​​ @htnicayh​​ @genshins1mpact​​ @morthecreator​​ @aanne2601 @aklxojjk​​ @hanniejji​​​​
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eimarmene-graves · 2 years
I’ve been listening to a lot of genshin music because I think that is the best part of the game, and I have also realized how Yu Peng Chen likes to use variations of classical music/famous folk songs as the base of certain theme musics. Some of the most obvious examples I’ve encountered so far include:
Dawn Winery Theme: Greensleeves - British folk song;
Symphony of Boreal Wind (Andrius Phase 2): Requiem in D Minor K.626: Lacrimosa - Mozart;
Broker Betwixt Life and Death (Hu Tao theme): The Nutcracker: Dance of the Sugar - Tschaikowski
Separated Dream (Inazuma theme): Sakura -Japanese folk song
And the best thing about this is, when you think about it, the original classical pieces actually matches the vibes of the music very well.
There’re a lot more interesting details to look into and research about regarding genshin music, it’s one of my favorite activities to do when I’m relaxing. I will add more in the future when I have any new discoveries :)
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ellitx · 3 years
helpppppp i read that scenario of reader sleeping over, and I couldn’t help but imagine that they all share the same room when that is. Also what do you think the twins would do to get readers attention over the other?
Im gonna set this back when you’re in the middle school or something.
word count: 1.6k
You and the twins are already comfortable with laying on each other’s bed whenever you/they visit. Your mother, Amos, even brings snacks to your room for them to eat and she always gets excited whenever they come to your house.
She’s even the one who insisted if you wanna invite them for a sleepover! Your father, Decarabian, always disapproves whenever you ask him if you can sleep at the twin’s house. (Also because uncle Andrius is there and he doesn't want you to get close to him)
Himmel and Venti were having friendly bickering and thinking over what gift they should give to your mother as thanks for welcoming them in. Amos accepts anything! She really appreciates they’ve put an effort to do it but later on, feels guilty and that they didn’t have to do it.
Speaking of gifts, your birthday is almost coming. Himmel and Venti thought at the same time. And while Aunt Amos is here...
You already know that they also have the same idea to ask your mother what you would like to have as a gift but have different methods to approach her.
It was Himmel who first asked aunt Amos about it. Well... not really her but someone else. It was after dinner and he decided to help her out and the maids in cleaning the dishes. He was really nervous and shy to ask her. Is it really alright if he questions aunt Amos what are your favorites? Will she get disappointed that he doesn’t know what your likes and dislikes are for the entire years he grew up with you?
Himmel sighed and continues to wipe the dishes with a dry cloth and puts them inside their respective racks.
“Master Himmel is everything alright?” A maid suddenly asked in concern, surprising him.
“We can handle everything here. If you’re getting tired, we’ve already prepared and tidied the room as what the Young Mistress has ordered.” She continued. The boy blinked before shaking his head and giving a soft smile to her way.
“Oh please don’t worry about me! I’m just thinking about something.” His attention was back on the ceramic plate and he carefully does dry it.
“Is it perhaps the Young Mistress’s birthday is coming soon?”
Himmel almost dropped the plate if it were not for him to quickly regain his balance and tightly hold on to it for dear life. He looked at the maid in utter shock, his face was scribbled with bafflement and embarrassment as he owlishly blinked at her.
Was he really that obvious the maid managed to point out his current problems right on spot? Well, It’s better to talk to her about this right? She knows you more than him after all.
Himmel nodded and set his gaze on the plate, mirroring his appearance.
“What do you think [Name] would like to receive as a gift?” He muttered under his breath as heat began to crawl up to his face up to the tip of his ears.
“Young Mistress’s favorite?” The maid echoed. She then placed her gloved hands to her chin, deep in thought.
“I’m sure she’d love anything as long as it’s from you. It’s the thought that counts, is it not?” She said before turning off the faucet to avoid wasting water.
Himmel was quiet for a minute.
Anything, huh?
Venti would directly ask Aunt Amos what gift you would like when she was preparing night snacks for the three of you. The younger twin snuck out of the room and left you and Himmel alone to play some video games.
As much as he’d hate not being included there and missing out on the fun, the most important matter right now is the gift you’ll get for your day of birth!
“Aunt Amos! Aunt Amos!” Venti cried and slammed the door open to where the kitchen is. The said woman shrieked at the sudden intrusion and looked over her shoulder to see the culprit behind her almost heart attack.
“Venti... goodness you gave me a fright there.” Amos chuckled and continued to prep up an iced tea.
“Aunt Amos, I wanna ask you something!” He said and leaned over the counter to take a peek at what she’s doing.
She stopped whatever she’s doing and wiped her hands with her apron before setting her focus on the short male.
“What is it?”
Venti walked back and cleared his throat behind his fist as if he were going to make a speech.
“A man is sitting in a pub feeling rather poor. He sees the gentleman next to him pull a bag of 100 Mora out of his pocket.
He turns to the rich man and says to him,
'I have an amazing talent; I know almost every song that has ever existed.'
The rich man laughs.
The poor man says, 'I am willing to bet you all the money you have in your wallet that I can sing a genuine song with a lady's name of your choice in it.'
The rich man laughs again and says, 'OK, how about my daughter's name, [Name]?'
The rich man goes home poor. The poor man goes home rich.
What song did he sing?”
Venti ended his riddle with a smile at the woman. Amos seemed to be contemplating his question very well and it’s not often she gets to participate in his brain-teasers. So this is very much a surprise for her.
Well, enough about that, she has to answer this quickly and she doesn’t want to make him wait for her longer. Going back to his riddle, was the rich man supposed to be her husband? Venti did mention your name when the poor man asked the rich man.
A song that has your name...
“Is it Happy Birthday?” She answered.
“Bing bong!” Venti’s fingers were formed to an okay sign and gave her a big grin.
“Knowing the answer is Happy Birthday, I suppose you’re also going to ask me about [Name]’s gift, am I correct?”
Venti let out a hearty laugh and winked at her. “Correct once again, Miss Amos!”
“Sooo...” He held on to the chair’s backrest and gave her the best puppy eyes he could muster to get another answer from her.
“Please please please please tell me what [Name] would like— no, LOVE to get on her birthday!!” He begged and clasped his hands together as if he was praying to a god.
“Now, now, isn’t that cheating? Your brother never asked me about this so isn’t it fair for you if you guess as well?” She remarked as she arranged the brownies on the plates.
“Wait— Himmel didn’t ask you?!”
Oh, how foolish he was to think the older twin actually asked your mother. Was he thinking too much when Himmel helped her out in cleaning the table? Perhaps yes, perhaps not. Or maybe Aunt Amos is hiding something that even she cannot tell the hidden secret to him?
“Well, I suppose I can give you a hint on what it is.” Amos motioned for him to come closer in which Venti quickly obeyed. Venti took note of all the words left from her lips in his head and is beginning to plan out events on the next days before your birthday.
His smile was brighter than the sun in this nightly hour and his eyes sparkled in excitement and joy. Even though her hint lacks information and clues he could deduct, he at least speculated it must be that item!
“Thank you, Miss Amos! That’s already a good hint for me! Now if you excuse me, I suppose we can eat this already...?” He sheepishly asked as he looked on the tray placed with a pile of brownies on a plate, a pitcher of iced tea, and three tall fragile glasses.
“I was about to ask you if you can bring it to the room. Be careful not to trip on your way!” The young male bobbed his head and picked up the tray with his two hands.
“Will do! And thank you for the snacks again!” And then off he goes, his slippers slapping against the tiled floor to make his way back to the shared room.
Amos watched his form disappear before her eyes flicked to the doorframe. A small smile appeared on her lips and crossed her arms over her chest.
“You can come out now, dear.” She said. A good minute of silence was only present in the kitchen before a tall man stepped out of the darkness, sighing heavily as he threw her a look of disappointment.
“Did that little rascal really have to use me in his riddles?” He groaned before taking a look over the leftover pieces of brownies.
“What? It’s kind of amusing and smart to do it. I’ll give him kudos for that.” Amos opened her lips and popped in small bits of the dessert in her mouth to take a taste of it.
“Hmph,” Decarabian huffed as he poured a drink to the glass.
“And let me guess that Himmel also asked you about [Name]’s birthday?” He almost spat out his drink when his wife mentioned the name of your friend. It would be a waste if he did that and he doesn’t like to cause a mess in this area already.
“I told you he’s a good kid. You just have to get rid of that frown of yours and your authoritative aura. Himmel’s always doing his best and now he even had the courage to approach and ask you.”
Decarabian could only stand still and remain silent as he sipped his drink.
ive written a shared room scenario before and this is set on college au. Do take note this has nsfw content in it
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Lullaby for the Gods
You have two options
"Stories brought on to the wind will bloom into legends in due time; An ancient tale comes whisked into the wind; In time it will grow and sprout once again." The Weaver and Nurturer of Tales, how they came to be and how they have gone.
Pairings -> Venti x God of Time (Ambiguous, Can be Reader)
Word Count -> 1976
Themes -> SCENARIOS, Background, Timeline, It's sad kinda
Series -> #Bonafide specials (100 followers event) Special slot from a special someone : not sure if they want to be tagged
Warnings -> This is my interpretation on the God of Time based on the Sacrificial Weapons Series. And since the prompt only mentions Venti, I won't focus much on their relationship with Decarabian.
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Winds of the North are migrating through the crown of the continent once again. The clouds and breezes shift at the peak of day and the grass, the trees, the flowers they all sway. This was the first encounter, as one of the threads of the thousand migrating winds that is Venti, he had always been fascinated by the strong gales that covers a vast land beyond his reach. The city of Mondstadt protected by raging winds far stronger than he.
"Come now, little guy, are you not straying from your stream?" Such beaded eyes of the little sprite detaches from the crown of the North, with its giggles accompanies a sound reminiscent of bells as he nuzzles at the outstretched hand, fair and smooth. A finger consoles his little cheek as the God of Time echoes his snicker. As the sprite settles on their hand, they both spare a minute to watch the God of Storm's dominion. And then they turn to guide Venti back to his current, to his family of winds.
And the little sprite will not witness them until the second cycle of wind passes the cold land of Mondstadt.
So when the time came, several weeks after, Venti once again strays from the winds to venture to his own current. Where are the satin robes that flows with the breeze, that witnesses the rage of another God? The sprite follows tinkling of tin carried by the thousand winds, harmonizing to produce a soft and sleepy melody that lulls those to sleep.
In a distant island he finds himself upon a huge sundial atop a mostly quiet temple. And there stood again the God of Time, with a distant look over the ocean horizon, eyes clouded yet sparkling from the stars that bounced from the surface of the water. Their skin never frails nor wrinkles, hair lustrous and thick, yet their eyes carry a thousand yard stare of shrouded sadness.
"Little wind..." the sprite nuzzles against the cheek of the God, vibrating in worry as he urges them to smile. And they did, even if did not reach their eyes. "You've strayed again, your achon is far from here," cradling the elf to their neck, they turn away from the horizon to the west.
Yet when they urge him to go back, he stubbornly stays.
A stubborn wind playing around the wielder of Time itself. His courage was admirable, and he is lucky that this God is benevolent to his advances.
So they entertain Venti, and the wind begins his stories. Tales of those he'd witnessed when the wind ventures through the continent; and in every word he spills the God of Time is attentive, for when his accounts finally come to their end, Time puts into their memory for keeping. You weave the tales and I treasure them for that is my duty, they spoke with melancholy.
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Decarabian is a God that loves his people more than others would know, more than the people would know. And he is also a lonely God. Perhaps it is this distance and disconnection from the world and his people that had made him naive to what he has forced upon his subjects.
The first prayer was heard beyond the wall of storms, only befalling to the ears of the God of Time and the wind spirit who were enjoying a leisurely stroll through the frozen land Andrius had covered in his territory. A man's woe for salvation of the city beyond the gales first reaches the God.
Yet they are unmoving and silent as they watch from afar the Gunnhildr.
But the wind spirit was not that, he was curious and as always he is carried away to his own feat. So without warning he strays from Time and listens to the crying one ever so patiently, and there he receives a glimpse of power that shall manifest one day to greater good.
God of Time offers a smile in the forests where they hid. But only that. For despite being the God of Time, they are solely there to protect its flow. To maintain balance and what should be.
There is nothing they can do to help the people of Mond.
"Little wind." The moniker carried a hard edge of worry unlike the other instances it was used. "The land of Decarabian is... treacherous and suffocating. You are but a tiny wind against his storms." Yet they knew such words will not remove the resolve in the tiny spirit. "Come back to me in one piece, alright? Remember your tales."
Venti softly bumped his hooded head to the God's cheek in reassurance, before he too disappears past the walls of gale front.
And so the God of Time can only do nothing but stand in wait. Like they had always been. Like they had always done. For Decarabian then, for Venti now.
"Bring forth the freedom we all desire."
Many of those that dwell the King of the North's cold wasteland once talked of an ethereal being of satin and silk, of flowing sands, that which overlooked the land of the storms with a somber look. Perhaps it was the waiting and the hoping, but many felt great semblance with the deity. Of the longing look for a distant freedom.
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"Little wind," immediately after was a chorus of laughter at the irony brought upon by habits. Venti, now Barbatos with his great wings loom over the God of Time, hands outstretched to feel upon their smooth hands. "I always knew there was more to you."
"My muse," he tastes the new name with his newfound voice, and with his there was a chorus of angelic echoes. "There are festivities upon us, for the city of Mond trapped that was. The people had prepared a grand temple, for just us two Gods it is already ample."
Yet the God of Time smiled only with their lips at the mention of a shrine. You told them about me, they mused as the archon carried them both with the wind where the temple by the east cliff resides.
Give yourself some credit, the new Anemo Archon responds in light banter.
But the God of Time does not.
And so days of reenactments and performances were all that they were driwned upon. For daily, between the peak of the moon and the glimpses of the sun, devoted subjects would appease to the two Gods of Mondstadt through retelling and theatrics of their hard-earned journey to freedom.
Although they cannot glimpse upon the forms of the deities, the light giggles reminiscent of bells that comes from amusement and the flow of draping satin are enough reassurance that their important audience still lingers and listens to their offerings.
This dwelling became their place of rendezvous. And whenever the amphitheater was not crowded by devotees, a lyre plays with a melodic voice, weaving tales of Mondstadt's anew. The God of Time would be there to treasure every story that is weaved, but their subjects remember such moments in a different light: the strum of the strings and the lilt of Barbatos carries with it a hint of serenades.
It seems as tho the faceless God enjoys the Anemo Archon's tales the most.
Whenever it is the Gunnhildr's clan that performs their tale of courage in honor of defending Mondstadt, life and freedom, Barbatos' happiness was the most extraordinaire. The winds breeze by to caress everyone with comfort.
The Imunlaukr receives praise from the God of Time when they are the one on stage. Of courage and bravery, with their desire to not only protect the city of Mond but to appease the Gods, time slows when they follow their script. As if honored by time to stay and linger for the amusement.
And finally, the Lawrence clan holds with them a different reaction, for when their time has come it is quiet. Other clans would comment that perhaps the Gods do not favor their performance but they continued regardless, and they carry with them the essence of wisdom and strength, from the frozen lands to the new city. And only after they perform are they graced by the softest winds and the kisses of youngness that they carry with them even after.
This clan's performance sings with expertly woven symphonies and journeys of hardships through the cold, not harsh but comforting, soft melodies and that of longing. During their performance unbeknownst to their eyes is when the wind embraces the passage of time, where it is in its calmest moments, cradled between his arms and resting against his chest.
The bloodline of the Lawrence always ends the rituals for the morning, for the God of Time had finally found themself free from the shackles of the storms, peacefully resting in the arms of freedom. And it is in these moments that the people appreciate the lessened harshness of time.
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Time is harsh and unrelenting, and should always be moving.
The God of Time protects time, nurtures time, and urges time. No force or law shall break the equilibrium of time nor tip its balance. And this unbreakable rule applies to them.
For this reason they ask one day, to the Anemo Archon, why they praise Time. What do they expect from time. And there Barbatos finally sees the burden of a thousand years, of the constraints of that whom is held down by prayers, held down by incapability.
Time only knows harshness. And they cried to the winds without restraints, for not once will they be able to gift the people that so desperately long for their blessings.
And for once, the wind was silent.
For once, the winds... understands the insanity of being one with time. A force made to be unmoved and unrelenting, to be shackled to a single tale when you are burdened with the pleas of many others.
Time is harsh, because they are meant to be.
So when the Anemo Archon finally desired rest and detachment to procure the essence of freedom, they too felt the chance to finally breathe. "Can you set up my awakening five hundred years from now?" Venti laid his head upon the lap of Time, teal eyes and smile somber yet gentle and reassuring. "Preferably at the peak of Ludi Harpastum, if you would allow." An hour glass manifests next to him, allowing his wish.
"When you wake, I will be here," they mumbled as the archon lets his eyelids rest, feeling a soft kiss to his forehead that lulls him to sleep.
"Tell me the tales like a balladeer." And he slumbers away the years.
"When I came to be, the Lawrence ruled over Mondstadt, governing with the most disgusting aristocracy. It was only right that they lost the blessings of thy winds, after all it is only for those who fought to be free," Venti sighed with pure disappointment, "Honestly."
"What happened to your Time friend, then? Did they tell you what happened during your sleep?"
The windborne bard looks at Paimon with a wide yet steeled gaze so daunting it made her squeak and hide behind the traveler. Who silently watches as Venti once again sighed and resigned to strumming his lyre.
"They're gone." No rhyme, no smiles, no cryptics.
Barbatos sought out the help of the winds of Teyvat to tell tale on the dwellings of the God of Time yet came out empty handed. And his only salvation, the oldest of the Seven, can only shake his head as he too does not know of the whereabouts of the God.
The fragments of time lingers in cursed windswept ballads and stories. And as the years go by, all worshipers and records had forgotten about the deity.
They only sing praise to the wind shrine now.
Now who shall nurture the stories brought by the winds?
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I seem to have a knack for hurting Venti.
@creation-magician @boxofteenageideas @zelos-simp @ellitx @your-local-venti-simp @indigodreamtime47
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zystarsun · 2 years
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gonna start uploading my art here as well so i thought to begin with a few pieces i finished back in january but ones im still so so proud of. these are gifts i made for my friends during the holidays!
honey (lady in pink) belongs to @sunshades ennis and pella (the drows in the first pic) belong to @staribon
andrius and adomas (tieflings!) belong to @simikae
and the two guys getting coffee belong to rj and earthy
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