#angry murmurs ♢
kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
Reblog to call Kaito a bastard cat
Do not.
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arece · 1 year
hey abby i was wondering if i could request a drabble about john comforting the reader after the reader makes a mistake (like breaking a dish, misplacing something, or anything else you can think of)/thinks that they’re a mistake i really love your comfort drabbles lol thanks so much <33
Cool About It
♤ Summary: Some fears just never truly go away. The masterlist
♤ a/n: Some insight to Readers past before John and Aurelio??? Look guys I'm still alive! I have two weeks of school left so finals have been trying to kill me off. I'm trying to get through the requests, I swear I am!
♤ Warnings: panic attacks, injuries, burns, cuts, reader's been through some stuff :(
The past two years you’ve been officially staying with John he grew used to how jumpy you could be. He expected it to tone down after the incident with your nightmare but it seemed… different. It only appeared to be on a worse level with certain situations.
He’d catch moments where you’d be lost, staring off into the distance, caught in a memory he couldn’t see. He wanted to ask you about it but was worried about scaring you off, pushing into new territory that neither of you had addressed yet. You were already so skittish as is.
Lost communication seemed like it’d always be you twos failing point, John wanting to save you and you fearing that he’ll need to. It’s hard to be a functional family when you can’t admit to each other it’s what you crave.
You had a special sense for reading other people's body language, being able to tell a switch from the smallest finger twitch. Although it came from a dark place it came to be useful for certain situations. That’s what already had you on guard when John came home from his latest contract.
The atmosphere was tense, even Dog chose to not stick around, scampering off to your room. He looked angry, frustrated. He was also exhausted by the bags under his eyes, most likely not getting much sleep the few days he was away.
“Hey, you’re back. Winston said you’d be a couple more days…” you trailed off at his deep sigh from your words, were you annoying him? He rubbed a hand over his face, letting his bag slide down from his arm to fall on the floor.
You slightly tense from the loud smack as it made contact with the floor but brushed it off. “Got lucky,” you could barely catch his low murmur. He fell back against the couch and you felt the need to make sure he was alright, that you’d prevent anything from angering him further.
“Are you hungry?” You found yourself practically forcing the words out. “No.” The grit in his tone twisted your stomach the wrong way and your breath caught slightly. “I’ll make you some tea.” You scampered out of the room before he could respond.
You set the kettle on the stove top, water slightly spilling out from the side due to your shaking hands. You took a deep breath trying to swallow down the uncomfortable fear growing inside. Not knowing how much sugar he took you decided to place it on a tray so he could do it himself. 
You poured in the boiling water and picked out a random tea bag before adding it to the tray, carrying it out to the living room. You could feel your anxiety rising as you approached John, his demeanor not any more calm from when you left him.
You placed the tray on the coffee table, “I’m not sure how you wanted it so I brought over a bunch,” you slightly rambled as you set things out. Your elbow knocked the corner of the sugar container, sending it spilling out.
You felt your heart physically stop. “Fuck,” John let a curse slip out over the mess. Tears started to sting at your eyes and you began to scramble to clean it all up as quickly as you could. “I’m sorry, I’m-” You hissed as the boiling water in the mug burnt your fingers, dropping it from instinct.
Glass shattered against the floor, hot water splashing against your bare legs. Before you could truly think it through in the midst of your hysteria you bent down and began picking up pieces of glass, slicing the tips of your fingers. Mumbling apologies insistently in broken sobs you didn’t notice John calling out to you.
“Kid.” He wraps his arms around you, having to physically lift you up and move you to the safety of the couch. You curled up into a small ball, shoving your face in between your arms. You just wanted to disappear, avoid the anger you were bound to face over the giant mess you just created.
John had no choice but to clean up the mess first, not wanting to risk you injuring yourself further. Once he returned from getting rid of the glass he found you right where he left you. You looked so small, so helpless. That reaction - his jaw clenched just at the thought of what could’ve brought you to react like that.
He reached out to you, wanting to clean up the cuts and check that you didn’t seriously burn yourself. But you flinched back. He froze, like a bucket of ice water being poured over him. It’s true, you’ve witnessed him commit brutal acts but he had hoped by now he had managed to prove that he would never hurt you. 
His anger wasn't directed at you, never at you. He was just frustrated at how the contract grew more complicated than he had hoped. He never meant for his frustrations to affect you like that, didn't think that it would.
“Kid,” he whispered softer than he ever has before, “please. I just wanna see that you’re okay.” You peeked at him through your arms, watching him for a moment. As you traced his expression, ensuring there were no hints of anger, you slowly let yourself unravel from the protective ball you created.
While he began to slowly work through your injuries you remained silent, once again becoming lost to him. He didn’t know how to get you back, the one thing he couldn’t protect you from was your mind, but he’d be damned if he didn’t try. 
Once you had finally calmed he sat beside you, not saying anything. You couldn’t speak, couldn’t find the words to even express the mass amount of emotions and panic you had just gone through. You knew that John would never hurt you, but that fear for survival never truly went away.
It would claw at you to desperately listen to its warnings, you aren’t safe, it’s your fault, do something, fix it. “Are you alright?”
“Yes.” A lie and you both knew it.
He pulled you into his arms, moving slowly so as to not startle you further. When you relaxed into him he breathed out, grip tightening just slightly. “We don’t have to talk about it.” Your head fell against his shoulder in relief.
Sometimes it was easier to not say anything at all.
taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @tamnight @hesvoid34 @scarletmeii @romanreignsluver1 @wi1steria @not-a-big-slay @howlerwolfmax @mizzy-pop @sarapaprikas-blog @angrykitsune01 @commanderfreethatdust @wisepizzatart
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
this u? - ✨
Tumblr media
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
...who are you? i also want Mrs. Asahina dead and buried though
- 🎨 ( @jail-x-break-official )
.. I am Kaito. You are Ena, correct?
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
.. Good evening.
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
Hey guess what
You can now Enter the real world
Since after an incident involving the backrooms so can other you
I’m going after Mr. Shinonome and the Asahina parents. Do not contact the police. I will be arrested.
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
I appreciate this way more than you'd imagine. These anonymous test my patience immensely.
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
... Someone seems to have been magical girl-fied without my knowledge, it seems.
Should I treat you like all the people I gave magical abilities...? Should I just forget about you...? This is very confusing.
Magical Shoujo anon
… There’s an entire guy for this?
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
Hiiiiiii Kaitoooooo!!!!! :33333
Hello, Mizuki. Doing well?
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
kaito do you ever think before you do anything. be honest with me - 🎀
.. Yes?
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 9 months
Can we kill Mafuyu's Mom?
I encourage that.
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
How did you even appear? You’re from SEKAI, so you must be made out of feelings. - @asahina-mafuyu-official
I formed from pent-up anger. It’s most of what I know.
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
are you plotting to kill anyone else…?
- @niiku-official
No. Regardless I have been imprisoned, woe is me.
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
Hey, uh. Heard you kinda. Murdered my dad??
.. I didn't realize Ena had a sibling. Good evening, yes I did.
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
Nothing is happening especially not crimes. It is bed time go to sleep.
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kaito-at-2500-archive · 10 months
[ He is staring back. ]
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