my-dear-ceramic-frogs · 7 months
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S5E2 angst
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Don't Let Go
ahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha @the-princess-fangirl and @loife1m thanks for the one shot prompt
After the final battle, after discussions and reunions and funerals.
It finally sank in.
The nightmares, the trauma, a PTSD of sorts.
He wasn't sleeping anymore. At first, Aiden just wasn't tired. Nidra had him nice and rested for a good two weeks.
But then, Nidra kept him awake.
What he saw when he had escaped the land of the waking-
It was beyond anything he wanted to relive.
If Aiden went back to sleep, would he ever wake up?
It started to wear on him, the sleeplessness, the sweaty anxiety of even getting close to his bed, his brain screaming for an out.
It went on like this for a month before one day, he snapped at Aru.
"Gods, Shah, do you have to be so extra all the time?" He spat out.
Aru whipped her head at him, a 'how dare you' look crossing her face. "Aiden Acharya, I'm going to give you one chance to rethink that sentence before I walk out of here." Immediately, his heart rate spiked, seeing stars in his vision and his throat closing up. She's gonna leave you-
"No, please," he said hurriedly, sounding strangled. "Don't leave- I'm so sorry, I-" He took a giant shuddering breath. Here we go again, his brain sang, a mocking song to bolster his anxiety further.
Aru was by his side in seconds, dropping all anger and taking hold of his shoulders. "Wifey? What's going on? Hey, no-" she wiped his face- it was wet- he'd started crying- oh dear- and she searched his eyes, worry clear in her frown. "Can I hug you?" She asked. Aru was trying to make it very clear- in his state of distress, he was in control- nothing would happen without his consent. Aiden nodded in response, feeling Aru wrap her arms around his waist and letting his head bury into her shoulder.
They didn't talk for what felt forever, and the silence, the contact, it calmed him down. She was not leaving, he could feel the sentiment in every stubborn fiber of her being.
"Sorry." He said abruptly, pulling his head up. "For yelling at you. I didn't mean to- I'm just really tired."
Aru nodded solemnly. "Exhaustion makes us act badly. Thank you for apologizing. However, I'm more worried about the fact that you're so tired." And ready to have a mental breakdown at any moment, Aiden thought. She didn't say it, but it was there, in the air, unspoken.
"I haven't been sleeping since Nidra," he said numbly. "And not cause of the saved up sleep I had- that's gone now. I'm just." His hands shook and he shut his eyes tightly. "I never want to feel like I won't wake up again." He exhaled, reaching for hands and giving them a squeeze. "I'm scared, Shah."
Aru said nothing for a moment, then, "I didn't sleep for weeks after the Sleeper took me." Aiden looked at her quizzically. "My brain kept telling me, 'if you go to sleep, you leave yourself vulnerable.' And I believed that for a long time." Aru smiled sadly, thinking back to those tremulous times. "I mean, I got over it. Eventually. But it was so rough- and definitely not as bad as what you're going through right now. Because if that was bad, then this is definitely worse, because, Aiden, you died." She looked him directly in the eye, her own looking glassy. "Nidra took you."
"Yeah," he whispered. Sometimes, he couldn't believe it himself.
"I needed someone. And I promised myself in the unlikely event that something similar happened to me or someone else, that I would get help." She squeezed his hands now, comforting and warm. "I can help you, definitely, but maybe you should go see an Otherworld therapist?" When he hesitated to respond, she quickly added, "not that you have to decided right now- it's just an option."
"Ok," he said, curling into her. Aru placed the laptop and notebooks on the ground, making more room on the bed as he closed his eyes. "I'll think about it."
"Alright," she said, leaning into him.
Before he fell into the first of many more hard-fought peaceful sleeps, his brain pleaded,
Don't let go.
To which a small, hopeful flame in him responded,
She won't.
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remi-roni · 1 year
Lil' Clayton
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He didn't deserve it, Yet he totally did.
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sandy926 · 2 months
Could you imagine Skid finally gets a husband, just to figure out that his husband is apart of the cult that lived on even after Skid defeated them. And then Skid just goes insane dealing with the cult, and the heartbreak and he doesn’t wanna tell Lila and Pump or anyone for that matter about it cause he doesn’t want them to deal with the cult like him, and everyone is just confused, concerned, and tryna get Skid to talk to them.
I feel Pump and Lila would feel horrible getting kicked out Skids life for a reason they didn't know. And everyone else would just be worried af
I just like the angst potential, if I had the motivation, I'd write a fic about my idea
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dulioon · 21 days
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beaulesbian · 11 months
no but the parallels between the names of the books
the foxhole court - for neil -> who found his new home and family with the foxes, who became so fast so protective of him after three books of finding out whats all had happened with him, and grew closer as a family
the sunshine court - for jean -> who found his new life with the trojans who took him in and gave him space to live and grow, and to see the sun! (and hopefully we will read all that progress he did. ouch. can't wait).
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ninadove · 4 months
You grow up fascinated by fairy tales, stories about princes and princesses and knights and damsels in distress. You are enthralled by happy endings, by the fantasy of rescuing and being rescued in return: trapped in a tower of your own, you desperately wait to be saved, to be freed.
Your cousin is much more interested in heroes and villains and dragons and witches. This fascination for romance (“The least interesting part of the story, Adrien!”) earns you many judgemental looks: so, you overuse the powers vested in you by virtue of being the eldest (“Only by three months!”) and tell him that he’ll understand when he gets older.
Turns out you were right: Felix gets the masquerade ball, the whirlwind romance, the kisses in front of the sunrise. His smiles have grown rarer and rarer through the years, but suddenly he’s grinning all the time; there is something new in his gaze, something soft, and it’s exactly what Kagami craves — what you couldn’t give her. As for you? You’ve been saved, but it still doesn’t feel right.
You’ve got something to tell your cousin. You just hope he won’t brush you off like you did.
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theinternetarchivist · 6 months
Y’all idk if I’m ready to see Jekyll and Lanyon meeting face to face again like
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veronae-buddie · 2 months
Seven Sentence Sunday
I'm working on something verrrrrrrrrrry special... 😈🦔
Yanking Eddie’s turnout open, Chimney thrust two fingers against his throat. “What are you doing?” Buck heard his own voice as though it came from someone else. He ripped off his mask and helmet, tossed them onto the lawn. “No pulse,” Chimney said to Hen. “What?” Dread washed through Buck’s body, ice cold and terrifying. Glancing at him, Chimney ripped Eddie’s shirt open, buttons flinging into the grass. “Was he breathing when you found him?” “Ye—” The word choked in Buck’s mouth, and panic stung his mind, his brain crackling with a piercing screech as his ears began ringing. “I don’t kn— … I didn’t check.”
@shortsighted-owl @disasterbuck @serensational @blue-winged-boy @emotionallyencumbered
@gnoeltop @inell @verdimundi @darkrose6578 @littleblackraincloudofcourse
@deliriousbean @idealuk @oldfangirl81 @ronordmann @shealwaysreads
@queenofthesydrianites @marvelgirl9326 @graendoll
Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 🩷💜💙
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spriteofmushrooms · 4 months
Goofy AU but one day after everything goes down, WWX gets nibling fever and really wants to see some little baby Jiang Cheng’s running around. He managed to miss all of JL cute little toddler pouts and first swims, after everything he’s missed he deserves to see a cute little Jiang glaring at him in a little lotus outfit. So he takes it upon himself to find JC the perfect wife to have the cutest babies with. If matchmakers won’t take JC, he’ll have to take matters into his own hands and become the Grandmaster of Matchmaking! What ensues is the most embarrassing set of situations where WWX keeps making a fool of himself as he keeps getting caught between his competing desires to hold the next Jiang baby and the fact that no woman is good enough for JC. Needless to say this results in shenanigans and embarrassment for all involved before it finally gets revealed that ChengQing was canon all along and the reason she wasn’t in the main story is because she’s been in seclusion to have her and JC’s second kid. The first one has been running around getting under foot throughout the fic but WWX didn’t register them as JC’s kid. WWX is simultaneously thrilled and outraged, but is pacified by holding the latest Jiang baby who happens to have JYL’s eyes.
WWX: Stop thinking about it all the time. I know you'll never be able to, but it really feels like all of these things happened in another life.
~3 months and 1 day later~
WWX: Actually no I want to see Jiang Cheng's chubby cheeks again. Jiang Cheng, when are you going to find a nice girl and settle down?!
JC, who's with WQ because she's Mean™: Never, go fuck yourself.
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3ris-d1st0rtionnn · 6 months
…dIsrEGarD mY LasT pOSt.
iT Is N̶̺͎̋́O̵̼͓̣̼͆̓͋ṯ̸̨̊͑̏ͅ ̸͈̭͆̋m̴͎̗̫̼̆̍̈è̴͉͍̈́̊͝ǎ̷̝̈́͑N̴̛͔̦̱̥̈t̷̢̘̉ ̷̮̫͔̑͋̎͐T̸̜̱̠̟̋͌̆̒ò̸̧̠͌ ̴̩͆͛̅͑b̶̧́Ȩ̴͎͓̮̒̈́̀ ̷͙̚s̷̠̣̭̔̊̅E̵̐ͅE̸̝̞̒̓͗̕n̸̡̜͋.̸̨̮̝̉̕
d̴̩̈́ ̴̟̕O̶̮͗ ̵͎̓ ̶͎̇ņ̸̌ ̶̨̕O̴͙̎ ̴͔̎t̶͍͑ ̴̖̔ ̵̫͗Q̷̥͘ ̷̨̛U̶͎͘ ̷̺͛ẹ̸͝ ̴̹̔S̸̠͠ ̶̹̈T̴͓̐ ̸͎͂i̵̢͂ ̴̗͆ô̴̺ ̷̳̈́Ñ̶̰ ̶̣͗ ̵̥̏f̸̂ͅ ̴̺̋Ű̸̥ ̴̘̐ř̵͎ ̸̦͆ṯ̴̾ ̸͖͠H̶̺͑ ̵̥̒E̷̟̊ ̵͔̅r̷̥̈́
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ya-what--ya-erster · 1 month
i have an unhealthy attachment to sad ralbert
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sunlightellies · 1 year
a/n: this is a part 2 of this!! fic that i wrote two different endings to! this is the SAD ENDING :(
warning: angst !!
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“so what do we do now?”
Bella had been trying to get ahold of you since you left basically. 27 missed calls. 89 messages. They needed to talk this out with you and it was killing them to not know what you are doing or how you are feeling. 
The anxiety and panic was so bad, you didn’t dare to go home and talk to them. You knew you didn’t really wanna break up with them, but also, how would you ever trust them again? Bella is at the top of their career and you barely have time for each other, why would they go and do such a thing?
Finally, after a long talk with your friend, you were now outside the door of yours and Bella’s apartment. Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and stepped inside. Taking off your coat and jacket you walked inside to the living room where Bella sat quietly watching you walk inside. Their hair was a mess and their eyes were puffy and red from crying.
You sat down on the other side of the couch and looked at them, “I’m ready to talk about it if you are.” a quick nod from them and you continued, “I’ve been thinking and I think we have to break up. You are so busy, and we barely have time for each other, I don’t really know how I’m supposed to trust you after this.” Your voice was almost breaking as you tried to hold back tears. “So what do you want to do?” 
Bella's eyes glared into yours. They reached out their hand to grab yours and started to rub it lovingly. “I’ve been going crazy thinking about this. I literally had no idea what to do, I just wanted to figure things out with you, but I couldn’t reach you. I thought I was gonna go mad not knowing where you were or how you were handling it.” They took a tissue and wiped their tears and then continued, “But I know now that I don’t want to break up. I truly believe we could work this out, together.” The room went silent, and nobody knew what to say for a few minutes. Both of you looked down into your hands and just let the tears stream down.
Bella spoke up again after a while, “So what do we do now?” you looked up at them, looking into their eyes and putting on the most calming smile you could. “I think it's best if we end it here. We both want different things.”
A few weeks went by and you had now finally moved into a new apartment. It was small, but it was gonna be perfect for you. You hadn’t talked to Bella since you moved out. Seeing them everywhere broke your heart into pieces, but you were happy for their success. Things were gonna be tough for a while now, but you knew you'd eventually get over them.
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thunder-shadow · 2 months
me + the tension between me and my four published WIPs
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aklaustaleteller · 2 months
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chuluoyi · 8 months
protective gojo hurt/comfort slash satosugu angst tonight?😗
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